A in Woodworking By M, W. M •The Matiual Arts Press Peoria, Illinois Problems in Woodworking By M. W. Murray The Manual Arts Press Peoria, Illinois ( 18 taoo 1$ HOC 1 I X 2 6" 7 7 COPT 8. Copyright, The Manual Arts Press, 1905. FOREWORD A REALIZATION of the difficulty in obtaining drawings of good models which can be given as class ex- ercises has led to the preparation of these problems. The aim has been to save teachers the labor of making drawings and blue prints of models, many of which are in general use at the present time. No attempt has been made to plan a Course of study or to arrange the models with any special regard to a logical order of exercises, but for convenience they have been grouped by grades. No models have been in- cluded which have not been successfully made by boys in the three upper grammar grades. It is not intended that artisans or others with little or no experience in teaching and less knowledge of educational principles shall use these drawings and labor under the mistaken idea that they are teaching manual training. In putting these drawings into the hands of teachers, it is hoped that the effect may be to provide additional time for the solution of new problems instead of tending to make the work more definitely formal and lifeless. In the hands of the progressive teacher, there will be little danger of the latter. Many of the problems can be presented to the class and worked out in various ways, according to the in- dividuality of the different pupils. Whenever possible, the work should be correlated with the regular work of the school — the science, arithmetic, written work, physical training, and especially the drawing or art work. Such a plan results in a great saving of time to the manual-training teacher while it gives more life to other subjects. The sources of the models have been acknowledged as far as possible on the plates, but special mention is made of the number of drawings used by permission of Gustaf Larsson, principal of the Sloyd Training School, Boston, Mass. In the preparation of the work the criticisms of Charles A. Bennett, editor of the Manual Train- ing Magazine, have been especially helpful and suggestive. M. W. Murray, Springfield, Mass. June 26, 1905. y 6 $-2% The following arrangement o ' probl LIST OF PLATES ;e in selecting models for class and ems by grades is made for convenien individual use and may aid in planning courses of study. GRADE VII. 1. Hat-rack 5. Whisk-broom holder 9. Blotter 2. Shelf and brush-rack 6. Stationery box 10. Toothbrush holder 3. Sleeve-board 7. Footstool (with padded top) 11. Solitaire board 4. Shelf 8. Knife-polishing box GRADE VIII. 12. Pressing board (for butterflies) 1. Coat hanger 5. Box 9. Knife-box 2. Flower-pot stand (i. Flower table 10. Desk-tray 3. Key-boards 7. Bench-hook 11. Taboret 4. Pen-tray 8. Drawing-board and T-square GRADE IX. 12. Canoe paddle 1. Tool -rack 6. Printing frame 11. Towel-rack 2. Coat-and-trousers hanger 7. Towel-roller 12. Folding table 3. Bread-board 8. Mirror 13. Medicine cabinet 4. Book shelves 9. Footstool 14. Dovetailed book-rack 5. Umbrella stand 10. Plate-rack 15. Book-rack lti. Boat NOTES ON PROBLEMS The suggestions and comments embodied in the following notes are based on several years' experience, and it is hoped that they may prove helpful in connec- tion with the problems. GRADE VII. Hat-rack. The need of a model which empha- sizes the process of planing has led to the selection of the hat-rack. It has been used most successfully when the pupils have had for the preceding and first piece, such a model as the plant support (lSxlx'4 inches made from stock 18 '£x-x"s inches) on which they have worked off part of their surplus energy and are willing to make something with greater care. The holes in the hat-rack are made IB inches apart because the studs in modern houses are that distance on centers. Shelf and Brush-rack. This model gives drill in planing with the additional exercise of laying out the corners and sawing to the knife and gauge lines. Sleeve-board. The size may be varied according to need, and a base added if desired. The edges may be made half-round, thus giving opportunity for an exercise in chamfering, but this has been found too difficult when the model is used in the first part of the seventh grade. Shelf. Special emphasis is laid upon the nailing exercises which this problem presents. The model gives an opportunity to design the back and bracket and to vary the size. Whisk -broom Holder. This problem has been used successfully in connection with the drawing work. The pupils design the back and make a working draw- ing in the studio, and then construct the model in the manual-training room. Stationery Box and Footstool (with padded top ). These are good for the last pieces in the seventh grade. They also prove satisfactory models in other grades for Christmas presents. Footstool. A problem which can be given to "repeaters" who may not be very good workmen, is . presented in the foot-stool. It is a simple piece, all planing being straight, and the nailing and screwing re- quiring no special skill. The ends or legs, which may be designed, are clamped to the frame and made to stand true before screwing together. Solitaire Board. Exercises in laying out and beveling are provided in this game board. It is a good piece to make at Christmas or at the end of the year when little time remains, as it can be made very quickly. A large number of games which can be played on the board is to be found in Every Boy's Manual, published by G. Routledge & Son, 1877. London and New York. Blotter. The rocker part may be made from a Js-inch piece of white pine by veneering the edges with !4'-inch mahogany. A design may be worked out on the top with a veining tool as suggested. It is a piece which requires considerable accuracy but is adapted to any grade. Toothbrush Holder. In this model the draw- ing and the manual training are correlated. The aim is to make as hygienic a toothbrush holder as possible. When the problem was worked out in classroom, the pupils agreed that the brushes should not touch one another nor the woodwork, and that the part to catch the drippings should be of such material that it could be easily cleaned, hence the copper work. Snip shears are used for cutting the copper which is so light that it bends readily with a pair of square-nosed pliers. GRADE VIII. Coat Hanger. This has proved a good model for the first one in the eighth grade because it fur- nishes an opportunity to review planing before work- ing out the shape. Some teachers have had the boys measure their shoulders and make the model to fit their coats. Such a plan has merit, in that it encourages in- dividual work. Flower-pot Stand. Special stress is laid on the planing, laying out and the cutting of the joint. The ap- plication of this joint to other and larger pieces, such as the base of a revolving bookcase, a kite frame, etc., should be shown. The boy should, of course, be taught to plane the wood for the model in one long piece to save time and material. Key -board. The boys should make their own designs, having in mind the fact that they must be re- lated to the hooks. These designs may be made at home or in school, and after being approved, may, if desired, be worked out at home with veining-tool loaned for the purpose. Pen -tray, Desk -tray. Either may be used fur the first gouging. Box. Any kind or size may be made. The hinge and catch may be designed, then worked out and fast- ened on with escutcheon pins. In working the copper (25 gauge, soft) the only tools required are snip shears, small safe-edge file, a light hammer and pliers. The holes can be made with any sharp tool. In working up the joint over a brad, the copper becomes hard enousht to make a durable hinge. Bench-hook, Drawing-board and T-square. These are pieces which require considerable skill and appeal to pupils who use such tools at home. Flower Table, Taboret. Both are good prob- lems for pupils who are not capable of making a mortise-and-tenon joint. The curved legs of the table may be laid out on one piece of wood with very little waste of material. Canoe Paddle. This is an excellent piece of form work which may be made from straight-grained spruce, maple or ash, the first being found the best for school work. The length of the paddle should be determined by the height of the user. A bow paddle should usually be shorter than a stern paddle. The dimen- sions given have been found good for general work. If necessary, accuracy of measurement should be sacrificed to good curves. The plan should be care- fully drawn on the broad surface and cut; then the ele- vation should be made. The blade should be planed out while the handle is square. It has been found con- venient to have one or more old-style wooden planes, with their bottoms planed off to fit the shape of the paddle, and the irons ground to suit the bottoms, for working out around the rib on the blade, but this is not necessary as it can be done with the gouge, spoke- shave and plane. GRADE IX. Coat -and -Trousers Hanger. The combination of a good model and a useful article is found in this problem. If the wood for the back is first planed to J8x3, 3 4 'x}£ inches, the blocks in which the cross-piece slides can be cut from the upper corners. T he grooves should be laid out with the gauge and try- square and cut < >ut with the back-saw and chisel. Book Shelves. These may be designed to stand in the center of a table, on a table against the wall, or to hang on he wall. Mirror. The recess for the back can be worked out by using a washer cutter, Fostner bit and chisel. Boat. It is much more profitable for boys to design their own boats, and additional interest is cre- ated when several are made and raced. Since many boys are working, at home with electric motors and small steam-engines, it is a good plan to encourage the building of power boats. It has not been found practicable to make such boats less than 34 inches long, as they will not hold the motors, bateries, etc. Approximate rules for designing sail boats: The width should not be more than one-third of the length and in case of boats 24 inches or less not much under one-third the length. The mast may be placed one-third or half way be- tween one-third and one-half way from the bow. In making the hull, it is desirable to work to center lines, laying out and cutting the deck plan first, then the sheer plan and lastly shaping the hull, finishing it smooth before boring and gouging out die inside. After the inside is finished, the sheer of the deck may be cut. When the keel has been screwed on and the in- side of the boat painted (This should always be done if the stock has been glued up) the deck may be glued and nailed in place. The amount of lead for a model yacht may be determined when the hull is finished by putting in suf- ficient weight to sink it to the load water line and then weighing what has been used. The lead may be cast in moulds either of wood, plaster of paris or sand, by first making a wooden pattern of the right size and shape. The wooden mould has been found very satisfactory. It is made by taking two pieces of wood about 2 inches longer than the pattern, the same width as the pattern, and from Yz to y% of an inch thick, and cutting one-half the shape of the pattern out of each piece. The line made by the meeting of the two broad faces should correspond to the center line which runs lengthwise through the pattern. When this is done, the two halves of the mould are fastened together and pieces nailed to the top and bottom. Two 3 /i6-inch dowels should extend through the mould from top to bottom, to form the holes for the screws which fasten the lead to the upper keel. In addition to this, the top should have a pouring hole and one or more vent holes. The size of the pattern from which the mould is made may be figured on the basis of a cubic inch of cast lead weighing .408 pounds. (A piece of lead 2xlxJ£ inches also weighs .408 pounds, etc. I The deck and spars should be finished with spar varnish. Problems in Woodworking M, W. MURRAY, Hat Rack Z3* fTT -Q- ^_ 18 c> ^— z- A/n. IZ3 Coa/ & A/a/ /-/oaks used 0/+. A M,//er. 0osta n ,Mi5S Problems in Woodwokkino M. W. MURRAY. 5he/f snd Brush Rack £. \x_ Mi- :®c Sloyti Training School. Bosfon t M»B5, 14*- -4|" No. 181 brass hook us ad 'at + i i r m,j- PPOeiEM* IN WOODWORKING M. IV. MURRAY. 5/eeve Board fOlrf Sioyd Training Brhoal , Boston, Mass. 11 Problems i M, W. MURRAY 5he/f _. „_ Li- . -I- -^ -¥ 1 d)t(D 1 1 Esgg^ ^ i l-± y4 and B may be designed. PUOalFAfS IN WOODWORK M. W Murray The Manual arts Press W/7/s/c Branm Haider — i\ 11 CM 2 ^ 2 00 \> ^-iH Bar A /I /o be c/esijneJ. Sides B may he fanered to /^at C. 13 PROBLEMS / M. w. Murray. Stationery Box THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS E t 2 ■s oo «0|->lc/, Mass 15 Problems in wooowuf/mr M. W- MURRAY. Knife Polishing Box The manual arts press o o r -IN JA-ii-LiiJ _^: n^: lO *^'4 wy/s////s;;/;/. 1 12 -6" "'J X^ \ ;~x mi? r^ 2 ^ — 2 9- n; Problems in woodwobkinc M. w. Murray. B /otter published ar r«£ Manual arts press PSOHIA. Illinois. -r 1 . P " - 3" o r 4^ 4 i W^&^i ®s$ear w \ • "■- /I >C- -_-ir-r SacAarai/nd may warked au/- w/f/r a sma// jjoujje. in\ - — [i»' *m Lesvirr, gossan, Mass. .L 8k y 1 -M-N cvl _' N. I • /Is? ' 16 4 + 17 PBOBLCMS IH WOODWORK!* M. IV Murray Tooth Brush Holder Ididth shau/d he determined by number of brushes, 2 must be added for each addi- tionat brush. Parts marked M to be m edified \ 16 Q > — — t ' J s •4 8 1 J\ ■mi CO X* Moo . CO -itM t L V ft r\ ^—fbfded under /& sfre/jafhe/J. 2 fleue/aamr/if nf nan and brarAef to be cut frnm ZSjjaujje soft "onpe y THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS *" ' Fo/i/ett under at A. Fa/J IS PHOBLEUS IK WOODWOKKlt M. W- MURRAY. Escutcheon pins (i-i4) used for- men 5a/itaire Basra 1 00 M Holes bared wilh No. 52 drill. The puzzle consists in so jumping pins an slrBionl lines£as /! B & C OJ thai when all pins have heen Jumped the 3Z"'i5 left in the centre hole. £.L. Winslo**, ^pnng/ie/t/, Mass Problems in woodworking M. W- MURRAY. nmiswto by THE Manual Arts Press f>epKM, Illinois. Press/no Board For Butterf/t'es £ornsta/k inserted at A so that butterf/ies may be pinned to if. 3rgd/eif Pv/y/erAnir lnsn/ufa t f 3 eoi'i3, til 20 problems in WoodworiOn M. W MURRAY. "E ZTz^/" Hanger 2r ^ .CO I I5g 5ectiorj A. B. w=H T3 4 ?^gy^ Teaming Schoo /, Bos faff, Mass. ^ -,'ft] CU M. W MURRAY. 3/otii* Trgirrintj JScfreg /. £}os /an, M3s 5- F/ower Pat Stand -If I i' J — lAJ O ^ 3= THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS Problems in woodwork/- M. IV MURRAY /Cei/ Boards the Manual Arts Press -lf\J 1 CVI 23 M. W. MURRAY THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS Pen Tray °|®_ 5/ol,4 T-atn, ng 3ehaol. Bns/o", M3SS PHOBICMS IH WOOOWOfiKlNG M. W Murray Box i, . -w -IOJCO rvj ^ Rabated Joint, k> t Join/- A or ma Jj b e us ?d instead of Butt Joint. Catch and /7i/jffes may 6e designed and made from 2S _oaupe soft copper. Groove and Tortnue Joint 5ixe at~ box sbou/d be determined by /be purpose far which it is intended. PKOULEMS '« WOODWORKtHG M. W. MURRAY. THE Manual arts press F/awer Table A.Miller, arston t Mas£. ■Mm — t — 24 r?S ==*aH 9- 26 PROBLEMS IN WOODWORKING M. W Murray. Bench hook *P \ » i © ■li-9 r-U L - @ 12 -2 — - IS Grain or wood mau be made /-a run the same way in all pieces 27 /■k.'MKM) IN WOODWORKING M. W MURRAY I — 7~ r Draw/np Board and T Sous re The Manual arts Press G-fued Joint. 19 4 _ - ., , ■E; _i mi co J f - *&&£ ->-* A * i .^- Brass Spring used at A mode from 2,5 jjauge *pr/'na brass. Problems i M. W. MURRAY. The manual Arts Press KnifE Box B< :c I j ysAS/^sVSsVi f >i>;/s/±ss sssiir'A ^^ i a This box may be made wim parlihnns from /I toB, and C to D, and be used as a nail box. Slojjd Training School, Boa ton J Mass. PHO0t.tHS I M. W MURRAY. T^= Desk Tray THE MANUAL A/*TS PRESS inioo . i. _ /-- r L 30 PROBLEMS IN WOODWORK M. IV. MURRAY. THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS TabarEt ( "L _ ■ T~l , l J 1 3 i £,- . i. • BOO TT ! : '-IN 00 ■ '"-" -loo i i 1 1 L -T. i \ ^ i , '4 i | _| unco 1- H 4 -IC\J r l 1 L LJ. . r-%— ^i Y""^ i-°- r '!,< ~v — IC\J , 4 j j -icu ?•-, i ->! -7 '" 19 2 2^ II ' IC 4 ll 4 M, W. MURRAY. Canoe Paddle THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS Sort/se. problems "v Woodworking M. W. Murray. <^ 1.5- >8 7"i7/7/ Rack 3/1.5" 3" 3 3" 4TrSf4 3 [ 4- T ■+ ^t *e I ^3 5_ ,L I T 1 t±* I 3 - 16a <. *t Z^/^y rnaij 6e made /a suit fhe number and size of foots. D/sfance /I fa be found . Sloyd Training Jjchoo/, S0S?3n t MSSS- Problems i M. W. Murray. Coat and Trousers Hanger co D White Wood. Hon A &/- O. PHOBltM?. IN WOODWORKIN M. W MURRAY. Bread Board Cum or Butternut- Bass or W. Pine . Cum or Butternut. 15 the manual Arts Press ■5/gyg 1 Trffj/rlng Schoo/, Gos/On, M3SS. 35 OBLfMS '* WOODWORK M. W. MURRAY. THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS Baak JjheJves / $ ■4J 'Tn i r r 1 ;5L A ■-Li U ,:L_4_J bo -k\l — cn A J 1 1 5] T . 1".. infl-B-r^- • — \ r \ *T" ./J L- -20— J > R * 6" - ■ > ^"/?y /?. /^ A* designed. Jqint B of C mau be used, or An/ ft. length of shelves and distance aoart shnu/d be determined by number and ' sue of the books. 36 problems in Woodworking M, W MURRAY. Umbrella Btand 25 Developmenf of half of capper pan used ar // (26jauje sojf capper Ic '." sauare used) Fold so that fine A /alls an 3, bring the sides up unfit C meets D, then/old double piece formed bu £ C \ under on the bo tram of pan by oj pa f.P.Lane.Spr/ftjf/te/t/, Mass Problems in woodworking M. W. Murray. Printing Frame -r -_ir-X»-J ID —100 53^ ■-t; -ICO _y pZffS *3 li "^3 1, 1 - 1 1 G C '-'■ -ICO 1 o © c 1 Jl c J I" =-to ^8 if rtKQ3 3ac/( p/ece shewing spri/tos PROBtEMS IN WOODWORK M. W MURRAY TdweI Raller 171 -isi ■ol^f fr . :i m /.£>// side t//*w of 3#A£M£T A PROBLCMS IN WOODWORKING M. W. MURRAY. Mirror 40 PSOeiTMS IN WOODWORK!! M. W MURRAY. ; : . #*ad-trjf/ C/ub /**ar,a. /// THE MANUAL ANTS PRESS r-r->- Faot Stan/ All P/eces i Thick. problems in woodwork M. W. MURRAY. Plate Rack ^2" *3k'X»i"J -38^ 38 -35 40 41 -&- Gr -In ">] { ™ * 5 i -IIM is: mfe * i_i_ 2-« -5- 6- 0« TC -TH. ■1 ■j* i -Joints Dowe/, Mnrtise-and-Tenon or fo/nt shown mm/ be used Jifie/ves /rave front corners rounded and are screwed on from tne hark PROBLEMS IN WOODWORKING M. W. MURRAY. ToweI Rack The Manual arts Press 5Jfi ~3 ^Z 3C 2" ^r j Dawel 16 *ir t r 7 . 8 r* CVJ 43 Problems in woodworking M. W. MURRAY. Fo/dino Table "i-J-l— T-", >2r& 18 1 2 hinge coleo h 4 I ' I i 1 i: * i - ~M ■ " t — : L*n*.5pfnqfic/it t > Problems in woodwork M. W MURRAY- Made/ Yar/rf 5a// P/an Sa wsnr/f "T- Mi- OecA L/rre Must Stay PfiCBKMS M. IV. Muffft-iy The Manual Arts Press Made/ Yacht Hutt r-2'H— £"-r-2"~!^ 2 "-T- 2" /^' DecA P/an. Sheer P/0/7. *. Ha/e far rudder y^. if? //he w/th Jxeet '. 4* \\ W/re A Ring used on stern. Dra/'n Ziole to be ftf/ed - with a plug . 3* — L.W.L. PROBLEMS IN WOODWORK I NO M. w Murray *S SL if i na M j.- , 7)f//7 capper /odd . fe& Made/ Yacht Oerai/s Pu/Zsy MaAs pjva Wi re j5/gp/e Pv/Je ys; ' 3" Tap Mas t \