Qass n£ ¥OrT' Book SLSI V ■-■- V -,/ -^ / LADIES SOUTHEEN FLORIST BT MARY C. RIOISr, " This is an art which does mend Nature.— change it rather : but the art itself is Nature."— Shakspeare. COLUMBIA, S. C: PETER B. GLASS 1860. Entered according to Act of Congress, by PETER B. GLASS, in the year 1860, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the District of South CaroHna, 3 1i.(rxf- MIGNONETTE. A bed of this should be planted in every flower garden, for its exquisite per- fume. It can be kept in bloom all sum- mer by trimming off the flowers to prevent them seeding. Sow the seed in the spring. AMBROSIA. This is also very fragrant. The long spikes of green bloom are very handsome in bouquets. It grows very large by culti- vation in rich, moist soil. Sow the seed in the spring. It is abundantly self-sowing after being once established. ladies' southekn florist. 7T SNAP-DRAGON. An imperfect perennial, wliicli is apt to die out every few years. It is self-sowing after once being established. Sow the seed in the fall, or in a hot- bed very early in the spring. Some varie- ties are very handsome. The yelloiD is ob- jectionable, on account of its weedy pro- pensity. Snap-Dragolis will bloom the first year if sown in the fall. They can afterwards be propagated by division of the root or cuttings. The second year the flowers are finer. The soil should be a rich, sandy loam, though in heavy, moist earth they will grow with greater vigor, but will not flower so profusely as in dryer and lighter soils. CANTERBURY BELLS. A biennial, which should be sown in the spring, and transplanted in August or Sep- 78 ladies' southern florist. tember, where it is intended to bloom. The flowering is weakened by transplanting in the spring. The same effect of spring trans- planting applies to all biennials, and most seedling perennials. Is'o manure should be used on canterbury bells. COREOPSIS. A common, but showy plant. Sow the seed in the fall, and transplant in March, and it will bloom in June. Propagate after- wards by division of the root. It requires deep, black loam soil, and requires moisture for successful cultivation. LARKSPUR. The annual larkspurs are very hardy, and are best when self-sown in the summer. Sow the seed in September. Rich, stiff' soil is best suited to its culture. The seed must be sown where desired to stand, as they are injured by transplanting. ladies' southern florist. 79 Thill out to stand six inches apart. Sow in masses. Like many hardy annuals, seed sown late in the autumn will produce stronger plants, though the spring-sown seed may start out of the ground earlier. The lying dormant under ground during the winter seems to start the plants with more vigor, and they are more rohust than the spring seedlings. The double rocket larkspur, planted in a variety of colors, in masses, when in bloom is almost equal to a bed of a liyaciMlis. These seed must always be planted in the fall. PINK. Pinks can be grown from the seed, and are often abundantly self-sown. The carna- tions seldom bear seed. Seedlings often produce inferior bloomers, which should at once be exterminated, as they will injure 80 ladies' southern florist. the finer plants. This is especially the case with the carnations. The carnation pink has preeminence in color and perfume. It is often handsomely striped; hut the French carnations are pure in color, excepting sometimes they are mottled or pied. The Florida pink is a fine large mottled variety, but Yerj tender, and scarcely bears our winter out of doors. The grass pink is hardy and strong-grow- ing, and is very showy and highly ornamen- tal (^ borders of beds as edgings. But pinks are too exhausting for this purpose, injuring every thing growing within a yard of them. Pinks die out in two or three years if left to themselves, especially the carnations. Propagate new plants by cuttings or pip- ings in November. Strip off* the old leaves and, with a sharp knife, cut off" the stem close below the joint of the stem. Trim the leaves and set the piping in sandy, dry ladies' southeen florist. 81 soil, two inclies deep. If planted in clayey or wet soil, tliey are apt to rot, and take root witli difficulty. After planting tlie piping, press tlie eartli to it with the thamb and finger, and keep moist until a rain. The pipings will be ready to transplant in six weeks, and will bloom the same year. Old plants should have the earth renewed about every two years, and, tripiming off all but three or four centre stems, replant about two inches deeper than before. The trimmings will do fcfr pipings. Hen-house manure sifted, and soot, are excellent for all pinks. Sweet Williams are very lovel}^, and not so much cultivated as they should be. GOLDEN ROD. A deciduous shrub, of pithy growth. It attains the height of three or four feet. Like the spiraea and almond, the bloom precedes the leaves. The stems are covered with golden yellow bells, blooming tbe first of Marcli. It is very showy and graceful. It can be easily increased by cut- tings or suckers. DOUBLE SUN-FLOWEE. Sow the seed late in the spring. This is a superb flower, nearly double the size of a dahlia, and quite as handsome in ap- pearance. It should be more cultivated. CANDY .TUFT. It is enlivening to the garden, planted in masses. It is hardy, and easily cultivated from seed. The finer varieties require to be propagated by cuttings. Spring-sown seed will do tolerably well, but autumn is the proper time to sow. POPPY. The poppy blooms three years from the seedlings. It is impossible to transplant them, ladies' southern florist. 83 therefore tliey must be planted where they will remain. Propagate, afterwards, by di- vision of the roots, as soon as the foliage dies. If deferred until spring, the bloom will be weakly. The poppy grows best in rich, stiff soil. Plant in masses. FEVERFEW. These are worthless, from seed; but raised from cuttings, or division of the root, are highly ornameutal in the flower yard. Will thrive in any soil. PERIWINKLE. A trailing evergreen, flourishing best under shade and drip of trees. The floAv- ers are of a pale blue, which, through its dark green foliage, is very cheerful. It can easily be propagated by cuttings, and is continuous in blooming. 84 ladies' southern fkorist. VIOLETS. Of tliese fragrant flowers, the Tuscan va- riety is the finest. Yiolets grow best in the shade. They should be divided, and the soil renewed entirely every two years, to continue blooming. If neglected, they will grow to vines and flower but sparingly. They should have no heating manures. All that is necessary to their successful cul- ture is wood dirt, or earth mould. Yiolets make good borders to beds in shady situa- tions. The division of the roots should be made in the fall. Cultivate in large patches. The violet can be propagated by the seed, which are contained in seed vessels beneath the leaves, close to the ground. These are formed after the violets are through bloom- ing in the summer. Sow the seed in the fall. ladies' southern florist. 85 HEARTSEASE. An annual, self-sowing, and very mucli improved by culture. Vegetable manure is best for this, too. They require shade to do well. Only the darkest and richest bloomers should be kept, and all others de- stroyed. PANSEYS. These are an improved variety of hearts- ease. The seed are only good for one year, deteriorating by keeping. They should be planted in a protected situation, and shel- tered in winter. Moisture is destructive to the pansey, and they should be shaded from the hot sun. The same plant seldom blooms twice. The finest pansey s should be marked for seed and cuttings. Cut off at the second or third joint, and insert two inches deep in a light, sandy soil, and they will root in a few weeks. Remove all blighted leaves 8 86 ladies' southern florist. immediately. The soil should be moder- ately rich with vegetable mould, and kept stirred frequently around the plant. mallows. These are a species of showy plants, of easy culture. They can be propagated by seed or division of the root. HORNED POPPY. The particular beauty of this plant is not its flowers, which are pretty — but its " sea- green, dew-splangied leaves." It is a bien- nial. MULLEN PINK. A common, showy border flower, which is not a perfect perennial, but easily kept by dividing the root. The seed will bring flowers the second year. It blooms in April or May. ANEMONE. This is a delicate little plant of the early spring. Its flowers are bluish purple or white. It should be planted in a shady, sheltered spot. AMARANTHUS TRI-COLOR. This is an old but very handsome plant. It grows three feet high, and its foliage is its great beauty. Every leaf is striped with red and yellow, white and green. It is, really, one of .the most ornamental stalks I have ever seen. It requires good soil and depth, and plenty of room, to excel. TASSEL-FLOWER. A graceful flowering annual, waving its crimson tassels throughout the summer. BALSAMS. For raising the double kinds, old seed are considered the best. Seed should only be 88 ladies' southern florist. gathered from the double flowering. Tliey require rich soil and much moisture, in a shady situation, to produce fine plants and a profusion of flowers. They are highly ornamental, in the varieties of color, to the garden. Plants can be raised from seed, layers or suckers. * Balsams J China asters, marigolds, ten week stocks, hibiscus and zinnias, and most of those plants of a free growing and strong wooded nature, do best by transplanting, BALSAM OF APPLE. This is an annual. It is a climber, four feet high, and bears yellow flowers. The fruit is fleshy and ovate, and red when ripe. It grows well in this climate, and the fruit is preserved in brandy for the cure of cuts and bruises. It should be cultivated for this virtue, if one were not interested in the curious plant. It should have a stout support, four feet high. ladies' southern florist. 89 RHODODENDRON. This is the American Rose Bay, and grows fifteen or twenty feet high. The foliage is evergreen, leaves large and beau- tiful, oval, and partially renewed every three or four years. There is small chance of any of the trees growing which are brought from the woods, because they come from swamp lands. The seed will come up readily, but it requires time and patience to bring it into flower. Shade and humidity are indis- pensable to this shrub's growth. It re- quires light rich soil, and moisture. CHINA ASTERS. The seed, when sown in the fall, produce very early flowers. But spring sowing brings on finer blooms in the summer. Transplant a month after they appear above the ground. Black loam is best adapted to its culture and perfection. 90 ladies' southern florist. COCKSCOMB. Save seed only from tlie finest combs. Sow them in very early spring in a hot- bed. Transplant, and as it grows, remove the side branches to produce one strong head. The crimson is only worthy of cul- tivation, the white being a dirty and incon- spicuous color. The soil for the cockscomb cannot be too rich to bring it to perfection. Fresh horse-dung, without litter, and green turf, watered abundantly, and a shady situation, will bring gigantic and magnificent combs — a handsome ornament to any garden. CYPRESS VINE. A native vine, of exquisite beauty. The seed are difficult to germinate, but are abun- dantly self-sowing when once established. Scald the seed, and let them remain soak- ing in water a few days, and when planted they will soon come up. They are very ladies' southern florist. 91 weedy wlien once planted, and troublesome on that account. The cypress vine is rather difficult to transplant. Seed do best when sown where they are to remain. The vines should be trained in numbers for effect. Ten or a dozen plants in a circle around a six-foot pole, with pegs and twine from the plants to the top of the pole, is soon a mass of verdure with exquisite eyes of scarlet, lovely to behold. MEXICAN VINE. This vine has a tuber like an Irish po- tato, from which it can be propagated. The leaves are broad and thick, and grace- fully festooned with tassels of white flowers, which are heavily perfumed. The vine is of a rapid summer growth. Plant the tu- ber in the spring or fall. 92 ladies' southern florist. MARIGOLD. Sow the seed early in the spring. Save seed only from the earliest and largest blooms, marking by little strings tied to the stems. With even the greatest care, marigolds are liable to deteriorate. Be watchful in immediately destroying such plants as bear inferior and single blooms. The marigold is an annual, but not hardy. It is improved by transplanting. Support the plants by tying them to stout stakes. Plant in clusters, and trim occasionally. We have seen them equal to the finest dahlia, and larger in size, of the most beau- tiful shades, from straw to orange. VERBENA Can be reared from cuttings and from seed. It flowers the same year from the seed sown in the spring. Plant in masses in a warm exposure to the sun, and enrich the soil with vegetable manure. Septem- ladies' southern florist. 93 ber and October are the best montlis to put out cuttings in new beds. Verbena can be made more continuous in blooming, by trimming the beds down after tbe blooming season is over. They are beautiful in all varieties, but only the purple and white heliotrope are fragrant. The scarlet is the gayest. Verbena requires change of soil every few years, and is particularly grateful for new rich earth. The renovation should be made in the fall. Verbena looks very handsome, grown in l^eds on lawns, being in fine contrast with the green grass. HONEYSUCKLES. These climbing shrubs are most of them natives. They can be propagated by layers, suckers and cuttings. The English honeysuckle is of rapid growth, and very luxuriant and fragrant. It is an evergreen. All honeysuckles re- 94 ladies' southern florist. quire strong, ricli soil, witli good depth, to sustain their vigorous growth. Thin out honeysuckles in the fall, and divest of all superfluous shoots, and shorten in the shoots of last year. If bare at the bottom, and only flowering high up, cut down the vine to within four inches of the ground." The vines will soon send forth new shoots, which can be trained advan- tageously. The Bratton honeysuckle is an exquisite evergreen hybrid, originated in Winnsboro', South Carolina. The leaves are a light green, smooth and pointed, overhung with feathery festoons of pale yellow flowers, shading off to white. It is the handsomest of all the honeysuckles I have seen. It is extremely difiicult to propagate, and, unlike most cuttings, will only take in rich soil. The yellow and red looodhines are very or- namental for pillars and porches. The ladies' southern florist. 95 graceful flowers are succeeded by bright red wax berries, wbich decorate the vines for months. These are readily propagated from cuttings. JESSAMINES. The yellow jessamine is native, and will live if the plants are taken from the up- lands. It is evergreen, and gorgeous in flowering. The perfume is delicious. The leaf and flower are poisonous, and hence it should never be planted within . the reach of children. The lohite jessamine is an exceedingly elegant plant, delicate and fragrant, and not surpassed by any of its species. It is pure in color, and exquisite in perfume, with fringy leaves and dark green stems. It may be multiplied from suckers, but is of slow growth until fully established, when it grows rapidly. 96 ladies' southekn florist, ' LILAC. The purple is tlie most common and the most desirable. The white is rarer and more delicate, and does not bloom as free- ly as the purple. It is also difficult to establish. The Persian lilac is still more delicate in flowering, and very beautiful. All lilacs should have protected situations. Destroy the suckers and trim the bushes in the fall. They can be propagated by the suckers. SNOWBALL. A most conspicuous bush with cluster balls of tiny white flowers, like the hy- drangea. It readil}'^ grows from suckers, layers or cuttings. It grows eight or ten feet high. ISTo flower garden should be without it, for this is one of the most showy and beautiful of the deciduous shrubs. ladies' southern florist. 97 DAHLIAS. These can be easily propagated by divi- sion of tlie roots — the only method neces- sary for our gardens — though they can be raised from seed. Sandy soil is best adapted to their suc- cessful cultivation. Moisture is important to their perfection in flowering. Plant the tubers early in the spring, in a light hot-bed, slightly covering them with earth, and being careful to protect from the cold. "Water well until they sprout, when you may divide the root as you would pota- toes for planting, leaving only one eye on each slip. The less of the old tuber planted the better. Plant the cut tubers in March or April, in the situation designated for blooming. They increase prodigiously. Allow only one stem to each plant, and cut oiF the side branches, from one to three feet from 98 ladies' southern florist. the ground, according to the height of the bush. Rich loam induces luxuriant growth of leaves and imperfect flowers. Whenever dahlias are single they should be thrown away, as such will never improve. The only remedy for the greenbug is to cautiously watch for it in the morning, and to pick it off and destroy. Shade of every kind is injurious to dah- lias. When they are constantly watered, the ground should be heavily mulched with coarse litter, the better to retain moisture, and to prevent the earth around the plant hardening. Every dahlia should have a frame, or, what is better, be tied to a stout stake, with a soft band. BURNINa BUSH. An elegant shrub, growing eight or ten feet high. The flowers are purple, grow- ing in clusters, succeeded by brilliant scar- ladies' southern florist. 99 let fruit, wMch remains until after tlie leaves have fallen. This shrub can be raised from seed planted in the fall, or propagated by cuttings. It should be plant- ed in a shady and sheltered situation. FRINGE TREE, OR WEEPING ASH, ^' Daddy Greybeard," is a native, decidu- ous shrub, which grows twelve feet high. It is difficult to transplant, and does best when grafted on the common ash. Light loam is most congenial to this shrub. PYRUS JAPONICA. This is a deciduous plant, and should be transplanted in the fall. The bloom of the red is exceedingly gay in very early spring, the flowers profusely covering the bush, before the leaves appear. The blush is also very handsome. This plant throws up a great number of suckers, from which it can readily be increased. But, in mul- 100 ladies' southern f.lorist. tiplying by this method, there is a dis- advantage in unguarded selection from suckers. Root suckers are very troublesome in transmitting to the sucker plant the habit of throwing ujd numerous suckers, and thus generally failing to form sufficient root to support itself Offshoots, or stem suckers, differ from these, and are excellent for propagation. DEUTZIA. This elegant deciduous shrub is a native of Japan and China. It is easy of cul ture, and perfectly hardy, and can be in creased by cuttings and layers. In the spring the plant is covered with a profu- sion of white blossoms, which are highly fragrant. The rough-leaved deutzia is used by the Japanese cabinet-makers for polishing wood. The slender deutzia is more airy and ladies' southern florist. 101 graceful in appearance, growing three feet high, with a slightly pendant habit. The leaves are only an inch long, and the flowers are star-shaped, of a delicate paper white. It requires a rich, light soil. HYDRANGEA. This is a deciduous shrub, and, being tolerably hardy, will grow in the open air where the winters are not too severe. They require shade to grow or bloom well, and when in flower need profuse watering. The pink variety is most usual, but the color can be changed to blue by mixing in a large portion of decayed leaves and swamp earth. If the plant is very thick, the oldest branches may be thinned out, never cuttting out any of the young shoots, as these bear the flowers. Propagate by offshoots or cuttings. 102 ladies' southern florist EYEEGREEKS. These will grow in any soil, but are improved in rapidity of growth by deep digging and manuring. Be very cautious in pruning evergreens, because many of them are seriously injured by the knife. The Weeping Cypress and Norway Spruce we know it is detrimental to prune. Ty- ing with twine is all that is necessary to bring them into proper shape. In planting evergreens, see the directions elsewhere given for transplanting. For propagation, see directions for raising cuttings, with more shading. Evergreens can be easily reared from the seed, and the plants are more symmetrical and heal- thy than those raised from cuttings. Seed- lings should not be transplanted until they are two years old, but a better plan is to plant the seed where the trees will stand. ladies' southern florist. 103 The best plan, liowever, is to buy good trees and plants from the nearest nursery. We subjoin the names of those which we know to be desirable for the flower gar- den: DEODAR CYPRESS. This is commonly called cedar. It is a native of the Himalaya mountains, where it attains the height of one hundred and fifty feet, with a trunk thirty feet in cir- cumference. It is the most beautiful of all resinous evergreens, and is of very rapid growth, growing in ordinary soil at least one foot a year, and in trenched ground two feet annually. This superb tree grows well in our cli- mate, and would be valuable timber growth for this country. Several thousand bushels of the seed were imported into England by the Government, and placed in the hands of reliable nursery-men, to cultivate, 104 ladies' southern florist. on condition of returning one-half to the Government at the end of three years, to be planted for timber growth. The wood of the Deodar cypress is compact, resinous, highly fragrant, and of a deep, rich color, like polished brown agate. The wood of this tree, in the roofs of buildings, was found perfectly sound after more than two hundred years. Some used in constructing a bridge in Cashmere was but little decayed after four hundred years' exposure to the action of the water. The tree is most handsome when only allowed one main trunk, from which the limbs droop in the most graceful manner. FUNEREAL CYPRESS. This is a beautiful, feathery, cedar-like tree, which attains the height of fifty or sixty feet. It is one of the most desir- able of this kind of evergreens. ladies' southern florist. 105 HEATH S CYPRESS. A fine, dark evergreen, with reddish, stems and stalks. This plant will only thrive in partially shaded situations. PYRAMIDAL CYPRESS, Is very handsome, and naturally assumes the pyramidal form, growing to the height of twenty feet. The cypress tribe may all be propagated by layers and cuttings, but much more readily by seeds. These gene- rally lie in the ground a year before they sprout. NORWAY SPRUCE. This is a hardy and ornamental ever- green, of yellomsh green foliage. It is the tallest of the European firs, with a straight, slender trunk, thick foliage and drooping branches. Although formal in appearance, when young, it is one of the most ornamental of all evergreens when 106 ladies' southern .florist, grown, wlien the limbs droop in depend- ing curves, adding fresh graces to it. The Norway Spruce will thrive in any soil and adapts itself to any situation. It should not be pruned at all. It attains the height of one hundred feet. CHILI Pixm. A beautiful tree, when healthy, which it rarely is. It attains, in its native soil, one hundred feet in height. It is elegant and unique. CALIFORNIA ARBOR VIT^. A very handsome specimen, with fans turned in diverse directions. The stems and stalks" are red. It is of rapid growth, and attains the height of fifty feet. GOLDEN ARBOR VIT^. This Chinese variety of the arbor vitse is the choicest of its kind. It should ladies' southern florist. 107 never be pruned. It grows only six feet higli, and is perfectly symmetrical, and very compact in foliage. It is almost golden hued in color, which gives it the name it bears. In winter, however, it changes to a rusty color. But its symmetry and usual beauty is sufficient amends for a temporary discoloration. ^ ^ PYRAMIDAL ARBOR YIT^. This is also a compact growth, the color bright green, and grows ten feet high. It should never be pruned. PALM-LEAF ARBOR VIT^, Has large, beautiful fans, in graceful fo- liage. HEMLOCK SPRUCE. This elegant tree is of a lively, green color. Humid soil is best adapted to its culture. It is rather difficult to transplant. 108 ladies' southern florist. Tliis spruce is not of sucb. monotonous formality as the E'orway spruce, the limbs being still more depending. The hemlock is considered the most beautiful tree of this family. It is of slow growth until fully established. It has great softness and delicacy of foliage, and slender, tapering branches, lb bears severe pruning without the slightest injury. CEDAR OF LEBANON. This magniiicent tree will grow in any soil. It advances with great rapidity in growth, but can scarcely equal the lovely, silvery Deodar. The cones of the Lebanon cedar are four inches long, and beautifully drawn. Deep trenching is of amazing util- ity in advancing the growth of this ever- green. ladies' southern florist. 109 JAPAN CEDAR. This cedar attains the height of one hun- dred feet, and is very ornamentaL SILVER FIR. Planted favorarblj, no tree is of more rapid growth than this. In a dry, com- pact soil, it grows slowly and is short lived, but in deep, rich loam, and a shel- tered position, it will grow rapidly, and with great vigor. The California Silver Fir is a trim and beautiful tree, which grows two hundred feet high, branching out from near the ground, and preserving a conic symmetry, with the utmost precision, creating an im- pression that it must have been trimmed by an experienced gardener. This tree, whea first introduced into Europe, brought sixteen dollars for seedlings of one year. 10 110 ladies' southern florist. JUNIPERS. « These evergreens display a silvery green foliage, growing in pyramidal form naturally. The leaves are small. Plants can be raised from the seed, which require eighteen months to vegetate. A dry loam on gravelly sub- soil is best adapted to their culture. Junipers should be encouraged to throw off branches from the ground, if intended for ornamental trees. Pruning the lower branches spoils the beauty of the trees, which are naturally perfectly plume-like in shape. BALSAM FIR. When planted in good soil, in a few years this fir becomes a perfect pyramid of dark green foliage. Rich, sandy soil is best adapted to it. It is hardy, easily trans- planted, and grows rapidly and with great vigor. The greatest objection to the balsam fir is its early decay. It is short-lived, and ladies' southern florist. Ill becomes very ragged in its appearance wlien it attains its full growth. HOLLY. "We have a fine native species, which is of slow growth, but is lovely even as a shrub. It is extremely difficult to transplant and establish. The best time to remove the plants from the woods is just before the buds begin to shoot. The smaller the plant the better the success of transplanting. Protect them a long time from the sun's rays. The native holly grows from twenty to forty feet high, and if not trimmed the lower limbs rest upon the ground, and the whole tree forms a beautiful symmetrical cone. In the fall it is covered with red berry fruit, which remain all winter. 112 ladies' southern florist, HOLLY-LEAVED BERBERRY. This is not so beautiful as our native liolly, but is easier to transplant. It grows six feet high. TEA PLANT. This plant is a half-hardy evergreen shrub, thickly branched, with dark green foliage, like the camelia japonica. The bloom is white. It grows from four to six feet high, when cultivated for tea-making, but will at- tain a height of ten feet when not dwarfed by this process. A light yellowish loam, well mixed with sand and moderately moist, is best for this plant. Earth mould, or any vegetable ma- nure, will increase its vigor. In order to make it assume a round and bushy outline, the ends of the shoots should be pinched off with the fingers, (this plant must not be touched with the knife,) otherwise it will grow too straggling. ladies' southern florist. 113 This shrub may be propagated from seed or cuttings. The seed should be planted two or three inches deep, and will vegetate in two or three months. The cuttings must be planted in October, and taken from ma- tured shoots. The seedlings or cuttings can be transplanted when a year old. LAUREL. All the laurels are fine, either the native species or the English. The kalmia, or na- tive laurel, should be cut down to the ground, in transplanting, to do well, being an excep- tion to its species in this respect. The English laurel is one of our most beautiful evergreens, with large, shining, green leaves. It grows twenty feet high, and bears a small white flower. It is of very rapid growth, and a desirable tree iu the flower yard. 114 ladies' southern florist CAPE jessamine. This handsome evergreen has beautiful dark green leaves, with a rich camelia- like flower, of delicious fragrance. It grows ten feet high, and may be propagated by layers or cuttings. They can also be grown in water, in glass, until rootlets appear, and the glass then filled up with sand. "When established in the sand, break off the glass and set in the ground without disturbing the roots. Plant cuttings in sand, and keep saturated with water, and they will be sure to succeed. The cape jessa- mine is handsome in single plants or hedges. In either case they should be al- lowed to stool. CAMELIA JAPONICA. This splendid evergreen can be grown out of doors in the more southern localities of this State, and therefore a description of its cultivation will not be out of place in ladies' southern florist. 115 this treatise. The camelia can be increased by layers, cuttings and seed. Layers can be made from shoots of the last year's growth. Trim the shoot clear of all side shoots or leaves as far as necessary to bed them. Dig the earth carefully, break- ing it fine and mixing rich earth-mould with it, and let it be slightly raised above the level of the ground, or if the branch be too high from the ground, place a pot filled with earth under the branch. Make a slant- ing cut upwards half through the branch, immediately below and close to a bud, which is termed "tongueing" it. Cut off the tip end of the tongue. This cut should be made at such a distance as to permit its being bent down into the ground. Give the branch a slightly twisting motion in the process, to prevent snapping it off and'to open it; then pm it down to the ground with a forked stick. Cover with two or three inches of earth. Then press the earth gently on and 116 ladies' southern florist. around the layer, and shorten to one or two buds above the surface. ' This description of layering applies generallj^ to all plants that admit of this method of propagation. Lay- ering may be done on the last year's growth just before the sap begins to rise in the spring; or, on the the new growth of the year, any time from the middle of June to the end of July, and even later. If pots are used for this operation, the^ earth in the pot must be kept very moist until the layer has rooted, care being taken in watering not to wash away the earth from around the cut. Plants propagated by seed are so sym- metrical and healthy that they will amply repay the pains necessary to be taken to raise them by this method. Select a plant to bear seed, the pistils of whose blooms are perfect. If you have none, you need not attempt the experiment. Then take a fine camel-hair pencil and put it gently on the ladies' southern florist. 117 pollen of the bloom of another plant (always a double variety), then, with this on the pen- cil, dust it lightly on the stigma of the bloom you have selected to bear seed, just as it is newly expanded. Between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon is the most proper time for the operation. The seed must be sown as soon as ripe. Plant them about an inch deep, in pots filled with leaf mould, loam and white sand, in equal por- tions, and place the pots in a warm situation. When six inches high transfer from the pots to the places where you desire them to grow. These will bloom the second year. Endless varieties can be produced by this method of hybridizing, which can successfully be applied to the rose and many other flowers. For the cultivation of the camelia the soil should be enriched to the depth of two feet with vegetable mould. Animal manure must never be applied to the japonica. In watering, be careful never to let any water 118 ladies' southeen florist. fall on the blooms, as tliis causes premature decay and fading of the colors. When the plant is young, during the heat of summer, mulch well around the stem ; and, if the plant be vigorous, water freely during dry weather ; but if the ]3l^nt be sick- ly, shade with evergreen boughs and water often, but sparingly. The japonica, out of doors, attains a height of from ten to twenty- five feet. PITTOSPORUM. This evergreen is a native of China, and quite hardy with us, growing to a height of fifteen feet. The foliage is very hand- some, and is dark green. It bears clus- ters of small white flowers, of fine fragrance. There is also a variegated variety of the pittosporum. This ornamental evergreen will grow with the most simple treatment. It is easily propagated by cuttings. ladies' southern florist. 119 TWISTED CYPRESS. This is a desirable evergreen, growing fifteen feet high. Its foliage partakes of the appearance of both cedar and arbor vitae, and seems to have a tendency to twist; hence its name. It forms a beauti- ful conical tree. OLEANDER. This is a beautiful, erect-growing shrub, of easj culture. It is subject to disease from becoming infested with a white, scaly insect, which must be destroyed by wash- ing. The single is not so handsome as .the double rose, which is exceedingly ten- der. Oleanders grow eight feet high. When they become sluggish, and do not bloom well, they should be cut down to the ground. They require some protection in the winter. The roots have wonderful vitality. Indeed, many evergreens have the same quality, and often, when apparently 120 ladies' southern -florist. dead for a year, will suddenly put forth new and vigorous. We have known an oleander root longer than this in a dor- mant condition, and to send forth fine healthy shoots. CORK OAK. This is a handsome evergreen, imported by the Government from Spain, and is suitable for a shade tree. The leaves are shaped like the holly, but rounder and of a paler green, similar to the live oak, with very large acorns. It is of very rapid growth, having grown two feet the first year. It is said to make a noble tree in less than twelve years. It is rather difficult to transplant, but with shade and extra care in moving, not many will fail, although all lose the foli- age, and renew on their recovery from the removal. The propagation is very easy from the acorns. ladies' southern florist. 121 florida magnolia. This magnificent and noble tree is indi- genous to our Southern States. Inland it attains a height of from ten to twenty feet. Nearer the coast it is of gigantic growth. There is not a more magnificent sio-ht in the world than an aA^enue of these superb evergreens, with their mon- strous blooms, such as grow in the lower parts of South Carolina and Georgia. The magnolia is of slow growth, but always elegant and symmetrical. The health and vigor of the trees are promo- ted by occasionally giving a top-dressing of salt, not allowing the salt to come in con- tact with the trunk or roots of the tree. CHINESE MAGNOLIA. This is a much more hardy species, and soon attains its full height, of six or eight feet. The flowers are lily-shaped, smaller than the Florida, and of two colors, the 11 122 ladies' southern-florist. wliite and the purple. Wlien full grown it loses its lower brandies, and assumes the appearance of an immense umbrella. EUONYMOUS. The foliage is a deep, shining green, of rapid growth, and suitable for hedges. The single plants require close and frequent pruning. The silver-edged is much the handsomer. It grows well from cuttings. "No necessity for small plants to have roots, as they will grow without. Height, ten to fifteen feet. Seedlings change very much in character from the parent plant. MESPILUS JAPONICA. This is a fine plant with large leaves, white underneath. It bears small white flowers on a spike, which produces, in a favorable climate, fruit of the size of a walnut, of a fine yellow blush color. It is of easy culture, and perfectly hardy. ladies' southern florist. 123 PRIVET. The privets are all lianclsome in hedges. The American bears a black berry, and the English a green berry, and both make good hedges. We also have the silver-edged, with variegated foliage. The Japan privet has long, oval leaves, of a bright green color, and is perfectly hardy. The L. Lu- cida privet has elegant, thick, camelia-like foliage, and grows from ten to fifteen feet high, into a handsome and S3^mmetrical tree. It bears spikes of small white flow- ers, succeeded by black berries, which hang on all winter. TREE BOX. This makes an ornamental hedge, and grows very rapidly. It is suitable for face hedging to other growth, to hide defects, o-rowins: well under trees. In single plants it grows twenty feet high, and can be 124 ladies' southern -florist. trimmed into any sliape desired. The gol- den-edged is a very pretty variety. The dwarf box is best for edging beds, and should first be cultivated from cut- tings, in plantations, and well rooted before bordering, because so uncertain. Box edo'ino-s which have remained a number of years in the same place, should be taken up and relaid. Dig them up and cut off the lower roots with a hatchet, and square the young top shoots with a sharp knife. The surplus box can be used in other parts of the garden. FRENCH FURZE. An erect, ]Drickly, evergreen shrub. It makes handsome and impenetrable hedges. It must be closely and regularly trimmed, or it becomes unsightly. Old and scragly grown trees should be cut down to the ground, and they will soon put out again. It grows four feet high. It should be ladies' southern florist. 125 more cultivated, for it is very gaj and beautiful in bloom. It blossoms early in the spring, in flowers of pea-bloom shape. In fact, it is more or less in bloom all the year; hence the old French proverb, that '' love goes out of fashion when the furze goes out of bloom." Elsewhere known as the Carolina cherry, is one of the most beautiful vegetable pro- ductions of the South. The foliage is a dark, shining green, handsome at all sea- sons. It has a small white bloom, succeeded by black fruit in berries. Its growth is ex- traordinarily vigorous and rapid. It is uni- versally used in hedges; and forms, when trimmed, solid walls of verdure, from ten to twenty feet high. The hedges require trim- ming twice in the year, in spring, and in fall after it has completed its growth for 126 ladies' southern T'LORIST. tlie season. Single trees can be trimmed into any shape desired. The seed are difficult to germinate, and when planted sometimes lie dormant in the ground two years before they come up. But by the following plan they can be easily raised. Put the seed, when ripe, into some vessel, with plenty of fresh ashes or lime mixed through them. In a week or ten days the hulls will readily rub off with the hands. Having hulled the seed, soak them in water until some of them burst, then plant imme- diately, in a rich bed. The first soaking rain will bring them up like peas. Trans- plant when one year old, when in a dor- mant state ; though the better plan is to sow the seed where they are to stand. The proper time to sow seed is in February or March. ladies' southern florist. 127 WHITE PINE. This is the loftiest pine in the Atlantic States, attaining a height of two hundred feet. The cones are four or Rve inches long. Young trees make an elegant appear- ance, owing to the lightness and delicacy of the foliage. It is not easily grown at the South. It is precarious of life, and when transplanted is liable to die. Hence we say that this is an midesirable evergreen. OLIVE. Olives require a temperate and equable climate. Too great heat is as hurtful to them as severe cold. Sudden changes of temperature are exceedingly injurious; hence it would seem to be little adapted to our variable climate. It is very delicate, and difficult to estab- lish in our latitude. If planted at all, it should have the benefit of a shady situa- tion. The climate of Florida, however, suits 128 ladies' southern florist. tlie olive, and in East Florida are several large olive trees planted by a colony of Greeks in 1783. There is a native olive found thinly disseminated through Florida and along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, as far as Louisiana, sometimes known as the Devil-wood. A humid soil or situation is injurious to the olive. It will grow from cuttings and pieces of root, and is very tenacious of life. The old proverb, that " no man who has planted an olive has ever tasted of its fruit," though not literally true, has arisen from the extreme slowness of its growth. The fragrant olive is a native of China and Japan, and is a more interesting plant. The flowers are white, growing in bunches, and highly fragrant, and are used by the Chinese for perfuming their teas. This spe- cies requires the same treatment as the Eu- ropean olive, and is of very slow growth. ladies' southern florist. 129 YEWS. These evergreens belong to the pine genus. The foliage resembles the hemlock spruce, but the fruit is not a cone, but a small red berry, in the hollow part of the extremity of which a small green seed appears. The yew can be clipped, without injury, into any shape. The leaves of the yew are very poisonous, both to men and cattle. The yews are all of extremely slow growth, and therefore very undesirable in the flower garden. The English yew grows to the height of twenty feet, and the Irish variety ten feet. The Canadian yew is a low, prostrate shrub, entirely worthless. WASHINGTONIA GIGANTEA. This is the giant pine of California. Doubtless its mammoth dimensions may be attributed to the richness of the soil in which it grows. The whole number of 130 ladies' southern florist. these trees in existence, young and old, does not exceed five hundred, and all are comprised within an area of about fifty acres. This spot is a rich gold region near Sonora. One of these noble trees was, by some gigantic accident, overthrown, some forty or fifty years since, the trunk of which was three hundred feet in length and the tree had, undoubtedly, attained the height of ^YQ hundred feet, when standing alive. At the butt it was one hundred and ten feet in circumference, or about thirty-six feet in diameter. On the bark quite a soil had accumulated, on which large shrubs were growing, elevated twenty-two feet above the ground. The seed of this tree has been calculated to have germinated when Moses was a baby. The leaves are triangular and scale-like, as in the cedar, and the wood is a deep red. The cones require two years to at- ladies' southern florist. 131 tain their full growth, when they are up- wards of a foot in length and nearly four inches in diameter. The growth of this giant pine is very slow, and its appearance, while young, not striking. It will attain a proper height for a flower garden in ffty years, and its full height in about one thousand years. AUCUBAN JAPONICA, Or Blotch plant, is of slow and preca- rious growth, and only attains an incon- siderable height. It has yellow spotted or blotched leaves, hence its name. The flowers are small and insignificant. If planted at all, it requires a shady situation to grow more freely. The hot sun is fatal to the Aucuban japonica. 132 ladies' southern- florist. To succeed well with lawns, the ground must be trenched, that the grass roots may penetrate at least two feet deep, and not be injured by drought, and preserve the freshness of color throughout the summer. After the ground has been trenched, it must be smoothly raked, and allowed to settle a week or ten days before planting. Loosen the surface with the rake when ready to sow the seed. Grass seed should be sown heavily, to cover the ground com- pletely. After sowing, the ground should be rolled with a heavy roller. Lawns should be frequently mown, and rolled after every rain, to make them vel- vety and close in texture. It is of great importance to have the plats heavily seed- ed, for then weeds can have no chance to grow. ^ever allow the grass to go to ladies' southern florist. 133 seed, but regularly mow every three or four weeks, from April to October, l^ever permit the grass to grow higher than four inches. In very dry weather, all lawns should be watered. In small plats, where a thick turf is required, the quantity of seed must be doubled. A mixture of grass seed is better than any single variety alone. For instance, sow equal parts of red-top and blue-grass — the Hungarian and JPahner grass, etc. The time for sowing lawns is in the spring or autumn. Sow broadcast, and as uniformly as possible, slightly covering the seed with a sprinkling of vegetable earth, and roll it well. With constant care a lawn will last a long time, but if aban- doned to itself, it will have to be renewed every few years. Lawns require to be weeded every spring and fall. They should be top-dressed in autumn with long ma- 12 134 ladies' southekn' florist. niire, raking off tlie straw in tlie spring, before tlie grass begins to grow. A mix- ture of guano and soot is equally good for a top dressing. A sprinkling of vege- table earth, is tbe best fertilizer tbat can be applied to a strong soil. This should be done once in three years. Small lawns are improved by resowing every year, to keep them fresh and thick. If old lawns become mossy, the best plan is to harrow with an iron rake, and in- stead of disturbing the grass it will im- prove it. Guano, mixed half-and-half with sand or charcoal, is a great renovator of grass plats, if sown before a rain in Feb- ruary. By neglecting to mow grass too long, the roots become tender, and die under the heat of the sun. INDEX. Almond, flowering, . . Amaranthus tri-color, . Ambrosia, Anemone, .... Arbor- Vitse, California, . " " Golden, . " " Palm-Leaf, " " Pyramidal, Ash, weeping, , . . , Aucuban japonica, . . Azaleas, Balsams, .... Balsam of apple, . . Berberry, holly-leaved, Blotch plant, . . . Botanical outline, Budding roses," . . . Burning bush, . . Box, dwarf, .... " tree, .... Camelia jnponica, . Canterbury bells, . PAGE . 64 87 . 16 81 , 106 106 , 101 107 . 99 131 . 64 , 87 88 , 112 131 7 45 , 98 124 123 114 77 Candy tuft, .... Cape jessamine, . . . Cedar of Lebanon, . . " Deodar, . . . . " Japan, . . . Chili pine, China asters, . . . Chrysanthemums, . . Cockscomb, . • . . . Columbine, . . . . Coreopsis, .... Cork Oak, Crocus, . . . . . Cuttings, of Evergreens, " Rose, . . Cypress vine, . . . . Cypress, Deodar, . . " Funereal, . . " Heath's, . . " Pyramidal, . . " Twisted, . . Daffodils, Dahlias, PAGE 82 . 114 108 , 103 109 . 106 89 . 61 90 , 69 78 , 120 59 , 48 41 90 103 , 104 105 105 119 59 97 136 IXDEX. Deutzia, Euonvmous, 100 ... 12 " silver-edged, . 122 1 Everlasting pea, . . . 69 j Ice plant, Evergreens, 102 Iris, . . Hyacinths, feathered, Hybridizing, . . . Hvdrangea, . . . Fringe tree, 99 'Jasmine, Chili, Feverfew, 83 Jessamines, Fir, balsam, 110 " Cape, " California silver, . . 109 Jonquils, . . " silver, 109 Junipers, . . Four o'docks, '70 . . . 124 Lagerstremia, French furze. Larkspui-s, Lavender, Laverins. Geraniums, 6 Gillv-flower, 1 ' I - -. Gladiolus, 60 i Laurel, . Golden rod, 81 Lawns, . Lilac, . . Heartsease, 85 'Lily, tiger. Hedges, 18 1 " white Heliotrope, 68 Laurustinus, " summer, . . 72 Holly, Ill Hollyhock, .... Honeysuckles, English, " Bratton, Horned poppy, . . . Hvacinths, .... Magnolia, Chinese, 60 " Florida, 93 Mallows, . . . . 94 Marigold, , . , SeiMespilus japonica, . 49 'Mexican vine, . . PA6R . 52 116 , 101 11 , 59 72 . 95 114 . 59 110 63 , 78 68 , 115 113 132 96 59 58 19 121 121 86 92 122 91 INDEX, 137 Mignonette, . . Mullen pink, . MaeCartney rose, Myitle, Crape, Nankin perilla, PAGE 76 Oleander, 119 Olive, European, . . . .127 " fragrant, .... 128 Orange, wild, 125 " mock, .... 64 Panseys, 85 Peonias, 65 Petunias, 74 Periwinkle, 83 Phlox, 75 Pine, Chili, 106 " Giant, of California, .129 " white, 127 Pinks, 79 Pittosporum, . . . . 118 Poppy, 82 " horned, .... 86 Portulacca, 75 Preparation of Garden, . 13 Privet, 123 Pyrusjaponica, . ... 99 PAGE Ranunculus, 66 Rhododendron, .... 89 Rose cuttings, 41 Roses, culture of, . . '' budding of, . ■* pruning of, . . " Bourbon, . . ' Brier, . . . " Climbing, . . " China, . . . " Hybrid perpetuals, " Moss, ... " Musk, .... " Tea, .... Seed-sowing, 24 Snapdragon, .... 77 Snowdrop, ...... 59 Snowball, 96 Snowberry, 70 Spiraea, 63 Spruce, hemlock, . . .107 " Norway, . . . 105 Sun-flower, double, ... 82 Suckers, propagation from, 100 Syringa, 64 Sweet brier, 20 Sweet Williams, .... 81 138 INDEX. PAGE Tassel-flower, .... 87 Tea plant, 112 Transplanting, .... 21 Trenching, Garden, ... 13 Tuberoses, 56 Tulips, 53 Verbenas, 92 Violets, 84 PAGE Watering, 27 Wall-flower, 72 Washingtonia Gigantea, . 129 Waxberry, 70 White lily, 58 Wild orange, 125 Woodbines, 94 Yews, 129 PUBLICATIONS OP I>. B. OL A.SS, (successor to R. L. BRYAN,) PIBlISHft BDIKSEUEa AID STATIDIM. 175 Richardson, Street^ COLUMBIA, S. C< LIST OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY P. B. GLASS, (Successor to E. L. Bryan,) COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. BARNWELL. Manual of Supplementary References to the Course of Lectures upon Moral Philosophy, de- livered before the Junior Class of the S. C. Col- lege, by Rev. R. W. Barnwell. LaBORDE. History of the South Carolina College by Dr. M. LaBorde. LIEBER. The Character of the Gentleman; by Dr. Francis LlEBER. RION. Ladies' Southern Florist, by Mrs. James H. RiON. THOMAS. The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, edited by Prof. J. P. Thomas. WILLIAMS. Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, by Prof. M. J. Williams. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY P. B. GLASS, (SUCCESSOR TO R. L. BRYAN,) Columbia, S. €. History of the South Carolina College, From its incorporation, December 19, 1801, to No- vember 25, 1857. Including Sketches of its Presidents and Professors. With an Appen- dix containing a brief history of the Soci- eties of the College, a complete list of the Trustees, Presidents, Professors, Tutors, Treas- urers, Librarians, and Alumni — from 1801 to 1858 — as well as a record of the honors awarded from the period of the fivst commencement to the commencement of 1858, inclusive. By Maxa- MiLLiAN LaBorde, M. D., Professor of Meta- physics, Logic, and Rhetoric, South Carolina College. 1 vol., 8vo. Price, muslin^ $2; half calf, $3.50. Extract from the Author's Preface. 5i« * * * a I haye endeavored to trace it from its beginning to a very recent period ;^ to give the story of its trials, its reverses, and its triumphs. Nothing important to the truth of history has been suppressed. I might have sketched a more beautiful and attractive picture, which would have been looked upon with a higher pride and admiration. * * * iv PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. It would not have been the history of the College, and truth would have been sacrificed to taste and senti- ment. But the College will not sufi'er by such an ex- posure. >H * * * -^Q feeling of modesty shall constrain me from saying, that from the first day of its existence to the present moment, no body of young men assembled for a similar purpose in any of the In- stitutions of the country, have been freer from irregu- larities, exhibited a higher honor and a nobler virtue, reflected more credit upon the Alma Mater, and vin- dicated more clearly in future life their claim to the respect and confidence of the public. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. M'om the Wi7insbor6* Begiste)\ Mr. Davidson, Contributing Editor. "It claims to be — and very thoroughly and faithfully is — a History of the South Carolina College. Our friends are aware that we expected much at the hands of the biographer of our mental mother — him at whose feet we sat in the days agone. High as were these expectations, they have been fully met in the volume before us. The spirit is genial and appreciative. The work we consider an admirable contribution to the history of education, an important section in the History of South Carolina, and a valuable contribution to the bibliographical literature of the State." Fro77i The Courant. "Dr. LaBorde's style is singularly chaste, while he yet avoids the fault of dryness, but no glow of imagination, or flush of fancy, can betray him into meretricious ornament, or the splendida vitia of even some of our best writers. * * * The mere matter of collecting facts, marshalling dates, putting down numbers and arranging names, is not the object of this volume. Upon these dry bones he has breathed a living spirit, and the History of the College passes before us, on these pages, like some splendid pauo- PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. rama. We shall not say that the dead seem alive again, but that we see them in the most perfect representation ; standing out in vivid columns like some of the best woi'd-painting of Livy or Lord Macaulay," From the Cheraw Gazette. " If Professor LaBorde was never to write another paragraph, this clothing of a comparatively barren and sterile subject in a foliage rich in the variety of its beautiful and fascinating tints, would establish his reputation as an author, as a historian, and as a scholar, high up in the niche of the eminent." From the Laurensville Herald. " The author has placed all favorers of education in the State, and especially the alumni of the College, under great obligations, for the manner in which he has touched off the various struggles and trials erf the College. This book is of interest to all." From the Chester Standard. '* It is written in a pleasant and entertaining style, and will be enjoyed by thousands of eager admirers." From the Anderson Gazette. *' The History is faithfully traced. It is a book that every one will find something of interest in." Fro7n the Greenville Mountaineer. "Dr. LaBorde has given to the public not only a historical volume, but a very interesting book, one that will command the attention of even those who never knew of the existence of the College, while for those whose memories are linked with the insti- tution, he has contributed a work of lasting interest." From the Greenville Mountaineer^ contributed by B. F. Perry, " The South Carolina College and the State of South Carolina are under great obligations to Dr. LaBorde for his labors and success in tracing, from its foundation up to the present time, the history of this noble institution, and sketching, in such graphic terms, its Presidents and Professors. These portraitures of character are worthy of the pen of Plutarch. How beautifully it gives the high and commanding character of the elociuent and gifted MAXcr, the first and most revered President of the Col- VI PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. lege. How truthfully is told the life and character of the learned utilitarian infidel, Cooper. * * * The sketch of Barnwell is that of an accomplished scholar, statesman, patriot, gentleman and Christian. The character of the brilliant, eloquent, generous Preston, is drawn m terms which would do credit to the finest sketches of Macaulay. The pure, virtuous and learned Henry, is described with feelings which go to the heart of the reader, and produce an admiration and sympathy for the man. The analysis of the learning, chai-acter and mind of the wonderful Tuornwell, displays surpassing ability as a writer and scholar. A just tribute is well paid to the character of Dr. Lieber, whose mind, stored with all learning, ancient and modern, has given himself a world- wide fame. The character of Bishop Elliot is well drawn, noble in person, noble in intellect, noble in every Christian virtue. The sketch of the deeply lamented Nott is a lovely one. There are many drawn with equal truth and beauty, who honored the Col- lege as Professors, and who ai-e now honored by the charming historian." From the Spartanburg Express. "In giving this work to the public. Dr. LaBorde has not only added to his own reputation as a scholar and writer, but he has made a most valuable contribution to the literature of his native State. The composition of this book seems to have been to him a labor of love, and we think we are not mistaken in saying that upon no one could the task have been more appropriately devolved." From the Darlington Flag. " To the alumni of the College, to whom this work is dedicated, it will be invaluable, while the great fund of information it con- tains, the pure and graceful style in which it is written, and the deep interest which the public has always manifested, in every- thing connected with the institution, and the past history which it records, will secure it a hearty welcome from the general reader." From the Pee Dee Times. " Every alumnus of our noble old State College, every student, every friend of education in the State, will thank Dr. LaBorde for writing a truthful, most reliable, and very interesting history of the institution which, for more than fifty years, has been an honor and blessing to South Carolina, * * * This history should be in the library of every reading man who loves his native land and her institutions." PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. From the Abbeville Banner. " To recall to mind, as the author has done, the scenes which make up the grand college drama, having a run of fifty years, with the entire State as an audience, must have been a pleasant task to the author, and we may venture the opinion that his labors will be duly appreciated by the reading public." From SotUhern Presbyterian Eeview, Dr. Geo. Howe, Editor. "Dr. LaBorde has performed a very acceptable service to the people of this State, to the friends of education and to the nume- rous alumni of the South Carolina College— by the historical work whose title is given above. Rarely have we ever read a work of this character with greater zest. Partly, it may be owing to the value we set upon this cherished institution, which has ac- complished so much for the State, partly to our acquaintance with the man who, for the last thirty years, has been numbered among its instructors, and partly to the decided relish we profess to have for compositions of this kind. Much honor is due to the skill and judgment of the historian himself, and the easy and lively style in which his work is written. There is enough of history to enable us to follow the thread of events both as to the external and interior state of the College, without that multiplicity of detail which would weary and disgust. We are now amused with the pranks of the students, now sympathise with the troubles in which the government of the College is involved, and are always interested in the biographical sketches, and the analysis of charac- ter, which Dr. LaBorde has given of the several Professors and Presidents, who have either been removed by death or have re- signed the chairs they occupied for other pursuits. Some of them passed away with the last generation, and are only remembered by the few aged men who yet survive. Others were our cotempo- raries, and some of these are yet among us. So with the histo- ries of living men, or those just now departed, and gone forth to the public, an estimate of their labors, and an analysis of their character, was a matter at once delicate and difficult of execution. Dr. LaBorde, conscious of the goodness of his intentions, has gone forward boldly, and has striven to hold the balances with an impartial hand." Fro7}i Desoto's Review. "Here is a work which will be prized by the numerous alumni of the old South Carolina College, as by scholars throughout the South. It is from the pen of the Professor of Metaphysics, Logic and Rhetoric, and includes the whole period of the exis- 13 Vlll PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. tence of the College from 1801 to date, giving an account of the range of its studies, the lives of the Presidents, Professors and more distinguished students, with catalogues of all the gradu- ating classes, &c. Dr. LaBorde has accomplished his task with much ability, and we could wish to see as much done for our other institutions of learning." From RusselVs Magazine^ {Contributed.) " When a motion M^as made, in the Board of Trustees, that the archives of the South Carolina College be placed at the disposal of Dr. LaBorde, to facilitate his writing a history of the institu- tion, we thought that the right thing was about to be done by the right man. The occasional mention of the forthcoming volume, in the columns of the Columbia press, and the significant hints of the various gentlemen who stood in the confidential relation of Macenas to the author, inspired us with fresh confidence, and we were, therefore, not at all surprised at the high commendation and universal applause, which has attended the consummation of so worthy a book in so able a manner. When the press has spoken at all it has spoken in terms of enthusiastic praise, and from all parts of the State we have seen notices of it of the most laudatory kind, under initials or pseudonymic, in which it was easy to detect those well able and qualified to judge of its merits, and whose information is a passport to fame. The author of the portraits of Nott, and Preston, and Henry, has been compared to Plutarch. His style is thought, in places, not inferior to Macau- lay, and his weird power of word-painting to rival that master of pictured prose, the immortal Livy. This is great praise. To put one in mind of the most elegant Avriters of Greece, Rome and Great Britain, is a compliment which should compensate an Amer- ican writer for all the discouragements to which he is doomed in the path of literature, and impose upon him with the exhibition of a just pride, the obsei'vance of a chastened humility. We regard it, then, as an approved verdict, that the History of the South Carolina Collee;e has done infinite credit to its author, con- ferred a lasting service upon the College, and added new lustre to the literature of the South. LaBorde's History of the South Carolina College will be sent by Mail, to any part of the United States, on the receipt of two dollars and thirty cents. Ad- dress P. B. Glass, Publisher, Columbia, S. C. PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. IX The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun, Edited by Prof. John P. Thomas, (of the State Military Academy of South Carolina.) With a superb Portrait, on steel, of John C. Calhoun, and fac simile autograph. One handsome 8vo. volume, 416 pp., clo., emb., Price, $2.00. Extract from Editor'' s, Preface. The present volume is commended to the people of South Carolina with every confidence that it will be accepted by them as a valued memento of the sad but cherished past. Designed mainly to commemorate the death of Calhoun, it embraces all the important inci- dents, ceremonies and testimonials, connected with that great event \ together with the several discourses, addresses and orations, elicited from the full hearts of admiring Carolinians. The death at Washington; the meeting in the Senate Hall ; the removal home of the mortal remains; the imposing demonstration at Charleston ; the Cemetery of St. Philip's ; the plain marble slab with its brief though expressive inscrip- tion ; and then the solemn gathering of our people in various quarters — these are the scenes which the vol- ume depicts — these the recollections it revives. It thus speaks forcibly to the heart — and, moreover, presents a record of mingled love, admiration and grief, such, we conceive, as has been vouchsafed to but very few men. Herein are contained the remarks in Congress of distinguished Senators and Representatives; the Ser- mon of the Chaplain of the Senate ; the Report of the Committee of Twenty-five ; the Narrative of the Fune- ral Honors at Charleston; the Message of Governor Seabrook ; the Discourses of the Rev. Messrs. Barn- well, Thornwell, Miles, Palmer and Smith ; and the Orations — instinct with tliouglit and feeling — of Messrs. Allston, Coit, Henry, Wliyte, Porclier, Ham- mond, Rliett and Porter. Nor must we omit to refer to the resolutions of the Pennsylvania and New York Legislatures, the proceedings of the New York Histori- cal Society, and to other memorials of rare interest ; all bearing the highest testimony to the virtues and the services of our great statesman, and showing how well the splendor of his public conduct accorded with the stainless purity of his private life. Precious, therefore, are the memories which this volume embalms ; useful is the lesson it teaches ; and deathless the spirit it excites. Filled with thoughts of high import — with the sentiments both of laymen and divines, its pages wear the chaste impress of truth, and glow with the fire of genuine eloquence. ImjDressively they tell of patriotism and noble self- devotion ; of duty and its stern behests ; of greatness and its large rewards; of laurels icon and cijprcss scattered. COMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESS. From RusseWs Magazine. "Prof. Thomf.s has done an essential service to tlie State, and incidentally to history itself, in the compilation of this valuable work." From the Darlington Family Friend. "It is a worthy tribute to the memory of the great Carolinian; it should be found in the possession of every son of our State, and be treasured by each as a priceless memorial of the immortal statesman." From the Camden Journal. "It is a genuine tribute to exalted talent and great moral and political worth." PUBLICATIONS- OF P. B. GLASS. xi From the Charleston Evening News. " It abounds in gems, speeches and orations, and contains a largo body of historical and political matter, with which Mr. Cal- houn had connection in his great and eventful life." From the Charleston Mercury. " We heartily thank the editor for his valuable labors in mak- ing this collection." From the Yorkville Enquirer. "It is entirely a Southern work, Southern production and Southern sentiment, and should adorn the library of every true Southron." From the Charleston Courier. "The editor has given to the public a volume of 416 pages, of closely printed matter, gathering, as it were, the scattered blocks, hewn out and polished by the various artists, and piling with them a noble literary and moral monument, to the memory and virtues of the great and glorious dead." Froyn the Abbeville Independent Press. "The editor, as he states in his preface, has not aspired to authorship, but has contented himself with merely arranging in a fitting casket the choice gems of others, and he has executed his task with great taste and judgment. He has erected a monument more enduring than the sculptured marble or monumental pile, and which will more effectually embalm the life, the character,' the genius and public services of the great Calhoun, in the grate- ful memory of his admiring countrymen. " Apart from its intrinsic merits, the work should be in the hands of every Carolinian, as an enduring record of the man whom we all delight to honor; and particularly should it be prized by the citizens of the district which gave him birth, where his memory is most cherished, and where his genius, character and public services have ever received a due appreciation." The Carolina Tribute to Calhoun will be sent by Mail, to any part of the United States, on receipt of two dollars and thirty cents. Address P. B. Glass, Publisher, Columbia, S. C. Xll PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. A History of Upper South Carolina. By John H. Logan, A. M. In which is presented a lively narrative of events, in connection with many Living- Names and Present Scenes, from the period of its being first penetrated by the White Man to the close of the War of Independence. Two vols., 12mo., 600 pp., - - $3.00 The Character of the Gentleman. An Address to the Students of 3Iiami University, Ohio, on the evening before Commencement Day, in August, 1846. By Francis Lieber, LL. D., Prof, of History, Columbia College, New York ; late Prof, of Political Philosophy and Economy in South Carolina College. Second and enlarged edition, 12mo. Cloth, 75 cents ; paper 50 cents. A Manual of Supplementary References To the Course of Lectures upon 3Ioral Philosophy, delivered before the Junior Class of the South Carolina College, by Rev. Robert W. Barn- well, Prof of 3Ioral Philosophy, Sacred Litera- ture, and Evidences of Christianity. 8vo., half- mor., $1.75 Williams' Trigonometry. Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, pre- pared for Schools and Colleges, By Prof. Mat. J. Williams, late of the South CaroHua College. 12mo., sheep., 75 PULICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. XIU I=»- IB. G^Xj^^SS, IS SOLE AGENT OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA FOR THE SALE OF THE FOLLOWING BOOKS: The Statutes of South Carolina. Twelve volumes, octavo. Carroll's Historical Collections of Soutlj Carolina. Two vol- umes, octavo. Pressley's Law of Magistrates. One volume, octavo. — ALSO, — Is Agent for the sale of the following Books, published in South Carolina : The Law and Equity Reports of South Carolina. Rivers' History of South Carolina. . One volume, 8vo.; $2. Carroll's Catechism of United States History. 12mo., cloth ; 75 cents. The Hireling and the Slave, Chicora, and other Poems ; by "VVm. J. Grayson. One volume, 12mo., cloth; $1. Connor's Law Digest, $S ; interleaved, $10. Connor's Equity Digest, $12 ; interleaved, 2 vols., $15. Connor's Suit at Law, $1. Fh^iTg's Digest, $4 ; interleaved, $5. Miller's Compilation, $3. The Country ; by Wm. J. Grayson. Cloth, 50 cts. ; gilt, 75 cts. Historical Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society. Two volumes. 8vo., cloth ; $5 per volume. Gibbes' Documentary History of South Carolina. 3 vols., 8vo., cloth; $4.50. Ramsay's History of South Carolina. 1 vol., Svo.; $8.50. Lieber's Reports of the Geological Survey of South Carolina ; with numerous Geognostic Maps, &c. Vols. 1, 2, 3 and 4 ; $2. Evans' Road Law of South Carolina. Analvsis of Butler's Analogy, Part First ; by Rev. James H. Thorn well, D. D. Review of Paley's Moral Philosophy ; by same author. Furman's Poems. 1 vol., 12mo., $1. Johnson & Walker's Map of South Carolina; handsomely col- ored and mounted on rollers. Judge O'Neall's Bench and Bar of South Carolina. 2 volumes, Svo. ; $5. PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. (successor to R. L. BRYAN.,) 3E=^XJ:OILi3:SX3[E3rL^ BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, COLUMBIA, S. C. Continues the Book Business at the Old Stand in Columbia, (for ovei' thirty years occupied as a Bookstore,) near the Court House, and offers to the public a most complete and carefully selected stock in every depai-tment of his business. Law, Medical, School, Theological, and lfflSg©©lMm(i®mg IB®®]ks3 GIFT BOOKS, ALBUMS, JUVENILE BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS Of eveiy variety manufactured. BIBLES Of every variety and style of binding. PRAYER BOOKS AND HYMN BOOKS, For all denominations. Music Books, Memorandum and Pass Books, Pocket Books, Invoice and Letter Books, Receipt Books, Note Books, Check Books, Bill Books, all printed, affording every facility in the Counting Room. PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. XV CONSTANTLY ON HAND A SUPERIOR STOCK OF Comprising Letter, Cap and Note Papers, of all sizes, qualities and descriptions ; Envelope and Wrapping Papers ; also Flat pji- pers of all sizes, and is prepared to manufacture BLANK BOOKS to anv pattern, at short notice. Envelopes in numberless variety and of the best quality. He has also procured a STAMPING MACHINE, and is prepared to stamp any name or seal upon paper or envelopes. Wedding Cards and Envelopes furnished, engraved, printed or written to order. Artists, Architects and Draughtsmen will find a complete stock of materials for their use. Drawing Paper in sheets and rolls ; Bristol Boards, Pastel Paper and Boards, all colors. Sketching Blocks and Books, Oil Canvas, Oil Paper, Mathematical Instru- ments, Pencils, Scales, Oil Colors and tubes, Water Colors in cakes and boxes. Brushes, Pallettes and Knives, Easels and Stretchers, Oil, Varnishes, Drawing Pens, TacIvS, &c. Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings. Frames made to order at short notice. Also, a fine stock of Paintings, Oil Prints, Engravings, Litho- graphs,' colored and plain. Stereoscopes and Views, Globes, Writing Desks, Portfolios, Musical Instruments, Strings for Violin and Guitar of the first quality. Csitlerv of the best manufacture, Shefiield Knives, Razors, Srrrps, &c. ; Inks — black, blue and carmine, Indellible and Copy- ing ; bopyiii- I'resscs and their accompaniments, Mucilage, Chess and Backgammon Men and Boards, in great variety. Fancy Articles too numerous to mention. Arrangements having been made, he will obtain to order any book published in America or Europe. All new publications received as soon as issued, and sold at publisher's prices. Wholesale Purchasers, Schools and Libraries supplied. Special attention given to all orders. Address P. B. GI.4SS, Successor to R. L. BRYAN, 175 Richardson Street, Columbia, S. C. PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. Blin Fi 11 WMl ill m flElD. FOR SALE BY P. B. GLASS. The American Cattle Doctor, by Gr. H. Dodd, M. D., $1 00 The Field Book of Manures, by D. Jay Brown, 1 25 Sheep Husbandry, by Henry S. Randall 1 25 The Farmer at Home, by John L. Blake 1 25 Allen on the Culture of the drape 1 00 Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry 1 25 The American Poultry Yard, by D. J. Browne, 1 00 The Orchard, With colored plates 8 00 The xlmerican Fruit Culturist, illustrated 1 25 Youatt on the Horse $1 50 1 25 " " Pig 1 25 " " Sheep 75 '' " Dog, $1 50 1 25 Buist's Family Kitchen Gardener 75 Stephens' Book of the Farm, 2 vols 4 00 Allen's American Farm Book.. 1 00 Hand Books of Rural and Domestic Economy, as follows : The Hive and Hone}^ Bee, Do- mestic Fowls, the Horse, Hogs, the Rose, the the Pests of the Farm, Essay on Manures, the Bird Fancier, the Cow, &c., each 25 Mason's Farming and Stud Book, by J. S. Skinner 1 00 Ornamental and Domestic Poultry, by Dixon & Kerr 1 00 The Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Garden, by S. Neill, LL. D 1 25 PUBLICATIONS OF P. B. GLASS. XVll Downing — Fruit and Fruit Trees of America... 1 25 '^ Landscape Gardening 3 50 " Country House 4 00 The Fruit Garden, by P. Barns 1 25 Buist's Bose Manual 75 " American Flower Garden 1 25 Loudon on Gardening 8 00 '' Encyclopoedia of Agriculture 8 00 The Muck Manual, by S. L. Dana 1 00 Buist's American Flower Garden Directory 1 25 Ladies' Southern Florist, or every Lady her own Flower Culturist, by Mary C. Rion ; a supe- rior work, and complete Flower Garden Com- panion and Directory 1 00 Kemp on Landscape Gardening 2 00 Paxton's Botanical Dictionary 7 00 American Weeds and LTseful Plants 1 50 The Wheat Plant, &c., by J. K. Kleppart 1 50 Domestic Fowls 25 Cranford on Sheep 50 Saxton's Rural Hand Books, 2 vols 3 00 Field Sports, by Frank Forrester, 2 vols 4 00 Stable and Table Talk 1 00 The American Angler's Guide 1 50 Norton's Elements of Scientific Agriculture 60 Field's Pear Culture 75 Sorgho and Imphee 1 00 The Cotton Planter's Manual, by J. A. Turner 1 00 Pardee on Strawberry Culture 60 Munn's Practical Land Drainer 50 Flint on Grasses 1 25 " Milch Cows 1 50 Warner on Hedges and Evergreens 1 00 J8@^ Besides the above mentioned, a large stock of Agricultural, Horticultural, and Floricultural Works are kept constantly on hand. The Ladies' Southern Florist. By Mary C. Rion, of Winnsboro', S. C. 1 vol., 12mo., handsome embossed cloth. Price, $1. Columbia : Published by P. B. Glass. Extract from the AutJwrs Pre/ace. The Author of this volume, desiring a book on Flower Gardening which might be adapted to the South, and, at the same time, written in such a man- ner as to be intelligible to one not 2i j^ro/essioncd Florist^ was unable to find any work answering either of these requisites. After procuring such works on Flowers as were accessible, I commenced making memorandums of such information as I found in these, by observation, to be suited to our climate — making such modifications, corrections and additions as my experience suggested. These memorandums I enlarged by inquiries made of practical flower-garden icorkmen, and by hints derived solely from my own practice. From the YorkvUle Enquirer^ July 19, Mr. Davidson, Con- tributing Editor. "It deals in actualities — not in sentimentalities about roses, loves, angels and such stuff, of the fashionable poets. It tells in plain language how to plant flowers, when and where ; how to dig, trench, hoe, manure, prune and water the flowers ; how to kill bugs, caterpillars and worms ; how to manage cuttings, bud- dings, and hundreds of other similar things. There is fifty times as much common sense in this little book on flowers — on Sotithern flowers, be it remembered — as we have ever seen in anything of the kind. We have gone ourself to the books for facts on flow- ers, and we speak from our observation. The books are far too ambitious — they are up in the skies of science, in the clouds of sentiment, but never down in the soil of practical facts. We have seen volumes read upon some favorite but sickly climber, which, meanwhile, died very quietly; all for want of some sim- ple home truth too humble for the books, but which you can find given in unmistakable language here in Mrs. Rion's 'Southern Florist.' " The "Florist" will be sent to any address, free of postage, on receipt of $1. 11 m ^^m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDDTl'^SflTt.