UG 410 .fill 1916d Copy 1 STATEMENTS OF APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES, AND BALANCES SE AC OAST FORTIFICATIONS AND FIELD ARTILLERY (ORGANIZED MILITIA ARTILLERY EXCLUDED) UNITED STATES AND ITS INSULAR POSSESSIONS (PANAMA CANAL EXCLUDED) 1888 TO JUNE 30, 1915, INdUSIVE (Prepared for Use of the Subcommittee in charge of the Fortifications Appropriation Bill, Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives) SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION WASHINGTON liOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE I9ia Vi> D. of D. APR 18 1916 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Letter from the Secretary of War 5 United States: Exhibit A. Statement of amounts expended on defenses of each fortified harbor, 1888 to June 30, 1915 6 Exhibit Al. Statement of amounts expended under each heading of the fortification act, 1888 to .June 30, 1915, at each fortified locality 7-9 Exhibit A2. Statement of appropriations, expenditures, and unallotted balances for seacoast fortifications and their accessories, 1888 to June 30. 1915 9-15 Exhibit A3. Statement of expenditures for specific items of work, seacoast fortifications at specified localities, disbursed by Engineer Department, 1888 to June 30, 1915 15 Insular possessions: Exhibit B. Statement of amounts expended on defense of localities to June 30, 1915 17 Exhibit Bl. Statement of amounts expended under each heading for forti- fication act at each fortified locality, to include June 30, 1915 17 Exliibit B2. Statement showing appropriations, expenditures, and unal- lotted balances for seacoast fortifications and their accessories, to include June 30, 1915 18-22 Exhibit D. Field Artillery, statement of expenditures to July 1, 1915, balances available for expenditure for such purposes on that date, and amounts additional to such balances intended to be expended in future. . 23 Exhibit E. Statement of miscellaneous items related to but not strictly forming part of the fortification project 24 3 FORTIFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. War Department, Washington, Fehruary 21, 1916. Hon. SwAGAR Sherley, Chairman Subcommittee on Fortifications, House of Represe7itatives. My Dear Mr. Sherley: There were transmitted to you on January 8, 1915, tabulated statements showing the application of appropria- tions made by Congress for fortifications and related purposes from and including the year 1888 to July 1, 1914. The statements of ex- penditure then furnished you have been revised to show the applica- tion of appropriations to include June 30, 1915, and copies thereof are transmitted herewith for substitution for the corresponding state- ments of January 8, 1915. Exliibit A and Appendixes 1, 2, and 3 show the expenditures for seacoast fortifications in continental United States, apportionexl to localities as far as is practical, and the balances on hand on June 30, 1915. Exhibit B and Appendixes 1 and 2 show the corresponding data for the fortifications in insular possessions. Exhibit D shows the amount expended for field-artillery material to June 30, 1915, and the amounts available for expenditure on that date. Exhibit E shows the amounts expended for miscellaneous items related to, but not strictly forming a part of, the fortification project. The grand total of all appropriations as accounted for in the state- ments of January 8, 1915, was .$175,974, 699. 13; that accounted for in the statements herewith is .$182,042,777.13. The dift'erence between these amounts, $6,068,078, is made up of $6,060,078, carried by the fortification act of 1916, and $8,000 carried by the sundry civil act of March 3, 1915. Exhibit F contains estimated costs by localities of projects of the Board of Review, including estimated costs of completing accessories for existing armament. This project includes estimates submitted in 1917 estimates. The details of the estimates are given in Report of the Board of Review of November 26, 1915. The appropriations made in the fortification acts for the 28 fiscal years 1889-1915 aggregate $158,644,774.72, of which sum $136,814,- 832.72 was appropriated for the United States and $21,829,942 for the insular possessions. The grand total of all appropriations for fortifications and related pm-poses and of allotments for similar purposes from national de- fense act as given Jan. 8, 1915 |175, 974, 699. 13 By appropriation for fortifications, approved Mar. 3, 1915 6, 060, 078. 00 Bv sundry civil act, approved Mar. 3, 1915 (enlargement of Gover- nors Island, N . Y . ) 8, 000. 00 Total 182, 042, 777. 13 5 6 FORTIFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. Deducting from this the amounts returned to the Treasury, viz, $1,057,530.32, as shown on Exhibit A-2, and $110,928.69, as shown on Exhibit E, or a total of $1,168,459.01, there remains $180,873,- 318.12 as the total of the expenditures for fortifications and related purposes, including available unexpended balances on hand. The total appropriated, .$182,042,777.13, is accounted for by exhibits as follows: Exhibit A-2 1129,282,568.50 Exhibit B-2 22,134,609.00 Exhibit D 13. 845, 800. 00 Exhibit E 16, 779, 799, 63 Total 182, 042, 777. 13 It wall be noted that the above figures do not include any appro- priations for fortifications for the Panama Canal. Appropriations for that locality have been made in the sundry civil acts for the fiscal years 1912-1916, inclusive, and, including amounts for barracks and quarters, aggregate $14,689,873.30. Verv respectfully, H. L. Scott, Secretary of War ad interim. Exhibit A. STATEMENT SHOWING THE TOTAL AMOUNTS EXPENDED ON THE DEFENSES OF EACH FORTIFIED HARBOR IN CONTINENTAL UNxTED STATES DURING AND SINCE 1888, TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 1915. Localities. Expenditures for fortifications since 1888, to and including June 30, 1915. Localities. Expenditures for fortifications since 1888, to and including June 30, 1915. Kennebec River $173,325.02 5, 196, 836. 68 1,020,444.44 7,188,785.43 335,732.95 4, 758, 431. 26 4,912,033.60 13,195,029.67 2, 735, 132. 83 2,035,391.60 1,646,600.75 185,552.95 3,568,972.18 1,309,290.52 2,245,306.99 359,529.82 1,145,795.52 1,619,810.66 954,251.89 2, 417, 755. 05 2,436,913.42 1,237,112.86 3,520,379.56 734,770.38 1,256,075.38 7,517,411.46 2,388,436.96 5, 855, 156. 04 Total expenditures apportioned to localities (see Exhibit A-1). . . Total expenditures not appor- tioned to localities (see Exhibit A-2) Portland $81,950,265.87 Portsmouth Boston 43,200,932.79 Narragansett Bay Grand total expended for seacoast fortifications in continental United States. \ Total of available balances Total of expenditures and New Yorlc Delaware . 125,211,198.66 Baltimore 2,922,260.57 Cape Henry . 128,133,459.23 1,057,530.32 Charleston Value of mine mmeral purchased from funds appropriated for con- ! tinental United States and trans- ! ferred to insular possessions and Canal Zone Port Royal Key West 91,578.95 Pensacola Total appropriations for sea- coast fortifications for con- 1 tinental United States 1 MobUe Galveston . ... 129,282,568.50 San Francisco Total expenditures appor- tioned to localities (see Exhibit A-1) 81,950,265.87 FORTIFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. 7 Exhibit A-1. STATEMENT SHOWING AMOUNTS EXPENDED UNDER EACH HEAD- ING OF FORTIFICATION ACT DURING AND SINCE THE YEAR 1888 AND TO INCLUDE JUNE 30, 1915, AT EACH FORTIFIED LOCALITY IN CONTINENTAL UNiTED STATES. [This statement shows the details of the total expenditures given in column 2, Exhibit A.] ^RiSor ®^ Portland. Portsmouth. ; Boston, Modernizing older emplacements Fire control (Engineer Department) Electrical installations Searchlights Purchase of sites Sea walls Submarine mine structures (Engineer Depart- 15,602.45 4,371.39 Plans for fortifications Preservation and repair, torpedo structures. Preservation and repair of fortifications Supplies for seacoast defenses Guns and carriages Fire control (Signal Corps) Submarine mine material 41.74 ,155.00 $2, 153, 795. 09 95,970.05 263, 658. 00 9,913.94 204,355.64 169, 903. 35 3,188.00 148,590.41 750.00 ■ 21,013.26 214,736.97 14, 150. 00 1, 738, 876. 00 35, 733. 13 122,202.84 Total. 173,325.02 5,196, $448,390.17 i $2,332,590.32 165,619.75 3,687.25 371,971.45 7,170.31 2,820.00 118,580.31 36,600.00 1,076,559.33 2,000.00 41,210.00 29,120.80 287,794.69 1,500.00 1,610.00 6,666.77 23,404.65 426,950.02 2,953.16 21,957.16 418,519.00 2,182,638.00 818.35 27,842.56 46,270.75 124,085.07 ,020,444.44 , 7,188,785.43 New B( ford. Long Island. Seacoast batteries , Pneumatic dj-namite batteries Modernizing older emplacements Fire control (Engineer Depart- ment) Electrical installations Searchlights Purchase of sites Sea walls Submarine mine structures (En- gineer Department) Plans for fortifications Preservation and repair, torpedo structures Preservation and repair of forti- fications Supplies for seacoast defenses... Miscellaneous (Engineer Depart- ment) Guns and carriages Fire control (Signal Corps) Submarine mine material $1,918,435.78 9, 486. 06 5,510.55 589. 57 800.00 22,054.43 20, 628. 64 46, 457. 64 2, 380. 00 19, 630. 95 555, 019. 40 15, 749. 77 157, 551. 52 28,760.00 2, 546. 00 225, 449. 95 15, 176. 90 $1,640,272.08 3,895.82 34, 535. 05 257,011.50 9, 100. 00 180,061.40 255,614.11 92,11.3.38 236, 437. 73 700.00 220, 134. 93 53,978.56 106, 256. 00 "il'bie.hs 1,673,030.00 2, 137. 89 97, 402. 82 1,3.83,688.00 153,290.09 379, 896. 82 Total. 335,732.95 4,758,431.26 , 196, 347. 85 33, 700. 00 151,020.83 539,197.07 10, 850. 00 178,348.40 ,396,911.87 246, 493. 21 50.00 18, 102. 95 531,341.65 57,657.36 186,900.52 ,960,805.00 28,377.82 269, 827. 48 ,195,029.67 $1,151,555.60 19,168.06 36,297.08 3, 766. 00 790.00 27,805.50 10,500.00 129, 5, 489. 00 180,917.32 8 rORTTFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. Statement showing amounts expended under each heading of fortification act during and since the year 1888 and to include June 30, 1915, at each fortified locality in Continental United States — Continued. Seacoast batteries ; S684, 879. 82 Modernizing older emplacements. 39, 880. 14 Fire control (Engineer Depart- ] ment ) 59, 967. 20 Electrical installations ; 3, 500. 00 Searchlights ; 23, 353. 93 Purchase of sites i 68, Oil. 75 Sea walls : 160,669. 44 Submarine mine structures (En- gineer Department) 63, 850. 75 Preservation and of repair tor- pedo structures 5,220.00 Preservation and repair of forti- fications 155, 861. 29 Supplies for seacoast defenses 22, 852. 04 Miscellaneous (Engineer Depart- ment) Guns and carriages 711, 685. 00 Fire control (Signal Corps) Submarine mine material 35, 660. 24 Total. Washington. $793,389.70 46,730.00 66,966.41 50.00 20,414.65 43,581.30 2,300.00 56,614.54 5,007.51 124,788.02 15,017.00 9,372.62 60 1, 646, 600. 75 Cape Henry. 184,052. Hampton Roads. $1,327,565.06 45,008.78 144,437.91 10,015.00 34, 147. 74 34,533.85 93,219.37 150,234.21 4,349.04 267,833.58 31,206.23 54,118.36 1,262,413.00 32,415.30 77,474.75 185,552.95 3,568,972.18 Cape Fear. $521,988.86 7,538.00 15,987.24 3,900.00 960.00 191.67 16,500.00 46,852.96 3,949.77 76, 618. 23 15,657.25 150,000.00 430,956.00 18, 190. 54 ,309,290.52 '. Charleston. ' Port Royal. Savarmah. Key West Tampa. Seacoast batteries Modernizing older emplacements. Fire control (Engineer Depart- ment) Electrical installations Searchlights Purchase of sites Sea walls Submarine mine structures (En- gineer De;.artment) Preservation and repair of tor- pedo structures Preservation and repair of forti- fications Supplies for seacoast defenses — Miscellaneous (Engineer Depart- ment) Guns and carriages Fire control (Signal Corps) Submarine mine material SS27,468.71 1,770.00 12,877.15 1,000.00 2,010.00 6.5,494.11 10,328.54 68, 923. 76 114,543.57 8,494.11 216,608.00 889, 163. 00 750.00 19,655.38 $.510,415.55 33,804.91 15, 530. 39 2,744.08 93, 940. 61 9,722.21 84,229.70 4, 740. 32 191,500.00 366,816.00 "24,'5i9.'85 $675,976.72 . 17,241.32 18, 915. 81 5,307.00 2, 130. 00 25,170.29 2, 750. 00 127,564.17 4, 435. 00 36,000.00 537,598.00 $438, 184. 11 10, 592. 28 2,300.00 28,968.51 45,697.85 5, 404. 00 62,415.44 11, 426. .30 54, .303. 293, 506. 00 "52," 760.' 55 Total 2, 245, 306. 1, 14.5, San Diego. Seacoast l)atteries | Modernizing older emplacements. | Fire control (Engineer Depart- ment) I Electrical installat ions '. Searchlights I Purchase of sites ; . Sea walls Submarine mine structures (En- j gineer Department) ! Preservation and repair, torpedo structures j Preservation and repair of forti- I fications ' Supplies for seacoast defenses Miscellaneous (Engineer Depart- ment) Guns and carriages Fire control (Signal Corps) Submarine mine i 750. 20 888.00 619. 59 106. 76 249.62' 701.43 265.00 648." 22' $680, 896. 24 13,569.73 15,814.80 700.00 2,475.00 4,975.00 71,900.00 26, 710. 13 700. 00 87,260.27 8, 848. 35 993, 500. 00 496,908.00 $610,972.85 575.00 24,801.50 1,300.00 2, 180. 00 71,061.50 49, 866. 19 4,750.00 114,349.03 5,465.64 100, 000. 00 266, 260. 00 37, 135. 28 1,891.88 53,706.80 2,450.00 2,107,259.85 521,097.00 1,561.97 2,044.24 ,445.37 ,'907.' 39 , 566. 70 ,414.76 ,426.43 ,087.79 ,701.41 ,842.50 Total. 2,417,755.05 2,436,913.42 3,520,379.56 906.00 798.' 39 770.38 FORTIFICATIOlSr AND RELATED PURPOvSES. 9 Statement showing amounts expended under each heading of fortification act during and since the year 1888 a7id to include June 30, 1915, at each fortified locality in Continental United States — Continued. Los Angeles. San 1 Columbia Francisco. River. Puget Sound. S240,500.00 «2, 421, 409. 25 $931,944.24 127 142 82 ! $2,415,204.80 Pneumatic dynamite batteries 101.358.07 6, .525. 66 410,754.78 i 167,226.16 205, 691.. 38 1 71,475.46 62,124.62! 47,934.76 122,774.82 5,800.05 176,262.68 ' 71,443.21 14,041.92 j 3,942.83 449,185.35 73,800.44 24,226.52 I 18,146.00 2,991,314.00: 827,792.00 248,814.73 I 90,302.21 162,310.52 72,104.60 90,906.02 Electrical installations 75' 381 53 Searchlights us' 787 72 2r>0, 72.5. 38 Submarine mine structures (Engineer Depart- ment). .59 155 12 Preservation and repair torpedo structures 2 960 15 Preservation and repair of fortifications 50.00 221,507.95 15,403.05 2,211,4,32.00 76,824.27 Guns and carriages 764,800.00 Total 1,256,075.38 7,517,411.46 2,-388,436.96 5 855 156 04 RECAPITULATION. batteries $29, Pneumatic dynamite batteries Modernizing older emplacements Fire control (Engineer Department) 2, Electrical installations Searchlights 1, Purchase of sites 4, Sea walls Submarine mine structures (Engineer Department) 2, Plans for fortifications ,'ation and repair of torpedo structures ration and repair of fortifications 4, Supplies for seacoast defenses. Miscellaneous ( Engineer Department) 4, Guns and carriages 27, Fire control ( Signal Corps) Submarine mine material 1, 164,738.64 929,987.29 896, 767. 54 432,131.17 049, 585. 69 580,380.71 869, 110. 80 615,213.28 3,000.00 152, 176. 61 023, 451. 10 415, 909. 76 552,343.29 6.55, 851. 00 707, 927. 10 861, 755. 28 Grand total (includes ordnance fire-control materiel) 81, 950, 265. 87 Note. — These figures exhibit actual expenditures on submarine mine materiel to include June 30, 1915. Figures in 1914 statement included balances. Exhibit A-2. STATEMENT SHOWING APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES, AND UNALLOTTED BALANCES (UNDER THE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT) FOR SEACOAST FORTIFICATIONS AND THEIR ACCESSORIES FOR CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES SINCE 1888, TO INCLUDE JUNE 30, 1915. • [This statement shows the disposition of funds not accounted for as distributed amoug fortifications as per Exliibit A-1.] (a) under the engineer department. (1) Seacoast batteries: Total of expenditures distributed among; fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 ." ,*29, 039, 936. 61 Other expenditures — Board of Engineers .$66, 237. 05 Office Chief of Engineers 81, 467. 24 Engineer Depot 1,12.5.00 Ammunition hoists 7, 100. 00 Electrical equipment 69, 719. 17 Miscellaneous 432. 50 226, 080. 96 Grand total expended (net allotments) 29, 266, 017. 57 Balance unallotted June 30, 1915 ' 677, 647. 93 Total appropriated 29, 943, 665. 50 10 FORTIFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. (2) Pneumatic dynamite batteries: Total appropriated $330, 000. 00 Total of expenditures as distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A 164, 738. 64 Balance (this balance was reappropriated by act of May 27, 1908, to be applied to modernizing emplacements^ 165, 261. 36 (3) Modernizing older emplacements: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 929, 987. 29 Other expenditures — Office Chief of Engineers .?4, 994. 66 Engineer Depot 3, 932. 40 Ammunition hoists 127, 622. 36 136, 549. 42 Grand total expended (net allotments) 1, 066, 536. 71 Balance unallotted June 30. 1915 123, 724. 65 Total appropriated 1, 190, 261. 36 (4) Fire control. Engineer Department: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 .^ 2, 896, 767. 54 Other expenditures — Office Chief of Engineers §17, 160. 26 Board of Engineers 10, 000. 00 Engineer Depot 1, 380. 67 Miscellaneous (including $930.14 allotted to San Juan, P. R.) 12,930.14 — 41,471.07 Grand total expended (total net allotment) 2, 938, 238. 61 Balance unallotted in hands of Chief of Engineers June 30, 1915 17, 854. 82 Total assigned to Engineer Department 2, 956, 093. 43 Balance unallotted to departments (in hands of Secretary of War and available for assignment to either Engineer or Ordnance Department or Chief Signal Officer), June 30, 1915 13, 509. 63 Total 2, 969, 603. 06 (5) Electrical installations: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1. .*■ 432, 131. 17 Other expenditures — Office Chief of Engineers $1, 057. 00 Purchase of electrical material 178, 818. 20 Miscellaneous 1, 875. 00 181,750.20 Grand total expended (net allotments) 613, 881. 37 Balance unallotted June 30, 1915 35, 006. 63 Total appropriated 648, 888. 00 FOETIFICATION AND EELATED PURPOSES. H (6) Searchlights: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 $1, 049, 585. 69 Other expenditures — Office Chief of Engineers $7, 614. 72 Purchase of searchlight equipment 881, 201. 07 Miscellaneous 235. 46 889, 051. 25 Grand total expended (net allotments) 1, 938, 636. 94 Balance unallotted June 30, 1915 91, 363. 06 Total appropriated 2, 030, 000. 00 (7) Purchase of sites: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 4, 580, 380. 71 Other expenditures — Office Chief of Engineers $5, 726. 37 Miscellaneous (applied to purchase of sites at Fernandina, St. Johns River, St. Augustine, and Charlotte Harbor) 17, 505. 36 Expended in Philippine Islands prior to spe- cific appropriation for that locality (see statement for insular possessions) 3, 637. 92 26, 869. 65 Grand total expended (net allotments) 4, 607, 250. 36 Balance unallotted June 30, 1915 19, 797. 64 Total appropriated 4, 627, 048. 00 (8) Seawalls: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 869. 110. 80 Other expenditures — Office Chief of Engineers $2, 180. 01 Fort Niagara (inland post) 33, 000. 15 35, 180. 16 Grand total expended (net allotments) 904, 290. 96 Balance unallotted June 30, 1915 31, 159. 04 Total appropriated 935, 450. 00 (9) Submarine-mine defenses, Engineer Department: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 2, 615, 213. 28 Other expenditures — Depot and material $2, 323, 402. 91 Experimentation and instruction 109, 598. 74 Board of Engineers 3. 000. 00 Office Chief of Engineers 7, 063. 26 Miscellaneous (including Penobscot River, Cumberland Sound. St. Johns River, and Sabine Pass) 19.316.15 2. 462, 381 . 08 Grand total expended (net allotments) 5, 077, 594. 84 Returned to Treasury 1, 027, 617. 17 Balance unallotted June 30, 1915 35, 363. 11 Total appropriated 6, 140, 574. 62 12 FORTIFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. (10) Plans for fortifications: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhihit A-1 $3, 000. 00 Expended by the Board of Engineers 132, 000. 00 Grand total expended (net allotments) 135, 000. 00 Balance unallotted June 30. 1915 5, 000. 00 Total appropriated 140, 000. 00 (11) Preservation and repair of torpedo structures : Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhi^ it A-1 152, 176. 61 Other expenditures — Office Chief of Engineers. $2, 790. 49 Miscellaneous (Penobscot River) 32. 90 2, 823. 39 Grand total expended (net allotments) 155, 000. 00 Balance unallotted June 30, 1915 Total appropriated 155, 000. 00 Note. — In the fortification appropriation act of Mar. 3, 1915, the appropriation for tliis purpose was consolidated with that for preservation and repair of fortifications. (12) Preservation and repair of fortifications: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 4, 023, 451. 10 Other expenditures — Office ( hief of Engineers $213, 660. 55 Board of Engineers 58, 705. 52 Miscellaneous (including expenditures at a number of inland posts) 103, 660. 92 Ammunition hoists 178, 662. 71 554, 689. 70 Grand total expended (net allotments) 4, 578, 140. 80 Balance unallotted June 30, 1915 44, 859. 20 Total appropriated 4, 623, 000. 00 (13) Supplies for seacoast defenses; Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 415, 909. 76 Other expenditures — Office Chief of Engineers $5, 273. 61 Miscellaneous (including purchases for va- rious districts) 155, 816. 63 ■ ■ 161, 090. 24 Grand total expended (net allotments) 577, 000. 00 Balance unallotted June 30, 1915 17, 500. 00 Total appropriated 594, 500. 00 (14) Reserve lights: Total appropriated and expended 10, 000. 00 (15) Miscellaneous (as per Exhibit A-3): Total of expenditures as per Exhibit A-1 4, 552, 343. 29 Expended on Governors Island and St. Augustine 65, 002. 46 Total expended 4, 617, 345. 75 Returned to Treasury $16, 381. 64 Unexpended June 30, 1915 33, 327. 61 49, 709. 25 Total appropriated (exclusive of reappropriations ag- gregating $476,000) 4, 667, 055. 00 FORTIFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. 13 (b) under the ordnance department. (16) Guns and carriages (including fire-control material supplied by the Ordnance Department): Total expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 $27, 655, 851. 00 Other expenditures — For completion of guns under manufac- ture Sept. 22, 1888, but which do not form a part of the modern equipment. . $500, GOO. 00 Guns and carriages at ordnance establish- ments, including the proving ground, not assigned to forts .'^ 3, 148, 287. 00 Guns manufactured from funds appropri- ated for United States and transferred to insular possessions 1, 006, 100. 00 Modern guns and carriages destroyed 290, 348. 00 Emery gun carriage 226, 468. 49 ^lachinery, spare parts, experimentation, etc 1, 925, 212. 85 Horizontal base range finders and azimuth instruments, unassigned 159, 771. 00 7, 256, 187. 34 Grand total appropriated and expended 34, 912, 038. 34 (17) Machine guns: Expended for machine guns assigned to fortifications 515, 450. 00 (The total of appropriations carried by fortifications acts for machine guns is 1900,523, of which $515,450 has been ex- pended for machine guns for fortifications, and the balance, less the amount expended for obsolete types, has been expended for machine guns for the mobile army.) (18) Seacoast ammunition (war reserve): Total expenditures (expenditures for ammunition can not well be apportioned to localities) 15, 253, 455. 79 Balance available for expenditure 199, 430. 19 Total appropriated 15, 452, 885. 98 (19) Seacoast ammunition (target practice) : Total expenditures (expenditures for ammunition can not well be apportioned to localities) 5, 736, 074. 11 Balance available for expenditure 377, 983. 89 Total appropriated . . .*. 6, 114, 058. 00 (20) Alteration and maintenance of seacoast armament: Total expended 5, 299, 455. 72 Balance available for expenditure 706, 474. 28 Total appropriated 6, 005, 930. 00 (c) under the signal corps. (21) Fire control material supplied by the Signal Corps: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications, as per Exhibit A-1 1707, 927. 10 Other expenditures — ■ Expenses prior to March 1, 1907, both for original installation and mainte- nance, it being impracticable to ap- portion tlie expenditures by districts, or to separate the original and mainte- nance expenditures |1, 739, 407. 42 Provisional installations 3, 043. 10 14 FORTTFICATION AND EELATED PUEPOSES. (21) Fire control material supplied by the Signal Corps— Continued. Other expenditures — Continued . Post telephone installations $9, 333. 95 Submarine mines 35, 642. 55 Wireless and signal stations 19, 124. 79 Miscellaneous 8, 824. 71 Signal equipment, mine planters 620. 00 Miscellaneous expended dm-ing 1914-15. . 18, 255. 75 11,834,252.27 Total expended 2, 542, 179. 37 Balance available 30, 522. 03 Total appropriated 2, 572, 701. 40 (22) Maintenance of fire control material supplied by the Signal Corps: Total expended 1, 232, 778. 68 Balance available 150, 510. 41 Total appropriated 1, 383, 289. 09 (23) Miscellaneous, Signal Corps: Expended for miscellaneous equipment for seacoast fortifica- tions from allotments from national defense fund 211. 400. 00 (d) submarine-mine material. (24) Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit A-1 H, 861, 755. 28 Other expenditures (torpedo depot) 112, 530. 21 Total expenditures continental United States 1, 974, 285. 49 Amount actuallv obligated for material under contract or sup- plied '. -. 153, 147. 76 Amount reserved for specific purposes but not actually obligated . 255, 219. 71 Amount available for expenditure - - - 51, 768. 09 Add to tli« above (due to the fact that expenditures for mine material in the insular possessions are that amount in excess of appropriations, which excess has been drawn from similar appropriations for the United States in order to provide for the supply of necessary mine material in the insular possessions) . . 59, 198. 66 Add to above (to cover cost of material transferred to Panama Canal, reimbursement to be made in future from canal appro- priations) 32, 380. 29 Total appropriated during and since 1 902 2, 526, 000. 00 (25) Coast Artillery war game: Total expended 21, 261. 35 Balance available June 30, 1915 4, 238. 65 Total 25, 500. 00 (e) under quartermaster department. (26) Purchase of land (acts of Mar. 25, 1900, and June 6, 1902) $360, 000. 00 (27) Construction of mine planters 350, 000. 00 recapitulation. Total expenditures, apportioned to localities as per Exhibit A-1 |81, 950, 265. 87 Total of other expenditures shown above 43, 260, 932. 79 Total expenditures 125. 211, 198. 66 Total of available balances 2, 922. 260. 57 Total of expenditures and available balances 128, 133, 459. 23 FORTIFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. 15 Returned to Treasury $1, 057, 530. 32 Add to the above the following amounts to cover the cost of mine material purchased from funds appropriated for the United States, Init transferred as stated: (a) To insular possessions 59, 198. 66 ( h) To Isthmian Canal 32, 380. 29 Total appropriation for seacoast fortifications for continental United States 129, 282, 568. 50 Exhibit A-3. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FROM APPROPRIATIONS MADE FROM 1888 TO JUNE 30, 1915, FOR SPECIFIC ITEMS OF WORK IN CONNECTION WITH SEACOAST FORTIFICATIONS AT SPECIFIED LOCALITIES, DISBURSED BY THE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. [Details of Item (15j, Exhibit A-2.] NEW YORK, N. Y. Sept. 22, 1888, repair of wharf and sea wall at Willets Point ^2, 500. 00 Aus. 18, 1890, sea wall. Governors Island 50, 000. 00 Au^. 1, 1894, sea wall, north shore, Sandv Hook. N.J 7, 500. 00 Mar. 3, 3897, rip rap wall, eastern beach," Sandy Hook, N.J 75, 000. 00 June 6, 1902, rip rap stone wall, Eastern beach, Sandy Hook, N.J ;P75, 000. 00 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 13, 099. 48 61, 900. 52 Mar. 3, 1905, sea wall, north beach, Sandy Hook, N.J 40, 000. 00 Mar. 3, 1915, enlar2;ement of Governors Island, N. Y 8, 000. 00 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 7, 907. 54 2. 46 Total 236, 902. 98 HAMPTON ROADS, VA. Feb. 24, 1891, protection of shore at Fort Monroe, \'a $27, 000. 00 Feb. 24, 1891, artesian well at Fort Monroe |6, 000. 00 Balance returned to surplus fund 5, 908. 95 91. 05 Aug. 1, 1894, sewerage system at Fort Monroe, Va 37, 500. 00 Balance returned to surplus fund 10, 472. 69 27, 027. 31 Total 54, 118. 36 CAPE FEAR RI\ ER, N. C. May 25, 1900,- .sea wall and fill, Fort Caswell, N. C $150, 000. 00 CH.\RIESTON, S. C. Mar. 2, 1907, and May 27, 1908, construction of sea wall neces- sary for the protection of Fort Moultrie, Charleston, S. C. . $225, 600. 00 June 6, 1912, reappropiiated for other work 8, 992. 00 $216, 608. 00 ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. Aug. 18, 1890, preservation and repair of Fort Marion, Fla., and sea wall. . $15, 000. 00 KEY WEST, FLA. June 6, 1912, repair and protection of defenses of Key West, Fla $36, 000. 00 16 FORTIFICATION AND EELATED PURPOSES. PENSACOLA, FLA. Mar. 2, 1907, and May 27, 1908, repair and restoration of batteries and other structures appurtenant to the defenses of Pensacola, and for retaining walls to pro- tect batteries from floods $109, 355. 00 Reappropriated 1, 008. 00 Mar. 2, 1907, and Mar. 3, 1909, sea walls for protection of the sites of the fortifications and of the necessary post buildings at Forts Pickens and McRee, Pensacola, Fla 907, 100. 00 Reappropriated for other work 1305, 000. 00 Unexpended balance June 30. 1915 2, 490. 44 $108, 347. 00 307, 490. 44 599, 609. 56 Total 707, 956. 56 MOBILE, ALA. Mar. 2, 1907, and May 27, 1908. repair and restoration of batteries and other structures appurtenant to the defenses. of Mobile, Ala., and rebuilding sea walls and groins for protection of the sites of the fortifica- tions, and of the garrison posts $1, 089, 500. 00 Reappropriated for other work 96, 000. 00 5, 500. 00 NEW ORLEANS, LA. Mar. 2, 1907, rebuilding and strengthening the levees for protection of the sites of the defenses and the garrison post at Fort tSt. Philip, New Orleans, La ."^ $100, 000. 00 GALVESTON, TEX. Mar. 1, 1901, reconstruction and repair of fortifications $992, 000. 00 Apr. 28, 1904. and June 30, 1906, sea wall and fill. Fort Crockett $750, 000. 00 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 9, 575. 26 Mar. 3, 1909, sea wall and fill at Fort Travis 440, 000. 00 Reappropriated for other work $65, 000. 00 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 164. 89 65, 164. 89 740, 424. 74 374, 835. 11 Total 2, 107, 259. 85 Grand total expended 4, 617, 345. 75 Returned to Treasury $16, 381. 64 Unexpended balances June 30, 1915 33, 327. 61 • 49,709.25 Total net appropriations M, 667, 055. 00 1 The totals of the original appropriations for the above purposes aggregated $5,143,055, but of this amount $476,000 was reappropriated subsequently for other purposes and is accounted for elsewhere in this report, and only the remainder, $4,667,055, is accounted for above. foetification and related purposes. Exhibit B. 17 STATEMENT SHOWING TOTAL AMOUNTS EXPENDED ON THE DEFENSES OF LOCALITIES IN THE INSULAR POSSESSIONS TO JUNE 30, 1915. Localities. Expenditures for fortiflca. tions. S273,083.29 4,020,735.48 38,406.98 10,776,305.16 1,116,343.85 Honolulu and Pearl Harbor . Manila Bay Subic Bay 115,872,374.76 Total expenditures apportioned to localities as per Exhibit B-1 $15, 872, 374. 7ft Total of other ex-penditures (Exhibit B-2) 3, 831, 863. 17 . Total expenditures Total available balances 19,704,237.93 2,489,569.73 Total expenditures and balances 22, 193, 807. 60 Deducting value of mine material transferred (item 18, Exhibit B-2) 59, 198. 68 Leaves as the total of the appropriation for insular possessions 2 22, 134, 609. 00 J The totals opposite localities are inclusive of, and the grand total is exclusive of, the value, $352,500, of armament transferred to insular possessions uii 1m ilaiisi> iu fortification act of June 27, 1914. Of this total the value of armament transferred to Honolulu an 1 I'l aii Harbor aggregated $310,000, and that transferred to Manila, $42,500. These amounts are incIudiM I in llu> ii.ials given in item 16, Exhibit A-2. 2 Of this total, $22,134,609, the sum of .$21,829,912 \viis apiuopriated in tortiacation acts, the sum of $150,000 in the deficiency act of June 8, 1898, and the balance, $154,667, in the sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1911. Exhibit B-1. STATEMENT SHOWING AMOUNTS EXPENDED UNDER EACH HEAD- ING OF FORTIFICATION ACT AT EACH FORTiFIED LOCALITY IN THE INSULAR POSSESSIONS, TO INCLUDE JUNE 30, 1915. batteries Land defense Reserve equipment . . C entral power plant. . Fire control (Engi- neer Department).. Electrical installa- tions Searchlights Purchase of sites Sea walls Submarine -mine structures (Engi- neer (Department). Preservation and re- pair of torpedo structures Preservation and re- pair of fortifica- tions Supplies for seacoast defenses Guns and carriages. . . Fire control (Signal I orps) Submarine-mine ma- terial Total. Honolulu and Pearl Harbor. '141)482! 93 4,714.65 215, 815. 42 58,699.01 121,752.37 326,345.80 .25 2,455 3, .335. ,287,506.: 57,614.50 90,735.45 273 083.29 4,0-0,735.48 Manila Bay. $5,647,036.42 145, 895. 72 5,976. 154,645.79 160,373.0: Philip- pine Is- lands in 9,035.00 228,440.55, 76, 710. 61^:0, 050. 54 296.183.08 25,071.49, 2,960.52 14,000.00 271, 737. 631 106, S98. 54 1,565.28 373.74 19,590. 5,5 .14 909.00 3,177,509.20, 246,381.00 184,875.24 462,512.54 141,477. 10,776,305.16 1,116,343.85 I 38,406. $7,880,960.76 287,378.65 10,701.21 154,645.79 424, .76 383,900.71 446,130.96 340,345.80 14,445.60 14,442,997.00 242,489.74 694, 724. 99 '15,978,609.; > Totals in locality columns are inclusive of, and total in last column is exclusive of, the value, $352,500, of armament transferred to insular possessions under clause in fortification act of June 27, 1914. Of this total the value of armament transferred to Honolulu and Pearl Harbor aggregated $310,000, and that trans- ferred to Manila, R42,.0OO. These amounts are included in totals given in item 16, Exhibit A-2. 34975—16 2 1^ fortification and related purposes. Exhibit B-2. STATEMENT SHOWING APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES, AND UNEXPENDED BALANCES (UNDER THE ENGINEER DEPART- MENT) FOR SEACOAST FORTIFICATIONS AND THEIR ACCESSO- RIES FOR THE INSULAR POSSESSIONS, TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 1915. fThis statement shows the disposition of funds not accounted for as distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1.] (a) under the engineer department. (1) Seacoast batteries: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhil)it B-1 $7, 880, 960. 76 Other expenditures — Office Cloief of Engineers $44, 054. 09 The Board of Engineers 28, 190. 52 72, 244. 61 Total expended 7, 953, 205. 37 Unexpended balance June 30. 1915 — Hawaiian Islands 3, 266. 30 Philippine Islands 993, 888. 39 Insular possessions in general 9, 844. 94 1, 006, 994. 63 Total appropriated (exclusive of the sum of |250,000 from the Phihppine Islands appropriation of Mar. 3, 1909, which was assigned to the Ordnance Department for expenditure) 8, 960, 200. 00 This total appropriation was made as follows: Hawaiian Islands $1, 587, 200. 00 Philippine Islands 5, 973, 000. 00 Insular possessions in general 1, 400, 000. 00 Total 8, 960, 200. 00 (2) Fire control, Engineer Department: Total of expenditures distributed among fortification? as per ExMbit B-1 424, 389. 75 Other expenditures: Office Chief of Engineers 956. 00 Total expended 425, 345. 75 Unexpended balance of assignments to Engineer Department 9, 078. 51 Total amount assigned to Engineer Department 434, 424. 26 Note. — In addition to the above expenditures from appro- priation for "Fire control in insular possessions, " the sum of $930.14 was expended at San Juan, P. R., from the ap- propriation for installation of range and position finders prior to the making of separate appropriations for "'Fire control in insular possessions. " (See statement under "Fire control in the United States. ") Unallotted balance from fire control appropriations, insular possessions, in hands of Secretary of War June 30, 1915, and availalile for assignment to Engineer or Ordnance Depart- ments or Chief Signal Officer, .t 52, 820. 04 Total 487, 244. 30 (3) Electrical installations : Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1 383, 900. 71 Other expenditures: Office Chief of Engineers 5, 225. 50 Total expended 389, 126. 21 FORTIFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. 19 (3) Electrical installations — Continued. Unexpended balance June 30, 1915— ^^" " Hawaiian Islands ..^^.^r-r^-r.-rT $10, 168. 99 Philippine Islands -.- . ; ; 90, 427. 80 .$100, 596. 79 Total appropriated 489, 723. 00 This total appropriation was made as follows; Hawaiian Islands 68, 938. 00 Philippine Islands 420, 785. 00 (4) Searchlights: 489,723.00 Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1 446, 130. 96 Other expenditures: Office Chief of Engineers 2, 754. 50 Total expended 448, 885. 46 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 — Hawaiian Islands .|42, 194. 63 Philippine Islands 42, 919. 91 85, 114. 54 Total appropriated 534, 000. 00 This total appropriation was made as follows: Hawaiian Islands 164, 400. 00 Philippine Islands 339, 600. 00 Insular possessions in general 30, 000. 00 (5) Purchase of sites: ^^^' ^^^- ^^ Total of expenditures distributed among fordfications as per Exhibit B-1 340, 345. 80 Other expenditures: Office Chief of Engineers 2, 048. 96 Total expended 342, 394. 76 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 — Hawaiian Islands $21, 655. 24 Philippine Islands 2, 950. 00 24, 605. 24 Total appropriated 367, 000. 00 This total appropriation was made as follows: Hawaiian Islands 350, 000. 00 Philippine Islands 17, 000. 00 367,000.00 Note. — In addition to the expenditures shown in B-1 for sites, Philippine Islands, the sum of $3,637.92 was expended in the Philippine Islands from the appropriation for sites for fortifications in the United States prior to the appropriation of funds for sites in the Philippine Islands. (6) Preservation and repair of fortifications: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1 27, 828. 45 Other expenditures: Office ( 'hief of Engineers 243. 00 Total expended 28, 071. 45 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 — Hawaiian Islands $1, 643. 38 Philippine Islands 7, 285. 17 8, 928. 55 Total appropriated ($4,000 for Hawaiian Islands, $33,000 for Philippine Islands) 37, 000. 00 20 FORTIFICATION AND EELATED PURPOSES. (7) SubmarliieTTiirie structures, Engineer Department: Total of expenditures-distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1 : $517, 540. 27 Other expenditures: Office Chief of Engineers 485. 71 Total expended 518, 025. 98 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915- — Philippine Islands $27, 276. 57 Insular possessions in general 697. 45 27, 974. 02 Total appropriated 546, 000. 00 This total appropriation was made as follows: Hawaiian Islands $129, 000. 00 Philippine Islands 217, 000. 00 Insular possessions in general 200, 000. 00 546, 000. 00 (8) Preservation and repair of torpedo structures: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1 4,394.93 Other expenditures: OflSce Chief of Engineers 24. 50 Total expended 4, 419. 43 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 — Hawaiian Islands $1, 044. 09 Philippine Islands 3, 286. 48 4, 330. 57 Total appropriated ($3,500 for Hawaiian Islands, $5,250 for Philippine Islands) 8, 750. 00 (9) Electrical and other supplies: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1 .^ 14, 445. 50 Other expenditiu-es: Office Chief of Engineers 77. 00 Total expended 14, 522. 50 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915— Hawaiian Islands $1, 648. 98 Philippine Islands 5, 328. 52 6,977.50 Total appropriated ($5,000 for Hawaiian Islands, $16,500 for Philippine Islands) 21, 500. 00 (10) Land defenses: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1 ^ 287, 378. 65 Other expenditures: Office Chief of Engineers 806. 00 Total expended 288, 184. 65 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 — Hawaiian Islands $465, 517. 07 Philippine Islands 20, 798. 28 486, 315. 35 Total appropriated (exclusive of the sum of $12,500 from the Philippine Islands appropriation of Mar. 4, 1911, which was assigned to the Signal Corps for expenditures) 774, 500. 00 This total appropriation was made as follows: Hawaiian Islands $607, 000. 00 Philippine Islands 167, 500. 00 774, 500. 00 FORTIFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. 21 (11) Reserve equipment : Total of expenditures as distributed among fortificationri ar^ per Exhibit B-1 $10, 701. 21 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 — $45,275.35 94, 023. 44 139, 298. 79 ;xp€ Hawaiian Islands $45, 275. 35 Philippine Islands 94, 023. 44 Total appropriated ($50,000 for Hawaiian Islands, $100,000 for Philippine Islands) 150, 000. 00 (12) Sea walls: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1 .25 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 20, 999. 75 Total appropriated (all for Hawaiian Islands ) 21, 000. 00 (13) Central power plant: Total expended as per Exhibit B-1 154, 645. 79 Unexpended balance June 30, 1915 21. 21 Total appropriated (sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1911 1 . . 154, 667. 00 (b) under the ordnance department. (14) Guns and carriages (including fire control material supplied by the Ordnance Department), and expenditures from appropria- tions for mechanical supervdsion of installations of seacoaat ar- tillery: Total expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1 $4, 442, 497. 00 Other expenditures, spare parts, etc., and of armament for in- sular possessions in reserve at Sandy Hook 151, 301. 70 Horizontal base range finders and azimuth instruments, un- assigned 35, 678. 00 Total 4, 629, 476. 70 (15) Seacoast ammunition (war reserve): Approximate amount expended for Philip- pine Islands $1, 860, 379. 94 Approximate amount expended for Hawaiian Islands 930, 189. 97 Total of expenditures (expenditures for ammunition can not well be apportioned to localities) 2, 790, 569. 91 Balance available for expenditure 409, 430. 09 Total appropriated 3, 200, 000. 00 (16) Alteration and maintenance of seacoast artillery: Total expended 233, 539. 27 Balance available for expenditure 62, 209. 73 Total appropriated 295, 749.00 22 FORTIFICATION AND RELATED PURPOSES. (C) UNDER THE SIGNAL CORPS. (17) Fire-control material sTipplied by the Signal Corps: Total of expenditures distributed among fortifications as per Exhibit B-1 $242, 489. 74 Amount expended during 1914-1 5 21, 388. 45 Transferred to Signal Corps from Engineer Department from appropriation Philippine Islands, Mar. 4, 1911 12, 500. 00 balance available for expenditure 24, 198. 81 Total allotted to Signal Corps from fire-control appro- priation 300, 577. 00 (18) Maintenance of fire-control material supplied by the Signal Corps: Total expended 84, 454. 65 Balance available for expenditure 10, 545. 35 Total appropriated 95, 000. 00 (d) submarine-mine material. (19) Total expenditures distributed among fortifications, as per Exhibit B-1 694, 724. 99 Amount obligated for material under contract or supplied ... 43, 565. 41 Amount available 9, 130. 26 Total of balances and expenditures 747, 420. 66 Deducting the sum (due to the fact that the expenditures for mine material given in this item are that amount in excess of the appropriations for such material for the insu- lar possessions, which excess has been drawn from similar appropriations for the United States in order to provide for the supply of necessary mine material in the insular possessions) 59, 198. 66 Leaves as the amount appropriated for the insular possessions 688, 222. 00 (20) Mine planters: Appropriated and expended 374, 000. 00 recapitulation . Total expenditures apportioned to localities as per Exhibit B-1 15, 872, 374. 76 Total of other expenditures as shown above 3, 831, 863. 17 Total expenditures 19, 704, 237. 93 Total available balances 2, 489, 569. 73 Total expenditmes and balances 22, 193, 807. 66 Deducting value of mine material transferred (item 19, Exhibit B-1) 59, 198. 66 1 22, 134, 609. 00 1 Of the above total, $22,134,609, the sum of $21 829,942 was appropriated in fortification acts, the sum of $150,000 in the deftciency act of June 8, 1898, and the balance, $154,667, in the sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1911. fortificatiox and related purposes. Exhibit D (Field Artillery). 23 STATEMENT SHOWING EXPENDITUBES FOR FIELD ARTILLERY TO JULY 1, 1916, BALANCES AVAILABLE FOR EXPENDITURE FOR SUCH PURPOSES ON THAT DATE, AND AMOUNTS ADDI- TIONAL TO SUCH BALANCES INTENDED TO BE EXPENDED IN FUTURE. Purpose. Expended to July 1,191.5. Available for expenditure July 1, 1915. Total. For the purchase, manufacture, and test of mountain, field, and siege cannon, including their carriages, sights, implements, equipments, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals For the purchase, manufacture, and test of ammimition for mountain, field, and siege cannon, including the necessary experiments in connection therewith and the machinery necessary for its manufacture at the arsenals . $4,584,974.58 3,945,258.79 430, 207. 97 988, 452. 59 810, 622. 27 '$1,347,225.42 2 1.416, .341. 21 8 60, 792. 03 n97,547.41 5 364,377.73 $5, 932, 200. 00 5,361,600.00 For the alteration and maintenance of the mobile artil- lery, including the purchase and manufacture of ma- chinery, tools, and materials necessary for the work and the expenses of the mechanics engaged thereon. . For the purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition, subcaliber guns, and other accessories for mountain, field, and siege artillery practice, including the ma- chinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals . For the alteration of 3.2-inch batteries to rapid-fire field batteries, mcluding sights, implements, equipments, and the materials and machinery necessary for altera- 491,000.00 1,186,000.00 1,175,000.00 Total 10,759,516.20 3,386,283.80 6 13,845,800.00 1 $804,258.13 due on orders and contracts already placed; $300,000 represents the contract authorization contained in the appropriation act of Mar. 3, 1915; remainder, $242,967.29, represents the unallotted balance, 2 $408,092.83 due on orders and contracts already placed; remainder, $1,008,248.38, represented the un- allotted balance. 3 $45,411.90 due on orders and contracts already placed; the remainder, $15,380.15, represents the unallotted balance. < $90,221.27 due on orders and contracts already placed, and the remainder, $107,326.14, represents the unallotted balance. 6 $202,740.58 due on orders and contracts ab-eady placed, and the remamder, $161,637.15, represents the unallotted balance. 6 The total opposite item "For the purchase, manufacture, and test of mountain, field, and siege can- non," etc., is inclusive of, and the grand total is exclusive of, the amount, $300,000, of contract authorizap tion carried in the act of Mar. 3, 1915. 24 foetificatiois^ and related purposes. Exhibit E. statement showing miscellaneous items related to BUT NOT STRICTLY FORMING PART OF, THE FORTIFICATION PROJECT. UNDER THE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. (1) Amount expended for temporary batteries (national defense fund). |302, 817. 99 UNDER QUARTERMASTER CORPS. (2) Construction of post buildings (funds obtained by transfer from appropriations for "Gun and mortar batteries ") (act of June 6, 1896) $100, 000. 00 Repair and maintenance of roads and wharf, and maintenance of sewer system at Fort Monroe, Va. (acts of Mar. 2, 1895, and June 6, 1896) 18, 267. 50 — ^— 118, 267. 50 UNDER ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. (3) Proving ground, Sandy Hook |1, 747, 178. 00 Gun factory, arsenals,' buildings, etc 3, 376, 952. 00 Machine guns not used for seacoast defenses 385, 073. 00 Machinery for ordnance establishments, draftsmen, etc. ... .' 470, 097. 83 Experimental guns and carriages, and ammunition tests ; 653, 041. 03 Testing experimental guns and carriages, inspec- tions, armor plate, etc 148, 085. 84 Implements, equipments, alteration, and mainte- nance of old armament. 519, 038. 00 Field material and ammunition, old design 6, 331, 819. 75 Returned to Treasury 110, 928. 69 13, 742, 214. 14 ^4) Board of Ordnance and Fortification 2, 600, 000. 00 (5) School of Submarine Defense, act of June 6, 1902 16, 500. 00 Total of above 16, 779, 799. 63 Deduct amount returned to Treasury (item (3) above) 110, 928. 69 Total expenditures for above items 16, 668, 870. 94 o LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 695 541 9