'^^ *sno' A^ O *,,,•' ,0-' °o ^ V f " • °' c^. ^ ^ ^ '"•° -iV^ °^ v;-^'V' ^o^^^^^%o^ V^^^/ V^ •^ -^--o^ ,•1 o. -^ "- ^^ •<5> 0^ V 0^ O o Biographical Catalogue OF THE MATRICULATES OF / Haverford College together with lists of the Members of the College Faculty and the Managers. Offi ccrs and Recipients of Honorary Degrees 8 33 1900 Prepared by a Committee of the Alumni Association ALLEN C. THOMAS, A.M.. '65. Editor PHILADELPHIA Printed for the Alomni Association 1900 F. Author. £Ag'OI PRESS OF SHXIRMAJ^ & Co., PHir-ADBLPHIA... o PREFACE. The compilation of a Biographical Catalogue of the Matriculates of Haverford College was undertaken by the Alumni Association in 1894, when a committee of its members was appointed for the purpose. The collection of the necessary data was at once begun. To all matriculates or their representatives a letter was sent, enclosing a carefully prepared question sheet. The failure of many of those addressed to respond to the committee's inquiries necessitated an- other communication. After prosecuting the work for more than two years, it became evident to the committee that the task was of such magnitude as to require expert assistance in order successfully to complete the work. In 1897 the services of Professor Allen C. Thomas as editor were fortunately secured. Through his long con- nection with Haverford College, Professor Thomas was pecuHarly fitted to undertake the work. To him the thanks of the committee are due for the great interest shown and the painstaking care used in endeavoring to make the volume complete and accurate. Through his untiring efforts during the past three years much information has been secured which it had previously seemed impossible to find. The records in the following pages are incomplete only in cases where the matriculates have died or have been lost sight of, or where repeated requests for information have been ignored and it has been found impossible to supply it from college and meeting records or genealogies. The thanks of the committee are also due to President Sharpless for permission to use the College records, and for constant sympa- thy and support of the project in hand. IV HAVERFORD COLLEGE. It is hoped that this record of the men who have gone forth from Haverford College may prove a valuable contribution to the history of our Alma Mater. George Gluyas Mercer, 'jj, Chairmafz. Charles Roberts, '64. Edward Y. Hartshorne, '81. Barker Newhall, '87. Franklin B. Kirkbride, '89, Secretary. Haverford College, April 2, 1900. CONTENTS. Preface, iii Editor's Note, vii Sketch of the History of Haverford College, ix Officers and Managers of Haverford School Association and the Corporation of Haverford College, xi Officers of the College, xv College Faculty, xvii Officers of the Alumni Association, xx Orators, Poets and Prize- Winners of the Alumni Association, . . xxi Additions and Corrections, xxii Matriculates, i Graduate Students, 273 Recipients of Honorary Degrees, 281 Enumeration, 284 Index, 285 EDITOR'S NOTE. In the preparation of this Catalogue great pains have been taken to secure accurate information. In a few cases it has been impossi- ble to trace old students ; but in many cases those whose addresses have been known have failed to reply to repeated requests, and their records have been made up from what data could be secured from other sources. The names have been arranged by classes ; that is to say, the name of a matriculate is put under the year in which his class grad- uated. Without doubt, some will be surprised to see themselves ranked with those whom they have never known, or of whom, per- haps, they have never heard ; but, on the whole, this method of arrangement seemed to be the best. For about twenty years after the opening of the institution the division into classes was very loosely observed. Apparently, students were not ranked according to any definite system. No catalogues were published until 1852. Lists of students were from time to time printed in the Managers' Reports, but irregularly ; and these lists were not always divided into classes ; while from 1 843 to 1852, with a single exception, no lists whatever were published. These facts have made it exceedingly difficult to place some of the matric!ulates, especially those who did not complete the course. Rec- ords have been made up, therefore, from grade books, ledgers, etc. Previous to 1877, the only degree conferred upon undergraduates was that of Bachelor of Arts ; in 1877 the degree of Bachelor of Science was added, and in 1887 the degree of Bachelor of Engi- neering. Since 1891, however, the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science have been the only ones conferred. VUl HAVERFORD COLLEGE. It remains for the editor to acknowledge the great assistance given him by the active members of the Catalogue Committee, two of whom have most kindly read the proof-sheets. Acknowledg- ments are also due to a number of the Alumni who have given infor- mation of much value ; among these, Robert Bowne, '42, of New York City, and Mark Brooke, '96, of Radnor, Pa., should be spe- cially mentioned. Thanks are also due to Dr. Edward T. Tucker, of New Bedford, Mass., and Gilbert Cope, of West Chester, Pa., for information most kindly furnished. Allen C. Thomas, A.M., '65, Editor. SKETCH OF THE HISTORY OF HAVERFORD COLLEGE Haverford College, opened in 1833, was founded by members of the Society of Friends, who wished to establish an institution con- ducted in accordance with their religious opinions, and offering advantages " for instruction in the higher branches of learning, com- bined with a relig-ious care over the morals and manners of the students." The full course of study was to occupy not less than four years, and was to include " English Literature, Mathematics, Natural History, Natural, Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, the Ancient Languages and Ancient Literature." Opportunities for instruction in the principal modern languages were also to be afforded. It will be seen that, though the modesty or special views of those interested prevented them from calling the institution a college, collegiate instruction was given from the start. This is also shown by the State documents, which rank the institution as one giving collegiate instruction. In 1856 the managers obtained a charter, giving Haverford the name and full powers of a college. Students who had received diplomas from Haverford School were subsequently granted the degree of Bachelor of Arts, upon application and payment of fees. The experience of Haverford College has not been unlike that of other denominational colleges. There have been in its history periods of great depression, when, had it not been for the unselfish support of a few noble-hearted persons, the college would have been X HAVERFORD COLLEGE. closed. Indeed, at one time the institution was temporarily sus- pended, from 1845 to 1848. Re-opened in the latter year under more liberal regulations, it has continued to offer its advantages to wider circles of young men. From time to time Haverford has received liberal gifts and be- quests ; without these it would have been impossible for it to have been carried on. It was not, however, until 1897, when the cor- poration came into possession of the munificent bequest of Jacob P. Jones, of Philadelphia, amounting to about a million of dollars, that the college was placed upon a permanent, substantial pecuniary foundation. Haverford aims in its religious influence to inculcate the simple truths of Christianity. NuTE. — For a full account of the history of the college see " History of Haverford College, 1S32-92." Philadelphia, 1892. OFFICERS AND MANAGERS OF Haverford School Association AND THE Corporation of Haverford College. Appointed. Sened until. President.* Wistar Morris, ..... Oct. 12, 1886 Mar. 3. 1891 T. Wistar Brown, ..... . Apr. 10, 1891 Secretary.* Henr}- Cope, ..... Dec. 30, 1830 Mav 14, 1S32 George Stewardson, .... Mav 14, 1832 Mav 14, 1835 Abraham L. Pennock, .... MaV 14, 1835 May 8, 1837 Charles Evans, ..... May 8, 1837 Mav 9, 1S42 Charles Elhs, ..... . May 9, 1842 Ma'v 13, 1861 William S. Hilles, .... May 13, 1861 MaV 9, 1864 PhiUp C. Garrett, .... May 9, 1864 Oct" II, 1875 Edward Settle, Jr. , Oct. ", 1875 Oct. 9, 1883 Charles Roberts, ..... Oct. 9, 1883 Oct. 12, 1886 Elliston P. Morris, .... Oct. 12, 1886 Oct 13, 1891 George Vaux, Jr., Oct. 13, I 891 Treastu -er.* Benjamin H. Warder, .... Dec. 30, 1830 May 13. 1844 Isaiah Hacker, ..... May i3> 1844 Mav 12, 1845 John Elliott, May 12, 1845 Max II, 1846 Isaiah Hacker, ...... May II, 1846 Mav 14, i860 Wistar Moms, ..... May 14, i860 Ma'v 13, 1861 John M. \Miitall, .... May 13, 1861 Apr. 9, 1866 David Scull, Jr., Apr. 9, 1866 Oct 12, 1883 Edward Battle, Jr., Oct. 9, 1883 Oct. 14, 1884 Asa S. Wing, Oct. 14, 1884 3Ianag ers. Samuel Bettle, Dec. 30, 1830 Mav 14, 1S32 Daniel B. Smith, Dec. 30, 1830 Mav 12, 1834 John Griscom, ..... Dec. 30, 1830 Mav 12, 1S34 Gerard T. Hopkins, .... Dec. 30, 1830 Mar. 27, 1834 John G. Hoskins, .... Dec. 30, 1830 Mav 14, 1835 Samuel B. Morris, .... Dec. 30, 1830 Ma'v 14, 1835 John Gummere, ..... Dec. 30, 1830 Mav 14, 1835 Benjamin W. Ladd, .... Dec. 30, 1830 MaV 14, 1835 Thomas C. James, .... Dec. 30, 1830 May 9, 1836 * The office of President of the Corporation was not created until 1886. From 1830 to 1886 the Secretary acted as presiding officer at all meetings of the Corporation. The President, Secretary and Treasurer are ex-officio members of the Board of Managers, and the President presides at meetings of the Board. xu HAVERFORD COLLEGE. Isaac Davis, Thomas Evans, John Paul, . Abraham L. Pennock, Isaac Collins, Bartholomew Wistar, Samuel Parsons, Benjamin H. Warder, Samuel F. Mott, Lindley Murray, Thomas P. Cope, George Stewardson, Thomas Cock, Joseph King, Jr., Henry Cope, Thomas Kimber, Charles Yarnall, Edward Bettle, Isaac S. Loyd, Samuel Bettle, George Williams, William F. Mott, Edward Vamall, Josiah White, Samuel Hilles, Charles Evans, John G. Hoskins, John Farnum, Mordecai L. Dawson, Abraham Hilyard, Josiah White, Edward B. Garrigues, Stephen P. Morris, John Elliott, William E. Hacker, William M. Collins, Blakey Sharpless, Elihu- Pickering, . Alfred Cope, Townsend Sharpless, James R. Greeves, Joseph Trotter, George Howland, . Charles Ellis, Isaac Collins, Abraham L. Pennock, Paul W. Newhall, Josiah Tatum, Samuel B. Parsons, Abraham L. Pennock, Isaiah Hacker, Samuel Rhoads, Samuel Hilles, John Elliott, David Scull, Daniel B. Smith, George Holland, Jr., Joel Cadbury, Jeremiah Hacker, Robert P. Smith, . Appointed Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, Dec. 30, May 14, May 12, May 12, May 12, May 12, May 12, May 14, May 14, May 14, Dec. 9, May 9, May 14, May 14, May 14, May 13, May 13, May 13, May 13, May 10, May 10, May 10, May 10, May I o, May 9, May 9, May 9, May 9, May 13, May I ^. May May May May May May May May May May May May May May 13. 13. 13. I I I o, 2, 2, 12, II, II, 10, II, 14, 14, 14, d. Served until. 1830 May 14, 1838 1830 May 13, 1839 1830 May 10, 1 841 1830 May 10, 1 841 1830 May 9, 1842 1830 May 9, 1842 1830 May 9, 1842 1830 May 13, 1844 1830 May II, 1846 1830 May 14, 1849 1S30 May 14, 1849 1830 May 14, 1849 1830 May 13. 1850 1830 May 13, 1850 1830 May 12, 1851 1830 May 8, 1865 1830 Apr. i3> 1868 1832 Oct. 10, 1832 1834 May 14, 1838 1S34 May 13, 1839 1834 May 13. 1839 1834 May II, 1846 1834 May 14, i860 1835 May 9, 1836 1835 May 14, 1838 1835 May 10, 1 841 1836 May 10, 1 841 1S36 May 9, 1859 1838 May 13, 1839 1838 May 13, 1839 1838 May 13, 1844 1839 May 10, 1S41 1839 May 10, 1841 1839 May 12, 1845 1839 May 13, 1850 1 841 May 13, 1S44 1 841 May 13, 1844 1 841 May 14, 1849 1 84 1 May 9, 1S53 1 841 Dec. 30, 1S63 1842 May 13, 1844 1842 May 13, 1844 [842 May 21, 1852 1842 May 12, 1862 1844 May 12, 1845 1844 May 12, 1845 1844 Sept. 2, 1848 1844 Apr. 4, 1853 [844 May 10, 1858 1845 May 10, 1852 [845 May 12, 1862 t84S May 9, 1864 845 Oct. 13, 1873 [846 May 14, 1849 [846 Mav 14, 1849 [846 Oct! II, 1849 1846 Apr. 12, 1869 [849 May II, 1857 849 May II, 1857 [849 May 9, 1859 OFFICERS AND MANAGERS. Marmaduke C. Cope, John M. Whitall, Anthony M. Kimber, Edward Brown, . Francis T. King, Richard H. Thomas, Theophilus E. Beesley, Francis R. Cope, Paul Swift, . Wistar Morris, T. Wistar Brown, Samuel Allinson, Jr., Samuel F. Troth, Nathaniel Randolph, Joseph W. Taylor, Robert Lindley Murray, David Scull, Harrison Alderson, Richard Richardson, James ^^^litall, Henr}^ Hartshome, Wilham S. Hilles, William Battle, Haydock Garrigues, Hugh D. Vail, James Carey Thomas, Edward Garrett, Benjamin V. Marsh, Henrv Hartshome, Philip C. Garrett, . Benjamin Coates, Thomas P. Cope, W^illiam C. Longstreth, James E. Rhoads, Richard Cadbury, David Scull, Jr., . William Evans, Jr., George S. Garrett, John Famiun, Abram S. Taylor, Joel Cadbury, Jr., John E. Carter, Thomas W'istar, Jr., Edward Rhoads, . Richard Wood, John S. Haines, William H. Nicholson, Robert B. Haines, Charles Hartshome, William R. Thurston, William F. Mott, William G. Rhoads, George Howland, Jr., Francis T. King, John B. Garrett, Thomas Kimber, Edward Bettle, Jr. Charles Roberts, John S. Hilles, Edward L. Scull, Appointed. May 14, 1849 May 14, 1849 May 14, 1849 May 13, 1850 May 13, 1850 May 13, 1850 May 13, 1850 May 12, 1 85 1 May 10, 1852 May 10, 1852 May 9, 1853 May 9, 1853 May 9, 1853 May 8, 1854 May 8, 1854 May 14, 1855 May 14, 1855 May 14, 1855 May 12, 1856 May II, 1857 May II, 1857 May II, 1857 May 10, 1858 May 9, 1859 May 9, May 14, May 14, May 14, May 13, May 12, May 12, May 9, May 9, May 9, May 8, May 8, May 8, Apr. 9, Apr. 9, Apr. 8, Apr. 8, Apr. 13, Apr. 13, Apr. 13, Apr. 1 2, Apr. 12, Apr. 12, Apr. II, Apr. 10, Apr. 10, Apr. 10, Apr. 10, -_, - Apr. 10, 1 87 1 Apr. 10, 187 1 Apr. 8, 1872 Apr. 8, 1872 Oct. 14, 1872 Oct. 14, 1872 Oct. 13, 1873 Oct. II, 1875 Served until. May 9, 1865 Apr. 12, 1869 Apr. 10, 1 87 1 May 9, 1853 May II, 1857 May 9, 1859 Apr. 9, 1866 May 10, 1852 May 8, 1854 Mar. 23, '* — 859 860 860 860 " I 862 862 864 864 864 865 865 865 866 866 867 867 869 869 870 871 871 71 871 May 14, May 1 2, May 14, Oct. 12, May 10, May 8, Apr. 8, May II, Feb. 28, May 14, Apr. 10, May 1 2, Apr. 9, Oct. 10, Nov. 9, May 9, Oct. 9, Apr. 13, May 9, Apr. 10, Apr. 25, Dec. 5, Mar. 13, Apr. 10, Apr. 1 2, Oct. 13, Apr. 13, Nov. 17, Apr. 10, Apr. 10, Jan. 15, Apr. 10, Apr. 10, Aug. 9, Oct. 10, Oct. 8, Apr. 28, Oct. II, Dec. 18, Oct. 14, June 2, June 14, 85s 856 855 865 867 857 896 860 871 862 866 882 897 868 864 871 881 884 897 871 869 873 868 881 871 871 871 871 871 895 895 878 880 887 891 872 876 HAVERFORD COLLEGE. Charles S. Taylor, Francis White, Howard Comfort, Benjamin H. Shoemaker William S. Taylor, William Penn Evans, John T. Morris, Henr>- Bettle, Justus C. Strawbridge, Asa S. Wing, Elliston P. Morris, Francis Stokes, James Wood, Abram F. Huston, J. Preston Thomas, William IL Haines, Walter Wood, John T. Morris, George Vaux, Jr., Richard M. Jones, William 11. Jenks, Francis A. White, Stephen W. Collins, Jonathan Evans, . Samuel L. Allen, . John Stogdell Stokes, Charles Yarnall, . James Whitall, Edward Betde, Jr., John B. Garrett, Howard Comfort, Appointed. Served until. Oct. 9, 1876 Oct. 12, 1880 . Oct. 8, 1878 . Oct. 12, 1880 . Oct. 12, 1880 , Oct. 12, 1880 Oct. 14, 1890 . Oct. 10, 1881 Apr. 15, 1887 . Nov. 17, 1881 C)ct. 24, 1884 . Oct. 10, 1882 Dec. 5, 1884 . Oct. 9, 1883 . Oct. 14, 1884 . Oct. 24, 1884 Oct. 13, 1891 . Jan. 9, 1885 . Jan. 9, 1885 . Oct. 12, 1886 . June 3, 1887 . Oct. II, 1887 . Oct. 14, 1S90 . Oct. 12, 1891 Oct. 13, 1896 . Oct. 13, 1891 . Oct. II, 1892 . Oct. 8, 1895 . Oct. 8, 1895 . Oct. 13, 1896 . Oct. 12 1897 . Oct. 12, 1S97 . Oct. II, 1898 Secretaries of the Board. Appointed. Served until. 1833 1867 1867 1877 1877 1883 1883 1884 1884 Officers of the College. Presidents. APPOINTED. NAME. CEASED. r857 Joseph Gibbons Harlan, A.M. (Principal), 1857 Vacancy. 1863 Samuel James Gummere, A.M., ........ 1874 1874 Thomas Chase, A.M., LL.D., Litt.D., 1886 1 886 Vacancy. 1887 Isaac Sharpless, Sc.D., LL.D., ........ Principals and Superintendents.* APPOINTED. NAME. CEASED. 1833 Samuel Hilles, 1834 1834 John Gummere, A.M., 1838 1838 Isaac Davis, 1839 1839 John Gummere, A.M., 1843 1843 Daniel B. Smith, 1845 Suspension. 1848 Lindley Murray Moore, 1850 1850 Joseph Cartland, 1853 1853 Jonathan Richards, .......... 1857 Deans. APPOINTED. NAME. CEASED. 1884 Isaac Sharpless, Sc.D., LL.D., 1887 1890 Myron Reed Sanford, A.M., 1893 Reg-istrars. APPOINTED. NAME. CEASED. 1886 Myron Reed Sanford, A.M., 1890 1894 James Addison Babbitt, A.M., M.D., Superintendents . APPOINTED. NAME. CEASED. 1^57 Joseph Jones, ........... 1859 1859 Timothy Nicholson, .......... 1861 1861 William Foster Mitchell, 1862 1864 William Wetherald, 1866 1866 John Hoag Dillingham, A.M. 1875 1875 Samuel Alsop, Tr., A.M., 1878 1878 Nereus Meudenhall, M.D., 1880 Assistant Superintendents. APPOINTED. NAME. 1834 Benjamin F. Hardy, 1837 Benjamin Vail Marsh, . i860 Charles Atherton, 1869 Henr)' Wood, A.B., 1870 Ohver Goldsmith Owen, A.B. 1876 Thomas E. Taylor, A.B., 1877 James Franklin Davis, A.B., CEASED. 1837 1844 1862 1870 187I 1877 1879 * Note. — From 1833 to 185 5 the titles Principal and Superintendent seem to have been interchangeable. XVI HAVERFORD COLLEGE. Prefects. APPOINTED. 1878 1897 Allen Clapp Thomas, A.M., . William Henry Collins, A.M., CEASED. . 1884 Librarians.' APPOINTED. NAME. 1859 Thomas Wistar, A.B., . 1 86 1 Charles Atherton, 1862 Thomas White Lamb, A.B., . 1862 John W. Pinkham, A.B., 1863 Clement Lawrence Smith, A.M., 1865 John Hoag Dillingham, A.M., 1875 Samuel Alsop, Jr., A.M., 1878 Allen Clapp Thomas, A.M., CEASED . i86i 1862 1862 1863 1865 187s Directors of the Observatory. APPOINTED. 1857 Joseph Gibbons Harlan, A.M., 1857 Hugh D. Vail, A.M., . 1858 Moses C. Stevens, 1862 Samuel James Gummere, A.M., 1875 Samuel Alsop, Jr. , A. :M., 1878 Nereus Mendenhall, M.D., . 1879 Isaac Sharpless, Sc.D., 1887 Francis P. Leavenworth, A.M., 1892 William Henry Collins, A.M., Assistants in the Observatory. APPOINTED. 1880 William Bishop, S.B., . 1881 William Henry Collins, S.B., 1882 John Elihu Coffin, S.B., 1883 William Earl Morgan, A.M., 1885 Joseph Lybrand Markley, A. B., 1891 William Henry Collins, S.B., Secretaries of the College. APPOINTED. 1887 Jonathan Jones Comfort, A.B., M.D., 1889 Alison Wing Slocum, A.M., . 1890 Jonathan Mowry Steere, A.B., 1892 Eugene Caryl Lewis, 1894 Thomas Harvey Haines, 1896 Alfred Sharples.s Haines, 1897 Oscar Marshall Chase, S.M., . CEASED. 1857 1858 1862 1874 1878 1879 1887 1892 CEASED. I88I 1882 1883 1885 1886 1892 1889 1890 1892 1894 1896 1897 * Note. — Previous to 1859 a member of the Faculty appears to have been designated to act as Librarian. College Faculty. Professors. APPOINTED. 1856 1856 1856 1858 1862 1864 1865 1867 I87I 1875 1875 1878 1878 1879 1880 1883 1884 1884 1884 1885 1886 1886 1886 1886 1887 1887 1888 1889 1889 1893 1894 Paul Swift, M.D., Thomas Chase, A.M., Philolog>-, .... Joseph Gibbons Harlan, Mathematics, . Moses C. Stevens, A. B., Mathematics, . Samuel James Gummere, A.M., Mathematics, Edward Drinker Cope, A.M., Natural Sciences, John Hoag Dillingham, A.M., Moral and Political Science, Henry Hartshorne, A.M., M.D., Organic Sciences,. Pliny Earle Chase, A.M., LL. D., Natural Science and Philosophy, Isaac Shaipless, S.B., Sc.D., LL.D., Mathematics; Chemistry; Astron omy ; Ethics, ....... Samuel Alsop, Jr., A.M., Physics and Astronomy, Allen Clapp Thomas, A.M., History and Political Science, Nereus Mendenhall, M.D. , Ethics and Astronomy, Robert Bowne Warder, A.M., Chemistry and Physics, Lyman Beecher Hall, Ph.D., Chemistry and Physics, Edwin Davenport, A.M., Latin and Greek, . Henry Carvill Lewis, Geology, .... Thomas Newlin, Zoology and Botany, . James Beatty, Jr., M.E., Engineering, Seth Kelley Giiford, A.M., Greek,. James Rendel Harris, A.M., Ecclesiastical History, Levi Talbot Edwards, A.M., Engineering, Myron Reed Sanford, A.M., Latin, J. Playfair McMurrich, Ph.D., Biology, William Coffin Ladd, A.M., French, Francis Barton Gummere, Ph.D., Enghsh and German, Henry Crew, Ph.D., Physics, .... Frank Morley, A.M., Sc.D., Mathematics, . Winfield Scott Hall, M.S., M.D., Biology and Physical Culture, Erne'^t William Brown, A.M., Sc.D., F.R.S., Applied Mathematics Wilfred P. Mustard, Ph.D., Latin, Associate Professor. 1897 Henry Sherwin Pratt, Ph.D., Biology (David Scull Foundation). Assistant Professors. APPOINTED. 1863 Clement Lawrence Smith, A.M., Classics and Mathematics, 1867 Albert Ripley Leeds, A.B., Chemistry, . 1874 Ludovic Estes, A. B., Classics and Mathematics, 1S76 Thomas E. Taylor, ..... 1877 James Franklin Davis, A. B., Classics, . 1880 Francis Greenleaf Allinson, Ph.D., Classics, . 1882 Seth Kelley Gifford, A.M., Greek and Latin, . Instructors. APPOINTED. NAME. 1880 William Bishop, S.B., Mechanical Drawing, . 1880 Joseph Rhoads, Jr., A. B., Natural History, . B 1865 1886 1857 1862 1874 1867 1878 1871 1886 1878 1880 1886 1 886 1886 1 891 1S93 1891 1893 1865 1867 1875 1877 1879 1882 i88<; CEASED. . I88I . 1883 HAVERFORD COLLEGE, APPOIN' I88I I88I 188 I 1883 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1887 1887 1888 I8S9 1890 1890 I 891 I89I 1891 I89I I89I 1892 1892 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1895 1897 1897 1897 1897 1899 1899 1899 Samuel Jacques Bnin, S.B., French, Alfred Greeley Ladd, A.M., M.D., Physical Culture, Charles M. Burns, Jr., Drawing, . Charles Edward Cause, Jr., S.B., Mathematics, Walter A. Ford, M.D., Physical Culture, William Earl Morgan, A.M., Drawing, . Alphonse Van Daell, French, Samuel Lepoids, Bach, es Lett., French, Frank Morley, A.M., Mathematics, John Jones, A.M., Philosophy, Robert Williain Rogers, A.B., Greek and Hebrew, Henry Crew, Ph.D., Physics, Winfield Scott Hall, M.S., M.D., Biolog)', . Lindley Murray Stevens, A.B., Mathematics, . John H. Bechtel, Elocution, .... Ernest William Brown, A.M., Mathematics, . Joseph Osgood Thompson, Ph.D., Physics, . George H. Bickford, A.B., English and Physical Training, George Aaron Barton, A.M., Bible Languages, Robert S. DeBow, Ph.D., Philosophy, . Arthur L. Brainard, A. B., Latin and German, William Draper Lewis, Ph.D., Political Science, Wilfred P. Mustard, Ph.D., Latin, Henry Sherwin Pratt, Ph.D., Biology, . Rufus Matthew Jones, A.M., Philosophy, Emory R. Johnson, Ph.D., Economics, . James Addison Babbitt, A.M., M.D., Physical Training, Clarence Gilbert Hoag, A. B., English and German, Roeliff Morton Breckenridge, Ph.D., Political Science, Arthur C. L. Brown, A.M., English, Oscar Marshall Chase, S. M., Mechanical Drawing, Don Carlos Barrett, A.M., Political Science and History, Frank E. Farley, Ph.D., English and German, William Wistar Comfort, A.M., French and German, Albert Elmer Hancock, Ph.D., English and Gemian, Martin Bell Stubbs, Ph.D., Chemistry and Physics, Gregory Paul Baxter, Ph.D., Chemistry, Frederick A. Saunders, Ph.D., Physics, Frank Keller Walter, A. B., German, 1884 1884 1889 1885 1886 1887 1889 1888 1889 1891 1893 1891 1892 1893 1894 1892 1893 1892 1893 1896 1894 1897 1896 1897 APPOIl I87I 1875 1877 1881 1886 1887 1892 1893 IS97 Lecturers. TED. NAME. Edward Drinker Cope, A.M., Zoology, Edward Drinker Cope, A.M., " Joseph Thomas, A.M., M.D., History, . Henry Carvill Lewis, A.M., Geology, James Wood, A.M., American History, Albert Sidney Bolles, Ph.D., Political Science, Alden Sampson, A.M., Fine Arts, George Aaron Barton, Ph.D., Bible Languages, Albert Sidney Bolles, Ph.D., Commercial Law and Banking, Tutors. APPOINTED. 1856 George H. Stuart, A.B., Classics, . . . . 1858 Thomas Wistar, A.B., Classics and History, . 1861 Thomas White Lamb, A.B., Classics and History, . 1862 John W. Pinkham, A.B., Classics and Mathematics, 1869 Henry Wood, A.B., 1870 Oliver Goldsmith Owen, A.B., Classics and Ethics, 1874 1878 1879 1888 1893 1895 CEASED. 1858 186I 1862 1863 1870 187I COLLEGE FACULTY. Teachers. APPOINTED. 1833 Daniel B. Smith, Moral Philosophy and English, 1833 John Gummere, A.M., Mathematics, 1833 Joseph Thomas, A.M.,M.D., Latin and Greek, 1834 William Dennis, Classics, .... 1835 Samuel James Gmnmere, Mathematics and Natural 1835 Benjamin H. Deacon, Preparatory Department, 1843 Henry D. Gregory, Classics, 1843 Joseph W. Aldrich, Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 1848 Lindley Murray Moore, .... 1848 Hugh D. Vail, Mathematics, 1848 Joseph W. Aldrich, Classics, 1851 Albert K. Smiley, English Literature and Chemistry. 185 1 Alfred Homans Smiley, Philosophy and Geology, 1852 Joseph Thomas, A.M., M.D., Elocution, 1853 William Augustus Reynolds, Classics, 1853 Joseph Gibbons Harlan, Mathematics, 1853 Paul Smith, M.D., English and Natural Science, 1854 Henry S. Schell, Drawing, .... 1855 Jesse S. Cheyney, Introductory Department, . 1855 Thomas Chase, A.M., Classics, 1851; Timothy Nicholson, Introductory Department, 1856 John Kern, Drawing, ..... i860 Lucien Crepon, Drawing, .... i860 John B. Wilson, Drawing, .... i860 Charles Atherton, Elocution, Philosophy 1845 1843 1834 1840 1840 1835 1845 1845 1850 1852 1853 1853 1853 1853 1855 1856 1856 1855 1855 1856 1856 1859 i860 1865 Assistant Teachers. APPOINTED. 1833 John Collins, Drawing and Classics, 1834 William Giunmere, English and Classics, 1834 Samuel James Gummere, Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 1836 Andrew Comstock, Elocution, 1840 G. Pasaderian De Theligny, French, 1844 William S. Hilles, 1845 James M. Price, Classics, 1845 Charles M. Allen, Mathematics, 1849 Albert K. Smiley, English Literature and Chemistry, 1849 Alfred Homans Smiley, Mental and Moral Philosophy, 1850 Dougan Clark, Introductory Department, 1850 Zaccheus Test, Introductorj' Department, 185 1 Stephen Roberts, A. B., .... 185 1 Franklin Enoch Paige, Mathematics, 1852 Jonathan Jones Comfort, Introductory Department, 1853 John R. Hubbard, Classics, .... 1853 John F. Rowell, Introductory Department, 1854 Thomas Heaton Burgess, Introductory Department, 1855 Cyrus Mendenhall, Introductory Department, . CEASED. 1835 1838 183s 1837 1 841 1845 1845 1845 1851 1851 1850 1853 1851 1853 1853 1854 1853 1855 1856 OFFICERS Alumni Association, WITH THE YEARS OF THEIR ELECTION. YEAR. PRESIDENT. 1856 Thomas F. Cock, M.D. 1857 Benjamin V. Marsh. 1858 Francis R. Cope. 1859 Francis R. Cope. i860 Francis T. King. 1861 Francis T. King. 1862 Thomas P. Cope. 1863 Francis T. King. 1864 Robt. Lindley Murray. 1865 Robt. Lindley Murray. 1866 Robt. Lindley Murray. 1867 Jas. Carey Thomas, M.D. 1868 Henry Hartshorne, M.D. 1869 Henry Hartshorne, M.D. 1870 Henry Hartshorne, M.D. 187 1 Charles Hartshorne. 1872 Charles Hartshorne. 1873 Benjamin V. Marsh. 1874 David Scull, Jr. 1875 David Scull, Jr. 1876 Philip C. Garrett. 1877 Philip C. Garrett. 1878 Isaac F. Wood. 1879 John B. Garrett. 1880 John B. Garrett. 1881 Joseph Parrish. 1882 Henry Hartshorne, M.D. 1883 Henry Hartshorne, M.D. 1884 Howard Comfort.* 1885 Howard Comfort. 1886 Charles Roberts. 1887 Charles Roberts. 1888 James J. Levick, M.D. 1889 James J. Levick, M.D. 1890 Francis B. Gummere. 1891 Francis B. Gummere. 1892 Francis B. Gummere. 1893 Francis K. Carey. 1894 John C. Winston. 1895 John C. Winston. 1896 William Draper Lewis. 1897 William Draper Lewis. 1898 Edward P. Allinson. 1899 Edward P. Allinson. SECRETARY. Robert Bowne. David Scull, Jr. David Scull, Jr. John B. Garrett. John B. Garrett. John B. Garrett. John B. Garrett. John B. Garrett. Barthol. W. Beesley. Barthol. W. Beesley. Edward Rhoads, IM.D. Edward Rhoads, M.D. Edward L. Scull. Edward L. Scull. Henry Bettle. Henry Bettle. Walter Wood. Walter Wood. Walter Wood. Walter Wood. Waller Wood. Walter Wood. Walter Wood. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Edward P. Allinson. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. Nathaniel B. Crenshaw. TREASURER. Edmund A. Crenshaw. Henry H. G. Sharpless. John S. Hille.s. John S. Hilles. John S. Hilles. John S. Hilles. John S. Hilles. Edward R. Wood. Edward R. Wood. Edward R. Wood. Charles Roberts. Charles Roberts. Charles Roberts. Charles Roberts. Thomas K. Longstreth. Howard Comfort. Howard Comfort. Howard Comfort. Reuben Haines. Reuben Haines. Reuben Haines. Reuben Haines. Reuben Haines. Thomas K. Longstreth. Thomas K. Longstreth. Thomas K. Longstreth. Thomas K. Longstreth. Benjamin H. Lowry. Benjamin H. Lowry. Benjamin H. Lowry. Samuel Mason. Samuel Mason. Samuel Mason. Samuel Mason. Samuel Mason. Samuel Mason. Henry Cope. Walter P. Shipley. Walter P. Shipley. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. Jonathan M. Steere. ORATORS, POETS AND PRIZE-WINNERS OF THE Alumni Association. ORATORS. 1857 Isaac S. Serrill. 1858 Henry Hartshoine, M.D. 1859 Charles Taber. i860 James J. Levick, M.D. 1861 Richard Wood. 1862 Franklin E. Paige. 1863 Zaccheus Test, M.D. 1864 Jas. Carey Thomas, M.D. 1865 Edward R. Wood. 1866 Joseph Parrish. 1867 Edward Rhoads, M.D. 1868 Lloyd P. Smith. 1869 Henry Bettle. 1870 Robert B. Taber. 1871 Samuel C. Collins. 1872 Charles E. Pratt. 1873 Clement L. Smith. 1874 Jos. G. Pinkham. 1875 Allen C. Thomas. 1876 Richard M. Jones. 1877 Francis B. Gummere. 1878 Joseph K. Murray. 1879 Nereus Mendenhall, M.D. 1880 Philip C. Garrett. 1 88 1 Henry Wood. 1882 (No oration.) 1883 John B. Garrett. 1884 James Tyson, M.D. 1885 Francis G. Allinson. 1886 Alden Sampson. 1887 Robert H. Chase, M.D. 1888 Morris Longstreth, M.D. 1889 George G. Mercer. 1890 Edward P. Allinson. 1 89 1 Benjamin H. Lowry. 1892 Thomas K. Worthington. 1893 Alfred C. Garrett. 1894 Bond V. Thomas. 1895 William Draper Lewis. 1896 Rufus M. Jones. 1897 Howell S. England. 1898 William B. Broomall. 1899 Barker Newhall. Henry Hartshorne, M.D. Allen C. Thomas. Joseph Parrish. Charles E. Pratt. Francis B. Gummere. Henry Hartshorne, M.D. Roberts Vaux. , Francis B . Gummere. UNDERGRADUATE PRIZE-WINNERS. Edward Rhoads, M.D. Joseph G. Pinkham. R. Henry Holme. Francis K. Carey. John H. Gifford. Josiah P. Edwards. Charles E. Gause. John C. Winston. Wilmot R. Jones. Charles R. Jacob. Augustus T. Murray. William S. Hilles. Henry H. Goddard. William H. Futrell. Howell S. England. Edward M. Angell. Henry L. Gilbert. David H. Blair. Clarence G. Hoag, Eugene M. Westcott. Edmund Blanchard, Jr. Homer J. Webster. Milton Clauser. ElHot Field. Arthur Clement Wild. William John Bawden. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, Page 7. Murray, David Golden, transfer to list of Graduates on p. 3 ; and in lines 3, 4, dele " and left Senior year." Page 13. Gollins, Benjamin, Jr., add " d. New York Gity, Feb. 20, 1900." Page 17. Howell, Joseph, Jr., transfer to list of Graduates, p. 15. Page 22. Elliott, Daniel Morris. For " d. Phila., Pa.," read " d. Gincinnati, O., in Military Hospital," add " m. Sarah Ann Laws." Page 28. Stroud, Morris Robeson, add " m. (2) Marie Louise (Barry) Bailey." Page 27. King, Joseph, add " d. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 12, 1899." Page 29. Bullock, Charles, add " d. Phila., Pa., Mch. 21, 1900." Page 34. Brown, David Sands, ]r., add "b. May 16, 1827. s. John Brown and Mary Thornton." Page 47. Hulme, John L., add " d. Aug., 1888. s. James Shreve Hulme and Hannah Lippincott. Manufacturer, m. (i) Anna Mears ; (2) Emily Littlefield." Page 57. Hallowell, Richard Price, line y,for " Jno. A. Andrews " read "John A. Andrew." Page 57. Hanson, Ezekiel Hunn, add " h. Dec. 15, 1835." Page 63. Thorne, Barton Field, add " s. Edward Thorne and Mary Hendrickson. m. Anna Josephine Duer." Page 69. In line 2, for " Oskalosa " read " Oskaloosa." Page 70. Alderson, William Gharles, 1. 6, add Address, Over- brook, Pa. Page 74. Tevis, Edwin L., add " b. Oct. 19, 1839; d. Plainfield, N. J., July, 1893. s. Joshua Tevis and Jane Evans. Went out with Three-Months' Men 1861. Private in First Troop Gity Gavalry ; Lieut. ; Major in Rush's Lancers. Stock Broker. m. Oct., 1864, Delia Fairman." ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. XXIU Page 74. Tevis, Norman, add " b. Oct. 14, 1837. s. Joshua Tevis and Jane Evans. Merchant ; Stock Broker, m. Sept. 23, 1858, Eugenia C. Caldwell. Address, Woodbury, N. J." Page ^6. Bacon, Morris, add "Address, Bridgeton, N. J." Page 92. Pinkham, Joseph Gurney, add " Medical Student at Univ. of Michigan and Long Island College Hos- pital, m. Emily Georgianna (McKenney) Williams. Address, 64 Nahant St., Lynn, Mass." Page 99. Zook, John Miller. For " b. West Whiteland, Pa. s. Isaac M. Zook and Elizabeth Ashbridge," etc., 7rad " h. Conestoga Valley, Pa. s. Isaac M. Zook and Leah Miller. In West Chester P. O. one year ; with Hoopes & Townsend since 1864 ; Treas. of same to date. m. May 15, 1873, Susan J. Davis." Page 114. Cope, Henry, line i, add "A.M., 1877;" line 7, for " 1897" read" 1896." Page 143. White, Oliver, add " Address, Arkansas City, Kansas." Page 151. Johnson, Isaac Thorne, line 5, add "Publisher. Ad- dress, 718 Arch St., Phila., Pa." Page 166. ElHcott, William Miller, add " m. Baltimore, Md., Mch. 3, 1900, Elizabeth Taber King." Page 169. Jones, Rufus Matthew; line i,/or 1896 7rad 1886. Page 182. Hacker, William Estes, add " m. Mabel R. Tilton." Page 221. Conard, Henry Shoemaker, add " m. Phila., Pa., Apl. 13, 1900, E. Laetitia Moon. Address, 126 S. 34th St.^ Phila., Pa." Page 223. Rex, Frank Clayton, line 11, add "with Strawbridge & Clothier, Phila., Pa. Address, care of Straw- bridge & Clothier, Phila., Pa." Page 224. Beale, Horace Alexander, Jr., add " m. Wilmington, Del., Apl. 17, 1900, Mary Rogers Hartshorne Dun- ning." Page 224. Williams, Parker Shortridge, line 2, /or " Henry U. Williams " read " Henry S. Williams." MATRICULATES. 1835- NoN- Graduate, Biirsoii, David Stroud. b. Stroudsburg, Pa., Apl. 5, 18 16. s. Edward Burson, M.D., and Jemima Stroud. Entered Junior Class 1834 and left before graduation 1835. Studied Medicine 4 years (i year at Ohio Medical College). Teacher 16 years, m. Aug. i, 1838, at Waynesville, O., Margaret Evans. Address, Richmond, Ind. 1836, tCock, Thomas Ferris, A.M., LL.D. (Hon.) 1883. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1838.) b. New York City, July i, 18 19 ; d. New York City, June — , 1896. s. Thomas Cock, M.D. (Manager, 1830-50), and Eliza- beth Ferris. Entered Junior Class 1834. The First Graduate of Haverford. Studied Medicine at Columbia College, New York City, and at Univ. of Pa. Physician. Consulting Physician New York Hospital, Bellevue Woman's Hospital, Woman's Infirmary, etc. Member of numerous Medical Societies, m. (i) Ann Augusta Wood ; (2) Mrs. Louise de Forest. tWaltoii, Joseph. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 3, 1817; d. Moorestown, N. J., Feb. 10, 1898. s. Joseph Walton and Abi Kite. Entered 1833, being No. 1 7 of the 2 1 present on the opening day. Teacher ; Printer ; Surveyor ; Dealer in P'urniture. Sixteen years Clerk of Phila- delphia Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1881-97; Clerk of the Meeting for Sufferings. Editor of The Friend, Phila., 1879-98. Compiler or author of the following : " Brief Biographies of Some Members of the Society of Friends ;" " Foot-Prints and Way- Mai'ks for the Help of the Christian Traveler;" "Incidents and Reflections, Containing Illustrations of Religious Truth ;" " Some of the Doctrines of the Christian Religion as Held by the Society 1 2 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1836 of Friends, extracted from the Writings of William Penn ;" " Me- moirs of John S. Stokes ;" " Incidents Concerning the Society of Friends." m. Dec. 23, 1858, Lydia Lippincott. Non-Graduates. fBariies, Jonathan B. b. Phila., Pa., 1817 ; d. Phila., Pa., . s. Samuel Barnes and Rebecca . Entered 1833, left 1834. m. Hannah Brown of Fallsington, Penna. tGruniniere, William. b. Westtown, Pa., Jan. 29, 1814; d. Burlington, N. J., June 14, 1897. s. John Gummere, A.M. (Princeton), and Elizabeth Buzby. Entered 1833, No. 12 of the 21 who were present on the opening day. Pursued a partial course. Instructor in Eng- lish and Classics, Haverford, 1834-38. Entered service of United States Bank, Phila., 1838; Bank of the Northern Liber- ties, Phila., Pa., 1842; Cashier, 1855-74; President, 1874-90; President Emeritus, 1890. m. Apl. 10, 1845, Martha Moore Morris. fMendenliall, Cyrus. b. East Fairfield, Columbiana Co., O., Nov. 3, 1810 ; d. Oska- loosa, la., Feb., 1877. s. Aaron Mendenhall and Lydia Rich- ardson. Entered Junior Class 1834 and left at close of the year. Fur Trader among the Indians in the Lake Superior country ; Miner of Copper ; launched the first vessel, the " Algonquin," on Lake Superior, moving it in winter on rollers over the line of the present ship canal of Sault Ste. Marie. Member of Ohio House of Representatives 1856-58, Chm. of Committee on State Peni- tentiary ; drafter of law forbidding infliction of corporal punish- ment on any prisoners ; instituted the plan by which a prisoner might, by good behavior, reduce the time for which he was sen- tenced (probably the first law of the kind in the U. S.) ; Miner of Iron ore and dealer in Iron. m. (i) Sept. 20, 1836, Esther Rundle; (2) at Mt. Pleasant, O., Apl. 27, 1848, Anna T. Upde- graff (d. 1861); (3) at Phila., June, 1863, Phebe E. Howell. Parsons, Samuel Bowne. b. Flushing, N. Y., Feb. 16, 18 19. s. Samuel Parsons and Mary Bowne. Entered 1833, being No. 10 of the 21 students present on the opening day. Left 1835. Nurseryman and Florist. Published " Book of the Rose ;" a volume of poems ; various Horticultural Addresses, m. (i) 1842 Susan Howland ; (2) 1858 Elizabeth Butterworth. Address, Flushing, N. Y. 1837] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 3 tRicIiardson, John D. b. Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 24, 181 5 ; d. July 27, 1842. s. Joseph Richardson and Mary Dixon, of Middletown. Entered Junior Class 1834 and left at close of the year. fSheppard, Clarkson. b. Greenwich, N. J., Apl. 7, 1813 ; d. Media, Pa., Oct. 4, 1895. s. John Sheppard and Mary Miller. Entered Sophomore Class 1833, being No. 16 of the 21 present on the opening day, and left during Junior year 1835. School Teacher for 20 years; Minister of the Society of Friends ; Clerk of Phila. Yearly Meet- ing of Friends, 1877-81. m. (i) Sept. 5, 1843, Anne Garrett; (2) May 22, 1856, Lydia Warrington. 1837. fLong'streth, William Collins. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 12, 182 1 ; d. Phila., Pa., Apl. 25, 188 1. s. Isaac Longstreth and Mary Collins. Entered Sophomore Class 1834. Farmer; Treas. Elmira &Williamsport R.R. Co.; Vice- Prest. Provident Life & Trust Co., Phila., Pa., 15 years. Mana- ger of Haverford College 1864-81. m. Nov. 16, 1848, Abby Ann Taylor. fMarsli, Benjamin Vail. b. Rahway, N. J., 1820; d. Burlington, N. J., 1882. s. Abel Marsh and Christiana Vail. Entered Junior Class 1836. Asst. Superintendent Haverford 1837—44; Manager Haverford Col- lege 1860-82; Prest. of Alumni Assoc. 1857, 1873. Teacher; Dry Goods Merchant. Published a monograph on Luminosity of Meteors, m. Burlington, N. J., Oct. 16, 185 1, Frances Gum- mere. fMurray, Lindley. b. New York City, Jan. 11, 1821 ; d. New York City, Mch. II, 1897. s. Lindley Murray and Eliza Cheeseman. Entered 1833. Wholesale Druggist ; ¥A\ioY oi Literary Pei'-iodical ; Prest. of Fire Insurance Company ; Real Estate Agent, m. May 22, 1843, Fanny Russell Talman. fParsons, Robert Bowne. b. Flushing, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1817 ; d. Newtown, L. I., N. Y., Nov. 15, 1898; run over by a railroad train, s. Samuel Par- sons and Mary Bowne. Entered Sophomore Class 1834. Nur- seryman and Florist, m. Aug. 18, 1857, Mary E. Mitchell. 4 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1837 tPeiiiiock, Joseph Liddoii. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 22, 1819; d. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 18, 1870. s. Abraham Liddon Pennock and Elizabeth Sellers. Entered 1833, being No. 6 of the 21 present on the opening day. Florist, m. Dec. 15, 1847, Lydia Ann Eldridge. tSharpless, Charles Leeds. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 18, 1821 ; d. Montgomery Co., Pa., July I, 1882. s. Townsend Sharpless (Manager 1841-63) and Mary B. Jones. Entered 1833, being No. 11 of the 21 present on the opening day. Dry Goods Merchant, m. Oct. i, 1844, Anna R. Williams. tSmith, Lloyd Pearsall, A.M., 1869. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 6, 1822 ; d. Germantown, July 2, 1886. s. John Jay Smith and Rachel Collins Pearsall. Entered Sopho- more Class 1834. Alumni Orator 1868; subject, "Continuity, Development, and Progress ;" Member of Historical Society of Pa. ; Association of Librarians. Librarian of the Library Co. of Philadelphia. Author of "Classification of Books," 1882 ; "Sym- bolism and Science," 1885 ; "A Bibliography of that Ancient and Honorable Order, 'The Society of the Cincinnati,' " 1885 ; "An Address in Philadelphia," 1869 ; "Joint and Separate Answer of Thos. J. Grain and Lloyd P. Smith to the Bill of Complaint of Wm. A. Coit," 1880; "Remarks on the Apology for Imperial Usurpation Contained in Napoleon's Life of Caesar," 1865 ; Speech at the Inauguration of the New Hall of the Historical Society of Pa., 1884. In Pa. Vols., Sept., 1862 ; a member of the Emergency Corps of the 3d Penna. Reserves during the Gettysburg campaign, m. Oct. 13, 1844, Hannah E. Jones. tWistar, Bartholomew Wyatt. b. New Albion, N. J., July 12, 1818 ; d. Phila., Pa., Oct. 23, 1869. s. Bartholomew Wistar and Susan Newbold Lawrie. Entered 1833, being No. i of the 21 present on the opening day. Dry Goods business, m. Nov. 11, 1841, Annabella ElHott Cresson. Non-Graduates. fBaker, Isaac S. b. , 1816. Entered from Phila., Pa., Senior Class 1836 and left 1837, having pursued a partial course. Could not be traced, but supposed to be dead. Last address, Cincinnati, Ohio. fCaiiby, Roberts, afterwards Roberts M. Canby. b. Wilmington, Del., Apl. 7, 1819; d. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 25, 1854. s. James Canby and Elizabeth Roberts. Entered 1 83 7 J MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 5 1833, and left the same year. No. 19 of the 21 students present on the opening day. fCollins, Alfred Morris. b. New York City, Jan. 11, 1820; d. Phila., May 26, 1895. s. Isaac ColHns and Margaret Morris. Entered 1833, being No. 3 of the 21 students present on the opening day. Left during Junior year, 1836. Manufacturer of carpets; Manufacturer of cardboards; Secretary of Board of Managers of House of Refuge, Phila., Pa. ; Director of Philadelphia National Bank ; connected with several charitable societies, m. Nov. 22, 1843, Hannah R. Evans. fCollins, Henry Hill. b. Feb. 3, 1818 ; d. Phila., Pa., July 20, 1840. s. Isaac Col- lins and Margaret Morris. Entered 1833, being No. 2 of the 21 present on opening day, and left 1835. fCollins, Thomas Abbott. b. Burlington, N. J., June 11, 1819; d. Nov. 27, 1840. s. Thomas Collins and Ann Abbott. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1836. Farmer. f Everngliim, Henry. b. , Skaneateles, N. Y. ; d. . s. James Evernghim and Avis Mott. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left .1835. fFell, Jonathan W., M.D. b. Phila., Pa., May 5, 18 16 ; d. Faulkland, Del, May 30, 1868. s. Jonathan Fell and Rebecca Jenks. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1837. Physician. fFisher, Lindley. b. near Germantown, Phila., Pa., Oct. 20, 1818 ; d. Feb. 3, 1852. s. William Logan Fisher and Sarah Lindley. Entered Junior Class 1835 and pursued a partial course. Left 1837. f Hacker, Henry Marriott. b. Salem, Mass., Oct. 27, 18 17; d. Lynn, Mass., Apl. 10, 1 88 1, s. William Estes Hacker and Nancy Shove. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1835. m. (i) Oct. 15, 1843, Lucy J. Breed ; (2) Nov. 17, 1847, Katherine J. Breed. f Howell, Arthur Holton. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 8, 1 8 1 8 ; d. Phila., Pa., Apl. 5, i ^77- s. Jo- seph Howell and Sarah Richie. Entered 1833 and left 1834. Leather Merchant, m. Apl. 27, 1847, Annie B. Ruffner. 6 HAVERFORD COLLEGE {.^^37 fHulme, Samuel. b. Bristol, Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. ir, 1818; d. Phila., Pa., July 27, 1895. s. Samuel Hulme and Mary Richardson. En- tered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1835. m. May 11, 1843, Rachel S. Kirkbride. Jones, Charles. b. Cheltenham, Pa., Mch. 18, 18 17. s. John Jones and Mary Shoemaker. Entered Junior Class 1835 and left 1836. Pri- vate Tutor for several years ; Head of Private School, German- town, Phila., for several years ; Principal Friends' Select School, Phila., 12 years ; Merchant for a number of years ; Retired, m. July 22, 1852, Ann Megarge. Address, 143 West Coulter St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. t Jones, Samuel Howell. b. Phila., Pa., June 30, 1818; d. Jan. 27, 1883. s. Benjamin Jones and Maiy Howell. Entered 1833 and left 1834. m. (i) 1848 Lydia H. Bishop; (2) 1862 Eliza Kate Jacob. fKing, Francis Thompson. b. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 25, 1819 ; d. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 18, 1891. Entered 1833, being No. 18 of the 21 present on open- ing day. Left 1834. Merchant; Banker; Director Balto. & Ohio R.R. Co. ; Brest. Central Savings Bank, Balto. ; Member Baltimore City Water Board ; Brest. Thomas Wilson Sanitarium ; Director Samuel Ready Orphan Asylum ; Prest. Maryland Bible Society ; Clerk Balto. Yearly Meeting of Friends 1859-85 ; Man- ager of Haverford College 1850-57, 1871-91 ; Prest. Alumni Assoc, i860, 1 86 1, 1863 ; Trustee Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1880-91 ; First Prest. of Trustees of same 1880-91 ; Original Trustee Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Hospital and Prest. of Trustees of the latter, m. New Bedford, Mass., Jan. 8, 1846, Elizabeth G. Taber. Lewis, John Howard. b. Delaware Co., Pa., Feb. 3, 18 16. s. John Lewis and Eliza- beth Crozer. Entered 1833, being one of the 21 present on the opening day. Paper Manufacturer. m. Malvina H. Irwin. Address, Swarthmore, Pa. fLiippincott, James Starr. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 12, 1819; d. Greenwich, N. J., Mch. 17, 1885. s. John Lippincott and Sarah West Starr. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left 1835. Teacher. Experi- menter in Scientific Farming, 1856-68. Delegate to World's Peace Conference, Frankfort, Germany, 1850; Editor Amer. Re- 1837] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 7 vision of Chambers's "Encyclopaedia," 1870-71 ; Author of many essays in Reports U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wash- ington, D. C, and many essays on Agricultural subjects in vari- ous periodicals. m. (i) 1857 Susan Haworth Ecroyd ; (2) 1 88 1 Anne E. Sheppard, fLog'an, John Dickinson. (M.D., Univ. of Pa.) b. June 21, 1817; d. Baltimore, Md., Apl. 25, 1881. s. Al- banus Charles Logan and Maria Dickinson, daughter of John Dickinson of Revolutionary fame. Entered 1833, being No. 21 of the 21 students present on the opening day. Pursued a par- tial course and left at close of Senior year without graduating. Studied Medicine at Univ. of Pa. Physician, m. Apl. 28, 1846, Susan Wister. fMiirray, David Colden. b. New York City, ; d. New York City, Sept., 1885. s. Robert I. Murray and Elizabeth Colden. Entered 1834 and left 1837, during the Senior year. Shipping Merchant. Sec. New York Hospital, m. Mary Sherwood. tOsborne, Charles. b. Smithfield, Rhode Island, Oct. 26, 1818; d. Vassalboro', Maine, Apl. 19, 189 1. s. John Osborne and Elizabeth Allen. Entered 1836 and left 1837, during Senior year. Banker; Ac- countant, m. July I, 1846, Louisa L. Lang. fSerrill, Isaac S. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 12, 1819; d. 1859. s. Pearson Serrill and Rachel Starr. Entered Sophomore Class 1834 and left dur- ing the Senior year, having pursued a partial course. Promi- nent in the reorganization of the institution after its temporary suspension in 1845. Orator at the meeting of old students at Haverford in 1846; subject, " Haverford Revisited " (see Haver- ford History, 1892, pp. 168-175); Member of Committee to organize Alumni Association, 1856; Alumni Orator, 1857. fSniith, DillTi^yn. b. Burlington, N. J., Apl. 2, 18 18; d. Medford, N. J., Sept. 10, 1 89 1, s. Richard Morris Smith and Susanna R. Collins. Entered 1833, being No. 7 of the 21 present on the opening day. Left at the close of the Sophomore year. m. July 6, 1848, Elizabeth M. Morris. tTatnall, Edward. b. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 30, 1818 ; d. Wilmington, Del., May 31, 1898. s. Edward Tatnall and Margery Paxson. En- tered 1833, being No. 20 of the 21 present on the opening day. 8 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1838 Left at close of Junior year on account of ill-health. Clerk in mill ; Farmer ; Inventor and first Manufacturer of parlor matches ; Nurser}'man and Florist ; Superintendent of Public Parks in Wil- mington, Del., 1888-93. "1- Sept. 12, 1844, Rachel R. Webb. fThiirstoii, Williiiiii Kicliardsoii, Jr. b. New York, May 14, 1817; d. Oct. 10, 1895. s. William Richardson Thurston and Mary Seaman. P2ntered Sophomore Class 1834; left 1835. Wholesale Druggist; Manager of Hav- erford College 1871-95. m. Nov. 9, 1842, Jane Ridley Day. Yaniall, William. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 18, 18 19. s. Benjamin Hornor Yarnall and Elizabeth Coffin. Entered 1833, being No. 8 of the 21 present on the opening day ; left 1835. Hardware Merchant. Retired, m. Phila., Pa., Oct. 23, 1844, Elizabeth Moore Massey. Address, 301 S. 39th St., Phila., Pa. 1838. tElliott, Jolm. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 10, 1820; d. near Santa Cruz, Cal., 1892. s. Daniel Elliott and Lydia Richards. Entered 1834. Farmer. tEmleii, James Valentine. (M.D., Univ. of Pa.) b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 21, 1820; d. Phila., Pa., 1880. s. Samuel Emlen, M.D., and Beulah Sansom Valentine. Entered Sopho- more Class 1835. Physician, m. Ann Armour. Non-Graduates. Bislioi), John. b. Columbus, N. J., Mch. 16, 1820. s. John Bishop and Ann Black. Entered Introductory Depart. 1833 and left 1837 during Junior year. Merchant. m. (i) Rebecca Field Biddle ; (2) Sept. 9, 1896, Mary James Bowen (Cropper). Address, Co- lumbus, N. J. tClai)p, Isaac Hicks. b. New York City, July 28, 1820 ; d. New York City, Nov. 21, 1852. s. John Clapp and Phebe Hicks. Entered 1834 and left during Senior year. Merchant. Lawyer. Collins, John. b. New York City, Mch. 15, 18 14. s. Thomas Collins and Ann Abbott. Entered Sophomore Class 1833 and left 1835. First Secretary and one of the founders of the Loganian. Teacher in Introductory Depart., Haverford (Drav/ing and the Classics) 1833-35; Teacher in Private Schools in Phila., Pa., and Bur- 1838] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 9 lington, N. J. ; Principal of Schools Mt. Holly and Borden- town, N. J. ; Teacher of Penmanship Burlington College, Bur- Hngton, N. J. ; Township Supt. of Public Schools, BurHngton, 1857; Principal of William Forster Home and School, Friends- ville, Tenn, Retired. Author of "The Art of P2ngraving ;" "Voices of the Dumb Creation ;" " 1970, a Vision of the Coming Age ;" numerous poetical and other contributions to various periodicals; author "The Colhns Book;" executed sev- eral views of Haverford College (see History of Haverford College, p. 56), etc. ; Vice-Prest. Universal Peace Union ; Honorary Mem- ber Delaware Co. Institute, m. Feb. 10, 1839, Anna Baily. Address, 702 N. 43d St., Phila., Pa. i Cromwell, Henry. b. New York City, 18 18; d. New York City, Oct 25, 1884. s. Daniel Cromwell and Elizabeth Townsend. Entered 1835 and left 1836. Merchant, m. 1845 Sarah M. Bowne. fDavis, Richard Wistar. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 11, 1820; d. Phila., Pa., Mch. 31, 1852. s. Isaac Davis (Manager 1830-38, Superintendent 1838-39) and Mary Wistar. Entered Introductory Depart. 1833 and left at close of Junior year, 1838. Druggist. tGuniiiiere, Barker. (LL.D., Princeton.) b. Burlington, N. J., Oct. 16, 1822; d. Trenton, N. J., Apl. 21, 1895. s. Samuel R. Gummere and EHzabeth Drinker Barker. Entered 1835 and left at the close of Junior year, 1835. Law- yer; Clerk of Court of Chancery, State of New Jersey, 1860-70, m. Mch. 24, 1846, Elizabeth C. Stryker. tGummere, John Grisconi. b Burlington, N. J., Aug. 17, 1817; d. Burlington, N. J., Jan. 24, 1899. s. John Gummere, A.M. (Princeton) (Prof. Mathematics 1833-43 ; and Supt. 1834-38, Haverford) and Eliza- beth Buzby. Entered 1835 and left at close of Junior year, 1838. Manufacturer of paper; afterwards in employ of Adams Exp. Co, fHacker, Edward. b. Salem, Mass., July 2, 1820; d. Phila., Pa., Mch. 9, 1835. s. William Estes Hacker and Nancy Shove. Entered 1834 and left during Freshman year. tHaines, John Smith. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 4, 1820 ; d. Phila., Pa., 1886. s. Reuben Haines and Jane Bowne. Entered 1833 and left 1838. Man- ager 1869-79. Member Acad. Nat. Sciences, m. 1850 Mary Drinker Cope. lO HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1838 fHowell, Joseph Kirkbride. b. Phila., Pa., July 27, 1819; d. Feb. 24, 1887. s. Asher Mott Howell and Harriet Kirkbride. Entered 1834 and left 1834. Merchant; 31 years Clerk of County Prison, m. (i) Nov. 24, 1841, Elizabeth Gillingham Simmons; (2) June 10, 1875, Elizabeth Reynolds Cochran. fHowell, William Hudson. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 12, 1819; d. Apl. 18, 1872. s. Joseph Howell and Sarah Richie. Entered 1834 and left 1836. Farmer 1841-46; Dry Goods Merchant 1847-64; member of Ship- ping Transportation firm of Wm. Clyde & Co., 1864-72 ; Genealogist ; compiled Family Charts of Howell, Hudson and Mott families ; during War of Rebellion was a member of Home Guards of Philadelphia ; First Lieutenant in Artillery Company of Germantown, Pa. m. April 14, 1841, Rebecca Hacker. fLownes, Pliineas. b. Delaware Co., Pa., Apl. i, 1817 ; d. . s. Joseph Lownes and Rachel . Entered 1835 and pursued a partial course; left 1838. m. Dec. 10, 1840, Emily Lewis. fMorgan, James Trask. b. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 17, 1817; d. Oct. 6, 1866. s. Ephraim Morgan and Charlotte Anthony. Entered 1833, being No. 13 of the 21 present on the opening day, and left 1835. Printer and Bookbinder, m. Hannah Weatherby. tRedmaii, Joseph Sweet. b. Haddonfield, N. J., May 25, 1817; d. 1891. s. Thomas Redman and Elizabeth L. Hopkins. Entered Sophomore Class 1835 and left 1836. Shotwell, George Fox. b. New York City, Feb. 28, 18 19. s. Joseph S. Shotwell and Deborah ^Fox. Entered 1834 and left at close of the Fresh- man year. Farmer, m. Louisa Rossiter. Address, Skanea- teles, N. Y. tSmith, Barclay Ariiey. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. ii, 1820; d. . s. Benjamin Smith and Ann W. Arney. Entered 1834 and left 1836. Wistar, Richard. b. Salem, N. J., July 14, 182 1. s. Cleayton Wistar and Mary Stevenson. Entered 1837 and left 1838. Supt. Wills Hospital, Phila. m. Sept. 7, 1842, Charlotte Wistar Acton. Address, Salem, N. J. 1839] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. II 1839. fColliiis, Frederic. b. New York City, Jan. 21, 1822; d. Phila., Pa., Nov. 27, 1892. s. Isaac Collins (Manager 1830-42) and Margaret Mor- ris. Entered Introductory Dept. 1834. Brewer ; Banker ; Prest. House of Refuge, Phila., Pa. m. Aug. 28, 1844, Letitia Poult- ney Dawson. Cope, Thomas Pini. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 7, 1823. s. Henry Cope (Manager 1830-5 i) and Rachel Reeve. Entered 1835. Manager 1864-71. Author of " Passages from Life and Writings of Wm. Penn ;" " Views of Christian Doctrine " (extracts from Barclay's "Apology") ; " Pas- sages from Life of George Fox ;" Compiler of " Readings from Holy Writ." Merchant in Phila. m. Nov. 13, 1849, Eliza- beth Wistar Stokes. Address, Germantown, Pa. tHartshorne, Henry, A.B., A.M. 1860. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1845; LL.D., 1884.) b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 16, 1823; d. Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 10, 1897. s. Joseph Hartshorne, M.D., and Anna Bonsall. En- tered 1836. Vice-Prest. Loganian Society 1839 ; Prest. of Alumni Association, Semi-Centennial year; Alumni Poet 1858, 1880, 1889, 1895 ; Student at Univ. of Pa., Medical Dept, 1840-45 ; Member of American Philosophical Society, elected 1863 ; College of Physicians of Phila. ; Practicing Physician ; Prof in Central High School, Phila. ; Prof in Univ. of Pa. (Auxiliary Medical Dept.); Prof Organic Science and Philosophy 1867-71, Physiology and Hygiene 1871-76, Haverford College ; Woman's Medical College of Pa. ; Girard College ; Med. Department Penna. Dental College, etc. ; editor o{ Friends' Review, 1873-78, 1881-93 ; author of Prize Essay on "Arterial Circulation," American Med. Association, 1856 ; "Memoranda Medica," i860 ; "Monograph on Glycerine," 1865; "Treatise on Cholera," 1866; "Essentials of Practical Medi- cine," 1867-81 ; "Conspectus of Medical Sciences," 1869; "Guide to Medicine Chest," 1868; "Our Homes" (a Health Primer), 1880 ; also " Household Manual of Hygiene, Medicine and Sur- gery," 1887-91 ; articles on Brain, Evolution, Hygiene, etc., in " Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia," 1875 ; several vols, of Poems; " Bertram the Prince, and other Poems," 1892 ; Acting Assistant (Contract) Surgeon for Hospital Service, U. S. A., 1862 ; Attend- ing Physician Phila. Hospital, 1855-56; Episcopal Hospital, 1860-62 ; Consulting Physician Woman's Hospital, Phila., 1866- y6. m. Jan. 8, 1849, Mary Elizabeth Brown. 12 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1839 tMeiidenhall, Nereus. (M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila.) b. Jamestown, N. C, 1819; d. Jamestown, N. C, 1893. s. Richard Mendenhall and Mary Pegg. Entered Junior Class 1837. Studied Medicine at Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa. Physician. Taught at Friends' Boarding School, New Garden, N. C. It was largely through his personal efforts that the School was kept open during the Civil War, 1861-65. In- structor in Latin, William Penn Charter School, Phila., Pa. ; Professor of Moral Science and Astronomy Haverford College, 1 878-79 ; Professor of Greek and Latin, 1 879-80 ; Superintendent, 1878-80 ; Alumni Orator, 1879 5 subject, " The Clue of Faith ;" Civil Engineer at various periods in his life ; Member of School Board, N. C. ; Member of Legislature North Carolina, m. 185 1 Orianna Wilson. Randolph, Richard. (INt.D., Jefferson College, Phila., Pa.) b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 27, 1822. s. Edward Randolph, Jr., and Mary Taylor. Entered 1836. Studied Medicine Jefferson Medi- cal College, Phila., Pa. Physician. Author of "Aspects of Humanity," "Sober Thoughts on Staple Themes," etc. Ad- dress, 247 N. 1 2th St., Phila., Pa. fTaher, Charles. b. New Bedford, Mass., Apl. 8, 1822; d. New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 17, 1887. s. William Congdon Taber and Hannah Tucker Shearman. Entered 1837. Alumni Orator 1859. Bookseller and Art Publisher, m. Mch. 21, 1853, Sarah Jane Howland. Non-Graduates. Balder ston, Lloyd. b. Falls, Bucks Co., Pa., July 21, 18 18. s. Mark Balderston and Elizabeth Lloyd. Entered Junior Class 1837 and left dur- ing the Senior year 1839. Teacher. Farmer since 1841. Contributor to Agricultural and other Journals, m. 1843 Cath- arine Canby. Address, Colora, Md. fCarey, James. b. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 20, 1821 ; d. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 8, 1894. s. John Ellicott Carey and Ann Irwin. Entered 1835 and left 1836. Merchant, m. Phila., Pa., May i, 1850, Susan Budd Kimber. fCoates, Joseph Potts Hornor. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 7, 1821 ; d, Oct. 9, 1850. s. George Morrison Coates and Rebecca Hornor. Entered 1835 and left 1836. Merchant, m. 1844 Eliza Henri Troth. 1839] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 3 Collins, Benjamin, Jr. b. New York City, , 1823. s. Benjamin S. Collins and Hannah Bowne. Entered Introductory Depart. 1834 and left during the Senior year, 1839. Merchant. Connected with Sanitary Commission during the Civil War. Address, 133 E. 36th St., New York City. fCollins, Francis. b. Burlington, N. J., Apl. 6, 1821 ; d. Penn's Manor, Pa., June 2, 1880. s. Thomas Collins and Ann Abbott. Entered 1835 and left during the Junior year. Farmer, m. Jan. 29, 1850, Anna Whitehead. Cope, Francis Reeve. b. Phila., Pa., June 6, 1821. s. Henry Cope (Manager 1830- 51) and Rachel Reeve. Entered 1835 and left 1838 on account of ill-health. Merchant, m. Dec. 18, 1847, -^^'"^ Stewardson Brown. Address, Germantown, Phila., Pa. fCrensliaYT, John Bacon. b. Henrico Co., Va., May 2, 1820; d. Richmond, Va., May 10, 1889. s. Nathaniel Chapman Crenshaw and Deborah Crew. Entered Junior Class 1837 and left at the close of the year. Farmer ; Surveyor ; Minister of the Society of Friends for 45 years. Member of Va. State Legislature, and of Convention held about 1868 for new State Constitution, m. (i) Sept. 12, 1844, Rachel Hoge ; (2) June 5, i860, Judith Ann Willitts. fDrinker, John Henry. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 25, 1821 ; d. . s. John Drinker and Eliza A. Morgan. Entered Junior year 1838 and left at its close, 1839. fFolwell, Joseph D. b. Phila., Pa., July 18, 1817; d. . s. William Folwell, Jr., and . Entered 1835 and left close of Sophomore year, 1837. fFoster, Charles. b. Phila., Pa., May 3, 1822 ; d. Jan. i, 1887. s. William Foster and Hetty Harker. Entered 1835 and left during the Senior year. Merchant. Publisher. Author of " The Story of the Bible," 550,000 copies sold; "The Story of the Gospel," I 50,000 copies sold ; " First Steps for Little Feet," 75,000 copies sold ; " Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us," over 100,000 copies sold ; " Fables and Allegories." m. Jan. 21, 1847, Emily Musgrave Wetherill. 14 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1839 fHaines, William Snell. b. Phila., Mch. 8, 1816; d. Providence, R. I., May 28, 1887. s. Jesse Pierce Haines and Sarah Snell. Entered Junior Class 1837 and left at close of the year. Civil Engineer and Surveyor in Providence for many years. tHill, Nathan Branson. (M.D., Ohio Med. Coll., Cin., 0.) b. Randolph Co., N. C, May 13, 1817; d. St. Paul, Minn., Feb., 1875. s. Samuel Hill and Mary Branson. Entered Junior Class 1838 and left during the Senior year. Studied at Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa., and at Ohio Medical College, Cin- cinnati, O. Practiced medicine in N. C. 15 years, then removed to Minnesota. Member of Hennepin Co. Medical Soc. ; Prest. Minnesota Medical Soc. ; Alderman in City of Minneapolis ; Prest. City Council ; Prest. Minnesota Bible Soc. Published various essays on Medical Topics, m. May 5, 1845, Eliza L, Mendenhall. tHinsdale, Stephen Grellet. b. New York City, June 18, 1819; d. Cleveland, O., Oct. 8, 1877. s. Henry Hinsdale and Mary Roscoe. Entered 1835 and left 1836. Merchant; Bookkeeper, m. June 18, 1844, Martha A. Elmer. fKing, Thomas. b. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 19, 1820; d. Glenville, Md., May 18, 1884. s. Joseph King, Jr., and Tacy Ellicott. P2ntered 1835 and left at close of Sophomore year. Merchant. Farmer. Moore, Richard Mott. b. Phila., Pa., 1820. s. John Moore, M.D., and Catharine Robeson. Entered 1835 and left 1836. Last address. Me- morial Home, St. Louis, Mo. fMorris, Joshua Hushand. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 12, 1823 ; d. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Dec. 23, 1885. s. Anthony Paschall Morris and Anna Hus- band. Entered 1834 and pursued a partial course, leaving at end of Senior year. Lawyer and Conveyancer. Prest. Real Estate Title and Trust Co., Phila., Pa. m. (i) Anne Wistar ; (2) Elizabeth Stokes. tMott, William Franklin, Jr. b. New York City, July 7, 1820; d. New York City, May 25, 1882. s. William Franklin Mott (Manager 1834-46) and Phebe Merritt. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1834 and left during Junior year 1837. Merchant, m. Oct. 13, 1 841, Jane Bowne. 1840] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 5 fjfeedles, Caleb Hathaway. b. Phila.,Pa.,Sept. 3, 1820; d. Phila., Pa., Oct. 10, 1884. s. Edward Needles and Mary Hathaway. Entered Introductory Depart. 1834 and left 1835. Druggist, m. Nov. 10, i84i,Ann Maria Needles. Randolpli, George. b. Phila., Pa., Mch., 1820. s. Edward Randolph, Jr., and Mary Taylor. Entered 1835 and left 1837. Merchant, m. Oct. 6, 1847, Rebecca Cope. Address, Atlantic City, N. J. 1840. Kiiiil)er, Antliony Morris. b. Phila., Pa., May 19, 1824. s. Thomas Kimber (Manager 1830-65) and Joanna Sophia Shober. Entered 1836. Merchant in Phila. Retired. Removed to Newport, R. I., about 1882. Manager of Haverford College 1849-71. m. (i) June 8, 1853, Margaret Cooper Cope; (2) Sept. 2, 1 881, Josephine Winner. Address, Newport, R. I. fSharpless, Henry Hale Graham. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 12, 1823 ; d. Chester Hills, Phila., Apl. 15, 1870. s. Townsend Sharpless and Mary B. Jones. Entered 1836. m. Nov. 21, , Mary Lyman Van Buren. fWinslow, John Randolph. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1846.) b. Piney Woods, N. C, Nov. 8, 1820; d. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 13, 1866. s. Nathan Winslow and Margaret Fitz Randolph. Entered Junior Class 1838. Physician and Surgeon. Professor of Materia Medica in the Maryland College of Pharrriacy. Non-Graduates. fAllen, Marniaduke Watson. b. Langhorne, Pa., Mch. 15, 1821 ; d. Langhorne, Pa., Jan. 28, 1890. s. Thomas Lancaster Allen, M.D., and Susan M. Watson. Entered Introductory Depart. 1835 and left at close of Junior year, 1838, on account of weak eyes. Physician. Farmer. Collector of Internal Revenue for Bucks Co., Pa. m. June 5, 1856, Sarah Rodman Paxson. Baily, Thomas Loyd. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 2, 1824. s. Joshua Baily and Elizabeth Loyd. Entered 1836 and left during the Junior year. Mer- chant. Ordained to ministry in Baptist Church, 1871. Author of seven Sunday-School Library Books, viz. : " Possibilities," l6 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [ 1 84O "Only Me," "Dr. Wallsten's Way," " Nat, the Miner's Boy," " Open Ways," " An Entire Stranger," " In Pine Woods." m. Bellefonte, Pa., Nov. 9, 1S54, Caroline Adelia Smith. Address, Atlantic City, N. J. fBarker, Beiijamiii. b. Tiverton, R. I., Sept. 24, 1822; d. Tiverton, R. I., Apl. 14, 1897. s. Abraham Barker and Margaret Buffum. Entered Senior Class 1840 and left before graduating, 1840. Lumber Merchant Prov., R. I., then in Olean, N. Y., and later in Tiver- ton, R. I. m. Dec. i, 1847, Catherine Jackson Dennis. fBowiie, John. b. New York City, June 6, 1820; d. Ash Brook, N. J., Feb. 13, 1894. s. Robert H. Bowne and Sarah Hartshorne of N. J. Entered Introductory Depart, and left at close of Sophomore year, 1838. General Agent of Society for Improving the Condi- tion of the Poor, New York City, for 12 years. During Civil War in the employ of the Sanitary Commission. tCowperthwaite, Edwin. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 9, 1824; d. June 17, 1857. s. Joseph Cowperthwaite and Rebecca Carlile. Entered Introductory Depart. 1834 and left during the Junior year, 1839. Wholesale Boot and Shoe Merchant, m. Jan. 21, 185 1, Lucy Reed. tFislier, Charles William. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Sept., 1820 ; d. Dec. 28, 1857. s. William Logan Fisher and Sarah Lindley. Entered Introductory Depart. 1835 and left during the Junior year, 1839. Hartshorne, George. b. near Rahway, N. J., Sept. 30, 1822. s. Hugh Harts- horne and Elizabeth Brown. Entered 1836 and left at close of Sophomore year. Farmer, m. Sept., 1848, Sarah Robinson. Address, Rahway, N. J. fHoUingshead, Joseph Mickle. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 15, 1821 ; d. Phila., Pa., Mch. 28, 1885. s. Hugh F. Hollingshead and Martha Mickle. Entered Intro- ductory Depart. 1835 and left during Junior year, 1839. Whole- sale Grocer. Insurance Agent, m. Caroline Atwood. tSharpless, Daniel Offley. b. Phila., Pa., July 24, 1821 ; drowned at Atlantic City, N. J., July 10, 1874. s. Blakey Sharpless (Manager 1841-44) and Mary Offley. Entered Introductory Depart. 1833, being No. 9 of the 21 present on opening day, and left 1838. Merchant. m. May 3, 1843, Hester Shove Hacker. 1 841] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 7 tTliiirston, Joseph D. b. New York City, Feb. 22, 1823 ; d. June 5, 1861. s. Wil- liam Richardson Thurston and Abigail Evernghim. Entered 1836; left at close of Junior year, 1839. "^- -^P^- 3°, 1849, Mary Wharton. fWilliaiiis, Joseph Kirkbride. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 7, 181 7; d. Oct. 21, 1848. s. Jonathan G. Williams and Mary Ann Kirkbride. Entered 1835 and left 1836. fHowell, Joseph, Jr. (Graduate.) b. Phila., Pa., 1823; d. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Aug. 18, 1889. s. Joseph Howell and Sarah Richie. Entered Introduc- tory Depart. 1836. Leather Merchant; Accountant, m. Nov. 4, 1852, Anne Emlen. 1 841. fLawreiice, Richard Henry. b. New York City, Oct. 7, 1824; d. Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1847. s. Henry H. Lawrence and Mary Folwell. P^ntered 1837. No business. fPerot, James Poultuey. b. Phila., Pa., May 12, 1825; d. Phila., Pa., Jan. 13, 1872. s. William S. Perot and Mary Williams Poultney. Entered In- troductory Depart. 1836. Merchant. Flour Inspector. Adjt. of the 1 1 8th Pa. Vols. (Corn Exchange Regiment), which he was foremost in raising ; served seven months ; wounded at the battle of Shepherdstown, Va. ; honorably discharged Jan., 1863. Colonel of the 49th Pa. Militia, to quell the riots in the mine regions. tWhite, Elias Altoertson. (M.D.) b. Perquimans Co., N. C, Sept. 23, 1821 ; d. Feb. 18, 1866. s. Miles White and Elizabeth Albertson. Entered Sophomore Class 1838. Physician. Non-Graduates. fBirdsall, Thomas Webb. b. New York City (?), May, 1824 ; d. 1866. s. William Bird- sail and Martha Webb. Entered Introductory Depart. 1835 and left at the close of the Junior year, 1839. Flour Merchant. Ladies' Furnishing Goods. Prest. Fire Insurance Co. m. Dec. 13, 1848, Margaret Wood. 2 1 8 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [184I fBirdsall, William, Jr. b. New York City (?), Oct. 30, 1822; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. I, 1873. s. William Birdsall and Martha Webb. Entered Introductory Depart. 1835 and left same year. Clerk. Flour Merchant. Insur. Surveyor, m. Sept. 12, 1849, Caroline Wood. tGreaves, Thomas (sometimes spelled Greeves). b. West Chester, Pa., 1823 ; d. in England about 1897. s. James R. Greaves (Manager 1842-44) and Sarah (or Mary) Ann Fling. Entered Introductory Depart. 1834. Pursued partial course and left during Senior year, 1841. Student. Author. tGummere, Charles J. b. Burlington, N. J., June 29, 1824; d. Apl. 22, 1880. s. Samuel R. Gummere and Elizabeth Drinker Barker. Entered 1839 and left at close of Junior year, 1840. Clerk in office of Court of Chancery, N. J. ; Receiving Teller, Bank of Northern Liberties, Phila., Pa. t Jones, Benjamin W. b. Phila., Pa., June 29, 1821 ; d. Dec. 15, 1883. s. Benjamin Jones and Mary Howell. Entered Introductory Depart. 1833 and left 1834. m. Harriet Woodmansie Davis. tLong-, Alfonzo W. b. Orange Co., N. C, ; d. . s. John Long and Mary W. . Entered Introductory Depart. 1836 and left 1838. Believed to be dead. fManle, Edward. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 6, 1823 ; d. Phila., Pa., Dec. 6, 1890. s. Israel Maule and Ann Price. Entered Introductory Depart. 1835 and left during Junior year, 1839. Dry Goods Merchant ; Lumber Merchant, 1844-83. Retired. Member Company C, Gray Reserves, 1861-65. m. Oct. 15, 1857, Harriet N. Mentz. fParsons, William Bowne. b. Flushing, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1823 ; d. Sept. 14, 1856. s. Samuel Parsons and Mary Bowne. Entered Introductory Depart. 1835 ; left 1837 during Freshman year. m. Mary F. Leggett. fSharpless, Isaac. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 8, 1822 ; d. Phila., Pa., Feb. 7, 1889. s. Blakey Sharpless (Manager 1841-44) and Mary Offley. En- tered Introductory Depart. 1836 and left 1839. Merchant; Glass Manufacturer ; Accountant Penna. R. R. m. Oct. 18, 1855, Rebecca Hutchinson. 1842] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 9 fSiiiith, Albanus. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 30, 1823 ; d. Phila., Pa., Mch. 29, 1842. s. John Jay Smith and Rachel Colhns Pearsall. Entered 1837 and left 1839. Entered Sophomore Class Univ. of Pa. 1839 ^nd died while a student. His memoir was printed in 1873. fTrotter, William Henry. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. r, 1822; d. Jan. 5, 1898. s. Nathan Trotter and Susan Hough. Entered Introductory Depart. 1834 and left at close of Junior year, 1839. Wholesale Grocer, m. Maria Louisa Farr. tWarder, William. (A. B., Oxford College, Ohio.) b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 21, 1821 ; d. Springfield, Ohio, Aug. 31, 1886. s. Jeremiah Warder and Ann Aston. Entered 1836 and left 1838. Lawyer; Miller, m. Nov. 28, 1855, Mary P. Price. 1842. Bowne, Robert. b. New York City, May 6, 1825. s. John L. Bowne and Eliza Howland. Entered Introductory Depart. 1835. First Sec. Alumni Assoc. 1856, Vice-Prest. 1892. Some time member of the New York Geographical Soc. Stationer, m. Apl. 26, i860, Anna F. Willis. Address, 81 Beaver St., New York City. tCaclburj^, Richard. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 18, 1825 ; d. Mch. 13, 1S97. s. Joel Cadbury (Manager 1849-57) and Caroline Warder. Entered Introductory Dept. 1837. Merchant for 40 years; Steward of Penna. Hospital, Phila., Pa. ; Accountant. Manager of Haver- ford College 1865-97. m. Dec. 4, 1850, Lydia Comfort Shinn. fHilles, William Smith. b. Wilmington, Del., Jan. 28, 1825 ; d. Nice, France, Dec. 25, 1876. s. Samuel Hilles (Supt. 1833) and Margaret Hill Smith. Entered 1833, being No. 14 of the 21 present on opening day; left 1835, and re-entered Junior Class 1840. Manufacturer; Sec. R.R. Co. ; Prest. Savings Bank. m. Attleboro, Bucks Co., Pa., May 17, 1849, Sarah L. Allen. fKimber, Thomas, Jr., Litt. D., 1887. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. i, 1825 ; d. Richmond Hill, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1890. s. Thomas Kimber (Manager 1830-65) and Joanna Sophia Shober. Entered Sophomore Class 1838. Assistant Teacher Haverford 1844-45. Merchant, Wilmington, Del. Prest. Williamsport & Elmira R.R., etc., Phila., Pa. Retired. For Benefactions to the College see Index to History of Haver- ford College, 1830-92. Minister of the Society of Friends. Author of a number of pamphlets on questions of Church Polity, 20 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1842 doctrinal subjects and tracts chiefly relating to the Society of Friends ; " The Spiritual Nature of Baptism and the Lord's Supper ;" " The Early Christian Church and other Essays." m. June 21, 1874, Mary Shearman. fLevick, James Jones. A.B., A.M., 1884. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1847.) b. Phila., Pa., July 28, 1824; d. Phila., Pa., June 25, 1893. s. Ebenezer Levick and Elizabeth Wetherill Jones. Entered Junior Class 1840. Alumni Orator i860. Author of frequent brief addresses before Haverford Alumni ; Prest. of Alumni 1888- 89 ; studied medicine Univ. of Pa. ; Physician ; Surgeon U. S. Hospital in Phila., Pa. Organized a military hospital as volunteer surgeon at Hagerstown, Md., after battle of South Mountain ; also acted as volunteer surgeon after battle of Antietam. Member of the Medical Staff Pa. Hospital 1856-68, when he resigned; Resident Physician in same 1849-51; Physician to Magdalen Asylum 41 years; Physician to Wills' Eye Hospital 1853-65 ; Fellow of the College of Physicians 185 i ; Member of Amer. Medical Assoc. 1864; of Histor. Soc. of Pa. 1853; of Academy of Nat. Sciences of Phila. 1865 ; of the Welsh Soc. of Pa. While at the Pa. Hospital he introduced the use of ice in the treatment of sunstroke. Author of very many papers relating to medical sub- jects in the various medical periodicals ; frequent contributor to the daily press of Phila. on literary and historical subjects. Fre- quent contributor to the Pa. Magazine of History a?id Biography on matters of local history and biography, among which may be mentioned : " Memoir of Daniel B. Smith ;" " Dr. Benj. H. Coates;" "The Early Friends and their Service in Pa. ;" "The Early Welsh Quakers and their Emigration to Pa. ;" " Three Epochs in the Life of Wm. Penn ," etc. Author of "Fenny Drayton, the Birthplace of George Fox," " Barclay of Ury," and " Swarthmore Hall, the Home of Margaret Fell Fox ;" Memoir of Jacob P. Jones; "The Ancient Britons," an address before the Welsh Soc. ; the " Early Physicians of Phila.," and many other papers. Koduiaii, Eclniund, A.M. b. New Bedford, Mass., Jan. 18, 1824. s. Samuel Rodman and Hannah Haydock Prior. Entered Sophomore Class 1839. Dealer in Sperm and Whale Oil ; Candle Manufacturer ; Oil Broker ; Artist. Served 14 years on the school committee of New Bedford, 2 years as chairman. Secretary of the Board of Trustees Friends' Academy, New Bedford, 35 years, and a trustee of the same. Member of Home Guard for six months, 1861. Address, 147 Cottage St., New Bedford, Mass. 1842] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 21 Rodman, Thomas Rotcli. b. New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 27, 1825. s. Samuel Rodman and Hannah Haydock Prior. Entered 1839. Married Anne Miles, Oct. 4, 1853. Address, New Bedford, Mass. Smith, Beiyamiii Raper. (Ph.G., Phila. College of Pharmacy.) b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 31, 1825. s. Daniel B. Smith (Manager 1830-34, 1846-49; Principal 1843-45; Professor of Moral Philosophy and English Literature, etc., 1833-45) and Esther Morton. Entered Preparatory Depart, 1833, being No. 15 of the 21 present on the opening day. Drug and Chemical Manu- facturer. Manager Phila. House of Refuge 1876-95. Member of Historical Society of Pa., Franklin Institute, Historical Soc. of Newport, R, I., Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila., Pa. ; Private in Germantown Home Guard, m. June 8, 1859, Esther Fisher Wharton. Address, 4717 Gtn. Ave., Gtn., Phila., Pa. fTaber, Augustus. b. New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 3, 1826 ; d. San Jose Gal, Apl. 6, 1898. s. William Congdon Taber and Hannah Tucker Shear- man. Entered Junior Class 1840. Bookseller; Dealer in Marbles, N. Y. City, 1852-86. Resided in Gal. 1893-98. Clerk New York Yearly Meeting of Friends 1875-89. Vice-Prest. Ameri- can Bible Society, Vice-Prest. Evangelical Alliance, m. May 15, 185 I, Anna Haviland Ferris. fWinslow, Caleb. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1849). b. Piney Woods, N. C, Jan. 24, 1824; d. Baltimore, Md., June 13, 1895. s. Nathan Winslow and Margaret Fitz Ran- dolph. Entered Sophomore Class 1839. Physician and Sur- geon in N. C, and afterwards in Baltimore, Md, Member of Medical and Chirurgical Society of Maryland. Frequent con- tributor to Medical Journals. Examiner in Surgery on the Original Board of Medical Examiners of the State of North Carolina, m. Jan. 22, 1852, Jane Paxson Parry. Non-Graduates. fArnolcl, William Dennis. b. Newport, R. I., Sept. 16, 1820; d. Glenmore, Ga., June, 1887. s. Aza Arnold and Abigail Dennis. Entered 1837 and left 1839. Machinist in Phila. Teacher in William Dennis's School at Rancocas, N. J, Engineer Coal Mines, Portsmouth, R, I. Established a Machine Shop, Beloit, Mich., 185 1, Ma- chinist at Marinette, Wis., 1858. Afterwards Machinist at Brunswick, Ga., and at Tampa, Fla. m. (i) 1854, Ellen Fry Eldredge of East Greenwich, R. I., and (2) 1879, Ellen Stiger. 22 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1842 Ashbridge, Abraham Sharpless. b. E. Cain, Pa., Mch. 24, 1823. s. George G. Ashbridge and Rachel V. Sharpless. Entered 1838 and left 1840. Farmer and Civil Engineer, m. Oct. 13, 1853, Elizabeth Downing Sharpless. Address, E. Downingtown, Pa. fBimker, Nathan, Jr. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 8, 1825 ; d. . s. Nathan Bunker and Elizabeth . Entered Introductory Depart. 1837 and left 1838. fCaiiby, William. b. Wilmington, Del., Apl. ii, 1822; d. Wilmington, Del., Jan. 15, 1897. s. James Canby and Elizabeth Roberts. En- tered 1837 and left 1839. Farmer. Retired, m. Apl. 30, 1846, Ann Tatnall. tCobb, William Almy. (M.D., Univ. of Ud., 1845). b. Baltimore, Md., May 25, 1823 ; d. Baltimore, Md., July 30, 1845. s. Daniel Cobb and Ruth Almy. Entered 1836 and left 1837. Physician. Collins, Isaac. b. New York City, May 2, 1824. s. Isaac Collins (Manager 1830-42) and Margaret Morris. Entered Introductory Depart. 1837 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1841. Lumber Merchant ; Optician ; Insurance Agent, m. Dec. 9, 1847, Eliza- beth Budd Kner Earl. Address, 1225 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. tCowperthwaite, Thomas Carlile. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 4, 1822 ; d. Phila., Pa., 1841. s. Joseph Cowperthwaite and Rebecca Carlile. Entered Introductory De- part. 1834 and left during the Freshman year, 1838, on account of ill-health. Edwards, Edward Bird. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 10, 1822. s. Edward Edwards and Agnes . Entered 1838 and left 1839. Address, Union League, Phila., Pa. fElliott, Daniel Morris. b. Phila., Pa., July 10, 1822 ; d. Phila., Pa., 1864. s. Dan- iel Elliott and Lydia Richards. Entered Introductory Depart. 1837 and left 1840. fllardy, Benjamin F. b. 1809; d. Nov. 22, 1886. s. and . P2n- tered from Fallston, Beaver Co., Pa., 1834. Assist. Supt. Haverford 1834-37. m. Nov. 24, 1841, Elizabeth G. Simmons. 1842] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 23 tHiinii, John. b. Murderkill, Delaware, June 25, 1818; d. Wyoming, Dela- ware, July 6, 1894. s. Ezekiel Hunn and Hannah Alston. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1833 and left 1834. Farmer; Agt. Freedman's Bureau, St. Helena, S. C, during Civil War ; U. S. Dept. Collector, Beaufort, S. C. m. (i) Mary Swallow ; (2) Nov. 25, 1855, Anne Jenkins. Hiissey, William H. b. New York City, Jan. 24, 1824. s. George Hussey and Hetty Howland. Entered Introductory Depart, and left at close of Sophomore year, 1840. m. Apl. 14, 185 i, Corneha Collins. Address, 150 W. 35th St., New York City. fJolinsoii, Henry IVorton. (Entered as Henry John Johnson.) b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., May 20, 1820 ; d. Aug. 30, 1879. s. John Johnson and Sarah Wheeler. Entered Introductory Depart. 1834 and left 1835. Member of Horticult. Soc. of Gtn. fLeggett, Charles Pleasants. (M.D.) b. New York City, Dec. 31, 1824. d. New York City, . s. Thomas Haight Leggett and Frances Vaux Pleasants. En- tered Introductory Depart. 1834 and left 1839. Homoeopathic Physician in New York City. m. Ellen Currie. fMendenhall, James Ruffin. b. Jamestown, N. C, , 1825 ; d. Jamestown, N. C, . s. George C. Mendenhall and Eliza W. Dunn. Entered Prepara- tory Depart. 1836 and left in 1839, at close of Freshman year. Planter. fMorgan, Samuel Rodman. b. Phila., Pa., Aug, 18, 1824; d. Nov. 21, 1891. s. Chas. Wain Morgan and Sarah Rodman. Entered 1840; left 1842. m. June 17, 1854, Josephine Wharton Craig. fMott, Samnel Franklin. b. New York City, 1826 (?) ; d. New York City, 1856 (?). s. Samuel Franklin Mott and Ann Leggett. Entered Preparatory Dept. 1833 and left at the close of the Freshman year. Mer- chant, m. 1850 (?) Lavinia McCaffrey. fMurray, Robert Lindley. b. New York City, Nov. 11, 1825; d. Chappaqua, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1874, as the result of being thrown from his carriage, s. Robert I. Murray and Elizabeth Colden. Entered 1838 and left during Junior year on account of ill-health. Wool Merchant ; Gen. Agent of Prov. Life and Trust Co. of Phila. in New York 24 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [^^^43 City; Manager of Haverford College 1855-58; Prest. of Alumni Assoc. 1864, '65, '66 ; Minister in the Society of Friends ; Clerk of New York Yearly Meeting of Friends ; Prest. of New York Bible Society, m. May 3, 1849, Ruth Shearman Taber. Talcott, Joseph D. b. Skaneateles, N. Y., . s. Richard Talcott and . Ii!ntered Introductory Depart. 1836 and left 1837. Address, Skaneateles, N. Y. tTatmill, William. b. Brandywine Village, Del., Mch. 11, 1822 ; d. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 28, 1885. s. Edward Tatnall and Margery Paxson. Entered 1837 and left 1839. Merchant and Broker ; Prest New Castle Co. Mutual Ins. Co. ; Director Wilmington Saving Fund Soc; Director First Nat. Bank, etc.; member Historical Soc. of Del. m. (i)Oct. 17, 1844, Rachel Burgess Moon ; (2) Feb. 13, 1884, Esther Warner. tTaylor, Joseph B. b. Burlington Co., N. J., Mch. 16, 1821 ; d. Fallsington, Pa., Dec. 18, 1877. s, Benjamin Taylor and Sarah Brantingham, Entered Sophomore Class 1839 and left during the year. Far- mer, m. Fallsington, Pa., Oct. 18, 1849, Martha Brown. 1843- Howlaiid, Robert Bowiie. b. New Bedford, Mass., Mch. 23, 1826. s. George Rowland and Susan Rowland. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1838. Far- mer. Prest. and Resident Trustee Rowland School, Union Springs, N. Y., 1863-76. Supervisor of Township three years; County Sec. Farmers' Alliance ; author of " The Christ in Pagan, Jew- ish, and Early Christian Ristory," a condensation of Pressense's Ristory of the Church, m. Feb. 25, 1851, Susanna Robinson. Address, Somerset, Niagara Co., N, Y. fStroud, William Daniel. (M.D., Univ. of Pa.) b. Stroudsburg, Pa., Oct. 5, 1825 ; d. Phila., Pa., Sept. 25, 1883. s. William Stroud and Mary Paul Robeson. Entered Junior Class 1841. Studied Medicine at Univ. of Pa. Physician. Examining Physician and afterwards General Agent New Eng. Mut. Life Ins. Co. m. (i) Oct., 1855, Charlotte Wistar Beesley ; (2) Mrs. Mary (Johnson) Ellicott. White, Francis. b. Perquimans Co., N. C, Mch. 25. 1825. s. Miles White and Elizabeth Albertson. Entered Nov., 1838. Merchant. 1843] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 2$ Manager Haverford College 1878 to date; Trustee (original) Johns Hopkins University and Treas. of same to date ; Trustee (original) Johns Hopkins Hospital to date. m. 1854, Jane E. Janney. Address, 11 14 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. Non-Graduates. t Adams, Justus C. b. Newburgh, N. Y. (about) 1821 ; d. Cornwall, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1 84 1, s. Nathaniel Adams and . Entered Introductory Dept. 1838 and left 1839. fAldricli, Joseph W. b. Smithfield, R. I., Jan. 18, 1821 ; d. Apl. 12, 1865. s. Moses Aldrich of Smithfield, R. I., and Ann Jones. Entered Senior Class 1843 and took a partial course. Prest. Loganian Society; Alumni orator elect 1865, but died before Alumni day. Teacher Mathematics and Nat. Philosophy Haverford 1843-45 ; Classics and Ancient Literature Haverford 1848-53. Principal Friends' Select School for Boys, Phila., Pa. m. Sept. 13, 1849, Rachel E. Sharpless. fBacon, Joseph Kirkbride. b. Phila., Pa., Oct., 1825; d. Phila., Pa., June i, 1861. s. George Vaux Bacon and Sally Ann Kirkbride. Entered 1840 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1842. Served as private in the Mexican War. Manufacturer of Paper Boxes, m. (i) Aug., 1849, Annie E. Bryan ; (2) June, 1852, Sally A. McLain. fBrowii, William A. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 14, 1824 ; d. . s. Jeremiah Brown and Elizabeth Stewardson. Entered Introductory Depart. 1833 and left at close of Junior year, 1842. fBuffuiii, Benjamin. b. Newport, R. I., Oct. 20, 1822 ; d. Providence, R. I., June 28, 1878. s. David Buffum and Susan Ann Barker. Entered 1839 ^^^^ ^^ft ^t close of Freshman year. Farmer near New- port, R. I. Coal and Wood Dealer, Worcester, Mass. Prest. of Steamboat Transportation Co., Providence and New York, and Providence and Newport, R. I. m. Nov. 11, 1846, Eleanor King. Bullock, William R. (M.D.) b. Wilmington, Del, Oct. 4, 1824. s. John Bullock and Ra- chel Griscom. Entered 1839 and left 1842. Physician, m. Elizabeth A. Emlen. Address, loth and Jefferson Sts., Wil- mington, Del. 26 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1843 fCliase, George Hazeii. b. Salem, Mass., Jan. lo, 1826; d. Salem, Mass., Feb. 11, 1870. s. Philip Chase and Alice Brown. Entered 1838 and left during Senior year on account of ill-health, m. July 8, 1851, Eliza Earle Chase. tCoale, James Carey. b. Baltimore Co., Md., May 25, 1825 ; d. Baltimore, Md..Apl. 13, 1 89 1, s. William Ellis Coale and Hannah Ellicott Carey. Entered 1838 and left 1839. Merchant; Marine Ins. Agent; Agent for "Lloyds," Baltimore, Md. m. Aug. 2, 1847, Kath- arine Baily. tDuiibar, Charles Clark. b. New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 18, 1826; d. Boston, Mass., Jan. 14, 1885. Entered Junior Class 1841 and left 1842 (?). Mer- chant (?); Asst. Quartermaster General under Gov. John A. An- drew, 1861 ; Import Clerk in U. S. Custom House, Boston, Mass. m. Oct. 4, 1848, Mary Elizabeth Willis of New Bedford, Mass. Estlack, Thomas, Jr. (Ph. G., Phila. College of Pharmacy, 1844.) b. Phila., Pa., July 30, 1823. s. Thomas Estlack and Eliza Shinn. Entered Introductory Depart. 1836 and left at close of Freshman year, 1839. Studied at Phila. College of Pharmacy. Druggist, m. Mch. 24, 1847, Sarah Watson. Address, 3224 Wallace St., Phila., Pa. trisher, Israel Pleasants. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 24, 1825 ; d. Nov., 1847, killed in Mex- ican War. s. Samuel Rhoads Fisher and Ann Pleasants. En- tered Introductory Depart. 1836 and left 1838. fFolwell, Richard L. b. Phila., Pa., June 20, 1823 ; d. Dec. 21, 18S7. s. Charles S. Folwell and Ann Lawrence. Entered Introductory Depart. 1837 and left 1840. Franklin, Benjamin H. b. New York City, . s. William H. Franklin and . Entered Introductory Depart. 1835 and left 1837. Last address, 35 Broadway, New York City. tFnller, James, Jr. b. Skaneateles, N. Y., 1824 ; d. . s. James Fuller and . Entered Introductory Depart. 1836 and left 1840. 1843] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 27 fFuller, John Wilkinson. b. Skaneateles, N. Y., 1820; d. . s. James Fuller and . Entered Introductory Depart. 1836 and left 1838, Hollingshead, Henry. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 24, 1826. s. Hugh F. Hollingshead and Martha Mickle. Entered Introductory Depart. 1836 and left during Junior year, 1842. Address, , Phila., Pa. Howland, William Penn. b. Ledyard, N. Y., July 17, 1824. s. Humphrey Howland and Sarah T. Field. Entered 1839 and left during the Senior year. m. July 17, i860, Cornelia Hine. Address, 413 Bryant St., San Francisco, Cal. Hnssey, John Bowne. b. *New York City, Apl. 4, 1826. s. George Hussey and Hetty H. Howland. Entered Introductory Depart. 1836 and left at close of the Senior year, 1843, having pursued a partial course. East India Merchant. Address, New Bedford, Mass. King', Joseph. b. Baltimore, Md., July 17, 1825. s. Joseph King, Jr., and Tacy Ellicott. Entered 1839 and left 1840. Merchant ; Farmer. Retired, m. June i, 1869, Jane G. Howard. Address, Cor. Biddleand Charles Sts., Baltimore, Md. fMorris, Charles Wistar. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 27, 1824; d. Nov. 4, 1893. s. Anthony Paschall Morris and Anna Husband. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1838 and left 1841. at close of Freshman year. m. Aug. 24, 1848, Frances E. Skerrett. fNewhold, Edward. b. Springfield, N. J., Apl. 12, 1824; d. Aug. 20, 1853. s. Clayton Newbold and . Entered Introductory Depart. 1838 and left 1842. Quinby, Watson Fell. (M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., Phila., 1847.) b. Brandyv/ine Springs, Del., Dec. 15, 1825. s. John Quinby, M.D., and Elizabeth Starr Phillips. Entered Junior Class 1842 ; left 1 843. Studied Medicine, Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa. Physician. Published " Mongrelism," "The Coming Kingdom," "Solomon's Seal," "A Solution of the Circle," "Weights and Measures," "Silver," "Greek Names in America," "The Yard or the Metre, Which will Ye Choose?" Crossed the plains in 1849 with the California pioneers ; lived some years in the moun- tain camps, m. Feb. 22, 1855, Annie Giffen. Address, Wil- mington, Del. 28 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [l843 fSciill, Gideon Delaplaine. b. Sculltown, Salem Co., N. J., Aug. 13, 1824; d. London, England, Apl. 22, 1889. s. David Scull (Manager 1846-49, 1855, 1865 ; Benefactor) and Lydia Lippincott. Entered Intro- ductory Depart. 1838 and left during the Junior year. Member of Massachusetts Historical Society. Author of " Radison's Voyages," " The Evelyns in America," and " Dorothea Scott." " Genealogical Notes relating to Scull family." Pvlerchant. Re- tired about 1868. m. Apl. 7, 1862, Anna Holder. Stapler, Joliii Wardell. b. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 21, 1822. s. John Stapler and Ann . Entered Sophomore Class 1839 and left 1840. Last address, Tahlequah, Indian Territory. tStroud, Morris Robeson. b. Stroudsburg, Pa., July 30, 1824; d. Phila., Pa., Apl. 21, 1882. s. William Stroud and Mary Paul Robeson. Entered Introduc- tory Depart. 1838 and left during the Senior year on account of ill-health, m. May 25, 1848, Mary Anne Skerrett. tTiitiini, Samuel Canby. b. Wilmington, Del., May 13, 1827; d. Cincinnati, O., June 16, 1887. s. John W. Tatum and Mary Canby. Entered Junior Class 1841 ; left 1842. Machinist; Manufacturer in Cin- cinnati, O. ; Director Art Museum Cincinnati, m. 1849, Eleanor Bardsley, fTlionias, William Aslibridge, Jr. b. Bellefonte, Pa., Nov. 16, 1824; d. Bellefonte, Pa., 1865. s. William Ashbridge Thomas and Eliza Miller. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1838 and left the same year. Iron Manu- facturer. fTliorne, Edwin. b. New York City, 1824; d. Mch. 25, 1889. s. Jonathan Thorne and Lydia Ann Corse. Entered Introductory Depart. 1838 and left 1839. Merchant, m. 1857, Charlotte Pearsall. Underliill, George W. b. New York City, 1823. s. George Underbill and Sally Ann Waring. Entered Introductory Depart. 1835 and left 1838. Agent Westchester Co., N. Y., Bible Society. Retired, m, Mary Sutton. Address, Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Underbill, William W. b. New York City, 1825. s, George Underbill and Sally Ann Waring. Entered Introductory Depart. 1837 and left 1841. 1844] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 29 Treas. Glen Cove Machine Co. m. Mary Anna Seaver. Ad- dress, 192 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn, and 50 Broadway, New York City. 1844. Ellis, Evan Tyson. (Ph.G., Phila. College of Pharmacy.) b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 10, 1826. s. Charles Ellis (Manager 1842-62) and Deborah Tyson. Entered 1840. Wholesale Druggist and Manufacturing Chemist. Retired in 1875. Mem- ber and Trustee of Phila. College of Pharmacy. Member of American Pharmaceutical Assoc, since 1853, etc. Original Member of Phila. Photographic Soc, etc. m. Apl. 28, 1868, Martha M. Shewell. Address, 4238 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. fHaines, Robert Bowne. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Feb. 16, 1827; d. Cheltenham, Pa., Aug. 9, 1895. s. Reuben Haines and Jane Bowne. Entered 1840. Manager 1870-95. Nurseryman. Member of School Board of Cheltenham Township for 12 years, and Chairman of same for several years. Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila., and Franklin Institute, m. Apl. 8, 1852, Margaret Vaux Wistar. Hartsliorne, Isaac. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 14, 1827. s. Joseph Hartshorne, M.D., and Anna Bonsall. Entered 1840. Merchant; Farmer; Fire and Life Insurance Agent, m. Jan 13, 1853, Anna EHzabeth Stabler. Address, Brighton, Md. Non-Graduates. fBines, William Henry. b. Dec. 25, 1826; d. Jan. 10, 1891. s. David Adams Bines and Ann Mason. Entered Introductory Depart. 1838 and left 1840. Supt. of Bridges, Phila., Pa. Bullock, Charles. b. Wilmington, Del., Feb. 25, 1826. s. John Bullock and Rachel Griscom. Entered Sophomore Class 1841 and left 1842. Chemist and Druggist. Prest. Phila. College of Pharmacy 1887 to date. Member American Philosophical Society ; Franklin Institute; Academy of Natural Sciences, m. 1854, Margaret C. Robinson. Address, 528 Arch St., Phila., Pa. fDay, Edward Munson. b. New York City, Nov — , 1824 ; d. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1 86 1, s. Mahlon Day and Mary Kerr. Entered Introductory 30 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1844 Depart. 1838 and left during the Junior year, 1842. Publisher, m. Jan. 29, 1858, Charlotte Briggs Seymour. fEddy, Job Abraham Tucker. b. New Bedford, Mass., July — , 1825; d. New Bedford, Mass., Mch. 13, 1885. Entered Introductory Depart. 1839 and left during Sophomore year, 1841. Dry Goods Merchant. Member and officer in several Masonic lodges, m. Oct. 7, 1846, Emily Antoinette Taylor. tHacker, Lloyd Mifflin. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 4, 1827; d. Baltimore, Md., Nov. i, 1892. s. Isaiah Hacker (Manager 1846-60; Treas. 1844-45, 1846-60) and Anna Hazen Brown. Entered 1848 and left during the Senior year, 1 844. Hestoii, Georg-e Thomas. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1852.) b. Pa., Feb. 17, 1826. s. Jesse Stackhouse Heston and Martha Thomas. Entered Sophomore Class 1 842 and left during Junior year, 1843. Studied medicine Univ. of Pa. 1849-52, Physician 1852-92. m. , Mary Amanda Duncan. Ad- dress, Norristown, Pa. fKing, Elias Ellicott. b. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 28, 1828 ; d. Baltimore, Md., May 28, 1876. s. Joseph King, Jr., and Tacy Ellicott. Entered 1842 and left 1844. Merchant. Accountant. fLewis, Mordecai K. b. Phila., Pa., July 15, 1825 ; d. Chester, Pa., Dec. 6, 1898. s. Mordecai Lewis and Elizabeth Smith. Entered Introductory Depart. 1835 and left 1842. Farmer for 20 years ; City Clerk and Clerk of Councils, Chester, Pa., 18 years, m. Feb. 25, 1847, Philena M. Harvey. fMorgaii, Alexander. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. i, 1826; d. Phila., Pa., Aug. i, 1848. s. Joseph R. Morgan and Mary . Entered 1841 and left 1844. tSmith, Kichard Morris. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 22, 1827 ; d. Phila., Pa., Mch. 6, 1896. s. Morris Smith and Caroline Smith. Entered 1840 and left during Senior year, 1844. First honors in classics 1844 ; editor of The Budget ; Associate of Lond. Society for Psychical Research ; Architect 1847-67; Artist. Author of " Future Religion of the World;" "The Burlington Smiths, a Family History." m. Mch. 30, 1875, Anna Kaighn. 1844] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 3 1 fSmith, Robert Pearsall. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. i, 1827; d. London, England, Apl. 17, 1898. s. John Jay Smith and Rachel Collins Pearsall. Entered Sophomore Class 1841 and left 1845 during Senior year on ac- count of inflammation of the eyes. Manager Haverford 1849- 59. Publisher ; Glass Manufacturer. Author of " Holiness Through Faith;" "Walk in the Light;" " The Secret of Vic- tory," etc.; also of " International Copyright" in Nineteenth Coitury ; and articles in Spectator, etc. m. Nov. 5, 185 1, Han- nah Whitall. t Stokes, Joliii Neivtoii. b. Stroudsburg, Pa., June 21, 1826; d. Stroudsburg, Pa., July 7, 1875. s. Stogdell Stokes and Eliza B. Eastburn. Entered 1 84 1 and left 1843. I" employ of Del., Lack. & Western Ex- press Co. Trotter, Charles West. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 4, 1827. s. Nathan Trotter and Susan Hough. Entered 1841 and left at close of Senior year, 1844, having pursued a partial course. Dealer in Metals, etc. Ad- dress, 138 S. Front St., Phila., Pa. fTrotter, Newbold Hovigh. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 24, 1827 ; d. Atlantic City, N. J., Feb. 21, 1898. s. Joseph Trotter and Ann Hough. P^ntered 1841 ; left 1844. Clerk; Builder of Machines, etc.; retired 1858; Hard- ware Merchant 1863-67 ; Artist (Animal Painter) ; Member Pa. Academy of Fine Arts ; Phila. Society of Artists ; Phila. Art Club ; Artists' Fund Society. Member Germantown Home Guards 1862; fought at Antietam. m. Oct. 10, 1855, Annie M. Dawson. Tyson, Jesse. b. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 26, 1826. s. Isaac Tyson and Han- nah Ann Wood. Entered 1841 and left 1843. Miner and Manufacturer, m. Jan. 26, 1888, Edith Johns. Address, 301 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. tTyson, Richard Wood. b. Baltimore, ]\Id., Oct. 20, 1824 ; d. Baden Baden, Germany, June 15, 1873. s. Isaac Tyson and Hannah Ann Wood. En- tered Introductory Depart. 1837 and left 1841. Merchant and Manufacturer, m. (i) Annie Wyre Smith ; (2) Sophia Howard. tWigham, Thomas Matthew. b. New York City, Mch. 2, 1826 ; d. New York City, Feb., 1892. s. Isaac Wigham and Mary Lydia Seaman. Entered 1840 and 32 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1845 left 1842. Banker; Member of N. Y. Stock Exchange, m. June 2, 1858, Phebe MacCoun Buckley. Wistar, Isaac Jones. (Hon. Sc.D., Univ. of Pa., 1893.) b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 14, 1827. s. Caspar Wistar, M.D., and Lydia Jones. Entered Sophomore Class 1842 and left 1843. Attorney at Law ; Officer U. S. Army ; Miner and Shipper of Coal ; in employ of Penna. R.R. Co. ; member of Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila., Pa., Prest. of same 1891-95 ; Amer- ican Philosophical Society, Councilor in the same, Vice-Prest. same 1899; Prest. Biological Association; Prest. Board of Charities, State of Pa., 1899 ; Manager Library Co. of Phila. ; Sec. Wistar Institute Anatomy and Biology (Phila.). Author of a Geology, a work on Penology. Published a number of papers in periodicals. Brigadier General Volunteers U. S. Army 1862- 65 ; Lispector Eastern Penitentiary of Pa. m. July 9, 1862, Sarah Toland. Address, 17th and Spruce Sts., and 269 Broad St. Station, Phila., Pa. fWood, William Eldriclge. b. Phila., Pa., Aug., 1827; d. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 17, 1898. s. James Wood and Deborah M. Eldridge. Entered 1840 and left 1842. Stove Manufacturer and Dealer, m. (i) June 14, 1877, Mary Elizabeth Riggs ; (2) June 17, 1896, Amelia R. Macgill. fWright, Beiijamiu H. b. near Phila., Pa., 1820 ; d. Indianapolis, Ind.,June 11, 1896. s. Benjamin Wright and Hannah Milhous. Entered 1842 from Colerain, O., and left during the Junior year, 1843, having pur- sued a partial course, m. Mt. Pleasant, O., Sarah Ann Stroud. 1845. fCrensliaw, Edmund Austin. (PhG., Phila. Coll. of Pharm.) b. Richmond, Va., Feb. 4. 1827 ; d. Phila., Pa., Feb. 19, 1894. s. Nathaniel Chapman Crenshaw and Mary S. Couch. Entered Senior Class 1844. Graduated at Phila. Coll. of Pharm. about 1849. Wholesale Druggist, m. Jan. 8, 1852, Mary C. Robinson. tPearsall, Robert. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 25, 1827; d. Phila., Pa., Jan. 5, 1849. s. Robert Pearsall and Ann Shoemaker. Entered 1841. Non-Graduates. fAdams, Samuel F. b. Newburgh, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1823; d. , 1846. s. Nathaniel Adams and , Entered 1841 and left 1842. 1845] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 33 fBrown, Stephen, b. Peekskill, N. Y.Jan., 1827 ; d. Peek-skill, N. Y., Jan., 1890. s. James Brown and Lydia Underhill. Entered 1842 and left 1843 (?) Leather Merchant, m. Feb., 1852, Matilda Southard. Giimmere, Henry Day. b. Burlington, N. J., Nov. 21, 183 1. s. John Gummere (Pro- fessor of Mathematics 1833-43, Superintendent 1834-38) and Elizabeth Buzby. Entered Introductory Depart. 1841 and left 1843. Accountant. Address, Burlington, N. J. fHandy, Cliarles. b. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 17, 1827; d. Phila., Pa., Nov. 30, 1858. s. William Winder Handy, M.D., and Elizabeth Tyson. Entered 1841 and left 1844. Commission Iron Merchant in Phila., Pa. m. Apl. 2, 1856, Margaret Justice Jenks. fLradd, William Henry. b. Smithfield, O., Mch. 12, 1823 ; d. Haverford, Pa., May 31, 1890. s. Benjamin W. Ladd (Manager 1830-35) and Elizabeth Wood. Entered Sophomore Class 1842 and left at close of the Junior year. Teacher Friends' Boarding School, Mt. Pleasant, O., winter of 1842-43 ; Stock Raiser of fine Horses and Sheep in Ohio to 1865; Provision and Wool Dealer; Prest. Ohio State Board of Agriculture, 1856; Delegate to Convention at Pittsburg, Pa., in 1856, at which Republican party was formed. Sent by President Lincoln to take charge of " Contrabands " at Port Royal. Minister of the Society of Friends, m. Aug. 24, 1848, Caroline E. Coffin. fMartin, James, Jr. b. Phila., Pa., July 4, 1826 ; d. Burlington, N. J., Aug. 20, 1866. s. James Martin and Mary Willis. Entered 1841 and left 1843. Master Mechanic; Civil Engineer; 2d Lieut. Pa. Artillery, 1863; honorably discharged on account of ill-health July, 1865. m. April 28, 1852, Mary Jenks Yardley. fPerot, Sansom. b. Phila., Pa., 1826; d. Phila., Pa., Oct. 17, 1899. s. Wil- liam Sansom Perot and Letitia Poultney. Entered Introductory Depart. 1840 and left 1841. m. Sarah Siter. Starbuck, Charles Casey. (A.B., Oberlin, 1849; A.M., 1852.) b. Boston, Mass., Dec. 4, 1827. s. Charles Ca.sey Starbuck and Lydia Alexander Staples. Entered Introductory Depart. 1 841 and left at close of year. Studied at Oberlin College 1845-49. Taught in Oberlin College and in Oberlin, Union, and 3 34 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [ 1 846 Andover Theological Seminaries ; Alumnus of Union ; Mission- ary in Jamaica 1855-61, 1806-71. Co-editor of Lange's Bible- work (English). Author of many reviews and newspaper articles, m. Nov. 29, 1872, Harriette Augusta Pratt, Address, Andover, Mass., and Cambridge, Mass. Tyson, James Wood. b. Baltimore, Md., July i6, 1828. s. Isaac Tyson and Han- nah Ann Wood. Entered 1841 and left 1843. Miner and Manufacturer. m. (i) Phila., Pa., Jan i, 185 1, Elizabeth W. Dawson ; (2) Richmond, Va., Dec. 29, 1890, Elizabeth K. How- ard. Address, 301 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. 1846. Non-Graduates. Brown, David Sands, Jr. b. Phila., Pa., . s. John Brown and . Entered Intro- ductory Depart. 1841 and left 1842. Manufacturer, m. Catha- rine P. Stewardson. Address, 69th and Haverford Sts., Phila., Pa. tBrown, Tlionias S. b. Phila., Pa., June 1 1, 1828 ; d. . s. Jeremiah Brown and P^lizabeth Stewardson. Entered Introductory Depart. 1837 and left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the Institution. tCoale, Isaac, Jr. b. Baltimore, Md., Apl. 10, 1827; d. Baltimore Co., Md., Dec. 31, 1873. s. William Ellis Coale and Hannah EUicott Carey. I^ntered 1841 and left 1842. Merchant, Baltimore, Md. m. (i) Baltimore, Md., Apl. 30, 1851, Mary Gable ; (2) Balti- more, Md., Oct. 22, 1868, Helen McDowell. Hartshorne, Charles. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1847 ; A.M., 1850.) b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 2, 1829. s. Joseph Hartshorne, M.D., and Anna Bonsall. Entered Sophomore Class 1843 and left 1845 on account of the temporary closing of the Institution. Studied Univ. of Pa. 1845-47. Manager Haverford College 1871 to date ; Prest. Alumni Assoc. 1871-72; Trustee Bryn Mawr College; Vice-Prest. Lehigh Valley R.R. Co., Atg. Prest. ; Prest. 1880- 82; Vice-Prest. (resigned Jan. i, 1899); Vice-Prest. of other railroad companies. Member Academy Natural Sciences, Phila., Pa. ; Franklin Institute ; Historical Soc. of Pa. m. June 8, 1859, Caroline Cope Yarnall. Address, Merion Station, Pa. fHunt, Ambrose. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 15, 1827; d. Phila., Pa., Feb. 24, 1880. s. Uriah Hunt and Elizabeth Shreve. Entered 1842 and left 1846] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 35 184.5 O" account of temporary closing of the Institution. Book- seller and Publisher, Morris, Samuel. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 7, 1827. s. Samuel Buckley Morris and Hannah Perot. Entered 1842 and left 1845 on account of the temporary closing of the Institution. Farmer. Minister of So- ciety of Friends, m. Gwynedd, Pa., Feb. 17, 1853, Lydia Spencer. Address, Olney, Phila., Pa. fMiirray, John. b. New York City, Dec. 25, 1827; d. California, . s. Lindley Murray and . Entered 1842 and left 1845 on ac- count of the temporary closing of the Institution. Author of a work on Elocution, etc. Nicholson, William Hopkins. b. near Haddonfield, N. J., Sept. 30, 1827. s. Samuel Nichol- son and Rebecca M. Hopkins. Entered Junior Class 1844; left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the Institution. Glass Manufacturer ; Farmer. Member of Historical Society of New Jersey ; Amer. Acad, of Political and Social Science ; Civil Service Reform Association. Member of National Committee Prohi- bition party, m. May 2, 1855, Sarah Whitall. Address, Had- donfield, N. J., and 1828 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Underhill, Kohert. b. New York City Aug 4, 1829. s. George Underhill and Sally Ann Waring. Entered Sophomore Class 1843 and left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the Institution. Dry Goods Merchant ; Ship Builder ; Banker and Broker in Wall St., New York City, 1858-95. Member New York Yacht Club ; Atlantic Yacht Club ; Metropolitan Museum of Art ; Brest. Skaneateles Yacht Club. m. June 21, 1859, Charlotte Ann Haight. Address, 7 Wall St., New York City. t Valentine, Jacob Downing;. b. Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 4, 1823 ; d. Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 16, 1896. s. George Valentine and Mary Downing. Entered 1843 and left 1845 O" account of the temporary closing of the Institu- tion. Iron Manufacturer ; P^armer. One of the Penna. Emer- gency men 1862-63. rn- Dec. 15, 1868, Deborah Elizabeth Downing. Valentine, Robert. b. Bellefonte, Pa., May 24, 1827. s. Bond Valentine and Lydia Fairlamb. Entered 1843 and left 1845. Merchant; Iron Manu- 36 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1847 facturer, Bellefonte, Pa. Enlisted 3 Months Volunteers 1861. Honorably discharged, m. (i) Phila., Pa., Sept. 24, 1856, Mary Yarnall ; (2) Phila., Pa., 1861, Mary A. Natt. Address, 6 W. Read St., Baltimore, Md., and Bellefonte, Pa. tWillets, Jeremiah, Jr. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 6, 1829; d. Phila., Pa., Dec. 13, 1870. s. Jeremiah Willets and Sarah B. Smith. Entered 1842 and left 1844. Lumber Merchant; Farmer; Real Estate Agent, m. Oct. 20, 1853, Henrietta Ridgway Woodward. twines, Gilbert H. b. June 29, 1827. d. . s. John Wines and . En- tered 1842 arid left the same year. tWood, Richard. b. Phila., Pa., May 3, 1828 ; d. as the result of a railroad ac- cident near Frederick, Md., June 10, 1848. s. Horatio Curtis Wood and Elizabeth H. Bacon. Entered 1841 and pursued a partial course. Left 1845. fWood, Joseph. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 13, 1825 ; d. Phila., Pa., May 25, 1892. s. James Wood and Deborah M. Eldridge. Entered 1841 and left 1842. Dealer in Woolens 1847-61 ; Steam Heating Ap- paratus, etc., 1861-92. m. Apl. 10, 1856, Deborah A. Risley. 1847. Non-Graduates. tBrowii, Joseph Johnson. (A.B., 1851, Univ. of Pa.; A.M., 1854.) b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 6, 1832; d. Phila., Aug. 13, 1868. s. David Sands Brown and Elizabeth Jones Johnson. Entered In- troductory Depart. 1842 and left at close of Sophomore year. Entered Sophomore Class, Univ. of Pa., 1848. Merchant. fBrown, Moses, Jr. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 15, 1829; d. May 23, 1883. s. Moses Brown and Mary Wistar. Entered Introductory Depart. 1842 and left 1845 ori account of temporary closing of the Institution. Mer- chant, m. 1856, Mary Wain Wistar. tCrew, Benjamin Jolmson. b. Richmond, Va., Dec. 8, 1828; d. Atco, N. J., Nov. 5, 1885. s. James Crew and Elizabeth Maule. Entered 1844 and left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the Institution. 1847] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 37 Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1845 (Junior Class). Manufacturing Chemist, 1876 ; Secretary of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 1876-1885. Author of "Petroleum," "Our Jewels and the Work of Resetting Them ;" article on " Aniline Colors " in Appendix of an edition of "Encyclopaedia Britannica." m. Dec. 2, 1856, Anna Bartram Richards. t Hacker, Charles. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 30, 1829; d. Leicester, Mass., Aug. 29, 1893. s. Isaiah Hacker (Manager 1846-60; Treas. 1844-45, 1 846-60) and Anna Hazen Brown. Entered 1843 and left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the Institution, m, (i) May 25, 1853, Jane Johnson ; (2) July 12, 1888, Sarah Earle. fMorgan, William Burroiiglis. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 26, 1830; d. Phila., Pa., Feb., 1855. s. Joseph R. Morgan and Mary . Entered 1842 and left 1844. Peniiock, Abraliani Liddoii. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 3, 1827. s. Abraham and Elizabeth Pennock, Entered 1843 ^"d left 1845, owing to the temporary closing of the Institution. Worked in Woolen Mills, Paschall- ville. Pa., and Woonsocket, R. I. ; Lumber and Coal Merchant, and Miller (Flour), Holmesburg, Pa. ; Nurseryman and Florist, m. (i) Woonsocket, R. I., Oct. 3, 1850, Abby Jane Aldrich ; (2) June 5, 1867, Anna N. Cadwallader. Address, Lansdowne, Pa, Perkins, Lindley Murray. b. Flushing, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1829. s. Benjamin Douglas Perkins and Mary Shotwell, Entered 1842 and left 1845 on account of temporary closing of Institution, Farmer, Address, Baxter Springs, Kansas, tShinii, Samuel Earl. (Ph, G,, 1850, Phila. College of Phar- macy.) b. Phila., Pa., Jan. i, 1830; d. Feb. 3, 1855. (Drowned in the Schuylkill River while skating.) s. Earl Shinn and Sarah Comfort. Entered 1844 and left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the Institution. Student at Phila. College of Phar- macy 1850. Author of Essay on "Glycerine," published in "American Journal of Pharmacy." tShotwell, Augustus Fox. b. New York City, 1829 ; d. at sea 1864. s. Joseph S. Shot- well and Deborah Fox. Entered Sophomore Class 1844 and left on account of temporary closing of the Institution. Student Univ. of the City of New York. Lawyer. 38 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1848 fSliotwell, Joseph Fox. b. New York City, Jan. 31, 1827 ; d. Westbury, Long Island, N. Y., June 21, 1869. s. Joseph S. Shotwell and Deborah Fox. Entered Sophomore Class 1 844 and left at the end of the year. Farmer, m. Sept. 22, 1847, Amie Titus. fStewiirdsoii, John. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 23, 1830; d. June 29, 1856. s. George Stewardson and Rachel Smith. Entered Introductory Depart. 1 84 1, left 1845 ^t temporary closing of Institution. Stewardson, Thomas. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1847.) b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 13, 1829. s. George Stewardson and Rachel Smith. Entered 1841 and left 1845 on account of tem- porary closing of the Institution. Entered Junior Class Univ. of Pa. 1845. Lawyer; member of Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila.; Franklin Institute ; Historical Society of Pa. m. Mar- garet Haines. Address, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Wrig'ht, John Howard. b. Flushing, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1828. s. John D. Wright and Mary Byrds. Entered Introductory Depart. 1842 and left at close of Freshman year, 1844. Banker, Retired, m. Jan. 4, 1849, Sarah Jane Walton. Address, No. 2 Wall St., New York City. fYarnall, Francis Cope. b. Phila., Pa., May 4, 1830 ; d. Lower Merion, Pa., June 26, 1S90. s. Edward Yarnall (Manager 1834-60) and Caroline Cope. Entered 1842 and left 1845 o^ account of the temporary closing of the Institution. Merchant. Vice-Prest. Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., Prest. m. June 5, 1855, Mary Coale, of Baltimore, Md. 1848. Non-Graduates. fBarrow, Henry Haydock, Jr. b. New York City, Feb. 28, 1829 ; d. Chappaqua, N. Y., . s. Henry Haydock Barrow and Eleanor Prior. Entered 1844, and left 1845 o" account of temporary closing of Institution, m. Mary Jenkins. fBeesley, Theophilus. b. Salem, N. J., Feb. 3, 1830 ; d. Millville, N. J., Feb. 2, 1848. s. Theophilus Beesley, M.D. (Manager 1850-66), and Hannah Wistar. Entered 1845 ^'"^d left on account of temporary closing of the Institution. 1848] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 39 fllacker, Morris. b. Sept. 10, 1831 ; d. Mch. 19, 1872. s. Jeremiah Hacker (Manager 1849-57) and Beulah Morris. Entered 1844 and left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the Institution. Coal and Iron Merchant, m. (i) Mch. 31, 1858, Letitia Poultney Perot; (2) Sept. 10, 1862, Isabel Wetherill. fHavilaiid, Edward Eiiimet. b. Augusta, Ga., July 22, 1830; d. San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 9, 1852. s. Robert Barclay Haviland and Lucy Comstock. Entered 1844 ^"^ left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the Institution. China Merchant. fHilles, John Smith. b. Wilmington, Del., Mch. 4, 1830; d. Phila., Pa., Aug. 19, 1876. s. Samuel Hilles (Superintendent 1833— 34) and Margaret Hill Smith. Entered 1844 and left 1845 on account of tempo- rary closing of the Institution. Brick Manufacturer, Wilmington, Del.; General Freight Agent Phila. & Reading R. R., Phila., Pa. ; Shipping business, m. May 7, 1862, Sarah Cooper Tatum. Morris, Elliston Perot. b. Phila., Pa., May 22, 1831. s. Samuel Buckley Morris and Hannah Perot. Entered 1844 and left 1845 on account of the temporary closing of the Institution. Manager of Haverford College 1884-91, Secretary of the Corporation 1886-91. Trus- tee of Estates, etc. m. Wilmington, Del., Mar. 21, 1861, Martha Canby. Address, 5442 Germantown Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. fPaiicoast, Charles Howard. b. May 11, 1830 ; d. Aug. 30, 1861. s. Dr. Joseph Pancoast and Rebecca Abbott. Entered 1844 and left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the Institution, m. Sept. 28, 1857, Sarah E. Smith. fPrice, Joseph M. Paul. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 9, 1829 ; d. Bangor, Me., Sept. 20, 1894. s. Thomas Callander Price and Sarah A. Paul. Entered 1844 and left 1845 ^^ account of the temporary closing of the Insti- tution, m. 1856, Emily M. Robeson. tRedniond, Charles Philip. b. New York, 1833 ; d. . s. James M. Redmond and Ann B. . Entered from Trenton, N. J., 1844 and left 1845 on account of the temporary closing of the Institution. 40 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [l849 Wooil, George Bacon. b. Phila., Pa., Jan, 6, 1832. s. Horatio Curtis Wood and P^lizabeth H. Bacon. Entered 1844 and left 1845 on account of the temporary closing of the Institution. Artist, m. Nov. 21, 1 86 1, Julia Reeve, Address, Mt. Airy, Germantown, Phila,, Pa. 1849. Smiley, Albert K. A.B,, A,M., 1859. b. Vassalboro', Me., Mch. 17, 1828. s. Daniel Smiley and Phebe Rowland. Entered Senior Class 1848. Instructor Hav- erford 1848-53. Principal Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro', Me. Teacher and Prin. Friends' School, Providence, R, I,, i860 -74. Trustee Bryn Mawr College. Member Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Joint Proprietor Lake Mohonk Hotel and Grounds 1870 to date. m. July 8, 1857, Eliza P, Cornell. Address, Mohonk Lake, Ulster Co., N. Y., and Redlands, Cal. Smiley, Alfred Homaiis. A.B., A.M., 1863. b. Vassalboro', Me., Mch. 17, 1828. s. Daniel Smiley and Phebe Howland. Entered Senior Class 1848. Tutor at Hav- erford 1849-50; Instructor 1850-53. Teacher School loth and Arch Sts., Phila., Pa., from 1853-55; Farmer, Oskaloosa, la., 1855-60; Teacher Friends' School, Providence, R. I,, 1860-75; Joint Proprietor Hotel, Lake Mohonk; Proprietor Hotel and grounds Lake Minnev/aska, N. Y., from 1879 to date, m. July 12, 1854, Rachel Mott Swan. Address, Minnevvaska, Ulster Co., N. Y., and Redlands, Cal. Non-Graduates. fBirdsall, Natliaii Dunn. b. Septondale, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1825 (or '27) ; d. Erie, Pa., Aug. I, 1867. s. Gideon M. Birdsall and Palmyra Osborn. Entered Introductory Depart. 1844 ; left 1845. Hardware Merchant. fBirdsall, Zeplianiah. b. Septondale, N. Y., May 17, 1823 (or '25); d. Septondale, N. Y., 1849, o^ cholera, s. Gideon M. Birdsall and Palmyra Osborn. Entered Introductory Depart. 1844; left 1845. Farmer and Teacher. Haviland, Charles Field. b. North Castle, Westchester Co., N. Y., Aug. i, 1832. s. Robert Barclay Haviland and Lucy Comstock. Entered Intro- ductory Depart. 1844 and left 1845 on account of temporary closine: of the Institution. Decorator of French Porcelain at Limoges, France 1858 to 1868; Manufacturer of Porcelain at Limoges and Vierzon, France 1868 to 188 1. m. at Limoges, 1850] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 4l France, Nov. 16, 1858, Marie Louise Mallevergue. Address, Chateau de Masmarvent par St. Victurnien Haute-Vienne, France (near Limoges). fHiizard, Kowland. (A.B., Brown Univ., 1849; A.M. 1852; Hon., LL.D.) b. Newport, R. L, Aug. 16, 1829 ; d. Peace Dale, R. L, Aug. 16, 1898. s. Rowland Gibson Hazard and Caroline Newbold (of Bristol, Pa.). Entered 1845 and left same year on account of the temporary closing of the Institution. Entered Brown Univ., Providence, R. L, Fall of 1845. Woolen Manufacturer, Peace Dale, R. L ; Miner of Lead, Wisconsin, 1870; Introduced the " Solway Ammonia Process," at Syracuse, N. Y., 1881. Prest. Brown Alumni Asso. ; Member Phi Beta Kappa Asso., Prest. of do. 18 — ; Moderator of Town of South Kingston, R. I., 1865 —68 ; Representative Rhode Island Legislature 1863-64 ; Senator do. 1867-68 and 1868-69; Prest. Washington Co. Agricultural Soc, R. I., 1875 ; Member Amer. Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; Trustee Brown University 1875-89; Fellow of same 1889-90, etc. ; Published Annual Address on Econ- omics, etc., before Wash. Co. Agricul. Soc. ; Address on the Laying of the Corner-Stone of Rhode Island State House, 1896, etc. m. Mch. 29, 1854, Margaret Anna Rood (of Phila., Pa.). Price, Stephen Siiniiioiis. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 28, 1830. s. Joseph Price and Elizabeth Gillingham Simmons. Entered 1844 and left 1845 on account of the temporary closing of the Institution. Dry Goods Mer- chant. Retired in 1881. m. Jan. 8, 1857, Margaret Simmons Price. Address, Lindley, Station 36, Phila., Pa. t Walker, Robert. b. New York, Jan. 26, 1832 ; d. . s. Robert T. Walker and . Entered Introductory Depart. 1844 and left 1845 on account of temporary closing of the Institution. fWalker, Tlionias. b. New York, July 6, 1828 ; d. . s. Robert J. Walker and . Entered 1844 Introductory Depart, and left on ac- count of the temporary closing of the Institution 1845. 1850. Non-Graduates, fCatlbiiry, Williain Warder. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 13, 1832; d. Phila., Pa., Oct. 28, 1859. s. Joel Cadbury (Manager 1849-57) and Caroline Warder. En- 42 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [185I tered Introductory Depart. 1844 and left 1845 on account of the temporary closing of the Institution; re-entered 1848 and left 1849. Hardware Merchant. fHowlaiitl, Georg-e Henry. b. New Bedford, Mass., June 3, 1833 ; d. June 24, 1861. s. George Rowland, Jr., and Sylvia G. Allen. Entered Introduc- tory Depart. 1844 and left 1845 o^i account of the temporary closing of the Institution. Nicholson, Coleman Lindzey. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 25, 1832. s. Lindzey Nicholson and Abigail Passmore. Entered Junior Class 1848 ; left at close of Junior year. Lumber Merchant ; Secretary and Treasurer of Chesa- peake & Delaware Canal Co. ; Overseer William Penn Charter School, m. Sept. 22, 1869, Mary Paul Robeson. Address, Haverford, Pa. 1851. Bailej', Joseph Lnkens. b. Westtown, Pa., May 26, 1834. s. Joseph Bailey and Martha Lukens. Entered Junior Class 1849. Farmer ; Iron Manufac- turer ; School Director, m. (i) Mch. 31, 1863, Anna Scatter- good; d. Mch. 27, 1872; (2) Oct. 15, 1885, Anna H. Warring- ton ; d. July 8, 1888. Address, Pine Iron Works, Pa. Garrett, Philip C, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. i, 1834. s. Thomas C. Garrett and Fran- ces Biddle. Entered Junior Class 1849. Brest. Alumni Associa- tion 1876-77 ; Orator 1880: Subject, " Haverford' s Influence;" Manager 1862 to date; Secretary of the Haverford Corporation 1864-75. Editor of " History of Haverford College 1832-92." P/Ianufacturer (Retired in 1877). Chairman of State (Pa.) Lunacy Commission ; Prest. of Board of State Charities ; Mem- ber of U. S. Board of Indian Commissioners ; Chairman of the " Committee of One Hundred," Phila. (1880); Member of Amer, Philosophical Soc. ; Historical Soc. of Pa. ; Amer Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, etc.; Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899; Prest. Board of Trustees Bryn Mawr College. Author of num- erous reports of various organizations, etc. m. May 18, 1865, Elizabeth W. Cope. Address, Logan, Phila, Pa. fLevick, Thomas J. b. Phila., Pa., 1833 ; d. 1893. s. Robert R. Levick and Han- nah Jefferson. Entered 1848. Wholesale Boot and Shoe Mer- chant, m. Jan. 29, 1868, Mary Anna Jenkins. 185 1] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 43 Paige, Franklin Enoch. A.B., A.M., 1857. b. Weare, N. H., Mch. 6, 1829; s. Daniel Paige and Mary Gove. Entered Sophomore Class 1848. Vice-Prest. of Logan- ian ; Sec. of the same. Alumni Orator 1862. Assistant in Math- ematics and Natural Philosophy Haverford 1851-53. Teacher; Merchant ; Civil Engineer ; Stationer and Printer ; Farmer, m. Apl. 27, 1898, Amy Agnes Moore. Address, 12 17 Filbert St., Phila., Pa., and Brandy wine Summit, Pa. Test, Zacclieu.s, A.B., A.M. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1855; Hon., A.M., Franklin and Marshall, 1861.) b. Dunlapsville, Union Co., Ind., Sept. 13, 1828. s. Samuel Test, Jr., and Hannah Jones. Entered Junior Class 1849. Alumni Orator 1863. Subject, "Quakerism: its Substance and its Form." Studied at Theological Seminary, Mercersburg, Pa., 1861 ; also at Andover, Mass., 1863 ; and two Semesters at Tubingen, Germany, 1874—75. Physician in Richmond, Ind.; Teacher of Eatin and Greek, Earlham School, afterwards Earl- ham College ; Teacher Latin and Greek Rowland School, Union Springs, N. Y., 1866—78 ; Supervisor of German in city schools, Richmond, Ind., 1879 to date. Asst. Pastor St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Ind. m. (i) Aug., 1857, P^lizabeth M. Pray; (2) Sarah Anthony. Address, 120 S. 14th St., Richmond, Ind. fThomas, James Carey, A.B., A.M., 1877. (M.D., Univ. of Md., 1854.) b. Baltimore, Md., July 13, 1833 ; d. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 9, 1897. s. Richard Henry Thomas, M.D. (Manager 1850-59) and Martha Carey. Entered Sophomore Class 1848. Vice-Prest. Loganian ; editor of Collegian. Studied Medicine Univ. of Md. 1851-54. Alumni Orator 1864; Prest. 1867 ; Manager of Hav- erford College 1860—97; Trustee of Johns Hopkins University 1870-97, and Chairman of Executive Committee for a number of years ; Member of Medical Board of Johns Hopkins Hos- pital ; Original Trustee of Bryn Mawr College ; Prest. of Md. Clinical Soc. ; twice Vice-Prest. Md. Medical and Chirurgical Soc; one of the founders of Balto. Children's Aid Soc; Director of Industrial School for Girls ; Prest. Y. M. C. A. 1877-84, then Vice-Prest.; Prest. Thos. Wilson Fuel Saving Soc; Trustee of Thos. Wilson Sanitarium for Children ; Vice-Prest. Charity Or- ganization Soc; Prest. Baltimore Manual Labor School ; Man- ager of Soc for the Suppression of Vice ; Member of Municipal Commission on Free Baths. Recorded a Minister of the Society of Friends 1866 ; Clerk of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends 1885-97. Author of contributions to the Medical press and 44 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1S5I also to the Religious press. Physician, m. Oct. 31, 1855, Mary Whitall, of Phila., Pa. Wood, Richard, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 25, 1833. s. Richard Davis Wood and Julianna Randolph. Entered 1848. Alumni Orator 186 1. Man- ager 1869 to date. Trustee Univer. of Pa. 1873 to date ; Mem- ber Amer. Philosophical Soc. Merchant. Address, 400 Chest- nut St., Phila., Pa. NoN- Graduates. Atwater, Joseph Hoag-. b. Orleans Co., N. Y., Feb. 27, 1825. s. Mead Atwater and Huldah Hoag. Entered 1849 and left 1850. Assistant Teacher at Haverford, 1849-50; Teacher; Clerk; Lumber Dealer ; Agent ; Inventor of Atwater Newspaper File, etc. Recorded Minister of Society of Friends, ni. (i) Feb. 2, 1852, Ehzabeth Anthony Harkness, d. 1882; (2) Oct., 1886, Ellen M. Babcock, of Providence, R. I. Address, Anthony, R. I. fClapp, John, Jr., b. New York City, Sept. 11, 1831 ; d. Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 30, 1885. s. John Clapp and Phebe Hicks. Entered 1848 and left 1850. Merchant, m. Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 2, 1873, Susan Loyd. Ely, Richard Elias. b. New Hope, Pa., July 5, 1833. s. Elias Ely and Sarah M. Wilson. Entered Sophomore Class 1848 and left 1850. Farmer, m. Sept. 2, 1858, Carohne A. Newbold. Address, New Hope, Pa. tPaxsoii, Samuel. b. , N. J., Sept. 2, 1830 ; d. . s. Henry Paxson (?) and Caroline . Entered 1848 and left 1849 (?). fPrice, Richard, Jr. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 20, 1832; d. Mch. 8, 1868. s. Thomas Callander Price and Sarah A. Paul. Entered Sophomore Class 1848 and left 1849. Lumber Merchant. m. 1857, Anna Dunbar. fTaber, Abraham. b. New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 3, 1832 ; d. New Bedford, Mass., Nov, 29, 1898. s. William Congdon Taber and Hannah Tucker Shearman. Entered Sophomore Class 1848; left 1850. Book- seller. Art Publisher. Farmer, m. May 24, 1854, Mary Jane Howland. 1852] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 45 1852. fClark, Dougaii, A.B. (A.B., Univ. of N. C. ; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1861.) b. Randolph Co., N. C, May 17, 1828 ; d. Richmond, Ind., Oct. 10, 1896. s. Dougan Clark and Asenath Hunt. Entered Sophomore Class 1849. Vice-Prest. Loganian. Asst. Teacher Haverford, 1850-53 ; Studied Medicine Univ. of Pa. 1858-61. Member of Faculty of Indiana Medical College ; Wayne Co. (Ind.) Medical Soc. ; Teacher ; Professor of Latin and Greek ; Professor of Materia Medica ; Physician ; Professor of Biblical Instruction Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. Minister in the Society of Friends. Author of " Offices of the Holy Spirit ;" " Instructions to Christian Converts;" " Holy Ghost Dispensa- tion;" " Theology of Holiness ;" also of numerous short articles on religious subjects, m. Apl. 21, 1852, Sarah Jordan Bates. Hopkins, Lewis IVeill. b. Anne Arundel Co., Md., June 27, 1834. s. Joseph Janney Hopkins and Elizabeth Schofield. Entered Sophomore Class 1849. Merchant; ten years Collector of Taxes City of Balti- more, Md. Sec. of Board of Trustees Johns Hopkins Univ. 1876 to date. m. (i) Josephine Hoge ; (2) Lucy Tomlin Bras- ton. Address, Baltimore, Md. tKiiismaii, William Low. b. Salem, Mass., Mch. 10, 1836; d. Salem, Mass., Oct. 5, 1899. s. Nathaniel Kinsman and Rebecca Chase. Entered 1848. Clerk; Insurance agent, m. Oct. 19, 1870, Sarah Au- gusta Nichols. Newliall, William Estes. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 13, 1834. s. Paul Wing Newhall and Hannah Johnson. Entered 1849. Clerk; Manufacturer of Cotton Goods; Manufacturer of Iron. m. Oct. 8, 1857, Philena M. Peterson. Address, Germantown, Phila., Pa. tWhitall, James. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 3, 1834; d. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Feb. 28, 1896. s. John Mickle Whitall (Manager 1849-69) and MaryTatum. Entered Junior Class 1850. Frequent and liberal contributor to the funds of the College. Manager 1857-96; Chairman of the Executive Committee ; Secretary of the Board of Managers \'^6y-'jj. Trustee Bryn Mawr College. Overseer William Penn Charter School ; Glass Manufacturer, m. Phila., Pa., Nov. 26, 1856, Mary Wistar Cope. 46 haverford college [1852 Non-Graduates. fBrinton, Ge<»rg:e. b. Thornbury, Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 9, 1830; d. Thornbury, Pa., July 7, 1883. s. Caleb Brinton and Martha Levis Strode. Entered 1848 and left 1849. Farmer, m. Oct. 23, 1852, Christiana Brinton. fBrinton, Thomas Hill. b. ChaddsFord, Pa., July 25, 1835 ; d. Chadds Ford, Pa., Aug. 30, 1896. s. George Brinton and Mary Raple. Entered 1848 and left 1849 (?) Farmer, m. Dec. 2, 1858, Mary S. Jones. fBrooke, Natlian. b. Radnor, Pa., Jan. 21, 1832 ; d. Media, Pa., May 13, 1885. s. Hugh Jones Brooke and Jemima Elizabeth Longmire. En- tered 1849 and left 1850. Brest. Commercial Exchange, Phila., 1870. Dry-goods Merchant; Grain Merchant, m. Phila., Pa., Feb. 3, 1858, Anna Elizabeth Thomas. fCIiase, George Howland. b. Salem., Mass., Apl. 15, 1834; d. Union Springs, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1868. s. William Henry Chase and Elizabeth How- land. Entered 1848 and left 1850 (?). Farmer, m. May 31, 1862, Mary F. Adams. tCope, Samuel Barnes. b. Phila., Pa., 1834; d. . s. Charles S. Cope and Re- becca Barnes. Entered 1848 and left 1849. tHacker, Arthur. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 15, 1834; d. Phila., Pa., Apl. i, 1858. s. Isaiah Hacker (Manager 1846-60; Treas. 1844, 1845, 1846-60) and Ann Hazen Brown. Entered 1848 and left 1851. fHerendeen, Edward Welcome. b. P"armington, N. Y., July 21, 1831 ; d. Geneva, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1897. s. Gideon Herendeen and Bersheba Willits. Entered Junior Class 1850 and left at the close of the year. Nurseryman 1856-74; Manufacturer of Agricultural Implements (Thomas Harrow Co.) 1874-86; Steam and Hot- Water Heating, etc., Herendeen Manufacturing Co., Geneva, N. Y., 1886-97 (Brest, of same), m. Dec. 10, 1856, Anna Hallett Nickerson. Hull, Joseph Janney. (M.D., Univ. of City of N. Y., 1858.) b. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 19, 1834. s. Robert Hull and Han- nah Ann Janney. Entered 1848 and left at close of the Fresh- man year. Studied Medicine Medical School of Univ. of City of New York. Merchant ; Physician. Actg. Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. in Utah i860, m. Dec. 9, 1862, Mary Delafield Du- Bois. Address, 64 W. 35th St., New York City. 1852] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 4/ IHuliiie, John L. b. Mt. Holly, N. J., 183 1 ; d. . s. James S. Hulme and . Entered 1849 and left 1850. fLadd, Benjamin. b. Smithfield, Jefferson Co., O., Aug. 24, 1830; d. Sunset, Boulder Co., Col., Jan. 11, 1890. s. Benjamin W. Ladd (Man- ager 1830-35) and Elizabeth Wood. Entered 1849 ^""^ ^^^ 1850. Farmer and Wool grower in Ohio and Illinois until i860; removed to Iowa; Pork-packer; removed to Colorado 1880. Miner, m. Nov. 25, 1857, Maria L. Judkins. fParry, EdAvard Kandolph. b. New Hope, Bucks Co., Pa., July 27, 1832 ; d. New Hope, Pa., Apl. 13, 1874. s. Oliver Parry and Rachel Randolph. Entered 1848 ; left 1849. Secretary of Loganian. U. S. Army May, 1 86 1. Entered army ist Lt. nth U. S. Infantry and served through war; 1864 made Capt. of the nth ; afterwards transferred to 20th ; on reorganization of the army promoted a Major for gallant services. Fought along line of Weldon R. R. and before Petersburg, Va., commanding his regiment in sev- eral actions. In 1865 was Asst. Adj. Gen. of the regular brigade Army of the Potomac, serving upon Staff of Gen. Winthrop. In 1868 commanded Forts Phillips and Jackson, at mouth of Mississippi, and Fort Ripley, Minn., in 1869. Resigned on account of ill-health, 1871. m. Dec. 17, 1863, Frances E. Dimick. Keeve, William Cooper. b. Salem Co., N. J., 1832. s, William Foster Reeve and Mary Wills Cooper. Entered 1850 and left 185 1 (?) m. Mary Mason Acton. Address, Salem, N. J. fRoberts, George Wilson. (A.B., Yale, 1857.) b. E. Goshen, Pa., Oct. 2, 1833 ; d. Dec. 31, 1862. s. Pratt Roberts and Ann Wilson. Entered Feb. 1849 and left same year. Entered Soph. Class Yale College 1854. Lawyer West Chester, Pa., and Chicago. Maj. 42d 111. Vols. 1861 ; Lieut. Col. ; Col. ; Brig. Gen. ; at Island No. 10 ; Fort Pillow; Nash- ville; killed in leading a charge near Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862. Stokes, Francis. b. Phil a., Pa., June 15, 1833. s. John Stokes and Hannah Gilpin Smith. Entered 1848 and left 1850. Manager of Hav- erford College 1885 to date. Vice-Prest. Alumni; Member Historical Society of Penna. Dry Goods Merchant ; Lumber Merchant 1858 to 1886. m. Mch. 23, 1865, Katharine Wistar Evans. Address, Locust Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. 48 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1853 fWeaver, Tliomas. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. lo, 1835. d. Phila., Pa., Oct. 6, 1870. s. Elijah Weaver and Ann Griffin. Entered 1849 and left 1S50 or 1851. fWi.star, Caspar. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 18, 1833 ; d. Supposed to have been lost at sea 1854 or 55. s. Caspar Wistar, M.D., and Lydia Jones. Entered Sophomore Class 1849 ^^^ ^^^^ 1850. Druggist. 1853. Morgan, William Butler, A.B., AM. 1857. (C.E., Univ. of Mich., 1863.) b. Near Raysville, Ind., Dec. 2, 1830. s. Charles Morgan and Michal Butler. Entered Sophomore Class 1850. Teacher of Classics, Westtown Boarding School, 1853-55; Professor of Latin and Greek, Earlham College, 1855-60 ; Professor of Math- ematics, 1860-62 ; Graduate Student Ann Arbor, Univ. of Mich., 1862-63 ; Professor Mathematics, Earlham College, 1863 -64; Instructor in Engineering, Univ. of Mich., 1864-65 ; Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Earlham College, 1865-68; Teacher in Spiceland Academy, Spiceland, Ind. ; Teacher in Indianapolis High School, 1872-74; Professor of Mathematics and Engi- neering, Purdue Univ., Ind., 1874-75 ; Governor and Professor of Chemistry, Earlham College, 1875-76; Professor of Math- ematics, Penn College, Iowa, 1876-82, and Prest. two years; Professor of Mathematics, Earlham College, 1883-98. Published Journal Franklin Institute, 1864, "The Macrograph." m. Oct. 10, 1855, Sarah Henley. Address, Lowell, Kansas. fPancoast, Williain Henry, A.B. Honorary A.M. 1876. (M.D., Jefterson Medical College, Phila., Pa., 1856.) b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 16, 1834 ; d. Phila., Pa., Jan. 5, 1897. s. Joseph Pancoast, M.D., and Rebecca Abbott. Entered 1849. Student Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa., 1853-56. Studied in London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. Physician. Demonstrator of Anatomy Jefferson Medical College, 1862-74; Adjunctor Professor Anatomy and Lecturer ; Professor of Descriptive, General and Surgical Anatomy, 1874-86; First Prest. Medico- Cliirurgical College of Phila. ; Surgeon-in-Chief U. S. Hospital, Sixth and Master Sts. during Civil War ; Consulting Surgeon Charity Hospital ; Senior Surgeon Phila. Hospital ; Delegate to International Medical Congress, 1876; Membre Correspondant Societe Clinique de Paris ; Member of American Philosophical 1853] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 49 Society; Academy Natural Sciences, Phila., etc. ; Prest. Phila. Co. Medical Society ; Prest, Red Cross Society in Penna. m. (i) Nov. 13, 1873, Mary Anna Gertrude Lewis; (2) Charlotte Matilda Robb. Non-Graduates. fBrinton, Charles. b. Thornbury, Chester Co., Pa., May i, 1836 ; d. Media, Pa., Apl. 6, 1882. s. Caleb Brinton and Martha Levis Strode. Entered 1849 ^^^ left 185 1. Farmer, m. Julia Speakman. tCoale, Thomas Ellicott. b. Baltimore, Md., Mch. 31, 1833 ; d. Baltimore, Md., 1897. s. William Ellis Coale and Hannah Ellicott Carey. Entered 1848 and left 1849. Merchant; Director Commercial Agency, m. Jan. 18, 1855, Cecelia Harvey. Corbit, John Cowgill, b. Cartsvvell's Bridge, Del., 1834. s. Daniel Corbit and Eliza Naudain. Entered 1849 ^"^ left 185 1. m. Emily Peterson. Address, Odessa, Del. fCorbit, William Francis. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 16, 1834; d. Phila., Pa., 1885. s. Henry C. Corbit and Sarah Bolton. Entered 1849 ^"^ left 1850. Journalist ; connected with the Associated Press in Phila., Pa. fDilworth, William T. b. Solebury, Bucks Co., Pa., July 30, 1833 ; d. June 22, 1858. s. Joseph Dilworth and Mary Paxson. Entered 1849 and left 1850. Gifford, Charles Henry. b. New Bedford, Mass., July 18, 1833. s. William Gifford and Rhoda Tucker. Entered 1849 and left 1850. Member State Board of Gas and Electric Light Commission (office in Boston), m. Sept. 15, 1858, Elizabeth Peckham Cummings. Address, 271 County St., New Bedford, Mass. fGrill, William Hopkins. b. Haddonfield, N. J., Aug. 5, 1831 ; d. Phila., Pa., Dec. 20, 1872. s. John Gill and Sarah Hopkins. Entered 1848 and left 1849. ni- J'-ily 6, 1848, Phebe Shreve. fHaworth, James Mahlon. b. Wilmington, O., Nov. 19, 183 1 ; d. Albuquerque, New Mex., Mch. 12, 1885. s. George D. Haworth and Edith Had- ley. Entered 1850 and left 1852, having pursued a partial course. Studied at Earlham School, Richmond, Ind., 1848-50. Farmer; Merchant; R.R. ticket agent; Treas. Clinton Co., O. ; 4 50 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1853 Captain 40th Reg. Ohio U. S. Vols. 1861-63 ; Supt. Kiowa In- dian Agency, 1873-77; Special Indian Agent-at-large 1879- 80 ; Indian Inspector 1880—82 ; Inspector of Indian Schools 1882- 83 ; Superintendent of Indian Schools 1883-85. fHoag, Nicholas W. b. Washington (now Millbrook), N. Y., 1853 ; d. . s. of John Hoag and . Entered 1851 and left 1852. Ilowlaiid, Andrew Moore. b. New Bedford, Mass., Nov. i, 1834. s. Edward W. How- land and Minerva Ellison. Entered 1848 and left 185 1. Wool Merchant ; Trustee for the Children of Shalam. m. June 25, 1893, Frances Vandewater. Address, Dona Ana, New Mexico. tHowlaiid, Beiijaniiii. (A. B., Union Colleaie, Schenectady, N. Y.) b. Sherwood, N. Y., Mch. 25, 1832 ; d. Catskill, N. Y., Apl. 26, 1882, as the result of an accident. Entered 1849 and left at close of the Sophomore year (?). Studied at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. Woolen Manufacturer ; Sec. and Treas. Harris Mfg. Co., Catskill, N. Y. m. Jan. 27, 1858, Louisa Powell. jllun, John. b. Baltimore, Md., 1839 ;d. Canada, Dec, 1864. s. Rob- ert Hull and Hannah Ann Janney. Entered 1849 and left 1850. Studied at the Univ. of Virginia 1859-60. In Confed- erate Army 1861-64; First Lieut. 5th Va. Cavalry, Gen. Fitz Hugh Lee's Div., Army Northern Va. t Jones, Thomas Woodward. b, Birmingham, Pa., May 27, 1834; d. Phila., Pa., Nov. 19, 1877. s. Brinton Jones and Mary Woodward. Entered 1849 and left 185 1. Farmer, Pennsbury, Pa. m. Martha C. Ogborn. Levis, Franklin B. (A.B., Princeton, 1853.) b. Mt. Holly, N. J., July 28, 1834. s. Samuel F. Levis and Sarah B. Hulme. Entered 1849 ^^^ ^^^^ 185 1. Student at Princeton. Counsellor at Law, m. Mt. Holly, N. J., Oct. 14, 1857, Rebecca B. Coppuck. Address, Mt. Holly, N. J. fMatthews, Richard J. b. Baltimore Co., Md., July 6, 1834; d. Baltimore Co., Md., Apl. 8, 1885. s. Thomas R. Matthews and Harriet Jones. En- tered Introductory Dept. 1848 and left 1850 or 185 1. Farmer and dairyman, m. May 20, 1862, Sallie H. Scott. fPancoast, George Ahbott. b. Phila., Pa., July 22, 1832 ; d. Oct. i, 1859. s. Dr. Joseph Pancoast and Rebecca Abbott. Entered 1849 and left 1850. 1853] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 5 1 fPerkiiis, Benjamin Douglas. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Apl. 2, 1832 ; d. Aug. 3, 1888. s. Ben- jamin Douglas Perkins and Mary Shotwell, Entered Introduc- tory Depart. 1848 and left 1849. Scull, Jacol) Ridgway. b. Phila., Pa., June 26, 1835. s. Gideon Scull and Lydia Ann Rowan. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1848 and left 185 1. Iron Worker and Machinist. Private in " Three Months " Vols., 1861 ; enlisted for three years, Aug., 1861 ; Lieut, and then Capt. 72d Regt. Pa. Vols. ; honorably discharged, 1864. m. May 3, 1865, Margaret Clevenstine. Address, Haddonfield, N.J. tStadelman, Jacob Latch. b. Lower Merion, Montgomery Co., Pa., Mch. 19, 1834; d. Bala, Pa., Dec. 21, 1899. s. Jacob Stadelman and Hannah Higgins Latch. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1848 and left 1849. Dealer in Lumber and Coal. Mustered into U. S. Vols., Aug. 5, 1861, at Harrisburg, Pa., as Captain B Co., ist Regt. Pa. Re- serve Cavalry. Honorably discharged in Virginia, Mch. 28, 1862. m. Aug. 29, 1 86 1, Henriette Rachel Leech. Stokes, Wistar H. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 11, 1833. s. Levi B. Stokes and . Entered 1850 and left 185 1 (?) Address, y8 Herman St., Ger- mantown, Phila., Pa. Tatuni, Charles. b. Deptford, N. J., Nov. 9, 1834. s. Josiah Tatum and Rachel Offley. Entered 1849 and left 1850 (?) m. Chicago, III., Dec. 16, 1856, Josephine Porter. Address, 4748 Vincennes Ave., Chicago, 111. tTillinghast, Joseph. b. New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 5, 1834 ; d. New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 24, 1889. s. Joseph S. Tillinghast and Ann Taber. En- tered 1849; l^ft 185 I (?) Fire Insurance Agent. Justice of the Peace. Commissioner to qualify City Common Council, m. (i) Amelia A. Odiorne, Framingham, Mass. ; (2) Maria A. Chapman, New Bedford, Mass. fTroth, John Trimble. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 31, 1833 ; d. near Burlington, N. J., Oct. 20, i860, s. Samuel Fothergill Troth and Mary Trimble. En- tered 185 1; left 185 1. 'Editor oi The Collegian. Farmer. School Director, Burlington, N. J. m. Oct. 30, 1856, Elizabeth Taylor Lippincott. 52 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1S54 fTyson, Isaac. b. Baltimore, Md., , 1833 ; d. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 19, 1873. s. Isaac Tyson and Hannah Ann Wood. Entered Pre- paratory Depart. 1848 and left 1851. Clerk, m. Oct. 4, 1854, Fannie Thornton. fTyson, John Snowclen. b. near Baltimore City, Md., May 22, 1837; d. (drowned in Gunpowder River, Md.) July 26, 1890. s. Judge John Shoe- maker Tyson and Rachel Snowden. Entered 1849 ^^^ ^^^ 1 85 1. Lawyer. Member of Maryland Legislature 1864. m. Feb. 2, 1865, Mary Roberts. tUntlerliill, Edmund B. b. Clinton Corners, N. Y., 1833 ; d. . s. Alfred M. Un- derbill and Lydia P. Howes. Entered 185 1 and left 1852. tUnderhill, Robert F. b. , 1830 or 1831 ; d. Indianapolis, Ind., 1863. s. Rob- ert R. Underbill, of Indianapolis, Ind., and Sarah Wood. En- tered 1850 and left 185 1 (?) Machinist and Foundryman. fUpdegraff, David Brainard. b. Mt. Plea.sant, O., Aug. 23, 1830; d. Mt. Pleasant, O., May 23, 1894. s. David Updegraff and Rebecca Taylor Updegraff. Entered 1851 and left 1852. Farmer; editor o{ Frioids' Expos- itor ; Minister in Society of Friends ; author of " Old Corn ; or, Sermons on the Baptism with the Holy Spirit." m. (i) Sept. 23, 1852, Rebecca B. Price; (2) Sept. 4, 1866, Eliza J. C. Mitchell. 1854. t Arthur, Frederick, Jr. b. Nantucket, Mass., Aug. 20, 1834 ; d. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 21, 1 89 1, s. Frederick Arthur and . Entered Freshman Class 1850. Farmer until i860; Wholesale Furniture business ; Manager Wholesale Glass house, m. Lena Talmage. Cadbury, John Warder. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 29, 1836. s. Joel Cadbur)^ (Manager 1849-57) and Caroline Warder. Entered Introductory Depart. 1849. Vice-Prest. Loganian. Manufacturer of Plumbers' Sup- plies, m. Oct. 5, 1 87 1, Rebecca Warner. Address, Locust Ave., German town, Phila., Pa. Garrett, John Biddle, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 30, 1836. s. Thomas C. Garrett and Frances Biddle. Entered Sophomore Class 185 i. Secretary of 1854] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 53 Alumni Association 1859-63 ; Prest. of same 1879, 1880; ora- tor Semi-Centennial meeting 1883; member Phi Beta Kappa 1898; Manager Haverford College 1872 to date; President /r^ tern, of the College during absence of President Sharpless in Europe 1890-91 ; Trustee Bryn Mawr College; Overseer Wm. Penn Charter School 1868-81. Commissioner to locate Osage Indians, appointed by President Johnson. Member American Academy Political Science ; American Statistical Assoc. ; His- torical Soc. of Pa. Manufacturer and Merchant 1854-74; in various Railroad and Trust Corporations 1874 to date. Prest. Girard Trust Co., Phila., Pa., 18 18 — . At present Vice-Prest. Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. m. Sept. 6, 1866, Hannah Rhoads Haines. Address, Rosemont, Pa. Scull, David, A.B. b. Sculltown, Salem Co., N. J., Jan. 17, 1836. s. David Scull and Lydia Lippincott. P^ntered Introductory Depart. 1849. Prest. of Loganian; Sec. Alumni, 1857, '58; Prest., 1874-75; Manager 1865 to date ; Trustee Bryn Mawr College ; connected with various charitable institutions ; frequent contributor to Friends' Reviezv ; author several pamphlets ; " Salvation in a Twofold Aspect," Phila., 1897. Drafted in 1864; about to be sent to the front, but paroled by E. M. Stanton, Sec. of War ; Wool Merchant until 1891 ; Retired, m. Feb. 28, 1861, Han- nah Ellicott Coale, Address, Overbrook, Pa. Non-Graduates. Allen, Gideon, Jr. (A.B., Harvard, 1858.) b. New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 27, 1837. s. Gideon Allen and Betsy Nye. Entered Freshman Class 1850 and left 1852. Stu- dent Harvard College. Treas. Morse Twist Drill and Mach. Co., New Bedford, Mass. m. Oct. 16, i860, Horatia Anna How- land. Address, New Bedford, Mass. tCliase, William Henry, Jr. b. Salem, Mass., Jan. 21, 1838; d. Bath, N. Y.. Mch. 19, 1892. s. William Henry Chase and Elizabeth Howland. En- tered 1850; left 1852. Enlisted in N. Y. Vols. Feb. 20, 1861, as Sergeant Co. K, 19th N. Y. Infantry; discharged June 19, 1862; re-enlisted Feb. 20, 1864, as Sergeant Co. K, 3d N. Y. Artillery; discharged June 19, 1865. Farmer, m. Nov., i860, Margaret F. Clapp. Crew, Peter Joel. b. Richmond, Va., July 29, 1832. s, Cornelius Crew and Mary Ann Hall. Entered 1850 and pursued a partial course ; 54 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1854 left 1852 ; student at Richmond College one year. Manufac- turer Soap and Candles, Richmond, Va. m. (i) Mch. 23, 1854, Virginia Bovven ; (2) Nov. i, 1864, Maria Louisa Rodes. Address, 113 17th St. and 2712 East Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Deacon, James Wool man. b. Birmingham Mills, near Mount Holly, N. J., June 2, 1834. s. Thomas Eayre Deacon and Elizabeth Woolman. Entered Junior year 1851 and left during Senior year on account of ill- health. Editor of The Collegian ; Miller and Manufacturer Bir- mingham, N. J., 1853—70 ; Manufacturer of Varnishes, Phila., Pa. ; Manufacturer of Phosphorus, Centreton, N. J. ; Sec. Kentucky Coal Exchange ; Sec. of Mining Companies in Georgia, m. (i) Feb. 10, 1858, Anna M. Hilyard ; (2) Dec. i, 1870, Sarah Shreve Newbold. Address, 309 Garden St., Mount Holly, N. J. ; lock box 702. Fox, Samuel Lewis. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 26, 1834. s. Joseph Fox, C. E., and Edith Hibber. Entered 1850 and left at end of Freshman year, 185 I. Member Historical Soc. of Pa., Phila. Academy of Nat- ural Sciences, Franklin Institute ; Optician and Manufacturer of Scientific Instruments, m. Oct. 8, 1861, Harriet Brown. Address, loio Chestnut St., Phila., and Haverford, Pa. fHacker, William. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 2, 1832 ; d. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Mch. II, 1898. s. Jeremiah Hacker (Manager 1849-57) and Beulah Morris. Entered 1848 and left 1850. Dealer in Agricultural Implements and Seeds ; Nurseryman ; Auditor Coal and Canal Co. P. R.R. ; Member Phila. Agricultural Soc, Pa. Horticul- tural Soc, Phila. Zoological Soc, Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila. m. Dec. 16, 1858, Hannah J. Wistar. fHill, Thomas Clarkson. b. Randolph Co., N. C, Mch. 13, 1831 ; d. Western Springs, 111., Nov. 9, 1897. s. Samuel Hill and Mary Branson. En- tered 1850 and left close of Sophomore year. Merchant, Car- thage, Ind. ; Real P^state and Insurance, Chicago, 111. ; Justice of the Peace ; School Director and Trustee, m. Apl. 15, 1857, Adaline Amanda Butler. fHowland, Cornelius. b. New Bedford, Mass., Apl. 7, 1835 ; d. Smyrna, Asia Minor, Dec. 6, 1893. s. Cornelius Howland (sea captain) and Harriet Converse. Entered 1850 and left 185 1. Merchant; 1854] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 55 Capt. 23d Mass. (nine months) Vols. 1861 ; Burnside Expedi- tion, Roanoke Island, m. Sept. 15, 1857, Katherine N. Gibbs, fLadd, Thomas Wood. b. Smithfield, O., Dec. 4, 1832 ; d. Ottumwa, Iowa, Dec. 12, 1882, s. Benjamin W, Ladd and Elizabeth Wood. En- tered 1852 and left 1853. Meat and Provision Com. Merchant, Cincinnati, O., afterward New York City ; Member of New York Produce Exchange; Minister Society of Friends, m. Aug. i6, 1854, Hannah Peckham Gifford. fParry, Israel Ilallowell. b. Phila., Pa., (?) 1835 ; d. Apl. 23, 1877. s. Samuel Parry and Martha R. Hallowell. Entered 1850 and left 185 1 (?) Parry, Kichard Kaiidolph. b. New Hope, Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 5, 1835. s. Oliver Parry and Rachel Randolph. Entered 1850 and left 185 1. Banker at Mankato, Minn., 1856-61 ; Dry Goods Com. Merchant, New York and Phila., 1866-73. Retired 1873. Life Member Hist. Soc. Penna. since 1855 ; Member Bucks Co. Hist. Soc, Penna. Soc. Sons of the Revolution, Companion Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Pennsylvania Com- mandery ; Prest. New Hope-Delaware Bridge Co. ; author of many historical sketches contributed to the newspapers ; to " Hotchkiss' York Road, Old and New," to "Johnston's Cam- paign of 1776, including Battle of Long Island" (Long Island Hist. Soc, 1878), etc., etc. m. Oct. 11, 1866, Ellen L. Read, of Portland, Me. Address, New Hope, Bucks Co., Pa. Richmond, Alexander A. b. New Bedford, Mass., July 11, 1836. s. Joshua Rich- mond and Hannah H. Hussey. Entered 1850; left 1851. Clerk and Treasurer, m. Oct. 13, 1868, Emma Frost. Ad- dress, Peekskill, N. Y. fRichmond, James Henry Crocker. b. New Bedford, Mass., Mch. 7, 1835; d. New Bedford, Mass., Apl. 18, 1877. s. Joshua Richmond and Hannah PI. Hussey. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1849 and left 1851 (?) Merchant in New Bedford, Mass. m. Hannah Katharine Courtis, tStabler, William Davis. (M.D.) b. Lynchburg, Va., June 7, 1835 ! d. May 7, 1874. s. Rob- inson Stabler and Maryannis Davis. Entered 185 1 and left 1852 (?) Studied Medicine. 56 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [l^SS fStreet, Lewis. b. Salem, O., Apl. 2, 1833; d. Aug. 15, 1892. s. Zadok Street and Sibyl Tatum. Entered 1850 and left 1851. Minister in the Society of Friends ; Missionary to Madagascar, m. Salem, Ohio, Feb. 24, 1859, Sarah T. Fawcett. tTatiini, John Cooper. b. Mantua Farm, near Woodbury, N. J. ; d. Woodbury, N. J., Mch. 25, 1895. s. Joseph Tatum and Ann Cooper. Entered 1850 and left 1852. Farmer; Secretary of the Gloucester Co. Sunday-School Association ; Trustee of Deptford Institute, Woodbury, N. J. ; Director of the First National Bank, Wood- bury, N. J. m. Josephine Cornog. fTaylor, Augustus. b. Taylorsville, Pa., Dec. 14, 1833 ; d. Swarthmore, Pa., Feb. 13, 1888. s. Mahlon K. Taylor and Elizabeth Hough. Entered 1850 and left 185 1. Merchant; Farmer; School Director; Private in "Anderson Cavalry," 1862—63 » honorably discharged on account of illness, fTaylor, Thomas Chalkley. b. Taylorsville, Pa,, Dec. 14, 1833 ; d. Phila., Pa., Jan. 31, 1883. s. Mahlon K. Taylor and Elizabeth Hough. Entered 1850 and left 185 i. Merchant, Troth, Samuel. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 16, 1835. s. Henry Troth and Henrietta Henri. Entered 1850 ; left 1852. Farmer; Merchant; Clerk; Justice of the Peace; 2d Lieut. Co. B., Regt. P. V. M., 1863 ; Member Historical Society of Pennsylvania. m. March 11, 1857, Anna Speakman. Address, 3606 Baring St., Phila., Pa. tWillets, John Titus. b. Westbury, Queens Co., N. Y., 1835 ; d. New York City, Jan. 22, 1879. s. Robert R. Willets and Lydia Titus. Entered 1850; left 185 1 (?) m. Nov, 2, 1858, Amelia Underbill. 1855. fBettle, Samuel, Jr. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 11, 1837 ; d. Phila., Pa., May 14, 1859. s. Samuel Bettle and Mary Ann Jones. Entered Sophomore Class 1852. Merchant. Hubbard, John Kussell, A.B., A.M. (1859.) b. New Garden, N. C, 1827. s. Joseph Hubbard and Achsa Coffin, Entered 185 1. Teacher 1855-61 (?) ; Farmer, m. (i) 1857, Susan F. Bates; (2) 1883, Minerva Allen. Address, Darlington, Ind. 1855] matriculate catalogue. 57 Non-Graduates. Baily, Thomas Chalkley James. b. Stanton Mills, Del, Oct. 6, 1836. s. Samuel Bally and Hannah James. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1850 and left 185 1. First Lieut. 17th U. S. Infantry, May 14, 1861 ; Capt. do. Dec, 1862; Major by Brevet, Aug., 1864; retired from active service on account of wounds and sickness, acquired in active service, Aug., 1865. m. Augusta, Me., Jan. 15, 1863, Caroline E. Ladd. Address, South Orange, N. J. fBrown, Joseph Howell. b. Phila., Pa., May 6, 1837; d. Valparaiso, South America, May 6, 1862. s. William Henry Brown and Laura Ann How- ell. Entered Sophomore Class 1852 and pursued a partial course, leaving in 1855. Lawyer. fCrew, John Henry. b. Richmond, Va., Apl. 27, 1835 ; d. Richmond, Va., Dec. 3, 1861. s. Cornelius Crew and Mary Ann Hall. Entered 1851 and pursued a partial course; left 1852. Manufacturer of To- bacco, Richmond, Va. m. Dec. 13, i860, Annie Elizabeth Lacey. tFerris, Lindley Murray, Jr. b. New York City, Apl. i, 1837 ; d. in Louisiana, Feb. 12, 1895. s. Lindley Murray Ferris and Caroline Murray Ferris. Entered 185 i and left 1853. Shipowner and Agent ; Sugar Re- finer, m. Martha Sands. Hallowell, Kichard Price. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 16, 1835. s. Morris Longstreth Hallowell and Hannah Smith Penrose. Entered Introductoiy Depart. 1849 and left 1853. Author of "The Quaker Invasion of Mass.," 4th edition, 1887; "Pioneer Quakers," 1887. Prominent Abo- litionist, coadjutor of Wendell Phillips and William Lloyd Gar- rison ; appointed Special Agent by Hon. Jno. A. Andrews, of Mass., to recruit for the negro regiment ; Treas. Free Religious Association ; Vice-Prest. New England Woman Suffrage Asso- ciation ; Wool Merchant, m. Oct. 26, 1859, Anna C. Davis. Address, 556 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. Hanson, Ezekiel Hunn. b. Phila., Pa. s. Joseph Berry Hanson and Gulielma Maria Hunn. Entered 1851 and left 1853. Lawyer. Address, Ste- phen Girard Building, Phila., Pa. 58 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1855 Ilibberd, Isaac H. b. Upper Darby, Pa., Apl. 8, 1833. s, Isaac Hibberd and Susan Fairlamb. Entered 185 1 and pursued a partial course, leaving 1853. Address, 310 Pine St., San Francisco, Cal. fHopkins, John J. b. Baltimore, Md., 1837; d. . s. Samuel Hopkins and Lavinia Jolliffe. Entered 1850 and left 1851. Merchant, m. Elizabeth Beard. t Jones, James Parnell. (A.B., Univ. of Mich., 1856 ; A.M., 1859.) b. South China, Me., May 21, 1835 ; d. Crystal Springs, near Washington, D. C, July 12, 1864, falling at the head of his Regiment in the successful repulse of Gen. Early, C. S. A. s. Eli Jones and Sibyl Jones. Entered 185 i and left at the close of the Junior year. Studied two years at Univ. of Mich. Teacher before entering the army ; Capt. Company B, 7th Maine Vols., Aug., 1861 ; Major of same, 1863, and generally in command of the Regiment. Was in all the leading battles of the Army of the Potomac, m. Oct. 15, 1857, Rebecca Maria Runnells. fMorris, Stephen. b. Phila., Pa., , 1835; d. Phila., Pa., , 1871. s. Henry Morris and Caroline Old. Entered Introductory Dept. 1848 and left at close of the Junior year. Iron Manufacturer. m. 1859, Rachel Dawson. fOsborne, William Peckham. b. Dover, N. H., July 23, 1834; d. Dover, N. H., July 3, 1858. s. William Osborne and Mary Peckham Rathbone. En- tered 1852 and left at the close of the year. Tea Merchant in Phila. and New York. Painter, John Vickers. b. West Chester, Pa., July 20, 1835. s. Samuel Marshall Painter and Ann Vickers. Entered 1850 and left 1853 at end of Sophomore year. Studied one year at Oberlin College and left during Senior year to be married. Railroading ; Banker ; Re- tired in 1873. m. (i) Oct. 31, 1855, Frances Barton; d. in 1858; (2) Jan. 17, 1 86 1, Lydia E. Farmer. Address, 704 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Reeve, Angustvis. b. Alloway, N. J., Aug. 31, 1833. s. William Foster Reeve and Mary Wills Cooper. Entered 1850 and left 1852. Iron Master ; Sewer-Pipe and Brick Manufacturer ; Member of City 1856] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 59 Council of Camden, N. J. ; President of the Cooper Hospital, Camden, N. J., 1893 to date. m. June 25, 1862, Rebecca Cooper Wood. Address, Camden, N. J. tRiddick, Joseph H. (M.D.,Univ.of Pa., .) b. Gates Co., N. C, , 183-; d. Baltimore, Md., 1865. s. Joseph Riddick and Elizabeth Briggs. Entered as partial stu- dent 1852 and left 1853 (?) Studied Medicine at Univ. of Pa. Surgeon in Confederate Army, tRiddick, Reuben Brig-g'S. (M.D., Univ. of PcX., .) b. Gates Co., N. C, Dec. 24, 183 1 ; d. June 22, 1867. s. Joseph Riddick and Elizabeth Briggs. Entered as partial stu- dent 1852 and left 1853. Studied Medicine at Univ. of Pa. Physician, m. Nov. 24, 1858, Martha Ann Reed. fRowell, John F. b. London, N. H. ; d. California, . s. and . Entered 185 1 and left 1853. Teacher Friends' School, Provi- dence, R. I. Stabler, Thomas S. b. Lynchburg, Va., Aug. 5, 1837. s. Robinson Stabler and Maryannis Davis. Entered 185 1 and left 1852 (?) Tobacco In- spector, m. Jane Owen Latham. Address, Brighton, Md. fTaylor, Joseph Petty. b. Fairfield, Me., 1831 ; d. . s. Isaiah Taylor and Mehetabel Petty. Entered 185 1 and left 1853. Thomas, William Richard. b. West Whiteland, Pa. s. Richard Molin Thomas and Eliza Miller. Entered 1848 and left 1850. m. Phila., Pa., Oct. 19, 1856, Susan S. Dewees. Address, East Downingtown, Pa. fWalton, Francis. b. Phila., Pa., July 14, 1835; d. Apl. 28, 1857. s. William Walton and Susannah Morris Hallowell. Entered Introductory Depart. 1848 and left at end of the Sophomore year, 1853. Clerk. 1856. Beesley, Bartholomew Wistar, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 3, 1838. s. Theophilus Beesley, M.D., and Hannah Wistar. Entered 1852. Manufacturer; Convey- ancer 1859 to date. Attended lectures on Conveyancing Univ. of Pa., 1858; Notary Pubhc ; Sec. and Treas. North wood 6o HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1856 Cemetery Co.; School Director 1 86 1-66. Overseer William Penn Charter School. Secretary of Alumni Assoc. 1864-65. m. Baltimore, Md., Oct. i, 1868, Margaret Cheston Coale. Ad- dress, 227 S. 6th St., Phila., Pa. Cadbury, Joel, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 31, 1838. s. Joel Cadbury (Manager 1849 -57) and Caroline Warder. Elntered 1852. Manager 1867-81. Manufacturer of Plumbers' Supplies ; Member of American Academy PoHt. and Social Science, m. Dec. i, 1869, Anna Kaighn Lowry. Address, 1502 Green St., Phila., Pa. Comfort, Jonathan Jones, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1858; Jefferson Med. Coll., Phila., Pa., 1859.) b. Fallsington, Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. g' 1830. s. Aaron Com- fort and Ann Woolston. Entered 1852. Assistant in Intro- ductory Depart. 1852-53 ; studied Medicine Univ. of Mich. 1856-58 ; also Jefferson Med. Coll., Phila., 1858-59; Physician; Surgeon U. S. Army 1862-65 ! practiced Medicine Haddonfield, N. J.; Secretary Haverford College 1887-89. At present con- nected with the Manufacture of Perfumes and Extracts, m. Medford, N. J., Oct. 12, 1865, Hannah J. Haines. Address, 55 Hough St., Cleveland, O. tWalton, James M., A.B. b. July 12, 1838 ; d. May 25, 1874. s. William Walton and Susannah Morris Hallowell. Entered Introductory Depart. 1848. Broker in New York. m. Nov. 28, 1867, Mary Forster Collins. Wood, Edward Randolph. A.B., A.M., 1859. b. Phila., Pa., June 21, 1840. s. Richard Davis Wood and Julianna Randolph. Entered 1852. Alumni Orator 1865 ; sub- ject, " George Fox." Iron Manufacturer, m. Mary H. Kneass. Address, 400 Chestnut St., and 245 S. 17th St., Phila., Pa. Non-Graduates. fCanby, Samnel. (C.E., Delaware College, Del.) b. Wilmington, Del., Aug. 5, 1837; d. Vancouver, Washing- ton, July 24, 1897. s. Edmund and Mary T. Canby. Entered Introductory Depart. 1850 and left 1852. Studied at Delaware College. Civil Engineer ; Sergeant 4th N. J. Infantry May- July, 1861 ; I st Lieut, and Adj. 2d Del. Infantry July-Nov., 1861; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Artillery Oct., 1861 ; 1st Lieut. Aug., 1862; resigned and honorably discharged July i, 1868 ; brevetted ist Lieut. U. S. A. Apl. 7, 1862, "for gallant and meritorious ser- 1856] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 6 1 vices in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. ;" Captain July 3, 1863, " for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa. ;" Major Mch. 13, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious ser- vices at the battle of Franklin, Tenn." Resumed his profession 1868. Asst. Engineer City of Wilmington, Del, 1873; Engi- neer B. & O. R.R., Phila. Div. ; R.R. Engineer South America 1883-84; do. Vera Cruz, Mexico; Park Engineer Wilmington, Del., 1890-93 ; Asst. Receiver Vancouver, Klikitat and Yakima R.r! 1894-97. m. Dec. 12, 1861, Rebecca Tilghman John- ston. Collins, Steplien Grellet, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 22, 1836. s. Isaac Collins and Rebecca Singer, of Phila. Entered 1853 ; pursued partial course and left 1854. Iron Manufacturer; Farmer; Seedsman; with Lehigh Valley R.R. Co., Auditor ; Treas. Pottsville Iron and Steel Co. ; Auditor S. Jersey R.R. Co. m. Oct. 15, 1862, Adelaide A. Knorr. Address, 420 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Cooper, John. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 23, 1837. s. John Cooper and Caroline Elizabeth Adams. Entered Preparatory Depart. 185 1 and left 1853. Studied at Georgetown College, D. C, 1854. Insurance, m. Mch. I, 1877, Nellie F. Alston. Address, 131 Tulpehocken St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Fieltl, W. Harrington. b. Phila., Pa., 1838. s. Benjamin Field and . Entered 1852 and left 1854. Hadley, Hiram. (Hon., A.M., Earlham Coll., 1886.) b. CHnton Co., O., Mch. 17, 1833. s. John Hadley and Ann Wildman. Entered Sophomore Class 1853 and left 1854. Teacher ; Prest. New Mexico College of Agriculture and Me- chanic Arts four years ; Acting Prest. Univ. of New Mexico three years ; Prof of History and Pedagogy, New Mexico Col- lege of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts ; author " Hadley's Les- sons in Language, Parts I. and II. ;" joint author " Lee and Hadley's English Grammar." m. Apl. 30, 1856, Hannah Ful- ghum. Address, Las Cruces, N. M. Hopkins, Gerard. b. South River, Md., Feb. 14, 1836. s. Joseph Janney Hop- kins and Elizabeth Scofield. Entered 1853 and left 1855. Farmer, m. at Sandy Spring, Md., Oct. 6, 1874, Emily R. Snowden. Address, Gloucester, Va. 62 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [l^S^ Hiinn, Towiiseiicl Sliarpless. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 2, 1837. s. Ezekiel Hunn and Lydia Jones Sharpless. Entered Preparatoiy Depart. 1850 and left 1853 (?) Merchant, Phila., Pa., and New York City. m. May 14, 1872, Julia de Murguiondo. Address, Plainfield, N. J. fHuiit, Ellwood. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 17, 1836; d. Dec. 31, 1869. s. Uriah Hunt and Elizabeth Shreve. Entered 1852 and left during the year. fjanney, Johns Hopkins. b. Baltimore, Md., July 14, 1836 ; d. Churchville, Md., Aug. 2, 1889. s. Richard Miller Janney and Sarah Hopkins. En- tered 1850 and left 185 1. Merchant; Farmer, m. Baltimore, Md., Caroline Symington. Lamb, Eli Mattliews. b. Gunpowder, Baltimore Co., Md., 1835. s. John Emerson Lamb and Esther Matthews. Entered Senior Class as partial student in 1855 and left 1856. Instructor Milton Academy, Philopolis, Baltimore Co., Md. ; Principal of Friends' Elementary and High School, Baltimore, Md., for thirty years ; Associate Principal of same ; in Naval Office, Baltimore Custom House, during Lincoln's Administration, m. 1861, Anna Williamson Corkran. Address, 1109 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. fLewis, Enoch Edward. b. West Chester, Pa., July i, 1838; d. Leadville, Colo., Nov. 10, 1879. s. Joseph Jackson Lewis and Mary Linton Miner. Entered Introductory Depart. 185 1 and left 1853. Studied Law ; in employ of Penna. R.R. ; Clerk in Mercantile house, Phila., Pa. ; entered U. S. Army as private 1861 ; ist Lieut, ist Cal. Reg.; Capt. in same; resigned 1863; appointed Lieut.-Col. 2 2d Penna. Reg., which he commanded at Petersburg, where he was severely wounded. Served after the Civil War as Paymaster in U. S. Navy. m. Apl., 1866, Emma L. Lafitte. Mellor, John Bancroft. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 9, 1836. s. Thomas Mellor and Martha Bancroft. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1850 and left 1854, at close of Sophomore year. Importer ; Retired. m. Nov. 5, 1863, Margaret Burns Larrabee, of Baltimore, Md. Address, 460 Marshall St., Phila., Pa. Price, William Ballinger. b. Smithfield, Jefferson Co., O., Feb. 27, 1836. s. William Price and Edith Ballinger. Entered Sophomore Class on partial 1856] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 63 course, 1853 ; left 1855 at close of Junior Year. Editor of The Collegian, m. May 28, 1859, at Sandy Spring, O., Ellen Farmer. Merchant ; Banker ; Secretary ; Treasurer ; General Manager Railroad. Secretary and Treasurer of " Street Rail- way Association of New Jersey." Address, 404 Mt. Prospect Ave., Newark, N. J. Street, George. b. Salem, O., Dec. 22, 1834. s. Zadok Street and Sibyl Tatum. Entered 1854 and left 1855. Merchant, m. Esther Homer. Address, Salem, O. tStreet, Ogdeii. b. Salem, O., Oct. 18, 1838; d. . s. Samuel Street and Sarah Butler. Entered 1854 and left 1855. Machinist, m. Margaret McElroy of Phila., Pa. Taber, William Congdon, Jr. b. New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 3, 1837. s. William Congdon Taber and Hannah Tucker Shearman. Entered 1852 ; left at the close of the Junior year, 1855. Bookseller; Manufacturer of Pictures and Frames ; Treasurer of Whitman Mills (Plain and Fancy Cotton Yarns) ; Member of Common Council of New Bedford, Mass.; Member of Home and Coast Guard, 1863-65. m. June 27, i860, Sarah A. Wood. Address, New Bedford, Mass. Thomas, George Briiitoii. (A.B., Yale, 1857 ; M.A., 1860.) b. West Chester, Pa., July 5, 1836. s. Isaac Thomas, M.D., and Mary Hendricker Brinton. Entered Introductory Depart. 1848; left 1852. Entered Yale 1853. Nurseryman; Captain 2d Reg. Pa. Militia, Sept., 1862; Private 29th Pa. Volunteers, 1863, and I92d, 1864. m. (i) Sept. 17, 1866, Helen Biddle ; (2) Jan. 4, 1883, Linda Hastings. Address, West Chester, Pa. fThomas, Lewiii Wetliered. b. Baltimore, Md., Mch. 6, 1837; d. Dec. 8, 1877. s. Wil- liam George Thomas and Mary Lewin Wethered. Entered In- troductory Depart. 185 1 and left 1852. Thoriie, Barton F. b. Crosswicks, N. J., 1833. s. Edward Thorne and . Entered 1853 ^^'^^ pursued partial course, and left 1854. Mem- ber N. J. Senate 1874-77, Farmer, m. Duer. Address, Crosswicks, N. J. fValentine, Bond. b. Bellefonte, Pa., Mch. 22, 1834; d. Apl. 19, 1889. s. Abram Sharpless Valentine and Clarissa Miles. Entered 1848 and pur- 64 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1857 sued a partial course; left 185 1. Farmer; Insurance, m. Oct. 18, 1865, Martha Kenney. Valentine, George. b. Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 5, 1834. s. George Valentine and Mary Sandwith Downing. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1848 and pursued a partial course ; left in 1855. Iron Manufacturer, m. Nov. 22, 1865, Emily T. Jacobs. Address, Ruxton, Md. fWalton, Isaac 31. b. New York City, ; d. . s. Isaac Walton and . Entered Introductory Depart. 185 i and left 1852. tWistar, William Wilberforce. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 23, 1837; d. Phila.. Pa., May 13, 1866. s. Caspar Wistar and Lydia Jones. Entered 1853 and pursued a partial course; left 1855. m. Oct. 14, 1864, Anna Mary Alderson. 1857. Cheyney, Jesse Sliarpless. A.B.; A.M., 1860. b. Thornbury, Delaware Co., Pa., Mch. 4, 1837. s, Joseph Reed Cheyney and Edith Sharpless. Entered 1853. Won Loganian Prize 1856 for poem, " Haverford," published in Hav- erford Catalogue 1855-56. Member Franklin Institute, Phila., Pa. ; American Institute, New York, and of various Microscopical Societies; Teacher Introduct. Depart. Haverford, 1855 ; Teacher of Classics, Westtown, 1857-66; Principal F"riends' Select School for Boys, Phila., Pa., 1866-69; Optician and Manufacturer of Physical Apparatus 1870 to date. m. Oct. 21, 1858, Ellen R. Moore, of Haverford, Pa. Address, 649 N. 44th St., Phila., Pa. tMenclenhall, Cyrus, A.B. b. Wayne Co., Ind., Jan. 27, 1834; d. Plainfield, Ind., July 3, 1858. s. Elijah Mendenhall and Huldah Coffin. Entered 1853. Assistant in Preparatory Depart. 1855. Teacher in Farmers' Institute, Indiana, 1858. tWoocl, Stephen, A.B. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1837; d. Mt. Kisco, N. Y., June II, 1897. s. Henry Wood and Mary Jane Underhill. Entered Sophomore Class 1854. m. 1863, Anna H. Terry. Non-Graduates. fBradford, James Cresson. b. Columbia, Pa., Apl. 7, 1835 ; d. Phila., Pa., Feb. 28, 1882. s. Albert G. Bradford and Tacy Cresson. Entered Introductory 1857] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 65 Depart. 1852 and left 1853. Commission Merchant; Salesman Sugar Refinery, New York City. Entered Anderson Troop 1 86 1 and served one year. m. Phila., Pa., Oct. 6, 1859, Anne R. Holt. fBrooke, Francis Mark. b. Radnor Township, Del. Co., Pa., July 4, 1836; d. Phila., Pa., Dec. 29, 1898. s. Hugh Jones Brooke (member Pa. State Legislature many terms ; A. C. S., U. S. A., 1861-65, with rank of Captain) and Jemima Elizabeth Longmire, of Nottingham, England. Entered Introductory Depart. 1852 and left 1853 o" account of poor health. Studied in Law Depart. Univ. of Pa. 1857-58; admitted to the Bar 1859; Lawyer 1859-64; Dist. Attorney Del. Co., Pa., 1863-64; resigned and became Grain Merchant 1864 ; Private in Pa. Vols., Emergency Service, 1863 ; Prest. Valley Forge Commission 1893 ; Prest. Phila. Chamber of Commerce before and after 1878; Prest. or Director in fifteen Business or Charitable Organizations. fBrooke, Lewis Trimble. b. Radnor, Pa., Nov. 3, 1836 ; d. Phila., Pa., Nov. 10, 1892. s. Mark Brooke and Sarah Trimble. Entered Introductory Depart. 1852 and left at close of the Junior year, 1856, on ac- count of ill-health. Various occupations ; Real Estate Broker in Phila., Pa., 1877-92. m. Apl. 3, i860, Anne Bartram Carr Gale. tCope, Edgar. b. Woodbourne, Susquehanna Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1838; d. Overbrook, Pa., June 9, 1895. s. William D. Cope and Susan L. Newbold. Entered Sophomore Class as partial student 1854 and left 1857. m. June 11, 1874, Amy Ellis Yarnall. Crew, William Hall. b. Richmond, Va., Aug. 24, 1837. s. CorneHus Crew and Mary Ann Hall. Entered 1853 and pursued a partial course; left 1855. Clerk in Drug Store, Phila., Pa., 1855-57 ; Commission Merchant, Richmond, Va., 1857-61 ; served in Confederate Army during Civil War, Division Commissary Sergeant Gen. G. W. C. Lee's Division, 1864-65 ; Merchant, m. Sept. 28, i860, Irene H. Winston. Address, 217 East Main St., Richmond, Va. fDickinson, Edwin L. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 14, 1837; d. Apl. 20, 1878. s. John Dickinson and Mary Edmondson. Entered Introductory Depart. 1852 and left 1854 at close of Sophomore year. Went to Cali- fornia 1858 ; Minister M. E. Church ; retired on account of ill- health ; Clerk U. S. Treas. Depart. Washington, D. C. ; in Inter- nal Rev. Depart. Boston, Mass. 5 66 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1857 Farmmer, Eliliii Jerome. b. Salineville, O., F'eb. i8, 1836. s. James and Meribah Farmer. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1852, pursued a partial course, and left 1855. }?anker ; Journalist; Miner. Published " Resources of the Rocky Mountains," and several books on " Bi-metallism." m. Oct. 6, 1864, Lydia Hoyt. Address, 781 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. Hallowell, Norwood Penrose. (A.B., Harvard, 1861.) b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 13, 1839. s. Morris Longstreth Hallowell and Hannah Smith Penrose. t>ntered Introductory Depart. 185 1 and left 1853. Student Harvard Univ. 1857-61 ; Prest. "Institute of 1770 ;" Prest. Alpha Delta Phi ; Prest. Hasty Pudding Club ; Deputy Marshal Pariellium Club ; Librarian Hasty Pudding Club ; Class Orator 1861; Member of Archaeological Institute of Amer- ica ; Merchant New York City ; Wood Merchant Sioux City ; Wood Merchant Boston, Mass.; Jan. i, 1892, retired from wood business; Prest. National Bank of Commerce of Boston 1891 ; delivered an address on Memorial Day, May 30, 1896, at a meet- ing called by the Graduating Class of Harvard Univ. ; Apl. 25— June 10, 1 86 1, Private in 4th Battalion N. E. Guards stationed at Fort Independence, Boston Harbor; June 10, 1861, ist Lieut. 20th Regiment Mass. Vols. ; Nov. 26, 1861, Capt. 20th Regt. Mass. Vols.; Apl. 17, 1863, Lieut. Col. 54th Regt. Mass. Vols. ; May 30, 1863, Col. 55th Regt. Mass. Vols.; at Ball's Bluff, York- town, Fair Oaks, Savage's .Station, Glendale, Malvern Ilill, Chan- tilly, Antietam, etc. ; siege of Fort Wagner, S. C. m. Jan. 27, 1868, Sarah Wharton Haydock. Address, West Medford, Mass. fldtUiigs, James C. b. Phila., Pa., 1837; d. Cincinnati, O. s. James Iddings and Frances Martin. Entered 1853 and left at the close of the Sophomore year, 1855. Bookkeeper, m. (i) ; (2) . tLeeclom, John Moore. (Ph.G., College of Pharmacy, Phila,, Pa., 1856 ; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1859.) b. Phila., Pa., July 15, 1837; d. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Jan. 8, 1885. s. Benjamin Jones Leedomand Priscilla Ballinger. Entered Introductory Depart. 1852 and left 1853. Student Phila. College of Pharmacy ; Univ. of Pa., Medical Depart. ; Member of College of Physicians, Phila., Pa., and Charter Member of the Union League, Phila., Pa.; Member of Patho- logical Society, Phila., Pa.; Physician and Surgeon ; Surgeon at Germantown Hospital from 1861 to 1864. m. June 16, 1859, Virginia A. Reynolds. 1857] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 6/ fliOiigstretli, Samuel Townsend. b. Warminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Aug. 2, 1837 ; d. s. Daniel Longstreth and Hannah Townsend, Entered 1854 and left 1855. m. June 10, 1869, Jane Lukens Jones. tNewbold, Josei)li Trotter. b. Springfield, N. J., June 7, 1836 ; d. Springfield, N. J., Apl. 7, 1869. s. Cleayton Newbold and Susan H. Trotter. Entered Introductory Depart. 1852 and left 1853. Farmer, m. Phila., Pa., Oct. 10, 1866, Rachel G. Baker. fPilcher, Samuel F. b. Richmond, Va., 1838; d. . s. and Elizabeth Ann . Entered 1854 and pursued a partial course, leaving at close of the year. Sellers, Nathan. b. Millbourne, Delaware Co., Pa., July 18, 1836. s. John Sellers and Elizabeth Poole. Entered 1852 and left 1854, Merchant; Miller, m. Mary Keen, Address, Office Millbourne Mills, 26 S. 15th St., Phila., Pa. t Street, John W. b. Salem, O., Feb, 24, 1837; d. Chicago, 111., 1888. s. Zadok Street and Sibyl Tatum. P^ntered 1853 and left 1854. Lawyer, m. Mch. 25, 1858, Mary Jane Williams. Thomas, Evan. b. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 28, 1838, s. William George Thomas and Mary Lewin Wethered. Entered Introductory Dept. 185 1 and left 1853. Studied Law in Baltimore, Md. Removed to New York City. Merchant ; Manager of New York Produce Exchange ; Prest. New York Produce Exchange ; Presidential Elector (Democratic) 1892; Prest. Business Men's Democratic Assoc, etc. m. in New York City, Apl. 28, 1880, Zaydee A. Barker. Address, Produce Exchange, New York City, Tucker, Benjamin. b. New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 20, 1836. s. Charles Russell Tucker and Dorcas Fry. Entered Introductory Depart. 1852 and left 1853. Clerk in Bank and in Mercantile Business; Miner in Colorado; Farmer \%^y-'j'j \ Retired. Held in suc- cession all Town offices in Bethlehem, N. H. m. Sept. 4, 1876, Maria McKeage. Address, Bethlehem, N, H. Valentine, Abram Sharpless. b. Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 15, 1835. s. Abram Sharpless Valen- tine and Clarissa Miles. Entered Preparatory Depart, in 1849 68 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1858 and left 1855, having pursued a partial course. Iron Manufac- turer ; Private in 2d Regt. Pa. Vols., 1861 (Three Months' Vols.), m. July 12, 1864, Eliza Y. Natt, of Phila., Pa. Address, At- lantic City, N. J. fValentine, Saiiiuel Rlioads. b. Aug. 20, 1834; d. Phila., Pa., Aug. 20, 1855. s. Benjamin Eyre Valentine and Elizabeth Rhoads. Entered 1853 ^""^ ^^^ on account of ill-health, 1854. fValentine, William Thomas. b. Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 18, 1836; d. Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 26, 1862. s. Reuben Valentine and Sarah Drinker Downing. Entered Introductory Depart. 1848 and left 1855. Iron Manufacturer. Wood, William Cooper. b. Haddonfield, N. J., 1835. s. Isaac H. Wood and Elizabeth H. Cooper. Entered Introductory Depart. 185 i and left 1853. Farmer, m. (i) 1864, Rebecca Wills; (2) 1894, Laura Cooper. Address, Haddonfield, N. J. 1858. fBvirg'ess, Thomas Harvey, A.B. b. near Wilmington, O., July 17, 1833; d. Highlands, N. Y., Mch. 14, 1893. s. Jesse Burgess, M.D., and Elizabeth Harvey. Entered Sophomore Class 1855. Founder of the Everett So- ciety ; first President of the same; studied one year (1853) at Farmers' College near Cincinnati, O. ; Assisant in Introductory Depart. Haverford 1854-55; Teacher; Horticulturist; author of " The Loved and Lost," a poem in memory of Joseph G. Har- lan, Principal of Haverford College 1857, published in Friends' Review, etc. ; also of many other poems in the Collegian and the Bud ; frequent contributor to the local press wherever he resided, m. (i) Oct. 22, 1865, Mary G. Heaton ; (2) Oct. 14, 1885, Emilie E. Underbill. Clark, Thomas, A.B. b. Ashborough, N. C, Aug. 27, 1831. s. John Clark and Nancy Hussey. Entered Dec. 25, 1854. Teacher, 1858-60; Farmer and Stock Raiser ; President County Association of Farmers, m. June 26, 1861, Emily J. Griffin. Address, Rich- mond, Ind. fliunt, Daniel Williams, A.B. b. New Garden, N. C, Jan. 7, 1832 ; d. Oskaloosa, Iowa, Feb. 27, 1898. s. George Hunt and Dorcas Stanley. Taught six years Bloomingdale Academy, Bloomingdale, Ind. ; Mer- 1858] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 69 chant in Oskaloosa, la. ; Supt. and Engineer Gas Works and Electrical Engineer, Oskaloosa ; Sec. Board of Managers Penn College, m. Haverford, Pa., Mary R. Llewelyn. tSatterthwaite, Samuel T., A.B. b. Chesterfield, Burlington Co., N. J., Apl. 12, 1836; d. 1865. s. Joseph D. Satterthwaite and . Entered 1854. Principal Friends' Select School, Phila., Pa. Tyler, William Graham, A.B. b. Salem, N. J., Mch. 17, 1838. s. John Tyler and Dorothea Graham Hopkins. Entered Sophomore Class 1855. Member Historical Society of Pa. ; Academy of Natural Sciences ; Salem, N. J., Library; Farmer; Treasurer, m. June 24, 1868, Sallie Robinson Coombe. Address, 4420 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Wistar, Tliomas., A.B., A.M., 1861. (M.D., Univ. of Pa.) (Origin- ally known as Thomas Clarkson Wistar.) b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 23, 1837. s. Caspar Wistar, M.D., and Lydia Jones. Entered 1853. Studied Medicine Univ. of Pa. 1861-63. Tutor in Classics and History and Librarian Haver- ford College 1858-61 ; School Director; Contract Surgeon U. S. spring of 1865 ; Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons ; Academy of Natural Sciences ; Franklin Institute, Phila., Pa. ; Member " Fishing Co. of the State in Schuylkill." Published an Address on Dr. Paul Swift, numerous poems, and articles in various periodicals. Physician ; Medical Adviser and Examiner-in-Chief for the Provident Life and Trust Co., Phila., Pa. m. Phila., Pa., Oct. 15, 1898, Theodora P. Feltwell. Address, 409 Chestnut St., and 51 E. Penn St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Yarnall, Ellis Ilornor. A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1866.) b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 23, 1839. s. Charles Yarnall (Manager 1830—68 ; Secretary Board of Managers 1830-66) and Emma Cope. Entered 1853 ; lost one year on account of serious ill- ness ; re-entered and graduated with Class of 1858. Studied at Law School of Univ. of Pa. 1864-66 ; Member of Historical Soc. of Pa. ; of Phila. Geographical Soc. ; Clerk ; Lawyer, m. (i) 1880, Caroline Ridgway Rowland; (2) 1897, Emily Yar- nall. Address, 1004 5 Girard Building, and 3824 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Non-Graduates. fActon, Tliomas Wistar. b. Salem, N. J., Jan. 2, 1840; d. Salem, N. J., Feb. 20, 1873. s. Benjamin Acton and Jane Blackwood. Entered Introductory Depart. 1855 and left at the end of the Sophomore year, 1856. Clerk in Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. ; Clerk in U. S. Revenue Department, Salem, N. J. yO HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1858 Aldersoii, William Charles. b. Blackburn, England, Nov. 5, 1837. s. Harrison Alderson (Manager 1855-67) and Emma Botham. Entered 1854 and left 1855. Farmer; Merchant; since 1870 with Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. ; Treasurer of same. m. June i, 1870, Eleanor Tyson Yarnall. fBrooke, Alfred. b. Radnor Township, Del. Co., Pa., Mch. 2, 1840; d. Feb. 10, 1896. s. Jesse Brooke and Catherine Bootes. Entered 1854. Pursued partial course and left at close of Junior year, 1857. Coal and Lime Merchant; Miller, m. (i) Oct. 14, 1875, Jo- sephine Fell; (2) June 13, 1883, Sarah Neide. fCooper, Lehinaii Adams. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1864). b. Phila., Pa., Nov., 1839; d. Raton, New Mex., May 28, 1879. s. John Cooper and Caroline Elizabeth Adams. Entered Preparatory Class 1851 and left 1853. Student Georgetown College, D. C, 1854-56; Univ. of Pa. Medical School, 1864. Physician, m. Anna Kennedy, of Maryland. fCresson, James Clarence. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 19, 1835; d. Phila., Pa., June 6, 1881. s. James Cresson and Mary Jones Leedom. Entered Intro- ductory Depart. 1853 and left at close of the year 1854 (?) Iron Manufacturer ; Iron Merchant. Served a short time in the Militia during the Civil War. m. Feb. i, 1865, Ella Blow Drake. tCrowe, Samuel. b. , Ind., , 1830 ; d. . s. and . En- tered Introductory Depart, 1853 and left close of Sophomore year, 1856. fDawsoii, William Morrison. b, Phila., Pa., May 2, 1838 ; d. Lost at sea off Charleston, S. C, October 3, 1866. s. Mordecai L. Dawson (Manager 1838- 39) and Elizabeth Poultney. Entered Introductory Depart. 1852 and left 1855. fEyre, Joshua P., Jr. b. Chester, Pa., , 1835; d. Sept. 25, 1889. s. William Eyre and . Entered 1852 and left 1854. Fotherj^ill, Henry. b. Wilmington, Del. (?) 1837. s. and . Entered Introductory Depart. 1853 ^"^ ^^^^ 1854. Last address, Steel- ton, Pa. 1858] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE, 7 1 fHackor, Pasclifill. b. Phila., Pa., May 31, 1838 ; d. Santa Barbara, Cal., Jan. 9, 1898. s. Jeremiah Hacker and Beulah Morris. Entered May, 1854, and left during Senior year. Merchant, m. (i) 1865, Mary Scull; d. 1884; (2) 1886, Mary Moody. Hoiig-, Joseph Lindley. b. Wolfboro', N. H., Sept. 2, 1834. s. Lindley Murray Hoag and Huldah Varney. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1852 and left 1853. m. Sept. 3, 1859, Emma Frost. Address, P. O. Box 506, Phoenix, Ariz. Hopkins, Epiiraim. (M.D., 1858, Univ. of Md.) b. Darlington, Md., Feb. 10, 1837. s. Wakeman B. Hop- kins and Hannah Richardson Worthington. Entered 1853 and pursued a partial course. Student Medical School, Univ. of Md., 1856-58 ; Member Chester Co., Pa., Medical Soc. ; Penna State Medical Soc. ; American Medical Assoc. ; Resident Physician Friends' Asylum for the Insane, Frankford, Phila., Pa., two years ; General Practitioner, Marshallton, Pa., and at Darling- ton, Md. m. Apl., 1867, Rachel Morris Johnson. Address, Darlington, Md. Hopkins, George H. b. Haddonfield, N. J., 1839. s. John Estaugh Hop- kins and Antoinette Plicks. Entered 1853 and left 1856. Ad- dress, Haddonfield, N. J. fHopkins, Siiiiiuel. b. Hamilton, Loudoun Co., Va., 1837; d. Feb. 13, 1893. s. Joseph Janney Hopkins and Elizabeth Schofield. Entered Introductory Depart, in 1 851 and left 1856. Farmer, m. 1877, Martha Smith, fLewis, Berge Howie. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 3, 1838 ; d. Shanghai, China, Oct. 29, 1 88 1, s. James Smith Lewis and Rebecca Shoemaker Rawle. Entered 1853 and left 1854. Assistant Consul General United States at Shanghai, China, 1 868-1 881. Livezey, John. b. Glen Fern Mill, on Wissahickon Creek, now in Fairmount Park, Phila., Pa., 1837. s. Thomas Livezey and Ann Louisa Phillips. Entered Introductory Depart. 1852 and left 1855, Address, Germantown, Phila., Pa, Livezey, Josej)h Ridgway. b. Glen Fern Mill, on Wissahickon Creek, now in Fairmount Park, Phila., Pa., P'eb. 2, 1840. s. Thomas Livezey and Ann 72 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1S58 Louisa Phillips. Entered Introductory Depart. 1852 and left 1854. Active in having Gymnasium erected. Read Law but never practiced, m. Jan. 9, 1869, Sarah Haas. Address, Ger- mantown, Phila., Pa. Mellor, Williiiiu. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 28, 1838. s. Thomas Mellor and Martha Bancroft. Entered Academical Depart. 1853. Pursued partial course, and left at close of Sophomore year. Importer ; Wool Commission Merchant ; Supt. of Vaults Penna. Company for In- surances on Lives and Granting Annuities ; Member Historical Soc. of Penna. m. June 4, 1863, P2mma M. Brooks. Address, 5410 Wayne St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Miller, AVilliam H. b. Providence, Delaware Co., Pa., 1838. s. John Miller and . Entered Introductory Depart. 185 1 and left 1855. m. Mch. 20, i86r, Sarah Wistar Pennock. Address, Media, Pa. Pedrick, Alexander K. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 23, 1836. s. Elihu Pedrick and Lavinia Lloyd Knight. P^ntered Introductory Depart. 1853 and left at close of the year. Civil Engineer. W^ith Dubuque and Pacific R.R. City Editor Phila. "Evening Journal," and "The In- quirer" 1858-61 ; Sec. First Press Club in Pa. ; Representative Associated Press at Harrisburg, Pa., 1861-83 ; War Correspond- ent in Maryland and Virginia during Civil War ; Sec. of Advi- sory Committee Penna. Managers during Centennial, 1876 ; Com- piler all General Laws governing Railroads and Telegraphs in Pa., and Compiler for the use of State Officials of all Special Laws governing every Chartered Corporation in Pa., both ap- pointments made by Governor of State. Sec. Commission ap- pointed by State Legislature to investigate and report on best methods of utilizing Convict Labor ; appointed Compiler of Laws relating to State Prisons, Hospitals, Soldiers' Homes, and Orphan Schools, pub. in 2 vols. 1897 ; Compiler of History of and the amount of State Appropriations received by all the Charitable, Benevolent and Reformatory Institutions of the Commonwealth, pub. in 2 vols. 1898. Special Agent of Pennsylvania R.R. Co. 1883 to date. m. Oct. 16, 1861, Elizabeth J. Cooper. Address, I 5 10 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Potts, William AVeaver. b. Swedeland, Pa., Dec. 1,1838. s. Robert T. Potts and Elizabeth Hitner. Entered Introductory Depart. 185 i, pursued a partial course, and left 1854. Student at State College, Pa., 1859 ; P"'armer ; Treas. of School Board of Upper Merion Town- 1858] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 73 ship; responded to Prest. Lincoln's first call for 75,000 troops; re-enlisted in the 124th Pa. Vols.; Sergeant of Company F ; discharged on account of wound received at Antietam. m. Nov. 9, 1870, Ella Holstein. Address, Swedeland, Pa. Ratcliff, William Robinson. b. Mount Pleasant, O., July 21, 1838. s. Ellwood Ratcliff and Martha Jones Robinson. Entered Sophomore Class 1855 and left at close of the year. Merchant and Banker till 1881 ; Banker 1881-95; retired 1895. m. (i) Esther Williams, d. Feb. 28, 1873 ; (2) June 5, 1877, Myrtella Ella Mitchell. Ad- dress, Mount Pleasant, O. flilioads, William Gibbons. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 26, 1838; d. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Apl. 28, 1880. s. Samuel Rhoads and Anne Gibbons. p:ntered 1854 and left 1858 ; pursued a partial course, and received a certificate for proficiency. Machini.st in Phila., Pa., Wilmington, Del., and P.R.R. Shops at Altoona ; Steam and Gasfitter and Pluniber, Phila., Pa.; Manager of Haverford College 1871-80. m. Nov. 28, 1866, Sarah Wistar. Starr, Joseph West. b. Richmond, Ind., Apl. 4, 1838. s. Charles West Starr and Elizabeth Wilson. Entered Sophomore Class 1855 and left during the Junior year. Accountant 1857-58 ; Grocer (Jobbing Trade) 1859-60; Manufacturer 1860-61 ; Accountant and Real p:state 1865-74; Lumber Dealer 1874-79; P^armer and " Or- chardist" 1880 to date. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1861 ; ist Lieut. Sept., 1861 ; Capt. May, 1862-Oct. 4, 1864, Company C, 2d Cav- alry, 41st Regt. Indiana Vols.; honorably mentioned by Com- manding General for good conduct in action ; Member 1 3 Divi- sion Courts-Martial, Judge Advocate of eleven, m. Jan. 24, 1865, Eliza Morgan Burr. Address, Steele City, Steelburg P. O., Jefferson Co., Neb. Street, David. b. Salem, Columbiana Co., O., Feb. 23, 1838. s. Zadok Street and Sibyl Tatum. Entered Introductory Depart. 1853 and left at close of Freshman year, 1855. Studied Theology in the Western Theological Seminary of Allegheny, Pa., 1872-73. Merchant until age of 3 5 ; since then a Minister of the Presbyterian Church. Was engaged in the study and reform of Municipal Government in the City of Cincinnati, O., from Apl. i, 1884, to Apl. I, 1888, writing continuously for daily press, m. Sept. 29, 1859, Eunice Fawcett. Address, Monticello, Jones Co., Iowa. 74 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1S59 TatuiH, George M. b. Woodbury, N. J., Mch. 16, 1839. s. William R. Tatum and Sarah Mickle. Entered Introductory Depart. 1853 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Prest. of Athenasurn ; Farmer, m. Sept. 3, 1862, Elizabeth Ladd Jones. Address, Brighton, Md. fTevis, Edwin L. b. Phila., Pa., ; d. Aug. , 1893. s. and Jane E. . Entered Introductory Depart. 1853 and left 1854. Tevis, Noriiitiii. b. Phila., Pa., , 1838. s. and Jane E. . Entered Introductory Depart. 1853 and left 1854. Address, 721 Locust St., Phila., Pa., and Woodbury, N. J. Thomson, Edgar Lewis. b. Phila., Pa., 1837. s. Edgar Thomson and . En- tered Introductory Depart. 1853 and left at close of the Sopho- more year. Address, 1927 Master St., Phila., Pa. Underhill, Stephen. b. Croton Point, N. Y., , 1838. s. William A. Under- hill and Abby Wood. Entered 1854 and left 1856. Agricul- turist and Horticulturist, m. Elizabeth Wales. Address, Croton- on-Hudson, N. Y. Wood, James, A.M. Hon., 1883. b. Mount Kisco, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1839. s. Stephen Wood and Phebe Underhill. Entered 1854 and left 1857. F.ditor Collegian; Prest. Henry Society; Manager Haverford College 1885 to date; member Phi Beta Kappa 1899; Prest. of same; Trustee Bryn Mawr College ; Clerk New York Yearly Meeting of Friends for a number of years ; Prest. N. Y. State Agricul- tural Society; Member N. Y. Historical Society; Prest. West- chester County Historical Society ; Author many papers on Agricultural and Religious Subjects, m. Phila., Pa., June 7, 1866, Emily Hollingsworth Morris. Address, Mount Kisco, N. Y. 1859. fChase, Richard Wyatt, A.B. b. , N. J., Nov. 7, 1841 ; d. , Tenn., 1862. s. Wil- liam B, Chase and Mary Ann Wistar. Entered Sophomore Class 1856. Member of Anderson's Cavalry, U. S. A. ; killed in battle. Magee, James Ronaldson, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., (?) 1839. s. James Magee and . Entered Introductory Depart. 1854. Lawyer. Address, 1720 Walnut St., Phila.. Pa. 1859] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE, 75 fPaxsoii, Ricliard C, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 2, 1839; d. California, Mch. 15, 1864. s. Joseph S. Paxson and Deborah J. Iddings. Entered Introductory Depart. 1853. Deputy Treasurer of San Francisco. tRlioads, Edward, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1863.) b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 29, 1841 ; d. Phila., Pa., Jan. 15, 1871. s. Samuel Rhoads and Anne Gibbons. Entered 1855. Awarded Undergraduate's Alumni Prize, 1859. Resident Physician at Phila. and Penna. Hospitals ; Visiting Physician at Phila. Hos- pital ; Member of Pathological Society ; College of Physicians ; American Philosophical Society ; Academy of Natural Sciences ; frequent contributor to medical journals ; Manager of Haver- ford College 1868-71; drafted in 1863; refused to serve on conscientious grounds ; Physician. Sampson, Edward Cobb, A.B. b. Hallowell, Me., Dec. 25, 1836. s. Alden Sampson and Sarah Taber Pope. Entered Sophomore Class 1856. Manu- facturer, m. Apl. II, 1883, Sally Phillips Blagden. Address, 58 Reade St., New York City. tSampson, Georj^e, A.B. b. Hallowell, Me., Feb. 10, 1840; d. Apl. 21, 1872. s. Alden Sampson and Sarah Taber Pope. Entered Sophomore Class 1856. Manufacturer, m. May i, 1867, Isabella Merrick. Sharpies, Abram, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa.). b. Concord, Pa., Feb. 14, 184 1. s. Caspar Wistar Sharpies and Elizabeth Onderdonk. Entered 1855. Studied Medicine at Univ. of Pa. ; Physician ; Professor Anatomy and Surgery, Willamette Univ., Ore. ; also "Fruit Raiser and Owner of 11 00 acres of land." m. Mch. 30, 1865, Euretta O. Fitch. Address, Eugene City, Ore. Smith, Benjamin Hayes, A.B. b. Upper Darby, Delaware Co., Pa., May 7, 1841. s. George Smith, M.D., and Mary Lewis. Entered 1855. Secretary of Henry Society 1857-58. Member Delaware Co. Institute of Science ; Academy of Nat. Sciences of Phila. ; Historical Society of Penna. ; American Entomological Society. Author Atlas of Delaware Co., Pa., exhibiting the early grants and patents, with a histoiy of the land titles in the County, 1880. Member of the Anderson Troop, Penna. Vols., 1861-63 ; on duty at Gen. Buell's headquarters throughout his campaign in Kentucky, Ten- nessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and with Gen. Rosecrans through 76 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [^^S9 the Stone River campaign ; Surveyor and Topographical Engi- neer, m. Sept. II, 1866, Adelaide L. Brooke. Address, 4707 Chester Ave., Phila., Pa. Non-Graduates. Bacon, Morris. b. Greenwich, N. J., Apl. 14, 1839. s- John Bacon and Ann B. Hall. Entered 1855 and left on account of poor health at the close of the Freshman year. Member of Freeholders for fourteen years; Vice-Prest. N. J. State Board of Agriculture, 1890-92; Farmer, m. May 21, 1863, Mary E. Brown. Address, Green- wich, N. J. fBrowii, William Henry, Jr. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 2, 1841 ; d. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 16, 1867. s. William Henry Brown and Laura Ann Howell. Entered Academical Depart. 1855 and left at close of the Sophomore year, 1857 (?) Leather Merchant. Private in Battery Co. L, 3 2d Reg. Penna. Militia, 1863. m. Dec, 1866, Ann Nolan. Carnialt, James Edward. b. P'riendsville, Susquehanna Co., Pa., May ii, 1840. s. Caleb Carmalt and Sarah Kirk Price. Entered Introductory Depart. 1853 ; left 1854 ; re-entered 1855 and left 1857. Student Har- vard Law School 1862-64; admitted to the Bar Montrose, Pa., Apl., 1865. District Atty. for Susquehanna Co. 1870-73. Secretary Penn Germania Building and Loan Asso., 214 Odd Fellows' Temple, Phila., Pa. m. Sept. 7, 1865, Charlotte J. Churchill. Address, 6918 Germantown Ave., Phila., Pa. tConistock, Nathan F. b. Adrian, (?) Mich., 1836 ; d. . s. and . En- tered 1853 and left 1856. Cromwell, James AVilliam. b. New York City, Feb. 10, 1842. s. William Cromwell and Caroline Underhill. Entered 1855 and left at the close of the Sophomore year, 1857. One of the founders of the Athen?eum ; Sec. of Henry Soc; Member Brooklyn Institute Arts and Sciences; Long Island Historical Soc. ; Rembrandt Art Club of Brooklyn ; Herman Soc. ; Union League Club (Brooklyn) ; Hamilton Club ; Merchants' Club of New York ; New York Chamber of Com- merce ; Member of Laurentian and St. Maurice (Hunting and Fishing) Clubs of Canada ; Century Club (N. Y.); Washington Assoc, of N. J. (Morristown); New England Soc. (N. Y.). Dry Goods Commission Merchant, m. June 22, 1864, Elizabeth Stuart Henderson, of Radnor, Pa. Address, William Iselin & Co., New York City. 1859] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 77 De Coil, Samuel Coleman. b. near Trenton, N. J., Feb. 2, 1835. s. Nathan De Cou and Deborah Coleman. Entered Freshman Class 1855 and left at the close of the year. Farmer and Nurseryman. Member N. J. State Horticultural Soc. m. Nov. 13, 1862, Martha C. Lippin- cott. Address, Moorestown, N. J. fHickman, Joseph E. b. Edgemont, Delaware Co., Pa., 1837; ^- • ^- Joseph Hickman, M.D., and . Entered Introductory Depart. 1853 and left 1856. Hill, Fowell Buxton. b. Randolph Co., N. C, Feb. 3, 1836. s. Samuel Hill and Mary Branson. Entered 1855 and left at close of Sophomore year. Teacher in Oakwood Academy, Union Springs, N. Y. ; Commission Merchant and Lumber Dealer in Chicago, 111. ; Real Estate; Trustee Earlham College, 1893-95. m. Jan. i, 1866, Abbie Bassett. Address, 3520 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111. flddings, George W. b. Phila., Pa., ; d. New York, Apl. 2, 1889. s. James Iddings and Frances Martin. Entered 1855 and left 1856. Bookkeeper, m. (i) ; (2) . fjohnsoii, Jacob Lindley. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 12, 1839; d. Nov. 16, 1888. s. Topliff Johnson and Mary Richards Simmons. Entered 1855 and left 1856. m. Mrs. Ellen Perkins (Johnson) nee Perkins. tMatlack, George T. b. ; d. . s. and . Entered 1855 from West Chester, Pa., and left 1856. Morris, Henry Gvirney. b. Phila., Pa., 1839. ^- Henry Morris and Caroline Old, Entered 1854 and left 1858. Iron Manufacturer and Engineer. m. June 13, i86i,Sallie Marshall Morris. Address, 926 Drexel Building and 1006 Clinton St., Phila., Pa. Morris, Morton. b. Phila., Pa., May 18, 1839. s. Paschall Morris and Thom- asine R. Pennell. Entered 1854 and left 1857. m. July 22, 1873, Emma Fort. Address, cor. Beach and Ball Sts., Phila., Pa. fNoble, Charles. b. Phila., Pa., June 16, 1840; d . s. Charles Noble, M.D., and Adehne Millward, Entered 1855 and left during the year. y8 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1S59 tParrisli, Dillwyn, Jr. b. Phila., Pa., June lo, 1840; d. Chatel Guyon, France, Aug. 10, 1899. s. William D. Parrish and ElizalDeth Miller. En- tered 1855 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1857. Mer- chant. About 1874 he went abroad to introduce street railways into Europe. He developed the original systems of tramways of London, Liverpool and other English cities, and introduced street cars into Germany and into India. When electricity came into use as a motor power he took up its promotion in Africa, and brought into being the trolley lines of Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, m. Sarah DeCoursey. Piirrisli, James Cresson. b, Phila., Pa., Aug. 10, 1840. s. Isaac Parrish, M.D., and Sarah Redwood. Entered 1856 and left 1857. From the time of leaving Haverfordto the year 1872 was engaged in mercantile pursuits in partnership with his uncle, George D. Parrish. On retiring from active business he made his home in Paris and be- came a member of various railroad reorganization committees in London, Paris and Amsterdam, and has continued his interest in the railway world since that time. m. Jan. 5, 1882, Emma Thorn King, a granddaughter of Cornelius Vanderbilt. Ad- dress, Metropolitan Club, New York. Sampson, *Henry. b. Hallowell, Me., May 24, 1838. s. Alden Sampson and Sarah Taber Pope. Entered Sophomore Class 1856 and left at close of the year. Manufacturer. m. Aug. 21, 1866, Julia Page. Address, 58 Reade St., New York City. Steele, Thomas C. b. Pottstown, Pa., (?) Jan. 5, 1841. s. S. Button Steele and . Entered 1855 and left Junior year, 1858. Address, Pottstown, Pa. tToniliiison, William Inskeep. b. Laurel Mills, N. J., July 9, 1838 ; d. Kirkwood, N. J., Oct. 20, 1899. s. Ephraim Tomlinson and Sarah T. Inskeep. En- tered Academical Depart. 1854 ; left at close of Sophomore year, 1857. Miller and Farmer. m. (i) Rachel Hilyard ; (2) Jan. 25, 1872, Achsah Irick Peterson. Wildes, Thomas. (M.D., 18G1, N. Y. Homoeopathic College.) b. Arneytown, N. J., Nov. 10, 1839. s. Tilton Wildes and Lydia Wallace Brown. Entered 1855 and left at close of Soph- omore year. Merchant. Private N. Y. loth Infantry, 1861 ; I St Lieut. May, 1861 ; promoted to Captain in Oct., 1861 ; with l86o] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 79 Gen. B. F. Butler ; at Fortress Monroe under Gen. Wool ; under Gen. McClellan, Peninsular Campaign ; in battles of Gaines' Mills, Malvern Hill, etc.; at Big Bethel ; Antietam ; Shepherds- town Ford, etc. Stock Broker, Member N. Y. Stock Exchange ; studied Medicine N. Y. Homoeopathic College. U. S. Deputy- Consul, Jamaica, W. I. Physician. Won many prizes as Rifle and Pistol Marksman, standing for many years as one of the five crack shots of New York City, Published monographs on " Epilepsy and Its Cause and Cure ;" '* Leprosy, Syphilis, Vac- cination," etc. Address, 610 Lexington Ave., New York City. Witmer, John Steele. b. Paradise, Pa., Oct. 3, 1840. s. Adam K. Witmer and Hannah Steele. Entered Introductory Depart. 1854 and left 1858. Private 2d Pa. Militia 1862; Gray Reserves of Phila., Pa., 1863; Merchant; Sec. and Treas. Lancaster Co. Mut. Ins. Co. m. Oct. 6, 1875, Ceciha Lightner. Address, Paradise, Pa. Wood, William H. S. b. New York City, Apl. 13, 1840. s. William Wood and Mary S. Underbill. Entered 1855 and left at close of Fresh- man year, 1856. Member New York Academy of Sciences; N. Y. Historical Society ; Incorporator N. Y. Botanic Garden. Publisher, m. Sept. 5, 1875, Mary PZmma Congdon. Address, 51 5th Ave. and 8 East 63d St., New York City. i860. tClark, Liiidley Murray, A.B. b. Carthage, Ind., Apl. 10, 1836 ; d. Sept., 1861. s. John Clark and Nancy Hussey. Entered Sophomore Class 1857. Principal New Garden Boarding School, New Garden, N. C, 1860-61. tCorbit, William Briiitoii, A.B. (M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., Phila., Pa., 18G3.) b. Odessa, Del., Aug. 2, 1840; d. V/ashington, D. C, July 17, 1882. s. Daniel Corbit and Eliza Naudain. Entered 1856. Student Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa., and at Heidel- berg, Vienna and Paris, 1865-68 ; Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 1863- 65 at Satterlee Hospital, Phila., Pa.; in Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C, 1875-82; m. Nov., 1875, Virginia Dove. fCorlies, William Moore, A.B. b. Chester Co., Pa., May 4, 1841 ; d. St. George, France, Oct. 18, 1 88 1, s. Jacob W. Corlies and Mary W. Moore. Entered 1856. Merchant 1860-66; moved to Paris, France, and en- gaged in literary occupations, 1866. m. Paris, France, 1867, Octavie E. Pruvost. 80 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1860 Liiiclley, Cyrus, A.B. b, Indiana, Mch. 26, 1836. s. David Lindley and Entered 1856 and left 1858. Last address, Los Angeles, Cal. Morris, Frederick Wistar, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 18, 1842. s. Israel Morris and Elizabeth Longstreth. Entered 1856. Iron Manufacturer and Merchant, m. Sept. 3, 1866, EHzabeth F. Paul. Address, Villa Nova, Pa., and 1608 Market St., Phila., Pa. Morris, Theodore Holliiigswortli, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 10, 1840. s. Israel Morris and Elizabeth Longstreth. Entered 1855. Iron Merchant, m. Phila., Pa., Sept. 3, 1863, Mary Lownes Paul. Address, 1608 Market St., Phila., Pa. Paiicoast, Kichard, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 11, 1840. s. Joshua Pancoast and Anna Paxson. Entered 1856. Member 15th Pa. Vol. Cavalry 1862 —63, stationed and acting chiefly in the Southwest. Merchant. Address, 28 Piatt St., New York City. fPiiikliam, John Warren, A.B. (M.D., Belle vue Med College, N. Y., 1866.) b. Gardiner, Me., May 14, 1834; d. Montclair, N. J., Dec. 7, 1894. s. Elias Pinkham and Fanny Sampson. Entered Sopho- more Class 1857. Teacher. Tutor in Classics and Mathematics and Librarian 1862—63. Studied Medicine Berkshire Medical College, Mass. ; Medical School, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich.; Bellevue Medical College, New York City. One of the Organizers of N. J. Academy of Medicine ; Member Essex Co. Medical Soc. ; Orange Mountain Medical Soc. Contributed fre- quently to medical journals. Physician at Montclair, N. J. m. Mch. 15, 1866, Cornelia Frost. Richardson, Francis, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 25, 1837. s. John Richardson and Martha Gibbons. P2ntered Sophomore Class 1857. Real Estate. Supervisor of Census 1880, ist Dist. Va. m. 1866, Emma H. Ingersoll. Address, Norfolk, Va. Smith, Clement Lawrence, A.B., A.M., 1863; LL.D., 1888. (A.B., Harvard, 1863.) b. Upper Darby, Delaware Co., Pa., Apl. 13, 1844. s. George Smith, M.D. (Univ. of Pa.), and Mary Lewis. Entered 1856. Prest. of Athenaeum; Alumni Orator, 1873, "The Use of Language in Education." Member of American Philological Association. Studied at Harvard College, 1861-63 ; Univ. of l86o] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 8 1 Gottingen, 1865-66; 1863-65 Asst. Prof, in Haverford Col- lege; 1865-67 studied in Europe; 1867-69 private study; 1869-70 Prof, in Swarthmore College; 1870-73 Tutor ; 1873- 83 Asst. Professor; 1883 Prof, of Latin in Harvard Univ.; 1882-91 Dean of Harvard College; Dean of College Faculty 1 898 to date. Director of American Classical School at Rome, Italy, 1897-98. Member of School Committee of City of Cam- bridge, 1882-83. Co-editor, with Prof. Tracy Peck of Yale Univ., of the College Series of Latin Authors, now embracing eight volumes, by various editors. Of these, C. L. S. is editor of the "Odes and Epodes of Horace," Boston and London, 1894. Articles in the " American Journal of Philology," " Harvard Studies in Classical Philology," " Classical Reviews," etc. Nine Annual Reports as Dean of Harvard College, m. Aug. 25, 1870, Emma Gertrude Griscom. Address, 64 Sparks St., Cam- bridge, Mass. Tyson, James, A.B., A.M., 1865. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1863.) b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 26, 1841. s. Henry Tyson and Gertrude Haviland. Entered Sophomore Class 1857. Prest. of Everett. Valedictorian. Studied Medicine Univ. of Pa. 1860-63. Vice- Prest. Alumni 1880-81. Alumni Orator 1884; Subject: "The Requirements of a Modern College Education." Member Amer. Philosophical Soc. ; Fellow of College of Physicians ; Member of Amer. Medical Assoc. ; of Association of Amer. Physicians ; of Medical Soc. of Pa. ; Phila. Co. Medical Soc. ; Pathological Soc. of Phila., etc. Prof of Medicine, Univ. of Pa. ; Dean of the Medical School, Univ. of Pa. Author of "The Cell Doctrine; its History and Present Status," 2d ed., 1873 ; "An Introduction to Practical Histology," 1873 ; "Prac- tical Examination of Urine," 9th ed., 1895 ; " Bright's Disease and Diabetes," 1881 ; "Hand-book of Physical Diagnosis," 2d ed., 1894; "Text Book of Medicine." Also author of numer- ous papers on Histology and Pathology in medical periodicals. Actg. Medical Cadet U. S. A., 1861-63 ; Actg. Asst. Surgeon, 1863-65. Physician. m. Dec. 5, 1865, Frances Bosdevex. Address, 1506 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Uiiderlull, Silas Albertsoii, A.B. (LL.B., Harvard, 1862.) b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch. 28, 1840. s. Alexander Underhill and Phebe W. Albertson. Entered Sophomore Class 1857. Studied at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass., 1861-62. Soldier, 1861-65 ; Law Clerk, 1866-67; Lawyer, 1867 to date, m. May 15, 1888, Mrs. Frances Gertrude (Lowere) Rushmore. Address, 26 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 6 82 haverford college [ 1 86o Non-Graduates. Brooke, Benjamin. b. Delaware County, Pa., 1840. s. Hugh Jones Brooke (Member of Pa. State Legislature many terms, A. C. S., U. S. A. 1861-65 with rank of Captain) and Jemima Elizabeth Longmire of Nottingham, England. Entered 1856 and left 1857. Manu- facturer, m. . Address, 700 Franklin St., Phila., Pa. Colket, AVilliam Walker. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 11, 1841. s. Coffin Colket and Mary Pennepacker Walker. Entered Introductory Depart. 1854 and left 1857. Clerk; General Ticket Agent Phila., Germantown and Norristown R.R. ; Secretary; Treasurer; General Manager; Prest. Phila. City Pass. R. W. Co. m. Nov. 19, 1863, Jane Frances Hoxsie. Address, 2037 Chestnut St. and 202 Walnut Place, Phila., Pa. Cooper, Samuel C. b. Cooper's Point, N. J., 1840. s. Joseph W. Cooper and Rebecca F. Champion. Entered Introductory Depart. 1854 and left 1856. Lawyer, m. June 15, 1865, Emma J. Widener. Ad- dress, Camden, N. J. tHarris, John Stmirt. (M.D., Univ. of Mich.) b. Westminster, N. C, Feb. 22, 1836; d. Fountain City, Ind., July 23, 1890. s. Jonathan Harris and Louisa Stuart. P^ntered 1855 and left 1856. Studied Medicine Univ. of Mich. Physi- cian, m. Mary Price Jones. Hopkins, Joseph Schofield. b. Baltimore, Md., June 19, 1840. s. Joseph Janney Hopkins and Elizabeth Schofield. Entered Academical Depart. 1855 and left at close of the year. Studied at Univ. of Maryland. Mer- chant ; Clerk, m. Oct., 1866, Annette Hicks Hopkins. Ad- dress, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Hopkins, Walter G. b. Haddonfield, N. J., Jan. 15, 1842. s. John Estaugh Hop- kins and Antoinette Hicks. Entered Introductory Depart. 1855 and left 1857. Farmer, m. Nov. 10, 1 870, Esther S. Sharpless. Address, Haddonfield, N. J. Hull, William Janney. b. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 13, 1842. s. Robert Hull and Han- nah Ann Janney. Entered 1856 and left at close of the Sopho- more year. In Confederate Army 1861-65. 5th Va. Cavalry, Capt. and A. D. C. on the Staff of Gen. I. D. Imboden, com- manding Valley Div. Army of Northern Va. m. Jan. 9, 1865, Amelia B. Murphy. Merchant. Address, 5 Hanover St., Bal- timore, Md. l86o] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 83 Jessiip, Benjamin H. b. Cinnaminson, N. J., Nov. 23, 1839. s. Charles Jessup and Mary Lippincott. Entered 1856 and left 1857. Address, Moorestown, N. J. Lang:, Jolm Alton. b. North Berwick, Me., Jan. 27, 1840. s. Hon. John Damon Lang, U. S. Indian Commissioner, etc., and Ann Elmira Stack- pole. Entered Feb., 1856, and left at close of the Junior year. Manufacturer of Knit Goods; Car Lumber; Woolen Goods; Master Mechanic, Lockvvood Cotton Mills, Waterville, Me., 8 years ; Supt. of same 3 years ; Supt. Smithville Cotton Mills, Willimantic, Conn.; Agent Gibson Cotton Mills, Marysville, N. B.; at present in the employ of Maine Central R.R. Alderman City of Waterville, Me., 3 years ; Chairman of Board of Aldermen, 1897. m. Nov. 20, 1 86 1, Carrie Redington Drummond. Ad- dress, 22 Sherwin St., Waterville, Me. fLippincott, Josluia W. b. Cinnaminson, N. J., Oct. 20, 1840; d. Aug. 16, 1896. s. Samuel R. Lippincott and Mary Woodward Heulings. Entered 1856 and left 1858. Woolen Merchant, m. (i) Mary E. Perry; (2) Eliza Lippincott. Matltlock, Edward. b. Phila., Pa., (?) 1840. s. William L. Maddock and . Entered Introductory Depart. 1855 and left 1856. Address, 2227 Venango St., Phila., Pa. Merritt, Isaac Neliemiali. b. Millbrook, Dutchess Co., N. Y., July 24, 1838. s. Isaac Merritt and FAiza. Hart. Entered 1856 and left in Sophomore year. Private in 89th Illinois Vols. U. S. A., 1862-65. In battles Chickamauga, Mission Ridge. In Commissary Depart, of the Brigade for eighteen months. Compiled book of Pencil Sketches, and published History of 89th Illinois Regiment. Railroading; Leather Merchant, m. Oct. 25, 1881, Almira Henderson. Address, 26 Ferry St. and 105 W. 128th St., New York City. tMerritt, William Henry. b. Millbrook, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Feb. 24, 1842 (?) ; d. Lost in the wreck of the S. S. Atlantic off coast of Nova Scotia, Apl., 1873. s. Isaac Merritt and Eliza Hart. Entered 1856 and left during the Freshman year. Operator in Coal and Coal Mines, Wilkesbarre, Pa. m. Apl. 2, 1872, Louisa Schrymser. 84 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1861 Mott, John Bowne. b. New York City, Sept. 22, 1842. s. William Franklin Mott (Class of 1839) and Jane Bowne. Entered Academical Depart. 1857 and left at the close of the Sophomore year. Merchant, m. 1885, (?) Lucy Latham Barney. Address, Bellport, L. L, N. Y. fPleasants, Charles Israel. b. Sunbury, Pa., Sept. 4, 1839 ; d. 1863, killed in Battle of the Wilderness, Va. s. Charles Pleasants and Eliza P. Bellas. En- tered Academical Depart. 1855 and left at close of Fre.shman year. Civil Engineer; ist Lieut, in 4th U. S. Infantry. Ratcliff, EUwood. b. Mt. Pleasant, O., , 1843 (?) s. Ellwood Ratcliff and . P^ntered 1856 and left same year. tShiiin, Thomas Jefferson. b. Haddonficld, N. J.,Oct. 5, 1841 ; d. Oct. 19, 1880. s. Charles H. Shinn and Abbie Coffin. Entered Academical Depart. 1855 and left at close of the year. Smith, Thomas C. b. Phila., Pa., 1840 (?) s. Thomas Smith and . En- tered Academical Depart. 1854 and left at close of the Sophomore year, 1858. Address, 486 Chestnut St., Trenton, N. J. Underhlll, Edward B. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1840. s. Aaron C. Underbill and Elizabeth Van DerVort. Entered Sophomore Class 1857 and left at close of the year. Member i 5th Regt. N. Y. State Militia, m. Jan. 7, 1872, Frances M. Hartwell. Address, Little Rest, Dutchess Co., N. Y. tUndcrhill, William Henry. b. Indianapolis, Ind., about 1838 ; d. R.R. accident between 1870 and 1873. s. Robert R. Underbill and Sarah Wood. Entered 1856 and left 1858. Miller, m. (?) fYardley, Edwin. b. Yardleyville, Pa., Jan. 20, 1839 ; d. Jan. 20, 1861 ; killed during a naval engagement in Pensacola Bay. s. Charles Yard- ley and Anna Warner. Entered 1856 and left during the Junior year, i860. Enlisted in U. S. Navy 1861. 1861. fBettle, Charles, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 9, 1843 ; d. Lebanon, Pa., 1883. s. Wil- liam Battle (Manager Haverford College 1858-62) and Martha l86l] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 85 Sinton. Entered 1857. m. Newton, N. J., Apl. 12, 1866, Deb- orah E. Wetherill. Bettle, Edward, Jr., A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 17, 1841. s. Samuel Bettle and Mary- Ann Jones. Entered 1857. Librarian Loganian ; Prest. Athenaeum. Vice-Prest. Alumni Assoc. 1891 ; Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Manager of Haverford College 1872 to date; Secretary of the Corporation 1875-83 ; Treasurer of the Corpo- ration 1883-84; Trustee of Bryn Mawr College, Pa. ; Member of " The Overseers of the Public School founded by Charter in the Town and County of Phila., Pa." (Penn Charter School) ; Manager of Pa. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb ; of Friends' Asylum for the Insane ; of the Magdalen Soc. of Phila., Pa.; of the Provident Soc. for Employing the Poor, etc. Wool Mer- chant ; Investor, m. Sept. 26, 1872, Elizabeth Tatnall, of Wil- mington, Del. Address, 514 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. fBettle, Henry, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 28, 1843 ; d. Phila., Pa., 1886. s. Samuel Bettle and Mary Ann Jones. Entered 1857. Alumni Orator 1869, Vice-Prest. 1878 ; Manager Haverford College 1882-84. Member Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Merchant. Brooiiiall, William Booth, A.B. b. Chester, Pa., Jan. 30, 1843. s. Hon. John M. Broomall and Elizabeth Booth. Entered Academical Depart. 1856. Alumni Orator 1898; Subject: "The Roman Law." School Director. Member of City Council, Chester, Pa.; Third Sergeant Co. D, 124th Regt. Pa. Vols., 1862-63; during this period in active service with Army of the Potomac. Lawyer, m. Oct. 17, 1866, Anna M. Hinkson. Address, Chester, Pa. Jones, Charles Henry, A.B. b. Tamaqua, Pa., Jan. 16, 1842. s. Rowland Jones and Han- nah Jacob Kersey. Entered 1857. City Magistrate 1894-97. Private in Anderson Troop Pa. Vols. 1861-63; Capt. 21st Pa. Infantry 1863-65. Manufacturer of Steam and Plantation Machinery 1865-75 ; Farmer and Manufacturer in Northwest Iowa 1876-95. Address, Le Mars, Iowa. tLamb, Thomas White, A.B. (M.D., .) b. Newby's Bridge (now Belvidere), N. C, Feb. i, 1840; d. ' 1878. s. Willis Lamb and Penina White. Entered 1857. Tutor in Haverford College 1861-62. Studied Medicine and practiced in North Carolina. 86 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1861 Potts, WilliJim Newliii, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 23, 1841. s. Isaac Williams Potts and Hannah Austin. Entered Academical Depart. 1856. Various occupations. Address, Wayne, Pa. Stuart, Jehu Harlau, A.B., A.M., 1864. (M.D., Bellevue College, N. Y., 1867.) b. Guilford Co., N. C, June 20, 1836. s. Amos Stuart and Matilda Hadley. Entered Sophomore Class 1858. Taught in High School, Mooresville, Ind., 1861-64. Studied at Univ. of Mich. (Med. Depart.) 1864-65; Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col- lege, N. Y., 1866-67. Ex-Prest. of Kansas State Med. Soc. ; Member of Minnesota State Med. Soc. ; Ex-Prest. and Member of Hennepin Co., Minn., Med. Soc. ; Member of the American Med. Assoc. ; Prof of Clinical Medicine in Minneapolis College of Physicians and Surgeons ; Visiting Physician to City Hospital (Minneapolis, Minn.) ; Consulting Physician to Asbury (Metho- dist) Hospital ; Examiner for a number of insurance companies. Author of addresses and a number of articles or papers for medical societies and medical journals. Prest. of Board of Edu- cation, Lawrence, Kan., a number of years. Assistant Clerk of Kansas Yearly Meeting several years. Sec. of the Gen. Confer- ence of all Yearly Meetings of Friends held at Richmond, Ind., 1887. Since 1867 Physician; 5 years in Indiana, 10 years in Lawrence, Kan., and 12 years in Minneapolis, Minn. m. Oct. 13, 1869, Annis M. Lynch. Address, 181 1 Portland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Thomas, John Clapi>, A.B. b. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 11, 1842. s. Richard Henry Thomas (Manager 1850-59) and Phebe Clapp. P^ntered 1857. Editor of Tlic Bud ; one of the founders of the Everett ; Backstop on First Cricket Eleven ; one of the founders of the Dorian Cricket Club. Recorded a Minister in Society of Friends Aug. 8, 1889. Valedictorian; Merchant 1866-78; In Real Estate Depart, office Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., 1880 to date, m. June 11, 1873, Eugenia Cromwell. Address, 1333 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. Non-Graduates. Exton, Joseph Carpeuter. b. near Clinton, N. J., Aug. 19, 1841. s. Hugh Exton and Amy Stockton Lundy. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1856 and left 1857. Address, Union Farms, near Clinton, N. J. l86l] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 8/ fFlowers, William Pickering. (A.B., Antioch College, 0., 1862 ; A.M., 1871.) b. Edgewood, Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 26, 1837; d. Bayonne, N. J., Apl. 7, 1894. s. Joseph Flowers and Sarah Pickering. Entered 1857 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1859. Studied at Antioch College, O., 1859-62; Teacher; Editor of Floivcrs' Family Magazine, m. Feb. 23, 1865, Sarah Lavinia Bump. fHarkness, How^ard F. b. Phila., Pa., (?) Oct. 16, 1841 ; d. . s. Charles Hark- ness and . Entered May, 1856, and left at close of Sopho- more year, 1859. fJones, Iviiis Davis. b. Hanover Furnace, N. J., May 25, 1842 ; d. New York, May 25, 1867. s. Richard Jones and Alice Woodmancey Davis. Entered 1856 and left 1859. Civil Engineer. Capt. ist N. J. Cavalry 1861 ; Major 1862. Lippincott, Charles. b. Westfield, N. J., June 16, 1842. s. Isaiah and Mary Ann Lippincott. Entered 1857 and left at close of Sophomore year. One of the founders of the Dorian Cricket Club. Editor of The Bud. Graduated from N. J. State Normal School 1861 ; Teacher for 12 years; during this time Principal of Friends' School, Salem, N. J., also of Friends' Seminary, Easton, N. Y. Farmer and Fruit-Grower 1875-86. Retired. Compiler of " Lippin- cott Genealogical Tree." m. Dec. 22, 1875, Anna G. Hill, of Springfield, Pa. Address, Palmyra, N. J. Mellor, Alfred. (Ph.G., Phila. College of Pharmacy). b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 21, 1841. s. Thomas Mellor and Martha Bancroft. Entered Feb., 1858, and left at the close of the Junior year. Sec. of Everett. Studied at Phila. College of Pliarmacy, 1860—63. Private in First Troop Phila. City Cavalry in Gettys- burg Campaign 1863. m. June 12, 1873, Isabella Latham. Manufacturing Chemist. Address, 2130 Mt. Vernon St., Phila., Pa. Murray, Joseph Kiii«f. b. New York City, Jan. 17, 1836. s. Lindley Murray and Maiy A. King. Entered Junior Class 1859 and left Feb., 1861, during the Senior year. Studied in the Harvard Law School. Vice-Prest. Alumni 1887, Alumni Orator 1878. Subject, "The Law and the Friend." Lawyer, m. June 20, 1866, Harriet Charlotte Griffith. Address, 63 Wall St., New York City, and Flushing, N. Y. 88 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1862 Parsons, Samuel. (Ph.B., Yale, 1862.) b. New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 7, 1844. s. Samuel Bowne Par- sons and Susan Rowland. Entered 1857 and left close of Junior year, i860. Student at Yale Sheffield Scientific School 1860- 62. Farmer ; Nurseryman ; Supt. of the planting of the Parks of New York City 1882-83 ; Supt. of the Parks of New York City 1884-97. Author " Landscape Gardening," I Vol. Essays on " Homes in City and Country," in " Woman's Book." C. Scribner's Son. Articles on " Parks " in ** Johnson's New Ency- clopsedia " (Appleton) ; Articles in Scribners, Century, Atlantic, Outlook, Ritral New Yorker, Conntry Gentleman and Farmer s Weekly; " How to Plant the Home Grounds," 1899. ^n. Oct. 25, 1865, Martha E. Francis. Address, care of Parsons & Pentecost, 26th and Broadway, New York City. Smith, William Eastwick. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 4, 1844. s. Hugh Smith and Ellen Cham- berlin. Entered Preparatory Depart. 1855 and left 1857 on ac- count of ill-health. Merchant, m, Nov. 7, 1876, Helen Cope. Address, 4045 Powelton Ave., Phila., Pa. tStarr, Theodore. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 20, 1841 ; d. Phila., Pa., June i, 18S4. s. Isaac Starr and Lydia Ducoing. Entered Academical Depart. 1856 and left 1859, ^"^ close of Junior year. Accountant. Specially interested in work among the poor ; organizer and sup- porter of improved methods of building dwelling-houses, etc., for the poor. Author of many lectures, etc., in connection with charity work. Street, John. b. Carthage, Ind., (?) Nov. 3, 1836. s. and . En- tered 1857 and left at close of the year. Address, Kokomo, Ind. tTomlinson, Edwin, b. Laurel Mills, N. J., Jan. 2, 1841 ; d. Kirkwood, N. J., Apl. 22, 1896. s. Ephraim Tomlinson and Sarah T. Inskeep. Entered Academical Depart. 1855 and left at the close of the Sophomore year, 1859. Farmer. 1862. Coates, Henry Troth, A.B. A.M., Hon., 1882. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 29, 1843. s- George Morrison Coates and Anna Troth. Entered 1S58. Editor of The End and of The Collegian. Vice-Prest. Alumni Assoc. 1881. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1898. Member Academy of Natural Sciences, 1862] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 89 Phila., Pa. ; Historical Soc. of Pa. ; University Archseological Assoc, of Phila., Pa. Treas. of Zoological Soc. Editor of " Com- prehensive Speaker," " Fireside Encyclopaedia of Poetry " (now in 30th edition), " Children's Book of Poetry," etc. Publisher and Bookseller, m. June 25, 1874, P^stelle Barton Lloyd. Address, 1222 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa., and Langdale, Berwyn, Pa. fHadley, Samuel Allen, A.B. b. , Dec. 4, 1838; d. 1864. s. Jeremiah Hadley and . Entered 1858, from Osceola, Iowa. Prest. of Everett Soc. Vice-Prest. Loganian 1861-62. Subject of Annual Oration before the Society, 1862, " Napoleon and Stephen Grel- let." Author of " No More : the Senior's Farewell," 1861 (see History of Haverford College, pp. 281-285); of "The Loved and Lost : in Memory of Joseph G. Harlan." Teacher, Lippiiicott, Horace Greenoiigli, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Aug 29, 1844. s. George Lippincott and Mary Greenough. Entered Academical Depart. 1857; left late in Senior year on account of weak eyes. Granted the degree of A.B. in 1883. One of the Founders of the Everett and its first Sec; one of the Founders of the Dorian Cricket Club and on the First Eleven. Member Historical Soc. of Pa. ; Genealogical Soc. ; American Academy of Polit. and Social Science. Whole- sale Grocer 1865 to date. m. Apl. 15, 1873, Caroline Rowland. Address, Wyncote, Pa. Mellor, George Brown, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 25, 1843. s. Thomas Mellor and Martha Bancroft. Entered Academical Depart. Feb., 1858. Member of Dorian Cricket Club; best "all-round" player of his day. Farmer. School Director, m. Parkerville, Pa., Dec, 17, 1868, Sarah Savery. Address, West Chester, Pa. Williams, Horace, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1865.) b. Rocky Brook, R. L, Aug. 13, 1842. s. John D. Williams and Hannah Brown. Entered 1858. Studied Medicine Univ. of Pa. 1862-65. Physician. Member Obstetrical Soc. of Phila., Pa.; Phila. County Medical Society, Address, 17 17 Pine St., Phila., Pa. fWood, Isaac Francis, A.B, (Formerly known as Francis Augustus Napoleon Wood, then as Francis Augustus Wood.) b. New York City, July 15, 1841 ; d. Rahway, N. J., July 5, 1895. s. Isaac Wood, M.D., and Margaret Street. Entered 1856. Founder of the Haverford Alumni Prize Medal for Ora- tory and Composition. Vice-Prest. Loganian. One of the 90 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1862 Founders of the Everett Society ; Vice-Prest. of the Alumni As- sociation 1877; Prest. 1878. Member of Amer. Numismatical Soc, New York Academy of Sciences, etc. Author of numerous papers on Numismatical subjects. Merchant, m. Sarah Bowne of New York City. Non-Graduates. tCox, Robert B. b. Hertford, N. C, Jan. 31, 1842; d. . s. Joseph M. Cox and Eliza E. Hollowell. Entered 1858 and left i860. tFarnviin, Samuel. b. Uxbridge, Mass., Jan. i, 1840; d. Oct. 15, 1865 (lost at sea from S. S. Atlanta on way home from New Orleans), s. Jonathan Farnum and Minerva Buxton. Entered 1858 and left during the Senior year, 1862. Enlisted 1862 as Private in R. I. U. S. Volunteers ; promoted to Corporal, Sergeant, Captain of Colored Troops. Was in battle of Fredericksburg. fHaiiies, Samuel Bunting-. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 19, 1840 ; d. in Camp near Belle Plain, Va., Feb. 23, 1863. s. Josiah Lippincott Haines and Deborah Bunting. Entered 1858 and left 1859. Lieut. 121st Regt. Pa. Vols. July 1862-63. Lippincott, Heulings. b. Chester Township, Burlington Co., N. J., July 6, 1842. s. Samuel R. Lippincott and Mary Woodward. Entered 1858 and left at close of Sophomore year. Farmer, Lumber Manufacturer and Ice Dealer 1866-87 ; Prest. National State Bank of Camden, N. J., 1887 to date. m. Oct. 17, 1866, Anna Stevenson. Address, Riverton, N. J. Morris, Anthony Jones. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 26, 1842. s. Anthony Saunders Morris and Anne Emlen Jones. Entered 1857 and left at the close of the Freshman year. Chief Burgess of Pemberton, N. J., several times. Private ist Battalion N. J. Vols. 1863. Miller and Farmer, m. Apl. 26, 1866, Mary Ridgway Smith. Address, Pemberton, N. J. Starr, Edward. (S.B., Univ. of Pa., 1862.) b, Phila., Pa., Aug. 17, 1844. s. Isaac Starr and Lydia Ducoing. Entered 1858 and left during the Junior year. Studied at the Univ. of Pa. 1861-62. Stock Broker, m. 1866, Mary Williams Sharpless. Address, The Lilacs, Wyncote P. O., Phila., Pa., and 1820 Pine St., Phila., Pa. 1863] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 9 1 fStokes, J. Spencer. (M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa., 1864.) b. Moorestown, N. J., Oct. 4, 1842; d. Moorestown, N. J., Sept. 18, 1868. s. John H. Stokes, M.D., and Tabitha Jenkins. Entered Academical Depart. 1857 and left 1859. Physician. Soon after graduating went into the Military Hospital at York, Pa., as Assistant Surgeon, where he remained until it was closed after the war was over. t Thurston, William Richardson. b. New York, Oct. 27, 1843 ; d. Morristown, N. J., Oct. 19, 1890. s, WiUiam Richardson Thurston (Class 1837, Manager 1871-75) and Jane R. Day. Entered 1858 ; left 1861. Studied at Yale for a short time. Wholesale Druggist. m. Nov. 4, 1869, Maria Sampson. Willets, William Henry. b. Westbury, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1840. s. Robert R. Willets and Lydia Titus. Entered Academical Depart. 1856 and left 1859. Merchant. Address, 53 Park Ave., New York City. Wood, George. b. Phila., Pa., July i, 1842. s. Richard Davis Wood and Julianna Randolph. Entered Introductory Depart. 1855 and left i860. Director Millville and Glassboro' R.R. Co. ; Director West Jersey R.R. Co. ; Prest. West Jersey and Atlantic R.R. Co. ; Director of Penna. R.R. Co. ; Prest. Millville Manufactur- ing Co. ; Prest. May's Landing Water Power Co. ; Prest. Phila. Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ; Director Phila. Nat. Bank, etc. Iron and Cotton Manufacturer, m. Oct 12, 1864, Mary Sharpless Hunn. Address, 13 13 Spruce St, and 400 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. 1863. Battey, Thomas Jesse, A.B. A.M., 1889. b. Burrillville, R. I., Jan. 25, 1842. s. Smith Battey and Ruth Muzzey Aldrich. Entered 1859. Librarian Loganian. Teacher ; Teacher Nat. Science, etc.. Friends' School, Provi- dence, R. I., 1868 to date. m. Apl. 5, 1865, M. Augusta Hea- ton. Address, Friends' School and 304 Lloyd St., Providence, R. I. fCoates, Georg-e Morrison, A.B. A.M., 1866. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 29, 1845; d. Phila., Pa., Nov. 12, 1894. s. Joseph Potts Hornor Coates (Class of 1839) and Elisa Henri Troth. Entered 1859. Sec, Vice-Prest., Prest. Everett, Wool Merchant, Phila., Pa. m. Nov. 9, 1871, Laura Lloyd. 92 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1863 Coates, William Morrison, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 19, 1845. s. George Morrison Coates and Anna Troth. Entered 1859. Vice-Prest. Alumni Assoc. 1891. Vice-Prest. United Security Life Ins. and Trust Co. Private in " Grey Reserves " 1863—65; Member Veteran Corps ist Regt. Pa. N. G. 1896. Clerk and Bookkeeper one year; Wool Mer- chant, m. Sept. 30, 1869, Anne Morris Lloyd. Address, 127 Market St., Phila., Pa. t Jones, Richard Thomas, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., May 8, 1844; d. Phila., Pa., June 6, 1868. s. Jacob Paul Jones, Benefactor, and Mary Thomas. Entered 1859. Vice-Prest. Loganian ; Prest. Athenaeum. Iron Merchant, m. 1868, Marie Louise Bailey. Morris, William Henry, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 25, 1846. s. Israel Morris and Elizabeth Longstreth. Entered 1859. Iron Manufacturer and Merchant, m. Dec. 3, 1868, Sarah W. Paul. Address, 1608 Market St., Phila., Pa. Pinkham, Joseph Gurney, A.B. A.M., 1866. (M.D., 1866.) b. Gardiner, Me., Oct. 20, 1839. s. Elias Pinkham and Fanny Sampson. Entered Sophomore Class i860. Won Alumni Un- dergraduate Prize for Essay 1863. Alumni Orator 1874. Physi- cian, m. . Address, Lynn, Mass. Non-Graduates. Corhit, Daniel Wheeler. b. Odessa, Del., Mch. 7, 1843. s. Daniel Corbit and Eliza Naudain. Entered Sophomore year i860 and left on account of Civil War early in Junior year, 1862. Private in 7th Del. Emer- gency Men July 1 1 to Aug. 12, 1864. Owner and Manager of Farms in Delaware, m. Oct. 13, 1870, Mary Clark Higgins. Address, Odessa, Del. Davis, Henry Wilkins. b. , May 12, 1842. s. Thomas Wilkins Davis and Phoebe Shotwell Townsend. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1859 and left at close of the Freshman year. Member " Grey Reserves" (ist Regt. N. G. Pa.) 1861-65. Some time member ist Troop Phila. City Cavalry, m. June 29, 1875, Elizabeth Corlies Allen. Address, Sandy Spring, Md., or 1427 Arch St., Phila., Pa. fHaudy, Thomas Poultney. b, Baltimore, Md., Dec. 19, 1844 ; d. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 28, 1877. s. William Winder Handy, M.D., and Mary Ann Poult- 1863] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 93 ney. Entered 1859 and left during the Junior year. Iron Merchant, m. Oct. 31, 1865, Maria Poultney. Holme, John Gibbon. b. Salem Co., N. J., Feb. 4, 1842. s. Benjamin Seeley Holme and Elizabeth Dennis. Entered 1859 and left at close of Fresh- man year. Orderly Sergeant 24th New Jersey Regiment 1862- 63, in battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. m. Apl. 26, 1866, Helena Woolman. Farmer. Address, Salem, N. J. Jessup, George White. b. Cinnaminson, N. J., Aug. 28, 1842. s. Charles Jessup and Mary Lippincott. Entered 1859 and left during the Sophomore year. Farmer, m. Dec. 6, 1866, Esther Hannah Hancock. Address, Cinnaminson, N. J. fKniglit, Tlionias Walter. b. Frankford, Phila., Pa., Mch. i, 1844; d. May 25, 1864. s. Walter Knight and Elizabeth Roberts. Entered 1859 and left 1 86 1. Member 119 Pa. Vols. Wounded in battle of the Po, Va., and died in Carver Hospital, Washington, D. C. Leeds, Albert Ripley. (A.B., Central High School, Phila., Pa., 1860; A.B., Harvard, 1865; Hon., Ph.D., Princeton, 1876.) b. Phila., Pa., June 27, 1843. s. Benjamin Sykes Leeds and Beulah Bassett. Entered Class of 1863 at beginning and left at close of Sophomore year, 1860-61. Studied at the Central High School of Phila., Pa., 1856-60; Harvard College 1861-65; School of Mines, Berlin, Germany, 1869; Lawrence Scientific School, Cambridge, Mass., 1870. Member of the American, English, and German Chemical Societies ; Fellow and Corre- sponding Member of British, and American Associations for Ad- vancement of Science ; Fellow of Academy of Science of New York, etc. ; Member of State Board of Health of New Jersey 1879-95 ; State Chemist of New Jersey 1879-95. Chemist of Water Depart, of Phila., Pa., 1883-85. Prof of Chemistry in the Phila. High School ; in the Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania ; in the Phila. Dental College ; in Haverford College 1867 ; in the Stevens Institute of Technology 1871 to date. Author of numer- ous papers on Ozone, Water Analysis, Water Supply, and other chemical subjects, m. Journal American Clietnical Society ; Journal Franklin Institute ; Amer. Journal of Science ; Zeits. fi'ir Analyt. Chern. ; Beitr. der deutsch. Chetn. GeselL, etc. m. (i) Phila., Pa., Sept. 12, 1871, Margaretta Reed West (d. Feb. 18, 1887); (2) Phila., Pa., Dec. 12, 1890, Anne Griscom Webb. Address, Hoboken, N. J. ^A. . lao'i- 94 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1863 fLevick, Robert. b. Frankford, Phila., Pa., July 24, 1844; ^- Frankford, Phila., Pa., Jan. 30, 1897. s. Robert R. Levick and Hannah Jefferson. Entered Introductory Depart. 1858 and left at close of Soph- omore year, 1861. Wholesale Shoe Merchant, m. Oct. 19, 1882, Jeannette Savage. tMatthews, William W. b. Cockeysville, Md., Oct. 7, 1842; d. Philopopolis, Md., Jan. 30, 1899. s- Thomas H. Matthews and Elizabeth Ann Price. Entered 1859 ^^^ ^^^^ i860. Farmer, m. Mary Alice Matthews. Merritt, J. Walter. b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., (?) Mch. 21, 184 1. s. Joseph Merritt and Eliza L. Codies. Entered Academical Dept. 1858 and left at end of the Sophomore year. Last address, P. O. Box 300, Atlanta, Ga. fMorris, James Thompson. b. Phila., Pa,, Sept. 18, 1842 ; d. Phila., Pa., Sept. 23, 1874. s. Isaac P. Morris and Rebecca Thompson. Entered Academical Depart. 1857 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1861. Engi- neer and Iron Manufacturer, m. Dec. 5, 1872, Jane Montague. Paiicoast, Henry Boiler. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 12, 1843. s. Joshua Pancoast and Anna Paxson. Entered 1858 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1 86 1. Iron Manufacturer, m. Jan, 31, 1870, Elizabeth Ham- meken. Address, 245 S. 3d St., Phila., Pa. tParrish, Joseph, Hon. A.M., 1884. b. Phila., Pa., July 6, 1843 ; d. Phila., Pa., Nov. 11, 1893. s. Dillwyn Parrish and Susan Maxfield. Entered 1859 and left at close of the Freshman year, i860. Everett Prize Poet, i860; Subject: "New Year's Eve." Alumni Orator 1866; Subject: "The Duty of Educated Men in the Republic;" Alumni Poet 1873 ; Prest. of Alumni 1881 ; Author of Haver- ford College Cricket Song, " Scarlet and Black," first read Sept. 18, 1877 ; Author of Poem read at Everett Reunion, Mch. 30, 1883. Lawyer, m. Paris, France, Sept. 3, 1868, Isabel Pelham Mott. Scott, Thomas, Jr. b. Pittsburg, Pa., (?) Sept. 28, 1843. s. Thomas Scott and . Entered Academical Depart. 1858 and left at close of the Sophomore year, 1861. Last address, Westinghouse Build- ing, Pittsburg, Pa. 1864] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 95 Tliorne, Jonathan, Jr. b. New York City, 1843. s. Jonathan Thorne and Lydia Ann Corse. Entered Academical Depart. 1858 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1861. Served as private in 7th N. Y. Militia 1863. Member N. Y. Historical Soc. ; American Geographical Soc. Merchant. m. Dec. 5, 1867, Harriet S. Van Schron- hoven. Address, 43 Cedar St., New York City. fTonis, Richard H. R. b. Holly Grove, Va., Nov. 9, 1845; d. . s. and Mary A. E. . Entered Academical Depart. 1858 and left 1859. Said to have joined the Confederate Army. fTyler, John Edgar. b. Salem, N. J., Oct. 5, 1842; d. Media, Pa., Oct., 1892. s. Hugh L. Tyler and Mary Shipley Miller. Entered 1858 and left 1861. Farmer, m. 1881, Anne Hicks. fVaux, Roberts. b. Phila., Pa., July 10, 1843 ; d. Phila., Pa., July 24, 1888. s. Richard Vaux (M. C, Mayor of Phila., Pa., Sec. U. S. Le- gation, Court of St. James's, etc.) and Mary M. Wain. Entered Academical Depart. 1855 and left 1861. Alumni Poet 1882; Subject : " Nostra Alma Mater." Member of Phila. City Troop ; Capt. and A. D. C. Gen. Snowden's Staff, Nat. Guards, Pa. Mer- chant. 1864. fAngell, Franklin, A.B. A.M., 1869. b. Greenfield, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Dec. 10, 1841 ; d. in Sen- eca Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, 1882. s. Benjamin Angell and Mary Anthony. Entered i860. Teacher. fAshbridge, William, A.B. (M.D., Coll. Phys. and Surg., Phila., Pa.) b. West Whiteland, Pa., Mch. 15, 1846; d. Phila., Pa., Dec. 13, 1884. s. Richard Ashbridge and Mary Bennett James. Entered i860. Studied Medicine College of Physicians and Surgeons, Phila., Pa. Physician. Coates, Edward Hornor, A.B, b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 12, 1846. s. Joseph Potts Hornor Coates (Class of 1839) and Elisa Henri Troth. Entered i860. Sec, Vice-Prest., Prest. of Everett. Merchant until 1889. Prest. Penna. Academy of the Fine Arts. Member of Historical Soc. of Pa. m. (i) Ella Mary Potts ; (2) Jan. 7, 1879, Florence (Earle) Nich- olson. Address, 5321 Boynton St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. 96 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1864 Cooper, Howard Mickle, A.B. A.M., 1867. b. Camden, N. J., June 24, 1844. s. John Cooper and Mary Mickle Kaighn. Entered Sophomore Class 1861. Editor of The Bud. On First Cricket Eleven 1864. Prest. Security Trust and Safe Deposit Co. ; Prest. Harleigh Cemetery Assoc. ; Prest. Free Public Library ; Prest. West Jersey Orphanage for Destitute Colored Children ; Director Camden Nat. Bank ; Director West Jersey Title and Guaranty Co., all of Camden, N. J. Author of several articles on Local History published in periodicals. Law- yer, m. (i) Oct. 23, 1872, Alice M. Mears ; (2) Apl. 22, 1884, Lucy Smyth, Address, 106 Market St., Camden, N. J. Garrett, Albiii, A.B. b. Willistown, Pa., Apl. 22, 1844. s. Albin Garrett and Esther Painter James. P^ntered i860. Prest. of Class; Vice-Prest. Loganian Soc. ; Prest. of Athenaeum Soc. Merchant, m. Nov, 24, 1885, Mary Hickman. Address, Drexel Building, Phila., Pa. Loiigstreth, Morris, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1866 ; A.M., 1869 ; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1869,) b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 24, 1846. s. Thomas Bedford Longstreth and Lydia Noble. Entered i860. Member First Cricket P^leven. Student at Harvard 1864-66. Medical Student Univ. of Pa. 1866-69. Alumni Orator 1888 ; Subject : "Science Teaching in Relation to General Education." Some time Prof of Patho- Anatomy, Jefferson College, Phila., Pa. ; some time Attending Physician Penna. Hospital, Phila., Pa. ; Member American Philo- sophical Soc. 1878 to date; College of Physicians, Phila., Pa. Author of " Rheumatism, Gout, etc.," 1882; Catalogue of Patho- logical Museum of Penna. Hospital ; Clinical Lectures, Articles in Medical Journals, etc. Lowell Institute Lecturer, Boston, 1883-84; Subject: " The Germ Theory of Disease." Physi- cian, m. Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 11, 1871, Mary Oliver Has- tings. Address, 1416 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. fPancoast, Albert, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 15, 1842; d. Elberon, N. J., Aug. 19, 1898. s. Joseph Pancoast, M,D., and Rebecca Abbott. En- tered Academical Depart. 1858. Banker and Broker, m, Bal- timore, Md., Nov. 28, 1 87 1, Rebecca Emily Thomas. Roberts, Charles, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 21, 1846. s. Elihu Roberts and Anne Pettit. Entered i860. Editor of The Bud; Sec, Prest. of Council, Everett. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1898. Treas. Alumni Assoc. 1866-69; Prest. 1886-88. Manager of Haver- ford College 1872 to date; Sec. of Corporation 1883-86; 1864] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 97 Editor of Collegian ; Member of Common Council of Phila., Pa., 1882-84; 1 886 to date. Memberof Council of Hist. Soc. of Penna. ; Life Member Amer. Hist. Assoc, ; Hon. Member Hist. Soc. of Salem, N. J., and Wisconsin Hist. Soc. Life Member of Acad, of Natural Sciences ; of Horticultural Soc. ; of Zoological Soc. ; of Genealogical Soc; of Franklin Institute ; of Colonial Soc; of Pho- tographic Soc. ; of Fairmount Park Art. Assoc. Prest. Appren- tices Libraiy Co. ; Director Acad, of Fine Arts ; Prest. Eighth and Ninth Wards Chanty Organization; Vice-Prest. Fuel Savings Soc; Overseer William Penn Charter School, all of Phila., Pa. Glass Manufacturer 1869-85 ; Vice-Prest. Spring Garden Fire Ins. Co. 1 891 ; Prest. of same 1895 to date, m, Phila., Pa., Nov. 23, 1892, Lucy Branson Longstreth. Address, 1716 Arch St., Phila., Pa. fSanipson, Elijah Pope, A.B. b. Hallowell, Mc, Aug. 6, 1843 ; d. New York City, May 18, 1893. s. Alden Sampson and Sarah Taber Pope. Entered Sophomore Class 1861. Manufacturer of Oilcloths, m. Sept. 14, 1876, Florence de Wolfe Smith. tScull, Edward Lawrence, A.B. b. Mch. 7, 1846; d, Oaklands Park, Surrey, England, June 14, 1884. s. David Scull (Manager 1855-65, Benefactor) and Lydia Lippincott. Entered 1 860. Librarian of Loganian ; Prest. of Council Everett ; Editor of The Bud ; Editor of TJie Colle- gian; Sec. of Alumni Association, 1868-69 \ Manager of Haver- ford College 1875-84, and Benefactor by his will. Overseer Wil- liam Penn Charter School. Member of Phila. Sketch Club. Founder of Friends' Institute, Phila., Pa. Wool Merchant, m. Phila., Pa., Nov. 26, 1879, Sarah Elizabeth Marshall. tWood, Randolph, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 5, 1845; d. Phila., Pa., Apl. 19, 1876. s. Richard Davis Wood and Julianna Randolph. Entered Aca- demical Depart. 1857. Iron Manufacturer, m. 1869, Elizabeth H. Wood. Non-Graduates. Bacon, George Warder. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 30, 1843. s. George Vaux Bacon and Sarah Ann Paul. Entered Academical Depart. 1859 ^"per, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1877; A.M., 1878.) b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 11, 1853. s. Richard Cadbury (Class of 1842, Manager 1865-97) ^^^ Lydia Comfort Shinn. Entered 1868. Vice-Prest. Everett. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1898. Studied Harvard Univ. 1876-78. Clerk in Manufacturing Busi- ness 1873-75; Teacher 1875-76, 1878-79; Supt. Deaf and Dumb Institution, Phila., Pa., 1880-83 > Supt. Univ. Hospital, Phila., Pa., 1884-86 ; in Trust Depart. Prov. Life & Trust Co., Phila., Pa., 1886 to date. m. Aug. 28, 1884, Helen Virginia Nathans. Address, Haverford, Pa. and 409 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Carey, James, Jr., A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Maryland, 1874.) b. Baltimore Co., Md., Mch. 11, 1854. s. James Carey (Class of 1839) ^"^ Susan Budd Kimber. Entered Sopho- more Class 1869. Studied at Law School Univ. of Mary- land, Baltimore, Md. Author with brother, Francis King Carey, "Forms and Precedents." Lawyer to 1888; Merchant, m. May 23, 1887, Anna Tacy King. Address, 838 Park Ave. and 26 Light St., Baltimore, Md. Downing^, Thomas Stalker, A.B. b. West Whiteland, Pa., Mch. 4, 1852. s. Thomas Stalker Downing and Eliza Sharpless Valentine. Entered 1868. Farmer. Address, Whitford, Pa. Erbeii, Walter, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 23, 1854. s. Peter C. Erben and Mary C. Davis. Entered 1868. Manufacturer of Worsted Yarns and Wool Combings, m. Sept. 3, 1877, Emma Ten Broeck Erentz. Address, 2021 De Lancey St., Phila., Pa. 1872] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 25 fEstes, Thomas Ro"wland, A.B. b. Richmond, Ind., Dec. 14, 185 1 ; d. Westfield, Ind.,(?)Oct. 13, 1897. s. Lewis Alden Estes and Hulda Case Hoag. Entered Sophomore year 1869 ; left on account of ill-health for six months ; student Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., 1870-71 ; reentered Haverford 1871. Vice-Prest. Loganian ; Teacher 1872-79; Banker 1879-91 ; Merchant 1893-95 ; Teacher 1895-97. m. Mch. 30, 1 88 1, Ida A. Moudy. Forsythe, John Evans, A.B. (Degree granted in 1879.) b. near West Chester, Pa., Feb. 1, 1850. s. James Forsythe and Emily Evans. Entered Junior Class 1870 and left during Senior year on account of ill-health. Entered Senior Class Harvard ; left during the year on account of ill-health. Granted degree of A.B. by Haverford in 1879, with permission to rank with Class of 1872; Teacher. Address, Media, Pa. Gihhons, William Henry, A.B. A.M., 1875. b. Coatesville, Pa., Sept. 16, 1852. s. Abraham Gibbons and Martha Pennock Lukens. Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Vale- dictorian. Iron Manufacturer, m. June 11, 1884, Harriet Lu- cretia Fuller. Address, Coatesville, Pa. Gummere, Francis Barton, A.B. A.M., 1875. (A. B., Harvard, 1875; Ph.D., Univ. of Freiburg, 1881.) b. Burlington, N, J., Mch. 6, 1855. s- Samuel James Gum- mere, A.M., (Prest. Haverford College 1862-74), and Elizabeth Hooton Barton. Entered 1869. Alumni Orator 1877 ; Poet 1878, 1882, Subject : " Haverford Memories ;" 1883 ; Vice-Prest. 1890 ; Prest. 1891—94 ; Student at Harvard College 1874-75 5 ^.t several German Universities 1878-81 ; Member of American Modern Language Association ; American Dialect Association. Author of "The Anglo-Saxon Metaphor," Halle, 1881 ; "Handbook of Poetics," Boston, 1885 ; " Germanic Origins," New York, 1892 ; " Old English Ballads," Boston, 1894 ; Various papers in period- icals. Teacher Friends' School, Providence, R. I. ; Instructor in English, Harvard College ; Head Master Swain Free School, New Bedford, Mass. ; Prof. English Haverford College 1887 to date. m. Burlington, N. J., Sept. 14, 1882, Amelia Smith Mott. Address, Haverford, Pa. Haines, Caspar Wistar, A.B. A.M., 1884. (C.E.) b. Cheltenham, Pa., Feb. 11, 1853. s. Robert Bowne Haines (Class 1844, Manager 1870-95) and Margaret Vaux Wistar. Entered 1868. Civil Engineer. Address, Cheltenham, Pa. 126 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [l872 Huston, Abram Francis, A.B. b. Coatesville, Pa., July 7, 1852. s. Charles Huston, M.D., and Isabella Pennock Lukens. Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Manager of Haverford College 1886 to date ; Iron Manufacturer, m. Jan. 17, 1889, Alice Calley. Address, Coatesville, Pa. fKimber, Marmaduke Cope, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. i, 1854; d. Phila., Pa., Feb. 17, 1878. s. Anthony Morris Kimber (Class of 1840, Manager 1849-71) and Margaret Cooper Cope. Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Studied in Germany, Greece and Italy 1875-76. Professor Greek and Latin Wilmington College, Wilmington, O., 1874-75 ; Teacher of Classics Germantown Academy 1876-78. Longstreth, William Morris, A.B. b. Springfield, Delaware Co., Pa., July 7, 1853. s. William Collins Longstreth (Class of 1837, Manager 1864-81) and Abby Ann Taylor. Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Saluta- torian. Commission Merchant, m. Oct. 17, 1888, Elizabeth I. Church. Address, Knox and Penn Sts., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Thomas, Richard Henry, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Md., 1875.) b. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 26, 1854. s. Richard Henry Thomas, M.D. (Manager 1850-59) and Phebe Clapp. Entered Sopho- more Class 1869. Sec. of Class Junior year. Student at Univ. of Md. Medical School 1872-75; special student in Biology Johns Plopkins Univ. 1876-77 ; studied in London Hospitals 1876; also in Medical Depart. Univ. of Vienna, Austria, 1880- 81. Professor of Diseases of the Throat and Chest in the Woman's Medical College of Baltimore 1882-93. Three years Dean of the Faculty. Visiting Physician Baltimore House of Refuge 1877-87. Recorded a Minister in the Society of Friends 1883, and in this capacity has travelled in America, Great Britain, Ireland, and on the Continent of Europe. Author of " Influence of Weather on the Death-Rate of Diphtheria," and a number of papers on various subjects relating to Medicine ; joint author with his brother, Allen C. Thomas (Class of 1865), "The His- tory of the Society of Friends in America " (vol. xii. American Church History Series), N. Y., 1894, and Phila., Pa., 1895 ; a large number of Essays on "Worship," " Baptism and the Sup- per," and other Religious Subjects ; " Echoes and Pictures " (Poems), London, 1895 ; " Penelve," a Story, London, and Phila., Pa., 1898. Physician. m. London, Eng., Mch. 28, 1878, Anna Lloyd Braithwaite, of London, Address, 17 18 John St., Baltimore, Md. 1872] matriculate catalogue. 12/ Non-Graduates. fCliase, William Barker. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 6, 1853; d. May 26, 1872. s. Pliny Earle Chase, LL.D. (Prof, of Philosophy 1871-86, Acting Prest. 1886) and Elizabeth Brown Oliver. Entered Sophomore Class 1869 and left near the close of the Senior year on account of ill-health. fHarlaii, William Brick. b. Westtown, Pa., Jan. 31, 1852; d. Fredericksburg, Va., Aug. 31, 1878. s. Joseph Gibbons Harlan, A.M. (Professor of Mathematics 1853-57, Principal (Prest.) 1857) and Anna Ameha Stevenson. Entered Freshman Class 1868 and left at close of the year. Civil Engineer 1870-76; Broker 1876-77; Accountant in R.R. 1877-78. m. June 14, 1875, CaroHne Murray. Howland, Charles Samuel. b. Union Springs, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1851. s. Charles W. How- land and Gulielma M. Hilles. Entered Sophomore Class 1869; left during Senior year. Prest. Everett, Librarian Loganian. Manufacturer, m. Dec. 17, 1873, Mary C. Shipley. Address, Wilmington, Del. Hviston, William Perot. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1872; A.M., 1875.) b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 2, 1854. s. Samuel Huston and Sarah Sansom Perot. Entered 1868 and left at middle of the Junior year, 1871. Entered Univ. of Pa. middle of Junior year. Mem- ber Haverford First Eleven Cricket. Iron Manufacturer and Merchant ; with Ship Building firm ; Actuary Girard Life Insur- ance, Annuity and Trust Co. nine years ; Broker in Investment Securities, m. Oct. ii, 1888, Carohne Bettle. Address, Girard Building, Phila., Pa. Morris, Isaac Tyson. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1874 ; A.M., 1877 ; LL.B., 1877.) b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 3, 1854. s. James Cheston Morris, M.D., and Hannah Ann Tyson. Entered Feb., 1869, and left during Junior year. Entered Junior Class Univ. of Pa. 1872. Student Law School Univ. of Pa. Gained Sharswood Prize for graduat- ing essay in Law Depart. Lawyer. Farmer. Address, Nar- berth. Pa. Sliarpless, Samuel Franklin. b. Phila., Pa., (?) June 7, 1853. s. Samuel J. Sharpless and Charlotte Ann Heberton. Entered Freshman Class Feb., 1869, and left at close of Junior year. m. 1894, Leila Horwitz. Address, 1301 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. 128 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1873 Wistar, Edward Morris. b. Abington Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., Jan. 3, 1852. s. Thomas Wistar (3d) and Priscilla Foulke. Entered middle Freshman year 1869 and left middle Junior year. Read Law a short time ; seventeen years in Banking and Life Insurance ; eighteen months in European travel, 1887-88 ; since then various occupations, Committee work ; much time given to Educational organizations, including Indian Mission and Freedman work ; visited Armenia in interest of persecuted Armenians 1896. m. Nov. 16, 1879, Margaret Cooper Collins. Address, 905 Provi- dent Building, Phila., Pa., and Roadside, LaMotte, Montgomery Co., Pa. 1873. Comfort, James Cooper, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., June i, 1854. s. Edward Com- fort and Susan Edge. Entered Sophomore Class 1870. Mer- chant. Address, 5343 Knox St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Cope, Thomas Pim, Jr., A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Oct. 6, 1852. s. Francis Reeve Cope (Class 1839) and Anna Stewardson Brown. Entered 1869. Overseer William Penn Charter School. Manufacturer. Address, Awbury, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Emleii, George Williams, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., May 4, 1853. s. Samuel Emlen and Sarah C. Williams. Entered Freshman Class Feb., 1870. Merchant; Manufacturer, m. 1877, Eleanor Cope. Address, Washington Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Fox, Joseph Mickle, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 4, 1853. s. Samuel Mickle Fox and Mary Rodman Fisher. Entered 1869. Prest. of Athenaeum. Member Historical Soc. of Pa. ; Phila. Academy of Natural Sciences. Captain and Aide-de-Camp Pa. Militia. Lawyer, m. May 10, 1883, Emily A. Read, of Charleston, S. C. Address, Foxburg, Pa. fHaines, Henry Cope, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 7, 1853; d. Phila., Pa., Jan. 15, 1900. s. John Smith Haines (Class 1838, Manager 1869-71) and Mary Drinker Cope. Entered 1869. Lowry, Benjamin Howard, A.B., A.M., 1876. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 4, 1855. s. John Stroud Lowry and Elizabeth Collins Stokes. Entered Sophomore Class 1870. 1874] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 29 Valedictorian. Treasurer Alumni Assoc. 1884-85 ; Orator 1891 ; Subject: " The Single Tax." Lawyer. Address, 422 S. Broad St., Phila., Pa. Sampson, Aldeii, A.B., A.M., 1876. (A.B., Harvard, 1876 ; A.M., 1877.) b. Manchester, Me., Mch. 13, 1853. s. Alden Sampson and Sarah Taber Pope. P>ntered 1869 from New York. Loganian Orator Freshman year. Prest. Athenaeum. Member Phi Beta Kappa. Student Harvard 1874—80. Vice-Prest. Alumni Assoc. 1888. Alumni Orator 1886; Subject: "Milton's Sonnets." m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., June 12, 1890, Mary Agnes Yarnall. Ad- dress, Haverford, Pa. tToniliiisoii, Julius Lines, A.B., A.M. (Hon.), 1886. b. Bush Hill (now Archdale), N. C, June 21, 1852; d. 1890. s, Allen Unthank Tomlinson and Rachel English. Entered Senior Class 1872. Student at Trinity College, N. C. Teacher in North Carolina, California and Baltimore, Md. Non-Graduates. Clark, Charles Granville. b. , Ind., P"eb. 4, 1853. s. Dougan Clark, M.D. (Class 1852) and Sarah Jordan Bates. Entered 1869 from Richmond, Ind., and left at close of Sophomore year. m. . Address, Bessbrook, Ireland. fPeitsnieier, Edward. b. Minden, Prussia, Aug. 8, 1847 ) ^- J^^y I7> i^/^ ; drowned at Cape May, N. J., during the summer vacation, s. David Peitsmeier and . Entered Freshman Class 1869. Warner, George Malin. b. Whiteland, Pa., Nov. 15, 1855. s. Yardley Warner and Hannah Allen. Entered Sophomore Class 1870 from Gtn., Phila., Pa., and left at close of Junior year. Sec. of Class ; Sec. of Everett. Wholesale Grain Business, m. Sept. 18, 1879, Elizabeth B. Wistar. Address, 5308 Knox St., (}ermantown, Phila., Pa. 1874- Allinson, Edward Pease, A.B., A.M., 1874. b. Burlington, N. J., Nov. 21, 1852. s. WilHam J. Allinson and Rebecca W. Hinchman. Entered 1870. Gained First Prize Loganian Soc. for Literary Excellence 1873. Editor " Quaker Alumnus," 1878-79; " The Alumnus," 1879. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1898. Admitted to the Bar 1876. Editor Legal In- telligencer 1889 to date. Reporter for Superior Court of Pa. 9 130 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [^874 1895 to date. Author of " Philadelphia, 1682-1882 ; A History of Municipal Development." Published 1887. Sec. of the Alumni Assoc. 1879-89. Alumni Orator 1890 ; Subject : " The Alumnus as a Citizen." Vice-Prest. Alumni Assoc. 1896-98 ; Pre.st. 1898 to date. Lawyer, m. Oct. 14, 1886, Anna G. Roberts. Address, West End Trust Building, Broad and Market Sts., Phila., Pa. Bullock, John Oriscom, A.B. (Ph.G., Phila. College of Phar- macy.) b. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 27, 1854. s. William R. Bullock, M.D. (Class 1844) and Elizabeth A. Emlen. Entered Sopho- more Class 1 87 1. Prest. Everett Soc. Prest. Class. Valedic- torian. Member Franklin Institute ; Prest. Photographic Soc. of Phila., Pa. Chemist and Wholesale Druggist, m. June 6, 1888, Rebecca M. Downing. Address, 528 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Emlen, James, A.B, b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 12, 1854. s. Samuel Emlen and Sarah Williams. Entered 1870 from Gtn., Phila., Pa. Manufacturer; Commission Merchant ; Sec. and Treas. m. Dec, 13, 1877, Susan Trotter Thompson. Address, 328 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Hartsliorue, Charles Kobinson, A.B, b, Montgomery Co., Md., Jan. 27, 1856. s. Isaac Harts- horne (Class 1844) and Anna Elizabeth Stabler. Entered 1868 from Brighton, Md. Farmer, m. Montgomery Co., Md., Nov, 24, 1886, Pllla Maria Lansdale. Address, Brighton, Md. miles, Samuel Eli, A.B. b. Wilmington, Del., Mch. 7, 1854. s. William Samuel Hilles (Class 1842, Manager 1857-71) and Sarah Lancaster Allen. Entered 1870. Vice-Prest. Everett. Salutatorian of Class, Draughtsman ; Clerk and Salesman, Coal Business, Phila,, Pa. Clerk in Foundry and Machine Shop, Cincinnati, O. Prest. The Samuel C. Tatum Co. Foundry and Machine Works, Cincinnati, O., 1 89 1 to date. m. Oct. 28, 1880, Amy Yarnall Tatum. Address, N. E. Cor. John and Water Sts., Cincinnati, O. Jones, John Barclay, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 26, 1854. s. Charles Jones (Class of 1837) and Ann Magarge. Entered Sophomore Class 1871 from Gtn., Phila., Pa. With Cotton Mfg. firm ; Window Glass Mfg. firm; Paper Mfg. firm. m. Oct. 24, 1889, Helen Lee Hopkins. Address, 143 West Coulter St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. fKlrkbride, Mahlon, A.B, b. Lower Makefield, Bucks Co., Pa., Apl. 30, 1855. ^• Johnstown, Pa., May 31, 1889. Drowned or killed in the great 1874] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. I3I flood, with his wife and three children. His body was found four months later. Entered Sophomore Class 1871 from Mor- risville, Pa. In the employ of the Cambria Iron Co. 1874-89; Auditor Johnson Steel Street Rail Co. Price, Tlieopliilus Pliaro, A.B. b. Tuckerton, N. J., Aug. 7, 1855. s. Theophilus Townsend Price and Eliza Pharo. Entered Sophomore Class. Studied three years at Crozer Theological Seminary, Upland, Pa., taking full course. Nine years in Pastorate (Baptist) at Cape May City and Cedarville, N. J., and Hatboro, Pa. Author of History of Cedarville Baptist Church in Minutes of West Jersey Baptist Assoc. ; "Account of Disastrous Fires;" N. J. Geological Sur- vey 1885, etc. Machinist; Miller; Teacher, Peddie Institute, Hightstown, N. J. ; Six years Farmer ; Surveyor ; Preacher, m. Mch. 4, 1884, Emma Leach. Address, Tuckerton, N. J, Tlioinpsoii, James Beatiii, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 20, 1855. s. John J. Thompson and Eliza- beth Hough Trotter. Entered Sophomore Class Feb., 1872. m. Emilia Garrison Brinton. Address, 2212 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Trotter, Joseph, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., May 12, 1853. s. Joseph H. Trotter and Edith Newbold. Entered Sophomore 1871 and left 1874. Student at the Univ. of Pa. 1870-71, but left at close of Freshman year. Member Hist. Soc. Pa. Stockbroker, m. Ellen M. Dudley. Address, 18 12 Spruce St. and 322 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Non-Graduates. Bangs, William. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Sept 24, 1856. s. William P. Bangs and Sarah C. Emlen. Entered 1870 and left at close of Sophomore year 1872. Salesman Oil Business, m. Oct. 28, 1886, Annie B. Davis. Address, 165 W. Coulter St., German- town, Phila., Pa. Deacon, Frederick Howard. b. Burlington, N. J., May 30, 1853. s. John C. Deacon and Maria . Entered 1870 and left at close of Freshman year. Member Pa. State Militia three years. Electrical Engineer, m. 1882, Margaret Louise Deacon. Address, 926 Drexel Building, Phila., Pa. Longstretli, Henry. b. Springfield, Delaware Co., Pa., June 27, 1855. s. William Collins Longstreth (Class 1837, Manager 1864-81) and Abby 132 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1875 Ann Taylor. Entered Freshman Class Feb., 1 871, from Phila., Pa., and left at close of the Junior year. Clerk Prov. Life and Trust Co. m. June i, 1887, Emma V. Smith. Address, Tacoma, Wash. fSmitli, Franklin Whitall. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Aug. 12, 1854. d. near Had- donfield, N. J., Aug. 8, 1872. s. Robert Pearsall Smith (Class 1854, Manager 1849-59) and Hannah Whitall. Entered 1870 and left close of I" reshman year, 1 87 1. Student Princeton 1871— 72. (See his biography, "The Record of a Happy Life," by his mother, " H. W. S.") Stabler, Charles Miller. (A.B., Yale, 1876 ; LL.B., Univ. of the City of New York, 1880.) b. Alexandria, Va., June 6, 1853. s. Francis Stabler and Cornelia Miller, t^ntered 1870 and left during the Freshman year. Studied at Yale Univ. 1872-76, also at Univ. of the City of New York 1877-80. Teacher Friends' High School, Baltimore, Md., three years ; in Stevens Institute, Hoboken, N. J. (High School Depart.), three years ; practiced law in New York City nine years ; Principal Sherwood Friends' School, Sandy Spring, Md., two years ; Instructor in Higher Mathe- matics in George School, Bucks Co., Pa., four years and to date. m. Aug. 7, 1895, Mary Ida Palmer. Address, George School, Bucks Co., Pa. fWarrington, Curtis Hoopes. b. near Moorestown, N. J., Oct. 23, 185 i. d. West Goshen, Pa., June 27, 1896. s. Thomas Warrington and Anna Mary Hoopes. Entered Sophomore Class 1871 from West Chester, Pa., and left 1873 during the Senior year. Farmer, m. (i) Oct. 7, 1875, Helen A. Smith; (2) Oct. 12, 1893, Elizabeth L. Walton. 1875. Bispliani, Edward Koons, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., F"eb. 20, 1856. s. Samuel Augustus Bispham aud Cornelia Koons. Entered 1871. Address, 2313 De Lancey Place, Phila., Pa. Brown, Alonzo, A.B , A.M., 1878. b. Hamilton Co., Ind., July 9, 1849. s. Jabez Brown and Sarah Durflinger. Entered Junior Class from Ironton, Wis., 1873. Student Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., 1869; at Ripon Col- lege, Wisconsin, 1870-73. Teacher, m. Oct. 11, 1884, Mary ILlizabeth Van Leer. Address, 4048 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. 1875] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 33 Davis, James Franklin, A.B. A.M., 1879. b. Deep River, N. C, July 4, 1850. s. Henry Davis and Anna Henley. Entered Sophomore Class 1872 from Westminster, N. C. Won Second Prize for best Essay Loganian Soc. ; Vice- Prest. Loganian ; Valedictorian ; Studied half year Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. ; half year each in Univ. of Leipzig and Strassburg, Germany ; Teacher Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1877; Asst. Prof, of Greek and Asst. Supt. Haverford College, 1879-80 ; Teacher in various places 1881- 88; Prof. Greek and German Guilford College, N. C, 1889 to date; Farmer 1895 to date. m. May 4, 1881, Laura Menden- hall. Address, Guilford College, N. C. Haines, Cliarles Edward, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., May 13, 1856. s. Lindley Haines and Anne Lindsey Sharp. Entered Sophomore Class 1872. Manufacturer of Plumbers' Supplies. Address, 11 36 Ridge Ave., Phila., Pa. tHunt, William, Jr., A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 2, 1857; d. Phila., Pa., Nov. 21, 1898. s. William Hunt, M.D., and Rebecca Thompson Price. Lawyer. Entered 1871. Huston, Charles Lukens, A.B. b. Coatesville, Pa., July 8, 1856. s. Charles Huston, M.D., and Isabella Pennock Lukens. Entered 187 1. Clerk ; Bookkeeper ; Department Manager ; General Manager Iron and Steel Works. Address, Coatesville, Pa. Newlin, Harold Parker, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 7, 1855. s. William Parker Newlin and . Entered Sophomore Class 1872. Address, 1807 Pine St., Phila., Pa. Pharo, Walter Willits, A.B. b. Tuckerton, N. J., May 31, 1855. s. Archelaus R. Pharo and Louisa Willits. Entered 1871. Iron Manufacturer and Dealer, m. Oct. 30, 1894, Elizabeth Bellerby Wilson. Address, Twenty-second St. and Washington Ave., Phila., Pa., and Haver- ford, Pa. Tebbetts, Cliarles Edwin, A.B. A.M., 1880. (Ph.B., Iowa State University, 1877 ; A.M., 1880.) b. Muscatine, Iowa, Apl. 25, 1856. s. Charles Albert Teb- betts and Mary Hill Bean. Entered from Muscatine, la., 1871. Studied at Iowa State University i^yG-yy ; Teacher Union Springs, N. Y., 1877-81 ; Prof. Science 1881-85, and Prof. Mathematics 1881-87 Penn College, la. Recorded Minister in Society of Friends 1891. Address, Pasadena, Cal. 134 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1876 White, Miles, Jr., A.B. b. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 17, 1856. s. Francis White (Class 1843, Manager 1878 to date) and Jane E. Janney. Entered 1871. Vice-Prest. Alumni 1888, 1890. Director of Nat. Mechanics' Bank, Baltimore ; of Central Railway Co. of Baltimore ; of Mer- cantile Library, Baltimore ; and various charitable institutions ; Member of Archaeological Institute of America (Baltimore Society), m. Apl. 23, 1890, Virginia Purviance Bonsai. Address, ■ 1216 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. Non-Graduates. Kicliards, Archer. (Formerly known as Ellis Archer Richards.) [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 30, 1857. s. William T. Richards, Artist, and Anna Matlack. P^ntered 1871 from Gtn., Phila., Pa., and left 1873. Published papers in Scientific Journals ; Took a two years' special course in Stevens Institute of Technology, Hobo- ken, in 1877. Draughtsman and Designer, m. Aug. 24, 1882, Carrie Nelson, Address, 94 Catharine St., Springfield, Mass. Stokes, N. Newliii, Jr. [Ana. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 10, 1856. s. John H. Stokes and Lydia Lukens Jones. Entered Sophomore Class 1872 and left at close of year. Insurance, m. Helen Deardorff McCreary. Address, Moorestown, N. J. Trotter, Walter Newhold. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 25, 1855. s. Joseph H. Trotter and Edith Newbold. Entered Sophomore Class 1872 and left at the close of the year. Clerk in Penn Mutual Ins. Co. ; Clerk in Fidelity Trust Co. Address, 329 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. 1876. Alliiisoii, Francis Greenleaf, A.B. A.M., 1879. TA.B., Har- vard, 1877; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1880; Hon., A.M., Williams, 1895.) b. Burlington, N. J., Dec. 16, 1856. s. William J. Allinson and Rebecca W. Hinchman. Entered Sophomore Class 1873. ]\Iember Phi Beta Kappa, Johns Hopkins Univ. Alumni Orator 1885; Subject: " Secondary Education." Studied at Harvard 1876-77 ; Johns Hopkins 1877-80; for shorter periods at Hei- delberg, Bonn and Berlin, Germany. Fellow Johns Hopkins Univ. 1877-80 ; Asst. Prof Latin and Greek, Haverford, 1880- 82; Classical Master University School, Baltimore, Md., 1882- 92 ; Asst. Prof Ancient Languages, Williams College, Mass., 1876] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 135 1892-95 ; Assoc. Prof. Greek, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I., 1895-98; Prof. Classical Philology 1898 to date. P>equent Contributor to American Journal of Philology. Author of Greek Prose Composition, Boston, Allyn & Bacon, Three Editions, 1889, 1890, 1895. m. Baltimore, Sept. lo, 1885, Mary Irwin Carey. Address, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. Bisphani, David, A.B. ( Formerly known as David Scull Bisp- ham.) b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 5, 1857. s. William Danforth Bisphani and Jane Lippincott Scull. Entered from Moorestown, N. J., 1872. Mercantile pursuits about eight years, since which time, Music. Connected several years with Royal Opera, Covent Gar- den, London, Eng., and Grand Opera elsewhere ; also singing in concerts, m. Phila., Pa., Apl. 28, 1885, Caroline Russell. Ad- dress, 19 Kensington Gore, London, Eng. Coltou, lieubeii, A.B. b. Worcester, Mass., Nov. 27, 1855. s. Samuel Horton Col- ton and Ann King. Entered 1872. Member of the American Antiquarian Society. Librarian of the American Antiquarian Society eleven years; since Manufacturer, m. Oct. 21, 1890, Grace Goddard Cleveland, of Worcester. Address, 9 1 5 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Dudley, Henry Wilson, A.B. b. *East Vassalboro', Me., Jan. 28, 1850. s. Henry Dudley and . Entered 1872. Address, O'Neill, Nebraska. Gifford, Seth Kelley, A.B. A.M., 1879. b. West Falmouth, Mass., July 29, 1854. s. Azariah S. Gif- ford and Lois Bean. Entered Sophomore Class 1873. Brest, of Class ; Pre.st. of Athenpeum ; Valedictorian. Studied Ber- lin, Bonn and Munich 1883-85. Vice-Prest. Alumni, 1892. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1898 ; Member American Philological Assoc. ; American Archaeological Assoc. Teacher ; Teacher Friends' School, Providence, R. L ; Asst. Prof of Greek and Latin, Haverford, 1882-83 ; Prof. German and Latin 1885-86 ; Prof Greek and German 1886-88 ; Prof of Greek 1888 to date, m. (i) July I 5, 1878, S. Elma Winslow ; (2) June 28, 1883, Mary Amy Gifford. Address, Haverford, Pa. Hobbs, Lewis Lyndon, A.B. A.M., 1882. b. New Garden, N. C, May 17, 1849. s. Lewis Hobbs and Phebe Cook. Entered 1872. Vice-Prest. Loganian. Prest. Everett. Member of Board of Education Guilford Co., N. C. Clerk of North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends 1886 to date. 136 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1876 Teacher. Prest. Guilford College, N. C, 1888 to date. m. Nov. 4, 1880, Mary Mendenhall. Address, Guilford College, N, C. Holme, Richiird Henry, A.B. b. Salem Co., N. J., Oct. 27, 1846. s. Benjamin Seeley Holme and Elizabeth Dennis. Entered Sophomore Class 1865, left 1867 and returned 1873. Won Alumni Prize for Composition and Oratory 1876 ; Subject : " Christianity as a Factor in Civili- zation." Farmer; Dealer in Milk. m. Oct. ii, 1883, Pauline Waddington. Address, 1 140 Druid Hill Ave., Baltimore, Md. tKimber, Thomas William, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. i, 1855; d. Jan. 9, 1885. s. Anthony Morris Kimber (Class of 1840, Manager 1849-71) and Margaret Cooper Cope. Entered 1871 from Gtn., Phila., Pa., and left at close of Sophomore year. Returned in 1874 and graduated with Class of 1876. Lawyer, m. Gtn., Phila., Pa., Feb. 16, 1 88 1, Maria B. Shoemaker. Longstretli, Charles Albert, A.B. b. Springfield, Delaware Co., Pa., May 20, 1857. s. William ColHns Longstreth (Class of 1837, Manager 1864-81) and Abby Ann Taylor. Entered 1872. Optician, m. Phila., Pa., Nov. 4, 1885, Ellen Warder Pearsall. Address, 228 Market St., Phila., Pa,, and Bryn Mawr, Pa. Nicholson, John Whitall, A.B. b. Camden, N. J., Mch. 31, 1856. s. William Hopkins Nicholson (Class of 1846) and Sarah Whitall. Entered 1872 from Haddonfield, N. J. Prest. of Class several terms. Glass Manufacturer, m. Oct. 22, 1885, Eliza E. Stokes. Address, Moorestown, N. J., and 410 Race St., Phila., Pa. Roberts, Percival, Jr., A.B. b. Sept. 15, 1857. s. Percival Roberts and Eleanor William- son. Entered 1872 from Phila., Pa. Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1 87 1 and left during the Freshman year. Manager of Pencoyd Iron Works, Pa. m. Elizabeth Frothingham. Address, no S. 20th St. and 201 S. 4th St., Phila., Pa. Taylor, Frank H., A.B. b. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 20, 1855. s. David Taylor and Laura Carroll. Entered 1872. Vice-Prest. Alumni, 1895-97. Studied at Harvard, Clerk; Merchant, m. Phila., Pa., Mch. 31, 1880, Rebecca M. Nicholson. Address, 7422 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Taylor, Howard Gardiner, A.B. b. near Riverton. N. J., Mch. 9, 1858. s. J. Gardiner Taylor and Rebecca H. Ballinger. Entered Sophomore Class 1873. i877] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 137 Curator of Loganian. Member Board of Commissioners of Appeal 1894 for Cinnaminson Township. Farmer, m. Oct. 28, 1886, Anna M. Comfort. Address, Riverton, N. J. fTaylor, Lewis Alfred, A.B. b. Tecumseh. Mich., (?) Apl. 6, 1857; d. 1881. s. Joshua Taylor and . Entered Sophomore Class 1873. Non-Graduates. tCope, Alfred, Jr. b. Germantown. Phila., Pa., Jan. 31, 1857; d. Saranac Lake, Adirondacks, N. Y., Jan. 14. 1^97- s- Francis Reeve Cope (Class of 1839) and Anna Stewardson Brown. Entered 1872 and lett at close of the Junior year. Manufacturer, m. June 2, 1887, Margaret Cheston Yarnall. Haines, Francis Cope. b Phila Pa., May 8, 1857. s. John Smith Hames (Class 183b, Manager 1869-71) and Mary Drinker Cope. Entered 1872 from Gtn., Phila., Pa., and left during the Senior year. Address, Haines St., Gtn., Phila., Pa. Longstreet, Jacob Holmes. b. Bordentown, N. J., Mch. 19, 1857. s. H. H. Longstreet, M D,^ and . Entered 1872, left 1874. Warrington, Thomas Francis. b West Chester, Pa., Oct. 11, 1856. s. Thomas Warnngton and Anna Mary Hoopes. Entered Sophomore Class 1873 and left at the close of the Junior year. Machinist ; Farmer ; Miller ; Draughtsman; Engineer, m. (i) Sept. 18, 1879, Jo^^P^^^J L. Smith; (2) Feb. 3, 1886, Ellen Parvin. Address, North Walnut St., West Chester, Pa. White, David Francis. b Belvidere, N. C, Oct. 7, 1850. s. Josiah T. White and Elizabeth Wilson. Studied in Earlham College, Ind., one year, 1 87 1 Entered 1872 from Dublin, Ind., and left at close of the Junior year. Treas. Loganian ; Teacher ; Farmer ; Bookkeeper in Grain House ; Agent and Solicitor of " Richmond (Ind.) Weekly Enterprise." m. Apl. 20, 1876, Angelina G. Hough. Address, Fountain City, Ind. 1877. Anderson, Isaac W., A.B. b. Haverford. Pa., Feb. 17, 1856. s. Isaac W. Anderson, M.D., and Martha Crawford. Entered 1873. In Office Genl. 138 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [iS?/ Supt. Northern Pacific R.R. ; Genl. Manager Tacoma Land Co. 1882 to date. m. June 4, 1884, Maud Parker. Address, Ta- coma, Washington. Bully, Frederick Lang", A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 31, 1857, s. Joshua Longstreth Bailyand Theodate Lang. Entered 1873. Vice-Prest. Loganian. First Winner of "Cope Prize Bat" in Cricket. Captain First Eleven 1877. Dry Goods Commission Merchant, m. Apl. 10, 1884, CaroHne Atlee Corlies. Address, Ardmore, Pa. Forsythe, Isaac, A.B. b. near West Chester, Pa. s. James Forsythe and Emily Evans. Entered Junior Class middle of the year (1876) from Media, Pa. Studied a short time at Univ. of Pa. Farmer ; Civil Plngineer ; Clerk ; Real Estate and Lisurance Broker, m. Mch. 14, 1894, Sarah Cope Garrett. Address, Media, Pa., and 202 Walnut Place, Phila., Pa. Krider, James Delaplaiiie, A.B. (Ph.G., Phila. College of Pharmacy, 1883.) b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 25, 1857. s. Richard C. Krider and Jane McCay. Entered 1873 from Chester, Pa. Pharmacist. Address, 1709 North Sydenham St., Phila., Pa. Mercer, George Gluyas, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1877; LL.M., Yale, 1878; D.C.L., Yale, 1879.) b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 20, 1853. s. John Alexander Mercer and Anna Van Arsdalen. Entered Senior Class 1876. Alumni Orator 1889; Subject: "The American Scholar in Profes- sional Life." Member Phi Beta Kappa 1898. Member of Phila. City Councils 1897 to date. Director Geographical Society of Phila., Pa. ; Penna. Ballot Reform Assoc. ; Phila. " Committee of Fifty ;" Civil Serv'ice Reform Assoc. ; Indian Rights Assoc. ; Municipal League of Phila., Pa. ; Counsellor Amer. Academy of Political and Social Science ; Amer. Inst. Civics ; Treas. Free Library of Pxonomics and Political Science of Phila. ; Member Amer. Bar Assoc. ; International Law Assoc. ; Amer. Economic Assoc. ; Historical Society of Penna. ; International Arbitration and Peace Assoc. ; Amer. Social Science Assoc. ; Law Assoc, of Phila., Pa. ; Amer. Statistical Assoc. ; Penna. Bar Assoc. Lawyer. Address, 601 Drexel Building, Phila., Pa. Smith, William Foulke, SB. b. Chester Hill, O., June 5, 1854. s. David Smith and Mary Foulke. Entered Senior Class 1876 from Pennsville, O. Prest. of Everett Society. Taught in High School six months ; studied law 1878] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 139 two years ; admitted to the bar in 1879 ; practiced law in Belmont Co., O., since 1880. Judge Probate Court, Belmont Co., O. ' Member Board of Education Barnesville Schools. School Examiner. Solicitor of village of Barnesville. m. June 23, 1880, Mary B. Pond. Address, St. Clairsville, O. Towiisend, Wilson, A.B. b. Rahway, N. J., Sept. 29, 1857. s. James S. Townsend and Mercy Wilson. Entered Junior Class 1875. Teacher 1877-82 ; Bookkeeper to date. Address, Longdale, Va. Non-Graduates. fBell, Charles Dutilli. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 21, 1856; d. , Oct. 19, 1885. s. Samuel Bell and . Entered 1873 and left 1874. tCongdoii, Gilbert Arnold. [Aits, b. Providence, R. I., Nov. 25, 1856; d. 1884. s. Gilbert Congdon and Elizabeth A. Crenshaw. Entered 1873 and left at end of Freshman year. m. Elizabeth G. Abbott. fLyon, John Stewart. [kris. b. Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 4, 1856 ; d. Jan. — , 1899. s. Samuel Stewart Lyon and Annie Valentine. Entered 1 873 and left at close of Freshman year. Iron Manufacturer, m. Apl. 2, 1885, Margaret McKnight. Metcali; Charles A. [Special. b Providence, R. I., May 30, 1857. s. Henry B. Metcalf and Maiy T. Haskell. Entered as Special Student 1873 and left durino- the year. Clerk ; Financial Manager Wallace Theatre, Boston, Mass. m. Chicago, 111., Apl. 17, 1892, Maud Harold. Address, Chicago, 111., or 36 OUve St., Providence, R. I. Thompson, John James, Jr. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 20, 1858. s. John James Thompson and Elizabeth Hough Trotter. Entered Freshman Class Jan., 1874, and left during the Junior year. Address, 2024 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. 1878. Baily, Albert Lang, A.B. b. Vassalboro', Me., June 22, 1859. s. Joshua Longstreth Baily and Theodate Lang. Entered 1874 from Phila., Pa. "Spoon Man." Sec. of Class. Sec. of Athenaeum ; Prest. of same ; Won Cricket Fielding Belt ; on First Eleven. Dry Goods Commission I40 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1S78 Merchant, m. Apl. 2, 1888, Eliza Montell Lycett. Address, Haverford, Pa. Baily, Henry, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1879 ; A.M., 1880.) b. Baily's Station, Pa., Jan. 18, 1857. s. Hon. Joseph Baily and Rebecca Watson. Entered 1874 from Newport, Pa. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1878—80. Taught five years; travelled three years; Studied Law three years, m. Dec. 31, 1885, Frances Emerson. Address, Lock Box 24, Newton Centre, and 23 Court St., Boston, Mass, Ciirev, Francis King-, A.B. A.M., 1881. (LL.B., Univ. of Md., 'I88O.) b. Baltimore Co., Md., July i, 1858. s. James Carey (Class of 1839) and Susan Budd Kimber. Entered 1874. Alumni Prize Orator 1877; Subject: "The Future of a Great Experi- ment." Vice-Prest. Alumni Assoc. Author " The Law of Hus- band and Wife," by David Stewart and Francis King Carey ; " Forms and Precedents," by James Carey, Jr., and Francis King Carey; Articles in "Princeton Rev.," "American Law Rev.," etc. Lawyer, m. Apl. 27, 1886, Anne Galbraith Hall. Ad- dress, 300 P^quitable Building, Baltimore, Md. Comfort, Edward Thomas, A.B. b. Byberry, Phila., Pa., Aug. 24, 1858. s. Edward Comfort and Susan I^dge. Entered middle of the Freshman year, 1855, from Gtn., Phila., Pa. Prest. of Class ; Prest. of Athenaeum ; Won First Prize for Batting in Cricket 1877-78 ; First Prize for Bowling 1878 ; on First Eleven. Vice-Prest. Alumni Assoc. Merchant. Address, 529 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Crosman, Cliarles Sumner, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1879; LL.B., Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C, 1884.) b. Lynn, Mass., June 3, 1858. s. John Henry Crosman and Deborah Wing Holway. Entered Sophomore Class 1875. Student Harvard Univ. 1878-79; Columbian Univ. Law School 1882-85. Taught in Washington, D. C, 1879-84. Head Master of Haverford College Grammar School, Haverford, Pa., 1884 to date. m. Lynn, Mass., Sept. i, 1885, Sarah Elizabeth Fuller. Address, Haverford, Pa. Eldridj:^e, Jonathan, S.B. b. Harford Co., Md., Nov. 17, 1855. s. David Eldridge and Susanna Hall. Entered Senior year, 1877, from Goshenville, Pa. Farmer, m. Mch. 4, 1886, Annie Thomas. Address, Seal, Pa. Forsythe, Edward, S.B. b. Chester Co., Pa., July 7, 1856. s. John Forsythe and Mary P. Smith. Entered Senior Class 1877. Investment 1878] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE, I4I Broker, m. Hannah Yerkes. Address, Drexel Building and Narberth, Pa. Frazier, Cyrus Pigrgott, S.B. (A.B., Trinity College, N. C, 1877 ; A.M., 187y.) b. Archdale, N. C, Aug. 25, 1853. s. Harrison Frazier and Gracett Piggott. Entered Senior Class 1877 from Bush Hill, N. C. Student Trinity College, N. C, 1874-77. Prof. French and Ger- man, Trinity College, 1879-89. Supt. City Schools, Greensboro, N. C. Treas. Greensboro Furniture Mfg. Co. 1891 to date ; Prest. Building Assoc. ; Real Estate Business, m. Kingston, N. C, May 20, 1882, Lucetta Churchill. Address, Greensboro, N. C. Haines, Robert Bowne, Jr., S.B. b. Cheltenham, Pa., Apl. 10, 1857. s. Robert Bowne Haines (Class 1844, Manager 1870-95) and Margaret Vaux Wistar. Entered 1874. Life Member Franklin Institute. Secured Patent for Micrometer Gauge for Plate Rolling, Feb. 9, 1892. Also Copyright for Flat Notched Gauge, new U. S. Standard. Supt. Electric Lighting Works ; Salesman Boiler Works ; Sec, Treas. and Manager Machine Forging Works ; Sec. Plate Rolling Mill, m. June 18, 1890, Mary W. Huston. Address, 156 W. School Lane, Germantown, Phil a., Pa. Hill, Samuel, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1879.) (Formerly known as Samuel H. Hill.) b. Uwahree, N. C, May 13, 1857. s. Nathan Branson Hill (Class of 1839) ^"d Eliza Laura Mendenhall. Entered Sopho- more Class, from Minneapolis, Minn. Student Cornell Univ. and Harvard Univ. 1878—79. Prest. Minneapolis Trust Co. ; Prest. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway Co., the Montana Central Railway Co., the Eastern Railway Co. of Minnesota, the Great Falls Water Power and Townsite Co., the Sand Coulee Coal Co. ; Vice-Prest. of the Minneapolis Union Railway Co., and of the Minneapolis Athenaeum ; General Manager of the Minneapolis Western Railway Co. Director in the Great Northern Railway Co., Willmar & Sioux Falls Railway Co., Duluth, Watertown & Pacific Railway Co., and in the Northern Steamship Co. Director Lakewood Cemetery Assoc. ; Prest. Alumni Assoc. Minneapolis High Schools. Member of the Harvard Club of New York, the University Club of New York, the Cosmos Club of Washington, D. C, the Minneapolis Club and the Minne- sota Club of St. Paul. m. Sept. 6, 1888, Mary Hill. Address, Minneapolis Trust Co., Minneapolis, Minn. 142 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1878 Reynolds, Lindley Murray Hoag, A.B. b. Guilford Co., N. C, Jan. 7, 1852. s. Joash Reynolds and Anna English Blair. Entered 1874. Valedictorian. Prest. of Class ; Prest. of Everett Literary Soc. ; Editor of Tlie Bud and of Tlic Collegian. Teacher in Friends' Select School, Phila., Pa., 1878-84; Teacher in Friends' Central School, 15th and Race Sts., Phila., Pa., 1884-90; Principal of High School, Winston, N. C, 1890-95. Address, Archdale, N. C. Smiley, Daniel, A.B. b. Vassalboro', Kennebec Co., Me., Nov. 29, 1855. s. Daniel Smiley and Dorcas Burnham Hanson. Entered 1874. Prest. of Everett last half of the year 1887-88. Teacher in Penn Charter School, Phila., Pa., 1878-81 ; Clerk and Manager of Lake Mohonk House 1881 to date. m. June 18, 1881, Effie Florence Newell. Address, Mohonk Lake, Ulster Co., N. Y. Stokes, Henry Newlin, S.B. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1884.) b. Moorestown, N. J., Oct. 24, 1859. s. John H. Stokes, M.D., and Tabitha Jenkins. P^ntered 1874. Student Johns Hopkins Univ., Sept., 1878, to June, 1884. In Johns Hopkins Univ., Fellow in Biology for two years, 1881-83. Fellov/ by Courtesy one year, 1883-84, and 1889 Fellow by Courtesy, Student in Germany and Switzerland 1884-89. Member of Deutsche Chemische Gessellschaft (Berlin), Societe Chemique de Paris, American Chemical Soc, American Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science, National Geographical Soc. ; Prest. Chemical Soc. of Washington, D. C. Author of many chemi- cal articles in various periodicals. Chemist in U. S. Geological Survey 1889-92 ; Asst. Prof, of Chemistry, Univ. of Chicago, 1892-93 ; Chemist in U. S. Geological Survey 1894 to date. Address, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Taylor, Henry Longstreet, A.B. A.M., 188-5. (^LD., Medical College ot Ohio, lb82.) b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 19, 1857. s. David H. Taylor and Laura Carroll. Entered 1874. Vice-Prest. Loganian. Student Univ. of Berlin, 1878 ; Medical College of Ohio, 1879-82 ; Univ. of Berlin, Strassburg, Prague, Vienna, and Berlin, 1882-84. U. S. Pension Commissioner, Asheville, N. C, 1890-93. Member Amer. Climatological Assoc. ; Amer. Medical Assoc. Author many papers on Medical Subjects in Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic, N. Y. Medical Journal ; Amer. Journal Medical Sciences, etc. Physician, Address, 75 Lowry Arcade, St. Paul, Minn. 1878] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. I43 Thomas, John Mickle Whitall, A.B. b. Baltimore, Md., Apl. 11, 1859. s. James Carey Thomas, A.M., M.D. (Class 185 i, Manager 1860-97) and Mary Whitall. Entered 1874. Glass Manufacturing 1878-96; Engraving and Printing 1896 to date. m. Phila., Pa., Oct. 24, 1883, Mary Clark Nicholson. Address, 520 N. 8th St., Phila., Pa., and Haver- ford, Pa. White, Geoi'ge Wilson, A.B. b. Belvidere, N. C, June 22, 1855. s. Rufus White and Lydia Wilson. Studied at Earlham College, 1873-74. Entered 1874. Athenaeum Soc. Medal; Class Prest. 1878. Teacher of Science and Mathematics ; Principal Sunbury Academy, N. C, 1878-79; Belvidere Academy, N. C, 1880-82; New London Academy, Ind., 1883 ; Central Academy, Plainfield, Ind., 1884- 93 ; Treas. Guilford College, N. C, 1893 to date. m. Sept. 16, 1886, Mary Elizabeth White. Address, Guilford College, N. C. Non-Graduates. Black, John Maris Lindsay. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., June 18, 1857. s. Samuel Anderson Black and Elizabeth Cocoran Lindsay. Entered partial course 1873 from Bryn Mawr, Pa., and entered full course 1874. Left middle of Sophomore year. Student one year Phila. Polytechnic College. Printer; R.R. Freight Clerk, m. May 28, 1891, Lydia Kite Abell. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Brown, Thomas Wistar, Jr. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 7, 1858. s. Moses Brown, Jr. (Class 1848) and Mary Wain Wistar. i^ntered Sophomore Class 1875 from Gtn., Phila., Pa. ; left 1876. Merchant, m. Scotland, Oct. 4, 1890, Margaret Muir Coldstream. Address, 35 S. 3d St., Phila., Pa. Panl, Joseph William. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., May 12, 1858. s. William W. Paul and , Entered 1873 and left 1876. m. Margaret Parrish. Address, 1 82 1 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Pearce, Robert Kester. [Special, b. Bordentown, N. J., Oct. 29, 1855. s. Joseph Pearce and Emily Thompson. Entered from Hestonville, Phila., Pa., 1873 as Special Student and left at the close of the Freshman year. Manufacturer and Merchant, m. June 19, 1877, Emily Nelson Wynne. Address, 5219 Warren St., Phila., Pa. White, Oliver. [Arts, b. Newby's Bridge, N. C, Oct. 9, 1852. s. Josiah T. White and Pheribah Wilson. Entered 1874 and left at close of Fresh- man year, 1875. Address, . 144 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1879 1879. Bisphani, Samuel, Jr., A.B, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 12, 1858. s. Samuel Augustus Bispham and Cornelia Koons. Entered 1875. Merchant, m. Ella Mount of Phila., Pa. Address, 2306 De Lancey Place, Phila., Pa. tGibboiis, Edward, A.B. b. Wilmington, Del., Mch. 9, 1858; d. 1891. s. Richard P. Gibbons and . Entered 1874. Gifford, John Henry, A.B. (M.D., Harvard Univ., 1884.) b. West Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 6, 1858. s. Azariah S. Gif- ford and Lois Bean. Entered Sophomore Class 1876. Prest. of Athenaeum. Won Alumni Gold Medal for Oratory and Com- position 1878 ; Subject: "The Destiny of the Roman People." Valedictorian of Class. Teacher South Pittsburg, Tenn., 1879- 80; Asst. Governor Friends' School, Providence, R. I., 1881- 82 ; Studied Medicine Harvard Univ. Councillor of Mass. Medical Soc. ; Prest. Fall River Medical Soc. ; Prest. Home Training School for Nurses, Fall River ; Sec. Staff Fall River Hospital. Physician at Fall River, Mass., 1884 to date. m. Sept. 14, 1886, Phebe E. Newton. Address, Fall River, Mass. Henderson, Francis, A.B. (LL B., Univ. of Pa.) b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 30, 1859. s. Henry Henderson and Helen A. Claubaugh. Entered 1875. Studied Law Univ. of Pa. Address, Church and Chew Sts., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Lowry, William Chalkley, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., June ii, i860, s. John Stroud Lowry and Elizabeth Collins Stokes. Entered Sophomore Class 1876. Sec. Everett. Numismatic Curator Loganian. Won Comfort Prize Cricket Ball for Bowling ; Bowler First Cricket Eleven. Clerk ; Collector; Wholesale Grocer, m. May 23, 1887, Eliza- beth Webster. Address, 46 S. Front St., Phila., Pa. Newkirk, John Bacon, A.B. b. Greenwich, N. J., Mch. 6, 1859. s. Nathaniel Reeve Newkirk, M.D., and Martha Reeve Bacon. Iron and Coal Mer- chant. Entered 1875. Address, 21 10 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Sheppard, John E., A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1882.) b. Stoe Creek, Cumberland Co., N. J. s. George Wood Sheppard and Ruth Bacon. Entered 1873. Prest. one term of Everett Society. Student Univ. of Pa. (Medical Depart.) Sept., 1879, to Mch., 1882. Univ. of Berlin, Germany, Nov., l88o] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. I45 1888, toApl., 1889 (Post Graduate Medical Work). Univ. of Vienna, Austria, ApL, 1889, to June, 1889. Member American Otological Society ; New York Otological Society ; Berlin Laryngological Society ; Kings County Medical Society ; Brooklyn Pathological Society. Resident Physician Univ. Hospital, Phila., Pa., Oct., 1882, to May, 1883 ; in General Practice at Atlantic City, N. J., from June, 1883, to Sept., 1888. Studied in Europe from Nov., 1888, till Aug., 1889 ; Specialist in Otology in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct., 1889, to date. Author of "Head Injuries with Aural Complications;" "Three Cases of Unintentional Opening of the Lateral Sinus, with Recovery ;" " Removal of Ossicles ;" " Boric Acid in Aural Therapeutics, its Use and Abuse ;" Instructor in Otology, New York Post Gradu- ate Medical School, from June, 1890, to June, 1892; Adjunct Prof, of Otology, New York Polyclinic, from Dec, 1893, to June, 1894, Since then Prof of Otology. Physician, m. Aug. II, 1894, Juanita Argyle Campbell. Address, 135 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Non-Graduates. Beezley, James. b. May 2. 1853. s. Joseph Beezley and . Entered Sophomore Class 1876 from Earlham, Iowa, and left Junior year, 1878. Last address, Yazoo City, Miss. 1880. Bishop, William, SB. b. Columbus, N. J., Dec. 23, 1856. s. John Bishop (Class of 1838) and Rebecca Field Biddle. Entered Junior Class 1878. Asst. in Astronomical Observatory and Instructor in Mechanical Drawing, Haverford College, 1880-81. Recorded Minister in Society of Friends 189-. Merchant, m. May 25, 1883, Martha M. HoUoway. Address, Rah way, N. J. Brecle, Friedericli Karl, A.B. A.M., 189L (B.S., Whittier College, Iowa, 1877.) (Formerly known as Charles Frederic Brede.) b. London, Eng., during temporary residence of parents, home being Offenburg, Baden, Germany, s. Karl Brede and Anna Lydia Johannot d'Echandon. Entered Sophomore Class 1877. Student Whittier College, Iowa, 1875-77; Johns Hop- kins Univ. 1886-87. Clerk 1880; Teacher Latin and German, Friends' Elementary and High School, Baltimore, Md., 1881- 86 ; Teacher of English, Latin and German in German Classical School, Baltimore, Md., 1887-88; Teacher Latin and German, 10 146 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1880 Friends' School, Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1888-98 ; Teacher in Sauveur Summer School of Languages, Amherst, Mass., 1893— 95. Professor Pennsylvania College, Address, Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. Corbit, Alexander Peterson, S.B. b. Odessa, Del., Feb. 20, 1861. s. John Cowgill Corbit (Class of 1853) and Emily Peterson. Entered 1876. Farmer. Address, Odessa, Del. Cox, Charles Ellwood, A.B. (Hon., A.M., Univ. of the Pacific, San Jose, Cal., 1889; A.M., Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., Cal., 1893.) b. Azalia, Ind., Aug. 10, 1854. s. Benjamin Cox and Mary Morris. Entered 1876. Librarian Everett ; Prest. Everett. Student one year Kansas State Univ. Associate Member Geo- graphical Soc. of Cal. Principal Friends' Academy, Le Grand, la., 1880-85 ; Private Tutor 1885-86; Prof Mathematics Univ. of the Pacific, San Jose, Cal., 1886-91 ; Asst. Instructor in Mathematics Leland Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Cal., 1891 to date. Teacher of Mathematics in Pacific Grove Summer School. m. June 26, 1884, Lydia Shipley Bean. Address, College Park, Cal. Edwards, Josiali Pennington, A.B. b. Spiceland, Ind., Mch, 22, 1852. s. David Edwards and Susanna Edwards. Entered 1876. Won Gold Medal Alumni Prize for Oratory and Composition 1879 ; Subject: "The Living and the Dead." Teacher Bloomingdale Academy, Bloom- ingdale, Ind., two years ; Gen. Agt. for Book Concern, Nash- ville, Tenn., two years ; Homesteader and Lumber Dealer, Colorado, four years ; Gen. Agt. Book Concern, Kansas City, Mo., two years; Insurance Agt., Richmond, Ind., one year; Shingle Manufacturer Washington (State) one year ; Teacher in Washington two years ; Editor of TIic Record, Mt. Vernon, Washington, m. June 25, 1890, Ella Henry Bailey. Address, Mt. Vernon, Wash. Gause, Charles Edward, Jr., S.B. b. Rahway, N. J., Nov. 27, 1859. s. Charles Edward Gause and Mary Jane Townsend. Entered Junior Class 1878. Alumni Prize Orator 1880; Subject: "Young America in Politics;" Editor of The Havcrfordian 1880. Graduate Student at Har- vard Univ. 1884-85. Instructor in Mathematics and Curator of the Museum, Haverford College, 1883-84. Teacher. Compiler and Editor two School Readers. Address, 140 N. i6th St., Phila., Pa. l88o] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. I47 Jones, Edward Ma.£?arge, S.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Feb. 22, 1859. s. Charles Jones (Class of 1837) and Ann Magarge. Entered Junior year 1878. Vice-Prest. Everett. Lumber Merchant 1881-87; Butter and Egg Merchant 1887 to date. Address, 143 West Coulter St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Lynch, James Lewis, A.B. b. Fayette, Mo., Nov. 14, 1848. s. Captain Robert Lynch and Matilda Hall. Entered from Longwood, Mo., 1876. Student Central College, Fayette, Mo., 1867-70 ; William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo., 1870-71 ; Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, 1872-73; during this time taught and farmed in order to obtain College education. Teacher ; Supt. Public Schools, Faj-ette, and County School Commissioner Howard Co., Mo. ; Bookseller and Sta- tioner. Address, Fayette, Howard Co., Mo. Mason, Sainnel, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Oct. 15, 1859. s. Samuel Mason and Jane T. Edge. Entered 1876. Won Freshman Cricket Prize Belt ; Soph. -Freshman Prize Bat two years ; First P^leven Prize Bat Junior and Senior years ; Captain of First Eleven. Treas. Alumni Assoc. 1886-90. Officer in Trust Co., German- town, Phila., Pa., and also in various Manufacturing Cos. m. Jan. 7, 1886, Katharine E. Stokes. Address, Chew St. and Walnut Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Perry, William Francis, A.B. b. Providence, R. I., Mch. 12, 1857. s. William Henry Perry and Sarah Anna Nichols. Entered 1877. Various offices in Athenaeum and Loganian. Assoc. Prin. New Paltz Academy three years ; Prin. Vermillion Grove Academy one year; Hotel Clerk, Minnewaska, Ulster Co., New York, eight years ; Manager Aldine Hotel, Phila., Pa., 1890 to date. m. Dec. 23, 1883, Ellen Elizabeth Markle. Address, Aldine Hotel, Phila., Pa. Rhoads, Joseph, A.B. A.M., 1883. b. Apl. 3, 1857. s. Jonathan Evans Rhoads and Rebecca C. Garrett. Entered 1877. Valedictorian; YAitoY o{ Haveifordian 1879-80. Instructor in Nat. History and Curator Museum, Haverford College, 1880-83 ; Principal Friends' Central Acad- emy, Plainfield, Ind. Printer ; Instructor at Westtown Board- ing School ; Manufacturer and Dealer Belting and Mill Supplies. m. July 5, 1882, Harriet Edwards Masters. Address, 239 Market St., Phila., Pa. 148 haverford college [1880 Non-Graduates. Baclimaii, Frank Eslilemaii. (S.B., Lafayette College, 1880.) [Arts, b. Strasburg, Pa., Dec. 9, 1858. s. Jacob Bachman and Elizabeth Eshleman. Entered 1876 and left at close of Fresh- man year. Student Lafayette College, Pa., 1877-80. Analytical Chemist and Blast Furnace Manager, m. Oct. 20, 1888, Bessie Timberlake. Address, Buffalo Furnace Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Bines, David Adams. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 18, 1859. s. David Adams Bines and Tacy M. Trump. Entered 1876; left 1877. Farmer; Coal Dealer. Address, Cincinnati, O. Cope, Francis Hazen. [Arts, b. Awbury, Germantown, Phila., Pa., May 18, 1859. s. Francis Reeve Cope (Class of 1839) and AnnaStewardson Brown. En- tered 1876 and left 1879, at close of the Junior year. Manu- facturer, Address, Awbury, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Hill, Malilon Patterson. [Science, b. Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1857. s. Joseph Hill and Deborah Patterson. Entered 1876 and left at close of Sopho- more year. Farmer, m. Anna E. Jones. Address, Mt. Pleas- ant, Ohio, Roberts, Joseph Russell Evans. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 16, i860, s. Edward Roberts and Martha Price Evans. Entered 1876 and left at close of the Freshman year. Address, 215 S. Broad St., Phila., Pa. Schively, Edwin Ford. (A.B., A.M., LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1884.) [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., May 9, i860, s. W. Henry Schively and Anna Thomas Ford. Entered 1876 and left 1877. Student at the Univ. of Pa. 1877-80. Instructor of Latin and Greek, German- town Acad., 1880-81. Lawyer; Real Estate Title and Trust Co, 1889. m. Mary Esther Roots. Address, 243 School Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. fTownsend, Clayton William. (M.D., 1870, College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, N. Y. City.) [Arts. b. near Fredericktown, O., Nov. 8, 1847 ; d. Lanthol, O,, June 30, 1880. s, Asa M, Townsend and Elizabeth G. Wood. Entered Junior Class 1878 and left at close of the year on account of ill-health. First Editor of The Havc7-fordian. Studied Medicine at Univ, of Michigan 1868-69, and at College I 88 I J MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 49 of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, 1869-70. Phy- sician ; Teacher, m. Aug. 23, 1872, Rachel Annette Levering. Updeg^raff, William Ross. [Science, b. Mt. Pleasant, O., May 12, 1859. s. David Brainard Updegrafif (Class of 1853) and Rebecca Ballinger Price. En- tered Sophomore Class 1877 and left at end of the year. Stud- ied at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., two years. Merchant ; Manufacturer of and Jobber in Pottery Wares, m. Feb. 14, 1887, Laura Alda Heberling. Address, Springfield, O. Wliitall, John Mickle. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 8, 1858. s. James Whitall (Class 1852, Manager 1857-96) and Mary Wistar Cope. Entered 1876 and left at the close of the Junior year. Overseer Wm. Penn Charter School. Glass Manufacturer. m. Oct. 20, 1881, Margaret Haines Bacon. Address, 410 Race St., Phila., Pa, White, Thomas Newby. (M.D.) [Arts, b. Newby's Bridge, N. C, 18 5- s. David White, Jr., and Isa- bella Wilson. Entered 1876 and left at close of Sophomore year. Studied Medicine. Vice-Prest. Seaboard Medical Assoc, of Eastern N. C. and Va. Address, Belvidere, N. C. 1881. Blair, William Allen, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1882. Hon., A.M., Trinity College, N. C, 1889.) b. High Point, N. C, June 4, 1859. s. Solomon L Blair and Abigail P. Hunt. Entered 1877. Prest. Everett. One of the first Editors of The Havcjfordiait. Business Manager of the same. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1881-82. Studied at Johns Hopkins Univ. 1885-86. Principal High Point School, N. C, 1882; Supt. of Schools, High Point, 1883; Principal High School, Winston, N. C, 1885 ; Lecturer on the Science and Art of Teaching at Swarthmore College, Pa., 1886; again Principal of High School, Winston, N. C, 1887; Chief Editor of The School-Teacher, N.C., 1887 ; Supt. of Schools, Winston, 1888-95 ; Prest. N. C. Assoc, of City Supts. ; State Representative to Paris Exposition 1889; State Institute Conductor; Supt. State Nor- mal School ; Member Board of Public Charities ; Vice-Prest. N. C. Sound Money League ; Prest. People's Nat. Bank, Winston ; Manager and Vice-Prest. Combined Banks (People's and First Nat.). Author of numerous articles in Educational and other Magazines, m. Nov. 20, 1895, Mary E. Fries. Address, Win- ston, N. C. 150 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [188I Brintoii, Walter, SB. b. Chadcl's Ford, Pa., July 10, 1859. s. Emmor Brinton and Deborah Garrett. Entered Junior Class from West Chester, Pa., 1879. Editor of TJic Havcrfordian. Member of Board of Sur- veyors of Phila., Pa. Surveyor and Regulator of 5th Survey District of Phila., Pa. Member of Engineers' Club, Phila., Pa. Civil Engineer, m. Apl. 16, 1891, Elizabeth Webster Smedley. Ad- dress, Frankford, Phila., Pa., and 521 W. Venango St., Phila., Pa. Carey, Anthony Morris, A.B. b. Baltimore Co., Md., Jan 11, 186 1. s. James Carey (Class of 1839) and Susan Budd Kimber. Entered 1877. Minister in the Society of Friends. Merchant, m. Jan. 18, 1893, Margaret Cheston Thomas. Address, 26 Light St. and 832 N. Eutavv St., Baltimore, Md. Collins, William Henry, S.B. A.M., 1892. b. Peekskill, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1859. s. William B. Collins and Mary Griffen. Entered 1877. "Spoon Man;" Sec. of Athe- naeum. Member of Phi Beta Kappa 1898. Author several Articles on "Observations of Sun Spots," " Position of Comets," etc., in Haverford College Studies, Astronomical Journal, Astro- nomisclic NacJiricJitcji, etc. Mercantile Pursuits 1884-87 ; Assist. in Haverford College Observatory 1891-92 ; Director 1892 to date. Prefect 1897 to date. m. May 22, 1894, Julia Cope. Address, Haverford, Pa. Cook, Joseph Horace, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 18, 1862. s. Joseph H. Cook and Anna Pharo. Entered 1877. Civil Engineer and Architect. Address, 713 Filbert St., Phila., Pa. Edwards, Levi Talbot, A.B. A.M., 1889. b. Ogden, Ind., Jan. 29, 1854. s. David Edwards and Su- sanna Pennington. P^ntered from Spiceland, Ind., 1877. Prest. of Class. Won First Prize Haverfordian Essay. Teacher ; Public School, Rogersville, Ind., 1874-76; Springport, Ind., 1876-77; Bloomingdale Acad., Ind., 1881-82 ; Wilmington College. Wil- mington, Ohio, 1882—86; Prof of Engineering, Haverford Col- lege, 1886 to date. Member American Soc. of Mechanical Engi- neers ; Soc. for the Promotion of Engineering Education, m. (i) Blanchester, O., July i, 1885, Elvie L. Aikin. (2) Haver- ford, Pa., June 25, 1890, Mariana Coffin Ladd. Address, Haverford, Pa. Forsythe, Davis Hoopes, S.B. b. Pennsbury, Pa., Aug. 25, 1858. s. Lewis Forsythe and Mary Ann Hoopes. Entered Junior Class from West Grove, Pa., l88l] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. I5I 1879. Teacher. Principal Friends' School, Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1885 to date. Address, Coulter St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Hartshorne, Edward Yarnall, A.B. b. Overbrook, Pa., Oct. 11, 186 1. s. Charles Hartshorne (Class 1846 ; Manager 1871 to date) and Caroline Cope Yarnall. En- tered from Phila., Pa., 1877. Prest. of Everett Society; Prest. of Class ; Treasurer of Alumni Association. Member Frank- lin Institute ; Historical Society of Pa. ; Academy of Fine Arts ; Amer. Academy of PoHtical and Social Science. Railroading, m. Oct. 15, 1896, Clementina Borie Rhodes. Address, Merion Station, Montgomery Co., Pa. Joliiisoii, Isaac Tliorne, A.B. A.M., 1887. b. Mooresville, Ind., Feb. 6, 1858. s. Alfred Johnson and Anna M. Thorne. Entered from Wilmington, O., 1877. Prin. Friends' School, Wilmington, Del., 1881-98; Treas. Brookdale Bleachery, Hohokus, N. J. Address, Hohokus, Bergen Co., N. J. Kennard, Edwin Orson, A.B. b. Greensboro, Ind., Oct. 23, 1852. s. Jacob Kennard and Rebecca Polk. Entered Sophomore Class 1878. Won First Prize Loganian Debating Contest ; Prest. Athenaeum. Vale- dictorian. Subscription Book Business 1881-85. Teacher Cen- tral High School, Columbus, O., 1885-90; Furniture Business 1891 ; Orange and Lemon Grower 1891 to date. m. Oct. 23, 1884, Flora Hessel. Address, Glendora, Cal. Moore, Jesse Hollowell, A.B. b. Wayne Co., N. C, Apl. 18, 1855. s. Curtis P. Moore and Jinnette Smithey. Entered 1877 from Goldsboro', N. C. Sec. of the Loganian ; Sec. of Everett ; Editor of Haverfordian. Minister of the Society of Friends. Teacher. Principal Friends- ville Academy, m. Dec. 26, 1889, Blanche Headen. Address, P^riendsville, Tenn. Page, William Enoch, A.B. (A.B., Plarvard, 1882.) b. South Danvers (Peabody), Mass., Aug. 7, 1862. s. Enoch Page and Ruth Devol. Entered Sophomore Class 1878. Prest. of Athenaeum ; Editor of Haverfordian. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1881-82; at Harvard Law School 1883. Clergyman in Protestant Episcopal Church. Teacher Newport, R. I., five years; in Chicago, 111., one year. Since 1891 Manager of Car- negie Property in the South. Bank Director. Address, Fer- nandina, Fla. Price, Walter Ferris, A.B. A.M., 1882. (A.M., Harvard, 1884.) b. Delaware Co., Pa., Aug. 31, 1857. s. James Martin Price and Sarah D. Lightfoot. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1877. 152 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [188I Graduate Student 1881; Asst. Librarian 1881-83; Won Prize Belt for Fielding in Cricket twice ; Bat once. Graduate Student at Harvard Univ. 1883-84. Teacher at Haverford College Grammar School 1884-91. Architect. Address, 731 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Smith, Albaiius Loiigstreth, S.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Mch. 29, 1859. s. Horace James Smith and Margaret Longstreth. Entered from Hestonville, Phila., Pa., 1877. Iron Manufacturer, m. Oct. 20, 1885, Emma B. Mellon Address, 29 E. Penn St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. "Winslow, Thomas Newby, A.B. b. Belvidere, N. C, Apl. 19, 186 1. s. Thomas E. Winslow and Lydia Ann Peele. Entered 1877. Address, Belvidere, N. C. Winston, John Clark, A.B. b. Montgomery Co., Ind., Nov. 11, 1856. s. Bowling Henry Winston and Anna Clark. Entered from Richmond, Va., 1877. Received Alumni Prize for Oratory 188 1 ; Subject : "Alexander Hamilton." Class Prest. one year; Vice-Prest. Loganian Soc. ; Prest. Alumni Association 1895-96. Manager of " Branch Office " of the "Christian Union " of New York two years, and at Indi- anapolis, Ind. ; with Publishing House in Phila., Pa. ; 1884 went into Book Publishing Business on his own account, establishing the firm of " John C. Winston & Co.," of Phila., Pa., and has remained in that business to date. Member of the Historical So- ciety of Pa. m. July 19, 1883, Samuella Terrell Ricks. Ad- dress, 718 Arch St., and 5208 Wayne Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Non-Graduates. Chase, William Cromwell. [Arts, b. Haverford, Pa., Sept. 27, 1862. s. Thomas Chase (Prof of Philology 1855-86, Prest. 1874-86) and Alice Underbill Cromwell. P^ntered 1 877 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1879. Re-entered Junior Class 1880 and left during the year. Address, 30 Alumni Ave., Providence, R. I. Davis, George Frederick. [Arts, b. Westport, Mass., Sept. 8, 1857. s. Benjamin Davis and Esther M. Gifford. Entered Sophomore Class from Adams- ville, R. I., 1878, and left at close of Sophomore year. School Teacher ; Farmer ; Bookkeeper ; Express Agent ; Agent of State Board of Lunacy and Charities ; Member Town School Commit- tee. Address, Adamsville, R. I. l88l] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 53 fHaclley, Walter Carpenter. [Science. b. Richmond, Ind., Sept. 8, 1857 ; d. Albuquerque, N. M., Feb. 16, 1896. s. Hiram Hadley (Class 1856) and Hannah Fulghum. Entered Sophomore Class 1878 from Chicago, 111., and left on account of ill-health at close of Junior year. One of the Founders of Tlie Haverfordian and its first Business Manager. Student at Chicago University. Member American Institute of Mining Engineers. Prest. Southwestern Mining Assoc. Sec. Hist. Soc. of New Mexico. Senator, New Mexico 31st Assem- bly. Prest. N. Mexico School of Mines. Member Board of Regents. Journalist, Mining Engineer, Merchant and Railroad Builder, m. Phila., Pa., 1883, Alice C. Paxson. Harvey, Lawson Moreau. (LL.B., Central Law School, Ind., 1882.) [Arts, b. Plainfield, Ind., Dec. 5, 1856. s. Thomas Burgess Har- vey, M.D., LL.D., and Delitha Butler. Entered 1877 from Indianapolis, Ind., and left at close of Freshman year. Studied at Butler Univ., Ind., 1878-80; Central Law School of Ind. Lawyer. Judge of Superior Court, Marion Co., Ind., 1894-98 ; Declined Re-election; Lawyer, m. Oct. 18, 1882, Kate Parrott. Address, Harvey, Pickens, Cox & Kahn, Indianapolis, Ind. fHussey, George Frederick. (LL.B., Univ. of Md.) [Science, b. Peekskill, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1859; d. East Orange, N. J., Apl. 27, 1894. s. George Frederick Hussey and Margaret Clapp. Entered Sophomore Class 1878 from Peekskill, N. Y., and left at close of the year. Student Law School of Univ. of Maryland. Lawyer ; Advertising Agent, Cincinnati, O. ; then at Rochester, N. Y. ; then New York City ; Book Publisher ; Asst. Sec. American Bible Soc. m. July 2, 1890, Kate Philip. tJeiikins, Charles Williams. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., May 26, i860 ; d. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Aug. 17, 1 88 1, s. Jabez Jenkins and Margaret Williams. Entered 1877 and left at the close of the Freshman year. Marshburii, William Valentine. (M.D., Univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1886.) [Science, b. Snow Camp, N. C, June 13, 1855. s. Obed Marshburn and Katherine Pickett. Entered 1877 and left at close of the Freshman year. Studied at Louisville Medical College 1880- 81, and at Univ. of Louisville, Med. Depart, 1885-86. Principal of Friendsville Academy, Friendsville, Tenn., three years ; two years Principal Sylvan Academy, Snow Camp, N. C. ; Physician, Estacado, Tex., nine years ; El Modena, Cal. m. July 26, 1 88 1, Alzora Hadley. Address, El Modena, Cal. 154 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1882 Phillips, John Lougeay. (M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa.) [Science. b. Pittsburg, Pa., Mch. i, 1859. s. R. B. Phillips and . Entered 1875 and left during Junior year, 1880. Address, not known. Shipley, Walter Peim. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1883.) [Science, b. Phila., Pa., June 20, i860, s. Thomas Shipley and Eliza M. Drinker. Entered 1877 and left at close of Junior year. Won several Cricket Prizes. Treas. of the Alumni Assoc, two years ; Member Hist. Soc. of Penna. Member Law Assoc. Licensed Pilot Delaware River. Attorney-at-Law. m. Oct. 17, 1889, Annie Emlen. Address, Locust Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. fVail, George Reqiia. [Science. b. Feb. 13, i860 ; d. Los Angeles, Cal, 1880. s. Nathan R. Vail and Anna Walker. Entered 1877. Left during Junior year. Vail, John Randolph. [Science. b. May 28, 1861. s. Nathan R. Vail and Anna Walker. Entered from Los Angeles, Cal., 1877, and left Sophomore year, 1878. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. White, Walter. [Science, b. Belvidere, N. C, Nov. 26, 1858. s. Rufus White and Lydia Wilson. Entered 1877 and left at the close of the Fresh- man year. Clerk; Lumber, m. Oct. 20, 1880, Alice Lawton Nicholson. Address, Belvidere, N. C. 1882. Barton, George Aaron, A.B., A.M., 1885. (A.M., Harvard, 1890; Ph.D., Harvard, 1891.) b. East Farnham, Province of Quebec, Canada, Nov. 12, 1859. s. Daniel Barton and Mary Stevens Bull. Entered Sophomore Class 1879. Brest, of Class Senior year ; Valedic- torian ; Prest. Council Loganian ; Prest. Ev^erett ; Prest. Y. M. C. A. ; Editor-in-Chief of Havcrfordian ; gained Everett Prize for Debating ; Member Phi Beta Kappa 1898. Recorded Min- ister in Society of Friends 1879. Student Harvard Univ. 1888- 91. Member of Oriental Club, Phila., Pa.; Prest. 1898-99; American Oriental Soc. ; Harvard Biblical Club ; Soc. of Biblical Literature and Exegesis ; Archaeological Institute of America ; Soc. Biblical Archaeology, London, Eng., etc. Insurance Busi- ness, Boston, Mass., 1882-84; Teacher in Friends' School, Providence, R. I., 1884-89; devoted whole time to study at 1882] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 55 Harvard Univ. 1889-91. Lecturer on Bible Languages in Haver- ford College 1891-94. Author "Tiamat," Journal Amer. Oriental Soc, 1890; " Ashtoreth and Her Lifluence in the Old Testament," Journal Bibl. Lit., 1891 ; and many other articles on Biblical and Philological subjects in various Journals. Frequent contributor to "Friends' Review" and " American Friend." Associate in Biblical Literature and Semitic Languages in Bryn Mawr Col- lege, Pa., 1891-96; Associate Prof. 1896 to date. m. June 26, 1884, Caroline I3rewer Danforth. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Coffin, John Eliliu, SB. b. New Garden, N. C, Sept. 17, i860, s. Samuel Dwiggins Coffin, M.D., and Mary Ann Newlin. Entered from Fairmount, Kan., 1878. Resident Graduate 1 882-83 ! Assist, in Astronomical Observatory 1882-83. Principal Vermillion Academy, Vermil- lion, 111., one year ; Real Estate Business in Los Angeles, Cal., one year ; in City Treasurer's Office, Los Angeles, Cal., three and a half years. Asst. Supt. Whittier State School 1892-94; Superintendent of same 1894-97. Compiled " Interest Tables," Phila., Pa., 1883. Member of the Pokegama Sugar Pine Lum- ber Co., Klamathon, Cal. m. Dec. 21, 1889, Bertha Lindley. Address, Klamathon, Cal. Corbit, Daniel, S.B. b. Odessa, Del., Jan. 15, 1863. s. John Cowgill Corbit (Class of 1853) and Emily Peterson. Entered 1878. Manu- facturing. Address, 1136 Ridge Ave., Phila., Pa. Cox, Isaac Milton, A.B. b. New Providence, Iowa, Apl. 12, 186 1. s. Benjamin Cox and Mary Morris. Entered from Lawrence, Kan., 1878. Prin- cipal School Fairmount, Kan., 1882 ; Principal of Schools Mon- tana, Iowa, 1883 ; Principal of Academy, 1883-86; Prof Greek Wilmington College, Wilmington, O., 1886-87; Teacher Greek and Latin Friends' School, Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1S87-89; Tutor in Latin, San Jose, Cal., 1890-91 ; Fruit Grower 1891- 97. Teacher, m. San Jose, Cal, May 7, 1891, Catharine Elizabeth Bean. Address, Wailuka, Maui, H. I. Crosnian, George Loring, S.B. b. Lynn, Mass., June 14, i860, s. George A. Crosman and Eveline Brown. Entered 1878. Business Manager of the Haverfordian. Electrical Engineering 1882-85 ; Manufacturer. m. Sept. 28, 1886, Mary A. Pickering. Address, Saco, Me. Hazard, liicliard Bowne, A.B. b. North Ferrisburg, Vt., Aug. 26, 1859. s. Seneca Hazard and Achsah M. Huntington. Entered 1878. Principal Public 156 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1882 Schools Vermillion, S. Dak. ; Principal High School Prescott, Wis. ; Supt. City Schools River P'alls, Wis, Dealer in School Supplies and Proprietor of Teachers' Bureau, m. 1 896, Hattie B. Shepherd. Address, 732-4 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn., and 3122 Fremont Ave., North Minneapolis, Minn. Jones, Frederick Dilwiii, S.B. b. South China, Me., Nov. 30, 1855. s. Clarkson Jones and Alvina P. Runnels. Entered Sophomore Class 1879. Treas. Athenaeum. Treas. Union Reform League 1899 to date ; Mem- ber Academy of Science, Los Angeles, Cal. Teacher ; Publisher and Dealer in School and Stationery Supplies, Los Angeles, Cal. ; m. June 30, 1891, Minne Hanby. Address, 226 W. ist St., Los Angeles, Cal. Jones, Wilmot Rufiis, A.B. b. South China, Me., Oct. 27, 1859. s. Jeremiah Rogers Jones and Mary C. Jones. Entered 1878. Won Alumni Prize Medal for Composition and Oratory 1882 ; Subject: "Reform in the Science of Government." Won Prizes for Debate and Declama- tion 1882. Vice-Prest. Loganian. Teacher at Friends' School Providence, R. L, four years ; Principal and Supt. of Schools South Hadley Falls, Mass., three years ; Principal High School Bradford, Mass., two years ; Head Master High School Stam- ford, Conn., 1891 to date. m. (i) July 31, 1883, Julia E.Jones (d. Nov. 16, 1886) ; (2) July 30, 1890, Mirah L. Judd (d. Aug. 3, 1897). Address, 46 Grove St., Stamford, Conn. fLeeds, Wilnier Pancoast, A.B. b. Jan. 12, 1859; d. Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 10, 1885. s. Allen T. and Hannah Leeds. Entered Junior Class 1880. First Scholar 1882. Principal Moorestown Academy. Teacher Friends' Select School, Phila., Pa. Morgan, Jesse Henley, A.B. b. Richmond, Ind., July 6, 1861. s. William B. Morgan (Class of 1853) and Sarah Henley. Entered from Oskaloosa, la., 1878. Student at Earlham College 1875-76; at Penn Col- lege 1876-78. Bookkeeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1883-84. Town- ship Trustee two years. School Director. Brest. Board of Direc- tors Lowell Polytechnic Institute, Lowell, Kan. Miller, Lowell Kan., 1884 to date. m. Aug. 30, 1893, Ida M. George. Ad- dress, Lowell, Kan. Palmer, Thomas Chalkley, SB. b. Media, Pa., Oct. 23, i860, s. Louis Palmer and Mary C. Wildman. Entered 1878. Highest Grade Scientific Section 1882] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 57 1882. Prest. Everett Soc. ; " Spoon Man " 1882. Phila. Col- lege Pharmacy 1883-84, Special Chemical Courses. Side Sub- ject, Systematic Botany, Delaware Co., Pa. Publications, mostly popular science contributed to "The Student," "The (Phila., Pa.) American " and local press, generally on botanical subjects ; Original researches confined to dyestuffs, chemistry. Member Franklin Institute ; Soc. Chemical Industry, England ; Soc. Dyers and Colorists, P^ngland ; Societe Chimique de Paris. Prest. Del- aware Co. Institute Science, Media, Pa. Manufacturing Chemist ; Chemist to John M. Sharpless & Co., Dyestuffs, 1882 to date, m. Oct. 21, 1886, H. Jane Walter. Address, Media, Pa., or Chester, Pa. Randolph, Edward, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 6, 1861. s. Edward Taylor Randolph and Mary Sharpless. Entered 1878. Class Sec. and Treas. Bookkeeper ; in Export and Import Trade with west coast of Africa, m. Anna J. Moon. Address, Woodbourne, Pa. Winston, Lindley 3Iurray, S.B. b. Darlington, Ind., Aug. 24, 1861. s. Bowling Henry Win- ston and Anna Clark. Entered from Richmond, Va., 1878. Civil Engineer, m. Apl. 30, 1891, Lily Palmer White. Address, Redlands, Cal. Non-Graduates. fGanible, Elislia. [Science. b. East Carmel, O., (?) Nov. 28, 1855 ; d. Mch. 10, 1895. s. Harrison Gamble and . Entered Junior Class 1880 and left during the Senior year. Teacher. tJay, William Charles. (M.D., Bennett Medical College, 1883.) [Science. b. Farmers' Institute, Ind., Dec. 2, i860; d. Richmond, Ind., Jan. 10,1898. s. Allen Jay and Martha Ann Sleeper. Entered Sophomore Class 1879 from Providence, R. I., and left during Junior year, 1881. Studied Medicine Bennett Medical College, Chicago, 111., 1881-83. Manager of Penn College, la. Physi- cian, Richmond, Ind., until on account of failing health went on a farm near New Sharon, la. m. May 2, 1883, Anna Florence Newby. Mott, Richard. [Science. b. Burlington, N. J., Sept. 3, 1861. s. Richard Field Mott and Susan Thomas. Entered Sophomore Class 1879 and left at end of the year. In Earthenware and China Jobbing Business. m. Oct. 27, 1892, Emily Mehaffy. Address, Burlington, N. J. 158 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1S83 Robinson, Herbert Winslow. (M.D., Bowdoin College, 1892.) [Arts. b. Windham, Me., July 27, 1857. s. Henry Robinson and Lydia Varney. Entered Sophomore Class 1879 and left Dec, 1879. Class Prest. Physician, m. Mch. 23, 1887, Mary Gam- mon Moody. Address, Epping, N. H. R(»binson, William Henry. [Arts, b. Windham, Me., Apl. 15, 1856. s. Henry Robinson and Lydia Varney. Entered 1878 and left 1880 at close of the Sophomore year. Address, Courtland, Sacramento Co., Cal. Rusliniore, Townsend. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 27, 1861. s. Isaac Willis Rush- more and Maiy J. Quinby. Entered from Plainfield, N. J., Sophomore Class 1879 and left at close of the year. Sec. Athenaeum. Member City Council, Plainfield, N. J., 1890-91. Importer in the East India Trade, m. Dec. 3, 1890, Jean B. Murray. Address, 524 Steele Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Thomas, Henry M. (M.D., Univ. of Maryland, 1884.) [Arts, b. Baltimore, Md., May 25, 186 1. s. James Carey Thomas, M.D. (Class 185 I, Manager 1860-97) and Mary Whitall. En- tered 1878 and left at the close of the Freshman year. Won Freshman Prize Cricket Belt for Fielding 1879. Studied Medi- cine at Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, Md. Studied at Berlin, Heidelberg, etc., Germany. Clinical Prof of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Neurologist to Johns Hop- kins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Member of Medical and Chirur- gical Faculty of Maryland ; Clinical Soc. of Baltimore ; Neuro- logical Soc. of Phila., Pa. ; American Neurological Assoc, etc Published various articles on Medical Subjects. Physician, m. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 10, 1889, Josephine Poe Carey. Address, 1228 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md. 1883. Baily, AVilliam Loyd, SB. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Dec. 26, 1861. s. Joshua Long- streth Baily and Theodate Lang. Entered Sophomore Class 1880. Sec. Everett. Prest. Cricket Club. Won following Prizes in Cricket: First Prize for Bowling, 1883 ; First Prize for Fielding, 1883 ; First Prize for Highest Score (56), 1883. Studied Architecture after leaving College. Prof of Architecture in Univ. of Pa., 1890. Member Academy Natural Sciences, Phila., Pa. ; American Institute of Architects, Phila. Chapter. Author of a number of Ornithological Papers. Architect, m. 1883] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 59 Apl. 27, 1893, Sarah S. Boyd. Address, 421 Chestnut St., Phila., and Ardmore, Pa. Blaiiclmrd, John, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., IS.SG.) b. Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 23, 1862. s. Evan Miles Blanchard and Eliza Thomas Harris. PLntered 1879. Prest. of Class. Studied Law at Univ. of Pa. 1884-86 ; Graduate Student at Law School of Univ. of Pa. Lawyer. Address, Bellefonte, Pa. Briggs, Frank Elwood, A.B. b. Winthrop, Me., July 18, 1858. s. Moses Brig^gs and La- vinia Winslow. Entered 1879. With We-st Shore R.R. 1883 to 1886. With N. Y. Central and Hudson River R.R.Jan, i, 1886, to present time. Chief Clerk to the Auditor PVeights Account. m. Dec. 7, 1892, I^lla de Marsan Loutrel. Address, 194 W, 95th St., New York City. Collins, Steplien Willcts, S.B. (LL.B., Columbia College, N. Y., 1885.) b. Purchase, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1862. s. Richard Smith Collins and Sarah Willets. P2ntered 1879. Treas. and Prest. Council Athenaeum. Manager Havcrford College 1896 to date. Studied Law Columbia College, N. Y., 1883-85. Member Academy of Polit. and Social Science. Justice of the Peace. Attorney and Coun.sellor at Law. Address, 69 Wall St. and 57 E. 55th St., New York City. Edwards, David William, S.B. b. Henry Co., Ind., June 17, 1857. s. David Edwards and Susanna Pennington. luitercd 1879. Prest. of Class. P'irst Scholar in Scientific Section of Class. General Agent for Indi- ana of Provident Life and Trust Co. of Phila., Pa. m. June 24, 1885, Eannie Lytic. Address, 1042 North New Jersey Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Evans, George Henry, A.B. b. Waynesville, O., Oct. 15, 1853. s. William R. l^vans and Margaret A. Hadley. Itntered from Indianapolis, Ind., 1879. Editor of T/ie Haverfordian. Merchant and Manufacturer, m. June 19, 1885, Edna B. Pyle. Address, Indianapolis, Ind. Scull, William Ellis, SB. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 3, 1862. s. David Scull (Class 1854, Manager 1865 to date) and Hannah Ellicott Coale. Entered 1879. Member Historical Society of Pa. Publisher, m. Feb. 16, 1887, Florence Moor Prall. Address, Overbrook, Pa., and 718 Arch St., Phila., Pa. l60 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [18S3 tShoemaker, Samuel Bines, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1886.) b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 6, 1861 ; d. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Apl. 2, 1893. s. Benjamin Hallowell Slioemaker (Manager 1880 to date) and Susan Brinton Trump. Entered 1878; absent part of Freshman year; re-entered 1879. Student Univ. of Pa. Medical Depart. Resident Physician Pennsylvania Hospital 1886-87; Member of the County Medical Society; Physician Out-Patient Depart. Pennsylvania Hospital 1890. Physician, Germantown, Phila., Pa. m. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 8, 1888, Mary Dawson Tyson. Spruance, John Spotswood, S.B. b. Wilmington, Del., Mch. 25, 1862. s. William C. Spruance and Marie Louisa Spotswood. Entered 1879. Manufacturer of Cotton and Woolen Yarns. Address, 121 1 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, Del. Stuart, Francis Bacon, A.B. b. , Ind., (?) Aug. 15, 1859. s- Amos Stuart and Ma- tilda Hadley (?) Entered from Spiceland, Ind., 1879. Address, La Luz, New Mexico. Thomas, Bond Valentine, A.B. b. Baltimore, Md., Mch. 23, 1863. s. James Carey Thomas, M.D. (Class of 1851, Manager 1860-97), and Mary Whitall. P^ntered 1879. First Scholar in Class. Vice-Prest. Loganian, and delivered Annual Address. Prest. of Class one year. Won Haines Prize Cricket Fielding Belt 1881 ; Congdon Prize Cricket Ball 1880. Alumni Orator 1894; Subject: " Webster and Cal- houn." Studied at Johns Hopkins Univ. 1883. Studied Law. Superintendent of Glass Works ; General Manager of Gold Min- ing Co. 1899 to date. m. Concord, N. H., Oct. 13, 1886, Edith Carpenter. Address, New York City, or care J. M. W. Thomas, Haverford, Pa. White, William Alpheus, SB. b. Bush Creek, N. C, Mch. 26, 1852. s. John White and Jane Wilson. Entered 1879. Farmer. Teacher, m. Jan. 7, 1886, Roxie Dixon. Address, Brunswick, N. C. Whitney, Charles Henry, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., July 11, 1861. s. John Randall Whitney and Louisa Caldwell Butler. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1879. Clerk in Car Wheel Foundry, etc. ; Mechanical Draughtsman. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Whitney, Louis Butler, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 13, 1863. s. John Randall Whitney and Louisa Caldwell Butler, Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1879. 1883] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 161 Clerk at Baldwin Locomotive Works ; Clerk at A. Whitney & Sons; Clerk at 15 N. 7th St., Phila.,to date. m. Oct. 30, 1889, Mary Ella Head. Address, 2034 Locust St., Phila. Wortliiiigton, Thomas Kiiiiber, A.B. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1888; LL.B., Univ. of Md., 1890.) b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 23, 1 863. s. Dr. Joshua H. Worthington and Mary Morris Kimber. Entered from Baltimore, Md., 1879-80. Prest. Everett Society ; Graduate Student at Johns Hopkins Univ., 1883-88 ; Studied at Univ. of Md. (Law School) 1888-90 ; Alumni Orator 1892; Subject: " Political Abuses and Public Opin- ions ;" Vice-Prest. Alumni Assoc. ; Member American Economic Assoc. ; Author " Historical Sketch of Finances of Penna." Law- yer ; Editor Baltiviorc Nczvs ; Prest. Maryland Title Insurance and Trust Co. ; Real Estate Business, m. (i) May 24, 1887, Mary Grace Thomas; (2) Lancaster, Pa., Apl. 4, 1899, Helen Baker Higbee. Address, Lancaster, Pa. Non-Graduates. Cates, Edward Earle. (A.B., 1883 ; A.M., 1888, Colby Univ.) [Arts, b. East Vassalboro', Me., Sept. 12, i860, s. Charles Bunker Cates, M.D., and Margaret Buffum Barker. Entered Sophomore Class 1880 and left 1881. Author articles published in " School Bulletin" (Syracuse, N. Y.) ; "Journal of Education" (Boston); " Inland Journal " (educational) (Lewiston, Idaho); "School Re- view" (Chicago); "Educational Review" (New York). Prin. of High School in New Jersey, 1 884-93 ! Pnn. of High School Los Angeles, Cal., 1893—97 ; Prest. of Frederick College, Fred- erick, Md., 1897 to date. m. Aug. 18, 1886, Maggie Wightman. Address, Frederick College, Frederick, Md. Cates, Horace GetclielL (A.B., 1883; A.M., 1885, Colby Univ. ; M.D., Maine Hospital College, 1887.) [Arts. b. East Vassalboro', Me., May 22, 1863. s. Charles Bunker Cates, M.D., and Margaret Buffum Barker. Entered Sophomore 1880 and left 1881. Studied at Colby University 1879 and 1882 83 ; Physician and Surgeon to various railroads ; Asst. Surgeon to Southern Pacific R. R. Co. ; County Coroner, Los Angeles, Cal., 1892-94. m. June 15, 1895, Mary Bichnell. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. Dunn, lloljert Rowe. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 25, 1863. s. Charles R. Dunn and . Entered from Phila., Pa., 1879 and left 1881. Last address, Minneapolis, Minn. 11 1 62 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1883 Frissell, Wiilker Irwin. [Special, b. Wheeling, West Va., Dec. 25, 1862. s. John Frissell, M.D., and Elizabeth Ann Thompson. Entered Sophomore Class 1880 and left at close of the year. Chemist at Wheeling Iron and Steel Works, m. June 8, 1894, Clara Anna Beall, of Wellsburg, W. Va. Address, Benwood, W. Va. Osborne, William Elmore. [Special. b. near Ashley, Ohio, Sept. 27, 1856. s. John Osborne and Minerva Oliver. Entered 1879 and left at close of Freshman year. Farmer and Sheep Raiser, m. Aug. 22, 1882, Laura L. Levering. Address, Stantontown, Ohio. Price, William Farmer. [Special, b. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 12, i860, s. William Ballinger Price and Ellen Farmer. Entered from Bergen Point, N. J., 1879 and left at close of Sophomore year. Two years a student at Western Reserve College, Hudson, Ohio, 1874-75. Sheep rais- ing in Southwestern Virginia 1881-83 ! Farming in Chester Val- ley, Pa., 1883-89; Supt. New Brunswick City Railway Co. and Brunswick Traction Co. 1890 to date. m. Apl. 27, 1882, Eleanor French Richards. Address, 41 Comstock St., New Brunswick, N.J. Khocles, Eicliard Somers Smith. [Arts, b. Rockdale, Delaware Co., Pa., Mch. 11, 1861. s. John B. Rhodes and Ann L. Warren. Entered from Aston Mills, Pa., 1879 and left during the Junior year. Member of Delaware Co. Historical Society. Manufacturer of Cotton and Woollen Goods, m. Apl. 30, 1887, Fannie Wallis Price. Address, Aston Mills, Pa. Smith, Stephen Decatnr, Jr. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 28, 1861. s. Stephen Decatur Smith and Elizabeth Cuthbert. Entered 1880 and left at close of the Freshman year. Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1879-80. Author of Poems, " Hallo, My Fancy !" in collaboration with Charles Henry Liiders, etc. Iron Manufacturer. Associate Editor Ladles' Horns Journal, m. Jan. 25, 1887, Florence Eustis. Ad- dress, 1927 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Starkey, Howard Abbott. [Arts, b. Vassalboro', Me., Feb. i, i860, s. John Warren Starkey and Charity Carr. Entered Sophomore Class 1880 and left at close of the year. In employ of the Elevator Companies, Duluth, Minn., 1881 to date. At present Supt. of Elevators of Consoli- dated Elevator Co., Duluth, Minn. m. July 9, 1885, Jennie M. Fellows. Address, 825 W. Third St., Duluth, Minn. 1884] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. . 163 Vail, Herbert Eli. (A.B., Hobart College, N. Y., 1883; A.M., 188G.) [Arts, b. Waterloo, N. Y. s. Alfred Vail and Mary Jane Pound. Entered Sophomore Class 1880; left Dec, 1880. Entered Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. Teacher. Observer U. S. Weather Bureau, Station, Mobile, Ala. Legal Residence Water- loo, N. Y. Address, Custom House, Mobile, Ala. Wetherell, Johii Mcllvaiie. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., May 10, 1863. s. John Mcllvane Wetherell and Mary Smith. Entered Sophomore Class 1880 and left at the close of the year. Contractor and Builder, m. Rockport, Mass., June 28, 1899, Nellie Hale Choate. Address, Rockport, Mass. Wilbur, Harry Lawrence. (A.B., Amlierst, 1884.) [Arts. b. Kingston, Pa., Dec. 10, 1863. s. Henry O. Wilbur and Harriet Almira Lawrence. Entered 1879 from Bryn Mawr, Pa., and left at close of the Sophomore year. Studied at Amherst College, Mass., 1881-84. Chocolate Manufacturer, m. Oct. 20, 1896, Clara Mattison Derby. Address, 9 Astor St., Chicago, 111. 1884. Allen, John Henry, A.B. A.M., 1890. b. East Hamburg (now Orchard Park), N. Y., Nov. i, 1861. s. Franklin Gerothman Allen and Hannah Patience Thomas. Sintered Sophomore Class 1881 from Union Springs, N. Y. Permanent Class Prest. Teacher 1884-86. Principal Union School, Westerville, N. Y., 1886-87. Principal Yates Academy, Yates, N. Y., 1887-88. Principal Public School, Rockvale, Colo., 1889-91. Principal High School and City Supt. of Schools, Montrose, Colo., 1891-97. Principal Cafion City High School 1897. Supt. Canon City Schools 1897 to date. Con- tributor to Educational Journals. Author of " Advantages of Studying Latin " and " Methods of Teaching Latin in High School Work" in " Rocky Mountain Educator." m. Mch. 14, 1888, Jennie Zelle Jones. Address, Canon City, Colo. Bates, Orren William, A.B. (LL.B., Yale, 1891.) b. Coventry, R. L, Aug. 17, 1862. s. Ambrose Hopkins Bates and Diana E. Kenyon. Entered Sophomore Class 1881 from Oneco, Conn. Student Yale Law School 1889-91. Mem- ber " Book and Gavel " of Yale. Undertaker. Politician. Town- Clerk of Sterling, Conn., 1895-98. Member of Connecticut House of Representatives 1897. m. Sept. 16, 1887, Julia Helena Seeley. Address, Oneco, Conn. 164 • HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1884 C5iase, Thomas Herbert, A.B. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1885.) b. Haverford, Pa., Apl. 17, 1864. s. Thomas Chase, LL.D., Litt.D. (Prof, of Classical Philology 1855-86, Prest. 1874-86) and Alice Underhill Cromwell. Entered 1880. Vice-Prest. Class Freshman year ; Prest. of Class ; Vice-Prest. Loganian ; Prest. Everett. Member First Eleven Cricket. Studied at Har- vard Univ. 1884-85. Clerk. Teacher, Oakwood Academy, Union Springs, N. Y., 1898 to date. Address, Union Springs, N. Y., and 30 Alumni Ave., Providence, R. I. Haines, William Jones, A.B. b. Cheltenham, Montgomery Co., Pa., Oct. 14, 1865. s. Robert Bowne Haines (Class of 1844, Manager 1870-95) and Margaret Vaux Wistar. Entered 1880. Sec. Everett. Steel and Iron Merchant ; Bicycle Supplies (Wholesale). Address, 1424 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Hall, Arthur Dillwyn, A.B. b. Providence, R. I., July 22, 1861. s. John Hacker Hall and Anna Fry Hoag. Entered Sophomore Class 1881 from Lynn, Mass. Won Athenaeum Prize for Essay. Librarian Athenaeum ; Editor of The Gevi. Studied at Univ. of Minnesota 1894-95. Teacher. Principal and Owner of Morgan Hall Col- lege Preparatory School for Boys. Address, 17 13 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Hill, Louis Taher, SB. b. Mount Pleasant, O., Nov. 11, i860, s. Joseph Hill and Deborah Patterson. Entered 1880. Teacher. Principal Pleas- ant Plain Academy seven years, and of Springdale Seminary. Supt. City Schools, m. June 27, 1893, Rachel W. Vore. Ad- dress, West Liberty, la. Jacob, Charles Richard, A.B. b. South China, Me., July 11, 1863. s. WiUiam Jacob and Sibyl Narcissa Jones. Entered Sophomore Class 188 1. Prest. Athenaeum ; Sec. Loganian ; Editor Havafordian ; Prest. of Class in Senior year. "Spoon Man." Won Alumni Prize for Oratory and Composition 1883 ; Subject: "William Lloyd Gar- rison." Teacher ; Teacher of French and German, Friends* School, Providence, R, I. m. July 14, 1892, Hattie E. Jones. Address, Friends' School, Providence, R. L Moore, Walter Linton, SB. b. near Kennett Square, Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 27, 1858. s. Kirkwood Moore and Esther Linton. Entered Junior Class 1884] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 165 1882 from Ercildoun, Pa. Taught in Friends' Academy, Moores- tovvn, N. J., until fall of 1882. Secretary to Abbott's Alderney Dairies, m. Phila., Pa., Apl., 1887, Gulielma Harvey. Ad- dress, Moorestown, N. J., and 1823 Filbert St., Phila., Pa. Smith, Alfred Percival, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1885 ; LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1888.) b. Phila., Pa., July ii, 1863. s. Alfred Smith and Cornelia Stanley Allen. Entered 1880. Won Everett Society Prize for Declamation. Class Sec. Editor of Tlie Bud. Studied two years at Harvard ; also Law School Univ. of Pa. Member of Presby- terian Historical Society (Phila., Pa.) ; Law Academy of Phila., Pa. ; Life Member of Historical Society of Pa., and German So- ciety ; Member of Pa. Genealogical Society ; Pioneer Verein of Phila., Pa., and American Academy of Social and Political Science ; Charter Member Pa. State Bar Association. Lawyer, m. Feb. 4, 1890, Lizzie Waudell David. Address, 602 Provident Building, Phila., Pa. Vaux, Georg-e, Jr., S.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1888.) b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 18, 1863. s. George Vaux (8th) and Sarah H. Morris. Entered Sophomore Class 1881. Prest. Council Everett Society ; Vice-Prest. of Same. Studied at Wharton School, Univ. of Pa. Manager of Haverford College 1 89 1 to date ; Sec. of Corporation 1891 to date. Member Acad- emy of Natural Sciences ; Vice-Prest. Photographic Society of Phila., Pa. ; Manager, Franklin Institute ; Member Amer. Assoc, for Advancement of Science; Historical Society of Pa. ; Amer. Philosoph. Soc. Inspector of Eastern Penitentiary, Phila. Pa. Author two chapters in History of Haverford College. Lawyer. Address, 404 Girard Building, Phila., Pa. White, Francis Albertson, L.B. b. Baltimore Co., Md., Dec. 4, i860, s. Francis White (Class 1843, Manager 1878 to date) and Jane E. Janney. Entered 1880. Sec'y and Prest. of Everett Society. Manager of Hav- erford College 1895 to date. Clerk; Manager of Estates, m. June 2, 1887, Sarah Poultney Ellicott. Address, 1221 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. Non-Graduates. Butler, Frederick C. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., . s. Edgar H. Butler and . Entered 1880 and left close of Freshman year. Publisher. Address, 13 S. 4th St., Phila., Pa. 1 66 HAVEKFORD COLLEGE [1884 Clothier, John Birely. [Special, b. Phila., Pa., May 23, 1862. s. Conrad Clothier and Mary Victoria Birely. Entered 1880 and left 1881. Real Estate, m. Emma Virginia Dabbs. Address, Narberth, Pa. Craig, Andrew Catherwood, Jr. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 20, 1863. s. Joseph C. Craig and Emma G. Leibert. Entered 187S and left at close of Junior year, 1883. m. June i, 1898, Adaline J. Crilly. Address, 3901 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Ellicott, William Miller, Jr. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., May 8, 1863. s. William Miller ElHcott, Jr., and Nancy Morris PLllis. Entered 1880 and left at close of Soph- omore year. Took special course in Architecture at Univ. of Pa.; Studied Atelier Pascal (Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris), 1887-88. Architect. Address, 8 East Lexington St., Baltimore, Md. Estes, Jo.seph Stanley. [Arts, b. Vassalboro', Me., May 13, 1861. s. Jonathan Estes and Julia Ann Wadsvvorth. P^ntered 1880 and left at close of Soph- omore year. Lawyer. Address, Houlton, Me. Ferri.s, David Sand.s. [Arts, b. New York City, Aug. 13, 1863. s. Lindley Murray Ferris, Jr. (Class 1856) and Martha Sands. Entered from Poughkeep- sie, N. Y., 1 880 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Studied at Harvard 1882-83 ; Sugar Planter and Refiner, m. Eloise Polk. Address, Lamourie, La., and Plaza Hotel, New York City. Guinmere, William Henry. [Science, b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., May 3, 1864. s. William Gum- mere (Class of 1836; Instructor 1834-38) and Martha Moore Morris. Entered from Burlington, N. J., 1880; absent during the Junior year with the Cambria Iron Co. ; returned at begin- ning of Senior year, and took special course, and received cer- tificate of proficiency in Mathematics ; One year in Nat. Bank of Northern Liberties, Phila., Pa. ; for several years connected with various estates, trusts, etc. ; Acting Treas. Lehigh Univ., South Bethlehem, Pa., June, 1894; General Baggage Agent Lehigh Valley R.R. Author " Land o' Cakes;" "Claims Legitimate and Otherwise ;" " Rev. John Jasper, Philosopher," etc. Ad- dress, South Bethlehem, Pa. Jones, Samuel Kiiius. [Art?. b. West Milton, O., Nov. 12, 1859. s. Samuel Jones and Anna Jay. Entered 1880 and left at close of Sophomore year. 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 167 Prest. of Class. Asst. Sec. Mutual Home and Savings Assoc, of Dayton, O. ; Asst. Manager of same ; General Manager of same to date.' m. June 5, 1888, Mary Adele Yost. Address, 26 North Main .St., Dayton, O. LatUl, Isaac GifFord. [Arts. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Apl. 6, 1864. s. Thomas Wood Ladd (Class 1854) and Hannah Peckham Gifford. p:ntcred Sophomore Class 1 88 1 and left 1882. Broker. Address, Providence, R. I., and Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, N. Y. City. List, Joliii KilUourne. [Special, b. Wheeling, W. Va., June 26, 1861. s. Henry K. List and Sarah J. Shaw. PLntered as Special Student 1880 and left at close of Junior year. As.st. Cashier City Bank of Wheeling, W. Va. Member City Council of Wheeling, m. Apl. 20, 1884, Harriet Glass. Address, Wheeling, W. Va. Peet, William Fellows. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., (?) Apl. 16, 1864. s. V.. W. Peet and . Entered from Chicago, 111., 1880, and left at close of the Fresh- man year. Address, St. Paul, Minn. Tyson, James Wood, Jr. [Spocial. b. P.altimore, Md., Dec. 20, 1862. s. James Wood Tyson (Class of 1845) and IClizabeth W. Dawson. r:ntered 1879 and left 1 88 1, having pursued a Partial Course. Copper .Smelter; Mine Manager ; Manager of Steel Rolling Mill ; Receiver for Steel Co. Member American Institute of Mining luigineers. m. Oct. 25, 1887, p:sther S. liuchanan. Addrcs.s, South Straf- ford, Vt. Yariial], Cliarltoii. [A'tn. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Aug. i, 1864. s. l<:ilis Yarnall and Margaret Harrison. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1880; left 1882, at close of .Sophomore year. Merchant, m. May 23, 1 889, Anna Brinton Coxe. Address, 420 Walnut St., Phila. and Haverford, Pa. 1885. Bailv, Cliarl<5H Winter, S.P.. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Dec. i, 1866. s. Joshua Long- .streth Baily and Theodate Lang. Entered from Phila., Pa., 188 1 . lousiness Manager of 77ic Uat'crfordian ; Treas. Carpenter Shop A.ssoc. ; Treas. Football Assoc. ; Prest. of Class, etc. Dry Goods Commission Merchant, m. Apl. 23, 1892, Lydia Hunn Wood. Addres.s, 304 S. 13th .St. and 15 liank .St., Plnla., Pa. l68 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1885 Bettle, Samuel, A.B. b. Camden, N. J., Oct. 15, 1884. s. William Bettle and Mary Sharpless. Entered from Camden, N. J., 1881. Won the fol- lowing Cricket Prizes: "Improvement Bat," Freshman year; "Fielding Belt;" Second Eleven Prize Ball;" "First Eleven Bat" two years. General Freight Agent in the International Navigation Co. m. June 20, 1889, Helen Biddle Griscom. Address, 309 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Blair, John Jay, S.B. b. High Point, N. C, Sept. 15, i860, s. Solomon I. Blair and Abigail P. Hunt. Entered 1881. Studied two years in Guilford College, N. C, 1879-81. Principal High Point High School 1885; Teacher in Winston, N. C, City Schools 1885- 90 ; Supt. of Winston City Schools 1890 to date. Teacher in State Normal School, Newton, N. C. Prest. North Carolina Teachers' Assembly 1893 ; Prest. Assoc. City Supts. 1894. Address, Winston, N. C. Doaii, Enos L., A.B. b. Valley Mills, Ind., May 14, i860, s. Amos Doan and Martha Furnas. Entered 1881. Won Athenaeum Debating Prize 1882. Prest. Class 1881-82, 1882-83; Editor Haver- foj'dian 1882; Editor-in-Chief 1884; Prest. Athenaeum 1884; Librarian Loganian 1883 ; Prest. Council 1884. Studied at Univ. of Bonn, Germany, two Semesters 1889-90. Teacher Friends' School Wilmington, Del., 1885-89; Assoc. Principal of same 1891-95 ; Teacher of French, High School Denver, Colo., 1897 ; Teacher Friends' School Wilmington, Del., 1897—98 ; Principal Friends' School Wilmington, Del., 189S— 99; Librarian Wilmington Institute Free Library, Wilmington, Del, 1899 to date. m. June, 1891, Mary Louisa Clark. Address, 1303 W. 9th St., Wilmington, Del. Ferris, William Taber, A.B. b. Chappaqua, N. Y., July 16, 1866. s. Robert Murray Fer- ris and Marianna Taber. Entered Sophomore Class from Pough- keepsie, N. Y., 1882. Asst. Manager New York Office Prov. Life and Trust Co. of Phila., Pa., 1886 to date ; Treas. Reliance Lamp Electric Co. Address, 149 Broadway, New York City. Hilles, William Samuel, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., May 5, 1865. s. John Smith Hilles (Class of 1848, Manager 1873-76) and Sarah Cooper Tatum. Entered from Wilmington, Del., 1881. Alumni Prize Orator, 1885. Studied Law. Lawyer, m. Oct. 29, 1898, Florence Bayard, daughter of Hon. Thomas F. Bayard. Address, Wilmington, Del. 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 69 Hussey, William Tiniotliy, A.B. b. North Berwick, Me., June 10, 1863. s. Timothy B. Hus- sey and Anna Mekeel. Entered Sophomore Class 1882. Sec. of Athenaeum ; Brest. Y. M. C. A. Business Manager of TJie Havei'fordia7i. Manufacturer of Agricultural Implements, m, June 8, 1892, Florence J. Rushmore. Address, North Berwick, Me. Jones, Artluir Wiiislow, A.B. A.M., 1890. b. South China, Me., Nov. 30, 1864. s. William Alfred Jones and Mary Ann Runnels. Entered Sophomore Class 1882. Graduate Student in Greek 1889-90; Studied at Univ. of Chicago 1894-95. Teacher. m. June 22, 1891, Lenora Louise Hawkes. Address, Washington Academy, Washington, Kan. Jones, Rnfus Matthew, A.B. A.M., 1896. (Litt.D., Penn Col- lege, 1898.) b. South China, Me., Jan. 25, 1863. s. Edwin Jones and Mary G. Hoxie. Entered Sophomore Class 1882. Brest, of Class in Senior year. Editor-in-Chief and Business Manager of The Havcrfordian. Brest, of Y. M. C. A. ; Brest, of Athenseum. " Spoon Man." Alumni Orator 1896. Subject : " The Scholar's Attitude and Service." Member Phi Beta Kappa. Studied one Semester in Heidelberg University ; Special Student two years in Univ. of Ba. Recorded Minister in Society of Friends, 1890. Teacher at Union Springs, N. Y., one year. Teacher of Modern Languages, Prov. Boarding School, two years ; Brincipal Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro', Me., four years. Instructor in Philosophy, Haverford College 1893 to date. Y.dii'i.ox oi Friends' Reviezv 1893 ; Editor of The American Friend 1894 to date. Author "Life of Eli and Sybil Jones" 1889; "History of Friends in Kennebec Co., Me.," 1892 ; " Practical Christianity" 1899. m. Ardonia, N. Y., July 3, 1888, Sarah H. Coutant. Ad- dress, Haverford, Pa. Markley, Joseph Lybrand, A.B., A.M., 1886. (S.B., State Nor- mal School, West Chester, Pa,, 1883; A.M., Harvard Univ., 1887 ; Ph.D., 1889.) b. East Nantmeal, Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 6, 1859. s. Napoleon B. Markley and Ellen Ann Liggett. Entered Junior Class 1883. Graduate Student in Mathematics 1885-86; Member Bhi Beta Kappa 1898; Assistant in Astronomical Observatory 1885-86; Graduate Student at Harvard Univ. 1886-89. Holder of Morgan Fellowship, Harvard Univ., 1887—89; Instructor in Mathematics, Harvard Univ., 1889-90; Instructor in Mathematics, Univ. of 170 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1885 Michigan, 1890-95 ; Student in Gottingen, Germany, 1895-97 ; Assist. Prof. Mathematics, Univ. of Michigan, 1896 to date. The- sis at Harvard Univ. on " Bessel's Functions." m. July 6, 1893, Mary EHzabeth Butler. Address, 912 Forest Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Morris, Marriott Caiiby, A.B. b. Gcrmantown, Phila., Pa., Sept. 7, 1863. s. Elliston Perot Morris (Class of 1848, Manager 1884-91 ; Sec. of the Corpo- ration 1886-91) and Martha Canby. Entered 1881. Treas. Class ; Treas. Cricket Club ; Treas. Football Assoc. ; Registrar of Everett ; Editor of The Bud ; Treas. of Everett ; Member of Photographic Soc. of Phila. ; Trustee of Estates, etc. m. June 8, 1897, Jane G. Rhoads. Address, 6706 Cresheim Road, Gtn., Phila., Pa. Murray, Augustus Taber, A.B. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1890.) b. New York City, Oct. 29, 1866. s. Robert Lindley Murray (Class 1842, Manager 1855-58) and Ruth Shearman Taber. P^ntered from Nev/ Bedford, Mass., 1882. Member Everett; Vice-Prest. Loganian ; Awarded Alumni Prize for Oratory 1884 ; Subject: " John Greenleaf Whittier ;" Latin Salut. 1882; Mem- ber Phi Beta Kappa 1898 ; Studied at Johns Hopkins Univ. 1885 -88; Prof. Greek, Earlham Coll., 1888-90; Studied at Leipzig and at Berlin, Germany, 1890-91 ; Prof. Greek Colorado Coll. 1891-92 ; Prof. Greek Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1892 to date. Published " Parody and Paratragoedia in Aristophanes," Berlin, 1891 ; Contributions to Philological Journals; Member Amer. Philological Assoc, m. Sept. 2, 1891, Nella Howland Gifford, of New Bedford, Mass, Address, Stanford Univ., Cal. Newlin, Thomas, S.B., A.M., 1892. b. New London, Ind., Dec. 28, 1855. s. and . Granted Degree upon Special Examinations, and ranked with Class of 1885. Prof. Zoology and Botany, and in charge of the Discipline, Haverford College, 1884-86. Superintendent Spice- land Academy, Spiceland, Ind., ten years ; Brest. Pacific College, Newberg, Ore., 1891 to date. Minister in Society of P'riends. m. Spiceland, Ind., 1884, Olive Wilson. Address, Newberg, Ore. Reeve, Augustus Henry, A.B. b. Alloway, Salem Co., N. J., Nov. 11, 1865. s. Richard Henry Reeve and Sarah Wyatt Carpenter. Entered from Cam- den, N. J., 1 88 1. Manufacturer of Linoleum and Floor Oil Cloths, m. Oct. 7, 1 89 1, Margaretta Willis Baldwin. Address, Camden, N. J. 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. I/I Keeve, William Foster, A.B. b. Safe Harbor, Pa., Oct. 18, 1865. s. Augustus Reeve and Rebecca Cooper Wood. Entered from Camden, N. J., 1881. Vice-Prest. Everett ; Member Cricket Eleven, Football Eleven and Baseball Nine ; Won Freshman Fielding Belt and two or three Prize Bats ; Held record for best batting up to 1885 ; Manu- facturer of Brick, Sewer-pipe and Fire-brick, m. Oct. 22, 1890, Mary Joy Guy. Address, 301 State St., Camden, N. J. Ricliards, Theodore William, S.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1886 ; A.M. and Ph.D., Harvard, 1888.) b. Germantown, Pa., Jan. 31, 1868; s. William T. Richards (Artist) and Anna Matlack. Entered Sophomore Class 1882. Sec. of Everett Soc. ; Member Phi Beta Kappa 1 899 ; Studied at Harvard 1885-88; at Gottingen 1888-89; Munich 1889; Dres- den Polytechnic 1889; Highest Honors at Harvard in Chem- istry; Instructor at Harvard; Asst. Prof, at Harvard 1894 to date ; Author numerous papers on Chemical subjects, chiefly relating to Atomic Weights ; Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences ; Member German Chemical Society ; English Chemical Club. m. May 28, 1896, Miriam Stuart Thayer. Ad- dress, 44 Shepard St., Cambridge, Mass. Sutton, Isaac, A.B., A.M., 1891. (A.B., Trinity, N.C, 1882 ; A.M., 1885.) b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1857. s. Aaron Sutton and Mary Heaton Gough. Entered from Providence, R. I., Sophomore Class 1878 and left during the Senior year, re-entering Senior Class 1884. Studied at Trinity College, N. C, 1882, one year; Teacher Haverford Grammar School, 1885-94; Principal Oak- wood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1894-95 ; Manager Fisk's Teacher's Agency, Denver, Col., 1895 to date. m. (i) 1880, Lizzie Maria Dalton ; (2) 1888, Harriet Kennedy Chase. Address, 533 Cooper Bdg., Denver, Col. White, Elias Henley, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1891.) b. Raysville, Ind., June 21, 1861. s. James White and Jemima D. Henley. Entered 1881. Studied at PLarlham Col- lege, Ind., 1880-81. Prefect at Girard College, Phila., Pa., 1885-95 ; Student at Law School, Univ. of Pa., 1888-91. Lawyer. Address, 700 West End Trust Building, Phila., Pa. W^ickersham, William Frederick, A.B., A.M., 1891. b. Avondale, Pa., Oct. 31, 1864. s. B. Frank Wickersham and Mary Ann Pyle. Entered Junior Class 1883. Assist. Librarian Haverford College 1883-85; Teacher; Principal Westtown Boarding School 1897 to date. Address, Westtown, Pa. 1/2 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1S85 tWilsoii, Matthew Terrell, SB. b. Dublin, Ind., Jan. 29, 1863; d. Richmond, Ind., Apl. 5, 1 89 1, s. Timothy Wilson and Elizabeth Ann Terrell. Entered from Spiceland, Ind., 1881. Teacher, m. June 22, 1887, Isa- dore Hall. Non-Graduates. Brick, Joseph Coles. (M.D., JefiFerson Medical Coll., Phila., Pa., 1894.) [Science. b. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 11, 1861. s. William F. Brick and Anna Coles. Entered 1881 and left at close of Sophomore year 1883. Physician. Address, 1629 Locust St., Phila., Pa. Brooke, Benjamin. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1889.) [Science, b. Radnor, Del. Co., Pa., Oct. 17, 1866. s. Major John Brooke, Surgeon U. S. A., and Esther Willing. Entered Sept., 1 88 1, and left near the close of the Freshman year. Studied at Univ. of California 1884-86 ; Univ. of Pa. Medical School 1886- 89. Resident Physician Phila. Hospital 1890-91. First Eieut. and Asst. Surgeon U. S. A. 1891. Captain. Address, care War Depart., Washington, D. C. Buffiiiii, Edward. [Special. b. Newport, R. I., Aug. 19, 186 1. s. Thomas B. Buffum and Lydia Potter. Entered Sophomore Class Feb., 1883, and left during the year. m. Elizabeth Griffith. Address, Boston, Mass. Collins, Benjamin. [Science. b. Purchase, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1864. s. Richard Collins and Sarah Willets. Entered 1881 and left at end of the Freshman year. Farmer, m. Nov. 12, 1890, Esther Carpenter. Address, Purchase, N. Y. Harding, George Franklin. (M.D., Harvard Univ., 1889.) [Arts, b. Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 18, 1862. s. George W. Harding and Harriet Russell. Entered Feb., 1883, Sophomore Class and left at end of the year. Studied at Harvard Univ. 188 1- 83 ; Mass. Inst. Technology two years ; Harvard Medical School ; Physician to Skin Depart. Boston City Hospital, and Cancer Hospital. Member Mass. Medical Soc. ; Boston Der- matological Club ; Boston Soc. for Medical Improvement ; Boston Soc. of Medical Sciences. Physician, m. June 19, 1890, Elizabeth S. Clarke. Address, 419 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. fHill, Joseph Gnrney. [Special. b. Carthage, Ind., Jan. 27, 1863 ; d. Western Springs, 111., May 15, 1883. s. Thomas Clarkson Hill (Class of 1854) and 1 886] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 73 Adaline Amanda Butler. Entered from Chicago, 111., 1881, and left at close of Freshman year, on account of ill-health. Student Earlham College, Ind., one year, 1880-81. Bridge Building under Gen. Sooy Smith, at Vicksburg, Miss. Jay, Isaac E. [Special, b. Farmers' Institute, Ind., Oct. 5, 1865. s. Allen Jay and Martha Ann Sleeper. Entered from Richmond, Ind., Sophomore Class as special student 1882 and left during the year. Student Earlham College, Ind., 1881-82 and 1883-85 ; at Rose Poly- technic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind., 1886; Purdue Univ., Lafay- ette, Ind., 1887. Civil Engineer; Electrical Street Railway work ; Manufacturer, m. May 25, 1893, Anne Horton. Ad- dress, Richmond, Ind. Lee, Philip. [Arts. b. New Iberia, Louisiana, July 14, 1895. s. James Augustin Lee and Lucinda Ray. Entered from New Iberia, La., 1881, and left at close of Freshman year. Bookkeeper. Druggist. Commissary Iberia Guards during political troubles 1884. Ad- dress, New Iberia, La. Siuith, Logan PearsalL (Formerly known as Lloyd Logan Smith.) (B.A., Univ. of Oxford, England, 1892.) b. Millville, N. J., Oct. 18, 1865. s. Robert Pearsall Smith and Hannah Tatum Whitall. Entered from Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1 88 1 and left 1884. Studied at Harvard College, Oct., 1884, to June, 1885 ; Berlin Univ., Oct., 1885, to April, 1886; Univ. of Oxford, Eng., March, 1888, to June, 1892; One year in business ; since then literary work ; Author of " The Youth of Parnassus and other Stories," London, 1895. Address, 44 Grosvenor Road, London, S.W., England. tWliitall, Thomas Wistar. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 30, 1859; d. Oct. i, 1894. s. James Whitall (Class 1852, Manager 1857-96; Sec. of Board of Managers 1866-76) and Mary Cope. Entered Freshman Class 1877 and left during the year on account of ill-health. Re-en- tered Sophomore Class 1882 and left during the year on account of ill-health, m. Boston, Mass., Jan 10, 1888, Sarah Whitmore. 1886. fBetts, Thomas Wade, SB. b. Martinsville, O., June 17, 1864; d. Wilmington, O., June 20, 1893. s. Madison Betts and Caroline Janney. Entered from Wilmington, O., 1882. Studied Architecture with A. B. Mullett, Washington, D, C. Architect, Denver, Col. 174 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1886 Dickinson, Jonathan, Jr., A.B. ; A.M. 1898. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Apl. 7, 1861. s. Jonathan Dickinson and Anna Willis Smith. Entered Sophomore Class 1883 from Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Won First Prize in Debate Everett Soc, First Prize in Speaking. Prest. Everett Soc. two years. Member Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Teacher; Prof, of Greek, Wilmington College, four years ; Principal Oakwood Seminary ; Teacher of Latin, Greek, Psychology and History. m. Sept. 12, 189-, Clara J. Oren. Address, Lavanna, N. Y. Jolmson, Guy Koclie, S.B. b. , Sept. 28, 1866. s. Joseph Esrey Johnson, Major 58th Pa. Vols., U. S. A., and Mary Catharine Roche. Entered from Longdale, Va., Freshman Class Jan., 1883. Bookkeeper and Asst. Manager Malaga Glass Works 1886-87 ; Asst. Man- ager and Engineer Allegheny Mining Co. 1887 ; Engineer and Asst. Manager Longdale Iron Works, Longdale, Va., 1888- 95 ; General Manager Embreville Iron Co., Ltd., 1895 to date. Member of Amer. Institute of Mining Engineers ; North of Eng- land Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Author of a number of Papers on Mining Engineering, Manufacture of Iron, etc., published in the " Proceedings and Transactions " of Amer. Inst, of Mining Engineers, m. Apl. 26, 1892, Edith Ashley Wheeler. Address, Embreville, Tenn. McFarland, William Stuart, SB. b. Williams' Mills, N. J., Mch. 31, 1865. s. James McFar- land and Sarah Ryan. Entered 1882 from Mount Laurel, N. J. Prest. of Class ; Prest. of Cricket Club. Analytical Chemist. Six years Supt. Pottstown Iron Co. Supt. Chemical Depart. Barrett Manufacturing Co. m. Apl. i, 1891, Mary Price. Ad- dress, 4445 Frankford Ave., Phila., Pa. fMorris, Israel, Jr., S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 23, 1867; d. Ampersand, Adirondacks, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1 89 1, s. Theodore Hollingsworth Morris (Class of i860) and Mary Lowncs Paul. Entered Sophomore Class 1883. Iron Business. 3Iorris, William Paul, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 23, 1867. s. Theodore Hollingsworth Morris (Class of i860) and Mary Lownes Paul. Entered Soph- omore Class 1883. Manager of Blast Furnace, m. June 11, 1889, May B. Sharp. Address, 1608 Market St., Phila., Pa., and Berwyn, Pa. 1 886] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE, 1/5 Scott, Alexander Harvey, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1889.) b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 25, 1866. s. Lewis Allaire Scott and Frances Anna Wistar. Entered 1882. Class Sec. Freshman year ; Class Prest. Senior year. " Spoon Man." Studied two years at the Law Depart. Univ. of Pa. Attorney -at-Law. Ad- dress, 1806 S. Rittenhouse Square, Phila., Pa. Siiiitli, Horace Eugene, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1887.) b. 1606 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa., Aug. i, 1866. s. Charles Smith and Catherine lungerich. Entered 1882. Student Har- vard 1886-87. Banker, m. Phila., Pa., Apl. 29, 1891, Amelia Benham Matthews. Address, 303 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Underliill, Alfred Mott, Jr., SB. b. Clinton Corners, N. Y., June 22, 1865. s. Alfred A. Un- derbill and Mary Gillingham Turner. Entered Sophomore Class 1883 from Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Three years on College Foot- ball Team. Civil Engineer P. C. C. & St. L. R. W, Co. ; Special Supt. Construction Station Buildings P. C. C. & St. L. Ry. Published in 1894 a lithographic map of city of Logansport, Ind. m. Apl. 8, 1890, Lillian V. Lemon. Address, Terre Haute, Ind. Wadswortli, Edward Borland, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1888.) b. Hallowell, Me., Mch. 28, 1864. s. George Wadsworth and Sarah Gifford. Filtered Sophomore Class 1883. Prest. of Class ; Salutatorian ; Prest. of Athenaeum. Law Student Univ. of Pa. 1886-88. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. School Director. Member Pa. Legislature 1899. Address, 133 S. 1 2th St., Phila., Pa. White, Wilfred W^alton, SB. b. Raysville, Ind., Nov. 12, 186 1. s. Charles White and Lucy Haughton. Entered 1882. Prest. and Sec. of Athe- naeum ; Sec. of Loganian ; Business Manager Haverfordian. Studied at Earlham College, Ind., 1881-82. Teacher and Sur- veyor. County Surveyor of Ector County, Tex., 1891-94. Ad- dress, 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., care Henry Holt & Co. Non-Graduates. Brooke, Hngli Jones. [Special, b. Sept. 25, 1865. s. Nathan Brooke (Class of 1852) and Anne Elizabeth Thomas. Entered from Media, Pa., 1882 and left at close of Sophomore year, 1884. Address, Media, Pa, 176 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1886 Carmalt, Charles Clmrchill. (A.B., Harvard, 1887 ; M.D., Columbia, 1891.) [Arts. b. Montrose, Pa., June 15, 1866. s. James E. Carmalt (Class of 1859) '^"'^ Charlotte Jane Churchill. Entered 1S82 and left at close of the Freshman year. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1883 -87; Columbia College Medical School 1888-91 ; Hospital In- terne, 1892-93; Physician. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Colum- bia University, 1894 to date. Address, 40 E. 58th St., New York City. Kiniber, John Shober. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., July 24, 1864. s. Anthony Morris Kimber (Class of 1840, Manager 1849-71) and Margaret Cooper Cope. Entered 1882 and left at end of the Freshman year. Studied eighteen months at Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. Real Estate Business. Retired. Mission Work. Minister in the Society of Friends, m. Muncy, Pa., Oct. 12, 1887, Mary Haines Ecroyd. Address, Newport, R. I. Lippiiicott, Samuel Parry. [Special, b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 23, 1865. s. Joshua W. Lippincott (Class of i860) and Mary E. Perry. Entered 1882 and left 1884. Address, Wyncote, Pa. Savery, William H. [Science, b. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 24, 1865. s. Thomas H. Saveiy and Sarah Pim. Entered Sophomore Class 1883 and left at close of the year. Assist, to Vice-Prest. Pusey and Jones Co., En- gine and Ship Builders, Wilmington, Del. m. Sept. 5, 1894, Nellie Goodrich Clark. Address, Wilmington, Del. Starr, Isaac Tatnall. [Special, b. Aug. 7, 1867. s. Edward Starr (Class 1862) and Mary Williams Sharpless, Entered 1882 and left during Sophomore year. Treas. Everett. Stock Broker. Address, 400 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Trotter, Francis Laurie. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., June 20, 1865. s. Joseph H. Trotter and Edith Newbold. Entered 1882 and left 1884. Address, 1810 Chest- nut St., Phila., Pa. Tunis, Joseph Price. (A.B., Univ. of Pa., 18S6; M.D., 1889.) [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 7, 1866. s. Thomas Roberts Tunis and Anna Callendar Price. Entered 1882 and left at end of Soph- omore year, 1884; Entered Junior Class Univ. of Pa. 1884; 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. I77 Student Medical School 1886-89. Member Phila. Co. Medical Soc. ; Patholog. Soc. of Phila., Pa. ; Hist. Soc. of Pa. PIditor '• International Medical Magazine " 1893-94 ; Author many con- tributions to the Medical Press. Physician. Address, 129 S 1 8th St., Phila., Pa. tUnderhill, Joseph Turner. b. Clinton Corners, N. Y., June 22, 1865 ; d. . s. Alfred A. Underhill and Mary Gillingham Turner. Entered Sopho- more Class 1883. 1887. Adams, Jedediali Howe, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1889.) b. Union Springs, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1866. s. Charles Henry Adams and Caroline Howland Chase. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1883 and left at the close of the Junior year, but in consideration of studies pursued elsewhere, and examinations, was granted the degree of A.B. in 1890 and ranked with his class. Prest. Everett ; Vice-Prest. Loganian ; Editor of The Havcrfordian. Studied at Univ. of Pa. Medical School 1886-89. Author " Life of Dr. D. Hayes Agnew," Phila., Pa., 18 — ; various mag- azine articles. General and Medical. Physician, m. May 6, 1889, Margaret Agnew Stuart. Address, Overbrook, Pa. fBaily, Arthur Hallani, S.B. b. , Ind., Dec. 3, i860; d. Feb. i, 1889. s. and Phebe . Entered Junior Class 1885. Bedell, Charles Hampton, SB. (A.M., 1894.) b. Lynn Co., la., Dec. 18, 1861. s. Edwin Bedell and Mary Hampton. Entered from Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1883. Studied at Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md., 1887-88. Member of Franklin Institute. Electrical Engineer, m. June 4, 1889, Florence Gardner. Address, Swarthmore, Pa. Cassatt, Edward Buchanan, A.B. (Diploma of Graduation, West Point, 1893.) b. Altoona, Pa., Aug. 23, 1869. s. Alexander Johnston Cas- satt and Maria Lois Buchanan. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1883. "Student-Soldier" Ecole Speciale Militaire, St. Cyr, France, 1887-89; U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y., 1889-93; 2d Lieut. 4th U. S. Cavalry 1893-95 at P'ort Walla Walla, Wash. ; Asst. Instructor of Modern Languages, West Point, 1895-98; Captain in Roosevelt's "Rough Riders" in Cuba, Spanish-American War, 1898. Major 27th Regiment U. S. Vols, in Philippines 1899 to date. m. Dec. 28, 1893, Emily Louise Phillips. Address, Manila, Philippine Islands. 12 178 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1887 Clement, Allen Ballinger, SB. A.M., 1892. b. Leeds Point, N. J., Sept. 5, 1864. s. Charles A. Clement and Susanna T. Ballinger. Entered from Camden, N. J., Junior Class 1885 and left during Senior year, 1887. Returned 1890, completing Senior studies and taking Graduating Course in Elec- tricity. Was granted in 1891 degree of S.B. to rank with Class of 1887, and degree of A.M. to date from 1892. Sec. of Class 1886- 87 ; Brest. Council Everett, and Brest, of same ; Teacher ; Law- yer. Address, Wilmington, Del. Evans, Horace Young, S.B. b. Phila., Ba., Oct. 14, 1866. s. Horace Young Evans, M.D., and Anna Louise Richards. Entered 1883. Civil Engineer. m. Nov. 16, 1893, Sue McAbee. Address, Redlands, Cal. Fiitrell, William Harrison, A.B. b. Rich Square, N. C, June 17, 1863. s. Harrison Futrell and Lydia E. Stalker. Entered 1883. Vice-Brest, of Class; Brest, of Everett ; Vice-Brest. Loganian ; Won Brize for Oratory Ev- erett Soc, and Brize for Essay Everett Soc. ; Brize for Oratory Loganian; Alumni Prize for Oratory and Composition, 1887; Subject : " The Question of the Hour ;" Member University Club; Member Historical Soc. of Ba. ; Lawyer ; Junior Counsel for Municipal Assoc, of Bhila.. 1895. m. July 5, 1888, Ellen M. Hammond. Address, 420 Walnut St., Bhila., and Haverford, Ba. Garrett, Alfred Cope, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1889; A.M., 1890; Bh.D., 1892.) b. Germantown, Bhila., Ba., Nov. 3, 1867. s. Bhilip C. Gar- rett (Class of 1 85 1, Manager 1862 to date) and Ehzabeth Wain Cope. Entered 1883. Brest, of Class, also Bermanent Brest. ; Brest, of Football Assoc. ; Capt. of Football Team ; Brest. Cricket Club ; Captain of Cricket Eleven ; Brest, of Everett ; Winner of various Cricket Brizes ; Alumni Orator 1893; Subject: "Signs of the Times in Literature;" In Lumber business 1887-88; Studied at Harvard Univ. 1888-92 ; Asst. in Anglo-Saxon, Har- vard, 1892-93; also at Harvard Annex ; Instructor in English, Harvard, 1893-94; Univ. Extension Lecturer, Bhila., 1894-95 ; Instructor in English, Harvard, 1895 to date ; Member of Amer- ican Modern Language Assoc; American Folk Lore Soc, Brest, of the Cambridge Branch ; Member Bhi Beta Kappa 1899. m. June 18, 1896, Eleanor Stokes Evans. Address, 27 Everett St., Cambridge, Mass., and Logan, Bhila., Ba. Goddard, Henry Herbert, A.B. A.M., 1889. (Bh.D., Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass., 1899.) b. East Vassalboro', Me., Aug. 14, 1866. s. Henry C. God- dard and Sarah Winslow. Entered Sophomore Class 1883 and 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. I79 left to become teacher at the close of the year. Returned and entered Junior Class 1885. Gained Athenaeum Prize for Declamation ; Gained Alumni Prize for Oratory and Com- position 1886; Subject: "John Quincy Adams;" Vice-Prest. Y. M. C. A. ; P>usiness Manager of "The Haverfordian ;" Asst. Prof Latin, Univ. of South California, Los Angeles, 1887-88; Graduate Student Haverford College 1888-89 ; Principal Damas- cus Academy, Damascus, O., 1889-91 ; Teacher Classics, Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro', Me., 1891-93 ; Principal Oak Grove Seminary 1893-96; Member of School Board, Vassalboro', Me. ; Student at Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass.. 1896-99; Docent at same 1898-99; Author " Dissolutive Effects of Mind on Body as Evidenced by Faith Cures," published in " Amer. Journal of Psychology," vol. x., 1899; Teacher of Psychology and Peda- gogy, West Chester Normal School, West Chester, Pa., 1899 to date. m. Aug. 7, 1889, Emma Florence Robbins. Address, State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. Hiizard, Willis Hatfield, A.B. (A.M., Harvard, 1892; Ph.D., 1894; B.D., Gen. Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1891.) b. Maple Knoll, West Chester, Pa., July 27, 1866. s. Willis Pope Hazard, M.A., and Susan Robinson Gilpin. Entered Freshman Class 1882 and left at close of year on account of ill-health; re-entered Feb., 1883. Member of American Ori- ental Society ; Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. Studied at Delaware College 1880-82 ; Gen. Theological Sem- inary, New York, 1888-91. Graduate Student Univ. of Pa., 1887-88; Graduate Student Columbia College in Semitic Phi- lology 1890-91 ; Graduate Student at Harvard Univ. in Semitic Philology 1891-94. Arabic Prizeman, Harvard, 1892. Author of "A Syriac Charm," American Oriental Society's Journal, vol. XV., 1893, pp. 284, ff. ; '• Hebrew and Septuagint Texts of Ex- odus, Chaps. 35-40," London Academy, Apl. 14, 1894; "The Tabernacle Secretary of Exodus," Thesis in Semitic, Harvard Univ., 1892 ; "The 42d and 43d Psalms," Doctor's Dissertation, Harvard Univ., 1894. Assoc. Editor " The Churchman." m. West Chester, Pa., Nov. 14, 1898, Mary Dunbar Creigh. Ad- dress, 138 W. I nth Street, New York City, and West Chester, Pa. Lesley, Hugh, S.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Aug. 10, 1867. s. Joseph Lesley and Emily L. Davis. Entered Sophomore Class 1884. Held various positions with the p:iectro-Dynamic Co., of Phila., Pa., 1888-95 ; Supt. Plante Co., of New York, 1895-96; Engineer l80 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1887 Electric Storage Battery Co., Phila., Pa., 1897 to date. m. Feb. 9, 1893, Cecilia K. Austin. Address, 17 14 Ontario St., Tioga, Phila., Pa. Morris, Paschall Holliiigswortli, B.E. b. Phila., Pa., July 25, 1867. s. Henry Gurney Morris (Class of 1859) and Sallie Marshall Morris. Entered 1883. Cotton Business 1887-90; Engineering and Machinist 1890-96; Manu- facturer of Sugar Machinery, Hydraulic Work and Automobiles 1896 to date. m. Phila., Pa., 1890, Mary Paul Morris. Address, I 501 S. Front St., Phila., Pa. Newhall, Barker, A.B. A.M., 1890. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ.. 1891.) b, Lynn, Mass., June 20, 1867. s. Joseph P. Newhall and Elizabeth H. Barker. Entered Sophomore Class 1884. Cor. Sec. and Prest. Y. M. C. A. Salutatorian at Haverford ; Alumni Orator 1899; Subject: "Christ and Socrates." Univ. Scholar and Fellow in Greek at Johns Hopkins Univ. Studied at Johns Hopkins Univ. 1887-91. Studied at Univ., Berlin, 1891 ; at Amer. School Archaeology, Athens, 1891—92 ; at Univ. Munich 1892; Instructor in Greek, Brown Univ., 1892—96; Instructor in Greek, Bates College, 1896 ; Classical Master Monson Academy 1896-97 ; Prof, of Greek, Kenyon College, 1897 to date. (Ph.D. Thesis) " Dramatic and Mimetic Features of Plato's Gorgias." Editor of Plato's " Charmides, Laches and Lysis," N. Y., 1899; Associate Editor with J. I. Manatt in the " Mycenaean Age," Bos- ton, 1897. Member Amer. Philological Association. Address, Kenyon College, Gambler, Ohio. Philips, Jesse Evans, Jr., A.B. A.M., 1891. b. East Nantmeal, Pa., Oct. 6, 1862. s. Lewis Philips and Jane Amanda Keeley. Entered 1883. Valedictorian 1887. Assistant Librarian. Taught three years in High School, West Chester, Pa. ; four years in Roxbury Latin School, Roxbury, Boston, Mass. Teacher of Mathematics, Worcester Academy, Worcester, Mass. m. Dec. 6, 1891, Maine J. Durham. Ad- dress, Worcester Academy, Worcester, Mass. Stokes, Henry Warrington, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., June 24, 1867. s. Francis Stokes (Class 1852, Manager 1885 to date) and Katherine Wistar Evans. Entered 1883. Sec. of Class 1883-84. Clerk 1887-88. Pub- lisher 1888-89; Treas. York Haven Paper Co. 1889 to date; Treas. Beaver Creek Lumber Co. 1890-93. Address, Locust Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa., and Bowling Green Building, New York City. 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. I8I Strawbridge, Frederic Heap, A.B, b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 24, 1866. s. Justus Clayton Strawbridge (Manager 1883 to date) and Maiy Lukens. Entered 1883. Won Second Prize Tennis Championship in Singles 1885. Sec. of Everett 1885-86. Vice-Prest. of Everett Soc. 1886-87. Mem- ber of the Art Club of Phila., Pa. ; The Germantown Cricket Club ; The Citizens' Municipal Assoc, of Phila., Pa. ; Children's Aid Soc. ; Indian Rights Assoc. ; Amer. Soc. for the Extension of University Teaching ; Fairmount Park Art Assoc. ; Boys' Parlor Assoc, of Germantown ; Y. M. C. A. of Phila., Pa. (Cen- tral Branch). Merchant, member of firm Strawbridge & Clothier, m. Brookline, Mass., June 5, 1894, Bertha Gordon Walter. Address, 801 Market St., Phila., and Germantown, Pa. tTrimble, William Webster, SB. b. Exton, Pa., Apl. 16, 1867 ; d. Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 21, 1 89 1, s. Abram Vickers Trimble and Mary Vickers Webster. Entered from Harrisonville, O., 1883. Bookkeeper 1887-88 ; Conveyancer; Civil Engineer P. R.R. 1888-91. White, Richard Jaiiiiey, A.B. b. Baltimore, Md., June 9, 1867. s. Francis White (Class 1843, Manager 1878 to date) and Jane E. Janney. Entered Sophomore Class 1884. Brest, of Class last half Senior year. Studied at Johns Hopkins Univ. 1887-88. Clerk; Merchant; Importer. Address, 1 1 14 St. Paul St. and 41 S. Holiday St., Baltimore, Md. tWood, George Bacon, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., June 11, 1869; d. Phila., Pa., Dec. 19, 1894. s. George Wood and Mary Sharpless Hunn. Entered 1883. Clerk. Wood, William Coiigdon, A.B. b. Mt. Kisco, N. Y., July 22, 1866. s. William H. S. Wood and Emma Congdon. Entered from New York City, Sophomore Class 1884. Publisher. Address, 51 5th Ave., New York City. Non-Graduates. Bacon, John. (M.D., 1889, Univ. of Pa.) [Science. b. Greenwich, N. J., July 21, 1865. s. Josiah Bacon and Caroline Bacon Wood. Entered Freshman Class 1882, but owing to illness was compelled to drop one year. Left at close of Sophomore year, 1885. Won Everett -Athenaeum Prize for Oratory. Studied Medicine Univ. of Pa. 1886-89. Resident 1 82 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [^^^7 Physician Wilkes-Barre City Hospital ; do. Univ. Hospital, Phila., Pa. ; do. in Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. ; do. in Eastern State Penitentiary, Phila., Pa. Physician. Address, Andalusia, Pa. Barr, Ernest Kirby. [Science, b. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 14, 1864. s. George Washington Barr and Martha Elkins Kirby. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1883 and left during Sophomore year. Iron Business in Phila., Pa. With the Herendeen Mfg. Co. of Geneva, N. Y. m. May 28, 1891, Margaret Butler Barbour. Address, Cynwyd, Pa. Chase, Alfred. [Science. b. Haverford, Pa., June 21, 1868. s. Thomas Chase, LL.D., Litt. D. (Prof. Philology 1855-86, Prest. Haverford College 1874-86) and Alice Underbill Cromwell. P^ntered 1883 and left at close of the Junior year. Ranching and Fruit Raising. Ad- dress, North Yakima, Washington. Cliillnian, Edward Fenneiiiore. (C.E., Rensselaer Polytech- nic Institute, Troy, N. Y., 18S8.) [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 26, 1866. s. Philip Edward Chillman and Annette Lomas. Entered 1883 and left at close of Fresh- man year. Four years at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. ; Asst. Prof. Descriptive Geometry and Mechanical Draw- ing Rensselaer Inst. ; also Instructor Mechan. Drawing, Troy Acad., and at Albany and Troy Y. M. C. A. Night Schools, m. Oct. 3, 1894, Anna Virginia Yard, of Trenton, N. J. Address, 214 8th St., Troy, N. Y. Cope, Albaii. [Special. b. Awbury, Germantown, Phila., Pa. s. Thomas Pim Cope (Class 1839, Manager 1864-71) and Elizabeth Wistar Stokes. Entered Partial course Sophomore Class 1884 and left during the year. Address, Awbury, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Dean, William. [Arts, b. N. Ferrisburg, Vt, Feb. 24, 1863. s. William S. Dean and Mary Hoten Paige. Entered 1883 and left at close of Fresh- man year. Photographer. Address, Harrisonburg, Va. Grafflin, Frederick Lincoln. [Special, b. Baltimore, Md., June 6, 1865. s. John C. Grafflin and . Entered 1882 and left during the year 1883-84. Ad- dress, Baltimore, Md. Hacker, William Estes. [Science. Mch. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 12, 1867. s. William Hacker (Class 1854) and Hannah Wistar. Entered Sophomore Class 1884 and left 1887] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 83 at close of Junior year. Real Estate and Investment Broker, m. . Address, Tacoma, Washington. Hereiideen, Francis Albert. (B.S., 1886, Hobart College, N.Y.) [Arts, b. Macedon, N.Y., Feb. 12, 1866. s. Edward Welcome Heren- deen (Class of 1852) and Anna Nickerson. Entered 1883 and left at close of Sophomore year. Studied at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., 1885-86 ; Director and Sec. Herendeen Mfg. Co., Geneva, N. Y ; Director and Auditor Seneca Lake Steam Naviga- tion Co. m. Feb, 5, 1891, Annie Boynton. Address, Geneva, N.Y. Hvissey, Arthur Mekeel. (A.B., Univ. Mich., 1889.) [Arts, b. North Berwick, Me., July 21, 1861. s. Timothy B. Hussey and Anna Mekeel. Entered Sophomore Class 1884 and left at close of the year. Studied Univ. of Mich. 1886-89; Manufac- turer of Agricultural Implements, North Berwick, Me. Ad- dress, North Berwick, Me. Jaiiney, John Hall. [Science, Mch. Eng. b. Brighton, Md., Sept. 19, 1866. s. Samuel Abijah Janney and Mary Catharine Hall. Entered 1883 and left at close of Junior year. Sec. of Class ; Farmer and Raiser of Jersey Cattle, m, Nov. II, 1 89 1, Sallie Randolph Turner, Address, Brigh- ton, Md. Lewis, Edmund Coleman. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 24, 1868. s. Edmund Lewis and Eliza- beth Coleman Maule. Entered 1883 and left at close of Junior year. Cotton business, 1886-88; Mechanical Engineer ; Sales- man, m. Nov. 15, 1892, Emma S. Snodgrass. Address, care Bement, Miles & Co., Phila., Pa. MacLear, Walter. [Arts. b. Wilmington, Del., Jan. 3, 1865. s. Henry C. MacLear and . Entered 1883 and left 1884. Address, Wilmington, Del. fMartin, L. Lanphier. [Arts. b. West Chester, Pa., (?) May 26, 1866; d. Apl., 1893. s. and . Entered Sophomore Class 1884 and left 1885. Mowry, Allan McLane. [Science. b. June 18, 1867. s. Charles T. Mowry and Harriet B. . Entered 1883 and left at end of Freshman year. Studied at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute one year ; Cornell Univ. one year. On New York State Engineer Corps two years ; Civil Engineer; with Diamond Match Co., Chicago, 111. m. Apl. 12, 184 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1887 1896, Isabel Ramsey. Address, care of Diamond Match Co., Chicago, 111. Parker, John Eberly. [Arts, b. Raysville, Ind., July 17, 1862. s. Isaac Parker and . Entered Junior Class 1885 and left at close of the year. Last address, Kansas City, Mo. Purely, Ellison Reynolds. [Science. b. Manchester, Ontario Co., N. Y., Nov. 30, 1864. s. Alex- ander Monmouth Purdy and Mary Reynolds. Entered Fresh- man Class 1883 and left at close of the year. Nurseryman in New York State 1884-85 ; Nurseiyman in North Carolina 1885- 88 ; Pastor in New York State 1888-95 ; Pastor, Portland, Me., Aug., 1895, to date. Minister, m. Oct. 7, 1894, Amelia Frances Converse. Address, Portland, Me. fTanner, Clarence Lincoln. [Arts, b. Sidney, Me., Mch. 25, 1865; d. Mch. 29, 1898. s. Wil- liam A. Tanner and Sarah Ella Sawtelle. Entered Freshman Class 1 883 and left at the end of the year. Lawyer. City Clerk, Augusta, Me. Trotter, Frederick NcAvbold. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., 186-. s. Joseph H. Trotter and Edith New- bold. Entered 1882 and left 1885. Address, 18 10 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Wilson, Calvert. [Arts. b. , Md., Apl. 18, 1867. s. T. F. Wilson and . Entered from Washington, D. C, Sophomore Class 1884 and left during year. Last address, Washington, D. C. Wright, William ToTt^nsend. (Entered as William Moorehead Wright.) [Special. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 14, 1866. s. Charles Berston Wright and Susan T. Townsend. Entered 1883 and left 1885. Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1885-87. m. Nov. 9, 1887, Daisy Coxe. Ad- dress, 1 30 1 Walnut St., Phila., Pa, Yarnall, Harold Ellis. [Arts, b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Mch. 7, 1867. s. Ellis Yarnall and Margaret Harrison. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1883, left 1885. Clerk in Lehigh Valley R.R. five years. Since 1893 Purchasing Agent and Local Treas. Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf R.R. Co. ; Choctaw & Memphis R.R. Address, Little Rock, Ark. 1 888] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 8$ Young, Frank Levi. (A.B., Cornell, 1888.) [Arts, b. Port Byron, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Oct. 31, i860, s. Levi Wayland Young and Margaret Lane. Entered Junior Class 1885; left 1886, at close of Junior year. Student at Cornell Univ. 1887-88. Teacher in Mt. Pleasant Military Academy, Sing Sing, N. Y., 1888-92. Admitted to Bar of the State of New York, May, 1892. Lawyer 1892 to date. m. July 31, 1889, Mary Yawger. Address, Sing Sing, Westchester Co., N. Y., and White Plains, N. Y. Battey, Charles Heaton, S.B. b. Burrillville, R. L, Mch. 27, 1868. s. Thomas Jesse Bat- tey (Class of 1863) and M. Augusta Heaton. Entered from Providence, R. L, Sophomore Class 1885. Editor of Gem; Treas. and Vice-Prest. Athenaeum. Artist. Published " Shorter Poems," 1896-98. "Tales and Sketches" 1898. Frequent contributor to "American Friend," etc. m. Aug. 14, 1895, Edith Thompson. Address, 284 Lloyd St., Providence, R. L Beidelman, Lawrence Peterson, B.E. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 18, 1868. s. John Wilmer Beidelman and Mariana Yard Peterson. Entered from Little Rock, Ark., 1884. Editor Gem ; Sec. Athenaeum. Designed Class Memorial Shield presented to College 1888. Chief Clerk Motive Power Depart. Mexican National Ry., Laredo, Tex. Chief Clerk for Chief Engineer St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co., Texarkana, Tex. m. Dec. 4, 1894, Nellie Parish Rosborough. Address, Tyler, Tex. Corbit, John Cowgill, Jr., SB. b. Odessa, Del., June 21, 1868. s. John Cowgill Corbit (Class 1853) and Emily Peterson. Entered 1884. Manufac- turer. Address, 1706 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Cox, Exum Morris, A.B. b. New Providence, Iowa, Oct. 15, 1865. s. Benjamin Cox and Mary Morris. Entered from McPherson, Cal., Junior Class 1886. Won First Prize Everett Oratorical Contest 1888. Prest. Y. M. C. A. ; Latin Salutatorian. Played on College Football Team 1887. Studied at Univ. of Kansas 1882-85 ; Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., Cal., 1892-93. Teacher. Author Educa- tional Articles. Prest. Board of Education of Marin Co., Cal., 1892-93. Supt. Pubhc Schools. Address, Santa Rosa, Cal. 1 86 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1888 England, Howell Stroud, A.R. A.M., 1890. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 21, 1864. s. James England and Sarah Stroud. Entered from Wilmington, Del., 1884. First Scholar in Classical section of Class. Won Alumni Prize for Oratory and Composition, 1888 ; Subject : " The Sphere of the Imagina- tion." Librarian Everett ; Prest. Council ; Y.^\\.ox Havcrfordian ; Prest. Council Loganian ; Won Everett Essay Prize, 1886 ; Class Poet. Alumni Orator, 1897; "The Poetry of Eugene Field." Lawyer. Author "A Critical Study of Shelley;" Poems in various periodicals; "Shots at Random." m. Oct. 18, 1893, Elizabeth Pusey. Address, 202 Equitable Building, Wilming- ton, Del. Gummere, Henry Volkmar, S.B. A.M., 1889. (A. M., Harvard, 1890.) b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 20, 1870. s. John Gummere and Rebecca Volkmar. Entered Sophomore Class 1885. Graduate student in Astronomy 1888-89. Studied at Harvard 1889-90. Instruc- tor in Mathematics Swarthmore College 1893-98. Graduate student Harvard 1898-99. Professor Mathematics, Ursinus College, Pa., 1899 to date. m. Swarthmore, Pa., Dec. 27, 1899, Lydia Craft Flagg. Address, Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa. Hartsliorne, Francis Cope, S.B. A.M., 1894. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1891.) b. Overbrook, Pa., Oct. 4, 1868. s. Charles Hartshorne (Class 1846, Manager 1871 to date) and Caroline Cope Yarnall. Entered 1884. First Honors 1888. Class Historian and Prest, Sec. and Librarian Everett Society ; Asst. Business Manager and Associate Editor of Havcifordian. Student Univ. of Pa. Law School 2 years. Law student 3 years. Lawyer i year ; I year General Theological Seminary, N. Y. ; candidate for the Ministry in the Protestant Episcopal Church 3 years. Author "The Railroads and the Commerce Clause," 1892. m. April 25, 1895, Marguerite Haughton. Address, Merion Station P. O., Montgomery Co., Pa., and Kittanning, Pa. Hilles, Joseph Tatuni, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 26, 1868. s. John Smith Hilles (Class of 1848, Manager 1873-76) and Sarah Cooper Tatum. Entered from Wilmington, Del., 1884. Editor The Bud; Prest. of Class Junior year ; Prest. Baseball Assoc. ; Captain Second Cricket Eleven ; Captain First Eleven Football Team. Won First Eleven Prize Cricket Bat and Second Eleven Prize Ball. Iron Manufacturer. Member American Institute Mining Engi- neers. Address, 1002 King St., Wilmington, Del. 1 888] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 8/ Johnson, Joseph Esrey, Jr., B.E. M.E., 1891. (M.M.E., Cor- nel), 1892.) b. Longdale, Va., July lo, 1870. s. Joseph Esrey Johnson, Major of Vols., U. S. A., and Mary Catherine Roche. Entered Sophomore Class 1885. Studied at Cornell Univ., N, Y., 1891- 92. Draughtsman at Baldwin Locomotive Works ; Designer ; Draughtsman ; Asst. Engineer Solway Process Co. ; with Ames Iron Works; Engineer and Asst. Manager Longdale Iron Works; Supt. of Furnaces and Mines, Alabama Coal and Iron Co., Gads- den, Ala. ; Member American Institute Mining Engineers ; American Soc. of Mechanical Engineers. Author of various studies in line of Steam Engineering. Address, Gadsden, Ala. Leeds, Morris Evans, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 6, 1869. s. Barclay R. Leeds and Mary Maule. Entered Junior year 1886. Studied at Univ. of Berlin 1892-93. Manufacturer of Physical Instruments. Address, 3221 N. 17th St., Phila., Pa. Lewis, William Draper, S.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1891 ; Ph.D., Univ. Pa., 1891.) b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 27, 1867. s. Henry Lewis and Fannie Han- nah Wilson. Entered Sophomore Class 1885. Vice-Prest. Loga- nian ; Prest. Everett ; Played on College Football Team two years ; Alumni Orator 1895 ; Subject: "The Question of Socialism;" Prest. of Alumni 1897-98 ; Student at Univ. of Pa., Law Dept., 1888-91 ; Univ. of Pa., Philosophy Dept., 1888-91 ; Lawyer; Lecturer on the History of Law in the Wharton School, Univ. of Pa., Sept., 1893-96; Dean of the Dept. of Law, Univ. of Pa., 1896 to date ; Instructor in Political Science, Haverford College, 1892-96; Member of Amer. Acad. Polit. and Social Science; Editor of " System of Corporation Law," " Digest of Pennsyl- vania Statutes," "Accident Law," etc. ; Author of "Our Sheep and the Tariff," "The Federal Power over Commerce." m. June 22, 1892, Caroline Maiy Cope. Address, Univ. of Pa. and Drexel Building, Phila., Pa. Morris, Frederick Wistar, Jr., B.E. b. Phila., Pa., May 26, 1867. s. Frederick Wistar Morris (Class of i860) and Elizabeth Flower Paul. Entered Sopho- more Class 1885. 'Editor Haverfordiati ; Prest. of Council Lo- ganian ; Editor of Gem ; Sec. Athenaeum ; Prest. Athenaeum ; Prest. of Class, Senior Year ; on First Eleven Cricket Club Ju- nior and Senior years ; Member First Reg. N. G. P., Private ; First Naval Battalion, N. G. P., Ensign ; Iron Merchant. Ad- dress, 1608 Market St., Phila., Pa. 1 88 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1888 Morris, Richard Jones, B.E. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 2, 1869. s. William Henry Morris (Class 1863) and Sallie Wheeler Paul. Entered Sophomore Class 1885, absent during part of Senior year ; returned and received degree 1889; ranked with Class 1888. Member of American Institute Mining Engineers; Employed in Iron Mills Sept., 1888, to 1893, Pottstown, Pa. ; Travelling Salesman, June, 1893, to Oct., 1894; Sec. Norwich Lock Manufacturing Co. ; Ordained Clergyman Prot. Epis. Church May 28, 1899; Curate St. Peter's Church, Phila. m. June i, 1892, Elizabeth Mintzer Hobart. Address, 1608 Market St., Phila., Pa. Roberts, George Brintoii, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., May 24, 1869. s. George Brooke Roberts and Miriam Pyle Williams. Entered from Bala, Pa., 1884. Miner and Shipper of Coal. m. 1898, Alice Tyson Butcher. Address, Bala P. O., Montgomery Co., Pa. Sharp, Joseph Webster, Jr., A.B. b. Berwyn, Pa., July 4, 1867. s. Joseph Webster Sharp and Sidney Lerrill Bunting. Entered 1884. Brest, of Class; Class Prophet ; Sec. Everett Society ; Class Valedictorian ; Prest. of P>erett Society ; Freshman Prize Belt in Cricket ; First Prize Belt in Cricket ; First Prize Ball in Cricket, twice ; Member First Eleven Cricket, 1884-88 ; Member College Football Team Fresh- man and Sophomore years ; College Baseball Team ; Manufac- turer, m. Phila., Pa., Oct. 22, 1896, Esther Malcolm Coates. Address, 11 36 Ridge Ave. and 126 S. 22d St., Phila., Pa. Slociim, Allison Wing, A.B. A.M., 1889. (A.M., Harvard, 1893.) b. Dartmouth, Mass., Apl. 22, 1866. s. Henry Almy Slocum and Elizabeth Hooker Brownell. Entered Sophomore Class 1883 and left at close of the year ; re-entered Junior Class 1886. Played on all College Baseball Teams. Graduate Student 1888 -89. Sec. of Haverford College 1888-89 \ Vice-Prest. and Prest. of Athenaeum 1887-88. Studied at Harvard 1891-93 — Shattuck Scholar, Tyndal Fellow and Harris Fellow. Studied at Univ. of Berlin 1893—94. Prof of Physics Univ. of Vermont 1896 to date. Address, Univ. of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. Stiibbs, Martin Bell, A.B. A.M., 1889. (Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins Univ., 1892.) b. Vienna, Austria, June 17, 1866. s. Geo. E. Stubbs, M.D., A.M., and Annie Bell. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1884. Stu- dent Johns Hopkins Univ. 1889-92. Chemist, Millville, N. J. 1 888] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 89 Teacher at Toledo High School. Chemist, La Salle, 111. Chem- ist, Pencoyd Iron Works ; Instructor, Guilford College, N. C. ; Asst. in Chemistry, Haverford College, 1898-99. Prof. Chem- istry and Physics, Fort Worth Univ., Fort Worth, Tex., 1899 to date. Author " Nitro-Ortho-Sulpho-Benzoic Acid." Address, Merion Station, Pa., and Whitesboro', Tex. Non-Graduates. Binus, Edward Hussey. [Special. b. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 9, 1866. s. Edward Binns and Anna M. Hussey. Entered 1884 and left at close of Freshman year. Manufacturer. Address, Murray Hill Ave. and Woodland Drive, Pittsburg, Pa. Binns, Ralph Holden. [Special. b. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 15, 1869. s. Edward Binns and Anna M. Hussey. Entered 1884 and left 1886, Manufacturer, m. M. Lulu Cavitt. Address, Hussey, Binns & Co., Limited, and 5708 Stanton Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Bowne, Rowland. [Science. b. New York City, Nov. 5, 1867. s. Robert Bowne and Anna F. Willis. Entered 1884 and left Dec, 1885. Played on Col- lege Football Team Freshman and Sophomore years ; on First Cricket Eleven Sophomore year ; on College Baseball Nine. Clerk in Mercantile House, New York. Address, 131 E. 36th St., New York City. Brooks, Edward, Jr. (A.B., Yale, 1890 ; LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1893.) [Arts. b. Millersville, Pa., May 10, 1868. s. Edward Brooks, A.M., Ph.D., Superintendent of Public Schools, Phila., Pa., and H. Marie Dean. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1884 and left at close of Freshman year. Won Second Prize for Declamation Fresh- man year; Member Baseball Nine ; Freshman Baseball and Cricket Clubs ; Member of Glee Club. Entered Yale Univ. 1886. Law School Univ. of Pa. 1890-93. Published "An Essay on the Law Relating to Telegraph Companies," Phila., Pa., 1883. Lawyer. Address, 5971 Drexel Road and 623 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Collins, Frederic, Jr. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 4, 1868. s. Frederic Collins (Class of 1839) and Letitia Poultney Dawson. Entered Sophomore Class and left at middle of the Senior year. Won " Improvement 190 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1888 Bat" in Cricket 1888; Member First Eleven Cricket 1886. Iron Business. Inventor and Patentee of *' The Terra Cotta Gutter" for Coal Conveyor and Chute, m. (i) June 19, 1895, Lilly Moffitt Brown, d. Apl. 19, 1896; (2) Nov. 17, 1897, Janet E. Rae. Address, Chestnut Hill, Phila., Pa. Dawson, Charles Wilinott. [Science. b. Plainfield, N. J., Dec. 10, 1867. s. Charles Carroll Daw- son and Jeanette M. Simonson. Entered from Lowell, Mass., 1884 and left at end of Sophomore year. Took Special Course in Architecture, Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1885-87. Studied in office of Van Brunt & Howes ; Architect in Colorado Springs, Colo., since 1891. Chief Consul L. A. W., Colorado Div. Member Kansas City Academy of Science ; American Soc. of Psychical Research. Address, Colorado Springs, Colo. Howell, Herbert Charles. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., (?) Jan. 6, 1867. s. William J. Howell and Maria Brown. Entered 1884 and left Freshman year. Played on College Baseball Team. Roll Turner, m. Cora E. Maltby. Address, 1 1 Madison Terrace, Paterson, N. J. tJaimey, Richard Mott. [Special, b. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 2, 1866; d. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 7, 1894. s. Johns Hopkins Janney (Class 1856) and Caroline Symington, Entered Sophomore Class 1885 and left Dec, 1886. Played on College Baseball Team. Clerk in Mercantile House Baltimore, Md. Johnson, Joseph Henry. [Science, b. Ardmore, Pa., Sept. 3, 1867. s. Edwin Johnson and Eliza- beth Lowber Thompson. Entered 1884 and left at close of Freshman year. Farmer. Address, Ardmore, Pa. Nields, John Percy. (A.B., Harvard, 1889.) [Arts, b. Wilmington, Del., Aug. 7, 1868. s. Benjamin and Ger- trude Nields. Entered 1884 and left at close of Junior year. P^ditor of TJic Bud ; Won First Prize Everett Oratorical Contest 1887 ; Librarian Loganian 1886-87. Studied at Harvard Univ. Studied two years in Harvard Law School 1890-92. Lawyer. Address, Wilmington, Del. Orbison, Thomas J. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., LS98 ; also Certificate of Medical Jurisprudence, 1898.) [Arts. b. Rawal Pindee, India, Nov. 13, 1866. s. James Orbison (Missionary to India) and Nannie Dunlop Harris. Entered from iDcllefonte, Pa., 1884 and left during Senior year, 1888. Prest. 1 888] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. I9I of Class in Sophomore year. Played on College Football and Baseball Teams Sophom.ore, Junior and Senior years. Studied at Univ. of Pa., 1894 to 1898. Member of D. Hayes Agnew Surg. Soc. Iron Furnace Work ; Chain Works ; Soft Coal Re- gion Store Co. Union Switch & Signal Co. (New York City). Beaver Creek Coal and Lumber Co., W. Va. ist Troop Phila. City Cavalry in Expedition against Porto Rico during Spanish- American War, June 11 to Nov. 21, 1898. (Private.) Physician. Address, Bellefonte, Pa. ; or Pennsylvania Hospital, Phila., Pa. Patterson, George Stiiart. (Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., 1890 ; LL.B., 1891.) [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 10, 1868. s. Christopher Stuart Patter- son and Ellen Stuart. Entered 1884 and left at close of Sopho- more year 1886. Class Prest. Freshman year; Treas. Everett; Member First Eleven Cricket Team, Freshman and Sophomore years, and Captain Sophomore year ; Won Cope Prize Bat 1886 ; Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1886-88, 1889-90 ; Law Dept. 1890-91 ; Fellow in Dept. of Law, Univ. of Pa., 1891-94; Prof in Dept. of Law 1894 ; Author of " The Law of Contracts in Restraint of Trade," " Sunday Laws," "The Constitutional Effect of Hawaiian Annexation upon the Tariff Act of 1890." Second Asst. Dist. Attorney, Phila. ; Lawyer. Address, Chestnut Hill, Phila., Pa. fPope, Edward Morrill. [Arts. b. Cleveland, O., Oct. 8, 1869; d. at Haverford College, Dec. 19, 1886. s. John L. Pope and Frances E. Whipple. Entered Sophomore Class 1885. Led his Class from the first ; Editor of The Bud. Takasaki, Koh Iclii. [Special. b. Kagoshima, Japan, Jan. 8, 1864. s. Kishichiro Takasaki and Yumi Oshikawa. Entered 1884 and left during the Freshman year. Studied at Bellefonte, Pa., Academy, 1885; Ann Arbor High School, Mich., 1886-87; Univ. of Mich., 1888-89; Pi'o^- in College of Peers, Tokyo, Japan, 1891 ; Director of English De- partment of same 1893 ; Member of the College Senate 1893 ; Member of English Speaking Society at Tokyo, and of Meiji Club, m. Sept. 28, 1889, Woota Takasaki. Address, 25 Nakaroku- bancho, Kojimachiku, Tokyo, Japan. Wood, Charles Kandolph. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. i, 1871. s. Edward Randolph Wood (Class of 1856) and Mary H. Kneass. Entered 1884 and left during the Senior year. Clerk ; Asst. Paymaster in U. S. Navy 1898. Address, 1630 Locust St., Phila., Pa. 192 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1889 Wright, Robert Cassel. [Special. b. Dennisville, N, J., (?) Jan. 27, 1867. s. and Rachel B. (Wright). Entered 1884 and left 1885. Member College Football Team. Last address, Dennisville, N. J. 1889. Banes, Robert Coleman, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 3, 1868. s. Charles H. Banes (Brevet Lt. Col. and Asst. Adj. Gen. U. S. A.) and Mary E. Coleman. En- tered Sophomore Class 1886. Studied one year at Mass. Insti- tute of Technology, also School of Biology, Univ. of Pa. Biologist. m. Dec. 20, 1894, Margaret Wrenn. Address, 2021 Spring Garden St., Phila., Pa. Branson, Thomas Franklin, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1892.) b. Phila., Pa., July 10, 1869. s. Thomas Branson, Jr., and Rebecca Jane Roberts. Entered Sophomore Class 1886. Brest, of Class, etc. Studied Medical School Univ. of Pa. 1889-92. Physician. Resident Physician Pa. Hospital 1893-94. Attend- ing Physician to Bryn Mawr Hospital. Member William Pepper Medical Society. Member Alumni Athletic Committee, m. Haverford, Pa., Oct. 3, 1894, Frances Biddle Garrett. Address, Rosemont, Pa. Bnrr, Charles Henry, Jr., A.B. A.M., 1890. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1893.) b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 28, 1869. s. Charles Henry Burr and Henrietta Maria Thomas. Entered Sophomore Class 1886. Graduate Student in English 1889-90, "Haverford Fellow." Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Studied at Law School Univ. of Pa. 1890-93. Lawyer, m. Phila., Pa., May 27, 1899, Anna Robeson Brown. Address, 1004 Land Title Building, Phila., Pa. Dunton, William Rush, Jr., S.B. A.M., 1890. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1893.) b. Phila., Pa., July 24, 1868. s. Jacob Dunton and Annie Gordon Gemmill. Entered 1885. Prest. of Glee Club. Studied at Univ. of Pa. Medical School 1890-93. Author of "A Little Case of Borrowing," Atlantic Monthly, Jan., 1891. Asst. Phy- sician, Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital, Towson, Md. (near Baltimore), m. July i, 1897, Edna Drusilla Hogan. Address, Towson, Md. Evans, Thomas, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., June 17, 1869. s. J. Wistar Evans and Eleanor Tyson Stokes. Entered 1885. Played on 1889] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE, 1 93 Second and First Cricket Elevens. Won in Doubles in Tennis Tournament. Clerk in Merchant's Office and in Trust Co. 1889 -90; Salesman for Manufacturing Co. 1890-92 ; Sec. and Treas. Manufacturing Co. 1892 to date. Address, Church Lane, Ger- mantown, Phila., Pa. rite, Warner (Formerly known as Warner Hutchinson Fite), A.B. (Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1894.) b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 5, 1867. s. George Fite and Sarah Liddle. Entered 1885. Editor of Haverfordian 1886-89; Editor-in- Chief 1888-89. Studied at Episcopal Divinity School, Phila., Pa., 1889-90; Univ. of Pa. 1889-91; Univ. of Berlin, Ger- many, 1891-92 ; Univ. of Munich, Germany, 1892-93 ; Univ. of Pa. 1893-94. Teacher; Instructor in English Private School, Phila., Pa. ; Instructor in Philosophy Williams College 1894-96 ; Instructor in Latin and Philosophy ; Dean of the Faculty Wil- liams College 1885-97 ; Docent in Philosophy Univ. of Chicago 1897-98; Asst. in Philosophy Univ. of Chicago 1898 to date. Address, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Goodwill, Warren Clarksoii, A.B. b. Salem, N. J., Sept, 7, 1863. s. Morris Goodwin and Anna Thompson Harmer. Entered Sophomore Class 1886. Mem- ber College Football Team. Teacher of Latin and Greek Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Va., 1889—90 ; Teacher and Governor Westtown Boarding School, Westtown, Pa., 1890-95. Life Insurance Agent 1895 to date. Student Medical Depart. Univ. of Pa. Address, 3715 Baring St., Phila., Pa. Haughton, Victor Mellet, A.B. b. Boston, Mass., Mch. 24, 1866. s. James Haughton, D.D., and Augustine Mellet. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., Junior Class 1887. Studied at Columbia 1885-87 (Freshman and So- phomore years). Studied General Theolog. Seminary, New York City, 1889-93. Clergyman P. E. Church at Charlestown, N. H., 1893-97; at Clinton, Mass., Oct., 1897, to date. Ad- dress, 94 Prescott St., Clinton, Mass. Kirkbride, Franklin Bntler, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 10, 1867. s. Thomas S. Kirkbride, M.D., LL.D., and EUza Ogden Butler. Entered 1885. Sec. of Class ; Class Historian ; Editor-in-Chief Class Book of the Class of 1889, Haverford College; Sec. Everett, Brest. Council of same. Vice-Prest. Alumni Assoc. 1896-97. Sec. and Treas. of Matricu- late Catalogue Committee. In a Marine Insurance Broker's office, Liverpool, England, 1889-90. In charge of Phila. office 13 194 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1889 of the Caledonia Mining and Mfg. Co. 1890-91. Stockkeeper Mail Bag Repair Shop 1891. Superintendent Mail Equipment Shops (including Mail Bag Repair Shop, Mail Bag Storehouse and Mail Lock Repair Shop) Washington, D. C, 1891-93 ; Asst. Sec. Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities 1893-98 ; Sec. of same Nov., 1898, to ApL, 1899 ; Treas. and Sec. of same Apl., 1899, to Oct., 1899 ; Treas. of same Oct., 1899, to date. Member Historical Society of Penn- sylvania ; Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania ; Civil Service Reform Assoc. Trustee and Sec. the Phila. Polyclinic and Col- lege for Graduates in Medicine ; the Phila. Vacant Lots Cultiva- tion Assoc. ; Trustee and Treas. the Public Baths Assoc, of Phila. ; Trustee the Calvary Presbyterian Church. With Fred- eric W. Speirs and Samuel McCune Lindsay, Author " Vacant Lot Cultivation," the Charities Review, Apl., 1898. Contributor to H av erf or d History, 1892, pp. 536-557. Address, 1406 Spruce St. and 517 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Leeds, Arthur Newlin, SB., A.M., 1890. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 14, 1870. s. Barclay R. Leeds and Mary Maule. Entered Junior Class 1887. Graduate Student in Eng- lish 1889-90. Sec. of Class; Librarian Everett. With the Millville Mfg. Co. Address, 626 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Lewis, Daniel Clark, A.B. b. Lockport, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1869. s. Seth Clark Lewis and Helen Virginia Worrell. Entered from Suspension Bridge, N. Y., 1885. Sec. of Everett. Editor of The Bud. Sec. of Class. Won the One Mile Walk, tied with W. G. Read. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Student at Mass. Institute of Technology 1890-91. With Millville Mfg. Co., Phila., Pa., 1889-90 ; Chem- ist Millville Mfg. Co., Millville, N. J., 1891 to date. m. Sept. 28, 1892, Martha E. Radclifife. Address, Millville, N. J. Morris, Herbert, B.E. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 23, 1866. s. Galloway Cheston Morris and Hannah Perot. Entered 1885. Prest. of Class, Freshman year. Draughtsman. Foreman of Repairs, Engine and Boiler Indicating and Testing. Foreman of Repairs at Bessemer Steel Works ; Asst. Foreman Rail Finishing Plant, all the above in the employ of Cambria Iron Co., Johnstown, Pa. m. Sept. 3, 1 89 1, Fanny Louise Haws. Address, Westmont, Johnstown, Pa. Morris, Lawrence Johnson, A.B. b. Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 27, 1870. s. James Cheston Mor- ris, M.D., and Mary E. (Johnson) Stuart. Entered 1885. 1889] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 1 95 Sec, Treas. and Historian of Class. Won One Mile Walk 1889. Member Acad, of Natural Sciences, Phila., Pa. Cashier in For- eign Banking Office of Lawrence Johnson & Co. Address, 1 5 14 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Overman, William Franklin, A.B. b. Goldsboro, N. C, Aug. 22, 1862. s. William H. Over- man and Margaret Davis. Entered 1885. Won Prize for Essay in Sophomore year ; prize for Declamation in Sophomore year. Prest. of Class. Officer in Girard College 1888-89. Teacher, Abington Friends' School, Jenkintown, Pa., 1889-92 ; Principal of Friends' Academy, Moorestown, N. J., 1892 to date, m. April 2, 1890, Hannah T. Lytle. Address, Moorestown, N. J. Painter, Joseph Henry, S.B. (S.B., Wilmington College, 0., 1888.) b. Wilmington, O., Aug. i, 1866. s. Joseph C. Painter and Hannah Shields. Entered Senior Class 1888. Graduate of Miami Commercial College, Dayton, O. Teacher. Principal of Academy, Kennett Square, Pa., four years. Nurseryman near Wilmington, O. Principal Wilmington, O., High School, m. Sept 10, 1889, Elva Hinshaw. Address, Wilmington, O. Peirson, Frank Warrington, A.B., A.M., 1890. b. Clarence, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1865. s. Thomas V. Peirson and Marianne Oddie. Entered 1885. Graduate Student in English 1889-90; Asst. Librarian 1889-90. Studied at Heidel- berg, Germany, 1892-93. Address, 23 Oliver St., Lockport, N. Y. Ravenel, Samuel Prioleau, Jr., A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa.) b. Paris, France, Jan. 12, 1868. s. Samuel Prioleau Ravenel and Margaretta Amelia Fleming. Entered from Charleston, S. C, Sophomore Class 1886. Prest. Class Senior year ; Prest. Everett-Athenaeum Society ; Vice-Prest. Loganian Society ; Valedictorian ; Studied Law at Univ. of Pa. 1890-93 ; Lawyer. Address, 1707 Locust St., Phila., Pa. Read, Walter George, A.B. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1890.) b. Mt. Holly, N. J., Feb. 2, 1869. s. Zachariah Read, M.D., and Elizabeth Grandin Wurts. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1885. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1889-90 ; Studied three years at Gen- eral Theological Seminary, New York City, 1893-95; "Or- dained Clergyman Protestant Episcopal Church July 21, 1896." Address, 1802 Pine St., Phila., Pa. 196 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1889 Reiiiliardt, David Jones, S.B. b. Norristown, Pa., Nov. 6, 1867. s. William D. Reinhardt, M.D., and Rebecca Hawley. Entered from Marlboro', Pa., 1885. Teacher; Lawyer, m. June 30, 1896, Anna M. Hewes. Ad- dress, 151 1 W. Fourteenth St., Wilmington, Del. Stevens, Lindley Murray, A.B. A.M., 1891. b. East Farnham, Province Quebec, Canada, Sept. 9, 1861. s. Hiram Stevens and Rachel Barton. Entered Sophomore Class 1886. Prest. of Class; Teacher at Oak Grove Seminary, Vas- salboro'. Me., 1889-90 ; Instructor in Mathematics and Graduate Student Haverford 1890-91 ; Teacher in High School, Westerly, R. I., 1890-92 ; Clerk ; Minister of Society of Friends, m. Pough- keepsie, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1898, Elizabeth Colden Ferris. Address, Clinton Corners, N. Y. Stokes, John Stogdell, A.B. b. Moorestown, N. J., Feb. 26, 1870. s. N. Newlin Stokes and Martha Eastburn Stokes. Entered 1886. Member of Col- lege Baseball Team 1887-88-89 ; First Eleven 1888-89 5 Second Eleven 1887; Won First Eleven Fielding Belt in 1889 ; Sec. of Everett in 1888 ; Vice-Prest. of Class from 1889-93 ; Winner of half-mile Bicycle Race in Fall Sports 1888 ; Played on Class Baseball, Cricket and Football Teams ; Manager of Haverford College 1898 to date. Vice-Prest. Alumni Assoc. 1898-99; Member Photographic Society of Phila. ; Vice-Prest. and General Manager American Metal Edge Box Co. Address, Moores- town, N. J. Thompson, Frank Earle, SB. A.M., 1890. b. Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 19, 1869. s. Andrew J. Thomp- son and Emma Hubbard. Entered 1885. "Haverford Fel- low" 1889-90; Graduate Student in Chemistry 1889-90. Won several events in first two track meetings of Athletic Assoc. Chemist, Metallurgist and Mill Supt. Author "Sulphur in the Basic Bessemer Process," "The Casting Temperature of Soft Steel," Iron Age, 1894. Member Amer. Institute Mining Engi- neers. Asst. Supt. Bessemer Steel Works, Cambria Steel Co., Johnstown, Pa. m. Sept. 26, 1893, Rosa Tucker Davis. Ad- dress, 325 Vine St., Johnstown, Pa. fTodhunter, Layton Wilson, A.B. (A.B., Wilmington Col- lege, 1888.) b. New Martinsburg, O., Mch. 30, 1866 ; d. Sheldrake, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1889. (Drowned in Cayuga Lake.) s. Amos Tod- hunter and Emily Elizabeth McNeal. Entered from Wilming- 1889] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE, 1 97 ton, O., Senior Class 1888. Studied at Wilmington College, O., 1885-88. "Wilmington Fellow" elect (Haverford College) at time of death. Vail, Frederic Neilson, A.B. A.M., 1890. b. London, England, Apl. 28, 1870. s. Nathan R. Vail and Anna M. Walker. Entered from Los Angeles, Cal., 1885. Graduate Student in English 1889-90. General Eastern Man- ager of the Alcatraz Company (asphalt and asphalt pavements). Address, 3 W. 29th St., New York City. Wood, Gilbert Congdon, A.B. b. New York, June 21, 1869. s. Willian H. S. Wood (Class of 1859) and Mary Emma Congdon. Entered 1885. Pub- lisher, m. New York City, Apl. 6, 1896, Ethel Hunt. Ad- dress, 5 1 5th Ave., New York City. Non-Graduates. Bond, Francis Edward, Jr. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Montevideo, Uruguay, South America, July 18, 1867. s. Francis Edward Bond, M.D., and Sarita McCall. Entered from Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1885, and left at close of Sophomore year. With Quaker City Dye Works three years ; Westmore- land Coal Co. one and a half years ; Banker and Broker to date. m. Phila., Pa., June, 1896, Margaret Tyson. Address, The Bourse, Phila., Pa. Cansey, Foster. [Special, b. Milford, Del., Jan. 3, 1869. s. William F. Causey and Anna Polk. Entered 1885 and left at end of the Freshman year. Clerk in Pa. R.R. ticket office, Washington, D. C. ; Chief Clerk in the same office, m. Nov. 11, 1896, Ella M. Johnson. Ad- dress, Baltimore & Potomac R.R. Station, Washington, D. C. Causey, Trusten Polk. (LL.B., St. Louis Law School.) [Special. b. Milford, Del., Dec. 27, 1867. s. William F. Causey and Anna Polk. Entered 1885 and left at close of Sophomore year. Studied law at St. Louis (Mo.) Law School. Lawyer. At present General Fire Insurance Agent. Address, Milford, Del. Evans, William Henry. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 7, 1867. s. George O. Evans and Elizabeth Mellor. Entered from Colorado Springs, Colo., 1885, and left at close of Junior year. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1888-90. Mining and Stock Broker. Address, Colorado Springs, Colo. 198 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1889 Firth, Henry Heberton. [Science. b. Williamsport, Pa., June 30, 1868. s. Frank J. Firth and Annie Lloyd. Entered from Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1885, and left 1887. Prest. Class Sophomore Year; Capt. Class Cricket Team Sophomore Year ; Won Alumni Prize Fielding Belt Freshman Year. Sec. Wholesale and Retail Lumber and Coal Co. 1887-98; Prest. of same 1898 to date. Address, Church Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Geary, John White. [Arts, b. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 22, 1869. s. Maj. Gen. John White Geary, Gov. Pa., and Mary Church. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1885, and left Dec. of same year. Studied Univ. of Pa. 1886- ?>'j, and at Harvard Univ. 1887-91. Banker and Broker, m. June 1 1, 1896, Mary de Forest Harrison. Address, 1633 Locust St. and 113 S. 5th St., Phila., Pa. Grisconi, Rodman Ellison. (Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., 1889.) [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 21, 1870. s. Clement Acton Griscom and Frances Canby Biddle. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1885, and left at close of the Sophomore year. Entered Junior Class Univ. of Pa. and graduated 1889. Manager of International Navigation Co., Phila. ; Member Soc. Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, m. Feb. 17, 1897, Anna Starr. Address, Haverford, Pa. Jansen, Cornelius Henry von Riesen. (A.B., Univ. of Nebraska, 1888.) [Science, b. Berdiansk, Russia, Apl. 30, 1863. s. Cornelius Jansen and Helena von Riesen. Entered from Beatrice, Neb., 1885, and left at close of Freshman year. Studied 1886-88 at Univ. of Nebraska. Banker, and Teacher in High School, Beatrice, Neb., 1893 to date. Address, 213 S. 2d St., Beatrice, Neb. fMorris, Samuel Buckley. [Arts, b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Oct. 10, 1868 ; d. Germantown, Phila., Pa., June 20, 1886. s. Elliston Perot Morris (Class of 1848 ; Manager 1884-91 ; Sec. of Corporation 1886-91) and Martha Canby. Entered 1885 and left late in the Freshman year on account of illness from which he died. Rogers, James Wadsworth. [Special, b. Phila., Pa., (?) May 28, 1867. s. M. Edward Rogers and . Entered 1885 and left at close of Freshman year. Last address, Paris, France. 1 890] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 199 Sachse, Albert Frederic. [Science. b. Berwyn, Pa., (?) May 1 1, 1869. s. Julius F. Sachse and . Entered 1885 and left at close of the Freshman year. Address, Berwyn, Pa. Schwartz, John Loeser. [Science, Mch. Eng. b. Allegheny, Pa., Dec. 6, 1868. s. J. Ernest Schwartz and Emma Nicholson. Entered 1885 and left at close of the Fresh- man year. Studied one term at the Mass. Institute of Technol- ogy, and at the Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, two semesters. Sec. Pa. Lead Co. two years. At present engaged in study and in newspaper work. Member Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Address, 7403 Penn Ave., Pitts- burg, Pa. Shiipert, Charles M, [Science, Mch. Eng. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., Mch. 5, 1867. s. Daniel Shupert and Mercy Davis. Entered 1885 and left at close of Freshman year. Farmer, m. Nov. 14, 1895, Catharine B. Halberstadt. Ad- dress, Llanerch, Delaware County, Pa. Smith, Walter Emanuel. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1890.) [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., July 3, 1868. s. Charles Smith and Catharine lungerich. Entered 1885 and left at close of Junior year. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1888-90. Banker. Address, 303 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Smith, Wilson Longstreth. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 28, 1867. s. Horace John Smith and Margaret Longstreth. Entered 1885 and left at close of Sopho- more year. Merchant, m. Sept. 21, 1893, Frances Evelyn Busiel, of Laconia, N. H. Address, 409 Stafford St., German- town, Phila., Pa. Veeder, Herman Greig. [Science, b. Allegheny City, Pa., May 24, 1867. s. Nicholas Veeder and Mary Jane Greig. Entered 1885 and left at middle of Sophomore year, 1887. Miner and Manufacturer. m. Oct. 25, 1899, Mabel Leonora Marshall. Address, Room 514 Par- rott Building, San Francisco, Cal. 1890. Angell, Edward Mott, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Minnesota.) b. Moreau, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1868. s. William Penn Angell and Francena Frost Mott. Entered from Glens Falls, N. Y., 1886. 200 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [189O Alumni Prize Orator 1888. Subject: "Environment." Vice- Prest. Class 1887; Prest. Class 1887-88; Capt. Class Football Team Sophomore year. Manager College Football Team Junior year ; Editor Havcrfordian three years ; Editor-in-Chief Senior year; Prest. Everett- Athenaeum Soc. ; Vice-Prest. Loganian ; Vice-Prest. Athletic Assoc. ; Class Historian. Studied Law, Glens Falls, N. Y., 1890-92 ; Admitted to New York Bar 1892 ; Editor West Law Publishing Co., Minneapolis, 1892-93 ; Studied Law Univ. of Minn. Lawyer. Address, Glens Falls, N. Y. Aucliiiicloss, James Stuart, A.B. b. Wilmington, Del., Apl. 12, 1872. s. William Stuart Auchincloss and Martha T. Kent. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1886. Vice-Prest. of Class. Merchant; with D. L. &W. R.R. m. E. Orange, N. J., Apl. 3, 1899, Hazel Gage Hulbert. Ad- dress, 139 N. Arlington Ave., E. Orange, N. J. Audenried, William Grattaii, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 13, 1870. s, William Grattan Audenried and Emma A. Martin. Entered Sophomore Class from Chestnut Hill,Phila., Pa., 1887. Sec. of Class 1887-88. Prest. 1888-89. Prest. Cricket Assoc. 1889-90. Sec. and Treas. Glee Club 1888-89. Penna. Representative of New York Bankers. Sec. and Treas. Phila. (Flour) Milling Co. m. Sept. 12, 1894, Edith Frier. Address, 433 West Lehman St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Bringlmrst, Henry Kyan, Jr., A.B. b. Wilmington, Del., July 2, 1869. s. Henry Ryan Bring- hurst and Elizabeth Ashburnham Smith. Entered Sophomore Class 1887. Sec. of Class Junior year. Vice-Prest. of Class Senior year. Studied Law 1890-93. Lawyer. Address, 10 15 Park Place, Wilmington, Del. Coffin, Thomas Amory, S.B, b. Phoenixville, Pa., Oct. 21, 1868. s. Amory Coffin and Emma Edings Hopkinson. Entered 1886. Draughtsman Phoenix Iron Co. 1890-92 ; Architect Engineer 1892 ; Engineer on Phila. Bourse ; Asst. Engineer, No. 45 Broadway, N. Y. City, to date. Junior Member Amer. Soc. Engineers, m. Oct. 10, 1894, Maud VandersHce. Address, 11 Taylor St., West New Brighton, S. L, N. Y. Cottrell, Charles Thurston, A.B., A.M., 1892. (LL.B., Har- vard, 1894.) b. Jamestown, R. L, July 22, 1869. s. Frederick Northrup Cottrell and Ellen Tucker. Entered Sophomore Class 1887. Graduate Student in English 1890-91 ; Asst. Librarian 1890-91. 1890] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE, 20I Studied Law Harvard Univ. 1892-94. Lawyer. Member Town Council, Jamestown, R. L, three years. Coroner. Member R. L Legislature, m. Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 7, 1896, Carolyn R, Frink. Address, 28 State St., Boston, Mass, Darlington, Percy Smedley, S.B, b. West Chester, Pa., Oct. 7, 1869. s, Hon. Smedley Dar- lington, M. C, and Mary Edwards Baker. Entered 1886. In- vestment Broker. Lawyer. Private 6th Reg. Pa. Vols., 1898. Address, West Chester, Pa. Davies, Guy Hulett, A.B. b. Towanda, Pa., July 17, 1869. s. William T. Davies, Lieut- Gov. Pa., and Mary Watkins. Entered 1886. Attorney -at-Law ; Private Secretary to Governor Hastings, of Pa. ; Attorney-Gen- eral's Depart., Harrisburg, Pa. m. Harrisburg, Pa., June 8, 1898, Annie Weakley Hench. Address, Harrisburg, Pa, Fox, Robert Eastbiirn, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 31, 1868. s. Samuel Lewis Fox (Class of 1854) and Harriet Brown. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1886. Treas. of Class. Optical and Photo. Business; Student Rush Med. Col., Chicago. Address, care S. L, Fox, Haver- ford, Pa. Gilbert, Henry Lee, A.B. A,M,, 1891. (Ph.D., Univ, of Pa,, 1894.) b. Phila,, Pa., Aug. 31, 1865. s. Joseph Gilbert and Sylvania Lee. Entered Sophomore Class 1887. Prest. Class 1890; Vice-Prest. Loganian 1890 ; Won Alumni Prize for Composition and Oratory 1890; Subject: " Church and Socialism." Gradu- ate Student in Semitic Languages 1890-91 ; Catalogued " Gus- tav Baur Library," Haverford College Library, 1890-91. Fellow in Semitic Languages, Univ. of Pa., 1894-95 ; Instructor in Languages. Member of American Oriental Society, Author " A Study in Old Testament Names," published in Hebraica, vol. xi., 1895; "Names in i Chronicles i.— vii., compared with Parallel Passages," American Journal of Semitic Languages, June, 1897. Ordained Minister Protestant Episcopal Church Dec. 18, 1898. m. June 21, 1892, Florence Wells, Address, St. Ann's P. E. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Guilford, William Moore, Jr., SB. b. Lebanon, Pa., Feb. 6, 1878. s, William Moore Guilford, M.D., and Ann Mary Elder. Entered 1886. Prest. Glee Club 1889-90. Mechanical Engineer. With Pa. Bolt and Nut Co, 1890-98, Chief Engineer Scranton Bolt and Nut Co., Lebanon, 202 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [189O Pa,, 1899. Member American Soc. of Mechanical Engineers. Address, Hotel Terrace, Scranton, Pa. Guss, John IVoble, S.B. b. West Chester, Pa., July 23, 1868. s. Henry Ruhl Guss, Col. and Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. A., and Rachel Noble, En- tered 1886. Prest. of Class Freshman year. Lawyer. m. Mch. I, 1892, Martha Louise Shafer. Address, West Chester, Pa. Haley, Edwin James, S.B. A.M., 189L b. Berwyn, Pa., Oct. 9, 1870. s. Brinckle Hayman Haley and Hannah James. Entered from West Chester, Pa., 1886. Graduate Student in Chemistry 1890-91. Asst. to State Chem- ist, State College, Pa., 1891-95 ; Chemist to Elk Tanning Co., Ridgway, Pa., 1895 ; Consulting Chemist Ridgway Dynamo and Engine Co., Ridgway, Pa. Address, Ridgway, Pa. Hibberd, Dilworth Potts, S.B, A,M., 1891. (LL.B,, Univ. of Pa., 1897.) b. Edgemont, Delaware Co., Pa., Feb. 21, 1868. s. Joshua Evans Hibberd and Anna Mary Taylor. Entered Freshman Class from Malvern, Pa., 1887. " Haverford Fellow" 1890. Member of College Football and Baseball Teams. Won 440 yds. dash 1888 and i mile run 1888 ; i mile run 1889. Treas, of Class of 1890 ; Treas. of College Baseball 'and Football Teams. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Member Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity. Studied at Harvard Univ., 1891-92 (Shattuck Scholar 1891). Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1894-97. Editor "American Law Register" 1896-97. Chief Clerk of Shars- wood Law Club, Univ. of Pa., 1896. Teacher 1892-95. Attor- ney-at-Law 1897. Address, Malvern, Pa., and 703 Harrison Building, Phila., Pa. Jenkins, William Grant, A.B. (A.B., Wilmington College, O., 1887 ; C. E., Ohio State Univ., 1893.) b. Wilmington, O., Nov. 21, 1868. s. Asa Jenkins and Nancy Ray. Entered Senior Class 1889. At Wilmington Col- lege, O., 1885-87; at Ohio State Univ. 1890-93. Deputy County Auditor 1893 to date. m. Wilmington, O., July 20, 1898, Estella De Larm. Address, Wilmington, O. Kirkbride, Thomas Story, Jr., A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1893.) b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 25, 1869. s. Thomas S. Kirkbride, M.D., LL.D., and Eliza Ogden Butler. Entered 1886. Sec. of Class. Prest. of Council and Prest. Everett- Athenaeum. Studied Medicine at Univ. of Pa. 1890-93, and at Johns Hopkins Hos- 1890] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 203 pital 1893-94. Resident Physician of the Penna. Hospital 1894-96. Continued Medical Studies in Vienna and in Gottin- gen 1896-98. Director of the Polyclinic Laboratories, Jan., 1899, to date. Asst. Physician to Univ. Hospital. Asst. Pathol- ogist to the Phila. Hospital. Member of the Phila. College of Physicians, County Medical Soc, Pathological and Neurological Socs. Physician, m. Phila., Pa., Dec. 18, 1 899, Mabel Chauve- net Holden. Address, 215 S. 17th St., Phila., Pa. Lewis, John Frazier Taylor, B.E. b. Broomall, Del. Co., Pa., Nov. 12, 1868. s. Mordecai Law- rence Lewis and Hannah Ann Taylor. Entered 1886. First Honor at Graduation. Studied West Chester Normal School, West Chester, Pa., 1885-86. Farmer 1890-92 ; Civil Engineer 1892 ; with Choctaw Coal and R. W. Co. and Grady Trading Co., Indian Ter., 1892 ; Merchant, m. Dec. 15, 1892, Sabella Phebe Moore. Address, 1 1 5 S. 30th St., Phila., and Lansdowne, Pa. Longstreth, Edward Rhoads, B.E. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 31, 1871. s. William Collins Longstreth (Class 1837, Manager 1864-81) and Abby Ann Taylor. En- tered Sophomore Class 1887. Mechanical Engineer. Address, 56th St. and Springfield Ave., Phila., Pa. Simpson, William Percy, B.E. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., Aug 21, 1870. s. William Simpson, Jr., and Emma C. Morgan. Entered from Overbrook, Pa., 1886. Manu- facturer of Cotton Prints, m. Jan. 20, 1894, Jessie G. Seaver, Address, Overbrook, Pa. Steere, Jonathan Mowry, A.B. A.M., 1892. b. Harrisville, R. L, Apl. 26, 1870. s. Isaac Steere and Avis Battey. Entered Sophomore Class 1887. Treas. of Athenaeum and Vice-Prest. of Loganian Soc. ; Sec. of Y. M. C. A. Busi- ness Manager of Haverfordian. Sec. of Haverford College 1890-92 ; Principal of Tioga Friends' School, Phila., Pa., 1892- 93 ; in Trust Depart. The Girard Trust Co. of Phila., Pa. Treas. Haverford Alumni Assoc. 1894 to date. Alumni Editor //'^wr- fordian 1898. Treas. Associated Executive Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs. Address, The Girard Trust Co., Broad and Chestnut Sts., Phila., Pa. Tatnall, Robert Richardson, S.B., A.M., 1891. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1895.) b. Wilmington, Del., Feb. 4, 1870. s. Edward Tatnall, Jr., and Rachel Alsop, Jr. Entered Junior Class 1888. Studied at Johns Hopkins Univ. 1891-93, 1894-95 ; Northwestern Univ. 204 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [189O 1893-94; Instructor in Physics Northwestern Univ.; Author various papers on the Spectrum, m. Wilmington, Del, July 2, 1896, Elizabeth Rhoads, Jr. Address, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, 111. Tevis, Alfred Collins, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 27, 1872. s. Marshall Tevis and Clara Garrett. Entered from Haverford, Pa., Junior Class 1888. Electrician ; with Yale & Towne Mfg. Co. ; Trustee of Home for Deaf Children, Bala, Pa., 1895 to date. Address, Haverford, Pa. Walton, Ernest Forster, B.E. b. New York City, Apl. 5, 1871. s. James Morris Walton and Mary Forster Collins. Entered 1886. Prest. Athletic As- soc. ; Won 440-yard dash and 100-yard dash; Transit Man in Engineer Corps ; Manager Refrigerator Business ; Vice-Prest. and Manager Cycle Company ; Member New York Stock Exchange, m. June, 2, 1894, Blanche Wetherill. Address, 30 Broad St., New York City, and Rochelle Park, New Rochelle, N. Y. Non-Graduates. Bally, Henry Paul. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 3, 1868. s. Joshua Longstreth Baily and Theodate Lang. Entered as Special Student 1886 and left 1890. Won Fielding Belt 1887; Bowhng Prize Cricket 1888, 1889. 1890; Putting the Shot 1889 ; First Prize Freshman Tennis Tournament 1887; Second Prize Tennis 1888; Dry Goods Merchant, m. Sept. 7, 1893, Anna Correy Smith. Address, 16 Strawberry St., Phila., Pa. Butler, George Thomas. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1894.) [Science. b. West Chester, Pa., Mch. 5, 1870. s. Hon. William Butler, U. S. Judge Eastern District Pa., and Letitia Miner Thomas. Entered 1886 and left at close of Junior year on account of ill- health. Won Prize for Throwing Shot and Hammer ; Civil En- gineer 1889-90; Machinist 1890-91; Studied Law 1891-94; Lawyer. Address, Media, Pa. Cabo, Angel Rodriguez. [Science. b. , Las Palmas, Mexico, s. and . Entered Sophomore year, 1887, and left during the year. Address, Las Palmas, Mexico. Conard, Henry Norman. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., June 29, 1869. s. Samuel Conard and . Entered 1886 and left at close of the year. Address, Phila., Pa. 1 891] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 20$ DuBarry, Joseph N., Jr. [Science, Mch. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., May 4, 1870. s. Joseph N. DuBarry and . Entered 1886 and left Sophomore year 1888. m. . Ad- dress, 2017 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. fHipple, William Levis. [Special, b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 19, 1868; d. Phila., Pa., June i, 1895. s. Frank K. Hippie and Elizabeth Gray Levis. Entered 1886 and left at close of Sophomore year. Mining Engineer. Janney, Thomas Symington. [Arts, b. Baltimore Co., Md., Jan. 6, 1871. s. Johns Hopkins Janney (Class 1856) and Caroline Symington. Entered Sophomore Class and left at close of Junior year. Treas. Everett- Athenreum ; Won 440-yard run in track events 1888-89 5 I" Coffee Importing Trade, Baltimore, Md. ; Anthracite Coal Business, 2d Lieut. 5th Reg. Md. N. G. Address, 2 Chamber of Commerce, Baltimore, Md. Jones, Lewis, Jr. [Special, b. Overbrook, Pa., Sept. 22, 1869. s. Lewis Jones, 3d, and Elizabeth Hughes. Entered 1886 and left at close of Freshman year. Manufacturer of Machinery. Address, Overbrook, Pa. Shaw, James George, Jr. [Special, b. Newcastle, Del., Mch. 8, 1868. s. James George Shaw and . Entered 1886 and left at close of Junior year. Ad- dress, Newcastle, Del. Stotesbury, William Alfred. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., (?) Aug. 17, 1879. s. J. M. Stotesbury and . Entered from Phila., Pa., 1886 and left at close of Fresh- man year. Address, Bozeman, Montana. Uhler, Harvey Thomas. [Special, b. Phila., Pa., July 26, 1869. s. T. M. Uhler and . En- tered 1886 and left in 1887. Address, care Strawbridge & Clothier, Phila., Pa. Valentine, John Reed. [Special, b. Phila., Pa., July 22, 1869. s. John K. Valentine and Vir- ginia P. Reed. Entered 1886 and left 1888. Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1888-89, Sophomore year. Lawyer. Owner Stock Farm. m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., June 8, 1897, Elizabeth Simpson. Address, 1805 Spruce St., Phila., Pa., and Bryn Mawi, Pa. 1891. Alger, Harry, A.B. b, Newport, R. I., Oct. 10, 1865. s. Nicholas Benjamin Alger and Elizabeth Bentley Oman. Entered Sophomore Class il 206 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [189I Teacher at Westtown Boarding School 1891-98. Principal of Grammar School Building and Teacher of Seventh Grade Public Schools, Newport, R. I., 1898 to date. Address, 16 Walnut St., Newport, R. I. Blair, David Hunt, A.B. b. High Point, N. C, Jan. 13, 1869. s. Solomon I. Blair and Abigail Hunt. Entered 1887. Won Alumni Prize for Oratory, 1891 ; Subject: "The Negro Question." Studied at Guilford College, N. C, 1886-87. Teacher in Winston, N. C., 1891-94. Principal North Graded School, Winston, N. C., 1894. Ad- dress, Winston, N. C. Handy, William Winder, S.B. b. Baltimore, Md., Apl. 3, 1871. s. Thomas Poultney Handy (Class of 1863) and Maria Poultney. Entered 1887. Prest. Football Assoc. 1890; Prest. of Class 1891. Studied at Johns Hopkins Univ. 1891-93. Electrical Engineer. Address, 500 Lewis Block, Pittsburg, Pa. Hoopes, Arthur, S.B. b. West Chester, Pa., Oct. i, 1872. s. Thomas Hoopes and Amanda Russell. Entered Freshman Class 1888 and completed the course in three years. Sec. of Class Sophomore year. Honors in Senior year. Won i Mile Bicycle Race 1891. Test- ing at Edison's Laboratory, Orange, N. J., 1891-92 ; Supt. Edison Electric Illuminating Co., West Chester, Pa., 1892—93 ; Inspector, Salem, Mass., 1893 ; with Lynn & Boston R.R. Co., 1894-95 ; Estimating and Installing Electric Plants, Phila., Pa., 1895 to date. Address, 405 Franklin St., West Chester, Pa. Hutton, John Wetherill, SB., A.M., 1892. b. Landenberg, Chester Co., Pa., Apl. 28, 1866. s. Richard W. Hutton and Elizabeth A. Thompson. Entered from West- town, Pa., Junior Class 1889. Editor of Havcrfordian 1891 ; Asst. Librarian 1891-92. Teacher at Barnesville School, Barnes- ville, O. ; Westtown Boarding School, Westtown, Pa., to date. Address, Westtown, Pa. 3Iekeel, David Lane, S.B., M.E., 1892. b. Somers, N. Y., June 30, 1869. s. Jacob Mekeel and Mary Jane Haight. Entered from Yorktown Heights, N. Y., 1887. Prest. of Class Sophomore year. Sec. Loganian. Graduated with First Honors. Graduate Student in Mechanical Engineer- ing 1891-92. " Haverford Fellow." Mechanical Engineer. Address, Yorktown Heights, N. Y. 1 891] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 20/ Morris, John Stokes, S.B., A.M., 1892. b. Moorestown, N. J., June 24, 1873. s. Joshua Husband Morris (Class of 1839) and Elizabeth Stokes. Entered from Germantown, Phila., Pa., Junior Class 1889. Graduate Student in Mathematics 1891-92. Treas., Prest. of the Council, and Prest. of Everett- Athenaeum ; Vice-Prest. Loganian ; Vice-Prest. of College Assoc. ; Prest. Tennis Assoc. ; Prest. Class Senior year; Played on College Football Team 1890-91 ; Won 440- Yard Dash 1891-92 ; Half-mile Run 1891 ; Won Tennis Cham- pionship College 1 89 1. Member Phi Beta Kappa. Studied at Johns Hopkins Univ. 1892-96. Teacher; Instructor in Mathe- matics, Central High School, Phila., Pa., 1896 to date. m. Haver- ford, Pa., May 23, 1894, Mary Eastbourne Fox. Address, Cen- tral High School, Phila., Pa. Thomas, George, 3d, A.B. b. Whitford, Pa., Apl. 13, 1871. s. J. Preston Thomas (Class of 1864, Manager 1887 to date) and Hannah Gibbons. Entered 1887. Class Prest. Junior year. Prest. Athletic Assoc. Senior year ; On Ground Committee and Treas. Cricket Assoc. ; Won Sophomore Improvement Bat and First Eleven Fielding Belt. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Asst. Chemist Penna. Steel Co. ; Steel Melter and extra Foreman O. H. Depart. Pa. Steel Co. ; Supt. Open-Hearth Standard Steel Works, Burn- ham, Pa. ; Iron Manufacturer. Address, Coatesville, Pa. Todd, Henry Arnold, A.B. b. Salem, Mass., Oct. 11, 1866. s. John Henry Todd and F. Ehzabeth Arnold. Entered Sophomore Class 1888. Won I Mile Run in 1890. Teacher Mathematics and Classics, Doyles- town, Pa., 1891-97 ; Friends' School, West Chester, Pa. Public School, Swarthmore, Pa. m. June 20, 1894, Ellen Hart. Ad- dress, Swarthmore, Pa. Non-Graduates. Canby, William Marriott. (A.B., Williams College, Mass., 1891.) [Arts. b. Wilmington, Del., Apl. 7, 1871. s. William M. Canby and Edith D. Mathews. Entered 1887 and left at close of the Soph- omore year. Editor //aw;/^;'^z«« 1888-89. At Williams Col- lege, Mass., 1889-91. Investment Clerk Girard Trust Co., Phila., Pa., 1892. m. Oct. 15, 1896, Edith Wistar. Address, 307 Earlham Terrace, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Coale, Carey. [Science. b. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 8, 1868. s. Thomas Ellicott Coale (Class of 1853) and Cecilia Harvey. Entered Sophomore Class 208 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [189I 1888 and left at the close of the year. Studied at Baltimore City College,Baltimore, Md., 1883-88 ; Electric Lighting and Manu- facturing 1889-90; Since in South American Shipping Business. Address, 21 14 Oak St., Baltimore, Md. Crawford, John Yocuni. [Special. b. Feb. 10, 1 87 1, s. V. V. Crawford and . Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1887 and left 1889. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Fischer, William Griistaviis, Jr. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 7, 1868. s. William Gustavus Fischer and Mary Ann Willing. Entered 1887 and left during the Freshman year. Piano and Organ Merchant 1888-92 ; Wholesale Dealer in Specialties. Address, 209 North Thirty-sixth St., Phila., Pa. fFuller, George Llewellyn. [Science. b. Catasauqua, Pa., (?) July 27, 1869 ; d. . s. J. W. Ful- ler and . Entered 1887 and left during Junior year 1890. Mitchell, Jacob Thomas. [Arts, b. Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 25, 1870. s. Isaac Mitchell and Deb- orah Downing Thomas. Entered 1887 and left at the close of the Junior year. Lawyer. Address, Bellefonte, Pa. Rhoacls, Joseph Howard. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1895.) [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., June 3, 1870. s. Joseph R. Rhoads and Amanda Seal. Entered 1887 and left at close of the Junior year. Studied Law Univ. of Pa. 1890-93 ; Asst. District Attorney, Phila., Pa. ; Lawyer, m. Bala, Pa., June 9, 1897, Ehse Stuart Logan. Ad- dress, 514 Walnut St., Phila., Pa., and Bala, Pa. Valentine, Edward Abram Uffington. (LL.B., Univ. of Maryland, 1894.) [Arts. b. Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 28, 1870. s. Abram Sharpless Valen- tine (Class of 1857) and Elizabeth Ufifington Natt. Entered 1887 and left at close of Sophomore year. Studied at Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, Md., 1891-94. Lawyer (in New York City and in Baltimore) ; Notary Public ; Literary Editor Balti- more Evoting Netvs 1897 to date Author Class Poem 1894 (published in Albany Law Journal) ; Author of about three hun- dred Poems published in various Periodicals (Atlantic Monthly, Century, Harper's Monthly, Scribners', Youth's Companion, etc., etc.) Member Journalists' Club. Address, 26 E. Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore, Md. Valentine, George, Jr. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 28, 1869. s. Jacob Downing Valen- tine (Class of 1846) and Deborah Elizabeth Downing. En- 1892] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 209 tered 1887 and left at close of Sophomore year. Artistic Pur- suits, etc. Address, Bellefonte, Pa. Whitney, John Drayton. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., Nov. 25, 1869. s. John Randall Whitney and Mary Graham Young. Entered 1887; left 1890. Prest. Class Sophomore year ; Left-end half-back College Football team 1888-89. Clerk. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1892. Blair, Augustine Wilherforce, SB. A.M., 1896. b. Archdale, N. C, Sept. 12, 1866. s. Benjamin F. Blair and Rachel E. Anderson. Entered Junior Class 1890. Studied as Graduate Student in Chemistry 1895-96. Studied at Guilford College, N. C, 1889-90. Teacher Science and History, Abing- ton Friends' School, Abington, Pa., 1892-95 ; Teacher Science and History, Guilford College, N. C, 1896-97; Asst. Chemist N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station, N. C, 1897-98; State Chemist at same 1898-99; Asst. Chemist Florida Agricultural College and Experiment Station 1899. Member American Chemical Soc. m. Guilford College, N. C, July i, 1897, Judith Genevieve Mendenhall. Address, Lake City, Florida. Brinton, Kicharcl, A.B., 1892. (Formerly known as Christian Frederick Brinton.) b. Thornbury, Pa., Sept. 17, 1870. s. Joseph Harlan Brinton and Kate B. Pyle. Entered 1888. Address, Thornbury, Pa. Brumbaugh, Isaac Harvey, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1895 ; A.M., 1899.) b. James Creek, Pa., Mch. 10, 1870. s. Henry Boyer Brum- baugh and Susan Fink Peightal. Entered from Huntingdon, Pa., Sophomore Class 1889. Editor Haverfordian 1890-92 ; Entered Harvard 1894; Again at Harvard 1898-99; Teacher Juniata College 1892-94 ; Acting Prest. Juniata College 1899. Address, 17th St., Huntingdon, Pa. Cadbury, Benjamin, A.B., A.M., 1893. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 14, 1873. s. Joel Cadbury (Class of 1856, Manager 1867-71) and Anna Kaighn Lowry. Entered Sopho- more Class 1889. Second Honors in Modern Languages Senior year ; Sec. of Class ; Graduate Student in English 1892-93 ; Asst. in the Library 1892-93 ; Member Phi Beta Kappa 1898 ; Man- ager Apprentices' Library, Phila., Pa.; Clerk. Address, 1502 Green St., Phila., Pa. 14 2IO HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1892 Cary, Egbert Siiell, SB. b. Charles Co., Md., Feb. 25, 1871. s. Egbert Cary and Martha Snell. Entered from Baltimore, Md., Junior Class 1890. Second Honors in Physics Senior year ; Record in Pole Vault ; Member of Franklin Institute, Phila., Pa. ; Electrician ; Teacher of Physics, etc., Westtovvn Boarding School, Westtown, Pa., 1896 to date. m. Oct. 10, 1894, Ehzabeth Hilton Allen. Address, Westtown, Pa. Collius, Miiiturn Post, SB. b. Purchase, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1870. s. Richard Smith Collins and Sarah Willets. Entered 1888. Vice-Prest. of Class ; Vice- Prest. Athletic Assoc. ; Prest. Athletic Assoc. ; Sec. Football Assoc. ; Treas. of same ; Class Historian ; Class Speaker at Commencement ; Sec. of Athenaeum ; Treas. of same ; Treas. Y. M. C. A. ; Manager of Football Team two years ; Won Half- mile Run ; Real Estate Broker and Operator ; Notary Public. Address, 566 Fifth Ave., New York City. Cook, Charles Gilpin, S.B., A.M., 1893. (Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins Univ., 1898.) b. Glenville Md., Nov. 25, 1866. s. Joel Cook and Martha G. Pearson. Entered Junior Class 1890. Honors in Chemistry Senior year ; Graduate Student in Chemistry 1892-93; Taught in Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Va., 1893-94; Principal Aurora Academy, Rich Square, N. C, 1894-95 ; Graduate Student in Chemistry and Physics, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1895-98 ; Mem- ber American Chemical Society ; Teacher Chemistry High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, Glenville, Md. Dennis, Joseph Henry, A.B. b. Dover, N. H., Feb. 27, 1868. s. William Brown Dennis and Leah Helen Goodwin. Entered Sophomore Class 1869. Taught in Martin Academy, Kennett Square, Pa., 1892-93 ; elected Principal 1893, but resigned to take position of Teacher of Languages State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa. m. Dec. 21, 1894, Susan Elizabeth Elliott. Address, Bloomsburg, Pa. Detwiler, Warren H., A.B. A.M., 1898. :::^ b. Ironbridge, Pa., Mch. 21, 1867. s. Isaiah Detwiler and Mary Hallman. Entered Sophomore Class 1889. Second Honors in History and Political Science Senior year. Prest. College Assoc. ; Prest. Football Assoc. ; Captain of Football Team 1891. Teacher of History State Normal School, Blooms- burg, Pa., 1892 to date. m. July 21, 1892, Ella Van Horn. Address, State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa. , 1892] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 211 Hall, Rnfus Hacker, A.B. (M.D., Bellevue Hospital, N. Y.) b. , Oct. 6, 1869. s. John Hacker Hall and Anna Fry Hoag. Entered from Boston, Mass., Sophomore Class 1889. Physician. Address, 693 Broadway, Everett, Mass. Hart, Walter Morris, A.B., A.M., 1893. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 23, 1872. s. William R. Hart and Harriet Newell Wilcox. Entered 1888. Second Honors in Modern Lan- guages ; Graduate Student in English 1892-93. Master's Ora- tion 1893. Class Prest. 1890-91. Two years' study in Germany ; Instructor in English Univ. of California 1895 to date. m. Oakland, Cal., Dec. 28, 1898, Agnes Borland. Address, 2631 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal. Jenks, William Pearson, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 25, 1872. s. William H. Jenks (Man- ager 1895 to date) and Hannah Mifflin Hacker. Entered Soph- omore Class 1889. Cotton Merchant, m. Phila., Pa., June 10, 1899, Bertha Johnes Cooke. Address, 2004 Arch St., Phila., Pa., and Bryn Mawr, Pa. McAllister, Franklin, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., May 31, 1873. s. James Walker McAllister and Annabella Cresson. Entered Sophomore Class 1889. Won Fielding Belt and Bowling Prize Second Eleven 1890 and 1891 ; Scarf-pin Bowling Prize Harvard Game 1892. Clerk 1892-95. Address, 1603 Green St., Phila., Pa. Muir, John Walliugford, SB. b. Saratoga, N. Y., Mch. 3, 1871. s. William Muir and Augusta Elizabeth Sawtell. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1888. Vice-Prest. Class 1889. Prest. 1890. Prest. Cricket Assoc. 1890-91. Prest. College Assoc. 1890-91. Bank Clerk ; In- surance Broker. Address, 4310 Walnut St., and N. E. Cor. 4th and Walnut Sts., Phila., Pa. Nicholson, William Hopkins, Jr., S.B. b. Haddonfield, N. J., Aug. 7, 1872. s. William Hopkins Nicholson (Class of 1846) and Sarah Whitall. Entered 1888. Glass Manufacturer. Address, Millville, N. J. Palen, Gilbert Joseph, Jr., A.B. (M.D., Hahnemann Medical College, Phila., Pa., 1895.) b. Tunkhannock, Pa., May 12, 1870. s. Gilbert E. Palen, M.D., and Elizabeth Gould. Entered from Germantown, Phila., 1888. Studied at Hahnemann College 1892-95. Studied in Dresden, Berhn, Vienna, Paris and London, 1895-98. Physi- cian, m. June 11, 1895, Mary Eleanor Adamson. Address, 127 Harvey St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. 212 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1892 Shipley, William Ellis, SB. b. Cincinnati, O., May 21, 1870. s. Murray Shipley and Hannah Taylor. Entered Sophomore Class. Won Ring- Vault Tie 1889-90; Rope Climbing 1889-90 and 1890-91 ; Fence- Vault Tie 1890-91. Carriage Manufacturer and Salesman. Address, Lodge & Shipley Tool Co., The Bourse, Phila., Pa. Stone, Ralph Warren, A.B. (LL.B., Georgetown Univ., D. C, 1895.) b. Warren, Pa., July i6, 1872. s. Charles W. Stone (Ex- Lieut. -Governor, Ex-Secretary of the Commonwealth, Member of Congress) and Elizabeth Moorhead. Entered 1888. Studied Law Dept. Georgetown Univ., D. C, 1893-95. Member of Champion Tug-of-War Team ; Member Football Team 1 890-92 ; Member Baseball Team 1890-92. Lawyer. Address, War- ren, Pa. West, William Nelson Loflin, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1895.) b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 19, 187 1. s. William Nelson West and Mary Pennell Loflin. Entered 1888. Class. Treas. 1889-90; Class Prest. 1890-91 ; Second Honors in Modern Languages and Literature 1892. Studied at Univ. of Pa. Dept. of Law 1892-95 ; Second Honors in First-Year Class U. of P. Law School 1893 ; First Honor and the Faculty Prize U. of P. Law School 1894. Lawyer. m. Moorestown, N. J., July 11, 1898, Anna Ervina West. Address, Wynnewood, Pa., and 1105 Land Title Build- ing, Phila., Pa. Wood, Joseph Remington, S.B. A.M., 1898. (Ph.G., Coll. Pharmacy, N. Y., 1894.) b. New Bedford, Mass., July 5, 1872. s. David Shoe Wood and Lydia Hart Remington. Entered from Flushing, N. Y., Sophomore Class 1889. Sec. Glee Club 1890-91 ; Prest. Glee Club 1891-92 ; Treas. Everett- Athenaeum ; Studied at New York City College of Pharmacy 1892-94; First Prize Junior Year N. Y. C. P.; Scholarship Prize for Senior Year; "Pharmacy Prize," Senior year; Chemist. Address, 3 Harvard St., Brook- line, Mass. Yarnall, Stanley Rhoads, A.B., A.M., 1893. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 29, 1871. s. Hibberd Yarnall and Mary Ashbridge Rhoads. Entered 1888 ; Second Honors in Classics ; General Honors on Graduation ; Prest. of Class ; Prest. Everett- Athenaeum ; Sec. of same ; Vice-Prest. Loganian ; Prest. Y. M. C. A. ; Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899; Graduate Student in Classics 1892-93; " Haverford Fellow;" Clerk in Bookselling 1892] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 213 and Publishing Business, 1893-98 ; Teacher in Friends' School, Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1898 to date. Address, Friends' School, Coulter St., Germantown, Phila., Pa, Non-Graduates. Crozer, Edward P. [Special. b. Upland, Pa., Apl. 10, 1871. s. S. A. Crozer and . Entered 1888 and left during the year. Address, Upland, Pa. Da Costa, John Chalmers, Jr. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., June 13, 187 1. s. John Chalmers Da Costa and . Entered 1888 and left during the Freshman year. Ad- dress, 1633 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Davis, Henry Lamont, Jr. [Science. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Sept. 15, 1870. s. Henry Lan- celot Davis and Eleanor Gray Bushnell. Entered 1888 ; left 189 1. Lumber Merchant, m. St. Louis, Mo., Oct., 1895, Willie Webb. Address, Burbridge St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. fFirth, Samnel Lloyd. [Science. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Mch. 5, 1872; d. Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1897. s. Frank J. Firth and Annie Lloyd. Entered 1888 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Prest. of Class; Won Prize for throwing Baseball ; Cricket-ball for Bowling. Electrician with Novelty Electric Co., Phila., Pa. Oriswold, Frank Tracy. (A.B., Harvard, 1894.) [Special. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 7, 1872. s. William Andrew Griswold and Eliza Tracy. Entered Sophomore Class 1889 and left at close of the year. Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1888-89 (Freshman year) ; at Harvard Univ. 1890—94. Address, 1500 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Hoffman, Miles Atlee. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., (?) June 13, 187 1. s. Dr. Washington Atlee Hoffman and Clara Tracy. Entered 1888 and left Junior year, and entered Princeton College, Class '93, but left before gradua- tion, m. . Address, Dunster House, Mincing Lane, Lon- don, E. C, Eng. Lloyd, Richard Leonard. [Special. b. , Aug. 4, 1870. s. Lloyd and M. A. . En- tered 1888 and left after a few days. Address, Columbia, Miss. Martin, Robert Linwood. [Science. b. Sept. 29, 1 87 1, s. Luther Martin and . Entered 1888 and left 1889. Studied at the Univ. of Pa. 1889-90. Address, Pulaski Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. 214 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1^93 Parrisli, Maxfield. (Formerly known as Frederick Maxfield Parrish.) [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., July 25, 1870. s. Stephen Parrish and Eliza- beth Bancroft. Entered 1888 and left at close of the Junior year. Artist. Illustrator Harper's Weekly, Harper's Magazine, Scribner's Magazine and others. Member Society of American Artists, New York City. m. June i, 1895, Lydia Austin. Ad- dress, 27 S. nth St., Phila., Pa. Strawbridge, Kobert Early. [Science, b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Feb. 15, 1871. s. Justus Clay- ton Strawb ridge (Manager 1883 to date) and Mary Lukens. Entered 1887 and left 1890. Played on College Football Team for three seasons. Wholesale Dry Goods, Member of firm Strawbridge & Clothier 1900. m. Nov. 6, 1895, Anita Berwind. Address, 813 Filbert St., Phila., Pa., and Bryn Mawr, Pa. Westcott, Harry Mackmaiiii. [Special, b. Richmond, Ind., (?) Mch. 25, 1872. s. M. Westcott and . Entered Sophomore Class 1889 and left in 1890. Last address, Richmond, Ind. 1893. Bailey, Leslie Adelbert, A.B., A.M., 1894. b. Dresden, Me., Apl. 7, 1865. s. Jesse Bailey and Mary Ann Nason. Entered 1889. Won First Reading Prize; Alumni Prize Orator 1892 ; Subject: "The Negro Question." Graduate Student in Mathematics and American History 1893- 94; Asst. Librarian 1893-94. Student Univ. of Chicago 1894— 95. Teacher of Latin and Greek Simmons College, Abilene, Tex. ; Prin. Raisin Valley Seminary, Birdsdale, Mich. ; Prin. Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1899 to date. m. W. Woodland, Me., Aug. 24, 1898, Laura Isabel Main. Ad- dress, Union Springs, N. Y. fBrown, John Farnum, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 19, 1873. d. May 13, 1894 (drowned in Boston Harbor, Mass.). s. Thomas Wistar Brown (Manager 1853 to date, Brest, of Corporation of Haverford College 1891 to date) and Mary Farnum. Entered 1889. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1893-94 (Class of 1894). Davis, Francis Franklin, S.B., A.M., 1894. (A.M., Harvard, 1895.) b. Coatesville, Pa., Jan. 10, 1871. s. Francis F. Davis and Abbie Galliner. Entered 1889. Graduate Student in Mathe- matics 1893-94. "Haverford Fellow." Member Phi Beta 1893] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 21$ Kappa 1899. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1894-97. Address, 47 Church St., Montclair, N. J. Estes, Wilbur Albert, A.B. b. Vassalboro', Me., Feb. 22, 1869. s. Jonathan Estes and Julia Ann Wadsworth. Entered 1889. Vice-Prest. Class ; Won Prize for Putting the Shot ; Teacher of Classics, Oak Grove Sem- inary, Vassalboro', Me., 1893-96 ; Principal 1896-98 ; Mission- ary to China 1899. m. June 7, 1897, Julia Fassett Brown. Home address, Sprague's Mills, Me. Haviland, Walter Wincliii>, A.B, b. Glens Falls, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1871. s. Harris G. Haviland and Adelia Winchip. Entered 1889. Won Second Prize for System- atic Reading 1892 ; Second Honors in History and Philosophy, Senior year ; Prest. of Class Sophomore year ; Prest. Y. M. C, A. Senior year ; Vice-Prest. Loganian ; also of Everett-Athenaeum ; Instructor in History and Mathematics Guilford College, N. C, 1893-97; Instructor in German, etc.. Friends' Select School, Phila., Pa., 1897 to date. Address, 140 N. i6th St., Phila., Pa. Permanent address. Glens Falls, N. Y. Hoag, Clarence Gilbert, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1894; A.M., 1898.) b. Lynn, Mass., Feb. 15, 1873. s. Gilbert Congdon Hoag and Louisa Phebe Oliver. Entered from Roxbury, Mass., Sophomore Class 1890. Won Alumni Prize for Oratory and Composition Spring of 1892 ; Class Prest. Junior year ; Sec, Vice-Prest., Prest. of Council, and Prest. of Everett-Athenaeum ; Captain Class Base- ball nine one year ; Member of Class and College Football, Cricket, Athletic and Baseball Teams ; Prizes Won in Sports : 100 yds. dash, one first, three seconds ; 220 yds. dash, two firsts, three seconds ; 440 yds. dash, one first ; Pole Vault, two firsts, two seconds, one third ; Throwing Baseball, one third. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1893-94, and 1897-98 ; Berlin Univ., Winter Semester, 1894-95; Zurich Univ., Summer Semester, 1895; Teacher ; Instructor in English and German at Haverford College 1 895-96 ; Instructor in English and German at Belmont Academy, Belmont, California, 1897-98 ; Instructor in English at Bates Col- lege, Lewiston, Me., 1898 to date. m. Phila., June 5, 1897, Anna Scattergood. Address, Bates College, Lewiston, Me, Jacobs, Carrol Brinton, A.B. (LL.B,, Univ. of Pa., 1896.) b. West Chester, Pa., Oct. 11, 1870. s. Francis Jacobs and Jane Brinton Johnson. Entered 1889. Won First Prize Bicycle Race and Mile Walk 1890; Second Prize Mile Walk 1891. Lawyer. Address, West Chester, Pa. 2l6 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1893 Jones, George Liiiilley, A.B. b. Weare, N. H., Aug. 31, 1874. s. Charles Henry Jones and Huldah Elizabeth Farr. Entered from Amesbury, Mass., 1889. Class Sec. Senior year ; Won i Mile Run Spring Sports 1891 ; Teacher of Ancient Languages 1 893-94 ; Mathematics and Sci- ences 1894-95, Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y. ; Prin. High School, N. Berwick, Me.; Sub-Master Medford High School, Medford, Mass. Address, 1 1 Lauriat Place, Medford, Mass. Morton, Arthur Villiers, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 2, 1873. s. Thomas George Morton, M.D,, and Ann Jenks Kirkbride. Entered Sophomore Class (Mechan- ical Engineering) Feb., 1891. Won Second Prize for throwing Baseball; Student Univ. of Pa. 1889-1891. Asst. Treas. Penna. Co. for Ins. on Lives, etc. Address, 517 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Okie, John Mickle, SB. b. Camden, N. J., Sept. 25, 1873. s. Richardson Brognard Okie, M.D., and Clara Mickle. Entered 1889. Clerk, m. Bala, Pa., June 3, 1896, Florence M. Heiskell. Address, Ber- wyn, Pa., and care of Girard Trust Co., Phila., Pa. Osborne, Charles, A.B. b. North Weare, N. H., Sept. 29, 1865. s. Lindley Hoag Osborne and Lucy Poole Thorndike. Entered 1889. Second Honors in Modern Languages ; Sec. of Loganian. Teacher. Address, North Weare, N. H. Khoads, Charles James, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Oct. 4, 1872. s. James E. Rhoads, M.D., LL.D., (Manager 1864-84, Prest. Bryn Mawr College) and Margaret Wilson Ely. Entered 1889. Class Prest. 1892-93 ; Editor-in-Chief Havcrfordian 1892-93 ; Prest. Students' Assoc. 1892-93; Treas. Y. M. C. A.; Treas. Ath, Assoc. ; Captain First Cricket Eleven 1893 ; Sec. Cricket Club; Member Football Eleven 1892. General Honors. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Overseer William Penn Charter School; with Girard Trust Co., Phila., Pa. Asst. Treas. of the Girard Trust Co. 1898 to date. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Rhoads, Edward, S.B. (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1898.) b. Phila., Pa., 1873. s. William Gibbons Rhoads (Class of 1858, Manager 1871-80) and Sarah Wistar. Entered 1889. Second Honors in Physics. Graduate Student in Johns Hop- kins Univ. 1896-98. Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In the machine shops of Wm. Sellers & Co. Incp., Phila., Pa., 1893-94. Instructor in 1893] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 21/ Physics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1898 to date. Au- thor of a Paper on The Efifect of the Fibrous Structure of Sheet Iron on the Changes in Length accompanying Magnetization, Physical Review, Vol. vi., No. 35. Address, Worcester Poly- technic Institute, Worcester, Mass. Roberts, John, S.B. b. Whitford, Pa., Mch. 12, 187 1. s. Samuel J. Roberts and Phebe Taylor. Entered 1889. Gained numerous athletic prizes on track, including all-round contest prize medal ; also some cricket prizes for Batting and Bowling. Two years with Lehigh Valley R.R. Co.; Poultry and Dairy Farmer. Asst. Electrician Signal Depart. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Co. Address, Little Falls, N. Y. Sensenig-, Barton, S.B. (A.M., Gallaudet College, 1894.) b. Goodville, Pa., July 12, 1865. s. Martin Sensenig and Magdalena Rutt. Entered 1889. Student at Gallaudet Col- lege, Washington, D. C, 1893-94. Supervisor Pa. Institution for Deaf and Dumb 1894-95; Teacher in Manual Depart, of same 1895-97. Teacher in Mathematical Depart, of same 1899. m. Goodville, Pa., July 21, 1896, Anna Mary Rodgers. Ad- dress, 213 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Mt. Airy, Phila., Pa. Vaux, William Sansom, Jr., S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 1,1872. s. George Vaux (8th) and Sarah H. Morris. Entered 1893. Secretary Loganian. Second Hon- ors in Engineering. Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1893-94. Member Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila. ; Franklin Institute ; Photographic Society of Phila. ; Amer. Soc. of Mechanical Engi- neers (Junior Grade) ; Engineers' Club of Phila. Mechanical Draughtsman. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa., and 171 5 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Wescott, Eugene Marion, A.B. b. Shawano, Wis., Mch. 24, 1872. s. Marion Wescott and Margaret Crone. Entered 1889 ; left 1890. Returned in 1892 ; Entered Senior year. Won Alumni Prize for Oratory 1893. Studied at Oberlin College, O., 1890-92. Teacher English Literature, Temple Normal School. Lawyer. Address, 208 Fleming Building, Phoenix, Ariz. tWhitall, Franklin, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Oct. 11, 1871 ; d. Boston, Mass., May 13, 1894 (drowned in Boston Harbor), s. James Whitall (Class 1853, Manager 1 8 5 7-96) and Mary Wistar Cope. Entered 1889. Studied at Harvard 1893-94. 2l8 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [l893 Woolman, Edward, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 4, 1872. s. Edward W. Woolman and Rebecca Shotwell Townsend. Entered 1889. Treas. Cricket Assoc. ; Prest. Same ; Capt. Class Football Team four years ; Half-Back College Team two years ; First in Swinging Jump ; First in Half-Mile Run ; First in High Hurdles. Member Frank- lin Institute. Expert in Test Depart, Welsbach Light Co. Address, 44 N. 38th St., Phila., Pa. Wright, Gifford King:, A.B. b. Grenville, Pa., Mch. 19, 1874. s. J. Elliot Wright, A.M., D.D., and Ellen Maria Kerr. Entered from Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1889. Won Pole Vault six times ; High Jump once ; Indi- vidual Track Medal Senior year ; Shot-Put once ; Member Foot- ball Team two years. Reporter on Chronicle-Telegraph of Pittsburg, Pa. ; Teacher of Classics, State Normal School, Indiana, Pa.; Student of Law; Lawyer 1897 to date. Ad- dress, Bakewell Law Buildings, Pittsburg, Pa. Non-Graduates. Bechtel, Harry Oliver, [Special, b. Pottsville, Pa., Jan. 7, 1872. s. Oliver Perry Bechtel (Judge of Court of Common Pleas) and Mary Elizabeth Etting. Entered 1889, and left during Freshman year. Address, Potts- ville, Pa. Brinton, Horace. [Special. b. West Chester, Pa., Mch. 22, 1872. s. Frederic C. Brinton and Mary Huey. Entered 1889 and left 1890. Farmer. Address, West Chester, Pa. Crowther, William Mortimer. (Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., 1893.) [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 27, 1870. s. Samuel Crowther and Frances Cabe. Entered 1889 and left at close of Sophomore year. Entered Univ. of Pa. Junior Class. Studied Law Univ. of Pa. Lawyer, m. June 17, 1896, A. R. Brown. Address, 739 Gray's Ferry Road, Phila., Pa. Edwards, Clarence Kinley. [Special. b. , Dec. 10, 1872. s. Henry L. Edwards and Carohne Cox. Entered from Hastings, Neb., 1889 and left at close of Freshman year. Miner. m. Sept. 20, 1898, Lillian Sweeny. Address, Spokane, Wash. 1 893] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 2I9 Gates, Thomas Sovereign. (Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., 1893 ; LL.B., 1896.) [Arts. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Mch. 21, 1873. s. Jabez Gates and Rebecca Toy Sovereign. Entered 1889 and left at close of Sophomore year. Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1893-96. Lawyer. Address, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Knipe, Arthur. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., (?) June 26, 1870. s. Oscar A. Knipe and . Entered 1886 and left 1891. Holder of College Record Stand- ing High Jump, 1 89 1, 4 ft. sH in- Address, 2221 Trinity Place, Phila., Pa. liippincott, Horace Greenough, Jr. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., (?) Aug. 10, 1871. s. Joshua W. Lippincott (Class i860) and Eliza Lippincott. Entered 1889 and left 1891. Woolen Merchant, m. . Address, Wyncote, Pa. Oberteuffer, James Pritchett. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 10, 1871. s. H. F. Oberteuffer and . Entered 1889 and left during the same year. Address, 1505 Locust St., Phila., Pa. Pemiypacker, William Gause, Jr. , [Science. b. Wilmington, Del, Sept. 26, 1872. s. William G. Penny- packer and S. A. Hollingsworth. Entered 1889 and left at mid- dle of Freshman year 1890. Manufacturer of Barrels, m. Nov. 9, 1898, Amelia Spencer Pyle. Address, Wilmington, Del. Read, William Johns, Jr. [Special, b. Cumberland, Md., (?) Dec. 24, 1870. s. Wilham Johns Read and . Entered 1889 and left during the year. Address, Cumberland, Md. Reeves, Francis Butler. [Science. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., May 20, 1873. s. Francis Brew- ster Reeves and Ellen Bernard Thompson. Entered 1889 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Clerk ; Salesman ; Whole- sale Grocer, m. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 16, 1897, Lillian Primrose. Address, 51 13 Pulaski Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Taylor, James Gurney. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1895.) [Science, b. Burlington, N. J., May 23, 1872. s. William Shipley Taylor (Class of 1869, Manager 1880-90) and Julia Clark Kirkbride. Entered 1889 and left at close of Sophomore year 1891. Studied at Medical School of Univ. of Pa. 1891-95; Pursued Gradu- ate Course at London, Eng., one year; Honorary Librarian to St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, Phila., Pa. ; Visiting 220 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1894 Physician to Pa. Institution for the Blind, Overbrook, Pa. ; Late Visiting Physician to St. Christopher's Hospital for Children ; Resident Physician at Mercer Memorial House for Invalid Women, Atlantic City,- N. J. ; Resident Physician at St. Christo- pher's Hospital for Children ; Resident Physician at Pa. Hospital, Phila. ; Asst. Surgeon of Nose, Throat and Ear Dispensary, Union Mission, Phila. ; Examining Physician for Mercer Memo- rial House, Atlantic City, N. J. ; for Children's Seashore Home, Atlantic City, N. J. ; Phila. Examiner and Surgeon for Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co. of San Francisco, Cal. ; Physician, m. Phila., Pa., Dec. 7, 1898, Mary Lippincott Richards. Address, 6041 Drexel Road, Phila., Pa. P. O., Overbrook, Pa. Wood, James Henry. [Science, b. Mass., Feb. 8, 1873. s. Jabez Wood and Mary Ogborn. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1889, and left 1890. Entered Sopho- more Class, Univ. of Penna., 1890, and left 1893. Address, 137 N. 20th St., Phila., Pa. 1894. Bartlett, Jarvis Henry, S.B. b. Tuckerton, N. J., Feb. 5, 1862. s. Jarvis Henry Bartlett and Martha Leeds. Entered Junior Class 1882 and left before close of the year. Completed course and passed special exami- nation 1894 for degree of S.B., and ranked with Class of 1894 on account of technicalities. Teacher. Principal of Friends' Select School, Phila., Pa., 1891 to date. m. Phila., Pa., June 22, 1893, Jane J. Wetherell. Address, 140 N. i6th St. and 247 N. 20th St., Phila., Pa. Beyerle, George Albert, A.B. b. Bernville, Pa., July 2, 1872. s. Wellington George Bey- erle, M.D., and Annie Elizabeth Hine. Entered Junior Class 1892. Studied West Chester Normal School three years. Travelling Salesman. Real Estate and Investments. Address, I Austin Building, Buffalo, N. Y. Chase, Oscar Marshall, SB. S.M., 1895. b. Chadds Ford, Pa., Dec. 16, 1872. s. James Anthony Chase (Class of 1865) and Mabel P^lma Marshall. Entered from Hazleton, Pa., 1890. General Honors and Honors in En- gineering, Graduate Student in Engineering 1894-95. In- structor in Drawing 1894-95. With Baldwin Locomotive Works 1895-96. Instructor in Drawing, etc., Haverford College 1896 to date; College Sec. 1897 to date. Address, Haverford, Pa. 1894] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 221 Collins, Charles, A.B. b. Purchase, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1872. s. Richard Smith Collins and Sarah Willets. Entered 1890. Sec. Class; Treas. Glee Club; Treas. Athletic Assoc. ; Gained First Prize One Mile Walk, Spring 1895. Clerk; Lawyer. Address, Purchase, N. Y., and 69 Wall St., New York City, Comfort, William Wistar, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1895 ; A.M., 1897.) b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., May 27, 1874. s. Howard Comfort (Class of 1870, Manager 1880 to date. Sec. of Board of Managers 1884 to date) and Susan Foulke Wistar. Entered 1890. Prest. Class Junior year; Prest. College Assoc. Senior year; Prest. Y. M. C. A. Senior year; Prest. Athenseum ; Hon- ors in Modern Languages. On First Cricket Eleven two years. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1894-97. Instructor in Modern Languages Haverford College 1897-98. Student in France and Germany 1898 to date. Address, 4675 Knox St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Coiiarcl, Henry Shoemaker, S.B. A.M., 1895. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 12, 1874. s. Thomas Pennington Conard and Rebecca Savery Baldwin. Entered Junior Class 1892. Re- ceived General Honors Senior year. Graduate Student, " Hav- erford Fellow," 1894-95. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Thesis for A.M., " On a Probable New Species of Tapeworm from the Common Fowl," Abstract published in Stiles's Review of the Adult Cestodes of Poultry, Washington, D. C. Studied Summer Schools Harvard Univ. 1895, and Clark Univ. 1897. Teacher Natural Sciences Westtown Boarding School, West- town, Pa., 1895. Fellow in Biology Univ. of Pa. 1 899-1 900. Member Botanical Soc. Pa. ; Lansdowne Natural History Soc. Address, Westtown, Pa., and Lansdowne, Pa. Dean, George Brookhonse, S.B. (M.D., Miami Medical Col- lege, 0., 1898.) b. Mount Auburn, Cincinnati, O., July 27, 1872. s. George H. Dean and Elizabeth L. Taylor. Entered Freshman Class 1 89 1 and completed the course in three years. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Wholesale Glass and Queensware Merchant 1894-95. Studied Medicine at Miami Medical College, O., 1895-98. "Interne" at Cincinnati, O., Hospital, receiving appointment as result of competitive examination. Address, 520 Prospect Place, Avondale, Cincinnati, O. 222 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1894 DeCou, John Allen, A.B. A.M., 1897. (A.B., Harvard, 1895.) b. Columbus, N. J., Apl. 30, 1874. s. Daniel DeCou and Ruthanna Leeds Allen. Entered Sophomore Class 1 89 1 . Won Second Prize for Systematic Reading 1893. Honors in Greek and Latin 1894. Entered Harvard Univ. 1894. Instructor Oak- wood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1895-96; Friends' Acad- emy, Moorestown, N. J., 1896-97. Address, 2120 Kittridge St., Berkeley, Cal. Farr, Clifford Bailey, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1898.) b. Vineland, N. J., Apl. 17, 1872. s. Lincoln Dow Farr and Hannah M. Bailey. Entered 1890. Studied Medicine Medical School, Univ. of Pa., 1894—98. Resident Physician Methodist Hospital, Phila., Pa., 1898 ; Resident Physician Hospital Protes- tant Episcopal Church, Phila., Pa., 1899 to date. Address, Episcopal Hospital, Front and Lehigh Ave., Phila., Pa., and Wenonah, N. J. Green, Kane Stovell, S.B. [Science, Mch. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 27, 1874. s. John P. Green, First Vice- Prest. Penna. R.R. Co., and Stovell. Entered 1890. Lawyer, m. Phila., Pa., June 9, 1898, Katharine Warren. Address, Haverford, Pa. Harvey, Anson Burlingame, S.B. A.M., 1895. b. near Baxter Springs, Kan., June 29, 1870. s. Cyrus Wil- son Harvey and Levina Jane Carter. Entered Junior Class 1892. Graduate Student in American History 1894-95. Asst. in Library 1894-95. Brest. Chess Club. Teacher Friends' Select School, Phila., Pa., 1895-96 ; Graduate Student Univ. of Pa., 1895-98 . Custodian of Dormitories, Univ. of Pa., 1897—98 ; Farmer 1898. Member American Branch Soc. of Psychical Re- search. Address, Galena, Kan. Haugliton, John Paul, A.B. b. Hanover, N. H., Apl. 10, 1872. s. James Haughton, D.D., and Augustine Mellet. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1889 and left 1892 at close of Junior year. Re-entered 1893. Treas. of Everett-Athenaeum. Insurance. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Hughes, James Edward, A.B. (A.B., Central High School, Phila., Pa., 1889; A.M., 1894.) b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 19, 1871. s. Asa Sellew Hughes and Jane Emma Molloy. Entered Junior year 1893. At Central High School, Phila., Pa., leaving 1889. Studied at Lehigh Univ., Pa., 1890-93. Asst. Principal and Teacher of Classics, New Berne High School, New Berne, N. C, 1894-95. Law Student in Univ. of Pa. Address, 511 Pine St., Phila., Pa. 1894] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 223 Morris, Samviel Wheeler, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 16, 1874. s. Frederick Wistar Morris (Class i860) and Elizabeth F. Paul. Entered Sophomore Class 1 891. With Girard Trust Co., Phila., Pa. Address, Girard Trust Co., Broad and Chestnut Sts., Phila., Pa. Palmer, Louis Jaqviette, A.B. b. West Chester, Pa., May 24, 1874. s. Eli Palmer and Marianna Smedley. Entered Freshman Class 1891 and com- pleted course in three years. Teacher and Principal Pottstown High School, Pottstown, Pa., two years. Instructor in West Chester State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. Law Student. Address, 17 Union St., West Chester, Pa. Quimby, Edward Entwisle, S.B. b. Phoenixville, Pa,, Feb. 10, 1874. s. Alden Walker Quimby and Malinda Jane Brower. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1890. Treas. of Class during Senior year. Draughtsman. City Engineer, Hazleton, Pa. With Lehigh Coal Co. Civil En- gineer. Address, 904 B St., S. W., Washington, D. C. Rex, Frank Clayton, A.B. (S.B., West Chester Normal School, Pa., 1892.) b. East Nantmeal, Pa., Feb. 14, 1872. s. Wilham Francis Rex and Elizabeth Ann Duchman. Entered Sophomore Class 1 891. At the West Chester Normal School received Degree of Bachelor of Elements 1888, Master of Elements 1895. Teacher in Public Schools, East Nantmeal, Pa. ; two years Assist. Prin- cipal of Damascus Friends' Academy, Damascus, O., 1894-95. Head of Depart, of English in West Chester State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. ; Instructor in Modern Languages, Boys' High School, Reading, Pa., 1897. Address, 927 Penn St., Reading, Pa. Ristine, Frederick Pearce, A.B. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., Nov. 11, 187 1. s. George C. Ristine and Susan Shank. Entered 1890. Manager and Prest. Football Assoc. ; Leader of Banjo Club 1893-94. With the Real Estate Trust Co. of Phila., Pa., June, 1894, to date. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Scarborough, Henry Wisnier Stover, S.B. A.M., 1895. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1896.) b. Lumberville, Bucks Co., Pa., July 24, 1870. s. Watson Scarborough and Annie M. Stover. Entered 1890. Studied at West Chester State Normal School 1887-90; Univ. of Pa. Law School 1890-94. Lawyer. Address, 522 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. 224 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1894 Stokes, Francis Joseph, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Dec. 25, 1873. s. Francis Stokes (Class 1852 ; Manager 1885 to date) and Katharine Wistar Evans. Entered 1891 ; Prest. of Cricket Assoc. Engineer and Machinist F. J. Stokes Machine Co, Address, Locust Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Strawbridge, William Justus, S.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Oct. 2, 1873. s. Justus Clayton Strawbridge (Manager 1883 to date) and Mary Lukens. Entered 1890. Captain of Football Team Fall of 1893 ; In Cramp's Ship Yard, Phila., Engine Dept. Address, School Lane, German- town, Phila., Pa. Taber, David Shearman, Jr., A.B. b. New York City, N. Y., June 6, 1873. s. David Shearman Taber and Elisabeth Underbill Wood. Entered 1890. Class Treas. 1891-92; Class Prest. 1893-94; Sec. Athletic Assoc. 1891-92; Prest. Everett- Athenaeum 1893-94; "Spoon Man;" Wholesale Marble Importer. Address, Greenwich, Conn,, and 24 Corlears St., New York City. Williams, Parker Shortridge, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 18, 1873. s. Henry U.Williams and Ella Souder. Entered 1890. Won Essay Prize Class of 1870; Prest. of Class Sophomore year ; Editor in Chief Haverfordian Senior year ; Member American Academy Political and Social Science ; Studied at Univ. of Pa. (Law School), Class of 1898. Lawyer; in Legal Department Pennsylvania Railroad. Address, Wynne- wood, Pa., or 1 212 Girard Building, Broad and Chestnut Streets, Phila., Pa. Non-Graduates. Beale, Horace Alexander, Jr. [Special, b. Feb. 10, 1870. s. Horace Alexander Beale and E. Mary Mendenhall. Entered from Parkesburg, Pa:, 1890 and left in 1892, end of Sophomore year. Address, Parkesburg, Pa. Busselle, Alfred. [Science, b. New York City, May 26, 1874. s. Samuel D. Busselle and Sarah Elizabeth Moss. Entered 1890 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Won First Prize Everett-Athenaeum Soc. Dec- lamation 1892; Treas. Everett-Athenaeum 1891-92; Treas, Foot- ball Assoc. 1891-92; Vice-Prest. Class Sophomore year ; Won First Prize Rope Climbing Midwinter Sports 1892. Architect. Address, 135 Madison Ave., New York City. 1894] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 22$ Foiilke, Edward Jeanes. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., May 24, 1874. s. W. G. Foulke and Anna E. Jeanes. Entered 1 890 and left at close of Freshman year. Two years at Princeton Univ. ; Clerk in Real Estate Dept., German- town Real Estate, Deposit & Trust Co., Phila., Pa. Address, 243 West Tulpehocken St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Harvey, Le Roy. [Arts, b. Wilmington, Del., Apl. 28, 1873. s. Huxley Harvey and . Entered 1890 and left Freshman year. With Wm. Ropes & Co., St. Petersburg, Russia, Oil Refiners, to 1899. Lumber, Address, Wilmington, Del., or Girard Building, Phila., Pa. Lancaster, George. (Ph.B., Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 111., 1899.) [Arts, b. Durham County, England, Jan. 8, 1868. s. George Lan- caster and Sarah Wood. Entered from Wyoming, Pa., 1890 and left at close of Sophomore year 1892. Studied at Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 111., two years ; Teacher. Address, Everett, Wash, Lewis, Eugene Caryl. [Special. b. near New Vienna, O., June 20, i860, s. Christopher Lewis and Louisa King Hallowell. Entered as Special Student 1892 and left 1894. Sec. of the College 1892-94. Studied at Miami Valley College, Springboro, O., 1879-80; Librarian West Chester State Normal School, West Chester, Pa. Author of "A History of the American Tariff 1789-1860," Chicago, 111., 1896. Address, New Vienna, O. Miller, Martin Nixon. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 3, 1873. s. Alfred Go wen Miller and Martha Brown Nixon. Entered 1890 and left at close of Junior year. Won One Mile Walk. With Electric Storage Battery Co. of Phila., Pa., 1894 to date ; Clerk, Asst. Draughtsman, Chief Draughtsman, Asst. Engineer. Private in Company D, First Regt. Pa. Nat. Guard. Address, 26 E. Walnut Lane, German- town, Phila., Pa. Morris, Howard. [Special. b. Coatesville, Pa., July 4, 1871. s. Charles Brooke Morris and Mary Jane Gross. Entered from Parkesburg, Pa., 1890, and left at close of the year. Stationary Engineer ; Machinist, m. June 22, 1893, E. Jane Osmond. Address, Parkesburg, Pa. Pancoast, William Howard. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 24, 1873. s. William Henry Pancoast, A.M., M.D. (Class of 1853) and Mary Gertrude Lewis. En- 15 226 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1894 tered i89oandleft in spring of 1893. Reporter; Asst. Sporting Editor ; Commercial Editor ; Exchange Editor ; Asst. News Editor, Phila. Evening Telegraph for four years. Banker and Broker. Served three years in Co. D, First Infantry ; First Lieut. Battery A, N. G. P., 1898 ; Second Lieut, and then First Lieut. Lt. Battery A, U. S. Vols., during Spanish War. Served in campaign in Porto Rico, mustered out Nov., 1898. m. Feb. 18, 1896, Mary Warburton. Address, 137 S. 5th St., Phila., Pa. tPinkliain, Charles Heber. [Arts. b. Canton, Ind., Dec. 12, 1872 ; d. Woonsocket, R. L, May 8, 1896. s. William Penn Pinkham and Emma CeciHa Curry. Entered from Lynn, Mass., 1890 and left at the close of the Freshman year, on account of ill-health. Rorer, Jonathan Taylor, Jr. (A.B., Colorado College, 1895.) [Arts. b. West Chester, Pa., Aug. 21, 1871. s. Jonathan Taylor Rorer (Capt. and Brevet Major 138th Regt. Pa. Vols.) and Helen V. Bitting. Entered from Hatboro', Pa., 1890 and left at the close of the Sophomore year. Editor of the Haveffordian 1892. Studied at Colorado College, Col., 1894-95, and in Graduate School of Univ. of Pa. 1896. Member Astronomical and Astrophysical Soc. of America ; Amer. Assoc, for Ad- vancement of Science. Instructor in English and Mathematics Colorado College 1894-95 ; Asst. Director Colorado Summer School 1895 ; Instructor in Mathematics Central High School Phila., Pa., 1895-99 J Asst Prof. 1899 to date. m. Phila., Pa., June 14, 1899, Mabel Marion Ballou. Address, Glenside, Pa., and Central High School, Phila., Pa. Shoemaker, Benjamin Hallowell (2d). [Science. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Mch. 3, 1872. s. Benjamin Hal- lowell Shoemaker (Manager 1880 to date) and Susan Brinton Trump. Entered 1890 and left during the Junior year. Glass Merchant. Address, 144 E. Coulter St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Thomas, Frank Snowclen. [Science, b, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 15, 1873. s. James Carey Thomas, M.D., (Class of 185 1, Manager 1860-97) and Mary Whitall. Entered 1890 and left during the Freshman year. Sec. and Treas. Battersby Mercantile Agency. Photo-Engraving. Ad- dress, Alpha Photo-Engraving Co., 217 E. German St., Balti- more, Md. 1895] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 2 2/ Walker, Frank Diiiwidclie. [Special, b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 29, 1873. s. Henry Howard Walker and Esther . Entered 1890 and left 1891 at close of Fresh- man year. Electrician. Address, 1722 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Warden, Herbert Watson. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 13, 1872. s. William G. Warden and Sarah W. Bushnell. Entered 1890 and left at close of Sopho- more year 1892. Treas. and Manager, m. Alice Pardee. Ad- dress, Wissahickon Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Warden, Nelson Buslinell. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 3, 1874. s, WiUiam G. Warden and Sarah W. Bushnell. Entered 1890 and left at close of Junior year, 1893. Secretary. Member Phila. First City Troop Spanish War 1898. Address, School Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Wood, Arnold. [Science. b. New York, Sept. 23, 1872. s. William Henry S. Wood (Class of 1859) ^^'^ Mary Emma Congdon. Entered 1890; left close of Freshman year. Studied at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1891-92. Publisher, m. Nov. 11, 1896, Ethel Hartshorne. Address, 5 i 5th Ave., New York City, N. Y. 1895- Bettle, Samuel, Jr., A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 24, 1874. s. Edward Bettle, Jr. (Class of 1861, Manager 1872 to date ; Sec. of Corporation 1875-83 ; Sec. of Board of Managers 1877-83 ; Treas. 1883-84) and Elizabeth H. Tatnall. Entered 1891. In Battery A, U. S. Vols., 1898. Manufacturer's Agent. Address, 514 Walnut St., Phila., Pa., and Haverford, Pa. Blanchard, Edmund, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1899.) b. Bellefonte, Pa., Feb. 20, 1873. s. Evan Miles Blanchard and Eliza Thomas Harris. Entered 1891. Alumni Prize Orator 1894, Vice Prest. of Class three years. Won One Mile and Half- Mile Races every year 1891-95 ; Holder of College Record in both. Studied Law in Bellefonte, Pa., 1895-96. Student Law School Univ. of Pa. 1896-99. Elected Chief Burgess of Belle- fonte, Pa., Feb., 1900. Lawyer. Address, Bellefonte, Pa. Brown, Samuel Hulme, A.B. b. Norristown, Pa., Dec. 10, 1874. s. William Henry Brown and Elizabeth Kirkbride Hulme. Entered Junior Class 1893. Bookkeeper Phila. and Reading R.R. Address, 52 East Coulter St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. 228 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1895 Coiiklin, Frank Henry, A.B. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Mch. 30, 1873. s. William Conklin and Ellen Coffin Ladd. Entered 1891. Vice-Prest. Class Freshman year; Prest. Class Senior year; Prest. Athletic Assoc. 1894-95 ; Prest. Tennis Assoc. ; Vice-Prest. Football Assoc. ; Won High- est Honor Medal in Gymnasium Work, and several Athletic Field Prizes. Teller, Girard Trust Co., Phila., Pa. Address, Girard Trust Co., Broad and Chestnut Sts., Phila., Pa. Cookman, Charles Howlancl, A.B. b. Wilmington, Del., Mch. 2, 1873. s. John Emory Cookman, D.D., and Margaret Smith Howland. Passed Entrance Exam- inations for Columbia College, N. Y., 1891 ; Entered Haverford College 1891 ; Orator Junior Class Day 1894 ; Prest. Y. M. C. A. Senior year; Editor Haverfordian three years ; Member Banjo Club three years; Won One Mile Bicycle Race 1893, second place twice, and third place once ; Gen. Sec. Wilmington Y. M. C. A. 1895 ; Private Sec. to S. M. Sanford in Religious Work in Col- leges of West and South ; Teacher Greek, Latin and Ancient History in Friends' School, Wilmington, Del., and in charge of Boys' High School (Friends' School), Wilmington, Del., 1896-98 ; Local Preacher Grace Methodist Church, Wilmington, Del., 1896- 98. Student Drew Theological Sem. 1899 to date. Address, 805 Brown St., Wilmington, Del. Engle, James Linton, A.B, b. Haddonfield, N. J., May 6, 1874. s. Joseph Engle and Margaret Taylor DeCou. Entered Sophomore Class 1892. Won First Prize for Systematic Reading 1894; Graduate Student in Latin 1895 to early in 1896 ; Asst. in Library 1895-96 ; In em- ploy John C. Winston & Co., Publishers "American Friend," 1896 to date. m. Haddonfield, N. J., Apl. 12, 1899, Florence Hill Redman. Address, Haddonfield, N. J., and 718 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Evans, Joseph Spragg^, Jr., A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1899.) b. West Chester, Pa., Mch. 6, 1875. s. Joseph Spragg Evans and Ruth Peirce. Entered 1891. Studied Medicine Univ. of Pa. ; Resident Physician University Hospital, Phila., Pa. Address, West Chester, Pa. Goodman, WilUam, S.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1896.) b. Cincinnati, O., July 8, 1874. s. William Austin Goodman and Grace Hastings Griswold. Entered 1891. Prest. of Class 1892-93. At Harvard Univ. 1895-96. Designer with the 1895] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 220 Laidlaw-Dunn-Gordon Co., Cincinnati, O. Asst. Engineer U. S. N. with rank of Ensign 1898 (stationed at League Island). Address, No. 8, The Ortiz, Cincinnati, O. Harris, Henry John, A.B. (A.B., Central High School, Phila., Pa., 1892.) b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 10, 1873. s. John Thomas Harris and Elizabeth Saville. Entered Freshman Class 1892 and completed course in three years. Won Second Prize for Systematic Read- ing in Junior year. Honors in Economics on Graduating. Studied Economics and History, Univ. of Pa., 1895-97; at Halle, Germany, 1897-98 ; at Berlin, Germany, and at London, England, 1 898-99. Member of Amer. Academy of Political and Social Science. Student Economics and History, Univ. of Pa., 1899 to date. Address, 913 Diamond St., Phila., Pa. Hay, Arthur Moorhead, S.B. b. Beirut, Syria, Feb. 27, 1872. s. John Baldwin Hay, U. S. Consul-General to Syria, and Cora Holmes Badger. Entered from Phila., Pa., Freshman Class Feb., 1892. At Lehigh Univ., Pa., 1891 ; Univ. of Pa. 1896; in Draughting Depart. Baldwin Locomotive Works ; Electrical Laboratories of Queen & Co., Phila., Pa. Address, 4041 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Hay, Erroll Baldwin, S.B. b. Beirut, Syria, Mch. 28, 1873. s. John Baldwin Hay, U. S. Consul-General to Syria, and Cora Holmes Badger. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1891. Sec. Class 1891 ; Vice-Prest. 1895. Clerk in Banker's and Broker's Office. Address, 4041 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Hilles, William Smedley, SB. b. Phila., Pa., June 23, 1875. s. William Smedley Hilles and Mary Webster Smedley. Entered Sophomore Class 1892. With "Evening Bulletin." Address, 1829 Oxford St., Frankford, Phila., Pa. Lieeds, John Bacon, S.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Dec. 24, 1874. s. Josiah Wood- ward Leeds and Deborah Anne Crenshaw. Entered from Seal, Pa., Junior Class 1893. Won Hitch and Kick Championship 1894; Gold Medal for first in Wands, Dumb-bells and Indian Clubs 1895 ; Chess Championship 1895. In Penn Nat. Bank, Phila., Pa., 1895-98. Associate Editor "Washington State Journal." Sec. 7th and 8th Ward Assoc. Municipal League, Phila., Pa. Address, Seal, Pa. 230 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1895 Lippiiicott, George, A.B. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1896.) b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 29, 1875. s. Horace Greenough Lip- pincott (Class 1862) and Caroline Rowland. Entered 1891. Prest. Class Junior year. Prest. College Assoc. Prest. Cricket Club. Entered Senior Class Harvard Univ. 1895. Wholesale Grocery Business. Address, 21 N. Water St., Phila., Pa. Taylor, Charles Clifford, SB. b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 26, 1876. s. Charles Shoemaker Taylor (Class of 1871, Manager 1876-1880) and Rebecca Hughes. En- tered 1 89 1. Insurance; Real Estate. Address, West End Trust Building, Phila., Pa. Thomas, Allen Curry, S.B. A.M., 1896. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa.) b. Phila., Pa., May 27, 1874. s. Glendon L. Thomas, M.D., and Margretta Frances Curry. Entered 1891. Class Sec. ; Sec. Everett- Athenaeum ; Vice-Prest. same. Honors in History 1895. Held College Record in 220 yards Dash, Standing High and Spring Board Jumps, tied 100 yards record; in Cricket season 1895 won both Second Eleven Batting and Bowhng Prizes. Member Football Team ; On Cricket Eleven English Tour, 1896. Graduate Student in History and Asst. in Mechanical Drawing Room and Machine Shop, 1895-96. Principal of Night School, Phila., Pa., 1896-97. Student in Law School, Univ. of Pa. Author " Haverford College Cricket," in "Outing," 1896, Lawyer. Address, 2830 Frankford Ave., Phila., Pa., and 807 Land Title and Trust Co. Building. Thomas, Henry Evan, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 31, 1875. s. William Paca Thomas and Caroline Bullock Hodges. Entered 189 1. Received Honors in Chemistry Senior year ; Treas. Class Sophomore year ; Captain Second Cricket Eleven Junior year. Member Phi Beta Kappa, 1899. Special Student in Chemistry, Mass. Institute of Tech- nology, 1895-96. Chemist at Cambridgeport, Mass., 1896-97. Real Estate. Address, Room 8, 55 Liberty St., New York City. Webster, Walter Coates, S.B. b. Coatesville, Pa., Sept. 24, 1872. s. Ezra Webster and Gertrude Coates. Entered 1891. Vice-Prest. Class of 1895 ; Vice-Prest. Loganian Society ; Captain of Football Team, 1894. Instructor in History at Friends' Central School, 1 5th and Race Sts., Phila., Pa. Member Historical Society of Pa. Address, S. W. Cor. 15th and Race Sts., Phila., Pa. 1895] matriculate catalogue. 23 1 Non-Graduates. Brown, Francis Head. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 20, 1874. s. Amos Peaslee Brown and Frances Brown. Entered 1891 and left at close of Freshman year. Bookkeeper in Trust Co. Address, Stenton Ave., Ger- mantown, Phila., Pa. Carter, Charles Lybrand. [Special. b. , Md., (?). s. J. L. Carter and . Entered 1 891 and left 1892. Last address, Singerly, Md. fDerderian, Nazaret Kevork. [Special, b. Constantinople, Turkey, (?) 1866; d. Chicago, 111., 1898. Entered 1891 as special student in Biology and Physiology, and left 1892. Studied at Robert College, opposite Constanti- nople, Turkey. Studied in Chicago to prepare himself for a Medical Missionary in Armenia. tOardner, Larner Somers. [Science, b. Atlantic City, N. J., (?) Jan. 27, 1874; d. Aug. 7, 1894. s. John J. Gardner, M.C., and , Entered 1890. Died during summer vacation. Griffith, Joseph Henry Oglesby. [Special. b. Pau, France, May 26, 1872. s. John R. Griffith and Jo- sephine Sidney Oglesby. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1891 and left Jan. 1892. Address, 220 S. 4th St., Phila., Pa. Johnson, Charles Hadley. [Science, b. Topeka, Kan., (?) Dec. 14, 1872. s. G. Y. Johnson and . Entered 1891 and left 1892. Address, Topeka, Kan. Male, Jonathan Taniblyn. (A.B., Univ. of Rochester, 1895; M.D., Univ. of Buffalo, N. Y., 1898.) [Arts, b. Beech Lake, Pa., Oct. 14, 1868. s. J. C. Male and Ann Spry. Entered 1891 and left at close of Sophomore year. Studied at Univ. of Rochester, N. Y., 1894-95 ; Univ. of Buffalo, N. Y., Medical School, 1895-98; Physician. Address, 1713 Sanderson Ave., Scranton, Pa. Miller, Harry March. [Science. b. Oxford, Pa., (?) Feb. 11, 1872. s. J. P. Miller and . Entered 1891 and left 1892. Stove Manufacturer. Address, care of March & Brumbach Stove Co., Pottstown, Pa. Morris, Alfred Paul. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 2, 1875. s. William Henry Morris (Class 1863) and Salhe Wheeler Paul. Entered 189 1; left during Senior 232 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1896 year 1895. Inspector, m. Bryn Mawr, Pa., May 31, 1899, Mil- dred Wain. Address. 1608 Market St., Phila., Pa. O'Neill, John Lainoiid. [Special, b. , May 24, 1872. s. Thomas J. O'Neill and . En- tered from Haverford, Pa., 1891 and left Freshman year. Ad- dress, Haverford, Pa. Supplee, William Wagner. [Special, b. Gulf Mills, Pa., Oct. 10, 1874. s. Henderson Supplee and Elizabeth Ellen Wagner. Entered 1891; left close of Sophomore year 1893. Winner Haines Prize Fielding Cricket Belt 1893. Holder of College Record (to date) Throwing Baseball 339 ft. 4 in.; Manuf of Flour, m. Jan. 3, 1895, Isabella Lennen. Ad- dress, Gulf Mills, Pa. Tatnall, Samuel Alsop. [Special. b. Wilmington, Del., May 23, 1873. s. Edward Tatnall, Jr., and Rachel Alsop. Entered 1891 and left Freshman year. Draughtsman, m. Phila., Pa., June 15, 1895, Helen Acton. Address, 643 N. 43d St., Phila., Pa. Wood, Graliame. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 6, 1873. s. George Wood (Class of 1862) and Mary Sharpless Hunn. Entered 1891 and left at close of Sophomore year. Manufacturer. Address, 626 Chest- nut St., Phila., Pa. 1896. Adams, Douglas Howe, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1897.) b. Cape May City, N. J., Aug. 12, 1876. s. Samuel Douglas Adams and Sophie Hampton. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1892. Honors in Greek and Latin and General Honors, 1896. Treas. Cricket Assoc. Vice-Prest. Cricket Assoc. Member Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896. Sec. Y. M. C. A. Mem- ber Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Honorable mention in Greek at Harvard. Tutor summer of 1897. Master at Cloyne House School, Newport, R. I., 1897-98. Instructor Haverford College Grammar School 1898 to date. Address, 316 S. 21st St., Phila., Pa., and Haverford, Pa. Allen, George Raymond, A.B. (A.B., Guilford College, N. C, 1895.) b. Bordentown, N. J., Mch. 21, 1876. s. William Williams Allen and Linda Rogers. Entered from Greensboro', N. C, Senior Class 1895. Student at Guilford College, N. C, 1892- 95. Teacher 1897. Clerk 1898. Asst. Cashier Freight Depart. 1896] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 233 P.R.R., New York City. Address, 135 Mercer St., Jersey City, N.J. Alsop, William Kite, S.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., July 26, 1872. s. Samuel Alsop, Jr., A.M. (Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Superinten- dent 1876-78) and Esther Kite. Entered 1892. Honors in Chemistry, Senior year. Prest. Class Senior year. Member Amer. Chemical Soc. Asst. Chemist The United States Leather Co., New York City. Address, 30 Ferry St., New York City. Bettle, William Hemy, S.B. b. Oaklyn, N. J., Dec. 25, 1874. s. William Bettle (Com- missioner of Banking and Insurance, State of New Jersey) and Mary Offley Sharpless. Entered 1892. Manager Cricket Team 1896. In Engineering Department of International Navi- gation Co., Phila., Pa. Address, Oaklyn, N. J., and 307 Wal- nut St., Phila., Pa. Breclit, Samuel Kriebel, S.B. b. Worcester, Pa., Dec, 14, 1869. s, John E. Brecht and Sarah Kriebel. Entered Sophomore Class 1893. Prest. College Chess Club 1895-96. Student West Chester State Normal School 1888-91. Received degree of B.E. 1891 and M.E. 1893 from West Chester State Normal School. Teacher Perkiomen Seminary, Pennsburg, Pa., 1896-97. Insurance Solicitor 1897- 98. Asst. Principal Pottstown, Pa., High School 1898; Prin- cipal, 1898. Principal Rushford Union Schools, Rushford, N. Y. m. Rushford, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1898, Alberta Williams. Address, Rushford, Allegany Co., N. Y. Brooke, Mark, A.B. b. Columbia, S. C, Aug. 27, 1876. s. Major John Brooke (Surgeon U. S. A.) and Esther Wilhng. Entered 1892. Won first prize Annual Gymnasium Contests 1894 and 1895. Law Student Univ. of Pa. 1896; Entered West Point 1898. Ad- dress, Radnor, Pa. Clauser, Milton, A.B. b. Shartlesville, Pa., Dec. 30, 1867. s. Adam Clauser and Ma- tilda Nunemacher. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1892. Won Alumni Prize in Composition and Oratory 1896; Subject: "Science ^'j-. Ancient Classics." Won i mile walk 1893 (Record); same 1894; same 1895 (Record); same 1896; Pole Vault 1896. Studied at Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown, Pa., 1887- 89, receiving Degree B.E. Received Degree M.E. 1890. Teacher 234 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1896 of Manual Training and Drawing, Ashland High School, Denver, Col. m. May i8, 1888, Anna H. Hettinger. Address, North Side High School, Denver, Col. Coca, Arthur Fernandez, A.B. A.M., 1899. b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 20, 1875. s. Joseph Lina Fernandez- Coca and Augustine Ware. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1892. Divided the Second Prize for Systematic Reading 1895 ; Won First Prize for Cross-Country Run 1893 ; Horizontal Bar Jump in Gymnasium. Member Cricket Eleven English Tour 1896; Medical Student Univ. of Pa. 1 896 to date ; Special Student in Biological Depart, Haverford College, 1897-99. Organist, Presbyterian Church, Wayne, Pa. Address, Wayne, Pa. Deuell, George Henry, A.B. b. Bangall, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1873. s. George S. Deuell and Maria L. Haight. Entered Sophomore Class 1 893. Sec. and Treas. Class 1895-96. Editor Havcrfordian 1895-96. Won Class of 1870 Prize in English Composition; General Honors Senior year. Highest Honors in Political Science and Economics. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Student Agricultural School, Cornell Univ., N. Y., 1897-98. Farmer. Address, Bangall, N. Y. Haines, Thomas Harvey, A.B. A.M., 1897. (A.M., Harvard, 1899.) b. Moorestown, N. J., Nov. 4, 1871. s. Zebedee Haines (Class 1867) and Anna Philips Harvey. Entered from West- town, Pa., Sophomore Class 1893. Sec. Loganian Soc. 1894— 95; Prest. of Council and Vice-Prest. do. 1895-96; Sec. of Col- lege 1894-96. Won second place on Parallel Bars and third on Horse in Gymnasium Exhib. 1893-94 and 1895-96. Honors in Chemistry Senior year. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Teacher Chemistry, Westtown Boarding School, Westtown, Pa., 1897. Graduate Student Harvard Univ. 1897-99. Address, West Grove, Pa. Hartley, Albert Dempsey, S.B. b. East Bethlehem, Pa., Jan. 26, 1868. s. Isaiah L. Hartley and Mary Elliot Rankin. Entered from Camden, N. J., Sopho- more Class 1893. Won first place in 880 yards run and third place in 100 yards run. Track Athletics (Class contest) 1894; second place 880 yards run and second place mile run. College Sports 1894; first place 440 yards run and second place 880 yards run. College Sports 1895 ; third place mile run in contest Princeton, N. J., May, 1896 ; two prize medals for individual work 1896] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 235 in Gymnasium 1895-96; second place Parallel Bars and third place Horizontal Bar, Winter Sports 1895 ; won places on Hori- zontal Bar and Rings 1896. Studied at Harvard University 1896-97; Univ. of Pa. 1897-98. Teacher; Instructor Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pa., 1898 to date. m. June 28, 1898, Ella Selecta Eisenberg. Address, Parker Ford, Chester Co., Pa. Hinclunan, Charles Russell, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 21, 1875. s. Charles Shoemaker Hinch- man and Lydia Swain Mitchell. Entered Senior Class 1895. Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1892-95. Member Cricket Eleven English Tour 1896. Sec. and Treas. Address, 3635 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Himsicker, John Quincy, Jr., S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 22, 1875. s. John Quincy Hunsicker and Mary Elton Stiles. Entered 1892. Vice-Prest. Class Freshman year. Left at close of Freshman year and returned in 1894. In employ of Equitable Trust Co., Phila., Pa., 1897. Entered Law Depart., Univ. of Pa., 1897. Address, 3523 N. 22d St., Phila., Pa. Lester, JoIid Ashby, A.B. A.M., 1897. (A.M., Harvard Univ., 1898.) b. Penrith, Cumberland, England, Aug. i, 1872. Entered from Westport, Mo., 1892. Won Class of 1870 Prize in Compo- sition 1895, and First Prize for Systematic Reading 1895 ; Gen- eral Honors in Senior year. Prest. Class 1892 ; Prest. Athletic Assoc. 1896; Prest. Cricket Assoc. 1896. Won various athletic events 1892-97. Cope Prize Bat 1892-96 ; Shakespeare Bat 1892, etc. Capt. Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896. Grad- uate Student in English 1896-97, " Haverford Fellow." First Holder of Haverford Graduate Fellowship, 1897-98, Harvard Univ. Address, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Maier, Paul David Irvin, A.B. (A.B., Central High School, Phila., Pa., 1892.) b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 15, 1874. s. William Maier and Rosina E, Koege. Entered 1892. Sec. of Class. Received Silver Medal for Individual Development 1896 and pair of Indian Clubs for Fancy Club Swinging. Business Manager of Havcrfordiaii 1895- 96. Clerk 1896-97; Student Law School, Univ. of Pa., 1898 to date. Address, 2242 N. Broad St., Phila., Pa. Middletoii, Samuel, S.B. b. Wilmington, Del., Mch. 3, 1875. s. Samuel Middleton and EmiHe K. Pusey. Entered 1892. Inspector in Engineer and Tests Depart. B. & O. R.R. Co., Mt. Clare Shops, Baltimore, 236 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1896 Md. Mechanical Engineer. Address, Mt. Clare Shops, B. &. O. R.R., Baltimore, Md. Nason, Charles Dickens, S.B. (A.B., Central High School, Phila., Pa. Ph.D., Univ. of Pa., 1899.) b. Lagrange, Me., Apl. i6, 1874. s. Edwin Hersey Nason and Georgiana Johnson. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1893 and com- pleted course in three years. Studied at Central High School, Phila., Pa., 1889-93; Univ. of Pa., 1896-99; Winner of First Prize for two years' Reading Course ; Sec. of Class Fresh- man year; Member of Graduate Club, Univ. of Pa., 1897- 99; Prest. 1898-99; Sec. Kensington Centre, Univ. Extension, 1897-99; Member of Biological Club, Univ. of Pa., 1897-99; Graduate Student in Pedagogy, Psychology and Zoology, Univ. Pa.; "Harrison Fellow" in Pedagogy, Univ. of Pa., 1897-99; Author of "Some Biological Aspects of Child Study," "Edu- cation," Dec, 1897; "Jefferson and Washington on National Education," " Education," Nov., 1898 ; several articles in " Pop- ular Educator" and "School Journal;" and of "The Schools of the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge among the Germans of Pa." (thesis, MSS., Univ. of Pa.) ; Prof. Pedagogy Tri-State Normal College, Angola, Ind. Address, Angola, Ind., or 26 11 Franklin St., Phila., Pa. Scatterg'oocl, Joseph Henry, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1897.) b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 26, 1877. s. Thomas Scattergood and Sarah Garrett. Entered 1892. Studied at Harvard Univ. 1896-97; General Honors in Senior year ; Honors in Mathematics ; Sec. and Treas. of Class ; Prest. Y. M. C. A. during Senior year ; Prest. Tennis Assoc. ; Treas. of same ; Business Manager of the Havcrfordian 1894-95 ; Wicket Keeper of First Eleven Junior and Senior years ; Holder of Haines Prize Fielding Belt Junior year ; Member and Wicket Keeper of Haverford English Cricket Team Tour 1896; Member of First Football Team 1896, Sophomore and Senior years ; Holder of Highest Honor Medals for Gymna- sium Work ; Member of Relay Team (2d Swarthmore trial) Junior year ; Member Phi Beta Kappa 1 899 ; With American Pulley Co. 1898-99 ; With J. M. Sharpless Co., Dye Stuffs, Phila., Pa. Address, 3515 Powelton Ave., Phila., Pa. Way, Marshall Warren, S.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1899.) b. West Chester, Pa., Aug. 6, 1874. s. Marshall S. Way and Anna E. Smedley. Entered Freshman Class middle of the year 1893. Sec. College Assoc. ; Treas. Athletic Assoc. ; Studied Univ. of Pa. (Law Dept.) 1 896-99 ; Lawyer. Address, West Chester, Pa. 1896] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 237 Webster, Homer Jeptha, SB. A.M., 1897. b. Quaker City, O., Feb. i, 1871. s. Jeptha Sharp Webster and Hannah Ann Hall. Entered 1892. Alumni Prize Orator 1895; Subject : " Genius." Graduate Student in Mathematics and His- tory 1896-97; Asst. Librarian 1896-97; Teacher. Address, Bethel College, Newton, Kan. Wood, Levi HoUingsworth, A.B. (LL.B., Columbia Univ., 1899. b. Mount Kisco, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1873. s. James Wood (Class of 1858, Manager 1885 to date) and Emily Hollingsworth Morris. Entered 1892; Honors in Modern Languages 1896; Prest. of College Assoc, in 1896 ; Prest. of Class of 1896 in 1895 ; " Spoon Man;" Captain of Football Team in Fall of 1895 ; Member of Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896; Studied Law Columbia Univ. Lawyer. Address, Mount Kisco, Westchester Co., N. Y. Non-Graduates. Babb, Maurice J. [Science. b. Marshallton, Pa., Oct. 10, 1870. s. H. W. Babb and . Entered Junior Class 1894 and left at close of the year. Teacher. Address, Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa. Brintoii, HoTvarcl Futhey. [Arts, b. West Chester, Pa., Sept. 28, 1872. s. Dr. WiUiam Bowen Brinton and Ida Parkinson Futhey. Entered 1892 and left Sophomore year 1894. Address, West Chester, Pa, Field, Thomas Yardley, Jr. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 2, 1873. s. Thomas Yardley Field and Margaret Mary Elliot. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1892 and left at close of Sophomore year. Clerk. In Div. A., ist Batt. Naval Force of Pa. 1897. In Signal Corps Navigator's Div. and Div. Yeoman 1898. Address, Wayne, Pa. fHuey, Robert, Jr. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., June 10, 1875 ; d. 189-. s. Robert Huey and . Entered 1892 and left 1894. Okie, Ricliardson Brognard. (S.B., Univ. of Pa., Architect. Depart., 1897.) [Science. b. Camden, N. J., June 26, 1875. s. Richardson Brognard Okie, M.D., and Clara Mickle. Entered from Berwyn, Pa., 1892 and left at close of Sophomore year. Architect. Address, 1420 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. 238 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1897 Olver, Cyrus Hicks. [Special, b. Beech Pond (now Beech Lake), Pa., Aug. 26; 1868. s. James A. Olver and . Entered 1892 and left Freshman year. Address, Beech Lake, Pa. fRoberts, Tlionias Batten. [Science, b. Whitford, Pa., May 16, 1875 ; d. Whitford, Pa., Nov. 25, 1892. s. Samuel J. Roberts and Phebe Taylor. Entered 1892 and left on account of illness. Sharpless, William Clemson. [Science. b. , Pa., Nov. 3, 1874. s. J. Clemson Sharpless and Lydia C. Johnson. Entered Junior Class, Partial course, 1894, and left at close of Senior year. Received Certificate of Pro- ficiency in Chemistry. Address, care of J. Clemson Sharpless, West Chester, Pa. 1897. Brown, Richard Cadbviry, A.B. b. Westtown, Pa., July 28, 1877. s. Thomas Kite Brown and Caroline Cadbury. Entered Sophomore year. Asst. Editor Haverfordicxn 1895-96; Editor-in-Chief 1896-97. Teacher Westtown Boarding School 1897-98. Student at Harvard 1898 to date. Address, Westtown, Pa. Burns, William John, S.B. b. Chester, Pa., July 27, 1877. s. James Burns and Martha Trainor. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1893. Won two Highest Honor Medals in Gymnasium Contests. Clerk. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Darlington, 'Morton Pennock, A.B. b. Norway, Pa., Aug. 15, 1875. s. Edward Brinton Darling- ton and Elizabeth Townsend. Entered 1893. Treas. Class 1896-97. Clerk in National Bank, Kennett Square. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. m. Kennett Square, Pa., Oct. 13, 1898, Sara Barnard. Address, Norway, Pa. Dean, Morris Burgess, S.B. b. Mount Auburn, Cincinnati, O., Jan. 17, 1876. s. George H. Dean and EHzabeth L. Taylor. Entered Freshman Class 1894 and completed the course in three years. Prest. Class 1896-97 ; Sec. Musical Assoc. ; Vice-Prest. Class ; Treas. Football Assoc. ; Treas. Athletic Assoc. Vice-Prest. Y. M. C. A. In Advertising Depart, of Proctor & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, O. Address, The Cumberland, Avondale, Cincinnati, O. 1897] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 239 Detwiler, Frank Hughes, S.B. b. Norristown, Pa., Aug. 8, 1876. s. Christian Heebner Det- wiler and Elizabeth Allabough. Entered 1893. Civil Engineer. Address, 542 Swedes St., Norristown, Pa. Field, Elliot, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 27, 1875. s. Thomas Yardley Field and Margaret Mary Elliot. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1893. Alumni Prize Orator 1897. Subject: "A Lesson from History." Stu- dent General Theological Seminary, New York City. Address, Wayne, Pa. Gilpin, Vincent, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1898.) b. Delaware Co., Pa., July 31, 1874. s. John Robinson Gil- pin and Emma Elizabeth Bowers. Entered 1894 from West Chester, Pa., and completed course in three years. Sec. Ath- letic Assoc. 1895-97; Leader Banjo Club 1896-97. Holder of Record for High Kick 1895. Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Address, 526 North Church St., West Chester, Pa. Hoffman, Benjamin Rose, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., May 3, 1878. s. Sellers Hoffman and Jessie Watson. Entered Sophomore Class 1894. Clerk with Girard Trust Co., Phila., Pa. Address, 60th St. near Baltimore Ave., Phila., Pa. Howson, Charles Henry, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 27, 1876. s. Charles Howson and Augustine Ware, Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1893. Prest. Class Junior year; Prest. College Assoc. ; Capt. Cricket Eleven 1896- 97 ; four years on Cricket Eleven ; two years on College Relay Team ; Member Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896. Vice- Prest. Loganian. Student Law School, Univ. of Pa., 1897. Address, Wayne, Pa. Hume, John Elias, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 16, 1875. s. Robert Hume and Eleanor Cascaden. Entered 1893. Vice-Prest. Class 1894; Prest. Class 1894-95. Address, 1703 Montgomery Ave., Phila., Pa. Jacobs, Francis Brinton, S.B. b. West Chester, Pa., Sept. 22, 1874. s. Francis Jacobs and Jennie Brinton Johnson. Entered 1893. Winner in various Gymnastic Contests. Student at Univ. of Pa. Address, West Chester, Pa. Maxfield, Francis Norton, A.B. b. Sandwich, Mass., Aug. 29, 1877. s. Daniel Cook Max- field and Alice Rogers Wing. Entered from Amesbury, Mass., 240 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [l897 1893. Prest. Class 1896; Manager Football Assoc. 1896-97. Instructor at Oak Grove, Seminary, Vassalboro', Me. Address, 1 12 Railroad Ave., Amesbury, Mass., and Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro', Me. McCrea, Roswell Cheney, A.B. b. Norristown, Pa., July 30, 1876. s. William Henry Harrison McCrea and Fredericka Frankfurter. Entered 1893. Treas. of Class ; Vice-Prest. of Class Senior year ; Honors in Political Economy ; Studied at Columbia Univ. School of Political Science 1897-98 ; Student Univ. of Pa. 1898 ; Cornell Univ. 1899. Ad- dress, Norristown, Pa. Meiidenhall, Ottis Earl, A.B., A.M., 1898. (A.B., Guilford, N. C, 1896.) b. Jamestown, N. C, June 5, 1875. s. James N. Mendenhall and Martha Fiorina Wheeler. Entered from Lexington, N. C, Senior Class, 1896 ; Graduate Student in English 1897-98 ; Asst. Librarian 1897-98; Studied at Guilford College, N. C, 1891-95 ; Prof, of History and Latin, Bridgewater College, Va., 1898. Address, Bridgewater, Va. Palmer, George Martin, S.B. b. Media, Pa., Mch. 14, 1876. s. Lewis Palmer and Mary Comfort Wildman. Entered Junior Class 1895. Sec. of Class ; Sec. Everett -Athenaeum ; Won First Prize in Dumb-bells 1897 ; Second Prize in Wand Exercise 1896; Second Prize in Indian Clubs 1897. Clerk, Dyewood Extr. Manufacture. Address, Media, Pa. Rodney, Warren Brown, A.B. b. Marksboro', N. J., Dec. 28, 1876. s. Caleb Hun Rodney and Ann Sipple Waples. Entered from Broomall, Pa., 1893. Holder College Record 440 yards Dash, S2i/4 sec, and Spring Board Jump. Clerk; Teacher of Latin Eastburn Acad. 1898- 99 ; Friends' Central School, Phila., Pa., 1899 to date. Graduate Student Univ. of Pa. 1899 to date. Address, Broomall, Pa. Tatnall, Charles Gibbons, S.B. b. Wilmington, Del., May 20, 1876. s. Charles Moon Tatnall and Rebecca Lukens Gibbons. Entered from Coatesville, Pa., Junior Class, 1895. Iron Manufacturer, m. Phila., Pa., Jan. 31, 1900, Esther Dawson Stone. Address, Coatesville, Pa. Taylor, William Jordan, SB. b. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 7, 1874. s. William Henry Taylor, M.D., and Mary Haynes. Entered Freshman Class in 1894 and 1897] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 24 1 completed Course in three years. Won Prize for Individual Im- provement in Gymnasium 1897 ; Treas. Class ; Leader of Man- dolin Club. Address, 553 W. 7th St., Cincinnati, O. Thacher, Frank William, S.B. b. Florence, N. J., (?) June 24, 1877. s. William F. Thacher and . Entered 1893. Clerk. Address, Florence, N. J. Thomas, Edward, A.B. b. Baltimore, Md., June 21, 1877. s. Allen Clapp Thomas (Class of 1865 ; Prof, of History and Librarian 1878 to date) and Rebecca Hill Marble. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1893. On Hockey team 1896-97. Won Second Prize for Reading 1896 ; Prize for Excellence in Mathematics 1897 ; Honors in Mathematics and Physics 1897. Clerk; Wholesale Oils and Chemicals. Address, 440 Main St., Worcester, Mass. White, Henry Alva, S.B. (S.B., Guilford College, N. C, 1894.) b. Belvidere, N. C, July 29, 1874. s. Rufus White and Lydia Wilson. Entered Senior Class 1896. Studied at Guilford College, N. C, 1891-94. Teacher; Superintendent Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1897 to date. m. July 6, 1899, at High Point, N. C, Ehzabeth Murray Meader Cartland. Ad- dress, Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y. Non-Graduates. Barns, Jesse Battey. [Arts. b. Milford, Mass., Aug. 24, 1874. s. John Barns, M.D., and Phebe Battey. Entered 1893 and left at close of Freshman year. Studied at Wilhams College, Mass., and Boston Univ., Boston, Mass. Civil Engineer. Address, Milford, Mass. Beidelman, Prescott Burton. [Science, b. Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 5, 1875. s. John Wilmer Beidel- man and Mariana Yard Peterson. Entered 1893 and left at end of the Sophomore year. Clerk and Rodman Quartermaster's Depart. U. S. A. Clerk Engineering Depart. St. Louis & South Western Ry. Since 1896 Druggist. Address, 11 24 Guar- anty Loan Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Chalfant, Thomas Marshall. [Special. b. Unionville, Pa., June 11, 1874. s. William Chalfant and Sara Webb Marshall. Entered from Kennett Square, Pa., 1893, and left at the end of the Sophomore year. Electrician and Draughtsman. Address, Kennett Square, Pa. 16 242 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1897 Collins, Alfred Morris. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., May 3, 1876. s. Henry Hill Collins and Edith Earl Conrad. Entered 1893, pursued a special course, and re- ceived Certificate of Proficiency. Won " Improvement Cricket Bat " Sophomore year ; Prize for breaking Pole- Vaulting Rec- ord ; Highest Honor Medal in Gymnasium ; Prest. Class Senior year; Manager Football Team 1896; Prest. Musical Assoc. 1896-97; Prest. Football Assoc. 1897; Prest. Cricket Assoc. 1897 ; Captain Class Football and Cricket Teams 1897 ; Mem- ber Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa., or 103 S. 2ist St., Phila., Pa. Edwards, Ernest Russell. [Science. b. Rondout, N. Y., May 2, 1875. s. Lindley M. Edwards and Laura A. Sawyer. Entered from Hastings, Neb., 1893, and left in 1895. Electrician. Address, Omaha, Neb. Fisher, Wager. (C.E., Cornell, 1899.) [Arts. b. Bryn Mawr, Pa., May 14, 1877. s. William Righter Fisher, A.M., and Mary Anne Wager, A.M. Entered Soph- omore Class and left at close of the year. Student at Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y., 1895-99. Civil Engineer. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Higgins, Frank Burton. [Science. b. Thorndike, Me., May 10, 1873. s. Marshall Thomas Hig- gins and Mary A. Cross. Entered 1893 and left 1894. Drug- gist. Address, Cor. of Centre and Bellvue Sts., Boston, Mass. Hutton, Walter Pandricli. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 23, 1874. s. George Smadley Hutton and Ellen Smith Pandrich. Entered from Berwyn, Pa., Junior year as Special Student and left at close of Senior year. Won Tennis Tournament 1897. Machinist. Address, Berwyn, Pa. Levett, Walker Moore. (A.B., Central High School, Phila., Pa., 1894. A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1898.) [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 11, 1877. s. David Henry Levett and Leah Moore Haworth. Entered Sophomore Class 1894 and left at close of the year. Studied Central High School, Phila., Pa. Entered Univ. of Pa., 1895. Address, 1334 N. 21st St., Phila., Pa. MacAfee, William Harrison. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., May 2, 1875. s. Robert MacAfee and Caterine Isabella Stevens. Entered from Ardmore, Pa., 1893, and left at end of Freshman year. Clerk Real Estate Trust Co. of Phila., Pa. Address, 1914 N. 13th St., Phila., Pa. 1898] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 243 Rhoacls, William Gibbons. [Science. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., July 10, 1876. s. William Gib- bons Rhoads (Class 1858 ; Manager 1871-80) and Sarah Wistar. Entered 1893 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Clerk- Provident Life & Trust Co., Phila., Pa. Address, 152 School Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Round, Julian Mills. (A.B., Wesleyan Univ., 1897.) [Arts. b. Lenoir, N. C, Oct. 11, 1875. s. Robert James Round and Frances Sarah Kibbler. Entered from Elmira, N. Y., Junior Class 1895 and left at close of the year. Won One-Mile Run, second in Half-Mile Run. Studied at Wesleyan Univ., Conn., 1893-95 and 1896-97. Teacher. Address, Elmira, N. Y. Watkins, James Carey Thomas. [Arts. b. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 2, 1874. s. Frank Dungan Watkins and Augusta Priscilla Day Lyon. Entered 1893 and left 1895 on account of ill-health. Prest. of Class 2d half of Freshman year. Private Sec. ; Sec.-Treas. Sash and Frame Manufacturer. Ad- dress, 1906 Mt. Royal Terrace, and 409 E. Pratt St., Balti- more, Md. 1898. Butler, James Edgar, A.B. b. Loag, Chester Co., Pa., June 2, 1877. s. James Butler and Rachel M. James. Entered from Uwchland, Pa., 1895 Freshman Class and graduated with Class of 1898. Won first Reading Prize ; Prest. Class 1898 ; Won lOO-yards dash ; 220- yards run ; Member College Relay Team 1897-98; Played on College Football Team 1895-98. Student Law School Univ. of Pa. Address, 2127 Green St., Phila., Pa. Cadbury, William Warder, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 15, 1877. s. Joel Cadbury (Class 1856, Manager 1867-81) and Anna Kaighn Lowry. Entered 1894. Graduate Student in Biology, Haverford College, 1898-99; Student Medical School, Univ. of Pa. 1899 to date. Address, 1502 Green St., Phila., Pa. Ellis, Richard Stanton, SB. b. , Iowa. s. and . Entered Senior Class from Motor, Iowa, 1897. " Penn Scholar." Student at Penn College 189 — 97. Student Univ. Chicago, 1898-99. Address, Motor, Iowa. Embree, John Gyger, SB. b. Marshallton, Pa., Aug. i, 1872. s. Joshua Gibbons Embree and Sarah Gyger Newlin. Entered Sophomore Class 1895. 244 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1898 Teacher, m. Bristol, Pa., July 31, 1897, Marie Wright Patterson. Address, Goshenville, Pa. Haines, Alfred Sharpless, A.B. b. Moorestown, N. J., Jan. 24, 1875. s. Zebedee Haines (Class 1867) and Anna Phillips Harvey. Entered from West Grove, Pa., Sophomore Class 1896; completed course in two years. College Sec. 1896-97 ; Won Class of 1870 Prize for Composi- tion 1898-99; Student at Harvard 1898-99. Address, West Grove, Pa. Haines, Joseph Howell, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Nov. 22, 1878. s. William Henry Haines (Class 1871, Manager 1887 to date) and Mary Howell. Entered 1894. Class Treas. 1895-96; Treas. Loganian Society 1895-96; Sec. Loganian Society 1896-97; Prest. of Council Loganian Society 1897-98; Prest. Everett-Athengeum 1896- 97; Capt. Second Cricket Eleven 1897-98. Clerk. Address, 1 1 36 Ridge Ave., Phila., Pa. Harding, Arthur Search, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1899.) b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 20, 1876. s. C. H. Harding and . Entered 1894. Student at Harvard 1898-99. Wool Business. Address, Overbrook, Pa. Hodgin, Samuel Horace, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, N. C, 1897.) b. Guilford Co., N. C, Sept. 11, 1872. s. David Hodgin and Martha Miranda Blair. Entered from Greensboro', N. C, Senior Class 1897. Studied at Guilford College, N. C, for three years. Teacher of History and English, Guilford College, N. C, 1898. Address, Greensboro', N. C. Janney, Walter Coggeshall, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., June 25, 1876. s. Emmor Kimber Janney and Mary Rhoads Coggeshall. Entered 1894. Sec. of College Assoc. ; Sec. of Tennis Assoc. ; Sec. of Loganian Soc. ; Vice- Prest. of Tennis Assoc. ; Prest. of Council Loganian Soc. ; Prest. of Class Sophomore year ; Editor-in-Chief of Haverfordian ; Manager of Football Team. Law Student Univ. of Pa. 1898 to date. Address, 117 S. 19th St., Phila., Pa. Jones, Davis Godfrey, S.B. b. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 17, 1875. s. Davis Benton Jones and Annie Jenny Faron. Entered 1895. Leader of Banjo Club ; Won Second Place in Horse Exercise, Gym. Exhibi- tion, Feb., 1898. Dealer in Coal, Wood, Lime, etc. Address, 841 Market St., Wilmington, Del. 1898] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 245 Lee, Morris Matthews, A.B. (A.B,, Harvard, 1899.) b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 9, 1876. s. James Ashton Lee and Amelia Johnson Walz. Entered Freshman Class 1895, and completed course in three years. Won Prize in Latin 1897 ; Honors in French and English ; Prest. of Freshman Class ; Prest. of Everett-Athenaeum 1897-98 ; Holder of Haverford Graduate Fellowship at Harvard 1 898-99. Member of Phi Beta Kappa 1899; Modern Language Association. Address, 3528 N. 1 8th St., Phila., Pa. Moffitt, Oscar Peyton, A.B. (A.B., Guilford College, N. C, 1897.) b. Lexington, N. C, Dec. 30, 1875. s. William Henry Mof- fitt and Mary Lou Sowers. Entered Senior Class 1897. Studied at Guilford College, N. C, four years, 1893-97. Teacher at Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Va., 1898. Address, Lex- ington, N. C. Khoads, Samuel, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 16, 1876. s. WiUiam Gibbons Rhoads (Class of 1858, Manager 1871-80) and Sarah Wistar. Entered from Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1894. Student at Univ. of Pa., Medical Depart. Address, 152 School Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Ross, Eldon Roxy, S.B. (A.B., Wilmington, 0., 1897.) b. Port William, O., Nov. 17, 1872. s. Naaman Ross and Emmeline Baugham. Entered from Wilmington, O., Senior year, 1897. Student Wilmington College, O., two years, 1895- 97. Holder of Wilmington Scholarship 1897-98. Address, Wilmington, Clinton Co., O. Scattergood, Alfred Garrett, A.B. (A.B., Harvard, 1899.) b. Moorestown, N. J., Sept. 10, 1878. s. Thomas Scatter- good and Sarah Garrett. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1894. Vice- Prest. of Class Junior year ; Prest. of Class Senior year ; Prest. Athletic Assoc. 1897-98; Prest. Football Assoc. 1897-98; Treas. Cricket Club 1895-96; Capt. Class Football Team, Sophomore, Junior and Senior years ; Capt. Class Cricket Team Senior year. Student at Harvard Univ. 1898-99. Clerk. Ad- dress, 3515 Powelton Ave., Phila., Pa. Stadelman, Frederic, A.B. b. Ardmore, Pa., Apl. 17, 1877. s. Jacob Latch Stadelman (Class of 1853) and Henriette Rachel Leech. Entered 1894 from Bala, Pa. Clerk. Address, Bala, Pa., or 26 Cortlandt St., New York City. 246 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1898 Sterner, Ira Isbou, A.B. A.M., 1899. b. Keller's Church, Bucks Co., Pa., Mch. i8, 1879. s. Chris- tian F. Sterner and EHzabeth S. Shelly. Entered Junior year 1896. Won Philip C. Garrett Prize in Mathematics 1897-98. Student at Harvard Univ. 1898 to date. Address, Keller's Church, Pa. Strawbridge, Francis Reeves, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 6, 1876. s. Justus Clayton Strawbridge (Manager 1883 to date) and Mary Lukens. Entered from Ger- mantown, Phila., Pa., 1894. Clerk. Address, School Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Swan, Frederick Asa, A.B. b. Tecumseh, Lenawee Co., Mich., Apl. 28, 1875. s. Joseph Benjamin Swan and Hannah Satterthwait Sutton. Entered from Lake Kerr, Fla., 1894. Sec. of Class three years; Brest. Y. M. C. A. 1897-98 ; Played on Football Team (First Eleven) four years (guard one year, centre three years). Hotel Clerk ; Clerk; Restaurant Business. Address, 409 E. 15th St., Kansas City, Mo. Taylor, Josepli Wright, SB. b. Burlington, N. J., July 10, 1878. s. Charles Shoemaker Taylor (Class 1871, Manager 1876-80) and Rebecca Hughes. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1894. Won Second Reading Prize; Treas. Loganian 1896-97; Prest. Everett- Athenaeum 1897-98; Manager and Treas. Banjo and Mandolin Clubs 1896- 97; Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Medical Student. Ad- dress, Haverford, Pa. Wilson, Robert North, A.B. b. Lenoir, N. C, Mch. 3, 1875. s. Jethro Reuben Wilson and Louisa Jane Round. Entered 1895. Studied at Guilford College, N. C, one year; Instructor in Chemistry and Physics, Guilford College, N. C, 1898 to date. Address, Guilford College, N. C. Wistar, Thomas, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Oct. 18, 1877. s. Edward Morris Wistar (Class 1872) and Margaret Cooper Collins. Entered 1894. Capt. Class Cricket Eleven first three years; Prest. of Cricket Club ; Capt. of Haverford Cricket Eleven ; Member Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896; With Cedartown Cotton Manufacturing Co. Address, La Motte, Pa. Wood, Richard Davis, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. i, 1877. s. George Wood (Class of 1862) and Mary Hunn. Entered 1894. With Millville Manufacturing Co. Address, Millville, N. J. 1898] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 247 Non-Graduates. Bell, Charles Herbert. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 16, 1876. s. Samuel Bell and Ada Ann Rees. Entered 1894 and left Sophomore year. Flour and Grain. Address, 648 N. 15th St., Phila., Pa. Bishop, Alexander Hamilton. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 12, 1874. s. Gilbert Livingston Bishop and Ellen Mecum Conarroe.. Entered from Paoli, Pa., Feb., 1893, and left at close of Sophomore year, 1896. Bookkeeper, Overbrook Steam Heat Co. Address, 409 S. 43d St., Phila., Pa. Holloway, Walter Vail. [Arts, b. Coal Creek, Keokuk, la., Nov. 28, 1875. s. Martin B. Holloway and Anna Vail. Entered from West Liberty, la., 1895 ; passed into Class of 1898; left 1897, during the Junior year. Winner of Half Mile Run in Freshman-Sophomore Meet, Fall of 1895 ; Half Mile Run, Spring 1896; First place in 440 yards Handicap at Princeton Univ. Spring 1896. m. Phila., Pa., Jan. 16, 1897, Alice J. Vail. Teacher. Address, Hemet, Cal. ' Hulnie, Frederick George. [Special, b. Camden, N. J., Sept. 9, 1873. s. John Kirkbride Hulme and Rebecca Folwell Brown. Entered from Phila., Pa., as Special Student 1894 and left at close of Freshman year. Draughts- man ; Asst. Manager Gumphert-Marrin Engineering Co., Phila., Pa. Address, 2 no Tioga St., Phila., Pa. Jenks, John Story, Jr. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., June 15, 1876. s. William H. Jenks (Manager 1895 to date) and Hannah Mifflin Hacker. Entered 1894 and left at close of Sophomore year. Clerk. Address, 2004 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Lane, John Irving-, [Science. b. Chappaqua, N. Y., Apl. 9, 1876. s. A. H. Lane and Mary L. Cox. Entered from Port Chester, N. Y., 1894, and left during the Freshman year. Manufacturer of Canvas Goods, m. West Chester, Pa., June 15, 1899, Emily Pim Thatcher. Address, Port Chester, N. Y. McGrrath, Francis Sims. (S.B., Univ. of Pa., 1898.) [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 8, 1871. s. Robert Hunter McGrath and Elizabeth Gibson Bordley Belt. Entered 1894 and left dur- ing the Freshman year. Studied Univ. of Pa. 1895-98 ; Law Student Columbia Univ., New York City. Address, care of R. H. McGrath, 206 S. 4th St., Phila., Pa. 248 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1898 Morgan, Samuel Kowlaiicl. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 4, 1877. s. John B. Morgan and Sarah Fisher Corlies. Entered 1894 and left during the Freshman year. Clerk. Address, 157 W. Chelten Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Moyer, Meniio S. [Science. b. Chalfont, Pa., Nov. 18, 1871. s. William G. Moyer and . Entered Sophomore Class 1895 and left 1896. Ad- dress, Chalfont, Pa. Sisler, Perlee Chandler. [Special. b. Wilmington, Del., Feb. 11, 1876. s. J. D. Sisler and . Entered 1894 and left Sophomore year. Clerk; Wholesale Groceries. Address, 815 West St., Wilmington, Del. Syze, Albert. [Arts. b. Yorktown Heights, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1867. s. James E. Syze and Martha Brown Griffin. Entered 1894 and left Fresh- man year. Evangelistic and Pastoral Work. Address, York- town Heights, N. Y. Towle, Clifton Augustus. [Arts. b. Winthrop, Me., Mch. 12, 1875. s. Sherburne S. Towle and Harriet A. Nash. Entered 1893 and left Freshman year on account of illness ; re-entered 1894 and left during Freshman year. Teacher. Address, Winthrop, Me. Varney, Alplieus Gould. (A.B., Bowdoin, 1898.) [Arts. b. Windham, Me., Mch. 29, 1874. s. William Hall Varney and Ellen Martha Dudley. Entered 1894 and left close of Soph- omore year. Class Prest. Freshman year ; Asst. to Dr. Babbitt two years; Asst. Manager Havcrfordian 1896. Studied at Bowdoin College 1897-98. Original research in Histology, Embryology and Karyokenisis (or Mytosis). Travelling Sales- man for Locke Regulator Co. of Salem, Mass., 1899 ; with Girard Trust Co. 1899 to date. Address, Girard Trust Co., Phila., Pa. Varney, Charles Arthvir. [Arts. b. Croton-on-the-Hudson, June 28, 1876. s. Charles C. Var- ney and Anna Cock. Entered from Providence, R. I., 1894 and left middle of Junior year. Captain Football Team 1896. On Hockey Team. Clerk 1 897 ; Insurance. Address, Haverford, Pa. Vernon, John Jesse. [Science. b. Bangor, la., Jan. 16, 1868. s. and . Entered 1894 and left after a few weeks. Secretary of the College. Studied at Penn College, la. m. . Last address, Ban- gor, la. 1899] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 249 1899. Battey, William Aldrich, S.B. b. Pawtucket, R. I., July 22, 1876. s. Thomas Jesse Battey (Class 1863), A.M., and Mary Augusta Heaton. Entered from Providence, R. I., 1895. Capt. of Hockey Team 1896-97, 1897-98. Clerk, Steam and Pneumatic Machinery. Address, 149 Broadway, New York City, and 304 Lloyd St., Provi- dence, R. I. Bawclen, William John, A.B. b. Gordon, Pa., Dec. 22, 1874. s. Josiah Bawden and Catherine Chynoweth. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1896. Alumni Prize Orator 1899. Subject: "The Speeches of Lincoln." Methodist Minister. Address, 1227 Hancock, St., Phila., Pa. Blair, Walter Elilm, A.B. (A.B., Guilford, 1898.) b. Archdale, N. C, Mch. 28, 1873. s. Benjamin Franklin Blair and Rachel Anderson. Entered Senior Class 1898. Stu- dent in Guilford College, N. C.,four years. Asst. Clerk, Clerk's Office, U. S. Court for W. District of N. C. Address, Greens- boro', N. C. Bode, William, A.B. (A.B., Penn, 1898 ; A.M., 1899.) b. Muskegon, Mich., Sept. 7, 1875. s. C. Bode and Carrie Ammerman. Entered from Austinville, Iowa, Senior Class 1898, as holder of Penn College Scholarship. Student Penn College, Iowa, two years. Divinity Student Univ. of Chicago 1899 to date. Address, Austinville, Iowa. Carter, John Darlington, S.B. b. Lenape, Pa., Dec. 30, 1874. s. Charles Shoemaker Carter and Elizabeth Cope. Entered Sophomore Class 1896. Class Sec. and Treas. 1897-98. Won "Class 1898 Prize in Chem- istry " 1899 ; Honors in Chemistry 1899 ; General Honors 1899 ; Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899. Holder of Haverford Graduate Fellowship 1899-1900. Student Johns Hopkins Univ. 1899 to date. Address, Lenape, Chester Co., Pa. Conklin, Edward Boote, S.B. b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1877. s. William Conklin and Ellen Coffin Ladd. Entered 1895. Vice-Prest. Class last half Freshman year ; Prest. Class Sophomore year ; Member College Football Team, Freshman and Sophomore years; won third place in high jump Princeton handicap games, Freshman year; second place Sophomore year ; first place Senior year ; second place Relay Games, Univ. of Pa., Senior year ; third place high 250 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1899 jump Yale handicap games ; second place Univ. of Pa. in-door handicap games. Tied for fourth place I. C. A. A. A. Meet Se- nior year. Winner of Cup for all-around contest, Sophomore, Junior and Senior years. Capt. College Track Team three years ; Treas. Athletic Assoc. ; Vice-Prest. Junior year ; Member College Relay Team Junior and Senior years ; Medal for highest number of points in Track Games Junior year ; Prest. Athletic Assoc. Senior year. Holder of the following College records : Running High Jump, Standing Broad Jump, Kicking Football. Clerk. Address, Haverford, Pa. Davis, Royal Jenkins, A.B. (A.B., Earlham, 1898.) b. Ridge Farm, 111., Nov. 29, 1878. s. Jonah Mace Davis and Ella Jenkins. Entered from Richmond, Ind., Senior Class 1898, as holder of Earlham Scholarship. Student at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., three years ; On Debate Haverford Loganian Soc. against Philomathean Soc. Univ. of Pa. 1899; Student at Harvard, 1 899-1 900. Address, W. 7th St., Richmond, Ind. DeCon, Benjamin Satterthwaite, S.B. b. Columbus, N. J., June 29, 1879. s- Daniel DeCou and Ruthanna Leeds Allen. Entered from Moorestown, N. J., 1895. Address, Moorestown, N. J., and 224 Ionic St., Phila., Pa. Evans, Francis Algernon, A.B. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Aug. i, 1878. s. Jonathan Evans (Manager 1899 to date) and Rachel Reeve Cope. Entered 1895. Treas. of Cricket Club 1896-97; Sec. of Tennis Assoc. 1896- 97 ; Treas. of Athletic Assoc. 1897-98 ; Prest. of Cricket Club 1898-99; Vice-Prest. of Tennis Assoc. 1897-98; with Girard Trust Co., Phila., Pa. Address, " Awbury," Germantown, Phila., Pa. Jones, Rvifvis Horton, A.B. b. Deering, Me., June 1 1, 1877. s. Augustus Caleb Jones and Sophronia Allen Larrabee. Entered 1895. Vice-Prest. Y. M. C. A. ; Treas. Everett-Athenaeum ; Student General Theological Seminary, New York City. Address, 853 Forest Ave., Deering, Me. Lowry, Howard Haines, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., 1868. s. John Collins Lowry and Lavinia C. Haines. Entered 1895. Editor-in-Chief of the Havcrfoniian, 1898-99; Capt. Football Team 1898 ; Capt. Cricket Eleven 1899; Sec. and Treas. Class 1899, Freshman year ; Vice-Prest. Class Junior year; Student at Harvard 1899-1900. Address, 21 15 Green St., Phila., Pa. 1899] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 25 1 Lycett, Edward Hough, A.B. b. Kirkwood, Mo., Nov. 23, 1877. s. Edward Howes Lycett and Anna Fox. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1895. Treas. Tennis Assoc. Insurance. Address, care A. L. Baily, Haver- ford, Pa. Maule, Alfred Collins, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 6, 1879. s. Samuel George Morton Maule and Jane Levis Collins. Entered 1895. Vice-Prest. of Class in Sophomore year; Prest. Y. M. C. A. 1898-99; Prest. Foot- ball Assoc. 1898 ; Won Second Place Club Swinging Gymnasium Exhibition. Address, 21 S. 21st., Phila., Pa. Mellor, Ralph, S.B. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 10, 1878. s. Alfred Mellor (Class of 1861) and Isabella Latham. Entered 1895. Manufacturing. Address, 2130 Mt. Vernon St., Phila., Pa. Morris, Joseph Paul, A.B. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. i, 1879. s. Theodore Hollingsworth Morris (Class i860) and Mary Lownes Paul. Entered 1895. Sec. and Treas. of Class in Sophomore year; "Spoon Man." Machinist. Address, " Dundale," Villa Nova P. O., Pa., or 1608 Market St., Phila., Pa. Petty, Herbert Clinton, A.B. (S.B., Guilford, 1898.) b. Archdale, N. C, July 31, 1877. s. William Clinton Petty and Mary Victoria Hayworth. Entered Senior Class 1898 as Holder of Guilford Scholarship. Student at Guilford College, N. C, for four years ; Member of the '98 Football Team. Fur- niture Manufacturer. Address, Archdale, N. C. Kedfield, John Howard, Jr., S.B. b. Phila., Pa., June 8, 1879. s. Robert Stuart Redfield and Mary Thibault Guillou. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1895. Won Class of 1896 Prize for Sophomore Mathematics, 1897; Philip C. Garrett Prize Senior Mathematics, 1899. Civil Engineer. Ad- dress, Wayne, Pa. Richie, Elisha Roberts, S.B. b. Moorestown, N. J., Feb. 25, 1877. s. Edward B. Richie and Elizabeth Hooton Roberts. Entered Sophomore Class 1896. Won One-mile Bicycle Race Spring of 1897 ; Indian Club Con- test ; Handicap Shot-put Winter of 1898 ; Asst. Business Man- ager of Havcrfordian ; Won Philip C. Garrett Prize for Biology 1899. Medical Student. Address, 223 E. Central Ave., Moores- town, N. J. 252 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1899 Shipley, Malcloni Augustus, Jr., A.B. b. Phila., Pa., May 9, 1873. s. Malcolm Augustus Shipley and Josephine Gregg. Entered 1895. Sec. of Class in 1896; Student Episcopal Divinity School, Phila., Pa. Address, 5105 Wayne Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Walter, Frauk Keller, A.B. b. Point Pleasant, Pa., July 23, 1874. s. Samuel Arnold Walter and Elizabeth Anna Keller. Entered Freshman Class 1896, and in Sept. 1898 passed into Class of 1899. Editor of Haverfor- dian 1897-98, 1898-99; Honors in English and German 1899; Member Phi Beta Kappa 1899; Instructor in German, Haverford College 1899— 1900; Graduate Student in English 1899-1900. Address, Point Pleasant, Pa. Wild, Arthur Clement, A.B. b. Leeds, Yorkshire, England, Feb. 10, 1875. s. Benjamin Wild and Hannah Moore. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1896. Studied at Bucknell Univ. about three months. Alumni Prize Orator 1898. Subject : " Robert Burns." Vice-Prest. Logan- ian Soc. ; Sec. of Tennis Assoc. On debate Haverford Logan- ian Soc. against Philomathean Soc. Univ. of Pa. 1899. Student Law School Univ. of Pa. Address, 3225 Clifford St., Phila., Pa. Non-Graduates. Beadeiikopf, Clarence Milton. [Special, b. Wilmington, Del., Dec. 14, 1876. s. William Beadenkopf and . Entered 1895 and left during the Freshman year. Address, Wilmington, Del. Bishop, Gilbert Livingston, Jr. [Science. b. Paoli, Pa. (?) Feb. 7, 1877. s. G. C. Bishop and . Entered 1895 and left Freshman year. Address, Paoli, Pa., and 409 S. 43d St., Phila., Pa. Chase, William Thomas, Jr. [Science, b. Lewiston, Me., Sept. 2, 1876. s. William Thomas Chase and Hannah C. Masston. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1895 and left at close of the Sophomore year. Student at Bucknell Univ., Pa. Law Student Univ. of Pa. Address, 228 W. Logan Square, Phila., Pa. Eastburn, George, Jr. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 31, 1877. s. George Eastburn and Eliza- beth M. Beale. Entered 1895 and left at close of the Freshman year. Address, 1527 Fairmount Ave., Phila., Pa. 1899] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 253 Gillespie, William Allen. [Science, Mch. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 21, 1874. s. James S. Gillespie and . Entered 1895 and left 1896. Address, 906 Susquehanna Ave Phila., Pa. Haines, Arthur. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 15, 1876. s. Lindley Haines (Class of 1869) and Elizabeth Irie Atlee. Entered 1895 and left at end of Junior year. Vice-Prest. of Class ; Capt. Football Team of 1897. Member Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896. Insurance; in Adv. Dept. Phila. Inquirer. Address, 1624 Spruce St., Phila.,' Pa. Hay, Kenneth Mackenzie. [Special. b. Cairo, Egypt, July 21, 1876. s. John Baldwin Hay, U. S. Consul-General to Syria, and Cora Holmes Badger. Entered from Phila., Pa., Freshman Class as Special Student 1895, and left at close of the year. Clerk in Wholesale Trimming House, New York City. m. London, England, July 18, 1896, Violet Hamilton Leaf. Address, 98 Bleecker St., New York City, and 35 St. Mark's Place, W. New Brighton, Staten Island, New York City. Mifflin, Archer Bloomfleld. [Science, b. Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 13, 1878. s. George Brown Mifflin and Barbara Harnli Peart. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1895, and left at close of the Junior year. Member Cricket Eleven, English Tour, 1896. Civil Engineer. Address, Wayne, Pa. . Stokes, Andrew Maloney. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 26, 1876. s. James C. Stokes and . Entered 1895 and left Freshman year. Address, 3642 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Wilson, Louis Round. (A.B., Univ. of N. C, 1899.) [Arts, b. Lenoir, N. C, Dec. 27, 1876. s. Jethro Reuben Wilson and Louisa Jane Round. Entered 1895 and left on account of ill-health end of Junior year 1898. Divided Sophomore Latin Prize in 1897 ; Entered Univ. of N. C, Senior Class, 1898. Teacher. Address, Scotland Neck, N. C. 254 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [ I 9OO UNDERGRADUATES, 1900. Allen, Charles Jackson. [Science, Mch. Eng. b. Cinnaminson, N. J., Dec. 28, 1878. s. Samuel Leeds Allen (Manager 1897 to date) and Sarah Hooton Roberts. Entered 1896. Awarded College Cricket Colors 1898 ; Improvement Medal 1897 ; Spring Sports 1898 ; Member College Gymnasium Team 1898 ; Won Bicycle Race, Freshman Sports, 1897 ; Bicycle Race Spring Sports, 1898. Address, Moorestown, N. J. Allen, William Williams, Jr. (A.B., Guilford, 1899.) [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 21, 1880. s. William Williams Allen and Linda Rogers. Entered Senior Class 1899. Stu- dent Guilford College, N. C, 1895-96 and 1899; Holder Guil- ford Scholarship. Address, Greensboro', N. C. Bell, William Brown. [Arts, b. Stroudsburg, Pa., Feb. 16, 1879. s. Thomas Alsop Bell and Elizabeth Dunn. Entered from New York City 1897. Brest, of Council Loganian ; Member of Class Debating Team 1898; on debates Haverford Loganian Soc. against Philomathean Soc. Univ. of Pa. 1899 and 1900 ; Editor and Business Manager of Haverfoniian. Address, 41 E. 21st St., N. Y. Bnrdette, Robert Jones, Jr. [Arts. b. Burlington, Iowa, Apl. 10, 1877. s. Robert Jones Bur- dette and Caroline Spaulding Garrett. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1896. ¥.d\X.oY o( Havi'rfordia)i. Haverfordian Prize of $10 for largest number of articles accepted. Address, Box 384, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Carter, Charles Henry. [Arts, b. Lenape, Pa., Dec. 23, 1879. s- Charles Shoemaker Carter and Elizabeth Cope. Entered Sophomore Class 1897. Address, Lenape, Chester Co., Pa. IQOO] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 255 Carter, John Piiii. [Arts, b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Jan. g, 1880. s. John Elliott Car- ter (Manager 1868-71) and Frances Wilkinson Pirn. Entered 1896. Address, Knox and Coulter Sts., Station G, Phila., Pa. Chaiuberlaiii, William Reginald. [Special. b. Falmouth, Me., June 20, 1877. s. WiUiam Chamberlain and Lizzie Hale Coffin. Entered 1896 and left at close of Sophomore year. Address, 825 Congress St., Portland, Me. Cope, Francis Keeve, Jr. [Arts. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Aug. 9, 1878. s. Alexis Thomas Cope (Class of 1868) and Elizabeth Stewardson. Entered 1896. Sec. of Class Sophomore year ; Prest. Class Junior year ; Sec. Athletic Assoc, in Sophomore year ; Sec. Loganian Soc. Junior year ; Rec. Sec. Y. M. C. A. Junior year ; on debate Haverford Loganian Soc. against Philomathean Soc. Univ. of Pa. 1900. Address, Awbury, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Drinker, Henry Sandwitli. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 15, 1880. s. Henry Sturgis Drinker and Aimee Ernesta Beaux. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1896. Won Philip C. Garrett Prize for Freshman Latin 1867 ; Class of 1896 Prize in Latin 1899. Address, Haverford, Pa. Emlen, John Thompson. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 28, 1878. s. James Emlen (Class 1874) and Susan Trotter Thompson. Entered 1896. Address, 121 Coulter St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Eshleman, Frank Mercvir. [Arts, b. Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 12, 1880. s. Col. B. Frank Eshleman (Class of 1867) and Mary Eliza Mercur. Entered 1896. Stu- dent Franklin and Marshall College 1895-96. Address, Lan- caster, Pa. Febig-er, Christian. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Ridley Park, Pa., Mch. 20, 1878. s. Christian Carson Febiger (Class of 1865) and Katharine Megear Sellers. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1896. Address, 3318 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Freedley, William Gardiner, Jr. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 6, 1878. s. William Gardiner Freedley and Katharine E. Conrad. Entered 1896 and left at close of the Sophomore year, 1898. Address, 1909 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. 256 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [19OO Freeman, Edward Dale. [Arts. b. Warren, Pa., Apl. 4, 1878. s. Lewis Ross Freeman and Florence Dale. Entered 1896. Vice-Prest. of Class Sophomore year ; Prest. Junior year ; Capt. Sophomore Track Team in Fall of 1897. Member Football Team 1896-97. Won "Shot-put" Spring 1898 and in 1900 vs. 1901 in Fall of 1897. Address, Warren, Pa. Hallett, Henry McClellan. [Arts, b. Manchester, Me., June i, 1876. s. James Henry Hallett and Sarah Louise Hawkes. Entered from Windham Centre, Me., 1896. Treas. of Class 1897-98. Treas. of Y. M. C. A. 1897- 98. Treas. of College Assoc. 1897-98. On Football Team 1896-99. Address, Windham Centre, Me. Hiatt, James Smith. (Ph.B., Earlham College, 1899.) [Arts. b. Richmond, Ind., July 10, 1877. s. William J. Hiatt and Eliza Willen Smith. Entered Senior Class 1899 ^^ Earlham Scholar. Student at Earlham College 1895-99. Address, 61 S. 15th St., Richmond, Ind. Hinchman, Walter Swain. [Arts, b. Burlington, N. J., Sept. 13, 1879. s- Charles Shoemaker Hinchman and Lydia Swain Mitchell. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1896. Class Cricket Capt. Sophomore year; Sec. Cricket Club, Sophomore and Junior year. Vice-Prest. Liter-Collegiate Cricket Assoc. Won First Prize for Reading 1899. Address, 3635 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Hoopes, MacMillan. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 16, 1879. ^- Clement R. Hoopes and Marie Louise MacMillan. Entered 1896 and left 1897. Ma- chinist. Address, Elkins, Pa. How^son, Furman Sheppard. [Science, Mch. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 27, 1879. s. Charles Howson and Medora Ware. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1896 ; left during Senior year on account of delicate eyesight. Address, Wayne, Pa. Jenks, Horace Howard. [Science, b. Ashbourne, Pa., June 7, 1878. s. Dr. William Furness Jenks and Helen Carnan Towne. Entered 1896. Won Prize Fence-Vault in all-around Gymnasium Contest ; Horizontal Bar in Gymnasium Exhibition 1898. Address, 920 Clinton St., Phila., Pa. 1900] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 25/ Justice, William Warner, Jr. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 8, 1878. s. Theodore Justice and Anna Vaughn Neall. Entered 1896. Class Sec. Freshman year. Sec. Loganian 1897-98 ; Won Handicap Running High Jump 1897. Address, Clapier St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Kingston, Henry Houston, Jr. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., June 13, 1876. s. Henry Houston Kingston and Frances Allan Hunter. Entered 1896 and left 1897. Travelling Passenger- Agent Lehigh Valley R.R. Co. Address, 319 W. 8 2d St., New York City. Levick, Henry Lewis d'lnvilliers. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., June 12, 1877. s. Lewis Jones Levick (Class of 1867) and Mary Ann dTnvilliers. Entered from Bala, Pa., 1896. Address, Bala, Pa. Lloyd, John Eslileman. [Special, b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Mch. 28, 1878. s. Wilham McClure Lloyd and Ruth Anna Eshleman. Entered 1896. Won Handi- cap Putting Shot Contest in Gymnasium 1897 ; Half-mile Run in Spring Sports, 1898. Address, 5213 Green St., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Logan, John Addison, Jr. [Special, b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 11, 1878. s. Judge James Addison Logan and Elizabeth Mardrand. Entered Freshman Class as Special Student and left during the year. In Freight Depart. Penna. R.R. ; Private in Battery A Pa. Vols. U. S. Army, 1898, Spanish-Ameri- can War. Address, Bala, Pa. Lutz, Frank Eugene. [Arts. b. Bloomsburg, Pa., Sept. 15, 1879. s. Martin Peter Lutz and Anna Amelia Brockway. Entered 1896. Won Sophomore Mathematical Prize 1898; Won Second Reading Prize 1899. Address, Bloomsburg, Pa. Marshall, Moses. [Arts. b. England, June 20, 1872. s. John C. Marshall and . Entered 1896 and left during the Sophomore year. Law Student Boston Univ., Boston, Mass. Address, 6 Lake St., Lawrence, Mass. Mifflin, Samuel Wright. [Arts. b. Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 27, 1880. s. George Brown Mifflin and Barbara Harnli Peart. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1896. Capt. Football Team 1899. Address, Wayne, Del. Co., Pa. 17 258 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [19OO Miller, Daniel. [Special, b. Glendale, Md., (?) Nov. 13, 1877. s. and . En- tered 1896 and left during the Freshman year. Last address, Glendale, Md. Moorliouse, John Kennedy. [Arts, b. Allegheny, Pa., June 15, 1877. s. John Lawson Moorhouse and Annie Craig Lafferty. Entered from Pittsburg, Pa., 1896. Treas. of Class ; Sec. of Y. M. C. A. ; Prest. Y. M. C. A. ; Sec. of College Assoc. ; Sec. of Musical Club. Address, Station G, Phila., Pa. Murphy, Grayson Mallet-Prevost. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 19, 1878. s. Howard Murphy and Anita Mallet-Prevost. Entered from Atlantic City, N. J., 1896, and left during Sophomore year 1898. Joined Pa. Vols., U. S. A., 1898 ; Appointed to West Point 1899. Address, Highland Villa, Highland Falls, N. Y., and 202 S. 12th St., Phila., Pa. Peelle, Jonathan Irving^. [Science. b. Bowersville, O., Jan. 5, 1879. s. Seth L. Peelle and Mary Esther Fawcett. Entered from Wilmington, O., Senior Class 1899. Student Wilmington Col., Wilmington, O., five years; Holder Wilmington Scholarship, Address, Wilmington, O. Scliober, George Mitchell. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., (?) Mch. 19, 1877. s. and . Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1896 and left Freshman year. Address, Ardmore, Pa. Seager, Schuyler Fiske. [Arts. b. Lansing, Mich., Jan. 22, 1879. s. Schuyler Fiske Seager, LL.D., and Alice H. Berry. Entered from Hancock, Mich., 1896 and left at close of Sophomore year. Address, Hancock, Mich. Sensenig, Heber. [Arts. b. Spring Grove, Pa., Feb. 2, 1873. s. John Sensenig and Martha Jane Weaver. Entered 1896. Capt. of Track Team; Relay Races, Univ. of Pa., 1898; Quarter-mile Run, Princeton, 1898. Address, Spring Grove, Pa. Sharpless, Frederick Cope. [Arts. b. Haverford College, Oct. i, 1880. s. Isaac Sharpless, Sc.D., LL.D. (Prof Mathematics, etc., 1875 to date; President 1887 to date) and Lydia Trimble Cope. Entered 1896. Prest. Cricket Association ; on Cricket Eleven. Address, Haverford, Pa. IpOl] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 259 Stuart, Harry Harlan. [Arts. b. Lawrence, Kan., July lo, 1878. s. Jehu Harlan Stuart, M.D. (Class 1861), and Annis Lynch. Entered from Minne- apohs, Minn., 1896 and left at close of Sophomore year 1898. Address, 181 1 Portland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Tatiiall, Abrain Gibbons. [Science. b. Wilmington, Del, Dec. 17, 1878. s. Charles Moon Tatnall and Rebecca Lukens Gibbons. Entered from Coatesville, Pa., 1896. Sec. and Treas. Football Assoc. 1897-98; Sec. and Treas. Football Assoc. 1898-99. Address, Coatesville, Pa. Taylor, Edward Ballinger. [Arts, b. Blairsville, Pa., June 30, 1879. s. Edward Balhnger Taylor (Class of 1869) and Mariana Satterthwaite. Entered from Sewickley, Pa., 1896. Address, Sewickley, Pa. Taylor, Joseph McFerran. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., July 26, 1880. s. Joseph Hazzard Taylor and Florence Dashiell McFerran. Entered 1896. Address, 1720 Green St., Phila., Pa. White, Linden Harris. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 5, 1876. s. William A. White and Rachel Hunter. Entered 1896 and left at close of Freshman year. Won Everett Prize Medal for Oratory, 1897. Address, St. Stephens' College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N. Y. White, Wilfred Wallace. (S.B., Penn Coll., 1899.) [Science. b. Oskaloosa, la., July 11, 1877, s. Thomas Benjamin White and Lydia Hiatt. Entered, 1899, Senior Class as Penn Scholar; Student Penn College, Oskaloosa, Iowa, four years. Address, Oskaloosa, la. Yocum, Charles Craitvford. [Special, b. Ardmore, Pa., (?) Oct. 29, 1874. s. H. L. Yocum and Mary Litzenburg. Entered 1896 and left Freshman year. Clerk, m. . Address, Ardmore, Pa. 1 901. Allen, Charles Francis. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Beverly, N. J., May 26, 1879. s. Charles Milton Allen (Asst. in Mathematics 1845) and Martha Allinson. Entered 1897 and left 1898, during the Freshman year. Farmer and Fruit Raiser. Address, Beverly, N. J. Babbitt, Harold French. [Arts. b. Andover, Mass., Sept. 21, 1876. s. James Howard Babbitt and Mary French Abbott. Entered from W, Brattleboro', Vt., 26o HAVERFORD COLLEGE [iQOI 1897 and left at close of Freshman year 1898. Capt. Freshman Football Team. Member Mandolin Club and Hockey Team. With Presbyt. Board of Publication, New York City. Address, 156 5th Ave., New York City, or W. Brattleboro', Vt. Baltz, William Sag^ehorn. [Arts, b. Whitford, Pa., July 13, 1880. s. John Daniel Baltz and Annie Augusta Sagehorn. Entered 1897. Address, Whitford, Chester Co., Pa. Bankard, Clarence Walton. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., June 6, 1880. s. George Washington Clay Bankard and Anna Rebecca Wiggins. Entered from Berwyn, Pa., 1897. Address, Berwyn, Pa. Brown, Ellis Yarnall, Jr. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Sept. 6, 1880. s. Ellis Yarnall Brown, A.M., and Sarah Elizabeth Willitts. Entered from Downingtown, Pa., 1897. Sec. of Class. Prest. of Class. Asst. Business Manager Haveifordiau, 1 899-1900. Address, E. Downingtown, Pa. Bullinger, Howard Valentine. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 2, 1878. s. Charles Howell Bullinger and Mary Elizabeth Cox. Entered 1897. Vice-Prest. of Class for Second half Freshman year. Divided Philip C. Garrett Prize for Freshman Latin 1898. Won Class of 1896 Prize for Sopho- more Latin 1899. Editor Havcrfordian, 1 899-1 900; Business Manager 1 899-1 900. Alumni Prize Orator 1900. On Debate Haverford Loganian Soc. vs. Philomathean Soc, Univ. of Pa., 1900. Address, 1526 Frankford Ave., Phila., Pa. Cadbury, John Warder. [Arts. b. Moorestown, N. J., June 29, 1880. s. Joel Cadbury (Class of 1856; Manager 1867-81) and Anna Kaighn Lowry. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1897. Address, 1502 Green St., Phila., Pa. Cadbury, William Ed\i^ard. [Arts. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., June 25, 1881. s. John Warder Cadbury (Class 1854) and Rebecca Warner. Entered 1897. Address, Locust Ave., Germantown, Phila., Pa. Chase, Frank Sewell. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. East Deering, N. H., Feb. 5, 1877. s. John Franklin Chase and Mary Almy. Entered from Manchester, N. H., 1897 and left at close of Freshman year 1898. Won Hammer-throw at Freshman, Sophomore, and Annual Spring Athletic Meet ; on Football Team. Address, Manchester, N. H. I9OI] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 26 1 De Armond, James Keyser. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 21, 1877. s. George Johns De Armond and Elizabeth Webster Keyser. Entered from Merion, Pa., 1897. Address, Merion Station, Pa. De Motte, Lawrence Washburn. [Arts, b. Greencastle, Ind., Sept. i8, 1879. s. John Bremer De Motte, Ph.D., D.D., and Lelia Laura Washburn. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1897. Class Prest. ; Member Hockey Team 1897-98; and Cricket Eleven 1897 to date. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Dewees, Aaron Lovett. [Arts, b. Westtown, Pa., Jan. 17, 1880. s. Watson Wood Dewees and Sarah Lovett Brown. Entered Sophomore Class 1898. Address, Westtown, Pa. Fardon, Albert Henry. [Special, b. Finsbury Park, London, England, Oct. 13, 1877. s. Thomas Fardon and Sarah Ann Brown. Entered from Reigate, England, as Special Student Junior Class 1899 and left Feb., 1900. Student at Christ's College, Cambridge, England, 1898— 99. Address, Christ's College, Cambridge, England. Freeman, Alfred Edgar. [Science. b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 19, 1877. s- Erasmus Freeman and Hen- rietta Knoop. Entered 1897. Address, 1926 N. Broad St., Phila., Pa. Grayson, Theodore Julius. [Science, b. Beverly, N. J., Mch. 4, 1880. s. Frederick William Spen- cer Grayson, Jr., and Katharine Julius. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1897 and left at close of Sophomore year. Law Student Univ. of Pa. Address, Wayne, Pa. Kirkbride, William Howard. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., 1879. s. William Kirkbride and Mary Church- man. Entered 1897. Prest. Class ; Capt. of 1901 Baseball Team. Won Shakespeare Prize Cricket Bat. Address, 2036 Green St., Phila., Pa. Langfeld, Herbert Sydney. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., July 24, 1879. s. Langfeld and Flora Rosenbaum. Entered 1897 and left on account of ill-health at the end of Freshman year. Won Everett Medal for Oratory. Address, 2417 Master St., Phila., Pa. 262 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [ipOI Macoiiiber, Edward Leonard. [Arts. b. Westport, Mass., Jan. 26, 1877. s. John Austin Macomber and Esther Ann Allen. Entered from Central Village, Mass., 1897 and left at close of Freshman year. Class Treas. ; Cor. Sec. of Y. M. C. A. ; Won Second Place in Half-mile Run in Spring Sports 1898. Town Clerk, Central Village, Mass. Address, Central Village, Mass. Mellor, George Brown, Jr. [Special, b. "Willow Dale" Farm, near West Chester, Pa., Nov. 30, 1877. s. George Brown Mellor (Class 1862) and Sarah Savery. Entered Sophomore Class 1898 and left at close of year; won Third Place in Bicycle Race in Freshman-Sophomore Sports. Address, West Chester, Pa. Mellor, Walter. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 25, 1880. s. Alfred Mellor (Class 1861) and Isabella Latham. Entered 1897. Address, 2130 Mt. Ver- non St., Phila., Pa. Moore, Herbert Wills. [Science. b. near Hartford, N. J., May 23, 1880. s. John Moore and Priscilla N. Wills. Entered 1897 and left at close of year. Won Third Prize in Half-mile Run Spring Sports 1898. Address, Hartford, N. J. Neilson, William La Coste. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., May 2, 1897. s. William G. Neilson and Mary Louise Cunningham. Entered 1897. Vice-Prest. Class Sopho- more year ; Won Bicyle Cup Spring Sports 1 898-99 ; Pole Vault 1898-99; Gymnasium Medal 1899. Address, 371 1 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Off, Edward Peltz. [Special. b. Phila., Pa., (?) . s. and . Entered 1897 and left Freshman year. Address, Phila., Pa. Patton, Richard. [Arts. b. Doylestown, Pa., Nov. 9, 1881. s. William Alexander Patton, D.D., and Mary Ella Triple. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1897. On Hockey Team ; Cricket Eleven ; Pole Vault, Record. Address, Wayne, Pa. Randolph, Evan. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 29, 1880. s. Evan Randolph and Rachel S. Jenks. Entered 1897 and left 1898. Entered Freshman Class, Harvard Univ., 1899. Address, 2002 Arch St., Phila., Pa. I9OI] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 263 Rossmiissler, Edward Collins. [Science, Mech. Eng, b. Tioga, Phila., Pa., Dec. 5, 1878. s. Richard Rossmassler and Bertha CoUins. Entered 1897. Address, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Scholey, Howard Wilson. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., May 31, 188 1. s. Edmund Dickinson Scholey and Anna Wilson. Entered 1897 and left at close of Sophomore year. Address, 1600 Wallace St., Phila., Pa. Scull, Edward Marshall. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 7, 1880. s. Edward Lawrence Scull (Class 1864, Manager 1875-84) and Sarah Elizabeth Marshall. Entered 1897. Divided Philip C. Garrett Prize for Freshman Latin. ¥.d\toY Havcj^fordian. Managing Editor 1899; Editor- in-Chief 1900. Address, Overbrook, Pa. Sharp, Frederick William. [Arts. b. Berwyn, Pa., Nov. 29, 1880. s. Joseph Webster Sharp and Sidney Serrill Bunting. Entered 1897. Address, Berwyn, Pa. Taylor, Herbert Hazzard. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Aug. 22, 1882. s. Joseph Hazzard Taylor and Florence McFerran. Entered 1897 and left at close of Sopho- more year. Address, 1720 Green St., Phila., Pa. Thomas, Rvissell Elmslie. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., July 18, 1878. s. Dr. Charles Monroe Thomas and Marion Elmslie. Entered from Devon, Pa., 1897 and left at close of Sophomore year. Address, Devon, Pa. Tomlinson, Alexander Cooper. [Special, b. Laurel Springs, N. J., Sept. 3, 1879. s. Benjamin Albert Tomlinson (Class 1867) and Mary V. Cooper. Entered 1897. Won Bicycle Race in Sophomore-Freshman Contest 1898. Ad- dress, Laurel Springs, N. J. Walenta, George John. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Nov. 22, 1874. s. Edmund Joseph Walenta and Anna Elizabeth Soltzhauer. Entered 1897. Won Fresh- man-Sophomore Debate 1901 ; Capt. Track Team 1901 ; Member Fencing Team ; Treas. of Loganian Soc. ; First in Running Broad Jump ; Third in High Jump Spring Sports 1898. Won Everett Prize for Oratory 1899. Editor Haver- fordian 1899; Managing Editor 1900. Address, 2232 N. Broad St., Phila., Pa. 264 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [^POI Webster, I. Herbert. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Howellville, Del. Co., Pa., Mch. 8, 1879. s. Pennell Lar- kin Webster and Mary Webster Yarnall. Entered from Media, Pa., 1897 and left at close of Sophomore year. Address, Media, Pa. Wendell, Robert Stewart. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 6, 1878. s. Herman Wendell and Tilla A. Wendell. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1896 and left 1899. Civil Engineer. Address, Essex Falls, Caldwell, N. J. Winslow, Jolin^Lieiiier. [Arts, b. Baltimore, Md., Mch. 7, 1880. s. Randolph Winslow, A.M., M.D. (Class of 1 871), and Rebecca Fayssoux Leiper. Entered Sophomore Class 1898. Studied Baltimore City College two years ; Won Second Place in 440-yds. Dash, and Second Place in 220-yds. Dash in Freshman-Sophomore Sports in 1898, and Second Place in 220-yds. Dash at College Athletic Spring Meet- ing 1899. Address, 1900 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Wirgman, William Wayne. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Wayne, Pa., Mch. 24, 1878. s. John McCrea Wirgman and Mary Atlee Wayne. Entered from Paoli, Pa., 1897. Address, Paoli, Pa. Wood, Walter Hallock. [Arts, b. Farmington, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1876. s. Charles Henry Wood and Adelaide Hallock. Entered Sophomore Class 1898. Left- tackle College Football Team 1898 ; First Place Putting Shot Sophomore-Freshman Sports 1898; Same in Gymnasium Shot- putting Series ; Won Class of 1896 Prize for Mathematics 1899. Address, Farmington, N. Y. Woodward, William Wellington. [Arts. b. West Chester, Pa., March 9, 1880. s. Charles EH Wood- ward, M.D., and Ellen Louise James. Entered 1897. Address, West Chester, Pa. Yearsley, Arthur Kalston. [Science. b. Coatesville, Pa., Sept. 25, 1880. s. Isaac Yearsley and Ella Emery. Entered Sophomore Class 1898 ; Won Second Place Penna. Relay Races ; Throwing Cricket Ball Record. Address, Coatesville, Pa. Zook, Charles Augustus Bitner. [Special, b. Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 10, 1879. s. J. Gust. Zook and Emma E. Bitner. Entered 1897 and left at close of Freshman year. Clerk, Address, 432 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. 1902] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 26$ 1902. Balderston, Henry Lloyd. [Science, b. Westtown, Pa., July 3, 1881. s. C. Canby Balderston and Mary Anna Brown. Entered from Colora, Md., Sophomore Class 1899. Address, Colora, Md. Barclay, Joseph John. [Arts. b. Newport, Perry Co., Pa., Dec. 13, 1880. s. John Jacob Barclay and Laura Watson Baily. Entered from Bedford, Pa., 1898. Address, Bedford, Pa. Boles, Edgar Howard. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., July 7, 1880. s. George Howard Boles and Rhoda Overdorf Borden. Entered from Ardmore, Pa., 1898. Won Third Place in One Mile Run. Address, Ardmore, Pa. Boyer, Frank Buckner. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 20, 1879. s. Samuel H. Boyer and Sophie Mabel Reed. Entered 1898 and left at close of Fresh- man year. Prest. of Class ; Capt. of Class Track Team and Re- lay Team. Address, Phila., Pa. Brown, Shipley. [Science, b. Westtown, Pa., Oct. 23, 188 1. s. Thomas Kite Brown and Caroline Cadbury. Entered Sophomore Class 1899. Address, Westtown, Pa. Cary, Charles Reed. [Science, b. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 26, 1881. s. Charles Jackson Cary and Sue B. Reed. Entered from Charlottesville, Va., 1899. Address, Charlottesville, Va. Caswell, Andrew Baird. [Arts. b. Toronto, Ont., Can., Feb. 25, 1882. s. Alexander Kennedy Caswell and Martha Fanny Baird. Entered from Sanborn, Iowa, 1898. Address, Cherokee, Iowa. Cooknian, Arthur Shirley. [Arts. b. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 28, 1880. s. John Emory Cookman and Margaret Rowland. Entered 1898. Holder of two Scholar- ships for 1898-99; Sec. of Class; Member of Class Cricket Team ; Treas. of Y. M. C. A. Address, 805 Brown St., Wilming- ton, Del. Dennis, William Varney. [Arts. b. Dover, N. H., Sept. 21, 1879. s- William Brown Dennis and Leah Helen Goodwin. Entered 1899. Address, 426 Cen- tral Ave., Dover, N. H. 266 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [19O2 Ervien, Charles Richmoucl. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 20, 1880. s. Charles W. Ervien and Emma R. Talbot. Entered 1898. Address, 1525 N. Broad St., Phila., Pa. Evans, Charles. [Arts. b. Springfield, Del. Co., Pa., Aug. 19, 1878. s. Thomas Evans and Agnes Parker. Entered from Norristown, Pa., 1899. Ad- dress, 14 E. Spruce St., Norristown, Pa. Evans, Edward Wyatt. [Arts, b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Jan. 31, 1882. s. Jonathan Evans (Manager 1897 to date) and Rachel Reeve Cope. Entered 1898. Address, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Fox, John Sharpless. [Arts. b. Lincoln Univ., Chester Co., Pa., Nov. 14, 1877. s. John Thornton Fox and Gertrude Sharpless. Entered from West Chester, Pa., 1898. On College Football Team. Vice-Prest. of Class. Address, West Chester, Pa. Garrett, George Spencer. [Science, b. Garrettford, Pa., Nov. 2, 1880. s. George Sellers Garrett (Manager 1866-69) ^^^ Mary West Maris. Entered 1899. Address, Lansdowne, Pa. Grant, William Henry. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Woonsocket, R. I., Feb. 25, 1880. s. Capt. George Henry Grant (Mayor of Woonsocket, R. I.) and Ellen Freelove Rand. Entered 1898. Address, Woonsocket, R. I. Guniiuere, Richard Mott. [Arts, b. BurHngton, N. J., Aug. 3, 1883. s. Francis Barton Gum- mere (Class 1872, Prof of Enghsh 1887 to date) and Amelia Smith Mott. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1898. Won Philip C. Garrett Prize for Freshman Latin, and Philip C. Garrett Prize for Freshman Greek. Address, Haverford, Pa. Hall, William Wilder. [Science, b. Cumberland, Me., July 16, 1878. s. Milton Wilder Hall, M.D., and Emma Vining York. Entered from Roxbury, Mass., 1898 and left Jan., 1900. Student for two months at Harvard. Won at Haverford the 1 00-yard Dash ; Putting the Shot ; 220- yard Dash ; throwing the Hammer ; 440-yard Dash ; Second in 220-yard Dash at Princeton ; Shot-put and Wrestling at Rutgers ; on College Football Team. Address, Roxbury, Mass. Haviland, Joseph Bernard. [Arts, b. Glens Falls, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1876. s. Willis J. Haviland and Arabella W. Andrews. Entered 1898. Address, Glens Falls, N. Y. 1902] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 26/ Hippie, Edward Payson, Jr. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., July 3, 1881. s. Edward Payson Hippie and . Entered 1898 and left Freshman year. Address, 1042 N 13th St., Phila., Pa. Jones, Hudson Godfrey. [Arts. b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 14, 1882. s. WilHam Foster Jones and Emeline Field Godfrey. Entered from Ardmore, Pa., 1898. Address, Ardmore, Pa. Jones, S. Percy. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Dec. 13, 1880. s. Samuel Jones and Philena Sharpless Smedley. Entered 1898. Address, Ger- mantown, Phila., Pa. Kirk, Edward Goodwin. [Arts. b. West Chester, Pa., June 30, 1879. s. William S. Kirk and Betsey Davies Barnes. Entered 1898. Address, West Chester, Pa. Lane, Silas, [Special, b. Oct. 10, 1879. s. W. J. Lane and Susan Underbill. En- tered 1898 ; left close of year. Address, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Longstretli, William Collins. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 13, 1882. s. Thomas K. Longstreth (Class of 1870) and Lucy Branson. Entered 1898. Prest. of Class. Address, 17 16 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Malone, Lew^is. [Arts. b. Mch. 18, 1875. s. William H. Malone and Downing. Entered 1898. Left Freshman year. Address, 2824 W. 28th St., Denver, Colo. Morris, Galloway Clieston. [Arts, b. West Chester, Pa., Aug. 28, 1881. s. Dr. James Cheston Morris and Mary Ella Johnson. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1898. Left at close of year. Address, 15 14 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. IVewlin, Giirney Elwood. [Arts, b. Lawrence, Kan., Nov. 11, 1880. s. Thomas Elwood Newlin and Lavina Hadley. Entered from Los Angeles, Cal., 1898. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. Nicholson, Percival. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 14, 1881. s. Coleman Lindzey Nicholson (Class 1850) and Mary Paul Robeson. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1898. Address, Haverford, Pa. 268 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1902 Pusey, William Webb (2d). [Science. b. Wilmington, Del., May 12, 1880. s. Charles Wise Pusey and Anna Rumford. Entered 1898. Address, Wilmington, Del. Pyle, Cyrus. [Science, b. Wilmington, Del., Apl. 12, 188 1. s. Fred Pyle and Clara Pusey Wise. Entered 1898, and left at close of year. Address, Wilmington, Del. Reecler, John Wallace. [Science. b. Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 26, 1879. s. Colonel Wilbur Fish Reeder and Elizabeth Gotwalt. Entered 1 898. First in the Half- Mile Race ; Second in the 440-yard Dash of the Relay team at Haverford ; Third in the 440-yard Dash at Princeton. Address, Bellefonte, Pa. Roberts, David Allen. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Moorestown, N. J., May 25, 1880. s. David Roberts and Elizabeth Leeds Allen. Entered 1898. Address, Moorestown, N.J. Ross, Robert John. [Special. b. Ontario, Canada, Apl. 14, 1878. s. Adam A. Ross and Eliza McMaster. Entered from Ardmore, Pa., 1896 and left at end of the Freshman year; re-entered Sophomore Class 1899. Address, Ardmore, Pa. Scattergood, Herbert Arniitt. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Westchester, Pa., Jan. 11, 188 1. s. Thomas S. Scatter- good and Sarah Armitt Woodward. Entered Sophomore Class 1899. Address, West Chester, Pa. Soott, Norris Alexander. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Concord, Del. Co., Pa., Sept. 9, 1880. s. Norris Jones Scott and Rebecca Cope Smedley. Entered from Moylan, Pa., 1898. Address, Moylan, Pa. Seller, Carlino Linn. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 30, 1881. s. Carl Seller, M.D., and Caroline Gibson Linn. Entered from Lewisburg, Pa., 1898. Address, Lewisburg, Pa. Sensenig, Wayne. [Arts. b. Goodville, Pa., Apl. 23, 1879. s. Martin Martin Sensenig and Mattie Rutt. Entered 1898. Address, Goodville, Pa. Spiers, Alexander Guy Holborn. [Arts, b. London, England, May 14, 188 1. s. Isidore Henry Bowles Spiers, M.A., and Jane Owen Williams. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1898. Won a Corporation Scholarship at entrance; Fresh- man Latin Prize. Address, Wayne, Pa. 1903] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 269 Stone, John Lyon. [Arts, b. Warren, Pa., Dec. 25, 1879. s. Charles Warren Stone (Sec. Commonwealth, Lieut.-Gov. Pa., M. C.) and Elizabeth Moorhead. Entered 1898. Address, Warren, Pa. Stork, Charles Wharton. [Arts, b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Feb. 12, 1881. s. Theophilus Baker Stork and Hannah Wharton. Entered 1898. Address, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Thomas, George Herbert. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Mch. 4, 1881. s. William Paca Thomas and Caroline Bullock Hodges. Entered 1898. Address, 3714 Wal- nut St., Phila., Pa. Trout, Edgar Earl. [Science, b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 26, 1881. s. Silas Edgar Trout and Frances Sherbourne Wendell. Entered from Wayne, Pa., 1898. Won Corporation Scholarship. Class Treas. ; Won Third Place in Half-Mile Run in Spring Sports, 1899. Address, Wayne, Del. Co., Pa. Whiteley, Richard Stockett Mathews. [Arts, b. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 15, 188 1. s. Seth Holmes Whiteley and Mary Eliza Mathews. Entered 1898. Won Cup in Fresh- man Contest in Swedish Drill. Address, 7 W. Chase St., Bal- timore, Md. Wistar, Caspar. [Special, b. Germantown, Phila., Pa., Nov. 18, 1880. s. Edward Mor- ris Wistar (Class 1872) and Margaret Cooper Collins. Entered from La Mott, Pa., 1898. Address, La Mott P. O., Pa. Wood, Alexander Cooper, Jr. [Arts, b. Cinnaminson, N. J., July 5, 1880. s. Alexander Cooper Wood and Mary Emma Stokes. Entered 1898. Won Philip C. Garrett Prize for Freshman Themes. Class Historian and Recording Secretary Y. M. C. A. Address, Cinnaminson, N.J. Woodward, Parke Lewis. [Arts. b. Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 30, 1877. s. George W. Woodward and Adaline Ash. Entered 1898. Address, West Chester, Pa. 1903. Barr, Franklin Elverson. [Arts, b. Camden, N. J., Mch. 10, 1883. s. Franklin Barr and Alice Elverson. Entered 1899. Address, 506 Linden St., Camden, N.J. 2/0 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [19O3 Batemaii, Edwin Brooke. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. West Chester, Pa., Sept, 25, 1882. s. George Bateman and Ella Terence Brooke. Entered 1899. Address, West Chester, Pa. Baylis, Harry Milton. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Port Deposit, Md., Oct. 4, 1881. s. William Brown Baylis and Alice Maria Johnson. Entered from Berwyn, Pa., 1899. Address, Berwyn, Pa. Cadbviry, Henry Joel. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Nov. i, 1883. s. Joel Cadbury (Class 1856, Manager 1867-81) and Anna Kaighn Lowry. Entered 1899. Address, 1502 Green St., Phila., Pa. Chambers, William Wilkie. [Arts, b. Manchester, England, Nov. 8, 1876. s. Isaac Millan Cham- bers and Mary Blackey. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1898. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Cornman, Clarence Raymond. [Arts. b. Lower Merion, Montgomery Co., Pa., Jan. 30, 1881. s. Isaac Barry Cornman and Hannah Jones de Grant. Entered 1899. Address, Gladwyne, Pa. Dean, Archer Griffin. [Science. b. Avondale, Cincinnati, O., July 29, 1881. s. George Henry Dean and Elizabeth Lippincott Taylor. Entered 1899. Prest. of Class. Address, Avondale, Cincinnati, O. Domincovich, Harry Anthony. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 9, 1881. s. Peter Domincovich and Mary Kuhn. Entered 1899. Address, 23d and Brown Sts., Phila., Pa. Drinker, James Blathwaite. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Oct. 23, 1882. s. Henry Sandwith Drinker and Aimee Ernesta Beaux. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1899. Corporation Scholar. Address, Haverford, Pa. Duerr, Otto "Eugene. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. near Mansfield, O., Nov. 16, 188 1. s. John William Cas- samer Duerr and Emelia Marie Princehom. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1899. Address, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Eshleman, Ulysses Mercur. [Arts. b. Lancaster, Pa., Mch. 9, 1883. s. Col. B. Frank Eshleman (Class 1867) and Mary E. Mercur. Entered 1899. Address, 1403 Orange St., Lancaster, Pa. 1903] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 27 1 Garrigues, Henry Haydock. [Science, b. Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 4, 1881. s. Samuel Mitchell Garri- gues and Sallie Frances White. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1899. Address, Haverford, Pa. Greb, John Walter. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Apl. 22, 1879. s. John Greb and Theresa Steidle. Entered 1899. Address, 1955 N. 4th St., Phila., Pa. Hoffman, Enoch Farson. [Arts. b. St. Clair, Pa., Aug. 26, 1875. s. E. H. Hoffman and Carrie H. Farson. Entered from Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1899. Address, Br>'n Mawr, Pa. Kelsey, Cadwalader Washburne (or Kadwalader Kelsey.) [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Clarens, Switzerland, July 30, 1881. s. Albert Warren Kelsey and J. G. Washburne. Entered from Chestnut Hill, Phila., Pa., 1899. Address, Chestnut Hill, Phila., Pa. Muri>hy, Eugene de Besson. [Science, b. London, Sept. 6, 1880. s. Eugene Kelly Lawrence Mur- phy (Marchese Murphy) and Marie Louise de Besson. Entered from Phila., Pa., Jan., 1899. Address, 4029 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. Peirce, George. [Arts, b. Bristol, Pa., May 7, 1883. s. Harold Peirce and Charlotte Converse. Entered from Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1899. Cor- poration Scholar. Address, Germantown, Phila., Pa. Philips, William Pyle. [Arts, b. West Chester, Pa., June 29, 1882. s. George Maris Philips, Ph.D. (Principal West Chester State Normal School) and Eliza- beth Marshall Pyle. Entered 1899. Address, 700 S. High St., West Chester, Pa. Phillips, Arthur John. [Arts, b. Truro, Cornwall, Eng., 1877. s. Henry Phillips and Margaret Collins Crowin. Entered from Woonsocket, R. L, 1899. Address, Woonsocket, R. L Rabinowitz, Elias Nathan. [Arts, b. Russia, Mch. 20, 1880. s. Isaiah Rabinowitz and Esther Shapero. Entered from Phila., Pa., 1899. Address, 702 Kater St., Phila., Pa. Schrag, Andrew D. [Arts. b. Moundridge, Kan., Sept. 19, 1876. s. Daniel Schrag and Katherine Stucky. Entered 1899. Address, Moundridge, Kan. 2/2 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [19O3 Sinikiii, Robert Louis. [Arts, b. Poplar Ridge, N. Y., May lo, 1879. s. Samuel Simkin and Ann Rebecca Chase. Entered from West Branch, N. Y., 1899. Address, West Branch, N. Y. Snowden, James Ross. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Phila., Pa., Dec. 2, 1881. s. Frank V. Snowden and Mary Delworth. Entered 1899. Address, 800 Girard Building, Phila., Pa. Swift, Willarcl Everett. [Science, Mech. Eng. b. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 16, 1879. s. Henry Daniel Swift and Emma Fuller. Entered 1899. Address, 16 Channing St., Worcester, Mass. Tiliiey, Israel Sheldon. [Arts, b. Orange, N. J., June 25, 1882. s. John Stringer Tilney and Georgiana Esther Sheldon. Entered 1899. Address, jy Main St., Orange, N. J. Wilson, Samuel Norman. [Arts. b. Lewisville, Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 20, 1881. s. Howard G. Wilson and Adelaide M. Spering. Entered from Oxford, Pa., 1899. Address, Oxford, Pa. Wortliington, Joseph Kent, Jr. [Arts, b. Phila., Pa., Jan. 14, 1882. s. Joseph Kent Worthington and Josephine Gibbons Harlan. Entered from Haverford, Pa., 1899. Address, Haverford, Pa. 1885] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 2/3 GRADUATE STUDENTS. 1885. Morgan, William Earl. (A.B. and A.M., Penn College, Oska- loosa, Iowa.) b. Richmond, Ind., Sept. 29, 1859. s. William Butler Mor- gan (Class 1853) and Sarah Henley. Entered as Graduate Student 1883 ; Asst. in Astronomical Observatory 1883-85 ; Instructor in Mechanical Drawing 1884-85 ; Graduate Student for one year in Ohio State University. Teacher Latin and Mathemathics Spiceland Academy, Spiceland, Ind., 1885-87, left on account of failing health, m. Sept. 2, 1891, Hattie A. Sharp. Address, Lowell, Kan. Coiiable, Morris R. (B.C.E.) b. . s. and . Entered from Phila., Pa., as Special Graduate Student in Astronomy 1884-85. Address not known. Lucas, Clinton W. (A.B.) b. . s. and . Entered 1885 from Phila., Pa., as Special Graduate Student in Astronomy. Address not known. 1890. Eaton, William Bradford, A.M.. 1890. (Ph.B., Wesleyan Univ., 1889. M.D.) b. . s. and . Entered 1889 as Graduate Student in Biology. Address, 2 Garden St., Hartford, Conn. Micliener, diaries Leroy, A.M., 1890. (A.B., Penn College, 1884; A.M., 1887.) b. New Sharon, la.. May 28, 1861. s. David Osborn Michener and Emmeline Benedict. Entered as Graduate Student in Greek 1889. Studied at Penn College, Oskaloosa, Iowa, 1880-84; Teacher; Prof of Greek, Penn College, 1891 to date; Member of American Philological Assoc, m. June 25, 1891, Mary Pick- rell. Address, Oskaloosa, la. 18 274 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [189O Pritcliard, Charles Edgar, A.M., 1890. (A.B., Earlham Col- lege, 1889.} b. Waveland, la., Aug. lo, 1866. s. E. T. Pritchard and Elizabeth P. Reyman. Entered from Georgetown, 111., as Gradu- ate Student in Mathematics 1889. "Earlham Fellow." Real Estate Dealer. Address, Georgetown, 111. Rogers, Kobert William, Ph.D., 1890. (A.B., Johns Hopkins, 1887; Ph.D., Leipzig, 1895; D.D., Wesleyan (Conn.), 1894; LL.D., Baker Univ., and Nebraska Wesleyan Univ.) b. Phila., Pa., Feb. 14, 1864. s. Samuel Rogers and Mary Osborne. Entered as Graduate Student in Semitics 1887. Instructor in Greek and Hebrew 1887-88 ; Prof, of English Bible and Semitic History, Dickinson College, Pa., 1890-92 ; Prof of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis, Drew Theological Semin- ary, Madison, N. J., 1893 to date. Author of numerous papers in Theological and Archaeological Journals; "Some Esarhaddon Inscriptions," Haverford College Studies, No. 2 ; " Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in the Library of Haverford College," Hav- erford Studies, No. 4 ; "Unpublished Inscriptions of Esarhaddon," Haverford Studies, No. 9 ; Contributor to " Records of the Past," vol. vi.. New Series ; " Outlines of Early History of Babylonia," 1895; Contributor to " Encyclopaedia Biblica." Member Soc. Biblical Archaeology, London; Deutsche Morganlandische Gesell- schaft ; Deutsche Palaestina Verein ; Amer. Oriental Soc. ; Soc. Biblical Literature and Exegesis ; Oriental Club ; American Phil- osophical Soc, etc., etc. m. Phila., Pa., June 3, 1891, Ida Virginia Ziegler. Address, Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J. Sayrs, William Christopher, A.M., 1890. (A.B., Wilmington College, 1889.) b. near Wilmington, O., Nov. 18, 1861. s. Francis Penn Sayrs and Sarah Ellen Penquite. Entered as Graduate Student in Greek 1889. Studied at Wilmington College, Wilmington, O., 1886-89 ; Univ. of Chicago, 1894-95 ; Prof, of Greek, Wil- mington College, 1890-93 ; Principal High School, Wilmington, O., 1895-97; Supt. Wilmington Pubhc Schools, 1897-99. m. Sept. 2, 1883, Jennie West. Address, Wilmington, O. Terrell, Charles Ernest, A.M., 1890. (S.B., Wilmington, 1888.) b. New Vienna, O., Jan. 4, 1866. s. Israel A. Terrell and Sidney Huff Entered as Graduate, 1889. " Wilmington Fellow." Studied at Wilmington College, 1881-88 (irregularly on account of ill-health), m. Nov. 19, 1890, Anna M. Harris. Address, New Vienna, O. 1 891] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 2/5 Tliurber, Charles Herbert, A.M., 1890. (Pb.B., Cornell, 1886.) b. Owego, N. Y., Mch. 24, 1864. s. John A. Thurber and Sarah M. Aber. Graduate Student 1889-90 ; Studied at Cornell 1882-86; Registrar and Sec. Cornell 1886-88; Teacher 1888- 90 ; Teacher Haverford College Grammar School, Special Agent U. S. Bureau of Education in Germany 1890-91 ; Student Royal Polytechnicum, Dresden, 1890-91 ; Instructor in French, Cornell, 1891—93 ; Prof, of Pedagogy Colgate Univ. and Principal Colgate Academy 1893-95 ; Director of Division of Child Study, Depart, of Public Instruction, State of New York, 1895-96; Asst. to Editor-in-Chief "Johnson's Universal Encyclopaedia" 1892—94; Editor of " The School Review ;" Editor of " Transactions of the Illinois Society for Child-Study;" Teacher; Associate Prof, of Pedagogy ; Director of Co-operative Work, Univ. of Chicago ; Editor "The School Review." m. June 25, 1891, Anna E. Billings. Address, Care of Ginn & Co., Boston, Mass. 1891. Byers, Lawrence Marshall, A.M., 1891. (A.B., Penn College, la., 1890; LL.B., Yale, 1893.) b. Bocken, near Horgen, Zurich, Switzerland, Aug. 18, 1872. s. Samuel H. M. Byers, Major U. S. A., U. S. Consul, Zurich, and Margaret Gilmour. Entered from Oskaloosa, la., as Gradu- ate Student in Astronomy 1890. " Penn Fellow." Studied at Penn College, la., 1885-90; Studied at Univ. of Zurich 1891-92 (Law School); Studied at Law School Yale Univ. 1892-93. Lawyer. Address, 594-5-6 Good Block, Des Moines, la. tCarroll, William Hunt, A.M., 1891. (S.B., Wilmington Col- lege, 0., 1890 ; LL.B., Ohio State Univ.) b. New Vienna, O., Oct. 10, 1871 ; d. 1897. Entered from Wilmington, O., as Graduate Student in Astronomy 1890. " Wilmington Fellow." Lawyer. Hill, Myron Francis, A.M., 1891. (A.B., Harvard, 1890.) b. Cambridge, Mass. (?) s. Frank Alpine Hill, Litt.D., and . Graduate Student in International Law 1890-91. Last address, Cambridge, Mass. Robinson, Lucian Moore, A.M., 1891. (A.B., Harvard, 1882.) b. . s. and . Graduate Student in New Testament Textual Criticism and Germanic Philology 1890-92. Clergyman Prot. Episcopal Church ; Teacher ; Instructor in Episcopal Divinity School, Phila., Pa. Address, Episcopal Divinity School, Chester Ave., Phila., Pa. 2/6 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1893 1892. GiflFord, Elmer H., A.M., 1892. (S.B., Penn, 1888.) b. , Dec. 23, 1863. s. Enoch Taylor Gifford and Edith Stubbs Hunt. Entered from Oskaloosa, la., as Graduate Student in Physics 1891. "Penn Fellow." Studied at Chicago Univ. one term, Summer of 1896; Principal Prep. Depart. Penn Col- lege, Oskaloosa, la., 1888-91 ; Actg. Prof. Mathematics Penn College 1892-93; Financial Agent Penn College 1893-95; Prof of Physics Penn College 1895 to date. m. Aug. 30, 1888, Hattie Isabel Hadley. Address, Penn College, Oskaloosa, la. Hubbard, Byron Charles, A.M., 1892. (S.B., Earlham, 1891.) b. Monrovia, Ind., Dec. 21, 1868. s. Nathan Elias Hubbard and Elizabeth A. Ballard. Graduate Student in Engineering 1891-92. "Earlham Fellow." Studied at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., five years ; Civil Engineer with Pottstown Iron Co., at Pottstown, Pa., from July, 1892, to Oct., 1893 ; Teacher of Nat. Science in the Warsaw High School at Warsaw, Ind. ; with Colorado Ford and Iron Co., Pueblo, Col., 1899. m. Brighton, Md., June 6, 1895, Nelly L. Hutton. Address, Pueblo, Col. tStatler, Frank B. (A.B., Wilmington College, Wilmington, 0., 1891.) b. Wilmington, O., Aug. 15, 1868. d. at Haverford College Nov. 24, 1 89 1, s. Samuel Loudoun Statler and Lydia Thatcher. Studied at Wilmington College, O., 1887-91. Entered as Grad- uate Student in Greek 1891. " Wilmington Fellow." 1893. Hunt, Wilson Allen. (S.B., Wilmington College, 0., 1892.) b. Martinsville, O., Mch. 15, 1865. s. Joseph Moon Hunt and Emily Hailey. Entered from Bloomington, O., as Graduate Student in Chemistry 1892. "Wilmington Fellow." Took no degree. Studied Ohio State Univ. 1891 ; Principal Tonganoxie Academy, Kansas, 1893-94; Teacher Chemistry and Physics Canon City, Colo., High School 1897-98 ; Teacher Mathematics and Physics High School, Denver, Colo., 1898-99. Educational Publisher. Address, 404 Charles Block, Denver, Colo. Johnson, Irving Cnlver, A.M., 1893. (A.B., Penn College, Iowa, 1892.) b. Oskaloosa, la., June i, 1872. s. Judge J. Kelly Johnson and Ann Eliza Grinnell. Entered as Graduate Student in Ameri- can History. " Penn Fellow." At Penn College, la., 1888-92 ; 1894] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 2// Studied Law 1893-95 ; admitted to practice Iowa Supreme Court 1895. m. Oskaloosa, la., Oct. 19, 1899, Mary Hortense Burn- side. Address, Oskaloosa, la. Van IVoppen, Leonard Charles, A.M. (A.B., Guilford, 1890; B.L., Univ. of N. C, 1892.) b. Province of Zealand, Holland, Jan. 8, 1868. s. Cornelius Martin Van Noppen and Johanna Maria Cappon. Entered from Durham, N. C, as Graduate Student in English 1892. Studied at Guilford College, N. C, 1887-90; Univ. of North Carolina 1892-94. Engaged in Historical and Literary Research ; Translator of Vondel's " Lucifer." Address, care Continental Pub. Co., 24 Mercer St., N. Y. City. 1894. Dakin, Franklin Arthur, A.M.. 1894. (A.B., Harvard Univ., 1882.) b. Natick, Mass., Nov. 22, 1858. s. George Thomas Dakin and Ellen Mills French. Graduate Student in Latin 1893-94; Student Harvard Univ. 1878-82 ; Teacher of Latin and Greek in Haverford College Grammar School 1892 to date. m. Natick, Mass., Jan. 17, 1884, Sarah Estella True. Address, 90 Pond St., Natick, Mass., and Haverford, Pa. Kirk, Mahlon Ziniri, A.M., 1894. (S.B., Penn College, Iowa, 1893.) b. Bangor, la., Sept. 21, 1870. s. Nathan Kirk and Abigail Whinery. Entered as Graduate Student in Chemistry 1893. "Penn Fellow." Studied at Penn College, la., 1888-89, 1890- 93 ; Geologist, in Kansas, 1 894-96 ; Financial Agent Penn Col- lege 1896-98; with "American Friend Pub. Co." 1898-99; Manager of Union Book and Bible House, Denver, Colo., 1899 to date. m. Denver, Colo., July 29, 1899, Linnie K. Myers. Address, 54 Quincy St., Denver, Colo. Spaid, Arthur Rusmiselle, A.M., 1894. (A.B., Wilmington College, 1893.) b. Capon Springs, West Virginia, July 27, 1866. s. John W. Spaid and Margaret Elizabeth Brill. Entered from Concord, W. Va., as Graduate Student in American History 1893. "Wil- mington Fellow." Studied at Wilmington College, Wilmington, O., 1889-93 ; Principal Alexis I. du Pont School, Highlands, Wilmington, Del., 1894 to date. m. Sept. 30, 1897, Mary Farquhar. Address, Highlands, Wilmington, Del. 278 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [1896 Wilson, Edwin Mood, A.M., 1894. ( A.B., Guilford, N. C, 1892 ; Univ. of N. C, 1893.) b. Lenoir, N. C, July 26, 1872. s. Jethro Reuben Wilson and Louisa Jane Round. Graduate Student in English 1893-94 ; Studied at Guilford College, N. C., 1888-92 ; Univ. of N. C., Chapel Hill, 1892-93. Instructor Latin and English, Oakwood Seminary, Union Springs, N. Y., 1894-95. Instructor Latin and History Haverford College Grammar School 1895 to date. Address, Haverford, Pa. 1895. Kenible, Ira Oscar, Jr., A.M., 1895. (S.B., Penn College, la., 1894.) b. Alliance, O., Nov. i, 1873. s. K. K. Kemble and Hattie A. Hillerman. Entered from Oskaloosa, la., as Graduate Student in Chemistry. " Penn Fellow." Studied at Penn College, Oska- loosa, la., 1890-94. With Kemble Floral Co., Oskaloosa, la., 1895 to date. Address, Oskaloosa, la. Villars, John Oscar, A.M., 1895. (S.B., Wilmington College, O., 1894.) b. Clarksville, O. (?), July 3, 1873. s. and . En- tered as Graduate Student in Mathematics. " Wilmington Fel- low." Last address, Clarksville, O. White, Rov Wilson, A.M., 1895. (S.B., Earlham, 1894. LL.B., Univ. o'f Pa., 1898.) b. Dublin, Wayne Co., Ind., June, 1872. s. William W^ilson White and Mary Abigail White. Entered from Lewisville, Ind., as Graduate Student in Latin 1894. "Earlham Fellow." Studied at Univ. of Pa. 1895-98. Fellow and Instructor in Depart, of Law, Univ. of Pa., 1898 to date. Studied at Paris, France, 1 899-1 900. Lawyer. Address, 187 Maplewood Ave., Germantown, and looi Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. 1896. Babbitt, James Addison, A.M., 1896. (A.B., Yale, 1893; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1898.) b. Waitsfield, Vt., Oct. 22, 1869. s. James Howard Babbitt and Mary French Abbott. Graduate Student in Biology. Studied at Yale Univ. 1889-93. Studied Medical School, Univ. of Pa., 1894-98. Instructor in Physical Training 1893 to date; Registrar 1894 to date. Member Amer. Assoc, for Advance- ment of Physical Training ; William Pepper Med. Soc. ; Soc. of College Gymnasium Directors. m. Swanton, Vt., Sept. 11, 1895, Mary Abigail Adams. Address, Haverford, Pa. I 1896] MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 2/9 Charles, Arthur Matthew, A.M., 1896. (S.B., Earlham Col- lege, Ind., 1895.) b. Richmond, Ind., Aug. 28, 1873. s. M. Charles and Eliza D. Timberlake. Entered as Graduate Student in English 1895. " Earlham Fellow." Studied at Earlham College, Ind. Teacher Friends' School, Germantown, Phila., Pa., 1896-99; Principal Oak Grove Boarding School, Vassalboro', Me., 1899 to date, m. Covington, Ky., July 25, 1899, Carrie Lane Riggs. Ad- dress, Oak Grove Boarding School, Vassalboro', Me. Hastings, William Walter, A.M., 1894; Ph.D., 1896. (A.B., Maryville, Tenn., 1886 ; A.M., 1892.) b. Redfield, la., Nov. i, 1865. s. William P. Hastings and Luzena Stanley Bond. Entered from Staten Island, N. Y., as Graduate Student in Semitic Languages 1892 ; granted degree of A.M. 1894. Teacher Haverford College Grammar School; Secretary Y. M. C. A., Springfield, Mass. ; Adjunct Prof Physi- ology and Hygiene and Director of Gymnasium Univ. of Ne- braska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1897 to date. m. Hatfield, Mass., June 22, 1897, Ehzabeth Fairbank Woods. Address, Univ. of Nebraska, and 1706 N St., Lincoln, Neb. Hunt, Luther Milton, A.M., 1896. (S.B., Wilmington College, 0.,1895.) b. Martinsville, O., Jan. 19, 1874. s. Jacob Green Hunt and Sarah Frances James. Entered from Wilmington, O., as Grad- uate Student in American History 1895. " Wilmington Fellow." Studied at Wilmington College, O., 1891-95. Teacher Clarks- ville Public School, O., 1896 to date. m. Aug. 11, 1897, Lena D. Hadley. Address, Clarksville, O. Owen, Horace Thornburg-, A.M., 1896. (A.B., Hamilton Col- lege, N. Y., 1895.) b. East Saginaw, Mich., June 26, 1875. s. Oliver Goldsmith Owen, A.M. (Class of 1870; Asst. Supt. 1870-71; Tutor in Classics 1870-71) and Maria Elizabeth Wilson. Entered from Clinton, N. Y., Senior Class 1895 and changed to Graduate Student in American History. Studied at Hamilton College, N. Y., 1891-95. Graduate General Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1899. Clergyman Episcopal Church 1899. Address, Antwerp, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Patterson, Clement Finney, A.M., 1896. (Ph.B., Penn Col- lege, la., 1895.) b. West Alexander, Pa., Apl. 23, 1869. s. Joseph Reynolds Patterson and Nancy Truesdale Hosack. Entered from Oska- loosa, la., 1895 as Graduate Student in Mechanics. " Penn 280 HAVERFORD COLLEGE [19OO Fellow." Studied four years at Penn College, Oskaloosa, la. Address, Oskaloosa, la. 1897. Beal, William Otis, A.M., 1897. (S.B., Earlham College, Ind., 1896.) b. Quaker, Mich., Feb. i8, 1874. s. Joseph Otis Beal and Elvira Westgate. Entered 1896 as Graduate Student in Astronomy. " Earlham Fellow." Studied at Earlham College 1893-96. Student at Univ. of Chicago. Address, Quaker, Mich. Else, Frank Whittier, A.M., 1897. (A.B., Penn College, la., 1896.) b. Mahaska Co., la., Nov. 5, 1871. s. John Jayne Else and Susanna Gearhart. Entered from Oskaloosa, la., as Graduate Student in American History. "Penn Fellow" 1896. Studied at Penn College 1892-96. Address, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Terrell, Paul Tasso, A.M., 1897. (S.B., Wilmington College, 1896.) b. New Vienna, O., June 12, 1873. s. James Huff Terrell and Edith Hawkins Nordyke. Entered from Wilmington, O., as Graduate Student in Mathematics 1896. Studied at Wilming- ton College, Wilmington, O., 1889-90, 1891-92, 1894-95, 1895-96. Address, Highland, O. 1900. Loud, Frank Herbert. (A.B., Amherst, 1873 ; A.M., Harvard, 1899.) b. Weymouth, Mass., Jan. 26, 1852. s. Francis EHot Loud and Mary Tolman Capen. Entered as Graduate Student in Higher Mathematics 1899. Student Amherst College 1869-73 ; Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass., 1890-91 ; Harvard Univ. 1898-99. Member American Assoc, for the Advancement of Science (Fel- low) ; American Mathematical Soc. Author of "An Introduc- tion to Geometry," St. Louis, 1880; " Barometric Observations of Prof. E. S. Snell," published in the Smithsonian Report for 1880. "Articles in Annals of Mathemathics," vols. v. to viii. Walker Instructor in Mathematics, Amherst College, 1873-76. Prof of Mathematics, Colorado College, 1877-99. '^- J^^y ^3' 1882, Mabel Wiley. Address, after Sept., 1900, 1203 N. Tejon St., Colorado Springs, Col. MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 28 1 RECIPIENTS OF HONORARY DEGREES. 1858. Vail, Hugh D., A.M. Instructor in Mathematics 1848-52 ; Manager 1859- 82. Philadelphia, Pa. 1859- fAldricli, Joseph W., A.M. Class of 1843; Instructor in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 1843-46 ; Instructor in Classics and Ancient Literature 1848-53. Philadelphia, Pa. 1865 i860. tWhittier, John Greenleaf, A.M. Poet. Amesbury, Mass. 1892 1864. tCope, Edward Drinker, A.M. Professor of Comparative Zoology and Botany 1864 ^y \ Professor at Univ. of Pa. 1889-97. Scientist. Phil- adelphia, Pa. 1897 1867. Moore, Joseph, A.M. President of Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., 1868- 1883. 1872. Jacobs, William, A.M. Assistant Editor Thomas's Biographical Dictionary. West Chester, Pa. 1875- fAlsop, Samuel, Jr., A.M. Teacher; Professor of Physics and Astronomy 1875- 78 ; Superintendent 1875-78. Westtown, Pa. tCliase, Pliny Earle, LL.D. Professor of Philosophy 1871-86; Acting Prest. 1886. Philadelphia, Pa. 1886 282 HAVERFORD COLLEGE DIED fPancoiist, William Henry, A.M. A.B., Class 1853; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, Phila., Pa., 1856; Professor of Anatomy Jefferson Medi- cal College ; Prest. Medico-Chirurgical College of Phila., Pa., etc. Philadelphia, Pa. 1897 1877. fThonias, John J., A.M. Author. Editor. Philadelphia, Pa. 1895 1879. Jones, Richard Mott, A.M. A.B., Class 1867 ; Head Master William Penn Charter School, Phila., Pa. Yarnall, Ellis, A.M. Author, etc. Haverford, Pa. 1880. fChase, Thomas, Litt.D. (LL.D., Harvard, 1878.) Professor Philology 1855-86; Prest. 1874-86. 1892 fHiighes, Thomas, LL.D. Author. England. 1896 1882. Coates, Henry Troth, A.M. A.B., Class 1862. Editor. Publisher. Philadelphia, Pa. 1883. tCock, Thomas Ferris, LL.D. Class 1836; M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1838. Physician. Author. New York City. 1 896 Wood, James, A.M. Class of 1858. Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Hoxie, Henry Newell, A.M. Principal of Friends' School, Germantown, Phila., Pa. 1884. tParrish, Joseph, A.M. Class of 1863. Lawyer. Philadelphia, Pa. 1893 fCook, Elijah, A.M. Principal of Oakwood Academy, Union Springs, N, Y. 1899 MATRICULATE CATALOGUE. 283 1885. DIED tTomlinsoii, Julius Lines, A.M. A. B., Class of 1873. Teacher. Archdale, N.'C. 1890 Chase, Robert Howl and, A.M. Class of 1867. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1869. Resident Physician State Hospital for Insane, Norristown, Pa. Superintendent Friends' Asylum for the Insane, Frank- ford, Phila., Pa. 1886. Magill, Edward Hicks, LL.D. President Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. Author, etc. 1887. fKimber, Thomas, Litt.D. Class of 1842. Benefactor. Author. Richmond Hill, N. Y. 1890 i; Smith, Clement Lawrence, LL.D. A.B., Class of i860; A.M., 1863. Librarian and Asst. Professor Classics, etc., 1863-65 ; Professor Latin, Harvard Univ. ; Dean of Harvard University ; Director Classical School at Rome 1897-98. Cambridge, Mass. 1890. Mills, Joseph John, LL.D. President Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., 1884 to date. 1891. Jones, Richard Mott, LL.D. A.B., Class of 1867 ; Hon. A.M., 1879. Head Master William Penn Charter School, Phila., Pa., 1875 to date. 1895. tTrimble, Henry, A.M. Chemist ; Professor Phila. College of Pharmacy. West Chester, Pa. 1898 ENUMERATION/ Graduates, ....... Graduate Students, not having been Under- 647 graduates, ..... . 32 Recipients of Honorary Degrees, . . 28 707 Non-Graduates, ..... • 834 Graduate Students not receiving Degrees, 6 840 Undergraduates,^ ..... • 157 157 Deceased. Graduates, ...... . lOI Graduate Student, ..... I Recipients of Honorary Degrees, 13 Non-Graduates, • 355 Graduate Student not receiving a Degree, I Living. Graduates, ...... . 546 Graduate Students, .... • 31 Recipients of Honorary Degrees, • 15 Graduate Students not receiving Degrees, 5 Non-Graduates, ..... • 479 Undergraduates,^ ..... • 157 1704 471 — 1233 ' Corrected to April i, 1900, including those noted in "Additions and Corrections." ^ Including members of Classes of 1900-1903 who left the College previously to April I, 1900. INDEX. MATRICULATES, GRADUATE STUDENTS, AND RECIPIENTS OF HONORARY DEGREES. The names of recipients of honorary degrees are printed in italics. The years in which Graduate Students received advanced degrees are enclosed in parentheses. For names marked (See Ad. and Cor.) consult list of Additions and Corrections. NAME Abbott, Charles Tucker Acton, Thomas Wistar Adams, Jedediah Howe . Justus C. ... Samuel F Douglas Howe Alderson, William Charles (See and Cor.) .... Aldrich, Joseph W. Joseph W., A.M. Alger, Harry .... Allen, Charles Francis . Charles Jackson George Raymond Gideon, Jr. . John Henry Marmaduke Watson William Williams, Jr. Allinson, Edward Pease Francis Greenleaf Alsop, William Kite . Samuel, Jr., A.M. Anderson, Isaac W. Angell, Edward Mott Franklin .... Arnold, William Dennis . Arthur, Frederick, Jr. Ashbridge, Abraham Sharpless George .... John Richard William .... Atwater, Joseph Hoag . Auchincloss, James .Stuart Audenried, William Grattan B Babb, Maurice J. Babbitt, Harold French James Addison . Bachman, Frank Eshleman Bacon, George Warder . John Joseph Kirkbride Morris (See Ad. and Cor.) Bailey, Joseph Lukens . Leslie Adclbert Bally, Albert Lang . Arthur Hallam Charles Winter . Frederick Lang Henry .... Ad. CLASS ISGS 1858 1887 1843 1845 1896 1858 1843 (1859) 1891 1901 1900 1896 1854 1881 1840 1900 1874 1876 1896 (1875) 1877 1890 1864 1842 1854 1842 1867 1807 1872 1864 1851 1890 1890 PAGE 113 69 177 25 32 232 70 25 281 205 259 254 232 53 163 15 254 129 134 233 281 137 199 95 21 52 22 106 106 124 95 44 200 200 1896 1901 (1896) 1880 1864 1887 1843 1859 1851 1893 1878 1887 1885 1877 1878 237 259 278 148 97 181 25 76 42 214 139 177 167 138 140 NAME Baily, Henry Paul Thomas Chalkley James Thomas Loyd William Loyd Baker, Isaac S. . . . Balderston, Henry Lloyd Lloyd .... Baltz, William SageViorn Banes, Robert Coleman Bangs, William Bankard, Clarence Walton Barclay, Joseph John Barker, Benjamin Barnes, .lonathan B. Barney, William Henry Barns, Jesse Battey . Barr, Ernest Kirby . Franklin Elverson . Barrow, Henry Haydock, Jr Bartlett, Jarvis Henry Barton, George Aaron . Batemau, Edwin Brooke Bates, Orren William . Battey, Charles Ileaton . Tlionias Jesse . WiUiinii .\ldrich Bawdcn, William John Baylis. Harry Milton Beadenkdpf, Clarence Milton I'.eal, William Otis . Beale, Horace Alexander, Jr, Ad. and Cor.) Beatty, H. J. . . . Bcchtel, Harry Oliver . Beck, Charles Bayard Bedell, Charles Hampton . Beesley, Bartholomew Wistar Theophilus Beezley, James Beidelman, Lawrence Peterson Prescott Burton . Bell, Charles Dutilh . ('harles Herbert . William Brown Bettle, Charles . Edward, Jr. . Henry .... Samuel, Jr. Samuel Samuel, Jr. William Henry . Betts, Thomas Wade . Beyerle, George Albert . Bines, David Adams . CLASS PAGE 1890 204 1855 57 1840 15 1883 158 1837 4 1902 265 1839 12 1901 260 1889 192 1874 131 1901 260 1902 265 1840 16 1836 9 1864 27 1897 241 1887 182 1903 269 1848 38 1894 220 1882 154 1903 270 1884 163 1888 185 1863 91 1899 249 1899 249 1903 270 1899 252 (1897) 280 1894 224 1867 108 1893 218 1867 108 1887 177 1856 59 1848 38 1879 145 1888 185 1897 241 1877 139 1898 247 1900 254 1861 84 1861 85 1861 85 1855 56 . 1885 168 1895 227 1896 233 1886 173 . 1894 220 1880 148 286 INDEX. NAME Bines, William Henry Binns, Edward Hussey Ralph Holden . Birdsall, N'atliau Dunn Thomas Webb . William, Jr. CLASS . 1844 1888 . 1888 1849 . 1841 1841 Zephaniah 1849 Bishop, Alexander Hamilton . 1898 Gilbert Livingston, Jr. . . 1899 John 1838 William 1880 Bispham, David .... 1876 Edward Koons .... 1875 Samuel, J r 1879 Black, John Maris Lindsay . . 1878 Blair, Augustine Wilberforce . 1892 David Hunt .... 1891 John Jay 1885 Walter Elihu .... 1899 William Allen . . . 1881 Blanch ard, Edmund . . . 1895 John 1883 Bode, William 1899 Boles, Edgar Howard . . . 1902 Bond, Francis Edward, Jr. . . 1889 Bowne, Howland .... 1888 John 1840 Robert 1842 Boyer, Frank Buckner . . . 1902 Bradford, James Cresson . . 1857 Branson, Thomas Franklin . . 1889 Breeht, Samuel Kriebel . . 1896 BredO, Friederich Karl (Formerly known as Charles Frederic Brede) 1880 Brick, Joseph Coles . , . 1885 Briggs, Frank Elwood . . . 1883 Bringhurst, Henry Ryan, Jr. . 1890 John Richardson . . . 1865 Brinton, Charles .... 1853 George 1852 Horace 1893 Howard Futhey . . . 1896 Bichard (Formerly known as Christian Frederick Brinton.) 1892 Thomas Hill .... 1852 Walter 1881 Brooke, Alfred 1858 Benjamin .... I860 Benjamin 1885 Francis Mark . . . . 1857 Hugh Jones .... 1886 Lewis Trimble . . . 1857 Mark 1896 Nathan 1852 Brooks, Edward, Jr. . . . 1888 Broomall, William Booth . . 1861 Brown, Alonzo 1875 David Sands, Jr. (See Ad. and 1846 . 1865 1901 . 1895 1866 . 1871 1870 . 1893 1855 . 1847 1847 . 1897 1896 . 1902 1845 . 1846 1878 . 1843 1859 . 1892 1843 . 1885 PAGE 1 29 189 189 40 17 18 40 247 252 8 145 135 132 144 143 209 206 168 249 149 227 159 249 265 197 189 16 19 265 64 192 233 Cor.) Edward Taylor . Ellis Yarnall, Jr. . Francis Head Henry Clay Henry Graham . James Stuart . Jolni Farnnm Jose))h Howell Joseph Johnson . Moses, Jr . Richard Cadbury Samuel Hulme. Shipley Stephen . . . . Thomas S. . Thomas Wistar, Jr. William A. William Henry, Jr. Brumbaugh, Isaac Harvey Bult'um, Benjamin Edward 145 172 159 200 100 49 46 218 237 209 46 150 70 82 172 65 175 65 233 46 189 85 132 34 100 260 231 105 120 117 214 57 36 36 238 227 265 33 34 143 25 76 209 25 172 NAME < Bullinger, Howard Valentine Bullock, Charles (See Ad. and Cor.) John Griscom .... William R Bunker Nathan, Jr, . Burdette, Robert Jones, Jr. . Burgess, Thomas Harvey . Burns, William John Burr, Charles Henry, Jr. Burson, David Stroud Busselle, Alfred .... Butler, Frederick C. . . . George Thomas James Edgar .... Byers, Lawrence Marshall . Cabo, Angel Rodriguez . . . 1890 Cadbury, Benjamin . . . 1892 Henry Joel 1903 Joel 1856 John Warder .... 1854 John Warder .... 1901 Richard 1842 Richard Tapper . . . 1872 William Edward . . • 1901 William Warder . . . 18r>0 William Warder . . . 1898 Canby, Roberts .... 1837 Samuel 1856 William 1842 William Marriott . • . 1891 Carey, Anthony Morris . . 1881 Francis King .... 1878 James 1839 LASS PAGE 1901 260 1844 29 1874 130 1843 25 1842 22 1900 254 1858 68 1897 238 1889 192 1835 1 1894 224 1884 165 1890 204 1898 243 (1891) 275 James, Jr John Ellicott . . . • Thomas Kimber Carmalt, Charles Churchill James Edward . Carpenter, Samuel Preston Carroll, William Hunt . Carter, Charles Henry Charles Lybrand John Darlington . John Pim . . . • Gary. Charles Reed Egbert Snell Cassatt, Edward Buchanan Caswell. Andrew Baird . Gates, Edward Earle . Horace Getchell Causey, Foster .... Trusten Polk . . , Chalfant, Thomas Marshall Chamberlain, William Reginald Chambers, William Wilkie Charles, .-Vrthur Matthew Chase, Alfred .... Frank Sewell George Hazen George Howland James Anthony Oscar Marshall . Pliny Kark, LL.D. Richard Wyatt . Robert Howland . Hobert Howland, AJf. Thomax, Litt.D. Thomas Herbert William Barker William Cromwell . William Henry, Jr. William Thomas, Jr. Chevnev, Jesse Sharpless . Chillma'u, Edward Fennemore Clapp, Isaac Hicks 1872 1870 1870 1886 1859 1866 (1891) 1900 1895 1899 1900 1902 1892 1887 1902 1883 1883 1889 1889 1897 1900 1903 (1896) 1887 1901 1843 1852 1865 1894 (1876) 1859 1867 (1885) (1880) 1884 1872 1881 1854 1899 1857 1887 1838 John, J r 1851 Samuel Hicks . . . 1865 204 209 270 60 52 260 19 124 260 41 243 4 60 22 207 150 140 12 124 117 119 176 76 105 275 254 231 249 255 265 210 177 265 161 161 197 197 241 255 270 279 182 260 26 46 100 220 281 74 108 283 282 164 127 152 53 252 64 182 8 44 102 INDEX. 287 and NAME Clark, Charles Granville Dougan ... Lindley Murray . Thomas . William Penn . Clauser, Milton . . Clement, Allen Ballmger Clothier, John Birely . Cloud, Joseph Cooper . Coale, Alford Gable . Carey . . • • Isaac, Jr. . James Carey Thomas ElHcott . Coates, Edward Hornor . George Morrison . Henry Troth Henry Troth, AM. . Joseph Potts Hornor . William Morrison . Cobb, William Almy Coca, Arthur Fernandez Cock, Thomas Ferris Thomas Ferris, LL.D. Coffin, Elijah . John Elihu . Thomas Amory . Coles, David Budd, Jr. Isaac Woolston . Colket, William Walker Collins, Alfred Morris . Alfred Morris . Benjamin, Jr. (See Ad. Benjamin Charles Francis . Frederic Frederic, Jr. . Henry Hill . Isaac John .... Minturn Post . Samuel Craft Stephen Grellet Stephen Willets . Thomas Abbott William Henry . Colton, Reuben . Comfort, Edward Thomas Howard . James Cooper Jonathan Jones William William Wistar Comstock, Nathan F. Conatale, Morris R. Conard, Henry Norman . Henry Shoemaker (See Ad Cor.) . Congdon, Gilbert Arnold Johns Hopkins Samuel Hopkins Conklin, Edward Boote Frank Henry Cook, Charles Gilpin . Edward Hanson Elijah, A.M. . Joseph Horace . Cookman, Arthur Shirley Charles Rowland Cooper, Howard Mickle John . . . ■ Lehman Adams Samuel C. . . • Cope, Alban . Alexis Thomas . Alfred, Jr. Edgar . . • • Edward Drinker, A.M. Francis Hazen . Francis Reeve CLASS PAGE . 1&73 129 1852 . 1860 1858 . 1867 1896 . 1887 1884 . 1866 1870 . 1891 1846 . 1843 1853 . 1864 1863 . 1862 (1882) . 1839 1863 . 1842 1896 . 1836 . (1883) . 1867 1882 . 1890 1867 . 1867 1860 . 1837 1897 Cor.) 1839 1885 . 1894 1839 . 1839 1888 . 1837 1842 . 1838 1892 . 1867 1856 . 1883 1837 . 1881 1876 . 1878 1870 . 1873 1856 . 1871 1894 . 1859 (1885) . 1890 . and 1894 1877 1869 1866 1899 1895 1892 1868 (1884) 1881 1902 1895 1864 1856 1858 1860 1887 1868 1876 1857 (1864) 1880 1839 45 79 68 106 233 178 166 105 117 207 34 26 49 95 91 88 282 12 92 22 234 1 282 109 155 200 109 109 82 5 242 13 172 221 13 11 189 5 22 8 210 107 61 159 NAME Cope, Francis Reeve, Jr. Henry (See Ad. and Cor.) Samuel Barnes . Tnomas Pirn . . . . Thomas Pirn, Jr. Corbit, Alexander Peterson Daniel Wheeler . Daniel JohnCowgill John Cowgill, Jr. . William Brinton William Francis . Corlies, William Moore . . Cornman, Clarence Raymond Cottrell, Charles Thurston . Cowperthwaite, Edwin Thomas Carlile . Cox, Charles EUwood . Exum Morris Isaac Milton . Robert B. . • • • Craig, Andrew Catherwood, Jr. Crawford, John Yocum . Crenshaw, Edmund Austin John Bacon Nathaniel Bacon, . Cresson, James Clarence Crew, Benjamin Johnson . John Henry Peter Joe) William Hall Cromwell, Henry James William . Crosman, Charles Sumner . George Loring . Crowe, Samuel Crowther, William Mortimer . Crozer, Edward P. CLASS . 1900 1869 . 1852 1839 . 1873 1880 . 1863 1882 . 1853 1888 . 1860 1853 . 1860 1903 . 1890 1840 . 1842 1880 . 1888 1882 . 1862 1884 . 1891 1845 . 1839 1867 . 1858 1847 . 1855 1854 . 1857 1838 . 1859 1878 . 1882 1858 . 1893 1892 D DaCosta, John Chalmers, Jr. Dakin. Franklin Arthur . Darlington, Charles Howard . Percy Smedley 150 Morton Pennock 135 Davies, Guy Hnlett . 140 Davis, Francis Franklin 117 George Frederick . log Henry Lamont, Jr. . 60 Henry Wilkins 123 James Franklin 221 Richard Wistar 76 Royal Jenkins . 273 Dawson, Charles Poultney 004 Charles Wilmott William Morrison . ''"l Day, Edward Munson . 139 Deacon, Frederick Howard 114 James Woolman 105 Dean, Archer Griffin . 949 George Brookhouse . 228 Morris Burgess 210 William 111 De Armond. James Keyser 282 DeCou, Benjamin Satterthwaite 150 Friinklin . ■ • • 265 John Allen . . • • 028 Samuel Coleman . "96 Delaplain, Louis Springer . 61 DeMotte, Lawrence \A ashburn 70 Dennis, James, Jr. . so Joseph Henry 180 William Varney 111 Derderian, Nazaret Kevork 137 Detwiler, Frank Hughes 65 Warren H. 081 Deuell, George Henry 148 Dewees, Aaron Lovett 13 i Dickinson, Edwin L. PAGE 255 114 46 11 128 146 92 155 49 185 79 49 79 270 200 16 22 146 185 155 90 166 208 32 13 107 70 36 57 53 65 9 76 140 155 70 218 213 1892 (1894) 1867 1890 1897 1890 1893 1881 , 1892 1863 1875 1838 . 1899 1864 . 18S8 1858 , 1844 1874 . 1854 1903 . 1894 1897 . 1887 1901 . 1899 1867 . 1894 1859 . 1871 1901 . 1864 1892 . 1902 1895 . 1897 1892 . 1896 1901 . 1857 213 277 107 201 238 201 214 152 213 92 133 9 250 98 190 70 29 131 54 270 221 238 182 261 250 109 222 77 120 261 98 210 265 231 239 210 234 261 60 288 INDEX. Jr Ad NAME Dickinson, Jonathan, Jr. Dilworth, William T. Doan, Enos L., . . . Domincovich, Harry Anthony Dorsey, William Tagart Downing, Joseph Miller . Thomas Stalker Drake, James Haines Drinker, Henry Sandwith James Blathwaitc John Henry, . DuBarry, Joseph N. Dudley, Henry Wilson Duerr, Otto Kugene . Dunbar, Charles Clark Dunn, Robert Kowe Dunton. William Rush, Jr. E Eastburn, George, Jr. Eaton, William Bradford Eddy, Job Abraham Tucker Edwards, Clarence Kinley David William . Edward Bird . Ernest Russell . Levi Talbot . Josiah Pennington . Eldridge, Jonathan Ellicott, William Miller, Ad. and Cor.) . Elliott, Aaron Marshall Daniel Morris (See Cor.) .... John .... Ellis, Evan Tyson . Richard Stanton, . Else, Frank Whittier Ely, Richard Elias Embree, John Gyger Emlen, George Williams James .... James Valentine . John Thompson England, Howell Stroud Engle, James Lintou Erben, Walter Ervien, Charles Richmond Eshleman, Benjamin Franklin Frank Mercur . Ulysses Mercur Estes, Joseph Stanley Ludovic . Thomas Rowland Wilbur Albert Estlack, Thomas, Jr., Evans, Charles Edward Wyatt . Francis Algernon . George Henry . Horace Young Joseph Spragg, Jr. Thomas . William Henry . Willam Penn . Evaul, Henry . Evernghini, Henry Exton, Joseph Carpenter Eyre, Joshua P., Jr. CLASS 1886 1853 1885 1903 1867 1865 1872 1865 1900 1903 1839 1890 1876 1903 1843 1883 1889 PAGE 174 49 168 270 107 100 124 102 255 270 13 205 135 270 26 161 192 (See and 1899 252 (1890) 273 1844 30 1893 218 188:5 159 1842 22 1897 242 1881 150 1880 146 1878 140 1884 166 1866 104 1842 22 1838 8 1844 29 1898 243 (1897) 280 1851 44 1898 243 1873 128 1874 130 1838 8 1900 255 1888 186 1895 228 1872 124 1902 266 1867 107 1900 255 1903 270 1884 166 1869 114 1872 125 1893 215 1843 26 1902 266 1902 266 1899 250 1883 159 1887 178 1895 228 1889 192 1889 197 1811 120 1869 114 1837 5 1861 86 1858 70 F CLASS PAGE 1884 166 1855 57 1885 168 1837 5 1897 239 1896 237 1856 61 1889 198 1892 213 1891 208 1840 16 1843 26 1837 5 1897 242 1889 193 1861 87 1839 13 1843 26 1881 150 1878 140 1877 138 1872 125 1839 13 1858 70 1894 225 1902 266 1873 128 1890 201 1854 54 1843 26 1900 255 1878 141 1901 261 1900 256 1883 162 1891 208 1843 26 1843 27 1887 178 Fardon, Albert Henry . . 1901 261 Farmer, Elihu Jerome 1857 66 Farnum, Samuel . 1862 90 Farr, Clifford Bailey . 1894 222 Febiger, Christian . . 1900 2,-i5 Christian Carson . 1865 102 NAME Ferris, David Sands . Lindley Murray, Jr. William Taber . Fell, Jonathan W. Field, Elliot .... Thomas Yardley, Jr. W. Harrington . Firth, Henry Heberton Samuel Lloyd Fischer, William Gustavus, Jr. Fisher, Charles William . Israel Pleasants Lindley .... Wager .... Fite, Warner (Formerly known Warner Hutchinson) Flowers, William Pickering Folwell, Joseph D. . Richard L. Forsythe, Davis Hoopes Edward . Isaac John Evans . Fo.ster, Charles . Fothergill, Henry Foulke, Edward Jeanes Fox, John Sharpless . Joseph Mickle . Robert Eastburn . Samuel Lewis Franklin, Benjamin H. Freedley, William Gardiner, Jr, Frazier, Cyrus Piggott Freeman, Alfred Edgar . Edward Dale . Frissell, Walker Irwin . Fuller, George Llewellyn James, Jr. . John Wilkinson Futrell, William Harrison G Gamble, Elisha .... 1882 Gardner, Larner Somers . . . 1895 Garrett, Albin .... 1864 Alfred Cope .... 1887 George Spencer . . . 1902 John Biddle .... 1854 Philip C 1851 Garrigues, Henry Haydock . . 1903 John Sharpless . . . 1871 Gates, Thomas Sovereign . . 1893 Gause, Charles Edward, Jr. . 1880 Geary, John White . . . ■ 1889 Gibbons, Edward . . . 1879 William Henry .... 1872 Giflford, Charles Henry . . 1853 Elmer H (1892) .TohnHenrv .... 1879 Seth Kelley 1876 Gilbert, Henry Lee . . . 1890 Gill, William Hopkins . . . 1853 Gillespie, William Allen . . 1899 Gillis, John Pritchett . . . 1865 Gilpin. Vincent .... 1897 Goddard, Henry Herbert . . 1887 Goodman, William . . . 1895 Goodwin, Warren Clarkson . . 1889 Graiftin, Frederick Lincoln . 1887 Grant, William Henry . . . 1902 Grayson, Theodore Julius . . 1901 Greaves, Thomas (sometimes spelled Greeves) 1841 Greb, John Walter . . . 1903 Green, Kane Stovell . . . 1894 Grier, George .... 1864 Griffith, Richard Edward . . 1867 Joseph Henry Oglesby . . 1895 Griscom, Rodman Ellison . . 1889 INDEX. 289 NAME Griscom, William Woodnutt Griswold, Frank Tracy Guilford, William Moore Gummere, Barker . Charles J. Francis Barton Henry Day Henry Volkmar John Griscom Richard Morris Richard Mott William William Henry Guss, John Noble CLASS 1871 1892 1890 1838 1841 1872 1845 1888 1838 1866 1902 1836 1884 1890 PAGE 120 213 201 9 18 125 33 186 9 105 266 2 166 202 Hacker, Arthur . 1852 46 Charles . 1847 37 Edward . 1838 9 Henry Marriott . 1837 5 Lloyd Mifflin 1844 30 Morris . . 1848 39 Paschall . 1858 71 William . 1854 54 William Estes (See J VA. and Cor.) . 1887 182 Hadley, Hiram . . 1856 61 Samuel Allen . 1862 89 Walter Carpenter . 1881 153 Haines, Alfred Sharpless 1898 244 Arthur . 1899 253 CA, Casper Wistar 1872 125 Charles Edward . 1875 133 Francis Cope . 1876 137 Frederic . 1865 103 Henry Cope . 1873 128 Howard Lippincott . 1864 98 Lindley . 1869 116 John Smith . 1838 9 Joseph Howell 1898 244 Reuben . 1871 121 Robert Bowne 1844 29 Robert Bowne, Jr. . 1878 141 Samuel Bunting . 1862 90 Thomas Harvey . 1896 234 William Henry 1871 121 William Jones . . 1884 164 William Snell 1839 14 Zebedee . 1867 109 Haley, Edwin James . 1890 202 Hall, Arthur Dillwyn . 1884 164 Frank Stevens 1864 98 Rufus Hacker . . 1892 211 William Wilder 1902 266 Hallett, Henry McClellan . 1900 256 Hallowell, Norwood Penrose 1857 66 Richard Price (See Ad. and Corr.) . . . . . 1855 57 Handy, Charles . 1845 33 Thomas Poultney . 1863 92 William Winder . 1891 206 Hanson, Ezekiel Hunn (See Ad. and Corr.) . 1855 57 Harding, Arthur Search 1898 244 George Franklin . 1885 172 Hardy, Beniamin F. . 1842 22 Hark'ness, Howard F. . 1861 87 Harlan, William Brick 1872 127 Harris, Henry John . . 1895 229 John Stuart 1860 82 Hart, Walter Morris . 1892 211 Hartley, Albert Dempsey 1896 234 Hartshorne, Charles . 1846 34 Charles Robinson . 1874 130 Edward Yarnall . 1881 151 Francis Cope . 1888 186 George . . 1840 16 Henry 1839 11 Isaac . . 1844 29 NAME Hartshorne, Joseph William Davis . Harvey, Anson Burlingame Lawson Moreau Le Roy . Hastings, William Walter Haughton, John Paul Victor Mellet Haviland, Arthur Charles Field Edward Emmet . Joseph Bernard . Walter Winchip Haworth, James Mahlon Hay, Arthur Moorhead Erroll Baldwin . Kenneth Mackenzie Hazard, Richard Bowne Rowland . Willis Hatfield . Henderson, Francis . , Herendeen, Edward Welcome Francis Albert Heston, George Thomas Heulings, Isaac W. Hiatt, James Smith . Oliver Smith . Hibberd, Dil worth Potts Isaac H. . Hickman, Joseph E. Higgins. Frank Burton Hill, Fowell Buxton Joseph Gurney Louis Taber Mahlon Patterson . Myron Francis . Nathan Branson . Samuel Thomas Clarkson . Hilles, John Smith . Joseph Tatum Samuel Eli . Thomas Allen William Samuel William Smedley . William Smith Hinchman, Charles Russell Walter Swain Hinsdale, Stephen Grellet Hippie, Edward Payson, Jr William Levis Hoag, Clarence Gilbert . Joseph Lindley Nicholas W. Hobbs, Lewis Lyndon . Hodgiu, Samuel Horace . Hoffraau, Benjamin Rose Enoch Farson Miles Atlee HoUingshead, Henry Joseph Mickle Holloway, Walter Vail . Holme, John Gibbon . Richard Henry . Hoopes, Arthur . MacMillan . Hopkins, Ephraim Frank Neville . George H. Gerard .... John J. . . . Joseph Schofield Lewis Neill Samuel Walter G. Hoskins, Jesse Franklin . Howell. Arthur Holton Herbert Charles Joseph Jr. (Sec Ad. and Cor, Joseph Kirkbride William Hudson . CLASS PAGE 1871 121 1871 123 1894 222 1881 153 1894 225 (1896) 279 1894 222 1889 193 1865 100 1849 40 1848 39 1902 266 1893 215 1853 49 1895 229 1895 229 1899 253 1882 155 1849 41 1887 179 1879 144 1852 46 1887 183 1844 30 1867 109 1900 256 1864 98 1890 202 1855 58 1859 77 1897 242 1859 77 1885 172 1884 164 1880 148 (1891) 275 1839 14 1878 141 1854 54 1848 39 1888 186 1874 130 1870 118 1885 168 1895 229 1842 19 1896 235 1900 256 1839 14 1902 267 1890 205 1893 215 1858 71 1853 50 1876 135 1898 244 1897 239 1903 271 1892 213 1843 27 1840 16 1898 247 1863 93 1876 136 1891 206 1900 256 1858 71 . 1867 110 1858 71 J 856 61 1855 58 1860 82 1852 45 1858 71 1860 82 1871 121 1837 5 1888 190 1840 17 1838 10 1838 10 19 290 INDEX. NAME Howland, Andrew Moore Benjamin Charles Samuel Cornelius George Henry Robert Bowne William Penn . Howson, Charles Henry Furman Sheppard Hoxic, Henry Newell, A.M. Hubbard, Byron Charles John Russell . William Harrison Huey, Robert, Jr. . Hughes, James Edward Huglies, Thomas, LL.D. Hull, John Joseph Janney William Janney Hulme, Frederick George John L. (See Ad. and Samuel . Hume, John Ellas . Hunn, John . Townsend Sharpless Hunsicker, John Quincy Hunt, Ambrose . Daniel Williams Ellvvood Howard Abbott Luther Milton . William, Jr. Wilson Allen Hussey, Arthur Mekeel George Frederick John Bowne . William H. . William Timothy . Huston, Abram Francis Charles Lukens William Perot Hutton, John Wetherill Walter Pandrich Iddings, George W. James C. Cor, Jr CLASS 1853 1853 1872 1854 1850 1843 1643 1897 1900 (1883) (1892) 1855 1870 1896 1894 (1880) 1853 1852 1860 1898 1852 1837 1897 1842 1856 1896 1846 1858 1856 1868 (1896) 1875 (1893) 1887 1881 1843 1842 1885 1872 1875 1872 1891 1897 1859 1857 PAGE 50 50 127 54 42 24 27 239 256 282 276 56 118 237 222 282 50 46 82 247 47 6 239 23 62 235 34 68 62 113 279 133 276 183 153 27 23 169 126 133 127 206 242 Jacob, Charles Richard 1884 164 Jacobs, Carrol Brinton . . 1893 215 Francis Brinton 1897 239 William, A.M. . (1872) 281 Jackson, Charles West 1867 110 Walter .... . 1867 110 Janney, John Hall 1887 183 Johns Hopkins . . 1856 62 Richard Mott . 1888 190 Thomas Symington . . 1890 205 Walter Coggeshall . 1898 244 Jiinsen, Cornelius Heury von Riesen 1889 198 Jay, Isaac E . . . . 1885 173 William Charles . 1882 157 Jenkins, Charles Williams 1881 153 William Grant . . 1890 202 Jenks, Horace Howard 1900 256 John Story, Jr. . . 1898 247 William Pearson . 1892 211 Jessup, Benjamin H. . 1860 83 George White . 1863 93 Johnson, Charles Hadley . 1895 231 Guy Roche 1886 174 Henry John (Norton) . 1842 23 Irving Culver . . (1893) 276 Isaac Thorne (See Ad. and Cor.) 1881 151 Jacob Lindley 1859 77j Joseph Esrey, Jr. . 1888 187 NAME Johnson, Joseph Henry Jones, Arthur Winslow . Benjamin W. . Charles Charles Henry Davis Godfrey . Edward Magarge . Frederick Dilwin George Lindley Hudson Godfrey Ivins Davis James Paruell . John Barclay . Lewis, Jr. . Richard Mott . Richard Mott, A.M.,LL. Richard Thomas . Rufus Horton Rufus Matthew (See Cor.) . Samuel Howell . S. Percy . Samuel Rufus Thomas Woodward William Brinton Wilmot Rufus Justice, William Warner, CLASS PAGE 1888 190 Jr 1885 1841 1837 1861 1898 1880 1882 1893 1902 1861 1855 1874 1890 1867 .(1879) (1891) 282, 283 1863 92 . 1899 and 1885 . 1837 1902 . 1884 1853 . 1865 1882 . 1900 Ad Kaighn, William Bartram . Kelsey, Cadwalader Washburne Kadwalader Kelsey) Kemble, Ira Oscar, Jr., A.M. Kennard, Edwin Orson . Kimber, Anthony Morris . John Shober Marmaduke Cope . Thomas, Jr., Thomas:, Litt.D. Thomas William King, Elias EUicott Francis Thomp.son . Joseph (See Ad. and Cor.) Pendleton . Thomas , Kinsman, William Low . Kingston, Henry Houston, Jr Kirk, Edward Goodwin . Mahlon Zimri Kirkbride, Franklin Butler Mahlon .... Thomas Story, Jr. William Howard . Knight, Thomas Walter . Knipc, Arthur Krider, James Delaplaine Ladd, Benjamin . Isaac GifTord Thomas Wood William Henry . Lamb, Eli Matthews . Thomas White . Lancaster, George Lane, John Irving . Silas .... Lang, John Alton Langfeld, Herbert Sydney Lawrence, Richard Henry William Henry Lee, Morris Matthews Philip Leedom, John Moore Leeds, Albert Ripley . Arthur Newlin . John Bacon . (or 1869 169 18 6 85 244 147 156 216 267 87 58 130 205 108 250 169 6 267 166 50 103 156 257 1903 271 (1895) 278 1881 151 1840 15 1886 176 1872 126 1842 19 (1887) 283 1876 136 1844 30 1837 6 1843 27 1869 115 1839 14 1852 45 1900 257 1902 267 (1894) 277 1889 193 1874 130 1890 202 1901 261 1863 93 1893 219 1877 138 1852 47 1884 167 1854 55 1845 33 1856 62 1861 85 1894 225 1898 247 1902 267 1860 83 1901 261 1841 17 1865 103 1898 245 1885 173 1857 66 1863 93 1889 194 1895 229 INDEX. 291 NAME Leeds, Morris Evans Wilmer Fancoast . Leggett, Charles Pleasants Lesley, Hugh • ■ • • Lester, John Ashby . Levett, Walker Moore . . ■ Leviek, Henry Lewis d'Invilliers James Jones . . . • Lewis Jones Robert Samuel Jones, Jr. Thomas J Levis, Franklin B. . . . Lewis. Berge Kawle . Daniel Clark Edmund Coleman Enoch Edward . Eugene Caryl . . . • John Frazier Taylor . John Howard .... Mordecai K. . • ■ William Draper Lindley, Cyrus .... John Hadley . . . • Lippincott, Charles . George Heulings . . • Horace Greenough Horace Greenough, Jr. . James Starr . . . • Joseph Kay Joshua W Samuel Parry List, John Kilbourne , Livezev, John . . • • Joseph Ridgway . Lloyd, John Eshleman . Richard Leonard . Logan, John Addison, Jr. John Dickinson . Long, Alfonzo W. . • ■ Longstreet, Jacob Holmes . Longstreth, Benjamin Taylor Charles Albert Edward Rhoads Henry .... Morris ■ Samuel Townsend Thomas Kimber William Collins . William Collins . William Morris Loud, Frank Herbert Lownes, Phineas . . . Lowry, Benjamin Howard Howard Haines, . William Chalkley Lucas, Clinton W. Lutz, Frank Eugene Lycett, Edward Hough Lynch, James Lewis Lyon, John Stewart M MacAfee, William Harrisson McAllister, Franklin McCrea, Roswell Cheney . McDowell, Henry . McFarland, Willam Stuart McGrHth, Francis Sims . MacLear, Walter . Macomber. Edward Leonard Maditock, Edward Magee, James Ronaldson Magill, Edward Hicks, LL.D. Maier, Paul David Irvin Male, Jonathan Tamblyn . Malone. Lewis • • • ■ Markley, Joseph Lybrand . NAME Marsh, Benjamin Vail Marshburn, William Valentine Marshall, Moses . . " • Martin, James, Jr. . L. Lanphier . . • • Robert Linwood Mason, Samuel . . . • Matlack, George T. . Matthews, Ricnard J. William W. . • • Maule, Alfred Collins . Edward . . . • Maxfield, Francis Norton . Mekeel, David Lane Mellor, Alfred . . . • George Brown . George Brown , Jr. John Bancroft . Ralph . . . • Walter William . . . • Mendenhall, Cyrus . Cyrus . . . • James Ruffln Nereus . . . • Ottis Earl . . . ■ Mercer, George Gluyas Merritt, Charles Frost, . Isaac Nehemiah . J. Walter . . . • William Henry Metcalf, Charles A. . Michener, Charles Leroy, A.M. Middleton, Samuel • • • MifQin, Archer Bloomfield Samuel Wright . Miller, Charles Martin Daniel Harry March Martin Nixon . William H. . . • MiUs, Joseph John, LL.D. Mitchell, Jacob Thomas . Mofiitt, Oscar Peyton Moore, Herbert Wills . Jessie Hollowell Joseph, A.M. ■ Richard Mott Walter Linton Walter Thomas . Moorhouse, John Kennedy Morgan, Alexander . James Trask . Jesse Henley Samuel Rodman . Samuel Rowland William Burroughs William Butler . William Earl . Morris, Alfred Paul . Anthony Jones Charles Wistar . Elliston Perot . Frederick Wistar Frederick Wistar, Jr. . Galloway Cheston . Henry Gurney Herbert Howard . . • • Isaac Tyson Isaac Wistar . Israel, Jr. . James Thompson . John Stokes John Thompson . Joseph Paul Joshua Husband . Lawrence Johnson . Marriott Canby Morton . . • • , Paschall Hollmgsworth CLASS PAGE 18.37 3 1881 1900 1845 1887 1892 1880 1839 1853 1863 1899 1841 1897 , 1891 1861 . 1862 1901 . 1856 1899 . 1901 1858 . 1836 1857 . 1842 1839 . 1897 1877 . 1864 1860 . 1863 1860 . 1877 (1890) . 1896 1899 . 1900 1865 . 1900 1895 . 1894 1858 . (1890) 1891 . 1898 1901 . 1881 (1867) . 1839 1884 . 1871 1900 . 1844 1838 . 1882 1842 . 1898 1847 . 1853 (1885) . 1895 1862 . 1843 1848 . 1860 1888 . 1902 1859 . 1889 1894 . 1872 1865 . 1886 1863 . 1891 186'' . 1899 1839 . 1889 1885 . 1859 1887 153 257 33 183 213 147 77 50 94 251 18 239 206 87 89 262 62 251 262 72 2 64 23 12 240 138 94 83 139 273 235 253 257 103 258 231 225 72 283 208 245 262 151 281 14 164 122 258 30 10 156 23 248 37 48 273 231 90 27 39 80 187 267 77 194 225 127 103 174 94 207 110 251 14 194 170 77 180 292 INDEX. NAME Morris, Richard Jones . Samuel .... Samuel Buckley Samuel Wheeler . Stephen .... Theodore Hollingsworth William Henry . William Paul . Morton, Arthur Villiers . Mott, John Bowne Richard . . . . Samuel Franklin . William Franklin, Jr. Mowry, Allan McLane Moyer, Menno S. . . . Muir, John Wallingford Murphy, Eugene de Besson . Grayson MalletPrevost Murray, Augustus Taber David Golden (See Ad. and John .... Joseph King Lindley .... Robert Lindley . W CLASS . 1888 1846 . 1889 1894 . 1855 1860 . 1863 1886 . 1893 1860 . 1882 1842 . 1839 1887 . 1898 1892 . 1903 1900 . 1885 Cor.) 18.37 1846 . 1861 1837 . 1842 PAGE 188 35 198 223 58 80 92 174 216 84 157 23 14 183 218 211 271 258 170 35 87 3 23 Nason, Charles Dickens 1896 236 Needles, Caleb Hathaway . 1839 15 Neilson, William La Coste . 1901 262 Newbold, Edward . . 1843 27 Joseph Trotter 1857 67 Newhall, Barker . 1887 180 William Estes 1852 45 Newkirk, John Bacon . 1879 144 Newlin, Gurney Elwood . 1902 267 Harold Parker . . 1875 133 Thomas .... 1885 170 Nichols, David Holder . . 1865 100 Nicholson, Coleman Lindzey 1850 42 JohnWhitall . . 1876 136 Pereival .... 1902 267 William Hopkins . 1846 35 William Hopkins, Jr. . 1892 211 Nields, John Percy . . 1888 190 Noble, Charles 1859 77 o OberteufFer, James Pritchett Oflf, Edward Peltz Okie, John Mickle . Richardson Brognard Olver. Cyrus Hicks . O'Neill, John Lamond Orbison, Thomas J. . Osborne, Charles . Charles William Elmore William Peckham Overman, William Franklin Owen, Horace Thornburg Oliver (Formerly known as ver Goldsmith Owen.) Page, William Enoch . Paige, Franklin Enoch . Painter, Howard . John Vickers Joseph Henry Palen, Gilbert Joseph, Jr. Palmer, George Martin Louis Jaquette . Oli- 1893 219 1901 2i;2 1893 216 1896 237 1896 238 1895 232 1888 190 1837 7 1893 216 1883 162 1855 58 1889 195 (1890) 279 1870 118 1881 151 1851 43 1871 123 1855 58 1889 195 1892 211 1897 240 1894 223 NAME Palmer, Thomas Chalkley Pancoast, Albert . Charles Howard George Abbott Henry Boiler Richard . William Henry . William Henry, A.M. William Howard Parker, John Eberly . Parrish, Alfred . Dillwyn, Jr. . James Cresson . Joseph Jf>i>eph, A.M. Max field (Formerly known Frederick M. Parrish ' William Wright Parry, Charles Edward Randolph . Israel Hallowell . Richard Randolph . Parsons, Robert Browne Samuel Samuel Bowne William Bowne Patterson, Clement Finney George Stuart Patton, Richard . Paul, Joseph William Paxson, Richard C. Samuel Pearce, Robert Kester . Pearsall, Robert Pearson, George . Pedrick, Alexander K. Peelle. Jonathan Irving Peet, William Fellows Peirce, George Peirson, Frank Warrington Peitsmeier, Edward . Pendleton, Charles Mason Edward Gray . Pennock, Abraham Liddoi Joseph Liddon Pennypacker, William Gai Perkins, Benjamin Dougla Lindley Murray Perot, James Poultney Sansom Perrv, William Francis Petty, Herbert Clinton Pharo, Joseph John Walter Willis Philips, Jesse Evans, Jr. William Pyle . Phillips, Albert Shreve Arthur John John Lougeay Pilcher, Samuel F. . Pinkhara, Charles Heber Gilbert Latey John Warren . Joseph Gurney (See Ad Car.) . Pleasants, Charles Israel Pope, Edward Morrill Pott^, William Newlin William Weaver Pratt, Charles Eadward Price, Joseph M. Paul Richard, Jr. . Stephen Simmons Theophilus Pharo . Walter Ferris William Ballinger William Farmer Pritchard, Charles Edgar, A.M Purdv, Ellison Revnolds Pusey. William Webb (2d) Pyle, Cyrus CLASS 1882 1864 1848 1853 1863 I860 1853 (1876) 1894 1887 1867 1859 1859 1863 (18.84) 1892 1864 1864 1852 1854 1854 1837 1861 1836 1841 (1896) 1888 1901 1878 1859 1851 1878 1845 1869 1858 1900 1884 1903 1889 1873 1866 1866 1847 1837 1893 1853 1847 1841 1845 1880 1899 1865 1875 1887 1903 1864 1903 1882 1857 1894 1868 1860 PAGE 156 96 39 50 94 and 1863 1860 1888 1861 1858 1870 1848 1851 1849 1874 1881 1856 1883 (1890) 1887 1902 1902 INDEX. 293 Q NAME Quimby, Edward Entwisle Quinby, Watson Fell K Rabinowitz, Ellas Nathan . Randolph, Edward . Evan .... George Richard . . . • William Henry . Katcliff, Ellwood . William Robinson Ravenel, Samuel Prioleau, Jr. Read, Walter George William Johns, Jr. Redfleld, John Howard, Jr. . Redman, Joseph Sweet Samuel Bispham Redmond, Charles Philip . Reeder, John Wallace Reeve, Augustus . Augustus Henry William Cooper William Foster . Reeves, Ellis Biddle . Francis Butler . Reinhardt, David Jones Reynolds, Lindley Murray Rex, Frank Clayton (See Ad. Cor.) .... Rhoads, Charles James . Edward .... Edward .... Joseph .... Joseph Howard . Samuel .... William Gibbons William Gibbons . Rhodes, Richard Somers Smith Richards, Archer . Theodore William Richardson, Henry Banning Francis .... John D Richmond, Alexander A. James Henry Crocker . Richie, Elisha Roberts . Riddick, Joseph H. Reuben Briggs . Ristine, Frederick Pearce . Roberts, Alfred Reginald Charles .... David Allen Edward Churchman . George Brinton . George Wilson John Joseph Russell Evans . Percival, Jr. ... Thomas Batten Robinson, Herbert Winslow . Lucian Moore William Henry . Rodman, Edmund Thomas Rotch . Rodney, Warren Brown Rogers, James Wadsworth Robert William Rorer, Jonathan Taylor, Jr. . Rose, David Franklin . Ross, Eldon Roxy Robert John . Rossmiissler, Edward Collins . Round, Julian Mills . Rowell, John F. . . . Rushmore, Townsend . and CLAS.S PAGE 1894 223 1843 27 1903 271 1882 157 1901 262 1839 15 1839 12 1869 115 1860 84 1858 73 1889 195 1889 195 1893 219 1899 251 1838 10 1866 106 1848 39 1902 268 1855 58 1885 170 1852 47 1885 171 1871 122 1893 219 1889 196 1878 142 1894 223 1893 216 1859 75 1893 216 1880 147 1891 208 1898 245 1858 73 1897 243 . 1883 162 1875 131 1885 171 1865 104 . 1860 80 1836 3 1854 55 1854 55 1899 251 1855 59 . 1855 59 1894 223 . 1871 122 1864 96 . 1902 268 1865 104 . 1888 188 1852 47 . 1893 217 1880 148 . 1876 136 1896 238 . 1882 158 (1891) 275 . 1882 158 1842 20 . 1842 21 1897 240 . 1889 198 (1890) 274 . 1894 226 1870 119 . 1898 245 1902 268 . 1901 263 1897 243 . 1855 59 1882 158 s NAME Sachse, Albert Frederic Sampson, Alden . Edward Cobb Elijah Pope George . Henry Sands, William Leach Satterthwaite, Benjamin der Samuel T. . Savery, William H. Sayrs, William Christopher CLASS 1889 1873 1859 1864 1859 1859 1866 Cadwalla- Scarborough, Henry Wismer Stover 1894 Scattergood, .\lfred Garrett Herbert Armitt Joseph Henry Schively, Edwin Ford . Schober, George Mitchell Scholey, Howard Wilson . Schrag, Andrew D. . Schwartz, John Loeser Scott, Alexander Harvey Norris Alexander . Thomas, Jr. ... Scull, David . • . . . Edward Lawrence . Edward Marshall . Gideon Delaplaine . Jacob Ridgway William Ellis Seager, Schuyler Fiske Seller, Carlino Linn Sellers, Nathan .... Sensenig, Barton Heber Wayne Serrill, Isaac S Shannon, John Relph Sharp, Frederick William . Joseph Webster, Jr. . Sharpies, Abram .... Sharpless, Charles Leeds Charles Williams, . Daniel Offley Frederick Cope Henry Hale Graham Henry Williams Isaac" Samuel Franklin . William Clemson Shaw, James George, Jr. Shepherd, Caleb William Sheppard, Clarkson John E Shinn, Samuel Earl Thomas Jefferson Shipley, Malcolm Augustus, Jr. Walter Penn William Ellis .... Shoemaker, Benjamin Hallowell Samuel Bines .... Shotwell, Augustus Fox . George Fox .... Joseph Fox .... Shupert, Charles M. . . . Simkin, Robert Louis Simpson, William Percy Sisler, Perlee Chandler . Slocum, Allison Wing . Smiley, Albert K. . . . Alfred Homans Daniel Smith, Albanus .... Albanus Longstreth . Alfred Percival Barclay Arney . Benjamin Hayes : Benjamin Raper Clement Lawrence Clement Lawrence, LL.D. . 1868 1858 1886 (1890) 1898 1902 1896 1880 1900 1901 1903 1889 1886 1902 1863 1854 1864 1901 1843 1853 1883 1900 1902 1857 1893 1900 1902 1837 1865 1901 1888 1859 1837 1867 1840 1900 1840 1855 1841 1872 1896 1890 1864 1836 1879 1847 1860 1899 1882 1892 1894 1883 1847 1838 1847 1889 1903 1890 1898 1888 1849 1W9 1878 1841 1881 1884 1838 1859 1842 1860 PAGE 199 129 75 97 75 78 106 112 69 176 274 223 245 268 236 148 258 263 271 199 175 268 94 53 97 263 28 51 159 258 268 67 217 258 268 7 104 263 188 75 4 108 16 258 15 101 18 127 238 205 99 3 144 37 84 252 154 212 226 160 37 10 38 199 272 203 248 188 40 40 142 19 152 165 10 75 21 80 283 294 INDEX. NAME Smith, Dillwyti Franklin Whitall George, Jr. Horace Eugene . Lloyd Pearsall CLASS 1837 . 1874 1865 . 1886 1837 Logan Pearsall (Formerly known as Lloyd Logan Smith.) 1885 Richard Morris . . . 1844 Robert Pearsall .... 1844 Stephen Decatur, Jr. . 1883 Thomas C 1860 Walter Emanuel . 1889 William Eastwick 1861 William Foulke 1877 Wilson Longstreth . 1889 Smyth, Horace .... 1804 Snowden, James Ross 1903 Spaid, Arthur Rusmiselle . (1894) Spiers, Alexander Guy Holborn . 1902 Spruance, John Spotswood 1883 Stabler, Charles Miller . 1874 Thomas S 1855 William Davis . . . . 1854 Stadelman, Frederic . 1898 Jacob Latch . . . . 18.53 Stapler, John Wardell 1843 Starbuck, Charles Casey 1845 Starkey, Howard Abbott . 1883 Starr, Edward 1862 Isaac Tatnall .... 1886 Joseph West . . . . 1858 Louis 1868 Theodore 1861 Statler, Frank B. ... (1892) Steele, John Dutton 1870 Thomas C 1859 Steere, Jonathan Mowry 1890 Sterner, Ira Isbon 1898 Stevens, Lindley Murray 1889 Stewardson, John 1847 Thomas 1847 Stokes, Andrew Maloney . 1899 Francis 1852 Francis Joseph 1894 Henry Newlin . . . . 1878 Henry Warrington 1887 John Newton .... 1844 J. Spencer .... 1862 John Stogdell . . . . 1889 N. Newlin, Jr. ... 1875 Wistar, H 1853 Stone, John Lyon 1902 Ralph Warren . . . . 1892 Stork, Charles Wharton 1902 Stotesbury, William Alfred . 1890 Strawbridge, Francis Reeves 1898 Frederic Heap . . . . 1887 Robert Early 1892 WilUiam Justus 1894 Street, David 1858 George 1856 John 1861 John W 1857 Lewis 1854 Ogden 1856 Stroud, Morris Robeson (See Ad and Cor.) .... " 1843 William Daniel . . . . 1843 Stuart, Francis Bacon . " . 1883 Harry Harlan . . . . 1900 Jehu Harlan .... 1861 Stubbs, Martin Bell . . . . 1888 Supplee, William Wagner . 1895 Sutton, Isaac 1885 Swan, Frederick Asa . 1898 Swift, Henry Hinsdale . 1865 Willard Everett . 1903 William Lane . . . . 1867 Syze, Albert 1898 132 101 175 4 173 30 31 162 84 199 88 138 199 99 272 277 268 160 132 59 55 245 51 28 33 162 90 176 73 112 88 276 119 78 203 246 196 38 38 253 47 224 142 180 31 91 196 134 51 269 212 269 205 246 181 214 224 73 63 88 67 56 63 28 24 160 259 86 188 232 171 246 104 272 110 248 NAME Taber, Abraham Augustus Charles David Shearman, Jr. Robert Barney . William Congdon, Jr. Takasaki, Koh Ichi . Talcott, Joseph 1). Tanner, Clarence Lincoln Tatham. Henry Billington Tatnall, Abram Gibbons . Charles Gibbons Edward Robert Richardson Samuel Alsop William . Tatum, Charles sfe- George M. John Cooper Samuel Canby Taylor, Augustus Charles Clifford . Charles Shoemaker . Edward Ballinger . Edward Ballinger, Jr. Frank H. . Henry Longstreet Herbert Hazzard . Howard Gardiner James Gurney Joseph B. . Joseph McFerran . Joseph Petty Joseph Wright Lewis Alfred Thomas Chalkley . William Jordan . William Shipley . Tebbetts, Charles Edwin Terrell, Charles Ernest Paul Tasso . Test, Zaccheus Tevis, Alfred Collins Edwin L. (See Ad. and Cor. Norman (See Ad. and Cor.) Thacher, Frank William Thomas, Allen Clapp Allen Curry . Bond Valentine . Charles Yarnall Edward Evan Frank Snowden George George Brinton . George Herbert Henry Evan Henry M. James Carey John Clapp John J., A. if. John Mickle Whitall Jonas Preston Lewin Wethered . Richard Henry . Russell Elmslie William Ashbridge, Jr. William Richard . Thomson, Edgar Lewis . Thompson, David Allen Frank Earle James Beatin . John James, Jr. Thorne, Barton F. (See Ad. and Cor.) 1856 Edwin Jonathan, Jr. . Thurber, Charles Herbert Thurston, Edward Day Joseph D. . . . William Richardson, Jr CLASS 1851 1842 1839 1894 1865 1856 1888 1842 1887 1807 1900 1897 1837 1890 1895 1842 1853 1858 1854 1843 1854 1895 1871 1869 1900 1876 1878 1901 1876 1898 1842 1900 1855 1898 1876 1S54 1897 1869 1875 (1890) (1897) 1851 1889 1858 1858 1897 1865 1895 1883 1871 1897 1857 1894 1891 1856 1902 1895 1883 1851 1861 (1877) 1878 1864 1856 1872 1901 1843 1855 1858 1868 1889 1874 1877 1843 1863 (1890) 1871 1840 1837 INDEX. 295 NAME Thurston, William Richardson Tillinghast, Joseph Tilney, Israel Sheldon . Todd, Henry Arnold . Todhunter, Lay ton Wilson Tomlinson, Allen Josiah Alexander Cooper Benjamin Albert . Edwin . Ephraim, Jr. . Julius Lines Julius Linrs, A.M. . Samuel Finley . William Inskeep . Toms, Richard H. R, Towle, Clifton Augustus Townsend, Clayton William Wilson .... Trimble, Hairy, A.M. William Webster . Troth, John Trimble Samuel . Trotter, Charles West Francis Laurie Frederick Newbold Joseph Newbold Hough Walter Newbold . William Henry Trout, Edgar Earl Tucker, Benjamin Tunis, .Joseph Price Tyler, John Edgar William Graham Tyson, Isaac James James Wood James Wood, Jr. Jesse . John Snowden Richard Wood XT Uhler, Harvey Thomas Underbill, Alfred Mott, Ji Edmund B. Edward B. George W. . Joseph Turner Robert . Robert F. Silas Albertson Stephen . William Henry William W. . UpdegrafF, David Brainard William Ross . Vail, Benjamin Augustus Frederic Neilson . George Requa . Herbert Eli . Hugh, D., A.M. . John Randolph Valentine, Abram Sharpless Benjamin Eyre Bond .... Edward Abram Uflington George .... George Jacob Downing . John Reed Robert .... Samuel Rhoads William Thomas Van Noppen, Leonard Charles Varney, Alpheus Gould . CLASS'; 1862 ■ 1853 1903 1891 1889 1871 1901 1867 1861 1867 1873 (1885) 1868 1859 1863 1898 1880 1877 (1895) 1887 1853 1854 1844 1886 1887 1874 1844 1875 1841 1902 1857 1886 1863 1858 1853 1860 1845 1885 1844 1853 1844 1890 1886 1853 1860 1843 1886 1846 1853 1860 1858 1860 1843 1853 1880 1865 1889 1881 1883 (1858) 1881 1857 1866 1856 1891 1856 1891 1846 1890 1846 1857 1857 (1893) 1898 PAGE ■91 51 272 207 196 124 263 111 88 111 129 283 112 78 95 248 148 139 283 181 61 56 31 176 184 131 31 134 19 269 67 176 95 69 52 81 34 167 31 52 31 205 175 52 84 28 177 35 52 81 74 84 28 52 149 102 197 154 163 281 154 67 104 63 208 64 208 35 205 35 68 68 277 248 NAME Varney, Charles Arthur Veeder, Herman Greig . Vernon, John Jesse Vaux, George, Jr. Roberts . William Sansom, Jr. Villars, John Oscar, A.M. ^V Wadsworth, Edward Dorland Walenta, George John Walker, Frank Dinwiddle Robert .... Thomas .... Walter, Frank Keller . Walton, Ernest Forster . Francis .... Isaac M James M. ... Joseph William Kite . Warden, Herbert Watson Nelson Bushnell . Warder, William Warner. George Malin Warrington, Curtis Hoopes . Thomas Francis . Watkins, James Carey Thomas Way, Marshall Warren Weaver, Thomas Webster, Homer Jeptha I. Herbert .... Walter Coates Wendell, Robert Stewart Wescott, Eugene Marion West, William Nelson Loflin . Westcott, Harry Mackmann Wetherell, John Mcllvane Whitall, Franklin James John Mickle . Thomas Wistar . White, David Francis . Elias Albertson . Elias Henley . Francis .... Francis Albertson . George Wilson . Henry Alva . Linden Harris . Miles, Jr Oliver (See Ad. and Cor.) Richard Janney . Roy Wilson. Thomas Newby Walter .... Wilfred Wallace . Wilfred Walton . William Alpheus CLA.SS PAGE 1898 248 1889 199 1898 248 1884 165 1863 95 1H93 217 (1895) 278 Wbitoley, Richard Stockett Mathews 1902 Whitlock, James Gilbert Whitney, Charles Henry John Drayton Louis Butler Wkittier, John Greenleaf, A.M. Wickersham, William Frederick Wigham, Thomas Matthew Wilbur, Harry Lawrence Wild, Arthur Clement Wildes, Thomas Willets, Jeremiah, Jr. . John Titus . William Henry Williams, Horace Joseph Kirkbride . Parker Shortridge (See Cor.) .... Wills, Joseph Henry . Wilson, Calvert Ad. and 1886 175 1901 263 1894 227 1849 41 1849 41 1899 252 1889 204 1855 59 1856 64 1856 60 1836 1 1869 117 1894 227 1894 927 1841 19 1873 129 1874 132 1876 137 1897 243 1898 236 1852 48 1896 237 1901 264 1895 230 1901 264 1893 217 1892 212 1892 214 1883 163 1893 217 1852 45 1880 149 1885 173 1876 137 1841 17 1885 171 1843 24 1884 165 1878 143 1897 241 1900 259 1S75 134 1878 143 1887 181 (1895) 278 1880 149 1881 154 1900 259 1886 175 1883 160 s 1902 269 1869 116 1883 160 1891 209 1883 160 (1860) 281 1885 171 1844 31 1883 163 1899 252 1859 78 1846 36 1854 56 1862 91 1862 89 1840 17 1894 224 1868 113 1887 184 296 INDEX. NAME Wilson, Edwin Mood, A.M. Louis Round . Matthew Terrell Robert North . Samuel Norman Wines, Gilbert H. . Winslow, Caleb John Leiper . John Randolph . Randolph Thomas Newby Winston, John Clark Lindley Murraj' Wirgman, William Wayne Wistar, Bartholomew Bartholomew Wyatt Caleb Cresson Caspar Caspar .... Edward Morris Isaac Jones . John Richard Thomas . Thomas William Wilberforce Witmer, Adam Exton John Steele Wood, Alexander Cooper, Ji Arnold Charles Charles Randolph. Edward Randolph George George Bacon George Bacon . Gilbert Congdon Grahame . Henry . Isaac Francis (Formerly known as Francis Augustus Napoleon Wood) 1862 James 1858 James, A.M. . . . . (1883) James Henry .... 189S Joseph 1846 CLASS . (1894) 1899 . 1885 1898 . 190o 1846 . 1842 1901 . 1840 1871 . 1881 1881 . 1882 1901 . 1871 1837 . 1865 1852 . 1902 1872 . 1844 1867 . 1838 1858 . 1898 1856 . 1867 1859 . 1902 1894 . 1870 1888 . 1856 1862 . 1848 1887 . 1889 1895 1869 PAGE 278 253 172 246 272 36 21 264 15 122 152 152 157 264 120 4 102 48 269 128 32 111 10 69 246 64 111 79 269 227 119 191 60 91 40 181 197 232 116 89 74 282 220 36 NAME Wood, Joseph Remington Levi Hollingsworth Randolph . Richard . Richard Richard Davis Stephen Stuart Walter . Walter Walter Hallock . William Congdon William Cooper . William Eldridge William H. S. . Woodward. Parke Lewis Thomas, Jr. William Wellington Woolman, Edward . Worthington, Joseph Kent, Thomas Kimber Wright, Benjamin H Giflford King John Howard Robert Cassel CLASS . 1892 1896 . 1864 1846 . 1851 1898 . 1857 1870 . 1867 1869 . 1901 1887 . 1857 1844 . 1859 1902 . 1866 1901 . 1893 1903 . 1883 1844 . 1893 1847 . 1888 William Townsend (Moorhead) 1887 Yardley, Edwin .... 1860 Yarnall, Charlton . . . 1884 Ellis, A.M. (1879) Ellis Hornor .... 1858 Francis Cope .... 1847 Harold Ellis . . . . 1887 Stanley Rhoads .... 1892 William 1837 Yearsley, Arthur Ralston . . 1901 Yocum, Charles Crawford . . 1900 Young, Frank Levi .... 1887 Zook, Charles Augustus Bitner . 1901 John Miller (See Ad. and Cor.) 1864 PAGE 212 237 97 36 44 246 64 119 108 116 264 181 68 32 79 269 106 264 218 272 161 32 218 38 192 184 84 167 282 69 38 184 212 8 264 259 185 264 99 H281 83 •^0^ 3 ^^9*^" 'P-^ '•'•»• J'y^kX. ''^:km:> .G^ ^^ V-o^ 'bV- •^0^ 5 ^G^ <^. ^^