E7ZI U/, /7lX C4. 4C^ ,^. »^ '■^ <^.^ INTERVENTION IN CUBAN AFFAIRS. "We can make no better beginning than by declaring at the outset that the Republic is free and independent; and, with this free and independent Government as an ally, our cause will have the good will of the lovers of human liberty the world over." SPEECH HON. SAMUEL PASCO, Ol" 1' 1^01^113 A, SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, Saturday, April 16, 1898. WASHINOTOM. 189S E 1S.I ^• ^'•' r* f "> rr o o nu^ N^ . SPEECH - Of •?■ HON. SAMUEL PASCO. " The Senate havinpc uiulor consideration the .ioiut resolution fS. R. U9) tor the recogTiition of the indoi»'ii