^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II II 013 702 013 Holllnger Corp. Copy 1 y'.V > ^ ■^N? th Indiana, Col. Samuel J. Williams. 20th N. J., Coloiu'i William Iv. Taylor. 'J4lii Mich., Colonel Henry A. Morrow. :>Oth N. J., Co!on(^l John J. Cladek. 2d Wisccnisin, Colonel Lucius Fairchild. :">lst N. J.. Lt. Col. Rol)(>rt R. Honeynum. <)ih Wisconsin, Colonel EdM'ard S. Bragg. l:{7th l^a., Colonel Josejili B. Kiddoo. 7th Wis., Colonel William AV. Robinson. .4 rtillerj/. ('ai)tain .lohn A. Keynolds. New Hampshire Light, 1st Battery, Captain Frederick M. Edgell. 1st New York Light, Battery L. Cajitain John A. Reynolds. 4lh r. S., Battery B, Lieutenant James Stewart. ' .Vll organizations of artillery excei)t the Reserve will be found in the rosters of the comraands with which tliev served. SECOND DIVISION. Brigadier- General John C. Robinson. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Adrian R. Root. Brigadier-General Henry Baxter. Itjth Maine, Colonel Charles W. Tilden. 12th Mass., Colonel James L. Bates. 94th N. Y., Captain Samuel A. Moffett. 26th N. Y., Lt. Col. Gilbert S. Jennings. 104th N. Y., Colonel Gilbert G. Prey. 90th Pa., Colonel Peter Lyle. 107th Pa., Colonel Thomas F. McCoy. 136th Pa., Colonel Thomas M. Bayne. Third Brigade. Colonel Samuel H. Leonard. ' loth Massachusetts, Lieut.-Col. N. Walter Batchelder. 8;3d New York, (9th Militia,) Lieut.-Col. Joseph A. Moesch. 97th New York, Colonel Charles Wheelock. 11th Pennsylvania, Colonel Richard Coulter. SSth Pennsylvania. Lieut.-Col. Louis Wagner. Artl/leri/. Captain Dunbar 'R. Ransom. Maine Light, 2d Battery, Captain James A. Hall. ( Captain George F. Leppien. Maine Light. 5th Battery, a Lieutenant Edmund Kirby. ( Lieutenant Greenleaf T. Stevens. Pennsylvania Light, Battery C, Captain James Thompson. 5th U. S., Battery C, Captain Dunbar R. Ransom. THIRD DIVISION. Major-General Abner Doubleday. I'lrst Brigade. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General Thomas A. Rowley. Colonel Roy Stone. 121st Pa., Colonel Chapman Biddle. 143d Pa., Colonel Edmund L. Dana. 135th Pa., Colonel James R. Porter. 149th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Walton Dwight. 142d Pa., Colonel Rol)ert P. Cummins. 150th Pa., Colonel Langhorne Wister. 151st Pa., Colonel Harrison Allen. Artilleri/. Major Ezra W. Matthews. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery B, Captain James H. Cooper. Lst Pennsylvania Light, Battery F, Lieutenant R. Bruce Ricketts. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Battery G, Captain Frank P. Amsden. SECOND ARMY CORPS. Ma.iok-Gknkual Darius X. Couch. KSCORT. 6th New York Cavalry, Cos. D and K, Captain Riley Johnson. FIRST DIVISION.* Major-General Winfield S. Hancock 5th N. H., First Brigade. Brigadier-General John C. (Caldwell. ( Colonel Edward E. Cross. \ Lt Col. Chas. E. llapgood. r^ t V V ' Colonel Nelson A. Miles. blstlN. l-,|x^ieut.-Col. K. 0. Rroady. 81st Pa., Colonel H. Boyd McKeen. lio^u T) (Colonel James A. Beaver. 1-ibtn i a., \ \f ■ f^ \ n • 1 u ' (. Major beorge A. rairlainb. Third Brigade. Brigadier-General Samuel K. Zciok. I Colonel Paul Frank. (. Jjt.Col.Cha.s.G. 1^'reiulonlierg r,7th N. Y., Lt. Col. Alfred B. Chnpman. 66t.h N. Y.. Colonel Orlando H. Morris. 140th Pa.. Colonel Richard P. Roberts. 52d N. Y. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General Thomas F. Meagher. 28th Mass.. Colonel Richard Byrnes. God N. Y., Lt. Col. Richard C. Benlley. G'.nli N. Y., Captain James E. McCxee. 88th N. Y., Colonel Patrick Kelly. llBth J^ennsylvania, (Battalion,; Major St. Clair A. Mulholland. Fourth Brigade. Coloiicl John R. Brooke. ■J7tli Conn., Colonel Richard S. Bostwick I'd Del., Lieut.-Col. David L. Strieker. (34th N. Y., Colonel Daniel G. Bingham, o-'id Pa., Lt. Col. Richards McMichael. 14yth Pa.. Colonel Hiram L. Brown. Arlillerii. Captain Rufu.s D. Pettit. 1st New York Light, P>attpry B, Captain Rufus 1). Pettit. 4th U. S., Battery C, Lientenant Evan Thomas. SKCOX!) DIVISION. IJrigadier-General John Gibbon. Second Brigade. Brigadier-iieneral Jo.sliua T.Owen. (JOth Pa., Colonel Dennis 0"Kane. 71st ]'a.. Colonel Richard P. Smith. 7'-M Pa.. Tolone! Dc Wilt C. Ba.xter. lUfith Pa.. Colonel Turner (i. Moreht First Brigade. (DBrigadier-General .Mfred Sully. (2)Colonel Henry W. Hudson. (3)Col()nel Byron Lailiii. 19th Maine, Colonel P'rancis E. Heath, loth Mass., Major George C. Joslin. 1st Minn., Lt. Col. William Colvill. jr. •>n\ V V ' Colonel Byron Laflin. •mniN. x.,^^ Li,Hit.-Col. John B.nerlv. 82d N. Y., ( Colonel Henry W. Hudson. (2d Militia,) \ Lieut.-Col. James Huston. Third Brigade. Colonel Normati J. Ilall. 19th Massachusetts. Lieut.-Col. Arthur F. Devereux. 2()th Mas.sachusetts, Lieut.-Col. George N. Macy. 7tli .Michigan, Captain Amos IC. Steele, jr. 42d New York, Colonel James Iv Mallon. r>',)th New York, Lieut.-Col. Ma.x A. Thoman. 127th Pennsylvania. Colonel \\ illiani W. Jennings. Artillcrij. 1st Rhode Island Light, I^attery .\, Captain Williani A. Arnold. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery B, l.«t Lieutenant T. Fred. Brown. Sliarp.Hhooters. 1st Company .Massachusetts, Captain William Plumer. * During the principal operations south of the Rappahannock Colonel Kdward K. Cross had tem- porary command of a force -coiisistiiig of the Tith New Hampshire, SStn New York, and 81st Penn- sylvania. The (iOth New York, of the :; J I-'^- ^°^' ^^'illiam S. Kirkwood. b.id 1 a., <'^ Captain James F. Ryan. tJ8th Pa., Colonel Andrew H. Tippin. lACii, D I Col. Amor A. McKnight. 1 05th Pa. , 1 I J n 1 n 1 • a n ■ ' I. Lt. Col. Calvin A. Lraig. f Col. Charles H. T. Collis. \ Lt. Col. Frederick F. Cavada. 141st Pa., Colonel Henry J. Madill. 20th Indiana, Colonel John Wheeler. 3d Maine, Colonel Moses B. Lakeman. 4th Maine, Colonel Elijah Walker. 38th N. y.. Col. P. Regis de Trobriand. 40th N. y., Colonel Thomas W. Egan. 99th Pa., Colonel Asher S. l.eidy. 114th Pa. Third Brigade. Colonel .Sanniel B. Hayman. 17th Maine, Lieut.-Col. Charles B. Merrill. oi Ai- I • f Colonel Byron R. Pierce. 3u Michigan, < , . . n \ v i ■ q t>- ^ I Lieut. -Col. Ldwm S. Pierce. -,, AT- 1 • / Lieut.-Col. Edward T. Sherlock, otli Michigan, ■< n, • t , o i/- i '^ ' I. Major Joiin Pulford. 1st New York, Lieut.-Col. Francis L. Leland. 37th New York, Lieut.-Col. Gilbert Riordan. Artillery. Captain A. Judson Clark. New Jersey Light, Battery B, Lieutenant Robert Sims. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery E, Lieutenant Pardon S. Jastrani. 3d U. S., Batteries I and K, Lieutenant John G. Turnbull. Assigned to command of 3d Division May -Ith. SECOND DIVISION". (1 jMajor-General Hiram G. Berry. ( 2 jBrigadier- General Joseph B. Carr. First Brigade. Second Brigade. (l)Brigadier-General Joseph B. Carr. (l)Brigadier-General Joseph VV. Revere. (2)Coloiiel William Blaisdell. (2)Colouel J. Egbert Fanmm. 1st Mass., Col. Napoleon B. McLaiighlen. „,,,, vr v ' Colonel J. Egbert Farnuui. , ,,, vr I Colonel William Blaisdell. '^^^^ ^^ " ^ "' \ Lt- Col. Thomas Holt, nth Mass., ^ Lt. Col. Porter D. Tripp. 71st N. Y., Colonel Henry L. Potter. 10th Mass., Lieut. -Col. Waldo Merriam. ,..,, -kt y f Colonel William 0. Stevens. 11th N. J., Colonel Robert McAllister. ' ' \ Major John Leonard. •>f'tl P ' Col. Benjamin C. Tilghman. 73d N. Y., Major Michael W. Burns. _btn ra., -^ ^^j.^^j^^, ^^0)-,^^.^ l_ Bodine. ( Lt. Col. Wm. H. Lounsbnry. 74th N. Y., J. Captain Henry M. Alles. (_ Captain Francis E. Tvler. 12()th New York, Lieut. -Col. Cornelius D. Westbrook. Third Brigade. (l)Brigadier-General Gershom Mott. (2)Colouel William J. Sewell. ( Colonel William J. Sewell. 5th New Jersey, < Major Ashabel W. Angel. ( Captain Virgil M. Healy. ,.,, >T T ) Colonel George C. Burling. bth New '^'^^^^y,\Ueni.-Co\. Stephen R. Gilkyson. „,, XT T ( Colonel Louis ii. Francine. LL f Lieutenant George F. Barstow. 1st New ^ ork Light. 4th Buttery, -^ i^i^utenant William T. McLean. T . ]' c, n ,, TT I Lieutenant Justin E. Dimick. 1st L. h., Kattery 11,-, [j,.ute„ant James A. Sanderson. 4th LT. S., Battery K, Lieutenant Francis W. Seeley. THIRD DIVISION". (l)Brigadier-General Amiel W. Whipple. (2) Brigadier-General Charles K. Graham. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Enilen Franklin. Colonel Samuel M. Bowman, s.-ti V V ' J'^- Col. Barna J. Chapin. r2th N. H., Colonel Joseph H, Potter. «t)th IN. 1 ., j Cj^pt.ji„ Jacob H. Lansing. 84th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Milton 0pp. 124th N. Y., Colonel A. Van Home Ellis. -,,,.., p ( Colonel James Crowther. 122d Pa., Lieut.-Col. Edward McGovern. ^'^•' I Major David M. Jones. Third Brigade. Colonel Hiram Berdan. 1st U. S. Sharpshooters, Lieut.-Col. Caspar Trepp. 2d U. S. Sharpshooters, Major Homer B. Stoughton. Artillerij. (l)Captain Albert A. von Puttkammer. (2)Captaiu James F. Huntington. New York Light, 10th Battery, Lieutenant Samuel Lewis. New York Light, 11th Battery, Lieutenant John E. Burton. 1st Ohio Light, Battery H, Captain James F, Huntington. 10 FIFTH ARMY CORPS. Major-Geneiial George G. Meade. EIIi.ST DIVISION. Brigadier-General Charles Griffin. First Brigade. Brigadier-General James Barnes. 2d Maine, Colonel George Varney. 18tli Mass., Colonel Joseph Hayes. 22d Mass., Colonel William S. Tilton. 2d Co. Mass. S. S., Lieut. Robert Smith. 1st Michigan, Colonel Ira C. Abbott. 13th New York, (battalion,) Captain William Downey. 25th N. Y., Colonel Charles A. Johnson. 118th Pa., Colonel Charles M. Prevost. Second Brigade. (l)Coloiiel James McQuade. (2)Colonel Jacob B. Sweitzer. 9th Mass., Colonel Patrick R. Guiney. 32d Mass., Lt. Col. Luther Stephenson. 4th Mich., Colonel Harrison H. Jeffords. 14th N. Y., Lt. Col. Thomas M. Davies. /■oj -p I Colonel Jacob B. Sweitzer. b/a l-a., '^Lieut.-Col. James C. Hull. Third Brigade. Colonel T. B. W. Stockton. 20th Maine, Lieut.-Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain. IBtb Michigan, Lieut.-Col. Norval E. Welch. 12th New York, Captain William Huson. 17th New York, Lieut.-Col. Nelson B. Bartram. 44th New York, Colonel James C. Rice. 83d Pennsylvania, Colonel Strong Vincent. Artillery. Captain Augustus P. Martin. Massachusetts Light, Battery C, Captain Augustus P. Martin. Massachusetts Light, liattery E, Captain Charles A. Phillips. 1st Rhode Island Light, Battery C, Captain Richard Waterman. 5th U. S., Battery D, Lieutenant Charles E. Hazlett. 11 SECOND DIVISION. Major-Genenil George Sykes. First Brigade. Secoiid Brigade. Brigadier-General Romeyn B. Ayres. Colonel Sidney Burbank. 3d US. Infantry, Cos. B C, F, G. I, and 2d U. S. Inll ^ ^apt. Salem S. Marsh. K Captain John D Wilk.ns^ Cos. B C, ^ (. g ^^^ j ^ ^j j^ 4th U. S. Infantry. Cos. C, F, H, and l\l,andK.,J * K, Captain Hiram Dryer. 6th U. S. Infantry, Cos. D, F, G, H, and 12th U. S. Infantry, Cos. A, B, C, D, and I, Captain Levi C. Bootes. G, (1st Battalion,) and A, C, and D, 7th U. >S. Infantry, Cos. A, B, E, and I, (2d Battalion,) Major Richard S. Smith. Captain David P. Hancock. 14th U. S. Infantry, Cos. A, B, D, E, F, 10th U. S. Infantry, Cos. G and H, Lieu- and G, (1st Battalion,) F and G, (2d tenant Edward G. Bush. Battalion,) Captain Jonathan B. Hager. 11th U. S. Infantry, Cos. B, C, D, E, F. and G, (1st Battalion,) C and D, (2d Battalion,) Major DeL. Floyd Jones. 17th U. S. Infantry, Cos. A, C, D, G, and H, (1st Battalion,) A and B, (2d Bat- talion,) Major George L. Andrews. Third Brigade. Colonel ratriek H. O'Rorke. 5th New York, Colonel Cleveland Winslow. 140th New York, Lieut. -Col. Louis Ernst. 146th New York, Colonel Kenner Garrard. Ar-tillen/. Captain Stephen H. Weed. 1st Ohio Light, Battery L, Captain Frank C. Gibbs. 5th U. S., Battery I, Lieutenant Malbone F. Watson. THIRD DIVISION. Brigadier- General Andrew A. Humphreys. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General Erastus B. Tyler. Colonel Peter H. Allabach. Qi f P / Colonel Edgar M. Gregory. 123d Pa., Colonel John B. Clark, yist ra., | j^jeut^.Col. Joseph H. Sinex. 131st Pa., Major Robert W. Pattou. 126th Pa., Lieut.-Col. David W. Rowe. 133d Pa., Colonel Franklin B. Speakman. 129th Pa., Colonel Jacob G. Frick. 155th Pa., Lieut.-Col. John H. Cain. 134th Pa., Colonel Edward O'Brien. Artillery. Captain Alanson M. Randol. 1st New York Light, Battery C, Captain Almont Barnes. 1st U. S., Batteries E and G, Captain Alanson M. Randol. 12 SIXTH ARMY CORPS. Ma.ior-Gexekai, John Sedgwick. ESCOKT. Major Hugh H. Janoway. 1st New Jerse}' Cavalry, Company L, Lieutonant Voorhees Dye. 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company H, Captain William S. Craft. FIUST DIVISION. Brigadier-General William T. H. Brooks. First Jin'gade. Second Brigade. (l)Col()nol Henry W. Brown. Brigadier-General Joseph J.Bartlett. (2)Colonel Williain H. I'enrose. (3)Colunel Samuel L. Buck. (4)Colonel William II. I'enrose. -, .y , I Colonel Mark W. Collet. Sth Maine, Colonel Clark S. Edwards. 1st rs. J., s^ j^^ (.^^]_ ^vii]i.^„, Henry, jr. ItUh N. V.. Colonel .loel J. Seaver. >:) J V I ' Colonel Samuel L. Buek. 27th N. Y., ("olonel Ale.xander I). Adams. Zii JN. J., >^ j^^_ ^,^1 Q^y^^^,\^,^ Wiebecke. 121st N. Y., Colonel Emory Upton. 3d N. J-, Major J. W. H. Stickney. '.)(3th Pa., Major William II. Lessig. .iti M T ' Colonel William Birnev. 4th IN. -J -r^ Captain Roberts. JoluLston. 1-ti M T ' Colonel William H. Penrose. l.)th JN. J., -^ j^^_ (,^j_ Edward L. Campbell. 23d N. J., Colonel E. Burd Grubb. Third Brigade. Brigadier-Cleneral David A. Russell. 18th New Y^n-k. Colonel (ieorge li. Myers. 82d New York, Colonel Franeis 10. Pinto. ■I'.tth Pennsylvania, Lieut. -Col. Thomas M. Hulings. i Colonel Gustavus W. 'I'own. 95th PeJinsylvania, ] Lieut. -Col. Elisha Hall. I Cai)tain Th(!odore H. .MeCalla. II '.Hh Pennsylvania, Colonel Peter C. Ellmaker, A rfiller!/. IMajor .lolin A. Tompkins. Massaehusetts Light. Battery A, Captain William IT. McCartney. New Jersey Light, Battery A, Jjieutenant Augustin N. Parsons. Maryland liight, Battery A, Captain James H. Rigby. 2d U. S., Battery D, Lieutenant Edward B. Williston. SECOND DIVISIO.N. Brigadier-General Allnon P. Howe. Second Brigade. Third Brigade. Colonel Lewis A. Grant. Brigadier-General Thomas H. Neill. Ofifl, w T f Colonel .\ndrew J. Morrison. 7th Maine, Licut.-Col. Sclden Connor, ^btn IN. .J., I j^^ (^^^, ],^,|,y.jr,l Martindale. 9, , v r ' Colonel Gillian Van Houten. 2d Vt., Colonel, James H. Wali>ridge. ^^'''^ '^- "'•' 1 Lt. Col. Isaae S. Mettler. o , Vf i Colonel 'i'homas O. Seaver. 20th N. Y., Colonel Ernst von Vegesack. "^ ^'^•' 1 Lieut.-Col. Samuel E. Pingree. 3;5d N. Y., Colonel Robert F. Taylor. 4th Vt., Colonel Charles B. Stough 5th Vt., Lii'ut.-Col. John R. Lewis (ith Vt., Colonel Eli.«ha L. Barney. 4th Vt., Colonel Charles B. Stoughton. 4'Hh N. Y., Colonel Daniel IL Bi'dwell 5th Vt., Li.'ut.-Col. John R. Lewis. 77th N. Y., Lt. Col. Winsor B. French A rtillery. Major J. Watts de Peystcr. New York Light, 1st Battery, Captain Andrew Cowan. 5th U. S., Battery F, Lieutenant Leonard Martin. 13 THIRD DIVISION. Major-General John Newton. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Alexander Shaler. 65th N. Y., Lt. Co!. Joseph E. Hamblin. 67th N. Y., Colonel Nelson Cross. 122d New York, Colonel Silas Titus. 23d Pa., Colonel John Ely. 82d Pa., Major Isaac C. Bassett. Third Brigade. Brigadier-General Frank Wheaton. 62d N. Y., Lt. Col. Theodore B. Hamilton. 93d Pa., Captain John S. Long. QQ.v p f Colonel John F. Ballier. ^*'^'^^*-'L Lieut. -Col. George Wynkoop. 102d Pa., Colonel Joseph M. Kinkead. 139th Pa., Colonel Frederick H. Collier. lib. Mass. (l)Colonel William H. Browne. (2)Colonel Henry L. Eustis. f Colonel Thomas D. Johns. I Lt. Col. Franklin P. Harlow. 10th Mass., Lieut. -Col. Joseph B. Parsons. 37th Mass., Colonel Oliver Edwards. 36th N. Y., Lt. Col. James J. Walsh. 2d R. L, Colonel Horatio Rogers, jr. Light Brigade. Colonel Hiram Burnham. 6th Maine, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin F. Harris. 31st New York, Colonel Frank Jones. 43d N. Y., Colonel Benjamin F. Baker. 61 t P i Colonel George C. Spear. ■' 1 Major George VV. Dawson. 5th Wisconsin, Colonel Thomas S. Allen. New York Light Artillery, 3d Battery, Lieutenant William A. Harn. Artillery. Captain Jeremiah McCarthy. 1st Pennsylvania Light, Batteries C and D, Captain Jeremiah McCarthy. 2d U. S., Battery G, Lieutenant John H. Butler. 14 ELEVENTH ARMY CORPS. Major-Gknkkal Oliver 0. Howard ESCORT. Ist Indiana Cavalr}', Cos. I and K, Captain Abram Sharra. FIRST DIVISION. (1 iBrigadier-General Charles Devens, jr. (2)Briffadier-General Nathaniel C. McLean. First Brigade. Colonel Leopold von Gllsa. 41st N. Y., Major Detleo von Einsiedel. 4r)th N. Y., Colonel George von Amsberg. r^.i M Y i^ Lieut.-Col. Charles Ashby. 17thConn., 153d Pa ^■' I, Major Stephen Kovacs. / Colonel Charles Glanz. I. Lieut.-Col. Jacob Dachrodt. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General Nathaniel 0. McLean. Colonel William H. Noble. \ Major Allen G. Brady. or*! r\\ ■ ', Col. William P. Richardson. 25th Ohio, < ^1 ■ T -1 -iir.,,. 1 Major Jeremiah VViihams. 55th Ohio, Colonel John C. Lee. Trn r\\ ■ ( Colonel Robert Reily. i5th Ohio, 1 ri * • T> • HI ' i Captain Ben amin Morgan. 107th (-s^ ■ I Col. Seraphim Meyer. ^'"^' \ Lt. Col. Charles Mueller. Unattached. 8th New York, (1 company,) Lieutenant Herman Rosenkranz. Artillery. New York Light, 18th Battery, Captain Julius Dicckmann. SECOND DIVISION. First Brigade. Colonel Adolphus Buschbeck. yn.i my/ ^^^' ^^^" '-'Ouis Hartmann. ■'iMaj. A. von Sciiiuembach. 154th N. Y., { i^«i°"t' u '^'''VH '^"" •'• ' I. J jt. Col. Henry C. jjoomis. 27th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Lorenz Cantador. 73d Pa., Lieut.-Col. William Moore. Brigadier-General Adolph von Steinwehr. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General Francis C. Barlow. 33d Mass., Colonel Adin B. Underwood. 134th N. Y., Colonel Charles R. Coster. 136th N. Y., Colonel James Wood, jr. 73d Ohio, Colonel Orland Smith. Artilleri/. 1st New York Light, Battery I, Captain Michael Wiedrich. 15 THIRD DIVISION. Major- General Carl Scburz. First Brigade. Colonel Alexander Schimmelfennig. ! Colonel Frederick Hecker. Maj. Ferdinand H. Rolshausen. Captain Jacob Lasalle. 68th N. Y., Colonel Gotthilf Bourry. 157th N. Y., Col. Philip P. Brown, jr. 61st Ohio, Colonel Stephen J. McGroarty. 74th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Adolph von,Hartung. Second Brigade. Colonel W. Krzyzanowski. '"8tl N Y / Captain Frederick Braun. ■' 1 Captain Emil Koenig. 119th N Y i Colonel Elias Peissner. "' 1 Lt. Col. John T. Lockman. 75th Pa., Colonel Francis Mahler. 2Gth Wis., Colonel William H. Jacobs. Unattached. 82d Ohio, Colonel James S. Robinson. Artillery. 1st Ohio Light, Battery I, Captain Hubert Dilger. RESERVE ARTILLERY. Lieutenant-Colonel Louis Schirmer. New York Light, 2d Battery, Captain Hermann Jahn. 1st Ohio Light, Battery K, Captain William L. DeBeck. 1st West Virginia Light, Battery C, Captain Wallace Hill. 16 TWELFTH ARMY CORPS. Major-General Henry W. Slooum. first division. Brigadier-General Alpbeus S. Williams. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Brigftdier-Geiieral Joseph F. Knipe. Colonel Samuel Ross. r Colonel Warren W. Packer. 90.1, Pnnn / ^t. Col. Wm. B. Wooster. Stii Conn., \ Lieut.-Col. James A. Betts. ^^^" ^°' ' I Major Philo B. Buckingham. [ Major David F. Lane. 3d Md., Lt. Col. Gilbert P. Robinson. »Q I w V ' Lieut.-Col. Elliott W. Cook. 123d N. Y., Col. Archibald L. McDougall. ^8th JN. 1 ., I Major Theophilus Fitzgerald. , ., , N Y -f ^^^- ^- Livingston Price, .^..i T> / Major Cyrus Strous. ^ 'I Captain George W. Reid. 46th 1 a., I c.ipij^i„ Edward L. Whitman. 1 -)Q4.i D I Colonel Joseph A. Mathews. r28th Fa., ^ j^j^^j^j. Cephas W. Dyer. Third Brigade. Brigadier-General Thomas H. Ruger. 27th Indiana, Colonel Silas Colgrove. 2d Massachusetts, Colonel Samuel M. Quincy. ( Colonel Ezra A. Carman. 13th New Jersey, < Major John Grimes. ( Captain George A. Beardsley. 107 New York, Colonel Alexander S. Diven. 3d Wisconsin, Colonel William Hawley. Artilleri/. Captain Robert H. Fitzhugh. 1st New York Light, Battery K, Lieutenant Edward L. Bailey. 1 » XT V 1 1 • !,(. x> ^4. ^^^ f Lieutenant Charles E. Winegar. 1st New York Light, Battery M, -J Lieutenant John D. Woodbury. A..I. TT o 15 11 -p / Lieutenant Franklin B. Crosby. 4th U. S., Battery i^ » \ lieutenant Edward D. Muhlenberg. 17 SECOND DIVISION. Brigadier-General Joliii W. Geary. First Brigade. Colonel Charles Candy. f^fi ni,- t Lt. Col. Robert L. Kilpatrick. &tliUiiio, I j^j^j^^. jjgjj^.y g_ Symnies. Tth Ohio, Colonel William R. Creighton. 29th Ohio, Lt. Col. Thomas Clark. 66th Ohio, Lieut. -Col. Eugene Powell, octi "P / Major Lansford F. Chapman. ^^"'^^•' I Captain Conrad U. Meyer. 147th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Ario Pardee, jr. Second Brigade. Brigadier-General Thomas L. Kane. 29th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Wm. Rickarda. jr. lAQti V f Colonel Henry J. Stainrook. W.nh i^a.,^(.,^p^,^;^ j^j^j^ Young, jr. 111th Pa., Colonel George A. Cobham, jr. 124th Pa., Lt. Col. Simon Litzenberg. 125th Pa., Colonel Jacob Higgins. Third Brigade. Brigadier-General George S. Greene. 60th New York, Lieut.-Col. John C. 0. Redington. Ton XT V 1 ' Major Henry R. Stagg. < 78th New \ ork, ^ ^^^J^^j^^ ^y-fj;^^^ H. Randall. 102d New York, Colonel James C. Lane. 137th New York, Colonel David Ireland. ( Major Abel G. Cook. 149th New York, \ Captain Oliver T. May. (_ Lieut.-Col. Koert S. Van Voorhis. Unattached. 10th Maine Infantry, (detachment,) Captain John D. Beardsley. Artillery. Captain Joseph M. Knap. „ 1 • T • w -r> ii. T^ f Lieutenant Charles A. Atwell. Pennsylvania Light, Battery E, | Lie^te^^nt James D. McGill. ' T, , • T ■ ■, , x> ^i. w f Captain Robert B. Hampton. Pennsylvania Light, Battery F, -^^ Lj^^tenant James P. Fleming. ^^.f'^RY OF CONGRESS 18 CAVALRY CORPS. 013 702 013 BkiGAUIEH-GeXERAL rxEORGK StONK.MA.V. FIRST DIVISION'. Bripidier-Geiioral Alfred Pleasouton.* First Brigade A c. ^ d • •, „ , , „ . -Secowc? Brigade. Colonel Benjamin F. Davis r. i 8th 111., Lieut.-Co!. David R CIcMidenin l«f W I n""^r J'?°'''' ^^ ^^'■'"• :5d Indiana, Colonel Geor A CI fp^ ."„ J j ^''^^ ^r?' L. ^-^"V •^"'^" ^^- ^^^^.x. 8th N^ew York, ^ ^napman. 6th N. \ Captain Wilham E. Beardslev. ^Hh N. Y., Colonel Willia. Sackett. m^foSiSZ^i^^Lllog,. " Artilleri/. New York Light, Gth Battery, Lieutenant Joseph W. Martin. .SlCCOXn DIVISION'. Brigadier-General William W. Avereli. First Brigade. c 7 o • •, ,, , , ,. 'SecontZ Brigade. Colonel Horace B.Sargent. ,^.i^ , t , 1st Mass lipni- r^l r \\,\ ■ ^olo"elJohn B. Mcintosh. ith n' Y:, C Kn^° :^r-^(^;^f - 3d Pa., Lieut.-Col Edward S. Jones. ^th Ohio, Major Beiijainin C. s3 " e 1 th^^ j'^V^'i T''"'" ^ °«^^--- 1st R. I., Lieut.-Col. John L. Thompson. I^>e"t--Col. Lorenzo D. fifcgers. Artilleri/. 2d U. S., Battery A, Captain John C. Tidball. THIKD DIVISION. Brigadier-General David McM. Gregg. First Ih'iqiKlc. t* jr.., ,, , , ^ , ' >>tcond Brigade. Clone! .Tudsoii Kilpatriok. o^, , x, 1st Maine. Colonel Calvin S Dontv ^■n^ nr ^."'""^' ^'^''^y ^yndham. :id X Y., Lieut.-Col. Hen,-v E Svie. ir £ Md /T' r'^'V"^"'- ^^''""'^ f>^^'>^- i"th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. William Irvine;' N j Sit^gV'r'.'p ""t^^^/ 1 \ n 'V' '^'^'"t.-tol. Virgil Broderiok. 1st Pa., I Colonel John P. Taylor. KK(;iTLAR KE.SEHVK CAVAI.RY HUKJADE. Brigadier-General John Bfeford. 0th I>e.ms.vlvania, Major Robert Morris, jr. i\ TT .;' '^!;''*"' ^''^'"'l^^ J- Whiting, mi TT i?-' J^'H'taiii James E. Harrison, btli U. S., Captain George C. Cram. ARTII.LKKY. 'Captain .lames M. Robertson. ?d U S"' Baneri- \l^ T'"' ^ ^^TlfT'' ^^"^"'•^ «. Vineent, ■Jtti U. .S., Battery E, Lieutenant Samuel S. Elder. •Assumed command of 1st and L'd Divi.sions Mav Ith \'^^:t:\ ir'^'! 'l^l-J^^'^'l^verell to Ma;'X '^"^ ''''• Detaelied on special du'tv LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 702 013