M^;* .,y v^;* .^'^^r.. ■°o <;5 °^ '. ;,-. (4 oV''^^^J!!C¥» -»;-, *-■*■ 5 °^ ^^gC^o ..'^■^^ .^V.^-,% "^-^ ^^ . r , -/ THE ^ W i'^ /highest F „- (navioatedj ^ ^" WATEK . A.y. ON Lak&Ch a ut a u Q.U ^ . ^,r HI: KENT Will open fur l;UL'^l^ June 17, i>.t- September isth, or later; and T ill: WALDMIiRt: . . . June 26, 1897. (iiicsts eni,'aging rooms at The Walomski; will be entertained at The Kunt until the opening of The Walomeke, at same rates. C. G. TRUSSELL. IMt hLNT. THE WALDMERt. OTH THE KENT HOUSE AND THE WALDMERE are under the same Proprietorship. \ It is belieVi'd that niuch gooJ has been accomplished by the two houses worl' "^°^'^ "°' familial with Chautauqua Lake, L - - -' is often associated with Chautauqua, the seat of the National Assembly. While it is only 14 miles distant, making it possible for Lakewood people to enjoy all the advantages of the Assembly, it is a distinct point of itself, and stiictly a health and pleasure resort. «w ._^1- ^. THE WALDMERE. T~ LI F- (~OTT3ri F S FI^"1<1'\? t'l^ hotels on three sides are the cottages. ' Tliey are, properly speaking, a part of the hotels, as they are occupied by people who live at the hotels, and have been brought to Lakewood by its conveniences and the desirable society which a mingling of hotel guests and cottagers has produced. The latter get their water from the famous Kent House Artesian Wells, electric lights from the hotels, and take their meals there. All lots are sold with provisions in the deeds requiring the erection of lirst- class cottages ; that no stable or objectionable outbuildings shall ever be erected upon the ground, or lic^uors sold on the premises ; thus protecting the cottage owner from annoyance of this kind. A few cottages are for rent, they are favorably located near the hotels, fronting towards the lake ; have all modern improvements, lighted by electricity, electric bell connected with hotel office, bath and toilet rooms, with arrangements for both hot and cold water. :»': COTTAGES CONNECTED WITH HOTELS. I y\K|~\yr)OD '^^'"g niidwny between the East and West, is easy of access limn all points. Mosquitoes are nosiTivELY unknown in ok about the hotels OR cottai.es. It has the elevation and advantages of mountain icsoits, witli none of the disadvantages. No malaria can be contracted in the atmosphere ot this alti- tude, and asthma or hay fever are cither prevented ur greatly relieved. M HOTELS. INQLE NOOK IN THE OFFICE OF THE WALDMtRE MUSIC by a select band and orchestra. Concerts morning and noon, dancing ^ " EVERY EVENrNG DURING THE WEEK. One of the features of the season are the brilliant germans given bv tlie lintel J.' nests. ROATING. lintels, — row and sail boats of tlie latest p.ittern. Attend. mts A first-clnss boat livery is maintained in connection with the hotels, — row and sail boats of tlie la are always on hand to accompany children when desired. r.OOD DI^IVINC. AMD^^ICYCLn ROADS, a b.cycie acad- ^-^ ' ' ' ' ' emy with at tendants for giving instructions when desired, also keeping a first-class line of wheels for rent. fe«^ BALLROOM AND OFFICE OF THE KENT, SUN DIAL. "TH P {" 1 1 I S I N l~ ''"'' ^^''^''•"^ ^''^ '^^ ""^ ^"^''y '""■'i "^^ ^'■'" being takfii iVoin the Bon Air, at Augusta. Ga., anil other noted resorts. While each hotel will he operated separately, the sami; standaki) wirr hi MAiNTAiNEi) IN KACH. Being located in the midst of the rinest dairy country in New York State, the taWc is supplied with the very best of pure milk and buller, lart;e gardens and greenhouses in connection with the hotels also supply the earliest and choicest uf vegetables. T ME ClRlZTM HOUSE which is in charge of capable llorists, will ~ always have on hand a large stock of pl.mts and flowers for decorative purposes, and cottagers or others desiring anytliing in this line can have their work attended to neatly and promptly. KENT HOUSE DOCK. f^ PI ODOK' within easy re.it li of l.akewootl, is one of tlie finest amusement resorts in this country. The " I'hoeiiix Wheel,' used at the " Atlanta Exposition, " toboggan, bathing, electric tower, electric fountain, music, theater, base ball grounds, and bicj'cle course, are among the many attractions. The Lakewood & Celoron Feiry Company will run boats between Lakewood, Greenhurst and Celoron, every ten minutes. Tliese boats are new and of modern design, bought especially for this f^-rry. Steamboats will leave the hotel docks every lew minutes for every part of the lake. »A-''Jlk««>i«4hj(!l>te . CELORON, NEAR LAKEWOOD. TH r WArri-? SLII^PLV IlKieisiinRiiuircniL-ntolalioteiaeserv- ing of inoif CJieful consideration llian its water supply. In this case it is supplied by eight inch ilowing artesian wells, WHICH TAi- AN iNEXHALisTiHLE suri'LV IOC EEEf KEiow 1 HE ROCK. The wells are caseil with wrought iron pipe from tile surface to the water's source. The supply is ample in quantity and in purity is une.xcelled ; and is used for all purposes both in Thi; Kknt and The Wald.mere, as well as all cottages connected with eitlier hotel. 1^^ OFFICE, LOBBY AND GRAND STAIRCASE — THE KENT. T~l IP I-I'nI llVr" '* 8°"'-'' '■"'' yearly improving. Tlie laws of tlie State I ^ liave been extended so as to protect tlie game fisli of this lake. The famous CHAUTAUQLIA LAKE MUSCALLONGE takes its name from this lake, and it is the only place where it aliounds. It is served daily upon the tables of the Kent and the Waldmere. Black bass and other game fish abound in great quantities, and the clear cold waters of Chautauqua are so well adapted to the propagation of game fish that the Slate of New York has recognized this fact and erected its State hatcheries upon the shores of this lake. Muscallonge have been caught weighing as high as 4^ pounds, and small mouth black bass weighing seven pounds. 9^^ ON FISHING GROUNDS NEAR LAKEWOOD. KENT HOUSE FROM THE WATER. TH r DRUG ST(^Rr. ^ '""•''' "^M^ipP^'J pli^nnmcy, inuk-r the iiKUKigc-- " ~ mcnt (if .111 experienced |ihaiinai.ist, still riirther contributes t" tlie coniroit and he.ilth of the hotel i^uests. A complete assortment of imported and domestic perfumes, cosmetics, toilet aiticles and family remedies may be obtained at the lemilar prices, while i'kisckh'TIOns will leceive that careful attention and skill which this important work demands. D.iily papers, periodicals, aiul all stand- ard publications may be obtaineil at the ph.innacy. V. ^ Lm Si 8L* CORNER IN OFFICE OF THE KENT. ' ^f^'f^ -»isaifi QREENHURST. OPPOSITE LAKEWOOO ^ LONG POINT, NEAR LAKEWOOD. A PARTIAL LIST OF LAST SEASON^S GUESTS, REFER BY PERMISSION. TO WHOM WE 1'.. D. Tiliun St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. C. C. VVaite Columbus, O. Mrs. (.ieurge Phillips, Dayton, O. ^lr. I). S. Gray, Columbus, O. VV. D. Drake Cleveland. U. I If. Jas. T. W'hitlaker, .... Cincinnati. Mr. TellDrd Groesbeck, .... Cincinnati. Mrs. T. J. Graff Pittsburgh. '.en. G. P. Thurstiin, Nashville. Tenn. Mrs. J- I. Lehnier, Cincinnati. Mrs j. P. Drouillard, Nashvii'e, Tenn. Iiihn Adams, Evansville, Ind. Mrs Spix.rey Mackey, .... Chicago. Mr. John !'. Ernst Covington, Ky. Mrs. J. V. Guthrie, Cincinnati. Mr. Charles T Hri.mley. . . . Rochester. N. Y. .Mr. Chapin W'etmure, .... Corry, Pa. Limes J. Hooker, Cincinnati, O. ^herley Moore Louisville, Ky. \Vm. Webb, . Cincinnati, O. Mrs. Pendleton, Cincinnati, O. Nathan Powell Madison, Ind. J. W. Davis, Louisville. Ky. C. H, Pettet Louisville, Ky. J. G. McCulloch Louisville, Ky. Mrs. G. A. Winston Louisville, Ky. Hon. J. A. McMahon Dayton. O. E. D. Stannard, ... ... St. Louis, Mo. Dwifjht Kinney, Cincinnati, O. Mrs. luhn B. titus Middlctovvn, O. Mrs. N. McKee hn B. Bakkin, . . John Caperton, . . Edward H. Flail. . Mr. N. G. Pierce. Mr. Robert Mitchell, Mr. Wm. C. Ellis, . Mr. R. A. Anthony. Mr. S. C. Archilwld. Mrs. C. E. Buck. . Mr. Henry H Korsvtt: Mr. D, I. Roberts. . Mr. <; H. Hull. . . Mr. Phillip Millard, Mrs. J. R, Reynolds. Mr. Arch. M. Robinson Mr. John C. Sherlock Mr W. A Swasev, Mr. C. J. McKee.' Mr. J. E. Thtinison, Major W. E. AuU. . Louisville, Ky. Louisville, Ky, Pittsbur;^h. Pittsburgh. Cincinn.iii. Louisville, Ky. St. Joseph. Mo. St. Joseph. Mo. Chillicothe, U. Dayton, O. Middletown. O. St. Louis. Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Louisville, Ky. New York City. Louisville. Ky. Louisville, Ky. Columbus. (). St. Louis. Mo. Cincinn.iti. <_). Cincinnati. O. New York City. Covingt;t w- THE WALDMERE. Land View, iSouth LakQ View, North FIRE ESCAPE 234 282 A _i L 280 OOUELE 2TJ D0U3Le 231 00U31E 272 OOU^LE ^y FIRE E&C*P£ THIRD 1 LOOK |-|0W TO^R EAC H LAKC\\'( )( ) D. From New York: Erie R. R., tliiect wilhoiil chani;o, or either N.Y. (:.& H R R. R.,orWea Shore R. R. to BiilT.ilo, and thence to l.nke wooil by either W. N. Y. & P, , Erie li. R , D. A. V. & P .nui Chautnuqna l.akeR. R From Boston t Pulhnan cars run daily direct to l.akewood via Fitchbiirg R, R , lloosac Tunnel route and Erie R. R. From Cleveland, Cincinnati, the West and South: Erie R. R. and connections di- rect, or L. S. & M. S. R'y and W. N. Y. & P. R'y to IVlayviUe and Chautauqua Steamers to Lakewood From Pittsburgh : I'ittsburtih & Lake Erie, connecting with Erie R. R, (through parlor cars are run to Lakewood), or via A. V. R'y changing to Erie R. R. at Corry, or Chautauqua Steamers at Mayville. EPIC RAI LROAD D I RODEPTS ^*^'-"^ VE5TIBULCD TRT^INS rPOH GCNCRAL NIzW YORK, CHICAGO and C'INCINNZTTI PA...NGER ^^ LAKEWOOD M-ATioN. ACiCN 1 . RSK CONDUCTOR TOR STOP-OVER. HOTEL BON AIR, AUGUSTA, QA. THE BEST AND MOST FAVORABLY KNOWN RESORT HOTEL IN THE SOUTH, C. G. TRUSSELL. MANAGER. 3477-125 Lot 50 5> » ' '^ ■^1"^^ ,0" f ^ -^-^ ■^ *• . • ' '■ .0" 1' "^0^ :i S^' ^^-.^^' ♦ * -H-: 4" '- ^"^ ,.o«o, V. ^^,.. ^!"^ /^'=^^ '-^