p s F4-? l< ^ A.- t^ _ 0-^ ■:vit^^~ -'# m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. (PS /^^f- -- - ©nptjngl^t :^o Shelf ./.E.-fc 2 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 1^ '# # LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Shelf - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. L^-^^ ~^ O--- \ y '€n€'^/a. ^n/^i^a. %.. ^ ^ POEM . BY R. N. F. ^^ - ^^> ~^ ILLUSTRATED BY F. W. WILLETT. 1891. \ \ COPYRIGHT, IS'JI, F. B. W 1 1. LETT. Geneva, nursling of the fragrant hills, That keep thee like a babe at mother's breast, And feed thee from their pure and secret rills, And hold thee at thy play, or hush to rest; With gladness beaming-, tilled with Nature's joys, With dimpled smiles or rippling laughter graced, In silence sleeping-, or elate with noise Of chattering waves by wind-swept shores embraced; Beneath the light of stars, or moon, or sun, hi mimic storm, or hilled in peace profound. Each happy change from grace to grace doth run. And endless beauty girdles thee around. One gracious heaven, silver, gold and blue. Bends o'er thy face with benediction sweet; And multiplied in every form and hue. Like God in souls, is mirrored back complete. Not thine the s^randeur of the boisterous seas — The place of heroes loving storm and strife; But there is home-like peace beneath thy trees, Where sacred mothers and sweet babes tlnd life. And on thy grassy banks made cool with shade Old age may rest, and happy lovers stray, And all the woodland pets of naught afraid, Rejoice in chorus at thy perfect dav. Oh, loveliest in a hind of lovely lakes; Clothed in thy wondrous robe ot chanijeiul light, Thy beauty is a spell; yetl darkness makes Not less the mystic beauty of thy nig-ht. v^ \. .sas LIBRARY OF CONGBESS