D 570 .85 ■ fl2 D4 Copy i SEP 2C 1920 yo the brave men and heroic Women of Lanett, ShaWmut, Langdafe, Fairfax and RivervieW, who have gone forth to do battle for the democracy of the world: and to the loved ones they have left behind, this book is affectionately dedicated. 'o ' tot--*** .A2.U4 r H //^■^H I S book is made possible by the ^c generous co-operation or the officers ^Np^ of the West Point Manufacturing Company and Lanett Cotton Mills. It is the result of the combined efforts of the War Service Station in each mill locality to pay at least a feeble tribute to the gallant doughboy who enlisted in the cause of right and demo- cracy. It is hoped that, as the years pass by, these crusaders and their posterity may find an increasing interest in this memorial to their heroism. Also, it has been thought advisable to preserve a record of the accomplishments of all those patriotic forces which contributed their part towards the successful termination of the greatest conflict in history. It would not be amiss to call particular at- tention to the War Service Stations, under whose leadership was fostered practically all of the patriotic work consummated by those at home. That these Stations were a comfort to our boys — in their interest and solicitude for them — is attested by the letters reproduced. MfllffiflJlTJIffll §§ iiM^ -mm- ■MMMMRmuinjiniiiniiiini!!" -......; ;, Phi i ^onuiiiUiiiiuijiTiLfnnnijiJiifiiii: n turajufo i mwm I ne President s War Message Delivered before Congress Aj>nl 2, 1917 I have called the Congress into extraordinary session because there are serious, very serious, choices of policy to be made, and made immediately, which it was neither right nor constitutionally permissible that I should assume the responsibility of making. On the third of February last, I officially laid before you the extraordinary announce- ment of the Imperial German Government that on and after the first day of February it was its purpose to put aside all restraints of law or of humanity and use its submarines to sink every vessel that sought to approach either the ports of Great Britain and Ireland or the western coasts of Europe or any of the ports controlled by the enemies of Germany within the Mediterranean. That had seemed to be the object of the German submarine warfare earlier in the war; but since April of last year the Imperial Government had somewhat restrained the com- manders of its undersea craft in conformity with its promise then given to us that passen- ger boats should not be sunk, and that due warning would be given to all other vessels which its submarines might seek to destroy, when no resistance was offered or escape at- tempted, and care taken that their crews were given at least a fair chance to save their lives in their open boats. The precautions taken were meager and haphazard enough, as was proved in dis- tressing instance after instance in the progress of the cruel and unmanly business, but a certain degree of restraint was observed. The new policy has swept every restriction aside. Vessels of every kind, whatever their flag, their character, their cargo, their destination, their errand, have been ruthlessly sent to the bottom without warning and without thought of help or mercy for those on board — the vessels of friendly neutrals, along with belligerents. Even hospital ships and ships carrying relief to the sorely bereaved and stricken peo- ple of Belgium, though the latter were provided with safe conduct through the proscribed areas by the German Government itself and were distinguished by unmistakable marks of identity, have been sunk with the same reckless lack of compassion or of principle. I was for a little while unable to believe that such things would in fact be done by any government that had hitherto subscribed to the humane practices of civilized nations. International law had its origin in the attempt to set up some law which would be re- spected and observed upon the seas, where no nation had right of dominion and where lay the free highways of the world. By painful stage after stage has that law been built up, with meager enough results, indeed, after all was accomplished that could be accomplished, but always with a clear view, at least, of what the heart and conscience of mankind demanded. This minimum of right the German Government has swept aside under the plea of re- taliation and necessity, and because it had no weapons which it could use at sea except ii/irniiitfuiiiiuiiiiD/iiliiniinnniiJijjfrriTiiiiriiiriiiiiiiWitiiiiriir 1 ! S^ll li» i i l |iH ) »^iiMi)[ i iiijA'ijii<;y;iiJ! ^^ii(irmi|ii?rrnwnpn!l ^^w^Mion, ; «,„,, ,«,;- PEJlSfiMQS =S^.'(l!!i!J!l , W),"!'J!'l,':' |E^ffl|g8t^ ^injil^ : :ii!liiii)(ii!iliiiil; 1 Vmi[rtiiiA'slii^||--M| i these which it is impossible to employ as it is employing them without throwing to the winds all scruples of humanity or of respect for the understandings that were supposed to underlie the intercourse of the world. I am not now thinking of the loss of property involved, immense and serious as that is, but only of the wanton and wholesale destruction of the lives of non-combatants, men, women and children, engaged in pursuits which have always, even in the darkest periods of modern history, been deemed innocent and legitimate. Property can be paid for; the lives of peaceful and innocent people cannot be. The present German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare against man- kind. It is a war against all nations. American ships have been sunk, American lives taken, in ways which it has stirred us very deeply to learn of, but the ships and people of other neutral and friendly nations have been sunk and overwhelmed in the waters in the same way. There has been no discrimination. The challenge is to all mankind. Each nation must decide for itself how it will meet it. The choice we make for ourselves must be made with a moderation of counsel and a temperateness of judgment befitting our character and our motives as a nation. We must put excited feeling away. Our motive will not be revenge or the victorious assertion of the physical might of the Nation, but only the vindication of right, of human right, of which we are only a single champion. When I addressed the Congress on the twenty-sixth of February last, I thought that it would suffice to assert our neutral rights with arms, our right to use the seas against unlawful interference, our right to keep our people safe against unlawful violence. But armed neutrality, it now appears, is impracticable. Because submarines are in effect outlaws when used as the German submarines have been used against merchant shipping, it is impossible to defend ships against their attacks as the law of nations has as- sumed that merchantmen would defend themselves against privateers or cruisers, visible craft giving chase upon the open sea. It is common prudence in such circumstances, grim necessity indeed, to endeavor to destroy them before they have shown their own intention. They must be dealt with upon sight, if dealt with at all. The German Government denies the right of neutrals to use arms at all within the areas of the sea which it has proscribed, even in the defense of rights which no modern publicist has ever before questioned their right to defend. The intimation is conveyed that the armed guards which we have placed on our merchant ships will be treated as beyond the pale of law and subject to be dealt with as pirates would be. Armed neutrality is inef- fectual enough at best; in such circumstances and in the face of such pretensions it is worse than ineffectual; it is likely only to produce what it was meant to prevent; it is prac- tically certain to draw us into the war without either the rights or the effectiveness of belligerents. uuiMuuuiMuiiiiifliuiiiuuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiijjtiiniiiiiiiDirrijiiiffli "Kllilii . ! 5! There is one choice we cannot make, we are incapable of making: we will not choose the path of submission and suffer the most sacred rights of our Nation and our people to be ignored or violated. The wrongs against which we now array ourselves are no common wrongs; they cut to the very roots of human life. With a profound sense of the solemn and even tragical character of the step I am taking and of the grave responsibilities which it involves, but in unhesitating obedience to what I deem my constitutional duty, I advise that the Congress declare the recent course of the Imperial German Government to be in fact nothing less than war against the Gov- ernment and people of the United States; that it formally accept the status of belligerent which has thus been thrust upon it; and that it take immediate steps not only to put the coun- try in a more thorough state of defense, but also to exert all its power and employ all its resources to bring the Government of the German Empire to terms and end the war. What this will involve is clear. It will involve the utmost practicable co-operation in counsel and action with the governments now at war with Germany, and, as incident to that, the extension to those governments of the most liberal financial credits in order that our resources may, so far as possible, be added to theirs. It will involve the organization and mobilization of all the material resources of the country to supply the materials of war and serve the incidental needs of the Nation in the most abundant and yet the most economical and efficient way possible. It will involve the immediate full equipment of the Navy in all respects, but particularly in supplying it with the best means of dealing with the enemy's submarines. It will involve the immediate addition to the armed forces of the United States already provided for by law in case of war at least five hundred thousand men, who should, in my opinion, be chosen upon the principle of universal liability to service, and also the authorization of subsequent additional increments of equal force so soon as they may be needed and can be handled in training. It will involve also, of course, the granting of adequate credits to the Government, sus- tained, I hope, so far as they can equitably be sustained by the present generation, by well- conceived taxation. I say sustained so far as may be equitable by taxation because it seems to me that it would be most unwise to base the credits which will now be necessary entirely on money borrowed. It is our duty, I most respectfully urge, to protect our people so far as we may, against the very serious hardships and evils which would be likely to arise out of the inflation which would be produced by vast loans. In carrying out the measures by which these things are to be accomplished we should keep constantly in mind the wisdom of interfering as little as possible in our own prepara- tion and in the equipment of our own military forces with the duty — for it will be a very practical duty — of supplying the nations already at war with Germany with the materials which they can obtain only from us or by our assistance. They are in the field and we should help them in every way to be effective there. I shall take the liberty of suggesting, through the several executive departments of the Government, for the consideration of your committees, measures for the accomplishment of the several objects I have mentioned. I hope that it will be your pleasure to deal with them as having been framed after very careful thought by the branch of the Government upon WlllDiminiiMTjjitn!llUIMD»IilllDfMrMll]llimMiffl!lIi ' ""Wx.'Sr 111 -^ l JfC:\V'"' . riimiuiJiytujiiiiiufctfijii.nnrjiiDiimjLjL't |5j[|ipmmiiin' l " "" "" ^ iriOTjni'ni'iiii'iiiiiinmnreiWS iliiiinlitiiduuiiramlliliiiMi T_ -^= 1 which the responsibility of conducting the war and safeguarding the Nation will most di- rectly fall. While we do these tilings, these deeply momentous things, let us be very clear, and make very clear to all the world what our motives and our objects are. My own thought has not been driven from its habitual and normal course by the unhappy events of the last two months, and I do not believe that the thought of the Nation has been altered or clouded by them. I have exactly the same diings in mind now that I had in mind when I addressed the Senate on the twenty-second of January last; the same that I had in mind when I addressed the Congress on the third of February and on the twenty-sixth of February. Our object now, as then, is to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the w r orld as against selfish and autocratic power and to set up amongst the really free and self-governed peoples of the world such a concert of purpose and of action as will henceforth insure the observance of those principles. Neutrality is no longer feasible or desirable where the peace of the world is involved and the freedom of its peoples, and the menace to that peace and freedom lies in die exist- ence of autocratic governments backed by organized force which is controlled wholly by their will, not the will of their people. We have seen the last of neutrality in such circumstances. We are at the beginning of an age in which it will be insisted that the same standards of conduct and of responsibility for wrong done shall be observed among nations and their governments that are observed among the individual citizens of civilized states. We have no quarrel with the German people. We have no feeling toward them but one of sympathy and friendship. It was not upon dieir impulse that their Government acted in entering this war. It was not with their previous knowledge or approval. It was a war determined upon as wars used to be determined upon in the old, unhappy days when peoples were nowhere consulted by their rulers and wars were provoked and waged in the interest of dynasties or of little groups of ambitious men who were accus- tomed to use their fellow men as pawns and tools. Self-governed nations do not fill their neighbor states with spies or set the course of in- trigue to bring about some critical posture of affairs which will give them an opportunity to strike and make conquest. Such designs can be successfully worked out only under cover and where no one has the right to ask questions. Cunningly contrived plans of deception or aggression, carried, it may be, from gener- ation to generation, can be worked out and kept from the light only within the privacy of courts or behind die carefully guarded confidences of a narrow and privileged class. They are happily impossible where public opinion commands and insists upon full information concerning all the nation's affairs. A steadfast concert for peace can never be maintained except by a partnership of democratic nations. No autocratic government could be trusted to keep faith within it or observe its covenants. It must be a league of honor, a partnership of opinion. SiUilIMDiJ .,_;,.,„„,,„;„;.„„„.;„ _■.„.,.. u , , --^"V \^p;^m$5Smi " " "-...M.'Xjiuuj.iuubJ: ™ «^M ; ntnnaiiuiflinunniniuiEDaiBiiuioii cgSBBDP JK^H Intrigue would eat its vitals away; the plottings of inner circles who could plan what they would and render account to no one would be a corruption seated at its very heart. Only free peoples can hold their purpose and their honor steady to a common end and prefer the interests of mankind to any narrow interest of their own. Does not every American feel that assurance has been added to our hope for the future peace of the world by the wonderful and heartening things that have been happen- ing within the last few weeks in Russia? Russia was known by those who knew it best to have been always in fact democratic at heart, in all the vital habits of her thought, in all the intimate relationships of her peo- ple that spoke their natural instinct, their habitual attitude toward life. The autocracy that crowned the summit of her political structure, long as it has stood and terrible as was the reality of its power, was not in fact Russian in origin, character or purpose; and now it has been shaken off and the great, generous Russian people have been added in all their native majesty and might to the forces that are fighting for freedom in the world, for justice, and for peace. Here is a fit partner for a League of Honor. One of the things that has served to convince us that the Prussian autocracy was not and could never be our friend is that from the very outset of the present war it has filled our unsuspecting communities and even our offices of Government with spies and set crim- inal intrigues everywhere afoot against our national unity of council, our peace within and without, our industries and our commerce. Indeed, it is now evident that its spies were here even before the war began; and it unhappily is not a matter of conjecture, but a fact proved in our courts of justice, that the intrigues which have more than once come perilously near to disturbing the peace and dis- locating the industries of the country have been carried on at the instigation, with the sup- port, and even under the personal direction of official agents of the Imperial Government ac- credited to the Government of the United States. Even in checking these things and trying to extirpate them we have sought to put the most generous interpretation possible upon them because we knew that their source lay, not in any hostile feeling or purpose of the German people toward us (who were, no doubt, as ignorant of them as we ourselves were ) , but only in the selfish designs of a Government that did what it pleased and told its people nothing. But they have played their part in serving to convince us at last that that Government entertains no real friendship for us and means to act against our peace and security at its convenience. That it means to stir up enemies against us at our very doors, the intercepted note to the German Minister at Mexico City is eloquent evidence. We are accepting this challenge of hostile purpose because we know that in such a Government, following such methods, we can never have a friend ; and that in the presence of its organized power, always lying in wait to accomplish we know not what purpose, there can be no assured security for the democratic governments of the world. We are now about to accept gauge of battle with this natural foe to liberty and shall, if necessary, spend the whole force of the Nation to check and nullify its pretensions and its 111! iMEIDMULMMlfi ^^^ miflni!iminflMo^^^ mmmmm ? M JJ ^ 1L M ! rH;, t M m nr^mmm^ t nun f rM f , J[fimt ^nu JT[J i It .M, lir o,- 1 w J M,n.n f ur... „,«- wmmmMm :: 'I-H' (ill power. We are glad, now that we see the facts with no veil of false pretense about them, to fight for the ultimate peace of the world and for the liberation of its peoples, the Ger- man peoples included: for the rights of nations great and small and the privilege of men everywhere to choose their way of life and of obedience. The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them. Just because we fight without rancor, without selfish object, seeking nothing for our- selves but what we shall wish to share with all free peoples, we shall, I feel confident, con- duct our operations as belligerents without passion and ourselves observe with proud punc- tilio die principles of right and of fair play we profess to be fighting for. I have said nothing of the governments allied with the Imperial Government of Ger- many because they have not made war upon us or challenged us to defend our right and our honor. The Austro-Hungarian Government has, indeed, avowed its unqualified indorse- ment and acceptance of the reckless and lawless submarine warfare adopted now without disguise by the Imperial German Government, and it has therefore not been possible for this Government to receive Count Tarnowski, the Ambassador recently accredited to this Government by the Imperial and Royal Government of Austria-Hungary; but that Govern- ment has not actually engaged in warfare against citizens of the United States on the seas, and I take the liberty, for the present at least, of postponing a discussion of our relations with the authorities at Vienna. We enter this war only where we are clearly forced into it because there are no other means of defending our rights. It will be all the easier for us to conduct ourselves as belligerents in a high spirit of right and fairness because we act without animus, not in enmity toward a people nor with the desire to bring any injury or disadvantage upon them, but only in armed opposition to an irresponsible Government which has thrown aside all considerations of humanity and of right and is running amuck. We are, let me say again, the sincere friends of the German people, and shall desire nothing so much as the early re-establishment of intimate relations of mutual advantage be- tween us — however hard it may be for them, for the time being, to believe that this is spoken from our hearts. We have borne with their present Government through all these bitter months because of Uiat friendship — exercising a patience and forbearance which would otherwise have been impossible. We shall, happily, still have an opportunity to prove that friendship in our daily attitude and actions toward the millions of men and women of Ger- man birth and native sympathy who live amongst us and share our life, and we shall be proud to prove it toward all who are in fact loyal to dieir neighbors and to the Government in the hour of test. They are, most of them, as true and loyal Americans as if they had never known any other fealty or allegiance. They will be prompt to stand with us in rebuking and restraining the few who may be ol a different mind and purpose. lllJillllllUlIIJIIIIIIJHIIJfflllJllIIIIL'IIIIIIJIIIIIllllillii^^i IKiiiBi^it JiBi ■_a '""I -a iff If there should he disloyalty, it will be dealt with with a firm hand of stern repres- sion; but, if it lifts its head at all, it will lift it only here and there and without counte- nance except from a lawless and malignant few. It is a distressing and oppressive duty, Gentlemen of the Congress, which I have per- formed in thus addressing you. There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and sac- rifice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance. But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts — for democracy, for the right of those who submit to au- thority to have a voice in their own governments, for the rights and liberties of small na- tions, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free. To such a task we can dedicate our lives and our fortunes, everything that we are and everything that we have, with the pride of those who know that the day has come when America is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured. God helping her, she can do no other. !S:!|||!fi f ^~a~ —ailliiUHUllfllllMn" '■,,<»' ..,.* : -miif'"^:. ;>, i ppup fmm§mmmmfm^m^ Pvt. Clyde Andr< Cjmpanv B 3d Infantry ^vt. Chas. H. Barnctt Battery C 6th Fidel Artillery Corp. Harry Bache Company F 167th Infantry Pvt. Claude Barnett Bakery Co. 357 tffi.l!-. Pvt. Jesse Berry Company C 106th Am. Train Pvt. Earl' Beal Battery F 53.1 Artillery C A.C Pvt. Edgar Blakely Medical Corps Sgt. James Blackn 19th Division Supply Train Corp. Mark B Blackn Company C 106th Am. Train Pvt. Willie H. Br Company C 2d Training Re Pvt. Earnest G. Brewste Company 39 157th Depot Brigade i!l!OTIMW!L ninm »MlIE^^ Sift IMlffilS* limmoiiijmiMiiifliM IS^i!l|ij||l|p^i 'iij-i'iiiin^i'ir^iKj/^r'-^w L a net I Pvt. Eddie E. Buchannan l-l Company 1-t Arrav Corps School Del Corp. Henry Carlisle liaiurv E 21sl Field Artillery Tipton Coffe V.M.C.A Pvt. A. Fcnnimorc Cox Company I- 167lh Infantry Sgt. Thos. H. Cai Company C lllhlh Am. TVai Sgt. Jno. G. Chapmai Ona.K-rmasU-r Corp: Pvt. Jesse W. Coleman Company 1'. 151st M.i. h. t'.nn Btn. , , £ ..,v;,:.i:.;...:,,:,:j;v: : ,:i. : i',:. ■■,...■>.}■!*: ,,&, Pvt. George Caldwell Company B .W-tth Infantry Pvt. T. G. Cle 2d Provisioi Depot Balla Sgt. Ewcll Cofle Company U Pvt. Hoyt Crowde 3d Company Devi loping Btn r.f Pvt. Merritt E. Carlisle Company L 327th Infantry Sgt. Maj. Guy Coffe lld.,trs. Company Corp. Harvey R. Colli i;,i.i i;,j i, Corp. Lestei D. Crowder Company F ll.Tlli Infantry 3 f d^Z'"%"- —I- Sr jf 1 jmm jj illiiiiiiBi liH set ACT Cook O. W. Culpeppe Company I M.T.C.R.U. 307 Pvt. Winfred L. Deloac Battery C rtli Field Artillery Pvt. A. E. Finche 2d Provisional R.R C. Pvt. Wesley Foste Company F 167th Fnfantrv Pvt. Leroy Daniel I Idqtrs. Company 167th Infantry Pvt. Huburt Denhan I17lh Field Arlille Pvt. George Find Company B 359th Infantry Pvt. Will H. Gill Company C 321st Infantry Pvt. Elijah Daniel 6th Company Development l*Stn. Pvt. Radney Dobson Company H 161st Infantry Pvt. Isac Free Mach. Gun Compan 167th Infantry Corp. Tolbert H. Gray Compan v F 167th Infantry L an ett Pvt. Robert Daile Battery E U7lh Field Arlille Pvt. Gay Dunn Company F! 4Slh Much. Gun Btn. William E. Fre( Company F 167!h Infantry Corp. Ben W. Griffeth Company 11 34th Engineers llMmoiiiiiimiiiriiiiniMtM aummiiniuuiitLUT.uan iiuiuiuiuiiiiuui mnmiiiiiniiiuii inLiiii^iiLiiJiinu uiiibitnLmsniRQiinnDjniiiiini tmuaiuiDjluii Pvt. F. M Heggood Pvt Emmit Henderson Corp. S. Calloway Herr ing Pvt. Charles Frank Hill 118th 1 nfar try Band Company G 165th Infantry Company F 167th Infantry Battery C 3rl Field Artillery Corp. John J. Seymor Company C 106th Am. 'Train Muse. David Hollov 167th Infantry Ba. Pvt. Minor Hoc Company I) 106th Am. Trai Pvt. Jack Howard Com,. any 17 5th Rug U.S. Marine Corps Pvt. Jno. M. Ho S.A.T.C. Auburn, Al Pvt. Reuben J. Jenning S.A.T.C. Marion Inst. Pvt. John Johns Company A 106th Engincei Sgt. Frank P. Jo: Company F 167th Infantry Pvt. Oscar King Company C 54th Mach. Gun Ctn. 3 vt. Beiah Kir 5th Company Coast Artiller; Pvt. Marion W. Knight Pvt. Joe W. Knight Quartermaster Corps Marine Guard Naval Radio Station Hi: Til MIlllDIMlOMUlIu™^ $rim$S& w^tm MiEMHIS &j.\ ;"%£ 4$ ,4&i ^"^T. in iiimu'iiinirn mwmmm% ?M<4f ^^Wi^ii™ L an e 1 1 ■% i i I hi Li Pvt. John C. Leonard Casual Co. 63 162d Depot Brigade Corp. James McGlo Company II 167th Infantry Pvt. J. T. Manley Battery I) 1 1 7tli Field ■*£-- ^VlCP^s PiaiililUDlffllMBIlIB^ B1H1BI L an ett !lIl]M)MW''! ! l' : - l! "'l-T , , , '--!"'^' i ' i: : : l!v l !' ni «- iI WW l, !S Roll of Honor u-M ■^Maguire, Brant *Manley, J. T. *Martin, Luther *McGhee, Evans McGhee, Gip L. *McGlon, Jesse *McGlon, James ^McNaron, Curtis Neese, Kenny *Newby, Edd L. *Newsome, Walter Norman, Raemon *Oliver, Eugene *Parker, Calvin *Parker, Mose Henry Peppers, Walter *Phillips, Watson *Pryor, George C. *Purcell, William D. *Raines, William C. Robinson, James E. Robinson, Oscar *Rogers, William *Sanders, C. E. Sands, L. C. *Sedinger, Charles *Seymore, James *Seymore, John J. *Sims, Thomas M. *Smith, Carl *Smith, Grady *Smith, Joe *Smith, Ollie *Stearns, James *Stevens, Harvey D. Stevens, Otis *Stewart, John W. *Stiff, Eugene *Tally, Charlie *Tally, Robert J*Thomaston, Thomas *Thomaston, William L. *Turner, Hugh *Ward, James ^Whittle, Quincer *WlLBANKS, COLVIN *WlLBANKS, OCIE T. * Williams, Jesse Von *Williams, Robert *Winningham, Charles Winslett, R. D. *Yarbrough, Charles H. Golored Askew, Frank Brock, Bill Collins, Jim Collins, John Chappel, Dock Cheery, Abraham Dallis, Willie Duncan, James D. Duncan, John Duncan, Will Duncan, Lindsey Fitspatrick, Henry XKilled in action fDied of disease "Photo Gates, Richard Gipson, Charlie Gordon, W. M. Goss, Jim Goss, Napoleon Greenwood, Enoch Greer, William A., Jr. Harris, Hosea Hill, Clarence Hill, Stanley Huguley, Dock Jordon, Edd McKinley, Jeff Oliver, Wesley Oneal, Alva Roberson, Early Scott, Lee Smith, Elijah Towles, Willie Trammel, Luther Watkins, Robert Weston, Gilbert Weston, Willie Winston, Jeff Winston, Zack ffiiippyi!atiii!:;i: :t ^i;i)j;jii]jJSM -^mm^mmmm, ...v'* i^^m^mimm W o,r,; „„„, ,«■- piiirtn«yii™^ /. a ii <■ I I mm ^i mm - m Extracts of Appreciation "To know that the people at home are squarely back of us just doubles our determina- tion to lick the Boche .... Our first Battalion was the first American troops to cap- ture prisoners without the aid of the French or British." David Holloway July 8, 1918 "I beg to inform you that there are boys here from the largest cities in the country who have been here a long time and never have received as much as a card from the numer- ous organizations in their home cities while I have had letters from Lanett Service Sta- tion and only been here a month. The boys all admit that they have to take off their hats to Lanett for the spirit the folks at home show in backing up the boys." Hobson G. Heggood "And if it so be I will stand on the vine clad hills of sunny France and give my life for a cause that is just and right." Evans McGhee June 14. 1918. Eagle Pass, Texas "Our motto is 'Over the Top and give them H — ' and you can take it from me that is just what they are doing. Our boys are fighting like our grandfathers fought back in the sixties and they are making for themselves a name which will never be forgotten." September 21, 1918. Musician, 167th Inf. Band, Somewhere in France Dave HOLLOWAY. "And I am glad that I have such a patriotic town to back me while I do a little to help beat the Beast of Berlin." Sgt £ugene c Stiff July 23, 1918. Company 9, 122d Infantry "I wish to thank you for the interest die Service Station is taking in me and I am sure all the boys from dear old Lanett feel the same as myself .... We had three battles with the 'Subs' on my last trip and I am proud to say we got three 'Subs' out of three battles -" Chas. H. Yarbrough. On Board U. S. S. Zeelandia "We drove the enemy out of places that looked impossible for it to be done, tunnels and under hills and mountains several hundred feet deep, but believe me we went in after them without any mercy and finally got them going so fast we had to put dough- boys in motor trucks and hook the kitchens on behind to keep up with them." November 30, 1918. Company E, 307th Engineers THOMAS M. SlMS. ■ips^ L an e tt Extracts of Appreciation "Again I offer you a rising and unanimous vote of thanks for your kind letters. Number 10 reached me this week and did me more good than a check for $50.00 would .... You will have to admit that when the world wanted Germany licked they sent over the A. E. F. (After England Failed) and three days after I reached the front the second time, the Kaiser packed his trick clothes, threw his crown into the garbage pail, put on his rubber boots and let himself out the back door." Corp. W. D. Purcell November 21, 1918 "You have no idea how we love to hear from home and to feel that you remember us. We can fight a heap better when we're reminded once in a while that our loved ones are helping us by keeping us in touch with home and sacrificing in numerous ways that we may be more comfortable." July 16, 1918. The Rhode Island George Bankston "It is just beginning to seem like 1919 to me and it will be a happy year I am sure be- cause it means that I am coming back to the only country on earth with all my feet and hands still attached to me. "Don't close the station until all of us are out of France. I would miss your letters and I want to see all the folks at the station and thank them for their backing and the inter- est taken in the boys." n w ™ n 3 Corp. Wm. D. Purcell January, 1919. Somewhere in France "My chum called to me and we counted two hundred air planes going over to Germany and they were all in sight at one time and they made me think of a flock of wild geese back in the States." Alver Gunn October, 1918. Somewhere in France "I thank God I am an American and will go down with my comrades if the good Lord so wills that I go that way." Extract from letter dated August 27, 1918, from Thomas Thomaston, Company F, 167th Infantry, who was killed before his letter reached the Service Station. "Yesterday was Christmas and believe me we had some dinner — turkey, pies, California cake, dressing, mashed potatoes, celery, tangerines, cigarettes and one cigar and a few other things I did not know any name for — and that makes me think, I thank you many, many times for the Christmas box. You could not have sent anything that would have pleased me more and I assure you it was appreciated by myself and friends." December 26, 1918. Co. A, 306th Am. Train CORP. Wm. D. PuRCELL >^ Mi.ir« iu f'M tusnaqijifj |f tfin^! iiriiii ijcnxvOiliCif ih i ■ iim ueu/ui rnomruirttt roi »i ittviunirt fl^Vti'Unt m urfu rt" DEFENDERS* ®:®momjm- Bill Jfgf liiilliiis &(8SBIli ki ^^llljl § 1:3 Wiiip'ifi Jvi^ ^ li II I WAR SERVICE STATION, Lanett RED CROSS WORK ROOM, Lanett L a n ell " " . ■' taiimurojjimiuuiMM^^ ^ S=' ; ^ 5 " t*J J t*i i •- jjjjxj u 1 1 ,^uaHwuiiniliumi])»HjiiUi^ in; 1 1 1 i".ii I'lnmmw.MlsH f # 7.^:, Sj ' H ~g Eg /. a net I m\ &k !. ,f ' _!_=: Managing Committee of Lanett Geo. H. Lanier Geo. S. Harris TEAM No. 1 Geo. S. Harris. Captain J. D. Anderson John Knowles Edgar Mitchell W. W. Wallis John King John Simmons TEAM No. 2 R. W. Jennincs, Captain John I.Warner W. H. Gray Britt Veazey Geo. Heard TEAM No. 3 D. A. Jolly. Captain Tom Swan P. Sorrell W. Hollis Geo. Cromer B. Pennington TEAM No. 4 W. S. Leatherwood, Captain C. E. Lunceford H. E. Mathews A. J. Weldon J. N. Barrow TEAM No. 5 Tipton Coffee. Captain Rev. D. M. Joiner G. F. Partridge E. J. Gilbert R. D. Kinc TEAM No. 6 D. J. Crowder, Captain J. T. Auchtman H. C. Hamilton C. E. DeLoach Sam Jones TEAM No. 7 Lewis Wright, Captain C. M. Brady G. B. Avery Clyde Blakel-* Geo. Lanieii TEAM No. 8 Samuel Hayes, Captain K. Kitchens Patrick Sullivan' Keil Howell Neal Holstun TEAM No. 9 W. F. Sims. Captain R.W. Jennincs TEAM No. 10 Dawson Swint, Captain W. W. Whitson Sam Goodman- Ray Coffee Arthur Hacedorn L. S. Philips TEAM No. 11 J. J. Jordan. Captain W. H. Knight J. H. Stevens Tom McClendon U. S. Waters TEAM No. 12 John Hacedorn, Captain C C Wilbanks Lee Heyman C. W. Milford W. R. Harrison TEAM No. 13 Dr. J. L. Weluon, Captain Dr. Whatley J. H. Allen Carl Crouch H. M. Gay TEAM No. 14 T. L. Crouch, Captain V. M. Wood Amos Priester J. A. Wheeler O. K. Waites .1. H. H<>\\ \RTH .I.J. TEAM No. 15 0. A. Bonner. Captain Harvey Weldon Luther Boyd Wm. Z.Taylor O. C. McClendon TEAM No. 16 R. C. Stanfield, Captain J. T. Winntncham A.C.Lynn S. T. Jones TEAM No. 17 James Wallace, Captain Emory Coffee W. H. Wright E. P. Rutland Parker Horn A. L. Smith TEAM No. 18 J. C. Berry, Captain Jesse Laudermilk Dr. McCulloh Homer Wilbanks Bob Harrison TEAM No. 19 W. L. Osborne, Captain Ed Rainey W. H. Harvey J. E. Ridgeway John Harrison Committee of Ladies TEAM No. 20 Mrs. Geo. Harris, Captain Mrs. C. W. Warner Mrs. J. L. Weldon Mrs. Dawson Swint Mrs. Britt Veazey TEAM No. 21 Mrs. .1. H. How arth. Captain Mrs. Patrick Sullivan Mrs. Willie Grey Mrs. D. A. Jolly Mrs. C. E. DeLoach TEAM No. 22 Mrs. Chas. Stevens, Captain Miss Cordelia Micou Miss Estelle Heard Mrs. Homer Wilbank- Miss Ruby Pearce TEAM No. 23 Mrs. Geo. H. Lamer. Captain Mrs. John Hacedorn Mrs. Lee Heyman Mrs. Morris Darden Miss Katie Smith Mrs. Jamie Johnson TEAM No. 24 Mrs. John King, Captain Miss Flora Clyde Warner Miss Helen Howahth Miss Florence Weldon Miss Hatty Knowles TEAM No. 25 Mrs. S. L. Hw es. Captain Mrs. Adah Stevens \Iis> Gertrude Crowder Miss Grace Stevens Miss Frances Wallace '1 1 inn g i j0m liiii^fc^fci^f i 1 "5 J 111 Is IB , ' Oommittee JRefort Second Liberty Loan $1,650.00 Third Liberty Loan 53,700.00 Fourth Liberty Loan 55,850.00 Victory Liberty Loan 30,300.00 Total $141,500.00 United War Work Fund $2,451.00 First Red Cross War Fund...... $1,822.56 Second Red Cross War Fund $5,294.00 War Stamps $104,707.00 Salvation Army Drive $313.40 r rom JLanett Red Oross Sweaters ., 38 Sox, pairs 23 Pajamas, pairs 21 Towels 44 Bed shirts 78 Bandages 65 Comfort kits 5 Convalescent robes 6 Refugee garments 1006 Letters written to boys in Service 1972 Letters received from boys in Service.... 423 Other letters written 291 Number of packages forwarded 57 Number of visitors at War Service Station 2515 Total now in Service: white 164, colored 37 201 Number of Bulletins mailed 2648 Killed in action... , 6 Died of disease 1 Wounded 16 '.*,„„"...,'.,.„.,.. -,„.",.',',,„',.„' - , „-.„. u .... '.;,,- i. ■ A SMfllMllllMltfiM™ jg;';;nqjiliOMiuj ■:(-/# ~kv, m m PEFETOEIS^ t,p pyc 4 aS; J ,S /; r/ Zf in u I 1 fii i a Sgt. Curtis Avery Amer. Military Com. Q.M.C. Corp. D. H. Barnes 5th Airo Squadron Re Pvt. Hoyt A. Canady Company K 167lh Infantry Pvt. J. W. Conway Company C 151s( Mach. Gun Btn. DEMQWCY"" B^ Pvt. John Carmack 'th Co. 13th M.P.C. Embarkation Outer Sgt. Cliff Co Company 103d Infai Capt. J. I . Bowles Company E 106th Supply Train fcwfl X- Pvt. Eligc Champion Battery E 117th Field Artillery Pvt. Marion L. Connell Company A 4Sth Mach. Gun Bin. ■'YollDUUIUIIIillilllliyiHIUIIulJIIU] i imoumiDimiiianii Pvt. James Bridges Company II lfvlh Infantry Pvt. Claudius H. Cole (Marine) Balloon Dei II A F. Pvt. Geo. Cottle Battery D 18th Field Artillery '^VY 'Mf' : ir- — V' i^^W^^^liilllillillll: MiuPiraraWnMiKi ■muni ^DEFENDERS**: SP^mmm W^WW'l ,i.',iji(u;i.ij.'.j,(iyHii|iiiiigimnii/iiui m\ Corp. Howard S. Fling Company I 167th Infantry Pvt. J. M. Jarrell P.attery D 12"th Field Artillery Jones S. Davis se Hospital 21 Pvt. Jakie S. Edg Company K 1st Pioneers Inf Pvt. Kenon Foster llth Infantry Nov. Repl. Pvt G. W. Hollis Cas . Company 43 162d Depot Brigade- ' em Area 4 Pvt. Adolphus Johnson Oversea Casual Co 24th Camp Pike. A.R.D. Shaw m u t Pvt. H. H. Elloit 20th Co. 5th Tr litn. 156(h Depot lirigade Pvt. Clyde Huff Floyd Hughey Pvt. Reuben Ho\ veil Pvt. T. B. James Company I I'.S.N'. Company 1 40th Co. 10th Tr. lit 167th Infantry Development Uatt ,1m. u 157th Depot Rrigad Pvt. Burl D. Jone Company It 167th Infantry eliillil MfflMM^^ m$ "- *< _l j j^TTCTIiTJl' « I »^ ill*. 1 UA/f 1 U 1 1/1 J J I S h a iv m ut W. L. Warren U.S. Navy I'.S.S. Oklahomi Clinton Waters U.S. Navy I'.S.S. Rathburn Pvt. Sam J. Warren Ca*. Company 63 162d Depot llrigade n Pvt. John D. Whatley A. & B. Scliool Camp Sevier, S.C. Pvt. Kyle Waters 327t1i Field llospital 307th San. Train Pvt. Roy Watkins Machine Ctin Co. 56lh Infantry Pvt. John Deward White Hd<|tvs. Company 321st Infantry Corp. Paul W. Smith Company G 1st Pioneers Infantry 2.1 litn. n.o.i. Pvt. Floyd Compan 23d Inf: White y 11 Pvt. Joe Word 122d A.C. 106lh San. Train Pvt. Bernard M.nU- Compiny A 113th F. A. EEMEiS^ . j ^MiSWWM^^^&SM '\m S h a w m u t Adcock, Coy *Aikens, Thomas *Avery. Curtis * Avery, Herbert *Baker, John J. *Barnes, D. H. *Barnes, J. C. $Beard, A. E. *Blackwelder, Floyd *Bowles, J. T. J*Bridges, Jim *Canady, Hoyt A. *Carmack, John *Champion, Lige *Cole, Claudius H. *Connell, Marion L. *Conway, Clifford * Conway, J. W. *Cottle, George *Coulter, Roy D. Crowder, Lee JDabbs, H. L. *Davis, J. S. Deloach, Birdie E. Deloach, 0. D. *Edge, J. S. *Elloit, Homer H. *Fling, H. S. *Foster, Kenon Foster, Rufus M. Garrett, Carl Boyd, Charlie Boyd, Ocie Brooks, Amos Brooks, Jessie Brooks, Willie Lee Roll 01 rlonor Hestley, Dan M. *Hollis, G. W. *Hollis, J. F. *Howell, Reuben *Huff, Clyde *Hughey, T. F. Humphrey, Jewell * James, T. B. *Jarrell, J. M. *Jarrell, Walter *Johnson, Aldolphus *Jones, Burl D. *Jones, Robt. L. *Keel, Hiram H. *Kemp, George Kennington, Grady Kennington, Jake *Lackey, Mac *Lanier, T. B. *Lawhorne, C. M. LlNDSEY, 0. L. *Lyons, J. C. *Mangrum, Wilford J*Mangrum, Wm. P. Manley, Bernard *Milam, Rance Murphy, N. B. *McCarley, W. F. *Newman, Otis B. *Phillips, Denson *Pitts, Frank *Pratt, Horace L. *Pritchard, Harold Oolored Chambers, John Cooper, Jeff Copeland, George Gibson, B. C. JHaffner, Richard *Ruff, Lee *Sewell, J. C. Sharpe, A. E. *Sharpe, J. R. *Simms, A. T. *Sledge, J. S. *Smith, Alva *Smith, A. C. *Smith, Cooper Smith, Elish Smith, Ernest *Smith, Paul W. Smith, John Will *Spivey, E. L. Spivey, Forrest *Stephens, J. H. *Still, T. H. Taunton, Jesse Taylor, C. Z. *Terrell, C. T. J*Thomas, Bennie *Tyson, Thomas ^Wallace, John T. *Warren, Sam *Warren, W. L. *Waters, Clinton *Waters, Kyle *Watkins, Roy W. ^*Whatley, John D. *White, Floyd *White, John D. *Whitlow, Olin *Word, Joe LlTTLEFIELD, B. K. Mason, John Mitts, John Oliver, Wesley Reese, John T. jiimniiiiiuiiT ^,-.,,.., ,. ,.._ r ^ rr--t? JTTfF 7 oiliiiiiin'iiiBiiiiiiinrajiiiiiiitiiirimuJitdifrriTiiniiiirifiiiiituaiim'^miii #Mi|ini)ii[niiiiiiiiii||7ii|iii|i , |i|iiirnin!|i|iin i fi ir nT , i | i)ii , 'iiiip , 'i'w i iin m n r 'ii ;i| rii ''I'liiiiinnniiin _ j! ^l«iJjiHanra>!|i(iiii,viirinniMinifimiTOi/i(D)!(ii[iffliiiiimuuftii ■Jiini.mni'' S h a w m u t f l J | i!mu!i!i|l\nj!M!r'. ! ^l!:'M';i!i;i!! , illI[iwmirainiliII!! - --i t/xtracts of Appreciation "The people here are different from any other section of France. Their customs and dress are very peculiar, in fact, reminds me very much of the people of Holland. They wear wooden shoes and have a dialect all their own. French people from the more up- to-date parts of France have difficulty in speaking to and understanding them. The country is flat and marshy, and windmills like those of Holland can be seen. It is very pleasant in summer but in the winter I think it must be very cold, for already it is get- ting very cold at night and in the morning. I do not think we will be here long, though I do not know where we will go from here. Perhaps where the big guns roar and the bombs drop from the skies. Well, we have been anxious to go up front, and no doubt our chance will come some day. We have been doing some mighty important work back here in the S. 0. S. but it is the nature of an American to want to be where the excite- ment is thickest." T r TI J. F. H. October 8, 1918 "This helmet was picked up on the morning of October 16th as we were returning to die rear from a convoy in the heart of the Argonne, near the village of Cheppy. The wearer who had fallen earlier in the day was an old soldier perhaps sixty-five years old and belonged to die 419th Division of the Saxon Bombardiers. More than a hun- dred German and American Troops lay dead widiin sight. "The probable cause of his death was high explosive, as he was torn up very badly. "In an area of two square miles many hundred of these could have been gathered. I took an interest in this one on account of its high polish for camouflage purposes, something new to us at that time." A r S "We spent quite a different life from this in the English waters where we put in many monotonous months waiting for the Hun to come out. We were sorry he came out the way he did for we were just aching to exchange broadsides with him. "My ship convoyed one-half million troops through what is called the 'Submarines' Graveyard,' off the coast of Ireland, during the months of September and October." January 1, 1919 W. W. "The boys in the outfit I belong to were the first to cross the Meuse River and were in the first lines when the guns stopped firing at 11 o'clock on the 11th day on the 11th month in the year 1918." December 21, 1918 J. T. W. iilttiiiCl i i S h aw m u t Extracts of Af>J>reciation "I now belong to the Army of Occupation. We are going through what is to my think- ing the prettiest country yet. My battery has hiked some four hundred and twenty-five kilometers since we fired our last barrage — -and believe me, that was some barrage — 'The Million Dollar One'. It will take a long time before I forget it. I stood on a hill and watched and listened. IT WAS GREAT. I guess about ten or twelve regiments of the American Artillery and I don't know how many of the French took part. The best of old Heinie's guns were being used. If he knew the sound of them as well as we did, he knew that we were firing his OWN guns at him. They have a very pecu- liar and creepy sound, see?" C F K December 4, 1918 !:-3 "I had the pictures struck yesterday. And to show you how much speed there is here in France — for this is an instance of real speed — "The guy who runs the shop pounded me on the back and said, 'Bon, bon-apres un mayr photo finie'. Anybody that has to put up with that kind of lingo and fight this war has sure got some job. Well, after tearing out about all of my hair and using three different Franco-American dictionaries I finally managed to get this out of the scraps, 'Good, good, after one month, picture finished'. "Remember that was only yesterday." ^ tt October 25, 1918 "If this letter reaches you safely you can say it came through from the infernal re- gions, for if there was ever a 'Hell's Half Acre' this must be it. Put your finger on tlie biggest forest in France and say I'm there. Six weeks like a rat, three of which is like a whirlwind sweeping through Hades day or night, no rest, but forever watching, waiting, working by candle light deep down in a dug-out, or no light at all. This cer- tainly cannot last much longer. It does us good to know there is one place where every- thing is like it used to be. I certainly am glad SHAWMUT is still natural and hope someday soon to get back there and take up my work where I left off." A. C. S. "I wish to express my sincere appreciation of the personal letter service which has been rendered me. It is the wonderful and unselfish spirit of the folks back home, which has made the men of die A. E. F. willing and eager to 'carry on'." December 22, 1918 J.S.D. "I was sitting on my bunk trying to write these few lines, when my bunkie jumped up all at once and said a few words (I can't tell you what he said). At first I thought that he was shot but I found out what the trouble was, only a 'cootie bite'." September 23, 1918 D. H. B. imirauiujiijuiiuj uti imnimiDinrauj [iiiiijiiiitfMiiijimiriManffliiiiiaiJiEJitniii Sillily ip^,™, smm mmmmm - m^ mm WMmMMmmmmi\m\I DE10CMC1 ; g§| l '■Iiii''l:i '.'•"iiW.'i.'illlWitf |Em $ h a w m u I Extracts of Affxreciation "If there is one thing that stands out preeminently in a soldier's daily schedule across the sea, as to helpfulness it is 'that letter' or little bit of news from home (America) If you good people who are carrying on the work of the 'Home Guards' could see the eager faces of the Yanks at mail time, as they congregate for mail distributions, I am sure you would agree that time spent in writing to 'Over There' boys, is at least appreciated to die fullest." T H S September 22, 1918 "I appreciate having my name on the list at the War Service Station very much. I en- joy the Bulletin from the first to the last and hope I'll never miss one as long as the war lasts." H.A. October 6, 1918 "I was indeed surprised, a few days since, to receive a letter from you good people of my old home town reminding me that you still remember me and appreciate the effort that we boys are making to do our 'bit' for the just and righteous cause in which we are all enlisted. "Your promise to write us from time to time of the items of interest at home especially gratifying, for local news nowadays, possesses far more interest and diversion for us than does the doings and happenings of the remainder of the 'great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world'." C. T. T. July 10, 1918 "It makes one feel good to know that he is remembered back home, not only by his parents, but by his friends as well. You don't know, you can't know, just how much good you are doing and just how it makes us feel when stationed at a remote camp, where we know no one, to get a letter from friends at home, who are interested in us. It makes us feel as though nothing on earth could prevent us from winning this war — and we shall win. R. D. C. June 21, 1918 "We leave this port the tenth of December and proceed nine hundred miles off this coast and meet President Wilson and his party, who are coming over to the Peace Conference on the George Washington, convoyed by die super-dreadnaught, Pennsyl- vania, and six destroyers. "There are nine big dreadnaughts in our fleet lying here who will go out and convoy them to Brest, France." W T W F£'; I-?., :' I- i ;---S ! | WAR SERVICE STATION, Shaivmut G. C. Wagnon Mrs. Jack Plaut, ass't sec' WAR SERVICE COMMITTEE, Shawmut C. A. SlNGLETERRY J. T. HoLLIS GEO. W. MuRPHY J. R. Edwards Mrs. Mary M. Bugc, sec'y ^rfi ; i | 'il | ii |, ' :! ' ' : - : : ■ '. ' ' ' ' ' ' T ? rLi-rnTj Tn i rrn m r i tfitj rnmmrmTnT].nTiTrnrriTi i mil niij ri i j j i--:--^., .„ . < ij j^^o^aeujl(| m f f.m jnr/i) ( 1 1 j umiij 1 1 ai i tu i n in tuj^tlj mjT , ,. , .,..*fe v ifp, WEEEMIIS^ I Sr—mi S h aw m ut ^p ^ ■ : i RED CROSS WORK ROOM, Shawmut RECEPTION ROOM. WAR SERVICE STATION, Shatvmut ■ v j i miM n IHlllifflllllilllMUUIUIIIiil niuiiiiiioiiiiiiiiijjuniiiiiiMioiiiiiJiiiiuiiiLJifliiLii :":r ! ' : ^|^k^" DiiMiiMMiMim -;• "- -rv '""■ '.■■":■: " Hffl ,. |,.!l ... . . •-!:: ' !l:i: iBiiiii^ a °1iSi^lillBHS,W ! " lL S h aw m ut m : i Oommittees Y. M. C. A. DRIVE Subscription, $338.35 RED CROSS CHRISTMAS MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Edwards, J. R. Murphy, G. W. Whitehead, J. L. Subscription, $100.00 RED CROSS WAR FUND DRIVE Bucc, Mrs. Edwards, J. R. Wacnon, Mrs. Whitehead, J. L. Subscription, $1,186.00 RED CROSS CHRISTMAS ROLL CALL Bucc, Mrs. M. M. Jones, T. T. Kemp, Mrs. F. S. Subscription, $150.00 UNITED WAR FUND DRIVE Cole, Loyd Crowder, J. J. Crowder, Walt Herring, Dr. Hollis, J. T. Johnson, E.J. Jones, T. T. Kemp, F. S. Murphy, G. W. Pritchard, Mrs. P. Singleterry, C. A. Underwood, W. L. Wagnon, G. C. Walls, J. S. Subscription, $1,944.10 ARMENIAN RELIEF FUND Subscription, $101.50 SALVATION ARMY DRIVE Subscription, $100.70 SECOND LIBERTY LOAN Jones, T. T. Murphy, G. W. Murphy, O. G. Singleterry, C. A. Wacnon, G. C. Subscription, $1,750.00 THIRD LIBERTY LOAN Crowder, J. J. Edwards, J. R. Hollis, J. T. Johnson, E. J. Jones, T. T. Kemp, F. S. Kemp, Miss Grace Murphy, G. W. Murphy, O. G. Singleterry, C. A. Wagnon, G. C. Walls, J. S. Underwood, W. L. Subscription, $24,350.00 FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Crowder, J. J. Edwards, J. R. Hollis, J. T. Johnson, E.J. Jones, Mrs. T. T. Jones, T. T. Kemp.F. S. Murphy, G. W. Murphy, O. G. Pritchard, Dr. P. Singleterry, C. A. Underwood, W. L. Wacnon, G. C. Walls, J. S. Whitehead, J. W. Subscription, $25,200.00 VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN Subscription, $10,500.00 WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Subscription, $10,500.00 Total Liberty and Victory Loans $61,800.00 War Saving Stamps 10,500.00 United War Fund 1,944.10 Membership and Subscription Red Cross 1,436.00 Y. M. C. A 338.35 Salvation Army 100.70 Armenian Relief 101.50 niPMllllUJjniiiffflimjrmpMiain lllllllllllllili™ „,,. )T .. rT . r7 ".,- -r-r~"- \~ "' : -.,:- — .^.- '/,-..' 'Xj^'^'l' iiiiiojiu^toirtimiitwiiiii™^ mtmi m&mm^ L"M v«l| Wi|iiii|riniiiiriii'[|ini[nii|i||||i(iiiii!|iijipoiMiffl MMauimiw.iifliiiM^ §MQ CRACT "S 1 v ^*t^^*iHuimHiiii hjJUi>aiin i tiuiimnuiiiiii tij Aiiiiiiij ikikiiortiiintirt Itii rj luuiiilro hhu 1 1 Kiiii&^^g^,|l»' * v -%^h 1 ' . ^^ ;^ - '.' '. ;- inj:ii;i l , n.LLiiinHniiJiiii^irraudnrTj^i. i : ^i; : it.au nju^ru nimij«i [iiinirra:; lirnii^uH/riLrtii^^" ^^|^ H S A a w in u l Committee Report Number of boys who left for Service from Shawmut Ill Number of colored boys 14 Number of boys discharged before War Service Station started 5 Number of boys whose address was unlocated 10 29 Number of boys on writing list 82 Number of boys who died in Service 7 Number of boys known to be wounded 20 Number of boys who have written to War Service Station 61 Number of visitors to Station.... 2950 Number of letters sent to boys in Service 1267 Number of other letters mailed - - 464 Number of Bulletins mailed - - 1650 Number of packages forwarded — 125 Number of letters received from boys in Service — 283 Number of pieces of mail sent out from War Service Station 3188 rom Sk awmu T bandages 91 Bed shirts 48 Triangular bandages 103 Abdominal bandages 79 Sweaters 116 Sox, pairs — 11 Refugee aprons 20 Helpless case shirts 12 Pajamas, pairs 20 Refugee dresses 10 t Red Cross Comfort bags 5 Refugee shirts 5 Convalescent robes 10 Garments to Belgian and French refugees 482 Towels in shower 125 Influenza masks for influenza epidemic 1000 Garments in Christmas box 160 Inspection of boys' Christmas boxes. Junior ixed Oross Collected 1917-1918 $60.00 Hospital blanket 1 Collected 1918-1919 50.00 Sox, jairs 15 Sweaters 6 Utility bags 10 Monthly hospital booklets. I llMf!;; '! Pvt. William A. Blanks lldqtrs. Military Police Pvt. Walter Blackv S7th Company M.T.C. Lieut. J. Mem Boha Pvt. Walter T. Boha Cavalry Camp Ren iugler Henry J. Brann. Battery F 50th Artillery C.A.C. Douglas Brittingha L'.S.S. Pennsylvani Pvt. c .121 Poet ompa st In C< ny fai nady C try Pvt. Alsberry Carlisle 9th Company 167th Infantry Li, "il. Pvt. Johnnie E. Carrike Truck Company 2 106th Am. Train Cook Eddie L. Crawford Hdqtrs. Troop 4th Division Pvt. Robert R. Crawford Company A 29th Mach. Gun Btn. Pvt. J. Ben Crenshaw 57th Company M.T.D. ! MiMMjjimiiira^ [iHl/iiumajjjmiKijtmitf *'^^V/ ^ U *™f ^|5 % t ,n't'Jiuip(!'rii:i.r,tjiufU-f 11-tlh Kield \ 1 1 i tli- ;.'// / Pvt. Oscar W. Kent 260th Company l.iiiili Btn M I' C. iilD^fflr-%^ | iHUlUlllUllllilIxi „ ul ,; , „. o^tV'V ~ ■■■■ -Mf 1 .^' ^W'^^-V' ■■■■'■■' ; -U J hi m. urnitii imriMiiijJinniiiDniLirarmfraiinuFiini iiUJU itij nrnnj^rlEa^umfifiii '~'Tj ■"■ ':~ :r..;r;i.ii J :iijt:::J' , ^ : ; j/c: ;s\ :L l !;;!^,:l:■L"Ujli^Llf^^":U^I: : i.'.J J :va1Ui^l^l J !l^u^J t .|iilf^'I , :l^:^||L■ ^unrnniijia : I .. Sgt. Homer McClendon Company li U.S.A. Gen. IIosp. 36 Sgt. Sam McDonald Pvt. Benjamin F. McGa Mattery F 7th Field Artillery Pvt. William C. Mai Company I! 47th Reg. T.C. U.S.S. Cincinnati James M. Newton U.S.S. Anniston Pvt. Will O'Neal Cas. Company 61 162d Depot Brigade Pvt. Amos Orrick Troop A 14th Cavalry Pvt. Fred Perryman Company M 49th Infantry Pvt. Luther Shelnut Cas. Company 43 162d Depot Brigade J A \m ,L.M Pvt. Walter Lee Smith 4th Company O.A R U Automatic flfflffifflMMIffllffim :»«,,,»»-,«,,»-,,-««,» JSSk mmmm*? iniiimti.rw an, mr, ,m,n , , ■«-i < ^^'' -'" \i-'M^W'?fflMt l WW li i$m mjt. m WM^ ^^BtriWubiJHiimlmiiimnWttiiiij^iiiu r ~ %i£S PEMO€SAffi |aj L a n g d a I e mm y k m is - i Pvt. Douglas M. Smith lldqtrs. Company 57th Infantry Ellis Waller Naval Training Stat Reg. 4 Sec. 9 Pvt. Tommy Young Company G 2J Training Regiment : ' ffluiiiii^iiuiMuiiiiiiuiyiui)iMjijitiiiJejiuiuiii]iiLii:iiiiM Pvt. G. F. Tankersley liattery F. 117th Field Artillery Sgt. Luke Wesson Supply Company 167th Infantrv raimninijiiraiiaiM^ Pvt. Zachery Thompso 7 Kt Company fith Coup M.T.D. Pvt. J. O. Threadg.ll 17th Company 16>.l Depot Hrigadi ..„,....,.., lim'flMMQE iPij^ ' ■ ■ pp ' 3 tiKfiS Allen, Grady Bailey, Charles Bailey, William F. Bassett, Bryant Bates, Hugh S. Bates, James Arthur Blackwell, Walter Blanks, William A. JBohannon, J. Mem fBoHANNON, Walter T. Boon, Grady Brannon, Henry J. Brittingham, Douglas Canady, Poet Carlisle, Alsberry Carriker, Johnnie E. Crawford, Eddie L. Crawford, Robert R. Crenshaw, Amos M. Crenshaw, J. Ben Crowder, Otis Culberson, Roy Daniel, Eugene R. Brooks, Jess Finley, Alton Roll of Honor Deloach, Ocie Lee Earles, Richmond Earles, Schusler Fobus, Joseph Adie Foster, Rufus M. Foster, Walter Lee Frazier, Luther Fuller, W. A. Glass, Jessee L. Gray, Keener Hornsby, Austin M. James, Ronald E. JJohnson, James Lee Johnson, Olin Joseph, Ellis Kent, Oscar W. Landreth, Thomas Laney, Ocie |Lauderdale, S. H. Manning, William C. Moon, Eulos Morris, Clarence Colored Ison, Guss Taylor, Guy McClendon, Homer McDonald, Sam McGarr, Benjamin F. Newton, James M. O'Neal, Will Orrick, Amos JPerryman, Fred Roberts, Andrew Shelnut, Luther Smith, Charles M. Smith, Douglas M. Smith, Walter Lee JStanfield, Charlie D. Stephens, Albert E. Tankersley, George F. Thompson, Zachary Threadgill, J. 0. Tyson, Fred Waller, Ellis Wesson, Luke Whatley, Walter H. Williams, Johnnie Young, Tommy Taylor, Manual Winston, Frank iDied of disease tKilled in action MiimmillIJMJJlffllMIMUM!llJJ(IIJJ)JM[iniil!l)llIlllIliiliJlJtLi: ! : IMMtflll ^ = m'iiij(j)!t«m'umMi(iiiffinrwiiiiiraii pfMFEiiliS^ '/ ^f,wuiD8uuiuniiiimraMiuniu0iiiiii : uiuiJiiiiliiiil(iliiiit!iiUliiOiMiuiHiiijiiiiniii!i[iiiH LCiiiiM^i&aiiiijioniaw 111 L a n e d a I e li/xtracts of Appreciation "I appreciate all the letters which you have written to me and it certainly livens a fel- low up and makes him feel good to receive all the news from home and know just what is heing done." "I am proud to be represented in the service flag." "Am glad to hear from you and to know that you are doing such wonderful work for the boys." "Thanking you all for the joy that comes with your ever welcome letters." "I want you to tell your fellow members in the War Service Station that as a man in the service I can heartily appreciate the work you are doing for the benefit of the men in the service and I think it is a splendid thing." "Please accept my sincere thanks for all the letters, magazines and other things you have sent." "Thanking you for remembering me and wishing you much success with your work." "Am sure this system will prove a success as the boys will all appreciate the work of the Service Station." "I am grateful to you and proud of our War Service Station." "I am sure the good work that the Langdale War Service Station is doing for the boys in the service is very much appreciated. No one has an idea what it means until they are in the Service and are remembered as we are by the Service Station." "Can assure you that your letters and all good work is more than appreciated." "My best wishes for a prosperous Station, but then how could it be otherwise when it is for the good of Democracy and especially for the Liberty- of these dear old 'United States'." "I am not going to try to thank you for all the good news and letters I received when I reached port, diis time. It was just grand." "If you could visit this place once, my dear friends, you would know what a good place the U. S. A. is. Everything is out of date, even the women are all curious looking." "It may be six or eight months before I get back to dear old Langdale. Of course it seems very hard to stay, but if my country needs me I am willing." il|:ii!i|iiimrni"nrrfrinn "tit > 'ijuT/ai;jj^jiij[rjL:!JiM;f in: :i!J ! iijru v !r: L ij.n : linsifiir, r.) ij ij;jjt;n ttrn rr;iiaiiiTtTFTlLL. uiiaTTTj UMnxi iin^^^-iijj'iiin^ir^TrAiUiUutLjjiLL^.iJap;:,;^...', j-ls.-.l ^ :.;,ri. j_^\ , nmuiifflniaS WAR SERVICE COMMITTEE, Longdate W. H. Enloe, chairman A. C. Boyd W. T. Draper C. M. Moore W. L. Clark Miss Ollie Gardner, secretary I RED CROSS WORK ROOM, Longdate I I,.: illliii' Imiini" m nuiiETjj iu"i JiuiimiiuMuujiUjjuiLiJLaiLTjii j j imTfLLLLuniinuT] LUfiiiJirauDLtLarjiiiniiiLnLniiiD] nniL ^uwijitoKOMuBtoiifiitfiiwuiiiiimi^ mmwmw niiuirninTpniiinjfrrtc' .; . ■ ■• .iiirirtimmiuum!iiiiimiiriiil[iuBkii;niimr^W'' , m"ii ^samronn m I ■ r 'ft PEiaet/ici ■ r |M|AMMBiiliiMaiimliBnlia 'iiLrai[uiimiiiiii l iffi«tojibnB , ,iiiiiiiiJ',.iBi L an gdale fSBMitS^ : PiMSK HP L an e d a !. 1 v I Committees Subscriptions to First Liberty Loan were FIRST RED CROSS WAR FUND through the bank and we have no record wtrr ri. ■ it j i , W. H. Enloe, Chairman of Longdate of them. Subscription, $2,353.02 SECOND LIBERTY LOAN Subscription, $5,000.00 SECOND RED CR0SS WAR FUND L. Lanier, Chairman of Chambers Co. THIRD LIBERTY LOAN W ' "' ENL ° E ' CKairnm ° f LangM * , , ,, r , . lrl , r Subscription, $2,390.03 L. Lanier, V .-Chairman of Chambers Co. W. H. Enloe, Chairman of Longdate Subscription, $40,600.00 WAR SAVINGS STAMPS A. C. Boyd, Chairman of Chambers Co. FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Geo. T.Johnson, Chairman of Longdate L. Lanier, V, Chairman of Chambers Co. Subscription, $32,000.00 Carl. M. Moore. Chairman of Longdate Subscription, $14,900.00 LANGDALE CHAPTER RED CROSS Mrs. L. Lanier, Chairman UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN A. C. Boyd, Chairman oj Longdate FOUR-MINUTE-MEN Subscription, $1,797.75 Carl M. Moore, Chairman A. C. Boyd VM.C.A. l±HZ Subscription, $625.00 W. T. Draper VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN SALVATION ARMY DRIVE W. H. Enloe, Chairman Carl Moore, Chairman Subscription, $10,100.00 Subscription, $160.00 Total Liberty and Victory Loans $70,600.00 Membership and Subscription Red Cross 4,743.05 Y. M. C. A 625.00 Salvation Army 160.00 United War Fund 1,797.75 War Saving Stamps 32,000.00 I4S ,^2 lfin!ra'^lfe>wjl! : ''>"'' ; :r"i| : '!iLmP"">^'mr''irr' "-HiWHUiu^JDiiiiifimiiiiMiiiiiiT^ , ; . 4' ' ■ /=* art. 1 *-- - tf* 5 &< ■• ?„'„„. »; ^^3Sjrannim;tjiiiw,ut«i 1 iH. J ,ti v „.-iJ r -i ..-rr.-irrrTTinrimiramifiTTijnTTiTTTTffi^^^Ss^i'.-^vli:. \S\m& wflmnD^hrihuoiliiiiiiiiniflMuiflmiiiiiiiiliilw ;'!M','!',. jraniu',aiii)imacijii ll =^ Langdale mim *M m ii!§i I '1 Oommittee JRe£>ort Letters written boys in Service 894 Letters from boys in Service 263 Miscellaneous letters written. 564 Number of parcels or packages forwarded 363 Number of visitors at Station 1623 Boys leaving during month for Service Total number in Service ... .— 74 Number of Bulletins mailed 1153 Killed in action.. 4 Died of wounds 1 Died of disease 1 Wounded 2 From L/angaale Jxea Oross Sweaters 56 Sox, pairs 166 Triangular bandages ...326 T bandages 292 Abdominal bandages 255 Bed shirts 92 Hospital shirts 10 Refugee aprons 45 Refugee dresses 20 Pajamas, pairs 24 Operating robes 12 Refugee garments ..1202 Bath towels 100 Shoes, pairs 13 Junior Red. Cross Triangular bandages 50 Refugee garments 167 Cash = -.$5.00 Scrap books 30 Barrels of nuts collected 4 Pounds of tinfoil collected 15 Property bags 20 ii«iiiiiiiiiSSf^ •'WllllUlUUIUIIIiMIIMl^^ ..■.,.;,. . lahiiiUMUJ^ 1 ''"-!:; DEFENDERS*/ I ■ 19 .; I rp. James P. Bradfield Company C 1st Gas Regiment Pvt. Herbert Bradsha- Detached Infantry Adj. Gen. Office Georg Put. Leonard Carter Company D 307th Engineers IBIS* 1 Pvt. Edwin Abernathy Pvt. Young T. Abernathy Ensign Frank L. Bran Naval Flying Corp.. Pvt. John W. Bri tain Com pany C 45th Mac l. G un l'.tn. Pvt. Y. Toxie Chambley Company C 321st Infantry • Pvt. Albert Carl Austin Company F 3d Training Regiment n Alvin F. Bradfield U.S.S. Shaw Pvt. Thomas A. Br 2d Battery R.A.R.R. Pvt. James E. Combs S.A.T.C. Infantry Fairfax Pvt s im A B ad haw 325 h An In lai ce Co. in? th Sa lit arv T ain Pvt. Calv.n G. Bradfield Company E 1st Regiment Engineers Pvt. Claude L. Carter Company II 26th Infantry Pvt. Homer D. Chambley P.attery D 70th Field Artillery I fcMJliJMlillOMIMJfflflMIM^ ;-^X\ .iii-i.niiirfuiwinnuiiraiitinniiiuiJijim;Tiiiiiiiiiii:iiiirjiii ■f!0§w tuii;Jfnirt(nriJiiur" , ""ji!oiimr)j'' IIP MDHWuitoiHijffluiiiiiJiiiiifliimiiaw '-«%■: '•" i ! |i"' v .. :.' ; """ ,, V' •.'■; ,i'"' " ..wi I'.MiiiuaiuiiJraiiimiiit; Fairfax Pvt. Leonard M. Chapman Mach. Gun Company 3_'lst Infantry Pvt. I. Grady Dix< Hdqtrs. Troops 8Jd Division Pvt. J. T. Franklin Bakery Company 365 < A Pvt. Jno. V. Haerenborgh R.R.D.No. 3 Pvt. E. T. Combs Ouartermaster Corp! Naval Aviation T.C Pvt. Leon Dufley Company A 165th Infantry Cook Curtis R. Gau Battery B 321st Infantry \4//!f-^ % Jl ^l£ ^ " Pvt. Forest Davis Company 39 Recruiting Camp Pvt. Terry Aubrey Du Company H 167th Infantry Sgt. Wm. P. Gilliland 106th Am. Tl Pvt. R. E. Wilson 634 Aero Squadron ijonoiii'iiiiiuinii: liMiiffiiiiiiuimv \.\ Pvt. Nello M. Dix Company H 167th Infantry n l J W^m Pvt. Robert Ennis Hdqtrs. Company 55th Infantry Pvt. Charles W. Glass Company F 151st Infantry Pvt. Henry Hodnett Company 17 5th Receiving Btn. V ^'~„ ,' , , „ - -iiinmnim ::"'; ^..,iui.;;iii!;id.j!iiii!iMyi..a.i ,; ;j; .i-,n;i!:[!irj!-f i.i.M;iMr!_M; j:uin^iTn : : : i; ;t, :;;:>j !:i l .:T';_LL:.:L ;i '].']:L\.:r:tuu,[iIi;[MiL:j ;.:;;■: ;j :: iii^iii'iiiiiiffii^^J^i.ii.iiiiiinillillilitij'ii^.C'iOit'Jiiinnilltiia llfilMHSe j? "mm eg , HI top te^RsS Pvt. Arthur Hollis Battery D 117th Field Artillery Pvt. Polie L. Lilly Battery D 114th Field Artillery Corp. T. E. Middle 106th Trench Mortar Battery Pvt. Walter Nichols 7th Regiment M. P. School ■3w Pvt. Thomas E. Kinney Company E 106th Sup. Train Pvt. Will Mclntyr 21st Company RR.D. Pvt. Johnnie Moore 19th Company 5th Training Btn. 157th Depot Brigade Pvt. George W. Norrel Battery D 18th Field Artillery ' I 1 '!!. iliiiliiffliii 2d Lt. H. B. Kirkpatrick 21st Company Infantry Reserve Corps 2d CI. Fmn. B. F. Martii U.S.S. Newton 1st Lt. J. C. Morgan 233d Amb. Company 9th Sanitary Train CRACT-^ Fairfax Pvt. Jessie E. Lande Company E 1st Development Bf Pvt. W. Evin Martin Company I 327th Infantry Sailor Carl Newton U.S.S Orion „lliJMfllllI!IMl]IMiniM^ |jitf«a^(f/imjljWilliii^ ; , - '•';■ ■ ,i : ^ mrtnnjiiTiruj ujuunjiiu-TTmniiiii Fairfax m . m Pvt. John T. Smith Field Rcniouni Sqd. 330 # /J J lit Pvt. C. D. Stain alter 64tll C jmpai y lf.tli R •c< ving lit ti. Sgt. Henry Guy Taylor Supply Company 2,1 Infantry Pvt. John L. Smith Company I) 321st Infantry Pvt. Fred L. Stalnake 76th Croup bih M.T.D. Pvt. Henry Tauntoi 5th Mach. Cun Btn Pvt. Jesse Taunt, Company M ]52d Infantvv Pvt. Cephas Taylor Company B 3,1 Regiment Pvt William C. Taylor [lattery n W9ih [ f icl(l Artillery Pvt. Rubir Powell Pvt. Ge( . W. Reaves Pvt Wm D. Satterwhite Pvt Ton W. Smith l'l. Oprlt-th >rpe, Ga. Con Slsi pany A Co h Mi npany n ch. Cun Btn. Field Kenn urn Sud. 3 Corp. W.iiij^lv >'"'.*'!//'*! /jji'JUiiiiMraiiWliiJliiiniinMiiiniiim 5^MKil)aS^'eS3il /tig; tssnranir vrnamMm ._ ...ii uu.u. .» t U j; i j. 7vrrig^7nnniinpifpnijTjjnjijrro^^^^^,,^' ; s i f$ V ij |P^r^lC , ^^^S«, , - , '«'!'! | - , JiU ,1 3a"i): | v:ri»!'i: T - : i.! , :''iE : :i;i '.•"linn^imTnnnpnni': =11/ 4 ^flmnDmnumihufliMiMUMiimuifl^ WAR SERVICE COMMITTEE. Fairfax Fairfax P. C. Ramsey A. G. Pope Ozella Bradshaw, secretary J. L. Bowles R. E. Smith, chairman P. T. Sparks ■vm RED CROSS WORK ROOM. FaH ?^T% iillllilllUllOlMJJlffllllllilllllDlillUllllfflj i.Jli»illffiMUl)lMll]M^ ^!, ii lyiJiiEJiHUUiiiiiiiuiyiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiJJ immiJiiijMijLffliiifliMOM^ ©Eraiw»<^l r fnjIllini!!lIll! 1 !lll!Ulriill!lliiHJI)ll Wliii mn ®wmm/m& Fairfax Oommittees FIRST LIBERTY LOAN SECOND RED CROSS FUND Some subscribed, but no organized work R. E. Smith, Chairman done - P. C. Ramsey SECOND LIBERTY LOAN !,' ^ & MaR " N F. L. Branson, Chairman l on Combs C. KlRKPATRICK F p BRADFIELD P. C. Ramsey Subscription, 82,150.00 Lon Combs J. E. Howell Y. M. C. A. Subscription, S1.5OO.00 C. Kirkpatrick, Chairman THIRD LIBERTY LOAN R " E - Smith J. E. B. Martin V. L. Branson. Chairman ■., „ _ ^ „ Vana Combs R. E. Smith . „ „ .I.E.Howell P. C. Ramsey C. Kirkpatrick Subscription, $572.75 J. E. B. Martin Vana Combs UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN Subscription, 833,700.00 R - E - Smith, Chairman F. P. Bradfield FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN Vana Combs R.E. Smith, Chairman J. E. B. Martin C. Kirkpatrick P.C.Ramsey P.C.Ramsey Subscription, $1,740.00 J. E. B. Martin Lon Combs WAR SAVINGS STAMPS F. P. Bradfield j. E . B . Martin, Chairman Subscription, $25,700.00 J. M. Brown J. L. Bowles FIRST RED CROSS FUND D. W. Simms F. L. Branson, Chairman "■■ *■■ Smith P. C. Ramsey p - c - Ramsey Lon Combs a - g - Pope J. E. B. Martin Subscriptions, 817,700.00 Miss Maud James Subscription, 81,200.00 VICTORY LOAN CAMPAIGN F. L. Branson SALVATION ARMY DRIVE D , w . SlMS T. G. Stanfield Jack Davis Miss Maud James J. C. Dawe Subscription, 8140.00 Subscription, 814,800.00 Total Liberty and Victory Loans $75,700.00 United War Fund 1,740.00 Membership and Subscription Red Cross 3,350.00 Salvation Army Drive 140.00 War Saving Stamps 17,700.00 Y. M. C. A 572.75 jiiuiJifflDiiiiiifliaiiffliiinii IMfM (81 wm c I' ^ 1 pill will : -n " ' : JlTjITjl WllfiTni rniiM Total number of letters written to boys in Service 1158 Total number of letters received from boys in Service 205 Total number of other letters written 447 Total number of packages or parcels forwarded 326 Total number of visitors at War Service Station 1232 Total number of boys in Service - - - 101 Total number of Bulletins mailed 1496 Total number killed in action 1 Died of disease or wounds - 1 Total number wounded 6 rom the Fairfax .Red Oross Bed shirts 36 Helpless case shirts.. 40 Convalescent robes 4 Pajamas, American 5 Triangular bandages 48 T bandages 8 Abdominal bandages 4 Comfort bags 5 Pillow cases 12 Sheets 24 Hand towels .206 Bath towels .. 100 Wash cloths 24 Table doilies 60 Tray cloths 24 Aprons, women's refugee 12 Dresses, children's refugee 22 Housegowns, women's refugee.. 6 Morning blouses, women's refugee 6 Petticoats, women's refugee 12 Helmets 3 Mufflers 5 Sweaters, sleeveless 24 Socks for soldiers 52 Influenza masks for home use. ...600 Total weight of garments donated for refugee boxes, pounds 881 Total number of Christmas boxes packed for soldiers — : 28 Junior Red Cross Triangular bandages 36 Towels — - 72 Wristlets 6 ErriinmiWipiTniHilMTOT^^ ™,^;,-.„~ . ,,,..:,:,p!iijlS IMIfllUllllffiMIMlim u^mm-mm^ KilliHi I irt ' .^.i^T^amiiuiiiiliiiUMiinipiiijiH.viura i p AV,',i;, , '' T ''iiii[iif.ir,;iiiiiiiiH l ij:ui;'u iiirjiijuiiiwi i ..t, \. miiTMnMMiliti « al A' /' v e r vie w Us gf . m Pvt. Archie L. Blackn Hdqtrs, Troop 8th Cavalry Maria. Texas Pvt U.S.A. Au Fred Trair mill. Hunt ing Del. Ala. Pvt Joe McCann Battery D HSlh Field Artillery Amer. Ex. Forces Pvt. Joe Chappell M.G. Repl. Co. 1 Amer. Ex. Forces Pvt. John Gay Company I 123rd Infantry \mev. Ex. Force Pvt. Crew Hunt U.S. A Training Det. Auburn. Ala. P»t. Elbert E. Lewis Company B 30th L.S. Infantry Amer. Ex. Forces Pvt. Levi McKim Company". E 12lh Infantry Camp Hill. Va Pvt. James D. Milne Company 5 Depot Brigade Camp Wheeler, Ga ■^*> ^iP~%. ' i . j i am , u -ii i jmuuj t i fui illu LLmnuHiniTQiniifiinumiu miji f n uti uuilm Pvt. W. C. Anthony Pvt. Roy B. Anthony Pvt. Marvin Baker Pvt. Fonzy 0. Barn Headquarters Company 28th Company 82d Field Artillery Company B 321st F. A. Rand 157th Depot Brigade Battery A 46th Engineers American Ex. F Camp Gordon, Ga. Fort Bliss. Tex. American Ex. Fore Pvt. Tyler Gram Base Hospital Ward 19 Pvt. Jasper J. Lew lld.|lrs. Company 56th Infantry Amer. Ex. Force Pvt. Jesse B. Milne Company 8 Repl. Camp Camp Wheeler, Go iisim ^^ms^^i^^WMS : smmm^msmmmM mm 2T^ — ^Tn ^ - jnmifrs (^ompsinp*