vvvv wmm^^^^^^^i^. MjWVW^^.,.wv^ ^ijuwygggw\;^w^^^;^; WO'^^,-W(^ «'^,»«v UVyyWv^^VN^ i^^S^^'^^^^'^'^i^^^^' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. iW^-S>^wJ«D^... DNITED STATES OF AMERICA. yvy^v/vvv'uv^ VWVWW^Vvj ^v^S^S^ vVVV yV ^ \ ; V y V W U VwWwWww ;^:W^.w;MMiy -'"^c^^c^^^MHe^a^^ x^^u. ^^e^v\;vi^^wu^ vuv^i U^'W^i ^SVVyvgVVW'V^VVwV^Ov^?!'"""' VVvv V '^^vvY^\gfV.:|^,;^- ^;-m^^% \J\J^ ^u vwvgv^gUC/gv5-^w w^ygggg AC^.^UW^ VUU^W. vwvwww WgwyWWy^y^^^fe _ ,^,!iv,y'Vy,:^,' V; >=/ ^\j^\i/\^\j ^u^^yyyyw^H VVWWVVwW^yyy^^^^^, ^tfeWw^^^^V^WVU si^ssti^v^^j^vMr y®M«l«:W.?',;« V^w .WMW«M«*f- /VUWVJUVvJ vvvuyVWwv yyyyywkAis;/' ^ zTii^oixiujyB Ill 1 1' kaiii tnitlMhtL^mmLi 3m ' I ' i- .^ f mm mm^^^-mi l^r^OE M KOLNUEL. This lovely rose I send ^ — Saved from Decembe7-''s sjiows : Will not thy heart befriend This lovely rose ? Its leaves sweet thoughts inclose^ Which richer fragra?ice lend Than u fl^S pFBEGlISR. H B©uqueti ©f dsiUfsF^m Bl®weps JAMES T. WHITE, COPYRIGHT, 1SS3. jAME.s T. Whixb: & Co., RLiblishiers. li.-3 Dvjpont Street, San Kraneiseo. KO.NDEAr UE DEDICACH. Dcfa7' heart, to you these songs I bring, — Affection's simple offering, — And lay them at yonr feet anew; — The echoes of sweet thoughts of you My heart is ever cherishing. To you such happy memories cling, My thoughts on eager, rapturous wing, Take flight in song the whole day through. The, so7igs are happy songs I sing. Dear heart, to you. These songs, — may they a fragrance /ling About your life ! Make flowers of spring On e7'ery hand your path bestrew ! They ivill my happiness renew. If rest and peace and joy they bri?ig, Dear heart, to you. A BOUQUET OF CALIFORNIA FLOWERS. CONTENTS ) Proem. Heliotrope (Devotion). Heartsease ( Thoughts) . Periwinkles ( Pleasing Rcinendn-ances ) Immortelle ( Iiuinoj'tal Love). Mariposa Lily (Dependence ) : Wild Forget-me-not (Forget-me-not ) : Lily of the Valley (Return of Happiness) Orange Blossom (Plighted Faith). Honeysuckle (Bonds of Love) : Ivy Leaf (Fidelity) : VEnvoi. ILLUSTRATIONS: I.— Fond thoughts of home and olden times Set sail through memory's Golden Gate. II. — A thousand white-winged keels Seek haven in your hearts to-night, III.— Forget the old farewells In greetings brought by Christmas Bells. I.— Ring "Peace on earth, to men goodwill." II. — The Christmas bells ring sweet and clear The loving thoughts of all the year. III. —And waft to her the chimes. IV. — Tell her my thoughts can ne'er abide Apart from her at Christmas-tide. Like butterflies upon the breeze. In your song my message bear. •These bells have rung unceasingly-. And each succeeding year but brings another flower. May Love's sweet voice sing to thee ^^^^Si^^^..^^ sim^^ A CHRISTMAS (iKEETING. I. The Christmas Bells from hill and tower To-riight their benedictions shower ; And on the waves of their sweet chimes, Pond thoughts of home and olden times Set sail through memory's Golden Gate: Deep laden with love's precious freight, They speed their homeward course to-nig Across the sea with Ariel flight. O you, who wait returning sails. Whose eyes hope long-deferred o'erveils With lowering clouds, take heart again ! For lo ! unseen through mist and rain Of tears, a thousand white-winged keels, Afloat on billowy Christmas peals. Seek haven in your hearts to-night, Home guided by love's beacon light. li,. Dear friends, though sundered far and widt And varied quests our thoughts divide, May these rich argosies of love My tender, faithful memory prove ; May they to-night new love awake, And in this festive season make Your hearts forget the old farewells, In greetings brought by Christmas bells. The Christmas bells, in sweet chimes, still Ring, " Peace on earth, to men good will." May His peace rest on thee, and keep For thee that happy, blissful sleep He giveth His beloved ; and bless Thee with abiding happiness ! The Christmas bells ring, sweet and clear, The loving thoughts of all the year. Dear friend, at " Merrie Christmas " time, This wish for thee comes in the chime Of Christmas bells, which bring to me Such sweet remembrances of thee. '^-M.m- -^se^^^i^lj^ Ring out, ring out, O happy bells, The circling love Christ's birth foretells ! And waft to her the chimes that well From every belfry tower ; and tell Her how my heart with love now swells, To hear again these Christmas bells. •;:■- :^^^ -..y t^,^ k. Ring out, sweet bells, the Peace that dwe Abo\e, and love in us compels ! Tell her my thoughts can ne'er abide Apart from her, at Christmas tide ; But, like the Love the season tells, Enfold her in the Christmas bells. iMMOr^jpELLE. RONDEAU. If hearts are dust, hearts' loves remain, And somewhere, far above the jilane Of earthly thought, beyond the sea That bounds this life, they will meet thee And hold thee face to face again. And when is done Life's restless reign, If I hereafter but regain Hearths love, why should I troubled be. If hearts are dust ? By Love's indissoluble chain, I know the grave does not detain Heart's love. The very faith in me Is pledge of an eternity, Where I shall find heart's love again, If hearts a7'e dust. Like one of these, what is there made, That can our tired eyes so please ? Even Solomon was not arrayed Like one of these. Consider how they grow, in ease And leisure; dancing in the glade, Like butterflies upon the breeze. Then be not thou with burdens weighed ; If He a flower's need o'ersees, Thou too shalt on His care be laid, Like one of these. jl/ari/osa- Spaniah for Butterfly. l^ihD For^GET-CQE-noT. O little birds who sing so much, Teach me the secret of your art, That my poor songs, like yours, may t( Her heart ! Come from your sheltering retreat, And in your song my message be£ To her who is so gentle, sweet, And fair ! ^ With sweetest song, and pinions fleet, ^jj.>^ Fly to her window far away, . ■^^"^ And her reluctant ear entreat. And say : — " We bear his greeting on our wings, — ^ ^ Fond wishes that this day renew 'ft "^^^ The happy flowers memory brings % ^ To you: '' May their sweet fragrance ever bless Your heart ; wipe all your tears a xA.nd bring Life's perfect happiness For aye!" J*' ' A?r-<^AaBitSW-''';-*g.^!S^iK:si ^,.iS,i.,,...^^ lilLY OP THE UALLEY. KONDEAU. The bells were told to ring in glee The day when first thou cam'st to be Our home's delight ; and in my By Love's supreme, mysterious a These bells have rung unceasingly. And on this day there comes to me Anew the tender memory Of that sweet joy, which but in The bells were told. Dear child, in whose sweet eyes I see The Heaven that waits above for me, How far from me would Heaven How comfortless would be my h If through some darkened day for th The bells ivere tolled ! Or^ANGE Blossom. RONDEAU. Abide with me, O gentle guest ! Thy presence brings to me sweet rest : Thy hands bring soothing to my brow: Thy words such sympathy avow, Thy going leaves me all unblest. Still fairer shall thy bower be dressed ; Anticipated each request : One song thy life shall be, if thou Abide with me. I would not longer have thee guest : I cannot hold thee uncaressed So near my heart : Sweet love, be thou My queen; Love's tenderest name allow, And ever in his happy rest Abide with me ! This day to you fond wishes wini, . Beloved, may their sweet blossoming In Life's fair garland interweave Another flower ! And may a quiet fragrance cling To every flower the kind fates fling About your path ; ne'er cause to grieve May your contented heart receive; And each succeeding year but bring Another flower ! lYY LiEAP. Fond wishes I send thee : — May memory lend thee Glad thoughts to attend thee Thy footsteps to bless ! May friendship e'er cling to thee ; May Love's sweet voice sing to^thee, And the future but bring to thee Life's fondest caress ! Ij'€nyoi. Another leaf in Life's mysterious Iwok To-day is turned. O friend, beloved, I leave With you these humble flowers to mark the page, If haply they tnay give a perfume to The place, which shall make fragrant all its leaves. /^,yv ^y^. mpm '^v^vgww^^g^W^ ^^i^'^i*"! \::/,\^,-i,V;V^w.vi /v, *»=«'es8^^.^"C0SuffiriW5^e& vw«wwvgMg' j^\^V'Vvv ^^Ci,:-^V SSy^J^'wwe \jys;/v yyvvvv.vyy'vyvv WUUV ^^^'i'WUWWVW W^\iU\J< VM^/U; y^vvyvyjv ^^^^y^^mg^y \Ji: ^^WJWJW^ vgwSvwUWuuWi Ji i^. ,^^ **^ vvvvj, vv^Vv IVV;V -;,^S-"S^^^^ u^im^mw^^^'^ vvWV wwQ^wOw^^^^