'of . % Vow*. v ' < *\V ^ *' 1 ►V * the' o-^cf < hxX+j<-&Sl LITURGY AND HYMNS YJI HTjJ :MJ * Off-- JifOTOMIMtAWj Tfe'lMESHM PROVINCE OF THE Unitas Fratrum, / OR The Moravian Church. ■ BETHLEHEM: MORAVIAN PUBLICATION OFFICE. 1876. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by THE BOARD OF ELDERS OF THE NORTHERN DIOCESE OF THE CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRETHREN IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. PREFACE. The Unitas Fratrum was the first among Protestant Churches to publish a Hymn-book. It appeared in the Bohemian language, at Jungbunzlau, in Bohemia, in the year 1505, and contained versions of old Latin hymns, together with many- original compositions, mostly by John Huss and Bishop Luke of Prague. The latter was its editor. In 1531 it was followed by a German, and in 1554 by a Polish, Hymn-book. All these Collections were subsequently revised and enlarged, the Bohemian and the German in 1566, and the Polish in 1569. In this new form, they remained in use until the overthrow of the Ancient Unitas Fratrum, about the middle of the seven- teenth century. The tunes, printed out at the head of each hymn, were partly Gregorian, partly borrowed from Germany, and partly original. Many of the original ones consisted of popular melodies adapted to the uses of the sanctuary. The hymns of the Brethren were a power in the Church and the land. They gave life to public worship ; they were familiarly sung in the homes of nobles and of peasants ; they set forth the pure Gospel in strains that captivated thousands of hearts in the Roman Catholic Church and brought them to a knowledge of free grace in Christ Jesus. But few copies of the old Hymn-book remain. Most of them were destroyed in the Bohemian Anti-reformation. A modern selection, however, in the German language, with the tunes prefixed, was published at Nuremberg in 1875. The Renewed Unitas Fratrum inherited the hymnological IV PREFACE. tendency of its fathers. Soon after its resuscitation at Herrn- hut, in Saxony, in 1722, several Collections of Hymns were published by Count Zinzendorf, many of them being his own productions. These, however, do not rank as Hymn-books of the Church. The first work bearing this character and title appeared in 1735. It was frequently reprinted and fol- lowed by twelve appendixes, containing the outgrowth of that period of sentimental fanaticism which, for a few years, dis- figured the history of the Renewed Brethren. Hence, they were gradually suppressed. An entirely new Hymn-book, moreover, was issued in London in two Parts, the first in 1753, and the second in 1755. This work, generally known as the "London Hymn-book," contained more than three thousand hymns. An abridged edition appeared simultaneously with the original, and was commonly used in public worship. In 1778 a new Collection came out, under the supervision of Christian Gregor, a distinguished hymnologist of the Church. This Hymn-book is still in use. An abridgment of it ap- peared in the United States in 1848, and another in Germany in 1869. All these works were issued in the German language, and contain many hymns of the Ancient Unitas Fratrum. Among the tunes, moreover, are more than thirty of its chorals. Of the other tunes, some are original ; the rest, with the exception of a few popular melodies, are borrowed from the old Roman Catholic Church and the Churches of the Reformation. The German Hymn-book, in its various editions, formed the basis for Collections of hymns, published at various times, in the English, French, Lettonian, Esthonian, Bohemian, Greenland, Esquimaux, Negro-English, Cherokee-Indian, Del- aware-Indian, and Kaffre languages. The first English Hymn-book of the Unitas Fratrum ap- peared in London, in 1742, and was entitled "A Collection of Hymns, with several translations from the Hymn-book of the Moravian Brethren." It was followed, in 1746, by a Second, and in 1749 by a Third Part. In 1754 it came out in a greatly enlarged form, bearing the following title : "A Collec- PREFACE. V tion of Hymns of the Children of God in all ages. In two Parts. Designed chiefly for the use of the Congregations in union with the Brethren's Church." This work was edited chiefly by Bishop Gambold, on the plan of the German "London Hymn-book," and embraced eleven hundred and sixty-nine hymns, many of which were exceedingly poor translations from the German, and others objectionable on account of their extravagant phraseology. Hence, an abridg- ment was published, in 1769, entitled: "A Collection of Hymns, chiefly extracted from the larger Hymn-book of the Brethren's Congregations." This remained in use for twenty years, and was then superseded by the revised and greatly improved edition of 1789, called "A Collection of Hymns for the use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren." Of this work, two revised editions appeared : the one in 1801, reprinted in 1809 ; and the other, in 1826. In 1835 the Provincial Synod of the British Province of the Unitas Fratrum unanimously requested James Mont- gomery — a member of the Church — to subject the Hymn- book to a still farther and more thorough revision. This he consented to do, and the result of his labors was laid before the Provincial Synod of 1847. That body appointed a com- mittee to prepare a new edition, and this committee received full liberty from Montgomery to adopt, reject, or modify any of his emendations, and, at the same time, to make free use of his own compositions. Under such auspices appeared, in 1849, the " Liturgy and Hymns for the use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum," which work is still used in Great Britain. The first English Hymn-book of the Church printed in the United States came out in Philadelphia, in 1813, at the office of Conrad Zentler. Prior to that time, Hymn-books were imported from England. It was a reprint of the edition of 1801. The edition of 1826 was also reprinted in this country, and remained in use until 1851. In that year, according to a resolution adopted by the Provincial Synod of 1849, the first original Hymn-book of the American Province of the Unitas VI PREFACE. Fratrum appeared. It was based upon the English edition of 1849, but differed from it in many respects. The Liturgy and Hymns, herewith presented to the Church, are the result of a series of resolutions adopted by the Pro- vincial Synods of 1864, 1867, 1868, 1870, and 1873. It has been the great aim of all those connected with this work, to bring the new Hymn-book up to the standard of modern hymnology, without destroying its Moravian character. In accordance with synodical enactments, the Liturgy has been carefully revised, and the Liturgical Services for the Festivals of the Christian Church and other special occasions, ordered by the Synod of 1864, have been appended. These Services are all based upon such as have been in use, for many years, in the German Moravian Church. In conclusion, we renew the pious wishes of our fathers as set forth in the Preface to every edition of the Hymn-book since 1789: "May all who use these hymns experience, at all times, the blessed effects of complying with the apostle Paul's injunction (Ephesians v, 18 and 19), 'Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord/ Yea, may they anticipate, while here below, though in an humble and imperfect strain, the song of the blessed above, who, being redeemed out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation, and having washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, are standing before the throne, and singing in perfect harmony with the many angels round about it (Eev. v, 9-12, and vii, 9-14), 1 Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing, for ever and ever. Amen P " October, 1876. CONTENTS. Preface THE LITUKGY. PAGES. The Litaky ..... 1—6 The Doxology .... 7 The Te Deum Laudamus 8 A Canticle of Praise 9,10 The Service for Easter Morning . 10-15 The Baptism of Children 15-17 The Baptism of Adults . . 17-19 The Eite of Confirmation 19,20 The Lord's Supper . 20, 21 The Communion of the Sick 22 The Eite of Ordination . . 22-27 I. The Ordination of a Deacon . 22-24 II. The Ordination of a Presbyter . . 24, 25 III. The Consecration of a Bishop 25,26 The Laying of a Corner-stone . 26, 27 The Consecration of a Church or Chapel 28,29 The Solemnization of Matrimony . 29-31 The Burial of the Dead 31-34 vii Vlll CONTENTS. Liturgical Services for the Church Seasons : PAGES. The First Sunday in Advent . . . 35-38 The Second Sunday in Advent . . 38-41 Christmas Day ..... 41-44 Epiphany ..... 44-48 The Season of Lent .... 48-51 Easter . . . ... 51-54 Whit-sunday ..... 54-58 Trinity Sunday .... 58-62 In Memory of the Martyrs . . . 62-66 Thanksgiving . . . 66-69 A Day of Humiliation and Prayer . . 69-72 A Table of the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and Festivals of the Church Year . . .73, 74 HYMNS. The Word of God The Holy Trinity . God The Father : In Creation and Providence In the Ministry of Angels . In the Work of Eedemption God the Son : Divinity Advent Incarnation and Birth Name of Jesus Manifestations to the Gentiles Life, Example, and Ministry Transfiguration 1-9 10-18 19-31 32-34 35-37 38-48 49-56 57-79 80-87 88-96 97-107 108-109 CONTENTS. IX Triumphal Entry . HYMNS. 110-112 Sufferings and Death . . 113-155 Burial . 156-167 Resurrection .... . 168-184 Ascension and Exaltation 185-192 Kingdom and Priesthood . 193-201 Praise to Christ . 202-226 God the Holy Ghost . 227-245 Christian Life : Warning and Invitation . 246-271 Sorrow for Sin . 272-289 Faith and Justification 290-321 Self-Consecration and Confession . 322-350 Love and Communion 351-411 Holiness .... . 412-459 Brotherly Love . 460-472 Patience and Trust . 473-518 Watchfulness and Fidelity 519-527 Conflict .... . 528-540 Prayer ..... 541-563 Praise and Thanksgiving . 564-588 Christian Activity . . . . 589-603 The Christian Church . . 604-619 Baptism ..... 620-628 The Lord's Supper . 629-654 Public Worship and the Lord's Day 655-701 Revivals ..... . 702-705 Missionary . 706-724 The Servants of Christ . 725-751 JL Ci^X>±lLiX>XO. HXMNS. Special Hymns: Children . . • 752-765 Youth . . . . 766-771 Marriage ♦ 772-774 Parents . . . 775-781 The Aged . . . 782-785 New Year . . 786-795 Harvest ..... 796-800 Morning .... . 801-813 Evening ..... 814-828 Before and After Meals . 829-832 Travelers ..... 833-835 Sickness .... . 836-841 Laying a Corner-Stone 842-844 Dedication of a Church . 845-852 Days of Fasting .... 853-856 National . 857-862 Time and Eternity 863-869 Death ..... . 870-889 Resurrection .... 8.90-893 Judgment f . 894-904 Heaven ..... 905-930 Doxolgies and Benedictions . PAGES. 1-28 Communion Liturgies 604-608 Index of first lines of Hymns and Stanzas . 609-682 of Metres and Tunes, and of Hymns under each Metre ..... 683-688 THE LITURGY. THE LITANY. ^f All standing, the Minister shall say and the congregation respond : Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, hear us. Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth. Unto thee do we give thanks ; for thou art good : for thy mercy endureth forever. 1 will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit ; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unri "' '°ousness. Let us lift up our heart with utir hands unto God in the heavens. O come, let us worship and bow down ; let us kneel before the Lord our maker. f Then shall all kneel and say : Most Holy and Almighty God, our Saviour, We acknowledge our transgressions. All we like sheep have gone astray ; we have turned every one to his own way. We have sinned and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly. The good that we knew to do we have not done : And in all our works we have been unprofitable servants, and have come short of thy glory. Help us, (rod of our salvation, for the glory of thy name ; and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake : Amen. I THE LITANY. Thus saith the Lord : I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. Go, and sin no more. \ Then the congregation shall sing, all standing : L. M. Tune Te Deum. Lord, have mercy on us all ; Have mercy on us when we call : Lord, we have put our trust in thee, Confounded let us never be : Amen. \ Then shall follow the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer, the congre- gation standing until the invocation to the Holy Ghost shall have been said: I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. He went to the place of departed spirits. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy christian church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting: Amen. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end : Amen. Lord God, our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever : Amen. Lord God, Son, thou Saviour of the world, Be gracious unto us. Lord God, Holy Ghost, Abide with us forever. Tune 132, part 2. Thou Lamb once slain, our God and Lord, To needy prayers thine ear afford, And on us all have mercy. THE LITANY. 6 ^ Then shall the Minister continue, the congregation responding : From all sin, From all error, From all evil, Preserve us, gracious Lord and God. From pestilence and famine, From calamity by fire or water, hail or tempest, From war and bloodshed, From the violence of wicked men, Preserve us, gracious Lord and God. From indifference to thy merits and death, From pride and self-complacency, From hypocrisy and fanaticism, From envy, hatred, and malice, From the deceitmlness of sin, From the murdering spirit and devices of Satan, From the influence of the spirit of this world, Preserve us, gracious Lord and God. By all the merits of thy life, By thy human birth and circumcision, By thy obedience, diligence and faithfulness, By thy humility, meekness and patience, By thy extreme poverty, By thy baptism, fasting and temptation, By thy griefs and sorrows, By thy prayers and tears, By thy having been despised and rejected, Bless and comfort us, gracious Lord and God. By thy agony and bloody sweat, By thy bonds and scourgings, By thy crown of thorns, By thy cross and passion, By thy sacred wounds and precious blood, By thy dying words, By thy atoning death, By thy rest in the grave, By thy glorious resurrection and ascension, By thy sitting at the right hand of God, By thy sending the Holy Ghost, By thy prevailing intercession, By the holy sacraments, By thy divine presence, By thy coming again to thy church on earth, or our being called home to thee, Bless and comfort us, gracious Lord and God. 4 THE LITANY. Tune 519. Most holy Lord and God, Holy, Almighty God, Holy and most merciful Saviour, Thou eternal God, Grant that we may never Lose the comforts of thy death : Have mercy, Lord. ^ Instead of this hymn may be sung the following : C. M. • Tune 14. May we a grateful sense retain Of thy redeeming love; And live below like those that hope To live with thee above. Thou Head and Saviour of thy body, the church, Unite all the children of God in one spirit ; Send faithful laborers into thy harvest ; Give spirit and power to preach thy word ; Hinder all schisms and offenses ; Put far from thy people all deceivers : Bring back all that have erred or that are deceived : Hear us, gracious Lord and God. Grant love and unity to all our congregations ; Give to our bishops and ministers soundness of doctrine and holiness of life, and preserve them therein ; Help all elders to rule well ; and may every steward of things spiritual or temporal be faithful not only in that which is much, but also in that which is least. Preserve and sanctify each member through the truth ; Grant that all of us, in every age and station, may enjoy the powerful and sanctifying merits of thy holy humanity, and make us chaste before thee in soul and body. Let our children be brought up in thy nurture and admo- nition : Hear us, gracious Lord and God. Supply, O Lord, we pray thee, all the wants of thy people ; Let none entangle himself with the affairs of this life, But may all our labor of body and mind be hallowed unto thee; Bless the sweat of the brow and faithfulness in business ; Help us to use thy gifts aright, and never to forget that it is more blessed to give than to receive. For the sake of that peace which we have with thee, may we, as much as lieth in us, live peaceably with all men ; THE LITANY. O Teach us to bless them that curse us, and to do good to them that hate us ; Have mercy upon our slanderers and persecutors, and lay not this sin to their charge : Sear us, gracious Lord and God. O Lord, the hope of Israel, and the desire of all nations, Have mercy on thy ancient covenant people, the Jews ; de- liver them from their blindness ; Prosper the endeavors of all thy servants to spread thy Bless our and all other christian congregations gathered from among the heathen ; Keep them as the apple of thine eye : Sear us, gracious Lord and God. praise the Lord, all ye nations : Praise Him, all ye people. Watch graciously over all governments ; Establish them in truth and righteousness, and give them thoughts of peace. Bless the President of the United States, and both Houses of Congress ; the Governor and Legislature of this Common- wealth, and all others that are in authority ; and grant us to lead under them a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. Teach us to submit ourselves to every ordinance of man for thy sake ; and to seek the peace of the places where we dwell. Give prosperity, O God, to this land, and salvation to all its people : Sear us, gracious Lord and God. \ A Prayer for times of war. [Grant, O Lord, unto the President of the United States, in these times of danger, thy gracious counsel, that in all things he may approve himself the father of the people ; Be thou the gracious protector of these States, and of all our fellow-citizens in all parts of the world ; Turn the hearts of our enemies ; defeat every evil design against us ; and continue to show thy tender mercies unto these United States as thou hast done in days past ; Cause us to bow down before thee, to confess our sins, and to acknowledge with contrite hearts, that it is of thy mercies that we are not consumed ; Stop in thy tender mercy the effusion of human blood, and make discord and wars to cease ; B 6 THE LITANY. To this end, put into the hearts of the rulers of the nations thoughts of peace, that we may see it soon established, to the glory of thy name : Hear us, gracious Lord and God.] O thou preserver of men, Watch over those who travel by land or sea ; Send help to all that are in danger, tribulation, or distress ; Strengthen and uphold those who sutler persecution for the sake of the gospel ; Defend and provide for fatherless children, and widows, and all who are desolate and afflicted ; Be the support of the aged ; Make the bed of the sick, and in the midst of suffering let them feel that thou lovest them ; Enable the dying to put their trust in thee, as the propitia- tion for the sins of the whole world : Hear us, gracious Lord and God. Have mercy, O Lord, on thy whole creation ; Hasten the day when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ; and may we be accounted worthy to stand before Him. ^ Here shall the congregation rise, and remain standing until the close of the Litany. 8s, 6s & 8s. Tune 79. Lord, for thy coming us prepare ; May we to meet thee without fear, At all times ready be : In faith and love preserve us sound ; let us day and night be found, Waiting with joy to welcome thee. Keep us in everlasting fellowship with the church triumph- ant, and let us rest together in thy presence from our labors : Hear us, gracious Lord and God. O Christ, Almighty God, Have mercy upon us. O thou Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the woild, Manifest thyself to us. O thou Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the world, Give unto us thy peace. O Christ, hear us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us : Amen, DOXOLOGY. «[ All standing, the Minister shall say, or chant, and the congregation respond : Unto the Lamb that was slain, And hath redeemed us 'out of all nations of the earth; Unto the Lord who purchased our souls for himself: Unto that Friend who loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood; Who died for us once, That we might die unto sin ; Who rose for us, That we also might rise ; Who ascended for us into heaven, To prepare a place for us; And to whom are subjected the angels, and powers, and do- minions : To him be glory at all times, In the church that icaiteth for him, and in that which is around him, From everlasting to everlasting : Amen, Little children, abide in him ; that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. % Then shall be sung one of the following hymns, after which the Minister shall pronounce the Old Testament benediction. lis. Tune 39. The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know ; I feed in green pastures, safe-folded I rest ; He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, Restores me when wandering, redeems when opprest. 7s. Tune 11. Cast thy burden on the Lord, Only lean upon his word ; Thou shalt soon have cause to bless His eternal faithfulness. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ; The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee ; The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace : In the name of Jesus : Amen, 7 TE DEUM LAUDAMUS. TO BE USED ON THE GREAT FESTIVALS OF THE CHURCH, AND ON OTHER SOLEMN OCCASIONS. ^f All standing, the Minister shall say, or chant; the congregation responding : We praise thee, O God ; we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship thee, the Father everlasting. To thee all angels cry aloud ; the heavens, and all the powers therein. To thee cherubim and seraphim continually do cry. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth ; Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory. The glorious company of the apostles praise thee. The goodly fellowship of the prophets praise thee. The noble army of martyrs praise thee. The holy church throughout all the world doth acknowledge thee; the Father of an infinite majesty; Thine adorable, true, and only Son ; also the Holy Ghost, the Comforter. Thou art the King of glory, Christ ; thou art the everlasting Son of the Father. When thou tookest upon thee to deliver man, thou didst hum- ble thyself to be born of a Virgin. When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death, thou didst open the kingdom of heaven to all believers. Thou sittest at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father. We believe that thou shalt come to be our Judge. We therefore pray thee, help thy servants, whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood ; Make them to be numbered with thy saints, in glory everlasting. O Lord, save thy people, and bless thine heritage : govern them, and lift them up forever. Day by day we magnify thee ; and we worship thy name ever, world without end. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day without sin. Lord, have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us. O Lord, let thy mercy lighten upon us : as our trust is in thee. Lord, in thee have L trusted ; let me never be confounded. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end : Amen. A CANTICLE OF PRAISE. [From the German Liturgy of the Unitas Fratrum.] TO BE USED ON DAYS OF NATIONAL THANKSGIVING, AND ON OTHER OCCASIONS OF PRAISE. ^ All standing, the Minister shall say, or chant, the congregation responding: Blessed be tliou that dwellest between the cherubim, and graciously regardest them of low estate. O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord ; praise him, and magnify him for ever. Magnify him for ever. Heaven and earth, fire and water, sun and moon, all the stars of heaven, rain and dew, frost and snow, heat and cold, air and wind, clouds and lightning, day and night, light and darkness, hills and mountains, praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. All that groweth upon the earth, all that moveth in the water, all the fowls of the air, all ye beasts and cattle, praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. Laud him, all ye hosts of heaven ; ye angels of the Lord, praise him ; glorify, magnify him for ever. Magnify him for ever. Ye saints, ye humble and contrite souls, who trust in the Lord, glorify the Lord. Glorify the Lord. Ye servants of the Lord, serve him with gladness, and magnify him for ever. Magnify him for ever. Ye churches of the Lord, rejoice ye in him; and thou, the whole Israel of God, born of the Spirit, rejoice thou in him, and sing praises unto him forever. Sing praises unto him forever. For he hath redeemed us from the hand of the enemy, he hath saved us from our sins, and hath delivered us out of many dangers : praise the Lord, for he is good, and his mercy endureth for ever. His mercy endureth for ever. O ve spirits and souls of the righteous, bless ye the Lord of lords; glorify him, magnify him, for his mercy endureth forever. 9 10 THE SERVICE FOB EASTER MORNING. 6s, 7s & 7s. Tune 341. Worthy, Lord, art thou, That every knee should bow, Every tongue to thee confess ; Universal nature join, Strong and mighty thee to bless, Gracious, merciful, benign. fl Instead of this hymn, may be sung the following : 7s. Tune 205. Meet and right it is to sing, At all times, in every place, Glory to our heavenly King, To the God of truth and grace ; Join we then with sweet accord, All in one thanksgiving join : Holy, holy, holy Lord ! Never ceasing praise be thine. THE SEEVICE FOR EASTER MORNING. TO BE USED IN THE MORNING OF EASTER DAY, EITHER IN THE CHURCH, OR ON THE CONSECRATED GROUND OF THE DEAD. % All standing, the Minister shall say, or chant, the congregation responding The Lord is risen ! The Lord is risen indeed ! 10s & 7s. Tune 185. Hail, all hail, victorious Lord and Saviour, Thou hast burst the bonds of death ; Grant us, as to Mary, the great favor To embrace thy feet in faith : Thou hast in our stead the curse endured, And for us eternal life procured ; Joyful, we with one accord Hail thee as our risen Lord. <[[ Then the Minister shall offer prayer, all kneeling, after which he shall begin the Litany. I believe in the One only God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, who created all things by Jesus Christ, and was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself. I believe in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world ; THE SERVICE FOR EASTER MORNING. 11 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son ; Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ ; "Who hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light : having predestinated us unto the adop- tion of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of .his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the Beloved. This I verily believe. % The following ascription of praise may be sung by the Choir, or said by the Minister : We thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, be- cause thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes : even so, Father ; for so it seemed good in thy sight. Father, glorify thy name. Our Father which art in heaven; hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come; thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever : Amen. I believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God, by whom are all things, and we through him ; I believe, that he was made flesh, and dwelt among us ; and took on him the form of a servant ; By the overshadowing of the Holy Ghost, was conceived of the Virgin Mary ; as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same ; was born of a woman : And being found in fashion as a man, was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin : For he is the Lord, the Messenger of the covenant, whom we delight in. The Lord and his Spirit have sent him to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord : He spoke that which he did know, and testified that which he had seen : as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God. Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world ; Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried ; Went also by the Spirit and preached unto the spirits in prison ; 12 THE SERVICE FOR EASTER MORNING. The third day rose again from the dead, and with him many bodies of the saints which slept ; Ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the throne of the Father ; whence he will come, in like manner as he was seen going into heaven. % Then shall be sung by the Minister, the Choir, and the Congregation suc- cessively, or they may all unite in singing,the following hymn : 6s, 7s & 6s. Tune 146. Minister. — The Spirit and the Bride " Come !" are now entreating; Choir. — Let all who hear their voice " come \" be loud repeating : Congregation. — Amen! Lord Jesus, come; We wait in faith for thee ; Soon, we implore thee, come, Thy glory let us see. The Lord will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, to judge both the quick and the dead. This is my Lord, who redeemed me, a lost and undone human creature, purchased and gained me from sin, from death, and from the power of the devil ; Not with gold or silver, but with his holy precious blood, and with his innocent suffering and dying ; To the end that I should be his own, and in his kingdom live under him and serve him, in eternal righteousness, inno- cence, and happiness : Even as he, being risen from the dead, liveth and reigneth, world without end. This I most certainly believe. I believe in the Holy Ghost, who proceedeth from the Father, and whom our Lord Jesus Christ sent, after he went away, that he should abide with us for ever ; That he should comfort us, as a mother comforteth her children : That he should help our infirmities, and make intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered ; That he should bear witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God, and teach us to cry, Abba, Father : That he should shed abroad in our hearts the love of God, and make our bodies his holy temple ; And that he should work all in all, dividing to every man severally as he will. To him be glory in the church, which is in Christ Jesus, THE SERVICE FOR EASTER MORNING. 13 the holy, universal Christian church, in the communion of saints, at all times, and from eternity to eternity : Amen. I believe, that by my own reason and strength I cannot be- lieve in Jesus Christ my Lord, or come to him ; But that the Holy Ghost calleth me by the gospel, enlight- eneth me with his gifts, sanctifieth and preserveth me in the true faith ; Even as he calleth, gathereth, enlighteneth and sanctifieth the whole church on earth, which he keepeth by Jesus Christ in the only true faith ; In which Christian church, God forgiveth me and every be- liever all sin daily and abundantly. This I assuredly believe. I believe, that by holy baptism I am embodied a member of the church of Christ, which he hath loved, and for which he gave himself, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word : Amen. In this communion of saints my faith is placed upon my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who died for us, and shed his blood on the cross for the remission of sins, and who hath granted unto me his body and blood in the Lord's Supper, as a pledge of grace ; as the Scripture saith, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread ; and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, Take, eat : this is my body which is given for you ; this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also, our Lord Jesus Christ, when he had supped, took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it ; this is my blood, the blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you, and for many, for the remission of sins. This do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. Amen. \ Then may be sung the following hymns, the first by the Choir and the second by the Congregation, or both by the Congregation : L. M. Tune 22. Hail, sacred feast, which Jesus makes, Rich banquet of his flesh and blood ! Thrice happy he, who here partakes That sacred stream, that heavenly food ! 7s. Tune 205. Lord, thy body ne'er forsake, Xe'er thy congregation leave ; We to thee our refuge take, Of thy fullness we receive : Every other help begone, Thou art our support alone ; For on thy supreme commands All the universe depends. 14 THE SEKVICE FOR EASTER MORNING. If The following hymn shall be sung by the Choir and Congregation alter- nately, or unitedly, whenever this Service is used on the consecrated ground of the dead, else it shall be omitted, C. M. Choir. Tune 14. The graves of all his saints Christ blest, And softened every bed ; Where should the dying members rest, But with the dying Head ? Thence he arose, ascending high, And showed our feet the way : Up to the Lord our flesh shall fly At the great rising day. Congregation. Then let the last loud trumpet sound, And bid our kindred rise ; Awake, ye nations under ground, Ye saints, ascend the skies. fl Then shall the Minister continue and say, the Congregation responding : I have a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better ; I shall never taste death ; yea, I shall attain unto the resurrection of the dead : for the body which I shall put off, this grain of corruptibility, shall put on incorruption ; my flesh shall rest in hope. And the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, shall also quicken these our mortal bodies, if so be that the Spirit of God hath dwelt in them. Amen. We poor sinners pray, hear us gracious Lord and God. And keep us in everlasting fellowship with those of our brethren and sisters who, since last Easter-day, have entered into the joy of their Lord, and with the whole church trium- phant, and let us rest together in thy presence from our labors. Amen. fl" Then shall be sung by the Choir and the Congre gation alternately, or unitedly,the following hymn : 7s. Choir. Tune 205. What are these in bright array, This innumerable throng, Round the altar night and day, Hymning one triumphant song : " Worthy is the Lamb once slain, Blessing, honor, glory, power, Wisdom, riches, to obtain, New dominion every hour ?" THE BAPTISM OF CHILDREN. 15 Congregation. These through fiery trials trod, These from great affliction came Now before the throne of God, Sealed with his almighty name, Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor-palms in every hand, Through their dear Redeemer's might, More than conquerors they stand. fl Then the Minister shall conclude the Service and say, the congregation responding and singing the hymn : Glory be to him who is the Eesurrection and the Life ; he was dead, and behold, he is alive forevermore ; and he that believeth in Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Glory be to him in the Church which waiteth for him, and in that which is around him, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen. 7s & 6s. Tune 151. I give thee thanks unfeigned Jesus, friend in need, For what thy soul sustained, When thou for me didst bleed : Grant me to lean unshaken Upon thy faithfulness, Until I hence am taken, To see Thee face to face. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all. Amen. THE BAPTISM OF CHILDREN. fl The service shall begin with the singing of a hymn, and a short discourse by the Minister, setting forth the meaning and obligations of this sacrament. Then, all standing, the Minister shall say and the congregation respond: Christ, thou Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the world, Leave thy peace with us : Amen. By thy holy sacraments, Bless us, gracious Lord and God. Baptism was instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ, who said unto his disciples, Go ye, and teach all nations, baptizing them 16 THE BAPTISM OF CHILDREN. in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Baptism is the answer of a good conscience towards God, who hath saved us by the washing of regeneration and renew- ing of the Holy Ghost, which is shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour. He also gave this promise, He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. Children may be made partakers of this grace ; for Christ hath said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. fl Then shall be sung one of the following hymns : L. M, Tune 90. An infant we present to thee, As thy redeemed property, And thee most fervently entreat, Thyself this child to consecrate By baptism, and its soul to bless, Out of the fullness of thy grace. L. M. Tune 22. The Saviour's blood and righteousness Our beauty is, our glorious dress ; Thus well arrayed we need not fear, When in his presence we appear. ^ Then, after offering prayer, the Minister shall say and the congregation respond : Ye who are baptized into Christ Jesus, how were ye baptized ? Into his death. % Then the Minister shall name the child, and pour, or sprinkle, water on its head thrice, saying : Into the death of Jesus I baptize thee, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. % Here the sponsors shall join the Minister in the imposition of hands. Now art thou buried with him by baptism into his death ; In the name of Jesus : Amen. f Then the Minister shall continue and say: Now therefore live, yet not thou, but Christ live in thee ; and the life which thou now livest in the flesh, live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved thee, and gave himself for thee. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ; THE BAPTISM OF ADULTS. 17 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee ; The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace : In the name of Jesus : Amen. ^ Then may be sung the Doxology : lis. Tune 39. The Lamb, who by blood our salvation obtained, Took on him our curse, and death freely sustained, Is worthy of praises, let with one accord All people say, Amen, praise ye the Lord. THE BAPTISM OF ADULTS. Tj After a short discourse, shall follow these petitions : Lord God, our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever : Amen. Lord God, Son, thou Saviour of the world, Be gracious unto us. Lord God, Holy Ghost, Abide with us forever. By thy divine presence, By thy holy sacraments, Bless us, gracious Lord and God. «[ Then the Minister shall ask, the candidate responding : Dost thou believe in God the Father, almighty Maker and Preserver of heaven and earth ? I do. Dost thou believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, our Lord, who loved us, and gave himself for us ? I do. Dost thou believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Christian church, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting? I do. 18 THE BAPTISM OF ADULTS. Dost thou believe that thou art a sinful creature, deserving of wrath and eternal punishment ? I verily believe it. Dost thou believe that Jesus Christ is thy Lord, who re- deemed thee, a lost and undone human creature, from sin, from death, and from the power of the devil, with his innocent suffer- ing and dying, and with his holy and precious blood ? / verily believe it. Dost thou in this faith desire to be baptized into the death of Jesus, to be washed from thy sins, and to be embodied into the congregation of the faithful ? This is my sincere desire. Dost thou in this faith renounce the service of sin and Satan, and determine to live under Christ in his kingdom, and serve him in holiness and righteousness all the days of thy life ? I do most heartily, in the strength of Jesus Christ, my Lord, and of his Spirit. fl Then shall be sung one of the following hymns : C. M. Tune 14. Jesus, as water well applied Will make the body clean ; So in the fountain of thy side Wash thou this soul from sin. S. M. Tune 582. Rejoice, ye contrite hearts, The blood which Jesus spilt, While we with water you baptize, Will wash away your guilt. While with repenting tears Your sins you now deplore, Christ with his blood will blot them out, Remember them no more. tf Here the candidate for baptism kneeling, the Minister shall offer prayer, and then say, the congregation responding : Ye who are baptized into Christ Jesus, how were ye baptized ? Into his death. ^ Then the Minister shall name the candidate, and pour, or sprinkle, water on him thrice, saying : Into the death of Jesus I baptize thee, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 1[ During the imposition of hands the Minister shall continue : Now art thou washed, justified, and sanctified by the blood of Christ : therefore live, yet not thou, but Christ live in thee ; THE RITE OF CONFIRMATION. 19 and the life, which thou now livest in the flesh, live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved thee, and gave himself for thee. The Lord bless thee and keep thee ; The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee ; The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace : In the name of Jesus : Amen. ^ Then shall be sung one of the following doxologies : L. M. Tune 22. All power and glory doth pertain Unto the Lamb, for he was slain, And hath redeemed us by his blood, And made us kings and priests to God. 7s. Tune 11. Praise on earth to thee be given Never-ceasing praise in heaven ; Boundless wisdom, power divine, Love unspeakable are thine. THE RITE OF CONFIRMATION. ^ The candidates for confirmation shall be carefully instructed by the Minister in the doctrines of the Christian religion as set forth in the catechism appointed for this purpose, and examined as touching their personal faith in Christ. At the time of the confirmation he shall address to them, all standing, the following questions, to which they shall publicly respond : Do you believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth, the divine truths of the Holy Scriptures ; do you promise to abide by them, as the rule of your conduct in life, and the ground of your hope in death ? I do. Are you now prepared, as in the presence of God the Om- niscient, and of this congregation, solemnly to renew and con- firm your baptismal covenant, and to seal it in the Holy Supper ? I am. Do you believe in God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in whose name you have been baptized ; and do you look for the remission of your sins and acceptance with God, solely to his mercv and the all-sufficient merits of our Lord Jesus Christ ? I do. 20 THE LORD'S SUPPER. Do you solemnly promise, with a true heart and full purpose of soul, to renounce the world and sin ; to cleave with all your mind and strength to Christ, your Saviour ; to fulfill your duties towards God and your neighbor, and thus in word and deed to honor and glorify your blessed Kedeemer ? / do, God helping me. ^f Then the following:, or some other hymn, shall be sung by the choir, or the congregation : L. M. Tune 22. Just as I am, without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou bidd'st me come to thee, Lamb of God, I come ! I come ! Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, Lamb of God, I come ! I come ! fl Thereupon the candidates shall kneel, and the Minister, laying his hands upon the head of each one, shall pronounce a text of Scripture; such as, " The very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body, be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ," or any other suitable text, giving to each candidate a different text, and shall impart the Old Testament benediction, saying : The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ; The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee ; The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace : In the name of Jesus : Amen. ^ Then the whole congregation shall kneel, and the Minister shall offer prayer, committing those who have been confirmed into the keeping of the Triune God. THE LORD'S SUPPER. [The service of the Lord's Supper may be opened by the officiating Minis- ter with one or more texts of Scripture, or with a brief discourse. A hymn setting forth the meaning of this sacrament, or the Lord's invi- tation to his people to approach his table, shall then be sung, followed by hymns of penitence and contrition of heart. Thereupon, all kneel- ing, the Minister shall offer prayer, confessing sin and praying for ab- solution. This prayer may be closed with the Lord's Prayer, at the discretion of the Minister. A hymn expressive of pardon, peace, and joy in the Lord, shall follow, during the singing of which the communi- cants, all standing, shall extend to each other the right hand of fellow- THE LORD'S SUPPER. 21 snip. Then, all still standing, the Minister shall consecrate the bread, saying : Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same night in which he was be- trayed, took bread, and, when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave it to his disciples and said : Take, eat ; this is my body which is given for you. This do in remembrance of me. TJ" The consecrated bread shall then be distributed by those ministers who assist in the administration ot this sacrament, or, if he be alone, by the officiating Minister himself, and the occupants of each pew shall rise to receive it, the congregation meanwhile singing hymns that treat of the sufferings and death of our Lord. When the bread has been distributed, the communicants shall rise and the Minister say : Our Lord Jesus Christ said, Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you. fl Then shall the whole congregation partake simultaneously, and immedi- ately afterward kneel in silent prayer, which may be followed by a brief hymn, the communicants still kneeling, or by these petitions : By thy divine presence, By thy holy sacraments, By all the merits of thy life, sufferings, death and resurrec- tion, Bless us, gracious Lord and God. fl Then shall be sung, all standing, a hymn treating of the atoning blood of Christ, during the singing of which the Minister and his assistants shall pour the wine into the cup. Thereupon the Minister shall conse- crate the wine, saying : After the same manner also our Lord Jesus Christ took the cup, when he had supped, gave thanks, and gave it to his dis- ciples, saying : Drink ye all of it ; this is my blood, the blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many, for the remission of sins. This do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. f At the discretion of the Minister he may chant or say, and the congrega- tion respond : As often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. Until he come. fl The Minister and his assistants shall partake of the cup first, and then it shall be administered to the communicants who shall again rise to receive it, while hymns are sung treating of the remission of sins in the blood of Jesus, of its healing and sanctifying power, of brotherly love, and of a present and eternal communion with Christ. In conclu- sion shall be sung a hymn pledging the communicants to faithfulness in their service of the Lord and to love among themselves, as a sign of which they shall again extend to each other the right hand of fellow- ship. Then shall follow the benediction, C 22 THE RITE OF ORDINATION. THE COMMUNION OF THE SICK. fl If several infirm or aged communicants desire to partake of this sacra- ment together, or if a sick communicant wishes to receive it in fellow- ship with his family or others, and his sickness does not forbid the singing of hymns, the usual order for the administration of the Lord's Supper shall be observed. In other cases, all things necessary being prepared, the Minister shall say: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Dearly beloved : Hear the cheering promise of your Saviour : Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them ; and the comforting words of the apostle : My con, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him. For whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Hear also what St. John writes : If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And again, Jesus says : Verily, verily I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and belie veth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation ; but is passed from death unto life. Let us pray. ^ Then kneeling the Minister shall offer prayer, after which he shall pro- ceed to consecrate and administer the elements, first to those who par- take with the sick, if such there be, and last of all to the sick person himself. Thereupon shall be said the Lord's Prayer by all that are present, and the Minister shall pronounce the following, or some other benediction : The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Amen. THE EITE OF ORDINATION. I. — THE ORDINATION OF A DEACON. fi The service shall be opened with the Te Deum Laudamus, or with an invocation by the Bishop, after which shall be sung the following, or some other hymn : L. M. Veni Creator Spiritus. Tone 22, Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire; Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who dost thy sevenfold gifts impart. THE KITE OF ORDINATION. 23 Thy blessed unction from above Is comfort, life, and fire of love. Enable with perpetual light The dullness of our blinded sight. Anoint our heart and cheer our face With the abundance of thy grace. Keep far our foes ; give peace at home : Where Thou art Guide, no ill can come. Teach us to know the Father, Son, And Thee, of both, to be but one : That through the ages all along, Thy praise may be our endless song. «[ Then shall the Bishop preach a sermon setting forth the work and obli- gations of the Ministry in general, and the duty and office of a Deacon in particular, and, after the sermon, shall deliver a charge to the candi- date for ordination. Thereupon, the candidate standing before him, the Bishop shall say and the candidate respond: Brother (here he shall name him), do you believe in the truth of the Old and X ew Testaments, as inspired by the Holy Ghost? I do. Do you trust that you have by divine grace been brought to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ ? This is my humble trust. Are you resolved to devote yourself to the work of the Ministry, and to the service of the Lord in the Church of the United Brethren ? I am. Will you diligently apply yourself to the study of the Holy Scriptures and to prayer, and declare all the counsel of God, that you may be a workman that needeth not to be ashamed ? I will, by the grace of God. Is it your sincere purpose to live according to the precepts of God's word, and to teach nothing but the truths and doc- trines contained therein, as received and taught in the Church of the United Brethren ? This is my sincere desire. Do you promise to conform to the principles, regulations and requirements of the Church of the United Brethren, as they are laid down by her Synods and constituted authorities, so long as you shall continue in the service of the same ? This I promise to do, the Lord helping me. ^ Then, all kneeling, the Bishop shall offer prayer, invoking the blessing of the Triune God upon the act of ordination which is about to be per- formed, and imploring him, in particular, that the candidate may be en- 24 THE RITE OF ORDINATION. dowed with power and unction for doing all those things which belong to the office of a Deacon, for the edification of the Church. At the close of the prayer the choir shall sing : In the name of Jesus : Amen. f Then the congregation standing, hut the candidate kneeling, the Bishop, with the imposition of hands, shall say : I ordain thee, Brother (here he shall name the candidate), to be a Deacon of the Church of the United Brethren, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ; The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee ; The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace : In the name of Jesus : Amen. fl Thereupon all shall kneel in silent prayer, at the close of which the choir shall sing the following doxology, and the congregation, still kneeling, shall join in the Amen, Hallelujah. Glory be to thy most meritorious ministry, thou servant of the true tabernacle, Who didst not come to be ministered unto, But to minister. Amen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen, Hallelujah. ^ The service shall close with the singing of a hymn, and the benediction. II. — THE ORDINATION OF A PRESBYTER. ^[ The service shall be opened in the same way as at the ordination of a Deacon. After the singing of the Veni Creator Spiritus. or of some other hymn, the Bishop shall preach a sermon, setting forth the work and obligations of the Ministry in general, and the duty and office of a Presbyter in particular, and deliver a charge to the candidate for ordina- tion. Thereupon, the candidate standing before him, the Bishop shall say and the candidate respond : Brother (here he shall name him), do you abide by the senti- ments and purposes which you solemnly avowed at your ordi- nation as a Deacon of the Church ? I do. Will you continue faithfully to administer the word and sacraments, to exercise the discipline of the church, and in every way, to fulfill the functions of your pastoral office, that souls may be won for Christ, and built up on their most holy faith ? I will THE RITE OF ORDINATION. 25 Having recognized in your past experience the importance of upholding the principles and regulations of the Church of the United Brethren, as they are laid down by its Synods, will you faithfully observe them, and as much as lies in your power guard against any violation of the same ? I will, God being my helper. ^ Then, all kneeling, the Bishop shall offer prayer, invoking the blessing of the Triune God upon the act of ordination which is about to be per- formed, and imploring him, in particular, that the candidate may be en- dowed with power and unction for preaching the word of God, for ad- ministering the sacraments, and for doing all those things which belong to. the office of a Presbyter, for the edification of the Church. At the close of the prayer the choir shall sing : In the name of Jesus : Amen. fl Then, the congregation standing, but the candidate kneeling, the Bishop with the imposition of hands, shall say : I ordain thee, Brother (here he shall name the candidate), to be a Presbyter of the church of the United Brethren, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ; The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee ; The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace : In the name of Jesus : Amen. ^ At the close of the silent prayer the choir shall sing the following dox ology, and the congregation, still kneeling, shall join in the Amen* Hallelujah. Glory be to thy most holy priesthood, Christ, thou Lamb of God ; Thou who wast slain for us ; Who by one offering hast perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Amen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen, Hallelujah. ^| The service shall be closed with the singing of a hymn, and the benediction. III. — THE CONSECRATION OF A BISHOP. ' If possible, not less than three Bishops shall take part in the consecration of a Bishop. The service shall be opened with the Church Litany, or a part thereof, and the singing of the Vent Creator Spiritus, or of some other hymn. Thereupon, one of the Bishops shall preach a sermon setting forth the work and obligation of the Ministry in general, and the duty and office of a Bishop in particular, and another Bishop, or the same Bishop, shall deliver a charge to the Bishop elect. Then, all kneeling, the presiding Bishop shall offer prayer, invoking the blessing of the Triune God upon the act of consecration which is about to be 26 THE LAYING OF A CORNER-STONE. performed, and imploring him, in particular, to endow the Bishop elect with power and unction for ordaining his brethren, with diligence and zeal for doing all other things which belong to the episcopal office, and with wisdom and grace for edifying the church and setting a holy ex- ample to its ministry. At the close of the prayer the choir shall sing : In the name of Jesus, Amen. ^ Then, the congregation standing, each of the officiating Bishops shall lay his right hand upon the head of the Bishop elect who kneels before them, and the presiding Bishop shall say : We consecrate thee, Brother (here he shall name him), to be a Bishop of the Church of the United Brethren, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee ; The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee ; The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace ; In the name of Jesus ; Amen. fl Thereupon, all shall kneel in silent prayer, at the close of which the choir shall sing the following doxology, and the congregation, still kneeling, shall join in the Amen, Hallelujah. Glory be to the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, The great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the ever- lasting covenant ; Glory and obedience be unto God the Holy Ghost, our Guide and Comforter; Glory and adoration be to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Father of all who are called children on earth and in heaven. might each pulse thanksgiving beat, And every breath his praise repeat. Amen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen, Hallelujah. ^ The service shall end with the singing of a hymn, and the doxology which follows the Litauy (page 7) ; or, instead of the doxology, merely with the benediction. THE LAYING OF A COKNEK-STONE. fl The service may be opened with the Te Deum Laudamus, or with the Canticle of Praise, or with an Invocation. Then shall be sung a hymn, after which shall be read the ninty-sixth Psalm, or some other portion of Scripture. An address, or several addresses, shall follow. Thereupon, the Pastor of the church shall read the document appointed for such occasions, and put it into the corner-stone, as well as all the other articles which the same is to contain, naming them, as he does so, one by one. Then shall be sung the following hymn : THE LAYING OF A CORXER-STOXE. 27 L. M. Tune 22. This stone to thee in faith we lay, We build the temple, Lord, to thee ; Thine eye be open night and day, To guard this house and sanctuary. Here when thy people seek thy face, And dying sinners pray to live, Hear, thou, in heaven, thy dwelling-place, And when thou hearest, oh forgive. Here, when thy messengers proclaim The blessed gospel of thy Son, Still, by the power of his great name, Be mighty signs and wonders done. Thy glory never hence depart: Yet choose not, Lord, this house alone ; Thy kingdom come to every heart, In every bosom fix thy throne. % Here the Bishop, or, if no Bishop be present, the Pastor of the Church, or some other Minister appointed by him, shall lay the slone in its place, saying and the congregation responding: Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. Our help is in the name of the Lord, wJw made heaven and earth. tf Then, taking a hammer, he shall say, and the congregation respond: I lay the corner-stone of a church, (or chapel,) to be here erected by (here he shall name the congregation for ichose use it is to be built), and to be set apart. for the worship of the Triune God agreeably to the ritual and usages of the Church of the United Brethren, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. ^[ Ilere he shall thrice strike with the hammer upon the corner-stone. Then each of the Ministers present shall in like manner strike thrice upon the corner-stone, repeating the words : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost : Amen. ^ Thereupon the Bishop, or the officiating Minister, shall offer prayer, and the service shall close with a hymn and the benediction. 28 CONSECRATION OF A CHURCH OR CHAPEL. THE CONSECRATION OF A CHURCH OR CHAPEL. ^f The service may be opened with an anthem of praise by the choir, during the singing of which the Bishop and Ministers present may enter in procession, taking their places around the communion table. Then, all standing, one of the Ministers shall say, and the congregation respond : PSALM XXIV. The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein : For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord ? or who shall stand in his holy place ? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteous- ness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him y that seek thy face, Jacob. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ; and be ye lifted up, ye ever- lasting doors ; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory f The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ; even lift them up, ye ever- lasting doors ; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory f The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. f Then may be eung the following hymn : C. M. • Tune 14. Arise, king of grace, arise, And enter to thy rest $ Behold, thy Church, with longing eyes, Waits to be owned and blest. Enter with all thy glorious train, Thy Spirit, and thy Word ; All that the ark did once contain Could no such grace afford. Here, mighty God, accept our vows ; Here let thy praise be spread ; Bless the provisions of thy house, And fill thy poor with bread. Here let the son of David reign, Let God's anointed shine ; Justice and truth his court maintain, With love and power divine. THE SOLEMNIZATION OF MATRIMONY. 29 ^ Here shall be prayed the Te Deum Laudamus, all standing, after which the Bishop, or, if no Bishop be present, the Minister appointed to per- form the act of consecration, shall read the eighty-fourth Psalm, and Solomon's prayer at the consecration of the temple, as found in 1 Kings viii. 22-53. Then shall be sung the following hymn : L. M. Tune 22. thou, who didst the temple fill With thy resplendent, awful train, The glory of thine Israel still, Appear in those bright robes again. In us, and round about us shine, Here cause us to behold thy face ; Oh,* make this tabernacle thine ! Oh, sanctify this holy place ! •ff Thereupon, all standing, the Bishop, or, if no Bishop be present, the Min. ister appointed to perform the act of consecration, shall say : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, I consecrate this church, (or chapel,) to the worship of the Triune God, agreeably to the ritual and usages of the Church of the United Brethren. Let us pray. •ft Here he shall offer the prayer of consecration, imploring God to own and bless the reading and the preaching of his word, the baptism of infants and those of riper years, the renewal of the baptismal covenant in the rite of confirmation, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the solemniza- tion of matrimony, and all other services that will be neld in the church, (or chapel,) to the good of souls, the spread of his kingdom, and the glory of his name. After the prayer of consecration, another anthem of praise may be sung by the choir. Then shall follow the sermon by the Minister appointed to preach it, and the service shall be closed with the singing of a hymn, and the doxology which follows the Litany (page 7), or with a short prayer and the bene- diction. THE SOLEMNIZATION OF MATRIMONY. tf The persons to be married shall stand before the Minister with their wit- nesses, the man on the right hand and the woman on the left. The Minister shall then say : Dearly Beloved : We are here assembled, in the presence of God and these witnesses, to join together this man (here he shall mention the mart s name) and this woman (here he shall mention the woman 's name) in holy matrimony, which is com- mended by the Apostle to be honorable among all men ; and, therefore, is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discreetly, and in the fear of God. In holy writ we are taught : 30 THE SOLEMNIZATION OF MATRIMONY. That matrimony was instituted by God himself, and is, therefore, an holy estate ; That, according to the ordinance of God, a man and his wife shall be one flesh ; That, under the New Covenant, the married state hath been sanctified, to be an emblem of Christ and his church ; That the husband, as the head of the wife, should love her, even as Christ also loveth the church ; and that the wife be subject to her own husband in the Lord, as the church is sub- ject unto Christ ; ' That, in consequence, Christians thus united together, should love one another, as one in the Lord, be faithful one to the other, assist each other mutually, and never forsake one another. Into this holy estate these two persons come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, according to the word of God and the laws of this State, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace. fl Then the Minister shall say to the man, addressing him by name : Wilt thou have this woman {here he shall name her) here present to thy wedded wife, to live together, after God's ordi- nance, in the holy estate of matrimony ? Wilt thou love her, honor her, and care for her ; and, through the grace of God, approve thyself unto her, in every respect, a faithful Chris- tian husband, so long as ye both shall live ? If this is thy desire, then answer and say, " I will." fl Then shall the man answer and say : I will. f In like manner the Minister shall say to the woman, addressing her by name : Wilt thou have this man {here he shall name him) here present, to thy wedded husband, to live together, after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony ? Wilt thou love him, honor him, and be subject unto him in the Lord ; and, through the grace of God, approve thyself unto him, in every respect, a faithful Christian wife, so long as ye both shall live? If this is thy desire, then answer and say, "I will." fl Then shall the woman answer and say : I will. % If a ring be used, the man shall here give the ring to the woman, which the Minister taking from her shall deliver again to the man, and say : Let this ring be the sign and the token of this holy vow. Take it, and place it upon the finger of this woman and say : With this ring I thee wed. THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD. 31 ^ Then the Minister shall say : For as much, then, as ye have thus consented to live together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and these witnesses, we exhort you, that ye enter upon the estate of matrimony in the name of the Lord, and that ye live therein according to the precepts of his holy word. Let us pray : O Lord, our God ! who thyself hast instituted and blessed the estate of matrimony, sanctifying the same, under the New Covenant, to be an emblem of Christ and his church, we be- seech thee, graciously to look upon these two persons, who are about to be united in holy wedlock. Grant, that they may enter upon, and continue in this estate, in thy name. Replen- ish their hearts with thy love, and enable them to be faithful one to the other, and thus to live together in perfect love and peace. Sanctify and bless their union ; vouchsafe unto them the guidance of thy Holy Spirit, and teach them to do that which is well pleasing in thy sight, through Jesus Christ, our Lord: Amen. ^ Here the Minister shall join their right hands, and say : In the name of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, I now join you together to live in holy wedlock, as husband and wife. What God hath joined together let not man put asunder. Receive ye the blessing of the Lord : — The Lord bless you, and keep you ; The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you ; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace : In the name of Jesus : Amen. THE BUEIAL OF THE DEAD. r The following may he used in the house of mourning, previously to the burial of the dead, or, at the discretion of the Minister, before the ad- dress in the church. All standing, the Minister shall say and the congregation respond: O Lord our God, in whom we live, and move, and have our being, Have mercy upon us. 32 THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD, O Lord our God, who turnest man to destruction ; and say- est, Beturn, ye children of men, Be gracious unto us. O Lord our God, who doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men, Bless and comfort us, we humbly pray. Holy Father, accept us as thy children in thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who came forth from thee, and came into the world, was made flesh, and dwelt among us, took on him the form of a servant, and hath redeemed us lost and undone human creatures from all sin and from death, with his holy and precious blood, and with his innocent suffering and dying ; to the end that we should be his own, and in his kingdom live under him and serve him, in eternal righteousness, innocence, and happiness ; forasmuch as he, being risen from the dead, liveth and reigneth, world without end : Amen. ^[ Then shall the Minister say one, or more, of the following texts : Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down ; he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. The days of our years are threescore years and ten ; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow ; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. [As touching children, Jesus saith : Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not ; for of such is the king- dom of heaven.] Thou Saviour of the world/ So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto ivisdom. None of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself; for whether we live, we live unto the Lord, and whether we die, we die unto the Lord ; whether we live therefore or die, we are the Lord's : for to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. Lord, what wait we for t our hope is in thee. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame, he remem- bereth that we are dust. The Lord raiseth them that are bowed down. He relieveth the fatherless and widow. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. The mercy of the Lord, is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children* THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD. 33 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort, who com- forteth us in all our tribulation. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be his glorious name forever. Glorv be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost ; As it teas in the beginning, is now, and ever shall 6e, world without end : Amen. % ^ Then, there shall follow a hymn, a prayer, and a short discourse, at the discretion of the Minister. At the grave the funeral procession shall dispose itself in proper order, and then the Minister shall say, the congregation responding : Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, hear us. Lord God, our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as ice forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever: Amen. Lord God, Son, thou Saviour of the world, Be gracious unto us. By thy human birth, By thy prayers and tears, By all the troubles of thy life, By the grief "and anguish of thy soul, By thine agony and bloody sweat, By thy bonds and scourgings, By thy crown of thorns, By thine ignominious crucifixion, By thy sacred wounds and precious blood, By thy atoning death, By thy rest in the grave, By thy glorious resurrection and ascension, By thy sitting at the right hand of God, By thy divine presence, By thy coming again to thy church on earth, or our being called home to thee, Bless and. comfort us, gracim/s Lord and God. 34 THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD. Lord God, Holy Ghost, Abide with us for ever. I am the Eesurrection and the Life, saith the Lord ; he that belie veth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Therefore, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth ; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors. O death, where is thy sting ? O grave, where is thy victory ? The sting of (Jeath is sin ; and the strength of sin is the law ; but thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. fl Then, while the body is committed to the grave, shall be sung one of the following hymns : C. M. Tune 14. Now to the earth let these remains In hope committed be, Until the body changed attains Blest immortality. The body here to rest we lay Within its silent bed, Till Jesus comes, at the last day, And earth gives up her dead. We poor sinners pray. Hear us, gracious Lord and God; And keep us in everlasting fellowship with the church tri- umphant, and let us rest together in thy presence from our labors. Amen. Glory be to him who is the Eesurrection and the Life, who quickeneth us, while in this dying state, and, after we have obtained the true life, doth not suffer us to die any more. Glory be to him in the church which waiteth for him, and in that which is around him, for ever and ever. Amen. L. M. Tune 22. The Saviour's blood and righteousness My beauty is, my glorious dress ; Thus well arrayed I need not fear, When in his presence I appear. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all. Amen. LITURGICAL SERVICES CHURCH SEASONS. [Note. — These Liturgical Services are intended for use, at the discretion of the Minister, in the morning or evening service of the days named. If used in the morning, they shall take the place of the Litany, and be followed hy the sermon ; if in the evening, they shall be followed by a sermon or a short address. The italic type indicates the responses of the congregation. Some of the hymns have been arranged to be sung antiphonally by the Minister, the choir, and the congregation. Should this be, found impracti- cable, these hymns may be sung by all.] THE FIEST SUNDAY IX ADVENT. 7s & 63. Tune 151. All. — Hail to the Lord's anointed ! Great David's greater Son ! Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun ! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free ; To take away transgression, And rule in equity. Choir. — He comes with succor speedy To those who suffer wrong ; To help the poor and needy, And bid the weak be strong ; To give them songs for sighing, Their darkness turn to light, Whose souls, condemned and dying, Were precious in his sight. All. — O'er every foe victorious, He on his throne shall rest; From age to age more glorious, All blessing and all blest : The tide of time shall never His covenant remove : His name shall stand forever, That name to us is Love. 35 36 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Sing, O heaven, and be joyful, O earth, for the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together ; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it ! Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion ; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem ; behold thy King cometh unto thee : He is just and having salvation ! Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visited and re- deemed his people ; and hath raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David : As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began : That we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all that hate us : To perform the mercy promised unto the fathers, and to remember his holy covenant : That he would grant unto us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life. L. M. * Tune 22. Minister. — Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates, Behold the King of glory waits ; The King of kings is drawing near, The Saviour of the world is here. Choir. — The Lord is just, a helper tried, Mercy is ever at his side ; His kingly crown is holiness, His sceptre, pity in distress. All. — blest the land, the city blest, Where Christ the ruler is confessed : happy hearts and happy homes, To whom this King of triumph comes. Behold, his tabernacle shall be with men ; yea, he will be their God, and they shall be his people. The voice of the herald cries : Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. 7s & 6s. Tune 151. Choir. — Oh, how shall I receive thee, How greet thee, Lord, aright ? All nations long to see thee, My hope, my heart's delight ! All. — kindle, Lord, most holy, Thy lamp within my breast, To do in spirit lowly All that may please thee best. ADVENT. 37 Thy Zion palms is strewing. And branches fresh and fair ; My heart, its powers renewing, An anthem shall prepare; My soul puts off its sadness, Thy glories to proclaim ; With all her strength and gladness She fain would serve thy name. Justice and judgment are the habitation of Thy throne, O God : mercy and truth shall go before thy face. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound. They shall ivalk, Lord, in the light of thy countenance. A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench ; he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong and fear not. Behold your God will come and save you. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd. He shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom. S. M. Tune 595. Saviour of our race, Welcome indeed thou art, Blessed Redeemer, fount of grace, To this my longing heart ! Therefore, rejoice in God, your Saviour ! For he that is mighty, hath done great things, and holy is his name. Through the tender mercy of our God, the Day-spring from on high hath visited us, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet in the way of peace. ^[ Here the children shall sing the Hosanna, or some other appropriate anthem ; after which the congregation shall sing : 8s & 7s. ^ Tune 167. Hail, thou long expected Jesus, Born to set thy people free ; From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in thee. Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth thou art ; Dear desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. Born thy people to deliver, Born a Child, and yet a King, Born to reign in us forever, Now thy gracious kingdom bring. By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone ; By thine all-sufficient merit, Raise us to thy glorious throne. 38 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Blessed be thou that dwellest between the cherubim, and graciously regardest them of low estate! Praise the Lord, for he is good, and his mercy endureth for ever. His mercy endureth for ever ! Grace be with you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. The God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, make us perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle us ! To him be glory and power > from everlasting to everlasting : Amen. 8s, 7s & 4s. Tune 585 . All. — Praise to thee, Lord, we render, For thy love in Jesus shown ; May that love, so strong and tender, Bind us fast to him alone ; Choir. — Now and ever, All. — Now and ever, Gather us among thine own. THE SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT. S. M. Tune 582. All. — And will the judge descend ? And must the dead arise, And not a single soul escape His all-discerning eyes ? How will my heart endure The terrors of that day, When earth and heaven before his face, Astonished, shrink away? S. M. Tune 595. Minister. — But ere the trumpet shakes The mansions of the dead, Hark ! from the gospel's cheering sound, What joyful tidings spread ! Choir. — Ye sinners, seek his grace Whose wrath ye cannot bear ; Fly to the shelter of his cross, And find salvation there. I believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God, by whom are all things, and we through him : I believe that he was made flesh, and dwelt among us ; and took on him the form of a servant : By the overshadowing of SECOND ADVENT. 39 the Holy Ghost, was conceived of the Virgin Mary ; as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself like- wise took part of the same ; was born of a woman : and being found in fashion as a man, was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin. For he is the Lord, the messenger of the covenant, whom we delight in. The Lord and his Spirit have sent him to pro- claim the acceptable year of the Lord : he spoke that which he did know, and testified that which he had seen : as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God. This I most certainly believe. 8s, 6s & 8s. Tune 79. God, mine inmost soul convert, And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things impress ; Give me to feel their solemn weight, To tremble on the brink of fate, And to awake to righteousness. Before me place in dread array The pomp of that tremendous day, When thou with clouds shalt come, To judge the nations at thy bar : And tell me, Lord, shall I be there, To meet from thee a joyful doom? For the Lord will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, to judge both the quick and the dead. For the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth to judgment. Then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory, and all the holy angels with him, and before him shall be gathered all nations. This I most certainly believe. But who may abide the day of his coming ? And who shall stand when he appeareth ? L. M. Tune 22. Jesus, thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress ; 'Midst naming worlds, in these arrayed, With joy shall I lift up my head. Bold shall I stand in thy great day, For who aught to my charge shall lay? Fully through these absolved I am From sin and fear, from guilt and shame. 40 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him : behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. 8s, 7s & 4s. Tune 585. Minister. — Lo, he cometh ! countless trumpets Christ's appearance usher in : Choir. — 'Midst ten thousand saints and angels, See our Judge and Saviour shine : All. — Hallelujah ! Welcome, welcome, Lamb once slain ! For since by man came death, by man came also the resur- rection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father ; when he shall have put down all rule, and all authority, and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall God be all in all. This I most certainly believe. 6s, 7s & 6s. Tdne 146. Minister. — The Spirit and the bride " come !" are now entreating : Choir. — Let all who hear their voice " come !" be loud repeating. All. — Amen, Lord Jesus, come ! We wait in faith for thee ; Soon, we implore thee, come, Thy glory let us see. By thy atoning death, By thy rest in the grave, By thy glorious resurrection and ascension, By thy sitting at the right hand of God, By thy sending the Holy Ghost, By thy prevailing intercession, By the holy sacraments, By thy divine presence, By thy coming again to thy church on earth, or our being called home to thee, Bless and comfort us, gracious Lord and God. 7s k 6s. Tune 151. Choir. — Rejoice, rejoice, believers, And let your lights appear; CHRISTMAS DAY. 41 The evening is advancing, And darker night is near : The bridegroom is arising, And soon he will draw nigh : Up, pray, and watch, and wrestle, At midnight comes the cry. All. — Our hope and expectation, Jesus, now appear; Arise, thou sun so longed for, O'er this benighted sphere. With hearts and hands uplifted, We plead, Lord, to see The day of earth's redemption, And ever be with thee. Xow the very God of peace sanctify you wholly ; and I pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body, be preserved blameless unto the corning of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 8s, 7s & 4s. Tune 585. Jesus comes on clouds triumphant, When the heavens shall pass away ; Jesus comes again in glory; Let us then our homage pay, Hallelujah ! ever singing, Till the dawn of endless day. r On the Third and Fourth Sunday in Advent the same Service may be used as on the First Sunday. See page 35. CHRISTMAS DAY. C. M. Tune 593. Joy to the world, the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King : Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing. Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns , Let men their songs employ: While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. and the Word was God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. Holy, holy, holy is God the Lord, the Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us, and they 42 LITURGICAL SERVICES. that were his beheld his glory, the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. For the law was given by Moses, But grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. No man hath seen God at any time ; The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. • In him was life, and the life was the light of men. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own re- ceived him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name : which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. He is before all things, and by him all things consist. He up- holdeth all things by the word of his power, being the brightness of God's glory, and the express image of his person. S. M. Tune 595. Saviour of our race, Welcome indeed thou art, Blessed Redeemer, fount of grace, To this my longing heart. Light of the world, abide Through faith within my heart : Leave me to seek no other guide, Nor e'er from thee depart. Thou art the life, Lord ! Sole light of life Thou art ! Let not thy glorious rays be poured In vain on my dark heart. fl Then shall all unite in the Gloria in Excelsis. Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will toward men. We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory. O Lord God, heavenly king, God the Father Almighty : O Lord, the Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holv ; thou only art the Lord ; Thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. , CHRISTMAS DAY. 43 lis. Tune 39. Choir. — Come hither, ye faithful, triumphantly sing ; Come see in the manger the angels' dread King ! To Bethlehem hasten, with joyful accord; come ye, come hither, to worship the Lord ! All — True Son of the Father, he comes from the skies ; To be born of a virgin he doth not despise : To Bethlehem hasteu, with joyful accord; come ye, come hither, to worship the Lord ! To thee, then, Jesus, this day of thy birth, Be glory and honor through heaven and earth. True Godhead incarnate, omnipotent Word ! come, let us hasten to worship the Lord ! Glory be to thee, Lord God our Father, Thou Father of mercies, and God of all comfort, In that thou hast chosen us in Jesus Christ, our Lord, before the foundation of the world. Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. Thou hast blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Thou hast delivered us from the power of darkness, and hast translated us into the kingdom of thy dear Son. In him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; he is the true God, and eternal life. By himself hath he reconciled all things unto himself, whether they be things on earth, or things in heaven. O thou, who art the one God and Father of all, and who hast adopted us as children in Jesus Christ, thy Son, in whom we have redemption, even the forgiveness of our sins, quicken us, we beseech thee, who have been dead in trespasses and sins. For the sake of the great love wherewith thou hast loved us, make us to live in Christ our Lord. O Immanuel, thou Saviour of the world, Manifest thyself to us. By thy holy incarnation, By thy human birth, By thy pure and gracious childhood, By thy obedience and diligence, By thy humility, meekness and patience, By thy extreme poverty, By thy griefs and sorrows, By thy prayers and tears, By thy having been despised and rejected, 44 LITURGICAL SERVICES. By thy cross and passion, By thy death and burial, By thy glorious resurrection and ascension, Help us and save us. May we all, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, be changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. lis. Tune 39. To God our Immanuel, made flesh as we are, Our friend, our redeemer, and brother most dear, Be honor and glory : let with one accord All people say, Amen ! Give praise to the Lord. EPIPHANY. ^ The following Service may likewise be used at a Mission Festival. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, hear us. Lord God, our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come; thy will be done in earthy as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever : Amen. Lord God, Son, thou Saviour of the world, Be gracious unto us. Lord God, Holy Ghost, Abide with us for ever. 7s. Tune 205. From the vast and veiled throng, Round the Father's heavenly throne, Swells the everlasting song : Glory be to God alone ! Hound Immanuel's cross of pain Mortal men, in tribes unknown, Sing to him who once was slain : Glory be to God alone ! Blend, ye raptured songs, in one, Men redeemed, your Father own ; Angels, worship ye the Son : Glory be to God alone ! EPIPHANY. 45 Spirit, 'tis within thy light, Streaming far from cross and throne, Earth and heaven their songs unite : Glory be to God alone ! When lie hath made his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied : by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many ; for he shall bear their iniquities. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he -shall divide the spoil with the strong : because he hath poured out his soul unto death. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name ; that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth ; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 7s & 6s. Tune 151. Arabia's desert ranger To him shall bow the knee ; The Ethiopian stranger His glory come to see : With offerings of devotion Ships from the isles shall meet, To pour the wealth of ocean In tribute at his feet. Kings shall fall down before him, And gold and incense bring ; All nations shall adore him, His praise all people sing : For he shall have dominion O'er river, sea and shore, Far as the eagle's pinion, Or dove's light wing, can soar. How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things. Their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the end of the earth. The Lord gave the word : Great teas the company of those that published it. 46 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Lift up your eyes, and look upon the fields, for they are white already to harvest. The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers into his harvest. Thus saith the Lord, I have set watchmen upon thy walls, Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night : ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence. Lift up thine eyes round about, and see : all they gather themselves together, they come to thee : thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side. Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged ; because the abundance of the sea shall be con- verted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee. Surely the isles shall wait for me, saith the Lord of Sabaoth, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, unto the name of the Lord thy God, and to the Holy One of Israel, because he hath glorified thee. 7s. Tune 11. Hark, the distant isles proclaim Glory to Messiah's name ,• Hymns of praise, unheard before, Echo from the farthest shore. Hearts, that once were taught to own Idol gods of wood and stone, Now to light and life restored, Honor Jesus as their Lord. Behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross dark- ness the people : but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. Arise, shine ; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. 8s, 7s & 4s. m Tune 585. Yes, we trust the day is breaking, Joyful times are near at hand, God, the mighty God, is speaking By his word, in every land. Mark his progress, Darkness flies at his command. While the foe becomes more daring, While he " enters like a flood,'' EPIPHANY. 47 God the Saviour is preparing Means to spread his truth abroad ; Every language Soon shall tell the love of God. Hear us, gracious Lord and God : And bless our and all other Christian congregations gathered from among the heathen ; keep them as the apple of thine eye. Let them be a light unto them which sit in darkness and in the region and shadow of death. Have mercy on thine ancient covenant-people ; deliver them from their blindness. Oh that Ishmael might live before thee ! S. M. Tune 595. Send thou thy servants forth, To call the Hebrews home ; From west and east, and south and north, Let all the wanderers come. "With Israel's myriads sealed, Let all the nations meet ; And show thy mystery fulfilled, Thy family complete. r The Minister and the entire congregation, all standing, shall pray : Thou light and desire of all nations, Watch over thy messengers both by land and sea; Accompany the word of their testimony concerning thy atone- ment with demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 8s, 7s & 4s. Tune 585. "Who but thou, almighty Spirit, Can the heathen world reclaim ? Men may preach, but till thou favor, Heathens still will be the same : Mighty Spirit, Witness to the Saviour's name. Thou knowest where they dwell, and wherein they labor; and that they are keeping the word of thy patience. In the hour of temptation do thou keep them; and let* thy holy name be named upon them : preserve them in times of danger and distress. Let them find comfort in the fellowship and intercessions of the churches which have sent them forth in obedience to thy call. May the fire of thy love awaken and preserve amongst us the spirit of the great cloud of witnesses, who loved not their life unto the death. Bless us all, both them and us, and make of us a blessing. Amen. 48 LITURGICAL SERVICES. 8s, 7s & 4s. Tune 585. When exposed to fearful dangers, Jesus will his own defend ; Borne afar 'mid foes and strangers, Jesus will appear your friend And his presence Shall be with you to the end. Behold, a great multitude, which no man can number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, who are before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and, thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. THE SEASON OF LENT. O Thou Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the world, Give unto us thy peace. Lord God, our Father in heaven, thou hast manifested thy great love toward us, because that thou hast sent thy Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins. We give thee thanks, that thou hast made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of saints in light, having delivered us from the power of darkness, and translated us into the king- dom of thy dear Son : In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgive- ness of sins. L. M. Tune 22. Choir. — Give to our God immortal praise; Mercy and truth are all his ways : Wonders of grace to God belong, Kepeat his mercies in your song. All. — He sent his Son with power to save From guilt, from darkness, and the grave : "Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. Lord God, Son, thou Saviour of the world, forasmuch as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, thou didst also thyself likewise take part of the same, that through death thou might- est destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. Thou wast in all things made like unto thy brethren, that thou mightest be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things THE SEASON OF LENT. 49 pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. Thou wast despised and rejected of men ; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Thou wast wounded for our trans- gressions ; thou wast bruised for our iniquities ; The chastisement of our peace icas upon thee; and with thy stripes are we healed. l.M. Tune 22. Maker of all things, Lord our God, Now veiled in feeble flesh and blood, To reconcile and set us free From endless woe and misery ; What heights, what depths of love divine In thy blest incarnation shine ! Let heaven and earth unite their lays, To magnify thy boundless grace. Lord God, Holy Ghost, thou didst descend and abide upon him ; thou didst anoint him to preach the gospel to the poor ; to heal the broken-hearted; to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind ; to set at liberty tli em that are bruised ; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. In him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. 7s. Tuxe 581. Choir. — Now with angels round the throne, Cherubim and seraphim, And the church which still is one, Let us swell the solemn hymn : Glory to the great I am ! Glory to the slaughtered Lamb ! All. — Blessing, honor, glory, might, And dominion infinite, To the Father of our Lord, To the Spirit and the Word; As it was all worlds before, Is, and shall be evermore. From the sin of unbelief, From all defilement of the flesh and spirit, From all self-righteousness, From every neglect of our duty, From ingratitude and selfishness, From lukewarmness, From all indifference to thy meritorious life and death, Deliver us, gracious Lord and God. 50 LITURGICAL SERVICES. 7 s & 6s. Tune 151. What language shal 1 I borrow To thank thee, dearest friend, For all thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end ! Oh, should I leave thee ever, Then do not thou leave me : Lord, let me never, never, Outlive my love to thee. By thy holy incarnation and birth ; thine early exile ; thy pure and blameless childhood; thy willing obedience; thy humility, meekness and patience; thy faithfulness in thine earthly calling ; thy perfect life before God and man, Help us, Christ, to dedicate both soul and body to thy service. Thy tears and agony, thy crown of thorns and cross, Lead us to repentance for our sins. By thy willing sacrifice of thyself even unto death, Make known to us the mystery of thy love, 10s & 7s. Tune 185. Lamb of God, thou shalt remain for ever Of our songs the only theme ; Eor thy boundless love, thy grace and favor, We will praise thy saving name : That for our transgressions thou wast wounded, Shall by us in nobler strains be sounded, When we, perfected in love, Once shall join the church above. Into thine open arms stretched out upon the cross, Receive us all. In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time ; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me ; Lo, it glows with peace and joy. When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, Erom the cross the radiance streaming Adds more lustre to the day. Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified : Peace is there, that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. * Tune 167. EASTER. 51 By all thy sacred wounds and precious blood, By thine innocent suffering and dying, By thy rest in the grave, By thy glorious resurrection and ascension, Bless us and save us, Christ, our Redeemer. C. M. Tune 14. There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Ininianuel's veins ; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. Fulfill in us thy prayer that all who love thee may be one, as thou art in the Father, and the Father in thee. Hear us and help, us, gracious Saviour. Thou hast declared unto us the Father's name, that the love wherewith he hath loved thee may be in us, And thou in us. Christ, and Him Crucified, Remain our confession of faith. Tune 519. Minister. — Most Holy Lord and God, Holy, Almighty God, Choir. — Holy and most merciful Saviour, Thou eternal God ! All. — Grant that we may never Lose the comforts of thy death : Have mercy, Lord. <|[ In place of this hymn, may be sung the following : C. M. Tune 593. Thou art the way, the truth, the life : Grant us that way to know ; That truth to keep : that life to win, Whose joys eternal flow. EASTER. 7s & 6s. Tune 151. Choir. — The day of resurrection, Earth, tell it out abroad : The passover of gladness, The passover of God. All. — From death to life eternal, From earth unto the sky, Our Christ hath brought us over, With hymns of victory. 52 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Our hearts be pure from evil, That we may see aright The Lord in rays eternal Of resurrection-light; And, listening to his accents, May hear, so calm and plain, His own, "All hail V and, hearing, May raise the victor-strain. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, according to his abundant mercy, hath begotten us again unto a lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead ; — unto an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved for us in heaven. # Blessing, and honor, and glory, and 'power, be unto Mm. that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever. He was delivered for our offences : And was raised again for our justification. Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect ? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth ? It is Christ that died; yea rather, that is risen again; who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ ? Shall tri- bulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword ? Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors, through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. 8s & 7s. Tune 167. Choir. — Hallelujah! hallelujah! Hearts to heaven and voices raise ; Sing to God a hymn of gladness, Sing to God a hymn of praise; Minister. — He, who on the cross a victim For the world's salvation bled, Jesus Christ, the King of glory, Now is risen from the dead. All. — Christ is risen, Christ the first-fruits Of the holy harvest field, Which will all its full abundance At his second coming yield ; EASTER. 53 Then the golden ears of harvest Will their heads before him wave, Ripened by his glorious sunshine From the furrows of the grave. If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affections on things above, and not on things on the earth. Like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so let us walk in newness of life. For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself; for whether we live, we live unto the Lord, and whether we die, we die unto the Lord ; Whether we live, therefore, or die, we are the Lord's : for to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. As we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. It is sown in corruption, Lt is raised in incorruption : It is sown in dishonor, Lt is raised in glory : It is sown in weakness, Lt is raised in power: It is sown a natural body, Lt is raised a spiritual body. Brethren, I would not have you to be ignorant concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 7s, Ss & 7s. Tune 83. Choir. — What now sickens, mourns, and sighs, Christ with him in glory bringeth; Earthly is the seed and dies, Heavenly from the grave it springeth : Xatural is the death we die, Spiritual our life on high. All. — Saviour, draw away our heart Xow from pleasures base and hollow, Let us there with thee have part, Here on earth thy footsteps follow; Fix our heart beyond the skies, Whither we ourselves would rise. r Instead of this, the following hymn may be sung: E 54 LITURGICAL SERVICES. 8s, 6s & 8s. Tune 79. Choir. — Children of God, look up and see Your Saviour, clothed with majesty, Triumphant o'er the tomb : Cease, cease to grieve, cast off your fears, In heaven your mansions he prepares, And soon will come to take you home. All. — His church is still his joy and crown, He looks with love and pity down On her he did redeem : The members of that church he knows, He shares their joys and feels their woes, And they shall ever reign with him. Glory be to him who is the resurrection and the life, even Jesus Christ our Lord ; — the faithful and the true witness, the first-born from among the dead, the prince of the kings of the earth. For the kingdoms of this world shall become the king- doms of our Lord and of his Christ : And he shall reign forever and ever, King of kings and Lord of lords. Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you per- fect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ : To whom be glory for ever and ever : Amen. WHIT-SUNDAY. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth ! Sing his praise in the congregation of the saints, for he hath done mar- vellous things ! Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord ! Who can show forth his praise ! 7s. Tune 205. All. — Hail the joyful day's return, Hail the Pentacostal morn, Morn when our ascended Head On his church the Spirit shed. Choib. — Like to cloven tongues of flame, On the twelve the Spirit came ; Tongues, that earth may hear the call ; Fire, that love may burn in all. WHIT-SUNDAY. 55 6s, 7s & 6s. Tune 146. All praise and thanks to God, The Father, now be given j The Son, and Him who reigns With them in highest heaven ; The one eternal God, Whom heaven and earth adore : For thus it was, is now, And shall be evermore. Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness ! Let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation ; and let righteousness spring up together. Thou, Lord, hast created it : Hallelujah / O God, when thou wentest forth before thy people, when thou didst march through the wilderness, the earth shook, the heavens also dropped, even Sinai itself was moved at the pre- sence of God, the God of Israel. But now T , O God, thou dost send a gracious rain, and dost confirm thine inheritance that is weary. Thou hast prepared of thy goodness for the poor. The heavens shall praise thy ivonders, Lord; thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints. Let us praise the Lord ! 8s & 7s. Tune 167. Minister. — From that height which knows no measure As a gracious shower descend, Choir. — Bringing down the richest treasure Man can wish or God can send. All. — Author of the new creation ! Come with unction and with power; Make our hearts thy habitation ; On our souls thy graces shower. Thus saith the Lord : And it shall come to pass that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the in- habitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and supplications; and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son. 8s & 7s. Tune 167. All. — Come, thou witness of his dying, Come, remembrancer divine ! Let us feel thy power, applying Christ to every soul and mine ; Let us groan thine inward groaning, Look on him we pierced, and grieve ; All receive the grace atoning, All the sprinkled blood receive. 56 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Choir. — Hath the Holy Ghost been holden By those ancient saints alone ? Only may the ages olden Call the Comforter their own? All. — Wonders we may not inherit, Signs and tongues we may not crave, Yet we still receive the Spirit, Still the Comforter we have. John truly baptized with water ; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. Except we are born of water and of the Spirit, we cannot see the kingdom of God. And Christ said : It is expedient for you that I go away : for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you ; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. C. M. D. Tune 590. Choir. — The Spirit came into the church With his unfailing power ; He is the living heart that beats Within her at this hour. All. — Most tender Spirit, mighty God, Sweet must thy presence be, If loss of Jesus can be gain, So long as we have thee. And now hath the Father sent the Comforter, even the Spirit of truth, to convince the world of sin, and of righteous- ness, and of judgment. Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. If we have not the Spirit of Christ, we are none of his. If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in us, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken our mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwellelh in us. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us. He that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 7s & 6s. Tune 151. Order our path in all things According to thy mind, And when this life is over, And all must be resigned, WHIT-SUNDAY. 57 With calm and fearless spirit grant us then to die, And after death inherit Eternal life on high. Glory be unto the Holy Ghost, our teacher, guide, and com- forter, who proceedeth from the Father, and whom our Lord Jesus Christ sent, that he should abide with us forever. Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, who callest us by the gospel, enlightenest us by thy gifts, sanctifiest and preserv- est us in the true faith, our tongues shall praise thee, and our lips shall declare thy glory. O thou most gracious Comforter, who helpest our infirmities, and makest intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered, we worship thee with grateful hearts. For thou dost comfort us, as a mother doth comfort her children. 8s & 7s. Tune 167. Finish then thy new creation, Pure and spotless let us be; Let us see thy great salvation, Perfectly restored in thee, Changed from glory into glory Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Thou bestowest diversities of gifts, and workest all in all, dividing unto every man severally as thou wilt. Thou sheddest abroad in our hearts the love of God; and makest our bodies thy holy temple. Thou takest away the stony heart, and givest us an heart of flesh, that we may walk in the Lord's statutes and keep his ordinances. Thou bearest witness with our spirit that we are children of God; and teachest us to cry, Abba, Father. O Spirit of grace, direct our hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ; and grant unto us an unction from the Holy One. Establish thou us in the faith, that we may abound therein with thanksgiving ; and seal our hearts unto the day of redemption. To thee be glory, with the Father, and with the Son, In the church u/hich is by Christ Jesus; the holy, universal christian church, in the communion of saints, at all times, and from eternity to eternity : Amen. 7s. . Tune 205. Thou, who didst our fathers guide, With their children still abide ; 58 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Grant us pardon, grant us peace, Till our earthly wanderings cease. To the Father praises sing, Praise to Christ, our risen King, Praise to thee, the Lord of love, Blessed Spirit, holy clove. TKINITY SUNDAY. Tune 205. Meet and right it is to sing, At all times in every place, Glory to our heavenly King, To the God of truth and grace ; Join we, then, in sweet accord, All in one thanksgiving join : Holy, holy, holy Lord ! Never-ceasing praise be thine. Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God of hosts ! The whole earth is full of his glory ! No man hath seen God at any time ; the only-begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. Lord, thou Triune God ! of thee, through thee, and to thee, are all things. Thou dwellest between the cherubim; yet thou graciously regardest them of low estate : in mercy hear our prayer. Lord, Lord God! great in counsel, and mighty in deed; whose eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men ; we poor sinners come before thee, trusting, not in our own righteous- ness, but solely in thy great mercy. Lord, God ! comfort us ; lift up the light of thy countenance upon us, and we shall be saved : Amen ! Amen ! Amen ! Lord God, our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name ; thy kingdom come ; thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven ; give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, for ever and ever: Amen. Lord God, Son, thou Saviour of the world, Be gracious unto us. Lord God, Holy Ghost, Abide with us forever. TRINITY SUNDAY 59 7s. Tune 581. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, and Three in One, As by the celestial host, Let thy will on earth be done ; Praise by all to thee be given, Glorious Lord of earth and heaven. Holy Father ! glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glo- rify thee : as thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. We pray not that thou shouldest take us out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep us from the evil. Sanctify us through thy truth : thy word is truth. Thou God of all grace, the true Father of all thy children both in heaven and on earth, do thou, while we are in this world, make us perfect, stablish, strengthen us. By thy Spirit strengthen us in the inner man, and grant that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith, and that we may be rooted and grounded in him through love ; so that we may be with him where he is, and behold his glory, which thou hast given him. Hear us, gracious Lord and God. L. M. Tune Te Deum. Father of heaven ! whose love profound A ransom for our souls hath found, Before thy throne we sinners bend ; To us thy pardoning love extend : Amen. Faithful is he that hath called you, who also will do it. Amen! Amen! Amen! Lord God Sox, thou Saviour of the world ! Thou eternal Word, by whom, and for whom, all things were made ! Thou didst become flesh for our sakes, that whosoever believeth on thee should not perish, but have everlasting life. Grant us to behold thy glory, the glory of the only-begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. O Jesus Christ, our Saviour ! who art true God and true man ; thou art the light of the world. Teach us to walk in thy light. Thou hast words of eternal life ! Feed our souls unto life everlasting. Xo man cometh unto the Father but by thee. Teach us, therefore, to know the Father. And as thou hast gone to the Father, do thou send to our hearts the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, that he may reveal 60 LITURGICAL SERVICES. thee unto us as the propitiation for our sins, and not for our sins only, but also for the sins of the whole world. O Christ, thou Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the world, Have mercy upon us. O Christ, thou Lamb of God, which takest away the sin of the world, Reveal thyself unto our hearts. O Christ, thou Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world, Give unto us thy peace. 5s, 8s & 5s. Tune 68. Holy Trinity, Thanks and praise to thee, That our life and whole salvation Flow from Christ's blest incarnation, And his death for us On the shameful cross. O most merciful Saviour ! who hast reconciled all things unto thyself, whether they be things on earth or things in heaven, and who hast made peace through the blood of thy cross ; may thy precious blood cleanse us from all sin ; and by thy stripes may we be healed. Crucify with thee our sinful flesh, with all its desires, that henceforth we may not serve sin, but walk with thee in new- ness of life. O thou Prince of life, who didst rise from the grave ; thou who hast overcome him that had the power of death ; who hast brought life and immortality to light ; confirm us in the faith, that we may live even though we die. Teach us to look away from the things that are seen and are temporal, and to seek those things that are above ; and let thy strength, O thou Prince of our salvation, be mighty in our weakness. O thou, our eternal High-priest ! thou, who for us didst enter within the vail ; be thou our advocate at the right hand of the Father, so that neither height nor depth, things present nor things to come, nor any other creature, may be able to separate us from the love of God. O Christ, thou eternal King of glory ! unto whom is given all power in heaven and on earth, rule thou over thine ene- mies, till they become thy foot-stool. Lead thou thy church out of conflict unto victory, when thou shalt come again in the clouds of heaven to judge the living and the dead. Amen ! Come, Lord Jesus ! Hear us, gracious Lord and God. TRIXITY SUNDAY. 61 L. M; Tune Te Deum. Almighty Son ! Incarnate "Word ! Our Prophet, Priest. Redeemer, Lord ! Before thy throne we sinners bend ; To us thy saving grace extend : Amen. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing, for ever and ever : Hallelujah ! Amen ! Amen ! Amen ! O thou, Holy Spirit ! who proceedest from the Father, and whom our Lord Jesus Christ hath sent unto us, thou .wdio art true God, do thou testify of Christ unto our hearts. O Spirit of truth, who pro vest all things, search and try our hearts whether we be in the faith. Teach us to call Jesus, Our Lord ; and help us to cry Abba, Our Father ; that we may not again fear, but have access to the throne of grace with all confidence and joy. Bear witness with our spirits that we are children of God, and joint-heirs with Christ ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may, hereafter, be glorified with him. Enlighten us with thy light ; and lead us into all truth ; that we may know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge. Constrain us by faith and by love to be obedient unto thee, that we may not grieve thee ; for by thee are we sealed unto the day of redemption. Incite us to every good word and work ; and enable us to mortify the flesh, that we may truly live. Help our infirmities, when we know not how to pray for any- thing as we ought ; make intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Adorn us with strength and gifts in Christ Jesus ; and change us into his glorious image from glory to glory ; that we may be his property, and abound unto the praise of his grace. Hear us, gracious Lord and God. L. M. Tune Te Detjm. Eternal Spirit ! by whose breath The soul is raised from sin and death, Before thy throne we sinners bend; To us thy quickening power extend : Amen. O Spirit of grace ! direct our hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ. Amen ! Amen ! Amen ! 62 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end : Amen. Grace and peace be with all them that are the elect of God, according to the foreknowledge of the Father, through the blood of sprinkling of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit : Amen! Amen! Amen! 8s & 7s. Tune 167. May the grace of Christ our Saviour, And the Father's boundless love, With the Holy Spirit's favor, Rest upon us from above : Thus may we abide in union "With each other and the Lord ; And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth cannot afford. IN MEMOEY OF THE MAKTYKS. fl To be used on the Sunday nearest July 6th, the Memorial Day of the Martyrdom of John Huss ; or, on the Sunday nearest November 1st. C. M. D. Tune 590. Choir. — The Son of God goes forth to war, A kingly crown to gain ; His blood-red banner streams afar : Who follows in his train ? Minister.— Who best can drink his cup of woe, Triumphant Over pain, Who patient bears his cross below, He follows in his train. All. — A glorious band, the chosen few, On whom the Spirit came ; Twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew, And mocked the cross and flame. They met the tyrant's brandished steel, The lion's gory mane ; They bowed their necks the death to feel : Who follows in their train ? A noble army, men and boys, The matron and the maid, Around the Saviour's throne rejoice, In robes of light arrayed. IN MEMORY OF THE MARTYRS. 63 They climbed the steep ascent of heaven, Through peril, toil and pain : God ! to us may grace be given To follow in their train ! Behold, a great multitude, which no man can number, stand before the throne, and before the Lamb, with palms in their hands. And they cry with a loud voice, saying : Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb ! Who are these, in white robes arrayed ? And whence are they come ? These are they of whom the world was not worthy. They wan- dered in deserts, and mountains, and dens, and in the caves of the earth. They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword, they were burned at the stake. They were destitute, afflicted, and in misery. C. M. Tune 593. All. — Triumphant martyrs ! ye did fight, And fighting, ye did fall : And falling, ye took up a crown : Crown him who crowned you all. Praise, praise him, all ye saved ones, From whom salvation came j Praise him that sits upon the throne, Yea, praise the glorious Lamb. Choir. — 'T was through the Lamb's most precious blood, They conquered every foe ; And to his power and matchless grace Their crowns and honors owe. All. — Lord, may we ever keep in view The patterns thou hast given And ne'er forsake the blessed path Which led them safe to heaven. These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony ; who loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore are they before the throne of God. and serve him day and night in his temple. 7s Tune 205. Who were these? — On earth they dwelt, Sinners once of Adam's race, Guilt, and fear, and suffering felt, But were saved by sovereign grace. They were mortal, too, like us : Ah, when we, like them, shall die, May our souls, translated thus, Triumph, reign, and shine, on high. 64 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness* sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and separate you from their company, and reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Bejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy : for, behold, your reward is great in heaven. The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise. S. M. Tune 595. For all thy saints, Lord, Who strove in thee to live, Who followed thee, obeyed, adored, Our grateful hymn receive. For all thy saints, Lord, Accept our thankful cry, Who counted thee their great reward, And strove in thee to die. They all, in life or death, With thee, their Lord, in view, Learned from the Holy Spirit's breath To suffer and to do. For this, thy name we bless ; And humbly pray, that we May follow them in holiness, And live and die in thee. Who shall separate us from the love of God ? shall tribula- tion, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword ? Nay , in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. If God be for us, who can be against us ? 7s & 6s. Tune 151. Lamb of God, still keep me Near to thy wounded side 'T is only there in safety And peace I can abide. What foes and snares surround me, What doubts and fears within ! The grace that sought and found me, Alone can keep me clean. 'T is only in thee hiding, I know my life secure ; Only in thee abiding, The conflict can endure : IN MEMORY OF THE MARTYRS. 65 Thine arm the victory gaineth O'er every hateful foe ; Thy love my heart sustaineth In all its care and woe. Thus saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, who was dead and is alive again : Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life ! 8s, 7s & 7s. Tune 89. Can a mortal flee from sorrow ? No, it falleth everywhere ,* Heavy are the ills we borrow, Those from heaven, God helps us bear : What in bitter tears we sow, Will a heavenly harvest grow. Unto him, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth, who loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God, — to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever : — Aonen. Lord, who should not love thee, who should not serve thee, when he thinks of thee ! 8s & 7s. Tune 16. All. — Cross, reproach, and tribulation, Ye to me are welcome guests, When I have this consolation, That my soul in Jesus rests. Choir. — The reproach of Christ is glorious ; Those who here his burden bear, In the end, shall prove victorious, And eternal gladness share. Bear, then, the reproach of Jesus, Ye who live a life of faith ; Lift triumphant songs and praises, E'en in martyrdom and death. All. — Bonds, and stripes, and evil story, Are our honorable crowns ; Pain is peace, and shame is glory, Gloomy dungeons are as thrones. The God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after ye have suffered a while, will make you perfect, stablish, strengthen you. Abide in Christ, that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. 66 LITURGICAL SERVICES. 6s, 7s & 6s. ' Tune 146. Minister. — The Spirit and Bride, " come/' are now entreating ; Choir. — Let all who hear their voice, " come/' be loud repeating; All. — Amen, Lord Jesus, come, We wait in faith for thee ; Soon, we implore thee, come ; Thy glory let us see. 7s&6s. Tune 151. Then praise we God the Father And praise we God the Son, And God the Holy Spirit, Eternal Three in One : Till all the ransomed number Fall down before the throne, And honor, power, and glory Ascribe to God alone. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all : Amen. THANKSGIVING. ^f To be used on occasion of a Harvest Festival, or on any other appointed Day of Thanksgiving. S. M. Tune 595. Minister. — Stand up, and bless the Lord, Ye people of his choice ; Stand up, and bless the Lord your God, With heart, and soul, and voice. All. — God is our strength and song, And his salvation ours ; Then be his love in Christ proclaimed With all our ransomed powers. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into nis courts with praise : be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord, and thy saints shall bless thee. They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness f and sing of thy righteousness. THANKSGIVING. 67 6s, 7s & 6s. Tune 146. To thee, God, we raise Our voice, in choral singing ; We come, with prayer and praise, Our hearts' oblations bringing. Thou art our fathers' God, And ever shall be ours : Our lips and lives shall laud Thy name, with all our powers. Lord God, we worship thee : For thou our land defendest; Thou pourest down thy grace, And strife and war thou endest. Since golden peace, Lord, Thou grantest us to see, Our land with one accord, Lord God, gives thanks to thee. The Lord said in his heart : While the earth remaineth? seed-time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease. Hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? He sendeth forth his commandment upon earth : his word runneth very swiftly. He giveth snow like wool : he scattereth the hoar-frost like ashes. He casteth forth his ice like morsels : who can stand before his cold ? He sendeth forth his word and melteth them : he causeth his wind to blow, and the waters flow 7 . He prepareth rain for the earth, and maketh it soft with showers, and blessetli the springing thereof. He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herbs for the service of man, that he may bring forth food out of the earth. Let us fear the Lord our God, who giveth us the former and latter rain in its season, and reserv- eth unto us the appointed weeks of harvest. Lord, how manifold are thy works / in icisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. 7s. Tune 11. Praise to God, immortal praise, For the love that crowns our days ! Bounteous source of every joy Let thy praise our tongues employ. All the blessings of the fields, All the stores the garden yields, All to thee, our God, we owe, Source whence all our blessings flow. Bless the Lord, O my soul ; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all 68 LITURGICAL SERVICES. his benefits. He redeemeth thy life from destruction, and crowneth thee with tender mercies. He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. As the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. He knoweth our frame, and remember eth that we are dust. He openeth his hand, and satisfieth the desire of every living thing. Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. 8s & 7s. Tune 167. Choir. — For thy love what due requital Can our feeble praises be ? All. — May its power and spirit vital Lift our daily life to thee. Give us, in our work allotted, Active hand and fervent mind, Strength to serve with heart devoted, Grace to bear with heart resigned. Blessed be God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Labor not for the meat that perisheth, but for that which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you. For he hath said : I am the bread of life. He that cometh unto me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. L. M. Tune 90. Daily, Lord, our prayers be said, As thou hast taught, for daily bread ; But not alone our bodies feed; Supply our fainting spirits' need ! C Bread of life ! from day to day, Be thou their comfort, food, and stay. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money ; come ye, buy, and eat ; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. The Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life finely. L. M. Tune 22. Oh may our lives, through grace, abound In holy fruits, and thee proclaim ! Let all thy courts with praises sound Thy gracious hand, thy wondrous name. A DAY OF HUMILIATION AND PEAYER. 69 Lord, when thou shalt descend from heaven, Thy ransomed harvest here to reap : Oh, in that day thy joy be given To those who now go forth and weep. Ts & 4s. Tune 586. Choir. — Thanks we give and adoration For the gospel's joyful sound; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound ', All. — King of glory, Sway thy sceptre all around. Glory be to God, the Father ! Glory be to God, the Son ! Glory be to God, the Spirit ! Great Jehovah, three in One : Choir. — Glory, glory, All. — Glory, glory, While eternal ages run. A BAY OF HUMILIATION AND PEAYER. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, hear us, 8s & 7s. Tune 167. Choir. — Dread Jehovah, God of nations, From thy temple in the skies Hear thy people's supplications, Now for their deliverance rise ! Lo, with deep contrition turning, Humbly at thy feet we bend j Hear us, fasting, praying, mourning, Hear us, spare us, and defend. 7s k 6s. Tune 151. Minister. — Hast thou thy loving-kindness Shut up in endless wrath? All. — No: this is our own blindness, That cannot see thy path. "We call to recollection The years of thy right hand; And, strong in thy protection, Again through faith we stand. Thus saith the high and lofty one, that inhabiteth eternity, rhose name is Holv : 70 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Return, ye backsliding children ; and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you : for I am merciful, and I will not keep anger for ever. Only acknowledge your iniquity, that ye have transgressed against the Lord your God. We acknowledge our transgression : and our sin is ever before us. Against thee, thee only have we sinned, and done this evil in thy sight : that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Kepent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. Lordy the great and dreadful God, we have sinned and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from thy precepts and from thy judgments : wherefore we abhor ourselves, and repent in dust and ashes. S. M. Tune 582. Choir. — But whither should we go, Burden'd, and sick, and faint? To whom should we our trouble show, And pour out our complaint ? L. M. Tune 22. All. — This, Lord, our comfort is alone, That we may meet before thy throne, And cry, faithful God, to thee For rescue from our misery. And thus we come, God, to-day, And all our woes before thee lay ; For tried, afflicted, lo ! we stand, Peril and foes on every hand. If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand ? Our iniquities are gone over our heads; as an heavy burden they are too heavy for us. Enter not into judgment with thy servants ; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified. We do not present our supplications before thee for our right- eousnesses, but for thy great mercies. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kind- ness : According unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean • Wash me. and I shall be whiter than snow. A DAY OF HUMILIATION AND PRAYER. 71 Hide thy face from my sins, And blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God ; And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence ; And take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; And uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways ; And sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God : And my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness. O Lord, open thou my lips ; And my mouth shall shew forth thy praise. For thou desireth not sacrifice ; Else would I give it. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit : A broken and a contrite heart, God, thou wilt not despise*. L. M. Tune 22. See, we repent, we weep, we mourn; To our forsaken God we turn , spare our guilty country, spare The Church which thou hast planted here. We plead thy grace, indulgent God, We plead thy Son's atoning blood, We plead thy gracious promises • And are they unavailing pleas ? O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord. I am the Lord thy God who teacheth thee to profit, who leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go O that thou hadst heark- ened to my commandments ! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea. Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unright- eous man his thoughts : and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him ; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. lis. Tune 39. Choir. — turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die, When God in great mercy is coming so nigh ? Now Jesus invites you, the Spirit says, " Come !" And angels are waiting to welcome you home. 6s, 7s, & 6s. Tune 146. All. — Therefore, though void of good Denied by sin and stained, 72 LITURGICAL SERVICES. Yet bought with Jesus' blood, Who our salvation gained, We sinners, vile and poor, Appear before thy face, Most humbly thee adore, And pray for peace and grace. Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed them also who are the church of God, which thou hast purchased with thine own blood. Return, we beseech thee, O God of hosts; look down from heaven, and behold, and visit this vine ; and the vineyard which thy right hand hath planted, and the branch that thou madest strong for thyself. 8s, 7s & 7s. Tune 89. See the vineyard thou hast planted, God of mercy, Lord of hosts ! Let thy people's prayer be granted, Keep it safe from hostile hosts. Hear thy people when they pray, Keep thy vineyard night and day ! Fear not, little flock ; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. The gates of hell shall not prevail against my church. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 8s, 7s & 4s. Tune 585. All. — Zion stands with hills surrounded, Zion, kept by power divine ; All her foes shall be confounded, Though the world in arms combine : Happy Zion, What a favored lot is thine ! Choir. — In the furnace God may prove thee, Thence to bring thee forth more bright, But can never cease to Jove thee ; Thou art precious in his sight : God is with thee, God, thine everlasting light. 7s. Tune 581. All, — What our Father does is well : Though he sadden hill and dell, Upward yet our praises rise For the strength his Word supplies. He has called us sons of God; Can we murmur at his rod? The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble : Amen. .A. TABLE OF THE EPISTLES AND GOSPELS FOR THE SUNDAYS AND FESTIVALS OF THE CHURCH-YEAR. Sundays and Chief Festivals. 1st Sunday in Advent.. 2d 3d Christmas Eve 1st Christmas Day. 2d Sunday after Christmas New Year's Eve New Year's Day, or Circumcision of Jesus Sunday after New Year Epiphany , 1st Sunday after Epiphany 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th . Septuagesima, or the 3d Sunday before Lent ~ Sexagesima, or the 2d Sunday before Lent Quinquagesima, or the Sunday before Lent Ash Wednesday 1st Sunday in Lent, or Invoeavit 2d r or Beminiscere 3d » r or Oculi 4th , or Laetare 5th , or Judica 6th , or Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Great Sabbath, or Easter Eve Easter Sunday Epistles. Easter Monday , Easter Tuesday 1st Sunday after Easter, or Quasimodogeniti 2d , or Misericord ins Rom. 13 : 8-14. 15: 4-13, 1 Cor. 4 : 1-5. Phil. 4 : 4-7. f Is. 9 : 1-7. 1 Titus 2: 11-14. Heb. 1 : 1-12. Titus 3: 4-7. Gal. 4 : 1-7. 2 Tim. 4 : 1-8. [Rom. 4: 8-14. (Gal, 3: 23-29. 1 Peter 4 .: 12-19. f Is. 9 : 1-7. ( Eph. 3 : 1-12. Rom. 12: 1-5. 12: 6-16.* 12: 16-21.& 13: 1-7, Col. 3 : 12-17. (1 John 3: 1-8. \ 2 Pet. 1 ; 16-21. 1 Cor.9 : 24.— 10 : 5. 2Cor.lI: 19.-12:9. 1 Cor. 13 : 1-13. Joel 2 ; 12-17. 2 Cor. 6 : 1-10. 1 Thess. 4 : 1-7. Eph. 5 : 1-9. Gal. 4: 21-31. Heb. 9 : 11-15 Phil. 2: 5-11. 1 Cor. 11 : 23-32. Heb. 10 : 1-25. 1 Peter 3 : 17-22. J 1 Cor. 5 : 6-8. iCol. 3: 1-7. Acts 10 : 34-41. 13: 26-41. Gospels. 1 John 5 : 4-12. 1 Peter 2 : 19-2-5. Matt. 21 : 1-13. Lu. 21 : 25-36. Matt. 11 : 2-10. John 1 : 19-28. Lu. 2: 1-14. John 1 : 1-18, Lu. 2 : 15-20. 2: 33-40. 12: 35-40. 2: 21-32. Matt. 2 : 13-23. 2: 1-12. Lu. 2 : 41-52. John 2: 1-11. Matt. 8 : 1-13. 8: 23-27. 13: 24-30. 24: 23-31. 17: 1-9. 20: 1-16. Lu. 8 : 4-15. 18: 31-43. Matt. 6 : 16-21. 4: 1-11. 15: 21-28. Lu. 11 : 14-28. John 6 : 1-15. 8: 46-59. Matt. 21 : 1-11. John 13 : 1-15. Is.52: 13—53: 12. Matt. 27 : 57-66. /Mark 16: 1-8. I Jno. 20 : 1-1Q. Lu. 24: 13-35. 21: 36-48. John 20 : 19-31. 10: 11-16. 'men of low estate." fEnd: 1> Begin : "Be not wise in your own conceits.' 'ye shall ask me nothing." TABLE OF THE EPISTLES AND GOSPELS. — Continued. Sundays and Chief Festivals. Epistles. Gospels. 3d Sund. aft. Easter, or Jubilate 4th , or Cantate 5th , or, Eogate Ascension Day Sunday after Ascension Day... Whit-Sunday Whit-Monday Whit-Tuesday Trinity Sunday 1st Sunday after Trinity.. 2d 3d 4th 5th , 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th . 11th 12th 13th. 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th 25th 26th 27th The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, February 2.... The Annunciation, March 25 The Visitation, July 2 In Memory of the Martyrs, July 6 St. Michael and all Angels, Sept. 29 All Saints 1 Day, Nov. 1 1 Peter 2 : 11-17. James 1 : 17-21. 1: 22-27. Acts 1 : 1-11. 1 Peter 4: 7-11. Acts 2: 1-13. 10: 34-48/ 8: 14-17. (Rev. 4: 1-11. \ Rom. 11 : 33-36. 1 John 4 : 7-21. 3: 13-24. 1 Peter 5 : 5-11.^ Rom. 8 : 18-23. 1 Peter 3 : 8-15.* Rom. 6 : 3-11. 6: 19-23. 8: 12-17. 1 Cor. 10 : 1-13. 12: 1-11. 15: 1-11. 2 Cor. 3 : 4-9. Gal. 3 : 15-22. 5: 16-24. 5: 25—6: 10. Eph. 3 : 13-21. 4: 1-6. 1 Cor. 1 : 4-9. Eph. 4: 17-32. 5: 15-21. 6: 10-20. Phil. 1 : 3-11. 3: 17-21. Col. 1 : 3-14. (Jer. 23: 5-8. ( 1 Thess.4: 13-18. /2 Pet. 3: 3-14. X 2 Thess. 1 : 3-10. 1 Thess. 5 : 1-11. Mai. 3 : 1-5. Is. 7 : 10-16. ... 11: 1-5. Acts 7 : 55-60. Rev. 12 : 7-12. 7: 2-12. John 16 : 16-23.* 16: 5-15. 16: 23-30.d Mark 16: 14-20. Jn.15: 26.— 16: 4. 14: 15-31.« 3: 16-21. 10: 1-10. 3: 1-15. Lu. 16 : 19-31. 14: 16-24. 15: 1-10. 6: 36-42. 5: 1-11. Matt. 5 : 20-26. Mark 8: 1-9. Matt. 7 : 15-23. Lu. 16 : 1-9. 19: 41-48. 18: 9-14. Mark 7 : 31-37. Lu. 10 : 23-37. 17 : 11-19. Matt. 6 : 24-34. Lu. 7: 11-17. 14: 1-11. Matt. 22 : 34-46. 9: 1-8. 22: 1-14. Jn. 4 : 46-54.* Matt. 18 : 21-35. 22: 15-22. 9: 18-26. (John 6: 5-14. t Mt. 24 : 15-28. Matt. 25 : 31-46. 25: 1-13. Lu. 2 : 22-32. 1 : 26-38. 1: 39-56. (Mt, 23: 34-39. IPs. 31: 1-24. Matt. 18: 1-11. ... 5: 1-12. d Begin: "Verily, verily, I say." ? End : "even so I do." /End : "in the name of the Lord.' a Begin : "All of you be subject one to another." _ __ ft End: "sanctify the Lord God in your hearts." t Begin: "And there was a certain noble- man." HYMNS. HYMNS. THE WORD OF GOD. C. M. 1. Tune 14. Father of mercies ! in thy word What endless glory shines ! Forever be thy name adored For these celestial lines. 2 Here may the wretched sons of want Exhaustless riches find — Riches above what earth can grant, And lasting as the mind. 3 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around, And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 4 Oh, may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight, And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light. 5 Divine instructor, gracious Lord, Be thou forever near ; Teach me to love thy sacred word, And view my Saviour there. 2 THE WORD OF GOD. L. M. fy m Tune 22. The Word of God which ne'er shall cease, Proclaims free pardon, grace and peace, Salvation shows in Christ alone, The perfect will of God makes known. 2 Since fallen man, weak and impure, Can not God's awful voice endure, It pleased the Lord, by men to give His word to us, that we might live. 3 This holy word exposes sin, Convinces us that we're unclean, Points out the wretched, ruined state Of all mankind, both small and great. 4 It then reveals God's boundless grace, Which justifies our sinful race, And gives eternal life to all Who will accept the gospel call. 5 It gently heals the broken heart, And heavenly riches doth impart, Unfolds redemption's wondrous plan, Through Christ's atoning death for man. 6 It gathers God's elected flock, Beneath the shade of Christ, the rock, With living truth each soul supplies, Reproves, directs and sanctifies. 7 It keeps our faith in Jesus sound, That we in all good works abound, And, as joint heirs with Christ, our Lord, We once may share the blest reward. 8 O God in whom our trust we place, We thank thee for thy word of grace ' Help us its precepts to obey, Till we shall live in endless day. THE WORD OF GOD. 6 P. M. O. Tune 119. Holy Lord, Thanks and praise be ever thine, That thy word to us is given, Teaching us with power divine, That the Lord of earth and heaven, Everlasting life for us to gain, Once was slain. 2 Lord, our God, May thy precious saving word, Till our race is here completed, Light unto our path afford ; And when in thy presence seated, We to thee will render for thy grace Ceaseless praise. CM. <±. Tune 14 How precious is the book divine, By inspiration given ! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. 2 Its light, descending from above, Our gloomy world to cheer, Displays a Saviour's boundless love, And brings his glories near. 3 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts, In this dark vale of tears ; Life, light and joy, it still imparts, And quells our rising fears. 4 This lamp, through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way, Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. 4 THE WORD OF GOD. C. M. 5. Tune 14. Jesus, thy word is my delight ; There grace and truth are seen ; Ah, could I study day and night, And meditate therein. 2 The gospel, as a polished glass, Thy glory lets us see ; And by beholding there thy face We 're rendered like to thee. 3 O Lamb of God, the book unseal. And to our hearts explain ; Let all its life and spirit feel, And heavenly wisdom gain. 4 That thou for us didst live and die, Make known to us, dear Lord ; To us the promises apply, Recorded in thy word. C. M. 6. Tune 14. Laden with guilt, and full of fears, I fly to thee, my Lord ! And not a glimpse of hope appears. But in thy written word. 2 The volume of my Father's grace Does all my griefs assuage ; Here I behold my Saviour's face, Almost in every page. 3 Here consecrated water flows, To quench my thirst of sin ; Here the fair tree of knowledge grows ; Nor danger dwells therein. 4 This is the field where hidden lies The pearl of price unknown ; That merchant is divinely wise Who makes the pearl his own. THE WORD OF GOD. O 5 This is the judge that ends the strife, Where wit and reason fail ; My guide to everlasting life, Through all this gloomy vale. 6 Oh, may thy counsels, mighty God, My roving feet command ; Nor I forsake the happy road, That leads to thy right hand. C. M. 7. Tune 14. Thy law is perfect, Lord of light, Thy testimonies sure ; The statutes of thy realm are right, And thy commandments pure. 2 Holy, inviolate thy fear, Enduring as thy throne ; Thy judgments, chastening or severe, Justice and truth alone. 3 More prized than gold, than gold whose waste Refining fire expels : Sweeter than honey to my taste, Than honey from the cells. 4 Let these, O God, my soul convert, And make thy servant wise ; Let these be gladness to my heart, The day-spring to my eyes. 5 By these may I be warned betimes ; Who knows the guile within ? Lord, save me from presumptuous crimes, Cleanse me from secret sin. 6 So may the words my lips express, The thoughts that throng my mind, O Lord, my strength and righteousness, With thee acceptance find. 6 THE WORD OP GOD. 8s & 7s. Q # Tune 16. From the doctrines I '11 ne'er waver, In the holy scriptures stored, O what sweetness do I savor, In each sacred covenant word. 2 And if I myself examine, While the book I 'fore me hold, To each truth my heart saith Amen, One the other doth unfold. 3 Speak, O Lord, thy servant heareth With deep awe attentively ; What thy holy word declareth Shall my rule and practice be. 8s, 7s & 7s. y. Tune 89. Precious Bible ! what a treasure Does the word of God afford ; All I want for life or pleasure, Food and medicine, shield and sword : Let the world account me poor, Having this I need no more. 2 In the hour of dark temptation Satan cannot make me yield : For this word of consolation Is to me both sword and shield : While the scripture truths are sure, From his malice I'm secure. THE HOLY TRINITY. L. M. 10. Tune 22. Blest Trinity, from mortal sight Veiled in thine own eternal light, We thee confess, in thee believe, To thee with loving hearts we cleave. THE HOLY TRINITY. 7 2 O Father, thou most holy one ! O God of God, eternal Son ! O Holy Ghost, thou love divine ! To join them both Is ever thine. 3 The Father is in God the Son, And with the Father he is one : In both the Spirit doth abide, And with them both is glorified. 4 Such as the Father, such the Son, And such the Spirit, three in one : The three one perfect verity, The three one perfect charity. 5 Eternal Father, thee we praise ; To thee, O Son, our hymns we raise ; O Holy Ghost, we thee adore : One mighty God for evermore. lis. 11. Tune 39. O Father of mercy, be ever adored ; Thy love was displayed in sending our Lord To ransom and bless us: thy goodness we praise For sending in Jesus salvation by grace. 2 Most merciful Saviour, who deignedst to die, Our curse to remove, and our pardon to buy ; Accept our thanksgiving, almighty to save, Who openest heaven to all that believe. 3 O Spirit of wisdom, of love, and of power, We prove thy blest influence, thy grace we adore ; Whose inward revealing applies our Lord's blood, Attesting and sealing us children of God. b THE HOLY TRINITY. 7s. 12. Tune 581 Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts, eternal King ! By the heavens and earth adored I — Angels and archangels sing, Chanting everlastingly To the blessed Trinity. 2 Since by thee were all things made, And in thee do all things live, Be to thee all honor paid ; Praise to thee let all things give, Singing everlastingly To the blessed Trinity. 3 Thousands, tens of thousands, stand, Spirits blest, before the throne, Speeding thence at thy command ; And, when thy commands are done, Singing everlastingly To the blessed Trinity. 4 Cherubim and seraphim Veil their faces with their wings ; Eyes of angels are too dim To behold the King of kings, While they sing eternally To the blessed Trinity. 5 Thee, apostles, prophets, thee, Thee, the noble martyr band, Praise with solemn jubilee ; Thee, the church in every land, Singing everlastingly To the blessed Trinity. 6 Hallelujah ! Lord ! to thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Godhead one, and persons three! THE HOLY TRINITY. \) Join with us the heavenly host, Singing everlastingly To the blessed Trinity. C. M. lO. Tune 14. Hail ! holy, holy, holy Lord, Whom one in three we know ; By all thy heavenly hosts adored, By all thy church below. 2 One undivided Trinity With triumph we proclaim ; Thy universe is full of thee, And speaks thy glorious name. 3 Thee, holy Father, we confess : Thee, holy Son, adore ; And thee, the Holy Ghost, we bless, And worship evermore. 4 Hail ! holy, holy, holy Lord, Our heavenly song shall be ; Supreme, essential one, adored In co-eternal three. C. M. ' 14. Tune 14. Our heavenly Father, source of love, To thee our hearts we raise : Thy all-sustaining power we prove, And gladly sing thy praise. 2 Lord Jesus, thine we wish to be, Our sacrifice receive : Made and preserved, and saved by thee, To thee ourselves we give. 3 Come, Holy Ghost, the Saviour's love Shed in our hearts abroad : So shall we ever live and move, And be with Christ in God. 10 THE HOLY TRINITY. 4 Honor to the almighty three, And everlasting one ; All glory to the Father be, The Spirit, and the Son. 6s&4s. 15. Come, thou almighty King ! Help us thy name to sing, Help us to praise : Father! all-glorious, O'er all victorious, Come, and reign over us, Ancient of days ! 2 Come, thou incarnate Word ! Gird on thy mighty sword ; Our prayer attend : Come, and thy people bless, And give thy word success ; Spirit of holiness ! On us descend. 3 Come, Holy Comforter ! Thy sacred witness bear, In this glad hour : Thou, who almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power. 4 To the great one in three The highest praises be, Hence, evermore! His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. THE HOLY TRINITY. 11 7s. m 10. Tune 581. Now, with angels round the throne, Cherubim and seraphim, And the church which still is one, Let us swell the solemn hymn : Glory to the great I AM ! Glory to the slaughtered Lamb ! 2 Blessing, honor, glory, might, And dominion infinite, To the Father of our Lord, To the Spirit and the Word ; As it was all worlds before, Is, and shall be evermore. L. M. 17. Tune 22. Father of heaven ! whose love profound A ransom for our souk hath found, Before thy throne we sinners bend ; To us thy pardoning love extend. 2 Almighty Son — incarnate Word — Otir Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord ! Before thy throne we sinners bend ; To us thy saving grace extend. 3 Eternal Spirit ! by whose breath The soul is raised from sin and death, Before thy throne we sinners bend ; To us thy quickening power extend. 4 Jehovah ! — Father, Spirit, Son ! — Mysterious Godhead — three in one ! Before thy throne we sinners bend ; Grace, pardon, life to us extend. 8s, 7s & 4s. [_0. Tune 585. Glory be to God, the Father ! Glory be to God, the Son ! 12 GOD THE FATHER. Glory be to God, the Spirit ! — Great Jehovah, three in one ! Glory, glory, While eternal ages run ! 2 Glory be to him who loved us, Washed us from each spot and stain ! Glory be to him who bought us, Made us kings with him to reign ! Glory, glory, To the Lamb that once was slain ! 3 Glory to the King of angels ! Glory to the church's King ! Glory to the King of nations ! Heaven and earth ! your praises bring ; Glory, glory, To the King of glory bring ! 4 Glory, blessing, praise eternal ! Thus the choir of angels sings ; Honor, riches, power, dominion ! Thus its praise creation brings : m Glory, glory, Glory to the King of kings ! GOD THE FATHER. S. M. D. 19. Tune 595. Our heavenly Father, hear The prayer we offer now ; Thy name be hallowed far and near, To thee all nations bow ; Thy kingdom come ; thy will On earth be done in love, As saints and seraphim fulfill Thy perfect law above. GOD THE FATHER. 13 2 Our daily bread supply, While by thy word we live ; The guilt of our iniquity Forgive, as we forgive : From dark temptation's power, From Satan's wiles defend ; Deliver in the evil hour, And guide us to the end. 3 Thine, then, for ever be Glory and power divine ; The sceptre, throne, and majesty Of heaven and earth are thine. Thus humbly taught to pray, By thy beloved Son, Through him we come to thee and say, All for his sake be done. S. M. D. /OU. Tune 595. The God of Abraham praise, Who reigns enthroned above ; Ancient of everlasting days, Th' almighty God of love. Jehovah, Great I AM ! By earth and heaven confessed : I bow and bless the sacred name For ever, ever blessed. 2 The God of Abraham praise, At whose supreme command From earth I rise, and seek the joys, Of heaven, at his right hand. I all on earth forsake, Its wisdom, fame and power ; And him my only portion make, My shield, my rock and tower. 3 Though nature's strength decay, And earth and hell withstand, 14 GOD THE FATHER. To Canaan's bounds I urge my way, At his divine command. The watery deep I pass^ With Jesus in my view, And through the howling wilderness My pilgrim path pursue. 4 The goodly land I see, With peace and plenty blessed ; A land of sacred liberty, And everlasting rest. There milk and honey flow, And oil and wine abound ; And trees of life for ever grow With endless mercy crowned. 5 There dwells the Lord our King, The Lord our righteousness, Triumphant o'er the world and sin, Jesus, the Prince of peace. On Zion's sacred height His kingdom he maintains, And glorious, with his saints in light, Enthroned for ever reigns. 6 He keeps his own secure, He guards them by his side, Arrays in garments white and pure His blood-bought, spotless bride. With streams of sacred bliss, With groves of living joys, With all the fruits of paradise His saints he still supplies. 7 Before the three in one They all exulting stand, And tell the wonders he hath done With his almighty hand. The listening spheres attend, And swell the growing fame, GOD THE FATHER. 15 And sing, in songs which never end, Jehovah's wondrous name. 8 The whole triumphant host Give thanks to God on high : Hail, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Eternally they cry : Hail, Abraham's God and mine, I join the heavenly lays ; All might and majesty are thine, And never-ceasing praise. C. M. Z\. Tune 14. When all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I 'in lost In wonder, love and praise. 2 Unnumbered comforts to my soul Thy tender care bestowed, Before my infant-heart conceived From whom those comforts flowed. 3 When in the slippery paths of youth With heedless steps I ran, Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe, And led me up to man. 4 Through hidden dangers, toils, and deaths, It gently cleared my way, And through the pleasing snares of vice, More to be feared than they. 5 When worn with sickness, oft hast thou With health renewed my face And when in sin and sorrow sunk, Revived my soul with grace. 6 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ ; 16 GOD THE FATHER. Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. 7 Through every period of my life Thy goodness I '11 pursue ; And after death, in heaven with thee, The glorious theme renew. 8 When nature fails, and day and night Divide thy works no more, My ever grateful heart, O Lord, Thy mercy shall adore. 9 Through all eternity to thee A joyful song I '11 raise : But oh, eternity's too short To utter all thy praise. 7s & 6s. 4)4*. Tune 151. Sometimes a light surprises The christian while he sings ; It is the Lord, who rises With healing in his wings ; When comforts are declining, He grants the soul again A season of clear shining, To cheer it after rain. 2 In holy contemplation We sweetly then pursue The theme of God's salvation, And find it ever new ; Set free from present sorrow, We cheerfully can say, Let the unknown to-morrow Bring with it what it may. 3 It can bring with it nothing But he will bear us through * Who gives the lilies clothing Will clothe his people too ; GOD THE FATHER. 17 Beneath the spreading heavens No creature but is fed ; And he who feeds the ravens Will give his children bread. 4 Though vine nor fig tree neither Their wonted fruit should bear, Though all the fields should wither, Nor flocks nor herds be there ; Yet God the same abiding, His praise shall tune my voice, For while in him confiding I cannot but rejoice. L. M- AQ. Tune 22. Give to our God immortal praise ; Mercy and truth are all his ways ; Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. 2 Give to the Lord of lords renown, The King of kings with glory crown ; His mercies ever shall endure, When earth-born powers are known no more. 3 He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fixed the starry lights on high ; Wonders of grace to God belongs Repeat his mercies in your song. 4 He fills the sun with morning light, He bids the moon direct the night ; His mercies ever shall endure, When suns and moons shall shine no more. 5 He sent his Son with power to save, From guilt, from darkness, and the grave ; Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat his mercies in your song. 2 18 GOD THE FATHER. 6 Through this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heavenly seat ; His mercies ever shall endure, When this vain world shall be no more. L. M. D, ^4- Tune 166. High in the heavens, eternal God, Thy goodness in full glory shines ; Thy truth shall break through every cloud That veils and darkens thy designs ; For ever firm thy justice stands, As mountains their foundations keep ; Great are the wonders of thy hands ; Thy judgments are a mighty deep. 2 Thy providence is kind and large, Both man and beast thy bounty share ; The whole creation is thy charge, But man is thy peculiar care ; My God, how excellent thy grace, Whence all our hope and comfort springs ; The sons of Adam in distress Fly to the shadow of thy wings. 3 From the provisions of thy house We shall be fed with sweet repast ; There mercy, like a river, flows, And we the living water taste ; Life, like a fountain rich and free, Springs from thy presence, gracious Lord ; And in thy light our souls shall see The glories promised in thy word. 9s & 3s, £0. Tune 106. He that confides in his Creator, Depending on him all his days, Shall be preserved in fire and water, GOD THE FATHEE. 19 And saved in many dangerous ways : He that makes God his staff and stay, Builds not on sand that glides away. 2 What gain'st thou by thy anxious caring ? What causes thee to pine away ? Thy rest and health thou art impairing By sighs and groans from day to day Thou art but adding grief to grief, Instead of getting sure relief. 3 Oh could we be resigned and quiet, And rest in God's good providence, Who oft prescribes us wholesome diet, In forms that please not flesh and sense : To him who chose us for his own, Our wants and cares are fully known. 4 He knows the hours for joy and gladness, The proper time and proper place ; Are w T e but faithful midst our sadness, Seek not our pleasure, but his praise ; He '11 come before we are aware, And dissipate our grief and care. 5 Do thou with faith discharge thy station, Keep God's commands, live to his praise ; Rely on him for preservation, On whom the whole creation stays : The man that's truly wise and just, Makes God, and God alone, his trust. C. M. A\). Tune 14. Long ere the lofty skies were spread, Jehovah filled his throne : Ere man was formed, or angels made, The Maker lived alone. 2 His boundless years can ne'er decrease, But still maintain their prime ; 20 GOD THE FATHER. Eternity's his dwelling-place, And ever is his time. 3 While like a tide our minutes flow, The present and the past, He fills his own immortal now, And sees our ages waste. C. M. Zl. Tune 14. In thee I live, and move, and am ; Thou number'st all my days : As thou renew'st my being, Lord, Let me renew thy praise. 2 From thee I am, through thee I am, And for thee I must be : 'T were better for me not to live, Than not to live to thee. 3 Naked I came into this world, And nothing with me brought : And nothing have I here deserved ; Yet I have lacked nought. 4 I do not praise my laboring hand, My laboring head, or chance : Thy providence, most gracious God, Is my inheritance. - 5 Thy bounty gives me bread with peace, A table free from strife : Thy blessing is the staff of bread, Which is the staff of life. 6 The daily favors of my God I cannot sing at large ; Yet humbly can I make this boast, I am the Almighty's charge. 7 Lord, in the day thou art about The paths wherein I tread ; GOD THE FATHER. 21 And in the night, when I lie down, Thou art about my bed. 8 Oh, let my house a temple be, That I and mine may sing Hosannas to thy majesty, And praise our heavenly king. S. M. D. 28. Tune 595. Give to the winds thy fears, Hope and be undismayed ; God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears, God shall lift up thy head ; Through waves, and clouds, and storms He gently clears thy way ; Wait thou his time, so shall the night Soon end in joyous day. 2 He everywhere hath way, And all things serve his might, His every act pure blessing is, His path unsullied light ; When he makes bare his arm, What shall his work withstand ? When he his people's cause defends, Who, who shall stay his hand? 3 Leave to his sovereign sway To choose and to command, With wonder filled thou then shalt own How wise, how r strong his hand ; Thou comprehends him not, Yet earth and heaven tell, God sits as sovereign on the throne, He ruleth all things well. 4 Thou seest our weakness, Lord, Our hearts are known to thee, Oh lift thou up the sinking hand ; Confirm the feeble knee ; 22 GOD THE FATHER. Let us, in life and death, Boldly thy truth declare, And publish with our latest breath Thy love and guardian care. es, 7s<&7s. 4)d. Tune S41. Thee, O my God and King, My Father, thee I sing ; Hear well-pleased the joyous sound, Praise from earth and heaven receive ; Lost, I now in Christ am found, Dead, by faith in Christ I live. 2 Father, behold thy son ; In Christ I am thine own : Stranger long to thee and rest, See, the prodigal is come ; Open wide thy arms and breast, Take the weary wanderer home. 3 Thine eye observed from far, Thy pity drew me near ; Me thy bosom yearned to see, Me thy mercy ran to find, Empty, poor, and void of thee, Hungry, sick, and faint, and blind. 4 Thou on my neck didst fall , Thy kiss forgave me all. Still the gracious words I hear, Words that made the Saviour mine, " Haste, for him the robe prepare, His be righteousness divine." 7s. oO. Tune 581. Quiet, Lord, my froward heart, Make me teachable and mild, Upright, simple, free from art, GOD THE FATHER. 23 Make me as a weaned child ; From distrust and envy free, Pleased with all that pleaseth thee. 2 What thou shalt to-day provide, Let me as a child receive ; What to-morrow may betide, Calmly to thy wisdom leave ; 'T is enough that thou wilt care, Why should I the burden bear ? 3 As a little child relies On a care beyond his own, Knows he's neither strong nor wise, Fears to stir a step alone ; Let me thus with thee abide, As my Father, guard, and guide. 4 Thus preserved from Satan's wiles, Safe from dangers, free from fears, May I live upon thy smiles, Till the promised hour appears, When the sons of God shall prove All their Father's boundless love. 7s. Ol. Tune 11. Day by day the manna fell ; Oh, to learn this lesson well ! Still by constant mercy fed, Give me, Lord, my daily bread. 2 " Day by day" the promise reads, Daily strength for daily needs, Cast foreboding fears away : Take the manna of to-day. 3 Lord, my times are in thy hand ; All my brightest hopes have planned To thy wisdom I resign, And would make thy purpose mine. 24 GOD THE FATHER. 4 Thou my daily task shall give , Day by day to thee I live ; So shall added years fulfill, Not my own — my Father's will. THE MINISTRY OF THE ANGELS. 6s & 5s. O/W. Tune 141. While the pilgrim travels On this earthly ground, Watchful guardian-angels Compass him around ; Like Elisha's servant, He in faith espies Hosts with fiery horses, Flaming chariots rise. L. M. GO. Tune 22. To God let all the human race Bring adoration, thanks, and praise ; He makes his love and wisdom known By angels who surround his throne. 2 The angels whom his breath inspires, His ministers, are flaming fires ; With joy they in his service move, To bear his vengeance or his love. 3 With gladness they obey his will. And all his purposes fulfill ; All those who Jesus' children are, Are special objects of their care, 4 Our God defends us day by day, From many dangers in our way, By angels, who forever keep A watchful eye, when we 're asleep. THE MINISTRY OF THE ANGELS. 25 5 Lord, we '11 bless thee all our days, Our souls shall glory in thy grace ; Thy praise shall dwell upon our tongues, All saints and angels join our songs. 6 We pray thee, let the heavenly host Be guardians of our land and coast ; Bid them watch o'er thy flock of grace, That we may lead a life of peace, L. M. o4. Tune 22. Now let us join our hearts and tongues, And emulate the angels' songs ; For sinners may address their king In songs that angels cannot sing. 2 They praise the Lamb who once was slain, But we can add a higher strain ; Not only say, he suffered thus : But, that he suffered all for us. 3 Jesus, who passed the angels by, Assumed our flesh to bleed and die ; He who redeemed us with his blood, As man still fills the throne of God. 4 Immanuel, our brother now, Is he 'fore whom the angels bow ; They join with us to praise his name, But we the nearest interest claim. 5 But, ah, how faint our praises rise ! Sure, 't is the wonder of the skies, That we who share his richest love, So cold and unconcerned should prove. 6 Oh glorious hour, it comes with speed, When we, from sin and darkness freed, Shall see our God who died for man, And praise him more than angels can. 26 GOD THE FATHER. THE WORK OF REDEMPTION. C. M. OO. Tune 14. Behold what love the Father hath On guilty men bestowed, That we, who children are of wrath, Should children be of God. 2 Oh, how beyond expression great His love in Christ doth shine ! ? T is like himself — the eternal God, Past knowledge, all divine. 3 Behold, for fallen, guilty man, The Lord of glory dies ; Lays down his life us to redeem, A precious sacrifice. 4 Now doth our Lord, the Son of God, Who for us lived and died, See of the travail of his soul, And is well satisfied. 5 Peace and good-will are now to man Most gloriously displayed, Aad life eternal we obtain From God, in Christ our head. 6 Oh, let us then repeat the theme, Which always sounds above ; And ever sing with joyful hearts, The wonders of his love. C. M. D. 00. Tune 590 Christ, the good shepherd, God's own Son From all eternity, THE WORK OF REDEMPTION. 27 Urged by his love, exchanged his throne For human misery ; His wandering sheep gone far astray He sought with pungent pain, And did for all a ransom pay , To bring them home again. 2 One of those sheep, in deserts lost, Art thou, my sinful soul ; His life it hath the shepherd cost, To save and make thee whole ; Now hear his voice with gratitude, Call on his saving name ; For thee he shed his precious blood, And now his own doth claim. L. M. 07. Tune 22. To God we render thanks and praise, Who pitied mankind's fallen race, And gave his dear and only Son, That us, as children, he might own. 2 The Word eternal did assume Our flesh and blood, and man become, The First and Last with w T onder see Partake of human misery. 3 He came to seek and save the lost ; We sinned, and he would bear the cost, That we might share eternal bliss ; Oh, what unbounded love was this. 4 How wretched they who still despise Jesus, the pearl of greatest price ; Those who neglect to hear his voice, Must perish by their own free choice. 5 Unhappy those who turn away, Or such as carelessly delay 28 GOD THE SON. To meet their Saviour, though he came Their souls from misery to reclaim. 6 Come, sinners, Jesus will receive The chief of sinners ; come and live ; " I'll dwell with you," our Saviour saith ; Receive him in your hearts by faith. GOD THE SON. C. M. OO. Tune 14 Oh, the delights, the heavenly joys, The glories of the place, Where Jesus sheds the brightest beams Of his o'erflowing grace ! 2 Sweet majesty and awful love Sit smiling on his brow ; And all the glorious ranks above, At humble distance bow. 3 Archangels sound his lofty praise, Through every heavenly street ; And lay their highest honors down, Submissive, at his feet. 4 Princes to his imperial name Bend their bright sceptres down ; Dominions, thrones, and pow r ers rejoice To see him wear the crown. 5 Upon that dear majestic head, That cruel thorns did wound, See what immortal glories shine, And circle it around. 6 This is the man, the exalted man, Whom we unseen adore ; But when our eyes shall see his face, Our hearts shall love him more. GOD THE SON. 29 7s. Ot!, Tune 581. Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only light, Sun of righteousness, arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night ; Day-spring from on high, be near ; Day-star, in my heart appear. 2 Dark and cheerless is the morn, Unaccompanied by thee ; Joyless is the day's return, Till thy mercy's beams I see ; Till they inward light impart, Glad my eyes, and warm my heart. 3 Visit, then, this soul of mine, Pierce the gloom of sin and grief : Fill me, radiancy divine ! Scatter all my unbelief; More and more thyself display, Shining to the perfect day. Ss, 8s & 5s. 40. Tune 63. Jesus, who with thee Can compared be ? Source of rest and consolation, Life, and light, and full salvation ; Son of God, with thee None compared can be. 2 Thou hast died for me, From all misery And distress me to deliver, And from death to save forever ; I am by thy blood Reconciled to God. 3 Highest King and Priest, Prophet, Lord, and Christ, 30 GOD THE SON. Thy dear sceptre is embraced By me at thy feet abased ; I choose Mary's seat At thy holy feet. 4 Grant me steadiness, Lord, to run my race, Following thee with love most tender, So that Satan may not hinder Me by craft or force ; Further thou my course. 5 By thy Spirit's light Me instruct aright, That I watch and pray with fervor, Trusting thee, my soul's preserver ; Love unfeigned, O Lord, Unto me afford. 6 When I hence depart, Strengthen thou my heart ; Where thou art, O Lord, convey me ; In thy righteousness array me, That at thy right hand Joyful I may stand. L. M. 41. Tune 22. My song shall bless the Lord of all, My praise ascend to his abode : Thee, Saviour, by that name I call, The great supreme, the mighty God. 2 Without beginning or decline, Object of faith, and not of sense ; Eternal ages saw him shine, He shines eternal ages hence. 3 As much, when in the manger laid, Almighty ruler of the sky, GOD THE SON. 31 As when the six days' work he made Filled all the morning-stars with joy. 4 Of all the crowns Jehovah bears, Salvation is his dearest claim ; That gracious sound well-pleased he hears, And owns Immanuel for his name. 5 A cheerful confidence I feel, My well-placed hopes with joy I see ; My bosom glows with heavenly zeal, To worship him who died for me. 6 As man he pities my complaint ; His power and truth are all divine, He will not fail, he cannot faint, Salvation 's sure, and must be mine. 5s, 8s & Ss. 4/0. Tune 38. O Eternal Word, Jesus Christ, our Lord ! While the hosts of heaven adore thee, We with awe fall down before thee, And with rapture raise Songs of love and praise. 2 God and man indeed, Comfort in all need, Thou becam'st a man of sorrows, To gain life eternal for us, By thy precious blood, Jesus, man and God. P. M. 43. Tune 172. Thy majesty, how vast it is, And how immense the glory, Which thou, O Jesus, dost possess ; Both heaven and earth adore thee ; The legions of angels exalt thy great name, 32 GOD THE SON. Thy glory and might are transcendent ; And thousands of thousands thy praises pro- claim, Upon thee gladly dependent. 2 The Father's equal, God the Son, With him thou ever reignest ; Thou art partaker of his throne, And all things thou sustainest ; Both angels and men view their Maker as man, With joy that is past all expression ; Oh happy, unspeakably happy, who can Find in him life and salvation. 3 This mystery every throne and power Admires with adoration ; The angelic choirs for evermore Extol his incarnation ; The angels and elders before him fall down, With accents melodious him praising ; Unto the Lamb slain, and to him on the throne, They render glory unceasing. 4 The church on earth in humble strain, Exalteth Christ our Saviour ; She sings, the Lamb for us was slain, Our foe is cast for ever ; For Christ hath redeemed us by his precious blood Out of every nation and kindred, And made us thereby kings and priests unto God, To him thanksgiving be rendered. 5 When Christ in majesty shall come, With all his bright attendance, On every man pronounce a doom, An awful, final sentence ; GOD THE SON. 33 Then shall all his enemies quaking with dread, Wish mountains and rocks, them to cover ; The ransomed with gladness will lift up their head, And live with Jesus for ever. L, M. - 44. Tune 22. Before the heavens were stretched abroad, From everlasting was the Word ; With God he was, the Word was God, And must divinely be adored. 2 By his own power were all things made ; By him supported all things stand ; He is the whole creation's head, And angels fly at his command. 3 Mortals with joy behold his face, The eternal Father's only Son ; How full of truth, how full of grace Was Christ, in whom the Godhead shone. 4 Archangels left their high abode, To learn new mysteries here, and tell The love of our descending God, The glories of Immanuel. S. M. 45. Tune 595. Jesus, my Lord, my God, The God supreme thou art ; The Lord of hosts, whose precious blood Is sprinkled on my heart. 2 Jehovah is thy name ; And through thy blood applied, Convinced and certified I am, There is no God beside. 34 GOD THE SON. 3 Soon as the Spirit shows That precious blood of thine, The happy, pardoned sinner knows It is the blood divine. 4 Yea, only he who feels, My Saviour for me died, Is certain that the Godhead dwells In Jesus crucified. ■46. S. M. <±\). Tune 595. Prepare a thankful song To the Redeemer's name ; His praises should employ each tongue, And every heart inflame. 2 He laid his glory by, And dreadful pains endured, That rebels, such as you and I, From wrath might be secured. 3 Upon the cross he died, Our debt of sin to pay ; The blood and water from his side Wash guilt and sin away. 4 And now he pleading stands For us, before the throne ; And answers all the law demands, With what himself hath done. 5 He sees us willing slaves To sin and Satan's power ; But with an outstretched arm he saves, In his appointed hour. 6 The Holy Ghost he sends, Our stubborn souls to move, To make his enemies his friends, And conquer them by love. GOD THE SON. 35 7 The love of sin departs, The life of grace takes place, Soon as his voice invites our hearts To rise and seek his face. 8 The world and Satan rage, But he their power controls ; His wisdom, love, and truth engage Protection for our souls. 9 Though pressed, we need not yield, But shall prevail at length ; For Jesus is our sun and shield, Our righteousness and strength. 10 Assured that Christ our king Will put our foes to flight, We on the field of battle sing, And triumph while we fight. L. M. 47. Tune 22. Come, worship at Immanuei's feet ; Behold in him what wonders meet ; Words are too feeble to express His worth, his glory, or his grace. 2 He is the head ; each member lives, And owns the vital power he gives ; The saints below, and saints above, Joined by his Spirit and his love. 3 He is the vine ; his heavenly root Supplies each branch with life and fruit ; Oh may a lasting union join My soul to Christ the living vine. 4 He is the rock ; how firm he proves ; The rock of ages never moves ; But the sweet streams that from him flow, Attend us all the desert through. 36 GOD THE SON. 5 He is the sun of righteousness Diffusing light, and joy, and peace ; What healing in his beams appears, To chase our clouds and dry our tears. 6 Yet faintly to us mortals here, His glory, grace, and worth appear ; His beauties we shall clearly trace, When we behold him face to face. P. M. 48. Tune 249. We bow before thy throne, Jesus, and thee alone Our God and Saviour own ; While pilgrims here on earth we are, We to thy courts will oft repair, To offer prayer and praise ; O God of grace, Thy saving name we bless. 2 Again we raise the strain, Worthy the Lamb once slain, For evermore to reign ; Thee, Christ, God blessed for evermore Our lips confess, our hearts adore ; Honor and majesty, Be given to thee, Now and eternally. ADVENT. 7s & 6s. 49. Tune 151 How shall I meet my Saviour ? How shall I welcome thee ? What manner of behavior Is now required of me ? ADVENT. 37 I wait for thy salvation ; Grant me thy Spirit's light ; Thus will my preparation Be pleasing in thy sight. 2 While with her sweetest flowers Thy Zion strews thy way, I '11 raise with all my powers To thee a grateful lay ; To thee, the king of glory, I '11 tune a song divine, And make thy love's bright story In graceful numbers shine. L. M. 50. Tune 22. On Jordan's banks the Baptist's cry Announces that the Lord is nigh ; Come near and hearken, for he brings Glad tidings from the king of kings. 2 Be purified each christian breast, And furnished for so great a guest : Yea, let us all our hearts prepare For Christ to come and enter there. 3 For thou art our salvation, Lord, Our refuge and our great reward ; Without thy grace our souls must fade, And wither like a flower decayed. 4 Stretch forth thine hand a balm to pour, And make us rise to fall no more, Upon thy pardoned people shine, And fill the world with grace divine. 5 To him who left the throne of heaven To save mankind, all praise be given ; Like praise be to the Father done, And Holy Spirit, three in one. 38 GOD THE SON. 7s. 51. Tune 11. All the world give praises due ; God is faithful, God is true ; He to man doth comfort send In his Son, the sinners 7 friend. 2 What the fathers wished of old, What the promises foretold, What the seers did prophesy, Is fulfilled most gloriously. 3 My salvation, welcome be ; Thou, my portion, praise to thee ; Come, and make thy blest abode In my heart, O Son of God. 4 Grant thy comforts to my mind, Since I 'm helpless, poor, and blind ; Oh may I in faith abide Thine, and never turn aside. 5 Jesus, when in majesty Thou shalt come my judge to be, Grant in grace that I may stand Justified at thy right hand. L. M. 0/0. Tune 22. Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates ; Behold, the king of glory waits ; The king of kings is drawing near, The Saviour of the world is here. 2 The Lord is just, a helper tried ; Mercy is ever at his side ; His kingly crown is holiness, His sceptre, pity in distress. 3 Oh, blest the land, the city blest, Where Christ the ruler is confessed ; ADVENT. 39 Oh, happy hearts and happy homes, To whom this king of triumph comes. 4 Fling wide the portals of your heart, Make it a temple, set apart From earthly use for heaven's employ, Adorned with prayer and love and joy. 5 Redeemer, come : I open wide My heart to thee ; here, Lord, abide ; Let me thy inner presence feel, Thy grace and love in me reveal. 6 So come, my sovereign, enter in ; Let new and nobler life begin ; The Holy Spirit guide us on, Until our glorious goal is won. 7s & 6s. OO. Tune 151. Oh how shall I receive thee, How greet thee, Lord, aright ? All nations long to see thee, My hope, my heart's delight ! Oh kindle, Lord, most holy, Thy lamp within my breast, To do in spirit lowly All that may please thee best. 2 Thy Zion palms is strewing, And branches fresh and fair ; My heart, its powers renewing, An anthem shall prepare ; My soul puts off her sadness, Thy glories to proclaim ; With all her strength and gladness, She fain would serve thy name. 3 I lay in fetters groaning, Thou com'st to set me free ! 40 GOD THE SON. I stood, my shame bemoaning, Thou com'st to honor me 1 A glory thou dost give me, A treasure safe on high, That will not fail nor leave me, As earthly riches fly. 4 Love caused thy incarnation, Love brought thee down to me; Thy thirst for my salvation Procured my liberty ; O love beyond all telling, That led thee to embrace, In love all love excelling, Our lost and fallen race ! 5 Rejoice then, ye sad-hearted, Who sit in deepest gloom, Who mourn o'er joys departed^, And tremble at your doom ; He who aloue can cheer you, Is standing at the door ; He brings Ms pity near you, And bids you weep no more. e*. 54 Once he came in blessing, All our ills redressing, Came in likeness lowly, Son of God most holy ; Bore the cross to save us, Hope and freedom gave us. 2 Still he comes within us, Still his voice would win us, From the sins that hurt us ; Would to truth convert us, From our foolish errors, Ere he comes in terrors. ADVENT. 41 Thus if thou hast known him, Not ashamed to own him ; Nor dost love him coldly, But wilt trust him boldly ; He will now receive thee, Heal thee, and forgive thee. He who well endureth, Bright reward secureth ; Come then, O Lord Jesus, From our sins release us ; Let us here confess thee, Till in heaven we bless thee. C. M. 55. Tu.ne 14, Hark the glad sound ! the Saviour comes, The Saviour promised long ; Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. 2 He comes, the prisoners to release, In Satan's bondage held ; The gates of brass before him burst, The iron fetters yield. 3 He comes, from thickest films of vice, To clear the mental ray, And on the eye, long closed in night, To pour celestial day. 4 He comes, the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure ; And, with the riches of his grace, To bless the humble poor. 5 Our glad hosannas, Prince of peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim ; And heaven's eternal arches ring With thy beloved name. 42 GOD THE SON. 8s&7s. 56. Tune 16. Hail ! thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set thy people free ; From our fears and sins release us, Let us find our rest in thee. 2 Israel's strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth thou art ; Long desired of every nation, Joy of every waiting heart. 3 Born, thy people to deliver ; Born a child, yet God our king ; Born, to reign in us forever ; Now thy gracious kingdom bring. 4 By thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone ; By thine all-sufficient merit, Raise us to thy glorious throne. INCARNATION AND BIRTH. C. M. 57. Tune 14. Joy to the world, the Lord is come ; Let earth receive her king ; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing. 2 Joy to the earth, the Saviour reigns ; Let men their songs employ ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sin and sorrow grow, Nor thorns infest the ground ; . He comes to make his blessings flow Far as the curse is found. INCARNATION AND BIRTH. 43 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love. 8s, 7s & 4s. OO. Tu.ne 585. Hail, thou wondrous infant stranger, Born lost Eden to regain ; Welcome in thy humble manger, Welcome to thy creature man ; Hail Immanuel, Thou who wast ere time began. 2 Say, ye blest seraphic legions, What thus brought your Maker down? Say, why did he leave your regions, Why forsake his heavenly throne ? Notes melodious Tell the cause : Good will to man. 3 We this offered Saviour needed, Hence we join your theme with joy ; We by none will be exceeded, While we laud this mystery, And with winder God incarnate glorify. 8s, 7s & 4s. J, Tuine 585. Peace on earth, heaven is proclaiming ; Peace, descending from above, Peace, good will, lost man reclaiming, Peace from God, God Avho is love ; Peace in Jesus, Peace that never shall remove. 2 Glory to our great Creator, Glory in the highest strain ; Glory to the Mediator, 44 GOD THE SON. Both from angels and from men ; To Immanuel, All the glory doth pertain. S. M. OO. Tune 595. O Saviour of our race, Welcome indeed thou art, Blessed Redeemer, fount of grace, To this my longing heart ! 2 Light of the world, abide Through faith within my heart ; Leave me to seek no other guide, Nor e'er from thee depart. 3 Thou art the life, O Lord ! Sole light of life thou art ! Let not thy glorious rays be poured In vain on my dark heart. 4 Star of the East, arise ! Drive all my clouds away ; Guide me till earth's dim twilight dies Into the perfect day. 7s. 61. Tune 11. What good news the angels bring ! What glad tidings of our king ! Christ the Lord is born to-day, Christ, who takes our sins away ! 2 He who rules both heaven and earth Hath iu Bethlehem his birth ; Him shall all the faithful see, And rejoice eternally. 3 Lift your hearts and voices high, With hosannas fill the sky ; Glory be to God above, Who is infinite in love ! INCARNATION AND BIRTH. 45 4 Peace on earth, good will to men ! Now with us our God is seen, Angels join his name to praise, Help to sing redeeming grace. 5 Jesus is the loveliest name, This the angel doth proclaim ; Sinners poor he came to save, They in him redemption have. 6 They who see themselves undone, And take refuge to the Son, They shall all be born again, And with him in glory reign. 7s. 62. Tune 11. Hark ! the herald-angels sing, Glory to the new-born king ; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled ! 2 Joyful, all ye nations, rise ; Join the triumph of the skies ; With the angelic host proclaim ; " Christ is born in Bethlehem !" 4 Veiled in flesh the Godhead see ! Hail the incarnate Deity ! Pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus our Immanuel. 4 Hail the heaven-born Prince of peace ! Hail the sun of righteousness ! Light and life to all he brings, Risen with healing in his wings. 5 Lo, he lays his glory by ; Born, that man no more may die ; Born, to raise the sons of earth ; Born, to give them second birth. 46 GOD THE SON. 6 Sing, we then, with angels sing ; " Glory to the new-born king ! Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled." 8s 7s & 4-s. OO. Tune 585. Angels, from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o'er all the earth ; Ye who sang creation's story, Now proclaim Messiah's birth ; Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born king. 2 Shepherds, in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night, God with man is now residing, Yonder shines the infant light ; Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born king. 3 Sages, leave your contemplations, Brighter visions beam afar ; Seek the great desire of nations ; Ye have seen his natal star ; Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born king. 4 Saints, before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord descending. In his temple shall appear ■ Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born king. 5 Sinners, wrung with true repentance, Doomed for guilt to endless pains ; Justice now revokes the sentence, Mercy calls you, — break your chains ; Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born king. INCARNATION AND BIRTH. 47 8s & 7s. 64. Tune 16. Hark ! what mean those holy voices, Sweetly sounding through the skies ? Lo ! th' angelic host rejoices, Heavenly hallelujahs rise. 2 Hear them tell the wondrous story, Hear them chant in hymns of joy ; " Glory in the highest, glory ! Glory be to God most high ! 3 " Peace on earth, good-will from heaven, Reaching far as man is found ; Souls redeemed and sins forgiven ! Loud our golden harps shall sound. 4 " Christ is born, the great anointed ; Heaven and earth his praises sing ! Oh receive whom God appointed For your Prophet, Priest, and King ! 5 " Haste, ye mortals, to adore him ; Learn his name, and taste his joy ; Till in heaven ye sing before him, — Glory be to God most high I" 8s & 7s. 00. Tune 16. Christ the Lord, the Lord most glorious, Now is born ; oh shout aloud, Man by him is made victorious, Praise your Saviour, hail your God. 2 Praise the Lord, for on us shineth Christ the sun of righteousness ; He to us in love inclineth, Cheers our souls with pardoning grace. 3 Praise the Lord, whose saving splendor Shines into the darkest night ; 48 GOD THE SON. Oh what praises shall we render For this never-ceasing light. 4 Praise the Lord, God our salvation, Praise him who retrieved our loss ; Sing, with awe, and love's sensation, Hallelujah, God with us. L. M. 00. Tune 22. To-day we celebrate the birth Of Jesus Christ, who came on earth Man as his property to claim, And from perdition to redeem. 2 Awake, my heart ; my soul, arise ; Look who in yonder manger lies ; Who is that child, so poor and mean ? ? T is he who all things doth sustain. 3 Welcome, oh welcome, noble guest, Who sinners not despised hast, But cam'st into our misery ; How shall we pay due thanks to thee? 4 Immanuel, incarnate God, Prepare my heart for thy abode ; Oh may I, through thy aiding grace, In all I do, show forth thy praise. H. M. 1)7. Tune 342. Lo ! God, our God, has come ; To us a child is born, To us a son is given ; Bless, bless the blessed morn ! Oh ! happy, lowty, lofty birth ! Now God, our God, has come to earth. 2 Rejoice ! our God has come, In love and lowliness ; IXCARXATIOX AJZD BIRTH. 49 The Son of God has come, The sons of men to bless ; God with us now descends to dwell, God in our flesh, Immanuel. 3 Praise ye the Word made flesh ; True God, true man is he ; Praise ye the Christ of God ; To whom all glory be ! Praise ye the Lamb that once was slain, Praise ye the king that comes to reign. us & ios. bo. Brightest and best of the sons of the morn- ing, Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid: Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our mfknt Redeemer is laid! 2 Cold on his cradle the dew-drops are shining ; Low lies his head with the beasts of the stall; Angels adore him, in slumber reclining, Maker and monarch and Saviour of all ! 3 Say, shall we yield him in costly devotion, Odors of Edom, and offerings divine, Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest, or gold from the mine? 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation ; Vainly with gifts would his favor secure ; Kicher by far is the heart's adoration : Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Dawn on our darkness, and lend us thine aid; Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid. 4 50 GOD THE SON. 7s. 69 «, Tune 11. Bright and joyful is the morn, For to us a child is born ; From the highest realms of heaven Unto us a son is given. 2 On his shoulder he shall bear Power and majesty, and wear On his vesture and his thigh, Names most awful, names most high. 3 Wonderful in counsel he, Christ, th' incarnate Deity, Sire of ages ne'er to cease, King of kings, and Prince of peace. 4 Come and worship at his feet, Yield to him the homage meet, From the manger to the throne ; Homage due to God alone. lis. TO, Tune 39. Come hither, ye faithful, Triumphantly sing ! Come, see in the manger The angels' dread king ! To Bethlehem hasten With joyful accord ! Oh, come ye, come hither To worship the Lord I 2 True Son of the Father, He comes from the skies ; To be born of a virgin He doth not despise. To Bethlehem hasten, etc. 3 Hark, hark to the angels ! All singing in heaven, INCARNATION AND BIRTH. 51 "To God in the highest All glory be given !." To Bethlehem hasten, etc. 4 To thee, then, O Jesus, This clay of thy birth, Be glory and honor Through heaven and earth ; True Godhead incarnate, Omnipotent Word ! Oh, come, let us hasten To worship the Lord ! L. M. 71. Tune 22. Rejoice, our nature Christ assumes ; Born of a virgin, lo, he comes, As the Messiah fore-ordained ; Adore and wonder, every land. 2 He left his bright, his glorious throne, He bowed the heavens, to earth came down ; And thus his wondrous race began, As God with God and man with man. 3 Behold a great, a heavenly light, From Bethlehem's manger shining bright, Around those who in darkness dwell, The night of evil to dispel. 4 Incarnate God, exert thy power ; Arise, thou glorious conqueror : Subdue sin, death, and every foe, Erect thy kingdom here below. 8s, 3s & 6s 72. Tune 157. All my heart this night rejoices, As I hear, Far and near, 52 GOD THE SON. Sweetest angel voices ; " Christ is born," their choirs are singing : Till the air, Everywhere, Now with joy is ringing. 2 Hark, a voice from yonder manger, Soft and sweet, Doth entreat, " Flee from woe and danger ; Brethren, come, from all that grieves you You are freed ; All you need I will surely give you." 3 Come then, let us hasten yonder ; Here let all, Great and small, Kneel in awe and wonder ; Love him who with love is yearning ; Hail the star, That from far, Bright with hope is burning. 4 Ye who pine in weary sadness, Weep no more, For the door Now is found, of gladness ; Cling to him, for he will guide you : Where no cross, Pain or loss, Can again betide you. 5 Blessed Saviour, let me find thee ; Keep thou me Close to thee, Cast me not behind thee ; Life of life, my heart thou stillest, Calm I rest On thy breast, All this void thou fillest. INCARNATION AND BIRTH. 53 6 Heedfully my Lord 1 11 cherish, Live to thee, And with thee Dying, shall not perish ; But shall dwell with thee forever, Far on high, In the joy That can alter never. L. M. JO. Tune 22 We sing to thee, Immanuel, The Prince of life, salvation's well, The plant of heaven, the star of morn, The Lord of lords, the virgin-born. 2 All glory, worship, thanks and praise, That thou art come in these our days ! Thou heavenly guest expected long, We hail thee with a joyful song. 3 For thee, since first the world was made, Men's hearts have waited,watched and praved; Prophets and patriarchs, year by year, Have longed to see thy light appear. 4 O God, they prayed, from Zion rise, And hear thy captive people's cries ; At length, O Lord ! salvation bring, Then Jacob shall rejoice and sing. 5 Now thou art here, we know thee now ; In lowly manger liest thou A child, yet makest all things great, • Poor, yet is earth thy robe of state. 6 Thou, who both heaven and earth dost sway, In strangers' inn art fain to stay ; And though thy pow T er makes angels blest, Dost seek thy food from human breast. 54 GOD THE SON. 7 Encouraged thus, our love grows bold, On thee to lay our steadfast hold, The cross which thou didst undergo, Has vanquished death and healed our woe. 8 Thou art our head; then, Lord, of thee True living members we will be ; And, in the strength thy grace shall give, Will live as thou wouldst have us live, 9 As each short- year rolls quickly round, Our hallelujahs shall resound ; And, when we reckon years no more, May we, in heaven, thy name adore. L. M. D. 74. Tune 166 What offering shall I bring to thee, Immanuel, my king and God ? Who didst vouchsafe a man to be, To save me by thy precious blood ; Thou, at whose birth the angels sing, " Peace upon earth, good will to men," To whom the sages humbly bring Their gifts, though thou appear so mean. 2 This will I do, thou child divine, I '11 give thee that for which thou cam'st, My soul and body, Lord, are thine, And them in love to me thou claim'st : My humble sacrifice receive, Dear Jesus, born to bleed for me, That I by faith in thee might live, And with thee live eternally. P. M. 75. Tune 159. Wisdom and power to Christ belong, Who left his glorious throne ; INCARNATION AND BIRTH. 55 The new, the blessed gospel-song Is due to him alone ; Join all on earth in Jesus' praise, Join with the highest seraph's lays ; To us, to us God's Son is given, The Lord of earth and heaven. P. M. 76. Tune 249. With awe, and deeply bowed, We praise the incarnate God, Who took our flesh and blood ; Unto the child at Bethlehem, Whose birth the angelic choirs proclaim, We our thank-offerings bring, And grateful sing Praise to our heavenly king, L. M. 77. Tune 22. Maker of all things, Lord our God, Now veiled in feeble flesh and blood, To reconcile and set us free From endless woe and misery ; 2 What heights, what depths of love divine, In thy blest incarnation shine ! Let heaven and earth unite their lays, To magnify thy boundless grace. 8s & 7s. i O. Tune 16. Welcome, blessed heavenly stranger ! Open, Holy Ghost, mine eyes, Lead me to my Saviour's manger, Show me where my Jesus lies 2 Oh, most mighty, oh, most holy Far above the seraph's thought ! 56 GOD THE SON. Zion, view thy king as lowly As inspired prophets taught. lis. 79. Tune 39. To God our Immanuel, made flesh as we are, Our friend, our redeemer, and brother most dear, Be honor and glory : let with one accord All people say, Amen ! give praise to the Lord. NAME OF JESUS. C. M. 80. Tune 14, How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear ! It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast ; ? T is manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary, rest. 3 Jesus, the rock on which I build, My shield and hiding-place, My never-failing treasury, filled With boundless stores of grace. 4 Jesus ! my shepherd, husband, friend, My prophet, priest and king ! My lord, my life, my way, my end ! Accept the praise I bring. 5 Weak is the effort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought, But when I see thee as thou art, I '11 praise thee as I ought. NAME OF JESUS. 57 6 Till then I would thy love proclaim, With every fleeting breath ; And may the music of thy name Refresh my soul in death. C. M. 01. Tune 14. Come, Holy Ghost, inspire my song With thy immortal flame ; And teach my heart, and teach my tongue, The Saviour's lovely name. 2 The Saviour ! oh, what endless charms Dwell in this blissful sound ; Its influence every fear disarms, And spreads sweet comfort round. 3 Here pardon, life, and joy divine, In rich effusion flow For guilty rebels, lost by sin, And doomed to endless woe. 4 God's only Son, stupendous grace, Forsook his throne above ; And swift to save our wretched race, He flew on wings of love. 5 The almighty former of the skies Stooped to our vile abode ; While angels viewed with wondering eyes, And hailed the incarnate God. 6 Oh, the rich depths of love divine ; Of bliss a boundless store ; Dear Saviour, let me call thee mine, I cannot wish for more. 7 On thee alone my hope relies ; Beneath thy cross I fall, My Lord, my life, my sacrifice, My Saviour, and my all. 58 GOD THE SON. 7s. O/i. Tune 11. Jesus ! name of wondrous love, Name all other names above ! Name at which must every knee Bow in deep humility. 2 Jesus ! name of priceless worth, To the fallen sons of earth, For the promise that it gave, " Jesus shall his people save." 3 Jesus ! name of mercy mild, Given to the holy child, When the cup of human woe First he tasted here below. 4 Jesus ! only name that's given Under all the mighty heaven, Whereby man, to sin enslaved, Bursts his fetters, and is saved. 5 Jesus ! name of wondrous love ! Human name of him above ! Pleading only this we flee, Helpless, oh, our God, to thee. S. M. OO. Tune 595. The ancient law departs, And all its terrors cease ; For Jesus makes with faithful hearts A covenant of peace. 2 The light of light divine, True brightness undefiled, He bears for us the shame of sin, A holy, spotless child. 3 To-day the name is thine, At which we bend the knee ; NAME OF JESUS. 59 They call thee Jesus, child divine ! Our Jesus deign to be. 4 All praise, eternal Son, For thy redeeming love, With Father, Spirit, ever one In glorious might above. 7s. 84. Tune 11. Sweeter sounds than music knows Charm me in ImmanueFs name ; All her hopes my spirit owes To his birth, and cross, and shame. 2 When he came the angels sung, " Glory be to God on high !" Lord, unloose my stammering tongue, Who should louder sing than I ? 3 Did the Lord a man become, That he might the law fulfill, Bleed and suffer in my room, And canst thou, my tongue, be still? 4 No, I must my praises bring, Though they worthless are and weak ; For should I refuse to sing, Sure the very stones would speak. 5 O my Saviour, shield, and sun, Shepherd, brother, husband, friend, Every precious name in one, I will love thee without end. L. M. GO. Tune 22. There is none other name than thine, Jehovah Jesus ! name divine, On which to rest for sins forgiven, For peace with God, for hope of heaven. 60 GOD THE SON. 2 There is none other name than thine, When cares and fears and griefs are mine, That with a gracious power can heal Each care and fear and grief I feel. 3 There is none other name than thine, When called my spirit to resign, To bear me through that latest strife, And even in death to be my life. 4 Name above every name ! thy praise Shall fill the remnant of my days ; Jehovah Jesus ! name divine, Rock of salvation, thou art mine. C. M. CO. Tune 14. Jesus, I love thy charming name, 'T is music to mine ear ; Fain would I sound it out so loud, That earth and heaven should hear. 2 Yes, thou art precious to my soul, My transport and my trust ; Jewels to thee are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 3 All my capacious powers can wish, In thee doth richly meet ; Nor to mine eyes is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet. 4 Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragrance there, The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 5 I '11 speak the honors of thy name With my last laboring breath ; Then, speechless, clasp thee in mine arms, The antidote of death. MANIFESTATION TO THE GENTILES. 61 P. M. Ol . Tune 119. Jesus' name, Source of life and happiness ; In this name true consolation Mourning sinners may possess ; Here is found complete salvation ; Blessed Jesus, we thy name will praise All our days. 2 God with us, God appears in human frame ; In his name rejoice with gladness, Since to save lost man he came ; None need sink in hopeless sadness, For Immanuel is now with us, God with us. MANIFESTATION TO THE GENTILES. 7s. 88. Tune 205, Watchman, tell us of the night, What its signs of promise are. Traveler, o'er yon mountain's height See that glory-beaming star. Watchman, does its beauteous ray Aught of hope or joy foretell ? Traveler, yes : it brings the day — Promised day of Israel. 2 Watchman, tell us of the night ; Higher yet that star ascends. Traveler, blessedness and light, Peace and truth, its course portends. Watchman, will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth ? Traveler, ages are its own ; See ! it bursts o'er all the earth. 62 GOD THE SON. 3 Watchman, tell us of the night, For the morning seems to dawn. Traveler, darkness takes its flight, Doubt and terror are withdrawn. Watchman, let thy wanderings cease, Hie thee to thy quiet home. Traveler, lo ! the Prince of peace, Lo ! the Son of God, is come ! C. M. Ot/. Tune 14. O thou, who by a star didst guide The wise men on their way, Until it came and stood beside The place where Jesus lay : 2 Although by stars thou dost not lead Thy servants now below T , The Holy Spirit, when they need, Will show them how to go. 3 As yet we know thee but in part : But still we trust thy word, That blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see the. Lord. 4 Oh Saviour, give us then thy grace, To make us pure in heart, That we may see thee face to face Hereafter, as thou art. L. M. y(j. Tune 22. O Christ, our true and only light, Illumine those who sit in night ; Let those afar now hear thy voice, And in thy fold with us rejoice. 2 Fill with the radiance of thy grace The souls now lost in error's maze, MANIFESTATION TO THE GENTILES. 63 And all, O Lord, whose secret minds, Some dark delusion hurts and blinds. 3 And all who else have strayed from thee, Oh, gently seek ! thy healing be To every wounded conscience given, And let them also share thy heaven. 4 Oh, make the deaf to hear thy word, And teach the dumb to speak, dear Lord, Who dare not yet the faith avow, Though secretly they hold it now. 5 Shine on the darkened and the cold, Recall the wanderers to thy fold, Unite those now who walk apart, Confirm the weak and doubting heart. 6 So they with us may evermore Such grace with wondering thanks adore, And endless praise to thee be given, By all thy church in earth and heaven. 7s. 91. Tune 11. Sons of men, behold from far, Hail the long expected star ! Jacob's star that gilds the night, Guides bewildered nature right. 2 Fear not hence that ill should flow, Wars or pestilence below ; Wars it bids and tumults cease, Ushering in the Prince of peace. 3 Mild he shines on all beneath, Piercing through the shade of death ; Scattering error's wide-spread night, Kindling darkness into light. 64 GOD THE SON. 4 Nations all, far off and near, Haste to see your God appear ! Haste, for him your hearts prepare, Meet him manifested there. 5 Here behold the dayspring rise, Pouring eyesight on your eyes : God in his own light survey, Shining to the perfect day. 6 Sing, ye morning stars, again ! God descends on earth to reign ; Deigns for man his life to employ : Shout, ye sons of God, for joy. 7s & 6s. \)Z. Tune 151 Hail to the Lord's Anointed ! Great David's greater Son ! Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun ! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free, To take away transgression, And rule in equity. 2 He comes with succor speedy, To those who suffer wrong ; To help the poor and needy, And bid the weak be strong ; To give them songs for sighing, Their darkness turn to light, Whose souls condemned and dying, Were precious in his sight. 3 By such shall he be feared, While sun and moon endure, Beloved, obeyed, revered ; For he shall judge the poor, MANIFESTATION TO THE GENTILES. 65 Through changing generations, With justice, mercy, truth, While stars maintain their stations, Or moons renew their youth. 4 He shall come clown like showers Upon the fruitful earth ; And joy, and hope, like flowers, Spring in his path to birth ; Before him, on the mountains, Shall peace, the herald go ; And righteousness, in fountains, From hill to valley flow. 5 Arabia's desert-ranger To him shall bow the knee ; The Ethiopian stranger His glory come to see ; With offerings of devotion Ships from the isles shall meet, To pour the wealth -of ocean In tribute at his feet. 6 Kings shall fall down before him, And gold and incense bring ; All nations shall adore him, His praise all people sing ; For he shall have dominion O'er river, sea and shore, Far as the eagle's pinion, Or dove's light wing can soar. 7 For him shall prayer unceasing And daily vows ascend ; His kingdom still increasing, A kingdom without end ; The mountain-dew shall nourish A seed in weakness sown, Whose fruit shall spread and flourish, And shake like Lebanon. 66 GOD THE SON. 8 O'er every foe victorious, •- He on his throne shall rest ; From age to age more glorious, All blessing and all blest ; The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand for ever, That name to us is — Love. 7s. 93. Tune 581. As with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold ; As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright ; So, most gracious Lord, may we Evermore be led to thee. 2 As with joyous steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed, There to bend the knee before Him whom heaven and earth adore ; So may we with willing feet Ever seek the mercy-seat. 3 As they offered gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare ; So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ ! to thee our heavenly king. 4 Holy Jesus ! every day Keep us in the narrow way ; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last, Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds thy glory hide. 5 In the heavenly country bright, Need they no created light ; MANIFESTATION TO THE GENTILES. 67 Thou its light, its joy, its crown, Thou its sun which goes not down ; There for ever may we sing Hallelujahs to our king. 8s & 7s. 94. Tune 167. Come, thou universal blessing, Thou, the woman's promised seed ; Perfect bliss and joy unceasing, . Deign throughout the earth to spread : By thy holy incarnation, Life, and death, our guilt remove ; Visit us with thy salvation, Bless us with thy heavenly love. C. M. 95. Tune 14. Hail ! kingly Jesus, to thy feet Our hearts their tribute bring ; Not sparkling gold, not odors sweet, But love, our offering. 2 Such treasures to thy manger-bed The ancient Magi brought, When, by the star resplendent, led, Judea's king they sought. 3 But hearts of humble poverty Are fairer in thine eyes, And penitence is more to thee Than costly sacrifice. 8s, 6s & 8s. 96. Tune 79. The wise men from the East adored The infant Jesus as their Lord, Brought gifts to him their king : Jesus, grant us thy light, that we The way may find, and unto thee Our hearts, our all, a tribute bring. 68 GOD THE SON. LIFE, EXAMPLE AND MINISTRY. 8s, 6s <& 8s. \) I . Tune 79. May Jesus Christ, the spotless Lamb, Who to the temple humbly came The legal rights to pay, Subdue our proud and stubborn will, That we his precepts may fulfill, Whatever rebellious nature say. S. M. 98, Tune 595. Work while it is to-day, This was our Master's rule ; With docile minds let us obey, As learners in his school. 2 To work the work of God, Was his divine employ ; And we must tread the path he trod, Or enter not his joy. 3 For thee our all to spend, Still may we watch and pray; And, persevering to the end, Work while it is to-day. L. M. 99. Tune 22. My dear Redeemer and my Lord ! I read my duty in thy word : But in thy life the law appears Drawn out in living characters. 2 Such was thy truth, and such thy zeal, Such deference to thy Father's will, Such love, and meekness so divine, I would transcribe and make them mine. LIFE, EXAMPLE AND MINISTRY. 69 3 Cold mountains and the midnight air Witnessed the fervor of thy prayer ; The desert thy temptations knew, Thy conflict and thy victory too. 4 Be thou my pattern ; make me bear More of thy gracious image here ; Then God, the judge, shall own my name Among the followers of the Lamb. L. M. 100. Tune 22. How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound From lips of gentleness and grace, When listening thousands gathered round, And joy and reverence filled the place ! 2 From heaven he came, of heaven he spoke, To heaven he led his followers' way ; Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Unveiling an immortal day. 3 " Come, wanderers, to my Father's home ; Come, all ye weary ones, and rest :" Yes, sacred teacher, we will come, Obey thee, love thee, and be blest. C. M. 101. Tune 14. Oh, where is he that trod the sea ? Oh, where is he that spake, And lepers from their pains are free, And slaves their fetters break? 2 The lame and palsied freely rise, With joy the dumb do sing ; And on the darkened, blinded eyes, Glad beams of morning spring ! 3 Oh, where is he that trod the sea ? Oh, where is he that spake, 70 GOD THE SON. And demons from their victims flee, The dead from slumber wake? 4 Here, here art thou, almighty Lord ! Oh, speak to us once more, And let thy healing, quickening word, Our ruined souls restore. S. M. 102. Tune 698. Did Christ o'er sinners weep ? And shall our cheeks be dry ? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. 2 The Son of God in tears The wondering angels see; Be thou astonished, O my soul ! He shed those tears for thee. 3 He wept that we might weep ; Each sin demands a tear ; In heaven alone no sin is found, There is no weeping there. C. M. lUO. Tune 14. In duties and in sufferings too, My Lord I fain would trace ; As thou hast done, so would I do, Depending on thy grace. 2 Inflamed with zeal, 't was thy delight, To do thy Father's will ; May the same zeal my soul excite, Thy precepts to fulfill. 3 Meekness, humility, and love, Through all thy conduct shine ; Oh, may my whole deportment prove A copy, Lord, of thine. LIFE, EXAMPLE AND MINISTRY. 71 L. M. 104. Tune 22. How beauteous were the marks divine, That in thy meekness used to shine, That lit thy lonely pathway, trod In wondrous love, O Son of God ! 2 Oh, who like thee so calm, so bright, So pure, so made to live in light? Oh, who like thee did ever go So patient through a world of woe ? 3 Oh, who like thee so humbly bore The scorn, the scoffs of men, before ? So meek, forgiving, godlike, high, So glorious in humility ? 4 And death, which sets the prisoner free, Was pang, and scoff, and scorn, to thee ; Yet love through all thy torture glowed, And mercy with thy life-blood flowed. 5 Oh, in thy light be mine to go, Illuming all my way of woe ; And give me ever on the road To trace thy footsteps, Son of God ! 7s. 105. Tune 11. Father of eternal grace ! Glorify thyself in me ; Meekly beaming in my face May the world thine image see. 2 Happy only in thy love, Poor, unfriended or unknown ; Fix my thoughts on things above, Stay my heart on thee alone. 3 Humble, holy, all resigned To thy will — thy will be done ! 72 GOD THE SON. Give me, Lord ! the perfect mind Of tlry well-beloved Son. 4 Counting gain and glory loss, May I tread the path he trod ; Die with Jesus on the cross, Rise with him, to thee, my God ! C. M. 10b. Tune 14. Thou art the way ; — to thee alone From sin and death we flee ; And he, who would the Father seek, Must seek him, Lord ! by thee. 2 Thou art the truth ; — thy word alone True wisdom can impart ; Thou only canst inform the mind, And purify the heart, 3 Thou art the life ; — the rending tomb Proclaims thy conquering arm ; And those, who put their trust in thee, Nor death nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the w ay, the truth, the life ; Grant us that way to know, That truth to keep, that life to win, Whose joys eternal flow. C. M. 107, Tune 14. O Son of God and man receive This humble work of mine ; Worth to my meanest labor give, By blessing it with thine. 2 Servant of all, to toil for man Thou didst not, Lord, refuse ; Thy majesty did not disdain To be employed for us. TRANSFIGURATION. 73 3 In all I think, or speak, or do, Let nie show forth thy praise ; Thy bright example still pursue Through all my future days. 4 By faith through outward cares I go, From all distraction free ; My hands alone engaged below, My spirit still with thee. 5 When thou, my Saviour, shalt appear, Then gladly may I cry, " The work thou gavest me while here Is done, — to thee I fly." TRANSFIGURATION. L. M. 108. Tune 22. Let me be with thee, where thou art, My Saviour, my eternal rest ; Then only will this longing heart Be fully and forever blest. 2 Let me be with thee, where thou art, Thine unveiled glory to behold ; Then only will this wandering heart Cease to be faithless, treacherous, cold. 3 Let me be with thee, where thou art, Where spotless saints thy name adore ; ■ Then only will this sinful heart Be evil and defiled no more. 4 Let me be with thee, where thou art, Where none can die, where none remove ; Where life, nor death, my soul can part From thy blessed presence and thy love. 74 GOD THE SON. L. M. 109. Tune 22. O wondrous type, O vision fair Of glory that the church shall share, Which Christ upon the mountain shows, Where brighter than the sun he glows ! 2 From age to age the tale declare, How with the three disciples there, Where Moses and Elias meet, The Lord holds converse high and sweet. 3 The law and prophets there have place, Two chosen, witnesses of grace ; The Father's voice from out the cloud Proclaims his only Son aloud. 4 With shining face and bright array, Christ deigns to manifest to-day What glory shall be theirs above, Who joy in God with perfect love. 5 O Father, with the eternal Son, And Holy Spirit, ever one, Vouchsafe to bring us, by thy grace, To see thy glory face to face. TRIUMPHAL ENTRY. . M. 110. Tune 22. Kide on ! ride on in majesty ! Hark ! all the tribes hosanna cry ; O Saviour meek, pursue thy road With palms and scattered garments strewed. Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! In lowly pomp ride on to die ; O Christ, thy triumphs now begin O'er captive death and conquered sin. TRIUMPHAL ENTRY. 75 3 Ride on! ride on in majesty! The winged armies of the sky Look down with sad and wondering eyes, To see the approaching sacrifice. 4 Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! The last and fiercest strife is nigh ; The Father, on his sapphire throne, Expects his own anointed Son. 5 Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! In lowly pomp ride on to die ; Bow thy meek head to mortal pain, Then take, O God, thy power, and reign. L. M. 111. Tune 22. What are those soul-reviving strains Which echo thus from Salem's plains ? What anthems loud, and louder still, Sweetly resound from Zion's hill ? 2 Lo, 't is an infant chorus sings Hosanna to the king of kings ; The Saviour comes, and babes proclaim Salvation sent in Jesus' name. 3 Nor these alone their voice shall raise, For we will join this song of praise ; Still Israel's children forward press, To hail the Lord their righteousness. 4 Messiah's name shall joy impart Alike to Jew and Gentile heart ; He bled for us, he bled for you, And we will sing hosanna too. 5 Proclaim hosannas, loud and clear ; See David's Son and Lord appear ; Glory and praise on earth be given, Hosanna in the highest heaven. 76 GOD THE SON. L. M. 11/g. Tune 22. To thee be glory, honor, praise, Jesus, Redeemer, Saviour, King! Inspired with joy at thine approach, Thy children loud hosannas sing. 2 Hail, Israel's king ! hail, David's Son ! Hail, thou that in Jehovah's name Didst come thy people to redeem, And comest now thy crown to claim ! 3 Then, in thy way to Salem's courts, They met thee with triumphal palms Now, lor thy glad return we watch With longing prayers, and vows, and psalms. 4 Then, from the shouts of fickle joy Thou passedst to thy cross, thy grave ; Now, from the dawn of endless day, We welcome him that comes to save. 5 To thee, Redeemer, Saviour, King, To thee be glory, honor, praise ! At thine approach, with joy inspired, Thy children loud hosannas raise. SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 5s, 8s&Ss. IlO. Tune 68. Holy Trinity, Thanks and praise to thee, That our life and whole salvation Flow from Christ's blest incarnation, And his death for us, On the shameful cross. 2 Had we angels' tongues, With seraphic songs, SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 77 Bowing hearts and knees before thee, Triune God, we would adore thee In the highest strain, For the Lamb once slain. lOs & 7s. 114:. Tune 185. My Redeemer, overwhelmed with anguish, Went to Olivet for me ; There he kneels, his heart doth heave and languish In a bitter agony ; Fear and horror seize his soul and senses, For the hour of darkness now commences ; Ah, how doth he weep and groan, For rebellious man to atone. 2 How is Jesus' sacred soul oppressed With our sins' prodigious load ; Though an angel comforts the distressed, Weak, and fainting Lamb of God, Yet, what trembling seizeth him all over, Tears, and sweat, and blood his visage cover, And in drops fall to the ground, While his heart in grief is drowmed. 3 Stripes and cruel mockeries he endured, Meek and patient, in our stead ; How are Jesus' gracious eyes obscured ; View his wounded back and head ; He, whom thorns and scourges lacerated, Is the Lord, who all things hath created ; Ah, his sufferings, pain, and woe Make my eyes with tears o'erflow. 4 See him bear his cross, in deep affliction, On his sore and wounded back, Led to Calvary for crucifixion, Where his limbs they stretch and rack ; 78 GOD THE SON. As a lamb he 's led unto the slaughter, And his soul is poured out like water ; Vinegar and gall he tastes, While his suffering body wastes. 5 Now behold him weeping, bleeding, crying, 'Midst two thieves upon the cross ; Lo, he bows his sacred head, and dying, Life- eternal gains for us ; Lord, afford us all thy Spirit's unction, To consider this with heart's compunction ; Might our words and actions prove That we know thy dying love. 6 Our enraptured hearts shall ne'er be weary On our dying Lord to gaze ; At his cross in faith we wish to tarry, There shall be our hiding-place ; May his dying look remain engraven On our hearts ; for pardon, life, and heaven Our Redeemer then procured, When he death for us endured. 7 Therefore all his agony and passion, And his sin-atoning death, Shall remain, through grace, our faith's foun- dation, While we draw our vital breath ; Thus shall neither honor, wealth, nor pleas- ures Rob our souls of everlasting treasures ; Jesus, both by day and night, Shall remain our sole delight. 8 Could we tune our hearts and voices higher Than man's most exalted lays, Yet, till joined to the celestial choir, Cold would prove our warmest praise ; Jesus' love exceeds all comprehension, But our love to him we scarce dare mention ; SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 79 We may weep beneath his cross, But he wept and bled for us. 9 Oh, delightful theme, past all expression, " Thy Redeemer died for thee ;" Ah, this prompts my deepest adoration, When I hear, " he died for me ;" Might my thoughts, my words and whole be- havior Prove, that I believe in Christ my Saviour ; Yea, my love to Jesus show His to me in all I do. 10 Lamb of God, thou shalt remain forever Of our songs the only theme ; For thy boundless love, thy grace and favor, We will praise thy saving name ; That for our transgressions thou wast wounded, Shall by us in nobler strains be sounded, When we, perfected in love, Once shall join the church above. 7s. 110. Tune 581. Go to dark Gethsemane, Ye that feel the tempter's power, Your Redeemer's conflict see, Watch with him one bitter hour ; Turn not from his griefs away, Learn o*f Jesus Christ to pray. 2 Follow to the judgment-hall, View the Lord of life arraigned ; Oh, the wormwood and the gall ! Oh, the pangs his soul sustained ! Shun not suffering, shame or loss ; Learn of him to bear the cross. 3 Calvary's mournful mountain climb, There, adoring at his feet, 80 GOD THE SON. Mark that miracle of time, God's own sacrifice complete ; " It is finished !" hear him cry ; Learn of Jesus Christ to die. 4 Early hasten to the tomb, Where they laid his breathless clay ; All is solitude and gloom ; Who hath taken him away ? Christ is risen — he meets our eyes ; Saviour, teach us so to rise. 8s & 7s. 116. Tune 167. Great high-priest, we view thee stooping With our names upon thy breast, In the garden, groaning, drooping, To the ground with horrors pressed : Angels saw, struck with amazement, Their Creator suffer thus ; We are filled with deep abasement, Since we know 't was done for us. 2 Jesus, to the garden lead us, To behold thy bloody sweat ; Though thou from the curse hast freed us, May we ne'er the cost forget ; Be thy groans and cries rehearsed By thy Spirit in our ears, Till we, viewing whom we pierced, Melt in penitential tears. 8s, 7s & 7s. 117. Tune 89. Come to Calvary's holy mountain, Sinners, ruined by the fail ; Here a pure and healing fountain Flows to you, to me, to all, In a full, perpetual tide, Opened when our Saviour died. SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 81 2 Corae, in poverty and meanness, Come, denied, without, within ; From infection and uncleanness, From the leprosy of sin, Wash your robes and make them white; Ye shall walk with God in light. 3 Conic, in sorrow and contrition, Wounded, impotent, and blind ; Here the guilty free remission, Here the troubled peace may find ; Health this fountain will restore, He that drinks shall thirst no more. 4 He that drinks shall live forever, 'T is a soul-renewing flood : God is faithful ; God will never Break his covenant in blood, Signed when our Redeemer died, Sealed when he was glorified. C. M. llO. Tune 14. I see the crowd in Pilate's hall, I mark their wrathful mien ; Their shouts of " crucify" appall, With blasphemy between. 2 And of that shouting multitude I feel that I am one ; And in that din of voices rude, I recognize my own. 3 I see the scourges tear his back, I see the piercing crown, And of that crowd who smite and mock I feel that I am one. 4 Around yon cross the throng I see, Mockiug the sufferer's groan ; 6 82 GOD THE SON. Yet still my voice it seems to be, As if I mocked alone. 5 'T was I that shed the sacred blood, I nailed him to the tree, 1 crucified the Christ of God, I joined the mockery. 6 Yet not the less that blood avails To cleanse away my sin ; And not the less that cross prevails To give me peace within. 7s & 6s. 119. Tune 151. Thou source of my salvation, Thou conqueror of my death, Who didst as my oblation In torments yield thy breath ; Who barest the dreadful sentence Due to our guilty race, To screen my soul from vengeance ; Accept my thanks and praise. 2 I ? I1 go with thee, my Saviour, Up to mount Calvary ; And view with spirit's fervor All thou hast done for me ; Thus, with intense devotion, I follow thee each step, While tender love's emotion Makes heart and eyes to weep. 3 I see my Saviour languish In sad Gethsemane, Till through his pores, in anguish, Great blood-drops force their way ; The load which him oppresses, I, I deserve to feel ; The bloody sweat of Jesus Doth soul and body heal. SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 83 4 My Saviour was betrayed, Reproach and pain to meet ; My sins the Lord conveyed Tore Pilate's judgment seat ; These, these did him deliver Into the foe's dire hand ; I should have felt forever The pangs my Lord sustained. 5 Behold the man, he beareth God's wrath and curse for us ; A crown of thorns he weareth, For us endures the cross ; There, to complete his passion, His sorrows, pain, and woe. His blood for our salvation In copious streams doth flow. 6 Thou for thy foes entreatest ; Lord Jesus, who was I ? Thy friends thou not forgettest ; Turn, Lord, to me thine eye ; Thy mouth now grace declareth To the repenting thief; My guilty soul this cheereth ; Of sinners I am chief. 7 In anguish thou complainest, " My God forsaketh me ;" " I thirst," thou then exclaimest, Yet none refresheth thee ; At length the conflict ending, Thou criest,— "'Tis finished," And then, thy soul commending To God, didst bow thy head. 8 My heart with love is glowing, I see my Saviour die ; His head I see him bowing, This brought me endless joy; 84 GOD THE SON. He gave his soul an offering For sin, that I might live ; He saved me by his suffering, To him myself I give. 9 Thou God of my salvation, In whom I trust my faith, Who hast for my transgression Lain in the dust of death ; I place upon thy merit While here my confidence ; And will commend my spirit To thee, when I go hence. 10 Lord, grant me thy salvation And peace divine, I pray, While under tribulation On earth below I stay; Till I shall stand before thee, And for redeeming grace, With all the saints in glory, My Hallelujah raise. 7s & 6s. 1/OU. Tune 151. O head so full of bruises, So full of pain and scorn, Midst other sore abuses Mocked with a crown of thorn ; O head, ere now surrounded With brightest majesty, In death now bowed and wounded, Saluted be by me ! 2 I give thee thanks unfeigned, O Jesus, friend in need, For what thy soul sustained, When thou for me didst bleed ; Grant me to lean unshaken Upon thy faithfulness, SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 85 Until I hence am taken, To see thee face to face. 3 Lord, at my dissolution Do not from me depart ; Support, at the conclusion Of life, my fainting heart ; And when I pine and languish, Seized with death's agony, Oh, by thy pain and anguish, Set me at liberty. 4 Lord, grant me thy protection, Kemind me of thy death And glorious resurrection, When I resign my breath ; And then, though I be dying Midst sickness, grief and pain, I shall, on thee relying, Eternal life obtain. 7s & 6s. 121. Tune 151. O sacred head, now wounded, With grief and shame weighed down, Now scornfully surrounded With thorns, thine only crown ; O sacred head, what glory, What bliss, till now was thine ! Yet though despised and gory, I joy to call thee mine. 2 What thou, my Lord, hast suffered Was all for sinners' gain ; Mine, mine was the transgression, But thine the deadly pain ; Lo, here I fall, my Saviour ! T is I deserve thy place ; Look on me with thy favor, Vouchsafe to me thy grace. 86 GOD THE SON. 3 The joy can ne'er be spoken, Above all joys beside, When in thy body broken I thus with safety hide : My Lord of life, desiring Thy glory now to see, Beside thy cross expiring, I 'd breathe my soul to thee. 4 What language shall I borrow To thank thee, dearest friend, For this thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end ? Oh, make me thine forever ; And should I fainting be, Lord, let me never, never Outlive my love to thee ! 5 And when I am departing, Oh, part thou not from me ! When mortal pangs are darting, Come, Lord, and set me free ! And when my heart must languish Amidst the final throe, Release me from mine anguish, By thine own pain and woe ! 6 Be near me when I ? m dying ; Oh, show thy cross to me ! And for my succor flying, Come, Lord, and set me free ! These eyes, new faith receiving, From Jesus shall not move ; For he who dies believing, Dies safely, through thy love. C. M. \ZZ* Tune 14. The royal banner is unfurled, The cross is reared on high, SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 87 On which the Saviour of the world Is stretched in agony. 2 See, through his holy hands and feet The cruel nails they drive : Our ransom thus is made complete, Our souls are saved alive. 3 And, see, the spear hath pierced his side, And shed that sacred flood. That holy reconciling tide, The water and the blood. 4 Hail, holy cross, from thee we learn The only way to heaven : And, oh, to thee may sinners turn, And look, and be forgiven ! 5 So let us praise the Saviour's name, And, with exulting cry, The triumph of the cross proclaim To all eternity. 7s. LAO. Tune 581. Many woes had Christ endured, Many sore temptations met, Patient, and to pains inured ; But the sorest trial yet Was to be sustained in thee, Gloomy, sad Gethsemane ! 2 Came at length the dreadful night ; Vengeance, with its iron rod, Stood, and with collected might, Bruised the harmless Lamb of God : See, my soul, thy Saviour see Prostrate in Gethsemane. 3 There my God bore all my guilt : This, through grace, can be believed, 88 GOD THE SON. But the horrors which he felt Are too vast to be conceived : None can penetrate through thee, Doleful, dark Gethsemane. 4 Sins against a holy God, Sins against his righteous laws, Sins against his love, his blood, Sins against his name and cause, Sins immense as is the sea, Hide me, O Gethsemane 1 5 Here's my claim, and here alone : None a Saviour more can need ; Deeds of righteousness IVe none ; No, not one good work to plead : Not a glimpse of hope for me, Only in Gethsemane. Ss&7s. l/04. Tune 168. Sing with awe in strains melodious, Sing with awe : Behold the man ! Yea, repeat in tones harmonious, Ah ! behold, behold the man. On thy dying look, dear Saviour, I will fix my eyes forever : I am never tired to gaze At thy lovely, bleeding face. 2 Oh, this makes me think with sighing, I 'm the cause : behold the man ! But his love which I 'm enjoying, Comforts me : behold the man ! Ah, that cruelly abused Countenance, so marred and bruised, Makes my eyes with tears o'erflow, Till to him I Ve leave to go. SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 89 3 Wounded head, back ploughed with furrows, Visage marred : behold the man ! Eyes how dim, how full of sorrows, Sunk with grief: behold the man! Lamb of God, led to the slaughter, Melted, poured out like water ; Should not love my heart inflame, Viewing thee, thou slaughtered Lamb ! L. M. 125. Tune 22. When I by faith my Saviour see Expiring on the cross for me, Satan and sin no more can move, For I am filled with Jesus' love. 2 The thorns and nails pierce through my heart, In every groan I bear a part ; I view his wounds with streaming eyes ; But see, he bows his head and dies. 3 Come, sinners, view the Lamb of God, Wounded, and dead, and bathed in blood ; Behold his side, and venture near, The well of endless life is here. 4 Here I forget my cares and pains ; I drink, yet still my thirst remains : Only the fountain-head above Can satisfy the thirst of love. 5 Oh, that I thus could always feel ; Lord, more and more thy love reveal ; Then my glad tongue shall loud proclaim The grace and glory of thy name. 6 Thy name dispels my guilt and fear, Revives my heart and charms mine ear, Affords a balm for every wound, And Satan trembles at the sound. 90 GOD THE SON. 8s&7s. 1/00. Tune 16. In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time ; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. 2 When the woes of life overtake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me ; Lo, it glows with peace and joy. 3 When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my w r ay, From the cross the radiance streaming, Adds more lustre to the day. 4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified ; Peace is there, that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. 5 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time ; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. S. M. D. 127. Tune 582. Was ever grief like thine, Jesus, thou man of woe ? The visage. and the form divine, Why was it marred so ? That man, by thee restored, God's image might regain, And, by the sorrows of his Lord, In joys eternal reign. 9s & 8s. l/JO. Tune 184. For our transgressions thou wast wounded, Our sins, O Lord, on thee were laid ; SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 91 Thy sufferings, oh, what love unbounded, For guilty man the debt have paid ; With humble thanks we now adore thee ; Thy cross our glory shall remain ; Yet oft ashamed we weep before thee, That we by sin the Lord have slain. P. M. 129. Tune 168. O behold your Saviour wounded, Hanging on the accursed cross ; None hath e'er the love expounded, Our Redeemer showed to us : Hear him at his crucifixion Pray for foes, midst keen affliction, " Them forgive ; they do not know, Heavenly Father, what they do." 2 At his cross' foot now tarry, View his languid, marred face ; Mark his care for John and Mary ; To the thief he offers grace ; Ah, he thirsts with love unshaken ; " God, why hast thou me forsaken ?" * And, " 'T is finished," Jesus cries, Yields his spirit, droops, and dies. C. M. loO. Tune 14. For ever here my rest shall be, Close to thy pierced side ; This all my hope and all my plea, For me the Saviour died. 2 My dying Saviour and my God, Fountain for guilt and sin, Sprinkle me ever with thy blood, And cleanse, and keep me clean. 3 Wash me, and make me thus thine own ; Wash me, and mine thou art ; 92 GOD THE SON. Wash me, but not my feet alone, My hands, my head, my heart. 4 The atonement of thy blood apply, Till faith to sight improve ; Till hope in full fruition die, And all my soul be love. P. M. 131. Tune 168. Jesus, source of my salvation, Conqueror both of death and hell ; Thou who didst, as my oblation, Feel what I deserved to feel ; Through thy sufferings, death and merit, I eternal life inherit : Thousand, thousand thanks to thee, Dearest Lord, for ever be. 2 Lord, thy deep humiliation Paid for my presumptuous pride ; I need fear no condemnation, Since for sinners thou hast died ; Thou becam'st a curse, dear Saviour, To restore me to God's favor : Thousand, thousand thanks to thee, Dearest Lord, forever be. 3 Thou hast cancelled my transgression, Jesus, by thy precious blood ; May I find therein salvation, Happiness and peace with God ; And since thou, for sinners suffering, On the cross wast made an offering, From all sin deliver me, That I wholly thine may be. L. M. 132. Tune 22. There hangs the Saviour of mankind. His visage marred, his head reclined, SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 93 His bleeding hands, his bleeding feet Declare his love divinely great. 2 The thieves, expiring on each side, Proclaim the crimes for which they died ; Bnt what, dear Saviour, hast thou done ? Thou diedst for sin, but not thine own. 3 Jesus and didst thou bleed for me ? Oh great, oh boundless mystery ! 1 bow my head in deep amaze, And silently adore thy grace. C. M. lod. Tune 14. Alas, and did my Saviour bleed ? And did my sovereign die ? Would he devote his sacred head . For such a worm as I ? 2 Was it for crimes that I had done, He groaned upon the tree ? Amazing pity, grace unknown ! And love beyond degree ! 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide And shut his glories in, When the almighty Maker died, An offering for my sin. 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face, While Jesus' cross appears ; Dissolve, my heart, in thankfulness, And melt my eyes in tears. 5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe ; Here, Lord, I give myself away ; 'T is all that I can do. 94 GOD THE SON. 7s. Io4. Tune 11. Let me dwell on Golgotha, Weep and love my life away ; While I see him on the tree Weep, and bleed, and die for me. 2 That dear blood, for sinners spilt, Shows my sin in all its guilt ; Ah, my soul, he bore thy load ; Thou hast slain the Lamb of God. 3 Hark, his dying word : " Forgive ; Father, let the sinner live ; Sinner, wipe thy tears away, I thy ransom freely pay." 4 While I hear this grace revealed, And obtain my pardon sealed, All my soft affections move, Wakened by the force of love. 5 Farewell, world, thy gold is dross, Now I see the blood-stained cross ; Jesus died to set me free From the law, and sin, and thee. 6 He has dearly bought my soul : Lord, accept and claim the whole ; To thy will I all resign, Now no more my own, but thine. L. M. loO. Tune 22. When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord ! that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God ; SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 95 All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood. 3 See, from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small ; Love, so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. C. M. lob. Tune 14. Behold the Saviour of mankind Nailed to the shameful tree ; How vast the love that him inclin'd To bleed and die for thee. 2 Hark how he groans, while nature shakes, And earth's strong pillars bend ; The temple's veil in sunder breaks, The solid marbles rend. 3 'T is done, the precious ransom's paid ; " 'T is finished," Jesus cries ; Behold he bows his sacred head, He bows his head, and dies. 4 Salvation thus did he obtain : O mystery divine ! O Lamb of God, was ever pain, Was ever love like thine. P. M. loT. Tune 588. 'T is finished now, Salvation 's finished now ; Redeemed sinners, bow, 96 GOD THE SON. Adore, and wonder, That earth and heaven's founder Now sinks in death. 2 Look up and see, By faith look up and see, His heart was pierced for thee ; The rock of ages, Whose stream thy thirst assuages, Was rent for thee. 3 The precious flood Of water and of blood, Of sin-atoning blood, Now freely floweth On him, who Jesus knoweth As Lord and God. 4 We are redeemed, Redeemed to endless bliss, Our souls rejoice at this ; With hearts enlarged We see our debt discharged, Our ransom paid. 5 Oh, sing again, Sing still in higher strain Unto the Lamb once slain ; Bring for salvation Praise, thanks and adoration, Hallelujah. L. M. lOO. Tune 90. O love divine, what hast thou done ? The incarnate God hath died for me ; The Father's coeternal Son Bore all my sins upon the tree : The incarnate God for me hath died ; My Lord, my love, is crucified. SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 97 2 Behold him, all, as ye pass by, The bleeding Prince of life and peace ! Come, sinners, see your Saviour die ; And say, was ever grief like his ? Come, feel with me his blood applied ; My Lord, my love, is crucified ; — . 3 Is crucified for me and you, To bring us, rebels, back to God ; Believe, believe the record true, Ye all are bought with Jesus' blood : Pardon for all flows from his side ; My Lord, my love, is crucified. 4 Then let us sit beneath his cross, And gladly catch the healing stream ; All things for him account but dross, And give up all our hearts to him : Of nothing think or speak beside ; — My Lord, my love, is crucified. L. M. It)*/. Tune 22. The cross, the cross, oh, that's my gain, Because on that the Lamb was slain ; 'T was there my Lord was crucified, 'T was there my Saviour for me died. 2 The stony heart dissolves in tears When to our view the cross appears ; Christ's dying love, when truly felt, The vilest, hardest heart doth melt. 3 Here will I stay, and gaze awhile Upon the friend of sinners vile ; Abased I view what I have done To God's eternal, gracious Son. 4 Here I behold, as in a glass, God's glory, with unveiled face ; 7 98 GOD THE SON. And by beholding, I shall be Made like to him who loved me. 5 Here is an ensign on a hill, Come hither, sinners, look your fill ; To look aside is pain and loss : I glory only in the cross. 6 Here doth the Lord of life proclaim To all the world his saving name ; Repenting souls, in him believe ; Ye wounded, look on him and live. 7 No flaming sword doth guard the place, The cross of Christ proclaims free grace ; All pilgrims who would heaven win, By Jesus' cross must enter in. 7s. 140. Tune 11. When, on Sinai's top, I see God descend in majesty, To proclaim his holy law, All my spirit sinks with awe. 2 When, in ecstacy sublime, Tabor's glorious steep I climb, At the too transporting light, Darkness rushes o'er my sight. 3 When on Calvary I rest, God, in flesh made manifest, Shines in my Redeemer's face, Full of beauty, truth and grace. 4 Here I would for ever stay, Weep and gaze my soul away ; Thou art heaven on earth to me, Lovely, mournful Calvary ! SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 99 S. M. 141. Tune 582. Go forth in spirit, go To Calvary's holy mount ; See there thy friend between two thieves, Suffering on thy account. 2 Fall at his cross's foot, And say, " My God and Lord, Here let me dwell, and view those wounds, Which life for me procured." 3 Fix on that face thine eye ; Why dost thou backward shrink ? What a base rebel thou hast been To Christ, thou now dost think. 4 Fear not ; for this is he, Who always loves us first, And with white robes of righteousness Delights to deck the worst. 5 Or art thou at a loss What thou to him shalt say ? Be but sincere, and all thy case, Just as it is, display. 6 His blood thy cause will plead, Thy plaintive cry he '11 hear, Look with an eye of pity down, And grant thee all thy prayer. C. M. 142. Tune 14. There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; 100 GOD THE SON. And there have I, as vile as he, Washed all my sins away. 3 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, 1 '11 sing thy power to save ; When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. 6 Lord, I believe thou hast prepared, Unworthy though I be, For me a blood-bought free reward. A golden harp for me ! 7 'T is strung and tuned for endless years, And formed by power divine ; To sound in God the Father's ears No other name but thine. 8s & 7s. 143. Tune 167. Hail, thou once despised Jesus ! Hail, thou Galilean king ! Thou didst suffer to release us, Thou didst free salvation bring. Hail, thou agonizing Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame ! By thy merits we find favor ; Life is given through thy name ! 2 Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our sins on thee were laid ; SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 101 By almighty love anointed, Thou hast full atonement made ; Every sin may be forgiven Through the virtue of thy blood ; Opened is the gate to heaven ; Man is reconciled to God. 7s. 144. Tune 11. " It is finished !" shall we raise Songs of sorrow, or of praise ? Mourn to see the Saviour die, Or proclaim his victory ? 2 If of Calvary we tell, How can songs of triumph swell ? If of man redeemed from woe, How shall notes of mourning flow ? 3 Ours the guilt which pierced his side, Ours the sin for which he died ; But the blood which flowed that day Washed our sin and guilt away. 4 Lamb of God ! thy death hath given Pardon, peace, and hope of heaven : " It is finished !" let us raise Songs of thankfulness and praise. 8s, 7s & As. 145. Tune 585. Hark, the voice of love and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary; See, it rends the rocks asunder, Shakes the earth and veils the sky ; " It is finished !" Hear the dying Saviour cry. 2 " It is finished I" oh, what pleasure Do these charming words afford ; 102 GOD THE SON. Heavenly blessings, without measure, Flow to us from Christ, the Lord ; " It is finished !" Saints, the dying words record. 3 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs, Join to sing the pleasing theme ; All on earth, and all in heaven, Join to praise Immanuel's name ; Hallelujah ! Glory to the bleeding Lamb. 8s&7s. 146. Tune 167. Oh, the love wherewith I'm loved, Source of all my happiness ; Thou, O love, by mercy moved, Tak'st upon thee my distress : As a lamb led to the slaughter Goest to the cross's tree, Seal'st thy love with blood and water, Bear'st the world's iniquity. 2 Love, so strikingly displayed In thy tears and bloody sweat : Love, by sinful men betrayed, Dragged before the judgment-seat : Love, who for my soul's salvation Willingly didst shed thy blood, Through thy death and bitter passion I am reconciled to God. 3 Love, who hast for me endured Death upon the accursed tree, And eternal bliss procured, Fill my soul with love to thee : Lord, how hast thou captivated My else cold and lifeless heart : Let me, till to heaven translated, Never more from thee depart. SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 103 P.M. 147. Tune 519. Most holy Lord and God, Holy, almighty God, Holy and most merciful Saviour, Thou eternal God ; Grant that we may never Lose the comforts frora thy death : Have mercy, O Lord. 2 Most holy Lord and God, Holy, almighty God, Holy and most merciful Saviour, Thou eternal God ; Bless thy congregation Through thy sufferings, death, and blood : Have mercy, O Lord. 3 Most holy Lord and God, Holy, almighty God, Holy and most merciful Saviour, Thou eternal God; Lamb of God unspotted, To our prayers, oh lend an ear : Have mercy, O Lord. Ts & 6s. 148. Tune 151. Thy blood, so dear and precious, Love made thee shed for me ; Oh, may I now, dear Jesus, Love thee most fervently ; May the divine impression Of thy atoning death, And all thy bitter passion, ]S"e'er leave me while I Ve breath. L. M. 149. Tune 22. " 'T is finished !" — so the Saviour cried, And meekly bowed his head and died : 104 GOD THE SON. 'Tis finished ! — yes, the race is run, The battle fought, the victory won. 2 y T is finished ! — all that heaven foretold By prophets in the days of old ; And truths are opened to our view That kings and prophets never knew. 3 'T is finished ! — Son of God, thy power Hath triumphed in this awful hour ; And yet our eyes with sorrow see That life to us was death to thee. 4 ? T is finished ! — let the joyful sound Be heard through all the nations round ; T T is finished ! — let the triumph rise, And swell the chorus of the skies. 8s, 6s & 8s. lOU. Tune 79, O Head, so full of bruises ! Brow that its life-blood loses ! Oh, great humility ! Across his face are flying The shadows of the dying ; 'T was suffered all for me, for me ! 2 O back, by scourges ploughed ! O soul, by sorrow bowed ! Upon the accursed tree ! He hears the bitter scorning ; 'T is night, without a dawning ; *T was suffered all for me, for me ! 3 Eye, that in darkness sinketh ! Lip, that the red cup drinketh ! Hands, bound to misery ! See, from his feet forth streameth The fountain that redeemeth ! 'T was suffered all for me, for me ! SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 105 4 And now he speaks ; oh, hearken, While clouds all nature darken ! " Lama sabachthani ?" His head is bent, and droopeth ! To such a death he stoopeth ! 'T was suffered all for me, for me ! 8s, 6s & 8s. 151. Tune 79. O world ! behold upon the tree Thy life is hanging now for thee ; Thy Saviour yields his breath; The mighty Prince of glory now For thee doth unresisting bow To cruel stripes, to scorn and death. 2 Alas ! my Saviour, who could dare Bid thee such bitter anguish bear, What heart entreat thee thus ? For thou art good, hath wronged none, As we and ours too oft have done ; Thou hast not sinned, dear Lord, but we. 3 I and my sins, that number more Than yonder sands upon the shore, Have brought this agony. J T is I have caused the floods of woe That now thy dying soul o'erflow, And those sad hearts that watch by thee. 4 'T is I to whom these pains belong, J T is I should suffer for my wrong, Bound hand and foot in chains ; Thy scourge, thy fetters, whatsoe'er Thou bearest, 't is my soul should bear, For I have well-deserved such pains. 5 Yet thou dost even for my sake On thee, in love, the burdens take, That weigh me to the ground. 106 GOD THE SON. Yes, thou art made a curse for me, That I might yet be blest through thee ; My healing in thy wounds is found. 6 From henceforth there is nought of mine But I would seek to make it thine, Since all to thee I owe. Whate'er my utmost power can do, To thee to render service true, Here at thy feet I lay it low. 7 Ah ! little have I, Lord, to give, So poor, so base the life I live ; Till soul and body part, This one thing I will do for thee, The woe, the death endured for me, I '11 cherish in my inmost heart. 8s & 7s. 152. Tune 167. Wherefore weep we over Jesus, O'er his death and bitter smart ? Weep we rather that he sees us Unconvinced and hard of heart ; For his soul was never tainted With the smallest spot or stain, 'T was for us he was acquainted With such depths of grief and pain. 2 Oh, what profits it with groaning, Underneath his cross to stand ; Oh, what profits our bemoaning His pale brow and bleeding hand ; Wherefore gaze on him expiring, Railed at, pierced, and crucified, Whilst we think not of inquiring, Wherefore and for whom he died ? 3 If no sin could be discovered In the pure and spotless Lord, SUFFERINGS AND DEATH. 107 If the cruel death he suffered Is sin's just and meet reward ; Then it must have been for others, That the Lord on Calvary bled, And the guilt have been a brother's, Which was laid upon his head. 4 And for whom hath he contended In a strife so strange and new ? And for whom to hell descended ? Brothers, 't was for me and you ! Now you see that he w T as reaping Punishment for us alone ; And we have great cause for weeping, Not for his guilt, but our ow 7 n. 5 If we then make full confession, Joined with penitence and prayer ; If we see our own transgression In the punishment he bare ; If we mourn with true repentance, We shall hear the Saviour say, " Fear not, I have borne your sentence ; Wipe your bitter tears away." L. M. 15d. Tune 22. Round Tabor heavenly glories shone, But what on Olivet was done, What signalized Mount Calvary, Calls forth my praise, 't was done for me. 8s, 8s & 7s. 154. Tune 95. At the cross her station keeping, Stood the mournful mother weeping, Where he hung, her son and Lord ; For her soul, of joy bereaved, Bowed with anguish, deeply grieved, Felt the sharp and piercing sword. 108 GOD THE SON. 2 Oh how sad and sore distressed Now was she, that mother blessed, Of the sole-begotten One. Deep the woe of her affliction, When she saw the crucifixion Of her ever-glorious son. 3 Who on Christ's dear mother gazing, Pierced by anguish so amazing, Born of woman, would not weep ? Who, on Christ's dear mother thinking, Such a cup of sorrow drinking, Would not share her sorrows deep ? 4 For his people's sin chastised She beheld her son despised, Scourged and crowned with thorns entwined, Saw him then, from judgment taken, And in death by all forsaken, Till his spirit he resigned. 5 Jesus, may such deep devotion Stir in me the same emotion, Fount of love, Redeemer kind ! That my heart, fresh ardor gaining, And a purer love attaining, May with thee acceptance find. S. M. 155. Tune 582. Only one prayer to-day One earnest tearful plea ; A litany from out the heart, Have mercy, Lord, on me ! 2 Because of Jesus' cross, And that unfathomed sea, The crimson tide which heaves the world, Have mercy, Lord, on me ! BURIAL. 109 No other name than his, My hope, my help may be ; Oh ! by that one all-saving name, Have mercy, Lord, on me ! BURIAL. 8s&7s. 15b, * Tune 167. Lord of life ! now sweetly slumber. With the dead awhile a guest ; After torments without number, Glorious is thy hard-earned rest ; Lo ! the dreadful conflict 's ended ; By thy sufferings thou hast won ; Now o'er all thy power 's extended, Even my heart, oh, claim thy own. 2 Oh, what love is here displayed ! See the Father's only Son To the silent tomb conveyed ; Ah my soul what hast thou done ! Yet, while I, my sins bewailing, Own that they his blood have spilt, May that blood, for me prevailing, Wash away my sin and guilt. 3 Here my Sabbath is completed, Here my soul enjoys sweet peace ; At the feet of Jesus seated, Here I taste true happiness ; I adore my paschal offering, I adore God's counsel deep, I adore my Jesus suffering, And, while I adore him, weep. 110 GOD THE SON. lOs & 7s. 15 1. Tune 185. Unto Jesus' cross I 'm now retiring, There my Saviour's pierced feet, Dying love a grateful sense inspiring, Bathed in tears I humbly greet ; Might I never lose this blest sensation, But in spirit fix my happy station On those heights so dear to me, Golgotha, Gethsemane. 2 Might thy dying* love, dear suffering Saviour, Which subdued my stubborn heart, Me constrain, and rule my whole behavior, Till I from this world depart ; Thus my mortal body I shall nourish, And as thine with holy reverence cherish, Earnestly intent to bear More of thy blest image here. 3 With a mind from earthly cares divested, Let me dwell by day and night, Where the body of my Saviour rested, Here I find supreme delight ; Here 't is good for me, with pardoned Mary, At his sepulchre in faith to tarry ; Thus in blessed fellowship With my Lord, I wake and sleep. 7s. 158. Tune 205. Kesting in the silent grave, Spent with«torments, pangs and cries, See the Lord God, strong to save ; Him whose thunders shake the skies ; 'T was for me he groaned, he bled, And was numbered with the dead ; Sacred body, with amaze Thankfully on thee I gaze. BURIAL. Ill 7s. 159. Tune SSI. Resting from Ms work to-day, In the tomb the Saviour lay ; Still he slept, from head to feet Shrouded in the winding-sheet, Lying in the rock alone, Hidden by the sealed stone. 2 Late at even there was seen Watching long the Magdalene ; Early, ere the break of day, Sorrowful she took her way To the holy garden glade, Where her buried Lord was laid. 3 So with thee, till life shall end, I would solemn vigil spend : Let me hew thee, Lord, a shrine In this rocky heart of mine, Where, in pure embalmed cell, None but thou may ever dwell. 4 Myrrh and spices will I bring, True affection's offering ; Close the door from sight and sound Of the busy world around ; And in patient watch remain, Till my Lord appear again. 160. Tune 11. Go, my soul, go every day To the tomb where Jesus lay ; Be with him my members dead, Be his sepulchre my bed. Boldest foes dare never come Near my Saviour's sacred tomb ; Evil never can molest Those who near his body rest. 112 GOD THE SON. 7s. lbl. Tune 581. Met around the sacred tomb, Friends of Jesus, why those tears ? Mid this sad sepulchral gloom Shall your faith give way to fears ? He will soon, even as he said, Kise triumphant from the dead. 2 Now with tears of love and joy We remember all his pain, Sighs and groans, and dying cry ; For the Lamb for us was slain, And from death our souls to save, Once for us lay in the grave. 3 Hither, sinners, all repair, And with Jesus Christ be dead ; All are safe from Satan's snare, Who to Jesus' tomb have fled ; Here the weary- and oppressed Find a never ending rest. 4 In thy death is all my trust, I have thee my refuge made ; And when once, consigned to dust, In the tomb my body 's laid, Then with saved souls above I will praise thy dying love. 5 But while here I 'm left behind, Burdened with infirmity, May I help and comfort find, Visiting Gethsemane, Calvary and Joseph's tomb, Till my Sabbath 's also come. 7s & 6s. 162. Tune 151. In this sepulchral Eden The tree of life I' ve found, BURIAL. 113 Here is my treasure hidden, I tread on hallowed ground ; Ye sick, ye faint and weary, Howe'er your ailments vary, Come hither, and make sure Of a most perfect cure. Here lies in death's embraces, My bridegroom, Lord and God ; With awe my soul retraces The dark and dolorous road, That leads to this last station ; Here in sweet meditation I '11 dwell by day and night, Till faith is changed to sight. lis. lOO. Tune 39. I would not live alwa}^ ; I ask not to stay Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way; The few lurid mornings that dawn on us here Are enough lor life's woes, full enough for its cheer. 2 I would not live alway, thus fettered by sin, Temptation without, and corruption within ; E'en the rapture of pardon is mingled with fears, And the cup of thanksgiving with penitent tears. 3 I would not live alway ; no, welcome the tomb : Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom ; There, sweet be my rest, till he bid me arise To hail him in triumph descending the skies. 8 114 GOD THE SON. 4 Who, who would live alway, away from his God; Away from yon heaven, that blissful abode ? Where the rivers of pleasure flow o'er the bright plains, And the noontide of glory eternally reigns; 5 Where the saints of all ages in harmony meet' Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet ; While the songs of salvation unceasingly roll, And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul! lOs & 7s. 164. Tvine 185. When I visit Jesus' grave in spirit, It is never done in vain ; Since 't is only from his death and merit I can life and strength obtain ; Jesus' cross, his last hours in his passion, Jesus' stripes, his wounds, and expiration, Jesus' body and his blood, Shall remain my highest good. 165. Tune 119. Holy Lord, By thy body given to death, Mortify my sinful nature, Till I yield my dying breath ; Ah, protect thy feeble creature ; Grant that I, by nothing drawn aside, Thine abide. 7s&6s. 166. Tune8 The sepulchre is holding To-day within its band RESURRECTION. 115 The Lord, who holds creation Within his strong right hand. 2 To-day a stone is hiding, From gaze of mortal eye, The Lord, whose glory hideth The brightness of the sky. 3 The life of all is sleeping, But hell is quaking sore ; And Adam bursts the fetters, Which prisoned him before. 4 All praise to thee, Lord Jesus, Whose providence of love, Hath won for us, thy people, The Sabbath-rest above. 5 To Christ, the king of glory, Who in the tomb was laid, To Father and to Spirit, Eternal laud be paid. 7s&6s. 167. Tune 451. The passion theme pursuing, I bow at Joseph's tomb, My Saviour's body viewing, Embalmed in sweet perfume ; There I behold him sleeping, At rest from death's hard strife, Absolved from pain and weeping ; On him hangs all my life. RESURRECTION. 7s. 168. Tune 11. Christ the Lord is risen to-day, Sons of men and angels say. 116 GOD THE SON. Raise your joys and triumphs high ; Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply. 2 Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won ; Lo ! the sun's eclipse is o'er ; Lo ! He sets in blood no more. 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal ; Christ has burst the gates of hell ! Death in vain forbids his rise ; Christ hath opened paradise. 4 Lives again our glorious king; Where, O death, is now thy sting ? Dying once, he all doth save ; Where thy victory, O grave ? 5 Soar we now where Christ has led, Following our exalted head : Made like him, like him we rise ; Ours the cross, the grave, the skies ! 6 Hail, the Lord of earth and heaven ! Praise to thee by both be given : Thee we greet triumphant now ; Hail, the resurrection thou ! 7s & 6s. 169. Tune 151. The day of resurrection, Earth, tell it all abroad : The passover of gladness, The passover of God. From death to life eternal, From earth unto the sky, Our Christ hath brought us over, With hymns of victory. 2 Our hearts be pure from evil, That we may see aright RESURRECTION. 117 The Lord, in rays eternal Of resurrection-light ; And, listening to his accents, May hear, so cairn and plain, His own "All hail !" and, hearing, May raise the victor-strain. 3 Now let the heavens be joyful ; Let earth her song begin; Let the round world keep triumph, And all that is therein ; In grateful exultation Their notes let all things blend ; For Christ the Lord hath risen, Our joy that hath no end. 8s & 7s. 170. Tune 167. Hail, all hail, thou Lord of glory ! Thee our Father, thee we own ! Abraham heard not of our story, Israel ne'er our name hath known : But, Redeemer , thou hast sought us, Thou hast heard thy children's wail ; Thou with thy dear blood hast bought us ; Hail, thou mighty victor, hail ! Os, 6s & 8s. I i 1. Tune 79. Jesus who died the world to save, Revives, and rises from the grave, By his almighty power ; From sin and death he sets us free, He captive leads captivity, He lives again, to die no more. 2 Children of God, look up and see Your Saviour, clothed with majesty, Triumphant o'er the tomb ; 118 GOD THE SON. Cease, cease to grieve, cast off your fears, In heaven your mansions he prepares, And soon will come to take you home. 3 His church is still his joy and crown,. He looks with love and pity dawn, On her he did redeem ; The members of that church he knows, He shares their joys and feels their woes, And they shall ever reign with him. lOs & 7s. 172 Tune 185. Hail, all hail, victorious Lord and Saviour ! Thou hast burst the bonds of death ; Grant us, as to Mary, that great favor, To embrace thy feet in faith. Thou hast in our stead the curse endured, And for us eternal life procured ; Joyful, we with one accord, Hail thee, as our risen Lord. 2 O thou matchless source of consolation, Scarce thy resting moments end, When a heart-enlivening salutation, To thy followers thou dost send : We would share thy dear disciples' feeling When before their risen Master kneeling; Thus shall we, w T ith all our heart, Witness what a friend thou art. S. M. D. 170o Tmne 595. Christians, dismiss your fear ; Let hope and joy succeed ; The joyful news with gladness hear, " The Lord is risen indeed :" The promise is fulfilled In Christ our only head ; RESURRECTION. 119 Justice with mercy's reconciled, He lives who once w T as dead. 2 The Lord is risen again, Who on the cross did bleed ; He lives to die no more, Amen, The Lord is risen indeed : He truly tasted death For wretched fallen man, In bitter pangs resigned his breath, But now is risen again. 3 He hath himself the keys Of death, the grave, and hell ; His is the victory and praise, And he rules all things well ; Death now no more I dread, But cheerful close mine eyes; Death is a sleep, the grave a bed ; With Jesus I shall rise. 174. Christ the Lord is risen again, -Christ hath broken every chain ; Hark ! angelic voices cry, Singing evermore on high, Hallelujah! praise the Lord ! 2 He w T ho gave for us his life, Who for us endured the strife, Is our paschal Lamb to-day ! We, too, sing for joy, and say, Hallelujah ! praise the Lord ! 3 He who bore all pain and loss, Comfortless, upon the cross, Lives in glory now on high, Pleads for us and hears our cry ; Hallelujah ! praise the Lord ! 120 GOD THE SON. 4 Now he bids us tell abroad How the lost may be restored, How the penitent forgiven, How we, too, may enter heaven ! Hallelujah ! praise the Lord ! 8s, 6s & 8s. 175. How calm and beautiful the morn, That gilds the sacred tomb, Where Christ, the crucified, was borne, And veiled in midnight gloom ! Oh, weep no more the Saviour slain ! The Lord is risen — he lives again. 2 Ye mourning saints, dry every tear For your departed Lord ; " Behold the place — he is not here !" The tomb is all unbarred ; The gates of death were closed in vain ; The Lord is risen — he lives again. 3 Now cheerful, to the house of prayer, Your early footsteps bend, The Saviour will himself be there, Your advocate and friend ; Once, by the law, your hopes were slain, But now in Christ ye live again. 4 How tranquil now the rising day ! ? T is Jesus still appears, A risen Lord, to chase away Your unbelieving fears ; Oh, weep no more your comforts slain ; The Lord is risen — he lives again. 5 And, when the shades of evening fall, When life's last hour draws nigh, If Jesus shines upon the soul, How blissful then to die ! RESURRECTION. 121 Since he hath risen that once was slain, Ye die in Christ to live again. C. M. D. 176. . Tune 590. Sing hallelujah, Christ cloth live, And peace on earth restore ; Come, ransomed souls, and glory give, Sing, worship and adore : With grateful hearts to him we pay Our thanks in humble wise ; Who aught unto our charge can lay ? 'T is God that justifies. 2 Who can condemn, since Christ was dead, And ever lives to God ? Now our whole debt is fully paid, He saves us by his blood : The ransomed hosts in earth and heaven Through countless choirs proclaim, " He hath redeemed us ; praise be given To God and to the Lamb." 3 In all we do, constrained by love, We'll joy to him afford, And to God's will obedient prove Through Jesus Christ our Lord : Sing hallelujah, and adore On earth the Lamb once slain, Till we in heaven shall evermore Exalt his name, Amen. 8s, 7s & 7s. 177. Tune S9. " Who is this that comes from Edom," All his raiment stained with blood, To the slave proclaiming freedom, Bringing and bestowing good, Glorious in the garb he wears, Glorious in the spoils he bears ? 122 GOD THE SON. 2 'T is the Saviour, now victorious, Traveling onward in his might ! 'T is the Saviour ! oh, how glorious To his people is the sight ! Mighty to redeem the slave, Jesus now is strong to save. 3 Mighty victor, reign forever, Wear the crown so dearly won ; Never shall thy people, never, Cease to sing what thou hast done ; Thou hast fought thy people's foes ; Thou wilt heal thy people's woes. C. M. D. 178. Tune 590. Believing souls, rejoice and sing, Your risen Saviour see, And say, " O death, where is thy sting! O grave, thy victory !" He died your guilty souls to save, And, dying, conquered death ; Was buried in the gloomy grave, But re-assumed his breath. 2 Rejoice, your conquering Saviour lives, He lives to die no more ; And life eternal freely gives, Since he our sorrows bore, To all who their lost state bewail ; For Jesus' precious blood Doth for each contrite soul prevail, Before the throne of God. 3 Sing praises to our risen Lord ; Life, immortality, And lasting bliss are now restored For all, for you and me ; Believe the wondrous deed, my soul, Adore his saving name ; RESURRECTION. 123 Rejoice, ye saints, from pole to pole His love and power proclaim. 4 The Prince of glory bowed his head, Expiring on the cross ; But now the Lord is risen indeed, Is risen and lives for us ; Rejoice, and in the dust adore The Lamb for sinners slain ; He liveth now and evermore, For evermore to reign. 7s. 179. Tune 205. Jesus, who is always near To assuage his children's grief, Unto Thomas did appear, To remove his unbelief; " Come," he said, " my nail-prints view, And my side the spear pierced through ;" Humbled the disciple stood, And exclaimed, " My Lord, my God." 2 I would go from pole to pole, To behold my risen Lord ; But content thyself, my soul, Listen to thy Saviour's word : " They who me by faith receive, Without seeing who believe, Trust my word and thereon rest, They abundantly are blest." 7s, 8s & 7s. loO. Tune 83. Jesus Christ, my sure defence, And my Saviour, ever liveth ; Knowing this, my confidence Rests upon the hope it giveth, Though the night of death be fraught Still with many an anxious thought. 124 GOD THE SON. 2 Jesus, my Redeemer lives ! I, too, unto life must waken ; He will have me where he is, Shall my courage then be shaken ? Shall I fear ? Or could the head Rise and leave its members dead ? 3 Nay, too closely am I bound Unto him, by hope forever : Faith's strong hand the rock hath found, Grasped it, and will leave it never : Not the ban of death can part From its Lord, the trusting heart. 4 What now sickens, mourns, and sighs, Christ with him in glory bringeth ; Earthly is the seed and dies, Heavenly from the grave it springeth; Natural is the death we die, Spiritual our life on high. 5 Saviour, draw away our heart Now from pleasures base and hollow, Let us there with thee have part, Here on earth thy foot-steps follow ; Fix our hearts beyond the skies, Whither we ourselves would rise. 7s, 8s & 7s. 181. Tune 83 Jesus lives, and so shall I, Death, thy sting is gone for ever ! He who deigned for me to die, Lives, the bonds of death to sever ; He shall raise me with the just ; Jesus is my hope and trust. 2 Jesus lives and reigns supreme ; And his kingdom still remaining, I shall also be with him, RESURRECTION. 125 Ever living, ever reigning ; God has promised ; be, it must : Jesus is my hope and trust. 3 Jesus lives, and by his grace, Victory o'er my passions giving, I will cleanse my heart and ways, Ever to his glory living ; Me he raises from the dust, Jesus is my hope and trust. 4 Jesus lives, I know full well, Naught from him my heart can sever ; Life, nor death, nor powers of hell, Joy, nor grief, henceforth forever ; None of all his saints is lost ; Jesus is my hope and trust. 5 Jesus lives ! and death is now, But my entrance into glory; Courage, then, my soul, for thou Hast a crown of life before thee ; Thou shalt find, thy hopes were just Jesus is my hope and trust. 7s, 8s & 7s. lO/W. Tune 83. Jesus lives ! no longer now Can thy terrors, death, appall me ; Jesus lives ! by this I know, From the grave he will recall me ; Brighter scenes will then commence ; This shall be my confidence. 2 Jesus lives ! to him the throne High o'er heaven and earth is given ; I shall go where he is gone, Live and reign with him in heaven ; God is pledged ; weak doubtings, hence ! This shall be my confidence. 126 GOD THE SON. 3 Jesus lives ! for me he died, Hence will I, to Jesus living, Pure in heart and act abide, Praise to him and glory giving ; Freely God doth aid dispense ; This shall be my confidence. 4 Jesus lives, I know full well, Naught me from his love shall sever ; Life, nor death, nor powers of hell, Part me now from Christ for ever; God will be a sure defence ; This shall be my confidence. 5 Jesus lives ! henceforth is death But the gate of life immortal ; This shall calm my trembling breath, When I pass its gloomy portal ; Faith shall cry, as fails each sense, Lord, thou art my confidence. L. M. loO. Tune 22 The Saviour lives, no more to die ; He lives, the Lord enthroned on high ; He lives, triumphant o'er the grave ; He lives, eternally to save. 2 He lives, to still his servants' fears ; He lives, to wipe away their tears ; He lives, their mansions to prepare ; He lives, to bring them safely there. 3 Ye mourning souls, dry up your tears ; Dismiss your gloomy doubts and fears; With cheerful hope your hearts revive, For Christ, the Lord, is yet alive. 4 His saints he loves and never leaves ; The contrite sinner he receives ; RESURRECTION. 127 Abundant grace will lie afford, Till all are present with the Lord. 7s. 184. Tune 205. Mary to her Saviour's tomb Hasted at the early dawn ; Spice she brought and sweet perfume ; But the Lord she loved was gone. For awhile she weeping stood, Struck with sorrow and surprise, Shedding tears, a plenteous flood, For her heart supplied her eyes. 2 Jesus, who is always near, Though too often unperceived, Came, his drooping child to cheer, Kindly asking why she grieved ; Though at first she knew him not, When he called her by her name, Then her griefs were all forgot, For she found he was the same. 3 Grief and sighing quickly fled, When she heard his welcome voice ; Just before, she thought him dead, Xow, he bids her heart rejoice : What a change his word can make, Turning darkness into day! You who weep for Jesus' sake, He will wipe your tears away. 4 He who came to comfort her, When she thought her all was lost, Will for your relief appear, Though you now are tempest-tost. On his word your burden cast, On his love your thoughts employ ; Weeping for a while may last, But the morning brings the joy. 128 GOD THE SON. ASCENSION AND EXALTATION. 8s, 7s & 4s. loO. Tune 585. Look, ye saints ! the sight is glorious ; See the " man of sorrows" now ! From the fight returned victorious, Every knee to him shall bow : Crown him ! crown him ! Crowns become the victor's brow. 2 Crown the Saviour ! angels, crown him ! Rich the trophies Jesus brings ; In the seat of power enthrone him, While the heavenly concave rings : . Crown him ! crown him ! Crown the Saviour, " King of kings I" 3 Sinners in derision crowned him, Mocking thus the Saviour's claim ; Saints and angels crowd around him, Own his title, praise his name : Crown him ! crown him ! Spread abroad the victor's fame. 4 Hark ! those bursts of acclamation ! Hark ! those loud, triumphant chords ! Jesus takes the highest station ; Oh ! what joy the sight affords ! Crown him ! crown him ! " King of kings, and Lord of lords." 8s & 7s. loO. Tune 167. Jesus : hail ; enthroned in glory, There for ever to abide ! All the heavenly hosts adore thee, Seated at thy Father's side : ASCENSION AND EXALTATION. 129 There for sinners thou art pleading, There thou dost our place prepare, Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 2 Worship, honor, power and blessing, Thou art worthy to receive ; Loudest praises without ceasing, Meet it is for us to give : When we join the angelic spirits, In their sweetest, noblest lays, We will sing our Saviour's merits, Help to chant Iniraanuers praise. L. M. 187. Tune 22. Our Lord is risen from the dead ; Our Jesus is gone up on high ; The powers of hell are captive led, Dragged to the portals of the sky. 2 There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay : " Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates ! Ye everlasting doors ! give way. 3 " Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold the ethereal scene ; He claims these mansions as his right; Receive the King of glory in." 4 "Who isf the King of glory?— who?" " The Lord, that all our foes overcame, The world, sin, death and hell o'erthrew ; And Jesus is the conqueror's name." 5 Lo ! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay : " Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates ! Ye everlasting doors ! give way." 9 130 GOD THE SON. 6 " Who is the King of glory ? — who ?" " The Lord, of glorious power possessed ; The king of saints and angels too ; God over all, for ever blessed." C. M. lOO. Tune 14. The eternal gates lift up their heads, The doors are opened wide ; The King of glory is gone up Unto his Father's side. 2 Thou art gone in before us, Lord, Thou hast prepared a place, That we may be where now thou art, And look upon thy face. 3 And ever on thine earthly path A gleam of glory lies ; A light still breaks behind the cloud That veils thee from our eyes. 4 Lift up our thoughts, lift up our songs, And let thy grace be given, That while we linger yet below, Our hearts may be in heaven ; 5 That where thou art at God's right hand, Our hope, our love may be : Dwell in us now, that we may dwell For evermore in thee. C. M. 189. Tune 14. The Lord ascendeth up on high, Decked with resplendent wounds ; While shouts of victory rend the sky, And heaven with joy resounds. 2 Eternal gates their leaves unfold, Receive the conquering king, ASCENSION AND EXALTATION. 131 The angels strike their harps of gold, And saints triumphant sing. 3 Sinners, rejoice, he died for you, For you prepares a place ; His Spirit sends, you to endow With every gift and grace. 4 His blood, which did for you atone, For your salvation pleads ; And, seated on his Father's throne, He reigns and intercedes. 6s, 7s <& 6s. 190. Tune 146. Go up with shouts of praise, Go up, high-priest to heaven, Thou who the ransomed race Hast on thy heart engraven Though seated on thy throne, Thou deign'st to hear our prayer ; Nor art ashamed to own, That we thy brethren are. 8s, 6s & 8s. iyi. Tune 79. When Christ, our Saviour, did ascend, The Father bade his hosts attend, And worship his dear Son ; With loud acclaims of joy they gazed, And cheerful hallelujahs raised, Adoring humbly at his throne. 2 Can we thy triumphs e'er forget? Shall we not worship at thy feet, For all thy griefs and pain ? Yes, we will join the angelic throng, In singing that eternal song, " Worthy the Lamb, for he was slain." 132 GOD THE SON. 3 The assembly, which with thee at rest Appears in spotless garments dressed, Bows down and hnmbly sings ; We too thy saving name will bless, And thee with heart and voice confess The Lord of lords and King of kings. L. M. iy^. Tune 22. To thee, Lord Christ, all praise be given, For thy ascending up to heaven : Support us while on earth we stay, And lead us in the narrow way. 2 Though seated on thy Father's throne, Thou ne'er wilt cease thy flock to OAvn, But always in their midst appear, When in thy name assembled here. 3 For us to heaven thou didst ascend, To plead our cause, and to attend To all our wants, yea, to prepare A place for us, thy bliss to share. 4 At parting from thy little fold, Thy second coming was foretold ; Therefore we wait with eagerness, Lord Jesus, to behold thy face. KINGDOM AND PRIESTHOOD. 7s. 193. Tune 11. Hail the day that sees him rise, Glorious, to his native skies ! Christ, awhile to mortals given, Re-ascends his native heaven. KINGDOM AND PRIESTHOOD. 133 2 There the glorious triumph waits Lift your heads, eternal gates ! Wide unfold the radiant scene ; Take the King of glory in ! 3 Him though highest heaven receives, Still he loves the earth he leaves ; Though returning to his throne, Still he calls mankind his own. 4 See, he lifts his hands above ! See, he shows the prints of love ! Hark, his gracious lips bestow Blessings on his church below ! 5 Still for us his death he pleads ; Prevalent, he intercedes : Xear himself prepares our place, Harbinger of human race. 6 There we shall with thee remain, Partners of thy endless reign ; There thy face unclouded see, . Find our heaven of heavens in thee. S. M. 194. Tune 595. Jesus who died, is now Seated upon his throne ; The angels, who before him bow, His just dominion own. 2 The unworthiest of his friends Upon his heart he bears ; He ever to their cause attends, For them a place prepares. 3 Blest Saviour, condescend My advocate to be ; I could not have a better friend To plead with God for me. 134 GOD THE SON. C. M. l^O. Tune 14. With joy we meditate the grace Of our high-priest above ; His heart is filled with tenderness, His bosom yearns with love. 2 In all our griefs he takes a share, He knows our feeble frame; He knows what sore temptations are, For he has felt the same. 3 He, in the days of feeble flesh, Poured out strong cries and tears ; And, in his measure, feels afresh What every member bears. 4 He '11 never quench the smoking flax, But raise it to a flame ; The bruised reed he never breaks, Nor scorns the meanest name. 5 Then let our humble faith address His mercy and his power ; We shall obtain delivering grace In the distressing hour. 6 He ever lives to intercede Before his Father's face ; Give him, my soul, thy cause to plead, Nor doubt the Father's grace. 8s, 7s & 7s. iyb. Tune 89. Hark, ten thousand harps and voices Sound the note of praise above ! Jesus reigns, and heaven rejoices ; Jesus reigns, the God of love. See, he sits on yonder throne ; Jesus rules the world alone. KINGDOM AND PRIESTHOOD. 135 2 Jesus, hail ! whose glory brightens All above, and makes it fair : Lord of life, thy smile enlightens, Cheers and charms thy people here — When we think of love like thine, Lord, we own it love divine. 3 King of glory, reign for ever ; Thine an everlasting crown : Nothing from thy love shall sever Those whom thou hast made thine own; Happy objects of thy grace, Destined to behold thy face. 4 Saviour, hasten thine appearing; Bring, O bring the glorious day, When, the awful summons hearing, Heaven and earth shall pass away ; Then, with golden harps, we '11 sing, " Glory, glory to our king." L. M. 197. Tune 22. " I know' that my Redeemer lives :" What joy this sweet assurance gives ! He lives, he lives, who once was dead, He lives, my ever-living head. 2 He lives to bless me with his love, He lives to plead for me above, He lives my hungry soul to feed, He lives to help in time of need. 3 He lives to grant me rich supply, He lives to guide me with his eye, He lives to comfort me when faint, He lives to hear my soul's complaint. 4 He lives to silence all my fears, He lives to stoop and wipe my tears, 136 GOD THE SON. He lives to calm my troubled heart, He lives all blessings to impart. 5 He lives, my kind, my faithful friend, He lives and loves me to the end, He lives, and while he lives I '11 sing, He lives, my prophet, priest and king. 6 He lives, and grants me daily breath, He lives, and I shall conquer death, He lives my mansion to prepare, He lives to bring me safely there. 7 He lives, all glory to his name ; He lives, my Jesus, still the same : Oh, the sweet joy this sentence gives, " I know that my Redeemer lives." C. M. 198. Tune 14.. All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 2 Crown him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from his altar call; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown him Lord of all ! 3 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, A remnant weak and small, Hail him who saves you by his grace, And crown him Lord of all 1 4 Ye Gentile sinners, ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall ; Go, spread your trophies at his feet, And crown him Lord of all ! 5 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, KINGDOM AND PRIESTHOOD. 137 To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him Lord of all ! 6 Oil, that with yonder sacred throng, We at his feet may fall ! We '11 join the everlasting song, And crown him Lord of all ! L. M. 199. Tune 22. Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Doth his successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 For him shall endless prayer be made And praises throng to crown his head ; His name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song, And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his name. 4 Blessings abound where'er he reigns, The prisoner leaps to lose his chains, The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. 5 Let every creature rise and bring Peculiar honors to our king : Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen. 8s & 7s /OUO. Tune 167. Thou hast raised our human nature On the clouds to God's right hand, There we sit in heavenly places, There with thee in glory stand ; 138 GOD THE SON. Jesus reigns adored by angels, Man with God is on the throne,* Mighty Lord, in thine ascension We by faith behold our own. L. M. 201. Tune90. Before the Father's awful throne, Our high-priest lifts his pierced hands, And, interceding for his own, His purchased property demands ; His people's everlasting friend, Who, loving, loves them to the end. 2 By faith we claim him as our own, Our kinsman, near allied in blood, Flesh of our flesh, bone of our bone, The Son of man, the Son of God ; We to his mercy-seat draw nigh ; He never can himself deny. PRAISE TO CHRIST. 8s & 7s. 202. Tune 167. Sing with humble hearts your praises, For our Saviour's boundless grace ; Pay due homage to Christ Jesus, Come with thanks before his face ; Praise him for his death and bleeding, All our happiness lies there ; Praise him for his gracious leading, Praise your faithful shepherd's care. 2 Praise for every scene distressing, Praise for all thou didst endure, Praise for every gift and blessing Which thy griefs for us procure ; PRAISE TO CHRIST. 139 In thy ransomed congregation Shall thy death our theme remain, Till thou comest with full salvation, Lord of glory, Lamb once slain. 3 Thou, to purchase our salvation, Didst assume humanity ; Jesus, for thy bitter passion May we ever thankful be ; Filled with awe and humbly bowing, At thy feet we prostrate fall, Gratefully this truth avowing, That thou art our all in all. 6s, 7s & 7s. / And with thy Father's glory graced, There to remain, till thou shalt come As judge to pass our final doom. 4 From day to day, O Lord, do we, Highly exalt and honor thee ; Thy name we worship and adore, World without end for evermore. GOD THE HOLY GHOST. S. M. ZZ1. Tune 595. Lord God, the Holy Ghost, In this accepted hour, As on the day of Pentecost, Descend in all thy power. 2 We meet with one accord In our appointed place, And wait the promise of our Lord, The Spirit of all grace. 3 Like mighty, rushing wind Upon the waves beneath, Move with one impulse every mind, One soul, one feeling breathe. 4 The young, the old inspire With wisdom from above ; 156 GOD THE HOLY GHOST. And give us hearts and tongues of fire, To pray, and praise, and love. 5 Spirit of light, explore And chase our gloom away, With lustre shining more and more Unto the perfect day ! 6 Spirit of truth, be thou In life and death our guide ! O, Spirit of adoption, now May we be sanctified ! L. M. 228. Tune 22. O Comforter, God Holy Ghost, Thou heavenly gifts on us bestow'st ; The pledge of our salvation art, And bear'st thy witness in our heart. 2 The sheep of Jesus which were lost, Thou callest, teaching them to trust For help, forgiveness, peace, and grace, In him, the Lord our righteousness. 3 Thy gladdening oil thou dost impart To every poor and contrite heart, Which Jesus as the Saviour knows, From whom alone salvation flows. 4 The feeble souls thou dost sustain, Anointest all the witness train, Keepest believers in the faith, And art their guide in life and death. 5 Who can thy operations trace, The kindness, patience, truth, and grace, Thou showest to Christ's family, Who living temples are to thee. GOD THE HOLY GHOST. 107 C. M. 229. Tune 14. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove ! With all thy quickening powers, Kindle a flame of sacred love, In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Look, how we grovel here below, Fond of these trifling toys ! Our souls can neither fly nor go, To reach eternal joys. 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise ; Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Dear Lord, and shall we ever live, At this poor dying rate ? Our love so faint, so cold to thee, And thine to us so great? 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove ! With all thy quickening powers ; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. 7s. 2o0. Tune 11. Holy Spirit ! Lord of light ! From thy clear celestial hight, Come, thou light of all that live ! Thy pure beaming radiance give ! 2 Come, thou Father of the poor ! Come with treasures which endure ; Thou, of all consolers best, Visiting the troubled breast. 3 Thou in toil art comfort sweet ; Pleasant coolness in the heat ; Solace in the midst of woe ; Dost refreshing peace bestow. 158 GOD THE HOLY GHOST. 4 Light immortal ! light divine ! Visit thou these hearts of thine ; If thou take thy grace away, Nothing pure in man will stay. 5 Heal our wounds — our strength renew ; On our dryness pour thy dew ; Wash the stains of guilt away ; Guide the steps that go astray. 6 Give us comfort when we die ; Give us life with thee on high, In thy sevenfold gifts descend ; Give us joys which never end. S. M. /COL. Tune 595. Come, Holy Spirit ! come, Let thy bright beams arise ; Dispel the darkness from our minds, And open all our eyes. 2 Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remove, And kindle in our breasts the flame Of never-dying love. 3 Convince us of our sin, Then lead to Jesus 7 blood, And to our wondering view reveal The secret love of God. 4 'T is thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life on every part, And new-create the whole. 5 Dwell, therefore, in our hearts ; Our minds from bondage free ; Then shall we know, and praise, and love, The Father, Son, and Thee. GOD THE HOLY GHOST. 159 C. M. /£()&. Tune 14. Let songs of praises fill the sky ! Christ, our ascended Lord, Sends down his Spirit from on high, According to his word. 2 The Spirit, by his heavenly breath, New life creates within ; He quickens sinners from the death Of trespasses and sin. 3 The things of Christ the Spirit takes, And to our hearts reveals ; Our bodies he his temple makes, And our redemption seals. 4 Come, Holy Spirit ! from above, With thy celestial fire ; Come, and with flames of zeal and love Our hearts and tongues inspire. P. M. £00. Tune 203. Come, Holy Ghost, come, Lord our God, And shed thy heavenly gifts abroad On us, and unto every heart True faith and fervent love impart ; O Lord, who by thy heavenly light, Hast called thy church from sinful night, Out of all nations, tribes and places ; To thee we render thanks and praises : Hallelujah. 2 Thou light divine, most gracious Lord, Revive us by thy holy word, And teach thy flock in truth to call On God, the Father of us all : From all strange doctrines us preserve, 160 GOD THE HOLY GHOST. No other master may we serve, But Christ, who is our only Saviour ; In him we will confide for ever: Hallelujah. 3 O Holy Ghost, kind Comforter, Help us with watchfulness and prayer, 'Midst various trials thee to obey, And never from the truth to stray : O Lord, by thy almighty grace, Prepare us so to run our race, That we by thy illumination, May gain heaven's glorious habitation : Hallelujah. S. M. /go4. Tune 595. Spirit of truth, come down, Reveal the things of God, Make thou to us Christ's Godhead known, Apply his precious blood. 2 His merits glorify, That each may clearly see, Jesus, who did for sinners die, Hath surely died for me. 3 No man can truly say That Jesus is the Lord, Unless thou take the veil away, And breathe the living word. 4 Then, only then, we feel Our interest in his blood, And cry with joy unspeakable, " Thou art my Lord, my God." 5 Oh, that the world might know The all-atoning Lamb ; Spirit of faith, descend and show The virtue of his name. GOD THE HOLY GHOST. 161 6 The grace which all may find, The saving power impart ; Oh, testify to all mankind, And speak in every heart. C. M. /OOO. TuneU. My soul doth magnify the Lord, My spirit doth rejoice In God, my Saviour and my God ; I hear his joyful voice. 2 I need not go abroad for joy, Who have a feast at home ; My sighs are turned into songs, The Comforter is come ! 3 Down from above, the blessed dove Is come into my breast, To witness God's eternal love ; This is my heavenly feast. C. M. /400. Tmne 14. Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, Let us thine influence prove ; Source of the old prophetic fire, Fountain of life and love. 2 Open the hearts of all who hear, To make the Saviour room ; Now let us find redemption near, Let faith by hearing come. CM. Zol* Tune 14. Come, blessed Spirit, gracious Lord, Thy pow r er to us make known ; Strike with the hammer of thy word, And break each heart of stone. 11 162 GOD THE HOLY GHOST. 2 Give us ourselves and Christ to know, In this our gracious day ; Repentance unto life bestow, Christ's pardoning love display. 3 Convince us first of unbelief, And freely then release : Fill every soul with sacred grief, And then with sacred peace. 4 Show us our poverty, relieve And then enrich the poor ; The knowledge of our sickness give, The knowledge of our cure. 5 A blessed sense of guilt impart, And then remove the load ; Trouble, then lead the troubled heart To Christ's atoning blood. C. M. 4lOO* Tune 14.. O Holy Ghost, eternal God, Descending from above, Thou fill'st the soul through Jesus' blood, With faith, and hope, and love. 2 Thou comfortest the heavy heart, By sin and- grief oppressed ; Thou to the dead dost life impart, And to the weary, rest. 3 Thy sweet communion charms the soul, And gives true peace and joy ; Which Satan's power can ne'er control, Nor all his wiles destroy. 4 Let no false comfort lift us up To confidence that 's vain ; Nor let their faith and courage droop, Who love the Lamb once slain. GOD THE HOLY GHOST. 163 5 Breathe comfort, where distress abounds, Oh, make our conscience clean ; And heal, with balm from Jesus' wounds, The festering sores of sin. 6 Vanquish our lusts, our pride remove, Take out the heart of stone ; Show us the Father's boundless love, The merits of the Son. 7 The Father sent his Son to die ; The willing Son obeyed ■ The witness thou, to ratify The purchase Christ hath made. L. M. 239. Tune 22. Come, O creator Spirit blest ! And in our souls take up thy rest; Come, with thy grace and heavenly aid, To fill the hearts which thou hast made. 2 Great Comforter ! to thee we cry ; O highest gift of God most high ! O fount of life ! O fire of love ! And sweet anointing from above ! 3 Kindle our senses from above, And make our hearts o'erflow with love ; With patience firm, and virtue high, The weakness of our flesh supply. 4 Far from us drive the foe we dread, And grant us thy true peace instead ; So shall we not, with thee for guide, Turn from the path of life aside. C. M. 240. Tune 14. Why should the children of a king Go mourning all their days ? 164 GOD THE HOLY GHOST. Great Comforter ! descend and bring Some tokens of thy grace. 2 Dost thou not dwell in all the saints, And seal the heirs of heaven ? When wilt thou banish my complaints, And show my sins forgiven ? 3 Assure my conscience of her part In the Redeemer's blood ; And bear thy witness with my heart, That I am born of God. 4 Thou art the earnest of his love, The pledge of joys to come; And thy soft wings, celestial dove ! Will safe convey me home. L. M. 241. Tune 22, To thee, God Holy Ghost, we pray, Who lead'st us in the gospel-way, Those precious gifts on us bestow, Which from our Saviour's merits flow. 2 Thou heavenly teacher, thee -we praise For thy instruction, power and grace, To love the Father, who doth ow T n Us as his children in the Son. 3 Most gracious comforter, w T e pray, Oh, lead us further every day ; Thy unction to us all impart, Preserve and sanctify each heart. 4 Till w r e in heaven shall take our seat, Instruct us often to repeat, " Abba, our Father ;" and to be With Christ in union constantly. GOD THE HOLY GHOST. 165 L. M. Z±Z. Tune 90. Oh, that the Comforter would come, Nor visit as a transient guest, But fix in me his constant home, And keep possession of my breast ; Yea, make my soul his blest abode, The temple of the indwelling God. 2 Come, Holy Ghost, my soul inspire, Attest that I am born again ; Come and baptize me, now, with fire, Nor let thy former gifts be vain ; Grant me a sense that I 'm forgiven, A pledge that I 'm an heir of heaven. 3 Grant me the indubitable seal, That ascertains the kingdom mine, That powerful stamp I long to feel, The signature of love divine ; Oh, shed it in my heart abroad, Fullness of love, of heaven, of God. L. M Z±0. Tune 22. O Spirit of the living God ! In all thy plenitude of grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our apostate race ! 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love, To preach the reconciling word ; Give power and unction from above, Where'er the joyful sound is heard. 3 Be darkness, at thy coming,. light • Confusion, order, in thy path ; Souls without strength inspire with might ; Bid mercy triumph over wrath. 4 Baptize the nations ; far and nigh The triumphs of the cross record ; 166 GOD THE HOLY GHOST. The name of Jesus glorify, Till every kindred call him Lord. 5 God from eternity hath willed, All flesh shall his salvation see ; So be the Father's love fulfilled, The Saviour's sufferings crowned through thee. L. M. 244. Tune 22. Spirit of mercy, truth, and love, Oh, shed thine. influence from above; And still, from age to age, convey The wonders of this sacred day. 2 In every clime, by every tongue, Be God's surpassing glory sung ; Let all the listening earth be taught The wonders by our Saviour wrought. 3 Unfailing comfort, heavenly guide, Still o'er thy holy church preside ; Still let mankind thy blessings prove, Spirit of mercy, truth, and love. 4 O holy Father, holy Son, And Holy Spirit, three in one ; Thy grace devoutly we implore, Thy name be praised for evermore. C. M. /£±D. Tune 14. Spirit of power and might, behold A world by sin destroyed ! Creator Spirit, as of old, Move on the formless void. 2 Give thou the word ; that healing sound Shall quell the deadly strife, And earth again, like Eden crowned, Produce the tree of life. WARNING AND INVITATION. 167 3 If sang the morning stars for joy, When nature rose to view, What strains will angel-harps employ, When thou shalt all renew ! 4 And if the sons of God rejoice To hear a Saviour's name, How shall the ransomed raise their voice, To whom that Saviour came ! 5 So every kindred, tongue, and tribe, Assembling round the throne, Thy new creation shall ascribe To sovereign love alone. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. WARNING AND INVITATION. lis. 24u. Tune 39. Oh, turn ye, oh, turn ye ; for why will ye die, When God in great mercy is coming so nigh ? Now Jesus invites vou, the Spirit says, " Come !" And angels are waiting to welcome you home. 2 How vain the delusion, that, while you delay, Your hearts may grow better by staying away ! Come wretched, come starving, come just as you be, While streams of salvation are flowing so free. 3 And now Christ is ready your souls to re- ceive ; Oh ! how can you question, if you will be- lieve ? 168 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. If sin is your burden, why will you not come ? 'T is you he bids welcome ; he bids you coma home. 4 In riches, in pleasures, what can you obtain, To soothe your affliction, or banish your pain ? To bear up your spirit when summoned to die, Or waft you to mansions of glory on high ? 5 Why will you be starving, and feeding on air ? There's mercy in Jesus, enough and to spare ; If still you are doubting, make trial and see, And prove that his mercy is boundless and free. L. M. 247. Tune 22. Why will ye waste on trifling cares That life which God's compassion spares, While in the various range of thought The one thing needful is forgot ? 2 Shall God invite you from above ? Shall Jesus urge his dying love ? Shall troubled conscience give you pain, And all these pleas unite in vain ? 3 Not so your eyes will always view Those objects which you now pursue ; Not so will heaven and hell appear When death's decisive hour is near. 4 Almighty God ! thy grace impart ; Fix deep conviction on each heart ; Nor let us waste on trifling cares That life which thy compassion spares. S. M. 248. Tune 595. Ah ! how shall fallen man Be just before his God ? WARNING AND INVITATION. 169 If he contend in righteousness, We fall beneath his rod. 2 If he our ways should mark, With strict inquiring eyes, Could we, for one of thousand faults, A just excuse devise? 3 All-seeing, powerful God ! Who can with thee contend ? Or who, that tries the unequal strife, Shall prosper in the end ? 4 The mountains in thy wrath, Their ancient seats forsake ; The trembling earth deserts her place, Her rooted pillars shake. 5 Ah ! how shall guilty man Contend with such a God ? None, none can meet him and escape, But through the Saviour's blood. 8s, 7s & 4s. 24t/. Tune 585. Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched, Weak and wounded, sick and sore, Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love and power : He is able, He is willing, doubt no more. 2 Ho ! ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance, Every grace that brings us nigh, Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream ; 170 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. All the fitness he requireth Is to feel your need of him ; This he gives you ; 'T is the Spirit's rising beam. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Lost and ruined by the fall ; If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all : Not the righteous, Sinners, Jesus came to call. 5 Agonizing in the garden, Lo ! your Maker prostrate lies ; On the bloody tree behold him ; Hear him cry, before he dies : " It is finished !" Sinners, will not this suffice? 6 Lo! the incarnate God ascended, Pleads the merit of his blood ; Venture on him, venture wholly, Let no other trust intrude : None but Jesus, Can do helpless sinners good. 7 Saints and angels, joined in concert, Sing the praises of the Lamb, While the blissful seats of heaven, Sweetly echo with his name : Hallelujah ! Sinners here may sing the same. L. M. 250. Tune 22. Just as thou art — without one trace Of love, or joy, or inward grace, Or meetness for the heavenly place, Oh, guilty sinner ! come, oh, come. WARNING AND INVITATION. 171 2 Thy sins I bore on Calvary's tree ; The stripes, thy due, were laid on me, That peace and pardon might be free ; Oh, wretched sinner ! come, oh, come. 3 Burdened with guilt, would'st thou be blessed ? Trust not the world ; it gives no rest ; 1 bring relief to hearts oppressed ; Oh, weary sinner ! come, oh, come. 4 Come, leave thy burden at the cross, Count all thy gains but empty dross : My grace repays all earthly loss ; Oh, needy sinner ! come, oh, come. 5 Come, hither bring thy boding fears, Thy aching heart, thy bursting tears ; 'T is mercy's voice salutes thine ears ; Oh, trembling sinner ! come, oh, come. 6 " The Spirit and the bride say, come !" Rejoicing saints re-echo, " come !" Who faints, who thirsts, who will, may come ; Thy Saviour bids thee come, oh, come. S. M. 201. Tune 595. Oh ! where shall rest be found, Rest for the weary soul ? 'T were vain the ocean depths to sound, Or pierce to either pole. 2 The world can never give The rest, for which we sigh ; 'T is not the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die. 3 Beyond this vale of tears, There is a life above, Unmeasured by the flight of years, And all that life is love. 172 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 4 There is a death, whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath ; Oh, what eternal horrors hang Around the second death ! 5 Lord God of truth and grace, Teach us that death to shun, Lest we be banished from thy face, And evermore undone. 6 Here would we end our quest ; Alone are found in thee, The life of perfect love, the rest Of immortality. 7s. &OA. Tune 205. Sinners, hear the joyful news, God your Maker, is your friend ; Think not, that his wrath pursues, That his curses you attend : " As I live," Jehovah saith, " I do not desire your death, Rather, rather would I see Each poor sinner turn to me." 2 Oh, then, turn to him and live, Turn to him with all your woe ; He is ready to forgive, Ready blessings to bestow : Outstretched see his arms of love, Haste his tender heart to prove ; Haste, ye sinners, you will find Jesus casteth none behind. L. M. 2)QO. Tune 22. Behold ! a stranger 's at the door, He gently knocks, has knocked before ; Has waited long, is waiting still ; You treat no other friend so ill. WARNING AXD INVITATION. 173 2 But will he prove a friend indeed ? He will, the very friend you need ; The man of Nazareth, 't is he, With garments dyed at Calvary. 3 Oh, lovely attitude, he stands With melting heart, and laden hands ; Oh, matchless kindness, and he shows This matchless kindness to his foes. 4 Rise, touched with gratitude divine, Turn out his enemy and thine, That hateful, hell-born monster, sin, And let the heavenly stranger in. 5 Admit him, ere his anger burn ; His feet departed ne'er return ; Admit him, or the hour 's at hand, When, at his door, denied you '11 stand. S. M. /C04. Tune 595. Like Noah's weary dove, That soared the earth around, But not a resting-place above The cheerless waters found. 2 Oh, cease, my wandering soul, On restless wing to roam ; All the wide world, to either pole, Has not for thee a home. 3 Behold the ark of God, Behold the open door ; Hasten to gain that dear abode, And rove, my soul, no more. 4 There safe thou shalt abide, There sweet shall be thy rest, And every longing satisfied, With full salvation blessed. 174 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. L. M. &00. Tune 22. Ho, every one that thirsts, draw nigh, ? T is God invites man's fallen race ; Salvation without money buy, Buy wine, and milk, and gospel-grace. 2 Come to the living waters, come ; Sinners, obey your Maker's call ; Return, ye weary wanderers, home, God's grace in Christ is free for all. 3 Ye heavy-laden, sin-sick souls, See from the rock a fountain rise, For you in healing streams it rolls From Jesus, made a sacrifice. 4 Nothing you in exchange need give, Leave all you are and have behind ; Thankful the gift of God receive ; Pardon and peace in Jesus find. 5 In search of empty joys below, Ye toil with unavailing strife ; Whither, ah, whither would ye go ? Christ hath the words of endless life. 6 To you he calls, " My goodness prove, My promises for all are free ; Oh taste my everlasting love, And let your souls delight in me." S. M. 256. Tune 595. The Spirit, in our hearts, Is whispering, " Sinner, come !" The bride, the church of Christ, proclaims, To all his children, " Come !" 2 Let him that heareth, say To all about him, " Come !" WARNING AND INVITATION. 175 Let him that thirsts for righteousness To Christ, the fountain, come. 3 Yes, whosoever will, Oh, let him freely come, And freely drink the stream of life ; 'T is Jesus bids him come. 4 Lo ! Jesus, who invites, Declares, " I quickly come :" Lord ! even so ; I wait thine hour ; Jesus, mv Saviour, come ! H. M. ZOi. Tune 342. Blow ye the trumpet, blow, The gladly solemn sound ; Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound, The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 2 Jesus, our great high-priest, Hath full atonement made ; Ye weary spirits, rest ; Ye mournful souls, be glad ; The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed sinners home. 3 Extol the Lamb of God, The all-atoning Lamb ; Redemption in his blood Throughout the world proclaim ; The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 4 Ye who have sold for naught Your heritage above, Shall have it back unbought, The gift of Jesus' love ; 176 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 5 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of heavenly grace ; And, saved from earth, appear Before your Saviour's face ; The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. L. M. /OOO. Tune 22. Sinners, obey the gospel-word, Haste to the supper of the Lord ; Be wise to know your gracious day ; All things are ready, come away. 2 Ready the Father is, to own And kiss his late returning son ; Ready your loving Saviour stands, And spreads for you his pierced hands. 3 Ready the Spirit, to impart Grace to subdue the stubborn heart, To shed Christ's love in you abroad, And witness you are born of God. 4 Ready for you the angels wait, To triumph in your blest estate : All heaven is ready to resound, " The dead 's alive, the lost is found." 5 Come, sinners, to your gracious Lord, Incline your ear, and hear his word : His offered grace with joy receive, Hear, sinners, and your souls shall live. L. M. 259. Tune 22. Come, sinners, to the gospel-feast ; Let every soul be Jesus' guest, WARNING AND INVITATION. 177 Not one of you need stay behind ; His gospel calleth to mankind. 2 Attend, the gospel-trumpet sounds, Calls sinners from earth's farthest bounds ; The year of jubilee is come ; Keturn, ye ransomed sinners, home. 3 Come, all ye souls by sin opprest, Ye wanderers, who are seeking rest ; The poor, the maimed, the halt, the blind, With Christ a hearty welcome find. 4 The message as from God receive ; Ye all may come to Christ and live ; Oh, let his love your hearts constrain ; Nor suffer him to die in vain. 5 His love is mighty to compel ; His conquering love consent to feel ; Yield to his love's almighty power, And strive against your God no more. 6 See him set forth before your eyes, A precious, bleeding sacrifice ; His offered benefits embrace, And freely now be saved by grace. 7 This is the time, no more delay ; This is the acceptable day ; Come in, this moment, at his call, And live for him, who died for all. 7s. 260. Tune 11. Come, says Jesus' sacred voice, Come, and make my paths your choice; I will guide you to your home ; Weary pilgrim, hither come. 2 Thou, who, houseless, sole, forlorn, Long hast borne the proud world's scorn, 12 178 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Long hast roamed this barren waste, Weary pilgrim, hither haste. 3 Ye, who, tossed on beds of pain, Seek for ease, but seek in vain ; Ye, by fiercer anguish torn, In remorse for guilt who mourn ; 4 Hither come, for here is found Balm that flows for every wound, Peace that ever shall endure, Rest eternal, sacred, sure. 7s. 261. Tune 205. Sinners, turn, why will you die? God, your Maker, asks you, why ? God, who did your being give, Made you with himself to live ; He the fatal cause demands, Asks the work of his own hands, Why, ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross his love, and die ? 2 Sinners ! turn, why will you die ? God, your Saviour, asks you, why ? God, who did your souls retrieve, Died himself, that you might live ; Will you let him die in vain ? Crucify your Lord again? Why, ye ransomed sinners, why Will you slight his grace, and die ? 3 Sinners, turn, why will you die ? God, the Spirit, asks you, why ? God, who all your lives hath strove, Wooed you to embrace his love : Will you not the grace receive ? Will you still refuse to live ? Why, ye long-sought sinners, why Will you grieve your God, and die ? WARNING AND INVITATION. 179 7s. fyXjA. Time 11. Hasten, sinner, to be wise, Stay not for the morrow's sun ; Wisdom if thou still despise, Harder is she to be won. 2 Hasten, mercy to implore, Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest thy season should be o'er, Ere this evening's stage be run. 3 Hasten, sinner, to return, Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest thy lamp should fail to burn, Ere salvation's work is done. 4 Hasten, sinner, to be blest, Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest perdition thee arrest, Ere the morrow is begun. S. M. 6VO. Tune 595. To-day the Saviour calls ; Ye wretched wanderers, come ; O ye benighted, dying souls, Why will you longer roam ? 2 To-day the Saviour calls ; Oh, hearken to him now ; Within these consecrated walls, To Jesus come and bow. 3 To-day the Saviour calls ; To him for refuge fly ; For soon the storm of justice falls, And death is ever nigh. 4 The Spirit calls to-day ; Yield to his saving power ; 180 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Oh, do not grieve him now away, 'T is mercy's tender hour. L. M. /0O4. Tune 22. God calling yet ! — shall I not hear ? Earth's pleasures shall I still hold dear? Shall life's swift passing years all fly, And still my soul in slumbers lie ? 2 God calling yet ? — shall I not rise ? Can I his loving voice despise, And basely his kind care repay ? He calls me still ; can I delay ? 3 God calling yet ! — and shall he knock, And I my heart the closer lock ? He still is waiting to receive, And shall I dare his Spirit grieve? 4 God calling yet ! — and shall I give No heed, but still in bondage live ? I wait, but he does not forsake ; He calls me still ; — my heart, awake ! 5 Ah, yield him all ; in him confide : Where but with him doth peace abide ? Break loose, let earthly bonds be riven, And let the spirit rise to heaven ! 6 God calling yet ! I cannot stay ; My heart I yield without delay ; Vain world, farewell, from thee I part ; The voice of God hath reached my heart. C. M. 265. Tune 14. Come, sinner, to the gospel feast : Oh, come without delay ; For there is room, in Jesus' breast, For all who will obey. WARNING AND INVITATION. 181 2 There's room, in God's eternal love, To save thy precious soul ; Room, in the Spirit's grace above, To heal and make thee whole. 3 There's room, within the church, redeemed With blood of Christ divine ; Room, in the white-robed throng convened, For that dear soul of thine. 4 There's room, in heaven among the choir, And harps and crowns of gold, And glorious palms of victory there, And joys that ne'er were told. 5 There's room, around thy Father's board, For thee and thousands more: Oh come, and welcome, to the Lord ; Yea, come this very hour. 7s. 266. Tune 205. Sinners, come, the Saviour see, Hands, feet, side, and temples view ; See him bleeding on the tree ; See, his heart is pierced for you : View awhile, then haste away, Find a thousand more, and say, Come, ye sinners, come with me, View him bleeding on the tree. 2 Who would still such mercy grieve ? Sinners, hear instruction mild ; Doubt no more, but now believe, Each become a little child ; Artful doubts and reasonings be Nailed with Jesus to the tree ; Mourning souls who simple are, Surely shall the blessing share. 182 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. S. M. Zbi. Tune 595. How solemn are the words, And yet to faith how plain, Which Jesus uttered while on earth, " Ye must be born again !" 2 " Ye must be born again !" For so hath God decreed, No reformation will suffice, 'T is life poor sinners need. 3 " Ye must be born again !" And life in Christ must have ; In vain the soul may elsewhere go, 'T is he alone can save. 4 " Ye must be born again !" Or never enter heaven ; 'T is only blood- washed ones are there, The ransomed and forgiven. L. M. 268. Tune 22. Return, O wanderer, return, And seek an injured Father's face ; Those warm desires that in thee burn, Were kindled by reclaiming grace. 2 Return, O wanderer, return, He hears thy deep repentant sigh; He saw thy softened spirit mourn, When no intruding ear was nigh. 3 Return, O wanderer, return, Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live ; Go to his bleeding feet, and learn How freely Jesus can forgive. 4 Return, O wanderer, return, And wipe away the falling tear ; WARNING AND INVITATION. 183 'T is God who says, " No longer mourn !" 'T is mercy's voice invites thee near. 7s, 6s & 7s 269. Tune 591 op 152. Sinner, hear the Saviour's call, He now is passing by; He has seen thy grievous thrall, And heard thy mournful cry : He has pardon to impart, Grace to save thee from thy fears ; See the love that fills his heart, And wipe away thy tears. 2 Why art thou afraid to come, And tell him all thy case ? He will not pronounce thy doom, Nor frown thee from his face ; Wilt thou fear Immanuel ? Wilt thou dread the Lamb of God, Who, to save thy soul from hell, Has shed his precious blood. 3 Think how on the cross he hung, Pierced with a thousand wounds ; Hark, from each, as with a tongue, The voice of pardon sounds ; See, from all his opened veins Blood of wondrous virtue flow, Shed, to wash away thy stains, And ransom thee from woe. 4 Though his majesty be great, His mercy is no less ; Though he thy transgressions hate, He feels for thy distress ; By himself the Lord has sworn, He delights not in thy death ; But invites thee to return, That thou mayst live by faith. 184 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 5 Raise thy downcast eyes and see What throngs his throne surround ; These, though sinners once like thee, Have full salvation found : Yield not then to unbelief, While he says; " There yet is room :" Though of sinners thou art chief, Since Jesus calls thee, come. 7s. 270. Tune 11. Now begin the heavenly theme, Praise ye Jesus' saving name ■ Ye who Jesus' kindness prove, Triumph in redeeming love. 2 Ye who see the Father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face, As to heaven ye onward move, Praise and bless redeeming love. 3 Mourning souls, dry up your tears, Banish all your guilty fears ; Jesus will your guilt remove, Prompted by redeeming love. 4 Ye, who long, alas, have been Willing slaves of death and sin, Now from bliss no longer rove, Stop and taste redeeming love. 5 Welcome, all by sin opprest, Jesus Christ will give you rest ; Nothing brought him from above, Nothing but redeeming love. 6 Sing, ye ransomed, to his praise, Tune your songs to grateful lays ; Mortals, join the hosts above, Join to praise redeeming love. P. M. SORROW FOR SIN. 185 When his Spirit leads us home, When we to his glory come, We shall all the fullness prove Of our Lord's redeeming love. 271. Almost persuaded now to believe ; Almost persuaded Christ to receive ; Seems now some soul to say, Go Spirit, go thy way, Some more convenient day On thee I '11 call. Almost persuaded, come, come to-day ; Almost persuaded, turn not away ; Jesus invites you here, Angels are lingering near, Prayers rise from hearts so dear ; Oh, wanderer come ! Almost persuaded, harvest is past ! Almost persuaded, doom comes at last ! "Almost" cannot avail, "Almost" is but to fail ! Sad, sad, that bitter wail, "Almost, but lost !" SORROW FOR SIN. S. M. 272. Tune 582 Ah, whither should I go, Burdened, and sick, and faint? To whom should I my trouble show, And pour out my complaint ? 186 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 2 My Saviour bids me come, Ah, why should I delay ? He calls the weary sinner home, And yet from him I stray. 3 What is it keeps me back, From which I cannot part ? Which will not let my Saviour take Possession of my heart? 4 Some cursed thing unknown Must surely lurk within, Some idol, which I will not own, Some secret bosom-sin. 5 Jesus, the hindrance show, Which I have feared to see ; Yea, let me now consent to know What keeps me back from thee. 6 Searcher of hearts, in mine Thy trying power display : Into its darkest corners shine, And take the veil away. 7 I now believe ; in thee Compassion reigns alone: According to my faith, to me Oh let it, Lord, be done. 8 In me is all the bar, Which thou wouldst fain remove ; Remove it, then shall I declare, That thou O God, art love. 7s. ZiO. Tune 581. Saviour of thy chosen race, View me from thy heavenly throne ; Give the sweet relenting grace, Soften thou this heart of stone ; SORROW FOR SIN. 187 Stone to flesh, O God, convert, Cast a look, and break my heart. 2 By thy Spirit me reprove, All my inmost sins reveal ; Sins against thy light and love Let me see, and let me feel ; Sins, that crucified my God, Sins, for which he shed his blood. 3 Jesus, seek thy wandering sheep, Make me restless to return ; Bid me look on thee and weep, Bitterly as Peter mourn ; Till I can, by grace restored, Say, " Thou know'st I love thee, Lord." 4 Might I in thy sight appear, As the publican, distressed ; Stand, not daring to draw near, Smite on my unworthy breast ; Utter the poor sinner's plea, "God, be merciful to me." 5 Ah, remember me for good, Passing through this mortal vale ; Show me thy atoning blood, When my strength and courage fail ; Let me oft in spirit see Jesus, crucified for me. C. M. 274. Tune 14. Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat, Where Jesus answers prayer ; There humbly fall before his feet, For none can perish there. 2 Thy promise is my only plea, With this I venture nigh; 188 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Thou callest burdened souls to thee, And such, O Lord, am I. 3 Bowed down beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely prest ; By war without, and fears within, I come to thee for rest. 4 Be thou my shield and hiding-place ! That, sheltered near thy side, I may my fierce accuser face, And tell him, thou hast died. 5 O wondrous love, to bleed and die, To bear the cross and shame, That guilty sinners, such as I, Might plead thy gracious name. 6 " Poor tempest-tossed soul, be still, My promised grace receive :" 'T is Jesus speaks ; I must, I will, I can, I do believe. L. M. Zlo. Tune 22. Show pity, Lord, O Lord forgive ; Let a repenting sinner live ; Are not thy mercies large and free? May not a sinner trust in thee? 2 My crimes are great, but don't surpass The power and glory of thy grace ; Great God, thy nature hath no bound, So let thy pardoning love be found. 3 Oh, wash my soul from every sin, And make my guilty conscience clean ; Here on my heart the burden lies, And past offences pain my eyes. 4 My lips, with shame, my sins confess Against thy law, against thy grace ; SORROW FOR SIN. 189 Lord, should thy judgments grow severe, I am condemned, but thou art clear. 5 Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord, Whose hope, still hovering round thy word, Would light on some sweet promise there, Some sure support against despair. L. M. 276. Tune 22. Jesus, the sinner's friend, to thee, Lost and undone, for aid I flee ; Weary of earth, myself, and sin, Open thine arms, and take me in. 2 Pity and heal my sin-sick soul, 'T is thou alone canst make me whole ; I cannot rest till thou art mine, Until in me thine image shine. 3 At last I own it cannot be, That I should fit myself for thee ; Here then, to thee, I all resign : Thine is the work, and only thine. 4 What shall I say, thy grace to move ? Lord, I am sin, but thou art love ; I give up every plea beside ; Lord, I 'm condemned, but thou hast died. 7s. /4ll. Tune 203. Oh, how great, how rich, how free, Is the grace which Christ bestows ! Only cast your misery At the foot of Jesus' cross ; Weeping at the throne of grace Lie, and never quit the place, Never, till your suit 's obtained, Never, till the blessing 's gained. 190 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. S. M. /CIO. Tune 582. O Lord, how vile am I, Unholy and unclean ! How can I venture to draw nigh With such a load of sin ? 2 And must I then indeed Sink in despair and die ? Fain would I hope that thou didst bleed For such a wretch as I. 3 That blood which thou hast spilt, That grace which is thine own, Can cleanse the vilest sinner's guilt, And soften hearts of stone. 4 Low at thy feet I bow, Oh, pity and forgive : Here will I lie, and wait till thou Shalt bid me rise and live. C. M. 279. Tune 14. How sad our state by nature is, Our sin, how deep it stains ; How Satan binds our captive souls Fast in his slavish chains. 2 But there's a voice of sovereign grace, Sounds from the sacred word : " Ho, ye despairing sinners, come, Believe in Christ the Lord." 3 My soul, obey the gracious call, And haste to gain relief; I would believe thy promise, Lord ; Oh, help my unbelief. 4 To the dear fountain of thy blood, Incarnate God, I fly; SORROW FOR SIN. 191 Here let me wash my spotted soul From crimes of deepest dye. 5 A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, Into thy arms I fall ; Be thou my strength and righteousness, My Jesus and my all. 7s. 2b0. Tune 11. Thou who didst on Calvary bleed, Thou who didst for sinners plead, Help me in my time of need, Jesus, Saviour, hear my cry. 2 In my darkness and my grief, With my heart of unbelief, I, who am of sinners chief, Jesus, lift to thee mine eye. 3 Foes without and fears within, With no plea thy grace to win, But that thou canst save from sin, Jesus, to thy cross I fly. 4 There on thee I cast my care, There to thee I raise my prayer, Jesus, save me from despair, Save me, save me, or I die. 5 When the storms of trial lower, When I feel temptation's power, In the last and darkest hour, Jesus, Saviour, be thou nigh. 7s. /OOl. Tune 205. Saviour, when in dust to thee Low we bend the adoring knee ; When, repentant, to the skies Scarce we lift our weeping eyes ; 192 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Oh, by all the pains and woe Suffered once for man below, Bending from thy throne on high, Hear our solemn Litany ! 2 By thy helpless infant years ; By thy life of want and tears ; By thy days of sore distress In the lonely wilderness ; By the dread mysterious hour Of the insulting tempter's power ; Turn, oh, turn a favoring eye ; Hear our solemn Litany ! 3 By the sacred griefs that wept O'er the grave where Lazarus slept ; By the boding tears that flowed Over Salem's loved abode ; By the anguished sigh that told Treachery lurked within thy fold ; From thy seat above the sky, Hear our solemn Litany ! 4 By thine hour of dire despair ; By thine agony of prayer ; By the cross, the nail, the thorn, Piercing spear and torturing scorn ; By the gloom that veiled the skies O'er the dreadful sacrifice ; Listen to our humble cry, Hear our solemn Litany ! 5 By thy deep expiring groan ; By the sad sepulchral stone ; By the vault, whose dark abode Held in vain the rising God ; Oh, from earth to heaven restored, Mighty reascended Lord, Listen, listen to the cry Of our solemn Litany ! SORROW FOR SIN. 193 8s & 7s. /WO/W. Tune 16. Take rue, O my Father, take me, Take me, save me, through thy Son ; That, which thou wouldst have me, make me, Let thy will in me be done. 2 Long from thee my footsteps straying, Thorny proved the way I trod ; Weary come I now, and praying, Take me to thy love, my God. 3 Fruitless years with grief recalling, Humbly I confess my sin ; At thy feet, O Father, falling, To thy household take me in. 4 Freely now to thee I proffer This relenting heart of mine ; Freely, life and soul I offer, Giit unworthy love like thine. 5 Once the world's Eedeemer dying, Bore our sins upon the tree ; On that sacrifice relying, Now I look in hope to thee. 6 Father, take me ; all forgiving, Fold me to thy loving breast ; In thy love for ever living, 1 must be for ever blest ! S. M. 283. Tune 582. Out of the depths of woe, To thee, O Lord ! I cry ; Darkness surrounds me, but I know That thou art ever nigh. 2 I cast my hope on thee ; Thou canst, thou wilt forgive ; 13 194 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. Wert thou to mark iniquity, Who in thy sight could live ? 3 Humbly on thee I wait, Confessing all my sin : Lord, I am knocking at thy gate ; Open, and take me in. 4 Glory to God above ! The waters soon will cease ; For, lo ! the swift-returning dove Brings home the sign of peace. 5 Though storms his face obscure, And dangers threaten loud, Jehovah's covenant is sure, His bow is in the cloud. L. M. 284. Tune 22. Weary of struggling with my pain, Hopeless to burst this sinful chain, At length I give the contest o'er, And seek to free myself no more. 2 From my own w 7 orks at last I cease ; God, that creates, must seal my peace ; Fruitless my toil and vain my care, Unless thy sovereign grace I share. 3 Lord, I despair myself to heal ; I see my sin, but do not feel ; Nor shall I, till thy Spirit blow, And bid the obedient waters flow. 4 'Tis thine a heart of flesh to give, Thy gifts I only can receive ; Here, then, to thee I all resign ; To draw, redeem, and seal, is thine. SORROW FOR SIN. 195 7s. ZoD. Tune 11. Depth of mercy ! can there be Mercy still reserved for me ? Can my God his wrath forbear ? Me, the chief of sinners, spare ? 2 I have long withstood his grace ; Long provoked him to his face ; Would not hearken to his calls ; Grieved him by a thousand falls. 3 Kindled his relentings are ; Me he now delights to spare ; Cries, How shall I give thee up ? Lets the lifted thunder drop. 4 There for me the Saviour stands ; Shows his wounds, and spreads his hands : God is love, I know, I feel ; Jesus weeps, and loves me still. 5 Jesus, answer from above ; Is not all thy nature love ? Wilt thou not the wrong forget ? Lo, I fall before thy feet. 6 Now incline me to repent ; Let me now my fall lament ; Deeply my revolt deplore ; Weep, believe, and sin no more. 8s, 8s & 7s. /wOO. Tune 132. Out of the deep I cry to thee, My God, with heart's contrition ; Bow down thy ear in grace to me, And hear thou my petition : For if in judgment thou wilt try Man's sin and great iniquity, Ah, who can stand before thee? 196 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. 2 To gain remission of our sin, No work of ours availeth ; God's favor we may strive to win, But all our labor faileth ; We're 'midst our fairest actions lost, And none 'fore him of aught can boast : We live alone through mercy. 3 Therefore my hope is in his grace, And not in my own merit ; On him my confidence I place, Instructed by his Spirit ; His precious word hath promised me, He will my joy and comfort be ; Thereon is my reliance. 4 Though sin with us doth much abound, Yet grace still more aboundeth ; Sufficient help in Christ is found, Where sin most deeply woundeth ; He the good shepherd is indeed, Who his lost sheep doth seek and lead, With tender love and pity. P. M. Zoi. Tune 151 Tell me the old, old story, Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and his glory, Of Jesus and his love ; Tell me the story simply, As to a little child, For I am weak and weary, And helpless and defiled. Tell me the old, old story, Tell me the old, old story, Tell me the old, old story Of Jesus and his love. SORROW FOR SIN. 197 2 Tell me the story slowly, That I may take it in, That wonderful redemption, God's remedy for sin ; Tell me the story often, For I forget so soon, The " early dew " of morning Has passed away at noon. 3 Tell me the story softly, With earnest tones, and grave ; Remember, I'm the sinner Whom Jesus came to save ; Tell me the story always, If you would really be In any time of trouble, A comforter to me. 4 Tell me the same -old story, When you have cause to fear, That this world's empty glory, Is costing me too dear ; Yes, and when that world's glory Is dawning on my soul, Tell me the old, old story : " Christ Jesus makes thee whole." C. M. 288. Tune 14-. In thee, O Christ, is all my hope, My comfort's all in thee ; Since I'm assured thy mercy's nigh, And that thou stand'st by me. 2 Me, nor the saints on earth can help, Nor angels near the throne : To thee I run, thy help to find, In thee I trust alone. 3 I feel the load of sin so vast, It sinks me to the grave : 198 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE. But let thy blood wash out my sins, Since me thou cam'st to save. 4 Clothed in thy righteousness divine, Oh, may I see thy face ; And have the witness from above, That I'm restored by grace. 5. On me, thy helpless worm, O Lord, A living faith bestow ; That I thy mercy, truth, and love, May by experience know. 8s, 6s & 8s. /gOt/. Tune 79. Thou God of glorious majesty, To thee, against myself, to thee, A worm of earth, I cry ; A half-awakened child of man, An heir of endless bliss or pain, A guilty sinner born to die. 2 Lo, on a narrow neck of land, 'TAvixt two unbounded seas I stand, Secure, insensible ; A point of time, a moment's space, Removes me to that heavenly place, Or ever shuts me up in hell. 3 O God, mine inmost soul convert, And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things impress ; Give me to feel their solemn weight, To tremble on the brink of fate, And to awake to righteousness. 4 Before me place in dread array The pomp of that tremendous day, When thou with clouds shalt come, FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION. 199 To judge the nations at thy bar ; And tell me, Lord, shall I be there, To meet from thee a joyful doom? Be this my one great business here, With godly jealousy and fear, Eternal bliss to insure ; Thine utmost counsel to fulfill, To suffer all thy righteous will, And steadfast to the end endure. Then, Saviour, then my soul receive, Transported from this vale, to live And reign with thee above ; "Where faith is sweetly lost in sight, And hope, in full, supreme delight, And everlasting, heavenly love. FAITH AND JUSTIFICATION. 8s