x: : ' - «:: < c< ^"^5*x.' ^" . <:<^'^ c: ■ €SC^ c ■ C«c <3^ tCjjL c c , . c-c ned, when it shall come to be fiiirly ascer- tained and fciOted up, will be found to be more than half of the pecuniary cost of the War of our Independence. And this is the condition of the party whose arms have been everywhere and constantly victorious ! How did we unhappily get involved in this War ? It was predicted as the conse- quence of the Annexation of Texas to the United States. If we bad not annexed Texas we should have had no War. The people were told that if that event hap- pened, War would ensue. They were told that the War between Texas and Mexico had not been terminated by a treaty of peace ; that Mexico still claimed Texas as a revolted province ; and that if we received Texas into our Union, we took along with her the War existing between her and Mexico. And the Minister of Mexico formally announced to the Government at Washington, that his nation would consider the An- nexation of Texas to the United States as producing a state of War. But all this was denied by the partizans of Annexation. They insisted we should have no War, and even imputed to those who foretold it, sinister motives for their groundless pre- diction. But, notwithstanding a state of virtual war necessarily resulted from the fact of an- nexation of one of the belligerents to the United States, actual hostilities might have been probably averted by prudence, moderation, and wise statesmanship. If General Taylor had been permitted to remain, where his own good sense prompted him to be- lieve he ought to remain, at the point of Corpus Christi ; and if a negotiation had been opened with Mexico in a true spirit of amity and conciliation, War possibly might have been prevented. But, instead of this pacific and moderate course, while Mr. Slidell was bending his way to Mexico with his diplomatic credentials, General Taylor was ordered to transport his cannon, and to plant them, in a warlike attitude, opposite to Matamoros, on the east bank of the Rio Bravo, within the very disputed territ.try, the adjustment of which was to be the object of Mr. Slidell's mission. What else could have transpired but a conflict of arms ? Thus the War commenced, and the President, after having produced it, appealed to Congress. A bill was prepared to raise 50,000 volunteers, and in order to commit all who should vote for it, a preamble was inserted falsely attriljuting the commence- ment of the War to the act of Mexico. I have no doubt of the patriotic motives of those who, after struggling to divest the bill of that flagrant error, found themselves constrained to vote for it. But I must say that no earthly consideration would have ever tempted or provoked me to vote for a bill, vrith a palpable falsehood stamped on its face. Almost idolizing truth as I do, I never, never could have voted for that bill. The exceptionable conduct of the Federal party, during the last British War, has excited an influence in the prosecution of the present War, and prevented a just dis- crimination between the two Wars. That was a War of National defence, required for the vindication of the National rights and honor, and demanded by the indignant voice of the people. President Madison himself, I know, at first reluctantly and with great doubt and hesitation, brought himself to the conviction that it ought to be de- clared. A leading, and perhaps the most influential member of his Cabinet, (Mr. Gal- latin,) was, up to the time of its declaration, opposed to it. But nothing could with- stand the irresistible force of public sentiment. It was a just War, and its great object, as announced at the time, was " Free Trade and Sailors' Rights," against the intolerable and oppressive acts of British power on the ocean. The justice of the War, far from being denied or controverted, was admitted by the Federal party, which only questioned it on considerations of policy. Being deliberately and constitutionally de- clared, it was, I think, their duty to have given to it their hearty cooperation. But the mass of them did not. They continued to oppose and thwart it, to discourage loans ond enlistments^ to deny the power of the General Government to march the uulitia 5 beyond our limits, and to hold a Hartford Convention, -which, whatever "were its real objects, bore the aspect of seeking the dissolution of the Union itself. They lost, and justly lost, the public confidence. Eut has not an apprehension of a similar fate, in a state of a case widely difierent, repressed a fearless expression of their real senti- ments in some of our pubHc men ? How totally variant is the present War ! This is no War of Defence, but one un- necessary and of offensive aggression. It is Mexico that is defending her firesides, her castles, and her altars, not we. And how different also is the conduct cf the W hig party of the present day from that of the major part of the Federal party durir.i; the VVar of 1812 1 Far from interposing any obstacles to the prosecution of the \\ ar, if the Wliigs in office are reproachable at all, it is f(jr liavinglent too ready a facility to it, without careful examination into the objects of the War. And, out of office, A^ h(» have rushed to the prosecution of the War with more ardor and alacrity than the Whigs? Whose heaits have bled more freely than those of the Whigs ? Who have more occasion to mourn the loss of sons, hiisbands, brothers, fathers, than Whig pa- rents, Whig wives, and Whig brothers, in this deadly and unprofitable strife ? But the havoc of War is in progress, and the no less deplorable havoc of an inhos- pitable and pestilential climate. Without indulging in an unnecessary retrospect and useless reproaches on the past, all hearts and heads should unite in the patriotic en- deavor to bring it to a satisfactory close. Is there no way that this can be done ? Must we blindly continue the conflict without any visible object, or any prospect of a definite termination ? This is the important subject upon which I desire to consult and to commune with you. Who, in this free government, is to decide upon the objects of a War, at its commencement, or at any time during its existence ? Does the power be- long to collective wisdom of the Nation in Congress assembled, or is it vested solely in a single functionary of the Government ? A declaration of War is the highest and most awful exercise of sovereignty. The Convention Avhivh framed our Federal Constitution, had learned from the pages of history that it had been often and greatly abused. It had seen that War had often been commenced upon the most trifling pretexts ; that it had been frequently Avagcd to establish or exclude a dynasty ; to snatch a crown from the head of one potentate and place it upon the head of another ; that it had often been prosecuted to promote alien and other interests than those of the nation whose chief had proclaimed it, as in the case of Enghsh wars for Hanoverian interests 5 and, in short, that such a vast and tremendous power ought not to be confided to the perilous exercise of one single man. The Convention, therefore, resolved to guard the War-making power against those great abuses, of which, in the hands of a monarch, it was hO susceptible. And the security against those abuses which its wisdom devised, was to vest the War-making power in the Congress of the United States, being the immediate representatives of the people and the States. So apprehensive and jealous was the Convention of its abuse in any other hands, that it interdicted the exercise of the power to any State in the Union, without the consent of Congress. Congress, then, in our system of Government, is the sole depository of that tremendous power. The Constitution provides that Congress shall have power to declare War, and grant letters of marque and reprisal, to make rules concerning captures on land and water, to raise and support armies, and provide and maintain a navy, and to make rules for the government of the land and naval forces. Thus we perceive that the principal power, in regard to War, with all its auxilliary attendants, is granted to Congress. Whenever called upon to determine upon the solemn question of Peace or War, Con- gress must consider and deliberate and decide upim the motives, objects and causes of the War. And, if a War be commenced without any previous declaration of its ob- jects, a> in the case of the existing \\ ar with Mexico, Congress must necessarily pos- sess the authority, at any time, to declare for what purposes it shall be farther prose- cuted. If we suppose Congress does not possess the controlling authority attributed to it; if it be contended that a War having been once commenced, the President of the United States may direct it to the accomplishment of any object he pleases, with- out consulting and without any regard to the will of Congress, the Convention will have utterly failed in guarding the Nation against the abuses and ambiti< n of a sin- gle individual. Either Congress, or the Presideiit, must have the right of determining upon the objects for which a War shtill be prosecuted. There is no other alternative. If the President possess it and may prosecute it for olyects against the will of Con- gresg, "vrliere is the difference between our Free Government and that of any other nation which may be governed by an absolute Czar, Emperor, or King. Congi-ess may omit, as it has omitted in the present A\ ar, to proclaim the objects for which it was commenced or has been since prosecuted, and in cases of such omission tlie President, being charged with the employment and direction of the national force, is, necessarily, left to his o\^^l judgment to decide upon the objects, to the attainment of which that force shall be applied. But, whenever CongTess shall think proper to declare, by some authentic act, for Avhat purposes a war shall be commenced or con- tinued, it is the duty of the President to apply the national force to the attainment of . thos« purposes. In the instance of the last War with Great Eritain, the act of Con- "gress by which it was declared was preceded by a message of President Madison, enu- merating the wrongs and injuries of which we complained agairst Great Eritain. That •message, therefore, and Avithout it the well-known objects of the War, which was a .War purely of defence, rendered it uiinecessary that CongTess should particularize, in • the act, the specific objects for which it was proclaimed. The whole world knew that it was a War waged for Free Trade and Sailors' Rights. It may be urged that the President and Senate possess the treaty-making power, without any express limitation as to its exercise ; that the natural and ordinary termi- oation of a War is by a treaty of peace ; and therefore, that the President and Sen- ate must possess the power to decide what stipulations and conditions shall enter into such a treaty. But it is not more true that the President and Senate possess the treaty- making power, without limitation, than that Congress possesses the war-making pow- er, Avithout restriction. These two poAvers then ought to be so interpreted as to recon- cile the one with the other; and, in expounding the Constitution, we ought to keep constantly in view the nature and structure of our free GoA'ernment, and especially the great object of the Convention in taking the war-making poAver out of the hands of a single man and placing it in the safer custody of the representatives of the Avhple nation. The desirable reconciUation between thetAVo powers is effected by attributing to Congress the right to declare Avhat shall be the objects of a war, and to the Presi- dent the duty of endeavoring to obtain those objects by the direction of the national force and by diplomacy. I am broaching no new and speculative theory. The statute-book of the United States is full of examples of prior declarations by Congress of the objects to be at- tained b}'^ negotiations Avith foreign powers, and the archives of the Executive Depart- ment furnish abundant evidence of the accompHshment of those objects, or the at- tempt to accomplish them by subsequent negotiation. Prior to the declaration of the last^ War against Great Britain, in all the restrictive measures Avhich Congress adopted, against the tAVO great belligerent poAvers of Europe, clauses Avere inserted in the ecA'- eral acts establishing them, tendering to both or either of the belhgerents the aboUtion of these restrictions if they would repeal their hostile Berlin and Milan Decrees and , Orders in Council, operating against our commerce and navigation. And these acts of Congress were invariably communicated, through the Executive, by diplomatic notes, to Fi-ance and Great Britain, as the basis upon Avhich it was proposed to restore friendly intercourse Avith them. So after the termination of the \\ ar, various acts of Congress were passed, from time to time, offering to foreign powers the principle of reciprocity in the commerce and navigation of the United States Avith them. Gut of these acts have sprung a class, and a large class, of treaties (four or five of Avhich Avere negotiated while I Avas in the Department of State) commonly called reciprocity trea- ties, concluded under all the Presidents from Mr. Madison to IMr. Van Euren, inclu- sive. And Avith regard to commercial treaties, negotiated with the sanction of prior acts of Congress, AA'here they contained either appropriations, or were in conflict Avith unrepealed statutes, it has been ever held as the republican doctrine, from Mr. Jay's treaty doAvu to the present time, that the passage of acts of Congress Avas neces- sary to secure the execution of those treaties. If, in the matter of foreign commerce, in respect to Avhich the power vested in Congress to regulate it and the treaty-making poAver may be regarded as concurrent. Congress can previously decide the objects to which negotiation shall be applied, how much stronger is the case of War; the poAver tp declare which, is confined exclusively to Congress ? I I conclude, therefore, Mr. President and fellow-citizens, with entire confidence, that Congress has the right, either at the beginning, or dui-ing the prosecution of any War, to decide the objects and purposes for Avhich it Ava.s proclaimed, or for Avhich it ought to be continued. And, I think it is the duty of Congress by some deliberate and authentic act, to declare for what objects the present War shall be longer prose- cuted. I suppose the President would not hesitate to regulate his conduct by the pronounced will of Congi-ess, and to employ the force axid the diplomatic power of the nation to execute that will. But, if the President should decline or refuse to do so, and, in contempt of the supreme authority of Congress, should persevere in waging the War, for other objects than those proclaimed by Congress, then it wortM be the imperative duty of that body to vindicate its authority by the most strin;: :.. and effectual, and appropriate measures. And, if on the contrary, the enetnv si 1 refuse to conclude a treaty, containing stipulations securing the objects de>' Congress, it would become the duty of the whole Government to prosecu! with all the national energy, until those objects were attained by a treaty of ; .■. There can be no insuperable difficulty in Congress making such an author it. u is o declaration. Let it resolve, simply, that the War shall or shall not be a War of con- quest ; and, if a War of Conquest, what is to be conquered. Should a resolution pass, disclaiming the design of Conquest, peace would follow in less than sixty days, if the President would conform to his constitutional duty. Here, fellow-citizens, I might pause, having indicated a mode by which the nation, through its accredited and legitimate representatives in Congress, can announce for what purposes and objects this War shall be longer prosecuted, and can thus let the whole people of the United States know for what end their blood is to be farther shed, and their treasure farther expended, instead of the knowledge of it being locked up and concealed in the bosom of one man. We should no longer perceive the ob- jects of the War varying, from time to time, according to the changing opinions of the Chief Magistrate charged with its prosecution. But I do not think it right to stop here. It is the privilege of the people, in their primary assemblies, and of every private man, however humble, to express an opinion in regard to the purposes for which the War should be continued; and such an expression will receive just so much consideration and consequence as it is entitled to, and no morei ,' Shall this war be prosecuted for the purpose of conquering and annexing Mexico, in all its boundless extent, to the United States ? . I will not attribute to the President of the United States any such design ; but I confess I have been shocked and alarmed by manifestations of it in various quarters. Of all the dangers and misfortunes which could befall this nation, I should regard that of its becoming a Avar-like and conquering power the most direful and fatal. History tells the mournful tale of conqueiing nations and conquerors. The three most celebrated conquerors, in the civilized world, were Alexander, Caesar, a: id Napoleon. The first, after overrunning a large portion of Asia, and sighing and lamenting that there were no more worlds to suljdue, met a premature and ignoble death. His lieutenants quarreled and warred with e.ach other as to the spoils of his victories, and finally lost them all. Caesar, after conquering Gaul, returned with his triumphant legions to Rome, passed the Rubicon, won the battle of Pharsalia, trampled upon the liberties of his country, and expired by the patriot hand of Brutus. But Riiine ceased to be free. War and conquest had enervated and corrupted the masses. The spirit of true liberty was extinguished, and a long line of emperors succeeded, some of whom were the most execrable monsters that ever existed in human form. And that most extraoi'dinary man, perhaps, in all history, after suijugating all con- tinental Europe, occupying almost all its capitals — seriously threatening, according to IM. Tlniirs, proud Alljion itself — and decking the brows t.f various members of his family with crowns torn from the heads of oth' r monixrchs, lived to behold hi.s own dear France itself in the p- esession of his enemies, and was made himself a wretched captive, and far removed from country, family, and friends, breathed hi'^ last on the distant and inhospital^le rock of St. Helena. The Alps and the Rhine had been claimed as the natui*al boundaries of Frcanee, but even these could not be secured in the treaties to which she was reduced to submit. Do you believe that the people of Macedon or Greece, of Rome, or of France, were benefitted individually or collectively, by the triumphs of their great Captains ? Their sad lot was an im- mense sacrifice of life, heavy and intolerable burdens, and the ultimate loss of lilierty itself. That the power of the United Sta'^es is competent to the conquest of Mexico is quite probable. But it could not be achieved without frightful carnage, dreadful sac- 8 rifices of human life, and the creation of an onerous national debt ; nor could it be completely effected, in all probability, until after the lapse of many years. It would be necessary to occupy all its strong holds, to disarm its inhabitants, and to keep them in constant fear and subjection. To consummate the work, I presume that Standing Armies, not less than a hundred thousand men, would be necessary, to be kept perhaps always in the bosom of their country. These standing armies reveling in a foreign land, and accustomed to trample upon the liberties of a foreign people, at some distant day, might be fit and ready instruments, under the lead of some daring and unprincipled chieftain, to return to the country and prostrate the public liberty. Supposing the conquest to be once made, what is to be done with it ? Is it to be governed, like Roman Provinces, by Proconsuls ? Would it be compatible with the genius, character and safety of our free institutions, to keep such a great country as Mexico, with a population of not less than nine millions, in a state of constant military subjection ? Shall it be annexed to the United States ? Does any considerate man believe it possible that two such immense countries, with territories of nearly equal extent, with population so incongruous, so different in race, in language, in religion and in laws, could be blended together in one harmonious mass, and happily governed by one com- mon authority ? Murmurs, discontent, insurrections, rebeUion would inevitably en.*ue, until the incompatible parts would be broken asunder, and possibly, in the frightful struggle, our present glorious Union itself would be dissevered or dissolved. We ought not to forget the warning voice of all history, which teaches the difficulty of combining and consolidating together, conquering and conquered nations. After the lapse of eight hundred years, during which the Moors held the conquest of Spain, the indomitable courage, perseverance and obstinacy of the Spanish ra(.e finally triumphed over and expelled the African invaders from the Peninsula. And even within our own time, the colossal power of Napoleon, when at its loftiest height, was incompe- tent to subdue and subjugate the prcnid Castillian. And here in our own neiglibor- hood, Lower Canada, which near one hundred years ago, after the conclusion of the seven year's War, was ceded by France to Great Britain, remains a foreign land in the midst of the British provinces, foreign in feelings and attachment, and foreign in laws, language and religion. And what has been the fact with poor, gallant, generous and op- pressed Ireland ? Centuries have passed since the overbearing Saxon overran and sub dued the Emerald Isle. Rivers of Irish blood have flowed during the long and arduous contest. Insurrection and rebellion have been the order of the day; and yet, up to this time, Ireland remains alien in feeling, affection and sympathy toAvard the power which has so long borne her down Every Irishman hates, with a mortal hatred, his Saxon op- pressor. Although there are great territorial differences between the condition of Eng- land and Ireland, as compared to that of the United States and Mexico, there are some points of striking resemblance between them. Both the Irish and the 1\1 exicans are probably of the same Celtic race. Both the English and the Americans are of the same Saxon origin. The Cathohc Religion predominates in bt th the former; the Protest - antamong both the latter. Religion has been the fruitful cause of dissatisfactiof the present day contend. Whether they have intended it or not, it is my calm and deliberate belief, that they have done incalculable mischief even to the very cause which they espoused, to say nothing of the discord which has been produced between different parts of the Union. According to the system we attempted, near the close of the last century, all slaves in being were to remain such ; but, all who might be born subsequent to a specified day, were to become free at the age of twenty-eight, and during their service were to be taught to read, write and cypher. Thus, instead of being thrown upon the communi- ty, ignorant and unprepared, as would be the case by immediate emancipation, they would have entered upon the possession of their freedom, capable in some degree, of enjoying it. After a hard struggle, the system was defeated, and I regret it extreme- ly, as, if it had been then adopted, our State would be now nearly rid of that reproach. Since that epoch a scheme of unmixed benevolence has sprung up, which, if it had existed at that time, would have obviated one of the greatest objections which was made to gradual emancipation, which was the continuance of the emancipated slaves to abide among us. That scheme is the American Colonization Society. About twenty-eight years ago, a few individuals, myself among them, met together in the City of Washington, and laid the foundation of that Society. It has gone on amid extraordinary difficulties and trials, sustaining itself almost entirely by spontaneous and voluntary contributions from individual benevolence, with scarcely any aid from Government. The Colonies, planted under its auspices, are now well established communities, with churches, schools and other institutions appertaining to the civil- ized state. They have made successful war in repelling attacks and invasions by their barbarous and savage neighbors. They have made treaties, annexed territories to their dominion, and are blessed with a free representative government. I recently read a message, from one of their Governors to their Legislature, which, in point oi' composition, and in careful attention to the public affairs of their Republic would compare advantageously with the Messages of the Governors of our own States. I am not very superstitious, but I do solemnly believe that these Colonies are blest with the smiles of Providence, and if we may dare attempt penetrating the veil by which He conceals His all-wise dispensations from mortal eyes, that He designs that Africa shall be the refuge and the home of the descendants of its sons and daughters, torn and dragged from their native land by lawless violence. It is a philanthropic and consoling reflection that the moral and physical condition of the African race in the United States, even in a state of slavery, is'far better than it wouli have been if their ancestors had never been brought from their native land. And if it should be the decree of the Great Ruler of the Universe that their descend- ants shall be made instruments in His hands in the establishment of Civilization ;ind the Christian Religion throughout Africa, our regrets on account of the origiiul wrong, will be greatly mitigated. It may be argued that, in admitting the injustice of Slavery, I admit the necessity of an instantaneous reparation of that injustice. Unfortunately, however, it is not always safe, practicable or possible, in the great movements of States and public 13 aB'airs of nations, to remedy or repair the infliction of previous injustice. In the in- ception of it, we may oppose and denounce it, by our most strenuous exertions ; but, after its consummation, there is often no other alternative left us but to deplore its per- petration, and to acquiesce as the only course, in its existence, as a less evil than the frightful consequences which might ensue from the vain endeavor to repair it. Slavery is one of those unfortunate instances. 1 he evil of it was inflicted upon us by the parent country of Great Britain against all the entreaties and remonstrances of the Colonies. And here it is among and amid us, and we must dispose of it as best we can under all the circumstances Avhich surround us. It continued, by the importa- tion of slaves from Africa, in spite of Colonial resistance, for a period of more than a century and a half, and it may require an equal or longer lapse of time before our country is entirely rid of the evil. And in the meantime, moderation, prudence and discretion among ourselves, and the blessings of Providence, may be all necessary to accomplish our ultimate deliverance from it. Examples of similar infliction of irre- parable national evil and injustice might be multiplied to an indefinite extent. The case of the Annexation of Texas to the United States is a recent and an obvious one, which, if it were wrong, cannot now be repaired. Texas is now an integral part of our Union, with its own voluntary consent. Many of us opposed the Annexation with honest zeal and most earnest exertions. But who would now think of perpetra- ting the foUy of casting Texas out of the Confederacy and throwing her back upon her own independence, or into the arms of Mexico ? Who would now seek to divorce her from this Union ? The Creeks and the Cherokee Indians were, by the most ex- ceptionable means, driven from their country, and transported beyond the Mississippi River. Their lands have been fairly purchased and occupied by inhabitants of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. Who would now conceive the flagrant injustice of expelling those inhabitants and restoring the Indian country to the Che- rokees and Creeks, under color of repairing original injustice ? During the War of our Revolution, millions of paper money were issued by our ancestors as the only cur- rency with which they could achieve our liberties and independence. Thousands and hundreds of thousands of families were stripped of their homes and their all, and brought to ruin, by giving credit and confidence to that spurious currency. Stern necessity has prevented the reparation of that great national injustice. But I forbear : I will no longer trespass upon your patience or farther tax my own voice, impaired by a speech of more than three hours' duration, which professional duty required me to make only a few days ago. If I have been at all successful in the exposition of the views and opinions which I entertain, I have shown — 1st, That the present war was brought about by the annexation of Texas, and the subsequent order of the President without the previous consent and authority of Con- gress. 2d, That the President, being unenlightened and uninstructed, by any public dec- laration of Congress, as to objects for which it ought to be prosecuted, in the conduct of it, is necessarily left to his own sense of what the national interests and honor may require. 3d, That the -whole war-making power of the nation, as to motives, causes, and objects, is confided by the Constitution to the discretion and judgment of Con- gress. 4th, That it is, therefore, the right of Congress, at the commencement or during the progress of any War, to declare for what objects and purposes the war ought to be waged and prosecuted. 5th, That it is the right and duty of Congress to announce to the Nation for what objects the present War shall be longer continued ; that it is the duty of the Presi- dent in the exercise of all his oflicial functions, to conform to, and carry out. this de- clared will of Congress, by th« exercise, if necessary, of all the high powers with which he is clothed ; and that, if he fail, or refuse to do so, it becomes the imperative duty of Congress to arrest the farther progress of the War, by the most effectual means in its power. Let Congress announce to the Nation the objects for which this war shall be far- ther protracted, and public suspense and public inquietude will no longer remain. If it is to be a War of conquest of all, or any part of Mexico, let the people know it, and they will no longer be agitated by a dark and uncertain future. But, althr ujrh I «night have forborne to express any opinion whaitever, as to the purposes and objects 13 for which the War should be continued, I have not thought proper to conceal my opinions, whether worth anytliing or not, from the public examination. Accordingly I have stated, 6th, That it seems to me that it is the duty of our country, as well on the score of moderation and magnanimity, as with a \Tiew of avoiding discord and discontent afc home, to abstain from seeking to conquer and annex to the United States, Mexico, or any part of it ; and especially to disabuse the pubUc mind in any quarter of the Union of the impression, if it anywhere exists, that a desire for conquest is cherished for tho purpose of propagating or extending Slavery. I have embodied, Mr. President and fellow citizens, the sentiments and opinions which I have endeavored to explain and enforce in a series of Resolutions, which I beg now to submit to your consideration and judgment. They are the following ; 1. Resolved, As the opinion of this meeting, that the primary cause of the present unhappy War existing between the United States of America, and the United States of the Republic of Mexico, was the Annexation of Texas to the former; and that tho immediate occasion of hostilities between the two Republics, arose out of the order of the President of the United States, for the removal of the army under the command of General Taylor, from its position at Corpus Christito a point opposite Matamoros, on the east bank of the Rio Bravo, within territory claimed by both Republics, but then under the jurisdiction of that of Mexico, and inhabited by its citizens ; and that the order of the President for the removal of the army to that point, was improvident and unconstitutional, it being without the concurrence of Congress, or even any con- sultation with it, although it Avas in session; but that Congress having, by subsequent acts, recognized the War thus brought into existence without its previous authority or consent, the prosecution of it became thereby National. 2. Resolved, That, in the absence of any formal and public declaration by Con- gress, of the objects for which the War ought to be prosecuted, the President of the United States, as Chief 3Iagistrate and as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Na- vy of the United States, is left to the guidance of his own judgment, to prosecute it for such purposes and objects as he may deem the honor and interest of the nation to require. 3. Resolved, That by the Constitution of the United States, Congress, being in- vested with power to declare War, and grant letters of marque and reprisal, to make rules concerning captures on land and water, to raise and support armies, to pro- vide and maintain a navy, and to make rules for the government of the land and na- val forces, has the full and complete war-making power of the United States ; and, so possessing it, has a right to determine upon the motives, causes and objects of any War, when it commences, or at any time dm-ing the progress of its existence. 4. Resolved, As the farther opinion of this meeting, that it is the right and duty of Congress to declare, by some authentic act, for what purposes and objects the existing War ought to be farther prosecuted ; that it is the duty of the President, in his offi- cial conduct, to conform to such a declaration of Congress ; and that, if after such declaration, the President should decline or refuse to endeavor, by all the means, civil, diplomatic, and military, in his power, to execute the announced will of Congress, and, in defiance of its authority, should continue to prosecute the War for purposes and objects other than those declared by that body, it would become the right and duty of Congress to adopt the most efficacious measures to arrest the farther progress of the War, taking care to make ample provision for the honor, the safety and secu- rity of our armies in Mexico, in every contingency. And, if Mexico should decline or refuse to conclude a treaty with us, stipulating for the purposes and objects so declared by Congress, it would be the duty of the Government to prosecute the War with the utmost vigor, until they were attained by a treaty of peace. 5. Resolved, That we view with serious alarm, and are utterly opposed to any pur- pose of annexing Mexico to the United States, in any mode, and especially by con- quest ; that we believe the two nations could not be happily governed by one common authority, owing to their great difference of race, law, language and reUgion, and the vast extent of their respective territories, and large amount of their respective popu- lations; that such a union, against the consent of the exasperated Mexican people, could only be effected and preserved by large standing armies, and the constant ap- plication of military force — in other words, by despotic sway exercised over the Mex- u ican people, in the first instance, but which, there would be just cause to apprehend might, in process of time, be extended over the people of the United States. That we deprecate, therefore, such a union, as wholly incompatible with the genius of our Govern- ment, and with the character of free and liberal institutions ; and we anxiously hope that each nation may be left in the undi&turbed possession of its own laws, language, cherished religion and territory, to pursue its own happiness, according to what it may deem best for itself. 6. Resolved, That considering the series of splendid and brilliant victories achiev- ed by our brave armies and their gallant commanders, during the War with Mexico, unattended by a single reverse, the United States, without any danger of their honor suffering the slightest tarnish, can practice the virtues of moderation and magnanim- ity towards their discomfited foe. We have no desire for the dismemberment of the United States of the Republic of Mexico, but wish only a just and proper fixation of fchehmits of Texas. 7. Resolved, That we do, positively and emphatically, disclaim and disavow any wish or desire on our part, to acquire any foreign territory whatever, for the purpose of propagating Slavery, or of introducing slaves from the United States into such for- eign territory. 8. Resolved, That we invite our fellow-citizens of the United States, who are anx- ious for the restoration of the blessings of peace, or, if the existing War shall continue to be prosecuted, are desirous that its purposes and objects shall be defined and known, who are anxious to avert present and future perils and dangers, with which it may be fraught, and who are also anxious to produce contentment and satisfaction at home, and to elevate the national character abroad, to assemble together in their respective communities, and to express their views, feelings and opinions. After rea,ding the resolutions and handing them to the Secretary, Mr, Clay conclud- ed by apologizing for the length of time which he had trespassed upon the meeting, and thanking the ladies and gentlemen most cordially for the honor done him by their attendance, on this occasion, and the profound attention with which they had listen- ed to him. * > > > > > 1 ) 3; ^ ::2> ^•*/^:j»' j»>« ~ >:v :^ :> > ":> ■ ■ - '>• .'> ^; >:>:-- ' ■ ~)~> 7» ^ 3 - 'S2> ■" ~> > ^^^-* ■ ■ ^ > ■■>" > ^ ''^2>' ^3^_.' >■■ ■> , ^ "'>:."' >> :> :r> ^^^L " ^"":>:i> ',.■'•: ^:^ ■ -i^-^-. .v-> '^■-^^" :• ^ ^> :>>_>• '■- > :;. 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