Fi Rl n (DOMMinA CMTT/m (D)P IffiiMMS CROCHETING C> SEVENTEENTH EDITION PRICE 25 CENTS The Columbia Book of Yams CONTAINING A MANUAL OF KNITTING and CROCHETING By ANNA SCHUMACKER Seventeenth Edition Published by the Manufacturers of Columbia Yams PHILADELPHIA 1^ .cm Copyright, 1916 By WM. H. HORSTMANN COMPANY PHILADELPHIA ©CI.A433609 The Columbia Book of Yams NEW EDITION NEW IDEAS NEW STYLES ONCE upon a time, in the days when Fashions changed slowly, the fashions in Knitting and Crocheting scarcely changed at all. It's different today! Hand knit garments are appreciated more than ever, but they must reflect the mode of the moment. Milady loves her cozy wools so well that she must knit them up into articles as novel and fashionable as her best silk gown. Thus it is that each new edition of the Columbia Book of Yams is eagerly welcomed for its wealth of new ideas. It is the authority on knitting and Crocheting, and this season you will find it more interesting than ever, showing many new articles and new stitches. Yet the Columbia Book of Yarns is not entirely a hand- book for the experienced knitter. It is also A Practical Patient Teacher for the Beginner It has taught hundreds of women every step of the way, from the first stitch to finished and beautiful garments, and it is just as ready to teach you. Glance over the simple direc- tions and the clear illustrations, do they not inspire you to begin pleasent lessons in this practical and useful art? THE FIRST LESSON and the one which no knitter should forget, is : Use Columbia Yarns! Beginner or expert, no one should waste time on yarns less lovely and less durable. Even poor knitting can- not disguise the beauty of Columbia Yams. They are made of the best long-fibered wool,— soft, elastic, "lofty," as the wool men say, dyed to perfect color-tones. They knit farther and fuller than others. Their use means the utmost economy and satisfaction. Anything that is worth knitting is worth making from Columbia Yarns. On the Choice of Yarn THE beauty of the articles in this book comes of two things— hand work, and a fine yarn. A hand worker, with proper materials, will give her work a delicacy, a fineness of finish, a character that no machine-made work ever possesses. But she must look to her yams to do it. She must find a lofty, elastic, even thread, soft and thin to the touch made of a wool sensitive to the slightest gradation of shade and color. The COLUMBIA YARNS were used in making all the articles in this book, and they meet the requirements. With them work in yarns be- comes an art, and good results are easier and surer. Stamped by public opinion as the best among yams recognized as good, COLUMBIA YARNS cost in the beginning a trifle more than some others —otherwise they could not be what they are. In the end they are the cheapest of all. For the cheapness of a yarn is determined not alone by what you pay for a hank of it, but also by what the hank will do in quality, and quantity of work. The coarse, unelastic thread of a common yarn will not reach as far as a yarn of a finer texture, and besides, the COLUMBIA YARNS contain, pound for pound, more yards than common grades. In the finished piece of knitting or crocheting COLUMBIA YARNS mean not only quality but economy. The brilliancy and shading in COLUMBIA YARNS is unsurpassed. There are no flat, cmde, dead colors among them, partly because of the way they are dyed, and partly because of the quality of their thread. A fine wool receives a color and retains the brilliancy of it, where an inferior wool dyes into a lifeless, displeasing shade. BLACKS in COLUMBIA YARNS are guaranteed fast. In preparing for your work, therefore, you should get COLUMBIA YARNS. They are standard, even in quality, and when you get to using them you find they demand less of your patience because they do not vary from package to package. They are sold by the best retail stores throughout the country, with but few exceptions. Should your dealer not handle them, write to us and we will refer you to the nearest store that handles the complete assortment. ' Manufacturers of COLUMBIA YARNS PHILADELPHIA Explanation of Terms Used in Knitting and Crocheting IN the following pages are found the first stitches in knitting and crochet- ing, the more complex stitches are made by various repetitions and com- binations of the simple ones already given. Therefore you will find references continually to the first steps, and the references are abbreviated. Thus, "work Sg. C. or D. C." mean "work a single crochet or a double crochet"; the method of working these is explained on pages 11 and 12. The following is a Hst of the abbreviations used, with the explana- tion of them : Ch. — Chain stitch. Explained on page 11. 81. St — Slip a stitch. Explained on page 11 (crocheting) or page 9 (knitting). Sg. C. — Single crochet. Explained on page 11. D. C— Double crochet. Explained on page 12. L. C. — Long crochet. Explained on page 12. T. C. or Tr. C— Treble crochet. Explained on page 12. P.— Picot C— Crochet. Th. 0.— Throw over. Stars, thus * *, mean that the work described between them is to be repeated. They save unnecessary description where a row is the same as a preceding one. Wrap — Means to throw yam over needle. The instructions for every article shown or referred to in this book were written from the original garment worked out with the size Needle or Hook mentioned therein. We caution all Knitters and Crocheters who are inclined to knit or crochet tight to use a larger size needle or hook; and if loose a smaller size needle or hook; otherwise your garment will not work out in size according to instruc- tions. • LUMBIA YARNS Columbia Crochet and Knitting Needles Made of Bone, Wood, Celluloid or India Rubber SCALE OF SIZES FOR CROCHET NEEDLES SCALE OF SIZES FOR KNITTING NEEDLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10^ 11 13 15 Columbia Gauge Card STEEL KNITTING NEEDLES 7 and S% inches Also sizes 8 and 9 in 8% inclies only The Gauge Card does not apply to Steel Needles ITS VSK WILL ENSURE YOUR GETTING THE EXACT SIZE WANTED WHEN BUYING OR ORDERING COLUMBIA KNITTING NEEDLES AND CROCHET HOOKS Directions for Use Place the hook or needle of which you need duplicates in the smallest hole that will receive it, note the number above the hole, and state that number to your dealer. Be sure to see that an X is in the column opposite the name of hook or needle desired. If your dealer hasn't this card, write to "Columbia Yarns," Philadelphia, enclosing 10 cents in stamps. (LITHOGRAPHED ON CELLULOID) GAUGE STANDARD COLUMBIA CROCHET CARD SIZES FOR AND KNITTING NEEDLES Size— NUMBER 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 ^o'A 11 13 15 EXACT DIAMETER^®- • • • • • • • • • • • m • • • „ /Bone. 5, 6. 8.10. 12. 14 In. X X IX X X X X X X X X a 1 Rubber, S, 8 Inch X X X X X X X X X X X = J Celluloid. SVi. ty-t Inch X X X X X X X X X C ] " ObleHk. 12.18ln. X X X S / Wood. 9 Inch X X X X X X u \ " Double, 14.<20 Inch X X X X X z / Bone. 8. 10, 12. 14 Inch X X X X X X X X X X X ^ ) Rubber, 8, 10, 12, 14 Inch X X X X X X X X X X X X S S Amber Celluloid 10, 14 In. X X X X X X X X X g / Wood, 14. 18 Inch X X X X X X i< \ ■■ MADE ONLY IN SIZES MARKED X First Stitches: Knitting TO CAST ON STITCHES Make a loop in the yarn, and put it on the left-hand needle. Slip the right-hand needle into the loop throw yarn around the point of right-hand needle, draw it through and slip that loop on the left-hand needle. Put the right-hand needle into the. loop just made, and repeat until you have the required number of stitches. TO KNIT PLAIN m Having the number of stitches required on the loft-hand needle, slip the right-hand needle into the last stitch made. Throw yarn over right-hand needle and draw through stitch. Re- peat until all the stitches are on the right-hand needle. TO PURL OR SEAM Bring the yarn in front of the right-hand needle, take up the stitch on the left-hand needle by slipping right-hand needle into the front of stitch. Throw yarn around the back of needle as it passes in the stitch, catch it in, and take it off. Be careful always to carry the yarn back of the needle after a purled stitch before knitting a plain stitch. 8 First Stitches: Knitting TO SLIP A STITCH Take the stitch from the left-hand to the right-hand needle without knitting it. TO MAKE A STITCH To increase or make a stitch insert the needle in the stitch, make a stitch, then in the back of same stitch make another stitch, now slip the stitch off the needle, this gives you 2 stitches in 1. By this method of Increasing a stitch, a stitch is added without making a hole in the work. TO MAKE A STITCH WHEN PURLINd The yarn being already in front of the needle, must also be passed ai'ound the needle. 9 First Stitches: Knitting TO MAKE A TWIST STITCH Like plain knitting, except that the needle must be put in the back of the stitch. Then knit as usual. TO SLIP AND BIND Slip the stitch from the left-hand to the right-hand needle without knitting. Knit the next stitch, then pass the slipped stitch over the knitted one. Note. — Sometimes the slipped stitch is passed over 2 and even over 3 stitches knitted to- gether, where it is necessary to decrease the number of stitches. TO BIND OFF Knit the first 2 stitches, pass the first stitch back over the second stitch, knit 1 stitch, pass the stitch on the right-hand needle over it, and repeat mitil but 1 stitch remains. Draw yarn through and break off. 10 First Stitches: Crocheting CHAIN STITCH Make a series of loops, drawing eaeli loop through the preceding one. SLIP STITCH Skip first stitch of chain. Insert the hook in next stitch, throw .varn over hook and draw through both loops on needle. SINGLE CROCHET Insert hook, draw yarn through, pass yarn around the hook, and draw it through both loops on the hook. 11 E^^^S^I^rCOLUMBIA YARNS iMHHMMMMMnMlliaMMRa^^ First Stitches: Crocheting DOUBLE CROCHET Pass the yarn around the hook, insert the hook, draw yarn through; pass the yarn around the hook and draw yarn through 2 loops and again through 2, LONG CROCHET Pass the yarn around the hook, insert hook, draw yarn through: pass the yarn around the hook and draw it through 1 loop, then through 2, then again through 2. TREBLE CROCHET ' ^^i_^^^^i'i^^^^^^^B ^SS pHI '"'^'^Si PBH^ ^^^^^^■k^: ^^^^4lMip«M* ,/^^B '.^^^H i-^^SSS ^^o<^ y^^^B <'j^K^M ^^^^^^^^^^ft^^ IJji^E l^>i^ ■■■ Pass the yarn around the hook twice, insert the hook, draw yarn through; pass the yarn around the hook, draw through 2 loops, again through 2 loops, and again through 2. 12 \ v^ ^^ '^ '%fiISi^ . \^ iJfl I II Articles for Infants and Children Infant's Knitted Hoods MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank White 1 hank Color 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 12 1 Crochet Hook No. 2 3 yards of Ribbon No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Size 12 to IS months Witli white yarn cast on 24 stitclies. Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2 — * Knit 1, purl 1, repeat from * to end of row. These 2 rows form the pattern, work 10 rows, now increase 1 stitch at each end every other row until there are 40 stitches across, work 36 rows on this length, then decrease in tlie same manner as you increased until 20 stitclies re- main, work 6 rows on this length, now with 2 extra needles, pick up 45 stitches on each side having 110 stitches in all, work 55 rows on the 3 needles, bind off. Work a row of slip stitches across the bottom of hood working 1 stitch in every other stitch across the back to draw hood in, now work a row of holes for ribbon across the bottom of hood by working 1 D. C. in every other stitch, with 1 chain between each D. C. With colored yarn work a row of shell all around, working 5 D. C. in each shell, fastened down with Sg. C, finish with ribbon bows. MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantow^n 1 hank or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 2 hanks 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 12 inch No. 8 1 yard of Ribbon No. 9 3 yards of Ribbon No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Size 1 to 2 years Cast on 76 stitches, this hood is made in the pattern of knit 1, purl 1. work 6 rows. Row 7 — * Knit 1, purl 1, yarn over needle, knit 2 together, repeat from * to end of row. Work 6 more rows. Row 14 — Same as row 7 (rows 7 and 14 are for the ribbon), now work 11 more rows, then bind off 25 stitches at each end, and on the re- maining 26 centre stitches work rows, now decrease 1 stitch at each side every 5th row initil 18 stitches remain, bind off, sew the sides to tlie back piece. Now pick up the stitches around the bottom of hood, knit 2 rows plain. Row 3 — * Knit 2, yarn over needle, knit 2 to- gether, repeat from * across, knit 8 more rows, bind off. Pick up the stitches around face of hood, knit 6 rows plain, bind off. Run the ribbon in the two places in face of hood and around the bottom and finish with ribbon bow on top. No. 2 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Knitted Hoods No. 1 MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank White 1 hank Cok)r 4 Steel Knitting Needles No, 14 "i 4 yards of Ribbon No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Size (j to 12 months With white yarn cast on 20 stitches, knit plain for 19 rows, now increase 1 stitch at the end of each row until there are 36 stitches on needle, knit 40 rows on this length, then decrease in the same manner as you increased until 20 stitches remain, this completes the crown, now with 2 extra needles pick up 46 stitches on each side, having 112 in all, knit 60 rows on the entire length, now divide the stitches so there will be 86 stitches on each of the side needles, and 40 stitches on the centre needle, knit back and forth on the centre needle, taking up one stitch from each side needle every row until there are 62 stitches on centre needle, knit 2 rows, taking up all the stitches, bind off. Border — With colored yarn pick up the stitches across the bottom, knit 2 rows, now knit a row of holes for ribbon as follows : knit 4, * yarn over needle twice, knit 2 together, knit 4, repeat from * to end of row, on the next row knit the yarn over needle as a stitch, knit 18 rows more, bind off. With colored yarn pick up the stitches across the front, knit 40 rows,, bind off. Draw the ribbon through the holes at the bottom and trim with ribbon bows. No. 2 MATERIAL Columbia Angora Wool 3 large balls White 4 Steel Needles No. 13 1 piece of Ribbon No. 2 1 yard of Ribbon No. 9 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Size 6 months Cast on 20 stitches, knit plain, increasing 1 stitch at each end every 4th rib, 3 times, work <; ribs on this length, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 4th rib 3 times, work 4 ribs with- out decreasing : now with two extra needles pick up 35 stitches on each side, knit 28 ribs on the three needles, bind off. Pick up 70 stitches across the bottom, work 3 ribs, bind oft". Trim with ribbon bows. No. 2 15 f^^^^^^^'^Cr COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Crocheted Hoods w ... t S^' r "HH ^■"^J ^^^■pr ^ { V !^ri HEk::^' M ^IJk: s*' '^S^'^**' No. 1 MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony, 1 hank White 2 Fold Columbia Saxony, 1 hank White Columbia Pompadour Wool, 2 balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 o yards of Ribbon No. !) i^ yard of Silk INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Size 6 to 12 months Witli 3 fold Saxony make a chain of 22 stitches, work in plain afghan stitch until band measures 12 inches, now start the crown as follows : Row 1 — With 2 Fold Saxony chain 3, work 5 D. C. in same stitch where yarn was joined, * skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, skip 2 stitches, 5 D. C in next stitch, repeat from * having 14 shells across. Row 2 — With Pompadour Wool chain 3, work 5 I). C. in same stitch with chain, * skip 4 D. C. of shell of preceding row, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 3, .5 I). C. in next Sg. C. of preceding row, repeat from * across. Repeat row 2, work- ing alternately 1 row white and 1 row color until work measures 10 inches not including the baud. With color work a picot edge all around, and embroider the band in cross stitch design. Lining for the Crown — Cut a piece G inches long and 5 inches wide, now cut a piece 5 inches wide and 14 inches long for the band, sew 3 sides of crown to straight edge of band, having 3 backward turning pleats at each side, pleat the hood and sew lining in place, having the long straight piece across the fi-ont. Trim with rib- bon bows. MATERIAL Columbia Superfine Crochet Wool, 1 ball White Columbia Pompadour Wool, 1 ball Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2, 3 yards of Ribbon INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Size (i to 12 months With Superfine wool work a chain of 100 stitches. Row 1 — In third stitch of chain work 6 D. C. * yarn over hook, in the fourth stitch from shell draw up a loop, yarn over hook, draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw through all 5 loops on hook, skip 3 stitches, in the fourth stitch work G D. C, repeat from * to end of row, break off yarn. Row 2 — Same as row 1, working shell in centre of shell and puff around the puff of pre- ceding row, break off yarn at end of each row. Work 20 rows. With Pompadour wool work 20 Sg. C. on side of piece just made, 1 Sg. C. in every 4th stitch across bottom and 20 Sg. C. on the other side, work 3 rows of Sg. C, taking up the whole stitch. With Superfine wool double work a chain of 14 stitches, work band in plain afghan stitch until it measures 12 inches, embroider band in cross stitch design using Pompadour wool. With I'ompadour wool work a border around band as follows : join yarn chain 2, 2 D. C. in same stitch where yarn was joined, * skip 2 stitches, slip stitch in next stitch, chain 2, 2 D. C. in same stitch with slip stitch, repeat from * all around. Sew band to hood, finish back same as band, line with silk, sew on ribbon bows. No. 2 Infant's Crocheted Hoods No. 1 MATERIAL Columbia Superfine Crochet Wool 1 ball White 1 ball Color Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color, 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 1 4 yards of Ribbon INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Size 6 to 12 months Crown — With colored Superfine Wool make a chain of 46 stitches. Row 1 — In 3rd stitch of chain work 2 D. C, * skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, chain 2, 2 D. C. in the same stitch with Sg. C, repeat from * across, ending with 1 Sg. C, chain 2. turn (15 shells across). Row 2 — 2 D. C. in the first Sg. C. of preceding row, * 1 Sg. C. in the next Sg. C. of preceding row, chain 2, 2 D. C. in the same stitch with Sg. C. just made, repeat from * across, ending with 1 Sg. C, chain 2, turn. Repeat row 2 until work measures 9 inches, fold in half and sew up the sides. Band — With white yarn double make a chain of 30 stitches, work 14 inches of plain afghan stitch, join and with Pompadour work a row of shell same as row 1 of crown around the top of band, embroider in cross stitch design, sew to crown, turn back over the crown and sew the points of crown onto band, finish with 2 ribbon bows. No. 2 MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool, 3 balls 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 yards of Ribbon No. 12 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Size 2 to 3 years With No. 2 Hook make a chain of 3 stitches, join in a ring, work 7 Sg. C. in ring, do not join, work around. Row 2 — 2 Sg. C. in each stitch, taking up the whole stitch of preceding row. Row 3—2 Sg. C. in first stitch, * 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, 2 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * around, liaving 7 widening spaces. Row 4—1 Sg. C. in first 2 stitches, * 2 Sg. C. in next stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from * around. Continue work- ing in this way always having 1 more Sg. C. between each of the 7 widening spaces, until there are 14 Sg. C. in each section (112 stitches in all), this completes the crown. Face — Is worked in star stitch as follows : Row 1 — Draw up a loop in each of the first 3 stitches, * yarn over hook, draw through all 4 stitches, chain 1, draw up a loop in the eye formed by the chain, draw up a loop in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from * until you have 48 stars, chain 3, tiu-n, leaving the remaining stitches for the back of hood. Row 2 — Draw up a loop in second stitcli of chain, * draw up a loop in next 2 stitches, yarn over hook, draw through all 4 loops, chain 1, draw up a loop in the eye, repeat from * across, chain 3, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, work alternately 4 rows of star stitch, and 4 rows of Sg. C. until you have 3 of star and 2 of Sg. C. Now work 2 last rows of Sg. C. with No. hook, and finish hood by woi'king 62 Sg. C. across the bottom. Trim with ribbon bows. 1 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Crocheted Hood MATERIAL Columbia Superfine Crochet Wool 1 ball White and Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 3 yards of Ribbon No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Size 6 to 12 months With white yarn make a chain of 4 stitches, join in a ring, work 16 D. C. in ring, join, chain 3 at the end of every row. Row 2— Work 2 D. C. in first space, * yarn over hook, insert hook in back of next D. C, draw up a loop, yarn over, draw up a loop in same place, yarn over, draw up a loop in same place, yarn over, draw through all loops on hook, chain 1, 2 D. C. in next space, repeat from * all around, having 16 puffs with 2 D. C. between each puff. Row 3—2 D. C. in centre of 2 D. C. and work puff around puff of preceding row. Row 4 — Same as row 3. Row 5— Work 2 D. C. in centre of 2 D. C. and 1 D. C. each side, having 4 D. C. between each puff. Rows 6, 7 and 8 — Like row 5. Row 9 — Work G D. C. between each puff, always working the 2 D. C. in centre of 2 D. C. and the extra D. C. each side. Row 10 — Same as row 9. Row 11 — 8 D. C. between each puff. Row 12 — Same as row 11. Row 13 — 10 D. C. between each puff. Row 14 — Same as row 13. Row 15—12 D. C. between each puff. Row 16 — Same as row 15. Now draw in the crown by working 1 slip stitch in every other stitch of crown. Band — With 2 strands of colored yarn work a chain of SO stitches. Row 1 — In second stitch from hook work 1 D. C, * 1 Sg. C. in same stitch, skip 1 stitch, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — 1 D. C. in first stitch, taking up both loops, * 1 Sg. C. in same stitch, skip 1 stitch, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 until baud measures 3 inches. Fit the crown into the band, leaving 3 sections for the back, sew in place, with colored yarn work a row of picot all around hood. Line with silk and finish with ribbon bows. 18 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Crocheted Hood MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool •2 balls White Columbia Angora Wool 1 ball White 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank Nile Green 1 hank Gas Blue 1 hank Sunrise 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 1 yard of Ribbon No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS Size 6 months With Princess wool chain 2, work 12 Sg. C. in second chain stitch. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in the first stitch, always taking up the back loop of preceding row, * 2 Sg. C. in the next stitch, 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, repeat from * around, having 6 widening spaces. Row 3—1 Sg. C. in each of the first 2 stitches, * 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, 2 Sg. C. in the next stitch^ repeat from * around. Continue in this way, always having 1 more Sg. C. between each widening space and the 2 Sg. C. in the centre of 2 Sg. C. of preceding row until there are IS Sg. C. between each widening, this completes the crown. Band— Chain 12, work 60 rows of plain afghan stitch, sew to crown, leaving 1 section for the back, work a row of Sg. C. across the bottom, skipping 4 stitches across centre of back, work 3 more rows, taking up the whole stitch of pre- ceding row. With Angora wool work 12 rows of Sg. C. for turn back. Flower — With Pink Saxony chain 7, work 1 D. C. in 4th stitch of chain, 2 D. C. in each of the 5th, 6th and 7th stitches, join with slip stitch, repeat until you have 5 petals, with Blue Saxony chain 4, work 1 Sg. C. in the 2nd stitch of chain, 2 Sg. C. in the 3rd stitch, 1 Sg. C. in the 4th stitch, join, repeat until you have 4 petals, with green Saxony chain 10, * slip stitch in 4th stitch, chain 10, repeat from * 3 times. Work 3 more sprays and sew onto hood, finish with ribbon ends. 19 Child's Crocheted Hood 3 ■^ai ■ '■ fl ■ f^^ • *'^^^i 1 .:;/>|^-''^- ■'-^ 1 m ^ m ^yl |P' ^ J 1 19 ■i|TO^^|g^H^^^^^H MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 2 hanks White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 3 hanks White 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool 1 ball Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS Size 12 to IS months With white yarn make a chain of 4 stitches, join in a ring, chain 3, work in star stitch as follows : Row 1 — Draw up a loop in first 2 stitches of chain just made, * di'aw up a loop in the ring, yarn over, draw through all 4 loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in the eye formed by the chain just made, draw up a loop through the back loop of preceding star, repeat from * until you have 8 stars, join, chain 3. Row 2 — Draw up a loop in the first 2 stitches of chain, and 1 in each of the next 2 stitches. yarn over, draw through all 5 loops on hook, chain 1, * now increase by working a 4 loop star, drawing the last loop up in the same eye of preceding row with the last star made, chain 1, draw up a loop in the eye just made, draw up a loop in the back loop of last star, draw up a loop in next stitch, draw up a loop in next eye of star of preceding row, yarn over, draw through all 5 loops on hook, repeat from * around, having 16 stars in this row, join, chain 3, at the end of each row. Row 3 — Work * 2 five loop stars, increase by working 1 four loop star, repeat from * around. Row 4 — Work * 3 five loop stars, increase, re- peat from * around. Row 5 — Work * 6 five loop stars, increase, re- peat from * around, having 37 stars in this row, this completes the crown. Row 6 — Work 31 five loop stars, break off yarn (this is for face of hood). Rows 7, 8 and 9— Same as row 6. Row 10 — Same as row 6. Do not break off yarn but chain 3, and work across bottom of hood, chain 3. Row 11 — Work across the face of hood, chain 3, work across the bottom, break off yarn, join yarn, chain 3, work another row across the bot- tom, chain 3. Row 12 — Work 1 row across the face of hood, break off yarn. Row 13 — Same as row 12. Row 14 — Work * 3 five loop stars, increase, repeat from * across the face of hood, chain 3, work across the bottom, do not increase, chain 3. Row IS — Work 7 five loop stars, increase, * then 6 five loop stars, increase, repeat from * across the face of hood, ending with 7 five loop &tars, break off yarn. Now work 1 row all around without in- creasing. With colored Princess wool work the facing for front of hood, make a chain as long as the last row of front of hood, work 4 rows of 5 loop star stitch, sew in place, finish hood with a row of picot all around, trim with ribbon. 20 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Knitted Sacque MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 3 hanks White 1 hank Color 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 13 1 yard Ribbon No. 2 INSTRUCTIONS Size to 12 months With white yarn cast on 32 stitches, knit 15 ribs (or 30 rows), now with extra needles work a second piece like first, work across the 32 stitches on piece just made, cast on 10 stitches, now work the 32 stitches on the first needle off onto the second needle, having in all 74 stitches on needle, this completes the flap in the back, now work 45 ribs on the entire length. Slip the first 22 stitches off on a spare needle for shoulder, bind off the next 30 stitches for neck and on the remaining 22 stitches start front. Front — Work 8 ribs, then cast on 12 stitches toward the front, work 60 ribs on this length, bind off. Work second front to correspond. Sew up 5 inches under each arm, leaving the remainder for armholes. Border — With colored yarn work a border around one-half of sacque as follows : Pick up GO stitches on front edge, with second needle pick up all the stitches on the bottom of sacque, and with third needle pick up the stitches on the flap in back, work 10 ribs for border, increasing at the corners on every other row as follows : Work to within one stitch of the corner, yarn over, knit corner stitch, yarn over, knit to end of row. Work second half to correspond, now finish the flap in the back by laying the left side of border over the right side and sewing care- fully in place. Collar — With white yarn pick up the stitches around the neck including the border, work 1 rib, work a row of holes for ribbon as follows : * Knit 2, yarn over needle, knit 2 together, re- peat from * to end of row, knit 1 row, then bind off 10 stitches at each end, now with colored yarn work 10 ribs on this length, bind off. Sleeves — With white yarn cast on 30 stitches, increase 1 stitch every other row at one end only until there are 50 stitches on needle, work 20 ribs on this length, then decrease in the same manner as you increased until 30 stitches re- main, bind oft". Cuffs — With white yarn pick up the stitches at the straight edge of cuff', on the next row * knit 12, knit 2 together, repeat from * to end of row, work 8 ribs on this length, then with colored yarn work 10 ribs, bind off. Sew up sleeves and sew into armhole seam to seam. 21 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Knitted Sacque MATERIAL Columbia Shetland Wool 4 hanks 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles No. 3 1 yard of Ribbon INSTRUCTIONS Size 1 to 2 years Note — Two rows form a rib, use wool double. Cast on 60 stitches, knit plain for 40 ribs, bind off 20 stitches and on the remaining 40 stitches work 2 ribs, now cast on 20 stitches on the same end that the stitches were bound off, this forms the armhole, work G5 ribs for the back, bind off 20 stitches for second armhole, work 2 ribs, cast on 20 stitches, work 40 ribs for second front, bind off. Sew up shoulders. Sleeves — Cast on 46 stitches, work 45 ribs, then work 18 rows in the rib pattern of knit 1, purl 1, for the cuff, bind off, sew up sleeves, and sew into armhole. Work a row of beading at the neck by work- ing a row of D, C. with 1 chain between each D. C. Finish Jacket with a picot edge. 22 <^1 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Knitted Sacque MATERIAL 2 Fold Columbia Saxony 2 hanks 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 10 inch No. 2 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 INSTRUCTIONS Size 6 to 12 months Cast on 75 stitches. Row 1 — Knit 45, purl 1, knit 2, purl 1, knit 2, purl 1, knit 2, purl 1, knit 2. purl 1. knit 2, purl 1, knit 14. Row 2 — Knit plain. Row 3— Purl. Row^ 4- Row 5- -Knit plain. -Same as 1st row. Row 6 — Knit plain. Repeat these 6 rows for all the work, con- tinue knitting until you have 10 double ridges. In the centre of the 11th double ridge bind off 28 stitches on the opposite end of work from border, and on the next row cast on 28 stitches, this forms the armhole, now work 16 double ridges for back and bind off 28 stitches in the centre of the 17th row, and cast on 28 stitches on the next row for second armhole, worli 10 double ridges, bind off. Sew across 4 double ridges on each side for shoulders. Sleeves — Cast on 53 stitches. Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2— Knit 35, purl 1, knit 2, purl 1, knit 2, purl 1. knit 2, purl 1, knit 2, purl 1, knit 2, purl 1, knit 2. Row 3- Row 4- -Knit plain. -Same as row 2. Row 5 — Knit plain. Row 6— Purl. Continue these 6 rows until you have 14 double ridges, bind off after knitting a plain stripe, sew up sleeves and sew into armhole. Crochet a row of holes for ribbon around the neck and finish with a row of shell, having 5 D. C. in each shell, and fasten shell down with Sg. C. all around. 23 lG:<afe.!M .'■■i.'jf.j'l ,j„ ' 1.1 jt 1 flr t!4^^^'|-|^m^f^^i*^^^^B ^^^^^^-^— — No. 1 MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 4 hanks White 1 hank Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 12 inch No. 2 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 1 2 yards of Ribbon No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Size 12 to IS months With white yarn cast on 110 stitches, follow pattern, being cai"eful to keep to the pattern after each increase or decrease. Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2 — * Knit 1, purl 1, repeat from * across. Repeat these 2 rows for all the work, decrease 1 stitch at each end every 10th row until SG stitches remain, work 10 rows more, then cast on 30 stitches at each end for sleeves, work 40 rows, this completes the back, slip the first (io stitches off on an extra needle, bind oft" the next 20 stitches for the neck, and on the remaining ''*> '^*^V^| d^ B'^^^i^^^^JS v^^^^S^^^HI ^^Bc^i^-^^lfiH m i:^^^ ^^^'^^^^^11 ^^^^H^S.->"S-S^-"Sa •^^' ^^^ ~^@^^H^^| ^^M^^^^^^^lQJjgg^^ TKi^^&'V^ ^^^^9^H No. 2 Infant's Crocheted Sacque MATERIAL 2 Fold Columbia Saxony 2 hanks White Columbia Pompadour Wool 3 balls White 2V2 yards Ribbon No. 3 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 INSTRUCTIONS Size 1 to 2 years Back — With Saxony make a chain of G6 stitches. Row 1 — In the 4th stitch from hook work 5 D. C, * skip 2 stitches, work 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 3, skip 2 stitches, work 5 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, ending with 1 Sg. C. Break off yarn at end of every row. Row 2 — Fasten Pompadour wool in last Sg. C. of preceding row, chain 3, work 5 D. C. in same stitch, * skip 4 stitches of shell of pre- ceding row, work 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 3, work 5 D. C. in next Sg. C. of preceding row, repeat from * to end of row. Repeat second row for all the work, working alternately 1 row Saxony, 1 row Pompadoui", until you have 11 rows. Now with Saxony start on the original chain (or shoulder), work 4 shells, work 5 rows on this length then add a chain of 12 stitches toward the front, work 2 shells on this chain, work G rows more. Work second front to correspond, now work across one front, chain 12, join to the back, work across the back, chain 12, join to the second front, work across the front; on the next row make 2 shells on each chain under the arm, work on this length until sacque measures 11 inches from shoulder. Work 1 row of beading for ribbon around the neck, by working 1 D. C. in every other stitch with 1 chain between each D. C. with Pompadour wool, work a row of shell having 5 D. C. in each shell fastened down with Sg. C. all around sacque, finish with picot edge. Sleeves — Chain 18, work 3 shells on chain, now increase bj' adding 1 shell at each end every other row until there are 9 shells across, work on this length until sleeve measures 5 inches on under arm seam, finish with a row of shell and picot edge, sew up sleeves and sew into arm- hole. Draw ribbon through the sleeve about 1 inch from the bottom and finish with ribbon bows. 25 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Crocheted Sacque MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank White 2 Fold Columbia Saxony 2 hanks White Columbia Pompadour Wool 3 balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 3 yards of Ribbon No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS Size G to 12 months With 3 fold Saxony make a chain of 20 stitches, work 48 rows of plain afghan stitch, now decrease 1 stitch at one end only every row until 1 stitch remains, this completes the tab down the front, now add a chain of GO stitches for the shoulder and sleeve, work 18 rows of afghan stitch, finish by working 1 slip stitch in each stitch across. Work another piece to cor- respond for second front and shoulder, em- broider in cross stitch design. Body of Sacque — With 2 Fold Saxony and right side of work toward you start in the corners formed by the front and shoulder tabs, work 5 D. C, * skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 3, skip 2 stitches, 5 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * across, having 12 shells in all. Row 2 — With colored Pompadour wool chain 3, 5 D. C. in same stitch where yarn was joined, * skip 4 D. C. of shell of preceding row, work 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 3, work 5 I). C. in next Sg. C. of preceding row, repeat from * across, join to the tab in front with slip stitch. Repeat row 2 for all the work, working al- ternately 1 row white and 1 row color. Work 8 rows, now work back from the front 7 shells, leaving the remaining shells for the sleeve, work on this length until work is as long as tab, finish with one row white. Back — With white yarn start at the end of one sleeve, work across, chain 17, join to the second front, work to end of row, on the next row work 3 shells on the chain, work 8 rows, then leave 5 shells at each end for sleeves and on the re- maining centre shells work until the back is as long as the front, sew up the underarm and sleeves. With colored Pompadour wool work a row of shell all around sacque, having 5 I). C. in each shell fastened down with Sg. C, finish with picot edge. Cuffs — Work 5 rows of shell same as in the body of sacque, finish with a row of shell same as down the sacque, line the tabs with silk and trim with ribbon bows. 26 Infant's Crocheted Sacque MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 3 hanks White 1 hank Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 4 yards of Ribbon INSTRUCTIONS Size 1 to 2 years This sacque is worked in Apple Seed Stitch, chain 65 stitches. Row 1 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of chain, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in the first stitch, taking up the front loop, * 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, taking up the back loop, 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, taking up the front loop, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work. Work 24 rows, break off yarn, begin at the shoulder, make 20 Sg. C, work 3 rows, then increase 4 stitches every other row toward the fi'ont until you have 32 stitches, work 8 rows, then increase 1 stitch every other row toward the armhole until you have 38 stitches, work another front to correspond, join under the arm, and work 50 rows, increasing 2 stitches under each arm every 10th row, being careful to keep to the pattern. Now work a row of holes for ribbon around the neck, down each front and across the bottom by working 1 D. C. in every other stitch with 1 chain between each 1). C, now work a row of shell around having 6 D. C. in each shell fastened down with Sg. C, finish with picot edge of colored yarn. Sleeves — Make a chain of 14 stitches, increase at each end every row until there are 46 stitches across, work 32 rows, finish sleeve same as sac(iue, draw the ribbon through and tie so as to draw the sleeve in at the wrist. Draw the ribbon through sacque and finish with bow at the neck. ♦ Infant's Crocheted Sacque MATERIAL Columbia Superfine Crochet Wool 2 balls White Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 1 yard Ribbon INSTRUCTIONS Size to 12 months Make a chain of 65 stitches. Row 1 — In third stitch of cliain work 4 D. C, * yarn over hook, in the third stitch from shell draw up a loop, yarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw throu.yh all 5 loops on hook, skip 2 stitches, in the third stitch work 4 D. C, repeat from * to end of row, break off yarn. There should be 11 shells across. Row 2 — Same as row 1, working shells in centre of shell and puff around the puff of pre- ceding row, break off yarn at end of each row. Work 10 rows, and start right front. On the original chain, work 4 shells and 3 puffs, work 3 rows, add a chain of 12 stitches toward the neck, work 2 shells and 2 puffs on chain, work 7 rows on this length. Work second front to correspond. Now starting on the left front work across, chain 9, join to the back, work across back, chain 9, join to right front, work across front, on the next row work 1 shell and 2 puffs on each chain, work 9 more rows, having 6 D. C. in each shell instead of 4. To point sacque start on left front, work 6 shells across, fasten the sixth sliell down with slip stitch, continue in this manner, decreasing 1 shell on each row until 1 shell re- mains, skip 1 shell under the arm, work 11 shells across the back, decrease 1 shell at each end every row until 1 shell remains, work second front same as first front. Now work a row of D. C. with 2 chains between each D. C. around the neck for ribbon, work a row of shell having 8 D. C. in each shell fastened down with Sg. C. all around sacque. Sleeves — Work 13 shells with 1 puff between each shell around armhole, having 4 D. C. in each shell, work 7 rows around and around, now decrease 1 shell at each end until 1 shell re- mains, being careful to have the point on the top of sleeve, work a row of shell having D. C. in each shell around sleeve. With Pompadour wool finish sacoue and sleeves with a row of Sg. C, having 1 Sg. C. in each stitch with 1 chain between each Sg. C. 28 Infant's Crocheted Sacque MATERIAL Columbia Superfine Crochet Wool 1 ball White 3 balls Color Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 1 2 yards of Ribbon No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS Size G to 12 mouths Back — With colored Superfine wool make a chain of 6(; stitches. Row 1 — In 3rd stitch of chain work 2 D. C, * skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 2, 2 D. C. in same stitch with Sg. C, repeat from * across, ending with 1 Sg. C, chain 2, turn (21 shells across). Row 2—2 D. C. in first Sg. C. of preceding row, * 1 Sg. C. in next Sg. C. of preceding row, chain 2, 2 D. C. in same stitch with Sg. C. just made, repeat from * across, end with 1 Sg. C, chain 2, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, work 3 inches, break off yarn and start on the original chain (or shoulder), work 8 shells for shoulder, work 8 rows, then add a chain of 12 stitches toward the front, work 4 shells on chain just made, work on this length until work meas- ures 3 inches, work second front to correspond, now work across the front, chain 12, join to the back, work across the back, chain 12, join to the second front, work across the front, on the next row work 4 shells on each chain under the arm, work 8 inches on the entire length. Sleeves — Chain 18, work 6 shells on chain, now increase 1 shell at each end every other row until there are 14 shells across, work on this length until sleeve measures 6 inches on underarm seam. Cuffs — With white Superfine wool double make a clxain of 14 stitches, work in plain afghan stitch until cuff measures GV^ inches, with colored Pompadour wool finish with a row of shell same as row 1 of the sacque, embroider in cross stitch design, sew onto sleeve so the cuff turns back over sleeve, and open in the back. Collar — Make a chain of 22 stitches, work in l>lain afghan stitch until collar measures 8 inches, finish same as cuffs, embroider in cross stitch design, sew in place and finish with rib- bon bows. 29 i^2^:^Craw ribbon through bead- ing at neck, waistband and cuffs. 33 Infant's Knitted Kimono MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Saxony n hanks White 1 hank Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 10 inch No. 2 % yard of Ribbon INSTRUCTIONS Size (5 to 12 mouths Two rows foi-ni a rib. With white yarn oast on GO stitches, work 45 I'ibs, then cast on 40 stitches at each end of needle for sleeves, work 22 ribs on this length, then work ()3 stitches off on a .spare needle, bind off 14 stitches for neck, on the remaining (i."? stitches start the front. Work 8 ribs, then in- crease 1 stitch toward the front every 3d row until there are G9 stitches on needle, work more ribs, then bind off 40 stitches for sleeve, work 2 ribs on the remaining stitches, then in- ci-ease 1 stitch toward the underarm everv 6th row until 3 stitches liave been added, now work until front is as long as back on underarm seam, bind off. Work second front to correspond. AVith colored yarn pick up 50 stitches around the sleeve, now work alternately 1 rib of color and 1 rib white until you have 5 ribs of each. Sew up sleeve and underarm, now with right side of work toward you and colored yarn pick up stitches around bottom of sacque, work 5 ribs of each color, now with wrong side of work toward you pick up stitches on fronts and around neck, work 5 ribs of each color, turn fi-ont border back and finish with ribbon bows. 34 Infant's Knitted Kimono MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane 5 hanks of Color Columbia Pompadour Wool 2 balls of Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles No. 6 1 yard of Ribbon No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS Size (5 to 12 months Note — A rib is over and back, or two rows. Back— With Lady Jane cast on 90 stitches, knit plain until you have 26 ribs, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of needle every 5th I'ib until you have 60 stitches left on needle, now decrease 1 stitch at each end every other rib until you have 52 stitches left, work 12 ribs on this length, slip 20 stitches off on a spare needle, bind off 12 stitches for the neck, on the remain- ing 20 stitches start front. Front — Work 4 ribs, then increase 1 stitch toward the neck every other rib until you have 30 stitches, work 2 ribs on this length, then cast on 6 stitches for underarm, now increase 1 stitch every 5th rib toward the underarm until you have 50 stitches on needle, work on this length until front is as long as back on under- arm seam, bind oft' loosely. Work 2d front to correspond. Sleeves — Pick up 40 stitches around the arm- hole, work 28 ribs, then with 1 strand of Lady Jane and 1 of Pompadour wool work 5 ribs for cuff, bind off. Sew up the sleeves and under- arm seam. Border — With 1 strand of Lady Jane and 1 of Pompadour wool pick up the stitches across the bottom, knit 9 ribs, bind off. Pick up the stitches on the right front around the neck and on the left front, knit 9 ribs, bind off. Trim with ribbon bows. 35 :^:^<^S:;^j:^^^:;kG>Q:^ Col umbia yarns Infant's Knitted Kimono MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony <1 hanks White 1 hank Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 12 inch No. 2 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 1 2 yards of Ribbon No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS Size 6 to 12 months With white yarn cast on 134 stitches, follow pattern, being careful to keep to the pattern after each increase or decrease. Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2 — * Knit 1, purl 1, repeat from * across, repeat these 2 rows for all the work, decrease 1 stitch at each end every 10th row until SO stitches remain, work 10 rows more, then cast on 30 stitches at each end for sleeves, work 40 rows, this completes the back ; slip the first 03 stitches off on an extra needle, bind off the next 20 stitches for the neck, and on the remaining 63 stitches start the front. Front — Work 12 rows, now increase 1 stitch every other row toward the front until 10 stitches have been added, work 8 rows, then bind off the 30 stitches that were added for the sleeve, and on the remaining stitches finish the front, increasing 1 stitch every 10th row until front is as long as back, work second front to correspond. Sew up the underarms and sleeves. With colored yarn crochet a row of shell all around sacque and sleeves. Trim with ribbon bows. 36 Infant's Crocheted Kimono MATERIAL Columbia Superfine Crochet Wool 3 balls White Columbia Pompadour Wool 2 balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 2 vards Ribbou INSTRUCTIONS Size 6 to 12 months Yoke — With Pompadour wool make a chain of 55 stitches. Row 1— Work 1 D. C. iu first stitch, * 1 Sg. C. in same stitch, skip 1 stitch, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1. turn. Row 2 — 1 D. C. in the first stitch, taking up both loops, 1 Sg. C. in same stitch, skip 1 stitch, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, work 18 rows for the back, then work across 18 stitches for shoulder, work 8 rows on this length, now in- crease 1 stitch toward the front every row until there are 30 stitches across, work 4 rows with- out increasing, then work 14 stitches from the fi'ont edge for tab, work on this length until tab measures 16 inches. Work second tab to correspond. Body — With Superfine wool starting at the front work 2 D. C. in stitch, * skip 1 stitch, yarn over hook, insert hook in next stitch, draw up a loop, yarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw through all 7 loops on hook, chain 1, skip 1 stitch, work 2 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * across front, chain 6, join to the back, using the same stitch work across the back, chain 6. join to the front, work across front. Break yarn off at end of each row. Row 2— Work 2 D. C. in centre of 2 D. C. of preceding row, * yarn over hook, insert hook in back of puff of preceding row, draw up a loop, yarn over, draw up a loop in same space, yarn over, draw up a loop in same space, yarn over, draw through all 7 loops on hook, chain 1, 2 D. C. in centre of next 2 D. C, repeat from * to end of row, working 2 puffs and 2 D. C. between each puff on chain under each arm. Repeat row 2 for all the work, work 3 rows, on the next row increase by working 2 D. C. in centre of 2 D. C. and 1 D. C. each side, thus having 4 D. C. be- tween each puff, work 8 rows and then increase again by working 2 D. C. in centre of 2 D. C. and 2 D. C. each side, having 6 D. C. between each puff, work 8 rows, increase as before, hav- ing 8 D. C. between each puff, work on this length until body of sacque is as long as tab. Sew neatly to tab and finish the bottom of sacque with picot edge of Pompadour wool. Sleeves— Work 13 puffs with 2 D. C. between each puff around the armhole, work 14 rows, join, chain 3 at end of each row. Cuffs — With Pompadour wool work 30 Sg. C. around the sleeve, use the same stitch as in yoke, work 5 rows, join and turn at end of each i"ow. finish with picot edge. Work picot edge across the back of neck. 37 l:<5£^<25?; stitches left, then work S rows on this length. Join down the back. Instep — Pick up 10 stitches across the front, work 11 rows of afghan stitch. Sole — With colored Pompadour yarn work 12 rows of Sg. C, having 1 Sg. C. in each stitch. Join on the wrong side. Work 2 rows of Sg. C. around the top of Bootee, then a row of beading for ribbon, by making 1 D. C. in every other stitch with 1 chain between each D. C. Finish with 3 rows of Sg. C. MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank White Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color 2 yards Ribbon No. 2 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 With white yarn make a chain of 30 stitches, join to a ring. Work 1 D. C. in each stitch of chain. With colored yarn work 3 rows of Sg. C, with white yarn work 1 row of star stitch as fol- lows : — chain 3, draw a loop up in second chain, draw a loop up in first chain, * draw a loop up in next 2 stitches, yarn over hook, draw through all 5 loops on hook, chain 1, draw loop in eye just made, draw loop through last stitch of pre- ceding star, repeat from * around, with color work 3 rows of Sg. C, with white 1 row of star stitch, with color 3 rows of Sg. C, with white 1 row of D. C, with color 3 rows of Sg. C, with white 1 row of star stitch, with color ;'> rows of Sg. C. With white work 1 row of shell having 6 D. C. in each shell and fasten down with Sg. C. Instep — With white pick up 10 stitches across the front, work 10 rows of afghan stitch. Sole — Starting at the back working rovnid and round with Sg. C, 3 rows white, 3 rows color, finish with 4 rows white, join on wrong side. Draw ribbon through beading. 39 No. 2 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Knitted Bootees MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 14 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Note — A rib is over and back, or two rows. Cast on 64 stitches, knit 6 ribs. Knit across 30 stitches, narrow, knit 2 centre stitches, knit last 30 stitches. Purl 2 centre stitches every other row. Narrow on right side for 7 ribs. Knit 1 row of beading, * yarn over needle, knit 2 together. Repeat from * to end of row. Next Row — * Knit 2. purl 2, repeat from * for 2 rows. Next Row — * Purl 2. knit 2, repeat from * for 2 rows. Repeat these 4 rows until there are 12 rows. Now knit 1 row plain, 1 row purl, 1 row in- crease every Gth stitch after the purled rib of 4 rows, then knit rib of 4 rows, another purled rib of 4 rows, knit 4 rows plain. Next Row — Yarn over needle, knit 2 together, knit 7 rows plain, bind off. Sew in hem and sew up back. Run ribbon around ankle. No. 1 No. 2 MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane 1 hank White 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles No. 3 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 1 1^ yards Ribbon No. 2 6 Buttons INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Cast on 41 stitches. Row 1 — Knit 1, yarn over needle, slip 1, knit 2 together, take the stitch you slipped and draw it over the 2 knit together, * yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, slip 1, knit 2 together, take the stitch you slipped and draw it over the 2 knit to- gether, repeat from * to end of row. Row 2 — Knit plain. Repeat these 2 rows until work measures 2^^ inches, bind off 24 stitches, on the remaining 17 work 1 inch more for instep, bind off. Join the leg at lower edge. Now crochet 54 Sg. C. around for foot. Work 10 rows of Sg. C, decreasing 1 stitch at the toe and 1 stitch at heel every other row to shape foot. Crochet foot together. Finish at top with 1 row of Sg. C. Sew ou buttons and trim with rosettes. 40 Infant's Crocheted Bootees MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank White 1 hank Pink 1 Bone Crochet Hoolv No. 1 INSTRUCTIONS With white make a chain of 40 stitches, and join to a ring. Row 1— Chain .3, 1 D. C. in every stitch (39 in all), join. Row 2 — Chain 1, 1 Sg. C. in every stitch, join. Row 3 — Raised-knot stitch, as foUovrs : Chain 1, draw a loop through the first stitch, draw a loop through the next stitch, * there are three loops on hook, yarn over hook, draw through 2 loops, yarn over hook, draw through last two loops, 1 Sg. C, in the next stitch draw a loop through in the same stitch with the Sg. C, draw a loop through the next stitch. Repeat from * around and join. Row 4 — Draw a loop through the first, and one through the next space, * there are 3 loops on hook, draw through 2 loops, yarn over hook, draw through last two loops, 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, draw a loop through the same stitch with the Sg. C, draw a loop through the next. Repeat from * around and join. Repeat 4th row until there are 5 rows of raised-knot stitches. With pink make 2 rows of Sg. C. in every stitch, then 1 row with white and 2 rows with pink. Now with white 5 rows of raised- knot stitches, then again with pink 2 rows, with white 1, and 2 with pink, now a row of shells of 5 D. C, and finish with white 1 Sg. C. in every stitch. Instep — With pink pick up 12 stitches across the front, work 12 rows of afghan stitch, break off yarn. Sole — Starting at the back and work round and round 3 rows white, 2 pink, 1 white, 2 pink and 2 rows white. Join on the wrong side. Finish the bootees with a cord and tassel or Avith ribbon. 41 l:(jfe^€S<<©:i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■iwiiii iiiiiiiii mm«-:: Infant's Crocheted Bootees MATERIAL 2 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank White Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 INSTRUCTIONS With colored yarn work a chain of IS stitches. Row 1 — Work 1 row of plain afghan stitch. Row 2 — With wliite yarn work a row of afghan stitch. Row 3 — With colored yarn pick up the stitches from tlie back of preceding row, work off as in plain afghan stitch, this will make a row of purled afghan stitch. Row 4 — With white yarn work a row of plain afghan stitch. Repeat rows 3 and 4 until you have 17 rows of plain afghan stitch and 17 rows of purled afghan stitch, join down the back, with white yarn, work 34 D. C. around the bot- tom, with colored yarn pick up 14 stitches across the centre of front for the instep, work 42 G rows of plain afghan stitch and 5 rows of purled afghan stitch, now with white yarn work r»6 Sg. C. around for foot, work 3 rows white, 1 row color, 4 rows white, 1 row color, 3 rows white, join on the wrong side. Top — Row 1 — With white yarn work 1 Sg. C, * chain 1, work 2 D. C. in same space with the Sg. C, skip 1 rib, work 1 Sg. C. on next rib, re- peat from * around. Row 2 Work 1 Sg. C. on top of first D. C. of preceding row. * chain 1, 2 D. C. in same stitch, 1 Sg. C. on top of first D. C. of next shell, repeat from * around. Work 2 rows white, 1 row color, 2 rows white, 1 row color. Draw riblKin through beading. COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Crocheted Moccasins MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane 1 hank White Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 INSTRUCTIONS Work a chain of 31 stitches. Row 1— Work 1 D. C. in each of the first 15 stitches, 8 D. C. in the 16th stitch, 1 D. C. in the remaining 15 stitches, join, chain 1. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 15 stitches, 2 Sg. C. In each of the next 8 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in each of the remaining 15 stitches, join, chain 3. Row 3 — 1 D. C. in each stitch, join, chain 1. Row 4 — 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 19 stitches, 2 Sg. 0. in each of the next 8 stitches, 1 Sg. 0. in each of the remaining 19 stitches, work 5 more rows of Sg. C. without increasing, break off: yarn. Work 31 D. C. around the ankle, join, chain 1, work 2 rows of Sg. C, join, chain 3, work 1 row of D. C. With Pompadour wool chain 2, * work 2 D. C. in same stitch, skip 1 stitch, slip stitch in next stitch, chain 2, repeat from * around. Sole — Work a chain of IS stitches, work 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 17 stitches, 3 Sg. C. in the ISth stitch, and 17 Sg. C. down the other side of chain, 3 Sg. C. in the ISth stitch, join, chain 3, 1 D, C. in each stitch and 3 D. C. at each end, join, chain 3, 1 D. C. in each stitch, 2 D. C. in each of the 4 stitches at one end, and 3 D. C. in the centre stitch of the other end. Join to the top with 1 row of Sg. C, using Pompadour wool and having the broad end of soles to toe of moccasin. Finish with ribbon. 43 Infant's Knitted Bootees MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank White 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. lo 1 yard Ribbon INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Cast on 54 stitches, knit 1(5 rows plain, then work the pattern as follows : — Row 1 — Knit 2, purl 2, to end of row. Row 2 — Knit plain. Repeat rows 1 and 2 until you have 58 rows from starting point. Now knit 10 rows plain, work a row of holes for ribbon, * knit 1, yarn over needle, knit 2 together, repeat from * to end of row, knit 10 more rows plain, then di- vide stitches, having 2U stitches on lirst needle. 14 stitches on second needle for instep, and 20 stitches on third needle. Knit 30 rows plain on the centre needle for instep, with first needle ])ick up 15 stitches on side of instep, then with third needle pick up 15 stitches on other side of instep, now work all the stitches on one needle. No. 1 knit 20 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of needle 4 times. l)ind off, sew up foot and leg, trim with ribbon. MATERIAL 2 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank Color 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 18 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Cast on 30 stitches, knit plain, increasing 1 stitch at each end of needle every row until there are 50 stitches on needle, knit 4 rows No. 2 without increasing, then decrease in the same manner as you increased until 30 stitches re- main. At one end cast on 10 stitches for the heel, and at the other end increase 1 stitch every row for 20 rows, bind oft" 25 stitches at the heel, knit 20 rows on the remaining stitches, then cast on 25 stitches toward the heel, now decrease 1 stitch every row toward the toe until 40 stitches are on needle, bind off. Sew up the bootee at the heel, side and toe, pick up 12 stitches at the heel, cast on 21 stitches, knit back, cast on 21 stitches at the other end, this is for the ankle strap, knit 4 rows, work a buttonhole in one end. knit 3, bind oft' 2. knit to end of row, on the return row cast on 2 over the bound oft' stitches, knit 4 more rows. Bind oft'. Finish with pompou. 44 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Knitted Bootees ..a::>^ Columbia yarns ^:S><:^jgD loojis on hook, draw up a short loop in same space, repeat from * to end of row. ending with 1 Sg. C. in last space, cliain 1, turn. Rei»eat row 2 for all the work, when back measiu-es 14 inches start one front, work across 21 stitches, chain 1, tiu-n. Front — Work 4 rows on this length, then a stitches have been added, work on this lengtli until front is as long as back. Work second front to correspond. Work 12 rows of Sg. C. on the left front al- ways taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, now work 6 rows of Sg. C. on the right side, on the next row work the button lioles as follows : starting at the neck work 2 Sg. C, * chain 3, skip 3 stitches, work 15 Sg. C. repeat from * to end of row, work G more rows tif Sg. C. Sleeves — Chain 31 stitches, increase 1 stitch at each end every other row until there are 47 stitches across, work 10 rows on this lengtli, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 6th row Tintil 37 stitches remain, work until sleeve measures SV^ inches, then work 14 rows of Sg. C. for cuff, sew up sleeve and turn back cuff. Collar^Work 52 Sg. C. around the neck, starting in the centre of border work 10 rows, work 2 loops on the i-ight side. Sew in the sleeves and sew on l)uttons. 4S Child's Knitted Sweater MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 4 hanks White 1 hank Color 2 Bone Knittins Needles 10 inch No. 1 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 1 small Buttons INSTRUCTIONS Size 1 year With bone needles cast on 87 stitches, knit plain, 2 ribs white, 1 rib color, 9 ribs white, 1 rib color, 1 row white, now start jiattern as follows : Row 1 — * Biii'l 3, knit 3, repeat from *, end- ing with knit 12. Row 2 — Knit plain. Row 3 — * Knit 3, purl 3. repeat from *, end- ing with knit 15. Row 4 — Knit plain. These 4 rows form the pattern, on the Sth row cast on (> stitches for the shoulder, work S more rows, this completes the pattern, now knit plain 1 rib white, 1 color. 15 ribs white, now bind off 25 stitches for arm- hole, work 3 ribs, cast on 25 stitches for the back, work 38 ribs, this completes one-half of the sweater, work second half to correspond. Sleeves — Cast on 41 stitches, increase 1 stitch at one end only every 3rd rib until there are 46 stitches on needle, work until there are 39 ribs, decrease in the same manner as you in- creased until 41 stitches remain, bind off. Cuffs — Pick up 46 stitches, knit 1, purl 1, for 36 rows, bind off. Collai — With steel needles and white yarn cast on SO stitches, knit 17 rows, then purl 1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, knit 8 ribs, then 1 rib color, (t white, 1 color, 2 white, bind off, sew to .sweater. With colored yarn crochet all around sacque, collar and cuffs as follows: 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, * chain 3, draw a loop through 1st stitch of chain, skip 2 stitches on sweater, draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over hook, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw througli 2 loops, chain 1, skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * all around. Loops — With 1 strand of white and 2 strands of color chain 25 stitches, make 3 loops, sew to right side of sweater with a button, tie a knot in the centre and button over buttons on left side. 49 i:(sy:Dg>ike right front, omit button- holes. Collar — With steel needles pick up 70 stitches, beginning 1 inch from each front, knit for 4 inches, or as long as desired. Sleeves — Cast on bone needles 35 stitches, increase 1 stitch at beginning of every other row, and only at the top of sleeve, until you have increased 16 stitches. Knit 35 rows with- out increasing, then at the same end where in- creasing was done decrease 1 stitch every other row until 16 stitches are decreased, leaving 35 stitches on the needle ; bind off. With steel needles pick up stitches at straight edge of sleeve for cuff as long as desired. Bind off loosely, sew up sleeves and sew into jackets Face with ribbon and work over buttonholes. 50 Child's Crocheted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn 5 hanks White 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 8 Buttons INSTRUCTIONS Size 4 to 5 years Make a chain of 71 stitches. Row 1 — lu the Srd stitch of chain work 5 D. C, * skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, skip 2 stitches, 5 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, ending with 1 Sg. C, (12 shells across), chain 3, turn. Ro^ 2 — 5 D. C. in the first Sg. C. of preceding row, * 1 Sg. C. in centre of shell, 5 D. C. in next Sg. C. of preceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work. Work 48 rows, then decrease 1 shell at each end for armhole, work 9 rows, this completes the back. p^ont_Make a chain of 48 stitches, work 8 shells on chain, work 49 rows, decrease 1 shell at one end only, on each of the next 2 rows for armhole, work 3 rows on this length, then de- crease 1 shell on each of the next 2 rows for the neck, work 6 rows, this completes one front, work second front to correspond. Crochet 8 loops on the right side for button- holes. Sleeves— Make a chain of 19 stitches, work 3 shells on chain, increase at the end of each row by adding a chain of 9 stitches, on the next row work 1 shell and 1 Sg. C. on chain, increase in this way until there are 12 shells across, work 24 rows on this length, this completes sleeve. C„fifs_Work 36 Sg. C. around sleeve, join, chain 1, turn. Ro^ 2—1 Sg. C. in each stitch, taking up both loops, join, chain 1, turn. Work 3-inch cuff. Collar — Work collar same as cuft"s, allowing 1 shell to extend beyond the collar each side. 51 VG::^Q^:i^^^^S&& : : Columbia"' yarns i::S>>:^g>?g>3 stitches for the sleeve, work 62 Sg. C. on chain, work in Sg. C. always taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, work 53 rows, then add a chain of S9 stitches at each end for the front and back, work 88 Sg. C. on each chain, work 38 rows on the entire length (238 stitches), now work up from the end lis stitches, work 12 rows on this length, this completes one-half of the back. Skip 12 stitches for the shoulder and work the front on the remaining 108 stitches, work 16 rows, de- creasing 1 stitch toward the neck every row. Border, Row 1 — With right side of work to- ward you work 1 Sg. C. in the first stitch, * draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through both loops, 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, break off yarn. liepeat row 1, decreasing 1 stitch toward the neck every row until border measures 2 inches. This completes one-half of Sweater ; work second half to correspond, sew up the under arm and join neatly down the back. Cuffs — Work a 2-inch cuff around the sleeves, using the same stitch as in border. MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Saxony 10 hanks 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 Collar — Work a chain of 16 stitches, using the same stitch as border and cuffs, work until col- lar is long enough to extend around the neck of sweater, sew in place, turn back. Crochet 5 loops on right front, sew on buttons. 52 Child's Crocheted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 4 hanks White 1 hank Color 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Size 3 to 4 years Work a chain of 97 stitches. Row 1 — Work 1 slip stitch in each stitch of chain, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — 1 slip stitch in each stitch, taking up the back loop to form a rib, chain 1, turn. Row 3 — Same as row 2. Row 4 — Same as row 2. Row 5 — Work a row of Sg. C. taking up al- ternately, * first the 2 front loops, then the 2 back loops, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 6 — Same as row 5. These 6 rows form the pattern. Work 3 patterns, then increase 1 stitch every row at one end of work to shape the neck until 4 stitches have been added, then add a chain of 5 stitches at the same end you have been increasing, work 5 patterns on this length, now work up 68 stitches from the bot- tom, (leaving the remaining stitches for the armhole), work 2 patterns on the 68 stitches for the under arm, now add a chain of 28 stitches for the armhole of the back, work 6 pat- terns on this length, this completes one-half of sweater, work second half to correspond. Sleeves — Work a chain of 15 stitches. Work 14 slip stitches on chain. Row 2 — Work 14 slip stitches, add a chain of 11 stitches. Row 3 — Work 24 slip stitches. Row 4 — Work 18 Sg. C, taking 2 back loops and 2 front loops, slip stitch in the remaining 6 stitches. Row 5— Slip stitch the first 6 stitches, Sg. C. in the remaining stitches, being careful to keep to the pattern. Row 6 — W^ork 24 slip stitches, add a chain of 13 stitches, follow pattern, increasing 1 stitch every other row toward the top until there are 40 stitches, work 5 patterns on this length, this completes one-half of sleeve, work second half to correspond. Work 5 rows of Sg. C. on straight edge of sleeve, sew up sleeve. Border — Work 6 rows of Sg. C. down each front, on the right side work 5 loops, having 4 chain in each loop with 12 Sg. C. between each loop. Collar — With colored yarn work a chain of 25 stitches, work in slip stitch, always taking up the back loop to form a rib, continue working until collar measures 12 inches. Sew collar onto sweater, allowing the border of sweater to ex- tend beyond the collar at each end. Cuffs — With colored yarn chain 21 stitches, work in slip stitches until cuff measures 9 inches, sew up, sew onto sleeve. 53 COLUMBIA YARNS ^^T Child's Crocheted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane 5 hanks White 3 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Size to 7 years Work a chain of 120 stitches. Row 1 — Draw up a loop in each of the first 3 stitches of cliain, yarn over liooli, draw through all 4 loops on hook, * chain 1, draw up a loop in the eye formed by the chain just made, draw up a loop in eacli of the next 2 stitches of cliain, yarn over, draw through all 4 loops ; repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 2 — Draw a loop through the 2nd chain stitch from hook, draw up a loop in the last eye of the preceding row, draw up a loop in the next eye, yarn over, draw through all 4 loops, * chain 1, draw up a loop in the eye formed by the chain, draw up a loop in the same eye where last loop of preceding star was made, draw up a loop in next eye of preceding row, yarn over, draw through all 4 loops ; repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work. Work 10 rows, then add a chain of 1.30 stitches at one end of work for the front, work 12 rows on the entire length, break oft" yarn, now leave 86 stitches at each end, and on the centre SO stitches work 24 rows for sleeves ; to complete the front work as follows, with right side of work toward you, leaving about 2^2 inches for the neck, on the remaining stitches work 10 rows for the front. This completes one-half of sweater ; work second half to cor- respond. With colored yarn work 18 rows of Sg. C. (taking up the whole stitch) ai'ound the sleeves for cuffs. Work 14 rows of Sg. C. down each front, work 6 loops on the right front. Collar — Work a chain of 23 stitches, work in Sg. C. until collar measures 14 inches, fit neck of sweater to collar, having one inch of sweater extend beyond the edge of collar at each end. Belt — With colored yarn double, make a chain of 22 stitches, work in Sg. C. until belt measures 33 inches, now work 2 Inittonholes as follows, work 4 Sg. C, chain 4. skip 4 stitches, work 5 Sg. C, chain 4, skip 4 stitches, work 4 Sg. C, work rows more of Sg. C. Belt Straps — Chain 24. work 6 rows of Sg. C, work 2 straps, sew to underarm seam T^A inches below the sleeve. Slip belt through strap, sew on buttons. 54 Child's Crocheted Sweater and Toque MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Saxony 9 hanks 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3 5 small Buttons 4 large Buttons INSTRUCTIONS Size 3 to 4 years Back — Starting at the neck make a chain of 51 stitches, work in double crazy shell as follows : Row 1 — In the 3rd stitch of chain work 2 D. C, * skip 2 stitches of chain, work 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 2, work 2 D. C. in same stitch with Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 1 Sg. C, there should be 16 shells, chain 2, turn. Row 2 — 2 D. C. in the first Sg. C. of preceding row, 1 Sg. C. in next Sg. C. of preceding row. chain 2, 2 D. C. in same stitch with Sg. C. just made, repeat from * to end of row, ending with 1 Sg. C, chain 2, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, work 16 rows, break off yarn, start at the top of piece just made, work 5 shells for the shoulder, work 2 rows, on the next row increase 1 shell toward the front by working 2 chains and 2 D. C. in last stitch of siiell of preceding row, chain 6, turn, in the 3rd stitch just made, work a shell, 1 Sg. C. in the 6th chain, there will be 7 shells on this row, increase in this way on each row until there are 10 shells across, work on this length until there are 16 rows from the shoulder, work second front to correspond. Row 17 — Work across the front, chain 12, join to the liack, work across the back, join to the second front, work across front. Row 18 — Same as row 17, working 4 shells on the chain of 12 under each arm, there will be 44 shells on this row, work 39 rows counting from the underarm. Join yarn at the neck of the right front, * work a loop of 4 chain, then work 10 Sg. C, repeat from * initil you have 5 loops, work a row of jiicot around the bottom of sweater and finish the left front with a row of Sg. C. Sleeves — Starting at the top chain 12, work 3 shells on chain, increase at the end of each row, chain, work 2 D. C. in the last stitch of shell of preceding row until there are 12 shells across, join with Sg. C turn, chain 2, work 2 D. C. into the Sg. C. just made, finish the row, join in the same manner, repeat from * until there are 38 rows from the beginning, finish by working 1 Sg. C. on the top of shell and 1 Sg. C. between each shell to draw in the sleeve. Cuffs and Collar are worked in slip stitch. Cuffs — Chain 19, work 1 slip stitch in each .stitch of chain. Row 2— Slip stitch, taking up the back loop to foi-ra a rib, work 23 ribs, sew together and sew onto sleeve. Collar— Chain 23, work 47 ribs, sew onto sweater, leaving 2 shells at each end. Toque — Work a chain of 51 stitches, work 16 shells on chain, work 46 rows, sew up the sides, this completes the crown. Band — Work a chain of 25 stitches, work 74 ribs, join and sew onto crown. Sew the points of the crown down onto the baud with 2 large buttons. 55 Child's Knitted Sweater MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Saxony 8 hanks 2 Bone Knitting Needles 10 inch No. 2 6 Buttons INSTRUCTIONS Size 3 years Back — Cast on 74 stitches, work fancy border as follows : Row 1 — * Knit 1, pnrl 1, repeat from * across. Row 2 — Knit plain. Repeat these 2 rows until border measures 2 14 inches, now knit plain until work measures 5 inches, start to de- crease 1 stitch at each end every 12th row until 62 stitches remain, work on this length until back measures 17 inches, slip 20 stitches on an extra needle, bind off 22 stitches for the neck, and on the remaining 20 stitches start right front. Front— Increase 1 stitch toward the front every other row until 4 stitches have been added, then cast on 20 stitches toward the front, always knitting the first 16 stitches in tlie fancy border pattern for the border down the front, when work measures S^^^ inches from the shoulder cast on 8 stitches for underarm, work 2 inches, increase 1 stitch toward the underarm every 8th row until 8 stitches have been added, continue working until front is as long as back, not including border, work a 2^2 inch border, bind off. Work second front to cor- respond. Crochet 6 loops on the right side of front. Collar — rick up 76 stitches around the neck, starting in the 5tli stitch from front, work in same stitch as border until collar measures 4 inches, bind off. Sleeves — Cast on 36 stitches, knit plain in- creasing 1 stitch at each end every other row until there are 50 stitches on needle, now cast on 2 stitches at end of every row until tliere are (!0 stitches on needle, work 12 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 6th row until 44 stitches remain, when sleeve measures 5% inches, work a 2 inch border, bind off. Sew sleeves into armhole. 56 Child's Knitted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Floss 6 hunks Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 12 inch No. 5 8 large Buttons INSTRUCTIONS Size 3 to 4 years Note — 2 rows form a rib. Back — Cast on 56 stitches, knit plain for 10 inches, now increase 1 stitch at each end every other row until there are 66 stitches on needle, cast on 38 stitches at each end for sleeves, knit 24 ribs, now slip the first 62 stitches off on an extra needle, bind off the next IS stitches for the neck and on the remaining 62 stitches start the front. Front — Knit 4 ribs, now increase 3 stitches toward the front every other row until there are 77 stitches on needle, knit 18 ribs on this length, this completes the sleeve, bind off 38 stitches that were added for the sleeve, now in- crease 1 stitch every other row toward the arm- hole until there are 44 stitches on needle, knit on this length until front is as long as back on underarm seam. Work second front to cor- respond, sew up underarm and sleeves. Use yarn double for border, collar, cuffs and belt. Bordei — Pick up the stitches around the bot- tom of sweater, knit 12 ribs, bind off, pick up the stitches on the right front, knit 4 ribs, on the next row work 4 buttonholes as follows : Knit 4, * bind off 4, knit 18, repeat from * 4 times, on the next row cast on 4 stitches over the bound off stitches, work 4 more ribs, bind off. Work border on left front, omitting but- tonholes. Cuffs— Pick bind off. up 42 stitches, knit 12 ribs. Collai — Cast on 25 stitches, knit 11 inches, bind off, sew onto sweater, leaving one-half of the border extend beyond the collar at each end. Belt — Cast on 15 stitches, knit 10 inches, bind off. sew to sweater with 4 buttons. 57 COLUMBIA YARNS ■:: Child's Crocheted Sweater MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown S hanks White 5 hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 10 hanks White 6 hanks Color Columbia Pompadour Wool 2 balls Color 3 yards of Lace 10 large Button Moulds 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 5 58 COLUMBIA YARNS Child's Crocheted Sweater — Continued INSTRUCTIONS Size 7 to 8 years With wliite yarn, starting at tlie sleeve, make a chain of 51 stitelies, worlv 50 rows of Sg. C. always taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, this completes the sleeve, now add a chain of 81 stitches at each end for the back and front, work 32 rows on the entire length, to complete the front work up from one end 94 stitches, chain 1, turn, work 18 rows, decreas- ing 1 stitch toward the neck every other row, there should be 85 stitches left, this completes one front, leave 13 stitches on the shoulder for the neck, join yarn in the 14th stitch, work 32 rows on the remaining stitches, this brings you to the second shoulder of the back. Start second front, chain 86 stitches, increase 1 stitch every other row at one end only until there are 04 stitches, add a chain of 13 stitches, join to the back, work 32 rows on the entire length for shoulder, break off yarn, leave 80 stitches each side and on the centre 50 stitches work 50 rows for second sleeve, sew up the underarms and sleeves. Cuffs — With colored yarn work Snow Flake Stitch as follows : W^th right side of work toward you join yarn in centre of sleeve op- posite seam. Row 1 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, chain 1. turn. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, * yarn over hook, draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch, yarr over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draAV through last 2 loops, 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, repeat from * across, chain 1, turn. Re- peat rows 1 and 2 alternately until there are 13 rows, with Pompadour wool double work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch all around, edge with lace and turn cuffs back in place. Border — W^ith wrong side of work toward you work a border of Snow Flake stitch down each front and across the bottom of sweater, increas- ing at the two lower corners on each row by working 2 Sg. C. in one stitch and decreasing 1 stitch on each side toward the neck every other row, work 13 rows same as the cuffs, with Pom- padour wool work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch all around the border. Collar — Make a chain of 18 stitches, work in Snow Flake stitch until collar measures 21 inches, with Pompadour work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch all around, sew to sweater, leaving 2 inches of border extend beyond the edge of col- lar each side, edge collar with lace. Belt — Make a chain of 17 stitches, work in Snow Flake stitch until belt measures 37 inches, finish with Pompadour wool same as collar, crocheting 2 loops on the right side. Sew to sweater under the arm. Crochet 4 loops on the right front and finish with crocheted buttons of Pompadour wool. 59 Child's Three-Piece Set MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane a hanks White Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 yards of Ribbon No. 12 1 yard of Silk INSTRUCTIONS Size 3 to 4 years STOLE With Lady Jane work a chain of 12 stitches, work in plain afghan stitch until work meas- ures 24 inches. Work 2 stripes. Work a chain of 20 stitches. Row 1-^In second stitch of chain work 1 Sg. C, * skip 2 stitches, in the third stitch work 5 D. C, skip 2 stitches, in the third stitch work 1 Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 2, turn. Row 2—* Work 5 D. C. on top of Sg. C. of preceding row, 1 Sg. C. in centre of shell of pre- ceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 2, turn. Row 3 — * 1 Sg. C. in centre of shell of pre- ceding row, 5 D. C. on top of Sg. C. of preceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 2, turn. Repeat 2d and 3d rows until work measures 24 inches. With Pompadour wool work an edge all around both afghan stripes as follows, join yarn, * chain 2, work 2 D. C. in same stitch, skip 2 rows of afghan stitches, slip stitch in next stitch, repeat from * all around. Em- bi-oider with cross stitch design, sew the three stripes together and line with silk. MUFF Work a chain of IG stitches, work in plain afghan stitch until work measures 13 inches, work 2 stripes, with Pompadour wool finish stripes same as stole, embroider with cross stitch design. Chain 32, work 5 shells with 1 Sg. C. between each shell on chain, work 13 inches of shell pattern. Sew the three stripes together, line with silk, having an interlining of cotton. HOOD Band — Chain 16, work in afghan stitch until band measures 16 inches, work 17 shells on one side of band with 1 Sg. C. between each shell, work 12 rows of shell pattern, break off yarn, now work 4 shells across the centre and on this length work 20 rows for the back, sew the sides to the back, now work 3 rows of Sg. C. across the bottom of hood, having 15 Sg. C. on each side and 10 Sg. C. across the back, with Pom- padour work an edge all around hood same as stole, embroider band with cross stitch design, line and finish with ribbon bows. 60 Child's Crocheted Slippers No. 1 MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantovrn 2 lianks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germanto-wn 3 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 1 pair of Columbia Soles, Size 8 2 yards of Ribbon No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Size S Make a chain of 8 stitches. Row 1 — Work 7 Sg. C. on chain, chain 1, turn. Row 2—1 Sg. C. in each of the first 3 stitches, taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, 3 Sg. C. in 4th stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the re- maining 3 stitches, chain 1, turn. Row 3 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch. Repeat 2d and 3d rows, being careful to add 2 extra stitches in centre of increasing row. Work 24 rows, start side, work 14 Sg. C, add a chain of 14 stitches, work back and forth on this length for 34 rows, join neatly on side. Now work eyelets for ribbon on both sides as follows : — starting at the ankle, * work 2 Sg. C, chain 1, repeat from * until you have 4 eyelets, work a row of shell around the top, having .5 D. C. in each shell fastened down with Sg. C. Woi-k 1 row of Sg. C. around bottom of slipper, sew on soles. Lace with ribbon. Nc MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia GermantoMrn 1 hank Pink 1 hank White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 1 hank Pink 1 hank White 1 Rone or Amber Crochet Hook No. 2 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 14 1^/^ yards No. 5 Satin Ribbon for Bow. INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Size 7 Row 1 — With pink make a chain of 10 stitches, which will allow you 1 stitch for turn- ing, then crochet 4 stitches, and increase 2 extra stitches in the 5th stitch, crochet 4, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — Crochet across (taking the stitch or loop from the back, this makes the rib) without increasing, you will then have formed 1 rib of vamp. Continue making 10 ribs for vamp, in- creasing 2 extra stitches in the centre of each rib. For Side — Crochet 14 Sg. C, chain 1 and turn, work back and forth on these 14 Sg. C. until there are 18 ribs around, join on wrong side, taking up the back stitch of side and vamp ; this will make a neat joining and will not show on the outside. Crochet all around top of slipper 1 D. C. on every and between every rib. With white yarn cast on 11 stitches and knit a strii) for the turn- over around the top, bind off. No. 2 61 ;(S:vc^SD?g!>^iDg^ Child's Knitted Drawer Leggings MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantoivn 4 hanks or 4 Fold Columbia Imported GermantoMrn 5 hanks ?! P>one Kuittiug Needles, 10-ineh, No. 4 INSTRUCTIONS For 2 Year Size Made in 2 sections, joined by a middle seam, knitting each section as follows : Cast on 72 stitches for the top, knit 2, purl 2. and repeat across the needle. Knit 4 rows, keeping the ribs in their regular order. Row 5 — Knit 2, purl 2, knit 1. * yarn over needle twice, knit 2 together, purl 1, knit 2, purl 2, knit 1. Repeat from * to end of row. Next row work back in the regular order, except that you drop the .varn over needle after you have made 1 stitch (this forms the holes for the cord and tassel). Knit 2 and purl 2 for S more rows. Now knit plain back and forth until there are 40 ridges. Knit plain 11 more ridges, decrease 1 stitch at beginning of every row. there will be 50 stitches on the needle. Fancy portion.s, basket stitch. Row 1 — Plain. Row 2 — * 7 plain, 3 purl, repeat from *. end- ing with 3 purl. Row 3 — * 3 plain. 7 purl, repeat from *, end- ing with 7 purl. Row 4— Like 2d. Row 5 — Plain. Row 6 — 2 plain, * 3 purl, 7 plain, Rei)eat from *, ending with 5 plain. Row 7 — 5 purl, * 3 plain, 7 purl, repeat from *. ending with 2 purl. Row 8 — Like Oth I'ow. Row 9 — Plain. Repeat from 2d to 9th row. until you have 5 blocks. Knit plain across. On the wrong side begin ; knit 4. purl 2. knit 2, purl 2, knit 2. purl 2. knit 2, purl 2, knit 2. purl 2, knit 0, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 4. Next row knit 6, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 10, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2. knit 2, purl 2. knit 6. Re- peat these last 2 rows for 24 rows more. Knit plain back and forth for 3 ridges. For the instep knit 31 stitches, slip the re- maining 19 on to another needle, knit back 12 stitches on the 31, and leave the remaining 19 on the 1st needle. Knit the 12 stitches now on the centre needle, back and forth for 10 ridges. Knit 2 more I'idges and decrease 1 stitch at be- ginning of every needle, leaving 8 stitches. Foot — Pick up the stitches at the right side of instep (12), knit them and across the toe. Re- peat same on the left side of instep. Knit back and forth on these stitches (70) until there are G ridges below the instep. Bind oft" and sew up sole and each leg seam, join the sections by a middle seam. Crochet scallops around the top as follows : Make 4 chain stitches. 3 D. C. drawn up long and caught down flatly by a Sg. C. Repeat all round, run a cord through the holes made for it. and tip off the ends with tassel. (Ribbon or elastic can be used in place of the cord if desired.) G2 Child's Knitted Knee Leggings MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Saxony 4 hanks 2 Bone Knitting Needles 10 inch No. 4 INSTRUCTIONS Size 2 to 3 years Note — 2 rows form a rib. Cast on 60 stitches, Ivnit 2, purl 2, for 15 rows, then worli a row of holes for cord as follows : Knit 2, * yarn over needle twice, knit 2 to- gether, knit 2, repeat from * across. On the next row knit the yarn over needle as a stitch, on next row knit 3G stitches plain, turn, knit 12, turn, knit 13, turn, continue in this way. adding 1 stitch at the end of each row until the 60 stitches are on needle, knit 28 ribs, now start the cable stitch each side, as follows: always slip the first stitch and knit the last stitch on every row. Ro^ 1— Knit 4, purl 4. knit 9, purl 4, knit 16, purl 4, knit 9, purl 4, knit 4. Row 2— Knit 3, purl 1. knit 4, purl 9, knit 4, purl 1. knit 14, purl 1, knit 4, purl 9, knit 4, pu-rl 1, knit 3. Ro^ 3— Knit 4, purl 4, with an extra needle knit the next 3 stitches very loosely, place the extra needle with the 3 stitches in back of the first needle, knit 6 with the first needle, now knit off the 3 stitches from the extra needle to form the twist of Cable stitch— purl 4, knit 16. purl 4, repeat the Cable stitch, purl 4, knit 4. now repeat the first and second rows 9 times, then repeat the third row, continue in this way until you have 26 ribs in the centre portion of the front. Instep— Knit 10 ribs on the centre 14 stitches, pick up all the stitches at each side, knit 5 ribs, l)ind off. sew a 2-inch piece of rubber across the instep. Cord— With yarn double make a chain of 24 inches, draw through holes at the top and finish with 2 tassels. 63 Child's Crocheted Scarf and Toque MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 3 hanks 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No, 3 2 large Buttons INSTRUCTIONS Size 4 to 5 years Scarf^Make a chain of 45 stitches. Row 1 — In 2n(l stitch of chain work 1 Sg. C, * 1 D. C. in same stitch, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, taking up both loops, * 1 D. C. in same etitch, skip 1 stitcli, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, work scarf I14 yards long, finish ends with 2 inch fringe composed of 2 strands of yarn. Toque — Make a chain of 51 stitches, using same stitch as in scarf, work 12 inches, sew up the sides. Band — With right side of work toward you, work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, work round always taking up the whole stitch of preceding row luitil band measures .314 inches, turn band back and sew corners down with 2 buttons. p\Mmi^ 64 Child's Crocheted Dutch Toque MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 2 hanks or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 3 hanks 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS Size r> to 8 years Make a chain of 3 stitches, join in a ring, work 7 Sg. C. in ring, do not join, work round. Row 2 — 2 Sg. C. in each stitch, taking up the whole stitch of preceding ro\7. Row 3—2 Sg. C. in the first stitch, * 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, 2 Sg. C. in the next, repeat from * around, haA'iug 7 widening spaces. Row 4—1 Sg. C. in the first 2 stitches, * 2 Sg. C. in the next stitch, 1 Sg. C in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from * to end of row. Continue working in this way, always having 1 more Sg. C. between each widening, and work- ing the 2 Sg. C. in centre of 2 Sg. C. of preced- ing row, in this way keeping the 7 widening spaces straight, until there are 30 Sg. C. be- tween each widening, there should be 31 rows. Row 32 — Work 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch. Row 33 — 1 Sg. C. in eacli stitch. Row 34—1 Sg. C. in each of the first 2 stitches, * skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from * around. Now work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch for 9 rows (there should be 74 stitches around). Turnover — With wrong side of work toward you work in Popcorn stitch as follows : Row 1 — 3 Sg. C. in the first stitch, taking up the back loop. 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 3(5 stitches, taking up tlie back loop, 3 Sg. C. in the next stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 36 stitches, you will now have 2 widening spaces, one on each side to form the points. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in the first stitch, taking up both loops, * draw up a loop in next stitcli, leaving the loop on hook, chain 3, yarn over hook, draw through both loops on hook, push the chain 3 to the front to form the Popcorn, 1 Sg. C. in the next stitcli, repeat from * around. Row 3 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, taking up both loops, and increasing at the 2 sides by working 3 Sg. C. in one stitch same as in row 1. Repeat rows 2 and 3 until you have 8 rowsS of Popcorn, finish witli a row of slip stitch. 65 ^1 COLUMBIA YARNS Child's Crocheted Tam-o'-shanter MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Gertnantown 3 hanks or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 4 hanks 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 3 yards of Ribbon No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Work a chain of 4 stitches, join in a ring, work 12 slip D. C. in ring as follows, * yarn over hook, insert hook in ring, draw up a loop, yarn over, draw through all 3 loops on hook, repeat from * for all the work. Work round and round, always taking up the 2 back loops of preceding row. Row 2 — * 1 slip D. C. in each of the next 2 stitches, 4 slip D. C. in the next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, you now have 4 corners, continue in like manner always increasing at the 4 corners by working 4 slip D. C. in centre of the 4 slip D. C. of preceding row and 1 slip D. C. in each stitch between the corners until you have 18 rows from centre. Now decrease 2 stitches at each corner for 13 rows. AVork 1 row of Sg. C, decreasing 1 stitch every 10th stitch, on the next row decrease 2 stitches at each corner only, work 3 rows of Sg. C. without decreasing, break off yarn. With wrong side of work toward you fasten yarn in the 12th stitch from 1 corner, * insert the hook in the next stitch, draw up a loop, draw up a loop in the next stitch, yarn over hook, draw through all 3 loops on hook, chain 1, repeat from * to within 12 stitches of the first corner, break oft' yarn. Row 2 — Same as row 1, increasing 2 stitches at each corner, break off yarn, work 3 rows more like row 2. Now work 3 rows of Crazy Shell all around as follows, join yarn at the corner, * chain 3, work 3 D. C. in same stitch, skip 3 stitches, fasten down with Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 3 — Work 1 Sg. C. on top of shell of pre- ceding row, * chain 3, work 3 D. C. on chain of preceding row, work 1 Sg. C. on top of next shell of preceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 4 — Same as row 3. Sew the first point to the band, sevv rosettes at 2 points. Make 1 tassel 5 inches long and join to cap with a chain of 10 stitches. 66 AFGHANS Hi ^/^ii I Detail Stitches of Afghans Afghan Stitch ^ r* /»■,'. • " • '■ * ■ ♦ ji ^'''"f'lrrf^rrf AFGHAN STITCH This stitch is to be worked with a long, even lioolv. Malve a chain the length required ; draw a loop through everj' stitch of chain, leaving loops on the hook. Row 2 — When all stitches are taken up, throw yarn over the hook and draw through 1st stitch ; throw yarn over and draw through 2 stitches. Continue throwing yarn over and drawing through 2 until a single loop remains on the hook. The loops thus drawn through look like upright stitches. Row 3 — Pick up each of these stitches, and draw a loop through, leaving each on the needle. When all are picked up, repeat 2d row. (Re- peat 2d and 3d rows alternately.) Clover Leaf Stitch Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — Draw a loop up through each of 3 stitches of the chain, yarn over and draw through all the 4 stitches on the hook, and chain 1, * draw a loop through the eye formed by the chain just made, draw a loop up through each of the 2 stitches of the chain, yarn over and draw through all 4 stitches on the hook. Repeat from * across, chain 3 and turn. Row 2 — Draw a loop through the 2d chain stitch from hook, draw a loop through the last eye of leaf of previous row, draw a loop through the next eye of leaf of previous row, yarn over and draw through all 4 stitches on hook, and 1 chain, *. Draw a loop through the eye formed by the chain stitch just made, draw a loop through the same eye where last loop was made, draw a loop through the next eye of pre- vious row, yarn over hook and draw through all 4 stitches. Repeat from * across, chain 3 and turn. Repeat 2d row for all the work. CLOVER LEAF STITCH ^V^'W^-V^ \ COLUMBIA YARNS Detail Stitches of Afghans Blue Bird Stitch Cast on tlie number of stitches desired. Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2 — Knit plain. Row 3 — * Knit 4, yarn over hook, knit 2 to- gether, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 togetlier, repeal from *, ending w^ith Imit 4. Row 4 — Slip 1, purl 4, * knit 1. purl 2, knit 1 purl 5, repeat from *, ending with purl 4. These 4 rows form the pattern. BLUE BIRD STITCH Columbia Stitch Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — Draw up a loop in each of tlie first 5 stitches, * yarn over hook, draw through all G loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in eye just made, draw up a loop through back loop of preceding star, draw up a loop in same stitch where last loop of preceding star was made, draw up a loop in next 2 stitches, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 2 — Work 2 D. C. in each eye of star of preceding row, chain 4, turn. Row 3 — Draw up a loop in the first 3 stitches of chain, draw up a loop in first 2 D. C, taking up the back loop, * yarn over, draw through all loops, chain 1, turn, draw up a loop in eye just made, draw up a loop through back loop of preceding star, draw up a loop in same stitch where last loop of preceding star was made, draw up a loop in next 2 stitches, taking up the back loop, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Repeat second and third rows for all the work. COLUMBIA STITCH 69 COLUMBIA YARNS Detail Stitches of Afghans Slanting Shell Stitch «LANTIN(J SHELL STITCH Make a chain the lenjith desired. Row 1 — In thii-d stitch of chain work 3 D. C, * skip 2 stitches, worli 3 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, turn. Row 2 — Work 2 D. C. into the second chain stitch, crocheting directly over the space be- tween the 1st and 2nd shell of preceding row, * work 3 D. C. in the next space, taking up the 2nd stitch, repeat from * to end of row, turn. Row 3 — Work 3 L). C. into the last stitch of 1st shell of row 1, crocheting directly over the space, * work 3 D. C. into next space, taking up the last stitch of next shell, repeat from * to end of row, turn. Repeat row 3 for all the work. Waffle Stitch Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — Plain afghan stitch. Row 2^Plain afghan stitch. Row 3 — Pick up the first 2 stitches, leaving stitches on hook same as in afghan stitch, * yarn over hook, insert hook in back of 4th stitch of chain, draw up a loop, yarn over hook, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, skip 1 stitch, pick up the next 3 stitches, repeat from * to end of row, work off as plain afghan stitch. Row 4 — Work 1 row of purled afghan stitch by taking up the back stitch of preceding row instead of the front, work off as afghan stitch. Row 5 — Plain afghan stitch. Repeat rows 3, 4 and 5 for all the work. WAFFLE STITCH 70 Detail Stitches of Afghans Horse Shoe Stitch HORSE SHOE STITCH Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — Work 1 Sg. C. in eacli stitch of chain, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of preceding row, taking np the front loop, chain 1, turn. Row 3 — Insert hook under front loop of first stitch of row 1 and front loop of first stitch of row 2, yarn over hook, draw up a loop, work off as Sg. C, * insert hook under front loop of next stitch of row 1, and front loop of next stitch of row 2, draw up a loop, work off as Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work. Horizontal Stitch Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, taking up the whole stitch. Row 3 — 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 2 stitches, * yarn over hook, insert hook under 3d stitch of chain, draw up a loop, yarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw through all loops on hook, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 4 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of preceding row, cliain 1, turn. Row 5 — Same as row 3, working the puff stitch around the puff stitch of 3d row. Repeat the 4th and 5th rows for all the work. HORIZONTAL STITCH 71 I[Gi:^^Q> for all the work. Daisy Stitch Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — Plain afghan stitch. Row 2 — Plain afghan stitch. Row 3 — Pick up first stitch, * yarn over hook, insert hook in back of 3d stitch of first row, draw up a loop, yarn over hook, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, skip 1 stitch, pick lip next 2 stitches, retaining all stitches on hook, repeat from * to end of row. work off same as plain afghan stitch. Repeat these 3 rows ft)r all the work. 1 ■ ^^^ ''^Sm'^'^-^MSw^' 5'' Kj£^ M^ DAISY STITCH 75 Detail Stitches of Afghans Pineapple Stitch ■ ^-^W -^1^ ^'1 -^ M^ . . ' ^i w •^#'i*#TJ ,^d(fc^ ^^jt m ■- ii^^ ''* 'AW W 'lib' m I' ■ ^•ij^y ¥m'^^. *^i -^- WM ^^w^'^^^ Make a chain the lenjrth desired. Row 1 — Draw up a loop in second stitch from lioolv, * skip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over hook, draw through all three loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in same stitch, repeat from * to end of row, draw up a loop in last stitch, yarn over, draw through botli loops on hook, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — Draw up a loop in first stitch, taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, * skip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over, draw through all three loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in same stitch, repeat from * to end of row, draw up a loop in last stitch, yarn over, draw through both loops on hook, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work. PINEAPPLE STITCH Make a chain the length desired. Balkan Stitch Row 1 — Draw up a loop in 2nd and 3rd stitches from hook, * yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, fasten down with Sg. C. in same stitch where last loop was drawn up, draw up a loop in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from * to end of row. Break off yarn. Row 2 — Draw up a loop in first stitch, draw up a loop in centi'e large space, draw up a loop in small space formed by Sg. C. * yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, fasten down with Sg. C. in same space where last loop was drawn up, draw up a loop in each of the next 2 spaces, repeat from * to end of row. Break off yarn. 1 1881^*1^ ''^•' vTiif-yi ^^31^ j^^H p^s BALKAN STITCH 76 Detail Stitches of Afghans Philadelphia Stitch INIake a chain the length de.sired. Row 1 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of chain. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, taking up the whole stitch, * yarn over hook, insert hook in back of 4th stitch of chain, draw up a loop, work off as D. C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, yarn over hook, cross back, insert hook in back of 2nd stitch of chain, draw up a loop, work off as D. C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 3 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, taking up the whole stitch, chain 1, turn. Row 4 — 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 3 stitches, * yarn over hook, insert hook in back or 3rd D. C of row 2, draw up a loop, work off as D. C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, yarn over hook, cross back, insert hook in back of 2nd D. C. of row 2, draw up a loop, work off as D. C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat fx-om * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 5 — Same as row 3. Repeat from 2nd to 5th rows for all the work. PHILADELPHIA STITCH Fancy Shell Stitch Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — In the 4th stitch of chain work 5 D. C * skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 3, skip 2 stitches, 5 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row. ending with 1 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3. turn. Row 2 — Work 5 D. C. in last Sg. C. of pre- ceding row, * skip 4 stitches of shell of preced- ing row, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 3, 5 D. C. in next Sg. C. of preceding row, repeat from * to end of row. ending with 1 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work. FANCY SHELL STITCH 77 Infant's Crocheted Afghan For detail see Pineapple Stitch, page ?♦). > *«^ ' f i '^f /^ '*»^'*^*y *!!•>*««-*«► *w-*?> MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown n hanks White 4 hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 4 hanks White 5 hanks Color 1 Celluloift Crochet Hook No. 8 INSTRUCTIONS With colored yarn work a chain of 135 stitches. Row 1 — Draw up a loop in second stitch from hook, * skip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over hook, draw through all three loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in same stitch, repeat from * to end of row, draw up a loop in last stitch, yarn over, draw through both loops on hook, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — Draw up a loop in lirst stitch, taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, * skip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over, draw through all three loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in same stitch. rei)eat from * to end of row, dra'w^ up a loop in last stitch, yarn over, draw through both loops on hook, chain 1, turn. Repeat second row for all the work. AVhen work measures 4 inches woi'k in fi'om the end 4 inches, now drop colored yarn (do not break it off) and join the \vhite .varn. work to within 4 inches of the other end, drop the white yarn and join on a second ball of colored yarn, work to end of row. Repeat the last row, keep- ing the 4 inches of color at each end and the white .varn in the centre until work measures 2::> inches, break off the white yarn and 1 ball of colored yarn and with the other ball of col- ored yarn work 4 inches more. With colored varn finish afghan with 1 row of Sg. C. 78 Infant's Crocheted Afghan For dt'tail see Cohinibiii Stitch, pase GO. : '■ .. ■■■--i *' ^ ^'"'-^ r **/ 1 ,_ i^ J > J J ^ I, ;( : .J < ^ , ' ' ■ ■ •, . '•/--•-'' ► > ' .,*<;, -•"( < .; >,'< I J'(.'i;»,^"; ^' (■»,.». ,.,-.. ^^' '_ ^ . . ► - ' ; i 1 1 1. t »' 4 p " . " > i ' .'>',, ~. ' ' ' \ % ■ * , . > J 1 I ' J »' ^^ ' * •• V j »!■' ---^ . 1 i 1 1 i'( . ; < r ■.^- ■ \v.i k - "* 1 r 1 ■ 1 ( ! i I . '"?' ' *. "~ .>\ < |- ::; ;-\.-- ••*/,■•;. ;^-;:; , -.,,.. ^. . ., (_^^*. . v ' - ^i I i'i I I'^-j "^ »' V - ". • ^ , ,1-s*'-! f -,>,,• ,, >.>.,<*,<< ' '^ . < --■ . ,..'■<. V... >'- •. , • > ' ? k ,.":/ .... '»•».! 1 ■ ■■ ... , ' .' , . . , ; , , , 1 ■ 1 i I , 1 ' i i » i i >. ( i . "-■ < ^ ^ t , . » * . 1 » i , * » ' ' ' f V I i f 1 i I i ,' . .' ' . i . J i ■ » •^"'- 1 ;' raw up a loop in first o stitches of chain, draw up a loop in tirst 2 D. C, taking up the back loop, * yarn over hook, draw through all (i loops, chain 1, draw up a loop in eye just made, draw up a loop throiigh back loop of pre- ceding star, draw up a loop in same stitch where last loop of pi'eceding star was made, draw up a loop in next 2 stitches, taking up the back loop, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Repeat second and third rows for all the work. Colors to be used in the following order: rows White 4 rows Color 6 I'ows White .■^ rows Color (i rows Whit(> 4 rows Color (i rows White Border — With colored .varn work a row of shells having 4 D. C. in each shell and 1 D. C. between each shell all around afghan, with white yarn work a shell of 5 D. C. in centre of each shell of preceding row and 1 D. C. around r>. C. of preceding row, with colored yarn finish with picot edge. 79 lgBSSS!! «CTSS : VSX;»ii8MMS^ '^^^^^(H^'^^S^ COLUMBIA YARNS ^^!>«>>:3>5£Xi Infant's Crocheted Afghan For detail see AfLihan Stitch, page GS MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown G liaiiks White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 7 lianks White 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook 1"_' iiiclies \o. H INSTRUCTIONS Witli wliite yarn make a cliain of 00 stitches, work M9 rows of afghan stitch. Embroider with cross stitch design. Saratoga Stitch — Row 1 — With Princess wool work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, increasing at the corners by working '.\ Sg. C. in one stitch. Row 2 — With white yarn work 1 Sg. C. in each stitcli, taking up the whole stitcli of pre- ceding row and working ?> Sg. C. in the corners. Row 3 — With Princes.s wool draw up a loop around the tirst stitch of tirst row, draw up a loop around next stitch, * yarn over hook, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, drav/ up a loop around each of the next 2 stitches of row 1, repeat from * all around, working 3 Sg. C. in the corners. Row 4 — Same as row 2. 80 Infant's Crocheted Afghan — Continued Row 5 — Same as row 3. working the stitches around the stitches of row 3 in place of row 1 and working 3 Sg. C. in corners. Repeat rows 4 and 5 until you have 10 rows of Princess wool. Border — With white yarn work a row of shell having G D. C in each shell, fasten all down with Sg. C. Row 2 — With Princess wool work 1 Sg. C. in Sg. C. of preceding row. * chain 3, 1 Sg. C. in centre of shell of preceding row. chain 3. 1 Sg. C. in next Sg. C. of preceding row. repeat from * all around. Row 3 — Same as row 1. Row 4 — Same as row 2. Row 5 — Same as row 1. havint I). C. in shell. Row 6 — Same as row 2, having 4 chains in place of 3 and working a picot in centre of each shell of preceding row. 1 1 1 1 r- 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 6 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 ? 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 6 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 5 I 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 5 A- 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 5 2 3 6 2 1 1 5 5 4 2 3 3 2 5 4 1 2! 2 5 4- 1 ' 5 5 5 1 1 r- 5 5 5 5 5 5 4- 1 1 • 5 5 4 2 2 1 2 2 5 5 5 ^ 5 4 4 3 2 1 2 3 3 2 S 5 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 ij 1 5 5 5 4|4 1 2 2 1 5 5 5 4 4 4 1 1 5 5 4 4 4 1 1 "■1 1 - 5 5 5 5 4 4 1 2 2 2 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 4 4 4 1 3 2 6 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 6 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 5 3 3 1 2 3 6 2 1 2. 2 1 2 3 6 2 2 2| 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 2 - 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 2, 2 6 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 Z 1 > 1 1 I 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 « 1 i 1 J No. 1 Is 4 Fold Germantown Lily Green No. 2 No. 2 is 4 Fold Germantown Sunrise No. No. 3 is 4 Fold Germantown Rose Antique No. 1 No. 4 is Lustrone No. 1050 No. 5 is Lustrone No. 1052 No. 6 is Lustrone No. 1058 81 ,Ci^^^^S::^{!:y<^^' COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Crocheted Afghan For detail see Clover Leaf Stitch, page 6S ^v.' »- *• • Ir ir w' wr ./-C t^ <--«!'"*»' . '^\ -> ' s . -*v ■v. S^i^^^> -^^^^^^^^-''^ il fee. .V -w*.^ 1 ^^Ml^ MATERIAL 2 Fold Columbia Saxony 3 hanks White 4 Fold Columbia Saxony 3 hanks White Columbia Pompadour Wool 5 balls Color 1 yard of Silk 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS With 4 fold Saxony make a chain of 20 stitches, work in afghan stitch mitil work meas- ures 25 inches, work 3 afghan stripes, now work the Fancy Shell stitch on one side of one stripe as follows : Row 1 — With right side of work toward you and 2 fold Saxony, chain 3, work 5 D. C. in same stitch with chain, * skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 3, skip 2 stitches, 5 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * across, ending with Sg. C. in last stitch, break off yarn. Row 2 — With Pompadour wool chain 3, work 5 D. C. in last Sg. C. of preceding row, * skip 4 stitches of shell of preceding row, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 3, 5 D. C in next Sg. C. of preceding row, repeat from * to end of row, break off yarn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, working alternately 1 row of white 2 fold Sax- ony, and 1 row of colored Pompadour. When work measures 2 inches (ending with Pompadour) start on the other side of afghan stripe and work 24 inches of Fancy Shell, sew on another afghan stripe, work 3 inches of Fancy Shell, sew on the third afghan stripe and finish with 2 inches of Fancy Shell. With white 2 fold Saxony work a row of shell all around having 8 D. C. in each shell, with 1 D. C. between each shell, with Pompadour wool finish with picot edge. Embroider the afghan strip in cross stitch design and line with silk. ' 1 2 2 . 2 i 2 > 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 • 1 1 2 2 t 2 2 2 2 2 1 No. 1 is 3 Fold Saxony Nile Green No. 2 is 3 Fold Saxony Cxas Blue No. 153 No. 3 is 3 Fold Saxony Sunrise No. 312 83 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Crocheted Afghan For detail see PhibuU'lpliin Stitch, page 77 ami Afgliaii Stitch, page GS MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 8 hanlcs Color 2 hanks White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 9 hanks Color 3 hanks White 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS colored yarn make a chain of 59 With stitches. Row 1 — Work 58 Sg. C. on chain. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in first istitcli, taking up the whole stitch, * yarn over hook, insert hook in back of 4th stitch of chain, draw up a loop, work off as D. C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, yarn over, cross back insert liook in back of 2nd stitch of chain, di-aw up a loop, work off as D. C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 3 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, taking whole stitch, chain 1, turn. up the Row 4 — 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 3 stitches. * yarn over hook, insert hook in back of 3rd D. C. of row 2, draw up a loop, work off as D. C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, yarn over hook, cross back, insert hook in back of 2nd D. C. of row 2, draw up a loop, work off as D. C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row. chain 1. turn. Row 5 — Same as row 3. Repeat from 2nd to 5th row until work is as long as the width, thus forming a square. 84 Infant's Crocheted Afghan — Continued Afghan Stitch Band — AVith white yarn chain 2. pick up 2 stitches, worlv off, now increase a stitch by drawing up a loop between the 2 stitches and draw up a loop in the last stitch, you now have 3 loops on hook, work off, in- crease 1 stitch every row by drawing up a loop between the last 2 stitches until you have 21 stitches on hook, then draw up a loop through the first stitch on one side of the colored centre, draw yarn through first 2 loops on hook, then work off in the regular way, draw up a loop in each stitch and join in the next stitch on edge of centre, work off as before, continue in this way until last stitch of centre edge has been taken off. Mitre the corner as follows : draw up a loop in first 20 stitches, work off, draw up a loop in 19 stitches, work off, continue in this way until one stitch is left. Now draw up a loop in last stitch not used, (2 loops on hook), work off. Draw up a loop in 2nd stitch and in next stitch, (3 loops on hook), work off, continue in this way increasing 1 stitch every row until there are 21 stitches on hook, then work across the next side of centre same as before. When you have worked around all 4 sides of centre finish the last corner by crocheting the last 2 stitches of each row to- gether until 1 stitch remains, sew the edges to- gether to form a corner. With colored yarn work 5 rows of Philadelphia stitch all around, increasing in the corners by working 3 Sg. C. in each corner on the Sg. C. row. Work a row of shell all around, having 8 D. C. in each shell, fastened down with Sg. C. Finish with picot edge. Work cross stitch according to design. fv> :e 211 M w: M rv> (V) Cross Stitch Pattern The Cross Stitch Pattern is worked in two shades of the same color used in Afghan. No. 1 is the light shade. No. 2 is the dark shade. 22 :i CROSS STITCH PATTERN 85 Infant's Crocheted Afghan MATERIAL Columbia Superfine Wool 5 balls White 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 IV2 yards of Colored Silk ^y2 yards of Lace 3 Yards of Ribbon Flowers INSTRUCTIONS (Note — This Afghan is made in Filet wt)rk. ) D. C. stands for double crochet and M. for mesh. Make a chain of 174 stitches, in third stitch of chain work 1 D. C, * chain 2. skip 2 stitches, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * until you have 57 M., chain 3, turn. Row 2 — 172 D. C, chain 5, turn at end of every row. Row 3—1 M., 4 D. C, 10 M., 10 D. C 11 M.. 16 D. C, 10 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 4—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 2 M., 10 I). C. 19 M., 10 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 5—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M.. 10 D. C, 3 M.. 37 D. C. 18 M., 10 D. C, 2 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 I). C, 1 M. Row 6—1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 10 D. C, 6 86 Infant's Crocheted Afghan — Continued M., 16 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 I>. C, 8 M., 10 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Ro^ 7_1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C, 12 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 3 M., 4 D. C. 2 M., 22 D. C, 3 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 8—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 7 D. C, 17 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 19 D. C, 5 M., 7 D. C, 2 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M. Row 9—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 7 D. C. 2 M.. 16 D. C, 8 M., 4 D. C, 3 M., 13 D. C, 2 M., 13 D. C, 6 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 10—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D, C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 7 D. C, 7 M.. 10 D. C. 2 M., 19 D. C. 4 M., 22 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M.. 4 D. C, 4 M.. 7 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M. Row 11—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C. ] M.. 7 D. C. 4 M.. 7 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 19 D. C, 4 M., 22 D. C, 1 M., 13 D. C, 7 M.. 7 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 12—1 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 7 D. C, 4 M.. 10 D. C, 1 M.. 10 D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C. 2 M., 13 D. C, 4 M., 16 D. C, 3 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 4 M.. 7 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. M., 7 D. C. 1 M.. D. C. Row 13—1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 D. C, 7 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 3 M.. 10 1 M.. ' D. C. 10 D. C, , 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 1 M., 22 C, M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 5 M., 19 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 5 M., 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 14—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 5 M., 7 D. C, 3 M.. 13 D. C. 4 M.. 13 D. C, 5 M., 10 D. C, 7 M., 4 D 4 L). C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 15—1 M., 4 D. C. 2 M., 7 D. C. 3 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C. 4 M., 16 D. C, 4 M., 22 D. C. 1 M., 10 D. C, 4 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 4 M., 7 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C. 1 M. Row 16—1 M., 4 D. C. 2 M.. 4 D. C. 5 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 4 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 25 D. C, 4 M., 16 D. C, 3 M., 7 D. C. 2 M.. 7 D. C. 1 M.. 7 D. C, 3 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 17—1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M.. 7 D. C, 5 M., 4 D. C, 3 M.. 7 D. C, 4 M.. 16 D. C, 4 M., 28 D. C. 6 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 5 M., 7 D. C. 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 18—1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 5 M., 4 D. C. 2 M., 7 D. C, 5 M., 28 D. C, 4 M.. 16 D. C. 3 M., 7 D. C, 2 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C, 4 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 19—1 M., 10 D. C, 5 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 3 M., 7 D. C, 2 M., 19 D. C, 5 M., 28 D. C, 4 M., 7 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 5 M., 10 D. C, 1 M. Row 20—1 M., 7 D. C, 5 M.. 4 D. C, 3 M., 7 D. C. 3 M.. 31 D. C, 1 M.. 13 D. C, 1 M., 16 D. C. 2 M.. 4 D. C. 13 M., 7 D. C, 1 M. Row 21—1 M., 7 D. C, 16 M., 16 D. C, 1 M., 16 D. C, 1 M.. 28 D. C, 3 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M.. 4 D. C, 5 M., 7 D. C, 1 M. Row 22—1 M.. 7 D. C. 4 M., 4 D. C, 2 M^, 7 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 31 D. C, 1 M.. 34 D. C, 5 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 8 M., 7 D. C. 1 M. Row 23—1 M.. 7 D. C. 8 M., 10 D. C. 5 M., 31 D. C. 1 M... 4 D. C. 1 M., 28 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M., 10 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 4 M., 7 D. C. 1 M. Row 24—1 M., 4 D. C, 4 M.. 4 D. C, 3 M., 16 D. C. 1 M.. 28 D. C, 1 M.. 7 D. C, 1 M., 28 D, C, 5 M., 10 D. C, 9 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 25—1 M.. 4 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 7 M.. 7 D. C, 2 M.. 4 D. C. 3 M.. 25 D. C, 1 M., 10 D. C, 1 M., 25 D. C. 2 M.. 13 D. C, 3 M., 4 D. C, 4 M., 4 D. C. 1 M. Row 26—1 M.. 4 D. C. 3 M., 4 D. C, 3 M.. 4J D. C. 1 M.. 13 D. C. 2 M., 37 D. C. 1 M., 16 D. C. 3 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 7 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C. 3 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 27—1 M., 4 D. C, 3 M., 7 D. C, 4 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M.. 4 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 8 M.. 40 D. C. 1 M., 16 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 3 M., 4 D. C, 3 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 28—1 M., 4 D. C, 3 M.. 4 D. 0.. 2 M.. 10 D. C. 1 M., 16 D. C, 1 M.. 28 D. C, 1 M.. 7 D. C, 9 M.. 4 D. C, 2 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 10 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 29—1 M., 4 D. C, 5 M., 7 D. C,. 2 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C. 10 M.. 37 D. C. 1 M., 16 D. C, 2 M., 10 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C. 2 M., 4 D. C. 1 M. Row 30—1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C. 1 IVL. 7 D. C. 5 M., 16 D. C, 1 M., 34 D. C. 4 M., 13 D. C. 3 M., 7 D. C. 1 M., 7 D. C, 2 M., 10 D. C. 4 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 31—1 M., 4 D. C, 7 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 10 D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C. 1 M.. 19 D. 0.. 2 M.. 13 D. C. 3 M.. 13 D. C, 1 M.. 7 D. C, 1 M., 10 D. C. 6 M., 7 D. C. 3 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M. Row 32—1 M.. 4 D. C, 3 M., 4 D. O., 8 M., 19 D. C. 1 M., 7 D. C. 1 M.. 22 D. C. 1 M.. 22 D. C, 1 M.. 7 D. C, 1 M., 13 D. C, 8 M., 4 D. C. 1 M. 87 Infant's Crocheted Afghan — Continued Row 33—1 M.. 4 D. C, 9 M.. 10 1». C. 1 M.. 7 Row 46—1 M.. 4 1). C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M„ 7 I). C. 1 M.. 22 I). C. 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M.. 10 It. C, D. C. 5 M.. 10 I). (\. 1 M.. 10 D. C, 3 M.. 4 I). C, 1 M., 10 D. €., 1 M., 19 D. C, 9 M., 7 D. C, 2 M., 1 M., 7 D. C. 1 M.. 7 I ). C, 1 M., 13 D. C, 14 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. 7 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 34—1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 11 M., 10 Row 47—1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 43 D. C. 1 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 13 D. C, D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C. 12 M., 4 D. C, 4 M., 7 D. C, 8 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. 1 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C, 4 M., 13 D. C, 6 M., Row 35-1 M., 7 D. C, 5 M., 19 D. C, 1 M., 7 J ^: C- 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, D. C, 5 M., 37 D. C, 1 M., 19 D. C, 9 M., 4 D. ^ ^^^• C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C, 1 M. Row 48—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 p Qc 1 AT 7 n r 1 AT 10 r> n 10 \T I>. C, 2 M., 7 D. C, 14 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 10 D. C, ^o^T^'^r^ r"^? in A ^^ o'^ u- n ?* ?Ar -^i' l ^^^ -'^ ^- C, 10 M., 7 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C. l M., 52 D. C.. i, M., 10 D. U, 2 M., K, D. C, 4 M.. , TK ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' D -JT 1 AT 7 r> p ^ AT a T^ P 1 Ai •^•> Row 49—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D C "s M~46 D C is M f D C 1 M " ''• C' ^ ^^- ^ ^- C" 1 M., 7 D. C, 9 M.. 7 D. C, 1 Row 38—1 M., 7 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, 13 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 9 M., 40 I). C, 8 M.. 4 I ). C, 1 M., 4 LX C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. 1 M., 10 DC, 2 M., 10 D. C, 4 M., 7 D. C, 1 M. ^^^ ^^_^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ Row 39—1 M., 10 D. C, 4 M., 4 D. C. 8 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C. 2 M.. 7 D. C, 13 M.. 7 D. C, D. C, 2 M.. 4 D. C, 6 M., 31 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, i M., 13 D. C, 1 M., 10 D. C, 9 M., 7 D. C. 2 M., 1 i.I., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 10 D. C. 1 M 1 M. » >.« 1 Tv/r 1 T^ P -I A,r 1 T^ r^ o A/r - Row 51—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C.. 1 M.. 4 Row 40-1 M. 4 p. C, 1 M 4 DO 2 M., . ^ ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ C., 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 7 D. C, S- "^r i ^•' 1 ?; ^V J.^n' ^ aV^-; ^r.^V^ ^ V'.5 ^ M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 13 D. C, 1 M., 10 D. C, 12 M., ?!'n ^- £•' i ?J'n A tS' 1 ??'n ^^ a> 1 ^^ n^ ' D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, ?AT^'A^n ' T^^^-llA' ^^V ^;' A ^^ 1 ?; ^•' 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. 9 M., 4 D. C, 4 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 41—1 M 4DC 1M7DC 14 M 7 Row 52—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D C 3 M.. 28 D.' C., 3 M.'. 16 d" C. i M. 4 B.C., D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M.. 10 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C, 2 M., 7 H M.. 10 D. C, 3 M., 7 D. C, 8 M., 10 D. C, 2 M., D C 1 M 4 D C 1 M 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, ■ " ' ■ 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 42—1 M., 4 D. C. 2 M., 4 D. C. 3 M., 7 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M., 13 D. C, Row 53—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 7 M., 25 D. C, 2 M., 13 D. C, 12 M., 4 D. C, 2 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. M.. 10 D. C. 7 M., 10 D. C, 11 M., 10 D. C, 2 M., ,.0 1 TVT ^ 1^ ^ o ^T - T^ ^ 1- Ar . 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4. D. Row 43—1 M., 4 D. C, 2 M.. 7 D. C, 1 1 M., 4 p 1 m 4 r^ p 1 AT 4 r> r 1 AT D. C, 1 M., 13 D. C. 2 M.. 10 D. C, 4 M.. 4 D. C, " ' ' ' ' 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 7 r^w 54—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 3 M., 7 D. C, 2 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. d. C. 1 M., 4 I). C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 D. C, 1 Row 44-1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 4 M.. 4 D. C. 2 M.. 10 D. C. 19 M.. 10 D. C. 2 M., D. C, 4 M., 13 D. C. 1 M. 16 D. C, 2 M. 7 D. C, ^ ^- <^' 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M.. 4 D. C. 2 M., 7 D. C, 1 M., 7 D. C. 2 M., 4 D. C, 17 M;, 1 M.. 4 D. C. 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C. 1 M. 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. r^^ 55_i m., 4 D. C, 16 M., 16 D. C. 11 M.„ Row 45—1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M.. 7 1<5 ^- ^"- 16 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. D. C, 15 M., 16 D. C. 1 M.. 7 D. C. 1 M.. 7 D. C, p eR__i7o 1-) P 1 M., 4 D. C. 2 M., 13 D. C, 1 M.. 10 D. C, 5 M., "^ " ' " 7 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M., 4 D. C, 1 M. Row 57—57 M. 88 Infant's Crocheted Afghan For detail see Horse Shoe Stitch, pase 71. < '^ ''f ' y '^ _jr >■ " _^ _^ < , MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 4 hanks White 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool 8 balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 12 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 8 INSTRUCTIONS With white yarn and No. 12 hook work a chain of G5 stitches. Row 1 — Work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of chain, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of preceding row, taking up the front loop, chain 1, turn. Row 3 — Join colored yarn, (do not break off white yarn) now insert hook under front loop of first stitch of row 1 and front loop of first stitch of row 2, yarn over hook, draw up a loop, work off as Sg. C, * insert hook under front loop of next stitch of row 1 and front loop of next stitch of row 2, draw up a loop, work off as Sg. C, re- peat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 3 for all the work, always taking up the front loop of the two preceding rows and working 2 rows of each color, do not break off the colored yarn not in use, leave it hang until you are ready to use it again. Work until afghan measures 25 inches, being careful to finish with 2 rows of white. Border — With white yarn and No. 8 hook work a row of Sg. C. at the top and bottom of afghan, now with colored yarn work a row of slip D. C. all around afghan, increase at the corners on each row. Row 2 — With white yarn work 1 D. C. in the first stitch of preceding row, * skip 1 stitch, 3 D. C. around the next stitch of preceding row, skip 1 stitch, 1 D. C. in the next stitch, repeat from * all around. Row 3 — With colored yarn, * work 1 Sg. C. on top of 1 D. C. of preceding row and 3 D. C. around centre D. C. of shell of preceding row, repeat from * all around. 89 Infant's Crocheted Afghan For detail see Afghan Stitch, page 68, and Shmting Sliell Stitch, page 70. '."••*5^^-?'-r ' / -7 MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 3 hanks White 5 hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 4 hanks White 6 hanks Color 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool 5 balls White 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS With white yarn make a chain of 32 stitches, work 125 rows of afghan stitch, work 2 stripes. Now work the slanting shell stitch on both sides of each stripe as follows : Row 1 — With colored yarn work 3 D. C. in first stitch, * skip 2 stitches, work 3 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, (having 43 shells) turn. Row 2— Work 3 D. C. into the second stitch of afghan stripe, crocheting directly over the space between the 1st and 2nd shells of preceding row, * work 3 D. C. in next space, talking up the second stitch, repeat from * to end of row, turn. Be careful to have the same number of shells in each row. Row 3 — Work 3 D. C. into the last stitch of 1st sliell of 1st row, crocheting directly over the space, * work 3 D. C. into next space, taking up the last stitch of next shell, repeat from * to end of row, turn. Repeat row 3 for all tlie work, having 3 rows color and 1 row white until there are 11 rows. 90 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 ^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ? 3 3 3 3 3 3 ? 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 9 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 z 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 i 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 ^ Z 2 1 1 1 ' 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 t 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 ^ 3 4 4 3 3 3 9 3 3 ? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 V 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 4 4 3 '■ 1 3 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 J 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 1 1 ~ 1 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 3 1 Z 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 r 1 1 2 2 1 1 i I 1 1 ± 2 1 1 2 2 1 I 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ _ L Infant's Crocheted Afghan Continued This completes one side, work the other side to correspond. Witli white Princess wool work on each side of stripe to be joined as follows : work 2 Sg. C, * yarn over hook, insert hook under centre stitch of shell of second row, draw up a loop, work off as D. C, skip one stitch, work 2 Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row. Place the two stripes to be joined together with right side of work toward you and join with slip stitch, taking up the two top loops. Border — With white Princess wool work a row of Sg. C. all around afghan, increase at the corner. Row 1 — With colored yarn, chain 1, yarn over hook, draw up a loop in first stitcli, yarn over, draw through two loops, * yarn over, skip 1 stitch, draw loop up in next stitch, yarn over, draw through two loops, yarn over, draw through three loops, chain 2, yarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch where last stitch was made, yarn over, draw through two loops, re- peat from * to end of row, working 3 D. C. in each corner. Row 2 — Work 1 D. C. in space, * chain 3, yarn over, draw up a loop around D. C. just made, yarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw through all 7 loops on hook, chain 1, 1 D. C. in next space, repeat from * to end of row, work a cluster in centre D. C. of the 3 D. C. in corner of preceding row. Row 3 — Same as row 1, worlving the istitches in the spaces formed by the 3 chains of pre- ceding row. Row 4— With white Princess wool, * 1 Sg. C. in space, cliain 4, skip one stitch of chain, draw up a loop in each of the next 3 chain stitches, yarn over, draw through all 4 loops on hook, chain 1, 1 Sg. C. in next space, repeat from * all around. Cross Stitch Pattern No. 1 worked in Germantown Lily Green, No. 3, No. 2 worked in Germantown Lily Green, No. 1. No. 3 worked in Germantown Sunrise, No. 1. No. 4 worked in Columbia Lustrone, No. 887. CROSS STITCH PATTERN 91 ^^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Infant's Crocheted Afghan For detail see Afghan Stitch, page GS, and Daisj' Stitch, page 75. /Jo?*^ -^-•^ y. MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 4 hanlvs White •i hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 6 hanks White 6 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS This afghan consists of 1 white stripe worked in afghan stitch and 2 colored stripes worked in daisy stitch. With white yarn make a chain of 09 stitches, work 109 rows of afghan stitch. With colored yarn make a chain of 23 stitches. Row 1— Afghan stitch. Rcw 2 — Afghan stitch. Row 3 — Pick up first stitch. * yarn over hook, insert hook in back of 3d stitch of first row, draw up a loop, yarn over hook, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, skip 1 stitch, pick up next 2 stitches, retaining all stitches on hook, repeat from * to end of row, work off same as plain afghan stitch, repeat these 3 rows until you have 109 rows. 92 Infant's Crocheted Afghan — Continued Sew stripes together, now work a rib over tlie joining as follows : — Join white yarn, slip hook under first white stitch, yarn over, draw through as slip stitch, slip hook under first colored stitch, yarn over, draw through, now take up the next white stitch, then the next colored stitch and so on to the end. Border — With white yarn work 3 rows of Sg. C. all around afghan, always taking up the back stitch of preceding row, mitre the corjiers ou each row by making 3 Sg. C. in 1 stitch. With colored yarn work 3 Sg. C, * yarn over hook, insert hook under 4th Sg. C. of first row, draw up a loop, yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next 3 stitches, repeat from * around, more of white and 1 of color. Work 3 rows CROSS STITCH PATTERN ~ 4 1 1 1 1 1 T 4 1 J. 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 V 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 :ii ' 1 1 2 1 4 "Till _ _2ii;i T 4 __I :iiii 1 22 ri 1 4 _--- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 III 4 33 3 .ill 1 1 1 2 2zr_ 333 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 11X2 T 1 333 i_: j2^2 tl 1 3 33 5 6 6 2'2ll ill 3 3]3 5?" iI~T 6 6 6;6 "[2,2 22 3 5 5 5 1 6 6'6I6 ^ T~r 3 Vss 1 1 1 1 1 6 666 X^ 44 3 55S ~ 6 66 6 (z 24~ 55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 66"|T2T 1 T ~ ~ 4 5 5 ■ 7 |2 1 II 4 5 5 1 1 1 II 1 1 22 4 5 1 22 2 4 5 1 22 I T 4 1 1 ilT 1 2 1 1 1 T 4 ~ 1 ~ ~ai > i 4 1 1 III 1 ii J7 44" 1 4 T12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 4 ri^i z I_ i 4 11122 T 1 1 III 1 2 It ± 41142 1 a 3^_ 1222 3 3,3 3 II 2IJ 2 2 L 1 1 1 1 - _ - 5 333 1 1 2^1 1 — -^ - T 1 1 vj - - 55i5_ 3j3 22 2 2r 6^6 6 6 ~ ~ 1 r" _ - slls "3 1 eie 6 6 J, — - — Itt" J— — — h - — - - 55 _S1 ^r^ 66 — - 1 1 1 1 1 7 0^ _4 — TT72TT1 J6 -y 1 J^ 4 1 1 1 2r 1 hj- ~ 5 4" — rLip 1 1 1 1 5 4 igi 1 ^- ^ PI 22 IT 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 II 2 A 1112 1 7" TT 1 l" ji 4 II 1 1 1 ri ~ 1 4 555, TITTT 4 55 S'sfs 4 555 5 5 4 |— 5-5_ 1 1 1 1 A ^ 55 1 A 55 T7TT 1 A 5 4 5 1 r IITITT 1 4 - ill. 1 \— [_\ No. 1 Worked in Germantown Sunrise 0. No. 2 Worked in Germantown Sunrise 1. No. 3 Worked in Germantown Lily White 1. No. 4 Worked in Germantown Lily White 2. No. 5 Worked in Germantown Lily White 3. No. 6 Worked in Germantown Salmon 00. 93 ^^^^^^^><^^<^ COLUMBIA YARNS iWBBRS'SfSPiSSSSS Infant's Crocheted Afghan For detail see Manhattan Stitch, page 74. MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 4 hanks White 10 hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 5 hanks T^Tiite 12 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. G With No. 6 hook and colored yarn make a chain of 166 stitches, work 165 Sg. C. on chain. Row 2 — With white work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of preceding row, always taking up the back loop to form a rib, this is done on every row, break off yarn, turn on each row. INSTRUCTIONS Ro^ 3— With color work 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 2 stitches, yarn over hook, insert hook under the 3rd stitch of chain, * draw up a loop, work off as D. C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 7 stitches, yarn over, insert hook under the Sth stitch of chain from last D. C, repeat from * to end of row. 94 Infant's Crocheted Afghan — Continued Row 4 — Same as row 2. Row 5 — With color work 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 3 stitches, yam over, insert hook under the 4th stitch of row 2, draw up a loop, work off as D. C, * skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 5 stitches, yarn over, insert hook under the 6th stitch from last D. C. of row 2, work off as D. C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, 1 D. C. in next stitch of row 2, i-epeat from * to end of row. Row 6 — Same as row 2. Row 7 — With color work 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 4 stitches, 1 D. C. in the 5th stitch of row 4, * skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 3 stitches, 1 D. C. in the 4th stitch from last D. C. on row 4, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 3 stitches, 1 D. C. in the next stitch, repeat from * to end of row. Row 8 — Same as row 2. Row 9 — With color 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 5 stitches, 1 D. C. in the (Ith stitch of row G, * skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, 1 D. C. in the next stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 5 stitches, 1 D. C. in the next stitch, repeat from * across. Row 10 — Same as row 2. Row 11—1 Sg. C. in each of the first 6 stitches, * 1 D. C. in the 7th stitch of row S, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 7 stitches, repeat from * across. This completes one-half of the diamond, re- verse from row 10 to 1 to complete the diamond. Now start tlie Manhattan stitch as follows, using No. 5 needle. Row 1 — With colored yarn and right side of work toward you, draw up a loop in 3rd stitch, insert hook back in 1st stitch, draw up a loop, draw up a loop in 3rd stitch, draw up a loop in 1st stitch, draw up a loop in 3rd stitch, draw up a loop in 1st stitch, * yarn over hook, draw through all 7 loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in the same stitch where last stitch was drawn, skip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch, repeat alternatelj' until there are 7 loops on hook, repeat from * across, ending with 1 D. C. in last stitch, chain 3, turn. Row 2 — Draw up a loop through space after D. C. of preceding row, * draw up a loop through next space, repeat alternately until there are 7 loops on hook, yarn over, draw through all 7 loops, chain 1, draw up a loop in same space with last loop, repeat from * across, ending witli 1 D. C. in last stitch, chain 3, tuj'n. Work S rows color, 2 rows white, 8 rows color, this completes the Manhattan stripe, work al- ternately 1 of Diamond, and 1 of Manhattan until there are 3 Diamond and 2 Manhattan. With white yarn make a row of shells all around, having S D. C. in eacli shell, fastened down with Sg. C, finish with picot edge of col- ored yarn. 95 COLUMBIA YARNS Infant's Crocheted Afghan For detail see Afghan Stitch, page GS. MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germanto'wn 5 lianivs Wliite or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown G hanks White 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool 15 balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4 INSTRUCTIONS With white yarn make a chain of 30 stitches, work 145 rows of afghan stitch, work 3 stripes. Now work pointed design on both sides of each stripe as follows : Row 1 — With Princess wool work 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 9 stitches, taking up the back loop, wrap yarn over hook 3 times, insert hook under 10th stitch of row 10, draw up a loop, * yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, and so on until all loops have been taken off, being careful to have work loose enough to lay flat on work, (this com- pletes 1 long stitch), skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. O. in each of the next 17 stitches, taking up the back loop, yarn over hook 3 times, draw up a looi> in the IStli stitch of row 10 from last long stitch, repeat from * to end of row, break off yarn at the end of each row. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. In each of the first 8 istitches, taking up the back loop, 1 long stitch in the 9th stitch of row 8, * 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, 1 long stitch in the next stitch of row 8, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 15 stitches, 1 long stitch in the 16th stitch of row 8 from last long stitch, repeat from * to end of row. Row 3 — Work 7 Sg. C, 1 long stitch in the 8th stitch of row G, * 3 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 13 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, repeat from * to end of row. Row 4— Work 6 Sg. C, 1 long stitch in the 7th stitch of row 4, * 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 11 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, repeat from * to end of row. 96 Infant's Crocheted Afghan — Continued Row 5 — Work 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch in the 6th stitch of row 2, * 7 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 9 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, repeat from * to end of row. Row 6 — Work 4 Sg. C. 1 long stitch in the 5th stitch of the first row of color, * 9 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 7 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, repeat from * to end of row. Row 7— Work 3 Sg. C, 1 long stitch in the 4th stitch of the second row of color, * 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, repeat from * to end of row. Row 8— Work 2 Sg. C, 1 long stitch in 3rd stitch of next row of color. * 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 1 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 3 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, repeat from * to end of row. Row 9 — Work 1 Sg. C, 1 long stitch in the 2nd stitch of next row, * 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 3 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 1 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, repeat from * to end of row. Row 10 — 1 long stitch in the first stitch of next row, * 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, 5 Sg. C, 1 long stitch, repeat from * to end of row. Embroider stripes in cross stitch design, with right side of work toward you and colored yarn, join stripes with a row of Sg. C. Border — With colored yarn work 1 row of Sg. C. all around, increasing at the corners in every row. Row 2—3 D. C. in the first stitch, * skip 2 stitches, 1 D. C. in the next stitch, skip 2 stitches, 3 D. C. in the next stitch, repeat from * around. Row 3—* 3 D. C. around the centre D. C. of shell of preceding row. 1 I). C. around the 1 D. C. of preceding row, repeat from * around. Row 4 — * 2 D. C. around the centre D. C. of shell of preceding row, 1 picot, 2 D. C. around same stitch, 1 Sg. C. on top of 1 D. C. of pre- ceding row, repeat from * around. 1 : 3 Jj > 3 3 4^: \ 3 3 43r -.3 _ 3 3 ^ - " 3 5- iZ 22 3 4- *2 2 1 1 1 43 2 __ 2 1 1 ( 1 42 2 3 3 M 1 1 "-34 4"" 2 2 1 ^ 133" '\ d ^3ll 33 3I ^ f 3 3 ■ 3 3 4^ I T3 3 34' ■ 33 |4 " 3 4" 4 4 4 No. 1 Worked in Germantown Old Rose, No. 1 No. 2 Worked in Germantown Old Rose, No. 3 No. 3 Worked in Germantown Lily Green, No. 1 No. 4 Worked in Germantown Lily Green, No. 3 97 fkmmmmmmmmmmKmiimmim\wmmm s- COLUMBIA YARNS '^ ^^^SDg>•^ ■> --■-^-^ ^M^ :*. ^^^.^^^^,.,^1^^ MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown, 3 hanks White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown, 4 hanks White 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool, 10 balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS This afghan consists of 2 white stripes worked in afghan stitch and 3 colored stripes in waffle stitch. AVith white yarn make a chain of 23 stitches, work 113 rows of afghan stitch. With colored yarn make a chain of 23 stitches. Row 1 — Afghan stitch. Row 2 — Afghan stitch. Row 3 — I'ick up the first 2 stitches, leaving stitches on hook same as in afghan stitch, * yarn over hook, insert hook in back of 4th stitch of chain, draw up a loop, yarn over hook, draw through 1 loop, yarn over hook, draw through 2 loops, skip 1 stitch, pick up next 3 stitches, repeat from * to end of row. work off as afghan stitch. Row 4— Work 1 row of purled afghan stitch by taking up the back stitch of preceding row instead of the front, work off as afghan stitch. Row 5 — Afghan stitch. Re))eat rows 3, 4 and 5 until you have 113 rows. Sew stripes together. Border — With white yarn work a row of shell of 7 D. C. fasten each shell down with Sg. C, with colored varn finish afghan with 1 row of picot edge. No. 1 Worked in derma ntown Sunrise 0. No. 2 Worked in Germantown Lily White 1. No. 3 AVorked in Cermantown T>ily White 2. No. 4 Worked in Germantown Old Rose 2. No. 5 Worked in Columbia Lustrone No. .SS7. 98 GROSS STITCH I'ATTERN IT 1 - T 1 U 15 4 2 1 1 1 I A a 1 1 2 t 1 1 2 1 1 2 \ 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 7 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 ^ 1 _ 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 ' _i_i - fT 1 2 A 2 1 1 2 ASA Z 1 1 1 2 A 2 1 1 2 2 7 5 1 1 2 1 I 1 1_1_3 1 > 1 1 1 1 "I"I 1 1 1 1 1 ± Infant's Knitted Afghan For detail see Basket Stitch, page 72 ^ IF HlMMiiliHtllMlltooi^j., THMM!iiUMin|iHii|}nii ihjHililMMiltliMi gaiMf IfMMMnMHIMHUiH JlHIIIHJnUMMtUHpi ,,, M'iil MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 5 hanlvs Wliite or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 6 hanks White 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool 10 balls Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 14 inch No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS With white yarn cast on 135 stitches. Row 1 — Knit 5, purl 5, * knit 15, purl 5, re- peat from * to end of row, ending with purl 5, knit 5. Row 2 — Purl 5, knit 5, * purl 15, knit 5. re- peat from * to end of row, ending with knit 5, purl 5. Row 3 — Same as row 1. Row 4 — Knit plain. Row 5 — * Knit 15. purl 5, repeat from end of row. ending with knit 15. Row 6 — * Purl 15. knit 5, repeat from end of row, ending with purl 15. to to Row 7 — Same as row 5. Row 8 — Knit plain. These 8 rows form the pattern, work 4 pat- terns, join the colored Princess wool and knit 3 inches plain, join the white .varn and work in pattern until work measures 30 inches, finish second end same as first. Border — With colored Princess wool pick up the stitches at one end. knit plain, increasing 1 stitch at each end every other row until border measures 314 inches, repeat on all 4 sides, sew the corners neatly together. 99 Infant's Knitted Afghan For detail see Lattice Stitch, page 73 MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Gertnantown 8 hanks White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported GermantoMrn 9 hanlvs White Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color 2 Rone Knitting Needles No. 3 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Cast on 3 stitches, knit plain, increasing 1 stitch at each end every row until there are 157 stitches on needle. Now start pattern as follows : Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2 — Knit 1, * yarn over needle, knit 3, pass 1st stitch over the 2nd and .3rd stitches, repeat fi*om * to end of row. Row 3 — Knit plain. Row 4 — * Knit 3, pass the first stitch over the 2nd and 3rd stitches, yarn over, repeat from * to end of row. These 4 rows form the pattern, when work measures 30 inches, not including the turnover, bind off. Crochet a row of shell all around, having 5 D. C. in each shell, fastened down with Sg. C, with Pompadour wool work a picot edge all around. Embroider the turnover in cross stitch design. 2 2 > 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 4 14 2 2 4 4 i-4 2 ^i Is 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^P 5' ? 5, is 5/5 55 3 2 5' ff 5] 5 23 3 4 4 2 2 4 4 3 3 4 4 44 3 3 3 3 3 2 Z 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 33 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4i 3 44 3 3 4 4 3 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 6 Ai 13 2 1 1 1 3 4 4 6 6 4 ' »-3 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4i 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 . ) 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 ; i 1 2 2 2 ; ) _ _ No. 1 Worked in Lily Green No. 1. No. 2 Worked in Lily Green No. 3. No. 3 Worked in Rose Antique No. 1. No. 4 Worked in Sunrise No. 1. No. 5 Worked in Gas Blue No. 1. No. 6 Worked in Lustrone No. 1058. 100 Infant's Knitted Afghan For detail see Knitted Popcorn Stitch, page 73. MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane 6 hanks White 4 lianks Color 2 Rubber Knitting Needles 14 inch. No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS With white yarn cast on 176 stitches. Knit 6 rows or 3 ribs plain, then work pop- corn stitch as follows : Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2 — Slip 1st stitch, then purl across. Row 3 — Slip 1st stitch, then knit 2 together to end of row. Row 4 — Slip 1st stitch, knit plain, take up a stitch between the narrowed stitches, being care- ful to always have the same number of stitches on needle. Repeat these 4 rows until you have 3 rows of popcorn. Now work pattern in the following order : 3 ribs plain, 3 popcorn, 3 plain, 1 popcoi-n, until work measures 30 inches, bind off. Lining- — With colored yarn cast on 176 stitches, knit plain until work measures 30 inches. Border — With white yarn cast on 14 stitches. Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2— Slip 2, purl 12. Row 3 — Knit 12, leaving 2 stitches on needle. Row 4 — Leave 2 stitches on needle, and purl 12. Row 5— Knit 14. Row 6— Slip 2, knit 12. Row 7 — Purl 12, leaving 2 stitches on needle. Row 8 — Leave 2 stitches on needle, knit 12. Row 9 — Purl 12, leave 2 stitches on needle. Row 10 — Leave 2 stitches on needle, knit 12. Row 11— Knit 14. Repeat from 2d to 11th rows until border is long enough to reach all around afghan, sew the top and lining together and sew on the border. 101 COLUMBIA YARNS |:^>^^ Infant's Knitted Afghan For detail see Blue Bird Stitch, page 69. Sr= wAriiae — ■ ' . - *i ?^^^i<» «»ig»»iMi- i^ iiy a>M j MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 5 hanks White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 6 hanks White 2 Bone Knitting Needles 14 inch No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Cast on 30 stitches, knit plain until work measures 32 inches, bind off, work another stripe to correspond. Embroider these stripes in Blue Bird design. Now work the centre stripe as follows : Cast on 94 stitches. Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2 — Knit plain. Row 3 — * Knit 4, yarn over hook, knit 2 to- gether, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 together, repeat from *, ending with knit 4. Row 4— Slip 1, purl 4, * knit 1, purl 2, knit 1, purl 5, repeat from *, ending witli purl 4. Re- peat these 4 rows until work measures 32 inches. Sew neatly together and finish with a row of slip stitches all around. GROSS STITCH 'A No. 1 Worked in Gas Blue No. 2 No. 2 Worked in Lustrone No. 956 102 Steamer Blanket MATERIAL Columbia Caledonian Wool 22 balls 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Make a chain of 280 stitches, work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of chain, break off yarn. Row 2 — Work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of pre- ceding row, always taking up the back loop. break off yarn. Repeat row 2 until work meas- ures 11/4 yards. Finish the top and bottom of blanket with a 4-inch fringe composed of two strands of yarn. 103 Balkan Couch Afghan For detail see Balkan Stitch, page 7G. MATERIAL 8 Fold Columbia Germantown 4 hanks Lily Green No. 4 4 hanks Lily (Jreen No. 5 5 hanks I^ily (4reen No. 6 4 hanks Lily Green No. 7 6 hanks Lily Green No. S 4 hanks Scarlet No. 2 4 hanks Scarlet No. 3 4 hanks Scarlet No. 4 4 hanks Scarlet No. 6 4 hanks Scarlet No. 7 5 hanks Scarlet No. S 3 hanks Scarlet No. 10 3 hanks Scarlet No. 11 7 hanks Partridge GO 7 hanks Partridge 61 5 hanks Black or 8 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 5 hanks liily Green No. 4 5 hanks 6 hanks 5 hanks 7 hanks hanks hanks hanks hanks hanks hanks hanks hanks 8 hanks 8 hanks () hanks Lily Green No. Lily Gi'een No Lily Green No Lily Green No Scarlet No. 2 Scarlet No. Scarlet No. Scarlet No. Scarlet No. Scarlet No. Scarlet No. Scarlet No. Partridge 60 Partridge 61 Black 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 8 Fold Columbia Princess Wool 12 balls White 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 7 104 Balkan Couch Afghan — Continued INSTRUCTIONS With Lily Green 4 malve a eliaiii of 197 stitches, draw up a loop in 2ntl and 3rd stitches from hook, * yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw througli 2 loops, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, fasten down with Sg. C. in same stitch where last loop was drawn up, draw up a loop in each of the next 2 stitches, i-epeat from * to end of row. Break off yarn at end of every row. Row 2 — With I^ily Green 5 draw up a loop in tirst stitcli, draw up a loop in large centre space, •Iraw up a loop in small space formed by Sg. C, * yarn over, draw througli 1 loop, yarn over, draw througli 2 loops, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, fasten down with Sg. C. in same space where last loop was drawn up, draw up a loop in next 2 spaces, repeat from * to end of row. Repeat row 2 for all the work, colors to be used as follows : 1 row Lily Green No. 4 1 row Lily Green No. 5 1 row Lily Green No. 6 1 row Lily Green No. 7 1 row Lily Green No. 8 1 row Black 1 row Partridge No. 60 1 row Partridge No. 61 1 row Wliite Princess 1 row Partridge No. 60 1 row Partridge No. 61 1 row White Princess 1 row Partridge No. 60 1 row Partridge No. 61 1 row Black 1 row I^ily Green No. 8 1 row Lily Green No. 7 1 row Lily Green No. 6 1 row I^lly Green No. 5 1 row Lily Green No. 4 1 row Scarlet No. 2 1 row Scarlet No. 3 1 row Scarlet No. 4 row Scarlet No. 6 row Scarlet No. 7 row Scarlet No. 8 row Scarlet No. 10 row Scarlet No. 11 row Scarlet No. 10 row Scarlet No. 8 row Scarlet No. 7 row Scarlet No. 6 row Scarlet No. 4 row Scarlet No. 3 row Scarlet No. o This completes 1 Lily (Jreen and I'artridge strip and 1 scarlet strip, repeat until there are 4 Lily Green and Partridge and 3 Scarlet strips. Border — Witli Lily Green 6 work 1 row of Sg. C. all around, increase in the corners on e\ery row. Row 2 — With Lily Green 8 work another row :JD;2g^^ Embroidered Couch Afghan Fur iletails sec Afiu'lian Stitch, page e of Afghan stitch, then join the two parts by sewing together on the wrong side with double thread of Lily White No. 7. Double Tuft Stripe in following rows : — 2 rows Tufts Lilv White No. 7 10(5 Embroidered Couch Afghan — Continued rows rows rows rows rows rows row rows rows rows rows rows rows rows Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Tufts Lilv White No. Lily Wliite No. Old Rose No. 2 Sunrise No. 1 Salmon No. 00 Lily White No. White Lily White No. Siiimon No. 00 Sunrise No. 1 Old Rose No. 2 Lilv White No. Lily White No. Lily White No. Make Double Tuft stitch as follows : Work on lengtli of Afghan stitch stripe with Lily White No. 7, 2 rows Sg. C, taking up tlie whole stitch. Row 3 — 2 Sg. C, * yarn over hook, insert tlie hook into the 3rd Sg. C. of 1st row. yarn over hook, draw through 2 loops, yarn over hook, take up same stitch, yarn over hook and flnisli off as a Double Crochet, sidp 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each following 3 stitches, taking up whole stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, chain 1 and turn. Row 4 — 1 Sg. C. in every stitcli, talcing up the whole stitch, chain 1, turn. Row 5—4 Sg. C, * 1 Double Tuft stitch, this must come between the first and second Double Tuft stitch of first row, skip 1 stitch, then make 8 Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row. Repeat 4tli and 5th rows for rest of stripe. Border — Make 2 rows of Crazy Stitch all around, 1 row of Old Rose No. 2 and 1 row of Sunrise No. 1. and 1 row in Lily White No. 3 as follows, 1 D. C. in the lower part of Crazy Shell, chain 1, and 1 Sg. C. in the point of Crazy Shell. For shell use Lily White No. 5, 7 D. C. with chain between each stitch and 2 Sg. C. stitches between each shell, witli cliain stitches around shell in Lily White No. 7. Cross Stitch Pattern 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 • 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 i t 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2. 1 1 > 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 Z 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 i ; 1 J_ 1 2 1 : > 1 1 1 1 1 Z 2 2 2 1 1 1 i \ i 2 1 J_ 1 i t 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Z 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 I 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 \ 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. 1 Worked in Germantown Lily White No. 7. No. 2 Worked in Columbia Lustrone No. 974. 107 {^:^<^!^;(^>e^^^^^^COLVMBlA YARNS Tulip Couch Afghan For detail see Tulip Stitch, page 75. MATERIAL 8 Fold Columbia Germantown 23 hanks Oregon Green No. 4 20 hanks Oregon Green No. 1 26 hanks Black 2 hanks Rose Antique No. 3 3 hanks Rose Antique No. 5 or 8 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 27 hanks Oregon Green No. 4 24 hanks Oregon Green No. 1 30 hanks Black 3 hanks Rose Antique No. 3 4 hanks Rose Antique No. 5 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 6 INSTRUCTIONS AVith black make a chain of 210 stitches. Row 1 — In the third stitch of chain work 1 D. C, * chain 1, 1 D. C. in same stitch, skip 2 stitches, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * across, turn. Row 2 — With Oregon Green No. 4 work 1 D. C. in the second stitch of chain, crocheting di- rectl.v over the space between the 2nd and 3rd D. C. of row 1, * chain 1, 1 D. C. in same stitch, skip 2 D. C, work 1 D. C. between the next space, repeat from * to end of row, turn. Row 3 — With black work 1 D. C. in the centre of 2 D. C. of row 1. * chain 1, 1 D. C. in same stitch, 1 D. C. in the centre of next 2 D. C. of row 1, repeat from * across, turn. Repeat row 3, working alternately 1 row black and 1 row green until work measures 38 inches in width. Border — With Oregon Green No. 1 make a chain of 2 stitches, work in plain afghan stitch, increasing 1 stitch on each row at one end only until there are 31 stitches across, work on this length until the border is as long as the length of the centre piece, then mitre the corner as follows :— Pick up the 31 stitches, * take off the first 2 loops, work the rest off in the regular way. pick up 30 stitches, repeat from *, always picking up 1 less stitch until 1 stitch remains, now start to pick up the stitches, pick up 2 stitches, work off, pick up 3 stitches, work off, lOS S^^^^J COLUMBIA YARNS Tulip Couch Afghan — Continued continue in this way. always liaviug 1 more stiteli on eacli row until there are 31 stitches across, work plain until border is as wide as centre piece, this completes one-half, work sec- ond half to correspond, join the border, em- broider in cross stitch design, with black work 1 row of Sg. C. around the centre piece and sew to border. With Oregon Green No. 4 work a row of shell all around, having 6 D. C. in each shell, fast- ened down with Sg. C, with black yarn finish with picot edge. — rJ rj OJ OJ OJ cvj — rj w CM <\J OJ OJ OJ Oj OJ — — OJ c\J C\J M rj OJ j OJ CM OJ OJ OJ — — — — — — (n (n fO '^ OJ CM — — — — — — — — Ol m OJ fM CM OJ OJ OJ on OJ OJ — — — — — — — — — — — ro ro OJ CM OJ rj OJ OJ OJ OJ — — — — — — — — — — — — in CO OJ OJ — - — ro ro m ro CO OJ OJ — — — — — — 3 3 3 3 m m ro rO ro OJ OJ rJ — — — — — - - — — S 3 3 3 3 3 3 ro no en ro OJ OJ OJ OJ — — — — — — 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ro fO CO OJ CM OJ OJ rJ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ro fO (VJ OJ OJ OJ OJ rj 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 M Oj OJ OJ ry OJ OJ (M 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 PJ stitches in scarlet. Repeat from * across. Con- tinue increasing the scarlet and decreasing the navy blue until there are 10 stitches of scarlet and 4 stitches of navy blue. Crocliet 4 rows of scarlet. Now work like above, only increasing the navy blue and decreasing tlie scarlet until there are 10 stitches of navy blue and 4 stitches of scarlet. Now crochet 4 rows navy blue, 4 rows scarlet, 2 rows old blue No. 2, 4 rows scar- let, 4 rows navy blue, 4 rows scaiiet, 4 rows as follows : * 12 stitches in scarlet, 6 stitches in old blue No. 2. Repeat from * across, 2 rows old blue No. 2, again 4 rows, * 12 stitches scarlet, 6 stitches old blue No. 2. Repeat from * across, 4 rows scarlet, 4 rows navy blue, 4 rows scarlet, 2 rows old blue No. 2, 4 rows scarlet, rows navy blue, 4 rows scarlet, 2 rows old blue No. 2, 4 rows scarlet, 4 rows navy blue, 2 rows as fol- lows : * 2 stitches of navy blue, 10 stitches of old blue No. 4. Repeat from * across. Continue in like manner, increasing the navy blue and de- creasing the old blue No. 4 until there are 10 stitches of navy blue and 2 stitches of old blue No. 4. This completes a half diamond, work other half of diamond to correspond with this. 4 rows navy blue. 4 rows old bhie No. 2. 10 rows scarlet, 44 rows of navy blue. 10 rows scar- let, 10 rows old blue No. 4. The last 20 rows is the centre of blanket. Work the other half to correspond, starting with navy blue 44 rows. 116 Crocheted Auto Robe For (letall see Afghan Stitch, page 68. K»H(mttimm»H»H ] m» « m * in »*>****»tt**'*">" M»m*m>H«H*«« ««*!•*»*«*«"«*♦***"•* ,*mrt«»**%«*»*>**** MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 28 hanks Wisteria No. 3 30 hanks Oregon Green No. 3 2 hanlis Black or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 32 hanks Wisteria No. 3 34 hanks Oregon Green No. 3 4 hanks Black 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS With green yarn make a chain of 54 stitches work 26 rows of plain afghan stitch. Now with Wisteria yarn work 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch, with 1 chain between each Sg. C, increase at the corners on every row by working 2 Sg. C. in one stitch. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, inserting hook under chain of preceding row, * chain 1, 1 Sg. C, inserting hook under next chain of preceding row. repeat from * all around. Repeat row 2 for all the work. Colors to be used as follows : 6 inches of Wisteria. 1 row of black. 6 inches of green, 1 row of black, 6 inches of Wisteria, 1 row of black, (i inches of green. 1 row of black, 6 inches of Wisteria, 1 row of black, 6 inches of green, this completes the robe. Embroider three lettei's in the centre. 117 IniiiiiiniiiiwiiiiiiwiriMmMiiiBiiiiMiiiw^^ 1 ' r~::: ifMwiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiii^^^ miiwiin :(^^:< onto steel needles and with colored yarn knit 2, purl 2, for 4 inches, bind off, sew up sleeve and turn back cuft'. Pockets — With colored yarn and steel needles cast on 24 stitches, knit 20 rows i)lain. slip onto bone needles and with white yarn, knit 1, purl 1, for 4 inches, bind oft", work 2 pockets, sew in place. Collar — With colored yarn and steel needles pick up 90 stitches around the neck, knit plain until collar measures 5 inches, bind off. 125 Misses' Crocheted Toque and Scarf MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 3 hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Germantown hanks 2 hirue Button Moulds 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 6 INSTRUCTIONS TOQUE Make a chain of 54 stitches. Row 1 — In the third stitch of chain work 1 Sg. C, * chain 1, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row. chain 1, turn. Row 2— Work 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, inserting hook under first chain stitcli of preceding row, * chain 1, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, inserting hook under next chain stitch of preceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, work 16 inches, break off yarn, sew up the sides. Border — With wrong side of work toward you, using the same stitch as in crown, work border around, do not turn the work, when bor- der measures 6 inches break off yarn. Turn up the border and turn in at the top so border will measure 3 inches, turn the points of crown down and sew to border. Buttons — Chain 4, join in a ring, work 2 Sg. C. in eacli stitch for 3 rows, 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch for 1 row, now work without in- ci'easing until large enough to cover mould, slip onto mould, work 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch until mould is covered. Sew buttons onto toque. SCARF Make a chain of 50 stitches, use same stitch as used in to(iue, work until scarf measures 1^2 yards. Finish the ends with a 3-inch fringe composed of 2 strands of yarn. 126 COLUMBIA YARNS Misses' Auto Hood '"vi^ MATERIAL 8 Fold Columbia Germantown 5 hanks or 8 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 6 hanks .'> yards of Ribbon No. 12 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. H INSTRUCTIONS Work a chain of 4 stitches, join, work G Sg. C. in each of the first 3 stitches (IS stitches), work round and round, always taking vip the whole stitch of preceding row. Row 2—1 Sg. C. in each of the first 2 stitches, * 2 Sg. C. in the next stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from * to end of row, you will now have 6 sections. Row 3—1 Sg. C. in each of the first 3 stitches. * 2 Sg. C. in the next stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 3 stitches, repeat from * to end of row. Continue in this way, always having 1 stitch more in each section every row until work measures S inches from the centre. Leave 1 section for the back and on the remaining stitches work as follows : Row 1 — Decrease 1 stitch at each corner, and 1 in the centre of each space, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — Work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, chain 1, turn. Row 3 — Work 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch, chain 1, turn. Row 4 — Work 1 Sg. C. in every stitch, chain 1, turn. Work 7 rows more like 4th row. With wrong side of work toward you work 8 rows of Sg. C, break off yarn at end of each i-ow. Work 1 Sg. C in every other stitch across the l)ack section. Finish the front with a row of shell, having 5 D. C. in each shell, fastened down with Sg. C. Rings — Work a chain of 4 stitches, join, work IS Sg. C. in ring, join, break off yarn, work 2 rings. Buttons — Work a chain work (i Sg. C. in ring. of 4 stitches, join. Row 2- row. -2 Sg. C. in each stitch of precedini Row 3 — Increase in every other stitch. Row 4 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch. Slip over mold and work 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch until mold is covered. Work 2 buttons. Sew buttons and ribbon to hood, and sew rings to end of ribbon. Finish back of hood with flat bow. 127 COLUMBIA YARNS Misses' Crocheted Tam-o'-shanter MATERIAL 8 Fold Columbia Germantown 4 hanks or 8 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 5 hanks 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 6 INSTRUCTIONS For 14 or 15 years Make a chain of 4 stitches, join in a ring. Row 1 — Work 6 Sg. C. in each stitch of chain, having 18 Sg. C. in row. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in each of the next two stitches, always taking up both stitches of pre- ceding row, * 2 Sg. C. in next stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from * around. This gives you sections. Row 3 — 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 3 stitches, * 2 Sg. C. in next stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the next 3 stitches, repeat from * to end of row. Continue in this way, always hav- ing 1 stitch more in each section every row until work measures S inches from the centre, now de- crease as follows : Row 1 — Skip 1 stitch at each wid- ening place and 1 in the centre of each section. Row 2 — Same as row 1. Row 3—* Work 3 Sg. C. skip 1 stitch, repeat from * around. Row 4—* Work 2 Sg. C, skip 1 stitch, repeat from * around. 128 Repeat in this way until cap measures 22 inches, or the size of hat band, then work 10 rows without decreasing, finish with a row of slip stitch, make a pompon for the top. Misses' Tam-o'-shanter MATERIAL Columbia Angora Wool () large balls 1 Bone or Amber Crocliet Hook No. 2 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 12 INSTRUCTIONS Commence in the centre of the crown, chain 3, join to a ring. Row 1 — 7 Sg. 0. in the ring, join. Row 2 — 2 Sg. C. in every stitch (taking the back stitch or loop). Continue increasing where it is necessary in order to keep the work per- fectly flat, work until the entire crown meas- ures 15 inches all around. Work 2 rows, decreasing 1 stitch every 15th stitch. Work 1 row without decreasing, then 2 rows, decreasing 1 stitch every 15th stitcli, 1 row without decreasing, 2 rows decreasing and 1 row without. Continue like before, 2 rows decreas- ing and 1 row without, until there are 90 Sg. C. in the row. With steel knitting needle pick up the back of the Sg. C. Knit 1 and purl 1 for li/o inches, knit 1 row plain, and increase 1 stitch in every 10th stitch, then knit 1 and purl 1 for 1% inches more. Bind off loosely. Pompon — Chain 8, join. Row 1 — Insert hook in 1st chain stitch, * pass yarn over the hook and around the fore- finger of left hand 3 times, pass yarn up and around hook, draw all 4 loops through, there will be 5 loops on hook, .varn over hook, draw through all, insert hook in next stitch. Repeat from * around, join. Row 2 — Like 1st row. Then one row of Sg. C, inci*easing in every other stitch, make 2 more rows like 1st, bi'eak off yarn. Sew carefully to centre of crown. Misses' Crocheted Hood and Scarf Combined MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 5 hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 6 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Hood — With No. 5 hook make a chain of 73 stitches, work 70 D. C. on chain, chain 3, turn. Row 2 — 1 D. C. in first stitch, taking up both loops of preceding row, skip 1 stitch, 1 D. C. in each stitch to within 2 stitches of the end, skip 1 stitch, 1 D. C. in last stitch, chain 3, turn. Rq^ 3 — 1 D. C. in each stitch, taking up both loops of preceding row, chain 3, turn. Repeat rows 2 and 3 until you have 20 rows, now for 3 rows work 1 D. C. in every other stitch to draw the back of hood in. Border — With No. 4 hook work 55 Sg. C. across the bottom of hood, work in Sg. C, al- ways taking up both loops of preceding row for 2 inches. Work a 2 inch border across the front of hood same as the bottom, working 1 Sg. C. in each stitch. Scarf — With No. 5 hook make a chain of 43 stitches, work 6 rows of I). C, 8 rows of Sg. C, 4 rows of D. C. S rows of Sg. C, now work in D. C. until scarf is l^/i yards long, work second end like first. Finish with a 6 inch fringe, com- posed of 2 strands of yarn. Sew the scarf to the bottom of hood as shown in picture. ]2n ■i^^:<^T^^^;<4S:;i>;(^&i COLUMBIA yarns Misses' Knitted Tam-o'-shanter and Scarf MATERIAL Columbia Floss hanks Color 2 Steel Needles No. 17 2 Steel Needles No. 12 INSTRUCTIONS Tam-o'-Shanter — With No. 17 needles cast on 192 stitches, knit 2, purl 2, for li/^ inches, start pattern as follows : Row 1 — With No. 14 needles and yarn double, knit plain. Row 2 — Knit 2, purl 2. to end of row, repeat these 2 rows until you have IS rows, now knit 64 rows plain, on the next row decrease as fol- lows : * knit 2, knit 2 together, repeat from * to end of row, slip work onto No. 17 needles, knit 2, purl 2, for 3 inches, bind off loosely. Sew up the side, draw together at the top and finish with pompon. Scarf — With No. 14 needles and yarn double cast on 62 stitches, knit plain for 3 inches, then work a 2 inch fancy border same as in Tam-o'- shanter, knit 2 inches plain, 2 inches fancy bor- der, then knit plain until scarf measures 1^/4 yards long, work second end same as first, finish with 3 inch fringe composed of 3 strands of yarn. 130 \ III A ™:^4:* LADIES' SHAWLS COLUMBIA YARNS Detail Stitches of Shawls Atlantic Stitch Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — Work 1 D. 0. in each stitch of chain, chain 3, turn. Row 2 — Work 1 D. C. in second stitch, talking up the whole stitch, * cross back and work 1 D. C. in the stitch that was skipped, skip 1 stitch, 1 D. C. in the next stitch, repeat from *, ending with 1 D. C. in the last stitch, chain 3, turn. Row 3 — 1 D. C. in each stitch, taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, chain 3, turn. Repeat these 2 rows for all the work. Knitted Cosmo Stitch Cast on the number of stitches desired. Row 1 — -Knit 1, * yarn over needle, slip 1, knit 2 together, drop the slip stitch over the 2 stitches knitted together, yarn over, knit 1, re- peat from * to end of row, ending with yarn over, knit 1. Row 2 — Knit plain. Repeat these 2 rows for all the work. 132 Detail Stitches of Shawls Colonial Stitch Cast on an even number of stitches. Row 1 — Knit 3, * yarn over needle tw^ice, knit 2 stitches together, knit 3, repeat from * to end of row. Row 2 — Knit 3, * yarn over needle twice, slip 1 stitch off the needle, knit 2 together, knit 3, I'epeat from * to end of row. Repeat row 2 for all the work. Cluster Stitch IFluJL HW\ ' ^ fPM 1 ' few 1 l/'*'^ IKVl 'lfffl^}f]fl Tw ir^ w ■4P J9^^jKr^^^ '^r*^ ffs^ I^W ^ttPPwj yljF *JQ 1 £''^Mm '?m liJ 1^^ xifPdl ^ Wi V ^HF"^F*^ 1 W^K u ^4 U^ ^^^ yijj 7Jj V nr ^ ^k/i jn M R^ m3 «iJyK3l mm jfl jjyjft Jljf mqI £qX ^gfMjnr iWm PIS V %.^ Detail Stitches of Shawls Crossed Shell Stitch Make a chain the length de- ^^idel■. Row 1 — In the 4th stitch of chain \vork» 3 D. C. (woi'k all D. O. 1 i n cli long), now cross back and work 3 D. C. in second Ktitch of chain, * skip 1 stitch, work 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, skip 3 stitch- es, work 3 D. C. in next stitch, cross back and work 3 D. C. in second stitch from last Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row. Row 2— Work 6 D. C. on top of first D. C. of preceding row, taking up the whole stitch, * work 1 Sg. C. in centre of shell of preceding row. now work 3 D. C. in second stitch of next shell, cross back and work 3 D. C. in the 5th stitch of preceding shell and preceding row, repeat from * to end of row, ending with Sg. C, chain 3, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work. Panama Stitch Make a chain the length de- sired. Row 1 — Work 1 D. C. in each stitch of chain. Row 2 — Work 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, * chain 3, 1 Sg. C. in same stitch, taking up the back loop of pre- ceding row, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 3 — Work 1 D. C. in first stitch, taking up both loops, * 1 Sg. C. in centre stitch of 3d chain of preceding row, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 4 — Work 1 D. C. in each stitch of pre- ceding row, taking up both loops. Repeat rows 2, 3 and 4 for all the work. 135 Detail Stitches of Shawls Fancy Shawl Stitch Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — In 4th stitch of chain worlv 3 D. C, skip 2 stitches, in 3d stitch work 3 D. C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, tuini. Row 2 — Draw up a loop In each of the first 2 stitches of chain and in each of the first 3 D. C. of preceding row, taking up the back loop, yarn over hook, draw through all 6 loops, chain 1, * draw a loop through the eye, draw a loop through the back loop of preceding star, draw a loop through each of the next 3 D. C. of preced- ing row, taking up the back loop, yarn over, draw through all loops on hook, chain 1, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 3 — Work 3 D. C. in the eye of each star of preceding row, chain 3, turn. Repeat 2d and 3d rows for all the work. '<«'< R£G. U.S.P*''" 136 Crocheted Shawls No. 1 For detail see Fancy Shawl Stitch, page 136. MATERIAL Columbia Zephyr Floss, 11 hanks White 1 hank Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 With white yarn make a chain of 140 stitches. Row 1— In 4th stitch of chain work G D. C, * skip 2 stitches, in 3d stitch work 3 D. C, repeat from * to end of row. Chain 3, turn. Row 2 — Draw a loop up in each of the first 2 stitches of chain and in each of the first 3 D. C. of preceding row, taking up the back stitch, yarn over hook, draw through all stitches on hook, chain 1, * draw a loop through the eye, draw a loop through the back of last loop of preceding star, draw a loop through each of the next 3 D. C. of preceding row, taking up the back stitch, yarn over hook, draw through all 6 loops on hook, chain 1, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 3 — Work 3 D. C. in each eye of star of preceding row, chain 3, turn. Repeat 2d and 3d rows for all the work. Colors to be used as follows : Work 11 rows of white, 2 of color, 4 white and 2 color, then with white crochet until work measures 27 inches, this completes % of shawl, work second half to correspond. Finish with knotted fringe 7 inches long, composed of 4 strands of each color. For detail see Pique Stitch, page 134. MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 8 hanks White 3 hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantow^n 9 hanks White 4 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 9 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 With white yarn make a chain of 97 stitches. Row 1— Work 96 Sg. C. on chain. Row 2 — Draw up a loop in first stitch, taking up the back loop of stitch, * yarn over hook, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, draw up a loop in the next stitch, taking up the front loop of stitch, yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, draw up a loop in next stitch, taking up the back loop, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, colors to be used as fol- lows : 10 rows white, 3 rows coloi^ 6 rows white, 2 rows color, now with white, work until shawl measures 27 inches, this completes one-half of the shawl, work second half to correspond. Fringe — Fasten colored yarn in corner, * chain 30, fasten in next stitch with Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row. Row 2 — Fasten white yarn in centre of first loop, * chain 30, fasten in centre of next loop with Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row. Repeat row 2, working alternately 1 row color, 1 row white, until you have 2 rows of each. 137 No. 2 Crocheted Shawls For detail see Crossed Shell Stitch, page 135. MATERIAL Columbia Superfine Crochet Wool, 8 balls White 8 balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 6 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 With one strand each of white and colored wool, make a chain of 140 stitches. Row 1 — In 4th stitch of chain, work 3 D. C. (work all D. C. one inch long), now cross back and work 3 D. C. in second stitch of chain, * skip 1 stitch, work 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, skip 3 stitches, work 3 D. C. in next stitch, cross back and work 3 D. C. in second stitch from last Sg. C. ; repeat from * to end of row, ending with Sg. C, chain 3, turn. Row 2 — Work G D. C. on top of first D. C. of preceding row, taking up the whole stitch, * work Sg. C. in centre of shell of preceding row, now work 3 D. C. in second stitch of next shell, cross back and work 3 D. C. in the 5th stitch of preceding shell and preceding row, repeat from * to end of row, ending row with Sg. C, chain 3, turn. Repeat row 2 until work measures l^/^ yards long. Work a row of plain shell on each side, having G D. C. in each shell fastened down with Sg. C. Finish the ends with a double knotted fringe, seven inches long, composed of 4 strands each of white and colored wool. No. 1 For detail see Cluster stitch, page 133. MATERIAL Columbia Zephyr Floss, 8 hanks White 2 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 With white yarn make a chain of 130 stitches. Row 1 — Yarn over hook, draw up a loop in third stitch of chain, * yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw through all 4 loops on hook, chain 2, yarn over, draw up a loop in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of preceding row, chain 4, turn. These two rows will be spoken of as 1 row, colors to be used as follows : 7 rows white, 3 rows color, 5 rows white, 2 rows color, 3 rows white, 1 row color, then with white crochet until work measures 27 inches. This completes one-half of the shawl, work second half to correspond. Finish with a 7-incli fringe composed of 3 strands of each color. 13S No. 2 Crocheted Shawl For detail see Panama Stitch, page 135. MATERIAL Columbia Floss, 4 hanks AVhite Columbia Pompadour Wool, 6 balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS With white yarn make a chain of 273 stitches, work 271 D. C. on chain. Row 2 — With colored yarn and right side of work toward you, work 1 Sg. 0. in first stitch, * chain 3, 1 Sg. C. in same stitch, taking up back loops of preceding row, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 3 — ^With colored yarn work 1 D. C. in first stitch, taking up both loops, * 1 Sg. C. in centre stitch of 3 chain of preceding row, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, break off yarn. Row 4 — Witn white yarn work 1 D. C. in each stitch of preceding row, taking up both loops. Be careful to always have the same number of I). C. in every white row. Eepeat rows 2, 3 and 4 alternately until you have 14 white stripes and 13 colored stripes. Work a border on both ends as follows : With colored yarn work 49 Sg. C. with 3 chain between each Sg. C. across the end. Row 2— With white yarn work 3 D. C. in each space formed by the 3 chain of preceding row, drawing the D. C. one inch high. Row 3 — With colored yarn work 1 Sg. C. in each space, with 3 chain between each Sg. C. Row 4 — With white yarn work 1 D. C. in each space formed by the 3 chain of preceding row, drawing the D. C. one inch high. With colored yarn work a row of picot edge all around shawl. 139 Crocheted Shawl For detail see Atlantic Stitch, page 132. MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 9 hanks White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 10 hanks White 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool 5 balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS With white yarn make a chain of 102 stitches. Row 1 — Work 100 D. C. on chain, chain 3, turn. Row 2 — Work 1 D. C. in second stitch, taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, * cross back and work 1 D. C. in the stitch that was skipped, skip 1 stitch, 1 D. C. in the next stitch, repeat from *, ending with 1 D. C. in last stitch, chain 3, turn. Row 3 — 1 D. C. in each stitch, taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, chain 3, turn. Repeat rows 2 and 3 for all the work. Work 7 rows and start the border as follows : Row 1— Work the first 2 D. C. with colored yarn, * the next 2 with white yarn, the next 2 with colored yarn, repeat from * across. Row 2 — With colored yarn work 1 D. C. in each stitch. Row 3 — With white yarn work 1 D. C. in each stitch. Row 4 — With white yarn work 3 D. C, * with colored yarn work 10 D. C, with white yarn work 2 D. C, repeat from * across. Row 5 — With white yarn work 3 D. C, * with colored yarn work 2 D. C, with white yarn work 6 D. C, with colored yarn work 2 D. C, with white yai-n work 2 D. C, repeat from * across. Row 6 — With white yarn work 3 D. C, * with colored yarn work 2 D. C, with white yarn work 2 D. C, with colored yarn work 6 D. C, with white yarn work 2 D. C, repeat from * across. Row 7 — With white yarn work 7 D. C, * with colored yarn work 2 D. C, with white yarn work 2 D. C, with colored yarn work 2 D. C, with white yarn work 6 D. C, repeat from * across. Row 8 — With white yai-n work 3 D. C, with colored yarn work 2 D. C, * with white yarn work 2 b. C, with colored yarn work 10 D. C, repeat from * across. Row 9 — Same as row 3. Row 10 — Same as row 2. Row 11 — Same as row 1. Now repeat Atlantic stitch until shawl meas- ures 45 inches, finish second end to correspond with first end, with white yarn work a row of Sg. C. on each side. With white yarn work a row of shell at each end having 5 D. C. in each shell fastened down with Sg. C. Finish with a knotted fringe 7 inches long composed of 4 strands of yarn, the first 5 are of color, * the next 10 white, the next 10 color, re- peat from * across, ending with 5 of color. 140 Crocheted Shawl For detail see Raised Half Shell, page 134. MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane 7 hanks White Columbia Pompadour Wool 5 balls Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS With white Lady Jane make a chain of 273 stitches. Row 1 — 111 the 2nd stitch of chain work 1 Sg. C, * skip 1 stitch, 3 D. C. in the next stitch, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, repeat from * to the end of row, break ofC yarn at the end of each white row. Row 2—1 Sg. C. in the first stitch, * 3 D. C. around the centre D. C. of shell of preceding row, 1 Sg. C. in next Sg. C. of preceding row, repeat from * to end of the row. Row 3 — Same as row 2. Row 4 — With colored Pompadour wool work 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, * chain 3, 1 Sg. C. in cen- tre stitch of shell, chain 3, 1 Sg. C. in next Sg. C. of preceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 5—* 1 Sg. C. in the 3rd chain stitch of preceding row, chain 3, 1 Sg. C. in the same stitch, repeat from * to end of the row, chain 3, turn. Row 6 — Same as row 5. Repeat these G rows, being careful to always have the same number of shells in each row, until shawl is 20 inches wide, ending with 3 rows of shell. With Pompadour wool work 3 rows like rows 4, 5 and G across the ends of shawl. Row 4 — With Lady Jane work 3 D. C. in each space formed by the 3 chains of preceding row, drawing the D. C. 1 inch high. With Pompadour wool work same as first 3 rows, then with Lady Jane work a row same as row 4, finish with a picot edge of Pompadour wool all around shawl. 141 Three Pointed Knitted Shawl MATERIAL Columbia Zephyr Floss 5 hanks 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Lace Edging — Cast on 12 stitches, always slip the first stitch on each row. Row 1 — Knit 3, yarn over needle, knit 2 to- gether, knit 1, yarn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2. Row 2 — Knit 10, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 1. Row 3 — Knit 3, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 2, yarn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2. Row 4 — Knit 11, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 1. Row 5 — Knit 3, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 3, yarn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2. Row 6 — Knit 12, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 1. Row 7 — Knit 3, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 4, yarn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2. Row 8 — Knit 13, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 1. Row 9— Knit 3, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 11. Row 10 — Bind off 4, knit 8, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 1. Repeat from row 1 to 10 until you have 69 scallops, now pick up all the stitches on the length of lace, (350 in all), now start the shawl. Row 1 — Knit 168 stitches, knit 4 stitches to- gether 5 times, knit the remaining 168 stitches. Row 2— Purl. Row 3 — Slip 1 stitch, knit 2 together, knit to within the 5th stitch of the centre, knit 2 to- gether, knit 1, knit 2 together, knit to within the last 3 stitches, knit 2 together, knit 1. During 142 Three Pointed Knitted Shawl — Continued the entire work decrease 1 stitch at each end and 2 .stitclies in tlie centre every other row, now work as follows : knit 1 row, purl 1 row, knit 2 rows, purl 1 row, knit 1 row, start border. Border — Row 1 — Slip 1, * knit 2 together, knit 1, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, repeat from * to end of row, for the border de- crease at the end of row only, and in tlie centre. Row 2— Purl. Row 3 — * Knit 3 together, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, repeat from * to end of row. Row 4— Purl. Row 5 — Knit 3 togetlier, knit 1, knit 2 to- gether, * yarn over, l^nit 1. yarn over, knit 2 to- gether, knit 1, knit 2 together, repeat from * to end of row. Row 6— Purl. Row 7 — * Knit 3 together, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, repeat from * to end of row. Row 8— Purl. Knitted Shawl For detail see Knitted Cosmo Stitch, page 132. MATERIAL Columbia Floss 7 hanks Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. o INSTRUCTIONS Cast on 151 stitches, knit 20 rows plain, now start Cosmo stitch as follows : Row 1 — Knit 1, * yarn over needle, slip 1, knit 2 together, drop the slip stitch over the 2 stitches knitted together, yarn over, knit 1, re- peat from * to end of row, ending with yarn over, knit 1. Row 2 — Knit plain. These 2 rows form the pattern, work 30 rows, now work alternately 20 rows plain and 30 rows Cosmo stitch until work measures ll^ yards long, ending with 20 rows plain. Finish with a 7-inch fringe composed of 4 strands of yarn, and work 1 row of Sg. C. each side. Row 9 Knit 1, * knit 2 together, knit 1, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, re- peat from * to end of row. Row 10 — Purl. Row 11 — Knit 1, * knit 3 together, yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, repeat from * to end of row. Row 12— Purl. Row 13 — Knit 2 together, yarn over, * knit 2 together, knit 1, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, repeat from * to end of row. Row 14— Purl. Row 15 — Knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 3 together, * yarn over, knit 3, yarn over, laiit 3 together, repeat from * to end of row. Row 16— Purl. Now knit 1 row. purl 1 row, knit 2 rows, purl 1 row, knit 2 rows, purl 1 row, knit plain until there are no stitches on needle. J"'inish the long side with picot edge. 143 Columbia Knitted Shawls No. 1 MATERIAL Columbia Zephyr Floss 8 hanks AVliite 2 hanks Color 2 Wooden Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 10 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Note — 2 rows form a rib. With white yarn cast on 100 stitches, knit G ribs plain. Witli colored yarn knit 5 ribs of moss stitcli, white 5 ribs plain, color 4 ribs moss stitch, white 4 ribs plain, color 3 ribs moss stitch, white 3 ribs plain, color 2 ribs moss stitch, now with white Ivnit plain until work measures 27 inclies, this is one-half of sliawl, work second half to cori'espond. With colored yarn finish both ends with crocliet fringe as follows : — fasten yarn to cor- ner, * chain 30, fasten in next .stitch witli Sg. C, repeat from * across. For detail see Colonial Stitch, page 1.3.3. MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane 7 hanks 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch. No. S INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Cast on 6 stitclies, increase 1 stitcli at each end every other row until there are 100 stitches across, start pattern. Row 1 — Knit 10 stitches plain, * yarn over needle twice, knit 2 stitches together, knit 3, re- peat from *, laiitting the last 10 stitches plain. Row 2 — Knit 10, * yarn over twice, slip 1 stitch off the needle, knit 2 together, knit 3, re- peat from *, knitting the last 10 stitches plain. Repeat row 2 until shawl measures ll^ yards. Now decrease in the same manner as you in- creased until 6 stitches remain, bind off. Finish each end with a 5-inch tassel. No. 2 144 I Detail Stitches of Sweaters Single Brioche Stitch Cast on the number of stitches desired. Row 2 — Slip 1, * yarn over needle, slip 1. kuit Ro^ 1— Knit 1, * yarn over, slip 1, knit 1, re- 2 together, repeat from * to end of row. peat from * to end of row. Boston Stitch Cast on the number of stitches desired. Row 3 — Purl across. Row 1 — * Knit 1, purl 1, knit 3, purl 1, repeat Row 4 — * Knit 1, purl 5, repeat from * to end from * to end of row. of row. Row 2 — Same as row 1. Repeat these 4 rows for all the work. 146 Detail Stitches of Sweaters Fern Stitch Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — Work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of chain, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — Woi-k 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of pre- ceding row, taking up tlie back loop to form a rib, chain 1, turn. Row 3— Work 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, * 1 D, C. in next stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 4— Work 1 Sg. C. in top of D. O. of pre- ceding row, * 1 D. C. in next stitch, taking up both loops, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Rows 5, 6, 7 and 8 — Same as row 4. Repeat these S rows for all the work. Arctic Stitch Cast on the number of stitches desired. Row 1 — * Knit 5, purl 1, repeat from *, end- ing with purl 1. Row 2— Slip 1, knit 1, * purl .3, knit 3, repeat from *, ending with knit 1. Row 3 — Slip 1, purl 1, * knit 1, purl 5, repeat from *, ending with purl 3. Row 4 — Slip 1, purl 2, * knit 1, purl 5, repeat from *, ending with purl 2. Row 5 — Slip 1, * purl 3, knit 8, repeat from *, ending with knit 2. Row 6 — Slip 1, knit 4, purl 1, * knit 5, purl 1» repeat from * to end of row. Repeat these 6 rows for all the work. 147 Detail Stitches of Sweaters Crazy Shell Stitch Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — In tlie 5th stitch of chain worli 3 D. C, * skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in the next stitch, chain 3, work 3 D. O. in the same stitcli witli Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 2— Work 3 D. C. in the hist Sg. C. of pre- ceding row, * 1 Sg. C. in 3rd D. C. of shell of preceding row, chain 3, 3 D. C. on chain of pre- ceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work. Star Stitch r x'H. kM v^ w""^ ^"^ w kM %H %^ -Wm ^-W W 'MIMMM" I ^imtUMM Make a chain the length desired. Row 1 — Draw up a loop in the first 3 stitches of chain, * yarn over hook, draw through all 4 loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in the eye just formed by the chain, draw up a loop in the next 2 stitches of chain, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. 148 Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of preceding row, chain 3, turn. Row 3 — Same as row 1, taking up the back loop of preceding row. Repeat rows 2 and 3 for all the work. COLUMBIA YARNS Ladies' Crocheted Sweater For detail see Star Stitch, page 148. MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia GermantoMrn 9 hanks White 4 hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 11 hanks White 5 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 5 large Buttons INSTRUCTIONS For 36 or 38 Bust Front — Make a chain of 105 stitches, work in pattern as follows, increasing and decreasing at one end of work only to shape the sweater. Row 1 — Draw up a loop in first 3 stitches, * yarn over hook, draw through all 4 loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in the eye just formed by the chain, draw up a loop in next 2 stitches, repeat from * to end of row, increase by adding a chain of 5 stitches, turn. Row 2 — Work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch of pre- ceding row, chain 3, turn. Row 3- — Same as row 1, taking up the back loop of preceding row. Repeat rows 2 and 3 for all the work, increasing the 5 stitches at the neck until you have 5 rows of Star stitch, then add a chain of 25 stitches for the shoulder, work 10 rows on this length, now work up from the bottom 48 star stitches, leaving the remaining stitches for the armhole and work 4 rows of star stitch for underarm, add a chain of 35 stitches for the back, work 14 rows of Star stitch, this completes one-half of the sweater, work second half to correspond. Border — The border is worked in Apple Seed stitch as follows : Row 1 — Starting under the arm work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch all around, increase at the two lower corners by working 2 Sg. C. in one stitch, join, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, taking up the back loop of preceding row, * 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, taking up the front loop, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, taking up the back loop, repeat from * all around, increase at the corners, join, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for the work, work a 2-inch border. Sleeves — Chain 93 stitches, work in pattern until you have 17 rows of Star stitch. Cuffs — Work 40 Sg. C. around the bottom of sleeve, work 5-inch cufC of Apple Seed stitch, sew up sleeves. Loop — Chain 15, join, chain 2, work 30 D. C. iu ring, work 5 loops, sew onto right side of sweater. 149 Ladies' Crocheted Sweater and Toque MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 9 hanks White 9 hanks Color 5 hanks Black or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 11 hanks White 11 hanks Color 7 hanks Black 22 Button Moulds 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS For 3G or 38 Bust The sweater is worked in Slip stitch, 2 rows form a rib, having the stripe effect throughout the garment, colors to be used as follows : * 4 ribs white, 1 rib black, 4 ribs color, 1 rib black, repeat from *. Front — With white yarn make a chain of 125 stitches. Row 1 — Insert hook in 2d stitch of chain, * yarn over hook, draw through both loops on hook, insert hook in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. 150 COLUMBIA YARNS Ladies' Crocheted Sweater and Toque — Continued Row 2 — Same as row 1, taking up the back loop of precediug row to form a rib, cliain 1, turn, repeat row 2 for all the work, work 4 ribs, then increase 1 stitch on each rib at one end only 10 times to shape the neck, break off yarn, make a chain of 143 stitches for the shoulder and back, join to the front, work 21 ribs on the entire length (278 stitches), on the next row work 106 stitches, turn, work back, work 104 stitches, turn, work back, work 102 stitches, turn, work back, work 100 stitches, turn, work back, work 5 ribs more on this length, count off 66 stitches for the armhole, join colored yarn in the 67th stitch, work 1 rib on 106 stitches. 1 rib on 104 stitches. 1 rib on 102 stitches, 2 ribs on 100 stitches, this completes the left front, shoul- der and armhole. Back — Starting at the shoulder work 135 stitches, work 24 ribs on this length, then add a chain of 143 stitches for second shoulder and front, work second shoulder, front and under- arm same as first but in the opposite direction. Sew up luiderarm seams. Collar — With black j^arn and wrong side of work toward you work 72 Sg. C. around the neck, row 2 slip stitch, now start with white yarn follow pattern and the stripe effect same as before, work 24 ribs, now work 1 row of black around 3 sides of collar. Border — With right side toward you starting at the left underarm seam, work 5 ribs of slip stitch (1 black and 4 of color) all around sweater and collar, join, turn at the end of each row, and increase at the corners on every row, now with black work 1 row all around, on the next row work the loops for button holes on the right front as follows : starting at the top of collar work 3 slip stitches. * chain 10, skip 1 stitch, slip stitch around the loop just made, now work 10 slip stitches on collar, repeat from *. having 4 loops on collar, work 12 loops on the right front same as collar, having 15 slip stitches between each loop, finish the row. Sleeves — For the left sleeve with white yarn, chain 70, increase 1 stitch at one end only every other row until 20 stitches have been added, work 11 ribs on this length, then decrease in the same manner as you increased until 70 stitches remain, finish with 1 rib black. Start the right sleeve with colored yarn, work same as left. Cuffs — With wrong side of work toward you and black yarn work 50 Sg. C. across bottom of sleeve, work back with slip stitch, starting with white yarn follow stripe effect, work 20 ribs. Sew up sleeve and sew into armholes so stripes will meet under the arm. Pocket — With colored yarn chain 51, work 2 ribs, on the next row work a buttonhole, work 43 stitches, chain 4, skip 4 stitches, work 3 stitches, turn, work 3 more rows, * now work up from the bottom 35 stitches, turn, work back increasing at the end by working 2 stitches in the last stitch, repeat from * 5 times, work 6 ribs on this length, on the next 5 ribs decrease at the bottom and increase at the top, now add a chain of 15 stitches at the top, work 4 ribs, working a buttonhole at the top same as first side, finish with a rib of black all around, sew into place so the middle stripe is about one inch above the border, leave the straps loose and but- ton over buttons, allowing the belt to pass under the straps. Belt — With white yarn chain 160, work 4 ribs, now work around all 4 sides, increasing at the corners 1 rib black, 4 ribs color, 1 rib black, crochet 3 loops on the right end. Buttons — With white j^arn chain 12, work 6 or 7 ribs of slip stitch, put over mould and draw together. Toque — With white yarn double chain 4, join, work 2 slip stitches in each stitch. Row 2 — 2 slip stitches in each stitch, taking up the back loop to form a rib. Row 3 — 2 slip stitches in every other stitch. Row 4 — 2 slip stitches in every third stitch. Row 5— Same as row 4. Row 6 — 2 slip stitches in every fourth stitch. Row 7 — 2 slip stitches in every fifth stitch. Row 8 — 2 slip stitches in every sixth stitch. Now with yarn single work 15 rows of Sg. C, always taking up the back loop to form a rib. Turnover — With white yarn chain 90, work 4 rows of slip stitch, now work all around 4 sides, increasing at the corners. 1 rib black, 4 ribs color. 1 rib black, work 3 loops on one end, finish with 3 buttons, sew in place, finish with a pom- pon on top. 151 COLUMBIA YARNS Ladies' Knitted Sweater For detail see Boston Stitch, page 146. MATERIAL Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn 8 hanks White 1 hank Color 2 Steel Needles No. 15 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 3 11 Button Moulds INSTRUCTIONS Size 36 or 38 Bust With colored yarn and No. 3 needles cast on Row 1 — * Knit 1, purl 1, knit 3, purl 1, repeat 114 stitches, work in pattern, being careful to from * across, keep to pattern after each increase or decrease. Row 2 — Same as row 1. 1.52 Ladies' Knitted Sweater — Continued Row 3 — Purl across. Row 4 — * Knit 1, purl 5, repeat from * across. Repeat these 4 rows for all the work. Work 4 inches, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 8th row until 92 stitches remain, work on this length until work measures 20 inches, now decrease 1 stitch at each end every other row until 82 stitches remain, work until back measures 25 inches, now bind off 2 stitches at the beginning of each row for the shoulders until 30 stitches remain, bind off these 30 .stitches for the neck. Front — Pick up 26 stitches on the right shoul- der, work 6 rows, then increase 1 stitch toward the neck every other row 3 times, then cast on 30 stitches toward the front, work 6 rows and work a button hole as follows : knit 5 stitches, bind off 5 stitches, work to end of row, on the next row cast on 5 stitches over the bound off .stitches of preceding row, (work 5 buttonholes about 4 inches apart) when work measures 6 inches from the shoulder increase 1 stitch every other row 3 times, then cast on 14 stitches for the underarm, work on this length until front is as long as back on underarm seam, bind off. Work second front to correspond, omitting the buttonholes. Sleeves — Cast on 60 stitches. Increase 1 stitch at the beginning of each row until there are 78 stitches on needle, now cast on 2 stitches at the beginning of each row until there are 90 stitches on needle, work 8 inches on this length, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 4th row until 60 stitches remain, work on this length until sleeve measures 18 inches on seam, slip onto steel needles and work 4 rows more, bind off. CoUai — With white yarn and steel needles cast on 30 stitches, knit plain until collar meas- ures 10 inches, bind off. Sew onto sweater, al- lowing the 30 stitches that were cast on for the front to extend beyond each end of the collar. Belt — With white yarn and steel needles cast on 3 stitches, increase 1 stitch at each end every other row until there are 12 stitches on needle, work until belt measures 20 inches, decrease until 3 stitches remain, bind off. Sew belt in place and finish with 2 buttons. Strap for Sleeves — Cast on 2 stitches, increase in same way as for belt until there are 8 stitches on needle, work strap 4 inches long, de- crease and bind off. Sew in place with 2 buttons. Buttons — With colored yarn make a chain of 3 stitches, join in a ring, work 7 Sg. C. in ring, work 2 Sg. C. in every stitch for 1 row, then 2 Sg. C. in every other stitch, then 1 Sg. C. in each stitch for 3 rows, slip onto mould and work 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch until mould is covered. 153 Ladies' Knitted Sweater For detail see Single Brioche Stitcli, page 14G. MATERIAL Columbia Heather Yarn 15 balls 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 2 INSTRUCTIONS Size 3S or 40 Bust Back — Cast on 130 stitches, work in Single Row 2 — Slip 1, * yarn over, slip 1, knit 2 to- Brioche stitch as follows : — gether, repeat from * to end of row. Repeat 2d Row 1 — Knit 1, * yarn over, slip 1, knit 1. re- row for all the work. (Over and back is 1 row.) peat from * to end of row. Knit until work measures 18 inches. Bind off 6 154 Ladies' Knitted Sweater — Continued stitches on each side, knit 3 rows, decrease 1 stitch on each side, knit 3 rows, decrease 1 stitcli on each side, knit without decreasing until back measures 24 inches. To liave even stitches, Ivuit 1 and purl 1 for 1 row. Next Row — * Knit the second stitch by tak- ing up the back thread, draw a stitcli, then take the first stitch from the front and draw a stitch, slip both stitches off the needle, repeat from * to end of row. Next Row — * Purl the second stitch and then the first stitch, slip both stitches off, repeat from * to end of row. Knit 8 rows of this pat- tern. Leave 36 stitches on each side for shoul- der, bind off centre stitches, knit S more rows on each of the 36 stitches, bind off. Front — Cast on 72 stitches, knit in Brioche stitch for IS inches, bind off G stitches for arm- hole, knit 3 rows, decrease 1 stitch, knit 3 rows, decrease 1 stitch, knit 10 rows, then decrease 1 stitch every other row toward the front until 36 stitches are left, bind off. Sew up on shoulder. Work second front to cori-espond. Sleeves — Start with cuff, cast on 50 stitclies. Row 1 — * Knit the second stitch by taking up the stitch from the front, through the centre toward back, take up the yarn behind the first stitch, draw through, then knit the first stitch, slip both stitclies from needle, repeat from * to end of row. Row 2 — Knit the first stitch, * skip 1 stitch, knit the next stitch then knit the stitch you skipped, slip both stitches off needle, repeat from * to end of row. Repeat these 2 rows until you have 40 ribs, bind off. Pick up 50 stitches on the side, knit in Brioche stitch until you have IS rows, increase 2 stitches on each side be- tween 2d and 3d stitch, knit 10 rows, increase, repeat in the same way until you have 78 stitches on needle, knit 12 rows, bind off 4 stitches at each side, then decrease 1 stitch on end of every needle until 30 stitches are left, bind oft'. Work second sleeve to correspond. Border — Cast on IS stitches, knit the same pattern as cuff until strip is long enough to ex- tend across the bottom of sweater. For the front border cast on 3 stitches, increase 1 stitch every row, (increase on one side only) until 14 stitches are on needle, knit until long enough to extend down the front. On the right side work 6 buttonholes as follows : knit 4 stitches of pattern, bind off 5, knit 5, on the returning row cast on 5 that were bound off. Sew bor- ders on sweater. Collar — Using same stitch as cuff and border, cast on 4 stitches. Increase on one end of col- lar only so as to keep the other end a straight line. Row 1 — Knit 4 stitches, cast on 2 stitches. Row 2 — Knit. On the end of 3d row cast on 6 stitches, 5th row cast on 6, 7th row cast on 10, 9th row cast on 6, 11th row cast on 6, 13th row cast on 4, 15th row cast on 4, now cast on 2 every other row until you have 53 rows in all. Now work 32 ribs without increasing, then decrease the same as you increased. Bind off, sew in place. Pockets — Cast on 26 stitches, knit 3.5 rows in Brioche stitch, then knit 5 ribs like cuff, bind off. Sew on. u.s.P*''-^ 155 ^ COLUMBIA YARNS Ladies' Knitted Sweater For detail see Arctic Stitch, page 147. MATERIAL Columbia Heather Yarn 11 balls Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 1 hank 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 inch. No. 3 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 2 1 dozen Large Button Moulds % dozen Small Button Moulds INSTRUCTIONS For 38 or 40 Bust Back — With Heather yarn and No. 3 needles cast on 90 stitches, knit 16 ribs plain (2 rows form a rib) , then work pattern as follows : — Row 1 — * Knit 5, purl 1, repeat from * across, ending with purl 1. Row 2 — Slip 1, knit 1, * purl 3, knit 3, repeat from * across, ending with knit 1. 156 Ladies' Knitted Sweater — Continued Row 3 — Slip 1, purl 1, * knit. 1, purl 5, repeat from *, ending with purl 3. Row 4 — Slip 1, purl 2, * knit 1, purl 5, repeat from *, ending with purl 2. Row 5 — Slip 1, * purl 3, knit 3, repeat from *. ending with knit 2. Row 6 — Slip 1, knit 4, purl 1, * knit 5, purl 1, repeat from * across. Repeat these 6 rows for all the worlv, being careful to keep to the pattern after each de- crease or increase. When work measures 8 inches decrease 1 stitch at each end every 6th row until 78 stitches remain, work on this length until hack measures 19 inches, then bind off 6 stitches at each end for armhole, work 7 inches, and bind ofC 6 stitches at the beginning of each row (for shoulder) until 18 stitches remain, bind off these IS stitches for the neck. Front — Cast on 88 stitches, knit 16 ribs plain, now start the pattern, always knitting the 16 stitches plain for band down tlie front, when work measures 8 inches decrease 1 stitch every 6th row toward the underarm until 76 stitches remain, work on this length until work meas- ures 19 inches, then bind off 16 stitches for arm- hole, decrease 1 stitch at the armhole every other row until 56 stitches remain, when work measures 21 inches bind off 16 stitches toward the front, then decrease 1 stitch toward the front for the neck every other row vuitil 24 stitches remain, bind off 4 stitches toward the armhole every other row until all stitches are taken off. Work second front to correspond, sew up the shoulders and underarm seams. Sleeves — Cast on 48 stitches, increase 1 stitcli at the end of every row until there are 90 stitches on needle, work 2 inches then decrease 1 stitcli at each end every 6th row until 60 stitches remain, work on this length until sleeve meas- ures 19 inches, bind off. Cuffs — With Worsted yarn and No. 2 needle cast on 40 stitches, knit plain, binding off 1 stitch every other row at one end of work only until 32 stitches remain, work on this length until cuff is large enough to extend around sleeve, bind off, .sew onto sleeve with 3 crocheted buttons. Collar — With Worsted yarn and No. 2 needles cast on 30 stitches, knit plain until collar meas- ures 13^2 inches, sew onto sweater, leaving 8 stitches of the border of sweater extend beyond collar. Belt — ^With Worsted yarn and No. 2 needles cast on 24 stitches, knit 6 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every other row until 4 stitches remain, bind off, make another piece to correspond, sew onto sweater 8 inches below the armhole and on underarm seam. Cords for Belt — Take 5 strands of Worsted yarn 48 inches long, twist them tight then double in half and twist again, sew them under the 2 pieces in the back and finish with 1 large button each side. Cords for the Front are made the same way, only shorter and only 3 strands of yarn. Make 5 cords. Buttons — With Worsted yarn chain 3, join in a ring, work 7 Sg. C. in ring, work 2 Sg. C. in each stitch for 1 row, then 2 Sg. C. in every other stitch for 1 row, then 1 Sg. C. in each stitch for 3 rows, slip onto moulds and decrease until all stitches are taken off. Malie 1 dozen large and % dozen small buttons. Columbia Caledonian Knitted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Caledonian Wool 12 balls Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 2 hanks Color 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 5 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 8 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS For 36 or 38 Bust Back — With bone needles and Caledonian wool cast on 80 stitches. Row 1 — Knit 1, purl 1, to end of row, ending with purl 1, repeat first row for all the work, when work measures 10 inches, start to decrease by knitting 3 stitches together at each end of needle every 4 inches until 72 stitches remain, this is the waist line, keeping to the pattern after each decrease, work 9 inches on this length, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every other row until thex'e are 62 stitches on needle, work until back measures 15 inches from waist line. Slip 20 stitches on a spare needle, bind off 22 stitches for neck, on the remaining 20 stitches start right front. Front — Work 2 rows, then increase 1 stitch 158 COLUMBIA YARNS Columbia Caledonian Knitted Sweater — Continued toward the neck every other row until S stitches liave been added, then cast on 20 stitclies toward the front, follow pattern, always knitting the first 12 stitches plain toward the front for band, work 4 rows, on the following row work a but- tonhole as follows : Knit 4 stitches, bind off 4 stitches, work to end of row, on the return row cast on 4 stitches over the bound off stitches, work buttonholes 4 inches apart. Increase 1 stitch toward the armhole every other row until 10 stitches have been added, cast on 12 stitches for underarm, continue working luitil underarm seam measures 9 inches, then increase 1 stitch toward the underarm every 10th row until un- derarm seam measures 15 inches. Pocket Lap — With steel needles and colored yarn cast on 24 stitches, knit 10 I'ows plain, break off yarn, now work back from the front edge of sweater 24 stitches, slip the next 24 stitches on a spare needle (these will be used later for pockets) and in their place pick up the 24 stitches from steel needles and work to end of row, continue working, increasing 1 stitch every 10th row until front is as long as back on underarm seam, bind off, now pick up the 24 stitches from spare needle, work 4 inches for pocket, bind off. Sew pocket to inside of sweater and lap to outside of sweater. Work second front to correspond, omitting buttonholes. Sleeves — Cast on 36 stitches, increase 1 stitch at each end every other row, until there are 52 stitches on needle, then cast on 2 stitches at each end every other row until there are 70 stitches on needle, then cast on 3 stitches at each end every row until there are 82 stitches on needle, work 3 inches on this length, decrease by knitting 3 stitches together at each end every 14th row until 60 stitches remain, work on this length until sleeve measures 19 inches on seam. Cufifs — Slip onto steel needles and with col- ored yarn knit 2, purl 2, until cuff measures 3 inches, bind off, sew up sleeves, turn back cuff. Collar — With steel needles and colored yarn pick up 94 stitches at neck, work in rib pattern of knit 1, purl 1, for 2^2 inches, working 2 but- tonholes in the right side, now knit 3 inches plain. Belt — With steel needles and colored yarn cast on 30 stitches, knit 8% inches plain, bind off. Finish edge of sweater, collar, cuffs and belt with a row of slip stitches, sew belt on with 4 buttons. 159 Ladies' Knitted Sweater MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germanto'wn 10 hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 11 hanks Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 5 10 ^Vooden Button Moulds INSTRUCTIONS For 36 or 38 Bust Back — Cast on 82 stitches, work pattern as follows for 3 inches : Row 1 — Knit 2, purl 2, ending with knit 2. Row 2 — Same as row 1. Row 3 — Purl 2, knit 2, ending with purl 2. Row 4 — Same as row 3. Repeat these 4 rows until work measures 3 inches, this completes the border. The body of sweater Is worked in the pattern of knit 1 row, purl 1 row, alternately until work measures 5 inches from the begin- 160 ^^^LUMBIA YARNS Ladies' Knitted Sweater — Continued iiiiig. now decrease 1 stitch at each end every 4th row until 70 stitches remain, worli on this length until work measures 23 inches, now de- crease 1 stitch at each end every other row until (>2 stitches remain, work until back measures 30 inches, now bind off 4 stitches at the beginning of each row until IS stitches remain, bind off these IS stitches for the neck. Front — Cast on 74 stitches, work 3 inch bor- der, then knit 1 row, purl 1 row, always working the 14 stitches down the front in the border pat- tern as the fancy border is to extend up the front, when work measures 5 inches decrease 1 stitch toward the armhole every 8th row until 70 stitches remain, when work measures 23 inches, bind oft" 10 stitches for armhole, then decrease 1 stitch toward the armhole every other row until 50 stitches remain, now decrease 1 stitch every other row toward the front until 25 stitches remain, work 4 rows and bind off. Work second front to correspond, being carefiil not to work 2 fronts for one side. Sleeves— Cast ou 40 stitches, increase 1 stitch at each end every row until there are 84 stitches on needle, then cast on 2 stitches at the end of each row until there are SS stitches on needle, work 2 inches on this length, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 4th row until 50 stitches remain. When work measures 15 inches, work a 3-inch border and bind oft". Collar — Cast on 90 stitches, work in border pattern until collar measures 3 inches, bind off. Belt — Cast on 70 stitches, work in border pat- tern until belt measures 3 inches, bind off and sew onto sweater with 4 buttons. Crochet G loops on right side of front for but- tonholes, having 6 chain stitches for each loop, with slip stitches between each loop. Buttons — Make a chain of 3 stitches, join in a ring, work 7 Sg. C. in ring, work 2 Sg. C. in each stitch for 1 row, 2 Sg. C. in every other stitch for 1 row, 1 Sg. C. in each stitch for 3 rows, slip onto moulds and work 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch until all are taken off. 161 COLUMBIA YARNS Ladies' Knitted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Floss 5 hanks White 7 hanks Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 10 inch. No. 5 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. l.j 9 Buttons INSTRUCTIONS Foi- 36 or 3S Bust Note — This sweater is worlced lengthwise in the stripe effect, working 6 ribs wliite and ribs color, 2 rows form a rib. Front — Start witli white yarn cast on 135 stitches, knit plain, increasing 1 stitcli every row at one end only to shape tlie neck until there are 165 stitches on needle, then cast on 10 stitches for the shoulder, work 32 ribs, bind off 38 stitches for tlie armhole, work 6 ribs on this length, then cast on 38 stitches for the back, work 90 ribs, now bind off 38 stitches for the .second armliole and work second front to cor- respond witli first front, now pick up the stitches around the neck and on the first front and knit band as follows : Band — With colored yarn double work 4 ribs, on the next row work the buttonholes on the right side, knit 4 stitches, * bind off 4 stitches, knit 20 stitches, repeat from * until you have 5 buttonholes, finish plain and on the next row cast on 4 stitches over the bound off stitclies of preceding row, knit 4 more ribs, bind off. Sleeves — With white yarn cast on 96 stitches, knit 13 ribs, then increase 1 stitch at one end only every 6th row until there are 104 stitches on needle, now decrease in the .same manner as you increased until 96 stitches remain, work 13 ribs, bind off. Start second sleeve with colored yarn in place of white. Cuffs- — With colored yarn and steel needles pick up 75 stitches around the straight edge of sleeve, knit 3, purl 3, to end of row. Row 2 — Purl 3, laiit 3 to end of row. Repeat these 2 rows until cuff measures 5 inches, bind off, sew up sleeve. Pockets — With colored yarn and No. 5 needles cast on 20 stitches, work in the stripe effect, in- creasing 1 stitch every other row at one end only until you have 3 colored stripes and 3 white stripes, bind off. Work 2 pockets, being careful to reverse the work so as not to have 2 pockets for one side. Sew pockets in place so as tlie long edge is 2 inches in from the band down the front and the point 9 inches below the armhole. Belt — With colored yiivn double and No. 5 needles cast on 20 stitches, knit plain until belt is long enough to extend from the point of one pocket around the back to the point of second pocket. Turn up IV2 inches across the bottom of sweater and hem in place. 162 -^v^^sv -s^-^- COLUMBIA YARNS Ladies' Knitted Sweater MATERIAL Colambla Worsted Knitting Yarn 6 hanks Color 1 hank White 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 4 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3 8 Button Moulds INSTRUCTIONS For 30 or 38 Bust Note — Sweater is worked lengthwise, working S ribs color and 1 rib white throughout the sweater, 2 rows form a rib. Front — With colored yarn and bone needles cast on 140 stitches, knit plain for 15 ribs, then increase 1 stitch (at one end of work only to shape the neck), every other row until you have 150 stitches on needle, cast on 5 stitches for the shoulder, work 25 ribs on this length, now bind off 35 stitches for armhole, work 4 ribs, now cast on 32 stitches for the back, work 45 ribs. This completes one-half of sweater, work second half to correspond. Sleeves — Cast on 85 stitches, work 6 ribs, then increase 1 stitch every 3rd rib, (on one end only), until there are 94 stitches on needle, then decrease in the same manner as you increased until 85 stitches remain, work 6 ribs more, bind off. Cuffs, Collar, Belt and Buttons are worked in solid color. Cuffs — With steel needles pick up 60 stitches around straight edge of sleeves, knit plain until cuff measures 5 inches, bind off. Collar — With steel needles cast on 32 stitches, knit plain until work measures 14 inches, bind oft", fit the neck of sweater to coHar and sew on. Belt — With steel needles cast on 25 stitches, knit until belt measures 34 inches, crochet 2 loops on the right side, finish with 2 buttons. Sew to sweater under the arm 8 inches below the armhole. Buttons — Make a chain of 3 stitches, join, work 7 Sg. C. in ring, work 2 Sg. C. in every stitch for 1 row, 2 Sg. C. in everj' other stitch for 1 row, 1 Sg. C. in each stitch for 3 rows, slip onto moulds, work 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch until mould is covered. On the right front crochet 6 loops, with C chains for loop, and slip stitch between each loop. 16S COLUMBIA YARNS n Ladies' Knitted Sweater Kimono Style Note- Back- MATERIAL Columbia Floss S hanks Color Celliiloid Knitting Needles No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS For 3G to 3.8 Bust -2 rows form a rib. -Cast on 75 stitches. Knit plain. Work 75 ribs, then increase 1 stitch at each end every other row until there are 91 stitches on needle, now cast on r.5 stitches at each end for sleeve, work 30 ribs, slip the first 95 stitches off on an extra needle, bind off the next 31 stitches for the neck and on the re- maining 95 stitches start front. Front — Work 6 ribs for the shoulder, now increase 3 stitches every other row toward the neck until there are 110 stitches on needle, work 23 ribs on this length, now bind off 65 stitches for the sleeves, then decrease 1 stitch every other row toward the armhole until 37 stitches remain, work 75 ribs on this length, bind oft". Work second front to correspond. Use the yarn double for the border, collar and cuffs. Cuffs — Pick up 50 stitches at the end of sleeve and work 17 ribs, bind off loosely. Sew up the underarm and sleeves. Pick up the stitches around the bottom of sweater, work 14 ribs, bind off. Pick up the stitches in the right front, work G ribs, on the next row work buttonholes as follows : Knit 4 stitches, * bind oft" 3 stitches, knit 15 stitches, repeat from * until you have 7 but- tonholes, on the next row cast on 3 stitches over the bound off stitches, work ribs more, bind off. Work border on left front, omitting button- holes. Collar — Cast on 23 stitches, work GS ribs, bind oft". Sew onto sweater, leaving one-half of the border extending beyond the collar each side. 164 COLUMBIA YARNS Ladies' Knitted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Shetland Wool 5 hanks Navy Blue 3 hanks Cardinal 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 5 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. P, INSTRUCTIONS Size 36 or 38 Bust Witli 2 strands of Navy Blue yarn and No. o needles, cast on 82 stitches, knit plain until work measures 3 inches, then with 1 strand of blue and 1 strand of Cardinal work pattern as follows : Row 1 — * Knit 5, purl 1, repeat from * to end of row. Row 2 — Knit plain. Repeat 1st and 2d rows for all the work, being careful to keep to the pattern after each increase or decx-ease. Knit 2 inches of pattern, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 4th row until you liave 70 stitches left on needle, work on this length until worlc measures 23 inches. Now decrease 1 stitch at each end every other row until there are 62 stitches on needle, work until back measures 30 inches, slip 22 stitches on a spare needle, bind off 18 for neck, on the remaining 22 stitches start the right front. Front — Work 6 rows, then increase 1 stitch every other row toward the front until you have 54 stitches on needle, on the next row work a buttonhole as follows : work the first 4 stitches, bind off 4 stitches, work to end of row, on the next row cast on 4 stitches where they were bound off, work buttonholes 4 inches apart, now increase 1 stitch every other row toward the armhole until you have 59 stitches on needle, cast on 10 stitches for underarm, work until underarm measures 9 inches, then increase 1 stitch every 8th row toward the underarm until you have 72 stitches on needle, work until front is as long as back on the underarm seam, not including border, then with 2 strands of blue work border. Work left front to correspond, omitting buttonholes. Sleeves — Cast on 40 stitches, increase 1 stitch at each end every row luitil you have 84 stitches on needle, then cast on 2 stitches at each end until you have 92 stitches, work 2 inches on this length, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 10th row until you have 56 stitches left, work until sleeve measures 18 inches on inside seam, then with 2 strands of navy blue and No. 3 needles, knit plain 5 inches for cuff. Collai — With 2 strands of navy blue yarn and No. 3 needles, cast on 30 stitches, knit plain until long enough to fit around the neck, bind off and sew collar to sweater. 165 Ladies' Knitted Golf Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Golf Yarn 22 hanks 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 incli, No. 5 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 8 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS For 38 or 40 Bust Back — With bone needles cast on SO stitches. Row 1 — Knit 1, purl 1, to end of row, ending with purl 1. Repeat first row for all the work. when work measures 10 inches, start to decrease by knitting 3 stitches together at each end of needle every 4 inches until 72 stitches remain on needle, keeping to the pattern after each de- crease, this is the waist line, work 9 inches from waist line, then decrease 1 stitcli at each end every other row until there are 62 stitches on needle, work until back measures 15 inches from the waist line. Slip 20 stitches on a spare needle, bind off 22 stitches for the neck, on the remaining 20 stitches start the right front. Front — Work 2 rows, then increase 1 stitch 166 Ladies' Knitted Golf Sweater — Continued toward the neck every other row until S stitches have been added, tlien cast on 20 stitclies toward the front. Row 1 — i^lili tlie first stitcli toward the front, knit 1. purl 1. knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1. knit 1, purl 1. knit 1, purl 2, then work pattern to end of row. Row 2 — Work pattern for 36 stitches, knit the remaining stitches plain (the first 12 stitches described in rows 1 and 2 are for the baud down the front, use the rib for the right side) work 8 rows, on the following row work a buttonhole, knit 3 stitches, bind off 4 stitches, work to end of row, on the next row cast on 4 stitches over the bound off stitches, work buttonholes 4 inches apart. Increase 1 stitch toward the armhole every other row until 10 stitches have been added, cast on 10 stitches for the underarm, con- tinue working until underarm seam measures 9 inches, then increase 1 stitch toward the under- arm every 10th row. until underarm seam meas- ures 15 inches. Pocket Lap — With steel needles cast on 24 stitches. Row 1 — Knit 1, purl 1, to end of row. Row 2 — Knit plain. Repeat these two rows for lap, in the 5th row work a buttonhole in the centre, work 5 more rows, break off yarn, now work back from the front edge of sweater 24 stitches, slip the next 24 stitches on a spare needle (these will be used later for pocket) and in their place pick up the 24 stitches from the steel needle, work to end of row, continue work- ing increasing 1 stitch every 10th row until front is as long as back on the underai'm seam. now pick up the 24 stitches from spare needle, work 4 inches for pocket, bind off, sew pocket to inside of sweater and lap to outside of sweater, work second front to correspond, omit- ting buttonholes. Sleeves — Cast on 3(i stitches, increase 1 stitch at each end of needle every other row. until there are 52 stitches on needle, then cast on 2 stitches at each end every other row until there are 70 stitches on needle, then cast on 3 stitches at each end every row until there are 82 stitches on needle, work 3 inches on this length, decrease by knitting 3 stitches together at each end every 14th row until 56 stitches remain, work without decreasing mitil sleeve measures 19 inches. Cuff — i^lip onto steel needle having right side of work toward you, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, then work pattern as follows : — Row 1 — Knit 1, purl 1, to end of row. Row 2 — Knit plain. Repeat these 2 rows until cuff measures 3 inches, bind off, sew up sleeve, turn cuff back. Collar — With steel needles pick up 94 stitches at the neck, work in rib pattern of knit 1, purl 1, for 2^2 inches, work 2 buttonholes in the right side, with right side of work toward you, purl 1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, now work turn- over. Row 1 — Knit 1, purl 1, to end of row. Row 2 — Knit plain, work until turnover measures 3 inches, bind off". Finish collar, cuffs and sweater with a row of slip stitches. .Sew on buttons. us. '>»'''■ 167 COLUMBIA YARNS Ladies' Crocheted Kimono Sweater For detail see Crazy Shell Stitch, page 148. MATERIAL Columbia Floss 10 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 10 Buttons INSTRUCTIONS For 3G or 38 Bust Make a chain of 86 stitches, work in Crazy Shell as follows : — Row 1 — In the 5th stitch of chain work 3 D. C, * skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 3, work 3 D. C. in same stitch with Sg. C, re- peat from * across, chain 3, turn. Row 2— Work 3 D. C. in the last Sg. C. of preceding row, * 1 Sg. C. in third D. C. of shell of preceding row, chain 3, 3 D. C. on chain of preceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, tiu-n. Repeat row 2 for all the work, when work measures 20 inches add a chain of 76 stitches at each end for sleeves, work 24 shells on each chain, work on the entire length for 51/4 inches, now work up from the end of one sleeve 34 shells and start front. Front — Work 4 rows for shoulder, add a chain of 25 stitches toward the neck, work 7 shells on chain, work on this length until sleeve is 11 inches wide, now work back from the front edge 17 shells, leaving the remaining 24 shells for sleeve, work until front is as long as back on underarm seam. AVork second front to cor- respond. Cuffs — Work 11 shells across the bottom of sleeve, work 2-inch cuff, sew up underarm and sleeves. Belt — Chain 70, work in Crazy Shell until belt measures 3 inches. Sew on with 2 buttons. Collar — Work 7 shells across the back and 3 each side of the back, making 13 in all, work until collar is 4 inches wide. Work 1 row of shell on all the straight edges of sweater, and 8 loops on the right side for buttonholes. This completes sweater. 168 \>^\ l^\ \ 1 ^ I Wj ... ^v 3tf^<4W^4l 1. LADIES' SPENCERS and JACKETS xw-^-N^^^«: .^\ "^1 B ^4 ^Vx\ Hi Mf^t^i Ladies' Crocheted Spencer MATERIAL Columbia Zephyr Floss 3 hanks White 2 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 INSTRUCTIONS For 38 Bust Back — With white yarn work a chain of 34 stitches, work in crazy shell stitch as follows : Row 1— In 4th stitch of chain work 3 D. C, * skip 2 stitches, fasten down in third stitch with Sg. C, chain 3, work 3 D. C. in same stitch with Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 2— Work 1 Sg. C. on top of first shell of preceding row, * chain 3, work 3 D. C. on the 3 chain stitches of preceding row, 1 Sg. C. on top of next shell of preceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, increase 1 shell at each end on rows 9, 17 and 26, having 15 shells on the 2()th row, work on this length until you have 31 rows from the starting point. Front — Work 6 shells for the shoulder, in- crease 1 shell toward the neck on rows 6 and 9, and 1 shell toward the armhole on rows 12. 15 and IS, having 11 shells across, now decrease 1 shell toward the armhole on rows 22 and 26, continue working on this length until you have 33 rows from the shoulder, then decrease 2 shells toward the armhole every other row until 1 shell remains, work second front to correspond. Border — With white yarn armhole side as follows : start border on Row 1 — * 1 Sg. C. on the point of crazy shell, chain 2, 1 D. C. on the lower part of crazy .shell, chain 2, repeat from * to end of row. Row 2 — With white yarn work * 4 D. C. on top of Sg. C. and 1 D. C. around D. C. of preced- ing row, repeat from * to end of row. Row 3 — With colored yarn work same as row 2, working the shell in centre of shell of pre- ceding row. Row 4 — With white yarn work same as row 3. Row 5 — With colored yarn work same as row 3. Join under the arm, leaving an opening large enough for the armhole, with colored yarn finish armhole with picot edge. Now work border all around spencer, increasing at the two lower cor- ners on every row to keep work flat. Buttons — With colored yarn double, work a chain of 4 stitches, join in a ring, work 6 Sg. C. in ring, work 2 Sg. C. in each stitch for 1 row, 2 Sg. C. in every other stitch for 1 row, 1 Sg. C. in each stitch for 1 row, slip onto mold, now work 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch until mold is cov- ered, work 4 buttons. Loops — With colored yarn double, work a chain of 30 stitches, work 4 loops, sew loops and buttons onto spencer. 170 Ladies' Crocheted Jacket MATERIAL Columbia Floss 2 hanks White 1 hank Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS For 36 or 38 Bust "With white yarn make a chain of 4 stitches, work in plain afghan stitch, increase one stitch at each end on every row until there are 40 stitches across, work 11 rows on this length, now increase and decrease on one side of work only as follows : increase 1 stitch every other row until 4 stitches have been added, work 13 rows on this length, then decrease 1 stitch every row until 36 stitches remain, now work 57 rows, then increase 1 stitch every row until 9 stitches have been added, work 13 rows, then decrease 1 stitch every other row 4 times, work 9 rows, then de- crease 1 stitch at each side every row until 4 stitches remain, bind off. Work second piece to correspond. Border follows : -Work a border around both pieces as Row 1 — With colored yarn work a row of Sg. C. all around, increasing at the corners by work- ing 2 Sg. C. in one stitch. Row 2 — With white yarn work 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, * chain 2, 1 Sg. C. in same stitch, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. 0. in next stitch, repeat from * all around. Row 3 — With colored yarn * w rk 1 Sg. C. on chain of 2 stitches of preceding row, and 1 D. C. between 2 Sg. C. of preceding row, repeat from * all around, repeat rows 2 and 3 alternately until you have 3 rows of white and 2 rows of color, join up the back and underarm, having the shaped side toward the underarm. Now with colored yarn work a row of crazy shell around as follows : 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, * chain 3, 3 D. C. in same stitch, skip 4 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * around jacket and around armhole. 171 COLUMBIA YARNS xD<£Dj Ladies' Knitted Jacket MATERIAL Columbia Floss 8 hanks White 1 hank Color 2 Bone Knitting Needles No. 5 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS Size 36 or 38 Bust Note — 2 rows form a rib. Back — With white yarn cast on Ci5 stitches, knit plain for .30 ribs, now decrease 1 stitch at each end every other row until 5.5 stitches re- main, work 8 ribs, then increase 1 stitch at each end every other row until 07 stitches are on needle, slip the first 25 stitches off on an extra needle for one shoulder, bind off the next 17 stitches for the neck, and on the remaining 25 stitches start front. Front — Work G ribs, increase 1 stitch every other row toward the neck until 20 stitches have been added, now increase 1 stitch every other row toward the armhole three times, then increase 1 stitch every row toward the armliole 8 times, there sliould be 56 stitches on needle, work 30 ribs plain, bind off. Work second front to correspond, with color finish jacket with a row of shells, having 5 D. C. in each shell, fast- ened down with Sg. C, and 1 row of picot edge. Crochet 4 button loops on the right side. 172 COLUMBIA YARNS \ ^ X Ladies' Crocheted Jacket MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 5 hanks White 3 hanks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 6 hanks White 4 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 3 yards of Ribbon No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS For 36 or 38 Bust With white yarn make a chain of 09 stitches. Row 1 — 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch with 1 chain between each Sg. C, chain 1, tui'n. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, inserting hook under the chain stitch of preceding row, * chain 1, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, inserting hook under next chain stitch of preceding row, i-epeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, work 85 rows, now work 14 Sg. C. for shoulder, work 90 rows for the front, work second front to correspond. Border — With white yarn and using the same stitch as in the body of jacket work 12 rows all around, having 6 rows white, 6 rows color, mitre the corners by working 2 Sg. C. in one stitch, and at each of the corners formed by the shoul- der work 2 Sg. C, this will form a small collar. Now with white yarn work 2 D. C. in first stitch, * chain 2, 2 D. C. in same stitch, skip 2 stitches, 1 D. C. in next stitch, skip 2 stitches, 2 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * all around. Row 2 — With colored yarn work 2 D. C. in centre of first shell of preceding row, * chain 3 fasten down on last D. C. with slip stitch, 2 D. C. in same place with last 2 D. C, chain 3, fasten down on the 1 D. C. of preceding row, chain 3, 2 D. C. in centre of next shell, repeat from * all around. Lace under the arm with ribbon. 173 Ladies' Knitted Jacket MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 3 hanks White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 4 hanks White Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 12 inch, No. 4 1 yard Ribbon No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS For 36 or 38 Bust Cast on 80 stitches, knit 2, purl 2, for 2 inches, now knit plain until work measures 8 inches, bind off 5 stitches at each end for armhole, de- crease 1 stitch at each end every other row until 64 stitches remain, work on this length until back measures 14 inches, bind off 5 stitches at the beginning of each row until 14 stitches re- main, bind off these 14 stitches for the neck. Front — Cast on 60 stitches, knit 2, purl 2, for 2 inches, knit plain until work measures 8 inches, bind off 5 stitches for the armhole, now decrease 1 stitch every other row toward the r.rmhole until 50 stitches remain, work 2 rows then decrease 1 stitcli every row toward the front until 25 stitches remain, work on this length until front measures 12 inches, bind off. Work second front to correspond. With Pompa- dour wool crochet a row of Crazy Shell down each front and around the neck and armholes as follows : 1 Sg. C. in first stitch, * chain 3, 3 D. C. in same stitch with Sg. C, skip 2 ribs, 1 Sg. C. in next rib, repeat from * all around. Tie with ribbon. 174 Ladies' Crocheted Jacket MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane 5 hanks White Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Color 114 yards of Ribbon No. 7 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4 INSTRUCTIONS For 36 or 38 Bust With white yarn make a chain of 73 stitches. Jacket is worked in slip I). C. Row 1 — Yarn over hook, insert hook in 3d stitch of chain, * draw up a loop, yarn over hook, draw through all 3 loops, yarn over hook, insert hook in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 2, turn. Repeat first row for all the work, always taking up the back loop of preceding row. Work IS rows, then add a chain of 43 stitches at each end for the front and back, work 14 rows on this length, now work back 70 stitches, work 3 rows for back. Break off yarn. Front — Work 47 slip D. C. for front, now de- crease 3 stitches toward the neck and increase 1 stitch at the bottom of every row for 4 rows. This completes one-half of the jacket ; work sec- ond half to correspond and join neatly up the centre of back. Sew up underarm and sleeves, work 1 row of Sg. C. around the neck and down each front. Now work 38 D. C. with 2 chain be- tween each D. C. across the bottom of jacket for ribbon. Border— Work a shell of 6 D. C, * skip 2 stitches, 1 D. C. in next stitcii, skip 2 stitches, work a shell of (> D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * all around jacket. Row 2 — Same as first row, working shell in centre of shell of preceding row, and D. C. on top of D. C. of preceding row. Work border around each sleeve and finish jacket with picot edge of Pompadour wool. Draw ribbon through beading. 175 ^^<^. C. in each widening iioint. Starting at the first widening point work a shell of 3 D. C. in each of the next 17 spaces, (this brings you to 1st space after the second point) chain 3, turn, work a shell of 3 D. C. between the 1st and 2nd D. C. of each of the IT shells of preceding row, break off yarn, skip 1 widening point, join yarn in the next point, work 2 rows of 17 shells same as before, brealv oft' yarn, skip 1 widening point, join yarn in the next point, work a puff as follows : yarn over needle, draw up a loop in space, yarn over, draw up a loop in same space, yarn over, draw through all 5 loops, chain 1, * work 4 D. C. in the next space, 1 puff in the next space, repeat from * to the next widening point, having 9 puffs and 8 shells, break off yarn, join to the first puff, work another row same as first, work- ing the puff around the puff of preceding row and the shell in centre of shell of preceding row, l)reak oft" jarn, skip 1 widening point, work 2 rows same as last 2 rows, these 4 groups form the shoulders, the last 2 made are for the out- side of kimono and the first 2 are for the in- side, now start on the point between the first and last made shoulder, work loosely. Row 13 — 1 D. C. in each of the first 13 spaces, 3 D. C. in the next space, * now work across the shoulder, work a shell of 3 D. C. between the 2nd and 3rd D. 0. of shell of preceding row, 3 D. C. in the first space after the shoulder, work 1 D. C. in each space to the next shoulder, 3 D. C. in the last space, repeat from * to end of row, being careful to keep to the pattern by working the puff's on the 2 outside shoulders and work- ing 8 D. C. In the first and last space, before and after each shoulder. Row 14— Work a shell of 3 D. C. In the first space, * skip 1 space, 3 D. C. in next space, re- peat from * to first shoulder, work across shoulder, repeat from * to next shoulder, repeat from * to next point, having 66 shells, * work 1 puff in the next space, 1 D. C. in next space, 4 I). C. in next space, 1 D. C. in next space, repeat from * across both outside shoulders, to end of row. Row 15 — With colored yarn work a shell of 3 I). C. between the 2nd and 3rd D. C. of shell of preceding row for the inside, and a puff around each puff, with 8 D. C. between each puff, work- ing 4 D. C. In centre of 4 D. C. of preceding row and 1 D. C. in each space on each side. Row 16 — Witli white yarn same as row 15. Row 17 — With colored yarn same as row 15. Row 18 — With white yarn same as row 15, having 10 D. C. between each puff. Row 19 — With coloi'ed yarn same as row 18, Row 20 — With white yarn same as row 18. Row 21 — With colored yarn same as row 18. With white yarn work rows 22, 23 and 24 same as row 18, having 12 D. C. between each puff. Row 25 — Increase on the inside by working 4 L). C. in each shell and 1 D. C. between each shell, outside same as row 24. Row 26 — Same as row 25, working shell in centre of shell of preceding row. Row 27 — Work 14 shells, chain 12, skip 11 shells, work 16 shells, chain 12, skip 11 shells, work 14 shells, work on until you finish the 6th puff, chain 12, skip 6 puff and 7 shells, join in the 7th puff, work 9 puffs and 8 shells, chain 12, join to the next puff, finish row. Row 28 — Work in pattern, working 2 shells of 4 D. C. with 1 D. C. between each shell on the chain for the inside and a group of 12 D. C. on each chain for the outside. Row 29 — With colored yarn follow pattern, working 14 D. C. between each puff. Rows 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34— Same as row 29, working alternately 1 row white, 1 row color. Row 35 — With white yarn work 16 D. C. be- tween each puff. Work a row of picot edge all around, fold to- gether and sew the 2 chains of 12 stitches to- gether at each side for armholes, work a picot edge around both parts of sleeves and armholes. 185 Ladies' Crocheted Kimono MATERIAL Columbia Zephyr Floss n hanks White 3 hanks Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 414 yards of Ribbon No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS For 36 or 38 Bust Yoke — With 2 strands of colored yarn make a chain of 75 stitches, in the 5th stitch of chain work 1 D. C, * chain 1. skip 1 stitch, work 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row. (having 35 D. C.) chain 2, turn. Row 1 — Draw loop up in first stitch, * yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, draw loop up in next stitch, I'epeat from * to end of row, (TO stitches in row) chain 2, turn. 186 Ladies' Crocheted Kimono — Continued Row 2 — 1 stitch in each of the first 14 spaces, 2 in the next space, 1 in each of the next 4 spaces, 2 in the next space, 1 in each of the next 30 spaces, 2 in the next space, 1 in each of the next 4 spaces, 2 in the next space, 1 in each of the next 14 spaces. Repeat 2d row until there are S rows without beading row, having 98 stitches in last row, break off yarn. Body — Row 1 — With 1 thread of white yarn, join in first space of yoke, chain 3, work 4 D. C. in same space, * skip 1 space, 4 D. C. in next space, repeat from * to end of row (50 shells in row) chain 3, turn at end of each row. Rows 2, 3 and 4 — Like 1st row. Rows 5, 6 and 7 — Like 4th I'ow, having 6 D. C. in each shell instead of 4. Row 8— Work 10 shells having 8 D. C. in each shell, this is for right front. Rows 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13— Like 8th row. Break off yarn, leave 7 shells for shoulder, on the next 16 shells work 6 rows for back, having 8 D. C. in each shell, leave 7 shells for second shoulder, work left front to correspond with right. Row 14—1 shell of 8 D. C. in each of the 36 shells, working across the entire row. Rows 15, 16 and 17 — Like 14th row, break (iff yarn. Belt — Use two strands of colored yarn and same stitch as in yoke, join yarn to 1st D. C, work 1 stitch between 1st and 2d D. C. 1 stitch between 4th and 5th D. C. of shell, * 1 stitch be- tw^een 1st and 2d shell, 1 stitch in centre of next shell, repeat from *, having 74 stitches in row, chain 2, turn. Rows 2, 3, 4 and 5 — TJke first row. having 1 stitch in each space. Row 6—1 D. C. in first space, * chain 1, skip 1 stitch, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 2, turn, now work 2 more rows like first row, break off yarn. Peplum — With 1 strand of white yarn work 37 shells, having 4 D. C. in each shell. Rows 2 and 3 — Like 1st row. Rows 4 and 5 — Like 3d row, having each shell, break off yarn. 6 D. C. in Sleeves — Work 15 shells around armhole hav- ing 8 D. C. in each shell, work 6 rows. Cuffs — Using 2 strands of colored yarn and same stitch as in belt work .39 stitches around bottom of sleeve, join, chain 2, turn, at end of each row, work 5 rows, then 1 row of beading. 2 more rows same as 1st row. With white yarn finish around sacque and sleeves with shell of 7 D. C, fasten each shell down with Sg. C. Draw ribbon through beading. ''■"!" RES. V.i-^"' 187 Ladies' Knitted Kimono Row 1 — Knit plain. MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool 16 balls 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 11 1 yard of Ribbon INSTRUCTIONS For 36 or 38 Bust Cast on 70 stitclies, knit plain for 3 incbe.s then start pattern as follows : — Row 2 — Slip the first stitch, then purl across. Row 3 — Slip the first stitch, then knit 2 to- rether across the row. Row 4 — Slip 1, * yarn over needle, knit 1, re- peat from * across, ending with knit 1. Repeat these 4 rows for all the work, when work measures 10 inches from starting point cast on 40 stitches at each end for sleeves, now work 32 rows on the entire length, follow pat- tern, knitting the first 68 stitches, now bind ofC 14 stitches for the neck, and slip the remaining 68 stitches on an extra needle. Start front. Front — Work 4 rows, then increase 1 stitch toward the neck every other row until 3 stitches have been added, then cast on 20 stitches toward the neck, knit the first 10 stitches plain for bor- der down the front, work 32 rows on this length, then bind off the 40 stitches that were added for the sleeves, work on the remaining stitches until front is as long as back, not including the bor- der, work 3 inch border same as the back, bind off. Work second front to correspond. Collar — Pick up the stitches around the neck, knit 5 rows plain, now work a beading for rib- bon as follows : knit 2 stitches, * yarn over needle twice, knit 2 stitches together, knit 1, re- peat from * across, on the next row knit the yarn over needle as one stitch, knit 18 rows plain, bind off. Cuffs — Pick up the stitches around sleeve, knit plain for 3 inches, bind off. ISS Ladies' Knitted Kimono wKtl^^ MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 7 hanks or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 8 hanks 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch. No. 5 2 vards of Ribbon No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS For 36 or 38 Bust Cast on 101 stitches. Row 1 — * I'url 1, knit 3, purl 1, knit 7, repeat from *, ending with purl 1, knit 3, purl 1. Row 2 — * Knit 5, purl 7, repeat from *, ending with knit 5. Row 3 — Purl 1, knit 3, purl 1, * j-arn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, knit 2 together, yarn over, purl 2 together, knit 3, purl 1, repeat from * to end of row. Row 4 — * Knit o, purl 7, repeat from *, ending with knit 5. Repeat these 4 rows, being careful to keep to the pattern after each decrease or increase, work 4 inches, now decrease 1 stitch at each end every 10th row mitil 89 stitches remain, work 9 inches on this length, then cast on 36 stitches at each end for sleeves, work 6 inches, now work the first 65 stitches off on an extra needle, bind off 31 stitches for the neck, and on the remaining 65 stitches start front. Front — Work 4 rows, now increase 1 stitch toward the front every other row until there are 06 stitches on needle, follow pattern until front measures 6^ inches, bind off the 36 stitches that were added for the sleeve, and on the re- maining stitches work 9 inches, now increase 1 stitch toward the underarm everj^ 10th row until 6 stitches have been added, work on this length until front is as long as back in under- arm seam, bind off, work second front to correspond. Sew up the underarm seams and sleeves, crochet a picot edge all around kimono and sleeves, finish with ribbon bows. ISO Ladies' Knitted Kimono MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 9 liiinks Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 11 hanks Color L' (Vllviloid Knittlii;j: Needles, 14 inch. No. G INSTRUCTIONS For 36 Bust Back — Cast on SO stitches, knit 3 inches plain, then work pattern as follows : — Row 1 — * Knit 2, purl 1. repeat from * to end of row, ending with knit 2. Row 2 — Knit plain. Row 3 — Knit plain. Row 4 — Knit plain. Tliese 4 rows form the pattern, work 28 pat- terns, now decrease 1 stitch at each end every other row for armliole until 72 stitclies remain, work 10 more patterns, bind off. Front — Cast on 74 stitclies, knit 3 inches plain, now worlv pattern, decreasing 1 stitch every Sth row at one end only for underarm until 02 stitclies remain, work on this length until there are 28 patterns from starting point, bind off 10 stitches for armhole, now decrease 1 stitcli every other row toward the armhole until 44 stitches remain, then decrease 1 stitcli everj' 4th row toward the neck until 28 stitches remain, hind off. Work second front to correspond. Sleeves — Cast on 30 stitches, increase 1 stitch at each end every other row until there are 74 stitches across, work 4 inches, then increase 1 stitch at each end every 4tli row until 8 stitches have been added, now knit 3 inches plain, bind off. Sew up shoulders and underarm seams, sew up sleeves and sew into kimono. Pick up the stitches on the right side around the neck and on the left side knit 2 inches plain, bind off. Buttons — Chain 3, join in a ring, work 2 Sg. C. in each stitch of chain, work 2 Sg. C. in every other stitch until you have 12 Sg. C. around, 1 Sg. C. in each stitch for 4 rows, fill with cotton, slip stitch in every other stitch until all stitches are taken off, work 2 buttons. Cord — With yarn double make a chain of 2.5 stitches, make 2 cords, sew cords and buttons onto kimono. 190 LADIES' HOODS, TOQUES, Etc. Ladies' Crocheted Hood No. 1 MATERIAL Columbia Heather Yarn 3 balls No. 301 Columbia Worsted Knittings Yarn 1 hank Bottle Green 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3 1 large Button INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Starting at the top, with brown yarn make a chain of 71 stitches. Row 1— Work 1 Sg. C. in first stitch. * 1 D. C. in next stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — * 1 Sg. C. on top of D. C. of preceding row and 1 D. C. on top of Sg. C. of preceding row, taking up the whole stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 until you have 6 rows brown. Row 7 — With green yarn work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, taking up the whole stitch, chain 1, turn. Row 8 — With green yarn work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, taking up the back loop to form a rib. Repeat these 8 rows v.ntil you have 6 brown stripes and 5 green stripes. * With green yarn take up 35 stitches, repeat pattern, decreasing 1 stitch at each end every 4th row until there are 6 brown stripes and 6 green stripes, there should be 9 stitches left, finish end with a loop of 8 chain, work 10 Sg. C. on loop, now repeat from * on the other side of hood, sew hood together at the top and with brown yarn work a row of Sg. C. all around, with green yarn finish with picot edge. Form 2 pleats at the top where hood is sewed and finish with button, the ends of the cap are crossed at the back and held with the loops over the button. Ladies' Knitted Toque MATERIAL Columbia Floss 3 hanks 2 Celhiloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch. No. 4 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Note — 2 rows form a rib. Cast on 100 stitches, knit 4 rows i^Iain. Row 1 — * Knit 2, purl 2, repeat from * to end of row. Row 2 — Knit plain. Row 3 — * Purl 2, knit 2, repeat from * to end of row. Row 4 — Same as row 2. Repeat these 4 rows until you have 13 ribs or 26 rows, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, knit 1 row. purl 1 row, now knit 12 inches plain, bind oft". Sew up the side and top, turn uii the border and tack both points down onto border, trim with 2 small pompons. No. 2 192 Ladies' Crocheted Toque and Scarf MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown S hanks Color 1 hank White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germanto'wn 10 hanks Color 2 hanks White 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 2 large Pearl Buttons INSTRUCTIONS Make a chain of 5S stitches, work in crazy shell as follows : Row 1 — In the 3rd stitch of chain work 3 D. C, * skip 3 stitches, 1 Sg. C. in next stitch, chain 2, 3 D. C. in same stitch with Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Row 2 — Work 3 D. C. in last Sg. C. of preced- ing row, * 1 Sg. C. in third D. C. of shell of pre- ceding row, chain 2, 3 D. C. on chain of preced- ing row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work, when work measures 17 inches sew up the sides, this com- pletes the crown. Brim — With wrong side of work toward you, work 1 row of shell around same as crown, chain 3, turn, work colors as follows : 2 rows color, 1 row white, 1 row color, 1 row white, 1 row color, 1 row white, 2 rows color. Sew up the sides, turn back the brim, sew the corners of the crown down on the brim with buttons. Scarf — Make a chain of 50 stitches, work 8 rows color, 1 row white, 1 row color, 1 row white, 1 row color, 1 row white, now with color work until scarf measures 1% yards, work sec- ond end same as first. Finish with a 2 inch fringe composed of 2 strands of colored yarn. 193 Ladies' Knitted Evening Scarf Ladies' Hood and Scarf Combined MATERIAL Columbia Zephyr Floss 11 hanks Color 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 4 V2 yard of Silk INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Oast on 125 stitches. Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2 — I'url. Repeat these 2 rows alternately until work measures 2i/^ yards. Fold in half lengthwise and sew together leaving 12 inches open in the centre to form the hood, cut the silk 1.3 inches long and 21 inches wide, fold in half, sew up the sides and sew into the opening left in the centre of scarf, finish the ends with a 2 inch fringe composed of H strands of yarn. No. 1 MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane 2 hanks White 1 hank Sunrise 1 hank Blue and Columbia Pompadour Wool 1 ball Black and White 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 10 inch, No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Note — 2 rows form a rib. With white yarn cast on (iO stitches, knit plain 8 ribs, then work colors as follows : 2 ribs black and white, G ribs blue, 2 ribs black and white, vards, work colors same as before, bind off. Finish with 2 inch fringe of white yarn. No. 2 194 Ladies' Crocheted Slipper MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 3 hanks or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 4 hanks 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. ?> 1 pair Lamb's Wool Soles, Size 6 2 yards of Ribbon No. 7 INSTRUCTIONS Size 5 to 6 Note — 2 rows form a rib. Make a chain of S stitches. Row 1— Work 1 Sg. C. in each of the first r> stitches, 3 Sg. C. in the 7th stitch, then ("> Sg. C. down the other side of chain, chain 1, turn. Row 2^1 Sg. C. in each stitcli of preceding row, taking up the back loop to form a rib, chain 1, turn. Row 3 — 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 7 stitches, 3 Sg. C. in the 8th stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each of the remaining 7 stitches, chain 1, turn. Repeat rows 2 and 3, always having 2 more stitches every other row until you have 23 ribs. work up 15 stitches on the side, now increase 1 stitch at the top every other row until you have 30 stitches in row, work 3 ribs without increas- ing, then decrease in the same manner as you in- creased until 15 stitches remain, join at the side. To complete the vamp skip 1 stitch at each side and on the centre stitches work 6 ribs, in- creasing by working 3 stitches in the centre stitch every other row, work 4 ribs without in- creasing, finish with a row of Sg. C. all around the top and working 3 loops each side of vamp and back, lace with ribbon. Work 1 row of Sg. C. around the bottom of slipper and sew' to sole. 195 Ladies' Crocheted Slippers MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 2 hanks Color 1 hank White or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 3 hanks Color 1 hank White 1 pair Lamb's Wool Soles, Size 5 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 14 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3 V2 yard No. 7 Ribbon for Bows INSTRUCTIONS Sizes 4 or 5 The slippers are made in the slip stitch. Row 1 — Make a chain of 16 stitches, which will allow you 1 stitch for turning, crochet 7 stitches, increase 2 extra stitches in the 8th stitch, crochet 7 stitches and 1 chain, turn. Row 2 — Crochet across (taking the stitches or loops from the back, this forms the ribs), without increasing. You will then have formed 1 rib of vamp. Continue making ribs, increasing 2 stitches only in the centre of every other row, or every rib, until there are 26 ribs in the vamp. To begin sides take up 24 stitches, work 4 ribs, then increase 1 stitch on the upper side by making 2 chain instead of 1, continue widening every rib until there are 34 stitches, work 14 ribs without increasing, decrease in like manner until you have 24 stitches, work 4 ribs, connect at left side. Turnover — With white cast on steel knitting needles 22 stitches, knit 60 ridges or 120 rows, Innd off, with black work in long stitch, accord- ing to design, sew carefully on soles and finish with ribbon bow. J.96 Ladies' Knitted Slippers of 4 in one. Knit 2 rows plain. Witli colored yarn repeat these 4 rows, then with white yarn and so on until ruche is long enough to go around top of slipper. Sew ruche on. Finish with ribbon bows and sew on soles. No. 2 MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 2 hanks Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 3 hanks 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 12 1 pair of Lamb's Wool Soles No. 6 MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 2 hanks White 2 hanks Color 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15 2 yards Ribbon No. 7 1 pair Soles Size 5 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 With colored yarn cast on 40 stitches. Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2 — Purl. Row 3 — Knit plain. Row 4 — With white yarn * knit 5, slip 2, re- peat from * to end of row. Row 5 — * Purl 5, slip 2, repeat from * to end of row. Row 6 — * Knit 5, slip 2, repeat from * to end of row. Row 7 — * Purl 5, slip 2, repeat from * to end of row. Row 8 — With colored yarn knit all the stitches across. Row 9 — Purl all the stitches. Row 10 — Knit all the stitches. Row 11 — I'url all the stitches. Now with white yarn repeat rows 4, 5, G and 7. with colored yarn, repeat rows 8, 9, 10 and 11, until work measures 34 inches, join on the side, so as to form a point for the front. Ruche — With white yarn cast on 6 stitches, knit plain across. Row 2 — Insert the needle into stitch as if you were going to knit it, wind yarn over needle and around the forefinger of left hand 4 times, bring yarn up and around the right hand needle, then knit the stitch which will have the appearance INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Size 5 or 6 With 3 needles cast on 168 stitches, having 5G stitches on each needle. Row 1— Knit 2, purl 2. Row 2 — Same as row 1. Row 3— Purl 2, knit 2. Row 4 — Same as row 3. These 4 rows form the pattern, work 10 rows, now in the centre of first needle decrease as fol- lows : Knit 2 plain stitches together, slip 1 stitch, knit 1 stitch, drop slip stitch over the stitch just knitted, follow pattern to end of row, decrease in this way on every row in centre of first needle for 18 rows, then purl 5 rows without decreas- ing, now Iviiit 20 rows plain always decreasing 2 stitches in the centre of every row, knit 2, purl 2 for 21 rows without decreasing, bind off. Finish slipper with a I'ow of shell having 5 D. C. in each shell, fastened down with Sg. C. Sew onto soles. No. 2 197 Ladies' Knitted Slippers MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown of any two contrasting colors, 1 hank each and 1 hank White 1 hank Black or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown of any two contrasting colors, 2 hanks each and 1 hank White 1 hank Black 1 pair Lamb's Wool Soles, Size 5 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 14 1 Bone Crochet Hook, 5 inch. No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS Vamp — ^With dark color yarn cast on 17 stitches, knit plain for 5 rows. Row 6 — Knit 3 stitches with dark yarn, now take light yarn, insert needle in the 4th stitch, * wrap the light yarn around the needle and your forefinger of left hand 3 times and work this off as a stitch, then a plain stitch with dark yarn. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 3 plain stitches in dark yarn. Rows 7, 9 and 11 — With dark yarn knit plain across, knitting every stitch. Rows 8 and 10 — With dark yarn increase in centre this way, knit within the 3 centre stitches, insert your needle in front of stitch, make a stitch then in the back of same stitch, make a stitch, now slip the stitch off the needle; this gives you 2 stitches in 1, then knit the middle or centre stitches, increase again in the next stitch. Repeat from 6th to lltli rows (until there are 12 stripes of light and 13 dark stripes) for the vamp, then knit 27 stitches, bind off in- tervening stitches in centre, knit 27 stitches. Slip 27 stitches on a safety pin and knit on the remaining stitches without increasing until there are 12 stripes of light and 12 of dark strijies. Slip stitches from safety pin on needle, and knit this side to correspond with the other. Rind off and join. Turnover — With white yarn cast on 22 stitches. Knit SO ridges or IfiO rows, bind off, with black work in long stitch, according to de- sign, crochet 1 row of 2 D. C. and 1 chain around top of slipper and sew strip onto it. Finish with cord and balls or ribbon bows. 198 Ladies' Knitted Bed Socks MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 1 hank White 1 hank Color 3 Steel Knitting Needles No. 13 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 8 INSTRUCTIONS Note — 2 rows form a rib. With white yarn cast on 60 stitches, purl 1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, knit 1 row, now fasten colored yarn, purl 2 rows, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, repeat these 12 rows alternately until you have 16 white and 16 colored ribs. Decrease for the toe as follows : Decrease every 5th stitch, work 5 rows, decrease every 4th stitch, work 4 rows, decrease every 3d stitch, work 3 rows, decrease every 2d stitch, work 2 rows, decrease until 8 stitches remain, bind off. With right side of work toward you using white yarn and two needles pick up 80 stitches on each side, picking up 4 of the bound off stitches at the toe on each needle, having 160 stitches in all, join colored yarn and with third needle work as follows : Row 1 — * Purl 3 stitches with colored yarn, 1 .stitch white, repeat from * to end of row. Row 2 — * Knit 3 stitches with white yarn, 1 stitch with colored yarn, repeat from * to end of row. Row 3 — * Purl 3 stitches with white yarn, 1 stitch with colored yarn, repeat from * to end of row. Row 4 — * Knit 3 stitches with white yarn, 1 stitch with colored yarn, repeat from * to end of row. Row 5 — Same as row 1. Bind off the stitches liy taking 1 stitch from each needle. With white yarn crochet a row of holes for ribbon at the top, work 1 D. C, * chain 2, skip 2 stitches, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * around. With colored yarn finish with a row of shell having 5 D. C. in each shell fastened down with Sg. C. 199 Ladies' Knitted Bed Socks No. 1 MATERIAL Columbia Lady Jane 2 hanks 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 10 incli, No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Cast on 112 stitches, knit plain, increasing 1 stitch at each end every other row until there are 130 stitches on needle, knit 4 rows on this length then start to decrease as follows : Knit 62 stitches, knit 2 stitches together, knit 2 stitches, knit 2 stitches together, knit 62 stitches, continue in this way, always decreasing 2 stitches in the centre of every row until 60 stitches remain. Knit 2, purl 2 for 40 rows, bind off. Sew up the sole and back of sock, finish the top with 1 row of shell having 5 D. C. in each shell fastened down with Sg. C. Ladies' Crocheted Bed Socks MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 3 hanks or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germanto'wn 4 hanks 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 iy2 yards of Ribbon No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Make a chain of 110 stitches, work 12 rows of slip stitch, always taking up the front loop of preceding row, on the next row work 53 stitches, skip 1 stitch, work 2 stitches, skip 1 stitch, work 53 stitches. Continue working in this way de- creasing 2 stitches every row until 58 stitches re- main, work 4 inches on this length. Sew up the sole and back of sock, now work a row of bead- ing for the ribbon around the top as follows : work 1 D. C. in every other stitch with 1 chain between each D. C, finish with a row of shell having 5 D. C. in each shell, fastened down with Sg. C. No. 2 200 Ladies' Crocheted Petticoat : ^ - i ^ r mil' i- MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 7 hanks White 4 hanks Pink or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 9 lianks White 5 hanks Tink 1 Bone Crochet Hook, 14 incli, No. 4 1 Bone Crochet Hoolv, 10 inch, No. 4 2 yards White Ribbon No. 5 2 yards Pink Ribbon No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Witli 14 incli lioolv malie a chain of 110 stitches. Row 1 — Draw a loop through every stiteli of cliain, leaving loops on the hook, (110) yarn over hook and draw through 1st stitch, * yarn over and draw through 2 stitches. Repeat from * until a single stitch remains on the hook. The loops thus drawn through look like upright stitches. Row 2 — Pick up each of these stitches, and draw a loop through, leaving each stitch on hook, yarn over and draw through 1st stitch, * yarn over and draw through 2 stitches. Repeat from * until a sin- gle stitch remains on the hook. Re- peat 2d row until there are 5 rows of white. Row 6— With pink yarn draw up 92 loops and work them off as before. Row 7 — Draw up 9.5 loops and work them off as before. Row 8 — Like Gth row. Repeat the 5 rows of white and ."> rows of pink until the skirt Is wide enough, letting the white come to the top of the skirt and join to- gether. Around Bottom — With pink yarn crochet 1 row of 1 D. C, then with white yarn 1 row of 1 I). C. on top of each pink D. C. (In the pink row use white ribbon and in white row pink ribbon.) For the bias ruflfle with 10 inch ^'^ hook make a chain of 30 stitches. I>raw a loop thi-ough every stitch of chain (30), and work them off as before, then make 1 chain, insert the hook under the top of first stitch and draw up a loop. Continue luitil you have 30 stitches on the hook, then drop them off as before, being sure to drop off the 2 first stitches instead of 1 stitch in starting back as in body of skirt. Crochet 5 rows of white and 3 rows of pink, repeating until bias ruffle is long enough to go around the skirt. Crochet bias ruffle to the skirt with Sg. C. on the wrong side, being care- ful to have pink stripe in ruffle come opposite to the pink in skirt. Around bottom of ruffle with white yarn crochet 4 rows of shells of 4 D. C. Finish with pink. * On each Avhite shell make a pink shell of 7 D. C. bringing the pink up on the right side between the white shells to bias ruffle by making a chain of two and catching between the first white shells, 2 chain catch between the next 2 white shells and so on till you get to the ruffle. Work back to the shell the same way. Repeat from * around ruffle. On top of skirt work a row of D. C. to run tape or ribbon in to tie around waist. 201 Ladies' Knitted Stocking MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony S hanks or Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn 4 hanks 5 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15 INSTRUCTIONS For SV2 Size Cast on 100 stitches, 34 on each of 2 needles. 32 on the third. Knit 5 rounds plain, on the (ith round * yarn over needle twice, knit 2 to- gether. Repeat from * all around. Knit 5 more rounds plain. Turn the edge up inside and witli each stitch on the needle knit 1 corresponding loop from the edge, forming a fancy liem. Then knit 2 and purl 2 for 40 rounds. Now- knit o inches plain. At the 1st row of plain knitting make the seam stitch, which must he purled to the end of the heel. After 5 inches of plain knitting is done, nar- row at each side of the same stitch. (This is done by knitting to within the last 3 stitches of seam stitch ; slip 1, knit 1, draw the slip stitch over the knitted one, knit 1, purl the seam stitch, knit 1, knit 2 together, knit the rest plain.) Re- peat this 9 times, doing 8 rounds between each narrowing. Then knit without decreasing until the entire leg measures 20^2 inches. Heel — Divide the stitches, having IT on each .side of seam, knit and purl these stitches until the heel measures 2% inches, slipping the 1st stitch of every row. To turn the heel — Row 1 — Slip 1st stitch, knit 17, purl seam stitch, knit 2, knit 2 together, knit 1, turn. Row 2 — Slip 1, purl 6, purl 2 together, purl 1, turn. Repeat 1st and 2d rows alternately until there are IT stitches on the needle, knit these IT stitches, and on the same needle pick up IG loops along left side of the heel, knitting each loop as you pick it up. On the 2d needle knit the 45 instep stitches, on the 3d needle pick up 1(> loops on the other side of the heel and knit S stitches oflC the 1st needle or top of the heel. Gusset — First Round — * On 1st or foot needle, knit plain to within 2 stitches of the end, knit them together. Knit along instep needle. On 3d or foot needle slip 1. knit 1. pass the slip stitch over, then knit plain to end of needle. Round 2 — Like the 1st round. Round 3 — Knit plain. Repeat from * until there are SO stitches in the round. Then knit plain for 3% inches. Now the narrowing of the toe begins as fol- lows : Divide the stitches equal on 4 needles, 20 on each, knit 1 stitch, slip 1. knit 1, pass the slip stitch over the last knitted 1. Knit plain to end of needle. Repeat all around. Knit round plain. Continue narrowing every other round at begin- ning of each needle until 4 stitches are left, 1 on each needle. Bind off and secure yarn on the wrong side. 202 \ 111 MEN'S and BOYS' SWEATERS, Etc. Man's Knitted Sweater with Shawl Collar MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 12 hanks 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 12 inch, No. 5 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10 INSTRUCTIONS The entire sweater is worked 1 row knit and 1 row purl. Use the yarn double, cast on 180 stitches, knit 20 rows, on the next turn up the bottom to form a hem by taking 1 stitch from the bottom and 1 stitch from the needle, knit them off together. Knit 40 rows. Row 41 — Knit 20 stitches, now take on extra needle, knit the next 20 stitches, on each side cast on 2 stitches, work 80 rows on these 24 stitches, this forms the pocket, bind off 2 stitches on each side and bring the 20 stitches with the first 20 stitches together, knit tlie 41st row until 40 stitches are left, work on this side a pocket same as on the other side, then finish the row. Sew pockets carefully in place. Work 90 rows, on the next row knit 43 stitches for front, bind off 7 stitches, knit SO stitches for back, bind oft" 7 stitches, knit 43 stitches for 2d front. Front — Work 8 rows, then decrease 1 stitch toward the front every other row, 12 times, then decrease 1 stitch every 4th row until 26 stitches are left, knit without decreasing until you have 54 rows from beginning of armhole, this com- pletes 1 front, work another front to correspond. Back — Work 54 rows, close with the front on shoulder 26 stitches on each side. On the 2-8 centre stitches of back work the collar. Work 13 rows. Row 14 — Increase 1 stitch at each end. Work 3 rows without increasing. Row 18 — Same as 14th row, work 3 rows without increasing. Row 22 — Same as 14th row, work 3 rows without increasing. Row 26 — Same as 14th row, work 5 rows without increasing. Row 32 — Same as 14th row, work 5 rows without increasing. Row 38 — Same as 14th row, work 29 rows, now decrease in the same manner as you in- creased until you have 28 stitches left, work 13 rows, bind off loosely. Border — With steel needles cast on 26 stitches knit 1 row, purl 1 row, same as sweater for 23 inches. Transfer to bone needles, work 6 rows, on next row increase 1 stitch on each side be- tween 2d and 3d stitch every other row until 70 stitches are on needle, now increase every 4th row 3 times, having 76 stitches on needle, work 2 more rows, which completes one side. Work the left side to correspond, making the button- holes, the first one on the 6th row, knit 5 stitches, bind off 4, knit 7, bind off 4, knit 6, on the next row cast on the stitches, this giving you 2 buttonholes, which, after the border is sewed on sweater, will be folded together and woi-ked over to form one. Work 6 buttonholes having them 4 inches apart, finish with border same as right side. Sew them to the collar, and on the sweater fold the collar, and border over to wrong side and sew carefully in place. Sleeves — Cast on 76 stitches, work 18 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 6th row until you have 68 stitches on needle, work 42 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 4th row until you have 52 stitches on needle, work 15 rows. Transfer to steel needles, knit 1 and purl 1 for 30 rows, bind off. Sew sleeves in armholes, sew on buttons, sew 2 buttons on collar and work 2 loops on left side of collar. 204 Man's Crocheted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 11 banks 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS For 40 or 42 Chest This sweater is worked lengthwise in slip double crochet. Make a chain of 119 stitches. Row 1 — Yarn over hook, insert hook in 2d stitch of chain, draw up a loop, * yarn over, draw through all 3 loops on hook, yarn over, draw up a loop in next stitch of chain, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — Same as row 1, taking up the back loop to form a rib, repeat row 2 for all the work, on the next row work 5 buttonholes as follows : work 3 slip D, C, * chain 4, skip 4 stitches, work 20 slip D. C, repeat from * to end of row, on the next row work 4 slip D. C. on each chain of 4 stitches, work 2 more rows, now start to in- crease to shape the neck by adding a chain of 6 stitches at one end of work every other row, and always working 5 slip D, C. on each chain, until you have 158 stitches, on the 8th row work a second row of buttonholes opposite those made in the 3rd row, this will give you 2 buttonholes which after the hem Is turned back, will be sewed together as one, at the end of the 22d row add a chain of 16 stitches for the shoulder, work 24 rows on this length. Row 48 — Leave off 40 stitches at the top for armhole. Now decrease 1 stitch every row to- ward the armhole 3 times, work 9 rows for the underarm, then increase 1 stitch every row to- ward the armhole 3 times, on the next row add a chain of 41 stitches for the back, work 71 rows for the back, work second underarm and front same as the first, omitting the buttonholes, sew in the hems down each front, turn up 1 inch hem around the bottom, sew in place. Sleeves — Make a chain of 101 stitches. Row 1 — Work 1 slip stitch in each of the first 2.5 stitches, finish row in slip D. C. Row 2 — Increase 1 stitch in the first stitch, work to within 25 stitches of the end, chain 1, turn. Row 3 — Increase 1 stitch at the end of row. Row 4 — Increase 1 stitch in the first stitch, work down, slip stitch in the last 25 stitches, taking up the back loop to form a rib, (these 25 stitches are for the cuff) continue in this way increasing 1 stitch at the top every row until there are 128 stitches, and adding 1 rib same as in row 2 after each 4th rib, work 14 rows on the 128 stitches, now decrease in the same manner as you increased, sew up sleeves and sew into armhole. Collai — Chain 5 stitches, work 4 slip D, C. on chain, now increase 1 stitch at each end every row until there are 100 stitches, work 24 rows on this length, then decrease in the same manner as you increased until 4 stitches remain, fold collar in half and sew to sweater. Pockets — Chain 41. work 24 rows, turn down 1 inch hem at the top and sew onto sweater. 205 Man's Knitted Cardigan Jacket MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 6 hanks 2 Bone Knitting Needles 14 inch. No. 2 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15 INSTRUCTIONS For 38 Chest Back — T\'ith bone needles cast on 140 stitches, work in rib pattern of knit 1, purl 1, until work measures 19 inches, now bind oft' 10 stitches at each end, work 7 inches on this length, this com- pletes the back. Now slip 45 stitches on a spare needle, bind off 30 stitches for the neck, and on the remaining 45 stitches start the left front. Front — Work 31^ inches on the 45 stitches. then cast on 20 stitches toward the front, work 4 rows, now work a buttonhole as follows : Knit 4 stitches, bind oft" 4 stitches, work to end of row, on the next row cast on 4 stitches over tlie bound off stitches (work buttonholes 2 inches apart). Continue working until front measures 7 inches, cast on 10 stitches toward the armhole, work until front measures as long as back on underarm seam, bind off. Work second front to correspond, omitting buttonholes. Sleeves — Cast on 80 stitches, increase one stitch at each end every row until there are 98 stitches on needle, work 6 inches on this length, then decrease one stitch at each end every Sth row until 72 stitches remain, work on this length until sleeve measures 18 inches, slip onto 3 steel needles, knit 2, purl 2, for 4 inches, bind off. Bind jacket all around with braid, sewing braid on with machine, sew in sleeves. 20(3 Man's Knitted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Llama Wool 14 hanks 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 3 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15 INSTRUCTIONS For 40 Chest Cast on 140 stitches, work ril) pattern as follows : — Row 1 — Knit 1, pnrl 1, to end of row, entling with purl 1. Repeat this row for all the work, when bark measures 27 inches slip 50 stitches on a spare needle, bind off 40 stitches for neck, on the re- maining 50 stitches start left front. Front — Increase 1 stitch toward the neck every other row until S stitches have been added, then cast on 32 stitches toward the neck, you now have 90 stitclies on needle. Knit the iirst 12 stitches toward the front plain on every row for band. Work 3 rows, make a buttonhole as follows : Knit 4, bind off 4, knit 4, work pattern to end of row, on the return row cast on 4 stitches over the bound off stitches of preceding row, work buttonholes 3 inches apart, when work measures 5 inches from shoulder increase 1 stitch everj' other row toward the armhole until 10 stitches have been added, now cast on 14 stitches for underarm, continue working until front measures as long as back, bind off. Work second front to correspond, omitting buttonholes. Sleeves — Cast on 90 stitches, increase 1 stitch at each end every row initil there are 102 stitches on needle, work inches on this length, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every Sth row until SO stitches remain, work on this length until sleeve measures IS inches. Cast onto 3 steel needles, knit 2, purl 2 until cuft" measures 5 inches. Collar — With steel needles cast on 40 stitches, knit collar plain, knit 3 rows, work 2 button- 20: holes as follows : Knit 3, bind off 3, knit S. bind oft" 3, knit to end of row, on the return row cast on 3 stitches over each of the bound off stitches of preceding row, knit until collar measures 15 inches, bind oft", sew collar to sweater. Pockets — With bone needles cast on 32 stitches, work in rib pattern until pocket meas- ures 4 inches, slip onto steel needles, knit 1 inch plain, bind off. Work 2 pockets, sew onto sweater. With steel needles cast on 10 stitches, knit plain for 6^2 inches, bind off, work 2 stripes and sew on wrong side of sweater from collar to top of sleeve to prevent shoulder from sagging. Man's Knitted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Heather Yarn 15 balls 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 inch, No. 4 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10 INSTRUCTIONS For 30 or 38 Chest Back — With No. 4 needles east on 120 stitches. Row 1 — Knit 1, purl 1 to end of row, ending with purl 1, repeat first row for all the work, when back measures 27 inches slip 38 stitches on a spare needle, bind oft 50 stitches for neck, on the remaining 38 stitches start front. Front — Increase 1 stitch toward the front every other row until there are CJ4 stitches on needle, work 2 rows, cast on 8 stitches toward the armhole, work on this length until under- arm seam measures 1.5 inches. Pocket Lap — With steel needles cast on 32 stitches, knit plain for 16 rows, now work back from the front edge of sweater 18 stitches, slip the next 32 stitches on a spare needle (these will be used later for pockets) and in their place pick up the 32 stitches from steel needle, work to end of row, continue working until front is as long as back, bind off. Now pick up the 33 stitches, work 3 inches for pocket, bind off, sew to inside of sweater, and lap to outside of sweater, work second front to correspond. Band — With No. 4 needles cast on 14 stitches, knit plain until band is long enough to extend up the right front around the neck to the top point of left front, now work a buttonhole as follows : Knit 5 stitches, bind off 4 stitches, knit the remaining 5 stitches, on the next row cast on 4 stitches where they were bound off, work buttonholes 3 inches apart, sew band ontt» sweater, face with ribbon and work buttonholes. Sleeves — Cast on 110 stitches, work the pat- tern for 4 inches, now decrease 1 stitch at each end every 8th row until 80 stitches remain, work on this length until sleeve measures 18 inches, slip onto 3 steel needles, Imit 2, purl 2, until cuff measures 5 inches, bind off. Sew up sleeves, sew into sweater. 208 Boy's Knitted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Heather Yam 10 balls Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 1 hank 2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch. No. 4 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10 INSTRUCTIONS Size 15 or H; years Back — With Heather yarn cast on 112 stitches, knit in the rib pattern of knit 1, purl 1, for all the work. When work measures 25 inches, slip 30 stitches on a spare needle, bind off 52 stitches for neck, on the remaining 30 stitches start front. Front— Increase 1 stitch toward the front every other row until you have 62 stitches on needle, now work without increasing until front is as long as back, work second front to correspond. Sew up under- arm, leaving eight inches for arm- hole. Border — With steel needles and worsted knitting yarn cast on 14 stitches. Knit plain until strip is long enough to extend up the right front around the neck to the top point of left front, now work a but- tonhole as follows : Knit 5 stitches, bind off 4, knit the remaining 5 stitches, on the next row cast on 4 stitches where they were bound off, work buttonholes 4 inches apart, sew border onto sweater having but- tonholes on the left side. Sleeves — Cast on 102 stitches, knit the pattern for 4 inches, now decrease 1 stitch at each end every 8th row until 74 stitches remain, now work without decreasing until sleeve measures 15 inches, slip onto steel needles and with worsted knitting yarn knit 2, purl 2, until cuff measures 4 inches, sew up sleeve and sew into sweater. Pockets — With steel needles and worsted knit- ting yarn cast on 30 stitches, using the same stitch as border, work 5 rows, on the next row work a buttonhole in the centre, work 5 moi-e rows, slip onto celluloid needles and with Heather yarn work pattern for 3 inches, bind off. Make 2 pockets, sew onto sweater. Face the band with ribbon, overcast button- holes. 209 Boy's Knitted Sweater MATERIAL Columbia Golf Yarn 22 hanks 2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 incl). No. 5 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10 INSTRUCTIONS For 17 or 18 years This sweater is worked lu the rib pattern of knit 1, purl 1. Cast on 180 stitches, work 20 rows of pattern, turn up the bottom to form a hem bv taking 1 stitch from the bottom and 1 stitch from the needle, knit them off together. Work 40 rows. Row 41 — The pockets are worked on this row as follows : Knit 20 stitches, now with an extra 210 Boy's Knitted Sweater — Continued needle knit the next 20 stitches, cast on 2 stitches at each end of the extra needle and on these 24 stitches knit SO rows, then bind off 2 stitches at each end and work the remaining 20 stitches off on the same needle with the first 20 stitches, continue working across the back until 40 stitches remain, work second pocket same as first, finish the row. Sew pockets carefully in place. Work 52 rows, on the next row knit 43 stitches for front, bind off 7 stitches for underarm, knit 80 stitches for back, bind off 7 stitches for sec- ond underarm, knit the remaining 43 stitches for second front. Front — Work 4 rows, then decrease 1 stitch toward the front every other row until 30 stitches remain, now decrease 1 stitch every 4th row, until 26 stitches remain, bind off. Work second front to correspond. Back — Work 46 rows, bind off 26 stitches at each end for shoulders, sew up shoulders, and on the centre 28 stitches start collar, work 13 rows, now increase 1 stitch at each end every 4th row luitil there are 34 stitches on needle, now in- crease 1 stitch at each end every 6th row until there are 40 stitches on needle, work 29 rows on this length, then decrease in the same manner as you increased until 28 stitches remain, bind off. Border — With steel needles cast on 26 stitches, knit 1, purl 1, same as sweater for 19 inches. Transfer to bone needles, work 6 rows, now in- crease 1 stitch at each end between the 2d and 3d stitches every other row until there are 70 stitches on needle, now increase every 4th row 3 times, having 76 stitches on needle, work 2 more rows, bind off. Work the left side to correspond, working the buttonholes as follows : Work 5 rows, on the next row knit 5, bind off 4, knit 7, bind off 4, knit 6, on the next row cast on 4 over each of the bound off stitches, this gives you 2 button- holes on one row, which, after the border is sewed onto sweater, will be folded together and worked over as one. Work 6 buttonholes 4 inches apart, finish same as right side. Sew the fronts to collar and sew onto sweater, fold the collar and sweater over to wrong side and sew carefully in place. Finish buttonholes. Sleeves — Cast on 76 stitches, work 18 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 6th row until there are 68 stitches on needle, work 42 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 4th row until there are 52 stitches on needle, work until sleeve measures 20 inches, slip onto steel needles, work a 4 inch cuff', bind off. Sew up sleeve and turn up 4 inches for cuff. Sew on buttons, sewing 2 buttons on collar and working 2 loops on left side of collar. "IRK RIQ, US.P"^ 211 Man's Crocheted Vest ^.^ «i6r MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 8 banks or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 10 hanks 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 1 4 yards Binding INSTRUCTIONS For 38 Chest Front of Vest — Make a chain of 5 stitches. Row 1 — 1 Sg. C. in each of 4 stitches, chain 1 and turn. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C. in each of 2 stitches and 2 Sg. C. in last 2 stitclies, chain 3 and tiirn. Row 3—1 Sg. C. in each stitch, 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 4 — Like 3d row. but chain 3 and turn. Row 5 — Begin with pattern 1 Sg. C. in each of ~^ stitches, 1 puff stitch as follows: Insert the 211 Man's Crocheted Vest — Continued hook ill row below, work like Sg. C, 1 Sg, C. in each stitch to end of row, ending with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 6—5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, 1 Sg. C. in each stitch to end of row, ending with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 7—2 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, 5 Sg. C. and 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 8— G Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, 1 Sg. C. in next 2 stitches and 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 9—5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch and 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 10—1 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 11—2 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 12—2 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 13—* 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, ending with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 14—3 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 15—2 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row. end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 16—4 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 17—* 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row. ending with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 18—* 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row. ending with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 19—2 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 20—6 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row. end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 21—* 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, ending with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 22—1 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 23—2 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row. end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 24—2 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff" stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 25—* 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row. ending with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 26—3 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C. 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 27—* 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, ending with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Row 28—2 Sg. C, chain 2, skip 2, 1 puff stitch. This is for 1st buttonhole. "Work 1 buttonhole hereafter every 13th row, * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff' stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, ending with 2 Sg. C. in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Now having 9 stripes of Sg. C. and 8 stripes of puff stitch, work 14 rows straight, make place for pocket, work over 3 stripes of Sg. C. and 3 stripes of puff stitch, chain IS, work to end of row. Now work 42 rows, make another place for pocket. Now work 4 rows more, then decrease 1 stitch every row toward the back for 6 rows, then de- crease 1 stitch every other row, work 2 rows, now decrease toward the front also, but every row for 8 rows. Now keep on decreasing toward the back every other row until 3 stripes of Sg. C and 3 stripes of puff stitch are taken off, then work straight for 38 rows. This completes the 1st front. Work the other front to correspond, omitting the buttonholes and top pocket. To finish the pocket, work back and forth from the top and work in pattern for 22 rows. For Back — Make a chain of 43 stitches, work pattern straight for 68 rows, decrease armhole in the same manner as you have decreased the front, but only for 2 stripes of Sg. C. and 2 stripes of puff stitch. Work 32 rows straight, then increase 1 stitch every row for 22 rows ; this gives you the shoulder. This completes 1 side of back; make the other side to correspond. Sew back seam and also underarm seam together. Bind the vest with ribbon. For strap across the hack, make a chain of S and work back and forth in Sg. C. for 52 rows. Decrease 1 stitch every row, bringing it to a point. Work another strap the same way, but per- fectly straight. Sew onto vest and finish with Idu-klo. 212 :(j£<(!5^^ Columbia yarns l^>:SD!»g^^^l Knitted Golf Glove MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 2 hanks 4 Steel Knittiii!; Needles N<>. Hi INSTRUCTIONS Fur size 7 Cast on G6 stitches, knit o. purl .".. making rib of 3 and 3 for 40 rows. Right-Hand Glove — The i»alm fac-ing the knit- ter, on the right-hand side. Knit 13 rounds plain : on the 14th round begin to increase for the thumb, by knitting the 1st stitch plain, increase 1 in the next stitch (insert the needle in the stitch, make a stitch, then In the back of same stitch make another stitch, now slip the stitch off the needle. This gives you 2 stitches in 1), then knit 31 stitches plain, purl 3, and knit 3. for the remaining stitches of round. Round 15 — Same as the 14th. only instead of 31 knit 32 stitches plain. Round 1 6— stitches plain. -Same as the 1.5th. havint 3(3 Round 17 — Knit 1 plain. intTease 1 in the next stitch, knit 37 plain, purl 3, knit 3, for the re- maining stitches of round (this reverses the pat- tern, thus forming a small block). Continue knitting in this way until .vou have increased 2(! stitches, making 03 stitches on the needle, being careful to reverse the pattern or block on every 3d round. Thread a needle with coarse cotton, pass it through the 28 stitches for the thumb. Tie the cotton. Continue the work and pattern for 30 rounds. First Finger — Knit 0. take a needle and cotton and pass it through all the stitches on the hand, except the last l."'> stitches. Now use 3d needle, cast on 4 stitches ; this is for the inside of finger. Divide the stitches for the finger equally on :> needles, continue to knit plain in the round for 24 rounds, then decrease by knitting 2 of the in- side stitches together. Knit S rounds plain, then decrease by knitting 2 of the Inside stitches to- gether. Knit 6 romids plain, knit 2 together, then knit 2 all around, knit 2 together, knit 2 all around, knit 2 together, and then knit 1 all around until you have 14 stitches remaining on the needle. Draw the yarn through the 14 stitches, draw together, fasten the yarn firmly on the wrong side. Second Finger — Put the next 7 stitches from the inside of the hand on a needle. Cast 4 stitches on another needle, then take the last S stitches off the cotton onto a needle. Now pick up the 4 stitches, cast on for the 1st finger, and work as before, making finger rounds longer previous to beginning to decrease. Third Finger — Take 7 stitches from inside of hand, cast on 4 stitches, take the last 7 stitches oft" the cotton, pick up the 4 stitches from inside of second finger, and knit as directed for the 1st finger, making 3 rounds more before beginning the decrease. Fourth Finger — Take all the stitches remain- ing on the cotton and pick up the 4 stitches from inside of the 3d finger. Knit IS rounds, decrease 214 COLUMBIA YARNS Knitted Golf Glove — Continued as before, and finish the same way. Now finish the tliumb by talving stitches off the cotton onto o needles. Work IS rounds plain, decrease 2. then knit 6 rounds, decrease 2, knit 4 rounds, decrease 2, then knit 2 all around until you have 16 stitches remaining ; finish as directed for fingers. Left-Hand Glove — Same as the right-hand glove up to where it says, on the 14th round, begin to increase for the thumb. Begin purl 3. knit 3, purl 3, knit 3, purl 3, knit 3, purl 3, knit 3, purl 3. knit 3. purl 3, knit 31, increase 1 in the next stitch. Knit the last one plain. Round 15 — Same as the 14th, only instead of 31, knit 32 stitches, increase 1 in the next stitch, knit 1. Round 16 — Knit 3. purl 3, knit 3. purl 3, knit 3. purl :;. knit 3, purl 3, knit 3, purl 3, knit 33. increase 1, knit 1. Continue knitting in this way. until you have increased 26 stitches, mak- ing 93 stitches on the needle, being careful to reverse the pattern on every 3 rounds. Thread a needle with coarse cotton, pass it through 28 stitches knitted for the thumb. Con- tinue to work in rounds on 65 stitches, also pat- tern for 30 rounds. First Finger — Knit 13, take a needle and cot- ton, pass it through all the stitches on the hand, except the last 6 stitches, then work like first finger of right hand. Second Finger — Take the next 8 stitches from the outside of the hand on a needle, cast 4 stitches on another needle, then take the last 7 stitches off the cotton onto a needle. Work like second finger of right hand. Third and Fourth Fingers- 4th of right hand. -Same as 3d and 215 Man's Knitted Gloves MATERIAL 3 Fold Columbia Saxony 2 hanks 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15 INSTRUCTIONS Oast on 72 stitches on 3 needles, knit 2, purl 2, for 31^ inches. Now knit plain increasing 4 stitches on the first row, work 8 rows plain. Row 9 — Start to increase for the thumb, knit to within 4 stitches of the end of row, increase 1 stitch, knit the next 2 stitches, increase 1 stitch. Knit 4 rows without increasing. Row 14 — Knit to within 6 stitches of the end of row, increase 1 stitch, knit 4 stitches, increase 1 stitch. Knit 4 rows without increasing. Increase in this way every 5th row until there are 14 stitches between the widenings (1(3 stitches for the thumb), 90 stitches on needles, knit 4 rows without increasing. Slip the 16 stitches for the thumb and 2 stitches each side of thumb on a thread (20 stitches for thumb). Cast on 5 stitches, knit 22 rows. First Finger — Knit 11 stitches, slip all the stitches on a thread except the last 10 stitches, use 3 needles, cast on 2 stitches, this is for in- side of finger, divide the stitches equally on three needles, knit 42 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of each needle, next row plain, now decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of each needle until 3 stitches remain, draw yarn through these 3 stitches, draw together and fasten on wrong side. Second Finger — Pick up the next 10 stitches, cast on 2 stitches on another needle, then take up the last 9 stitches off thread, pick up the 2 stitches cast on for first finger, work second finger 3 rows longer than first, then decrease in the same way. Third Fingei — Same as first finger. Fourth Finger — Pick up the remaining 16 stitches, pick up the 2 stitches from inside of 3d finger. Knit 32 rows, then decrease. Thumb — To finish the thumb pick up the 5 stitches which were cast on for the hand. Knit 32 rows, then decrease. 216 Man's Knitted Mittens MATERIAL Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn 2 hanks 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 12 INSTRUCTIONS Cast on 51 stitcbes ; IS on each of 2 needles, 15 on the third. Knit 2, purl 1, for 3i/^ inches for the wrist ; then knit plain for 1 inch or 9 times around. Shift the stitches so that you have 17 on each needle and begin the thumb where the end of j'our yarn shows the start. Knit 1, increase 1 in this way (insert the needle in the stitch, make a stitch, then in the back of same stitch make another stitch, now slip the stitch off the needle, this gives you 2 stitches in 1). Knit plain till you come to last 2 stitches on the third needle, increase 1 and liuit last one, then knit round once, widening 1 stitch each side, until you have 24 stitches added for the thumb, being careful always to make extra stitch in the one you last made. When you have 24 stitches, knit one round till you come where the thumb stitches begin ; string the 24 stitches on a thread and tie to hold till the finger part is done. Cast on 10 stitches on the needle where the yarn is, and knit once around, on the next round narrow 1 stitch at the beginning and end of the 10 stitches, do this for 5 rounds, till you have again 17 stitches on each needle. The object of the 10 extra stitches is to form a gore. Knit plain for 3% inches, begin to narrow, knit 2 to- gether at the beginning and end of each needle for 1 round. Knit a round plain, then a nar- rowing round, so on alternately, until 2 stitches are remaining on each needle, break off yarn. Leave the end long enough to thread a needle, draw through the 6 stitches and fasten securely on the wrong side. Now take the 24 stitches of the thumb and 10 of the gore, put IS stitches on 1 needle (the 10 of the gore and 4 on each side of it) and S on each of the other 2 needles. Knit 1 round plain. Then for each succeeding round, till the gore is gone, narrow 1 stitch at the beginning and end of the 10. Knit plain around for 1% inches and narrow same as in the finger part. 217 Man's Knitted Socks MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 2 hanks 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 12 INSTRUCTIONS Size No. 11 Cast on 68 stitches, 24 on each of 2 needles, and 20 on the 3d needle, knit 2, purl 2, for 35 rows, then knit 30 rows plain, purling the 12th stitch on the first needle for seam, then * knit to within the third stitch of seam stitch, slip 1, knit 1, drop the slip stitch over the knit stitch, knit 1, seam 1. knit 1, knit 2 together, repeat from * every 10th row until 18 stitches remain on first needle, when work measures 10 inches from starting point add 7 stitches from each front needle onto the back needle, which gives you 32 stitches for heel and 30 on the front needles (15 on each). Heel — With wrong side of work toward you * slip 1, purl 1, repeat from * across. Row 2 — * Slip 1, knit plain across, repeat these two rows until you have 19 rows on the right side, then slip 1, purl 1, purling the 22d and 23d stitches together, turn, slip 1, knit plain, knitting the 12th and 13th stitches together, turn, slip 1, purl 1, purling the 12th and 13th stitches together, repeat this until all stitches are on one needle, then pick up 20 stitches on one side of heel (this is known as first needle), knit straight across front on one needle, then ipick up the other 20 stitches on side of heel or second needle, knit all around to first needle of heel to within the 3d stitch of front, slip 1, knit 1, drop the slip stitch over the knit stitch, knit across the front, then on second heel needle knit first stitch, knit 2 together, now knit 1 row plain all around, then decrease, repeat until there are 15 stitches on each back needle and 30 stitches on front needle, knit 55 rows plain or the length desired less 2 inches for toe, now narrow for the toe on front needle, knit 1, knit 2 together, knit plain to within 3 stitches of the end, slip 1, knit 1, drop the slip stitch over the knit stitch, knit 1, next needle knit 1, knit 2 together, knit to within 3 stitches of next needle, slip 1, knit 1, drop slip stitch over knit stitch, then knit 1 row plain all around, repeat this narrowing every other row until there are 10 stitches on front needle and 5 stitches on each back needle, slip all the back stitches on one needle and bind off stitches as follows : Break off the yarn, leaving about 10 inches on the work, thread this in a darning needle and prepare the stitclies by drawing the yarn through the first stitch of front needle as if for purling, then through the first stitch of back needle as if for knitting, then through the first stitcli of front needle as if for knitting and take this stitch off, * draw through next stitch of front needle as if for purling to prepare stitch, then through first stitch of back needle as if for purling and take this stitch off, prepare next stitch of back needle as if for knitting, draw through next stitch of front needle as if for knitting and take this stitch off, repeat from * vmtil all are taken off. 218 Man's Knit Bed Stockings No. 1 MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 1 hank 1 pair Bone Knitting Needles No. 4 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Cast on 60 stitches. Knit 2 stitches, purl 2 stitches all across row. Repeat for 17 inches long. Then knit 1 row, purl 1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row. Knit 1 row narrow (bj- knitting 2 stitches together) every 5th stitch. Purl 1 row, knit 1 row. Purl 1 row, knit 1 row, narrow every 4th stitch. Purl 1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row. Knit 1 row, narrow every 3d stitch. Purl 1 row, knit 1 row, narrow every 2d stitch. Purl 1 row, knit 1 row. Narrow every 2d stitch. Then bind off and sew up with worsted. Man's Crocheted Bed Stockings MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 2 hanks 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Make a chain of 50 stitches, work 49 single crochet on chain, chain 1, turn. Row 2 — Work 1 single crochet in each stitch of preceding row, always taking up the back loop to form a rib, chain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 until work measures 16 inches. Now work a row of single crochet on the side of piece just made, working 1 single crochet in each rib, work 8 rows of single crochet on this length, taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, with wrong side of work toward you, join with a row of slip stitch. Now work a row of single crochet at one end for the toe. work round and round, taking up the whole stitch, decreasing 3 stitches on every round until 15 stitches remain. Draw the end in and sew firmly together. No. 2 219 Seaman's Outfit Uhlan Cap MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 2 hanks 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10 INSTRUCTIONS Cast on 20 stitches and knit plain back and forth for 56 rows on 2 needles. This forms the top of the head. Pick up the stitches on both sides of the strip just made either on 2 needles or on 2 spare needles. (You should have 76 stitches.) Knit plain back and forth for 70 rows. This forms the back and sides of the head. Now cast on 24 stitches on a spai'e needle, and on all 3 needles knit 2, purl 2, round and round for 35 rounds. This makes the throat or neck portion. Bind off A^ery loosely. Pick up all the stitches around the face on 3 needles. You should have 38 on each needle. Knit 2, purl 2, for 16 rounds. Bind off loosely. 220 Seaman's Outfit Helmet MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 3 hanks 2 Bone Knitting Needles No. 4 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10 INSTRUCTIONS With bone needles cast on 48 stitches, knit plain 48 rows (24 ribs), slip off on to spare needle. Work another piece to correspond, now slip the stitches of both pieces on to 3 steel needles having 32 stitches on each needle, knit 2, purl 2 for 32 rows, bind off 28 stitches loosely to make the opening for the face. Knit 2, purl 2, backward and forward for 12 rows. Cast on 28 stitches loosely and on 3 needles, knit 2, purl 2, for 20 rows. Knit one round plain, * then knit .30 stitches plain, knit 2 to- gether, repeat from * around, you will have de- creased 3 stitches. Continue decreasing in these 3 places in each round imtil 27 stitches remain. Knit 2 rounds plain. Bind off. Sew top together. If desired, the piece for the front can be made longer, thus giving additional service of a muffler or chest protector. 221 No. 1 MATERIAL Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn 2 hanks 2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15 INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Cast on 20 stitches, work 15 ribs (2 rows form a rib), now increase 1 stitch at each end every row until there are 50 stitches on needle, work 30 ribs on this length, then decrease in the same manner as you increased until 20 stitches remain, bind off. Pick up 88 stitches on the ends, knit 4 ribs plain, then knit 4, purl 4, for 35 rows, bind off. Work the second end to correspond. Sew together. Pulse Warmers MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 1 hank 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Cast on 52 stitches. Knit 2, purl 2, for about 35 or 40 rounds. Bind off loosely. If desired, the last 6 rounds may be knit of contrasting color. No. 2 COLUMBIA YARNS Man's Knitted Scatf MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 2 hanks Grey 1 hank Color 2 Bone Knitting Needles No. 5 No. 1 Man's Crocheted Scarf MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 2 hanks 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 Make a chain of 45 stitches. Row 1 — Draw up a loop in second stitch from hook, draw up a loop in next stitch, * yarn over, draw through all 3 loops on hook, draw up a loop in same stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, work 1 sin- gle crochet in last stitch, chain 2, turn. Row 2 — Draw up a loop in first stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch, * yarn over, draw through all 3 loops on hook, draw up a loop in same stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch, re- peat from * to end of row, work one single crochet in last stitch, chain 2. turn. Repeat row 2 until scarf measures 1^^ yards. INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 Cast on 45 stitches. Knit plain back and forth for IY2 yards long. To give a touch of ornament, one or more stripes of color may be knit in near the ends. Bind off. No. 2 223 Hot Water Bottle Cover Knit MATERIAL Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn 2 hanks 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 12 INSTRUCTIONS For 2 Quarts Cast on 80 stitches, 25 on each of 2 needles, 30 on the third. Knit cover plain. Row 1 — Knit plain. Row 2— Increase 1 stitch in the 1st, 40th, 41st and 80th stitches. Row 3 — Knit plain. Row 4 — Increase 1 stitch in the 1st, 42d, 43d and 84th stitches. Row 5 — Knit plain. Row 6 — Increase 1 stitch in the 1st, 44th, 45th and 88th stitches. Continue knitting this way, increasing only in every other row until there are 104 stitches on the needles. Knit without increasing till the bag is 11 inches long. Make beading, * knit 2, yarn over needle twice, knit 2 together, repeat from * around. Next row knit plain ; then knit 2 and purl 2 for 2 rows. Bind off loosely. Sew up opening at the bottom except the 6 middle stitches. Run narrow wash ribbon or tape through the beading. 224 Hot Water Bottle Cover Crocheted MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantovrn 2 hanks or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 3 hanks 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 4 INSTRUCTIONS For 2 Quarts Make a chain of 60 stitches, join. Row 1 — 1 Sg. C. in every stitcli. join. Row 2— Chain 1, 2 Sg. C. in the first stitch (always taking up the back loop), 1 Sg. C. in the next 29 Sg. C, 3 in 30th, 1 Sg. C. in tl«^ rest of 29 stitches, join. Row 3— Chain 1, 2 Sg. C. in the first stitch, 1 Sg. C. in the next 31 Sg. C, 3 in the 32d stitch, 1 Sg. C. in the rest of 31 stitches, join. Row 4— Chain 1, 2 Sg. C. in the first stitch, 1 Sg. C. in the next 32 Sg. C, 3 in the 34th stitch, 1 Sg. C. in the rest of 33 stitches, join. Row 5 — Chain 1, 2 Sg. C. in the first stitcli, 1 Sg. C. in the next 33 Sg. C, 3 in the 34th stitch, 1 Sg. C. in the rest of 33 stitches, join. Now work round without increasing until the bag is 10 inches long. Crochet a row of D. C. and finish with a row of crazy shell. Run cord through the row of D. C. and finish with tassel. 225 Boy's Polo Cap MATERIAL Columbia Golf Yarn 2 hanks Navy Blue 1 hank Maroon 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS With navy bhie yarn make a chain of 30 stitclies, take up 8 stitclies on chain, work off pkiin afglian stitcli. talce up same 8 stitches and 2 more added from cliain, worli off each row, add 2 more until there are 30 stitches on hook ; this forms 1st gore. Second Gore — Take up from front the start- ing 8 stitches, work off the 2 added stitches each time taken from back to form rib (pvirled afghan stitch). Make 7 gores, sew to the beginning cliain. With maroon yarn, from wrong side, work 4 rows, .1 Sg. C. each stitch around cap ; be sure to have a multiple of 4, 2 stitches from front, 2 stitches from back; this forms rib similar to 2 knit. 2 purl rib. Make 11 rows. Finish top with croclieted button or tassel as desired. Knitted Thumbless Mitten MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 1 hank 4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 13 Cast on GO stitches, having 20 stitches on each of three needles. Knit 2, purl 2, for three inches. Now work all the stitches off on to one needle, knit two inelies, this is for the opening for the thumb; now divide the stitches on to three needles again, knit 10 inches more, bind off. Crocheted Thumbless Mitten MATERIAL Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 1 hank 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4 Work a chain of 00 stitches, work 89 single crochet on chain, now work 24 rows of single crochet, always taking up the back loop of pre- ceding row, on the next row work 19 single crochet, chain 12 stitches, skip 12 stitches, work 1 single crochet in each of the remaining stitches. Work 24 rows more. Join with slip stitch. 220 C^l COLUMBIA YARNS i:^ Dog's Knitted Sweater MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown ■2 hanks or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 3 hanks 2 Bone Knittiusr Needles, 10 inch, No. 5 INSTRUCTIONS Note — 2 rows form a rib. Cast on .56 stitches, knit 2. imrl 2, for 4 inclies, now knit plain as follows : — Row 1 — * Knit 3, increase 1 stitch, repeat from * to end of row, rows 2 and 3 plain. Row 4 — * Knit 2. increase 1 stitch, repeat from * to end of row, rows 5, 6, 7 and 8 plain. Row 9 — * Knit n. increase 1 stitch, repeat from * to end of row. Row 10 — Increase 1 stitch every 21st stitch. there should be 110 stitches on needle, now knit plain until you have 12 ribs, on the next row knit 12, bind off 10, knit 66, bind off 10, knit the remaining 12, knit 4 rows on the first 12 stitches, slip these 12 stitches on an extra needle, work 4 rows on the next 66 stitches, slip oft" on an extra needle, work 4 rows on the last 12 stitches, slip all the stitches on the needle, now knit 12, cast on 10, knit 66, cast on 10, knit 12, knit 30 ribs on this length, then bind off IS stitches at each end, knit 1 row, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every other row until 12 stitches have been taken off. now knit 46 stitches, turn, knit 20 stitches, turn, knit 34 stitches, turn, knit 30 stitches, turn, knit to the end of row, knit 2 ribs, bind off. Pick up 30 stitches around the leg, knit 9 ribs, bind oft', work second leg to correspond, finish with a row of Sg. C. around sweater, legs and collar. Hair Pin Receiver MATERIAL Columbia Floss 1 hank White 1 hank Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 1 5 inch Doll 2 yards of Ribbon No. INSTRUCTIONS Rompers — With white yarn make a chain of 18 stitches, in 4th stitch of chain work 1 D. C, * 2 D. C. in next stitch, 1 D. C. in next stitch, repeat from * across. Row 2— Work 1 Sg. C. in each of the first 4 stitches, chain 3, skip 3 stitches, work 7 Sg. C, chain 3, skip 3 stitches, work 4 Sg. C. Row 3 — Work 1 Sg. C. in every other stitch with 1 chain between each Sg. C. Work 3 more rows like row 3, working the Sg. C. in the space formed by the chain of preceding row. Row 7 — Increase by working 1 Sg. C. in every stitch. Row 8 — Work 1 Sg. C. in each space with 1 chain between each Sg. C, work 7 moi-e rows, now divide in 2 for the legs and work as fol- lows : Count off 10 stitches from the centre and join with a slip stitch, work G rows. Row 7 — Deci'ease in every 3d stitch. Row 8 — 1 Sg. C. in each space formed by the chain, work second leg to correspond. With col- ored yarn work a row of slip stitch around the neck and a picot edge around the armholes. Skirt — Make a chain of 26 stitches. Row 1— Work 1 D. C. in 4th stitch of chain, * 2 D. C. in next stitch, 1 D, C. in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, join, chain 3. Rows 2, 3 and 4 — Same as row 1. Row 5 — Increase in evei-y stitch. Row 6 — Same as row 1. With colored yarn finish with a row of picot edge, draw ribbon through the first row and tie in place. Toque — Chain 3, join in a ring, work 6 Sg. C. in ring. Row 2 — Increase in every other stitch, work rows like row 2, then work 3 rows without in- creasing, now decrease every 3rd stitch for 2 rows, 3 rows plain, with colored yarn finish with picot edge, draw ribbon through the second row from the end and tie in place. Muff— Make a chain of 16 stitches, join, work 1 Sg. C. in each stitch, then work as folloM's : 1 row color, 6 rows white, 1 row color, 1 row white, finish the end with picot edge, draw rib- bon through at each end and draw together. 228 COLUMBIA YARNS Babies' Go-Cart Strap No. 1 MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 1 hank White 1 hank C(,>lor or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 1 hank White 1 hank Color 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4 1 White Leather Strap INSTRUCTIONS No. 1 With white yarn make a chain of 5 stitches, W(.»rk o rows in plain afghau stitch, on the 4th, 5th and (jth rows increase 1 stitch at each end, work 18 rows plain, increase at each end on the ■J -Jth and 25th rows, work 17 rows plain, now de- crease 1 stitch at each end on the 43rd and 44th rows, work 17 rows plain, deci'ease on the Gist, ()2d and G3rd rows, work 3 rows plain. AVith colored yarn work 1 row of Sg. C. all around, with white yarn work 1 row of Sg. C. all around, with colored yarn finish with a row of picot edge. Embroider in cross stitch design and trim with toys as illustrated. Safety Pin Holder MATERIAL 4 Fold Columbia Germantown 1 hank White 1 hank Color or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 1 hank White 1 hank Color 3 Small Bone Rings 1 Large Bone Ring 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 4 INSTRUCTIONS No. 2 With white yarn make a chain of 9 stitches, work in plain afghan stitch for 31 rows, on the next row increase in the 2d and 3d stitches, pick up the next stitch and on these stitches work 20 rows, now pick up the 6 stitches, yarn over hook, draw through all G stitches, join on a small ring and cover ring with Sg. C. Second Strap — Start in the last stitch of first strap, increase in every other stitch until there are 6 stitches on the hook, work 17 rows, finish like first strap. Third Strap — Same as second sti'ap. working 14 rows. Cover large ring and draw in at the top and join ring, with colored yarn work a row t)f slip stitch all around, trim with ribbon bow. M ^^^H ; ,t:t{^^H ^^^B ''^'^^ ^^M ^^M '■'it^'^H ^K'^ \^^l^m ^^m '%'^^^| i^^M .tm .\ i\s^l ^^^^H ivlm U&.'^'^H ^^H 1 iitK-.iiH ^Big?igya5>;i COLUMBIA COTTONS The fnllowiiiij are Columbia Cotton prodiictions : For Crocheting Art. 200. Columbia Mercerized Crochet (balls) White and Ecru, sizes 3 to 80. Colors, sizes 3, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70 Art. 571 Columbia Tatting (Ys oz. balls) size 70. White and Colors Art. 650. " Perle (75 yd. balls) size 5. White and Colors Art. 611 A. " " (large balls) White, sizes 3, 5, 8. Colors, 3, 5 Art. AA. " Crochet (>< lb. tubes). For Bedspreads, etc. Art. 1000. " Irish Crochet Twist (220 yd. balls.) For Bed- spreads, etc. For Embroidery Art. 551. Columbia Perle (skeins) White, 4 sizes. Colors, size 5 only Art. 217. " Mouline 6 strands (skeins) White and Colors Art. 219. " Floche " (7io oz. balls) White and Colors Art. 228. " Floche, Red Label (long skeins) White only Art. 299. " Embroidery (22 yd. skeins) White and Colors Art. 25. Sylvia, 4 strands (25 yd. balls) White and Colors Art. 50. " " (50 " " ) White only For Padding Art. 625. Columbia Padding (40 yd. balls). White only For Knitting Art. 300. Columbia Hank Knitting (7 oz. boxes). White only. Sizes 6 to 16 Art. 1500. Ball Knitting (l"/u.o oz. balls) White, sizes 2 to 20. Colors, size 10 only 23G \ -^ xr^e COLUMBIA YARNS SxO ^ v^^Xx COLUMBIA COTTONS Manuals of Crocheting ^GRQGHEJl y^ \ fOlf THE y' ^ \ UPT€f^flTE LRCCMflKEP A book of 71 Pages, contains full instructions for making lace edgings, insertions, motifs, collars, belts, slippers, bags, table covers, mats, doylies, cushions, bedspreads, etc. A book of 76 Pages, contains full instructions for making yokes, belts, edgings, insertions, bed- spreads, doylies, luncheon sets, table runners, tray covers, initials, etc. A book of 36 Pages, contains full instructions for making lace edgings, belts, slippers, bags, infants' novelties, etc. A book of 28 Pages, contains full instructions for making Infants' and Children's Caps. 237 :(3:< Kimono, Infant's Crocheted 37, 38 Kimono, Infant's Knitted 34, 35, 36 Kimono, Ladies' Crocheted, 178. 180, 181, 182. 183, 186 Kimono, Ladies' Crocheted Shawl 1*^4 PAGE Kimono, Ladies' Knitted ISS, 1S9, 190 Knee Caps 222 Knitted Golf Glove 214 Knitted Knee Leggings, Child's 63 Knitted Shawl 143 Knitted Thumbless Mitten 226 Knitting, First Stitches 8, 9, 10 Knitting Needles, Steel 6 Label, Columbia Yarns 232 Ladies' Crocheted Bed Socks 200 Ladies' Crocheted Hood 192 Ladies' Crocheted Jacket 171, 173, 175 Ladies' Crocheted Kimono, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186 Ladies' Crocheted Kimono Sweater 168 Ladies* Crocheted Petticoat 201 Ladies' Crocheted Shawl Kimono 184 Ladies' Crocheted Slippers 195, 196 Ladies' Crocheted Spencer 170 Ladies' Crocheted Sweater 149 Ladies' Crocheted Sweater and Toque 150 Ladies' Crocheted Toque and Scarf 193 Ladies' Hood and Scarf Combined 194 Ladies' Hoods, Toques, etc 191 Ladies' Kimonos 177 Ladies' Knitted Bed Socks 199, 200 Ladies' Knitted Evening Scarf 194 Ladies' Knitted Golf Sweater 166 Ladies' Knitted Jacket 172, 174, 176 Ladies' Knitted Kimono 188, 189, 190 Ladies" Knitted Slippers 197, 198 Ladies' Knitted Stockings 202 Ladies' Knitted Sweater, 152, 154, 156, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165 Ladies' Knitted Toque 192 Ladies' Shawls 131 Ladies' Spencers and Jackets 169 Ladies' Sweaters 145 Lustrone, Columbia 233 Man's Crocheted Bed Stockings 219 Man's Crocheted Scarf 223 Man's Crocheted Sweater 205 Man's Crocheted Vest 212 Man's Knit Bed Stockings 219 Man's Knitted Cardigan Jacket 206 Man's Knitted Gloves 216 Man's Knitted INIittens 217 Man's Knitted Scarf 223 239 PAGE Man's Knitted Socks 218 Man's Knitted Sweater 207, 208 Man's Knitted Sweater with Sliawl Collar. 204 Men's and Boys' Sweaters, etc 203 Misses' Auto Hood 127 Misses' Crocheted Hood and Scarf Com- bined 129 Misses' Crocheted Sweater 122, 123 Misses' Crocheted Tam-o'-Shanter 128 Misses' Crocheted Toque and Scarf 126 Misses' Knitted Sport Sweater 124 Misses' Knitted Sweater 125 Misses' Knitted Tam-o'-Shanter and Scarf.. 130 Misses' Sweaters, Toques, etc 121 Mitten, Crocheted Thumbless 226 Mitten, Knitted Thumbless 226 Mittens, Man's Knitted 217 Moccasins, Infant's Crocheted 43 Navajo Blanket 114, 116 On the Choice of Yarn 4 Outfit, Seaman's (See Seaman's Outfit). Petticoat, Ladies' Crocheted 201 Pillow, Crocheted 120 Polo Cap, Boy's 226 Pulse Warmers 222 Receiver, Hair Pin 228 Sacque, Infant's Crocheted. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32 Sacque, Infant's Crocheted Filet 31 Sacque, Infant's Knitted 21, 22, 23, 24 Safety Pin Holder 229 Scarf and Toque, Child's Crocheted 64 Scarf, Ladies' Crocheted Toque and 193 Scarf, Ladies' Knitted Evening 194 Scarf, Man's Crocheted 223 Scarf, Man's Knitted 223 Seaman's Outfit 220. 221 Shawl, Knitted 143 Shawl, Three Pointed Knitted 142 Shawls, Columbia Knitted 144 Shawls, Crocheted 137, 138, 139, 140, 141 Shawls, Detail Stitches of— Atlantic Stitch 132 Cluster Stitch 1.33 Colonial Stitch 133 Crossed Shell Stitch 135 Fancy Shawl Stitch 136 Knitted Cosmo Stitch 132 Panama Stitch 135 Pique Stitch 134 Raised Half Shell 134 TAGE Shell Couch Afghan HO Slippers, Child's Crocheted 61 Slippers, Ladies' Crocheted 195, 196 Slippers, Ladies' Knitted 197. 198 Socks, Man's Knitted 218 Silencer, Ladies' Crocheted 170 Spencer, Newport, Infant's Knitted 33 Steamer Blanket 103 Stockings, Ladies' Knitted 202 Suit, Doll's Romper 230 Sweater, Child's Crocheted, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52. 53, 54, 58 Sweater, Child's Knitted 49, 50, 56, 57 Sweater and Toque, Child's Crocheted 55 Sweater and Toque, Ladies' Crocheted 150 Sweaters, Detail Stitches of — Arctic Stitch 147 Boston Stitch 146 Crazy Shell Stitch 148 Fern Stitch 147 Single Brioche Stitch 146 Star Stitch 148 Sweater, Boy's Knitted 209, 210 Sweater, Columbia Caledonian Knitted 158 Sweater, Dog's Knitted 227 Sweater, Ladies' Crocheted Kimono 168 Sweater, Ladies' Crocheted 149 Sweater, Ladies' Knitted Golf 166 Sweater, Ladies' Knitted, 152, 154, 156, 160, 162, 163, HA, 165 Sweater, Man's Crocheted 205 Sweater, Man's Knitted 207, 208 Sweater, Man's Knitted, with Shawl Collar, 204 Sweater, Misses' Crocheted 122, 123 Sweater, Misses' Knitted 125 Sweater, Misses' Knitted Sport 124 Tam-o'-Shanter, Child's Crocheted 66 Tam-o'-Shanter, Misses 128 Tam-o'-Shanter, Misses' Crocheted 128 Tam-o'-Shanter, and Scarf, Misses' Knitted, 130 Three Piece Set, Child's 60 Three Pointed Knitted Shawl 142 Toque and Scarf, Misses' Crocheted 126 Toque, Child's Crocheted Dutch 65 Toque, Ladies' Knitted 192 Vest, Man's Crocheted 212 Warmers, Pulse 222 Yarn, on the Choice of 4 Yarns, Columbia ^PA. 2.35 240 SEVENTEENTH EDITlOh YPC61630 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 007 750 558 1