^"■^ "^^J ,-^o.. ^ >> .^-^^^ ^0 ^ ^^:x^' ■-'°- ■^-.-,. 'y \--^>^ v^y \''^>^ \ ^V ^'^ XT*' .^ .'•vij-; DIGEST COTTON BALE-TIES UNITED STATES PATENTS, JA.lV"U.A.I«-ir 1st, 187T, ENGLISH PATENTS, J^^TVXJ^^Ii^r 1st, 1876. L. W. SINSABAUGH and T. C.TIPTON. WASHINGTON: Jl. p. J'OLKINHORN, PRINTER, 1877. <.^ Cb^V Entered accordinff to Act of Conjjress, in the year 1877, By L. W. SINSABAUGH k T. (". Tiptok, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, Pistrict of Columbia. D. of 0. Pub. Lib, JiA r IWNI PREFACE This work has been prepared solely for persons interested in the subject treated, and it is hoped that attorneys, inventors and manufacturers of Cotton Bale- Ties will find it serviceable to them. We have included in this digest all patents granted by the United States on this subject up to January 1st, 1877, in which a drawing of each and every figure, claims, whether original or reissue, dates of ex- tensions, and disclaimers are given. A brief description of each English Patent, together with the drawings, up to January 1st, 1876; except where the same device is patented in the United States, in such cases reference is made to the number of the United States patent, and the page on which the drawing may be found. The patents are arranged numerically and chronologically, with name and residence of patentee. The alphabetical index refers to j)je' .claim or brief page, where reference to the page on which the drawing will be found is made. L. V/. SINSABAUGH, T. C. TIPTON. Washington, D. C. Digest of U. S. Patents-Cotton Bale-Ties. SIMMONS & RAQUET.-Nov. 7th, 1809. The invention consists in securing baled substances by metallic bands placed in grooves in the press, and the ends secured (when the band is of flat sheet metal) by riveting the ends together, and when of wire or rod iron, hooks are formed on the ends, and after being hooked together the ends are twisted by pinchers. [Drawing, page 1.] JAMES M. TALBOT.-No. 1,790, Sept. 14, 1840. Claim. — 1. Constructing the kej'-band with a mortice plate C, in combination with the tongue T, and wedge K, the whole being constructed substantially as herein set forth. [Drawing, page 1.] D. McCOMB, of Memphis, Term., No. 15,142, June 17, 1856; extended June 17, 1870. Reissued July 16, 1872, No. 4,993. Claira. — 1. I claim the peculiar forma- tion of the link, as exhibited in figures 2 and 3, wliich forms a secure means of keep- ing the hooked ends of the hoop together, and has a guard which keeps it to its place, is easy of application in putting on, and may be removed at pleasure without muti- lation. (Patented in England May 8, 1856, No. 1,089.) [Drawing, page 1.] MARY ANN McCOMB, Memphis, Tenn., adminis- tratrix of the estate of DAVID McCOMB, de- ceased, No. 4.99.3, July 16, 1872. Reissue of Patent No. 15,142, dated June 17, 1858 ; extended seven years. Combination of a slotted link, with the ends of metallic hoops or bands bent into hook form for the purpose of secui-ing compressed bales of cotton and like com- pressible material. Claim. — 1. A slotted link, in combina- . tion with the hooked ends of metallic ties, for the purpose of keeping them in place and assisting in preventing the opening of the hooks with the expansive foi'ce of the bales. 2. The method of baling cotton and like material by means of a slotted link or tie- plate and metallic ties having their ends bent into hooked form and held in position hy said link and the expansive force of the bale when released from pressure. [Drawing, page 1.] MARY ANN McCOMB, Memphis, Tenn., admin- istratrix of DAVID McCOMB, deceased, No. 5,616, October 21, 1873.— Reissue of Pat- ent No. 15,142, dated June 17, 1856; ex- tended seven years ; reissue No. 4,993, dated July 16, 1872. Application filed April 28, 1873. Claim. — 1. In combination with the booked ends of metallic ties, a slotted link. for the purpose of keeping said ends in po- sition, and assisting to prevent the open- ing of the hooks by the expansive force of the bale, substantially as specified. 2. The method of baling cotton or other like material by means of a slotted liiik or tie-plate and metallic ties having their ends bent into hook form, and held in position by said link and the expansive force of the bale, substantially as is shown. 3. The method of baling cotton or other like matei'ial by means of metallic ties having their ends of hooked form, substan- tially as described, so as to permit of their being united by a sidewise motion, as set forth. [Drawing, page 2-] 0. A. BROAD, of Louisville, Ky., No. 17,485, June 9th, 1857. Claim. — 1. A metallic hoop or band whose ends are united b\- the bows or curves a, a, slide B, and pin C, as herein set forth and desci'ibed. [Drawing, page 2.] C. P, S. Vii'ARDELL, of Lake Village, N. H., No. 17,536, June 9,1857. Claim. — 1. The combination of the hasps D, having a bridge or bar K, at the outer end of its slot, arranged as described', with the oblong button e, the two to oper- ate together substantially in the manner and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 2.] DIGEST OF U. S. I'ATEXTS-COTTOX liALE-TlKS. CHARLES J, PROVOST, of Sardis, Alabama, No. 18,299. September 29, 1857, Claim.— \. So fonnini,^ tlie slide, that its ends may be stuck down beliind tlic bow or bond of tlie locks, and thus not oidy pre- vented from separating, but also bolding tbe slide to the lock, substantially as herein set forth. [Prawing, page 2.) WM. MINOR, of Houma, La., No. 18,514, Octo- ber 27, 1857. Claim. — 1. Securing the ends of metal bale hoops together by forming loops or eyes in the ends of said hoops, by cut- ting parallel slits {h) through them, and bending outward the intervening portions (/^'), the loops overlopping each other as the ends of the hoops are overlapped, and a transverse wedge or key (e) passed through the loop, substantially as shown and de- scribed. Drawing, page 3.] J. R. SPEER, of Vaux Hall, England, No. 18,779, December 1, 1857, Claim. — 1. The use of a hollow clasp or fastening for metallic bands, of the shape shown in the drawings, through which the ends of the hoops are passed in opposite directions, and the projecting extremities bent over the clasp and inserted into an aperture in the middle of the clasp, in the manner before described. [Drawing, page 3,] J. R. SPEER. ("Additional improvement" on above patent. 3Iarch 28, 1858, No. 196.) Claim. — 1. I claim bending the ends of the clasp across the aperture b and r, so as to present an opening in the clasp for the insertion of the bent ends of the bands at right angles, or nearly so, to the dii'cction in which the bands are inserted in the clasp, in the manner and for the purposes de- scribed. [Drawing, page 3.) J. R. SPEER. (Additional Improvement on above pat- ent, :No. 18,779 Dec. Ist, 1857.) No. 207, Oct. 26th, 1858. Claim. — 1. I claim the use of a clasp for metallic bands, constructed as lici'cinheforc described, having a single aperture only for the insertion of the hooked ends of the band, the plate of iron of which it is formed being i)cnt aci-oss the apertui-c so as to pre- sent a sutKcicnt opening for the ready in- sertion of the hooked ends of the bands, in the manner hereinbefore described. [Drawing, page 3.] J. R. SPEER. Reissue of above patent (No. 18,779, Dec. 1st, 1857.) Feb. 19th, 1867 No. 2,491. Claim. — 1. A clasp pi'ovided with an ap- erture or apertures, and so bent across said aperture or apertures as to present an open- ing or openings for the easy insertion of the ends of the bands or hoops, and form an efHcient clasp for securing the ends of the band or hoop, substantially as herein des- ci'ibed, and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, p age 3.] JOHN McMURTRY, of Lexington, Ky., No. 19,437, Feb. 23, 1858. Claim. — 1. Splitting one end of a cotton bale hoop so that it may be contracted or expanded in width as may b8 required, in order to efiect the locking of the hoop, around the bale without slack, substantially as set forth. Claim. — 2. The combination of the slit and shouldered end of the cotton bale hoop, with the slotted end in the manner describ- ed, and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 4.] F. COOK, of New Orleans, La., No. 19,490, March 2, 1858. Extended March 2, 1872. I A disclaimer was filed Feb. 1, 1872, dis- j claiming the 1st claim. Claim. — 1. The friction clasp or buckle i for attaching the ends of iron ties, or hoops for fastening cotton bales and other pack- I ages, so that the ties are prevented slipping i by the friction against a certain portion of the buckle. Claim. — 2. lalso claim the looping of the ends of iron ties or hoops for bales into a buckle, by the form of which they are pre- vented slip[)ing by friction when the strain of the expansion of the bale comes on tlie ties _: the ends of the hoop.s or ties not being attached together in anj- way, the connec- : tion being formed by a distinct buckle or 1 fiictioii clasp. DIGEST OF r. S. PATEXTS.-COTTOX BALE- TIES. Claim. — 3. Also, I claim the herein de- scribed slot, cvit through one bar of clasp, which enables the end of the tie or hoop to be slipped sidewise underneath the bar in clamp, so as to effect the fastening with greater rapidity than by passing the end of the tie through endwise. [Drawing, page 4.] D, G. OLMSTEAD, of Vicksburg, Miss., No. 19,709, March 23, 1858. Claim. — 1. The clasp A, and the wedge C, arranged and operating in combination with the band B, with its bent extremities a, a, substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein specified. [Drawing, page 4.] P. C. INGERSOLL, of Green Point, N. Y., No. 20,311, May 18, 1858. Claim. — Tlie button B, pivoted to the plate A, provided with openings a, a, the buttonB beingprovided with recesses eat its ends, and the whole arranged as and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 5.] JOHN P. MANNY, of Roekford, Illinois, No. 20,809, July 6,1858. Claim. — The use of a short band cut in suitable lengths for separate bundles placed in proper position by hand, and automati- cally passed around the bundle and fastened by the expansion of the bundle when re- leased, substantially in the manner set forth. [Drawing, page 5.] WM. FIELD, of Providence, R. I., No. 21,190, Aug. 17, 1858. Claim. — 1. Arranging the band over the clasp, and the ends of the band which are bent under to form the loops by which the band is connected with the clasp, so that the ends lay above the clasp, and the band covers and protects both of these ends and also the clasp, substantially as described. Claim. — 2. Connecting the looped ends of the band with the clasp by means of a double key or its equivalent, arranged sub- stantially aa described, so that the turning of tlie ke}- prevents the loop fi'ora slipping as described. Claim. — 3. Arranging the key or keys on the under side of the band and clasp, for the purpose described. [Drawing, page 5] J, C. PLANT, of Macon, Ga., No. 21,272, Aug. 24, 1858. C(aim. The bale-tie or lock maQe open at one edge and both ends, so that the band may be inserted in it edgewise, in the man- ner substantially as described. [Drawing, page 6.] JOHN AGNEW, of Columbia, S. C, No. 21,305, Aug. 31, 1858. Claim. The socket A, provided with the double taper opening a, in connection with the loops b, b, at the ends B, B, of the hoops, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. [Drawing, page 6.] G. W. PENNISTON, of North Vernon, Ind., No. 21,360, Aug. 31, 1858. The construction of my hoop tightener and holder, Figure 1, in connection with doors D, D, and arms B, B, and lever A, constructed as described, or any other con- struction substantially the same, and which will produce the same result. [Drawing, page 6.] A. C. RICHARD, of Newton, Conn., No. 21,517, Sept. 14, 1858. Claim. The use of three rings, A, and C C, in combination with the hoop B, as a cheap and convenient cotton bale hoop, substantially as described. [Drawing, page 6.] A. C, RICHARD, of Newton, Conn., No. 21,848, Oct. 19, 1858. Claim. The use of frame a and ring b in combination with the band c, substantially as described. [ Drawing, page 7.] E. A. JEFFERY, of Corning, N. Y., No. 22,369, Bee. 21, 1858. Claim. A hook-lock composed of a shell or socket A, and a taper pin B, made as herein shown and described. [Drawing, page 7.] G, W. PENNISTON, of Mt. Vernon, Ind., No. 22,823, Feb. 1, 1859. Claim. The tie A, or friction key, con- structed as described, with convex inner bearings, 1 and 2, Figure 3, when con- structed and operated in the manner and for the purposes specified. [Drawing, page 7.] Did EST OF r. S. PATEXTS-COTTOy BALE-TIKS. H. KNOWLES, of New York City, No. 23,092, March 1, 1859. Tlio mctluul Kiilistaiitiall}' as above do- scriliod, of fastoiiing tiie ends i-f a metallic strap or hoop b}- passing each end of the strap or hoop through a slot in a metallic plate, one Qi\ge of which slot is foi-med with a bent lip on the outer face, bending- the end of the strap or hoop over and out- side of such lip and hammering or clinch- ing down both the end of the strap and the lip, that thcsti'a]i or hoop may be clasped or held irrespective of the body which is to be strapi)ed or hooped, substantially as de- scribed. [Drawing, pagfi 7.] P. C. INGERSOLL, of Green Point, N. Y., No. 23,249, March 15, 1859. Claim. The loops A, and key B, fitted together, and applied to the hoop, substan- tially as and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing page 8 ] C. WARNER, of New York, N. Y., No. 23,281, March 15, 1859. Ciiim. The construction of a clasp of any material or dimensions substantially of the form described, and illustrated by the ac- companying drawings, with two wedge shaped projecting tongues h, h, placed in the position, fitted with sleeves, and pro- tected by sides as mentioned. [Drawing, page 8] GEO. BRODIE, of Plum Bayon, Ark., No. 23,291, March 22, 1859 ; Extended March 22, 1873.' Claim. — 1. I claim forming the connect- ing links like those shown in figures 4, .5, and 6. Claim. — 2. I claim bending one or both ends of the hoop or band, as shown in figures 11 and 12, around the outer ends of the connecting link thereby strengthening the ends of the link, preventing it turning or getting out of place, and the tie from untying. Claim. — 3. I also chiini making metallic hoops for binding bales with a tie on each side of the bale for the uses and purposes before expressed. Claim. — 4. I claim using strips of cloth or paper, or other suitable material under the metallic hoops, as shown in figui-es 16 and 17, for the purpose described, substaii- tiall3' as herein set forth. [Drawing, page 8.) GEO. BRODIE, of Little Rock, Ark., Reissue of Patent, No. 23,291, March 22, 1859. No. 3,405, April 27, 1869. Claim. — .1 The bale tie formed by pass- ing the bent ends or loops of the hooj) A, into tlie link B, and holding them there by means of pins C, C, passing through tliem and over the sides of the link, in the man- ner herein tlescribed, and shown in figures I and 3. Claim. — 2. The bale-tie formed by passing the loops of the hoop A, into one or more recesses in the link B, through a slit or opening in the side, and holding said loops in the recesses by placing pins C, within tljem and thus give such extension to the loops as to prevent their being withdrawn from the recesses while the pins remain in place, in the manner herein described, and as shown in figures 4 and 5. Claim. — 3. The connecting link of a bale- tie having slit or opening in its side or end through which the hoop can be introduced into the link, as herein described, and as represented in Figures 6, 7, 13 and 14. [Drawing, page 9.] G. BRODIE, of Little Rock, Ark. Reissue of Patent No. 23,291, March 22, 1859, No. 5,333 of March 25, 1873. Claim. — 1. The swell or curve in tlie link for the purpose of facilitating the introduc- tion of the bands with their inserted pins, substantially as described. Claim. — 2. The double lap of the band, as shown in Figures 11 and 12, in combina- tion with a metallic link. Claim. — 3. The combination of an open slot for introducing the band sidewise, with the litdc, having a single rectangular open- ing for holding both ends of a metallic band, and the band. Claim. — 4. An open slotted link, when combined with metallic bands, the ends of which are turned under the link and held in position by the expansion of the bale. Claim. — 5. The method of baling cotton with metallic bands and of taking up the shick of the band by bending the same at any desired ])oiiit into the form of a loop, and passing such loop sidewise through an open slit into the slot intended to receive it, and over the l)ar of the clasp intended to hold it. [Drawing, page cd mateiial) by means of a link or links, and serrated or notched edges of the hoop, as represented in the accompanying drawings. [Drawing, page 14.] C. H. DUBS, of Natchez, Miss., No. 28,164. May 8, 1860. The combination of the three proiigsr,c,/, with the h()o[( end B, and the plate C, as and for the purpose shown and described, [Drawing, page 14.] W. S- LAUGHBOROUGH, of Rochester, N. Y., No. 28,187. May 8. 1860. Clai)i'i. The construction of iron tics, sub- stantially as and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 14] A. p. MERRILL, of Natchez, Miss., No. 28,392. May 22, 1860. (. laim. The combination of the rounded out notches in the end of tlie strap, band or hoop, and the pyramidal shaped opening in the buckle, for the purpose of foi'minga lock or fastening to the hoops of cotton and other bales, and when constructed to ope- rate together substantially as herein de- scribed. [Drawing, page 14 ] C. C- BIER, of New Orleans, La., No. 28,825. June 26, 1860. Claim. The particular novel mode of making an iron tie for the purpose of secur- ly fastening of cotton-bales or other baled goods, as herein described, u.sing for the manufacture of the same any metal suitable for the jiiirpose. [Drawing, page Ifi.] Z. W, & E. D. LEE, of Blakely, Ga., No. 28,991. July :i, 1860. The tie-plate C, D, constructed, aiiplied, and operating, as herein described for the purpose set torth. [Drawing, page 15.1 T. MclNTIRE, of Franklin Furnace, Ohio, No. 29,185. July 17, 1860. Claim. The article of manufacture herein described, to wit, a stiff metal tie-plate ibr cotton-bale hoops, made witli two T slots in it, a tiansverse stop bar C, between the slots, and two vertical squareshoulders a, a, DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTON' BALE- TIES. 11 at the outer termination of tlie slots, and below file uiuler side of tlie liar C, for use in coiiiljination witli a cotton-bale hoop which has T shaped ends, in the manner and for tlie purpose iierem described. [Drawing, page 15.] J. W. EVANS, of New York City, N. Y., No- 29 683. Aug. 21, 1860. The aiiplication and u.se of a metal piece A, bent in the shape of the letter S, and operating on the hoop in the manner and for tiie purpose substantially as described. [Drawing page 15.) H. A- ROE, of Madison, Ohio, No. 29,824. Aug. 23, 1860. The arrangement and combination in tlie manner shown and described of the plate G, eccentric II, and bolt F, with tlie slotted arm E, yoke D, guides c, c, and plate A, for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 16.] P- DAVEY. of Portsmouth, Ohio, No. 30,126. Sept. 25, 1860. I claim the manner herein described of tastening the ends of an iron tie, by means of elevations «', fitting into the correspond- ing depressions a, when used in combina- tion with a keeper B, or its equivalent, all substaiuially as and for the pui'pose speci- fied. [Drawing, page 16.] R. W. FENWiCK, of Washington, D. C, No. 30,133. Sept. 25, I860. The fiistening substantially as herein de- scribed for metallic bands for cotton-bales. [Drawing, page 16.] J. J. McCOMB, of New Orleans, La., No. 31,252- Jan. 29, 1861. Forming the link or tie with an oblong aperture, one end of which is arrow shaped or rather presents two sides of equilateral triangle ; the design of this arrow-shaped end being, not only to force the hoop or bend of the hoop over the slot, which is done with unerring precision wiien the bale expands after being released from the pres- sure, but also to secure an equal bearing upon the separate parts of the slotted side of the tie. English Patent No. 361 of Feb. 11, 18G2. [Drawing, page 16 ] CHAS- HUGHES, of New Orleans, La, No. 31,319. Feb. 5, 1861. A hook-lock button made in the peculiar manner shown and described. [Drawing, page 17.] C WILSON, of Brooklyn, New York, No. 31,505. Feb. 19, 1861. The arrangement of the windlass C, and attached hollow cone D, with the sliding cone F, weighted lever I, fork G, collar C, and shaft B, in the manner and for the purposes shown and described. [Drawing, page 17.] 0. C EVANS, of New York, N. Y., No. 31,848. March 26, 1861. The combination of slots s s in the plate A, with the angular tongues t t t t, more or less as hei'ein described and for the pur- poses set forth. [Drawing, page 17.] G. N, BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 32,818. July 16, 1861. The shape and proportions of the cleat c, with respect to the loop-hole (/, substan- tially as described for the purpose speci tied. English J'atent No. 1208 of April 28, 186G.'' [Drawing, page 17.] G. N. BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., Reissue of No. 32,818. July 16, 1861, No. 2,548, April 9, 1867. Claim. — 1. The shape and proportion of the cleat device A, with respect to the loop- holes B, subs:]antially as herein set forth. Claim. — 2. The fi.xed combination of a double hooked cleat, having prongs or en- gaging points of unequal length, with one end of a metallic band having an elongated aperture in its other end, when the length of said aperture is less than the united di- ameter of the shank of said cleat and length of its longer prong, :dl substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. [Drawing, page 18.] T, W. REILLY, of New Orleans, La., No. 40,983. December 15, 1863. The buckle A, with tongues d d, and center pieces c, as fully represented in the drawing. [Drawing, page 18.] E.V. PASSMAN, of New Orleans, La., No. 47,288. April 18, 1865. The plate A, provided with slots B B, and ridges or projections b b, at one or both sides of the plate, and with slits a, to form a new and improved cotton-bale tie or hoop as .'et forth. English Patent No. 3,-361 of Dec. 28, 1865. [Drawing, page 18.] DIG EST OF U. S. PATEXTS—COTTOX BALE-TfES. E. A. FIELD, of Sidney, Me., No. 50,925. Nov. 14, 1865. Clxiiii. — 1. Tlic linlo luKip strainer com- poi?otl of the li(>liliiis^-l)L\r H, the lever A, the passage 6, and tlie jaw r, aiTiiinied and ap- plieil together substantially- as described. Claim. — 2. Also the combination of tlie cnsliioning block d, the lever A, the pas- sage I), and tlie jaw c, and the holding-bar B, the whole being arranged to operate substantially in the manner and for the purpose specified. (Drawiiij?, page 18.] F. QUANT, of Painesville, Ohio, No.51, 214 Nov. 28, 1865. Cldiin. A hook-lock constructed with a longitudinal narrow aperture A, and an enlarged transverse aperture C, substan- tially as herein shown, in combination with the pin or nail D, operating as explained for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 19.] WM. I. CARROLL, of Natchez, Miss., No. 52,137. January 23, 1866. Claim. The devices or fastenings d, and E, constructed and arranged as herein de- scribed and for the purpose herein set forth. [Drawing, page 19.] J, F, MILLIGAN, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 53,230. March 13, 1866. Claim.. The button a, with its head set obliquely to the plane of the hoop, and ■with an oblique flange d, operating in the manner and for the purpose herein de- scribed. English patent No. 981, of March 2.3, 1868.- (Drawing, page 19.] I. H. MERRITT, of Cincinnati, Ohio, No. 53,851. April 10, 1866. Claim. The combination of the band A, and key C, when so arranged that the separate lugs of the single key shall detain tbe respective ends of the band, substan- tially as described and rejjresented. [Drawing, page 19.] JAMES BOOTH, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 54,675. May 15, 1866. Claim. An improved cotton-bale tie A, constructed with three hooks a\ a^, a^, and combined with the ends B and of the hoop, substantially in the manner described and tor the [lurpose set forth. [Drawing, page 20 ] R. S. ADAMS, of Loyd, N. Y., No. 54,810. May 15, 1866. Claim.- — 1. An improved machino foi'med by comV)iiiing a jiaii' of grippers B, con- structed as described, witli each otlier, with the cog-wheel C, ratchet-wheel E, jiuwl F, and with the frame A, in which they are placed. Claim. — 2. The combination of the punch G, constructed and operating substantially as described, with the machine for the pur- pose set forth. [Drawing, p.age 20.] W. ONIONS, of St. Louis, Mc, No. 55,-353. June 5, 1866. Claim. — 1. The head C, having the hook upon one side, substantially as and for the purpose described. Claim.. — 2. I also claim forming the head G, plate E, and rivet a, of one and the same piece, as and for the purpose speci- fied. [Drawing, page 20.] T. MclNTIRE, of Portsmouth, Ohio, No. 57,945. Sept. 11, 1866. Claim. A new article of manufacture, viz., iron hoops for cotton-bales, cut to the required length and having a clasp or buckle construcred substantially as de- scribed, permanently attached by a rivet at one end, so as to form a hinged joint, the whole being covered by a protecting cover- ing of paint or varnish, substantially as described. [Drawing, page 20.] T. B, BUNTING, of New York,N. Y., No. 58,018. Sept. 11, 1866. Claim. 1 do not claim a slotted frame, nor projecting tongues, but what T do claim is, the rolled edges r, of the slotted frame, substantially as described for the purpose specified, [Drawing, page 21.] J, McMURTRY, of Lexington, Ky., No. 58,445. October 2, 1866. The hoop-iron cotton-bale tie A, con- structed and operating in the manner and for the purposes herein set forth. [Drawing, page 21.] JOHN McMURTRY, of Lexington, Ky., No. 5,617. 030b3r 2!, 1873. Reissue of patent No. 58,445. dated October 2, 1866. Claim. — 1. A bale tie formed by the at- tachment of one end of a motallie band or DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS.-COTTON BALE- TIES. 13 strap to the other by looping it into or on- - to, or engaging it witli the same, the end thus engaged with the otiier being confined in position by tlie expansive force ot tlie bale. Claim. — 2. A metallic bale band having one end formed into a plain or half-twist loop for the reception or interlocking of the other, substantially as herein l)efore de- scribed. [Drawing, page 21.] A, BARBARIN, of New Orleans, La., No. 58,574. October 9, 1866. The herein described device for fastening metallic bands, the same consisting of a segmental plate recessed so as to have a C shape, constructed and arranged to operate as set forth, so that the partial rotation of the plate shall effect the release or loosen- ing of the band, substantially in the man- lier herein specified. English Patent No. 1^790, October 29, 1866. [Drawing, page 21.] C. W, WAILEY, of New Orleans, La., No. 58,698. October 9, 1866. The metallic tie or buckle A, when con- structed as described for the purpose set forth. English Patent No. 2,535, October 3, 1866.^ [Drawing, page 22] G. W. WAILEY, of New Orleans, La. Reissue of No. 58,698. October 9, 1866. Re- issue No. 2,483. February 19, 1867. The wrought or malleable iron self-fas- tening buckle or tie A, wlien provided with curved projecting lips B, B', and open- ings C, C, and otherwise constructed as described, for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 22.] G. N, BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 58,760- October 16, 1866. A hoop-lock formed with a rectangular slot a\ connecting with and forming a part of curved slots a^, a^, substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. [Drawing, page 22 ] Z. W. LEE, of Blakely, Ga., No. 58,844. Oc- tober 16, 1866. The metallic band B, liaving the bend b, at one end and the loop 6', at the other end, and applied and substantially in the man- ner and for tlie purpose described. English Patent No. 175, of Jan. 23, 1867. [Drawing, page 22.] 3 J. C, LEE, of Gonzales, Tex. Reissue of patent No. 58,844. October 16, 1866. Re. issue No. 2,449. January 8, 1867. The metallic band B, having the bend b, at one end, and applied substantially in the manner for the purpose described. [Drawing, page 23.] J. H, G RIDLEY, of Washington, D. C, No. 59,007. October 23, 1866. Claim. — 1. A cotton bale or other tie, so constructed that the fiistening is made by the edges of said tie, in connection with corresponding iiange on the opposite end of the tie, or on a separate plate, having said flanges on it, substantially as described. Claim. — 2. The plate B, having flanges , and inserted again in the loop b', and the latter slipped up toward the loop b, when all are arranged and operating substantially as herein shown and described. [Drawing, page 31.] J. ADAMS, of New Orleans, La., No 65.856. June 18, 1867. Claim. — 1. The mortice C, in the bed of the machine to admit the tie buckle or fas- tening, and to accomplish its adjustment to the hoop by the same motion which bends the hoop. Claim. — 2. The spring G, as set forth above. DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS.-COTTON BALE-TIES. 17 Claim. — 3. The indentation or oval shape in the handle at the point I, and at tlie points II, H, to form the bend over and under the spring G, substantially as de- scribed and represented. [Drawinp:, pafre 32.] A. BARBARIN, of New Orleans, La., No. 66,065. June 25, 1867. The device A, wiien constructed as here- in described for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 32.] ARTHUR BARBARIN, of New Orleans, La., No. 7,388. Nov. 7, 1876. Reissue of patent No. 66 085, dated June 25, 1867. Gluvn. — 1. A wire bale-tie, having a loop at one or both end.s, made b}' turning back the end of the wire to the body of the tie and twisting the two parts together for the purpose of giving greater strength to the loop, as herein specitied. Claim. — 2. The fastening device A, by jTieans of which the two loops of a wire bale-tie are firmly connected together, sub- stantially as and foi the purpose herein specified. Claim. — 3. The combination of a ready- made wire bale-tie, provided with loops formed by twisting the two parts of the wire together, as herein described, with a fasteuing device, by means of which the two loops are firmly connected, substan- tially as and for the purpose herein speci- fied. [Drawing, page 32.] P. C. INGERSOLL, of Green Point, N. Y., No. 66,087.— June 25, 1867. The clamp links or grippers B C, in com- bination with each other and with the lever R, A, substantially as herein set forth, for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 32.] E. B. BISHOP, of New Orleans, La., No. 67,098. July 23, 1867. The projecting lips C C, cut as described at their junction with the plate, the whole being constructed as described for the pur- pose set forth. [Drawing, page 33.] C. ULMER, of Mobile, Ala., No. 67,231. July 30, 1867. The will. in described buckle or tie, pro- vided with opening D, slot e and toothed corners c c c c, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 33.] 4 J. F. MILLIGAN, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 67,334. July 30, 1867. The piece A, pi'ovided with notches b and b\ the corners thereof being acute, and shaped in the crescent form of cross section as herein described, and when furthermore arranged with central rail a' of diminished thickness, substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. English Patent No. 972 of 1868. [Drawing, page 33.] G. N. BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 67,707. Aug, 13, 1867. Claim. The tie piece A having a counter- sunk cavity a" and two diverging mortices a «', when applied to and combined with the baling band B B', substantially as de- scribed and set forth. English Patent No. 1358; May 8, 1867. [Drawing, page 33.] L. LITTLEJOHN, of New York City, N. Y., No. 67,777. August 13, 1867. Claim. The diuble-headed pin F, work- ing longitudinally through the eye D in the arm B, of the yoke supported in position to receive the bands by means of the inner lower edge of the eye and its outer upper edge, and adapted to fit into the loop E of the yoke, as herein set forth for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 34.] A. BARBARIN, of New Orleans, La., No. 68,148. Aug. 27, 1867. Claim. A ball A, when provided with two encircling grooves a and 6, siibstantially as herein described, for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 34.] A. BARBARIN, of New Orleans, La., No. 68,149. Aug. 27, 1867. Claim. A ring A when constructed as herein described, and shown upon the draw- ings, and used to fasten the endsofiron rope or wire in banding cotton or other bales, sub- stantially in the manner herein set forth. [Drawing, page 34.J M. D. CHECK, of Clarenden, Ark., No. 68,167. Aug. 27, 1867. Claim. — 1. A cotton bale-tie constructed in two parts with lapping ends provided with perforations in the one side and hooks on the other, substantially as shown and described. 18 DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. Claim. — 2. The bars G and H, cylindrical upon the snrfiice around which the hoop passes in combination with the parts of a cotton bale-tie, as shown and described. Claim. — 3. A cotton bale-tie constructed with liippino; ends fitted as shown, and pro- vided with bars G 11, slits I I, perforations F F, and hooks E E, ibr the purpose set forth. inrawing, page 34.] S. J- MITCHELL, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 68,225. Aug. 27,1867. Claim. A belt tisjhtener consisting of the sliding rollers C C, roller frame B, wind- lass D, and cords or chains age 46.] J. CROOKES, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 91,091. June 8, 1869. Claim. The locking piece B arranged with earpieces B'^ and riveted to the end" A' wlicn combined with the joint rivet C and the end A, substantially as herein set forth. [Drawing, page 46.] T, C. OAKMAN, of Paterson, N. J., No. 9l,.361. June 15,1869. Claim. The bale-tie or fastening consist- ing of a cam lever A, provided with the journals B flattened on one side and having their bearings II in the angles of the bent side-bars of the frame 0, all constructed and operating as set forth. [Drawing, jiagc 46.] WM. RIDDLE, of Lark Hill Lane. England, No. 93,555. August 10, 1869. Claim. The combination of the flat band, having its ends formed into loops without slitting., with a spear inserted througli the loo])s, as described. English Patent 628 of March 6th, 1865. [Drawing, pag-e 47.] M. TILDESLEY, of Willenhall, England, No. 95,854. October 12, 1869. Claim. The double tie, clip or fastening obtained by the combination of the two parts a. a when constructed and applied to each other and to the surrounding band, as lierein specified. English Patent 2,214, July 21, 1869. [Drawing, page 47 ] J. WHEELOCK, of San Francisco, Cal., No. 96.521. November 2, 1869. Claim. The bale-tie lock composed of the slide M, with its interior flange or shoulder L, in combination with the band or strap liaving the folded end A and double-lapped and curved end B, when said parts ai-e con- structed, arranged and applied together in the manner and for the purpose herein shown and described. [Drawing, page 47-] F. M. LOTTRIDGE, of Portland. Indiana, No. 97,784. December 14, 1869. Claim. — 1. The combination of shaft A A', hook A^, ratchet-wheel A^ pawl a, spring a', crank B' and cross-arm C, with pulley c c and c' c', all arranged to operate substantially as described. Claim. — 2. In combination with the above, the cut C on the upper side of the cross-arm C with reference to the band or rope and the pulleys e' <;', substantially as shown and described. [Drawing, page 47.] DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS.-GOTTON BALE- TIES. 23 W. M. SMITH, of Augusta, Ga., No. 97,977. Dec. 14, 1869. Claim. An improvement upon rectangu- lar cotton bale-ties with V or X shaped slots, said improvement consisting in strik- ing offtlie interior point or angle a, while the point or angle a\ is left entire, for the ready and secure adjustment of the loop band D, as herein shown and described. [Drawing, page 48.] E, S. LENOX, Of New Brighton, N. Y., No. 98,169. Dec. 21, 1869. Claim. A wire bale-band formed at one end into the loop B, with its recess 6, and at the other with the cross-head C, when said parts are constructed, combined and opei-ated as and for the purpose herein set forth. English Patent No. 16, January 3d, 1870. [Drawing, page 48-] E. S. LENOX, of New York, N. Y., No. 7,026 of April 4, 1876. Reissue of Patent N 93,169, dated Dec. 21, 1869. Claim.. 1. — A wire bale-band and tie of one piece of flexible wire, having the loop B at one end, and having the other end bent back and twisted upon itself, so that the doubled wire can be passed through the loop. Claim. — 2. A wii-e bale-tie, consisting of a loop on one end of the bale-band and a double wire catch upon the other, of wire, of the same size as, or continuous with, 'the bale-band wire, substantially as shown and described. Claim. — 3. A wire bale-tie in which the catch is bent forward, so as to brace and support itself upon the looji end of the wire, instead of merely' curving back upon itself in ordinai'y lioop form. Claim. — 4. A wire bale-tie in which the part of the catch which is directly opposed to the strain tending to separate the wires is supported or braced upon the loop end of the wire. Claim.— b. A wire bale-tie in which that end of the wire forming the catch e e c is bent or doubled upon itself, substantially as shown and described. Claim. — 6. A wire bale-tie in which that part of the wire forming the catch or hook e e c is bent upon itself, and curved so as to support or brace itself, substantially as shown and described. Claim. — 7. A wire bale-band and tie, consisting of a single piece of flexible wire having a loop, B, at one end, and having the other end bent back and twisted upon itself when the doubled end of the wire is passed through the loop B. [Drawing, page 48.] E. S. LENOX, of New York, N. Y., No. 7,027 of April 4, 1876. Reissue of Patent No. 98,169, dated Dee. 21, 1869. Claim. A wire bale-tie, consisting of the elliptical wire loop, at one end, and at the other end having an eye, with a perma- nently attached cross-piece of rigid metal passing through said eye, substantially as shown and described. * [Drawing, page 48.] J. W. ROGAN, of Memphis, Tenn., No. 99,239. Jan. 25, 1870. Claim. The buckle A, provided with tlie break J, and with the tongue E, having shoulders^, in combination with the hoops C and C, the latter having a T, slot or aperture, all arranged as set forth and shown. [Drawing, page 49.] W. M. SMITH, of Augusta, Ga., No. 99,964. Feb. 15, 1870. Claim. — 1. The improved cotton bale-tie consisting of pieces A A A A, with its oblong angular hole D D D D, V shaped notches G G, depressed incisions C C, and shoulders E E, substantially- as and for the purposes herein set forth. Claim. — 2. The combination of the pieces A A A A, with the piece H H H H, having the upper corners rounded as shown, and the hole I I, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. Claim. — 3. The band B, when provided with the curved end R, and attached to the plates A A A A, and H H H H, substan- tially as and for the purposes herein set forth. [Drawing, page 49.] F. R, HUNT, of Leavenworth, Kan., No. 100,897. March 15, 1870. Claim. A band for securing packages consisting of the parts A and B, the part A, being provided with the slots 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., bars a, h, c, &c., as shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 49.] W. CHAMBERS, of New Orleans, La., No. 105,. 172. July 12, 1870. Claim. The combination of a cleft C, in n DWEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. a cotton bale-tic or buckle having two slots B, B', with two expanded bearing surfaoes D ])', tor the two ends of a inctallic band, wlicn the said bearing surfaces are pro- duced in the manner herein described. [Drawintfi page 49.] W. A. JORDAN, of New Orleans, La., No. 106,698. August 28, 1870. Clnim. The buckle A, when made of plate-iron, having smooth surfaces, and provided with a slot D, and a slot E, into the latter of which a clelt a enters, when said slots and clefts are formed, as herein described for the purpose set torth. [Drawing, page 50.] W. A- JORDAN, of New Orleans, La., No. 107,058. Sept. 6, 1870 Claim. The cotton bale-tie A, when pro- vided with a central opening B, that is formed as herein described and shown on the drawing, a slit D, lugs a a', and re- cesses b b\ for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 60 ] M, R. CLARK, of Columbia, S. C, No. 108,450. Oct. 18, 1870. Clam. The main loop a, provided with the rail «', and combined with the lever 6, provided with the jilates c e', and rail e, in the manner and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 50.] E. P, JONES, of Sun-Flower Co., Miss., No. 108,600. Oct. 25, 1870. Claim. — 1. Theemplo3'ment in a bale-tie of the converging slanting cleft C, when the same is so formed that its narrowest point of entrance shall be at its inner end, substantially as shown and described and for the purpose set forth. Claim. — 2. The improved bale-tie herein shown and desci-ibed consisting of the rec- tangular metallic plate A, provided with triangular openings B B', placed in reverse position as shown, the diagonal brace D, and inwardly curving and slanting cleft C, when constructed, combined and arranged for opei'ation in the manner specified and set forth. English Patent No. 2,273. August 17, 1870. [Drawing, page 50.] J, F, MkLIGAN, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 109,748" Nov. 29, 1870. Claim. In a tie-plate A, substantially of this form, the improved entering space liere shown, coTiiposed of the transverse slot a, and diagonal slot «', tor the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page ."j1.] W. CHAMBERS, of New Orleans, La., No. 109,804. Dee, 6, 1870. Claim. The tie A, when provided with slots formed iis shown at B and C, and a slit D , entering the slot C, in such a manner as to produce the point E, as herein de- scribed for the j)ui"pose set forth. [Drawing, page 51.] S. McFERRAN, of Philadelphia, No. 110,255. December 20, 1870. Claim. — 1. The shield K, arranged and operating in relation to the tightening sei-ew II, substantially in the manner and for the purpose above described. Claim. — 2. The combination of the shield K with the stud G, whereb}- the ends of the strap D are held in position, substantially as above set forth. [DrawinK page 51.] G. N. BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 110,539. December 27, 1870. Claim.. The combination, in the bale-tie A, herein described of the rectangular slot a, with the end bars B B', provided with the curved lips c c', and central entering slot a, and the strengthening-rib or projec- tion D, when all these parts are constructed and arranged as shown and described, for the purpose set forth. [Drawing page 51 ] J. E. PERKINS, of San Francisco, Cal,, No. 112,- 375. March 7, 1871. Claim. A bale-tie A, having tlie folding lids a and d, in combination with an open rectangular link c, and the loop J\ when constructed and operated, substantially as herein described. [Drawing page .52.] J, HOLMES & J. C. H, SLACK, of Manchester, England, No. 113,518. April 4, 1871. Claim. The combination (on the ends of a cotton bale-tie) of the pi'ojectionsrt^, with the intermediate projections c d, respec- tively and independently operating as and for the purpose described. English Tatent 1097, April 10, 1866. [Drawing page 52.] DIGEST OF V. S. PATENTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. 25 F, WATKINS, of London Works, Birmingham, England, No. 114,236. April 25, 1871. Claim. In combination witli tlie hoop A B, provided at its tree end, with the loop a, tiie liook phite C, leaving the curved pro- jection d, slot t', and inclined opening e, all constructed as described, and for the pur- pose sjjecified. [Drawiug page 52.] M, MARTIN, of Scharlotte, N. C, No. 114,581, May 9, 1871. Claim. The rack-bar A, lever B G, lug- ged side C F, weighted pawls D E H, slot- ted arms IJ L N, and eccentric levers K K, all combined as described to operate in the manner specified. [Drawing page 52 ] W. J. CARROLL, of Natchez, Miss., No. 114,760. May 16, 1871. Olo.un. The cotton bale-cleat D, herein described, provided with the steps a b, and the curved hook E. in combination with the band A, and slot B, when constructed and arranged as shown for the purpose set forth. [Di awing page 53 ] W, J. CARROLL, of Natchez, Miss., No. 5,912. June 16, 1874. Reissue of Patent No. 114,- 760. May 16, 1871. Claim. — 1. The cleat D, having steps a and b b', curved or hooked projection E, passing through a slot in the opposite end of the band, as described, the square heel, c, placed at a right angle to the under sur- face of the band, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. Claim. — 2. The cleat D, herein described, provided with the steps a and b b', the curved or hooked projection E, and the square heel c, placed at a right angle to the under sur- face of and in combination witli the slotted band A, constructed as shown, and for the purpose set forth. [Erawing rage 53.] W. J. CARROLL, of Natchez, Miss., No. 6,043. Sept. 8, 1874. Reissue of Reissue Patent No, 5,912. June 16, 1874. Claim. — 1. In combination with the slot- ted bale-band, a cleat provided with an ex- tension or toe at its forward end projecting beyond the end of the band to which it is attached, and reaching up\\ard, so as when locked to rest against the underside of the other end of the band, substantially as de- scribed. 6 Claim. — 2. In combination with the slotted bale band, a cleat extending beyond the end of the band and having a forwardly-project- ingand upwardly-extending toe and a square heel, substantially as described. [Dsawing page 53] J. M. McCLINTOCK & J. CUMBERLAND, of New Orleans, La., No, 115,225. May 23, 1871. Claim. The buckle A, provided with a single central opening or slot B, when the same is used for fastening the ends of me- tallic bands together around cotton bales, in the manner substantially' as herein de- scribed. [Drawing, page 53.] JAMES R. McCLINTOCK, of Mobile, Ala., No. 5,404. May 13, 1873. Reissue of Patent No. 115,225. May 23, 1871. Claim. — The buckle A provided with a central opening or slot B, when the same is used for fastening the ends of metallic bands together around cotton bales, in the manner substantially as herein described. [Drawing, page 54.] JAMES R. McCLINTOCK, of Mobile, Ala., No. 5,919. June 16, 1874. Reissue of Reissue Patent No. 5,404. May 13, 1873. Claim. — The buckle A, provided with a central opening or slot B, when the same is used for fastening the ends of metallic bands together around cotton bales, in the manner substantially as herein described. [Drawing, page 54.] S. BRETT, of New York, N. Y., No. 115,692. June 6, 1871. Claim. The wire bale-tie constructed as described with the eye B upon one end, and the hook C upon the opposite end, aud applied to a bale in the manner herein set forth and shown. English Patent 2,151 of August 15th, 1871. [Drawing, page 54.) G. BRODIE, of Plum Bayou, Ark., No. 116,925. July 11, 1871. Claim. A tie for cotton bales and other analogous uses, having brads or nibs a a, and a slot c, in combination with interven- ing nibs which taper toward the side in which the said slot is constructed, in the manner and for the purpose herein de- scribed. English Patent 1,764 of July 6th 1871. [Drawing, page 54.] SB Bin/: ST OF U. S. patents-cotton BALK-TIKS. C. G. JOHNSON, of New Orleans, La., No. 116,- 964. July 11, 1871. Cla'on. Tlie cotton hale-tie liereiii de- scribed, provided with the closed slot F, and open slot C, having the projections c and c, and the strengthening bar D, when all are constrneled and arranged as shown for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 55.] J. J, PEITON, of Washington, D. C, No. 117,- 202. July 18, 1871. Claim. The improved tie lierein de- scribed and shown, constructed substan- tially as and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page ij6.] S. LEWIS, of Rochester, New York,, No. 118.- 252. Aug. 22, 187f. Cl'dm. Ill a hoop lock substantiall}' us herein described the angular seats y, at the base of the interlocking tongue, for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 65.] S, MATHERS, of New Braunfels, Texas, No. 118,254. Aug. 22, 1871. Claim. The improved cotton tie stretcher herein described, consisting of the bent bar A, having hook «,', at one end, and slot at the other, the lever B having jaw 6', in combination with the adjustable arm C, with jaw c', all constructed and operating substantially as and for the purpose set forth. (Drawing, page X>.] J. L. SHEPPARD, of Charleston, S. C, No. 118, 286. Aug. 22, 1871. Claim. The bale-tie herein described having the curved lips A and B, rectangu- lar slot C, and transverse slit fZf, construct- ed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, i>age 56.] R. T, YARDLEY, of Baltimore, Md.,No. 119,213. Sept. 29, 1871. Claim. The construction of toothed hooks having the form substantially the same as that described in this specification. [Drawing, page 56.] J S, DAVIS, of Louisville, Ky., No. 120,045. Oct. 17, 1871. Claim. The combination with tlie band D, of the keys C, and the buckle herein de- scribed, having curved side bars A A, and cross bars B B, the latter provided with lips 6' b\ when all are constructed and arranged as and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 511.] J. F. RUSLIN, of Lawreneeville,Pa., No. 120,104. Oct. 17, 1871. Claim. The lever D, pi-ovided with the hook shaped fulcrunied end E, and ha\ing its free end made in spiral foi'm as shown, to iidoi)t it to be tucked under the band and hold itself in position, as set forth. [Drawing, page 5ti.] J. DOWNES, of Handsworth, England, No. 120,727. Nov. 7, 1871. Claim. As a new ai-ticle of manufacture a folding rae*^allic band for baling cotton and like purposes, constructed as "herein described, consisting ot two or more sec- tions of hoop iron liinged togetlicr, sub- stantially as shown and set forth, to allow of said sections Ijeing folded flat together for transportation. [Drawing, page 57.] M. N. COEiOfMadison Parish, La., No. 121,766. December 12, 1871. Claim. The combination of the handle B, hinged arm F, stock G, for holding the tyf)e-block, spring A, and the beveled and dart shaped tongue C, all constructed and arranged to operate substantially as de- scribed. [Drawing, page 57.] F. G, BROWN, of Brenham, Tex., No. 121,988. Dee, 19, 1871. Claim. The bale-tie buckle herein de- scribed consisting of the plate A, provided with the openings/^, clefts o o, and slot A, constructed and arranged to operate sub- stantially as specified. (Drawing, page 57.) J. T, BUTLER, of New Orleans, La., No. 122,563. Jan. 9, 1872. Claim. The buckle or tie A, having an inclined slit b, cut at an. angle with the plane of the buckle, substantially as described and shown, and for the purpose set forth. English Patent 3,264, Dec. 2d, 1871. [Drawing, iiage 58.] J, C, COIT, of Cheraw, S. C„ No. 122,813. Jan. 16, 1872. Claim. — 1. The bale-tie herein described, composed of hook-and-eye frames B C pre- DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS.-COTTON BALE- TIES. 27 viduil with flanges h b c c and liook i', re- spectively, constructed as and for the pur- pose set fortli. Claim. — 2. In combination with a bale-tie constructed as herein described, tlie lever D having jirongs d d, graples d' d\ and guides (f d^, and as for the purpose set forth. Claim. — 3. The method of compressing and fastening a bale of cotton and other substances of like nature by means of the hook-and-eye frames B C and lever D, all constructed and arranged to operate as specified. [Drawing, page 53.] W, PARSONS, of Palmyra, N. Y.. No. 122,907. Jan. 23, 1872. Claim. The hook A, formed with the curved seat /, pivoted to and in combina- tion with the eccentric lever B, having the curved open hook d, all constructed, ar- ranged, and operating in connection with the band C, in the manner described. (Drawing, page 58.) G, BRODIE, of Jeffersoa Co., Ark., 110.123,228. Jan. 30, 1872. Claim. The cotton-tie stretcher herein described, consisting of the hand-lever A, hinged bar B, pivoted jaw C with flat end C, and jaw D having slot^Z at one end and lip E at the other, when constructed for operation as shown, and for the purpose set forth. (Drawing, page 5S ) L. J. ANDERSON, of Water Valley, Miss., No. 123,374. Feb. 6, 1872. Claim. The lever A, arm A B, eccentrics D D, and gi-ipei's E E, or their equivalents, all arranged substantially as specified. (Drawing, page 59 ) G. W. ADAMS, Of New Orleans, La., No. 123,853. Feb. 20, 1872. Claim. The bale-tie A, hei-ein described, having the slots C C, tongue D, and cleft B, constructed and arranged substantially as shown, and for the pui'pose set forth. (Drawing, page 59 ) G. BRODIE, of Plum Bayou, Ark., No. 123,976. Feb. 27, 1872. Claim. The improved bale-tie herein de- scribed, consisting of the staple a, provided with the eye te, so that the lino of strain shall be in a direction with the lengtli of the phtte. (Driiwiiig imge 89.] W, C. BANKS, of Como Depot, Miss., No. 152,- 823. July 7, 1874. Claim. The combination of band A and buckle 13, the former crimped near one end, and the latter having the tongue h' bent below the plane of side pieces b' b', as and for the purpose described. [Drawing page 8U.] A. BALDWIN, of New York, N. Y., No. 153,035. July 14, 1874. Claim. Tlie combination of the independ- ent caps, adapted for application to the top and bottom surfaces of the bale, with tlie independent intermediate securing devices in their various forms, substantially as de- scribed. [Drawing, page 90.] W. COOPER, of Tyler, Tex., No. 153,317. July 21, 1874. Claim. As a new article of manufacture a cotton bale-tie constructed as described, with the wedge-shaped bolt B and wedge- shaped slot C for locking the tie, substan- tially as set forth. Eng. P. P. No. 4,041 ; Nov. 24, 1874. [Drawing, page 90.] Y. F. WRIGHT, of Jamestown, Ga., No. 153,469. July 28, 1874. Claim. The bale-tie herein described con- sisting of the plate A, provided with the mortise a and beveled slot b, having rounded end and notches x in the inner edges, substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. [Drawing, page 90.] J. G. BATTELLE, of Memphis, Tenn., No. 153,- 656. Aug. 4, 1874. Claim. In a cotton bale-tie, the loop formed by bending the hoop twice at right angles with itself, as shown at a and b, and forming the outer part thereof in a plane perpendicular to the hoop, as shown at c, as and for the purposes described. [Drawing, page 90.] W. CRONE and T. CROMER, of Galveston, Tex., No. 153,669. Aug. 4, 1874. Claim. The eye-piece having an aperture for the reception of the hook, and openings for tlie reception of the end of the sti'ap as and for the purposes described. [Drawing, page 91.] A. A. GOLDSMITH, of Charleston, S. C, No. 153,820. Aug. 4, 1874. Claim. In a bale-tie the wedge B, having a beveled shoulder /v upon its lower surface, and a shoulder b' upon its upper inclined surface, and having its smaller end // bent downward, in combination with a bale- band and the taperingly-alotted and bev- eled buckle A, substantially as specified. [Drawing, page 91.] W. S. DAVIS, of Galveston, Tex., No. 154,229. Aug. 18. 1874. Claim. — 1. The plate A, provided with a slot a, and I'aised loop b, in combination with the tongue B, provided witli a neck c, and head (/, substantially as and for tlie pur- pose herein desci'ibed. Claim. — 2. The tongue B, riveted to the hoop C, and provided with a head d, and neck c, in combination with the plate A, provided with a slot a, which at some part of its length is of less width than the head d, and with a loop or eye for the hoop to pass through, substantially as and for the purpose herein specified. Claim.. — 3. The offset c in the neck of the tongue B, in combination with the slot a in the plate A, substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. [Drawing, page 91.] R. D. MclLWAINE, of Petersburg, Va., No. 154,- 267. Aug. 18, 1874. Claim. The bale-tie foi'med by looping the ends c c of the hoop upon the opposite ends of the double-headed bolt a, with their contiguous edges d d in the center and their outer edges e e braced hj' the inner faces of the bolt-head b b, as shown and de- scribed. [Drawing, page 01.] J. D. HUSBANDS,Jr.,ofSt. Louis, Mo., No. 154,- 797. Sept. 8, 1874. Claim. — 1. A bale-tie or packing band, having one end divided, so as to form two members or straps, or a double band at said end, which are adapted to be passed through a suitable eye or loop in the other end of the packing-band or tie, and the two tied or fastened together. Claim.. — 2. A bale-tie or packing l)and having each end slotted and divided, form- ing two members or straps at each end, DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. 39 the members or straps of one end being formed into an eye or loop, into which the members of the other may be interUicked. Claim. — 3. A bale-tie or packing band constructed with divided ends, so that the ends may be brought together and tied or fastened automatically at each successive compression of the bale, substantially as described. [Drawing, page 92.] W. R. LENARD, Waco, Tex., No. 154,799. Sept. 8, 1874. Claim. In a bale-tie the plate A, consist- ing of an end and two equal sides a a', of a rectangle, and the plate A' of similar con- struction, pivoted the one to the other at the middle of the length of the leverage sides a b, and held closed by- the expansion of the baled mass, to form a rectangular clasp without edge-hooks, substantially as specified. [Drawing, page 92.] W. M, SMITH, of Augusta, Ga., No. 154,920. Sept. 8, 1874. Claim. A metal plate A, pi-ovided with two loops B B, one above the other, at or near opposite edges of the plate, as shown and described. [Drawing, page 92.] 0. D, WOODBURY and E, C, WOODBURY, of New York, N. Y., No. 154,998. Sept. 15, 1874. Claim. The cotton bale tie formed of two parts A and B, each turned over in the middle to form a right angle, one end. in each part turned back to form a loop, both parts to interlock in the manner as and for the purpose described. [Drawing, page 92.] A, A. GOLDSMITH, of Charleston, S. C, No. 155,234. Sept. 22, 1374. Claim. In a bale-tie, the curved wedge C, having upon its thick end the cylindri- cal enlargement D, and upon its other ex- trerait}' a downwardly-bent barbed griping part E, substantially as specified. [Drawing, page 93.] W, H. TILLERY, of St. Helena Parish, La., No. 155.271. Sept. 22, 1874. Claim. The band A, provided with notches on both sides of each end, having the hooks a' and the inclines a, all con- structed as shown and described, for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 93.] A. A. SZABO, of Houston, Tex., Wo. 155,344. Sept. 22, 1874. Claim. The combination, with block B, having two transverse holes, b, and grooves b', of the wire A, having ends a a passed through said holes, and then bent down as well as forward into the grooves, as and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 93 ] J. BOISSEAU, of Shreveport, La., No. 155,413. Sept. 29, 1874. Claim. — 1. In a bale-tie, the combination, with the hooked end b' of a binder and the sleeve A, of the locking-key C, substanti- ally as specified. Claim.. — 2. The sleeve A, hooks b b' of the binder B, and locking-key C, combined and arranged substantially as set forth. [Drawing, i>age 93.] J. COLLEY, of New Orleans, La., No. 155,423. Sept. 29, 1874. Claim. The notched-plate A, rivets C D, and slotted and notched bolt E, combined and ari'anged to form a bale-tie, substanti- ally as specified. [Drawing, page 94.] J. ADAMS, of New Orleans, La., No. 155,848. Oct. 13, 1874. Claim. The band-union herein described, having a union-piece held in one end of the band by cutting a tongue therein, within which the key is inserted and held, in the manner and for the purposes substantially as described. [Drawing, page 94 ] J. ADAMS, of New Orleans, La., No. 155,849. Oct. 13, 1874. Claim. — 1. The key consisting of the head and bolt formed transversely to each other. Claim.. — 2. The mode of securing the band to the key by holding the head of the key within the slotted and bent part of one end, and inserting the bolt of the key with- in its seat in the other end of the band. [Drawing, page 94 ] A. A. GOLDSMITH, of Charleston, S. C, No. 155,- 867. Oct. 13, 1874. Claim. — 1. The combination, with a bind- er, A, and the T-shaped plate B rigidly se- cured thereto, of the plate C having lateral hooks c c', a slot, a', and an upwardly-bent end a, substantially as specified. w DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTON RALE-TIES. Clnim. — 2. Tlie plate G, having hooks c c', a slot, o', and an upwardly-boiit end, a, sub- stantially as specified. [Di'awlujf pagoW] G. W. SCOTT, of Savannah, Ga., No. 155,981. Oct. 13, 1874 Claim. — 1. The bale-tie, consisting of a doubled or folded strip or band of metal, cut or notched and lapped into a hook, the parts of which clasp and embrace one end of the packing-band, and are secured there to by means of a high-headed rivet, or oth- erwise, substantially as described. Claim. — 2. In a cotton bale or other tie, the strip or band of single or doubled iron, cut or notched, and lapped to form a hook or catch, shaped so as to permit the loose or folded end of the tie to pass over the hook part and rest between it and the back part. Claim. — 3. In combination witli tlie pack- ing-band and hook or lock, tlie rivet, screw, or bolt, with a high or bossed head placed opposite the projection of the hook for con- trolling the movement of the folded end of the packing-band, and preventing the same from becoming uidocked, as herein de- scribed. [Drawinff page 95.] G. W. SCOTT, of Savannah, Ga., No. 155,982. Oct. 13, 1874. Claim. — 1. The lock or buckle C made of band, malleable, or cast-iron, and notched so as to form a hook to secure and hold the folded end of the hook B of the packing- band, and turned so as to hold the other end, substantially as herein described. Claim. — 2. The lock or buckle C, with both ends turned out and secured to one end of the packing-band by means of the loop on the end of the same secured by riv- ets, substantially as herein shown and de- scribed. Claim. — 3. In combination with the pack- ing-band and lock or tie, the rivet, bolt, or screw N, with its enlarged boss or head for confining the hook B in place when the parts are locked, substantially as herein de- scribed. [Drawiiifc' page 95.] M, T, BROWN, of Tyler, Texas, No. 156,013. Oct. 20, 1874. Claim. A bale-tie fastening consisting of the shank d, riveted projection e, at one end and projection i at the other, and hook por- tion c, attached by the neck c', in combina- tion with the tie ends A A', slotted as de- scribed, substantially as set forth. [Drawing, page '.15.] R. TERRELL, of New Orleans, La., No. 156,262. Oct. 27, 1874. Chum. The notches a a', &.C., hooks h h', &c., and projecting guards or shields c c', kc, formed at the edges and center of the opposite sections of a metallic band, the whole being constructed, combined, and arranged to provide a means of fastening and protecting the ends of said band, sub- stantially as described. English Patent No. 4,344, December 17, 1874." [Drawing page 95.] R. TERRELL, of New Orleans, La., No. 156,263. Oct. 27, 1874. Claim. A cotton-tie fastening for metallic bands, by turning one end of the band back parallel with itself, so as to provide a double thickness of material, and then fold- ing or bending the same in succession, as shown as Figs. 2, 3, and 4, thereby forming a loop whose bearing-surface is on a line and at right angles with the main section of the body of the band and the oblate hook A on the opposite end of the band, the whole being combined and arranged to secure the band around the bale, substantially as described. [Di-awing page 96 ] H.'B, JONES, of Burton, Texas, No. 156,292. Oct. 27.1874. Claim.. The key, consisting essentially of the head C, a short shank, and a radially- projecting bit D, having sharp corners to clutch the fibers of the bale, in combina- tion with the key-hole slots in the ends of the hoop, all constructed and arranged sub- stantially as and for the purpose described. (Drawing, page 96.) R. MONTFORT, of Butler, Ga., No. 156,490. Nov. 3, 1874. Claim. In a bale-tie, the buckle A, hav- ing the stuck-up tongue a, the downwardly- bent heel d, and the hook C, for the pur- pose of attaching the wire to the buckle, as shown and described. [Drawing, page 96.] W, S. DAVIS, of Galveston, Texas, No. 156,546. Nov. 3, 1874. Claim. — 1. The tie-plate A, provided DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS.-COTTOX BALE- TIES. U with the slot a, for receiving the end of the hoop, and with the locking-slot b c and arched bar d, substantially as and for the purpose herein described. Claim. — 2- The tongue B, constructed of a double thickness of metal, as described, and provided with a head e, and neck /, said neck being formed with an offset, and the whole constructed substantially as herein shown and set forth. [Drawing, page 96.] W. S. DAVIS, of Galveston, Texas, No. 156,547. Nov. 3, 1874. Claim. The tongue B, provided with a head c, and neck/, the latter having an off- set, as described, in combination with the tie-plate A having a T-shaped slot, substan- tially as set forth, whereby the head c is made to impinge on the turued-in or end- lapped portion g at the other end of the hoop, as and for the purposes herein set forth. [Drawing, page 97.] A. A, SZABO, of Houston, Texas, No. 156,827. Nov. 10, 1874. Claim. The block B, for liolding the ends of bale-wire A, having an open cross- slals 6', on each side, leading to the inner aperture b as well as ci'aniping-grooves run- ning longitudinally from the latter to the ends of block, as and for the purpose de- scribed. [Drawing, i^age ?T.] G. N. BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 156,752. Nov. 10, 1874. Claim. The cleat B, having the notched straight bearing 6' b^, the notched heel b^ b', and a quadrangular or rectangular shank b, said cleat being riveted parallel to the band, in combination with the shouldered slot c c' c^ c" c* e% having its portion c* par- allel with the band, substantially as set forth. [Drawing, page 97.] G. N. BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 156,75.0. Nov. 10, 1874. Claim. The combination of the hook- plate C, having a hook c, flaring back- wardly, and round stud B on the end A, and round eyes E on the end D of the band, all constructed and operating substantially as set forth. [Drawing, page 97.] 10 G, N, BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 156,754. Nov. 10, 1874. Claim. The button or cleat B, having a straight bearing b^, parallel with the ends of the band, and a bulging projection 6^*, on the heel, substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. [Drawing, page 98.] A, ALLAN k J. BURNS, of Liverpool, England, No. 156,965. Nov. 17, 1874. Claim. A cotton bale-tie having a but- ton-like inner head a, a round stem 6, rising from the inner head, and connecting it wfth the outer head c, projecting at right angles from the stem b, all combined substantially as specified. English Patent, No. 543, August 7, 1874. [Drawing, page 93] H. G. HUTCHISON, of Pittsburg, Pa ^ No. 157,- 005. Nov. 17, 1874. Claim. — 1. The independent bale-tie or key B, provided with the jaw or hook D d and lip or lug E at one end, and the jaw C, with its lips c e' at the other, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. Claim. — 2. The combination with the hoop or band A, provided with the slots a a' fl', &c., of the removable and independ- ent key B ; the whole constructed and adapted to operate substantially as and in the manner shown. [Drawing, page 98.] J. N. SMITH, of Jersey City, N. J., No. 157,032. Nov. 17, 1874. Claim. The bale-hand A, provided with solid interlocking ends B D and confining- wings C C, substantially as and for the pur- poses hereinbefore set forth. [Drawing, page 98.] S. J. LEACH, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., No. 157.206. Nov. 24, 1874. Claim. — 1. The plate A, having notched or serrated flanges D, combined with the hoop, having notched edges, as described. Claim. — 2. The loop F, combined with the plate A and notched flanges I), substan- tially as specified. [Drawing, page 99.] J. L. REESE, of Galveston, Texas, No. 157,223. Nov. 24, 1874. Claim. The bale-tie consistiiig of the spaced ti-ansverse slits b b' and the longi- tudinal slit c', cut through one broadened and re-enforced end of a metallic binder. J^ DIGEST OF U. S. PATEXTS-VOTTON BALE-TIES. ami the hook h of the other end thereof, iidiniteil for u.se substantially as specified. [Ui'iiwliiff, piiffe 99.) C. A. WARD, of Owego, N. Y., No. 157,303. Dec. 1, 1874. Claim. A bale-tie eoiisisting of the wire A, twisted at eaeh end into a loop, the smaller of said loops holding the long link B, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. [Drawing, iiaffe '.)',).) J. N. SMITH, of Jersey City, N. J., No. 157,354. Dec. 1, 1874. Claim. The combination of the shears 6 e, the dies/ A, and pmichea (/ g' ii' , and the dies G li, the whole forming a single machine or tool, whereby a strap may be rapidly prepared, fitted and tied on the bale without removing either it or the tool, substantially in the manner hereinabove set forth. [Drawing, pag"e 99.] J. N. SMITH, of Jersey City, N. J., No. 157,940. Dec. 22, 1874. Claim. A bale-tie made by cutting and pre.ssing up out of the body of the metal strap tongues or clasps a a on one or both ends of the said strap, which tongues or clasps are inserted into openings formed in the other end of the said strap, and closed down around the edges of the said openings, substantially as hereinabove set forth. [Drawing, page 100.] R, M, TAYLOR, of Memptiis, Tenn., No. 158,145. Dec. 22, 1874. Claim. A wire bale-tie provided at one side with an opening for the inward pas- sage of the doubled ends of a band, and having one or both of its ends turned downward in a line perpendicular to the plane of said tie, substantially as and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, iiage 100.] G. W. CAIN, of Tyler, Texas, No. 158,243. Dec. 29, 1874. Claijti. In a bale-tie the flaring end C, provided with shoulders a" a", in combi- nation with the end B, provided with turned-downed grooved ears c c, substan- tially as described and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 109 ] M, D. COPELAND, of Providence, R. I., No. 158,- 683. Jan. 12, 1875. Claim. — 1. The combination of the bale- band, having elliptic slots at tiie ends, with the bolt, as and for the purpose set forth. Claim. — 2. A tie-bolt with neck under the head, for the purpose fully specified. (Drawing, page 100] J. W. PHILLIP, of Humboldt, Texas, No. 158,- 733. Jan. 12, 1875. Claim. The wire bale-tie having a hook B, and a single or double coil 0, formed upon the same strand, in combination with the tie end, passed round the base of the coil, and a clamping locking pin E, driven through said coil above the bent tie end, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 101.] E. FLINN & R. G. WIER, of IVEobile, Ala., No. 158,- 836. Jan. 19, 1875. Claim. A bale-tie link described, the same consisting of a single piece of stitt" wire A, lient into the form of a parallelo- gram, and the two ends of the wire secured together at one corner by coiling the pro- jecting end of the wire at the shorter side a' of the link around the projecting end of the wire at the longer side a" of the sftrae, for the purposes specified. [Drawing, page 101 ] A. 0, SCHULTZ, of Memphis, Tenn., No. 158,- 985. Jan. 19, 1875. Claim.. As an improvement in cotton- angers, an auger constructed with symmet- rically-iluted cross-section, extending along blades and teeth from stem to tapering point, substantially in the manner specified and set forth. [Drawing, page 101.] J. B. ARRANTS, of Society Hill, S. C, No. 159,- 060. Jan. 26, 1875. Claim. The block or plate A, having grooves D and E, attached to part B of the hoop, in combination with loop F, having part (t of the hoop connected to it, all sub- stantially as specified. [Drawing, page 101] A. A. GOLDSMITH, of Charleston, S. C, No. 159,089. Jan. 26, 1875. Claim. — 1. In a bale-tie, the combination with the plate A, having slot a, and slotted projecting lug b, of the slotted plate B, hav- DIGEST OF U. S. PATEXTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. ing the donble-btirbed catch/, and should- ered piqjectioii f', substantially as specilied. Claim. — 2. The plate A, having slot a to receive the free end of the bale-strap, and the slot f in its downward projection b, sub- stantially as described, for the purpose spe- cified. [Drawing, page 102.] W. ILER, of Shreveport, La., No. 159,098. Jan. 26, 1875. Cliiiiri. — 1. The swinging clamp B, hav- ing right-angled arm D, and pivoted to one side of a lever, A, having an oblique-edged lower end, as and for the purpose described. Claim. — 2. The combination, with bar G, of the lower lip J and superposed cam I, as and for the purpose specified. [Brawiiig, page 102.] S. H. GILMAN, of New Orleans, La., No. 159,- 258. Feb. 2. 1875. Chiim. — 1. The combination of a hoop having a solid end with a tie made in the form of a flattened tube, both edges of which taper from top to bottom, and with one side flat, while the opposite side is concave on a line tapering from top to bottom, all sub- stantially as and for the purpose described. Chnm. — 2. A hoop for baling purposes, with the extreme head of the wedge on its end wider than any other part, substanti- ally as described, and for the purposes set forth. Claim. — 3. A tic for uniting the two ends of bale-hoops, constructed in the form of a section of a flattened tapering tube, taper- ing in its tube on straight lines from one end to the other on its two edges and on its bot- tom side, and concave on a corresponding taper line on the uppfer or top side, all sub- stantially as described, and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 102.) H. B. JONES," of Burton, Texas, No. 159,268. Feb. 2, 1875. Claim. As a new article of manufacture, the detachable cleat-tie herein described, consisting of the base-block C, having the shoulders c c, shank D, and segmental cleat E F, substantially as and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 102.] A. BALDWIN, of New York, N. Y.. No. 159,378. Feb. 2, 1875, Claim. — 1. The described method of ap- plying the fastening devices to cotton or other bales, consisting, broadly, in the em- ployment of the power used to compress the bale to apply the covering parts of the fastening devices thereto, substantially as described. Claim. — 2. A press-platen adapted for operation as a die, substantially as describ- ed, for the purpose of shaping the fiistening devices to the bale, and holding the same in proper position to be secured. Claim. — 3. The platens described, pro- vided with beveled or rounded-edged blocks or bars, a a, as described. Claim. -4. The combination of thesmooth- faced platens with the bars or blocks a a, and means for adjusting them, substantially as described. [Drawing, page 103.) J. L, REESE, of Galveston, Texas, No. 159,449. Feb. 2, 1875. Claim. — 1. The bale-tie a, having a broad- ened end, 6, slot c, and slit d, forming strip /, whether the same be used as shown on Fig. 1, or folded as shown on Figs. 2 and 4, substantially as specified. Claim. — 2. In a bale-tie, the loop c, formed on one end of a binder, the open-ended slot e, and strip f on the broadened end of the binder, substantially as specified. [Drawing, page 103.] J. T. SMITH, of Richmond, Va., No. 159,463. Feb. 2, 1875. Claim. The double-hook tie A, having central top opening, a, and V-shaped recesses b b, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. [Drawing, page 103.] J, THAYER, of New Orleans, La., No. 159,531. Feb. 9, 1875. Claim.. The bale-tie consisting of the band A, having the L-shaped and outward-bulg- ing-lips B punched into each end thereof, and adapted to be locked together, substantially as specified. [Drawing, page 103.] A. J, NELLIS, of Pittsburg, Pa., No. 159,703. Feb. 9, 1875. Claim. The table A, having a central trough, B, provided with the incline b and wipers 6' //, substantially as and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 104.] u DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTOX BALE-TIES. A. J. NELLIS, of Pittsburg, Pa., No. 159,704. Feb. 9, 1875. Cltdm. — 1. In con)hination with age 126] J. S. & C. R. HERRON, of Savannah, Ga., No. 174,730. March 14, 1876. Claim. As an improvement in band-ties, the combination of a band end, having closed L-shaped slot, with the opposite band end, being provided with recesses or notches at alternate sides, the distance of two alternating notches being equal to the length of the L-shaped slot, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing page 126] W. CARSON, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 175,334. March 28, 1876. Claim. The part A, having the notch or open slot E, and sockets or hooks G, in combination with the part B, having lat- eral projections J and tongue I, as shown and described, whereby said parts are adapted to be disengaged, in the manner set forth. [Drawing, page 126] 13 J, THAYER, of New Orleans, La., No. 175,546. March 28, 1876. . Claim. The buckle having the lugs c c, the shoe or pocket (/, Figs. 1 and 3, and the flange upon the wedge, substantiall^Mis desci-ibed and for the purposes set forth. [Drawing, page 126.] A. KIMLER, of Howe's Cave, N. Y., No. 175,- 711. April 4, 1876, Claim. The baling-wire A, formed with the eye or loop B, at one end, and at the other end with eye or loop C and hooks D, as and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 127 ] R. C. LUDLOW, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 175,720. April, 4, 1876. Claim.. — 1. The bale-tie herein described, consisting of the flat body A, provided at one end with prongs C C, having inward- ly-projecting points a a, and the T-shaped head 13, provided with holes at the other end at right angles or parallel with the body A, substantially as described and for the purpose set forth. Claim. — 2. A bale-tie having prongs ter- minated by inwardly-pjrojecting points at one end of its bod}-, and a T-shaped head B, at its opposite end, the opening between the prongs corresponding exactly in size and shape with the head, whereby the tie may be punched from a bar without any loss of metal, substantially as described. [Drawing?, iiage 127.] A, B. RAMSEY, of Trenton, Tenn., No. 175,752. April 4, 1876. Claim.. — 1. The wire bale-tie consisting of the loops a a', linked together as de- scribed, and held against casual detachment by twisting the ends h b', of the wire ai'ound each other, substantially as specified. Claim. — A wire bale-binder, having the ends looped, as at a a', and extensions b b', at right angles with the length of the bin- der, and adapted to be twisted together and tucked under said binder, as specified. [Drawing, page 127-] S. D. PURDY, of Cleveland, Ohio, No. 176,049. April 11, 1876. Claim. The herein described bale-tie, consisting of the two ends of the wire A A, twisted together and locking them, sub- stantially in the manner and for the pur- pose specified. [Drawing, page 127.] 5i DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS— COTTON BALE-TIES. W. ROGERS, of Now Orleans, La., No. 176,355. April 18. 1878, Claiiii. — 1. Tlic combination, with the platen of a cotton-press, of a group of bale- tiers, substantially as specified, constituting one automatic tying mcclianisni for simul- taneously tying all the bands of tlie bale. Clnini. — 2. In a bale-tier the combina- tion, substantially as spccitied, of the hold- fast, the stretcher, and the doubler. Claim. — 3. The combination, substan- tially as specified, of the stretcher and the shears. [Brawing:, page 128.] G. S. FRANCE, of Cobleskill, N. Y., No. 176,613. April 25, 1876. Claim. — 1. The combination, with the ends of a bale tie, of the hooks ]) D and loops C C, substantially as and for the pur- poses set forth. Claim. — 2. As an improved article of manufacture, a bale-tie, each end of which is provided with a loop D, and the hook C, with a partial twist between the respective loops and hooks, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. [Drawing, page 128.] G. S. FRANCE, of Cobleskill, N.Y., No. 176,614. April 25, 1876. Claim. — 1. The combination, with the ends of a bale-tie, of hooks C, and loops D, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. Claim. — 2. A bale-tie as an improved ar- ticle of manufacture, having interlocking ends C D, constructed substantially as and for the purpose set forth. [BrawlDg, page 12'J.] P. K. DEDERICK, of Albany, N. Y., No. 177,221. May 9, 1876. Clami. — 1. The bending-disks A, having the slioulders a' and adapted to rotate on the posts C, substantially as described, for the purpose specified. Claim. — 2. The bending-disks A, in com- bination with the stop D, and cutting-jaws E E, substantially as described, for the pur- pose specified. Claim. — 3. The rotating hook F, in com- bination with the clamping-jaws G G, sub- stantially as described. Claim. — 4. The bifurcated hook II, com- bined with the clamping-jaws G' G', sub- stantially as described. [Drawing, page 12'J.] P. K. DEDERICK, of Albany, N. Y., No. 177,222. May 9,1876. Claim. A wire-tie constructed with a loop or eye at one end, and a point or locking- end at the other, of larger wii-e, twisted or otherwise attached to the body of the tie, for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 1211.] J, M, GOLDSMITH, of Boston, Mass., No. 177,- 330. May 16, 1876. Claim. — 1. In a bale-tie the buckle A, having slots b b' sunken bai-s a c, guideways e, and notches Ji, adapted for use substanti- ally as specified. Claim. — 2. The binder B, having a trans- verse lock-piece /, in combination with a slotted buckle, having inclined ways c, and notches ?i, substantially as specified. Claim. — 3. The lock-piece /, riveted to the end of a binder, B, and projecting be- 3-ond the lateral edges of the same, substan- tially as and for the pui'pose specified. (Drawing, page 1211.) J. McMURTRY, of Lexington, Ky., No. 177,650. May 23, 1876. Claim. The buckle for cotton-bale ties, consisting of the two parts a d, which are constructed and made to hoCk together, stantially as shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. (Drawing, page 130.) J. McMURTRY, of Lexington, Ky., No. 177,651. May 23, 1876. Claim. — 1. As a cotton-bale tie, the band a, having two or more inclined slots cut in its edge or edges, substantially as shown. Claim. — 2. The band a, having an in- creased thickness along its center, substau- tially as described. Claim. — 3. The band a, having the in- clined .slots d and thickness c, substantially as and for the purpose described. Claim. — 4. The baud a, having inclined slots that are widest at their mouths, and having the depressed lips 2, substantially as shown and described. (Drawing, page 130) J, N. BRIGGS, of Colymans, N. Y., No. 177,683. May 23, 1876. Claim. The wire bale-tie A, constructed with an open hook, B, at each of its ends, for the purpose of interlocking the ends DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTON BALE- TIES. 55 together, in the manner and for the pur- pose herein specified. [Drawing, page 130] J. L. RANDOuPH, of Martinsburg, W. Va.,No. 177,957. May 30, 1876. Claim. Tlie rolled and lougitudinallj- grooved plates, provided with central and side openings, both said plates being used to form a single buckle, substantially as described. [Drawing page 130 ] H. W. PUTNAM, of Bennington, Vt., No. 178,- 027. May 30, 1876. Claim. — 1. In a machine for bending and twisting wire, the combination of a bend- ing-arm, a stud around which the wire is bent, a holding-jaw, to retain the wire as the two parts lie side by side, and a revolv- ing jaw that twists the wire together, sub- stantially as set forth. Claim. — 2. In the wire bending machine, the bending-arm r, with a forked end 15, for bending the wire and holding the two parts of such wire while it is being twisted, in combination with the jaw /i, and gearing for revolving the same, to form the loop, substantially as set forth. Claim. — 3. In the wire-twisting machine, the stud u upon the arm r, placed eccentric to the shaft upon which the arm swings, relieving the strain upon the loop as the arm swings, in combination with gearing for turning such arm thereby back from the twisted loop, as set forth. Claim. — 4. The combination with the arm ?•, of the pinion s, spring-pawl 12, actuating-lever /, and jaw h , substantially as set forth. Claim. — 5. The shear c' and feeding-roll- ers b'' b", in combination with the segmental gearing b, and the holding and twisting jaws, and gearing connecting the parts, substantially as specified, to feed, cut off, and twist the wire, as set forth. Claim. — 6. The notched guide-wheels d, moved progressively by a i-atchet and pawl, in combination with the bending and twist- ing jaws, substantially as specified, for bending the loop and twisting the wire. Claim. — 7. The combination, in a wire- bending machine, of the guide-wheels d, for carrying the wire, with two sets of bend- ing and twisting jaws for simultaneously bending both ends of the wii-e, and then twisting the wire together, as set forth. Claim. — 8. The die 22, in combination with the bending die r^, die 23, and loop- forming mechanism, to bend such loop into a liook after it has been twisted, as set forth. Claim. — 9. The three-pronged die 2', in combination with the sliding die 22 and actuating mechanism, substantially as set forth. Claim. — 10. The wedge P and its actuat^ ing-lever f in combination with the sliding die 22, dies 28 and I', substantially as set forth. Claim. — 11. The combination with the sliding die 22 and stationaiy die 23, of the die I', and shoulders 29, that press the die 22 downward to form the curved end of the hook, as set forth. Claim.— 12. The sliding die 22, with the projection 30, to allow the same to di-op after it is drawn back, in combination with the dies /' and 23, and bender ?', that pi-ess the twisted wire towai'd the point of the hook, as set forth. Claim. — 13. The combination, with the revolving jaw h, and mechanism for twist- ing the wire, of a stop to hold the twisting- jaw in the position of rest, substantially, as set forth. Claim. — 14. The bending die r^, made as a fork at the end, to draw the wires of the loop together and bend the same, in com- bination with the dies that bend the wii'e into the hook, substantially as set forth. Claim. — 15. The holding die v', made as a fork, to draw the parts of the wire to- gether, in combination with the stationary rest V, substantially as set forth. Claim. — 16. In a wire-bending machine, the combination of two bending and twist- ing jaws with their actuating devices and adjustable beds for adapting the machine to different lengths of wires, and simulta- neously operating at both ends of wires, as set forth. [Drawing, page 131.] G. D. JEWETT, of Oakland, Cal., No. 178,156. May 30, 1876. Claim.. The bale-band having the loop A, the slip-band D, and the point-band C, or their equivalents, when constructed and ari'anged substantially in the manner and for the purposes set lorth. [Drawing, page 131.] J. H, SNYDER, of Richmond, Va., No. 178,196. May 30, 1876. Claim. The within-de,?cribed bale tie, consisting of the plate A, having the par- allel slots a a', inclined angular slots b h, 56 DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTON BALE- TIES. tongue (/, and lips e e, and stanijied, substan- tially as and for the purposes herein set forth. [DrawiUB, l>€Tge 132.] W. S. DAVIS, of Galveston, Texas, No. 178,418. June 6, 1876. Cltini. The hook B, provided with a flattened shank C, forming the enlarged head d, the said hook being construetod at the forward end with the front bent end or root h, and rearwardly projecting nose i, ai-ranged at the baek end of the face g of the liook for operation in connection with the mortises b in the bale-band, substan- tially as described. [Drawing, page l:{2.] W. S. DAVIS, of Galveston, Texas, No. 7,252. Aug. 8. 1876. Reissue of No. 178,418. June 6, 1876. Claim. The single hook B, having its face r/ constructed to dip or incline down- wardly or in and inward direction relative to the planes of the overlapping end por- tions of the band from the end i of the nose of said hook to the root h thereof, for operation in connection with the mortises b in the bale-band, substantially as de- scribed. [Drawing page 132.] S. PALMATIER, of Catskill, N. Y., No. 178,665. June 13, 1876. Claim. The wire bale-tie having the rounded end of the loop a bent upwards to freely admit the connecting twisted end b, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page;i32.] B. K, FOWLER, of New York, N. Y., No. 178,- 754. June 13,. 1876. Claim. In a wire-band for bales, the cross-bar B, pivoted in the loopw, provided upon the one end A, of the band, in com- bination with the outwardly-turned loop c on the other end C, of the said band, the same constructed and combined substan- tially as and for the purpose herein set forth. [Drawing page 133.] A, A. GOLDSMITH, of Charleston, S. C, No. 178,702. June 13, 1876. Claim. The W-shaped jjlate A, having lug i and cross-bars /', respectively, on its central and end-bars, substantially as speci- fied. ^ [Drawing, page 133.] B. HEMPSTEAD, of Little Eock, Ark., No. 178,- 771. June 13, 1876. Claim. — 1. The bale-tie fastener consist- ing of a stiff plate. A, having a transverse slot, D, at one end, and a button, B, at the other, provided with a long e.xten.sion, i, and a short extension, 6', as and for the purjiose described. Claim. — 2. The bale-tie consisting of the plate A, having transverse slot D and but- ton B, provided with long extension /; and short extension //', in combination with tlie bale-band passed through slot D, and bent around the same at one end, and having a slot, C, at the other, adapted to receive the button, as and for the purpose described. [Drawing, page 133.] R. C. LUDLOW, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 179,578. July 4, 1876. Claim. The manufacture of a double se- ries of bale-ties from a single strip of sheet metal of a given width, without waste of material, as shown, said bale-ties having outwardly-projecting extensions ft' a\ for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 133.] B. A. RAMSEY, of Trenton, Tenn., No. 179,604. July 4, 1876. Claim. A wire bale-tie, consisting of the upset loop a c and the loop d, in combina- tion with the separate bow or bent key e, substantially as herein set forth. [Drawing, page 134.J W. B. HAYDEN, of Columbus, Ohio, No. 179,654. July 11, 1876. Claim. The loop C, formed with cross- bars a, h, and c, constructed and arranged as described, in combination with the band or hoop provided with transverse strength- ening and retaining ribs on its under sur- face, substantially as described. [Drawing, page 1.34.] R. DE GRAY, of New Orleans, La., No. 179,841. July 18, 1876. Claim. — 1. The buckl.c-plate made with tlie guard-tooth or lip A, and slot or open- ing D K, in combination with the band or hoop, substantially as described. Claim. — 2. The buckle-plate made with the slot or opening D E, holding-teeth or lips B and C, and guai-d-lip or tooth A, in combination with the band or hoop having holes througli it, substantially as described. [Drawing page 134] DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS.-COTTON BALE-TIES. b7 J, A. DRAKE, of New Orleans, La., No. 179,848. July 18, 1876. Claim. — 1. Tlie perfornted twistiiig-cyl- iiider B, having its forward section coiiically contracted and terminating in a narrow delivery-tube, the whole constructed and arranged to operate, substantially as de- scribed. Claim. — 2. The twisting perforated cyl- inder B, and the grooved-face rollers //', the same being combined and arranged to operate substantially as described. Claim. — 3. The twisting cylinder B, roll- ers/y, corrugated roller K, and weighted frame h, the wiiole being combined and ar- ranged to operate substantially as described. [Drawings, pages 134 and 135 ] J. A, DRAKE, of New Orleans, La., No. 179,849. July 18, 1876. Claim. — 1. As a new article of manufac- ture, a bale of cotton formed from a continu- ous strand or strands of loosely-twisted cot- ton wound or coiled around a shaft or axle, substantially as described. Claim. — 2. The method herein described of baling and packing cotton, which con- sists in loosely- twisting the cotton to secure' a continuity of its fibers, and in then wind- ing or coiling the same around an axle or shaft, substantially as described. [Drawing, page 135.] J. M. SEYMOUR, of Newark, N. J., No. 179,- 872. July 18, 1876. Claim. — 1. A buckle provided with two straining-bars, a lever-arm, and a fastening- bar, constructed and arranged to operate substantially as and for the purpose de- scribed. Claim. — 2. A buckle provided witli two straining- bars and a lever-arm, constructed and arranged to operate substantially as and for the purpose set forth. Claim. — 3. A buckle provided with two straining-bars and a lever-arm, when one or botli of the straining-bars are provided with projections to retain the banc! in posi- tion upon the bar or bars, substantially as set forth. [Drawing, page 13ii.] J. H. SNYDER, of Biehmond, Va., No, 180,388. July 25, 1876, Claim. — 1. The bale-tie herein described, consisting of the plate A, formed witli the raised part B, and the raised tongues C D, of unequal length, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 14 Claim.— 2. The plate A, formed with the raised part B, the long raised tongue C, having incline or curve a b on its inner edge, and the short raised tongue D, substantially as and for the purpose herein set fortli. [Drawing, page 13(3.] S. D, PURDY, of Cleveland, Ohio, No. 180,788. Aug. 8, 1876. Claim. The above-described device, con- sisting of the frame A, having arms G H L, the shaft F, having the srroove J, connected with the slots K and the bevel-gears E I, the shaft C, and crank D, all constructed, combined, and operating substantially as and for the purpose specitied. [Drawing, page 13fi.] D. C. LOWBER, of Liverpool, England, No. 180,- 897. Aug. 8, 1876. Claim. — 1. Asoldered-wire bale-tie form- ed with the eye A A' A^ soldered, as and for the purposes herein specified. Claim.. — 2. The process herein described of forming a loop and securing the same, consisting in folding the bale-tie back upon itself, and dipping in solder, substantially as specified. [Dr.iwing, page 13ij.] D. OLMSTEAD, of Minneapolis, Minn., No. 180,910. Aug. 8, 1876. Claim. — 1. The herein-described lock or fastening for bands, bale-ties, &c., consist- ing of one or more angular slits and tongues e, formed in each end of the band, substan- tially as shown and described. Claim. — 2. A band liaving the angular slits and tongues, e, formed by cutting or punching the slits in the solid body of the band at each end, as set forth. Claim. — 3. The herein-described mode or method of locking or fastening the ends of bands by means of the tongues e, and the angular slits whereby the tongues of both parts are made to engage against the solid metal at their ends, as set forth. [Drawing, page 1.37.] J. THAYER, of New Orleans, La., No. 181,020. Aug. 15, 1876. Claim. — 1. In bale-band-tightening ma- chines, the combination, with the hand- lever and pushing-bar, of a pulling-bar, pro- vided with a hook or claw adapted to en- gage- the buckle, said pulling-bar being connected to said pushing-bar \>y a mov- able joint, ."-ubstantially as set forth. 5S DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. Claim. — 2. In bale-Ijaiid-tiglicning nia- cliines, tlic (.■ombi nation of tlie pusbingbar witb a guide-iiicce or guiding-edge of the platen, suitably' arranged to direct and steady tlio pushing-bar while the strain is being ai>plied b^" the operators, substanti- ally us set forth. Claim. — 3. The conmination, with the hand-levtr, of a spring supported by a cros- bar, said spring serving to keep the hand- lever elevated in proper position to apply the band to the clamp on the end of said liand-lever [ireparatory to applying the strain, substantially as set forth. Claim. — 4. In band-tightening machines, the arrangement of tlie strain-developing parts, whereby both ends of the band are made to receive the tightening force, and both ends yield to such force in substanti- ally an equal degree, substantially as and for the purpose described. Claim. — 5. The combination, with the pushing-bar and jointed pulling claw-bar, of a spring to elevate the claw-bar, subslan tially as and for the purpose described. Claim. — 6. The combination, with the pushing-bar and lever, of a segment of a circle, notched on its outer edge, used, in connection with the lock and catch, for the purpose of holding all the strain that may be exerted upon tlie hoop or band by the downward pressure ui)Ou the lever at the point attained, relieving the operator, and allowing him free use of himself to adjust and drive the wedge into the buckle, there- by securing the ends of the band, substan- tially as set forth. Claim.. — 7. The combination of the slot or mortise in the lever, which is a guide for the free end of the segmental strip, also the manner of attaching the segmental strip to the pushing-bar, substantially as set forth. Claim. — 8. The combination devices, as shown and described, consisting of the pushing-l)ar and puUing-bar, in connection with the guide-strip, claws, and griping de- vice, springs for lifting the lever and pull- ing-bar, the notched segmental strip, the manner of attaching to pushing-bar, the slot in lever-guide for free end of segmen- tal strip, the catching device, together with spiral spring and trigger, for compressing cotton, substantially as and for the purpose described. [Drawing, page 137.] R. DE GRAY, of Now Orleans, La., No. 181,052. Aug. 15, 1876. Claim. — 1. In a band-tii;hteniiig machine, the shaft E, having slots e' and ratcliet-teeth fi^, constructed and operating substantially as set forth. Claim. — 2. In a band-tiglitening machine, the buckle-bar II, having grooves II' and notclies h* for the purpose of drawing tight the buckle ends of the bale-bands, snb- stantially as set forth. Claim. — 3. In a band-tightening machine, the sliding bearings D, whereby the upper and lower band-tightening apparatus are supported, substantial!}' as and for the pur- pose set forth. Claim. — 4. In a baiid-tigliteuing machine, the plate K, operating substantially as set forth. Claim.— b. The shaft E and the sliding- bearings D, substantially as set forth. Claim. — 6. Thecombinationofthe buckle- bar II and the cams F', substantial!}' as set forth. Claim. — 7. The combination of shaft E, the buckle-bar li, and the bearings D, sub- stantially as described. Claim.— 8. The shaft E, the buckle-bar H, and the sliding-plate K, combined and operating substantially as set forth. Claim. — 9. The combination of the plate K and the levers L, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. Claim.— 10. The buckle-bar II and the weighted levers I, constructed and operat- ing substantially as set forth. [Drawing, page 137.] P. F. KING, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 181,183. Aug. 15, 1876. Claim. — 1. A wire fastening, consisting of the body part «', having projecting ends a a', their bearing-points at a' «" u^, all con- structed to operate in the manner and for the purpose set forth. Claim. — 2. The combination of a wire fastening, consisting of the body part a', its ends a a.\ bearing a' a*, locking-point «', with slotted band-ends, as and for the pur- poses set forth. [Drawing, page 13S.] W. WILKINSON, of Charleston, S. C, No. 181,- 385. Aug. 22, 1876. Claim. A bale-tie consisting of the quad- rangular metal A, having one i'l-oe end straight, anil snbjacently crossing the other, while the latter is provided with a hook at its end, substantially as and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 13S.] DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTON BALE- TIES. 59 T. BUNKER, of Cuero, Tex., No. 181,818. Sept. 5, 1876. Clnhn. All improved bale-tie buckle, con- sisting of tlie half-ring bars A B, Jiaving small half-ring hooks formed upon their ends, securing the ends of a bale-band, sub- stantially as shown and described. [Drawing, page 138.] T. C. KNOWLtS & J. P, DERDEN, of Vienna, La., No. 181,949. Sept. 5, 1876. Claim. A bale-hoop tightener consisting of notched lever F, having forked claw G, and hook H, having joke J, substantially as and for the purose specified. ^Drawing, i>age 138.3 — H. MILLINGAR, of Pittsburg, Pa., No, 182,031. Sept. 12, 1876. Claim. A hoop-iron having its overlap- ping end A B provided with inclined slots a in each edge, running from the edge at an angle of forty-tive degrees inward, form- ing lips 6, which are pressed so as to stand beyond, but paralled with, the plane of the band. [Drawing, page 139.] F. G. WHEELER, of New York, N. Y., No. 182,- 339. Sept. 19, 1876. Claim. — 1. The method described of treating cotton-bales before and during compression, consi.sting, essentially, in ap- plying tlie bands to the bale before it enters the press, and holding them before and during the time of compression by means of independent frames, substantially as de- scribed. Claim. — 2. In combination with a bale and secnring-bands laid upon the same, an independent removable frame for holding the bands in place, as described. Claim. — 3. A frame adapted for adjust- ment to suit-bales of different width, sub- stantially as described. 6 him. — 4. A frame provided with side plates or bars, hinged thereto, as described. Claim. — 5. An independent frame hav- ing side pieces adapted to hold the bale against lateral expansion, as described. Claim. — 6. A frame having hinged sides and locking-bars, as described. [Drawing, page 1.39.] W, B. HAZELTINE, of Jamestown, N. Y., No. 182,757. Oct. 3, 1876. Claim. The bale-tie buckle herein de- scribed, consisting of a flat piece of metal. bent over upon itself, so as to form two flat and parallel leaves, with straiglit unbroken edges, .with a space between said leaves to accommodate the ends of the bands, sub- stantially as and for the purposes described. [Drawing, page 139.] L, E. EVANS, of New York, No. 182,810. Oct. 3, 1876. Claim.— 1. The double hook b' b' If 6* on one end of the tie, formed by bending the double wire, as sliown, in combination with the loop A on the other end, and adapted to serve together, as and for the purposes herein specified. Claim. — 2. The end e, extended past the engaging hook or hooks on the tie, and ar- ranged to be pressed against and into the body of the bale by the tension of the loop A, in combination with the double hook and said loop, and its neck a pressing on the outer face of the said end, all sub- stantially as and for the purposes specified. [Drawing, page 139.] A. W. HESS, of Chicago, 111., No. 183,053. Oct. 10, 1876. Claim. A bale-tie, consisting of a metal- lic sti'ip fastened b_y means of tongues and slots cut at one and the same time in the overlap of the ends of the tie, the tongues of the upper lap projecting into the slots of the under lap, and the tongues of both the upper and the under lap being on the inside of the tie when the same is fastened, leaving the outside thereof free from any projections, substantially as described. [Drawing, page 140.] C, KRIEG, of Dallas, Texas, No. 183,058. Oct. 10, 1876. CMvi. — 1. The clasp B with the tongue E, constructed substantially as herein de- scribed. Claim. — 2. The combination of the clasp B with the tongue E, tlie band H, and the fastening P, substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. Claim. — 3. The combination of the clasp B with the tongue E, the band H, and the sliding fiistening C, substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. [Drawing, page 140.] J, TWEEDALE, of Castleton, N. Y., No. 183,234. Oct. 10, 1876. Claim. — 1. Catch or double hook C, having eye or loop C, arms C C, and in- GO DIGEST OF U. S. PATEXTS-COTTOX BALE-TIES. wai'dly niul backwardly turning Iiooks c' c', substantial!}' as set fortli. Claim.— 2. The eateli-liook C, tUe free ends of wliicli arc turncil in opposite direc- tions, ill eornbination with tlie loops A' B' of tiie bale-tie wire, substantially as shown and described. [Drawing, imgo MO.] S. N, DRAKE, of New Orleans, La., No. 183,382. Oct. 17, 1876. Claim. — 1. A die A, having raised bit- ing-flange D and concavities E E, in com- bination witli a die-surface having a slot B", and convex lieads F^, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. Claim. — 2. The combination of die A, hav- ing bar C, oblique bevel c, biting-flange D, anti concavities p] E, with die B, having longitudinalk-oblique bevel 6, slot B^ and conve.v heads F', substantially as set forth. Claim. — 3. A bale-tie having depressed portion G', slot G', and spuds G* G^ upon one end, and corresponding depressed por- tion ir, slot W, and spuds H' W, on the other end, substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. Claim. — 4. A bale-tie having depressed portion G", oblique bevel G^ slot G^ and spuds G^ G^ upon one end, and correspond- ing depressed portion 11', oblique bevel IP, slot IrP, and spuds IP IP on the other end, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page UO.] A, A. GOLDSMITH, of Charleston, S. C.,No. 183,- 390. Oct. 17, 1876. Claim-. — 1. The tie-plate D, having the angular cross-tongue E, rear bar G, de- pressed at the bend k, and guard F, sepa- rated from said cross-tongue by the angular slit c, opening at the front of the plate, and joined to the depressed rear bar G, sub- stantially as specified. Claim. — 2. The tie-plate having the an- gular cross-tongue E separated by slit-open- ing at a in front, and bent fastening-lugs n cut from the material of the plate in rear, substantially as specified. [Drawing, page 141] a short distance from one end longitudinal- ly on a line midway between tlie edges, bonding the metal downwardly info the shape of a hook, and then forcing the sides closely together, substantially as described. Claim. — 2. The tongue formed at the outer end of the eye of a bale-tie, capable of being closed inwardly toward the hook to lock it in position, substantially as de- scribed. [Drawing, page 141.] D. T. LEWIS, of Brownsville, Tcnn., No. 183,- 948. Oct. 31, 1876. Claim. A bale-tie consisting of a solid buckle, formed at one end for attachment to one end of the strap, and provided with a tongue which is cut transversel}' at or near the middle, so as to leave an inclined passage between the ends, as set forth. [Drawing, page ''41.] CYAN DERZEE, of Albany, N. Y.,No. 184,272. Nov. 14, 1876. Claim. — 1. The connecting piece D, hav- ing side strands s s terminating with the score-block c at their rear, and with the cleat c projecting inward from the eon- joined ends of the said side pieces in front, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. Claim. — 2. The combination, with the connecting piece D, constructed as de- scribed, of the loop C, having the angle z turned up from the horizontal portion z', and adapted to engage with the cleat e of the said connecting piiece, substantial!}^ as and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 141.] J. W. MACUMBER, of Wilmington, N. C. No. 184,397. Nov. 14, 1876. Claim.. — 1. In a bale-tie, the combina- tion of the ends A B, having hooks C and swells U, substantially as and for the pur- pose described. Claim. — 2. The combination, witli the die and puncli E F. for forming tlie eye- portion of the band, of .the die and punch G II, for forming the liooked end of the band, substantially as and for the purpose specified. [Drawing, page 142] E, E. PIERCE, of Cuyahoga Tails, Ohio, No. c, VAN DERZEE, of Albany, N. Y.,No. 184,448. 183,702. Oct. 24, 1876. , Uo^. 14_ 1870. Claim. — 1. A hook for a bale-tie or other Claim. — 1. The eccentric E, carrying pin purpose, constructed of a strip of suitable e and brake d, in combination with the metal by folding the sides of said strip for pivoted carrier B, carrying the block b and DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS.-COTTON BALE-TIES. 61 mechanical device for operating said eccen- tric, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. Claim. — 2. The combination, witli the vibrating jaw M, of the lever N, cari-jing the jaw s, substantially- as and for the pur- pose set forth. Claim. — 3. The combination, with the lever N, carr^-iug the jaw s, operating with the vibrating jaw M, of the finger lever P, dog q, and catch r, substantially as and for tlie purpose set forth. Claim. — 4. The combination, with the shaft L, provided with urank h, and carry- ing the vibrating jaw A],and thejaw s, car- ried by lever N, of the block Q and lever K, substantially as and for the [lurpose set forth. [Drawiug, [.age U2.] G- S. FRANCE, of Worcester, Mass., No. 184,- 607. Nov. 21, 1876. Claim. — 1. The combination, in a bale- tie, of the loops C D and hook E, substan- tially as and for the purposes set forth. Claim. — 2. A bale-tie having two loops at one end, separated by a partial twist, and a hook device at the other end, sub- stantially as and for the purposes set forth. Cairn. — 3. A bale-tie provided with two loops at one end, for engaging the hook device at the other end of the bale-tie. [Drawing:, page 142.] H. H, MOORE, of Vieksburg, Miss., No. 184,650. Nov. 21, 1876. Claihi. A bale-tie constructed as de- scribed, and consisting of the band D, pro- vided with a smooth wedge-shaped en- largement E, lying close to the band the whole length of the enhirgement, in com- bination of a slide B, having an inside opening to correspond with the angle of the enlargement, and of sufficient width to cover the same, substantially as set forth. [Drawing, jiage 143.] C. H. VICTORY, of Albany, N. Y., No. 184,739. Nov. 28, 1876. Claim. The elongated buttons A and B, having tapering top f, thin rounded ends a and a' and c and c', the connecting shank or neck b, provided with tlie flange or col- lar (i, in combination with the loops II and E on the ends of the bale-wire, substantial- ly as shown or as described. [Drawing, page Wi.] 15 J, M. POLLARD, of New Orleans, La., No. 184,- 901. Nov. 28, 1876. Claim. — 1. The combination of a buckle having central and end cross bars, a ti.xed or movable lug or its equivalent, and a band having one of its ends bent around one of the end bars, and forming a spring, which operates to hold the free end of the band locked with said lug, substantially as shown and described. Claim. — 2. The combination, with the buckle, constructed of side and end bars, and a central cross-bar provided with a lug, of the band having one or more slots, and held engaged with the said lug by spring- pressure, as shown and described. Claim. — 3. The combination, with the central cross-bar c of the buckle, having the lug e, of the looped spring end of the band and the slotted end thei-eof, as shown and described, whereby the said slotted end is held engaged with the lug, as speci- tied. Claim. — 4. The spi-ing end of the band, bent around one of the cross-bars of the buckle, and pi-ovided with a depression, forming a shoulder, for holding the parts detachably connected, substantially as shown and described. [Drawing, page 143.] C. E, BOARDMAN, of New York, N. Y., No. 185,070. Dec. 5, 1876. Claim. — 1. In the baling-tie, a series of bars B B, located in the band-grooves of the bottom platen and follower, all con- nected to suitable levers, or equivalent mechanism, and operating simultaneously up and down within the grooves b\' means of levers, or their equivalents, on the ends of the platen and follower, for the pur- poses set forth. Claim. — 2. The combination of the platen A, with band-grooves b, the bars B, toggle- levers C, connecting-bars D, rod E, and lever G, substantially as and for the pur- poses herein set forth. [Drawing, page 143.] P, C, INGERSOLL, of Brooklyn, N. Y., No. 185,. 106. Dec. 5, 1876. Claim — 1. The bale or package described, composed of the compressed fertilizing matei-ial A, inclosed within broad-strips B C D, of wood, as shown, and as herein specified. Claim. — 2. The fastening- wires m, set in the frames B C, adapted to secure the side pieces D, substantially as and for the pur- poses herein specified. [Drawing, page 144 ] 6S DIGEST OF U. S. PATENTS-COTTON BALE- TIES. J. C, DU BOIS, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., No. 185,304. Dec. 12, 1876. Claim. A bale-tie consisting of ii band whose end A is i)rovided with slots «, tiie end A' with perforations a' a', and the wire B, made fast to the end A', with terminals b b', substantially as shown and described. [Drawing, iiage 144.] G. S. FRANCE, of Cobleskill, N. Y., No, 185,310. Dec. 12, 1876. Claim. — 1. A bale-tie having on one end a loop E, and on the other end a hook C, and brace D, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. Claim. — 2. The combination, with a bale- tie hook C, of a downwardly-projecting brace or tongue D, made continuous with said hook, for the purposes stated. [Drawing, page 144.] C. M, PEARRE, of Galveston, Tex., No. 185,347. Dec. 12, 1876. Claim. — 1. The gripers A and li, ai- ranged to be separated or brought together, and having projecting lugs or plates form- ing a central deep slot for the reception of the bale-tie, and shallower slots for the band, substantially as and for the purpose described. Claim. — 2. The bar C, carrying a griping device at its end, and a guide, in combina- tion with the slide-bar X, having a griping device, and moving in said guide, and the elbow-lever D, having one arm pivoted to the bar X, and moving at its angle upon bar C by nicans of I'ollers and keepei-s, substantially as described. Claim. — 3. The bar C, curved or inclined at /, and carrying socket a, and gi'iping device, in combination witli the bar X, cari-3'ing a griping device, and the elbow- lever D, substantially as and for the purpose desci'ibed. [Drawing, page 144.] W, P. GERLACH, of San Francisco, Cal., No. 185,519. Dec. 19, 1876. Claim. As a new article of manufacture, the octagonal bale-tie buckle or link, com- posed of the sides A A, the ends A' A', and the diagonals a a, uniting the sides and ends, when made with straight angular inner edges and beveled outer sides or faces, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. [Drawing, page 145.] J. R, KENNEDY, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., No. 185,- 544. Dec. 19, 1876. Claim. The combination of the link A fastened to the band B' by inseiting the end a' thi-ough the hole J), bent inwai-d, and closed against band B', and the other end of the link A resting through the open slotted recess C, the fastening of the tie then being made to B^ by inserting the end a" into any of the holes B^, dropping the end a' in the next bole, thus forming a lock, substantially as described. [Drawing, page 145] Dkest-of Eiidisli Patents-Cotton Bale-Ties. W. SABATIER, of London, England. No. 2,125. July 4. 1796. Bales or packages secure! b\' iron links, having eyes in tlieir ends tlirougii wliicli iron bolts pass, said links and bolts lying in grooves in boards surrounding the com- pressed article. Cane or other suitable article might be substituted for the links and bolts. [Drawing, page 146 ] A, BLAIR, of Bayford, Eng., No. 2,64-3. Aug. 19, 1802. Wood, bamboo, cane, or iron hoops for cotton bales, said hoops either secured by nailing into the cotton through the meeting ends or by clinching the nails on the under sides, or in the case of iron ties, of driving a wedge through a slot in the shank of the rivet on under side of band and riveting down, the outer end of shank. fDrawing, page 14i!.] J. BRECK, of Newcastle, Under Lyne, Eng., No. 3,089. 1807. The ends of the bands are turned back upon themselves, niaknig a kind of wedge- shaped point or end, the ends being then drawn into a collar of wedge shape within ; if necessary a wedge may be introduced be- tween the ends and the collar. In this man- ner ties may be made of short sections of band by connecting several in the above manner. [Drawing, page 146.] F. M. A. dez MAUREL, of 3 Newington Terrace, London, Eng., No. 9,087. Sept. 20, 1841. Buckles having slots through which the ends of bands or straps are passed, from outside inward, and then around and over a bar, and then back under the outer bar. Modifications are shown in which a V- shaped bar is employed, around which the end of strap is passed. The holding-bar ma}' have serrated edges if preferred. [Drawing, page 146.] T. B, DAFT, of Birmingham, Eng., No. 11,554. Feb. 1, 1847. The ends of india-rubber bands are passed through metal eyes, as at h Fig. 15, and a metallic plate, r, slipped over the end and pressed down securely holding the end from slipping out; the two ends are united by a hook wliich clasps around the free bars of the eyes h. An open staple is also employed with bands having the ends cemented together, forming eyes into which said staple is in- serted. [Drawing, page 147.] H. TURCK, of Broad St. Buildings, London, Eng., No. 112. Oct. 1, 1852. Iron hoops coated with zinc or tin to pre- vent goods from injurious eft'ects of rust from iron bale-ties. [No drawing.] E, H. RASCOL, of Catherine St., London. A communication from M. M. CONVENTZ, of Nancy, Prance, No. 995. ]May 3, 1854. A buckle having central openings through which the ends of the bands are inserted, and then turned upward and outward, and a wedge-shaped lug inserted between the ends whereby the pressure of the bale tends to tighten the grip of the wedge upon the ends, and prevents their withdrawal. [Drawing.'page 147.] A, V. NEWTON, of 66 Chancery Lane, London, Eng. A communication. No. 1,089. May 8, 1856. The ends of metallic bands are formed into hooks and engage each other, and a slotted slide is then slid over them to pre- vent their straiahtening out under pressure. U. S. Patent' No. 15,142, June 17, 1856. [Drawing, page 1.] W, RIDDLE, of Westbourne Terrace, Barnes- bury Park, Middlesex Co., Eng., No. 304. Feb. 17, 1858. The ends of the bands are made hook- shape, as at A and B, or as at D and E, and the ring or slide C, passed over the joint, and the ears or projections a and a' are knocked down, which prevents slipping of the slide. [Drawing, page 147.] 64 DIGEST OF ENGLISH PATENTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. W. RIDDLE, of Westbourne Terrace, Barnes- bury Park, Middlesex Co., Eng., No. . 2,339. Oct. 19, 1858. Iron bands covered to protect liuled ma- terial, hy cotton cloth or other textile fabric saturated with u solution of india-rubber or other gum, or resin, or with paint or other material for clo.sing the pores of the fibrous material. [No drawinus.] J. BULL, of Port St., Manchester, Eng., No. 1,089. April 30, 1859. The ends of iron hoops are made hook- shape, and are passed through rectangular o[)cnings in a metallic plate; the liooks be- ing inward against the baled mattei-, the pressure thereof will jirevent tlie straight- ening out of the hooks, and thus secure the bands. [No drawing.] W. HUGHES, of Manchester, Eng. A commu- nication from C. HUGHES, of New Orleans, La. No. 115. Jan. 17, 1860. One end of tie has studs, the lieads of which are llaltened to prevent coming out, but will allow them to be turned to differ- ent positions ; other end of band has rectan- gular holes somewhat larger than head of studs, so as to pass over the same and allow the stud to be turned in the transverse di- rection and extend over the sides of the slot. J, J. McCOMB, of Liverpool, England, No. 361. Feb. 11, 1862. A rectangular metallic plate recessed in the centre, and having one side cut through and having the metal at the cut, bent out of a straight line to permit of the insertion of the liooked ends of the tie or band after w'hich the said bent portions are forced back into line again. U. S. Pat. 31,252; Jan. 29, 1861. [Drawing, page 16.] W. RIDDLE, of Gerrard St., Parish of Islington, Middlesex, Eng., No. 1,376. May 8, 1862. Loops or hooks arc turned in upon each end of the bands and are arranged so as to match each other on the bale, and a metal- lic lath or strip is tlien slipped through them all, and expansion of bale secures them in place. Bame as Eng. Pat. No. 3,417 of Nov. 10, 1868. U. S. Pat. No. 93,555; Aug. 10, 1869. [Drawing, page 47.] J, PENDER, of Manchester, Eng., No. 2,5.31. Sept. 15, 1862. Shows machine for making pei'foi'ations in the bands foi' the insertion of the rivets. S. WILSON, of Manchester, England. No, 1,162. May 9, 1863. In the ends of tlie bands are made V or other shaped recesses and projections which fit into eacli other, and when brouglit to- gether are seeui'cd by a clip which slips over them. [Provisional protection. No drawing] J, J, McCOMB, of Liverpool, Eng. Partly a communication from D, McCOMB, of Tenn., U. S. A. No. 1.390. June 3, 1863. Shows press for baling, and also bands. A i)late having two parallel slots, into one of which is hooked the bent end of the baiui, and into the other slot is di'awn the other end of the band. The I'ccoil or stretch causes the plate to tip, and thereby nips the straight end of the band. (Drawing, page 147.] J. HOPKINSON, of Manchester, Eng., No. 1,480. June 13, 1863. The ends of the bands are corrugated and then laid togethei-, and a clip slipi)ed over them to draw and hold them close to- gether. (Machine shown for corrugating the ends. [Drawing, page 148.] J. A. TULLESTON.of Manchester, England. No. 1,967. Aug. 10, 1863. Eivets with elongated l^eads take into slots in the band, the rivet heads then be- ing turned pai'tially around secure the band. (Machine shown for punching the bands.) [Drawing, page us.] G. BUDDINGTON & J. R. HAMPTON, both of Man- chester, Eng., No. 2,148. Aug. 31, 1863. —Provisional protection. The btmds have s-lots near their ends, into which are inserted' rivets having one T head and one circular or button head, the T being passed through the slots and turned half around the button head. R. VAN HESS, of Manchester, Eng., No. 3,244. Dec. 23, 1863, A l)ar or plate having one or more studs or projections provided with slots in their DIGEST OF ENGLISH PATENTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. 65 side secures the perforated ends of the bands, h^ the slotted studs entering the slots in the bands, and the bands taking into the slots in the studs. [Drawing, page 148.] R. WILSON, of Patricroft, near Manchester, Eng., No. 1,198. May 12, 1864, The ends of the bauds t)r hoops are bent around longitudinal metal bars whicli lie next the bale, and the projecting ends of the bands placed next the bale, thereby being prevented from slipping, by the ex- pansion of the bale. [Drawing, i)age 148. Drawing also sliows machine for bending bands, and, also, presses.] W. J. DORNING, of Manchester, Eng,, No. 663. March 9, 1865. A communication from E, T, BELLHOUSE, of Egypt. The meeting ends of the bands are either hook-sha[)ed or corrugated, and when matched together have a ferrule or clasp slipped over tliem, and are thus secured. [Drawing, page 149.J J. J, McCOMB, of Liverpool, Eng., No. 2,837. Nov. 3, 1865. A rectangular piece of metil having two slots for insertion of bands, one slot having two parallel and two oblique sides, and Ihe other slot being cut through in an oblique direction, to form nii>ping edges. The end of band to be inserted in the slots in the buckle is doubled back upon itself, to ena- ble the band to be turned over in double, BO that at the throat of the strap resting on the nip of the buckle, the band will be two fold, thus avoifling the strap being cut otf or broken by the nipping power of the in- ner side of buckle. [Drawing, page 149.] W. E, NEWTON, A communication from E, V. PASSMAN, of New Orleans, La., No. 3,361. Dee. 28, 1865. A perforated clasp or buckle having side slots, and projecting ribs bearing against bale, one end of tlie band being hooked into one perforation, and the other end passed down tlirough the otlier perforation and forward under the ribs or clasp, and under and against the loop of the otiier end of band. Cr. S. Patent No. 47,288, April 18, 1865. {Drawing, page 18.] 16 H, LUCAS, of Liverpool, Eng. A communica- tion from H. PASSMAN, of New Orleans, La., No. 320. Feb. 1, 1866, A metal plate or tongue, one end of which is a shank, whose inner side is at right an- gles to the tongue; on the head of the shank is a small cross-head which is parallel to the tongue face. The ends of the bands have holes and are slipped over the studs, and the spring of the bale secures them. U. S. Patent No. 61,527, Jan'y 29, 1867. [Drawing page 26.] J. HOLMES &J. C.H, SLACK, both of Manches- ter, Eng., No. 1,097. April 19, 1866. The two ends of each hoop, when on the bale, are pressed b}' a punching mechanism, one edge of the projection on this punch is forced through the ends of the hoop, and the other part of the projection forms only an inclined indentation in the hoop; two or more indentations are made, and when the pressure is relieved the expansion of bale securely holds the band through the indentations. U. S. Patent No. 113,518, April 11, 1871. [Drawing, page .52.] E, J. BEARD, of Nicholas Lane, London. Bug. A communication from G. N, BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 1,208. April 28, 1866. An elongated catch is riveted to one end of the band, and is inserted into slots in the other end of band, said catch is longer than the slot and is pressed in at an inclination, and when in place the two ends of the catch will overlap the ends of the hole. U. S. Patent No. 32,818, July 16, 1861. [Drawing, page 17-] A. V, NEWTON, of 66 Chancery Lane, London, Eng. A communication from H, KNOWLES, of New York City, No. 2,117. Aug. 17, 1866. A sleeve coupling or collar with a wedge- shaped or tapering mortise through it, in which is a tree roller, one end of band is inserted under roller from one side and turned down over edge of collar, and the other end is inserted from other side and laid flat upon top of first placed band. Expansion of bale tends to draw roller toward narrow throat of mortise, tliereby tirmly pinching the bands. U. S. Patent'^No. 25,125, Aug. 16, 1859. [Drawing page 11 ] 66 DIGEST OF EXa LISII I'ATENTS-GOTTOX BALE-TIES. S. WOODALL, of Dudley, Worstershire Co., Eng.,and J, M. VANWAIKLE, of Lawrence, Pountney Hill, London, Eng., No. 2,345. Sept. 12, 1866, A revolving ratcli or button is secured to one end of tiie band and takes into cioii- gate>l slot in other end, and is turned after being inserted in slot. The ends of the baiuls are kept in contact by a slide or cliji slid over them. [Drawing, page 149.) M. P. ROBERTSON, of Liverpool, Eng. A com- munication from C. W. WAILEY, of New Orleans, La., No. 2,535. Oct. 3, 1866. A flat metal plate having two lips or pro- jections struck up or thrown out from the plane of the side next the bale, a loop on one end of band is then slipped through one of the openings formed by one of the lugs, and the opposite end of the band slip- ped through the other opening from the top side of plate, and passed forward under the projecting lugs, which rest against the face of the bale, and any drawing tendency on the baud causes the projections to nip it, and thereby securely hold it. U. S. Patent ISTo. 58,698, Oct. 9, 1866. [Drawing, page 22.] A. V. NEWTON, of 66 Chancery Lane, London, Eng. A communication from R, DILLON, of New York City, No. 2,726. Oct. 22, 1866. The ends of the bands are connected by a loop and pin, one end of the band being folded over the neck of the looji and the other over the pin which passes through the loop. The bent-over ends lie next the bale. LT. S. Patent No. 62,400, Feb. 26, 1867. [Drawing, page 28.] J. H. JOHNSON, of 47 Lincoln In-Fields, Mid- dlesex Co., En^. A communication from A. BARBARIN, of New Orleans, La., No. 2,790. Oct. 29, 1868. A flat C, or curve-shaped piece of metal having inclined projection or stop at one or both ends, and in some cases a slot in the lower part of t-he fastener, conforming to the inner curve of the fastener.- The ends of the band are made into a loop, and slipped over the ends or into the slot of the fastener, such ends being secured or not, by a rivet. U. S. Patent No. 58,574, Oct. 9th, 1866. [Drawing, page 21.] H. LAMPSON.of Queen St., Cheapside, London, No. 2,991. Nov. 15, 1866 One end of the band is passed thi'ongh a sliding loop and then turned back upon itself next the bale ; another loop is i)assed over other end of band and is then f)assed through the othei' loop, and turned back again over it, and then through the second loop which acts as a capping, and keeps the ends in place. [Drawing, p.ige 1-l'J.] H. C, LUCAS, of Liverpool, Eng. A communi- cation from S. BOYD, of New Orleans, La., No. 3,234. Dec. 8, 1866. To one end of -the band is riveted two flat sided stud-pieces having overlianging or projecting shoulders pointing in oppo- site directions, which take into longitudinal slots in the other end of the band. [Drawing, page 150 ] S. WILSON, of Manchester, Eng., No. 3,335. Dec. 19, 1866— Provisional protection. The ends of the bands are bent back- wards so as to make enlarged eyes or loops, which are inserted sidewise into a slotted coupling block provided with holes cor- responding to the shape of the eyes or loops of band, but having narrow necks, and the expansion of the bale draws the e^'es in bands against the narrow opening in the eyes in the coupling-block and secures them. [No Drawing.] A. SHANKS, of 6 Robert St., Adelphi, West- minster, London, No. 3,374. Dec. 22, 1866. One end of liand has holes and the other end has tongues or flaps struck up out of its surface said tongues taking into the holes in other end of band thereby secur- ing them. [Drawing, page 150.] W, E, NEWTON, of 66 Chancery Lane, Middle- sex Co.. Eng. A communication from J. C. LEE, of Blakely, Ga., No. 175. Jan. 23, 1867. The band is passed around the bale, one end having a loop to assist in drawing it, and the other end is passed over the first coil, and then tucked under the band next the bale, and through expansion of bale held tii,dit. U. S: Patent No. 58,844, Oct. 16th, 1866. [Drawing, page 22.] DIGEST OF ENGLISH PA TENTS.- CO TTON BALE- TIES. 67 J. D. BULLOCK, of Liverpool, Eng. A eommu- nieation from C. W. WAILEY, of New Orleans, La., No. 311. Feb. 4, 1867. An improvement on Patent No. 2,535, Oct. 3c], 1866, consisting of bending out the projections or tongues, in a curve from the plane of tiie phite, instead of at an an- gle as described in the above referred to patent. The buckle also has no angle or edge to al raid or weaken the band at the points where said band bears against the buckle. U. S. Patent No. 25,698, Oct. 9, 1866. [Drawing, page 22.] A. V. NEWTON, of 66 Chancery Lane, London. A communication from G. N. BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 630. March 6, 1867. The hooked end of the band is inserted in a straight slot in the buckle, and the free end of band is inserted through an in- clined lateral opening, into a slot parallel to the iirst, said second slot being extended at its upper end and slightly inclined in- ward to enable the band to clear the lip formed by the junction of the inclined lateral opening with the lower end of the slot. [Drawing, page 150.] A. V. NEWTON, of 66 Chancery Lane, London. A communication from 0. MACDANIEL, of New York City, No, 751. March 15, 1867. —Provisional protection only. The ends of the bands are bent-hook shape and rest against bale, and are secur- ed together by a wire-stirrup or yoke, hav- ing hook-and-cvc terminations. U. S. Patent'No. 63,166, March 26, 1867. [Drawing, page 30.] H. PASSMAN, of New Orleans, La., U. S. A., No. 858. March 25, 1867. One end of the band is hooked to a buckle having two slots, one having ser- rated edges, and the opposite end of the band is passed through said serrated slot and under buckle ne.\t the bale, and is held by expansion of bale. An instrument shown for l)ending end of bale upon buckle, and holding buckle while securing band therein. U. S. Patent No. 62,188; Feb. 19, 1867. [Drawing, page 28.] T, H. LUCAS, of Manchester, Eng., No. 1,036. April 6, 1867. A metal box or clip having a longitudinal slot for the ends ot band to pass through, (one lying upon the other,) and a transvei'se dome-shaped hole for a metal pin or roller to pass through, said pin being a little longer than the width of the band. The expansion of bale causes the pin to roll to one end of the transverse hole, and bind the ends of the band firmly together. [Drawing, page 150.] H. FASSMANN, of New Orleans, La., No. 1,162. April 20, 1867. One end of band is hooked to buckle, through one of the two slots therein, and the other end is introduced through the other aperture and passed under the centre bar of buckle, which bar has ribs or pro- jections, to grip the said end of the hoop. The last-named aperture may have a slot in its side to facilitate introduction of strap or band. U. S. Patent No. 61,727; Feb. 5, 1867. [Drawing, page 27.] W. R. LAKE, of 8 Southampton Buildings, Lon- don. A communication from G. N, BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 1,358. May 8, 1867. A metal tie piece pierced with two mor- tices, the lower faces of which are at an angle of about thirt}' degrees with the axial line of the tie; one end of band is hooked into one of the mortices, and the other is passed down through the other and back under the first named, and securely held by expansion of bale. U. S. Patent No. 67,707 ; Aug. 13, 1867. [Drawing, page 35.] W. R. LAKE, of 8 Southampton Buildings, Lon- don. A communication from R, G, LAT- TING, of New Orleans, La., No. 1,880. June 27, 1867. A buckle having two slots, and an oblong central projecting rib with teeth or notches thereon; the band is hooked to. the buckle at one end, and the other is passed down through opposite slot back under the toothed rib, and under the first-named hook, and all held by expansion of bale. IT. S. Patent No. 61,217 ; Jan. 15, 1867. [Drawing, page 26.] H, C. CALVER, of Manchester, Eng. A commu- nication from E. D. CARVER and G. ASH- CROFT, both of Alexandria, Egypt, No- 1,972. July 5, 1867. The band is turned down upon itself at both ends, and one end has a button-headed rivet attached, and the other end is per- foi-ated with an elongated slot, to receive the button on other end. [Drawing, page 151.] OS DIGEST OF ENGLISir PATENTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. W. WALKER, of Liverpool, Eng. A eommuni- oation from J. T, BUTLER, of Natchez, Miss., No. 3,645. Dec. 23, 1867. A rcftiuiiiular or sqir.ire piece of inotal liaviiig u reetiingiilar slot tlierein, the long wa}- of .ago 39.] E. T, MAINWARIN, of Tipton, Suffolk Co., Eng., No. 326. Jan. 30, 1868. Tiie meeting ends of band are deflected from general plane, and are passed through a slot in a metal plate, wliose thickness is about that of the deflection in the bands, said plate has a shank or shanks extending along the supface of the band, over which are slipped slides, vdiich securely retain all in position. U. S. Patent No. }t0,761, June 1, 1869. [Drawing, \iece or Ijuckle having two slots through whicli pass the band, tlie un- der side of buckle is concave, and the bars against whicli the bands infringe have sliarp tdtres, to hold l)and securelv. U. S. Patent No. 67,334,^July 30, 1807. [Drawing, page 33.] W. R. LAKE, of 8 Southampton Buildings, Lon- don. A communication from J.W.BRANCH and J, CROOKS, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 981. March 23, 1868. To one end of band is riveted a button having a head whicli stands in a diagonal line with reference to the axis of the hoop. A cavity in shank of button allows the but- ton to project over the edge of the slot in the upper baiuh U. S. Patent No. 53,230, March 13, 1866. [Drawing, pago ill] J. F. HADLAND, of London, Eng. A communi- cation from J, E. SWEET, of Syracuse, N. Y., No. 1,079. March 30, 1868.— Provis- ional specification. The ties are secured hy a coupling de- vice having a hole for securing one end of wire, and tlie other end is secui-ed by press- ing it through a similar hole in buckle, or by securing it to pi'ongs or hooks upon buckle. TNo drawing.] D, C, LOBER, of New Orleans, La., No. 1,346. April 24, 1868. To one end of a wire bale-tie is secured a liook by a loop, and the other end is also provided with a loop, into whicli takes the hook attached to fii-st-named end. [Drawing, page 151] T. BRIGGS, of Manchester, Eng., No. 1.542. May 12, 1868.— Provisional protection. Each end of baud has two or more longi- tudinal slits opposite which tlie outer por- tions of the band are bent into a convex form, while the center strip is bent concave, or vice versa. When the ends of the band meet, the convex and concave portions fit each other, leaving an oi)eii transverse slot through which a securing-key or cotter is driven. Specification enrolled and Patent No. 2,974, Sept. 29, 1868. [No drawing. ] J, EDMUNSON, of Manchester, Eng., No. 2,838. Sept. 15, 1868. At both ends of the baud are cut and struck-up pieces, forming apt'i-tures, said pieces pointing in reverse direction at each end of band, whereby the projections of each end -take into the corresponding re- cesses in other end. [Drawing, page 152.] DIGEST OF ENGLISH PATENTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. 69 T, BRIGGS, of Manchester, Eng., No. 2,974. Sept. 29, 1868. Longitudinal slits made in band, and the siirfac^ on each side of slits sprung or pressed in opposite directions, the bands being lapped one upon another and a pin inserted through the hinge thus formed. Also shows elongated slots and double- headed buttons for securing the end. (See provisional specification to same party, No. 1,542, May 12, 1868.) [Dr.iwing, page 153.] W, RIDDLE, of Lark Hall Lane, Surrey Co., Eng., No. 3,417. Nov. 10, 1868. Substantially the same, as same person. No. 1,376, May 8, 1862. U. S. Patent No. 9.3,555. [Drawing, page 47. J W, McNABB, of Cambridge Terrace, London Boad, Clapton, Middlesex, London, No. 1,864. June 17, 1869. Several modifications of clasps, which slip over the ends of the band after thej' are placed one upon the other. Also clasps used when ends of band are made loop- shaped. (See drawings.) [Drawing page 152.] W. LARMUTH, of Pendleton, Lancashire Co., Eng., No. 2,201. July 21, 1869.— Provis- ional protection. To one end of band is secured a T-shaped button which takes into a longitudinal slot in other end of band and is then turned partially around, thereby preventing the disconnection of the ends. [No Drawing.] M. TILDSLEY, of Willenhall, StaflFordshire Co., Eng., No. 2,214. July 21, 1869. Two clamps, the counterpart of each other, which slide i.nto and upon each other are provided with r6cesses and slots, and are inserted through the turned up ends of the bands, so that the recessed parts face and fit into each other, when the connection will be complete. U. S. Patent No. 05,854 Oct. 12th, 1869. [Drawing, page 47] J. H. JOHNSON, of 47 Lincoln Inn Fields, IMid- dlesex Co., Eng. A communication from E. CHRISTIAN, of Egypt, No. 2,663. Sept. 10, 1869. A plate having two buttons or studs se- cures the ends of band together by said 17 buttons passing up through round holes in one end of the elongated slots in ends of band, and by expansion of bale, the parallel sides of the slots bear against the shanks of the studs. [Drawing, page 153.] A. KEEN, of Edgboston, Warwick Co., Eng. A communication from J. S. WALUS, of New Orleans, La., No. 2,863. Oct. 2, 1869. A rectangular piece of metal of wedge- shape cross section having two parallel slots, the ends of which extend from near the thin edge of the plate toward the thick edge. In thin edge of plate an opening is made into the slot where is the greatest breadth of metal, said thickness of metal compensating for the opening. The ends of the bands are passed through the slots in the buckle. U. S. Patent No. 89,612 May 4th, 1869. [Drawing, iiage 45.] B. B, MILLS, of 35 Southampton Buildings, London. A communication from A, Mc- D0U6ALL, of Calcutta, British India, No. 3,535. Dee. 7, 1869.— Provisional protec- tion. The ends of band are secured by a metal piece, having eyes or loops, and slotted opening, one end of the tie being passed through the slotted opening and bent over, the other end being formed into a loop, through which, and also though the eyes or loops of the plate a split-pin is passed to connect all together. Also a tie-buckle made of round metal bent as above described. Also a buckle of round or other suitable section made to form three sides of a parallelagram as be- fore, but without loops. The ends of the bands are attached to two opposite sides thereof, and to [irevent the ends of the buckle parting a strip is passed around the ends. [No Drawing.) H. WHITTAKER, of Manchester, Eng. and W. BRADBURY, ofPrestwick, Lancashire Co., Eng, No. 3,567. Dec. 10, 1869.— Provis- ional protection. Slots in the ends of the bands receive a T-shaped fastener, made of a piece of metal bent or doubled upon itself, and after being- inserted in said slots its two meeting or lower ends are separated or spread apart and fiattened down against the band. [No Drawing.] 70 DIGEST OF ENGLISH PATENTS-COTTON BALE-TIES. W. R, LAKE, of Southampton Buildings, Lon- don. A oommunieation from E. S. LENOX, of New Brighton, N. Y., No. 16. Jan. 3, 1870— Provisional protection. Ill one end of a wire-liaiid oi- tie i.s foi'incfl an eye or loop, and on opposite end a T- sliaped cross-liead, formed L)}' turning the ends of tlie wire baciv upon itself, and twisting tlie two parts togetlier, and then flattening or compressing the eye thus formed until it assumes a T-form, which is insei'tcd into loo]). "U. S. Patent No. 98,109, Dec. 21st, 1869. [Dniwiiit;, iiHKO 18.] W. McNABB, of 6 Cambridge Terrace, London Road, Clapton, Middlesex Co., Eng., No. Oil. March 29, 1870. Two longitudinal slits are made at each end of the band, and the material oi: each side of the slits is raised or depressed ; upon both ends being correspondingly treated and brought together one above the otlier, a kunckle joint is secured into which is passed a pin or buckle which secures tlie ends together. [Drawing, page 153 ] A. V, NEWTON, of 66 Chancery Lane, Middle- sex Co., Eng. A communication from E. J. BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 1,255. May 2, 1870. A buckle having two slots, one of which has an opening to permit of the insertion of the free end of the band, both of the bearing surfaces of the buckle having a convex form. A strengthening rib extends across the buckle in rear of the inner end of the slots. [Drawing, page 153.] D. C. LOWBER, of Church St., Warrington, Lancashire Co., Eng., No. 1,464. May 20, 1870. An improvement on patent No. 1,340; April 24, 1868. In lieu of hook in previous case, [ use a T piece formed by making a loop of one end of the wire tie, the two portions of said loop being twisted together, and then flattened or compressed so the two sides are brought togetlier and at right angles to the end of tie. At opposite end is foi'med a loop with a wide and narrow portion, the diameter of large portion being greater than the length of the T piece, while the small part, which extends outwardly from the largo portion, receives the T end, into which it is drawn by the expansion of the bale. [Drawing, page 153] E. A. O'BRIEN, of New Orleans, La. A commu- nication from E. P. JONES, of Sun-flower Co., Miss., No. 2,273. Aug. 17, 1870. A fiuadranguliir tie plate having cross- bar extending from or near one angle to or near the opposite thereof, having two ti'iangular spaces, one of these spaces being entire and the other having a slit or open- ing. One end of band is hooked into the entire space, and the other is looped into otlier space through the slit. Instead of the angular cross-bar it m.ay extend only ]iartially across, or there may be two of such cross-bai's inclining the one to the other. LT. S. Patent No. 108,000 ; Oct. 25, 1870. (Drawing, page .'iO.J F.WATKINS, of Southwick, Staffordshire Co., Eng., No. 2,604. Sept. 30, 1870. Provis- ional protection only. The ends of the band have a series of openings with tongiic-like projections, safd projections being the portion which is struck up out of the openings; and when the ends are brought together the pi'ojec- tions in each enter the corresponding o[)en- iiigs, and the bands are thereby secured when the bale is relieved from pressure. [No ilrawing.j T, J. SMITH, of 166 Fleet St., London. (Patent Agent.) A communication from E. S. LENOX, of New York, N. Y., No. 3.260. Dec. 13, 1870. Provisional protection only. One end of a wire band is twisted to gether to form an eye or loop, and the other end has a short piece of wire twisted upon it-, so that the two are held together to give increased strength; this end is then bent into the form of a hook, to engage with the eye or loop at the other end. [No drawing.] W. C. STIFF, of Birmingham, Eng. A commu- nication from J. S. LENG, of New York, N. Y., No. 231. Jan. 28, 1871. A rectangular iron-plato having a slot in which is secured the' hooked end of tlie band, and in said plate is a rectangular opening in which is formed a transverse- bar which is divided near cue end and slighHy bent uiiwards leaving space in the ojiening for the other end of the band to be bent over it, and passed in over the bar, on which ijar a curved incline is formed so that when the pressui'c is on the tie, the curved incline places the band in its proper position and bearing, on the transverse-bar. [Drawing page, 154.] DIGEST OF ENGLISH PATENTS.-COTTON BALE-TIES. 71 H. LINDON, 14 Hampden St. District, Parish of Tranmer, Chester Co., Eng., No. 574. March 3, 1871. One 6*1(1 of band liaa a movable button in connection witb a fixed stud to bear the principal strain, while the other end has slots or holes. When buttons are passed tb rough slots they are partially- turned. The ends of studs are slightly beveled to facilitate separating the bands when the buttons are turned back for disconnection. (Drawing, pajje 154.] J. DOWNS, of Handsworth, Staffordshire, Co., Eng., No. 625. March 9, 1871. The bands are made from several short pieces of strap iron which have hinged joints, and can be stored or packed con- vieutly for shipment. The oidinar}' Iiinge joint nia}' be used for joining the sections. A tie is used to unite the sections, said tiehaving three bars, two outer, and one mid- dle. The ends of the ]>ieces are passed around the outer bai's and tlie over-lapping ends riveted down, the said outer bar, con- stituting the joint-pin. The free ends of band are united b}- any of the ordinary bale-fasteners. U. S. Patent No. 120,727 iSTovember 7th, 1871. [Drawing, page 57.] A, SPARROW, of Liverpool, Lancashire Co., Eng., No. 1502. June 6, 1871. Provisional protection. From a sheet of hoop or strap-iron is stamped a blank having a central portion with curved or inclined sides and a project- ing ear on each side, somewhat narrower than the central portion. In this central portion, and between the ears is formed a long narrow slot, the two sides are then folded or doubled over, whereby the ears are brought opposite each other, but do not quite meet, leaving an aperture between them. One end of band is bent -hook shape and iiiserted in the slot, and other end is bent and inserted in space between the curved or inclined parts of the fasten- ing. As the lioop is drawn tight this end ofit will slide down the inclined part against the shoulder, and thereby be securely held. [No Drawing.] E. EDWARDS, of 22 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, Eng. A com- munication from G. BROlIE, of Plum bayou, Jefferson Co., Ark., No. 1,764. July 6, 1871. A buckle having two parallel ribs around which the ends of the band are bent, one of which ribs lias a slot or opening in the centre, these ribs being connected b}' webs which gradually decrease in thickness from the side of the rib which is not slotted, to the slotted rib, whereby the metal is best distributed for strength and lightness. U. S. Patent No. 116,925; July 11th, 1871. [Drawing, page 55 ] W. R. lake, of HASELTINE, LAKE & CO., London, Eng. A communication from S. BRETT, of New York, N. Y., No. 2,151. Aug. 15, 1871. A wire-bale is formed into an eye at one end, and a hook at the other, said eye and hook are interlocked by passing the hook upward through the eye until the limb of the hook has passed beyond the eye, I then bring the limb of hook around the shank of eye and springing or passing it forward into the eye so as to interlock the hook and eye together, the bight of the hook sur- rounding the back of the strands which form the eye, and the eye being arranged over the limb and body of the hook. U. S. Patent No. 115,962, June 6th, 1871. [Drawing, page 54.] W, R. LAKE, of HASELTINE, LAKE & CO., London, Eng. A communication from J.T.BUT- LER, of New Orleans, La., No. 3,264 Dec. 2, 1871. A tie or buckle of regular rectangular form having the interior portion cut out, and having a narrow diagonal cleft com- municating with said opening, through which cleft the band is inserted edgewise either before or after it is bent into hook- shape. U. S. Patent No. 122,563, January 9th, 1872. [Drawing, page 58.] W. ASH CROFT, of Wolverhampton, Stafford- shire, Eng., No. 1,486. May 16, 1872. A tie or buckle consisting of a square piece of metal having two slots for the pas- sage of the ends of the hoop. The body of tie between the slots is double the thick- ness of the portion which forms the rim or extremities of the tie, the ends of the band are passed through the slots from the under level surface, and then over the upper ele- vated surfiice. [Drawing, page 154.] N. S. WALKER, of Liverpool, Eng., No. 1,653. May 31, 1872. A buckle or tie having a slot to secure 72 DIGEST OF EXGLISII PATENTS-COTTON BALE- TIES. one end of band, and a '■\free end (onfjiie " of tlie width of baml, depressed from the body of the metal, to receive tlie other looped end of tlio band. U. S. Patent No. 132,223, October 15th, 1872. [Drawing, page Ca.] A. V. NEWTON, of 66 Chancery Lane, London, Eag. A eommunicatiou from E. J. BEARD, of St. Louis, Mo., No. 1,706. June 5, 1872. — Provisional protection. A tie consistins^ of a short flattened tube or sleeve, open at one side, and of greater width than the band, throngh the side open- ing of which are inserted the hooked ends of the band. (No drawing.) LI. S. Patent No. 1£9,917, July 30, 1872. [DrawiiigjpagpGJ.] W. R. LAKE, of Haseltine Lake & Co., Chan- cery Lane, London, Eig. A communica- tion from J. E. AIKEN, of New Orleans, La., and CHAS. SWETT, of Copiah Co., Miss., No. 2,099. July 11, 1872. From sheet-metal is cut a plate which may have a single oblong rectangular form with four tongues, two on one edge and two on the other; the two ends of the band to lie side by side and hook over the two edges, and are passed under the tongues, and are securely lield b}' same. The form represented in drawing is preferred. A modification consists in making a slot in one side of the plate to receive one end of the band, while the other end is hooked upon the outer edge and retained in place by a flange or lip formed by turning down the end of the plate. [Drawing, pages 1.54 and 155.] W, R LAKE, of Haseltine, Lake & Co.. Chan- cery Lane, London, Eng. A communica- tion from GEO, L, LAUGHLAND, of New Or- leans, La., No. 2;734. Sept. 13, 1872. Each end of a wire band has a loop, in one end of which is secured a hook, which is hooked into the other loop and then bent back or closed to prevent its escape. U. S. Patent No. 141,879, Aug. 19, 1873. I Drawing, page 74.1 J. J. McCOMB, of Liverpool, Eng. A communi- cation from F. COOK, of New Orleans, La., U. S. A., No. 2,942, of 1872.— Provisional protection. A tie formed with flanges, wdiich prevent the bands when at tension from slipping laterallv off the tie. The metal forming the base of tie is made sufliciently long to receive the hooked ends of a band, side b}- side, and the flanges which run transvei-sely of the base, and in general at both sides thereof, serve to resist any diagonal pull of band, and at same time otter no obstiiiction to the end way insertion of the tie into the hooks of the band. The flanges may be at the end only, or at the middle of the tie. (No drawing.] W, C, STIFF, of Birmingham, Eng., No. 1,544. April 28, 1873. The ends of the l)and are made self-fast- ening by making a hook at one end by turn- ing the end back upon itself, anage !I6.] E, P. ALEXANDER, of 14 Southampton Build- ings, London, Eng. A communication from R. BONWELL, and G. HUMPHREYS, of Alexandria, Egypt, No. 196. Jan 19, 1875. A button for securing slotted-band ends, the shank of button being of square section, and disposed eccentrically to the upper and lower lieads, tlie main portions of which project or overhang respectively to the right and left of the shank, or vice versa. A small lip or projection being left on the sides of the shank opposite to the main pro- jecting portions of the heads. [Drawing, page 156 ] J. LIND, of Liverpool, Eng., No. 457. Teb. 6, 1S75. A detached stud or fastener, consisting of a catch oi- hook at one side and a square or rectangular head at the other. The catch is passed through slots in the ends of the band and the stud is then locked by turn- ing it part way round by a spanner or key which fits the square head. [Drawing, i>agc 156] E. W, HODGETTS, of Moreton-in-the-Marsh, Glouc3stershii-e, Eng., No. 2,807. Aug- 10, 1875. Wheat or otlier substance is bound by a cord of cocoa fiber, or .suitable material, with knots at one end and a hook formed of wire or flat metal fastened at other end. (No drawing.] DIGEST OF ENGLISH PATENTS-COTTON BALE- TIES. 75 W. R.LAKE,ofHASELTINE, LAKE&CO.,Southaiii- ton Buildings, London. A communica- tion from J, M, SEYMOUR, of Newark, N. J. No. 3,316. Sept. 22, 1875. The baud is secured by passing its ends around two straining-bars of the buckle, said buckle liaving an arm at right angles to the straining-bars, which acts as a lever to turn the buckle over endwise, and a bar projects laterally from tlie lever-arm in the direction of the straining-bars, and wbich, by being slipped under the tightened band, securely fastens the ends of the band. U. S. Patent No. 166,640, Aug. 10, 1875. [Drawing, page 114.] T. H. MURPHY, of New Orleans, La., No. 3,596 of 1875. One end of baud has oblong or oval slots into which take a key or button secured to opposite end of band, said key being capa- ble of being turned half way round after having been inserted in the slot, thereby preventing its withdrawal until turned back. U. S. Patent No. 108,518, Oct. 5, 1875. [Drawing, page 115.] AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. rSi7TLmonj.KJTa^zict jjimM, / jrff/s,/^2. T^MtTii J//ri'/^/' 3^ =^ M PM07H-UTHCSIHPHIC Co NX AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES, Caf/a/7 ^/ef/if jFiy.J J.Jf.57ieez C/mMI/ac //^. A95. 'rSMr. y.A. j/i ~y^ say. ''J/'J^As'/iif ^/ Si!-/£Sd AU. PHOTO VTHOORiPHIC Ct/Mt AMEKITAN COTTON BALK TIES. Co/fa;; ^/e T/e .y»/^. /s/if. ZJU^J^ST-J/ 3 T 1 ^K>. sscfsj. Wi CO I H^ 1 PHOn-LITHOeHtfHIC CONf.'i AMEHICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. £^ ^ m CMr//fr. ^. S4£S/. m iJJec//, ^ Mil:/. %^ AKPHCK i:THI>CI>AfHIC O. t/Y icsiunfs f AMERICAIV COTTON BALE TIES. i * G. BRODIE. Cotton-Bale Ties. yIM PHOm-LITHOeR*PHIC Co.N.Yn 10 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. c:c^M^, ^}&. Z!S/d J^/c7;/iif ^^r. :5. /StS^. - \ 1 1 h 1 1 X j^. > ^1 ' ^- ' k~N ^f=iS" n JJTu/I-a//. { r^-^ \ \^:j. AM.PMCm-UTHOCRAPH/C Cc.NY. AMEKICAX COTTON BALE TIES. rxzi ^EE^- e; J^y.J. mD J^.2 J^.>.A,a ^O.Sc;jP40. T'ii/mTir^ j&f.sa/ai:^. (D /l».PHOm-UTHOGRAPH/C Co.f/Y:KiOincs tKCSSi. 12 AMEllICAN COTTON BALE TIES. — JTj l~ -4 ( i 1 1 1 rN H": ~i J T.Biifler. Col fan Bat Tic. fl^Z mmw . /■If} 77f- tbl /IM.P»Om-UTHOCMP/i/C CcMrixuMts ntxtsu AjMekican cotton bale ties. 13 ^ I. McMURTRY. Cotton-Sale Ties. S.iisued Jun« 17. 1873. M.MOm-unOGR/(PHIC Co./treueiiiiis nuasij AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 17 3/,3/g'. V" /'afe72fe£fJk^ s^ /^ir/- J\^3 ^# ^.^Kf ylfesfe^^-^^^ /ii^e^fea^-^iz^-fif, /»«■' ^l^lfj 2^SStZ2 i2^f3fM, /IMPMOTV-UTHOeHAPH/C Co.fl.Y/osiciits nnassj -18_ AM E HI CAN COTTON BALE TIES. ~^--' • ffi 'T' &) .4: ^ lA & ® . 4SX! i~-gi jl. i3c AU.P/tam-UTHOCRAFHIC Co.M.rtonamcs naasij 2Q_ AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. -py-^- ^m= 7- S ^-'=' R^ -/Ty J v«jty.4. & IJJMs, _^^c%? 3i»77a:f M(' Af.AfOr. /-,>*•- 1 "od ^. bL f^ ^ "■ /&4r. r^i^3SS. /^/£ff/ir^ J//rtfj?./m>'. JT*s;.f/,s CoAt'7 BiZ/e T/^. ^b' ggn-ii? ^- /=^^ v%>« /IM.mmO-UTHOCRAfMIC Co.f/Yjaiumis HoaKj AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 21 ^alrTIi. jt^ sfe/d ra/arHzf J?-^ //. /icff, /(fee. J'ly. z. ^is- ® ^ ® ,«M.PMOm-UTHOGIIAPH/C Co.f/YicsiomES nx£S!j 26 AMEKICAN COTTON BALE TIES. Cof/OTZj^a/eT/e. ^*eqaxf. J^afe^fec/jyc /s /see Co/fan Ba/e f/e. j^.z -v%:4 -^*S^ J yIM. PMm-umoCflAM/C Co. M. r/suMus noax. AMEHICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 27 Fufl Ftgz. W^ F,9i. ^M>. /!/S/f.J'. i 'S uli.-^. ^^.; JJ^J^S, IZ^ J.KF&tly, CoiionBalt Ti&. JYS6!{,, ddo, Fatuile.dJnar.d-, /36/: a «, uj ■Ai 'Ns T^ i^ AMmOJO-UTHOCRAfH/C Co NYiSKiucs rtxisi AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 39 J. W. PETIT. COTTOK SALE-TIE. Ko. 7,360. Relisued Ott 24. 1876. e^.£ -^^^ .j^.y- I j^-^ V%r.jr. ^ <$^z//. ■iiL/."^ l_ WtL 7Mr//M J'ar. /Ji/&s/. /yj. -7=^e /Iftt. PfiCm-UTHOCRAPHIC CoMriKiomes r, 30 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. ^V//4a:f. ^i9 ^j^J. y'uj n. ^■b. yS^J^/f/ff, ./fl> ^JSa..^. ^a^Jbf ^r. H/sa/' JF^.2 I Jny: J^.3. J-yi Ji S4MS. ra/o^/f^f 4fr. /^T/i^^r XLMw, /^ilr//ir/f .^/- sj y^ay. 7 f AM. mOTO-UTHOCHAHI/C Co.f/r,aiMns HKta, AMKKICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 31 J)'''eji,xfS. /h/&7J^a/'^r JO, /S6-/ -^v ySy.J. nzzEHzizi s a = /)M />f/-i ^ 'i>. // / 7 i /iM./woTo-umoe/>AP///c co.yr'XKMis PKciss. AMERICAIV COTTON BALE TIES. 33 USA, ^M(y^(^-9ff. y^/&//fy M'r^fy?^/. j^^ ' ■. : ^.e. .fa. ^;^2J/. f ^ =U <-V= J j£>. &pJ4,. /W//^i/JfM/W. J-ty-Z- ^J^Ji J^igi. AM. PHOTO-UTHOCKAfH/C CoMricsialKS noasu 34 AMKHICAN COTTON BALE TIES. lli/Z/eJcM j^ii/i ^-. -^- '^^ flgZ -fuf.3. I 4 « J'.ICM. -^ssss^ssss -^-^ ^ffif/az Jfy.^- jy.s. /^ .J^ 3. ' III ^yi-. jtM.PMOlrHJTHOCRAI'HIC Cof/rKKUts rlKXts^ AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 35 'Lit M x ^ CJ'/i7/77e. 4M. mom-LimocRAPHic co.my,. 36 AMEKICAN COTTON BALE TIES. -F^- .^^■3 'l/.^VlO/i^^/i/y c://:/faM. ^yf^.^ms. ^./?J!i 4IK.Pmm-UTH0ei>AmiC Ca./^rnsiaKtsr/ncts, AMEKICAX COTTON BALE TIES. 41 jES.BoIyer/s Bale Tie. 7546 PATENTED M/« 10 1868 3%/. . /^e^^. ^./Z/'/oW y^-j^ jIM. PHCnhLfTHOCJIAPHIC Co:N.rmMOMts r. 40 AMEHKAN COTTON BALK TIKS. Je. s^?/}/. 3i!/iXf /a/iT/.^fX 1 \ I [^ i V- .^^g'/,o3^. J'a'J^TTfear Jij'^ ^ y p''^ TtgJ- A AM. fi»OnuTHOCIIAPHIC Co HYj AMEHICAIS' COTTON HALE TIKS. 1 l|4| Jt ^-1 1 "-l-^ IJ :. \ Jj- J J JJ/hM, . 40. SHIPS'/, TMyrMJ^i^. ^./s^^. yiM. PMOTc-uTHoen*Pn/c coj/t, 48 AIMEKICAN COTTON BALE TIES. /■tg. /. ftyS I i Ei?.M/69. ft,. {. .^ana^rt^ SB Jif.l £. S. LENOX. WIKE E1.I,C FASTIKIKa. No. 7,02$. Slissiid April 4. 1676. D. S. LINOX. WIRE BALE FASTESISG So. 7,027. Silsimd April 4. 1876. t;^.-/. -*««S' * Tif.Z. "mm^j^^j^zaaiuuii i .<>« WOJtHJTHOCHAP/l/c Co. MX'Caimts fKassj AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 49 ^^jp^sji; /^/f///ea^M^/s?v -^<9- •/ J^^.2 /LIM yib. s^.PGii. -^' \^ v% -Fye fig ' Co/foT? Ba/eT/'i. ^ 7 \^-^- szn jyj SZZA 4M. PHam-UTHOCRAm/C Co MY'OSKmts rncessj 50 AMERICAN COTTON HALE TIKS. ^^/ff^ffScf fit// r=s^^5; ^5 ^^ ^^^ ^^^^5^^^ S^^*^^^^ ''^'.; ~ll n '^••Hr, \1 8 5 7 i 1- , ^ f T T M f ^ /C^OtTif. /fJjWdL ■^^ff^Ai. ?^T""*^°""l .: |^^_ _'J Mi- >IM P//omuTHOC^AI-H/C CoMrostunts r. AAFERHAN COTTON BALE TIKS. 51 0./fi^7^<9. 7MyFM.W.Bi'./s'/^5 FRANCIS WATKINS Improvement in Bale-Ties. No. 114,236 Pn.nl.(IApr.i;5.l87I, M. MARTIN, provement in Machines for Adiusling Cotton- Bale Ties. . ,w c 01 Palemed M«y 9, re7l. -«^a. /^ ''i ■ ^M- PMOm-UmOCMAPM.'C Ccf/.Yc AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 53 WILLIAM J CARROLL. Improvement in Collon-Bilt Ties, No. 114.760. p.i.ni.ji <^ / ^^ W. i. CARIOll. Cottoii-B?l> Till Rilisued Sept. 8, 167 %f#^1 v-^Z I * ! «"ii'' ~1 I ^ I <' W. I. GARROLl. Cotltn-Btl* Tlti. Reliiied line l(, 1874. ««'~^ Tic 1. ' ■ * I ■mf>i,, ^ 1 c F10.4. ria.S. ^'^u/aMz Cm^frM, yfo //A^^S, AMfHOTO-UTHOCJIAPIIIC CoMYmMomts f 54 AMKKHAN COTTON BALE TIES. i R McCllNTOCK^ Cotton Bale Ties Raiisuid Wlv 13 I8'9 S. BRETT ItTiproveirient in Bale-Ties. No 115,692. P.l.»t.(lJun.6,ie71- a^^J>g77g^ i- _z> c J. R. McCLINTOQK Cotton-Bale Ties. f|„ 5 919 B.lll».dl«~.l6.l8?4. 116925 J^f^ JlTL n 1871 4M. PH-UTHCCR*PHIC Co.MYKtoncs • AM Kl? I CAN COTTON HALE TIT:s. 55 I it;!)64 Charles G.JoIinsen Open Slot Tio BlIEWKO .Id, n 1S7I oir-^ pri[ ofe. ^ Mic/i/ij. rc^/o/i. 1 17202 jQ€/le-7'/i- jr,,, / Patented Jul. 18 IS7I '^^ 'S'T?^; 118252 RbhiBP Ac-«3iJ871 £tj3 SAMUEL MATHER. Improvement in Cotton Tie Stretcher. No. 118,254. Pateai.il *»g. 22, I87i. ^M.mOTrhUTHOeH/IPH/C CoNYjOsmmcs noctssj 56 AMEKICAN COTTON HALE TIES. JOHN L. SHEPPARD. Improvement in Bale Ties. No. 118,286, filmteil A.,, 22, H7I. RICHARD T. YARDLEY. Improvement in Bale Hooks. No. 119,213. Pil..l.dS>p. 19. 1871. i~*»V~s No. 120,045. fllenred Oct. 17,1871. No. 120,104. PaterniiOct. 17,1871. ^^^^1[ ^^5^s2=«^ ylM.PMOm-UTHOCRAI'HIC Co.MrasiMKS mxtoj AMEKICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. 57 JOHN DOWNES. Improvement in Metallic Bands for Baling Cotton. &c. No. 120,727. Pate. ud No ,iH . . c «^ ;-M J jFis: *. COTTOK »AI,3S T I £ JvCAXKE«. Pale'ited Dec. 12. 187>. No. 121,756. JOHN DOWNES. Improvement in Metallic Bands for Baling Cotton, SlC. . -„- Pinnled Nov. 7, IB'I- j=v- r- Tig-- 9- s lis i r>f{ If- ■^. F. G, BROWN Inipiovement in Bale Ties, Palenlei) Dec. IS. 1871 ^v jr 3'1-H: yilH.mom-LITHOCRAPHIC Cof/ra. 58 AMKKICAN COTTON HALE TIES. JOHN T. BUTLER, Improvement in Bale Ties, Patenlod J«fi. 9, 1672, i£# JAMES C COIT. Improvement in Bale Tie and Straining Lever. No. 12?, 813, Pjlennd Ijn, 16, 1B?2. /•iy.i. WILLIAM PARSONS. Improvement in Bale Ties. No. 122.907 Palsnied Jan. 23, 1872. GEORGE BRODIE Improvement in Band Tighteners, No 123,228. PalenleJ lan.30, 1872. AM. mawuTHOCRA PHIC Co. N Y kiuks mxisu AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 59 L. J, ANDERSON. Improvement in Bale Band Stretchers. No 1^3,374. Pil,niedFeb. 6, 1872. G W. ADAMS Improvemeni in Cotton Bale Ties No. 123.853. Palenled Feb, 20. 1872. T A '■•^■*■ ^ ^ G. BROOIE, Improvement in Cotton Bale Ties. No. 123,976. Palenled Feb. 27, 18T2. F,y.3. /•'ill. 4F ■ P />>j: ^ JOHN L. SHEPPARD. Improvement in Cotton Bale Ties No, 124,090. Tig.l. Palenled Feb. 27, 1872, Tig. 3. '/ m ^^3[ii^^ y>M PM071>-UTH0G/IAFH/C Co.MY, AMKHKAN COTTON UALIO TIKS. LEVI DODGE. Improvement in Haj, Straw, and other Bales. (jo 125,031 Pjl,nt.dM.rch26,l«71. DAVID L. MILLER. Improvement in Bale Ties. No 125,474 Pjlenled April 9, 1872 --^^^^ ^ i " 1 BENJAMIN W. COLLIER. Improvement in Baling Cotton, Sic. No. 125,721. Ptl.i.led*pfin6. 1872. CHARLES BROWN. Improvement in Wire Bale-Tie Fastenings. 126.515. Palennil Miy 7, 1872. ^5iii I 'iiiiiiiii irftr"''''"" iTj'i ^M PHOmUTHOCfA PMIC Co M Y. Kiomis nxinj AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. WILLIAM McNABB. Improvement in Cotton-Bale Ties No. 126.645. PllcnledMayl4,l872. no.;/. :^-A « EDWARD A. FRANKLIN Improvement in Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 126,687. P.<.n..dM.,H..B72. Fig. 1. I 1 rij' H. C. BABCOCK Improvement in Baling Manure. No. 128,454. Paleo.ti) Jul, 2.1872 :::;.,,:^:: E. S. LENOX. Improvement in Wire Bale-Ties. No. 128,803. Palenled Jul, 9, 1872. Pwi <^^ T,q.?_ /^M.PMom-uTHoeRAPmc com/'O 62 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. H T, MINOR, Jr. Impfovement in Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 129,157. ?ll<:ot>i Jul, 16,1872. ^»« C. SWETT Improvement in Bale-Tics Pllcntci) lilt) 16. IS'2. 1_^ 'L C. . ._iU) ^ }h:4. C. SWETT. Improvement in Cotton-Bale Ties. No, 129,187, Palcoledlul, 16,1872. 13 AgiS. F,g.S. FigU. C. SWETT, Improvement in Cotton-Bale Ties, No, 129,188. Psl.nlei) Jul, 16, 1872. F,g:l. 2 \ — ^ — r /•y:Z. f,g:S.(^ AH fHOn-UTHOCRAe»/C Co y y. oumucs mxtsu AMEHICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 63 C. SWETT. Improvement in Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 129,189. Patenlcd Jul; 16, I8?2. 0^ r,g:5. C. SWETT. Improvement in Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 129,190, Pa:en-.td July 16, 1872, '■\^ I!' %S. LiH ^ »- r,.. ^ C. SWETT. Improvement in Cotlon-Bale Ties. No. 129,191. Paumed Jul, 16, 1873. J. C, COIT, Improvement in Bale-Ties and Straining-Levers. No. 129,715. Pal.nled Jul,23, 1872. ^c^^ rf/i.. V A N y^^.J ^M- PMOTD-UTHOCRAPH/C CoMYkuuks noasi (U AMKHICAX COTTON HAI.E TIKS. J f MILLIGAN. ImprovemenI in Hoop-Tie Tot Bales f(„ 129,851. Pai.nt.(il«i,23, 1872. --^ "- \ l^ - €'' y t. J. BEARO Improvement in Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 129,917. P.;. Mid July 30, I872. Fiif.f. . Fiff.2. G. BROOIE. Improvement in Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 129,925. Pllonlid lulj 30, t872. J^V 2. J. L HAIGH. Improvement in Bale-Ties No. 130,218. Patenltd Aug. 6. 1872. 1 ^ .A. '. 1 ^ I iri i ^M-PHOm-UTHOCi>Af'hlC Co /.r A:MEHI('A^' COTTON HALE TIES. 65 R. S. GOODGION Improvement in Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 130,293 Patenled.Aug. 6. 1872. ^CS-^ y^.yj D. McCCMB. Improvement in Wire-Ties for Bales of Cotton and Like Material No. 130,519. Pale. led Auj. 13, 1872. D. S. SKINNER. Improvement in Cotton-Bale Ties. N S. WALKER. Improvement in Bale-Ties. No. 132,223. Palt.ited Oct. 15, 1872, Palenled Sep. 24, 1872. (E~i IF 1 n~^ -in. mon-LimocM w/c co.xr.isiomis /■ 66 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. L, ARNOLD. Paie-Ties, Palenisd Hai. 26, 1872. F. COOK Bale-Tres. No. 133,412. Palenled Ho.. 2S,1!;2, /■i^ i. Tij.l Sjy.A e o ry.z R. S. SAYRE. BalsTiQ Tastener. N(,. 133.803. Pjlciilfii Dec. 10, 1872, H. A. HOUSE. Bale Ties. Pali!Hlfd Dec. 10. 1872 rf M PMCTV'U THOGRAPHIC Co. /V Y osiomts Moasij AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 67 J W. GURLEY. Bale-Ties No. 134,052. Plt.nltd Dec.l?, 1872. .^^ / ^ig z F. COOK. Bale-Ties. No 135,526 Patentsll Feb. 4. 1873 ^^==^ ^^==^3^ ^^.^WT^p JTT^ t^^V.^ ^i^^j" P. K. DEDERICK, Bale-Ties. Nu 135, ?00. Pattnuil Feb. 11, 1873 M. OUIN. Bale-Ties. Patented Feb. 18, I8r3. JM. fHOTO-UTHOeRAPHW Co MY>0 68 AMEKKAN COTTON HALE TIKS. A J. GOING. Cotton Bale Tiss. Mo 137,301 Pj.e.l.dApriM.1873. r-tf. I. J^y ^• pm IT.'" S" A. J. GOING. Cotton-Bale Ties No 5,653 (.,..u.(l».«uil?6.:b;3. ji;y./. . F^^'m AC ^ j^ ff jf a JML J. W. HEDENBtRG. Bale-Ties. Patenled April8. 1873- J_J W. C. RAMSAY. Cotton Bale Ties. No. 137,570 PiKnl.d Aprils, 18?3. ^M. PHOTO-UTHOCRAPMIC Co.MY' AMEHKAN COTTON BALE TIES, F. COOK. Bale-Ties. No 138,479 P.lenled May 6.1873. ^O 'O n F COOK. Bale-Ties. Piientcd Ma] 6. 18)3. F. COOK. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 138,481 P.ienled Ms, 6, 1873. F. COOK. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 138,482 PalenledMa, 6,;8;3. F\0 z , VimDJi/.tlllDtlllllK JM.PMOW-LITHOeHAPHIC Co f/Y,. 70 AMKRHAN COTTON HALE TIKS. f COOK Cotton-Bale Ties. No 138.483 Pllenltd U:, 6. I87J. F COOK Cotton-Bale Ties. No 138.484 Pji««i,dMi,6.i8;i. W FIEIO. Cotton-Bale Ties. No-138.492 PacenleJMay 6, 1873. E P. JONES. Bale-Ties. No. 139,675. PalenedjKnilO, A -?>>■ .7 if f's^ e. A 1 X A' ^^ 1 A' V A' H t <■' A' -8' 1 '' s ^' 1 A'- c I' ' f ■? B UJ J' [F,«3 J2> ) ' /V^ TT \^ u u ^ >* PHOmLITHoeil*IHI/C Co. M Y asumis moarn AMEHHAN COTTON BALE TIES. 71 A. S. ARMSTRONG. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 139,754 PilenudJunelO. 1873 r. COOK. Cotton-Bale Ties. No 139,777 PjKtnled June 10 1873 W. 0. FIELD. Cotton-Bale Ties. Nu 140.024 Psunlea June 17. 1873 F. COOK. Cotton-Bale Ties. PaltnleilJune 24, 1873. AMPHOW-LITHOCFAPHIC Co.»r,o!sems nociSij 72 AiMKKHAN COTTON BALE TIKS. W C. STIFf, Bale-Ties. 2 Snee(!--Siittl1. Pjleolra luly I, 1873. /■/y. J ^mH Fiff M /■ly V ^:''.yv- ? Sk"(»--SB.elJ. W C STIFF Bale Ties /■/^ n /■/■yM //y I IX }' z;^ M / V pr />u m J /v jr R. W. COBB. Cstton-Bale Ties. Palenltd luly S, IS73 «o «o „o F. COOK. Cotton-Bale Ties. 140,766. fil.nlsd July 15, 1873. J-igZ h^l h^.S d p jri^S. -» ^ C \ t_ _ AU PMOm-UTMOe/IAPHIC Co Mrc AMERICAIV COTTON BALE TIES. 73 E i BEARD. Band or HoopTiBS for Cotton- Bales. No 140,873 Paienl.dJulyl5,l873, riG.i. ^ W^ © F. M. LOGUE. lie-Band Stretclie ed AugoslS, 1873. W. CRONE. Cotton-Bale Ties. liO. 111,494. Palenled Augusl 5.18n. J^,y.7. L. DOTY Devices for Baling Hay. No. 141,636. Pjlenltd Aogusi 12, 1873. ■fey"- r^ ilMPHCm-UTHOCRAPMtC Co.A/to. ami:ki(ax cotton halk tiks. G. L. lAUGHLAND Wire-Ties for Baling Kay, &c No 141.879 ?,„M,» Auitijit 19, 1873, ri^.i Ti^^. r. COOK Cotton-Bale Ties. W. J. ORR. Cotton-Bale Ties. lo 142,505. Pil...l,dS.pl.mber2,ie73 H. 0. STARR. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 142,527. Pal.nledSepl.mberJ.IS/S. ^>,.2. ri4lL E\- R,.3. J^if^. AV PHCm-UTHOCRAPH/C Co.MrotiufUS moaai AMKUKAN COTTON BALE TIKS. 75 F. COOK. BalB-Tles. JSeplsmborie, ntedS>|>l>mlierl6,l873. y,-? r,^. d f 3 K - * G. BRODIE. Bale-Ties. ^'ffJ eU Stplember 16, 1873. J.//,.=.n Co '\T i ^iff^ AM. P/fOTV-UTHOCKAPHIC Co. //.YiixtoKits PKXiSii 76 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. T CROMER. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 143.124- Pltenl. dS. pi. mb.f 23.1873 F. COOK. Bale-Tiei. fiq.2 No. 143,223. Piltntad Sipltmber 30, IS7). No. 143,319. G. N. BEARD. Cotton-Bale .Ties. Plttnled September 30, ll'3. I. M. GOLDSMITH. Cotton-Bale Ties. Pilenled Str'e'nber 30. 1873. ^'^y ^J. J^.y£. ■r c AM. manumoGHtPHic co. A/.rc AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 77 B. KIMBALL. Cotton-Bale Ties. Pit.niedOct. 21, 1973. ^. y. EI2 A. G. BUFORD. Cotton-Bale TItt. No. U4,502. P...nl.iKmis rtociK, AMEUICAX COTTON BALE TIES. 83 W. S. DAVIS. Guarils for Wire Bale-Ties. No. 147.911. • falenleJ Ftb. 24.1674. J"efi:J. j^r-^- J. R. KENNEDY. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 148.068. Paltnled March 3. 1874. J^.2. ^ -^ ^ \ JFfy. (T^ W. S. DAVIS. Cotton-Bait Ties. Paianltd March 10. 1874. ~^^J 1. M. GOLDSMITH. Cotton-Bale rtisteniogs. No. 148,444 ' fattnled March 10. 1874. -Pii^J A if. PMOmuTHOCR* fi.V/C Co.NYo 84 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. F M L06UE. Bale- Bands and Buckles. No 148 890 Palenl.dM.rck24.l8M f'€„.:/. A. ). NELLIS. Cotton-Bale Ties. Pimnttil Mtrch 31.1874 EL SKI. I. G. ANGELL Cotton-Bale Ties. Pilenltd April 7, 1874. A. A. GOLDSMITH. Cotton- Bale Ties. N0.U9.468. Cl.«l.JApril7,1874. Jio.l. 1 Ji^.i. 4M. mom-UTHOCRAMIC Co. N r mtottis r. AINIERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 85 T. F. SHERRILL. Cotton- B2le Ties Faunled April 7, 1874. J. L. RANDOLPH. Cotton-Bale Ties. Nt. ,49,605. Pat.nl,d*p„IU,1874. J-tffJ. A. J. NELLIS. Cotton-Bale Ties. E. H. STAFFORD. Cotton-Bale Ties Patentid April 21, 1874. Palenltd April 21. 1B74 -y^ rig-. / ^JL ^^^^^^^d /l/H.PH(m-UTHOCRAPH/C Co.K.rmBomcs rmciSi, 80 AMEKICAN COTTON BALE TIES. A. B. HAGAMAN. Bale-Ties No 150,258^ Palcnifil April 28, 1874. J. H LANt. Cotton Bale Tjes. riy/ Piltnlnl »pfil28,ie7<. .y.^. / cE CB ^r.' jriyS t^CfT Z. Of ■:g ^ ?-^ — S '3 3- J. W. PARISH. Bale-Ties No. 150,885. Palenled May 12, 1874, F. I. BATES. Bale-Ties. Palenled May 19, l»;4. Jiff.2 J'if/J d \- J5\ J^>^ ^■v Pf.O^U'hOC^fPH/C Co.f/r c AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 87 1. HAGINS. Bale-Ties. A. S. ARMSTRONG. Bale-Ties. Palenled May 26, 1874 /_*_Z. E. GRANT. Cotton-Bale Ties. J. K. FLICKINGER. Bale-Ties. No. 151,281. Palenlsd Ma«26,l674. Paleiled Iune2, 1871 ■A-g. I. zn vLq. a. im dc (\ ^ /3. I?., e. e. «. -ft F'ir. * /IM.PHOTO-UTHOCIIAPHIC Co.KY/QSSoiiics r. AMEKICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. W. S. OAVIS. BataTle Fastening!. No. 151,572. l'tlenl,(Uune2,l8I<. -i''if-2 rs^ ,A G. B. rURO. Bale-Ties. ^^/ [^ Pil«nt»<)un.9,1874. J'iSfi- J^iyS ^ZF G BRODIE. Cotton Bale Ties J. T. MANGHAM. Bale-Ties. No. 152,138, PateniedJuo. 16,1874. r^^.z ^/Sf^ j^'r * £^ ^^3 /IM.fMOm-LimOCRAmiCCo.f/.YKimisrKass, AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. 89 A, A. GOLDSMITH Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 152,362 Palenlei Jo„i,23,:8;< 1^ &~;^t=^^^^^^= -€^ -t cA B. W. SCOTT. Cotton-Bale Ties. No, 152,424. Paleiileiiliine23,1874 J. M. 60LDSMITH. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 152,480. Palenl.(IIun»30,1874. W. C, BANKS. Cotton BaleTi! Mj.l SifS o ^v^/ ^M- PMOW-UTHOGBA PHIC CoftY 90 AMEHK AN ('OTTON HALE TIKS. A BALDWIN. Cotton Bale Ties. Patented Ji/ly 14, ISM. SF.yf. :F,y3. ^iy'.a W. COOPER. Cotton-Bale Ties. Pelenlcd luly 21, 1B74 ^E^ IL _ \ / ^ , FIC III r^ ^ EC^ A Y F. WRIGHT. Cotton-Bale Ties. Ni) 153,469 Pjteoled Jul, 28, 1874 J. G. BATTEILE. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 163,656. ffln- / ^o- Z ^^ /IM.PmTO-UTHOCRAPmc CoJ/rmicmts noasii AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 91 W CRONE & T, CROMER. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. '53,669 PaleMHA.g,4,t8 ^CJ-2 A A GOLDSMITH. Cotton-Bale Ties. -P'ff/ W. S. DAVIS. Cotton-Bale Ties. R. D. McUWAINE. Cotton-Bale Ties. Palenled Aug. 18,1874. /IMfH(m>-UTHOCHAPH/C Caf/r rniiiKS moassj AMKKICAX C()TT(»N HALK I'lKS. 1. D. HUSBANDS, Jr. Bale Ties. No. 154,797. P.i«»i.as. 1)1.8,1874. W. R LENARO Cotton-Bale Ties. Palentid S«pl. 8,1874. =^Z JI^ITL ^zzr ^^. 3. W. M. SMITH. CottonBale Ties. No. 154,920. Palenled Sept. 8,1874. 0. 0. & t C. WOODBURY. Cotton Bale-Ties. No.!54,998. Pal.nl«d Sepl.lS, I874 D. ^ciS ^ AM p»ojr>-uTHoeR*PHic Co Mr AMERICAN rOTTON RALE TIKS. 93 A. A. GOLDSMITH. Bale-Ties. No. 155,234. Pjlenied S«p(. 22, 1874. J^fff./ >?>'? W. H. TILLERY. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 155,271, Palenled Sepc, 22,1874. -fii'J^ J^^^.J. A A. SZABO. Cotton-Bale Ties. No. 155,344. Pjienled Sepl. 22,1874 J. BOISSEAU. Bale-Ties. PaUnlid Sept. 29, 1614. jri_^.J. 2}^/ »^3. J^l^A ^y.<^ 2^yS ^MPHOTthUTHOCRAfM/C Co.N.YiKKmes .; 94 AMKlJICiVN COTTON BALE TIKS. J. COLLEY. eaU'Tles. jnyy Pjuiiud Stpl. 29, 1874, ^^j J. ADAMS. CottanBale Ties. No. 155.848. Pai-nled Ocl. 13,1874. '/ B ...1 a J, ADAMS. Cotton-Bale Ties No, 155,849, 1-311.(11.(1001.13,1874. D' K Vs >^>^ v A. A. eOLDSMITH. Bale-Ties. No. 155,867, PlKnled Oct.l3»1874. ^T^° _^ir3;x^ ^-5" ^^.? SI /<,« PMOVO-UTHOCRA P»/C Co. N tioaumcs Moaaj AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES, 95 B. W. SCOTT. Bale-Ties. Palented Oct. 13,1874, G, W. SCOTT. Bale-Ties. PalenleJ Ocl, 13, 1874. M. T. BROWN. Bale-Ties. R. TERRtll. Bale-Ties. Palenled Oct. 20. 1874 Palenled Ocl. 27,1874. FlO:i. fio 2. /IM. PHOTD-UTHOe/ltPHIC CoJ/Y AMKHICAX COTTON HALE TIES. R. TERRELL. Bale-Ties. PaleMed Ocl. 27, 1874. Jic:2. ki Q^ FlG:A. H. B. JONES. Bale-Ties. No. 156,292. PiKnttd Ocl. 27,1874. jnf^^ V^ ^ ....:„:.,.j jn,^.s \ -^ c^ jng-i. R. MOMTFORT. Bale-Ties. Patented Nov. 3,1874 W. S. DAVIS. Bale-Ties. >^?^y. Patented No<. 3, 1874. 3: 21^,2 v*^A y^f:-*. AM. PMOmUTMOCRAfHIC Ce. MY OStctnS fK-:!i AMKHK AX COTTON BALE TIES, 97 W. S. DAVIS. Bale-Ties. ^^J ("^< PaKnled Nov. 3, 1674. .fyy.z •^: . v/ -^ J^.3. A. A. SZA80. Bale-Ties. Pilenlid Nov. 10, 1674. 6. N. BEARD. Bale-Ties. No. 156,752. Pitgnted Nov.lO, le74^ i^^>' c ;gfs-ii' G. N. BEARD. Bale-Ties. No. 156,753. Panm.i) Nov. 10,1674 J^/G.f. ffa.S. FIG.S. A». PHOTO-LnHOCRAPHIC Co.MYjosbckics nxessj 98 AM KIM CAN COTTON HALE TIKS. 6. N. BEARD. BaleTlo. Plltnled Nov. 10, 1874. e it'NjJL. A. ALLAN & I. BURNS. Bale-Ties. No. 156.965. p,i.M.dN„.i7,iB74. Figi Fuf4 1 CZ) 1 ' )-) d \ FyS H. a. HUTCHISON. BiKTIei. Palenled No«.l7,1974 Tj^/. .^-^r-'^' S^£. f^^f^ No. 157,032. 1. N. SMITH. Bile-Ties. J'r,. /. Pltinlnd No<. 17, ,«74. ■^'5- ^ Lz:^ '>>^. .3. ^M PMOTO-LirHOCIIAPHIC CoMXcsicmis f. AMKRICAX COTTON BALE TIES. 99 S. J. LEACH. Sale-Tips. ..^ \ \^ ■^^ VT^. C. A. WARD. Cotton-Bale Ties. Pllenlcd Dec. 1,1874. 1 N. SMITH. Devices for Forming aoit Fastening Bale-Ties. No 157,354. Pii.r.[,d Dtc.i.ie74 Fig.-*. Fig.e. n?r3ri?p a. 1 ■ i^Trl !' r iSscfi' '1 i ; <^ ' ^ ^?nl% ^^ ^^^^ I^ /IM.PHOny-UTHOCRAPHIC Co.NYmtoims HKcs. 100 AAIEHUAN COTTON BALE TIES. 1. H SMITH. Bale Ties. Plttnled Die 22. 1674 t'ig.Si A { Fig.S. R II TAYLOR Cotton Bale-Ties Pjl.nUd 0«c. 22, 1874 W. G. CAIN Bale-Ties. No 158.243. Ptlanlid Oec.29,1874. M COPEl AND. Bale-Ties. No. 158,683. Pil,Medlin,12.1875. ^ B A" /iM.PMomuTHoe/i*rHic co.yriaiotnsfx/a, AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 101 J. W. PHILP. Bale-Tigs. Pannled Jan. 12, 1975. E. FLINN & R 6 WIER. Sale-Ties No. 158. 836 ' Pll.nlldlan. 19.1875 T^.1. A. 0. SCHULTZ. Cotton-Augers. 1 B. ARRANTS Bale-Tie. Palenltd Jan. 19, 1875. PitenlBd Ian. 26, 1B75. ^fi 1 ^-it0- K -^'y-^- m^sm. jg f — ■-? J^id'^ Afit.P»on>'UTHOC/IAPH/C CoMYi 102 AMEKICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. *. A. eOLOSMITH Bala-Tlei. No, 159.089. P.l.nc.d 1.-1.26, 1875, -??^/ W HER Device for Baling Cotton. No, 159,098, PlIeM.d l«n. 26, H75, ^If/. , ^ jnifi'.s. n ^e^^ I] S. H . GILMAN. Bale-Tie. No. 159,258 P.un,edF.b, 2.18?5 H B, JONES. Cotton BalO'Tle No. 159,268 Pm-led Feb. 2, 1876 r,^^ Fiij '■> >??f ^lif.i CHD -^'^■4 ■in PHOn-UTHOeHAPM/C CO.MY A M E U I CAN C O T T ON B AL E T I E S. 103 AUGUSTINE BALDWIN. Method of Fastening Cotton- Bales. No 159,378 Pal.nl.dF.H. 2,1875 i. L. ttliil. Bale-Tie. I T SMITH Bale-Tie. I. THAYER. Cotton-Bale Tie Pllentcil Fib. 2, 1875. No. 159,531. ISjJi. i A h 4M.PMom-LnHoefiAmic co.N.y.a 104 AaiEinCAN COTTON BALE TIES. A. I. NELLIS. Machine for Painting bale-Ties. No 159. /n3 Ct.nIM A I NCLLIS Bale-Tie. PlKBlKl Ftb. 9. 1874. T,SZ A A. GOLDSMITH. Bale-Tie. 159,815 „._ / Pal.r.l,dF,b,16.18;5. W. A. JORDAN. Bale-Ties. -^/ Pllenltd Mlrch 2. 1875 k> J. CL Ffff.l ^^ fiff-2 \ Fif/.S -Ail /IM fHOTV-UTHOellAPmC Co.MYjKUIis Hoas, AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 105 G. N. OSGOOD. Bale Tie. Pil.nled March2, :8?5 r/ffs. r/yi. R. TERRELL. Bale-Tie. Pannl.d Martk 23, 18)5 R. TERRELL. Bale-Tie. R. TERRELL Bale-Tie. P»leM.il M.fcl>23, 1875 PalinKd Mirch 23. ISIS. AHPHOm-UTHOeKAMW Co.MYiOsaoiiKts nocis^. 106 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. V ,. id AV J. H. HAROMAN. Bale-Tla. P.lenl.d MircK 30. 18)5, m H B lONES. Bale-Tit. raltaud Msrcli 30. 1875. I m 1 1 Fi Fuf-2, riff 3. riff. 4. r,ffc I. W. PHIIP. Bale-Tie. P«nnl«i) April 6. IBM. ^ M T BROWN Bale-Tie. No, 162.023. P.l.n,HApnll3.18JS. f PHOTO-UTHOCRAPHIC Co. //rKiMms f. AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 107 I. M GOLDSMITH Bale-Tie No, 162.054 Pal.nledAp, 1113,1675 J ^ r ^>? nff.3 jif^ ^ 1. W DEVO. Bale-Tie. X-- m m c ^^ i. 1. HOLLOMAN. Bale-Tie. Pll»«led April 27. U;5. 0, E McGARRAH Bale-Banil TigMener No 162,672 PiUM.dAp..i??,i875, /IIH.PHOTtHjmoeRAPH/C Co.f/r, 108 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 6, W SCOTT Bale-Tie. & 0. B. McCLEAN. Bale-Tie. Pilenl«d Ml) 4.187i J,B ARRANTS Bale-Tie. Pilcnitd Miy II, IS'S. C J BEASLEY. Bale-Tie. No 163,138 P.l.nl.dMlyll.U?!. ^/ JTc^ -^-h[ ^^e- AM/wanHJTHOeXAHIIC CoMYdumts f, AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 109 w. L. nosE. Bale-Tie. Palinlid May 18. 1875. W. A. JORDAN. Bale-Tie. enlgd May 18, 1875. J. W. PHILP. Bale-Tie. 2Sheil>--Sh>etl eniBd May IB, 1875. J. M. GOLDSMITH. Bale-Tlet. No. 163,649. PaltnledMiy:5,l875. i 2^4^ £ ' .9 \a \\ -JS ^S -3 \s /IM. P/tOTO-UTHoeRAPMie Co. MYmiimcs nocissj 110 AMEUICAN COTTON BALE TIES. M. GOLDSMITH Bale-Tits. : SlKiti'-Sheit 2 Pitenla(IMiy2S,IS?S. -^7 ). W. PHILP. Cotton-Bale Tie. fannied Ma> 25. 1875. ^/ I. N. SMITH. Bale-Tie. E. D. CHADICK. Bale-Tie. Patinled Maj 25, 1815. Palenl.dluiioS, I8?5. Fy.l. Z^Wl'a !^^ A'ty. y Fig.2.^ Fig.3. ^ Flg.4. FigS. m ' " . I^<3«- -cm- Fig.r Figi 5 Fig.9. AM.PHCm-umoCRAntC CoMH/esiems • AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. Ill J. M. GOLOSMtTH. Bale-Tie. No 164,164. PllJlX£Sij AMEKK AN COTTON BALE TIKS. W. 88EET. Hook Bale Tie. Piunled July 27,ie;i. H. ESTES. Bale-Ties. No 166,085. jfeyy j^^-e S. SULLIVAN. Mode of Applying Sample- Patch to Cotton Balej. No. 166.158. Psl.nl.dJ. 1^27, 1875. H. J. WRIGHT. Bale-Tie. J^ecr^ PaleoKd Aug. 3. 1875. _Z?i^-? SP'effJ. yIM./'/fOTri-UTHOC'iAPHIC Co.f'r osiyncs v.xi!^ 114 AMERICAN COTTON BALP: TIKS. H. Z. YOUNG iale-Tie Clamp«. H. B. lONES. Bale-Tie. No 166.614. Fig.l. PlIinKd Aug. 10, I8?i. JTig.Z. I\g.3. Ftff.i. I'ig.5. J. M. SEYMOUR. Process of Baling Hay. Cotton. &c. No, 166,640. Paunt.d Aug. 10,1875. A. A. SZABO. Bale-Tie PaKKlcdAig. 10,1875. I'iy: /. f 1 L rfl B i - \ riy.J AM.PHOTO-UTHOCIIAPHIC Co.MtiKKKKts rmasii AMEKICAIV COTTON BALE TIKS. 115 J. M. ALBERTSON. Bale-Tie. No 166.677. Pjl'»l.i) Aug. 17,I8?5. W. H. WALKtR. Bale-Tie. PltentedSepl.21,1875. r/y.? jr,^ T. H. MURPHY. Bale-Tie. R. STIWART. BiLE-TIE No. 168.518. PilcnitdOcl. 9,1875. nyi. A 1' 'S- Jtpt/ n«z. (■-•d no 3. ^*^>^ r^J. ^M.Pmm-unoCRAPHIC CoMrosBones noass-. 116 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. C. BROWN. BAIIS;: SHORT C'JT HAY. fittnttd Bsv. 2. 187 C. E. CHASE. PHiilii ScT. 2. 1«75. -c ^ 1 S. X. DRAKE. BAIE-TIS, 3. P. RAILET. BALE-TIE fitttteJ N!v. 9. 1B75. Plttitii Kav. 16. 18 /^,y/ i^'lf.^. 4^ "^~ c V^J X* fMOn-UTHOCKf ffllC CoAiy a AMKKICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. 117 2Sb!et!-Shtn 1. C. H. CHASE. TALE SASD TiaHTINIKO DETKE. No. 170,054. Patenlja Ha,. 16. 1875. I Sheets-Sieit :. C. H. CHASE. BALE PAHS I IGEIINIJJJ DEVICE. No. 170,054. ritoittl Hot. 16. 1875. C.E.CHASE. 2Sl.oeU-sli..tl. BALE-BAUD TIOHTEHIKC DEVICE. Ko. 7,260. Reissued Ang. IE. 1876. x ,. »«..» 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. C. H. CEASE. BALE-BAUD IiaHTEHIKS DEVICE. Ko. 7,260. Eeissued Aug. 16, 1876. /l».p/iC70-UTHOC/IAfmc CoJ/.Yiosiouiis nxisii 118 AMEKICAX COTTON BALE TIKS. J. I. STOCEER. BALE-BAirr STRETCSER. St. 170.411. PitintlJ Kov. 23. 1675, T. H. WnRPHT. lEricr POE BALIHG COITOS. tit. 170,446. ?tt«ntid Sot. 30. UTS. ru,j. Ko3. A. N. POWELL. BALE-TIE. Pltenttl Hot. 30. 1875. :Slig»is-Sh«ltl. E. 0. SCBAKTAN & J. B. OARSNER. SALE-TIE. No. 170.597. PitcBtad Kot. 30. 1875. A zimnMG^M . J U'\ =» c^g =. JB Jl ■=<" ■=<• c=W^| ~zjpit:*s-. a. -£^ //^^ V* PHOm-UTHOCRAPmC Co. V.YaKmls flaass AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 119 PlteEted Hot. 30, 1875. L. I. BOSE^tBAUEK. BALE-TIE AMD HOOP-LACEE. No. 170,932. Patented Dec. 14, 1875 rJitl. ftv =-^ ni"' C^fS % /& o © O e o) F. E. BEBEKICE. EALE-TIE. Pitented Dec. 21, 1875. R. UOHTrORT. BALE-TIE. No, 171,302, Pitented Det. !:. 1875. ^/ z#- ^£ fr j:-iSr. 2 4». PHOTO-UTHOCRAMIC Co.HYitniuiKS r. 1-20 AMKKKAN COTTON HALE TIKS. :She!t!-Shitt 1 S. H. OILUAN. COTTOS BALE-BAKU TIGHTEHIK. No, 171.560. Pll.EUdD.c. :8. 1B75. 2 Sh!!t!-S)ieii 2. S. E. OILUAN. CCIIIX Bill-BAXS TIOnTEHEF.. j;,. 174.560. Plteottd Bt:. 28. 1875. /ly- #") S. H. aiLUAK. KACHIHE FOE UKTTIBO BAHDS OH COTTOH-BAIES. N». 171,659. PittnUd J»a. 4, 1876. J^igO. S. B. aiLUAH. UACEIKE FOE FUUCBIlta AUS SHEARISQ COTTOX SAIE BAUDS. No. 171,660. PitmttJ Jin. 4. 1876. , -Ft'^ ■■ ^ A V Ph'Oro-LITHOCffAPH/C Co UYostofHS ^Mcesi.' AIMEKICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. 121 B. H. UATHIAS. BALE-TIE Pilssttl Jis. 19. 137C. Fig.i. fig.Z. %3. 8. SALE. SAIE'TIS. Fatsutta Jan. 18. 1376 J^ ^ ■zsazazaz^CB^ C. R. BERRON. nUCELES FOE COTTOK-EALtKI!. N:. 172.434. Pitented Jin. IS, 1876. Fl}- 1. Fig Z . r^J ^ X i V. F. F. ALSSANDES. SALE-TIE. Ko. 172,683. ratasttd Jai. as. 1876 J^^.f. ^ -a <^ * "f^ i-*tf»^- . ^ ; A £* « a. tr «^-/fe *4 I e=?c=:p^ JF^j^. 3. C. filETHUULlEE. SAL£-TIE. No. 172,936. P»t(iii«d Fil. 1, 1876 T. BAILET. BALE-TIE. Flttnled F>b. 1. 1976. ryz I-ig A /«* PHOTtt-unOCRAPHIC Co. f/Y Klomis A:MEHI( AX ("OTTON BALE TIKS. 123 J. C. RIEIHMnLLIR. CHECK FOR COTTON-BAIES- No. 172.937. FltBnted Feb. 1. 1S7E. 'Mi N» 3 e I S. B. SILMAN. COTTOH SALE-TIE, No. 173,118. PiUoted Feb. 8. 1S76. S. E. GILUAN. BAIE-TIE. Ftb 8, 1876. Figf. J. KOBLIT. SALE-TIE. Ko. 173,328 PaKnled F«b. 8. 1676. jm jytf-ni /iM.PHOm-UThOGRAPHiC Co.MYo. VM AMKKICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. J. M. BEANDJNBDRO. BALE-TIE, J73 527 ritcnled Feb. 15, 1876. Jy:^ W. S. DAVIS. BALE-TIE. No. 173,597. Pit.LUd Tib. 15, 1876. ^f^3. " f^ ^ jii^z. in [3D '^' 0. W. KOOLION. BALE-TIE. fatentea T>\. 22. 1876. S CALLANAN. BALE-TIE. Fatiittd Feb. 22. 1876. .^pr^ R^^^ ^/^■i. =^^ y<« pHonumocR* ph/c Co. m r aimeki(;an cotton bale ties. 125 S. E. UATBIAS. BAIE-TIE, Patjottd Feb. 29. 1S7S. T>vV ^^^ T\^S.. ^'V%, «'v<)A. *>«(5. d-<)r 4 J. A. BOSTWICK. BAIZ-T.X. PatmUa Feb. 29, 1876. Qf,a.&. c II 1. R. HORTON i. H. A. R. HORTON. BALE-TIE. No. 174,247. Pitenna Feb, 29, 1876. J. L. SHEPPARD. BALE-BAUD TIGHTEKER. No. 174,580. Pltented lljrch 7, 18 ^'y-^ o- ^ /IIH. PHOn-unOCK/imC Co.MYKKluis moax 126 AMERICAN COTTON IJALE TIES. p. SIATIZRT. COTTOH BALE TIE. PattDtod Kirch 14, 1875. JT'^ffg ;. S. & C. R. HERRON. BALE-TIE. Ns. 174.730. PitmitJ Xirci H. 1876. Jiad ST\. ) -^ ; EZ? Jcy: I- ..-iff:.. W. CARSON. BALE-TIE, Faucttl Hitch 2S. J. THAYXR. BALE-TIE. Pitentea Mirch !«. 1876. ..^/r// ritfi- yfJwrv". ^1 ^jS,.^ J^y.S. ^ /*« PMom-uTHocn/fPMic co my a:mei?ic"an cotton bai.k tiks. A. EILUER. BAtE-TIE. Pat-ntsJ April 4. 1876 R. C. lUDlOW. BALE-TIE. 175.720- Fattnttd April 4, 18 -^■^•-^ -*2>4' ^^^ %?^ E. A. RAHSEY. BALE-TIE. S. D. PURBT. BALE-TIE. Plttntid April 4. 1876. rittoud April 11. 1876. ■%' m n v ^ m a /iM. PHOm-UTHOCKAPHIC Co.yY,«Biims noctsij 128 AIMKHICAN COTTON BALE TIES. SSieitn-Sksitl. W. ROOERS. AUIOHATIC BilE-TYIHO MCHiHISlC. K,. 176,355, P.tt.t.l ArrillS. 1876 3 St«a:-Shen ; W. ROOERS. AUTOUATK EAlE-TTIHa KECEASISX. St. 176.355. Plttnui April 18, 1876. 3Slii«tl->kltt3. W. ROOIRS. AUTOKATIC BALE-TTI1I(1 XECEAVISX, Ho. 176,355. Pitantll l(rll 18, 1876. ^{>. o^^:"r c yni^3. J^ ^A^ "7 ^' T" W S DAVIS. EALE-TIE. Biissued llg. 8, 1676 S. FALUATIER. BAIE-TIE fltectid Junt 13. lS7e. jni^2 ^ " P^=^> -^ L."?.7.J y^ifcS. T'.rV ^ AM./WOTV-UTHOCRAPH/C CoJ/YiKKKis rtocisij AaiERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 133 B. K. rowiiK. BALE-TIC. Plttotjd June 13. 1875. r.yj. Fur.S. A. A. GOLDSUITK. SALE-TIE. Pit!am Jane 13. 18 ^2^^ ^5'^!^ JEi^J ^^ HEMPSTEAD. BALE-TIE. R. C. LUDLOW. BALE TI3. Pitsnlei Juae 13, 1876. Pmotid July 4, 1S76. <^ s □ ^'P^ 4 \ 0-- ^■vS m 1^1 □ /IM.PVOTV-UTHOeXAm/CCo.Mr^msomtsnoccssj AMKHICAN COTTON HALF: TIES. B A RA1(S£7. SALE-TIES. fiteilil July *■ IB^S- ./^<5 W, B. HAYIEN. BAIE-TIE Pi;^*^^. n^ <' „„i n^ ^ R. DeOKAY. BALE-TIES. Pitintid July 19, 187 SSietls-Slneil. J. A. SRAS£. APPARATUS POP PACKIKO AKD BALIUO CCIICX, Hi. 17S,84S. Pilecttl Illy 18. 1876. :^iffA b n isij g] ca n ^S^-s" /IM PMOm-UTHOCRAPMIC Co.Mrjesiomcs mxiSij AMKHICAN COTTON «ALE TIKS. 135 2Shsit!-5!nit:, J. A. DRAKE. . iPPARATDS FCR PiCEIKG AND BALIKG COITOIT. Nc. 179,648. Pitsnud July 13, 1376. 3Slieeti-SbsBtl, J. A. DRAKE. METBCD OF SAtlNa AND PACSISG COIIOK K= 179, 849. Pjieoud July la, 1376- ^AO. V 3Slnets-2hee: 2 J. A. IRAEE. UETEOS OF EALINO AitI PACKING COTTC:i. Ka. 179,849 Piteniei Jaly 18. 1676 3 Sheets-Sluet 3. J. A. BRAEE. KETHOO OF BALING AND PACKING COTIOH. Nd. 179,849. Pitented July 18. 1875. AM.PHOm-LITHOCRAPHIC Co.MYn 136 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. J. M. S£yU03R. BUCZLES FOR COTTOH-BALE TIES. No. 179,872. Piuniid Julr 18, 1S76. J^:/. fifrS.. j \-f v9 > j C 71 Li" J'ur 6 J. H. SNTBER. BILE-TIE H = . 180.388. Fltistel J>:1; 2S. 137«. ^F'lg.Z :. D. pnRiY. BALE TYIUG iTTiCHKEUT rOR BALIKC PRESS No. 180,788. Pitt. t»4 Aug. I. C. LCWBER. BALE-TIES. Patenlta Aug. 8. 1876. T^'i i- Tig i. m H lESi Fig: 4 nc, 1. A». pmTr>-LiTHocMm;c coNr osmmis >KKin. AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 137 I. OLUSTDS. LOCKS FOR BilZ-TiES. 180.910. Pittnua Aug. 8. U-G. F,fr./. ^•S' J. THATEE. BAtZ-TIE IIOHTEKEK, No. 181,020. Pv.iatel Aig. 15, 1876. 2 Shee'.s-Sllstt 1. R. Ds SEAT. SAND PULLINC AUD LOCKING MACHINES FOR BALISO COTTOB. No. 181,052. Pitented Aug. 16. 1976. J Shests-SheetS. R. Be 8RAY. EAKC PULLING ANE LOCEINS IIACEIXES FOR EAIINS COTTOX. Nl. 181.052. Pjttdicd Aug. 15, 1876. Fiqi. Figs. F'^i rr ST, "7^ Ll*J AM.PHOm-UTHOCRfPHIC CoJ/Y im AMKHKAN COTTON BALK TIKvS. ?. T. KINS. WIKE COTTOK BAlE-TIi;. U, 181.183. Pu.ntca iuj. 15. 1375 L y ^' '^ i en.-; -^3^5. W WIIKINSOS. BiLI-TIE. Filinul Ac;. 22. UTS. ^, ^ty.^. DAIS-TIE DDCKLE Ki. 181.816. Pmntid Stpt. s, 1876. ^(7. /. I. C. KKOWLES & J. ?. BERBEN. BALE E03F TIGETEKESS. Kt, 181,949. PiletteJ Sept. 5. 1876. J^'eg^v. ^w-?. ^t^.2. o. tTTH JIU PHOm-UTHOCRAPHIC CoMY' AMEKKAX COTTON BALE TIES. 139 B. UILLINSAR. BALE-TIES. rinated Se|t. 12, 1875. x-s.^.a. ^^ «V •^ ^ :^^ /^ /\ "/^ /s "/K T. 3. V/HEELER. Fatintal Sc;t. 19. 187E. ?»^= W. E. HA2EITIKI. BALE-TIE. PstsalBd Oct. 3. 18 I. E. EVANS. BALE-TIES. falanltd Oct. 3. 1S76 y^gs. F^4: 1. PNOnUTHOCHAPHIC Co. MYosiomcs rmcS!. 140 AIMKRICAN COTTON BALE TIES. i. V. HESS. SALE-TIES. Fttesitl Oct. la. 1876. JTrr/.l. C. ERIEO. SAIE-TIES. Fltgllel Oct. 10. 1ST6. iM^ J. TWIEDDALE. BALE-IIS. Paten «d Oct. 10. 1876. S. S. IRAEE. UAKUFACTSRE OF BALE-TIES. Ks. 183,382. fitiittd Oct. 17. 1376. ^^y >" cr ^^.^r: fft yy Li.rT.rrTUj^ ^ >' ^/i' 6.'* r ( ^k an ^3^ .!w. C. E. VICTORY. BALE-TIES. Pi-.entjJ Sov. :3, 1376 Mff.J. Y Fif.2. -PVjr.4^. i^y. X J. M. POLLARD. BALE-TIE. 184,901. Palenlcd Ko7. 28. 1876. C. E. BOARDMAN. DEVICE FOR TIOHTEJUHO BAUDS OS COTIOB AHI OTHER BALES. Ko. 185,070. Plleited Bee. 5. 1370. /I/H.pmw-UTHOCRAPHIC Co.MYiixioiins f. 144 AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIKS. ?. C. IHSERSOLL. XEAXS FSP. BALIKa XASURE. 165, 105 ?ilected Dee. 5, 1376 rls 1. Sio,:?. 3ia;3 '5va !■. <1 :b c ttK^ ;. C. DT BOIS. BALE-T:r So 13S,304. riunlil It:. 13, 137e. .7-tfflt J^. CD C^ :. PRANCE. SALE-TIE. Pannlid Use, 12. 1375. C. U. ?£ARK£. ILE BAXD'STRETCEERS. t Fltented Bee. 12, 1376 /^ ^^^^ >IM.PMOniUTHOCI>APH/CCo//r.,. AMERICAN COTTON BALE TIES. 145 No. ies,5i9. W. f. GJHIACB. EALE-TI£. Pltmtd Die. 19. 1976. :. R. KSNKEDT. BALE-TIE. Paiented Bee. 19, 1875. A/H.PHOm-UTHOCRAPHIC Co.MY'txiBiiKis noas, 14t> E?f(;LISII COTTON BALE TIES. ^.xur^i: -, f) ^ t i !^' in C il — ^'i J HUIJ /»,. '■■ "s .• «?■•»• '"t »• r. ..3 .1- ru i TT -r il — 1 ^ I ■•■ii.- . L jj ^ ,„ 1 J ' ■> ' ' 4M.PH0m-UTH0CR*PH/C CoMYkimics ruxtSi. ENGLISH COTTON BALE TIES. 147 cm xi i \ ' 1 > 1 ) ( '■■^ '\ t-L N°13$0.f 18(3 >IW./'mm-LITH0GMPHICCiiKisij 148 ENGLISH COTTON BALE TIES. K°JS67^ 7863. Tyf. rtgl (Z3 dJ CD:. K. 3241 W ltC3. o -F1 >CT. ^g^ [CD - CD] e n }i° 1198^ 786* Ui Fii: 6. -CZL y« PHom-UTHOC/>*fHIC Cot/YKmiiis noasi., ENGLISH COTTON BALE TIES. fit ili^lSSr CIXJ^ L ^ -^ -tJ W°-Z837^ /S6S J\f.3.. 149 /IM.PHOm-LITHOeilAPHIC Co.N.YjKmuus r. 150 Er^GLISH COTTOX IJAI.K TIES. g^ I^i^" ^ S^__jea 5 Kfi^tMOTO-UTHOCRAPmC Co.M.tiOucMcs nKts%' ENGLISH COTTON BAL.B TIES. © © ^ m N'3645.DttJ3 J867. \m#.\*»^ '.Va«%\« (0^i»*,'U'S>iit 151 yfM PHOm-LITHOeMPH/C Co. N t'Ksofuits noassj 152 EN(JLISII COTTON liAI^E TIES. 1 Of Cil (H ^ ^ ""— . ^^ " r. " ^gB'af^ ^*»0==^ ^^3»g>GLISII COTTON BALE TIES. 153 GO "■ G©' G> (^ ^=o ^O 3 c^Z^ "^^""n^ AM.P/I0711'UTH0GII*PMIC Co.MY'Oaomes f, ENGLISH COTTON BALE TIES. QD c;3 ^ 'Zl^ o CD SO 1 , a t=Js^:^^^^BBsi ig~,cf$taa:gB ,<^ P/ton-UTHOeilAfM/C Co.MYmiDtns rtocis, EXGLISH COTTON BALE TIES. 155 K.. >^ 1 "^ r^7. r^ B /J ^ ^ «rt^^.M.l>lc.A!>ia^^.. f^. ..li,'; r n i ' .1 a H 'I /IM.PHOm-UTHOCRAPHIC Co.M.YKSluiKes f»X£SS. E.XdLISII { OTTOX BALE TIES- W»WtJA».19 .1875. '- i;;-y^-?<^t^ 3 * ^^^^^^ fif. 3. rW^ rij-t. '■^ ^^^N.^■^ i ,^^j^» ^ S ^ -:^ ^ ^ y^ ^X Cromer, T 33 70 Cook, F 33 70 Carter, L 34 78 Cook, F ;. 34 79 Cooper, W 38 90 Crone & Cromer 38 91 Colley, J 39 94 Cain, G. VV 42 100 Copcland, M. D 42 100 Chadick, B. D 40 110 Chase, C. II 48 110 do 49 117 do 49 117 Callanan, S ; 52 124 Carson, W 53 126 Carver & Ashoroft 07 151 Christian, J. H 09 153 Cook, F 72 Oompton, C. H 74 Cooper, Wni 74 90 D. Page. Plate Davidson, B 9 11 Dubs, C. H 10 14 Davey, P 11 16 Dillon, R 15 28 Dunn, J. B. 19 39" Davis, J. S 26 56 Downes, J 20 57 Dodge, L 27 60 Dederick, P. K 30 67 Doty, L 32 73 Driscoll, C 35 80 Davis, W. S 35 83 do 36 83 do 37 88 do 38 91 do- 40 90 do 41 97 Deyo, J.W 45 107 Du Bose & Charles 47 111 Dawson, P. H 47 '12 Drake, S. N 49 110 Dederick, P. K r,0 119 Davis, W. S 52 124 Dederick, P. K 54 129 do 54 129 Davis, W. S 56 132 do 50 132 De Gray, R 56 134 Drake, J. A 57 134,135 do. 57 135 De Gray, R 58 137 Drake, S. N 60 140 Du Bois, J. C 62 144 Dez Maurel, P. M. A 63 146 Daft, T. B 63 147 Dillin, R GG 28 Dunn, J. B 68 39 Downs, J 71 57 E. fciVans, J. W 11 15 E. Page. Plati'. Evans, 0. C 11 17 Edson. N. T 18 35 Estes, H 35 81 do 35 82 Eichholz, A : 47 111 Elliott, W. P 47 112 Estes, H 47 113 Evans, L. E 69 139 Edmonson, J 68 152 F. Pafc'e. Plate. Field, Wra 7 5 Fenwick, R. W 11 10 Passman, K. V 11 18 Field, E. A 12 18 Passman, H 14 26 do 14 27 do 15 28 Fraley, J. H 10 38 Fletcher, A. C 19 39 do 19 39 Passman, H 20 40 Fiel.l, B. W 21 45 Franklin, E. A 28 01 Field, W.D 31 70 do 31 71 Fell. K 35 82 Flickinger, J. K ,37 87 Ford, G. B 37 88 Flinn & Wier 42 101 France, G. S -54 128 do 54 129 Fowler, B. K 50 1.33 France, G. S 01 142 do 61 144 Passman, E. V 65 18 Passman, H 65 26 do 67 28 do 07 27 G. Page. Plate. Garrett, E 9 11 Gridley, J. H 13 23 Guyol,T 19 39 Gooch, S. a 21*43 Goodgion, R. S 29 65 Gurley, J. W 30 67 Going, A. J 30 68 do 30 68 Goldsmith. J. M 33 76 do. 36 83 Goldsmith, A. A 30 84 Grant, E 37 87 Goldsmith, A. A 37 89 Goldsmith, .1. M 37 89 Goldsmith, A. A 38 91 do. 39 93 do. 39 94 do 42 102 Oilman, S. H 43 102 Goldsmith, A. A 44 104 Goldsmith, J. M 45 107 do. 46 110 do. 46 111 do. .. 46 111 Greet, W 47 118 Oilman, S. H -50 120 do 50 120 do 00 120 Gale, G 51 121 . Gilman, S. H 51 128 do 52 123 Goldsmith, J. M 54 129 Goldsmith, A. A 50 133 do. 60 141 Gerlach, W. P 62 145 H. Paffo. Palto. Hook, A. II iO 12 Hughes, D 10 12 Hughes, Chas 11 17 Hedenberg, .1. W 14 26 do 20 40 Hunt, F. R 23 49 Holmes, J 24 52 Haigh, J. L 20 64 House, H. A 30 GG Hedenber?, .1. W SO 68 do 34 80 do. 35 81 Hagamau, A. B 36 86 Hi?ins, .1. J 37 87 Husbands, J. D 38 92 Hutchison. H. G 41 98 Hardman,' J. H 44 106 Hollonian, .1. J 45 1U7 Hardman, J. H 47 112 Herron, C. R 51 I'^l Horton, J. 1! 52 125 Herron, J. S. & C. H 53 126 Hempstead, » 56 133 Hayden, W. B 56 134 Hazeltine, W. B 59 139 Hess, A. W 59 140 Hughes, C 64 Hopkinson,,! 64 l48 Holmes & Slack 65 52 Hodgetts, B. W 74 — I. Page. Plate. IngersoU, P. C 7 5 do 8 8 do 17 32 Irvine, W. M 21 44 Her, W 43 102 IngersoU, P. C 01 144 J. Page. Plate. Jeffery, E. A 7 7 Jordan, W. A 24 .50 do 24 50 Jones, E. P 24 50 Johnson, C. G 26 55 Jones, E. P 31 70 Jordan, W. A 34 80 Jones, H. B 40 96 do 43 102 Jordan, W. A 44 104 Jones, H. B ; 44 106 do 48 114 Jewett, G. D 55 131 Jones, E. P 70 50 Johnson, C. G 72 — Jones, E. R 73 50 Jordan, W. A 73 80 E. Page. Plate. Knowles, H 8 7 do 9 11 Knight, J 15 27 Kimball, B 33 77 Kennedy, J. R 35 83 Kimler, A 53 127 King, P. F 58 138 Knowles, T. C, and Derden, J. P 59 138 Krieg, C 59 140 Kennedy, J. R 62 145 Knowles, H 65 11 L. Page. Plate. Lewis, R 9 9 do. 9 9 Laughborough. W. S 10 14 Lee, Z. W., and E. D 10 15 Lee, Z. W 13 22 L. Pago. Plate. Lee. J. C 13 23 Latting, R. G 14 26 do. 14 26 Lampson, H 16 31 Littlejohn, L 17 34 Lecky, R. H 18 37 Lottridge, F. M 22 47 Leno.\-, E. S 23 48 do 23 48 do 23 48 Lewis, S 26 55 Lenox, E. S 28 61 Logue, F. M 32 73 Laughland, G. L 32 74 Leonard, T. D 34 77 Lea, J. E 35 8l' Logue, F. M.... 36 84 Laue, J. H 36 86 Lenard, W. R 39 92 Leach, S.J 41 99 Ludlow, R. C 53 127 do. 56 133 Lowber, D. C 57 136 Lewis, D. T 60 141 Lampson, H 60 149 Lee, J. C 66 22 Luc.is, T. H 07 150 Latting, R. G 67 26 Lowber, D. C 68 1.51 Larmuth, W 69 Lenox, E ,S 70 16 Lowber, D. C 70 153 Lenox, B. S 70 Leng, J. S 70 1.54 Li II don, H 71 154 Laughland, Geo. L 72 74 Lind, J 74 156 M. Page. Plate. McComb, .D 5 1 McComb, Mary A 5 1 do. 5 2 Minor, Wm 6 3 McMurtry, John 6 6 Manny, John P 7 4 McMurtry J 10 13 do 10 13 Merrill, A. P 10 14 Mcliitire, T 10 15 McComb, J. J 11 15 Milligan, J. F 12 19 Merritt, L H 12 19 Mclntire, T 12 20 McMurtry, J 12 21 do 12 21 McComb, J. J 14 24 do 14 24 Milligan, John F 14 25 Macdaniel, 16 30 Maury, M. F 16 30 Maurry, \V. F 16 31 Milligan, J. F 17 33 Mitchell, S. J 18 35 Milligan, J. F 18 35 xMorden, S 18 36 Merrill, H. B 19 37 Mudge.C 19 38 Morris, W. M 21 4-5 Mainwariiig, E. T 22 46 McDonald, J. B 22 46 Milligan, J. F 24 51 McFerran, S 24 51 Martin, M 25 52 McClintock, J. M 25 53 do, 25 54 do. 25 54 .Mathers, S 26 55 Miller, D. L 27 60 IV M. Page. Plate. McNal)l), W 27 (il Minor, II. T 28 02 Milligan, .1. K 21) 64 McConilj, D 2a Go McCk'nn, O. R 33 75 McMuiti-y, J 33 75 McClean, J 34 78 79 McClean, 0. R 35 80 Mangham, J. T 37 88 Mclhvaiii, R. D _ iH 91 Moiitfort, li 40 9G McChuiuh, D. E 45 107 McClean, 0. I{ 45 108 Miiiphy, T. H 48 115 do. 49 118 Mond'ord, R .SO 119 Mathias, D. H 51 121 Moiilton, G 52 124 Matbias, D. H 52 125 McMmtiy. .1 54 130 do 54 130 . Millingar, H 59 139 Macuiiibor, .1. W fiO 142 Moore, 11. H 01 143 McCoiiib, .). J 64 16 McComh, D 64 147 McConib, J. J 6.5 149 Macdaiiiel, 67 30 Maury, J 68 151 Mainwarin, E. T 08 46 McNabb, W 09 152 MeDoiigall, A 69 McNabb, W Marsdeii, S 70 153 73 Murphy,'!'. H 76 115 N. Pi Nearaes, Chailes 9 Nuttall, .1 9 Nellis, A. J 36 do 36 do 43 do 44 Noblit, .1... 52 Newton, A. v.. No. 15,142 63 0. 1':1K0 Olmstead, D. G 7 Onions, W 12 do 14 do 16 Oliver, H. W. .Ir 21 Oakman, T. C 22 Orr. W. .1 32 Osgood. G. N 44 Olmstead, I) f)7 Plate 10 10 84 85 104 104 123 1 Page. Provost, Chas. .T 6 Plant,!. C 7 Pennislon, G. W 7 do. 7 Pyle, C. W Petty,.!, W 1 Paine. G. .1 18 Pliillip.s, ,1.1/ 19 Perkins, J. E 24 20 27 Pielon, .1. .1.. Parsons, W... Parish, .1. W.. Philin. .1. \V., do. do. do. 42 45 40 46 Powell, A. N 49 Purdy, S. U r,3 . Plate 4 20 25 31 43 46 74 105 137 Plate. 2 6 G 7 12 28 29 35 38 52 55 58 86 101 106 109 110 118 127 P. Page. Plate. Putnam, H. W 55 131 Palmatier, S 50 132 Purdy, S. D 57 13G Pierce, E. B 00 141 Pollard, J. -M 61 143 I*earre, C. M 62 144 Pender,.! 64 Parmley & Hughes 73 — a. Page. Plate. Quant, F 12 19 Qiiin, .M 30 67 Qnarles, F 34 77 R. Page. P,ate. Richard, A. C 7 do 7 6 Roe. !!. A ii 16 Reilly, T. VV n 18 Reese, J 15 27 Reinecker, J ■ 15 27 Reese, J 15 28 I{icker, Geo 16 29 liider. S. 16 30 Rogers, S 16 31 Roberts, E. S 20 41 Riddle, \Vni 22 47 — Rogan, J. W 23 49 Rusliu, .1. F 26 56. Ramsay, W. C 30 68 Handoli)h, ,1. L 86 85 Reese, J. L 41 99 do 43 103 Ro.se, VV. I> 46 109 Rndley, .1. P 49 116 !{iethmuller, J. C 51 122 do. ■ 51 123 Ramsey, B. A 53 127 Rogers, W .'■,4 ]28 Handolph, J. L 55 130 Itamsey, B. A .56 134 liascol, E. II 03 147 Riddle, W 63 147 _ do 64 do 01 47 do 69 47 s. Page. Plate. Simmons and Raquet 6 1 .Speer, J. R 6 3 do 6 3 do 6 3 do 6 3 Stewart, \V 10 14 Seaver, G. A 13 23 Swett, C 13 23 do 13 24 Seckler. D. M 16 29 Shcppard, .1. L 18 36 Spear, J. K ]9 38 Sheppard, J. 1, 20 41 Seaver, (i. A 21 43 Shone, .1. A 21 43 Smilh, W. M 23 48 do 23 49 Sheppard, J. L 26 56 do 27 59 Swell, C 28 62 do 28 62 do 28 62 do 28 63 do 28 63 do 28 63 Skinner, D. S 29 65 Sayre, H. S 30 66 Slit)-. W. C 32 72 Starr, H. D 33 74 s. Page. Plate. Skinner, D. S '.. 34 79 Schnelle, C. H 36 81 Sherrill. T. F 36 85 Stafford, E. H 36 85 Scott, G. W 37 89 Smith, W. M 39 92 Szabo, A. A 39 93 Scott, G. W 40 95 do 40 95 Szabo, A. A 41 97 Smith, J. N 41 98 do 4-i 99 do 42 100 Schultz, A. 42 101 Smith, J. L 43 103 Scott, G. W 45 108 Smith,.!. N 4H 110 Sheppaid, J. L 47 112 Sullivan, S 47 113 Seymour. J. M 48 114 Szabo, A. A 48 114 Stewart, li 48 115 Stocker. .f. Z 49 118 Scharian, E. 0., and Gardner, J. H 49 118,119 Slenton, 11. S 51 122 Sheppard, J. L 53 125 Slattery, P 53 126 Snyder, . I. H .55 132 Seymour, J. M 57 136 Snyder, J. H 57 136 Sabatier, W 63 146 Shanks. A 66 150 Sweet, J E 68 Sparrow, A 71 Stiff, W. C 72 72 Stiff and Sheldon 74 Seymour, . J. M 75 114 T. Paae. Plate. Talbot. James M 5 1 Tarleton, M. A 14 25 Truman, J. W 18 36 Trowbridge, W 20 40 do. 20 40 Tingley, J 21 44 Tildesley, M 22 47 Tillery, W. H 39 93 Terrell, R 40 95 do 40 95 Taylor, R. M 42 100 Thayer, J 43 103 Terrell, R 44 105 do 44 105 do 44 105 Thaver, J 53 126 do 57 137 T. Page. Plate. Tweedale, .1 59 140 lurck, H 63 Tulleston, J. A 04 148 Tildesley, -M 69 47 Terrell, R 74 96 u. PaK-e. Plate. Ulmer, C 17 33 V. P.age. Plate. Van Benthuysen, .1. D 19 37 Van Derzee, C 60 141 do 60 142 Victory, C. H 61 143 Van Hess, R 64 148 w. Page. Plate. Warden, C. F. S 5 2 Warner, C 8 8 Wells. C. G 9 10 Widrig, G. .1 9 10 Wailey, C. W : 10 13 WiLson, C 11 17 Wailey, C. W 13 22 do 13 22 do. 18 36 Wallis..J.S 22 45 Wheelock, J 22 47 Watkins. F 25 .52 Walker, N.S 29 65 Weil, L 34 79 Whiteman, E. W 35 82 Wright, Y. F 38 90 Woodbury, <). D. & E. C 39 92 Ward, C. A 4k 99 Wright, H J 47 113 Walker. "V. H 48 115 Wilkinson, W .58 138 Wheeler, F. G 59 139 Wilson, S 64 — Wilson, R 65 148 Woodall & Van Waikle 66 149 Wailey, C. W (Hi 22 Wilson, S 66 — Wailey, C. W 67 22 Wallis, J. S 69 45 Whitaker & Bradbury 69 — Watkins, F... 70 — Walker, N.S 71 65 do 73 155 Y. Paste. Plate. Yardley. R. T 26 .56 Young, H Z 47 114 H284 8* 0' 0^ ^. *^.*\/ -q,.'.rr. n^ . t • o. •e,. ^■«' .40, ., "C ^O-V. -.'^ ■/i-^' °- / -^v.^-V c°\*i.^^% /•^;:\ /*c^^% , V .tP-^K. V ^9-. *•-■>• .«^ .- ^H o«, :, ".• jP-n*. **"'** '■■'^s /\ "-.W Z'** ^^- /\ •.^^•- **% --Xa^ .-e^"-* ^» .^o--*. ^: ^^«?* .*.--•',««•". ^°^'-:*t^"'*^o^ -^^-^^V^*' V^V^ \'*^>^* *>i^' °- / •^;:.\ c°^.i.^^'^°o /.ia^''\ c°^^;.^^''-o , ^°-nK. '.'- 'i ^-^4^ rO ^n . *.*^ /^V^:^ -^^ A^ »*f!S^-. 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