I^oste' ei ^^^ ®'d (§aafd. JOHN PALMER, Commander-in-Chief, G. A. R. ^l|e ^rnr|cd ^uard o| tf^e 0cpt. o| t\\z ^otorqae, G. A. R. OF -W A^SHI JSr C3-T01T, D. C And its escort to the Twenty-second, Twenty-third, Twenty- fourth, Twenty-fifth, and Twenty-sixth National Encampments, at Columbus, Ohio, September 12-14, '^88; at Milwaukee, Wis., August 27-29, 1889; at Boston, Mass., August 12-14, 1890; at Detroit, Mich., August 4-7, 1891, and at Washington, D. C, September 20-23, 1892. Accompanied by Third U. S. Artillery Band (20 pieces), Richard Reimnitz, Band-master. SEPTEMBER. 1892. OFFICERS. James M. Edg^ar, Captain Samuel M. Gordon, 1st Lieutenant Albert H. Van Deusen, 2d Lieutenant R. Emmet Smith, Junior 2d Lieutenant STAFF OFFICERS. Willis B. Pomeroy, Chief of Staff A. F, Dinsmore, Judge Advocate John C. S. Burger, Q. M. Alva S. Taber, Inspector Lyman B. Cutler, Ord. Officer Dr. Florence Donohue, Surgeon Thomas W. Steuart, Commissary William H. Hoover, Paymaster Rev. Levi H. York, Chaplain NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Alphonso W. Bogia, Q. M. Serg't George Y. Hansell, Color Serg't George C. Harris, Color Serg't William H. Fuss, 1st Serg't Frank H. Mooers, 2d Serg't Jacob Jacobson, 3d Serg't George W. Scheerer, 4th Serg't Arthur Hendricks, 6th Serg't Albert Brown, Corp'l Charles L. Patten, Corp'l Charles B. Sayer, Corp'l Samuel R. Swann, Corp'l ONE-ARMED COLOR GUARD. Amos J. Gunning, 5th Serg't Frank H. Evans, Corp'l Edmund C. Arnold Richard Bennett Philip W. Coleman J. Edgar Engle John Johnson Edward McCarten Thomas Montgomery William H. O'Neil James M. Pipes Robert L. Smith PRIVATES. Baker, Julian G. Brust, Albert G. Burgess, Archibald Calver, Thomas Caruana, Orlando E. Chauncey, William E. Clarke, Edwin M. Collins, James F. FoRBUSH, Abial a. Garrison, John S. Gilfillen, John B. Hiltman, Abraham B. Hopkins, Frank T. Lawrence, Joseph H. Leach, Benjamin McCabe, James E. McDonald, John A. McDonald, William W. McEuen, William C. McKenna, Francis L, Miner, William H. Paige, Frank W, Peake, John H. Proctor, David M. Rowe, Vincent W. Sargent, Daniel K. Shea, Thomas J. Snow, Jasper E. Spofford, Edward C. Tiverny, Theophil Capt. JAMES M. EDGAR. MEMBERSHIP OF THE GUARD, With Biief Wililary, N'aval, and G. A. R. Record. The company was organized April 9, 1880, and incorporated August 2, 1883. It is composed exclusively of honorably discharged ex-Union soldiers and sailors, all members of the G. A. R. The " Farragut " badge of the "Guard," worn only by active members of the organization, is made from the propeller of the U. S. Str. Hartford ; only 100 made. FARRAGUT BADGE. Arnold, Edmund C. Pvt. H, 15th Mass. Inf., July 12, '61 ; lost right arm. Ball's Bluff, Va,, Oct. 21, '61 ; discharged May 22, '62. Post 19. Baker, Julian G., Seaman U. S. Str. Kearsarge,, Jan. 19, '64, and was en- gaged in the fight between that vessel and the Alabama June 19. '64 ; discharged Nov. 24, '64 ; re-enlisttd Dec. 6, '64, U. S. Str. Ohio ; trans- ferred to U. S. Str. Connecticut ; discharged Dec. 6, '67 ; Aide-de- Camp Department Commander. Post 10. Bennett, Richard, Pvt. F, 9th N. H. Inf., Dec. 14, '62 ; lost right arm at Petersburg, Va., July 30, '64; discharged Jan. 20, '65; re-enlisted as Pvt. H, 44th U. S. Inf., Jan. 2, '67 ; discharged therefrom Mch. 31, '69 ; Aide-de-Camp Department Commander, 1891, 1892. Post 2. BoGiA, Alphonso W., Pvt. A. 1st Del. Inf., May 7, '61; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62 ; discharged Aug. 19, '64. Post 3. Brown, Albert, Pvt. B, Purnell Legion Maryland Cav., June 13, '62 ; discharged Mch. 18, '63, disability. Post 3. Brust, Albert G., Landsman, U. S. N.. Mch. 21, '64, Str. Ella; Car- penter's Mate, Mch. 22, '64 ; discharged Mch. 21, '65 ; Assistant In- spector, 1891, 1892. Post 6, and Naval Veteran Association. Burger, John C. S.,Pvt. C, 71st N. Y. M., April 20, '61 ; discharged July 30, '01 ; Pvt. K, 133d N. Y. Inf., Aug. 26, '62; wounded at Port Hud- son, La., May 26, '63 ; transferred to 44th Co., 2d Batt'n, V. R. C, and discharged Sept. 23, "65 ; Past Commandei', Post 2. 1st Lieut. SAMUEL M. GORDON. BuBGESs, Aechibald, Pvt. K, 13th N. J. Inf., Aug. 18, '62; Avounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63; discharged Nov. 19, '64; Pvt. 37th Co., 2d Batt'u, V. R. C, Aug. 26, '64 ; discharged Oct. 22, '66 ; transferred to general service Mch. 1, '69 ; discharged June 30, '74. Post 3. Calver, Thomas, Pvt. B, Keystone Indpt. Bat., Pa., Sept. 12, '62; dis- charged Sept. 23, '62 ; re-enlisted in A of same, June — , '63; discharged July — , '63 ; re-enlisted May 6, '64. D, 44th Iowa Inf.; discharged as Sergt.-Maj., Sept. 23, '64; Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63, and at Tupelo, Miss., July 25, '64 ; Commander, Post 7. Cakuana, Orlando E., Sergt. K, 51st N. Y. Inf., July 24, '61 ; wounded May 12, '64, Spottsylvania, Va ; received medal of honor for distin- guished services at the battle of New Berne, N. C, Mch. 14, '62, and South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, '62; discharged Sept. 7, '64. Post 3. Chauncy, William A., Sergt. 5th Batt'n D. C. Inf. — Metropolitan Rifles —April 11, 61 ; discharged July 11, '61. Post 10. Clarke, Edwin M,, Pvt. Bat. A, 1st Ky. Art,, July 1, '61 ; wounded at Perry ville, Ky., Oct. 8, '62 ; discharged Sept. 9, '64. Post 2. Coleman, Philip W., Pvt. I, 8th Mich. Inf., Aug. 23, '61 ; wounded in left side, right thigh, head, and lost left arm in battle of James Island, S. C, June 16, '62 ; discharged Oct. 28, '62. Post 2. Collins, James r.,Pvt. A, ist N. Y. Mtd. Rifles, Oct. 17, '64; discharged Oct. 17, '65. Post 2. Cutler, Lyman B., Pvt. B, Birge's Sharpshooters, afterwards 14th Mo. Inf.; afterwards 66th 111. Inf., Aug — , '61 ; Capt. Dec. 12, '61; resigned March 4, '62; re-enlisted C, 83rd 111. Inf., Aug. 1, '62 ; Capt. Aug. 21, '62 ; special scout duty, Sept., '63, until expiration of term of service ; was breveted Major at close of war by Gov. Yates, of 111., for services rendered. Participated in battle of Fort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. '62. Ass't Inspector, Aide-de-Camp Commander-in-Chief Palmer. Past Commander, Post 2. Dinsmore, Andrew F., Pvt. E. 3d Mich. Inf., April 3, 61; wounded at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, '62 ; discharged April 11, '63 ; enlisted in 2d Batt'n, 137th Co., V. R. C, July 1, '63; discharged July 1, '66; De- partment Commander, 1892 ; Past Commander, Post 10. DoNOHUE, Florence, Pvt. G, 105th N. Y. Inf., Nov 26, '61; regiment consolidated with y4th N. Y. Inf , Nov. 19, '63; re-enlisted in G of same, Jan. 19, '64 ; discharged Aug. 18, '65 ; Past Med Director D. P. ; ex- Surgeon-General G A. R. Post 3. Edgar, James M., Pvt. C, 71st Pa. Inf., May 21, '61 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Ball's Bluflf, Va , Oct. 21, '61 ; paroled April 25, '62 ; dis- charged May 26, '62 ; Pvt. H, 11th Mo. Vol. Cav , July 20, '63 ; Cor- poral, Aug. 21, '63 ; Sergeant-Major, Sept. 15, '63 ; 1st Lieutenant I, June 17, '64; discharged February 15, '65, surgeon's certificate disa- bility ; Past Commander, Post 2. Engle, J. Edgar. Pvt. I. 97th Pa Inf., Jan. 15, '62 ; 1st Sergt , 2d Lieut. 16th Regt. V. R. C , Aug 24, '64 ; participated in battles James Island, Siege Morris Island, Fort Sumter, S. C, Bermuda Hundred, Va., where lost left arm May 20, '64 ; discharged June 30, '66. Post 14. Evans, Frank H., Pvt. A, 3d N. H. Inf , Aug. 19, '61 ; lost right arm at Morris Island, S. C , July 3. '63 ; discharged Nov. 10, '63. Aide-de- Camp Department Commander. Post 3. FoEBUSH, Abial a , Pvt 1st N H. Inf., Apr. 15, '61, 3 mos. ; discharged May 24, '61 ; re-enlisted May 24, '61, Pvt. G, 2d N. H. Inf. ; dis- charged therefrom June 6, '64 ; participated in all the principal cam- paigns and battles of the Army of the Potomac, from first Bull Run to Gettysburg; Past Commander Lewis Bell Post 3, Dept. N. H. Fuss, William H., Sergt. A, 6th Batt'n. D C. Inf., National Guard, April 15, '61 ; discharged July 15, '61 ; Officer Day, Post 2, 1882-1892. Garrison, John S., Pvt. G, 21st Mich. Inf., Aug. 2, '62; was refused muster— too small— Pvt. G, ()th Mich. Cav , Feb. 24, '64 ;— 6th con- solidated with 1st Mich. Vet. Cav.— discharged Co I. therefrom, Mch. 10, '66. Post 2. 2d Lieut. ALBERT H. t/AN DEUSEN. GiLFlLLEN, John B., Pvt. H, 1st Ohio Light Art., Dec. 30, '61 ; partici- pated in battles at Winchester and Port Republic, Va., and the principal battles fought by the Army of the Potomac from Nov. '62 to Dec. '64 ; discharged Dec. 29, '64 ; J. V. Commander, Post 8. Gordon, Samuel M., Pvt. F, 52d Ohio Inf., Aug. 11, '62 ; Sergt. Aug. 22, '62 ; discharged Feb. 10, '63, on account of injuries received in line of duty; Past Commander, Post 2. Gunning, Amos J., Pvt. H, 35th Mass. Inf., Aug. 6, '62; lost left arm at Fredericksburg, Va, Dec. 13, '62 ; discharged Feb. 19,63; Aide-de- Camp Commander-in-Chief Palmer ; Past Commander, Post 2. Hansell, George Y., Sergt. C, 4th Pa. Res., April 16, '61; discharged Aug. 20, '61 ; Pvt. F, 51st Pa. Inf., Sept. 11, '61 ; discharged Aug. 21, '62; Sergt. B, 31th Pa. Inf., Aug. 28, '62; discharged Sept. 25, '63; Pvt. U. S. M. C, Feb. 9, '65 ; discharged Feb. 9, '69. Post 3. Harris, George C , Pvt. A, 2d D. C. Inf. —Ed .C. Carrington's Company —April 10, '61 ; discharged July 10, '61 ; prisoner (Libby), Aug. 13, '62. to Sept. 13, '62 ; Aide-de-Camp Department Commander 1891, 1892; Past Commander, Post 11. Hendricks, Arthur, Pvt. G, 5th N. Y. Inf., Aug. 26, '62; transferred to G, 14th N. Y. Inf., May 3, '63 ; transferred to V. R. C , by reason of injuries received at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, '63 ; discharged July 22, '65 ; Assistant Adjutant General ; Past Commander, Post 8. HiLTMAN, Abraham B., Pvt D, 37th N. Y. M., June 12, '61 ; discharged Sept. : 0, '61 ; Sergt. C, 174th N. Y. Inf., Nov. 10, '62 ; 1st Lieut. 162d N. Y. Inf., Feb. 9, '64 ; wounded at Cedar Creek, Va, July 3, '64; dis- charged Jan. 25, '65. 174th was consolidated with the 162d Feb. 9, '64. Post 2. Hoover, William H , Pvt. A, 4th Batt'n, D. C. Inf —Washington Light Infantry— April 10, '61; discharged July 10, 61; Aide-de-Camp Depart- ment Commander; S. V. Commander, Post 11. Hopkins, Frank T., Pvt. G, 11th Md. Inf., June 22, '64; discharged Sept. 22, '64 ; re-enlisted in Co. A same day, and discharged June 15, '65. Post 1. Jacobson, Jacob, Pvt. E, 71st N. Y. Inf., April 20. '61 ; wounded at Bull Run, Va., July 21, '61 ; discharged August 1, '61 ; Aide-de-Camp De- partment Commander, Q. M. S., 1882-1892, Post 3. Johnson, John, Pvt. D. 2d Wis. Inf., April 20, '61; taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, '61, but escaped ; lost right arm at Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13, '62, while on detached service with Battery B, 4th D. S Art ; discharged April 10, '63 ; Inspector ; Aide-de-Camp Commander-in-Chief Palmer. Post 2. Lawrence, Joseph H,, Sergt. C, 7th Batt'n, D C. Inf —Union Volun- teers—April 17, '61; discharged July IS, '61; 1st Sergt. A, 2d D. C. Inf., Jan. 15, '62; Lieut. G, July 1, '62; discharged Oct. 22, '62. Post 3. Leach, Benjamin, Pvt. 5th Batt'n, D. C. Inf.— Metropolitan Rifles--April 11, '61 ; discharged July 11, '61. Post 7. McCabe, James E., Pvt. B, 193d Pa. Inf , July 12, '64 ; discharged Nov. 14, '64 ; Assistant Quartermaster General ; Past Comuiader, Post 3. McCarten, Edward, Pvt. D, 58th Mass. Inf.— Veteran Infantry— Jan. 19, '64 ; lost left arm at North Anna River, Va., May 24, '64; dis- charged Nov. 12, '64. Post 2. McDonald, John A., Apprentice U. 8. Str. Cumberland, April., '60, to Aug., '61 ; Pvt. C, 1st Md Inf., Sept. 13, '61 ; discharged Sept. 13,'6i. Post 2. McDonald, William W., Landsman U. S. Str. Freeborn, Sept. 4, '64; tiansferred to U. S. Str. Ascutney as Ship's Writer, Aug. 30, '65; discharged Sept. 17, '67. Post 2, and Naval Veteran Association. McEuen, William C, Pvt. F, 104 Pa. Inf., Sept. 1, '61; wounded at Morris Island, S. C, Sept. 1, '63; discharged Sept. 23, '64. Past Commander Dept. Pa., and member of Post 73, Dept. Pa. Junior 2d Lieut. ROBT. EMMET SMITH. McKenna, Francis L, Pvt. U. S. M. C , May 10, '61; discharged as Sergt. May 10, '65 ; S. V. Commander, Post 6. Miner, William H., Pvt. 17th Bat, ludpt. Art., June 25, '61 ; 2d Lieut. April 15, '62 ; 1st Lieut. June, — , '63 ; discharged Sept. 13, '64. Par- ticipated in battles of Springfield, Harper's Ferry, Berry ville, and Rippen, Va ; Aide-de-Canip Department Commander; Past Com- mander, Post 10. MooERS, Frank H , Pvt. B, 11th Me. Inf., Mch. 12, '62; discharged Mch. 12, '65; served 18 months in Sth N. Y. Indpt. Bat., wounded at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, '62, and at Fort Harrison, Va ; Aide- de- Camp Department Commander. Post 2. Montgomery, Thomas, Pvt. A, 69th N. Y. S. M , April 21, '61 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Bull liun, Va., July 21, '61 ; exchanged and dis- charged in June, '62 ; re-enlisted as Pvt. D, 170th N. Y. Inf., Sept. , '62; 2d Lieut., Feb. 1, '63; 1st Lieut. Co. A, Mch. 22, '64; lost left arm at Spottsylvania, Va., May 18, '64; discharged Oct. 1, '64. Post 3. O'Neil, William H., Pvt. D, 3d Batt'n, Mass. Inf.— Charles Chipman's Infantry Company — May 19, '61 ; discharged Aug. 3, '61 ; re-enlisted Pvt. K, 19th Mass. Inf., Aug. 28, '61 ; lost right arm at battle Savage Station, Va., June 29, '62 ; discharged Mch. 14, '63. Post 5. Paige, Frank W., Drummer B, 5th Mass. Inf., April 16, '61 ; discharged Aug. 13, '61; Pvt. I, Sth Mass. Inf., Sept. 10, '62; discharged Mch. 28, '63; Pvt. D, 6th V. R. C, Jime 14, '63; discharged June 30, '65; Pvt. B, 42d U. S. Inf , Oct. 27, '65; transferred to B, 6th U. S. Inf., Feb. 20, '68 ; discharged July 20, '69 ; Pvt. Gen. Service, Aug. 27, '69; transferred to C, 7th U. S. Inf., Feb. 2, '81 ; discharged Mch. 18, '81 ; wounded seven times ; Past Commander, Post 7 ; Late 2d Lieut. Patten, Charles L., Pvt. E, 1st Me. H. A.— Infantry, 18th Regiment — July 26, '62 ; wounded in front of Petersburg, Va., June 18, '64 ; dis- charged June 14, '65 ; Past Commander and Adjt., Post 7. Peake, John H., Pvt. G, 4th Regt. Hancock's Corps, Mch. 2, '64; dis- charged Mch. 2, '65, expiration term of service. Post 10. Pipes, James M , Pvt. A, 140th Pa. Inf., Sept. 4, '62; wounded July 2, '63, at Gettysburg, Pa ; discharged as 1st Sergt. July 31, '63;' 2d Lieut., July 31, '63; Capt. June 22, '64; lost right arm at Ream's Station, Va , Aug 25, '64 ; discharged Feb. 17, '65 ; Departmeut Com- mander 1891 ; Past Commander, Post 3. POMEROY, Willis B., 1st Lieut G, Sth Mich. Inf., Aug. 20, '61 ; Chief of Ambulance, 3d Div 3d A. C, June 29, '62; discharged Jan. 25, '63, disability ; re-enlisted as Sergt. C. 24th N. Y. Cav . Jan. 10, '64, trans- ferred to 8th Co., 2d Batt'n, V. R. C , Dec. 15, '64; discharged Sept 7, '66 ; Hospital Steward, U. S. A , Sept. 8, '66 ; discharged Sept. 8, '71 ; Aide- de-Camp Commander-in-Chief Palmer ; Past Commander, Post 5. Proctor, David M., Pvt. H, 5th U. S. Cav , Aug 27, '64; wounded near Winchester, Va., Dec. 4, '64 ; discharged May 19, '65. Post 5. RowE, Vincent W., Pvt. D, 2d Batt'n, D C. Inf — McClelland's Company —Apr. 20, '61 ; discharged July 2U, '61. Post 11. Sargent, Daniel K., Pvt. B, 40th Iowa Inf., Aug. 18, '62; discharged May 18, '65 ; 2d Lieut. D, 113th U. S. C. T., May 19, '65; discharged Sept. 23, '65. Post 3. Sayer, Charles B., Pvt. B, 193d Pa. Inf., July 19, '64; discharged Nov. 9, '64; re-enlisted as Corporal D, 77th Pa. Inf., Feb. 11, '65; dis- charged Dec. 6, '65. Post 3, ScHEERER, George W.,Pvt. A, 1st Md. Cav., Aug. 15, '61; discharged Sept. 28, '64. Post 10. Shea, Thomas J., Pvt. A, 39th E. M. M., April 30, '62 ; discharged Mch. 31, '62 ; re-enlisted in F, 40th Mo. Inf. Aug. 11, '64 ; discharged June 30, '65. Wilson Post 1, Dept. Md. Smith, Robert E., Q. M. Sergt. at Headq'rs 2d Brig. 1st Div. 5th A. C, '61 to '64; Pvt. F, 194th Pa. Inf., June 10, '64; discharged Nov. 28, 64; Council Administration 1892; Past Commander, Post 6. 10 Smith, Robert L , Pvt. B, 1st Del. Inf., April 18, '61 ; discharged Aug. 6, '61 ; re-enlisted as corp'l D, 4th Del. Inf., Aug. 11, '62; wounded at Cold Harbor, June 2, '64, and lost left arm in front of Petersbiirg Jxme 18, '64; discharged Jan 10, '65. Post 2. Snow, Jasper E., Pvt. C, 19th Wis. Inf., Mch. 7, '62; Lieut. 58Ilegt. U. S. C. T., June 23, '64 ; participated in battlesof Yorktown, Williams- burg, White House, Suffolk Springs, Newbern, in front of Peters- burg and Richmond, Va., '64 ; injured at Norfolk in Jan. '64; dis- charged, disability, Aug. 29, '64 ; Aide-de-Camp Department Com- mander, Post 10. Spofford, Edward C, Sergt. F, 35th Mass. Inf., July 26, '62; discharged May 19, '63, to accept commission, but was unable to be mustered on arriving at Vicksburg, Miss , on account oi disability from wounds received at South Mountain and Antietam, Md., Sept., '62. Post 14. Steuart, Thomas W., Pvt. A, 3d Batt'n, D. C. Inf.— National Rifles- Apr. 11, '61 ; discharged July 15, '61. Post 1. SwANN, Samuel R.,Pvt. B, 2d Batt'n D. C. Inf.— Kelly's Company— .\pr' 11, '61 ; discharged July 11, '61 ; re-enlisted in H, 2d N. J. Inf., Aug- 1, '62 ; discharged Nov 10, '63. Post 5. Taber, Alva S., Pvt. B, 19th U. S. Inf., Aug. 3, '64; Sergt. A, Feb. 26, '65; Sergt -Major Feb. 26, '65; discharged Aug. 3, '65 ; participated in siege of Atlanta and battle of Jonesboro, Ga., Sept. 1, '64; Past Commander, Post 1. Tiverny, Theophil, Pvt. D, 2d Batt'n, D. C Inf —Union "Volunteers — April 20, '61 ; Sergt., June 4, '61 ; discharged July 20, '61. Post 6. Van Deusen, Albert H., Pvt A, 97th N. Y. Inf., Jan. 10, '62 ; Sergt , Nov. 1, '62; 1st Lieut , Dec. 6, '63; Capt. G., Oct. 24, '64; wounded at Gettysburg, Pa , July 1, 63; at Petersburg, Va., June IS, '64, and at Boydton Road, Va., March 31, 65 ; but rejoined Company at Ap- pomattox C. H., April 9; prisoner on Hicksford Raid, Va., Dec. 10, '64, but escaped; discharged June 30, '65. Aide-de-Camp Com- mander-in-Chief Palmer, and President A. D. C. Association Depart- ment Potomac ; Past Commander, Post 6. York, Levi H., 2d Lieut. G, 146th N. Y. Inf., Sept, 17, '62 ; 1st Lieut., Feb. 17, '63 ; Capt , April 1, '65 ; discharged July 16, '65 ; Department Chaplain, 1888, 1889, and 1891 ; Past Commander Dept. Va. Post 5. HONORARY MEMBERS. Ackerman, Morris L. Bennett, H. M., Dr. Adams, Nelson D. Berlin, H. S, Adt, Alexis Berthrong. J. P. Alger, R. A., Gen'l Bickford, Nathan Allen, George W. Blasland, Wm. Anderson, M. T. Bliss, William W. Armstrong, Ed. A. Bollinger, Christopher Armstrong, Frank S. Bond, Benjamin F , Atzell, F. Bowen, C. H., Dr. Atwell, J. J. Bradford, Jas. H. Babb, S. J. Bromley, Alexander C. Baker, W. H. Brooks, A, F. Baldwin, Aaron, Dr. Brothers, L.J, Dr. Bane, M. M., Gen'l Buessers, Wm. Barnett, M. Burke, Jerome B. Beall, R. J. Burrell, Thos J. Beckert, Chas. a. Burton, R. C. M. 11 BUECH, H. C. Bdtler, B. F., Gen'l Butts, Frank A, Carter, Hon. Thos. H. Carter, James B. Caverley, Ed. Chambers, W. W. Charles, E. T., Mrs. Church, John P. Clark, Temple, Col, Clark, W. D. Coates, H. W. Coleman, James, Capt, COLONNA, B. A. COMMERFORD, JoHN A. Cook, Geo. copeland, m. g. Corson, Geo. E. CosTELO, James H. costello, w. j. Cranford, Henry L. Creamer, Geo. CuLLEY, Joseph Davidson, Hon. Andrew Dewees, J. H., Col. Dickinson, Jos., Gen'l DiETZ, Charles DiETZ, William, Jr. Drake, J. M., Gen'l Dudley, W. W., Gen'l Dunn, R. \V. Easton, William B. Edgar, George P., Maj. Egloff, Leonard Elliott, B M. Emery, L. S. Emery, Geo. E Engel, Brn. Erley, Jas S. ExLEY, Thomas M. Farnsworth, Calvin Faunce, Solomon E. Fisher, M. P. Fisher, Geo. W., Dr. Fitch, Butler, Col. Fletcher, Thos. C, Gov. Foote, Morris J , Capt. Freeman, Ohas. P. Freund, F. Fuss, Frank L. Galloway, Thos. Gardner, C. T. Gatto, Joseph GiBBS, Chas. E. GiBBs, Chas. E., Mrs. Gibson, Geo. Gibson, Wm. Goodman, Wm. R. Goodrich, F. S. GooDLOE, Green CLAY,*Maj. GOTTO, J. Grant, Lewis A., Gen'l Gray, Edwin N. Grosvener, Dan'l GURY, L. C. Hamilton, Alfred Harries, W. H , Capt. Harlan, Benj. A. Hawley, j. C. Hayes, J. R , Dr. Hazen, W. p. C, Dr. Heaton, Frank M. Heffner, Jas. E. Hege, Sam'l B. Hendges, Matthew Herrmann, August G. Heurich, Chris. Heurich, Karl HoDGKiNs, Samuel Howlett, j. H. Hudson, James Hunt, Wm. Hunt, J. B. Jackson, I. N. James, H. Jones, H. E. Keller, Sam'l P. King, Charles King, C. W. King, William B. Lacey, Anderson P. Lacey, R. S. Larman, j. Q. Lemon, Geo. E. Lincoln, Charles P. LiNDSEY, WW. Little J. J., Dr. lothrop, j. p. Lockwood, E. j. Mack. W. D MaRCELLUS, ROBEliT H. McCaffrey, Chas. McCartney, Peter McCleary. Eben. S. McCoN.sELL, John R. McElroy, John McGiRR, Peter Meredith, Wm. M. Mills, Wm. Howard Mills, Samuel C, Milnor, J. Frank Moore, Patrick Morgan, W. B. Montgomery, R. W. Murphy, Maurice Nelson, W. D. Norton, Chas. C. O'Bryon, Phil. M. Oehm,C. W. O'Farrell, Patrick Palmer, John, Gen'l. Palmer, Sam'l C. Parker L. B. Patrick, A. L., Peake, Wm. C. Peck, Wm. H. Pearson, H. C. Phillips, T. J. Phisterer, Fred. Potter, Henry G. Proctor, Redfield Reardon, J. P. Redway^, Geo. Reeve, J. H. Reiter, Henry Reilley, John Ridgeley, Aug. RiNEHART, John C. Robinson, B. RoBBiNs, James Root, A. S. ROWELL, A. W. Sachs, John Schroeder, Aug. Schwarz, Frank Scull, Chas. O. Shehan, Geo. A. Sillers, Robert Simpson, Benj. L , Jr. SiSSON, B. W. Smedborg, W. R., Col. SOMERVILLE, ThOS . Spear, Ellis, Gen'l Springsguth, R. Steep, Thos. M. Sterling, Jas. T., Col. Stinzing, J. P. Stone, Israel W. Strieby, Geo. F. W. Swan, W. A. Talbot, H. S. Tallmadge, T. W. Tanner, Jas., Corp. Taylor, S. B , Jr. Tew, Wm E. Tharp, James Thomas, Frank H. Thompson, Chas. W. Thompson, A. N. Tierney, M. v., Maj. Veazey, Wm. G., Gen'l Vermilya, J. A. VoiGT, Ed. VoiGT, Gus. Von Spealkaun, Frank W^AHLY, Henry Ward, John T. Warner, Wm., Gen'l Waters, Eugene Williams, Dan. Williams, L. P. Willis, E. M. Wilt, Jerry Winemiller, Clarence M. WixoM, O. R Wood, Geo. J. P. Wyckoff, Geo. D. Wyckoff, Jas. S. Yergason, E S. Yerkes, W. H. 13 CIVIL OFFICERS. Capt. Jas M. Edgar, Chairman. Sergt. J. Jacobson, Financial Secretary. O. E. Caruana, Kecordiug Secretary. Lieut. Wm. H. Hooves, Treasurer ; Executive Committee. — Capt. Jas. M. Ei)G\r. Chairman ; Lieut-s A. H. Van Deusev, R E. Smith, A. S. Taber,andL. B. Cutler; Sergt's W. H. Fuss, J. Jacobson, and A. J. Gunning; Corp'l F. H. Evans. Recruiting Committee.— Lient. A. H. Van Deusen, Chairman; Sergt. F. H, Mooers, R. Bennett, B. Leach, A. G. Brust. Finance Committee. — Lieut. R. E, Smith, Chairman; Sergt. A. Hen- dricks, J. S. G'arrison, J. B. GiLFiLLEN, E. C. Spofford. Court-Martial Committee. — Lieut. A. F. Dinsmore, Judge Advocate', Lieut. S. M. Gordon ; Corp'l C. L, Patten, A. Burgess, T. Calver, J. S. Garrison, R. Bennett. Hall Committee.— Sergt. J. Jacobson, Chairman; Q. M. Sergt. A. W. BoGiA, F. T. Hopkins. QUARTERS, 1839, 1890, 1891, AND 1892. Capt. Jas. M. Edgar, ex-officio Chairman. Q. M., J. C. S. Burger. Lieut. A. H. Van Deusen, Sergt. Geo. C. Harris. COMMITTEE ON ROSTER. Lieut. A. H. Van Deusen, Lieut. R. Emmet Smith, Sergt. Jacob Jacobson. Lieut. ANDREW F. DINSMORE. COMMANDER DEPARTMENT POTOMAC. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 159 5 Hollinger pH8.5