.0 %.. % o ^" 'V-.. "'&■ v '^%^rC. ' O . X * 1"- ^'o ' ^ * ^0' O M O V^' . o "^ o ^ <^ • / I .>^" <^^ *■ o „ o ' A 'V .<> o " a .^.^rf^^^'^ o A .'J^' J) ■^^. > V^^ .>" .^" f-^^' ^^ %.^ro* ^ci-' ? o ^^ ^* WEALTH AND WEALTHY CITIZENS OF NEW YORK CITY. COMPRISINS AN ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT OF PERSONS ESTIMATED TO BE WORTH $100,000, AND UPWARDS. WITH THE SUMS APPENDED TO EACH NAME. BEING USEFUL TO BANKS, MERCHANTS, AND O^j^^KS, (I •' >, NEW.YORiC: COMPILED WITH MUCH CARE ANIt t»UBLISHED AT THE SUN OFFICE, 1842. NOTICE. Ihe following Parmpblet has been compiled wiihmuch care, and has been made as perfecEas the nature of the matter would permit; as in the compilation so much depended upon information deri- ved from so many source?, that in few instances indeed was it found strictly to agree. However, it has been the aim of the compiler to come as near the iruth as possible, and since the pamphlet has been in type and previous to publishing he submitted it to several "knowing ones," who coincide in the opinion that it is as correct an estimate as the novelty and difficulties attending the compilation would allow. Should any corrections or additions be required in the first edition, a second shall be put to press containing them. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, by Moses Y. Beach, in the Clerk's Office of the Kstrict Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. WEALTH AND WEALTHY CITIZENS OF NEW-YORK CITY. A $ Abrahams Jacob 150,000 Adams John 390,000 AdeeWiiliam 150 000 Allen Stephen 150,000 Alley Saul 200 000 Ames Barret 100,000 Anihun John 150,000 Arcularius George 200.000 Arthur John 200,000 Aspidwall Wm. H. 100,000 Astor John Jacob .... 10,000,000 AstorWm B. 1,500.000 Auchinclcss H. 200,i/00 Aubtin David 300,000 Aymar Benj'n 300,000 AymarJohnQ. 100,000 B Bache Robert 200,000 Banger Mrs. 100,000 Barclay Gaorge 200,003 Battelle Joseph - - - - 200,00;) Balton Curtis 100,000 Btach Moses Y. 150,000 Beekraan Henry 100,030 Beekraan John 100,000 Beekman S D. 250,000 Bleecker J. VV. 200,000 Bi.-hnp Japhet 150,000 Blood/ocdThimas . - - . 200,00) Bjgert Henry K. 103,000 Bog^rt James Jr. 3 i0,0G0 Boorman J imes 800,000 Bouchaiid Joseph .... 100,0110 Bjwne Walter 400,000 Bradhurst J. M. 150.000 Bra'idreihBanj'n I5),(;00 Brevoon H. Jr. 503,000 Bronson Arthur 100,000 Branson Siia3 100,000 Brooks James - " - - Brooks Thomas ... Brower Gio. W. ... Brown James . . - Brown Silas - . . - Brown Stewart ... Bruce George - . . - Bruce J. M. - - - . Bruen Matthias Buckley Jno. L. - Buckley Thomas ... Biiloid Robert ... Bunker Wm. J. - - - Burke Mrs. (widow of M. R) lOO.COO 100,000 100,000 300,000 100,000 300,000 • 100,000 100,000 lOO.OCO 100,COO 200,000 100,000 100 000 150.000 Campbell John Carman Rich'd F, - - - - Carow Isaac .----- Cheeseman Dr. - - - - - Chesebrough R. Chesebrough Mrs. (widow of Andronicus) ChesJerman James- . . - - Clapp John Cla'k Aaron -.---- Clark Edwin . . . - . Clark Richard S. Clark Mrs. (widow of Benj'n) Clason Augustus W. . - . . Clinton Mrs. H. (widow of Geo ) Coddington Jonathan I. - . . - Colgate Wiliam Collins E K Conch William Coiiklin Jonas Contoit John H. . Curl es Beij'n ..... Cornell Roat, C. Corse I. -...•-- Cos!cr John G. Cotlieal D.ivid ..... Cuzzens W. B. 100,000 200 000 200 000 150 000 200,000 503,000 2C0.000 100 000 200 OOO 100 000 lOO.COO 100 000 100,000 100,000 150,000 200.CO0 100 000 iiOO.OOO 100 000 150,003 200 000 150 000 250,000 250.030 100,030 100,000 I [4] Crane Jacob 200 000 - 1,000,000 - 400,000 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 - 200,000 Crosby Wm. B. - Cruger Mrs. Douglas Curtis Lewis Cushman Don Alonzo Cutting F. R. Cutting Mrs. - D $ Dash John B. 150,000 Dater Philip 200,000 De Forest Alfred 150,000 330,000 - 150,000 100,000 . 100,000 100 000 - 100,000 150 000 - 200,000 300.000 - I50ono 30O 000 Donaldson James 100,000 De Forest Berjamin - De Forest William W. - Delafield Dr. Delaplaine John F. Deluze LP. Demilt Samuel Deming F. - Dennison Chas. Depeyster J Jr. - De Rham H C. - Dickinson C. - - Donaldson Robert Dtuglns George Drake I L - Drake John - Drew Daniel Dubois Cornelius FaileE.G. - Fanshaw D.- Ferris Chas. G. - Field H. W. - Field (Heirs of Moses) Fish Presetved Fitch Asa Jr. Foster Andrew F>uik Joseph F'jwlerTheo. - F'X George - - - Fi'X Gei'fge T. Jr. - Fox Wm W. Furmisi W. P. 100,000 4O!),fO0 200,1 00 200,000 209,001) 200,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 200 OCO 300,0011 200,000 500,000 300 000 300.000 200.000 150,000 100,01 200,000 250.000 Gar:liner Thos. . - - . G irdner Jotin . - - - Garner Jami^sG. - - . - Garner Thomas ... Gc-bhard F. G,bns .... Gih'in John iiilbertittrs. (widow of W. W. G ) 500.000 - 100,(!00 200,000 - 200,000 500,000 - 100,000 10:) 00) . 130.000 Giraud Jacob P. - Giraud Joseph . - . . , Goelet Peter Goellet Mrs. (widow of Robt. B.) - Gomez A. L. Goodhue Jonathan Goodwin (firm Goodwin, Fisher & Co.) Gould Hoyt Graham Bernard Greeley Augustus - . - . . Griffin Francis Griffin George . . . . . Grinnell H. Grinnell M. H. Griswold George - . - . - Griswold N. L. Gfosvenor Jasper .... Grosvenor Seth . . . . . H Hadden David Hsggerty John Haight David L. - Haight Richard K. - Haines R. S. Hall J. Prescott Hall Valeniine G. Halsey Steplien Halsiead Caleb O. Halstead Wm. M. - Hirmon Philip - Harmony Peter Hart Eii Havefmeyer Wm. F. Heard James Heiid ricks Hendricks - Hendricks Heiidiiiks Uriah - Ht^ndrii ks Widow - lleyer Cornelius - Hi.ks H^nryW. - Hi< ks John G. - Hicks John H. Huks Srirauel Hoffman L M. Hoibruok E^ihraim H'dmes Eldad Holmew Silas Hone Pnilip - Howard William - H)wland G G. Howland Jno. H. HoAilaiid S. S. Howland Wm. - Hubbard N. T. Hurit. Jonathan - Hunt I'homiis Hyslop Robert 100,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 200,000 400,000 100,000 200.C00 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 150.000 300,000 400,000 200,000 250,000 200,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100 000 150000 100,000 150 000 100,000 500,000 100 000 100,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 300 000 300,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 200.000 1511,000 150,000 150 000 600,( 00 350,000 300,000 250 000 500,000 1U0,0C0 ,000 000 150,0(.0 100,000 [61 Ireland Andrew L. Irving Mrs. (widow of Jno. T.) 100,000 300,000 $ Jackson Hamilton 200,000 Jaffrey Robert 100,000 Janeway (Estate) 400,000 Jane way Jacob I. - - - - lOOOOO Jay Peter A. 300,000 Jennings Chester .... 100,000 JewittJohn 100,000 Johnston John 800,000 Jones Isaac - - . . . - 250,000 Jones James L. 300 000 Jones Waiter R. 250,000 K Kane Oliver Kearney J. D. Jr. Kelly William - Kelly Robert - Kennedy Kerrnit Robert Kernochan Joseph $ 200.000 300,000 150,000 150,000 150 000 100,000 200,000 Kerrigan James ..... 150000 Ketchum Morris - Keitleias Eugene - King James G. . Kingslatid Daniel C. Kmgtland Richard Knapp Shepird Kneeland Charles - Knox Alexander - 100 000 500 000 150,000 200 000 200,000 150,000 100,000 150.000 Laffan E. 203,000 Langdon Mrs. 100,000 Lasala John B. . . - - - . 100 000 Laveriy Henry 150,000 Lawrence C W. 150,00i» Lawrence D. L. 303,000 Lawrence Henry H. - - - - 100,000 Lawrence I^Jsac ..... 400000 Lawrence John B - - - . 300,000 Lawrence Joi-eph 100 000 Lnwrence R M. 200 000 Leavitt Uavid 500,00 > L-e David 200,000 Leggett Samuel 300,000 Leggett Thi.mas 80.i,000 Leggeit Wiliifcm IfiOOOO Leggfti William F. .... 100,000 Leiiwx James 2 000,000 LeRoy Jacob R. 300,000 Lenpp Charles Lewis Morgan Little Jacob - Livingston Maturine Lord Rufus L. Lorrillard Jacob - Lorrillard Jacob Jr. - Lorrillard Peter - Lorrillard Peter Jr. Lorrillard Widow Loubat Alphouse . Lovett George Low Albert Low Daniel Ludlow Thos. W. - Ludlow (Estate) - M McBride James McCall James . McCarty Peter McCoskry Robert Make Perit Macy Joseph Magee James - Maitland R - Manice D. F. - March Charles - Marsh Charles Marshall Berjimin Marshall Joseph Mason (Estate of) John Mau'an Orcondates Maxwell Hugh - Messier P A. Jr. - Mildeberger John Miller John B. Mills James Minturn R B. Monroe Mrs Jimes .Vloore Clement C. - Morgan John I. - Morris Goveneur - M'rriaoii John Morse Sidney E. - Mortimer R chard Moss John Molt Samuel F. - Mott Valentine iWouWm F. Munn Stephen B. - Munson Murray R jbt. I. - 150.000 700,000 - 250,000 100,000 . 500 000 1,000,000 - 150,000 2 500,000 ■ 500,000 1,000,000 - 100,000 300,000 - 200,000 400,C0O - 150,000 300,000 $ 500,000 100,000 200,000 150,000 150,000 100,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 100,000 150,000 800,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 400,000 150,000 100,000 500,000 200,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 N NevinsR. H. NcviiSp.L 200,000 100,000 [6] Newbold George N'. hols Samuel Norris Tliomas P. Oalilcy Daniel Oiiphant D W. - Olmstead Francis Oolhout John O 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 150,000 I Roosevelt C. V. S. Roosevelt Jas. I. - RagglesSim'lB. Russell ChaB. H. P Packard Capt. - ... 250,000 Palmer John 1. 100,000 Parish Daniel 500,000 Parish Henry 500,000 Paulding William 200.000 Pearsall Mrs.Thos. - - - - 200 000 PeckElihu 200.000 PerirP. 250,000 Perry J. A. 150,000 Phelps Anson G. - - - - 200,000 Phelps Thaddeus 200,000 Philipson Francis - - - - 200,000 PhcenixJ. P. 350,000 Piersall Thos. W. .... 100,000 Pirn ie John 159,000 Porter DC. 100,000 Post Allison 300,000 Post Waldron B. - -« - - 150.000 Prall David M. 100,000 Prime lid ward 150,000 R Rankin (estate of Henry) Riiikin John - - - Rnilibone John - Rithbone JohnJr. - Ray Robert Reed Colin - - - R msen Henry - Remsenl Three children R^ms. n y of RemsenJ H Rerasen - Rerasen Henry - Remsen Henry B - Rerasen William R»pilyeG. - Rhintla'irer Bernard - R^iinelander Wm C. Riggs Elinha Riker Richard R )l)bins John H. - Robbing N R'tbins J ihn R )gprs Genrge P. - R,m;Aine Berj'n - 250,000 200,000 400,000 200 000 31)0,1(00 500,000 500,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 250,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 250.000 100,000 s Sampson Jospph Sands Jospph Sands Thomas Schieffln H'y C. SLihermeihorn A. - Schermerhorn John - Schermerhorn P. - Sharp Peter Shelden Henry Shotwell Joseph S. SiiiihJohnT. Smith Peter Spofford Paul - Stagg John P. Sragg Benj. . - - S erling William Stevens Berj^min - Stevens Gates Stevens John H. Sievens Rjbt. L. Stevens Jni). C. - - Steward John Stewart A.T. Steward John Jr - Stewart Robert Stewart L. - - - Storm Stephen Storms G/irret Stout Aguilla G. - Strong Beijimin Strong Ge'^rge Wm. Smart R ibt. L. - Sturges Jonathan - Siuyvesant Peter G. - Suckley George Suffern Thos. - Suydatn Fer'd S. - SuydamJimes - Suydam (Estate of) John SiiyOam Lambert Siiyiiain Rich'd Swan Beij'n L. - Swords James 250,000 150,000 100,(100 150,000 • 500,000 100,000 . 100,000 100,000 • 500,000 1,000,000 • 1,500,000 . 100,000 . 100,000 200,000 ■ 100,000 150,000 ■ 100,080 100,000 ■ 100,000 100 000 • 400,000 150,000 ■ 100.000 350,000 - 300,000 300,000 ■ 200,000 200,000 ■ 2,000,000 200 000 - 200,000 300,000 - 200,000 150,000 - 150,000 100,000 ■ 150,000 2 500,000 - 300,000 200,000 - 200 000 150,000 . 1,000 000 200,000 100 000 300,000 • 100,000 Talbot C.N. - Targee John Tay lor E'l ward N. - Taylor Jacob B. - Taylor 31oses- Thurrpson Ab'm G. 100,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 150,000 350,000 [7] Thompson David - Thompson James Thompson Jonathan Thorne Herman - Tilerion Thos. Tillou F. R. Tisdale Samuel T.- Titus Wm. M. - Todd Wm. W. Tonnelle John ' Townsend Eiihu - Tread well Adam Trimble Daniel Trimble George T. Tucker F. C. - Tucker Gideon - Van Alkn James I. Van Buren Vanderbilt Cornelius Van Nest .Abraham Van Nobirand John VanSchaickM. - Varian Isaac L. Varnum Jos. B. - W Wagstaff Alfred - Walker Joseph - Walker R G.- Wallace William Ward John Ward lam'e Jr. - Weed Nathaniel Weed Harvey - Wells James N. We'more W. C. Weyman Abraham ^ White Eli - 'WhiieWm. A. Whiiloek W. - Whitney Stephen - Whittemore Timothy - Willirkl.A. - Williams R. S. - Willis John R. Wilmerding Wm. E. - Wisner Gabriel Withers Reuben - Wolfe Christopher - Wolfe J. D. - Wood John Wood John (Baker) - Wooley Benj'n L. - Wright Jno. D. - 100,000 300,000 250,000 500,000 100 000 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 250,000 200,000 100 000 100,000 200,000 400,000 400,000 150,000 200,000 300,000 100,000 200 000 100,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 • 100,000 500,000 . 200,000 200,000 ■ 100,000 150,000 ■ 3,000,000 100,000 . 500,000 150,000 • 150,000 150,000 ■ 100,000 100,000 - 250,000 300,000 ■ 100,000 100,000 ■ 100,000 100,000 Wyckoff Henry Wyckoff Widow Yates Henry - Young Henry 100,000 200,000 150,000 300,000 BANKS. Capital $ Bank of New York - - - - 1,000,000 Manhattan Company - - - - 2,050,000 Merchants' Bank . - - - 1,490 000 Mechanics' Bank - - - - 2,000 000 Union Bank 1,000,000 Bank of America 2,001,200 CifyBank 720 000 PhcenisBank 1,500 000 JNorih River Bank .... 500,000 Tradesmen's Bank . - - - 400.000 New York Chemical Manufacturing Com- pany — (with Banking Privileges) 500,000 Fulton Bank 600,000 Delaware and Hudson Canal Company — (with Banking Privileges) - - 1,500,000 New York Dry Dock Company— (with Banking Privileges) - - - 420,000 Merchants' Exchange Bank of the City of New York 750,000 National Bank 750,000 Mechanics' and Traders' Bank - - 200,000 Greenwich Bank - - . . 200,000 Butchers' and Drovers' Bank - - 500,000 Leather Manufacturers' Bank - - 600,000 Seventh Ward Bank - - - - 500,000 Bank of the State of New York - 2,000,000 The American Exchange Bank - - 1.155,400 Mechanics' Bar; king Association - 632,000 Bank of Commerce in New York - 5,000,000 New York Banking Company - - 1,000,000 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Capital $ Mutual Insurance Company — (Fire) - 350000 New York Insurance Company — (Marine) 500,000 Ocean Insurance Company — (Marine) 350,000 Eagle Fire Company of New York - 500,000 American Insurance Company of New York— (Morine) ' - - .- ' - 500,000 Manhattan Fire Insurance Company - 350,000 Merchants' Fire Insurance Company - 600,000 North River Insurance Company— (Fire) .350,000 New York Co<{tributionship— (Fire) - 300,000 N. Y. Equitable Fire Insurance Company 300,000 [8] Atlanfic Insurance Company of N. York 350,000 iEna Fire Insurance Company - - 200,000 Jefferson Insurance Company - - 200,000 United States Fire Insurance Company 250,000 Howard Insurance Company - - 300.000 Neptune Insurance C'ompany— (Marine) 250,000 Firemen's Insurance Company - - 300,000 Jackson Marine Insurance Company - 300,000 New York Life Insurance and Trust Co. 1,000,000 N York Bowery Fire Insurance Co. - 300,000 New York Fire Iniurance Company - 200,000 Ci y Fxre Insurance Company - - 210,000 East River Fire Insurance Company - 250 000 Washington Marine Insurance Company 300,000 The Greenwich Insurance Company - 200,000 Hudson Fire Insurance Company - - 200,000 Merchants' Maiine Insurance Company 400,000 North American Insurance Company - 250,000 Farmers' Loan and Trust Company 2,000 000 Mutual Ssfaty Insurance Company 200,0C0 Trust Fire Insurance Company - - 200,000 N.Y. Guardian Insurance Co.— (Fire) - 300,000 Seventeenth Ward Fire Insurance Co. 200,000 Triton Insurance Co.— (Marine) - - 250,000 INCORPORATED COMFANIES. Capital $ Merchants' Exchange Company - - 1,000,000 New York Gas Light Company - - 1,000,000 Manhattan Gas Light Company - - 500,000 New York and Harlem Railroad Co. - 1,150,000 Trinity Church Property - - - 42,000,000 WEALTH OF THE CITY. VALUATION OF REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE IN 1841. Ist Ward 2d " 3.1 " 4ih " 5.h " 6ih " 7th " 8h " 9ih " lOih " ll'h " 12th " 13ih '• 14ih " 15ih " 16th " 17[h " Value of Real Eptate. , 32,144,785 00 15,n]5,b50 00 12 137,600 00 8,733,450 00 9,45fi,100 00 7,979,750 00 11 209,6t-6 00 11,384 100 00 8,891,950 00 6,163 900 00 3 996,800 00 8,187,329 00 4,283,800 00 6.899.300 00 14 361,200 00 15,796 318 00 9,708,700 00 Totals, $186,350,948 00 Value Pt? onal Estate. 26,834.120 00 1,932,583 00 5,871,610 00 1,8S0,037 00 2,856,106 00 1,824 900 00 4,766 295 00 2,093 507 00 1,194 100 00 736,400 00 95 600 00 1,766,150 00 3^6,154 00 1.835 535 00 8,669,521 00 731 730 00 1,429,624 00 $64,843,972 00 REAL ESTATE OWNED BY THE CORPORATION. Real Estate not in use for Public Purooses, 5,002,100 00 Real Estate in use for Public Pur- poses, 16,720,416 32 $21,722,516 32 BD'i^64. »/> ' %. L < « ■»: •^o. A^ <>*_ .-Jv^ -^NSK(.l- O ^ A^ ,"!> . . S -I * O'^ ^•0 .^ ""^ ♦ ■f .iV.^ A.'' « o -"^ o « o «^^ 0^ fWBBS Brothers' UBRAf?Y binding co ,Sr. AUGUSTINE. FLORIDA .,r -j^ >^ •»■ c^ ..^'.•-» <^>- ^ o « • s-^ •