4 Class Rook ^^ - 1- -'v-1 ^>»^*-^ — ^^^^,^*., _^, PURCHASE OF LOUISIANA . , MONRC^;S^JOURNALS OF NEGOTIATIONS. 1803 ^ < '- -'■ --....-. ... , ., ^ ^ , AHAiaiUOJ lO 32AHDflUS £081 .aHOlTAlTOOaH 10 eJAi^flUOl a'30«H0M 4 >^, /--r*V> ^ ^x-^^ ^ ->»-J^,^^/ cy J^.- ^ •^ y-^^-c-"***.^ A^i^ / A^, /i-'v/:/ /^/ /V //i^ >-^^ /^c^W A-^ ^-^-^"^ Ai-i-z ^S^»^ ^ti^ u^^^ft^Y /^ ^/i ^-y»^l*-*'^ v>^ >^^ ^^>^ ^JLt-J^r^^ y.^ >v 7 ' 1^1^. ^/^* ^'^i^- /'^ ^^-J^^^ '^^•^^ ^. 'te. ^ -,1 /A. .-^. '/ ;^* r- i. / rl. , , ' '' u-£i,,,^ erg y».i-. •i ^^. ■ ^ t^^^ ■^ ^ /1rt- /C-*->-H. ,,y^ A^.s-ife^ 4e; A» ^^t-,>-c^ i^^'C /utii 4: /?i^^/^.^/- ^^^ %-%^^ti ti-o fK^ ^A-'AJ't e^u-t--^ . fist- f^fSti^ ^A^j*^ Acfi^-'L c^^yi-rct^ i'-'H V^A*-^/ ^^''^^ttf^Jn •:W> yri^JU p^'iJ^t. /A^^tT, ^;,^yUrf--'^^7^fx^y. •fl--'-^ J-t^-A-tty^ ^r>^ pX^ ^j^ ^ ^y^;- 1,.'-f->^<^ "-^iji^ *^f.c^ '^f*~>lr ■^?%;^ ;4^ ^^^Wj^<> >^^7*-? jU'j'-'Y " ;i^'~--y-y~n-^t-^cr.>,.^.,^i.-/,.,,^A^,t^ ,. >^ >^i.^Ty2-irt^4 1'^''^*'^^'^. /"^^^^ir^^'-^^f^ ^^T'^'-'^l^ /*^ Ji^^ A. ifco-^i--.^- hr^A^- /Ji^^j'rz^*^^ /i«^£^^. J/^-v-ix^,.,^ /i^ >^v* ^^'i-^ X-.^ utA^T^ i^iU^^^,t^>^ y>~*-^ /y-wL«^/»-^, j..a^t^ e^ V-t/ ^■'^/e-^Aip^^ Ac-^iv" A-^t**'*^^ •»-— f^^ ^~^^ J-^^ ^-^ i-m^t-^ J^f^-ty^^-^'^i^ ..^^A~ »?«-«»->^.<«-^^ yi^^r^loi ^ZZi^trCc^^ V. ; r-M-f^e) • "l^ M- ^ -^-^^ ^'^ "'^^ ^ ^ ^- ■yvT^t^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE lilSTKD IX CIIRONOLOGICAI^ OKDP^R FROM THE ORIGINAL, MAXUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION" OP WORTHINC4TON CHAUNCEY FORD CHIEF, DIVISION OF MANUSfRIPTS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19 04 PREFATORY NOTE rnder an Execvitive order issued by the President, March 9, 1903, the papers of James Monroe were transferred from the Department of State to the Library of Congress. These papers had been purchased by an act of Congress approved March 8, lSi9. In 1893 the Depart- ment of State issued a calendar of them, the arrangement of which was alphal)ctical, the letters of Monroe being calendared separately from those of his correspondents. This alphabetical arrangement is conven- ient foi- determining the letters written by anyone man; for historical purposes a chronological arrangement gives a better account of the sequence of the papers and develops the periods of political events. With this view the following list has been prepared, and by using it in connection with the calendar of the Department of State the student will be enabled to learn the contents of any particular paper mentioned in both list and calendar. This list is not confined to such papers as come with the correspond- ence of Monroe under the P^xecutive order, but includes such Monroe material as had been acquired by the Library of Congress. Two let- ter books (noted in the list by the letters L. B.) covering his service in the second French and first English missions, and a tuunber of miscellaneous letters (noted by the letter M.) to be found in special coll(>ctions have been listed. Intended, primarily, for the student of the history of this period, this list will also serve to show some of the resources of the Library' of Congress in manuscript material for the 3'ears of Monroe's public service. The "Journal" by Monroe of the negotiations which led to the ces- sion of Louisiana is reproduced from the original manuscript. The list was prepared b}' Mr. Wilmer Ross Leech, of the Division of Manuscripts. WORTHINGTON ('HAUNCEY FoRD Chiefs Division of Manuscripts Herbert Putnam Lihrarlati of Congress • Washingion, D. C, June 27, 190^ 3 ILLUSTRATION Monroe's journal of the negotiations for the cession of Louisiana FronlUpiece. The most successful incident connected with Monroe's diplomatic expe- rience was the visit to France in 1803, resulting in the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. Much of the credit belongs to Robert R. Livingston, who had conducted the jireliniinary negotiations, but Monroe felt that to himself should be awarded the chief credit. The paper now reprodliced is entirely in Monroe's writing and is a rough diary of the events of the days spent in tlie negotiation'^, it thus constitutes the best contemporary account of his participation. 5 PAPERS OF |AMES MONROE 1779. May — . Monroe to William Woodford. M. — . Continental Congress. Report of a committee rela- tive to the capture of the W<.st Florida. — . Joseph .(ones. Notes relative to the paj- of army officers. 1783. August 23. Arthur Lee to Monroe. November 28. Benjamin Harrison to Monroe. 1784. — . Beverley Randolph to Monroe. January 2. " " 5. Richard Henry Lee to Monroe. February 24. Beverley Randolph to Monroe. March 6. Meriwether Smith to Monroe. April 16. Beverley Randolph to Monroe. May 14. " 21. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. June 30. Robert Morris to Monroe. M. August 20. George Clinton to Monroe. November 7. " " 11. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 19. Benjamin Harrison to Monroe. November 26. 26. December 2. 10. 15. January 14. March 6. 11. 18. 18. April 15. May 11. August 2. PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE John Tyler to Monroe. Beverley Randolph to Monroe. John Marshall to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Thomas Stone to Monroe. 1785. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Beverley Randolph to Monroe. -To.seph Jones to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Thomas Stone to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. [November, 1784] October 17. November 28. December 11. January February March April June July 13. 1. 9. 14. 27. 7. 15. 16. 24. James Tilton to Monroe. Rithard Henry Lee to Monroe. William Grayson to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 1786. Joseph Jones to Monroe. [.TfLY, 1786] July- 30. August 6. 12. 15. 20. October 23. November 22. December 7. March 1. 3. 8. April 30. May 29. June 1. 5. 8. 11. 18. 22? July 4. August 7. 8. October 22. PAPERS OF .JAMES MONROE Rufus King to Monroe. Joseph Jones to Monroe. Monroe to Patrick Henry. Joseph Jones to Monroe. Lambert Cadwahvder to Monroe. Joseph Jones to Monroe. William Grayson to Monroe. Joseph Jones to Monroe. 1787. Joseph Jones to Monroe. William Grayson to Monroe. Joseph Jones to Monroe. Elbridge Gerry to Monroe. Joseph Jones to Monroe. Edward Carrington to Monroe. William Grayson to Monroe. 1788. 9 February 7. May 27. Thomas Jefferson. Extract of letter to Alexander Donald. Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington. 10 July 8 September 15. January 6. June 25, January 15. 24. February 16. 22. Jvine 20. January February 30. 9. 20. September 10. October 17. January 31. May 16. November 28. January 4. 25. February 24, PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [July. 1788] Thomas Jefferson to ,Iohn Brown Cutting. Edward Carrington to Monroe. 1790. Beverley Randolph to Monroe. Elbridge Gerry to Monroe. James Madison. Amendments to the Constitution. 1791. Richard Henry Lee to Monroe. Patrick Henry to Monroe. George Clinton to Monroe. Joseph Jones to Monroe. to Monroe? [incomplete]. 1792. George Mason to Monroe. William Memachan to Monroe. Aaron Burr to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Geoi'ge Washington. Thomas Jefferson. Observations on the proposi- tion of a Dutch company to purchase the debt of the United States. 1793. George Washington to Madame La Fayette. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. Henry Tazewell to Monroe. 1794. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. Spencer Roane to Monroe. piARrn. 1794] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 11 March 13. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 22. J. G[arland<] Jefferson to Monroe. April 8. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 9. George Washington to Monroe. 13. Henr3^ Tazewell to Monroe. 24. Thomas Jetfei'son to Monroe. May 30. Aaron Burr to Monroe. June 1. .Fames Monroe to George Washington. 11. Alexander Hamilton to Monroe. m" 1 m' Thomas Paine to the Convention of France. Iherniidor 19. \ Thermidor 29.' [ ''^''"'"'^" ^''''"*^ *" ^^""'■°''- Thermidor 30.' [ " " [With inclosures]. 25. ( a i( Fructidor S. j 28. John Jay to Monroe. September 14. Thomas Paine to Monroe. 14. Thomas Paine. "Memorial . . . to [Monroe] the Minister ... of the United States." 18. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 25. Edmund Randolph to Monroe. VendSaire it [ ^l^oi^i'^^ l^'^i"^' to Monroe. 11. John Swan to Monroe. 13 I ,T T ■ • n,^" > Thomas Paine to Monroe. Vendemiaire 22. ( , . . 21. ( Vendemiaire 30. f 12 November 7. 17. 22. 24. 25. 28. 5. 5. 5. 23. 27. December January February March April PAPEB8 OF JAMES MONEOE [November, 1794] Archibald Hamilton Rowan to Monroe. Edmund Randolph to Monroe. John Quint V Adams to Monroe. John Jay to Monroe. 11. 19. 1. 19. 23. 6. 23. 30. 2. 8. 10. 13. 14. 23. James Brown to Monroe. John Langdon to Monroe. Edmund Randolph to Monroe. Rufus King to Monroe. Monroe to the Committee of Public Safety. Monroe. Memorandum on his first mission to France. 1795. .Joseph Fenwick to Monroe. Pierce Butler to Monroe. John Quincy Adams to Monroe. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. John Quincj' Adams to Monroe. * John Adams to Monroe. John Quincy Adams to Monroe. Monroe to John Adams. Edmund Randolph to George Hammond. George Hammond to Edmund Randolph. Edmund Randolph to George Hammond. George Hammond to Edmund Randolph. Robert R. Livinsfston to Monroe. [April, 1795] April May June PAPERS OK JAMES MONROE 13 24. Heiuy Tazewell. Resolution on the Juy treat}- of 1794. 16. John Quincy Adams to Monroe. 26. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 29. Edmund Randolph to Jean Antoine Joseph Fauchet. 5. Geoi'ge Washington to Monroe. 5. George Washington to Madame La Fayette. 24. John Langdon to Monroe. 25. ( 27. 29. 30. July 5. 8 10. August 2. 6. Thermidor 15. 2S. 25. September 4. 6. 11. 18. - 23. , 26. James Monroe to George Logan, Aaron Burr, John Befkley. Robert R. Livingston, and Thomas JelIer.son. Henry Tazewell to Monroe. Stevens Thomson ^lason to Monroe. Pierre Augu.ste Adet to Ednmnd Randolph. Aaron Burr to Moni-oe. John Quinc}' Adams to Monroe. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. Aaron Burr to Monroe. Melancthon Smith to Monroe. Thomas Paine to Monroe. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. David Humphreys to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Aaron Burr to Monroe. Benjamin Vaughan to Monroe. Robert Montgomery to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. 14 October 4. 5, 7. 18. 24. November 2. December 17 24, 29 January 10 12. 15. 20. 23. February 27. March 2. 8. 9. 10. 21. 24. 31. April 12. PAPERS OF .JAMES MONROE [October, 1795] David Humphrej^s to Monroe. Samuel Bayard to Monroe. ,Tohn Quincy Adams to Monroe. Elbridgfe Gerry to Monroe. Thomas Boylstou Adams to Monroe. Aaron Burr to Monroe. Thomas Boylston Adams to Monroe. Monroe. Exposition of the treaty with Great Britain. Rufus King to Monroe. Thomas Paine to Monroe. 1796. Monroe to Aaron Burr. Monroe to James Madison. John Breckinridge to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. David Humphrej^s to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Monroe to the "Comite de Salut Public de hi Con- vention Nationals de la Republique Franfaise." David Humphreys to Monroe. Aaron Burr to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Monroe to George Washington. John Henrj' to Monroe. John Langdon to Monroe. [APRIL, 1796] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 15 April 14. George Clinton to Monroe. 24. Thomas Jefferson to Philip Mazzei. [Extract.] 28. Thomas Boylston Adams to Monroe. May 5. Monroe to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, France. 19. Henrj' Tazewell to Monroe. June 12. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 20. John Quincy Adams to Monroe, July 5. Monroe to James Madison. 10. Thonias Jefferson to ^lonroe. 21. Enoch Edwards to Monroe. 22. Timothj- Pickering to Monroe. — . Enoch Edwards to Monroe. August 1. Rufus King to Monroe. 11. September 6. Aaron Burr to Monroe. 11. Enoch Edwards to Monroe. 19. Rufus King to Monroe. October 7. " " 19. " November 18. " " December 3. Monroe to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, France. — . Monroe to . Respecting Algiers. — . Monroe to . — . Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. — . Citizens of Philadelphia to Monroe. 1797. February 8. Rufus King to Monroe. r> „• 1 o r Francesco de Miranda to John B. Prevost. (jrerminal 8. ) 16 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [March. 1797] March — . John B. Pievost to Francesco de Mii-anda. — . John B. Prevost to Monroe. April 2. Francesco de Miranda to Monroe. 4. Elbridge Gerry to Monroe. May 30. Robert Goodloe Harper to William Branch Giles. 31. William Branch Giles to Robert Goodloe Harper. 31. Robert Goodloe Harper to William Branch Giles. June 8. " " 14. " " July 1. Timothy Pickering to Monroe. 6. Monroe to Timothy Pickering. 8. " " 15. " " 17. Timothy Pickering to Monroe. 19. Monroe to Timothy Pickering. 23. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 24. Monroe to Timoth\- Pickering. 24. Timothy Pickering to jMonroe. 24. " " 25. 31. Monroe to Timothy Pickering. 31. " " August 15. Timothy Pickering to Monroe. .September 7. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 15. Joseph Fenwick to Monroe. December 25. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. — . Monroe. Amount of compensation as minister to France. [December. 1797] December PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE r February- 8. 12. March 8. 8. 21. 25. April 5. 5. 13. 19. 20. 21. Floreal 21. 2, May 21. June 1. 10. July 23. 32067- -04 : l:\ Monroe. Account ug-ainst the United States while minister to France. Monroe. Paper on his recall. Monroe. "Political project of address on my return from first mission." Monroe. Appeal relating to a controversj- with France. Monroe. Essay on probable war with France. Spencer Roane to Monroe. 1798. Thomas rTefl'erson to Monroe. Monroe to Enoch Edwards. (Teorire Washington to John Nicholas. [Copy by Monroe.] Thomas .Totferson to Monroe. -lohn Taylor to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. John Dawson to Monroe. Timothy Pickering to John Dawson. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Enoch Edwards to Monroe. Enoch Edwards to ,Tohn Dawson. Henri Gregoire to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. Enoch Edwards to Monroe. Monroe. Note respecting preceding letter. Monroe. Account of payments made to the familj' of General Lafayette. 18 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [October, 1798] October 17. John Dawson to iloni-oe. 29. " " November 15. Monroe to Thomas Jeffer.son. 16. — . Monroe to . Respecting Dr. George Logan. 1799. January 3. Thomas Jeffer.son to Monroe. 23. " " 24. Stevens Thomson Mason to ^Monroe. February 10. John Dawson to Monroe. 11. Thomas Jetierson to Monroe. 19. " " March 24. Spencer Roane to Monroe. 29. John Dawson to Monroe. July 10. William Lee "To all whom it may concerne," respecting house owned by Monroe while in France. December 6. Larkin Smith to Monroe. 7. Archibald Stuart to Monroe. 14. Joseph Prentis to Monroe. 22. St. George Tucker to Monroe. 23. Monroe to Samuel Prentiss. 27. John Tyler to Monroe. 29. St. George Tucker to Monroe. 1800. January — . Stevens Thomson Mason to ]\Ionroe. February 16. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. March 4. Monroe. Decree containing pension of Murj' Dalten. M. [MARcir. 1800] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 19 March , 26. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. April 4. Monroe to George William Erving. 13. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 29. Stevens Thomson Mason to Monroe. May 15. " " 20. George William Erving to Monroe. 23. Stevens Thomson Mason to Monroe. 26. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. July 12. Monroe to St. George Tucker. 12. Moni'oe to Thomas Melvean. 12. PMmoiid Cliarles Genet to ^lonroe. 14. .Tames Gnil>b to Monroe. 18. Stevens Thomson Mason to Monroe. 19. St. George Tucker to Monroe. 30. Monroe to Edmond Charles Genet. August 10. Edmond Charles Genet to Monroe. September 20. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. October 22. Joseph Eenwick to Monroe. November 6. Hugh Williamson to ^lonroe. 8. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 8. Joseph Fenwick to ]\Ionroe. 9. James Madison (Hishop) to Monroe. 22. -Joseph Fenwick to Monroe. ' December 5. Stevens Thomson Mason to Monroe. 10. Joseph Fenwick to Monroe. 17. George William Erving to Monroe. 20. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 22. Stevens Thomson Mason to Monroe. 20 December January February PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE Monroe to John Adams. [December, 1800] — . Monroe. "A note founded on the denunciation by Mr. [John] Adams, in his reply to an address from the people of Lancaster." — . Merlin de Thionville to Monroe. 1801. 2. Stevens Thomson Mason to Monroe. 7. St. George Tucker to Monroe. 21. Matthew Clay to Monroe. 23. St. George Tucker to Monroe. 25. George William Erving to Monroe. 3. Samuer.rordan Cabell to Monroe. # 5. Stevens Thomson Mason to Monroe. 7. Benjamin Hichborn to Monroe. 7. Thomas Mann Randolph to Monroe. 9. George William Erving to Monroe. 9. John Tyler to Monroe. 11. 11. ^latthew Clay to ^Monroe. 11. John Randolph, jr., to Monroe. 12. 12. " " 12. Littleton Waller Tazewell to Monroe. 13. ,lohn Dawson to Monroe. 13. John Hoomes to Monroe. 13. Littleton Waller Tazewell to Monroe. 14. Thomas Mann Randolph to Monroe. 15. Francis Brooke to Monroe. 15. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. [Febrvary. iHOl] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 21 February 15. Wilson Cary Nicholas to Monroe. 16. John Hoomes to Monroe. 17. Matthew Clay to Monroe. 17. George William Erving to Monroe. 17. Stevens Thomson Mason to Monroe. 17. P^verard Meade to ^lonroe. 17. Wilson Cary Nicholas to Monroe. 17. John Kandolph. jr., to Monroe. 18. ilonroe to Stevens Thomson Mason and Wilson Cary Nicholas. 19. John Hoomes to Monroe. 20. 20. John Randolph, jr., to ^Monroe. 24. Samuel Jordan Cabell to Monroe. 25. St. (leorge Tucker to Monroe. March 2. ^Monroe to Thomas Jetierson. 5. Monroe to George William Erving. 12. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. 14. George William Erving to Monroe. 15. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. 17. George William Erving to Monroe. 23. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. ' 24. Monroe to George William Erving. 24. William Lee to Monroe. April 9. (ieorge William Erving to Monroe. 30. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. May 3. '' " 23. William Lee to ^Monroe. 22 May 26. 29. 29. June 12. 18. 20. July 1. 5. 12. 16. 21. 23. November 14. 24. December 13. 21. 24. PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. [May, 1801] Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. James Grubb to Monroe. i Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. John Taylor to Monroe. Stevens Thomson Mason to Monroe. Monroe to George Clinton. Albert Gallatin to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Williiini Tudor to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. January 27. March 17. May 3. 9, June 22. 22. August 4. October 18. Stevens Thomson Mason to Monroe. John Breckini'idge to Monroe Resolution offered to Virginia General A.ssembly. 1802. Stevens Thom.son Mason to Monroe. James Madison (Bishop) to Monroe. Monroe. State grants of land to Jonathan Dainty. M. John Shore to Monroe. Daniel Clark to James Madison. [With inclosui'es.] Richard Parker to Monroe. Meriwether Jones to Monroe. Monroe. Grant of land in Berkley C'ounty to Jame.s Welch, assignee of John Di.von. M. [November, 1802] November 3. 27. December 6. PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 23 January 3. 7. 10. 13. 18. 29. February 23. 26. 26. 26. March Ventose Germinal 1. 2. 9. 19. 16. 21. 1. Edward Livingston. Answer to (luestion proposed by (Tared IngersoU, William Hawle. Joseph Bor- den Mc'Kean, and Peter Stephen Du Pouceau. James Madison to Charles Pinckney. James Pendleton to Monroe. 1803. John Randolph, jr.. to Monroe. Monroe to Thomas Jetlerson. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Robert R. Livingston to Talleyrand-Perigord. J^dmond Charles Genet to Monroe. United States, Senate. Resolutions respecting the navigation of the Mississippi River. Stevens Thomson Mason to INIonroe. United States, Senate. A bill directing a detach- ment from the militia of th(> United States, and for erecting certain arsenals. United States. An act, etc., niaking further provi- sion for the expenses attending the intercourse between the United States and foreign nations. Wilson Cary Nicholas to Monroe. James Madison to Robert R. Livingston and Mon- roe. John Pintard to Monroe. - Talleyrand-Perigord to Robert R. Livingston. Robert R. Livingston to Talleyrand-Perigord. - Talleyrand-Perigord to Robert R. Livingston. John Pintard. Notes on the Mississippi River, East and West Florida. 24 Mp.rch April PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [March, 1803] Germinal May Floreal — . Thomas Lopez. Prospectus of "Atlas Geogratico de la America." 9. Mouroe to James Madison. L. B. 10. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 12. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 12. Robert K. Livingston to Monroe. 13. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 13 I ,-,o' - Talleyrand-Perigord to Robert R. Livingston. 13. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 13. Robert R. Livingston to Talleyrand-Perigord. 15. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 15. Monroe to James Madison. "Not sent." 17. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 19. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 19. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 23? Earbe Marbois. Project of a treaty between United States and France. 30. Monroe. Articles of agreement to a treaty with France for the cession of Louisiana. 30. Monroe to Talleyrand-Perigord. — . Robert R. Livingston and ^lonroe. Project of a treaty between United States and France. Monroe. Journal of cession of Louisiana. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 2. 3. 3 1, fA ( Barbe Marbois to Robert R. Livingston and Monroe. 5. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 9. Monroe and Robert R. Livingston to Rufus King. L. B. [May, 1803] PAPERS OF -JAMES MONROE 25 May Floreal Floreal Floreal June 9. 20. 12. 23. 13. 13. 16. 18. 19. 19. 19. HO. 23. 23. 25. 28. 28. 31. 31. 2. 2. 2. 3. 7. 7. 7. [ Barbo Marbois to Monroe and Kobert R. Livingston. [■ Barbe Marbois to Monroe. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. Monroe and Robert R. Livingston to James Mad- ison. L. B. Monroe to Charles Pinckney. L. B. Moni'oe to James Madison. L. B. Monroe and Robert II. Livingston to Barbe Mar- boi.s. L. B. ^Monroe to Talle3'rand-Perigord. L. B. Barl)e Marbois to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. (leorge William Erving to ^lonroe. Monroe to Stevens Thomson Vinson, Wilson Gary Nicholas, and John Breckenridge. Rolx'rt R. Livingston to ^Monroe. Robert R. Livingston to Cliarles Pincknej'. Rol)(>rt H. Livingston to Monroe. James ]\Iadison to Monroe. Monroe and Robert K. Ij! vingston to Barb^ Marbois. Robert R. Livhigston to Barbe Marbois. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. Monroe. Opinion respecting West Florida. L. B. Monroe and Robert R. Livingston to James Madi- son. L. B. Prairial 7. 19? y Talleyrand-Perigord to Monroe. 26 PAPERS OF JAMES MONEOE [JrsK. 1803] June 7. Monroe and Robert R. Livingston to Charles Pinckney. L. B. 8. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 9. Monroe to Tallej^rand-Perigord. 15. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 15. .lohn Randolph, jr., to Monroe. 19. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 20. John Graham to Monroe. 20 ) Ti, ., /> Barbe Marbois to Monroe. Messidor 2. \ 21 ) ,, ., .,' ^ Tallevrand-Perigord to Monroe. Messidor 3. \ - = 23. John Mercer. "Extracts from my journal, com- mencing . . . the day on \vh. I sailed from New York for France." 23. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 23. Monroe to James Madison. 23. James Yard to Monroe. 25. James Madison to Monroe. 28. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 29. Monroe to Talleyrand-Perigord. July 5. Monroe to Charles Pinckney. L. B. 12. Monroe to d'Azara. L. B. > 14. D'Azara to Monroe. L. B. 17. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 19. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 20. " " L. B. 26. " " L. B. 26. AVilliam Bingham to Monroe. 29 I rp, . • , . 11" Barbe Marbois to Monroe. [Jci-Y. 1803] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE July 30. James Madison to Monroe. — . Ro])ert R. Livingston to Monroe. — . Rufus King to James Madison. — . Tliomas Paine. Notes on Louisiana. August 11. Monroe to .James Madison. L. B. 12. Delamotte to Monroe. 15. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 19. Barbe Marbois to Monroe. 20. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 20. Monroe to Barbe Marbois. 20. Barbe Marbois to Monroe. 31. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. September 9. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 27 Fructidor 11. " " qk" y Bai'be Marbois to Monroe. 25. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 29. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. — . Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. Thomas Sumter to Monroe. 28 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [October, 1803] October 1. Thomas Sumter. Memorandum relative to Flor- ida, etc. ,7 J' ■ ■ ,0' !- Barbe Marbois to Monroe. Vendemiaire 12. j 8. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 9. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 10. Monroe to Barbe Marbois. 17. Sir Francis Baring to Monroe. 19. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 21. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 22. Monroe to James Madison. 28. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 29. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. November 2. \ g^^.,^^ Marbois to Monroe.' [With inclosures.] Brumaire 12. ) ^ -' 6. John Mercer to Monroe. 7. John Randolph, jr., to Monroe. 12. John Taylor to Monroe. 14. Baring Brothers to Marbois. 14. Charles Pinckney to Monroe. 15. Nathaniel Macon to Monroe. 16. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 19. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston 25. Monroe to James Madison. 25. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. L. B. 29. Monroe to the Governor of Virginia. 29. Monroe to Lord Hawkesbury. L. B. December 10. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 15. Monroe to James Madison. [December, 1803] December 17 23 26 January PAPERS OF JAMES MONKOE 29 Monroe to James Madison. James Madison (Bishop) to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. Monroe to John Ta3^1or. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. " Not sent." Monroe. Notes on negotiations with France reUi- tive to cession of Louisiana. Monroe. Political reflections on the acquisition of Louisiana. Anonymous to Monroe. Anonymous. "An Examination into the Boundar- ies of Louisiana." Anonymous. "Opinion respecting AVest Florida." Anonymous. "Chronological series of facts i-ela- tivo to Louisiana." Anonymous. '*A list of instructions and other papers relating to the negotiations for the acqui- sition of Louisiana." — . Cipher of Robert R. Livingston. 1804. 4. William Pinknej^ to Monroe. 5. James Madison to Monroe. [With inclosure.] 8. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 9. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 13. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 13. Monroe to Disbrowe [?]. 19. James Madison to Monroe. 22. Monroe to Wilson Cary Nicholas. 23. Monroe to Christopher Gore. 30 January 27. February 2. 8. 10. 14. 14. 14. 22. 23. 23. March Ventose 23. 25. 26. 28. 3. 3. 8. 14. 15. 15. 17. 18. 19. 19. 20. 30. 27. PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [January, 1804] Monroe to the American Commissioners. Charles Pinckney to Monroe. Monroe to Sir Francis Baring. Pedro Cevallos to Charles Pinckney. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. Monroe to Barbd Marbois. James Madison to Monroe. [With inclosures.] Charles Pincknej' to Monroe. Christopher Gore and William Pinkney to INlonroe. Commissioners [J. Trumbull, ]M. Swabey, J. Anstej', Christopher Gore, and William Pinkne^'] to James Madison. Minutes of meeting of the Commissioners under the treaty. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. John Randolph to Monroe. Monroe to James Madi.son. Monroe to Christopher Gore and William Pinkney. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. John Page to Monroe. Monroe to Thomas Jeflerson. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. Casa Yrujo to James Madison. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. Monroe to . flames Madison to Casa Yrujo. - Barbe Marbois to Monroe. I Monroe to Count de Woronzow. L. B. [MARrH, 1804] March April Floreal May 4. 7. 7. 7. 9. 13. 15. 16. 17. 26. 27 8 PAPERS <_)F JAMES MONROE 31 Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. Monroe to Lord Hawkesburv. L. B. L. B. Monroe to G Taylor. Monroe. Project of convention relative to seamen, etc., transmitted to Lord Hawkesbury. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. Monroe to Charles Pinckney. ]\Ionroe to James Madison. L. B. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. Monroe to James Madison. . I Barlic Marliois to Hope & Co. 1. 1. 1. 3. 5. 6. 11. 13. 16. 16. 16. 16. 18. 18. 22. L. B. Monroe to Ijord Hawkesbury, Ilorr Brow II Trist to Monroe. Vincente Folchc to William C. C. Claiborne. Monroe to .lumes Madison. L. B. John Mercer to Monroe. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston, ^lonroe to Lord Hawkesburv. L. B. Monroe to Lord Harrow b_y. L. B. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. Sir Williiun Scott to Monroe. L. B. Monroe to William Pinknev. L. B. Monroe to Sir William Scott. L. B. Monroe to James Madison. 32 I'APERS OF JAMES MONROE [May, ISCMJ May 22. Robert K. Livingston to Monroe. 23. Monroe to William Pinkne_v. 24. Monroe to Lord Harrowby. L. B. ^5. James Madison to Monroe. 30. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 30. William C. C. Claiborne to James Madison. 31. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. June 1. Monroe to Sir S Cottrell. L. B. 2. AVilliam C. C. Claiborne to James Madison. 2. William C. C. Claiborne to Governor Folche. 3. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 5. Monroe to Lord Hawkesbury. L. B. 5. Monroe to Brooke. L. B. , 8. Monroe to John Mercer. 10. Monroe to James Madison. 12. 17. John Mercer to Monroe. 18. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 18. Monroe to J Mackenzie and A Glennie. L. B. 19. Monroe to John Mercer. 19. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 20. Monroe to J J Murray. L. B. 21. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 22. Monroe to Lord Harrowby. L. B. 23. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 25. Monroe to consuls of the United States. L. B. 28. Monroe to James Madison. — . John Lowell to Monroe. [July. ISM] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 33 July 1. Monroe to James Madison. 15. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 15-21. Anonymous. Diary. 20. John Randolph to Monroe. 21. James Madison to Monroe. August 4. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 5. Monroe to John Mercer. 7. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 9. Lord Harrowby to Monroe. L. B. 10. Monroe to James Madison. 11. Monroe to Lord Harrowby. L. B. 11. Monroe to United ytatesconsids in England. L. B. 16. J Barrow to George Hammond. L. B. 21. Monroe to Lord Harrowby. L. B. 22. Lord Harrowby to Monroe. L. B 23. John Mercer to Monroe. 23. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 24. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 25. Lord Harrowby to Monroe. L. B. 28. Monroe to Lord Harrowby. L. B. 30. William Pinknej' to Monroe. September 3. Lord Harrowby to Monroe. L. B. 5. Monroe to Lord Harrowby. L. B. 5. Monroe. Note respecting the boundary of United States. L. B. 8. Monroe to .Tames Madison. L. B 12. James Madison to Monroe. 14. Monroe to James Madison. 32067—04 3 34 PAPEKS OF JAMES MONKOE [September, 1804] September 15. Robert R. Livingston to Monroe. 15. Lord Harrowby to Monroe. L. B. 17. Moni'oe to James Madi-son. L. B. 21. Monroe to George Hammond. L. B. 23. George William Erving to Monroe. 25. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. 26. Monroe to Lord Harrowbj'. L. B. 26. Lord Harrowby to Monroe. L. B. 27. W Fawkener to George Hammond. L. B. 28. Lord Harrowby to Monroe. L. B. 29. Monroe to Lord Harrowby. L. B. 29. 29. Lord Harrowby to Monroe. L. B. 29. " " October 3. Monroe to James Madison. 3. Monroe to George Hammond. L. B. 3. St. George Tucker to Monroe. 5. Monroe to United States consuls in England. L. B. 5. J d'Anduagas to Monroe. 15. James Madison to Casa Yrujo. 18. George William Erving to Monroe. 21. Casa Yrujo to James Madison. 25. .James Madison to Casa Yrujo. 26. James jNIadisoii to Charles Pinckney. 26. James Madison to Monroe. 26. " " — . Casa Yrujo to Madison. November 6. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston. 8. ]\lonroe to Talleyrand-Perigord. [XOVEMBER, 1804] November 12. 12. 13. 18. 19. 23. 25. Frimaiie 28. S. ' December 10. 16. 20. Fi'iuiaire 30. PAPERS OF .TAMES MONROE H()l>ert K. Livingston to Monroe. Charles Piuckney to Monroe. Monroe to Robert R. Livingston, t'hiiries Pinckney to Monroe. Robert R. Liviiig.ston to Monroe. Monroe to Barbe Marbois. Jolm Armstrong to Monroe. Harbe Marbois to Monroe. Barbe Marbois to Monroe ? (leorge William Erving to INIonroe. Monroe to .Tames Madison. Talleyrand-Perigord to Monroe. 35 24. .lolin Armstrong to Monroe. — . Notes relative to a letter from William Branch Giles on the conduct of Monroe in the negotia- tions for cession of Louisiana. — . L Callaghan. Address to the Minister of Marine of France. January 11 19 April 16. June 12. 15. July 31. August 5. 6. 8. 1805. Albert (rallatin to .lames Madison. L)e P to H . George William Erving to Monroe. .Tames Bowdoin to Moni'oe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Monroe to Lord Mulgrave. L. B. Lord Mulgrave to Monroe. L. B. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. Monroe to Lord Mulgrave. L. B. L. B. 36 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [Atoust, 1805] August 9. Lord Mulgrave to Monroe. L. B. 10. AV Lyman to Monroe. L. B. 12. Lord Mulgrave to Monroe. L. B. 12. Monroe to Lord Mulgrave. L. B. 12. " " L. B. 16. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 16. Monroe to Lord Mulgrave. L. B. 17. Lord Mulgrave to Monroe. L. B. 20. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 20. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 27. John Murray Forbes to Monroe. September 23. Monroe to Lord Mulgrave. L. B. 25. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. October 9. Lord Mulgrave to Monroe. L. B. 10. Monroe to Lord Mulgrave. L. B. 11. " " L. B. 12. Lord Mulgrave to Monroe. L. B. 13. Monroe. Memonuiduui of papers given to James Bowdoin. 18. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 27. Lord Mulgrave to Monroe. L. B. 28. Monroe to Lord Mulgrave. L. B. 28. Monroe to W Lyman. L. B. November 11. ^Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 13. Monroe to James Bowdoin. L. B. 14. Monroe to John Armstrong. L. B. 24. J. Cox Bai'net to Monroe. 25. Lord Mulgrave to Monroe. L. B. [November, 1805] November 26. 26. 29. December 11. 16. 23. PAPERS OF .JAMES MONROE Monroe to James Madison. L. B. Monroe to Lord Mulgravc. L. B. " L. B. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. " ' " L. B. " " L. B. 37 January February 6. 7. 10. 11. 13. 20. 28. 2. 5. 5. 7. 8. 12. 23. 25. 25. 27. 27. 28. Monroe to King of Spain. 1806. •Fames Sullivan to Monroe, .lohii Armstrong to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. A Barnitz to Monroe. James Bowdoin to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. (xeorge William Erving to Monroe. James Bowdoin to Monroe. Charles .lames Fox to Monroe. L. B. Monroe to Charles James Fox. L. B. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. Charles James Fox to Monroe. L. B. Monroe to Charles James Fox. L. B. L. B. John Armstrong to Monroe. John Taylor to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. 38 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [March, 1806] March 4. Monroe to Baring Brothers & Co. 11. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 11. Monroe to John Armstrong. L. B. 11. Moni'oe to James Bowdoin. L. B. 14. Monroe to Baring Brothers & Co. L. B. 14. Baring Brothers & Co. to Monroe. 16. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 18. Monroe to Baring Brothers & Co. 18. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 20. John Randolph to Monroe. 31. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 31. Monroe to Charles James Fox. L. B. April 3. Monroe to James Madison. .L. B. 8. Charles James Fox to Monroe. • 9. Monroe to United States eousuls in England. L. B. 10. Monroe to Charles James Fox. L. B. 16. Lord Morton to Monroe. L. B. 16? Sir F Vincent to Monroe. L. B. 17. Charles James Fox to Monroe. L. B. 18. MonroetoSecretpry of State, James Madison. L. B. 20. " " L.B. 22. John Randolph to Monroe. 25. Thomas Mullett to Monroe. 26. Monroe to Charles James Fox. L. B. 28. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 29. " " 30. Monroe to Sir S Cottrell. L. B. May 2. Monroe to United States consuls in England. L. B. [May, 1806] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 39 May 2. Monroe to Charles .lames Fox. L. B. 4. Thomas Jefferson to ^lonroe. 9. James SulHvan to Monroe. 13. Monroe to C Murray. L. B. 13. J. Cox Barnet to Monroe. 13. George Sullivan to Monroe. 14. James MadLson (Bishop) to Monroe. 16. Charles James Fox to Monroe. L. B. 17. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 17. .James Madison to Monroe. 17. Monroe to United States consuls in Entrland. L. B. 19. jSionroc to Charles -Fames Fox. L. B. 20. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 20. Charles James Fox to Monroe. L. B. 21. Monroe to Charles Jame.s Fox. L. B. 23. George William Krving to Mcmroe. 28. ^lonroe. Notes respecting Spain and Great Britain. 28. Col. Richard O'Brien to H D 30. John Armstrong to Monroe. June 5. Charles James Fox to Monroe. L. B. 9. Monroe to .lames Madison. L. B. 10. AVilliam Wiit to Monroe. 15. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. "Not sent." 16. Monroe to .John Randolph. 18. George AVilliam Erving to Monroe. 19. William Pinkney to Monroe. 20. Monroe to James Bowdoin. 20. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. 40 PAPERS Ot JAMES MOTSfROF [JrsE. 1806] June 21. Monroe to John Armstrong. 21. Monroe to Charles James Fox. L. B. 22. Charles James Fox to Monroe. L. B. 22. W Marsden to Vice- Admiral Berkeley. L. B. 23. Monroe to Charles James Fox. L. B. 23. Monroe to William Pinkney. 25. Monroe to Charles James Fox. L. B. 27. Monroe to Sir F Vincent. L. B. 27. Sir F Vincent to Monroe. July 1. Monroe to William Pinkney. 1. William Pinkney to Monroe. 2. " " 3. John Randolph to Monroe. 4. J M Taylor to Monroe, 4. William Pinkney to Monroe. 5. Monroe to De Witt Clinton. 5. Monroe to William Pinkney. 8? Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. 9. John Armstrong to Monroe. 17. Monroe to William Pinkney. 23. William Pinkney to Monroe. 24. John Murray Forbes to Monroe. 25. Monroe to William Pinkney. 25. William Pinkney to Monroe. 26. Charles James Fox to Monroe. L. B. 31. Monroe to Charles James Fox. L. B. — . Monroe. " Rough sketch of a joint letter for Mr. [William] Pinkney and myself." [Acr.usT, 18061 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 41 August 2. William rinknev to Monroe. 2. J M Taylor to Monroe. 4. Monroe to Charles James Fox. L. B. 11. George William Erving to Monroe. 29. Monroe to James Sullivan. 30. Monroe to Doc-tor Eustace. -^. William Pinkuey to Monroe. September 6. W Marsden to Sir F Vincent. L. B. 8. Charles James Fox to Monroe. L. B. 13. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 15. Lord Spencer to Monroe. L. B. 16. Monroe to Lord Spencer. L. B. 16. John Randolph to Monroe. 18. " " [Extract by Monroe.] 24. Lord Spencer to Monroe. L. B. 24. Lord Howick to Monroe. L. B. 24. J Stewart to Forsyth. Smith & Co. 25. Monroe to Lord Spencer. L. B. 25. Monroe to Lord llowick. L. B. 25. Lord Howick to Monroe. L. B. 29. '• " L. B. — . William Pinkne\' to Monroe. October 2. Lord Howick to Monroe. L. B. 4. Extract of order for court-martial of Capt. H Whitby for the murder of John Price. L. B. 6. Monroe to Lord Howick. L. B. 11. Lord Howick to Monroe. L. B. 42 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [October, 1806] October 16. C Bicknell to Monroe. L. B. 16. Monroe to C Bicknell. L. B. 18. Thomas Grenville to Lord Howick. L. B. 20. Monroe to Lord Howick. L. B. 22. Lord Howick to Monroe. L. B. 23. Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to Lord Howick. L. B. 24. Monroe to James Madison. L. B. 25. Lord Howick to Monroe. L. B. 26. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 27. Monroe to James Madi.son. L. B. — . J Dorr to Monroe. November 1. William Pinkney to Monroe. 4 " " 4. Lord Auckland to MonroeT. 9. Monroe to William Piukne}-. 9. William Pinkney to Monroe. 14. Monroe to William Pinknej'. 14. Monroe to Lord Holland. 17. William Pinkne}- to jNIonroe. December 5. " " 5. John Kandolph to Monroe. 10. Monroe to William Pinkney. 11. Williams to Monroe. 11. ^^'illiam Pinkney to Monroe. 31. Monroe to Baring Brothers & Co. 31. Monroe and William Pinkney to Lords Holland and Auckland. [December. 1806] PAPEKS OF JAMES MONROE 43 December 31. Monroe and William Pinkney. Copy of treaty of amity, commerce, and navisi-atiun lietween His Britanuif Majesty and the United States of America. 31. Lords Holland :ind Auckland to Monroe and AVilliani Piidvney. William I'iukney to Monroe. Project for a treat}' of amity, commerce, and navi- gation between Great Hrituin and United States. Monroe. Mcmorandiiiu rehvtinij to the lialance of trade between United States and Great Britain. Observations on 1st and 'Jd paragraphs of the treaty between Great Britain and United States. Copy of the proposed alterations of treat}' between Great Britain and United States. Monroe. "A project wh. I prepared — of a treaty." Monroe. Note regarding the proposed treaty. Monroe. Memorandum regarding the proposed treat}'. Monroe. Draft for articles of the proposed treaty. Monroe. Draft for articles of the proposed treaty on the "Intercourse between the U. States and European dominions." Monroe. Amendments to articles 6, 9, 12, 23, and 24 of the projiosed ti-eaty. 44 December PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [December, 1806] January Monroe. Draft of article relating to desertions in the proposed treaty. Monroe. Notes of a letter to . — . James Bowdoin and Monroe. '"Loose thota respecting ye commercial part of a Treaty be- tween Great Britain & ye United States." — . AVilliam Tudoi', jr. Statement regarding the com- merce between Nova Scotia and the United States. — . Anonymous. Extracts respecting conduct of Yrujo. ^. Draft-of article relating to trade, tonnage, duties, etc. 1807. — . Ijord Auckland to Monroe. 2. John Randolph to Monroe. [With a postscript.] 3. Monroe and William Pinkney to James Madison. 3. Littleton Waller Tazewell to Monroe. — . William Pinknev to Monroe. 7. 7. 9. 10. 12. 13. 16. Lord Auckland to Monroe. G W Hammond to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. Lord Holland to Monroe. Monroe and William Pinknej' to John Armstrong. [J.1NUAKY, 1807] January February March PAPERS OF JAMES MONEOE 45 20. William Pinkney to Monroe. 24. George William Erviiig to Monroe. 27. ^Villiam Pinkney- to Monroe. 1. J Allen to Monroe. 3. James Madison to Monroe and William Pinkney. 4. Lord Auckland to Monroe. 10. Lords Holland and Auckland to Monroe and Wil- liam Pinkney. 11. Monroe to AVilliani Pinkney. 16. William Pinkney to Monroe. 18. " 22. Lord Auckland to Monroe. 23. William Pinkney to Monroe. 24. Lord Auckland to Monroe. 25. Monroe to William Pinkney. 27. .lames Rowdoin to Monroe. — . Lord Holland to Monroe. 2. Lord Auckland to Monroe. 4. William Branch (iiles to Monroe. 5. Lord Howick to Monroe. 6. Monroe to Loi'd Howick. 11. William Pinkney to Monroe. 11. Lord Howick to Monroe. 13. F:arl of Selkirk to Lord Holland. 16. William Pinkney to Monroe. 18. .lames Madison to Monroe. 21. Thomas .Teffer.son to Monroe. 23. Lord Auckland to Monroe. 4(5 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [March, 1807] March 24. John Randolph to Monroe. 24. Lord Holland to Monroe. 24. Lord Auckland to Monroe. 26. Lord Holland to Monroe. 27. Lord Auckland to Monroe. 28. Lord Holland to Monroe. 31. Monroe and William Pinkney to Lord Holland. 31. William Pinkney to Monroe. — . Lord Holland to Monroe. April 2. Monroe to George Canning. 4. John Armstrong to Monroe and William Pinkney. 4. James Bowdoin to John Armstrong. 5. James Bowdoin to Monroe. 6. William Pinknej^ to Monroe. 6. John Armstrong to James Bowdoin. 9. Pennsylvania legislature. Proceedings relative to the Cumberland road. 11. Monroe to George Canning. 12. Joseph Hopper Nicholson to Monroe. 13. Monroe to George Canning. 15. George Canning to Monroe and William Pinkney. 16. William Pinkney to Monroe. 17. John Randolph to Monroe. 22. Monroe and William Pinkney to James Madison. 24. William Pinknev to Monroe. [AfRiL, ibO-] PAPERS OF JAMES MONKOE 4:7 April 25. Monroe and William Pinknoy to James Madison. 29. Monroe to George Canning. 30. Moni'oe to William Branch Giles. May 4. Monroe to Littleton Waller Tazewell. 6. Monroe to William Pinkney. 7. Monroe and William Pinkney to James Madison. 9. William Pinkney to Monroe. 11. 18. Lord Holland to Monroe. 20. James ]\Iadison to Monroe. 29. Tliomas Jefferson to Monroe. 30. John Randolph to Monroe. — . Littleton Waller Tazewell to Monroe. June 16. William Pinkney to Monroe. 20. Riciiard O'Brien to . 27. Lord Holland to Monroe. 30. John ^lullowny to Thomas Jefferson. — . Monroe to Thomas Jeflerson. July 6. James Madison to Monroe. 6. Nicholas Biddle to Monroe. 7. John Armstrong- to Monroe. 15. flames Bowdoin to Monroe. 18. Monroe and William Piidvney to George Canning. 18. George Canning to Monroe and William Pinknoy. 23. Monroe and ^^'illi;un Piidinoy to James Madison. 24. Monroe and William Pinkney to George Canning. 25. George Canning to Monroe. 27. Monroe to George Canning. 48 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [July, 1807] July 28. Lords Holland and Auckland to George Canning. 29. Monroe to George Canning. 30. Monroe and William Pinkney to George Canning. August 3. George Canning to Monroe. 4. Monroe to James Madi.son. 6. Monroe to George Canning. 8. George Canning to Monroe. 9. Monroe to George Canning. 14. Monroe to ,Iame.s Madison. September 1. Monroe to George Canning. 9. " " 16. Monroe to James Madison. 22. Lord Auckland to Monroe. 23. George Canning to Monroe. 25. Monroe to Lord Auckland. 29. Monroe to George Canning. October 2. William Pinkney to Monroe. 6. Monroe to William Pinkney. 6. Monroe to George Canning. 6. S Cottrell to Monroe. 9. Monroe to George Canning. 9. George Canning to James Madison. 10. Monroe and William Pinknej- to James Madison. 10. Monroe to John Armstrong. 14. Lord Holland to Monroe. 15. Lord Erskine to Monroe. 17. George Rose to Monroe. [October, 1807 October 18. 20. 20. 21. 22. 22. 22. 22. 23. 23. 23. 25. 28. 28. 29. 31. November 1. 2. 6. 6. 26. December 10. 24. 25. 32067—04 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 49 Monroe and William Pinkney to George Canning. George Rose to Monroe. Lord Erskine to Monroe. Monroe and William Pinkney to James Madison. George Rose to Monroe. George Canning to Monroe and William Pinkne}'. George Canning to Monroe. Monroe to George Rose. Monroe to George Canning. George Canning to Monroe. Edward Disbrowo to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. Monroe to the Governor of Maryland. Monroe to George Canning. Nicholas Biddle to Monroe. ' Monroe to James Madison. Lord Holland to Monroe. Monroe to Lord Holland. William Pinkney to Monroe. Monroe to William Pinkney. Lord Auckland to Monroe. Charles Blagden to Monroe. Monroe to Alexander Baring. Monroe to William Pinkne}-. Richard O'Brien to . John Randolph to Monroe. John Clopton to Alexander McCrae. 50 December 30. PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE Thomas Paine to Monroe. [December, 1807] — . Robert Liston. Proposed addition to the treaty with Great Britain of 1794. — . Notes relative to a memorial of Canadian merchants to Lords Holland and Auckland. — . Arthur . I. Stansbury to Monroe. — . United States, House of Representatives. Report of Committee of Commerce and Manufactures. 1808. January 2. Nicholas Biddle to Monroe. 2. William ^\'. Morris to Monroe. 18. Walter Jones to Monroe. 20. 24. Monroe to Walter Jones. February 3. Monroe to James Madison. 8. William Wirt to Monroe. 18. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 22. John Tajdor to Monroe. 27. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. 29. ]\1 Clay to Monroe. March 5. Monioe to James Madison. 9. John Randolph to Monroe. 10. John Minor to Monroe. 10. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 20. John Taylor to Monroe. 22. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. 23. Monroe to John Randolph. 26. Monroe to James Madison. 26. John Randolph to Monroe. [March, 1808] March 28. April 4. 5. 6. 6. 8. 11. 13. 18. 18. June 23. September 13. 27. 28. October 8. 12. 13. 15. . 24. 28. 30. November 1. 6. 7. 18. December 20. 26. 20. PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE Monroe to James Madison. Timothy Pickering to Monroe. Monroe to .James Madison. Monroe to . George U' 11 Ham Erving to Monroe Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Li a Monroe to Timothy Pickering. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. James Bowdoin to Monroe. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Littleton Waller Tazewell t<> Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Eliza Bonaparte to Monroe. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. Monroe to Littleton Waller Tazewell. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. Monroe to Eliza Bonaparte. James Bowdoin to Monroe. Nicholas Biddle to Monroe. Monroe to William Wirt. J L Taylor to Monroe. William Wirt to Monroe. 51 52 December PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [December, 1808] ^lonroe. "'Note.snot used" of lettei- to Thomas Jefferson. Monroe to Charles Johnson Monroe to John Randolph. > Monroe to . 1809. John Randolph to Monroe. Monroe to Nicholas Biddle. Monroe to John Taylor. John Taylor to Monroe. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Monroe to David Gelston. John MuUowny to Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson to John MuUowny. John Mercer to Monroe. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. Edward Church to Monroe. John Taylor to Monroe. 1810. February 10. John Taylor to Monroe. 25. Monroe to Richard Brent. March 12. John Taylor to Monroe. June 15. " " August 28. John Randolph to Monroe. September 10. Monroe to John Taylor. January 1. 7. 9. 9. 15. 18. 28. February 7 15. March 2. May 25 September 4, October 19. November 8, [September, 1810] October 26. November 13. 19. 25. December 24. 30. January February March 12. 14. 14. 15. 21. 23. 25 31. 4. 6. 13. 13. 25. 2. 10? 17. 18. 18. 21. 23. 24. PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE John Taylor to Monroe. Henry Clay to Monroe. Monroe to John Taylor. John Taylor to Monroe. Monroe to Thoma.s Jefferson. Littleton Waller Tazewell to Monroe. 1811. Charles Johnson to Monroe. Monroe to Charle.s Johu.son. John Randolph to Monroe. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. Monroe to John Taylor. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. John Taylor to Monroe. Monroe to .Tohn Randolph. Monroe to Littleton Waller Tazewell. Monroe to John Randolph. Littleton Waller Tazewell to Monroe. Monroe to I^ittleton Waller Tazewell. John Randolph to Monroe. Richard Brent to Monroe. Littleton Waller Tazewell to Mom-oe. Monroe to Richard Brent. John Taylor to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. Littleton Waller Tazewell to Monroe. 53 54 March April May June 24. 29. 31. 1. 14. 1. 1. 5. 9. 10. 23. 1. 3. 6. 2. 3. 12. 23. 24. 27. 7. 11. 14. September 4. 6. 26. November 8. July August PAPERS OF JAMES MONKOE Johu Taylor to Moni'oe. Moni'oe to James Madison. James Madison to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. Richard Brent to Monroe. Josliua Barnej' to Monroe. James P. Preston to Monroe. Thomas Sumter, jr., to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. James Wilkinson to Monroe. Littleton Waller Tazewell to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. James Bowdoin to Monroe. Monroe to John Adams. Nicholas Biddle to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. Augustus John Foster to Monroe. Joseph Fenwick to Monroe. Monroe to Augustus John Foster. Augustus John Foster to Monroe. Johu Taylor to Monroe. Johu Graham to Monroe. James Madison to INIonroe. John (ti-uIuuu to Monroe. [March. 1811] Mathew Lyon to Monroe. Benjamin Rush to Monroe. [November, 1811] November 25. 25. 30. December 8. 12. 13. 19. 22. 25. 26. PAPEBS OF JAMES MONROE Monroe to Alexander James Dallas. Monroe to Jose Aharez de Toledo. John Winthrop to Monroe. "Walter Jones to Monroe. Benjamin Watkins I^eigh to Monroe. Monroe to . John Adams to Monroe. Pierce Butler to Monroe. George William Erving to Monroe. George Graham to Monroe. — . Monroe to Lord Auckland. 1812. Jeuiuary 2. John Taylor to Monroe. 11. Thomas Jefl'erson to Monroe. 17. Littleton Waller Tazewell to Monroe. 22. John Guerrant to Monroe. 20. William Tudor, jr., to Monroe. 12. John Taylor to Monroe. 15. Henry Clay to Monroe. 2. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 7. Hugh Nelson to Monroe. 7. John Adams to Monroe. 10. Jolm Taylor to Monroe. 13. Monroe to John Taylor. June 18. John Taylor to Monroe. 21. William Wirt to Monroe. 25. John Marshall to Monroe. July 6. C Tait to Monroe. 55 February March April May # 56 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [July,l8l2] July 13. flame.s Barbour to Monroe. 29. Henry Clay to Monroe. August 6. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 8. -Tames Madison to Monroe 12. Henry Clay to Monroe. ^J^ 23. James Madison to Monroe. 24. Elbridge Gerry to Monroe. 25. Henr}- Clay to Monroe. 28. John Graham to ilonroe. 31. September 1. James Barbour to Monroe. 1. James Madison to ]\lonroe. 4. Monroe to 4. Richard Rush to Monroe. 5. James Madison to Monroe. 6. ■' " 7. John Graham to Monroe. 9. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 10. James Madison to Monroe. 11. James Barbour to Monroe. 21. James Madison to Monroe. 21. Henry Clay to Monroe. 22. George Hay to Monroe. 23. James Madison to Monroe. 27. .lohn Graham to Monroe. October 11. John Minor to Monroe. 22. Richard Rush to Monroe. 25. Col. Zuilike to Monroe. [October, 1812] October 31. November 3. 8. 23. December 3. 18. 22. 23. January February March 3. 3. 4. 4. 15. 9. 9. 15. 23. 25. 2. 4. 4. 4. 4. PAPERS OF .JAMES MONROE 57 Georue Izaixl to ^loiiroe. Thoniiis Jeli'prson to Monroe. John Taylor to Monroe. ,lolin Adams to Monroe. Monroe to William Harris Crawford. Nicholas Biddle to Monroe. Burwell Bassett to Monroe. Monroe to George Washington Campbell. James Madison to Monroe. Thomas Faine. •• Ohservation.'i on the t'oustruction and operation of Navies — with a Plan for an Inva- sion of Enoland and the tinal overthrow of the English (roverninent." 1813. John Francis Meuccr to Monroe. George Izarcl to Monroe. Aliicit (rjdlatin to Monroe. .lonatiiaii Hussell to Monroe. Lewis Cass to Monroe. A\'illiam Eiistis to .Moni'oe. Constant Freeman to John Armstrong. [Extract.] Monroe to John Adams. John Adams to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. David Humphreys to Monroe. liohei't B. Taylor to Constant Freeman. Constant P^reeman to Robert B. Taylor. Robert B. Taylor to James Barbour. Constant Freeman to James Barbour. 58 PAPERS OF JAMES MONEOE [March, ISlS] March 6. Andrew J. 'McConnico to James Barbour. 9. James Barbour to Kobert B. Taylor. 9. James Barbour to Constant Freeman. 9. James Barbour. General Orders. 9. James Barbour to Charles Fenton Mercer and John Campbell. 12. J Preston to Monroe. 17. Nicholas Biddle to Monroe. 18. John Taylor to Monroe. April 10. Monroe to Mrs. John Adams. 15. Monroe to Albert Gallatin. John Quincy Adams, and James Asheton Bayard. 19. Monroe to John Adams. 20. Abigail Adams to Monroe. 23. John Adams to Monroe. 29. Albert Gallatin to Monroe. May 1. " " 2. " " 2. " " 2. Pierce Butler to Monroe. 5. Monroe to Albert Gallatin. 5. James Asheton Bayard to Monroe. 6. ^lonroe to James Asheton Bayard. 8. Albert Gallatin to Monroe. 14. Pierce Butler to Monroe. 30. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 30. William -Tones to Monroe. June 7. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. 12. ^\'illiam Harris Crawford to Monroe. 15. [Jt'NE, 1813] June 19. 21. July 8. 19. 19. 20. 21. 22. 18 30. July 21. August 2. July 22. August 3. July 24. August 5. August 2 14. 5. 8. 15. 19. 20. 22. 24. 15 27. 17 29. PAPEES OF JAMES MONROE 5y Thomas Jefferson to Moni'oe. John Francis Mercer to Monroe. Felix Grundy to Monroe. John Graham to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. John Armstrong to Monroe. Benjamin Waterhouse to Monroe. Alexander Baring to Albert Gallatin. John Quincy Adams, Albert Gallatin, and James Asheton Bayard to Count dc Ilomanzoff. I Count de Komanzoff to John Quincy Adams, Albert ( Gallatin, and James Asheton Bayard. I John Quincy Adams, Albert Gallatin, and James i Asheton Bayard to Count de Romanzofl'. Count dc Romanzoff to John Quincy Adams, AUtert Gallatin, and James Asheton Bayard. [With inclosure.] "Inofficial Notes concerning the Impressment of Seamen on board of American Vessels, by the Officers of the British Navy." Monroe to Albert Gallatin. James Wilkinson to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. William Shaler to Monroe. Albert Gallatin to Alexander Baring. Albert Gallatin, John Quincy Adams, and James Asheton Bayard to Monroe. 28. Albert Gallatin to Monroe. 6U PAPEKS OF JAMES MONKOE [August, 1S13] September 1. James Madison to Monroe. 2. " '• 7. J B Colvin to Monroe. 13. Daniel Brent to Monroe. 18. James Madison to Monroe. 18. Willie Blount to James Madison. [Extract in the writing of Madison sent to Monroe.] 23. James Madison to Monroe. 27. John Graham to Monroe. 30. James Wilkinson to Monroe. October 3 15. Albert Gallatin, John Quinc^v Adams, and James Asheton Bayard to Monroe. .5. Albert Gallatin to Monroe. 17. James Madison to Monroe. 18. November 12. George Washington Campbell to Monroe. 22. John Quincy Adams to Speyer. [Extract.] 23. I^evett Harris to Speyer. December 6. John Taylor to Monroe. 27. Monroe to James Madison. — . Moni'oe. Notes relative to expedition against Can- ada. — . James Madison to Monroe. — . Albert Gallatin. "Local force "of the U. S. Army, Number and distribution, Organization and expense. — . Albert Gallatin. Notes relative to General Harri- son's expedition. — . Albei't Gallatin to Monroe. [January, 1814] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 61 1814. January 18. Alexander .Tames I );ill;is to Monroe. 19. •• " 27. Thomas .Tetferson to Monroe. February 2. .Teremiah Morrow to Monroe. 6. .Fonathan Russell to Monroe. 10. Monroe to .Jonathan Russell. 11. '' " 13. Henry Clay to Monroe. 14. Monroe to the Governors of Louisiana and the Mi.s- sissippi Territory. 14. Hemy Clay to Monroe. 17. Monroe to Tully Rol)inson. 17. Monroe to William ( '. C. Claiborne. 18. Monroe to Henry Clay. 23. Henry C'lay to Monroe. March 2. .lohn Adams to William Stephens Smith. 2. William W'yatt Bihl) to Monroe. 4. John Adams to William Stephens Smith. 27. Chevalier d(> Onis to Monroe. April 23. Henry tjlay to Monroe. 30. Daniel Brent to Monroe. 30. .lolm .lacol) Astor to Monroe. — . Monroe to . — . Monroe. Notes on the restoration of peace with Great Britain. May 1. James Madison to Monroe. 2. David Parish to Alexander James Dallas. 3. Alexander James Dallas to Monroe. 62 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE ' [May. 18H] May 6. James Asheton Bajard and Albert Gallatin to Monroe. 7. Charles Jared Ingersoll to Monroe. 7. James Madison to Monroe. 9. R G Beaslej to Monroe. 12. James Madison to Monroe. 13. R G Beasley to Monroe. 13. George Washington Campbell to Monroe. 14. Monroe to James Madison. 16. " " 19. James Madison to Monroe. 21. " 23. " " 24. John Jacob Astor to Monroe. 26. Andrew Jackson to John Williams. 26. James Madison to Monroe. June 1. John Jacob Astor to Monroe. 3. James Madison to Monroe. 8. Chai-les Jared Ingersoll to Monroe. 25. Monroe to William Harris Crawford. 30. Charles Jared Ingei'soll to Monroe. July 3. Monroe to . 11. Elbridge Gerry to Monroe. 14. James Madison to Monroe. 14. John Graham to Monroe. 15. John Armstrong to Monroe. 18. James Trimble to Alexander James Dallas. 27. Alexander James Dallas to William Jones. [With inclosures.] [JCLY, 1814] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 63 July — . Monroe. Notes relative to the burning of Wash- ington. August 1. Philip Key to Monroe. 3. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 7. Henry Clay. Extract from journal. 11. James Brown to Monroe. 12. John Wayles Eppes to Monroe. 14. William Pinkne.v to Monroe. 18. Monroi- to -lohn Armstrong. 18. Henry Clay to Monroe. 18. John Armstrong to Monroe. 20. William Henrj' Winder to .lames Madison. 21. Monroe to James Madison. 21? •' " 21. James Madison to Monroe. 28. John Smith to Edward Tiffin. 29. George Graham to William Henr^' Winder. 29. li Oden to William Henry Winder. — . Monroe to .lames Madison. September 1. .Joseph Hopper Nicholson to Monroe. 2. .lohn .Jacob Astor to Monroe. 3. Monroe to .James Madison. 4. Heniy St. George Tucker to Monroe. 5. Monroe to Andrew .Jackson. 5. William .Jones to .James Madison. 5. Morgan Lewis to Monroe. 7. Alexander .James Dallas to Monroe. 8. Monroe to James Madison. 64 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [Septembeb. 1814] September 11. Morgan Lewis to Monroe. 12. Paul Bentalou to Monroe. 18. George Izard to Monroe. 18. Joseph Hopper Nicholson to Monroe. 20. Lewis Cass to Monroe. 24. Paul Bentalou to Monroe. 25. Monroe to Willie Blount, governor of Tennessee. 25. Monroe to Peter Early, governor of Georgia. 25. Monroe to James Madison. 25. Jonathan Russell to Albert Gallatin. 27. Monroe to Andrew Jat-kson. 29. Thomas Lloyd to Monroe. — . Monroe to James Madison. October 1. James Brown to Monroe. 3. Monroe to Wi]li(> IMount, governor of Tennessee. 3. Monroe to Isaae Shelby, governor of Kentucky. 10. Monroe to Peter Pearly, governor of Georgia. 10. Monroe to Willie Blount, governor of Tennessee. 10. ^Monroe to Andrew Jaekson. 10. Monroe to Isaac Shelby, governor of Kentucky. 15. Monroe to Morgan Lewis. 16. Thomas -Jefferson to Monroe. 17. Marinus Willett to Monroe. 19. G S Smith to William Harris Crawford. 21. Monroe to Andrew Jackson. 26. Henry Clay to Monroe. 26. Albert Gallatin to ^lonroe. 26. Andrew Jackson to Monroe. [October, 1814] PAPERS OF JAMES MONKOE 65 October 26. Jonathan Ruissoll to Monroe. 28. Monroe to Isaac Shelby, governor of Kentucky. 31. Andrew Jackson to Monroe. November — . James Brown to ]Monroe. 3. Monroe to Willie Blount, governor of Tennessee. 3. ]\Ioiiroe to Isaac Shelby, governor of Kentucky. 4. Monroe to Willie Blount, governor of Tennessee. 10. United States Peace Commissioners. "Extract of a letter ... to the British." 20. (xeorge Izard to Mon7"oe. 25. John Mullowny to Monro(>. December 4. George William Erving to Monroe. 5. 7. Monroe to Andrew Jackson. 10. Monroe to Peter Early, go\ernor of Georgia. 10. Monroe to Andrew Jackson. 10. Walter Jones to Monroe. 16. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 17. Alexander James Dallas to Monroe. 19. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 21. Monroe to Thomas Jefferson. 21. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 22. Henry Brockholst Livingston to INIonroe. 25. Henr}' Clay to Monroe. 25. Jonathan Russell to Monroe. 26. Comte de Goltz to William Harris Crawford. 28. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 28. " " 32067—04 5 66 December 29. 29. 30. January February 1. 6. 14. 19. 26. 26. 27. 27. 30. 30. 30. 3. 5. PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [December. l<14] William Harris Crawford to Conite de Goltz. William Harris Crawford to the con.suls of the United States. [Circular.] ^Villiam Harri.s Crawford to Monroe. Monroe to the ^Military Committee of the Senate. Monroe. Notes respecting the rejection b}' Great Britain of the mediation of Russia. Monroe to William Harris Crawford. Anonymous. Notes relative to expedition against Canada. John ^Vayles Eppes to Monroe. 1815. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. George Hay to Monroe. Lancelot Minor to Thomas Jefferson. [With inclo- sures.] Anthony Morris to George William Erving. Samuel Shaw to Monroe. Anthony Morris to George William Erving. Wilson Car\' Nicholas to Monroe. George W^illiam Erving to Monroe. Anthony Morris to George William Erving. ]Monroe to Willie Blount, governor of Tennessee. Monroe to Isaac Slielhy. governor of Kentucky. Benjamin Williams Crowninsliield. Articles 3, 4, and .■) of the proposed treaty witli Great Britain. Monroe to the chairman of the Military Committee of the Senate. George William Ei'ving to Anthonj' Morris. ^lonroe to Andrew Jackson. [FEERi-ARY, isin] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 67 February 10. ^Monroe to Isaac Shelby, governor of Kentiitky. 10. Georjjfe William Erving to Anthony Morris. 12. George William Erving to Monroe. [With inclo- sures.] 13. Monroe to Willie Blount, governor of Tennessee. 13. Monroe to Peter Early, governor of Georgia. 13. Monroe to Andre^Y Jackson. 13. ]\Ionroe to I.saac Shelby, governor of Kentuckj'. 14. Motiroe to Peter Earh*, governor of Georgia. 14. Monroe to Willie Blount, governor of Tennessee. 14. Monroe to Isaac Shelby, governor of Kentucky. 15. George Hay to Monroe. 16. Monroe to Andrew Jackson. 20. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 20. " '• 21. " " 22. Monroe to the chairman of the Military Committee of the Senate. 22. Alexander James Dallas to Monroe. 25. William Harris ('rawford to Monroe. 26. Jonathan Kussell to ^Monroe. 28. George William Erving to Monroe. [With inclo- SlllTS.] March 1. .lonathan Dayton to Monroe. 2. Richard Butler. Extract of general orders. 2. John Minor to Monroe. 3. .Tohn Pleasants, jr., to Monroe. 6. Thomas L. L. Brent to George William Erving. 7. William Harris Crawford to .Taucourt. 68 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [March, I8I0J March 7. Jaucourt to William Harris Crawford. 8. " " 8. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 9. William Harris Crawford to Jaucourt. 9. " " 13. Alexander James Dallas to Monroe. 16. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 16. " 16. " 16. " 19. Jaucourt to William Harris Crawford. [With in- closure.] 19. William Eustis to Monroe. 19. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 19. " 21. u u 21. " " 21. 21. Charles Scott Todd to Anthonj' Butler 22. George Logan to Monroe. 26. Tames Madison to Monroe. I 27. " " 29. " " April 2. St. George Tucker to Monroe. 3. Monroe to James Madison. 4. James Madison to Monroe. 5. " " [APRIL, 1815] PAPERS OF JAMES MONKOE 69 April 5. Anthony Butler to Gordon Druminond. 6. James Madison to Monroe. 8. " " 9. " " 10. Monroe to William Sbaler. William Bainbridge, and Stephen Decatur. 10. James Madison to Monroe. 15. 18. " " 23. " " 24. 25. Monroe to James Madison. 25. James Madison to Monroe. 26. Jean Matthieu Philibert Serurier to Monroe. 27. George Murray to Anthony Butler. 27. Alexander James Dallas to Monroe. 28. Christopher Hughes, jr., to Monroe. 28. James Madison to Monroe. 30. Monroe to . May 1. Asbury Dicklus to James Madison. 2. James Madison to Monroe. 4. 5. Monroe to James Madison. 8. Anthony Butler to Monroe. 10. James Madison to Monroe. 11. Monroe to Albert Gallatin. 18. James Madison to Monroe. 26. John Taylor to Monroe. 70 May June July August 28. 28. 30. 31. 1. 1. 12. 14. 15. 26. 8. 9. 15. 15. 19. 20. 25. 31. 2. 5. 7. 9. 9. 10. 14. September 9. 12. 17. PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [May, 1816] Monroe to Alexander James Dallas. Alexander James Dallas to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. Alexander James Dallas to Anthony Butler. John Church Hamilton to Monroe. Alexander .lames Dallas to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. It a Richard Rush to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. Alexander James Dallas to Monroe. George Hay to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Alexander James Dallas to Monroe. Eleazar AVheelock Ripley to Monroe. Joel Roberts Poinsett to Monroe. Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. William Pinkney to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. Richard Rush to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. Richard Rush to Monroe. .Tames Madison to Monroe. Richard Rush to James Madison. [September, 1815] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 71 September 28. John Graham to Monroe. 29. James Madison to Monroe. October 11. George William Erviug to Monroe. 12. George Washington Campbell to Monroe. 16. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 20. William Pinkney to Monroe. 27. Anthony Morris to Monroe. [With inclosures.] November 16. John Mercer to Monroe. 23. Albert Gallatin to Monroe. 25. " 29. Littleton Waller Tazewell to Monroe. [With iu- closure.] 30. Albert Gallatin to Monroe. [With inclosure.] December 3. .lohn Taylor to Monroe. 14. Monroe to W Marbury. 16. Monroe to Albert (iallatin. 26. Albert Gallatin to Monroe. 29. Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours to Monroe. 31. Jean Matthieu Philibert Serurier to Monroe. 1816. January 13. George William Erving to Monroe. 19. Monroe to Luis de Onis. February 18. David Rogerson Williams to Monroe. 24. George William Erving to Monroe. March 2. Joseph Hopper Nicholson to Monroe. 4. Alexander James Dallas to Monroe. 18. George William Erving to Monroe. — . William Pinkney to Monroe. 72 March PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [March, 1S16] April May June July 19. 19. 21. 21. 23. 25. 13. 14. 8. 12. 23. 1. 2. 13. 15. 17. 24. 25. 27. 27. 2. 2. 5. 5. 6. 7. 8. Samuel Smith and Richard Mentor Johnson to Monroe. Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemoius to Monroe. Christopher Hughes, jr., to Moni'oe. George William Erving to Monroe. Peter Buel Porter to Monroe. Christopher Hughes, jr., to Monroe. Henry Jackson to Monroe. Andrew Jackson to Monroe. Jean Matthieu Philibert Serurier to Monroe. Albert Gallatin to Monroe. William Pinkney to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. John McLean to Monroe. Peter Stephen Du Ponceau to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. Monroe to James Madison. Monroe to Peter Stephen Du Ponceau. Peter Stephen Du Ponceau to Monroe. James Madison to Monroe. Luis de Onis to Monroe. Peter Stephen Du Ponceau '.. Extract of "Jackson's account of the Empire of Morocco." page 180. Christopher Hughes, jr., to Monroe. Mom-oe to James Madison. James Madison to Monroe. [July, 1816] PAPERS OF JAMES MONKOE 73 July 9. Andrew Jackson to Monroe. 11. James Madison to Monroe. 15. 19. 20. Peter Stephen Du Ponceau to Monroe. 21. James Madison to Monroe. 27. Andrew Jackson to Monroe. August 21. John Graham to Monioe. 24. ■' " 28. " " 29. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. September 1. John Graham to Monroe. 5. George Washington Campbell to Monroe. 10. John Graham to Monroe. 13. 22. George William Erving to Monroe. 15. Vincent to Monroe. 15. John Graham to Monroe. 27. Pierce Butler to Monroe. October 7. William Pinkney to Monroe. 11. George William Erving to Monroe. 16. Jean Matthieu Philibert Serurier to Monroe. 21. Richard Rush to Monroe. 29. August de Nagell to Monroe. November 7. William Eustis to Monroe. 12. Pierce Butler to Monroe. December 14. Monroe to Andrew Jackson. 15. John Clarke to Monroe. 74 December 15. 17. 25. 26. 26. 26. January February March April May 31. 5. 9. 20. 22. 26. 2. 3. 6. 17. 29. 1. 8. 12. 13. 14. 24. 29. 2. 5. 6. PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [December, 1816] George William Erving to Monroe. John Adam.s to Monroe. George William Erving to Jose Pizarro. William Eustis to Monroe. George William Ervin*;- to Monroe. 1817. William I'inknev to Monroe. Pierre Samuel DuPont de Nemours to Monroe. Thomas Todd to Monroe. Monroe to Isaac Shelby, governor of Kentucky. William Tudor, jr., to Monroe. Pierre Samuel DuPont de Nemours to Monroe. George William Erving to Monroe. John Graham to George Graham. Moiu'oc to John Quinc}' Adams. Monroe to George Mifflin Dallas. John Adams to William Tudor. Richard Hush to Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. Theodore L^'man, jr., t(j Monroe. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe, llufus King to Monroe. Richard Rush to Monroe. Monroe to Rufus King. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. John Brooks to Monroe. John Quincj^ Adams to Monroe. [May, 1817] PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE 75 May 6. CaJsar Augustus Rodne}' to Monroe. 7. .lopl Roberts Poinsett to Monroe. June 3. Richard Rush to Monroe. 3. '■ " ^ ii. a 4. James Drown to Monroe. 5. Ricliard Rush to Monroe. 5. George Logan to Monroe. 6. Cffisar Augustus Rodney to IVIonroe. 7. Ricliard Rush to Monroe. 8. CiBsar Augustus Rodney to Monroe. 9. Jonathan Russell to Monroe. 10. Charles Robert, Count von Nesselrode to Monroe. 11. Richard Rush to Monroe. 11. ^^'illiam Tudor, jr., to Monroe. 13. Richard Rush to Monroe. 14. " " 19. flohn Adams to Monroe. 21, Richard Rush to Monroe. 21. 10 22. William Pinkney to Monroe. 25. Richard Rush to Monroe. 26. 27 " " 27. John Adams to Monroe. 28. Richard Rush to Monroe. July 10. George Sullivan to Monroe. 11. William Tudor to Monroe. 76 PAPEKS OF JAMES MONKOE [July. 1817] July 13. Richard Rush to Monroe. 16. " 17. " " 18. Albert Gallatin to Monroe. [With inclosure.] 20. Monroe to Thomas Sumter. 20. Richard Rush to Monroe. 27. " " 28. " " August 21. Jolin Quincj' Adams to Monioe. 22. James Madison to Monroe. 24. Richard Rush to Monroe. September 3. William Eustis to Monroe. 6. Luis de Onis to R. Rush, Acting Secretary of State. 9. Caesar Augustus Rodney to Monroe. 12. John McLean to Monroe. 16. Walter & Miller to John Qiiincy Adams. 17. Edward St. Loe Livermore to Monroe. 19. Luis de Onis to Richai-d Rush, Acting Secretarj' of State. 22. Richard Rush to Monroe. 23. • " " 25. " " 26. " " 27. William Lee to John Quincj- Adams. 27. John Quincy Adams to Monroe. 28. Richard Rush to Monroe. 29. John Quincj' Adams to James Trecothic Austin. 30. Richard Rush to Monroe. [October, 1S171 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE October 1. Williaui Harris Crawford to Monroe. 1. Richard Kush to Monroe. 77 November 3. Jolm Quincy Adams to Monroe. 3. Andre Daschkoflf to John Quincj' Adams. 4. John Quincy Adams to IMonroe. 4. Richard Rush to Monroe. 6. .Fohn Quincy Adams to Monroe. 8. " " 11. William Harris Crawford to Monroe. 13. Thomas Jefferson to Monroe. 17. Richard Rush to Monroe. 21. James Madison to Monroe. 25. Anonymous. "A Memoir concerning' the acqui- sitions of territory and population, by Great Britain, in India." 26. George Hay to Monroe. [Incomplete.] 31. Cajsar Augustus Rodnej' to i\Ionroe. — . Monroe. Questions submitted to his Cabinet. 1. Richard Rush to Monroe. 1. John Caldwell Calhoun to Monroe. 3. De Witt Clinton to Monroe. 5. CiEsar Augustus Rodney to Monroe. 8. William Wirt to Monroe. 11. Ceesar Augustus Rodney to Monroe. 15. Richard Rush to Monroe. 15. Theodorick Bland to Monroe. 78 PAPERS OF JAMES MONROE [November, 1S17] November 22. Richard Rush to Monroe. 23. 26. " " 29. Jiinie.s Madison to Monroe. ' December 9. " ". 11. Nicholas Biddle to Monroe. 12. Jose Miguel de Carrera to H Disdier. 12. Anonymous. Letter from Santiago de Chili. J^