/ "i f t '^ / I 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS : nil: 11 014 205 055 9 Hollinger pH 8.5 Mill Run F3-1719 c I ITT F v ITINERARY Going Leave Detroit Monday, July 1 1th, 4 p. m., by steamer Western States, Detroit & Buffalo line steamers, under charge of Director General A. A. Schantz, arriving at Buffalo 7:30 a. m.. July 12th. v/here transfer will be made at once to special train Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R. R., which will be on track at Buffalo dock — leaving Buffalo as quickly as transfer is made: Leaving Mount Morris 8:50 a. m.; Bath 9:58 a. m.: Elmira 10:50 a. m.; arriving at Binghamton 12 o'clock noon, where stop will be made 45 minutes for Table- d'Hote dinner at Hotel Arlington, leaving Binghamton at 12:45 p.m. Arriving at Scranton. Pa. 2:15 p. m.; Stroudsburg, Pa. 3:34 p. m.: Atlantic City. N. J. 7:50 p. m.. stopping at Hotel Grand Atlantic Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, July 13, 14 and 15. Returning Leave Atlantic City, Friday, July 15th. 2:30 p. m.. arriving at Delaware Water Gap 5:50 p.m.. stopping at Hotel Kitlatinny for dinner, lodging and breakfast: leave Delaware Water Gap 8:30 a. m. and arriving at Binghamton 12 o'clock noon, where stop will be made 30 minutes for luncheon at Hotel Arlington, leaving Binghamton 12:30 p. m., arriving at Buffalo 5:30 p. m. and leaving by steamer Western States, Detroit & Buffalo line, arriving at Detroit, Sunday July 17th. at 7:30 a.m. Moslem Temple Has made many notable pilgrimages to various parts of this great country in attending the annual sessions of the Imperial Council of this body, but your com- mittee have labored long and industriously to com- plete arrangements for the pilgrimage to the 30th Annual Session, Imperial Council at Atlantic City, July 13th and 14th, and believe the fullest measure of enjoy- ment will be reached. The Trip to Buffalo By steamer, the special train from Buffalo to Atlantic City, and stop-over on return at the celebrated moun- ta'n resort at Delaware Water Gap, will relieve the monotony of a long trip without change, and will add much to the comfort of our caravan. With the steamer under charge of Director General A. A. Schantz, and special train under full charge of Noble F. P, Fox, Division Pass, Agt. Delaware, Lacka- wanna & Western R. R,, our party may be assured of every possible attention enroute in the matter of travel; in fact we are told every employee of our special train, from conductor to fireman, is a Noble of our order. The Route by Train Will be through a section noted for ever-changing scenery along the banks of the Genesee, Susquehanna and Delaware Rivers, the latter from its source nearly to its outlet in Delaware Bay, through the Blue Ridge and over Pocoiio Mountains, the latter noted for the rhododendron and laurel, which cover the sides of the mountains with their blossoms in the early summer, and with a ccol dry air peculiar to mountain resorts in this section. In Atlantic City We reach our lerminal point for dinner at 7:30 p. m- Tuesday, and after a night's rest, all will be ready for the events of our stay. On Wednesday morning the usual compliment to the Imperial Council will be the escort of the gorgeously uniformed Arab Patrol start- ing at 9 a. m. from Young's Hotel, the headquarters of the Imperial Council, escorting that Imperial body ten or more blocks and back to Young's pier, where the Imperial Council Sessions will be held. Our own patrol will appear in this parade in new uniforms with full quota of four platoons and officers, with the First Regiment Band of Detroit and our celebrated Bugle Corps, composed entirely of our own Nobles, all under command of Capt. G. W. Fowle — watch them, they will be a credit to Moslem. The representatives to Imperial Council will march with their patrols, because carriages are a scarce article in Atlantic City, the board walk and sea being the attraction there instead of driving. While the parade is passing through the arch on Atlantic avenue, each patrol will halt two minutes while being photographed; at 10:30 a. m. all the patrols will form on the beach at the east of Young's pier for the purpose of making one large photograph, showing the patrols in a body; at 1:30 p, m. same day. all the nobles and ladies of all the Temples represented will assemble on the beach to the east of Young's pier, for the purpose of allowing the official photographer to make a large photograph showing all the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine who are present at this session of the Imperial Council, and who will all be seated on the beach at a given sign. Thursday, at a time to be announced later. Moslem's Arab Patrol will present an unique feature, and will be interesting to all nobles there. At 8 p. m. the evening grand parade will begin. A Grand Ball Will be given Thursday evening at 9 o'clock at the Auditorium on the steel pier. An order of exercises printed in pamphlet form will be issued gratuitously from headquarters. Lulu Temple, Philadelphia: this book also contains tickets for the several entertain- ments, trolley car riding, fishing trips, yachting, etc. Promenade Concert and Grand Ball at Hotel Kitta- tinny, Delaware Water Gap, will be given for benefit of Moslem Caravan, 9 p. m. to midnight. Friday. Full orchestra furnished, and arrangements have been made to make this a delightful function and a special feature. Your Committee Has secured accommodations for 200 persons at the Hotel Grand Atlantic and will have headquarters in cottage adjoining hotel, where there will be a bureau of information and other things which all will be wel- .come to. W. R. DUNN W. M. BAILEY CHARLES F. BECK (.'» m m iltcc Rfpi isciiliilivtw, Iinfici ml (jiiinnl W. R. DUNN HARRY S. STARKEY LOUIS HALL HENRY C. CORNS LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS *ri«« A HAyHONO. OITtOtT LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 205 055 9 Hollinger pH 8.5 Mill Run Fa- 1 719 / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 205 055 9 HoIIinger pH 8.5 Mill Run F3i.l719 >