ROBERT BURNS VOLUMES IN THIS SERIES PUBLISHED AND IN PREPARATION Edited by Will D. Howe Arnold Stuart P. Sherman Browning William Lyon Phelps Burns William Allan Neilson Carlyle Bliss Perry Dante Alfred M. Brooks Defoe William P. Trent Dickens Richard Burton Emerson Samuel M. Crothers Hawthorne .... George E. Woodberry The Bible George Hodges Ibsen Archibald Henderson Lamb . . . >; . . . . Will D. Howe Lowell John H. Finley Stevenson Richard A. Rice Tennyson Raymond M. Alden Whitman . . . . . . Brand Whitlock Wordsworth G. T. Winchester Etc., Etc. The Nasmyth Portrait of Robert Burns ROBERT BURNS HOW TO KNOW HIM By WILLIAM ALLAN NEILSON Professor of English, Harvard University Author of Essentials of Poetry, etc. WITH PORTRAIT INDIANAPOLIS THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright 1917 The BoBBs-MERRiLt Company -Y^^ .-' ^ K hit MAY 14 1917 PRESS OP BRAUNWORTH & CO. BOOK MANUFACTURERS BROOKLYN. N. Y. ^G!.A460771 TO MY BROTHER LIST OF POEMS PAGE Address to the Deil 282 Address to the Unco Guid 176 Ae Fond Kiss 56 Afton Water 116 Auld Farmer's New- Year Morning Salutation, The . 278 Auld Lang Syne 100 Auld Rob Morris 121 Bannocks o' Barley 165 Bard's Epitaph, A 308 Bessy and Her Spinnin'-Wheel 145 Blue-Eyed Lassie, The 117 Bonnie Lad that's Far Awa, The 139 Bonnie Lesley 118 Braw Braw Lads 140 Ca' the Yowes 115 Charlie He's My Darling 168 Clarinda . 58 Come Boat Me o'er to Charlie 163 Comin' through the Rye 154 Contented wi' Little 126 Cotter's Saturday Night, The 8 Death and Doctor Hornbook 287 Death and Dying Words of Poor Mailie, The ... 23 De'il's Awa wi' th' Exciseman, The 154 Deuk's Dang o'er My Daddie, The 155 Duncan Davison 153 Duncan Gray 152 Elegy on Capt. Matthew Henderson ...... 298 Epistle to a Young Friend 200 Epistle to Davie 193 For the Sake o' Somebody 136 Gloomy Night, The 40 LIST OF POEMS-Continued PAGE Go Fetch to Me a Pint o* Wine 88 Green Grow the Rashes 123 Had I the Wyte? 148 Halloween 209 Handsome Nell 20 Highland Balou, The 151 Highland Laddie, The 164 Highland Mary 113 Holy Fair, The 228 Holy Willie's Prayer 173 How Lang and Dreary 138 I Hae a Wife 59 I Hae Been at Crookieden 167 I'm Owre Young to Marry Yet 143 It Was a' for Our Rightfu' King , 162 John Anderson, My Jo 146 Jolly Beggars, The 241 Kenmure's On and Awa 165 Lassie wi' the Lint- White Locks 119 Last May a Braw Wooer 135 Lea-Rig, The 120 MacPherson's Farewell 150 Man's a Man for a' that, A 158 Mary Morison 28 Montgomerie's Peggy 120 My Father Was a Farmer . 126 My Heart's in the Highlands 140 My Love Is Like a Red Red Rose 102 My Love She's but a Lassie Yet 144 My Nannie O 29 My Nannie's Awa 57 My Wife's a Winsome Wee Thing ...... 108 O for Ane an' Twenty, Tam ! 129 O Merry Hae I Been 148 O This Is No My Ain Lassie 107 LIST OF POEMS-Continucd PAGE O, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast 123 Of a' the Airts 106 On a Scotch Bard, Gone to the West Indies ... 42 On John Dove, Innkeeper 205 Open the Door to Me, 0! 137 Poet's Welcome to His Love-Begotten Daughter, The 33 Poor Mailie's Elegy 26 Poortith Cauld 107 Prayer in the Prospect of Death, A 32 Rantin' Dog the Daddie o't, The 134 Rigs o' Barley, The 30 Scotch Drink 301 Scots, Wha Hae 160 Simmer's a Pleasant Time 131 Tam Glen 133 Tarn o* Shanter 257 Tam Samson's Elegy 294 There Was a Lad 125 There'll Never Be Peace till Jamie Comes Hame . . 166 To a Haggis 306 ^To a Louse 274 To a Mountain Daisy 276 To a Mouse 272 To Daunton Me 142 To Mary in Heaven 114 To the Rev. John McMath 181 Twa Dogs, The 219 Wandering Willie 138 Weary Pund o' Tow, The 147 Wha Is that at My Bower Door? 156 What Can a Young Lassie 142 Whistle, and I'll Come to Ye, My Lad 132 Will Ye Go to the Indies, My Mary? 40 Willie Brew*d a Peck o' Maut 238 Willie's Wife .156 Ye Banks and Braes (two versions) 130 Yestreen I Had a Pint o* Wine 104 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I Biography 1 1. Alio way, Mount Oliphant, and Lochlea . 3 2. Mossgiel 31 3. Edinburgh 44 4. Ellisland 58 5. Dumfries 62 II Inheritance: Language and Literature . . 69 HI Burns and Scottish Song 90 W Satires and Epistles 171 V Descriptive and Narrative Poetry .... 206 VI Conclusion 310 Index 325 ROBERT BURNS BURNS CHAPTER I BIOGRAPHY «Tr HAVE not the most distant pretence to 1 what the pye-coated guardians of Escutch- eons call a Gentleman. When at Edinburgh last winter, I got acquainted at the Herald's office; and looking thro' the granary of honors, I there found almost every name in the kingdom; but for me, My ancient but ignoble blood Has crept thro* scoundrels since the flood. Gules, purpure, argent, etc., quite disowned me. My forefathers rented land of the famous, noble Keiths of Marshal, and had the honor to share their fate. I do not use the word *honor' with any reference to political principles : loyal and dis- loyal I take to be merely relative terms in that ancient and formidable court known in this coun- try by the name of *club-law.' Those who dare welcome Ruin and shake hands with Infamy, for 1 2 BURNS what they believe sincerely to be the cause of their God or their King, are — as Mark Antony in Shakspear says of Brutus and Cassius — 'honor- able men.' I mention this circumstance because it threw my Father on the world at large; where, after many years' wanderings and sojournings, he picked up a pretty large quantity of observa- tion and experience, to which I am indebted for most of my pretensions to Wisdom. I have met with few who understood Men, their manners and their ways, equal to him; but stubborn, un- gainly Integrity, and headlong, ungovernable Irascibility, are disqualifying circumstances; con- sequently, I was born a very poor man's son." *'You can now. Sir, form a pretty near guess of what sort of Wight he is, whom for some time you have honored with your correspondence. That Whim and Fancy, keen sensibility and riot- ous passions, may still make him zig-zag in his future path of life is very probable; but, come what will, I shall answer for him — the most de- terminate integrity and honor [shall ever charac- terise him] ; and though his evil star should again blaze in his meridian with tenfold more direful influence, he may reluctantly tax friendship with pity, but no more." BIOGRAPHY 3 These two paragraphs form respectively the be- ginning and the end of a long autobiographical letter written by Robert Burns to Doctor John Moore, physician and novelist. At the time they were composed, the poet had just returned to his native county after the triumphant season in Edinburgh that formed the climax of his career. But no detailed knowledge of circumstances is necessary to rouse interest in a man who wrote like that. You may be offended by the self-con- sciousness and the swagger, or you may be charmed by the frankness and dash, but you can not remain indififerent. Burns had many moods besides those reflected in these sentences, but here we can see as vividly as in any of his poetry the fundamental characteristics of the man — sensi- tive, passionate, independent, and as proud as Lucifer — whose life and work are the subject of this volume. I. Alloway, Mount Oliphant, and Lochlea William Burnes, the father of the poet, came of a family of farmers and gardeners in the county of Kincardine, on the east coast of Scot- land. At the age of twenty-seven, he left his native district for the south; and when Robert, 4 BURNS his eldest child, was born on January 25, 1759, William was employed as gardener to the provost of Ayr. He had besides leased some seven acres of land, of which he planned to make a nursery and market-garden, in the neighboring parish of Alloway; and there near the Brig o' Doon built with his own hands the clay cottage now known to literary pilgrims as the birthplace of Bums. His wife, Agnes Brown, the daughter of an Ayr- shire farmer, bore him, besides Robert, three sons and three daughters. In order to keep his sons at home instead of sending them out as farm-labor- ers, the elder Burnes rented in 1766 the farm of Mount Oliphant, and stocked it on borrowed money. The venture did not prosper, and on a change of landlords the family fell into the hands of a merciless agent, whose bullying the poet later avenged by the portrait of the factor in The Twa Dogs. I've noticed, on our Laird's court-day, — And mony a time my heart's been wae, — Poor tenant bodies, scant o' cash, How they maun thole a factor's snash ; He'll stamp and threaten, curse and swear, He'll apprehend them, poind their gear ; While they maun stan', wi' aspect humble, And hear it a', and fear and tremble! BIOGRAPHY 5 In 1777 Mount Oliphant was exchanged for the farm of Lochlea, about ten miles away, and here William Burnes labored for the rest of his life. The farm was poor, and with all he could do it was hard to keep his head above water. His health was failing, he was harassed with debts, and in 1784 in the midst of a lawsuit about his lease, he died. In spite of his struggle for a bare subsistence, the elder Burnes had not neglected the education of his children. Before he was six, Robert was sent to a small school at AUoway Mill, and soon after his father joined with a few neighbors to engage a young man named John Murdoch to teach their children in a room in the village. This arrangement continued for two years and a half, when, Murdoch having been called else- where, the father undertook the task of educa- tion himself. The regular instruction was con- fined chiefly to the long winter evenings, but quite as important as this was the intercourse between father and sons as they went about their work. "My father," says the poet's brother Gilbert, "was for some time almost the only companion we had. He conversed familiarly on all subjects 6 BURNS with us, as if we had been men; and was at great pains, as we accompanied him in the labours of the farm, to lead the conversation to such subjects as might tend to increase our knowledge, or con- firm our virtuous habits. He borrowed Salmon^s Geographical Grammar for us, and endeavoured to make us acquainted with the situation and his- tory of the different countries in the world; while, from a book-society in Ayr, he procured for us Derham's Physics and Astro-Theology, and Ray's Wisdom of God in the Creation, to give us some idea of astronomy and natural his- tory. Robert read all these books with an avidity and industry scarcely to be equalled. My father had been a subscriber to Stackhouse's History of the Bible . . . ; from this Robert collected a competent knowledge of ancient history; for no book was so voluminous as to slacken his indus- try, or so antiquated as to dampen his researches. A brother of my mother, who had lived with us some time, and had learned some arithmetic by our winter evening's candle, went into a book- seller's shop in Ayr to purchase the Ready Reck- oner, or Tradesman's Sure Guide, and a book to teach him to write letters. Luckily, in place of the Complete Letter-Writer, he got by mistake a BIOGRAPHY 7 small collection of letters by the most eminent writers, with a few sensible directions for attain- ing an easy epistolary style. This book was to Robert of the greatest consequence. It inspired him with a strong desire to excel in letter-writing, while it furnished him with models by some of the first writers in our language." Interesting as are the details as to the anti- quated manuals from which Burns gathered his general information, it is more important to note the more personal implications in this account. Respect for learning has long been wide-spread among the peasantry of Scotland, but it is evident that William Burnes was intellectually far above the average of his class. The schoolmaster Mur- doch has left a portrait of him in which he not only extols his virtues as a man but emphasizes his zest for things of the mind, and states that "he spoke the English language with more propri- ety — both with respect to diction and pronuncia- tion — than any man I ever knew, with no greater advantages." Though tender and affectionate, he seems to have inspired both wife and children with a reverence amounting to awe, and he struck strangers as reserved and austere. He recog- 8 BURNS nized in Robert traces of extraordinary gifts, but he did not hide from him the fact that his son's temperament gave him anxiety for his future. Mrs. Burnes was a devoted wife and mother, by no means her husband's intellectual equal, but vi- vacious and quick-tempered, with a memory stored with the song and legend of the country- side. Other details can be filled in from the poet's own picture of his father's household as given with little or no idealization in The Cotter's Sat- urday Night. THE COTTER'S SATURDAY NIGHT My lov'd, my honour'd, much respected friend ! No mercenary bard his homage pays : With honest pride I scorn each selfish end, My dearest meed a friend's esteem and praise : To you I sing, in simple Scottish lays, The lowly train in life's sequester'd scene ; The native feelings strong, the guileless ways ; What Aiken in a cottage would have been — Ah ! tho' his worth unknown, far happier there, I ween. wail November chill blaws loud wi' angry sough ; The short'ning winter-day is near a close ; The miry beasts retreating f rae the pleugh ; The black'ning trains o' craws to their repose : The toil-worn Cotter frae his labour goes, BIOGRAPHY 9 This night his weekly moil is at an end, Collects his spades, his mattocks, and his hoes, Hoping the morn in ease and rest to spend, And weary, o'er the moor, his course does hameward bend. At length his lonely cot appears in view, Beneath the shelter of an aged tree ; Th* expectant wee-things, toddlin', stacher through To meet their dad, wi' flichterin' noise an' glee. His wee bit ingle, blinkin bonnilie, His clean hearth-stane, his thrifty wifie's smile, The lisping infant prattling on his knee, Does a' his weary kiaugh and care beguile, An' makes him quite forget his labour an' his toil. stagger fluttering fire worry Belyve, the elder bairns come drapping in, Soon At service out, amang the farmers roun' ; Some ca' the pleugh, some herd, some tentie rin drive, heedful run A cannie errand to a neibor town :