lI§IJZ?9nT84 DiURNA OR An Account ^f the remar!^abu: TRANSACTIONS Of EVERY BM, Class ]' 7^' cop>'iight F ■ ^^y ^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSli^ Parkman Coat-of-Arms. THE DIARY OF Rev. ebenezer parkman, OF WESTBOROUGH, MASS., For the months of February, March, April, October and November. 1737. November and December of 1778, and the years of 1779 and 1780. Hi.s motto was : — "Siiiciri/ns in Cordo I'st diilrts .\iiti-iciihi Sfiii'ditlis. " Thy Heart is not right with God. Let me bear this saying in mind that I may keep clear of such a charge upon me ! " HARRIETTE M. FORBES. I) PUBLISHED BY THE WESTBOROUGH HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1899. Uy^v TWO COPIES RECEIVED. Library of C«ngre«% Qiiif Of tht N0V1818W V,.::: copyright, 1899. by -he Westborough Historical^ Society, Fl'^r^T c PREFACE. In giving a part of Mr. Parkman's Journal to the public, the West- borough Historical Society feel that they are making a valuable con- tribution to local New England History. It is not only a vivid picture of their own town during the last century, but a type of all New England towns, — the petty cares and economies, the small jealousies and quarrels, and back of it all and broader than all, the earnest, honest, God-fearing lives of those only a few generations before us. We especially feel indebted to Mrs. Edward Tuckerman, of Am- herst, who lent us most willingly and kindly the manuscript Journal. Miss Eliza S. Parkman, of Boston, has given us help repeatedly in too many ways to be separatel}' enumerated. Miss Alice B. Gould, of Boston, lent the picture of Edmund Quincy — Mrs. George Sumner, of Worcester, those of Rev. Mr. Sumner, of Shrewsbury, and his house — Mr. Bradford Kingman, of Brookline, the two blocks taken from Barbour's Collections, Harvard College and Eli Whitney's house— Mr. Arthur B. Denny, of Chestnut Hill, made the copies of Madam Parkman and of the Parkman Coat-of. Arms — the latter from a water-color illumination which formerly adorned the walls of the Westborough parsonage. The extracts from the Natalitia are published through the courtesy of the American Antiquarian Society. The drawing of Mr. Parkman on the cover is the only picture of him known to be in existence. It was a niemor}- sketch, done with pen and ink. The photograph of the handsome old table which Elias brought up from Cambridge is taken from the original now owned by Mr. Parkman T. Denny, of Leicester, and coveted by all of the old min- ister's descendants. The slate top has beeu replaced by a board. IV PREFACE. but the handsome carving and Ijeautiful wood might well excite the enthusiasm of a greater connoisseur in antique furniture than Klias Parkman. The Journal has been carefully copied, but for the sake of clear- ness most of the abbreviations have been written out. Mr. Park- man usually wrote they, yy — them, y'" — their, yeir^ and abbre- viated many other common words. The italicized words have been retained, except in the case of proper names — which he always underscores. In a very few cases where the words were illegible or blotted, an interrogation mark indicates the uncertainty. The notes have been written mostly from town records or au- thentic history, tradition very rarely being allowed a voice. HARRIETTK -M. FORBKS. Worcester, Mass., May 29, 1899. INTRODUCTION. The following pages are part of the Jourual of Rev. Ebene/.er Park man. It is probable that he kept it for the whole period of his long pastorate iu Westborough. Much of it has been lost— that for many years burned,— a few volumes are in the Library of the Antiquarian Society in Worcester,— one at least in that of the Mas- sachusetts Historical Society of Boston. This volume, w^iich the Westborough Historical Society is enabled to print through the kindness of Mrs. Edward Tuckerman, of Amherst, is owned l)y her. It is all in one book, sewed together probably long after Rev. Ebenezer's death. Mrs. Tuckerman writes : "The book came to me directly from my aunt, Mrs. Asa Rand, an older sister of my father's who received it from her mother Sarah, daughter of Rev. Ebene/.er. My good old aunt had more of her grandfather's diary, but in some of her movings (she was a minister's wife), it got left behind in a box of papers, on a closet shelf, she told me, and she could not recover it, probably destroyed as waste paper." Ebenezer Parkman was born in Boston, Sept. 5, 1703. His father was Wm. Parkman, who in 1680 married Elizabeth Adams, also of Boston. She is buried on Copp's Hill— dying on the 13th of April, 1746. Wm. Parkman had died sixteen years earlier, Nov. 30, 1730. He was born in Salem, where his father Elias had settled, iu 1658. This Elias, born in 1635, was also the sou of Elias Parkman, who had come among the earliest settlers to New England, and grand- son of Thomas Parkman, of Sidmouth, Devon, England. Ebeuezer Parkman was admitted to Harvard College in 1717, when he was fourteen years old, and graduated in 1721. The next year he taught school in Newton, living with the brother Elias, whom he mentions in the first part of the Journal. This brother VI INTRODUCTION. was a mastmaker, and in 1728 an advertisement appears in a local paper : — "April I. Mr. Henrj' Richards wants to sell a parcel of likely negro boys and one negro girl, arrived from Nevis, and were brought from Guinea. To be seen at the house of Mr. Elias Parkman, mastmaker, at the North End." As the Rev. Ebenezer purchased a slave boy, Maro, in August of that year, it is very possible that he vi^as one of this "parcel." Maro lived only a little more than a year at the Westborough par- sonage, and Mr. Parkman writes under date of Dec. 6, 1728 : " Dark as it has been with us, it became much Darker abt ye Sun Setting. The .Sun of Maro's life Sat. The first Death in my Family! God, enable me to see thy Sovereign mind and comport with his holy Will." This brother Elias and his wife are both buried on Copp's Hill, dying in 1741 and 1746. Mr. Parkman's son Elias was undoubtedly named for this favorite brother, and indeed most of his children bore the names of his brothers and sisters— Mary, Elizabeth, William, Sarah, Susannah, .lle.xander, Samuel, John, and Elias being names common to each. In 1723, Mr. Parkman commenced to preach, and twice during that summer occupied the Westborough pulpit. In 1724, he and the Rev. Jacob Eliot, of Boston, were nominated in a Town Meeting as candidates for the position of Town Minister in Westborough, and he, proving the successful candidate, was installed nine months later, over the little church organized just before. Those nine months had been very busy ones to the young man. Only a month had passed since he had become twenty-one years of age. He had built himself a house on the bleak hill-top where the Lyman School now stands, and he had married a wife in July — Mary Champney, of Cambridge. The Church was organized in this new house of INIr. I'arktiian's — with twelve members besides the pastor. They were : Thomas For- bush, John Pratt, Edmund Rice, Isaac Tomlin, John Fay, David Maynard, Thomas Newton, James Bradish, David Brigham, Joseph Wheeler, James Ball and Isaac Tomlin, Jr. It was five years before the little church near the parsonage was finished. INTRODUCTION. Vll " In the year 1729" — so says the Book of Church Records, "A Flaggon was sent the Church from a Friend of its Welfare at Boston. See Zechariah 6, 14, latter part. "In the year 1735, 10 sh. was given ye Church towards a Baptism Bason, afterwards another 10 sh. was given by the same person, who also Vjought ye Bason Dec, 1739, and devoted it to ye Qhh's use. N. B. A Frame for ye Bason with its shaft and vScrews, etc., price 20s., was given and Devoted by ye Same." The flagon and basin have been guarded from the destruction which has overtaken nearly everything else connected with the little church on the hill, and have found their way through the kind- ness of Mr. John A. Fayerweather, into the collection of the His- torical Society. They are both of pewter, and bring before our eyes more vividly than any words could do, the simplicity and poverty and sincerity of these first members of the Westborough Church. RAPTISM IT.Ar.OON AND BASON. Vlll INTRODl'CTION. In February, 1737, when we begin in the middle of an entry in the minister's Journal, he was living in his house on the Lyman School Hill. His wife had died January 29, 1735. They had the following children : — Mary, born vSepteniber 14, 1725. Ebenezer, born August 20, 1727 — buried by his father's side in Memorial Cemetery. Lydia, born Septeml)er 20, 1731, and died June 21, 1733. Thomas, born July 3, 1729. Lucy, born September 23, 1734. Mr. Parkman married again, Hannah Kreck, September 11, 1737 — and their children were : — Elizabeth, born December 25, 1738— died January 14, 1739. William, born February 19, 1741. Sarah, born March 20, 1742. Susannah, born March 13, 1744- Alexander, born February 17, 1746. Breck, born January 27, 1748. Samuel, born August 22, 1751. John, born July 21, 1753. Anna Sophia, born October 18, 1755. Hannah, born February 9, 175S— died in 1777— antl buried in Memorial Cemeterj-. Elias, born January 6, 1761. Sixteen children in all, of whom only two died in infancy. diary of rev. ebenezer parkman. 9 February, 1737. by y^ means thereof. That we may be awares & have our E5'es open our minds apprehefisive nozv, and not have \^ first thorow sense of those Things in \^ midst of y"^ unhappy Experience of y'". 14. I put off my Journey by means y^ it was Town Meeting. 15. I rode to Concord. Mr. Flagg of Grafton my Com- pany, from Biglo's in Marlboro. Mr. Whiting^ and his wife had rid out. Capt. Joseph Buckley Spent the evening with us. I had conversation an hour or two with Mrs. Israel Whiting, lodged there. 16. Lieut. Trowbridge came to Mr. Whiting's & was my Company to Watertown. Lodged at Father Champ- ney's" at Cambridge. iRev. John Whiting, of Concord, died May 4, 1752, aged 71. He was pastor of the church for 26 years, " a man of wealth, learning, influence and talents" — "a gentleman of singular hospitality and generosity." His second wife, whom he married in 1731, was the widow of Dr. Jonathan Prescott. He was the grandson of Hon. Thos. Danforth, deputy-governor. -"Father Champney " was Samuel Champney, of Cambridge, born March 8, 1666-7 and died in March 1745-6. Mr. Parkman's first wife was his daughter Mary, who was baptized May 21, 1699, married July 7, 1724, and died Jan'y 29, 1735-6. "Sister Hicks" and "Sister Lydia," often mentioned in the Journal, were two younger sisters of the first Mrs. Parkman. Re- becca, born in 1703, married John Hicks, while Lydia, born in 1705, was unmarried and seems to have made her home part of the time in the minister's familv. £0 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 17. Rode to Boston. My mother^ still iu a measure of Comfort thro' the Blessing of God. I could not be season- able for lecture. N. B. At Mr. Increase Sumner'sMn y'^ morning. N. B. Capt. Foot & Sister Elizabeth & Mrs. Mary Tilestone took a ride with me in a double Slay at evening to Capt. Robert Sharp's' at Brookline, and Br^ Elias came to us upon my Horse, after supper there. At 10 o'clock they returned in y*^ Slay but I tarried. N. B. The discovery of my Inclinations to Capt. Sharp and to Mm. By y^'"" urgent Persuasions I tarried and lodged there. N. B. Mrs. Susanna Sharp. 18. I rode to Father Champney's and thence to West- 1 Among the Epitaphs on Copp's Hill is the following : " Here lyes buried the body of Mrs. Elizabeth Parknian, the virtuous and pious consort of Mr. William Parkman, aged 85 years and 7 months, Apr. ye 13th, 1746." -Mr. Increase Sumner was a son-in-law of Capt. Robert Sharpe, having married his daughter Sarah, a year or less before this date. She, as well as " Mistress Susanna," was a cousin of Susannah Boylstou, the mother of Pres. John Adams. Their son Increase, born in 1746, was (Governor Increase Sum- ner of Massachusetts. 3 Capt. Robert Sharpe was a prominent citizen of Brookline. He owned all the land from the corner of School and Washington streets on the north side to a line above Park Street extending across Harvard Street to the Longwood Marshes, above the Aspiu- wall lands and below the present Stearns lands. His house was standing until aljout thirty years ago, never painted except the window frames, which were white. He was a man of wealth. Mistress Susanna was born May 29, 1716,— so, was a maid of twenty-one summers at this time. She afterwards married Thomas Snow, of Boston. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZKR PARKMAN. I I borough. N. B. Mr. Tilestone & Capt. \Vm. Roby of Boston my Company from Watertovvn to Sudbury. 19. Engaged in my preparations. N. B. I cast a hand- ful or two of Salt into my Pump. 20. On Luke 16 23 p. m. repeated Sermon on Heb. 12. i. At evening visited Mr. Stephen Fay who was very low, &c. 21. The small matter of Salt which I cast into my Pump on y^ 19th wonderfully loosened the Spire though it had been hard frozen for a long time ( See Downs' ) and to our Joy and Pleasure had the use of y^ Pump again. Very pleasant weather. 22. A number of Hands came to get wood. Mr. Grout with his Team, Mr. Tainter^ with his and Mr. Harrington 1 Simou Tainter, and his son Simon, Jr., were always good friends of Mr. Parkman. The father in his will styles himself " gentle- man " and bequeaths his "silver cup," valued in the inventory at £1, 6s. 8d., to his grandson Simon. He died in 1763 and Mr. Park- man writes in his journal under date of April 2 : " My dear friend and brother. Deacon Simon Tainter Dyd ! He expired about 11 ,.\. M. May God Sanctify this death in a peculiar manner to me and mine. Tho my good deacon is gone, yet Cod who is All- vSuflficient lives and is unchangeable." And April 5 he writes: " I read Isac. 51. Preached A. m., on the occasion of the .Sorrowful Death on i Thess. 4-18, read also 14, but could not handle that." "His Duty," says the Boston Evening Post— in a piece probably written by Mr. Parkman, " was manifested by his high regard to the house of God, his constant attendance there, his esteem of the ordinance and ministers thereof. " His deeds of Charity were unstinted, his heart and hands being ever open, to relieve and help, and to supplj' the necessitous, who now deplore the loss of such a friend and father." Simon, Jr., was born in 1715. 12 DIARY OF REV. KBENEZHR PARKMAN. with his, Mr. Grow, Daniel Hardy, Dan. Forbush, Elias KA. T.\INTER'.S HOUSE. Mr. Parkinan's later Journals are full of instances of Dea. Tainter's kindness to liim — breaking in an unruly mare, killing, with his son's help, cattle or hogs, inviting him and his wife' to dinner, when " they had dressed a very large Pigg to entertain us," sending him fresh meat and wood, a bottle of Madeira, or a few oysters from Boston, selling divers sorts of edibles for Mrs. Park- man in the Boston markets, ploughing, sowing and reaping, and helping him in a thousand ways, and the pastor writes : " I hope he does all sincerely and as to the Lord, for I am utterly unworthy, but this conduct must quicken me to endeavor to deserve it. I\Iay Cod reward him with Abundant Special Blessings." He lived on Mt. Pleasant Street, in the house now known as the Wadsworth house. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 1 3 Rice, Noah Rice, James Fay, James Bowman, Zebuloii Rice, Solomon Rice, John Rogers, Tim. Warren, Jon". For- bush jun., Thomas Winchester, David Baverick, Eben' Nurse, Simon Tainter jun., and Samuel Bumpso. 23. Very stormy. Rain and Wind, especially very Windy in y^ Night. N. B. Sister Hicks another son, born a little before night. 24. Had sent to Mr. Prentice of Gralton ^ and very much depended upon him to preach my Lecture, but he ^ Rev. Solomon Prentice — ordained as minister of the Grafton Church in 1731. "He became," says Rev. Peter Whitney, "what was called in that day a zealous new light, or more properly, a raving enthusiast." He died in 1773, leaving a will in which he provided that his wife vSarah, is to live in his house, and have all his household goods and furniture and indore movables; his rid- ing chair and horse which is to be well kept for her, summer and winter, and replaced if he fails ; her firewood cut at her door ; as much cider as she shall have occasion to use in the house ; full and free liberty to put up a friend's horse or horses, to hay in winter and grass in summer, when they come to visit her, &c. All to be provided by Solomon, Jr., for her sole use and benefit during her natural life. ^15 to be paid her annuallj^ by my sons. Mr. Parkmau was acquainted with Mr. Prentice before he came to Grafton, and with two other ministers signs a paper recommend- ing him to the gospel ministry " when it shall please God to engage him in it and heartily pray he may prove a blessing to the churches." This was in 1731. Mr. Prentice built for himself a house in Grafton, which after his death was occupied by Rev. Aaron Hutchinson, and later by Rev. Daniel Grosvenor ; Mr. Parkman doubtless was a frequent visitor to each of its owners. It was moved from its first location and now forms the front of Mr. Henry Prentice's house on Oak Street, having come at last again into the family of the Rev. Solomon. 14 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. failed. I repeated Sermon on Heb. 7.25. A very cold day — very .slippery — few at Lecture. Heard by Cousen Winches- ter y' Sister Ruth Champney at Cambridge was sick. 25. A very cold day again. Ensign Ward of Marl- borough here to obtain my Evidence of what the Associa- tion which met at Framingham Oct. 16, 1733 judged concerning Mr. Kent. At eve I gave my Testimony, confirmed by an Oath before Justice Keyes. Ensign Ward being there present. 26. At eve came Dr. .Thyery but he would go and lodge at Ensign Maynard's. 27. A. M. on 2 Cor : 13. 14. Sacrament. Dr. Thyery & Deacon Fay and his wife dind with me. p. m. on Mat : 7. 3. 4. 5. Dr. Thyery at eve, but was called away to visit Stephen Fay. 28. The weather was very Raw Cold. The Wind was north and very bleak. I visited Mr. Beeman's^ Family & Mr. David Brigham.^ The Dauter of y*^ former and y^ Wife of y^ Latter were ill. Mons"" Thyery came to my house p. m. and I had some Expectations of Mr. Prentice of Grafton, and his wife to visit me, but y>' did not come. The Dr. spent y^ evening and good part of y*^ night with me, but presently after he got to Bed came Simon Tainter jun. upon a most urgent I The Beeniati family lived 011 the Flanders road. David Brig, ham's house stood about 60 yards east from where the Hospital now stands. His farm comprised about 500 acres. His house was burned Oct. 16, of this year (see entry for that day). He rebuilt the house with the help of his sou Jonas, who after his father's death lived in it. DIARV OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 1 5 message from Stephen Fay/ to have the Dr. visit him forth - vi'ith. Hovi'beit he would not rise till he had taken several naps. I did not get to bed till past Three o'clock. N. B. Town Meeting to add to y^ Seats in y'^ Meeting House. March, 1737. I. It had been very Icy and now by a snow upon y'= Ice & it was very Slippery & Troublesome riding. I rode to 1 Stephen Fay, in spite of this severe illness, and lack of atten- tion on the part of Dr. Thyery, lived many years. He was the son of Capt. John Fay and was born May 5, 1715. He lived in West- borough until 1743 when he moved from town, and later became one of the first settlers of Bennington, Vt. He built the first tav- ern west of the Green Mts., a house which had a stirring history during the Revolution. He had five sons in the Battle of Ben- nington, and Peter Fay, of Southborough, tells the following touching account of his learning after the battle that his oldest son John had been instantly killed by a ball through the head. " A messenger was sent to bear the solemn tidings to Capt. F'ay as gently as possible. He told him he had something bad to tell him concerning one of his sous. The Captain instantly asked him : " ' Did he disobey orders? Or desert his post ? ' "'No.' " ' Did he falter in the charge ? ' " ' No, worse than that. He is dead,' was the answer. "' Then it is not worse,' exclaimed the father. 'Bring him in, that I may once more gaze on the face of my darling boy.' "And when they brought him in, covered with dust and blood, he called for water and a sponge, and with his own hand bathed the disfigured features ; declaring at the same time that he had never experienced a more glorious or happy day in his life." i6 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. to Mr. Cook's^ to fix my Horse. Called at Capt. For- bush's.' 2. Sister Lyclia rode down to Cambridge with me. N. B. We sat out somewhat before lo A. m., rode dottble, yet got to Father Champney's at Cambridge promptly at 5 p. m. N. B. Mr. John Jarvis was returning from his journey to Marlborough, whither he had been to wait upon Mrs. Han- ' Cornelius Cook, the l)lacksiiiitli, was living at this time in the house still standing on the corner of East-Main and Lyman streets. This house was deeded to Cook, by his father-in-law, Thomas For- bush, in 1732, with four acres of laud, for /,"4. 5s. Cornelius was the father of the famous Tom Cook. (See Aug. 27, 1779.) 01,]) COOK HOUSE. He had eight other children: Jonathan, the oldest, was the father of Molly Cook, almost as well known for her eccentricities as her uncle Thomas. -Capt. Forbush was Samuel Forbush, and he lived in the house now standing on the corner of Lyman Street and the Turnpike. The house has been enlarged since his day, but is probably the oldest DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 17 nah Breck, who made a visit yesterday to her sister Mrs. Gott in her ilhiess. From Father Champney's I rode to Roxbury, called at Mr. Sumner's. Thence I rode to Boston, waited upon my mother, and then went and Supped at Br'" Elias's. N. B. Mr. Bowman y«^ wharfinger and his wife at Supper with us. My Horse sent to his Stables. Lodged at Br'' Elias's. in town. For manv years it was used as a tavern. vSamuel For- S^*!»« SAMUEL FORBUSH'S HOUSE. l)ush was a brother of Thomas, both of them being among the orig- inal settlers of Westborough. 1 8 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 3. Mr. Mather^ Lectured on agaiust Covetousness. Dined at Br. Samuel's, p. :\i., visited Mrs. Pierpont, Mrs. Hannah being at Marlborough. Mr. Pierpont also had taken a Journey to New haven. Towards night I rode over to Roxbury. N. B. Mrs. vSumner ill. I proceeded to Capt. Sharp's. By Capt. Sharp's .strong Solicitation I tarried all night. N. B. Mrs. Susan not very willing to think of going so farin y^ Country as Westborough, &c &c »&:c. 4. I rode to Father Champney's. Thence I went over to y^ Town. N. B. Mr. Jonathan Monnef. Jun'. at Father Champney's. I returned p. m. from Town and went again to Capt, Sharp's. N. B. Capt. Sharp & Mm. gone to the Funeral of a Relation at Roxbury. I tarried whilst the Capt, and his Spouse came home. Arguments which be fruitless with Mrs. Susan. I returned to Father Champney's between 8 & 9 in y^ Evening. 5. Sister Lydia was willing to go up again to Westborough with me if y^ weather would allow. Upon her mentioning her carrying up .some other Coloured clothes y" her black, and our putting off our Mourning it (by Degrees) moved me very much and my Passions flowed almost beyond Con- troll, till I was obliged to retire away. Every matter was most exceeding Sorrowful to me. — The weather was very 1 Probably Rev. Samuel Mather, the son of Cotton Mather. He was the fourth pastor of the dynasty of the Mathers over the Old North Church. In 1765, he was living in Moon St., and Gov. Hutchinson took refuge in his house when his own elegant man- sion was sacked by a mob. He died June 27, 1785, aged seventy-six, and is l)uried on Copp's Hill, in the Mather Tomb with Increase and Cotton. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 1 9 discouraging to Sister Lydia's Design, nor could she in pru- dence venture tho I tarryed for her till 1 1 when I sat out. It rained and I had a very wet troublesome Journey. I rode over y^ new Bridge in Sudbury & went to Capt. Clark's^ of Framingham. The Waters flow abundantly, Ice rotts away, y^ Snow melts again, y^ Rain beats and y^ Storm strong. Capt. Clark very urgent to have me stay, but I was resolute to get as far as I could. I called at Mr. Stone's at Southbor- ough, and about nine at night reached home D. O. M. Gratia. 6. Repeated Sermon on Acts, 2. 37. 38. Dr. Thyery at meeting. 7. Dr. Thyery visited me and dind with me. I prayed with y^ Town before y^^'' Elections. Mr. Prentice of Graf- ton visited me. & note well y* y^ Day I went from home last week both he and his wife came to see me, just after we were gone. A very fine pleasant Day. 8. Cloudy. Some Snow. N. B. Many of y^ People gone to Sudbury about Housetonic Rights. 9. The water everywhere exceeding high. Visit Mr. Sam Fay, & Stephen Fay. 10. The Winds more than ordinarily violent. A Barn was blown down at Framingham. A man narrowly escaped drowning at Framingham River. The water being so deep, y*^ Current so strong and y^ Winds so impetuous. ^Capt. Isaac Clark, of Framingham, was a uoted man in his day. He commanded a company of troopers which was out in Father Raile's War in 1725, and on his one hundredth birthday rode horse- back to and from Col. Trowbridge's. He lived to be one hundred and two, and died in 1768. His gravestone says: " His offspring that descended from him was two hundred and fifty-one." 20 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. II. Divers Neighbours (Mr. Maynard, Mr. Grout & Mr. Clias. Rice), here in y*^ Evening. Catechizing, but only 4 bo>s, beside my own. No catechizing p. m. no children came. 12. 13. A. M. on Matt: 7. 6. and p. m. repeated vSermon 46 be- ing y- 4th on Act 2, 37, 38. 14. I visited Stephen Fay, Capt. Fay and old Mr. Rice.' David went away. 15. Early in y^ morning to Mr. Wipples &c. At noon I was extremely indisposed. Faint &c. Storm, snow. p.m. Dr. Thyery here, I grew better. D. G. 16. Dies. Humill. & Proc. Secret. See my own Mem- oirs. At eve, Mr. Whipple. N. B. An ewe y' was gored very ill — fine pleasant Day. Roads extremely hollow. Some of the oldest persons declare y>' scarce ever knew y^ Earth to have been so frozen as this winter. M'robably Thomas Rice, who was at this time eighty-three years old. He had formerly lived on the same road as the Fays, iu the house which had earlier served for many years as a garrison, and near which occurred the sad tragedy of 1704, when two of his sons and two of his nephews were carried into captivity, while his young- est little boy was killed by the attacking Indians. Thomas was one of the original settlers of the town and one of its most prominent citizens. He served in the Legislature, and did his best to promote the welfare of the Church and town during a long life. He died in 1748. The liouse of Mr. Frank V. Bartlelt now stands on the site of his old home. This place he had sold, and .\bner Newton was living there in 1737, when his dwelling-house was entered in the night-time by Hugh Henderson, who paid the penalty of his crime with his life in November, as recorded in the Journal for that month. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 21 17. A. M. Storm of snow. Rain. Trouble with my sick ewe. Mr. Whipple to Boston. 18. P. M. I rode to Marlborough to Coll. Wood's. Eve at Dr. Gott's/ Mrs Gott had been very ill, but is recovering. Mrs. Hannah Breck ivith her, but I spent my time with ye men, scil. y«^ Dr. Coll. & Mr. Daniel Steward. Late in y^ Evening Deacon Woods came to request me to visit a young woman at his House (Dauterof Mr. Samuel Stow) apprehended to be at y^ Point of Death. I went, prayed with her &c. I lodged at Coll. Wood's. 19. A. M. To Dr. Gott's, but a short space with Mrs. Hannah. At my Request, she had (she assured me) burnt my Letters, Poems &c. P. M. Funeral of Capt. Eleazar How. Capt. Brigham informed of y^ Death of President Wads- worth, y^ Night before last, also lately Part of Northampton Meeting-House fell and wounded many, in time of Divine Service, and y^ Burning ot Young Coll. Chandler's House at Woodstock, and three persons consumed in it, scil, Mrs. iDr. Benj. Gott, a young physician in Marlborough, had married Sarah, daughter of the Rev. Robert Breck. Hannah was a younger sister, at this time being twenty-one years old. Her father had been a good friend of Mr. Parkman, when he first came to West- borough, and was a remarkable man. He was ordained pastor when twenty-two. "As to his learning," says a writer in the News Letter for January 21, 1731, " I suppose it will be no offence to say, there were few of his standing that were even his equals. He was such a master of the learned languages that he could, and did, frequently, to the capacity of his family, read a Chapter of the Hebrew Bible into English, and the Greek was still easier to him. Pride, hypocrisy and affectation were his aversion ; and covetous- ness was what he was a perfect stranger to. His temper was grave 22 DIARY OF REV. EBENKZER PARK:MAX. Wright, her son and a man who was asleep with him. I returned home. At eve, Dr. Thiery at my house in great Urgency going to Bcston for Drugs, to relieve Stephen Fay, no persuading him to y^ Contrary altho y'^ Roads are ex- treme bad, the night Dark &c. N. B. A piece of Cotton Linnen of 12 yds. from Mr. Carullis. 20. On Matt , 7: 7, 8. P. M. on Matt., 7: 9, 10, 11. 21. I visited Stephen Fay — wasaty*^ Capt.'s, find Thyery is not a man of Truth or Probity. At Cousin Winchester's, &c. 22. Rain & Cloudy. Visited old Mr. Ward's Family, and thoughtful , yet cheerful at times, especially with his friends and acquaintances, and his conversation entertaining and agreeable." Mr. Parkman and Mistress Hannah were married September 11, 1737 — all her objections finally overcome. A piece of her wedding dress, and her wedding slippers are still treasured by Mrs. Tuck- erman. The dress is a heavy, white gros grain silk^the bodice evi- dently made with many rows of stitching, between which were run strips of cane. The slippers are of brocaded silk— a green ground with figures in yellowish white and various shades of red — the heels are high, cov- ered with the silk, and they are lined with a coarse linen. HANN.\H BRECK'S WEDDINO SUPPERS. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PAKKMAN. 25 reckoned with Mr. Josiah Newton. Rainj' — came home in y'^ Night & in y^ Rain. 23. Cold northerly wind. p. m. visited old David Mon- anaozv} Indian, he tells me he was 104 last Indian Harvest. Says the name of Bosfon was not Shaivnmt but Shanwazv- mnck. Channcy Pond was called Nawgawwoomcom and Marlboro', ■. N. B. Mr. Seth Rice here about this time to discourse with me on y^ life of his sister Thankf. I visited Mr. D. Brigham's family, and old Capt. Byles. 24. Froze hard again last night. Cold windy day. 25. I rode to Marlb., din'd with Mr. Hovey at Mm. Fish's. Spent y*^ afternoon at Dr. Gott's — was at y^ Coll.'s, but returned to Dr. 's. Mr. Hovey there with a Bass Viol. N. B. Mrs. H. h B k at y^ Dr.'s still. Our con- 1 After King Philip's War, some of the Marlborouprh Indians who had been taken prisoners and confined on the islands in Boston harbor, returned to their ohl homes. "Among those who returned," says Rev. Dr. Allen, of North- borough, "was David alias David Munnanaow, who joined Phili]3 and, as he afterwards confessed, assisted in the destruction of Med- field. This treacherous Indian had, it is said, a slit thumb, which circumstance led to his conviction. . . . "His wigwam was on the borders of the pond near the public house long known as Williams' Tavern, where he lived with his family manj' years and died in extreme old age." The last members of David's family still made their homes in the field by the pond, within the memory of many persons now living. Until very lately, an extremely old chestnut has been pointed out as the tree under which these Indians had their wig- wam. It was called the Wigwam Tree. At last, like old David himself, it has succumbed to extreme old asje. 25 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. versation of a piece with what it used to be. I mark her admirable Conduct, her Prudence and wisdom, her good manners & her distinguishing Respectfulness to me w'^ ac- company her Denyals. x\fter it grew late in y^ Even'g, I rode home to Westb., through the Dark and the Dirt, but cheerfully and comfortably (comparatively). N. B. My Family all abed. 26. I had appointed to ride to Grafton in order to changing with Mr. Prentice tomorrow, but it proved so very Rainy all day that it was unpracticable. 27. Fair and pleasant Day. Matt. 7: 12 A. m., but P. m. repeated Sermon II, Acts 2: 37, 3S. N. B. Mr. Silas Brigham ^ and Mr. Eleazar Pratt of Shrewsbury had desired me to baptize y*^'"^ Children. Accordingly, in my usual manner I desired y^ Children might be brought forth to ^ Mr. Silas Brigham, so unfortunately tardy this Sunday morning — had married Mindwell Grout, and the baby Jemima born four days before this, was their first child. She married Constantine Hardy. Mr. Eleasar Pratt lived near Wild Cat Swamp, and was after- wards set off to Westborough. His baby, Sarah, was nearly six months old, and he hardly deserved so much more credit as Mr. Parkman would seem to give him, for he had his good wife Ru- hamali to get the baby attired in its best frock, with the deftness which the care of the three older children had given her. Poor Silas Brigham, and poor Mindwell ! How the)- must have worried, and how flushed his young face must have been when he marched down the aisle, after all the hurry, to have his pride in his farst-born so humbled by the Minister's censure ! The Church Records sa}^ under date of April 3, 1737 : " Jemima of Silas and Mindwell Brigham baptized by Rev. Mr. Prentice of Grafton." DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 27 Baptism. But only one appeared. I looked about till I conceived y^ something had befallen y^ other or those con- cerned with it. I proceeded and baptized Mr. Pratt's (w'^ was ye Child yt was brought) w"^ the prayers were over we proceeded to y^ last Singing ; in y^ Time of y^ last Sing- ing Mr. Brigham and his Child came in— After y^ Bless- ing and w": I was down in y^ Alley going out, Mr. Brig- ham asked me whether his child could not be baptized. I ans'd, it could not now. My Reasons are these. Besides that, when I am spent with the foregoing Services, it is too much to expect me to repeat over y'" again. Besides that, such a custom indulged would involve us in great irregu- larity and Difficulty, but this administration for my known Friends would have forced me to make it a custom, and besides the impatience of many of the Congregation to get away home, being they live 4, 5. or 6 miles off. Besides those Reasons, I would urge y* it was so very sudden upon me y^ I could not iudge w*^ way I could vindicate it if I should proceed. Again, by y« suddenness I was too much confused to have my Power at command to perform the Devotions ; nor was I furnished therefor (Eccl. 5:1,2). So yt it would have been nothing short of horrible Presump- tion for me to have done it.— Lydia Cutting not well. 28. Lydia worse, having a bad Ague in her face & it threw her wholly by ; but it was so ordered in Providence, yt Deborah Ward came to see us and she served us. Adjournment of Town Meeting. N. B. B'' Hicks had been chosen Constable, but gets oft by virtue of a Commis- sion to be Deputy Sheriff. (David Baverick diets here.) 29. Very Rainy. Lydia worse, considerable Fever. 28 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. Benj. How with David at his work and din'd with us. Neither of y"' to be persuaded to go for Dr. Gott for Lydia. Jon" Rogers came to go, but we did not send. 30. Lydia somewhat better, very fine weather. 31. Publick Fast. I preached on Lsa : 1,9. N. B. Mr. Abr"' Amsden of Marlb. here to desire me to attend the Funeral of his Br'' Thomas' only Son, a youth near 21, and very hopeful, who died after a short illness of but a few Days. O y' I and y' y'-" people of We.stb. , at least some of y'" might be of that small Remnant w'^ God has left of truely Godly Ones ! and O y^ we might have Grace to Demean and to acquit ourselves as such ; and y' it might please God to keep off His Judgments y*^ this Land ma\- not be made as Sodom or like unto Go)?io})ah , but y^ y" Div. Mercy might be afforded to us as we need it & y' Glory ma\' vet Dwell in our Laud ! April, 1737. I. I rode down to Marlb. to y*^ Funeral of Joseph Ams- den's. Man}- youth present and .seem to be affected. O yt yere niight be abiding impression on y^^"" souls ! and upon all of us. This is y*^ second Death in that near Neighbourhood of youth in Flower and Glory within a very little while. N. B. This Joseph Amsden was one of y*^ Bearers of y^' other, .sell, y*^ young woman y*^ Dyed at Deacon James Wood's on y'' lytli of last month. — After Burial I returned to Capt. Amsden's to afford him w^ consolation I could un- der his melancholy circumstances. N. B. Coll. Woods with me. N. B. Capt. Nathan Brigham gave further ac- DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 29 counts of y" Fury of y Mob at Boston^ — assaulting y Town House &c. At Eve, I was at Dr. Gotts, Mrs. H h was thought to be gone up to Mr. Week's or Capt. Williams, with design to lodge there, but she returned to y^^ Doctors. And she gave me her Company till it was very late. Her Conversation was very Friendly, and with divers expressions of Singular and Peculiar Regard. Mcmorand'" . Oscul: But she cannot yield to being a step mother. — I lodged there, and with g""' satisfaction & Composure. — Memorand'". Ebenezer has begun to learn his 2. Acci- dence" and now makes a Business of it. September, 1737. w^ were upon y'^'"' journey to Connecticut came to .see us, dind with us and prevented us (altho Sister Eydia and Mrs. Bekky were gone already as Earnest of our Going) till so late in y'^ p. m., then y*^ Rain coming also y^ we were utterly disappointed. 21. We rode to Cousen Winchester, but they being gone & other neighbors also to Worcester, we struck along up to iprom Boston News Letter for April i, 1737 : — " On Thursday Night the 24 instant, the middle Market House in this Town, to- gether with several Butchers' Shops near the same, were cut, pulled down and entirely demolished by a number of persons unknown : and several posts of the North Market House were also sawn asun- der the same Night." In consequence of which Gov. Phipps issued a proclamation offer- ing a reward of oue hundred pounds for the detection of any of the ringleaders. -The 2. Accidence was a small book containing the rudiments of scramniar. 30 DIARY OF REV. EBENKZER PARKMAN. Mr. Prentice's at Grafton. N. B. Their son Nath.l's fin- ger had been wounded, the Top of one of his Fingers being cut off. N. B. Mrs. Sartel of Groton there. Called at Capt. Fa\''s as we returned home in ev'g.— 22. Visited Capt. Eager's wife^ who had been some time sick. 23. John Clung so urgent for his money (bee. of his journey to Pensylvania y' I was obliged to ride about to gather it, till I succeeded at Treasurer Newton's. 24. Message from John Hamilton under condemnation for Burglary requesting y' I would visit him. N. B. Lydia sick and my wife burthened with y*^ Business of y" Family. N. B. Fire raging in y" Bushes on y*^ west side of Powder Hill, drie by y^ Drought and y'' Frost and y'^ Wind very high. — Br. Hicks alone there, till I assisted him, & we suc- ceeded. D. G. 25. Mr. Pierpont came to us this morning, having come from Boston but a little before sunset last even'g. N. B. News y' the vessel in w*' his Goods were had struck upon Martha's Vineyard, but had got off again : he (as he can ) pursues his journej^ to see in what condition y>' are at New Haven. A. m. I Repeated on i Chron. 26. 9. p. m. I preached on i Pet. 3. 7. 26. Mr. Pierpont and his wife left us. I with my wife accompanied y"' to Shrewsbury. I still continued with y'" 1 Capt. Eager was one of the first settlers in that part of West- borough which afterwards became Northborough. His house was the first built on the New Connecticut Road, between Sam'l Good- enow's Garrison and the Town of Worcester. It was the first tavern opened in the place. He died in 1755. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 31 as far as Worcester and dined with them at Capt. Howard's. p. M. having taken leave of those Excellent Friends, I rode to Mr. Burr's/ not finding him at home, I hastened to y" Prison to see y'^ Criminal. Among other Questions, I asked him his true Name. ? he answered Hugh Henderson, he acquainted me with his Birth and Baptism &c. He was much concerned and distres.sed about his state, and ready to confess himself a great Sinner &c I prayed Vv^ith him. He requested I would come and see him again. I hastened to Shrewsbury and with my wife, returned in the evening. N. B. John McClung took leave of us. 27. We took up our Flax. We supped at Br.' Hicks's. 28. I was much indisposed Headache. 1 Rev. Isaac Burr was settled over the Old South Church iu Wor- cester in 1725. Mr. Chas. E. Stevens writes : "No portraiture of his person or mind survives ; no characteristic anecdote is on record and nothing testifies of his ministry save its continuance for a fifth of a century in a generally peaceful way." Mr. Burr lived on the south corner of Main and Pleasant streets. His house was afterwards removed to Blackstone Street, where it stood until a few years ago. The little sketch of it made for Mr. Caleb Wall's Reminiscences of Worcester, by " an accurate and experienced artist," as he writes, is the only picture of this house in existence. — RtK. ISAAC BVRR'l]t4 HOUSE OF RKV. ISAAC liUKK. 32 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 29. Lectured on i Sam. 15. 22. At eve Mr. Jarvis came from Boston. 30. I. October 1737. 2. Sacrament. Ps. 63. 8. Repeated on I.s. 53. i. Patience Forb. came again 3. Catechised at y'' Meeting House. Judge Dudle}- ^ on his return from Springfield made us a visit, and dind with us. Lydia Cutting left us. 1 Paul Dudley, afterwards Chief Justice of the Province, at this time a judge of the Superior Court, born is 1675, died in 1751. He was the son of Gov. Joseph Dudley, of Massachusetts. He studied law in London. He bequeathed ^'100 (about |666) to Har- vard College for the support of an annual lecture, called, from its founder, the Dudleian lectures. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society, and wrote on natural history and against the Church of Rome. Seven years after this visit to Mr. Parkman, Judge Dudley had the famous " Dudley parting-stone" erected in Roxbury, where it still stands, with the inscription which has guided so many trav- ellers for more than a hundred and fifty years, " The Parting vStone. 1744. P.Dudley." And on one side, " Dedham and Rhode Island," on the other, " Cambridge and Watertowu." He had been Speaker of the House and member of the Executive Council. Judge Sewall writes of him: "Thus, while with pure hands and an upright heart he administered justice in the Circuit thro' the I'rovince, he gained the general esteem and veneration of the people." The town of Dudley is named " in token of respect to William and Paul Dud lev." PAUL DUDLEY. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 35 4. Mr. Jarvis, Sister Lydia and I rode to Cambridge. Mrs. Suse Champuey there. Mr. Jarvis lodged with me at Father Champney's. N. B. I rode down to Mr. Dana's Tavern^ about my Wife's Trunk. 5. Early this morning we rode to Mr. Dana's again, & saw y^ Trunk in good order, in y^ Team to be transported up,, and then we proceeded to Boston. Dined at Br"". Elias's. 1 Dana's Tavern stood near the centre of the town of Brookline and was a famous hostelry for many years. It was a large gambrel- roofed house and stood until 1816, when it was destroyed by fire. A story of the old tavern is given in Historic Sketches of Brook- line, by Harriet F. Woods, in which Tom Cook (see Journal, Aug. 27. 1779) figures as chief actor. She writes: "There was a notorious thief, well known in Brookline and the adjoining towns by the name of Tom Cook. He had many eccentricities, among which was a habit of stealing from the rich to give to the poor. In horse-stealing he was especially expert. He was frequently arrested, convicted and sentenced to short terms of imprisonment at the 'Castle ' (now Fort Independ- ence), that being then the common prison for all offenders in Boston and vicinity. "On one occasion Tom stole a goose from a countryman's wagon, which was under the shed at Dana's Tavern; not, how- ever, with generous designs for any of his poor proteges, but for the satisfying of his own appetite. But as an uncooked goose would be about as unsatisfactory as no goose at all, Tom resorted to the old schoolhouse,— school not being in session, to cook and devour it." Squire Sharpe's house was nearest to the schoolhouse, and Squire Sharpe was a grandson of Capt. Robert, and a nephew of Mistress Susanna. "The Squire, with his sharp eye on the interests of the town, discovered a smoke arising from the schoolhouse chimney, and as 36 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. My honored Mother in good health. D. G. I returned to Cambridge, found Mrs. Suse Champuey there still. N. B. 6. I sat out from Cambridge before Day — got to Harrington's before sun rising from there first at sunrise, but did not get up to Westb. till nigh one — visited Hannah Bond, who lay sick at Capt. Forb. after that dind at Home. Young men came to gather my Corn. Set y'" to work. Went to y'' private meeting at Mr. Towusend's & preached on 2 Pet: i. lo. visited Hannah Bond again — about i8 or 20 hands husked out all my Corn. N. B. In ray absence Winter Apples gathered in. 7. Mr. John Pratt brought home my cyder which he had made. 8. Mr. Pratt brought home y*^ remainder of my cyder. vSusa Cutting came. 9. I repeated my sermon IV upon Is. 53. i. from John 10. 26. p. M. Sermon 11. on i. Sara. 15. 22 from Ps. 40. 6. 8. 10. Visited Mrs. Dantforth who is in a languishing state. Was also at Mr. Hayward's & at Mr. Lock's. ' where there is smoke, there must be fire,' he proceeded to recon- noitre and caught Tom in the very act of roasting the goose. Lay- ing the strong hand of the law upon him, he made him confess where he got the fowl and march back with it under his own escort to the Tavern, and, before the assembled inmates of the bar-room, gave him his choice to take then and there a public whipping, or be tried and sent to the Castle. Tom considered briefly and decided to take the ZL'hippini^. " The countrymen agreed, and flourished their long whips upon him with such vigor, that Tom's appetite for roast goose was abated in a summary manner, and the punishment proved more effectual than his various sojourns at the Castle." DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 37 11. Visited Mrs. Rogers who is sick, Hannah Bond and old Mrs. Pratt. N. B. overtook some Travellers on Foot with y*^" Muskets : one of em very unmannerly and saucy. — p. M. Mr. Tozer and his wife here, old Mr. Rice visited us. John Clung here. 12. I went to Worcester to see Hugh Henderson, found him in much y same distressed state y* I left him in, but I hope more knowing and acquainted with his Condition and with his Duty. N. B. Mr. Burr at y^ Goal with me. I prayed with him — a multitude — attending. He earnestly desired me to see him again and wishes over and over y' I would preach to him. N. B. When I called at Mr. Cushing's as I went up, Coll. Woods was there, on his return from Rutland. As I returned in the evening, y"^ rose a storm of Lightening and Rain. Mr. Lock came and carried in Corn. 13. John Clung (who lodged here last night) carried in more of y*^ Corn from y*^ Barn. Paid John y'^ whole and he bid farewell. At evening Br"' Hicks helped in more Corn. 14. Jon" Rogers got in Pumpkins, & y'^ remainder of y^ Corn. 15. Noah How helped in with Turnips and some of y'^ Potatoes. At eve old Mr. Rice, Mr. Jarvis came up. 16. Mat. 3, 1-4. John 16. 8. N. B. I was called away between 8 and 9 in y*^ morning to see old Capt. Byles, who was very bad with his Throat and at night I visited him again. N. B. The Congregation disturbed p. m. by y*^ burning of Mr. David Brigham's House but when people gathered in again, and were composed, I went on with y'' 38 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. rest of my sermon. A very sorrowful Providence! a great Loss! but I trust y"' and all of us to profit by it, y' our Hearts may be taken off from temporal transitory Enjoy- ments. 17. Rainy. Various Company all day and at evening, N. B. Mr. James Fay dind with us. N. B. Mr. Wheeler distressed in Conscience for H. Henderson. Capt. Williams from Marlboro. 18. Visited Capt. Byles who is grown exceeding bad again. Visited y'^ wife of Wm. Rogers Jr. and proceeded to Mr. Brigham's to see their Desolations. A Sorrowful Sight! I de.sire heartily to sympathise. Returned to Capt. Byles. ^ He dyed this evening. N, B. Mr. Jarvis went to Boston in y'^ morning. N. B. Mr. Jon". Forbes" at my in y*^ Evening and after him Mess''^ Ed and Benj. Goddard. 19. Mr. Brigham's son David fetched away divers things which we lent y'" in y'^'"' necessity. Nathan Maynard p. M. digging Potatoes. ^ Capt. Joseph Byles had married Rebecca Forbush, the sister of Jonathan, Samuel and Thomas Forbush. He lived on the south side of Chauncy Pond. He was one of the "first inhabitants." - Dea. Jonathan Forbes b. in Marlborough in 16S4 — married in 1706, when he was a young man of twenty-two, a woman twice mar- ried, with a family of four children. At this time he was living near the present town reservoir. He was the first one of the family to write his name F'orbes — his other brothers, Samuel and Thomas, and their descendants, being always known by the name of For- bush. The Massachusetts Gazette of March 31, 1768, says : — " His life was exemplary ; his departure in the firm hope of a glorious immortality; his progeny numerous." DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 39 20. Funeral of Capt. Joseph Byles, my Spouse, Mrs. Richard Burrough and my Dauter Molly all there with me. The deceased was a bright example of Diligence and Indus- try in his calling, Constancy at y^ House of God, dihgent attention to y'' Worship and Word preached : Truth and Faithfulness to his word and exact Honesty in his Trading. To which add a singularly manly Heroic Spirit. Visited old Mrs. Pratt at Eve. Capt. Eager came home with us. 21. Closely engaged in my preparations. At eve Br-^ William Parkman came from y'^ Council at Concord, which had voted Mr. Whiting unfit to sustain y*^ holy ministry and advised y*^ church of Concord to dismiss him, which y^ complied with. N. B. Mr. Francis Pierce here— finished with him about his Boards. N. B. My Br-" left us. Dr. Gott called in. — p. m. I rode to Shrewsbury and met with Mr. Burr at Mr. Cushing's.' I proceeded to Worcester and 1 Rev. Job Gushing, the first minister of Shrewsbury, pastor of the church there from 1723 to his death in 1760. He was the father of Col. Job Gushing— also of Rev. John Gushing, who married in 1769 Mr. Parkman's daughter Sarah. She lived to be eighty-two years of age and died in 1825. Mrs. Tuckerman writes of this daughter Sarah, as follows:—" My grandmother married Dr. John Gushing, of Ashburuham, who taught school in Westborough the year after he graduated from Harvard Gollege. He boarded in the minister's family, and when he was ordained, at the age of twenty- four, he came back and carried off the daughter as his bride. This wa§ in 1768. She was a remarkably bright and capable woman, judging from the family traditions. There were seven children in that large family younger than she, and she had so much to do that her mother could not spare her the time to go to school when it was kept at intervals. But she was ambitious to learn, and her father helped her all he could. She taught herself to write by 40 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. stopped at y^ Goal at the Grates to speak with the Prisoner and to put him in mind of y^ preparations needful for him to make in order to his keeping his Last Sabbath. I lodged at Mr. Burr's. 23. Early in y'= morning began to write my address to y"^ Prisoner. A. m on Eccl. 11.9a crowded as.sembly, poor Hugh Henderson present. P. m. on Job: 3. 36. a very great congregation, it being, in y'^" apprehension y*^ last vSabbath Sermon the poor Criminal is to hear. At even- ing called at Mr. Eaton's and at y^ Sheriff's', who went with me to y*" Pri.son. I interrogated y'^ Prisoner what was y'^ occasion of his coming to this country — whether he had discovered and acknowledged all that was fit and proper for him to reveal? Whether he had au}^ confederates? A great number flocked in y^ Goal when at his Request I prayed with him. I left him between 8 and 9. by that I came to Mr. Cushing's where I intended to lodge. Y> were all in Bed wherefore, though cold, I proceeded home to my own House. N. B. Mr. Jarvis came up last night in a chair. 24. Mr. Burr left us early in y^ morning. P. m. Mr. Jarvis, my wife, Mrs. Bekky and I rode to y^ Great Pond, to Capt. Warren's, and Capt. Forbush's. N. B. Supped at Capt. Forb. copying letters with a piece of chalk on the baru floor, for paper and ink were precious in those da^-s, and not to be unduly wasted." The house where the Rev. Mr. Cashing lived stood east of the Shrewsbury Town Hall. ' The first sheriff of Worcester County was Daniel Gookin, who held the office until 1743. He was a son of Gen'l Daniel Gookin. (.Wore. Hist.) DIARY OF REV. EBHNEZER PARKMAN. 4I 25. Mr. Jarvis and Mrs. Bekky Burrough left us. I rode to Hopkinton Association, all y' came besides were Mr. N. Stone and Mr. S. Prentice. Mr. Barrett concio on i Pet. 4. II. If any man speaketh. 26. Public lecture by Mr. Sol. Prentice on Job. 12. 35. first part. N. B. I had a very Sudden Turn of Sharp Pain in my Side after Dinner, but thro Mercy, I recovered. Mr. Prentice went home with me and lodged at our House. 27. Rode with Mr. Prentice to Grafton and preached his Lecture on Jude 10. 21. Returned to Westboro at night. N. B. The Governor has reprieved Hugh Hen- derson for a month at the request of Mr. Burr and Mr. Prentice. 28. Ah! what sad grounds of Severe Reflection upon myself for my wretched negligence and unfaithfulness! How great need of renewing and fixing my Resolutions of Reformation. But especially of crying unto God for par- don of what is past and Grace to assist and quicken me henceforward ! 29. 30. All day on Job,: 3. 36 Rain a. m. High winds at even. N. B. Mr. Chamberlain din'd with us. November 1737. I. Vi.sited Mr. Dantforth. 2. 3. Stormy. 4. Very cold. 42 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 5. I rode to Soiithboro'. Met Mr, Stone by Capt. Warren's. Very cold. Mr. Peabody and Mr. Moquet of Framingham here. 6. Preached at Southborough, on Job,: 3. 36 a. & p. m. At eve, Coll. Ward and his wife came in to Mr. Stone's. N. B. Y'^ Coll. exceptions against that passage in my fore- noon sermon, p. 2-too Small for the Divine Oracle to have been exprest about either. 7. At Mr. Tim Brigham's. Mr. Stone brought Mrs. Parkman to his House, we dind there, after which I rode to visit old Mrs. Morse at Marlboro', confined by her Broken Bone, and in great distress of mind, whilst Mr. Stone went with my wife up to Dr. Gott's. There we tar- ried all night. 8. Called at Capt. Williams, and at Mr. Eb. Beeman's on our way home. p. m. Funeral of one of Mrs. Seth Rice's Dawters who dyed by a Quinsy. Rain. N. B. The Floor of y*^ Room at Mr. Rice's broke under us. 9. Stormy. 10. I rode to Mr. Wheeler's, called at Mr. Dantforth as I went, but dined at Mr. Wheeler's. N. B. Mr. Thos. Ward at Mr. Nathan Balls's. I was at Mr. Lawrence's, and at Mr. Gershom Fay's and at Mr. Collister's. N. B. Disappointment about Swine notwithstanding my long Dependence. 1 1. We first tyed up our Cattle in y*^ Barn. My oxen were at work for Mr. David Brigham's to cart stones for y'^"' chimneys. I was at Mr. Grout's about Beef. 12. Fine warm day. 13. John 3. 36 & p. m. on Joh. 16. 8. Capt. Eager sick. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 43 14. B"^ Hicks went to Cambridge upon my Horse. 15. Trooping and Training— prayed with y^ foot before Dinner and dind with y'^ officers of both and Foot- prayed with ye whole Body at eve. N. B. Capt. Eager detained by his sickness and Lieut. Baker ^ also absent. N. B. I wrote to Worcester by Capt. Moses Rice, being I could not visit y'^ Prisoner. 16. B' Hicks came up with Sister Willard. 17. Mr. Tainter came to me before Sunrise and informed me of a most Sudden and awful accident in y^'" neibour- hood. That the wife of Mr. Joshua Harrington (who came up with his Family to Dwell among us, but this Day three weeks) was Shot in the head last evening, a little before Sundown, by a servant named Ebenezer Chubb in his 15"' year, and she dyed upon the Spot. Mr. Tainter was going for y'= Coroner. Public Thanksgiving . Preached on Lev. 3. i. After y^ pubHck exercises, y'^ Coroner's In- quest sat on y'^ body of Mrs. Harrington and y*^'"^ verdict was Accidental Death. 1 Lieut. Edward Baker was one of Mr. Parkman's first frieuds in Westborough, for he and James Eager had been the committee who brought him the news that he had been called to be the town minister. He was always prominent in town and church affairs, and chairman of the committee which built the old Arcade. He lived on Main Street, on the Pollard place, where his son, Squire Baker, afterwards had his home. He had ten children, of whom one, Joseph, born in 1736, was " the Squire." His house was moved and is now part of Mrs. Gleason's house. He died in 1763, and his stone still marks his last resting place in the old burying ground, although that of Persis his wife has long since disappeared. 44 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAX. 1 8. My wife and Sister were with me at y'^ funeral of Mrs. Harrington. 19. 20. Sacrament. Joh: 16. S, repeated. Mat. 10. 29. 30 p. M. N. B. Mrs. Trewsdale of Newton, mother of Mrs. Harrington, above mentioned, dind with us. 21. I rode up to Worcester to see Hugh Henderson again. Was sorry to find he had tried to make his escape by fihng the Goal ^ door. We talked more of other matters, and kept longer off from y'' main point of his case y" here- tofore. I'm more put to it to judge of his Frame. Mr. Burr came to me, requested me to preach to him on Wednes- day. Hugh desires it of me, and several of the people re- peatedly and urgently insist and plead for it. I prayed with the prisoner and took leave at about seven o'clock. N. B. his Discourses of y^ Jury, not going by the laws of God & y'' Country in Condemning him, having but Cir- cumstantial Evidence. As to Newton, he offered him all reasonable Satysfaction &c: But he added, that he was guilty, and his many sins had provoked God to anger &c: — 1 The goal or jail where Hugh Henderson was confined stood on the west side of Lincoln Street, a short distance from Lincoln Square. It was a building fortj'-one feet by eighteen. "The prison part," writes Caleb Wall, "was eighteen feet square, made of white oak timber set with studs, four inches thick and five inches broad, and floored, roofed and ceiled with two-inch planks spiked together. A stone dungeon was underneath. The north end of the structure, finished as a dwelling, afterwards became part of the old ' Hancock Arms.'" Probably at this time it was the dwelling-house of the jailer, Luke Brown. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 45 I called at Mr. Gushing' s and supped there. Thence I rode home. 22. Deacon Miles of Concord here to bring the Request of >'*= Church y' I would assist in y"^ Fast y>' have appointed in order to y"^ Calling another Minister. 23. The wife and younger son of Mr. Increase Ward very bad. I visited y'" and old Mrs. Pratt a. m. p. m. I rode up to Worcester at the Request of y'' Criminal and others to preach to him. There were so many at y'^ Goal y' we were obliged to go to y^ Meeting-House. I preached on I Tim. i. 15. Supped (with Mr. Campbell) at Deacon Hay wards. ^ We visited y'^ Prisoner. He spoke of having a solemn warning taken from his mouth, but chose to have it deferred to y*^ morning, but prayed I would be early. We lodged at Mr. Burr's. 24. I went to the Prisoner as early as I could, and Mr. Burr was with me to assist in penning down what y^ Pris- oner - had to deliver by way of Confession and Warning to 1 Daniel Haywood, one of the first deacons of the Old South Church in Worcester. He kept the first tavern in that town— he, his son, and grandson keeping for nearly a hundred years a hotel on the site of the Bay State. This old hotel is still standing in Worcester, having been moved years ago to the southeast corner of Salem and Madison streets. -The sad story of Hugh Henderson we learn from these dying confessions, which, together with a poem on his untimely death, were published as a broadside and sold as a warning to all youth. He was of Scotch-Irish descent and came to Massachusetts about 1735, and for two years indulged his wicked practices, when he was arrested and convicted of breaking and entering the house of Abner Newton, of Westborough, who lived at this time in the old Thomas Rice garrison. (See note for March 14, 1737.) 46 DIAKY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. OEM 1 by the tintimely|P^' ' I Inj^hHcndcrfon} Man'jiltoa, who wasiJjJW*^^ ''■'/-■^/cr for Houfe4 Jf^rf^ OV. 24. '737. issisassSi^raSii^i I- ]' Hut lo .' the Scfne nn more appears, Chjng'd all to Gri«', to Sigfis, to Tears. Wholly (■ poor VV/ctch ! ;.by Sin poflcrt, No Spark of Grac; to warm hii Breaft, Thdtill it's Patlishe might purfuC, M'.if go and i^eak up Houfes too. ; As if his SinJ were yet 100 light ' To fii-.k him to Hell's boundlcfj Night ! ) Av-nging Hav'n now faw his Time, \t onct t • Dnpilli rv"(v Cumf y^ World before hi.s Execution. In it I was a.s punctual Four indictments were found against him, two for burglary and two for larceny, and he was tried, convicted and sentenced to be hanged on one for burglary. The Court was the Superior Court of Judicature sitting at Worcester in September, with the following named judges on the bench : Benj. Lyude, Paul Dudlej-, Edmund Quincy, Jonathan Remington and Richard Saltonstall. In the following extracts from the Confession, we can detect Mr. Parkman's pen : "The Confession and Dying Warning of Hugh Henderson Who was executed at Worcester in the County of Worcester, Nov. 26 I737i Signed by him in the Presence of four of the Ministers, the Morning of the Day of his Execution. " I, Hugh Henderson, otherwise through my wickedness called DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 47 and strict as I could be in inserting his own words as near as I could, and when any others were used, It — John Hamiltou of about 28 or 29 Years of Age, was born in Armagh in the Kingdom of Ireland, received Baptism in the Manner of the Presbyterians and was brought up by my uncle, who was obliged to give me suitable Learning, but did not; which Neglect, together with my own Neglect of learning the word of God afterwards, was a great reason of my taking to such wicked Courses as have brought me to my unhappy, untimely End. " I began with smaller Sins, while I was Young : with but steal- ing Pins: against which I received warning oftentimes, but per- sisted in it, and was very disobedient, till I increased further in Sin." Then follows warning to various classes of people and confession of various sins, and the confession ends: " Having given this Warning, I desire to commend myself to the Charity and Prayers of all God's People for me, and that You would lift up your Hearts to God for me, for the Pardon of my Sins, an interest in Christ, and that I may be sanctified by the Spirit of God: But above all I commend myself to the infinite Mercy of God, in my dear Redeemer, begging and beseeching that through the Merits of His Blood, I may this Day be with Him in Paradise. " Hugh Henderson " Signed with his Mark. "A True Copy Examined "Per Ebr. Parkman." The Poem is entitled: "A Poem occasioned by the Untimely Death of Hugh Hender- son alias John Hamilton who was hanged at Worcester for House Breaking, Nov. 24, 1737 "—and an extract therefrom reads : — '■ The Scene we did but lately view Too well evinces this is true— A Man with healthful Vigour bless'd The Morn of life but hardly past, 48 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. Introduction to the Latter Part of the Journal. 1 778. Many changes had come to Mr. Parkman, his family, and to the town, since he wrote the accounts of his courtship of Susanna vSharpe and of Hannah Breck. Forty-one years had slipped away. The little church on the hill had given place to a larger but still unpretentious meeting-house on the Common. He was living now, he had been for many years, in his own handsome house on Main Street. Compelled to leave the pleasing Light, And stretch luvay to endless Night ; Because regardless of his Peace, He chose the flowery Path of Vice." The uncle receives his deserts in the poem as follows : " But when he met with no Restraint, And found his Uncle was no Saint, In Vice's pleasing Steps he ran." The N. K. Weekly Journal, Dec. 6, 1737, says: " On the day of his Execution the Rev. Mr. Campbell of Oxford preached to the Prisoner and a great assembly, a very suitable ser- mon on I Peter 4-5. The Prisoner was exceedingly moved and in such Anguish of soul that the Expressions of it in the face of the congregation, in crying and moans, in prayers and tears and pas- sionate gesture there were even to disturbance. "At the place of execution, after the Rev. Mr. Hall of Sutton had prayed, the prisoner with great earnestness desired all that were present to hearken well to what was going to be read to them, and to mind to take the warning contained in it, after which he put up a most importunate and pathetical prayer himself which manifested more of knowledge of religion, sense of his own state and humble faith and hope in God, than anything that has been received from him before." So was ended this sad chapter in the history of Worcester County — her first execution ! DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 5 1 By deed of date April 5, 1750, he had purchased the following- described tract of land from Nathan Brigham, of Southborough: "A certain tract of laud measuring five acres and a hundred and twenty-six rods, situate on the Plain Northerly of the Burying Place in the first Parish in Westborough, Westerly of the road leading to Sutton and is bounded easterly and southerly by land left for a way & by Forty rods of laud left for the Meeting House and four Rods for Stables, aud likewise by the Burying Place. Westerly by laud of Capt. John Maynard, Northerly by sd Park- man's land & Northwesterly by Common land." His house, which he built where Dr. Curtis' old residence now stands, can still be seen on High Street just beyond the school- house. The house was well built, and considered by some even extrava- gant, and Mr. Parkman himself records that he was criticized rather sharply by Lieut. Tainter because his window frames were so large. "And although," writes Mr. Parkman, "I rebuked him for thus speaking, especially as there were many persons present, yet I was disturbed thereat ; and the frames were larger than I intended, and I would rather they had been smaller." About 1753 the new meeting-house was finished, and here Mr. Parkman preached until his death. Here were held the town meetings and nearly all the important gatheriugs of the people. Originally there was no steeple, aud as it began its career so it ended it, for the steeple and porches were removed about 1835, when it was converted to business purposes. As the old Arcade, it stood until a few years ago. Now nothing remains of it but the round window in the possession of the Historical Society, and much of its rich old oak converted into picture frames and book- cases and spoons and rulers, treasured in many a house in town as a memento of the days of Mr. Parkman and the people he loved and tended. The forty-one years had made many changes in the people, too. We miss the old names of 1737, and greet new ones in these later years. The young minister had become an old man, and feebleness and infirmity hampered his work. But, aside from 52 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. the physical debilit}-, we recognize the same man, — still doubting his own worthiness, still striving to rightly discharge his duty, still imploring Divine grace, and finding in the most straitened circumstances abundant evidence of the loving and merciful hand of Providence. His happiness now is largely in his friendships, and especially in the children and grandchildren which so fill his heart. We read the entry of these latter years with less amuse- ment, but with more tenderness and reverence, as he lays before us the motives and thoughts of his daily life. And the people of his day go in and out before us — our own familiar friends. November 1778. I bless God for y I^ight & Privileges of another of the blessed Days of y"^ Son of Man. May I be in the Spirit on y^ lyord's Day! I preached a. m. with some Fer- vency once more on Ps. 92. 7 and beseech God to grant Success! Mrs. Ruth Godfry with her little Son. — dind here. p. M. I went on in Repeating Sermon on Gal. 3. 14, which it is with God alone to render effectual! May He gra- ciously vouchsafe it! N. B. The Singers more generally sat today in y'^ Front, & some no. stood up. Mr. Lemuel Badcock was among y"\ We were not .so happy as to have any singing in my Family today — not in y'' Evening. Mr. Jonas Bradish did not come to me in any part of y'' Day. noth withstanding all that he said yesterday. I am sorry he gives no more reason of y' conduct. 2. No Mr, Bradish here today neither. Altho he assured me he would come today, on y'= Account of showing me .some Bounds. Perhaps the weather might hinder that Business, DIARY OF REV. EBENEZKR PARKMAN. 55 bvit I think to have come and conferred with me on y^ Sev- ral affairs depending. Dr. Havves ^ acquaints me with his Mother's Death and y' he is going to her Funeral Im- proving this opportunity I write to Mr. Moore and .send it to Man's at Wrentham for Conveyance. 3. Mr. Bradish came, but gives me no rea.son to think he is at all sensible of any Gviilt or Blame on account of y*^ Neg- lect of his Duty. And as to Bounds of y'^ Land which he laid out for me, he says he has been there and y-' Land being now cleared, the monuments are all gone, and it is impos- sible to find them. Mr. Ezra Houghton of Chauxit came wath a message from Mr. Mellen to request me to go up there, inasmuch as the Arbitrators on their Affairs were to meet, and he has sent to Mr Stone likewise. But I was obliged to deny. I must be otherwise employed, it is too cold, I have no horse, and know I can't get one &c. &c. Mr. Houghton dined here, — left me to go to Southboro'. Elias tries to get a horse to go to Cambridge, but in vain. P. M. I preached at Mr. Tainters' on Rev. 2. 10. Borrow^ 1 James Hawes came to Westborough from Wrentham in 1764, and immediately took an influential position in town and church, which he held until his death, in 1821. He bought the house which in 1737 belonged to Cornelius Cook, and paid ^80 for it with ten acres of land. He added the rooms beyond the small hallway to the original house. In his day it was painted red. In more recent years it has been plastered. James Hawes was lawyer an.d justice as well as physician. The Court was usually held in his dwelling- house, and he entertained many travellers, charging for " loging " —supper— or brandy — as the case might be. A night's lodging was 6d, while two glasses of brandy were gd. He was always a good friend and neighbor of Mr. Parkman. 56 DIARY OF' REV. EBEXEZER PARKINIAN. Mr. Tainter's Horse for Elias. Deacon Wood rides home with me. Mr. Potter has made Elias a coat. 4. Elias, ^ on Mr. Tainter's Horse returned to Cam- UARVARI) COI.LKi'.K. bridge. I gave him 14 dollars, my newest Shooes. a variety of cloatheing, half a large cheese &c &c. May God in- cline his Heart to Religion & Learning! 5. Mr Winslow Packard of Pelham brings Mr. Rob. Abercrombie's Salutation and y'' gift of Mr. Eben' Erskines Sermon on Ps. 118. 22 & on Lsa. 9. 6. with y'' true state of y*^ Process against him: To which is added a number of Sermons of the same eminent man, from various Texts. ' Elias, Mr. rarknian's youuj^est son, fij^ures very proinineutlj' in the Journal. He was born January 6, 1761, consequently was now seventeen years old. He was educated as a physician and DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 57 The book is very acceptable to me and I am very thankful for it. 6. Mr. Amariah Frost jun' was here and dined with us. I perceive that he has lately married Miss Esther Messinger of Wrentham, his first cousin. Mr. Caldwell of Sutton brought y^ Horse which Elias rode and gratis. Toward night (being earnestly sent for) I went to see Mrs. Sarah (wife of Mr. Eb'' Maynard ) who was very ill of Dysentery &c. prayed with her and y^ Family. N. B. A letter from Elias by Caldwell. 7. A letter from my friend Quincy ' at Medfield, dated practiced medicine in Preston, Conn., and in Hollistou, Mass. About 1792 he went to Milford, Mass., where his rich brother Samuel purchased a place for him. Breck and Samuel stocked a store for him; an apothecary and grocery combined. In 1793 lie was licensed to sell spirituous liquors and in 1810 as an innholder. The Milford History calls him "A very social, kind-hearted and courteous man, but too easy in general temperament and habits to achieve financial success." He married, in 1785, Alethina Belcher, of Preston, Conn. His oldest son was named Samuel Breck, after the two brothers who helped him so generously. This son afterwards went South, but he and all his family were drowned when the ill-starred Pulaski was lost. Dr. Elias' first wife died in 1792, and he married, in 1794, Susannah (Learned) Johnson. He named the eldest daughter of this marriage Alethina for his first wife, and the eldest son John-, son for her first husband. After he had eight children he adopted a little girl — Marie Antoinette. Dr. Elias died Sept. 30, 1828, aged sixty-seven. iThis was Edmund Ouincy, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and for many years a merchant of Boston. We can identify him from the son Henry (see Journal, June 5, 1780), who was born in 1726 and died May 27, 1780. 55 DIARY OF REV. EBKNEZER PARKMAN. Sept 17. & Oct I. lilt. We hear that Nanny Beeton is in such Insanity as to go from her B'' John's in y*^ Night, and wandered up to Sutton. Word is left here from those at whose House she is to her Father, who is accordingly going after her to bring her home. Edmund Ouincy was born in 1703 and graduated at Harvard Col- lege in 1722, being therefore exact!}' the same age as Mr. Parkman, although the latter graduated a year earlier. He had a large family of sons and daughters, amoug them Doro- thy, who married John Hancock, noted for her beauty, wit and dignity. She was born May 10, 1747. During the summer of 1775, she visited at the house of her father's friend, Thaddeus Burr, in Fairfield, and there she met Aaron Burr. She was then engaged to Hancock, and she com- plains that her aunt would not allow Aaron Burr and herself to pass a moment in each other's company. In the fall of this year she was married in the old Burr mansion, having a brilliant wedding, which proved to be the last merry- making ever held there, as it was burned in 1779 by order of Gov. Tryou. Another daughter of Judge Ouincy married Samuel Sewell, the old Judge's grandson. Dr. Jacob Quincy was one of his sons. The famous " Dorothy Q "' of Holmes' poem was a sister of the Judge. She died in 1762. A number of Judge Ouincy's Letters are published in the Salis- bury Memorial. His house and store were on Summer Street and his brother Josiah's on Marlboro Street. He had a large garden, which joined his brother's. This house is called the Summer Street mansion. He died in 1788, aged eighty-five, outliving Mr. Parkman by six years and being at the time of his death an acting magistrate of Suffolk County. DIARY OF REV. EBEXEZER PARKMAX. 59 8. So kind and gracious is God y* we are permitted to see y^ light & enjoy the privileges of this day, which be- gins the 55th year since y'^ founding this church and my Ordination. While I bless God for His long Suffering, I would humble m3'self for my unfaithfulness and unprofit- ableness, imploring pardoning Mercy through the great Redeemer, and Grace to help me, and y^ may be sufficient for me for the Future. Preached on II. Pet: i. 12. 13. p. M. on V. 14 with proper alterations of y last, which had been delivered before. N. B. Several gentlemen were at meeting, p. m. which I suppose came from y'^ Arbitration at Chauxit. 9. Mr. Timothy Whitney was here to trade with me about my Oxen. Mr. Isaac Parker, where they have been kept, having refused to give what one after another judged they were worth viz. Eighty Pounds L. M. p. m. Visit Mr. Eb"^ Maynard's wife & prayed with her. Visit old Mrs. Kelly and praj'ed there. N. B. Nanny Beeton seems com- posed. Mr. Robert Wilson and his wife (who was Patty Dunlap, grown hugely fat) were there. I rode to Mr. Han"' Parker's to enquire after wood, for we are reduced. At eve Mr. Andrews here to desire me to marry him tomorrow. 10. Mr. Timo. Whitney has got my oxen and pays me 40^ E. M. , and gives me his Horse for 40 £ more in three months with interest. N. B. Old Mr. Thos. Whitney is present and promises his son shall fulfill y*^ Engagement, and Breck^ ^Breck, Mr. Parkman's eleventh child, was boru in 1748. His wife, Susanuah, whom he married in 1777, was the daughter of Col. Levi Brigham, of Northborough. Soon after his marriage, he opened a store in one end of the little house still standing on South 6o DIARY OF KEV. EBEXEZER PARKMAN. was witness. Sophy' to Concord. Mr. Thos. Kendal hav 603^ ^'^^'■'^^ 3M^i ^l7n(pny. vStreet, using tlie other end for a dwelling-place. At this time it stood between the parsonage and the church. Rreck left seven children, and was the ancestor of all the Park- mans who remained in Westborough. > Sophy was the fourteenth child of Mr. Parkman, boru in 1755. A little Journal kept bv her for ])arts of the years 1777 and 1778 is still in existence, but unfortunately ends in July, 1778. She knits her DIARY OF KKV. EBKNEZER PARKMAX. 6[ ing left Grafton, comes and takes what things he left here, dines with us, and goes for Framinghani. BRECK PARKMAN S SHOP. own Stockings and gloves, spins thread, makes a skirt for Mrs. Baker, helps in quiltiugs, weaves shirts for Elias, bucks yarn, combs flax, scours pewter, &c., for her daily work. Her recreation consists in going to singing school, visiting her friends in the " hospital " sick with small pox, and making little trips to North- borough and even to Boston. She married Elijah Brigham. ( See note for Nov. 12.) 62 DIARY OF REV. p:bENEZER PARKMAN. P. M. Went to Widow Baker's, according to Mr. An- drews' Request. I married y'", supped and w^e sing Watts' Ps. 128. 6 Dol. 1 1 . This day as I suppose is y'' Time appointed for y^ Ordination of Mr. Ripley of Concord, but it 's Rain}- and by Noon a ver}- Severe Storm of Wind and Rain. Thro Di- vine Favour we had wood brot yesterday by two of Capt. Ma3'nard's^ sons. He had sent none (y^ I know of) till now. But now we feel the Good of it ; and are thankful. 1 Capt. Stephen Maynard has the reputation of being the wealthi- est man of his day in Westborough, and his house, burned a few years ago, was solid and handsome, and well fitted for the resi- dence of a wealthy farmer. The work on his farm for many years was performed by slaves, and he was very loth to give them up, so loth, that the heavy stone walls by the side of the avenue leading to his house, are said to be among the very last labor performed by slaves in Massachusetts. In the house was one siuall room, reached by a sliding panel. This had brick walls with an arched ceiling and no window, and tradition affirms was used in the discipline of refractory slaves. The fire laid this chamber bare to the sunlight, for it was built in the chimney. Capt. Maynard's wife — " Cousin Maynard," as Mr. Parkman calls her, was formerly Anna Gott, daughter of Dr. Benj. Gott, where Mr. Parkman visited so frequently in 1737, and of Sarah Breck, Madam Hannah Parkman's sister. She had previously married Dr. Samuel Brigham, and she \\as Capt. Maynard's second wife. Her daughter, Anne Brigham, married Isaac Davis, a neighbor of Capt. Maynard, and became the mother of many Davises, includ- ing Governor John. Capt. Maynard, after a life of much activity and usefulness, died in 1806. His personal property was sold at auction, and included fifty old books and "a right in the Westborough Library" — besides all kinds of wearing apparel and household utensils — "puter" plat- ters and "puter plats" — basens old and poor, &c., &c. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 65 12. Was at Deacon's Woods and with Squire Baker, ^ providing a team to plough my Orchard. I dind at Breck's, and p. M. at Mr. Nathan Maynard's, Bond's and Warren's. Master Elijah Brigham"- returns with vSophy from Concord, THE STEPHEN MAVNARI) CHIMNEY 1 Perhaps no name appears more frequently in Mr. Parkman's Journal than that of Squire Baker, son of Lieut. Edward Baker. Like his father, he held many town offices. He was born May 19, 1736, and was married by Mr. Parkman, in 1758, to Martha Death. They had a son John. -Elijah Brigham was the sou of Col. Levi Brigham, whose father, David, is mentioned several times in the Journal for 1737. His 66 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PAKKMAN. "= Author of y'= Let- ter which is advertised to be printed — he tells me also that in his Paraphase on Romans 10, 4. p. 13 by "another in his Neighborhood ' ' he means Mr. Mellen of Chauxit, in his large Book , on Justification. My Dauter in-law receives a young Cow which her Father Brigham gives her. She is put into my Barn to be kept. 26. Mrs Lamson about 3 P. M. attempts to go home, but the rain prevailed so that she turned back & tarrys with us. 27. A. M. Delivered y*^ remainder on Ps : 55. 22 P. M. on I Thes : 4. 13-14 & prepared on y*^ Occasion of y*^ Death of Mrs Persis Baker. Mr. Hazeltine & Mrs. Lambson dind here. She went home after Meeting. N. B. My son Breck not well. A Letter from Alix, dated y'^ i8"\ he writes of y*^ Birth of a little Dauter on Nov. 16 last. 28. Old Mr. Jonah Warren dyed about 10 a. m. I wrote by Mr. Levi Brigham of Fitz-William to my .son Alexander. I read part of Lord Chesterfield. My son Breck grows worse. At eve came Master Hazeltine and lodges here. Anna Fay begins to learn to write. 29. I have spent some time in reading Ld Chesterfield and cant but take notice again that a Father with so much Learning and Sensibility has so little to say to a Son in whom his Soul is so bound up, about Religion and y^ Eternal Con- dition of his immortal part. As much pleasure of mind as I feel for my son Elias's Education & Settlement in y'^ World or Serviceableness in his Generation, vet I have (I think) 214 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. quite other Solicitude about his most inestimable Interest, that of his Soul, and his Condition in another, an unchange- able State in another world. And O y^ God would grant him, & each of my dear Children His renewing and sanc- tifying Spirit ! Breck removes to lodge here, Suse and y*^ Children also. Miss Polly Howard makes us a visit & tarrys with us. We have now a pritty round Family, of ye whole. March 1780. Notwithstanding y*^ Rain and very difficult travelling, I went A. M. to y*^ Funeral of old Mr. Jonah Warren, who expired in y'^ Eighty year of his age — many people at- tended. I prayed — ventured to come home on foot. The Snow and Ice made it dangerous to ride. Breck is some- what better. At night he grew worse. My Family and his united are 14. The Harvard Vacancy is up today; but y"^ weather rough and Roads very bad. Elias cannot go to Cambridge. 2 . Am engaged in my preparations for y '^ Sabbath . Breck is recovering D. G. 3. Miss Polly Howard goes to Capt Maynard's. Breck goes to his Shop. 4- 5. On I Thes : 4.14, on occasion of y'^ Death of old Mr. Jonah Warrin. Cousin Maynard, Misses Brigham (as well as Breck and his Family) fill our Dining Board. p. M. repeated on 2 Tim : 3.7 to page 9 bottom. Cousin Maynard lodges here. N. B. Rec'd a Letter from Mr. Quincy by Mr. Thomas Whitney, dated Feb. 12. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 21 5 6. Town Meeting. Mr. Eb'' Maynard and Dr. Hawes came to me with y^ Town's Request to go to y'^ Meeting House and pray with y"^'. I went, prayed and add a few words of address to y"\ but no word concerning my own Case. Mrs. Maynard and her son, (Master Samuel) dine with us and at eve a number of young Scholars, Hazletine, Sam'l Brigham. 7. Mrs. Maynard and her son went home. . 8. Breck Suse and y^ Child moved back to their Home. Read Lord Chesterfield, At night, Pearson on y'^ Subject I am preparing upon for y*" next Lord's Day. 9. Mr. Thad. Warrin came and killed two Piggs for me, both of y'" weighed 226. p. m. at Mr. Stockwell's Desire I rode down to Mr. Tim. Warrin's. Elias went with me to drive y^ Sleigh. I marry ed Stephen Belknap to Eunice Warrin & supped there. Elias went for me again at even- ing, — and we returned safely, notwithstanding y^ badness of ye .^ay — y'= Horse breaking in to y*^ Snow banks, oftentimes and y'^ Sleigh tossing uncomfortably, being also in y^ Rain. N. B. A number of Westboro' combine to take again y'= Worcester News. 10. I agree with Breck to pay half y^ Price of Thurs- day's Worcester paper. Anna Fay goes home, though the weather is bad. 1 1 . The weather is still .so rough and y^ Roads so unfit for Travel, Elias remains at home, to my great Regret — but it cant be helped. I desire to resign y«^ whole matter to y" Divine Providence. 1 2 . Preached again on i Thes : 4 . 14—" and rose again . ' ' p. M. went on with 2 Tim: 3. 7 to y^ end of page 16, which may a Divine Blessing accompany ! It was so great a 2l6 DIARY OF REV. HBENEZER PARKMAN. Storm of Snow and Rain that there were but few at meet- ing — especially in y'^ afternoon. 13. Adjournment of Town Meeting. N. B. A sad between Mr. Benj. Fay & Col. Wheelock, about a Chestnut Tree, cut down by y*" latter in y*= Time of y'^ late Extremity for Wood. Anna Fay again. 14. We are much reduced as to wood, but y'^ Weather is still too cold to be indifferent about it. No going to y'^ Ministerial lyOt. Elias goes to sundry places, and gets Hay seed to sow y'^ Fields at y'^ Island. 15. Elias Sows Hay Seed upon y^ Snow. Col. Brigham's Dauters Mind well and Anna come up in y^ morning on y^ Snow and lodge here. Elias prepares to go to Cambridge tomorrow. I wrote to y"^ president — to Mr. Ouincy — to my son Wil- liam. 16. Elias depended upon Mr. F^li.sha Parker to go to Boston and in returning to bring up our Horse : but by Par- ker not going, Elias is disappointed and does not go. I finished reading Ld Chesterfield's Letters, but y'^ Miscel. no farther than page 578. We have such another Winter by y'^ Storm of Snow, which came today as makes us think of y^ Value of Wood, and pity such as are destitute. 17. Mr. Nathan Maynard jun"^ and Mr. Isaac Parker brot Wood. Two loads apiece. Elias p. m. got Hay Seed at Mr. Batherick's, several Baggs: which William .sowed at y*^ Island. iS. Mr. Nurse brings a load of Wood for Mr Maynard. N. B. The Measuring of Wood has been chiefly performed by Elias, and sometimes by Breck at y^ Shop. Mr. Amos Parker here. He relates what occurred last tues- day at North Shrewsbury by y'^ deliriousness of Mr. Ger- DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. shorn Flagg, who did mischief at Mr. Fairbank's new erected House, but chief!}' at y*^ Meeting House. Mr Parker speaks also of y^ Drowning of several men attempting to pass over Merrimack River Preached on i Thes : 4.14 & p. m. on 2 Tim: 19. ^y0L. A PAGE OF A PARI 2l8 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. '4.7 which may God bless N. B. I read today Zech. 7, p. M. I did not read, but we sung twice, began y*^ 119th Psalm. 20. Elias is still disappointed of going to Cambridge, p. M. I rode to Squire Baker's. He gave me (as I understood him) y^ Tallow I wanted of him. I was too destitute of common money, & therefore went to y^ Treasurer Newton for Supply — but there was none for me : but he offered to lend me an hundred pounds of his own Money. I was at Deacon Wood's — am grieved at its being such a Seat of Lazy Typlers. N. B. I returned by Dr. Hawes, W. R. Cranch's Biog. Univ. 21. N. B. I delivered to Elias Four Hundred Dollars of which one hundred and seventy-six from my own Desk and borrowed 224 Dollars of my Son Breck. Breck goes for Boston. Sent by him to Mr. Quincy and to my kins- woman, Mrs. Eliz. Bradford. Elias on Mr. Elisha Forbes' horse to Cambridge, and by him I sent to y^ President, and to my Son William at Concord. I borrowed 20^ of Money of Mr. Barney Newton, Treas- urer, which he must have again from y'^ Constable when he can gather it of y'^ People. 22. Gave Mrs. P. — 33 Dollars to pay Miss Lucy Maynard. Mr. Stone came — dind — preached my Lecture, on Isa: 53. 6, tarried over night. N. B. We read a Narrative of y'^ Journal^ and di.scoverys of two of General Gage's Officers, ^This was probablj' the report of Capt. Brown and Ensign D'Ber- niere, who reconnoitred, in disguise, the roads between Worcester and Boston, and Boston and Concord, in the early part of 1775. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 219 when reconnoitring y'^ Roads and as far as Worcester — pre- vious to Lexington Fight. 23. Mr. Stone and I walked up to Squire Baker's to y"= stones and to see 4 great Oxen, of uncommon Bigness and Fatness. Mr. Stone returned home. Breck returned be- fore night — brot two letters from Mr. Forbes to me. One from Mrs. Rebecca Wetmore at London to Mr. W"\ Spring. One also from Mr. Thomas Barrett of Cambridge to Miss Lydia Champney, which relates y^ Death of her Brother, Mr. Samuel Champney, Feb'y 3^ last. Breck brot also a present of a Barcelona Handkerchief to his Mother from Samuel and another from y^ same to Sophy, and another from y*" same to Suse. I perceive y* he gave 50 Dollars apiece for y'" 24. Breck unhappily brot back ye Letter I wrote to my son William, about Wood for Elias. I wrote another, but know of no conveyance. It is so rugged Weather that I am much afraid Elias will be put to Difficulty, and be obliged to buy at y'' excessive Cambridge price. 25. Mr. Nathan Maynard jun"^ brot one load of Wood, which my son Breck measured, and says is 77 feet. But in- asmuch as (to deal rightly) several loads of late have been of exceeding crooked wood, & this today has such a quan- tity of small wood I told my son I would be glad to have more allowance made on those accounts. 26. Preached again on i Thes. 4. 14. & read y'' verses following. I administered y*^ Lord's Supper. O y' it might be accepted thro y*^ Merits and Intercession of Jesus Christ. Old Mrs. Green dind with us. p. m. I went on with the .subject from 2 Tim : 3. 7. From page 23 to page 29. , which 220 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. may God graciously own and bless ! In y^ eve read part of Mr. Henry on Due Return from y<^ Lord's Table. 27. Dr. Crosby came in to see me. He is about selling part of his place in Shrewsbury, viz, His Buildings, and about 60 acres of his Land, to old Mr. Rider. W". Win- chester remains much unwell. I was obliged to get Josiah Brigham to tend my Cattle in y*^ Morning. Breck has received two Letters from Mr. Moore. 28. Jo.siah Brigham goes to Boston. I write and send by him to Mr. Moore and also to Elias at College John Barrett of Hopkinton came to see me — dines here. His ar- dency is still to go to College. He is now desirous to go to that at Dartmouth. He borrows two pamphlets of Mr. Hutchinson's Sermons W"'. Winchester still complains of much Indisposition, yet has been to y'= Barn. 29 W"\ grows worse, takes physic of Dr. vStim.son, who called to see us and dines here. p. m. Mrs. P — to Harring- ton's. Suse goes to her Fathers, Breck takes care of y^' Cattle for me. Kph. Parker was here at livening. I try to ha\e him live here, but I cant succeed. N. B. Mr. Nathan Maynard jun"^ & Lieut. Bond, bring -SO much Wood as compleats (as they, Maynard and Breck say) Maynard's Ten cord, so y' I gave a Receipt for it. 30. Parker came to w^ork on our Flax, but found it not rotted sufficient, therefore breaks off and returns. Mr. Abr. Holland here and gives me a more perfect Account of Mr. (rershom P'lagg's Frenzy. We cant but remark how uncommon y^^ Cold has been and continued. 31. I)r vStimson came from Sutton and returns to Hop- kinton — dines here : he gives W"\ Winchester a \'omit. DIARY OF RP:V. EBENEZER PAKKMAN. 22 1 which works well, but he remains sick and exercised with Pain, in both Head and Stomach — The months flie apace 1 may I have a due sense of my own hastening hence ! April. 2. Preached on 2 Thes: 4. 15-16. Mrs Beeton dind with us. p. M. on 2 Tim: 3. 7, & finished y^ Discourse except y-' Additions. O y' I might be duly affected myself with what was delivered ! — At eve Breck and his attended }"= Repetition &c. 3. Went to Mr. Nurse's and Mr. Thad. Warrin's, — to bespeak Spring and Summer Work, but y*^ Earth is as yet partly covered with snow, and where it is open, is froze. p. M. Col. Brigham here upon an important errand in behalf of his Son Elijah, with regard to Sophy, — which I gave my Consent to. 4. Preached at Deac. Woods on Eccl. 12. 13. There was a considerable Assembly. Mr. Knight and Mr. ODonald of Boston were there, & I had an Opportunity of conversing with both after Meeting. Col. Baldwin and his son Isaac, also my grandson, Thomas P. A Letter by them from my dear Ebenezer, dated Morris Town State of New York, March 10. 1780, when he was well, tho he had endured Hardships, and .suffered by cold, lying on y*^ Ground. They lodge here and have three 5. Col. &c leave us to go to Cambridge. My son Breck undertakes a long, circular, difficult Journey, to Bridgewater, Boston &c. Very much perplexed with a flock of Sheep belonging to Dr. Hawes, daily feeding on y'= Rye at y^ Island. Stephen Maynard who has y'^ Care of y^ Dr's Affairs 222 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. here in y'^ Evening to tell me y' he could not take Care of y'^ Dr's Sheep, being in preparation to go to Market. 6. Disappointed of Help to repair my Island Fence., and therefore those Sheep are in again upon my Rye. Young Winchester is poorly — pain in his Hip is his principal Com- plaint, — but ofttimes in his Head. 7. Mr. Thad. Warrin works for me, mending my Island Fence, and Fences before y^ Meeting House. A Letter from my .son Alexander. Miss Betsey Taylor of Grafton here — tells me Mr. Grosvenor goes sometimes to hear Mr. Hen- stick, y'^ Baptist Minister: and y' many others do .since Mr. G. cannot preach. At eve Capt. Wood and Mr. Jon" Fay here. 8. Fresh Troubles with y^ Docf Cattle & Sheep on j"^ Rye, notwithstanding all y" pains used j^esterday to make ye Pence Secure and strong. 4 times today. Mr. Thomas Stone here, wants y'^ Association Records for his Father, which I gave him, and a number of Papers belonging to y*^ Association. 9. At night sent for to vi.sit Lt. Bond's Child — went and prayed there. It was very rainy, a. m. preached again on I Thes. 4. 16-17. p. M. on 2. Cor: 4. 1-3. O y' we might grow wiser and better by all y'"''^ means. 10. Deac. Wood came to acquaint me y' there was at his House an Indian in Gentleman's Habit, who was a Scholar and Preacher from Dartmouth Coll. I sent for him — he came — his name was Daniel Simon. The Brigham Scholars were well acquainted with him. His Credentials were (be- sides his Diploma and his name in y Catalogue) his recom- DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 223 mendation by y'^ President, Trustees and Tutors, License for preaching by Rev. Grafton— Presbytery— a Letter from president Wheelock to Rev. Mr. John Sargent of Stock- bridge, and a Certificat from y'^ Selectmen of Stockbridge. I also examined him myself. The Deacon urged he might preach in y'^ afternoon and he would take care to notifie ye people. Mr. Simon was not forward, but would not deny. I could not refuse. He dind here. At 3 p. m. a Congregation was gathered. He preached on i Pet: 2. 7 "To them who believe, he is pre- cious." It was a serious and Methodical Discourse, & delivered decently. I hope it was useful and profitable. A number of Scholars, who were acquainted with Mr. Simons, came in at eve to see him and he lodged here. N. B. The people made a Collection and presented him y^ Sum of one hundred and twenty-four Dollars One Ebenezer Crosby came here to let himself and lodged here. N. B. Dr. Hall going to Boston calls here. 11. The Indian Preacher leaves us to go on his Journey to Stockbridge. Mr. Crosby insists for Cloths to pay for His Labour; which I not being able to engage him, he leaves me. I catechized at y^ Meeting House. Boys 32. Girls 17. Dr. Hawes has brot me Another Vol. of y*= Biographical Dictionary from Mr. Cranch. Vol. 4 Letters D and E. 12. Read Col. Ethan Allen's Narrative of his Captivity & Several Lives in Biography aforesaid, viz. M""\ and M'"'^ Daciers, John Daille, author of de User Patrum, John Dee, mathematician. Conjurer &c. De Foe, Demosthenes, Thomas Dempster, noted for his remembering whatever he read, and yet commonly read 14 hours in 24. 224 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 13. Mr. John" Maynard brings — Turns of Wood in all . Dr. Hall from Boston. N. B. Gen' Hancock exceeding Generous to him. Col. Baldwin & Thome Park- man, Mr. Eliot, Tutor and Mr. Zechary Hicks here. 5 last dind here. Col. Baldwin brot two letters from Elias, one of March 30th y^ other April. Am informed y' Mr. Samuel Williams of Bradford is chose professor instead of y*^ late Dr. Win- throp — that Rev. Mr. Harrington of Lancaster was married y"^ night before last, to Mrs. Bridge of Framingham. 14. My kinsman (Elias Parkman of Boston) sent me a Copy of y'' Addre.'is of the Convention and Plan of Govern- ment, p. M. walked (on .some special occasions) to Dr. Hawes. Having no man yet and 3'oung Winchester lame 6 infirm, my business is behind. Breck works in y'' Gar- den — plows and hires Mr. Kenney part of the Day to renew and mend up y'^ Garden Fence. B. sows Peas there. 15. Breck and W"\ Winchester at times in y*^ Garden. I cannot afford any time to it, nor have I any Inclination. Josiah Brigham returns from an Excursion to purchase Cat- tle : he has been as far as to Fitz William and has brought two Cows, one has a Calf, t'other with Calf. They are put into my Barn to keep. Breck has now- four Creatures there, his and 3 cows besides y'= young Calf. 16. A. M. on I Thes : 4, 17-1.S. p. m. on 2. Cor: 4. 3-4 read A. M. Zech 9. Mr. Brigham dind here, as did Cousin Maynard. At eve Breck and his Family (as they have done frequently ) came to ye Repetition. 17. A very snowy Morning (Apr. 6. old style anno 1732 was a time of exceeding deep snow ). I sent a Letter to Dr. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 225 Hawes who would go to Boston, for Elias, at College. Was at Mr. Newton's about driving 5'oung Cattle to pasture at Coi's Hill. iS. Rode to Minister's Meeting at Stow. Met Mr. Stone at Mrs. Speakman's. Borrowed of her Pope's Essa}- on Man, with Warburton's Notes. We called at Mr. Jon" Loring's, and delivered him Beard's Theatre of God's Judg- ments which I had borrowed of him. At Mr. Newell' s were Messrs. Stone, Smith, Bridge, Whitney and Biglow, and occasionally Messrs. Adams of Acton, Stearns and Al- len, preachers. Mr. Mellen of Chauxit. Some debate about a Concio, whether if there be not a Concio prepared on purpose, we mayn't have a Sermon for our Christian Ed- ification. Mr. Bridge opposes it. I asked advice about y*^ case of Mr. Daniel Adams & his wife. Answer was to prevent its being heard in y" Church till it is heard in y*^ Civil Law, if y Woman's Complaint must be supported by her Oath. Mr. Allen prayed at y'^ Conclusion of our Meeting. Next Meeting by divine leave to be at my Old Mrs. Gardner (at whose House we were) was not able to sit at Table when we dind Mr. Stone and I rode together to Marlboro'. I visited our Kinsman, Lt. Uriah Brigham,^ where I lodged. 19. A Storm of Rain and Snow — but I ventured to try for Home. Sat out in y*^ Morning under another Disad- 1 Uriah Brigham, in 1750, had married Sarah Gott, a niece of Mrs. Parkman's, and sister of Mrs. Stephen Maynard. " He lived in the south part of Marlborough," says the Marlborough Historian, " in the style of the English gentry, receiving the visits of the elite far 226 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. vantage, viz., the Horse lame^got to Capt. Edmund Brig- ham's and dind there. Arrived safe at home about 3 p. m. All Glory to God, my Guardian at home and abroad ! Am informed that Dr's Sheep have still been troublesome. 20. Mr. Nathan Kenney here & agrees (if I dont hire a man) to take my North Field to plant to y'' halves; and likewise to take another piece of Ground for Flax, in y'^ like manner. I read y Conventions Address to their Constituents, with Declaration of Rights & Form of Government. 21. Was forced to go to Dr. Hawes on y'^ Account of his Sheep, which were again yesterday upon my Field of Rye, and was at Neighbor Caleb Harrington's, his Hogs having done Mi-schief several times in my Garden, and mentioned to him my putting out my Chauncey Meadows to y'= halves, much interrupted and tossed in spirit by having no man to work for me, when so many different affairs to mind, in looking after my Husbandry at this Season, and Creatures to guard from transgressing. 22. Mr. Eleazar Rider, who saws at y" Whipple saw- mill having given me Slabbs &c, Stephen Maynard in Dr. Hawes' Service, goes with my Cart and Steers, & puts in y"^ Dr's Steers, to y" Saw- Mill, & brings a Load. 23. I have for a great while thought of repeating my Sermons on Mat : 3. 10. which were preached above 30 years since. I undertook it today, though with alterations and aud near ; he kept an open house, and showed a hospitality witliout measure or stint." He left quite an estate, but so involved that it took his administrators thirty years to di.sentangle it. It is said he never did a day's work in his life. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZKK PARKMAN. 227 additions. N. B. Have read y*^ Ch. publickly. At eve read a sermon of Mr. Flavell's England's Duty; on Rev: 3. 20. 24. Mr. Hez. Maynard of Marlboro' here ; as was Mr. Simon How, afterwards came Mr. Joseph Mottey, a preacher at Marlboro, with Mr. Elijah Brigham. They dind here. Mrs. P. walked to see her Cousen Maynard and tarried there. N. B. James Hopkins of Mansfield came to let himself, and he lodged here. I have made him y^ Offer I could. 25. Hopkins goes to work — uses my Steers and Deac. Wood's Oxen & Harrow & Ben Wood helps, in harrowing & getting out muck. Mrs. P — returns at evening. I am preparing on Zech 7. 5-7. 26. General Fast thro'out y*^ States. Preached on y^ Text above. In going to Meeting p. m. was informed y' Mr. Whitney's House of Northboro was burnt down this very noon. I preached on Ps 107. 43 & took occasion frequently to apply it to y*^ present Occurrence, .so surprising and affecting ! May y'^ Lord sanctifie it to y'^ Sufferers & to us all ! — The Brethren by desire was stayed to confer about y'= Adams Difficulty. I manifested ni}^ Desire to keep it out of y"^ Church, but they saw cause to appoint a number to go to her. See Church Records. 27. In y^ Morning, I rode over to see y'' Ruins, & sym- pathize with those who are bereaved. I found y'= sad Cause to be, Mrs. Whitney made a Fire in her Oven, that morning, .sat in her Food to be baked for Supper ; but y*^ Fire, while y^ People were at Meeting in y'^ forenoon, kindled in y'' Kitchen Chamber, & was discovered by Mr. 228 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. Sam' Allen in y"-' time of y'^ last prayer. Many goods in y<^ lower rooms, y*= Church plate &c were saved, but the Library and Papers, which were of great worth : 4 feather Beds, all their Cloths and Linnen, except what the}' had on. Corn, Cyder, Sauce, &c. &c. burnt. Mr. Sumner came also and carrj-ed various Things. I went in to see Mr. Jonas Badcock, whose Hair, Face and Hands were much Scorched, Swelled and blistered by y*^ Flames. I dind at Mrs. Briggs's where Mr. Whitney and his Family had repaired to. Mr. Sumner and Mr. Allen, preacher at Bolton, dind there also. The people meet this afternoon to see what they can do toward assisting. N. B. A great deal has been brot in alread}'. I rode to Mr. Seth Rice's for Flax seed. I there informed Mrs. Adams, of y'^ Church's Appointment yester- day relative to her. I was at Capt. Maynard's — visit old Mrs. Kelly, drank Tea there. When I came home am informed of y*^ Conduct and Language of Hopkins. 28. Hopkins desires to go off, and tho it throws me into much perplexity I consent and he goes awaj^, giving in his work and offers to pay the Damage of Disappointment. I went over to Mr. N. Kenney and got him (again) to take my North Field to ye Halves ; which he agrees to. 29. Kenny and his Son came to get out muck, and has my Steers and Cart. Mr. Moses Nurse joins with his Horses and waggon. I was obliged to go up to Deac. Wood's and Squire Baker's to forward a Contribution, but neither of y'" at home. Deacon came p. m. My son W". Ly- dia & W"\ from Concord came to tarry over y'^ Sabbath here. 30. On consideration of y^ burning of Mr. Whitney's House, I preached (with alterations repeated) on Lam: 3. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 229 22-23. both A. & P. M. Baptized Capt. Godfry's Twins, Sullivan and Salmon. Appointed y^^ Communion, but no Lecture Appointed contribution for Rev. Mr. Whitney next Sabbath. At noon conferred with vSelectmen as well as Deacons about y" Contribution. At eve in y'^ Family read Mr. Flavel's Sermon on Gal : 5. 24. See his works p. 254. Vol. I. May 1780. The Town met to read y Address of y'' Convention, with the Draught they had made of a Form of Government for this State. I understood that they read it over, and after some debating upon it, they adjourned to this daj' three weeks. May God y^ Fountain of Wisdom, grant them Knowledge and understanding. Wrote a long letter to my son Ebenezer at Morris Town, New Jersey to be read}- for Col. Baldwin to carry. Billy and Lydia here yet. 2. Wrote to Mr. Quincy to y^ care of Breck, who goes to Boston Sophy to Mr. Whitney's and to y'' Fulling MilP at Northboro ! I went to Mr. Thad. Warrin's, his wife sick. I was lamed by a slab falling on my right Foot. A very cold damp season. Too cold for Billy and Lydia to go 1 " About half a mile from the meeting house on the post-road, and on the river Assabet, there is a mill for the fulling of cloth, and works for carrying on the clothiers business in all its branches, where about 7000 yards of cloth are annually dressed and the work is most acceptably performed to the honour and advantage of the town, and the interest of the community. These works are the property of two brothers, Captains Samuel and Abraham Wood : but the business is performed at present by the latter only." — Peter Whitnev in his History of Worcester Co. 230 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. home. W". Winchester out of Health .still : Stomach ache, Lame in his Hips, & can do very little. 3. Sheep more than ordinarily Troublesome., My af- fairs are much perplexed. W". Parkman and his Sister Lydia leave us to go to Concord. Mr. Jo.seph Harrington has been here, and tells that Providence had prevented the Committee of y^ Church that were appointed to go to Mrs. Adams, so y* y^ went not, for Deac. Bond was too infirm to go, Mr. Davis was very ill, and confined by a Fever, or pleurisie — Mr. Harrington went, to little purpose. 4. While much embarrassed and prittj' lame, Stephen Batherick came within Reach, and was very much at I,eis- ure. I hired him for 15/ per Day to be paid according to y"-' old wa}', and he came and worked y*^ afternoon. Breck returns from Boston, brings a Letter from Elias at Cambridge, concerning y'^ Installment of Mr. Sam'l Williams heretofore of Bradford, Professor of Mathematics & experi- mental Philosophy — a marvellous time. At eve came Lieut. Jon" Grout, Messrs. Eli Whitney & Jon" Forbes, and are concerned about Brother Adams's com- ing to Communion. I advised y"' to go and make him a visit, and after that let me know. 5. Old Mr. Hardy came in Warmth (S: inveighed against y'^ Contribution for Mr. Whitney, because he has not asked any to be made for him. He is a very rich man, said he, & might take it as an Affront to him, except he desired it. I endeavored to inform him better, & chid him for his Rash- ness. Mrs. P— visits Mr. Davis and Mr. Thad. Warrin's Wife— both sick. 6. Mr. James Dix came — but I refu.sed to meddle at all with his Ouarrells. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 23 1 7. None of those Brethren about Adams's Matter, make me any Return, preached on Ps: 133. 12-3. Administered y'' Lord's Supper. Mr. Adams did not stay to commune or disturb us. Mrs. Maynard dind with us. p. m. repeated sermon on 2 Cor : 8,7. expecting a Contribution, but Messrs. Belknap and Gale inform me, it is very much desired by con- siderable numbers y' y'= Contribution might be deferred to another Sabbath ; for as much as y'^ Town when together last Monday were so engaged in y^ weighty affairs then depending unhappil}^ forgot to mention it, and therefore were not so prepared as might be wished, and may be hoped for, if they might have further time. It was therefore de- ferred till next Lord's Day — but advised y' the Sermon which had been delivered might be improved as an Excite- ment and Preparatory thereto. N. B. As to Mr. Adams, I understand that he went away from y'^ Communion because he was himself offended. Also Capt. John Wood's Wife for some Reasons withdrew. At evening worship read y*^ 2^ of Mr. Flavell's Sermons on Rev: 3. 20. 8. William Winchester left us to go to A.shburnham. I wrote by him to his Mother. I gave him 10 Dollars, Mr. Barnard's Sermons to young people and on y*^ Earthquake, and furnished him with various Things to accomodate him for his Journey. May God grant him Health and Grace ! I have now neither Man ijor Boy — but Billy Spring to tend Cattle and Sheep. Dr. Hawes, y*^ Court ^ being Dissolved, is returned ; visits and dines with me. 1 Dr. Hawes was representative in the General Court for the years 1778-80. 232 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 9. Wrote to Mr. Moore. The Referee.s upon y*" Case of Capt. John Wood, versus Benj. Fay, & his Mother-in-law, set here at y*^ Meeting House. They are Judge Dorr,^ Tim. Pain'- & Joseph Wheeler, Esq.'^ The Lawyers are, for Wood, W'". Stearns, Esq.,"* & Dan'l Biglow,^ for the Fays, Mr. Sprague.'' The latter came to see me. I attended part of y^ p. M. A most unhappy Strife ! May God pity y'". 10. Attended y'^ Court, part of y'^ Day. Mr. Andrews delivers me a Letter from Mr. Whitney, concerning our Con- tribution for him, manifesting his Satisfaction in our defer- ^ Judge Dorr was Joseph Dorr, of Ward (now Auburn), appoiuted Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1776. -Timothy Paine held a number of important offices in Worcester. He was the father of Dr. William Paine, and of Nathaniel Paine — the Judge of Probate for Worcester County for thirty-five years. •'Judge Wheeler, also, was a Worcester man. He was at this time the Register of Probate, being at the time he came to Worcester, a retired clergyman. His house, known as the old "Wheeler Man- sion," stood on Main Street, near Lincoln Square, until a few years ago. '' William Stevens, was a prominent lawyer in Worcester, from 1776, — when first admitted to the bar,^until his early death, in 1784. " He possessed good sense, respectable bearing, lively wit and much kindness of feeling." He was associated for one year with Daniel Bigelow (afterwards County Attorney), in the publication of the Massachusetts Sp)'. •'Daniel Bigelow was a young man, having been born in Worces- ter, in 1752 — the third of the name. He was a nephew of Col. Tim- othy Bigelow, of Revolutionary fame, and was himself a distin- guished lawyer, senator, counsellor, etc. " Mr. Sprague was probably John Sprague, of Lancaster, first Dis- trict Attorney of Worcester County, being appointed to that posi- tion in 1780. He was succeeded by Daniel Bigelow. DIARY OF REV. E;BENEZER PAR K:\IAX. 233 ring it, and how gratefully he will accept of what soever shall be afforded. Mr. Joseph Hardy was here, & was examined in order to his joining with y*^ Church. Mr. Joseph Smith and his Wife made us a visit. Mr. Smith manifested his Desire of y^ Ordinance of Baptism for their Child ; but I was in much Suspense about proceeding with him. IT. The Pleading finished last night about lo o'clock. The Judges are together a. m. & draw up their Determina- tion, p. M. Judge Dorr here. N. B. Send my lyetter to Mr. Moore by Master Crosby, going to Boston, to be left at Gill's Office for conveyance. Pamela Cooledge of Ash- burnham came to live here. Mrs. Hardy, wife of Mr. Jo- seph. 12. It is but a Melancholly Time with me. Nothing at all doing in my Husbandry, having neither Man nor Boy to assist me. The weather is indeed cold, & y*^ season back- ward. Mr. Thomas Adams of Medfield came to see me and lodges here. 13. Mr. Adams wants my Volume of Chubb's Tracts in 4to. He gives me Dr. Brown Languith's Modern Theory and Practice of Physick ; Dr. Goodman's Penitent Pardon. Judge Hale's Contemplations, part 3. with his Life, and Mr. Durham on Scandal. Besides Chubb, he has Dennis's Advancement & Reformation of Modern Poetry, and leaves me two Pamphlets, viz : Dr. Cardogan on y'' Gout &c. and Mr. S. Web.ster's two Discourses on Infant Baptism. He Dr. Owen on Sp' Mindedness : for which he takes 234 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. with him Dr. Bray's Bibliotheca Parochialis. Further I lent him Cornelius Agrippa of y*^ Vanity of y^ Sciences. To be sent to my son Sam' Boston. Mrs. Harrington here p. M. Makes Return of their Visit to Mrs. Adams. & gives me a Paper signed by her, & y^ Committee. 14. Although I have attempted something in prepara- tion for today's Exercises, yet had so many interruptions and avocations, that I was obliged to laj- it by, & preached on Mat : 5. 7. a. & p. m. N. B. After y^ forenoon Exer- cise, I read some parts of Mr. Whitney's Letter to me on y^ 8"' to y'^ Congregation. Appointed a Church Meeting to be p. M. A Contribution for Rev. Peter Wliitney. At eve read Flavel on Rev. 3. 20. Serm. III. 15. Deac. Wood here to count y'^ Contribution made yesterday. It was in Notes 262/,", in Money (including 5 Pistareens, 175 In all to Mr. Whitney 438^. There was also a number of Dollars which were included in a paper directed to y^ Selectmen, for the Benefit of y" poor Cripple John Forbes. 16. I rode to Mr. Fessenden to try to put out my Sheep, but in Vain. I dind there, p. m. rode over to Mr. Whit- ney's and conveyed y^ Contribution which we made for him in Mone}' and Notes, & took his Receipt. I delivered him Six Books as v^y own Contribution viz. Calvin's Harmony, Morning Exercise, Pierce's Sinner inplead, Claggetl's Abuse of Grace, Butler's Sermons, Bradbury and Pike on Trinity, went to Mr. Wood's y*^ Clothier, returned at eve. Stephen Batherick works here. 17. I keep Stephen in planting in y'-' Beeton Field, p. m. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 235 went to Mr. Levi Warrin's, obtained easily of him to bear my Message to Mr. Daniel Adams concerning y^ Church Meeting to be next tiiesday come Sennight at y" Meeting House 2 P. M. oc. 18.. Stephen still works for me in planting various Things, and Mending the fences &c. went with him to y'^ Island, to shew him what was most necessary — but at night goes home. p. m. Elias came up from Cambridge, with Josiah Brigham. The last brings a Letter from my son Samuel concerning W". Parkman of Boston (son of Nat.) his pro- posal to buy out y^ several Heirs to y'' Mansion House &c. Cousen Maynard made us a Visit, and drank Tea here. My Friend, Col. Joseph Buckminster^ of Framingham was buryed. 19. A very Cloudy Day.'^ It rained some part of y^ Morn- ing, when it held up it not only remained very cloudy, but 1 Col. Joseph Buckminster was made colonel in 1739, and served in the French and Indian Wars, and in the Revolution. He was selectman for twenty-eight years, town clerk for thirty-two, and representative for nineteen. He lived west of the old cemetery in Framingham. He was the father of Rev. Joseph Buckminster, of Rutland. ^The famous " Dark Day " of History. Mr. Parkman and the people of the town seemed to take it as calmly as Col. Davenport, of Conn., whose common sense and cour- age have been sung in verse and story. I think this is the only in- stance in these years of the Journal where Mr. Parkman speaks of enjoying, especially, any article of food. A different scene was being enacted in the neigboring town of Sutton, as we learn from the Journal of the Rev. Dr. Hall. He writes: — "Ye Day was so dark as yt we needed candles at noon day. People came flocking to the meeting-house, and desiring my 236 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAX. from about 10 a. m. it grew very dark — the Obscurity in- creased by about 1 1 it was too dark to read unless at y« Window — by 12, I could not read anywhere in y*^ House — We were forced to dine by Candle Light. It was very awfull and surprising. Thro divine Goodness y^ Light gradually returned & I wrote this before two. — Before Night, I find y* the unusual Darkness has given general Surprise. At eve went to Supper at Breck's, on agreeable Haddock. The Night was exceeding dark, insomuch y' the Committee which sat at Deac. Woods, on y'' Affair of y'^ Form of Gov- ernment could not without Difficulty find their way home. Several of y'" did not get home at all. 20. I am concerned for my Neighbor Thad.Warrin, who is so behindhand in his Business. I have offered him my Cattle and plow — and I have said so much to him to per- suade him that he uses y'" today. 21. On account of y*^ late unusual JVicnoyncnon, I read A. M. Amos 5. and preach on x. Messrs. Brigham and Hazletine dind here. p. m. I went on in Repeating Sermon on Mat. 3.10 from page 9 with some Omissions, at Eve read latter part of Mr. Flavells Third Sermon on Rev. 3. 20, which may God graciously bless to us ! 22. Mr. Jo.seph Hardy here with his Relation, which requires many alterations. Esq. Baker, Mr. Batherick and Mr. Joseph Harrington came to me from y'^ Town Meeting, to desire me to go with y'". to pray with y'" & give y'" my Presence. I went and prayed with tbeni, and preached a sermon to yi" Extempore from Joel 2., r. & part of ye 2d- 4 & ye people were very attentive. The I- late Honored Mother's House. 24. I met with y'^ Town on y"^ Adjournment. N. B. Strenuously insist that the Gov' shall not only declare him- self of the Christian Religion, but a Protestant. It was obtained to have y*^ Word Protestant inserted ; ye Vote had two against it. , Capt. Fisher and Mr. Hananiah Parker. 25. Mr. Joseph Hardy's Wife here, & have so many Corrections to make, that it was necessary to transcribe it. This I did for her. Elias is reading Chesselden's Anatomy. Mr. Elijah Brigham returns from Boston & Says Mrs. P — had a good Journey. N. B. I found that my son Breck is ^ FREE MASON} 26. I discover also that my son Sam is — that Capt. Elias and y^ Coll. Baldwin are. N. B. The American Academy of Arts and Sciences ioviweH, constituted And Made a Body politic & Corporate b}' an act of the General Assembly of this State, at y^''' present Ses- ^ Breck Parkman was one of the members of Trinity Lodge, of Lancaster — the first lodge west of Boston. This was founded in 1778. In the early part of the present century he became a charter member of the Northborough Lodge of Free Masons. 238 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. sions. The Names of y'^ Members are published in todays Spy. It is matter of Joy to me ! But it was also of Sur- prise, as I cant trace its Conception nor Author, nor Fan- tors ; (?) the char'■^ Qualifications, Duty, Immunitys, & Emoluments. 27. 28. Read a. m. Zech. x. with some Exposition of it. Preached on Amos 8. 9, p. m. on Mat. 3.10. read in y'= Even- ing part of Mr. Flavell's 3"^ & 4"' Sermon on Rev. 3. 20. 29. Rec'd a Letter from Rev. Whitney to request me to dine with him & to attend the Raising a New House ' for ' This new house still stands under the large elms. PETKK WHITNEY S NKW HOUSE. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 239 him. In riding over there met with Mr. McCarty — he was going to Boston. But turned about and went with me to Northborough. Mr. Stone came also. We dind at Mrs. Briggs, & there Supped. Mr. Maccarty went to Boston. Mr. Stone and I went to the Raising. I prayed and gave y^ Psalm (ps. 127). Mr. Stone made y^ last prayer. N'o Evil occurrence. Blessed be God ! Mr. Elijah Brigham was my Compan}^ home. An Excellent Frame, & a great Company ; 30. A.M. Assist y^ Selectmen in forming their Return to the Convention, with y^ Exceptions and Alterations. P. M. Attended y«^ Church Meeting. Opened it with Prayer. The first Affair was that of Sister Persis Adams, wife of Mr. Daniel Adams who was present ; but her Hus- band, tho notified seasonably by a Messenger, sent on pur- pose by y'^ Pastor to him, to acquaint with y*^ Meeting, for what, when & zvhere, did not come. This caused us to defer the Hearing any Complaint against him, till we might have accuser & accused Face to Face ! Act: 25. 16. The Church Meeting, as it relates to this Controversie, is ad- journed to y'^ last Monday in August next, at 2 p. m. The other Matter on which we met, was to choose two Deacons : and chose Dr. James Hawes for one, & Br. Jon" Child for Y other by 17 Votes— y^ rest scattering. The Dr. desired leave to take so weighty a Concern into Con- sideration. The other denyed and again refused, but he was urged to consider of it, & not be too resolute in Deny- ing. The Meeting concluded with prayer and y*^ Blessing. Mr. Cushing came from Shrewsbury (from Ashburnham 240 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZF.R PARKMAN. yesterday) and lodged here. Has two Horses, one for Mrs. Cotton to ride upon. 31. I have writ a Letter to Mrs. P. — and Dr. Hawes was to have carryed it, but he went too early this morning for it to reach him. However Mr. Lemuel Grosvenor and his Sister called here in their way to Boston, and took it. We had a cheerful and good Day — praising God for his Good- ness to his People in continuing our Liberties and Privileges and Oppt'y y*^ Day for y^ Exercising y'"., and supplicating y^ Divine Presence with the People in their Solemn Assem- bly; & y*^ Ministers in their Convention. Elias rode over to Hopkinton to wait upon Mrs. Cotton, but she was not well eno' to come today, Elias brings me from Mr. Barrett's the illustrated Sir Francis Bacon's Ad- vancement of Learning. A Book of Stupendous Fame ! — June. Mr. Cushing Sets out for Ashburnham, I again go to y^ Meeting House to assist y'' Towns Men in their making Re- ply to y'^ Convention at Boston, and Breck is desired to transcribe it for Capt. Fisher to carry with him. A variety of Company interrupts and discomposes me. I read in Brog'r. Dictionary At Hve. Mr. Elias Harding & Thankful Forbes marryed. 2. Tho it is Friday, I seem obliged to go out and look after my Affairs. My Cattle begin to be unruly. I went to Mr. Isaac Parker's to see what he would do about work- ing for me instead of his Br. Ephraim, some of whose Time remains to be made up, and to make some Agreement with him to take my Young Oxen to keep. Elias goes to Hop- DIARY OF REV. EBENEZKR PARKMAN. 24 1 kinton again with Mr. dishing' s with him for Mrs. Cotton, who comes here at evening. Mr. Hazletine waits on Miss Nabby Marty n and two of Squire Baker's Dauters, & Miss Mindwell who all (of y'^ last) drink Tea here. Dr. Gershom Brigham makes me a visit respecting y^ Baptism of his new-born Twins. ^ Mrs. Cotton lodges here. I am much prevented studying. 3. Ensign Snow brings his Dismission from Southboro and desires to be admitted into y^ Church here. N. B. Frederic Lock who works for me today in moving and .set- ting up a Fence at y^ Island to make a Lane from y^ Road to my Pasture, meets with a Disappointment by y^ unruli- ness of my Steers, and leaves y" Work undone— which pre- vents my pasturing my Cows there. 4. Read Zechariah II. Preached a. & p. m. on Luke 16.23 & by divine Help, I accomplished y'^ whole. I humbly ask y^ Grace & Power of God may be magnifyd in y"^ Awak- ening of many Souls ! In y'^ eve read part of another Ser- mon of Mr. Flavell's on Rev. 3.20. N. B. Dr. Hawes has brot. me from my son Samuel, Melmoth's Sublime & beatif. Mr. Ripley of Concord is y'' Proprietor. 5. Hear that Mr. Henry Quincy is dead! If .so, I heartily sympathize wath my old Friend, his Father. 6. Elias setts out on Breck's Horse for Cambridge. I gave him to pay his Quarter bills and other Expenses, to be used with the utmost Prudence, Eight hundred Dollars. Mr. W". Knight of Boston, Chandler made me a Visit, 1 Joseph and Benjamin Brigham — married Hannah and Lucy Hardy. 242 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PAKKMAN. SO did Mr. Grosvenor of Grafton, whom, to my Joy, I now hear, speak with much Audibleness and plainness. They dine with me. After dinner, I rode with Mr. Knight in his to Mr. Gale's, and preached there, on Eph. 5.2, those words " As Christ Also hath loved us, «& hath given Himself for us. ' ' Had to my Grief, but a small Company, but it was chiefly occasioned by his aged Mother's long Confinement. 7. Breck goes to Boston rides with Mr. Gale. I wrote to Mrs. P — by my Son : and by him sent my Watch to Mr. Cranch to be mended. In much perplexity about my Cattle which are missing ; nor have they been seen ever since some time Yesterday ; late in y*^ day they are brot home. Am reading The Sublime & Beautiful of Scripture. Mr. Jon" Forbes at Eve. His Heart is Friendly toward me under my Suffering by y*^ depreciations. 5. Tho Things are Dark as to outer Circumstances, yet God is my Refuge. I would beg Grace to hope and trust in Him ! Squire Baker came and invites me to the Raising of a Grist Mill ^ and a Saw Mill. I went. The Company was double, but all supped together at Mr. Rider's. No evil Occurrence befell anyone D. G. In y'^ latter part of y"= Day came Mrs. P from Boston with various Tidings in her Mouth. First y^ joyful y' Sally was 9. Safely delivered, and had been favoured with a com- paratively easy Travel, has a fine fat Dauter, and very like iThe mill which gave the name to the "Old Mill Road." It was the upper mill site on that road. It was built by Rider, who lived in the old house occupied until lately by Mr. John Johnson. The mill has long since disappeared. DIARY OF REV. EBENKZER PARKMAN. 243 to do well. The praise to God for all His Mercys! — But y^ sorrowful news is from y'' Harbour of Cape Anne, that Mrs. Forbes departed on Monday night last, in Child bed. She had been delivered of a Dead Child about two Hours before. A sad loss to my poor Son-in-law ! The Lord sustain him ! and pity y^ Motherless Children, for there are pritty many of them — hope they will all find Mercy! — I am informed y' Mr. W"'. Parkman, Grandson of my Brother, lives in y^ Antient Mansion.^ 10 II. My son Samuel's Chaise being here, Breck rides with me to Northboro' I preached there on II. Cor: 5. i — a Building of God &c. p. m. on Col: 3. 1-2 " Sett your Affections &c ' ' Mr. Whitney here on being saved by Hope. N. B. The Congregation sung without Reading lineally. I baptized Mary, an infant of W"\ & — Brigham. We each of us returned home at evening. Coll. Cushing has been here to raise Recruits here for y'^ Army at New- York. ^ The "Antient Mansion" was on Battery Street, a large, square, wooden house, with the door in the middle. It remained in the possession of Wm. Parkman, and his son, grandson and great- grandson of the same name until about thirty years ago. Then it was sold, and made into a store. For more than a hundred years after the Rev. Ebenezer called it ancient, it stood as it did in his day — with the front door opening at the side on the yard, and the shingles growing blacker, but never putting on the modern fashion of paint. Only five years ago Battery Street was widened, and Mr. Parkman's early home and the home of his "honored mother " gave way to the spirit of improvement. 244 DIARY OF REV. EBEXEZER PARKMAN. 12. Visited Mr. Simeon Bellows, (who was prayed for yesterday. ) being confined by various Disorders. I dind there, prayed with them. Visited at eight of y*^ houses of that Corner, as far as to Mr. Belknaps. Mr. Elijah Brigham and vSophy rid in Sam's Chaise to Hopkinton, Visiting Dr. vStimson. They returned here at night. 13. Wrote to my son Ebenezer at Head Quarters, Morris Town New Jersie. Was at Deac. Woods. N. B. We dis- coursed of y^ late Deac. Tainter's Legacy of fifty pounds^ old tenor, to this Church. 14. I should have depended upon Mr. Grosvenor to preach for me today, but it was too foul weather. I preached myself on Ps : 63. 8 to page 5 and part of y*^ Additions at y bottom continued for several Pages. By Desire of y'^ Deacons y'= church Stopd : The Business was to Consider of Mr. B. Tainter's Note of Hand, by which he is bound, to 1 Dea. Simon Taiuter died in April of 1767, and left by will " unto the First Church of Christ in Westboro' aforesaid, of which I am a member, the sum of Six pounds, thirteen shillings and fourpence." I know of no other Dea. Tainter to whom Mr. Parkman could refer. His son Benjamin was unfortunate financially, selling the farm which his father had deeded to him, a little while before his death, for Continental money, which proved of little value. He went to Vermont, as Mr. Parkman records on the 20th, where he died in 1810. He was taken prisoner by the Indians in 1746, and had many strange experiences among them. " In person he was tall, straight and robust and was rough with the Indians, who liked him the more for it — and during his captivity he became a great favorite with them." DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PAR KM AN. 245 pay y^ Legacy his Father left. Deacon Bond put it to vote, whether they would do anything about that Note? It went negatively, for there was no Hand lifted up that I saw. 15. No certain news yet that Charlestown, South Caro- lina, is taken, but reasons to fear it is, are greatly increased. Sad accounts from y^ West on Mohawk River. May it please God to extend Pity and Compassion to them, as their case may be & fit us in these parts, for His Sovereign Will ! Finish reading Courtney Melmoth's Sublime and beautiful of Scripture. 16. Mr. Abr'". Holland and Miss Crosby visit here. I purchase of him Lord Somers on Government entitled The Judgment of Kins and Nations concerning the Rights &c. of Kings and y^ Rights &c. of y^ People. ' ' I gave Mr. Hol- land for this eminent Book, Mr. Prince's Compendium Logi- cal and 3 Pamphlets besides. Mrs. Snow and Mrs. (wife of W™ ) John.son. The former desires to be propounded for ad- mission &c. Suse goes to her Father's with a view to Wean her child. Further Alarms — more men called for. 17. Capt. Fisher returns from Boston: informs y' two thirds of y^^ people of this State appear to accept of y^ Plan & Form of Government which y'^ Convention had drawn up & recommended : That y'^ Convention is Dissolved ; and y' some very important letters from Congress and from Gen'l Washington had arrived ; & recommended most immediate «& vigorous Exertions in raising men and furnishing Pro- visions for y Army. He also brings a Letter from Elias, who writes that as the Conclusion of all Collegiate Exercises was at 3 o'clock y" afternoon of y" 13"', and no public Performances to be on y"^ 246 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAX. 21"^ as was expected, by reason of y" immense Expense of necessarys there, so there is nothing to hinder his returning home on Monday next &c. 18. Read Ps: 63 preached on Ps : 63. 8. Administered y^ Lord's Supper-Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Davis dind here, p. M. on Ps : 133. 3. 19. Dr. Hawes rides down to Court designing (as I sup- pose) that Elias shall ride up from Cambridge on his 20. The Association was at my, but we were only Three. Mr. Stone and Mr. Whitney. They would main- tain Order and therefore had a Moderator, who prayed and gave an ab.stract of an on Ps. 133. N. B. While we were dining came in Elias from Cambridge. The reason of Mr. vSmith's ab.sence was his very low afflicted State of Body. Perhaps for the same reason his son Bridge, is ab- sent. Mr. Newel Raises an House today, and Mr. Whitney makes Haste back to Northboro' to carry Nails for his. Mr. Sam' Thurston here and was examined. Mr. Benj. Tainter & Sons, with their Wives & Children, Goods &c. move from Westboro' and try to go towards New Fane. 21. Took an Opportunity to reckon with Elias, as to his I found there was so great Alteration of Times, Customs & Charges as was very astonishing — especially considering that no alteration was made by y^ Constable, or y'^ Town as to what is paid to me. Read y'= Life of y^ Celebrated Erasmus in Biogr. Diction- ary. Reced a letter from my Son Forbes dated y'' 6"' con- taining an account of his Wife's Death. I undertook to write him an answer to it — Great Difficulty in raising Men DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 247 for y^ War. Twelve are called for, but 9 obtained ; & yet (I hear) Orders are immediately for twelve more. 22. My wife and Suse ride to her Father'.s and to Capt. Jones's. They bring home Httle Hannah, who was been Weaning. I walked to visit several Neighbours, — was at Mr. Newton's, Parker's, Warrins, Isaac Parkers, (where I drank Tea) Davis's, old Mr. Pratt's. My Kinsman Cover- ing here from y^ Hamlet, & lodged here. 23. N. B. have been in uncommon Surprise at Elias's wanting so large a Sum of Money as was called for to pay his Buttery Bill, which amounts to ^321.6. I gave him 300 Dollars of my own, borrowed of Breck 620, and am obliged to send money for the Degree which must be 30/ hard Money, which at 60 for one (as now y'^ Cu.stom is) comes to 300 Dollars. These I receive of Breck, and offer him 5 Milled Dollars. So y' I now give Elias 1220 Dollars, & he goes to Cambridge to clear off and finish there. Lov- ering goes on his journey to "Westfield. N. B. He gives strange account of several Praeteruatural Births lately, & of y'^ Worms destroying y'' Trees, in his Neighborhood. 24. My son Elias returned home from Cambridge, hav- ing now finished at College, taken up my Bond which I gave to Stew^art Hastings, on Oct. i. 1776. 25. Read Zech 12. Preached on Luke 16, last v. p. m. read Luke 17. repeated and preached on esp : X. 32. which may God graciousl}^ bless ! ^y Request of Selectmen and commanding Officers, I warned the Company of Soldiers to meet tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock. Mr. Elijah Brigham and Mrs. Susan Snow propounded. 248 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAX. 26. The Town met, and y*^ two Companys of Soldiers to raise men to go into the war— 15 to be compleated for six months, and there are orders for 14 for three months. Mas- ter Sam. Brigham and Winslow Maynard (son of y'^ late James Jr. deceased) dind here. N. B. Mr. Gale takes account of y'^ Acres I own in West- boro' viz. ab't 66. 27. vSophy rides to Boston in her Brother Sam''s Chaise. Josiah Brigham goes with her and carrys Suse Parkman to her Father's. N. B. Sent by Sophy a letter to Mr. Forbes, Gloucester. Another to Mr. Thos. Adams' at Medfield, also to Mr. Ripley, his Melmoth on Sublime and Beautiful of Script. Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Sparhawk of Templetonhere, and dines with us. p. m. came Mrs. Sarah Thurston to be examined in order to her joining with y*^ Church. ' Mr. Jo- siah Bowker and his Wife, with Deac. Wood's Wife, make us a Visit, & drink Tea here. 28. The Companys meet again to raise Men. Mr. Thad. Warrin mows part of my Square — but is catched in y" Rain. Two of y^ Selectmen, viz. Mr. Eb"^ Maynard & Mr. Tim Warrin here, to inform me that they are going to call a Town Meeting, and they ask me whether I would have any Thing put in, relative to my Circumstances. I consented that they should. Master Sam Brigham lodges here. 1 Mr. Thomas Adams was remarkable for bis literary proclivities. He was the father of Hannah Adams the anthoress, "the pioneer of feminine culture in America." He was born in 1725 and died in 1812. He kept a Diary of minute events from 1750 till his death, and altogether must have been a very congenial friend to Mr. Park- DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 249 29. I have y^ Comfort to have my square Piece of Grass mowed and the mower, Mr. Warrin dind with us. But y'^ people are in trouble for they cant raise the men that are called for. Viz : 15 for Six months & 14 for three months. They meet again this afternoon. Old Mr. David Maynard & Deac. Wood here. 30. Josiah Brigham returns from Boston & Concord, with little Suse. Thus we finish this month, but with very gloomy and doubtful Apprehensions concerning the Events of the Next. But may a good God Support us ! July 1780 The chief Conversation is about y'^ Men who are to be raised for Six Months, and those which are for three Months, p. M. Mr. Huntington Porter, a young Preacher, was here in his Way from Ward, where he has been preaching, to Hopkinton where he is expected to preach tomorrow. 2. Read Zech. 13. I delivered y^ latter part of Sermon on Luke 17. 32 Mr. Elijah Brigham dind here. p. m. read Ps. 92 and preached on Luke 16 ult. At eve read part of Mr. Flavell's 4"^ Sermon on Rev : 3. 20. 3. Much hindered by both y-^ old and y young Bees swarming. Went to Mr. Warren's to see his Wife, & re- quest him to come and mow my Grass which is dying, but could not succeed. Mr. Z. Hicks does not come for Si.ster Champney as she expected. 4. Notwithstanding it was very rainy, I went to Private Meeting at Mrs. Newton's and preached on Lsa : 64. 9, occa- 250 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. sioned by these unhappy Times. I have writ to my Dauter Baldwin. 5. Breck is gone to Boston. I read Warburton's Notes, on Pope's Essay on ^Nlan. Mr. Thos. Kendal who has been Preaching at Kittery, is returning there again ; but tarrys today, while he is here Mr. Sam Brigham commis- sioned to be a Lieutenant to those that are y^ Militia, and for three months. Desires prayers & a Sermon, in behalf of not only himself, but others that go with him. Old Mr. Dan' Hardy, who went to Brookfield yesterday A. M. re- turns from there today about three p. m. By him came news not only from My Dauter Baldwin, but that she has had Letters of June 15 from her Hu.sband & Br. Eb'. Mr. Zech. Hicks came for his aunt Champney, — lodged here. 6. vSister Lydia Champne}' removes from hence to Sut- ton, both herself and her Goods, — by y*" Assistance of Mr. Zech. Hicks, tho this parting from us is wath no small Regret. At eve I was miserably dull & unfit for any Thing. The little Sleep and Multitude of heavy Cares & Trouble have made me very soggy and incapable of laudable Exertion. 7. But this morning am (thro God's Goodness) in toler- able Plight — had an Opportunity to discourse with Ensign James Miller, who being commonly an Opposer of y*^ Town's Adding to my Salery, I enquired of him the Reasons, & endeavored to obviate them. A.M. Breck returned from Boston . P.M. P^nsign Snow & Wife. She brot her Relation. 8. Four Men came kindly to give a Morning Jobb, & cut DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 25 1 down y^ English & Clover Grass in my West Field. They were Messrs. Thad. Warrin, Paul Lamson, Jon" Pierce & Eb>- Force. They worked till nine o'clock a. m. Mr. Brig- ham brot home Cloth from Clothier Woods, Northboro. 9. Read Zech. 14. Preach a. m. on Gal: 6. 7-8. Mr. Bridge of Worcester, Mr. Jon" Fay, and Lieut, Sam Brig- ham din'd here. p. m. preached on Deut. and addressed y^ Soldiers who sat by themselves. Mr. Brigham and Mrs. Snow were admitted into y^ Church. So was her Husband, who removed from Southboro'. At eve in y'' Family read Flavell on Rev. 3. 20. 10. Town Meet Early to compleat y^ Number of Sol- diers, but they are .so unhappy that they cannot do it. Mr. Jon" Pierce and Isaac Ruggles came to work for me. Elias had spoke to them. They finished y^ Mowing of y'^ West Field, & p. m. went to the Island. Ruggles lodges here. 1 1 . The foresaid Men work here and Mr. Pierce all day at y« Interval. Mrs. P rode over to Capt. Wood's to Enquire into y^ Cause of spoiling a piece of black Cloth. She had no Recompense. Mr. Sam Thurston here about his joining to y*^ Church. 12. P. M. Came Mrs. Thurston and her Mother Har- rington with her to assist her in her Examination. N. B. Mr. Brigham sat out for Boston and going thro Marlboro. I sent Mrs. Speakman's Pope's Essay on Man. A Piece well worth Reading— At eve I visit Capt. John Wood's Wife being in deep Grief for y^ Eoss of their Babe. The mowers here yet. But Elias towards night gives up is sick and goes to bed. 252 DIARV OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 13. Elias lies by wholly: but y'^ hired Men attend to my Work, mowing Raking and Carting — they bring home one Load of Hay. 14. Elia.s is better, and though feeble he Carts Hay. 3 lyoads. Mr. Brigham returns with Sophy, from Boston, late at night. 15. Mr. Pierce does not come to work, but Ruggles comes for the forenoon only. Two load more from the Interval. At ev'g came Mr. Daniel Adams with a Paper which is addressed to y'^ Church, he complains of hard Usage: & is in some warmth with me. I told him I could not lay it before y^ Church tomorrow, because there were various things to be done &c. 16. Read Malachi, Chap. I. & forenoon Exercise was upon y^ beginning of it. N. B. Mr. Brighaju a)id Sophy were published. Capt. Fisher, with leave, read to y*^ Con- gregation, after y'^ Blessing, his very urgent Orders for raising Soldiers. Mrs. Maynard dind. p. M. I preached on Gal VI. 7-8. On account of y*^ Har- vest. At evening I read further Mr. Flavell on Rev. 3. 20. 17. The Militia Soldiers 14. under Lieut. Brigham marched. Mr. Corn. Biglow came to reap my Island Field of Rye. I had conference with Mr. Han. Parker. Elias does not work, but waits upon Miss Lois Burnet, who is here at work on his Coat which is made of y^ Cloth which Mr. Wood of Northboro had dyed black & fulled, lately for us. Toicn Meet, partly to see whether they will do anything DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 253 in regard to my Salary. I sent them a Paper, which was read I hear that they voted thirteen Hundred to make up the Deficiency of y'^ last year. I thank God for thus much. May I have grace to improve it ! 18. Am sadly disappointed of y'' Work which I hoped for. Elias, being not well, can do nothing ; tho everything is pressing and urgent : only he went up the street to speak to Mr. Joseph Smith, who had told me once and again that he would work for me : but is now engaged to Deac. Wood, & Elias fetched me y*" Paper (which the Col. as Town Clerk has) which I sent y*" Town yesterday — and he copy'd it. 19. Many Interruptions and Avocations from my Studys, .so that I can but imperfectly prepare for y'^ Solemnity ap- proaching, but would humbly commit myself, my Way, my Work to God. Elias has been so out of health, that he has not been able for Several days to work. But today he went a while to y- Interval & there being part of a I^oad of Hay in Cock there, he mowes 3 or 4 Cocks, and with my Team he brot it home : and p. M. he went to y^ Island, where Mr. Biglow is reap- ing, and (Mr. Biglow pitching it) Elias brot home a Load of Rye of 12 Shock and 1 Sheaf. N. B. Miss Lois Burnet at work here and part of p. m. her Kinswoman Henrietta with her. Miss Patty Fisk here and dines with us. We are under y'^ Holy Frowns of Heaven, by parching Heat and Dryness. May the God of infinite Pity and Mercy .send Relief to us ! 20. A Day of Humiliation, FASTING and Prayer, on account of the uncommon Distress. Preached a. m. on i. Kings 20.28 last clause and tho I wrote much, and was long 254 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. in y*^ Exercise, yet could not be so particular in Application as I designed, & very much desired. p. m. I delivered some parts of Discourse on Eccl. 8. ii and added Appli- cations, Reproofs, Exhortations & Cautions. When we returned, found ni}' Grandson Isaac Baldwin from Cam- bridge here, going home. He lodged here with us. 21. Was forced to go out and look up Workmen. Capt. Fisher is gone to mowe for me at Middle Meadoic, (or my Interval). Mr. Biglow again reaps, & Elias part of y^ forenoon, p. m. goes to y'^ Interval, to look after y'^ Hay there. When he returns he goes up to y Flock of Sheep. N. B. A Fire prevailed a while in \^ Hill Nigh Wood's Field, but did not much Dammage, tho a dry Time and somewhat Windy. Mrs. Hannah (wife of Mr. Thomas) Andrews here & passes Examination freely, as to knowledge and hopeful Experience. D. G. ■ Paul Biglow comes with Joshua Twitchell & Fortunatus Miller.^ The two latter being Deserters: to see Gen'l Wash- ington's Proclamation of Pardon to such : And P. Biglow would for a large Reward, go in Miller's stead. 22. Three men are mowing at y^ Interval, viz : Capt. Fisher, Mr. Elijah Force (who goes for Mr. Joseph Smith, & he is instead of Mr. Lsaac Parker, who will work for Smith instead of it.) Mr. Thad. Warrin also works A. m, but no longer. Elias brings home a Load of Hay at noon. At Night another, but too late. 1 Fortunatus Miller, about a year after this, married Ebenezer Forbush'.s daughter Patty. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 255 23. Read part of II. Chron. 6 & preached on 6 to 31. on Consideration of y*^ uncommon Dryness of y*^ Weather, p. m. on Gal. 6. 8 former part. N. B. The Church was stayed and I read Mr. Adams' Paper dated July 21. 1780 & signed Daniel Adams. The consideration of it was deferred to y*" Adjournment of y'^ Church Meeting, which is to y^ last Mon- day in August next (God willing. ) N, B. Mr. Brighara & Sophy were published y<= last Time. At eve Read part of Mr. Flavell's 5"' Sermon on Rev. 3. 20. 24. Mr. Biglow comes again to reap. Capt. Fisher works at the Interval partly for me, helping Elias in getting the Hay there read5^ and Elias brings home one Load,- having Deac. Wood's Oxen added to our Team : & Elias carrys one Load of y^ Interval Hay to Capt. Fisher, and at eve he fetches home one Eoad of Rye. Miss Lois Burnet and her Kinswoman (Henrietta ) at work here again on making Cloths for Elias. 25. Mr. Bigelow reaps. Elias with our own Team only, brings home two Load from y^ Interval. Capt. F. helps him somewhat (but his chief work was at Lieut. Bond's). Miss Lois and Henrietta finish for y*^ present. 26. Elias went with our Team, and Breck went with him to load and tho it was but a small Jagg, it was y«= last from y'^ Interval. In all thirteen times, y'^ Team has gone for me, & once for Capt. Fisher, p. m. Elias goes to reaping, for Mr. Biglow reaps but slowly. Mr. Beriah Ware^ here, and 1 Beriah Ware's name appears only ouce in the History of West- borough — as living in 1789 in the Sixth School Squadron, the same one to which Capt. Mayuard belonged. Who he was or what he did, 256 DIARY OF REV. KBENEZER PARKMAN. was in great, singular and distressful trouble, but not so much upon spiritual as temporal accounts. Remarkable un- easiness by reason of a Disappointment &c. &c. This was y'^ more noticeable as y*^ Man is well towards 40 years of age. 27. My Affairs are in a very uncomfortable situation. Mr. Biglow reaps, is too old and feeble to do much — there is a great part of y*^ Field of Rye yet remaining. No body offers to assist, though divers talked of it. The late Grant of the Town was for my present Necessity but y*-' Money cant be raised and paid & a Man or Men provided till y^ Grain & Grass are lost. The Newton Meadow is untouched & no help provided. In this critical Juncture, Elias would fain break off from work and rest himself, intending tomorrow to go to Brookfield and then to Springfield : tho there is no man that can by any means possibly be obtained : When Mr. Biglow finishes y*^ Reaping, there can be nobody to cart it home. Elias reaped part of y'= Day. I walked up to Mr. Warrin's & acquainted him with my present State. He sent his son John. I went to Mr. Kenney, who sent his son Joel —those Boys reaped p. m. Capt. Morse came in to see me. No Hope from him of any Help. Capt. Fisher agrees to go & cut my new Swamp, & he is to allow me as he finds is just. The Drought is become very intense. The Corn suf- fers very much, & all Vegetables. An holy Frown of God ! May we be suitably affected with it, & prepared for y"^ Divine Will! Elias carted home about 11 Shock of R3e at evening. we know not, only that four years later his distressed heart found peace, and he and Hannah Hardy " were Joyned in Marriage" by James Hawes. He lived in Westborough until his death, in 1832. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 257 28. Mr. Bigelow reaps A. M. Elias also. — Breck took a morn-spell at it. Deac. Wood has y^ Oxen part of A. M. Breck has them p. m. He sends them down to meet a Teemer, who is bringing up a Load from Boston. P. M. About a quarter after two o'clock, God was pleased to remember us in Mercy and sent Rain, together with Thun- der and Lightning. To His Name be Glory! Mr. Biglow went home about 4 P. M, & Elias to reaping again. At eve heard that Mr. Abra'" Bond's Barn was burnt by y"^ Lightning. 29. Went in y^ Morning to see y'^ sorrowful Desolations, & sympathise with y*^ Sufferers May y'^ Lord sanctifie y'^ sad Loss to y"' ! Elias goes again to Squire Baker's Pasture to look for y'^ Lamb which he sought for before, but returns empty. 30. I preached on I. Cor: 11-29. Administered, y" Lord's Supper: before which Sam' Thurston and Sarah his wife were admitted into y*^ Church. Mrs. Maynard and Mr. Hazletine dind here. p. m. on Gal: 6.8. At eve read (Breck, his wife &c. attending with us as usual) another part of Mr. Flavell on Rev: 3.20. May God gracioush' accept ! 31. J/j son Elias left iis to go to Springfield, to keep School there. Carrys principal Classicks, expecting to teach Grammer. I wrote a letter to Brother Breck. It is an article which much Affects me. May God Almighty bless him, & make him a Blessing ! Delivered him 170 Dollars. 17 258 diarv of rev. ebenezer parkinian. August 1780. A Message by Mr. Elijah Brigham from Mr. Sumner, to preach his Lecture — borrowed Mr. Ware's Mare to ride there, — made several short Visits in y^ Street — dind at Squire Baker's, but he came not home as was expected. N. B. The Private Meeting was, according to Custom, to have been at his House today, but it was put off because of y*^ Busyness of y'^ Season, & few Hands to do it. 2. Rode to Shrewsbury. Mr. Fairbank came here and was my Company to Mr. Sumner's: where I dind. Preached his Lecture to an extremely thin Auditory. Text Rev: 14, 6-7. After Lecture came Mr. Whitney to Mr. vSumner's House. N. B. Col. Symmes' Widow there also. At eve arose a Thunder Storm. I lodged at Dr. Crosby's. 3. In returning called to see Mr. Joseph Knowlton's Wife, who relapses somewhat to her old state ; visit Mr. Gershom Brigham's Wife, who languishes. I went in to Mr. Sam' Fay's, his wife having been lately much indis- posed — but he treated me with roug/imss. At Deac. Wood's I .saw one Mrs. Abigail Giles, Dauter of Mr. W"'. Jenison, that was of Salem, & widow of Mr. Sam'l Giles., greatly reduced & lame. p. m. Mrs. Hawes, Squire's Dauter, Polly Wood at Tea. N. B. In Biog'r. Diet. X'ariety in Human Life. — Egin- hard's Wife, ( Dauter of Charles the Great) carry'd him on her Back from her Apartment thro y*^ Snow, y' the prents of his Feet might not be discovered ; yet her Father saw them from his Window. Oueen Elizabeth's Life notable for her Wit and Learning, affected Grandeur (S: power, Magnificent DIARY OF RKV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 259 Dress, Entertainment, Amours,— but a secret reason is given by Mezeray why she would not Marry. — Equatius (John- Baptist). This great Man had ahnost a divine Memory: whatever he had read or heard, he could relate by Heart, & in a very agreeable manner. He was born at Venice 1473. 4. Have writ to Mr. Quincy and to Mr. Moore, and committ y^ Letters to Mr. Elijah Brigham, who is going to Boston. 5. I was much interrupted by being obliged to go to the Island to mend Fence, that the Cows might not break in upon Mr. Andrews. Mr. Abr'". Bond was here with his Petition for a Contribution. Mrs. Fay (Mr. John Fay's Wife) came to be examined, but I could spend but a little Time with her. 6. I had partly prepared on Malachi First, but was obliged to lay it aside, and went on considering y'^ Harvest Season, with my Repetitions, with additions and alterations of Sermon on Gal. 6. 7-8. a & p. m. and finished y" Subject. May God be plea.sed to add his special Ble.ssing ! I read Bond's Petition for Contribution. Mrs. Maynard dind here. At eve read in Mr. Flavell on Rev : 3.20 7. Was anxious about Breck's, which Elias rode to Springfield, and is not come back : but before noon came young Joshua Johnson of Bolton, who returning from his 3 years Warfare rode Horse from Springfield hither, thereby .saving Charge, and brot a Letter from Elias, who has taken y*^ School there, for a year upon settled pay to his Satisfac- tion. Thanks be to God for y'= Favour. 8. Mr. Sam' Crosby (young preacher) dind here. 26o DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. P. M. Mrs. Giles spent y'^ P. M. here & drank Tea with us. At eve, Eben' Chamberlain jun' full of earnest Conversa- tion about Sallery. 9. Extracts from Biog'r. Dict'>'. 10. Messrs. Motla}^ Ezek Savage, preachers, and one Mr. Pearson of Newbury, made me a Visit, dind &c. 11. Mrs. Mehitable Fay (wife of John) here with her Relation, which I corrected and copy'd. Josiah Brioham cauic to Brcck again to live with him. The}- clear y^ lower Well. 12. Mr. John Fay was examined — left a Relation to be corrected & transcribed. He dines here. 13. Preached on Malachi: Ch. I. V 6-9. p. m. previous to a Contribution for Mr. Abr'". Bond,' I preached again on John, 4.10. At eve read Flavell on Rev. 3.20. Serm. 6. 14. Rode over to Mr. Beeton's to visit old Mrs. Kelly and prayed with her, of which she said she mis.sed but little. Her Conversation generally sp'. and savoury. John Beeton's Wife is greatly recovered from her Lameness. 15. Tho it was a very hot Day, I rode to Southboro, hoping to meet y*" other Brethren who would associate there — but no other Members came. We nevertheless improved y" Opportunity in Prayer (S: attendance on a Discourse Mr. Stone read on Gal, and I read an Extract from Cicero on Old Age. Ch: XIX. ^ "A contril)ution for Mr. Abraham Bond, when were gathered 593X Dollars, and thirteen notes of Grain, Labour and other things necessary and usefnll. His Barn was l)urne(l by Lightning Friday July 28th last." — Church Records. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 26 1. Mr. Stone has lately been exercised with the Gravel, and particularly last Lord's Day. p. m. did not go to Meeting, but is somewhat better. I returned at eve. Mr. Elijah here dc die in diem. His Brother Josiah is gone to Medway in order to Miss Eliz. Beal's Return to Westboro' again. 16. Benj. Wood and his Brother John came here to be set to work. I employed Benj. in mowing in my Newton Meadow. John hoed a little with Billy Spring in Beeton Field — It was but of trifling Value. P. M. Ben mowed a while, and y^ lesser Boy reaped and cocked — but they were all beat off by Rain, Thunder & Lightening. 17. Sent by Breck to Mr. Stone's for Notes y' I inad- vertently left there. Breck goes before Day, designing for Boston. 18. Mrs. P. out of Health. Dr. Hawes to see her. 19. Breck returned from Boston — he brot me a large let- ter from Mr. Quincy, who since Y Death of his Son Henry is moved to Boston, and for y^ present lives with his Dauter- in-law, who (with her children) dwells in William's Court. ^ This Week was filled with Encumbrance. 20. Read a. m. y*^ Latter part of Joh. 4, and repeated y*^ latter part of on V. 16. At noon, Breck and his Family, Mr. Brigham and his Sister Anna, Mrs. Maynard, Isaac and Luke Baldwin (who came from Shrewsbury this ^Williams Court still appears on the maps of Boston under the same name, althouo^h familiarly known as Pie Alley. It is not the place that the Ouincys would now select for their home. It is usually crowded with hungry newsboys, seeking a five-cent dinner, with an 262 DIAKY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. morn) dind with us. p. m. did not read before it but preached on Isa : 55. lo-ii p. 191 to y'^ bot. of p 202. N. B. baptized Six Children of Mr. Sam'l Thur.ston. At eve read in my Family part of Mr. Flavell's sixth Sermon on Rev: 3. 20. Rec'd a I^etter from Mr. Forbes of Gloucester. Mrs. P. is so indisposed that she has been but little at Meeting for a great while: could not go today: is sick, faint, and weak. The Child also has been not well, for some days. 21. My young Baldwins take leave for Cambridge & By field. 22. A very dr)' hot Season. After a great deal of Pains and Trouble, Benj. Woods, who tho but a Youth, works well and with y"^ Help of Josiah Brigham, a few Hours, they get in y" last of my Newton Meadow Hay. I have been employed in making Extracts from the Biog'r. Diet. 23. I am too much taken up with my Farm Affairs, particularly to have my Fences repaired, that my Cattle may have Feed, and cant attend much to my Studys. Mr. John Fay and Mr. Thad Warrin are employed. 24. Mrs. Nabby Martyn is at work here for Suse. I attended y*^ Burial of Mr. Abijah Gale's Child, Sarah, of more than four months, it dyed somewhat suddenly. I called to see Mr. Eben' Forbes, who (and his Wife) had occasional hungry lawyer hurrying through their midst for a more expensive lunch at Young's. It is entered now, as in Mr. Ouincy's da)^ under an archway on Washington Street, between School and Court streets. In the first quarter of this century a residence in Williams Court was considered much more aristocratic than on Beacon Street, which was too far out in the country. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 263 been sick. Visit also y" old Folks. Mr. John Fay, with his Relation here, and signs it. 25. Mrs. Persis Adams here and prays y^ Church Meet- ing (to be otherwise next Monday) may be adjourned to some future time, inasmuch as she cannot get ready. N. B. Breck & Suse with little Hannah go to Col. Brigham's, at eve, to lodge there, in their way to Ashburn- ham «& Marlboro'. 26. Breck and Suse, leaving their little Girl, at North- boro' proceed on their Journey. Mr. Daniel Adams came here to enquire whether any Complaint against him, was lodged here. There was none. 27. Read Ps. 104. preached on Mai. i. 9. 10. 11. and p. M. on Isa. 55. V. II "So shall my Word be " &c. Three persons taken into y^ Church. The Church Meeting was adjourned. x\t eve, I read further in Mr. Flavells, Eng- land's Duty on Rev. 3. 20. 28. On Deac. Wood's Horse I rode to Mr. Gershom Brigham's to .see his Wife, who is dangerously ill. The State of her Soul deplorable as well as her Body. She was very sorry y^ she had neglected y^ I^ord's Supper. She was in much Confusion. I prayed with her and y^ Family. I dind there. Thence went to visit y'^ North West Corner of y^ Town, Messrs. Gleason's, Joh" Maynard's, & Sam' Riders, Mr. Thomas Lamson's (on Edmund Rice's place) old Mr. James Maynard, & his son Amasa's. 29. An uncommonly burning Season, hot Sun & drying Wind.s — so y^ y^ Droughth is much increased. 30. Exceedingl}' taken up with y*^ Creatures breaches for 264 DIARY OF RKV. EBEXEZER PARKMAN. want of Feed — especially my Oxen — Mr. Belknap and his wife here. p. M. Mr. David Andrews of Northboro" here to reqviest me to visit his little son extremely bad (Mr. Whitney being gone to Northboro') I went, pra^^ed &c — 31. Mr. Gershom Brigham brings his Wife's Earnest Desire y^ I would visit her again «& preach a Sermon there today. I complyed — delivered a short Discourse (as I could ) from several passages in Isa. 55. " hear and your Soul shall live." May God bless what was delivered ! Mrs. Br. is brot very low. At eve found Sophy ill. vShe has taken physick : Mr. Elijah Brigham with her. September 1780 Breck and Suse return home having been to visit their Brothers Gushing, Levi Brigham & Alexander. Capt. Goddard of Sutton calls at Breck's Shop «& relates, That y*^ Scholars at College (from whence he was come) had so generally signed a petition y'. Pres. Langdon might be dismissed, that he himself had asked a Dismission and that it was granted him. Whence this has arisen, I know not. 2. Sophy has been poorly several days. 3. Read Ps. 105. preached on Isa: 55. 12. Mrs. May- nard dind here. p. m. preached on Exodus 18.21 on Con- sideration of y-' Election of y'^ Morrow : and therefore added a new introduction and application, to what I heretofore prepared on that text. But it being rainy there were but few to hear it. At eve, Mr. P'lavell on Rev. 3. 20. Breck read. Mr. Brigham here 4. Deacon Wood in no small Trouble on account of his DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 265 Wife's Difference with his son John and his Wife, who have had grievous Contentions and Threatening to complain to y*" Grand Jur}^ tomorrow. p. M. Y^ Grand Meeting of y^ Town to choose a Gov- ernor, Lt. Governor, & Senators ; Mr. Batherick & Lieut. Grout came with a Message from y^ Town to desire me to go and open y*" Meeting with Prayer — went and prayed — the Chairman of y*^ Selectmen prevented my going out by asking me to tarry and sit with ym. The hon. Mr. John Hancock was elected Governor by sixty-one votes. There was one vote only besides, which was (mine) for Mr. James Bowdoin.^ Votes for Lieut. Governor were for Hon. James Warrin, out of 55, 50. I voted for Mr. Bowdoin The meeting was adjourned to Wedne.sday, 4 p m. 5. By Deac. Wood's Desire, I went in y"= Morning to his House, with Capt. Joseph Wood of Hopkinton & Mr. Thos. Wood of Brookfield. Deacon's W^ife asked me to go alone with her, and manifested a penitent Frame : desired me to go into her son's Room, and talk with him and his Wife, which I did. then met together and through y"^ Good- ness of God, we brot each of y^ Party s to Condescentions, mutual acknowledgment, and asking forgiveness & promises 1 Hancock was the son-in-law of Mr. Parkman's old friend, Mr. Quincy. James Bowdoin had been very forward during the Revo- lutionary disturbances in opposition to the royal governor, he had been president in 1775 of the council of Government and also pres- ident of the convention assembled for the formation of a constitu- tion. He succeeded Hancock as governor of Massachusetts. Bow- doin College was named for him, by his son who gave lavishly to it. It was not founded until after James Bowdoin's death, who left a legacy to Harvard College. 266 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. of Reformation. The Deacon desired me to pray and give thanks to God. Whereupon we all parted in Peace and Joy. Glory be to God alone ! Josiah Brigham goes to Bos- ton. Mr. Gleason came and informed y' Mr. Gershom Brig- ham's Wife dyed this morning: and y'= Survivors desire me to attend y'= Funeral next Thursday-. 6. Mr. Grosvenor came, dind and preached. Text was Gal : 6.7, latter clause. His voice not only audible, but sono- rous, but especially y'^ Matter good, and y'^ Manner agreea- ble. After Meeting y'^ Church .stopped to receive the Answer of y'^ two elected Deacons. The Doctor delivered a paper in which he acquiesced in y'^ Choice if there was no Objection, & if y*" Choice was unanimous ; otherwise he refu.sed. The vote was then tried (though y*" members present were but few) upon which there was ever)- Hand, and he was declared a Deacon of this Church. Mr. Child's answer was verbal, and still refused and y^ Meeting ended. Then came on y'^^ Town Meeting by adjournment, and they elected five Counsellors for this County. My .son Alexander and his Wife and young Child came (S: lodged here. Mr. Elijah Brigham privately spoke to me of his joining in Trade with Breck & would be glad to live here this winter. But I could not determine. 7. I rode one of Alexander's Horses to y Funeral of Mrs. Brigham (wife of Mr. Gershom) & prayed there. When I returned, here was Mr. W". Spring from Brimfield. He brot a suit of Clothes for his son Billy. He dind with us, as did Mr. Elijah Brigham (who keeps Shop for Breck). Sister Cushing and ]\Ir. Daniel Goddard's wife dind here also, but DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 267 she rode to Col. Brigham's and lodged there; y*^ here. 8. Mr. Spring changes his volume of Rojal Magazines, viz : Some parts of Vol. I and Vol. II. bound together, but many numbers missing for Osterval's Causes of y^ present Corruption. Mrs. Cushing, Alix and his Wife, dine with us, but p. m. they all leave us, t^ Billy Spring goes home for a while with his Father. 9. My Circumstances are somewhat singular — the Diffi- cultys thence arising, not a few. I made some preparations, but did not near perfect them — and I have entered upon such Repetitions as I think I had best go on with— correct- ing and amending as I review them. 10. It being Sacrament Day, I (after reading Ps. 106 former part to verse 25) went on with my Discourse on i. Cor: II. 27-29 first part. I administered y^ Ordinance— the new Deacon Hawes officiating, without any special Ceremony as to his Induction. N. B. Deacon Dolliber of Marblehead, Mrs. Barrett & Mr. Stephen Stimson of Hop- kinton were present. Mr. Barrett and his Wife dind here, p. M. preached on Isa: 55. 12 to ye End of page 225. At eve read part of Mr. Flavell's seventh Sermon on Rev: 3. 20. 1 1 . This Day begins y^ 44th year since my Marriage with Mrs. P May God be praised for His great Good- ness ! May all our Sins throughout all Years, espe- pecially y^ last, be freely forgiven ! May we both of us be sp'ly Espoused, & mystically united to Jesus Christ, and 268 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. may God grant us Grace to discharge y'= Dutys incumbent on us in the Conjugal Connexion ! — I dind at Mr. Graves's with Deacon Dolliber, Alexander and his Wife, with their Child, from Framingham and lodge here. [Note in pencil. Married Sept. ii. 1737, he being 34 years old, minus 5 days — see next page.] 12. Sent a Letter to Mr. Buckminster of Medvvay by Sq' Singleterry^ of Sutton. My son Alex, wife and child p. M. undertake their Journey home. Messrs. Elijah and Moses Brigham dind here. p. m. Mr. Sumner came to see us, 13. Rode to Mr. Abr'". Bond's : gave him a book, as ray Contribution to him under y«= Frown of Heaven. N, B. A number of Neighbors are at work in framing a Barn for him. I visited other Neighbours thereabout, and dind at Mr.'s. p. M. at Mr. Hananiah Parker's. ^ Squire Singleterry, from whom the poud iu Sutton derived its name, was the first male child born in Sutton. He never attended school, but through his own persistent improvement of every opportunity which came to him, he became one of Sutton's most prominent men, and served for many years in the Legislature, be- sides holding other important offices. An anecdote is related of him which shows his character, by Rev. Geo. Allen, of Worcester, who knew him well. " During a season of revival iu the north parish, Mr. Samuel Waters, a manufacturer of hoes in what is now Millbury, being under concern of mind, and seeing Mr. Singleterry approaching, rushed out of his shop and called out, ' O Squire ! ( ) vSquire ! What shall I do to be saved ? ' The Squire scarcely stopped the horse he was riding as he replied, ' Put more steel in vour hoes ! ' " DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 269 14. With some difficulty as to an Horse I rode to Graf- ton and dind at Mr. Grosvenor's, and preached his Lecture in his House on Mat : 17.4. May God grant His Blessing ! I returned home safe at eve. N. B. A. Mellancholy story is current of Gen' Gates being defeated in y<= South. The particulars are not yet known. N. B. One Sibly is sent to Jayl at Worcester under vSuspicion of Murthering an In- fant. 15. On Consideration of my finishing my seventy-seventh year, I was much employed in Retrospections, Humiliations, and Supplications. May y^ Lord graciously accept of my imperfect Petitions, pardoning &c. thro' Jesus Christ. Mr. Peter Whitney here and Mr. Daniel Adams jun'''^ Wife also is examined. 16. This Day I begin my 78"' year. Thanks be to God, who hath sustained me ! I still continue a Monument of his sparing Mercy and Goodness. To His Name be all Praise and Glory ! See Natilitia^— Mrs. P being very much out of Health rode to Dr. Crosby's At eve came my Dauter Cushing from Ashburnham. Mr. Fitch, wife and Dauter from Connecticut, & p. m. Mrs. Dolly Rice. i"i78o Sept. 5. O. S. Westb. pro Natalitiias. I have passed such a year as I never saw before. The as- pects in Divine Providence have been very changing. Several times exceeding gloomy, particularly on account of the Successes of the british Forces especially in taking Charlestown in South Caroline and ye Ravages of y^ Salvages in yt Western and Northwestern Parts. Besides which this year has been very remarkable with me and my Family on ye Acct. of Labour on My Grounds, inasmuch 270 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAX. 17. Read Ps. 23 »S: 24, and on Consideration of my begin- ning a new year of my Life, I preached on Ps. 23.6, and P. M. on Isa : 55.12 and may y'^ great End and Design hereof be answered. At eve read again in Mr. Flavell- Neither my Wife nor Dauter Gushing were well enough to go to Meeting, either part of y' Day. 18. Wrote to Dr. Cro.sby, by his son John. My Wife being no better. At eve came my son Forbes, but from Dedham, where he had preached yesterday — .brot with one of his Sons-in-law, Joseph Saunders, about 8 years old. They lodge. 19. Mr. Forbes and little Boy left us to go to Brookfield. Dr. Cro.sby here to see Mrs. P . p. m. She grows very as not hiring a man to work statedly for me, I was forced to forego many Benefits, from ye Produce of my Land, and was obliged to run into Debt for ye unavoidable Work done. But God has upheld and preserved me and mine nevertheless unto this Day. For which I would heartil}- praise and bless His glorious Name;, and desire still to commit Myself and Mine to Him for vSulisistence, Protection and Supplys. But in peculiar implore divine Grace to furnish me for Christian and ministerial Duty and assist me in yi^^ right dis- charge of it. Will God be graciously pleased to remember my dear son Eben- ezer under all ye Hardships and Tryals of his Warfare ; and pro- vide for his Family in his Absence ! Make him useful in his place at Fish Kill and grant him in due time a Safe Return ! — May God mercifully regard ye severall states and conditions of ye rest of my Children particularly Alexander at his distance and under his difficulties; and Elias in his Youth and vSettiug-out in the world yt God might be his Guardian ^S: ijuicken him to ye due improvement of his Time and Talents ! " DIARY OF REV. EBKNEZER PARKMAN. 27 1 sick, but it may be owing to some Pills which y'^ Doctor gave her. At eve, she continues ill and goes to bed. Mr. Gushing comes from y^ Cape, having been to see his Sister Stone at Yarmouth, & came back thro Rochester, Wrentham, & Sherbourn. 20. Mr. Gushing last evening brot me from Mr. Moore, Shuckford's Condition vol. i. He also, having been with various Gentlemen in his Journey, discovers to me some of y^ probable Reasons of y*^ Dismission of Pres lyangdon. Mrs. P. somewhat better — Thanks to God for y^ Favour of Heaven to us ! p. m. Mrs. Fisk of Brookfield & her son (who belongs to College ) dind here. My son W". his Wife and Child John, came up from Concord unexpectedly. After- wards my Son Sam' and his Wife with their Baby, Sukey, came from Boston. They all lodged here. N. B. Mr. Brigham asked me whether it would suit me to have the Marriage of my Dauter to him to be tomorrow ? I asked him, where he intended to live? he repl5'ed " Here, if I should like it. " I answered that I was willing to do what was in my Power for him. Sent my Complements to his Father and Mother, & Request they would come — likewise his Brothers and Sisters. He acquainted me with his Desire to wait on Squire Baker and his I^ady with his Invitations to y^ Wedding, also y'= two eldest Dauters. To which I con- sented. My Dauter Cushing rode to Capt. Maynard's to invite him and his Wife. The Return was that Mrs. May- nard was confined with illness. 21. Mrs. P. I hope is better. Sophy has unhappily a good deal of a cough. I had a most agreeable sight of ni}- children & their Consorts at Dinner, viz: W'" and Lydia, 272 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. Mr. Gushing and Sarah, Breck and Suse, Sam^ and Sail}-, & Mr. Brigham with Sophy. To God be Praise and Glory ! CI.IJAH URIC.HAM. Towards evening according to Invitation, Jo.seph Baker E.sq. and Lady, Mr. Winslow Brigham and Miss Alice Gushing of Shrewsbury, Mr. Hazzletine and Miss Mindwell Brigham, Master Fisk and Miss Anna Brigham, and Mr. Josiah Brigham came to wait on y" Solemnity of the Mar- riage of Mr. Elijah Brigham to my Dauter Anna Sophia, DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 273 which was performed, and after y'^ Covenant, Mr. Gushing prayed. Mrs. P. was not able to attend with us. N. B. I began to write Mr. Quincy. 22. My son W™. and his Wife sat out earl}' for Concord. Mr. Cushing and his Wife when y*^ Day got up, for Shrewsbury. Dr. Crosby to see Mrs. P. p. m. Sam and Breck with their Wives wait on y^ Bridegroom and Bride, to Coll. Brighams. Mrs. P. has had a poor Day. At eve came Mr. Forbes and his little Boy, Jo Saunders. Mr. F. delivers me a letter from Col. Baldwin to his wife, containing an account of General Gates's Defeat. An extract from it I send to Mr. Quincy Mr. Forbes goes to see his Sister, y*^ Widow of his Brother Daniel. N. B. My Flax is spread — a large piece. 23. My son Sam' and his Wife & Child left us. Sent my Letter by him to Mr. Quincy. Mr. Forbes came and I delivered him his first volume of Robin.son's Hist, of Scot- land. He and his Joseph Saunders left us to go to Concord. At eve came Mr. Grosvenor, requesting & expecting I would preach for him tomorrow. But I had engaged to preach at Northboro. He lodged here. N. B. Mrs. Persis Adams was here to acquaint me that she could not be ready for y^ Church Meeting next tuesday & prays it may be further adjourned to y^ 2"^ Thursday in November. 24. Mr. Grosvenor to Northboro'. I rode to Grafton and preached on i Chron. 29. 15. a & p. m. Returned home at eve. Mr. Whitney preached here on Roms. 3. 7. 8. 274 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. A & P. M. At Dinner were Doct. Crosby, & Mrs. IMaynard. N. B. Mr. Whitney read to y'^ Church a paper from me acquainting y^ Brethern with Mrs. Adams' Request : and there was no Objection, so that y^ Meeting of y'^ Church was adjourned to y^ time she desired. 25. Breck is roused by an Information that one Wilhams who is Debtor to him in a considerable sum is seized and put into Jail. My son is gone to his House in N. Shrews- bury. I read Shuckford's Connection Vol. i. But I am sorry to see my Husbandry fast asleep, no body at work for me, though ni}' apples are rotting and wasting, and Flax seed on stry,(?) unwinnowed on y^ Barn Floor. Mr. Dan'l Adams, Ben. Tainter, Levi Warrin complain of y^ adjournment : came here, but nothing could be done. Mrs. P. something more comfortable. D. Gratis ! 26. Am obliged to go frequently to Mr. Thad. Warrin's for Help, and today in particular, he left his own Bu.siness and came to mine. 27. I obtained of My Neighbor Newton to send his Boys, John and Stephen to pick Apples and carry a Load, with Barrells to make Cyder at Mr. Frost's Mill. p M. Mr. Zebulon Rice and his Wife of Brookfield came to see us : and drank Tea here. 28. Dr. Crosby came to desire me to befriend Mr. David Brigham of Shrewsbury, and attend y'' Funeral of his little son David who dyed suddenlj-^ of Worms Al" 3. I went with y^ Doctor and dind at his House, p. m. to Mr. Brigham' s and prayed and discoursed with y'^ Assem- bly : but I went not up to y'^ Interment. In returning I DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 275 went into Mr. Coas's & Sibley's— at Mr. Noah Hardy's (where I was regaled with Tea &c. went to Mr. Isaac Park- ers &c. Mrs. P — somewhat better. Breck to Boston. N. B. The Dr. brot me No's i to 4 of y^ Rise & Progress of y^ American War. 29. Wrote to My Dauter Baldwin with my returning her Husband's Letter concerning Gen'l Gates' Defeat & Flight. Sent y'" by Lt. Joseph Bond. Mr. Daniel Adams jr. here with his Wife's Relation : but carryed it back again. 30. Mrs. Adams herself with her Relation tran-and subscribed. Mrs. P. — is exercised still with her distressed stomach, but not in so terrible a Degree. Mr. Thad Warrin very kind in coming to take Care about getting home my Cyder from Mr. Thos. Frost's. When his son John brot it, Josiah Brigham unloaded, and got it down to place in y*^ Cellar. October ij8o Did not read publickly. preached on Mai. i. ir. p m. repeat Sermon on Isaiah 55. 13. Admitted Mrs. El. Adams. At eve read Mr. Flavell's Serm. 7 on Rev. 3.20. N. B. To my sorrow, my Oxen have been breachy at Mr. Isaac Parker's and let in Cattle with y'", into his Corn- field. 2. I rode to a number of Familys in y^ South viz. Capt. Morse's : Lieut, and Ensign Warrin' s : Mr. Elisha Forbes, where I dind, and he was very generous in a number of presents. I went also to y^ Widow Forbes's, where I had opportunity to see old Miss Stone, was also at Mr. Phin. Hardj-'s, but could find no Body there. 276 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. N. B. Lt. Warrin kindly sent his young Man at eve, for two of my Calves to pasture y'" till weaned. 3. I preached at Squire Baker's on Ezek. 20. 11. May it please God to accompany it with His Special Blessing ! May we have Grace to keep God's vStatutes & Judgments, which we ought to be thankful God has given us. Since if a man do y'" he shall even live in them. Squire got home from Boston at abt 3. yet sat out at Charlestown 25 minutes after 9 a. m. 4. Mr. Nathan Maynard came with a 3^oke of Oxen, Dr. Hawes' Oxen & my own, having Squire's Plough, & Mr. Joseph Harrington's Lad, namely Aaron Miller & Capt. Wood's son Benj. to drive and they plowed part of my West Field & left it in a broken condition. 5. A Storm of Rain. Read and Progress of War. 6. Dauter Baldwin sends me a packet of L,etters — one from Col. to her: 3 of Eben'' to her, which show him to have been in a distressed, disconsolate and now in a sick and weak Condition. I wrote a Letter to him. though I am not sure how I .shall send it. I am much perplexed and disap- pointed about getting my West Field ( y*^ rest of what I proposed) plowed. 7. Intended to have gone to Shrewsbury, but rec'd a Line from Mr. Sumner neg. & recommending tomorrow come sennight. I took great pains to get another Day's plowing done, but it was all in vain, neither could I find time to prepare any New Discourse for tomorrow. 8. Went on with reading in y^ Psalms — read Ps. 106 to 24. And I proceeded in Repetition of Sermon on Isa. 55. 13 A & p. M to page 251. which may God bless to our High- est Good! DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 277 Rec'd a Letter from Master Nathan Fisk jun"^ of H. C. and another from Mr. Quincy. At eve Breck &c. came, and he read another part of Mr. Flavell on Rev. 3. 20. 9. Jon" Frost with my Oxen, Oliver Death with two yoke of Oxen from Squire Baker's, and Joel Kenney to help to driving, plowed in y"^ West Field. 10. Hear much of Beai's — One is killed by Capt. Jonas Brigham, & others. — weighed 300. I dind at Capt, Brig- ham's, I visit at Col. Brigham's. p. m. Mr. Eb"^ Forbush conducted me to y^ thick Swamp, where is y'= hideous Dwell- ing of Jacob Garfield,^ and I went in, tho with Difficulty, to see it. Garfield himself led my Horse out, & I visited at Mr. Tim. Warrin's — but my principal visit was to Mr. Daniel Stock well's young Child, which was sick — I prayed with it — and then went to y^ poor at y^ Work House : At my return home was informed that Mr. Fitch of Hop- kinton had been here, & brot home Dr. Stillingfleet's Orig, Sacrae. 11. I am obliged to take unspeakable Pains to get a very little work done — have obtained Mr. Thad. Warrin to thrash a little Rye to Sowe, and he winnows it — 2 bushels &. Mr. Langton called here. 12. In y^ Morning, Mr. Brigham and Sophy sat out for Rochester. I have writ by them to Mr. Moore, to Mr. Fitch and to Mr. Thos. Adams. Catechized at y'^ Meeting House. , had but 28 Boys. p. m had 34 Girls. And may God gra- ciously accompany y«^ Influence and Warning with His spe- cial Blessing ! 1 There is an island in the swamp still known as Garfield's Island, and a cellar-hole marks the site of this " hideous dwelling." 278 DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. Mr. TI10.S. Lamson here, to thrash today, but cannot ob- tain any more. 13. I attended y^ Funeral of Mr. Stockwell's Infant & prayed. The Town met to choose a Representative for y'^ first Assembly of y^ New Government. Mr. John Harring- ton at eve, & pays all he was to collect. 14. Mr. Eb'' Maynard very kind in sowing & harrowing, both yesterday till afternoon and today a. m. with his son and yoke of Oxen. He did it gratis. Deac. Wood is in a sad Contest with one Chafej^ who with his Wife & Child, boarded several months there, but refuses to pay him for it. I rode to Mr. Sumner's and lodged. 15. I preached at Shrewbury. A. M. on Jer: 8. 20 — p m on Job. 31. 24 young Mr. Crosby prayed publickly. p. m. I appointed y* Communion and L,ecture there, and returned home at evening. Mr. Sumner rode to Westboro' in y^ Morning. Preached for me A. & p. m on i Pet: 2. 21. last clause — " left us an example &c." He baptized two Chil- dren, viz: Polly and Sam' Hall of Dan' Jr. and Elizabeth Adams. Mr. Sumner returned at eve. Col. Wheelock is come home. 16. Mr. Kenney refuses to husk my Corn, tho I con- ceived he took my Field to y^ halves as Dr. Hawes did, who took y^ whole care of husking 5^^ Corn, & carrying it into the Corn Barn. However, we came to an agreement. I told him he should ask y*^ Neighbors to assist, in an after- noon, and tho I would not make an Entertainment, yet I would give y"^ some Drink. DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. 279 17. I rode to East Sudbury to Minister's Meeting, at Mr. Smiths. (So it is called, tho at Mr. Bridge's House). Only Mr. Whitney absent. Mr. Smith very full of pain &c and P was Moderator & prayed. A Committee from Marlborough, about a Fast there, Another Committee from Bolton, with new Difficulties there. Before we broke up, Mr. Newell prayed. Next Meeting to be next April at y^ same place. I went to my son William's where all was well, and I lodged there in comfort and Health D. G. 18. I payd W". an hundred Dollars for so much sent to Elias, last Winter, & he paid me Six Silver Dollars which I lent him some time ago. I returned to Westboro. On my way, dind at Col. Weeks' in Marlboro. Proceeded to Mr. Elizur Holyoke's, a joiner at Col. W"^— Col. Brig- ham's, & at Mr. Francis Barns' s. 19. Mr. Kenney brot from y^ North Field my part of y^ Corn, and a number of Neighbors husked it out. Breck was very generous in treating y^ Huskers with Eiquor. Mr. Stephen Johnson and his Wife, from Lyne and their son Eliot of Watertown, with his new Wife, Mr. Johnson's Dauter, all lodged here. 20. The Company leave us expecting to meet a number of Watertown people at Westown to dine there. Mr. Sam' Crosby preached my I^ecture on Luke 2. 11,12. After Lecture, Messrs. Hazletine and Fisk here at Tea &c. 21. 22. I preached a. m. on Mat. 26. 21-22 to p. 3. Admin- istered y'^ Sacrament. Mrs. Maynard at dinner, p m. on 28o DIARY OF REV. EBENEZER PARKMAN. Rev. 5.5. At eve Mr. Brigham read another part of Mr. Flavell's Sermon 7 on Rev. 3. 20. 23. The Widow Hill's little Son, Silas, of about 4 years old, very bad. I visited and prayed with him. After much Anxiety and Trouble, Capt. Wood's two sons work for me in my small Ingathering, Apples and Potatoes. 24. The}' come again and finish Beeton field and Orchard. Rev. Mr. L^amson, returning from Connecticut, calls here & Ben Wood goes with my few Apples & Barrells at even- ing to Mr. Frost's. Breck cut his Foot with an Ax. 25. We esteem this y^ Da}^ of y^ Commencement of y^ honorable Revolution. The Ne7(' Constitution of Government now begins The Election of Governor &c. It is exceedingly to be desired and prayed for, y* y^ minds of y*^ People were properly affected with the great Impor- tance of this so unexampled Time ! direct y*^ weighty Affairs of it and grant an happy Issue to His Glory and y'^ Public Weal ! — 26. I have been so much disappointed by those I have spoke to to work for me y* I am forced to improve Capt. Woods' two Boys 27. to plow for me. We try the new Horse my son Alexander sent me, & with my Oxen I have a sufficient Team for splitting (?) and harrowing in Rye. Mr. Brigham has returned I visit and prayed with little Silas. 28. Lieut. Levi Warrin brot me a Barrell of Cyder, p. M. I rode to Hopkinton 300. o. o nigh ye Same J Eight Acres of Interval (so-called) 80. The Island (so-called) & 4 acres adjoining 50. The Newton Meadow (so called) 6. Pine Lot (so called) 34- About 5 acres of Swamp — 8. About 7 acres Cedar Swamp — 7. I685. 4- II Westborough, June 20, 1783 James Crosby \ Joseph Baker - Apprizers. Stephen Maynard J LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Parkman Coat-of-arms. Flaggon and Baptism Bason, Dea. Tainter's House, . Old Cook House, Sam'i, Forbush House, . Hannah Breck's Wedding Slippers, Wigwam Tree, House of Rev. Isaac Burr, . Paul Dudley, .... Hugh Henderson, broadside, The Parsonage, The Arcade Harvard College, . Breck Parkman, Breck Parkman's Shop, Stephen Maynard House, Stephen Maynard Chimney, Gale Tavern, . Lieut. Forbush House, Forbes Homestead, Joseph Sumner, Peter Whitney, Sumner Houses, Sam'l Parkman, Page Frontispiece VII 12 i6 17 22 24 31 33 46 50 53 56 60 61 63 65 69 73 87 88 90 95 100 302 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. First Davis House, Madam Hannah Parkman, Thos. Whitney House, Eli Whitney House, Judge Edmund Quincy, Gershom Brigham House, Haskell House, Elias' Table, A Parkman Sermon, Peter Whitney's House, Elijah Brigham, Parkman Graves, 142 153 154 174 193 202 209 217 238 272 296 INDEX. Abercrombie, Robert, 56. Abington, 161. Acock, Wm., 79. Adams, Daniel, 135, 163, 164, 165, 166, 176, 177, 178, 184, 225, 230, 235- 239. 252, 255, 263, 274, 283. Adams, Daniel, Jr., 269, 275, 278. Adams, Eliphalet, 92. Adams, Elizabeth, 277, 278. Adams, Hannah, 248. Adams, Persis, 167, 173, 187, 230, 234, 239, 263, 273, 283. Adams, Peter, 92. Adams, Polly, 278. Adams, Sam. H., 278. Adams, Thos., 137, 140, 147, 233, 248, 277, 291. Alexander, Caleb, 113, 114, 181. Allen, Eben'r, 149. Amsden, Abrm., 28. Amsden, Joseph, 28. Andover, 115. Andrews, Benj., 84. Andrews, Betty, 178. Andrews, David, 264. Andrews, G., 203. Andrews, Hannah, 254. Andrews, Thos., 72, 144, 145. Arcade, 43, 51, 53, 103. Ashburnham, 39, 125, 134, 157, 158, 163, 173, 174, 183, 184, 185, 189, 212, 231, 233, 239,- 240, 263, 269, 281. Assabet, 229. Atwell, Mrs. Pearn, 178. 304 INDEX. Auburn, 232. Avery, Polly, 173. Badcock, Jouas, 228. Badcock, Lemuel, 52, 72, 84, 86, 87, 94, 97. Baily, Benj., 117, 118. Baily, Silas, ri8, 284. Baily, Tim., 284. Baker, Lieut. Edw., 43, 65.. Baker, John, 65, 115, 211. Baker, Joseph, 43, 65, 77, 97, 107, 109, 124, 131, 155, 158, 172, 173, 181, 198, 203, 210, 218, 219, 228, 236, 241, 242, 257, 258, 271, 272, 276, 277, 288. Baker, Persis, 43, 83, 209, 211. Baker, Hon. Sam'l, 107. Baldwin, Betty, 282, 285. Baldwin, Isaac, 76, 123, 128, 148, 150, 157, 158, 173, 174, 221, 254, 261, 282, 285. Baldwin, Col. Jeduthan, 82, 105, 109, 116, 128, 173, 221, 224, 229, 237, 273- Baldwin, Lucy Parkman, 99, 116, 150, 158, 250, 275, 276. Baldwin, Luke, 173, 174, 261. Ball, Mary, 130. Ball, Nathan, 42. Ball, Dr. Stephen, 130. Bancroft, Benj., 126, 127, 128. Barker, Betsey, 288, 289, 290. Barnardston, 289. Barns, Francis, 179, 279. Barrett, John, 220, 240. Barrett, Nancy, 182. ' Barrett, Sam'l, 133, 152, 182. Barrett, Thos., 219. Bartlett, Frank V., 20. Batheric, Solomon, 188, 189, 190, 200, 294. Batherick, John'n, 113, 131. Batherick, Stephen, 234. INDEX. 305 Battery Street, 243. Baverick, David, 13, 27. Beals, Eliza, 131. Beals, Elizabeth, 261. Beeman Family, 14. Beeman, Ebea'r, 42. Beeman, Major Ezra, 126. Beeton, John, 206, 292. Beaton, Nanny, 58, 59. Beeton, Mrs. John, 260. Belcher, Alethina, 57. Belknap, John, 131, 132, 133, 144, 163. Belknap, Stephen, 215. Bellows, James, 170. Bellows, Ithamar, 128, 133. Bellows, Simeon, 244. Bellows, Thos., 126. Bennington, Vt., 15. Berwick, 157. Bigelow, Dan'l, 232. Biglo, Thos., 98. Biglow, Asahel, 175, 181. Biglow, Corn., 252, 253, 255, 257, 290. Biglow, Katy, 164, 165. Biglow, Paul, 254. Biglow, Rev. (of Sudbury), 129, 175, 192, 225. Bimeleck, Sue, 205. Blaudford, 180. Bolton, 70, 114, 117, 127, 129, 135, 136, 151, 207, 228, 259, 279, 283, 287. Bond, Abraham, 161, 257, 259, 260, 268. Bond, Mrs. Daniel, 199. Bond, Hannah, 36. Bond, John, 132, 161. Bond, Dea., 151, 176, 245. Bond, Jonas, 67, 137, 143, 162, 288, 290. 20 3o6 INDKX. Bond, Joseph, 115, 1S3, 220, 275. Boston, 17,25,29,83,84,103, 106, 117, 120, 123, 126, 128, 134, 137, 149, 161, 167, 176, 180, 183, 187, 189, 190, 206, 212, 216, 218, 221, 229, 235, 237, 240, 248, 249, 250, 251, 261, 276, 284, 289, 293. Boston Hill, 180. Bowdoiu, James, 265. Bowker, Josiah, 248. Bowman, Rev. 211, 212. Bowman, James, 13. Bradford, 224. Bradford, Elizabeth, 21S. Bradish, Jonas, 52, 55, 131, 132. Bradish, Mary, 204. Bradshaw, Benj., 68, 80, 86, 92, 99. Bradshaw, Nathan., 86. Bradshaw, Parkman, 68, 69, 115, 180, 186. Bradshaw, Wm., 94. Braintree, New, 70, 131. Breck, Hannah, 17, 21, 25, 29. Breck, Rev. Robert, 21. Breck, Robert, Jr., 2,57, 281, 287. Bridge, Eben'r, 67. Bridge, Rev. Josiah, 66, 68, 129, 157, 175, 192, 225, 279. Bridgewater, 221. Brigham, Anna, 66, 216, 261, 272. Brigham, Anne, 62. Brigham, Antipas, 194, 203. Brigham, Asa, 190. Brigham, Benaj., 8o.- Brigham, Benj., 241. Brigham, David, 14, 25, 37, 38, 42, 274. Brigham, Edmund, 169, 194, 203, 226, 293. Brigham, Edward, 169, 188. Brigham, I^li, 138. Brigham, Elijah, 61, 65, 66, 68, 70, 92, 97, 106, 108, 113, 115, 117, 122. 127, 128, 136, 176, 178, 183, 184, 189, 192, 221, 224, 237, 239, 244, 247, 249, 251, 252, 255, 258, 259, 264, 266, 268, 271, 272, 277, 288. INDEX. 307 Brighani, Elizabeth, 78. Brigham, Gershom, 192, 200, 241. Brighani, Mrs. Gershom, 258, 263, 264, 266. Brigham, Hepsibath, 194. Brigham, Capt. Jonas, 83, 122, 131, 188, 194, 209, 277. Brigham, Joseph, 241. Brigham, Josiah, 77, 105, 184, 189, 208, 211, 212, 220, 224, 235, 248, 249, 261, 262, 264, 272, 275. Brigham, Col. Levi, 59, 65, 66, 122, 179, 189, 216, 221, 263, 277, 279, 282, 288, 292. Brigham, Levi, Jr., 264. Brigham, Mary, 243. Brigham, Mindwell, 66, 77, 216, 241, 272. Brigham, Moses, 87, 97, 106, no, 115, 181, 268. Brigham, Nathan, 28, 51. Brigham, Phineas, 98. Brigham, Dr. Samuel, 62, 130, 168, 215. Brigham, Samuel, 189, 248, 250, 251, 252. Brigham, Silas, 26, 292. Brighani, Timothy, 42. Brigham, Uriah, 225. Brigham, Wm., 188, 243. Brigham, Mrs. Wm., 133, 243. Brigham, Winslow, 66, 158, 200, 272. Brimfield, 266. Broaders, Hiram L., 112, 166. Broaders, Jacob, 133, 166. Brookfield, 68, 69, 80, 82,86, 94, 99, 105, 107, 109, 115, 116, 123, 124, 126, 148, 150, 155, 157, 173, 174, i8r, 199, 207, 250, 265, 270. 274. Brookfield, North, 83. Brookline, 10, 35, 122. Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth, 122, 124. Brown, Rev. Joseph, 132. Brown, Joseph, 105, 136, 163. Brown, Polly, 155. Bryant, Lieut. Daniel, 120. 3o8 INDEX. Bryant, Elias, 113, 180. Bryant, John, 113. Bryant, Timothy, 134, 164. 178, 180. Bruce, Artemas, 167. Buckminster, Col. Wm., 213. Buckminster, Rev. Joseph, 75, 213. Buckley, Capt. Joseph, 9. Bumpso, Sam'l, 13. Buruett, Henrietta, 253, 255. Burnett, Lois, 252, 253, 255. Burr, Aaron, 58. Burr, Rev. Isaac, 31, 37, 39, 40, 44, 45. Burr, Thaddeus, 58. Burroughs, Mrs. Richard, 39, 41. Burying Ground, 43, 51, 78, 100, no, 128, 153, 154, 199, 297. Burying Ground in N'boro', 133. Bush, Mrs. Jotham, 293. Byfield, 76, 109, 128, 262. Byles, Capt., 25, 37, 38, 39. Cambridge, 9, 16, 35, 43, 68, 70, 72, 80, 82, 93, 124, 126, 148, 149, 158, 168, 171, 175, 180, 183, 208, 210, 218, 230, 241, 246, 262. Camlet, 80. Campbell, Wm., 187. Canterbury, 175. Cape Ann, 98. Castle, the, 35, 36. Chamberlain, Daniel, 126, 129. Chamberlain, Eben'r, 260. Chamberlain, Eben'r, Jr., 113, 128. Chamberlain, Nat., 127. Champney, Mary, 9. Champney, Lydia, 9, 18, 29, 67, 71, 109, 134, 137, 162, 172, 219, 249, 250. Champney, Ruth, 14. Champney, Sam'l, 9, 16, 17, 18, 35, 219. Chandler, Wm., 191. INDEX. 309 Chandler, Coll., 21. Charltou, 109. Charlestown, 124, 172. Chauncey Poud, 38, 40. Chauxit, 59, 213, 225. Cherry Valley, 77. Child, Jonathan, 67, 287, 288. Chubb, Eben'r, 43. Clark, David, 125. Clark, Capt. Isaac, 19. Clung, John, 30, 37. Common, the, 48. Concord, 9, 39, 45, 62, 122, 134, 139, 172, 175, 211, 218, 241, 249, 271, 273, 292. Contention Road, 126. Cooledge, Pamela, 158, 233. Cook, Cornelius, 16, 55, 72, 120, 159. Cook, Molly, 16, Cook, Robert, 120. Cook, Stephen, 120. Cook, Tom, 16, 35, 72, 120, 159. Corey, Dr. F. E., 160. Coi's Hill, 92, 181, 225, 281. Crawford, John, 170. Crookes, J.. 83. Crosby, Aaron, 180. Crosby, Ebeuezer, 223. Crosby, Master John, 233, 270. Crosby, Sally, 118. Crosby, Sam'l, 180, 220, 259, 269, 270, 274, 278, 279, 281. Curtis, Dr. Wm., 51. Cashing, Alice, 272. Cushing, Doddridge, 183. Cushing, Madam, 152, 192. Cushing, Col. Job, 40, 82, 96, 126, 135, 162. Cushing, Rev. Job, 37, 39, 40, 45. 3IO INDEX. Gushing, John, 85, 120, 128, 135. Gushing, Rev. John, 40, 120, 173, 183, 239, 240, 271, 273, 281. Gushing, Sarah Parkman, 81, 82, 148, 271, 183, 269, 271, 273. Gutter, Gharles, 176. Dana's Tavern, 35. Dalrymple, Sam., 108. Danforth, Thos., 9. Dark Day, 235. Dartmouth Gollege, 66, 127, 168, 222. David, Abimelech, 205. Davis, Abigail, 187. Davis, Isaac, 62, iii, 152, 166, 179, 247. Davis, Gov. John, 62, iii. Davis, Joseph, in. Davis, Phineas, in. Deadman, Wm., 120. Death, Martha, 65. Death, Oliver, 277. Denny, Parkman T., 208. Derby, Elias Hasket, 103. Dix, James, 172, 230. Dolliber, Deac, 183. Dorr, Joseph, 232, 233. Dudley, Paul, 32, 46. Dummer School, 76, 123, 285. Eager, Gapt. James, 30, 39, 42, 43. Electrical Machine, 105, 136. Evans, Israel, 291. Executions, 48, 182. Fairbank, Drury, 150, 156. Fairbank, Eleazar, 148. Fairbank, Eph., 118. Fairbanks, Isaiah, 136. Fairfield, 58. P'aneuil Hall, 103. P'aneuil, Peter, 10^. INDEX. 311 Farrar, Joseph, 67. P'ay, Anna, 207, 213, 216. Fay, Benj., 137, 153, 185, 216, 232, 282. Fay, David, 163, 208. Fay, Elizabeth, 154. Fay, Ensign, 121. F'ay, Gershoni, 42. Fay, Jeduthun, 168. Fay, James, 13, 38. Fay, John, 81, 259, 260, 263. Fay, Jonathan, 124, 138, 251. Fay, Mehitable, 260. Fay, Rebecca, 121. Fay, Sam'l, 154, 168, 192, 258. Fay, Stephen, 11, 14, 15, 22, 177, 178. Fesseuden, John, iii, 134, 166, 234. Fessenden, Katharine, 166. Fisher, Capt. Nathan, 89, 125, 151, 156, 174, 182, 205, 237, 240, 245, 252, 254, 255, 256, 283. Fishkill, 78, 133, 145, 270, 294. Fisk, Master EHsha, 76, 81, 82, 85, 95, 97, 105, 108, 287. Fisk, Nathan, 80, 277. Fisk, Patty, 76, 119, 253. Fiske, Shepherd, 165, 167. Fitch, Rev. Elijah, 139, 146, 151, 155. 190, 280, 281. Fitch, Elijah, Jr., 155. Fitchburg, 162. Fitzpatrick, Dennis, 69. Fitz-William, 293. Flagg, Gershom, 217, 220. Flag, Nathan, 162. Flanders Road, 126. Fletcher, John, 178. Forbes, Daniel, 72, 82, 90, 107, 135, 138, 162, 168, 172, 177, 181, 197, 199. Forbes, Mrs. Dan., 273, 275. 312 INDEX. Forbes, Dauiel, Jr., 86, 199, 207. Forbes, Ebenezer, 172. Forbes, Rli, 82, 97, 98, 107, 124, 126, 131, 137, 139, 151, 199, 219, 243, 248, 262, 270, 273. Forbes, Klisha, 75, 77, 79, 81, 131, 134, 137, 148, 154, 155, 198, 207, 218,275. Forbes, John, 86, 116, 128, 130, 168, 200. Forbes, Jonathan, 38, 72, 87, no, 116, 176, 177, 207, 230, 242, 282. Forbes, Mary Parkman, 39. Forbes, Patience, 32. Forbes, Thankful, 240. Forbush, Abigail, 199. Forbush, Anna, 178. Forbush, Dan, 12. Forbush, Eben'r, 72, 184, 262, 277. Forbush, Hannah, 72. Forbush, Isaac, 156. Forbush, Patty, 72, 79, 80, 254. Forbush, Rebecca, 38. Forbush, Sani'l, 16, 36, 40, 131, 135, 190. Forbush, Thos., 127, 144, 169, 203. Foster, Edmund, 134. Foster, Isaac, 131. Foster, Jacob, 157, 171, 175. Framingham, 19, 61, 106, 161, 191, 224, 235, 268, 287. Frisbie, Levi, 69, 76. Frost, Amariah, 57. Frost, John, 275, 277. Frost, Thos., 274, 275. Gale, Abijah, 69, 115, 170, 171, 181, 186, ,203, 242, 248, 262, 282, 287, 291. Gale, Abraham, 169. Garfield, Jacob, 277. Garfield, Lydia, 146. Gibson, James, 286. Giles, Abigail, 258. Giles, Sam'l, 258. INDEX. 313 Gloucester, 107. Goddard, Benj., 38. Goddard, Daniel, 266. Goddard, Edw., 38. Goddard, Nathan, 192. Godfry, Ruth, 52, 135. Gookin, Daniel, 40. Goodell, David, 78, 79, 99, 105, 136, 206. Goss, Rev., 68, 129, 137, 151, 207. Goss, Thos., 129. Gott, Anna, 62. Gott, Benj., 21, 29, 42, 62. Gott, Sarah, 225. Grafton, 13, 26, 41, 6r, 92, 93, 105, 114, 138, 145, 151, 162, 222, 242, 269, 273. Greenwood, Enoch, 211. Grosvenor, Dan., 13, 86, 93, 105, 121, 123, 136, 138, 162, 222, 242, 266, 269, 273, 291. Grosvenor, Eben'r, 293. Grosvenor, Lemuel, 240. Grosvenor, Nathan, 93. Grout, Benj., 78, 181. Grout, Daniel, 92. Grout, Jonathan, 78, 160, 165, 173, 176, 186, 230, 265. Grout, Joseph, 78, 80, 105, 145, 167, 173, 176, 178, 187. Grout, Joseph, Jr., iii. Grout, Mehitable, 87. Grout, Moses, 78. Grout, Wm., 78. Green, Jane, 182. Green, Joseph, 80, 92. Greenleaf, Sheriff, 112, 162. Guildford, New, 92. Hall, Rev. David, 48, 85, 121, 155, 196, 223, 224, 235. Hall, John'u, 147. Hamilton, John, 30. 314 INDEX. Hancock, John, 58, 91, 265. Hardy, Constantine, 26, 83. Hardy, Daniel, 12, 71, 250. Hardy, Elijah, 105, 114, 136, 185. Hardy, Hannah, 241, 256. Hardy, Joseph, 154, 233, 236. Hardy, Lucy, 241. Hardy, Noah, 127, 275. Hardy, Phineas, 135, 275. Harding, Elias, 240. Hardwick, 115, 208, 289. Harvard College, 56, 58, 82, 265. Harrington, Caleb, 70, 79, 115, 159, 185, 226, 294'. Harrington, Eli, 200. Harrington, John, 123, 205, 278. Harrington, Joseph, 69, 79, 135, 138, 150, 156, 176, 188, 230, 236, 276. Harrington, Joshua, 43. Harrington, Molly, 75. Harrington, Sam'l, 211. Harrington, Thos., 78. Hartshorn, Eben'r, 164. Harwood, Peter, 155. Hasham, Mary, 162. Hastings, Stewart, 247. Hawes, James, 55, 82,84, 94. ii4. nj, i37. M3- 156, 164, 172, 180, 187, 190, 192, 215, 221, 223, 226, 231, 239, 240, 241, 246, 256, 261, 266, 276, 290. Hawes, Mrs. James, 155, 258. Hayward, Daniel, 45. Hazelton, Judith, 154. Hazeltine, Master, 166, 168, 169, 174, 179, 189, 190, 195, 200, 209, 211, 213, 236, 241, 257, 272, 279. Henderson, Hugh, 20, 31, 37, 40, 41, 44, 46, 48. Henstick, Rev., 136. Hicks, John, 9, 30, 43. Hicks, Ruth, 286. INDEX. 315 Hicks, Zechary, 224, 249, 250. Hill, Caleb, 286. Hill, Silas, 280, 281. Hitchcock, David, 107, 109. Hobby, John'n, 139. Holbrook, Dan., 127. Holland, Abr'm, 117, 220, 245. Holyoke, Elizur, 279, 288. Hopkins, James, 227, 228. Hopkinton, 98, 133, 146, 147, 152, 164, 204, 206, 220, 240. 244, 249, 265, 277, 280. Houghton, Ezra, 55. Hovey, Patience, 163. How, Ben, 28, 67, 128. How, Daniel, iii, 117, 128, "130, 133. How, Eleazar, 21. How, Oliver, 109. How, Simon, 157, 189, 227. Howe, Azubah, 180. Howard, Polly, 119, 148. Howell, Benj., 80. Hubbard, Capt., 155. Hubbardston, 192. Hutchinson, Aaron, 13. Hutchinson, Aaron, Jr., 113, 114. Hystop, Mehitable, 122. Indian Harvest, 25. Indians, 20, 25, 144. Ipswich, 76, 167. Jackstraw, 75, 199. Jarvis, John, 16. Jenison, Wm., 258. Johnson, Edw., 129. Johnson, Elliot, 279. Johnson, John, 242. Johnson, Joshua, 70. 3l6 INDEX. Johnson, Stephen, 279. Johnson, Susannah, 57. Johnson, Wm., 144. Johnson, Mrs. Wm., 245. Jones, Landlord, 181. Jones, Nancy, 164. Jones, Sam'l, 117. Kelley, John, 120. Kelly, Mrs., 59, iii, 128, 206, 228. Kellogg, David, 287. Kendal, Thos., 60, 250. Kenney, Joel, 256, 277, Kenney, Nathan, 155, 226, 228, 278. Keyes, Justice, 14. King, Jerusha, 155. Kittery, 250. Knight, Wm., 241. Knowlton, Mrs. Joseph, 258. Lambert, Julia, 91. Lamson, Paul, 251. Lamson, Thos., 263, 278, 282. Lamson, Mrs., 149, 163, 212, 213. Lancaster, 161, 224. Langdon, Pres., 113. Lawson, Sam., 150. Lee, Joseph, 125. Leominster, 163. Lewis, Mary, 79. Littleton, 113. Livermore, Elisha, 290. Lock, Frederic, 241. Loring, Father, 1:7, 122, 124. Loring, Jonathan, 105. Lynde, Benj., 46. Maccarty, Rev. Thaddeus, 176, 1S2, 239. McTaggart, James, 78. INDEX. 317 Mallet, Mrs., 122, 125, 127. Mansfield, 124, 227. Marble, Henry, 68, 70. Marblehead, 79, 129, 183. Marlborough, 9, 16, 18, 21, 25, 28, 42, 100, 109, iii, 113, 129, 134, 136, 157. 163, 175, 182, 206. 225, 263, 279, 293. Martha's Vineyard, 30, 149. Ma}^ Wm., 124, 125, 139. Maynard, Amasa, 83, 212, 263. Maynard, David, 151, 249. Maynard, Eben'r, 57, 59, 70, no, 187, 206, 215, 248, 278. Maynard, Eben'r, Jr., 104. Maynard, Harvey, 189. Maynard, Hezekiah, 158, 182, 227, 288. Maynard, James, 83, 212, 263. Maynard, James, Jr., 248. Maynard, John, 51, 119, 192. Maynard, Jon'n, 93, 190, 224, 263. Maynard, Lucy, 207, 218, 290. Maynard, Nathan, 65, 67, 80, 83, 151, 192, 205, 219, 276. Maynard, Nathan, Jr., 79, 92, 98, 188, 190, 216, 220. Maynard, Neh'h, 81, 82, 192. Maynard, Rhoda, 183. Maynard, vStephen, 62, 63, 79, 83, 84, iii, 119, 122, 123, 130, 137, 168, 171, 206, 214, 221, 228, 271, 283, 284. Maynard, Mrs. Stephen, 71, 76, 78, 81, 85, 99, 106, in, 113, 117, 121, 127, 133. 135. 139. 149. 150, 164, 174, 181, 185, 190, 215, 225, 227, 231, 246, 252, 257, 259, 261, 271, 274, 279, 282, 286, 288, 290, 293. Maynard, Stephen, Jr., 84, 97, 121, 130, 158, 226, 291. Maynard, Thankful, 189. Maynard, Winslow, 248. Martyn, Nabby, 76, 241, 262, 287, 288. Mather, Rev. Sam'l, 18. Mathias, Dan, 186. Medfield, 112, 140, 147, 233. Mendon, 134. 3lS INDEX. Messenger, Esther, 57. Milford, 57. Miller, Aaron, 276. Miller, Dan'l, 293. Miller, Eben'r, 184. Miller, Fortunatus, 72, 254. Miller, Isaac, 107, 127. Miller, Jatiies, 250. Miller, Sarah, 130, 169. Monanaow, David, 25, 205. Montague, 125. Moore, Rev. John'u, 94, 109, iii, 140, 169, 220, 232, 233, 259, 287. Morey, George, 292. Morse, Sally, 286. Morse, Seth, 100, 109, 188, 212, 256, 275, 283, 284. Mottey, Joseph, 227. Natalitia, 165, 269, 294. Nawgawwoomcom, 25. Need ham, 149. Needhani, Thos., 133. Newel, Rev. 117, 157, 246, 279. New Connecticut Road, 30. New Fane, 212. New Haven, 30, 147, 148. New Marlboro', 161. Newton, 149. Newton, Abner, 20, 45, 120. Newton, Barnabas, 92, 95, 125, 137, 172, 185, 205, 218. Newton, Charles, 76, 93. Newton, John, 274, 289. Newton, Josiah, 25. Newton, Paul, 162. Newton, Stephen, 274. Northborough, 30, 61, 89, iii, 117, 130, 133, 137, 139, 162, 190, 227, 239, 243, 246, 263, 264, 273. Northampton, 21. INDEX. 319 Nottingham, Mary, 285, 287, 289. Nourse, B. A., 121, 153. Nurse, Beuj., 121. Nurse, Eben, 13, 119. Nurse, Daniel, 121, 130, 136, 139, 152, 167. Nurse, Lydia, 121, 136, 168. Nurse, Mary, 121. Nurse, Moses, 145, 216, 228. Nurse, 'Priscilla, 121. Nurse, Rebecca, 121, 136, 168, 183, 184, 186, 188. Nurse, Wni., 121. Old Mill Road, 242. Old, Town Folks, 170. Oliver, Alexander, 82. Otter Creek, 77, 86, 105, 116, 168, 200. Oxford, 48, 109, 181, 187. Packard, Winslow, 56. Paine, Timothy, 232. Parker, Anna, 183. Parker, Amos, 121, 125, 128, 152, 169, 216. Parker, Elisha, 89, 92, 93, 113, 185, 190, 216. Parker, Ephrm., 106, 107, 109, 117, 128, 135, 146, 149, 155, 182, 184, 185, 203 207, 220, 240. Parker, Gardner, 286. Parker, Hannaniah, 59, 80, 107, 197, 237, 252, 268. Parker, Isaac, 59, 106, 151, 177, 182, 183, 188, 189, 216, 240, 247, 254, 275, 286. Parker, Joel, 286. Parker, Margery, 182. Parker, Timothy, 113, 200. Parkhurst, Wm., 92. Parkman, Abigail, 100. Parkman, Alexander, iio, 163, 213, 264, 266, 268, 280. Parkman, Anna Sophia, 60, 66, 75, 77, 109, 119, 128, 131, 136, 137, 174, 184, 219, 221, 244, 248, 252, 264, 272. Parkman, Breck, is mentioned too often to index. Parkman, Ebenr., Jr., 29, 66, 99, 105, 107, 221, 244, 292, 294. 320 INDEX, Parkman, Elias (Brother), 17, 35. Parkman, Elias (Son), is mentioned too often to index. Parkman, Elizabeth 10. Parkman, Eliza S., 103. Parkman, Francis, 103. Parkman, Hannah, 100, 247, 292. Parkman, John, 161, 188, 271. Parkman, Kezia, 161. Parkman, Lydia, 161, 175, 228, 229. Parkman, Neddy, 158. Parkman, Sally, 86, 100, 123, 124, 128, 149, 172, 242, 271, 273. Parkman, Sam'l, 100, 117, 123, 126, 187, 219, 234, 243, 248, 271, 273. Parkman, Sophy, 164. Parkman, Sukey, 271. Parkman, Suse (Concord), 175. Parkman, Thos., 221, 224. Parkman, Wm. (Boston), 10, 39, 235, 237, 243. Parkman, Wm. (Son), 109, 154, 159, 164, 218, 228, 229, 271, 273, 279. Parnienter, Bethiah, 190. Parsons, Sol., 124. Perry, Aaron, 177. Petersham, 91, 163, 168. Philip's Manor, 292. Pierce, Francis, 39. Pierce, Jon'n, 251. Pigeon, Henry, 155. Pigeon, John, 147, 148. Pollard Place, 43. Pomfret, 89, 105, 191. Porter, Huntingdon, 249. Powder Hill, 30. Potter, Moses, 167. Potter, Mrs. J. D., 100. Pratt, Eleazar, 26. Pratt Eliz., 151. Pratt, Isaac, 208. " INDEX. 321 Pratt, John, 36. Pratt, Molly, 92. Pratt, Susanna, 93. Prentice, Heijry, 166. Prentice, Sol., 13, 14, 19, 26, 30, 41. Prescott, Dr. Jon'n, 9. Providence, 105. Puffer, Reuben, 192. Purpoodock, 145. Quincy, Dorothj', 58. Quincy, Edmund, 46, 57, 112, 140, 155, 173, 174, 187, 206, 214, 218, 229, 259, 261, 273, 277, 291. Quincy, Eunice, 140. ■Quincy, Henry, 57, 140, 241. Quincy, I., 148. Quincy, Jacob, 58. Rand, Wm., 165, 167. Reading, 9c. Remington, John'n, 46. Revere, Paul, 103. Rice, Adonijah, 125. Rice, Dolly, 130, 149, 181, 269. Rice, Edmund, 83, 263. Rice, Elias, 13. Rice, Nahor, 100. Rice, Noah, 13. Rice, Moses, 43. Rice, Seth, 25, 42, 228. Rice, Solomon, 13. Rice, Thomas, 20, 37, 45. Rice, Zebulon, 13, 164, 168, 274. Rider, Eleazar, 226. Rider, Sam'l, 242, 263. Ripley, Rev. David, 161. Ripley, Rev. Ezra, 71, 109, 134, 241. Robertson, Beverly, 292. 322 TNDEX. Rochester, 149. Rogers, John, 13, 28. Rogers, Sarah, 103. Rogers, Wm., Jr., 38. Ruggles, Isaac, 251. Rutland, 37, 75. Salem, 133, 144, 258. Saltonstall, Rich., 46. Sanders, Mrs. Lucy, 82. Sanger, Dave, 84. Sargent, Henry, 103. Sargent, John, 223. Saunders, Charlotte, 137. Saunders, Jo., 270, 273. Savage, Ezek., 260. Savvfyer, David, 106. Schools, 82, 87, 166, 293. Sewall, Sam'l, 32, 58. Sharpe, Robert, 10, 18, 35. Sharpe, Susanna, 10, 18. Shaw, Coll. R. G., 103. Shaw, Sam'l, 103. Shaw, Sarah, 100. Shaw, Wm., 103. Shawmut, 25. Sherman, Nath., 75. Sherman, Sam'l, 175. Shrewsbury, 30, 40, 88, 97, 117, 120, 125, 128, 135, 148, 152, 153, i6r, 169, 180, 192, 194, 239, 258, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 281. Simon, Daniel, 222. Singleterry, Squire, 268. Slave labor, 62. Small pox, 98. Smith, Rev. Aaron, 68, 129, 137, 157, 175, 225, 246, 279. Smith, James, 107, 125. Smith, Joseph, 123, 233, 253. INDEX. 323 Smith, Sarah, 152. Snow, Ensign, 127, 144, 241. Snow, Mrs. Susan, 247. Snow, Thos., 10. Southborough, 42, 69, 71, 96, 162, 163, 175, 183, 207, 241, 260, 291. Sparhawk, Ebenezer, 113, 248. Sprague, John, 232. Spring, Billy, 77, 135, 211, 219, 231, 261, 266, 267. Spy, Wore, 85, 144, 178, 184, 192, 215, 295. Squam, 124. Stearns, Wm., 203, 232. Stevens, Chas. E., 31. Stevens, John, 124. Stillman, Major, 126. Stimsou, George, 127, 128. Stimson, Jeremy, 98, 109, 120, 159, 164, 220, 244. Stimson, Stephen, 267. Stockbridge, 120, 223. Stockwell, Daniel, 277. Stone, Benj., 97. Stone, N., 41. Stone, Thomas, 71, 222. Stone, Rev., 96, 112, 115, 129, 137, 157, 162, 163, 175, 189, 219, 225, 246, 261, 291. Stoneham, 134, 180. Stony Point, 148. Storm, 81, 162, 195, 196. Stoughtonham, 86, 180. Stow, 117. Sturbridge, 164. Sudbury, 11, 19, 66, 129. Sumner, Increase, 10, 17. Sumner, Rev. Jos., 88, 93, 95, 96, 117, 136, 152, i6r, 168, 169, 192, 228, 258, 268, 276, 278. Sutton, 48, 58, 85, 120, 126, 130, 136, 143, 162, 172, 196, 220, 264, 268. Swamp, Wild Cat, 26, 146. 324 INDEX. Tainter, Benj., 154, 162, 176, 244, 246, 274. Tainter, Simon, 11, 51, 56, no, 244. Tainter, Simon, Jr., 14, 43. Taylor, Betsey, 222. Taylor, Hezekiah, 212. Templeton, 113. Tewksbury, 122, 123. Thankso^iving, 70, 71, 81, 180, 291. Thayer, John, 164. Thomas, Isaiah, 144. Thompson, Joseph, 189. Thurston, Sam'l, 246, 251, 262. Thurston, Sarah, 248, 251. Thyery, Dr., 14, 15, 19, 22. Tilestone, Mary, 10. Tomlin, Isaac, 112. Townsend, 122. Townsend, Lieut., 160. Trowbridge, Lieut., 9. Tucker, Eph'm, 172. Tuckerman, Mrs. Edw., 22, 39. Twitchell, John'n, 177. Twitchell, Joshua, 254. Twitchell, Thos., 165. Upton, 105, 151. Wait, Thad., 286. Walcott, Sol., 124. Wall, Caleb, 31, 44. Walley Brethren, 118. Walpole, 194. Waltham, 135. Ward, 232, 249. Ward, Artemas, 95, 175. Ward, Dfeborah, 27. Ward, Increase, 45. Ward, John'n, 112. INDEX. 325 Ware, Beriah, 255, 258, 286. Warren, Aarou, 125. Warren, Benj., 143. Warren, Eunice, 215. Warren, James, 265. Warren, John, 178, 256. Warren, Jonas, 121, 146, 213, 214. Warren, Levi, 71, 166, 176, 181, 235, 274, 280. Warren, Moses, 151, 187. Warren, Thad., 69, 106, 215, 221, 222, 229, 236, 248, 251, 254, 262, 274, 275, 289, 292, 294. Warren, Thos., 97. Warren, Tim., 13, 145, 277. Warwick, 166. Watertown, 9, 11, 106, 279. Waters, Cornelius, 288, 290, 291. Waters, Sam'l, 268. Webber, James, 145, 147. Weeks, Coll., 157, 279. Weston, 109, 134. Wetmore, Rebecca, 219. Wheeler, Joseph, 232. Wheelock, Eleazar, 189. Wheelock, Eph., 164. Wheelock, Moses, 172, 186, 217, 278, 286. Whipple, Squire, 139, 163, 169. Whiting, Rev. John, 9, 39. Whitney, Aaron, 91, 163, 168. Whitney, Eli, 92, ii3> I54- i73. 176, i77. 184, 230. Whitney, Elijah, 154. Whitney, Hannah, 123, 136, 140. Whitney, Mrs. Israel, 9. Whitney, Nath., 136. Whitney, Peter, 68, 89, 114, 117, 119, 129, 137. 138, 151, 155, 157, 162, 192, 227, 229, 230, 232, 234, 238, 246, 258, 264, 269, 273, 279, 283. Whitney, Thos., 59, 153, 214, 282. 326 INDEX. Whitney, Tim., 59, 154. Wightman, Rob., 288, 289. Wigwam Tree, 25, 205 Wilder, Luke, 115. Willard, Aaron, 145, 163. Willard, Benj., 145. Willard, Simon, 145, 151. Williams, Lucy, 89. Williams, Sam'l, 119, 224, 230. Williams Tavern, 25. Wilson, Benj., Jr., 189. Wilson, Rob., 59. Wiman, Sarah, 135. Winchester, Billy, 189, 192, 211, 212, 220, 222, 224, 229, 230. ■ Winchester, Jon'n, 212. Winchester, Thos., 13. Wit, Sam'l, 157. Wood, Abr'm, 229, 234, 252. Wood, Benj., 67, 184, 227, 262, 276, 280, 284, 285, 291. Wood, Dea. James, 28, 89, iii, 114, 122, 157, 165, 166, 172, 176, 181, 187, 190, 200, 205, 206, 218, 221, 222, 228. 234, 244, 248, 253, 255, 257, 264, 278. Wood, Capt. John, 112, 122, 127, 170, 172, 182, 222, 231, 251, 276, 280, 283, 284, 291. Wood, John, 261, 265, 284. Wood, Joseph, 265. Wood, Polly, 258. Wood, Reuben, 184. Wood, Sam'l, 229. Wood, Seth, 144. Wood, Thomas, 265. Wood, Wm., 204. Woods Isaac, 292. Woodstock, 21. Woodward, Sam'l, 109, 134. W'orkhouse, 145, 277. INDEX. 327 Worcester, 31, 39, 40, 43, 45, 46, 80, 151, 178, 181, 182, 190, 232, 251. Wrentham, 55. Yale College, 113. Young, Robert, 182. NOV 18 1899