- -^ ^ • " - ' . -^' ' Dat Famous Chicken Debate BY WALTER S. LONG. PRICE 15 CENTS Eldridge Entertainment House Franklin, Ohio " THE HOUSE THAT HELPS " m m sPEciAusTs n Amateur Entertainments It is not a side line with us, but we devote our entire time to that business Realizing that many people have grown weary of searching through catalogs and read- ing entertainments only to discard them as unavailable we appreciate]the fact that our cus- tomers have often spoken of us as **the house that helps. ^' We have had practical exper- ience in selecting and producing amateur en- tertainments and we feel that we know what will please the public, and what can be pro- duced under certain conditions. Onf eijuriwee is at yiur *spesal. Write us, giving full particulars of your special need in the way of an enter- tainment, and we will select a play, an oper- etta, a drill or even an entire program for you, Bot tlways eoclisa a stamp for tte rep^. RfiRMRiber, that in addition to our entertain- ments we carry a large line of publications of other dealers. If in doubt as to the entertain- ment you desire, send particulars and we will suggest something to fit. We are at your service. ILDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio DatFamousChickenDebate By WALTER S. LONG. THE UNIVERSITY OF AFRICA (Aff.) vs. BOOKERTEA COLLEGE (Neg.) Copyright, 1915. Eldridge Entertainment House. Eldridge Entertainment House. FRANKLIN. OHIO. ^'^^\ z^"" 1^\^ QUESTION:— "Resolved, That Stealing Chickens Aint No Crime. " DEBATERS: Affirmative Negative Rufus Rastus Johnsing Hezakiah Gitdar Nebuchadneazer Jones Ephram Pullemdown OFFICERS: President— Prof. Snowball White. Vice-Presidents \ g^" I^.^ngdong Ringer. ^ jjg^ Longtime Holdem JUDGES: (Names of local persons acting as Judges) TIME: (Date and hour of Entertainment) PLACE: (Place of Entertainment. ) jaO 4258S Dat Famous Chicken Debate. This darkey debate may be made a very funny number on your program. The stage setting is left to the director. Where stage facihties are available all the humorous settings of a darky clubroom may be used, or it may be given on the bare school plat- form. The costumes of the debaters, the judges and others may be as funny and as ragged as desired. A table with a large v^hite pitcher of water and a drinking glass should occupy the center of the stage. The conclusion of the debate is also left to the director. Confusion may close the sketch with a gen- eral mix-up, if used on a minstrel program, or the judges may decide the question and award a verdict if given on a school platform, .^f ter which all may rise and file out. President's Speech. Ladies an^ Gentlemen:— You hab assembled ter hear a very important de- bate betwixt de Univerisity of Africa on de Firma- tive an world renowned Bookertea College on de Neg- ative. De question is: '^Resolved;— DatSteahn Chick- ens aint no Crime." De gentlemen what will representation dese fa- mous colleges is: Fur de Firmative, Mr. Rufus Rastus Johnsing an Mr. Nebucadneazer Jones. Fur ne Neg- ative, dar is Mr. Ephraim Ezra Pullemdown and Mr. Hezekiah Jonah Gitdar. A prize fur de bes speaker will be awarded by Mr. President We will now hab de f us speaker fur de Firmative. First Speech For The Affirmative; Mr. President, Dishonorable Jedges, Gents and Wo- menfolks: De question fur debate have done been resolved dat it haint no crime ter steal chickens. An since dis resolution am satisfactory ter all, der seems ter be no use fer me ter make a speech. But use or no use, I has some pussonal feelings in dis matter, an I v^ants ter spress ter yall my great reguard for de subject ob chicken, an I wants ter scuse myself an all ob my brethern frum eben de bery pearance ob any crime. Mr. Fresidenty in de beginning dere was chicken. An close ter de beginning dere was niggers. But de Good Book say in de fourteenth chapter ob de Book ob Jenny's sister dat at fust dere was no sin nor crime in de world. Now I leaves it ter you, Mr. President, dose you spose, datef stealin chickens wuz a crime, dat dose niggars would hab lived all dat time widout crime right dere in de sight of Marse Adam's new Hinhouse? No, suh, take it frum me, dose chickens wuz stole. But it wuz apples dot brung sin into de world, not chicken. De Bible don't even mention who stole de chickens. Now Mr. President, in order ter expounder more plainer de truth ob de above resolution let me lay down de proper meanin ob crime. Mr. Webster he lows as how crime it am a violation ob de law. An my honry enemy ober dar he will say dat de laws ob de Uninety States specially mentions chicken. But I axes yall ter think who made dose laws, did de niggers make dem? Not much. Dey wuz made by de white folks, — cause dey owns de chickens. Now mus de nigger be sponsible fer de white folks mistakes? Who- ever hearn tell ob niggers making laws gainst de stealin ob chickens. I defies both ob you Africans ober dar ter show dese gemmensone single law gainst de stealin ob chickens what a black man hab made. Now yall admits dat Marse Lincoln hab done made de niggers a free an indepennent people. Marse Wood- row's new book on Scientific Government say dat a free an indepennent people can only be ruled by laws wat dey makes fer deyselves. Now St. Matthew says in de Actions ob de Postles as how dere caint be no crime widout a law. Now ef de niggers am a free an indepennent people, an ef a free an indepennent peo- ple can only be ruled by laws what dey make fur deyselves, den de white folks laws dey don't ply ter de niggers, an since dere caint be crime widout a law, an since de niggers neber has made no laws gainst de stealin ob chickens. I maintains dat it aint no crime ter steal chickens, an I axes yall ter considerate care- fully on de bove argument, an' dont pay no tention ter dose other niggers cause dey hab done gone back on dere color. Yall mus agree wid me dat a black man widout chicken am a lonesome black man. Now who wants ter be lonesome? An ef de nigger laks de rooster's company, jest pines fur it so to speak, it suttinly aint no crime ter be sociable. You gemmen ober dar,jest think how long de cullud race groaned in bondage lak de Hebrews obold,sarving de white man, an I swars to you dat dey hab not been paid fur all datwuk,no dey hab not. From de time de niggers follow^ed Marse Abe fru de blood red sea of wah into de new Canaan ob freedom, de white man only pays us by de day fur wuk we does in de day. Now why caint w^e collect interest on dat ole account at night? Why not, I say? We raise de white man's cotton an corn an baccer. Now let de white man raise our chickens. An den when de lubly night comes down de nigger kin go an claim his own, cause de blackness ob de night jest matches de color ob his skin. Yas suh, dat are why our skin are black. An de Law^d he wudden make de nigger's skin black ter help him commit a crime. An now Dishonorable Jedges, I'se done spressed ter you my great reguard fer de subject ob chicken, an I has done tried to scuse yall frum de pearance ob crime. My hon'ry complice will finish fur de firmative, an ef he fails ter do it both in sperit an in truth, he haint no loyal son ob Ham. President We will now hab de fus speaker fur de Negative. First Speech On The Negative. Ladies and Gemmens, Most Worthy Jedges, an You too, Mr, President: I has listened ter dat black man until my face hab done grew red lak de insides ob a watermillion, blushin fur shame. I has done heard him sinuation dat all niggars steals chickens an den take up fur dem cause he hab done stole chickens hisself. I doesnt believe dat all niggars steals chickens. An ef some niggers does steal chickens some time, dose niggers aint civilized, dey aint fittem ter pattern after, an de civilized cuUud gemmens should jest sider dem as de black sheep ob der flock. Look at Mr. Booker Wash- ington, do he steal chickens? No suh, he do not. He cud sleep all night in a hinhouse on de night befo Protracted meetin an not eben dream of a potpie cause de words of de Good Book hab done come ter pass, an de lion am jest boun ter lie down wid de lam. My hon'ry enemy ober dar he say as how dat stealin chickens aren't gainst no law what de black man hab made, an I wishes ter remin yall of de law ob Gawd which Moses foundered on de limestone tables in ole Pharo's kitchen. I reference yall ter de twelve Commandments. An one ob dem it say pint- edly, *Ter mussent steal.'' Now I lows as how stealins stealin, no matter what is stole, an I blieves dat de twelve commandments plies jest as much ter de black man as dey do ter de white. Color wont make no difference when de great day comes, an color don't make no difference now. An agen de Bible it say as how yer mus lay aside yer favorite sin. Now ef stealin chickens aint de niggers favorite sin I jes wants ter know what is. Dar Mr. Fresident are de law whar say, '*Leave dat fowl alone.' An ef de nigger misobey dat law he am guilty ob crime. It grieves me down in de bottom ob my boots ter see de carelessness. ob you niggers about chicken. De great monstrous need ob de black man of today are selfrespect. But yer caint find no selfrespect in no hinhouse. De niggers what steals chickens don't re- spect deyselves, den how come dey think de white folks is gwine ter respect dem. An ef de white folks don't respect dem, de nigger mus suffer cordingly. He mus see all de easy jobs go ter de white folks as don't steal no chickens. Dose you spose any black African what steals chickens cud ever be President ob dese Unitety States? Jest imagination de Secre- tary ob de Treasury sneakin roun a hinhouse at night. How long wud he hold his job? An dey aint one single nigger in dis house what wuddent lak ter be Secre- tary ob de Treasury or President ob de Unitety States. Yet my poneats talk about srealin chickens lak it are de only thing ter be did. Dese am my arguments Mr. Fresident. It am against de law ter steal, an when chickens are stole a crime hab done been committed. Stealin chickens also hold back de spiritual uplift ob de race, an there- fore I resists befo all ob de world dat stealin chickens am a crime. President, We will now hab de second speaker fur de Firmative. Second Speech On The Affirmative. Mr. President, Noble Jedges, Ladies, and Menfolks: My honry complice have done sot dis question so clearly befo yall dat I doesnt see much lef fur me ter say. But I too has a pussonal feelin an reguard fer chicken, an my heart am so full ob luv fur de rooster s tender flesh dat I is jest boun ter argufy dis question also too. My honry enemy what hab jest receded me tole bout de trouble whar chicken hab gave ter de nig- gers. An ef men war ter beheve all he say de bery name ef chicken wad be evil. But de Bible it say as how money am de root ob all evil, an as roots is so am de branches bliged ter be. Therefore, I say dat chicken it aint even a leaf on de tree ob evil, an ef it aint evil it mus be good. Honry Jedges, de above argument it proves as how dere caint be no evil connected wid chicken. But r also wants ter call yer attention lev another argu- ment. Mr, Gladstone he say as how de means by which we does any thing may be justified by de end in view. Now let's take stealin chickens as de means, an a big- fat juicy rooster as de end in view— (wait a minnit niggers, dont git cited yit.) Now jest imagination a nigger on dat rooster's trail. He done heerd him crow- ing all day long an when de night gits dark an de al- manac it say dat de moon aint gwine ter shine. See dat nigger sneak down thru de orchard — dim de guarden fence, den crawl down ter de hinhouse, aa jest kinder vanish lak in de do. Tell me about yer citement, dat are citement Mr. Rooster he kinder turn he hade ter one side, an de next minnit he done drap in de bag. Now my friens, jest magination dat nigger goin home. Dat rooster seem lak he already in de pot. Crime or no crime, dat nigger are happy, an de Bible it say as how only good people can be happy. Honry Jedges, talking bout yer end in view, think about dat rooster. What kinder end does yer want ef dat aint all right. Justify de means, well I guess it do. Think ob dat potpie, wid white meat and dark meat all mixed up lak white an black ice cream —an dontfergit de gravy. Den de nigger clean loses sight ob Christmas an payday, and he lets de singin ob de angels jine in wid de music ob his soul. An his cabin it shines lak de palace ob a king. An his face it are all lit up lak a lectric signboard. Dat am one more happy nigger in dis world. An all on count ob dat rooster. Mr. President, dat fowl are de grandest meat in de world. De rooster he am king ob all de birds. Even St. Peter got skeered when de rooster crowed. Look at Nebuchadneazer, he didn't hab no chicken so he went out and et grass. De tower ob Babylon it didn't hab no chicken so it fell. Greece didn't hab no chicken so it fell. Rome didn't hab no chicken an it fell. Lakwise I say suh, when de nigger tries ter do widout chicken he am boun ter fall, shos you bawn. Everybody knows dat de nigger caint raise no chicken. Den hows he gwine ter git dem ef not at night? Yit my honry enemy he say as how dat am a crime. But de Bible it say as how self reservation it :am de fust law ob Nature. An so ef he caint raise no chicken, den fur dese chickens ter be got, dey mus be :stole. An therefore, steaHn chickens am jest obeying •de fust law ob Nature, an I defies my opponents ter prove dat it can be a crime. Why twould be lak spit- ting in de face ob Frowidence ter misobey a law ob Nature, specially de fust one. In cose it aint no crime. Dese, Mr. President, is de arguments what we wishes ter per sent. An fer fear dat yall may lose sight a some ob dem, let me summarization dem all thusly: Fust de Bible proves dat it aint no crime ter steal chickens, cause chickens wuz stole befo crime come into de world. Moren dat, stealin chickens arent included in de meanin ob crime under de law. An lastly on top ob dat, stealin chickens are jest collect- ing interest on what de white man owes us, jest lak he collects hissn. An on top ob dat yit, stealin chick- ens are a means dat am justified by de end in View. . President, We wuli now hab de second speaker fur de Negative, Second Speech For The Negative. Mr. President, Honry Jedges, Niggers, an' White Folks: My pardner have done tole you about de crime ob stealin chickens, an now, I wants ter cap his clim- ax by expoundering de abstruse an awful punishment what mus transpire when de niggers las chicken am stole an de crowin ob deceased roosters welcome him into dat dreary realum ob everlasting night. I plants my text upon dat good ole proverb, '*Ye mus not steaF' No matter bout dem laws what de white man hab made, dis am de law ob Gawd. An when Moses nounced it ter de Chillun ob Egypt, he pinted ter de niggers wid his lef han an ter a rooster wid his right, an in dese words did he den thusly prophesy: 'In fourteen-hundred-an frez-ler-death de tribe ob Columbus shall Ian on a undiscovered country an hab niggers ter do de wuk. Now by an by de niggers will want pay fer all dese services what dey mus surrend- er, an den look out fer de henhouse. Now Hsten ter niy words ob wisdom. Behold, I say, leave dat bird alone: Eben as de sarpent war de downfall ob Eve,, so will de rooster be de downfall ob Ham/' Everybody knows dat de nigger am descended from Ham. Yit de no count niggers ob dis day an time dey dont care nothing tall bout Ham. Dat are why dey are ter be punished. Leave dat fowl alone I say an turn yer thoughts ter ham. Dat are de only way dat de culled folks can turn aside de awful pun- ishment dat am waitin fer dere race, eben as de angel ob de Lawd waited fer Balaam in de straight an nar- row way. Look out niggers dit sword am boun ter fall, an mark my words twill mow you down lak corn befo de knife. Dat are de day when de earth shall ring wid wailin an de nashing ob dentristry an all de niggers will be moanin fer demselves. An above de noise ob weepin an respair will be heered de rooster's voice a crowin in de mawning. He say, '*Break dat nigger's neck.'' I tell you now my frens, yer mus leave dat fowl alone or he gwine ter hab his veange- ance on yer shows yor bawn. Stealin chickens are a crime Mr. President. Dose chickens dont long ter no niggers, an anybody what takes whoever dont long ter dem steals. De fifteenth Proverb it say as how 'Temus not steal" an dat means de black man. Now whoever break one ob dese Proverb have showly committed a criminal act, an Mr. Graystone he say dat all criminal acts is crimes, an therefore thus all dem niggers what steals chickens suttinly does commit crime. Dishonorable Jedges, I beseeches you on my bended marrowbones not ter pass lightly cross dis hyar Rrgument De whole future verdiction ob de culled race are respond- ed in de atmosphere waitin fur yer verdiction. Nig- gers what dont steal chickens now will be excouraged ter begin, an dem what does will be excouraged ter keep on. On yer solemn desideration an wise inclu- sions respends de new exterpation of crime, an on dis respends de nightly safety and de eternal an ever- lastin wellfare ob millions an millions ob chickens yit unhatched. Ponderate on dese infatuations an yer mus showly aggravate dat stealin chickens are a un- tarnished crime. The Woodman Plays for Schools and Colleges are popular because they are Clean, Clever and Wholesome. We give them special mention because of their worth. For Commencements, Class Night, etc., we know of nothing better. See complete list elsewhere in this catalog. The Tibhals Monologs Have Made Good. The need for bright, comedy monologs is supplied by these. Not the silly talk you usually hear but the snappy stuff that gets the laugh in the vaudeville theatres of the big circuits. Just the thing for your minstrel show and a welcome relief for the amateur monologist upon any occasion. Here is the list: Have Y:u Ever Noticed That? A tramp monolog. A good number for a tramp act in your olio. Price, 15 cents. Izzy's Troubles. A characteristic monolog. Price, 15 cents. Under the Pretzel Bough. A Dutch monolog, the speaker imperson- ating a baker. Price, 15 cents. Waiting for the Alabama Lou. A darky talking act. The speaker being a deck-hand on a Mississippi river boat. Price 15 cents, Be Kesrful, SI. A rube monolog that is funny without giving offense. Price, 15 cents. In Dixie Land. A musical comedy in one act for any number of male char- acters. Time 40 minutes* Garden scene. Splendidly adapted for an afterpiece on a minstrel program. Characters are part black and part white face with opportunities for a male quartette. Interpolated music suggested is old and popular though the latest hits may be used if desired. Sure to please. Price, 25 cents. TWO PLAYS FOR BOYS By SEYMOUR S. TIBBALS. Mr. Tibbals has been unusually successful in fur- nishing boys' plays that introduce characters true to life. While the plays are strong and forceful in the lessons they teach, clean comedy predominates and the bovs like them. ''The Millionaire Janitor 99 A comedy in two acts. Here is a rollicking play for eight or more boys with plenty of action. Just the thing for a Boys' Class or Junior Y. M. C. A. Easily staged and costumed. . Opportunity for intro- duction of musical numbers and recitations. By in- troducing such features the play may be used for an entire evening's entertainment. Price 25 Cents "Up Caesar's Creek*' A splendid play for any number of boys. The characters are real boys and the play deals with their experiences while camping up Caesar's Creek the per- formance closing with a minstrel show in camp. Cos- tumes and scenery are not elaborate and the play may be produced on any stage. Price 25 Cents These comedies are protected by copyright, but permission for amateur production is granted with the purchase of the book. ELDRIDGE ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio 95 RELEASED FOR AMATEUR PRODUCnON. 'The Utile PoBtieian" Br SEYMOUR S. TIBBALS A COMEDY IN FOUR ACTS SEVEN MALES AND THREE FEMALES /^ITHIS play was produced professionally ^^ for several seasons under another title, and is now released for amateur production without royalty and without restrictions of any kind. The scenery and costumes are simple. Time, about two hours. A young society girl plays an important part in overthrowing a corrupt political boss and brings about the election of her fiance. The race for the hand of a wealthy widow by rival suitors furnishes the comedy. A pretty story is unfolded, but without actual love-making or any scenes objectionable to the amateur. Recommended for high schools and dra- matic clubs. jEff* the ^rden party in the second act affords opportunity for the introduction of any number of characters. PRICE, 2S CEXTS Sent Postpaid m Receipt ef Price by the ELDRIDGE ENTERTAIMENT HOUSE Franklin, Ohio MMiiimimiii 0015825 7'^""™""'" HERE ARE- SOME OF OUR VERY NEW TITLES It is always a satisfaction to be the first to get hold of new and novel entertainments^ and here is TOM chance: FUTS Ml mUU CIAIACIIRS int Biberil's First Luidiioii ^ -^25c Wbtn Sbakispim Struck Tbi Toim ~25c Ye Tea Party of Te Oldea Thne ^tk TWO CLIVEK MUSICAL FLATS FOR OOLMEII Under The Sugar Plira Tree ™ Iflc In Little Felks Town -^ .. 4Bc TWO NEW HOCK TRIALS Father Time's Christmas Trial.. 15c Will Seakura's Matrimom'al Bureav ^ — 25c TKES SPLERBIB BOOKS Dramatic Stories, Myths and Legemls.... 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