DIARY OF COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL 1778 -1781000000 EDWARD FIELD LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. tnap. Co|)yriglit Xo. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DIARY OF COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL BOOKS BY EDWARD FIELD Tax Lists of the Town of Providence during the Administration of Sir Edmund Andros, 168^1689 Sq. Svo. $1.00 net Revolutionary Defences in Rhode Island With Mats, Plans, and 1 lustrations Svo. $2.25 net The Colonial Tavern : A Glimpse of New England Town Life in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Svo. $2.00 net Esck Hopkins : Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Navy during the American Revolution, 1775 to J778 Illustrated. Svo. $3.00 net Diary of Colonel Israel Angell: Commanding the Second Rhode Island Continental Regi- ment during the American Revolution, J 778-1 781. Illustkated. Svo. $2.50 net Diary of Colonel ISRAEL ANGELL Commanding the Second Rhode Island Continental Regiment during the American Revolution 1778-1781 Transcribed from the Original Manuscript Together with a Biographical Sketch of the Author and Illustrative Notes by EDWARD FIELD, A.B. Historian 0/ the R.I. 'Society of the Sons of t lie American Revolution ILLUSTRATED PROVIDENCE, R.I. PRESTON AND ROUNDS COMPANY I 899 TVVO Co Pits t^-'f-;. c: Offk« of no Register of Copyrlj^hts, 50940 Copyright, 1899 BY EDWARD FIELD SECOND COPY* THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF MY GREAT-GRANDFATHER ©arius Eijurtrr A FIFER AND PRIVATE IN CAPTAIN WILLIAM TEW'S COMPANY COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL S REGIMENT AND TO HIS COMRADES IN ARMS PREFACE. THE diaries here printed are in six separate parts, five of them being the property of Malcolm H. Angell, Esq., of Etna, Bergen County, New Jersey, while the other (Part Two) is the property of a descendant of Colonel Angell in Rhode Island. The pages on which the entries are written are about three and one half inches wide by six and three quarters inches long. The sections or parts of the diary vary as to the number of pages, and are stitched together without covers. Their general appearance is indicated by the fac-simile page accompanying this work. The whole diary has been carefully transcribed and copious notes added. It is hoped that these annotations will add to the interest of the diary itself, and be found useful in identifying and describing persons and places briefly referred to by the diarist. In preparing the great number of notes which is contained in the work, I have been aided by many persons, but to name all would be beyond the possibilities of this preface; to all such persons, however, I return grateful thanks. I desire to particularly acknowledge my obligation to Malcolm H. Angell, Esq., for permitting me to have in my custodv viii PREFACE. the parts of the diary owned by him, and to Mr. Harris W. Brown for the use of the other section under his control. To His Excellency Elisha Dyer, Governor, and to the Hon. Charles P. Bennett, Secretary of State, I am indebted for courtesies extended in securing for the work the illustration of the standard carried during the war by Colonel Angell's regiment. In addition to the diaries here printed Colonel Angell has left two others: one of them describes the happenings on a journey to the Ohio Valley in 1788, the other a trip to Philadelphia in 1792 ; both these are of peculiar interest from the notes which the writer made on the condition of these localities at that early period. EDWARD FIELD. Providence, R.I., October 4, 1899. COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL ISRAEL ANGELL was a descendant in the fifth gen- eration of Thomas Angell, who came to Providence with Roger Williams ; he was the son of Oliver and Naomi (Smith) Angell, and was born in that part of the town of Providence now included in North Providence, Aug. 24, 1740. He received more than the usual education afforded the youth of that period, for his mother had been a teacher in one of the country schools and was thus able to give her son many advantages of learning. He seems to have been con- versant with scientific subjects, was particularly fond of natu- ral history, and in his later years made many notes on this branch of science as he travelled through sections of the country on public business. He is also said to have been an enthusiastic student of astronomy. At the very beginning of the troubles with the mother country Israel Angell took an active part. When the army of observation was ordered raised by the General Assembly of Rhode Island in 1775, he was commissioned Major of the regiment commanded by Col. Daniel Hitchcock. The regi- ment to which he was attached formed a part of the Ameri- X COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. can armv laying siege to Boston and bore its part in the events which subsequently transpired. There is a letter yet preserved among the manuscripts of the Rhode Island Historical Society written bv Israel Angell to his brother, dated at Prospect Hill, Dec. i, 1775. It gives a clear idea of the character of the man who was des- tined to bear so conspicuous a part in the struggle for inde- pendence, and for that reason it is here printed : Prospect Hill, December the ist 1775. Dear brother — I take this oppertunitv to inform you that I Still Enjoy that Blessing which is mv health. God be Praised, and I hope that you and all yours Receves the Same blessing. I was in- form"', by Our brother Elish that there was no nails to be had in Providence but that you thought likely there was Some in Newport, and If there is Pray Brother. Send and git them and See that one Room is furnished this winter otherwise I Shall be very Discontented about my familey. and only Send to me and let Me know what Sum of money you Shall want to Carry on the Business and I will Send it as Soon as Possi- ble, there is no Nails to be had in this Part of the world and what news We have I Suppose you will hear of long be- fore this reaches You the Privatears from Marblehead have taken a brigg from England to Boston Loded with war like Stores ; one Brass 13 inch Morter Bead and all Com pleat 2 Brass Six Pounders 2000 Kings Arms — a great Quantity of Cannon Shoot And cartridges for both Cannon and Small arms a Number of Carbines and in Short Every war like article that Can be Mentioned all which is a Comming out to Cambrig and other Places from the Sea Shore, there was a malenculv Aflair happened a few days Past at — deadham COLOXEL ISRAEL ANGELL. XI Col' Huntingdon Wife from Conneticut hanged her Self there She was Governer Trumbels Daughter of Conneticut 5c Sis- ter to our Commisarry general in Cambrig Brother 1 am much allarm^' At the News of the Conduct of the People in Providence And the towns adjecent to hear that they are likely to Rise in mobs on the account of Salts rising and Some other Small Articals I begg of Every honest and well ment Person both in town and country to Exert them Selves to The utmost of their Power to Surpress aney riotous Proceed- ing Among your Selves Especily at this time for God Sake Let us unite all as one in America if we dont. but tall at varance among our Selves, of all Gods Creation we Shall be the most Miserablest So no more at Present Your &c To Hope Angell Israel Angell Esqr of North Providence Brother I am afraid you Can Never Read the above lines as They was wrote in a few minutes And with a bad Pen and poor Ink. Upon the formation of the Second Rhode Island Regi- ment Daniel Hitchcock was elected Colonel and Israel Angell Lieutenant-Colonel, and the regiment was despatched to join the grand army under Washington. Upon the death of Colonel Hitchcock the command o^" the regiment was given to Angell, his commission bei:r; dated Jan. 13, 1777; this position he held until the First and Second Regiments were consolidated. In August, 1777, his regiment was at Peekskill, N.Y., from which place he wrote the following pathetic letter to the Governor of Rhode Island: xii COLONEL LSRAEL ANGELL. Camp No z August 27—1777 Gentlemen, Pure necessity urges me to trouble you this once more in behalf of ye Troops under my command ; you will easily recollect that I haye repeated mv Solicitations before you on ye Subject of their cloathing as far as was decent. I did, indeed expect when I came from Home to find my men poorly Habitted nor was I disappointed their Dress even exceeded for badness what I had imagined to myself. Not one half of them can not be termed fit for duty on any immergencv; Of those, who of them went with me on a late expedition near to Kings bridge many were bare foot, in consequence of which its probable they vyon't be fit for duty again for many week 5 of them there deserted to ye enemy which I haye reason to beleiye was principally owing to ye non fulfillment of engagements on ye part of ye State and what may be expected better than this that more will follow their example while they daily experience that publick faith is not to be depended on. In fine ye Regi- ment is scandallous in its appearance in ye view of every one — and has because of this incurred from surrounding regiments from ye inhabitants of Towns thro which they have lately passed, ye disagreeable and prov'oking Epithets of the Ragged Lousey Naked Regiment. — Such treatment, gentlemen, is discouraging dispiriting in its tendency : it does effectually unman ye Man and render them almost use- less in ye Army I am sorry to have occasion to .continue my complaint in their behalf but as I look upon it, a matter, not of Empertinence but of Inportance I cannot retrain in justice to them. I pray gentlemen you would as speedily as possible inform me of ye result of your Deliberation on the Matter and let COLONEL LSRAEL ANGELL. XIU me Know whether they are likely very soon to have relief. If this is not ye case I shall look upon myself in Honour Bound to make my Application some where else I am gentlemen with all due Respect Your Honours hum- ble Servant Israel Angell Colo. To his Honour ye Gov. & Council State R. I. Colonel Angell participated in the battles of the Brandy- wine and Red Bank and was with the army during the terrible winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge. His regiment bore a conspicuous part in the battle ot Mon- mouth, and soon after this engagement he with his regiment was detached from the main army and sent to Rhode Island to unite with General Sullivan in the operations against the enemy at Newport, R.I. For distinguished services at the battle of Springfield, June 23, 1780, he was the subject of special mention by General Washington in a letter to Gov- ernor Greene ot Rhode Island. Upon the consolidation of the two Rhode Island regi- ments Colonel Angell retired from the position he had held so long. By the Act of Congress of Oct. 3, 1780, this was not to take effect until the first of January following, but it seems that it was some months later than this before he wrote in his diary that his days as a military commander ceased, Upon retiring from military life Colonel Angell returned to his home in the town of Johnston, where he carried on his XIV COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. farm and followed his trade as a cooper; at the same time he was granted a license to keep a public house. His tavern was a popular place of resort and was widely known for its excellence and hospitality. Late in life he moved into the town of Smithfield, where he died May 31, 1832, in his ninety-second year. He is described by one who remembered him as of "medium height, light complexion, auburn hair surmounted bv a wig, blue eves, a strong Roman nose, and straight as a ramrod." ' Colonel Angell was three times married and is said to have contemplated a fourth venture when death terminated his life. - In love and in war Colonel Angell was a conspicu- ous figure. ' Statement in a sketch of the life and services of Col. Israel Angell read before the Rhode Island Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Feb. 22, 1897, t>y Robert P. Brown, Esq. ^ His first wife was Martha Angell, his second cousin, who died March 16, 1793. By her he had eleven children: Mary June 17, 1766. Elizabeth April 27, 1768. Sarah October 17, 1769. Asa August 24, 1 771. Abner February 21, 1773. Israel September 12, 1775 Martha August 23, 1779. Naomi September i, 178 1. Ruth May 10, 1785. Stephen July 4, 1787. Oliver December i, 1790. His second wife was Susannah Wright and by her he had six children : COLONEL LSRAEL AXGELL. XV " He had seventeen children, eleven bv his first wife and six by the second, and of the seventeen, thirteen reached maturitv and eight became octogenarians." He was buried in the familv gravevard on his old farm in Johnston on the South Scituate road. For years this ancient burying-place has been abandoned and neglected, and the mutilated marble stone which marked his last resting- place, when the writer visited the spot a vear or so ago was lying broken upon the ground. An iron marker of the Sons of the American Revolution has been placed over the spot by the Colonel's great-grandson, Harris W. Brown, Esq. His military record as compiled by Heitman in his " Officers of the Continental Army " is as follows : " Angell, Israel (R.I.), Major of Hitchcock's Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Major iith Continental Infantry, 1st January to 3 ist December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Rhode Island, ist Januarv, 1777. Colonel, 13th January, 1777; retired ist January, 1781. (Died,— May, 1832.)" Such in brief is the history of the man whose diaries are here presented. His conspicuous service, his gallantry and Born. Luther May 11, 1794. Infant son .... February, 1794, died young. Susannah .... January 23, 1798. Mehitable .... January 31, i8oo. Henry May 21, 1802. Isaac ..... January 20, 1809. The third wife was Sarah Angell, the widow of Richard Angell. (Angell Genealogy, page 80.) XVI COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL. bravery, demand more recognition than is now or has here- tofore been given him. No adequate history of his life has ever been written, but fugitive sketches have, from time to time, appeared in various publications in which his ser- vices have been briefly told. Some years ago a descendant ^ secured from various sources most of his private papers, the service sword which he had carried so honorably through the war, and many other relics and mementoes, for the purpose of using them in preparing a proper record for publication. They were all taken without the country, but ere they could be put to this purpose the person in whose custody they were died, and all this valuable material has been lost. No portrait exists to preserve the features and appearance of this striking personage in the history of the War for Independence. ' Hon. Anson Burlingame. DIARY OF COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL SECOND RHODE ISLAND REGIMENT OF THE CONTINENTAL LINE. The standard of which this is a photographic reproduction was borne by AngelPs Second Rhode Island Regiment during the American Revokition until its dissolution. It is preserved with that of the First Rhode "Island Regiment in the State House at Providence, R.I. When these two regiments were consoli- dated, January i, 1781, both became the colors of the Rhode Island Regiment. On February 28, 1784, Jeremiah Olney, the last Colonel of the Regiment, in behalf of the officers deposited these standards with the State for preservation. The proceedings and correspondence relative to the matter may be found in the "Rhode Island Colonial Records,'' Vol. X., p. 14. PART ONE. THE diary of Colonel Angell begins with the twentieth of August, 1778. The regi- ment which he commanded was then encamped at Tiverton, R.I., and formed a part of the army under Gen. John Sullivan, then engaged in the operations against the British forces on Rhode Island. It details the happenings from day to day during the siege, and terminates September 23, 1778, when Colonel Angell was at his home in Johnston on leave of absence by reason of sickness. The regiment had then taken up quarters about a mile above Warren, where it was en- camped. August 20th, 1778. A cloudy foggy morning but broak away by nine o'clock and the Canon begun to play. Gov. Bradford ' Come to my quarters this day and Dind with ' William Bradford, Deputy Governor of Rhode Island from November, 1775, to May, 1778. 2 THE DIARY OF US. I was ordered on duty to day and Marched of with a detachment of 500 men as a Cover- ing party at five oclock P.M. and Releaved Colonel Wigglesworth,' the french fleet not being yet heard of ^ Spread great consternation in the Army. 21st. A pleasant Morning but Some foggy there was an Exceeding heavy fire from both Armys to day, with Cannon and Hoitzers we had but one man hurt and he had the Calf of his leg Shot away by a Cannon Shot as he was going to Carry his mesmates Some Vittles I was Releaved by Col. Jacobs ^ about 8 oclock in the evening. August 22d, 1778. A Clowdy thick 'Edward Wigglesworth (Mass.), Captain Company of Massa- chusetts Matrosses, 29th June, 1776; Colonel Massachusetts Militia in 1776 ; Colonel 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned loth March, 1779. (Died 8th December, 1826.) — (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") ® Diary of Fleet S. Greene, written in Newport, in "Historical Magazine," i860, Vol. IX., under date August 20, notes, "At 11 o'clock this morning a Fleet appeared standing off about "W. N.W. with the wind at S.W : it is thought to be the French." The same period covered by this diary of Angell's is also covered by the Greene diary, and being an account of the happenings within the British lines is of peculiar interest in connection with Angell's statements. See " Historical Magazine," i860, Vol. IV., 1-34, 69, 105, 134, 172. ^Heitman mentions a John Jacobs, Massachusetts, who was Lieutenant-Colonel of the 23d Continental Infantry. Colonel Jacobs is mentioned in the "After Orders " of August 15 as one of the Field Officers. COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. 3 morning with a North East wind and Cold we had a great Number of Cannon Carried to the different Batteries last Evening in order to open upon the Enemy this morning, but the weather being thick prevented our beginning the fire so soon as we Should had the weather have been clear, on Circumstance I forgot to mention the night before last after I had fin- ished my journal for that Day there was an Express come to headquarters from Count D^ Estaing the french Admiral who had arived and lay without the light hous ' and yesterday we saw the Ships two of them had ben Dis- masted in the late Storm one was the Admirals ship ^ she was totally dismasted the others had her Mizen mast Carried away, and her main top one Simmons from Providence was badly wounded by the Bursting of a Shell there was but litt firing to day to what there was yesterday. August 23d, 1778. A thick morning and Cool, the Enemy flung Shells the Greatist part of the night past, and this morning the Batteries on our Side was opened on the Enemy and a most terrible Cannonade kept up during the day. ' Beaver Tail Light-house at southern end of the island of Conani- cut (subsequently destroyed by the British). '^ The " Languedoc." 4 THE DIARY OF I dind with Gen' Greene ' to day, the French fleet Left us to day bound to Boston and I think left us in a most Rascally manner and what will be the E.vent God only knows we had one man kill'd and one or two wounded, one Eighteen pounder and one Brass ten inch morter was split to day but kild no man.- August 24th, 1778. A Smoking thick morning the Enemy Continued throwing Shells all the night past, and to day the Cannonade Continued very Sevear I and Col Olney was Curious Enough to measure all the Covered way ^ which was 1512 yards, in the afternoon we got our thirteen inch morter to play and flung three Shell but did no execution they broak in the air as the fues was two Short. 25th. A clear hott morning and a sevear Cannonade and Bumbarding Still kept up and Continued the whole Day, we got off some of our heavier Baggage to day in order to make a Retreat of the Island in Case necessity required ' Gen. Nathanael Greene, who had been detached from the main army to cooperate in Sullivan's expedition. ^ Rev. Manasseh Cutler, Chaplain of Ti':comb's Regiment, says in his diary under this date, " One man Killed by a cannon ball at one of our guns; another died of the wound he received yesterday by the bursting of a shell . . . Our people split one eighteen pounder and one nine and a half inch mortar." ■* The covered way is shown on the battle map of Sullivan's expedition accompanying this work. COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. 5 it Major Blodget came to Camp to day from the westward but brought nothing new I sent off my marque and went and took quarters with Col. Livingston ' and Major Huntingdon " at night we mustered all the teams we had and proceeded to the lower works in order to git off all the Cannon and morter as a Retreat was Determined upon. August 26. Clear and Exceeding hott about Eleven o'clock there was a Allarm it be- ing Reported that the Enemy was a Coming out but proved falls and we rested in peace this day. ' Livingston, Henry Beekman (N.Y.), Captain 4th New York, 28th June, 1775. By the act of 12th December, 1775, it was " Re- solved, that this Congress will make a present of a sword of the value of $100 to Captain Henry B. Livingston, as a testimony of his services (at Chambly, S.C.) to this country, and that they will embrace the first opportunity of promoting him in the army." Major 3d New York, December, 1775, to rank from 2d August, 1775; Aide-de-Camp to General Schuyler, February to November, 1776; Colonel 4th New York, 2ist November 1776; resigned 13th January, 1779. (Died 5th November, 1831.) ^ Ebenezer Huntington (Conn.), served in the Lexington alarm, April, 1775 ; ist Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 8th September to loth December, 1775; ist Lieutenant 22d Connecticut Infantry, ist Jan- uary, 1776; Captain, May, 1776; Brigade-Major to General Heath, August, 1776; Major of Webb's Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, loth October, 1778; trans- ferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Con- necticut, 1st January, 17S3; retained in Swift's Connecticut Regi- ment, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 17S3; Brigadier General United States Army, 19th July, 1798. Honorably dis- charged, 15th June, 1800. (Died 17th June, 1834.) (Hcitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") 6 THE DIARY OF 27th August, 1778. Cloudy and rained a little this morning but Soon broke away and was hott we met with som misfortune last Evening. I had one Ensign and 14 men taken prisoners by the British troops as they was a Setting their sentries the Ensign was John Viol.' Genl, Varnum ^ formed an ex- pedition against a picquet which lay near our right wing, which proved unfortunate being drove off with the Loss of one Lt and 3 pri- vates I was the officer of the Day to day. three large Ships arrived in the harbor about ' Mrs. Williams, in her " Biography of Revolutionary Heroes," Providence, 1839, page 93, gives another version of Vial's capture, in which she relates, " He fought at the battle of Rhode Island in Sullivan's expedition, and was left on the island by mistake. "Being on picket guard, they forgot to notify him at the retreat, and he fell into the hands of the British, and was kept for a time in one of the prison ships lying in the harbor of Newport." These details are inconsequential, yet perhaps the diarist's ac- count is more worthy of belief. * James Mitchell Varnum (R.I.), Colonel Rhode Island Regi- ment, 3d May to December, 1775; Colonel 9th Continental Infantry, ist January to 31st December, 1776; Colonel 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 27th February, 1777; resigned 5th March, 1779. Was also Major-General Rhode Island Militia. (Died loth January, 1789.) (Heitman's " Officers of the Continental Army.") Also Colonel of the Kentish Guards, 1 774. See Greene's " History of East Greenwich," pages 179 to 185; also same 169-176 for biographical sketch. See also Cowell's " Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island," page 256. A poor portrait of Varnum in Stone's " French Allies," page 84. Updike's " Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar. Boston, Thos. H. Webb & Co., 1842." Page 145. r^ f COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 7 two o'clock Suppos'd to be from New York I din'd with Col. Greene ' thro' day and spent the Greatest part of the afternoon in Visiting the Guard. August 28th, 1778. A Clear Morning and very Cool. Several Accidents happened during the night past, in the first place we was ordered to strike our tents and march of by Eight o'clock in the Evening to the North End of the Island, and the Order of March given out. but the order was Countermanded 1 Christopher Greene was the son of Judge Philip Greene and Elizabeth Wickes Greene, and was cousin to Gen. Nathanael Greene. He served as Major in Arnold's expedition against Quebec in 1775, and was made a prisoner. During the period of captivity he was, upon recommendation of General Washington, appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the Htst Rhode Island Continental Regiment. His military services, as compiled by Heitman, are as follows : Greene, Christopher (R.I. ), Major of Varnum's Rhode Island Regi- ment, 3d May, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775; Colonel 1st Rhode Island, 27th February, 1777, to rank from 1st January, 1777. By the Act of 4th November, 1777, it was " Resolved that Con- gress have a high sense of the merit of Colonel Greene and the officers and men under his command, in their late gallant defence of the fort at Red Bank, on the Deleware river, and that an ele- gant sword be provided by the Board of War and presented to Colonel Greene." He was killed 14th May, 1781, by Delancey's Tories in West- chester County, N.Y. For a particular account of the battle of Red Bank and illustration of his magnanimity on this occasion see " Christopher Greene, Hero of Red Bank," by Mary A. Greene in the "American Monthly Magazine," Vol. II., No. 5, page 521. 8 THE DIARY OF and we were ordered to tarry on the Ground till further orders last evening I had one man kill'd by our own people a Sentrie on the right of one of the picquets discovering one of the Sentries on the left of the other picquet which formed the line of Sentries and chaling- ing him he either did not hear or refused to Answer and the other Sentrie fired on him Shott him through his knee and he Expired very Soon there was a Considerable of firing between the sentries. August 29th, 1778. A Clear morning and Very Cool the ( ) Reed orders last evening to Strike their tents and march to the north end of the island, the advanced piquet was to come off at 12 oclock the enemy finding that we had left our ground pursued with all possible speed Come up with our piquet about sunrise and a smart firing begun, the piquet repulsed the Brittish troops 2 or 3 times but was finily obliged to retreat as the Enemy brought a number of field pieces against them the Enemy was soon check't by our Cannon in coming up to our main body and they formed on Quaker Hill and we took possession of Buttses Hill ' ' Quaker Hill and Butts Hill are two hills in Portsmouth, R.I. They were both strategic points in the battle. For view of fort on lUitts Hill see my " Revolutionary Defences in Rhode Island," opp. page 140. COLONEL ISRAEL AN G ELL. 9 the left wing of the brittish army was Compossed of the hessians who Attackt our right wing and a Sevear engagement Ensued in which the hes- sians was put to flight and beat of the ground with a Considerable loss our loss was not very great but I cannot assertain the number. I was ordered with my Regt to a Redoubt on a Small hill which the Enemy was a trying for and it was with Difficulty that we got there before the Enemy. I had 3 or 4 men kill'd and wounded to day at night I was or- dered with my Reg to lie on the lines I had not Slept then in two nights more than two or three hours the Reg* had eat nothing during the whole Day this was our sittuation to goe on guard, but we marched off Cheartully and took our post. August 30th. A Cloudy morning and the wind very high it rained a Considerable in the night the Enemy Remained on their Ground this morning two English friggats Came up yesterday to prevent our retreat but could do but little they Still Remained here. I was Re- lieved this morning and got Some provisions and being much worn ou*" for the want of sleep went to a hous and took a good knap there was a Cannonade kept up to day and Some small arms from the Sentries at nig-ht we Reed orders lO THE DIARY OF to Retreat off the Island which we did without the loss of anything, this Retreat was in Conse- quence of an Express from Genl Washington informing Gen Sullivan " that the Brittish Ships of war and transports had sailed from New York Some days before. August 31st, 1778. Our retreat off the Island was completed by three o'clock this morning it is Supos'd that the Enemy at- tempted a Retreat last Evening but after find- ing that we Had Retreated they Returned to their ground as it was late in the morning before they took possession of the torts we left one accident happened yesterdav was for- got to be mentioned in that days journal L' Arnold" of the artillery was killed accidentally as he had fired his Piece Stept off to see where the Shot Struck and Steping before the mussel of another Gun as the ofiicer gave the word fire the ball went through his body blo'd him too peaces his Body hung togeather by only ^ See " General Sullivan — a Vindication of his Character as a Soldier and a Patriot," by Thomas C. Amory, Esq., of Boston. •' Hist. Magazine," 1866, Vol. X., Supplement No. VI. "The Military Services and Public Life of Major General John Sullivan," by Thomas C. Amory, Boston, Mass., 1868. " Biographical Sketch in General Sullivan's Indian Expedition, 1779," Camden, N.Y., 1887. - Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army " mentions Noyes Arnold (Mass.), 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st P"ebru- ary, 1777. Died 23 August, 1778. COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL. \\ the Skin of his belly, one Arm was blown Clear off After we had Crost at howlands ferry we Encampt about a mile from Sd. ferrv where we tarried this day at Night Rec'd orders to Strike our tents next morning and Embark on board our Boats and Land near Warren as Genl Varnums Brigade was to be stationed Between warren and Bristol. Genl Cornells ' at How- lands ferry Genl Glovers " at Providence Col. Com'!' Green at Warwick and Greenwich. September 1st, 1778. We embarked on board our Boats this morning at Seven oclock Agreeable to Last Evenings Orders and landed about ten o'clock at Kickamuit bridg ^ near warren where we lay waiting tor orders untill 4 oclock P.M. then marched to warren and pitched our tents and tarried that night this Day was Cloudy and Rained a little. September 2d, 1778. A Cloudy Cold ' Ezekiel Cornell was a native of Scituate, R.I. In 1775 he was Lieutenant-Colonel of Hitchcock's Regiment in the Army of Obser- vation. He subsequently was elected Brigadier-General, and was actively engaged in the military affairs of the State up to May, 1 780, when his brigade was mustered out of service. He was subse- quently elected to Congress and served with the same honor in civil affairs as had characterized his conduct in the military atTairs of his native State. ^ Gen. John Glover, of Massachusetts. He remained at Provi- dence until July 7, 1779. ^ Kickamuit River lies to the east of Warren and Bristol. Kicka- muit Bridge crossed the river within Warren limits. 12 THE DIARY OF morning it rain'd very hard part of the Night past we Rec'd orders last Evening to march this morning at 7 oclock but our waggons not Gumming up prevented our marching untill the Afternoon then we Struck our tents and marched off to Bristol there Encampt on Brad- fords hill. Sept. 3d. A very Cold morning for the Season Col Olney ' was much unwell with the ague in his face I sent a Boat to providence to day for Cloathing and at night I took com- mand of the piquet Nothing Extroardinary happen'd Except my writing this days journal in the manner I have jumping from one thing September 4th, 1778. An Exceeding Cold morning but Clear Col Olney set off tor Providence soon after breakfast as he was Ex- ceeding much unwell with ague in his face But nothing of consequence happen'd Dureing the day. ' Jeremiah Olney (R.I.)> Captain of Hitchcock's Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775; Captain nth Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1 776; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Rhode Island, 13th January, 1777; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, 14th May, 1781; served to close of war. (Died loth November, 181 2.) The 1st Rhode Island Regiment, after May, 1781, was also known as Olney's Rhode Island Battalion. (Heitman's " Officers of the Continental Army.") P'or biographical and historical sketch and silhouette see "Olney Genealogy," page 32; Stone's " P'rench Allies," pages 448, 449. COLOXEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 13 Do 5th, 1778. A cool morning Q;; Master Carpenter Came into Camp last Evening with Soine Cloathing for my Reg' and this, morning it was delt out to them, he allso brought 4 Chists of Arms for my Reg. which we delt out to the troops and Returned in our old ones there was a flag went from providence to Rhode Island to day and another from our Encamp- ment went in by' the way of Bristol ferry.' there was Several Cannon fired to day but what fired at is not known. September 6th, 1778. Clear and hot this morning there was a firing of Cannon heard the night past and this morning there Came an Express from beadford ^ informing ' A ferry formerly connected the mainland to the south of Bristol and the island of Rhode Island. The island end is now called Bris- tol ferry. ^The attack on New Bedford was made on the evening of September 5, 1778, and before twelve o'clock the next day the British had destroyed " about seventy sail of vessels, many of them prizes taken by American privateers and several small craft; burned the magazine, wharves, stores, warehouses, vessels on the stocks, all the buildings at McPherson's wharf, the principal part of the houses at the head of the river, and the mills and houses at Fairhaven opposite." This expedition against New Bedford was instigated by Sir Henry Clinton, and was carried out by General Grey, who landed with a sufficient force upon Clark's Neck at the mouth of the river. After completing the depredations at New Bedford the marauders turned their attention to Martha's Vineyard, where they inflicted some damage and obtained large quantities of provisions for the army and fleet. 14 THE DIARY OF US that the brittish troops had landed and burnt beadford I dind with the Marquis de La ffiat and while we was at the table there Came another Express with four Deserters from bead- ford informing us that all the houses and Stores and Shipping were Destroyed at Bead- ford and that the troops were all Embarked on board of their Ships while I was at the Mar- quises my brother Jason ' Came to me and brought the agreeable news that my family and friends were all well he set off" for home in the Evening. Sept. 7th, 1778. fine pleasant weather this morning I sent all my spare guns to the Store at providence in a boat by water allso sent a Serj'^ and a file of men to pawtuxet and Cranston after some Deserters who Deserted from me at the westward wrote Several letters which took up the forenoon I din'd with Gen Varnum and in the afternoon went on Duty taking the Command of the piquet at night we Reed orders to Move Boats enough round into warren river to move the Brigade over at once this order Come from Genl Sullivan and by the time we had got the men paraded the order was Countermanded. 'Jason Angell, born Oct. 7, 1748; married Caroline Jenckes, daughter of Dr. John; their children were Oliver, Jenckes, Naomi, and Jason. COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 1 5 Sept. 8th, 1778. Clear hot and Dry weather. A number of Cannon was heard to day and last night at a great distance to the Eastward but no intelligence where Col. Greene Came here to day from Greenwich but brought no news, neither was there any thing Extraordinary happend during the Day L' Dexter of my Reg. was Tri'd to day for dis- obediance of orders. Sept. 9th, 1778. A thick Cloudy Morn- ing (^ Master Carpenter went for providence this morning to procure some Cloathing for my Reg', it begun to rain about noon and was an Exceeding Rainy afternoon and Rained great part of the night but Cleared off before Day and was pleasant I din'd yesterday at Genl Yarnums. Sept. 10th, 1778. A Clear and pleasant morning the Boat returned from Providence early in the morning but got but few of the Articals sent for. I took the Command of the Picket this Evening 4 or 5 of my men who was taken prisoners on Rhodeisland Returned this evening and Brought word that they were all Exchanged and the remainder were at Prov- idence and Ensign Viol was with them. Sept. 1 1th. A Clear and pleasant Morn- ing but nothing Remarkable happened the fore- 1 6 THE DIARY OF noon I sent Benjamin King ' who had been a prisoner to my hous in Johnston and to major Fenners on business in the afternoon the brigade turned out and marched to Bristol town and manouvered on the Common by the Meeting hous one of my Regt and one of Col Sherburnes Reg was flog'd this Evening. Sept. 12th, 1778. A Coald raw morning Cap Hughes Came " to Camp last Evening and ' Benjamin King, Corporal in Major Thayer's Company of Angell's Regiment. ^Tliomas Hughes (as the name is invariably spelled in the Family Bible), only son of Joseph and Mary Hughes, was born May 3, 1752. The place of his birth is not now known, but family tradition states the family was of Scotch-Irish descent. In the Rhode Island Colonial Records (Vol. X., pp. 412 and 413) he is mentioned as of Freetown, Mass. There is some evidence to show that his father may have been Dr. Joseph Hughes (or Hewes), who removed from Attleborough, Mass., to Providence shortly before the Revolution. Thomas Hughes' name first appears upon the public records in October, 1776, as Second Lieutenant of Col. Israel Angell's Battal- ion (Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. VIII., p. 11), and he was among the officers recommended by General Washington to the Rhode Island General Assembly for the new establishment of the Continental Army, in the same month and year. (Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. VIII., p. 36.) He was chosen, in February, 1777, to be First Lieutenant, and at sometime between August and October, 1777, was raised to the rank of Captain. He served with Colonel Angell's Regiment throughout the war. In 1791 the Rhode Island General Assembly appointed Col. Jeremiah Olney and Capt. Thomas Hughes agents for the Proprietors of the Anaquacut Farm in Tiverton, which was set off to the officers and soldiers of the late Continental Battalion, commanded by Colonel Angell. These agents successfully petitioned the General Assembly to make up a con- siderable deficiency demanded of them by the purchasers to whom COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. 1/ lodged with me the night past. We all turned out this morning at Revele Beating agreeable they sold the land, and a resurvey was consequently ordered. Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. X., pp. 412, 413, and 437.) Captain Hughes married Feb. 27, 1782, Welthian (born Nov. 19, 1757, died 1844), eldest child of Col. Christopher and Anne (Lippitt) Greene, of Centreville, Warwick, R.I. The children of Thomas and Welthian Hughes were: 1. Mary, born Jan. 4, 1783; married Burrovys Aborn and had eight children., all of whom died unmarried. 2. Christopher Greene, born July 9, 1785; died at New Orleans, La., July 22, 1815. (A sea captain.) 3. Phebe, born Sept. i, 1787; married her mother's own cousin, Jeremiah, son of (Judge) William and Welthian (Lippitt) Greene, of Occupasnetuxet, Warwick, R.I. Her issue are the only living descendants of Thomas Hughes. 4. Katy, born Aug. 16, 1789; died in infancy. 5. Sally, born Dec. 15, 1790; died unmarried. 6. Elizabeth, born Feb. 2, 1792; died in infancy. 7. John Luther, born Nov. 2, 1 795 ; died Jan. 14, 1863. John Luther Hughes was u prominent merchant and manufact- urer in Rhode Island, and as a member of the Common Council of the city of Providence was actively instrumental in devising, fram- ing, and establishing the present public-school system of the city. He was the first Secretary of the Rhode Island Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company. His residence, at the corner of Washington and Greene streets, has recently been demolished in order to place the new Public Library upon its site, a fate most certain to have been pleasing to one of his retined literary taste and public spirit. He married Eliza Whiting, and had several children, all of whom died young. Thomas Hughes served throughout the War of 1812 with the rank of Major. He died Dec. 10, 1821, at his home at Centreville, R.I., in the northwestern part of the town of Warwick, and was buried in the family burying-ground on the farm of his brother-in- law. Col. Job Greene, near by. In April, 1896, this burying-ground was abandoned and the bodies removed to Greenwood Cemetery, Phenix, R.I., including the re- 1 8 THE DIARY OF to Gen Orders M' Consider Luther ' came to Camp this day a little past Noon and brought me word from my family that they was all well the Evening before and Saw old M"" Richard Waterman ^ at my hous Who informed him that their family was well M' Luther Din'd at my Marquee then went home nothing Extraor- dinary happened during the day. Sept. 13th, 1778. A Cloudy Cold raw morning with the wind at Northeast but soon broake away and was a pleasant Day the Bri- mains of Major Hughes, his wife, and maiden daughter, Sally. A marker of the Sons of the American Revolution has been placed at his grave, his being among the first fifty names drawn by lot by the Rhode Island Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for the purpose of marking the graves. Thomas Hughes was a small, wiry man, with reddish hair and blue eyes, of great energy and considerable executive ability. No living descendant is left to bear the name of Hughes, three grand- children and six great-grandchildren of his daughter Phebe being all that remain of the family. (Contributed by Miss Mary A. Greene, one of the great-grand- children of Phebe Hughes Greene.) Hughes, Thomas (R.I.), 2d Lieutenant nth Continental In- fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; ist Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, ist January, 1777; Captain, 23d June, 1777; trans- ferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") ' Consider Luther was a near neighbor; he died in 1814. * Probably Richard Waterman, Jr., a great-grandson of the first Waterman and son of Esquire Richard and Abigail (Angell) Waterman, of Providence. He was born June i, 1 701, and lived in Cranston; the date of his death is not known, but in 1763 he was serving his fifth term as a member of the Town Council of Cranston. COLONEL LSRAEL ANGELL. 19 gade marched to bristol town to the Meating hous' to attend Divine Servis when M' Thompson " ChapHn to the Brigade preached a sermon to the same, in the afternoon there was a funeral near the Camp at the hous where ' Probably the Congregational Meeting-house, the Baptist Meet- ing-house having been destroyed by the British May 25, 1778. For more than thirty years this church was under the pastorate of the Rev. John Burt. At the time of the British attack on Bristol, Oct. 7, 1775, Parson Burt, with others of the inhabitants, fled from the town; on the following morning he was found " lying dead upon his face in the midst of a held of ripened corn." ^ Rev. CharlesThompson, the valedictorian of the first graduating class of Rhode Island College (now Brown University), and of which class General Varnum was a member, was ordained to the pastoral charge of the Baptist Church at Warren, July 3, 1771. He was born at Amvvell, N.J., April 14, 1 748, and was thus at the time of taking the pastorate twenty-three years of age. His ministry was eminently successful and the church increased in membership until the break- ing-out of the war, when its effect was sorely felt. He was appointed a Chaplain in the Continental Army, which position he held until the year 1778, when, being at his home on the occasion of the British attack on Warren, he was captured and taken a prisoner to New- port, where he was confined for about a month and then released, but for what reason he never knew. ("A Discourse delivered at the Dedication of the New Church Edifice of the Baptist Church and Society, Warren, by Rev. Josiah P. Tustin, p. 129.") Charles Thomp- son, A.M. ; ordained Baptist clergyman, 1771; preacher, Warren, R.I., 1770-71; pastor, 1771-75; Chaplain Continental Army, 1775- 78; preacher, Ashford, Conn., 1778-79; pastor, Swansea, Mass., 1779-1802; resident, Charlton, Mass., 1802-03; trustee Brown Uni- versity, 1 795-1803. Born Amwell,N.J., April 14, 1748; died Charl- ton, Mass., May 4, 1803. (Historical Catalogue, Brown University, 1 764-1894, p. 27.) " Among the prisoners (taken at Warren) were the Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Warren; Major Martindale, Mr. Edward Church, and a number of young men belonging to this town." (Fleet S. Greene's Diary, in " Historical Magazine," Vol. IV., p. 70.) 20 THE DIARY OF Gen Varnum Quartered it was an Antient Woman mother of Capt Bradford ' who owned the land we were Encampt on Sept. 14th. A clear morning and noth- ing l\xtraordinary happened during the Day at night I was the officer of the picquet and had a plesant time to Visit the Guards Col. Ol- ney's boy Come into Camp to day the Col set off but meeting Col Sherburne" & Maj Hunt- ington turned back as I had sent a boat for Cloathing. Sept. 1 5th. A Clear Cool and plesant morning and Nothing Extraordinary happened During the day. I spent part of the Afternoon on poposquash -' in the Evening L' Col Olney Come into Camp from Providence and brought ' Mrs. Priscilla Bradford died Sept. 12, 1778, at the age of eighty-five years. * Henry Sherburne was appointed Major of the first battalion of infantry raised in October, 1776, agreeable to an Act of Congress. Soon after he was recommended by General Washington to the Gen- eral Assembly of Rhode Island for a commission as Major for the new establishment. In May, 1777, he was Colonel of one of the sixteen battalions raised by order of Congress, Dec. 27, 1 776. These regiments or battalions were known by the name of their respective colonels. •* This name, Poppasquash, like all Indian names, has been spelled in many ways. In various books and deeds we find Pop- pasquash, Pappasquash, Pappossescpiaw, Pappasqua, and Poppy- .Squash. The weight of authority seems to be in favor of the first form. Respecting its derivation, no satisfactory information can be given. (Note in Munro's " History of Bristol," p. 66.) COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL,. 21 news that it was Supos'd that the Enemy was a coming this way and that three Brigades of our troops was on their way here. Sept. 16th. A pleasant morning OJ Master Whittlesey ' Returned from Providence this morning with 30 Blankets for the Regt and a quantity of Shoes and Stockins and westcots which we Imeditly Delt out to the troops there was one Chist of Arms Come which supplied Each man in the Reg with a good fire lock we Rec'd orders this day to march from the Ground we were now En- camped upon and Encamp about one mile and a half above warren ^ but it being late in the day before the Ground Could be Laid out we Rec'' after orders to remain in our present En- campment. Sept. 17th. It begun to Storm last Even- ing and has bin an Exceeding Stormy Night with the wind at Northeast and this morning the Storm rather seemed to increase the wind rising and raining Exceeding hard and Con- ' Nathan Whittlesey, Q.M.S. in Capt. William Tew's Com- pany, 1779. '^ One regiment was encamped upon the field immediately south of the rocks, upon the summit of Windmill or Graves Hill, where are still to be seen the levelled and graded places where their tents were pitched. The following winter the troops stationed in War- ren were quartered in stores upon the wharves and in private dwell- ings. (Fessenden's " History of Warren," 1845, p 98.) 22 THE DIARY OF tinned Stormey all the Day Which prevented our marching to the Ground alotted for us by yesterdays orders I din'd with Gen. Varnum and Spent Great part of the afternoon with the General. Sept. 18th. A clear morning but Soon Clowded over we Struck our tent about 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning and marched off it Soon thickened up and rained a little we marched through Warren about one mile to the ground we entended to Camp upon and it set in to raining very hard but we Soon had all our tents pitched this proved to be the Clearing up Shower for it soon cleared off and was fine weather during the afternoon. Sept. 19th, 1778. A Clear morning and very pleasant 1 was much unwell this morning being taking last evening with Cold Agurey fits pain in my head I kept in Camp this day. Sept. 20th. A Clear pleasant warm morn- ing I was Some better this morning thin I was yesterday and after breakfast sent a billet to the Gen' to know if he would let me go home for a day or two which he granted and after Dining set off taking Doctor Cornelius ' and my boy ' Elias Cornelius (R.I.)i Surgeon's Mate 2d Rhode Island, ist January, 1777; taken prisoner at Staten Island, 22d August, 1777; escaped from prison ship in March, 177S; rejoined his regiment and served to ist January, 1781. (Died 13th June 1823.) (Heitman's ♦'Officers of the Continental Army.") COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 2$ with me and ariv'd at my own hous before Sun- set and found my family all well. 21st Sept. A fine plesant morning Ben- jamin Luther ' Came to my house very early this morning for the Doctor to come and see his child which was very sick the Doctor went and returned by a little after sunrise and got his breakfast then went on for Providence from thence to Camp where he had Engaged to be by ten o'clock in the forenoon my Riding hurt me I was not so well as I was yesterday Benja- min Luthers child was thought to be a dying about twelve o'clock the neighbours was Calld in, my wife and myselfe went over but the Child had fits and lived the day out, in the Evening I sent my hors and boy to Doctor Slacks^ to git him to Come and see M'' Luthers Child. Sept. 22d. A warm morning and Some foggy about half past 4 oclock Mrs Usher ^ Come and called up me and my wife to go over to Benjamin Luthers for their child was a dying we went as soon as possible but the Child was ' He was a son of Consider Luther. * Dr. Benjamin Slack came from Massachusetts about 1750, and was a physician of considerable note in the towns in northern Rhode Island. He commanded the Captain General's Cavaliers during the Revolution. ^ Mrs. Freelove Usher, daughter of Consider Luther. 24 THE DIARY OF dead before v/e got there I went home and tar- ried there the forenoon after dinner went to Landlord Fisks ' from thence to Mr Luther then home I saw Doctor Fisk" at the Land- lords who informed me that Byrans fleet had arrived part in Newport he himself was there. Sept. 23d, 1788. A Cloudy morning and Rained some in the forenoon but the Storm begun to increase about noon I and my wife went to burying at Benjamin Luthers and ime- adetly after we got there it set in to raining very hard and Stormed all the afternoon and after Buring was over we returned home and Elder Samuel Windsor Com to my hous and tarried all Night he and Elder Hopkins both Spoke at the funeral. ' Joseph Fisk, son of Joseph, kept a tavern for many years in the town of Johnston, on the Plainfield Pike, near the Scituate Hne. During the war he was a Corporal in the Captain General's Cavaliers, a military company made up of men mostly belonging to the town of Johnston. He died June i8, 1793. An inventory of the tavern furnishings is in Providence Probate Records (Johnston), Vol. I., p. 268. * Caleb Fisk was a prominent physician and landholder in Cran- ston, R7I. He lived on the Voluntown road, near Bald Hill, in Scituate, in a house still standing. He was the son of John and Elizabeth Fisk, and was born Feb. 24, 1753^ He was President of the Rhode Island Medical Society, and left that Society a bequest tif $2,000. COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. 25 PART TWO. THE time included in the second part of the diary is from December 12, 1778, to February 11, 1779, and details the happenings during the severe winter while the regiment was encamped at Warren, Rhode Island. December 12th, 1778. A Clear Cold morning after breakfast I sett of for the Camp at Warren Stopt Some time in Providence. Arrived in Warren in the Evening and found all well N.B, Ingaged to take the paper one Q"".' Decern. 13th, 1778. A Cold Stormy morning and Continued Storming all the day but Nothing Remarkable happened During the Day. 14th. it wet a little this morning but Soon Cleared off and was Cold nothing Remarkable happened this Day. 15th. Clear and Very Cold there was one Circumstance I forgot to mention in yester- days Journal That is Birans Fleet Sail'd that ' Probably "The I'rovidence Gazette and Country Journal." 26 THE DIARY OF day from Rhode Island ' Lt Col Olney & Major Simeon Thayer^ Sett off this afternoon for Providence, attended a general Court Mar- tial of the Line. The G^Vi Gave orders yes- terday for a number of men to be furloughed to day which kept me employed part of the day in writing furloughs thus Ended the day 16th Dec. 1778. A fine and pleas- ant Day A garrison Court Martial Set this day for the trial of two villains for attempt- ing to Commit a Rape upon a ould woman '"On the sixth of January, 1779, Admiral Byron's fleet, which had been so long expected, arrived at St. Lucie, just eight days after the departure of Count d'Estaing; and had it not been detained in the harbour of Newport at Rhode Island by contrary winds and stormy weather for fourteen days after it was ready to sail, it is probable, either that the retreat of the Count d'Estaing to Martinique would have been cut off, or that a general engagement must have been risked in order to effect it." (Stedman's " History of the American War" (Brit.), Vol. II., p. 91.) ''Thayer, Simeon (R.I.), Captain-Lieutenant of Hitchcock's Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775; exchanged, ist July, 1777; Major 2d Rhode Island, to rank from 1st January, 1777; wounded (lost an eye) at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 14th October, iSoo.) (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") For account of his services in expedition to Quebec, where he was captured, also a roll of his company, see Rhode Island Historical Society Collection, Vol. VI., pp. i, 102, and Appendices, where his death is stated October 21. See also Cow- ell's "Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island," p. 283; Providence Town Papers in possession of the city of Providence; Military Papers in Rhode Island Historical Society; and Revolutionary Rolls in office Secretary of State, Rhode Island. COLONEL LSRAKL AXGELL. 2^ near four score their names were Perce & Pil- lars my Sergt Maj"" Proctor' was to be trid allso for forging a pass in my name the Court mett and adjourned untill the next day So the day ended with Nothing remarkable. 17th Dec. A Clowdy morning and Soon begun to Storm and was an Exceeding Stormy Afternoon, the Court finished the trials of Richard Perce who was ordered to Receave lOO Strips John Pillar to Receive 37. John Ex- ceen ' 20 but he was forgiven there Come News to day That U. Chapin with Six Men took a Brigg From Rhode Island laden with Forrag and Some Small matter of Spirits, the Brigg was about one hundred and thirty or forty tuns burthen and 13 hands on board.-' beer. 18th, 1778. A Clear and Pleas- ant morning and was a Remarkable warm day for the Season Nothing Remarkable happened ' Willianj Proctor. See Cowell's " Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island," p. 191; also Revolutionary Rolls in office Secretary of State. 2 John Exceen, private in Capt. William Tew's Company of Col. Israel Angell's Regiment. 3 This was the exploit of Lieut. Seth Chapin, of Col. Henry Sherburne's Regiment, in capturing in Rhode Island waters a British brig bound to New York. The expedition, consisting of Lieutenant Chapin and six men, embarked in a whale-boat from Little Compton, and by a bold stroke, without the loss of a life, took in the east pas- sage the vessel and all her crew, including a lady passenger, the wife of Sir Guy Johnston. The whole party was safely landed at .Seaconnet. 2 8 THE DIARY OF at Roll Call those prisoners under Sentance of punishment ' reed it Agreeable to the Sentence of the Court Except the last who I pardoned. Deer. 19th. A fine pleasant [ ] as ever was known at the Season of the year and nothing materal happened I dind with Genl Varnum's Lady ^ there was a Small Dis- pute happened between Lt Thomas Water- man ^ of my Reg' and a L' in Col Webbs ^ ' The general form of punishment in the army was with the lash, although in some cases offenders were hung and others shot. In chastising a culprit he was iirst stripped to the waist and then securely tied to a tree or post, then the chastiser stepped forward and'with a whip, formed of several small knotted cords, applied the prescribed number of lashes. " It was always the duty of the drummers and fifers to inflict the chastisement," and the drum-majur was required to attend and see that the duty was faithfully per- formed. (Thatcher's " Military Journal," page i86.) * Gen. James M. Varnum married Martha Childs, the eldest daughter of Cromwell Childs, of Warren, R.I. She died at Bristol, Oct. lo, 1837, ^'^ ^^ ^%^ of eighty- eight years. They were married by the Rev. James Manning, Feb. 8, 1770. ^ Thomas Waterman (R. I.), Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 1st Jan- uary, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, nth February, 1777; Regimental Adju- tant, loth August, 1777; dismissed ist May, 1780. (Heitman's " Officers of the Continental Army.") A list of officers and privates in Colonel Angell's Regiment who have died or been honorably discharged contains the name Thomas Waterman, lieutenant. (See Cowell's " Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island," p. 195.) He was a son of Lieut. John Waterman, Quartermaster of (general Varnum's Brigade, who died at Valley Forge, 1778; his grave is the only marked grave now remaining in that historic locality ; a commission has been appointed by the General Assembly of Rhode Island, and an appropriation made, to erect a monument at the spot. ^Samuel Blatchey Webb (Conn.), ist Lieutenant 2d Connecti- cut, ist May, 1775; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775; Major COLONEL LSRAEL ANGELL. 29 Regt concerning Rank on which Lt waterman was ordered to Consider himself under an arrist by Capt Williams ' of s'^ Regt. but they con- cluded to leave the matter to me and Maj Huntingdon. 20th Dec. A fine pleasant morning and and Aide-de-Camp to General Putnam, 22d July, 1775; Lieutenant- Coloneland Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, 21st June, 1776; wounded at Trenton, 2d January, 1777; Colonel of one of the six- teen additional Continental regiments, llth January, 1777; taken prisoner on the expedition to Long Island, loth December, 1777, and was a prisoner of war on parole until exchanged, December, 1780; transferred to 3d Connecticut, ist January, 1781; Brevet Brigadier-General, 30th September, 1783, and served to 13th Novem- ber, 1783. (Died 3d December, 1817.) (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") If he was not in service during the time covered by this journal the regiment still bore his name. The sixteen additional Continental regiments were raised by the resolve of Congress, Dec. 27, 1776, and were known by the name of their respective colonels. Webb's Regiment, which was at this time a part of Varnum's Brigade, had the following field officers : Col. Samuel B. Webb, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781; Lieut. -Col. William S. Livingston, 1st January, 1777, to loth October, 1778; Lieut. -Col. Ebenezer Huntington, loth October, 1778, to 1st January, 1781; Major Ebenezer Huntington, 1st January, 1777, to loth October, 1778; Major John P. Wyllys, loth October, 1778, to ist January, 1781. This regiment was transferred to the Conti- nental line Jan. i, 1781, and was known as the Third Connecticut Regiment. ' Samuel W. Williams (Conn.), 2d Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May to i8th December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Webb's addi- tional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 23d March, 1778; transferred to 3d Connecticut, ist January, 17S1; retired ist January, 1783. (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") 30 THE DIARY OF very warm but soon Clouded over and con- tinued the greatest part of the day after break- fast I rode to Bristol with Gen Varnum after looking round and Viewing a Ship of war which had come up against the upper End of the Island Supposd to have come to releave one of the Enemys Ships that had Lain there some time but she had not gone they lay both to- geather I arrived at my own Quarters by one oclock & Dined with Capt Stephen Olney ' nothing Remarkable happened further this day. Deer. 21, 1778. A very fine day and nothing Remarkable happened Gen Varnum went for Providence in the morning we Got ' Stephen Olney (R.I.)» Ensign of Hitchcock's Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775; ist Lieutenant nth Conti- nental Infantry, ist January to 31st December, 1776; ist Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, ist January, 1777; Captain, nth February, 1777; wounded, at Springfield, 23d June, 1780; retained in Consolidated or 1st Rhode Island Regiment, 1st January, 17S1; wounded at Yorktown, 14th October, 17S1; resigned ist May, 1782. (Died 23d November, 1832.) (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") Also Ensign in John Angell's Company, Army of Obser- vation, 1775. See also " Lives of Barton and Olney," lay Catherine Williams; Cowell's " Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island," pp. 236, 237 ; Stone's " French Allies," pp. 440-444, where is also a muster roll of his company at Yorktown, p. 445, and a portrait, p. 440; biographi- cal and genealogical sketch and portrait in Olney Genealogy, p. 42. His grave is in the old family graveyard on the farm where he died in North Providence, and is marked by a handsome slate stone on which is inscribed at length his service during the war. An iron marker of the Sons of the American Revolution was placed upon his grave in September, 1895, by the editor. COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL. 3 I one guard hous finished to day At night it Clowded over and in the Evening begun to rain. 22d Dec, 1778. A Cold and uncomfort- able Morning it cleared of in the night with Snow about over Shoe it Continued an Exceed- ing Cold day and Nothing remarkable hap- pened Gen' Sullivan Sent an order ' for all the Musicians to attend at Providence as the Band belong'd to Col. Webbs Regt. Major Hun- tington put himself in a most violent passion on the mater Swore the order was a dam'd ras- cally one if the Gen', did give it. 23d Dec. it still Continues Extreme Cold ' General Order, 22 December, 1778. . . . "The Musicians of General Varnum's and Colonel Jackson's Bands to repair immedi- ately to Head Quarters with their Instruments, Blankets and neces- sary Baggage for Tarrying one Week. "The Commanding Officers of General Varnum's Brigade, and of Colonel Jackson's Detachment will send with them the best Drum and Fife from each Band. General Glover's Brigade to fur- nish two good Drums, and Fifes. "The Barrack Master immeaditly to furnish a good convenient Room for those Musicianers. " Major Flagg will attend them at such Times as he may think proper; and instruct them in Musick. " The Commissary will supply them with Provisions, and One Jill of West India Rum per Day and more when he may find it Necessary. "The Quarter Master will immeadiately furnish the necessary cooking Utentials for the Bands. "The Adjutant General to forward Copies of these Orders to Warren, and Pawluxet immeadiately." 32 THE DIARY OF I Sent a boat to Updikes new town ' today for to get 200 pair of Shoes. 24th Deer., 1778. This morning was Extreme Cold the river in Warren was all froze over I sent to the barracks as soon as it was light to inform them that they need not turn out, as I was sure that they must freeze I had orders from the Genl to send a boat to Provi- dence but the river being froze over was obliged to send a waggon won fortunate circum- stance happen'd a Gentleman from beadford Come to Camp and brought 288 pair of shoes Which I bought for my Reg* at 25 shillings p"" Pair, which Amounted to 1 200 Dollars So ended the Day as Sevear as it begun on cir- cumstance I forgot to mention that is Two of Col" Livingstons men froze to death two nights past on Prudence Island they got lost a coming from Providence in a boat bound to Bristol in a Snow Storm there was Six in the Boat two perished the others survived. December 25th, 1778. An extreme Cold Day I dind with Parson Thompson the day Ended with nothing Remarkable Capt Tew ^ and lady arrived in Garrison. ' The present village of Wickford, in North Kingstown. * William Tew (R.I), Captain nth Continental Infantry, ist January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 2d Rhode Island, ist January, 1777; retired ist January, 1781. (Heitman's "Officers of COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. H 26th Dec, 1778. A most tremendous Stormy morning with dry Snow and a Violent high wind from the N. E, which continued the whole day and if I Ever saw one Storm worse than another this was the worst it being Extream Cold, never known Colder." 27th Deer. Sevear and Cold but the Storm had Ceast in the night and it cleared away to day the Soldiers barracks many of them were almost blown full of snow the Day Ended with nothing Remarkable Except [ ] was Drifted so there was no stiring. 28th Dec., 1778. A fine clear morning the Continental Army.") Captain Tew was a son of James and Anne (Arnold) Tew, of Newport, R.I., and was born April 5, 1745. He married Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Wilson, and died Oct. 31, 1808. At the time of his death he was a member of the Legisla- ture of Rhode Island, President of the Newport Town Council, and a member of the " Society of the Cincinnati." He followed the business of a clothier in Newport. ' This was the storm known then and since as the " Hessian snow-storm," during which a great many German and British sol- diers were frozen to death; the date of its occurrence is given as December 12 and 22, but from this journal it appears that this extreme weather continued until the 28th. " Dec. 28 (177S), upwards of fifty people are said to have per- ished, chiefly soldiers, in a very heavy snow-storm which begun on the 25th, in the evening, and continued to morning; among which, one Hessian captain, two of the Anspach soldiers, and others." (Diary of Fleet S. Greene, Newport, in " Historical Magazine," i860, p. 136, Vol. IV.) Abiftl Weaver, a private in Captain William Tew's Company, was badly frozen while on sentry duty and was an invalid thereafter. 34 THE DIARY OF but very Cold Col Olney arrived in Camp about ten o'clock after freezing his feet some he left Providence yesterday about 9 oclock and had likd to have perished in crossing the ferry ' Maj Thayer arrived a little after Sunset. 29th Dec. A Pleasant day and nothing Remarkable happened. 30th Dec. Pleasant this day being a day Set a part for thanks Giving " I and Major Thayer went out into the Country to Capt Ebenezer Pecks •^ in Rehoboth there Din'd and returnd to Camp in the Evening. 31st Dec, 1778. A fine day and nothing Remarkable happened I was president of a Court martial, ' The lower ferry, or the ferry at Tockwotten, as it was more generally known, was the most in use at this time ; it was operated by Caleb Fuller, and was sometimes called Fuller's Ferry. For sometime previous to 1777 it was closed to the public, for the small-pox was raging in the town and one of the hospitals was located near the ferry. But at this period it was in operation, and had been for some time. (See Providence Town Papers, 1205, 1207, 1353. 15059)- ^ " In 1778 Congress appointed both a spring fast, April 22, and an autumn Thanksgiving, December 30." This day (Decem- ber 30) was observed, also, as a day of thanksgiving by the authorities in the States of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Vermont. (See "Fast and Thanksgiving Days of New England," pp. 344 and 504.) ^ Ebenezer Peck, " a man of public influence and distinction," then living in the northeasterly part of Rehoboth, near Great Meadow Hill, on a branch of the Palmer River. He had a son, Ebenezer, who died in the army. (Peck Genealogy, p. 49.) COLONEL LSRAEL ANGELL. 35 January 1st, 1778 [1779]. fine weather still continues the Court martial met to day at 9 oclock agreeable to adjournment & Proceeded to business this day we received the Melen- cully news of a great number of Semen a per- ishing in the late Storm on the Eastern shore one privateer from this place was lost one man and his team of five cattle all perished on Boston Neck ' and three French gentlemen who had been out into Roxbury and returning to boston 2d January, 1779. A fine plesant day the Court Martial finished their business and adjourned without time. 3d January. A Clowdy day my Regt was mustered to day at Eight oclock in the morning Nothing Remarkable happened it rained a little in the afternoon 4th January. A Clowdy raw day in my journal of the first day of this month is men- tion'd the news of a mellencuUy affair happen- ing to the Eastward in the late Storm Since which we have got the Porticulars of what Suf- fered on board the General Stark ^ Priveteer ' This does not refer to Boston Neck in southern Rhode Island, but at Boston, for under the date Dec. 28, 1778, General Heath, in his Memoirs, writes : " A waggoner, his horse and four oxen were found frozen to death near the dyke, on Boston Neck ; they perished in the severe cold storm on the preceding Saturday evening." ^ In a statement of the shipping lost during the war, up to Jan. I, 17S3, belonging to the inhabitants of Warren, is mentioned "Sloop 36 THE DIARY OF and the prlveteer Called Gen' xlrnold ' the first mentioned vessel lost 19 men the last 73 who all froze to death 1 furnished mv Regt to day with their new hatts all bound and they made a grand appearance on the Parade being as well cloathed as any troops in the Servis. 5th January, 1779. A Clowdy Cold morning after breakfast Lt Col Olney went of for Tiverton being warned there for Court Martial but nothing remarkable happened dur- ing the Day. 6th Jany. Tolerable good weather for winter Maj, Thayer went tor Providence today and about 8 o'clock in the evening Lt Col Olney Returned having finished the Business he went upon 7th Janry. This day the proceedings of the Court Martial " where I was president General Stark (privateer) Pearce 120 tons." (See "History of Warren," Fessenden, Supplement, p. loi.) This vessel, in 1778, was the property of Nathan Miller antl others (see Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. VIII., p. 434). ' The privateer " General Arnold " drove on shore near riymouth, and bilged ; eighty of the crew perished ; the survivors were much frost bitten. (Heath's Memoirs, p. 200.) ''General Orders Providence 5th Janry, 1779. . . . "At a Brigade Court Martial held at Warren by order of Brigadier- General Varnum, of which Colonel Angell was President. Ensign Hamlin, of Colonel Samuel B. Webb's Regiment, Try'd for neglect of Duty, and absenting himself from the Garrison, without leave : Found Guilty, and sentenced to be discharged the service. The COLONEL LSRAEL ANGEL.L. 37 was made known as the Gen' had approv'd General approves the sentence and orders it to take place immeadi- ately. " Ensign PVothingham, Try'd by the same Court, for absenting himself from the Garrison, without leave: Found Guilty, and sen- tenced to be discharged the Army. The General approves the sentence: but upon the recommendation of the Court, restores him to his former Rank. " Lieutenant Price of Colonel Elliotts Regiment Try'd by the same Court, for absenting himself from the Garrison three Days without leave, and for associateing with the Waggon Master, and Forage Master of the Brigade : Found Guilty, and sentenced to be discharged the service. The General approves the sentence, and orders it to take place immeadiately. " Captain Loiseaux, and Lieutenant West of Colonel Living- stone's Regiment, Try'd by the same Court for behaving unbecoming the carracter of Gentlemen in fighting before the Soldiers, and for being Drunk: Captain Loiseaux found Guilty by the Court, and sen- tenced to be discharged the service. The General approves the sentence, and orders it to take place immeadiately. Lieutenant West is found not Guilty. The General orders him releas'd from his arrest. " Captain David Dexter of Colonel Angell's Regiment Try'd by the same Court, for leaving his Post on the 25"^ of De- cember 1778, and not returning 'till the 29"* for behaving unbe- coming the Carracter of an Officer, and a Gentleman, in frequently associateing, with the Waggon Master of the Brigade : P'ound guilty by the Court, and sentenced to be discharged the service. " The General approves the sentence, and orders it to take place immeadiately. "The Court Martial in consideration of Captain Dexter's long Services, and sufferings in the American cause, and the sense they have, of his bravery, and. activity, have recommended him, to be entitled, to the same priviledges, as those who are left out in the new arrangement of the Army. The commander in chief is sen- sibely mortified that he cannot by complying with the recommenda- tion of the Court, evince the regard he has for that Officer's former Services, Activity, and Bravery. The sentence being for a dismis- sion, and the recommendation, not for a restitution to his command. 38 THE DIARY OF the Same Capt David Dexter ' was Discharg'd the Service, Capt Lorsoiux ^ of Col James Livingstons Regt was allso Dischd Lt Whillys of the same Regt Acquitted Ensigns Hamhn ^ he cannot possibly be intitled to any future Advantages; and the declareation of it in orders would be deem'd a nullity, and could have no good effect in his favour. " All the Field Officers in Town are desired to be at Head Quar- ters this evening at Six o'Clock." 'David Dexter (R.I.), Ensign of Hitchcock's Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775; Captain of Babcock's Rhode Island Militia Regiment, 15th January, 1776; appointed Brigade-Major, 9th October, 1776; Captain 2d Rhode Island, nth February, 1777; deranged 1st April, 1779. (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") 2 From General Orders, 5th December, 1778. "At a General Court Martial of which Colonel Angell was President : was tryed, Captain Augustus Loizcan, for Cutting a Tent, of Public Property, and making Knapsacks of it; for exchanging bad Firelocks for good ones out of Public Stores, and selling them, for stealing Soldiers Provision, speaking defamatory of the Officers, of Colonel Livingstone's Regiment; and for threating Lieutenant Nichols's Life; found Guilty, in part, and Sentenced to be dismis'd the Service : But, in consideration of his former sufferings, and Services in the American Cause, his Bravery, and former good Conduct, and upon the recommendation of the Court Martial, the Com- mander in Cheif, Orders him to be releas'd from his Arrest, and Orders him to return to his Duty." Loisau, Augustine (N.Y.), Captain ist Canadian (Livingston's) Regiment, i8th December, 1776, to rank from 20th November, 1775; dismissed 5th January, 1779; name also spelled Loizeau and Loiseau. (Heitman's " Officers of the Continental Army.") ^Daniel Hamlin (Conn.), Sergeant of Webb's additional Con- tinental Regiment, 24th May, 1777; Ensign, i6th May, 1778; dis- missed January, 1779. (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 39 and Frothingham ' both of Col S B Webs Regt Discharged the Servis but froathingham was Restored U Price ^ of Col Elliots Reg* of artillery Discharged in the Afternoon I set off for my own hous where I arrived just in the Evening 8th January, 1779. Spent the Greatest part of the Day at home went and spent a few hours with Major Richard Fenner-^ Returned and in the Evening Ointed for the Itch which I had bin so unfortinate as to catch but where was unknown to me thus Ended the Day with the Devil of a Stink 9th Janry. Clowdy raw and Cold to day and Soon begun to Storm and Snow'd Exceed- ing fast the greatist part of the afternoon at night ' Ebenezer Frothingham (Conn.), Sergeant of Webb's Addi- tional Continental Regiment, 25th May, 1777; Ensign, 1 6th May, 1778; Lieutenant, 26th May, 1779; Regimental Quartermaster, 27th May, 1779, to June, 1783; transferred to 3d Connecticut, ist Janu- ary, 1 781, and served to June, 1783; Lieutenant United States In- fantry Regiment, 15th July, 1785; Lieutenant 1st Infantry, United States Army, 29th September, 17S9; killed, 22d October, 1790, in action with Indians at the Miami Towns, near Old Chillicothe, Ohio. (Heitman's " Officers of the Continental Army.") ^ Edward Price was 2d Lieutenant in Captain Sayer's Company, in Col. Robert Elliot's Regiment of Artillery. (Rhode Island Colo- nial Records, Vol. VIII. , p. 355.) ^ Richard Fenner, Jr., Major of the first regiment of militia in the county of Providence; commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel of same regiment May, 1779. (Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. VIIL, P- 533-536.) 40 THE DIARY OF turned to rain I spent the day in the Neighbour- hood. 10th Janry. A Rainy morning and Con- tinued thawing weather all the day I was not out of the Neighbourhood this day Nothing Remarkable happened this Day. 1 1th Jany 1779. it Cleard ofF last night and was very Cold this morning & Continued growing Cold all the day I was to have gone to Providence to day but a number of people Comming in who had business with me prevented my going So Spent the day at home. 12th Janry. A Clowdy Raw Cold morn- ing but much warmer than it was the fore part of the Evening past After I got my Breakfast set of for Providence by the way of Wainscoot ' and tarried at my fathers the night following Where I had the Pleasure of seeing all my Brothers and Sisters ' togeather Except my sister Whipple^ 13th Jany. A Tolirable pleasant morning for winter after Breakfast I and my Brother Jason Sett of for Providence where I spent the ' Wanskuck, near Providence. * Colonel Angel! had three brothers and two sisters: Hope An- gell, Jason Angell, Elisha Angell, Ruth Angell, and Naomi Angell. (Angell Genealogy, p. 80.) =* Naomi Angell married John Whipple. (Angell Genealogy, p. 39) COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 4 1 day. Capt Allen ' of my Reg*, was here and 1^!^ men with him from my Reg* there was a hundred from the Brigade a going on Some privat Expedition Suppos'd with Talbut " to Stick Another feather in his Capp I heard no news of Consequence this day, at night I Re- turned to my own hous by 9 o'clock P.M. January 14th, 1779. An Exceeding Plesant day I Spent the day in the Neighbor- hood and nothing Remrkable Happened Isaac Angel 1 ' Come to See me today and I agreed with him to finish my hous Janry. 15th. An Exceeding Cold and Clowdy morning with Snow as it had Snow'd part of the night I went in Serch of Some ' William Allen (R.I,)> '^t Lieutenant nth Continental Infantry, ist January to 31st December, 1776; ist Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 13th January, 1777; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, ist January, 1781 ; Brevet Major, 30th September, 1783; served to 3d November, 1783. (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") * Col. Silas Talbot. In 1775 he was Captain in a company of the Army of Observation; October, 1777, promoted by Congress to the rank and pay of Major in the army, for " merit and services in a spirited attempt to set fire to one of the enemy's ships-of-war in the North River, last year." Nov. 14, 1778, recommended for a commission as Lieutenant-Colonel in the army for bravery and good conduct " in boarding and taking the armed schooner ' Pigot' of eight twelve- pounders and forty-five men in the east passage between the island of Rhode Islam! and the main." This exploit was performed Oct. 17, 1778. •* Isaac y\ngell was the son of Colonel Angell's brother Elisha, and was a house carpenter, and " is said to have been a verv good workman." (^Angell Genealogy, p. 85.) 42 THE DIARY OF Grain to day, but found none thus Ended the day with nothing Remarkable January 16th, 1779. This Day was Colder than it had been for Severall days be- fore, I went to Providence and after finishing the business I went upon Returned to my own hous, it was reported in Providence that the party that was a going on the privat Expedition was a going to attack a Sixty Gun Ship of the Enemys Jany. 17th. Clear and Very Cold I Spent the day at my own hous Capt Wm Arrow Smith ' who lived in my house Come from Boston to day and Brought News that one of our friggats had Returned to that port having taken Six prizes he also informs that m"" Andrews Clothier General of Boston Shot himself dead a few days before by handling a pair of pistols * The Providence town-meeting, March 2i, 1777, remitted the tax of Edmund Arro Smith, amounting to 6s. 6d. In a bill of the town-sergeant, rendered to the town, there is the item under the date Dec. 26, 1785 : "To taking charge of the things & Lock- ing up the house of Mr. Edmund A. Smith, -0-1-6." Mr, Smith probably died about this time, for Jan. 6, 1786, a bill is ordered paid by the town of Providence for " Board of Mr. Edmund Arrow Smith's family, Mrs. Smith and four children, two weeks 3-0-0." Joseph Smith, a son, was bound apprentice to Ephraim Clemence; Thomas Smith to Daniel Davenport. Another son, Edmund Smith, died at sea on board the brigantine " Polly," Zephaniah Graves, master, in 1799. At the time of his death he was a minor, and an apprentice to Ephraim Clemence. In January, 1777, Edmund Arrow Smith was a private in the Independent Company of Light Infantry of the town of Providence. The similarity of names and the fact that no other reference is found to William suggests that the diarist might have been in error. COLONEL LSRAEL ANGELL. 43 he had bought and one of them went of acci- dentaly and the Ball went through his head & he instantly Expired. January 18th, 1779. Cold and Raw I was much unwell this morning and Spent the day at home Isaac Angell Come to work for me to day. Janry 19th. Extreem Cold but nothing Remarkable happened. January 20th, 1779. Clear and Cold after Breakfast I and Capt Edmund Arrow Smith Set off for Providence by the way of John Waterman's Esq' and Daniel Thorntons I went to major Thayer's there fell in with Gen. Varnum Maj' Thayer and Maj' Box" > Daniel Box was Brigade Major of General Varnum's Brigade; his left arm was rendered useless by a fall from his horse in De- cember, 1776, when the army was quartered at Neshamany Ferry, Penn. In a list of invalids resident in Rhode Island, receiving a monthly pension for disabilities occasioned by the war, reported to the General Assembly of Rhode Island in February, 1786, it is stated the " wound so fractured the arm that several pieces of the bone have been extracted, and the wound is still open and the hand entirely useless." He died in 1801, leaving a widow, Mary Box, called also Polly, a daughter of James Field, son of John, 4th, of Providence, and great-great-grandson of the first John Field of Providence. The town of Providence frequently appropriated money for his support, stimulated, no doubt, by the following quaint appeals : "To the Honourable the Town Council of Providence. " The humble Petition of Daniel Box Sheweth. "Gentlemen " On the 22"'! of Feby., 1 7S6 I was admitted on the list of Conti- nental Invalids, by a Committee appointed by the General Assem- 44 THE DIAKY OF and L* Carpenter, after Dining went on for Warren where I ariv'd about seven o'Clock in the Evening and found all well it Continued Growing Cold all this day and by night was as bly for that purpose, with an allowance of Ten Dollars per Month and aproved of by the General Assembly then sitting in Providence. As I have never yet received anything, there is due nie on that account 150 Dollars to the 22"''. of May, 1787. And having ob- served a late resolve of Assembly requesting the town Councils in this State to supply their Invalids with specific articles, and pay- ment to be made for the same out of the continental Taxes, but not hearing of anything in this Town having taken place in consequence of said resolve, 1 am induced to lay my distressed circumstances before you. Praying you to take them into your serious considera- tion, and if possible to grant me some reliefe. " I have been rendered uncapable for near two years past, to pro- cure my self and family even the common necessaries of life, during which period necessity has obliged me to dispose of all my little moveables, my beding and wearing apparrel not excepted, to pro- cure necessaries for the support of nature; I have nothing more to part with, and am absolutely suffering both in want of foode and raiment, not having a single shirt to shift my self. To innumerate all my sufferings is to cutting for a man of feeling, and what is re- lated already I hope will be sufficient to induce the Honourable Council to do something in my favour. I rely. Gentlemen, on your goodness, beging God to keep poverty from the door, both of you and yours, will ever be the fervent Prayer of your Humble Petitioner " Daniel Box " Providence June 4"' 1787 " Providence Town Papers, Xo. 42J6. " Providence Novm"" 1787 "To the Hon.*"'*" the Town Council "The Humble petition of Daniel Box. Sheweth " Gentlemen " It is with the greatest reluctance and sorrow, my necessitys obliges me to crave your farther assistance, respecting my Contin- COLONEL LSRAEL ANGELL. 45 Sevear as Ever known Capt Smith who Come to providence with me went for Boston and bound to [ ] 21st January, 1779. As Cold a morn- ing as Ever was known and Remained so the Day but Nothing Remarkable happened. 22d. it Still remains Sevear Cold Some Difficulty arose in the Reg. Occationed by the Serg' going out of their Quarters Contrary to nental allowance as an Invalid. But when I consider your readiness to assist me on a former like occasion, I have not the least reason to doubt, but the same spirit of Benevolence, is still predominant. Especially when you consider the Inclemency of the approaching season. Heavens what a prospect ! for a man every way unpro- vided for the onset. The approach of winter makes my necessitys the greater, as it requires many expensive articles in a family, nec- essary to its comfort, that is not so much wanted in the more clement season, likewise a number of small debts, which is reasonable to suppose, I must have contracted, during a two years indisposition, which I want very much to satisfy. Upon these considerations, and many others to numerous to mention, tho of equel weight; I in the most humble manner beseech the Hon'''^ Council, if it is not in their power to grant me an order for the whole ballance due, they will let it so far exceed tl e former grant, as the Summer exceeds the winter, or in that proportion. " Upon your goodne--s Gentlemen rests all my hopes. " In the meantime be pleased to except the unfeigneil thanks of a heart full of gratitude and love fur your past favour, and that the gates of plenty, honour, and happiness, may be ever open to you and yours, will ever be the constant prayer of your much obliged humble petitioner. &c. "Note/ there will be due me the 23 of Novm"" 210 Dolhirs. " Received by your last order on a Count — 30 " "Ballance iSo" Providence Town Papers, No. 461 j. 46 THE DIARY OF Orders, at night my self and Col. Olney Spent the Evening at Gen^ Varnums Q"^^ with Govenor Bradford and a Number of Gentle- men I Reed a letter in the Evening informing me that there was a movement of the Enemy the letter was from Col Shearburne. January 23d, 1779. Much warmer this mornino; then it had been before in Several days about 5 o'clock this morning there was a firing heard on the Western Shore, the flashes of the Guns was seen from this post, but what was the occasion or what has been Done is not yet known Gen' Varnum & Maj"" Thayer Come to the garrison this Evening from Providence but had heard no news of the above S'' firing thus Ended the day. 24th. A Clowdy wet morning and warm but Nothing Remarkable happened Col. Olney went to Providence to day. January 25th, 1779. Clowdy weather and Raind hard in the afternoon. 26th. A Clear morning And warm but soon Clowded over Lt William Littlefield ' ' William Littlefield (R.I.)' Ensign 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant ; discharged 20th June, 1780. (Heitman's" Officers of the Continental Army.") The office of Captain-Lieutenant, so frequently found mentioned /// /.' / V' i-?- r r>t /■ !► I 4 /. ''J'\ \ / \ -f . '^ yf -9) V /^//Sl / " ^ p^^ y/^^^^^^/ X^ <^Ar^ yXaS^^~ ^€r rj'j COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL.. 47 Returned this Evening from the Grand Army but brought no news of Consequence 27th. A Snowy Morning and had Snow'd Greater part of the Night past but was not very Cold it remained Clowdy all the day but ceast Storming about Noon nothing Remarkable happened this day Col. Olney Returned from Providence today. 28th January, 1779. A fine Clear and Plesant morning in the Afternoon Col. Webbs Regt. Mutinied ' and turned out under Arms in the rolls of the Revolutionary War, is here explained for the reason that its significance is not generally understood. Gen. Horatio Rogers, in his explanatory chapter to Hadden's " Journal and Orderly Books, 1776-1778," discusses the office and its rank in the British army, and as the American army was organized on practically the same plan, his statements apply equally well. " Each of the three field officers," he says, " was supposed to command a company, so that a regiment of ten companies would have but seven captains; but as the colonel rarely or never served with the regi- ment, there was an officer styled a captain-lieutenant who com- manded the colonel's company. Prior to 1772 this was a distinctive grade between lieutenant and captain; but in that year an order was issued giving a captain-lieutenant the rank of captain; though the ' Captain-Lieutenant and Captain,' as he was afterwards desig- nated in the Army Lists, was always the junior captain." Such was William Littlefield, of Angell's Regiment, in 1779; unlike the prac- tice in the British army. Colonel Angell served almost continuously with his regiment. ' Mutinies among the Continental troops were not of infrequent occurrence. The troops were mostly incited to this disorder by the lack of pay and rations. May 29, 1780, two regiments of Connecti- cut troops mutinied while in camp near Morristown, and a brigade of the Pennsylvania line was called out to quell the disturbance. 48 7 HE DIARY OF but was with Some Difficulty Desperst but at Night they all paraded and Marched to the Barracks where my men was and about forty of my Regt Joined them after talking some time with them they all Disperst and Remained in peace the night. January 29. A fine pleasant morning and at Roll Call I ordered fore of my Men Whipt for attempting and Robbing a Corporal for Informing the officers that they were a turning out with their Arms, in the afternoon I and Gen Varnum went to Providence from thence I went to my fathers there tarried the Night. Jany. 30th, 1779. A pleasant morning and after breakfast I set off for Providence but could do no business with the Council of war in the afternoon I set off for my own hous and a violent Stormy time I had as it snow'd all the way home I got to my own hous about sunset found all well. The fourth of January the next year the Pennsylvania troops mu- tinied, some blood was shed, and a serious state of affairs was averted only by the prompt and firm action of General Wayne. A few days later the New Jersey line cantoned at Pompton, N.J., mutinied, and left the camp, closely pursued by General Howe (American), who suppressed the revolt and executed some of the ringleaders. May 6, 1782, another mutiny among the Connecticut troops occurred near Fishkill, which was promptly surpressed. (Thatcher's " Mili- tary Journal," pp. 198, 246, 251, 310.) COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL. 49 January 31, 1779. It had Cleared off and was good Weather this morning I spent the Day in running about the Neighbourhood to day on busines and tarried at my own hous the Night following. Febry. 1st, 1779. A fine pleasant morn- ing after Breakfast I set of for Camp at Warren it Remained Exceeding Plesant over head but thaw'd So as to make it bad traviling I arrived in Camp by Sunset and found all well Col Peck ' and Doctor Hagan ^ was at my Q""^ ' Probably William Peck (Conn.), Adjutant 17th Continental Infantry, ist January, 1776; Brigade Major to General Spencer, 28th July, 1776; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Spencer, 14th August, 1776, to January, 1778; served also as Colonel and Deputy Adjutant-General of Forces in Rhode Island, 20th May, 1777, until he resigned, about October, 1781. (Ileitmau's "Offi- cers of the Continental Army.") See also Providence Town Papers, Nos. 1452, 2145. ® There was a Francis Hagan, of New Jersey, who was Hospital Physician and Surgeon, Oct. 6, 1780; he resigned the service May 25, 1 781. 50 THE DAIRY OF PART THREE. A PORTION of this section of the diary has been lost, the first entry, which was apparently for the eighteenth of June, 1779, being incomplete, — it refers to the engage- ment at Charlestown Neck, South Carolina, on May 11, 1779, news of which had only then been received. The part concludes with the fourteenth of August, 1779, when the regiment was en- camped at Barbers' Heights, in North Kings- town, Rhode Island. . . . Army being Defeted in an Action against Charlestown,' South Carolina, the En- emy was Pressing on to gain the town Gen' Lincon was in the Rear the Enemy was Repulsed and Retreated then Rallied Come on the Second time and was totally defeated thus Ends the Day with this Glorious News. ' In this engagement General Lincoln sustained a loss, according to Gordon (British), of killed and wounded, 146, besides 155 miss- ing. COLONEL ISRAEL ANCELL. 5 1 19th. Nothing Remarkable this Day. June 20th, 1779. Fine weather and nothing remarkable untill Evening when we had the grand news of the Brittish armys being Entirely Defeted in georgia. 21st. Good weather, this Day I sent to Coxet ' to divide the prize taken by the weasel and nothing Remarkable happens June22d, 1779. This day all the offi- cers of my Rest and Colo Sherburnes met at a place called Pecks Rocks ^ where they had a grand Entertainment I did not attend my self with them, in the afternoon Reed an express from General Gates ^ Desiring me to attend head Quarters. I set off immediately, when I Come to Providence the Gen' informed me he was going to Remove my Regt to Boston neck and Col Jackson's to Warren. I went to my Brother Whipples and tarried the night. June 23, 1779. Left Providence this morning after waiting on the Gen' arrived at ' Acoxet, a part of Dartmouth, Mass., also spelled Coaksett. (^See Plymouth Colony Records, Vol. IV., p. 65.) * The place called Peck's Rocks is located at the mouth of the Warren River, nearly opposite Rumstick Point, in the town of Bris- tol, R.I. It was near here that the British forces landed when they made the attack on the towns of Warren and Bristol, May 25, 1778. ^ Gen. Horatio Gates held command of the troops in Rhode Island from April to November, 1779. N- 52 THE DIARY OF Camp about ten oclock AM went to preparing for a move. 24th. This morning we packt up all our baggage and begun to Remove it to warren, I rode out into Swansey to Mr. Hills Tavern to take my leave of them. Returned and dined with Gen. Miller' then went to the camp and 'Gen. Nathan Miller was born in the town of Warren, R.I. (then Swansea, Mass.), March 20, 1743. He was the oldest son of Nathan and Patience (Turner) Miller, being sixth in line of descent from John Miller, one of the early settlers of Rehoboth, and fifth in line of descent from Capt. William Turner, who lost his life during Philip's War, while in command of a volunteer company at Turn- er's Falls. His paternal great-great-grandmother was Elizabeth, daughter of William Sabine, a Huguenot refugee of wealth and culture, whose name appeared upon the Rehoboth records as early as 1643. His grandfather, Samuel Miller, was a large landed pro- prietor, and was among the first in Warren to engage in ship build- ing. The Miller family were prominent members of the social, political, and religious circles of their native town, and gave their name to one of its principal streets. At the outbreak of the Revolution General Miller and his brother, William Turner Miller, at once embraced the cause of liberty, and throughout the war both labored diligently in defence of their country. In 1775 Nathan Miller was chosen Commissary to Gen- eral Hopkins' troops. In 1777 he was appointed a recruiting offi- cer. In 1778 he became a member of the Council of War. In the spring of this year, he, in connection with Le Baron Bradford, Samuel Pearce, Samuel Brown, and Cromwell Child fitted out the privateer sloop " General Stark," of fourteen guns, which captured two or more prizes, though eventually falling into the hands of the enemy. During the battle of Rhode Island he was in command of a regiment. In 1779, after having been advanced through various military grades, he was appointed Brigadier-General of the counties of Newport and Bristol. Throughout that and the following year he served on various committees. So arduous were his many duties COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 53 found a man there who had brought a load of the goods from our prize at Coxet the goods was at Kickemuit Bridg we went imeadetly to carting it to warren and at three o'clock all the tents was struck loaded into the waggons a little after four the Reg* marched off the Ground went to Warren where they tarried the night in my Journal of the 22"^^ forgot to mention one Mellencully Accident which happend two young men of my Reg* Benjamin Bird and that in 1781 he decided to withdraw from public life, but at the request of the General Assembly reconsidered his determination, and in August of that year was placed in command of the flag-of- truce "Nancy" and proceeded to New York for the purpose of negotiating an exchange of prisoners. In 17S2 he was chosen one of a committee to sell certain confiscated estates, and was also a member of the committee of ways and means. He continued his active participation in public affairs until his death, which occurred March 20, 1790. General Miller represented Warren as a Deputy to the General Assembly for a period of nine years. In February, 17S6, he was elected a delegate to the United States Congress, the Rev. James Manning, D.D., President of Rhode Island College, being his col- league. With the French officers stationed in Rhode Island General Mil- ler was on most intimate terms, his Huguenot blood forming a bond of union mutually agreeable. General Lafayette, while encamped at Warren, was his frequent guest, and a warm friendship existed between the two. General Miller was also greatly attached to Count Rochambeau, with whom he exchanged swords. The Rochambeau sword is a handsome rapier, the blade ornamented with gold and blue, while the hilt and guard are of silver. It is owned by a de- scendant of General Miller, and is a highly prized heirloom. The personal appearance of General Miller was very striking, owing to his remarkable size. His weight was above three hun- 54 7'//i5 DIARY OF James Lobb were both drowned in Kickemuit River the first men lost out of the Regt Since the action on the Island — by Death June 25th, 1779. This morning I turnd out by two o'clock and before four had all the troops embarkt and on their passage. I tarried myself till after Breakfast then went on by land in Company with Lt Jeruald ' and his wife to Providence as I was a member of a Court Martial to set there by adjournment for the trial of Col Vose " arrived in Providence dred pounds. His boots were said to have held a bushel of corn apiece, while four boys were easily buttoned into his vest. The Maiquis de Chastellux, in the narrative of his travels through America, alludes to the great corpulency of the general, and also to the remarkable size of his sister, Mrs. Burr, wife of the landlord of the famous Warren hostelry, Burr's Tavern. General Miller married his cousin, Rebekah Barton, daughter of Samuel and Lillis (Turner) Barton, Jan. 8, 1764. She survived him several years, dying Aug. 21, 181 7. By this marriage there were two children : a son, Caleb, who died in early youth, and a daughter, Abigail, who married Charles Wheaton, of Providence. The old Miller homestead is still standing in Warren, at the foot of Miller street. Many years ago it passed from the Miller family into stranger hands. Though somewhat decayed, it preserves its colo- nial appearance, and forms one of the most interesting of Warren's ancient landmarks. ' Dutee Jerauld, recommended by General Washington and appointed 2d Lieutenant of the Second Battalion raised by the Colony of Rhode Island, October, 1776. (See Rhode Island Colo- nial Records, Vol. VII., p. Ii.) Appointed 1st Lieutenant, Feb- ruary, 1777. (Same, Vol. VIII., p. 127.) * " Head Quarters July 9**> 1779 Field Officer Major Trescott "The Gen' Court Martial held the 2"'*. June 1779 and Continued by adjournment until the 6"^ Julv of which B Gen' Starks was Pres- COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. 55 half after nine but the president was gone into the Country and I Went to Johnston to see my family where I arrived by two oclock & found all well but was much unwell myself ent Col" Joseph Vose Commander of the 4th Regiment from the State of Massachusetts Bay was Tryed for a Complaint Exhibited from a number of his officers for fraud for Taking a Quantaty of Rum Drawn for the Reg' for his own use Sec"^. in Defrauding the United States of a Number of Shirts out Major Shipherdes Store at Albany thir^^. for Selling a Horse belonging to the United States to an Inhabitant Near Valley Forge 4th for Drawing pay for being on Command while on Furlough 5th for keeping the Taylors employed by the United States to work for the army and alowed extra Pay there for. at work for those of his famaly that did not belong to the Service 6''^ for Drawing pay for a Serjeants Doing Q"" Mafters duty and keeping all the mony But Seven Dollors & h. P""- Month in his own hands & Converting it to his own use 7"^. for Sending home Blankits Drawn from the Store for the Regiment 8'*> for using Cloth Drawn for the Regiment to make his hired men Clothes. 9"^ for Gen^ UnGentlemanlike behavour to the officers of his Regiment. The Charges being Read to Col° Vose he pleaded not Guilty the Court upon a Mature and full Consideration of the Respective Charges, and the Evidences for and against Col'' Vose and of oppinion on the first Charge that Col". Vose was by no Means Tustifyable in Taking the Rum which it appeared he did but on the Contrary is highly Repremandable yet in Consideration of the Trifelling Quantaty he Took and the Necessity he appears to be under for the Rum The Commissary not having any at that Time and his Charractor as an Officer acquit him of any Intintion of defrauding the Soldiers in this Instent on each and every other of the Charges the Court are of oppinion that they are not Supported & that Col". Vose is not Guilty of any one of the Instinces of which he is Charged & there for acquit him & the Gen'. Confirmes the Judgement of the Court, and orders CoK Vose to be Relesed from his arrest & to Take Command of his Regiment. The Gen' Court Martial of which B. Gen'. Glovers is president is Desolved." — Orderly Book, /LeaJ(/uar{ers, Providence. 56 THE DIARY OF June 26, 1779. Clowdy and foggy after Breakfast went .on to join my Reg^ went to East Greenwich there Din'd. then went on to Barbers Hill ' where I found the Reg* Encampt when I had got to the Regt was all most Sick it being an exceeding hot Day and I had not been well for Several Days before Col. Greene Maj Flagg' were both at the En- campment when I came there, June 27, 1779. I was in a shocking situ- ation of health this morning, but got some bet- ter in the afternoon and Road to updike Newtown and Reconitered the Shore betwixt the encampment and the above said town then went to Maj'' Gardners there Drunk tea and Returned to the camp thus ends the day June 2§th. A clowdy Raw windy morn- ing this being the day that the battle was at Monmoth ^ I prepaird and Entertainment for all ' Barber's Height is a commanding eminence in North Kingstown two hundred feet above the sea level; from its highest point a view can be obtained of the whole lower bay (Narragansett) and for many miles off to sea. ^ Flagg, Ebenezer (R.I.), Captain 2d Rhode Island Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775; Captain 9th Continental Infantry, ist January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; Major, 26th May, 1778; killed, 14th May, 1781, by Delancy's Tories in Westchester County, New York. (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") ■'The battle of Monmouth took place June 28, 1778; in this engagement Angell's Regiment bore a conspicuous part, being in the division commanded by General Lee. COLONEL LSRAEL AX CELL. 57 the Officers of my Reg^ and all Dind togeather there Came a brigg in from Sea this afternoon I orderd a piece of artillery down on the shore and brought her too. it proved to be a Brigg from Sandy Cruze bound to Providence with Rum and Sowering on board thus Ends the Day William Jacobs master of the abovesd Brigg. June 19th, 1779. Clowdy Morning Capt Humphrey ' a Sergt and four men was sent to Greenwich this morning at Sunrise on Busness. Nothing of Consequence happened this Day. 30th. This Day we had an Invitation to Dine with a Number of Gentlemen and ladies at one M"" Gardners who lived upon the farm that was Rooms. ^ I and Col Olney went, ' Humphrey, William (R.I.)» Lieutenant of Varnum's Rhode Island Regiment, June, 1775; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st De- cember, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, ist January, 1777; Captain, 22d October, 1777; transferred to ist Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of \^'ar. (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") A journal of the expedition against Quebec, kept by him, is in the possession of his great-grandson, George Humphrey, Esq., of Providence, R.I. ■^ George Rome, "a gentleman of estate" and a merchant from England, came to Rhode Island in 1761, as the agent of the house of Halsey & Hopkins. He resided in Newport winters, and in Narragansett summers. His estate was located on Boston Neck, in North Kingstown, and 58 THE DIARY OF and spent the Day very agreable being a very respectable company of the most principal In- habitants for Several miles around. July 1st, 1779. An Exceeding Raney consisted of about seven hundred acres, " bounding easterly on the Narragansett Bay. "The mansion house was highly finished and furnished. The beds were concealed from view in the wainscots — the rooms might be traversed throughout, and not a bed for the repose of the guests be seen. . . " When the hour for retirement arrived, a servant would just give a touch to a spring in the ceiling and the visitor's bed, by means of a self-adjusting process, would protrude itself, as if by the effect of magic, ready prepared for the reception of its tenant." His grounds were elegantly embellished, and he entertained with "sumptuous hospitality." In the Stamp Act excitement he wrote a letter to a friend in Boston in which he reviled the Legislature, the Courts, and juries of the Colony, and charged general corruption therein. It aroused the most intense excitement. He was summoned before the Legislature at its session in Octo- ber, 1773, in South Kingstown, and questioned as to his expressions; but he evaded all the questions and was adjudged in contempt, and by order of the House was committed to the common gaol of South Kingstown, where he remained until the House rose. " After his re- lease from prison, realizing the extent of popular feeling against him and fearing that it might work him still more bodily harm, he ' fled on board of the " Rose," man-of-war, then lying in the Narragansett bay.' " His estates were later seized by the Colony, and at a session of the General Asseml)ly, in October, 1775, a committee was appointed to sell at public auction all the effects of George Rome in possession of the State and pay the money into the State Treasury. For Acts of the General Assembly relating to this affair, see Vol. XII., Rhode Island Colonial Records, pp. 376, 394, 421, 499, 520, 549. See also my " Esek Hopkins, Commander-in-Chief of the American Navy," p. 53. COLOXEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 59 morning with Thunder and Showers Lt Cook ' of Col. Greenes Regt. Come from the Meroon frolick. "" last night and Tarried in Camp Breakfasted with me and after Dinner Set off for Greenwich where we arrived in the after- noon and after Drinking a glass of wine with the Governor ^ went on for my own hous where arrived by Sunset found all well. 2d. it Storming this Day I tarried at my own hous the Day and nothing Remarkable happened. 3d. Clear and pleasant I set off with Mr Stevens this morning for Providence Mr Luther went with his team to bring up Some Stores for me that the Weasel brought and nails for a barn I waited upon the Genl for liberty to tarry until the Court Martial Set which was on Monday this was Saturday the request was granted me after doing what business I had to do returned to my hous in Johnston by two o'clock Joseph 'Cooke, John (R.I.)> Ensign 1st Rhode Island, 1st Jan- uary, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, ist June, 1778; Regimental Quarter- master, , 1778, to ; was in service May, 1780. (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") ' A hunting or fishing trip, or- excursion, in Southern United States, to camp out after the manner of the West Indian Maroons; a pleasure excursion of some duration, with provisions for living in camp. " Marooning Cases " are frequently mentioned in old inventories. See Prov. Probate Records, Wills, No. 11, p. 38. ^ William Greene, Jr., Governor from May, 1778, to May, 1786, who lived near East Greenwich. 6o THE DIARY OF Thrasher ' a deserter from my Regt. was taken near Providence Confined in the Main guard yesterday by Capt Joab Sweeting ^ an inhabi- tant. July 4th, 1779. fine weather this being Sunday I tarried at home untill after noon then went to Meeting at Samuel Angell's returned with a number of ladies and Spent the afternoon very agreable. July 5th. Clear and pleasant morning my people begun this morning to make prepara- tions to raise a barn I went to Providence to at- tend the Court Martial but it being a day for the Selebrating our Independence the Court stood adjourned until tomorrow morning Six oclock So I returned home and attended on the Rais- ing of my Barn which was rais'd in the After- noon without Aney Accident happening. July 6th, 1779. I set off By Sunrise this morning for Providence to attend the Court which did not meet untill near nine oclock when we proceeded to business and finished before ' Joseph Thrasher, of Capt. William Tew's Company. ^ Job Sweeting, appointed Dec. 24, 1774, with others, a com- mittee for resisting the Act of the British Parliament imposing a duty on tea, and for otherwise raising a revenue in the American Colonies. February, 1776, appointed, with others, a committee to procure as much gold and silver coin as they can for the operations in Canada. He does not appear to have been engaged in any military service. Many references to him are in Providence Town Papers. COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL. 6 1 Sunset as Genl Glovers Brigade was ordered to move it became necessary for the trial to be ended as soon as possible therefore the Court set in the Afternoon, which is not Agreable to the Articles of war Except in cases of Necessity like this, this day we reed the news of the death of Capt Joseph Olney of North Providence, who departed this life this morning very Sudden just before day. his wife observed him to fetch a Sigh and a groan She spoke to him but he did not answer her, and died imeadietley without speaking another word I returned to my own hous this Evening. July 7th, 1779. This day I expected to have gone to Boston Neck to join the Regt. but my wife had a mind to go to see her mother so after Dinner I and my wife set off for her mothers and I returned in the Evening in order to sett off for the Camp Early in the morning. July 8th. This morning I got up very Early in order to set off on my journey for the Camp but my horse had run away and took me all the forenoon to look for him in the afternoon I set off for Camp went to Green- wich there Col. Greene Desired me to tarry with him until next day and he and Major Flagg would both go with me. I tarried and 62 THE DIARY OF between two and three o'clock in the morning we were allarmed by the firing of small arms below towards New Town ' on which the Allarm Guns were fird at New Town and Warwick. 9th. I immediately on the Allarm set off for Camp arrived at New Town before Sunrise on my way there mett some Militia who in- formed me that there was three Boats with about one Hundred men landed at Quonset" above new town & Plundered John Dyer's Hous of Some Small matter of goods he him- self crept out on the Rough (roof ) of the hous and made his Escape, then I tarried at New- town untill Ensign Pratt ' Returned as he was gone to Col Dyers to see what intelligence he could get but he returned with no more than I had heard before we then Set off for Camp it had rained Considerable in the morning, and imeaditely set in to raining Exceeding hard by which means I got as wet as water would make me by the time I got to the Camp it Cleared off by noon nothing more Remarkable happened. ' Updike's New-town, now Wickford. ^ Quonset Point or Seconiquonset Point (see Harris Map State of Rhode Island, 1795), to the north-east of the village of Wickford, in North Kingstown. The Rhode Island State Militia camp-grounds are located there. ^ William Pratt appointed Ensign by General Assembly of Rhode Island, Tune, 17S0, commission to date from May I, 1779. (Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. IX., p. 90.) COLOXEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 63 10th. This Day being pleasant I with five or six of my officers went to Col Sands ' Tower HilP to dine with him and spent the day I forgot to mention that on the 8^'' Reed the Disagreeable News of the Enemys having possession of new Haven -^ we Daily have in- telligence from them Yesterday we heard that they had burnt fairfield and to Day it was Confirmd we further heard that they were of against New London. "^ July nth, 1779. This Day I went on Dutch Island ^ Returned by Two oclock and ■Ray Sands lived at Tower Hill and in 1775 was appointed Postmaster at the office there estabUshed. In October of that year he was chosen Captain of the Third Company in South Kingstown, and again in 1776. In July, 1776, he was chosen Major of the Second Regiment of Militia in Kings County, holding this position for a few months, when he was advanced to the position of Colonel, "in the room of Samuel Seagar, who is gone to sea." Colonel Sands was stationed at Boston Neck and Point Judith in December, 1776, in command of detachments sent there for guard duty. At the March session of the General Assembly, 1777, it was made known that the election of Sands in place of Seagar was to the office of Lieutenant-Colonel instead of Colonel, the Secretary hav- ing erroneously made the record and issued a commission. This mis- take n.ade necessary several changes, all of which may be found explained in Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. 8, pp. 179, 180. ^ To the south-west of Barbers Heights and east of Boston Neck, 178 feet above tide water. ■* These were the raids made by Tryon against the towns on the Connecticut coast. ■* New London was spared an attack, the raiders being called to New York on account of the Stony Point engagement. * Dutch Island lies to the south of Barbers Heights, and against the western shores of Conanicut Island. 64 THE DIAKY OF it soon Set in to Storming thus Ended the Day. 12th. Last Night was as Stormy a Night perhaps as Ever Known with rain wind and Thunder numbers of the Marques and tents blow Down and the greatest part of the troops was as wet as the water would make them it Cleared off this Day by a little after 12 oclock. a Court Martial ' Set at Mr. Moreys in New- town to try two Deserters from my Regt John Deruce and Joseph Thrasher a further Confir- mation Come this Day of the Enemy's burning fairfield. 13th. Nothing Remarkable this day 14th. The Same to Day as yesterday July 15th, 1779. This Day Reed news that there was nothing in the Report of the Action at Charlestown South Carolina but think it all most impossible that Lying Could be Carried to such a pitch I went to Newtown Major Thayer to Warren. • " At a Brigade Court Martial held at Updike Newtown on the 12*'^ Instant (July 12 1779) of which Lt. Col" Olney was Presid' John Deruse of Col°. Angills Regiment was Tryed for Desersion to the Enemy and Carrying with him a Guard Boat — The Prisoner being Brought Before the Court Pleads Guilty The Court therefore Sentence him To Suffer Death — The Gen', approves the Sentence of the Court — Joseph Thrasher of CoK Angells Regiment Tryed at the above Court for Desertion found Guilty and Sentenced to Re- ceve one hundred lashes on his Bare Back — The Gen', approves the Sentence and Orders the punishment inflicted immeadiately." COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 65 16th. Clear Cold and windy weather I Col Houg( ) and Capt. Allen' went round what is called Boston Neck below where we lay on Barbers Hights Returned and found Col Greene in Camp this Evening Major Thayer Returned from Warren July 17th, 1779. Clowdy and Exceeding Windy and Cold but nothing happened ex- traordinary 18th Nothing Remarkable this day 19th. This Evening we Read a hand bill from Providence that General Wayne with 1200 of the light troops had taken the Brittish fort on Stoney Point " at Kings ferry on North River he took the fort on Surprise Carri'd it with the loss of four men killed and Eleven wounded, the garrison Consisted of five hun- dred Brittish troops who were all killd and made prisoners to a man it is said lOO of them were killed and wounded. ' Alien, William (R.I.), ist Lieutenant nth Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; ist Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; Captain 13th January, 1777; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, ist January, 1 781 ; Brevet-Major 30th Sep- tember, 1783 ; served to 3d November, 1783. (Heitman's "Officers of the Continental Army.") 'Captured by Gen. Anthony Wayne, July 16, 1779; but after holding the Point for three days, " the works were all destroyed, and the garrisons with the cannon and stores withdrawn into the Highlands." It required a greater force to hold it than could be spared from the army. C6 TIIF. DIARY OF July 20, 1779. Nothing Remarkable this Day. 2 1st. This day we had a fu-de-joy on the occation of Stoney point fort being taken bv firing thirteen peaces of Cannon I with a number of gentlemen Dind with Peter Phillips Ksqr ' thus ends the day. July 22d, 1779. Nothing Remarkable this Day. 23d. This morning a fleet appeared off point Judath of 37 sail and by night were all in the harbor of Newport Except one or two 24th. This morning I sent L' Thomas Waterman an Express to head C)"" with the re- turns of my Reg' and a number of letters and in the afternoon had the Mortification to finde that Two thirds of the Serg'"" in the Reg' had conspired togeather and ript the bindings of their hatts Contrary to orders 1 issued an ' Peter Phillips was a Deputy to the General Assembly of Rho(]e Island in May, 1772, 1773, I774- lie was appointed on a connnittee to make enumeration of the inhabitants of the colony in 1774; an Assistant in May, 1775. In 1775 he was appointed Commissary of the Army of Observation and held commission as Deputy Com- missary under 'I'runibuU for some years thereafter. In 1776, 1779, and 1780 he was an Assistant and appointed one of a committee to manage confiscated estates. lie later held the position of Justice of the Superior Court for several years. A letter from Jonathan Trum- bull, dated Hartford, Jan. 20, 1777, to Capt. Asa Waterman, says: " You will find Mr. Phillips an exceedingly good man, lend him any assistance in your power." COLONEL ISRAEL. ANGEL.L. 6/ order for them to put them on by next morn- ing by guard mounting or they should be re- duced to the ranks with out the formality of a Court Martial and tried for a willful Disobedi- ence of orders. 25th July, 1779. This morning by Eight oclock the Sergt^ had all their bindings on in the afternoon yesterday I reed a muti- nious paper from one of the Soldiers wrote by one Hazzard and brought by one Twitchel and last Evening Two Deserters John Deruce and Robert Albro ' both made their Escape from the Q' Guard Deruce was in Irons and under Sentence of death, he is supposed to have been taken out of his irons by one P'owler who was confin'd with him. I set out for to see the Genl at providence on business this after- noon half past 4 oclock went to my own hous tarried the night. 26th July. A Raney morning after break- fast went off for providence Din'd with Gov- ernour Bowen " finished my business and return'd to Camp before nine o'clock in the evening had news to day of the Enemy going up North River with all their force. ' Robert Albro, of Capt. William Tew's Company. (See my " Revolutionary Defences in Rhode Island," p. 126.) *Jabez Bowen, Deputy-Governor of Rhode Island from May, 1778, to May, 1780, and from May, 1781, to May, 1786. 6cS 'J'ifi'- n/.iA'v OF July 27th, 1779. Clowdy and wet morn- ing after breakfast I went a fishing the Day Eanded with nothing remarkable happening. July 28th, 1779. This morning half after Seven oclock I set off in a boat with five men for warren arrivd there by half after two in the afternoon Dined at Mr Luthers and Tarried there that night. July 29th. This morning it Rained the wind was Northeast I should have Set off for the Camp, had the Boat Returned from prov- idence which I sent up the evening before, and I got my busness done but the boat did not return till near night which obliged me to Stay in warren this night. 30th. This morning I got up before sun- rise Went up to where the Artillery was encampt there staid and breakfasted then re- turn'd to warren but the wind shifting from N. E to S W could not set off untill the tide turn'd as the wind was ahead about 9 o'clock set sail beat out of warren River gaind the Bay but the tide running against the wind, and the wind blowing very heavy Caus't so great a Swell that the Spray of the See broke over us so that we Should soon ben as wet as water would make us I ordered the boat about and Run back to warren landed on Barrington Shore CO I. GIVE f. ISRAFJ. ANGEL!.. 69 where I fell in Company with Capt Tew went home with him and Staid the afternoon and night with him as the wind Continued to blow hard. July the 31st and last, 1779. After Breakfasting at Capt Tew went to warren there Reed the Disagreeable news of my Reg* mu- tinying on which I set off to try to reach the western shore though the wind was a head we beat out of warren river Stood over to Warwick neck ' and after trying to beat Down to Barbers hights, was obliged to put away for Greenwich harbor there Left my boat and men got a hors and set off for Camp arriv'd there by Eight o'clock found all in peace on my way met Genl Stark and a number of other Gentlemen who had been down to the Regt at the Request of Gen Gates, and ordered the Regt to parade and march by the Column they all Reed the genl pardon except George Millamen who was ordered to be Sent prisoner in irons to provi- dence and was imeadetly sent off. '- y^ August the 1st, 1779. A Raney morn- ing and Continued Storming the greatest part of the Day but nothing Remarkable happened. ' Here was an important military post, and a garrison was main- tained during the years of the war. For a more particular account see my " Revolutionary Defences in Rhode Island." 70 THE DIARY OF August 2d. Clowdy and raw after Break- fast I Col. Olney Capt Hughes L^ Sayls all Set off for Providence went as far as Greenwich there heard that the Council of War was upon busness and could not attend to do the busness we were a going upon. So I and L' Sayls went on L' Col. Olney and Capt Hughes tarried to dine in greenwich I parted with Lt Sayls at Greens Bridg ' I come home and tarrid at my own hous August 3d, 1779. This morning was very Raney but held up a little before noon and I went to Catch my hors to go to Prov- idence but he broke out of the pasture into the woods and I was not able to catch him till near the middle of the afternoon then went to Prov- idence found it necessary for me to be in Camp by the next morning So set off imea- detly went to greenwich There tarried the night. 4th August. Left Greenwich this even- ing at day break arrived in Camp [ ] the sun an hour high. Sent Major Thayer off ' This is sometimes called Major Greene's Bridge, and is referred to in records as " ye bridge called Major Greene's bridge." In May, 1 77 1, the town of Warwick petitioned the General Assembly of Rhode Island to grant a lottery to repair this bridge, it having been carried away by a freshet. It is described in the petition as over the Pawtucket River, about six miles above the falls. The present bridge at Pontiac, R.I., serves to mark approximately its location. COLOA'EL I SUA EL AN CELL. 71 with Capt Coggeshall OIney and Ensign Wheaton ' for Providence as Evidence against George Milliman who was to be tried this day for Mutiny in the afternoon there Come a man to my Marquee who informed me that he belonged to the galley which lay below Provi- dence and had been out by Block Island in the Galleys boat and taken three fisherman boats who were all on their way to Providence and had Calld at the Shore to give me intelligence I went and [ ] one of the prisoners who in- formed me that the Tory fleet intended to Come off a plundering on point Judath this night or tomorrow night Thus ends the Day. 5th August, 1779. Last night I Rec'd an Express from the Adj'. General that the Court to try Millamen wanted Eight non com- missioned officers and Soldiers of my Regt as Evidences which I sent off about midnight this was a Clear and pleasant morning and the Tory's Did not trouble us last Night as we had Reason to Expect by the ace* Rec'd the Even- ' Joseph Wheaton, appointed Ensign by General Assembly of Rhode Island, June, 1780, commission to date from May i, 1779. " General Sullivan's Orderly Book, Headquarters, Providence, March 3 1779," contains this entry: " Lieut. Joseph Wheaton (of Lieutenant-Colonel Peabody's State Regiment) is appointed Ensign in Col. Israel Angells Continental Regiment." ']2 THE DIARY OF ing before I tarrid in Camp till after Dinner then Rode all round the neck called Boston neck Returned to Camp before Sun Set, 6th August, 1779. Early this morning Major Gardner Come to Camp and brought news that our fleet that went down to the East- ward to penobscot had landed their Land forces and taken the Brittish Batteries at the same time the fleet had block't in their shipping and the enemy had Sunk all their Ships and Surrendered themselves prisoners to the amount of Two thousand men Maj"" Thayer \ Returned to Camp from Providence last night about ten o'clock nothing remarkable happened till in the evening there came a Deserter from ofl^ Conanicutt Island from the enemy who Swam over to Dutch Island from thence to the neck, he was so weak when he landed that he could not stand for Some time having Swam near three miles [all this days journal to the mark | happened the morning before but was omitted being Entered through mistake] This day ended with nothing More remarkable than what has been related. August 7th, 1779. Clowdy morning and begun to rain and rained very hard and continued raining all the Dav and was as Rainv a night as was Ever known with very hard thunder. COLONEL ISRAEL AA'GELL. 73 8th. A Raney morning and perhaps never more rain fell in one night than there did last night it cleared off to day L' Col. Olney Com to Camp to day nothing remarkable happened during the Day. August 9th, 1779. Clowdy and foggy this morning Col Olney Set off tor providence to attend the Court Martial the fogg broke away it was a fine day I Spent part of this day a fishing at night we Reed news of Col Tal- butts having taken Stanton Hazzard ' the Tory pirat from Rhode Island and Carried him into Newlondon 10th. Nothing Remarkable this day. 1 1th. Nothing remarkable. August 12th, 1779. Continues the Same as yesterday. 13th. Peace and Quietness. 14th. This Day sent a boat to Point ju- dath for a wounded man [ ] Jacksons Reg* to carry him to [ ] his father havin come after him living in Dighton Showering wet weather Eand this journal. ' For portrait see "The Hazard Family of Rhode Island, 1635- 1894," by Caroline E. Robinson, also genealogical account. The historical statements in this volume relating to Stanton Haz- ard are criticnlly considered by Sidney S. Rider, A.M., in " Book Notes," Vol. XTII., No. 10, where is also a letter regarding this event, from Silas Talbot to General Gates. 74 THE DIARY OF PART FOUR. THE period covered by this part of the diary is from October 3, 1779, to De- cember 13, 1779. During this time the Rhode Island Regiment was encamped on Barbers Height, in North Kingstown, in Rhode Island, until after the evacuation of Newport by the British, when all the Continental troops in Rhode Island were ordered to the westward. Before taking up the march, however. Colonel Angell spent a short time with his family at home, and joined his regiment at Danbury, Conn., from which place the regiment marched to Morristown, New Jersey. The diary is prefaced as follows : A Journal Continued from 2"'' of October 1779 Encamped on Barbers Hights North kingstown Eanded 13*'' December In Morristown Mountains October 3d, 1779. Plesant weather and COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. 75 Nothing Remarkable happend Except the Stopping of two Small Sloops in Newtown loaded with Rum Sugar and wine, bound to Connecticutt, and as there was an Embargo laid on those articals, and not to be Carried out of the State, it was my Duty to Stop them, untill they had a pass from that authority that past the non Exportation act, I wrote a letter to the Governor, Sent it by one of the Gentle- men. Octr. 4th. Warm and plesant weather, the Gentlemen I Sent to the Governor Re- turned with a permit from govenor, or rather a Recommen for them to pass on in their voige, this afternoon I was obliged to Stop a Sloop going from this port to Seaconk with twelve thousand weight of Chease, but the Gentleman produced an order from the board of war in boston to purchase Chease for the Navey, on which I let him proceed on with Said Chease, Ebenezer West' Formily a Lieu- ' Ebenezer West was chosen Ensign of the 2d Rhode Island Battalion, October, 1776. Of this battalion Israel Angell was Lieutenant-Colonel. (Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. VIII., p. II.) In February, 1777, West was chosen ist Lieutenant in the same battalion, Israel Angell being advanced to the rank of Colonel. (Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. VIII., p. 126.) Ileitman gives his military record as follows: Ensign iith Continental In fantry, ist January to 31st December, 1776; ist Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, ilth February, 1777; cashiered 9th July, 177S. -jG THE DIARY OF tenant in my Reg'. Came to Camp this Even- ing to See his two Sones in my Reg'. October 5th, 1779. A Stormy morning, with the wmci Northeast, and had Raind, the [ Jratist part of the Night, and Continued Storming the whole Dav October 6th, 1779. A Clowdy weet morning. I had an Invitation to dine with Govenor Bradford, General Varnum and Col Thomas Potter ' and a number of Gentlemen of the Superior Court at Little Rest.' I Col. Olney Capt Coggeshall Olney Capt Stephen Olney. Set off and dind with them and Re- turnd in the Evening, and perhaps it never raind much harder, we received News of Count ' Col. Thomas Potter, chosen Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2d Regiment of Militia in Kings County, December, 1776. In March, 1777, his appointment was revoked for the reason that it had been made by mistake; at the same time he was dismissed from service as Major, the time of the enlistment of the regiment to which he was appointed having expired. (Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. VIII., p. 180.) At the March session of the General Assembly, 1777, he was appointed to represent South Kingstown on a committee for num- bering all persons able to bear arms. In August of the same year he was appointed one of the recruiting officers for South Kings- town. (Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. VIII., p. 180.) In May, 1779, he was chosen Colonel of the 3d Regiment of Militia, in the County of Kings. Probably the same Thomas Potter who was 1st Lieutenant of the Independent Company in South Kingstown, called the Kingstown Reds, in 1776. ' Little Rest Hill, in South Kingstown, w here the Courts were held. COLONEL LSRAEL ANGELL. yy De Estaing being at georgia, and had landed five thousand troops the lo"' Sept Octr. 7th, 1779. This morning it cleard off, and after Breakfast I and Doctor 'Fenny Set off for greenwich Dind there, and after finishing my busness, went to Judg Northupts,' for Shoes for my Reg', from thence to Camp, they informd me in Camp, that there had been three large Ships Seen off, without block Island but before night Disapeard Octr. 8th, 1779. Cold and Windy I Sent a boat to warren this Day. In the Afternoon we Rec''. a report that Count DEstaing was at Sandy Hook, and had taken all the Brittish Shippen and men in Georgia, and that there was one hundred and fifty Sail Comming Down the Sound from New York, Doctor Tenny^ Come from Greenwich this Evening and brought me a letter from Col". Ward ' that the plan of the Barracks was ' John Northup, one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas fur Kings County, R.I. He was one of the Committee of Safety, a member of the General Assembly, and actively engaged in the affairs of the State during the war. ^Tenney, Samuel (R.I.), Surgeon's Mate of Gridley's Regiment, Massachusetts Artillery, June to December, 1775; Surgeon nth Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Sur- geon 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; transferred to ist Rhode Island, 1st January, 17S1, and served to close of war. (Died 6th February, 1816.) (Heitman's " Officers of the ConlinentrJ Army.") ^ Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Ward (born Nov. 17, 1756; died 78 THE DIARY OF Come and Desired me to Come up to green- wich as Soon as possible. Thus Eand tlie day 9th October, 1779. A plesant Morning and after breakfast I and Col. Ohiey Set off for greenwich to Consult on building the bar- racks, but Col". Greene was unwell and Could not attend, after we had been at Greenwich, I went to Col° Greens Dind with him, then went to my own hous found all well. Octr. 10th, 1779. This morning after breakfast Set off for Providence to See the General, Concerning the barracks from thence up into Wainscott to my fathers, from thence home where I arrived by 9 "Clock Octr. nth, 1779. This morning after breakfast I set off for Camp when I come to Greenwich heard that there was A fleet got into Rhode Island from New York, when I Come to Camp found there had 57 Sail arrivd, among which were 34 Ship, they appeard to be all Empty, two of the privateer boats boarded one of the vessels the men imeadetly ran down into the hold, but before they Could git her away. Come two barges and they were forst to Leave her, the muster Master Come to Camp Aug. 16, 1832) of the 1st Rhode Island Regiment. He was retired when the two Rhode Island regiments were consolidated. He com- manded a battalion of colored troops at the Battle of Rhode Island, August, 1778. A portrait is in Stone's " French Allies," opp. p. 86. COLO A EL ISRAEL ANGEI^L. 79 with me and Cap^ Hughes. Thus Eands the Day — Octr. 12th, 1779. This Morning after breakfast my Reg* was Mustered and I Set off with the mustermaster and Major Thayer for Greenwich where I expected to meet the Gen- eral from Providence, but he did not Come, and after Dining with the Governor, I Returned to Camp Maj"^ Thayer went on for providence. October 13th, 1779. Clowdy weet morn- ing, as it had Raind the greatest part of the night past. L* Col" Olney went off for provi- dence this morning after breakfast, in the afternoon I Sent a boat to Reconiter along Connanicutt to see what discoveries they Could make the people landed below Dutch Island and none come to molest them, then they landed above and went Near half a Cross the Island Drove down Some horses with a view of bringing Some of them off, but the Enemy fired on them with a field peace, and imeadetly Sent a party of light troops, which obliged them to Come off without aney of the horses, they Rowed along up the island — keepeing in with the Shore, the Enemy pursued and begun a fire, which was Returnd by the boats Crew but at Such a distance that no Execution was done on Either Side, there was imeadetly another party 8o THE DIARY OF of the Enemy Come up the Island of Near loo men, but our people Come off with their boat and thus they had a march of Six or Seven miles for nothing, I Rec"* an Express from General Gates, Desiring me to keep a good look out, and give him the Earliest information of any movement of the Enemy, the Express informed me of an accident that befell one of my men who Was Sent after one Clefford a Deserter, Serj^ Chaffe,' and John Gould were Sent to take S'' Clefford, they took a boy an Inhabitant with them to show them the hous. they knocked at the Door but Could not be Admitted Enterence, they imeadetly broke open the Door, this Clefford run up Stairs, Goold followed him Clefford fird upon Gould with a pistol, the boy that was with them run off Screeming. Chaffe followed as is reported, in the morning Goolds hat was found in the hous with a ball fired through it but gould was not found when the Express Came away. Chaffe was gone to the General to know what further to Do. Thus Eands the Day. October 14th, 1779. This Day we Rec''. Several accounts Concerning Goulds being wounded or killd, but before night we heard he ' Probably Sergeant Noah Chaffee, of Capt. Coggeshall Olney's Company. COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL. 8 1 had got to providence, and at Night Major Thayer Returnd and brought the news of Chaf- fey and Gould Returning. Gould had Rec'' a ball in his head as we had heard, but not to break his Skull, Maj'' Thayer allso informd me that we were under Marching orders, and brought an order from the General to me for to Call in all my out Commands, \} Col Olney Returned from providence this Evening, thus Eand the Day. October 15th, 1779. Clowdy and Cold with a high wind from the Northeast, Lt. Macomber' and Ensign Roggers^ with a party of men landed on Connanicutt last night, and went over all the upper part ot the Island, but Could not take aney of the Inhabitants Except Old men and women, without it was one Hegron whome they brought off, we have ' Macomber, Ebenezer (R. I.), ist Lieutenant of Richmond's Rhode Island Regiment, 19th August to November, 1776; 1st Lieu- tenant of Tallman's Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776; 1st Lieu'enant 2d Rhode Island, 12th June, 1777; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 17S1 ; Captain, 17th March, 1782, and served to i 7lh March, 1783. (Died 5th April, 1829.) (Heit- man's "Officers cf the Continental Army.") ^ Rogers, John (R. I.), Ensign 2d Rhode Island, Ist May, 1779; wounded at Connecticut Farms, 23d June, 1780; transferred to ist Rhode Island, ist January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, August, 1781, and served to close of war; Military Storekeeper United States Army, 9th March, 1819; honorably discharged Ist June, 1821. (Heit- man's "Officers of the Continental Army.") 82 THE DIARY OF been Employed the Day in making Every preparation tor marching October 16th, 1779. This morning was windy and Cold as had ben before, one M' Cole an inhabitant Come with a Complaint to me this morning that he had ben Abused by two of my Soldiers the night past, by their laying Violent hands on him throwing him down, and falling upon him the Regiment was imeadetly paraded and the Villins found and Confind, a Court Orderd to try them, and were both trid one of them ordered to be whipt one hundred lashes, viz, John Thomas, the other Daniel barney ' a Corprol, was Reduced and floggd fifty Stripes — October 17th, 1779. This day was very fine weather I was Exceeding busily employed all the forepard of the Day with pay abstracts, for both Continental and State, and after fin- ishing my busness, went with CoP Olney and Major Thayer to dine with Col° John Gardner, there was a Ship of 28 or 30 guns, a brigg of 16 went into Newport Harbour and a Schoner Supposed to be a prize to the brigg one of the brittis Friggats went up the river towards the Eand of Conanicut thus eands the Day. ' Daniel Barney, formerly private in Capt. William Humphrey's Company. COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL. 83 1 8th October, 1779. No movements of the Enemy this Day to be discovered Major Thayer Capt. Hughes, and \} Sayles — all went to providence this Day, Hews and Sayles went in the Morning Major Thayer went after Din- ner with me as far as the ten rod road,' Where Col" Dyers Reg' of Militia met for a review, as this Day was a Day that the Militia were mustered in every County in the State I re- turned to Camp in the Evening. 19th October. Nothing Remarkable hap- pened this Day, a forty Gun Ship went up the River towards the upper Eand of Connanicut October 20th, 1779. This Day I Sent a boat to Reconiter Connanicut, to See what Dis- coveries was to be made Ensign wheaton went in the boat, and brought off one Jonathan Greene a very Sincible young man who lived within the lines, who informed us that the Enemy was a going to avacuate the Island, had got all their heavey baggage and Cannon on ' The ten-rod road is a well-known highway in North Kingstown. It derives its name from being originally laid out ten rods wide, but since its original lay-out it has shrunk considerably in width, for abutting owners have been unable to resist the temptation to extend front walls and fences, and what was once a part of the common highway is now included in the front yards of abutters. The road was laid out from Updike's Newtown (Wickford) westerly through the town of Exeter into Voluntown, Conn. 84 THE DIARY OF board, had burnt their platt forms in the North battry, I saw the Smoak yesterday but forgot to mention it Imeadetly Sent an Express to Gen- eral Gates, by the movement of the Enemys Ships it was thought they were a going, this Evening. 21st Octr. 1799. The Enemys Ships Remain in their former position, this Day Col Olney Set off for Providence being So lame as to be unfit for Duty, but meeting the Gen- eral, who informed him that the Reg^ would go on the Island before they Marched to the westward, he Sent back his Servant went to providence, the Gen'. Stark Come to the Camp just before Sun Set, there was a very heavey firing off at Sea this Afternoon, an- other was a brigg lay off point judath ' firing Signal Gunns till Dark there was a Great num- ber of the Inhabitants in Camp this Dav October 22nd, 1779. This Day being the Day that we defeated the Hessians at Red banks in 1777, the officers of the Regiment provided a Dinner and all Dind togeather, with a great number of the Inhabitants, as there was Some hundreds of people out of the Country, on the hill looking out to See the fleet go off but the wind not being fair pre- ' Point Judith, at the entrance to Narragansett Bay. COLONEL LSRAEL ANGEL.L.. 85 vented their Sailing, they Continued burning the platforms in their forts, and Some hay they had on Conanicut, yesterday they Set the light hous ' on fire about Eleven "Clock, though I forgot to mention it in my journal the troops burned the Effigy of Count Dunop this Day and raised a liberty pole near fore Score feet high. October the 23rd, 1779. A Strong South Wind this Day and the fleet Remained the Same as Yesterday, and the hill all Covered with people Looking out to See the fleet Sail October 24th. Cloudy and weet, with the wind Northerly, there appeard a great Movement among the fleet, this morning but the wind Soon Died away and begun to weet, Stephen Phillips and Thomas Hearrendeen,^ two Villins Deserted from my Reg', last Even- ing, and was Sent after this Morning : a great multitude of the Inhabitants Assembled here this Day to See the fleet go off^ their Signal Gun was fired and the fleet made preparation for Sailing but the wind died away and they remained at their Station, I sent a boat to Conanicut, and two of the Inhabitants Come ' Beaver Tail Lighthouse, at the southern end of Conanicut Island. '-Thomas Herenden, of Capt. Coggeshall Olney's Co. 86 TJIE DIARY OF off, who informd us that they Enemy was to have saild to Day, had the wind admited of it, in the afternoon there was a heavy Cannonade up the Sound, and before Night there Came five Ships Two briggs and one Schooner out of the Sound and went into Newport harbour October 25th, 1779. A fine Plesant Morning and the fleet Remains the Same as yesterday, about the middle of the Day the Enemy begun to burn their Barracks and great movements was Seen among them, there was a great number of people in Camp to See the fleet Sail, among the Crowd was Governor Greens lady and daughter, the Britans was busy in Imbarking all the afternoon by Sunset was all on board, and the fleet Set Sail just after Sunset before Eleven "Clock in the evening was all without the light hous and we making preparation to take posession of the town ' October 26th, 1779. This morning at four o Clock all the troops paraded and marched for Roome point " Where they were to Embark on board their boats, the wind being very high and a Great Swell in the bay I Expected the boats would all have ben lost ' Newport, R.I. " Romes Point is north of Barber's Height, at the entrance to Bissels Cove, in North Kingstown. It lies nearly opposite the north end of Conanicut Island. COLONEL ISRAEL AN G ELL. 8/ with the men in them but With Great Diffi- culty the boats got to Conanicut, where two of them filld and were wrackt, in deed they were all nearly full of water when they Landed. I my Self was in a large boat with a deck more than half her length, and it was with great Dif- ficulty that we kept the boat above water, un- till we turnd the North Eand of Conanicut, — then we run nearly before the wind, and arrivd in Newport harbour half past Eight "Clock in the morning but the regiment marched on Co- nanicut to the ferry where I provided boats to bring the Same off and all Got Safe into the town before Night; the Shops was all Shut, and ordered to be kept So after the General Come in. the Inhabitants flockt in in great multitudes. Thus Kands this Day' October 27th, 1779. A fine plesant Morning, and Continued So the day. I Spent this Day in Reconitering the Town, and works which was destroyed by the Enemy, and Sending to get over the Remainder of my baggage. October 28th. a Clear plesant morning but Cool, after breakfast I road with the Gen- eral Round all the Enemy Lines where I Saw ' The date of the evacuation of Newport is erroneously staled by Stone, in his " French Allies," as occurring un the 27th. 88 THE DIARY OF Some of the Beautifullest works ' that I Ever Saw in my life, all my Camp equipage arrived this afternoon October 29th, 1 779. A plesant Day and Nothing Remarkable happend this Day: I was the Officer of the Day. 30th. Remarkable warm and Plesant, Nothing Remarkable happend this Day. I dind with General Stark 31st. Plesant Weather, this Morning I took my boat*and went over to Conanicut there Reconiterd th;e Island viewd the forts Which the enemy had built found them Strong but Small, after Dining with Col" Levingston Re- turnd to Newport thus Eands the Month and Day, November 1st, 1779. fine plesant weather for the Season, Nothing Remarkable happened this Day 2nd. Cold this morning and raind a little, wind very high, at north, I was the officer of the Day went to Brintons neck ' viewed the Sod and Turf prepaird there by the brittish troops to burn in lieu of wood, there was two ' A detailed account of the fortifications in and around New- port may be found in my " Revolutionary Defences in Rhode Is- land." ^ Brenton's Neck, the present neck of land which terminates at Fort Adams, Newport, R.I. \ COLONEL LSLiAEL ANGL'J.L. 89 Sorts, one Cut in Strips out of a bog Swa,mp. the others was dug out of a pond place, workt the Same as morter, then made into three Squair peaces about one foot h)ng Laid on the ground in rows and dryed then Set up on eand four togeather and one a top of them, after that they were pilkl in roos from whence they were taken and Carted Some Distance and there Corded up in rows to Stand till they were wanted for use. the Day l^anded with nothing Remarkable November 3rd, 1779. Cold raw and uncomfortable this morning Col" Greens Reg', went over upon Goat Island.' to take thier Ouarters theere, Joseph Congdon" a Deserter was brought into the Garrison last Evening and was Sent to the main (iuard this Morning, he was taken up near Newlondon, the Day Con- tinued Cold, I and Col Greene went over to Goat Island and Returned by Kvening 4th. Nothing Remarkable happend this Day November 5th, 6th, 1779. This morn ing we Rec'' orders for all the Continental ' Goat Island is in Newport harbor; the Naval Torpedo Station is located on the island. * Joseph Ciongdon, of Lieut.-Col. Jeremiah Olney's Company. His name a|)pears in the roll of Capt. Stephen Olney's Company, at Yorktown, as having participated in that engagement. 90 THE DIARY OF Troops to March to the westward, but the wind blew So hard that we Could not Cross the bay, in the afternoon, I Set off for home, got to bristol ferry' and the wind blu So hard that I Could not Cross, went to M"" Durfeys there Staid the night, in the morning Crost went to Warren breakfasted, then went to Providence there Dind then went to my own hous found all well Novr. 7th. Still and Plesant Morning Nothing Remarkable happend this Day I tarried at home Novr. — 8th — 1779. this Morning after breakfast I Set off for Camp, arrivd in Greenwich by twelve "Clock Dind with Gen'. Stark, then went to the Reg*, which lay about one Mile and half from Greenwich westward found all well, 9th. This morning Rec''. Orders for Col Livingstons Reg'. Col Webbs and Col Jack- sons, to march the Next morning at Sunrise. My Reg^ Col". Greens and Col. Sherburnes the day after at Sunrise, this Day we were all a making out our Returns for Cloathing blankets &c. Novr. 10th, 1779. This morning Col" Webbs Reg*, marched off, Col°. Levingstons ' At the northern end of the island of Rhode Island. COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL. 91 Did not march till the afternoon Col Jack- sons marched the Day before from providence this Night we Spent till two "Clock next morning delivering out Clothing to the Officers Novr. llth— , 1779. This Morning was Exceeding Cold wc finished Delivering out the Cloathing to the Soldiers by Eleven "Clock, and Marched off the Ground, by twelve I tar- ried untill all the waggons were got under way then Gave the Charge of the Reg^ to the Major, and went to Greenwich Dind with Col Greene, then went to See my familey, the Major re- turnd yesterday from Visiting his familey, and Col Olney wen* for providence, for nine or ten Days 12th November, 1779. This Morning Ensign Roggers ' Come to my hous going in Search of benoni Bishop' and Robert Gilley-^ two Deserters, after breakfast Ensign Roggers Set off, and before Noon Returnd with the Above Said Deserters, and went on after the Reg*, with them Carried them to Vollentown there Deliverd them up to the Reg*, and re- turnd 13th Novr., 1779. this Day Ensign Rog- ' John Rogers, appointed Ensign by General Assembly of Rhode Island, June, 1780, commission to date from May i, 1779. ^ Benoni Bishop, of Major Thayer's Company. ^ Robert Gilly, of Major Thayer's Company. 92 THE DIARY OF gers Rcturnd, and went on for Smithfield, I went to Scituate for to buy Some beef Returnd at Evening Serj^ Noah ChafFe Come to My hous this Day after Some Deserters, and went to providence, by water and a Young man Saw Samuel Grant ' a Deserter from my Reg^ I Sent them imeadetly in Search after him and they took him brought him to my hous by one oClock the Next Morning, freelove water man and husband was at my hous her Sister and Sweetheart. 14th Novr., 1779. fineWeather and a great number of people Come to My hous this Day. Serj' Chaffe Come to me for Orders as he was Directed by Maj' Thayer, and I Sent Grant to providence to the Goal, he allso brought News that William Edmans,^ a deser- ter was taken up and brought to the furnice in Scituate,^ and Col Olney had Sent for him to Providence Goal, 15th November, 1779. This Morning Sent my Servant to providence to get Some Salt, and got help to kill my Beef, but the ladd returnd and got none, as they would not Sell aney without they Could have provisions ' Samuel Grant, of Col. Angell's Company. '■^ William Edmunds, of Col. William Humphrey's Company. ' Scituate Furnace, the site of the present village of Hope, on the Pawtuxct Kivcr, near the line between Coventry and .Scituate. COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 93 for it. theire was a great number of people at my hous this Day Novr. 16. fine weather, I was to have Sett off for the Army this morning but as I Could not git no Salt yesterday, Sent by M'' Luther this Day and was determind Not to goe forward untill I Could get Some, he Re- turnd at night, and had not got a handfull, thus being Disapointd Did not go forward November 17th, 1779. Clowdy and Snowed very fast this morning I Sent my boy off for North kingstown to Peter Phillips Ksq''. to See if he Could purchase me Some Salt, Nothing Remarkable happend this Day Novr. 18th. My boy I Sent to Northkings Town Returnd this forenoon with two bushel of Salt, which my frind Peter Phillips Esq'' let me have. John Usher and Thomas Smith both Come to my hous this Day. Novr. 19th, 1779. Sevear Cold this morning. I was to have Set off for Camp but my Cloathes not being Ready concluded to tarry until the Next day morning. Novr. 20th. A fine plesant Day, but I was So much unwell that it prevented my Set- ting off for the army So I spent the Day at home 21st. This morning it raind very hard, 94 I III: J>l \NV or wliu li Siill |)icv(iil((l iiic Iroiii yu\\\\!^ loiward, iliul I Spciil llic (l;iy Willi my l.iinilcy November 22iul, 1779. Clowdy mid luiiid :i lilllc (Ins iiionnnj,' l)iil Soon hrouk ;iw;ty. and aflt-r hrrakfasi I Sd oil on my jouiiicy lo )om llic Army and wcnl lo Volcn- (own ' (o m'. I )oii"an( cs iIktc l)in(l. llicn wcnl Oil as far as Scoil.md fo M ' I'orlx-s 'lavcin who married llic widow I'linl (lu-rc put up (or llial Nit-Ill. Novr. 2,^rd. I .c(i my lodt',int',s I'.arly I his niornin|.f wiiil ihroutdi Windham lo M ' ilijls (here hrcaklaslcd (hen wcnl lo l>ollcn ' ihcre diiid from liiencc wcnl lo llaillord ihcn jiul n|) al one M ' Lords a jnival lioiis. Where l)o(lor ('oriicims was (>uarlci"d. altciidiiifi: on Soiiu- Sick which was lell hehind o( ( ien'. Siarkcs hriL',adi' 2-1111 Novr., 1779. Allcr hrcaklasl lliis mormnt'^ I wcnl on my journey (o larminglown jM miles. Irom thciuc lo Soul hi-iiiii^lon '/ miles llicre l)in(l. llicii wcnl (o Walerhuiy i.( miles (here pul up loi llu- Nij^hl. a( one M ' judds ' I lie liiH'ir, ,il » liicli '.liilis wcrf .iiililc serve III iiic|i<:!i(c oiienl llie liiii'H |nllipw((| li\ liiivelleiH lliroil^li < onn. ra„,. ,„ Major C.n. (;ree„e." (Col. Sl.crhurn.'s Orderly IJook m Newport Historical Society.) 96 THE DIARY OF as it raind part of the night which made bad traveling we arrivd at the River opposit west point about Day light Dawn, and Crost over to the point, where We found great Difficulty in gitting our horses out of the boat, and Climb- ing the rocks, to git on the plain at the foot of the Mountains which when we had Accom- plished Enquired for the Adj*. General, where we found maney of our frends, Supt with the Adj'. Gen', then I went with Major Peters ' lodgd with him and Major Nicholson ^ Col Greene tarried with the adj'. General. M"" Griffen Greene went with Gen'. Patterson, we rode this Day 12 or 15 miles and Could get nothing for our [horses] November 28th, 1779. This Morning I got up by break of Day went to view the forts the first was fort putnam ^ on a high 'This may refer to Peters, Andrew (Mass.), Captain of Read's Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Major 2d Massachusetts, ist January, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel 15th Massachusetts, ist July, 1779; resigned 26th November, 1779. (Died 5th February, 1822.) (Heitman's "Officers of the Conti- nental Army.") ^Nicholson, George Chadine (X.Y.), Major ist Canadian (Livingston's) Regiment, 6th May, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. (Heitman's " Officers of the Continental Army.") ^ Fort Putnam was located at the top of Mount Independence, nearly five hundred feet above the river. It was built of stone in 1778 to complete a system of works to COI.OXEL ISRAEL AX CELL. 97 Mountain, which may be properly Called the American Giberalter, the next I went to was fort Arnold' in both these forts was bumb proof Suficient to hold what men it would take to man the lines there was a fort on Every Emmi- nence Some Distance round, after breakfast We waited on his Excellency, had an Invitation to dine with him but gitting nothing for our horses went on for New Winsor, over the Mountains through the High lands, over the highest mountain I ever was upon we was about two hours Climbing up the mountain. Some part of the way I was affraid my hors would fall backwards in Climbing up, was obliged to Stop at Every opportunity when the land would Admit of it to git breath, we got to New secure the river from the passage of the enemy's ships. It was named after the commander of the post, Gen. Israel Putnam. This fort had an armament, Sept. 5, 1780, consisting of five iron eighteen-pounders, two iron twelve-pounders, three brass pieces of small calibre, and four brass 5i-inch mortars. It had two bomb- proofs. — Lossing. ' Fort Arnold was one of the outposts in the line of defences at West Point. It was situated upon " a commanding eminence above the road leading to Buttermilk Falls." From " Remarks on Works at West Point, a copy to be trans- mitted to his Excellency General Washington, Sept., 1780," written by Benedict Arnold, it appears that " Fort Arnold is built of Dry Fascines and wood, is in a' ruinous condition incompleat and subject to take fire from Shells or Carcasses " its armament consisted of " one iron tv/enty-four pounder, six iron eighteen pounders, one iron twelve pounder, three iron three pounders, one brass four pounder and eleven brass mortars of various calibres." — Lossine: 98 > THE DIARY OF Winsor a little after Sunset but Could git noth- ing for our Selves or horses to Eat. went on for Newbourgh. Applyd to Quartermaster Mitchel for forrige for our horses who furnished us with a little, then Sent a boy to get lodgings for us which he did at an Old Dutch mans hous Col Green and I applyd to the Cloather Gen', and finished our business with him which was to git Cloathing for our Reg\ or an Order for it then went to our lodgings 29th Novr., 1779. this Morning after breakfast I got My horses Shodd Crost the North River over to fishkill Went on for Dan- bury Col Greene and M"^ Griffin Greene went for Springfield So we parted about Six miles from fishkill but Still Could git nothing for our horses, till riding ten or twelve miles, there Dind and fed our horses then went to Col" Luttentons Tavern among the Mountains 2i Miles from fishkill there put up for the Night one of Col" Levingstons Officers Came to this tavern in the Evening on his way home on fur- lough Novr. 30th, 1779. Left my lodgings this morning after breakfast went on for Dan- bury Arrived there by one o Clock found all well, the Gen. had Sent an Officer to Stamford and along the Sea Coast to See if there was an COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL. 99 English fleet in tlie Sound and if there was not, he had orders from his Excellency by me. to march on the Brigade to join the grand Army in the Jerseys Deer. 1st, 1779. Fine Plesant weather and Nothing Remarkable this forenoon in the afternoon one of the Serj'^ Viz. Serj^ Hight ' brought a very handsom patch Gound to my Quarters which he had taken from one NE^ Thomas a Soldiers wife in the Regiment, which She had Stolen from a woman ^ at Updikes Newtown in the State of Rhode Island. I took the Gound in order to Send it to the owner, and ordered all the Drums and fifes to parade and Drum her out of the Reg', with a paper pind to her back, with these words in Cappital letters, /A THIEF/ thus She went off with Musick — December 2d, 1779. An Exceeding Stormey Day which Detained us this Day from marching 3rd. This Day we was Making preparation for marching the next morning when there ' Sergt. Jonathan Iloight, of Cap. Thomas Hughes' Company. ^ Waity Brown, of Updike's Newtown (Wickford), as stated in a memorandun'; at end of this part of the diary. There was a Waite Reynolds, of North Kingstown, who married Benjamin Brown, also of North Kingstown, Oct. 17, 1771, who may have been the person referred to. lOO THE DIARY OF Come news that the bridg over Croton River was broak down which detaind us another Day 4th. This Day Major Thayer Set off for Providence State Rhode Island on busness And we Remaind at our present Quarters December 5th, 1779. This morning the Brigade marched we had not marched far before it begun to Snow and was Exceeding Cold and tedious I marched my Reg^ about i8 or 20 miles there got my Reg', all into houses and good Quarters for my Self, but my wag- gons did not get up by Seven miles Deer. 6th 6: 7th. A fine Clear morn- ing, but Very Cold, and the Snow about ancle Deep. I got the troops Under way by a little after Sunrise, marched as far as within half a mile of kings ferry there lodged in the woods that Night Next Morning Turnd out at Break of Day marched to the ferry Crost hudsons River marched on to Kakaat there got the troops into houses. I went on a head and took my Quarters at Col Sherrads this Day we took up Samuel Dyer a Deserter from my Reg*, and was trid by a Court martial, ordered to be whipt one hundred lashes on his Naked back December 8th, 1779. Marched this Morning by a little after Day light went to Soverens tavern in Ranomapough, there halted, COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. loi and drew Some flower then went to Pumpton ' there barracked the troops, after Marching ii Miles Deer. 9th. This Day we lay Still for our waggons to Come up, Col Levingstons Reg'. &c Col" Sherburnes marched by us and went in frunt and took Quarters, Gen'. Stark Got up with the troops to Day December 10th, 1779. A Rainey Day and we lay Still thier I went to Dine with Gen'. Stark our Baggage Come up to Day. Deer. nth. A Clear and Cold morning. the brigade Lay Still this day waiting for the baggage to Come up Deer. 12th. A Snowy morning, we Rec*^. Orders not to March this Day on account of its Storming, there Came Two Deers by my Quarters, and was pursd By the Soldiers but they Could not Ketch them. 13th Deeember, 1779. This morning it Raind but broak away and was Clear about Eleven oclock and the Brigade Marched for Morristown my Reg^ went about i6 miles, great part of the way over Shoe in mud and Some places up to the mens knees in water we marched very fast untill Some time in the Evening before we got to the place of our Dis- ' Pompton, N.J. 102 THE DIARY OF tination I put up at Col" Courtlands ' a Gentle- man from Newyork and proprietor of Court- lands Mannor ^ — Scituate, 22d Novr., 1779. This Day Settled and ballanced all Accounts between M"" Na- thaniel Lovel and Col Israel Angell up to this Day Wittness our hand Nathaniel Lovell I Angell Expences Greens - - - o— lo-o Dorrances -----3-6-0 Forbes ------- Weighty Brown of Updikes Newtown North Kingstown gound found by Serj'. Hight 'Philip Van Courtlandt was a Colonel in the American army, having been appointed in 1776. He served at the battle of Stillwater, and against the Indians on the frontier in 1778. In 1779-80 he was a member of the court- martial which was convened for the trial of Arnold. For gallantry and meritorious conduct at the battle of York- town, he was raised to the brevet rank of Brigadier-General. He accompanied General Lafayette on his tour through the states in 1824. He died at the Manor House, Nov. 5, 1831, aged eighty- two. *The Van Courtlandt Manor was erected in 1773, and was an elegant brick mansion. A cut of the Van Courtlandt house may be seen in Lossing's " Field Book of the Revolution," Vol. II., p. 623. The house is yet standing, and occupies a site in the present Van Courtlandt Park in the northern edge of the city of New York. It has recently been placed by the authorities in the care of one of the hereditary patriotic societies, and has been converted into a museum and repository of relics, to which purpose it was dedicated with public festivities. COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. 103 PART FIVE. THE events which transpired between Aug. 10, 1780, and Sept. 30, 1780, form the subject of the fifth part of the diary. It finds the army encamped in Northern New Jersey, and from whence it moved to West Point, in New York. Here the regiment was located at the time of the treason of Arnold, and the diary terminates with the events follow- ing this monstrous affair. August 10th, 1780. Clear and hott, this morning, the Brigade was Inspected by Baron Stuben ' my Reg*, was the first for In- ' Frederick William Von Steuben, Major-General in the Revolu- tionary Army, " was one of the best educated and most experienced soldiers of Germany." He held the rank of Lieutenant in the Seven Years' War, and had also held a position on the staff of Frederick the Great. He arrived in America on the first day of December, 1777, and immediately addressed letters to Washington and to Congress offer- ing his services in the American cause. His superior military training and knowledge of tactics was of the greatest value to the American army, and through his efforts the troops were brought to a high grade of discipline. In August, 1779, Baron Steuben, then Inspector-General of the I04 THE DIARY OF spection, and the Baron was Exceedingly pleasd with the mens array being in the best Order. Nothing Remarkable. 1 Ith. The Division Court Martial where- of I was President was ordered to Assemble in order to finish the trial of U Boss of the 4"' Pennsylvania Reg\ but Some of the Members did not attend by which Reason no business was Done, there has ben a firing from one of the Enemys Gunboats in North River at our Guards but no harm done. Two Battallions paraded for Manoevering one of which I Com- manded 12th. Clowdy dark Morning, and abun- dance of Thunder, but little rain. Nothing remarkable this day. I was much unwell. United States Ajrmy, arrived in Providence on an official tour to in- spect the corps of General Gates. He compiled for the use of the army a work on miUtary tactics, which was in use by the army of the United States for many years. Copies of it are now rare, the edition being limited to three thousand copies. The story of his life and service in the cause of the Colonies is told in " The Life of Frederick William Von Steuben, Major-General in the Revolutionary Army," by Friedrich Kapp, New York, 1859. His services as briefly stated by Saffel in his " Records of the Revolutionary War " are as follows : " Joins the army at Valley Forge; made Inspector-General; commands at Monmouth, June 28, 1778; made Major-General ; commands at Virginia and Yorktownin 1781: receives 16,000 acres of land in Oneida County, N.Y. Con- gress, per act June 4, 1790, grants him an annuity of ^2,500 for life, to commence Jan. i, 1790. Died at Steubenville, N.V., Nov. 28, ^795-" COLONEL LSRAEL ANGELL. 1 05 August 13th, 1780. Extreem hott, T was Exceeding Sick in the afternoon took a puke, and by not attending to the Doctors Directions in taking it all at a time, when I was to have taken only a part, it had like to Carried me out of the Land of the living a large fatague party went to dobbs Ferry to fortifying, a Number of Cannon was fir'd at our people from a brigg and a Galley in North River 14th. As hot as ever. I am much weller than yesterday, though but in a poor State of health. Nothing Remarkable this day 15th. This was thought to be the Hottest Day Ever known, no Circumstances Relative to the Army worth Mentioning 16th. the Extreem heat Continues. I was officer of the Day, Nothing Remarkable 17th August, 1780. Heat Continues. Dind at Head Quarters this morning 4, "Clock the Brigg and Galley belonging to the Enemy up North River went down past dobbs ferry Six Cannon and Hoitzers was fired at them but what Dammage they received is not known, 18th. This Day I went down to See the Light infantry, and went as low as E.nglish Neighbour Hood about 12 miles from Camp. Returnd by Sunsett, the officers presented me I06 THE DIARY OF with a request this morning that I might have a Court of Inquirey into my Conduct at Springfield, as a report was Spread very preju- ditious to my Character 19th. Much Cooler this day then it had ben I was Scarce able to Sett up one hour, being So much unwell 20th August, 1780. This morning Seemd like October and Continued Cool the day, Each wing of the army was ordered to parade togeather. as they had had two Seperate parades before, news from Congress this day that was disagreable they having reduced the Officers wages 50 percent, and to pay them in a new omition of paper Money. August 21st. The report of the Officers wages being Reduced, provd a mistake. Dind at Gen'. Greenes. Nothing Remarkable 22d. Cool Morning Two Battalions Man- oeverd this morning one of which I Com- manded the Barron was present himself Rec. orders this Afternoon to march to tomorrow morning Seven "Clock, went to prepairing Accordingly. 23d. the Revelle beat as usual the Gen', at 5 "Clock when the tents were Struck, the Assembly at Six when they troops all paraded, the March at Seven when they all Moved COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 107 forward Marching by the right, towards English Neighbour hood, after Marching about 3 Miles the Right Wing took a road leading to Slaughtinburgh,' the Left a road to tennec and English Neighbourhood where the road that the right wing marched in fell in with the road that the left took, these roads met on a Large Plain at a place Calld Liberty poll ' in the vicinity of English Neighbourhood, here the Arm'y Encamped, this was an exceeding hott Day 24th. Clear and hott. All the waggon of the Army was Collected this day and in the Evening went down to bergin^^ to bring off all the forrage The light Infantry all went down in frunt, and Gen'. Clintons Brigade marched to fort Lee ^ at burdetts ferry part of the Right ' Probably Schraalenburgh, N.J. ^ The original Liberty Pole, set up in 1765 and from which tlie place took its name, was located near the spot where the present Liberty Pole, set up by the Daughters of the Revolution, is placed, at the intersection of Palisade avenue with the road leading from Fort Lee, at Englevvood, NJ. Here in the days of the Revolution was the Liberty Pole Tavern, a famous place of resort for the patriots of the neighborhood. For many years, down to the middle of the present century, this tavern was the voting-place for the whole township of Hackensack. The house was destroyed some twenty years ago. A carefully made sketch of it, showing the original Liberty Pole, is in the possession of Miss Elizabeth Sedgewick Vaill, of Demarest, N.J. ^ Bergen, N.J. ■• This fortification was situated upon a sort of plateau, about lOS THE DIARY OF wing marched all so, I went off with a number of Gentlemen to fort Lee where 1 had a view of the Enemy — August 25, 1780. Exceeding hott, there was a Considerable firing this day towards New York but nothing remarkable Come to hand — 26th. Extreme Hott. the Regiment was Mustered this Morning for the months of June and July, the waggons that went a forrag- ing begun to return this morning, an*d in the afternoon I and L' Jencks of my Regiment went down to the Infantry Camp, to See Major Thayer and the officers as I had Rec''. a letter from the State Inclosing an Act of the General Assembly, offering the Officers and Soldiers of the Continental Battalions Land for their De- preciation but the troops had not Returnd. So we rode to meet them which we did in ber- gin about Seven miles from their Camp, they had just hanged a man for plundering the in- habitants, he was a Pensylvanian' one of Col three hundred feet above the river, at the present landing and village of Fcrt Lee, N.J. A little above was a redoubt opposite Jefferys' Hook to cover the chcvatix-de-frise in the river. — f.ossing^s "Field Book of the Revolution." ' Probably the soldier referred to by Thatcher under the same date as being executed for robbery. " He was one of five who broke into a house with their arms and rolilied tlie inhabitants of a .sum of money and valuable articles." " He conducted," says Thatcher, •' with fortitude at the gallows." COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. 1 09 Humptons Reg', he was hanged by orders of the Commanding Officer without a trial, I Returnd back to my Quarters about Ten "Clock in the Evening. August 27th, 1780. Violent hott and Dry — after breakfast went in Company with a number of the Gentlemen Officers across the woods to north River to a place Called Spiten Devils Creek against king bridg. from thence Down the river to burdeets ferry at fort Lee. we had a grand prospect of all the Enemys In- campments on York Island returnd to Camp before Eleven "Clock, there found Maj"". Thayer and Some of the officers of the Infantry. 28th August, 1780. Clear and hott I Set off into the Country this morning on busi- ness went to hackensack/ Acquackanack^ and Springfield about i,c^ miles I Suffered greatly with the heat this day it being the driest time in this Country I ever See, lodged at M' Lanarcnus. 29th. Set of this morning for Newark, from thence to Hackensack, in Newark fell in Company with Cap\ Higgens ^ who was a • Hackensack, N.J. ' Aquakinunk, N.J. 'Heitman mentions a " Higgins, Robert (Va.), ist Lieutenant 8th Virginia, 12th March, 1776; Captain, 1st March, 1777; was a prisoner in September, 1778; transferred to 2d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to . . . ", who may have l)een the ofFicer referred to. no THE DIARY OF prisoner out on Parole, he was agoing to head Quarters and rode in Company with me to hackensack. where I was taken So 111 that I Could go no further where we halted and Staid at a Dutchmans 30th August, 1780. Left our lodgings Early this Morning went to Camp and Break- fasted, found all well. 31st. Cooler then it had ben, and look' like for rain, there was a heavy firing of Can- non towards the hook, which Continued all the day, and at Night there was a heavey thunder Shower with Extreem hard thunder and Sharp lightening, which was the first Shower that had ben in a longe time here and the Earth was the most perched that I Ever Saw it in any part of the world that I was in, I Saw tobaco here that was killd with the Drouth — September 1st, 1780. Cool and pleasant this Morning. I was exceeding much not well. The firing of Cannon Still Con- tinued at the hook the Same as yesterday but Nothing Remarkable this day, Septr 2nd, 1780. Clowdy and Cold with the wind in the Northeast and had raind a Considerable in the Night, Continued raining the Day, in the afternoon Rec'' Orders for the Army to march tomorrow morning 5 "Clock, COLONEL LSL^AEL ANGELL. \ \ \ this order was Countermanded and the Army was to march at Eight oClock Instead of 5, September 3rd, 1780. An Exceeding Rainey Morning, which Prevented the Army from marching Agreable to the Orders of yes- terday. L'. Col" Olney was the Officer of the day yesterday, and got lost in going the rounds Last night, lay in the woods till day Light. Cleard off this Afternoon plesant. Orders Came again for us to march tomorrow morning September 4th. Clear and Cooler then it had ben for Some time past, the Army got under way by ten "Clock, but met with Some Obstructions by Bridges breaking, which de- taind the rear till Eleven when the whole moved off the ground, we marched by the right, Crost what is called New bridg.' over hackensack River, turnd to the right up the River towards Toppan and Encamped on a high Ridge of land in a place Calld Stenrappie " September 5th, 1780. A Gold morn- ing. I Still Remaind unwell Nothing Re- markable happend this Day till Evening when there Came News that all our Army to the ' At the time of the Revolution this was called " the New Bridge." The locality is now New Bridge, NJ. * Steenraupie, a local name signifying Stony Arabia, reaching along the ridge near Oradell and towards Kinderkamack, N.J. (j?. K. Bind, in New York " Evening Posty) 112 THE DIARY OF Southward was killd taken and Disperst, Gen' Gates who Commanded had by Some means made his Escape,' And rode i 80 Miles in three Days before he Stopt, and then Could not tell what had become of his Army, but had Sent back a flagg to En- quire after them Thus Eands the Day with Bad news September 6th, 1780. Cool weather for the Season, Nothing Remarkable this Day, my Illness was more Sevear then Yesterday. 7th. Co"l. I was freer from pain this morning then I had ben for Several days past. Nothing Remarkable happend this Day, Ex- cept Gen'. Sullivan arrived in Camp on his way to Congress being a member of that body — 8th. Clear and Plesant. I was Officer of the day but Could not attend to the Duty being So much Unwell, September 9th, 1780. Clear and Very Cool. Rec'' News this morning of the Death of the Honourable Brigadier General Poor.' who ' This refers to the disastrous battle of Camden, N.C., and the ignominious flight of Gates, \vho, says Fiske, " caught in the throng of fugitives at the beginning of the action, was borne in headlong flight as far as Clermont, where, taking a fresh horse, he made the distance of nearly two hundred miles to Hillsborough in less than four days." - Hiig.-Gen. Enoch Poor was a native of New Hampshire. He was a Colonel in the Continental army in the expedition against COLONEL ISRAEL ANGELL. II3 departed this life Last Evening after a Short Illness of the putred feavour, the News from the Southward. Came more favourable this day then it had ben it is Said there is a letter from the Governor of Virginia that the Marry- land Troops ' With one regiment from North Canada in 1776, where he served with distinction. He was after- wards at Crown Point and was one of the twenty-one inferior offi- cers who signed a remonstrance against the decision of a council of officers there, consisting of Generals Gates, Schuyler, Sullivan, Arnold, and Woedtke, when it was resolved that the post was unten- able and that the army retire to Mount Independence. He was appointed Brigadier in 1777 and served in that capacity in the battles in which Burgoyne was defeated and captured. He soon afterwards joined the army under Washington in Pennsyl- vania. He was in the camp at Valley Forge, and with his brigade was among the first troops that commenced a pursuit of the British across New Jersey in the summer of 1778. He fought gallantly in the battle of Monmouth which succeeded. He commanded a brigade of light infantry in 1780, in which service he died, near Hackensack, in New Jersey. His funeral was attended by Washington and Lafayette and a long line of subordinate officers and soldiers. On account of the vicinity of the enemy the usual discharges of cannon were omitted. Kev. Israel Evans, Chaplain to the New Hampshire brigade, de- livered a funeral discourse. General Poor was buried in the churchyard at Hackensack, where a humble stone, with the following inscription, marks his grave : " In memory of the Hon. Brigadier-General E'.noch Poor, of the State of New Hampshire, who departed this life on the S^'i day of September, 1780, aged 44 years." General Poor was greatly esteemed by Lafayette, who, it is said, was much affected on visiting his grave when in this country in 1825. — Notes in Lossing's " Field Book of the Revolution," Vol. IL, pp. 122-123. ' Of the gallantry displayed by the Second Maryland Brigade, under command of General Gist, at the battle of Camden, Fiske in I 14 THE DIARY OF Carolina Stood their ground fought with Chargd Bayonetts 15 minuts, that they Cutt the brittish hors nearly all ofF. the los on our Side was be- tween 3 and 400 Men. lOth Septr. 1780. Raind a little this Morning, but Soon Cleard oif, and was hot I went down to the Infantry, from thence to Gen'. Greenes to talk with him upon the un- happy affair of mine, he advised me Call a Court of Enquirey imeadetly. Returned to Camp, in the afternoon the Remains of Gen' Poore was Intered at hackensack Church yard, admidst a Numerous Concours of People ' his "American Revolution" says : " The Second Maryland Brigade, . . . after twice repelling the assault of Lord Rawdon, broke through his left with a splendid bayonet charge and remained victo- rious upon that part of the field until the rest of the fight was ended; when being attacked in flank by Webster (the right division consisting of a small corps of light infantry and the 23d and 33d Regiment), these stalwart troops retreated westerly by a narrow road between swamp and hillside and made their escape in good order." ' Thatcher in his Military Journal describes more minutely this military funeral and procession : " A regiment of light infantry in uni- form, with arms reversed; four field pieces; Major Lee's Regiment of light horse; General Hand and his brigade, the major on horse- back; two chaplains : the horse of the deceased, with his boots and spurs suspended from the saddle, led by a servant; the corpse, borne by four sergeants and the pall supported by six general officers. The coffin was of mahogany, and a pair of pistols and two swords, crossing each other and tied with black crape, were placed on top. The corpse was followed by the officers of the New Hamp- shire Brigade, the officers of the brigade of light infantry, which the deceased had lately commanded. Other officers fell in promis- COLONEL LSRAEL AXGE/^L. II5 Septr. nth, 1780. This day 1 applyd to the Commander In Chief for a Court of Enquiry which he was pleasd to order Nothing Remarkable this Day Septr. 12th. A Soldier ' in CoP Stewarts cuously, and were followed by His Excellency General Washington and other general officers. Having arrived at the burying yard, the troops opened to the right and left, resting on their arms reversed, and the procession passed to the grave, where a short eulogy was delivered liy the Rev. Mr. Evans. A band of music with a number of drums and fifes played a funeral dirge, the drums were muffled with black crape, and the officers in the procession wore crape round the left arm. The regiment of light infantry were in hand- some uniform and wore in their caps long feathers of black and red. The elegant regiment of horse commanded by General Lee, being in complete uniform and well disciplined, exhibited a martial and noble appearance. No scene can exceed in grandeur and solemnity a military funeral. The weapons of war reversed and embellished with the badge of mourning, the slow and regular step of the procession, the mournful sounds of the muffled drum and deep-toned instruments, playing the melancholy dirge, the majestic and solemn march of the war horse, all combine to impress the mind with emotions which no language can describe and which nothing but the reality can paint to the liveliest imagination. General Poor was from the State of New Hampshire. He was a true patriot, who took an early part in the cause of his country, and during his military career was respected for his talents and his bravery, and beloved for the amiable qualities of his heart. But it is sufficient eulogy to say that he enjoyed the confidence and esteem of Washington." ' " Headquarters Steenrapie Sept. \2^^. 1780. " David Hall, a soldier in Col. Steward's Battalion of Light Infantry, convicted, at a Genl Court Martial, whereof Col. Court- land is President, of pluner has taken place Since the war, General Benedict Arnold who Commanded at west point went to the enemy," His Excellency the Commander in Chief ha ving ben to Hartford to meet the ' Arnold's treason is too well understood to need any account of it here. It certainly is invested with a peculiar vividness and new interest by reading these lines written by a man of such high patriotic impulses as the writer who was at hand when this most horrible episode of the Revolution took place. For an account of a " Pro- cession in Honour of Arnold?" through the streets of the city of Philadelphia, Sept. 30, 1780, see "The Historical Magazine," 1861, Vol. v., p. 276. 124 Tli^ DIARY OF French Gen', and Admiral, was on his way to join the army and yesterday the Adj^ General ' of the Brittish Army was taken at Tarry Town as a Spye by three Militia men ' the news Soon reached west point, and on the Appearence of His Excellencey Comming to the post. Gen' Arnold went down to the River Side with Six men with him got into a boat went down the river to the English Friggat ^ that Lay there and went on board of her, and She Imeadetly Set Sail for New York, and by the best informa- tion he had ben Carrying on a treacherous Corrispondence with the Enemy, and had agreed to Sell them that post with all the men, but Heavens directed it otherways. on Receiving this intelligence, the whole Army was ordered to be readv to march as Soon as possible, we ' Maj. John Andre, Adjutant-General of the British army. An interesting account of Major Andre by Colonel Tallmadge is in "Historical Magazine," 1859, Vol. III., p. 229. 2 John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Wert. Congress subsequently directed that each of these receive annually two hundred dollars in specie, or its equivalent, during their life; a silver medal was also av/arded each, " one side of which shall be a shield with this inscription : Fidelity, and on the other the following motto : Vincit amor PatriccP These Washington was directed to present to them with a copy of the resolution of Congress. A letter reflecting on the patriotism and integrity of the captors of Andre, written by (Jen. Joshua King, a Lieutenant in Colonel Sheldon's Regiment of Light Dragoons, and who first had charge of Andre, is printed in " The Historical Magazine," 1857, Vol. L, p. 293; see also pp. 313-375. ^ British sloop-of-war "Vulture." COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 125 all turnd out went to Cooking and packing up their Baggage the Pennsylvania line marched of and left their Baggage to follow it being Expected that the Enemy would attempt to take west point this night the News Come to us alittle after midnight, had not this horrid Treason ben discovered America would have Rec''. a deadly wound if not a fatal Stabb. Septr. 27th, 1780. Clowdy and Cold with a high wind from the Northeast, begun to Storm about the middle of the day, and was a Cold rany Afternoon, we had News Come this day that on Joseph Smith ' was taken up as a Spye from the Enemy and brought to west point where the Commander in Chief was, he Came out of New York with M"". Andrew the Brittish adjutant General and it was thought that they would both Grace a halter togeather. Septr. 28th, 1780. It Cleard away this Morning and was cold, after dinner I with a Number of the Officers of the Army road out to Meet His Excellencey on his return to the Army, but after riding Six or Seven miles heard ' This was Joshua Smith, a confederate of Andre's. He was tried by court martial, but there being no positive proof against him, he escaped death, but was ordered into confinement, but after several months, either from lacl< of vigilance on the part of his keepers or from indifference, he was allowed to escape to New York.— Thatcher. 126 THE DIARY OF he had taken another road, therefore turnd another way back without Seeing him, M"" Smith and the Brittish Adj'. Gen', was allso Comming on with a Guard of draggoon Septr. 29th. The two prisoners Come to Camp last evening, a flagg Came this day from the Enemy Sir Hary Clinton made a demand of M'' Andrew the Kings adj' Gen', Saying he Came out as a flagg and ought not to be de- taind. Septr. 30th, 1780. A board of Gen'. Officers Sat this day on M'' Andrew and con- demnd him as a Spy, to Suffer death, the Com- mander in Chief approvd the Sentence and ordered it put in Execution tomorrow five oClock in the afternoon, a flagg was Sent from head Quarters by the way of Elizabethtown to the Enemy, and one Came from the Enemy to dobbes ferry, and brought a number of things from the Enemy to Maj*^ Andrews his Servant Came in the flagg. I was Officer of the Day. COLOXEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 12 J PART SIXTH. THE concluding part of the diary begins with Feb. 14, i78i,and ends April 3, 1781. It details the last days of Colonel Angell's services in the army, of his journey from his home in Johnston, R.I., to West Point and re- turn, and also includes a few days of retirement, after long years of faithful and conspicuous service with the Rhode Island Continental line. Feby. 14th, 1781. Left my hous this Morning went to Mr Dorrances ' in Voluntown 16 Miles then breakfasted went to Mr Reppley in Scotland 16 Miles tTien Dined then went to M^ Hill in Lebanon 10 Miles there put up for the day 42 Feby. 15th, 1781. Left my lodgings early this morning went to Mr white Break- fasted then went to Hartford but could get no ' Dorrance's Tavern was a popular place of resort. It was not unlike most of the public houses at this period, and it is related that fast young men of most respectable families " drank Geneva rum on a wager at Dorrance's Tavern till all were drunk," and then started off" for a Voluntown frolic." — Larned,'^ Windham County," Vol. IL,p.23S. 128 THE DIARY OF dinner then rode about three miles on towards Farmington there Din'd then went to Farming- ton there tarried — 42 miles Feby. 16th, 1781. Left my Lodgings this Morning went on about Six miles then Breakfasted and got one of my horses shod then went to Waterbury there Din'd then went to South Bury Doctor Grahams then put up for the Night I met a Number of the men of my Regt a going home this Day. Feby. 17th, 1780 (?)'. Left my Lodg- ings this morning went on to Newtown from thence to Danbury there Din'd then went on for Cam.p but missing my way and being be- nighted put up at a log hous tavern in the mountains where for fear of being Rob'd could sleep but little. Feby. 14th, 1781. Paid at Dorrances Tavern X^~ 4~ ^ do at Rippleys in Scotland o— 3-10 Paid for Oats o- i - o Paid Mr Hills 0-6-0 do at Mr White 0-4-5 Do for Oats o - i - o Do for ferriage o— i — o Do 3-6 Do for lodgings o- 8-4 Do for Oats and Breakfast 0-3-0 COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. I 29 Do for Dinner and hors Baiting 4- 6 Do Lodgings Suppers hors Keep- | ing Doctor Grahams ) 0- 9- 4 Do Breakfast 0- 3- -) Do Dinner 0- 5- 10 carried over — 18- 1 1 Supper and lodging Hors keeping &c Breakfast 0- 0- 9- _ 6 Sum brought over 2- 18- 1 1 Total Expenses to Camp 3 - i - i 5 To my Expences from Camp to West Point and back from the 21'' of Feb to the 22 £0 ^ 9, o To my Expences in paying of ^| the men and going to west V 0-12- o point from the 24th to the 27 J March 10-1781 To my Ex-^ pences from West Point to > o- 7- o New Winsor J To my Expenses while at West | Point paid M'' Mandaill j To Cash paid Rufus ' for the \ Expences of get'ing the horses V o-io- o to Camp J 6- 6- 4 ' Rufus Chapman. I- 7- o - 9 ~ o 130 THE DIARY OF 16 March To Cash paid Rufus X^~ 9-0 18 To Cash for my Expences ) ._ while at West Point j 19 To Cash paid the widow Brewer 2 - 1 1 - 9 20 To Cash paid o - 8-0 1 1 To Cash paid for myself and ) hors keeping j Do To Cash for Oats o - 1-6 Do To Cash for Dinner and baitings for Horses o - 5 - i To Cash paid Coles Tavern^ for his hors keeping and V o— 10- 6 lodging J for hors hire o - 4 - 6 for hors keeping o - 6 - o For hors keeping and lodg- ing For hors keeping and break- fast To Dinner and baiting To hors hire in getting the Waggon along 6- 18- 10 24 March 1781. Paid for hors Keeping and lodging L^~ 16 - 6 o- I I - o 0- 8- - 3-[; - 5-[] COLONEL LSRAEL AN CELL. 131 To Cash for baiting o — i - 6 To Cash for do 1-2 25 To Cash for Entertainmt 11 — 6 To Cash for Dinner an baiting 8 - 6 Brought over from the other Pages 13- 5- 3 To Cash for hors hire o - 4 - 6 To Cash paid Peleg Peck for hors hire o - 3 — o To Cash paid Elesha Barns for hors hire o — 1— 6 To Cash paid Crage for hors keeping o - 9—0 To Mony paid Rufus for Expences 1-4-0 17- 7- 5 My Baggage was twelve days in Comming from West Point Feby. 18th, 1781. Left my lodging this morning went to Camp found all well the men was so Rejoist at seeing me that they gave three Chears I immeditly went to paying off the troops 19th. Continued Close to my hutt paying the men Col" Greene Sent me a billet desiring me to Come to his Quarters this Evening but 132 THE D/.IA'Y OF I could not attend on account of paying the men ofF. 20th. This day I finished paying all Ex- cept the light Infantry which marched off the day I come into Camp the Regt. had orders to march tomorrow for west point. 21st. The troops marched this Morning agreeable to the Orders of yesterday 1 set off with them went to Colo Greene Quarters there Din'd then went to west Point Crost the River but could not get my hors over Returned after Dark Recrost a Miry Marsh to a hous where we got lodgings but nothing for ourselves or horses to Eat. 22d. This morning it Storming 1 and Col. Greene sett off to go the Point or Fort but met the Greatest part of the troops a Re- turning Againe having lain on Constitution Island ' all the night in the Storm as they Got but one boat load over after I and Col" Greene Crosst before the boats was carried away by the Ice with five men in it the Men nor boat Could not be heard of this day. by Eleven o'clock ' Constitution Island lies opposite West Point; a substantial work called Fort Constitution was located on the island. One end of the immense chain which was stretched across the Hudson, May, 1778, to prevent the passage of the enemy's ships, was anchored on this island just below the present steamboat landing. Links of this chain may yet be seen at West Point. COLONEL LSRAEL ANGELL. 133 Col. Green and myself went to his Q" from thence I went to the hutts found Capt Brown preparing for to Defend the baggage by making a block house of one of the huts 23d Feby. A Stormy Day I remaind this Day in the hutts. 24th. This Day went to Col° Greens Qrs there tarried all Night the Troops that marched for the point the 21 and Came back to the New Hampshire hutts Marched again to Day. 25th. Col. Greene and myself Sett of for the point Early in the Morning went to M' Mandavils there left our horses then went to Cross the ferry but found it all Blockt up with the Ice we then Crost the flatts upon the Ice to Constitution Island where we Crost just be- fore Night on our way Cros the Ice Ensign John Rogers fell through over a deep Creek ketched and hung by his arms we Indeavored to get rails to throw to him but could find none but some short peaces at length I thought of tying my Great Coat and Col Greenes together and then tying them to a Stick with the help of two little boys got it to him & Drawed him out but I would not have run the risk I did for all the State of New York had it not been to save life Storm'd near all this Day. 26th Feby. We Spent this day in trying 134 THE DIARY OF to Cross the ferry which we Effected just at Sunsett tarried at M' Mandavils 27th Feby, 1781. Left M"" Mandavils this morning after Breakfast went to Col. Law- rences O^^ Peeks kill there met L' Joseph Wheaton and paid the money for the Infantry to him then went to the hutts and there dined lodged at the Widow Brewers. 28th Feby. This day was plesant as Summer I spent the Same at the hutts at night went to the Widow Brewer there tarried. March 1st, 1781. After Breakfast went to Col" Greenes Quarters there Spent the Day it being Clowdy and Cold and allso tarried this night with Col" Greene in the Evening there came a letter from Gen' Heath Informing Col. Greene that the French Ships that went from New- Port had taken the Romolus of fifty guns and Nine sail of privateers and transports of Chesepeck Bay. March 2d, 1781. Clowdy weet and Cold after Breakfast Col. Greene and I went to the hutts the man I had Sent after my horses re- turn'd this day without them the Order being from Col. Greene and not from the D. Q. M General was Obligid to Send off again Din'd at the hutts then went to the Widow Brewers where I proposed to stay Col. Greene went to his Quarters COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. I 35 March 3d, 1781. Good weather and Nothing Remarkable Spent the Day at the hutts tarried at the widow Brewers 4th. Clear and plesant the Baggage of the Reg' that was left at the hutts was ordered on for west Point as was all the troops Except a Guard of 42 men I sent Rufus Chapman ' after horses 5th. Clowdy before breakfast Rufus re- turn'd from fishkill and had got no horses upon which I set off Imeadetly for west point It soon began to Storm and stormed very hard I arrived at M' Mandavels by 12 oclock where I put up for this day and night Col Green Come from the point in the evening. March 6th, 1781. This morning after breakfast 1 & Col Greene went over to the Point he being president of a Court Martial after dining on the point Returned to M' Man- davils and went to the hospital at Robinsons ' Rufus Chapman, tenth child of Stephen and Leuriah (Sanger) Chapman, was born Oct. 26, 1744, and died in May, 1848. He was married May 19, 1770, to Dorcas Sewall, of Exeter; they had one daughter. He is said to have charged his wife with being a witch, and he separated from her. He was a member of Capt. Stephen Kimball's Company, in Col. Daniel Hitchcock's Regiment, of the Army of Observation, 1775. See my " Revolutionary Defences in Rhode Island," page 6. Rufus Chapman was pensioned June 26, 1819, as a private of the Rhode Island Line. — Senate Documents Pension Roll. 136 THE DIARY OF Hous' returned to our Quarters in the Evening this Day was Clowdy but did not storm. March 7th, 1 78 1 . A stormy morning with Snow & Rain after breakfast Col. Greene went for west Point but it stormed so that I thought it best to remain where I was which I did the Day. 8th March, 1781. Went over to the Point this morning after breakfast in the after- noon went for New Winsor in a Boat where 1 arrived about Eight o'clock in the Evening. 9th March. Clear Breakfasted with the Adj. General then paid off what men there was here then went to Newburgh in the Gen' [ ] Returned in the Evening. 10th. Left winsor this morning after Breakfast in a Boat with some Country people went to west point it Snowed the great part of the passage which made it very Dissagreable the Distance being about 8 miles I arrived at ' The Robinson House was the headquarters of Generals Putnam and Parsons in 1778-9. It took its name from Col. Beverly Robin- son, its owner. What gives it more historic interest, however, is the fact that it was here, while at breakfast with his family and military guests, Benedict Arnold received the note from Colonel Jameson apprising him of the capture of Major Andre, and from whence he fled to the British sloop-of-war "Vulture." From this house General Washington wrote, Sept. 26, 1780, to General Heath in- forming him of the treason of Arnold. — Heath'' s Memoirs, p. 2jj. Thatcher, in his Journal, under the date of April 12, 1781, writes that he " crossed the Hudson to the hospital at Robinson's House and passed the night with Dr. Eustis." CJLONEL ISRAEL AXG^LL. I 3/ the Garrison about Two O'Clock Dined then went over to M"" Mandavells there tarried. 11th March, 1 78 1 . Clear plesant weather over head but bad under foot after breakfast 1 and Col Greene went to the point where we spent the Day in the afternoon Come over and went up upon the Mountain to the North Redoubt ' then to our Quarters. March 12th, 1781. Good weather after Breakfast I sett of for the hutts where I din'd & spent the Day. 13th. Cold and windy this Day there was an Allarm on which the Militia was called to- geather but it proving to be a false Allarm they were Dismist. 14th. Clowdy and raind this Day nothing Remarkable 15th. A pleasant Morning but Soon Clowded over and raind in the afternoon the horses Sent for to Carry my Baggage to Rhode Island. News came this evening Arnold and his party was taken. ' The North Redoubt at West Point had an armament of three iron eighteen-pounders and three iron twelve-pounders. It is tliu-; described in the " Remarks on Works at West Point " : "North Re- doubt, on the East side, built of stone 4 feet high ; above the stone, wood filled in with I]arth, very Dry. No ditch : a Bomb Proof, three Batteries within the Fort, a poor Abattis a Rising piece of ground 500 yards So. the approaches Under Cover to within 20 yards. The work easily tired with Faggots dipt in Pitch &c." 138 % THE DIARY OF 16th. Good weather my Baggage Set off this morning for Rhode Island after Breakfast I set off for west Point went to Mr, Manda- vills where I tarried. 17th riarch, 1781. Good weather a great parade this day with the Irish it being St Patariclvs. I spent the day on the point and Tarried with the Officers. 18th. After Breakfast I set off on my Jorney for New England went to Mr Manda- vills there Dind then went to M''^ Brewers my old Quarters this day was more like April than March 19th. Clowdy and Rained a little after Breakfast I set off went to the hutts there having some business which detained me till after Dinner. When I set off for Danbury where I arrived in the Evening it rained all the Afternoon very hard and worse riding could not be. 20th flarch, 1781. Clear good weather over head but muddy under foot after break- fast set forward went as tar as Bostic there put up for the night having overtaken my waggon. 21st. Clear and Good weather after Break- fast went on as far as Southerington there dined at Curtisses Tavern then went to Mr. Coles in Farmington there put up for the night. COLONEL ISRAEL AXGELL. 139 22d March, 1781. Left my lodgings after Breakfast went to hartford met with Capt Humphrey tarried there was obliged to hire a hors to help me on as far as hartford. 23d. A Stormy morning Crost the ferry to East Hartford, breakfasted went on to Hill's Tavern 8 mile there Halted for the waggon to come up which did not Arive till 3 o'clock the horses being tired out I hired a man to help me on as far as bolton where I halted that night. 24th. This morning being Clear there come two teams early a going to Canterbury and hired them to help me on upwards of twenty miles I rode on as far as Canterbury Stopt and Din'd in Scottand Put up at Landlord Back- uses but the waggon Didnot git up till the morning following. 25th riarch, 178L Clear and Cold My waggon Come up this Morning after breakfast I set forward after having hired Capt Cacon to help me on as far as Dorrances in Vollen- town where I arrived and Dined then went on to my own hous found my family well, left my waggon to come on as fast as possible and thus Lands the Service with me. ' ' By the Act of Congress of Oct. 3, 17S0, the two Continental Regiments of Rhode Island were reduced to one, to take effect Jan. I, 1 781. By this arrangement Colonel Angell reiired, and 140 '///A DIARY OF 26th riarch. Clear and Coid but soon Clowded over 1 hired Peleg Peck to go help my waggon on which arrived in the Evening. 27th March, 1781. After Breakfast I set off for Providence where I spent the Day at Evening went to my fathers and tarried news Come of the french fleet returning. 28th. Spent the forenoon at my fathers it being Exceeding Cold and unpleasant after Dinner went to Providence was informed that the french fleet was actually return'd and had had an Engagement with the English fleet but the particulars was not known one Circum- stance in my journal of yesterday I forgot to mention that is I had the Pleasure of seeing Uncle James Angell, at my fathers who had not been there in 22 years before on acct. of some misunderstanding between him and my father. 29th March, 1781. Cold and Clowdy Snowed some but cleared off in the afternoon with a severe March wind and cold. 30th Harch. Clear and Cold with a vio- lent high wind Nothing Remarkable. 31st. A toUerable pleasant day after Christopher Green succeeded to the colonelcy of the consolidated regiment, who was succeeded a few uioiiths later by Lieut.-Col, Commandant Jeremiah Olney. COLONEL ISRAEL AN CELL. 141 Breakfast I went to Providence where it was currently Reported that the French fleet behaved Gallantly in the action with the british and that the English fleet ran away from them Returned in the Evening. April 1st, 1781. Clear and Springlike weather this morning but Soon Clowded over and the wind blew up at South very raw and Cold there was a meating held at my hous this day 2d. A violint Storm Set in last night and Continued this Day the Storm begun with Snow but before the middle of the Day turn'd to rain and by night had carried off" the Greatest part of the Snow. 3d. It Still Continued Storming and had Snowed the Greatest part of the night and was a Considerable of Snow on the Ground but there being so much water made it Shocking Traveling. INDEX. ACOXET, 51, 53. Albro, Robert, 67. Allen, William, Capt., 41, 65. Andre, John, Major, 124. Andrews, Major, 126. Andrews, Mr., 42, 125, 126. Angell, Isaac, 41, 43. Angell, Israel, Col., 102, 118, 120. Angell, James, 140. Angell, Jason, 14, 40. Angell, Samuel, 60. Aquakinunk, 109. Arnold, 137. Arnold, Benedict, Gen., 123. Arnold, Fort, 97. Arnold, Gen., 121, 124. Arnold, Noyes, Lieut., 10. Arro Smith, Edmund, Capt., 42, 43- Backus, Landlord, 139. Barber's Height, 56, 65, 69. Barnes, Elisha, 131. Barney, Daniel, 82. Barrington, 68. Bay, Chesapeake, 134. Beaver-Tail Lighthouse, 85. Bergen, 107, 108. Bird, Benjamin, 53. Bishop Benoni, 91. Block Island, 71, 77. Blodget, Major, 5. Bolton, 94, 139. Boss, Lieut., 104. Bostic, 138. Boston, 4, 35, 42, 45, 75. Boston Neck, 35, 51, 61, 65, 72. Bowen, Jabez, Gov., 67. Box, Daniel, Major, 43. Bradford's Hill, 12. Bradford, Priscilla, Mrs., 20. Bradford, William, Gov., i, 46, 76. Brenton's Neck, 88. Brewer, Widow, 130, 134, 135, 1 38. Bridge, Greene's, 70. Bridge, Kickamuit, 11, 53. Bridge, Kings, 109. Bridge, New, iii. Bristol, II, 12, 16, 19, 30, 32. Bristol Ferry, 13, 90. Brown, Capt.. 133. Brown, Waity, 99, 102. Burdett's Ferry, 107, 109. Butts Hill, 8. Cacon, Capt., 139. Canterbury, 139. CaroHna, North, 114. Carolina, South, 64. 143 144 INDEX. Carpenter, Lieut., 44. Carpenter, Qr. Master, 13, 15. Chaffee, Noah, Serg't, 80, 8 1 , 92. Chapin, Lieut., 27. Chapman, Rufus, 129, 130, 131. 135- Charlestown, 64, 122. Chesapeake Bay, 134. Church Yard, Hackensack, 1 14. Cilley, Col., 120. Clefford, 80. Chnton, Gen., 107, 120. CUnton, Harry, Sir, 126. Cole, Mr., 82, 138. Conanicut Island, 72, 79, 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88. Congdon, Joseph, 89. Connecticut, 75, 120. Constitution Island, 132, 133. Cook, John, Lieut., 59. Cornelius, Elias, Dr., 22, 94. Cornell, Ezekiel, Gen., 11. Cranston, 14. Creek, Spitting Devils, 109. Croton River, 100. Curtis Tavern, 138. Danbury, 95, 98, 128, 138. Dayton, Col., 120. DeEstaing, Count, 3, 77. DeLafayette, Marquis, 14. Deruce, John, 64, 67. Dexter, David, Capt., 38. Dexter, Lieut., 15. Dighton, 73. Dobb's Ferry, 105, 121, 126. Dorrance, Mr., 94, 102, 127, 128, 139. Dunop, Count, 85. Durfee, Mr., 90. Dutch Island, 63, 72, 79. Dyer, John, Col., 62, 83. Dyer, Samuel, 100. East Greenwich, 56. East Hartford, 139. Edmunds, William, 92. Elizabethtown, 126. Elliott, Col., 39. English N eighborhood, 105,107. Exceen, John, 27. Fairfield, 63, 64. Farmingtown, 94, 128, 138. Ferry, Bristol, 13, 90. Ferry, Burdett's, 107, 109. Ferry, Dobb's, 105, 121, 126. Ferry, Holland's, 11. Ferry,. King's, 65, 100, 121. Feri-y, Tockwotton, 34, Fenner, Major, 16. Fenner, Richard, Jr., Major, 39. Fishkill, 98, 135. Fisk, Caleb, Dr., 24. Fisk, Joseph, Landlord, 24. Flagg, Ebenezer, Major, 56, 61. Flint, Widow, 94. Forbes, Mr., 94, 102. Fort Arnold, 97. Fort Lee, 107, 108, 109. Fort Putnam, 96. Fowler, 67. Frothingham, Ebenezer, 39. Gardner, John, Col., 82. Gardner, Major, 56, 72. Gardner, Mr., 57. Gates, Horatio, Gen., 51, 69, 80, 84, 1 12. INDEX. 145 Georgia, 51, 77. Gilly, Robert, 91. Glover, John, Gen., 11, 61, 95, 120. Goat Island, 89. Gould, John, 80, 81. Graham, Dr., 128, 129. Grant, Samuel, 92. Greene's Bridge, 70. Greene, Christopher, Col., 7, 15. Greene, Col., 56, 59, 61, 65, 78, 89, 90, 91, 95, 96, 98, 131, 132, 133' 134, 135. 136, 137- Greene, Col. Com'd't, 11. Greene, Gov., Mrs., 86. Greene, Grififin, 95, 96, 98. Greene, Jonathan, 83. (ireene, Nathaniel, Gen., 4, 106, 114. Greene, William, Jr., Gov., 59. Greenwich, 11, 15, 57, 59, 61, 69. 70, 77. 78, 79. 90. 91- Greenwich, East, 56. Hackens.\ck, 109, no. Hackensack Churchyard, 114. Hackensack River, in. Hagan, Francis, Dr., 49. Hamlin, Daniel, Ensign, 38. Hartford, 94, 118, 123, 127, 139. Hartford, East, 139. Haverstraw, 122. Hazard, 67. Hazard, Stanton, 73. Hazen, Moses, 119, 121. Heath, Gen., 134. Hegron, 81. Height, Barber's, 56, 65, 69. Herenden, Thomas, 85. Higgins, Robert, Capt., 109. Hill, Bradford's, 12. Hill, Butt's, 8. Hill, Little Rest, 76. Hill, Mr., 52, 94, 127, 128. Hill, Quaker, 8. Hill, Tower, 63. Hoight, Jonathan, Sergt., 99, 102. Hopkins, Elder, 24. Howland's Ferry, 11. Hudson River, 100. Hughes, Thomas, Capt., 16, 70, 79, 83, 122. Humphrey, William, Capt., 57, 139- Humpton, Col., 109. Huntington, Ebenezer, Major, 5, 20, 29, 31. Independence, Mount, 97. Island, Block, 71, 77. Island, Conanicut, 72, 79, 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88. Island, Constitution, 132, 133. Island, Dutch, 63, 72, 79. Island, Goat, 89. Island, Long, 95. Island, Prudence, 32. Island, York, 109. Jackson, Col., 51, 90, 91. Jacobs, Col., 2. Jacobs, William, 57. Jerauld, Dutee, Lieut., 54. Jencks, Lieut., ic8. Johnston, 16, 55, 59. Judith, Point, 66, 71, 73, 84. Judds, Mr., 94. 146 INDEX. Kakaat, 100. Kickamuit Bridge, 11, 53. Kickamuit River, 54. King, Benjamin, 16. Kings Bridge, 109. Kings Ferry, 65, 100, 121. Kingstown, North, 93, 102. Lanarcnus, Mr., 109. Lawrence, Col., 134. Lebanon, 127. Lee, Fort, 107, 108, 109. Liberty-Pole, 107. Lighthouse, Beaver Tail, 85. Little Rest Hill, 76. Littlefield, William, Lieut., 46. Livingston, Col., 32, 88, 90, 98, loi. Livingston, Henry Beekman, Col., 5. Livingston, James, Col., 38. Lobb, James, 54. Loizcan, Augustus, Capt., 38. Long Island, 95. Lord, Mr., 94. Lovell, Nathaniel, 102. Luther, Benjamin, 23, 24. Luther, Consider, 18. Luther, Mr., 59, 68, 93. Luttenton, Col., 98. Luzerne, Anne Caesar de la, 122. Macomber, Ebenezer, Lieut., 81. Maiideville, Mr., 129, 133, 134, 135. '37, 138- Massachusetts, 120. Melleries, Mr., 95. Miller, Nathan, Gen., 52. Milhmen, George, 69, 71. Mitchel, Quartermaster, 98. Monmouth, 56. Morristown, loi. Mount Independence, 97. Mowry, Mr., 64. Neck, Boston, 35, 51, 61, 65, 72. Neck, Brenton's, 88. Neck, Wanvick, 69. Neighborhood, English, 105, 107. Newark, 109. New Bedford, 13, 14, 32. Newberg, 98, 136. New Bridge, 1 11. New England, 138. New Hampshire, 120, 133. New Haven, 63. New Jersey, 99, 120. New London, 63, 73, 89. Newport, 24, 66, 82, 86, 87, 88, 134- Newtown, Updike's, 32, 56, 62, 64, 75' 95- 99' 102, 128. New Winsor, 97, 129, 136. New York, 7, 10, 77, 78, 95, 108, 120, 124, 125, 133. Nicholson, George C, Major, 96. Nixon, Col., 118. North Carolina, 114. North Kingstown, 93, 102. North Providence, 61. North River, 65, 67, 98, 104, 105, 109, 122. Northup, John, Judge, 77. INDEX. 147 Olney, Coggeshall, Capt., 71, 76. Olney, Col, 4, 20, 34, 46, 47, 57. 70. Ih 76, 78. 82, 84, 91, 92, 95- Olney, Jeremiah, Col., 12. Olney, Joseph, Capt., 61. Olney, Lt. Col., 20, 26, 36, 70, 73, 79, 81, III. Olney, Stephen, Capt., 30, 76. Oiangetown, 123. Patterson, Gen., 96. Paulding, John, 124. Pawtuxet, 14. Pearce, Richard, 27. Peck, Ebenezer, 34. Peck, Peleg, 131, 140. Peck's Rocks, 51. Peck, William, Col., 49. Peekskill, 134. Pennsylvania, 120. Penobscot, 72. Persons, Gen., 120. Peters, Andrew, Maj., 96. Phillips, Peter, 66, 93. Phillips, Stephen, 85. Pillar, John, 27. Point Judith, 66, 71, 73, 84. Point, Quonset, 62. Point, Rome's, 86. Point, Stony, 65, 66. Point, Tallow's, 121. Point, West, 96, 123, 124, 125, 129, 130, 131, 132, 135, 136, 138. Pompton, loi. Poor, Enoch, Brig.-Gen., 112, 114. Poppasquash, 20. Potter, Thomas, Col., 76. Pratt, William, Ensign, 62. Price, Edward, Lieut., 39. Proctor, William,Sergt.-Maj.,27. Prudence Island, 32. Providence, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26,30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47. 48, 51. 54, 57. 59. 60, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 90, 91, 92, 100, 140, 141. Providence, North, 61. Putnam, Fort, 96. QiTAKER Hill, 8. Quonset Point, 62. Ramapaugh, 100. Red Banks, 84. Rehoboth, 34. Reid, Major, 117. Rhode Island, 13, 15, 26, 27, 73' 78. 95,99, 100, 120, 123, 137, 138. Ripley, Mr., 127, 128. River, Croton, 100. River, Hackensack, iii. River, Hudson, 100. River, Kickamuit, 54. River, North, 65, 67, 98, 104, 105, 109, 122. River, Warren, 14, 32, 68, 69. Road, Ten- Rod, 83. Rocks, Peck's, 51. Rodney, Admiral, 117. Rogers, John, Ensign, 81, 91, 13.3- 148 INDEX. Rome, George, 57. Rome's Point, 86. Roxbury, 35. Sands, Ray, Col., 63. Sandy Hook, 77. Santa Cruz, 57. Sayles, Lieut., 70, 83. Schraalenburgh, 107. Scituate, 92. Scotland, 94, 127, 128, 139. Seekonk, 75. Sherburne, Col., 16, 20, 46, 51, 90, lOI. Sherrads, Col., 100. Simmons, 3. Slack, Benjamin, Dr., 23. Smith, Capt., 45. Smith, Edmund Arro, Cap't,, 42, 43- Smithfield, 92. Smith, Joshua, 125. Smith, Major, 122. Smith, Mr., 126. Smith, Thomas, 93. Southbury, 95, 128. South Carolina, 64. Southerington, 94, 138. Sphting Devil's Creek, 109. Springfield, 98, 106, 109, 118. Stamford, 98. Stark, Gen., 69, 84, 88, 90, 94, loi, 116, 121. St. Clair, Gen., 120, 121. Steenraupie, 1 1 1. Stevens, Mr., 59. Stewart, Col, 115. Stole, 121. Stony Point, 65, 66. Sullivan, Gen., 10, 14, 31, ii?. Swansea, 52. Sweeting, Job, Capt., 60. Talbot, Silas, Col., 41, 73. Tallow's Point, 121. Tarrytown, 124. Tavern, Curtis's, 13S. Tenney, Samuel, Dr., 77. Ten-Rod Road, 83. Tew, William, Capt., 32, 69, 122. Thayer, Simeon, Major, 26, 34, 36, 43, 46, 64, 65, 70, 72, 79, 81, 82, 83, 92, 95, 100, 108, 109. Thomas, John, 82. Thomas, Mrs., 99. Thompson, Charles, Chaplain, 19. 32. Thornton, Daniel, 43. Thrasher, Joseph, 60, 64. Tiverton, 36. Tockwotton Ferry, 34. Toppan, III, 120, 122. Tower Hill, 63. Twitchel, 67. Updike's Newtown, 32, 56, 62, 64, 75, 95, 99, 102, 128. Usher, Freelove, Mrs., 23. Usher, John, 93. Van Courtlandt, Philip, Col., IC2. Van Weit, Isaac, 124. Varnum, James Mitchell, Gen., 6, II, 14, 15, 20, 22, 30, 43, 46, 48, 76. INDEX. 149 Vamum, Martha, 28. Vial, John, Ensign, 6, 15. Virginia, 1 13. Voluntown, 91, 94, 127, 139. Von Steuben, Frederick Wil- liam, Baron, 103, 104, 119, 121. Vose, Joseph, Col., 54. Wanskuck, 40, 78. Ward, Samuel, Col., 77. Warren, 11, 21, 22, 25, 44, 49, 51, 52, 53, 64,65,68,69, 77, 90. Warren River, 14, 32, 68, 69. Warwick, 11, 62. Warwick Neck, 69. Washington, George, Gen., 10. Waterbury, 94, 128. Waterman, Freelove, 92. Waterman, John, 43. Waterman, Richard, iS. Waterman, Thomas, Lieut., 28, 29, 66. Wayne, Anthony, Gen., 65. Webb, Samuel Blatchey, Col., 28, 31, 39, 47. 90. West, Ebenezer, 75. West Point, 96, 123, 124, 125, 129, 130, 131, 132, 135, 136, 138. Wheaton, Joseph, Ensign, 71, 83. 134- Whillys, Lieut., 38. Whipple, John, 51. Whipple, Naomi, 40. White, Mr., 127, 128. Whittlesey, Nathan, Qr. Mas- ter, 21. Wigglesworth, Edward, Col., 2. Williams, David, 124. Williams, Samuel W., Capt., 29. Windham, 94. Winsor, Samuel, Elder, 24. Wollsey, Widow 95. Woodbury, 95. York Island, 109. History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, J 636- 1 790. By SAMUEL GREENE ARNOLD. New Edition. 2 vols. Octavo. 574 and 600 pp. $7.50, net. Governor Arnold's History of Rhode Island, based upon a careful study of documents in the British State Paper Office and in the Rhode Island State Archives, supplemented by in- vestigations at I'aris and The Hague, has from its publication been the authoritative history of the State. Genealogical students will find in these volumes the names of over fifteen hundred persons prominent in Rhode Island affairs. This work is of much more than local interest, as the experi- ment of religious liberty here tried gives to this history an im- portance far beyond the narrow limits of the State. " One of the best State histories ever written is S. (i. Arnold's His- tory of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations." — John FiSKK. "'i'he best history of Rhode Island is that of Arnold."— I'rof. Ghokge p. Fisher, Yale University. "Mr. .Samuel Greene Arnold in his history of Rhode Island has brought together all the extant materials. 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