LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 762 140 3 St? ^ THE BANNER WE LOVE THE OLD FLAG INSULTED. BY B. FOLTZ Copyright Secured BY BENJ. FOLTZ. ^ 1879 II THE BANNER WE LOVE. BY HEN.I. FCJLTZ. Inscribed to tho Hutchinson Family. '^'b^^ ^rb W There's a banner, the fairest that gems a wide wurld, It floats in its beauty and grandeur so fair; 'Tis the banner the Heroes of old unfurled — The star-spangled banner — so brilliant and rare. We love the old banner, triumphant and grand, It floats in its splendor from Liberty's tree ; The banner so grand — of the old Hero band — The. banner that waves o'er the land of the Froe. 2. O'er the fairest of lands it floats in its pride, The prestige and glory, of all that is grand, In the Ages to come, its fame shall abide ; The boon of the Free, in this sraiid sunny land. Chorus. ?>. Its bright streamers float o'er the homes of the Free. Columbia's pride in this beautiful land : Our glory at home, and our song o'er the sea, The homage of all, it will «'v«>r com maud. Chouus. •1. All hail, to tlie brilliant old banner we love I It floats in its grandeur from Freedom's old tree ; The banner we love — as a boon from above — Wave on, and for aye — o'er the land of the Free. All hJiil to the banner, so brilliant and grand ! It floats ill its glory from Liberty's tree ; The banner so prand — of the Old Hero band. For aye, it shall wave — o'er the land of the Fiee. Uookford, 111., J;Miuary 15, 1870. [Copyright sccnrod, ]S7f> THE OLD FLAG INSULTED. Inscribed to the Hutchinson Family, 1 We salute the old flag, that e'er led the van, In war's bloody conflicts, the grandest and best ; Our country we'll jirotect — protect to a man, Should foes e'er dare insult, a nation so blest. Chorus. We salute the old flae. so brilliant and grand. It floats proudly in battle from Liberty's tree ; The old flag so grand, of our lieroic band, For aye it shall wave, o'er the land of the Free. 2 Old warriors will flush the bright, gleaming blade. And all foemen shall reap their terrible due ; A nation in arms — not a truce shall be made, While the old flag insulted, is floating in view. Chorus. ;? If war e'er shall rage, the triumph will come, And speedily bring us the old booming day ; When a nation's huzzas will again welcome home, The Heroe's who conquered in battle's mad fray. Chorus. 4 And proudly we'll hail the old flag^ they bore, So dauntless they bore them, in battle array ; And rich benedictions for them are in store. For the Heroes victorious, in Freedom's glad day. Chorus. ^ We salute the old flag — the flag that we love. It floats in its grandeur from Freedom's old tree It came to our land, as a boon from above — For aye it shall wave, o'er the land of the Free. Chorus. We salute the old flag, victorious and grand. It floats in proud triumph from Liberty's tree, The old flag so grand, of the brave victor band. Wave in thy triumph, o'er the hind of the Free. Rockford, 111., Jan. 15, 1879. B. F. I Copyright secured, 1879. ■, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 762 140 3 *■ P5 (48-3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiii:ii 015 762 140 3