U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. LIST OF WORKERS IN SUBJECTS PERTAINING TO AGRICULTURE. PART 2. State Agricultural Colleges and Experi- ment Stations. Prepared in the Sutes Relations Service, A. C. TRUE, Director. 1920-1921. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1921. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. LIST OF WORKERS IN SUBJECTS PERTAINING TO AGRICULTURE. PART 2. State Agricultural Colleges and Experi- ment Stations. AS- Prepared in the States Relations Service, A. C. TRUE, Director. 1920-1921. washington: (;()Vi:rnment printing office. 1921. LIBRARY OF CONQRESS JUN 4-19^1 DOCUMENTS lj,'. vilON .._,. I I ii.ririr.-Sif""ii L PART 2. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Prepared in the States Relations Service, A. C. True, Director. CONTENTS. Part 2. Page. Officers of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges 3 Key to abbreviations — : : 4 State agricultural colleges and experiment stations 5 Index of names . 75 2 OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF LAND-GRANT COLLEGES. President — H. L. Russell of Wisconsin. Vice President— How AUT) Edwahds of Rliode Island. Secretary-Treasurer — J. L. Hills of Vermont. Executive Committee — R. A. Pearson of Iowa, chairman; W. M. Riggs of South Caro- lina ; W. E. Stone of Indiana ; A. R. Mann of New York ; and F. B. Mdmford of Missouri. OFFICERS OF THE SECTIONS. Section on Agriculture : Chairman, F. B. Mumford of Missouri. Vice Chairman, W. F. Handschin of Illinois. Secretary, W. H. Chandler of New York. Subsection on Resident Teaching: Chairman, R. L. Watts of Pennsylvania ; Sec- retary, C. D. jARVis of the U. S. Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. Subsection on Experiment Station Work: Chairman, P. S. Harris of Utah ; Secre- tary, T. P. Cooper of Kentucky. Subsection on Extension Work: Chairman, H. J. Baker of Connecticut ; Secretary, J. A. Wilson of Oklahoma. Section on Engineering: Chairman, C. R. Richards of Illinois, Secretary, R. L. Sackett of Pennsylvania. Section on Home Economics: Chairman, Mildred Weigley of Minnesota. Secretary, Edna L. Skinner of Massachusetts. standing committees. Committee on Instruction in Agriculture, Home Economics and Mechanic Arts: For three years, A. C. True of Washington, D. C, chairman, A. B. Cordlet of Oregon, Bertha M. Terrill of Vermont, and A. A. Potter of Indiana ; for two years, G. A. Works of New York, Anna E. Richardson of Washington, D. C, and F. B. Tor- NBAURE of Wisconsin ; for one year, J. F. Ddggar of Alabama, Mary E. Sweeny ^ of Kentucky and W. M. Riggs of South Carolina. Committee on College Organization and Policy: For three years, R. W. Thatcher of Minnesota and W. M. Riggs of South Carolina ; for two years, W. M. Jardine of Kansas and A. R. Hill of Missouri ; for one year, K. L. Bdtterfield of Massa- chusetts, chairman, and C. A. Lory of Colorado. Committee on Experiment Station Organization amd Policy: For three years, Eugene Davenport of Illinois and C. D. Woods of Maine, chairman ; for two years, P. B. Linfield of Montana and C. E. Tiiorne of Ohio; for one year, B. W. Kilgore of North Carolina and E. W. Allen of Washington, D. C. Committee on Extension Organisation and Policy: For three years, Thomas Bradlee of Vermont and K. L. Hatch of Wisconsin ;' for two years, G. I. Christie of Indiana and R. S. Wilson of Mississippi ; for one year, L. A. Clinton of New Jersey, chair- man, and W. W. Long of South Carolina. joint committees of the association and the u. s. department of agriculture. Committee on Relations: The Committee on States Relations of the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture and the Executive Committee of the Association. Committee on Projects: W. A. Taylor, J. R. Mohler, and Milton Whitney of the TJ. S. Department of Agriculture; F. B. Mumford of Missouri, chairman, A. R. Mann of New York, and H. L. Russell of Wisconsin. Editorial Committee, Journal of Agricultural Research: K. F. Kellerman, E. W. Allen, and C. L. Marlatt of the U. S. Department of Agriculture ; R. L. Watts of Penn- sylvania, W. A. Riley of Minnesota, and J. G. Lipman of New Jersey, chairman. ^ Since Dec. 1, 1920, at East Lansing, Mich. KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS. Acct., Accountant, Accounts. Actg., Acting. Admin., Administration, Administrative. Agi:, Agriculture, Agriculturist, Agricul- tural. Agron., Agronomy, Agronomist. Agt., Agent. An., Animal. Anal., Analytical, Analysis. Anat., Anatomy. Arch., Architecture. Assoc, Associate. Asst., Assistant. Bad., Bacteriology, Bacteriologist. Biochem., Biochemist, Biochemistry, Biol., Biology, Biologist, Biological. Bot., Botany, Botanist, Botanical. Brdg., Breeding. Chair., Chairman. Ghent., Chemistry, Chemist, Chemical. Climat., Climatology, Climatologlst. Coll., College. Comp., Comparative. Comr., Commissioner. Consult., Consulting. Coop., Cooperation, Cooperative, Cooperator. Corresp., Correspondence, Correspondent. Dent., Demonstration, Demonstrator,. Dept., Department. Dir., Director. Dist., District. Distrih., Distribution. Div., Division. Dom., Domestic. Econ., Economy, Economic, Economics. Ed., Education. Elc., Elementary. Engin., Engineer, Engineering. Ent., Entomology, Entomologist, Entomo- logical. Erad., Eradication. Expt., Experiment, Experimentalist, Experi- mental. Emt., Extension. Feed., Feeding. Pert., Fertility, Fertilizer. Flor., Floriculture, Floriculturist, Floricul- tural. For., Forestry. Oard., Gardening. Oen., General. (}€ol., Geology, Geologist, Geological. Orad., Graduate. JJistol., Histology. Hon., Honorary. Hort., Horticulture, Horticulturist, Horti- cultural. Hush.. Husbandry, Husbandman. Hyg., Hygiene. Indus., Industry, Industrial, Industries. Inorg., Inorganic. Insp., Inspection, Inspector. Instr., Instruction, Instructor. Insts., Institutes. Invest., Investigations, Investigational. Irrig., Irrigation, Irrigationist. Lab., Laboratory. Landsc., Landscape. Led., Lecturer. Libr., Library, Librarian. Mach., Machine, Machinery. Medi., Mechanics, Mechanical. Met., Meteorology, Meterologlst. Mfrs., Manufactures. Mgr. Manager. Ugt., Management. Microbiol., Microbiology, Microbiologist. Mycol., Mycology, Mycologist. Nutr., Nutrition. Oler., Olericulture, Olericulturist. Org., Organic. Ornith., Ornithology, Ornithologist. Parasitol., Parasitology, Parasitologist. Path., Pathology, Pathologist. Pedag., Pedagogy, Pedagogics. Pharm., Pharmacy, Pharmacist, Pharma- ceutical. Photog., Photography, Photographer. Phys., Physics, Physicist, Physical. Physiol., Physiology, Physiologist, Physio- logical. Pomol., Pomology, Pomologist, Pomological. Prad., Practice, Practical. Prep., Preparatory. Pres., President. Prin., Principal. Prod., Production, Products. Prof., Professor. Pubs., Publications. Set., Science, Scientific. Secy., Secretary. Secon., Secondary. Sociol., Sociology. 8ta., Station. Substa., Substation. Supt., Superintendent. Supvr., Supervisor. Surg., Surgery. Tech., Technology, Technologist, Technical. Treas., Treasurer. Trop., Tropical. Univ., University. Veg., Vegetable, Vegetation. Vet., Veterinary, Veterinarian. Vit., Viticulture, Vlticulturist, Viticultural. Voc, Vocational. Zool., Zoology, Zoologist. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES AND EXPERIMENT STATIONS. ALABAMA. Alabama Polytecbnlc Institute and the A^ricnltnral Experiment Station, Auburn. ♦College faculty. tStation staff. ^Extension staff. ♦Sprlglit Dowel], M. A., LL. D., President. *tJ. F. Duggar, M. S., Dir. of Sta. Agr.{*1i) JL. N. Duncan, M. S., Dir. of Ext. Service. ♦P. F. Bahnsen, V. S., Lect. on Phys. Diagnosis. JK. G. Baker, B. S., Beef Cattle Spe- cialist. JF. E. Boyd, M. S., Ext. Agron. JR. G. Briggs, A. M., Asst. Ext. Hort. JLyle Brown, B. S., Ext. Hort. •Otto Brown, M. S., Asst. Prof. Hort. tG. L. Burleson, B. S., Asst. An. Husb. *F. W. Burns, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. •tC. A. Gary, B. S., D. V. M., Dean of Vet. Med. and Surg.; Vet. (State Vet.) Dir. Farmers' Insts. IE. F. Cauthen, B. S., Agr. •ttP. O. Davis, B. S., Editor. •ttW. H. Eaton, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Dairy- ing; Assoc. Dairyman. JMary Feminear, B. S., State Home Dem. Agt. *tM. J. Funchess, M. S., Prof. Agron.; Soils. Asst. Dean. •tW. A. Gardner, Ph. D., Prof. Bot., Plant Physiol.; Bot. tErnest Gibbens, B. S., Asst. in Beef Husb. (P. O., Allenville). *ttM. A. Glenn, Treas. •t+J. C. Grimes, M. S., Prof. An. Husb.; An. Husb. •C. L. Hare, M. S., Prof. Phys. and Physiol. Chem. $ J. L. Herron, B. S., State Boys' Club Agt. *tt-W. E. Hinds, Ph. D., Prof. Ent.; Ent. •tC. L. Isbell, B. S., Asst. Prof. Hort.; Assoc. Hort. jHelen Johnson, A. M., Asst. State Agt., Girls' Glub Work. •tG. R. Johnstone, M. S., Asst. Prof. Bot.; Asst. Bot. $Lida Jones, Asst. State Home Dem. Agt. •L. C. LeBron, B. S., Asst. in Agr. Engin. •I. S. McAdory, B. S., D. V. M., Prof. Vet. Sci. *G. H. Marsh, M. S., Asst. Prof. Chem. •H. M. Martin, M. S., Instr. Chem. •tMary E. Martin, Libr. to. N. Massengale, B. S., Asst. Chem. *D. J. Meador, B. S., D. V. M., Lect. on Hyg. and Sanitation. •tE. R. Miller, Ph. D., Prof. Org. Chem.; Research Chem. ♦tJM. L. Nichols, M. S., Prof. Agr. Engin.; Agr. Engin. tM. H. Pearson, B. S., Marketing Spe- cialist. •P. P. Powell, M. S., Asst. Prof. Chem. *tJ. M. Robinson, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Zool., Ent.; Asst. Ent. •B. B. Ross, M. S., LL. D., Prof. Chem., Dean of Agr. Sci. (State Chem.) •tJG. C. Starcher, B. Agr., Prof. Hort.; Hort. (State Hort.) tF. D. Stevens, B. S., Farm Mgt. Spe- cialist (Coop. U. S. D. A.: P. O. Birmingham) . *E. D. Stivers, B. S., Prof. Agr. Ed. •R. S. Sugg, B. S., D. V. M., Inatr. Bact., Histol. and Path. tGIadys Tappen, Asst. State Home Dem. Agt. and Poultry Specialist. tF. L. Thomas, Ph. D., Assoc. Ent. •J. W. Tidmore, B. S., Instr. Agron. tH. B. Tisdale, M. S., Assoc, in Plant Brdg. •W. W. Webb, D. V. M., M. S., Instr. Physiol, and Therapeutics. •G. R. White, M. D., D. V. S., Lect. on An. Restraint and Surg. tJ. T. Williamson, B. S., Field Agt. in Agron. tMIna A. Willis, M. S., Asst. State Home Dem. Agt. tH. C. Wilson, D. V. M., Hog Cholera Expert (Coop. U. S. D. A.). •E. S. Winters, B. S., D. V. M., Lect. on Anti-Hog Cholera Serum. Note. — These lists were compiled by Mary A. Agnew and Althea E. Thaclier, of the States Relations Service. They include only names of persons directly engaged in teach- ing, investigation, or demonstration in agriculture and home economics. An asterisk (*) Indicates a college officer, a dagger (t) a station officer, and a double dagger (t) an extension worker. When the title of the position in the station differs from that in the college the latter is given first, except in the case of the director of the sta- tion. A key to the abbreviations used is given on page 4. 5 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. Canebrake Asricwltural Experiment Station, Vniontown. tJ. Burgess, B. S., Director. Agricnltnral and Meclianical Collese for Negroes, Normal. ♦College fnculty. $Extensioii staff. *W. S. Buchanan, B. A. S., A. M., President. Geol. and Chem. tV. C. Parks, B. S., Dir. of Ayr. Ext. tW. T. Gravitt, Farm Dem. Agt. tMiss L. C. Hannah, Home Eeon. Ext. *Mabel V. Morrow, Home Econ. ♦Lillian F. Vann, Home Econ. •Mrs. Ida C. Buchanan, Supt. of Female Industries. ♦T. G. Carlton, Agr. }E. C. Dobbs, Farm Ext. Work. ♦Mary J. Freeman, Laundering. Agricultural Scliool and Agricultural Experiuieut Station of tUe TusUegee Normal and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee Institute. ♦College faculty. fStation staff. JExtension staff. *R. R. Moton, LL. D., Principal. ♦tB. F. Hubert, B. S., Dir. of Agr. Dept. tG. W. Carver, M. S., Dir. of 8ta. and Consult. Chem. JC. J. Calloway, Dir. of Ext. Dept. *R. C. Atkins, Dairy Herd and Creamery. •H. B. Benson, Swine Herd. •J. H. Bias, D. V. M., Vet. Sci. *T. N. Cowen, Farm Mgt. *Anuie P. Crews, Dom. Sci. ♦MaT:nie Diggs, Biol. *W. W. Hayes, Truck Card. tC. M. Kynette, State Club Agt. •C. A. Lancaster, Poultry Work. •Edna S. Landers, Housekeeping. *S. B. Simmons, Teacher Training in Agr. *J. W. Sutton, Etit. ♦Ernestine Suarez, Liir. ♦Eunice M. Veale, Dom. Sci. ♦Susie M. Waggener, Dom. Sci. ♦Mrs. B. T. Washington, Dir. Women's Industries. ♦fL. J. Watkins, Forest and Grounds. tW. M. Welch, U. S. Farm Dem. *tJ. E. Whitfield, Asst. Dir. of Agr. Dept. ♦D. A. Williston, B. S., Dir. Dept. of Landsc. Card. ♦fMatthew Woods, Horse and Mule Husb. ALASKA. Agricultural Experiment Stations, Sitka, Kodiak, Rampart, Fairbanks, and Matanuska. Under the supervision of the Office of Experiment Stations, States Relations Service, United States Department of Agriculture. t Station staff. tC. C. Georgeson, So. D., Agronomist in charge, Sitka. tJ. T. Bregger, B. S., Asst. at Sitka. tB. L. Schneider, B. S., Asst. at Matanuska. tG. W. Gasser, B. S., Asst. in charge. Ram- tM. D. Snodgrass, B. S., Asst. in charge, part. Fairbanks. to. S. Hahn, M. F., Asst. at Fairbanks. tH- O. White, Asst. at Kodiak. tF. E. Rader, B. S., Asst. in charge, Mata- tW. T. White, B. S., Asst. in charge, Kodiak. nuska. ARIZONA. College of Agriculture, the Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Depart- ment of Home Economics of the University of Arizona, Tucson. ♦College faculty. tStation staff. ^Extension staff. ♦tR. B. von KleinSmid, A. M., D. Sc, J. D., President of University. •tD. W. Working, A. M., Dean Coll. of Agr., Dir. of Sta. tW. M. Cook, A. B., Dir. of Ext. Service. County Agt. Leader. •tC. N. Catlin, A. M., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Chem.; Research Specialist in Agr. Chem. ttS. P. Clark, B. S., Aast. Agron. tW. E. Code, B. S. C. E., Asst. Irrig. Engin. •tF. J. Crlder, M. S., Prof. Hort. ; Hort. •tD. W. Albert, B. S., Instr. Hort.; Asst. Hort. •Anna Bishop, Instr. Home Econ. •tJ. G. Brown, M. S., Prof. Plant Path.; Plant Path. •tW. E. Bryan, M. S., Prof. Plant Brdg.; Plant Breeder. AKIZONA ARKANSAS. •tW. S. Cunningham, B. S., Prof. Dairy Hush.; Dairy HusT). ttR. N. Davis, B. S., Asst. Dairy Husi. tR. H. Forbes,! Ph. D., Special Research Investigator. •IT. H. Gibson, A. M., Prof. Voc. and Agr. Ed. JD. A. Gilchrist, B. S., Rodent Control Specialist (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). •Helen FI. Flalm, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Eeon. *tR. S. Hawkins, B. S., Ass*. Prof. Agr on. ; Asst. Affron. ►ttHester L. Hunter, Editor. {Alice v. Joyce, State Home Dem. Leader. *ttA. F. Kinnison, B. S., Asst. Prof. Hort.; Asst. Hort. •Louise Lacey, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. •Lulu Lancaster, Instr. Home Econ. •Estelle Lutrell, A. B., Libr. tE. H. Pressley, B. S., Asst. Plant Breeder. ttH. C. Schwalen, B. S., Asst. Irrig. Engin. tG. E. P. Smith, B. S. C. E., Irri^. Engin. ♦tE. B. Stanley, B. S., Instr. An. Husi.j Asst. An. Husb. ♦DeRossette Thomas, B. S., Prof, in charge Home Econ. •tG. E. Thompson, B. S., Prof. Agron.; Agron. *tR. B. Thompson, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Poultry Husb.; Poultry Husb. *tJ. J. Thornber, A. M., Prof. Bot.; Bot. *tA. E. Vinson, Ph. D., Prof. Agr. Chem.; Chem. *tC. T. Vorhies, Ph. D., Prof. Ent.; Ent. •Jessamine C. Williams,^ B. S., Prof. Home Econ. •tR. H. Williams,' Ph. D., Prof. An. Husb.; An. Husb. ARKANSAS. Colleg:e o£ AgricTilture and tlie Agricultural Exxjeriiuent Station of the University of Arkansas, Fayettcville. •College faculty. tStation staEf. {Extension staff. •J. C. Futrall, M. A., LL. B., President of the University. •tBradforrl Knapp, B. S., LL. B., D. Agr., Dean Coll. of Agr. and Dir. of Sta. Agr. Econ. ( * ) JM. T. Payne, Dir. Agr. Ext. Div. (P. O., Little Rock). •tR. H. Austin, B. S., Instr. Agron.; Asst. Agron. •tW. J. Baerg, A. B., Head Dept. of Ent. •Oswald Blackwood. B. A., Asst. Prof. Phys. •tW. L. Bleecker, D. V. M., Head Dept. of Bad. and Path. JConnie J. Bonslagel, A. B., Home Dem. Agf. Leader (P. O., Little Rock). •J. T. Buckholz, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Bot. tJ. n. Bus, D. V. M., Actg. Head Dept. of Vet. Sci. {Actg. State Vet., P. 0., Little Rock). {Gertrude E. Conant, B. A., Specialist in yutr. (P. 0. Little Rock). •tJ. R. Cooper, A. M., Head Dept. of Hort. •Ruth M. Cowan, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. »tH. E. Dvorachek, B. S., Head Dept. of An. Husb. »tJ. A. Elliott, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Plant Path. tR. L. Foster, Ext. Editor (P. 0., Little Rock). •Margaret Gallaway, in charge Agr. Libr. »tR. M. Gow,i D. V. M., Head Dept. of Vet. Sci. {State Vet., P. O. Little Rock). •Blanche Gray, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. » On leave. •Harrison Hale, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Ch em. •Jean Hill, B. A., Instr. Home Econ. tE. A. Hodson, M. S., Agt. in Cotton Mar- keting Dem. (P. 0., Little Rock). *tR. A. Hunt, B. S., Instr. An. Husb.; Asst. An. Husb. tW. J. Jernigan, B. A., State Club Agt. {P. O.. Little Rock). JH. B. Lansden, Specialist in Poultry Husb. (P. O., Little Rock). •{A. D. McNair, Prof. Farm Mgt. and Specialist in Farm Mgt. •tR. H. Mason, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Husb.; Asst. An. Husb. {Dairying). •E. B. Matthew, M. S., Head Dept. of Agr. Ed. •H. E. Morrow, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Chem. •tMartin Nelson, M. S., Head Dept. of Agron. Vice Dean of Coll. and Vice Dir. of Sta. *tL. "W. Osborn, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agron.; Asst. Agron. •Stella Palmer, B. S., Head Dept. of Home Econ. *F. W. Pickel, M. S., Head Dept. of Biol. •tC. W. Rapp, M. S., Asst. Prof. Hort.; Asst. Hort. •tJ. W. Read, M. S., Head Dept. of Agr. Chem. 8 LIST OF WOEKERS IN AGRICULTURE. *G. E. Ripley, M. S., Prof. Phys. •tH. R. Rosen, M. S., Asst. Prof. Plant Path.; Asst. Plant Path. •tW. H. Sachs, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Agron.; Asst. Agron. (Soils). •C. Rowena Schmidt, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. •C. L. Stewart, Ph. D., Prof. Econ. and Social. *tS. R. Stout, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush.; Asst. An. Hush. (Poultry). ♦fBarnett Sure, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Agr. Chem.; Asst. Agr. Chem. »tJ. E. Syferd, D. V. M., Asst. Prof. Vet hici.; Asst. Vet. ♦Anna B. Thompson, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. *H. M. Trimble, B. S., Instr. Chem. »tJ. O. Ware, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agron.; Asst. Agron. fW. H. Woodley, B. A., Specialist in Dairying. J Claude Woolsey, M. S., Specialist in Hort. JT. R. H. Wright, B. S., Specialist in Mar- keting (Coop. U. S. D. A.). Braneh Normal College, Pine Bluff. ♦College faculty. •J. G. Ish, Jr., A. B., Superintendent. Chem,. •Alonzo Leonard, Dir. Agr. Dept. ♦Ludie Anderson, Instr. Cooking, Setoing. •Henry Harris, l7istr. Agr. •Exie Kelley, Teacher Training in 'Home Econ. ♦Leroy Moore, Prof. Chem., Phys., Biol. •Clara Stevens, Instr. Home Econ. •C. S. Woodard, Teacher Training in Agr. CALIFORNIA. College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of California, Berkeley. ♦College faculty. tStation stafif. JEstension staff. ♦D. P. Barrows, Ph. D., LL. D., President of University. *T. F. Hunt.' D. Agr., D. Sc, Dean Coll. of Agr. Agr.(*) •tWalter Mulford, F. E., Dir. of Resident Instr. and Actg. Dean Coll. of Agr. For. (♦!) ♦tC M. Haring, D. V. M., Dir. Agr. Ewpt. Sta. Vet. Sci. (*f) $B. H. Crocheron, M. S., Dir. Agr. Ext. Service. tFrank Adams, A. M., Head Div. of Irrig. Invest. •tR. L. Adams, M. S., Head Div. of Farm Mgt. •F. W, Allen, M. S., Asst. Prof. Pomol. (P. 0., Davis). •to. L. Austin, B. S., Asst. in Pomol. (P. O., Davis). •tE. B. Babcock, M. S., Head Div. of Genetics. tG. Barovetto, Field Asst. in Vit. (P. 0., Davis) . •tJ. T. Barrett, Ph. D., Prof. Plant Path. Actg. Dean Grad. School of Trop. Agr. and Actg. Dir. Citrus Expt. Station, P. 0., Riverside. •tE. T. Bartholomew, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Plant Path. (P. O., Riverside). •tL. D. Batchelor, Ph. D., Prof. Orchard Mgt. (P. 0., Riverside). •W. B. Bates, M. D., Lect. in Hyg. (P. 0., Davis). •tJ. R. Beach, D. V. M., Instr. Vet. Sci. (P. O., Davis). > On leave. *tS. H. Beckett, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Irrig. Practice (P. 0., Davis). •tH. L. Belton, Teacher in Agr. Engin. (P. 0., Davis). tJ. P. Bennett, Ph. D., Instr. Pomol. ♦Ralph Benton, M. S., Corresp. Teacher in Agr. Ed. •tF. T. Bioletti, M. S., Head Div. of Vit. and Fruit Products. tLeon Bonnet, I. A., Asst. in Vit. tS. M. Brown, Asst. Chem. (P. O., River- aide). •tDonald Bruce, M. F., Assoc. Prof. For. tV. C. Bryant, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Ext. •tJ. 9. Burd, B. S., Head Div. of Agr. Chem. ♦H. M. Butterflold, M. S., Corresp. Teacher in Agr. Ed. •W. R. Camp, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Rural Institutions. •tD. H. Carey, B. S., Teacher in Oler. (P. O., Davis). tC. D. Carpenter, D. V. M., Poultry Path. (P. O., Petaluma). OALIPORNIA. 9 •tA. W. Christie, M. S., Inntr. Fruit Prod- ucts. tLlllian D. Clark, Asst. State Home Dem. Leader. tW. T. Clarke, B. S. Prof. Agr. Ext. •tR. E. Clausen, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Genetics. •tG. A. Coleman, M. A., In-str. Ent. •tJ. L. Collins, B. S., Instr. Genetics. tS. W. Cosby, B. S., Asst. in Soils. •tW. V. Cruess, B. S., Asst. Prof. Fruit Products, •fA. B. Cummins, B. S., Asst. in Agr. Chem. (P. O., Riverside). •tS. H. Dadisman, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Ed. •tA. R. Davis, Ph. D., Instr. Soil Chem. and Bact. tJ. A. Denny, Foreman in Cereal Work J (P. O., Fresno). ( 'tE. R. de Ong. B. S., Instr. Ent. (P. 0., Davis) . tW. H. Dore, B. S., Instr. Chem. •tJ. E. Dougherty, B. S., Head Div. of Poultry Husb. (P. O., Davis). tW. P. Duruz, B. S., Asst. in Pomal. (P. 0., Davis). JR. B. Easson, B. S., Specialist in Poultry Husb. JHarriet G. Eddy, A. B., State Home Dem. Leader. JC. F. Elwood, B. S., Specialist at large. •tE. O. Essig, M. S., Asst. Prof. Ent. •tH. S. Fawcett, Ph. D., Prof. Plant Path. (P. O... Riverside). •tL. J. Fletcher, B. S., Head Div. of Agr. Engin. (P. O., Davis). ♦to. L. Flint, B. S., Instr. Landsc. Gard. and Flor. •tF. C. H. Flossfeder, Asst. Prof. Vit. (P. O.. Davis). tArthur Folger, B. S., in charge Advanced Registry Work. *tS. B. Freeborn, B. S., Asst. Prof. Ent. •tEmanuel Fritz, M. F., Asst. Prof. For. •tH. B. Frost, Ph. D., Instr. Plant Brdg. (P. 0., Riverside). *tW. F. Gericke, M. S., Asst. Prof. Soil Chem. *tJ. W. Gilmore, M. S., Head Div. of Agron. tHarold Goss, B. S., Asst. in Nutr. •tJ. W. Gregg, B. S., Prof. Landsc. Gard. and Flor. *tF. L. Griffin, M. S., Head Div. of Agr. Ed. •tA. R. C. Haas, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Plant Physiol. (P. 0., Riverside). tF. F. Halma, Asst. Plant Physiol. (P. O., Riverside). •tG. H. Hart,' D. V. M., M. D., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Sci. •tF. M. Hayes, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Sci. (P. O., Davis). •tA. H. Hendrickson, B. S., Asst. Prof. Pomol. (P. 0., Mountain View). * On leave. •tG. W. Hendry, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agron. (P. O., Davis). •tW. B. Herms, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Paror sitol. and Head Div. of Ent. and Para- sitol. •tP. L. Hibbard, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Chem. •tD. R. Hoagland, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Chem. tA. H. Hoffman, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Engin. (P. O., Davis). •tW. T. Home, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Plant Path, and Actg. Head of Div. •tW. L. Howard, Ph. D., Prof. Pomol. and in charge Deciduous Fruit Sta., P. O., Mountain View. •tC. E. Howell, M. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. (P. 0., Davis). •tE. H. Hughes, M. S., Asst. Prof. An. Husb. (P. O., Davis). +T. Fr. Hunt, B. S., Specialist at larf/e. •tR. C. Ingrim, Teacher in Farm, Mech. (P. O., Davis). •tM. E. Jaffa, M. S., Head Div. of Nutr. tJ. C. Johnston, B. S., Asst. in Citricul- ture. •tKatherine D. Jones, B. S., Assoc, in Landsc. Gard. and Flor. •tW. P. Kelljy, Ph. D., Prof. Agr. Chem. (P. O., Riverside). •tP. B. Kennedy, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Agron. •to. J. Kern, Asst. Prof. Agr. Ed. tHugh Knight, Asst. in Ent. (P. O., Riverside) . •tE. J. Lea, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Nutr. •tC. B. Lipman, Ph. D., Head Div. of Soil Chem. and Bact. •tW. E. Lloyd, B. S., Asst. Prof. Poultry Husb. (P. O., Davis). * Stephen Lockett, V. M. D., Assoc, in Vet. Sci. *tW. W. Mackie, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agron. •tB. A. Madson, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agron. tJ. C. Martin, B. S., Instr. Agr. Chem. •tD. T. Mason,' M. S., M. F., Prof. For. •tElwood Mead, D. E., Head Div. of Rural Institutions. •tWoodbridge Metcalf, M. S., Asst. Prof. For. •tJ. D. Miller, Teacher in Agr. Engin. (P. 0., Davis). •tR. F. Miller, M. S., Assoc. Prof. An. Husb. and Actg. Head of Dept. (P. O., Davis). •tBlythe F. Monroe, B. S., Asst. in Soil Tech. •tF. E. Neer, B. S., Instr. Pomol. (P. 0., Davis). +J. W. Nelson, B. S., Asst. State Leader, Coast Counties. •tE. L. Overholser, M. A., Asst. Prof. Pomol. *tG. L. Philp, B. S., Instr. Pomol. (P. 0., Davis). ♦Harvey Phipps, D. V. M., Asst. Vet. 10 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. ♦t H. J. Quayle, M. S., Prof. Ent. (P. O. Riverside ) . $W. R. Ralston, B. S., Asst. State Club Leader, Southern Comities. ♦tH. S. Reed, Ph. D., Prof. Plant Physiol. (P. 0., Riverside). *tC. L. Roadhouse, D. V. M., Head Div. of Dairy Indus. (P. 0., Davis). $C. W. Rubel, B. S., Asst. State Leader, Northern Counties. *tB. A. Rudolph, M. S., Research Assoc, in Plant Path. (P. 0., San Jose). tEdna M. Russ, B. S., Lab. Tech. Pomol. (P. 0., Davis). tK. A. Ryerson, B. S., Asst. State Club Leader, Coast Counties. *tW. A. Setchell, Ph. D., Prof. Bot. •tH. H. Severin, Ph. D., Iiistr. Ent. •tC. F. Shaw, B. S., Head Div. of Soil Tech. *t Alfred Smith, M. A., Asst. Prof. Soil Tech. (P. 0., Davis). *tC. O. Smith, M. S., Research Assoc, in Plant Path. (P. O., Riverside). ♦tElizabeth H. Smith, M. S., Asst. Prof. Plant Path. +L. B. Smith, B. S., Asst. State Leader, Southern Counties. *tR. E. Smith,! B. S., Prof. Plant Path. tJ. G. Suit, Field Asst. (P. O., Riverside). •fT. F. Tavernetti, B. S., Asst. Prof. Farm Practice (P. 0., Davis). tE. B. Thomas, B. S., Research Assoc, in Agr. Ghem. (P. O., Riverside). •fW. E. Tomson, B. S., Assoc, in An. Bust. (P. O., Davis). *tJ. Traum, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof. Yet. Sci. *tG. H. True.i B. S., Prof. An. Hush. (P. O., Davis). *tW. P. Tufts, M. S., Asst. Prof. Pomol. (P. 0., Davis). *tG. D. Turnbow, M. S., Asst. Prof. Dairy Hush. (P. O. Davis). *tR. S. Vaile, B. A., Asst. Prof. Orchard Mgt. (P. O., Riverside). *tE. C. Van Dyke, M. D., Asst. Prof. Ent. *tH. E. "Van Norman, B. S., Prof. Dairy Mgt., Dean Univ. Farm School, Vice Dir. of Sta. (P. O., Davis). tF. .7. Veihmeyer, C. B., Asst. Prof. Irrig. Invest. ♦tE. C. Voorhies, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush, and Asst. to Dean of Coll. *tH. A. Wadsworth, B. S., Asst. in Irrig. (P. O., Davis). tA. E. Way, Field Asst. in Vit. (P. 0., Fresno ) . tW. W. Weir, Asst. Prof. Soil Tech. *tJ. C. Whitten, Ph. D., Head Div. of Pomol. tE. J. Wickson, M. A., Emeritus Prof. Hort. *tG. H. Wilson, B. S., Instr. An. Hush. (P. O., Davis). *tJ. F. Wilson, M. A., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. (P. O., Davis). *tF. W. Woll, Ph. D., Prof. An. Nutr. *tC. W. Woodworth, M. S., Prof. Ent. COLORADO. The State Agriciiltiiral College of Colora«lo and the Asricultural Experi- ment Station, Fort Collins. |=College faculty.. tStation staff. fExtension staff. *C. A. Lory, M. S., LL. D., D. Sc, President. *tC. P. Gillette, D. Sc, Dir. of Sta. Zool., Ent. (*t) JH. T. French,! D. Sc, Dir. Ext. Service. ±A. E. Lovett, B. S., Acting Dir. Ext. Service and County Agt. Leader. *tO. V. Adams, B. S., Instr. Irrig. Engin.; Testing Engin. ♦Clark Alford, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron. ♦Inga M. K. Allison, E. B., Head Dept. of Home Econ. tElizabeth Arentz, B. S., Asst. in Bact. ♦Charlotte A. Baker, Lihr. ♦L. N. Berry, B. S., Instr. An. Hush. tP. K. Blinn, B. S., Alfalfa Invest., Arfc. Valley Suhsta., P. 0., Rockyford. ♦Mary Blodgett, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ., in charge Practice House. ♦R. F. Bourne, B. S., D. V. S., Prof. Vet. Physiol. »tC. I. Bray, M. S., Assoc. Prof. An. Hush.; Asst. in An. Hush. ►tR- T. Burdick, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron.; Assoc, in Agron. » On leave. tW. L. Burnet, Rodent Invest., Asst. Zool. ♦Charlotte C. Carpenter, Assoc. Prof. Home Econ. JF. J. Chase, B. S., Farm Mgt. Dem. tR. W. Clark, B. S., Specialist in An. Hush. ♦tL. D. Grain, M. E., Vice Dir. of Sta. "1fR. L. Crosman, Instr. Journalism; Ed- itor. tFloyd Cross, D. V. M., Asst. Path. *tG. A. Cumings, B. S. A. E., Assoc. Prof. Agron.; Asst. Agron. tEarl Douglass, M. S., Asst. Chem. JErma Douglass, B. S., Home Dem. Agt. Leader. ♦Rachel G. Dunn, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. COLORADO CONNECTICUT. 11 ♦Margaret Durward, Prin. School of Agr. •B. W. Fail-banks, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. •tW. 11. Feldman, D. V. M., Asst. Prof. Vet. Med.; Asst. in Path. JR. H. Felts, B. S., Asst. County Agt. Leader. ♦tH. L. Gaymon, B. S., Asst. Prof. Hart.; Asst. in Hort. •Beatrice J. Geiger, B. S., Asst. Prof. Ch em. *tG. H. Glover, M. S., D. V. M., Prof. Vet. Med.; Vet. *E. P. Goeder, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Phys. ♦tNellie E. Goldthwaite, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Research in Home Econ. IMiriam M. Haynes,i B. S., State Leader in Home Econ. ♦tW. P. Headden, Ph. D., Prof. Ghent., Oeol.; Chem. tT-W. F. Heppe, M. S., Agt. in Marketing (P. 0., Denver). •fE. B. House, B. S., in E. E., M. S., Prof. Irrig. En gin. ; Irrig. Engin. •S. A. Johnson, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Zool., Ent., Dean Faculty. *tC. R. Jones, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Zool., Ent.; Asst. Ent. •fAlvin Kezer, M. A., Prof. Agron. and Chair. Div. of Agr. ; Agron. •H. E. Kingman, B. S., D. V. S., Prof. Vet. Surg. ♦tC. D. Learn, M. S., Asst. Prof. Bot. ; Plant Path.; Asst. Bot. *tG. M. List, B. S., Instr. Ent.; Asst. Ent. »tH. D. Locklin, M. S., Assoc. Hort.; Asst. in Hort. *tB. O. Longyear, B. S., Assoc. Prof. For.; Asst. For. *tE. C. McCarty, B. S., Asst. Prof. Bot.; A.sst. Bnt. tA. E. McClymonds, B. S., Specialist in Agron. *J. D. Marshall, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron. tE. J. Maynard, M. S., Asst. An. Invest. ♦W. J. Morrill, M. F., Prof. For. (State For.). *tG. E. Morton, M. L., B. S., Head Dept. of An. Husb. {State Dairy Comr.). *tl. E. Newsom, B. S., D. V. S., Prof. Vet. Path.; Vet. Path. *J. H. Newton, B. S., Instr. Ent., Zool. ♦fMiriam A. Palmer, M. A., Instr. Zool.; Delineator, Asst. Ent. tR. L. Parshall, B. S., Irrig. Invest. (Detailed bjf U. S. D. A.). ♦tA. K. Peitersen, Ph. D., ProJ. Bot.; Bot. ♦Oliver Pennock, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Irrig. Engin. *F. G. Person, A. M., Prof. Phys. fCaroline Preston, Artist. ♦Florence Redifer, A. B., Assoc. Prof. Home Econ. tD. W. Robertson, M. S., Asst. Agron. tC. H. Rohvfer, B. S. C. E., Asst. in Irrig. Itivest. tW. G. Sackett, Ph. D., Bad. •tE. P. Sandsten, Ph. D., Prof. Hort.; Hort. (State Hort.). •$C. G. Sargent, Pd. M., Prof. Rural Ed. Dir. Voc. Ed. *G. A. Schmidt, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Ed. ♦C. N. Shepardson, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Husb. JMaude B. Sheridan, M. Pd., State Club Leader. ♦J. H. Shriber, A. B., Specialist in Rural Ed. ♦Marjorie Shutt, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. ♦J. W. Sjogren, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron. tE. D. Smith, Asst. County Agt. Leader. tJ. W. Tobiska, M. A., Asst. Chem. tR. E. Trimble, B. S., Asst. in Irrig. Invest. ♦Edgar Tubbey, Instr. Flor. tC. E. Vail, M. A., Asst. Chem. ♦G. H. Whiteford, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Chem. ♦A. W. Whitehouse, D. V. S., Asst. Prof. Vet. Med. ♦Elizabeth M. Wing, A. B., Asst. Prof. Chem. CONNECTICUT. Connecticnt Agrieiiltnral College and the Storrs Asricnlfural Experiment Station, Storrs (tele^rapli address, Storrs via Willimantic ; railroad station and express address, Willimantic) . ►College faculty. tStation staff. JExtension staff. ♦C. L. Beach, B. Agr., B. S., President. tE. H. Jenkins. Ph. D.. Dir. of Sta. tH. J. Baker, B. S., Dir. Ext. Service. ♦Julia C. r.aylpy, B. S., Instr. Chnn. JR. E. Begg, B. S., Asst. Sheep Specialist. tB. A. Brown, Supt. of Expt. Plats. JA. J. Brundage, State Club Leader. * On leave. JDorothy S. Buckley, Ph. B., Home Dem. Leader. JP. A. Campbell, M. S., Ext. Dairyman. tL. M. Chapman, B. S., Asst. Dairy Husb. 12 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. tW. T. Clark, B. S., Asst. Farm Mgt. Dem. •JL. B. Crandall, B. S., Specialist in Bee- keeping. tW. H. Darrow, M. S., Ext. Work in Fruit Or owing. •tl. G. Davis, B. A., Prof. Agr. Econ. ♦Stella M. Dean, Instr. Home Econ. tMary L. Deming, Ph. B., Specialist in Clothing Work. •+R. E. Dodge, M. A., Dean Two-Tear School of Agr. and Ext. Schools. •tHenry Dorsey, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron. ; Assoc. Agron. •B. K. Dow, V. S., Led. in Vet. Sci. tL. C. Dunn, Sc. D., Asst. Poultry Huab. tH. D. Edmond, B. S., Ohem. (P. 0., New Haven) . $B. W. Ellis, B. S., County Agt. Leader. •W. M. Esten, M. S., Prof. Bact. •tR. C. Fisher, B. S., Instr. Dairying; Asst. Dairy Hush. •G. W. Fraser, Instr. Flor. •H. L. Garrlgus, B. Agr., Prof. An. Hush. •C. B. Gentry, M. S., Dean of Teacher Training. *E. H. Gumbart, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof, of Econ. *S. P. Hollister, B. S., Ass*. Prof. Pomol. »J. L. Hughes, A. M., Asst. Prof. Chem. $R. E. Jones, Ext. Poultryman. •fW. F. Kirkpatrick, B. Agr., Prof. Poultry Hush.; Poultry Hush. •F. W. Knipe, B. S., Instr. Agr. Engin. •tG. H. Lamson, jr., M. S., Prof. Zool., Geol.; Zool. *tA. W. Manchester, B. Agr., Prof. Farm Mgt. ♦J. A. Manter, B. S., Instr. Zool. •Miss C. J. Mason, B. Agr., Instr. Bact. ♦Edith Mason, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. ♦F. P. Miller, B. S., Farm Foreman. ♦A. E. Moss, M. F., Instr. For. t Ellis Munroe, B. S., Specialist in Market- ing. ♦H. D. Newton, Ph. D., Prof. Ohem. JJ. S. Owens, M. S., Ext. Agron. tL. F. Rettger, Ph. D., Bact. ♦Ella J. Rose, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. •E. W. Sinnott, Ph. D., Prof. Bot., Gene- tics. ♦JA. G. Skinner, B. S., Instr. An. Hush. ♦tW. L. Slate, jr., B. S., Dean of Agr. and Prof. Agron.; Agron. ♦JM. Estella Sprague, Dean of Home Econ. JWalter Stemmons, B. J., Agr. Editor. •A. T. Stevens, M. S., Asst. Prof. Veg. Gard. ♦G. S. Torrey, A. M., Asst. Prof. Plant Path. fElsie Trabue, Asst. State Cluh Leader. •D. E. Warner, B. S., Asst. Prof. Poultry Hush. •tG. C. White, M. A., Prof. Dairy Hush.; Dairy Hush. ♦Edwina M. Whitney, Ph B., Lihr. Connecticnt State Agrricnltnral Experiment Station, New Haven. t Station staff. fE. H. Jenkins, Ph. D., Dir. of Sta. tR. E. Andrew, M. A., Ass*. Chem. tE. M. Bailey, Ph. D., Chem. in charge. tW. B. Britton, Ph. D., Ent. (State Ent.). tG. P. Clinton, Sc. D., Bot. tMiss V. E. Cole, Lihr. tl. W. Davis, B. S., Asst. Ent. tH. D. Edmond, B. S., Asst. Ohem. tW. O. Filley, For. (State For.). tPhilip Garman, Ph. D., Asst. Ent. tD. F. Jones, Sc. D., Plant Breeder. tFlorence A. McCormick, Ph. D., Aast. Bot. tA. E. Moss, M. F., Asst. For. (P. 0., Storrs). to. L. Nolan, Asst. Chem. tT. B. Osborne, Ph. D., Sc. D., Chief Re- search Ohem. to. E. Shepard, Asst. Ohem. tE. M. Stoddard, B. S., Asst. Bot. tB. H. Walden, B. Agr., First Asst. Ent. tM. P. Zappe, B. S., Asst. Ent. DELAWARE. DelaTvare College and the Agricultural Experiment Station, Newark. ♦College faculty. tStation staff. JExtension staff. ♦Walter HuUlhen, Ph. D., President. *tJC. A. McCue, B. S., Dean Dept. of Agr., Dir. of Sta., Dir. of Ext. Service. Hort. (♦tt). ♦tJ. F. .idams, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Plant Path.; Assoc. Plant Path. ♦tT. A. Baker, B. S., Assoc. Prof. An. Hush.; An. Hush. tJFlorenco Colbert, Secy. ♦tB. Davison, B. S., Asst. Hort. •tL. R. Detjen, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort.; Assoc. Hort. •G. A. Harter. Ph. D., Prof. Phys. ♦R. W. Helm, M. S., Prof. Agr. Ed., Dir. Voc. Ed. tG. V. C. Houghland, Asst. Agron. ♦C. O. Houghton, B. A., Prof. Biol. tE. M. R. Lamkey, Ph. D., Plant Physiol. •J. M. LeCato, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Biol. •ttT. F. Manns, Ph. D., Prof. Soil Bact., Plant Path.; Plant Path. JT. T. Martin, B. S., State Cluh Leader. DELAWARE FLORIDA. 13 *C. F. Miller, Ph. D., Prof. Chem. tRebecca Morgan, Libr. tS. C. Noble, B. S., Asst. Ghent. ►tC C. Palmer, D. V. M., M. S., Prof. Bad., An. Hyg.j Vet. JM. O. Pence, B. S., County Agt. Leader. *C. L. Penny, Sc. D., Prof. Chem., Geol. *C. R. Runk, As8t. Prof. Agron. ►tG. L. Schuster, M. S., Prof. Agron.; Agron. tL. W. Tarr, B. S., Chem. »tate College for Colored Students, Dover. ♦College faculty. 'W. C. Jason, A. M., D. D., President. •J. R. Fugett, B. S., Vac. Agr. ♦C. D. Haynes, Phya., Chem. *F. L. D. Parker, B. S., Supt. of Agr. Dept. ♦Gertrude Patterson, Dom. Sci. and Art. FLORIDA. College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Florida, Gainesville. ♦College faculty. fStation staff. {Extension staff. *A. A. Murphree, A. M., LL. D., President of University. ♦ttWilmon Newell, D. Sc, Dean Coll. of Agr., Dir. of 8ta., Dir. Ext. Div. tA. H. Beyer, M. S., Asst. Ent., Plant Path. JR. W. Blaeklock, A. B., State Club Leader. to. F. Burger, Ph. D., Pla^it Path. ♦M. D. Cody, M. A., Asst. Prof. Bot., Bact. ♦H. S. Davis, Ph. D., Prof. Biol, and Geol. JE. F. DeBusk, Asst. State Club Leader. ♦P. W. Fattlg, M. S., Prof. Agr. Ed. ♦W. L. Floyd, M. S., Prof. Bot. and Hort.. Asst. Dean Coll. of Agr. tK. H. Graham, Auditor. tJ. H. Jeffries, Supt. Citrus Branch Sta., P. 0., Lake Alfred. ♦T. R. Leigh, Ph. D., Prof. Chem. tC. K. McQuarrie, State Agt. Farm Dem. ♦Cora Miltimore, B. S., Libr. J Sarah W. Partridge, State Home Dem. Agt. Work (P. O. Tallahassee). ♦Frazier Rogers, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Engin. tR. W. Ruprecht, Ph. D., Chem. •tN. W. Sanborn, M. D., Prof. Poultry Husb., Specialist in Poultry Husb. ttJ. M. Scott, B. S., An. Indus, and Vice Dir. of Sta. ♦A. L. Shealey, B. S., D. V. M., Prof. Vet. Sci. tA. P. Spencer, M. S., Asst. Dir. of East. Div. ♦tRalph Stout.amire, B. S., Agr. Editor. tJ. B. Thompson, B. S., Specialist in For- age Crops. ♦tJ. E. Turlington, Ph. D., Prof. Agron. j Agron. tT. Van Hyning, Lfbr. tJ. R. Watson, M. A., Ent. ♦JC. H. Willoughby, B. Agr., Prof. An. Husb. and Dairying. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College for Negroes, Tallahassee. ♦College faculty. {Extension staff. ♦N. B. Young, M. A., Litt. D., President. ♦A. L. Mebane, M. S., Dean Dept. of Agr. •L. W. Black, Dairying, Poultry Husb. ♦R. G. Bruce, B. S., Prof. Teacher Training in Agr. ♦Barbarin Bryant, Instr. Housekeeping. ♦Miss B. R. Dent, Prof. Dom. Sci. •S. L. Hargrave, R. N., Instr. Nurse Train- ing and Actg. Supt. of Dept. ♦Bessie M. Hawkes, Prof. Dom. Sci. Dean Dept. of Home Econ. ♦Virginia Hilyer,» R. N., Supt. Nurse Training School. 1 On leave. ♦E. B. Jones, B. S., Prof. Chem., Biol. ♦Florence A. Kennedy, B. A., Libr. ♦Clara B. Moon, Instr. Dom. Art. ♦Ellen O. Paige, Instr. Dom. Art. ♦B. L. Perry, Hort. ♦Hattie M. Scott, R. N., Instr. Nurse Training. JA. A. Turner, Farmers' Club Organizer. ♦B. L. Waites.i A. M., Prof. Phys. 14 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. GEORGIA. Georgria State Colleg-e of Agrienlture, University of Georgia, Athens. •College faculty. +Extension staff. ♦A. M. Soule, Sc. D., F. R. S. A., LL. D., President. tJ. Phil. Campbell, B. S., Dir. of Ext. Dept. •K. D. Alexander, B, S., Assoc. Prof. Agron. •Edith M. Andrews, Assoc. Prof. Institu- tional Econ. ♦F. W. Bennett, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Dairy Husb. tLaura Blackshear, Illustrator. tWilliam Bradford, A. B., M. D., Asst. State Club Agt. JW. E. Broach, B. S., Field Agt. in Agr. Engin. •W. C. Burkhart, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Med. *T. D. Burleigh, M. S., Assoc. Prof. For, ♦Susie Burson, B. S., Teacher, Home Econ. JL. M. Carter, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Soil Cliem. ♦P. W. Chapman, B. S., State Supvr. Voc. Agr. Ed. *R. R. Childs, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron. ill charge Cotton Indus. *W. A. Clegg, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Engin. +W. O. Collins, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Soil Chem. *P. T. Connolly, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Med. *G. A. Crabb, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron. in charge Soil Work. »JMary E. Creswell, B. S., Dir. of Home Econ. tG. V. Cunningham, B. S., Asst. State Agt. fL. V. Davis, B. S., Supvr. of Pert. Invest. JLois P. Dowdle, B. S., Asst. State Supvr. Home Econ. ♦G. A. Fain, B. C. E., Prof. Agr. Engin. *J. R. Fain, D. Sc, Prof. Agron. tG. H. Firor, B. S., Field Agt. in Hort. JF. W. Fitch, B. S., Field Agt. in Dairy Husb. J J. K. Giles, B. S., State Supvr. Agr. Clubs. JH. W. Harvey, B. S., Specialist in Landsc. Card. •L. L. Hendren, Ph. D., Prof. Phys. JDeForest Hungerford, M. A., Sci. Asst. in Farm Mgt. (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). •M. P. Jarnagin, D. Sc, Prof. An. Husb. *H. N. Kaldahl, B. S., Assoc. Prof. An. Husb. tC. E. Kellogg, M. S., Beef Cattle Special- ist (Coop. U. S. D.A.). |J. G. LIddell, Swine Specialist. tM. W. Lowry, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Soil Ohem. JS. E. McClendon, B. S., Specialist in Stored Grain Insects (Coop. U. S. D. A.: P. 0., Thomasville) . *T. H. McHatton, D. Sc, Prof. Hort. tH. M. McKay, B. S., Field Agt. in Hort. JH. T. Maddux, B. S., Editor. ' tL. H. Marlatt, Field Agt. in Cheese Prod. (Coop. U. S. D. A.). JA. H. Meyer, B. S., Soil Survey Work. ♦J. H. Miller, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort. *N. D. Peacock, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort. tH. V. Persells, D. V. M., Hog Cholera Specialist (Coop. V. S. D. A.). tJ. V. Phillips, C. E., Senior Drainage Engin. (Coop. U. S. D. A.). *Erna E. Proctor, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Foods and Cookery. ♦Rosalie V. Rathbone, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Textiles and Clothing. ♦J. M. Reade, Ph. D., Prof. Bot. •Nelle M. Reese, Libr. •A. G. G. Richardson, V. M. D., Prof. Vet. Med. *G. P. Saye, B. S., Assoc. Prof. An. Husb. ♦J. E. Severin, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Med. *L. M. Sheffer, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Ed. tPaul Tabor, M. S., Field Crop Specialist. tA. M. Thornton, B. S., A.<;st. Editor. ♦P. O. Vanatter, Supt. Field Expts. JFrancis Vaughan, B. S., Adjunct Prof. Farm Crops. ♦C. L. Veatch, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Ed. in charge Practice School. tF. C. Ward, B. S., Cotton Specialist. tE. C. Westbrook, B. S., Tobacco Spe- cialist. •J. T. Wlieeler, B. S., Prof. Agr. Ed. •H. C. White, Ph. D., Sc. D., Prof. Chem. *C. N. Wilder, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Chem. *R. C. Wilson, Ph. G., Prof. Pliarm. and Materia Medica. tMrs. Bessie S. Wood, B. S., Asst. State Supvr. Home Econ. *J. H. Wood, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Poultry Husb. *W. A. Worsham, jr., A. M., Prof. Agr. Chem. ♦L. II. Wright, D. V. M., B. A., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Med. GEORGIA — GUAM — HAWAII. 15 Georgia Elcicperinieni Station, Expet'iment.^ Department of Georgia State College of Agriculture at Athens. t Station staff. tH. P. Stuckey, B. S.. Director. Hort. tR. P. Bledsoe, M. S., Agron. tB. B. Higgins, Ph. D., Bot., Plant Path. tJ. A. McClintock, M. S., Plant Physiol. tF. H. Smith, B. S., Chem. tD. G. SuUins, M. A., An. Hush. Georgia State Industrial College lor Colored Youths, University of Georgia, Savannah. *College faculty. *R. R. Wright, A. M., LL. D., President. *3. S. Frazier, Instr. Dairying. ►Mrs. W. G. Hill, Instr. Dom. Sci. ►Howard Jackson, Instr. Laundering. 1 ♦R. H. Thomas, Farm Supt. ♦Mrs. W. P. White, Instr. Seicing, Dresa- I making. GUAM. Agricultural Experiment Station, Guam, Island of Guam. Under the supervision of the Office of Experiment Stations, States Relations Service, United States Department of Agriculture. tStation staff. {Extension work. tC W. Edwards, B. S., Animal Husbandman in charge. ttW. J. Green, B. S., Asst. in Ext. Work. l fPeter Nelson, Assistant. tJoaquin Guerrero, Asst. in Hort. University of Hawaii (Divisions of Agriculture and Home Economics), Honolulu. *College faculty. *.V. L. Dean, Ph. D., President oj University. •II. F. Bergman, Ph. D., Prof. Bot. ♦Minnie E. Chipman, Prof. Household Art. •D. L. Crawford, M. A., Prof. Ent. ♦Anna von B. Dahl, Asst. Prof. Textiles. •F. T. Dillingham, M. A., Prof. Chem. *C. H. Edmondson, Ph. D., Prof. Zool. *R. M. Elliot, B. A., Instr. Phijs. •Alice E. Harbaugh, Instr. Household Art. •Clara F. Hemenway, Libr. *L. A. Henke, B. S., Head of Agr. Dept. *W. R. McAllep, Lect. on Sugar Tech. *H. S. Palmer, B. A., Prof. Geol. •Arnold Romberg, Ph. D., Prof. Phys. *Mae L. Wells, M. A., Asst. Prof. Dom. Sci. •Walter Wendt, B. S., Instr. Agr. •Richard Wrenshall, Ph. D., Prof. Chem. Agricultural Experiment Station, Honolulu. Under the supervision of the Office of Experiment Stations, States Relations Service, United States Department of Agriculture. tStation staff. JExtension work. tJ. M. Westgate, M. S., Agronomist in charge. ttF. G. Krauss, Supt. E(nt. Div. (P. 0., Haiku, Maui County). tH. L. Chung, M. S., Agron. ttR- A. Goff, B. S., Supt. Glenwood Substa. and Ext. Agt. for Island of Hawaii. s Telegraph and express address, Griffin. 17566—21 7 tW. T. Pope, M. S., Hort. tJ. C. Ripperton, Asst. Chem. 16 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. Experiment Station, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association. t Station staff. tH. P. Agee, B. S., Director. tW. P. Alexander, Ph. B., Asst. to Dir. tA. Brodie, M. A. S., Asst. Chem. tC. W. Carpenter, M. S., Assoc. Path. tE. L. Caum, B. A., Asst. Path. tR. E. Doty, B. S., Asst. in Plant Path. fAdolf Holm, 8upt. For. Nurseries. tY. Kutsunai, B. S., Asst. Agr. tH. L. Lyon, Ph. D., in charge Dcpt. o Bot. and For. 1W. R. McAllep, Sugar Tech. tJ. H. Midkiff, B. S., Asst. Agr. tW. W. G. Moir, B. S., Asst. Agr. tE. J. Mooklar, Asst. in Pineapple Invest. tF. Miiir, Ent. tH. T. Osborn, M. A., Asst. Ent. tC. E. Pembei-ton, Asst. Ent. tW. R. R. Potter, P. E., Illustrator. tG. R. Stewart, B. S., Chem. to. H. Swezey, M. S., Ent. tR. S. Thurston, B. S., Assoc. Agr. tP. H. Timberlake, A. M., Asst. Ent. tJ. A. Verret, B. S., Agr. tC. E. Warriner, Ph. C, Asst. Chem. tF. R. Werthmueller, B. S., Asst. Chem. tF. X. Williams, Sc. D., Asst. Ent. tW. L. S. Williams, Ph. B., Ass*. Agr. College of Agriculture an. *tC. C. Vincent, M. S., Prof. Hart.; Hort. *tC. L. Ton Ende, Ph. D., Prof. Ghem.; Assoc. Ghem. JClaude Wakeland, B. S., Ext. Ent. (P. O., Boise). IJessie Warrington, Asst. State Club Leader (P. 0., Boise). tC. H. Werkman, B. S., Asst. Bact. tF. L. "Williams, County Agt. Leader (P. O., Boise). *tJ. E. Wodsedalek, Ph. D., Prof. Zool., Ent.; Zool., Ent. *tV. H. Young, Ph. D., Prof. Bot.; Plant Physiol. College of Asriculture and the Asricnltnral Experiment Station o£ tlie University of Illinois, Urbana. * College faculty, t Station staff. ? Extension staff. ♦David Kinley, Ph. D., LL. D., President of University. •tJEugene Davenport, M. Agr., LL. D., D. Sc, Dean Coll. of Agr., Dir. of Sta., Dir. Agr. Ext. Service, Vice Pres. of University. *ttW. P. Handschin, B. S., Vice Dir. Ext. Service. Head Dept. of Farm Organisation and Mgt. *tW. A. Allison, M. S., Assoc, in An. Husb. ♦tA. S. Ambrose, B. S., Assoc, in Dairy Mfrs. *tn. W. Anderson, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Pomol.; Asst. Chief Pomol. tC. A. Atwood, B. S., Asst. County Agt. Leader. * J Juliet L. Bane, A. M., Asst. Prof. Home Econ., State Home Dem. Leader. ♦Harland Bartholomew, Asst. Prof, Civic Design. tF. C. Bauer, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Soils. Ext. ♦tisabel Bevier, Ph. M., D. So., Head Dept. of Home Econ. Vice Dir. Home Econ. Ext. JJ. D. Bilsborrow, B. S., Asst. County Agt. Leader. *tJ. C. Blair, D. Sc, Head Dept. of Hort. *Lyda Bond, B. S., Assoc, in Home Econ.. in charge Lunch Room Mgt. tC. A. Bonnen, B. S., Field Asst. in Farm Organization and Mgt. *tl. B. Boughton, D. V. M., Assoc, in An. Path. +W. S. Brock, B. S., Asst. Prof. Hort. Ext. ♦tPannie M. Brooks, A. B., R. N., Asst. Prof. Sanitation and Home Nursing. ♦tSleeter Bull, M. S., Assoc, in An. Nutr. *tW. L. Burlison, Ph. D.,Prof. Crop Prod.; Chief in Crop Prod. Head Dept. of Agron. 18 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. *tM. H. Campbell, M. S., Assoc, in Dairy Husb. •tS. S. Carney, B. S., Asst. in Crop Prod. JG. N. Coffey, Ph. D., Countij Agt. Leader. *tW. C. Coffey, M. S., Prof. Sheep Husb.; Chief in Sheep Husb. Actg. Head Dept. of An. Husb. *tA. S. Colby, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Pomol.; Asst. Chief Pomol. ♦tC. S. Crandall, M. S., Prof. Pomol.; Chief in Plant Brdg. *C. S. Dale, B. S., Asst. in Oler. *tJ. A. Detlefsen, Sc. D., Prof. Genetics; CMef in Oenetics. •tE. B. De Turk, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Soil Tech.; Asst. Chief in Soil Tech. *tH. B. Dorner, M. S., Prof. Flor.j Chief in Flor. *tG. H. Dungan, B. S., Assoc, in Crop Prod. *tJ. L. Edmonds, B. S., Prof. Horse Husb.; Chief in Horse Husb. ♦Alice L. Edwards, M. A., Assoc, in Dietetics. JF. F. Elliott, M. S., Asst. in Farm Or- ganization. to. I. Ellis, B. S., Asst. Chief in Soil Survey. tS. A. Forbes, Ph. D., Consult. Ent. ♦Carlotta Ford, A. B., Assoc, in Home Mgt. *W. J. Fraser, M. S., Prof. Dairy Farm^ ing. *tW. L. Gaines, Ph. D., Prof. Milk Prod.; Chief in Milk Prod. ♦Alicia W. Gates, Asst. in Home Decora- tion. *Mate L. Giddings, A. F.., Instr. Home Econ. tAnna C. Glover, Secy, of Expt. Sta. ♦tRobert Graham, D. V. M., B. S., Prof. An. Path.; Chief in An. Path. ♦tH. S. Grindley, Sc. D., Prof. An. Nutr.; Chief in An. Nutr. ♦tE. F. Guba, B. S., Asst. Pomol. ♦Ruth Guenther, A. M., Assoc, in Foods. J J. C. Hackleman, A. M., Assoc. Prof. Farm Crops Ext. ♦tS. W. Hall, B. S., Assoc, in Flor. tT. S. Hamilton, B. S., First Asst. in An. Nutr. ♦tH. A. Harding, Ph. D., Prof. Dairy Bact.; Chief in Dairy Bact. ♦tM. R. Ilarland. B. S., Asst. in Soil Phys. JE. Forne Harris, A. B., Asst. State Home Dcm. Leader. ♦Margaret Hatfield, A. B., Asst. in Foods. ♦R. B. Hicronymus, LL. D., Community Adviser. •C. S. Hill, B. S., A88t. Prof. Landsc. Card. tW. P. Hlltabrand, B. S., First Asst. in Soil Survey. ♦Ada E. Hunt, A. B., Assoc, in Foods. tJamos Hutchinson, Assoc, in Flor. > On leave. *Eda A. Jacobseu, A. M., Assoc, in Clothing. tH. G. M. Jacobsen, B. S., Asst. in Soil Fert. *t.A. W. Jamison, 1 M. S., Asst. Sttpt. Agr. Coll. Ext. "tW. G. Kammlade, M. S., Assoc, in An. Husb. tA. H. Karraker, B. S., First Asst. in Soil Fert. tMary H. Keith, A. M., First Asst. in An. Nutr. tJohn Lamb, jr., B. S.. Asst. in Soil Pert. ♦Fannie Lee, A. B., Asst. in Lunch Boom Mgt. "tP. A. Lehenbauer, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Plant Physiol.; Asst. CMef in Plant Physiol. *E. P. Lewis, B. S., Asst. in Oler. tC. M. Linsley, B. S., First Asst. in Soil Fert. ►tJ. W. Lloyd, Ph. D., Prof. Oler.; Chief in Oler. ♦May E. McAdams, B. S., A.ssoc. Land.sc. Oard. ♦Helen McCullough, A. M., .Tnstr. Home Econ. JFairie J. Mallory, Ph. B., Specialist in Clothing. "tH. H. Mitchell, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. An. Nutr. J Assoc. Chief in An. Nutr. •^tZ. H. Mohlman, B. S., Instr. Flor.; First Asst. Flor. "tJ- G. Mosier, B. S., Prof. Soil Phys.; Chief in Soil Phys. ^H. W. Mumford,^ B. S., Head Dept. of An. Husb. *%A. W. Nolan, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Ed. tE. A. Norton, B. S., Asst. in Soil Survey. »tO. R. Overman, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Dairy Chem.j Asst. Chief in Dairy Chem. JMary Pack, A. B., Asst. in Home Econ. ♦I. L. Peterson, B. S., Instr. Landsc. Card. ♦R. W. Peterson, B. S., Assoc, in Dairy Husb. J Harriet M. Phillips, B. S., Asst. State Leader of Junior Ext. *fB. S. Pickett, M. S., Prof. Pomol; Chief in Pomol. *tJohn Pieper, M. S., Assoc, in Crop Prod. *tM. J. Prucha, Ph. D., Prof. Dairy Bad.; Chief in Dairy Bact. Actg. Head Dept. of Dairy Husb. *tF. H. Rankin, B. S., Head Dept. of Agr. Coll. Ext. Asst. to the Dean. ♦tEmil Rauchenstein, B. S., Assoc, in Farm Organisation and Mgt. •tC. S. Rhode, B. S., AttA. E. Cance, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Agr. Econ. *J. S. Chamberlain, Ph. D., Prof. Org. and Agr. Chem. Ph. Research to. H. Chapman, Physiol. *tW. W. Chcnoweth, M. S., Head Dept. of Hort. Mfrs. •to. L. Clark, B. S., Asst. Prof. Bot.; Asst. Plant Path. tR. L. Coffin, Asst. Agr. JW. R. Cole, Ext. Instr. Hort. Mfrs. JLaura Comtitock, Ext. Prof. Home Econ. •G. C. Crampton, Ph. D., Prof. Insect. Morphology. *A. L. Dacy, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Market Card. *R. H. Denman, B. S., Asst. Prof. Rural Engin. •B. D. Drain, B. S., Asst. Prof. Pomol. JG. L. Farley, M. S., Supvr. Junior Ext. Work. •tH. T. Fernald, Ph. D., Head Dept. Ent. *J. A. Foord, M. S., Head Div. of Agr. and Prof. Farm Mgt. tIT. J. Franklin, Ph. D., Supt. Cranherry Suhsta. (P. 0., East Wareham). *W. K. French, B. S., Asst. in Farm Mgt. *tG. E. Gage, Ph. D., Prof. An. Path.; An. Path. tE. F. Gaskill, B. S., Asst. Agr. tH. D. Goodale, Ph. D., Research Biol. in Poultry Husi. *C. E. Gordon, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Zool. and Oeol. *C. H. Gould, B. S., Instr. Pomol. *tJ. C. Graham, B. S., Head Dept. of Poultry Husb. ♦tC. R. Green, B. Agr., Lihr. *L. R. Grose, M. F., Head Dept. of For. *C. I. Gunness, B. S. M. E., Head Dept. of Rural Engin. •Margaret Hamlin, A. B., Supvr. Agr. Courses for Women. *E. A. Harrington, Ph. D., Prof. Phys. •A. K. Harrison, Asst. Prof. Landac. Card. *W. R. Hart, A. M., Head Dept. of Agr. Ed. •P. B. Hasbrouck, B. S., Head Dept. of Phys. Registrar. tH. D. Haskins, B. S., Chem. in charge Fert. Section. JR. D. Hawley, B. S., Supvr. Ext. Schoola and Exhibits. Mrs. Harriet J. Haynes, State Home Dim. Leader. *R. L. Hoklen, B. S., Instr. An. Hush. tE. B. Holland, Ph. D., Assoc. Chem. in charge Research Section. tJ. T. Howard, Inspector. JW. F. Howe, Asst. in Boys' and O-irW Club Work. •tArao Itano, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Mi- crohioL ; Assoc. Microbiol. tLorian P. Jefferson, A. M., Research Asst. in Agr. Econ. tC. P. Jones, M. S., Asst. Chem. *H. F. Judkins, B. S., Prof. Dairying. •tF. C. Kenney, Treas. tW. S. Krout, M. A., Field Plant Path. *tJ. B. Lentz, A. B., V. M. D., Asst. in Vet. Sci. MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN. 33 *E. M. Lewis, A. M., Deayi of Coll. •tJ. B. LiiKlsey, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Ghcm. Vice Dir. of Sta. ♦W. P. B. Lockwood, M. S., Head Dept. of Dairy \n(j. til. M. Lyons, B. S., Editor and Supvr. Corrcsp. Courses. tR. J. McFall, Ph. D., Ext. Prof. Agr. Econ. *F. A. McLaughlin, B. S., Asst. Prof. Bot. JA. F. MacDougall, B. S., Farm Mgt. Dem. *tC. E. Marshall, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Microbiol. Dir. Ch'ad. School. + Anne C. Mosser, B. A., Asst. Chem. JW. C. Monahan, B. S., Ext. Asst. Prof. Poultry Husi. tF. W. Morse, M. S., Research Ghent. *J. M. Neill, B. S., Instr. MicroMol. *.T. B. Newlon, Instr. Rural Engin. ±E. H. Nodine, Ext. Instr. Poultry Hush. *.T. P. Novitski,! Asst. in Rural Social. *tA. V. Osmun, M. S., Head Dept. of Bot.; Bot., Veg. Path. tJ. E. Ostrander, A. M., C. B., Met. *tJ. B. Paige, B. S., D. V. S., Head Dept. of Vet. Set. + S. R. Parker, B. S., County Agt. Leader. *H. L. Pendleton, B. S., Instr. Dairy Husl. *C. A. Peters, Ph. D., Prof. Inorg. and Soil Chem. * John Phelan, M. A., Head Dept. of Rural Sociol., Dir. of Short Courses. JLucy M. Queal, B. S., Asst. State Home Dem. Leader. JR. W. Redman, B. S., Asst. Dir. Ext. Service. *W. S. Regan, Ph. D., Actg. Prof. Ent. *V. A. Rice, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. *W. F. Robertson, B. S., Instr. Hart. Mfrs. *W. E. Ryan, B. S., Instr. Poultry Hush. *tS. M. Salisbury, B. S., Head Dept. of An. Hush. *D. W. Sawtelle, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Econ. *tF. C. Sears, M. S., Head Dept. of Pomol. ♦Paul Serex, jr., M. S., Instr. Chem. fj. K. Shaw, Ph. D., Research Pomol. *N. L. Sims, Ph. D., Prof. Rural Sociol. ♦Edna L. Skinner, B. S., Head Dept. of Home Econ. tP. H. Smith, M. S., Chem. in charge Feed and Dairy Section. *J. L. Strahan, M. S., Asst. Prof. Rural Engin. tR. W. Swift, B. S., Asst. Chem. ♦C. H. Thayer, Instr, Agron. *C. L. Thayer, B. S., Head Dept. of Flor. *G. A. Thelin, B. S., Instr. Agron. ^ C. H. Thompson, M. S., Asst. Prof. Hort. tJH. F. Tompson, B. S., Head Dept. of Veg. Card.; in charge Market Garden Field Station {P. O. Arlington). ♦R. E. Torrey, Ph. D., Instr. Bot. *G. E. Upton, B. S., Instr. and Supt. of Dairy Mfrs. JR. A. Van Meter, B. S., Ext. Instr. Pomol. tL. S. Walker, B. S., Asst. Chem. *R. J. Watts, B. S., Secy. *tF. A. Waugh, M. S., Head Div. of Hort., Prof. Landsc. Card.; Hort. *W. S. Welles, B. S., Prof. Agr. Ed. ♦Charles Wellington, Ph. D., Prof. Chem. tH. N. Worthley, B. S., Invest, in Ent. *T. G. Yaxis, M. S., Asst. Prof. Dairying. MICHIGAN. The Michig'an Agricnltnral College and the Agrricultnral Elxpei-iineiit Station, East Lansing. *College faculty. fStation staff. JExtension staff. *F. S. Kedzie. D. Sc, President. *tR. S. Shaw, B. S. A., Dir. of Sta. Dean of Agr. JR. J. Baldwin, B. S., Dir. of Ext. Work. JHelen Arms, B. S., Dom. Art Specialist. ♦C. D. Ball, B. S., Instr. Chem. tS. L. Bandemer, B. S., Asst. in Chem. *W. B. Barrows, B. S., Prof. Zool., Physiol. *R. L. Baxter, B. S., Instr. Chem. ♦Anna E. Bayha, B. A., As.'foc. Prof. Household Art. ♦W. J. Beal, Ph. D., D. Sc, D. Agr., Emeritus Prof. Bot. *C. W. Bennett, M. S., Instr. Bot. ♦S. G. Bergquist, A. B., Instr. Geol. 1 On leave. *A. M. Berridge, B. S., M. Agr., Dir. of Short Courses. "■('E. A. Bessey, Ph. D., Prof. Bot.; Bot. ^JA. L. Bibbins, B. S., Asst. Prof. Farm Crops and Specialist in Farm Crops. tG. J. Bouyoucos, Ph. D., Research Assoc. in Soils. '■fA. M. Brown, A. B., Secy., Treas. ■fG. A. Brown, B. S., Prof. An. Hush.; An. Hush. tS. J. Brownell, B. S., Research Asst. in Dairying. 34 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. ♦P. S. Brundage, B. S., Asst. Prof. Chem. •tC. H. Burgess, Ph. D., Prof. Poultry Hush.; Poultry Hush. *J. E. Burnett, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Dairy Hush. ♦P. L. Buttrick, Asst. Prof. For. JMrs. Louise H. Campbell, B. S., State Home Dem. Leader. *F. W. Chamberlain, B. S., D. V. M., Prof. Vet. Anat. and Actg. Dean Dept. of Vet. Med. *tW. L. Chandler, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Ent.j Research Assoc, in Ent. *C. W. Chapman, B. S., Prof. Phys. *tA. K. Chittenden, M. F., Prof. For.; For. *A. J. Clark, A. B., Head Dept. of Chem. ♦Louise I. Clemens, B. S., Asst. Prof. Household ScL *A. C. Conger, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Zool. tL. H. Cooledge, A. M., Research Assoc. Pact. •fG. H. Coons, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Bot.; Assoc. Bot. *C. E. Cormany, M. S., Instr. Farm Crops. *tJ. F. Cox, B. S., Prof. Farm Crops; Farm Crops. tW. C. Cribbs, Agt. in Marketing. ♦H. T. Darlington, M. S., Asst. Prof. Bot. ♦Richard de Zeeuw, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Bot. *tE. E. Down, B. S., In-str. Farm Crops; Asst. in Farm Crops. ♦fj. R. Duncan, Instr. Farm Crops; Asst. in Farm Crops. *C. S. Dunford, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Rural Econ. tW. C. Dutton, B. S., Research Assoc, in Hort. ♦fW. E. J. Edwards, B. S., Instr. An. Hush.; Research Asst. in An. Hush. ♦E. F. Eldridge, B. S., Instr. Chem. ♦n. M. Eliot, M. A., Prof. Farm Mgt. tEdwin Ewell, Specialist in Apiculture. ♦D. T. Ewing, M. S., Asst. Prof. Chem. ♦tF. W. Fabian, B. S., Asst. Prof. Bact.; Research Assoc, in Bact. ♦Hilda Faust, A. B., Assoc. Prof. House- hold Sci. ♦tF. E. Fogle, B. S., Instr. Farm Mcch.; Asst. in Farm Mech. JE. C. Foreman, B. S., Poultry Specialist. ♦Minerva Fouts, Ph. B., Instr. Household Art. ♦Elizabeth J. Frazer, B. S., Assoc. Prof, Home Econ. Ed. ♦W. H. French, M. Pd., M. S., Prof. Agr. Ed. : Dir. Voc. Teacher Training. ♦Winifred S. Gettemy, Prof. Household Art. ♦tWard Giltner, D. V. M., M. S., Prof. Bact. and Hyg.; Bact. ♦Helen Goodrich, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Household Art. ♦O. T. Goodwin, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Dairy Hush. ♦tG. M. Grantham, E. S., Asst. Prof. Soils; Research Assoc, in Soils. fM. Louise Grettenberger, B. S., Asst. in Chem. *E. L. Grover, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Ed. ♦Thomas Gunson, Asst. Prof. Hort.; Supt, of Grounds. JR. M. Hain, B. S.. Insect Pest Specialist, *tC. P. Halligan, B. S., Head Dept. of Hort. *tE. T. Hallman, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof, An. Path.; An. Path. * Josephine Hart, B. S., Critic Teacher in Home Econ. *B. E. Hartsuch, A. B., Assoc. Prof, Chem. JJ. B. Hasselman, A. B., Supvr. of Puh- licity Work. ICoral R. Havens, Asst, Specialist in Home Econ. tE. A. Hebard, B. S., Insp. Feeds and Fcrts. =!W. O. Hedrick, Ph. D., Prof. Rural Econ. *J. J. Hendryx, Foreman of For. Nursery, *tR. P. Hibbard, Ph. D., Instr. Bot.; Re- search Assoc, in Plant Physiol. *E. B. Hint, B. S., Supt. of Advanced Registry. ♦Bertha M. Hollister, B. A., Seed Ana- lyst. fH. D. Hootman, Supt. Graham Hort. Expt. Sta. (R. F. D. 7, Grand Rapids). tA. J. Rowland, Asst. in Dairying. *tl. F. Huddleson, M. S., Asst. Prof. Bact.; Research Assoc. Bact. *R. S. Hudson, B. S., Farm Supt. *Osee Hughes, B. A., Asst. Prof. House- hold Sci. *R. C. Huston, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Chem. *.T. P. Hutton, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof, Surg, and Clinics. JMargaret Hutty, Ass*, in Girls' Cluh Work. *H. E. Johnson, D. V. M., Asst. Prof. Gomp. Anat. t Stanley Johnston, B. S., Supt. South Haven Sta., P. 0., South Haven. ■Hilda M. Kellner, 7«.sfr. Dairying. *Ruth M. Kellogg, B. S., Instr. House- hold Sci. *R. H. Kelty, B. S., Instr. Apiculture. *B. F. Kindig, Instr. Apiculture. tJ. E. Kotila, B. S., Research Asst. in Bot. *II. M. Krebs, B. S., Instr. Chem. tW. J. Kurtz, B. S., Asst. in Dairy Hush, *tMrs. Linda E. Landon, Lihr. *H. C. Lange, B. A., Instr. Chem. ♦W. B. Laycock A. B., Assoc. Prof. Phys, ♦V. E. Le Roy, M. S., Instr. Zool. tJEzra Levin, B. S., Research Assoc, in Soils and Muck Crop Specialist. ♦W. C. Lewis, B. S., Instr. Chem. ♦H. D. Lightbody, M. S., Instr. Chem. *tR. E. Loree, B. S., Asst. Prof. Hort.; Asst. Hort. *tM. M. MeCool, Ph. D., Prof. Soils; Soil Physicist. *tEugenia I. McDaniel, A. B., Asst. Prof. Ent.; Asst. Ent. MICHIGAN MINNESOTA. 35 JK. H. McDonel, B. S., Asst. to Ext. Dir. tD. L. McMillan, B. S., Supt. Upper rcn- insula Substa. (P. 0., Ghatham). Robert Mackie, Instr. An. Httsb. •W. LeR. Mailman, B. S., Asst. Prof. Bad. *R. E. Marshall, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort. *1C. R. Megee, A. M., Asst. Prof. Farm Crops; Asst. in Farm Crops. *tC. E. Millar, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Soils; Research Asst. in Soils. tE. J. Miller, M. S., Research Asst. in Ghem. ±H. C. Moore, Specialist in Hort. tEben Mumford, Ph. D., County Agt. Leader. *tH. H. Musselman, B. S., Prof. Farm Mech.j Farm Mech. tRay Nelson, B. S., Asst. in Plant Path. *tC. E. Newlander, B. S., Asst. Prof. Dairy Mfrs.; Research Asst. in Dairying. *tW. E. Newlon, B. S., Instr. Poultry Hv.sb.; Asst. in Poultry Husb. fPercy O'Meara, B. S., Asst. in Ghem. *tN. L. Partridge, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Pomol. ; Research Asst. in Pomol. fA. J. Patten, B. S., Ghem. *May Person, A. B., Asst. Prof. House- hold Sci. *tR. H. Pettit, B. S., prof. Ent.; Ent. JAurelia B. Potts, B. S., Asst. Home Dem. Leader. *ll. L. Publow, B. S., Ch. E., Asst. Prof. Chem. tG. W. Putnam, B. S., Research Asst. in Farm Crops. t+D. F. Rainey, B. S., Asst. in Farm Crops. ill. C. Rather, Specialist in Farm Crops. *H. S. Reed, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Chcm. IF. T. Riddell, B. S., Asst. Dairy Husb. iElda I. Robb, B. S., Asst. in Girls' Club Work. to. E. Robey, B. S., Household Engin. Specialist. tC. S. Robinson, Ph. D., Research Assoc. Chcm. *B. B. Roseboom, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Physiol. tG. L. A. Ruehle, M. S., Research Assoc. in Bad. *R. A. Runnells, D. V. M., Asst. Prof. An. Path. *E. K. Sales, D. V. M., Asst. Prof. Surg. *F. H. Sanford, M. F., Assoc. Prof. For. *Burt Sangster, Asst. in Farm Mech. *tE. C. Sauve, B. S., Asst, Prof. Farm Mech.; Asst. in Farm Mech. *D. A. Seeley, M. S., Instr. Met. *D. L. Shafer, Instr. Farm Mech. *tO. W. Simpson, B. S., Instr. Soils; Asst.^ in Soils. JEdna V. Smith, B. S., Specialist in Household Mgt. tR. M. Snyder, Ph. D., Research Asst. in Bact. *tF. A. Spragg, M. S., Asst. Prof. Farm Crops; Research Assoc, in Crop Brdg. *tC. H. Spurway, M. Agr., Asst. Prof. Soils; Research Assoc, in Soils. *J. W. Stack, B. S., Instr. Zool. ♦Florence A. Stoll, B. S., Instr. House- hold Art. *tC. W. Straight, Instr. Farm Mech.; Field Foreman. *Mary E. Sweeny, M. S., Dean of Home Econ. *Ethel Taft, B. S., Instr. Household Art. iL. R. Taft, M. S., Insp. Orchards and Nurseries. * J Hale Tennant, B. A., Assoc. Prof. Econ., Agt. in Marketing. fA. H. Teske, Insp. Feeds and Ferts. *F>ertha E. Thompson, M. A., Instr. Bot. JR. A. Turner, State Club Leader. ♦fR. L. Tweed, M. S., Instr. Bart.: Re- search Asst. in Bact. ^Barbara Van Heulen, B. S., .isst. in Girls' Club Work. *Cecile Van Steeuburg, B. Ph., Asst. Prof. Household Art. $J. A. Waldron, B. S., Specialist in Dairy- ing. *A. G. Weidemann, B. S., Asst. in Soils Lab. |J. W. Weston, Asst. County Agt. Leader (P. 0., Marquette). *tL. C. Wheeting, M. S., Instr. Soils; Asst. in Soils. JDonald Williams, B. S., Sheep Husb. to. B. Winter, A. B., Research Assoc. Chem. *W. Wise, Asst. in Poultry Husb. *E. F. Woodcock, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Bot. tL. Zae Wyant, A. M., M. H. E., Research Assoc, in Bact. *tH. C. Young, M. S., Instr. Bot.; Re- search Assoc, in Plant Physiol. MIIVNESOTA. Department of Agricnltnre (College of Agrricnlture, Forestry, and Home E^conomlcis ; the School of Agriculture; and the Agricultural Experiment Station) of the University of Minnesota, University Farm, St. Paul. ♦College faculty. tStation staff. ^Extension staff. *L. D. Coffman, Ph. D., President of University. *tR. W. Thatcher,^ M. A., D. Agr., Evan Dept. of Agr., Dir. of Sta. J A. D. Wilson, B. S. in Agr., Dir. of Agr. Ext. and Supt. of Farmers' Inats. ■tW. H. Alderman, B. S., Chief Div. of Hort. 'tJ. H. Allison, M. F., Prof. For.; Asst. For. *tF. J. Alway, Ph. D., GMef Div. of Soils. ♦A. K. Anderson, M. S., Instr. Agr. Biochem. *Bdla Anderson, B. S., Instr. Nutr. Assumes directorship of New York State Station July 1, 1921. 36 LIST OF WOEKERS IN AGRICULTUIIE. tJ. A. Anderson, B. S., Asst. Hort., West Ventral Substa., P. O., Morris. *P. A. Anderson, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Husl). •tA. C. Arny, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron.; Assoc. Agron. ♦Elizabeth L. Bacon, B. A., Instr. Tewtiles and ClotMng. •tC. H. Bailey, M. S., Prof. Agr. Biochem.; Assoc. Agr. Biochem. in charge Cereal Tech. {Margaret B. Baker, Asst. State Club Leader. JF. E. Balmer, B. S., County Agt. Leader. *H. D. Barker, M. S., Instr. Plant Path. ♦P. B. Barker, M. A., Instr. Agron. •tL. B. Bassett, Asst. Prof. Farm Mgt.; Asst. Farm Mgt. tJ. H. Beaumont, M. S., Asst. in Hort. to. I. Bergh, B. S., 8upt. Grand Rapids Substa., P. O., Grand Rapids. ♦Alice M. Blester, M. A., Asst. Prof. Nutr. ♦tW. A. Billings, D. V. M., Instr. Path.; Asst. Path. ♦A. G. Black, B. S., Instr. Farm Mgt. ♦tJ. D. Black, Ph. D., Chief Div. Agr. Econ. ♦tAndrew Boss, Chief Div. of Agron. and Farm Mgt. 'Vice Dir. of Sta. ♦tWilliam Boss, Chair. Agr. Engin. Group. ♦tW. L. Boyd, D. V. S., Asst. Prof. Vet. Med.; Asst. Vet. tR. O. Bridgford, Asst. Agron., West Cen- tral Substa., P. O., Morris. ♦tW. G. Brierley, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort.; Assoc. Hort. tC. E. Brown, Poultryman NW. Substa. P. O., Crookston. ♦Carlotta M. Brown, Instr. Millinery. ♦Clara M. Brown, A. B., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. JMary L. Bull, Home Econ. Specialist. ♦Genevieve Burgan, B. S., Instr. Textiles and Clothing. ♦tJ. W. Bushnell, M. S., Instr. Hort.; Asst. in Veg. Research. ♦tLeRoy Cady, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort.; Assoc. Hort. JAnnabelle Campbell, Poultry Specialist. ♦N. K. Carnes, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. tW. L. Cavert, M. S., Farm Mgt. Dem. ♦tC. R. Chambers, M. A., Instr. Agr. Econ.; Research Asst. in Agr. Econ. ♦fj. E. Chapman, M. S., Asst. in Soils. JN. B. Chapman, M. A., Poultry Husb. Specialist. tR. N. Chapman, Ph. D., Asst. Ent. ♦tE. G. Cheyncy, B. A., Chief Div. of For. ♦Alice M. Child, M. A., Instr. Foods and Cookery. $S. B. Cleland, B. S., Asst. County Agt. Leader. $M. n. Coe, B. S., Specialist in Club Work. JEsther Cooley, M. S., Clothing Specialist. $Lucy Cordiner, M. S., Specialist in Home Econ. +W. J. Corwln, B. S., Asst. County Agt. Leader. {Josephine Creelman, Specialist in Home Nursing. ♦F. P. Daniels, B. S., I7istr. Hort. ♦Florence Defiel, B. A., Instr. Ent. ♦J. G. Dent, Instr. Agr. Engin. ♦Jean M. Dorsey, B. S., Instr. Foods-Mgt. ♦tM. J. Dorsey, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Hort.; Fruit Brdg. ♦tLouise Dosdall, M. A., Instr. Plant Path.; Mycol. $J. M. Drew, Asst. in Ewt. Work. *tR. A. Dutcher, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Biochem.; An. Nutr. *W. P. Dyer, B. A., Asst. Prof. Agr. Ed. ♦Amanda Ebersole, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. Ed. ♦tC. IT. Eckles, M. S., Chief Div. of Dairy Husb. *G. R. B. Elliott, Asst. Prof. Farm Drain- age. +T. A. Brickson, B. A., State Club Leader. *tC. L. Farabaugh, B. S., Instr. Bot.; Asst. in Plant Physiol. *tE. F. Ferrin, M. Agr., Prof. An. Husb.; Asst. Chief An. Husb. ♦A. M. Field, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Ed. ♦Hally J. Fisher, R. N., Instr. Home Nursing. *tC. P. Fitch, M. S., D. V. M., Chief Div. of Vet. Med. *tM. H. Fohrman, A. M., Asst. Prof. Dairy Husb.; Asst. Dairy Husb. tL. V. France, M. S., Asst. in Ent. *tB. M. Freeman, Ph. D., Chief Div. of Plant Path, and Bot. Dean of Col- lege. ♦tL. P. Garey, M. A., Asst. Prof. Farm Mgt.; Asst. in Farm Mgt. Invest. ♦tG. D. George, Illustrator. fR. H. Giberson, B. S., Asst. State Club Leader. ♦Harriet Goldstein, B. A., Asst. Prof. Household Art. ♦Vetta Goldstein, Instr. Textiles and Clothing. ♦tR. A. Gortner, Ph. D., Chief Div. of Agr. Biochem. ♦tS. A. Graham, M. S., Asst. in Econ. Ent. ♦tFred Grififee, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agron.; Asst. in Plant Brdg. *T. W. Gullickson, B. S., Instr. Dairy Husb. tAugust Haedecke, Asst. in Agron. *T. S. Hansen, B. S., Instr. For. tCharles Haralson, Supt. Fruit Farm (P. O., Excelsior). ♦A. L. Harvey, B. S., Instr. An. Husb. tR. B. Harvey, Ph. D., Asst. Plant Physiol. JEdwin Haslerud, B. S., Specialist in Livestock Marketing. ♦tH. K. Hayes, M. S., Prof. Plant Brdg.; Agron. ♦E. A. Hewitt, D. V. M., Instr. An. Physiol. MINNESOTA. 37 tR. E. Hodgson, M. S., Supt. SE. Dem. Farm and Substa., P. O., Waseca. tG. F. Howard, Asst. State Club Leader. tJohn Husby, B. S., An. Hush., NW. Suh- sta., P. 0. Croolcston. •M. G. Jacobsen, B. S., Instr. Farm Bldgs. •fFrancls Jager, Chief Div. of Bee Cul- ture. •A. D. Johnston, Instr. Agr. Engin. tJ. S. Jones, B. S., Asst. County Agt. Leader. tP. S. Jordan, B. S., An. Hush., West Central Expt. Sta., P. O., Morris. *J. R. Keithley, M. A., Prof. Dairy Mfrs. •tCornella Kennedy, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Agr. Chem.j Asst. Agr. Chem. •tH. C. H. Kernkamp, D. V. M., Asst. Prof. Vet. Set.; Asst. Yet. *tW. P. Kirkwood, B. A., Prof. Journal- ism. Editor. +A. J. Klttleson. Asst. State Club Leader (P. 0., Croolcston). tH. H. Knight, Ph. D., Asst. Ent. ♦tL. I. Knight, Ph. D., Prof. Plant Physiol.; Plant Physiol. JAdele Koch, B. S., Asst. State Leader of Home Dem. Work. *tF. A. Krantz, B. S., Ifistr. Eort.; Asst. Hort. *tA. H. Larson, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Bot.; Seed Analyst. *tJ. G. Leach, M. S., Asst. Prof. Plant Path.; Asst. Plant Path. ♦Ruth Lindquist, B. S., Instr. Home Mgt. •Lou Lombard, Instr. Home Econ. * Georgina Lommen *, Instr. Agr. Ed. *G. A. Lundquist, M. A., Asst. Prof. Rural Sociol. tT. M. McCall, B. S., Hort., NW. Expt. Sta., P. O., Croolcston. ♦Mabel C. McDowell, B. S., Instr. Foods- Mgt. tAlice McFeely, Asst. Editor. ♦tF. W. McGinnis, M. S., Asst. Prof. ASubsta., P. O., North Platte. 44 LIST OF WOKKEKS IN AGRICULTURE. NE3VADA. College of Agrpienltnre and flie Agrlctiltural Experiment Station of the University of Nevada, Reno. ♦College faculty. fStation staff. +Extension staff. *W. E. Clark, Ph. D., LL. D., President of University. ♦Robert Stewart, Ph. D., Dean Coll. of Agr. Agron.i*) tS. B. Doten, M. A., Dir. of Sta. Ent.ii) JC. A. Norcross, A. B., Dir. Agr. Ext. ♦Maxwell Adams, Ph. D., Prof. Chem. ♦Romanzo Adams.i Ph. D., Prof. Agr. Econ. tF. L. Bixby, C. E., in charge Irrig. 'Work. {Detailed ly U. S. D. A.). *C. L. Brown, A. M., Instr. Biol. $M. D. Collins, B. S., Poultry Hush. Spe- cialist and State Clut Leader. tC. W. Creel, B. S., County Agt. Leader. ♦S. C. Dinsmore, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agr, Chem. (State Chem.). *tC. E. Fleming, B. S., Assoc. Prof. An. Hush.; Range Mgt. ♦Peter Frandsen, A. M., Prof. Biol. »tGeorge Hardman, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agron.; Asst. in Irrig. *L. W. Hartman, Ph. D., Prof. Phya. +Margaret M. Johnson, M. A., State Home Dem. Leader. *C. W. Lantz, A. M., Asst. Prof. Bot., Hort. ♦Sarah L. Lewis, M. S., Prof. Home Econ. ♦Margaret E. Mack, A. M., Asst. Prof. Biol. tM. R. Miller, B. S., Chem. ♦Jessie P. Pope, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. t Edward Records, V. M. D., Tet. 1 Martha Ryan, Libr. ►JV. E. Scott, B. S., Prof. Dairying. *G. W. Sears, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Chem. tL. R. Vawter, V. M. D., Vet. Path. "JF. W. Wilson, M. S., Prof. An. Hush. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Ne-w Hampshire Collegje of Aaricultnre and tlie jVIeclianie Arts and tlie Agricnltnral Experiment Station, Durham. ♦College faculty. iStation staff. lExtension staff. ♦R. D. Hctzel, A. B., LL. D., President. tJJ. C. Kendall, B. S., Dir. of Sta., Dir. Ext. Service. ♦Mabel Brown, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Bot. ♦to. R. Butler, Ph. D., Prof. Bot.; Bot. *tC. R. Cleveland, A. B., Asst. Prof. Econ. Ent.; Asst. Ent, •W. B. Cookingham, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Ed. ♦H. F. DePew, B. S., Instr. Dairy Husb. •W. L. Doran, M. S., Asst. Prof. Bot. ♦tM. G. Eastman, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agron.; Asst. Agron. ♦C. J. Pawcett, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. ♦H. C. Fogg, B. S., Asst. in Chem. ♦W. S. Frost, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Chem. *tJ. M. Fuller, B. S., Prof. Dairying; Dairy Hush. *Isa A. Greene, B. S., Prof. Home Econ. ♦tJ. R. Hepler, B. S., Asst. Prof. Veg. Gard.; Asst. in Veg. Gard. ♦H. L. Howes, Ph. D., Prof. Phys. *B. E. Muggins, Asst. in Dairy flush. ♦Alma D. Jackson, M. A., Instr. Zool. *C. F. Jackson, M. A., Prof. Zool., Ent. ♦Charles James, P. I. C, Prof. Chem. ♦tH. R. Kraybill, Ph. D., Prof. Agr. Chem.; Chem. ♦tW. P. Lewis, M. A., B. L. S., Lihr. tA. D. Llttlehale, Shepherd. ♦Helen McLaughlin, Instr. Home Econ. ♦t James Macfarlane, In.str. Flor.; Florist. tJElizabcth E. Mehaffey, Asst. Lihr. •Clement Moran, A. B., Asst. Prof. Phya. ' On leave. *tW. C. O'Kane, M. A., Prof. Econ. Ent.; Ent. ♦G. A. Perley, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Chem. ♦C. H. Pe+tee, C. E., LL. D., Dean of College. ♦O. A. Phelps, Asst. in Zool. ^tG. F. Potter, M. S., Prof. Hort.; Hort. ♦A. W. Richardson, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Poultry Hush. "tE. G. Rilzman, B. S., Prof. An. Hush.; An. Hush. IE. P. Robinson, B. S., County Agt. Leader. JMary L. Sanborn, Asst. State Club Leader. *M. M. Smith, B. A., Asst. Prof. Chem. tT. O. Smith, M. S., Research Chem. ►tC. P. Spaeth, B. S., Asst. in Agr. Chem. ♦C. L. Stevens, A. B., Asst. in For. |-JH. B. Stevens, A. B., Editorial and Re- cording Secy. *tF. W. Taylor, B. S., Prof. Agron. and Dean of Agr. Div.; Agron. JC. B. Wadleigh, B. S., State Cluh Leader. JG. L. Waugh, B. S., Agt. in Dairying. ►tS. W. Wentworth, B. S., Instr. Hort.; Asst. Hort. JDaisy D. Williamson, State Home Dem. Leader. *iK. W. Woodward, M. P., Prof. For.; For. LIST OF WOEKEES IN AGEICULTUEE. 45 NEW JERSEY. State College of Asricnlture an«l Mechanic Arts and tlie Agricultural Ex- periment Station of Rutgers College and the State University of Ne^iv Jersey, Neio Brunswick. ♦College faculty. fStation staff. iE-xtension staff. *W. H. S. Demarest, A. M., D. D., LL. D., Presidmt. *t.T. G. Llpman, Ph. D., Dean of Agr. and Dir. of Sta. Agr. (*); Soil Chem., /?ac*.(t) JL. A. Clinton, M. S., Dir. Div. of Ext. in Agr. and Home Econ. *Frank App,i Ph. D., Prof. Agr on. JMrs. Helen M. App., State Home Dem. Leader. •R. P. Armstrong, M. S., Asst. Prof. Poniol. tJ. W. Bartlett, B. S., Specialist in Dairy Husl). *tA. W. Blair, A. M., Prof. Agr. Chem.; Assoc. Soil Chem. *JM. A. Blake, B. S., Prof. Hort. *F. C. Button, B. S.. Asst. Prof. Dairy Husl). tL. G. Cook, B. S., Asst. to Dir. of Sta. •tM. T. Cook, Ph. D., Prof. Bot. and Plant Path.; Plant Path. JH. R. Cox, M. S., Specialist in Soil Fert. and Agron. *W. J. Crozier, Ph. D., Prof. Zool. *R. E. Danforth, M. S., Asst. Prof. Zool. *A. C. de Regt, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Chem. *T. A. Devan, M. D., Prof. Hyg. and Sani- tary Set. tG. W. Fant, B. S., Lab. Asst. in Plant Path. *A. J. Farley, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort. f J. R. French, B. S., Asst. Specialist in Fruit Growing. JMrs. Catherine H. Griebel, Specialist in Clothing. , *tT. J. Headlee, Ph. D., Prof. Ent.; Ent. (State Ent.) *F. G. Ilelyar, B. S., Prof. An. Husl). and Dir. of Short Courses. JElsie R. Home, B. S., Asst. State Clui Leader. tA. M. Hulbert, State Club Leader. *F. W. Jackson, B. S., Asst. in Veg. Card. JEthel Jones, M. A., Asst. State Club Leader. *M. S. Klinck, B. S., Ass*. Prof. Rural Engin. JW. F. Knowles, A. B., Asst. State Leader Farm Dem. *L. R. Lane, Mgr. Coll. Farm. *G. F. Leonard, M. D., Lect. on Bact, *II. R. Lewis, M. Agr., Prof. Poultry Hush. *J. V. Lewis, S. B., Prof. Geol. ♦Ernest Little, M. A., Asst. Prof. Chem. *G. W. Martin, M. S., Asst. Prof. Bot. tW. H. Martin, Ph. D., Assoc. Pla/nt Path. JA. F. Mason, M. S., Specialist in Hort. tAugusta E. Meske, Asst. Ent. *A. R. Moore, Ph. D., Prof. Physiol. tW. D. Moore, B. S., Lab. Asst. in Plant Path. *G. W. Musgrave, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agron. ftlngrid Nelson, A. B., Asst. Editor. *T. C. Nelson.i Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Zool. tC. H. Nissley, B. S., Specialist in Fruit and Veg. Growing. *G. A. Osborn, B. S., Libr. ±1. L. Owen, B. S., County Agt. Leader, State Supt. Farm Dem. ♦tAlvah Peterson, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Ent.; Asst. Ent. JFlorence Powdermaker, M. S., Specialist in Nutr. *F. R. Pratt, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Phys. tA. L. Prince, M. S., Asst. Chem. *W. M. Regan, A. M., Prof. Dairy Husb. IS. B. Roberts, Asst. Specialist in Dairy- ing. *H. O. Sampson, B. S., Prof. Agr. Ed. *tE. L. Sargent, M. S., Instr. Chem.; Re- search A.'ist. in Plant Physiol. *L. G. Schermerhorn, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Veg. Oard. *H. B. Seaver, B. S., Instr. Hort. *tJ. W. Shive, Ph. D., Lect. on Plant Physiol.; Plant Physiol. *W. C. Skelley, B. S., Instr. An. Husb. *W. C. Thompson, B. S., Asst. Prof. Poultry Husb. *P. H. Van der Meulen, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Chem. fS. A. Waksman, Ph. D., Microbiol, and Soil Research. JA. G. Waller, M. S., Asst. in Farm Mgt. ♦E. B. Watson, M. A., Instr. Bot. tCyrus Witmer, Field and Lab. Asst. ttC. R. Woodward, M. A., Editor. *R. G. Wright, Ph. D., Prof. Chem. New Jersey State Agricultural Experiment Station, New Brunswick. t Station staff. tJ. G. Llpman, Ph. D., Dir. of Sta. tFrank App,' Ph. D., Agron., Farm Mgt. tR. P. Armstrong, M. S., Assoc. Pomol. tH. G. Bailey, Foreman of Veg. Gard. ^ On leave. tC. S. Beckwith, B. S. tF. S. Beckwith, B. Sampler. Asst. Ent. S., Fcrt. and Feed 46 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. fll. M. Biekart, Florist. tM. A. Blake, B. S., Hort. tJ. E. Brodie, B. S., Asst. Chem. tF. C. Button, B. S., Asst. Dairy Husi. i-C. S. Cathcart, M. S., Chem. tC. H. Connors, B. S., Assoc, in Hort. Invest. tL. G. Cook, B. S., Asst. to Dir. tJohn Donker, Head Dairyman. tA. J. Farley, B. S., Assoc. Hort. tJessie G. Fiske, Ph. B., Seed Analyst. tT. J. Headlee, Ph. D., Ent. {State Ent.). tF. G. Helyar, B. S., An. Husb. tP. W. Jackson, B. S„ Asst. in Veg. Gard. fJ. S. Joffe, B. S., Research Asst. in Micro- biol. tH. R. Lewis, M. Agr., Poultry Husb. tS. W. Mead, M. S., Asst. Dairy Husb. t Hazel H. Moran, Asst. Libr. tG. W. Musgrave, M. S., Assoc. Agron. tlngrld Nelson, A. B., Asst. Editor. tT. C. Nelson, 1 Ph. D., in charge Oyster Invest. tG. A. Osborn, B. S., Ubr. tA. T. Perkins, B. S., Asst. Seed Analyst. jR. F. Poole, M. S., Asst. Plant Path. tG. H. Pound, B. S., Research Asst. in Poultry Husb. tN. S. Purrington, Sampler and Asst. tW. M. Regan, A. M., Dairy Husb. tW. R. Robbers, Supt. Advanced Registry. tL. G. Schermerhorn, B. S., Specialist in Veg. Invest. tWilliam Schieforstein, Orchard Foreman. tH. B. Seaver, B. S., Asst. in Pornol. tMorris Siegel, Poultry Foreman. tDorothy Silbert, A. B., Asst. Seed Analyst. tW. C. Skelley, B. S., Asst. in An. Husb. tL. R. Smith, B. S., Asst. Chem. tW. C. Thompson, B. S., Asst. Poultry Husb. tW. N. Walden, Asst. Ent. tA. G. Waller, M. S., Farm Mgt. Research. tA. C. Wark, Asst. Chem. tB. H. Wene, Poultry Foreman. tR. L. Willis, B. S., Asst. Chem. tC R. Woodward, M. A., Editor. NEW MEXICO. JfCTV Mexico College of Agrricnlture and Mechanic Arts an»l tlie Agricnl- taral Experiment Station, State College (freiglit and express address, Mesilla Park). ♦College faculty, t Station stafif. {Extension staff. *R. W. Clothier, Ph. D., President and Dean School of Agr. *ttFabian Garcia, M. S., Dir. of Sta. iTor*.(*tJ) JC. F. Monroe, M. Agr., Dir. of Ext. Service. *tW. A. Archer, B. S., Asst. Prof. Biol.; Asst. Biol, and Plant Path. tE. L. Barrows, Asst. in Irrig. •Callie M. Bli.ss, M. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. tD. W. Bloodgood, B. S. M. E., Irr^g. Engin. (Coop. U. S. D. A.). *tL. S. Brown, B. S., Asst. Prof. Chem.; Asst. Chem. •tMargaret S. Buvens, B. S., Libr. ♦J. W. Clarson, jr., B. S., Prof. Voc. Ed. *tW. T. Conway, B. S., Asst. Agron. *tO. C. Cunningham, B. S., Prof. Dairy- ing; Dairyman. iW. L. Elser, B. S., Asst. to Dir. of Ext. Service. *tA. B. Fite, B. S., Asst. Prof. Hort.; Asst. Hort. ♦tLuther Foster, M. S., Prof. An. Husb.; An. Husb. *Mrs. R. G. Foster, B. S., Prof. Home Econ. '■ On leave. JL. II. Hauter, M. S., Ext. Editor. *tL. A. Higley, Ph. D., Prof. Chem.; Chem. IE. P. Johnson, D. V. M., Ext. Vet. {Coop. U. S. D. A.). *tJ. L. Lantow, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Husb.; Asst. An. Husb. +C. A. McNabb, Field Agt. in Marketing. *tRobert Middlebrook, A. B., M. D., Head Dcpt. of Biol.; Ent. $H. S. Moles, County Agt. Leader. *F. R. Powers, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Engin. *tG. R. Quesenberry, B. S., Prof. Agron.; Agron. tJosS Qulntero, B. S. M. E., Asst. Chem. jMary B. Richardson, B. Di., State Home Dem. Leader. *tF. E. Uhl, B. S., Prof. Poultry Husb.; Poultryman. tC. P. Wilson, M. S., Editor. LIST OF WOKKERS IN AGRICULTURE. 47 NEW VORK. New Vork; State College of Asrieultnre and tbe Aiarricultural Experiment Station at Cornell University, Ithaca. ♦College faculty. tStation staff. ^Extension staff. *A. W. Smith, M. M. E., Acting President of Vnicersity. *ttA. R. Mann, B. S. A., A. M., Dean Coll. of Afjr., Dir. Agr. Expt. Sta., andi Dir. of Ext. 'ttBristow Adams, B. A., Prof, in Ext. Service, Editor and Head Dipt, of Pubs. tR. M. Adams, B. S., Ass*. Ext. Prof. Vcg. Oard. *+A. A. Allen, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Ornith. *C. L. Allen, M. S., Instr. An. Husb. •Lillian M. Allen, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. •E. F. Artschwager. Ph. D., Instr. Bat. tM. V. Atwood, A. B., Asst. Prof. Ext. Teaching and Assoc. Editor. ♦Florence B. Axtell, B. S., Instr. Rural Ed. $W. E. Ayres, Ext. Instr. Dairy Indus. *n. E. Babcock, Ph. B., Prof. Marketing. *tB. L. Banner,! B. S., Instr. Poultry Hush. tJ. H. Barron, B. S., Ext. Prof. Farm Crops. ttM. F. Barrus, Ph. D., Plant Path, and Ext. Prof. Plant Path. .■Ceilia Bates, A. B., Asst. Editor of Puis. •tA. C. Beal, Ph. D., Prof. Plor.; Flor. jF. G. Behrenda, B. S., Asst. Emt. Prof. Rural Engin. •IE. W. Benjamin, Ph. D., Prof. Poultry Hush.; Poultry Hush. *tJohn Bentley, jr., M. F., Prof. For. Engin.; For. Engin. JMathilda E. Bertrams, Ph. B., Ext. Instr. Home Econ. ♦Cornelius Betten, Ph. D., Vice Dean of Resident Instr. ♦Cora E. Binzel, Actg. Prof. Rural Ed. ♦S. F. Bittner, B. S., Instr. An. Hush. ♦tJ. A. Bizzell, Ph. D., Prof. Soil Tech.; Soil Tech. ♦Beulah Blackmore, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. tAlice M. Blinn, B. S., Ext. Instr. Home Econ. *F. M. Blodgett, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Plant Path. JH. E. Botsford, B. S., Asst. Ext. Prof. Poultry Hush. tC. A. Boutelle, Asst. Ext. Prof. An. Hush. *.T. E. Boyle, Ph. D., Prof. Rural Econ. ♦Mrs. .Tessie A. Boys, M. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. *tJ. C. Bradley, Ph. D., Prof. Ent. ; Cura- tor Invertehrate Zool. *J. M. Brannon, M. A., Instr. Bot. +J. D. Brew, B. S., Asst. Ext. Prof. Dairy Indus. *0n leave. 17566—21 9 + Sarah L. Brewer, B. S., Asst. Ext. Prof. Home Econ. *0. G. Brim, Ph. D., Prof. Rural Ed. *B. E. Brooks, B. L., Supt. of Dairy In- dus. *H. O. Buckman, Ph. D., Prof. Soil Tech. JM. C. Burritt,> M. S., Vice Dir. of Ext. •F. P. Bussell, Ph. D., Aaat. Prof. Plant Brdg. tU. D. Butler, B. S., Asst. Ext. Prof. Veg. Oard. *J. E. Butterworth, Ph. D., Prof. Rural Ed. JHelen Canon, B. S., Assoc. Home Dem. Leader. •tL. E. Card, B. S., Instr. Poultry Hush.; Asst. Poultry Hush. *tD. B. Carrick, Ph. D., Prof. Pomol.; Research Pomol. •tJG. W. Cavanaugh, B. S., Head Dept. of Agr. Ohem. •tW. H. Chandler, Ph. D., Prof. Pomol.; Pomol. and Vice Dir. of Research. *C. E. Chardon, B. S., Instr. Plant Path. tCharles Chupp, Ph. D., Asst. Ext. Prof. Plant Path. ♦P. W. Claassen, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Biol. tG. H. Collingwood, A, M., Asst. Ext. Prof. For. ♦Mrs. Anna B. Comstock, B. S., Prof. Nature Study. ♦J. H. Comstock, B. S., Emeritus Prof. Ent. and Gen. Inr,ertehrate Zool. tJay Coryell, B. S., County Agt. Leader. tW. T. Craig, Asst. in Plant Brdg. In- vest. ttC. R. Crosby, A. B., Ent. and Ext. Prof. Ent. XT}. J. Crosby, M. S., Actg. Vice Dir. of Ext. •L. J. Cross, Ph. D., Prof. Chem. in It$ Relations to Agr. ♦O. F. Curtis, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Bot. •tR. W. Curtis, M. S., Prof. Landsc. Art. ♦IE. G. Davis, B. S., Prof. Landsc. Art. •E. P. Deatrick, Ph. D., Instr. Soil. Tech. JRachel DeWolfe, Ext. Instr. Home Econ. •Ernest Dorsey, B. S., Instr. Plant. Brdg. ♦P. A. Downs, B. S., Instr. Dairy Indus. ♦P. L. Dunn, B. S., Instr. Ext. Service. *H. W. Dye, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Plant Path. ♦A. J. Eames, Ph. D., Prof. Bot. ♦T. H. Eaton, Ph. D., Prof. Rural Ed. *tG. C. Embody,' Ph. D., Prof. AquicuU ture ; A quictilturist. *WR. A. Emerson, D. Sc, Head Dept. of Plant Brdg. 48 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. *G. A. Everett. A. B., LL. B., Prof. Ext. Teaching. *F. L. Fairbanks, M. E., Asst. Prof. Rural Engin. *E. N. Feniss, Ph. D., .isst. Prof. Rural Ed. fE. O. Fippin.i B. S., f^oil Tech. tW. I. Fisher, Asst. Plant Brdg. Invest. *tW. W. Fisk, M. S., Prof. Dairy Indus.; Dairy Indus. *H. M. Fitzpatrick,^ Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Plant Path. *A. C. Fraser, Ph. D., Aast. Prof. Plant Brdg. Jlrene French, Ext. Instr. Home Econ. *Mrs. Lolita E. Georgia, A. B.. I)i.str. Home Econ. *R. L. Gillett.i B. S., Instr. Farm Mgt. lA. M. Goodman, B. S., Asst. Ext. Prof. Rural Engin. tW. T. Grams, M. Agr., Ext. Instr. An. Husb. ♦Lula G. Graves, Prof. Home Econ. *J. J. Grimm, B. S., Instr. Bot. tLela G. Gross, Asst. Editor of Puhs. *C. H. Guise, M. F., Instr. For. JA. F. Gustafson, Ph. D., Ext. Instr. Soil Tech. *tE. S. Guthrie, Ph. D., Prof. Dairy In- dus.; Dairy Indus. 'George Haines, M. S., Instr. An. Hu8h. *E. V. Harclenburg, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Farm Crops. *tM. W. Harper, M. S., Prof. An. Hush.; A)i. Hush. Actg. Head of Dept. *V. B. Hart, B. S., Instr. Farm Mgt. *L. A. Hausman, Ph. D., Instr. Biol. ♦Blanche E. Hazard, M. A., Prof. Home Econ. *tA. J. Heinicke, Ph. D., Prof. Pomol.; Pomol. *Mary F. Henry, A. B., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. *tG. W. Herrick, B. S., Prof. Econ. Ent.; Ent. *tG. F. Heusor, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Poultry HusJ).; Poultry Hush. ♦Eleanor Hillhouse, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. *R. B. Hinman, M. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. JH. A. Hopper,' M. S., Ext. Prof. An. Hush. 'WR. S. Hosmer, B. A. S., M. F., Head Dept. of For. ♦Anna E. Hunn, B. S., Instr. Household Mgt. *C. E. Hunn, Plant Propagator. ♦Frances B. Hunter, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. JL. M. Hurd, Ext. Instr. Poultry Hush. *tC. B. Hutchison, M. S., Prof. Plant Brdg. ; Plant Brdg. *H. C. Jackson, Ph. D., Instr. Dairy ♦Ruth M. Jakway, M. A., Instr. Home Econ. *tO. A. Johannsen, Ph. D., Prof. Ent.; Ent. JJennie Jones, Ext. Instr. Home Econ. ♦to. B. Kent, Ph. D., Prof. Poultry Hush.; Poultry Hush. *A. C. King, B. S., Prof. Farm Practice and Farm Superintendence. JR. S. Kirby, M. S., Ext. Instr. Plant Path. *R. G. Knapp, B. S., Instr. An. Hush. ♦fLewis Knudson, Ph. D., Prof. Bot.; Plant Physiol. *0. C. Krum, B. S., Instr. Game Farming. ♦P. J. Kruse, Ph. D., Prof. Rural Ed. *C. E. Ladd, Ph. D., Prof. Farm Mgt. ♦F. W. Lathrop, M. S., Instr. Rural Ed. ♦t + G. N Lauman, B. S., Prof. Rural Econ.; Rural Econ. ♦C. W. Leister, B. S., Instr. Ornith. fE. W. Lelard, B. S., Experimentalist in Soil Tech. $M. D. Leonard, Ph. D., Ext. Instr. Ent. ♦Margery W. Leonard, A. B., Instr. Plant Path. ♦fH. H. Love, Ph. D., Prof. Plant Brdg.; Plant Brdg. *ttT. L. Lyon, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Soil Tech. *J. C. McCurdy, B. S., C. E., Asst. Prof. Rural Engin. ♦T. J. Mclnerney, M. S., Asst. Prof. Dairy Indus. JNancy H. McNeal, Ph. B., Asst. Ext. Prof. Home Econ. ♦tL. H. MacDaniels, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Pomol.; Asst. Pomol. *tL. M. Massoy, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Plant Path. ; Plant Path. ♦fRobert Mathcson, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Econ. Ent.; Ent. ♦fL. A. Maynard, Ph. D., Prof. An. Hush.; An. Hush. ♦W. B. Meixner, B. S., Instr. Landsc. Art. ♦Lua A. Minns, M. S., Instr. Flor. *E. G. Misner, Ph. D., Prof. Farm Mgt. •Helen Monsch, M. A., Prof. Home Econ. ♦ttE. G. Montgomery, M. A., Head Dept. of Farm Crops. ♦E. D. Montillon, B. Arch., Asst. Prof. Landsc. Art. ♦M. P. Moon, M. S., Instr. Dairy Indus. ♦R. A. Mordorflf, A. M., Instr. Met. JCarolyn Morton, B. S., Ext. Instr. Home Econ. ♦Winifred Moses, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. *W. C. Aluenscher, A. M., Instr. Bot. ♦C. F. W. Muesebeck, B. S., Instr. Para- sitol. *tC. H. Myers, Ph. D., Prof. Plant Brdg.; Plant Brdg. On leave. NEW YOEK. 49 •tW. I. Myers, I'h. D., Prof. Farm Fi- nance; Farm. Mgt. *R. S. Nanz, B. S., Instr. Bot. '■jj.l. G. Needham.i Ph. D., Head Depl. of Ent. *II. B. Neville, B. S., Instr. Dairy Indus. *0. V. Noble, Pli. D., Asst. Prof. Farm Mgt. *Margaret B. Noble, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. *L. C. Noiris, B. S., Instr. An. Hush. tL. J. Norton, B. S., Ext. Instr. Farm Mgt. tClaribel Nye, B. S., Asst. Ext. Prof. Home Econ. JR. C. Ogle, Ext. Instr. Poultry Hush. *R. A. Olney, B. S., Instr. Rural Ed. *E. L. Palmer, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Rural Ed. *F. A. Pearson, B. S., Instr. Farm Mgt. to. W. Peck, M. S., Asst. Prof. Pomol. Ext. *U. A. Perry, B. S., Instr. Dairy Indus. J J. P. Porter, M. L. D., Ext. Instr. Landsc. Art. *L. F. Randolph, Ph. B., Instr. Bot. JEdith S. Ranney, B. S., Ext. Instr. Home Econ. JG. H. Rea, Ext. Specialist in Apiculture. *A. B. Recknagel, M. F., Prof. For. Mgt. and Utilization. ♦tDonald Reddifk, Ph. D., Pfof. Plant Path.; Plant Path. ►tJR. W. Rees, B. S., Prof. Pomol.; Pomol. JEllen A. Reynolds, M. S., Asst. Ext. Prof. Home Econ. *tF. E. Rice, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Chem. in Its Relations to Agr.; Chem. "tJJ. E. Rice, B. S., Head Dept. of Poultry Husb. *ttll. W. Riley, M. E., Head Dept. of Rural Engin. •B. B. Robb, M. S.. Prof. Rural Engin. *I. P. Roberts, M. Agr., Emeritus Prof. Agr. iMontgomery Robinson, Litt. B., B. S., Prof, in Ext. Service. ♦iFlora Rose.i M. A., Head Dept. of Home Econ. *tH. E. Ross, M. S., Prof. Dairy Indus.; Dairy Indus. tC. H. Royce, M. S., Asst. Ext. Prof. An. Husb. *A. W. W. Sand, B. S., Instr. Flor. *E. 1). Sanderson, B. S., Head Dept. of Rural Social Organization. *tE. S. Savage, Ph. D., Prof. An. Hush.; An. Husb. *1I. W. Schneck, M. S., Asst. Prof. Vcg. Gard. JBonnie E. Scholes, M. A., Asst. Ext. Prof. Home Econ. ' On leave. *J. R. Schramm, Ph. D., Prof. Bot. JG. P. Scoville, B. S., Ext. Prof. Farm Mgt. *L. W. Sharpo, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Bot. *C. K. Sibley, B. S., Instr. Limnology. *R. P. Sibley, L. H. D., Secy. JL. R. Simons, Asst. County Agt. Leader. JMrs. Ruby G. Smith, Assoc. State Home Detn. Leader. *S. N. Spring, M. F., Prof. Silviculture. tN. D. Steve, B. S., Ext. Instr. Rural Engin. JH. A. Stevenson, B. S., Instr. Eaft. Serv- ice. *R. M. Stewart, Ph. D., Prof. Rural Ed. *t+W. A. Stocking, M. S., Head Dept. of Dairy Indus. *J. L. Stone, B. Agr., Emeritus Prof. Farm Practice. tG. W. Tailby, jr., B. S., Ext. Instr. An. Husb. tC. A. Taylor, Asst. County Agt. Leader. ±H. E. Thomas, M. S., Asst. Ext. Prof. Plant Path. *H. C. Thompson, B. S., Prof. Veg. Card. »W. S. Thompson, Ph. D., Actg. Prof. Rural Social Organization. tPIora M. Thurston, B. S., Ext. Instr. Home Econ. *II. C. Troy, B. S.. Prof. Dairy Indus. *F. O. Underwood, B. S., Instr. Veg. Card. •JMartha Van Rensselaer, A. B., Head Dept. of Home Econ. and State Home Dem. Leader. *F. B. Wann, Ph. D., Instr. Bot. ♦Annette .T. Warner, Prof. Home Econ. *t?G. F. Warren, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Agr. Econ. and Farm Mgt. til. E. Weaver, B. S., Ext. Instr. Poultry Husb. *L. P. Wehrle, M. S., Research Instr. Ent. *W. H. Wellhouse, Ph. D., Instr. Ent. ♦JR. H. Wheeler, B. S., Prof, in Ext. Service. ♦tJH. H. Whetzel, M. A., Head Dept. of Plant Path. *tJE. A. White, B. S., Head Dept. of Flor. *W. A. Whiting, Ph. D., Instr. Dairy Indus. *tJK. M. Wiegand, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Bot. *R. G. Wiggans, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Farm Crops. *tB. D. Wilson, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Soil Tech.; Soil Tech. *tJ. K. Wilson, Ph. D., Prof. Soil Tech.; Soil Tech. *tW. M. Wilson, M. D., Head Dept. of Met. 50 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. *iJPI. H. Wing,' M. S., Head Dept. of An. Husb. ♦tPaul Work, M. S., Prof. Veg. Gard. ♦tJG. A. Works, M. S., Head Dept. of Rural Ed. JE. L. Worthen, M. S., Ext. Prof. Soil Tech. tW. J. Wright, M. S., Ext. Prof. Rural Ed. and State Leader Junior Ext. tE. C. Young, B. S., Ext. Jnstr. Farm Mgt. •Mrs. Helen B. Young, B. Arch., Prof. Home Econ. *H. P. Young, B. S., Instr. Farm Mgt. Kew York State Agrricultursil Experiment Station, Gexera. t Station staff. tW. U. Jordan.s D. Sc, LL. D., Director. tR. J. Anderson, Ph. D., Ghief in Research (Biochem.). tR. S. Breed, Ph. D., Chief in Research (Bact.). / tG. W. Cburctfill. Afifr. tA. W. Clark,lB. S., Assoc. Ohem. tLaura G. CoUison, B. A., Asst. Editor, Asst. Lihr. tR. C. Collison, M. S., Chief in Research (Agron.). tH. J. Conn, Ph. D., Chief in Research (Soil Bact.). fM. W. Pinch, M. S., Asst. in Research (Bact.). tF. E. Gladwin, B. S., Assoc, in Research (Hort., Chautauqua Grape Work; P. O., Fredonia) . tHugh Glasgow, Ph. D., Assoc, in Research (Ent.). tW. O. Gloyer, M. A., Assoc, in Research (Bot.). tJ. D. Harlan, B. S., Asst. in Research (Agron.). tF. Z. Hartzell, M. A., Assoc, in Research (Ent., Chautauqua Grape Work; P. O., Fredonia) . tU. P. Hedrick, D. Sc, Chief in Research (Hort.). tElizabcth F. Hopkins, A. B„ Asst. Bot. tG. H. Howe, B. S., Assoc, in Research (Hort.). tG. J. Hucker, M. A., Asst. in Research (Bact.) tR. F. Keeler, M. S., Assoc, in Research (Chem.). tW. L. Kulp, M. S., Asst. in Research (Bio- chem.). tJ. D. Luckett, M. S., Editor and Lihr. tG. F. MacLeod, B. S., Asst. in Research (Ent.). tJ. E. Mensching, M. S., Assoc, in Research (Agron.). tM. G. Moore, B. S., Asst. Chem. tM. T. Munn, M. S., Assoc. Bot. tP. J. Parrott, M. A., Chief in Research (Ent.). tC. R. Phipps, B. S., Asst. in Research (Ent.). tA. H. Robertson, B. S., Asst. in Research (Bact.). tG. A. Smith, Chief in Research (Dairying). tT. O. Sprague, B. S., Asst. in Research (Hort.). tF. C. Stewart, M. S., C?nef in Research (Bot.). tL. R. Streeter, B. S., Asst. Chem. tM. P. Sweeney, A. M., Asst. Chem. to. M. Taylor, Assoc, in Research (Hort.). tN. P. True, A. B., Asst. Chem. tH. B. Tukey, M. S., Asst. in Research (Hort.). tL. L. Van Slyke, Ph. D., Chief in Research (Chem.). tW. F. Walsh, B. S., Asst, Chem. tRichard Wellington, M. S., Assoc, in Re- search (Hort.). tW. P. Wheeler, Chief in Research (An. Indus.) tH. L. Young, B. S., Asst. Chem. NORTH CAROLIPfA. North Carolina State College of Asrienltnre and EnKineerlnjor, West Raleigh, and the Ag'ricnltnral Experiment Station, Raleigh and West Raleigh. 'College faculty, t Station staff. JExtension staff. •W. C. Riddick, C. E., LL. D., President. tJB. W. Kilgore, M. S., Dir. of Sta., Dir. of Ext. Service. to. L. Arthur, jr., B. S., Asst. Chem. tJF. O. Bartel, C. E., Junior Drainage Engin. + E. C. Blair, B. S., Asst. Agron. •R. E. Bosque, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Engin. + r.. F. Brown, Chief. Div. of Markets. tS. C. Clapp, Asst. Dir. Mountain Branch Sta., P. O., Swannanoa. tC. E. Clark, B. S., Asst. Dir. Coastal Plain Branch Sta., P. O., Rocky Mount. tA. S. Cllne, B. S.. Asst. Dir. Black Land Branch Sta., P. 0., Wrnona. tStanloy Combs. B. S., Dairy Experi- menter. *L. E. Cook, M. S., Prof. Voc. Ed. ♦J. C. Corl, V. M. D., Asst. Prof. Physiol, and Path. *.T. B. Cotner, B. Pd., Instr. Farm Crops. [■JR. S. Curtis, B. S., Assoc, in An. Indus. tJ. K. Dale, Asst. Chem. ♦W. H. Darst, B. S., Prof. Farm Crops. * On leave. 8 To retire July 1, 1921. Succeeded by Dr. R. W. Thatcher of Minnesota. NORTH CAROLINA. 51 tS. F. Davidson, B. S., Asst. Af/run. tC. T. Bearing, B. S., Asst. Dir. Trucking Branch 8ta., P. O., Willard (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). *J. B. Derieux, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Phys. tE. S. Dewar, B. S., Asst. Chem. *A. A. Dixon, A. M., Instr. Phys. tJ. M. Dyer. B. S., Asst. Ilort. JGeorge Evans, Sheep Husb. ttP. R. Farnham, Asst. in Dairy Farm- ing. t(J. M. Garren, Ph. B., Asst. Agron. in Plant Brdg. t + D. T. Gray, M. S., Chief in An. Indus. tJR. W. Green, B. S., Agr. Editor. ttV. R. Haber, A. M., Asst. Field Ent. *F. M. Haig, B. S., Instr. An. Husb. and Dairying. *D. H. Hall, jr., B. S., Instr. Poultry Sci. tJ. O. Halverson, Ph. D., Nutr. Invest. jP. II. Hart, Asst. in Cotton Grading (Coop. U. S. D. A.). tW. G. Haywood, B. Litt., Pert. Chem. *C. M. Heck, M. A., Prof. Phys. tJ. M. Henley, B. S., Asst. in Farm Credits and Rural Organization. JM. W. Hensel, A. B., Specialist in Sugar Plant Prod. ttV. R. Herman, B. S., Asst. Agron. in Plant Brdg. (Coop. U. S. D. A.). tEarl Hostetler, B. S., Asst. in Beef Cattle and Swine Invest. $C. R. Hudson, M. S., State Agt. in Farm Dem. tJ. E. Ivey, B. S., Asst. in Poultry In- vest. fS. K. Jackson, B. S., Asst. Agron. (Soils). tJ. M. Johnson, M. S., Farm Mgt. (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). *W. E. Jordan, M. A., Instr. Chem. *tB. F. Kaupp, M. S., D. V. S., Prof. Poultry Sci.j Poultry Invest, and Path. JA. C. Kimrey, Asst. in Dairy Farming. JH. B. Krausz, C. E., Farm For. Special- ist. tS. G. Lehman, M. S., Asst. Plant Path. tR. W. Leiby, M. S., Asst. Ent. •P. T. Long, B. S., Instr. An. Husb. and Poultry Sci. til. M. Lynde, C. E., Drainage Engin. (Coop. TJ. S. D. A.). JMrs. Jane S. McKimmon, State Home Dem. Agt. tW. B. Mabee, B. S., Ext. Ent. *S. J. Marion, A. B., Instr. Chem. JH. H. B. Mask, Asst. State Farm Dem. Agt., in charge Club Work. tE. H. Mathewson, Tobacco Eicpert (Coop. U. S. D. A.). tC D. Matthews, -B. S., Actg. Chief Hort. tF. T. Moacham, M. S., AsH. Dir. Pied- mont Branch Sta., Statesv^ille. »tZ. P. Metcalf, B. A., Prof. Zool. and Ent.; Ent. tE. G. Moss, Asst. Dir. Tobacco Branch Sta., Oxford (Coop. U. S. D. A.). tL. H. Nelson, B. S., Asst. Hort. ±D. R. Noland, jr., Asst. in Dairy Farm- ing (Coop. U. S. D. A.). JA. G. Oliver, Poultry Ext. (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). tF. D. Owen, D. V. M., Hog Cholera Work (Coop. U. S. D. A.) *T. B. Parks, A. B., Instr. Chem. tW. F. Pate, M. S., Agron. (Soils). tF. T. Peden, B. S., Asst. in Beef Cattle and Sheep Invest. (Coop.TJ. 8. D. A.). *tJ. P. Pillsbury, B. S., Prof. Hort.; Hort. *W. A. Queen, A. B., In.itr. Chem. *E. E. Randolph, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Chem. tE. R. Raney, B. S., Farm Engm. Spe- cialist. •W. C. Reeder, M. S., V. M. D., Prof. Vet. Sci. and Physiol. •J. R. Royston, B. S., Instr. Soils. •R. H. Rufflner, B. S., Prof. An. Husb. and Dairying. tA. R. Russell, Asst. in Field Expts. tC L. Sams, Specialist in Beekeeping (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). tP. T. Schooley, Ext. Hort. tGorrell Schumaker, Asst. in Marketing Fruits and Vegs. *F. T. Selby, Asst. Prof. Voc. Ed. tW. W. Shay, Ext. Work with Swine. ttFranklin Sherman, jr., M. S., Ent. •M. E. Sherwin, M. S., Prof. Soils. tF. W. Sherwood, M. S., Asst. Chem. •I. V. D. Shunk, A. M., Instr. Bot. ♦H. G. Smith, B. S., Instr. Chem. •Herbert Spencer, M. S., Instr. Ent., Zool. *C. C. Taylor, Ph. D., Prof. Econ. and Soclol. ♦B. W. Wells, Ph. D., Prof. Bot. *T. M. Whiteman, B. S., Instr. Ilort. •ttC. B. Williams, M. S., Prof. Agron. and Dean of Agr.; Chief Agron. and Vice Dir. of Sta. *L. F. Williams, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Chem. *Mrs. Charlotte M. Williamson, Libr. *D. P.. Wilson, B. S., Instr. Farm Mgt. tR. Y. Winters, Ph. D., Agron. in Plant Brdg. *tW. A. Withers, Sc. D., Prof. Chem. and Vice Pres.; Chem. tF. A. Wolf, Ph. D., Plant Path. 52 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. The Negro Agricultural and Teclmieal College, Greensboro. ♦College faculty. + Extension staff. *J. B. Dudley, A. M., LL. D., President. ♦O. G. Donnell, Florist. •J. A. McRae, B. S., Farm Supt. *R. E. Malone, Dir. Teacher Training in Voc. Agr. *S. K. Mitra, Ph. D., Instr. Chem. and Phys. *A. A. Turner, B. S., Dir. Dept. of Agr. and Chem. *Carlos Valle, Instr. Dairying and An. TIusl}. +.T. D. Wray, B. Agr., State Club Organizer. NORTH DAKOTA. North Dakota Agricultural College ami tlie Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Agricultural College (freight and express address, Fargo). *College faculty. fStation staff. ^Extension staff. *E. F. Ladd, B. S., LL. D., President. *tP. F. Trowbridge, Ph. D., Dir. of Sta. Research Methods. {*■) *%G. W. Randlett, B. S., Dir. of Ext. Work. Ext. Methods. {*) *R. S. Amadon, D. V. M., Asst. Prof. Physiol, and Pharmacology. *Alba Bales, B. S., Dean School of Home Econ. $0. A. Barton, State Club Leader. *Mrs. Lillian Beard, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. fR. F. Beard, B. S., Asst. Agr. Chem. *tH. L. Bolley, M. S., Prof. Bot. and Plant Path., Dean of Biol.; Bot. and Plant Path. tW. B. Brontzel, B. S., Plant Path. {Coop. U. S. D. A.). *tF. W. Christensen, M. S., Prof. An. Nutr.j An. Nutr. *0. O. Churchill, B. S., Prof. Agron, Dean of Agr. $Mrs. Myrtle G. Cole, State Home Dcm. Leader. fR. A. Corbett, Photog. tW. G. Couey, Field Crop Insp. {Po- tatoes). *t-T. R. Dice, A. M., Chair. Dept. of Dairy Husb. tU. J. Downey, Supt. Hettinger Substa., P. O., Hettinger. tirene M. Dunne, Asst. State Club Leader. ♦fMayme Dworak. A. M., Asst. Prof. Bot.; Bad. and Plant Physiol. •fH. L. Foust, D. V. M., Asst. Prof. Vet. Sci.; Asst. Vet. *H. C. Hampton, A. M., Asst. Prof. Physiol. Chem. J. I. W. Haw, Comity Agt. Leader. JInez Hobart, B. S., Asst. State Home Dem. Leader. JA. P. Hollis, Specialist in Visual Instr. tT. H. Hopper, M. A., Research Chem. *P. J. Iverson, M. A., Asst. Prof. Agr. Ed. tLouis Jorgenson, B. S., Supt. Langdon Suhsta., P. O., Langdon. *A. L. Leathers, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Zool. and Physiol. *Adah Lewis, M. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. {Stewart Lockwood, Ext. Ent. tn:. D. Long, Seed Analyst. JDon McMahon, M. D. C, Ext. Vet. *Mrs. Ethel McVeety, Libr. *Romaine Mackall, Instr. Voc. Dom. Art. *Ada G. Meadows, M. A., Asst. Prof Dom. Art. tHutzel Metzger, B. S., Cost Accounting. tC. A. Michels, M. S., Asst. County Agt. Leader. *C. E. Miller, M. S., Prof. Farm Mgt. *G. E. Miller, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Biol. fLeroy Moomaw, B. S., Snpt. Dickinson Suhsta., P. O., Dickinson {Coop. U. S. D. A.). *tC. I. Nelson, B. A., Prof. Bad.; Bad. Soil Biol. t$E. I. Olson, B. S., Supt. Dem. Farms and Field Crop Specialist. tJW. C. Palmer, M. S., Agr. Editor. *W. T. Pearce, Ph. D., Prof. Chem. ♦Harriet A. Pearson, A. B., Asst. Libr. *tW. R. Porter, M. S., Marketing and Organisation. JA. E. Prior, Asst. in Visual Instr. *tE. S. Reynolds, Ph. D., Prof. Bot.; Asst. Plant Physiol. JIT. E. Rilling, M. S., Asst. State Club Leader. *tL. M. Roderick, D. V. M., Asst. Prof. Vet. Sci.; Asst. Vet. tThomas Sanderson, Miller. ♦fA. F. Schalk, D. V. M., Head School of Vet. Sci.; Vet. *tJ. H. Shepperd, M. S., Chair. An. Husb. Dept. NORTH DAKOTA — OHIO. 53 tit. W. Smith, B. S., Agron., Dickinson t'^ubsta., p. 0., Dickinson (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). •to. A. Stevens, B. S., Seed Anal., Asst. Bat. (Taxonomy and Ecology). tT. E. Stoa, B. S., Asst. Agron. *E. J. Thompson, B. S., Prof, An. Hush. to. A. Thompson, B. S., Supt. Edgelcy Suhsta., P. 0., Edgeley. *C. B. Waldron.i B. S., Prof. Jlort. and For., Dean School of Agr. tL. R. Waldron, M. A., Agron. (Plant Brdg.). *tH. L. Walster, Ph. D., Chair. Dept. of Agron. tWanda Weniger, Ph. D., Asst. Plant Path. JRex Willard, B. S., Farm Mgt. Dem. t|A. F. Yeager, M. S., Hort. The Colleges of AsrJculture and of Veterinary 3Ie Hir., Editor. *tG. R. Green, M. S., Assoc. Prof. For. *iR. M. Gridley, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. Ext. *tM. F. Grimes, M. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. *tp. R. Guldin, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Poultry Hush. Ext. *J. R. Haas, B. S., Instr. Chem. Agr. ♦Alice H. Haley, B. S., Instr. Teacher Training in Vac. Home Econ. *tD. E. Haley, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Chem. *tJ. R. Haswell, C. E., Asst. Prof. Farm Mech. Ext. *iH. H. Havner, M. S., D. V. M., Prof. An. Hush. Ext. *tJ. B. Hill, Ph. D., Prof. Bot. * + H. E. Hodgkiss, B. S., Prof. Ent. Ext. *tF. J. Holben, B. S., Instr. Soil Tech. •tJ. L. Horsfall, M. S., Instr. Econ. Ent. (P. 0., Bustleton). •tF. S. Hultz, M. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. *tC. A. Hunter, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Bad. •JA. T. Kearney,! B. S., Asst. Prof. Rural Organization Ext. ♦tJ. P. Kelly, So. D., Assoc. Prof. Bot. •tF. D. Kern, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Bot. •tM. M. Kloscr, B. S., Instr. Bad. •fix. C. Knandel, B. S., Head Dept. of Poul- try Hush. *tF. P. Knoll, Asst. in Dairy Mfrs. •1M. H. Knutsen, M. S., Instr. Bact. »W. A. Kuntz, B. S., Instr. Bot. •tR. D. Lewis, B. S., Instr. Agron. •tF. B. Lincoln, B. S., Instr. Pomol. •fM. W. Lisse, M. S., Asst. Prof. Ghem. Agr. •Lillian H. Locke, B. S., Asst. Prof. Teacher Training in Voc. Home Econ. •IR. M. Love, B. S., Asst. in Dairy Hush. Ext. *tC. G. McBride, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Ext. *tJ. L. B. McCord, M. S., Asst. Prof. Farm Mgt. and Rural Econ. ♦JPearl MacDonald, B. S., Prof. Home Econ. Ext. » On leave. ♦JT. I. Mairs, M. S., Head Dept. of Cor- resp. Courses. •W. H. Martin, B. S., Instr. Dairy Hush. JB. B. Mason, Asst. in Rural Organization. •tC. R. Mason, M. S., Instr. Veg. Gard. *F. G. Merkle, M. S., Asst. Prof. Soil Tech. *tG. F. Miles, B. S., Asst. in Plant Path. •tJ. W. Mitten, Instr. Dairy Mfrs. •tB. L. Moffltt, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Farm Mgt. *tL. W. Morley, B. S., Asst. Prof. Dairy Hush. Ext. •Louise B. Moss, B. S., Asst. Prof. Dom. Sci. *tJ. H. Muncie, M. A., Asst. Prof. Plant Path. (P. 0., Girard). ♦}H. D. Munroe, B. S., Asst. Prof. Poultry Hush. Ext. *tC. Emory Myers, M. S., Prof. Plant Brdg. *C. Everett Myers, A. M., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Ed. •?M. Jane Newcomb, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. Ext. *JW. B. Nissley, B. S., Asst. Prof. Veg. Gard. Ext. •$B. L. Nixon, M. S., Prof. Plant Path. Ext. •tC F. Noll, M. S., Prof. Expt. Agron. *tC. R. Orton, M. S., Prof. Plant Path. *tL. O. Overholts, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Bot. *tH. G. Parkinson, B. S., Head Dept. of Rural Life. *tA. L. Patrick, B. S., Asst. Prof. Soil Tech. *tW. C. Pelton, B. S., Prof. Veg. Gard. *tH. B. Pierce, B. S., Instr. Chem. Agr. *H. W. Popp, B. S., Instr. Bot. *B. S. Reider, Phar. G., Atst. in Chem. Apr. tC. L. Rumberger, B. S., Asst. in Agr. Ext. •Grace A. Rust, B. A., Instr. Dom. Sol. •JNickolas Schmitz, M. S., Prof. Agron. Ext. •G. A. Shuey, Asst. in Chem. Agr. *tA. C. Simpson, B. S., Instr. Bact. *L. W. Smith, B. S., Instr. For. •tP. R. Smith, B. S., Asst. in Plant Path. Ext. •Kathryne M. Stanford, Asst. lAhr. •tL. W. Steelman, B. S., Jnstr. Poultry Hush. Ext. •tW. D. Swope, B. S., Instr. Dairy Hush. •tWalter Thomas, B. S., Assoc. Chem. *tH. W. Thurston, jr., M. S., Asst. Prof. Plant Path. •tW. H. Tomhave, M. S., Head Dept. of An. Hush. •Clara G. Turner, B. S., Asst. Prof. Dom. Sci. •Louise G. Turner, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Teacher Training in Voc. Home Econ. *tC. G. Vinson, B. S., Prof. Pomol. Ext. *tE. J. Walter, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agron. Ext. •tR. C. Walton, B. S., Asst. Prof. Plant Path. (P. O., Arendtsville). 60 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. n Expt *tJ. H. Waring, B. S., A Pomol. ♦JF. P. Weaver, B. S., Prof. Agr. Ext. *G. S. Wehrwein,! B. S., Assoc. Prof. Rural Econ. *-tR. R. Welch, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Dairy Hush. Ext. *tJ. W. White, M. S., Prof. Soil Tech. *tw. R. White, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Ed. tE. I. Wilde, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Flor. tp. S. Williams, B. S., Asst. in Dairy Bust). Ext. tl. D. Wilson, D. V. M., M. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush. Sara M. Wilson, M. A., Asst. Prof. Dom. Sci. and Teacher Training in Vac. Home Econ. tP. T. Ziegler, B. S., Instr. An. Hush. Institute o£ Animal Nutrition of Pennsylvania State Collese? State College. tinstitute staff. fH. r. Armsby, Ph. D., LL. D., Sc. D., Director. tW. W. Braman, M. S., Assoc, in An. Nutr. tD. C. Cochrane, B. S., Assoc, in An. Nutr. tJ. A. Fries, M. S., Asst. Dir. tC. D. Jeffries, B. S., Asst. in An. Nutr. fM. Kriss, M. S., Assoc, in An. Nutr. tR. M. Meredith, B. S., Ass*, in An. Nutr. t Raymond Peterson, Asst. in An. Nutr. PORTO RICO. College o)f Agriculture antl Mechanic Arts of the University of Porto Rico^ ilai/aguez. *College faculty. *P. G. Miller, Ph. D., Chancellor of University (P. 0., San Juan). *C. E. Home, Ph. D., Dean of College (P. O., Mayaguez). *Joseph Axtmayer, Prof. Phys. and Org. Chcm. * Samuel Basherow, B. S., Prof. An. Hush. *Annette J. Carpenter, B. S., Instr. Chcm. *H. T. Cowles, B. S., Prof. Hort. ►A. J. Fredholm, Sc. D., D. Agr., Prof. Veg. Path, and Led. on Special Crops. *R. I. Garton, M. S., Prof. Biol. "Fernando Margarida, B. S., Prof. Chcm. ►P. H. Struthers, Ph. B., Prof. Bot. ■ Agricultural Experiment Station, Mayaguez. Under the supervision of the Office of Experiment Stations, States Relations Service, United States Department of Agriculture. t Station staff. tD. W. May, M. Agr., Agronomist in charge. tThomas Bregger, B. S., Plant Breeder. tJ. O. Carrero, B. S., Ch, B., Asst. Chem. fH. C. Henricksen, B. Agr., Specialist m» Farm Mgt. [P. O., San Juan). IT. B. McClelland, A. B., Hort. tJ. A. Saldana, Asst. in Hort. tW. P. Snyder, M. S., Asst. in Plant Brdg. tW. V. Tower, B. S., Ent. tL. G. Willis, B. S., Chem. Insular Experiment Station, Rio Piedras. Under the control of the Department of Agriculture and Labor of Porto Rico. t Station staff. tE. D. Colon, M. S., Director. t.Taime Bagu6, D. V. S., Vet. Insp. tE. E. Barker, Ph. D., Chief Agron. tLuis Catoni, B. S., Asst. Ent. tl. ColoD-Rodrfguez, B. S., Asst. Chem. tF. S. Earle, M. A., Expert in Cane Dis- eases. tP. Gonzalez, B. S., Hort. •rl'ornardo L6pcz, P.. S., Asst. Plant Path. > On leave. tF. A. L6pez, B. S., Ch. B., Chief Chem. t Julius Matz, B. S., Chief Div. of Bot. and: Plant Path. tJ.D. More, M. S., Asst. Ent. tJ. H. Ramirez, B. S., Asst. Chem. tP. Richardson, B. S., Plant Breeder. tRafael Vila, B. S., Asst. Chcm.. tG. N. Wolcott, M. S., Chief Ent. RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA. 61 RHODE ISLAND. Rhode Island State Colleae aiitl tUe Agricultural Experiment Station, Kingston. ♦College faculty. tStation staff. JExtension staff. ♦Howard Edwards, M. A., LL. D., President. *tB. L. Hartwell, Ph. D., Dir. of Sta. Agr. Chem.{*) Agron., Clicm.(f) JA. E. Stene, M. S., Dir. Ext. Service, State Leader of County Agent^^. {State Ent.) *G. E. Adams, M. Agr., Prof. Agron., Dean of Agr. Dept. ♦Elizabeth D. Bache, B. S., Prof. Home Econ. *John Barlow, M. A., Prof. Zool. *C. E. Brett, B. S., Instr. Poultry Husb. *H. W. Browning, Ph. D., Prof. Bot. ♦Rowland Burdick, B. S., Asst. Prof. Dairying and Farm Mach., Mgr. Farm. ►tP. S. Burgess, Ph. D., Prof. Chem.j Assoc. Cliem. *C. L. Coggins, B. S., Asst. Prof. Phys. fF. K. Crandall, B. S., Asst. in Field Expts. tS. C. Damon, B. S., Asst. in Field Expts. ♦Mabel D. Eldred, B. S., Lihr. tF. P. Gross, jr., A. B., Asst. Chem. JMrs. Ida S. Harrington, State Club Leader. tNathaniel Helme, Met. ♦Gertrude Hughes, B. S., Instr. Zool. ♦J. W. Ince, M. A., Head Dept. of Chem. ♦H. L. Jackson, M. S., Prof. Indus. Chem *F. W. Keaney, A. B., Instr. Chem. *L. A. Keegan, B. S., Instr. Agron. $L. F. Kinney, jr., M. S., State Club Leader. ♦.T. E. Ladd, M. S. A., Prof. An. Husb. ♦H. V. Marsh, B. S., Instr. Hort. tWilliam Mather, B. S., Asst. Chem. ^tH. G. May, Ph. D., Prof. Bact. ; Chief in An. Brdg. and Path. ♦L. E. Merrill, B. S., Instr. Hort. tF. R. Pember, M. S., Assoc, in Glasshouse Expts. ♦Mrs. Lillian L. Peppard, M. S., Prof. Home Econ. ♦Mrs. S. H. Reed, Instr. Teacher Training (Home Econ.). tW. H. Scott, B. S., Asst. An. Brdg. and Path. »t Helena A. M. Tibbetts, B. S., Asst. in Bact.; Asst. An. Brdg. and Path. tP. H. Wessels, M. S., Assoc. Chem. SOUTH CAROLINA. Clenison Agfricultural Colles'*' and tlie As"i"icultui*al Experiment Station. Clemson College. ♦College faculty. tStation staff. JExtension staff. ♦W. M. Riggs, E. and M. E., LL. D., President. Consulting Engin.{*) *tJH. W. Barre, M. A., Dir. of Sta. Bot., Bact.(*) ; Bot., Plant Pa*7i.(t) {State Path.). tVf. W. Long, M. S., Dir. of Ext. Div., State Agent Farm Dem. Work. ♦F. H. H. Calhoun, Ph. D., Dir. of Resident Teaching. Geol. (♦) JG. M. Anderson, *tW. B. Aull, B. Assoc. Bact. L. Baker, Supervising Agt. Boys' Club Work. A. Berly, B. S P. Blackwell, Agron. N. Brackett, Ph. D., Dir. Chem. Dept. (State Chem.). B. Bryan, B. S. S. Buie, B. S. Invest. tJ. L. Carbery, Ext. Agron. 'jG. H. Ceilings, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agron.; Asst. Agron. JA. P. Conradi, M. S., Prof. Zool., Ent.; Ent. (State Ent.). *W. G. Crandall, B. S., Prof. Agr. Ed. tR. E. Currin, Supt. Pee Dee Substa., P. 0., Florence. t-T. "T + C t±A. tT. S., Asst. Ent. Assoc. Prof. Bad.; , Aast. State Ent. M. S., Chief Div. of B. Litt., Editor. Specialist in Fert. ♦Mary H. Evans, B. A., Instr. Bot. tS. W. Evans, Treas. ♦tlL O. Peelcy, D. V. S., Prof. Vet. Sci. ; Consult. Vet. (State Vet.). ♦Benjamin Freeman, B. S., Asst. in Chem. ♦B. W. Geniesse, M. S., Asst. Prof. Ghem. tBurns Gillison, Foreman Expt. Farm. ♦tE. G. Godbey, B. S., Asst. Prof. An. Husb.; Asst. An. Husb. »W. E. Godfrey, A. M., Prof. Phys. JF. L. Harkey, Field Agt. in Marketing. ♦C. J. Hayden, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort. JG. P. Hoffmann, B. S., Ext. Hort. ♦W. C. Jensen, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agron. and Soils. JJ. P. La Master, B. S., Dairy Husb. Ext. JL. H. Lewis, Agt. in Marketing. ♦tW. L. Lippincott, B. Ch., Prof. Chem.; Chem. 62 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. fC. A. Lad-wig, Ph. D., Assoc. Bot. and Plant Path. tH. S. McConnell, B. S., Ass*. Ent. *E. R. Meacham, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agron. and Farm Mach. *tw. H. Mills, A. B., D. D., Prof. Rural t^ociol. *J. H. Mitchell, M. S., Prof. Chem. tC. L. Morgan, B. S., Swine Specialist. 'ttC. C. Newman, B. S., Prof. Hort.; Ilort. tC. B. Nickels, M. S., Asst. State Ent. tJ. B. Parker, B. S., Agt. in Dairying. tC. S. Patrick, Supt. of Sta. Farms. *Verd Peterson, A. B., Prof. Agr. Ed. *R. E. Preston, A. M., Assoc. Prof. Phys. tE. S. Prevost, Beekeeping. tJ. A. Riley, M. S., Supt. Coast Land Sta., P. 0., Summerville. tW. B. Rogers, B. S., Asst. Agron. ♦D. B. Rosenkrans, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Bot. JA. E. Schilletter, B. S., Asst. in Hort. Ext. |W. J. Sheely, B. S., Beef Cattle Spe- cialist. *T. K. Sisk, A. B., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Ed. *tL. V. Starkey, M. S., Head Dept. of An. Hush. *Mabel B. Stehle, M. A., Asst. Prof. Ent. *M. R. Tolstrup, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Dairying. 'ttMrs. Helen S. Torrence, Agr. Libr. JD. W. Watkins, B. S., A.ss*. Dir. Ext. Div. *Woodford White, B. S., Asst. Prof. Chem. IB. O. Williams, Asst. in Boys' Club Work. JN. E. Winters, M. S., Ext. Agron. State Agricultural and Mechanical College of Sonth Carolina, Orangeburg. ♦College faculty. J Extension staff. ♦JR. S. Wilkinson, Ph. D., President. In Charge of Ext. Work. ►tH. E. Daniels, L. I., Instr. Farm Dem. *C. Clara Davis, L. I., Instr. Seioing. ♦Corine W. Davis, R. N., Instr. Rural Sanitation and Home Nursing. *A. H. Gordon, A. B., Instr. Agr. Ed. *E. A. Grant, L. I., Instr. Hort. •Bessie E. Green, Instr. Handicrafts. ♦Mrs. Cornelia J. Gregg, L. I., Instr. Dom. Econ. •T. J. Lyles, B. S., Instr. Dairying. ♦Larkie Nowlin, L. I., Instr. Cooking and Dietetics. * + S. M. Pinckney, B. S., Instr. An. Indus. ♦Mrs. Charlotte B. Seabrook, Dir. Home Econ. ♦P. M. Staley, B. S., Dir. Agr. Dept., Prof. Agr., Agr. Chem and Rural Social Set. ♦B. W. Turner, B. S., Instr. Agr. Chem. and Dairying. ♦J. I. Washington, Instr. Farm Account- ing. ♦J. T. Williamson, B. S., Pruf. Agr. Pedag. SOLTH DAKOTA. Sonth Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Art.« and the Agricultural E.xperiiuent Station, Brookings. *College faculty. fStation staff. ^Extension staff. *W. E. Johnson, Ph. D., LL. D., President. ♦tJ. W. Wilson, M. S. A., Dir. of Sta. An. Husb.i*f) tW. F. Kumlien, A. B., Acting Dir. of Ext. Liv. S., Farm Mgt. Dem. M. S., Assoc. Prof. tP. P. Banker, B. S., Asst. State Clul Leader. tM. R. Benedict, B. ♦E. R. Binnewies, Chem. ♦G. L. Brown, Ph. D., Vice Pres. and Dean. *A. L. Bushey, M. A., Asst. Prof. Agron. ♦Ada B. Caldwell, Prof. Indus. Arts. ♦A. F. Culhane, B. S., Asst. in Dairy Hush. JH. E. Dawes, Leader of Corresp. and Short Courses. •tB. A. Dunbar, A. M., Prof. Chem.; Chem. ♦A. T. Evans, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Agron. ♦D. C. Farley. B. S., Instr. Chem. t-A. L. Ford, M. S., Specialist in Ent. ♦tMatthew Fowlds, B. S., Asst. in Agron. j Asst. in Crops. ♦tG. L. Gilbertson, M. S., Instr. Ent.; Asst. Ent. •S. S. Gossman, B. S., Instr. Poultry Husb. ♦A. C. Griffin, M. A., Prin. School of Agr. ♦C. D. Grinnells, D. V. M., Asst. Prof. An. Husb. JE. W. Hall, B. S., Actg. County Agt. Leader. ♦fN. E. Hansen, Sc. D., Prof. Hort. and For. ; Hort. and Vice Dir. of Sta. J J. C. Holmes, B. S., Specialist in Live- stock Improvement. ♦H. H. Hoy, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Phys. ♦tA. N. Hume, Ph. D., Prof. Agron.; Supt. of Suhstas. Dir. of State Soil Survey. ♦t J. G. Hutton, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron. ; Assoc. Agron. Asst. Dir. State Soil Survey. SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE. 63 tB. L. Johnson, B. S., Dairy Analyst. JR. E. Johnston, B. S., Ext. Agron. •tP. W. Kieser, Prof. Journalism, Agr. Editor. JMay Kiethline, Asst. State Club Leader. *Louisa E. Kirk, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. •tA. H. Kuhlman, M. S., Assoc. Prof. An. Husb.j Assoc. An. Hush. *R. A. Larson, 8ecy. *Loulse L. Leaton, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. •tC. C. Lipp, D. V. M., Prof. Vet. Med.; Consult. Vet. Dir. An. Healffi L%b. *Laura J. McArthur, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. *JF. E. McCall, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort., Specialist in Hort. *J. A. Machlis, B. S., Asst. Agron. •11. B. Mathews, M. S., Prof. Phys., Vice Dean, Dir. of Summer School. *T. M. Olson, M. S., Instr. Dadry Hush. *E. C. O'Roke, M. A., Asst. Prof. Zool. JR. L. Patty, B. S., Specialist in Agr. En gin. * Edith Pierson, B. S., Prof. Home Econ. ♦Phyllis Reld, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. tSelma Rongstad, State Home Dem. Leader. tP. J. Scarbro, A. B., State Cluh Leader. ♦jH. C. Severin, M. A., Prof. Ent. and Na- ture Study; Ent. {State Ent.). *tG. L. Stevenson, B. S., Prof. Poultry Hush.; Poultry Hush. *J. B. Taylor, D. V. M., Instr. Vet. Sci. and Bact. tG. H. Valentine, B. S., Asst. State Cluh Leader. *C. T. Walter, M. A., Asst. Prof. Chem. ♦Grace E. Wasson, B. A., Inatr. Home Econ. JG. S. Weaver, V, S., Specialist in An. Diseases. ♦tC. F. Wells, M. S., Instr. Chem.; Asst. Chem. ♦Hazel M. Willis, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Indus. Art. *C. R. Wiseman, B. S., Asst. Prof. Voc. Ed., in charge of Agr. Ed. *tT. H. Wright, jr.. B. S., Asst. Prof. Dairy Hush.; Asst. Dairy Hush., Dairy Bact. TENNESSEE. College of Agricultnre and tlie Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. ♦College faculty. fStation staff. ^Extension staff. ♦tH. A. Morgan, B. S. A., LL. D., President of University, Dean Coll. of Agr., Dir. of Sta. JC. A. Keffer, M. S., Dir. Div. of Agr. Ext. *tC. E. Allred, M. S., Prof. Agr. Econ.; Agr. Econ. JMargaret A. Ambrose, Asst. Dir. of Home Econ. *tG. M. Bentley, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Zool., Ent.; Assoc. Ent. (State Ent.). $H. B. Bliss, B. S., Specialist in Farm Mach. tC. B. Brehm, B. S., Asst. Dir. Div. of Agr. Ext. tF. H. Broome, Secy., Lihr. ♦J. P. Buck, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Ed. ♦W. A. Campbell, Farm Foreman. tW. L. Clevenger, B. S., Asst. Dadry Spe- cialist. tJ. B. Converse, Asst. in Coop. Expts. (P. 0., Crossville). ♦Nellie Crooks, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Home Econ. $T. P. Dixon, D. D., Specialist in Rural Social. ♦O. W. Dynes, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron. tS. H. Essary, M. S., Bot. ♦N. E. Fitzgerald, B. Pd., B. S., Prof. Agr. Ed. JC. C. Flanery, B. S., Asst. in An. Hush. JMrs. Florence Forbes, Specialist in Poul- try Hush. *H. C. Fortner, M. A., Asst. Prof. Zool. *C. H. Gordon, Ph. D., Prof. Geol. ♦W. E. Grainger, B. S., Asst. in Chem. JMaude L. Guthrie, M. A., Specialist in Home Econ. ♦Mary L. Hahn, M. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. ♦Lena B. Henderson, B. S., Asst. Prof. Bot. t-G. L. Herrington, Chih Specialist. ♦L. R. Hesler, Ph. D., Prof. Bot. ♦C. O. Hill, Ph. C, M. S., Prof Org. and Agr. Chem. ♦Ruby E. Flitch, B. A., Instr. Home Econ. tC. M. Hume, B. S., Actg. Supt., Middle Tcnn. Sta., P. O., Columbia. JC. A. Hutton, B. S., Specialist in Dairy Hush. ♦Moses Jacob, V. M. D., Prof. Vet. Sci. JA. L. Jerdan, B. S., Asst. in An. Hush. JH. W. Jones, Supt. Tobacco Expt. Sta., P. O.. Clarksville. JR. L. Long, Asst. in Plat Work (P. 0., JacJcson). ♦R. B. Lowry, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron. JJ. C. McAmis, B. S., Specialist in Agron. tW. H. Mclntire, Ph. D., Soil Chem. JFlorence D. McTeer, Ext. Secy. JR. S. Maddox, Specialist in Farm For. 17566—21- -10 64 LIST OF WORKEES IN AGRICULTURE. JEva M. Malone, B. A., Asst. Editor. to. A. Mooers, B. S., Agron. and Vice Dir. of Sta. JElizabeth Moreland, B. A., Community Service Specialist. ♦Maurice Mulvania, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Bact. tH. P. Ogden, B. S., Asst. in Coop. Expts. (P. O., Murfreesboro) . •J. T. Porter, Ph. D., Prof. Pfiys. $L. A. Richardson, B. S., Specialist in An. Hush. tS. A. Robert, B. S., Supt. West Tenn. Sta., P. O., Jackson. •A. A. Schaeffer, Ph. D., Prof. Zool. 1W. M. Shaw, M. S., Asst. Chem. tC. D. Sherbakoff, Ph. D., Plant Path. $A. J. Sims, Editor. tS. M. Spangler, Asst. in Plat Work. tHanvey Stanford, B. S., Asst. Chem. *W. C. Stiles, M. S., Instr. An. Hush. ♦Martha C. Thomas, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. XG. N. Tobey, Cheese Specialist. •C. E. Wait, C. E., M. E., Ph. D., Prof. Oen. and Anal. Chem. JMrs. Lena A. Warner, R. N., Specialist in Rural Health. *0. M. Watson, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort. *C. A. Willson, M. S. A., Prof. An. Hush., Vice Dean of Coll. ♦C. E. Wylie, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Dairying. tJ. B. Young, B. A., Asst. Chem. Tennessee Ai^ricnltaral and Industrial State Nurnial School, Nashville. ♦College faculty. ♦W. J. Hale, President. •Exie Brown, Plain Sewing. ♦Mrs. Martha Brown, Laundering. *G. O. Carrington, Mariual Arts. ♦Ruth Dean, Social, and Rural Ed. ♦Lucile Gilbert, Dom. Sci. •T. M. Harris, Home Decorations. ♦A. T. Johnson, Applied Agr. ♦Mrs. J. C. McAdams, Nurse Training. •C. Olga Mitchell, Millinery, Dressmaking. ♦Lora Myers, Dom. Sci. ♦Mrs. D. B. Myles, Nurse Training. ♦Octavia Robinson, Handicraft. ♦S. B. B. Scott, Phys. and Chem. ♦Mrs. Willia Webster, Millinery, Dress- making. ♦Mrs. Mary L. Wilson, Housekeeping. •E. C. Yates, Teacher Training in Agr. Agrrlcnltnral and Mechanical College of Texas and the Agricultural Ex- periment Station, College Station. ♦College faculty, f Station staff. ^Extension staff. ♦W. B. Bizzell, M. A., D. C. L., President. tB. Ycungblood, M. S., Dir. of Sta. rr. O. Walton, Dir. Ext. Service. ♦J. B. Alford, B. S., Assoc. Prof. An. Hush. tS. E. Asbury, M. S., Asst. Chem. ♦O. M. Ball, Ph. D., Prof. Biol. $J. B. Beers, Asst. in Cotton Classing. tD. H. Bennett, V. M. D., Vet. JM. R. Bentley, Farm Engineer. ♦S. W. Bilsing, M. A., Prof. Ent. ♦S. M. Blackberg, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Physiol, and Pharmacology. ♦H. R. Brayton, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Chem. tR. A. Brewer, B. S., Asst. An. Hush., Sheep and Ooat Invest. (P. O., Spur). tGussie Brockman, Chem. Lab. Asst. ♦D. S. Buchanan, Asst. Prof. An. Hush. ♦C. W. Burchard, A. M., Assoc. Prof. Chem. tT. M. Bushnell, B. S., Soil Surveyor. ♦A. R. Cahn, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Biol. tW. T. Carter, jr.. Chief Div. of Soil Sur- vey Work (Coop. U. S. D. A.). ♦Hugh Cassiday, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Biol. ♦J. A. Clutter, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Dairy Hush. tA. B. Conner, B. S., Chief Div. of Agron., Vice Dir. of Stat. ♦T. J. Conway, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Poul- try Hush. tW. B. Cook, Assoc. An. Hush. (Boys' Club Work). tV. L. Cory, B. S., Supt. Suhsta. No. 9 (P. O., Pecos). tl. E. Cowart, M. S., Supt. Suhsta. No. 1 (P. O., Beeville). tA. B. Cox, Ph. D., Chief Div. of Farm and Ranch Econ. tA. B. Cron, B. S., Supt. Suhsta. No. It (P. O., Chillicothe; Coop. U. S. D. A.). ♦A, L. Darnell, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Dairy Hush. tM. M. Daugherty, Assoc. Rural Econo- mist. ♦G. L. Dickey, Asst. Prof. Agr. Ed. tR. E. Dickson, B. S., Supt. Suhsta. No. 7 (P. 0., Spur). tC. M. Evans, M. S., Dairy Hush. ♦R. K. Fletcher, M. A., Assoc. Prof. Ent. TEXAS. 65 •tMark Francis, D. V. M., Prof. Vet. Anat., Dean School of Vet. Med.; Chief Div. of Vet. 8ci. tG. S. Flaps, Ph. D., Chief Div. of Chem. (State Chem.). fF. D. Fuller, M. S., Chief Feed Control Service. *W. E. Gainett, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Rural Social Set. tE. W. Geyer, B. S., Agron. and Bupt. Agron. Farm. •V. R. Glazener, Instr. Voc. Teaching. tVelma Graham, Chem. Lab. Asat. tV. E. Hafuer, B. S., Supt. Substa. No. S (P. O., Angleton). *M. L. Hayes, A. M., Prof. Voc. Teaching. XU. E. Hays, A. M., Hort. JMayme Hazle, Poultry Specialist. •C. C. Hedges, Ph. D., Prof. Chem. *F. W. Hensel, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort. tM. Helen Higgins, Asst. State Home Dem. Agt. tW. S. Hotchkiss, Supt. Substa. No. S (P. 0., Troup). tS. C. Hoyle, A. B., Editor. tU A. Huflf, Agt. in Cotton Work. *W. L. Hughes, A. B., Asst. Prof. Voc. Teaching. fA. D. Jackson, Editorial and Publicity Work. tJ. M. Jones, A. M., Chief Div. of An. Indus., in charge Sheep and Ooat In- vest, and Asst. Dir. of Sta. tR. E. Karper, B. S., Supt. Substa. No. 8 (P. 0., Lubbock). XF. W. Kazmeier, Poultry Husb. tD. T. Killough, B. S., Supt. Substa. No. 5 (P. 0., Temple). *J. H. Kraft, B. S., Prof. Ayr. Ed. *E. J. Kyle, M. S., Prof. Hort., Dean School of Ayr. JR. R. Lancaster, Specialist in Organiza- tion. JW. B. Lanham, A. M., Asst. Dir. Ext. Service. tA. H. Leidigh, B. S., Agron. *A. A. Lenert, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Med. and Surg. tS. Lomanitz, B. S., Asst. Chem. *G. R. Long, B. S., Asst. Prof. Voc. Teach- ing. tL. L. McCall, Supt. Substa. No. 10, P. 0., College Station. *C. M. McCoy, A. B., Instr. Chem. tC. H. McDowell, B. S., Supt. Substa. No. 6 (P. O., Denton). tG. T. McNess, Supt. Substa. No. 11 (P. O., Nacogdoches). +W. T. Magee, B. S., An. Hmb. *W. S. Malloch, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort. »R. P. Marsteller, D. V. M., Prof. Vet. Med. and Surg. JE. A. Miller, Sweet Potato Storage Spe- cialist. *F. G. Moore, B. S., Asst. Prof. Chem. •J. O. Morgan, Ph. D., Prof. Ayron. JLaura F. Neale, State Home Dem. Ayt. *N. T. L. Nelson, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Biol. tHelge Ness, M. S., Chief Div. of Hort. tLucy D. Newland, Chem. Lab. Asst. *J. R. F. Parkinson, B. A., Instr. Chem. JR. W. Persons, in charge Boys' Club Work. tE. M. Peters, B. S., Supt. Substa. No. H (P. 0., Sonora). ♦A. T. Potts, M. S., Prof. Veg. Card. *D. J. Pratt, A. M., Asst. Prof. Biol. •E. W. Price, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Path. tA. H. Prince, B. S., Supt. Substa. No. i (P. O., Beaumont). ♦Charles Puryear, M. A., C. E., LL. D., Dean of Coll. *E. O. Randolph, M. S., Prof. Geol. ♦E. M. Regenbrecht, B. S., Itistr. An. Husb. tH. J. Reinhard, B. S., Ent. XR. R. Reppert, Ent. (Coop. U. S. D. A.). tB. B. Reynolds, B. S., Agron. tC. S. Rude, B. S., Ent. *S. H. Salisbury, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Geol. ♦Robert Schaer, B. S., Instr. Chem. tH. Schmidt, D. V. S., Vet. ♦Daniels Scoates, B. S. (C. E., A. E.), Prof. Agr. Engin. tR. M. Sherwood, B. S., Poultry Husb. XA. K. Short, B. S., Agron. tE. O. Siecke, B. S., Chief Div. of For. (State For.). ♦O. W. Silvey, Ph. D., Prof. Phys. •H. P. Smith, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Engin. tJ. B. Smith, B. S., Asst. Chem. ♦S. D. Snyder, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Engin. tCharles Sosolik, Tech. Asst. (Photog.). ♦A. J. Spieth, A. B., Instr. Chem. ♦J. H. Stallings, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Ayron. •W. L. Stangel, B. S., Prof. An. Husb. ♦W. A. Stone, S. B., Asst. Prof. Chem. ♦D. G. Sturkie, B. S., Instr. Agron. tM. C. Tanquary, Ph. D., Chief Div. of Ent. (State Ent.) tJ. J. Taubenhaus, Ph. D., Chief Div. of Plant Path, and Physiol. •G. S. Templeton, B. S., Head Dept. of An. Husb. tJ. L. Thomas, Creamery Specialist. JM. K. Thornton, Jr., A. M., Prof. Chem. tWaldo Walker, Asst. Chem. ♦P, H. Walser, B. S., Instr. An. Husb. XA. L. Ward, Swine Specialist (Live-stock Clubs). tA. S. Wai-e, Secy. ♦F. W. Westcourt, B. S., Instr. Hort. •P. K. Whelpton, B. S., Prof. Farm Mgt. ♦G. B. Wilcox, Instr. Voc. Teaching. *D. W. Williams, M. S., Assoc. Prof. An. Husb. }H. H. Williamson, B. S., State Agt. ♦C. A. Wood, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Ayron. *Lenthall Wyman, M. F., Asst. Prof. For. 66 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College, Prairie Viexo, ♦College faculty. JBxtension work. *J. G. Osborne, B. S., M. D., Principal. ♦Matilda A. Austin, Asst. in Bom. Sci. »P. E. Bledsoe, B. S., Prof. Phys. *B. F. Bullock, B. S., Prof. Agr. ♦Miss E. A. Davis, Prof. Home Econ. *E. B. Evans, D. V. M., Prof. Vet. Sci. ♦A. D. Ewell, Laundry Foreman. *Mrs. A. D. Ewell, Asst. in Laundry. *W. L. Hood, B. S., Prof. An. Husb. ♦T. H. Jackson, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. ♦Prudence L. Lewis, A. B., Assoc, in Dom. Sci. *H. J. Long, B. A., Assoc. Biol. *L. R. Posey, B. A., Prof. Biol. ♦Ethel M. Roy, Asst. in Dom. Sci. tC. H. Waller, B. S., State Leader in Emt. Work. ♦T. W. "Wheeler, Prof. Hort. *E. T. Williams, Asst. Plant Path. * Gertrude Williams, Libr. *A. T. Wood, Prof. Voc. Agr. Asricultnral College of Utah and tlie Agricultural Experiment Station, * College faculty. Logan. tStation staff. lExtension staff. *E. G. Peterson, Ph. D., President. "tF. S. Harris, Ph. D., Dir. of Sta. Agron.(*f) $R. J. Evans, Ph. D., Dir. of Ext. Div. ♦tT. H. Abell, M. S., Asst. Prof. Hort.; Asst. Hort. ♦tJByron Alder, B. S., Asst. Prof. Poultry Hush.; Poultryman. ♦tF. R. Arnold, A. M., in charge Commu- nity Service Bureau. fJ. R. Bateman, B. S., Supt. Panguitch Farm, P. O., Panguitch. ♦tJR. J. Becraft, B. S., Asst. Prof, in charge Range Mgt. tA. F. Bracken, B. S., Supt. Neplii Sul- sta., P. O., Nephi. ♦tE. B. Brossard, Ph. D., Prof. Farm Mgt.; Farm Mgt. *tG. B. Caine, A. M., Head Dept. of Dadry Husb. ♦tW. E. Carroll, Ph. D.. Prof. An. Husi.; An. Husi. *tE. G. Carter, M. S., Asst. Prof. Bact.; Assoc. Bact. t$ Blanche Cooper, B. S., Assoc, in Human Nutr. Invest., Child Welfare Work. ♦iCharlotte E. Dancy, Specialist in Home Nursing. ♦fN. E. Edlefsen, B. S., Instr. Phys.; Asst. Physicist. }B. R. Eldredge, B. S., Farm Mgt. Dem. (P. 0., Salt Lake City). t Scott Ewing, B. S., Asst. Physicist. tArthur Fife, B. S., Asst. in Irrig. and Drainage. *t1:H. J. Frederick, D. V. M., Prof. Vet. Sci.; Vet. ♦tWillard Gardner, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Phys.; Assoc. Physicist. ♦fJ. E. Greaves, Ph. D., Prof. Bact., Physiol. Chem.; Bact. and Chem. *Emil Hansen, Supt. Grounds and Green- houses. $M. H. Harris, Ph. D., State Leader Junior Ewt. Work. *tl. M. Hawley, Ph. D., Prof. Zool. Ent.; Ent. ♦tG. R. Hill, jr., Ph. D., Prof. Bot., Plant Path, and Dir. School of Agr.; Bot. ♦tR. L. Hill, Ph. D., Prof. Chem.; Head Dept. of Human Nutr. ♦tC. T. Hirst, M. S., Asst. Prof. Chem.; Assoc. Chem. t.T. C. Hogenson, M. S., in charge Farm- ers' Insts. and Agr. Corresp. Study. ♦to. W. Israelsen, M. S., Prof. Irrig. and Drainage; Irrig. and Drainage Engin. ID. S. Jennings, Ph. D., in charge Soil Survey Work. *tG. E. King, B. S., Iiistr. Ent.; Asst. Ent. JAray J. Leigh, Asst. Home Dem. Leader. +J. H. Linford, D. Di., Supt. Corresp. Studies Dept. ♦tYcppa Lund, M. S., Instr. Bact.; Asst. Bact. $Rcna B. May cock, State Home Dem. Leader. ♦Amy L. Merrill, B. S., Asst. Prof. Household Admin. *tM. C. Merrill, Ph. D., Prof. Hort.; Hort. ♦Johanna Moen, B. S., Prof. Dom. Art. *t Peter Nelson, B. S., Farm Foreman. ♦tL. F. NufCer, B. S., Instr. Bot.; Asst. Bot. $W. W. Owens, B. S., County Agt. Leader. ♦tWilliam Peterson, B. S., Prof. Qeol. ; Ocol. {State Geol.). tBlanche C. Pittman, A. B., Libr. ♦fD. W. Pittman, M. S., Instr. Agron.; Asst. Agron. ♦tB. L. Richards, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Bot., Plant Path.; Assoc. Bot. ♦Lavinia Richardson, B. S., Instr. Dom. Art. UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA, 67 ♦A. H. Saxor, Ph. D., Actff. DU: School of Home Econ. JRoziua Slddmore, B. S., Instr. Dom. Art. * Flattie Smith, Actg. Ltbr. •Winnifred Smith, B. S., Instr. Foods and Dietetics. *tGeorge Stewart, M. S., Prof. Agron.j in charge Field Crops. tM. D. Thnmas, B. S., Assoc. Agron. •fF. L. West, Ph. D., Prof. Phys. ; Physi- cist. *R. B. West, C. E., Prof. Agr. Engin., Dir. School of Agr. Engin. ♦Jessie Whitacre, B. S., Prof. Foods and Dietetics, tA. L. Wilson, B. S., Supt. Davis County Farm {P. O., Farmington) . ITanez Wilson, B. S., Specialist in Irrig. and Drainage. tL. M. Winsor, B. S., Irrig. and Drainage Engin. (Coop. U. S. D. A.). VERMONT. College of Agricnltnre and the Agrieiiltiiral Experiment Station o£ the Iniveisity of Vermont and State Agrienltural Collese. DinUngton. ♦College facult.v. fStation staff. JExtension staff. *G. W. Bailey, B. A., President. *tJ. L. Hills, So. D., Dean Coll. of Agr., Dir. of Sta. Agron. (*) JThomas Bradlee, B. S., Dir. Agr. Ext. Service, County Agt. Leader. tG. F. Anderson, Asst. Chem. ♦Alice E. Blundell, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. tMay O. Boy n ton, Ph. B.. Libr. •tG. P. Burns, Ph. D., Prof. Bot.j Bot. tJ. E. Carrigan, B. S., Asst. County Agt. Leader. ♦Helen M. Chapin, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. *tW. H. Crockett, Editor. ►ttM. B. Cummings, Ph. D., Prof. Hort. ; Hort. *tE. J. Dole, A. B., Instr. Bot.; Asst. Bot. •fll. B. Ellenberger, Ph. D., Prof. An. and Dairy Hush.; An. and Dairy Hush. *F. C. Fiske, B. S., Instr. Farm Mech. •L. H. Flint, M. S., Instr. Bot. ♦A. FT. Gilbert, M. S., Asst. Prof. Bot. •W. G. Hastings, M. S. F., Prof. For. (State For.). tJ. A. Hitchcock, Specialist in Dairying. JE. L. Ingalls, A. B., State Cluh Leader. tE. W. Jenkins, B. S., Asst. Hort. *F. B. Jenks, B. S., Prof. Agr. Ed., Asst. Dean Coll. of Agr. tC. H. Jones, M. S., Chem. ►tH. A. D. Leggett, B. S., Asst. Prof. Poul- try Hush., Specialist in Poultry Work. $Marjorie E. Luce, B. S., Asst. State Cluh Leader. ^fB. F. Lutmaoi, Ph. D., Prof. Plant Path.; Plant Path. ►tJ. A. Newlander, B. S., Instr. An. Hush.; Asst. An. Hush. •^t Alexander Parks, Oardener. *H. F. Perkins, Ph. D., Prof. Zool. ICharlotte C. Pierpont, B. S., State Home Dem. Leader. *C. M. Pike, B. S., Instr. Agr. Ed. JLydia M. Potter, Specialist in Home Econ. $M. P. Rasmussen, B. S.. Farm Mgt. Dcm. *F. A. Rich, V. S., M. D., Prof. fet. Sci. ♦Bertha M. Terrill.i A. M., Prof. Home Econ. ♦Edna C. Whitcomb, Itistr. Home Econ. ♦Margaret E. Whittemore, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. VIRGINIA. Virginia Agricnltural and Mechanical College anjl Polytecliii and the Agriciiltnral Experiment Station, BlacKshurg. *College faculty. fStation staff, if Extension staff. ♦J. A. Burvuss, A. M., President. *tH. L. Price, M. S., Dean of Agr. Dept. TIort.CT) tA. W: Drinkard, jr.. Ph. D., Dir. of Sta. IJ. R. Hutcheson, M. S., Dir. of Ext. Piv. tB. G. Anderson, B. S., Supt. Appomat- tox Ffa., P. 0., Appomattox. tKent Apperson, Asst. Hort. tE. T. Batten, B. S., Supt. Holland Sta., P. 0., Holland. > On leave. tD. J. Berger, Supt. Chatham Sta., P. O., Chatham. t-F. A. Buchanan, B. S., Dairy Hn.9h. tC. G. Burr, B. A., State Agt. Boys' Club Work. 68 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. *W. G. Chi-isman, V. S., Prof. Vet. Sci. tR. P. Cocke, Supt. Lightfoot 8ta., P. O., Liyhtfoot. *W. B. Coggin, A. M., Prof. Agr. Ed. JMrs. M. M. Davis, 8tate Home Dem. Agt. tA.. L. Dean, Asst. Poultry Hiiah. *tW. B. Ellett, Ph. D., Prof. Agr. Chem. ; Chetn. til. F. Pralin, Asst. Cheese Specialist (P. O., Rocky Mount). *tF. D. Fromme, Ph. D., Prof. Plant Path. and Bact.; Plant Path, and Bact. *tM. E. Gardner, B. S., Asst. in Hort. *tP. S. Glassett, Instr. Agron.; Asst. Agron. tW. W. Green, Supvr. Tolacco Invest. and Supt. Bowling Green Sta., P. O., Bowling Green (Coop. V. S. D. A.). tW. G. Harris, M. S., Assoc. Chem. tH. H. Hill, M. S., Assoc. Chem. tA. N. Hodgson, M. S., Supt. Martins- ville Sta., P. 0., Martinsville. tE. R. Hodgson, M. S., Supt. Staunton Sta., P. O., Staunton. JBessie M. Hodsden, Asst. State Home Bern. Agt. •tC. W. Holdaway, M. S., Prof. Dairy Hush.; Dairy Hust. tHIallie L. Hughes, State Agt. Girls' CluJ) Work. *tR. B. Hunt, M. S., Prof. An. Hush.j An. Hush. •tT. B. Hutcheson, M. S., Prof. Agron.; Agron. and Supvr. County Expt. Stas. ♦Elinor I. Jones, A. B., Lihr. *D. S. Lancaster, M. S., Prof. Agr. Ed. *J. B. Lucas, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Chem. *J. M. McBryde, Ph. D., Sc. D., Pres. Emeritus. tW. G. MacGowan, B. S., Asst. Dairy- man. •E. C. Magill, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Agr. Ed. *tA. B. Massey, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Plant Path, and Bact.; Assoc. Plant Path, and Bact. to. A. Montgomery, B. S., Asst. State Boys' Cluh Agt. $W. P. Moore, Asst. Dir. of Ext. Div. tF. A. Motz, B. S., Asst. Hort. JE. R. Price, Editor. ^ttG. S. Ralston, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Pomol.; Field Hort. ♦{Hugh Ross, jr., B. S., Instr. Hort. *tW. D. Saunders, Prof. Dairy and An. Hush., Dairy Specialist. *tW. J. Schoene, M. S., Prof. Econ. Ent.; Ent. (State Ent.). %Q. E. Seitz, Agr. Engtn. JR. C. Thomas, M. S., Asst. Plant Path. tGrace Townley, B. S., Specialist in Home Econ. •JA. P. Treakle, Prof. Poultry Hush. •H. C. Turner, B. S., Instr. An. Hush. *tC. I. Wade, Treas. (P. O., Christians- hurg). tM. O. Wilson, Supt. Charlotte Sta., P. O., Charlotte Court House. »tS. A. Wingard, M. S., Asst. Plant Path. *tT. K. Wolfe, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Agron.; Assoc. Agron. Virginia Truck Experiment Station, Norfolk. t Station staff. tT. C. Johnson, A. M., Director. Hort. tG. R. Gardner, Hort. Foreman. tF. W. Geise, M. S., Assoc. Path. tF. H. Keister, B. S., Asst. Hort. tG. R. Parrish, Treas. tD. M. Scott, Supt. Eastern Shore Virginia Expt. Farm (P. O.. Olney). tH. H. Zimmerley, B. S., Assoc. Hort. Hnmpton Piormtil and Aiarricultural Institute, Hampton. ♦College faculty. JExtension staflf. •J. E. Gregg, Principal. ♦W. K. Blodgett, Dir. Agr. School. tJ. L. B. Buck, Dir. Ext. Work. •Jessie A. Bidwell, Teacher Household Sci. ♦Clara A. Blakeslee, Teacher Household Arts. ♦P. E. Bowman, in charge Students' Kitchen. ♦Celia Bradley, Teacher Household Sci. •Lillian Clark, Teacher Household Sci. •tPauline G. Corey, Secy, to Dirs. of Home Econ. and Ext. Work. •JG. J. Davis, Rural Community Work. •A. B. Doggett, Instr. Rural Social. ♦G. C. Faville, Vet. and Instr. An. Hush ♦Donald Ponn, Instr. Rural Engin. ♦Margaret Puller, Teacher Home Econ. •JF. S. Gammack, Instr. Poultry Hush. *F. A. Goings, in charge Horse Barn. ♦Daisy L. Guillette, Instr. Laundry Work. ♦Pearl Harlow, Teacher Household Chem. VIRGINIA VIKGIN ISLANDS WASHINGTON. 69 •Martha Harrison, Teacher Household 8ci. *Maiion E. Head, Teacher Household Arts. ♦Lenora E. Herron, Libr. *T. J. Howard, in charge Meat Market. •Margaretta K. Hume, Secy, to Dir. of Agr. School. *W. R. Jackson, Asst. in Whipple Farm Dairy. ♦Nancy E. Jinks, in charge Household Sci. *>rary R. Kennedy,' Teacher Home Econ. ♦Peter Kiiighorne, Florist, Landsc. Gard. ♦Sara Lane, Teacher B act. ♦Josephine Leverett, in charge Laundry. ♦Carrie A. Lyford, Dir. Home Econ. School. ♦L. R. Miner, Applied Art in Home Econ. ♦E. S. Moberg. Itiatr. Dairying. •Caroline D. Pratt, in charge Household Arts. ♦Eliza Quick, Teacher Household Sci. ♦L. S. Randall, Asst. in Slielllanks Dairy. •Daniel Scott, Instr. Hort. ♦Mary L. Stephens, Instr. Laundry Work. •Maude V. Stickle, Teacher Household Set. ♦E. Jeanette Taylor, Teacher Household Sci. ♦Helen L. Townsend, Teacher Household Sci. ♦J. W. B. Tull, Asst. at Whipple Farm. •Margaret W. Twitchell, Teacher House- hold Sci. ♦J. A. Vohringer, Supt. Shellbatiks Farm. ♦Sarah White, in charge Indus. Sewing. VIRGIIV ISLANDS. Agricultural Experiment Station, St. Croix. Under the supervision of the Office of Experiment Stations, States Relations Service, United States Department of Agriculture. fLongfleld Smith, Ph. D., Agronomist tC E. Wilson, M. A., Ent. charge. WASHINGTON. State College of Washingrton and tUe Agricultural Experiment Station, Pullman. ♦College faculty. fStation staff. JExtension staff. ♦E. O. Holland, Ph. D., President. ♦tE. C. Johnson, M. A., Dean Coll. of Agr., Dir. of Sta. ♦tS. B. Nelson, D. V. M., Dir. of Ext. Dept. and Dean Coll. of Vet. Sci. ♦Hannah C. Aase, Ph. D., Asst. Prof. Bat. JF. L. Audrain, State Club Leader. ♦Edna I. Avery, A. M., Head Div. of Cloth- ing and Textiles. to. E. Barbee, B. S., Asst. in Farm Crops. tR. P. Bean, B. S., Supt. Irrig. Sta., P. 0., Prosser. •H. M. Beckman, B. S., D. V M., Instr. Surg, and Anat. (P. O., Spokane). ♦C. M. Brewster, A. M., Prof. Inorg. and Phys. Chem. ♦S. L. Brown, B. S., D. V. S., Instr. Anat. and Clinics. ♦Katherine T. Bryden, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. ♦L. W. Cassel, B. S., Instr. Poultry Husb, ♦H. L. Cole, B. S., Instr. Chem. ♦R. P. Cope, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Atial. and Agr. Chem. tA. B. Crane, M. S., Drainage Specialist. *tB. F. Dana, M. S., Instr. Plant Path.; Asst. Plant Path. ♦A. M. Doerner, B. S., Asst. Prof. Landsc. Card and Flor. ♦Mary C. Edgar, B. S., Instr. Bot. tArthur Frank, B. S., Plant Path., West- ern Wash. Sta., P. O., Puyallup. ' On leave. •tE. F. Gaines.i M. S., Asst. Prof. Farm Crops; Cerealist. ♦Vivian L. Garrett, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. "t Howard Hackedorn, B. S., Head Dept. of An. Husb. *D. W. Hamilton, Ph. D., Prof. Agr. Ed. ♦Etta H. Handy, Instr. Home Econ. ♦Florence Harrison, M. A., Dean Coll. of Home Econ. ►tF. D. Heald, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Plant Path. ♦A. F. Heck, M. S., Asst. Prof. Soils. JLeonard Hegnauer, B. S., Specialist in Soils, and Crops. ♦Laurel L. Henry, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. tC. E. Hill, B. S., Supt. Waterville Branch Sta., P. 0., Waterville. ♦H. B. Hoffman, B. S., Florist. ♦Shirley E. Holmes, B. S., Instr. Chem. tH. F. Holtz, M. S., Asst. Soil Physicist. JC. M. Hubbard, B. S., An. Husb. Ext. ♦Leila W. Hunt, A. M., Head Div. of Foods and Nutr. ♦Lyla lies, A. M., Instr. Household Mgt. ♦G. H. Jensen, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Bot. 70 LIST OF WORKERS IN AGRICULTURE. tW. T. Johnson, B. S., D. V. M., Vet., Western Wash. Sta., P. O., Puyallup. *U. W. Kalkus, D. V. S., Prof. Path., His- tol.j Head Div. of Vet. Sci. JF. W. Kehrli, B. S., Asst. Dairy Spe- cialist. fRoy Larsen, B. S., Asst. Hort. (P. 0., Wenatchee). $M. Minerva Lawrence, B. S., Home Mgt. Specialist. t+W. A. Linklater, B. S., Supt. Western WasJi. Sta., P. O., Puyallup. *tJ. H. Longwell, M. A., Instr. An. Husi.; Asst. An. Hush. tM. A. McCall, M. S., Dry Land Specialist and Supt. Adams Branch Sta., P. 0., Lind. tOtto McCreary, B. S., Asst. Chem. *A. R. McLaughlin, M. A., Asst. Prof. Vet. Sci. $D. G. Magruder, M. S., Dairy Specialist. *tF. S. Martin, B. S., Instr. Dairy Hush.; Supt. Official Testing. *tA. L. Melander, Sc. D., Head Dept. of Zool.j Ent. *Otto Menig, D. V. S., Prof. Vet. Med. JR. N. Miller, M. S., Farm Mgt. Dem. *Orilla B. Miner, M. A., Instr. Photog. *tR. V. Mitchell, B. S., Head Dept. of Poultry Hush. *tO. M. Morris, M. S., Head Dept. of Hort. tW. I. Nightingale, B. S., Asst. Bact. , Chem. (State Chem.). tJ. L. Passonneau, A. B., Dir. of Markets. ♦Alice G. Paterson, A. B., Asst. Prof. Anal. Chem. *C. A. Phillips, B. S., Instr. Dairy Mfrs. *1F. L. Pickett, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Bot. $E. S. Robertson, M. S., Specialist in Hort. ♦Helen K. Robson, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. tJ. L. St. John, M. S., Asst. Chem. *tE. G. Schafer, M. S., Head Dept. of Farm Crops. *tGeorge Severance, B. S., Head Dept. of Farm Mgt. Vice Dean Coll. of Agr. ♦tW, T. Shaw, M. S., Prof. Zool.; Zool. tG. R. Shoup, Poultryman, Western Wash. Sta., P. 0., Puyallup. tJMrs. G. R. Shoup, Poultry Specialist, Western Wash. Sta., P. O., Puyallup. *tF. J. Sievers, B. S., Head Dept. of Soils. tH. P. Singleton, B. S., Asst. in Farm Crops. *tL. J. Smith, B. S., Head Dept. of Agr. Engin. *t Jerry Sotola, B. S., Instr. An. Nutr.; Asst. An. Hush. *t Anthony Spuler, M. S., Instr. Ent.; Asst. Ent. ttJ. L. Stahl, A. B., Hort., Western Wash. . Sta., P. O., Puyallup. •B. H. Stefifen, B. S., Head Dept. of For. IF. J. Stevenson, Asst. in Crops. *J. J. Stratton, D. V. S., Meat Insp. (P. O., Spokane). JMary B. Sutherland, B. S., Supvr. Home Econ. Field Work. *C. C. Todd, Ph. D., Head Dept. of Chem. ♦Iras Troy, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. ♦F. G. Tucker, A. B., Asst Prof. Phys. JR. M. Turner, Asst. County Agt. Leader. *C. L. Vincent, B. S., Instr. Hort. *tO. L. Waller, Ph. M., Head of Irrig. En- gin. Div. Vice Pres. of Coll. *E. E. Wegner, D. V. S., B. S., Prof. Anat. and Surg., Vice Dean Coll. of Vet. Sci. *tR. O. Westley, M. S., Instr. Farm Crops; Asst. in Farm Crops. JMaud M. Wilson, B. S., State Home Dem. Leader. ♦fE. G. Woodward, A. M., Head Dept. of Dairy Hush. JG. L. Zundel, M. S., Specialist in Cereal Crop Diseases. WEST VIRGINIA. College of Agricultnre and the AKricultural Experiment Station of West Virginia University, Morgantown. ♦College faculty, f Station staff. JExtension staff. ♦F. B. Trotter, A. M., LL. D., President of University. ♦fJ. L. Coulter, Ph. D., Dean Coll. of Agr., Dir. of Sta. JN. T. Frame, A. B., Dir. Agr. Ext. Div. JKathryn Alger, B. S., Girls' Gluh Work. ♦n. B. Allen, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Ed. *tR. E. Allen, B. S., Instr. Farm Engin.; Asst. in Farm Engin. ♦tB. L. Andrews, B. S., Assoc. Prof. Poul- try Hush.; Asst. Poultry Hush. ♦jErnest Angelo, B. S., Instr. Hort.; Asst. Hort. ♦tlE. L. Anthony, M. S., Prof. Dairy Hush.; Dairy Hush. ♦L. D. Arnett, Ph. D., Lihr. fHorace Atwood, M. S., Poultryman. t Anthony Berg, B. S., Asst. Plant Path. ♦Marian Breck, M. S., Asst. Prof. Ed. and Home Econ. IT. J. Cochrane, B. S., Asst. Chem. in Pert, and Feed Control. ♦JRachel H. Colwell, A. M., Prof. Home Econ. JDee Crane, Potato Specialist. ♦fH. L. Crane, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort.; Assoc. Hort. WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN. 71 JB. P. Creech, B. S., An. Uusb. Specialist. *tA. J. Dadisman, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Farm Econ.; Farm Econ. JD. E. Dodd, B. S., Agro7i. Specialist. JB. B. Ezell, B. S., Asst. Dir. Livestock Work. IMargaret Ford, B. S., Farm Women's Club Work. ♦fR. J. Garber, M. S., Assoc, Prof. Agron.; Assoc. Agron. *tN. J. Giddlngs, Ph. D., Prof. Plant Path. J Plajit Path. *tJ. H. Gourley, M. S., Prof. Hort.; Sort. ±C. H. Hartley, B. S., Asst. Dir. Ext. Schools, Insts. and Exhibits. *II. O. Henderson, M. S., Asst. Prof. Dairy Husb. IMarion M. Hepworth, B. S., Asat. Dir. Home Econ. *EditB Hess, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. *tB. H. Hite, B. S., Prof. Agr. Ohem.; Chem. *tR. B. Johnston, News Specialist. ±W. H. Kendrick, B. S., Asst. Dir. Boys' Club Work. *tH. E. Knowlton, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Hort.; Asst. Hort. tF. B. Kunst, A. B., Asst. Chem. tT. B. Leith, B. A., Asst. Chem. in Fert. and Feed Control. *tE. A. Livesay, M. S., Prof. An. Husb.; An. Husb. *tC. A. Lueder, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Set.; Vet. ♦Eleanor McClay, B. S., Instr. Hovfie Econ. tT. C. McElvaine, M. S., Asst. Agron. P. O., Maggie. JR. L. Mason, Poultry Husb. Specialist. *Alice Milner, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. tF. M. Morgan, M. S., Asst. Agron. *tT. E. Odland, M. S., Asst. Prof. Agron.; Agron. *tR. H. Patch, M. S., Asst. Prof. Hort.; Asst. Hort. *tL. M. Peairs, M. S., Prof. Ent.; Re- search Ent. tB. J. Perry, B. S., Dairy Specialist. JH. W. Prettyman, B. S., Hort. Special- ist. ♦}P. C. Rouzer, B. S., Instr. Agr. Ed. tW. E. Rumsey, B. S., Ent. (State Ent.). ♦tR. M. Salter, M. S., Prof. Agron.; Asst. Soil Chem. + E. L. Shaw, B. S., Sheep Specialist {Coop. U. 8. D. A.). ttE. C. Sherwood, M. S., Asst. Plant Path. and Specialist in Plant Diseases. ttC E. Stockdale, B. S., Agr. Editor. tL. F. Sutton, B. S., Supt. and Asst. Hort., Reymann Memorial Farms (P. O., Wardensville). tR. H. Tuckwiller, B. S., Asst. An. Husb. (P. O., Levnsburg; Coop. U. 8. D. A.). JH. S. Vandervort, B. S., Asst. Dir. Agron., Hort. and Dairying. tC. E. Weakley, jr., Asst. Chem. *K. C. Westover, B. S., Asst. Prof. Veg. Card. *tC. V. Wilson, B. S., Instr. An. Husb.; Asst. An. Husb. *tC. H. Winkler, Ph. D., Prof, and Dir. Voc. Agr. Ed. •Frances M. Young, B. S., Instr, Home Econ. The West "Virginia CollesriJite Institnte, Institut ♦College faculty. *.T. W. Davis, A. M., President. *A. W. Curtis, M. Agr., Di/r. of Agr. Dept. 'Mary E. Eubank, Supt. of Home Econ. 'Mrs. A. D. Fleming, Home Nursing. »Fay L. Hendley, Teacher Training in Home Econ. ' 'R. W. James, Sci. and Agr. *D. M. Prillerman, B. S., Chem. *W. F. Savoy, Libr. ♦Mrs. A. D. Spriggs, Dressmaking. *L. L. Upthegrove, Dom. Sci. and Arts. ♦G. L. Watkins, Dom. Sci. WISCONSIIV. Colleg'e of Agrlcultnre nnd tlie A.ari'icnltiiral IRxperiment Station of th» University of Wisconsin, Madison. ♦Colle'ge faculty. tStation staff. J Extension staff. *E. A. Birge, Ph. D., So. D., LL. D., President of University. 'ttH. L. Russell, Ph. D., Dean Coll. of Aqr., Dir. of Sta.. Dir. of Apr. Ext. Service. rtH. W. Albertis, M. S., Instr. Agron.; Asst. Agron. {Coop. U. 8. D. A.). ♦A. S. Alexander, F. H., A. S., M. D. C, Prof. Vet. Sci. tJ. A. Anderson, B. S.. Ass*, in Agr. Chem. and Agr. Bact. ♦{Mary Arbogast, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. ♦+F. A. Aust, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort. (Landsc. Design). ♦tS. M. Babcock, Ph. D., LL. D., D. Sc, Emeritus Prof. Agr. Chem. 72 LIST OF WORKEES IN AGRICULTURE. •fFreda M. Bachmann, Ph. D., Instr. Agr. Bad.; Asst. Agr. Bad. •tJB. A. Beach, D. V. M., Assoc. Prof. Vet. Sd.j Vet. tR. M. Bethke, B. S., Asst. in Genetics. t1. L. Bewick, M. S., State Cluh Leader. tRuth G. Bitterman, B. A., Asst. in Plant Path. •tGustav Bohstedt, M. S., Asst. Prof. An. Hush.; Asst. An. Husi. +J. W. Brann, M. S., Instr. Hort., Plant Path. tG. M. Briggs, B. S., Asst. County Agt. Leader. ♦to, R. Brunkow, B. S., Asst. Agr. Chem. JT. H. Campion, Asst. County Agt. Leader. ♦tL. J. Cole, Ph. D., CJiair. Dept. of Ge- netics. tA. O. CoIIentine, Instr. An. Husb. ♦Helen B. Comstock, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. ♦JE. J. Cooper, B. S., Asst. Prof. Admin. ♦May L. Cowles, M. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. ±A. J. Cramer, B. S., Instr. An. Hush. (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). ♦fMargaret Davis, B. S., Instr. Home Econ. ; Asst. in Home Econ. •t$E. J. Delwiche, M. S., Prof. Agron. in charge Spooncr and Ashland Branch Sta. and Douglas County Dem. Sta. (P. 0., Green Bay). *tJ. G. Dickson, M. S., Asst. Prof. Plant Path.; Asst. Plant Path. (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). ♦Bernice Dodge, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. tJ. S. Donald, Farm, Mgt. Dem. (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). ♦ttF. W. Duffee, B. S., Asst. Prof. Agr. Engin.; Asst. Agr. Engin. tSam Epstein, B. S., Asst. Agr. Chem. *tJ. M. Fargo, B. S., Instr. An. Hush.; Asst. An. Hush. ♦tt'E. H. Parrington, M. S., Chair. Dept. of Dairy Hush. ♦N. S. Fish, B. S., Asst. in Agr. Engin. ♦ttC. L. Fluke, jr., M. S., Instr. Econ. Ent. ; Asst. Econ. Ent. ttW. C. Frazier, B. S., Asst. Agr. Bad., Agr. Bact. Ext. ♦tJE. B. Fred, Ph. D., Prof. Agr. Bad.; Agr. Bact. •tJW. D. Frost, Ph. D., D. Pub. H., Prof. Agr. Bart.; Agr. Bact. ♦tJ. G. Fuller, B. S., Prof. An. Hush.; An. Hush. *W. J. Geib, M. Agr., Asst. Prof. Soils. Soil Survey Work (Coop. U. S. D. A.). ♦tF. R, Gifford, Instr. Hort. ♦tE. M. Gilbert, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Plant Path.; Plant Path. 't+L. F. Graber, M. S., Asst. County Agt. Leader. *}E. J. Graul, M. S., Asst. Prof. Soils and Chem. in State Soils Lab. ♦tIF. B. Hadley, D. V. M., Chair. Dept. of Vet. Sei. IMildred I. Hagerty, B. S., Asst. State Club Leader. *ttJ. G. Halpin, B. S., Chair. Dept. of Poultry Hush. ♦fJJ: I. Hambleton, B. S., Instr. Econ. Ent.; Apiarist. ♦tP. M. Harmer, M. S., Asst. Prof. Soils; Asst. in Soils. JR. T. Harris, Supvr. in charge Dairy Tests. ♦jE. B. Hart, B. S., Chair. Dept. of Agr. Chem. ♦tJE. G. Hastings, M. S., Chair. Dept. of Agr. Bact. ♦$K. L. Hatch, B. S., Prof. Agr. Ed. and Asst. Dir. Agr. Ext. Service. • tJ. B. Hayes, B. S., Asst. Prof. Poultry Hush. ♦tC. S. Hean, B. A., Libr. *tW. A. Henry, D. Agr., D. Sc, Emeritus Prof. Agr. ♦t±B. H. Hibbard, Ph. D., Chair. Dept. Agr. Econ. ♦Ellen G. Hillstrom, B. S., Asst. Prof. Home Econ. *t i:E. D. Ilolden, B. S., Instr. Agron.; Asst. Agron. (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). *tiA. W. Hopkins, B. L., Chair. Dept. of Agr. Journalism. Editor, ♦tC. A. Hoppert, B. S., Asst. in Agr. Chem. •tR. S. Hulce, M. S., Assoc. Prof. An. Hush.; An. Hush. *ttG. C. Humphrey, B. S., Chair. Dept. of An. Hush. ♦J. A. James, B. S., Chair. Dept. of Agr. Ed. Asst. Dean of Coll. ♦fA. G. Johnson, Ph. D., Assoc. Prof. Plant Path.; Plant Path. (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). ♦tJamcs Johnson, M. S., Assoc. Prof. Hort.; Asst. Hort. (Coop. U. 8. D. A.). ♦to. N. Johnson, Asst. in Poultry Hush. ♦ttE. R. Jones, M. S., Chair. Dept. of Agr. Engin. tJ. H. Jones, B. S., Asst. Agr. Chem. ♦t|L. R. Jones, Ph. D., D. Sc, Chair Dept. Plant Path. tMrs. Nellie K. Jones, B. S., State Home Dem. Leader. *tG. W. Keitt, Ph. D., Prof. Plant Path., Plant Path. *t$Frank Kleinheinz, Asst. Prof. An. Hush.; Asst. An. Hush. ♦tA. E. Kophler, M. S., Asst. Agr. Chem. ♦tJ. H. Kolb, M. A., Instr. Agr. Econ.; As.'2. Dickens, A., 25. Dickey, G. L., 64. Dickey, .7. B. R., 58. Dickinson, S., 16. Dickson, B. M., 53. Dickson, .T. G., 72. Dickson. R. B., 64. Didlake, M. LeG., 27. Diggs, M., 6. Dike, C. E., 55. Dikmans, G., 29. Dillingham, P. T., 15. Dimock, W. W., 27. Dinsmore, S. C, 44. Dixon, A. A., 51. Dixon, T. F., 63. Dobbs, E. C, 6. Dndd. D. R.,71. Dodge, B., 72. Dodge, R. E., 12. Dod.son, E. M., 22. Doerner, A. M., 69. Doggett, A. B., 68. Dole, E. J., 67. Donald, J. S., 72. Donaldson, A., 38. Donker, J., 46. Donnell, O. G., 52. Donnelly, A. M., 53. Doran, E. B., 29. Doran, W. L., 44. Dorchester, C. S., 22. Dore, W. H., 9. Dornor, II. B., 18. Dorr, J., 28. Dorsey, E., 47. Dorsey, H., 12. Dorsey, J. M., 36. Dorsey, L. M., 30. Dorsey, M. J., 36. Dosdall, L., 36. Doten, S. B.,44. Doty, R. B., 16. Dougherty, J. B., 9. Douglass, Earl, 10. Douglass, Erma, 10. Dow. B. K., 12. Dowdle, L. P., 14. Dowdy, G., 53. Dowell, C. T., 56. Dowell, S., 5. Down, E. E., 34. Downey, U. J., 52. Downs, P. A., 47. Doxsee, E. D., 57. Doyle, L. P., 20. Drain, B. D., 32. Drain, II. D., 53. Dreesen, W. H., 57. Drew, J. M., 36. Driftmier, R. H., 25. Drinkard, A. W. jr., 67. Drips, W. B.. 22. Dryden, J., 57. DuBois, R., 56. Dudley, J. B., 52. Duffee, P. W., 72. Duggar, J. P., 3, 5. Dulaney, G., 40. Duley, P. L.., 40. Dunbar, B. A., 62. Duncan, J. R. (Mich.), 34. Duncan, J. R. (Mo.), 41. Duncan, L. N., 5. Duncombe, E., 42. Dunford, C. S., 34. Dungan, G. H., 18. Dunlap, P., 40. Dunn, L. C, 12. Duun. P. L., 47. Dunn, R. G.. 10. Dunne, I. M., 52. Dunphy. M., 42. Dunton, L., 25. Durant, A. J.. 40. Durham, H., 25. Durrell, L. W., 41. Duruz, W. P., 9. Durward, M., 11. Dustman, R. B., 53. Dutcher, R. A., 36. IIJDEX OF NAMES. 81 Duttim, W. C, 34. Dvorachek, H. E., 7. Dworak, M., 52. Dye, II. W., 47. Dyer. J. M., 51. Dyer, W. P., 36. Dykstra, R. R., 25. Dynes, O. W., 63. Eames. A. .T., 47. Earle„C. P., 22. Earle, F. S., 60. Easson, R. B., 9. Eastman, E. E., 22. Eastman, M. G., 44. Eastwood, G. R., 53. Eaton, T. H., 47. Eaton, W. H., 5. Ebersole, A., 36. Eckles, C. H., 36. Eddy, H. G., 9. Edgar, M. C, 69. Edgar, R., 53. Edgerton, C. W., 29. Edlefsen, N. E., 66. Edmond, H. D., 12. Edmonds, J. L., 18. Edmondson, C. H., 15. Edson, E. O., 56. Edwards, A. L., 18. Edwards, C. W., 15. Edwards, H., 3, 61. Edwards, W. E. J., 34. Edward.s, W. G., 58. Eichelberger, M., 28. Elder, C, 74. Eldred, M. D., 61. Eldredge, B. R., 66. Eldridge, B. F.,34. Eliot, H. M., 34. Ellenberger, H. B., 67. Ellenwood, C. W., 55. Ellett, W. B., 68. Elllng, C. G., 25. Elliot, R. M., 15. Elliott, F. F., 18. Elliott, G. R. B., 36. Elliott, J. A., 7. Elliott, N. R., 28. Ellis, A., 30. Ellis. B. W., 12. Ellis. .T., 58. Kllis. O. I., 18. Ellsworth, .T. O., 16. Elser, W. L., 46. Elwood. C. F., 9. Elwood, P. H., 53. Embcrson, R. H., 40, Embleton, H., 56. Embody, G. C, 47. Emerson, A. J., 74. Emerson, P., 22. Emerson, R. A., 47. Ende, C. L. von, 17. Enders, H. E., 20. EnKberg, R. C, 22. Engbretson, A. E., 57. Enright, E. M., 28. Epple, ^Y. F., 20. Epplpy, G. F., 31. Epstein, S., 72. Erb, E. S., 58. Erdman, H. E., 53. Erf, O., 53. Erickson, T. A., 36. Erwin, A. B., 16. Erwin, A. T., 22. Essary, S. H., 63. Essig, E. O., 9. Esten, W. M., 12. Eswine, H. E., 53. Etheridge, W. C, 40. Etienne, A. D., 31. Eubank, M. E., 71. Evans, A. T., 62. Evans, B. V., 38. Evans, C. M., 64. Evans, E. B., 66. Evans, F., 25. Evans, G., 51. Evans, M., 25. Evans. M. H., 61. Evans, P. N., 20. Evans, R. .1., 66. Evans, S. W., 61. Everett, G. A., 48. Everbardy, L. H., 25. Evvard. .T. M., 22. Ewell. A. D., 60. Ewell, Mrs. A. D., 66. Ewell, E., 34. Ewing, D. T., 34. Ewing, S., 66. Eyer, .1. R., 58. Eyster, W. H., 40. Ezekiel, W. N., 31. Ezell. B. B., 71. Fabian, F. W.. 34. Fagan, F. N., 58. Fain, G. A., 14. Fain, .T. R., 14. Fairbanks, B. W., 11. Fairbanks, F. L., 48. Fairchild, L. H., 20. Falconer, J. I.. 53. Fant, G. W., 45. Farabaugh, C. L., 36. Fargo. J. M., 72. Farley, A. J., 45, 46. Farley, D. C, 62. Farley, G. L., 32. Farnham, F. R., 51. Farnum, M., 22. Farrell, F. D., 25. Farrington, E. H., 72. Fate. F. E., 40. Fatout, P. L., 58. Fattig, P. W., 13. Faubion, R. A., 25. Faurot. F. W., 41. Fau.st, FT., 34. Faville, A. D., 74. Faville, G. C, 68. Fawcett. C. J., 44. Fawcett, H. S., 9. Feoht, E. F., 25. Fedde, M. S., 42. Feeley, R. O., 61. Feldraan, W. H., 11. Feltner, J. M., 28. Felts, R. H., 11. Feminear. M., 5. Fenn, D., 68. Fenton, F. A., 22. Fcnton, F. C. 22. Fergus, E. N., 28. Ferguson, H. C, 38. Ferguson, J. A., 58. Ferguson, M. J., 22. Fernald, C. H., 32. Fernald, H. T., 32. Ferrin, E. F., 36. Ferris, B. B., 38. Ferriss, E. N., 48. Ferry, E. S., 20. Fetrow, W. W., 25. Field, A. M., 36. Fife, A., 66. Fife, R., 53. Filley, H. C, 42. Filley, W. O., 12. Finch, M. W., 50. Findley, J., 53. Finley, C. B., 22. Fippin, E. O., 48. Firkins, B. .!., 22. Firor, G. H.. 14. Fischel, W. P., 22. Fish, N. S., 72. Fisher, H. J., 36. Fisher, M. L., 20. Fi.sher, R. C, 12. Fisher, W. I., 48. Fisk, P.. 41. Fisk, W. W., 48. Fiske, F. C. 67. Fiske, J. G., 46. Fitch, C. L., 22. Fitch, C. P., 36. Fitch, F. W., 14. Fitch, J. B., 25. Fitch, W. Q.. 20. Pite, A. B., 46. Fitterer, J. C., 74. Fitts, E. B., 57. Fitz, L. A., 25. Fitzgerald, N. E., 63. Fitzpatrick, H. M., 48. Flanery, C. C.. 63. Fleisher, H. W., 20. Fleming, Mrs. A. D., 71. Fleming, C. E., 44. Fletcher,. G. M., 59. Fletcher, L. J., 9. Fletcher, R. K.. 64. Fletcher, S. W., 59. Flint, C. L., 9. Flint, L. II., 07. Flossfeder, F. C. IT., 9. Floyd, W. L., 13. Fluharty, L. W., 16. Fluke, C. L., jr., 72. Fogg. H. C, 44. 82 INDEX or NAMES. Fogle, F. E., 34. Fohrman, M. H., 36. Folger, A., 9. Folsom, D., 30. Foord, J. A., 32. Forbes, Mrs. F., 63. Forbes, R. H., 7. Forbes, S. A., 18. Ford, A. L., 62. Ford, C, 18. Ford, H. W., 25. Ford, M., 71. Ford, O. W., 20. Foreman, B. C, 34. Forman, L. W., 22. Forrest, E., 41. Fortner, H. C, 63. Foster, L., 46. Foster, Mrs. R. G., 4( Foster, R. L., 7. Foster, W. A., 22. Foulkrod, G. M., 59. Foust, H. L., 52. Fouts, M., 34. Fowlds, M., 62. Fox, F. E., 57. Fralin, H. F., 68. Frame, B. H., 40. Frame, N. T., 70. France, L. V., 36. Francioni, J. B., 29. Francis, M., 65. Frandsen, P., 44. Frank, A., 69. Franklin, H. J., 32. Franklin, J. M., 16. Franks, E., 41. Fraps, G. S., 65. Eraser, A. C, 48. Fraser, G. W., 12. Eraser, W. J., 18. Frazer, E. J., 34. Frazier, B. F., 40. Frazier, J. S., 15. Frazier, W. C, 72. Frear, D. W., 40. Frear, W., 59. Fred, E. B., 72. Frederick, H. J„ 66. Fredholm, A. J., 60. Freeborn, S. B., 9. Freegard, R., 22. Freeman, B., 61. Freeman, E. M., 36. Freeman, F. R., 30. Freeman, M. J., 6. French, H. T., 10. French, I., 48. French, J. R., 45. French, W. H., 34. French, W. K., 32. Frick, E. J., 25. Friedeman, W. G., 56 Frier, G. M., 20. Fries, J. A., 60. Frisbie, L. I., 42. Fritchoff, A. C, 57. Fritz, E., 9. Fromme, F. D., 68. Frost, H. B., 9. Frost, S. W., 59. Frost, W. D., 72. Frost, W. S., 44. Fugctt, J. R., 13. Fuller, F. D., 65. Fuller, J. G., 72. Fuller, J. M., 44. Fuller, M., 68. Fuller, R. M., 42. Fulmer, E. I., 22. Fulton, B. B., 57. Funchess, M. J., 5. Futrall, J. C, 7. Gaddis, L. R., 20. Gaessler, W. G., 22. Gage, G. E., 32. Gail, F. W., 16. Gaines, E. F., 69. Gaines, F. P., 38. Gaines, N. W., 42. Gaines, W. L., 18. Galney, P. L., 25. Gallaway, M., 7. Galloway, J. C, 22. Gamble, J. A., 31. Gammack, F. S., 68. Garber, R. J., 71. Garcia, F.. 46. Gardner, F. D., 59. Gardner, G. R., 68. Gardner, L. P., 30. Gardner, M. B., 22. Gardner, M. B., 68. Gardner, M. W.. 20. Gardner, V. R.. 40. Gardner, W., 66. Gardner, W. A., 5. Garey, L. F., 36. Garlock, H. M., 40. Garman, H., 28. Garraan, P., 12. Gamett, W. E., 65. Garren, G. M., 51. Garrett, Mrs. S. H., i Garrett, V. L., 69. Garrigus, H. Ij., 12. Garrison, E. P., 41. Garten, R. I., 60. Garvin, A. L.., 53. Gaskill, E. F., 32. Gasser, G. W., 6. Gates, A. W., 18. Gates, F. C, 25. Gates, W. H., 29. Gay, C. W., 53. Gaylord, F. C, 20. Gaymon, H. L., 11. Gearhart, C. R., 25. Geib, W. J., 72. Geiger, B. J., 11. Geise, F. W., 68. Gemmell, G., 25. Geniesse, E. W., 61. Gentry, C. B., 12. George, C. R., 20. George, G. D., 36. George, L. R., 20. Georgeson, C. C., 6. Georgia, Mrs. L. E., 48. Gericke, W. F., 9. Gerlough, T. D., 16. Gettemy, W. S., 34. Getty, R. E.. 25. Geyer, E. W., 65. Gibbens, E., 5. Gibbs, W. M., 16. Giberson, R. H., 36. Gibson, H. H., 7. Gibson, I. G., 31. Giddings, M. L., 18. Giddings, N. J., 71. Gieseker, L. F., 41. Gifford, F. R., 72. Gilbert, A. H., 67. Gilbert, E. M., 72. Gilbert, L., 64. Gilbertson, G. L., 62. Gilchrist, D. A., 7. Giles, J. K., 14.,^ Gilkey. H. M., 57. Gillett, R. L., 48. Gillette, C. P., 10. Gillison, B., 61. Gilman, H., 22. Oilman, J. C., 22. Gilmore, J. W., 9. Gilmore, W. J., 57. Giltner, W., 34. Gladwin, F. E., 50. Glanton, L. P., 25. Glasgow, H., 50. Glassett, F. S., 68. Glatfelter, G. V., 22. Glazener, V. R., 65. Gleason, H., 40. Glenn, M. A., 5. Glines, N. W., 53. Glover, A. C, 18. Glover, G. H., 11. Gloyer, W. O., 50. Gobble, C. F., 20. Godbey, B. G., 61. Godfrey, W. E., 61. Goeder, E. P., 11. Goff, R. A., 15. Goings, F. A., 68. Goldstein, H., 36. Goldstein, V., 36. Goldthwaite, N. E., 11. Gongwer, R. E., 16. Gonzales, P., 60. Good, E. S., 28. Goodale, H. D., 32. Goodding, T. H., 42. Goodell, C. J., 38. Goodine, B., 30. Goodling, C. L., 59. Goodman, A. M., 48. Goodrich, H., 34. Goodwin, O. T., 34. Gordon, A. H., 62. Gordon, C. E., 32. INDEX OF NAMES, 83 Gordon, C. H., 63. Gordou, N. E., 31. Gordon, R. A., 39. Gorham, W. R., 59. Gortner, R. A., 36. Goss, E. F., 22. Goss, H., 9. Goss, L. W., 53. Goss, R. B., 20. Goss, R. W., 42. Gossard, H. A., 55. Gossman, S. S., 62. Gott. E. J., 28. Gouaux, C. B., 29. Gould, C. H., 32, Gould, O. J., 25. Gourley, J. H., 71. Gow, R. M., 7. Gowen, J. W., 30. Graber, L. F., 72. Graber, M. A., 41. GrafE, E. F., 22. Graham, J. C, 32. Graham, K. H., 13. Graham, R., 18. Graham, S. A., 36. Graham, V., 65. Grainger, W. E., 63. Gramlich, H. J., 43. Grams, W. T., 48. Grant, E. A., 62. Grantham, G. M., 34. Graul, E. J., 72. Graves, J. E., 43. Graves, L. G., 48. Gravitt, W. T., 6. Gray, B., 7. Gray. D., 59. Gray, D. S., 22. Gray, D. T., 51. Gray, G., 74. Gray, .1. C, 59. Gray, R. B., 16. Greaves, C. R., 25. Greaves, J. E., 66. Green, B. E., 62. Green, C. R., 32. Green, G. R., 59. Green, R. M., 25. Green, R. W., 51. Green, W. .T. (Guam), 15. Green, W.J. (Ohio), 55. Green, W. W., 68. Greenbank, W. K., 65. Greene, I. A., 44. Greene, J. G., 43. Greene, L., 20. Gregg, Mrs. C. J., 62. Gregg, J. E., 68. Gregg, J. W., 9. Gregory, C. T., 20. Gregory, H. W., 20. Greiner, C. H., 25. Grettenberger, M. L., 34. Gridloy, R. M., 59. Griebel, Mrs. C. H., 45. GrifEee, F., 36. Griffin, A. C, 62. Griffin, F. L.. 9. Grimes, J. C, 5. Grimes, M. F., 59. Grimes, W. E., 25. Grimm, J. J., 48. Grindley, H. S., 18. Grinnells, C. D., 62. Gromer, S. D., 40. Gromme, H., 53. Grose, L. R., 32. Gross, B. R., 38. Gross, F. P., jr., 61. Gross, L. G., 48. Grossman, J. D., 53. Grover, E. L., 34. Guard, W. F., 22. Guba, E. F., 18. Guberlet, J. E., 56. Guenther, R., 18. Guerrero, J., 15. Guillette, D. L., 68. Guinn, S. M., 20. Guise, C. H., 48. Guldin, P. R., 59. Gulicls, F. H., 25. Gullickson, T. W., 36. Gumbart, E. H., 12. Gunn, R. V., 57. Gunness, C. I., 32. Gunson, T., 34. Gustafson, A. F., 48. Guthrie, D. V., 29. Guthrie, E. S., 48. Guthrie, J. B., 22. Guthrie, M. L., 63. Haas, A. R. C, 9. Haber, E. S., 22. Haber, V. R., 51. Ilackedorn, H., 69. Hackleman, J. C, 18. Hadley, F. B., 72. Ilaedecke, A., 36. Hafner, V. E., 65. Ilagerty, M. I., 72. Hahn, C. S., 6. Hahn, M. L., 63. Ilaig, F. M., 51. Ilaigh, L. D., 40. Hain, R. M., 34. Ilaines, G., 48. Hale, H., 7. Hale, W. J., 64. Haley, A. H., 59. Haley, D. E., 59. Hall, D. H., jr., 51. Hall, E. W., C2. Hall, L., 38. Hall, M. L., 28. Hall, O. F., 20. Hall, R. G., 40. Hall, S. W., 18. Ilalllgan, C. P., 34. Hallman, E. T., 34. Hallsted, A. L., 26. Halm, H. H., 7. Halma, F. P., 9. Halpin, J. G., 72. Ilalverseu, W. V., 57. Halverson, J. O., 51. Ham, F. W., 41. Hambleton, J. I., 72. llamblin, J., ,53. Hamilton, A. J., 29. Hamilton, C. C, 31. Hamilton, D. W., 69. Hamilton, J. O., 26. Hamilton, T. S., 18. Hamlin, H. M., 22. Hamlin, M., 32. Hammans, C. W., 22. Hammer, B. W., 22. Hammond, J. W., 55. Hammond, P. F., 74. Hammond, R. L., 20. Hampton, H. C, 52. Hampton, S. J., 41. Hand, W. F., 38. Handschin, W. P., 3, 17. Handy, E. H., 69. Hanger, W. E., 54. Hanmer, J. G., 22. Hannah, L. C, C. Hansen, E., 66. Hansen, J. M., 22. Hansen, N. E., 62. Hansen, T. S., 36. Haralson, C, 36. Harbaugh, A. E., 15. Hardenburg, E. V., 48. Harding, C. L., 22. Harding, H. A., 18. Hardman, G., 44. Hare, C. L., 5. Hargrave, S. L., 13. Haring, C. M., 8. Harkey, F. L., 61. Harlan, J. D., 50. Harlan, M. L., 20. Harland, M. B., 18. Harling, Mrs. E. P., 26. Harlow, I'., 68. Harman, M. T., 26. Harmer, P. M., 72. Harmon, E. M., 40. Harms, A. H., 28. Harned, H. H., 38. Harned, R. W., 38. Harper, C, 20. Harper, H. J., 22. Harper, M. W., 48. Harrington, E. A., 32. Harrington, F. M., 22. Harrington, Mrs. I. S., 61. Harris, E. F., 18. Harris, F. S., 3, 66. Harris, H., 8. Harris, M. H., 66. Harris, N. L., 26. Harris, R. T., 72. Harris, T. M., 64. Harris, W. G., 68. Harris, W. .T., 28. Harrison, A. K.. 32. Harrison, B. M.. 22. Harrison, F., 69. 84 INDEX OF NAMES. Harrison, M. (Kans.), 26. Harrison, M. (Va.), 69. Harriss, S. M., 26. Hart, E. B., 72. Hart, G. H., 9. Hart, J., 34. Hart, P. H., 51. Hart, V. B., 48. Hart, W. R., 32. Harter, G. A., 12. Harter, W. L., 22. Hartley, C. H., 71. Hartman, H., 57. Hartman, L. W., 44. Hartman, S. C, 55. Hartsuch, B. E., 34. Hartwell, B. L., 61. Hartzell, A., 22. Hartzell, P. Z., 50. Harvey, A. L., 36. Harvey, E. M., 57. Harvey, H. W., 14. Harvey, R. B., 36. Harwood, N. D., 26. Hasbrouck, P. B., 32. Haseman, L., 40. Haskell, S. B., 32. Haskins, H. D., 32. Haslam, G., 43. Haslerud, E., 36. Hasselman, J. B., 34. Hastings, E. G., 72. Hastings, W. G., 67. Haswell, J. R., 59. Hatch, K. L., 3, 72. Hatfield, M., 18. Hatbaway, C. L., 28. Hauser, M. A., 22. Hausman, L. A,, 48. Hauter, L. H., 46. Havens, C. R., 34. Havner, H. H., 59. Haw, J. W., 52. Hawkes, B. M., 13. Hawkins, R. S., 7. Hawley, I. M., 66. Hawley, R. D., 32. Hay den, A., 22. Hayden, C. C, 55. llayden, C. J., 61. Hayes, F. M., 9. Hayes, H. K., 36. Hayes, J. B., 72. Hayes, M. L., 65. Hayes, P. H., 38. Hayes, W. P., 26. Hayes, W. W., 6. Haymaker, H. H., 26. Haynes, C. D., 13. Haynes, Mrs. H. J., 32. Haynes, M. M., 11. Hays, P. A., 74. Hays, M. E., 65. Haywood, W. G., 51. Hazard, B. E., 48. Hazeltine, D., 26. Hazen, L. E., 56. Hazle, M., 65. I Head, M. E., 69. Headden, W. P., 11. Headlee, T. J., 45, 46. Heald, P. D., 69. Healy, D. J., 28. Hean, C. S., 72. Hebard, E. A., 34. Heck, A. P., 69. Heck, C. M., 51. Heckert, L. C, 22. Hedges, C. C, 65. Hedrick, U. P., 50. Hedrick, W. O., 34. Hegnauer, L., 69. Heim, R. W., 12. Heimlich, L. P., 20. Heinicke, A. J., 48. Heller, V. G., 23. Helm, C. A., 40. Helme, N., 61. Helmick, B. C, 30. Helser, M. D., 23. Helyar, P. G., 45, 46. Hemenway, C. P., 15. Hendershott, R. A., 54. Henderson, A. M., 23. Henderson, E. L. 23. Henderson, H. O., 71. Henderson, L. B., 63. Hendley, F. L., 71. Hendren, L. L., 14. Hendrickson, A. H., 9. Hendrickson, J. W., 43. Hendrix, W. R., 29. Hendry, G. W., 9. Hendryx, J. J., 34. Henke, L. A., 15. Henley, J. M., 51. Henrick-sen, H. C, 60. Henry, L. L., 69. Henry, M. P., 48. Henry, W. A., 72. Henscl, P. W., 65. Hensel, M. W., 51. Hensel, R. L., 26. Hepburn, W. M., 20. Hepler, J. R., 44. Hepner, P. E., 74. Heppe, W. P., 11. Hepworth, M. M., 71. Herman, V. R.. 51. Herms, W. B., 9. Herrick, G. W., 48. Herrington, G. L., 63. Herron, J. L., 5. Herron, L. E., 69. Hertz, H. P., 23. Hervcy. G. W., 40. Herzor, P. H., 38. Hesler, L. R., 63. Hess, B., 71. Hesse, G. J., 23. Hetzel, R. D., 44. Heus(>r, G. P., 48. Hewitt, E. A., 36. Heyle, B. M., 40. Hibbard, B. H., 72. Hibbard, P. L., 9. Hibbard, R. P., 34. Hickman, C. W., 16. Ilieronymus, R. E., 18. Iliggins, B. B., 15. Higgins, C. E., 26. Higgins, L. A., 38. Higgins, M. H., 65. Iligley, L. A., 46. Hill, A. R., 3. Hill, C. E., 69. Hill, C. O., 63. Hill, C. S., 18. Hill, G. R., jr., 66. Hill, H. II., 68. Hill, H. S., 30. Hill. J., 7. Hill, J. A., 74. Hill, J. B., 59. Hill, R. L., 66. Hill, Mrs. W. G., 15. llillhonse, E., 48. Hills, .1. L., 3, 67. llillstrom, E. G., 72. Hiltabrand, W. P., 18. llilyer, V., 13. Hinds, W. E., 5. nine, J. S., 54. Ilinmaii, R. B., 48. llinu, A., 26. Hint, E. B., 34. Hinze, P. C, 23. Hirst, C. T., 66. Hisaw, F. L., 26. Hitch, R. E., 63. Hitchcock, J. A., 67. Hite, B. H., 71. Hoagland, D. R., 9. llobart, I., 52. Ilobbs, C. W., 26. Ilobbs, W. R., 54. Ilobson, C., 16. llodgins, C. M., 31. llodgkiss, II. E., 59. Hodgson, A. N., 68. Hodgson, E. R., 08. Hodgson, R. E., 37. Ilodsden, B. M., 68. Ilodson, E. A., 7. Hoeft, G. L., 2S. Iloesly, O. M., 43. HofEcr, C. R., 23. Iloffer, G. N., 20. Hoffman, A. H., 9. Hoffman, II. B., 69. Hoffman, I. C, 20. Hoffmann, G. P., 61. Ilogan, A. G., 40. Ilogonson, J. C., 66. Hoke, G., 39. Ilolben, P. .1., 59. lloldaway, C. W., 68. Holden, B. A., 23. Holden, E. D., 72. Holden, J. A., 43. Holden, R. L., 32. Holland, E. B., 32. Holland, E. O., 69. INDEX OF NAMES. 85 Holland, R. E., 43. Hon is, A. P., 52. Hollister, B. M., 34. Hollister. S. P., 12. Holm, A.. 16. Holman, A., 26. Holmes, F. S., 31. Holmes, J. C, 62. Holmes, S. E., 69. Holmes, W., 55. Holsingcr, C. V., 23. Holstrom, R., 41. Holt, Mrs. A.. 16. Helton, E. L., 26. Holtz, H. F., 69. Hood, G. W., 43. Hood, W. L., 66. Hook, A. M., 31. Hooker, H. D., jr., 40. Hooper, J. J., 28. Hootnian. H. D., 34. Hopkins. A. W., 72. Hopkins, E. F. (Mo.), 40. Hopkins, E. P. (N. Y.),50. Hopper, H. A., 48. Hopper, T. H., 52. Hoppert, C. A., 72. Hoppert, E. H., 43. Horat, L. E., 20. Horlacher, L. J., 28. Home. C. E., 60. Home, E. R., 45. Home, W. T., 9. Hor.sfiill, J. L., 59. Horst, H. E., 54. Hosmer, R. S., 48. Hostetler, E., 51. Hotchklss, W. S., 65. Hottes, A. C, 54. Houghland. G. V. C, 12. Houghton, C. O., 12. House, E. B., 11. Houser, J. S., 55. Houser, T., 55. Howard, G. F., 37. Howard, J. T., 32. Howard, R. F., 43. Howard, T. .T., 69. Howard, W. L., 9. Howe, A., 20. Howe, G. H., 50. Howe, W.E., 32. Howell, C. E., 9. Howes, H. L., 44. Howland, A. J., 34. Hoy, H. H., 62. Hoyle, R.. 23. Hoyle, S. C, 65. Hoyt, H. R., 55. Hubbard, C. M.,69. Hubert, B. F., 6. Hucker, G. J., 50. Huddleson, I. F., 34. Hudson, C. R., 51. Hudson, K., 26. Hudson, R. S., 34. Huff, L. A., 65. Hugglna, B. B., 44. Hughes, E. H., 9. Hughes, G., 61. Hughes, H. D., 23. Hughes, H. L., 68. Hughes, J. L., 12. Hughes, J. S., 26. Hughes, O., 34. Hughes, W. L., 65. Ilulbert, A. M., 45. Ilulbert, H. W., 16. Hulce, R. S., 72. Hull, D. C, 38. Mull, M., 29. Ilulllhen, W., 12. Hultz, F. S., 59. Hultz, G. M., 23. Hume, A. N., 62. H\ime, C. M., 63. Hume, M. K., 69. Hummel, R. C, 29. Humphrey, G. C, 72. Hungerford, C. W., 16. Hungerford, DeF., 14. Hunn, A. E., 48. Hunn, C. E., 48. Hunt, A. E., 18. Hunt, C. H., 55. Hunt, L. W., 69. Hunt, R. A., 7. . Hunt, R. E., 68. Hunt, T. F., 8. Hunt, T. Fr., 9. Hunter, B., 16. Hunter, C. A., 59. Hunter, F. B., 48. Hunter, H., 41. Hunter, H. L.. 7. Hunter, M., 57. Hunter, O. W., 26. Hurd, C. J., 57. Hurd, J. L., 23. Hurd, L. M., 48. Hurst, F. J., 39. Husby, J., 37. Huston, R. C, 34. Hutcheson, J. R., 67. Hutcheson, T. B., 68. Hutchinson, D. M., 30. Hutchinson, J., 18. Hutchison, C. B., 48. Hutton, C. A.. 63. Hutton, J. G., 62. Hutton, J. P., 34. Hutty, M., 34. Hyde, H. W., 16. Hyslop, G. R., 57. Ibsen, H. L., 26. Iddings, B. J., 16. Her, W. D., 28. lies, L., 69. Imlay, F., 23. Iiicp, J. W., 61. Ingalls, E. L., 67. Ingersoll, B., 23. Ingrim, R. C, 9. Irwin, G. W., 89. Isbell, C. L., 5. Ish, J. G., jr., 8. Israelsen, O. W., 66. Itano, A., 32. Ivorson, C. A., 23. Iverson, P. J., 52. Ives, F. W., 54. Ivey, J. E., 51. Jackson, A. D. (N. H.),44. Jackson, A. D. (Tex.), 65. Jackson, C. F., 44. Jackson, E. L., 28. Jackson, F. W., 45, 46. Jackson, II., 15. Jackson, H. C, 48. Jackson, H. L., 61. Jackson, H. S., 20. Jackson, M.. 28. Jackson, S. C, .39. Jackson, S. K., 51. Jackson, T. H., 66. Jackson, W. R., 69. Jacob, M., 63. Jacobsen, B. A., 18. Jacobsen, H. G. M., 18. Jacobsen, M. G., 37. Jacobson, W., 16- Jacoby, F. S., 54. Jaffa, M. E., 9. Jager, F., 37. .Takway. R. M., 48. James, C, 44. James, J. A., 72. James, McN. C, 28. James, R. W., 71. Jamison, A. W., 18. Jardine, J. T., 56. Jardine, W. M., 3, 25. Jarnagin, M. P., 14. Jarvis, C. D., 3. Jason, W. C, 13. Jason, W. P., 41. Jefferson, E. C, 29. Jefferson. L. P., 32. Jeffries, C D., 60. Jeffries, J. H., 13. Jehle, R. A., 31. Jenkins, E. G., 31. Jenkins, E. H., 11, 12. Jenkins, E. W., 67. Jenkins, J. M., 29. Jenks, P. B., 67. Jennings, D. S., 66. Jennison, II. M., 42. Jensen, A. C, 40. Jensen, A. E., 57. Jensen, G. II., 69. Jensen, K., 16. .Tensen, W. C, 61. Jerdan, A. L., 63. Jernigan, W. J., 7. Jesness, O. B., 28. Jewett, H. H., 28. Jewett, R. M., 30. Jinks, N. E., 69. Joffe, J. S., 46. Johannsen, O. A., 48. 86 INDEX OF NA: Johnson, A. G. (Oreg.)»57. Johnson, A. G. (Wis.), 72. Johnson, A. T., 64. Johnson, A. W., 16. Johnson, B. L., 63. Johnson, Mrs. B. M., 39. Johnson, C. E., 39. Johnson, D. R., 23. Johnson, E. C, 69. Johnson, E. P., 46. Johnson, H., 5. Johnson, H. E., 34. Johnson, H. W., 23. Johnson, J., 72. Johnson, J. M., 51. Johnson, M. M., 44. Johnson, O. M., 54. Johnson, O. N., 72. Johnson, O. R., 40. Johnson, S. A., 11. Johnson, T. C, 68. . ohnson, W. E., 62. Johnson, W. T., 70. Johnston, A. D., 37. Johnston, E. S., 31. Johnston, J. C, 9. Johnston, M. E., 39. Johnston, R. B., 71. Johnston, E. E., 63. Johnston, S., 34. Johnston, T. R., 20. Johnston, W. W., 57. Johnstone, G. K., 6. Jolly, J. H., 29. Jones, A. J., 30. Jones, A. S., 31. Jones, C. H., 67. Jones, C. P., 32. Jones, C. R., 11. .fones, C. W., 43. Jones, D. P., 12. Jones, E. (N. J.),45. .fones, E. (Ohio), 54. Jones, E. B., 13. Jones, E. D., 23. Jones, E. I., 68. Jones, E. R., 72. Jones, H. A., 31. Jones, H. I., 56. Jones, H. M., 26. Jones, H. W., 63. Jones, J., 48. Jones, J. H., 72. Jones, J. M., 65. Jones, J. P., 31. Jones, J. S. (Minn.), 37. Jones, J. S. (Oreg.),57. Jones, K. D., 9. Jones, K. U., 39. Jones, L., 5. Jones, L. L., 20. Jones, L. R., 72. Jones, M. D., 30. Jones, M. L., 23. Jones, M. M., 40. Jones, Mrs. N. K., 72. Jones, R. C, 57. Jones. R. E., 12. Jones, R. S., 42. Jones, R. W., 28. Jones, S. C, 28. Jones, T. H., 29. Jordan, E. L., 29. Jordan, P. S., 37. Jordan, T. J., 30. Jordan, W. E., 51. Jordan, W. H., 50. Jorgenson, L., 52. Joseph, W. E., 42. Joyce, A. V., 7. Judisch, G., 23. Jndkins, H. P., 32. Kadderly, W. L., 57. Kaldahl, H. N., 14. Kalkus, J. W., 70. Kammlade, W. G., 18. Karper, R. E., 65. Karraker, A..H., 18. Karraker, P. E., 28. KaufEman, R. D., 54. Kaupp, B. P., 51. Kays, D. J., 54. Kazmeier, P. W., 65. Keaney, P. W., 61. Kearney, A. T., 59. Keating, P. E.,.26. Kedzie, P. S., 33. Kedzie, R. H., 29. Keegan, L. A., 61. Keeler, R. P., 50. Keen, R. C, 29. Keever, A. I., 56. Keflfer, C. A., 63. Kehrli, P. W., 70. Keil. J. B., 55. Keim, P. D., 43. Keiser, L. A., 57. Keister, P. H., 68. Keith, E. B., 26. Keith, M. H., 18. Keithley, J. R., 37. Keitt, G. W., 72. Kellar, V. M., 31. Keller, V., 29. Kellerman, K. P., 3. Kelley, E., 8. Kelley, J. B., 28. Kelley, W. P., 9. Kellner, H. M., 34. Kellogg, C. E., 14. Kellogg, R. M., 34. Kelly, A., 16. Kelly, E. G., 26. Kelly, H., 57. Kelly, J. P., 59. Kelty, R. H., 34. Kempster, H. L., 40. Kendall, J. C, 44. Kondrick, J. B., 20. Kendrick, W. H., 71. Kenestrick, H., 54. Kennan, A. B., 30. Kennedy, A. C, 54. Kennedy, C, 37. Kennedy, C. I-I., 54. Kennedy, P. A., 13. Kennedy, M. R., 69. Kennedy, P. B., 9. Kenney, P. C, 32. Kenney, R., 28. Kent, H. L., 26. Kent. O. B., 48. Kerlin, I. B., 39. Kern, P. D.. 59. Kern, O. J., 9. Kernkamp, H. C. H., 37. Kerns, A. H., 26. Kerr, A. P., 29. Kerr, W., 16. Kerr, W. J., 56. Kessler, C. C, 23. Kezer, A., 11. Kiah, T. H., 32. Kidder, A. P., 29. Kielholz, P. J., 28. Kieser, P. W., 63. Kiesselbach, T. A., 43. Kiethline, M., 03. Kigin, L. C, 20. Kildee, H. H., 23. Kilgore, B. W.. 3, 50. Killough, D. T., 65. Kimrey, A. C, 51. Kindig, B. P., 34. King, A. C, 48.- King, C. M., 23. King, P. G., 20. King, G. E., 66. King, G. L.,20. King, H. H., 26. Kingery, M., 23. Kinghorne, P., 69. Kingman, H. E., 11. Kinley, D., 17. Kinney, E. J., 28. Kinney, L. P., jr., 61. Kinnison, A. P., 7. Kinsella, J. C, 20. Kirby, R. S., 48. Kirk, L. E., 63. Kirkpatrick, R. T., 40. Kirkpatrick, W. P., 12. Kirkwood, W. P., 37. Ki-ser, R. W., 26. Kitselman, C. H., 26. Kittleson, A. J., 37. Kjerschow-Agersborgi, H. P., 74. Kjosne.ss, A. W. B., 17. Kleinheinz, P., 72. KleinSmid, R. B., von, 6. Klinck, M. S., 45. I-CIoser, M. M., 59. Knandel, II. C, 59. Knapp, B., 7. Knapp, H., 23. Knapp, R. G., 4S. Knappenberger, L., 23. Knappenberger, N., 23. Knaus, K., 23. Kneeland, H., 26. Knight, E. H., 74. Knight, H.,9. INDEX OF NAMES. 87 Knight, H. G.. 55. Knight, H. H., 37. Knight, L. I., 37. Knipe, P. W., 12, Knoll, F. P., 59. Knowles, N. S., 23. Knowles, W. F., 45. Knowlton, F. L., 57. Knowlton, H. B., 71. Knudson, L., 48. Kuutsen, M. 11., 59. Koch, A., 37. Kochheiser, D. S., 54. Kockcn, W. J., 23. Koehler, A. E., 72. Kolb, J. H., 72. Kostalek, J. A., 17. Kostir, W. J., 54. Kotila, J. E., 34. Kraft, J. H., 65. Kramer, E., 26. Kramer, W. H., 55. Krantz, F. A., 37. Kraus, C, 72. Kraus, E. J., 72. Krauss, F. G., 15. Krausz, H. B., 51. Kraybill, H. R., 44. Krebs, H. M., 34. Krecker, F. H., 54. Kriss, M., 60. Kroft, M. B., 28. Kroh, S. J., 17. Krout, W. S., 32. Krueger, J., 73. Krum, O. C, 48. Kruse, P. J., 48. Krusekopf, H. H., 40. Kuhlman, A. H., 63. Kulp, W. L., 50. Kumlien, W. F., 62. Kunerth, W., 23. Kunst, F. B., 71. Kuntz, W. A., 59. Kurtz, W. J., 34. Kutsunal, Y., 16. Kyle, E. J., 65. Kynette, C. M., 6. La Bach, J. O., 28. Lacey, L., 7. Lackie, II. M., 74. La Croix, M. M., 29. I^dd, C. E.. 48. Ladd, E. F., 52. Ladd, J. E., 61. LaGrange, W. F., 23. Lake, C, 23. Lake, D., 78. La Master. J. P., 61. Lamb, A. R., 23. Lamb, J., jr., 18. Lamkey, E. M. R., 12. Lamson, G. H., jr., 12. Lancaster, C. A., 6. Lancaster, D. S., 68. Lancaster, L., 7. Lancaster, R. R., 65. Lancelot, W. H., 23. Landers, E. S., 6. Landon, Mrs. L. E., 34. Lane, F. P., 74. Lane, L., 57. Lane, L. R., 45. Lane, S., 69. Langdon, G., 73. Lange, H. C, 34. Langworthy, A. E., 26. Lanham, W. B., 65. Lauman, F. R., 54. Lansden, H. B., 7. Lantis, L. O., 54. Lantow, J. L., 46. Lantz, C. W., 44. Lantz, H. L., 23. Lapp, W. H., 23. Larsen, R., 70. Larson, A. H., 37. Larson, O.. 23. Larson, R. A., 63. Lathrop, F. H., 57. Lathrop, F. W., 48. Latshaw,W. L., 26. Latta, W. C, 20. Laub, F. N., 43. Laude, H. H., 26. Lauder, M., 26. Lauderdale, R., 56. Lauman, G. N., 48. Lawrence, C. F., 23. Lawrence, J. F., 43. Lawrence, M. M., 70. Lawrence, W. E.,57. Lawritson, M. N., 43. Laws, A. G., 39. Laycock, W. E., 34. Lea, E. J., 9. Leach, J. G., 37. Learn, C. D., 11. Leathers, A. L., 52. Leaton, L. L., 63. Leavltt, H., 73. Leazenby, A. J., 26. LeBron, L. C, 5. LeCato, J. M., 12. Lee, B. L., 42. Lee, F., 18. Lee, J. G., 29. Lee, J. G., jr., 29. Lefevre, G., 40. Legg, G., 43. Leggett, H. A. D., 67. Lehenbauer, P. A., 18. Lehman, S. G., 51. Lehmann, E. W., 40. Lehnert, B. H., 74. Leiby, C. I., 23. Leiby, R. W., 51. Leidigh, A. H., 65. Leiendecker, E. H., 20. Leigh, A. J., 66. Leigh, T. R., 13. Leister, C. W., 48. Leith, B. D., 73. Leith, T. B., 71. Leland. B. W., 48. Lenert, A. A., 65. Lentz, J. B., 32. Leonard, A. ,8. Leonard, G. F., 45. Leonard, M. D., 48. Leonard, M. W., 48. Lepkovsky, S., 73. Le Roy, V. E.. 34. Loverett, J.. 69. Levin, E., 34. Levine, M., 23. Lewis, A., 52. Lewis, C. A., 43. Lewis, E. M., 33. Lewis, E. P., 18. Lewis, F. C., 20. Lewis, H. R., 45, 40. Lewis, I. P., 55. Lewis, J. v., 45. Lewis, L. H., 61. Lewis, L. L., 56. Lewis, L. M., 57. Lewis, P. L., 66. Lewis, R. D., 59. Lewis. S. L., 44. Lewis, W. C, 34. Lewis, W. P., 44. Liddell, J. G., 14. Lienhardt, H. F., 26. Lightbody, H. D., 34. Lincoln, P. B., 59. Linder, G., 54. Lindgren, H. A., 57. Lindquist, R., 37. Lindsey, J. B., 33. Lindstrom, E. W., 73. Linfield, F. B., 3, 41. Linford, J. H., 66. Liuhofif, E. A., 42. Linklater, W. A., 70. Linsley, C. M., 18. Lipman, C. B., 9. Lipman. J. G., 3, 45. Lipp, C. C, 63. Lippincott, W. A., 26. Lippincott, W. L., 61. Lipscomb, A. D., 29. Lisse. M. W., 59. List, G. M., 11. Little, E., 45. Littlehale, A. D., 44. Littlejohn, J., 23. Livesay, E. A., 71. Livingood, A. M., 56. Livingston, A. S., 43. Lloyd, J. W., 18. Lloyd, O. G., 20. Lloyd, W. E,, 9. Lobdell, R. N., 39. Locke, L. H., 59. Lockett, S., 9. Locklin, H. D., 11. Lockwood, S., 52. Lockwood, W. P. B., 33. Lodewick, J. E., 30. Loeffel, W. J., 43. Lomanitz, S., 65. Lombard, L., 37. 88 INDEX OF NAMES. Lommel, C. H., 20. Lommel, W. E., 20. Lommen, G., 37. Long, C. L., 57. Long, G. R., 65. Long, H. D., 52. Long. H. J., 66. Long., P. T., 51. Long, R. L., 63. Long, W. W., 3, 61. Longley, L. B., 17. Longwell. J. H., 70. Longyear, B. O., 11. Loomis, R., 40. L6pez, B., 60. Lopez, F. A., 60. Lorec, R. E., 34. Lory, C. A., 3, 10. Lott, E. H., 42. Lottes, M., 73. Love, H. H., 48. Love, R. M., 59. Loveland, G. A., 43. Lovett, A. E., 10. Lovett, A. L., 57. Lowe, R., 23. Lowe, Mrs. E. S., 56. Lowery, P. H., 56. Lowry, G. E., 26. Lowry, M. W., 14. Lowry, R. B., 63. Lucas, J. B., 68. Lucas, P. S., 20. Luce, M. E., 67. Luckett, J. D., 50. Ludwig, C. A., 62. Lueder, C. A., 71. Lulthly, J. A., 43. Lund. Y., 66. Lundquist, G. A., 37. Lunn, A. G., 57. Lunn, E. W., 54. Lush, J. L., 73. Lusk, W. F., 39. Luther, E. L., 73. Lutman, B. P., 67. Lutrell, E., 7. Lyford, C. A., 69. Lyles, T. J., 62. Lyman, J. F., 54. Lyndo, H. M., 51. Lynn, G., 26. Lyon, H. L., 16. Lyon, T. L., 48. Lyons, E. S., 26. Lyons, L. M., 33. McAdams, Mrs. J. C.,64. McAdams, M. E., 18. McAdory, I. S., 5. McAllep, W. R., 15, 16. McAmis, .1. C, 63. McArthur, L. J., 63. McBride, C. G., 59. McBryde, J. M., 68. McCall, A. G., 31. McCall, F. E., 63. McCall. L. L., 65. McCall, M. A., 70. McCall, T. M., 37. McCall, W. T., 17. McCally, K. L., 20. McCampuell, C. \V., 26. McCandlish, A. C, 23. McCarty, D. M., 39. McCarty, E. C, 11. McChord, R. C, 42. McClay, E., 71. McClelland, T. B., 60. McClondon, S. E., 14. McClintock, J. A., 15. McClintock, J. E., 54. McCluer, D., 39. McClure, P. D., 43. McClure, G. M., 54. McClymonds, A. E., 11. McColloch, J. W., 26. McComb, J. D., 57. McConnell, H. S., 62. McCool, M. M., 34. McCord, .T. L. E., 59. McCord, W. H., 23. McCormlck, F. A., 12. McCoy, C. M., 65. McCreary, O., 70. McCue, C. A., 12. McCuen, G. W., 54. McCullough, H., 18. McCurdy, J. C, 48. McDaniel, E. I., 34. McDole, G. R.,17. McDonald, C. W., 23. McDonald, M., 23. McDonald, M. M., 26. McDonald, T. M., 26. McDonol, K. H., 35. McDonnell, H. B., 31. McDowell, C. IT.. 65. McDowell, M. C, 37. McDowell, M. S., 58. McBlroy, C. H., 56. McFall, R. J., 33. McFarlane, M. W., 26. McFaul, H., 57. McFeely, A., 37. McGllUard, P. C, 26. McGlnnis, E.. 30. McGinnis, F. W., 37. McGuire, A. J., 37. McGuire, L. M., 54. McITarguc, J. S., 28. McHatton, T. H., 14. Mellugh, J. K., 29. Mcllvalne, T. C, 71. Mcllwain, D. W., 39. Mclnerney, T. J., 48. Mclntire, W. H., 63. Mcintosh, C. .!.. 57. McKay, A. B., 39. McKay, H. M., 14. McKay, J. F., 39. McKay, L. J.. 39. McKay, M. B., 57. McKee, C, 23. McKee, J. C, 39. McKellip, I., 54. McKerrow, W. A., 37. McKim, E., 23. McKlmmou, Mrs. J. S., 51. McLaushlin, A. R., 70. McLaughlin, F. A., 33. McLaughlin, H., 44. McLaughlin, H. M., 23. McLeod, W. M., 26. McMahon, D., 52. McMahon, J., 23. McMillan, D. L., 35. McMillan, F. H., 54. McMiller, P. R., 37. McMurry, H. L., 73. McNabb, C, A., 46. McNair, A. D., 7. McNaughton, E. B., 31. McNoal. N. H., 48. McNcss, G. T., 65. McNutt, G. W., 23. McNutt, S. H., 23. McPhee, H. C, 30. MePheeters, M. R., 56. McQuarrie, C. K., 13. McQuillen, E. E., 73. McRae, J. A., 52. McTeer, F. D., 63. McVeety, Mrs. E., 52. McVey, F. L., 27. McVey, W. M., 20. Mabee, W. B., 51. Maberry, Mrs. E. N., 30. MacArthur, L., 37. MacComber, O. B., 37. MacDaniels. L. H., 48. MacDonald, G. B., 23. MacDonald, P., 59. MacDougall, A. F., 33. Macfarlane, J., 44. MacGowan, W. G., 68. Machlis, J. A., 63. Maclnnes, F. J., 37. Mack, M. E., 44. Mackall, R., 52. MacKay, C. J., 23. IMackie, R., 35. Mackie, W. W., 9. Mackintosh, R. S., 37. Macklin, T., 73. MacLeod, G. F., 50. Macpherson, H., 57. Macy, H., 37. Maddo.x. R. S., 63. Maddux, H. T., 14. Madson, B. A., 9. Magee, W. T., 65. Magill, E. C. 68. Magnuson, H. P., 17. Magrudcr, D. G., 70. Mahan, C. A., 28. Mahin, E. G., 20. Maier, E. A., 29. Mains, E. B., 20. Mairs, T. I., 59. Major, II. F., 40, Mailman, W. LeR., 35. Malloch, W. S., 05. Mallon, M. G., 20. INDEX OF NAMES. Mnllory. F. J., 18. Malloy. E. J.. 73. ^ralono, E. M., 64. Alaloiie. R. E., 52. Mauebester, A. W., 12. Maneval. W. E., 40. Mancy. T. J., 2.3. Mann, A. R., 3, 47. Mann, Mrs. M. S., 40. Manning, H., 73. Manns, T. F., 12. Manter, J. A., 12. Margarida, F.. 60. Marion. S. J.. 51. Maris. P. V., 56. Marldey, J. P., 55. Markwell, E. D., 56. Mailatt, A. L., 73. Marlatt, C. L.. 3. Marlatt, L. H., 14. Marquess, J. M., 56. Marsh, E., 23. Marsh, G. H., 5. Marsh, H. V., 61. Marsh, R. S., 40. Marshall, C. E., 33. Marshall, J. D., 11. Marshall, R. E., 85. Marsteller, R. P., 65. Martin, F. S., 70. Martin, G. L., 42. Martin, G. W., 45. Martin, H. M. (Ala.), 5. Martin, H. M. (Nebr.),43. Martin, J. C, 9. Martin, J. H., 28. Martin, J. N.. 23. Martin, L., 32. Martin, M. E., 5. Martin, T. T., 12. Martin, W. H., (N. J.), 45. Martin, W. H., (Pa.), 59. Martin, W. P.. 26. Mask, H. H. B., 51. Mason, A.F.. 45. Mason, B. B., 59. Mason, C. J., 12. Mason, C. R., 59. Mason, D. T., 9. Mason, E.. 12. Mason, E. C, 28. Mason, R. H., 7. Mason, E. F.. 17. Mason, R. L., 71. Massengale. O. N., 5. Massey, A. B., 68. Massey, L. M..48. Mather, S., 43. Mather, W.. 61, Matheson, R., 48. Mathews, C. W., 28. Mathews, H. B., 63. Mathewson, E. H., 51. Mathiesen, A. H.. 17. Matthew, E. B., 7. Matthews, C. D.. 51. Matthews, G. C, 37. Matthews, M. L., 20. Matz, J., 60. Maxey, G. A.. 26. Maxwell, G. W., 74. Maxwell, 11. L., 23. May, D. W.. 60. May, H. G., 61. May, L., 17. May. L. L., 57. Maycock, R. B., 66. Maynard, E. J., 11. Maynard, L. A., 48. Mayne, D. D.. 37. Meacham, E. R.. 62. Meacham, F. T., 51. Mead, E., 9. Mead, S. W., 46. Mead, T. C. 17. Meade, D., 31. Moador, D. J., 5. Meadows. A. G., 52. Mebane, A. L., 13. Medlar, A. W., 43. Megee, C. R., 35. Mehaffey, E. E., 44. Mehl, P., 57. Meigs, A. v., 29. Meister, C. .T.. 23. Meixner, W. B., 48. Melander, A. L., 70. Melchers, L. E., 26. Melhus, I. B.. 23. Mellon, M. G., 20. Meloche, G., 73. Menaul, P. L., 56. Mendum, S. W., 73. Menig, O., 70. Mensching, J. E., 50. MenvillP, R. L., 29. Meredith, R. M., 60. Merkle, F. G., 59. Merrill, A. L., 66. Merrill, J. H., 26. Merrill, L. E., 61. Merrill, L. H.,30. Merrill, L. S., 30. Merrill, M. C, 66. Mervine, E. M., 23. Meske, A. E., 45. Messer, A. C, 33. Metcalf, C. L., 54. Metcalf, W., 9. Metcalf, Z. P., 51. Metzger, H., 52. Metzger, J. E., 31. Meulen, P. H., Van der, 45. Meyer, A. H., 14. Michaels, R. E.,56. Michels, C. A., 52. ISIiddlebrook, R., 46. Middleton, A. R., 20. Midkiff, J. H., 16. Milam, A. B., 57. Miles, G. F., 59. Millar, C. E., 35. Miller, C. B., 23. Miller, C. E., 52. Miller, C. P., 13. Miller, C. P., 57. Miller. E., 7.S. Miller, E. A., 6.^.. Miller, E. C, 26. Miller, E. .T., 35. Miller, E. R., 5. Miller, E. v., 31. Miller, E. W.. 23. Miller, F. G.. 17. Miller, F. P., 12. Miller, F. W., 57. Miller. G. E., 52. Miller, H. G., 57. Jliller. .T. D., 9. Miller, J. H., 14. Miller, .T. W., 20. Miller, M. E., 37. Miller. M. F., 40. Miller, M. R., 44. Miller, P. E., 37. Miller, P. G., 60. Miller, P. L., 37. Miller, P. T., 74. Miller, R. C, 28. Miller, R. E., 40. Miller, R. F., 9. Miller, R. N., 70. Miller, W. P., 54. Millin, R. B., 17. Mills, W. H., 62. Milner, A., 71. Miltimore, C., 13. Milton, R. H.. 28. Milward. .T. G., 73. Miner, L. R., 69. Miner, O. E., 70. Minns, L. A.. 48. Minteer, C. C., 43. Misner, E. G., 48. Mitchell. C. O., 64. Mitchell, H. H., 18. Mitchell. J. H., 62. Mitchell, R. V., 70. Mitra, S. K., 52. Mitten, ,T. W., 59. Moberg, E. S., 69. Moen, J., 66. Moffitt, E. L., 59. Mohler, .7. R., 3. Mohlman, Z. H., 18. Moir, W. W. G., 16. Moles, H. S., 46. Monahan, W. C, 33. Moncrief, O., 39. Monroe, B. F., 9. Monroe, C.F. (N.Mex.),46. Monroe, C.F. (Ohio), 55. Monsch, H., 48. Montgomery, C. A., 68. Montgomery, C. W., 55. Montgomery, E. G., 48. Montgomery, J. S., 37. Montgomery, L.. M., 54. Montillon, E. D., 48. Moody, H. W., 39. Mooers, C. A., 64. Mooklar, E. J., 16. Moomaw, L., 52. Moon, C. B., 13. 90 INDEX OF NAMES. Moon, M. P., 48. Moore, A. R., 45. Moore, F. G., 65. Moore, H. C, 35. Moore, J. G., 73. Moore, J. S., 39. Moore, L., 8. Moore, M. E., 26. Moore, M. G., 50. Moore, M. H., 39. Moore, P. 17. Moore, R. A., 73. Moore, W., 37. Moore, W. D., 45. Moore, W. P., 68. Moorhead, M. B., 37. Mooring, D. C, 56. Moran, C, 44. Moran, H. H., 46. Morbeck, G. C, 23. Mordorff, R. A., 48. More, J. D., 60. Morehouse, M., 57. Moreland, C. C, 29. Moreland, C. F., 29. Moreland, E., 64. Morgan, C. L., 62. Morgan, F. M., 71. Morgan, H. A., 63. Morgan, .J. O., 65. Morgan, R., 13. Morgan, R. F., 17. Morley, L. W., 59. Morrill, W. J., 11. Morris, E., 42. Morris, H., 29. Morris, H. E., 42. Morris, H. L., 23. Morris, O. M., 70. Morris, V. L., 30. Morris, W. E., 37. Morrish, R. W., 26. Morrison, F., 23. Morrison, F. B., 73. Morrison, P. L., 54. Morrow, C. A., 37. Morrow, H. E., 7. Morrow, M. V., 6. Morse, A. P., 37. Morse, F. W., 33. Morse, W. C, 39. Morse, W. J., 30. Mortensen, M., 23. Mortimer, G. B., 73. Morton, C, 48. Morton, G. E., 11. Morton, G. M., 43. Moses, W., 48. Mosier, J. G., 18. Moss, A. E., 12. Moss, E. G., 51. Moss, L. B., 59. Moss, W. A., 17. Moton, R. R., 6. Motz, F. A., 68. Moullon, C. R., 40. Mount, M. M., 31. Muenscher, W. C, 48. Muesebeck, C. F. W., 48. Mugglestone, H. B., 26. Muir, F., 16. Muldoon, W. E., 26. Mulford, W., 8. Muller, R. T., 30. Mulvania. M., 64. Mulvey, R. R., 20. Mumford, E., 35. Mumford, P. B., 3, 39. Mumford, H. W., 18. Mumford, M., 37. Muncie. J. H., 59. Munger, H. B., 23. Munn, M. T., 50. Munroe, E., 12. Munroe, H. D., 59. Murdock, H. E., 42. Murneek, A. E., 57. Murphree, A. A., 13. Murphy, E. L., 23. Murphy, H. F., 56. Murphy, H. S., 23. Murphy, L. M., 43. Murray, C, 23. Mu.sbach, F. L., 73. Musgrave. G. W., 4.5, 46. Mussehl, F. E., 43. Musselman, H. H., 35. Musser, R. H., 17. Muttkowski, R. A., 17. Myers, C. Emory, 59. Myers, C. Everett,, 59. Myers, C. H., 48. Myers, L., 64. Myers, R., 56. Myers, W. I., 49. Myles, Mrs. D. B., 64. Nabours, R. K., 26. Nafziger, R. O., 73. Nanz, R. S., 49. Nay] or, P. B., 40. Neal, D. C, 39. Noale, L. F., 65 Neasham, R. L., 23. Needham, J. G., 49. Neer, F. B., 9. Neff, C. R., 29. Neidig, R. E., 17. Neill, J. M., 33. Nelson, A., 74. Nelson, C. I.. 52. Nelson, D. H., 40. Nelson, E. M., 73. Nelson, I., 45, 46. Nelson, .T.B. (Ky.),28. Nelson, J. B. (Mont.), 42. Nelson, J. W., 9. Nelson, L. H., 51. Nelson, M., 7. Nelson, N. T. L., 65. Nelson, O. M., 57. Nelson, P. (Guam), 15. Nelson, P. (Utah), 66. Nelson, R., 35. Nelson, R. E., 20. Nelson, S. B., 69. Nelson, T. C, 45, 4G. Nelson, V. G., 23. Nelson, W. S., 39. Nosom. G. H., 37. Ness, H. (Iowa), 23, Ness, H. (Texas), 65. Neusbaum, W. L., 73. Neville, H. B., 49. Nevius, J. R., 57. Newcomb, M. J., 59. Newell, P. F., 39. Newell, W., 13. Newland, L. D., 65. Newlander. C. E., 35. Newlander, J. A., 67. Newlon, J. B., 33. Newlon, W. E., 35. Newman, C. C, 62. Newman, H. G., 40. Newman, P. J., 26. Newsom, I. E., 11. Newton, H. D., 12. Newton, J. H., 11. Newton, J. 0., 37. Nicholls, W. D., 28. Nichols, H. E., 23. Nichols, M. L., 5. Nichols, R. D., 26. Nickels, C. B., 62. Nickels, M. V., 20. Nightingale, W. I., 70. Niles, H. B., 37. Nisonger, H. W., 54. Nissley, C. H., 45. Nissley, W. B., 59. Niswonger, H. R., 28. Nixon, E. L., 59. Ncible, C. v., 49. Noble, E. C, 43. Noble, M. B., 49. Noble, S. C, 13. Nodine, B. H., 33. Nohavec, F. R., 43. Nolan, A. W., 18. Nolan, O. L., 12. Noland, D. R., jr., 51. Noll, C. F., 59. Norcross, C. A., 44. Nordaker, P. E., 23. Norman, C. A., 20. Norris, L. C, 49. Norton, B. A., 18. Norton, J. B. S., 31. Norton, L. J., 49. Norton, P. I., 20. Norwood, P. J., 39. Nourse, E. G., 23. Novitski, J. P., 33. Nowlin, L., 62. Nuffer, L. P., ^6. Nutter, J. W., 28. Nye, C, 49. Cakes, C. W., 26. Odland, T. E., 71. Ogaard, A. J., 42. Ogden, H. P., 64. Ogle, R. C, 49. INDEX OF NAMES. 91 O'Kane, W. C, 44. Oldenburg, F. W., 31. Oliver, A. G., 51. Oliver, A. W., 57. Olmstead, R. E., 37. Olney, A. J., 28. Olney, R. A., 49. Olson, E. I., 52. Olson, T. M., 63. Oman, A. E., 42. O'Moara, P , 35. O'Neale. L. M., 57. Ong, E. R. de, 9. Ormsby, A. A., 29. O' Roke, E. C, 63. Orr, II. W., 56. Onlicn, C. L., 24. Orton, C. R., 59. Osborn, E. B., 57. Osliorn. G. A., 45, 46. Osborn. H., 54, 55. Osborn, H. T., 16. Osborn, L. W., 7. Osborn, M. G., 29. Osborne, .T. G., 66. Osborne, T. B.. 12. Osburn, R. C, 54. Oskamp, J.. 41. Osmun, A. v., 33. Ostrander. .T. E., 33. Ostrauder, W. A., 20. Overbey, N.. 29. Ovorholser, B. L., 9. Overholt, V.. 54. Overholts, L. O., 59. Overman, O. R., 18. Overpeck, J. C, 74. Overton, M. H.. 20. Owen, F. U., 51. Ov.-en, I. L., -15. Ov.'ons, C. E., 57. Owens, J. S., 12. Owens, W. W., 66. Pack. M., 18. Paddock, F. B., 24. Paddock, W., 54. Paige, E. O., 13. Paige, .T. B., 33. Palmer, C. C, 13. Palmer, E. L., 49. Palmer, H. S., 15. Palmer, J. E., 24. Palmer, L. S., 37. Palmer, M. A., 11. Palmer, S., 7. Palmer, W. C, 52. Palmer, W. II., 54. Pammel, L. H., 24. Park, J. B., 54, 55. Park, M. M., 29. Park, O. W., 24. Parker. E. F., 24. Parker, F. L. D., 13. Parker, .1. B., 62. Parker, J. H., 26. Parker, .J. R., 42. Parker, R. L., 24. Parker, S. R., 3.".. Parkliurst, R. T., 17. Parkinson, M. G., 59. Parkinson, J. R. F., 65. Parks. A., 67. Parks, P. C. 6. Parks, T. B., 51. Parks. T. H., 54. Parrish, G. R., 68. Parrott, P. J., 50. Parsball, R. L., 13. Parsons, IT. T., 73. Parsons, J. D., 43. Parsons, T. S., 74. Partch, L. A., 20. Partridge, N. L., 35. Partridge, S. W., 13. Passonneaii, J. L., 70. Patcli, E. M., 30. Patch, R. H., 71. Patchin, E. M., 37. Patchin, R., 42. Pate, W. F., 51. Paterson, A. G., 70. Paterson, A. M., 26. Patrick, A. L., 59. Patrick, C. S., 62. Patt, .v.. 20. Patt, E. M., 20. Patten, A. J., 35. Patterson, G., 13. Patterson, H. J., 31. Patterson, I., 54. Patterson, T. M., 39. Patton, C. A., 55. Patty, R. L., 63. Payne, L. F., 26. Payne, M. T., 7. Peabody, G. D., 30. Peacock, N. D., 14. Peairs, L. M., 71. Pearce, S. J., 24. Pcarce, W. T., 52. Pearl, R., 30. Pearson, F. A., 49. Pearson, H. A., 52. Pearson, M. 11., 5. Pearson, N., 26. Pearson, R. A., 3, 21. Peck, A. L., 57. Peck, G. W., 49. Peden, F. T., 51. Peitersen, A. K., 11. Peltier, G. L., 43. Pelton, W. C, 59. Pember. F. R., 61. Pemberton, C. E., 16. Pence, M. 0., 13. Pendleton, H. L., 33. Pennock, O., 11. Penny, C. L., 13. Peppard, Mrs. L. L., 61. Perin, S. W., 43. Perkins, A. E., 55. Perkins, A. T., 46. Perkins, H. F., 67. Perkins, W. R., 29. Perley, G. A., 44. Perry, B. L., 13. Perry, E. J., 71. Perry, N. W., 24. Perry, R. A., 49. Pcrsells, H. V., 14. Person, F. G., 11. Person, M., 35. Persons, R. W., 65. Peter, A. M., 28. Peters, C. A., 33. Peters, E. M., 65. Peters, M., 24. Peters, M. K., 43. Peters, W. H., 37. Peterson, A., 45. Peterson, E. G., 66. Peterson, I. L., 18. Peterson, R., 60. Peterson, R. W., 18. Peterson, V., 62. Peterson, W., 66. Peterson, W. H., 73. Pettee, C. H., 44. Pettit, R. H., 35. Pettit, W., 54. Phelan, J., 33. Phelps, E. L., 37. Phelps, O. (A., 44. Philips, A. G., 20. Phillips, C. A., 70. Phillips. IT. M., 18. Phillips, J. v., 14. Phillips, T. G., 54. Phillips, W. B., 29. Philp, G. L., 9. Phinney, G. H., 26. Phipps. C. R., 50. Phipps. H., 9. Pickel, F. W., 7. Pickens, E. M., 31. Pickens, R. M., 24. Pickett, B. S., 18. Pickett, F. L., 70. Pickett, W. F., 26. I'ieper, J., 18. Pierce, H. B., 59. Pierce, W. C, 28. Pierpont, C. C, 67. Pierson, C. J., 31. Pierson, E., 63. Pierson, J. W., 56. Piester, E. A., 24. Pieters, C. B., 30. Pike, C. M., 67. Pillsbury. J. P., 51. Pinckney, R. M., 42. Pinckney, S. M., 62. Pittman, B. C, 66. Pittman, D. W., 66. Pittman, M. S., 26. Plagge, H. IT., 24. Plagge, H. J., 24. Plaster, R. J., 20. Plice, M. J., 20. Plumb, C. S., 54. Poelma, L. J., 31. Polk, T. P., 28. Poison, M. E., 20. 92 Pond, G. A., 37. rontius, B. E., 20. Pool, R. J., 43. Poole, J. P., 74. Poole, R. F., 46. Pope, J. P., 44. Pope, W. T., 15. Popp, H. W., 59. Porter, J. P., 49. Porter, J. T., 64. Porter, R. H., 24. Porter, W. R., 52. Posey, L. R., 66. Posson, M. B., 43. Potter, A. A., 3. Potter, C. E., 42. Potter, E. L., 57. Potter, G. F., 44. Potter, L. M., 67. Potter, P. B., 54. Potter, W. R. R- 16. Potts, A. B., 35. Potts, A. T., 65. Pound, G. H., 46. Powdermaker, F., 45. Powell, P. P., 5. Powell, S. v., 39. Powers, F. R., 46. Powers, W. L., 57. Prang, A. E., 17. Pratt, C. D., 69. Pratt, D. J.. 65. Pratt, F. R., 45. Prentice, B. N., 20. Prentiss, S. W., 57. Pressley. B. H., 7. Preston, C, 11. Preston, R. E., 62. Prettyman, H. ■W.,71. Prevost, E. S., 62. Prewitt, E. M., 28. Price, E. R., 68. Price, E. W., 65. Price, H. L., 67. Price, J. C. C, 39. Price, M. L., 24. Price, O. B., 40. Price, R. B., 40. Price, W. A., 20. Prillerman, D. M., 71. Prince, A. H., 65. Prince, A. L., 45. Prior, A. E., 52. Proctor, E. E., 14. Proulx, E. G., 21. Prucba, M. J., 18. Przyliiska, W., 54. Publow, H. L., 35. Puruell, L., 28. Purrington, N. S., 46. Purwin, P. K., 24. Puryear, C, 65. Putnam. G. W., 35. Quaife, E. L., 24. Quaw, M. M., 42. Qiiayle, H. .T., 10. IlsTDEX OF NAMES. Queal, L. M., 33. Queen, W. A.. 51. Quesenberry, G. R., 46. Quick, E., 69. Quinn, E. .!., 42. Quintero, .J., 46. Raburu, G. E., 26. Racier, F. E., 6. Radspinner, W. A., 24. Radway, C. W., 56. Raeder, J. M., 24. I Ragsdale, A. C, 40. Rainey, D. P., 35. Ralston, G. S., 68. Ralston, W. R., 10. Ramirez. J. H., 60. Ramsower, H. C, 53. Randall, L., 37. Randall, L. S.. 69. Randlett. G. W., 52. Randolph, E. E., 51. Randolpb, E. O., 65. Randolph, L. F., 49. Raney, C. W., 17. Raney, E. R., 51. Rankin, F. H., 18. Rankin, J. O., 43. Ranney, E. S.. 49. Rapp, C. W., 7. Ra.smussen, M. P., 67. Rathbone, R. V., 14. Rather, H. C, 35. Rauchenstein, E., 18. Rnyburn. A. B., 37. Rea, G. H., 49. Rea. R. M., 39. Read, .T. W., 7. Reade, J. M., 14. Reardon, .1.. 24. Rebrassier, R. B., 54. Rofknagel, A. B., 49. Records, E., 44. Reddick, D., 49. Redhead, .T. A., 29. Redifcr, F., 11. Redman, R. W., 33. Reed. F. P., 24. Reed, H. J.. 21. Reed, H. S. (Calif.), 10. Reed, H. S. (Mich.), 35. Reed, R. C, 31. Reed. Mrs. S. II.. 61. Reeder, G., 40. Reeder, .1. C, 57. Reeder, W. C, 51. Regan, M. J., 40. Regan, W. M., 45, 46. Regan, W. S., 33. Regenbrecht, E. M., 65. Regt, A. C. de, 45. Reid, D. II., 73. Reid. P., 63. Reid, W. H. E., 40. Reider. E. S., 59. Reimor. F. C, 57. Reinhard. II. .!., 05. Roes. M. T., 24. Rees, R. W., 49. Reese, H. M., 40. Reese, N. M., 14. Romler, R. F., 55. Reppert, R. R., 05. Ressler, I. L., 24. Rettger, L. F., 12. Reynolds, E. A., 49. Reynolds, E. B., 65. Reynolds, E. S., 52. Reynolds, M. H., 37. Rhoades, E. L., 27. Rhoads. W., 28. Rhode, C. S., 18. Rhue, L. C, 18. Rice, C. D., 24. Rice, F. E., 49. Rice, J. B., 18. Rice, .1. E., 49. Rice, Mrs. M. A., 43. Rice, V. A., 33. Rich, F. A., 07. Richards, B. L., 06. Richards, C. R., 3. Richards, G., 73. Richards, L., 37. Richardson, A. E., 3. Richardson, A. (i. G., 14. Richardson, A. W., 44. Richardson, C, 41. Richardson, C. S., 31. Richardson, E. H., 24. Richardson, F. B., 39. Richardson, L., 06. Richardson, L. A., 64. Richardson, M. B., 46. Richardson, P., 60. Richey, H. W., 31. Richmond, T. E., IS. Ricketts, W. F.. 21. Rickey, II. W., 31. Ricks, J. R., 38. Riddell, F. T.. 35. Riddick, W. C, 50. Rider, H., 37. Ridgcll, R. H., 28. Riemenschneider, A., 24. Riggs, W. M., 3. 61. Riley, H.W., 49. Riley, .7. A., 62. Riley, M. C, 73. Riley, W. A., 3, 37. Rillinj,'. II. E.. 52. Rimoldi, F. .!., 57. Rinehart, E. F., 17. Ring. E. R., 30. Ripley, G. E., 8. Ripperton, J. C, 15. Ritchie, W. S., 40. Ritger, F. X., 73. Ritzman. E. G., 44. Roach, C. B., 24. Roadhouse, C. L., 10. Robb, B. B.. 49. Robb. E. I., 35. Robbers, W. R.. 46. Robbins, F. E.. 21. Robhins, W. .1., 40. INDEX OF NAMES. 93 Robert, J. C, 39. Robert. S. A., 64. Roberts, D., 73. Roberts, B., 18. Roberts, G.. 28. Roberts, G. PI., 21. Roberts. I. P., 49. Roberts, O. S., 21. Roberts, R. H., 73. Roberts, S. B., 45. Robertson, A. H., 50. Robertson, D. W., 11. Robertson, E. S., 70. Robertson, L.S., 21. Robertson, W. F., 33. Robey, O. E.. 35. Robichaux, F. J., 29. Robinson, C. S., 35. Robinson, E. P., 44. Robinson, J. L., 24. Robinson, J. M., 5. Robinson, M., 49. Robinson, M. E., 40. Robinson. O., 64. Robinson, R. H., 57. Robison, W. L., 55. Robotka, F., 24. Robson, H. K., 70. Roeheford, J., 40. Rodenwold, B. W., 57. Rodericlf, L. M., 52. Rodriguez, I. CoI6n-, 60. Roe. H. B., 37. Rogers, C. E.. 27. Rogers. F., 13. Rogers, H. W., 55. Rogers, W. B., 62. Rohwer, C. H., 11. Rokahr, M., 74. Rolfs, F. M., 56. Roller, E. M., 17. Romberg, A., 15. Rongstad, S., 63. Root, A. D., 40. Rosa, Mrs. B. N.,40. Rosa, J. T., jr.', 40. Rose, E. J., 12. Rose, F., 49. Rose, R. C, 37. Roseboom, B. B., 35. Rosen, 11. R., 8. Rosencrans, G. W., 21. Rosenltrans, D. B., 62. Rosewall, O. W., 29. Ross, B. B., 5. Ross. II., jr., 68. Ross, H. A., 19. Ross, H. E., 49. Ross, P. H., 39. Ross, S. D., 39. Rost, C. O., 37. Roth.F. C, 21. Roth, W. J., 19. Rothermel, E.. 27. Rouzer, P. C, 71. Rowan, L. J., 39. Roy, E. M.. 66. Roycp. C. H.. 49. Royston, .1. K.. 51. Rubel, C. W., 10. Rude, C. S., 65. Rudnick, A. W., 24. Rudnick, R. A., 24. Rudolph, B. A., 10. Ruehe, H. A., 19. Ruehle, G. L. A., 35. Ruffner, R. 11.. 51. Rugglos, A. G., 37. Rumberger, C. L., 59. Runisey, W. E., 71. Runk. C. R., 13. Ruunalls. W. .1.. 43. Runuells, R. A.. 35. Ruprecht, R. W., 13. Rusk, II. P.. 19. Rusk, W. H., 40. Russ. E. M., 10. Russel, J. C, 43. Russell. A. R..51. Russell, F. L., 30. Russell, G. P., 29. Russell, H. L., 3, 71. Russell, M.. 24. Rust, G. A., 59. Ruth, C. C, 57. Ruth, W. A., 19. Rutherford. E., 43. Ruzek, C. v.. 57. Ryan, .1. C. 39. Ryan, M., 44. Ryan, W. E , 33. Ryder, A., 58. Ryerson, K. A.. 10. Ryncrson, II. Z., 24. Sachs, W. H., 8. Sackett, R. L., 3. Sackett, W. G., 11. St. John, .1. L., 70. Saldana, .1. A., 60. Sales, E. K., 35. Salisbury, G., 27. Salisbury, S. II., 65. Salisbury, S. M., 33. Salmon, S. C, 27. Salter, R. M., 71. Sammis, .1. L., 73. Sampson. H. C, 54. Sampson, H. O., 45. Sams, C. L.,51. Sanborn, C. E., 56. Sanborn, M. L., 44. Sanborn, N. W., 13. Sand, A. W. W., 49. Sanders, W. H., 27. Sanderson, E. D., 49. Sanderson, T., 52. Sandiford, L. B., 39. Sando, W. .1., 31. Sandsten, E. P., 11. Sanford. F. II., 35. Sangstor, B., 35. Sargent, C. G., 11. Sargent, E. L., 45. Saunders, W. D.. 68. Sauve, E. C, 35. Savage. E. S., 49. Savin, W. II., 43. Savoy, W. F., 71. Sawtelle, D. W.. 33. Sax, K., 30. Saxer, A. II., 67. Saye, G. P., 14. Sayles, M., 54. Sayre, J. D., 54. Scarbro, P. J., 63. Schaeffer, A. A.. 64. Schaeffer, O. S., 19. Schaer, R., 65. Schafor, E. G., 70. Schaffner. .1. H., 54. Schalk, A. F., 52. Sehell, M. I., 27. Scherer, N. W., 54. Schermerhorn, L. G., 45, Schieferstein, W., 46. Schilletter, A. E., 62. Schlundt. H., 40. Schmidt, C. R., 8. Schmidt, G. A., 11. Schmidt, H., 65. Schmidt, R., 39. Schmitz, I-I., 17. Schraitz, N., 59. Schneck, H. W.. 49. Schneider, B. L., 6. Schneider, L., 58. Schnemayer, S., 27. Schocne, W. J., 68. Scholes, B. E., 49. Scholl. C. A., 19. Schollenberger, C. .1., 55. Schooley, P. T., 51. Schoppe, W. P., 42. Schoth, H. A., 58. Schowengerdt, P. F., 40. Schrack. C. V., 17. Schramm. J. R., 49. Schuhmann, E. W., 56. Schulz, J. A., 55. Schumaker, G., 51. Schuster, C. E., 58. Schuster, G. L., 13. Schwab, J. W., 21. Schwalen, H. C, 7. Schwartz, L. H., 21. Schwarze, H. R., 19. Schwarzkopf, G. M., 24. Scoates, D., 65. Scott, D., 69. Scott, D. M., 68. Scott, H. M., 13. Scott. . I. M. (Fla.), 13. Scott, .T.M. (Iowa), 24. Scott. J. P., 27. Scott, .1. W., 74. Scott, M. H.. 73. Scott, S. B. B., 64. Scott, V. E.. 44. Scott. W., 24. Scott, W. H., 61. Scoville, G. P., 49. Scudder, H. D., 58. Seahrook, Mrs. C. B., 62. 94 INDEX OF NAMES. Seal. J. L., 37. S.-ars, F. C, 33. Sears, G. W., 44. Sears, O. H., 19. Seatoii, J. P., 21. Seaver, H. B., 45, 46. Sebastian, M. R., 29. Secrest, E., 55. Seeley, D. A., 35. Seitz, C. E., 68. Selby, A. D., 55. Sel'y, F. T., 51. SeKw, FI. E., 42. Sell, M. T., 73. Selvig, C. G., 37. Senn, P. H., 73. Sequist, M., 27. Serex, P., ji'., 33. Setchell, W. A., 10. Severance, G., 70. Severin, H. C, 63. Severin, H. H., 10. Severin, .7. E., 14. Severy, J. W., 58. Sewall, H. W., 37. Sewell, M. C, 27. Sexauer, T., 40. .S<-ymc.ur, H. C, 58. Shafor. D. L., 35. Shanltlin, F. M., 21. Shannon, E. W., 43. Shai-p, L- B.. 24. S'harp. P. F., .37. Sharpe, L. W., 49. ShattuclJ, O., 58. Shaw. C. F.. 10. Shaw. E. L., 71. Shaw, .T. E., 29. Shaw, J. K., 33. ' Shaw, J. N., 58. Shaw, R. S., 33. Shaw, S. B., 31. Shaw, W. M., 64. Shaw, W. T., 70. Shawl, R. I., 19. Shay, W. W., 51. Shealey, A. L., 13. Shearer, P. S., 24. Shedd, O. M., 28. Sheehan, B. F., 17. Smitli, A., 10. Sheely, W. J., 62. Sheffer, L. M., 14. Shelar, Mrs. C. B., 56. Shelow, E., 54. Shepard, C. E., li'. Shepardson, C. N., 11. Shepperd, J. H., 52. Shepperd, J. L., 38. Sherbakoff, C. D., 64. Sheridan, M. E., 11. Sherman, F., jr., 51. Sherwin, JNI. E., 51. Sherwood, E. C, 71. Sherwood, F. F., 24. Sherwood, P. W., 51. Sherwood, R. M., 65. Shibles, L. H., 30. Shive, J. W., 45. Shobe, W. L., 29. Shoemaker, J. N., 54. Short, A. K., 65. Shotwell, E. B., 56. Shoup, G. R., 70. Shoup, Mrs. G. R., 70. Shriber, J. H., 11. Shuey, G. A., 59. Shumaker, J. B., 24. Shunk. I. V. D., 51. Shutt, M., 11. Sibley, C. K., 49. Sibley, R. P., 49. Sides, J. E.. 39. Siecke, B. O., 65. Siegel, M., 46. Sievers, F. J., 70. Silbert, D., 46. Silvey, O. W., 65. Simmons, G. B., 30. Simmons, J. E., 58. Simmons, S. B., 6. Simms, B. T., 58. Simon, R. U., 55. Simons, L. R., 49. Simpson, A. C. 59. Simpson. C. W., 35. Sims. A. J., 64. Sims, M.. 19. Sims. N. L.. 33. Sinclair, W.. 30. Singleton. II. P., 70. Sinnott, E. W., 12. Sisk, T. K.. 62. Sisson, S., 54. Sjogren, J. W.. 11. Sjogren, O. W., 43. Skelley, W. C, 45, 46. Skelton. G. V., 58. Skidmore, L. V., 43. Skidmore, R., 67. Skinner, A. G., 12. Skinner, E. L., 3, 33 Skinner, J. H., 19. Skinner, L. T., 43. Skourop, W. N., 27. Slate, W. L., jr., 12. Smart, W. A., 58. Smith, A. B., 27. Smith, A. C, 38. Smith, A. G., jr., 39. Smith. A. M.. 31. Kmith, A. W., 47. Smith, C. M.. 56. Smith, C. O.. 10. Smith, C. W.. 4.'?. Smith, B. D., 11. Smith, B. H., 10. Smith, E. v., 35. Smith, F. E.. 19. Smith, F. H., 15. Smith, G. A., 50. Smith, G. E., 32. Smith. G. E. P.. 7. Smith. G. O., 31. Smith, II., 67. Smith, n. G.. 51. Smith, II. 11.. 43. Smith, H. J.. 39. Smith, H. P.. 65. Smith, H. W., 30. Smith, J. B., 65. Smith, J. E., 32. Smith, L. (Mont.), 42. Smith, L. (Virgin Islands)^ 69. Smith, L. B., 10. Smith, L. H., 19. Smith, L. J., 70. Smith, L. R., 46. Smith, L. W., 59. Smith, M. M., 44. Smith, P. n., 33. Smith, P. R., 59. Smith, R. C, 27. Smith, R. E., 10. Smith, Mrs. R. G., 49. Smith, R. H., 17. Smith, R. L., 42. Smith, R. R., 38. Smith, R. S., 19. Smith, R. W., 53. Smith, T.O., 44. Smith, W., 67. Smith, W. H., 19. Smith, W. S., 73. Smith, W. W., 21. Smith, Z. M., 21. Smyth, J. R., 28. Smyth, S. P., 17. Snapp, R. R., 19. Snider, H. .T., 19. Snodgvass, G. L., 28. Snodgrass, M. D., 6. Snook, J. H., 54. Snow, C. C, 29. Snow, F. L., 58. Snow, G. G., 39. Snyder, E. M., 28. Snyder, R. M., 35. Snyder, R. S., 17. Snyder, S. D., 65. Snyder, W. P. (Nebr.), 43. Snyder, W. P. (P. R.), 00. Solomon, IT., 39. Sommer, H. II., 73. Sonnenday, D., 2.S. Sosolik, C, 65. Sotola, J., 70. Souba, A. .T., 38. Soule, A. M., 14. Spaeth, C. P., 44. Spangler, S. M., 64. Spaulding, M. H., 42. Spears, H. D., 28. Spencer, A. P., 1.". Spencer, F. W., 30. Spencer, II., 51. Spencer, .T. O., 32. Spencer, V. E., 19. Spicer. M. R., 27. Spieth, A. J., 65. Spinks, A. G., 39. Spinks, P. E.. 39. Spinney, L. B., 24. INDEX OF NAMES. 95 Spltler, J. C, 19. Spitzer, G.. 21. Spohn, B. B., 54. Spragg, F. A.. 35. Sprague, M. E., 12. Sprague, T. O., 50. Spriggs, Mrs. A. D., 71. Spring, S. N., 49. Spuler, A., 70. Spurway, C. H., 35. Stack, J. W., 35. Stacy, W. H., 24. Stadler, L. J., 41. Stafford, E. W., 39. Stahl, J. L., 70. Stakman, E. C, 38. Staley, F. M., 62. Stallings, J. H., 65. Staneart, C. E., 24. Stanford, H., 64. Stanford, K. M., 59. Stange, C. H., 24. Stangel, W. L,., 65. Stanley, E. B., 7. Stanley, L., 41. Stanley, M. R., 21. Staples, C. H., 30. Starcher, G. C, 5. Stark, R. W., 19. Starkey, L. V., 62. Starrak, J. A., 24. Starring, C. C, 42. Steelman, L. W., 59. Steenbock, H., 73. Steer, L., 41. Steffen, E. H., 70. Stehle. M. E.. 62. Stelger, E., 54. Steiner, A. J., 28. Steinmetz, F. H., 38. Steinmons, W., 12. Stene, A. E., 61. Stophens, D. E., 58. Stephens, M., 24. Stephens, M. L., 69. Stephenson, R. E., 28. Stephenson, R. S., 24. Steve, N. D., 49. Stevens, A. T., 12. Stevens, C, 8. Stevens, C. L., 44. Stevens, F. D., 5. Stevens, H. B., 44. Stevens, O. A., 53. Stevenson, F. J., 70. Stevenson, G. L., 63. Stevenson, H. A., 49. Stevenson, W. H., 24. Stewart, A. V., 56. Stewart, C. L., 8. Stewart, E. A., 38. Stewart, F. C, 50. Stewart, G., 67. Stewart, G. R., 16. Stewart, H. W., 73. Stewart, J., 43. Stewart, L. K., 73. 17566—21 Stewart, L. L., 24. Stewart, O. M., 41. Stewart, P. H., 43. Stewart, R., 44. Stewart, R. M., 49. Stewart, W. F., 54. Stickle, M. v., 69. Stiles, H., 24. Stiles, W. C, 64. Stillman, G. S., 73. Stiritz, B. A., 19. Stivers, E. D., 5. Stoa, T. E., 53. Stockdale, C. E., 71. Stocking, W. A., 49. Stoddard, E. M., 12. Stokdyke, E. A., 27. Stoll, F. A., 35. Stoltz, R. B., 54. Stone, A. L., 73. Stone, C. C.,41. Stone, J. L., 49. Stone, T. C, 24. Stone, W. A., 65. Stone, W. E., 3, 19. Storm, A. V., 38. Storms, L. B., 24. Stouder, K. W., 24. Stout, C. G., 56. Stout, S. R., 8. Stoutamire, R., 13. Strahan, .1. L., 33. Straight, C. W., 35. Strand, A. L., 42. Strang, L. L., 73. Stratton, J. J., 70. Stratton, R., 56. Streeter, L. R., 50. Strickland, G., 58. Strickland, V. L., 27. Struthers, P. H., 60. Stubblefield. D. A., 17. Stuckey, H. P., 15. Studley. L. A.,38. Stuntz, G. R., 31. Sturkie, D. G., 65. Suarez. E., 6. Sugg, R. S., 5. Sullins, D. G., 15. Sullivan, K. C, 41. Summers, F. N., 24. Sumner, H. R., 42. Sumner, W. A., 73. Sunderlin, H. H., 24. Sure, B., 8. Surr. J. G., 10. Sutherland, M. E., 70. Sutton, J. A., 55. Sutton, .1. W., 6. Sutton, L. F., 71. Swanson, A. F., 27. Swanson. C. O., 27. Swartwout, H. G., 41. Sweeney, M. P., 50. Sweeny, M. E., 3, 35. Sweet, M. B., 17. Sweetser, H. P., 30. Swonehart, J., 78. Swenk, M. H., 43. Swett, W. W., 41. Swezey, O. H., 16. Swift, R. W., 33. Swingle, D. B., 42. Swire, R. P., 30. Swope, W. D., 59. Syferd, J. E.. 8. Sykes, G. F., 58. Symons, T. B., 31.. Szymonlak, B., 30. Taber, R. F., 54. Tabor, P., 14. Tackaberry, M. R., 2T. Taff, P. C, 24. Taft, E., 35. Taft, L. R., 35. Taggart, W. G., SO. Tague, E. L., 27. Tailby, G. W., jr., 49. Talbert, T. J., 27. Talbot, N. A., 56. Talbot, R. F., 30. Taliaferro, W. T. L., 31. Tanner, H. T., 39. Tanner, J. E., 39. Tannreuther, G. W., 41. Tanquary, M. C, 65. Tapley, W. T., 38. Tappen, G., 5. Tarr, L. W., 13. Tarr, W. A., 41. Taubenhaus, J. J., 65. Tavernettl, T. F., 10. Taylor, A. D., 54. Taylor, B. L., 17. Taylor, C. A.. 49. Taylor, C. C, 51. Taylor, E. J., 69. Taylor, E. L., 43. Taylor, F. W., 44. Taylor, G. S., 38. Taylor, J. B., 63. Taylor, J. C, 42. Taylor, L. C, 58. Taylor, O. M., 50. Taylor, W. A., 3. Teeter, T. A. H., 58. Temple, C. B., 31. Templeton, G. S., 65. Tennant, H., 35. Terrell, W. G., 28. Terrill, B. M., 3, 67. Teske,A. H., 35. Thacker, A. E., 5. Thatcher, L. E., 55. Thatcher, R. W., 3, 35.. Thayer, C. H., 33. Thayer, C. L., 33. Thayer, P., 55. Thelin, G. A.,. 3.3.. Thomas, DeR., 7.. Thomas, E. C, 30.. Thomas, E. E., 10.. Thomas, F. L., 5. -12 96 INDEX OF NAMES. Thomas, G. W., 56. Thomas, H. E., 49. Thomas, J. L., 65. Thomas, J. M., 58. Thomas. M. C, 64. Thomas, M. D., 67. Thomas, R. C.(Ohio), 55. Thomas, R. C.(Va.),68. Thomas. R. F., 30. Thomas, R. H., 15. Thomas, R. P., 19. Thomas, R. S., 21. Thomas, W., 59. Thompson, A. B., 8. Thompson, B. E., 35. Thompson, B. H., 43. Thompson, C. H., 33. Thompson, C. P., 56. Thompson, E. J., 53. Thompson, G. E. (Ariz.), 7. Thompson, G. E.(Iowa), 24. Thompson, H. B., 27. Thompson, H. C, 49. Thompson, J. B., 13. Thompson, M. J., 38. Thompson, O. A., 53. Thompson, R., 54. Thompson, R. B., 7. Thompson, T. B., 31. Thompson, W. C, 45, 46. Thompson, W. O., 53. Thompson, W. S., 49. Thomsen, L. C, 73. Thornber, H., 42. Thornber, .T. J., 7. Thorne, C. E., 3, 55. Thornton, A. M., 14. Thornton, M. K., jr., 65. Thrash, C. L., 54. Throckmorton, R. I., 27. Thurston, A. S., 31. Thurston, F. M., 49. Thurston, H. W., jr., 59. Thurston, R. S., 16. Tibbetts, H. A. M., 61. Tidmore, J. W., 5. Tiebout, G. L., 30. Tiedjens, V. A., 73. Tiedt, W. B., 21. Tiffany, E. M., 73. Tiffany, L. H., 54. TiLson, M. A., 21. Timberlake, P. H., 16. Tisdale, H. B., 5. Tisdale, W. B., 73. Tobey, E. R., 30. Tobey, G. N., 64. Tobiska, .T. W., 11. Todd, C. C, 70. Tolstrup, M. R., 62. Tomhave, W. H., 59. Tompson, 11. F., 33. Tonison, W. E.. 10. Torgerson, E. F., 58. Torrance, J. B., 38. Torrenee, Mrs. H. S., 62. Torrey, E. C, 38. Torrey, G. S., 12. Torrey, R. E., 33. Tottingham, W. E., 73. Tower, W. V., 60. Townley, G., 68. Townsend, H. L., 69. Townsley, T. S., 41. Trabue, E., 12. Tracy, P. H., 19. Trail, R. K., 27. Transeau, E. N., 54. Traum, J., 10. Travers, W. C, 31. Treakle, A. F., 68. Treat, N., 38. Tretsven, J. O., 42. Trevithick, G. I., 56. Trimble, H. M., 8. Trimble, R. E., 11. Troop, J., 21. Trotter, F. B., 70. Trowbridge, E. A., 41. Trowbridge, P. F., 52. Troy, H. C, 49. Troy, I., 70. True, A. C, 1, 3. True, G. H., 10. True, N. F., 50. Truitt, R. v., 31. Truog, E., 73. Tubbey, E., 11. Tucker, D. B., 56. Tucker, F. G., 70. Tucker, M. L., 24. Tuckwiller, R. H., 71. Tufts, W. P., 10. Tukey, n. B., 50. Tull, J. W. B., 69. Tungeln, G. H. Von, 24. Tunison, L., 39. Turley, A. M., 42. Turlington, .T. E., 13. Turnbow, G. D., 10. Turneaure, F. E., 3. Turner, A. A. (Fla.), 13. Turner, A. A. (N.'C), 52. Turner, A. F., 27. Turner, A. W., 24. Turner, B. W., 62. Turner, C. G., 59. Turner, C. W., 41. Turner, H. C, 68. Turner, J. D., 28. Turner, L. G., 59. Turner, Mrs. M. B., 56. Turner, M. E., 24. Turner, R. A., 35. Tumor, R. M., 70. Tweed, R. L., 35. TwitchplI, M. W., 69. Tyler, A. G., 38. Tyler, Mrs. S. E., 73. T'hl, F. E., 46. Ulsporger, II. W., 73. Umberger, IL, 25. Underwood, P. O., 49. ITpbam, A. 11., 16. Upson, F. W., 43. Upthegrove, L. L., 71. Upton. G. E., 33. Ure, R., 38. Uyei, N., 19. Vail, C. E., 11. Vaile, R. S., 10 Valentine, G. H., 63. Valle, C, 52. Valleau, W. D., 28. Van Aken, K. G., 19. Vanatta, E. E., 41. Vanatter. P. O., 14. Van der Meulen, P. H., 45. Van der Veon, G., 19. Vandervort, H. S., 71. Van Dyke, E. C, 10. Van Es, L., 43. Van Heulen, B., 35. Van Hyuing, T., 13. Vaniman. V., 19. Van Kirk M., 58. Van Meter, R. A., 33. Vann, L. F., 6. Van Nice, I. W., 24. Van Norman, H. E., 10. Van Rensselaer, M., 49. Van Slyke, L. L., 50. Van Stecnburg, C., 35. Van Wormer, L. H., 31. Vass, A. F., 74. Vaughan, F., 14. Vaughan, R. E., 73. Vaughn, E. C, 28. Vawter, L. R., 44. Veale. E. M., 6. Veatch, C. L., 14. Veen, G. Van der, 19. Veihnieyer, F. J., 10. Veitch, C, 31. Verhulst, .T. H., 73. Verret, J. A., 16. Vestal, CM., 21. Vifquain, R. M., 24. Vila, R., GO. Vincent, C. C, 17. Vincent, C. L., 70. Vinson, A. E., 7. Vinson, C. G., 59. Virtanen, P. H., 27. Vivian, A., 53. Vohringer, J. A.. 69. Volz, E. C, 19. von Ende, C. L., 17. von KleinSmid, R. B., 6. Von Tungeln, G. H., 24. Voorhios, E. C, 10. Vorhios, C. T., 7. Wachter, H. M., 55. Waddell, R. L.. 41. Wade, C. T., 68. Wade, L. W., 21. Wadleigh, C. B., 44. Wadsworth, H. A., 10. Waggoner. S. M., 6. Wagner, P. A., 27. Wahlen, H. B., 41. INDEX OF NAMES. 97 Wald, E. L., 54. Wait, C. E., 64. Waite, B. C, 56. "Walte, R. B., 24. Waite, R. H., 31. Waltes, B. L., 13. Wakeland, C, 17. Waksman, S. A., 45. Walden, B. H., 12. Waldcn, W. N., 46. Waldron, C. B., 53. Waldron, J. A., 35. Waldron, L. R., 53. Walker, B. M., 39. Walker, Mrs. B. H., 29. Walker, Mrs. E. S., 73. Walker, G. B., 39. Walker, G. G.. 54. Walker, G. P., 21. Walker, H. B., 27. Walker, L. S., 33. Walker, W., 65. Walkey, F. L., 21. Wallace, H. F., 39. Wallace, L., 43. Wallace, R. C. E., 21. Waller, A. B., 54. Waller, A. G., 45, 46. Waller, C. H., 66. Waller, K. A., 74. Waller, O. L., 70. Wallin. Z. B., 54. Walls, E. E., 24. Walls, H. R., 31. Walser, P. H., 65. Walsh, C. E., 73. ■Walsh, F. E., 24. Walsh, W. F., 50. Walster, H. L., 53. Walter, C. T., 63. Walter, E. .T., 59. Walter, L. E., 74. Walthall, A. C, 39. Walton, L., 30. Walton, R. C, 59. Walton, T. O., 64. Wann, F. B., 49. Ward, A. L., 65. Ward, F. C, 14. Ward, W. B.. 24. Warden, E. L., 19. Ware, A. S., 65. Ware, J. F., 42. Ware, J. 0.,'8. Waring, J. H., 60. Wark, A. C, 46. Warner, A. .T., 40. Warner, D. E., 12. Warner, 11. W., 24. Warner, Mrs. L. A., 64. Warner, N. R., 24. Warren, G. P., 49. Warren, J. .T.. 24. Warriner, C. E., 16. Warrington, J., 17. Washburn, F. L., 38. Washington, Mrs. B. T., Washington, J. I., 62. Wasson, G. E., 63. Watkins, D. W., 62. Watkins, G. L., 71. Watkins, L. J., 6. Watkins, Mrs. L. L., 41. Watlington, J. M., 56. Watson, E. E., 45. Watson, .T. R., 13. Watson, O. M., 64. Watson, P. P., 29. Watson. T. G., 54. Walts, R. J., 33. Watts, R. L., 3, 58. Waugh, P. A., 33. Waugh, G. L., 44. Way, A. E., 10. Weakley, C. E., jr., 71. Weaver, F. P., 60. Weaver, G. E., 24. Weaver, G. S., 63. Weaver, J. E., 43. Weaver, L. A., 41. Weaver, L. E., 49. Weaver, V., 19. Webb, W. W., 5. Webster, Mrs. W., 64. Wogner, E. E., 70. Wehrle, L. P., 49. Wehrwein, G. S,, 60. Weidemann, A. G., 35. Weigley, M., 3, 38. Weir, W. W., 10. Welch, C. H., 38. Welch, B. G., 28. Welch, H., 42. Welch, R. R., 60. Welch, W. M., 6. Weld, B..S., 58. Weldin, J. C, 24. Weller, M., 38. Welles, W. S., 33. Wellhouse, W. H., 49. Wellington, C. 33. Wellington, R., 50. Wells, B. W.. 51. Wells, C. F., 63. Wells, E., 27. Wells, H. M., 43. Wells. M. L., 15. Welsh, Mrs. C. P., 31. Welsh, M. F., 31. Welton, F. A., 55. Wendt, W., 15. Wene, E. II., 46. Wonger, J. C, 24. Woniger, W., 53. Wontling, J. P., 38. Wentworth, S. W., 44. Wentz, .T. B., 31. Werkenthin, F. C., 24. . Workman. C. II., 17. Werner, II. O., 43. Werthmueller, F. R., 16. Wessels, P. H., 61. West, E. S., 27. West, P. L., 67. West, R. B., 67. Westbrook, E. C, 14. Westcourt, P. W.. 65. Wostgate, J. M., 15. Westley, R. O., 70. Weston, J. W., 35. Westover, K. C, 71. Whaley, L. G., 41. Wheeler, J. T., 14. Wheeler, R. II., 49. Wheeler, T. W.. 66. Wheeler, W. P., 00. Wheeting, L. C, 35. Whelpton, P. K., 65. Whetzel, II. H., 49. Whipple, B., 41. Whipple, G., 58. Whitacre, J., 07. Whitcomb, E. C, 67. Whitcomb, L. R., 30. Whitcomb, W. O., 42. White, A., 31. White, B., 56. White, C. H., 30. White, D. S., 53. White, E. A., 49. White, G. C, 12. White, G. R., 5. White, H. B., 38. White, H. C, 14. White, H. O., 0. White, J. L., 29. White, J. W., 00. White, S., 69. White, T. H., 31. White, W., 62. White, Mrs. W. P., 15. White, W. R., 60. White, W. T., 6. Whiteford. G. H., 11. Whitehouse, A. W., 11. Whiteman, T. M., 51. Whitonton, R. O., 56. Whitfield, J. E., 6. Whiting, A. L., 19. Whiting, R. A., 21. Whiting, W. A., 49. Whitney, E. M., 12. Whitney, M., 3. Whitson, A. R., 73. Whittemore, G. M., 28. Whittomore, M. E., 67. Whittcn, J. C, 10. Wiancko, A. T., 21. Wickliff, E. L., 54. Wick.son, E. .7., 10. Wicdorn, W. S., 27. Wiegand, E. H., 58. Wiegand, F., 31. Wiegand, K. M., 49. Wi-gans, C. C, 43. Wiggans, R. G., 49. Wiggin, G. 11., 38. Wight, H. M., 58. Wilbur, .7. W., 38. Wilbur. O. M., 30. Wilcox, G. B., 65. Wilcox, L. P., 58. Wilde, E. I., 60. Wilder, C. N., 14. 98 INDEX OF NAMES. Wiley, J. R., 21. Wiley, R. C, 31. Wilford, E. J., 28. Wllkens, A. E., 43. Wilkes, C, 58. Wilkins, F. S., 24. Wilkinson, J. A., 24. Wilkinson, P. D., 24. Wilkinson, R. S., 62. Willaman, J. J., 38. Willard, C. J., 54. Willard, J. D., 32. Willard, J. T., 27. Willard, R., 53. Williams, B. O., 62. Williams, C. B. (Ky.), 28. Williams, C. B. (N. C.),51. Williams, C. G., 54, 55. Williams, C. V., 27. Williams, D., 35. Williams, D. W., 65. Williams, E. T., 66. Williams, F. L., 17. Williams, F. X., 16. Williams, G., 66. Williams, G. P., 30. Williams, H. L., 30. Williams, J. C, 7. Williams, L. C, 27. Williams, L. F., 51. Williams, M. J., 27. Williams, P. S., 60. Williams, R. H., 7. Williams, W. L. S., 16. Williamson, Mrs. C. M., 51. Williamson, D. D., 44. Williamson, H. H., 65. Williamson, J. T., (Ala.), 5. Williamson, J. T. (S. C), 62. Willis, H. M., 63. Willis, J. W., 39. Willis, L. G., 60. Willis, M. A., 5. Willis, R. L., 46. Willison, F. H., 54. Williston, D. A., 6. Willoughby, C. H., 13. Willoughby, L. E., 27. Willson, C. A., 64. Willson, R. B., 39. Wilson, A. D., 35. Wilson, A. L., 67. Wilson, B. D., 49. Wilson, C. E. (Ohio), 54. Wilson, C. E. (Virgin Islands), 69. Wilson, C. P., 46. Wilson, C. v., 71. Wilson, D. B., 51. Wilson, E., 24. Wilson, Mrs. E. L., 29. Wilson, F. C, 73. Wilson, F. W., 44. Wilson, G. H., 10. Wilson, G. M., 24. Wilson, H. C, 5. Wilson, H. F., 73. Wilson, I. D., 60. Wilson, J. A., 3, 55. Wilson, J. F., 10. Wilson, J. K., 49. Wilson, J. W., 62. Wilson, L. v., 38. Wilson, M. L., 42. Wilson, Mrs. Mary L., 64. Wilson, M. M., 70. Wilson, M. O., 68. Wilson, R., 24. Wilson, R. C, 14. Wilson, R. S., 3, 38. Wilson, S. M., 60. Wilson, v., 67. Wilson, W. M., 49. Wimer, D. C, 19. Winant, H. B., 31. Winchester, H. B., 27. Winchester, W. W., 21. Wing, E. M., 11. Wing, H. H., 50. Wingard, S. A., 68. Winkler, C. H., 71. Winsor, L. M., 67. Winter, O. B., 35. Winters, A. R., 55. Winters, E. S., 5. Winters, N. E., 62. Winters, R. Y., 51. Wise, W., 35. Wiseman, C. R., 63. Withers, W. A., 51. < Withycombe, R., 58. Witmer, C, 45. Wodsedalek, J. E., 17. Wo.ita, J. F., 73. W^olcott, G. E., 31. Wolcott, G. N., 60. Wolf, F. A., 51. W^olfe, T. K., 68. Wolkoff, M. I., 19. Woll, F. W., 10. Wolter, H. F., 19. Wood, A. T., 66. Wood, Mrs. B. S., 14. Wood, C. A., 65. Wood, I. D., 43. Wood, J. H., 14. Woodard, C. S., 8. Woodard, J., 19. Woodcock, E. F., 35. Woodley, W. H., 8. Woods, A. F., 31. Woods, C. D., 3. Woods, M., 6. Woodward, C.R., 45,46. Woodward, E. G., 70. Woodward, K. W., 44. Woodworth, C. M., 19. Woodworth, C. W., 10. Wooley, J. C, 41. Woolsey, C, 8. Worcester, M. A., 27. Work, P., 50. Working, D. W., 6. Working, H., 38. Works, G. A., 3, 50. Worsham, C. G., 38. Worsham, W. A., jr., 14.. Worthen, E. L., 50. Worthley, H. N., 33. Wray, J. D., 52. Wrenshall.R., 15. Wright, A. H., 73. Wright, H. W., 24. Wright, L. H., 14. Wright, R. G., 45. Wright, R. R., 15. Wright, T. H., jr., 63.- Wright, T. R. H., 8. Wright, W. H., 73. Wright, W. J., 50. Wuichet, J. W., 54. Wyant, L. Z., 35. Wylie, C. E., 64. Wyman, H., 43. Wyman, L., 65. Yapp, W. W., 19. Yates, E. C, 64. Yaxis, T. G., 33. Yeager, A. F., 53. Yglesias, B. R., 30l Young, B. C, 50. Young, F. M., 71. Young, Mrs. H. B., 50l. Young, H. C, 35. Young, H. J., 43. Young, H. L., 50.. Young, H. P., 50. Young, J. B.,64. Young, N. B., 13. Young, V. H., 17. Young, W. H., 19. Youngblood, B., 64; Zahnley,J. W., 27. Zappe, M. P., 12. Zeasman, O. R., 73. Zeeuw, R. de, 34. Zeller, S. M., 58. Zentmire, .T. H., 24. Ziegler, P. T., 60. Zimmerley, H. H., 68i Zimmerman, P. W., 31.. Zook, L. L., 43. Zundel, G..L.,70i o