E 642 .L42 Copy 1 sT^ ^ ^ ^ND ^^ ^ c. e GETTYSBURG 1863-1913 % ^%, 'A' . ^O^ c^ ^'^^ WiLLARD Light A 83 2 ARLINGTON STREET Los Angeles. Cal. U. S. A. Blessed are the Peacemakers, For they shall be called the children of God. MATTHEW S:9. li* iHrinxirml 3^a;t iSmtltcnir COPYRIGHT. 1913, BY THE AUTHOR Jtr ^tmitT^ ixf Jig ^ttilxtr MARION P. LIGHT DIED In the Service of His Country AT Nashville , Tenn. Apr. 10th, 1863 Co. I, 85th Ind Vol. Inf. ^ "We shall meet, but We shall miss him; There will be one Oacant chair." yf "The form of him We so much loOed Now mingles With the dust; The soul that once lit up that form Now dwells among the just." The Pipe of Peace "O my children! my poor children! Listen to the words of wisdom, Listen to the words of warning, From the lips of the Great Spirit, From the Master of Life, who made you! "I have given you lands to hunt in, I have given you streams to fish in, I have given you bear and bison, I have given you roe and reindeer, I have given you brant and beaver. Filled the marshes full of wild-fowl, Filled the rivers full of fishes; Why then are you not contented? Why then will you hunt each other? "I am, weary of your quarrels. Weary of your wars and bloodshed. Weary of your prayers for vengeance, Of your wranglings and dissensions; All your strength is in your union, All your danger is in discord; Therefore be at peace henceforward. And as brothers live together. "I will send a Prophet to you, A Deliverer of the Nations, Who shall guide you and shall teach you, Who shall toil and suffer ivith you. If you listen to his counsels. You will multiply and prosper; If his warnings pass unheeded. You will fade away and perish! "Bathe now in the stream before you, Wash the war-paint from your faces. Wash the blood-stains from your fingers, Bury your war-clubs and weapons. Break the red stone from this quarry. Mould and make it into Peace-Pipes, Take the reeds that grow beside you, Deck them with your brightest feathers. Smoke the cahimet together, And as brothers live henceforward!" From Longfellow's Hiawatha. 'CI.A35ooi5 ■:■'( /, ■ 1 War and Peace Gettysburg, 1863-1913 Reunion and Freedom ForeOer "We're tenting tonight on the old camp- ground, Give us a song to cheer Our heavy hearts — a song of home And friends loe love so dear. We are tired of icar on the old camp-ground; Many are dead and gone Of the brave and true who left their homes, Others been wounded long. Many are the hearts that are weary tonight. Wishing for the war to cease. Many are the faces looking for the right, To see the dawn of peace." In the 60's we were chanting that sad bitter-sweet refrain with overburdened, aching, breaking hearts; hoping and praying, waiting and watching for the dawn of peace over this Nation, and it came, and it still abides with us. Today peace-lovers and peace-makers, the children of God in all lands are hoping and praying, waiting and watching, working and striving for the dawn of jieace to precede the rising sun of righteousness round this terrestrial sphere, and it's coming soon. This year we celebrate a half century of peace among ourselves, and next one hundred years of peace with English speaking peoples. The following year the third Hague Conference is due to meet. Let us conduct the Re-Union of the Blue and the Gray in such fitting manner as will best prepare us to par- ticipate in these greater events with a larger measure of devotion. Charity begins at home. While our British cousins are planning to purchase and preserve Sulgrave Manor, the ancestral home of Washington, and con- templating placing a bust of the Father of Our Country in Westminster Abbey, isn't it high time we ceased complaining against hanging a portrait of Robert E. Lee in our National Gallery, and refusing to allow a bust of Jefferson Davis in our Hall of Fame? Before we talk about "Hands across the Sea," let us extend the right hand of real fellowship from Mason and Dixon's line to our Southern brethren of the Lost Cause, and meet them with such heart-felt emotions as dashed over the soul of Mrs. Helen D. Longstreet when she offered "to raise the money among the ragged, maimed and destitute veterans who followed Lee, to pay the debts of Gen'l Sickles." If such noble sentiments had swayed all hearts in the 60's there would be today no "ragged, maimed AND DESTITUTE FOLLOWERS" of Grant Or Lcc. The lead- ers of both sides would have gathered around the council table and worked the problem out some other way. Perhaps they would have listened to Honest Abe advocating a gradual, compensated emancipation. While we honor the heroes who died gloriously amid the red carnage of war, let us not forget the heroines who died miserably of broken hearts at home. The woiMEN of the whole world are weary of PASSIXG through THE VALLEY AND THE SHADOW IX TRAVAIL BEARING SONS FOR THE BATTLE-FIELD, AND DAUGHTERS FOR SWEAT SHOPS AND WHITE SLAVE DENS. May North and South meet on the Peace-field of Gettysburg in the Spirit of Father Abraham; hear ye him: "When I left Springfield I asked the people to pray for me, but I was not a Christian; when I buried my boy my heart almost broke, and yet I was not a Christian; but when I went to Gettysburg and saw the graves of thousands of our soldiers, I then and there dedicated my life to the service of Christ." That we shall have a Democratic President, born in the Old Dominion and elected by the votes of all parties to preside at the Re-Union of the Blue and the Graj' seems to me a dispensation of the same Divine Providence that has guided this Nation through all her trials and tribulations steadily onward and upward toward fulfilling our manifest destiny. When the light breaks in the East and morning dawns over the battlefield of Gettysburg on July -Ith the propitious hour to "achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all Nations" will strike, and brother Woodroiv Wilson, thou art the man of that hour. The Spirits of the Master, and Wasiiixgton, AND Lincoln are calling you to help to finish THE WORK THEY HAD TO LAY DOWN. Your first inaugural contains phrases that will reach far beyond our shores when the people awake, and as an humble but sincere citizen of our beloved and Re-United Republic, I implore you to deliver an address at Gettysburg in the interest of the Brother- hood of Humanity, the expectation of the Federation of Governments, and the hope of Peace on Earth, that will harmonize with Lincoln's immortal oration and echo round the globe. The 20th century is calling for a broader, deeper and loftier patriotism than this world has ever yet seen. Indications that we can produce and develop it have been shown; when President Lincoln asked Commodore Vanderbilt to set a price on a certain boat for government service he replied: "That vessel is now subject to your order; I refuse to profit from my country in the hour of her need." Suffering humanity in every land today is calling for all of God's people to stand up and say, / refuse to profit on or by the distress of my felloio-men wher- ever they may he dispersed on the face of the globe. Let us consecrate ourselves to service in the World Peace Movement, that our honored dead shall not have died in vain; that this Union may have a New Birth of Freedom, and no nation under God shall ever perish from the Earth. Then we can sing in Spirit and in Truth: "Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a Nation! And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust!' And the Star-Spanyled Banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the Free and the home of the Brave." One Japanese statesman has recently well said, that "before America sends her missionaries to preach Christianity to Oriental peoples, she would do well to put a little of the spirit of Christ's teachings into her dealings at home." Our yellow lirethren in The Flowery Kingdom have quietly and steadily pursued the even tenor of their way while many Nations have risen to great heights of socalled civilization, burned out their talents and fell back into darkness and hell. When these Dis- ciples of Confucius appeal to the Christian churches of America to pray on a (jiven Sunday for the success of their New Republic, it's high time we awoke from our smug slumbers, and arose out of our hideous nightmare of money madness, to full realization that the era of Peace on Earth and Goodwill among Men and Nations is knocking at our doors, and calling on the United States of America to lead the world in preachhiff and practicing the Great Gospel of Human Brotherhood, and preparing to usher in the reign of the Prince of Peace. Are we a Nation of Christians for Christ, or is this a government of, by and for Bluffers, Bunco Steerers and Grafters? I call upon all people who believe in God to examine closely and study carefully the peti- tion presented to our Ministerial Union, and Church Federation by the brown brethren within our gates. Read this sentence by the Light of the Star in the East: "T^Fe do not question the right of America to make any laws that she may see fit to create, but justice decrees that all people, irrespective of race, color or religion, must stand equally before such law.'' If these people whom we call Buddhists and Shin- toists are not today reflecting more of the real spirit of Christ's teachings than we in America, then I mis- read my Bible. Shall we let a Sanhedrin herd of wild, rampant Bull Moose ruin the glorious possibilities of our Great Exposition, and alienate the deep and sincere friend- ship of the splendid Nipponese people, which has been with us ever since Commodore Perry broke the seal on the outer gates of The Hermit Kingdom, and in- troduced Japan into the family of Nations? Shall we who should lead the world toward Uni- versal Peace be the direct cause of delaying that Christian Epoch another half century? As a worker in the ranks and a taxpaying citizen of our Golden State I call upon all honest and sincere people to manifest to the world that we practtte what we preach. Let us, by initiative petition and referendum vote annul the tremendous blunders of our Bull Moose legislature. If this is done promptly and properly I have faith to believe that Japan will yet come forward with a magnificent exhibit at our Great World's Fair. Let us show the Nations of the Earth that we live the square deal, and apply the Golden Rule, and not always and forever just talk and preach about these great precepts to others, while we ourselves follow in the footsteps of his Satanic majesty. If we can do this, and if we can properly celebrate fifty years of Peace among ourselves, and fittingly commemorate one hundred years of Peace with English speaking peoples, then at the third Hague Conference we can begin to enjoy Universal Peace between all Nations, and all peoples, for all time. Let us invite this Conference to meet at the Panama Pacific Exposition, and the prophecy of Wm. H. Seward, Lincoln's Secretary of State, shall be ful- filled, and "the great problems of the world will BE settled upon THE SHORES OF THE PACIFIC." We are coming, Father Abraham, one hundred million strong. Arise and sing in the Holy Spirit our National Anthem and the Doxology of the Universe. "Our fathers' God, to Thee; Author of liberty, To Thee toe sing; Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might. Great God, our King!" PRINTED BY CHICAGO COLOR PRINTING CO. TELEPHONE A 5007 121 SOUTH BROADWAY LOS ANGELES, CAL. <^v ^\ue LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lllllllillillllllllllillllllllllllllllll 013 785 277 9 Then*' in the rohiiif/s of (/lorif, Those in the (/loom of defeat. All irith the h