♦* THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR • V >' I THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR; OR, THE ART OF TRANSLATING EASY ENGLISH INTO PORTUGUESE, 4 ^ BY LJ p. it. f; de porquet. AUTHOR OF CH, LATIN, I' SPANISH, &C, &C. LE TRESOR FOR FRENCH, LATIN, ITALIAN, GERMAN, AND LONDON : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY FENWICK DE PORQUET. 11, TAVISTOCK STREET, COVENT GARDEN ; 1840. 5 ENTERED AT STATIONERS HALL. 387270 '29 f 1 '/(, PREFACE. Any new system of imparting the intuitive prin- ciples of philology has always met with opposition from those who, wedded to long established rules, however erroneous, regard with distrust any attempt to render the philosophy of languages of easier at- tainment to the student. This I have experienced in rdinary degree. To smooth the hitherto rugged *-.o learning, and make that plain and simple, h had long been obscured by antiquated modes erbose and tedious phraseology, was by many, whose prejudices were too strong for their judgment, pronounced to be that Royal road to knowledge that none but a Charlatan would venture to point out. But time, the " great teacher," has proved the fallacy of their arguments, and crowned my humble and la- borious endeavors with success. I have to oppose the experience of ten years of increasing popularity, to the sneers that assailed me when I began my task of Vlll shortening the course of study, without omitting any- essential to make the result of general and perma- nent utility. My Books, which at first were timidly adopted in public schools, have now become well-accredited and popular class-books. Their value having been but slowly discovered, and not without repeated tests, is a circumstance greatly in my favour. I resorted not to the too prevalent mode of ceaseless advertising and puffing; I was content to let them work their own way; and I have received my reward in their extensive sale throughout the united kingdom — on the continent — and in America. The " Tresor de i/Ecolier ' was my first work. Its success equalled my most sanguine hopes. Simi- lar publications in Italian, German, Latin, and Spanish, were immediately called for — and in obedi- ence to that call, successively produced, and met with the like extensive circulation. I now offer to the public the Portuguese Tresor, written upon the same plan. It is therefore needless for me to enter into any details. The student will find that my chief aim has been simplicity and conciseness; so that he who runs may read. PLAN OF THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR, OR THE MANNER IN WHICH THE WORK IS TO RE USED FOR ATTAINING A FACILITY OF CONVERSING IN PORTUGUESE IN A VERY FEW LESSONS. The following pages were composed to enable the pupil to read or translate English into Portuguese at sight ; it is therefore recommended, that one or two of the Lessons BE READ DAILY in Portuguese, in an audible and distinct manner, in the presence of a mas- ter or governess, as if the student were reading some composition in that language. Should tlfeir be a diffi- culty in obtaining a teacher, the pupil might be assisted by the Key^ which should not be consulted till the Les- son has been -well prepared with the help of the Lexicon only; and it is presumed this composition may easily be rendered into Portuguese by preparing it a few hours pre- viously, with that help. After having gone three times through the work, the teacher will soon perceive the readiness with which the pupil will answer any question put to him for transla- tion ; whereas young people are often, after two or X three years' tuition, puzzled, and in fact, unable to translate the plainest sentences into that tongue. It is natural enough, that to a pupil learning a foreign language, his ideas should first offer themselves to his mind in his own, then an interpretation is at- tempted; hence the impossibility of learning to con- verse fluently. It therefore becomes the bounden duty of every teacher of languages to oblige his pupils TO TRANSLATE AS MUCH ENGLISH as their other studies will allow, INTO COMMON AND EASY PORTUGUESE, French, Italian, Spanish, or German, as soon as they hare become masters of the first rudiments of either. For example : — I have lost my book. — Did you see it? — I have read it. — I have not seen it. — He has written. — He is going. — A repetition of which will so forcibly impress the different tenses, persons, pronouns, &c, as never to leave the least difficulty in conversation in expressing their ideas in a modern language, and by degrees they will become so accustomed to it, as to be insensibly led on to attempt the perusal of the most classical authors, and to hold an uninterrupted con- versational intercourse with foreigners unacquainted with English. WRITING. The author would also recommend, that a small part of the " Tresor " be written daily, after a month's study of the book, and Portuguese dictation daily be also at- tended to. • NOTE, IMPORTANT TO BOTH TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. CONVERSATION. It is particularly requested that the pupil should re- peat the first twelve numbers of this work six or eight times previously to his beginning the next twelve ; also, if time will admit of it, the master should, at every sentence (translated at sight into Portuguese by the pupil) put to him any of these questions, or any other similar to them : cuando, porque, donde ? fyc^ fye. By following the above plan, the greatest improve- ment in Portuguese conversation can be expected in very few lessons. The author earnestly urges masters and pupils not to depart from it. PARSING. Also to make the student parse the whole of each sentence, viz. the article, if definite or indefinite ; ad- jectives, to decline the masculine and feminine ; verbs, if auxiliary, active, neuter, passive, impersonal, or re flective ; of what conjugation, regular or irregular, what mood, tense, person, &c, &c„ but of that only Xll when the pupil shall have learned at least one-half of the book. Lastly, teachers should be careful not to allow a les- son to be read before them without a slip of paper being placed on the notes which are at the end of each lesson introduced to assist the pupil in preparing his task. IN THE PRESS, To assist teachers who may not be conversant with English, or pupils who cannot obtain a Portuguese master. KEY TO THIS WORK, Being a literal translation, which may be used as a Reading-Book. Price 3s. 6d. Will be ready for delivery on the 1st of July, 1840. TO THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. THE ALPHABET. NAMES. - A B ah ba sounded nearly as hat in English C sa * D da . E eh as a in English F efe . G H ja ahga. as ja in French, without the d ~as in English I e as in imitate J e a consonant without the sound of a d as in* English L ele M erne N ene 4 as in ok P Q pa ka R erre S ese T ta U 00 as two o's in foot, hood V ve or vau X shes Y Z ipsilon za sounded as y in hypolito X INTRODUCTION T0\ ON SPELLING. Most Portuguese pupils are seldom unaquainted witfi French or Italian ; a Table of Syllables therefore is here given on the plan mostly adopted by Grammarians and Lexicographers in those languages ; by referring consequently on the sounds of the vowels A E I U Y ah a e 00' • 1 any pupil may read the following Table without erring much from the Portuguese euphony — taking care to give the Consonants the same power as in French and Italian. — ba be bi bo bu ca da fa ce de fe CI di CO do fo cu du fu ga j a la ge le 9~ • • J 1 If go j° lo gu lu ma me mi mo mu na ne ni no nu pa qua ra pe que re pi qui ri po quo ro pu ru sa ta se te si ti so to su tu va \ ve vi vo vu xa xe xi xo xu za ze zi zo zu ON ACCENTS. 1. Words of two or more syllables, the accent is on the last but one, called penultima. 2. Words ending with a consonant excepted. 'THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. XI THE AKTICLES. *The Article definite The in Portuguese, is for the mas. sing., and A for the fern. sing. The plural for both genders is made by the addition of s, os, as. Example — Sing* Plur. Sing. Plur. The o mas. os a fern, as of or from the do dos da das to the ao aos a as by the pelo pelos pels, pel&s in the no nos na nas EXAMPLE OF MASCULINES. Sing. m Plur. o memno, the child os memnos, the children do r&paz, of or from the dos rapazes, of or from the boy boys ao homem, to the man aos homens, to the men pelo velho, by the old man pelos ?;elhos, by the old men no Zivro, in the book nos ZzVros, in the books EXAMPLE OF FEMININES. Sing. Plur. a menina, the child as memnas, the children da rapanga, of or from the das rapangas, of or from girl the girls a mulher, to the woman as mulAeres, to the women pel& #dha, by the old wo-^elas velhas by the old man women na casa, in the house nas casas, in the houses THE APwTICLE INDEFINITE, The indefinite articles, a and an, are hum, or um mas., and /awma or wma fern. They are declined with the prepositions de of or a to, por by 7 em in, &c. 1 * Xll INTRODUCTION TO OF NOUNS. No declensions as in Latin and Greek, use|therefor the prepositions, as may be seen used with the article. The plural is made by adding s to the singular. Example : dia, dias. Nouns ending in ao, sometimes the plural is made in aens, oens, as maos, or maens ; capitao, capitaens. ON GENDERS. Nouns ending in a are feminine o are masculine. Some few exceptions. — See Grammar. ON ADJECTIVES. The adjectives in Portuguese take o for the mascu- line, and a for the feminine ; and follow the same rule as the nouns for the plural. OF NUMERALS OR CARDINAL NUMBERS. 1, um (m) ma (f) 18, dezouto or dezoito 2; cfous or efois (m) 19, dezaftove du&s (f) 20, vinte 3, tres 21, vinte-e um 4. ; quatro 22, vinte-e dous, £c. 5. ( cinco 30. , trintn 6. , seis 40. , quarewta 7. , sete 50 , cincoewta 8. , outo or oito 60. , sessentdi 9! , nove 70 , setenta. 10 , dez 80 , oitena. 11 , onze 90 , noventa 12 , doze 100 , cem 13. , treze 101 , cento e um 14 , puaforze 122. cento vinte-e dous 15 , qninze 200 ; , duzerctos (m) duzen- 16 , dezaseis tas (f) 17 } dezasete # 300 , trezewtos THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. Xlll CARDINAL NUMBERS CONTINUED. 400, quatro centos a dozen, um&duzm; 500, quinhentos a score, wma vin- 600, seis centos fena; two score, 700, sete centos, &c. du&s vinfenas, &c. 1000, mil 2000, dous mil; a million, 1824, mil oito centos vinte mil^aoorcouto(the e quatro ; half a Za^ermostusedbe- score, wma dezena ; fore reis, rials.) OF ORDINALS. 1st, Tprimeiro 17th, efecimo-setimo 2nd, segunco 18th, efecimo-oitavo 3rd, terceiro 19th, decimo-nono 4th, quarto 20th, vi^esimo or vinfesimo 5th, quinto 21st, vi^esimo primeiro 6th, sexto or sesto 30th, tri^esimo 7th, setimo 40th, quadra^esimo or quar- 8th, oitavo enfesimo 9th, nono 50th, quinqua^esimo 10th, efeeimo 60th, sexa^esimo 11th, onzeno or xmdecimo 70th, septuagresimo 12th, duodecimo 80th, octo^esimo 13th, efecimo-fercio 90th, nono^esimo 14th, decimo-quarto 100th, centesimo 15th, decimo-quinto 1000th, mifesimo 16th, £fecimo-se£to last, ultimo To express once they say wma vez (one time) ; twice, du&s vezes ; thrice, tres vezes ; four times, quatro vezes &e. The proportional numbers are smples, single ; dupli- cado or do6rado, double ; tfrzplice, triplicado, or tresdo- Arado, treble ; g^adruplo or quadruplicado, quadruple ; eentuiplo, centuple* The distributives are um a um, one by one ; dois a *7ois , two by two. XIV INTRODUCTION TO OF PKONOUNS. PERSONAL. Sing. Plur. eu, / nos, we de mim, of or from me de nos, of or from us a mini, to me a nos, to us me, me nos, us por mim, by me comigo, with me por nos, by us comnosco, with us tu, thou de ti, of or from thee a ti, to thee vos, you de vos, of or from you a vos or vos, to you te, thee por ti, by thee comtigo, with thee vos, you por vos, by you comvosco, with you elle, he delle, of or from him a elle or lhe, to him o or lhe, him por elle, by him Masculine. elles, they delles, of or from them a elles or lhes, to them os or lhes, them por elles, 63/ £Aem com elle or comsigo, with com elles or comsigo, with him them ella, she della, of or or from her a ella or Yhelto her a or lhe, Aer por ella, by her Feminine. ellas, they dellas, of or from them a ellas or lhes, to them as or lhes, ^ew por ellas, by them com ella or comsigo, with com ellas or consigno, with her them Si, himself herself, one' self, themselves ; de si, of or from himself &c. THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. XV POSSESSIVE. Possessives absolute agree in gender and number with the nouns that follow them ; they are Sk ^ Plur* mas. fern. mas. fern. meu minha meus minhas teu tua teus tuas seu sua seus suas nosso nossa nossos nossas vosso vossa vossos vossas my thy his, its, her, your, or their our your These are preceded by the definite article. Ex. o meu chapeo, my hat ; o seu pai, his, her, or their father; as suas luvas, his, her, your or their gloves ; os nos- sos caens, our dogs* Possessives relative are so called, because they re- late to nouns before expressed or understood. They are like the absolute possessives in Portuguese, al- though they differ in English. Ex. he meu, it is mine ; he minha (f), &c; he teu, it is thine ; he tua (f), &c. , he o seu, it is his, her's, your's, or their* s ; he a sua (f) &c. This pronoun must agree in gender with that of the noun understood, to which it is relative, ex gr. it is mine, he meu, (chapeo (m) hat is understood), and not with the gender of the owner or possessor. DEMONSTRATIVE. fern. neut. esta is to this estas mas. Sing. este* Plur. estes Sing. Plur. esse esses essa essas isso that those That and those being understood as near the person spoken to. Sing. aquelle aquella aquillo that Plur, aquelles aquellas those That and those being remote. XVI INTRODUCTION TO INTEROGATIVE. 1 . Quern, who ; as, quern vai la ? who goes there ? com (with) quern falla *vmce ? to whom do you speak ? 2. Que, what ; Ex. que rua he esta? what street is this ? Que esta vmce fazendo ? what are you doing ? 3. Qual, which ; Ex. qual delles prefere vmce ? which of them do you prefer ? In interrogative sentences the personal pronoun is placed after the verb as in French. RELATIVE. The above three pronouns are also relative, they are used after prepositions ; when they are relatives, que signifies who, which, or that, and after a preposition also whom ; quern, he, who, she, she who, or whoever ; and after a preposition or verb, whom ; o que, what ; and qual, which or what ; the latter makes in the plural quaes, and has sometimes the definite article prefixed : the demonstrative aquelle que, is always used to ex- press he who ; aquella que, she who ; and aquelles que, (m), aquellas que (f), or aquelles taesque, they or those who. To express whose, they use cujo (m), cuja (f), plur. cujos (m), cujas (f) ; this pronoun must agree in gender and number with the noun that immediately follows it. Ex. a senhora, cuja casa vmce ve, the lady whose house you see ; a cujos pais escrevi ha quinze dias, to whose parents I wrote a fortnight ago. INDEFINITE. 1. Um (m), uma (f), one ; uns (m), umas (f), some. 2. Alguem, somebody. 3. Algum (m), alguma (f , pi. alguns (rn), algumas (f), some. 4. Ninguem, no- body. 5. TSenhum (m), nenhuma (f), pi. nenhuns (m), nenhumas (f), none no. 6. Cada, each every one. 8. Outro (in), outra (f), other; pi. outros (m), outras(f)> other, others. 9. Outrem, another. 10. Qualquer, any one; (who, which, or whatever,) either. 11. Quemquer, whoever. 12. Todo (m), todo (f), pi. todos (m). todas (f), all, every. 13. Tal, such,, THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. XV11 OF AUXILIARY VERBS. TEE, TO HAVE. Gerund tendo, having ; part, tido da, dos, das had. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Eu tenho / have Tu tens Elle tern Nos temos Vos tendes Elles tem thou hast he has we have you ham they have / Imperfect. Eu, &c . tinha, I had tinhas, thou hadst tinha he had tinhamos, we had tinheis, you had tinhao, they had Compound Tenses. Pres. eu tenho tido, / have had, &;c. Imp. eu tinha tido, or eu ti- vera, / have had, §c. Fut. eu terei tido, I shall have had, 6$c. Cond. eu teria tido, / should have had, S$c. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Tem tu, have thou Tenha elle, lei him have Tenhamos nds, let us have Tende vos, have ye Tenhao elles, let them have Perfect, Eu, &c.tive tiveste teve tivemos, tivestes tiverao Future. Eu, &c. terei teras tera teremos tereis terao Conditional. Eu, &c. teria terias teria teriamos tereis teriao >Ditto SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Que eu, &c. tenha tenhas tenha tenhamos tenhais tenhao > M of o £ Imperfect. Que eu, tivcra or tivesse tiveras or tives- ses tivera or tivesse tiveramos or ti- vessemos tivereis or tives- seis tives- o > tiverao or sem "O «$ .G XV111 INTRODUCTION TO Future, 4Juando eu, &c, tiver tiveres tiver tivermos tiverdes tiverem y i Compound Tenses. Pres. que eu tenha tido, that I may have had, 6$c. Imp. que eu tivera tido, that? I might have had, <^c. se eu tivesse tido, if I IMPERATIVE MOOD. had had, #c. Fut. ; quando eu tiver tido, when I shall have had, S$c. The compound tenses, therefore, are only the simple tenses followed by a participle, except the perfect indicative, which is seldom used as an auxiliary. HAVER, TO HAVE. Gerund, havendo, having ; part, havido, da, dos, das; had. INDICATIVE. Present Tense. Eu hei / have Tu has, thou hast Ella ha she has Nos havemos we have Vos haveis you have Ellas (f) hao they have Imperfect Eu, &c.havia orhia havias or hias havia or hia haviamosorhia- Hajas tu Haja elle Hajamos nds H?vei vos Hajao elles have thou let him have let us have have ye let them have mos havieis or hieis haviao or hiao SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Ainda que eu, &c.haja ^ hajas & haja )>r^r haja- J§ mos m hajais hajao a • O cS J Perfect, Eu, &c.houve houveste houve houvemos houvestes houverao Future, Eu, &c.haverei haveras havera haveremos havereis haverao > c3 13 V en r& a Imperfect. Que eu &c.houvera or houvesse hoveras or houvesses houvera or houvesse houveramos or houves- semos houvereis or houvesseis houverao or houvessem h to H THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. XIX Conditional. Eu, &c.haveria haverias ^ haveria haveriamos haverieis haveriao j u ° I was, &c. Perfect. Eu, &C. fui foste foLs J" Ditt0 - fostes forao 1 J IMPERATIVE MOOD. Se tu be thou Sejaella let her be Sejamosnos let us be Sede vos be ye Sejao elles (m)let them be SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Posto pue eu, &c. seja sejas seja sejtmos sejais sejao ^ Imperfect, Se eu, &c.fora or fosse foras or fosses fora or fosse foramos or fos- )» semos foreis or fesseis forao or fossem r3 +3 ■J -a o XX INTRODUCTION TO Future. Eu, &c. serei seras sera seremos sereis serao Conditional. Eu, &c. seria serias seria seriamos sereis seriao o r *£ J * s r i-Hf c3 -§% >~ fl -?* S X ^^ J£ Compound Tenses. Pres. eu tenho sido, I have been Imp. eu tinha sido, or eu fora, / had been Fut. eu tereisido, I shall have been Cond. eu teia sido, I should have been Future. Quando eu, &c. for fores for formos fordes forem Compound Tenses. Pres. c^ue eu tenha sido, that I may have been Imp. que eu tivera sido, that I might have been se eu tivesse sido, if I had been Fut. se eu tiver sido, if 1 shall have been Ser is used to express the inherent and essential quali- ties of persons things, &c. ESTAR, to be Gerund, estando y bemg* Part, estado teing. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Eu estou I am Tu estas thou art Elle esta he is Nos estamos we are Vos estais you are Elles est&o they are Imperfect, Eu, &c. estava estavas estava estavamos estaveis estavao IMPERATIVE MOOD. Esta tu Esteja tu Estejamos nos Estai vos Estejao elles be thou let him be let us be be you let them be SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. Que eu, &c. esteja estejas esteja estejamos estejais estejao THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. XXI Perfect. Eu, &c. estive ^ estiveste esteve estivemos estivestes estiverao Future. Eu, &c. estarei estaras estara estaremos estareis estarao Conditional. Eu, &c. estaria estarias estaria estariamos estarieis estariao ■ a? GO > r 3r£5 O rrj m ° Imperfect. . Que eu,&c. estivera or estivesse estiveras or estivesses estivera or estivesse estiveramos or estives- semos estivereis or estivesseis estiverao or estivessem > Future. #• Se eu, &c. estiver estiveres estiver eetivermos estiverdes estiverem o > to t+-4 The compound tenses are m , . , ,._ „ formed by those of the auxili- , T ^ 1S verb differs frein . ser to A ary verb ter, and the par- »*> inasmuch as estaris used ticiple estate, as eu tenho ^- to express any thing casual, tado, I have been, &c or accidental. REGULAR VERBS. The first conjunction ends in ar, the second in ei % 9 and the third in ir. Infinative. Am-ar, to love Gerund. Participle, m. sing. f. m. p] ando ado ada ados . f. adas Vend-er, to sell Nut-nr, to nourish endol.j ., . t Mdo ida mdo J idos idas Sing. 1 2 INDICATIVE MOOD. Present, 3 4 Plur. 5 6 Am o as a amos ais ao Vend o es e emos eis em Nutr o es e imos is em Xxn fKTRODUCTION 1*0 Sing. Imperfect. Plur, m * ava avas ava avamos aveis avatf ]ia , ias ia iamos * • leis lao ] Perfect. ei aste OU amos astes arao * 1 este eo emos estes erao * i iste io imos istes irao Future. arei aras ara aremos areis arao erei . eras era eremos ereis erao irei iras ira iremos ireis irao Conditional. aria arias aria anamos arieis anao eria erias eria eriamos erieis eriao iria irias iria iriamos ireis iriao IMPERATIVE MOOD • a e emos » a ! em e a amos ei ao e a amos « i ao SUBJUNCTIVE MOOE >. Present. e es e emos eis em }* as a amos ais ao J Imperfect. 1 ara aras ara &ramos areis arao era eras era eramos ereis erao ira iras ira iramos 2 ireis irao asse asses asse assemos asseis assem esse esses esse essemos esseis essem isse isses isse issemos isseis issem Future ar ares ar armos ardes arem Q er eres er ermos erdes erem ir ires ir irmos irdes irem THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. XXiil OF IRREGULAR VERBS. We only give here the persons and tenses that are irregular. 1st Conjugation in ar. Verbs ending in gar, take a u after the g in those cases where the g would otherwise be soft before e, Ex. PAGAR, to pay. Ind. per/. *1 paguei. Imperat. 3 pague elle, 4 paguemos nos, 6 paguem elles. Subj. pres. 1 que eu pague, 2 que tu pagues, &c. (3, 4, 5, 6, 6, also irregular). Verbs ending in car or ccar, change the c or cc into qu before e, otherwise c would sound as s before e, in the same tenses as above. Ex : BUSCAR, to seek. Ind. perf. 1 busquei. Impera. 3, 4, 6. Subj. pres. all the persons irregular. DAR, to give. Ind. pres. 1 dou. Perf. 2 deste, 3 deu, 4 demos, 5 destes, (> derao. Subj. imperf. 1 dera or deste, instead of dara or dasse, the other per- sons the same irregularity, and in the future, which is. 1 der, &c instead of dar, &c. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. * This No. (1) and the following Nos. refer to the per- sons so numbered in the preceding conjugation of regular verbs. 2nd Conjugation in er. FAZER, f'o make or do, participle feito. Ind. pres. 1 faco, 3 faz. Perf. 1 fiz, 2 fiizeste, 3 fez, 4 fizemos, 5, 6. Put. 1 farei, 2 faras, 3, 4, 5, 6« Cond. 1 fara, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Imperat. 3 faca elle, 4 facamos nos, 6, facao elles. &£&/. pres. 1 faca, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Imperf. 1 fizera or fizesse, &c. See obs. (a). Put. 1 fizer, &c, se obs. (a). The irregularity of the 1st pers. pres. ind. causes the imperat. 3, 4, 6, and the />res. subj. to follow it. The/w£. ind. irregular (farei &c, instead of fazerei, &c.) makes the conditional to follow the same (faria, &c . instead of fazeria, &c.) XXIV INTRODUCTION TO PODER, to be able. Ind, pres. 1 posso (I can or am able). Perf. 1 pude, 2 pudeste, 3 pode, 4 pude- mos, 5, 6. No imperat. Subj. pres, see obs. 1 possa, &c. Imperf. 1 pudera or pudesse, &c, and fut. 1 puder, &c. see obs. SABER, to kfow. Ind, pres, 1 sei. Perf, 1 soube, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Imperat, 3 saiba elle, 4, 6. Subj. pres, 1 saiba, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Imperf, and fut. see obs. TRAZER^ to bring. Ind. pres. 1 trago, 3 traz. PeT^f. 1 trouxe {pronounce trose), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Pw£. 1 tarrei, &c. Cona 1 , 1 tarria, &c. see obs. Imperat, and sw£/. />res. see obs. Imperf, nxidfut. see obs VER, to see, participle visto, seen. Ind, pres vejo, 5 vedes, 6 vem. Pe^. 2 viste, 3 vio, 4, 5, 6. Imperat, 5 vede vos, 3, 4, 6, and 5^6/. prs. see obs. Imperf, vira or visse, &c, and/k^. 1 vir, &c. see obs. When 5 pres, ind. is irregular, also imperat. 5, DIZER, to say. Ind. pres. 1 digo, 3 diz. Perf. 1 diss&, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Pw£. 1 direi, &c. Cond. see obs. Imperat. and sw&/. 2?res. see obs. Imperf. and /w£. see obs. QUERER, to wish or be willing. Ind. pres. 3 quer. Perf 1 quiz, 2 quizeste, 3 quiz, 4, 5, 6. /m- per at. 2 queiras tu, 3 queira elle, 4 queir amos nos. 5 queirais vos, 6 queirao elles. Subj, pres, 1 queira, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Imperf, nxidifut. see obs. When the m, put. Ind. pres. 1 ponho, 2 poes, 3 poem, 4 pomos, 5 pondes, 6 poem. Imperf. 1 punha, 2 punhas, 3 punha, 4 punhamos, 5, punheis- 6 punhao. Perf. 1 pus or puz, 2 puseste, 3 pos, 4pu. semos, 5, 6. is tendea. — 2. elles tern. — 3. dinheiro.— £. nao amk -—5. livro. — 6. nao tenho. — 7. direccao. 2 * 4 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. I had 1 that ring, and you had mine. I had not that intention. He had not her purse. Had I not declared my sentiments ? Had you not that horse ? I had your hat and his. I had no 2 bread, and she had no money. I had not your dictionary. Had he not his name? No, he had not his name. Have you not had an exer- cise ? Yes, 3 I have had an exercise, and he has had a lesson. We shall have a 4 letter. Shall you have a horse ? I should have had a horse. Shall you not have a si- tuation ? 1. tinha. — 2. pao. — 3. eu tenho tido. — 4. carta. 6. I am docile, and l you are not. I am not so obedient. Am I not frank ? Yes, you are. I have been too good, and I am very 2 poor. I am not rich now, but I am not so poor as you have been Am I ill ? Am I not in excellent 3 health ? She is very sorry for that. Wo are 4 glad. You have been very glad. I am at 5 home. I shall be at home to-night. She is very timid. My mother is ill, but my father is in good health. Our brothers and sisters are in the country. They have been very happy. Have they ndt spent much money ? 1. e vos sois. — 2. pobre. — 3. saude.— 4. ale'gre. — 5. estou em casa. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 7. I ami ready, if you are. He is not 2 arrived, but she is here. I should have been here 3 yesterday, but my horses were too tired. We shall be ready. My book is too long, yours is too short. My works are 4 printed. His will be printed soon. Are you not glad ? Yes, I am, very glad. Are they not in Paris ? No, they are in London. Were you at church ? No, 6 I was not. 1. preparado. — 2. chegado. — 3. aqui. — 4. impresso. — 5. igreja.— nao. 8. I am glad, and I shall be always your 1 friend. He is not angry 2 with her. Have these houses been sold ? No, these houses have not been sold, but 3 have been let to my uncle. Am I 4 loved ? You are not loved, but you are re- spected. Am I not loved ? Had they not been to the East Indies ? My dictionary is well 5 bound. My ex- ercises have been corrected. The pupils have not been 9 punished. I have loved your friend, and your friend had loved my 7 father. These shops are not to be let. I have been very unfortunate, and they have been very lucky. 8 1. amigo. — 2. irado. — 3. porem. — 4. amado. — 5. encader- nar. — 6. punido. — 7. pai. — 8, fortunado. 6 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 9. Am l I sure that he will have that garden ? Am I not guilty 2 ? I am sure you are not- guilty. But I am accused of having been guilty of high treason. I was very much 3 fatigued, and you were not. I shall be very much 4 obliged to you for that. We should have been surprised 6 indeed. He had spoken against me. We have spoken against him. 1. estou eu. — 2. criminoso. — 3 fatigado. — £. obrigado. — 5. por isso. — 6. verdadeiramente, de veras. 10. * We should have had that book, if you had spo- ken 1 before- We have had a great deal of 2 trouble. We should have been angry. If you had had my 3 flute, you should have played 4 well ; he has bought one, and he has been cheated. I have shoes which are too large. These boys are lazy, and their sisters are diligent. Where are our friends ? They were here, but now they are in the drawing-room. Where 5 am I ? Where were they ? There. 1. antes. — 2. trabalho. — 3. frauta. — 4. tanger. — 5. onde, em que lugar. 11. Where is my l daughter, and where are my 2 sons ? THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 7 Is he already 3 here ? Where were their goods ? Where shall they be ? Where are you ? I am in the 4 room. Where am I now ? Have you that lesson to learn ? Yes, and that copy to write. To 5 be and to haye 6 been is not the same thing. Have you my purse ? No, but I have some 7 money. 1. filha. — 2. filho. — 3. aqui. — i, aposento. — 5. se'r, estar. *— 6. ter. — 7. dinheiro. 12. I am tired. I have, and he has not. We are, and they are not. I have been 1 deceived. They have my 2 word, and I have theirs. Why 3 are you not there? For a very good 4 reason. It is 5 right. It is not right. I shall have more fruit than you. She is as pretty 6 as your sister. That 7 is true, but she is not so amiable. Are you not 8 surprised ? Yes, I am very much sur- prised. 1. enganado. — 2. palavrav — 3. por que. — 1. razao. — 5. bem. — 6. bonita. — 7. isso. — 8. abismado. 13. I have a l grammar. I have not your book, but 2 1 have his pen, I am sure of 3 it. I have a difficult lesson to learn for to-day. 8 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. He lias my pencil. I had your box last 4 night, night. Where is it now ? It is in my room. He will not have that book. Why ? I do not know. Has he a hat ? No, I am sure he has not a hat. Yery 5 well, he shall have one to-dav or to-morrow. I have spoken this morning to my mother. What did you say to her ? I told 6 her that you had no dic- tionary, and she assured 7 me you should have one to 8 night. Thank you. 9 1. grammatica. — 2. porem, mas. — 3. disso. — 4.~noite pas- sada. — 5.muitobem. — 6. dizer.— 7. affirmado. — 8. estanoite. — 9. agradeco a vm. 14. I have loved i all my masters because they loved me. I had spoken 2 to the guards. Have you seen 3 my house ? No, I have not seen your new house. Come and see it. To-day? Yes, to-day. Where 4 is it? In that field. Have you given 5 your address to my servant ? No, I have not, I have forgotten 6 to give it him. Has he shut 7 the gates ? No, he has not. What carelessness ! I will scold him. No, do not ; forgive him this 8 time. I am 9 sorry he has not 10 obeyed your orders. 1. amado. — 2. fallar. — 3. visto. — 4. onde. — 5. dar. — 6. es- quecido. — 7. fechar. — 8. esta vez. — 9. sinto, pesame. — 10. obedecido. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR, V 15. Pardon l your enemies. I shall not be here 2 before four o'clock. Very 3 well, I shall write in your absence. To whom ? You are 4 curious. Yes, I am a little in« quisitive. I know it, I was going 5 to write to your mother. You write very badly. Do you think 6 so ? 7 Yes, I 8 do. I am sorry you have not 9 learnt to write better. I do not like writing. You have told my friends you had 10 promised your father to write better, where is your pen ? It is in my desk. I have ll found it on the table. In the drawer of the table. I am sure you are l2 mistaken. 1. perdoar. — 2. aqui. — 3. muito bem. — &. curioso. — 5. hia. — 6. pensar. — 7. assim. — 8. si. — 9. aprender. — 10. pro- meter. — 11. achar. — 12. estar enganado. 16. I am not a native of Madrid for x I was born in Seville; — but 2 why do you not speak Spanish? — Because I have not learned that language ; that is the 3 reason. I do not know why you do not 4 begin to study it. It is a very useful tongue for 5 merchants. Not so useful as French. You are mistaken, it is quite as muclvso to an Englishman, because he 6 trades 7 mostly with Spanish and Portuguese merchants who do not speak English, and who seldom understand any other language than their own. So 8 I have heard. So they 9 tell me. 10 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. I. porque. — 2. porem. — 3. razao. — i. principiar. — 5. por. — 6. commercear, negociar. — 7. pella mayor parte. — 8.assim. — 9. dizer, tenho ouvido. 17. I am very sorry i you have not been to Oporto. Why 2 ? Because you have not seen my wife's father's estate. Is your wife a native of Portugal ? She is not a native of Portugal, but she has resided 3 there with her parents nearly 4 all her life. She speaks Portuguese of course ? A little better than 5 I do. You are a native of London, 6 I believe ? Are you not ? Yes, 7 1 am. Were you ever 8 in Lisbon ? I have been there three times. How long 9 ago ? I do not remember. Where shall you be to-morrow ? Where I am now. I under- stand you. Where are your children? They are at school. I am not l0 pleased with them. 1. sinto muito. — -2. por que. — 3. ali. — 4. perto. — 5. melhor do que. — 6. creio. — 7. si. — 8. nunca. — 9. quanto tempo ha. — 10. agradar-se. 18. I %as very sorry not to have seen you at our meet- ing.! Where were you ? Guess. 2 I cannot. I know 3 not. Has he paid his bill ? Yes, he has paid it and all his 4 debts. Have you consulted your friends? Where 5 is he ? He is in my library. He is waiting THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 11 for you. I have been very unfortunate. They have come to see you. When ? This morning. Where are they ? I think they are in the garden. If 6 I had had your fortune I should have been more prudent. Are they come ? I am not sure. We had been very poor, and you had been very charitable to us. lam 7 ill, I do not feel well, I assure you. What is the matter ? I have nothing 8 serious This book has been published this week. Those journals 9 are full of poli- tics. Are they not literary also ? Very 10 seldom. Very often. 11 To-morrow I shall have been twenty- four years in Spain, and you, next 12 Saturday, will have been five years in London. We shall have been six months in Portugal to-morrow 13 week. I am ready, are you ? We should have been ready an hour u ago, if you had spoken. My book is lost. Your's is on the table. My father is not here. He was here this morning. He has not been here this evening. Why ? He is gone 15 to the opera 1. junta. — 2. conjecturar. — 3. saber.— 4. divida. — 5. onde, — 6. se. — 7. estar doente. — 8. nada. — 9. diario. — 10. rare- mente. — II. a miudo. — 12. sabado. — 13. amanhaa,— 14. ha huma hora. — 15. elle foise embora. 19. I have a letter for you, Give it me. It is from your banker. I am much l obliged to you. I am really 12 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. happy 2 to see you. I was sick 3 on board the packet. Were you with my sister ? Yes, I was. Was she ill ? No, she was not ill in the 4 least. Have you spoken to the master 5 of the Hotel ? I have spoken to his 6 wife. Where is she ? Where will she be ? Where was she ? Where should she be ? I do not know. I am rich, and you are poor. She is 7 married, and you are not. This dictionary has been very useful to m.y brother. I know it. It is 8 a useful book, I as- sure 9 you. 1. fico-lhemuito. — 2.folgo de vera vm. — 3. estava doente. —4. nao certamente. — 5. estalajadeiro. — 6. mulher. — 7. ca- sar, casarse. — 8. he.— 9. afhrmar. 20. Have you been * lucky ? Pretty 2 well. I am satis- fied. Now, 3 tell me where are your sisters at this time ? They were at Bilboa on Saturday, and I ex- pect 4 them here to-day. 5 Indeed ? I am very glad of it. Why 6 ? I have a letter for 7 the 8 eldest. From whom ? From her governess. Is it in Spanish ? No, it is in French. Give it me. You shall not have it. Here it is. It is well sealed. 1. fortunado. — 2. nao demasiadamente. — 3. agora. — 4. es- perar por. — 5. realmente. — 6. porque. — 7. por, — 8. irmaa mayor. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 13 21. I am i tired, very tired. Where have you been ; tell 2 me ? I have been to Seville and 3 back on foot. How 4 many miles is it ? It is not far. You are not very strong. I have been ill, and I am not quite 5 re- covered. Well, 6 rest a little* This lesson is longer than the 7 last. On the contrary it is shorter. Have you or have you not spoken to my little boy this 8 morning ? Yes, 9 I did. 10 Thanks. 1. caneado. — 2. dizer. — 3. voltar para traz. — 4. quantos. — 5. convalecido. — 6. bem. — 7. ultimo. — 8. esta manhaa. — 9. si. — 10. gracas. 99 I had his J pen, had I not ? He has their 3 pencil, do you say ? He had my box. He will have a better place. I do not believe it. He would have a 3 hat, if he had money. 4 I have spoken to my 5 mother. I have not seen his house, 6 have vou ? Have you given your addiess? Yes, I have. He has not pardoned his brother. Has he ? Have I written 7 badly ? Yes, you have. Has he told my father? I do not know. I shall not be here before six o'clock. Why ? Because I have not a horse. Hire one. 14 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. I am very sorry. I cannot because I have no money. You have not spoken to my uncle. But, why have you not a better house ? I do not know. Have you paid your debts ? Yes, I have, and all that I owed. Have they a 9 friend ? 1. penna. — 2. lapis. — 3. chapeo. — 4. dinheiro. — 5. mai. — 6. casa. — 7. mal. — 8. dever. — 9. amigo. 23. You are now in Italy. I am very sorry for it. I am not pleased I assure you. Where are you ? Where were you ? Where shall you be ? Where am I ? I am a native of London. He is loved by every i one. So they say. He had read that book. When, last week. Have I spoken against you ? You shall be punished. How do you know ; for 2 what ? I have not your book. Who has ? I do not know. You are too good. They were here Yesterday. His papers are lost now. His book is better than mine. Am I angry to-day ? Are you not tired ? Yes, I am rather. She is very z kind. What is he ? They are very ill. Who told you so ? Where were they ? Where will they be ? At your house. We have not learned 4 this lesson. Why not ? Be- cause we could not, it was too long. I have no pen. I had no master. I shall have no 5 horse. Have you a THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 15 good watch ? No, I have 6 none. Your garden is ? very fine. 1, cada hum. — 2. por que. — 3. benigno. — 4. aprendido. — 5. car alio. — 6. nao, ninguem. — 7. muito fino. 24. I did not ask too l much. He had 2 read that book, I am sure. Are you pleased ? Yes. Well, I am not. Your master is here. Is he really 3 arrived ? Are they come ? Is dinner ready ? No, not yet. We are very sure that the king is in London. I shall be very angry. Your drawing is very well done. Do you 4 draw ? I have learned drawing for five years, I do not draw very well. Do you speak Spanish ? Yes, I do, and Italian also. Where 5 did you learn it ? Near London. How do you like it ? She has 6 spoken French all day with her sister. Where is your father now ? In the East Indies. I am glad to see 7 you. Speak to that 8 man. 1. demasiado. — 2. ler. — 3. chegar. — 4. delinear. — 5. onde. ~-6. fallar. — 7. ver. — &. homem. 25. This house is very large. Too large for my family. Ask the servant. My son was at school I assure you. 16 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. He has finished his speech. Did you not know it? Where are my l children ? If you have a book, 2 lend it to my mother. If 3 you come to-morrow, I will give you something. We shall always have much pleasure in seeing you. I shall have this house with that field. He has had much 4 trouble. They are arrived. You have 5 played very well on the piano. He has taken my hat and stick. We were rich but 6 now we are very poor. Was I with you ? No, you were with Mrs. D. You have done 7 wrong, I say. It 8 is not my fault. Let us 9 have more prudence, and be more careful. Have you showed your writing ? Did you show 10 your hand ? 1. meninos. — 2. emprestar. — 3. se. — 4. infortunio. — 5. tanger. — 6. agora. — 7. nao he a minha. — 8. tenhamos. — 9. mostrar, fazer ver. 26. The door l is open. The gate 2 was shut. You have left the window open. Shut it, if you please. Who left it open ? She is not here. I have bought this work for one hundred pounds. I have it not. He had purchased that house before his father's 4 death. Is she ill ? Yes, she has been very ill. Indeed ! Who told you ? We have not been angry with you. Where is the 5 master ? In the garden or in the yard. Why are you so 6 wicked ? Where will your friends THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 17 be to-morrow ? I cannot tell. At Brighton, perhaps Did he send the letters and parcels ? I believe he did. Speak to him. Do not speak to him. Yes, do, 7 pray, do. 1. porta. — 2. entrada. — 3. deixar. — 4. a morte de. — 5. amo. —6. per verso. — 7. vamos. 27. Was he prepared ? I believe he was. "Was he not surprised ? Not at all. Were you not astonished l at it ? I am glad of it. I have some. 2 I have not any. 3 I will oat some. I give none. I shall have those books next 4 week. Who told you ? They were very polite. His plan was approved of by every body. Will he be prepared this evening ? I do not know s indeed. I know your cousin. That you do not, I am sure. We were in Scotland last summer. Did you speak to her mother ? Yes, I did. Speaking and writing 6 are two very different things. I have not bought any pens this week. We shall not have that. Be honest and just. Have pity on your relations. They are not so 7 weak as they were. It is full of faults. Do not be silly She is in a passion. Where are my drawings ? In the drawing-room. I do not see them. Look 8 for them. Be more attentive. Look at that. Look for that. I am looking for you. Look 9 at me. Do you not think I look very well ? 18 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 1. disso, isto, isso. — 2. algum. — 3. algum t — 4. a semana que* — 5. realmente. — 6. fallar e escrever. — 7. tao, tanto.-- ~ "8. buscar, ter cuidado. 28. Have you been invited to breakfast with the Duke of B ? Yes, and also to spend a month at His Grace's seat, near Marlow. At what o'clock do you generally sup ? About ten. Have l you dined ? I have dined with him several times. You are a Spaniard, I believe. Yes, I am. He was a general. I am a surgeon. Are they sorry I I have pardoned 2 you more than once. Pray, be amiable. I am not an Englishman. I have done. 3 Are we in danger here? No, you are not. My dear, you are always before me. That is not excusable. Why ? I am always ill at your house. Why ? Because I am not used to London. Are you fond of the country? Yes, I like 4 it well enough in summer. Where 5 will you spend the winter? In town. Do you know any one in Paris or Seville ? She is very pretty. 6 She has been prettier. Julia is certainly the prettiest of all my sisters. What do you say ? I say that you are right. No, I am wrong. I. jantar. — 2. perdoado.— 3. feito, from fazer. — 4. agradar, 5. onde, — 6. bonita. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 19 29. You are as 1 tall as I am. But I am older. He is not able to do it. The penknife is lost. Who has found it ? Who is there ? Italy is the garden of Europe. The pens 2 are mend- ed. I write to the King every day. So do 3 I. I re- ceived a letter in which they wrote to me. Do you like Italy ? Fine country ! Yery much. Were they merry ? Who are they ? What are they ? I did not study this lesson. Why are you so pas- iSgnaJie ? Silence. There is a post-chaise in the yard. He would have spoken much 4 better. My father's 5 brother is a German. We often speak French. You^have given him a good place. We are friends, and we have 6 always been so. He is attentive, and they are careless. We are pre- pared, and they are not. From what country are they ? Has he not been a shopkeeper ? Let us go into 7 the country. I believe * he is a merchant. 1. tao alto. — 2. aparar huma penna. — 3. tanibeim — 4. muito melhor. — 5. o irmao de, — 6 sempre. — 7. o campo. — 8. creio, pareceme. 30. You have lost l your favorite dog. I have forftid 2 it this morning. I am ashamed of his conduct. Am I 3* 20 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. not inquisitive ? How 3 inquisitive you are ! What was his intention ? We have seen 4 all his prints. That boy is stronger than the other. It would be very strange. My glass was not full. The street was nar- row. Their son has been very ill. This lesson is not so dif- ficult as the other. I am wet. 5 You shall be free. Pray, do not be so idle. I give you my word of ho- nour. Is she returned from market? Her music master is blind, but not deaf, I assure you. You have made a mistake. Her gown is well made. His shoes are worn 6 out. Have they done ? He was wounded four times in the same battle. She had been educated near London. How kind he is ! Be 7 quiet. Be sure that he never will do it. She plays well on the piano-forte. Because she practices five hours daily. It is 8 a great deal of time. 1. perder. — 2. achar. — 3. quao. — 4. visto. — 5. molhado. — 6. gastar, consumir. — 7. estai muito. — 8. tempo. 31. Are you not i guilty ? Yes, I am. He had learned French and his sister Italian. Have I not shut all the windows? and you all the doors ? Have we not danced all night ? There 2 are eleven children, six boys and five girls. Every body has sent something to that poor family. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 21 How 3 many children are. there ? The clock has struck seven. She is yet too young. She has left school. Indeed ! 4 She is not fifteen yet. I have scolded 5 my servants several times for the same thing. He would have been very serviceable to his country. Would they have been so ill-natured ? Had you 6 put out the candle ? Is he not too weak to go such a journey at this season ? Is there another man in the world who could ? He is more 7 bold than courageous. It is pro- bable. It is possible. Is it probable ? 1. criminoso. — 2. ha. — 3. quantos. — 4. naverdade. — 5. pe- lejar. — 6, apagar, — 7. mais. 32. Is it true 1 ? It is not well. It was not true. I am so tired. She is often 2 cross. How cross they are ! Do not be so obstinate. Have you come to quarrel ? She wears a cross. My gloves are dearer than theirs. This little girl is very naughty. He is very stout. I am at home every day between nine and ten. You would be complaisant. They have been very giddy. I am angry 3 with you. Be as prudent as your dear mother. Do not be proud and vain. He is a despicable man. Tea is ready. Napoleon was the first emperor of the French. Have you ever seen him ? A thousand times. Is she not pretty ? Is she dark ? 4 No, she is fair. 22 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. Your plan is good ; your uncle's is still better. Mine is not so good. His intention is noble and generous. They have been very whimsical. She was as pale as death. You would be rich, if you were more prudent. I am very cold. 1. verdadeiro. — 2. mao humor. — 3. estou enfadado com... — 4. escura. — 5. tenho frio. dd. I am much obliged to him. She is very genteel. Yet I shall be i obliged to send her to Paris ? Why ? Is dinner ready ? Yes, it has been some time. I shall not dine 2 at home to-day. Very well : 1 shall not wait for you^ These merchants 3 are very rich. They made a con- siderable fortune in the last 4 war. Has he not consult- ed all his 5 friends? Yes, he has. The 6 greatest pri- vilege of a king is to pardon. We shall soon have an answer to the letter we sent last night. Have they any acquaintances in Paris ? A great many. Have you any thing for me ? No. If I had your house, I would let it for two years, and would go and live in the west of Europe, to recover my health. How can I do it ? How 7 could I do it ? Have I not business in London which I cannot give up ? You are, I am sure, rich 8 enough. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR, 23 1. obrigado. — 2. jantar em casa. — 3.mercante. — 4. guerra. — 5. amigo. — 6. maximo. — 7. como. — 8. bastante. 34. You are short. Leave me alone. 1 I am taller than you. Are you married ? No, Madam, T am not yet mar- ried, but I shall be next week, next month, or next year. The next day he called at my house. Do you call me Call my daughter. Bonaparte was a great general Gambling has been the misfortune of many men. Have you been to Spain ? Yes, and also to Portu- gal. You have travelled 2 a great deal, I suppose ? Yes, and if I have gained some information, I shall never regret it. You are right. I have lost a great many friends. In what countries have you been? I first visited France, where I staid nine months ; thence I set out for Italy. I spent a month in Rome, visited all her an- tiquities, and accompanied by a young and intelligent Greek, I went to Naples and Florence. After several months 3 spent in studying- the beautiful language of Petrarch, Dante, and Ariosto, we 4 resolved to embark for the Mediterranean. 1. deixa-me. — 2. peregrinar. — S.passar. — 4. resolver-se. 24 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 35. As long i as you are attentive. I love my children tenderly, but I cannot bring 2 them up as I should like. Bring my cane and hat. Take this coat to the tailor's. Bring 3 your sister to tea this evening. Has he not taken my linen ? "Where is it ? There. Give me my flute. Do not give me my grammar, but my copy-book. Is she a good girl ? Pretty well. Who speaks so loud ? Is there any paper ? Yes, there is, but not for you ; I bought it for my master who wants to copy my book. Are not you sick ? Yes, always when I 4 ride in a close carriage. If you study hard you will speak Spanish very soon. My dear son, be diligent and thou wilt be loved. Do you write 6 well ? Look. That is pretty well. Who is your master ? I am listening to you. Speak the 6 truth. Speak openly. My parents have been in Germany. You were last week in England, and now you are in Paris. Will you be satisfied ? Yes. Is he at home ? The wine was good ; but, was it not too dear ? If you are tired, rest yourself. My pen is not good. Is it too soft. 7 Rather. You were formerly so diligent, why are you now so idle ? Was she at home ? THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 25 1. ate que. — 2. criar. — 3. trazer. — 4. andar em coche. — 5. escrever. — 6. dizer a verdade. — 7. mas antes. 36. Your sister was the prettiest 1 woman in this town. I was a soldier, I am now 2 a general. Interest, glory, and pleasure 3 are the three motives of men's actions. You are 4 older than I. She is as rich as you. I should be the most generous man in the world if I were rich. To be 5 rich and to have been rich, are certainly two very different 6 things. She is lovely. Are you an Italian ? She is 7 sulky. Have you much money ? Had I been in your place, I should have been more prudent. You are sad. If we were pleased. We have enough for our journey. You have fifty pounds, and my brother one hundred and twenty-five. You had my nightcap. Where did you put it ? In your closet. When will you have a new carriage ? When I am rich. When I have done, I will speak to you. What a noise ! I had a headache. 8 My head aches. We have no- thing to give you. I will have an egg 9 for breakfast. I am as I was, and my infirmities are as they always have been, namely, very troublesome.. I. mais bonita. — 2. agora. — 3. prazer. — 4. velho. — 5. rico. — 6. cousa. — 7. carrancudo. — 8. dor de cabeea. — 9. ovo. 26 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 37. She sings ! as well as I. She was singing a pretty song. She will sing all the evening. She would sing if she were not so 2 ill. The fear of death, and the love of life, are natural to man. Give her the loaf and cut the meat. I give a book to my sister. I do not give a pound of meat to the man. I was giving a dozen lines to the boy. I will give a fine house to my son. I would give a better price for that article. The price of bread is 3 very high. Men ought to shun vice. France is a fine conntry. England is the pride of all nations. The creator of heaven and earth, is the God of Chris- tians. Do you like Venice ? Not so much as Geneva. The kings of France were crowned at Rheims, a town in France. I shall return to England. I come from Scotland. I passed through the county of Cumberland, on my return to England. 1. tao bem como, como tambem. — 2. doente. — 3. de preco muito subido. 38. Give her a glass of water. Look yonder. This action does not merit a reward ; you surprise me. For shame ! THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 27 I shall send them before two o'clock. If you call upon me between nine and ten, you will find me at home. We have begun our defence, and hope to see the end of this business, perhaps before the expiration of a fort- night. He will find l his handkerchief under the chair. You shall soon be satisfied. Are you. not pleased ? Pretty 2 well. We shall be better treated. Let us love our neighbour as ourselves* Who lives in the next house ? Mr. B. He is a very good neighr bour I assure you. Is he married ? Yes, and has a large family From what county does he come ? From Sussex. How old is his lady ? I believe she is more than 3 forty. Do you 4 forget that you owe me some money ? When do you 5 intend to pay me ? 1. achar. — 2. medianamente. — 0. quarenta. — 4. esqueeer* — 5. ter inte^ao. 39. Have you 1 ever been in Ireland ? Never. 2 It is a fine country ! I am speaking of an officer whom you know very well. You are 3 mistaken. lam 4 writing to a gentleman, and my wife to a friend of hers, with whom she was at 5 school six years. I come from a very large town in this county. Wheat is sold at eight shillings a bushel. Cherries at twopence a pound. Hay sells now for four pounds a load. It is very cheap. No, it is very dear. 28 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. London is more populous than Paris ; but France is more populous than England. How many inhabitants are there in each country? Thirty- three millions in France, and only twenty-two in England. Have you been hunting this 6 week ? Yes, I have. 1. haveis vm. sido. — 2. nunca. — 3. errar, estar enganado. — 4. escrever. — 5. escola. — 6. hir a caca. 40. Leave 1 the gentleman's coat. He will come on Wednesday. Think of it seriously. Who knocks at the door ? Go 2 and see who it is. I want my horse at three o'clock. Has he 3 washed the carriage ? Wash this handker- chief. Wash your hands. I washed my hands before them. Let us 4 go in. Has the company come ? In- vite your brother to come to tea. Take my masters hat and my brother's umbrella. The boy's books. The girl's bonnet. Have you not many pupils at M. A great many. I will not fail to ask her where she is going to spend her holidays. I spend more than eight hundred a year. He spends most of his time at home. Make haste. Quick. We like certain persons without knowing why : and we hate others in the same manner. When you come, I am always engaged. Take a glass of wine — red or THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 29 white ? — Red, if you please. Have they tied up the bundle ? 1. deixar. — 2. hir, andar. — 3. lavar. — 4. entrar para dentro. 41. Do you not think I am l too good ? You are right. I never count them except when I make up my bills. Lace is very cheap in Holland. This letter comes from the king, and is addressed to the magistrates of this county. I am returning from town. Go to the post-office ; inquire if there are any letters for me. There are four. I have received the order from the general. Did you hear that news? Yes, I heard it at the bank. My father's clerk is very ill, and 2 unable to come to the office. Let us 3 be merry. Take her to church. Take the arm chair into his bed-room. The enemy have burnt his mansion. Come and see me. Go to the fishmonger's, tell him I shall want some fish on Monday. Let us prefer honour to interest. I have bought a sword, a cane, some silk stockings, and some handkerchiefs. White and black are two op- posite colours. The king of England is the patron of the fine arts. Every 4 body admires you. Gaming is the ruin of young men. I do not like winter. SO THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. I. demasiado. — 2. incapaz. — 3. estejamos nos. — 4-. cada hum. 42. God l be praised. I believe in God the Father Al- mighty. Show me the Gospel for the day. He has mislaid his prayer-book. Has she a Bible? Who preaches to- day ? The curate. Were 2 there many people at church this morning. Who 3 played the organ ? What does he bring us ? Never 4 forget, my dear love, 5 all the duties you have to perform. I am come to see all the curiosities of L. A good 6 wife is a great treasure. Do you say great men are scarce ? His sister is very short, but extremely pretty. Their mother is very handsome, and their father was the finest man in the county. Napoleon, in spite of all his faults, was a very great man ! Napoleon was very short, he was not a tall man. I know it. The French 7 tongue is spoken in all the courts of Europe. She brought a considerable fortune to her husband. I am content with what 8 I have. The bells 9 of this church are very fine. How many are there ? Only eight. They are excellent bells. Ring 10 the bell, if you please. 1. gramas a Deos.— 2. havia. — 3. quern. — 1. nunca. — 5. querido. — 6. mulher. — 7. falla-se Francez por. — 8. o que. — 9. sino. — 10. campainha. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR, 31 43. The dog i is a friend to man. Many flowers have no smell, though 2 they are beautiful. Human life is sever exempt from troubles. I 3 have been forced to go there. Do you see that mill ? Yes, I do. It belongs to a friend of mine. A friend of yours called 4 upon us yesterday. A friend of mine do you say ? I will call on him to-day. Where is my pen ? Here it is. It is not mine, I assure you. Whose 5 is it then ? I think that is my uncle's. Clean 6 the candlestick and bring me the extinguisher directly. Has he lighted a fire in my study ? No, not yet. It is very cold; I want a fire immediately. Seal 7 my letter, for I am afraid you will be too late for the post. I say C. is arrived. Well ? He wants to see you. Where does he live ? You have broken four glasses ; you will be scolded. I do not 8 care ! I ean pay for them. 1. o cao. — 2. ainda que. — 3. hey estado. — L hir ver.— 5, de quern. — 6. alimpar. — 7. sellar. — 8. nao. se me da. 44. What * shall I do ? I really do not know. Do you know my Spanish-master ? Yes, I knew him very 2 well. Does he know that vou are here ? I do not know : ask him. You do not know your lesson. \ 32 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. Do they take 4 snuff? No, never. Why ? It is a bad habit. So 5 you say. She sings 6 sweetly. Did she learn singing ? Yes, for some time. Who taught her ? Is she not a member of the royal academy ? From what part of Italy does she come ? She comes from Milan. The Italians 7 un- derstand the arts better than we do. How long has she been in this country ? Seven years. I am 3 generally at home in the morning. Do you stay at home much ? Yes, I do. We have done it carelessly. Pray,9 what are you looking for ? I am looking for my pocket-book and my snuff-box. Here they are. I thank 10 you for the trouble you have taken. 1. que. — 2. niuito bem. — 3. pedir. — 4. tomar tabaco. — 5. assim. — 6. bem. — 7. entender. — 8 C estar em casa.-^9. pecovos que me digais. — 10. agradecer. 45. They are too generous. I will assist your music- master. We shall publish this book next year. I beg your 1 pardon. I swear to be 2 faithful to my king and 3 country. I will insist upon that condition. I had 4 left the window and the door shut. My mo- ther and my uncle are come. I have six sisters and one brother 5 married. Warm your hands. It freezes. So 6 much the worse. I cannot skate. You slide, no doubt. Very ? little. Never mind, try ; run the risk of falling. She *s at THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 33 School. I love 8 you because you love me, I speak to you because you speak to me. He loves me because I love him. They hate me, because I hate them. Do not imitate their example. 1. pedir perdao.— 2. fiel, leal. — 3. patria. — 4. havia. — 5. casar, casarse. — 6. tanto peor. — 7. muito pouco. — 8. amar. 46. What i do you say ? I do not care. You are angry with me. I am not angry with you, I have abandoned 2 my friends. I am abandoned by every one. He has blamed her conduct. We have buried the dead She has been 3 walking all day. Ex- plain 4 yourself. The rule is explained. I should have burnt her drawing. Throw me the ball. Throw it me. I will not leave my father and mother. You are right. I have kissed 6 his majesty's hand. Draw this string. Draw your chair to the fire. Dance with her. Let us play. Do you aim at it? I have thanked you several times. It is true. Let us swim. Swim over to the other side. He has avoided 7 the danger, has he not ? I avoid bad company as much as possible. I will avoid him. Why 8 ? — Tell me, is there any fault in your exercise ? Are you Mr. Black's daughter ? Yes, I am. Are youpleased ? No, I am not. Are you ill ? Yes, I am. 4 34 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 1. que dizeis vos. — 2. abandonar. — 3. passear. — 4. explicar. -5. ter razao. — 6. beijar. — 7; retirarse. — 8. por que. 47. There l is a gentleman in the drawing-room, who wishes to speak to you. What do 2 you mean ? I meant that if— — He does not care. What does he mean ? He has never learned Latin although he has been taught several years. These 3 children greatly improve. He will give the necessary orders. Order, and you shall be obeyed. We began our exercise at four o'clock. Begin 4 your lesson. The beginning is difficult. Do not forget the services which he has rendered you. Look here. Fly to his assistance. They are speaking 5 against me, are they not ? The admirals will meet 6 this day. This little girl is very pretty. Is she 7 clever ? Not so much as her brother. His works are very much ad- mired. They love 8 me, at least you say so. I do not 9 believe it. Do you think 10 they do ? What a pleasant morning ! Both ll went to Paris last year, but neither could speak a word of French. What 12 a pity ! Have 13 pity on the unfortunate. Those apples seem very good 14 indeed. Bring me some cold beef. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 35 What a number of oxen ! I am not fond of that. What a noise those boys make ! % 1. ha. — 2. que quer vm. dizer. — 3. meninos. — 4. principiar, come^ar. — 5. fallar. — 6. encontrar. — 7. capaz, habil. — 8. amar. — 9. crer. — 10. pensar. — 11. ambos. — 12. que lastima. — 13. ter lastima. — 14. de veras, na verdade. 48. I have ! but one true friend, and you know they are very scarce. I know it as well as you. Is he come ? Yes, he is. I shall be 2 punished for that offence. This cloth is very fine ; how much do you sell it by the yard ? My sisters are 3 reading in the library. Two gentlemen are come to speak to you. My aunts have arrived. How 4 long have you been learning French ? Upwards of two months, and I cannot yet speak it. Whose 5 fault is it ? Do you know ? There were but ten at dinner. How long have 6 they been in England ? I think two years. Their shoes were worn out. His poor brother and his children. Her instrument is not in tune. His mother is dead. Who are you ? Who is making such 7 a a noise ? Have they 8 ever travelled ? 1. nao tenho senao. — 2. punir, castigar. — 3. ler. — 4 quanto tempo. — 5. de quern he. — 6, ha que, — 7. tal estrondo. — 8. nunca. 36 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 49. Give 1 me this or that.2 Wine is better than brandy. Do not do that, my child ; go out, keep 3 this. Take that. The 4 same person took that. Nothing can please her. Both went to the play, but neither 5 were satis- fied. All 6 that you say is false. I know them well, they are young and handsome. He reads good books. You respect her. Our canals are numerous. The admiral set sail yesterday. That young 7 man is very steady. 1. dar. — 2. isso, este, esta. — 3. guardar. — 4. a mesma pes- soa. — 5. nenhum dos dois.-— 6. todo» que. — 7. mo^o. 50. I have i been waiting for you some time. I promised you to be there by seven, and it is 2 but half- past six yet ; that does 3 not matter. Have you seen my father ? What did he say to you ? How 4 dilatory you are ! How long you keep people waiting for you ! It pours. I did not know it. You are very sleepy. She is sleepy. You have 5 been so kind as to lend me Dr. Grenville's Petersburgh, which is very 6 entertaining. 1. esperar, agocardar. — 2. senao. — 3. riao importa.--4. como, quanto. — 5. ter a bondade, — 6. agradavel. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR* 37 51. Who is making a noise? I am. 1 Who wrote to you ? He did, My brother and sister are in the gar- den. You know my father, but you do not 2 know my mother. Do you know my brothers ? — I know them very well. — I am sure you do not know them. Do you know your lesson ? He does 3 not learn French. Does he learn French ? Does he not learn French ? Yes, he is learning French and Italian. Do you sell 4 your pictures ? Do you not sell books ? Yes, I do. To whom ? Did you receive the letter I wrote to you last Friday? No, I did not. Who has it ? I blame you. Do you blame me ? Do you not blame me? Do you see 5 me ? Do you not see me ? I cannot see you, but I can see them very well. I have it. I have 6 not it. Have I it ? You have got them. How 1 ? Take them. Speak to them. Go with them. Follow s them. 1. eu. — 2. conhecer. — 3. aprender. — 4. vender. — 5. ver. — 6. ter. — 7. como. — 8. seguir. 52. Bring i me some cold beef. I like good oranges. 38 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. Let 2 him hare some good cheese. Never eat meat. Why ? It is not wholesome. Do you see that high hill ? This is a very danger- ous place. Is 3 it, indeed ? What does he mean 4 ? I do not 5 care. He does not care, and in fact we do not care. Are they angry with you ? I am pleased with them. He will not care. I shall be very angry with you, if you thus neglect your duties. I do not care. Are you satisfied, Madam ? Yes, Sir, I am. We are 6 happy, and they are not. Are you the son of Mr. D. ? No, I am not, Madam. 1. traze-me. — 2. deixar. — 3. na verdade.— 4. que quer dizer ? — 5. nao se me da. — 6. feliz. 53. I have given them to your master. I have not given them to your master. I will take the very first l op- portunity of writing to them. They and my uncle are going to Bilboa You and he shall read 2 a pretty story* Do not give me 3 that. I do not like 4 it. He 5 cannot see me, can he ? Will he be angry with me or with them ? Give them my books. Examine 6 them. Look at them. Do not read them. You do not read often enough. Do you read them sometimes ? I am reading them now. What ? Those interesting books you 7 bought at THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 39 that sale. Who sold them ? I will sell them 8 cheap. Hold 9 your tongue. 1. opportunidade. — 2. ler. — 3. isso. — 4. agradar. — 5. elle nao pode. — 6. examinar. — 7. comprar. — 8, barato. — 9. estar callado. 54. I have been nearly four years in England. How long have you been learning French ? I have only one true friend. We were but ten at dinner. I have but one guinea. I never wrote but five lines. Come here. Is supper ready ? Is there * any letter for me ? There are three. How much do they 2 come to ? Be quiet. Will you speak of it to your acquaintances ? Yes. I will. Do not be so quarrelsome. Let 3 us be attentive. Has he come ? This silk is very fine, 4 how much is it sold a yard ? Seven shillings. My sisters are in the country. Two gentlemen have come to see you. My sister and her cousin are pre- pared. His 5 shoes are worn out. Their poor brother and his children will be 6 reduced to beggary. I was determined to follow him. Her piano is not 7 in tune. His mother is ill. Her sons are gone to school. My lesson was sometimes very 8 hard. What 9 is he ? What were you ? What 10 are you ? This man has always been n depised. The child has been 12 spoiled. 40 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 1. ha alguma. — 2. quant o custao. — 3. estejamos. — 4. quanto. — 5. sapatos. — 6. reduzir. — 7. nao esta temperado. — 8. algumas vezes.— 9. que. — 10. que. — 11. desprezado. — 12. despojado, QD* I am thinking of you. He was coming to us. Do that for me. Do not speak against } them. Go to 2 them directly. Do not go with 3 her. She is always so 4 cross, They are incessanlty speaking against one another ; I believe they 5 hate one another. Is this 6 your house ? Yes, 7 it is. It is very well built. It cost me a great deal money. I dare 8 say it did. Upwards of five hundred pounds. It is very dear. Whose was it ? It belonged to my wife's 9 brother. The gardens of these houses are too 10 small. The toys of the children. I come from Madrid, and you from Segovia. When he lI returns from Saint Sebastian, I shall then 12 send him to Oporto. Does he 13 mean to write from Bilboa ? I have good pears, excellent apples, fine peaches, and beautiful u grapes, just arrived from Bayonne. 1. contra. — 2. hir, andar. — 3. com. — 4. demao humor. — 5. odiar-se reciprocamente.- — 6. he esta. — 7. si. — 8. crer. — 9. ir- mao de. — 10. peqnieno. — 11. voltar. — 12. mandar. — 13* ter intento. — 14. uvas. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 41 56. He has lent ! me some money. You have sent him your address. I have not seen 2 him. Has he a sister ? No. I am sorry for it. Your ink is too thick. His hat is too large for his small head. This dictionary has been very useful to them. Did you speak to me ? Has the boot-maker made my boots? Did 3 you go there? Did the servant call me this morning ? Did 4 you say I was there ? Did we come in time ? Did 5 they jump or leap over the ditch ? Did he 6 study Greek ? Did we ? read so far ? This lane is too narrow. Your stick is not long enough. It 8 is too short. Is it too short ? Is it 9 not too short? Did I 10 not give eleven shillings for the whole ? We were ten at supper. Is it hot ? It was very damp. I am not able to finish it. 1. emprestar. — 2. visto. — 3. hir. — 4. ha ditto vm. — 5. sal- tavao. — 6. estudado. — 7. ler. — 8. he. — 9. demasiadamente.— 10. dado. September 10th, 1840. Dear Sir,i I received your letter last 2 night, on my return home, and am very sorry I shall not be able to see your brother I 42 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. to- day ,3 previously to his departure for Spain and Por- tugal. My son who was 4 taken very ill at college, sent his servant this morning with a note from his phy- sician, who wishes to see me immediately. However, 5 if his indisposition be not as serious as it has been represented to me, I will 6 endeavour to return to town in the evening, and prepare the letters of introduction I promised him, the last time he called 7 upon me. Believe me, dear Sir, Yours truly. « 1. senhor. — 2. esta noite passada.— 3. antes.— 4. com todo isso. — 4. esfo^ar-se.-^. hir ver. Mr. and Mrs. P. i present their compliments to Miss Wilmot, and will 2 be glad of her company to dinner on the 23rd instant. 3 1. presentar. — 2. encantado. — 3. aos 23 do mez corrente. 58. I do not think his wife is happy. How do you know ? I am x told so. You have not been told the truth. Who 2 says he is not brave and generous ? The queen was not so generous as her father. This is a long and 3 tedious book. I do not like it. He is like 4 his father. Rather 5 so. Silence. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 43 My mother and my sister are generous, and even prodigal. You say they are prodigal, because you are a miser. You are a good boy, and she, a good girL Yes, they are good children. Have you been to my bed- room ? No, I come from the dining-room. Who has the milk jug? Ask the footman. This ^ is the fish-market. No, you are mistaken, it is the hay-market, and on the 7 other side, to the right, is the corn-market. 1. me disse assim. — 2. quern. — 3. enfadonho,'— 4. como. — 5. mas antes. — 6. ribeira. — 7. de fronte. 59. How many lessons a day do you give ? i Sometimes twelve, but more commonly nine. It is probable that we shall have a double quantity. It is 2 said that the gentlemen of your country are very changeable. My land is barren ; yours, on the contrary, is very fruitful. Their conduct has always been praiseworthy. He will probably be invited. How 3 rough you are, Sir ! What a coward you are. Her health is weak. It would be painful. Her relations were poor, but honest. Were 4 there many people ? Was there a single man prepared ? There will be as many as you want. There 5 is more prudence in his conduct than formerly. There were four lessons given. There would be many 44 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. difficulties to encounter. There are two ladies who wish to see you. Last night it was 6 very dark. The clock struck twelve when I reached home. 1. algumas vezes. — 2. dizem. — 3. quao. — 4. havia.— 5. ha. — 6. muito escuro. 60. Ask that gentleman if he has breakfasted. You are joking. Indeed I am not. I am speakiug very seriously* Get 1 up and go out. I cannot walk. I have a sore foot. They were walking 2 in the yard. Give us a yard of ribbon. I walk every morning before breakfast. We rise before five in summer, and seven in winter. That is very early. You have sent your servant away because he has robbed you. We should have played all night. What has prevented you ? We had no candle. Lend me your purse. No, I cannot, but I will lend you twenty pounds. Lend me your horse, I want 3 it. Where do you want 4 to go ? To my bankers. He has showed me his watch. Pray, watch his actions. Did you see the watch-maker in his shop ? I will show you his house. Play well. Where is the play-house ? At what game does he play ? He plays at cards, at cricket, and at draughts. Gambling is, and always has been a despicable pas- time. You are a very fine player. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 45 Young was one of the finest actors on the English stage. Does she play on the piano ? Yes, she does, but she cannot play on the harp. Will you play a game with me ? What at ? He has married a very handsome lady, who is very poor. How is that ? 1. levantarse. — 2. passear.-— 3. necessitar.— 4. dezejar. 61. He will come to our house. I have spoken to your wife, and she does not seem willing to sign the deed. Give me eleven. I have some. 1 You know my intentions. Take some. Give 2 me some. My intentions were pure and honorable. Will you have some ? Shall I have some ? Will he read it ? We have counted nineteen. I will not lose 3 any. How high the wind is ! To write well, we must have good ink, good pens, and good paper. I have brought you some money, will you accept it ? One 4 never refuses money. He awoke at six o'clock. At what 5 time do you rise ? About 6 four every morning ; but on Sunday not before seven, both summer and winter. I shall love you as 7 long as you do your duty. 46 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 1, algum.< — 2. daime. — 3. algum. — 4. nunca.— 5. a que horas. — 6. perto de. — 7. ate que. 62. Do you speak Spanish? Yes, Sir, I do, and also Italian. Where did you learn these two languages ? I speak as a father, do not compel l me to speak as a judge. Judge of my embarrassment. I do not 2 deserve your pardon. I do not wish it, and I do not ask for it, therefore I will not accept it, if you offer it me. Your offer was noble. I was 3 offered ten pounds for it. He will discover the whole business. Pray, 4 do not open that window, for I have a bad cold. Are you going to leave this county ? Yes, we are going to Wales, to spend some time with our mother s sister. How 5 old is she ? How old are you ? How old was he ? Are you 6 afraid of thunder ? 1. forcar. — 2. merecer. — 3. offerecer.— 4. hora. — 5. que idade. — 6. ter medo. I shall soon go to London, to see my brother-in-law, who is a clerk at the Post-office. How long have you been l in London ? I do not know. How long shall you stay in Paris ? They run as fast as you. You will lose your time. It is 2 all over. We THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 47 shall dine at six. You do what you please. She goes out too often. We go to church, and they to chapel. Go and see him now. I arrived here before you. I have followed your example. You read better s and better. Are you going 4 there ? Shall I go there? Did 5 he go there ? Do you see him now ? Do not 6 stir. Are you staying there ? Do you hear ? Do you not understand me ? He speaks 7 as well as she does. He does s it on pur- pose^ 1. quanto ha. — 2. esta feito. — 3. melhor. — i. hir. — 5. ha ido. — 6. mover. — 7. tao bem como. — 8. faz-lo. — 9. de pro- posito . 64. He writes to them ] every day. I see him. I owe her a hundred pounds. He obeys them punctually. He loves me more than 2 I love him. I give it you, on condition 3 that you do not sell it to them. He has bought them too dear. It is, 4 however, cheaper than what you showed me the 5 other day. I willingly consent to it, 6 because I am in hopes that it will contribute to the happiness of my children. Have I prepared them for such an undertaking ? Has he obeyed him ? He opposed 7 it with all his 8 might. You shall not have it before I have given my 48 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. consent. You will find your snuff-box in the drawer. I cannot find it. I could walk. much better three 9 months ago. I, in- deed, cannot spend so much money. He cannot go without the permission of his parents. That is i° right enough. They cannot finish to-day. Can you not write to them the day after to-morrow ? May he not come now ? 1. cada dia. — 2. mais que, — 3. com condicao. — 4. nao ob- stante. — 5. antontem. — 6. porque. — 7. opporse. — 8. forca. — 2. ha tres. — 10. justo. 65. I shall be able to help them now and then. I * ought to receive the half of it. "We ought to attend to his in- structions. I will not see them. I am taller than you. He will go in spite 2 of all opposition. We will do it. He will set 3 out before day-light. Have you slept well ? Yes, pretty 4 well ; but I cannot sleep after six o'clock, because I am so 5 accustomed to get up very 6 early 'that I am sure to be ill, or to have a head-ache, if I rise later. How do you spend 7 your time ? How many horses do you keep 8 now ? Do you spend much 9 money ? They were accused of robbery. By whom ? Such 10 accusation was ill-founded. Who adopted that orphan ? The fair is abolished. How long you are ! Relate me your adventures. No, follow my advice, do not do it. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 49 What airs she gives herself! Have you bought an almanac ? How amiable they are ! Have you ever been to America ? Do not take alarm. Adieu, my dear. You detest* me, and I abhor you. "Why do you hate them ? Has he measured the yard ? Yes, just now. There 10 are one hundred and twenty- live yards. Do not abandon me in my present l l situation. Which 12 are the four quarters of the 13 world ? Eu- rope, Asia, Africa, and America. 1. dever.— 2. a pessar. — 3. partir. — 4. bastante. — 5. acos- tumar. — 6. cedo. — 7. passar. — 8. ter. — 9. despender. — 10. ha. — 11. tal. —12. que. — 13. partes. 66. How l far is it from here to Lisbon ? Do not push them. How do you go ? By 2 water of course, I can- not go by land. I will drink after you. Do not take my book 3 in- stead of hers. Her father is aged, but her mother is much younger. It 4 is true, and he will not believe you. It was clear. It will be impossible. Is it good ? Is it new ? Is it in fashion ? I will defend you at the peril of my life. You do nothing 5 but sing. There has been 6 a dispute between them. There is now a quarrel about nothing. The silver waiter is in the dining-room. I bought some silk stockings. When ? One year 7 ago. 50 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. Madrid is not so large as London. I give my servants and their friends on Christmas-day, beef and beer. Mr. B/s horse has been stolen from 8 the stable. They have offered a considerable reward. I prefer Burgundy wine to Port. She 9 is fit for any thing. We have but two hundred and fifty pounds. Is 10 there any Dutch cheese in the house ? I am very sensible of cold. I, am u delighted to see you. We are very much pleased to receive such good news. Take that, and leave this. Go now, and come again soon. 1. quanto ha daqui ate. — 2. por agua. — 3. em lugar de. — 4. he verdade. — 5. na5 faz nada sanao. — 6. tern havido. — 7. ha. — 8. cavallarica. — 9. capaz.- 10. ha. — 11. encantado. ■ 67. She is a good wife. Which will you have, this or that ? What I * complain of, is your incorrigible idle- ness. Italian wines are cheaper than French. Wine is 2 sold there for twopence a bottle. It is cheaper 3 than beer. She has so much to say on his behalf. I assure you that I have no time to lose in this 4 manner. Mrs. C, requests Mr. F. de Porquet to call 5 upon her THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 51 next week, as her eldest daughter wishes to take some lessons in e Spanish. April 9th, 1829. Mrs. T. presents her compliments to Mr. F. de P. and is sorry 7 to inform him that she will decline his further atendance this summer, as her daughters are going to s the sea-side. Tuesday morning. Lady P. presents her compliments to Mons. F. de P. and is under 9 the necessity of desiring him to post- pone i° his visits to the Palace, till Saturday fortnight, on lr account of the indisposition of Lord P. 1. de que. — 2. vender-se. — 3. mais barato. — 4. desta ma- neira. — 5. vir. — 6. hespanhol. — 7. sente de. — 8. bordo do mar.— 9. obrigado. — 10. retardar. — 11. por causa. 68. I come from Cadiz, where I resided two months. The brother and sister are ill. The father and brother are dead. What l he says, is not true. I know what you are looking for. He knows where it was. What I have given you for that desk is more than it is worth. 52 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. I shall return to Italy next winter ; will 2 you ac- company me ? I am afraid of the highwaymen, I go 3 almost every day to the Park. With whom ? Are they going to 4 dine with him to-morrow ? Yes, and we are invited. Shall we go ? Do as 5 you please. Send me back my music. I did send it back last night. To whom did you give it ? To your servant. Did you gather me a rose ? I cannot gather any 6 un- less you give me the key of the garden. Have you not it ? Take it ; you will find it in the drawer. Two yards of French lace, at half a guinea. A bushel of coals. A large quantity of ribbons. A crowd of children ran after them. 1. que. — 2. accompanhar. — 3. hir. — 4. jantar. — 5. quizer- des. — 6. senao. 69. I have seen so many l people in the street. They have have never bought 2 any thing finer. Do not learn so many lines. There is nothing good in his warehouse. I did not understand him. Have you yet let or sold your houses ? You want too much for them. I sold them 3 last month. I came 4 on foot. Make haste, quick. 5 You may go elsewhere ; you will never find a better situation. Speak freely. Never be afraid of speaking the truth. You have acted wisely. You do 6 worse and worse. You do very 7 wrong to go thither. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 53 I will get 8 rid of this horse. How much do you want for 9 him ? Put on your hat. They can easily do it. Do you always say what you think ? Not always. She always scolds.— *Does she ? So they say. 10 Do not believe them. I tell you frankly, that it is good for nothing. 11 Few things are necessary to make him happy. So you say. Give them plenty of bread, a little meat, and a few coals. A number of friends came to his assistance. How 12 much did they give him ? This room is I believe ten feet long, and seven wide. Did you measure it ? I am taller than you by 13 two feet. Who told you so ? l4 Nobody. 1. tantos. — 2. qualquer cousa. — 3. ultimo. — L a pe. — 5. depressa. — 6. demalem peor.— 7. mal. — 8. livrarse. — 9. por. — 10. assim, — 11. nada. — 12. quanto. — 13. dous pes, — 14. ninguem. 70. They are quite sluggish. There is in our village a house with stables to, let, and several fields to be sold. I will do it purposely to displease him. Since I saw you I have lost a great deal of money. When do l you intend going to the 2 Netherlands ? Im- mediately after the recess, if I have no engagements here. Which 3 way do you go ? I have heard a great noise all night. At first we were astonished at his not coming. He is returned from town. I never saw the King of England. Is she up stairs ? Come, 4 let us go. 54 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. Your hands are very 5 dirty. Has he pared his nails 6 ? Cut my nails. Dress yourself quickly. We are going out. He is going to town. Are they gone, tell me ? Do not 7 wipe your hands with my towel, if you please. Has he 8 mended my coat ? Whose hat is that ? Your father's. I want a pair of boots. Try on this pair ; they are too narrow ; take them off. Where are their clothes ? In the 9 next room. - What ! in my bed-room ? I have a mind to put on this blue coat. Try it on me. It does not fit you. 1. ter intencao. — 2. hollanda. — 3. por onde.— 4. hora vamos. — 5. sujo, porco. — 6. unha. — 7. alimpar, or enxugar as ma5s. — 8. concertar, — 9. outro. You are reading a good book. We have won a hun- dred guineas. I would not speak to them on your account. 1 I have brought an umbrella for your sister. I am sure that we shall have rain before 2 long. This hat is made after the French fashion. It is frightful. I have met him at your 8 house. She shall go with her brother. As to 4 what he says, I would advise you not to attend to it. He is half mad. I shall begin after you. I am now travelling two hundred and seventy miles a week, THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 55 He has e travelled by sea. You will perceive in the Italian language a great affinity 7 to the Spanish and Portuguese. You will understand French in a short time. Put 8 the candle upon the table, and the snuffers .also/ You have broken my stool. You know that 9 gentleman ? Yes, I do. He does not 10 know his rules. Yes, he does. He knows neither his articles nor his verbs. I know what you say. I should like very much to know that family. He knows them by n sight, not personally. 1. por causa vossa. — 2. cedo. — 3.na casa.-— 4. quanto'a. — 5. doudo. — 6. fazer jornadas por mar. — 7. semelhanca. — 8. por. — -9, fidalgo, cavalleiro. — 10. saber.— 11. conhecer de vista. 72. Do not speak l so fast. I find it difficult to speak good Spanish. Can you 2 speak German ? I learned it a long time 3 since (or ago). Do you pro- nounce it well? As 4 well as you. How 5 long have you learned ? Six months. It is a short time. How long have you been learning ? Not long. I shall never learn. Nonsense. 6 Every body speaks French, German, or Spanish. French and Italian are spoken 7 every where. What o'clock is 8 it? Look at your watch. It is half-past nine. No, you are mistaken; it is only a quarter to eight. How 9 so ? Your watch loses. It generally gains. 56 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. I shall write to your father to send me some money. I have 10 been twice indebted to you for my health. I will write to him as soon as it suits me. We will send it to them. He gives them some. She always takes*it with her. I will send them to her. I ask you a favour : do not refuse me. Give it them directly. Send it to her to-morrow. Take it and eat it. Taste it and eat it, if you like 11 it. Take them and read them. How many books do you want? Tear l2 them and burn them. 1. presto.— 2. fallar. — 3. ha muito tempo. — 4. tao bem como, — 5. quanto tempo. — 6. desproposito. — 7. em qualquer parte. — 8. que horas sao. — 9. por que. — lO.duas vezes. — 11. agradar. — 12. rasgar. 73. Let i us see them. Permit me to open them. He answered him very impertinently. You have promised them to them. Will you 2 have any? Will they take some ? I shall give it them. I am surprised at it. Has he not sent them some ? We have some. We have not any. Are you pleased with it ? Will you not have any ? Do they 3 come from thence ? I will 4 treat you with them. He shall not stay there long. I will carry some there. I shall not get 5 any thing by it. Do not carry 6 your brother there, I have given some clothes to a man. She speaks of a woman, and I of a man. I write to a gentleman, and my wife to a lady. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 57 She 7 depends on a friend. Those parcels come from a banker in London. "We are going to a garden be- longing to our family. Have you the 8 key ? I have done it myself. We shall do it 9 without them. I am 10 looking for them. He looks for it. I alone n have done it. I alone shall be sacrificed. They who were so proud. It is 1 12 who saw you. It is they who will undertake the business. I who lost every thing. I who love him so l4 much. 1 € ver. — 2. algum. — 3. vir dali. — £. banquetear. — 5. nada. — 6. conduzir. — 7. estar fiado em. — 8. chave. — 9. sem. — 10, buscar. — 11. so,— 12. quern, — 13. quern. — 14. tanto. You are always 1 laughing at us. I did not laugh at you. It is very 2 wrong to laugh in people's faces. Do not laugh at me. Be still. He hopes that you will not laugh at her. You 3 mock people so. Pray, go on. Look 4 ! he is now making faces at us. You 5 abuse my kindness. What a fog ! It is but a mist. What a mistake ! It is a slight 6 error. Try and catch me if you can. Take 7 your aim. Fire ! Do not miss me. I am sure you 8 will miss me. Have you not missed me ? 1. zombar. — 2. mal. — 3. zombar. — 4. ve. — 5. afrontar, — ■ 6. error. — 7. fazer pontaria. — 8. errar. 58 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 75. It is I who did it. It is they who robbed the man. He and they have been attentive. I ? what have I said ? You give it me. You do not give it me. I think l of him. He speaks against them. This young lady reads too many novels. This young man 2 wastes his time. To whom do you speak ? I received it from that child. Whose 3 boat is this ? What do you 4 mean ? I, pensar. — 2. perder. — 3. cujo barco. — 4. que quer dizer, 76. The l flowers I have in my garden are very fine.2 Who did that ? He did. Who 3 dines here to-day ? 1 4 do. Who learns French ? What do you think of it ? The 5 vegetables we have bought at market. It is not what I want. Does this displease you ? He 6 who reads the Bible every day seldom will err. They who pray all day. Those who are poor. They who scold their children. I do not know what has hap- pened to them. I want you. Do you read French authors ? This is not as handsome as that. Do not take this. I do not like that. What 7 misfortune is ours ? In what s house do you live ? AVhat lessons have you learned ? 1. flor. — 2. bellas. — 3. jantar. — 4. eu. — 5. hortalicas. — 6. quern. — 7. que. — 8. em que. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR- 59 ry 11. What play l have you seen ? "What defence has he made ? What are his crimes ? What a child ! What a pity ! What an obstinate child ! What a man ! What men ! What fools ! This 2 is my father's house. That is my cousins horse. Such are the king's orders. Take mine, not hers. Do not forget ours. They have stopped him on the high road. They 3 say 4 the king is much better. It is said he is going into the country. I am 5 told that you have cut yourself. She is my own child. I prefer my house to yours. I have 6 taken vour books 7 instead of mine. I have met the same gentleman and the same lady. Tell me what you want. I do not 8 like yours. Give me hers. Somebody 9 wants you. I will have neither yours nor mine bound. Look 10 for theirs. His stockings and mine are worn out. Where n is yours ? One of my horses and one of yours are lame. Some one stole my mule. I met nobody. No one 12 speaks to you. I found out another thing against him. * 1. que comedia. — 2. isto. — 3. dizem. — 4. Rei. — 5. mo dis- serao. — 6. tornado. — 7. em lugar de. — 8. agradar. — 9. alguem. 10. buscar. — 11. onde. — 12. ninguem. 60 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 78. Every l one must do his duty. I see neither of them very 2 often. Both of them danced all night. I have seen nobody come here. Go 3 directly. I am listening to 4 what you say. Every 5 lesson must be learned by heart. However 6 kind you may be, you will be reproved. He takes every thing he sees. Do 7 whatever you like. Have you done already ? When 8 I have done my duty, I shall leave you. When we go to church, we ought to pray for every one. Both 9 are broken. Take both. Do you pay by the week, or by the year ? He came lately from Spain. I expected you the day before yesterday. How is 10 that? 1. cada hum. — 2. frequentemente. — 3. instante. — 4, que* —5. cada. — 6. por bom que seja. — 7. que, qualquer cousa que. — 8. quando. — 9. ambos. — 10. por que. 79. September 20th, 1840. My dear Mother, I thank * you a thousand times for the handsome present you sent me by William last Saturday ; I assure you I will do my utmost to deserve such kindness. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 61 My master, Mr. H. wishes me 2 to inform you that lie is satisfied with my improvement, and he hopes to 3 be able to place me next year in the first class and to make me begin Greek. Can you send 4 me to-morrow, or Wednesday, all my Latin and French and Spanish books, which you will find in my study, as I may want them to go 5 on with my studies. I wrote 6 the other day a Spanish letter to my uncle B. but I have not been favoured with an answer. I rather suspect he is puzzled how to write in Spanish, it is so long since he has corresponded in that language ; if you 7 see him, tell him that I am expecting to hear from him s every day. Believe me, dear Mother, ^ Your affectionate and dutiful son, C. D. P.S. — Give my love to Jane and Sophia. 1. agradecer. — 2. dezejar.— 3. esperar. — 4. mandar. — 5* cbntinuar. — 6. escrever. — 7. ver. — 8. de dia em dia. 80. There was a ball afterwards. 1 We have 2 repented of our sins. Are you up V I rose at five o'clock. I write daily 3 seven pages in Italian, ten in Spanish At what college were you ? I came 4 down at nine. We started about three in the afternoon. He came suddenly. Have you been out to-day ? 82 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. They drink red wine. I shall drink white wine. It has frozen very hard. It has rained all day. It is very- fine weather. I hope you will do better for the future. I shall give it to you by 5 and by. Do not speak so loud. I will come and 6 dine with you on Christmas- Eve. "Will you go to church to-morrow ? Yes, I never miss. I will do it as soon as possible. I • always rise early. As 7 for me, I often walk before breakfast. In a 8 short time you will speak Spanish. I travelled in Italy for several years. My house is situate in the vicinity of Antwerp, in the Netherlands. How do you like Segovia ? 1. depois. — 2. arrependerse. — 3. quotidianamente.— 4. de- scender. — 5. logo. — 6. jantar. — 7. em quanto a. — 8. em breve tempo. I passed i through Genoa on my return to England. I shall go this evening as far 2 as the next town. Be so good as to tell me what o'clock it is ? Let him 3 go down. Waiter, bring me a newspaper. Do not forget to come and give me a lesson at half-past nine. I cannot come 4 before ten. My daughter has been well educated, and my sister plays on the piano-forte. He is an old bachelor. These boys learn French and Italian. Tell the truth. Let him 5 go and see his friends. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. Go What g kind of weather was it ? It snowed. The 7 moon shines. It is very hot. It was cold. We trust you. I have grown rich in that country. I have 8 taken cold. Let us make haste. He intend- ed to travel. I travel on horseback. I do not remember that event. She has fainted away. They have com- plained of you. He has repented of his faults. I mar- ried a year before him. Why 9 do you laugh at him ? You had laughed at us. Is it 10 true ? It is false. We have exposed ourselves to his anger. He was u right. We lost ourselves in the wood. I bathed in the river. We are 12 used to it. I used to read every day a chapter of that book aloud. 1. por. — 2. ate. — 3. que. — 4. antes. — 5. que. — 6. que.< — 7. lua.--8. apanhar hum estillicidio. — 9. por que. — 10. he isso verdade.— 211. ter razao. — 12. acostumar. 4* * I do not know where he i lives. He has sold it to us, He saw them. James, pray, tell it to my father-in- law. I have invited your sisters ; I do not know, if they will come. Where 2 were you ? Here, my dear. What have you done with your watch ? Here it is, father. Here is your master ; mind what you are about. He always minds 3 his own affairs better than those of others. 64 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. I wish you would read those exercises several times before 4 your master, as if you were reading some Spanish book, and that without the least hesitation. Then I can assure you, that you cannot 5 fail being able to speak the language you are studying in a much shorter time than by following the old methods, ge- nerally 6 used by most masters in this country. Read them over, and over again ; never be tired of doing so and you will succeed. Believe a man whose labours have been, for these last twenty years, directed to smooth the numerous diffi- culties which at all times have 7 hindered the progress of those who are studying the most useful and the most fashionable language in Europe. You will not, certainly in this little work, have exer- cises upon all the genera], and particular rules, of the Spanish language ; but you will 8 find in it the most es- sential part of them. 1. morar. — 2. onde. — 3. tomar cuidado. — 4. diante. — 5. faltar. — 6. servir-se. — 7. impedido. — 8. achar. 83. Which do you choose, the white one or the black ? Which came first, the youngest or the eldest ? Which do you love (or like) ? Which is the best ? Tell me which have you taken $ How 1 glad I am to see you again ! How dangerous it is to run so fast ! THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 65 How small that house is ! How foolish you are ! How difficult my lesson is ! How pleased she is ! How 3 black it is ! How strange his 4 conduct is ! My 5 brothers are much esteemed. My 6 sisters are very much respected. I have respected my master. I have esteemed your brothers. They are 7 gone. I have spoken 8 to my father. My father is loved by his children. My mother is loved by her daughters. I have 9 sold my cow. My cow is sold. My horses are sold. I have finished my narration. I have followed his advice. My counsels were attended 10 to. The ladies have danced. The ladies have come. We have ad- mired the works of nature. The works of nature have been admired. They learned n their lessons. Their lessons are learned. We have put out the candles. The candles are put out. I have 12 washed my hands. I should be very much obliged to you. What is the matter ? I have a pain in my back. Send for a surgeon. Give a chair to the gentleman. Your horse is very lean. You do not feed him well. Yes, I do, but he is rather indisposed. I did not sleep all night. How do you like the books we sent you ? I find them very amusing. I owe you all that I have. Hush ! 1. que. — 2. que. — 3. que. — 4. se porta. — 5. irmaos. — 6. ir- maas. — 7. hir embora. — 8. fallar. — 9. vender. — 10. seguir. — 11. aprender. — lavar as maos. 6 66 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. We have received several letters. The letters are sealed, 1 and will be sent to the Post. I come to dine 2 with you. She comes to see you. They bad come to play with her. He entered the room without looking s at me. I have sore 4 eyes. She has a sore 4 throat, and a sore 4 tongue. 4 He has a sore foot. My feet 5 are cold. Her hands 5 are very cold. Be 6 quiet. 1 7 have often a bead-ache. When I go to bed late, my head aches the next morning. I am hungry. Are 8 you hungry ? I am very 9 thisty. How do 10 you do? How do the u children do ? They are very well, thank you ; and how do you do ? What is the I2 matter here ? But what is the matter with him ? She has the tooth-ache. The more I see him, the more I esteem him. So do 13 I, and so does he. 1, sellado. — 2. jantar. — 3. olhar. — 4. dor de. — 5. tenhofrio a. — 6. quieto. — 7. dor de cabeca. — 8. ter fome. — 9. ter sede. 10. como esta vm. — 11. como estao. — 12. que ha. — 13. tambiem. 85. Tell i my tailor to make me a suit of clothes, and to THE PORTUGUESE TRES0R. 67 send them by the coach, in the course of a fortnight. I am going to pay a visit to my father, and spend Christmas-week with him. How 2 far is it from here ? It is fifty miles. Indeed ! Your horse will never do, (or perform,) such a long journey in one day. Wait for 3 me till four o'clock. Shall you be back in half an hour ? Birds fly, fishes 4 swim, and quadrupeds walk; and we ^ so walk. Never copy the French of these exercises, until you have read them many times aloud before a person con- versant with that language. Fill my glass, I am thirsty. How long will you 5 stay in London ? Mend my watch and his. My faults and hers are unpardonable. Your brother and hers are 6 taking a walk on the lawn. What 7 a handsome carriage ! It is not so handsome as yours. His horses are 8 very fine ; but ours are handsomer ; and yours are the handsomest 9 of all. 1. dezer. — 2. quanto ha da qui. — 3. esperar. — 4. nadar. — 5. estar. — 6. levar a passear. — 7. hello. — 8. muito. — 9. de todos. 86. Sept. 3, 1840. My dear Sir, I i begin to fear you have entirely forgotten vour old 6 * 68 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. friend. It 2 is now nearly six weeks since I last heard from 3 you; I must attribute, I suppose, such silence to your numerous engagements. I should have written before, but I expected to 4 come down on the 1st, to join your shooting party on that day. However, Mrs. H/s indisposition would not admit of my leaving her. I am happy 5 to say she is fast recovering, and if no- thing prevents me, I shall take 6 her to Clifton next month, to 7 spend a few weeks at Major W.'s, which 8 will enable us to have the pleasure of calling upon you during our stay at that 9 delightful spot. I remain, dear Sir, Your's truly. 1. comecar. — 2. agora. — 3. ouvir de. — 4. vir. — 5. sou feliz. — 6. conduzir. — 7. passar. — 8. permittir.— 9, de leitavel sitio. 87. They i shake this table so much that I really cannot write. When I play at cards, I do not like to lose the game. At what game do you play ? How did you spend your time last summer ? I advise 2 you to avoid 3 idleness, which is the mother of all vices. He admired the beauty of the garden. The cares of a tender mother. What 4 does my brother do ? What does my uncle think ? THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 69 When you return from town, bring me some ribbons, an umbrella, a lamp, and a 5 few French books, well bound in calf with gilt edges. What 6 does he ask for ? What do you 7 mean ? What are they looking for ? The lady of whom I was speaking, is my wife's fathers sister. The lady who sings so 8 sweetly is my friend's niece. Is it possible ? The reasons upon which I rely are good. It is an argument to which there is no reply. It is a malady for which there is no remedy and of which the cause is not known. Read this book often in Spanish, without the assistance of which, you will scarcely ever speak that language without being a few months 9 in Spain. Hand 10 me the book that is on the table. Avoid the faults into which I have fallen. How do you translate n the English word WHICH ? I ought to know it now. Against which. For which. After which. Into 12 which. 1. abalar. — 2. aconselhar. — 3. preguica.— 4. que — 5. poucos — 6. que. — 7. que quer vm. dizer. — 8. agradavelmente. — 9. fora. — 10. dar c — 11. traduzir. — 12. qual. The happiness of the people causes that of i the prince 70 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. I am going away, will you accompany me ? We have 2 built a very handsome country-house. Give my little brother his night-cap. I have given good books. The king's guards. I always carry fire- arms at night when I travel. We often see 3 the king's troops pass under our windows. I want 4 the mustard- pot. Hand me the cream-jug and sup* ar-bason. Paris is a delightful city, which I intend visiting again soon. You were there last winter. Yes 5 ; I returned thence on Monday last. Will he go with me ? I should very much like to go there, if 6 I had no business here. I will 7 take you there next year if you like. I will not go 8 without my father. 1. de. — 2. edincado, — 3. ver. — 4. necessitar. — 5. si. — 6, se. —7. conduzir. — 8. sem. 89. Did you hear l what I said ? Go to the hay-market and buy me a load of hay, but do not give more than four pounds for 2 it. I do not like to go on foot. I have no apple-trees in my 3 orchard. We have two little boys, three little girls, and five tall servants. She lives in Paris. This book is very small ; that 4 much smaller. A sweet apple is better than a bitter orange. That young lady has an harmonious voice. I have THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 71 called 5 a hundred times at your house. Although I am not rich, yet I am charitable to the poor. He bid them good bye with tears in his eyes. 1. ouvrir. — 2. por. — 3. pomar. — 4. muito mais. — 5. passar. 90. I have seen l him, and have spoken 2 to him. 1 3 ex- pect him to-day. I am obliged to him. I am going to show it to you. Look 4 at that fine house, it is well built. Go with him. You are a very bad player. It is getting late. We are six, and you are nine. Your fire is very low, stir 6 it up a little. I must 7 get rid of this animal. You should 8 get rid of your bad habits. You must know the whole business as soon as possible. We must be content with it. He is cal- led 9 every where. 1. ver. — 2.fallar. — 3. esperar. — 4. olhar. — 5. fazer-se tarde. — 6. mover. — 7. he necessario que. — 8. livrar-se. — 9. em toda a parte. 91. She praises i herself a great deal too much. Speak as 2 long as you like. I will have either of them. I can 3 neither eat nor drink. This carriage cost me two hundred guineas. This is the road to Paris. We 72 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. dress after the French fashion. His hat is in the En- glish fashion. He died 4 like a Frenchman on the field of battle. The guards fell into the ditch ; many were drowned ; others swam to the ramparts. If France were as rich as England, it 5 would be 6 the best country in the world. 1. louvar. — 2. ate que. — 3. poder. — 4. morrer. — 5. seria. — 6. o melhor. 92. Whose l house is that ? My uncle's. I have seen the letter you sent me on Saturday. She pulled out a purse, which she gave me, and in which I found a 2 great deal of gold and silver. I know whom you love. 3 Do you like him better than her ? Return 4 me that pen-knife. Who has my flute? I have lent you my slate. Come and fetch your hat, which is on the table. I see him coming. Such 5 is al- ways the fate of the idle. At the beginning of the battle I was very much afraid. When you return here I will pay you that bill. He is much stronger than you. When you have done your work come and see us. When I have written 6 all my accounts I will read the books you have had the 7 good- ness to lend me. She did 8 not take them, she does not take them, will not take them, because she does not wish for them, and THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 73 would not demand them even if she thought you would give them 9 to her. His sister would have learned 10 them if you had wished it. His mother has been very ill. Her son has not yet returned. What ll is agreeable is often hurtful. What I like, is exactly what she dislikes. Fie, for l2 shame ! 1. casa. — 2. muito. — 3. amar. — 4. restituir. — 5. tal. — 6. escrever. — 7. bondade. — 8. tomar. — 9. dar. — 10. aprender. — 11. o que. — 12. que vergonha. 93. When i we are in company, we generally do what we can to be agreeable. When I am at church I behave as vou do. When 2 you have played that piece of music, Madam, I shall ta^ke the liberty of asking you to play, God save the Queen. When I write in French I 3 seldom use the Dic- tionary. When I have 4 finished these exercises. We sup at nine, in summer ; and at ten iu winter. I am 5 very fond of them. Whoever 6 you meet. Apply to any 7 body who may think as you do. Whatever riches he possesses he is never satisfied ; and whoever he associates with will tell you so. I know him well. I am told he is worth twenty thousands a year. IT 74 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. However amiable she is, yet she is not so amiable as her mother. Whatever may be your motives, I advise you to mind what you are 9 about. Let them be ever so attentive. I assure you these words, Whatever ) Whoever ', and Whosoever are very 10 r? v d. I can hardly remember them. 1. quando. — 2. quando. — 3, servir se raremente.— I. quando. — L gostar summamente. — 6. qualquer que. — 7. al- guem, qualquer — 8. por arno. — 9. tomai rentido no que es- tais frzendo. — 10. dirndl. 94. You are now 1 learning the task, that you have 2 done last month. Smell this flower. They jumped 3 over the wall. Here are some mulberries which are not ripe. I threw them to her. I feel the strength of you argument. I pro- mise 4 him. I shall esteem you for it. . My watch and theirs are 5 out of order. Our country is more extensive than yours. I am in 6 the right, and you are in the wrong. Who is right ? Who is wrong ? .Ask if she has had the measles and scarlet fever. She had then the small-pox. Will you come with me ? No : 7 why ? I have chilblains. Is my whip mended ? Is your father in the country ? Is his horse in the stable? Is your carriage in the coach-house ? I am 8 very fond of birds ; buy 9 me a lark. There 10 are fine prints in the parlour. The up- THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 75 ho^terer is in the 11 hall; he has brought you a new screen, a Turkey carpet, a new sofa, a feather-bed, and a bee 1 stead. Ask him to walk in. 1. agora. — 2. feito. — 3. saltar. — 4. prometer.— 5. desman- cliado. — 6. ter razao. — 7. por que. — 8. gostar summamente. 9. comprar. — 10. ha. — 11. sala. 95. I have now a dozen 1 canary-birds, seven chaffinches, six dozen sparrows, four tomtits, one bl?ckbird, several larks, and nine or ten thrushes. He always calls 2 when I am at breakfast. Tell him to call again ; ask him if he has a leg of mutton, some veal cutlets, and a calf s head. What can you 3 be afraid of ? "What do you fear ? Gardener, I want some rose-trees, currant-bushes, and strawberry-beds this year. My vine wants cutting. Have you swept 4 all the walks ? Did you 5 water the French beans ? There are still a great many leaves. Cut 6 a few bunches of grapes for dessert. He has been dangerously wounded. Have you mend- ed your stockings ? Mend my pen. Has she not warmed the bed ? My child will be bap- tized tc-day. I would borrow 7 that sum at four per cent. Guess 8 who he was? I cannot guess whom you mean. Do you learn dancing or drawing ? Do not rub out my writing. Where is the Indian rubber ? 76 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 1. canarios. — 2. vir. — 3. temer. — 4. varrer. — 5. regar, 6. cortar. — 7. tomaremprestado. — 8. adevinhar. 96. * The wheels * of my carriage are not greased. I have won the bet. I am in mourning for my grandfather. He was lucky 3 at play. The shepherd is leading his flock. The dress-maker has sent home a new gown, and the shoe-maker a pair of shoes, and a pair of pumps. You attend 4 our balls, I suppose ? Where was it ? Here. I took 5 care of her during her stay in Paris. We "are going shortly 6 to see a review. Riches are a bur- den to the wealthy. If you are a naughty girl again, your papa will never give you a kiss. You are a 7 good- for-no thing fellow. The king was overjoyed at his arrival. Their jour- neys are 8 rather tedious. What are you looking for? I am looking for my purse. This wall is fourteen feet high ; our ditch seven feet deep. The paths of our garden are three feet wide, and the roads of our park about ten. The air of this town is very 9 wholesome. He is digging a well in the orchard, to get water for watering the plants. 1. rodas. — 2. ganhar a aposta. — 3. feliz. — 4. baile. — 5* ter cuidado. — 6. logo. — 7. bribante. — 8. enfadonho. — 9. sau- davel. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 77 97. My niece i is the loveliest 2 girl I ever met with. I had rather sing than play. Had you rather 4 go than wait for him ? Who is there ? I. Who speaks ? He. Who 5 plays ? 6 1 do. Who will come ? She. Have you set 7 a trap in your orchard ? Let us go into the poultry-yard. We were certainly in the wrong. Were we not ? Brush my hat. Let us give it him. I never 8 men- tioned it to them. He has sent it them. Let him read it aloud. Take it and burn it. 9 We are going. He has 10 promised them to him. He has n sealed it with some black wax. This knife is not cleaned. I am willing to help you. Let her alone. Do not l2 tease her. You will suffer. He has deceived him. I have deceived myself. 13 Un- deceive him. Do not undeceive him. I am happier 14 than if I had married her. Her temper is so peevish, that there is no living with her in peace. You behave with all the prudence becoming is your age. We had rather walk than ride. Listen l6 to the warbling of the birds. Tell the servant to put on the table the pepper^ salt, vinegar, and mustard. 78 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 1. sobrinha. — 2. amavel. — 3. eu antes quizera. — 4. antes querer.— 5. jogar. — 6. eu. — 7.aimar. — 8. mencionar. — 9. Irr end?T. — 10. prometer. — 11. sellar. — 13. vexav. — 14. desen- ganr\ — 14. mats fel?z que. — 15. que convem a. — 16. ouvir. 98. Send i her away. She is a great deal too careless. The silver forks which I bought in Paris, are not so strong. 2 He has been dragged 3 into the most fatal errors? which have ruined his constitution. They now receive me in the most civil manner. I had 4 rather beg my bread than 5 submit to such 6 conditions. Have you seen 7 them ? He has finished my picture ; is it s like me ? The likeness is indeed excellent. How many sittings did you give ? Half a dozen. He paints and draws uncommonly well. Do you 9 swim ? No, I am no swimmer ; but I re- gret very much my natural aversion to this useful exer- cise. I am trying l0 to induce them to do it. The whole is not worth five pounds. How much does the whole weigh ? He is wholly taken up in com- posing works for the use of his pupils. Drawing 11 is a pleasant amusement. , 1. mandar embora. — 2. forte. — 3. arrastado. — 4. antes quizera. — 5. submeter-se. — 6. tal. — 7. visto. — 8. como eu. — 9. nada. — 10. intentar. — 11. delinea^ao. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR, 79 99. There * are in this stuff several 2 colours well inter- mixed, 3 namely, yellow, red, green, blue, brown I was standing at the door, when I saw his Majesty the King of France pass. The horses of this farmer are very 4 lean ; he does not give them oats enough. I have examined 5 your bill twice, and I think you have made a 6 mistake. Who 7 preached this morning? The curate, Sir. How s so ? Is the rector ill ? No, Sir, he is gone to London for a short time. Take 9 my boys to school, James, and take care to drive carefully. Is the horse 10 put to? The minister will never give your petition to the king, because its contents n are contrary to his plans. The lands in that country are unfruitful but might be improved, 12 if properly cultivated. Leave it or take it. Copy my manuscript I3 fairly, and bring it back to me on Saturday morning, as I intend sending it to the printer on Friday next. Undress u these children, they are quite sleepy. Put them to bed. Sell them to us. Buy them some sugar- plums. When 15 I have given you a lesson, I must go to the vicarage. Children are fond of sugar. When you have forgiven him his faults, I expect you will for- give me mine also. 80 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 1. ha. — 2. varias. — 3. especialmente. — 4. magro. — 5. ex- aminar. — 6. erro. — 7. quern. — 8. como assim. — 9. conduzir. — 10. por. — 11. conteudo. — 12. melhorado. — 13. %e jhuma maneira legivel. 100. When I have heard him, I shall b^ able to judge of his abilities. When I have learned French, I intend to study German. When they have answered my letter, I will then go and see them. When I have friends staying l with me, I seldom study. When V am in France, I do as they 2 do in France. When she is staying as Brighton, she goes to the chapel royal. I have seen 3 him, but have not spoken to him. Do 4 you send any more ? Pray, do not send me any more. I believe him. I do not believe him. You are 5 a Frenchman ? No, I am a Spaniard, Sir. Are they rich ? 6 Yes, they are. Are they 7 come ? No, they are not. Were you there ? Yes, I was. I have been 8 ill, and am still so. I am very sorry to hear 9 it ; do not be frightened. She is joking. I thank you very much, Madam, for all your kind at- tentions to my children, I hope they have not been troublesome. 10 He launches into h company to forget his grief. You have softened his heart. Besides u all my household expenses I have also my taxes to pay. . THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 81 1. morar. — 2. fazer. — 3. vista. — L mandar. — 5. Francez. — 6. Espanol. — 7. vindo. — 8. doente. — 9. aprender. — 10. importune — 11. hir. — 12. alem. 101. He will gradually l make a fortune. I play fairly, but you always cheat. I have learned six lines at 2 the most. She sets 3 every thing wrong. Hereafter 4 I will give you my custom. I usually rise at five both summer and winter ; breakfast at eight, dine at two, and go to bed at nine. I ran to his assistance. He fell suddenly. How far do we say ? How 5 far did you read last time ? I hardly ever see them, except on a Sunday, at church. Go that way, you will meet her. I had 6 rather go this way. This field has been sown with turnips. Can 7 you play at chess ? Yes, I can. Do not stir, my dear child. My land is sown with wheat. This field is planted with potatoes. I have 8 lived this year in four different places. Is he still alive ? He was then 9 alive. Was she still living when your uncle died ? George the Fourth was 10 crowned in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one. 1. graduadamente. — 2. ao mais. — 3. por todo. — 4. daqui por diante. — 5. quanto. — 6. eu antes quizera. — 7. poder. — 8. morar. — 9. vivo. — 10. coroado. 82 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 102. You come too soon ; it is ! only a quarter to ten. We agreed 2 last time that I should receive my lesson at eleven. He travelled by land. 3 Between you and him there is something which I cannot yet find out. For want 4 of assiduity, he will never succeed. He is gone to meet his master. You receive company, in- stead of minding your business, and neglect that which would ensure a respectable maintenance for your family. I lent 5 him, last month, seven hundred pounds, at four per cent. This old miser never 6 spends' a shilling. They have blemished 7 her reputation. Have you not seen the new 8 weights and measures ? Do it quickly. All the goods 9 that were in his warehouse were burnt. At what time did l0 that fire happen ? I am now in hopes of overcoming all the difficulties of that beautiful language. Do they go to church ? Yes, every Sunday. I at- tend l2 lectures on chemistry every Friday. He 13 never attends to his French. My master u at- tends me once a week. Who attended your daughter during her last illness ? I forgot — Dr. F. I believe. 1. que. — 2. a ultima vez. — 3. entre. — 4. falta de. — 5. em- prestar. — 6. despender. — 7. manchado. — 8. pesos. — 9. mer- cancias. — 10. a que horas. — 11. esperar, — 12. seguir. — 13 fazer attencao. 14. dar licao. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. S3 103. Who do l you mean ? Now, my dear children, 2 at- tend to what I say. He attends 3 the market every Wednesday. Will you go over the water ? There is a boat and two watermen ready to take us over to the other side. The 5 Bishop is expected here next Tuesday. If he believes such nonsense, he must be a great simpleton. A mad dog has been killed. He is plunged 6 into misfortune : who will extricate him ? I have a large family to provide for. I am 7 tired of writing. It 8 rains hard. I delight in reading such books. Peruse my newspaper. We cannot hear 9 each other speak. Of what stuff is your gown made ? Look 10 at that child ; he seems quite pleased. They have ll declined having any thing to do with it. They bear 12 his insulting conduct with patience. I could not, I am sure. I cannot 1S bear him. 1, que quer dizer. — 2. fazer attencao. — 3. hir a. — 4. atra- vessar o rio. — 5. esperar. — 6. cahir em. — 7* can^ado. — 8. ohove. — 9. huns aos outros. — 10. olha. — 11. refusar. — 12. sof rer . — 1 3. sofrer . 104. The bee is the emblem of industry, and was taken ! by 84 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. the late Emperor of the French for his arms. The slave-trade has been abolished in this country for several years. They are 2 talking together, j If we were to listen to them. We cannot bear the sight of them. They are likely to talk till to-morrow. A cat is sly. That man is deceitful. Cats are fond of mice. Children are fond of pleasure. From what country do you come ? — From Stssex. Leave 3 off 4 crying. Have you 5 left off doing it ? Has he left off going to bed at nine ? Drunkenness has been at all times looked upon as a vice, which destroys the happiness of families. Let us 6 sit down in the shade of this oak. I have forbidden 7 the maid to use this set of china. Do 8 not hinder him from studying. After having declared my sentiments. They were quite intoxicated ; so 9 much so, as not to be able to return home that night. He ill-treats his children. What a fine poplar ! You must cut down that wal- nut-tree. Wolves yearly destroy in France a great number of cattle. My last servant was a great rogue. The storm began at three o'clock in the morning, and lasted nearly four hours. It thundered, lightened, and rained as fast as it could pour. Let 10 us spend this day merrily. So we will. 1 . adoptado. — 2. fallar. — 3. cessar. — 4. chamar, grita*. — 5. cessar. — 6. assentar-se. — 7* prohibido. — 8. impedir. — 9. tanfco. — 10. passar. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 85 105. My library contains l above ten thousand volumes ; namely, Travels, Histories, French, Italian, Greek, Ger- man and Latin authors ; some excellent works on Geometry, Astronomy, and Mathematics. You will not find in 2 it one single novel ; I have banished them. The carpenter has forgotten his hammer. Give it me, I want to hang up this picture, I am 3 told you had learned music, have the goodness to tell me, what difference there is between a flat 4 and a sharp ? How 5 many quavers are there in that bar ? Count the time. You do not keep in time. I am sorry to say your fingering is bad. How many do yon count in ^a bar ? That note is too flat, the other is too sharp. You have no 6 ear. On the contrary, my ear is excellent. "Who 7 tunes your instrument ? It is a good instru- ment. Now, mind your 8 time. Subdue your passions. My child is quite 9 spoiled. She never spoils her children. 1. conter. — 2. achar. — 3. ouvi dizerque. — 4. abemolado e hum sustenido. — 5. quantos. — 6. nao tern vm. — 7. temperar. —8. compasso. — 9. despojado. 106. I have broken my whip, take l it to the collar- maker's. You have dropped 2 your thimble, pick it 86 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. up. Take your yard, and let us measure this stuff. It is as 3 sweet as honey. Buy me some lemons and some oranges. A pickpocket has stolen a few sovoreigns from me. His son died 4 before he was of 5 age. Hold 6 your tongue, I cannot read. Sailors seldom become i rich. The doctor entertains slight hopes of her recovery : the physician also attends her once a week. She is a nice girl, 8 but very idle. 9 Whatever his intentions may be, they will be condemned. The ape resembles man. I wear 10 silk stockings, they are nearly n worn out ; I must buy another pair. They are too tight, 12 they do not fit you. It snows 13 and has done so all night. In case you want any thing, I have placed 14 the bell on the table. 1. levar. — 2. deixar cahir. — 3. doce.: — 4. morrer. — 5 9 mayor. — 6. estar calado. — 7. fazer-se rico, or euriquecer, — 8. rapariga. — 9. qualquer. — 10. trazer. — 11. perto, quasi. — 12. apertado. — 13. esta nevando. — 14. campainha. 107. On Twelfth night we have generally a few friends to sup with us; it is an old custom. My grand- daughter is gone to school. Whatever your faults be^ they will forgive you. Whatever you may ask, they will accede to your wishes. Tall as she is, she has no THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 87 strength. That cannot be endured. Thou art a mad- man. How darest thou speak thus to a man of his rank ? It is a very genteel family. It is all over with him. Did you succeed in catch- ing him ? Has he been able to tame him ? This ink is too thick, it does not run. I have finished my task. Though he be ever so attentive, yet something 8 is wanting. Rub out all these lines. The washerwoman has not brought back your linen ; there are many things wanting; namely, one collar, three pocket-handkerchiefs, black silk stockings, a white under waistcoat, two pairs of wristbands, three frills, and one nightcap. Every one who is accused is not always guilty. His friends were at a very great expense in educating him. Has he any money left ? When my uncle was in India he had several camels, and brought one over to England. London is far more populous than Paris. 108. I have not * followed his steps in every thing. The rules of the grammar are not always intelligible to young 2 people. 88 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. The church bells have been ringing all day. On 3 what account ? The mob did a great deal of damage in the street. Where 4 there many mistakes in your exercise? There is not one. Who sent me that ? To play well on an instrument, is a gift of nature. The king's death happeued about three years after the coronation of his cousin. His faculties were very much 5 impaired long before his late illness, which terminated his frail existence. I have 6 just arrived from Scotland, where I passed the summer. t If you i play with the dog, he will 8 bite your finger. Will you wash her head ? Give your hand to her as a sign of reconciliation. Snuff the candles. I have hurt my foot. You tread upon my feet. We do not always 9 see those who see us. We often love 10 those who do not love us. He loves us. We love him. We love them and fear him. We speak of him. 1, seguido. — 2. gentemoca. — 3. por que razao. — 4. ha via. — 5. fraco. — 6. chegado, — 7. jogar. — 8.morder. — 9. ver„ — 10. amar. 109. We 1 know them. We understand them. It is evi- dent he has 2 improved in his studies. It is necessary to attend to one's own affairs to thrive 3 in this world. I like those whom we have met, but those who called THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 89 on us, do not seem to like us. The boy has cut his tongue in playing with the scissors. He loves play. My hands are cold. — Warm yourself. Who preaches to-day ? Do you mean in the morn- ing? Yes. Doctor C. Had you a good sermon last Sunday ? What 4 time did you get there ? Very late. It was not our fault : the clocks differ so much. Put every book in its place. He commits faults every minute. What a service he has rendered to his country. I am iu want of a good servant, who can wait at table. Nothing can prevent your going there. Every 5 one is afraid of them. Did you take your prayer-book to church ? Carry this to your poor father, and tell him I wish I could do more for him. He is a dangerous man. The English fleet 6 set sail this day at three. What ! on a Sunday ? Yes, sailors prefer that day to every other. I can say that of ten ships sailing from our ports, seven sail 7 on a Sunday. I made 8 this remark during my stay at Gravesend, where 9 most of our East Indiamen stay a short time previously l0 to their sailing for Madras and Bombay. 1. contrecer. — 2. fazer progressos. — 3. prosperar. — 4. a que hora. — 5. cada hum. — 6. dar a vela. — 7. Domingo. — 8. fazer. — 9. onde. — 10. antes de. 110. I am ordered to follow you l wherever you go Spare 90 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 2 your health more than your money. The king's palaco will be illuminated. I 3 want a quire of paper, half a hundred of pens, and a bottle of red ink. Your copy-book is not 4 ruled ; give me your 5 ruler aud your 6 pencil that I may rule it. Have you any blotting paper ? I want to rub out this line : give me your India-rubber. He smokes in the presence of the ladies. It is not genteel. 7 The chimney smokes uncommonly. Is your tea sweet enough ? Ann, I have no spoon. Put my bunch of keys in the cupboard. How thick the fog is ! What o'clock is the tide to- day ? What a dust you make ! A spark flew 8 out and set fire to the whole building. There are seven days in the week. Have 9 the good- ness to repeat them in Poruguese. Yes, Sir. I think I have learned them ; I will try to remember them ; Mon- day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Very 10 well ! there are twelve months in the year ; be so lI good as to say them also, in Portuguese. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and Decem- ber. The four seasons, if you 12 please : Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. In what month is your birth- day ? I spent the Easter- week with them at M. the country-seat of my uncle. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 91 1. em qualquer lugarque.... — 2.poupar. — 3. necessitar. — 4. regrar. — 5. regoa. — 6. lapis. — 7. polido. — 8. scintilla. — 9. bondade. — 10. muito bem. — 11. bondade. — 12. se vos agrada. 111. Give me your left band, I want to try tbis ring on yonr finger. I bave cut my tbumb. Your nails are too long, you sbould cut tbem. Give me a nail 7 I want to drive it into tbe wall. Sbe bas learned dancing, and yet sbe does not possess a genteel l carriage. Have you slept 2 well ? I always sleep well. Your 3 sleep bas not been interrupted. Tbe 4 noise of tbe car- riages often prevents 5 my sleeping in London. Tbere 6 are five senses, namely, tbe sigbt, tbe bear- ing, tbe smell, tbe taste, and tbe feeling. Tbe small- pox is in tbe village. I would advise you to take care of yourself. I do not fear it ; I was vaccinated several years since. Did you not cougb s in tbe nigbt ? Yes, 9 nearly tbe wbole nigbt. I was 10 bled last winter for a very obstinate ll cougb. I bave a pain in my arm. — Your finger bleeds. I see, it is nothing but a 12 scratcb. No one can be free from envy. His firmness was ad- mired even by bis enemies. His eagerness in fulfilling bis duty is extraordinary. He grumbles for nothing. He is never pleased. 92 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. The 13 plough is one of the most useful implements in husbandry; how could we till our lands without it ? My ploughmen H earn eighteen shillings a week. The cart is loaded. 1 . semblante. — 2. dormir. — 3. sono. — 4. estrondo. — 5. im- pedhv — 6. ha. — 7. estive. — 8. tossir. — 9. perto. — 10. sangrade — 11. tosse. — 12. arranhadura. — 13, arado. — 14. labrego. 112. "What is his ! complaint ? What is 2 she crying for ? The pillow is too 3 hard. The hands of my watch are broken ; I must send it to the watchmaker's to hare them mended. The jeweller is waiting to show you some earrings. Are you 4 fond of gruel ? I am going to have some to-night. Has 5 he inquired after me ? What is the meaning 6 of that ? I thought it was later. I have hurt 7 my hand. Let us go and skip with the rope. Have you missed 8 the ball ? Yes, I have missed the ball. I will 9 make room. May we go io out now ? I thought that it was later. Is there a lump ? Bear it patiently. The n sun shines. 1. doenca. — 2. gritar. — 3* duro. — 4. amar. — 5. pedir. — 6. que quer dizer. — 7. fazer mal. — 8. perder. — 9. guardar diante 10. sahir. — 11. o sol. THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 93 113. The wind 2 blows hard. It is sultry .2 The weather is cloudy this morning ; is the wind changed ? I beg you will excuse them. I have made a good breakfast. Let us take a 3 walk. Let us put off the walk to another day. I prefer your small beer. I must go this morning to an auction. I hate the fashions of that country. This is the lowest price. Is it right ? I wish you a pleasant walk. My watch stops sometimes. The moons rises 4 early this week. There will be enough for 5 that. "We shall be de- lighted 6 to see them. He takes much pains to do it. He heard it. They are lazy. The sea is rough. Make a noise. Do not be so stiff. I cannot bend. Bend slowly. It is as smooth as velvet. Feel ? my pulse ? Show s me your doll, sister ? We will 9 not go there. You do not improve. I have made a new apron. What a sloven he is ! Is 10 it upright ? I do not play high. How much has H he paid ? 1. faz vento. — 2. quente. — 3. passear. — 4. cado.— «-5. por isso. — 6. de leitado. — 7. tomar o pulso. — 8. mostrar. — 9. hir. — 10. direito. — pagar. 114. Bring in the tea-table. She looks 1 well. She is 2 quite recovered from her late illness. There 3 is too much of it already: I shall discharge my clerk in the course of a month. 94 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. What 4 is the matter with your hand ? What is the matter with you 5 ? I will have them do so. Give me ten. They say he is dead. I am told 6 you have acted very much to the dissatisfaction of your friend. They 7 pity him very much. They accuse them wrongfully. It is 8 said we shall soon be rewarded. We have been told it will not be necessary. They follow the fashions. 9 My eyes 10 have at last been opened. They have amused the children. I am n assured that he has left the country. They have sung a very fine song. They have not 12 attended to the orders. They have been falsely accused. — It is very much 13 lamented. It is expected 14 every day. That has been well played. I I5 am eight years old. Lay I6 the cloth. Pull off your coat. Put 17 on your gloves, Pull off his shoes. To whom do these 18 belong ? I sell cherries for two- pence a pound. 19 Is the fire out ? Are my boots mended ? Let us come. Let us dance. Let us 20 read. 1. parecer bem. — 2. interiamente. — 8, ha demasiado. — 4. que tendes a.-.-5 que tendes? — 6. ouvi dizer que. — 7. com- padecer. — 8. dizem. — 9. modo. — 10. olhos. — 11. asseverar. — 12. obedecer. — 13. lamentar. — 14. esperado. — 15. tenho. — 16. toalha de meza. — 17. por. — 11. pertencer. — 19. o lume esta apagado. — 20. ler. 115. I see i a windmill, some silk- worms, and a flower- pot. He wants 2 a watch, some gunpowder, and a box of colour. I have bought a tea-chest, fire-arms, and a THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. 95 coffee-mill. 3 Bring us a wine-glass, some letter or post paper, and the ink-bottle. I was 4 in the corn-market, where I met the pie- woman. I bought an apple tart, and a cream-cheese, also a silver milk-pot. Where is the flower-basket ? Tell him to bring me next week three pounds of fresh butter. Tell the wine merchant I do not like his wines. I will settle 5 his bill, when I am in town next 6 month. I was 7 born, said he to me, on this happy island. They were walking on the sea- shore. Will you not speak s to her on my account ? Give your account. Agreeably 9 to your orders, I have hired a good house with a large garden and a fish-pond. What is the rent of the whole estate ? Sixty pounds per annum, upon a lease of twenty-one years : the land about one pound an acre. Do you think it a high rent ? No, it is rather 10 cheap. The house must be very large, I suppose ? Why, there is a great deal of room in it. 1. ver. — 2. necessitar. — 3. trazer. — i. eu estava. — 5. pagar. — 6. mes. — 7. nacido. — 8. por causa de. — O.conforme as vos- asordens. — 10. barato. CONCLUSION. We l have just finished this book, which, I trust 2 has been of the greatest utility 3 to you, and all my young friends. I hope you did not forget to read over every twelve 96 THE PORTUGUESE TRESOR. - numbers four or five times, previously to passing on to the others. You may, now they are 4 nearly committed to memory, write them down in a copy-book to obtain 5 a thorough knowledge of orthography. Had ^ you begun by writing these exercises, 7 instead of reading them aloud, you would still have a great deal more to do, in order to get a facility in speaking Portuguese, which language you have now acquired al- most imperceptibly. If you 8 can find an opportunity of 9 spending a month with a Portuguese family, you will surely find it very advantageous, 10 provided that those with whom you may converse, do not n speak English. You can l2 speak as good Portuguese in London, as in Lisbon, if you constantly converse in that tongue with one or two natives. Attend 13 also Portuguse churches, and visit other places where that languagp is l4 spoken. I now wish you 15 farewell. LOUIS PHILLIP PE R. F. DE PORQUET. No. 5, Gloucester Place, Kentish-town, Middlesex. March 5, 1840. 1. acabar. — 2. esperar. — 3. utilidade. — 4. perto. — 5. ac- quirar. — 6. se vm. — 7. em lugar de. — 8. se vm. — 9. passar. — ■ 10. com tanto que, com condicao que. — 11. fallar. — 12. poder — 13. hh\ — 14. fallar. — 15. a Deos. AN INDEX OF ALL THE ENGLISH WORDS, CONTAINED IN THE TRESOR, TRANSLATED INTO PORTUGUESE, A or an, indefinite article, hum, m. huma, f. de of or from, a, to. The indefinite article is not expressed in Portuguese abandon (to), v. abandonar, deixar abhor (to), v. detestar, ter aversao abhorrence, s. aversao ability, s. capacidade, f. able, adj. capaz (I am), euposso (he is not), ellenao pode (to be), poder abolish (to), v. annular, a- bulir abolished, p. p. abulido abominable, adj abominavel abominably, adv. abominavel- mente about, prep, ao redor, em roda, perto about us, no meyo de nos twelve o'clock, perto de meyo dia (you look), tende cui- dado — (to set), v. comecar — perto, em roda, perto de — him, a roda de si — that business, a respeito naquelle negocio me, commigo above, adv. la em cima, en cima prep, a cima (more than), mais de Ex. more than five shillings, mats de cinco chilins (all), a cima de todos, principalmente ■ his door, a cima da sua porta abroad, adv. fora — « (out of doors), fora 8 98 INDEX. accede (to), v. n. acceder t accent, s. accento, f. accept (to), v. a. aceitar acceptable, adj. grato accident, s. accidents, m. con- tingencia, f. accompany (to), v. acompan- har accompanied, adj. acompan- hado accompt (on), a conta account (bill), conta (to give an), dar conta (on), por causa accusation, s. accusacao accustom (to), v. acostumar accustomed, acostumado accuse (to), v. denunciar, ac- cusar ace, s. az, m. ache (to), v. n. doer. Ex. : I have a head-ache, or my head aches, doeme a cabega the tooth-ache, dor de denies acknowledge (to), v. a. recon- hecer acknowledgement, s. confiqao acquamt (to), v. a. enformar, fazer saber acquaintances, s. conheci- mentos, m. pi. acquainted (to be), conhecer, ter conhecimento (to get)-, fazer conheci- mento com alguem (I am not) with him, nao o conheco acre, s.geira, f. act (to), v. a. executar, (as a player), representar s. acto action, s.feito, m. ac^ao, f. action, (to bring an), intentar f acqao at law, processo y m. (gesture), s. gesto,m. ac- qao, f. active, adj. activo activity, s. actividade, f. actor, s. actor, comediante, m. actress, s. actora adapted, adj. adoptado, apro- priado add (to), v. augmentar address, s. sobescrito, m. (to), v. a. sobscrever to (oneself to), v. r. re- correr a addressed (superscription of a letter), sobrescripto adieu, a Deos adjective, s. adjectivo admirable, adj. ademiravel admiral, s. almirante admire (to), v. a. ademirar admit (to), v. a. admittir receber (to allow), conceder adopt (to), v. a. adoptar adorn (to), adornar Adrianople, s. Adrianopla, f. a city advance (to), v. a. adiantar- se advanced in years, adiantado na idade, velho advantage, s. ventage, ou ven- iagem, f. adventure, s. aventura, f. advice, s. conseUio, m. advise (to), v. a. aconselhar affair, s. negocio, m. affairs, s. negoci)S affection, s. ajfeicao, f. affectionate, adj. affeiqoado INDEX. 99 affinity, s. affittidadc, f. affirm (to), v. n. affirmar afflicted, adj. cvffligido afflict (to), v. affligir afraid, adj. medroso (to be), ter medo, temer (1 am), tenlio medo Africa, s. Africa, f. after, prep, despots, depots (the day), odia seguinte (the French fashion), a moda Franceza all, n'uma palavra, em summa — noon, depots de jantar — the example of, segundo, o exemplo de — my taste, a men gosto (to look), buscar alguma cousa after, prep, atraz afterwards, depots, depoisdisso again, adv. outra vez (afresh), novamente, de novo (to come), tornar (to give), restituir (to see), ver outra vez (to begin), tornar afazer alguma cousa — (to take), tornar outra age, ienhovinte e dous ami- nos de idade — (century), centuria, f. — (I am of), sou mayor — (she is not of), ella he menor aged, adj. velho ago, adv. (long), ha muito tempo (five years), ha cinco an- nos \ vez against, prep, contra me, contra mim his will, contra a sua vontade — one another, hum contra outro it, adj. contiguo age, s. idade, f. — (what) are que you, idade tendes I ou tern Vm.\ I am twenty-two years of (half an hour), ha mej/a hora (is it long), ha muito tempo ? agreeable, adj. agradavel agreeably to, adv. conforme agree (to), v. a. concordar upon, in, with, assentir, sogeitar-se (I) to it, consinto agreed, p. p. estafeito agreement, s. ajuste ague, s.febre, f. ail (to) any thing, affligir, causar pena, what ails you % que tendes 1. what ails your foot? que tendes ao pe c t ailing, adj. (she is always), elle sempre tern alguma cousa que The da pena aim (to) at, v. n. aspirar (to) at,fazerpontaria s. alvo, designio air, s. or, m. airs (what), she gives herself, ella he muita affectada alarm, s. rebate, m. alive, vivo, vivente (when), quando vivo (is he still), elle ainda vive 8- 100 INDEX all, adj. toda, a all (the), todo ——(after), numa palavra — ~ the morning, toda a man- ha - day, todo o dia — — the evening, toda a noite night, toda a noite that (for), com tudoisso (it is) over, estaacabado (in) things, em tudo (not at), nao certamente (at), por nunhum modo allow (to), v. a.permittir, dar licenca almanack, s. almanack Almighty, adj. Omnipotente s. todopoderoso almost, adv. quasi ten o'clock, quasi dez horas done, quasi feito alone, adj. so ~— (I), eu so aloud adv. alto, com voz alta (speak), chamar com voz alta already, adv. ja also, adv. tambem altar, s. altar alter (to), v. a. to change, mudar alteration, s. mudanga, f. although, conj. ainda que I am, ainda que estou you have dined, ainda que tendesjantado you spoke, ainda que tendes fallado always, adv. sempre (he) comes, elle vem sempre am (I) cold, tenhofrio am (I), from ser, or estar to be, aux. v. eu sou, ou estou (I) hot, tenho ealma (I) ten years old, tenho dez annos de idade (I) told, dizem que (I) just arrived, ainda agora chegou — (I) informed, dizem' que — (I) ill, estou doente (I) very sorry, sinto muito America, s. America American, adj. America/no, a amiable, adj. amavel amidst, prep, no met/o, entre amount (to), v. n* montar to (how much do they), a somma quanto he amusement, s. divertimento^ entretimento amusing, adj. entretido an, art. hum, huma ancestors, s. os antepassados, m. plur. ancle, s. artelho do pe (to put one's), dislocar o artelho and, conj. e 9 you and I, vos e eu anger, s. ira> colera angle (to), v. n. pescar causa angling, s. pesca 9 f. rod, s. cana de pescar angry, adj. enfadado, irado animal, s. animal Ann, s. Ana, f. another, adj. outro, outra answer (to), v, responder s. repcsta answered, p. p. respondido ant, s. formiga INDEX 101 antiquities, s. antiquallas, f. Antwerp, s. Antwerpia, (a city) Any, adj. or pron. quern quer que, qualquer que, algum thing, alguma cousa more, mats — (do they sell), venden al- guns further (I will not go), metis longe — (is there) one, alguem, algum - thing (fit for), propio ape, s. macaco, bugio, mono appear (to), v* apparecer (they), parecem appears (he) to be bashful, parece timido appetite, s. desejo apple, s. maca tart, s. pastel de macas pie, s. pastel de maqas tree, s. maceira application, s. applicacao, re- curso apply (to), v. applicar oneself to, applicar-se appoint (to), v. apontar, de- terminar appointment, s. convengao, concerto, ajuste approach (to), v. chegar approve (to), v. approval' approved, p. p. approvado apprize (to), v. enformar April, s. Abril apron, s. avantal, avental arable, s. arable are you ? sois vos f to be found, achar-se ha they come? chegarao elles? are to have soon, logo terao never accustomed to take (we), nunca tomamos argmment, s. argomento arm (to), v. armar, armar-se s. braco arm-chair, s. cadeira de bracos arms, s. (armorial bearings), padrao de armas, f. plur. army, s. ex&rcito arrive (to), v. chegar arrival, s. chegada arrived (they), chegarao (I am just), acabo de chegar art, s. arte article, s. articido as, conj, como, (because), por que long, tao longo well as I, como, tao bem como, comotambem far as the, ate o a friend, como amigo I do, como eufaco tall as she is, too alto como ella — long as, ate que — soon as it suits me, quando me convenha soon as possible, tao pronto como possivel — many as, tantos quantos, outros tantos long as you please, tanto quanto Ihe agrade near as I can guess, ao meu parecer — to what, em quanto a ■her daughter wants, como a suafilha necessita — far as the next town, ate a cidade vizinha 102 INDEX. as far as I can donde eu posso eonjeturar — civil as he is, tao cortez com/) elle — her father como o seu guess, ate\ attend (to), v. estar, attento, (to be present), estarpre- pay to, ashamed, adj. envergonhado ashes, s. cinza ask (to), pedir, preguntar asparagus, s. espargo ass, s. asno, burro assiduity, s. diligencia, ap- plicaqao assistance, s. assist encia assist (to), v, assistar assure (to), v. affirmar, as- severar, prometer astonish (to), v. abismar assured (I am), me assegurao astronomy, s. astronomic*, f. at Paris, em Paris Lisbon, em Lisboa it or them, em isso, a my house, na minha casa the grocer's, na casa do especeiro what o'clock, a que hora the rate, a razon de sente — church (to), ir a igreja — pupils (to), dar Uqoes — lectures (to), assistir as leituras balls, ir aos bailes, ou as dancas reviews, assistir as re- vistas dos soldados to your orders, obedecer as suas ordens (to) as a medical man,, assistir — (to), ir to one's desire, dar gosto at, prep, a, em home, a ou em casa my father's, na casa de meu pay most, a o mais — school, na escola at what time? a que tempo attachment, s. propencao, in- clinaqao attack (to), v. a. acometer, as- saltar attendance, (surgeon's), as- sistencia attended to (my counsels were not), nao seguirao os mens conselhos attention, s. attencao, cuidado attrntive, adj. attento attorney, s. procurador attribute (to), v* attribuir s. attributo auction, s. almoeda, leilao August, s. A gosto aunt, s. tia> f. author, s. autor autumn, s. outono avail oneself (to), apdoveitar- se sirvir-se, valer-se de v. n. valer-se de aversion, s.avergao, odio avoid (to), v. evitar, impedir awake (to), acordar, or des- pertar aware (to be), v, saber, prever away (to take), v. a. tirar (to go), ir-se embora (let us go), vamonos em- bora (to drive), fugir INDEX. 103 away (I must go), he preciso (to throw), perder, des- perdicar away (to steal), ir- se embra axe, s. hacha axle-tree, exo> eixo B. Babble (to), v.fallar muito bachelor, s. bacherel back, s. as costas (to go), voltar atras (to bring), trazer backwards, adv. para traz backward, adj. tardio* a bad, adj. mao (this is), este he mao (he has acted very), obrou muito mal omen, mao agouro badly, adv. malamente bailiff (to a farm), jfe/Zor (to a city), alcayde bait (to) horses, cuidar cavattos bake (to), v. cozer nojorno baker, s. forneiro ball s. (to play with), bola, pela (a dance), baile danca (foot), pela banditti, s. ladrao de estrada, bandido baneful, adj. venenoso, pesti- lente bank, s. banco note, s. letra de cambio banker, s. banqueiro banish (to), v. descorrer baptize (to), bautizar baptism, s. bautismo bar, tranca, cachopo (in music), barra barber, barbeiro bargain, s. pacto, contrato bark (of a tree), casca das ar- vores bark (to), v. descascar barn, s. celleiro baron, s. barao barrel, s. barril barren, adj. esteril bashfulness, s. vergonha, mo- destia basket, s.cesto, condessa,alcofa bason (sugar), acuccareiro bath, s. banho Bath, s. (a city), Bath bathe (to), v. banhar-se battle, s. batalha bay horse, s. cavallo baio be (to), v. aux. ser, estar quiet, estai quieto imp. so, ou est a (I shall), serei, estarei ■ (let them), estejao beans, s.favas bear (to), levar him (1 cannot), nao o posso aguantar bear, (an animal), s. urso> usso beard, s. barba bearer, s. portador beast, s. besta beat (to), v. bater dar pan- cadas (time in music), fazer compasso beautiful, adj. bello formoso beauty, s. belleza, formosura beaver, s. o castor 104 INDEX because, conj. por que or por quanto becoin (to), v.fazer-se becoming, adj. conveniente decente, que convem your age, que convem a sua idade bed, s. cama side, o lado da cama (in), na cama clothes, s. roupa da cama (to go to), deitar-se stead, s. catre leito room, s. dormitorio bed, s. colchao deflouxel — — (strawberry), madron- heiro (straw), enxergao bee, s. abelha beech, s. hay a beech- tree, s. hay a beer, s. cerveja (small), pequena cerveja beef, s. vaca 9 came de vaca (roast;, s. vaca assada been, p. p. sido 9 estado (he has), elle ha sido befall (to), v. acontecer, suc- ceder before, prep, and adv. antes me (he arrived), chegou antes de mim long, antes de pouco (in the presence of, diante de seven, antes de as sete beg (to), v. mendigar, pedir- esmola leave (to), v. pedir li- cenca your pardon (I), peco-vos perdao — bread (to), pedir esmola beggary, s. pobresa, miseria begin (to), v. principiar, co- me$ar beginning, s.principio> origem begun, p. y.principiado behalf, s. em favor por amor de (in my), em meu favor behave (to), v. n. portarse 9 haverse behaviour, s. o modo com que alguem se porta behind, adv. and prep, cfe- traz (backwards), por detraz behold, adv. eis; eilo 9 ali 9 eila ali ! verobservar! being, s. a essencia 9 ou exis* tencia de qualquer cousa (part, of to be), sendo ou estando asked, sendo preguntado told, tendo-lhe ditto believe (to), v. crer 9 darfe believed, p. p. crido belief, s.f§ 9 credito, crenqa bell (of a church), sino (of a room), campainha bellowing, s. mugido 9 rouco belong (to), v. pertencer belonging to, pertencente a beloved, adj. amado 9 querido below, adv. em baxo belt, s. boldre bench, s. banco beneath, pron. abaixo enferior a benefit (to), v. beneficio beneficial, proveitoso benefitted, p. p. beneficiado berry, s. baga (goose), gro$r v a INDEX 105 below, adv. & prep, de bdixo \ birth, s. nacimento bend (to), v. encurvar, dobrar Bengal, Bengalee bent, s. (inclination), in- clinddo beseech (to), v. supiicar, pedir beside, prep, perto, aope, junto besides, prep, de mdis, alem disso. fora disso, alem de que best, adj. optimo, muito bom: is birth-day, s. dia do nacim&ito de alguem bishop, s. bispo, m. bite (to), morder, bitter, adj. amargoso, azedo black (a), negro, preto bird, s. melro, ou merlo blame (to), v. repreliender culpar bleed (to), v. sangrar^ perder sangue never used in compliments ; bled, p. p. sangrado for instance, present my blemish (to), deshonrrar best respects, use facame favor de por me aos seus pes (if it is to a lady), or de fazer-lhe comprimentos da da minha parte (if it is to a gentleman) bestow (to), v. a. dar, oufazer favores bet, s. huma, aposta bet (to), v.apostar,fazer hu- ma aposta betimes, adv. cedo better, mellior better and better, adv. cada vez mellior day, the better deed, (proverb) bom dia boa obra between, prep, entre beyond, prep, alem Bible, s. Biblia, f. bid (to), v. mandar, ordenar ; to invite, invitar, convidar he bids them good bye, diz-lhes a Deos bill, s. escrito em cartaz of exchange, s. letra de cdmbio bind (to), v. encadernar bird, s,pdssaro, m. bless (to), v. abencoar, deitar a bencao, louvar blessing, s. bencao blind (to), v. cegar, ^rimr da vista adj. and subs, cego, que naove blood, s. sangue - horse, s. cavallo de ccistra blot, s. borrao, mancha, s blotting paper, s. papel para encliugar o escrito blow, s. panedda (to), as flowers, abrirse (to), out the candle, apagar a vela (to), one's nose, v. assoar-se blows (the wind) hard, o vento assopra muito blue, adj. and subs, azul blush (to), v. n. corar, fa- zer-se vermelho com vergon- ha board (on), v. a bordo de hum navio boat, s, barco, barca, batel I boatman, s. barqueiro, m. [body, s. corpo, m a busy body 9 106 INDEX. hum entrometido ; every body, todos ; nobody, nin- guem ; somebody, algufrm bold, &di].vaiente, valeroso Bombay, s. Bombai bonnet, s. chapeo book, s. livro, m. — — ' (day), s. diario, m. — binder, s. encadernador - (prayer), s. livro de oracoes seller, s. livreiro. m. A boot-maker, s sapateiro boot, s. bota f. born, adj. nacido f (to be), v. nacer, nacido borrow (to), v. a. tomar em- prestddo both, pron. ambos y tanto hum como o outro my brother and I were there, meu irmao e eu es- iivemos ali, ou acold bottle, s. garrdfa bought, p. p. comprado bound (to be), estar obrig&do (as a book), p.p. en- cadernado bountiful, adj . liberal bounty, s liber 'alidade ! , gene- rosiddde box, s. caxa ; moneybox, cax- inha — — of a play house, camar- ote (work), caxa, de cosiura tree, s. o buxo boy, s. rapaz, mancebo bran, s.farelo brandy, s. agoa ardente, f. brave, adj. valente, animoso bread, pao m. breadth, s. largura, f. break of day, o romper do dia breakfast, v. almocar (to), v. almoco brew (to), v. a.fazer cerveja house, or brewery, s. casa onde sefaz a cerveja brewer, s. cervejeiro, m. briar (sweet), roseira brava brick, s. tijolo ou ladrilho kiln, s.fomopara cozer o tijolo layer, s. ladrilhador house, s. casa de ladri- Iho ou de tijolo bridge, s. ponte Brighton, s. Brighton bring (to), v. a. trazer. Ex. I was bringing in the din- ner, eu servia ou trazia o jantdr — - back (to), v. a. trazer up (to), criar 9 educar british museum, s. o museo britanico british fleet, a armada ingleza broad, adj. largo broken, pp. quebrddo brook, s. ribeyro broom, s.gesta, ou gesteira broom«stick, s. mango broth, caldo y m. brother, irmao, m. in-law, s. cunhddo, m. brought, p. p. trazido brown, adj, and subs, trigueiro brown bread, s. pao trigueiro brush, s. escovar, o limpar brute, s. & adj. bruto brutish, adj. brutal bud, s. botao, ou gomo das dr- vores (of a rose) botao de rosa bud, v. brotar INDEX. 107 build (to), v. a. fabricar, ediflcar building, s. edificio, fdbrica bull, s. tburo ; bulla do papa finch, s. pisco of keys, s. molho de chdves bundle, s. envoltorio, molho feixe Buonaparte, s, Bonaparte burden, s. carga, peso Burgundy, Borgonha, f. burial, s. ent&rro, officio de difunto burn (to), v.- a. queimar, abrazar burnt, adj. queimddo burst (to), v. a. and n. arre- bentar, estourar (to) out laughing, elle arrebentou de riso bury (to), v. a. enterrar es- conder bush, s. arbusto bushel, s. hum alqueire business, s. negocio, ocupacao bustle, s. estrondo but, conj . porem, mas, senao, excepto how are we to do % mas que faremos (in the sense of only), butcher, s. camicHro butter, s. manteiga man, s. manteigueiro butterfly, s. borboleta buy (to), v. a. comprar by, adv. perto, junto pegcido prep, por (to put), v. por a hum so, somente : Ex. : We have but ten thousand pounds, so oa som&nte temos dez mil libras esterlinas butt end of a musket, ciddtra lado por pp. (praised), louvado pp. (loved), amado por, ou de one's self, so, por si mesmo — all means, certamente, sem duvida — the bye, de passagem, de passo three o'clock, as ires horas — yourself, so and by, logo, cVaqui a pbuco — speaking, falldndo — two feet, de dous pes — - it, por isso — much, de y on por muito Mr. F. de P. por o Senh- ,n % or F. de P, — one o'clock, a huma hora — stander, s. espectador — water, por agua sight, de vista by-way, camlnho retirddo C. Cabbage, s. couve cabin (in a ship), camara, ca~ cabin, camarasinha, cabana marote quarto pepueno dehmna casa ' cake, queijdda, bolo 108 INDEX, calamity, s. desgrdga, calami- dade calf, s.vitela P m. bezerrinho,i calf's head, s. cabeca de vi- tSla call up in the morning (to), acordar, despertar (to) upon, Mr ver ou visitdr alguem (to), again, v. chamar outra ves, ou novamente (at), Mr ver -(to) out, v. chamar para fora desafiar called upon to do it, obrigado afaz^-lo calm v. sossegar, abonancar camel, s. camelo, m. can, v.poder, (esteverbo denota poder e o ver bo may denota permissao canal, s. canal, m. canary-bird, s. canario, m. candle, vella, luz candlestick, s. castiqdl cane, s. canna cannon, s. canon, m. ball, s. bala de canon shot, s. bala . cap, s. barrete f. night-cap, barrete da nbite capable, adj. capaz captain, s. capitao, m. capital, s. and adj. capital cards, carta de jogar : a pack of cards, maco de cartas : to play at c&vds, jugar as car- tas table, mesa de jogo cardinal, s. car deal, m. care s. cuidar, estar com cuidado ~(to take), v tomar seniido, ter cuidado, (to beware) a cauteldr-se (I do not), nao se me da, nao me impbrta careful, adj. cuidadoso, dili- gente careless, adj. descuidddo, neg- ligente, que naofaz caso de nada carelessly, adv. negligSnse- mente com desciiido, sem cui- dado carpenter, s. carpinteiro carpet, s. tapete carriage, s. carruagem air, or demeanour, as- pecto, sembldnte carry (to), v. a. (things that cannot walk), levar, con- duzir, acarretar (to), (things that can walk), trazer, ou levar com- sigo cart, s. carro case, s. caso (in), conj. en caso, se assim fosse cash, s. dinheiro de contddo cask, s. barril castle, s. castello cat, goto, m. gata, f. catch cold (to )*apanharhuma constipacao catch (to), v. tomar, apanhar cause, s. causa, racao, motive cellar, s. adega cent (per), por cento century, s. centuria certain, adj. certo certainly, adv. certamente chaffinch, cliamariz chain, s. cadea chair, s. cadeira IKDEX. 108 chair (arm), s cadeirapoltrbna chaise (post), s. segem deposta chambermaid, s. camareira change, s. (money), cdmbio changeable, adj. muddvel changed, mudado chapel, s. capella, f. charge, s. carga,pezo charge, v. carregar character, s. cardcter charcoal, s. carvao charitable, adj. caritativo, ca- ridosa charity begins at home, pro v. a cariddde bem ordendda comeza por si mesmo Charles, s. Carlos, m, cheap, adj. bardto (very), muyto bardto cheaper, comp. mdis bardto cheat (to), v. a. enganar, de- fraudar at play, trapaceiro - s. engdno, enganador cheek, s.face cheese, s. queijo cherry, s. cereja, f tree, s. cerejeira chess, s. o jogo do xadrez chest, s. cdixa, ou caixao de madeira ; peito . of drawers, gaveta chimney, s. chemine, f. chicken, s, pinto, ou pintainho chief-officer, superior, princi- pal chilblains, s. frieira child, s. menino ; huma crianca chin, s. barba, f. chocolate, s. chocolate choose (to), v. a. escolher 9 choose (which) do you % qua! escolhe ? christen (to), v. a. bautizar christening, s. bautismo, m. christian, subs, and adj. christao Christmas, s. dia de natal eve, s. vespera de natal church, s. igr§ja, f. begins, comeza o servigo cinders, s. carvoens, ou brazas apagddas cinnamon, s. cinamomo city, s, ciddde civil, adj. civil civility, s. cortezia clasp, s. brocha, feita de latao, ouro, 6$c. clay, s. barro clear, adj. lucido, transparente clerk, s. escrevente, hum sa- cristao clever, adj. esperto, hdbil, capdz, destro closet, s. gabinete cloth (linen), s. panno linho (woollen), s. panno, de (table), toalha da mcza (horse), s. gualdrapa, f clothes (suit of), s, vestido clothes (bed), s cobertor cloud, s. nuvem cloudy, adj. nevoddo, coherto de nuvens coach, s. coche, m. (by), em diligencia (hackney), s. coche de aluguel house, s. cocheira, f. maker, s. o que fas os coches •K 110 INDEX coal, s. carvao de pedra coat, s. vestido, m. coffee, s. cafe , m. mill, s. moinlio de cafe coffin, s. ataude, m. cold, s.frio (it is),fazfrio (I am), tenhofrio (it was), faziafrio (to be), estar, ou ter frio • (I was), era, ou estdva frio ; or eu tinhafrio - (my feet are), tenho os pesfrios (my hands are), tenho as maos frias collar, s. color, cabecao da capa coleira de caens college, s, collegio, m. colonel, s. coronet , m. colour, s. cor , m. box, s. caxa de cores comb, s. pente (to), v. a. pentear come (to), v. n. vir, chegar back, v. tornar, ouvoltar (is she) % chegou ella ? to (how much do they), quanto custao ? (to) again, v. voltar outra vez (to) down, v. descer — • out (to), v. sahir para fora forward (to), adiantarse comedy, s. comedia, f. comfort, s. confdrto comfortable, adj . confortatwo command (to), v. a. mandar, governor dar ordens commit (to), v. a. cometer, fazer common, s. commum, vil 9 baxa ordindrio, publico company, s. companhia (East India), companhia das Indias compel (to), v. compeler complain (to), v. n. queiadr- se, compadecer-se, lamentar complaint, s. que~ixa, doGnza lamentacao compliment, s. cumprimento compose (to), v. a. compor condemn (to), v. a. condenar, condescend (to), v. condes- cender condition (on), conj. condicao s. condicao conduct, s. direccao, guia, procedimento congratulate (to), v. a. con- gratular, dar os parabens consent (to), v. n. consentir s. consento, consentimento conservatory, conservatorio, m consider (to), v. a. considerar, duvidar, estar perplexo considerable, adj. conside- rdvel consist (to), v. existir, concor- dar, convir, constar consort, s. consorte constantly, adv. constante- mente firmemente constitution, (body), s. cons- tituicao consult (to), v. considtar contain (to), v. a. confer, encerrar contemptible, adj . desprez'wel contempt, s. desprezo content, adj. contente, alegre satisfeito INDEX* 111 contents, s. o conteudo, m. continent, s. continente continue (to), v.n. continuar 9 durar, perseverar contradict (to), v. a, contra- dizer repugnar, oppor-se contrary, adj. contrdrio contribute (to), v,a. contrihuir conversation, s. conversacao converse (to), v. n. conversar convince (to), v. a. convencer algnem cook, s. cozinMiro copy (to), v. copia, escritura book, s. quademo corn, s.paens, grao or oats, avea on the toe, s. callo, m. market, s. mercado do trigo factor, contratador de country (in the), no campo — -« (native), patria, f. county, s. provincia, con- dado, courage, s. valor, dnimo, cordgem, on cordge course, s. carreiro^ cur so — — ■ (of), de carreira - (in the) of a fortnight, trigo coronation, s. coroacao correspond (to), v, n. corres- ponder cost (to), v. n. costar cottage, ! s. cabana, choupdna choca cough (to), v. n. tossir s. tosse could, imp. ten. podia -cond. ten. poderia do it (if I), se eu pu- dess \fazS lo I but see them, se eu pu~ desse somente ve-hs counsel, s. advogddo (to), v. a. a advogddo count (to), v. a. contar 9 com- putar country, %. provincia, pdtria seat, s. Mima quint a, ou casa de campo em quinze dias court, s. corte, paldcio, paco - yard, s. pdteo, ou patio cousin, s. primo, a covetous, adj. avdro cow, s. vaca 9 f. cowhouse, s. curralde vacas coward, s. and adj. cobdrde crab, s. caranguejo cracked, part. past, fendido cracker, s. buseape cradle, s. berco cravat, s. cravdta cream, s. nata cheese, s. queijo de nata jug, s. vaso de nata creator, s. criador credit, s. credito,fe credulous, adj . crMuio creed, s. o credo, profissao da f* cricket, s jo go d pela,jogo que, se joga, dando numa pela com hum pao, 3$c, crime, s. crime criminal, adj. s. criminal, cri- minoso cross (the), s. liuma cruz, cruzeiro (to be), estar enfadado estar de mdo humor mdo humor, caprichoso crotchet (in music), seminima \ crow, s. corvo 12 INDEX. crowd, s. multidao ■ of children, reboliqo, de meninos crown, s. coroa cruel, adj. cruel, deshumdno cruelty, s. cruelddde crueza crumb, s. o miolo do pao crust, s. codea depao crutches, s. moleta, ou muleta cry, s. grito, grit aria, alarido out (to), gritar, chamar cucumber, s. pepino culprit, s. a pessoa accusada cultivate (to), v. cultivar cunning, adj. destro, capaz, fino cup, s. taca eupboard, s. almario curate, s. cur a, ou parrocho curb, s. barbella ; freo cure, v. curar curiosity, s. curiosiddde curious, adj. curioso currants, s. uvas de corintho curtain, s. cortina cushion, s. coxim, ou almo- fdda customs (the), costumes, ha- bito custom-house, s. o alfondega customer, s.freguez cut, v. cortar, talhar — — down (to), costar, deitar, abdxo for deal, levantar as cartas one's self, v. cortar-se cutter (a ship), cutter D. Daily, adj. quotidianamente damage, s. prejuizo, ddno damp, adj. kumido Jit was), fazia tempo humido dampness, s. liumidade dance, v. dangar, bailar s. danca. bdile dancing- master, s. mestre de danqa room, s. sala de danca dandy, s. presumido danger, s. perigo, risco dangerous, adj. perigoso ar- riscddo dangerously, adv. perigosa- mente dare, v. atrever-se, desafiar dark, adj. escuro, opdco (it is),faz escuro daughters, humafilha daughter (grand), neta in law, s. nora day, s. dia - after to-morrow, depbis de a manhaa (so much a ), tanto por dia, ou cada dia — (the) before, o dia antes — (this), hoje — (every), cada dia — (all), todo o dia \_dia light, s. dia claro ; alto dog days, dias caniculdres dazzle, v. offuscar, encandear a vista dazzled with, offuscado com deacon, s. diacono dead, adj. morto deaf, adj. surdo, mouco deal (wood), abete, ou abeto ; madeira INDEX. 113 deal (to), at cards, v. dar as cartas (it is my), eu dou as cartas (to), v. negociar, tratar dear, adj. caro dearer, adj. comp. mats caro death, s. a morte debt, s. divida deceitful, adj. enganoso deceive (to), v. a. enganar December, s. dezembro declare (to), v.a. declarar, ex- plicar decline (to), v. declinar-se, abaxar deed, s. accaOyfeito, obra — — (title), s. Hnstrumenio, acto, ou escritura, autentica deep, adj. proj \mdo deep, adj . prof undo, fun do (cunning), astuto, sagas deer, s. veado, cervo, corco defence, s. defensa, prohibicao defend (to), v. a. defender, prohibir degree, s. grao degrees (by), pouco a pouco, por degrdos, gradualmente delicate, adj. ^720, bello delight (to), v. deleitar, dar- gosto, agradar delight in (I), muito me agrada deligthtful, adj . agradavel, aprazivel, deleitavel demand, s. preguntar, re- querer, aupretender alguma cbusa denial, s. negativa, repulsa deny (to), v. a. negar depend (you may) upon it, pode-se far nisso desert, s. (wilderness), de- serto, soleddde, ou solidao s. sobremesa deserve (to), v. merecer design, s. designio, intento desire (to), v. a. desejar, pedir desire, s. desejo desires (Mrs. W.), her com- pliments, v. a Senhora de TV, emvia os seus cum- primientos a desirous, desejoso de desk, s. bqfete despicable, adj. vil, baxo, de§- prezivel despise (to), v. a. desprezar destroy (to), v. desiruir, ar- ruinar determine (to), v. a. deter- minor dew, s. orvdlho dexterous, adj. destro dial (sun), s. relogio da sol diamond, s. diamante, m (at cards), s. auros dictionary, s. dicciondrio did he jump ? saltou ellel I %fiz eu ? they jump? saltaron% you { ha v. m. ? you set off? marchon vmce ? —■ — we read ? le mos ? he studv ? esiudbu% you receive* recebeu vmce V — you laugh ? rio vmce ? — I come ? vim eu ? — I not give ? nao dei eu ? you do us? fizemos- nos% — he answer ? respondeu ? 114 INDEX. did (yes he), sim or sim senhor he go there ? elle foi Id (for I did) not see you, por que nao o vi you say ? dice vmce ? you not see? nao vio vmce ? you hear? ouvio% die with (to), v. morrer de diet, s. diet a differ (to), v. n. diferir difference, s. diferenccu, f. different, adj. diferente, di- verso difficult, adj. dificil, difficul- ddde difficulties, s. dificuldddes dig (to), v. cavar, com Tiuma enxdda dignity, s. dignidade honra diligence, s. diligencia, cui- dddo diligent, adj . diligente attento dine (to), v. n.jcmtar dining-room, s. casa ou cuarto dejantar^oprim^irosobrado ou audar de huma casa dinner, ojantar dint (by), aforca de direct (to), v. dirigir, enca- minhar letters, v. por o sobres- crito de huma carta directed (whose labours have been), cujos trabalhos fora dirijidos direction s. (of a letter) di- reccao directly, adv. directamtmte dirty, adj. sujo,porco disappoint (to), v. frustar, f altar a palavra disappointed, adj. pp. ser enganadv, enganar-se disappointment, s. logracm logro,falta de palavra discharge (to) a servant, v. despedir (bills) recibo quitacao (to) one's duties, v. o seu dever discover (to), v. a. descobrir disease, s. doenga, enfermi- dade dislike, s. desafeicao (to), v.n. aborrecer, nao gostar (I) this, nao gosto disso dismiss (to), v. despedir, de- mitir displease (to), v.a. desagradar, offender displeasure, s. desprazer, ag- gravo dispute, s. disputa, contenda (to), v. a. disputar, dis- cutir dissatisfy (to), v. desagradar, descontentar distance, s. distancia, f. distant, adj. distante, remoto distinguish (to), v. a. dis- tinguir ditch, s.fosso, rego divine, adj. divino, excellente do (to), v.fazer, obrar you go out ? saifora c 4 (what shall I) ? que far6i com elles ? - you speak % fallals ? you like that? gosto disso ? (how do they) ? como estao ? INDEX. 115' do (how does your father)? como esta 6 vosso pay ? you study ? estuda vmce ? they write ? escrevem, elles ? doctor, s doutor does it (he), ellefa-lo ■ not fear (he), nao tern mSdo dog, s. cao, pi. caens doing it (I have left off), deixar defaze-lo justice, fazer, oufazendo justica doll, s. boneca done, p. part, of do 9 feito (it is), esta] jfeito, ac- abado door, s. porta, f. dose (of physic), dosis double, adj. dobrado, outro tanto doubt (to), v. duvidar 9 sos- peitar 9 recear s. duvida (no), nao duvidar dough, s. maca 9 do pao down, prep. ad. abaxo (to come), v. descer dozen, s. huma duzia drag (to), v. a. arrastar draw (to), v. tirar 9 arrastar draw with a pencil, v. dibuxar drawer, s. gaveta, f. drawing, s. debuxo, pintura delineacao drawing-room, s. sala dress (to), v. vestir, ornar s. vestido, hdbito dresser, s. trincho, talhador dress-maker, s. modista drink (to), v. beber drive (to), v. conduzir, levar (to take a) Mr em cocke ■ (to) away, v. lancar fora, fazer despejar, impellir (to) a nail, v. pregar drop (to), v. deixar cahir, go- tejar s. gota, oupinga drown (to), v. c. afugar em agoa 9 inundar drunkenness, s. bebedice duck, s. a pato duke, s. duque 9 m. dull, adj. triste, enfadonho of apprehension, estupido during, prrep. durante dumb, adj. mudo dust, s, po 9 ou poeira dutch, s. Holandez dutiful, a. obediente duty, obrigagao, dever dwarf, s. anao 9 pigmeo dyer, s» tintureiro dynasty, s. dynastia, f 8 E Each, adj. and pron. cada quah person, cada pessba book, cada Uvro each other, hum ao outro (they speak against each other), fallam hums con- tra os outros 116 INDEX. eagerness, s. ardor, impetu ear, s. orelha, f. for music (to have an), vossa merce tern a orelha delicada para a musica ring, s. brincos, ou ar- golas earl, s. titulo que se da em Inglrterra aos condes early, adj. cedo madru- gada earn money (to), v. ganhar, adquirir earth, s. terra, f. easier, aclj. mais facil easily, adv \ facilmente east, s. oriente, nacente, le- vdnte ou leste Easter, s. pascoa de resur- reccao week, s. a semdna de pascoa East Indies, s. as Indias Ori- entdes Indiaman, s. hum navio da India oriental India Company, s. a companhia das Indias eat (to), v. comer Edinburgh, s. Edimburgo educate (to), v. educar, criar eel, s. anguia egg, s. ovo, m. eight, adj. oito eighteen, adj. dezbito eighteenth, adj. decimo oitavo eighth, adj. oitavo eighty, adj. oitenta either, conj. ou o hum ou o outro, ambos de dois elbow, s. o cotovelo eldest brother, s. o mais velho dos irmaos elect (to), v. a. elegir, escolher eleven, adj. onze eleventh, adj undecimo Eliza, s. Eliza ell, s. (a measure), ana, (that is, one Portuguese covado an §. The covado is a mea- sure usedin Portugal, which contains f of a yard or Flemish ell) elm-tree, s. olmo, m. else, adj. outra conj. alias de outra senao elsewhere, adv. em qualqufo' outra parte emblem, s. emblema emperor, s. emperador, m. employ (to), v. ocupar, al- guem empty, adj. vasio, vacuo (to), v. despejar, vasar enable (to), v. a. habilitar encounter, v. pelejar 9 encon- trar-se com alguem end, s. fin, cabo, intento v. acabar, concluir, ter- minar crowns the work (the), ofim coroa a obra endeavour (to), v. procurar, esforqar-se s. dilig§ncia, esforco endure (to), v. sofrer enemy, s. inimigo engage (to), v. a. empenhar, dar empenho prometer engagement, s. promessa, pe- leja, batalha encourage (to), animar, dar animo encouragement, s. a acqao de animar INDEX. 117 England, s. Inglaterra, f. ] ever, adv. nunca, sempre English, adj. ands. Ingles, a enjoy (to), v. lograr, gozar enough, adv. bastante has- tanteminte • it is, basta enquire (to), v. n. inquirir, pesquizar enquiries, s. informacoes ensure (to), v. a. segurar, as- segurar enter (to), v. entrar, registar entertain (to), v.a. agazalhar, hospedar com amor entertains slight hopes (the ' doctor), estd desauciado, ou desconfiado do doutor entreat (to), v. a. rogar 9 pedir envy (to), v. a. envejar, ter efiveja s. enveja, f. equal, adj. igual, wiiforme erase (to), raspar, borrar errors, s. erros escape (to), v. escapar, fugir — s.fugida, disculpa especially, adv. especialmente essential, adj. essential establish (to), v. a. estabelecer estate (domain), s. fazendas, bens de raiz e moveis estate, s. estado, o publico esteem (to), v estimar, avaliar s. estimaqao, estima, apreqo eternity, s. etemidade eve, s. vespera eve (on the), ao ponto de even, adv. verdadeiramente, certamente adj . piano, ignal evening, s. anoitesinha event, s. evento, successo for, para sempre every, adj. cada day, cada dia minute, cada minuto thing, todo. Ex. I have not followed his steps in every thing, nao segui os seus passos em todo time, cada vez where, adv. em toda a parte em qualquer parte evident, adj. evidente, claro, manifesto evil, s. crime, malddde adj . mao, malvddo Europe, Europa, f. exactly, adv. exactamente examine (to), v. examinar examination, s. exame 9 m. exact, adj. exacto, cuidadoso example, s. exemplo, exemplar exceedingly, adv. muitissimo exceed (to), v. a. exceder excellent, adj. excelente except, excepto excite, v. excitar excusible, adj. desculpdml excuse, s. escusa, disculpa f. (to), v. desculpar, per- doar execution, s. execucao executioner, s. o algoz exempt, adj. exento, a exercise, s. exercicio, m. (to), a exercicio Exeter, s. Exeter, (a town) exert (to), esforsdr-se exhaust (to), v. a. exhaurir exhausted, (tired), cancado exhort (to), exliortar exile, s. desterro, desterrddo existence, s. existencia 10 118 INDEX. expect (to), v. a. esperar expense, s. expensa expend (to), v. espender, gastar expensive, adj. extravagante experience, s. experiencia explain (to), v. a. explanar expose (to), v. expor exposed, p.p. exposto expectation, s. expect acao extensive, adj. estensivo extinguish (to), v. a. extinguir extol (to), v. a. louvar, exaltar extraordinary, adj. estraordi- ndrio extreme, adj. summo, exesivo extremely, adj. summam&nte eye, s. olho, a vista glass, s. oculo eyes, s. pi. olhos F. Face, s. car a, face, f rostra, m. faces (to make),fazer caras facility, s. facilidade fact, s. facto , realiddde (in), adv. verdadeira- mente faculties, s. faculdddes fade (to), v. n. murchar-se, passar fail, v. a. f altar, cessar, aca- bar-se faint, v. desfalecer, desmayar fainted away, desmayddo fair, adj. hello, fermdso, claro, puro, recto, justo (a market), s. huma } f§ira fairly, adv. bellamente, lisa- mente — — (to copy), primorosa- mente faithful, adj.j^Z faithfully, adv. fielmente fall down (to), v. cahir abaxar fallen, p.p. caido false, adj . falso falsely, SL&y.falsamente family, s.familia, £ famous, adj. famoso, cSIebre fancy (fashion), s. fantasia, f. capricho, m. (to), v. imaginarse far, adv. longe, de longe (how), quanto ha de aqui ate Id farewell, adv. a Deos, passe vmcemuito hem farm, s. herddde, casdl, granja farmer, s. lavrador fashion, s. forma, modo, moda (after the French), a modaFranceza fashionahle, or in fashion, adv. cousa de moda fast, (quick), adv. mloz fasten (to), (gates), fechar as portas fat, adj . gordo fatal, adj. fatal, funesto fate, s.faao, destino, m. father, pay, m. in law, s. sogro, m. (grand), s. avo, m. fatigue (to), v.fatigar, alguem fault, s. falta, culpa, erro favour, s. favor, m. grdca, f. INDEX. 119 favoured, Si&}.favorecido favourite, s. hum valido fear, s. medo, m. *— — (to), v. temer, ter medo February, s. Fever&ro feeble, adj. debil feel (to), v. sentir, apalpar feeling, s. o sentido do tacto feet s. pi. pes fellow, s. companheiro felt, p. p. sentido fetch (to), v. Mr buscar al- guma coiisa fever, s.febre,f. few, adj. poucos, poucas field, s. campo, m. fifteen, adj. quime fifth, adj. quinto fifty, adj. cmcoe*nta fight (to), v.pelejar, combater s. batalha, peleja figure, s. figura fill (to), v. encher, ocupar find (to), v. achar, desobrir fault (to), Ycensurar out (to), inventar, ex- cogitar fine, adj. fino, puro, bella (very), muito bello weather, bom tempo fined (to be), ser midtddo finely, adv. bellamSnte, bem finger, s. dedo, m. finish (to), v. a. acabar, ter- trtinar fire, s.fogo, lume arms, s armas defogo works, s. fogo arti- firmness, s. firmeza first, adj. and s. primeiro, a (at), noprincipi fish (to) v. n. pescar s, peixe ficial — engine, fogo s. bomba de market, s. ribeira pond, s. viveiro depeixes fisherman, s. pescador, m. fishing-boat, s. barco de pes- cador fishmonger, s. pescadeiro, m, fit, adj . proprio, justo (to), adj. accomadar, adaptar five, adj. cinco flat, adj. piano, horizontal fleet, s. armada flesh, s. came flock, s. rebdnho floor, s. o assoalhado de huma casa ; for story, sobrado, ou andar de huma casa Florence, s. FlorSnqa, a city flour, s.Jarinha flower, s.flor,f. flown away, voado flute, s. flauta, f. fly (to), v. vodr,fugir ■ s. mosca, f. fog, s. nevoeiro, nevm follow (to), v. a. seguir acorn- panhar folly, s. loucura, malicia fond, adj. doudo of (to be), v. gostar sum- mamente food, s. sustento, mantimento fool, s. idiota, tolo 9 bobo foolish, s. tolo, louco foolishness, s, loucura, doudice foot, s. pie, m. foot-ball, s. pela de vento 120 INDEX. footman, s. lacayo fop, s. affectado, presumido for, com], por que that, jtwr «ss0 (in the sense of because), porque : I can not go for I have no money, nao posso Mr por que nao tenho din- heiro all that, con tudo isso, isso nao obstante what % porque ? forbid (to), v, a. prohibir, im- pedir forbidden, adj. prohibido force (to), Y.a,.forsar,obrigar forehead, s. a testa forest, s.floresta, mat a, tapdda forget (to), v. a. esquecer forgive (to), v. a. perdoar forgotten, p. p. and adj. es- quecido fork, s. garfo formerly, adv. antigamente fort, s. forte, castello y fortaUza forte (piano), s. forte piano fortnight, s. quinze dias (this day), de hoje em quinze dias fortunate, adjfeliz ditoso afor- tunado fortunately, adv. felizmente com boafortuna fortune, s.fortuna, ventura forty, adj. quarenta four, adj. quatro fourteen, adj. quatorze fourth, adj. quarto frail, adj . frdgil, frdco franc, (a coin), franco, value, ten pence frank, adj. liberal, generoso France, s. Franca, f. free, adj. libre, sincero from, libre de freedom, s. liber ddde freely, adv. livremhite, liber- alme'nte freeze (to), Y.gelar,geldr-se French, adj. Francez French bean, s.feijoens French language, s a lingoa Franceza fashion (after the), a moda Franceza frequent (to(, y. frequencies frequently, adv. frequente- mente com frequencia fresh, ad], fresco, now recente Friday, Sesta feHra friend, s. amigo, a friendly, adv. amigavelmente adj. benigno, benevolo friendship, s. amizdde frighten (to), v. a. atemgrizur frightful, adj. terrivel, hor- rendo from, prep, de, do, dos, da, das front (of a house), fachdda, f. frost, s. geldda frozen, adj. gelddo fruit, s.fruto,fruta fruitful, adj. fructifero fulfil (to), v. a. comprir a palavra full, adj. cheo, abunddnte fully, adv. totalmknte fund, s. cabeddl furniture, s. moveis, armaqao cortinas further, a&Y.mdis longe future (for the), para ofuturo s,futuro, hi* INDEX 121 G. Gain (to), v. ganhar gambler, s. jogador ao game, s. ( dead game), caza, o que se mata a caza garden, s. jar din, horta gardener, s. jardineiro, lior- tolao gate, s. portao cancella gather (to), colher, colegir gem, s. joya general, s. geral, m. (major), sargento mor de brig ado generally, adv. geralmente* em gerdl generous, adj. generoso, liberal Geneva, s. Ginebra, f. (a town of Switzerland Genoa, s. Geneva, f. (a town of Italy genteel, adj. airoso, bizdrro, polido, cortez gentleman, cavalleiro, fidalgo gentilhome geography, s. geograpMa, f. geometry, s. geometria, f. George, s. Jorge German, s. Alemao, m. Germany, s. Alemanha, f. get up (to), v. levantar-se wet (to), v. molhar-se rid of (to), v. livrar-se de through (to), atrvessar get anything by it (I shall not), nao alcancarei nada por isso (to), v. alcancar, obter into (to), entrar giddiness, vagddo, vertigem giddy, adj. inconstante gift, s. dom, dadiva girl, s. rapariga, menina give (to), v. a. conceder give an answer, v. dar reposta a huma carta glad, adj. contente, aUgre glass, s. espelho glitter (to), v. n. resplandecer, luzir glory, s. gloria, honra, f. glove, s. luva go (shall I go?) irei% (to) up, v. subir (to) down, v. descer in, v. entrar (to) out, v. sahir away, Tiirse embbra, (to) back, v. arrecuar, voltarpar traz (to) on, v. continuar Mr para diante (1 could not) half a mile, nao pude andar met/a milha goat, s. cabrao, m. cobra, f. God, Deos, m. save the king, Viva el- rey father, s. padrinho - mother, s. madrinha daughter, s. afilhdda going (he was), Ma to sing (he was), Ma a cantar gold, s. ouro ; dinheiro good, adj. bom, m. boa, f. for-no thing fellow, hum velhdco good bye, a Deos (you have been), vos tendes sido bom 10 * 122 INDEX, good (be so), quiere v. dig- narse goods, f azendas, mercadoria s goodness, s. bondade, f. goose, s. ganso, m. gospel, s. evangelho, m. got safe home (we), chegdmos d casa salvos govern (to), v. governar governess, s. governadora, ay a de meninas nobres gown, s. garndcha, toga rou- pas, vestido de mulher grace, exselencia, f. gradually, adv. gradualmente grammar, s. gramatica, f. grand- daughter, s. net a, f. father, s. o avo m. grant (to), v. a. dar, conceder grapes, s. uvas, f. pi. grass, s. herva grave, s. sepultura gravel, s. cascdlho, are* a grossa Gravesend, Gravesende gravy, s. o sumo, o suceo da came greasing (they want), necessi- tao untar-se great, adj. grande great many a&.muitos grande greater, adj. mais grande; mayor greatest, adj. maxima greatly, adv. grandeme*nte Greek, s. Grego (language,), s. o Grego, ou a lingoa grega green, s. verde house, s. a casa 6m que se j __ — ^ — poem ao abrigo as plantas tenras grey, adj . par do, cinzento grief, s. tristeza, magoa, pesar, pena grocer, s. especieiro, m. groom, s. moco da estrebaria gros de Naples, seda de Nd- poles, (a silk) grossest (the), o mais grosso ground, s. terra, chao grounded, p. part, mordo grow, v. n. crescer growing, p. pres. crescendo grumble (to), v. rosnar, mur- murar guard, s. guar da, guar das guilty, adj. criminoso guinea, s. guinea, f. gunpowder, s.polvora, f. gun, s. canhao H. Habit, s. (a lady's), vestido de montar a cavallo s. (custom), habito, cos- tume hackney-coach, s. coche de al- uguel had you spoken % si vm. fal- lasse come (if you), se vm. vinesse had rather not (I), nao, grdcas you rather go there ? quizera vossa merce mais bem Mr ? it not been for me, se naoforapor mim hair, s. cabello, pelo dresser, s. cabeleireiro half, s. a met tide, meya parte INDEX. 123 half-past four, quatro horas e meya hall, s. sola (servant's), s. entrada,i ham, s. curva da perna, pre- sunto do quarto trazeiro hammer, s. martello, m. hands of a watch, s. mmoteiro hand, s. a mao (to), v. dar, entregar, passar handkercheif, s. lenco handle, s. cabo de huma faca, espada e assa handsome, adj. bello, formoso happen (to), v. n. suceder, acontecer happened, sucedido happier, adj. maisfaliz happiness, s.feliciddde happy, n&j.jeliz, afortunddo (in the sense of pleased), contente, agradddo hard, adj. duro, solido frost, geada muito forte (to study), estudar muito hardly, adv. a penas ever, adv. quasi nunca harmonious, adj . harmonico has (he), el ha just left, acaba de saliir haste (to make), v. apressarse (hi), deprkssa, apressa hat, s. chap6o hate (to), v- odiar, aborrecer have (to), v. a. haver, ter (to) just, acdbar de none (I ), nao tenho nen- hum any thing (to), alguma cousa — (yes I), sim senhor hay, s.feno, m, market, s. mercado do feno he, or it, pron : elle loves, elle ama head, s. cabSca, f. ache, dor de cabeca health, s. saude healthy, adj. sao,rijo, valente hear (to), v. ouvir, escutar heard from you (I), soube de vm. hearing, (a sense), a acgao de ouvir heart, s. o coragao heartily, adv. cordialmente, sinceramente heat, s. color, m. heaven, s. o ceo heavy load (a), s. caminho es- cabroso hedge, s. sebe height, s. altura Helena, St. Sta. Helena help (to), v. ajudar^supprir hem (a), bainha hence, adv. daqui her, pron. sua, sew, s. (I see), vejo-a here, adv. aqui, neste lugar they are, elles sir, aqui senhor hereafter, adv. daqui por diante hers, pron. seu, sua, delle, della herself, si hesitate (to), v. n. hesitar hesitation, s suspensao, duvida high, adj. alto, levantado higher, adj. mais alto highest, adj. muito mais alto merit, o mais grande merito 124 INDEX. high-road, s. estrada real, caminho publico highly, adv. altamente highwayman, s. ladrao de estradas hill, s. outeiro him (I see), pron. vejo-o (with), com elle (for) para elle (against), prep, contra elle himself, pron. elle mesmo hinder (to), v. impedir, em- baracar hindered, p. p. impedido hire (to), v. a. alvgar, assa- m lariar his, pron. pos. s§u, sua history, historia, f. hogshead, s. tonel, barril, m. hold, v. agarrar, conter 9 con- vocar holidays -s. dias santos,fSrias Holland, s. Holanda home, s* a casa onda alguSm mora, apatria ' (I am at), estou em casa honest, adj. honesto, honrado honey, s. mel, m. honor, s. honra, digniddde • — — (to), v. a. honrar, re- verenciar honorable (as), ilustre, nobre hoop, s. arco, anSl, sortilha hope (to), v. esperar s. esperdnca horn, s. cor no horse, s. cavdllo (saddle), s. cavdllo de montar back (on), adv. a ca- hour, s. hora, f. house s. casa, mordda (mansion), s. paldcio (coach), s. cocheira, f. (green), s. a casa em que se poem ao abrigo aspldntas tenras (brew), s. casa onde ]se jaz a cerveja (play), s. theatro vdllo hot, adj. quente household, familia how, adv. como, de que ma- neira — — much ? quanto ? dark it is ! que escuro fazl glad I am to see you a- gain, cuanto me alegro ver pretty she is ! que bello he! — long he is ! quanto tarda — long, quanto tempo — far ? quanto ha de aftfi ate la % — are ? como estais vos ? ■— far it is, quanto ha de aqui la — large, que, quao grande long have you learned * quanto tendes estudddo c $ lone since? quanto tempo ha many (or much? quanto c 4 long is it since t quanto tempo ha disso however, adv. nao obstante, ao menos com tudo isso bad, aindaque sSja mdo so great, por grande que seja long have you been here? quanto tempo ha que estais aqui INDEX If* z. human, adj. humdno humane, adj. humano humble, a. humilde humbly, adv. humildemente hundred, a. cem, cento hungry (to be), ter fome adj . que tern fome (I am very), tenho muita fome hunger, s.fome hunter, s. cassador'monteiro : coo or cavdllo de cassa hunting, s. a accao de cassar hurricane, s.faracao de vento hunt (to), v. cassav^ montear hurt (to), v.fazer mal 9 ferir, magoar (to) one's selfjfazer-se mal, magoar-se hush, silencio husband, s. marido, m. husbandman, lavrador husbandry, s. cultura da terra hyacinth, s.jacinto I. I, pers. pron. en James, s. Santiago, m. Jane, s. Juana, f. January, s. Janeiro idle, adj. ocioso, preguicoso, desocupddo, inutil idleness, preguiga, ociosiddde jealous, cioso, que tern ciumes jest (to), v. burlar. mofar jest, s. burla, f. jewel, s. jot/a, brinco jeweller, s ouvives, oujoialheiro if conj. (he should come), se elle viese he comes, se elle vem he likes, se elle quer 9 ou gosta you please, se vmce. gosta, ou quer so, em tal caso ignorance, s. ignorancia, f. ignorant, adj . ignordnte ill, s. malddde, malicia adj. maOy doente manners, s. ma criaqao, descortezia, descomedimento ~* — - breeding, s. ma criacao ill omen, mao agouro nature, s. maogenlo treat (to), v. maltratar (to be), v. estar doGnte illness, s. doenqa illuminate (to), v. ilum%nar 9 adornar, ilustrar imitate (to), v. a. imitar immediately, adv. immediate- mente, logo 9 ao instante impair (to), v. empeorar, aU terar, arruinar impart (to), v. a. comunicar, participar impertinently, adv. imper- tinentemente implement, s utensilio, instru- ment, m. impossible, a. impossible improve, v. melhorar, cultwar improvement, s. melhora 9 f. proveito, m. in, prep. em 9 dentro inattention, s inaplicacion, f. inconvenient, adj. inconveni- hite incorrigible, adj. incorregivel 126 INDEX. incessant, continue, constante incessantly, adv. continua- mente indebted (to be), endividado, obrigddo — — to you (I am twice), es- tou-lhe dobradamente indeed, adv. na verddde, ver- dadeiramente indiaman, s. navio da India indian, s. cousa da India rubber, s. goma elastica india-house, s. a casa da India Indies (East), India indisposed, adj. indisposto, a indisposition, s. indisposiqao, mfermidade, f. induce (to), v. induzir, per- suadir indulgence, s. indulgencia, f. industry, s. industria, f. inestimable, a. inestimavel infant, s. hum menino ate a iddde de sete annos ; infante infirmity, s. doenqa, enfermi- ddde inform (to), v. enformar, dar noticia information, s. aviso, m. in- formagao, f. ingenious, adj. ingensoso, ha inhabitant, habitante, mora- dor, m. injure (to), v. faster injustiqas, prejudicar injured, p. p. prejudicado ink, s. tint a, f. inkstand, s. tinteiro, m. inn, s. estalagem (low), taberna, f. keeper, s. estalajadeiro innocent, s. and adj . . inocente inoculated, enxertado, inocifc lado inquire, v. a. inquirir inquisitive, a, curioso insist, v. a. insistir instant, s. importuno, que insta instead, prep, em vez de, em lugar de instep, s. opeito do pe institution, s. instituiqao instruct, v. instruir, ensinar instruction, s. instruicgao instrument, s. instrumento,m (used for piano-forte), piano-forte insult, s. insulto, m. injuria, f insulting, adj. insultante intelligent, a. inteligente intelligible, adj. inteligivel intend (to), v. ter cuidddo, estar attento, pensar intended (I), tinhapensddo intention, s. attenqao, intGnto interest, s. intere'sse, proveito interesting, adj. agradavel intermix (t@), v. misturar intermixed, p.p. and adj. misturado interrupt, v. a. interromper interrupted, p. p. interrom- pido into, prep, em, dentro intoxicate (to), v.a. embebedar fazer bebedo intoxicated, encantado, en- feitiqado, emborrachado introduction, s. introducqao invite (to), v. a. comvidar join (to), v.juntar, unir joiner, s. ensamblador joke, s. brinco, galanteria, facecia (by way of),por zomba INDEX, 127 journey, s. Jornada joy, s. alegria Ireland, s. Irlanda, f. Irish, s. IrlandSz is it ? e elle % 6u ella % it not ? nao e assim ? — ■ — it so ? 6 isso assim ? there any ? ha algum ? sold, vendeo-se he come % vem elle 1 it hot % faz calor ? island, ilka, i. it rains, chove (I thank you for), dou- Ihe graqas por isso ; gracas is, he isso (that is,) isso he it is not true, nao he ver- dade is true, he verdade, ou verdadeiro is a man, he hum homem Italian, s. and adj. Itdliano Italy, s. Italia, f. judge, s. juiz July, s. Julho jump (to), v. saltar s. salto, m. June, s. Junho just, adj. justo — left, acaba de sahir — now, adv \ presentemente passed, acaba depassar juvenile, adj. juvenil K. Keep (to), ter, guardar s. guar da, custudia key, s, chave kill (to), v. a. matar killed, p. p. morto kind, adj. benigno s. custa, especie, sorte kindness, s benigncddde kingdom, s« r£ymo king-street, rua de el ret/ of spades, rey de espadas s. rey, m. (God save the)! Viva el rey kiss, s. beijo, osculo (to), v. a. beijar kitchen garden, s. horta de or- taliza kitchen, s. cozinha knave, s velhdco, maroto knee, s.juelho knife, s.faca, navalha (pen), s. canivete knock (to), v. bater s. pancada knocker, s. aldrdva know (let mQ) y fazede-me sa- ber v. sabe?', conhecer (I do not), nao sei (you), cmihceeis knowing (without), instruido, habil knowledge, s. conhecimento known, p.p. conhecido, sabido m INDEX, L. Labour, s. trabalho laborious, adj. laborioso, dili- gente lace, s. cordao de seda lady, s. senhora, nobre (young), s. senhorinha fidalga lame, adj. coxa, imperfeito lament, (to) v. lamentar lamented, lamentado lamp, s. Idmpada land, s. terra, regiao, ret/no (arable), s. terra lav- radia (to), v. desembarcar laugh at (to), v. tratar com desprezo launch (to) a ship, botar o natio a agua launches (he), elle Idnsa-se law (father-in), sogro, m. (brother-in), cunhado landing, s. dsembarque landlord (of an estate), pro- pietdrio, m. of an inn, s. estalajadeiro lane, s. travessa, beco, caminho estreito language, s. lingua, linguagem large, adj. grande, extenso larger, adj . mdis grande largest, adj . grandissimo lark, s. calhindra last, adj. and s. ultimo, der- radeiro, fim night, a nbite passada (to), v. continudr, per- severar year, o naopassado lawyer, s. letrddo advogddo lay a bet (to), v. por, dispor, collocar down, v. deitdr-se in one's power (to), v. estar no poder de hum in my power (it does not), v. nao posso the cloth (to), v. por a todlha da mesa or set a trap or snare, latch, picaporta, m. late, adv. tardio, ultimo lately, adv. ha pouco tempo later, adj . mais tarde latest, adj. muito mdis tarde Latin, Latim laughter, s. riso laugh (to), v. n. rir, escar- necer, desprezar por huma armadilha lazy, s.preguiqa bones, s.preguicoso lead (to), v.&.guiar, conduzir lean, adj. magro leap (to), v. saltar, dar saltos learn (to), v. a. aprender, en- sinar learning, s sci6mia, doutrina learned, adj. douto, ensinddo lease, s. arrendamiento, m. least, adj. o minimo leave (to), v. deixar, desam « parar s. dizer a deos, despedirse s. lic&nca, permissao off (to), v. desistir, deixar — (to take), v. despedirse •me alone, nao me moleste, or inquiete, dexame quieto off* crying, nao chores INDEX. 129 leaves, s.folhas, f, pi. lecture, s. leitura, licao left, p. p. esquerdo hand, s. mao esquerda handed, adj. canhoto leg, s. perna, f. of mntton, s. per net de carneiro lemon, s. limao, m. lend (to), v. emprestar less, adv. menbr lesson, s. licao, reprehensao let (to), v arrendar 9 permittir 9 \ deixar him speak, quefalle letter, s. letra, carta, f. paper, s. papel de cartas Lewis, (a name), s. Luiz liberty, s. liber dade, f. library, s. livraria life, s. vida, f. (high), alta sociedade lift up, v. alsar, levantar light, s. hiz, clariddde - (day), dia 9 claro (a), ligeiro, a. (before), antes do dia lighted, part, alumiado lightened (it), alumiado like it (I do not), nao o amo, nao me agrada (if yon), se vm. gosta adj. semelhante, mesmo (to), v. a. gostar 9 apron- • ar 9 amar it (I), eu o amo better (to), mats quero (to be), v. a. ser igual likeness, s. semelhanca,i. likely, adv. como provavel- mente limit (to), v. limilar line, s. linha 9 regra 11 line (a string), quita 9 cordel, cordaosinho linen, s. panno de linho cloth, s. toalha de meza listen (to), v. ouvir 9 . estar, little, adj. pouco 9 pequeno adv. poco de and little, pouco a pouco live (to), v. viver, sustentarse — — v. (in a house), mordr living (church), s. beneficio ecclesiastico with her (there is no), nao se pode sofrer load (to), v. carregar s. carga 9 f. of coals, carga de carvao of hay, carga, on feixe defeno of wood, carga, ou feixe de lenha loaded, carregoAo loaf, s. humpao, m. lock, s. fechadura (to), v. fechar com a chave locked up (soldiers), encerrar 9 por naprisao lodging, s. aposento de alu- guel London, s. Londres long ago or since, ha muito tempo long, adj. longo, dilatado as (as), ate que longest, adj. muito mais longo, longulssimo look (to), v. olhar for (to), esperar, buscar at (to), v. olhar a like (to), v. asemlharse d well (to) in health, v. parece bem 130 INDEX, look (air, .appearance), s. ar, g£ito looked over, examinado lord, s. senhor, fiddlgo lose (to), v. perder loss, s. per da, destriwcao lost, p.p. per dido loud, adj. estrondoso love (to), v. amar — — s. amor, m. (my), meo amor, querida loved, p. p. amado lovely, adj. amavel loveliest, mats amavel low, adj. baixo, abatido i ml infer io r - countries, s. os paizes baixos people, canalka lowest price, s. o preqo mats baixo lozenge, s. rombo luck, s. caso, sorte y aconteci- mento lucky, adj . afortunado, feliz lump, s. hum montao de qual- quer cousa luncheon, s. as onze M. Machination, s. traca, ma- quinacao mad, adj. doudo, desaiinado dog, s. cao danado madam, s. senhora made, p.p. feito Madras, s. Madras magistrate, s. magistrado maid, s.virgem, mulher solieira servant, s. criada, f. majesty, s. majestade maintain (to), v. smtentar major, s. sargenio mor make (to), y.fazer,compo?' — '• — use of (we),servimosnos a pen, v. apardrhuma pemia one do (to), v. fazer mansion house, s. paldcio many, adv. muitos, numeroso accidents (the), os mm-* tos accidentes (when in the sense of several), muitos (how)? quantos obra baste (to), v. apressarse malady, s. enfermedade, f. man, s. homem servant, s. criado, m. manner, s. maneira, mo do (in a), de hum modo mansion, ^palacio^ m. torre, f marsh, s. pantano, paul marble (boy's), s. arribzes de pedra s. mdrmore March (the month), s. Marqo mare, s. 6goa, f.' mark (to), marcar 9 observar h s. marca, f. signal marked, p. p. marcado market, s. mercado, feira (fish), s. ribeira — — (hay), s. mercado do feno marriage, s. casamento marry (to), v. a. casar, casar- se again, v. casar-se outra vez married (he is), casou-se IM)EX, 131 mask;, s. mascara, f. master, s. amo, senhor or teacher, s. mestre mathematics, s. mathematicas matter, s. materia - (what is the) % que ha ? que he isso ? — (it does not, or that is no), nao import a with you (what is the), que tenchs ? de que vos queix- ttisf - (what was the), que foi isso ? mattrass, s. enchergao, m. May (month), s. mayo, m. sometimes the sign of the subjunctive mood, or verh poder, which governs the next verb in the infini- tive be (that I), que seja - > be (defective verb), pode ser • be (that), pode ser - be (it), talvez * speak (you), vm. pode foliar - possess (I), possopossuir — — go (we), nos podemos Mr - ■ excuse (perhaps they), talvez elles nos discidparao me, conj. pers. pron. in the ace. and dat. cases, mi, me, a mi (he speaks of), falla de mim - — (before), antes, ou diante de mim — (they see), elles vem-me (they speak to), fallao- meadow, s. prado mean (to), v. fazer tencuo, pret&nder mean (what do you), que quereis dizer (when do you), quando pencais ? — (we), pensamos me means, s. meyos — - (by all), adv. certamente, sem duvida ._ (by no), adv. de nen- , huma sorte measles, s, sarampo measure, v. medir meat, s. came, f. Mediterranean, s. Mediter- raneo, m. medlar, s. nespero, m. meet (to go and), ir a encon- trar - v. (in going or coming), encontrar, hachar meeting, s. congresso 9 junta member of parliament, s. membro do parlamento men, s. pi. homens mend (to), v. emendar, eon- certar (a pen), v. aparar mention (to), v. mencionar merchant, s. negociante, mer- cador merit, s. merito (to), v. merecer merrily, adv. alegremente merry, adj. alegre,facecio met, p. p. encontrado method, s. metodo - mews (for horses), estreharsa mice, s. pi. ratos middle, s, o meyo 132 INDEX. Michaelmas, s. dia de Sao Miguel midnight, s. meia noute might, s. poder^forqa — 9 — a sign of thesubj. mood or a verb of itself, poder — — do (I), eufizera, on fin- esse — (with all his), com todo o seu poder, com toda a sua forqa have done it (I), eupod- riafaze-lo Milan, s. Milan, a city mild, adj. clement e, man-so, piedoso mile, s. milha f f» a measure stone, mo milk, s. leite, m. jug, s. jarra de leite mill, s. moinho (paper), s. moinho de papel (wind), moinho de vento miller, s. moleiro milliner, s. tendeira million, s. hum milhao minced meat, s.picado mind, s mente, m entendimenio animo (to), v. ter cuidado (never), nao importa mine (it is), he meu (a friend of), un amigo meu (a book of), un livro meu disjunct, poss, pron.^ew, minha s. mina, f. minister, s. ministro priest, s. sacerdote, m. minute, s. minuto, £» — — (every), a cada momento miser, s. mofino, avarento misery, s. miseria, desgraqa misfortune, s. desgraqa mislaid, perdido, seduzido mislay (to), v.perder miss, s. senhorinha (to), v. errar, emitir missing, p. errando mist, s. nevoa mistake, s. erro, engano (to), v. equivocarse (I have made a), en- ganei-me mistaken, (I am), estou en- ganado misuse (to), abusar de moat, s.fosso aqudtico mob, s. canalha, gente haioca mock (to), v. zombar, escar- necer mocker, s. escamecedor mocks me (he), ellefaz cha- cota de mim mode, s. uso y rn. moda, f. modern, adj. moderno modest, adj. modesto modesty, s. modestia, f. Monday, s. Segundafeira money, s. moeda, dinheiro month, s. mes moon, s. lua, f. shines, or it is moonlight (the), a lua alumia more, adj. mais than, mais de with a number than ten, mais de dez bread, maispao (will you have any), gustais de algum mais ? so, tanto mats than once, mais de wna ve* (V INDEX 133 more (no), nada mais, hasta morning, s. manha, f. gown, s. ?°oupa de charn- bre, ou chambre morrow (to), amariha (the day after to), ou depois de d manha mortal, s. mortal most people, muitissma gente, governs the verb in the plural children, os mais dos meninos (at), ao mais, quando muito mother, s. may f • motive, s. motivo, m. mourning (to be in), estar de lucio s. lucto, lament acao mouse, s. rato, m. move (to), v. mover moves (she), ella se move Mr., Senhor Mrs., Senhora much, adj. muito (very), muitissimo - (how), qiianto (too), nimio, demasiado — — (as), otrotanto mulberry, s. amor a, f. mule, s* mula, f. mulo>m. music, s. musica, f, master, s. mestre de musica must (it), v. he necssario must come back (you), he pre- ciso que se tome converse (you), ha de mister que converse have (we), he preciso que tenhamos - come (you), he neces- sario que venhais be quiet (I), he preciso que eu esteja quieto speak to them (we), ha de mister que Ihesfallemos -be done once more (this) isto he preciso faze-lo outra- vez mustard, s. mostarda, f. pot, s, mostardeira mutton, s. carneiro, m. (a leg of), perna de car- neiro my, conj. poss. pron. meu, minha, metis, minhas — — book, o meu livro friends, os meus aminos hands, as minhas mcios myrtle,' s. myrto, murta myself, pron. eu mesmo mystery, s. mi$terio 9 segredo N. Nail up (to), v. cramr y pregar (of iron), s. prego, cravo (of the finger), s. unha name, s. nome, credito namely, adv. nomeadamente, especiahnente, convem a saber, isto he Naples, s« Napoles II Napoleon, s. Napoleao narration, s. narracao, nar-* rativa narrow, adj. apertado, estreita nation, s. naqao, f. national, adj. nacional native, adj. natural, naJiva land, s.patria # 134 INDEX. natural, a. natural nature, s. natureza naughty, adj. mdo, depravado near, ipvej). perto, aope, quasi nearer, adj. comparative, mais perto nearly, adv. perto, nao longe neat, adj. limpo, aceado,puro neatly, adv. com primor neatness, s. limpeza, primor necessary, adj . necessario necessity, s. necessidade, f. needle, s. agulha neglect (to), v. descuidarse, omitir s. descuido, m. negli- gencia, f. neighbour, s. (dwelling near), vizinho, m. neighbourhood, s. visinhansa neither, prep, and conj. nem hum, nem outro nephew, s. sobrinho, m. net, (for fish), s. rede Netherlands, s. Parses Baixos never, adv. nunca nevertheless, adv. com tudo isso new, adj. novo, moderno year's day, anno bom laid egg, ovo fresco bread, pao novo news, s. novidades, novas newspaper, s. gazeta ou papel que contem novas next, adj. seguinte (to me), cerca de mim day, s. o dia seguinte month 7 s. o mes seguinte year, o anno que vem adv. na occasiao room (in the), no apo- sento immediato nice, adj. melindroso niece, s. sobrinha, f. night (last), a nbite passada s. nbite cap, s. barrete da nbite — — (after twelve), mej/a nbute (by, or in the), denoite (I heard a noise inthe) s ouvi hum estrondo de nbite (if you can come to) ? venha esta nbite se pode nightingale, s. rouxinol nine, adj. nove nineteen, s. dezanove nineteenth, adj. decimo-nono ninety, noventa ninth, adj . nono no one, ninguem adv. nao not yet, ainda nao longer, nada mais where, adv. em nenhuma parte — — more, nada mais — — matter, nao importa means (by), de nenhuma sorte noble, adj. nobre, illustre nobility, s. nobreza nobody, pron. ninguem noise, s. estrondo, som none, pron. ninguem, menhum (I have), nao tenho ne- nhum nonsense, s. asneira, despro- pbsito noon, s. met/o dia (after), s. despois de jentar nor, conj. nem nose, s. nariz, f. not, adv. nao INDEX. 135 not yet, ainda nao (I have), nao tenlio note, s. nota, carta , f. hilhete nothing, s. nada, nenliuma cousa but play (you d©), v. nao fazeis mais que brincar but laugh (he does), nao jaz mats que rir notice, v. adevertir, observar -notwithstanding, adv. nao obstante isso, com tudo isso novel, novella, f. November, s. Novembro now, adv. agora, por hora now and then, de quando em quando number, s. numero, m. numerous, adj. numeroso nurse oneself (to), v. ciddarse muito myself (I), eu cuido me, ou tenlio cuidado de mini nursery room, s. lugur onde se criao as crianqas (for trees), s. cepmera nut, s. noz tree, s. avela nutmeg ; s. noz noscada O. Oak, s. carvalho oath, s.juramento, m. oats, s. avea, f. obedient, adj . obediente (most), adj. muito obri- gccdo obey (to), v. obedecer oblige (to), v. a. obrigado obliged to be, v. estar muito obrigado observation, s. observacao, f. observe (to), v. a. observar obstacle, s. obstaculo, em- baraco obstinacy, s. obstinacao, teima obstinate, adj. obstinado,teim- oso obtain (to), v. alcancar, ad- quirir, conseguir occasion, s. occasiao, oppor- tunidade (there is no), nao he ne- cessario, nao ha para que occupy (to), v. ocupar o'clock (what is it), que horns sao ? October, s. Octubro of, prep, de off (to toke), v. sacar longe offence, s. ofensa, crime, agravo offend, (to), v. offender, in- jur iar offer, s. offer ecimento, proposta (to), v. offer ecer office, s. officio, cargo publico officer, s. oficial often, adv. a miudo,frequente- mente oil, s. oleo, azeite old, adj. velho, antigo — — age, s. velhice man, s. velho, m. woman, s. velha, f. older, mats velho omen, s. agouro, pronostico omit, v. omitir \_de no, prep, em, no, na ; nos, nas, 130 INDEX* on the, no, na the table, sohre a mesa - account, por causa de foot, a pe purpose, adv. de pro- posito my part, pella minha parte - horseback, a cavallo the left, da parte es- querda — a sudden, de repente — the contrary, adv ; ao con- trario — the wrong side, do avesso — Sunday, no Domingo — of, it (to think), pensar nisso — what occasion ? quando % this side, nesta parte once, adj . huma vez (at), de huma vez one, s. hum, huma (every), cada hum - (any), qualquer onion, s. cebbla, f. only, adv. somente, so one, so hum open, v. abrir it, imp. abre-o or opened, adj. aberto openly, adv. abertamente opinion, s. opiniao, f. (according to my), se- gundo a minha opiniao opportunity, s. opportunidade oppose (to;, v. a. oppbrse, re- sistir opposite, adj oppbsto, defrbnte opposition, s. opposiqao oppress (to), v. opprimir or, conj. ou — — else, conj . on outro orange, s. laranja, f. orchard, s. pomar order (to), v. a. ordenar, dis- por, regular s. ordem, mandado to (in), a fin de, ou para. organ, s. orgao, m. musical instrument orphan, orphao, m. other, adj. outro, outros side (on the), s. allem outra parte otherwise, adv. de outra sorte ought (he), v. elle deve ounce, s. onca 9 f. our, pron. poss, nosso, nossa ours, pron. nosso&, nossas ourselves, pron. nosotros mes- mos out, prep, for a (the fire is), o lume estd apagado (he is), estdfora da casa (to go), v. sahir para fora buildings, s. pi. depend- encias, f. pi. — of order, desordenado - of fashion, de moda velha outlaw, sproscripto outrage, s. ultrage, afrbnta. injuria. outside, adv. exterior,fora of meat, s. o exterior da came oven, s. forno, m. over (to go), passar on the other side, prep. da outra parte (to look), v. examinar, considerar — - again (to read), v. volver a ler INDEX. 187 over prep, sobre ■ ■ (to do), v. voider afazer ~ against, prep, def route with him (it is all), ja nao ha remedio para elle overcome, v veneer, conquistar (to), inundar overflowing, s. inundacao, chea overjoyed, adj. arrebatado de si overrun, v. inundar, tras- bordar overseer, s. snperintendente oversight, s. erro, engano,m. overtake on the road, alcansar no caminho overtake, v, collier, apanhar overturn (to), v. derribar, arruinar owe (to), v. dever, estar, obri- gado a alguem owed, p.p. devido owl, s. bufo, m. own, adj. propio, one's own (ray)? mm propio (to) to, v. reconhecer 9 confessor owner, s. possuidor, proprie- tary ox, s. boy oyster, s. ostra, f. girl, s. ostreira shell, s. concha da ostra P. Pack (to), v, envolver 9 $em- paleness, s. pallidez, £, paquetar — U P (^°)» y * empaquetar — of cards, s. baralho de cartas of hounds, s. matilha, ou adua de caens padlock, s. cadeado page (of a book), s. pagina paid, p.p. pagado pain, s.pena, castigo, dor (to), v. affligir, ator- mentar pains me (it), isto afflige-mt (to take), v. applicar-se painful, adj . penoso paint, v. pintar • oneself with rouge, v. por cor, rebique, ou posturas painting, s.pintura pair, s. hum far palace, s. palacio, m, pale, adj , pallida, descorado papa, s. papa, paolre paper (letter), s. papel & cartas parcel, s. envoltorio, parte, multidao pardon, s.perdao (to), s. perdoar pare one's nails (to) v. c®rtav as unhas parents, s. o pay e a may Paris, s. Paris, a city parish, s»parrochia, freguezia clerk, s. sacristan park, Soparque tapada parliament, s. o parlamento, cortes, f. parlour, s. locutorio, sola parsley, s. salsa perrexil part, s. parte (for my), pella minim parte \barse pass (to), v. a. passar, aca- 138 INDEX. particular, adj. particular pass a joke (to), zombarde ah guem passed, p.p. passado passion, s. paixao, ira, colera> raiva passionate^adj. apaixonado past, adj. passado pastime, s. passatempo pasture, s. pasto path, s. singaes patience, s. paciencia, f. patient, adj . paciente, doente patiently, adv. compaciencia patron, s. patrao, protector pay, s. paga, pagamento a visit (to), fazer huma visita attention (to), v. por cuidado pea, s. ervilha peace, s. paz, f. peacefully, adv. pacificamente peach, s. pecego, ou pessego pear, s. pera, f . tree, s. peral, m. peasant, s. camponez, rustico peevish, adj. impertinente P aborrido peevishness, s. impertinencia pen, s. penna pence, s. penes, m. pl« pencil (camel's hair, &c), s. pincel camelo - (lead), s. lapis penknife, s. canivete penny, s. pern, moeda 9 que vale pert o del5 reis pension, s. tenga° people, s. povo, nacao, genie, vulgo • (where there many) ? havia mvAta gente ? people (in the sense of many persons), gentes, tnundo pepper, s. pimenta, f. per cent, por cento week, cada semana perceive (to), Y.perceber perfect, adj. perfeito^ completo perfection, s. perfeigao perfectly, adv. perfeitamente, muy hem perform on an instrument (to), v. tocar, tanger (to) (to accomplish), effeituar, executar, comprir one's duty (to), v. exe- cutar, comprir o seu dever performance (work), s. com- posicao perhaps, adv. tal vez, pode ser peril, s. perigo, risco perilous, adj. perigoso permission, s.permisao, f. permit (to), v. permitir person, s. pessba, f. personally, adv pessoalmente persuade (to), v. persuadir perusal (for), leitura, f. peruse (to), v. ler, examinar petition, s. peticao Petrarca, s. Petrarca phial, s. garrafinha redoma pequena philosophy, fllosofia, f. phrase, s. phrase physic, s, medicina, phisica, purga physician, s. medico, phisico piano-forte, s. forte-piano pick (to), v. (to choose), es~ collier * up (to), v. leoantar pick-axe, s. macliadinha pocket ; So corta holms INDEX 189 pickle with salt (to), v. sal- mourar picture, s. piniura, paynel pie, s. pastel ~ woman, pasteleyra piece, s. pedaco, remendo — — of music, s. huma son- nata — — of water, s. estanque, estanco, m. pierce, v. a. passar,penefrar, furar pill, s.pinda pillow, s. travesseiro case, s. fronha do tra- vesseiro pimple, s. borbidha pin, s. alfinete, m. pipe of wine, s. pipa de vinho pit, s. cova, abismo pity (to), v. compadecerse, lastimarse on him (have), tende piedade d'elle s. piedade, lastima (what a), que lastima — — him (they), compadece- play, s. (sport), brinco, diverti- mento s. (dramatic perform- ance), comedia, f. house, s. theatro, m. (at what game will you), a que jogo quereisjogar ? ■high or &ee]),jugargo?'do, jugar o resto (to), v. jugar, hrincar — fellow, s. camarada - on the piano (to), tocar o piano on the harp, tanger a harpa at cards, s. jogo de car- o (it is a), lie huma lastima pitcher, s.jarro, eongirao place, s.praga, lugar, emprego (to take), v. n. succeder (to), v. por establecer plague, s. peste, pestilencia (to), v. inquietar, amo- finar plain (ugly), adj./eo plan, s. projecto, designio plant (to), v. plantar s. plant a, f. plaster, s. emplasto, gesso plate, s. prata lavrada, baxela de prata tas played, p. ip.jugado player, actor, comediante pleasant, adj. deleitavel, agra- davel, alegre please (to), Yagradar, aprazer every one, contentar a todo, o mundo (if you), (like), se vm, gosta ou quer pleased in the company (I was very much), eu estava muito gostoso na companhia adj. agradado pleasure, s. deleite, gosto, prazer (with), adv. com prazer plough, s. arado, m. man, s. lavrador, m. — — (to), v. lavrar ploughing, s. a acqao de lavrar plum, s. ameixa, passa de - (sugar), confeitos cake, s. queijada de ameims pudding, pudim de ameixas 140 INDEX. plum- tree, s. ameixeiro plunge (to), v. mergulhar, en- cravar pocket, s. algibeira - — book, s. memorial handkerchief, s. lenco da algibeira poker, s.ferro para aticar o lume polite, adj. polido, cortez pond (fish), s. viveiro, de peixes poor, adj . pobre, necessitado Pope, s. Papa, m. sumoponti- fice poplar, s. chousso, alemo poppy, s. papoula, dormideira populous, vA]. povoado pork, s. came de porco fresco port (sea), s. porto wine, s. vinho d' Oporto porter (a servant), s. porteiro (beer), s. porter, cerveja de Londres possess (to), v. possuir possible, adj. possivel post, s. posto, sitio lugar horses, s. posta ~ office, s. correj/o chaise, s. sege de posta postman, s. cartet/ro postage, s. o porte de huma carta postpone (to), v. retardar, procrastinar pot, s.panella, cantaro,pucaro lid, s. testo, tapador, tapadoura (watering), regador potatoe, s. batata, f. poverty, s. pobreza, f. poultry, s. qualquer ave do- mestica pound (weight), s. arratel (money), huma livra esterlina pour, v. deitar, lanqarfora pouring (it is), estd chovendo a cantaros powder, s. po (gun), s. pohora, f. power, s. poder, autoridade powerful, adj. poderoso, po- tente pox (small), s. bexigas practice, s. practica, costume practise, , (to), v. practicar, praise (to), v. louvar, ap- plaudir s. louvor, honra (worthy of) or praise- worthy, louvavel praised (God be), gramas a Deus prattle (to), v. n. cacarear prattler, s. palra, palreyro pray (to), v. orar, rogar, su- plicar do that, de graca faze < de isto prayed, p. p. rogado prayer, s. rogo, oracao — — (Lord's), padre nosso — — book, s. oras, liwo de oracoens preach, v.pregar preacher, s. pregador precarious, adj. precario precious, adj. preciosa prefer (to), v. preferir preferable, adj. melhor premises, s. casas, ou terras, premissas preparation, s. preparacao prepare (to), v. preparar, dis~ por INDEX. 141 preposition, s. preposiqao, f. presence, s. presenqa, f. present, adj . presente (to), v. a. presentar s. presente, m. presently, adv. ja, agora preserve (to), v. conserva, de macas presume (to), v. suppor, pre- sumir pretence, s. pretexto pretend (to), pretender pretty, adj. bonito well, adv. medianamente passavelmente prevent (to), prevenir, an- ticipar previously, or previous, adv. previo, antes ► price, s. preco pride, s. soberba, orgulho priest, s. sacerdote, clerigo prince, s. principe, m. principal, s. principal, m. principle, s. principio, m. print, s. estampa, imprecao printer, s. impressor prison, s. prisao, car cere, cade a prisoner, s.prisioneiro,m. private (in), adv. secretamente adj. privado, oculto privateer, s^ corsario, f. privilege, s. privilegio, m. probable, adj. provavel probably, adv. provavelmente procure (to), v. procurar prodigal, adj. prodigio profess (to), v. professar professor, s. professor profound, adj. prof undo profit (to), v. aproveitar, ganhar profit, s. proveito, ganlio progress, s. progresso promise (to), v. prometter s. promessa, f. promised, p. p. promettido pronounce (to), v. pronunciar, proferir pronunciation, pronunciacao proof, s. prova, argumento proper, &&]. proprio properly, adv. propriamente proud, adj. soberbo, orgulhoso prove (to), v. a.provar, tentar proverb, s. s.proverbio, adagio provide (to), v. prover, pre- venir Providence, Providencia, f. province, s. provincia, f. prudence, s. prudencia, f. prudent, adj. prudente public, adj. publico s. publico, m. publish (to), v. a. publicar, proclamar % pudding, s. pudin pull (to), v. puxar, tirar off (to), v. tirar down, v. derribar, deitar abqixo pulled, p. p. tirado pulpit, s. pulpito, m. pulse, s. pulso, m. (to feel the), tomar o pulso a alguem pump, s. bomba, para tirar agua pumps, s. qapatos de danqa punctual, adj. punctual, ex- acto punctuality, s. punctualidade punctually, adv. punctual- mente 12 142 INDEX. punish (to), v. a. punir, castigar pupil, s. pupillo, discipulo purchase (to), v. compra pure, adj. puro purpose, s. proposito, tencao, designio (on), adv. feito por acinte purposely, adv. de proposito, por acinte purse, s. bolsa, f. push (to), v. n. impellir, em- purrar put (to), v. a. por, alguma cousa em alguma parte oneself in a passion, v. estar cheio de colera by (to), v. por de parte, frustrar off (to), v. procrastinar, retardar — out (to), v. apagar — up (to), v. levantar the horses to (to), v. por os cavallos ao puzzle (to), v. abarbar, con- fundir Q. Quadruped, s. quadrupedo quality, s. qualidade quantity, s. quantidade quarrel, s. contenda* bulha v. armar razoens, bulha quarrelsome, adj . contencioso quarter, s. quarta parte, quarto of year, trimestre to ten, sao as dez horas menos hum quarto quaver, s. garganteo, m. queen, s. rainha, f. question, s. questao, pregunta (to), v. preguntar ex- ammar — (to ask a), preguntar quick, intj. breve depressa quickly, adv. com brevi- dade quiet, adj. quieto, pacifico (to be), estar quieto, or quedo quietly, adv. pacificamente quire of paper, s. hum quader- no de papel quit, adj. and s. igual (to), v. desamparaVy deixar quite safe, adv. a saho adv. totalmente, inteira- mente the contrary, adv. ao con- trario R. Rabbit, s. coelho, m. man, s. o que vende coe- Uios race, s. linhagem, carreira horse, s. cavallo para correr rain (to), v. chover rain, s. chuva, f. bow, s. iris, m. raisins, s. passas de uva rampart, s. reparo,plataforma random (at), adv. a troche moche rank, s qualidade, grdo,fileira INDEX 143 rare, adj. raro, a rascal, s. maroto, velhaco rash, adj. temerario, precipi- tado rashness, s. temeridade, f. rate (at any), de qualquer modo custe o que custe rather, adv. antes, mais de pressa, melhor, mais hem (to have), v querer mais hem, preferir (I had), antes quizera not (had you), nao qui- serais mais bem ray of the sun, s. raj/o do sol reach (to), v. alcancar, chegar read (to), v. lev readily, adv promptamente, logo reading, s. licao, leitura ready, adj. prompto lesto (quite), est a prompto real, adj . real, nao imaginario really, adv. realmente, na re- alidade reason, s. razao, f. receipt (stamp), recibo, m. receive (to), v. a. receber received, p. p. reeebido recess, s. recesso,ferias reckon (to), v contar, enumer- ar [se, rcordar recollect (to), v. a. lembrar~ recommend (to), v recommend- ar encomendar recommendation, s. recom- mendacao recommence (to), tornar a comezar recover one's health (to), v. sarar recover (she will not), ella nao sarcera recovery, s. recobro rector, s. pdrroco, governador of a parish, s. cur a red, s. and adj. vermelho ; (in speaking of wine), tinto herring, s. arenques de- fumeiro — - — hot, adj. vermelho ink, s. tinta vermelha reduce (to), v. reduzir reduced, p. p. reduzido refuse (to), v. a. refusar re- cusar regarding, adv. respeito, de regiment, s. regimento de sol- dados regret (to), v. ter sentimento, estar pesaroso, arrepender-se regular, adj. regular regularly, adv. regularmente reign (to), v. n. rej/nar rein, s. redea rejoice (to), v. a. alcgrar-se, folgar relate (to), v, relatar, referir relation, s. relaqao — — (kindred), parentes, pi. relieve (to), v. realgar, aliviar religion, s. religiao religious, adj. religioso, pio rely upon (to), v. confiar, fiarse em remain (to), v. n. ficar (I) your obedient ser- vant, fico seu servidor remainder, s. sobejo, rebotalho remark, s anotagao, observaqao (to), v. anotar, observar remedy, s. remedio, m. remember (to), v. lembar-se render (to), restituir, fazer rent s. aluguel, renda repast, s. comida, o comer 144 INDEX. repeat (to), v. repetir, reiterar in music, s. repetir repent (to), v. n. arrepender- se estar sentido repented, p. p. arrependido repetition, s. repetiqao, f. reply (to), v. dar resposta, replicar s. resposta, replica reproved, p. p. reprehendido reputation, s. reputacao, honra request, s. petiqao, suplica (to), v. a. pedir, rogar, suplicar require (to), v. requerer, re- questar resembles (he) his mother, assemelha-se a sua may reside (to), v.n. residir, morar resolve (to), v. determinar, re- solver resolved, p. p. determinado, resolvido respect, s. respeitar, acatar (to), v. respeitar rest, s. repouso, descanso (to), v, descansar, re- pousar retain (to), v. reter, conservar returned, p. p. voltado volto review, s. revista, f. reward, s. recompensa, m. rewarded, p. p. recompensado ribbon, s. fita rice, s. arroz, m. soup, s. sopa de arroz pudding, s. pudin de arroz rich, adj. rico, custoso riches, s. riqueza, opulencia, f rid of (to get), v. desembara qar-se de ride a horse (to), v. cavalgar -■ — on horseback, v. andar a cavallo ride in a coach or gig, Mr em coche ridiculous, adj. ridicuh riding, adv. andar a cavallo right, s. direito, verdadeiro (to the), a mao dlreita (to be in the), ter razao (I am), tenho razao ring, s. anel, m. church bells (to)> tocar os slnos ripe, adj. maduro, sazonado rise (to), v. levantar-se, nascer erguer-se rising sun, s. o levantar do sol risk (to), v. arriscar s. risco, perigo river, s. hum rio, huma ribeira road, s. estrada, caminho, pub- lico roast (to), v. assar meat, s. came assada rob (to), v. youbar, saltear, rapina robber, s. ladrao, roubador robbery, s. rombo, furto, ra- pina Robert, s. Roberto rock a child (to), v. embalar hum menimo rogue, s. maroto, velhaco rolls, s. pao pequeno Home, s. Roma, f. room, s. sala, aposento (dining), casa dejantar (bed), alcova (drawing), sola (next), sola immediata rope, s. corda, barazo rose, s. rosa, f. INDEX. 14 rose bud, s. botao de rosa rotten, adj. podre rough, adj. aspero, grosseiro (unpolite),adj, descortez, desabrido, grosseiro sea, tempestuoso, bravo round, adj. redondo, circular royal, adj. real rub (to), v. esfregar out, v. tirar, apagar, raspar ruin (to), v. arruinar, destruir s; destruicao, ruina rule, s. regra, preceito rule with a pencil (to), v. regrar ruler, s. regoa ; governador run (to), v. n. correr, fugir away (to), v. fugir Russia, s. Russia, f. rust, s. ferrugem rusty, adj.ferrugento S. Sacred, adj. sagrado, sacro sacrifice, s. sacrificio, m. (to), v. n. sacrificar sad, adj. triste, magoado save (to), v. salvar, forrar, poupar the Queen (God save), Deos salve a Rainha saddle-horses, s« cavallo de saw (he), (from to see), eile montar vio saddler, s. selleiro, m. saffron, s. assafrao, m. said, p. p. dito (it is), diz-se ; say (to), v. a. dizer, fallar (what do you) ? que diz- sail (to), v. n. dar a vela sailor, s. marinheiro saint, s. santo (they), dizem scarce, adj. raro scarcely, adv. apenas scarlet fever, s. escarlatina, f. sake (for my), por amor de school, s. escola, f. mim, a meu, respeito (boarding), escola collegio sale, s. vejida, f. i fellow, s. companheiro salmon, s. salmao, m. i science, s. ciencia, f. salt, s. sal, m. , | scissors, s.tesouro (to), v. a. salgar scold (to), v. pelejar com al~ saltpetre, s. salitre I guem salute (to), v. salvar, saudar Scotland, s. Escocia, f. same, adj. aud sub. mesmo (Scotch, adj. Escosez manner (in the), mesma, i scoundrel, s. maroto, roim maneira 'scratch, s. arranhar \se way, o mesmo caminho satisfied, p. p. satisfeito satisfy (to), v. satisfazer, con- tentar Saturday, s. Sabado, m. 12 oneself (to), v arranhar- — as a cat (to), v. arranhar screen, s. guardavento, ante* paro sea, s. o mar 146 INDEX. sea coast, s. a costa do mar port, s. porto de mar weed, s. alga seba shore, s. apraya seal (to), v. sellar sealing-wax, s. lacre, m. seaman, s. marinheiro, m. season, s. estacao do tempo seat, s. assento, banco, cadeira (country), huma quinta, ou casa de campo of a nobleman or gentle- man, s. palaciOy m. secret, s. segredo, escondido secretary, s. secretario, m. see (to), v, ver, olhar seeing, p. pres. vendo seek (to), v. buscar seem (to), v. n. parecer seems (it), parece seen, p.p. visto seldom, adv. raras vezes selection, s. eleigao, f. self, pron. mesmo, a, o seu sell (to), v. vender send (to), v. mandar back (to), or away, v. mandar para traz -for (to), mandar a chamar servant, s. criado, servo serve (to), v. a. servir service, s. serviqo, m. serviceable, adj. servigal, util set sail (to), v. dar a vela of china, s. louca de china fire to, porfogo any thing wrong (to), v. por tudo erradamente off (to), v. partir, ir-se embora down (to), v. lanqar em papel, escrever out, v. partir sense, s. sentido, sensassao senses, sentidos, m. pi. sensible, adj. sensivel, conven- cido - (clever), s. ingenhoso, agudo, sagaz sent, p. p. enviado sentence, s. sentenqa sentiment, s. opiniao, parecer September, s. Setembro sequel, s. serie, f. serious, adj. serio, grave seriously, adv. seriamente sermon, s. sermao, m. settle (to), v. establecer, or- denar (a bill), pagar seven, adj. sete seventh, adj. setimo seventeen, adj. dezasete seventy, adj. setenta several, adj. differente, varios, muitos severe, adj. sever o, riguroso severely, adv. con severidade sew (to), v. a. coser shade, s. sombra shake (to), v. abalar, sacudir shall do it (he), elle deve faze- lo have (I), terei, ou ha- verei speak (I), fallarei I have some ? terei al- gum ? shame, s. vergonha, pejo shameful, adj. infame, vergon- hoso shamefully, adv. ignominiosa- mente sharp, adj. agussado, agudo (note in music), sustenido INDEX. 147 she, conj. pers. pron. ella shelf, s. parteleira shell, s. concha, casca, bainha shepherd, s. pastor shew (to), v. mostrar shield (to), v. proteger, de- fender s. escudo, broquel shilling, s. chilim shine (to), v. resplandecer, luzir shines (the moon), v. o luar alumia (the sun), o sol resplan- dece ship, s. navio, ndo, embarcagao shoe, s. qapato maker, s. capateiro, m. shoot (to), v. a. atirar, ferir shooting party, a caza shop, s. loja (next), s. na loja vizinha keeper, s. trapeyro shore, s. a costa do mar, f. short, adj. curto time (in a), adv. em breve tempo shovel, s. pa deferro should, auxiliary verb, cond. tense, speak (I) ,eu foliar ia have (I), teria, havria we ? veriamos ? (you), deveria, vos de- veriais show, s. (a spectacle), especta- culo, m. ; (to), v. mostrar showed, p.p. mostrado shower, s. chuva, chuveiro shows (it), isto mostra shrubbery, s cheio de arbustos shuffle, s. misturar, embaral- har shudder (to), tremer shun (to), v. evitar,fugir shut (to), v. a. cerrar p. p. cerrado shutter, s. porta janela sick, adj. doente, enfermo people, s. enfermos, m. side, s. lado, parte (sea), borda, m. ribeira, playa, f. (on the other), alem da outra parte sides (on all), de todos os lados sight, s, vista, f . (by), de vista sign, s. assinar (to), v. a. signar, firmar signify fto), v. significar \ silence, s. silencio, m. i silent, adj. que nao falla, si- lencioso silk, s. seda, f . stockings, met/as de seda worm, s. bicho de seda silly, adj. innocente, parvo, tolo silver, s. prat a i plate, s. baxela de prata i simple, adj. simples simpleton, s. simples, tolo, j parvo j sin, s. peccado, m. (to), v. n. peccar since, conj. pois que adv. por que (in the sense of because), por que I saw you, desde que vos VI sincere, adj. sincero sincerely, adv. sinceramente sing (to), v. cantar singer, s. cantor, musico 148 INDEX. singing, s. o canto, a acqao de cantar — master, s. mestre de musica single, adj. simples, singelo man, solteiro sinner, s. peccador, m. sir, s. senhor sister, s. irmao sit (to), v. assentar-se still, estd quieto down (to), v. assentar-se sitting, assentamento, m. situated, p.p. situado situation, s. situaqao six, adj. sets sixteen, adj. dezaseis sixteenth, adj. decimo sexto sixth, adj. sexto skate (to), v. resvalar, es- corregar skill, s. destreza, pericia skilful, adj. capaz, habil skip (to), v. salto, pulo s. salto, m. slate, s. pizarra, f. slave, s. escravo, cativo trade, trafieo de escravos slavery, s. escravidao,cativeiro sleep (to), v. n. dormir s. somno sleepy, adj. dorminhao, som- nolento slice, s.fatia slide (to), v. n. escorregar, resvalar slight, adj. leve,fraco, ralo sloven, s. and adj. sujo,porco, desalinhado slow, adj. vagaroso, tardo slowly, adv. devagar, vagar- osamente sluggish, adi.perguiqoso, vadio sly, adj. astuto, sagaz, sorra- teiro small, adj. pequeno beer, s. cerveja, f. — — pox, s. bexigas smell (to), v. cheirar s. cheiro, olfato smelling, s. olfato , m. smoke, s.fumo smooth, adj. alizar (to), v aliviar, abrandar snow, s. neve, f. (to), v. n. nevar, cahir neve snuff, s. tabaco em po of a candle, s. murrao da vela box, s. caixa do tabaco snuffers, s tesouras de espivitar snuffer stand, prato so, adv. assim, desta sorte, deste mado do I, eu tambien (it was), assim, era much, tanto much the worse, peor, tanto peor — good, tao bom that, conj. tanto assim que, de tal maneira much the better, tanto melhor — large, tao grande — (how) ? como ? much (not), nao tanto society, s. sociedade, compan- hia • sofa, s. sofa, estrado soft, adj. molle, brando soften (to), amolecer, abrand- ar-se sold, p. p. vender soldier, s. soldado, m. INDEX 149 solicit (to), v. solicitar pedir some, algum bread, Jium pouco de pao meat, alguma came time, poco tempo men, alguns homens some people, somebody, alguem, alguma pessoa — one, algum of it (give me), dai-me hum pouco disso something, s. alguma cousa sometimes, adv. alguma vez somewhere else, adv. em outra parte somewhere, adv. en algures son, s.filho, m. (God), s. afilhado song, s. canqao, f. canto, m. soon, adv. cedo, em breve tempo (too), muy cedo as (as), logo que, apenas sooner, mats cedo soonest, adv. muito mats cedo sore eyes (I have), dor de olkos foot, dor do pe — - — throat, dor degarganta . tongue, dor de lingua; use the verb doer with the article o or a, Ex. : my head aches, doeme a cabeza sorrow, s. tristeza, pesar, dor pena sorrowful, adj. triste, pesaroso sorry, adj. sentido, affligido — (I am), sinto-o muito for it (1 am), sinto-o muito sort, s. ferrugem, ou flurrugem sovereign, s. soberano, m. soul, s. alma soup, s. sopa, f. sour, adj. agrio south, s. sur, m.sul meyo dia, meridional sown, p. p. semiado spade, s. inchada at cards, s. espadas, f. pi spare (to), v. poupar, forrar spark, s. centelha, faisca sparrow, s. opardal speak (to), v. foliar, dizer the truth, (to), dizer a verdade speaking (after), despues de foliar (I am), f alio speech, s. arenga, discurso, practica spend money, (to), v. gastar (to) time, v. empregar spite, s. odio, m. reserva, ren- cor, malicia of (in), a despeito de spoil (to), v. despojar, roubar deitar a perder spoken, p. ip.fallado (are), sefallao spoon, s. colher spot, s. lugar parte spring (season), s. primavera squadron, s. escuadrao, m. square, adj. quadrado, m. s. praca, f. quadra stable, s. estrebaria staff of the army, s. estado mor stpge, s. taboado, tlieatro stale bread, s. pao duro stare at (to), v. olhar, atenta- mente stare in the face (to), v. olhar com os olhosfitos starts (the coach), sahir,par- tii state, s. estado, reyno 150 INDEX. stay (to), v. estar, nao se ir embora s. dilaqao, demora steady, adj.firme, comtante step, s. passo, passada stick, s. pao, bordao stiff, adj. teso, engomado still, adj. quieto, callado ■ adv. ate agora, ainda stir up the fire (to), revolver, ofoga, oa lume stir (to), v. mover, mexer, agitar stocking, s. met/as stolen, p. p. roubado, furtado stone, pedra stool, s. banquinho, escdbello stoop (to), v. abacharse, in- clinarse stop (to), v. deter, impedir oneself (to), v.deter-se stopped (my watch has), o meu relogio estd par ado storm, s. tempestade, tormenta story, s. Mstoria, f. conto, m. teller, s. mentiroso, a stove, s. estufa, f. stout, adj. forte, vigoroso - man, s. robusto strange, adj. estrangeiro, es- tranho stranger, s. estrangeiro strawberry, s. morango, med- ronho beds, s. medronheiros street, s. rua strike (to), v. Jiuma pancada (the clock), dar o relogio as horas strength, s.forga, vigor string, s. guita, cor del, cordao- sinho strong, adj.jforte, vigoroso stronger, adj. mais forte strongest, o mais forte struck, p.p. dado study (to), v. estudar, apren- der s. estudo, m. stuff, s. estofa, f. stupid, adj . estupido, insensato subdue (to), v. a. sobjugar, sojeitar submit (to), v. a. submeter, sojeitar subscriber, s. subscriptor succeed (to), v. a. succeder success, s. succeso, m. such, adj. and s. tail sudden, adj. repentino suddenly, adv. de repente suffer (to), v. sofrer sugar, s. assucar, m. plums, s. confeitos basin, s. assucar eiro, m. suit (to), v. adaptar of clothes, s. vestido sultry, mormacento sum, s. somma, f. summer, s. estio, verao -, sun, B. o sol, m. is rising, (the), o sol le- vanta-se Sunday, s. 'Domingo, m. sung, p. p. contado sunk, p. p. abaixado sup (to), v. cear supper, s. cea, f. suppose (to), v. supor, crer that, conj. suposto que support (to), v. sustentar, to- lerar s. ajuda, apoyo, ammo sure, adj. certo, infallivel surgeon, s. cirurgiao surpass (to), v. exceder INDEX. 151 surprise (to*),. v. a. abisrnar, confundir s. sobressalto, m. suspect (to), v. a. sospeitar Sussex, s. Sussex swear (to), v.jurar sweep, s. limpa chameneas sweep (to), v. varrer, alimpar sweet, adj, doce, suave sweetly, adv. docemente Switzerland, s. Suissa swim (to), v. n. nadar over to), v. passar a nado swimmer, s. nadador sword, s. espada, f. system, s. sistema T. Table, s. mesa, f. cloth, s. a toalha da mesa beer, s. cerveja, fraca (card), s. mesa dejogo tailor, s. alf at/ate, m. take (to), v. a. tomar, pren- der care (to), v tomar sentido away (to), v. tirar, leva?' place (to), Y.prevalecer — — in (to), v. enganar a walk (to), v. dar hum paseyo one's pleasure (to), v. divertir-se my mare, toma a minha egoa — off or from (to), v. tirar •*• it to the collar maker, leva-o ao selleyro a lesson (to), v. tomar, ou dar liqao — any one to (to), v. tomar alguem a anything to (to), v. taken up, estd occupado -p. p. tornado ill (to be), enfermar levar — over to (to), v. passar a — cold (to), v :jxcatarrar-se - alarm (to), v. ter medo pains (to), v. ter cui- dado \ S S if tale, s. conto, historia fabulosa talent, s. talento, m. talk (to), y. foliar y pair ar. nonsense (to), dispara- tar tall, adj. alto grande as (as), tao alto taller, adj. mais alto tallow chandler, s. o que faz velas de cebo tame, adj. manso (to), v. amansar one's passion (to), v. sobjugar tap a cask (to), v. por a cana no barril tart, s. acido, azedo, pastel (apple), s. pastel de ma- ca task, s. tarefa, emprego taste, s. gostOy m. (to), v. pi*ovar, gostar taught, p. p. ensinado taxes, s. tacca, imposi^ao, f. tea, s. cha 9 ou xa dealer, s. mercador de cha board, s. caixa de cha 152 INDEX. teacli (to), v. ensinar tear (to), v. romper, rasgar tease (to), v. vexar, impor- tunar tedious, adj. enfadonho, im- portuno teeth, s. os dentes, m. pi. tell (to), v. dizer, relatar, con- tar the truth (to), v. dizer a verdade temerity, s. temeridad, au- dacia temper, s. temperamento, com- pleccao ten, adj. dez tender, adj. delicado, tenro, molle tenderly, adv. com brandura tenderness, s. delicadeza tenth, adj. decimo term, s. termo, Jim, limite terminate (to), v. terminar, limitar Thames, s. Tamisa than (rather), antes seven (more), mais de sete — I (more), mais que eu — he (more), mais que elle — never (it is hetter late), mais vale tarde que nunca rich (I am poorer), eu sou mais probre que rico thank (to), v. agradecer, ben- dizer you (I), graqas thanked, p. p. agradecido thankful, adj. agradecido thanks, s. graqas, agradeci- mentos that, pron. aquelle, aquillo, isso that which, indeterm. pron. aquillo que of, aquillo de one, pron. aquillo way, por alii I have heard (the gen- tleman), o cavalleiro que eu ouvi conj. a fin que is never refused, isso nao se nega (ou refusa) nunca thatched, colmo, palha house, s. casapejiza the, art. def. o, a, os, as theatre, s. theatro, m. thee, conj.pers. pron. ti their, poss. pron. seus, suas, delles, dellas theirs, disj.poss. pron. delles, dellas them, pron. elles, ellas ; se (I speak to), fallo-lhes conj. pers. pron. and also disj. with a prep. Ex. : I love them, os, or as quero (against), disjunc. pron. contra ellas (to), les, conj. pers. pron. in the dat. Ex. : I speak to them, or am speaking, Ihesfallo then, adv. entao, naquelle tempo (now snd),algumas vezes, de quando em quando (in the sense of after- wards), despois conj. ainda que thence, adv. dali, daquella parte there, adv. prep. ali,naquella parte prep, (here and) aqui e ali INDEX 153 there is, ha there was or were, liavia were, kouve will be, haverd would be, haveria - (is) ? ha ? therabouts, cerca, perto thereby, desta sorte therefore, adv. and conj. por tanto, por consequencia these, demons, pron. estes, es- tas. Ex. : these books, estes livros they, conj. pers. pron. elles sos,ellas sos (in the sense of any one), se speak of peace, falla-se depaz (more than), mais que elles speak of war, fdlla-se de guerra thick, adj. espesso, denso, grosso thief, s. ladrao ; ladra, f. thimble, s. dedal, m. thine, poss. pron. ten, tua thing (any), nada s. cousa, f. (some), alguma cousa think (to), v. pensar, imagin- ar thinking (I am),penso thirst, s. sede, f. , thirsty (to be), ter sede thirty, adj. trinta this, demons, pron. este, estd thither, adv. para alii, acold thorn, s. espinha, espinho those, demons, pron. aquelles, aquellas those who, os, or as que thou, conj. pers. pron. tu though, conj. ainda que thought, s. pensamento, m. thousand, s. mil, m. three, adj. tres times, tres vezes thrive (to), v. medrar, pros- perar through a place (to pass), atravessar P re P» por, de parte d parte throw (to), v. lancar, atirar away (to), perder, des- perdicar thrown, p. p. tirado thrush, s. tor do, m. thumb, s. o dedo polegar thunder, s. trovao, trovoada (to), v. trovoadar Thursday, s. Quintafeira thus, adv. assim, desta sorte thy, conj. poss.pron. teu 9 tua, teus, tuas tide, s. mare, f. tie (to), v. atar, ligar s. no tied up, p. p. atado tight, adj. apertado tile, s. telha, f. till the ground (to), v. cultz- var prep, ate, ate que — — now, ate agora, ate que I read, ate que eu lea time, s. tempo, m. (in), em tempo, como will (at what), d que hora (in music), medida com- passo times (six), seis vezes (several), muitos vezes 13 154 INDEX. tired, adj. cangado tiresome, adj. enfadonho title, s. titulo, nome to, prep. a 9 to London, a Lon- dres prep, de 9 a,por the, o, dos 9 m. a as, f. be, v. ser 9 estar ' day, adv. hoje night, de noite Lisbon, a Lisboa toast, s.fatia depao torrada together, adv. juntamente told, p. p. dito — - (he), pret. elle disso to-morrow, adv. amanha (the day after), depois de a manha tongs, s, tenaz 9 f. pi. tongue, s. lingua, f. (sore), lingua ferida too, adv. demasiadamente, tambem ~ long, demasiadamente comprido . J much, nimio demasiado — many, demasiado soon, mui cedo took (I), tomou, pret. tooth, s. dente 9 m. ache, s. dor de denies top, s. altura, cima 9 cume 9 f — — (from) to bottom, abaxo e acima torment, s. tormento, m. (to), v. atormentar towards, adv. para esta 9 ou aquella "parte towel, s. toalha tower, s. torre 9 fortaleza town, s. villa, ou qualquer povoaqao toy, s.farandula, dixe 9 brinco trade, s. qficio, occupagao translate (to), v. a. traduzir 9 verier translation, s traducqao, trims- lagao travel (to), v. viagem 9 jomada por terra travelling ten miles a day (I &m) 9 faco dez milhas cada dia travels, s. jornadas, ou viagens tread upon (to), v. a. pisar 9 atropellar treasure, s. thesouro 9 m. treat, s. regalo, m. (to), v. tratar 9 negociar treat you with them (I will), hei-delhos regalar treated, p. p. tratado, regalado treatise, s. tratado, dissertagao tree, s. arvore 9 m. trick, s. pega maliciosa 9 treta, manha 9 artificio at cards, s. baza 9 f. troop, s. tropa 9 soldados 9 tropel trouble, s. aflicgao, desgosto (to), v. incomodar troublesome, adj. enfadonlw, importuno true, adj. verdadeiro 9 certo truly, adv. verdadeiramenie trump (at cards,) s. trunfo truss of hay, s. molho defence trust (to), v.fiar confiar . trusty, adj . fiel 9 leal 9 fidedigi u truth, s. verdade, reaUdade (to speak the),?: verdade try (to), v. a.provar, intentd^. examinar Tuesday, s. Tergafeira, m. tune, s. ton 9 m. INDEX. 155 tune (to), v. a. temperar qual- quer instrumento de musica tuner of instruments, s* oque tempera instrumentos de musica Turkey, s. Turquia, f. — — carpet, s. tapete de Tur- quia (a fowl), s. Peril, m. turn (to), v. a. virar, loltar turn back (to), v. voltar,para traz twelfth, adj. duodecimo twelve, adj. doze o'clock at night, met/a noite at noon, meyo dia twenty, adj. vinte twice, adj . duas vezes two, adj. dous, duas U. Ugly, adj. yea, deforme umbrella, s. chapeo de sol unable, adj. inhabit, incapaz uncertain, adj. incerto uncle, s. iioj m. uncommonly, adv. raramente, nao commum undeceive (to), v. desenganar under, prep, debaxo the necessity, obrigado a eleven pence, menos de onzepenes waistcoat, s. humelastico understand (to), v. entender, perceber understanding, s. entendimento understood, p. p. entendido undertake (to), v. intentar, emprender undertaking, s. empresa, f. undress (to), v. tirar o vestido, despir-se unfortunate, adj. and s. des- afortunado unfruitful, adj. esteril, infruc- tifero ungrateful, adj. ingrato unhurt, adj. illeso, sao e salvo unison with (in), segun unpardonable, adj. imperdo- avel university, s. universidade, f. impolite, adj. rude, grosseiro, descortez, nao polido until, prep, ate, ate que Tuesday, ate a Terza feira unwell, adj. indisposto upstairs,wo primeiro andar up (are you)? esta levari- tado? up] ea! ea suis, levante-st (to get up), v. levantarse upholsterer, s. tapeceiro, m. upon, prep, sobre *v upright, adj. dereito, perpen- dicular, recto, justo upwards, adv. para cima of, mas que us, conj. pers. pron. nos use (to), v. usar, servir*se de s. uso, m. costume, f. (for the), para o uso use (we make), servimos nos de (I cannot), naoposso usar used, usado by most masters, de que seservem muitos mestres to travel (I am), estou ocostumado a viajar unworthy, adj. indigno jm INDEX, used to (to be), v. estar acos- tumado useful, adj. util, conveniente usually, adv. commummte, or~ dinariamente utility, s. utilidade, f. V. Vacation, s.ferias, descanso vain, adj. veto veal, s. came de vitella vegetable, s. vegetal, vegetivo veil, s. veo velvet, s. veludo venerable, adj. veneravel, res- peitavel vengeance, s. cinganca, castigo Venice, s. Veneza, f. verb, s. verbo, m. very adv. muito much, adv. muito, mu- itissimo soon, adv. presto logo well, muito bien handsome, muito formoso lately, adv. ha pouco tempo very word (the), a mesma palavra vicar, s. vigario, m. vicarage, s. vigaria, f„ vice, s. vicio, m. vicinity, s. vizinhanca, fV Vienna, s. Viena village, s. aldea vindictive, adj. vingativo vine, s. vinha vinegar, s. vinagre virtue, s. virtude, f • visit, s. visit a, f. (to), v. visitar [he viz, adv. convem a saber, ist& voice, s. voz, voto, suffragio volume, s. volume, tomo vowel, s. vogal, ou letra vogal vulgar, adj. vulgar, baixo W. Wafer, s. obrea, f. wager, s. aposta, f. (to) lay a, apostar wagon, s. carroqa, galera waistcoat,/orro, ou tabique wait upon (to), v. servir at table (to), v. servir a mesa for (to), v. esperar on a friend (to), v. visi- tar urn amigo waited, p.p. esperado,servddo waiter, s. criado, m. Wales (Prince of), Principe de Gales Wales, s. Gales walk (to take a), v. dor passeo (to), v. a.passear in (to), v. entrar out (to), v. sahir para fora in (pray), tenha Vm. a bondade de entrar s. criado walks of a garden (the)* dar hum passeo walked, p. p. passeado wall, s.parede, muro, muralha walnut^ s. noz, f» INDfeX 157 walnut tree, s. nogueira, m. wander (to), v. errar, apar- tar-se want, s. necessidade^falta j (I), necessito of (for), porfalta de greasing (they), necessi- tao untar-se, speaking of wheels a hat (I want), faz-me falta hum chapeo (you) too much for it, or them, Vm. pede muito por isso wanted, adj. necessario wanting, que necessita (there are five), faltao cinco (there are many things), faltcio muitas cousas wants to speak to you (he), necessita fallar~lhe war, s. guerra, f. (man of), s. huma ndo deguerra warbling, s. trinar, m. warehouse, s. almazem, m. warm I (to), v. aquentar - (to be), v. estar quente^ ter calor (my feet are), tenho os pes quentes — (it is), fax calor - (it was), fazia calor beds (to), v. aquentar as camas warmed, p. p. aquentado warmer, adj. mais quente warming-pan, s. cassoulapara quentar a cama was, imp. and pret. of to be (I), eu era, or estava 9 eu — — to have, devia ter was standing, estava depe was forty years old (she), ella tinha quarenta annos cold (it), fazia frio brought, foi trazido wash oneself(to), v. lavarse (to), v. lavar washed, p. p. lavado washerwoman, s. lavandeira waste, adj. superfluo (to), v. estragar, esper~ digar watch, s. relogio de algibeira (to), v. vigiar, guardar house, s. casa para en- cerrar presos maker's, s. relojoeiro ■ man, s. sereno, m. water, s. agua, f. colours, s. aguagOy m. the flowers (to), v. re- gar asflores (to go by), v. Mr por agua, ou por mar waterman, s. harqueiro watermill, s. moinho de agua wax, s. cera, f» (sealing), s. lacre, m. way, s. caminho, estrada — — (every), por toda a parte (in the same), do mesmo modo of joke Q*y),por zomba- ria, ou por zombar (this), por aqui 9 or alii 13 we conj. pers. pron. nos weak, adj./rac0, debil, doente side, s. o ladofraco weaken (to), v. debilitar, en- fraquecer wealth, s. riqueza, fazenda, dinheiro wealthy, adj.nco, opuknto * 158 INDEX. wear (to), v. trazer, levar weather, s. tempo, m. (fine), s. bom tempo, m. (how is the) ? que tempo faz% (it is fine), faz bom tempo Wednesday, s. Quartafeira week, s. semana, f. (last), a semana passada (next), s. a semana que mm (this day), de hoje em oito dias (to-morrow), de dmanhcL em oito dias weigh (to), vpesar, consider ar weight, s. peso, m. (hy), aopeso weighty, adj. pesado welcome, adj. bem mndo welfare, s. saude prosperidade well, s. poco, m. (I am very), estou muito bem bem done, bemfeito ! adv. eh bem ! enough, bastantemente as (as), tambem como and good, estdfeito, seja em bora — adv. bem pretty, passavelmente went (he), fui away (I), me fui were (they) % havia ? so good (you), teve a bondade de there ? havia ? Vm. west, s. oeste, Occident e,poente . Indies, s. as Indias oc- cidentaes wet, adj. molhado, humido (to), v. molhar what, pron. que, o que, aquilh que does my brother do % que faz meu irmao ? with a subs, what book % que livro c 4 — is the matter? que "he isso% is it o'clock? que horas sao? — do t you say ? que dizeis vos v — is that ? que he aquillo ? — a noise ! que estrondo ! — were his designs ? qual era a sua intemqam — for ? por que ? colour ? que cor ? whatever, pron. ind. qual- quer his intentions may be ? qualquer que sejao as mas intemcoes you may ask, qualquer cousa que peqa — he may be, seja elle o que quiser wheat, s. trigo^ m. wheel, s. roda, f. when, adv. quando, no tempo que I have done, quando eis acabe whence, adv. donde, de que parte whence come you ? de donde mndes ? whenever, adv. cada vez que where ? onde ? aonde ? donde % (every), adv. em toda a parte em qualquer parte whereby, prep.^eZfo qual INDEX. 159 whereas, adv. ainda que, posto quel wherever, adv. algures which, pron. tal, qtial que which way % qual caminho % (that), o qual w T hile, conj. ate que whilst, adv. ate que, mentres que whimsical, adj. capriclioso whip, s. acoute, correa - (to), v. acoutar whist, s. whist, m. white, adj. branco^ alvo : frost, s. geada who, pron. o qual, quern 1 r (they), elles que (he), elle que (she), ella que whoever, pron. indef. quern quer que whole, adj. ands, todo, enteiro 'wholesome, adj. salutifero, saudavel wholly, adv. inteiramente whom, pron. o qual whose, pron. do qual house is that % cuja he aquella casa ? w r hosoever, pron. quern quer que why, conj . por que wicked, adj . perverso wide, adj. largo (it is nine feet), tern novepes de largura wife, s. mulher, casada will, s. vontade, ordem, mando (testament;, s. testamento sign of the future tense. he have ? tera elle c t you? quereis vos ? v. querer will you have some? quereis alguns ? (I) will speak of \t,fal- larei disso will (you) have them do so, assim o queredes William, s. Guillelmo, m. willing (to be), v. querer (he does not seem), pa- rece que nao quer willingly, adv. de boa vontade win (to), v. ganhar, veneer wind, s. vento, m. windmill, s. moinho de vento window, s. janella, f. windy, adj. ventoso winej s. vinho, m. glass, s. vaso, copo winter, s. inverno, m. wipe (to), v. alimpar wise, adj. sabio, douto wisely, adv. judiciosamente: wish (to), v. desejar, rogar wit, s. juizo, engenho with, prep, com, de, que me, conmigo them, com elles within, prep, dentro four days, dentro de quatro dias without, prep, sem • knowing, sem saber them (persons), sem ellas wolf, s. lobo, m. woman, s. mulher* molher (old), humavelha, f. won, p.p. ganhado wonder, s. maravilha, admi- racao (to), v. maravilhar-se wood, s. madeira, lenha, pdo work, s. trabalho (to), v. trabalhar 160 INDEX workbox, s. caixa, de costura shop, s. loja, officina workman, s. obreiro, trabalha- dor working day, dia de trabalho world, s. mundo, universo worm, s. bicho, gusano (silk), s. bicho da seda worn out, p. p. gastada usado • by fatigue, tray do worse, adj. peor, pej/or and worse, cada vezpeor, de malparapeor (so much the), tantopeor worth, adj. val (it is), val. . . worthy, adj. digno, merecedor would, v. aux. sign of cond. (he) have, Jiaveria, teria - (you) not have, Vm. nao teria would you be ? serid Vm. f you not have consented % Vm. nao consentiria ? would (there) be, haveria wound (to), v.ferir, vulnerar s.ferida, f. wounded, p. j).ferido wretch, s. miseravel, costado wristband, s. punho da camisa write (to), v. escrever writing, s. escritura, f. written, p. p. escrito wrong, adj. prepostero, desa~ certado s. injuria, affronta, in- justiga (to be in the), estar en- ganado, nao ter razao (you have done), vos fizestes mal — side, s. o avesso Y. Yard, s. vara, f. (of a house), patio year, s. anno, m. ■ (new), anno novo (last), naopassado (a,),por anno yearly, adj. and adv. annual- mente yellow, adj. amarello yes, adv. si, sim yesterday, adv. hontem (the day before), antontem yet, adv. demais, alem disso, ainda yield (to), v. ceder, permitir yonder, prep, acold, naquelle you, conj. pers. pron. vos have done wrong, vo$ fizestes mal young, adj. mogo, nbw. people, gente moga younger, mats mogo brother, irmao menor youngest, muito mats mogo young lady, huma menina your, conj* poss. pron. vossso, wssa yours, disjunct, poss. vosso, a ; os, as, seu, a, os as, yourself, pron. vos mesmo, a os, as youth, s. mocidade PRINTED BY F. DE FORQUET, 11, TAVISTOCK STREET. ERRATA. Page 12 of the Introduction, for puatorze, read quatorze 13 of ditto, for seguneo, read segundo 13 ofditto,/br deeimo, Te&ddecimo ■ 3 for invitar, read convidar - 7 for abismado, read assombrado — — 15 for delinear, read desenhar > - 16 for tanger^read tocar * 11 for a semaha que, read asemana que vem 21 for pelejar, fead reprehender 22 for verdadeiro, read verdade . 22 for escuro, read trigueira 23 for mercante, read negociante — 23 for peregrinar, read viajado 25 for ate que, read em quanto 28 for haveis vmce sido, lead Vm. jd esteve 31 for hey estado, read fui obrigado 40 for peqnieno, read pequenino 42 for note 4 com todo isso, read que adoeceo, note 5 should be com todo isso> and note 6 esforcar-se 62 for descender, read descer 63/or estilliciidio, read constipaqao 76 for bribante, read bregeiro 19 for contrecer, read conhecer 93 for cado, read cedo 96 for acquiras, read adquirir SECOND EDITION. 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In the Press, A KEY TO THE ABOVE, 2$. 6d. f ALSO JUST PUBLISHED, Price As. 6c?. #^^#»^^/>»s^#>^^i^ i #i#»^»^^»»<»»#- »^ r<»^»y»#^#' THE SPANISH TRESOR, WITH AN INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAMMAR OF THAT LANGUAGE ; Being a selection of easy English to Translate into Spanish at Sight, with Notes, and an English- Spanish Lexicon at the end of the Work, A KEY MAY ALSO BE HAD. AVIS AU PUBLIC. Monsieur F. DE PORQUET informs his Friends and tl* Public, he has just returned from Paris, where he has mad* numerous engagements of French, English, Italian, and Ger* man Teachers of both sexes ; and has also brought with him the Terms of some of the best Schools and Private Families in Paris receiving English Ladies and Gentlemen, either as Pupils or Boarders, on terms which cannot but meet with the approbation of his friends in England. M. de Porquet may be seen daily at his Warehouse fo# Elementary Works, 11, Tavistock Street, Go vent Garde*J? from ten till three. Mesident 6$ Daily Governesses, Professors S$ Teachers- Natives or Foreigners* TO FAMILIES AND SCHOOLS. Monsieur F. DE PORQUET, Bookseller, who has been Twenty years a Professor of Languages in England, and Au- thor of " Le TrSsor de VEcolier Franqais, or the Art of Trans- lating English into French at Sight," informs the Nobility, Gentry, and Heads of Schools, that he has numerous applica- tions from English, French, and German Governesses, Tutors, and Teachers in every branch of Education, in want of Situa- tions. Mons. de Porquet's experience as a teacher, it is con- sidered, enables him to be a competent judge of the several abilities of the candidates, who are recommended by him to schools and families free of charge. Apply, if by letter, stating full particulars, post paid, or personally, between Ten and Four, daily, to F. de Porquetj. School Bookseller, 11, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden.