The Lawrenceburg Baptist Cook Book 'l^^ compiled by THE LADIES' AID SOCIETY OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH Class. 1 X 1 11 Book J=17- GoRyrightN" C0F«!1GHT DEPOStr. The Lawrencehurg Baptist Cook Book. Compiled By The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist Church, Lawrencehurg^ Ky. ^ ^S? PENTECOSTAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. PUBLISHERS. LOUISVILLE. KY. TXn 15 .■L31 (Topyrlgbta^ 1913 b? Bbe TLaftles" 12\.l6 SocUty of I3I)« ^^apUsl (Tburcb. '{.awrenceburg. ~3if. 0^ Preface. ^^f <^* c^* ^^ The numerous calls for our cook book has made nec- essary the issuance of this edition, which we give to the public in a revised and enlarged form, believing it will meet with favor. A great many new recipes have been added, which are the contributions of some of our best housewives; to them and to all \Vho have rendered assist- ance, we wish to gratefully acknowledge our indebtedness. It is with the hope that we have done something toward the improvement of human food, that we send this vol- ume forth. THE BAPTIST LADIES' AID SOCIETY. CONTENTS. Page. Page. Table of Weights and SOUPS. Measures Table of Proportions . ..13 ..14 To Clarify Soup Stock.. 26 Soup Stock 26 BREADS. Bouillon ...27 White Soup ...27 Pone Bread .15 Vegetable Soup .... ...28 Corn Bread .•15 Chicken Soup ...28 Cornmeal Muffins . . . ••15 Calfs' Head Soup . . . ...28 Batter Cakes • -15 Chicken Gumbo . . . ...29 Hot Water Corn Bread I 16 Gumbo File ...29 Spoon Bread ..16 Oyster Soup ...29 Soda Biscuit ..16 Potato Soup ...29 Biscuit ..16 Tomato Soup ...30 Baking Powder Biscuit .17 Tomato Bouillon . . . ...30 Drop Biscuits • -17 Cream of Tomato Soup.. 31 Beaten Biscuits . . . ..17 Cream of Corn Soup . ...31' Beaten Biscuits No. 2.. ..17 Cream of Celery Soup ..31 French Rolls ..18 Cream of Asparagus Soup 31 Potato Rolls ..18 Amber Soup ...32 Magic Yeast ..18 Caramel for Coloring Light Rolls ..19 Soups and Sauces . ...32 Quick Sally Lunn .... Sally Lunn ..19 . .19 Black Bean Souo .... . . ^2 X^XCIV^XV A_/\^C4AA V-'V^L*!^/ .... Noodles for Soup . . . • • • 0^ '■■33 Raisin Bread ..20 Croutons ■ ■■33 Cinnamon Rolls .... ..20 Forcemeat Balls . . . ■ ■■33 Hot Cross Buns . .21 Egg Balls '■■33 Bread Sticks Salt Rising Bread . . . ..21 ..22 FISH AND OYSTE RS. Boston Brown Bread . . . .22 Baked Fish ...34 Brown Bread •.23 Baked Fish No. 2 ... • ••34 Popovers ..23 Boiled Fish ..•34 Buckwheat Cakes . . . •.23 Fish Pudding ...35 Buckwheat Cakes (with Salmon Turbot .... ...35 out yeast) . .24 Fish Timbale ...36 Rice Cakes . .24 Fish Balls .■■36 Pancakes ..24 Fried Oysters ...36 Waffles ..24 Scalloped Oysters . . .■.36 Graham Wafers ..24 Oyster Cocktails . . . ■■37 Nut Bread . .25 Scrambled Eggs and Fried Toast ..25 Oysters ■ ■■37 Cornmeal Mush .... .•25 Oyster Pie ■ ■■37 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ^^S^- Page. Oyster Fritters •38 key 51 Creamed Oysters in Chestnut Stuffing 51 Toast Cups .38 Celery Stuffing 51 Oyster Patties .38 Duck Stuffing 51 Panned Oysters .39 Meat Loaf of Left-Overs 51 MEATS. ENTREES. Boiling .40 Croquettes 52 Frying .40 Chicken Croquettes . . . 52 Roasting .40 Ham Croquettes 53 Broiling .41 Salmon Croquettes . . . . 53 Larding .41 Cheese Croquettes .... 53 To Broil Steak .41 Egg Croquettes 54 Rolled Steak .41 Nut Croquettes 54 Ham Toast .42 Beef Loaf 54 Hamburg Steak .42 Chicken Loaf 54 Beefsteak Fritters . . . .42 Boudans 55 Fried Liver •43 Egg Timbals 55 French Pot Roast •43 Chicken a la Terrapin. 55 Stuffed Stew • 43 Chicken Mousse 56 Fricassee of Dried Beef. • 43 Stuffed Peppers with Meat Balls • 44 Tomato Sauce 56 Creamed Turkey or Creamed Chicken in Po- Chicken Hash .... •44 tota Shells 56 Baked Hash •44 Timbal Shells 57 Fried Chicken •44 Chicken Timbals 57 Chicken Pie •45 Creamed Celery and Chicken Pie No. 2 .45 Chicken 57 Chicken Pudding •45 Creamed Sweetbreads . . 58 Salmi of Chicken .46 .46 Sweetbread Cutlets .... 58 Smothered Chicken . . . Creamed Brains 58 Broiled Chicken .... •46 Brains With Eggs 59 A Spanish Steak •47 Souffle of Mushrooms.. 59 Breaded Lamb Chops... •47 Salmon Souffle 59 Saddle of Mutton •A1 Aspic Jelly 60 Seasoning for Sausage . .47 Jellied Chicken 60 Mutton in Casserole . . . .48 Sausage Roll .48 SAUCES FOR MEAT Fried Ham .48 AND FISH. To Cook a Ham •48 White or Cream Sauce. 61 To Keep Sausage •40 Nut Sauce 61 To Boil a Ham .40 Brown Sauce 61 A Cider Boiled Ham . . . . 40 Drawn Butter Sauce.... 61 Broiled Quail on Toast. .50 Mushroom or Sweet Roast Turkey ■50 Bread Sauce 62 Oyster Stuffing for Tur- Egg Sauce 62 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Tomato Sauce 62 Pimento Sauce 62 Cream Cucumber Sauce.. 62 Mint Sauce 63 Sauce for Cold Meats. ..63 Tartar Sauce 63 Hollandaise Sauce 63 Bearnaise Sauce 64 Mustard 64 Horseradish for Winter Use 64 Cranberrj^ Sauce 64 VEGETABLES. How to Cook Beans ...65 Boiled Potatoes 65 Stufifed Potatoes 65 Scalloped Potatoes 66 Potatoes Au Gratin 66 Saratoga Chips 66 O'Brien Potatoes 66 Parisienne Potatoes ....67 Potato Croquettes 67 Sweet Potatoes 67 Scalloped Sweet Potatoes. 67 Cauliflower 68 Kershaw 68 Corn Pudding 68 Corn Fritters 68 Fried Corn 68 Creole Green Corn 6g Peppers 69 Stewed Peppers 6q Fried Green Tomatoes ..70 StufTed Tomatoes 70 Young Onions 70 Stufifed Onions 70 Boiled Rice With Cheese Sauce 71 Cheese Sauce 7^ Cheese and Rice 7^ Rice Croquettes 7^ Macaroni 72 Asparagus Tips 7'^ Creamed Cabbage 72 Salsify 72 Page. Fried Egg Plant 72 Creamed Celery 73 Filled Celery 73 Cucumbers 73 Vegetable Rarebit 74 To Stew Dried Fruit 74 Baked Pineapple 74 Baked Pears 74 Baked Apples 75 Fried Bananas 75 EGGS. To boil Eggs 76 Poached Eggs 76 Shirred Eggs 76 Scrambled Eggs 76 Dressed Eggs 77 Dressed Eggs No. 2 77 Scalloped Eggs 77 Omelet 77 Omelet No. 2 78 Spanish Omelet 78 Swiss Omelet 78 Swiss Eggs 79 CHEESE. Cheese Fondu . . . Cheese Ramekins . . Cheese Straws . . . Cheese Wafers . • . Cottage Cheese . . Welsh Rabbit . . . SALAD. Waldorf Salad .... Grape Salad .... ^"egetable Salad . . Banana Salad . . . Pierian Banquet Sal Peach Salad . Fruit Salad in Baskets . . Fruit Cocktail. T^ruit Salad . Pimento Salad Fruit Salad . Fruit Salad . . Oran .80 .80 .80 .81 .81 .81 .82 .82 .82 .82 .82 .83 .83 .83 .83 .83 .84 .84 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. 84 85 Fruit Salad No. 2 Cheese Salad . . . . Asparagus Salad 05 Cucumber Salad 85 Tomato and Cucumber Jelly Salad 86 Tomato Jelly 86 Tomatoes Stuffed with Cucumbers 86 Chicken Salad 87 Cucumber Ribbons . . . .87 To Shred Lettuce 87 SALAD DRESSING. Mayonnaise Dressing . . .88 Salad Dressing 88 Salad Dressing No. 2.. ..88 Mayonnaise (uncooked).. 89 Olive Oil Dressing 89 Dressing for Slaw 89 French Dressing 90 SANDWICHES. Chicken Sandwiches . . .91 Peanut Sandwiches . . .91 Nut Sandwiches 91 Sandwiches 92 Ham Sandwiches 92 Cheese Sandwiches . . . .92 Fruit Sandwiches 92 Celery Sandwiches 93 Lettuce Sandwiches . ...93 Brown Bread Sandwiches. 93 Cheese Canapes 93 Layer Sandwiches 93 Date Sandwiches 94 BEVERAGES. Coffee 95 Tea 95 Iced Tea 95 Chocolate 96 Egg Chocolate (one glass) 96 Matinee Punch 96 Fruit Punch 96 Raspberry Shrub 97 Page. Blackberry Shrub 97 Blackberry Acid 97 Grape Juice 98 How to Fill and Seal Bottles 98 Syrup for Lemonade. .. .98 PASTRY. Puff Paste Plain Paste Pastry Pastry for Short Cake Fruit, Pies, Etc • 99 99 100 100 Meringue for Pies 100 Lemon Pie (one pie) .... 100 Lemon Pie 100 Orange Pie loi Cream Pies loi Cream Pies No. 2 loi Cream Pies (Three pies) 102 Cream Pie 102 Cream Pie 102 Jelly Pie 102 Chocolate Pie 103 Chocolate Pie Without Meringue 103 Buttermilk Pie 103 Cocoanut Pie 103 Pineapple Pie 104 Mock Mince Pie 104 Caramel Pie 104 Caramel Pie No. 2 T04 Jam Pie los Bob Andy Pie 105 Butterscotch Pie T05 Apple Pie 10; Molasses Pie to6 Stack Pies 106 Rhubarb Meringue Pie . to6 Rhubarb Pie 106 Pumpkin Pie T07 Mock Cherry Pie 107 Amber Pie 107 Green Tomato Mince- meat 107 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. , . . io8 . ..io8 Mince Meat . . . Mince Meat No. DESSERTS. Apple Dumplings 109 Cocoanut Roll 109 Fritters no Bell Fritters iro Cream Puffs no Peach Pudding no Queen of Puddings in Orange Roly Poly n i Rice Pudding in Brown Betty 112 Peach Betty 112 Jerusalem Pudding ....112 Date Pudding 112 Prune Pudding 113 Thanksgiving Pudding.. 113 A Delmonico Pudding ..113 Woodford Pudding .. ..113 German Puffs IT4 Favorite Pudding . . ..114 Ginger Pudding 114 Sponge Roll 115 Rolled Jelly Cake . . ..115 Raisin Puff 115 • Lizzie's Hot Cake 115 Inexpensive Cake for Sauce 115 Suet Pudding Fig Pudding Plum Pudding Plum Pudding No. 2 . . Tapioca Pudding Boiled Custard Quaking Custard . ... Baked Orange Custard -VTarshmallow Pudding Maple Sponge Pineapple Sponge . . . Chocolate Jelly Fruit Pudding Snow Jelly tt6 116 it6 n6 IT/ T17 itR .tt8 .tt8 .T19 .119 .119 . 120 .I2T 9 Page, Lemon Jelly 121 Orange Jelly 121 Bavarian Cream or Char - lotte Russe 121 Charlotte Russe (white) 121 Raspberry Bavarian Cream 122 Orange Charlotte 122 Ambrosia 123 Strawberry Shortcake . . 123 SAUCES FOR DESSERTS Sauce for Apple Dump- lings 124 Sauce for Plum Pudding 124 Favorite Sauce 124 Foam Sauce 124 Hard Sauce 125 Hard- Sauce No. 2 ....125 Cold Lemon Sauce 125 Hot Lemon Sauce 125 Oradnge Sauce for Pud- ding 125 Caramel Sauce 126 Chocolate Sauce . . ..126 Cream Sauce 126 Plain Sauce . . 126 CAKES. Cake 127 How to Mix Plain Cake 128 To Mix Sponge Cake or Angel Food 128 How to Mix Fruit Cake 129 Snow Mountain Cake . . 129 White Lily Cake 129 Three Egg Cake 130 White Cake 130 White Loaf Cake . . . . 130 Two Egg Cake 130 White Cake 130 Plain Cup Cake 131 Cream Cake 131 Feather Cake 131 One. Two, Three, Four Cake 131 10 TABLE OF Page. Nut Cake Orange Cake . . . Orange Cake No, 2 Sponge Cake (Never Fails) Sponge Cake . . . Sponge Muffins . Angel Food . . . x\ngel Food No. 2 Angel Food Economical Spice Cake Pound Cake Lady Baltimore Cake Marble Cake Chocolate Marble Cake Devil's Food Chocolate Sponge Cak Chocolate Nut Cake . . Apple Spice Cake Apple Sauce Cake Jam Cake . . . Jam Layer Cake. Mince Meat Cake Fig Cake .... Fruit Cake .... Uncooked Fruit Cake Cooking Club White Fruit Cake White Fruit Cake . . . Hickory Nut Cake. . . Pecan Cake Pecan Cake , Black Cake Black Fruit Cake . . . Black Cake Fruit Cake Caramel Teacakes . Sand Tarts Hot Drop Cakes . . . Doughnuts Brown Sugar Teacakes Scotch Cakes . . Oatmeal Cookies Rocks Marguerites . . Tea Cakes , , . 131 132 132 133 133 133 133 133 134 134 134 134 135 135 135 136 136 136 136 137 137 U7 138 138 138 139 139 139 139 140 140 140 140 141 141 141 142 142 142 142 143 143 143 144 CONTENTS. Page. Ammonia Tea Cakes . . . 144 Cookies 144 Ginger Cake 144 Ginger Snaps 145 Ginger Snaps No. 2.... 145 FILLINGS FOR CAKES. Icing (No .1) Icing (No. 2) Marshmallow Icing Cocoanut Filling . Chocolate Coated Icing 147 Chocolate Icing Chocolate Filling . . . Maple Icing Hickory Nut Filling Caramel Filling . . . Cream Icing . . . Uncooked Icing . Divinity Icing . , Lemon Butter . . . Orange Icing . , . Fondant Icing . . . ICES. French Ice Cream Plain Ice Cream .. Custard Ice Cream. Crushed Fruit Ice Cream Caramel Ice Cream Peach or Apple Ice Cream Peppermint Ice Cream .146 . 146 . 146 147 Almond Caramel Cream 153 Banana Cream Chocolate Ice Cream Sliced Peach Melba . Bisque or Macaroon Ice Cream Biscuit Tartoni Vanilla Parfait Nut Parfait Maraschino Parfait . , Frozen Pudding . . . , Strawberry Mousse . . .147 .147 .148 .148 .148 .148 .149 .149 .149 .149 .150 151 151 151 .152 .152 .152 [52 .153 .153 .153 .154 •154 .154 .155 • 155 .155 .156 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Mock Pistachio Ice Cream Sherry Bisque . . Lemon Sherbet . Fruit Sherbet . . Orange Ice .... Orange Delicious. Orange Sherbet. . Canteloupe Ice. . . Pineapple Sherbet Apricot Ice . . . Grape Ice Milk Sherbet. . Mint Sherbet . . Cranberry Sherbet Cherry Ice Glace or Fruit Ice Fruit Frappe . . . Frozen Punch . . Fruit Sherbet . . . Angel Cake Cases for Ice Cream Page. 156 156 157 157 157 157 158 i=;8 158 158 159 159 159 160 160 160 161 161 161 II Page. ..166 161 SAUCES FOR ICE CREAM. Orange Sauce Maple Sauce Sauce for Ice Cream Fruit Sauce Hot Chocolate Sauce Sauce for Frozen Pudding .162 .162 .162 . 162 .163 .163 PRESERVES, JELLIES, ETC. Crab Apple Jelly 164 To Keep Jelly From Moulding 164 Blackberry Jam 164 Cranberry Jam 165 Raspberry Jam 165 Orange Marmalade .... 165 Pineapple and Straw berry Preserves . ...165 Quince Honey Sun Cooked Strawberry Preserves 166 To Can Berries 166 How to Sterilize Jars... 167 To Can Peaches, Pears, Etc 167 To Can Tomatos Whole 167 To Sulphurize Peaches, Pears and Apples .... 167 To Can Corn 168 Canned Beans 168 To Keep Corn 168 Canned Sweet Peppers 168 PICKLES AND CATSUP. Cucumber Pickle , Sweet Cucumber Pickle Cucumber Pickle Yellow Cucumber Pickle Green Tomato Pickle . , Sweet Green Tomato Pickle Spanish Pickle .... Spanish Pickle No. 2 Cream Chow-Chow . Ripe Pepper Catsup Oil Pickle Sweet Relish Ripe Tomato Catsup Ripe Tomato Catsup No. 2 Grape Catsup , Ripe Tomato Relish (Uncooked) Beet Relish Pickled Beets Chicago Hot (uncook- ed) Watermelon Sweet Pickle Peach Sweet Pickle . , Sweet IMango Pickle 170 170 170 171 171 171 172 172 173 173 174 T74 174 174 175 175 175 176 176 176 177 177 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. CONFECTIONERY. Egg Kisses or Mei ingues Egg Kisses Cherry Foams . . Butter Scotch . . . Praulines Chocolate Fudge . Caramel Fudge . . Marshmallow Fudge Peamit Brittle .... Cocoanut Fudge . . Hickory Nut Candy Chocolate Caramels Caramels Cream Candy . . . Chocolate Fondant . Pulled Candy . . .. Granulated or Brown Sugar Candy . . Divinity Ribbon Candy 178 178 178 T7Q 179 179 180 180 180 181 181 181 i8t 182 T82 183 t8:? 18^ f84 Page. ....'85 . . . 18.S Seafoam Candy Cracker Jack . Candy Pudding i3j Fondant 186 French Candy Without Cooking 187 MISCELLANEOUS RE- CEIPTS. Carpet Cleaning Receipt 188 Oil Paint and Varnish Cleaner j8S Cold Water Lye Soap..fS8 Furniture and Floor Polish T85 Silver Polish 189 Furniture Polish 189 To Corn Beef 189 To Dry Beef 189 To Preserve Eggs 190 Hints and Helps 191 Table of Weights and Measures. ^2^ ^* ?^* ^5* To measure a cupful of dry material, fill the cup and level off with a case knife. To measure a spoonful of dry material, dip the spoon into the material and level off with knife. To measure a half spoonful, divide a spoonful length- wise with a knife. A heaping spoonful or cupful is all the spoon or cup will hold. A scant cupful is measured by filling cup to within one-eighth of an inch of the brim. A 'half pint cup is the standard of measurement. Four teaspoons of liquid makes one tablespoon. Four tables|X)on6 make one wineglass. Sixteen tablespoons of dry material or twelve table- spoons of liquid make one cupful. Two cupfuls make one pint. Two cups of butter solidly packed make one pound. Two cups of finely-chopped meat make one pound. Two cups of granulated sugar make one pound. Four cups of flour make one pound. Nine or ten eggs make one pound. Two level tablespoons of butter make one ounce. All measurements are level, unless otherwise stated. 13 Table of Proportions. ^w ^•' ^x* t^^ Allow two teaspoons of baking powder to two cups of flour. One teaspoon of cream tartar and one-half teaspoon of soda to two cups of flour. One teaspoon of soda to two cups of molasses. One teaspoon of ?ocla to one pint of sour milk. One tablespoon of gelatine to one pint of liquid in winter; use more in summer. Two or three eggs to one pint of milk for custards. Four heaping teaspoons of corn starch to one quart of milk for a solid custard. One cup of liquid to two cups of iiour for muflfins. One cup of liquid to one cup of flour for batter. One-half cup of yeast or one-fourth cake of compressed yeast to one pint of liquid. 14 BREADS. ^* c^* c5* c^ Pone Bread. One pint meal, one tablespoon lard, one cup butter- milk, one-half teaspoon soda. Mix well, make into small pones with hands, and put on hot greased baker. Bake in oven 30 minutes. — Louise Bell. Corn Bread. One heaping pint corn meal, one heaping tablespoon flour, one-half teaspoon soda, one and one-half Ivacups buttermilk. Have baker hot and well greased; put on corn bread, leave on top of stove a few minutes, put in a hot oven and cook until brown. — Mrs. J. E. Paxton. Cornmeal Muffins. One pint buttermilk, one teaspoon soda, one teaspoon salt, one or two eggs, one pint meal. Put soda in milk, add other ingredients and bake in hot, well greased muffin Batter Cakes. Make as muffins, only have batter thinner; fry in cakes on hot griddle. 15 16 Breads. Hot Water Corn Bread. Pour boiling water over meal and stir until well scald- ed; thin down with sweet milk until it drops well fiom spoon; beat out all lumps. Drop from spoon on hot, great^ed baker and brown on both sides. Bake on top of stove. — Jennie Lillard. Spoon Bread. Two cups meal, one cup sweet milk, four ej^gs, one tea- spoon salt, two cups buttermilk, two tablespoons melted butter, two scant teaspoons soda. Pour four large spoons of boiling water over meal and stir well ; add well beaten eggs and other ingredients, except soda which should be dissolved in a little warm water and added last. Beat well, pour into a greased pan and bake in oven. Do not cook too long. Serve with spoon from pan and eat with melted butter. — Mrs. Morgan. Soda Biscuit. One and one-half cups buttermilk, one level teaspoon soda, one teaspoon sugar and salt, one full tablespoon lard, three cups flour. Work with spoon and roll out. — Miss Chambers. Biscuit One-half teacup soda, three-fourths teacup cream tar- tar, two tablespoons flour. Sift all together four times and keep in covered can. Just before using for biscuit, stir up contents of can with spoon to keep well mixed. Breads. ^'^ When ready to make biscuit, sift together one pint flour and one rounded teaspoon of this mixture. Add one-half teaspoon salt and one heaping tablespoon of lard. Mix to soft dough with buttermilk. This makes delightful bis- cuit.— Mrs. F. E. Feland. Bahing Powder Bismit. Two cups flour, two heaping teaspoons baking powder, one rounded tablespoon lard, a pinch of salt. Mix with sweet milk or water to a soft dough. Bake in quick oven. — Martha Bell. Drop Biscuit. One cup buttermilk, one-half teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon soda, one teaspoon baking powder, one tablespoon lard. Mix well into a batter stiff enough to drop from spoon, using sufficient flour for that purpose. Grease bis- cuit pan with lard and drop spoonful at a time in pan. Bake quickly. — Mrs. Morgan. Beaten Biscuit. One quart flour, one iron spoon lard, one full teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon baking powder. Knead lard into flour well before adding milk and water (equal parts). Make into a stiff dough and work on a kneader until the doug% is smooth and blisters. Bake about 20 or 25 min- utes in moderate oven; too hot an. oven blisters tliem.— Katherine P. Botts. Beaten Biscuit. One quart flour, one tablespoon lard, one tablespoon 18 Breads. butter, one-half teaspoon salt, one teaspoon sugar. Make into stiff dough with equal parts of milk and water and knead until doug)h blisters. French Bolls. One quart flour, three tablespoons lard, whites of two eggs, two and one-half heaping teaspoons baking powder. Mix to a soft dough with sweet milk. Roll out, cut witli biscuit cutter, grease top with melted butter and fold over. Bake in quick oven. Potato Bolls. One cup raw potatoes (put through meat grinder), one cup lard, one cup sweet milk, two eggs, one-half cup sugar, one teaspoon salt, two cups warm water, five cups flour, one cake Fleischmann'e yeast. Dissoilve yeast in warm water and mix well with other ingredients. Beat well, and let rise in warm place six hours. Then knead well, adding just enough flour to keep from sticking. Roll out one-half inch thick, grease one-half of top with melted butter, fold over and cut with round cutter. Grease on top, lay in well greased pans one inch apart. Let rise in warm place one and one-half hours. Bake in quick oven. — Louise Bell. Magic Yeast. One cake magic yeast, three cups warm water, three medium size potatoes, one cup potato water. Soak yeaet in warm water; boil potatoes, remove from water and mash fine. Add yeast, one cup of potato water and suffi- Breads, 19 eient flour to make a stiff batter; beat well, stand in a warm place until light, then keep in a cool place. It is ready for use whenever wanted. — ^Loiiise Bell. Light Bolls. One quart flour, one-half cup lard, three tablespoons of prepared Magic Yeast, one-half cup sugar, one teaspoon salt, whites of two egge. Mix to a soft dough with warm milk or water and set in a wann place for six hours. When light, knead well, adding more flour if necessary, roll half an inch thick, grease with melted butter, fold over, grease again and cut with small biscuit cutter. Place in greased pans, let rise until light, (about one and oneJhalf hours), and bake in quick oven. Make up night before for noon meal or breakfast, and at 8 a. m. for night meal. — Louise Bell. Quick: Sally Lunn. Three eggs, one cup milk, two and one-half cups flour, two-thirds cup sugar, one-half cup lard or butter, two teaspoons baking powder. Mix well together, bake in muflfin rings in quick oven. — Mrs. Lockridge. Sally Lunn. One pint prepared Magic Yeast, one pint sweet milk, one pint sugar, yelks of three eggs, one cup butter or lard (butter preferred). Use flour to make a soft dough. Make up night before wanted for use, put in greased pan large enoug-'h to allow for rising ; grease on top with but- ter and set in warm place over night. Next morning, 20 Breads. knead just enough to make smooth, using as little flour as possible to prevent sticking. Eoll out one and one-half inches tihick and cut with biscuit cutter; roll edges in mel- ted butter, put in greased pan and let rise until light. Bake about 20 minutes. If liked, make meringue of whites of Qgg^, put on top of lunns and brown. — Mrs. Bell Ottenheimer. Raisin Bread. Take part of sally lunn dough, work raisins into it, make into loaf, grease on top with butter, sprinkle with icinnamon and bake. In addition to raisins, use currants and nuts; fill greased baking powder cans one-half full, let rise and bake. Then slice, butter, and serve as sand- wiches with afternoon tea. Cinnamon Rolls. Three-fourth cup flour, three-fourth cup mashed pota- toes, three-fourth cup milk, one-half cup lard, three level tablespoons sugar, two level tablespoons salt, two eggs, well beaten, one cake of Fleischmann's Yeast dissolved in one-half cup lukewarm water. Mix ingredients well to- gether, cover and set to rise in a pan of warm water. When yeast foams up and bubbles begin to break, add enougih flour to make dough (about seven cups). Divide the dough into two equal parts. To one Dart add one cup chopped raisins, one-half cup sugar, one teaspoon salt, and one tablespoon cinnamon. Put the two pieces of dough to rise in separate pans ; when they have doubled their bulk, knead a few minutes, roll one-half inch thick, Breads. 21 cut out, (lip in melted lard and fold one-half over; pinch edges together and put in pan to rise. Sprinkle cinna- mon rolls with sugar and cinnamon, let rise, and bake 15 minutes in quick oven. — Sue Paxton. Hot Cross Buns. One and one-half cups milk, one-half cup sugar (scant), one-sixth cup lard or butter, one-half cup tepid water, one-half teaspoon salt, one-fourth nutmeg grated, one-fourth teaspoon soda, one-third cake of yeast, flour to form sort of putt}'. Dissolve yeast in tepid water, add to it milk which has been scalded and cooled ; then add but- ter or lard, sugar, salt, and nutmeg with sufficient flour to make quite a stiff batter. Cover, eet in a warm place, and when thoroughly lig'ht (about five 'hours), add soda dissolved in a spoonful of water; then add enough flour to roll like biscuit. Eoll out one-half inch thick, cut with biscuit cutter, and lay on greased tins ; cover and let stand until light (about 45 minutes or one hour). Make a deep cross on the top of each bunn with a knife. Bake a light brown from 20 to 25 minutes. When done and Adiile hot, brush over the top with a mixture of one beat- en white of egg and one tablespoon sugar. — Mrs. Dunlap, Mississippi. Bread Sticl'S. Two cups scalded milk, four tablespoons sugar, one- half cup butter, one teaspoon salt, whites of three eggs, seven and one-half cups sifted flour, one cake Magic Yeait dissolved inone-fourth cup lukewarm water. Mix milk, 22 Breads. sugar, butter and salt; when lukewarm, add flour, yeast and whites of eggs well beaten. Knead well, let rise un- til light. Then shape into long, thin strips about eight inches long and one-half inch thick. Let rise again, put in hot oven, reducing heat at the end of five minutes The sticks should be very crisp and dry. Serve with soup. Salt Rising Bread. At night before making bread, scald one-half cup milk; cool, add a pinch of salt, soda and sugar and thick- en with two tablespoons of meal. Set in warm place. The next morning, take one cup boiling water, cool to lukewarm with cold water, add one teaspoon sugar, one teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon soda and make into a thick batter with flour; beat well, add mush and beat again. Set in pan of warm water and keep warm until very light. Sift four quarts flour, add one tablespoon lard, two tablespoons sugar, pour in yeast and make into a dough, using more warm water if necessary. Knead un- til dough blisters; make into loaves, grease tops and pur in greased pans, filling about half full. Set in warm place to rise and keep an even temperature. Bake in moderate oven about 40 minutes. If nights are cool, make mush at noon the day before making bread. — Worlie McManaway. Boston Brown Bread. One cup flour, one cup corn meal (unbolted), yellow meal preferred, two cups Graham flour, one cup butter- milk, one cup sweet milk, two teaspoons baking powder, Breads. 23 one Qg^, one teaspoon salt, one cup molasset^, one and one- half teaspoons soda. Dissolve soda in a little hot water, add molasses and beat well, then add salt, egg well beaten, sweet milk, baking powder, white flour and beat again. Then add sour milk, corn meal, Graiham flour and beat again. Put in one pound baking powder cans, set in ves- sel containing hot water, cover closely and steam three hours. Set in oven and dry out for 20 minutes. — Eussel Chambers. Brown Bread. One and one-half cups sour milk, one-half cup sour cream, one cup corn meal, one cup white flour, two cups Graham flour, one cup molasses, two teaspoons soda, one cup of seeded raisins, one teaspoon salt. Steam three hours. Popovers. One cup sweet milk, one cup flour, one egg, one-half teaspoon salt. Beat all together hard until creamy and full of bubbles. Bake in hot, greased muffln rings for 30 minutes.- — Mrs. Alice Lillard. Buckwheat Cakes. One and one-half pints buckwheat flour, one teaspoon salt, one teacup of good yeast. Make into a stiff batter with tepid water, add yeast and salt and set in warm place over night. Next morning, thin with sweet milk in which a little soda is dissolved, if it should ihave soured; if not sour, omit soda. Cook over hot fire. — Mrs. A. C. Witherspoon. 24 Breads. Buckwheat Cakes (Without Yeast.) Two cups buckwheat flour^ one teaepoon soda, one tea- spoon salt, two and one-'half cups buttermilk, one table- spoon melted butter, one tablespoon molasses, two eggs beaten separately. — Louisville. Rice Cakes. Two cups cold boiled rice, one cup milk, one cup sifted flour, one teaspoon salt, two eggs, two teaspoons baking powder. If rice is moist, use less milk. Mix into smooth batter and bake on hot griddle. — ^Louisville. Pancakes. One pint sweet milk, one-half teaspoon salt, two eggs beaten separately, two teaspoons baking |X)wder, flour for thin batter. Beat well together, stirring in the beaten whites the last thing. Waffles. One and one-half pints of flour, one pint sweet milk, two tablespoons melted butter, two teaspoons baking pow- der, one-half teaspoon salt, two eggs beaten separately. Mix baking powder, salt and flour, then butter, next the beaten yolks and milk and lastly the whites beaten stiff. Bake at once. — Mrs. H. B. Carpenter. Graham Wafers. One cup brown sugar, one cup buttermilk, one-^half cup butter, one teaspoon soda, five cups Graham flour. Re- Breads. 25 serve one cup of flour to roll out with. Roll thin, cut in squares, stick with fork and bake quickly. Flavor with vanilla, if liked. — Mrs. Bell Ottenheimer. Nut Bread. Three and one-fourth cups flour, two cups ground nuts, one cup sugar, three-fourth cup eweet milk, two eggs, one-half teaspoon salt, three teaspoons baking pow- der (slightly rounded). Let rise 20 minutes before bak- ing. Bake 45 minutes in slow oven. — Mrs. Elizabeth Burrus. Fried Toast. One cup cream or rich milk and one egg beaten to- gether. Salt to taste ; dip slices of stale baker's bread in this mixture and fry in skillet in which a tablespoon of butter has been melted. Brown on both sides and serve at once. — Mrs. Carpenter. Cornmeal Mush. Let four cupt? of water boil ; salt, and stir in gradually onecup of sifted mead ; cook 30 minutes. Eat with cream and sugar, or butter. Mold in pan, slice, dip in flour and fry for breakfast. SOUPS. ft(5* C^* CfT* ?^^ Soup stock is made from cheap cuts of meat, or from left over meat and scrape, all of which can be utilized for this purpose. The meat should be cut in pieces and soaked in cold water for half an hour before cooking ; the bones should be broken and are added for the sake of the gelatine which the}^ contain. Put on to cook in cold water, cover and simmer slowly for several hours. Make the day before using. White stock is made from chicken or light meat and light colored vegetables and spicee. Brown stock is made by frying meat and vegetables brown before adding water; it may also be colored with caramel. To Clarify Soup Stock. Put the stock to be cleared in a stew pan, allowing the white and shell of one egg to one quart of stock ; beat the white slightly, break the shell in small pieces and add to stock. Place on front of stove and stir constantly until boiling point it? reached, then let boil two minutes with- out t^tirring. Stand on back of stove for 15 minutes, re- move scum and strain through a cloth. Soup Stocli. One beef shin, one onion, one turnip, one teaspoon salt, sprig of parsley, five quarts water, one carrot, two 26 Soups. 27 etalks celery, two bay leaves, twelve cloves. Break bone and put on in cold water; simmer slowly for four hours, then add vegetables cut fine and herbs and boil one hour longer. Let cool, remove cake of fat from top. Strain and keep in cool place. — Mrt?. J. M. Johnson. Bouillon. Four pounds lean beef, two quarts cold w^ater, one on- ion, one-half turnip, one-half carrot, two pounds bone, one tablespoon salt, four black pepper corns, four cloves, one tablespoon mixed herbs. Break bone, cut meat In pieces, add water and heat slowly; then add other ingre- dients and simmer slowly for five hours. There should be three pints when done. Strain, cool, remove fat, and clear. — Mrs. J. W. Lockridge. White Soup. Carcast? of two chickens or one turkey, one bunch ol; celery, one quart water, one small white onion, six cloves, two potatoes, one tablespoon minced parsley, one quart hot milk, two tablespoons butter. Break the bones and add onion stuck with cloves and celery cut in small pieces; boil together until water is reduced to one pint, then strain. Have potatoes boiled and prest^ed through a sieve, rub butter into them while hot; pour over them the hot milk, add broth from bones and return to fire ; let boil up once, add minced parsley and serve with a slice of hard boiled egg in each plate. — Mrs. Morgan. 38 Soups. Vegetable Soup. One good size soup bone, one pint corn, one-half pint onions, one pint cabbage, one pint tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Cover soup bone well with water, add vegetables chopped fine and cook all until well done, about three hours. — Mrs. Minnie Springate. Chicken Soup, One grown fowl, one cup boiled rice, one gallon cold water, one cup milk or cream, salt and pepper to taste. Put fowl in cold water, boil slow'ly for three hours, skim- ming several times; add rice, salt, pepper and cream and a little thickening; throw in a little parsley or thyme before serving. — Mrs. Thomas. Calfs Head Soup. Put calf's head into one and one-half gallons of water; let boil until meat drops from bone; take it out and chop very fine. Take out brains, and mix with them one pint of port wine and one pint of Madeira wine and une tea- spoon of ealt. To the chopped meat, add an onion or two chopped fine, a handful of parsley, one teaspoon each of cloves, allspice, black pepper and a little sage. Eeturn all to kettle, and add a little flour and butter size of hen's egg, worked together; Just before taking from fire, add several lemons sliced. — Louisville. Soups. 25) Chicken Gumho. One chicken cut up for frying, one cup okra, one onion sliced, three quarts water, three cups tomatoes, 1 cup corn, salt and pepper, a few cloven, allspice, and pinch of nutmeg tied up in muslin bag. Flour chicken and fry in a little fresh bacon grease. Cut up vegetables and put them with spices in soup kettle, cover with two quarts water and boil until done; pour remaining quart of wa- ter over chicken and simmer until meat falls from bones. Eemove chicken, chop fine and add together with the water in which it was cooked to the vegetables. Thicken and serve with a spoonful of boiled rice in each plate. Gumho File. Gather sassafras leaves just before they mature, dry in the shade, powder, and keep for flavoring soup; adtj one tablespoon just before serving. Oyster Soup. One quart oysters, one-half gallon new milk, one cup cream, one-fourth pound butter, three tablespoons flour, salt and pepper to taste. Melt half of butter, stir in flour until smooth, add hot milk slowly, stirring all the while, heat to boiling point. Heat oysters in their own liquor, add to hot milk and cook until edges curl ; add hot cream, rest of butter, and seasoning, also cracker crumbs if de- sired. Serve at once. — Mrs. Carpenter. Potato Soup. Four large potatoes, one quart boiling milk, one table 30 Soups. ] spoon butter, two well beaten eggs, one cup cold milk^ one tablespoon each of chopped onion, parsley, and cei-j ery top or leaves, salt and pepper to taste. Boil potatoofi until done, rub through a coarse sieve, and add hot milk,! onion, parsley, celery and steam until like thick cream;; add butter, eggs very slowly, and cold milk. Serve very! hot. Tomato Soup. One quart tomatoes, one quart water, one-fourth pound! ham cut in pieces, one slice of onion, one-fourth teaspoon i soda, three level teaspoons cornstarch, two tablespoons; butter, one bay leaf. Place tomatoes in granite kettle,: add water, ham, bay leaf and onion. Cover tightly and cook fifteen minutes; retrain through a sieve fine enough] to remove seeds. Set aside to finish next day. Heat; soup to boiling point; moisten starch with cold water' stir it into soup while boiling, and when thickened to the! consistency of cream, add seasoning and soda. Serve ati once with tiny squares of toasted bread. Sufficient fori twelve persons. — Mrs. H. V. Bell. Tomato BouUlon. ' One quart can tomatoes, one pint water, a slice of on-i ion, a bay leaf, a few celery seed, one cup whipped cream,; whites of two eggs well beaten. Boil tomatoes, water,! onions and herbs together for 15 minutes; press through! colander, add whites of eggs, boil five minutes and strain! through cheese cloth; add a pinch of soda. Eeheat, add] whipped cream and serve at once with strips of toasted, bread. — ^Irs. Carpenter. ; i Soups. 31 Cream of Tomato Soup. One quart of tomatoes, three pints milk, one heaping tablespoon flour, two heaping tablespoons butter, one level teaspoon soda, salt and pepper to taste. Cook to- matoes until soft, add soda and rub through sieve; put milk in double boiler; melt butter, add flour and rub until smooth, add a little milk and stir all into milk in double boiler; add tomato pulp, salt and pepper, let boil up and serve. — Mies Chambers. Cream of Corn Soup. One pint canned or grated corn, jolks of two eggs, two pints boiling water or chicken stock, one pint hot milk, three tablespoons butter, two tablespoons flour, a slice of onion, salt and pepper. Boil corn and water together 15 minutes, then rub through a sieve; add salt and pepper and let simmer, while you rub butter and flour together; add these to the corn mixture, stirring until it thickens. Now add boiling milk in which onion has been scalded. Cook one minute, add beaten yolks slowly and serve at once. — Mrs. Morgan. Cream of Celery Soup. Two and two-thirds cups celery pulp, two slices of on- ion, three pints milk, four tablespoons butter, three table- spoons flour, one pint cream, pepper and salt. Cut cel- ery fine and cook in very little water until tender, rub through sieve; put milk in double boiler with onion; mei butter, add flour and put in hot milk; add celery pulp, cream, pepper and salt and serve with a spoonful of whip- ped cream in each plate. 32 Soups. Cream of Asparagus Soup. Allow one cup of asparagus pulp to three cups of milk or cream; bind together with one tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon flour rubbed together. Season to taste. Reserve ^ome of the tender tips to serve in plates of soup. All cream soups may be made this way. Amber Soup. One chicken or remains of two roasted ones cut in pieces, add a soup bone with three quarts of water. Cook slowly for four hours, then add one onion fried in a little butter, six cloves, one carrot, three stalks of celery, and a little parsley. Cook for an hour, by which time the stock should be reduced to two quarts. Strain, and when cold, remove fat from top, clear and strain again. Ee- heat and add a tablespoon of caramel for a richer color- ing. — Mrs. Carpenter. Caramel for Coloring Soups and Sauces. Melt two tablespoons granulated sugar, stir until a dark brown, add slowly one-half teacup boiling water and sim- mer until dissolved. Keep in glass jar and use according to judgment. Blaclc Bean Soup. Two cups black beans, six cups cold water, one quart beef stock, one onion, two sprigs parsley, four cloves, one teaspoon mixed thyme and sweet marjoram. Wash beans, soak over night in cold water; next morning, put in soup Soups. 33 kettle, add onions, cloves and herbs and simmer until beans are soft. Rub tliem through a colander, return to kettle, add beef stock and simmer for an hour. Put slic'3^ of hard boiled eggs and thin slices of lemon in tureen and pour in soup. Noodles for Soup. Mix together one egg, a little salt and flour for a stiff dough. Roll into a thin sheet, sprinkle with flour and roll up, then cut in threads and drop in boiling soup. Croutons. Croutons are small pieces of light bread, cut in fancy shapes, toasted or fried and put in soup just before serv- ing. Forcemeat Balls. . Use any kind of meat, grind fine, season with salt, pep- per and onion juice; use a few cracker crumbs and bind together with a raw egg. Make into tiny balls, put into soup a few minutes before serving. Egg Balls. The yolks of two hard boiled eggs, mash, season with salt and pepper, one teaspoon butter, a little parsley and just enough raw egg to bind together. Mold into small balls, drop in soup a few minutes before serving. FISH AND OYSTERS. ^^t ^W <^% ^^^ Baked, Fish. Take out backbone of fish, leaving head and tail on. Chop fine two small onions and fry in one tablespoon of butter; add sufficient soaked bread to fill fish, the yolk of one egg and season all with salt and pepper, nutmeg Mnd chopped parsley. Stuff fish with mixture, pour over it melted butter, put a little water in pan and bake in mod- erate oven. — ^Mrs. J. R. McMichael. Bahed Fish. Take a six-pound fish, clean thoroughly and salt it. When ready to cook, stuff with the following dressing: take five large crackers, juice of one lemon, butter size of walnut, season highly with salt and pepper; mix into a smooth dressing with hot water and put inside the fish. Place fish in baking pan with sufficient water to cover bottom; sprinkle with pepper and salt and lay on top a few strips of fat bacon. Put in oven and baste frequent- ly until done. Garnish with slices of hard boiled eggs and lemons cut in rings. — Mrs. D. iL. Moore. Boiled Fish. Dress the fish nicely and cover in a fish kettle with hot water seasoned well with salt. Remove the scum as it 34 Fish and Oysters. 35 rises and simmer, allowing about ten minutes' time for every pound; when about half done, add a little vinegar or lemon juice. Take out, drain and dit^h carefully, pour- ing over it drawn butter; or garnish w^ith sprigs of pars- ley and serve with egg sauce. If fish kettle is not avail- able, tie in clean cloth and boil ; it can then be lifted out without breaking. Fish Pudding. One-pound boiled fish, one and one-half tablespoons butter, one-half tablespoon flour, one-fourth teaspoon pep- per, one-half cup cream, yolks of two eggs, one and one- half teaspoons salt, one teaspoon lemon juice. Mash fish, put through sieve, add salt, pepper and lemon juice. rJelt butter in saucepan, add flour, stir until smooth and add cream, stirring until well scalded; add fish, take from fire and add beaten eggs. Butter a mold and fill with the pudding, pressing it well against the sides. Put mold in pan of water and cook in oven thirty minutes. Serve with potatoes and rich sauce. — 'Mrs. J. M. John- eon. Salmon Turhot. One can of salmon, one heaping tablespoon flour, two eggs well beaten, one pint milk, butter size of walnut, salt and pepper to taste. Remove skin, bones and oil from salmon ; melt butter, add flour and pour slowly over them the milk, stirring constantly until it thickens ; pour the mixture over the salmon, stir lightly and add eggi^, mixing all lightly together. Put in baking dish, cover with buttered crumbs and bake thirty minutes. — Texas. 36 Fish and Tysters. Fish Timhale. Eemove bones from cold boiled fish and pick into shreds; to every pint, add three-fourths cup of cream sauce, salt, pepper and onion juice to taste and two eggs. Mix together and beat hard. Grease a border mold with butter and press the creamed fish well into it; set mold in a pan of hot water, cover closely and cook inside of oven until firm. Turn out and serve with cream sauce and Parisienne potatoes; the receipt will be found under head of "Vegetables." Fish Balls, One pint of fish picked fine, two beaten eggs, lump of butter, one pint of mashed potatoes, salt, pepper and pars- ley and a little cream, if too stiff. Mix well together, roll into balls and fry in hot lard. Fried Oijsters. Wash and drain oysters and dry between tow^els; sea- son with pepper and salt, dip first in beaten egg and then in cracker crumbs and let them lie awhile before frying; fry in half lard and half butter; or roll in sifted meal and fry. Scalloped Oysters. Butter a baking dish and put a layer of oysters on bottom, then a layer of fine bread crumbs, then a layer of oysters and so on until pan is almost full, leaving a layer of buttered crumbs on top. Season each layer with Fish and Oysters. 37 salt, pepper and bits of butter and pour cream over all to moisten crumbs well. Bake in aven for tliree-quarterr- of an hour. Oyster Cocktails. Six tablespoons of tomato catsup, six drops of tobacco sauce, one saltspoon of grated horseradish, two table- spoons lemon juice, a dash of salt and paprika, one table spoon of finely chopped celery. Bury small oyster in ice until needed, have glasses, in which they are to be served, thoroughly chilled. Put five oysters in the bottom of each glass, pour a portion of sauce over them and serve. This is sufficient for six cocktails. Scrambled Eggs and Oysters. Wash and drain one pint of oysters; put them in a pan of boiling water and cook until edge^ curl, then drain. Break five eggs and add to the oysters well seasoned with salt and pepper. Toss them into a hot frying pan in which has been melted two tablespoons of butter and scramble all together. A nice dish for breakfast. — Mrs. F. E. Feland. Oyster Pie. Line a baking dish with rich pastry, fill it with oysters seasoned well with salt, pepper and butter, add a little cream. Cover with upper crust with slits in it and bake until brown. 38 Fish and Oysters. Oyster Fritters. Take one egg, one-half cup of milk and one cup of sifted flour and make into a smooth batter; season small oyster with salt, pepper and a little lemon juice, covei each oyster well with batter, then take four at a time and drop into smoking fat ; fry brown and drain on paper. Crea7ned Oysters in Toast Cups. Drain one pint of oysters in colander; strain the juice and heat in double boiler, season with salt and pepper and add one cup of cream. 'Melt one large tablespoon of but- ter, add one tablespoon of flour and pour on them the hot liquid; add oysters and cook a few minutes. Serve in toast cups garnished with parsley. To make the toast cups, cut slices of bread two inches thick and four inches square ; remove the crust and scoop out center, leaving n shell about ha!lf an inch thick all around. Brush inside and outside with melted butter and brown in a quick oven. — ^Mrs. Morgan. Oyster Patties. For the filling, make a sauce by cooking together one tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon of flour; when smooth, pour upon them one gill of oyster liquor and one gill of cream, making one-half pint of liquid altogether. Stir until thick and boiling, then drop in oysters and cook until they ruffle. Season with salt, white pepper and just a suspicion of mace; add a well beaten egg, a drop at a Fish and Oysters. 30 time and cook just a minute longer; take from fire and put in patty cases, which should be hot. This is enough sauce for a solid pint of oyeters; use small oysters. For the cases, make a rich pastry and bake in patty tins, press- ing the pastry into the shape of the tins; bake small rounds for covers and when cases are filled, put on tops and serve hot.^ — Louise Bell. Panned Oysters. Put two tablespoons of butter in frying pan, and when bubbling hot, lay in twenty oysters well drained of their liquor. Cook until oysters ruffle, add salt, pepper and juice of one lemon. Serve at once on rounds of buttered toast. MEATS. ^* t^ i^ f^ Boiling. Meat, in order to be tender, should be gently boiled, rather than boiled fast; cook in a closely covered kettle, and if necessary to add more water, use boiling water. A little vinegar put in the water with tough meat or poul- try will make it tender. Very salt meats or dried meats should be soaked over night in cold water before cooking. Allow twenty or thirty minutes to each pound of meat when cooking. Frying. The fat must be very hot and deep enough to entirely immerse article to be fried. A coating is thus formed on the outside and in this way kept from absorbing grease. Another method of frying, is to put the article in a very hot skillet with a small amount of fat, which gives it the seasoning of a broil. Roasting. Put on rack in roaster, put a little hot water in bottom of pan with some pieces of fat from meat; dredge with salt, pepper and flour. Have oven very hot at first in order to cook meat on outside and thus prevent the juices from escaping. After half an hour reduce the 40 Meats. 41 heat and cook slowly. Baste with with water in bottom of pan. Broiling. In broiling, the meat is to be quickly browned, turning often, (first on one side, then the other, over a hot fire. It should be seasoned after it ie cooked. To Baste. — ^To pour water or butter over meats while baking or broiling. To Dredge. — ^To sprinkle with flour. Grill.— To broil. Saute. — ^To semi-fry in a very little lard or butter. Larding. Ctit firm bacon into very narrow strips with a sharp knife ; place one end in a larding needle, draw it through the skin and a small bit of the meat, leaving the strip of pork in the meat. The two ends left exposed should be of equal length. The larding may be arranged in any way to suit the fancy. If you have no larding needle, the strips may be tied on and strings removed before sending meat to table. To Broil Steak. Grease broiler or skillet with some fat from steak, have it very hot; put in steak and turn frequently, searing on both sides. When done as liked, put on dish ; salt, pepper and butter to taste. Boiled Steak. Have ready one large tenderloin steak one and one-half inches thick. Make a dressing of cold biscuit, salt, pep- 42 Meats. per, lump of butter and warm water, season with sage and onion and spread on steak. Roll up steak and tie in the middle and at each end with clean cord. Put in pan witli lumps of butter and some water, and bake in oven until done, basting frequently with the liquid. Eemove cords before serving. — Mrs. J. W. Lockridge. Ham Toast. One pint of lean ham minced fine, one-half cup of cream, two eggs, a dash of cayenne pepper. Stir together over fire until it thickens, and spread on hot toast. Nice for breakfast. — Louise Bell. Hamburg Stealc. Run lean beef through a meat chopper. Season highly with salt, pepper and finely chopped onion. Add a little flour, make into a large cake or smaller ones, if preferred. Put into a skillet with plenty of melted butter and bake thoroughly. — Mrs. H. B. Cassell, Harrodsburg. Beefsteak Fritters. One pound raw beef finely chopped, one-fourth tea- spoonful of black pepper, one and one-half teaspoons of salt, six eggs. Mix beef, beaten yolks and seasoning to- gether, fold in stiffly beaten whites, drop from a spoon into hot lard and fry a light brown; drain on brown pa- per. Cook new potatoes, pile in center of dish, pour melted butter and a tablespoon of minced parsley over them and arrange the fritters in a border with a sprig of parsley here and there. — Mrs. Carpenter. Meats. 43 Fried Liver. Cut in thin slices, place on platter, pour boiling water over it and immediately pour off (this takes away the un- pleasant flavor). Sprinkle with salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry slowly in hot lard until brown on both sides. French Pot Boast. Select a three-pound lean roast of beef. Brown one- half pound of butter in a pot; put roast in butter and cook for thirty minutes, turning it frequently so that it may brown well on all sides. Then add two medium size onions and a quart of boiling water. Cook slowly on top of stove (not next to fire) for three hours, keeping pot closely covered. Season with salt and pepper; thick- en gravy with flour and serve hot with roast. — Mrs. E, F. Eipy. Stuffed Stew. Take round steak, make slits in it about two inchee long. Fill with bread stuffing, roll up and tie wdll. Put into a baking pan, add a sliced onion, a 'carrot, a sprig of parsley and a quart of water. Cover the pan and cook slowly for two hours. Serve with brown gravy. — Mrs. J. L. Croesfield. Fricassee of Dried Beef. One tablespoon butter, one tablespoon flour, one cuj) cream, one can dried beef, one ^gg, salt and pepper to taste. Melt butter, add beef and stir until well mixed, then stir in flour, eggs, salt and pepper, and lastly cream. 44 Meats. Cook until thick and serve on buttered toast. — Mrs. Cas- sell. Meat Balls. One and one-half pounds beef cooked and chopped fine, three eggs well beaten, three onions chopped fine, one pound pork chopped fine. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly, add some bread crumbs, make out like sau- sage, roll in flour and fry in hot lard. — Mrs. Stanley Johnson. Creamed Turkey or Chicken Hash. Cut remnants of cold fowl fine, put in pan and cover with water. When boiling, add two tablespoons of cold mashed potatoes and season with pepper, ^alt and a little onion. Thicken with bread crumbs, then add s. cup of cream, let boil up and serve. — Mrs. H. B. Carpenter. Baked Hash. Use left-over meats for this dish. Take one pint of ground meat, one-half cup of cold mashed potatoes and one-half cup of bread crumbs. Add one egg and enough sweet milk to moisten well. Season with butter, pepper and salt and a little onion, if liked. Mix well together, put in pan and bake in oven. — Mrs. Bell Ottenheimer. Fried Chicken. Dress chickens, if possible, the day before wanted for use and put on ice. When wanted for use, salt and flour well and fry in hot lard, browning each side evenly;. then draw to back of stove and cook until tender. Or the Meats. 45 pieces may be clipped in beaten egg and then in cracker crumbs and fried. When done, pour off all the grease, except about two tablespoons, stir in two tablespoons of flour and when blended, pour over them a pint of milk; cook until thick and pour over chicken or serve from gravy bowl, as preferred. Chicken Pie. iCut up young chickens ae for frying, stew in barely enough water to cover until tender. Line a baking dish with pastiy, lay into it the pieces of chicken and make rich with butter. Season liquor with salt and pepper, add a sprig or two of thyme, pour over chicken and put on top crust, prick with fork and bake until a nice brown. —Martha Bell. Chicken Pie. Take a large fat chicken, wash well in salt water, joint and put in a pan almost full of water. Add a minced onion, two stalks of celery cut fine, a slice of lemon and four potatoes cut in small pieces. Take a few pieces of cloves, spice and stick cinnamon, tie up in a cloth and cook until chicken is tender. Make a good pie crust and line a pan, put in chicken, add one cup of tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Cover over with crust and bake in oven. — ^Sue Paxton. Chicken Pudding. Cut up one large chicken as for frying and simmer until meat falls from bones. Beat four eggs light, add one pint of milk, two tablespoons of melted butter, salt 46 Meats. and pepper, and sufficient flour to make a thin batter. Cut meat fine, put into the batter, pour into a deep dish and halve. — Tennessee. Salmi of Chicken. Take cold minced chicken, moisten well with drawn butter, heat and season with celery salt and pepper. Cov- er the bottom of a baking dish with bread crumbs; add to the chicken one beaten Qgg and lemon juice to taste and pour into dish. Cover with buttered bread-crumbs and bake to a nice brown. Smothered Chid-.en. Select a young chicken, dress and split open on rjack. Heat a skillet hot (not enough to burn), put in a little lard, lay chicken in skillet with back down and let brown, then turn and brown on the other side. Add sufficient hot water to make a stew, cover and cook until tender. Season well with butter, salt and pepper and, when done, add one cup of cream and thicken. This method of cooking chicken gives it the season of a broil and a deli- cious flavor. — Mrs. Martha Lillard. Broiled Chicken. Split the chicken down the back, lay in salt water for half an hour, then wipe dry and put on ice until wanted. When ready to cook, put a steel frying pan on stove until hot. Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper and grease well with melted butter. Put into hot skillet, place a tin plate over it on which put a small flat iron to weight Meats. 47 it clown. Turn often until a golden brown and then re- move to back of stove to finish cooking. Watch careful- ly to prevent burning. Lay on hot dish, pour melted butter over it and garnish with thin slices of lemon and curled parsley. — Mrs. Morgan. A Spanish Steah. Have a sirloin steak three-fourths of an inch thick, hack well on both sides with a sharp knife. Put steak in a very hot skillet and turn often until done. Have ready equal parts of ripe tomatoes, onions and sweet green pepper chopped fine. After lifting out steak, put vege- tables in skillet with one teaspoon of butter; Sitir until well heated, put on steak and serve. — Texas. Breaded Lamh Chops. Trim the chops, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip them in melted butter and let it cool on them. Have ready the yolks of two eggs well beaten; dip the •cho])s in this and then in bread crumbs. Let them broil over a clear fire. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice to the gravy and garnish with lemon sliced very thin and curled pars- ley. — Louise Bell. Saddle of Mutton. Gas'h meat to the bone. >Put in pan with w^ater in the bottom. Mix spices, sprinkle through gashes, over meat and in the gravy. Put thin slices of bacon in the gashes. Baste frequently. Salt and pepper to taste. — Mrs. E. B. Thomas, Georgetown. Seasoning for Sausage. Fifteen pounds lean meat, four tablespoons salt, two 48 Meats. tablespoons of sage, five pounds fat meat, one and one- half tablespoons cayenne pepper, two tablespoons black pepper, two tablespoons brown sugar. Cut meat into strips, mix seasoning together and sprinkle on meat be- fore grinding. Make all spoons heaping. — ^Mrs. Thomas, Georgetown. Mutton in Casserple. Take three pounds of lean mutton, cut in suitable pieces to serve, carefully trimming off all fat. Place the fat in frying pan ; when very hot, add the pieces of meat, well floured, two chopped onions and one-half teaspoon of pepper. Fry until brown, turning frequently, then add enough hot water to cover meat. Put in casserole, one turnip and one carrot sliced thin, pour over this the meat and put on cover. Place in oven, bake one hour; add teaspoon of salt, cover and bake one hour longer, then serve. Sausage Boll. Two cups of flour, one-half teaspoon of sugar, one-half cup of lard ; mix well, add one-fourth cup of cold water and one teaspoon of salt. Roll out, put in fresh sausage, make in small rolls and bake in oven. — Mary Paxton. Fried Ham. Place slices of ham in boiling water and cook until tender; put in frying pan and brown. To Cooh a Ham. Take a 1'5-pound ham, fill roasting pan half full uf boiling water, add half a cup of apple vinegar; put ham in roaster with skin side up and bring to a boil as quickly Meats, 49 as possible, then boil slowly for four hours. Take skin off, cover with brown sugar, mustard and bread crumbs moistened with vinegar; return to oven and bake half an hour with a slow fire. — Mrs. J. R. Paxton. To Keep Sausage. Pack fresh sausage solidly in a stone crock, put in oven and bake three or four hours; there should be enough grease from sausage to form a cake on top; if not, melt fresh lard and pour on top. Tie up and keep in cool place. When wanted for use, slice and fry in skillet.— Mre. E. H. Marrs. To Boil a Ham. If ham is two or three years old, soak over night in cold water, skin side up. Next morning, scrape careful- ly, cover with cold water, add one dozen each of cloves and allspice, six whole grains of black pepper, one pod of red pepper, one teacup of vinegar. iLet barely boil (ne\'er 'hard) which will take nearly all day. Take up and skin while hot and cover thick with brown sugar. Make a sauce of one teacup of vinegar, two tablespoons of mustard, and one pint of water. Put ham in pan and add enough water to keep from burning, putting a few cloves and allspice in water. Moisten sugar on ham with mixture and baste twice with cold sauce. — 'Mrs. E. B. Thomas, Georgetown. A Cider Boiled Ham. Wash a lean ham thoroughly and soak it in cold water 50 Meats. for twenty-four hours. Wipe it dry and put into a porce- lain kettle with cider enough to more than cover it. Cook it slowly, allowing fifteen minutes to every pound of meat. Let the ham stand in the liquor in which it has been cooked until it is cold. Then carefully remove the skin and wipe it dry. — ^Louisville. Brpiled Quail on Toast. Split the quails up the back and parboil them in hot water in a covered baking pan until tender. Salt and pepper them, dredge well with liour, dip in melted but- ter and lay on broiler, breast down; turn often until brown. Serve on squares of toast with crust removed and pour the butter gravy over them. Garnish with curled celery. — Mrs. H. B. Carpenter. Roast Turkey. Have turkey dressed and salted at least 24 hours before roasting. A tender ten-pound turkey requires three hours for roasting. Wash turkey, stuff, rub with a little salt and spread the breast, wings and legs with butter and flour mixed together until creamy. Dredge the bot- tom of pan with flour and put in a hot oven, reducing the heat as necessary, that the bird may not become too brown before it is well done. As soon as the flour is browned, baste the turkey with one-third cup of butter melted in three-fourths cup of hot water, and after this is used, baste with the fat in pan which has cooked out of turkey. Turn the bird often, that it may brown even- ly and baste frequently. If it becomes too brown, cover with buttered paper. — Mrs. W. H. Morgan. Meats. 51 Oyster Stuffing for Turhey. Break stale bread into small pieces; soften with hot water, add butter to season well, salt and pepper and two cups of chopped oysters. Stuff into turkey; make small cakes of remainder and brown. Chestnut Stuffing. One pint fine bread crumbs, one pint shelled chestnuts boiled and chopped fine, one-half cup melted butter, salt, pepper and chopped parsley to season; add hot water to moisten, if necessary. Celery Stuffing. Make plain stuffing and season with finely cut celery. Duclc Stuffing. One and one-half cups cracker crumbs, one cup shelled peanuts finely chopped, four tablespoons butter, one cup of cream, a little onion juice, salt, pepper and cayenne to taste. — ^Missouri. Meat Loaf of Left-Overs. Grind through meat cutter any kind of left-over meat. To one quart of meat, use one pint and a half of bread crumbs, three egg?, salt, pepper, a little onion juice and sufficient warm] water to moisten. Make into a loaf, put in baking pan with a little water and some lumps of but- ter; baste often, bake until done. ENTREES. Croquettes. This general recipe will answer for all kinds of meat. Brains, mushrooms, or sweetbreads may be combined with chicken for chicken croquettes. To each pint of ground meat, allow one cup of cream or milk, one round- ing tablespoon of butter, two rounding tablespoons of flour, one level teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon of onion juice, a little lemon juice, a salt spoon each of pepper and grated nutmeg, a dash of red pepper and two well beaten eggs. Melt butter in pan, add flour, rub until smooth, pour on milk gradually, stirring until thick and smooth; add eggs just before taking from fire, then add seasoning, them meat, mix well, spread out to cool. When cold, form into croquettes ; beat an egg with one tablespoon of water, roll croquettes into sifted bread crumbs, then in egg, then in crumbs again and lay in cool place for two oi' three hours. Fry in smoking hot fat deep enough to im- merse them and drain on brown paper. They can be made without eggs, if preferred. Chicl'en Croquettes. One pound cold boiled chicken, four eggs, one-half cuj) cream, one-half pound stale bread with crust remove J, one-half pound butter, one onion chopped fine, one tea- spoon chopped parsley, a little nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. Pour over the bread-crumbs, some of the liq- 52 Eni/1'ees. 53 uor in which chicken was boiled, add the yolks of two eggs, butter, cream, onion, nutmeg, parsley, salt and pepper and cook to a mush ; then add ground meat. When cold, add two whole eggt?, sbape in cracker crumbs, dip in whites (reserved) well beaten, and again in cracker crumbs. Fry in very hot lard. — ^Ethel Eipy. Ham Croquettes. One teacup chopped ham, one teacup boiled rice, pep- per to taste. If too stiff, add a little cream. Mix to- gether, shape, dip in egg, roll in cracker crumbs and fry a light brown. — ^Lillard Witherspoon. Salmon Croquettes. One ean salmon, same quantity of mashed potatoes, yelks of two eggs well beaten, butter size of 2gg, a pinch of salt, black and cayenne pepper to taste. Make into pear shapes, roll in white of egg, then in cracker crumbs and fry in hot lard. — Mrs. Powell Taylor. Cheese Croquettes. Three tablespoons butter, three tablespoons flour, one cup grated soft cheese, three-fourths cup milk. Melt butter, add flour, and pour on gradually the milk, stir- ring until thick and smooth, add ■cheese, season with salt and cayenne pepper and spread on plate to cool. Shape into balls (not too large), roll in crumbs, Qggti and crumbs and fry in hot fat. Pass with lettuce course. — Mrs. Morgan. 5 1 Entrees. Egg Croquettes. One-half dozen hard boiled eggs, three-fourths cup ot cream or new milk, one cup bread crumbs, three table- spoons butter, salt and pepper to taste. Scald cream and pour over bread crumbs, add butter and stir until smooth, add eggs which have been put through meat grinder, then salt and pepper. When cold, t?hape into croquettes, roll in crumbs, Qgg and crumbs, and fry a delicate brown iu smoking hot lard. Nut Croquettes. One cup ifinely chopped nuts, 1 cup mashed potatoes, one cup bread crumbs, two eggs, one tablespoon lemon juice, one-half teaspoon onion juice, a grating of nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. Mix well together, add cream until of proper consistency to shape. Make into balls, roll in Qgg, then in bread crumbs and fry in very hot lard. —Martha Bell. Beef Loaf. Two pounds round steak, ground fine, two eggs, two double handfuls of cracker crumbs, three onions ground, one-half teacup melted butter, one-half can finely chop- ped tomatoes, celery seed or chopped celery, if liked, salt and pepper to taste. Drain juice from tomatoes, mix ail ingredients well together, form into a loaf and bake one and one-fourth hours; baste often with juice of tomatoe« — Lexington. Chicken Loaf. Two pounds finely chopped chicken, two cups bread- crumbs, one tablespoon onion juice, juice of one lemon, Entrees. 55 one tablespoon chopped parsley, two eggs, a little butter, t;alt and pepper to ta^te. Add a little cream, make into a loaf and bake in oven one honr, basting with butter and water. Slice thin when cold. Boudans. One pint cold meat or chicken chopped fine, one-half cup hot stock, one tablespoon butter, two eggs well beat- en, two tablespoons cracker crumbs, salt and pepper to taste. Stir over fire until well mixed; fill cups or tim- bal molds two-thirds full and stand in biscuit pan half full of boiling water and set in moderate oven 20 min- utes. Turn out on platter and sers^e with cream and mushroom sauce. — Mns. J. M. Johnson. Egg Tinihah. Four eggs, three-fourths cup milk, salt and pepper to taste. Beat eggs slightly, add milk and seasoning and strain into buttered timbal molds, set in a pan of hot water and bake until Ifirm. Garnish with parsley and serve with tomato sauce. The recipe will be found under head of "Sauces for Meat and Fish." Chicken a la Terrapin. Three tablespoons butter, one tablespoon flour, on'i pint chopped chicken, one-hal'f pint milk, three hard boiled eggs, salt, pepper and a little parsley. Eub flour and butter together and stir into boiling milk. When 't begins to thicken, add eggs pressed through a sieve, chick- en and other ingredients. Serve on toast. — 'Mrs. Burton. 56 Entrees. Chicken Mousee. One cup chicken stock, one cup pounded chicken, one tablespoon gelatine dissolved in water, yolks of two eggs, one tablespoon sherry, one cup whipped cream, whites oi three eggs, salt, pepper and a little celery salt. Cook to- gether stock, well beaten yolks of eggs, salt, pepper, and celery salt for one minute after getting hot. Add chick- en, sherry, gelatine and lastly, whites of eggs. Beat to- gether until cool and set on ice. Slice and serve with mayonnaise. — Mrs. J, M. Johnson. Stuffed Peppers With Tomato Sauce. Cut the tops from green or red peppers, remove parti- tions and seeds, and stand in cold water for an hour. Drain and till with chopped veal, chicken or beef, a little onion and some bread crumbs; season all well together with melted butter and put in a pan with one cup or more of stock or water. Cover the top with bread- crumbs and bake 40 or 50 minutes. The peppers may be opened and stuffed from the side and an egg may he mixed with meat. — Mrs. Sandlin. Creamed Chicl-en in Potato Shells. Peel four large potatoes of same size ; cut off each end and split through the centers into halves; scoop out the inside, leaving a thin shell ; throw into cold water and let stand for an hour. Drain, wipe dry and fry in boiling fat until a golden brown. Make a rich cream sauce sea- soned well with pepper, salt and a little celery salt; add Entrees. 57 minced chicken and when well heated, serve in 'hot pota- to shells ; garnish with parsley. Creamed fish is also nice served in same way. — ^Mrs. Morgan. Timhal Shells. Three-fourths cup flour, two-thirds cup milk, one egg slightly beaten, one tablespoon olive oil, one-half teaspoon salt. Mix together flour, salt, milk and egg, when smooth, add olive oil. Dip a hot timbal iron in this bat- ter and fry the mixture which clings to it in hot fat deep enough to cover. If the batter is not smooth, strain it. Fill the shells with oysters, peas, mushrooms, etc. — Mrs. Bernard Griffey. Chicken Timhals. Two cups ground chicken, one cup bread crumbs, two tablespoons melted butter, one cup cream, three egg^ beaten separately, one teaspoon chopped parsley, one teaspoon onion juice, one teaspoon salt, a dash of red pep- per. Mix all ingredients together, except whites of eggs, which must be beaten stiffly and folded in last. Fill well buttered timbal molds with mixture, set in a pan of boiling water, cover closely and bake fifteen minutes. Turn out and serve with tomato or mushroom sauce. Creamed Celery and Chicken. To one cup of thick boiling cream sauce, add two cups ground chicken, the yolks of two eggs, salt and pepper to taste ; cook over fire for three minutes, stirring constant- ly ; then spread on a dish to cool. When cold, form into round shapes, make an indentation in center of each with 58 Entrees. back of spoon, roll in flour, then in beaten whites, tbtvi in crumbs and fry in hot fat and drain. Fill the small cavities with creamed celery and serve very hot; garnish with parsley. The cavities may also be ifilled with peas or mushrooms. — Mrs. Morgan. Creamed Sweetbreads. Prepare sweetbreads by soaking in cold water for an hour or two, changing the water twice. Take out and place in boiling salted water to which has been added a little lemon juice or vinegar. Cook slowly {for ten or fifteen minutes (hard boiling spoils them), drain and put into cold water; remove fibre, cut in small pieces and serve in cream sauce on toast, or in patty shells or crous- tades. Sw'eethread Cutlets. Chop ifine one pair of sweetbreads and one-half dozen mushrooms; mix together with thick cream sauce (about a cup full) season well with salt and pepper and a little lemon juice. When cold, make into pear shape, flatten between palms of the hands to half an inch thick, stick a piece of spaghetti in the small end to simulate a bone; roll in crumbs, egg and crumbs and fry as you would cro- quettes* Chicken cutlets are made in same way. Creamed Brtflins. Soak over night in cold water, carefully remove tissue, then put in hot water with one teaspoon vinegar; boil gently for 20 minutes, then lay in cold water. Drain, Entrees. 59 break in pieces, then add a cream sauce seasoned with a little onion juice, cayenne and 6alt; stir in the yolks of two eggs, and turn mixture into buttered ramekins, cov- er with crumbs and bake fifteen minutes. Brains With Eggs. Prepare as in pr^eding receipt, then scramble with several eggs in hot butter; serve on toast. Souffle of Mushrooms. Make a thick white sauce with one-fourth cup each cf butter and flour and one-half cup each of thin cream and the liquor drained from a can of mushrooms ; season with salt and pepper. Separate three eggs, beat the yolks well, add the mushrooms sliced thin and stir into the hot sauce. Beat the whites quite stiff and fold in gently. Put the mixture into a buttered baking dish, cover with bread crumbs and bake slowly about twenty minutes. Cheese or tomato souffle may be made with same propor- tions. — M. Bowling Bond. Salmon Souffle. Eemove salmon from can, rinse well with hot water, tear into flakes and season with salt, paprika and lemon juice. Make one cup of thick cream sauce, add to it the salmon and the yolks of four eggs well beaten; then fold in the stiffly beaten whites, turn mixture into a buttered mold, set in a pan of hot water and ba'ke until firm. Turn out and serve with pimento sauce. — Mrs. Morgan. 60 Entrees. Aspic Jelly. Soak one box of Knox gelatine in one cup of cold wa- ter^ add one quart soup stock, one stalk celery, one onion minced fine, four cloves, five black pepper corns, a bay leaf and juice of one lemon; boil slowly for one-hayf hour. Clear with whites of two eggs and broken shells and strain through a cloth. If you have not the soup stock on hand, add two teaspoons of beef extract and one quart water. Mold in shallow pans, cut in fancy shapes and place around meat as a garnish. Jellied Chicken. Ornament the bottom of a mold with thin slices of hard boiled eggs and pickles; pour over this a layer of aspic jelly when just beginning to congeal; when firm, put in a layer of boiled chicken cnt in stripe, then a layer of jelly, then eggs and pickles, and so on till mold is full. When cold, dip. mold in warm water and turn out on platter. Garnish with curled celery and serve with may- onnaise. Sauces For Meat and Fish. f^ j^ «5* «5* White or Cream Sauce. One tablespoon butter, one tablespoon flour, one cup hot milk or cream, salt and white pepper to taste. Melt butter in pan, add flour and stir until smooth, then add milk gradually and then seasoning; simmer until it thick- ens. Nut Sauce. Add nuts to cream sauce. Brown Sauce. One tablespoon butter, one tablespoon flour, one cup water or beef stock, salt and pepper to taste. Melt but- ter in eauce pan and stir until brown, add flour and brown again, then add stock gradually, stirring until thick and smooth, or it may be colored with caramel. Drawn Butter Sauce. Melt two generous tablespoons of butter in a sauce pan, add two teaspoons flour and pour over one cup of boiling water; stir until it thickens, then add gradually one-half tablespoon of butter, beating until smooth. Serve with fish. When wanted acid, add lemon juice. Pickles, ol- ives, oysters, etc., can also be added. 61 62 Savces for Meat and Fish. Mushr^oom or Siveet Bread Sauce. Add cliopped mushrooms or chopped sweet breads (par boiled) to cream sauce. — Frankfort. Egg Sauce. To one cup of white sauce, add one teaspoon of lemon juice, three chopped hard boiled eggs and one tablespoon of chopped parsley after taking from fire. 'Serve with fish. Tomato Sauce. Cook three tablespoons of butter, one slice of onion, two cloves and four black pepper corns together, stirring constantly until slightly brown; add two tablespoons of flour, stir until brown, then add gradually two cups ")f stewed and strained tomatoes ; bring to boiling point, add salt to taste and strain. Pimento Sauce. To one cup of cream sauce, add one-half cup of pimen- toes rubbed through a sieve. Season with salt and pep- per.' — Mrs. Morgan. Cream Cucumber Sauce. Put two medium size cucumbers on ice until chilled; peel, mince fine and drain in colander without pressing; turn into bowl, season with salt, pepper, lemon juice and onion juice. Have ready a cup of whipped cream into which has been beaten a pinch of soda; stir lightly into cucumbere and serve immediately. Nice for fish. Sauces for Meat and Fish. 63 Mint Sauce. Five tablespoons chopped mint, eight tablespoons vin- egar, two tablespoons sugar, a little white pepper. Dis- solve sugar in vinegar, add mint and stand in warm place an hour or two before using. Serve with lamb. Sauce for Cold Meats. Yolks of three eggs, one tablespoon flour, one table- spoon butter, one wine glass of jelly, one tablespoon mus- tard, one-half teacup vinegar. Beat eggs and jelly to- gether, mix flour and mustard with a little vinegar; pui all ingredients together and cook until thick, stirring to keep smooth. When cold, chop cucumber pickles very fine and add. — Mrs. Thomas, Georgetown. Tartare Sauce. To one cup of mayonnaise, add a little chopped pickle and parsley minced fine. Serve with fried ifish, oyster^, jellied chicken. — Mrs. Posey. Hollandaise Sauce. One-half cup butter, yolks of two eg^, one-half tea- spoon salt, juice of one-'half lemon, one-half cup of boil- ing water, a speck of cayenne. [Beat butter to a cream, add yolks gradually, then lemon juice, pepper and salt. Put in granite pan over hot water and beat with egg beater until sauce begins to thicken; then add boiling water, beating all the time.. Wlien like a soft custard, it is done. Serve with meat or feh. — (Miss Chambers. 64 Sauces for Meat and Fish. Bearnaise Sauce. Yolks of two eggs, three tablespoons boiling water, one tablespoon lemon juice, three tablespoons salad oil, a dash of salt and cayenne. Beat yolks very light, put in pan and set in boiling water; stir into it, a few drops at •a time, the salad oil, then gradually the boiling water, next the lemon juice, cayenne and salt. To be served with fish, chops, cutlets and steaks. Mustard. Three tablespoons ground mustard, one egg, one table- spoon sugar, one teacup vinegar, one tablespoon olive oil. Cook three or four minutes. — Mrs. Lockridge. Horseradish for Winter Use. One large teacup of grated horseradish, two tablespoons sugar, one-half teaspoon salt, one and one-hail f pints vin- egar. Mix, bottle and seal. — Louisville. Cranberry Sauce. Put one quart of cranberries in sauce pan, add one pint of water, cover tightly and set on back of stove; let simmer until all the berries have burst, then add on^ pint of sugar; remove cover and boil for twenty minutes without stirring. — ^Mrs. Mikalson, Montana. VEGETABLES. t(5* C(5* «^ c^ How to Cook Beans. To one-half gallon beans, alilow one-half pound coun- try bacon, one heaping tablespoon sugar, one level table- spoon salt. Take tender beans that are well matured, string and break up one quart, shell one quart, put in kettle with meat, cover with one-half gallon of water and boil for three hours or until very low; add more water if necessary. — 'Mrs. J. R. Paxton. Boiled Potatoes. Peel potatoes, or scrape if new, lay in cold water until ready to cook; then put in boiling water well salted, and boil until tender. Pour off water at once, shake pan over stove to dry out moisture and serve at once with melted butter or cream sauce. Stuffed Potatoes. Select large potatoes of uniform size, wash, dry, put in a hot oven and bake until done. €ut in halves, remove inside, mash well, season with butter, cream and salt, beat until light, fill empty shells, put back in oven until well heated. 'Serve with a teaspoon of whipped cream on each. 65 C)6 . . Veyetahles. Hcalloped Potatoes. Peel potatoes, and cut in thin slices or cubes; parboil, drain, and put a layer in a pan, sprinkle with salt, a lit- tle flour and bits of butter. Eepeat until pan is full, pour in cream or rich milk until almost covered. Bake in oven until potatoes are done and well browned and the milk has formed a thick sauce. Potatoes All Gratin. Cut cold boiled potatoes into dice; have ready grated cheese and white sauce. Put a layer of potatoes in bak- ing dit?h, sprinkle thickly with cheese, salt and paprika to taste, cover with white sauce; repeat until dish is full, having sauce sprinkled with cheese on top. Bake in oven. Saratoga Chips. Peel large potatoes, slice very thin with potato cutter and lay in ice water for an hour or two. Take out, a few at a time, wipe dry and fry in deep boiling lard; take out with wire spoon when brown, drain on brown paper and sprinkle with fine salt. O'Brien Potatoes. Cut Irish potatoes in thin slices and parboil. Put a layer of potatoes in a baking dish, then a layer of Jamaica pepper sliced, a sprinkling of flour and salt and bits of butter; repeat until dish is full; fill with cream or rich milk and bake in oven. — Mrs. E. V. John- son. Vegetables. G7 Parisienne Potatoes. Peel potatoes, scoop out little balls with a French po- tato cutter, throw into cold water for a while, then boil in hot, salted water until tender; drain, sprinkle with a little salt and serve with cream sauce or melted butter with minced parsley sprinkled over. Potato Croquettes. Two cups mashed potatoes, two tablespoons cream, one tablespoon minced parsley, one teaspoon onion juice, yelks of two eggs, one teaspoon butter, salt and cayenne pepper to taste. Add beaten yelks to mashed potatoes, put in other ingredients and stir over ifire until mixture leaves the sides of pan. When cool, form into balls, roll in beaten whites, then in crumbs and fry in boiling lard. Or make an opening in balls, fill with peas, a little creamed meat,etc., close opening and fry as usual. Sweet Potatoes. Boil until tender, scrape well, dip in melted butter, roll in sugar, put in a baking dish, sprinkle with lemon juice and brown. — Sue Paxton. Scalloped Sweet Potatoes. Boil or steam with skin on, peel, slice and place a layer in baking dish, sprinkle thickly with sugar and dot gen- erously with lumrs of butter. Eepeat until dish is full ; pour in a very little warm water and bake until brown and almost candied. 68 Vegetables. Cauliflower. •Eemove outside leaves, wat^h carefully, break apart and cook in salted boiling water until tender. Take up carefully, drain, and pour over it a rich cream sauce. — Mrs. Carpenter. Kersliaw. Wash, scrape the inside, cut in smalil pieces, put in a kettle and boil until tender. iPut in pan with skin down, cover thick with sugar, put a lump of butter an each piece and bake in a slow oven one and one-half hours. — Mrs. Paxton. Corn Pudding. One pint tender com, two eggs, two tablespoons sugar, two tablespoons butter, one cup rich milk, salt to taste. Avoid cutting corn too close to cob, but leave a little of the grain which can be scraped off with knife. Beat egg and add to corn, then add other ingredients; bake until firm, about half an hour. — Mrs. Morgan. Com Fritters. ■Cut as much green corn from cob as wanted; cut tho grain onlly half and scrape the rest. Add salt, pepper, one or two beaten eggs and two tablespoons of flour. Drop by spoonfuls in hot fat and brown on both sides. — Mrs. Cassell. Fi'ied Corn. Fry out two or three slices of bacon ; have com cut from cob, add a little water and pour into hot grease; stir Vegetables. {59 well and cook 20 or 30 minutes. Add salt and pepper jnst before taking off. Creole Green Corn. 'Six ears of com, one large chopped sweet green pepper, two chopped ripe tomatoee, one large tablespoon butter, one small chopped onion, one-half teaspoon salt, one tea- spoon sugar. Score the kernels and press out the pulp oi corn. Put butter in pan, heat and cook together pepper and onion until soft; add com and cook ten minutes, then add tomatoes. — 'Mrs. McCarter. rs. The sweet, green peppers make quite a welcome addi- tion to the vegetable list. They are pretty cut in rings or strips and used as a garnish for sliced tomatoes. Cut off stem end, remove seed and cook for five minutes in boiling w^ater, then drain. They can be ^filled with boiled rice, well seasoned with butter, mashed potatoes, com pudding and baked in oven, imparting a delicious flavor to all. Steived Peppers. Use either green or ripe peppers ; cut peppers in halves, remove the stems and seeds, and cut each half into five or six pieces lengthwise. Put some butter into a sauce pan and when hot, add peppers; shake over the fire for fifteen minutes, then add enough boiling water to cover the peppers. 'Season with salt and a dash of paprika and cook slowly for twenty minutes. Serve hot with a gar- nish of plain boiled rice. — Anne B. Lillard. 70 V ('()(■ liddcR. Fried Green Tomatoes. Select firm green tomatoes before they begin to turn, cut in thin slices, sprinkle with salt, dip in meal and saute in hot lard, turning so that they may brown on both sides. Stuffed Tomatoes. Peeil and core smooth ripe tomatoes; place in baking dis'h and ifill with following stuffing: one cup bread- crumbs, two tablespoons melted butter, one teaspoon on- ion juice, one tablespoon chopped parsley, pepper and salt to taste. Fill tomatoes and bake in oven. — Mrs. Thomas, Georgetown. Young Onions. Cut ollt' tops and roots, remove outer skin and cook (un- covered) in boiling water until tender; drain off water, season wdth salt, pepper and melted butter or serve in cream sauce. Stuffed Onions. Select six medium size onions, remove outer skin and boil twenty minutes; drain wdll. Cut a slice from the top of each onion, remove center carefully, leaving a cup nearly an inch thick; chop the portion taken out quite fine with an equal amount of meat; add one-half cup of soft bread, moisten with stock or milk, season highly and fry for ten minutes in two tablespoons of butter. Fill onions with preparation, place in baking dish with a cup of stock and bake until tender; then cover with bread- cm it]l)s and brown quickly. — M. Powling Bond, Vcfjcfahfrs. 'i'l Boiled Rice With Cheese Sauce. Wash a cup of rice through several waters; have ready in a kettle a half gallon of rapidly boiling water well salted ; drop the rice in slowly, to as not to stop the boil- ing, stir a little at first to keep grains from sticking to ])ottom, then boil hard without stirring until grains are perfectly tender. Drain through colander and set in oven or on back of stove to dry off; put in a dish and pour over it cheese sauce, lifting the rice with a fork, ^o the sauce can penetrate to bottom portion. Cheese Sauce. Melt one tablespoon butter, add one tablet?poon flou;, and when blended add one cup of milk gradually an-l stir until smooth. Set pan in hot water, add two table- spoons of grated cheese, and, when melted, it is ready for use. — Martha Bell. Cheese and Rice. Put a layer of boiled rice in a dish, then a layer ol cheese broken up; repeat 'until pan is full. 'Season with salt, dot with bits of butter, moisten with a little cream and bake until cheese is melted. Rice Croquettes. One cup boiled rice, yolk of one egg, one teaspoon melted butter and a little cream or milk if not moist enough. Add beaten yeilk to rice, then other ingredients; make into balls with flour hands; let stand awhile, then roll in beaten white of egg, then in crumbs and fry a golden brown. — Mrs. Carpenter. 72 Vegetables. Macaroni. Boil macaroni in boiling salted water until tender, drain and pour over it cold water to blanch it. Cook to- gether one quart tomatoes and two chopped onions; put macaroni in baking dish, pour over it the cooked toma- toes and onions, add salt and pepper, a lump of butter and bake in oven.' — Mrs. Wiley Searcy. Asparagus Tips. 'Boil until tender in salted water and drain ; have read v slices of toast which have been dippd in melted butter, lay on them the tips and pour over a rich cream sauce. Can also be served in patty shells or crustades. — Mrs. Car- penter. Creamed Cabbage. Cut a head of cabbage moderately fine; I'oil in salted water (uncovered) until tender; drain and pour over it a well seasoned cream sauce. It can be scalloped by bak- ing in oven after sauce is added. Salsify. Wat^h, scrape well, cut in one-half inch pieces and throw into cold water. Boil until tender, drain and serve in cream sauce or mash, mix with bread crumbs, cream, butter, t^alt and pepper and bake in oven. If preferred, it may be scailloped without mashing. Fried Egg Plant. Parboil, cut in slices one-half inch thiok and season Vegetables. 73 with t^'dlt and pepper; dip in beaten egg and cream (one egg ai'd one tablcspcon of cream) then in cracker crumbs and eaiite on both sides in butter or lard. C^'eamed Celery. Wash, cut into inch or two inch lengths, boil until ten- der, drain and serve in a cream sauce. Filled Celenj. Select choice small stalks of celery of even size ; mash Philadelphia or cream cheese smooth by adding new milk, a seasoning of paprika, a little 'ooarse salt, a teaspoon of apple brandy and one-ha^lf cup of tomato sauce; smooth into celery with wet knife; then sprinlde the (filled celery with cheese pressed through ricer. Place in a dish of cracked ice and serve crisp with meat course. — M. Dow- ling Bond. Cucumbers. Cut off each end, peel thick to remove all the green skin; now draw a sharp pointed knife down the ctacum- bers lengthwise with enough pressure to make a groove; have these about one-fourth inch apart; or use a three tined fork for this purpose, drawing it down the full length of cucumber. Cut cucumbex across in thin slices; they will be notched at regular intervals and are very pretty. Stand in ice water until crisp. 74 Vegetables, Vegetable Barebit. One-fourth peck of onion=, one quart canned tomatoes, one-half pound of cheese, one teaspoon sugar, one table- spoon butter, one tablespoon lard, one pint boiling water, salt and pepper to taste. Peel and slice onions and put them into a fr^dng pan with the water, butter, and lard. Cover and cook slowl}- for one hour, stirring often; ad'l tomatoes and allow all to cook uncovered for fifteen or twenty minutes, so that water in tomatoee may evaporate; then turn into a buttered baking dish, slice cheese and lay on top and bake in oven until cheese has melted and become brown. Serve on hot split beaten biscuit, wa- fers, or from dish as preferred. This amount is sufficient for six people. — Anne B. Lillard. To Stew Dried Fruit. Wash fruit w^ell in warm water and soak over night; cover, stew gently in water in which it was soaked, until tender; sweeten and when sugar is dissolved, empty in dish. Baked Fineapple. Place a layer of grated pineapple in a baking dish, sprinkle over it sugar, cracker crumbs and bitt^ of butter; repeat until dish is full. Put buttered crumbs on top and bake in oven about thirty minutes. Baked Pears. If fre>h pears are used, they should be peeled, halved and stewed until tender; canned pears may be used a'leo. Vegetables. 75 Put in pan, sprinkle thickly with sugar, dot with butter, add juice from pears and bake until done and brown, basting often with liquor in pan. Baked Apples. Eemove the cores from tart apples before peeling, peel, put in baking dish and stew until tender; then sprinkle thickly with sugar, add lumps of butter and bake in oven until brown and syrup is like jelly; ifill centers with marsh mallows and return to oven until they have melt- ed. Or another way is to fill centers with chopped nuts and raisins when apples are put in to bake; when cold, the whole should be jellied and may be served as a dessert with cream. Fried Bananas. Slice bananas lengthwise, roll in flour, and fry in hot butter. — ^Mary Paxton. EGGS. t^^ ^^ 5(5* ^^ To Boil Eggs, For soft boiled eggs, put eggs in saucepan, cover with boiling water and set on back of stove where water will keep below boiling point for five minutes ; if liked medi- um, let stand ten minutes. Proportion the quantity of water to the number of eggs to be cooked, about a pint to an egg. To cook eggs hard, let them simmer for twen- ty or thirty minutes in water that is barely bubbling. This method renders the yolk mealy and more digestible. Poached Eggs. Break the eggs, one at a time, into a skillet of hot wa- ter ; when white is firm, take up with perforated skimmer, sprinkle with salt and pepper and dot with butter; serve on rounds of toast. Shirred Eggs. Separate w^hites and yolks ; beat whites to a stiff froth and drop into buttered patty pans ; in center pllace the un- broken yolk; add a small lump of butter and a dash of salt and pepper. Place in hot oven and brown slightly. — 'Lillard Witherepoon. Scrambled Eggs, Four eggs, three tablespoons milk or cream, salt and 76 Eggs, 77 pepper to taste. Beat together, turn into hot frying pan in which a tablespoon of butter has been melted and stir until cream3\ Do not cook too fast. Dressed Eggs. Boil seven eggs twenty minutes, put in cold water and remove the shells. 'Chop whites fine and mix in salad bowl with white sauce. Smooth in bowl and grate yolks on top. — Mrs. Matt. Birdwhistell. Dressed Eggs. Eemove shells from hard boiled eggs and cut in hailves either across or lengthwise; take out yolks, mash fine, season with salt and paprika, add a few chopped olives and a little mayonnaise and ifill each white; fasten to- gether with tooth picks. Or the yolks may be mixed with a little mustard, butter, cream and salt and put baok into whites. Scallopped Eggs. Boil eight eggs until hard, throw into cold water and remove shells. Cut in thin slices, place a layer in a bak- ing dish, then a layer of crumbs; season with salt and pepper and bits of butter, then put another Layer of eggs, a layer of crumbs and so on until dish is full. Moisten well with cream, cover top with buttered crumbs and bake in oven half an hour. — Louise Bell. Omelet. Four eggs, four tablespoons water, one tablespoon of n Eggs. butter, salt and pepper to ta^te. Beat eggs just enough to blend whites and yolks; add water, salt and pepper, and beat until frothy on top. Melt butter in frying pan and pour in mixture. As it cooks, cut with a knife and pull edges towards center with a fonk. When .a light brown next the pan, fold o\^er with a broad knife and slip on hot platter. Do not have fire too hot, or it will be tough. Omelet. Six eggs, one cup of cream, two tablespoons flour, salt to taste. Mix flour with a little cream, then add re- mainder and then yolks of eggs well beaten. Beat whiter and stir in. Melt a lump of butter size of walnut in a baking pan, pour in mixture and bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven. — Mrs. Cassell. Spanish Omelet. Three eggs, three tablespoons milk, one-half cup ham ■finely chopped, and a little onion and pepper ifinely chop- ped. iSalt to taste. Beat eggs, add milik and salt; melt butter in frying pan and, when hot, pour in egg mixture. When a crust is formed on bottom, sprinkle ham, onion and pepper over omelet, fdld, turn on a hot platter and sprinkle over the top a little chopped parsley. Swiss Omelet. Two ounces grated cheese, two ounces melted butter, six beaten eggs, salt and pepper to taste, one teaspoon each of finely minced parsley and onion. Mix together. Eggs. 7^ turn into frying pan in whieh butter has been melted and cook until set. Fold over and serve at once. — Mrs. Car- penter. Swiss Eggs. Butter the bottom of a baking dish, and cover witli thin slices of cheese ; break four or five eggs and drop on cheese, being careful to keep jdlks whole. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour four tablespoons of cream over eggs, sprinkle with grated cheese, cover the top with buttered crumbs and bake in over twenty minutes. — Louise Bell. CHRESE. i^^ f^^ K^^ ct?* Cheese Fondu. One cup sweet mi]k, three eggs beaten separately, one- half cup stale bread crumbs, one tablespoon of butter, one-fourth pound grated cheese. of red pepper. Scald milk, add bread crumbs, butter, pepper and cheese. Take from fire and stir in eggs. Baike twenty minutes in buttered baking dish. Serve at onceJ — Mrs. Burton. Cheese Bamelins. One-half cup of sweet milk, one-had f cup of bread crumbs, one cup grated cheese, two tablespoons butter, one-third teaspoon mustard, yolks of two and whites of three eggs, cayenne pepper and salt to taste. Scald milk and pour over bread crumbs; add butter, yolks of Qgg^^ and seasoning. Beat whites of eggs very stiff and fold in gently. Bake in ramekins or ordinary pan and serve at once. — 'Mrs. Sandlin. Cheese Straws. One cup of flour, two tablespoons butter, one cup grated cheese, one-fourth teaspoon baking powder, one- half teaspoon salt, one-fourth salt spoon cayenne; mix 80 Cheese. 81 stiff with ice water and roll thin. Cut in narrow strips about five inches long and bake on greased letter paper on the bottom of an inverted tin. Sprinkle with a little salt just before taking from oven. — Miss Chaml)ers. Cheese Wafers. One cup of grated cheese, two cups of flour, two table- spoons of butter, two teacBpoons of baking powder. A little salt and cayenne pepper. Mix with ice water. — Mrs. A. H. Witherspoon. Cottage Cheese. iSet vessel containing fresh clabber in pan of hot wa- ter; heat through, stirring occasionally, until curd sep- arates from whey. Drain several hours in a thin muslin bag. Take out, put in a dish and dress with cream and salt to taste. Or it may be molded into little balls and, with a nut pressed on top of each, served with salad. — Mrs. Lockridge. Welsh Rahhit. Melt one tablespoon of butter, add two cups of cheese cut ;fine and stir until melted; add yolk of one egg beaten with one-half cup of milk or cream, one-fourth teaspoon of salt, one-half teaspoon of mustard, one teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce. Stir until smooth and serve on toasted crackers. — Martha Bell. SALAD. C^"* C:7* Ct^* ^t^* Waldorf Salad. Peel and dice tart apples, add same amount of crisp celery diced, and nuts according to taste. Mix lightly, serve on lettuce or cabbage leaf. Grape Salad. One and two-thirds lb. malaga grapes, one-half pound nute. Halve and seed grapes, mix with nuts and serve with whipped cream mayonnaise. — Louisville. Vegetable Salad. One small head cabbage, one small onion, enough ripe tomatoes to color. Chop all fine, mix together, add sugar, salt and pepper to taste ; then pour over all mild vinegar. Canned tomatoes may be used. — ^Mrs. McMurry. Banana Salad. Split bananas lengthwise, roll in olive oil and then ia ground peanuts ; put a little mayonnaise on top and serve on lettuce leaves. — Mrs. A. H. Witherspoon. Pierian Banquet Salad. Upon each slice of pineapple, lay half of a peach; fill cavity with whipped cream dressing, and lay halves of pe- cans on top. Serve on lettuce leaves. — Mrs. Carpenter. 82 Salad. 83 Peach Salad. Fill halves of peaches with chopped pears and nuts, put a small quantity of lemon jelly on top of each, then on this a spoonful of mayonnaise. — ^Mrs. Lockridge. Fruit Salad in Orange Ba^lx&ts. Cut out a piece of each side of orange cup, leaving a strip for handle over the top; take out pulp, mix with chopped pineapple and blanched almonds. Fill basikets, serve with wliipped cream dressing and put two maraschi- no cherries on top of each. Fruit Cocktail. Put into frappe glasses, three strawberries (canned or fresh), some grated pineapple, one teaspoon orange pulp, the same of grape-fruit, one teaspoon lemon juice, one teaspoon raspberry juice, a little sugar; then fill the cup with maraschino cherries. Serve very cold. Fruit Salad. Oranges, sliced pineapple, grapes, marshmallows. Serve with whipped cream dressing and maraschino cher- ry on top. — Mrs. E. W. Eipy. Pimento Salad. One-half box gelatine dissolved in three-fourths cup cold water; add one cup boiling water, one-fourth cup vinegar, half cup sugar, juice of one lemon, one cup pe- cans, two cups celery or apples, six pimentoes, salt to taste. Serve with mayonnaise dressing. — Helen Ripy. 84 Salad, Fimit Salad. One can chopped pineapple, three oranges cut in small pieces, maraschino cherries cut in halves, one-half cup chopped almonds, one-half cup chopped pecans. Mix with salad dressing. Make a jeilly of juice of pineapple, cherries, oranges, juice of one lemon and one-half box gelatine, color a delicate pink; when congealed, cut in pieces and serve with fruit salad. — Mary Paxton. Fruit Salad. ^ Yolks of four eggs well beaten, two tablespoons lemon juice, one tablespoon Tarragon vinegar, one tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon mustard, one-half teaspoon salt, a lit- tle cayenne pepper. Add vinegar and lemon juice to eggs, put in teaspoon butter, put in double boiler and stir constantly until thick. Set the dish in cold water and stir a few minutes. Just before using, add one pint of whip- ped cream and pour over salad. One pound malaga grapes, skinned and seeded, one-fourth pound shelled pe- cans, three slices pineapple (do not cut too small), one small tart apple, one cup celery hearts. — 'Louisville. Fruit Salad. Eight oranges (Florida preferred) cut in small pieces, two large bunches celer}', one-fourth pound shelled pecans, one quart gelatine jelly, with a little sugar and two lem- ons. Put the nuts in the bottom of glass cups, add orange and celery, pour over this the gelatine jelly; let set over night. Serve with salad dressing made with one cup Salad. 85 scalded vinegar, one egg, one-half teaspoon mustard, one- half teaspoon ealt, one tablespoon flour, one tablespoon su- gar. Mix dry, then add egg and one-half cup buttermilk or sour cream; pour into hot vinegar, and stir until it thickens ; if too thick, add a little more buttermilk. Put molded salad on a lettuce leaf, pour dressing around it, put a spoonful of whipped cream on top. A maraschino cherry on top makes it even more attractive. — Mn;. J. T. Boswell. Cheese Salad. One cup cream, whipped, two tablespoons cold water, four tablespoons grated cheese, four tablespoons hot water, one tablespoon knox gelatine, red pepper and salt to taste. Soak gelatine in cold water, add hot water and stir until dissolved; add cheese, salt and pepper, then whipped cream. Mold and serve with oil mayonnaise. — Mrs. E. W. Eipy. Asparagus Salad. Serve in rings cut from green or red peppers or in lemon rings, with oil mayonnaise. Cucumber Salad. Two large cucumbers, one cup sugar, one can grated pineapple, six lemons, one box gelatine, one pint boiling water. Peel, split cucumbers, remove seed and grate ; add lemon juice, sugar and pineapple, color a light green with green coloring. Soak gelatine in a little cold water five minutes, add boiling water, stir until dissolved and put with other mixture. Mix together, put in mold and 86 Salad. when it begins to thicken, add nuts if liked. Serve with mayonnaise. — Mrs. E. H. Marrs. Tomato and Cucumber Jdly Salad. Peel and grate four large cucumbers and put in sauce pan with one-half cup water, four tablespoons vinegar, one teaspoon onion juice, one-half teaspoon salt and a dash of white pepper. Simmer .five or ten minutes, press through a sieve and add a few drops of spinach green col- oring ; into this, stir two tablespoons gelatine soaked in a half cup cold water; pour liquid into small round ring molds. When stiffened, unmold on lettuce and fill centers with mayonnaise dressing and surround closely with over- lapping slices of small red tomatoes. This will serve eight peopile and is very pretty. — Mrs. MicCarter. Tomato Jelly. One-half box gelatine, one can tomatoes, one cup cold water, a tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, one-fourth onion sliced, a staLk celery, a few grains cayenne, a bay leaf, clove and sprig of parsley. Soak gelatine in cold water; cook together other ingredients (except sauce) fifteen minutes ; add soaked gelatine, and when dissolved, strain ; add &auce, pour into mold and set in 'cold place to harden. Nuts, olives, etc., may be molded in this jelly; use indi- vidual molds, turn out on lettuce leaves and serve with mayonnaise. Tomatoes Stuffed With Cucumber's. Skin tomatoes, scoop out centers from stem end. Salad. 87j fill with finely minced cucumbers seasoned with a few drops of onion juice and ealt. Put a spoonful of mayon- naise on top of each .and sprinkle minced parsley over aH; serve on lettuce leaf. Tomatoes are also fine stufPed with chioken or ham salad. Chiclcen Salad. Cut white meat from chicken in cubes, pour over it a little French dressing and let it marinate an hour; add diced celery and almonds and pecans according to judg- ment and mix with mayonnaise. — ^Martha Bell. Cucumher EMons. Select large cucumbers, cut a thick slice from each end, then cut crosswise in one inch slices; cut each one of these slices .around and around with a sharp knife to form ribbons. Throw into ice water to become crisp. Use as a garnish on tomatoes or any kind of salad or fish. To Shred Lettuce. Wash lettuce, fold each leaf together and cut with scissors into shreds, being careful not to cut through cen- ter. Shake out, wrap in damp cloth and lay in cool place. Salad Dressing. t^ «(5* C^ 4:5* Mayonnaise Dressing. One-half teacup of butter, yolks of twelve eggs, four tablespoons of sugar, one-fourth salt spoon of cayenne, one small tablespoon of mustard, one teacup of vinegar, one salt epoon of white pepper. Beat yolks very light, add butter, mustard, vinegar, sugar and pepper. Stir all to- gether, set in vessel of hot water, and cook until thick, stirring constantly to keep it smooth. Eemove from stove, and stir in salt to taste, and the juice of one-half lemon.— Mrs. H. V. Bell. Salad Dressing, Yolks of four egg^, two tablespoons of butter, one-half cup of cream, one-half cup of vinegar, one teaspoon of mustard, one teaspoon of salt, one-fourth teaspoon of cayenne pepper, one tablespoon of sugar. Melt butter in a pan, add cream, then sugar, mustard, pepper and salt, then vinegar. Cook in a double boiler, stir constantly until it thickens. Just before using, add one cup of whipped cream. — Mary Paxton. Salad Dressing. Three eggs beaten separately, one teaspoon mustard, one-half teaspoon pepper, one tablespoon of sugar, one 88 8alad Dressing. 89 tablespoon flour, one teaspoon salt, butter eize of walnut, one cup of cream or milk, one-half cup strong vinegar, one tablespoon of olive oil. Beat yolks, add butter, cream, then vinegar. Cook over hot water until it thickens, add sugar, salt, pepper, mustard and flour. Add whites of eggs well beaten ; when it begins to cool, add olive oil. — Mrs. D. L. Moore. Mayonnaise (Uncooked.) Yolks of two egg^, one-fourth teaspoon of cayenne pepper, three-fourth teaspoon of salt, juice of one lem- on, one cup of olive oil. Have eggs and oil very cold. Add the salt to the lemon juice, then the yolks; then add slowly the olive oil, stirring all the time. Beat until thick. Nice for asparagus salad. — Mrs. Henry etta Griffey. Olive Oil t>ressing. Put in a large basin the yelks of three eggs, a little salt and a very little cayenne pepper. Add one teaspoon of olive oil and beat until mixture is creamy, then pour in slowly one scant cup of olive oil; stir until smooth. Add two tablespoons of vinegar and one tablespoon of cold water. Some like a llittle garlic chopped fine. — Louisville. Dressing For Slaw. Yolks of four eggs, one tablespoon flour, one-half cup good vinegar, one teaspoon white mustard seed, one cup cream, one tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon celery seed, salt 90 Salad Dressing. and pepper to taste. Mix together and cook, stirring all the time.' — Mrs. McMurry. French Dressing. Five tablespoons of o'live oil, one-half teaspoon of salt, two tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice, one-fourth teaspoon of pepper, a few grains of paprika. Stir until well blended. Add a little onion juice, if liked. SANDWICHES. t^* ^^ t^f ^^ Chicken Sandwiches. One loaf of fresh baker's bread will make eight sand- wiches. Slice bread with saw knife and then block into any preferred shape with cutter. Use one pound can of Blue Label Boned chicken, one heaping teacup of chopped celery or pickle, one teaspoon of salt, one heaping teacup of chopped pecans, one teaspoon of onion salt, one-half teaspoon of white pepper, two drops of tobasco. Cut chick- en into large dice and put in cool place to marinate in one-half teacup of olive oil ; then prepare nuts and celery. Do not mix ingredients and seasoning until bread ie cut and each piece dipped lightly into whipped cream. A cup of mayonnaise added to fiilling is good. If sand- wiches are to be kept several hours before using, they should be wrapped in damp cheese cloth. — «M. Doweling Bond. Peanut Sandwiches. One small can of deviled ham, one jar of peanut but- ter. Mix with salad dressing and spread on thin slices of buttered bread. — Mary Paxton. Nut Sandwiches. Cut thin slices of bread in any desired shape, spread 91 92 Sandwiches. with oil mayonnaise and sprinkle with broken pecans or hickory nuts and press together. Thin slices of olivee can be used in same way. — Martha Bell. Sandwiches. Grind together one cup of English walnuts. Whites of six hard boiled egg^, three tablespoons of sweet pickles. Mash yolks and add one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoon oi prepared mustard, one-half teaspoon of pepper, one table- spoon of melted butter and one-half cup of vinegar. Mix all together and spread between thin slices of bread or be- tween wafers. — 'Mrs. E. H. Marrs. Ham Sandwiches. One box ham loaf, one can sweet peppers, two table- spoons mixed mustard, one bottle olives. Mix ham and mustard well, chop olives and peppere fine and mix all to- gether with mayonnaise, using just enough to make a paste. Spread on thin slices of bread. This will make two dozen sandwiches. — Mrs. Glasscox. Cheese Sandwiches. Two cups cream cheese, one small can sweet peppere, chopped olives and pecans. Mix with mayonnaise and spread on thin slices of buttered bread. — Mary Paxton. ton. Fruit Sandwiches. Chop finely nuts, raisins and dates, mix to a paste with orange juice, and spread between thin slices of but- Sandwiches. 93 tered bread cut into fancy shapes. Serve with chocolate or afternoon tea. Celery Sandwiches. One cup green sweet peppers chopped fine, one cup cel- ery chopped ifine, one cup almonds. Chop adl fine, mix with mayonnaise and spread on thin slices of buttered bread. — ^Mary Paxton. Lettuce Sandwiches. Butter bread, spread with mayonnaise, sp'rinkle with nuts and put a crisp lettuce leaf between; omit nuts -f desired. Brown Bread Sandwiches. Butter very thin slices of brown bread and lay be- tween them finely chopped almonde slightly salted. Cheese Canapes. Cut white bread into strips two inches long and one and one-half inches wide. Spread each with cream cheese mixed to a paste with cream dressing; garnish with rib- bons of red pepper. Or cut stale bread into rounds with biscuit cutter, brush with melted butter, spread thinly with prepared mustard and sprinkle thickly with grated cheese. Place in oven until cheese melts. Serve canapes as sandwiches or with lettuce, watercress or any green salad. Layer Sandwiches. Cut the crust from each side and end of a loaf of 94 Sandwiches. bread in a single slice; then cut bread in four slices lengthwise; spread soft butter sparingly between the slices, then stack together with chicken fil'ling between ■first two layers, nut filling between next two, and chicken filling between last two. The chicken filling is made by mixing minced chicken with mayonnaise and nut filling is m.ade in the same w^ay. Wrap in damp cheese cloth, put a light weight on top and when ready to serve, slice and serve on lettuce leaves. Any preferred filling may be used. Date Sandwiches. Mash dates and add enough cream to make a paste. Slice bread thin, put on it ^a layer of whipped cream, then a layer of dates, then a la3'er of chopped nuts, then more whipped cream, and lastly the other slice of bread. — Katherine Lockridofe. BEVERAGES. ^% ^w ^* c^* Coffee. Have coffee pot thoroughly clean and well scalded. Grind icoffee fairly tine, put in pot allowing one table- spoon to each cup of cold water. Add the white of an egg slightly beaten, let all come to a boil and boil for three minutes, stuffing the spout with paper to prevent the aroma from escaping. Set on back of stove, scrape grounds from sides and pour in one-half cup of cold wa- ter, which perfects the clearing. The use of the egg is not absolutely necessary, the cold water will clear it. Where .a large quantity is to be made, allow one cup of ground coffee to eix cups of water. After setting on back of stove, let stand ten minutes before servino-. Tea. Use freshly boiled water for m^aking tea; scald tea- pot, then put in one teaspoon of tea for each cup of boil- ing water. Pour water over tea, stand back on stove to steep for five minutes. Do not boil. Iced Tea. Make a little stronger than u^ual, dilute with cold wa- ter. Serve in tall glasses with crushed ice, a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint in each glass. 95 96 Beverages. Chocolate. Six cups milk, two cups boiling water, one cup sugar, a pinch of salt, three squares of Baker's bitter chocolate. Scald milk in double boiler. Put chocolate in saucepan and hold over hot water until melted, now add the two cups of boiling water graduall}^, stirring to keep «nooth; add sugar, and when smooth, put on stove and boil two minutes. Put this in the hot milk and beat two minutes with egg-beater to prevent scum from forming on top. Serve in chocolate cups with .a teaspoon of whipped cream on top of each. — Louise Bell. Egg Chocolate {One Glass.) Yolk of one egg, well beaten, one heaping teaspoon sugar, one heaping teaspoon cocoa, one cup cream or milk. Then add beaten white of egg. — Mary Paxton. Matinee Punch. One pound sugar, three pints hot water, one cup lemon juice, one cup orange juice, one and one-half cups raspberry juice, one-half cup of some red fruit, one-fourth cup pineapple cut in dice. Dissolve sugar m hot water and stir to a clear syrup, add fruit juices. Scatter pine- apple and red fruit over ice in punch bowl .and leave un- til chilled, then turn other mixture into bowl. — Mrs. H. B. Carpenter. Fmit Punch. One can grated pineapple, juice of six lemons, juice of four oranges, one pint strawberry preserves, one pint Beverages. 97 cherry preserves, two and one-half pints ice water. Mix pineapple, preserves, and frnit juices together and let stand for two or three hours. Add water, and sweeten more, if needed ; then add a large cupful of crushed ice. Raspberry Shrub. Place raspberries in stone jar, cover with cider vine- gar and let stand twenty-four hours. Strain and press out juice. To each quart of juice, add one quart of su- gar. Stir until sugar dit^solves, then boil ten minutes. Bottle and seal while hot. Serve in glasses with crushed ice. BlacMerry Shmb. One quart blackberry juice, one pound white sugar, whites of two eggs, one pint cider vinegar. Strain juice through cloth, add other ingredients; boil and skim well. Seal while hot. — Mrs. McMurry. Blachberry Acid. Twelve pounds blackberries, two quarts water, five ounces tartaric acid. Dissolve acid in water, and pour over blackberries which have been placed in stone jar. Let stand forty-eight hours, then strain. To each pint of acid, put one and one-half pints of sugar, stirring until dissolved. Bottle and cork tightly. When ready to use, put one teacup of acid to a pitcher of ice water. — Rich- mond. 98 Beverages. Grape Juice. Twenty pounds grapes, three pounds sugar, three quarts water. Stem grapes, wash and put in kettle with water. Boil, strain, add sugar, and boil ten minutes. Then strain and bottle. Two bushels of grapes will make a little more than four gallons. — Mrs. J. M. Johnson. How To Fill and Seal Bottles. Stand bottles in a pan of warm wateT, iill to overflow- ing with hot liquid, press cork in firmly, and insert top of bottle in melted sealisg wax. Syrup For Lemonade. Mix four cups water, three cups sugar, and boil for fifteen minutes. Add one cup lemon juice, cool and put in glass jar. When wanted for use, dilute with ice water according to taste. PASTRY. ^^ c5* ^^ ^^^ Puff Paste. Two and one-half cups flour, one cup butter, one-half teaspoon salt. Wasli the hands and dip them first in hot water and then in cold water. Wash the butter in cold water, working it with the hands until it ie light and waxy ; pat all the water out. Shape into two thin cakes and put on ice to harden; put salt in flour, rub in one- third of butter with hands, and mix with ice water into moderately stiff dough; knead until smooth. Sprinkle the board lightly with flour and lay paste on it, roll out about one-fourth of an inch thick, break the remainder of butter in bits and spread on paste. Now fold the parts over from each side until edges meet ; next fold over ends but not to meet, then double the paste and roll from you with light strokes until one-third of an inch thick; fold and roll as before repeating four or five times. Put on ice at leaet an hour before using ; bake in quick oven. Plain Paste. Three cups flour, two-thirds cup lard, two-thirds cup ice water, one teaspoon sugar. Mix lard, flour and sugar together, add water and set in 'cold place at least half an hour before using. — Mary Paxton. 100 Pastry. Pastry. Two €ups flour, three-fourths cup lard (or half lard and half butter), one teaspoon salt, ice water for stiff dough. Roll thin, and bake before putting in .filling. Pastry for Short Cake, Fruit Pies, Etc. Two cups flour, two heaping tablespoons lard, two lev- el teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon salt, cold water or sweet milk for moderately stiff dough. Add yolk of one egg if preferred. Meringue For Pies. For each white of egg, allow^ one rounding tablespoon sugar. 'Beat whites stiff, add sugar gradually and beat well. Spread on top of pies and brown in slow oven. Lemon Pie (One Pie.) Four tablespoons sugar, two tablespoons butter, one tablespoon flour,two eggs,four tablespoons hot water, juice and grated rind of one-half lemon. Mix sugar and flour to gether, rub butter in smoothly, add yelks, grated rind and lemon juice, then pour on very gradually the hot water, stirring to keep smooth. Cook over hot water until thick and put in crust which has been previously baked. Make meringue of whites of eggs, put on top and brown in oven; — 'Mrs. R. H. Maris. Lemon Pie. One and one-half cups boiling water, two cups sugar, two heaping tablespoons butter, three egg^, three heaping Pastry. 101 tablespoons com starch, juice of one and one-half lemons. Boil sugar, butter and water together ; beat yolks of eggs and add corn starch dissolved in a little cold water ; add this to boiling mixture, stirring constantly. Cook until very thick and for several minutes after it begins to boil. Add lemon juice and pour into crusts which have been previously baked. Make meringue of whites. — ^Mrs. Mik- alson, Mont. Orange Pie. One large cup sugar, one heaping tablespoon flour, three eggs, two tablespoons melted butter, grated rind of one and juice of two large oranges. Mix together sugar and iflour, .add orange juice and gratings, then well beaten yolks and lastly butter. The juice of one-half lemon im- proves it. Use whites for meringue. — Miss Chambers. Cream Pies. Six eggs beaten separately, one and one-half pints new milk, two cups sugar, five tablespoons flour, butter size of an Qgg. Put on milk, beat eggs, flour and sugar together, and stir into boiling milk ; cook until a thick custard ; fla- vor to taste and piit in baked crusts. Use whites for meringue. — 'Mrs. Wiley Searcy. Cream Pies. Five eggs, two cups sugar, two tablespoons flour, two tablespoons butter, one and one-half pints cream, one nut- meg. Beat yolks, add sugar and flour mixed together, then cream and butter. Put in double boiler, stir con- 102 Pastry. t^tantly untilly ready to boil, then put in crusts and bake. Make meringue of whites. — Mrs. J. E. Paxton. Cream Pies (Three Pies.) Five eggs, beaten separately, one pint cream, one cup butter, one pint sugar,- one heaping tablespoon flour. Use whites for meringue. — Mrs. Alice Lillard. Cream Pie. One cup brown sugar, one pint milk, one tablespoon butter, two tablespoons corn starch, whites of two eggs, cinnamon and nutmeg to fliavor. Mix sugar, corn etarch, butter and stir into hot milk; cook until thick, then fold in lightly the beaten whites. Pour into baked crusts and brown slightly in hot oven. — Mrs. J. W. Major. Cream Pie. One quart new milk, two cups sugar, four eggs, two heaping tablespoons flour. Put one and one-half cups of sugar in yolks of eggs, add flour and stir into boiling milk until a thick custard; 'flavor with vanilla. When cold, fill baked pie crusts and cover with meringue made with whites of eggs and one-half 'cup sugar. Set in oven to brown.— Mrs. H. V. Bell. Jelly Pie. One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one cup acid jelly, four eggs. Beat well together and flavor to taste. — Louise Bell. Pastnj. 103 Chocolate Pie. Three eggs beaten separately, one pint cream, two cups sugar, one-half cup butter, three tablespoons flour, three tablespoons bitter chocolate, grated; flavor with vanilla. Put cream in double boiler; melt chocolate in pan, add butter, flour, sugar, and yolks of eggs ; beat well together, pour over them the hot cream gradually, stirring con- stantly, return to fire and cook until t^hick; fill baked crusits and finish cooking. Make meringue of whites. — Mrs. Alice Lillard. Chocolate Pie Without Meringue. Four eggs, three tablespoons cream, three tablespoons butter, one and one-half cups sugar, two squares bitter chocolate. Melt chocolate, add butter and sugar, and when well mixed, add eggs and cream. Beat well to- gether, put in half baked crusts and bake in oven. — Mrs. Morgan. Buttermilk Pie. One egg, yolks of two eggs, two cups sugar, one-half cup melted butter, two tablespoons flour, one cup butter- milk, flavor with lemon. Use whites of two eggs for meringue. — Mrs. Cassell. Cocoanut Pie. One pint milk, one cup sugar, one cocoanut grated, three eggs beaten separately. Add sugar to beaten yelks, then cocoanut, then milk. If prepared cocoanut is used, take one heaping cup. Make meringue of whites.' — ^Mise Chambers. 104 Pastry. Pineapple Pie. Five Qgg^ beaten separately, one-half cup butter, one cup cream, two tablespoons flour, two cups sugar, a small can grated pineapple. Beat sugar, flour, yelks of eggs and butter together, add pineapple and cream and cook over boiling water until a thick custard. Put in par- tially baked crusts and Ifinish baking- Use whites fur meringue. — Mrs. 'Lockridge. Mock Mince Pie. Two 'Cups sugar, one cup buttermilk, one cup seeded raisins, one teaspoon flour, two tablespoons butter, four eggs beaten separately, one teaspoon each of cloves, cinna- mon and nutmeg. Mix together, put in partially baked crusts and cook until done. Use whites for meringue. — Martha Bell. Caramel Pie. Two cups brown sugar, one cup milk, three table- spoons butter, four eggs, two tablespoons flour, flavor with vanilla. Moisten sugar with just enough water to make a thick paste ; add butter and cook to a thick syrup ; beat yolks of eggs, add flour, stir until smooth and pour grad- ually into the syrup, stirring all the time. When the mix- ture becomes very thick, pour into crusts which have been previously baked. Make meringue of whites. — ^Mre. Mor- gan. Caramel Pie. One pint brown sugar, one cup sweet milk, yolks of Pasiry. 105 three eggs, one tablespoon butter, two tablespoons flour, a pinch of salt. — Mrs. Ad die Springate. Jam Pie. One cup jam, one cup butter, one-half cup sweet milk, four eggs beaten separately, one cup sugar. Mix all to- gether and cook until thick, p'ut in baked crusts, using whites for meringue. — Mrs. E. H. Marrs. Boh Andy Pie. Four eggt^ beaten together, one cup butter, three cup>: sugar, one cup cream, two and one-half tablcf^poons flour, flavor to taste. Put in unbaked crusts and bake very slowly. — Mrs. A. H. Witherspoon. Butterscotch Pie. One cup light brown sugar, two eggs, two tablespoons flour, one cup cold water, two heaping tablespoons butter, one teaspoon vanilla. Mix sugar, flour, and yolk of eggs to a smooth paste, add gradually the water and butter and stir over hre until thick, then add vaniMa and pour into baked crusts. Use the whites for meringue. A few ba- nanas sliced into crusts and then covered with filling makes an excellent pie. — Mrs. Matt Birdwhistell. Apple Pie. Line a deep pan with a good crust, take firm tart apples, peel and slice thin, add plenty of butter and sugar, a lit- tle nutmeg, a few drops of lemon juice; cover over and bake. Serve hot. — ^Sue Paxton. 106 Pastry. Molasses Pie. Two eggs, one cup brown sugar, one cup molasses. But- ter size of Qgg, rind and juice of two lemons. — Louisville. Stack Pies. One cup butter, tw^o cups sugar, six eggs, flavor to taste. Beat all together and cook over hot water until real thick. Bake six flat crusts of paltry and spread each with filling and stack. It may be iced if desired ; nice for luncheon. ^-Mrs. Miatt Birdwhistell. Bhuharh Meringue Pie. One quart rhubarb, one and one half cups water, two and one half cups sugar, four eggs beaten separately, two level tablespoons flour, flavor with lemon. Stew rhubarb in water; when done, add other ingredients and took to- gether until thick. Pour into baked crusts and cover with meringue made of white of eggs. — ^Mrs. J. W. Major. Rhubarb Pie. Cut rhubarb in one half inch pieces : fill pie pans with good crust, sprinkle sugar thickly over bottom, put in pieces of rhubarb (uncooked), until pan is almost full, strew thickly with sugar, dot generously with butter and moisten with water, being careful not to use too much. Put narrow strips of pastry across top each way, dampen with water, sprinkle with sugar, and bake slowly in oven until a nice brown and a thick syrup has formed in pie. — 'Mrs. Morgan. Pastry, 107 Pumphin Pie. iStevv pumpkin in a very little water until very soft and press through colander. Line a deep pan with good pastry and make 'filling as follows : — Two cups stewed pumpkin a scant pint of milk, one cup sugar, two eggs, one teaspoon ginger, one half teaspoon cinnamon, one half teaspoon saltytwo tablespoons butter. Bake in one crust. — Mrs. Carpenter. Moch Chewy Pie. One cup cooked cranberries, one cup seeded raisins stewed, one table spoon cornstarch, three tablespoons sugar. Flavor with vanilla if liked. Bake with upper and lower crusts. — Mrs. Major. Amber Pie. Five eggs beiaten separately, one and one half cups sugar, one cup butter, one pint cream, one heaping table- spoon flour, one cup damson preserves. Use whites for meringue. — Mrs. Stanley Johnson. Green Tomato Mincemeat. One peck green tomatoes chopped. Drain the water off, throw away, and put on the same quantity of fresh hot water. Eepeat this until they have been scalded three times. Then drain and add five lbs. brown sugar, two lbs. seeded raisins, one cup chopped beef suet, one cup vinegar, two tablespoons salt, two tablespoons ground cin- namon, two tablespoons allspice, one grated nutmeg. Boil 108 Pastry. all together until thick and put in self sealers. — ^>Irs. Lou E. McKee. Mince Meat. Two lbs. tenderloin beef, one and one-half lbs. suet, one lb. currants, four lbs. white or brown sugar, one-half lb. each of candied orange and lemon peel, one and one- half lbs. raisins, four lbs. chopped apples, one quart cher- ries, one quart peaches, two nutmegs grated, one tab- spoon cloves, two tablespoons allspice, two tablespoons mace, three tables?poons cinnamon, one quart whiskey, one quart grape juice. Boil meat until tender, and grind or chop fine and salt. Chop all fruits and suet, mix to- gether, let come to a boil and can in quart jars. This will fill nine qurts. — Mary Paxton. Mince Meat. Four lbs. lean boiled beef chopped coarse, three Ibe. suet chopped fine, eight lbs. pared and cored apples chopped, five Ibe. seeded raisins, three lbs. Zantee Currants, five lbs. sugar, one lb. citron chopped fine, and one lb. candied lemon peel chopped, two quarts boiled apple cider, one pint cider vinegar, four teaspoons cinnamon, two tea- spoons nutmeg, twelve teaspoons salt, one teaspoon cloves. Boil thirty minutes and put in self-sealers. This makes one dozen quarts. — Mrs. Minnie Springate. DESSERTS. i^ ?(5* c^* %5^ Apple Dumplings. One third cup butter, one egg, three fourths cup sweet milk, one-half teaspoon salt ,one tablespoon sugar, two full teaspoons baking powder, enough flour to make a soft dough. Put on board and roll about one fourth of an inch thick, spread with butter and thickly with chopped apples. Roll tightly ae you would Jelly roll. Cut crosswise in pieces about three inches long ; stand on end in buttered pan. Mix thoroughly a heaping table- spoon of flour, two thirds cup of sugar, and one pint of water and pour over dumplings. Drop smaK lumps of butter on each dumpling, dust with grated nutmeg and bake in moderate oven. Serve with cream. Other kinds of fruits may be substituted, grated pineapple being es- pecially nice.' — ^Mrs Wiley Searcy. , Cocoanut Roll. Melt one half cup of butter and stir into it two cups of sugar. Eoll nice pastry thin and spread on it the butter and sugar; sprinkle over it shredded cocoanut and a few raisins. Eoll up, pinch the edges together and place in pan. Pour over it one half cup of hot water, sprinkle sugar and bits of butter over top and bake in moderate oven until brown. Serve with sauce. — -Louise Bell. 109 110 Desserts. Fritters. Three eggs, three cups flour, two cups buttermilk, one teaspoon soda. Beat eggs separately ; add to the yolks the milk and flour alternately; stir in sock, then fold in stifif- lly beaten whites. Add chopped .apples, peaches, pineapple, oranges, etc.; drop by spoonful into boiling lard and fry a light brown. Serve with maple syrup. Bell Fritters. One cup boiling water, two tablespoons butter, one cup flour, three eggs. Put butter in saucepan, add flour and stir until it leaves sides of pan. Kemove from fire, cool some, and beat in the eggs one at a time. Drop by spoon- fulls into boiling lard and fry a golden brown. Cream Puffs. One and one-half cups flour, two-thirds cup butter, one cup boiHing water, five eggs beaten separately. Boil but- ter and water together and stir in flour while boiling; beat until smooth ; when cool, add beaten yolks and then stiffly beaten whites. Drop on tins and bake thirty min- utes. Fill them with the following cream : one pint milk, one cup sugar, two-thirds cup flour, two egg?. Beat eggs, flour, land sugar together and stir into boiling milk. Cook until thick and flavor with vanilla. Peach Pudding. One can of peaches, one cup flour, one cup sugar, one teaspoon baking powder, four beaten eggs, one tablespoon Desserts. Ill melted butter, two cups milk, one-fourth teaspoon salt. Mix flour and sugar well, add melted butter, eggs, milk, baking pow^der, salt and peach juice; whip for four min- utes. Put peaches in a buttered pudding mould and pour the custard over them. Bake in moderate oven until a rich brown. Serve with thick cream. — ^Mrs. Coleman Warford. Queen of Puddings. One pint bread crumbs, one quart milk, one pint sugar, four eggs beaten separately, grated rind of one lemon, but- ter size of an Qgg. Bake slowly until well done. Beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth with a teaspoon of sugar. Spread over the pudding a layer of jelly and then the whites of eggs; brown in oven. — Jennie Lillard. Orange Boly Poly. Make a nice dough, roll it out into a narrow long sheet about a quarter of an inch thick. 'Spread thickly over it peeled and sliced oranges; sprinkle liberally with white sugar, scatter over all grated orange peel, then rolil it up ; fold the edges well together to keep the juice in. Wring a cloth out of hot water, flour it well, tie the pudding in it and boil one and one-half hours. Serve with lemon sauce. Rice Pudding. One cup rice, one pint milk, two ounces of butter, three eggs, one and one-half cups sugar. Boil rice until ten- der, drain and add milk; then stir in butter and yolks of 112 Desserts, eggs beaten with sugar. Put in baking dish and bake half an hour. Make meringue of whites, spread on top and brown. Serve cold with sauce or cream. — Mrs. F. V. Nelson. Broivn Betty. Spread the bottom of a well buttered baking dish with a thick layer of browned bread crumbs. Add lumps of butter, then a layer of sweetened apple sauce and a sprink- ling of nutmeg, more lumps of butter, a layer of crumbs, alternating with layers of apple sauce. Have the top layer of crumbs and butter. Bake thirty minutes, serve hot with sauce. — Mrs. McCarter. Peacli Betty. Make as brown betty, using chopped, uncooked ripe peaches; omit nutmeg. Bake and serve with cream. — Martha BelH. Jerusalem Pudding. Two pounds dates, one-half pound nuts, one quart sweet milk, one cup flour, one cup sugar, six eggs beaten separately. 'Put in pan and bake. Serve with whipped cream. — ^Mrs. P. H. Marrs. Date Pudding. One cup dates, one cup shelled pecans, two eggs beaten separately, one cup sugar, one teaspoon baking powder, one tablespoon flour. Dredge nuts and dates with the flour; beat baking powder into whites of eggs and sugar Desserts. 113 into yellows. Mix al together and bake. — Mrs. Harry L. Wetherbee. Prune Pudding. One pint milk, one-ha'lf -cup bread crumbs, one-balf cup sugar, one cup of stewed chopped prunes, one tablespoon butter, three eggs, a little cinnamon. Beat eggs with su- gar until light, add a pinch of salt, cinnamon, milk, crumbs and prunes. Mix well, turn into a butttered pud- ding dish, dot top with bits of butter and bake slowiy un- til custard is set. Serve with cream and sugar or a lemon sauce, — ^Virsinia. o^ Thanhsgiving Pudding. Four eggs beaten separately, one cup sugar, one -cup stale cake crumbs, one cup raisins, one cup chopped nuts, two tablespoons butter, four tablespoons whiskey. Mix well and bake until it begins to thicken; do not overcook. Serve with whipped cream. — Mrs. Burton. A Delmonico Pudding. Five eggs beaten separately, three tablespoons corn starch, six tablespoons sugar, one quart milk. Make into a custard and cook until thick ; pour into baking dish and bake until set. Place over a layer of canned peaches, make a meringue of whites, spread over top and brown. Serve with or without sauce. — tMrs. A. €. Witherspoon. Woodford Pudding. Three eggs, one cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one cup 114 Desserts. flour, one teaspoon soda, three teaspoons butter-milk, cin- namon and nutmeg to taste. Dissolve soda in butter- milk, mix aill well, pour into pudding dish and bake slow- ly. Make a meringue of whites, spread on top and brown. — Mrs. J. W. Lockridge. Germam, Puffs. Five eggs, one pint new milk, two tablespoons butter, a pinch of salt, ten heaping tablespoons flour. Mix well, beating out all lumps. Bake in muffin rings and serve at once with sauce. — Anne B. Lillard. Favorite Pudding. Lay slices of stale cake in the bottom of a pudding dish, dot with bits of butter; then put a layer of canned black- berries, cherries, or any fruit preferred. If berries have not been sweetened, sprinkle with sugar. Put anothe? layer of cake, then fruit. A few raisins scattered through improves it. Make a custard of one pint milk, yelks of two eggs, one tablespoon flour and one-half cup sugar, pour over pudding, put in stove and bake. Make a mer- ingue of whites, and brown. Serve with sauce or cream. This is also good made with slices of buttered bread in- stead of cake. — Mrs. W. H. Morgan. Ginger Pudding. One cup butter, one cup sugar, one cup buttermilk, four cups flour, two eggs, one cup molasses, one tablespoon ground ginger, one teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon soda dissolved in hot water. Bake in biscuit pan, cut in squares and serve with rich sauce. — Mrs. J. M. Posey. Desserts. 115 Sponge Roll. Three eggs, one cup sugar, one cup flour, one-half cup hot water, one teaspoon baking powder. Bake in quick oven, spread with jelly, and roll quickly on napkin spread with sugar. — Mrs. M. E. Jones. Foiled Jelly Cake. Three eggs, one cup sugar, one cup flour, two table- spoons water, one teat?poon each of cloves, spice and cin- namon, one heaping teaspoon baking pov^der, a pinch of salt. 'Bake in large, flat pan, turn out on board and spread jelly on top; roll while hot. — Mrs. Glasscox. Raisin Puff. Two eggs, one-half cup butter, two cups flour, two table- spoons sugar, one c-up sweet milk, one cup seeded raisins, two teaspoons baking powder. Steam thirty minutes in small molds. Serve with cream or sauce. Lizzie's Hot Cahe. Two eggs, two and one-half cups flour, one cup milk, one-half cup brown sugar, one-half cup white sugar, three tablespoons butter, two teaspoons baking powder. Serve with sauce. — ^Miss Chambers. Inexpensive Cake for Sauce. One cup sugar, one-fourth cup butter, one and one-half cups flour, one-half cup sweet milk, two eggs, one and one-half teaspoons baking powder, two tablespoons jam, spices to taste.— Mrs. R. H. Marrs. 116 Desserts. Suet Pudding. One cup chopped suet, one cup molasses, one cup sour milk, three cups flour, one teaspoon soda, one-half cup raisins, one-half cup currante, spices to taste. — Miss Susie Hooper. Fig Pudding. One-fourth pound •figs chopped fine, two cups bread crumbs, one cup brown sugar, one-fourth pound suet chopped fine, two eggs, one-half nutmeg grated, one des- sert spoon molasses, one tablespoon flour, grated rind and juice of one lemon. Steam three hours and serve with hard eauce. — ^Mrs. H. B. Carpenter. Plum Pudding. One large coffee cup beef suet (chopped), one large cup black molasses, one large cup buttermilk, two large cups raisins (chopped) one dessert spoon soda, one dessert spoon salt, one tablespoon cinnamon^ one teaspoon all- spice, one-balf nutmeg grated, flour to make stiff batter. Divide, put in two molds and steam three hours. — Mrs. Cassell. Plum Pudding. One and one-half pounds seeded raisins, one pound figs, three-eighths pound citron, 5 cents worth each of candied lemon and orange peel, one pound currants, three-fourths pound shelled almonds, one pound dates, one large nut- meg, one quart cherry preserves, one tablespoon cinna- Desserts. ll'i' mon, one pint sherry wine, one tumbler brandy or whis- key, one pound beef euet chopped fine, one pint stale bread crumbs, one-half pint sifted flour, six eggs, one-half tablespoon ground cloves, two teaspoons baking powder. Mix well and steam from four to six hours. — ^^Mrs. E. V. Johnson. Tapioca Cream. Three tablespoons tapioca, one quart milk, three eggs beaten separately, three-fourthe cup sugar, one-half tea- spoon orange extract. Soak tapioca in water over night ; 8cald milk, add tapioca and cook imtil clear; stir in the yolks of eggs beaten light with sugar, cook two or three minutes, add pinch of salt and flavoring and cover with meringue made of whites of eggs, beaten stiff with one- hallf cup powdered sugar. Brown in slow oven and serve cold. — Mrs. J. W. Major. Boiled Custard. One-half gallon new milk, two cups .sugar, yolks of six eggs, whites of eight eggs, one-half cup flour. Beat yolks of eggs very light; mix one and one-fourth cups of sugar and flour with yolks, beating well together. Pour this mixture very slowly into the boiling milk, stirring constantly. Eemove from stove when as thick as de- sired, and stir in the whitee of eggs which have been beat- en with three-fourths cup of sugar. Flavor according to taste.— Mrs. H. V. Bdll. 118 Desserts. Quaking Custard. One tablespoon Knox gelatine, two €ups milk, one-half cup cold water, yolks of four eggs, three-fourths cup su- gar, two 'Ctups cream whipped. 'Soak gelatine in cold wa- ter, scald milk; beat eggs and sugar together until light and pour into hot milk, stirring all the while. Cook until it begins to thicken, then pour over the gelatine and stir until dissolved. Flavor with vanilla and color pink if liked; when cool, fold in the cream well whipped and pour into mold. When ready to serve remove from mold, garnish with sliced bananas, crystallized fruit, sections of oranges or in any way desired. Serve with whipped cream. The whites of eggs may be made into egg kisses and serv- ed with it. — ^Mrs. Henryetta Griffey. Baked Orange Custard. 'Grated rind of one-half orange, juice of one orange, ono cup sugar, four eggs, one pint cream. Beat eggs, sugar, and orange juice together, stir gradually into boiling cream, beating well until mixture is cold; pour into cus- tard 'Cups, set in a pan of hot water and bake in oven until custard is set. Serve with sweetened sections of orange and whipped cream. — ^Mrs. Morgan. Marshmallow Pudding. One tablespoon gelatine, one-half cup cold water, one- half cup boiling water, whites of four eggs, one cup sugar. Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in hot water. Beat Desserts. 119 whites of eggs very stiff, add gelatine very gradually and beat until smooth ; add sugar slowly, beating all the time. Flavor to taste. Color in two or more colors, mold in layers and serve with whipped cream. — Mary Paxlon. Maple Sponge. Two cups brown or maple sugar, two level tablespoons gelatine, one-half cup hot water, one and one-half cups cold water, whites of two or three eggs, one cup Englisti w^alnuts. Dissolve sugar in hot water and boil to a syrup ; soak gelatine in cold water and pour the hot syrup over it, stirring until dissolved. When nearly set, beat in stiffly whipped whites and nuts cut 'fine. Serve with whipped cream. — Mrs. J. W. Major. Pineapple Sponge. Three eggs beaten separately, one-half box Knox's gel- atine, three tablespoons lemon juice, one- half cup sugar, one-half cup milk, a small can of pineapple. Cook milk, yelks of eggs, sugar and pineapple juice together, add gel- atine, which has been soaked in a little cold water, and stir until dissolved. Add lemon juice and when about to congeal, stir in beaten whites and chopped pineapple. Nuts may be added. ' Mold and serve with whipped cream. — ^Mrs. Lockridge. Chocolate Jelly. One-third box gelatine, one pint boiling water, two squares of chocolate, one cup nuts, sugar to taste, one cup 120 Desserts. maraschino cherries. Soak gelatine in a little cold wa- ter, melt chocolate in the hot water and pour over gela- tine, stirring until dissolved ; sweeten and flavor with va- nilla. Pour into a mold and when ready to set, stir in chopped nuts and cherries cut up. Serve with whipped cream. — ^Katherine Lockridge. Fruit Pudding. One-half box gelatine, one-half cup cold water, two- thirds cup sugar, two-thirds cup raisins chopped fine, two and one-ha'lf cups milk, one tablespoon brandy or whiskey, three tablespoons almonds cut fine, five eggs beat- en separately, one-fourth pound macaroons broken fine, two teaspoons vanilla. Soak gelatine in 'Cold water; make a custard of eugar, yelks of eggs and milk; dis- solve gelatine in custard, add raisins, macaroons, almonds, vanilla and brandy. When it begins to thicken, beat in whites of eggs that have been whipped. — Mrs. E. H. Marrs. Snow Jelly. One-half box gelatine, one and one-half cups sugar, three lemons, one pint boiling water, whites of three egga. Soak gelatine in a little 'cold water, dissolve in boiling water and add lemon juice and sugar. When beginning to congeal, add whites of eggs slightly beaten and beat to- gether very hard until it congeals and is light and delicate. Serve with a custard made of the yolks of eggs and one pint of milk and sugar to taste. — ^Mrs. Morgan. Desserts. 121 Lemon Jelly. One-half box Knox gelatine, one c\ip €old wiater, one and one-half cups boiling water, one cup lemon juice, su- gar to taste. Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in boil- ing water; add lemon juice, eugar to taste, dissolve and pour into mold. Orange Jelly. Make as lemon jelly, using one lemon and one pint of orange juice. Mold in shallow dish, cut in cubes and serve in baskets or cups made from orange peel, with whipped cream over the top. Cut out pieces from side, leaving half the peel whole for the basket and a strip half an inch wide for the handle ; remove pulp carefully. Bavarian Cream or Chaiiotte Russe. Two cups milk, one cup sugar, three egg'^, one-half box Knox gelatine, two cups thick cream whipped, pinch of salt. Heat milk, add eggs and sugar beaten together, pour over gelatine which has been soaked in one-third cup cold water and stir until dissolved. Flavor with vanilla, cool, and when it begins to stiffen, fold in the whipped cream. Line a mold with lady fingers stuck together with white of egg, and pour in charlotte rusee; serve with whipped cream. Or mold in angel food cake with center scooped out. — ^Mrs. Morgan. Charlotte Russe (White.) One-third box of gelatine, one cup new milk, one cup sugar, one and one-half pints cream, whites of three eggs. 122 Desserts. Put gelatine in milk and keep warm until fully dissolved. Beat eggs^ add sugar, beating it in thoroughly. Whip cream very stiff and mix well with eggs and sugar. When gelatine is dissolved, pour it over this mixture and stir quickly; put in mold. Serve with a custard made with the yolks of eggs. — Mrs. J. M. Johnson. Raspherry Bavarian Cream. One pint cream, one cup sugar, one-half box gelatine, one pint jar of raspberries. Chill and w'hip cream ; mash berries and strain out the juice. Soak gelatine in one- half cup of cdld water and dissolve in one-half cup of boiling water, add raspberry juice and sugar (use lees su- gar if berries have been sweetened). Strain liquid into a broad pan; when cool, beat until it begins to thicken, then fold in whipped cream carefully. Mold in large or small molds and serve with whipped cream or custard sauce. Other fruit juices may be used instead of rasp- berry. — Mrs. Morgan. Orange Charlotte. . . Two tablespoons gelatine, one-half cup cold water, one-half cup boiling water, one cup sugar, whites of three eggs, three tablespoons lemon juice, one cup orange juice and fine pulp. Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve in hot water, add sugar and lemon juice and when cool add orange juice and pulp. When it begins to jelly, add beaten whites and whip together hard until light and ready to congeal. Turn into a mold lined with lady fingers and serve with whipped cream. — Mrs. Morgan. Desserts. 133 Ambrosia, Peel oranges, divide in sections, and cut each section in pieces. Put into a deep dish a layer of oranges, sprin- kle with powdered sugar, then with grated cocoanut ; put next a layer of peaches, sprinkle with sugar and cocoanut and repeat until full. — Martha Bell. Strawberry Short CaJce. Four eggs, two cups sugar, two and one-half cups flour, one tablespoon baking powder, one cup boiling water. Mix yellows, and sugar, add beaten whites and pour on the boiling water slowly, then add flour and baking powder. Bake in flat pan, ice, put a layer of whole berries on top, sprinkle with sugar, then whipped cream on top of this. — Mrs. E. W. Eipy. SAUCES FOR DESERTS. %^^ ft5* C^* ^* Sauce for Apple Dumplings. One pint sugar, one teacupful butter, one tablespoon cold water, three eggs beaten separately. Mix all to- gether except whites of eggs and heat in double boiler. Just before serving stir in the well beaten whites. — Mrs. Goddard. Sauce For Plum Pudding. One egg, one cup brown 6ugar, one-half cup butter, one tablespoon of brandy or water. Stir well together ami set in pan of hot water to cook, being careful not to cook too long or it will curdle. — Mrs. Lockridge. Favorite Sauce. One cup powdered sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup cream, flavor to taste. Beat well together, set in pan of hot water and stir until well heated, but do not boil. Foam Sauce. One-half cup butter, one cup sugar, one-half eup cream, two eggs beaten separately. Cream butter and sugar well together; add well beaten eggs and cream, put all in a small! pitcher, set in boiling water and stir until it foams. Use any preferred flavoring. — 'Louisville. 124 Sauces for Desserts. 125 Hard Sauce. Ten tablespoons of powdered sugar, two tablespoons butter. Mix until white, flavor with nutmeg, put finely chopped citron over top. — Louisville. Hard Sauce. One cup butter, unbeaten whites of two eggs, two cups powdered sugar. Beat all well together, flavor with sher- ry wine. — Mrs. E. V. Johnson. Cold Lemon Sauce. One cup butter, two cups powdered sugar, juice and grated rind of one lemon. Cream butter and sugar, stir in juice and rind of lemon, grate nutmeg on top. Hot Lemon Sauce. One cup milk or water, one-half cup sugar, one teaspoon flour, yolks of two eggs, grated rind and juice of one dem- on. Heat milk in double boiler, stir in flour, sugar and eggs beaten together. Remove from fire and add lemon juice and grated rind; serve hot. Orange may be sub- stituted for lemon. Orange Sauce For Pudding. Whites of two eggs, one tablespoon melted butter, one tablespoon grated orange peel, juice of two oranges, pow- dered sugar. Beat whites stifl', stir in powdered sugar until creamy; add butter and orange juice. 126 Sauces for Desserts. Caramel Sauce. Put one cup sugar in a sauce pan, stir until melted and of a light blown color. Add one cup of boiling water or milk and simmer for 15 or 20 minutes. Add table- spoon of butter and flavor with vanilla. Add nuts if liked. — Mrs. Morgan. Chocolate Sauce. One-half cup grated chocolate, two cups milk, three cups sugar, one tablespoon butter, melt chocolate over hot water, pour over it the hot i;\ilk, and when perfectly smooth, add sugar and butter. Cook to the consistency of cream. Flavor with vanilla or cinnamon. — ^Louise Bell. Cream Sauce. White of one egg, one-half cup powdered sugar, one cup thick cream whipped. Flavor as liked. Beat egg, add sugar, beating both well together; then add whipped cream, mixing lightly together. Plain Sauce. Cook two cups sugar and one cup of water, adding a large spoon of butter. Or cream may be used instead of water, making a much richer sauce, in which case the l)utter will not be needed. Cook as thick as desired. CAKES. C^ tf^* c^ c^ All materials for cake should be fresh and of the very best quality. After reading recipe, collect all ingredients called for. Sift flour and sugar before measuring, using fine granulated sugar land well dried iflour; then separate eggs, beating each well. The best cooks also wash the butter, although some, who make good cake, do not adhere strictly to this rule. Before mixing cake, prepare mold by lining it with brown paper and greasing well with melted lard. If a layer cake, it is usually sufficient to grease pans and dust them well with flour, then invert pan and shake out gently the superfluous flour. Have oven moderately hot when cakes are put in, then gradually increase the heat as the cake rises. When baking a mold cake, put a thick paper or tin top over it, also a pan of hot water on grate in oven ; after it has risen sufficiently, the top may be re- moved and, when beginning to brown, remove hot water. A cake is usually done when it shrinks from the pan or mold. Insert a broom-straw into the thickest part, and if it comes out clean, the cake is done. Open and shut oven door carefully while cakes are rising; if necessary ^o turn them, do so gently. Use a wooden cake spoon with slits in it for mixing cake and beat batter well if you want a fine grained cake. 127 128 Cahes. How To Mix Plain Cake. 'Sift and measure flour and sugar, separate eggs, meas- ure baking powder and sift into flour or add the last thing. Wash butter and cream it, adding sugar gradually, beat- ing until light and creamy; a little of the liquid added will help wdth the creaming process, w^hich is very neces- sary to the success of the cake. If a recipe calls for yelks off eggs, beat them until light and add to creamed butter and sugar. Add flour and milk alternately, then stiffly beaten whites. Fine cakes can be made without beat- ing whites, but the batter must be well beaten after they are added. Layer cakes will bake in from twenty- five to thirty minutes according to thickness. Mold cakes require from fifty minutes to two hours. Cake batter may be baked in large thin sheets, then cut in rounds, triangles or fancy shapes and iced in different colors, sprinkled with cocoanut, chopped nuts, etc. To Mix Sponge Cahe w Angel Food. 'When yelks of eggs are used, beat them very light, add sugar, then beaten whites, then fold in flour and cream tartar. For angel food, beat whites of eggs very stiff, add cream tartar and beat well, then add sugar, folding it in thoroughly and carefully. Then fold in flour lightly, the motion being one of cutting through batter at bottom and lifting it towards the surface. Do not beat. Turn the mixture into ungreased mold or pans and invert on wire cake cooler until it drops out. Cakes. 129 How To Mix Fruit Cake. Have fruit prepared before beginning to mix eake. Have raisins seeded, and cut up, citron shaved, currants picked over, washed and dried, almonds blanched and cut up. Dredge fruit and nuts by putting them in a large pan and sifting a little flour over them, mixing it through well with the hands; this is to prevent fruit from falling to the bottom of cake. For black cake, brown the flour, by putting a pan of white flour in oven and stirring constant- ly until it is browned evenly all through. Prepare this, too, beforehand. Mix batter las for plain cake, puting in ingredients in same order, unless molasses is used, which must be added before flour. If brandy is used, add just before fruits and nuts which are added last. Put in mold, set in a pan containing two or three inches of hot water, put thick paper or top over mold and bake very slowly. Put a pan of hot water on rack. Let cake remain in mold until cold. Snow Mountain Cake. Whites of ten eggs, four cups flour, two teaspoons bak- ing powder, two cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup water or milk, three tablespoons buttermilk, flavor to taste. Biake in four layers. — ■ Mrs. Glasscox. White Lihj Cake. Whites of six eggs, two cups sugar, three cups flour, one cup sweet milk, three-fourths cup butter, one teaspoon soda, two teaspoons cream tartar. Flavor to taste. — Mrs. Lou E. McKee. 130 Cakes, Three Egg Cake. Whites of three eggs, three-fourths cup butter, two cups sugar (scant), one and one-fourth cups sweet milk, three cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder (slightly heaped). —Mrs. J. P. Ripy. White Cake. One and one-half cups sugar, three cups flour, one cup sweet milk, three-fourths cup butter, whites of five Qggi^ (unbeaten), two rounded teaspoons baking powder. — Martha Bell. White Loaf Cake. Whites of twelve eggs, one large cup butter, two cups sugar, four and one-balf cups flour, one cup sweet milk or cream, two rounded teaspoons baking powder. Flavor with vanilla. Bake in moderate oven. When done, re- move from the pan, take paper off, then turn the pan back over the cake. — Mary Gray. Two Egg Cake. Two eggs, two cups sugar, two tablespoons butter, two cups milk, four cups flour, four teaspoons baking powder. — Mrs. Junius. White Cake. One cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup sweet milk. Whites of eight Qgg^y four cups flour, two teaspoons bak- ing powder. — Mrs. H. B. Carpenter. Cakes. 131 Plain Cup Cake. One-half cup butter, one and one-half cups sugar, one cup milk or water, three cupts flour, four eggs beaten separ- ately, two teaspoons baking powder, juice and rind of one lemon. Bake in greased skillet in moderate oven about three fourths of an hour. — Mrs. Matt Birdwhistell. Cream Cake. Break two eggs into a cup, fill with rich cream, empty in a pan and beat well with eg^ beater; then add slowly one cup of sugar and beat until light; add two cups flour (scant measure) with one heaping teaspoon of baking powder and beat again. Flavor with vanilla; bake in rings or shallow pans. — Louisville. Feather Cake. Two cups flour, one cup sugar, one Qgg, one tablespoon butter, one cup sweet milk, one teaspoon baking powder. Bake in rings and eat hot with fruit. One, Two, Three, Four Cake. One cup butter, two cups sugar, three cups flour, four eggs, one-half cup milk. Put ground spices in one-half of batter; bake in layers and put together with icing. Nut Cake. Whites of seven eggs, two-thirds cup sweet milk, three and one-half cups flour, two-thirds cup butter, two tea- spoons baking powder, two tablespoons sherry wine, one and one-half cups chopped pecans, or ground hickory nuts. 132 Cal^es. Wash butter, cream it, add ,^ugar and then unbeaten white of one egg and beat until light. Mix other ingredients as usual. Bake in layers.^ — Mary Paxlton. Orange Cake. Yelks of five eggs, white of one egg, one cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup sweet milk. Two cups flour, one heaping teaspoon Eoyal Baking Powder. Beat yelks very light, add sugar and beat again, then add butter washed and creamed, milk, flour baking powder and white of egg beaten to a froth. Flavor with lemon extract. Bake in three layers and put together with fil- ling as follows: — ■ One large Florida orange, one-half lemon, yolks of two eggs, one cup powdered sugar, two tablespoons melted butter, two tablespoons corn starch, one-half cup cold water, one cup boiling water. Put hot water in double boiler, mix corn starch with cold water and stir into hot water, cook until clear ; add eggs and sugar well beaten together and stir until smooth, then add grated peel and juice of lemon and orange and cook until it thickens. Spread between layers of cake, cover it with cooked icing flavored with extract of orange. Garnish with candied orange peel cut in small squares and placed over the cake. — Mrs. J. T. Bos- well, Louisville. Orange Cake. One-half cup butter, one and one-half cups sugar, one- half cup orange juice, two and one-half cups flour (scant), four eggs, four level teaspoons baking powder. Bake in layers and put together with icing. — 'Mrs. Morgan. CaUs. 133 Sponge Cake. {Nemr Fails.) Two cups sugar, two cups flour, four eggs, one-half cup cold water, two teaspoons baking powder, a pinch of salt. Flavor with lemon. — Mrs. Powell Taylor. Sponge Cake. Eleven eggs beaten separately, the weight of ten eggs in sugar, weight of eix eggs in flour. Juice of one lemon. — Louisville. Sponge Muffins. Two eggs beaten separately, one cup sugar, six table- spoons cold water, one tablespoon lemon juice, one and one-third cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder. Bake in muffin rings. Angel Food. One and one-half tumblers sugar, whites of eleven large eggs, one tumbler flour, one teaspoon cream tartar. Sift flour and sugar five times: sift cream tartar with flour, flavor with lemon ; bake in loaf in moderatf e oven. — Mr^. Fred Terhune. Angel Food. Whites of sixteen Qgg^, one teaspoon salt, two level tea- spoons of cream of tartar. Two tumblers of sugar, one and one-half tumblers of flour. Sift flour and sugar sever- al times before measuring. Put salt in eggs, and when half beaten, add cream tartar and beat until stiff. Fold in sugar and flour lightly. Bake in loaf in moderate oven. — Mrs Claxon. 134 Cakes. Angel Food. Whites of sixteen eggs, one teaspoon cream tartar, one- half teaspoon tartaric acid, two medium size goblets flour, two medium size goblets sugar. Sift flour and sugar sev- eral times before measuring. Mix with fork. Bake in two layers in ungreased pan with a little flour sifted into them; have oven moderately hot. When done, let them stand in pans and sweat. While hot, peel off brown crust. Put together with marshmallow icing. — Mrs. McMurry. Economical Spice Cake. One cup brown sugar, one cup white sugar. Yolks of two eggs, one heaping tablespoon butter, one cup butter- milk, one-half cup cold coffee (liquid), one level teaspoon soda, one small teaspoon baking powder, one teaspoon cin- namon, one teaspoon cloves, one-half teaspoon allspice, three cups flour, a pinch of salt. Dissolve soda in butter milk, beat batter well, bake in layers and put together with icing made with whites of eggs. — ^Mrs. Morgan. Pound Cake. Twelve eggs beaten separately, one pound butter, one pound sugar, one pound flour, one teaspoon baking powdei'. Beat well. Lady Baltimore Cake. Three- fourths cup butter, one and three-fourths cups sugar, one cup milk, three and one-half cups flour, whites six eggs, two teaspoons baking powder, flavor with rose- Cakes. 135 water. Bake in layers, put together with filling as follows. Make a cooked icing, allowing two cups sugar to three eggs; before putting on cake, add one cup nuts chopped fine, one cup chopped seeded raisins and one-half cup chop ped figs. — ^Martha Bell. Marble Cake, One cup butter, two cups sugar, four cups flour, one cup cold water, whites of six eggs, two teaspoons baking pow- der. Mix and take out a small portion of batter and add to it one spoonful each of spice, cloves, cinnamon and ginger; also two tablespoons whiskey if liked. Put in a mold a layer of white batter, then streak with dark, then with white until all is used. Bake thoroughly and ice with white icing.— Miss Rachel Lillard. Chocolate Marble Cake. Use any white cake batter, take out part, and stir in melted chocolate to color it. Streak as other marble cake and bake in mold. Flavor with vanilla. Devil's Food. Two cups white sugar, one-half cup butter, four cups flour, one-half cup sour milk, one-half cup hot water, two eggs beaten separately, one teaspoon vanilla, one teaspoon soda, one-half cup grated chocolate (unsweetened). Cream butter and sugar, put soda in milk and add alternately with flour and eggs. Add hot water, vanilla, and choc- olate which has been melted over hot water. Bake in layers in moderate oven. — Mrs. Fred Terhune. 136 Calces. Chocolate Sponge Cake. Two egg=, one cup sugar, two teaspoons baking powder, one and one-half cups flour, one-half teaspoon salt, a square of melted chocolate ( unsweetened), one-half cup boiling water, two teaspoons vanilla. Beat eggs, add sugar and beat well, then flour, baking powder, chocolate, vanil- la, and lastly hot water. Mix well, pour into buttered mold or bake in layers and ice. — Mre. E. W. Ripy. Chocolate Nut Cake. One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup butter, two eggs, two cups flour, two squares bitter chocolate, one-half cup buttermilk, one and one-half cups chopped nuts, one teaspoon soda, one-half cup boiling water, flavor with vanilla. Pour boiling water over chocolate, add soda and set aside to cool ; cream butter and sugar, add beaten yelks, buttermilk, flour, chocolate mixture and whites of eggs beaten stiff to which have been added the nuts. — ^Martha Bell. Apple Spice Cake. One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup butter, two and one-half cups flour, two eggs, one teaspoon cloves, two teaspoons cinnamon, one-half nutmeg, one full cup stewed apples, one teaspoon vinegar, one teaspoon soda, a pinch of salt, one cup raisins, one-half cup nuts. Mix well, adding soda to apples; bake in layers and ice with marshmallow icing. — Mary Paxton. Cakes. 137 Ap'ple Sauce Cake. One Q^^, one-half cup butter, one cup sugar, one and one-half cups apple sauce, one cup raisins, one-half cup chopped nuts, two cups flour, two teaspoons soda put in flour, one-half teaspoon vanilla one-half teaspoon cinna- mon, one-fourth teaspoon each of cloves and allspice. Bake in layers and spread with following dressing — cream one-fourth cup butter, beat in one and one-half cups powdered eugar and two tablespoons cold coffee. — Mrs. M. Earnest Jones. Jam Cake. Two cups sugar, one and one-half cups butter, four cups flour, one-half cup buttermilk, two cups jam, six eggs, one teaspoon soda, one nutmeg, two tablespoons spice, two tablespoons cinnamon, ten cents worth figs, ten cents worth of raisins, citron if liked. — 'MrsjBuster. Jam Layer Cake. Three eggs, one cup butter, one cup sugar, two cups flour, one teaspoon soda, three tablespoons buttermilk, one cup blackberr}' jam, spices to taste, raisins if liked. Bake in layers, and put together with caramel or any preferred icing. — 'Mrs. Buster. Mince Meat Cake. Two cups brown sugar, one-half cup lard, four cups flour, one pound mince meat, two teaspoons jam, two cups buttermilk, one-half nutmeg, one tablespoon cinnamon. 138 Cakes. Bake in layers and put together with caramel. — Mrs. D. B. Cheatham. Fig Cake, Three eggs, one cup butter, two cups sugar, four cups flour, two cups chopped raisins, two cups chopped figs, one cup blackberry jam, one cup chopped hickory nuts, one cup buttermilk, one dessertspoon soda, one tablespoon spice, one tablet?poon cinnamon, one tablespoon cloves, one glass whiskey. Dissolve spices in whiskey and soda in buttermilk. — 'Mrs. M. Earnest Jones. Fruit Cake. Two pounds sifted flour, two pounds butter, two pounds powdered sugar, twenty-four eggs beaten separately, four pounds raisins, two pounds citron, one pound shelled al- monds (not blanched), one pound figs, one pound cream nuts(niggertoes), one teacup brandy, one ounce cinnamon, one tablespoon each of cloves and allspice. Leave out enough flour to dredge fruit.- — Louisville. Uncooked Fruit Cake. Four pounds raisins, three pounds currants, two pounds dates, one pound figs, one quart peanuts, one pint almonds, one quart English walnuts, {rrind and pack in a bowl, and every three layers, dampen with wine. Let stand several days before slicing. — Mary E. Cheatham. Cakes. 139 Cooking Club White Fruii Cake. One cup butter, two cups sugar, two and one-half cups flour, one small cup cream. Whites of seven eggs, two level teaspoons baking powder, one pound blanched al- monds, one-fourth pound citron, one pound raisins, one pound dates, one pound figs. — ^Louise Bell. White Fruit Cake. Three-fourths cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup milk, three cups flour, whites of five eggs, two teaspoons bak- ingpowder, two cups white raisins, one and one-half cups chopped almonds, one cup candied pineapple, one cup can- died cherries, one-half cup citron, one cup grated cocoanut. Chop fruit before measuring. — -Mrs. Morgan. Hickory Nut Cake. Ten eggs, one pound sugar, one pound butter (light weight), one and one-fourth pound's flour, one and one- half teaspoons baking powder, one-half pound raisins, one- half pound ifigs, one pound hickory nut meats, one-half pound citron, one glass whiskey, two nutmegs. — Mrs George Hoffman. Pecan Cake. One pound sugar, one-half pound butter, one pound fl.our, six eggs beaten separately, one heaping teaspoon baking powder, two pounds pecans (before hulled) one and one-half pounds raisins, two nutmegs grated, one tumbler of whiskey. Bake nearly three hours. — Mrs. H. V. Bell. 140 Cahes. Pecan Cake, One pound granulated sugar, three-fourths pound but- ter, one pound flour, one-half dozen eggs, one heaping teaspoon baking powder, two pounds seeded raisins, two pounds shelled pecans, one cup orange peel grated, two nutmegs grated, one-half cup molasses, one large cup whis- key.— Mrs. F. E. Feland. Black Cake. ■Six eggs, one-half pint buttermilk, one teaspoon soda, one and one-half pints sugar, one pint butter, four pints flour, one-half pint whiskey, one pint raisins, one pint currants, one pint 'figs, one-half pint citron, one-half pint candied pineapple, one pint jam, one pint pecans, one pint almonds, one-half pint candied orange peel, one tea- spoon each of cinnamon, spice and cloves. Bake four hours. — Mrs. Glasscox. Black Fruit Cake. Three eggs, one cup lard, one cup sugar, one cup butter- milk, one teaspoon soda, one cup sorghum molasses, one- half cup whiskey, flour for real stiff batter, one pound raisins, one pound dates, one pound figs, one pound citron, one pound currants, one cup nutmeats, one cup jam, one tablespoon each nutmeg, cloves, and spice. Bake four or five hours in slow oven. — ^Sue Paxton. Black Cake. Fourteen eggs beaten separately, one and one-fourth pounds butter, one pound browned flour, one pound brown Cakes, 141 sugar, one small teacup vinegar, one teaspoon soda dis- solved in vinegar, one-half pint whiskey, one-half goblet brandy, one pound citron, one-half pound blanched al- monde, one-half teacup black molasses, one-eigth pound each of candied orange and lemon peel, one pound figs, one-half pound dates, four pounds raisins, two pounds cur- rants, one-half teaspoon each of nutmeg, cinnamon, all- spice and cloves. — Mrs. J. S. Morris, Lagrange. Fruit Cake. One pound butter, one pound brown sugar, one pound flour, .fifteen eggs beaten separately, three pounds raisins, one pound dates, one pound almonds, one-half pound pecans, one grated cocoanut, one-half pt. molasses, a small glass whiskey, one pound candied cherries, three-fourths pound ifigs, one-half pound citron, one-half pound candied orange peel, one-half nutmeg, one teaspoon each of cin- namon, spice and cloves, one teaspoon baking powder and one teaspoon soda. Extra pint of flour to flour fruit. — Mrs. Northcut, Louisville, Ky. Caramel Teacdkes. Three pints light brown sugar, one pint butter, five eggs, one heaping tablespoon baking powder. Flour for stiff dough. Eoll thin and bake in quick oven. — Mrs. Mary Gilliland. Sand Tarts. 'Beat together two eggs, reserving white of one. Cream one cup of butter with two cups granulated sugar and add 142 Cakes. eggs; then sufficient flour to make dough stiff enough to roll out thin. Cut in two inch squares, dip in white of egg, sprinkle with cinnamon and press an almond in centre of each. Bake in moderate oven. — Miss Marshall. Hoi Drop Calces. Three eggs, one cup butter, two cups sugar, four cups flour, one cup sweet milk, one teaspoon soda, two tea- spoons cream tartar; flavor with vanilla. Drop from spoon on greased tin and bake quickl}'. — Mrs. H. V. Bell. Doughnuts. One cup sugar, two eggs, one-half cup sour milk, one- half teaspoon soda, two tablespoons melted lard, flour for soft dough. Eoll, cut out and fry in deep boiling lard. — Mrs. Wiley Searcy. Brown Sugar Teacdkes. One and one-half cups brown sugar, level measure, one- half cup butter or lard, one level teaspoon soda, two eggs. Flour for soft dough; cut with small cutter and bake in hot oven. — Sue Paxton. Scotch Calces. Two and three-fourths cups sugar, one and three-fourths cups butter or lard, one-half cup molasses, two eggs, five cups flour, three and one-half teaspoons soda, one teaspoon cloves, two teaspoons spice, two teaspoons cinnamon, one- half nutmeg. Beat eggs and sugar together, add molas- ses with soda dissolved in it, put lard in flour and mix Cakes. 143 all together. Eoll thin and bake in quick oven.— Mrs. Matt Birclwhistell. Oatmeal Cookies. One and one-half cups white sugar, one-half cup butier or lard, two cups flour, two eggs beaten separately, three tablespoons sweet milk, two cups rolled oats (uncooked), one cup seeded raisins cut up, one cup ground hickory nuts, one teaspoon cinnamon, one heaping teaspoon bak- ing powder. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, milk and flour with baking pow^der in it, add oats and other in- gredients. Flour the pan and drop a teaspoonful for each cookie. Bake in moderate oven.— Mrs Henryetta Griffey. Bocks. ' One cup butter, one cup sugar, two and one-fourth cups flour, three eggs beaten separately, one level teaspoon soda dissolved in one and one-half tablespoons boiling water, one-half cup currants, one cup walnuts, one cup raisins, one teaspoon cinnamon, one-half teaspoon cloves. Cream butter and sugar, add other ingredients as for cake, mix- ing all with hands. Drop with teaspoon on unbuttered pan, and bake in moderate oven until brown. They will keep for some time. — Virginia. Marguerites. One cup seeded raisins, one cup nut meats, whites of two eggs. Beat whites stiff, sweeten to taste and flavor with vanilla; grind fruit and nuts and stir lightly into 144 Cal^es. beaten egg. Use as a meringue on fancy crackers or wafers. Brown in moderate oven. — Mrs. E. Y. Johnson. Tea Cakes. Four eggs beaten separately, two cups sugar, three- fourth cup butter, one-fourth cup lard, three and one- half teaspoons baking powder, nearly three pints flour, one teaspoon lemon extract. Make dough soft, roll thin and bake in quick ovenj — Mrs. Henry etta Griffey. Ammonia Tea Cakes. Three eggs beaten separately, three cups white sugar, one-half pound butter, one cup sweet cream, one level teaspoon soda, two heaping teaspoons of powdered am- mouia, flavor with vanilla, five or six pints of flour — enough to roll well. Eoll thin, glaze with beaten white of egg$, prinkle with sugar, stick raisin in center and bake quickly. — 'Louisville. Cookies. One cup sour cream, two cups butter, three cups brown sugar, three eggs, one level teaspoon soda, one level tea- spoon baking powder, pinch of salt, sufficient flour for soft dough. Koll out one-half inch thick. — 'Mrs Wiley Searcy. Ginger Cake. Three cups flour, one-half cup butter or lard melted, one-half cup sugar, one cup cream, one cup molasses (Xew Orleans), two eggs well beaten, one tablespoon cinnamon, Cahes. 145 one teaspoon cloves, one tablespoon ginger, one and one- half teaspoons soda. Sift together, flour, soda and spices, dissolve sngar in a little water ; when it boils, take from fire and add cream, stiiTing constantly. Add other in- gredients (except eggs) and pour gradually into the flour; beat to a smooth batter and add beaten eggs. Bake in moderate oven.— Mrs. Cassell. Ginger Snaps. One cup molasses, one cup brown sugar, one cup butter, two egg^, one tablespoon vinegar, one teaspoon soda, two tablespoon ginger. Flour for soft dough.— Mrs. R. H. Marrs. Ginger Snaps. One pint molasses, one pint sugar, one pint lard, two eggs, one tablespoon soda, two teaspoons each of cloves, spice and cinnamon, one nutmeg grated, two tablespoons ginger. Put molasses, sugar and lard on back of stove and let dissolve. When cold, beat in eggs, soda and spice; add flour for stifl:' dough, roll thin, place in pans not to touch, and bake in moderate oven. This makes a large quantity.— Mrs. Elizabeth Burrus. FILLINGS FOR CAKES. ^* <(5* ^^^ ^^ Icing. (No.l.) Two cups sugar, one cup hot water, whites of three eggs, a pinch of cream tartar. Put sugar and cream tar- tar in water and stir until dissolved. Boil until syrup forms a long thread when dropped from tip of spoon. Pour gradually over stiffly beaten whites, beating constant- ly. Continue to beat until thick enough to spread on cake : flavor to taste. Vary by the addition of chopped nuts, raisins, etc., and by coloring differently. — ^Louise Bell. Icing. {No. 2.) Make a syrup of one cup of sugar and one-half cup of water ; cook until it hairs and pour over the stiffly beaten white of one egg, stirring and beating all the time. If icing is too soft, pour into a pan and set over the fire in a larger pan of hot water; stir until it becomes slightly granular around sides, take from fire, and when cool enough, spread on cake. If icing is too hard, add a few drops of boiling water. Marshmallow Icing. Two cups sugar, two-thirds cup water, whites of 2 eggs. Dissolve sugar in water and cook until it hairs ; just before taking from stove, add one dozen finely chopped marsh- 146 Filling for Cakes. 147 mallows; pour at once over the stiffly beaten whites of eggs and beat until thick enough to spread. Ornament top of cate with halves of marshmallows. — Mrs. Carpen- ter. Cocoanut Filling. Add shredded 'cocoanut to white icing, spread on cake, sprinkle cocoanut on outside. Chocolate Coated Icing. Ice cake with white icing; when dry, pour over it melted, bitter chocolate, smooth with knife. — ^Martha Bell. Chocolate Icing. Three cups sugar, whites of two eggs, one-fourth cake Baker's chocolate. Add enough water to sugar to dissolve it, add melted chocolate and cook until it cracks against a cup. Pour over stiffly beaten whites, whipping vigor- ously all the time. Flavor with vanilla.^ — ^Mrs. A. C. Lil- lard. Chocolate Filling. One cup grated chocolate, two and one-half cups sugar, one cup milk or cream. One tablespoon butter. Melt chocolate in pan over hot water, add heated milk and stir until blended, then add sugar and butter ; boil seven min- utes from time it starts to boil ; take off, cool, flavor with vanilla, add a pinch of salt and beat until creamy. Spread quickly on cake. Beating while hot will make it grainy. Cocoanut is very good added to this filling. — (Louise Bell. 148 Filling for Cahes. Maple Icing. Two and one-half cups brown sugar, whites of two eggs, one-half cup maple syrup. Cook sugar and syrup until it hairs from spoon, then pour over stiffly beaten whites ; beat until creamy and spread on cake ; one cup of chopped nuts may be added. — ^Mary Paxton. Hiclvory Nut Filling. Two cups light brown sugar, one-half cup cream, one- half cup butter, one cup nuts. Boil sugar and cream five minutes, then add butter and grated nuts. Beat until creamy and spread on cake. — ^Miss Chambers. Caramel Filling. Two and one-half cups white sugar, one tablespoon but- ter, one cup milk, one-half cup cream. Put one-half cup of sugar into a skillet or granite pan, set on stove and stir unti it melts and browns. Have milk heated and pour into melted sugar gradually, stirring until dissolved. Then add cream, remainder of sugar and butter ; boil until it forms a soft ball when tried in ice water; cool, flavor with vanilla, beat until creamy and spread on cake. — Louise bell. Cream Icing, Cook together three cups of sugar and one cup of cream or milk until very thick (about thirteen minutes). Flavor with vanilla, add a pinch of salt and beat until creamy. Filling for Cakes. 149 Uncoohed Icing. Beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth, stir in powdered sugar until thick enough to spread; flavor with orange juice or lemon juice. Divinity Ici/ng. Put into a saucepan one cup of granulated sugar and one-half cup of water and cook until it threads. In a second saucepan, put three cups of granulated sugar, one cup of corn syrup and two-thirds cup of water. Cook slowly until it forms a hard ball in water. When the con- tents of first saucepan are done, pour gradually into the stifflly beaten whites of three eggs, add one teaspoon of vanilla and beat until contents of second saucepan are done; then add these, and beat until mixture begins to stiffen a little ; then add one pint of nuts and spread on cake. — Margaret Lillard. Lemon Butter. Yolks of three eggs, one cup sugar, butter size of wal- nut, grated rind and juice of one lemon. Cook in double boiler until thick. — Mrs. Lou E. McKee. Orange Icing. Cook one and three-fourths cups sugar and three-fourths cup of water together until syrup hairs. Pour over the 150 Filling for Cakes. ' beaten yolks of three eggs and beat until thick enough to \ spread; flavor with orange juice and some of the grated \ peel. j Fondant Icing. Make fondant as for French candy, melt, color and j flavor to suit taste, adding nuts if desired. ICES. ft5* <<^ C(5* <^ French Ice Cream. One generous pint new milk, two cups sugar, one-half cup flour (scant), two eggs, one quart cream, one-half tea- spoon salt. Put milk on fire in double boiler; beat eggs, flour, and one cup sugar together, stir slowly into boiling milk. Cook 20 minutes, stirring to keep smooth. Cool, add cream and remainder of sugar, flavor with vanilla and freeze. This makes a good foundation for any kind of ice cream and can be varied by the use of raisins, nuts, fruit pulp, etc. — Mrs. W. H. Morgan. Plain Ice Cream. Firet. — 'Sweeten and flavor cream, whip and freeze. Second. — ^Scald cream, dissolve sugar in it, cool, flavor and freeze. The second method gives more body to the cream. Custard Ice Cream. One quart new milk, one quart cream, six egge, two cups sugar, one tablespoon gelatine. Soak gelatine m a little cold milk. Scald remainder of milk, add eggs and sugar beaten together, then soaked gelatine; cook until thick; cool, add cream, flavor and freeze, or beat whites and add just before freezing. 151 152 Ices. Crushed Fruit Ice Cream. Two quarts rich cream, one quart milk, three cups sugar, one pint crushed fruit. Mix cream, milk, sugar and four teaspoons of preferred flavoring, put in freezer and when partly frozen, add crushed fruit and finish freez- ing. — Mrs. J. L. Croesfield. Caramel Ice Cream. One large pint of milk, two eggs, two cups sugar, one- half cup flour, one quart cream. Beat one cup of sugar, flour, and eggs together and stir into boiling milk. Put the second cup of sugar in a frying pan and stir until brown and a liquid ; pour this slowly into the boiling mix- ture, stirring constantly until sufficiently thick and until the sugar is all dissolved. When cold, add cream whip- ped and freeze. — Mrs. H. V. Bell. Peach or Apple Ice Cream. Use thoroughly ripe soft peaches; peel, mash fine, sweeten and add to any good ice-cream and freeze. Stew apples until tender, press through sieve, make sweet, add plain cream and freeze. Peppermint Ice Cream. One pound peppermint stick candy, one-half gallon rich cream. Crush candy, heat cream in double boiler and pour over candy, stir well, cool, and freeze. — Anne B. Lillard. Ices. 153 Almond Caramel Cream. Make a rich custard of one quart of milk, yolks of four eggs and one-half cup granulated sugar. Put three- fourths cup of sugar over a slow fire and stir until it melts and browns. Pour boiling custard into melted sugar and stir until dissolved. Brown one-fourth pound shelled almonde, chop fine and stir into the mixture. Cool and freeze. — ^Miss Marshall Banana Cream. Make French ice cream, add one pint banana pulp and the juice of one orange and a little lemon juice if desired ; sweeten more if needed and freeze. Cut little balls from bananas with French potato cutter and roll in orange juice, then in powdered sugar. Serve cream in glasses, garnish with banana balls and sprinkle with finely chop- ped nuts. — Mrs Morgan. Chocolate Ice Cream. Add sufficient melted chocolate to custard or French Ice Cream to color and flavor it. Flavor with vanilla and freeze. Sliced Peach Melha. Cut plain white cake in rounds; put a layer of sliced peaches on top, then a small* mound of raspberry ice cream, then whipped cream on top, or serve on egg kisses in same way. 154 Ices. Bisque or Macaroon Ice Cream. One quart new milk, six eggs beaten separately, two cups sugar, one and one-half pints cream whipped, one and one-half dozen stale almond macaroons. Make a thick custard of milk, yolks of eggs and one cup oif sugar. Eub macaroons as fine as possible and stir into custard while hot; beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth and stir in hot custard. Cool, add whipped cream, the other cup of sugar and freeze. This makes three quarts. — Mr^. E. V. Johnson. Biscuit Tartoni. One quart cream, two eggs, one-halif cup sugar, two tablespoons sherry wine, two tablespoons chopped candied cherries, two ounces almonds blanched and shredded, three cups crushed macarooms. Whip cream until stiff and put on ice until needed. Boil sugar with sufficient water to dissolve it until it spins a thread. Pour slowly over the stiffly beaten whites of eggs, beating all the time ; add well beaten yolks and stand the dish in a pan of hot water on side of stove. Beat the mixture for ten minutes and set it away to cool. Add cherries which have been soaked in sherry, macaroons and almonds to Qgg mixture and fold in lightly the whipped cream. Flavor with vanilla, pour into a mold, pack in ice and salt and let stand five hours. — ^Mrs. H. B. Carpenter. Vanilla Parfait. One cup sugar, one-half cup water, four eggs beaten sep- arately, one pint cream whipped stiff; flavor with vanilla. Ices, 155 Cook sugar and water to a thick syrup, pour gradually over beaten yolks and beat until thick ; add stiffly beaten whites and beat until cold., Fold in whipped cream, flavor, put in pound baking powder cans and pack in ice and salt and let stand four or ^five hours. Half may be colored with chocolate. When ready to serve, wrap cans with a hot cloth, slip out on dish and serve a slice of each on plates. IS! lit Parfait Whites of two eggs, one cup sugar, one-half cup water, one pint cream whipped, one cup nuts (shelled pecans), one teaspoon vanilla. Boil sugar and water together until it drops heavy; pour slowly on beaten whites and beat until cool ; add whipped cream, chopped nuts and flavoring and pack in ice and salt. Let stand four hours. — ^Mrs. Harry L. Wetherbee. Maraschino Parfait. Make as "Nut Parfait," adding just before freezing one cup maraschino cherries cut in halves and rolled in pow- dered sugar. Pack in baking powder cane and serve with "Orange Saurce." — Mrs. Morgan. Frozen Pudding. Make a rich custard cream; when partly frozen, ad.i chopped raisins, candied cherries, almonds, cocoanut or any kind of fruits or nuts desired. Flavor with sherry or va- nilla and finish freezing. 156 Ices. Peach Mousse. One teaspoon gelatine, one dozen peaches, one-half lem- on, one pint cream whipped. -Peel peaches, press thioagh a colander and sweeten. Soak gelatine in a little cold water, dissolve in hot water and add to peach pulp ; add lemon juice, set on ice and stir, and when it begins to thicken, fold into it the whipped cream. Pour into a mold, cover tightly and pack in ice and salt. — Mies Cham- bers. Strawberry Mousse. Make as "Peach Mousse," adding strawberry pulp in same proportion. Moclv Pistachio Ice Cream. Make one and one-half quarts good French ice cream, add two teaspoons vanilla, and two-thirds teaspoon almond extract. Tint a delicate green and when partly frozen, add one cup of almonds blanched and pounded to a paste. Finish freezing. Sherry Bisque. Three pints cream, juice of six oranges, juice of one lemon, one cup candied cherries, one cup blanched al- monds, one-half teaspoon almond extract, one cup sherry wine. Chop cherries fine and grind almonds; whip cream, mix all together, add sugar to taste and freeze. Serve with a marschino cherry on top of each portion. Ices. 157 Lemon Sherbet. Two quarts water, eight lemons, one quart sugar. Spread part of sugar on flat dish, wipe off lemons clean, and roll in sugar to extract the oil, then cut in halves and squeeze out the juice. Put all eugar together, add water and boil until clear, add strained lemon juice and freeze. A tablespoon of gelatine soaked in cold water may be ad- ded to hot syrup to give body. If a very clear ice is wanted, mix a little white of Qgg with sugar, then add water and boil to a syrup. Fruit Sherbet. Four and one-half cups sugar, two tablespoons foama- line, one quart cream whipped, one-half gallon water, five lemons, two oranges, one can chopped pineapple. Mix together and when partly frozen, add whipped cream and finish freezing. — Mrs. H. V. Bell. Orange Ice. Two quarts water, two pints sugar, one dozen oranges, one-half dozen lemons, five heaping tablespoons flour. Boil water and sugar to a syi:up; wet flour to a paste, and stir into boiling syrup and cook until as thick as starch. Strain while hot ; add orange and lemon juice and freeze. — Mrs. Wiley Searcy. Omnge Delicious. Two cups sugar, one cup water, two cups orange juice, one cup thin cream, one cup thick cream, yolks of two 158 Ices, eggs. Boil sugar and water eight minutes, then add or- ange juice. Scald thin cream, add yolks of eggs and cook over hot water until mixture thickens; cool and add to first mixture, then add cream whipped stiff. Freeze and" let stand at least an hour before using. If liked, one-fourth cup of candied orange peel, shredded, may be added when mixture is half frozen. — Missouri. Orange Sherbet. One ounce gelatine, four cupe sugar, two quarts water, twelve oranges, five lemons. Soak gelatine in a little cold water. Boil sugar and water to a thin syrup, add soften- ed gelatine and stir until dissolved. Cool, add juice of lemons and oranges and freeze. — Mrs. Carpenter. Canteloupe Ice. Select small, well ripened canteloupes; wash off well,- cut in halves, remove pulp, mash and sweeten to taste ; add lemon juice to taste, freeze and serve in rinds with whipped cream on top. — Mrs. Morgan. Pineapple Sherbet. Two quarts water, two pints sugar, one can grated pine- apple, five lemons, one cup cream. Boil water and sugar to a thin syrup; cool, add lemon juice, pineapple, and when partly frozen, add cream and ^finish freezing. — Mar- tha Bell. Apricot Ice. ■One quart can apricots, three and one-half cups sugar, Ices. 159 three pints water, one quart cream whipped. Press apri- cots through colander, add sugar and water and when al- most frozen^ add cream and finish freezing. — Eichmond. Gra'pe Ice. One quart water, one pound sugar, one pint grape juice. Boil sugar and water to a syrup, add grape juice, and when cold, freeze. — Mrs. H. V. Bell. Millc Sherbet. Three cups sugar,^ juice of six lemons, three pints new milk, one pint cream. Mix sugar and lemon juice, add gradually milk and cream, stirring until sugar is die- solved, then freeze. Or use all new milk, scald it, and when cold, add lemon juice and sugar mixed together. If mixture should curdle, it will he all right when frozen. — ^Mrs. Morgan. Five Threes. Three lemons, three oranges, three hananas, three tea- cups sugar, three pints cold water. Mix together and freeze. — Mrs. Goddard. Mint Sherbet. Fill a half gallon vessel with green mint leaves; pour one quart of boiling water over them and let steep on back of stove. Strain, add enough cold water to make a gallon, juice of eight lemons and sugar to taste, but do not make as sweet as ordinary sherbet. Serve in frappe cups with roast lamb ; stick a tiny sprig of mint in each glass, or serve as an ice. — Mrs. Lockridge. 160 Ices. Cranben'ij Sherbet. Boil one quart of cranberries with one cup of water until soft; press through a sieve. Make a rich syrup of one quart water and one pint sugar, add cranberry pulp, juice of one orange and lemon juice to taste. Sweeten more, if needed. Freeze and serve in frappe cups with roast turkey. — Mrs. Morgan. Cherry Ice. One quart chenies, one quart water, one pint sugar, one tablespoon gelatine, juice of two lemons, whites of two eggs. Cook cherries, water and sugar together until cherries are tender; strain and remove cherries. Return one cup of syrup to fire and cook until it threads, then pour slowly over beaten whites, beating all the time. To remaining syrup, add gelatine which has been soaked in one cup of water; dissolve and add lemon juice. When half frozen, add cherries and whites of eggs and finish freezing. — Mrs. J. M. Johnson. Glace or Fruit Ice. One quart berries, six lemons, three pints sugar. Make a syrup of sugar and enough water to dissolve it; strain juice out of berries, add a little water to pulp and press through sieve. Mix juice and pulp together, add lemon juice and sufficient water to make three quarts and freeze. The ice will be richer if two kinds of fruits are used; blackberries and cherries combine well. — Mrs. McMurry. Ices. ini Fruit Frappe. One and one-fonrtli pounds sugar, one lemon, two or- anget?, one quart water. Boil sugar and one pint water together for five minutes ; take off, add juice of lemon and oranges and cool. Add rest of water and peaches, pine- apples or any fruits desired. — Mrs. Burton. Frozen Punch. Six pints water, three pints sugar, one can grated pine- apple, one package cherry jello, juice of four oranges, juice of six lemons. Boil sugar and water together 20 minutes, add jello, and when dissolved, add other ingre dients. Freeze and serve with a green maraschino cherry on top. — Mrs. Cassell. Fruit Shei'het. One-half can apricots, three oranges, three bananas, three cups sugar, three cups water, three lemons, one cup cream. Press fruit through sieve, add water and sugar and when partly frozen, add cream and finish freezing. Peaches may be substituted for apricots. Angel Cake Cases For Ice Cream. Make an angel cake from your favorite recipe, flavor and bake in patty pans. When cold, scoop out inside and ice inside and outside with fondant icing. Fill with ice cream and serve. Any other kind of cake may be used. SAUCES FOR ICE CREAM. ^5* Ci?* K^^ ^^ Orange Sauce. Yolks of throe eggs, one-half cup sugar, one cup whip- ped cream, juice of one orange. IBeat yolks of eggs, add sugar and beat until light; add juice of orange and cook over hot water until it begins to thicken. Cool well and fold in whipped cream. — Mrs. Morgan. Maple Sauce. Two cups brown sugar, one cup cream, three-fourths cup maple syrup, small lump of butter. €ook together until thick as wanted, cool and add pecans according to judgment. Sauce for Ice Cream. Sprinkle over each portion of cream, maraschino cher- ries cut up, chopped nuts and grated pineapple, then put on top sweetened whipped cream. Fruit Sauce. Use raspberry, cherry or any fniit juice ; sweeten, heat and thicken with a little corn starch and serve cold on ice cream ; or sweeten plain juice and pour over cream. 162 Sauces for Ice Cream. 163 Hot Chocolate Sauce. One square of Baker's chocolate, one-half cup cream or milk, one-half cup sugar, one teaspoon butter, one-half teaspoon corn starch dissolved in milk. Melt chocolate, add sugar and butter, then milk or cream. Cook over hot water, keep hot until wanted. /Pour a little over each portion of ice cream. Sauce for Frozen Pudddng. Beat the yolks of three eggs till thick, add four table- spoons of powdered sugar gradually; when smooth, cook over hot water until mixture begins to thicken, beating all the time; remove and beat until cold, flavor with sherry or any preferred flavoring, add one cup of whipped cream. PRESERVES, JELLIES, Etc. K^ ^^ ^^ ^5* Pret?erves and jellies should be made in small quantities and cooked quickly in order to preserve the color and fla- vor of the fruit. The usual proportion is one pound of 6ugar to each pound of fruit for preserves; for jellies, al- low equal measures of fruit juice and sugar. A combi- nation of fruits, as apples and grapes, makes nice jelly; avoid the use of over-ripe fruit for jellies. Crab Apple Jelly. Wash fruit and remove stem, cut out all imperfect parts and blossom end; divide into quarters, but do not pare. Put into kettle with half as much water as fruit ; simmer until fruit is tender. Turn into a bag and drain without squeezing. Allow equal measures of juice and sugar. Boil 10 to 20 minutes. — ^Mrs. McCarter. To Keep Jelly From Moulding. iPour melted paraffin on top after jelly hardens; when wanted for use, this can be removed in a solid cake. Save and use again. Blackherry Jam. Take nice berries, pick over well and run through meat grinder, using small knife. Put a measure of sugar to 164 Preserves, Jellies, Etc. 165 each measure of fruit and cook until it jellies, about 30 minutes. — ^Sue Paxton. Cranherry Jam. Put one quart of cranberries to cook in enough water to float them. Cook until berries have broken and the water is absorbed so that the whole is a thick mush. Then measure, and add as much sugar as fruit, and the pulp of three oranges, the grated peel of one orange and one cup of raisins. Cook all until thick and pour into a mold. Serve with turkey or as a jam. — Mrs. E. W. Pipy. Raspberry Jam. Mash one-half gallon raspberries, add an equal amount of sugar and a handful of gooseberries, if you have them. Cook until it jellies. Pineapple and Strawberry Preserves. Four cups strawberries, one can sliced pineapple, six cups sugar and a slice of lemon. 'Cook as other preserves. — Mary Paxton. Orange Marmalade. Slice six oranges and one lemon on vegetable slicer (or in thin slices with knife). To one pound allow a little less than three pints of cistern water; leave in stone ves- sel for 24 hours. Boil in preserving kettle until peel is tender (not mushy) ; return to jar another 24 hours. To each pound, allow a scant pound of sugar and add the juice of another lemon ; boil until it jellies. If preferred, 166 Preserves, Jellies, Etc. use one grape fruit, omitting one orange. This makes about fourteen glasses. — Mississippi. Quince Honey. Allow one pint of sugar to one large quince and make a thick syrup. Peel quince and grate, put in syrup and boil twenty minutes. — Mary Paxton. Sun Cooked Strawberry Presei^ves, Allow one pound sugar and one cup water to each pound of berries. Boil water and sugar until it hairs from spoon ; have sound berries capped, put them in eyrup and simmer 1'5 minutes. Pour on shallow dishes, cover with panee of glass and let stand, where the direct rays of sun will fall on them for two or three days, turning the fniit two or three times each day; bring in at night. When thick enough, put in self-sealers. To Can Berries. Use fresh, firm fruit ; pick over, wash and drain. Fill cans full, set on a wet folded towel and till to overflowing with a syrup made by cooking together one cup of sugar (for each pint Jar) and one-half cup of water. Put on rubbers and screw on tops tightly. Lay a thick cloth in the botto'm of a boiler, have in it boiling water to come to the rims of cans and set the cans in it; cover closely and leave until perfectly cold. If preferred, they may be allowed to boil five minutes; then turn off heat and allow to stand in water until cold. This method answers only for small fruit. Preserves, Jellies, Etc. 1G7 How to Sterilize Jars. Wash and fill with cold water, set in a kettle on a trivet, surround with cold water and gradually bring to the boil- ing point; empty and fill while hot. Put tope in boiling water five minutes and dip rubbers in before putting on jars. Always use new rubbers and perfect fitting tops. To Can Peaches, Pears, etc. Pare and halve; stew in water until tender, take out with perforated ddm.mer, pack in sterilized jars and fill with hot syrup, allowing a cup of sugar to each jar. 'Seal at once. To Can Sweet Potatoes. Boil sweet potatoes, peel and slice; pack them in tin cans and ifill to the brim with a rich boiling syrup. Wipe around edges and seal carefully. To Can Tomatoes WJiole. Scald, peel, cut out stem end, and pack in cans; pour boiling water over them until full; then seal and stand in a boiler of boiling water until cold. To Sulphurize Peaches, Pears, and Apples. Peel, core and quarter pears and apples ; halve peaches. Put two gallons of fruit in a thin i?ack or splint basket; have at hand a tight flour or sugar ban-el, with bottom in it ; place on the bottom a skillet with live coals of fire in it, put a stick across top of barrel and suspend fruit 168 Preserves, J elite. Etc. from this ; put a tablespoon of sulphur on coals and quick-- ly cover with a close cover which must be at hand. Let fruit remain in barrel 30 minutes, then put in a stone jai' and cover with a thin cloth. When wanted for use, take out, wash, and bake, or use as fresh fruit. To Can Corn. Take eight pints of €orn and three pints of water and boil twenty minutes; add three-fourths pint of salt and boil ten minutes longer; put in glass jars and seal. — Mary Paxton. Canned Beans. Five quarts string beans, two quarts water, one-half cup sugar, one pint apple vinegar. 'Let water, vinegar and sugar boil, then add beans and boil 30 minutes. Place in sterilized jars and seal; put in a cool, dark place. — Mrs. ^IcCarter. To Keep Com. To each gallon of corn, allow one pint of salt and one pint of sugar. Mix well together and pack closely in a stone jar; put plate over corn and press down closely, keep in cool place. — Mrs. Buster. Canned Sweet Peppers. Use one peck of ripe sweet peppers. Cut a thin slice from the stem end of eacli and remove seed. Cut around and around peppers with a pair of scissors, making strips Preserves, Jellies, Etc. 169 as long at5 possible and about one-eighth of an inch wide. Cover these strips of pepper with boiling water and drain ; then put into ice water, using a quantity of ice. Drain and pack solidly in pint fruit jars. Boil to a syrup one quart of vinegar and two cups of sugar, fill jars with syrap, put on covers, seal and keep in a cool dark, closet. This fills four jars. Peppers prepared in this manner make a beautiful garnish for salad, fish, meats, etc.— - Mrs. J. E. McMichael. PICKLES AND CATSUP. ((5* c^ ^5* C(5* Cucumber Fickle. Select small cucumbers, not over four inches in length; cover them with boiling water and let stand ten minutes ; wipe dr}^, place in self-sealers, add a small piece of horse radish, a few pods of pepper and a pinch of salt ; heat vinegar until hot, but not boiling, and cover pickles. Seal while hot. — Mrs. Addie Springate. Sweet Cucumber PicMe. Gather small cucumbers, two to four inches long; soak day and night in brine ; wipe dry and put in kettle with vinegar, adding one cup of sugar to one quart of vinegar, eight whole cloves, eight black peppers, six allspice and six blades of mace. Heat slowly to boiling point, pack at once and seal. — Mrs. McCarter. Cucumber FicMe. Pour boiling water over cucumbers for three moi;n- ings ; let stand a day and night each time. To each gal- lon of vinegar, add one teacup of salt, one teacup of su- gar, one heaping tablespoon of pulverized alum and five cents worth of mixed spices. Boil all together, pack cu- cumbers in jars, allowing one red pepper and one onion 170 Pickles and Catsup. I'M to each jar; pour hot vinegar over all and seal. — ^Mary Paxton. Yellow Cucumber Pichle. One-half gallon yellow cucumbers, three pounds brown sugar, one heaping tablespoon ground mustard, one tea- spoon cloves, one heaping tablespoon tumeric, four sticks cinnamon, one teaspoon spice, three pints apple vinegar. Gather cucumbere as soon as they turn yellow, peel, re- move seed, and scrape out soft part ; slice lengthwise, cut- ting each slice in pieces two inches long. Sprinkle with salt and let stand twelve hours, then drain in bag twelve hours. Measure cucumbers, add vinegar and seasoning and boil five minutes, then put in glass jars and seal. — Mrs. Paxton. Green Tomato Pickle. One gallon sliced green tomatoes, one-half pint grated hore radish, four pods green pepper chopped fine, one tablespoon cloves, one tablespoon black pepper, one pound brown sugar, one tablespoon mace, one tablespoon sweet oil. Salt tomatoes and let lie over night; next morning mix together spices; have ready a large mouthed stone jar, and put into it a layer of seasoning, then a layer of tomatoes and so on until all is used or until jar is filled within two inches of top; put sugar on top, then sweet oil and then ifill up with cold vinegar. — Mrs. Cassell. • Sweet Green Tomato Pickle. Slice one peck of green tomatoes and six large onions ; sprinkle through them one teacup of salt and let stand 172 Pickles and Catsup. over night; drain off next morning. Boil tomatoes and onions five minutes in two quarts of water and one quart of vinegar. Drain well through a colander, then add four quarts vinegar, one-fourth pound ground mustard, two tablespoons ginger, two tablespoons cloves, two table- spoons cinnamon, two pounds brown sugar, one-half tea- cup cayenne pepper or five or six green peppers chopped. Boil all together fifteen minutes, put in jars and seal. — Mrs. A. C. Witherspoon. Spanish Pickle. Three dozen cucumbers, two heads cabbage, one-half dozen onions, eight green peppers. Cut in coarse pieces, eprinkle with salt and let stand eight hours. Squeeze out, pour in kettle with three-fourth ounce turmeric, one ounce white mustard seed, one ounce celery seed, one-fourth pound mustard, one-fourth pound white sugar. Cover with etrong vinegar and boil until it thickens. — Mrs. Ripy. Spanish Pickle. One gallon cucumbers, six or eight small onions, two pods pepper, eight pods of okra, one-half teacup salt. If cucumbers are large, split, remove seed and cut in chunks; if very small, do not cut; €ut onion (unless very small), okra, and pepper in pieces like cucumbers, sprinkle salt over them and let stand 24 hours. Drain in cloth, then scald with vinegar and water (using equal parts of each) in which has been dissolved alum size of pea; re- move and pour over pickle one-half gallon of hot vinegar Pickles and Cati$up. 173 seasoned with two tablespoons turmeric, three tablespoonts ground cinnamon, three tablespoons celery seed, one tea- cup white mustard seed, brown sugar according to taste. Heat thoroughly, and, when cold, adid horse radish root cut up in dice, according to judgment. — Mrs. W. C. Woods. Cream Cliow-Chow. One quart large cucumbers sliced, one quart email white onions, one head cauliflower cut up, four large green peppers (remove seed and slice) one quart small cucum- bers, one quart green tomatoes sliced, one teacup flour, one tablespoon turmeric, two quarts good vinegar, four tablespoons mustard, four heaping teacups brown sugar, celery seed, cloves, bay leaves to taste. Make a brine of one cup of salt to one gallon of water, pour over cucum- bers, onions, etc., and let stand 24 hours, then drain well. Make a paste of flour and turmeric, stir in hot vinegar, add sugar and let come to a boil, put in all ingredients and let boil again, then seal. — Lexington. Bipe Pepper Catsup. Three dozen ripe sweet peppers, one dozen apples, four hot red peppers, one dozen large yellow cucumbers, one dozen onions. Remove t?eed from peppers and cores from apples; peel and seed cucumbers and skin onions. Grind all on meat grinder, mix in salt to taste, let stand 24 hours, then drip twelve hours. Put one-half gallon strong vinegar on stove and add one-half pint white mustard seed, two heaping tablespoons ground mace, two heaping 174 PicTcles and Catsup. tablespoons celery seed, three pints brown sugar. Boil together until seed are very tender, then pour over the ■catsup; put on stove and stir constantly until scalding hot, seal while hot.i — Mrs. H. B. Carpenter . Oil Pickle. One hundred cucumbers sliced, one quart small onions sliced. Let stand six hours in salt water, drain and add one pint olive oil, two tablespoons mustard seed, two table- spoons black pepper, sugar according to taste. Cover with vinegar, let come to a boil and seal. — ^Louisville. Sweet Relish. One peck green tomatoes, one-half peck ripe tomatoes, one cup horse radish, three green peppers, five pounds brown sugar, three ripe peppers, three pints good vinegar, spices to taste. Cook almost an hour. — Mrs. D. B. Cheatham. Bipe Tomato Csdsup. Twenty-four ripe tomatoes, six onions, six green pep- pers, one head of cabbage. Cut up, cook four hours, and strain through colander. Add one pint brown sugar, one pint vinegar and ^ve cents worth of mixed spices ; boil until thick and seal. Bipe Tomato Catsup. Eight quarts tomatoes cut -fine, one cup chopped green peppers, one-third cup salt, two cups chopped onions, three teaspoons ground cloves, three teaspoons ground cin- Pickles and Catsup. 175 namon, three cups sugar, three teaspoons ground ginger, two teaspoons grated nutmeg, one and one-half quarts cider vinegar. Cook all together until thoroughly done, strain through a sieve and boil again until thick enough. If liked mild, reduce the quantity of pepper one-half. — Mre. Fred Terhune. Grape Catsup. Cook grapes until tender, strain through a eieve and use the following proportions: five pounds pulp, three pounds sugar, one-half teaspoon cinnamon, one-half tea- spoon allspice, one-half teaspoon pepper, one-half table- spoon salt, one-half teaspoon cloves, one pint of vinegar to one gallon of pulp. Boil and seal while hot. — Mrs. A. C. Witherspoon. Eipe Tomato Relish (Uncoolced.) One peck ripe tomatoes, eight sweet green peppers, eight medium size onions, two- thirds pint of salt. Cut aU fine, sprinkle with salt, place in sack and drain all night. Next morning, add two pints vinegar, two tablespoons celery seed, two tablespoons white mustard seed, one pint brown sugar. Mix all and seal.— Mre. John Buster. Beet Belish, One pint cooked beets, one pint raw cabbage. Chop fine and add one cup of sugar, one cup of horse radish and salt to taste; cover with cold vinegar and seal in air- tight jars. — Mrs. Louis Sherwood. 176 ricMes and Catsup. Pickled Beets. Twelve medium size beets, one quart vinegar, two tablespoons grated hor«?e radish, one teaspoon ginger, one teaspoon mace. Boil beets, remove skins and pack in jars ; heat vinegar and spices, strain and add horse radish ; heat again to boiling point, pour over beets and seal at once. — Mrs. M^jMichael. Chicago Hot. {Uncooked.) One peck tomatoes (cut in small pieces and drain in cloth), two cups chopped onion, two cupe chopped celery, two cups sugar, one-half cup salt, one cup grated horse radish, one cup white mustard seed, two cups hot red pep- per, six cups vinegar, two tablespoons of cinnamon, oloves, allspice mixed. Mix well, put in stone jar. — ^Mrs. E. W. Ripy. Watermelon Sweet Pickle. Peel the thick rind of watermelon and cut into any shape desired. Soak it in weak salt water 24 hours, and then in fresh water for the same length of time; then boil in clear water until it can be pierced with a straw, and let lie in cold water while syrup is being prepared. To one gallon of rind, allow one-half gallon strong vine- gar, six pints white sugar, five cents worth each of cloves, cinnamon bark, mace and white mustard seed. Boil vine- gar, sugar and spices together for an hour, then add rind and boil until there is just enough syrup to cover it. Seal while hot. — Mrs. McMurry. Pickles ami Catsup. I'J"?' Peach Sweet Pickle. Make a syrup of four and one-half pounds brown su- gar, one quart vinegar and two ounces of stick cinnamon. Select clingstone peaches of uniform size ; peel and stick each peach with four cloves and drop a few at a time into boiling syrup. Cook until tender when pricked with a fork. Add more peaches until all have been used, which will be about nine pounds. Boil syrup down until just enough to cover peachee. Seal while hot. Sweet Mangoe Pickle. Leave mangoes in water for nine or ten days, then soak for 24 hours in clear water. Scald them in vinegar and water four days, placing vine leaves between each layer. Peel them and remove seed; then take two pounds sugar, one-half gallon vinegar, one-half gallon water and ecald them in this for three days with vine leaves be- tween- Take a few of the melons, cut in small pieces and fill the rest of the melons with them, adding white mus- tard seed (previously scalded), cinnamon bark and mace. Make a syrup, allowing four pounds of sugar to two dozen melons; boil as many mangoes at a time as the syrup will cover, about one-half hour, then lay them on a dish to cool. When all have been boiled, prepare a syrup of three pounds of sugar to one gallon of vinegar; boil well togeth- er and pour over mangoes. .Put in jar and cover with a thick cloth. — ^Louisville. CONFECTIONERY. ^^ ^5* ^* ^^ Egg Kisses or Meringues. Whites of four eggs, one and one-half cups sugar, one tablespoon vanilla. Beat whites until stiff and dry, beat into them gradually one cup of sugar, add flavoring, then fold in one-half cup of sugar. Cook in slow oven about an hour. — Mrs. Henryetta Griffey. Egg kisses may be varied by the addition of shredded cocoanut or finely 'Chopped nut meate. Egg Kisses. Beat the whites of seven eggs to a stiff froth (not too etiff.) Sift in one and three- fourth cups of granulated su- gar, putting in a heaping tablespoon at a time and beating the eggs several minutes beitween each spoonful, until all is mixed. Then throw in two heaping tablespoonfuls and beat just enough to mix well. Then line pans with paper, ungreased, and drop one large spoonful in a place, taking care not to let them touch. Put in stove hot enough to dry out, but brown very lightly. Flavor with vanilla. — Miss. Eachel Lillard. Cherry Foams. Two cups white sugar, one-half cup water, whites of two eggs. Cook sugar and water until syrup threads, then 178 Confectionery. 179 pour over wellbeaten whites; flavor with vanilla and add chopped raisins, nuts, and Maraschino cherries. Beat until creamy and drop from spoon or put in pan and cut in squares. — Mary Paxton. Butter Scotch. One pound granulated sugar, two tablespoons soft but- ter, one small teacup water, a pinch of cream of tartar. Dissolve sugar in water; when beginning to boil, add cream tartar and boil until a dark straw color. Take from fire and add butter, cook a few minutes longer, then pour thinly on oiled paper or buttered marble and mark in squares with a knife. — Mrs. Mikalson. PrauUnes. Two cups powdered sugar , one cup maple syrup, three-fourth cup cream, one pint pecans or hickory nuts. Boil sugar, syrup, and cream together until candy forms a soft ball when tried in ice water. Remove at once from fire and beat until creamy; add nuts, cut up, and drop in small blobs on buttered paper or marble. — Mrs. W. H. Morgan. O'' Chocolate Fudge. Three squares bitter chocolate, two cups brown sugar, one cup grated cocoanut, one and one-half cups cream, two cups white sugar, one tablespoon butter. Melt cho- colate in saucepan, add sugar mixing well; then add cream, butter, and a pinch of salt. Place on fire and stir until sugar dissolves; boil until candy forms a soft 180 Confectionery. ball in ice water. Cool, flavor with vanilla, and beat into it the cocoanut; beat until ready to cream, pour into but- tered tins and mark in squares. Chopped nuts may be used instead of cocoanut. — ^Martha Bell. Caramel Fudge. Two and one-half cups granulated sugar, one and one- half cupe cream or milk, one-half cup corn syrup, two tablespoons butter. Melt and brown one-half cup sugar, then add hot milk, stir until dissolved, then add rest of sugar, melted butter, corn syrup, and cook until it makes a firm ball ; flavor with vanilla; add chopped nuts, raisins, and cocoanut; beat until creamy, pour out in buttered pans and cut in squares. — -Mary Paxton. Marshmaliow Fudge. Two squares bitter chocolate, one cup milk or cream, one teaspoon butter, two cups granulated sugar, a pinch of salt, one-half pound of marshmallows. Melt chocolate, add sugar, milk and butter and boil until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Just after taking from fire, stir in marshmallows, and beat until candy begins to stiffen, then pour in buttered tins, cut in squares. — M. B. Peanut Brittle. Melt one pound of sugar over slow fire and brown slightly, then stir in as many shelled peanuts as it will take. Pour quickly on buttered marble in a thin sheet, when cold, break in pieces. — Mrs. Mikalson. Confectionery. 181 Cocoanut Fudge. One and one-half cups white sugar, one-half cup milk, two teaspoons butter, one-third cup cocoanut. Melt butter, add sugar and milk, boil twelve minutes, put in cocoanut and beat until thick; pour into buttered pans and cut in squares. — Mrs. J. M. Johnson. Hickorynut Candy. Two and one-half cups brown sugar, one-half cup cream or milk, one-half cup chopped hickory nuts, a small lump butter. Cook until it forms a soft ball in ice water ; take from fire, add nuts and beat until creamy. Pour on buttered marble and cut in s'quares. — ^Mrs. J. M. Poeey. Chocolate Caramels. One cup sugar, one cup molasses, one cup cream, one tablespoon butter, three ounces bitter chocolate, a pinch of salt. Put on fire in saucepan and stir until mixture boils, and frequently while boiling. Try in ice water and when it cracks against the cup, it is done. Flavor with vanilla and pour into buttered tins about three-fourths of an inch deep. When nearly cool mark in squares and put in a cold place to harden.! — Martha Bell. Caramels. Four cups white sugar, one-:half cup hot milk, one cup corn syrup, one cup butter, flavor with vanilla. Melt and brown one eup of sugar, then add hot milk, and when dis- 182 Confectionery. solved, the remainder of sugar, corn syrup and butter. Stir slowly while cooking, and when it forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water, pour into buttered tins and cut in squares. If desired, add a small square of grated chocolate to half of candy and flavor with vanilla and you will have two kinds of caramels from one cooking. ^Mary Paxton. Cream Candy. Three pints white eugar, one and three-fourth cups wa- ter, one tablespoon butter, one cup cream (not milk). Mix sugar, water, and butter together, put on fire and stir until dissolved ; let them Just come to a boil and add cream. Do not etir; boil until a little dropped m ice wa- ter cracks against the cup, then pour on buttered marble. When cool, pull well and cut in pieces with scissors. This may be divided and flavored and colored differently while pulling; chopped nuts may be pulled into some and melted chocolate into another portion. — Martha Bell. Chocolate Fondant. Three cups granulated sugar, one cup milk, one-third cake Baker's chocolate, butter size of an Qgg. Mix sugar, milk, and chocolate, adding butter just before removing from stove. Do not stir, except enough to keep from sticking; try by beating half a teaspoonful in a saucer; when this creams and may be rolled in a ball, it is done. Cool, beat until it creams, then work with hands like dough. Make into long rolls and slice. Nuts may be worked in, if desired. — Miss Marshall. Confectionery. 183 Pulled Candy. One pound white sugar, three tablespoons vinegar, ont teaspoon cream tartar. Add sufficient water to moisteb sugar; boil until it cracks against a cup when tried in cold water. Pour on buttered plates, and when cold, pull until white and cut in squares. — Anne B. Lillard. Granulated or Brown Sugar Candy. Three pints sugar, one pint boiling water, one table- spoon butter, two heaping teaspoons baking powder, pinch of salt, flavor to taste. Cook until it will crack against a cup, pour out on buttered marble, pull well, and cut in pieces. — 'Mrs. Henryetta Griffey. Chocolate Pulled Candy. Three cups brown sugar, one-half cup corn syrup, one cup water, one teaspoon butter, pinch of alum, one-fourth square bitter chocolate, flavor with vanilla. Stir until dis- solved, then cook without stirring until it cracks against a cup. Pour into a buttered dish and when cold, pull until light and porous. — Mary Paxton. Divinity. Four cups sugar, one cup of any good corn syrup, one- half cup hot water, whites of four eggs, two cups shelled pecans, flavor with vanilla. Cook sugar, water, and corn syrup until real hard candy ; pour while boiling hot over the whites of eggs beaten stiff; beat for a few minutes, 184 Confectionery. add nuts and flavoring, then beat until very stiff and drop on buttered marble. — Mrs. F.E. Feland. Ribbon Candy. — Part I. Two cups white sugar, three-fourths cup milk, one tea- spoon butter. Put in pan on stove, stir until sugar is dissolved, then allow to boil until it forms a soft ball in cold water; pour out on marble, cool slightly and work with a wooden spoon until creamy, add two-thirds cup of seeded raisins, cut up, and a few drops of lemon juice ; keep soft by working with hands and press into a buttered tin. Part 11. Two cups brown sugar, one-half cup cream, one table- spoon butter, two squares bitter chocolate, one-half tea- spoon vanilla. Melt chocolate, add other ingredients and boil urtil it forms a soft ball in cold water; remove from fire, cool, flavor, and beat until creamy, then pour over Part I. Part III. Use same amount of sugar, butter, and milk as in Part I. Cook and work in like manner, color a delicate green with leaf green paste, flavor with one-half teaspoon of vanilla and a few drops of almond; add one-half cup blanched almonds, cut up, and press evenly in pan over Part II- Let stand several hours, turn out and cut in strips one-half inch wide and the strips in pieces. — Martha Bell. Confectionery. 185 Seafoam Candy. One cup white sugar, one cup light brown sugar, white of one egg. Add a little water to sugar to start it to cooking; when cooked enough to make a soft ball, pour it over the well beaten white, add nuts as desired, beat until it begins to stiffen, theni drop with spoon on buttered plate.t — ^Mrs. Griffey. Cracker JacTc. Two cups brown sugar, one-half cup water, one- fourth cup sorghum molasses, one-fourth cup corn syrup, pinch soda, pinch alum, one tablespoon butter. Cook until it haire from spoon about twelve inches ; then pour over two boxes of puffed rice or the same amount of popped corn. Stir well and pour on slab and roll out; break in pieces. — Mary Paxton. Candy Pudding. Five pints white sugar, one and one-half pints water, pinch of soda, one teaspoon butter, pinch salt, one table- spoon vinegar, one pint nuts, one-half pint blanched al- monds, one cocoanut grated, five cents worth of candied cherries. Cook all ingredients (except fruit and nuts), until eyrup strings ; try in water, if it will pull, it is done. Pour out on marble slab. When cool, work till it creams. When ready to cream, work in nuts, etc., then put in mold.— Mrs. E. W. Eipy. Candy Pudding. Two pints white sugar, one pint light brown sugar, one-half pound mixed nuts, one pound dates seeded, one 186 Confectionery. grated cocoanut or 25 cent package. Dissolve sugar in one-fourth pint of water and cook until it spins a thread. Butter a marble slab, mix nuts, cocoanut, and dates on slab and pour the candy over it, stirring all the time. When cool enough, work with the hands like you would dough. Pack into a buttered mold and let set until firm. — Mrs. H. B. Carpenter. Fondant. The basis of French candy is called fondant. Use two cups granulated sugar, one cup water, one scant saltspoon of cream tartar; mix and let stand one-half hour. Put on back of ^tove and stir until sugar is thoroughly dis- solved ; move to front of stove, wipe all crystals from sides of pan with a damp sponge, cover for five minutes and let boil hard. Do not stir or jar the pan while cooking as this will cause it to grain. Drop a little into ice water; if it can be gathered up into a ball and retain ite shape, it has reached the soft ball stage, and is done. Pour out on wetted marble or into broad granite pans dampened with water. When cool (not cold), begin to work it with a wooden paddle until it is a crumbly mass; cover with a dampened wooden pail or damp cloth which will cause it to sweat and become mellow. After an hour, remove cov- er and work with hands like dough. Pack in stone jar and cover with damp cloth ; it will keep for weeks in a cool, dry place. When ready to use, flavor, color, add nuts, raisins, etc., and make into shapes. Let stand sev- eral hours, dip in some of the melted fondant and lay on waxed paper to dry. — Mrs. Morgan. Confectionenj. 187 ! French Candy Withouti Cooking. \ Use equal parts of thick sweet cream or water and ] unbeaten white of egg ; stir in enough XXXX Confection- j er's sugar to make stiff enough to mold. Flavor, color, ; etc., to suit taste. i Miscellaneous Receipts. ^^ ^^ ^* ^^ Carpet Cleaning Receipt. Four ounces alum, four ounces eal- soda, four ounces borax, two bars German soap. Put alum, borax, and sal. soda in two gallons of rain water, cut up soap in it and boil until all is dissolved; then add two gallons more of rain water. Scrub a small place in carpet as you would a hard floor and wipe with a dry cloth and so on until carpet is all clean. Oil Paint and Varnish Cleaner. Dissolve one-fourth pound sal-soda and two ounces car- bonate ammonia in one gallon of hot water. Let dissolve thoroughly before using. Apply with a soft sponge and rinse well with clear water. Dilute if solution is too strong. — Missouri. Cold Water Lye Soap. Two quarts rain water, one can concentrated lye, three quarts grease. Empty lye in water and stir until dissol- ved ; melt and strain grease and pour gradually into lye, stirring until it thickens; set aside to harden. — Mrs. Major.. 188 Misceilaneous Receipts. 189 Furniture and Floor Polish. Take one-third turpentine and two-thirds sweet oil and mix thoroughly. Apply with flannel or soft cheese cloth and then rub with a dry cloth. — Miss Rachel Lillard. Silver Polish. Two-thirds is composed of one part ammonia and five parts water ; the remaining one-third is composed of equal parts of Spanish whiting and Rouge. — iLouisville. Furniture Polish. Equal parts of linseed oil, turpentine, and vinegar mix- ed well together. Apply with flannel rag and rub dry with another. Shake before using. To Corn Beef, Make a brine that will float an egg of three gal. of water, boil and add one quart of molasses and not quite one- half teaspoon of salt petre and one pound brown sugar; immerse the meat in this liquid while it is hot and take out immediately. When the pickle gets cold, put in meat and leave it. You can add spices to liquid, if liked. Let meat remain in six weeks, then hang up and smoke or let it remain in pickle. — ^Mrs. Sallie McQuiddy. To Dry Beef. Select tender pieces of lean beef, and remove all bone and trim smoothly. For each twenty pounds of beef, take one pint of salt, one teaspoon of salt petre, and one-fourth 190 Miscellaneous Iieceipts. pound of brown sugar. Mix well together, divide into three parts and rub into beef well for three successive days, using one part each day. Eub extra salt into hole when you hang it up. Keep in wooden or stone vessel four or five days, turning it every day in the liquor it makes; then hang up in a dry place to drip over night. Before flies come, sprinkle with red pepper or borax and put in paper sacks. — Mrs. Caseell. To Preserve Eggs. Dissolve one-half pint lime and one pint salt in three gallons of water. Put in stone jar and drop eggs gently in. — ^Mrs. Carpenter. Hints and Helps. ^* ^^^ 5(5* <^^ Put all starchy foods to cook in salted boiling water. Wash lettuce, when wilted, in cold water, put on plate, cover with crock or pan over night and it will be found tender and crisp next morning. Try as a flavoring, lemon and vanilla mixed. Milk, which has changed, may be sweetened or rendered fit for use again by stirring in a little soda. Eub lumps of sugar on the yellow rind of lemons or oranges and melt sugar in article to be flavored. They are nice to flavor tea. Citric acid is a very good substitute for lemon juice in sherberts, especially where other fruit juices are used. To butter crumbs, pour one-third cup of melted butter over one cup of bread crumbs and stir lightly with fork. To scald milk, set pan containing it in another vessel of boiling water and heat until beads form around edges of pan. To mince parsley, gather up into a compact mass and cut fine with scissors. To blanch almonds, pour boiling water over them, let stand until skins loosen, throw into cold water and rub skins off between fingers. Oysters added to the baked macaroni and cheese makes this dish more appetizing. 191 192 Hints and Helps. A raw potato sliced and added to soup which is too salty will absorb much of the salt and render it palatable. If you want a spoonful of onion juice, cut the onion in two and press it in a lemon squeezer kept for that pur- pose. A pinch of borax stirred into a quart of milk will keep it sweet. Lemons, that have become hardened from long stand- ing can be restored by covering them with boiling water for a few minutes. Save up all bits of bread left from sandwiches, etc., dry in oven and grind into crumbs for frying. Keep in glass jar. Wash mutton in soda water to remove strong taste. Plunge peaches into boiling water a few minutee to make the skins come off easily, then throw into cold water. Have lard or butter and water very cold when making pastry. Salt and lemon juice will remove iron rust, ink, and mildew from white goods. 'Salt and vinegar will remove stain from teacups. Stand a spoon in glasses when pouring hot jelly and the glass will not break. The tope of baking powder cans are excellent for scrap- ing pots and kettles. If jelly bags are wet with water before using, the fruit juice will strain through much better and with less loss. Contents of tin cans must always be emptied as soon as opened; let stand two or three hours before using that they may have time to become reoxygenated. Hints and Helps. 193 When (Chopping candied peel, rub a little butter on each side of the blade. It will chop easier and not stick. A basin of cold water in the oven will soon lower the temperature. Add a large spoonful of vinegar to water in which tough meat or poultry is cooked. Put slices of breakfast bacon or ham on a racK or broil- er and set in oven letting the grease drop into a pan placed underneath. Add a teaspoon of glycerine to the icing that will not harden. JUN 11 1913