1^7 , !) 7 S 7 ^c2 / ?75 F 127 .S3 ^^2- S382 Copy 1 Suttolk County Ibtetortcal Society 1895 LIST OF ARTICLES RECEIVED FOR PRESER- VATION BY THE SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY DUR- ING THE YEAR 1895 TOGETHER WITH THE NAMES OF THE CONTRIBUTORS. A c OFFICERS. President, NAT. W. FOSTER, Riverhead. 1st Vice - President, Rev. EPHER WHITAKER, D. D., Southold. 2nd Vice - President, AUCJUSTUS FLOYD, 32 Pine street. New York City. Corresponding Secretary, O. B. ACKERLY, 115 Broadway, New York City. Recording Secretary, WALTER H. JAYCOX, Patchogue. Treasurer, TIMOTHY M. C.RIFFINO, Riverhead. Curator, (;E0. F. STACKPOEE, Riverhead. K*i«ty, LIST OF ARTICLES RECEIVKD DURING THE YEAR 1895. Geo C. Ravnor, Sag Harbor, copy of An Act to Incorporate the Village of Greenport, passed April 7, 1868. Hon. Henry A. Reeves, Commissioner in Lunacy, Complete Re- ports (5) as far as published of the Lunacy Commission's doings. Copies of several bills before the Legislature. Clipping from The Brooklyn Eagle of March 27, 1895, a paper read by Wm. Wallace Tooker of Sag Harbor before the Brooklyn Institute, Peculiarities of the Words Coined by the Indians. Conductor George Ivans, a $10 Confederate bill. Sergt. Henry Howard Preston, Shelter Island, a $20 Confederate ■ bill. A fac simile copy of The Vicksburg Citizen printed on wall paper, as found by Gen. (rrant's soldiers when they entered Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. Mrs. E. M. Hudson, Riverhead, a copy of Wilson's National Ele- mentary Speller, 1873. Geo. B. Wells, Baiting Hollow, an old Brick made in Holland and brought to this country by Nicholas Vechte and used in building his house in 1699, afterward known as the Cortelyeu House, still standing on corner 5th ave. and 3d St., Brooklyn. During the battle of Long Island it was seized by the British under Corn- wallis and filled with his troops. Isaac McLellan, Greenport. a co])y of his Poems of the Rod and Gun. Hon. John A. King, (ireat Neck. Vol. II of Life and Correspondence of Rufus King. Vol. 1 having been received before. 4 SLFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Albertson Case. Southold, Majj l)y his father, J. Wickham Case, P'.sq. Copy of North American Review of January, 1841. Soldiers' Welcome Home, Southold, Aug. 10, 1865. The Indian Names of Boston and their Meaning, by Prof. Horsford. Willett's Geogra])hy. 13th edition, 1826. Acts 2nd Session of 9th Congress, 1806. N. Y. Session Laws. 181 4. Bible printed in Kdinl)urgh. 1794. English Latin Dictionary, ])rinted 1735. English Latin Exercises for School Boys. North American Review, July, 1840. Greenport Watchman of Jan. 19, 1895, containing obituary notice of Janey Finlay Horton. descendant from a historic Southold family. Vol. I Transactions of Society for Promoting Agriculture in N. Y. State. 1 80 1. (This is probably the first organization of the State Agricultural Society. The chairman of the first meeting was Ezra L'Hommedieu of Southold, who was elected first vice-])resi- dent of this society and appears (]uite prominently in the trans- actions.) IX and X Journals of U. S. Congress, 1783-4-5. Tales Round a Winter's Hearth, by Jane and Anna Ahiria Porter, 1826. The Great Metropolis, guide to N. Y. for 1847. Vol. I Ste])hens' War Between the States. Session Laws of N. Y. State. 181 i. Journal of U. S. Congress, 1781. Transactions of Society of Useful Arts. N. Y.. 1807. Modern Practice Court of King's Bench. 1786. Genealogy of the Cai)ron Famil}-. John Ei.derkin, N. Y. City, Brief History of the Lotos Club, with compliments of the Club. His portrait, by request. Copy of Lotos Leaves. SUFFOLK COUNTY JUSTORJCAL SOCIFTY. 5 John Elderkin — contimiciL Encyclopedia for Horse Breeders. His Opening i\ddress. Emma S. Clark Memorial Library at Setauket. Family Tree. Club Life for November. 1895. Port Jefferson Echo, subscription to the 'paper. C. B. Ackerly, Riverhead, article from Brooklyn Eagle, i^ column sketch of Isaac McLellan. Esq. Dr. H. p. Terry, Supervisor. Riverhead. Proceedings of Bo»rd of Supervisors. 1894. Frank H. Hill, Riverhead, a White Brick from the old Washington Hotel (Washington's Headquarters during the war). Brick made in Holland. Mrs. T. M. Garaghan, Sag Harbor, an old ornamented copy of Declaration of Independence. Prof. I). P. Horton, Southold. Tra^•eler for Jan. 4, 1895, containing article ujion John Ledyard. Geo. R. Howell, Esq.. Albany, Assistant State Librarian, photo and sketch of life, by request. Dr. John J. Anderson, Ph. 1)., a copy of his Did the Louisiana Pur- chase Extend to the Pacific Ocean ? and Our I'itle to Oregon. Estate of Frank A. Johnson, deceased. Bay Shore. Red Book — Manual of the N. Y. Legislature for years 1857-8. 1861. 1863-4- 5-6-7, 1871, 1875, and 1884. Laws of N. Y., 36th session, 1813, Yols. I and II : 39th session, 1816: 42nd session, 1819. N. Y. Civil List. 1878. Bound volume Atlantic Monthly, Vol. IV, July to Dec. 1859. Morse's LTniversal Gazetteer, 1821. Gazetteer of New York. i860. Manual of Corjjoration, City of N. Y., 1870. 6 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Estate of Frank A. Johnson — continued Topographical Survey of the AcHrondack W'ihlerness, Colvin. 1873-4- Life of John Knox. l)y Thos. McCrie, 1). I).. 181 4. Oration on Life and Character of Henrv Winter Davis, by Hon. J. A. Creswell, 1866. In Memoriam, Roscoe Conkling. 1888; Henry R. Low, 1889; Wm. Pitt Fessenden, 1869. Maps of Antient Cieogra])hy, 1747. Chauncev p. Howell, Mattituck (through O. B. Ackerly), deed from John Halluck to Richard Howell, Feb. 4, 1698-9. (Believed to cover land now occupied by Riverhead village.) Hon. S. S. Hawkins. Jamesport, $20 to constitute himself and wife life members of the society. The api)ointment and discharge of Albert Young as Quarter Master of 107th Regiment. Sept., 1828. Mrs. Mary E. Woodhull, Fairport, Va., copy Vicksburg. Miss., Daily Citizen, July 2, 1863, printed on wall paper. Portion of interior of Lord Cornwallis" cave. Yorktown. W\L Wallace Tookek. Sag Harbor, photo and sketch of life, by recpiest. His pamphlet. The Name Chickahominy, Its Origin and Ety- mology. The Mystery of the Name Pamunky. The Algonquian A])pellatives of the Sionian Tribes of Yirginia. Orvillk B. Ackerlv, Yonkers, Bulletin No. i. Yonkers Historical and Library Association. E. S. Miller, Floral Park, Price List of Seeds of .Native Trees, Shrubs, and Herbaceous Plants, 1890. Catalogue of N. .A. herburneals, lilies, plants, and seeds. Ruth H. Tvthill, Riverhead. Regulations of Cxreenport Wharf Co., Sejjt. 20, 1847. F. A. Pike, Riverhead, comijiimentary subscription to the Riverhead Courier. SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 7 C. L. Allen, Floral Park, Geo. Washington button, found in field at Northville. Indian stone mortar, found on farm of W. F. Hallock, North- ville. American Wild Flowers, by Emma C. Embur}-. Sermons by Elias Hicks, 1825. Friends' Discipline, 1810. Ulster Co. Gazette, Jan., 1800, account of obsequies of Wash- ington. Mrs. Walter Dickinson, Setauket (by O. B. Ackerly), copy of Dun- lap's Pennsylvania Packet or General Advertiser, Oct. 8, 1776. Copy of N. Y. Journal and General Advertiser, Dec. 20, 1779. Mrs. James L. Millard, Riverhead, Constitution of the U. S., once owned by John Van Buren. New York as it Is, 1837. Dyett's Law and Practice, 1848. Reports of Committees of the Convention to Revise Laws of Brooklyn. Howard H. Huntting, Southold, check for $10 to constitute him- self a life member of the society. New York Daily Tribune, March, 1861, to Sept., 1864. N. Y. Daily Times, Nov., 1864, to March, 1865. N. Y. Daily Herald, April, 1865, to Dec, 1865. Twelve volumes Postal Laws, 1800 to 1872. Si.x volumes Proposals for Carrying Mails, 1807 to 1828. Fourteen volumes Lists of Postoffices, 181 1 to 1868. Sherburne (N. Y.) Patriot, Sept. 14, 1837. True Republican, New London, Nov. 18, 1807. The Man, N. Y., March 3, 1834.. The Sun, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1833 (r^^l^rint). Suftblk Bulletin, Huntington, March 17. 1888, blizzard account, edition printed on wrapping paper. N. Y. Herald. April 18. 1875, Revolutionary edition. Brookl\'n Eagle. May 24, 1883, Bridge edition. 8 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. Howard H. Huntting — continued Corrector. Sag Harbor. Jan. 27. 1844. Eight copies Suffolk Gazette, Sag Harbor, Dec. 8, 1806 ; Jan. 5, 1807: Aug. 24, 1807; Dec. 14. 1807: Feb. 11, 1809; May 13, 1809: Oct. 21, 1809. and Jan. 12. 1811. Watchman, Sag Harbor. Watchman, Greenport, May 6, 1848, and Jan. 20, 1849. Scheme of the Medical Science Lottery, State of N. Y.. March, 1817. Ulster Co. Gazette, Kingston, Jan. 4, 1800 (rejjrint). Mrs. Alice O. Perkins, Riverhead, copy Suffolk Gazette, Sag Har- bor, Sei>t. 22. 1806. N. Y. Tribune, July 4, 1876, opening of Philadelphia Centennial Exposition; March 13, 14, and 16, 1888, account of blizzard: supplement, April 11, 1891, fac simile of first number, April 10. 1841 : Jan. 28, 1893, death of James ^^- Blaine: May 2. 1893, opening of Chicago World's Fair. James A. Canfield, Patchogue, subscription to the I'atchogue Ad- vance. Ja.mes a. Roonev, Long Island Editor of Brooklyn Eagle, miniature reproduction of a $1 bill of old Suffolk County Bank. Sag Har- bor, and cut. Subscription to daily and Sunday editions of Eagle. Cuts of Suffolk County Historical Society Seal. Geo. R. Sherman, Providence. R. 1., formerly of Bridge Hampton, his military record. RUFUS King, Yonkers, Pedigree of Kings. Salem, Mass., 1598 to 1887. with letter. Henrv Livings'ion, Son & Co.. Babylon, subscription to the Signal. * Gen. Stewart L. Woodi'ord. Brooklyn, photo, by recpiest, with letter. News])a])er article. How Company H was Formed. Carll a. Lewis. Elliott, Conn., Lewisiana or the Lewis Letter, March, 1895. SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTOJUCAL SOCIETY. 9 Adam Schonnman, Brooklyn. Confederate $10 l)ilL Cuban bill, one piastre. Geo. F. Stackpole, Riverhead, copy of Greenport Times contain- ing account of Capt. M creator Cooper's visit to Japan, tirst carrying the U. S. Flag to that country, as given by Pyrrhus Consor of Southampton. F. R. Beebe, Ravenna, O., Greenport Watchm?n of Jan. 19, 1895, containing obituary notice of Janey Finlay Horton. J. F. Handshaw, Smithtown Branch, Confederate bills, $100, $10, and $5. Virginia State treasury notes, $1 and 75 cents. North Carolina State treasury note, 5 cents. Merchants" and Planters' Bank, Savannah, Ga., $5. Six Venezuelan postage stamps, now obselete. centimos 5, 10, 25, and 50; bolivars i.and 3. Copy Washington Daily National Intelligencer. Dec. 29, 1862. Mrs. Joseph Sayre. Riverhead. $2 l)ill. Farmers' Bank, Wickford, R. I.. Aug. 6, 1855. $1 bill. Fxeter Bank, Fxeter. N. H., Dec. 3. 1855. $5 bill. N. V. City Bank. N. Y. City, Sept. i, 1840. $2 bill. Importers" and Traders" Bank, N. Y. City. May, i860. $2 bill, State Bank, Trenton, N. J., May 27. 1823. $5 bill, Belvidere Bank, Trenton, N. J., May i. 1859. $2 bill, Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy, July 10. 1850. $1 and $2 bills, Northwestern Bank, Warren, Pa., Aug. i. 1861. $1 bill, Union Bank, Baltimore, Md., May i, 1861. $5 bill. Bank of Commerce, Cleveland, O. $5 Confederate note. Feb. 17, 1864. Suffolk Bulletin. Huntington, subscription to jjajjer. J. N. Hallock. Southold, subscrijjtion to the Traveler. AiA'ix THo^LAS Payne. F. I. City. $10 to constitute hnnself a life member. lo SIFFOLK COTNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Nathaniel Mili.kr, Brookhaven, eight old receipts, 1695 to 1799. Robert H Monsell. Richmond. Va.. Confederate hills. $1. $2. $5, and $10. List of stamps wanted and prices paid by the Washington's Headquarters Antiquarian, Richmond, Va. The Richmond Times, May 30. 1895, 30 pages. Mrs. Maria F. Tuthill, Riverhead. old ship journal of Capt. Nathaniel Tuthill, 1819-24. Studies in Cieometry and Navigation. Constitution and Records of the Southold Tenq^erance Society, i 830-3. Two copies address of Dr. Frank Tuthill of Southold. read be- fore the N. Y. State Medical Society in June. 1852. W. W. Terry & Son. Riverhead. an old shingle 36 inches long and an old brick 8 inches square, from an old house at Terryville. L. 1.. su])posed to be 200 years old. • The Ar(;i!s. Patcliogue. sul)scri];tion and copy of Christmas, 1894. number. Herman H. W'ei.i.s. Acpiebogue. fourteen Indian arrowheads. J. H. Nkwins and Board of Supervisors, a book purchased for the county by Selah Strong, treasurer, in 1786 for 9 shillings, used by him as treasurer till his death in 1805, then by Nicoll Floyd as treasurer till 1824. then by Wm. Sidney Smith, who delivered it to his successor, Harvey \V. Vail, in 1849. about filled up. Fgbert Sxhth. Calvcrton. three Indian arrowheads. Capt. Wm. H. Rafiord. Riverhead. seven arrowheads. Joseph Conki.in. Riverhead. two pieces of the box tree for many years used as postotfice for Quogue. A cup turned from timber of steamship Circassian, wrecked off Bridge Hampton, when seven Shinnecock Indians were drowned. Capt. C. Z. Cii.i.ette. Sayville, $20 to constitute his daughters. Ida F. and Lucilla P.. life members of the society. John M. Price, Patchogue. programme of organ recital. SC'FFOLK COUNTY IIISTORICAI. SOCIETY. ii Mrs. Jane Martin, Riverhead, a bound volume of the N. Y. Ameri- can, 1834. Rev. Epher Whitaker, D. D., Southold, programme. Unveiling Tablet to Fanny Ledyard. Harry Lee, Riverhead, copy of Brooklyn Eagle of June 2, 1895, account of Suffolk County Historical Society. J. C. Havens, East Moriches, bill of Abner Wells, Aug. 8, 1775, Expense and trouble for warning y^ County Committee, was sent by order of East Hampton, Southampton, and Southold Com- mittees, ^i, 12^-, o. For going to Oisterponds to prize the cattle which was taken off from Plumisland by y'^ Regulars, £0, Ss., o. Bill of John Tuthill, Jr., Aug. 30. 1775. My charge going express to Hog Ferry is ^o, 6s.. o. Diagram of Assembly Chamber, Albany, 1853, when Hon. Wm. H. Ludlow of Suffolk was Speaker. Copy of letter, Cicn. Nathaniel Greene to Col. Josiah Smith. Clarence B. Moore, Philadelphia, parts I and H, Certain Sand Mounds of the St. John's River, Florida. Certain Shell Heaps of the same locality, considered by authori- ties very valuable. Certain Sand Mounds of Duval County, Florida, two Mounds on Mur])hy Island, Florida, etc. Henry Wells, Brooklyn, legal papers issued May, 1825. by Luther Youngs, Justice of the Peace. Jacob LeBleu, Riverhead. Indian sj^ear head. A. C. Edwards, Sayville, Programme Graduation Exercises. Say- ville Union School June 24, 1895. Programme Firemen's Tournament. Sayville, Sept., 1895. Copy Sayville News, account of Tournament. John Bagshaw. Riverhead, records of organization, etc.. Young Men's Republican Clul). Riverhead. Nov., 1884. Isaac Coles, (rlen Cove, twenty-three copies N. Y. Daily Herald. July. 1836. four-page paper, pages 13^ by 19. 12 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ci'RTis C. CjARDINER, St. Louis, by re(iuest. framed photographs of himself at 39 and 72. Capt. P'.lias H. White. Southampton, twenty-six arrowheads and three stone axes. NicOLL Fi.ovD, Centre Moriches, Capt. Cook's Third and Last Voy- age to the Pacific Ocean, a small book published in 1809, with wood covers. A page of Brooklyn Eagle, July 27, 1890. all about Ancient Southold and its Approaching Celebration. Part of Riverhead iVews containing i)art of the ijai)er read by C)rville B. Ackerly at Riverhead Centennial. July 4, 1892. Six volumes records N. Y. State Constitutional Convention of 1894, to which Mr. Floyd was a delegate : two volumes Journal ; three volumes proposed amendments : two volumes documents. '1\ 1). HuNTTiNG, Brooklyn,, The Descendants of Samuel Sherrill of East Hampton, L. L. by Chas. H. Sherrill. Jr. Three shinplasters, 12^. 25. and 50 cents, issued by his father, }. M. Huntting. a merchant in P'.ast Hampton, in 1851. Rev. Charles W. Turner, rector. Annals of St. John's Church. Huntington, L. L Miss S. L Hilton, C.rcenlawn. records of Suffolk County Teachers' Association, A])ril, 1861, to April. 1877. Pauline Borland, residence not gi\cn. c()|)y Sag Harbor Corrector, Sept. 3, 1845, then semi-weekly. Chas. H. Edwards, Riverhead, copy of Journal .American Temjjer- ance Union, Nov. i, 1853. Store bill, (an. 14. i8i;i. |ohn Edwards, bought of Conklin & Aldrich. Isaac Reeve, Franklinville, Memoirs of David Brainard. published 1822. owned bv him since 1852. Wallace Nesiutt. Riverhead, arrowhead found at Red Creek. Board ok Ceneral Managers of the I'^xhibit of the State of N. Y. at the World's Columbian Ex]josition, their Report to Legis- lature, an illustrated book of 647 pages. SUFFOLK COUNl^Y HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 13 Mrs. Matthias Corwin, Riverhead, facsimile of N. Y. Herald, April 15, 1865, Death of President Lincoln. $1 bill, Bank of Jacksonville. $1 bill. Cataract City Bank. $1 bill, Mechanics' Bank of Paterson. $2 bill. Union Bank of Montreal. $2 bill. Farmers' Bank of New Jersey. $3 bill, Beverly Bank. $5 bill. Merchants' and Mechanics" Bank of Troy. $5 bill, Warren Bank of Danvers. $5 bill, Bristol County Bank of Taunton. $5 bill, Urbana Banking Co.. Ohio. An old ledger. Nicholas Hallock. Queens, a piece of shell and belt buckle ])icked up at Chattanooga. A piece of iron punched from turret of Monitor. Mrs. Thomas C. Cornwell, Yonkers,, a copy of Adam and Anna Mott, ancestors and descendants, by her husl)and. Riverhead Lecture Association, Souvenir-Crreeting, 6th annual course, 1895-96. N. Y. (Genealogical and Biographical Society, copy of 25th an- niversary and record, for January, 1896. James Reeve. East Quogue, account of his sixtieth wedding anniver- sary. Palmyra Courier. Austin Corbin, New York. ]jamj)hlet copy of Quick Transit between London and New York. Mrs. Thomas L Tomason, Riverhead, notice of mortgage sale. Nov. 10. 1810. P. RoosEVEi/r Johnson, M. D., Sag Harbor. Dr. Price's Observa- tions, Liiportance of the American Revolution. 1785. Mrs. John M. Bussanih, Riverhead. various old papers, among them a pretty full account of sickness and death of President Garfield. 14 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIFTY. Smithsonian Institute, Washington, through O. B. Ackerly, report of secretary giving biographical sketch of George Thomas Hodg- kins, late of Setauket : also photograph of portrait of Mr. Hodg- kins in possession of the Institute. John M. Dimon, Aquebogue. a cannon ball fired into his grand- fathers field by the British during the War of 1812. The RivERHEAD News, report of N. Y. State Agricultural Ex])eri- ment Station, 1893. Report of N. Y. State Treasurer. 1894. Citizen Guide to Brooklyn and Long Island, 1893. Speeches of Benjamin Harrison. Hedges. Life of Benjamin Harrison by Lew Wallace. Public Papers of (iov. Flower. Annotated P^lection Laws, N. Y., 1891. Code of Election Laws, N. Y., 1893. General School Laws, N. Y., 1880. Fish and Game Laws, N. Y., 1894. Proceedings Board of Supervisors Suff"olk County, 1893. Lain's Brooklyn and Long Island Business Directory, 1892-93. Clerk's Manual and Croswill Manual. 1882. Legislative Manual, 1888. 1892. 1893, and 1894. Bound volume Suftblk Weekly Times, Greenport, Sept. 4, 1862, to Sept. 1 1, 1864. IKK I'KK«. KlVKRllEAD. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS Pii 014 222 484 7^ LIBRARV OF CONGRESS 014 222 484 7 W