• ,0 4 ^0 >o o c> rf-. \ ' », ^ NOTES ON THE Compressive Resistance OF Freestone, Brick Piers, Hydraulic Cements, Mortars and Concretes. \/ BY Q. A. GILLMORE, Ph.D., "Colonel Corps of Engineers, Brevet Major-General, U. S. A.; Author of " IVeatise on Limes, Cements, etc.;" ''Treatise on Coignet Beton and Artificial Stones;" "■ Report on Compj'essive Strength, etc., of the Building Stones in the U. S.f ''Treatise on Roads, Streets and Pavements ^^ etc. etc. etc. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS, 15 AsTOR Place. 1888. .IT' Copyright, i8G3, By John Wiley c: Sons. Drummont) & Neu, Febris Bros., Electrotypers, Printers, 1 to 7 Hague Street, . 326 Pearl Street, New York. New York. PREFATORY NOTE. The tests of the several kinds of building materials dis- cussed in the following pages were obtained mostly by a ma- chine of extreme delicacy, having a maximum working pressure of 800,000 pounds. It was erected at the Watertown Arsenal, near Boston, some years ago, by Mr. Albert H. Emery, under the direction of the Board on Iron and Steel appointed by the President in accordance with the Act of Congress of March 3, 1875. I desire to acknowledge my obligations to Lieut.-Colonel F. H. Parker, Ordnance Department U. S. Army, command- ing Watertown Arsenal, for the active interest taken by him in the tests, and his ever-ready assistance in promoting the work ; and to Mr. J. E. Howard, the engineer of the testing-machine, whose acknowledged ability in operating the ponderous instru- ment was most skilfully applied in carrying the experiments to a successful conclusion. My principal professional indebtedness is due to Mr. John L. Suess. Senior Assistant Engineer in my office. To him is due in very large rheasure that untiring energy, unflag- ging patience, and scientific discussion of the various problems involved which so greatly contributed to final success. It is not too much to assert, that without his zealous coop- eration the work would have been suspended at a stage far short of completion. Q. A. G. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. History of tests for ascertaining compressive strength of building-stone. — Chief object of earlier investigations.— Effect of changing nature of pressing- surfaces between which specimens were tested. — Summary of results obtained from previous experiments. — Relative resisting power of stone prisms of various heights. — Theoretical law of compressive resistance of stone cubes. — Need of further investigations. Pages i-6. CHAPTER 11. Extension of previous experiments. — Selection of material and preparation of specimens for testing. — Age of specimens. Pages 7-10. CHAPTER HI. Description of tests. — Method of finishing specimens to insure smoothness and parallelism of end-faces. — Description of micrometer used. — Initial pres- sure assumed. — Measurement of compression and set. Pages 11-15. CHAPTER IV. Description of Haverstraw freestone. — Manner of failure of amorphous stone under compressive strain. — Illustrated by Haverstraw freestone. — Method of finishing bed-faces of specimens. — Law of increase of strength with increase of size of stone cubes. — Probable causes of partial failures of law when applied to large blocks. — Necessity of perfect homogeneity of structure to develop full strength of material. — Comparative compressive strength of stone and cement prisms of various heights. — Law expressing compressive strength of prismatic slabs. — Strength of prisms divided in courses. — Compression, set, elasticity, and resilience of Haverstraw freestone — Determination of elastic limit. — Law ex- pressing absolute resilience of cubes of a rigid material. — Capacity of a rigid material to resist live and dead loads. Pages 16-62. VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. ^ Description of specimens of neat cement. — Phenomena attending breakage. — Compressive strength of Dyckerhoff cement cubes and prisms. — Strength of piers. — Compression, set, elasticity, and resilience of Dyckerhoff cement. — Re- silience of piers of cement prisms. — Effect on, of a compressible binding sub- stance. — Law expressing ultimate resilience of a rigid material applied to cement cubes. Pages 63-79. CHAPTER VI. Description of specimens of mortars and concretes. — Mortars and concretes of the Newark Company's Rosendale cement. — Compression, set, elasticity, and resilience of same. — Comparative resilience of cubes of the Newark Company's Rosendale cement concrete, of neat Dyckerhoff cement and of freestone. — Mortars and concretes of Norton's cement. — Compressive strength of mortars and concretes of varying dimensions and composition. — Compression, set, elasticity, and resilience of mortars and concretes of Norton's cement. — Com- parative resilience of mortars and concretes. — Mortars and concretes of Na- tional Portland cement. — Influence of quality of cement on compressive strength of mortars and concretes. — Compression, set, elasticity, and resilience of mor- tars and concretes of National Portland cement. — Phenomena attending break- age of specimens resisting the first application of the maximum load of the testing-machine. — Wohler's experiments. — Extension of similar researches to cements, mortars, and concretes recommended. Pages 80-106. CHAPTER VII. Description of brick piers tested, — Phenomena attending breakage. — Com- parative strength of brick piers and cubes of mortars and concretes. — Resilience of brick piers. — Variation in strength of brickwork. Pages 107-110. CHAPTER VIII. Summary of results and conclusions. — Effect of wooden cushions on tests, — Preparation of bed-faces of specimens. — Law expressing compressive resistance of various-sized cubes of a rigid material.— Large-sized test-pieces needed. — Law expressing compressive resistance of prisms of varying height. — Informa- tion concerning the elasticity and resilience of building materials needed. —Fur- ther experiments recommended. Pages 111-114. APPENDIX. General Tables I. to VI.; giving detailed compressive tests of rfiaterials ex- perimented upon. — Special Tables I. to X., showing amount of compression and set of materials tested. — Strain-sheets I. to VIII. Pages 1 15-192. COMPRESSIVE RESISTANCE OF FREESTONE, BRICK PIERS, HYDRAULIC CEMENTS, ETC CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Certain tests for ascertaining the compressive strength of building material were carried on under my direction about twelve years ago, and a preliminary report, dated August lo, 1875, was printed as Appendix 11. of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1875. A new series of experiments was made toward the close of the year 1883, for the purpose of obtaining further information in regard to the resistance and behavior under compressive strains, of hydraulic cement, of mortars and concretes made with cement, of brick piers, and of freestone, either in the form of cubes of various sizes, or of prisms square in cross-section, but of less height than corre- sponding cubes. The earlier tests were made with a hydraulic press whose indicated pressure did not exceed 100,000 pounds. The dimen- sions of the specimens that were tested were therefore neces- sarily restricted. A few ii-inch cubes of Berea sandstone were crushed by means of a 2000-ton press at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, but the results were not thought to have much weight, as the accuracy of the testing-machine was doubted. The chief object of these earlier investigations was to deter- 2 INTRODUCTION. mine the compressive strength, specific gravity, and ratio of absorption of the most commonly used building-stones of the United States. The average results obtained from specimens of 216 different kinds of granite, marble, limestone, and sand- stone were given in a general table appended to my report of August 10, 1875. The specimens were 2-inch cubes, and were crushed between cushions or disks of soft pine-wood three eighths of an inch thick. One of these cushions was placed under the bottom face of the cube, the other on top. A number of special tests were also reported. They were made to determine the effects of changing the nature of the pressing-surfaces between which the speci- mens were tested; of varying the relation between the heights of specimens and the areas of their bed-faces ; and of changing the absolute dimensions of cubes of the same material. It was found that when steel or wood formed the pressing- surfaces the phenomena of breakage were nearly the same. Generally there were two characteristic fragments more or less pyramidal in form, with a portion of the bed-faces as bases, and with lateral angles of about 45 degrees ; with steel plates there sometimes appeared to be a tendency to form but one pyramid, with lateral angles of approximately 60 degrees. With wood, the end-pieces seemed to be slightly more prismoidal; with steel, more wedge-shaped. The final destruction of a specimen was generally accompanied by a loud report. Different results were obtained when lead or lace-leather was interposed between the specimens and the pressing sur- faces. At the moment of fracture numerous cracks, parallel to the direction of pressure and perpendicular to the compressed bed-faces, appeared upon the sides of the specimen, and its cohesion was destroyed almost instantaneously. The fragments were prismatic, their greatest dimension or length being paral- lel to the direction of the pressure. A comparatively large amount of stone-dust was produced at the same time. The action of the lead cushions was ascribed to the capacity of that metal to flow when under sufficient pressure. The side of the lead cushion next to the steel plate of the testing-machine is INTRODUCTION. 3 made smooth, the other side is driven by the pressure into the minute interstices and depressions of the stone, forming in- numerable wedges which tend to spHt it, while the normal pressure acts powerfully to open it in the middle. At the mo- ment of fracture a faint dull report could generally be heard ; occasionally no audible sign was given announcing the destruc- tion of the sample. Three different series of tests were made to ascertain the effect of applying cushions of various materials. In the first two series, all stones crushed were in the form of 2-inch cubes; in the third series, one set consisted of i J-inch cubes, the other of 2-inch cubes. The results obtained may be briefly recapitulated as fol- lows: First Series, — With notably tough and first-class building- stones, such as Millstone Point granite. East Chester marble, and blue Berea sandstone, the average crushing resistances were found to be in the following proportion, the leather hav- ing been tried with sandstone only: steel, lOO; wood, 94; lead, 65 ; leather, 60. Second Series. — The second series of tests was made upon stones having nearly or quite as compact and close a texture on the ground surface as those of the first series, but which were more triable upon the surface of fracture, and evidently pos- sessed less cohesive and tensile strength. These were samples of Keene granite, and of a Vermont marble — a clear, smooth, delicate-looking stone. The following ratios were obtained: steel, 100; wood, 82; lead, 65; leather, 63.5. Third Series. — The third series of tests was made with stone which was so soft that wood did not sensibly spread, nor lead or leather flow under such comparatively low pressures as were sufficient to crush the specimens ; in other words, it was expected that steel, wood, lead, and leather would, at some low point of crushing pressure, give approximately identical results. For this purpose, Sebastopol limestone (a species of chalk), a soft kind of sandstone, and two sets of cubes of Massillon sandstone were tried. IN TROD UCTION. The following ratios were obtained with them Kind of Stone. Ratio of Resistance with Cushions of Remarks. Steel. Wood. Lead. Leather. Sebastopol limestone Drab-colored sandstone. . Massillon sandstone lOO lOO lOO lOO lOO lOO no 103 100 100 90 85 100 59-4 Mean of fourteen 2-inch cubes. Mean of three iHnch cubes. Mean of sixteen 2-inch cubes. Mean of five 2-inch cubes. This table shows about equal crushing resistance with steel and wood, but the actual compressive strength of the stones of the third series was much below that of the granite and marble of the first and second series. From these experiments it was inferred that with stones combining considerable hardness with toughness, steel and wood give approximately equal results ; that with stones which, though hard, are yet deficient in toughness, the peculiar action of wood cushions, which spread sideways and thus produce strains requiring tensile resistance, causes the stone to be crushed under a smaller load than with steel, which tends to bind the stone together by its rigidity and frictional resistance to lateral yielding; and that in decidedly soft stones the ability of a specimen to resist crushing is overcome before sufficient pressure is developed to spread the wood fibres, or to make the lead flow. The relative resisting power of stone prisms, square in cross- section, but of various heights, was investigated at about the same time, blue Berea sandstone being used for this purpose. Broken between steel plates, the ultimate strength of a i-inch cube averaged 9500 pounds; four isolated cubes of the same size and kind would therefore have yielded under an ag- gregate load of 38,000 pounds. The same amount of material formed as a solid slab, 2 inches square and i inch high, de- veloped an average crushing resistance of nearly 76,000 pounds (more precisely, 75,888 pounds), or twice as much as the set of four I -inch cubes having an aggregate bed-area exactly equal to that of the single slab. IN TROD UCTION. 5 Two-inch cubes broke under an average load of nearly 50,000 pounds. Samples with the same bed-area or cross- section, but with twice the height of a cube, sustained a mean pressure of not quite 44,000 pounds. Similar results were obtained with specimens i|- inches square in cross-section. When | of an inch high, the samples were crushed under an average load of 34,643 pounds ; in the form of cubes, under a load of 25,350 pounds; and when 4 inches high, under a load of 22,432 pounds. When similar samples were broken between wooden cush- ions, the difference of strength in favor of slabs was much less marked than when the crushing was done between steel plates, for reasons already suggested. The results of the tests seemed to indicate not only that slabs increase in resistance, per square inch, as their surfaces increase, but also that the strength per square inch of cross- section of cubes increases with their size, although in a lesser ratio. To investigate this latter question, a series of experi- ments was made upon various-sized cubes composed of two kinds of Berea stone. In one set, made of a yellowish-gray stone, the sides of the cubes increased from one quarter of an inch to four inches; in the other set, of bluestone, the sides of the cubes varied from one inch to two inches and three quarters. The sides of the cubes increased successively by quarter inches. The first set was broken between wooden cushions ; the second set, a harder variety of stone, between steel plates. A curve was constructed for each set, the sides of the cubes in inches being the abscissas, and the crushing load of each specimen, in pounds per square inch of bed-surface, the ordi- nates. In other words, the ordinate for any specimen was the quotient of the total compressive resistance of the cube divided by the number of square inches in one of its faces. It was found that the approximate form of the theoretical curve was that of a cubic parabola, with the equation y ■=^ a Vx, in which a is the pressure in pounds required to crush a i-inch O INTRODUCTION. cube, X the side of any cube expressed in inches, and y the pressure in pounds per square inch of bed-surface needed to crush it. ^ These experiments seemed to indicate that with cubes of the same material the crushing resistance per square inch of coin- pressed surface increases^ approximately, in the ratio of the cube roots of the sides of the respective cubes. Since it was unsafe to work the press then used beyond 100,000 pounds, the size of the specimens of the harder or blue Berea stone was restricted to 2j-inch cubes ; of the softer kind to 4-inch cubes. The range of the experiments was therefore too Hmited to justify the assumption that the formula deduced from them would prove sufficiently correct when applied to larger cubes. It was noted at the time that the formula was not borne out by the results obtained with five ii-inch cubes of Berea stone that were crushed at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. They gave way at somewhat less recorded pressure per square inch of bed-surface than 2-inch cubes of the same stone. The question whether there is a gradual increase or decrease of compressive strength per square inch of pressed surface, as the size of cubes of the same kind and quality of stone or simi- lar building material increases, was therefore still unsettled, and had to remain so until a more powerful testing-machine became available. CHAPTER II. OBJECT OF EXPERIMENTS. AND CHARACTER AND FORM OF SPECIMENS TESTED. In 1875, the President of the United States, under an Act of Congress approved March 3, 1875, appointed a Board com- posed of Army and Navy officers and civil engineers, who were authorized to secure a testing-machine with which to make tests of " iron, steel, and other metals." This board in the same year entered into a contract with Mr. A. H. Emery to construct and erect at the Watertown Arsenal, near Boston, Mass., a 400-ton testing-machine, to be used for determining the tensile and compressive strength of material entering into engineering and architectural structures. The machine was completed in February, 1879, ^^^ soon became known as the most perfect and reliable machine of its kind in existence, as it combined great power with extraordi- nary delicacy of weighing apparatus. It was decided to extend the former experiments with this new and more powerful machine. It was thought best to select materials possessing as uni- form texture as practicable, in order to exclude, if possible, dis- turbing influences resulting from the different nature, size, and unequal distribution of individual grains. In addition to uniformity of texture or grain, the degree of hardness and toughness was considered. The cubes of each kind of material were to increase, by certain increments, from one, two, or four inches on a side, as the case might be, to as large a size as would presumably resist nearly the entire power of the machine. It was obviously desirable to vary the sizes of the cubes between as wide limits as possible. It was therefore unwise to employ cubes of the harder classes of natural building stone, such as granite, syenite, etc., 8 OBJECT OF EXPERIMENTS; as the capacity of the machine would be exceeded by cubes of comparatively small size. Former examinations and tests of the softer varieties of building material suggested a variety of red sandstone known as Have'rstraw freestone. This kind of stone, in the form of 2-inch cubes, had been found to yield under an average load of 4350 pounds per square inch of bed-surface, and the grain, though somewhat coarse, appeared to be rather uniform. Cubes of this material varying, by increments of an inch, from one inch to twelve inches on a side were prepared, four cubes of each size being made. Two sets of prisms, square in cross-section and with varying heights less than that of corre- sponding cubes, were also prepared. One set measured ^' X 4'^ on the bed-surface, the other 8'^ X 8'^ Each sample of sandstone was wrought to its proper form by a skilled stone- cutter and the bed-faces were rubbed plane. Cubes and prisms of neat cement were prepared, in order that a material presumably of as nearly homogeneous texture as practicable might be tested. A quantity of Dyckerhoff's Portland cement (from Amoeneburg on the Rhine, Germany) being on hand, this brand was employed. The sides of the cubes made of this cement varied by increments of an inch from one inch to twelve inches. There were six samples of each size. To these were added three sets of square prisms of less height than corresponding cubes ; their bed-faces meas- uring A^' X 4' ■> '^" X 8'' and \2" X ^2" respectively. As little water as practicable was used in preparing the cement for the moulds. The moulds were boxes of pine wood, without top or bottom, smooth inside and held together by bolts passing through opposite sides beyond the ends. The bottom was formed by placing the mould upon a smooth bluestone flag, and the interior of the box was well greased to prevent adhesion of the damp material. The moistened cement was put into the box and gradually consolidated by tamping, using a hammer of about four pounds weight, and a follower consisting of a short stick of hard wood. The blocks were taken from the moulds as soon as they could be safely handled, the smallest a short time after being CHARACTER AND FORM OF SPECIMENS TESTED. 9 formed, the largest in about twelve hours. They were then buried in sand on the floor of one of the casemates of Fort Tompkins, not only to keep them moist, but as a precaution against frost and changes of temperature generally. They re- mained there until taken to the Watertown Arsenal to be tested. A number of mortar and concrete cubes of various sizes were made, using different brands of American cements. Of the brand known as Norton's cement, four different sets of cubes were made. Each set comprised duplicate cubes of the dimensions generally of 4 inches, 6 inches, 8 inches, 12 inches, and 16 inches on the edge. Their composition was as follows: First Set. — Cubes of mortar: proportion, i vol. cement paste, i-J vols. sand. Second Set. — Cubes of concrete : proportion, i vol. cement paste, i^ vols, sand, and 6 vols, broken stone. Third Set. — Cubes of mortar: proportion, i vol. cement paste, 3 vols. sand. Fourth Set. — Cubes of concrete : proportion, i vol. cement paste, 3 vols, sand, and 6 vols, broken stone. Two sets of mortar and concrete cubes, corresponding as to sizes and numbers of blocks to those of Norton's cement, were made of the brand known as National Portland cement. First Set. — Cubes of mortar: proportion, i vol. cement paste, and 3 Vols. sand. Second Set. — Cubes of concrete : proportion, i vol. cement paste, 3 vols, sand, and 6 vols, broken stone. Two sets of mortar and concrete cubes were prepared with the cement known in market as the Newark Company's Rosen- dale cement. The first set was formed of mortar, in the proportion of i vol. cement, dry measure, to 3 vols. sand. It comprised dupli- cate cubes, varying by increments of 2 inches from 2 inches to 16 inches on a side. The second set was made of concrete, in the proportion of I vol. cement, dry measure, 3 vols, sand, 2 vols, gravel, and 4 vols, broken stone. It comprised duplicate cubes, varying by increments of 2 inches from 4 inches to 18 inches on a side. lO OBJECT OF EXPERIMENTS, In preparing the mortar, the cement paste was first made with as little water as practicable ; to this the sand was added, thus forming a stiff mortar. For concrete blocks, gravel and broken stone were added in the requisite proportions, and the whole mass was thoroughly worked and mixed. In some in- stances when needed, the broken stone and gravel were first dampened by slightly sprinkling with water. The moulds were of the same kind as used for the cubes of neat cement. The material in the larger moulds was consolidated by ramming with a conical-pointed iron rammer of about eight pounds weight, two feet in length, and one inch in diameter. A lighter rammer was used for the smaller blocks. Silicious, fresh-water sand was used in making the mortars. The broken stone for the concretes was of nut size, angular and sharp-edged, and consisted of a gray variety of hard and tough limestone. All of the mortar and concrete blocks were kept buried in sand in a casemate of Fort Tompkins until they were shipped to the place of testing. Incidentally it was thought desirable to make a few tests of the crushing strength of brick in the form of short piers. Six piers were built, each about 12 inches (i-J brick) square in cross- section, and six courses in height, with a strong bluestone flag at either end. Common hard North River bricks were used, averaging about 8 inches in length, 3I- inches in width, and 2\ inches in thickness. The mortar was made of one part of the Newark Company's Rosendale cement and two parts of sand. No special care was taken in building the piers, as it was in- tended that they should represent ordinary, average brick- work. The mortar joints averaged about fths of an inch in thickness. The blocks made of Dyckerhoff's and of the Newark Com- pany's Rosendale cement were from i year 10 months to i year 1 1 months old when crushed ; the brick piers had nearly the same age ; the cubes made with Norton's and National Portland cement were about 3 years 10 months old. The exact age of each sample when broken is given in the accom- panying general tables. CHAPTER III. DESCRIPTION OF TESTS. In ascertaining the compressive strength of columns or prisms with flat, square ends, it is necessary that the two end- surfaces should be parallel to each other, and that these sur- faces should be smooth and plane. It is extremely difficult, if not practically impossible, to dress and finish natural stone or to mould artificial stone so accurately as to fulfil strictly these conditions, and the difficulty increases with the size of the specimen. The pressing-surfaces of the heads of both the stationary and the movable holder of the Watertown machine, one of them being of gun-iron, the other of cast steel, are as truly plane and smooth as the best mechanical skill can make them ; they are finished to a degree which cannot be attained with relatively coarse-grained material such as freestone, cem- ent, mortars, and concrete. The movable holder of the straining-press had a strong adjustable head-plate, by means of which the bed-surfaces of those test-pieces whose ends were not truly parallel could be brought into close contact with the faces of the holder-plates. Another difficulty became manifest soon after beginning the testing operations. The cubes of neat cement which were first subjected to testing had been prepared with great care, but in a number of instances it was noticed that their beds were not in contact with the holder-plates at all points, in con- sequence of their being either slightly warped, rounded, or otherwise deficient. These irregularities were in reality very slight, and would not have been of any importance in practical work, but it was decided that they could not be ignored when comparing the strength of various-sized samples of the same material. Since similar irregularities were observed in a num- 12 DESCRIPTION OF TESTS. ber of samples of freestone, and in the mortar and concrete blocks, some method of finishing off the upper and lower bed- faces, so as to secure plane and parallel surfaces, had to be de- vised. A preliminary trial was made with a 3-inch cube of neat cement, one bed of which was somewhat deficient. It was put in a lathe and faced with a steel cutter. The result was satis- factory; but it became apparent that this method of treating many samples, especially the larger ones, would be objection- ably slow, inasmuch as the cutter wore out very rapidly. The use of an emery-wheel was then suggested, and experi- ments were made with one small sample of each kind of ma- terial. Satisfactory results were obtained with the cement blocks, but the surface was glazed ; the freestone was tolerably well finished, but when tried on mortar and concrete the pro- cess failed. The experiments having been partially successful, it seemed desirable to rig up a large lathe at the arsenal with the neces- sary machinery for mounting a 14-inch emery-wheel to face deficient cubes of freestone and cement measuring as much as 12 inches on a side, although the mortars and concretes would have to be treated differently. The plan had to be abandoned, however, as the lathe was otherwise employed, and could not be spared for this purpose. The method previously followed at the Watertown Arsenal when testing the crushing strength of brick piers, under direc- tion of Colonel T. T. S. Laidley, late commanding officer at the arsenal, was next tried. Those piers were hoisted into position between the pressure-heads of the testing-machine, which just touched their end-faces. The joints of the bottom and of the two vertical sides (the pier lying horizontally, as re- quired by the construction of the testing-machine) were first closed with a stiff paste of plaster of Paris ; when the plaster joints were dry and hard, semi-fluid plaster paste was poured in at the top joints until every cavity between the pier-head and iron plate was thought to be filled. The plaster was al- lowed to harden for 24 or 36 hours, and the pressure then put on. DESCRIPTION OF TESTS. 13 This process would of course have been too tedious where many cubes and prisms had to be tested, but the advantage of finishing off the beds with a thin coating of plaster paste, which gave them a smooth surface corresponding to that of the press- ing-plates of the machine, was obvious. The addition of a plaster coating of such minute thickness could not, in any appreciable degree, modify the behavior of the specimen while being compressed. The actual method adopted was as follows : Some large, heavy, smoothly-planed cast-iron plates were procured, and placed horizontally upon low supports resting upon the floor of one of the shops of the arsenal. The upper surface of each plate was oiled, and a thin layer of rather stiff paste of plaster of Paris poured upon it. The face of the cube or prism to be plastered was next washed with diluted paste ; the piece was then carefully placed upon the iron plate, pressing it firmly into the plaster bed. It remained there undisturbed for about half an hour, and was then lifted off ; a thin layer or skin of plaster adhered to the face of the piece, presenting a smooth, plane, and marble-like surface. The opposite face was then similarly treated. The length of the piece, from bed to bed, was carefully measured to the nearest one-hundredth of an inch, both with and without plaster. The dimensions of its cross-section were taken in like manner. The plaster was al- lowed to harden for about 36 or 48 hours before the sample was tested. In the case of all of the mortar cubes and of half of the concrete cubes made with the Newark Company's Rosendale cement, cushions of pine-wood were interposed between the plastered heads of the specimen and the machine-heads. The use of such cushions was dispensed with while testing the other kinds of material. While ascertaining the crushing strength of specimens, the rate of compression as the load was gradually increased was also measured in a number of cases. The amount of compression or extension of the specimen was measured by a micrometer designed by Mr. J. E. Howard, the engineer of the testing-machine. This instrument consists 14 DESCRIPTION OF TESTS. essentially of two flat bars, holding between them a little arbor upon which a graduated circle or limb is mounted. One end of one bar is clamped to the movable holder of the straining- press, and the farther end of the other bar to the stationary holder of the machine. As soon as compression begins, the movable holder moves towards the stationary holder, carrying the bar which is clamped to it in the same direction ; the arbor being held tightly between the two bars is made by friction to rotate, carrying with it the circular limb. The graduation reads to one-thousandth of an inch ; but a practised eye can estimate ten-thousandths of an inch with considerable accu- racy. This micrometer was used in all tests of samples of eight inches in height and upwards. Since the testing-machine is so constructed that the mov- ing force, whether applied for tension or for compression, acts in a horizontal direction, some pressure must be applied for the purpose of holding the specimen in its proper position between the machine-heads. An initial pressure of 5000 pounds was put on for holding the larger cubes, and a less pressure for the smaller or weaker samples. At this initial pressure the graduated limb was set at zero. As the load was gradually increased, the amount of com- pression was read off and noted. At certain intervals the strain was relaxed, returning to the initial pressure. The set, if any, was noted, and the straining-press again put to work. The results of these micrometer measurements for com- pression and set are given in Special Tables I. to X., and in the diagram sheets I. to VIII. accompanying this report. To facilitate comparison of the curves of compression they are all drawn to tlie same scale ; the ordinates representing the pressure in pounds, and the abscissas the amount of compres- sion in inches. With few exceptions the diagrams show that during the first stages of applying the pressure the compression of the piece takes place at a comparatively rapid and uneven rate. The curve is -irregular, and more or less convex toward the axis of abscissas. As the load increases the curve gradu- ally straightens, and later on becomes concave, inclining to- DESCRIPTION OF TESTS. I 5 ward the horizontal axis. This concavity is much more marked with the mortars and concretes than with the cements and freestone. In discussing the results obtained with the several kinds of material tested, the phenomena attending compression and set will be briefly considered. CHAPTER TY. TESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. This stone belongs to the class known as brownstone, its color being a warm and somewhat dark reddish-brown. It is of moderate fineness of grain, and apparently rather homoge- neous in texture. In some instances, however, samples after fracture showed distinct traces of lamination, thin seams or strata of coarser grain parallel to the bed being visible. The average weight of this material was about 136.5 pounds per cubic foot, the specific gravity being 2.184. PHENOMENA ATTENDING FAILURE OF SPECIMENS. The usual manner in which cubes of amorphous stone fail under a crushing load was again illustrated by this ' material. The principal fragments generally consisted of two irregular pyramids, more or less fully developed, with the bed-faces, or rather the larger portion of the same, as bases. The lateral parts of the cubes were forced off the sides of the pyramidal core, forming occasionally comparatively large slabs. One or two of the sides of a cube sometimes split off nearly entire ; but as a rule they broke off in smaller fragments. The ma- terial remaining between these fragments and the pyramids was well disintegrated, and partially ground to powder of vari- ous degrees of fineness. In several cases but one pyramid was fairly developed — apparently at the expense of the opposite one. In numerous instances the two pyramids remained loosely connected after fracture, having the appearance of sliding past each other, instead of abutting with their apexes. This condition was occasionally modified by one pyramid seeming to pierce the other, leaving in the latter, when the. TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 1/ former was detached from it, a crater-like recess, as shown in sketch, the dotted areas in which repre- sent the lateral pieces and ground mate- rial broken off at the moment of frac- ture. It seems as if the cube had yielded before sufficient pressure could be brought to bear on pyramid a to shear off the fragment c still adhering to pyramid b. f^^ When only one pyramid was formed ^-^^ it was generally well developed, and in some cases its apex reached nearly to the opposite bed-face. The production of but one pyramid is perhaps an indica- tion of a peculiar structural condition of the stone, combined with approximate parallelism of the end-faces of the cube and a proper uniform bearing of the latter against the pressing- plates of the testing-machine. If the substance cementing together the quartz particles of the material is rather more in- durated at one end of the specimen than at the other, the molecular motion induced by the pressure will be more pro- nounced at the latter end, and the formation of an opposing pyramid be prevented. Mr. Rennie mentions as "a curious, fact in the rupture of amorphous stones, that pyramids are formed, having for their base the upper side of the cube next the l^ver, the action of which displaces the sides of the cubes,, precisely as if a wedge had operated between them." Mr., Clark says, concerning sandstones, that *' after fracture the upper portion generally retained the form of an inverted square pyramid, very symmetrical, the sides bulging away in pieces all round." The conclusion derived from the above quotations, that the base of a solitary pyramid is generally found next the moving or driving head of the press, was not entirely corroborated in the Watertown experiments, although the phenomenon seems to occur more frequently at that end than at the opposite one. The assumption of a slight decrease or increase in the strength of the cementing material from one end of the cube to the other would go far to explain the matter. There exist also many gradations from the formation of a large isolated pyramid 1 8 TESTS OF HA VEJiSTRA W FREESTONE. to that of two smaller but well-developed pyramids. Frequent- ly one of the two pyramids preponderated in size and regularity of form, while the other was only rudimentary. Without exception, the Haverstraw freestone yielded either suddenly, without previous warning, or the first crack or other evidences of destructive strain appeared only when the ultimate load had been nearly reached. All cubes, and more especially those from six inches on a side upwards, burst with a dull explo- sive sound. Of the several varieties of material experimented upon at the Watertown Arsenal, the samples of freestone were the last to be tested, as they were considered to be the most important. They represented the only. species of natural stone provided; and in crushing them and drawing deductions from the results it was thought advisable to utilize the information obtained in testing samples of artificial building material. With the latter there is always more or less doubt as to the relative condition of large and small cubes of the same kind. It is quite probable that a i-inch or 2-inch cube of such material will season sooner than an 8-inch or 1 2-inch cube. "With every additional inch of a cube it is reasonable to assume that its age ought to be increased to render its actual condition similar to that of a smaller cube. Moreover, the amount of labor to be expended in moulding different sizes of cubes or prisms to consolidate them equally requires a nicety of adjustment not attainable in practice. This difficulty does not exist with quarried natural stone. If all of the samples are taken from the same part of the quarry, and treated exactly alike, it is to be presumed that the results of the tests are fairly comparable. PREPARATION OF BED-FACES OF SPECIMENS. In order to develop the full strength of the stone it was necessary to decide upon a method of finishing the beds of the samples, so as to insure a uniform bearing against the smooth holder-plates of the machine. The cubes ranged by increments of an inch from one inch TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 19 to twelve inches on a side. There were four samples of each set, except the i-inch set, of which there were only two. The 2-inch, 3-inch, 4-inch, and 5-inch sets were selected for making preliminary comparative tests. Two samples of each of these sizes were once more carefully rubbed with water and fine sand upon a smooth iron plate until their beds were as smooth and plane as it was possible to make them. The other four pairs were simply plastered, the slight unevenness of their faces being covered and smoothed off by a film of plaster of Paris. The following table, corrected from General Table I. for observed pressure per square inch of bed-surface, shows the re- sults of these comparative tests : TABLE A. Crushing Resistance of Cubes of Haverstraw Freestone with their Bed-faces finished by Extra Rubbing and by Plastering. Rubbed Beds. Plastered Beds. Size. Strength of Cube. Average Strength. Strength of Cube. Average Strength. 2-inch Cube 23,816 lbs. 22,988 lbs. 55,638 lbs. 52,191 lbs. 101,456 lbs, 85,440 lbs. 141,450 lbs. 132,525 lbs. j. 23,402 lbs. (. 53,914 lbs. l 93,448 lbs. C 136,987 lbs. 26,856 lbs. 22,348 lbs. 64,818 lbs. 52,155 lbs. 95,200 lbs. 99,408 lbs. 201,300 lbs. 170,700 lbs. \ 2-inch Cube \ 24,602 lbs. 3-inch Cube 3-inch Cube I 58,486 lbs. 4-inch Cube ) 4_inch Cube I 97.304 lbs. 5-inch Cube ) 5-inch Cube I 186,000 lbs. The results exhibited in this table indicated that it would be safe to plaster the bed-faces of the remaining cubes as well as those of the prismatic slabs of freestone. This economical and convenient mode of preparing stone samples for compres- sive tests appears to be trustworthy when the beds have been previously rendered as smooth and true as possible by ham- mer, chisel, and by rubbing, and when the film of plaster is as thin as possible. The tests were carried as far as the capacity of the machine permitted. Three of the 12-inch cubes resisted the maximum 20 TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. load of 800,000 pounds ; they were subsequently tested com- bined as a pier. One of the lo-inch cubes exhibited unex- pected strength as compared with other cubes of the same size ; it was not broken under the maximum load, while the weakest stone of that set failed under a pressure of 521,000 pounds. The average resistance of 9-inch cubes per square inch of surface under pressure varied from 5494 to 7886 pounds. There was not much difference in strength between the indi- vidual samples in the sets of 6-inch, 7-inch, and 8-inch cubes, respectively ; but the average strength of the 6-inch cubes con- siderably exceeded that of the other two sets named. The highest average resistance per square inch of bed-surf ace. was obtained with the i-inch, 5-inch, and 6-inch cubes, being over 7000 pounds ; the mean strength per square inch of bed-surface of the 2-inch, 3-inch, and 4-inch cubes was 6150, 6498, and 6081 pounds, respectively. These data refer to cubes whose beds had been plastered for uniformity of comparison. The variations in the amount of resistance per square inchi of bed-surface developed by individual cubes of each set, and what is more important, between the various sets themselves, show the necessity of a great number of tests to secure a suffi- ciently reliable estimate of the average strength of freestone^ and probably of any other variety of building stone. COMPRESSIVE RESISTANCE OF VARIOUS-SIZED CUBES. The experiments which form the subject of this report af- ford data for a further study of the question of the truth of the empirical law derived from former tests made on a small scale, according to which the resistance per square inch of bed-surface of cubes increases in a certain ratio with an increase of their sides. In that part of my report of August 10, 1875, in which I discussed the subject of apparent increase of strength of cubes per square inch of bed-surface as the cubes increase in size, it was stated that for cubes of the small size tested it appears that, " if certain cubes of unit dimensions are built together. TESTS OF HA VERSTRA IV FREESTONE. 21 with cement equal to their own substance, into a cube of larger dimensions and of homogeneous strength, the resistance to com- pression per square inch of bed-surface increases as the half- ordinates of a cubic parabola." The equation given for the curve was in which a = average pressure in pounds required to crush a i-inch cube; ^ = pressure in pounds per square inch of bed that would crush a cube the side of which measures X inches. This empirical law was based upon two series of tests. One series comprised cubes of yellowish-gray Berea stone, increas- ing by increments of ^ of an inch, from J of an inch to 3 inches on a side, with the addition of a single 4-inch cube, ail crushed between wooden cushion-blocks. The other series consisted of cubes of bluish Berea stone from i inch to 2f inches on a side, broken between steel plates. The curve-diagrams constructed from the average results of these tests show a very close approximation to the require- ments of the law, excepting only the 2j-inch cubes of the second series. It was further stated, that it is doubtful whether this law continues up to the ordinary dimensions of building blocks, and that it was not borne out by experiments made in the Brooklyn Navy Yard with a 2000-ton press, by which five i i-inch cubes of Berea stone were crushed. The report went on to say, " Whether the action of these stones [the i i-inch Berea cubes] was anomalous from specific causes, or whether from general causes the law of the increase of strength per square inch fails at a particular value of .r, it is impossible to say positively with- out additional trials. But these large stones broke invariably by splitting vertically in large flakes or sheets, varying from 2 inches to J of an inch in thickness, and quite regular over the greatest part of their surfaces of fracture, especially the thinner ones. It is by no means impossible that all rocks have, more 22 TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. or less, a series of joints, somewhat resembling slaty cleavage, along which they open more easily than in any other direc- tion. . . . They [the ii-inch cubes] crushed at somewhat less recorded resistance per square inch of bed than 2-inch cubes of the same stone." The recent tests at the Watertown Arsenal also failed to show the continuance of this law beyond small cubes. There is not much information in published works on the compressive strength of stone cubes of various sizes. The fol- lowing table gives some results obtained by foreign experiment- ers: TABLE B. Compressive Strength of Cubes of British Building-stone. Kind of Stone. Length of Side of Cube. Inches. Crushing Weight per square inch. Gross Tons. Authority. Aberdeen blue granite Aberdeen blue granite Peterhead granite I li I li I li I 2 I 2 I 2 2 I 2 3-47 4.87 2.80 3.70 2.50 2.70 1.40 2.45 3-50 1-43 2.70 2.03 1.66 1. 17 1.50 1.74 0.54 ^ 0.66 Vicat. Rennie. Vicat, Peterhead granite Rennie. Bramley Fall sandstone. . . . Bramley Fall sandstone. . . . Craigleith sandstone Craigleith sandstone Craigleith sandstone White statuary marble White statuary marble ..... Portland limestone Portland limestone Vicat. Rennie. Vicat. Rennie. j Commissioners on stone \ for Houses of Parliament. Rennie. Rennie. Rennie. Rennie. Portland limestone Vicat. Portland limestone.. . . ..... Institute British Architects, Portland limestone j Commissioners on stone ( for Houses of Parliament, Vicat. j Commissioners on stone \ for Houses of Parliament. Bath (Box) limestone Bath (Box) limestone This table shows that the experiments were confined to TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 23 small cubes ; that except in one case the strength of different sizes of cubes of apparently the same kind of stone was deter- mined by different parties ; and that in all cases but one (Port- land limestone by Rennie) the larger cube is decidedly stronger per square inch of surface under compression than the smaller one of the same kind. The ratio of increase of strength varies, however, with the several classes of stone. With some varie- ties, viz., Bramley Fall sandstone, statuary marble, Portland limestone (referring to the tests by Vicat and by the Commis- sioners on stone for the Houses of Parliament, respectively), and Bath limestone, the increase is approximately in conform- ity to the cubic formula given in my former report. The ob- served strength of Aberdeen granite is about 10 per cent lower than required by the formula, while that of Peterhead granite is 13.3 per cent greater. The actual strength of the i^-inch and 2-inch cubes of Craigleith sandstone, as compared with that of the i-inch cube, is about 35 and 50 per cent, respectively, in excess of their computed strengths. Againj according to Barlow, Portland stone crushes at from 1384 to 4000 pounds per square inch ; but in the experiments by the Royal Institute of British Architects (1864) the mean resistance to crushing, per square inch, was, for 2-inch cubes, 2576 pounds; for 4-inch cubes, 4099 pounds; and for 6-inch cubes, 4300 pounds. These experiments show an increase in strength of the 4-inch over the 2-inch cubes, in the ratio of the cube root of the square of the side instead of the cube root of the side, as in the Staten Island formula; the strength of the 6-inch cube, compared with that of the 2-inch cube, increased about in the proportion of the square root of the side. Rondelet, according to Hodgkinson, found that cubes of malleable iron and prisms of various kinds of stone were crushed under loads which varied directly as their areas. Rennie's experiments with cast-iron and wood make it appear that the resistance, particularly in wood, increases in a higher ratio than the area. In an article in The Builder, 1872, the writer says that, ^* with regard to the supposition that the crushing strength of stone increases with the size of blocks, there has yet been too 24 TESTS OF II A VERSTRA W FREESTONE. little proof put forward on which to lay down any law. In fact, the few experiments made by Mr. Kirkaldy bearing on this subject, some of the results of which have been placed at my disposal, go to prove that there is no increase in the resist- ance to crushing, consequent upon increase in the size of the blocks." The average strength of i-inch cubes of Haverstraw free- stone tested at the Watertown Arsenal was 7030 pounds per square inch. This was exceeded by the 5-inch and 6-inch cubes, which yielded under average pressures of 7440 and 7354 pounds, respectively. According to the law deduced from the Staten Island experiments, we have y — a Vx = a X ^°-''' ; but actually we have for 5-inch freestone cubes, j/ = a X ^°*°^^ ; for 6-inch cubes, jj/ = a X ^''*''^*; a being = 7030 pounds. On the supposition that the two i-inch cubes were of excep- tional strength, and taking the 2-inch cubes, the average strength of which was 6150 pounds per square inch, as a basis for com- parison, we obtain results approaching more nearly to the for- mula. The value of a would then, of course, be reduced. In this case we have for the average of the 5-inch cubes j/ = a X ^'^'^\ and for the strongest of the two (8052 pounds per square inch) as much as jj/ = <^ X •^*'■^ or a Vx. For the 6-inch cubes (aver- age 7354 pounds) we get j/ z= a X x^''- The strongest of the lO-inch cubes could not be crushed under the maximum load of 800,000 pounds, but a slight seam was opened along one corner. Assuming that the piece might have yielded under a pressure of 840,000 pounds, its crushing load would have been 8400 pounds per square inch, which, as compared with the 2-inch cube, would be equivalent to J/ z=z a X Vic = a . x°'^. When it is considered that the experiments at Staten Isl- and, on which the law of increasing resistance with increasing size of cubes is based, were conducted with the greatest care, it may well be asked why the rule which has been proved to TESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. 2$ be applicable to a series of small cubes of Berea sandstone either actually fails or only partially and incompletely applies to the larger cubes. The answer to this question is implied in the quotation already made from the former report. In preparing small cubes for the tests, the soundest pieces are necessarily selected ; any material in which flaws, hair cracks, or any other deficiencies can be detected on careful examination, is rejected. The test-piece is naturally designed to be a perfectly sound specimen of its class. Within rather narrow limits, it is possible that, owing to such careful selection, pieces of the same kind of material but of varying sizes are uniform as to texture and identical in homogeneity, and under such conditions it may be taken for granted that some law ap- proximately applies. The difficulty of close examination and proper selection in- creases with the greater size of cubes. The stone appears, perhaps, on the outside, quite sound and of uniform texture, but through its mass it may want homogeneity of structure ; the material cementing together the grains may be weak in parts, and the grains themselves of varying strength ; and there may be cavities, cracks, and soft patches inside of the mass. These defects can be discovered when a large block is split to cut it into smaller cubes, for which the soundest parts are chosen ; but 'the probability that the specimen contains unsound parts increases with' the size. This will also explain the fact that cubes of the same size and kind occasionally vary greatly in strength. The weakest of the 9-inch freestone cubes had 35 per cent less resistance than the strongest ; and the weakest of the lo-inch cubes probably fully 60 percent less than the strong- est of that kind. In practice, a comparatively large cube ceases to be a unit, but is rather a conglomerate of smaller irregular pieces, joined together by a cementing substance of varied strength, and per- haps partially separated by minute cracks, cavities, or pores. Under such conditions the stone cannot develop the same strength as if it were a true unit. In other words, according to the quotation referred to, cubes of certain unit dimensions may be conceived to be built 26 l^ESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. together with cement equal in strength to their own substance, into a cube of greater size, producing a true monoHth of homo- geneous structure and corresponding strength. Judging from the tests made with small cubes of Berea stone, we should expect the resistance to compression per square inch of bed-surface of a true monolith to materially increase with its size. Even assuming the masses of which an actual specimen is built up to be of uniform strength, especially when of the quartzose variety, it is probable that the cementing sub- stance, whether silica, carbonate of lime or magnesia, oxide of iron, alumina, or mixtures of one or more of them, is of variable strength and density in different parts of the stone ; its adhesion to the parts it binds together maybe less perfect at some places than at others ; and the actual ultimate resistance of an appar- ent monolith will then be less than the calculated one. As the loading progresses, incipient cracks, quite imperceptible to the observer, will be formed where the cementing substance is weakest, and seams of more or less extent will open, much as in brickwork under pressure. With brittle material like free- stone, the very jar of sudden internal yielding will act like a blow on adjacent parts, weaken the cohesion of the cement in the vicinity and its adhesion to the unit particles it binds to- gether, and further yielding will ensue. If these initial, though inappreciable, cracks run about parallel to the bed, the aggre- gate cube ceases to be a monolith ; and it is known and has been again proved by tests made in that direction at the Water- town Arsenal, that a cube built up in several courses is inferior in strength to a solid cube. The conditions are more unfavor- able when, owing to defective strength of the cementing sub- stance, initial cracks open approximately parallel to the line of pressure ; the stone will then be divided into irregular columns, the heights of which may considerably exceed the least dimen- sion of their cross-section, inducing transverse bending or bulg- ing, and premature separation of parts by cleavage and splintering off. It is more probable, however, that early partial yielding occurs in a more complicated manner, or in various oblique directions through the mass, which will still more favor disin- tegration under a comparatively moderate pressure. In former TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 2/ experiments at Staten Island several samples of sandstone, in the form of 2-inch cubes, displayed greater strength when broken on edge than when crushed on bed. It may be inferred from this that the cubes broken on bed had weak cement joints in a direction normal to the bed, favoring lateral cleavage ; and that this kind of defect either did not exist, or was at all events of much less consequence, when the cube was broken on edge. It is possible that the clamping action of the holder-plates between which the test-piece is held is reduced in its effect as the dis- tance between them increases. A flaw in a 2-inch cube favor- ing an incipient crack through its central part will not affect the strength to such an extent (from the nearness of the friction- plates) as cracks tending to separate laterally pieces of similar or even greater thickness from a larger cube. Perfect homogeneity of structure is necessary to develop the full strength of stone or similar material. That Haverstraw freestone is deficient therein, is shown in the strain-diagram to be referred to hereafter. We may safely conclude that those cubes which exhibited the greatest resistance in their class approached most nearly the state^of comparatively perfect condition. We further be lieve that the law, perhaps more or less modified, would be cor- roborated if it were possible to provide a series of cubes of varying sizes, each of which was truly homogeneous through- out. Berea sandstone evidently possesses a remarkable degree of homogeneity of structure, at least up to cubes of 3 or 4 inches on a side ; and it is quite possible that if it had been tried in larger pieces, the results would have been approximately in conformity to the empirical law. It failed, however, with 11- inch cubes, as already stated : and might have done so with somewhat inferior sizes. With artificial stone, like cement, mortar, and concrete, all of which were consolidated by ramming or tamping in moulds, another element enters the question which influences the strength of the piece. A certain amount of labor in ramming or beating is performed in making, for instance, a i-inch cube. How much work should be applied in consolidating a 2-inch, 2« TESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. 6-inch, or 12-inch cube? It is known that, within certain limits, repeated rolHng of a wrought-iron bar with accompanying re- duction of cross-section increases its homogeneity and strength, while it also renders it more brittle. It is probable that a cer- tain amount of ramming, with a corresponding weight of the ramming tool, may render a large cube as homogeneous through its entire mass as a reduced amount of work usually expended upon a smaller cube, but the law of this proportion is not known. The faces of some of the larger cubes of neat cement, pre- vious to being tested, exhibited numerous minute hair-cracks, crossing each other in all directions, but distinguishable only after moistening the surface. This sort of examination was limited to a few samples; it was presumed that the rest would not differ in that respect. The cracks were evidently due to irregular shrinkage while the cement was setting and hardening. This process naturally went on quicker in the outer crust than in the core of the cube ; in hardening, the contraction of the outer portions was more or less obstructed by the inner mass which had not so far advanced in setting and change of volume. To all appearances the cubes of neat cement were entirely sound and in good condition ; but it is not doubted that these incipient cracks, which must have extended for some depth into the mass of the cube, impaired its strength. In this respect, therefore, the small cubes ought to have been — as they really were — proportionally stronger than the larger ones, since the hardening or seasoning from the shell to the centre must have been quicker, more complete, and more uniform. There is no reason to doubt that the cubes of mortar or concrete, which had been moulded in precisely the same manner as the samples of neat cement, would have shown similar hair- cracks caused by shrinkage if their rough exterior had not pre- vented their being distinguished. The fact that the cubes of cement, etc., were not kept im- mersed in water, but only covered up with sand, may to some extent account for irregularities in the results. Mr. Whitaker, who conducted numerous experiments for Mr. Grant on behalf of the British Government, found that 12-inch concrete cubes, rammed into moulds by hand-beating with a mallet, reii'.ted TES7^S OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. 29 under compression an average of 30 per cent more than concrete cubes of the same size made in the ordinary way ; he also found that 1 2-inch cubes set in water for one year stood a greater weight than those set in air during the same period, while 6-inch cubes were stronp-er set in air than in water. We infer from the Watertown experiments that with mate- rial lacking homogeneity of structure the strength of cubes is not as great as required under the law, although significant traces of its applicability may be discovered with pieces which exhibited superior resistance. The question still remains un- settled whether stone, approximately homogeneous, when in the form of larger blocks or cubes exhibits greater compressive strength per square inch of bed-surface than smaller cubes. It would seem to be desirable to continue experiments with the same kind of Berea stone that furnished the data on which the law was founded, and to try other species of building-stone which, from preliminary tests, may promise to possess a high degree of-homogeneity of structure. STRENGTH OF SIMPLE AND COMBINED PRISMS OF VARYING HEIGHT. A number of tests were also made at the Watertown Ar- senal in order to ascertain the behavior and relative compres- sive' strength of square prisms of less height than cubes of the same cross-section. Some of the prisms were made of Haver- straw freestone, and others of neat Dyckerhoff cement. On examining and comparing the results obtained with prisms of varying height, it seemed to be possible to express the law connecting strength and form of specimens by some formula. Some unit of strength was evidently required to be intro- duced into such a formula. The law referring to the strength of cubes of varying size having been found to be inapplicable to the specimens, the usual method of assuming a unit pressure per square inch of bed-surface, represented by the arithmetical mean of the average crushing resistances of the several sizes of cubes tested, naturally suggested itself. The series of freestone samples actually broken on the first application of the ultimate 30 TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. pressure within the maximum load of 800,000 pounds embraced cubes from i inch to 1 1 inches on a side, excepting one lo-inch cube. The column of observed loads in the following Table C shows that the arithmetical mean of all the average loads would be 6600 pounds per square inch of bed-surface. But the ob- served crushing strength of the i-inch cubes greatly exceeds that of all other sizes, with the exception of the 5-inch and 6-inch cubes ; the cubic contents of the individual prisms are, moreover, from sixteen to several hundred times greater than that of a i-inch cube ; and it seems to be, therefore, justi- TABLE C. Compressive Strength of Cubes of Haverstraw Freestone, Observed Ultimate Loads, in Pounds. Computed Load of Cube, in pounds, on the basis of 6550 pounds per square inch. Excess or Deticiency of Computed Side of Cube. Of Cubes, Singly. Averages. Per Square Inch. Of Whole Cube. Per Square Inch. For Whole Cube. Load. I inch 1 inch 2 inch ,. 2 inch 3 inch 3 inch 4 inch 4 inch 5 inch 5 inch 6 inch 6 inch 6 inch 6 inch 7 inch 7 inch 7 inch 7 inch 8 inch 8 inch ... 8 inch 8 inch 9 inch 9 inch 9 inch 9 inch 10 inch 10 inch 10 inch ID inch 11 inch II inch II inch II inch 6,959 7,102 6,714 5-587 7,202 5,795 5-950 6,213 8,052 6,828 7,179 7,048 7,471 7,719 6,115 5,728 6,590 6,190 6,219 6,674 6,040 6,152 5,769 6,989 7,836 5-494 5,210 6.638 8,400* 6,446 6,508 6,453 6,440 6,270 6,959 7,102 26,856 22,348 64,818 52,155 94,200 99,408 201.300 170,700 258,444 253,728 268,956 277,884 319-635 280,673 322,910 303,310 398.016 427,136 386.560 393,728 467.289 566,109 638,766 445,014 521.000 663.800 840,000 644,600 787-468 780,813 779,240 758,670 1 \ 7,030 j 6,150 \ 6,498 ■ 6,081 j- 7,440 1 \ 7,354 1 !^ 6,156 J 1 1^ 6,271 J j- 6,534 J 1 j- 6,673 1 - 6,418 7,030 24,600 58,482 97,296 186,000 264,744 301,644 401,344 529,254 667,350 776,578 6,550 26,200 58,950 104,800 163,750 235,800 320,950 419,200 530,550 655,000 792,555 - 7-3^ 4- 6.1^ -1- 0.8^ + 7-2^ -13-6^ - 12.3^ -1- 6,0^ + 4.3^ -j- 0.-2% - 1.9^ * This lo-inch cube was not crushed under the available maximum load of 8o©,ooo pounds. In the table it is assumed that it might have yielded under 40,000 pounds of additional pres- sure. TESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. 3 1 fiable to omit the smallest set of cubes from the calculation. The average crushing load of the several cubes from 2 to 1 1 inches on a side is found to be 6550 pounds per square inch, which the following table shows to give quite satisfactory re- sults when the loads thus computed are compared with those actually observed. It should be stated that these observed loads are those only of cubes the beds of which had been plas- tered so as to render the conditions of fracture uniform. The greatest differences between computed loads and aver- ages of observed loads are found in the sets of 5-inch and 6- inch cubes, and even there the difference does not reach 14 per cent. It is thought that 6550 pounds, the general average crushing stress per square inch of bed-surface for cubes of Haverstraw freestone, may be considered fairly applicable to prisms of the same kind of material, obtained at the same time from the same part of the quarry, and wrought and tested under precisely the same conditions. Prisms of Haverstraw Freestone. — Two series of square prisms of less height than cubes of the same cross-section were tested. One series contained prisms 4'' X ^' on bed, and i, 2, and 3 inches in height, respectively. The other series measured '^" X '^" on bed, with heights of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 inches, re- spectively. There were two prisms to each set. It was noticed that the prisms generally gave earlier warn- ing of approaching destruction than the cubes, crackling noises being audible during the later stages of loading. This is probably due to the frictional resistance of the pressing-plates, which, from being nearer together, hold the prisms in a firmer grasp than the cubes, and therefore permit disintegration to proceed without ultimate fracture for a longer period. The testing-machine did not prove powerful enough to crush either of the two 8^' X 8'^ X ^" prisms : one of them was apparently almost intact when removed, some small spawls only having cracked off from the edges ; the other had suffered a little more, but both samples would evidently have resisted considerably more pressure. In prisms of half the height of corresponding cubes the formation of pyramidal fragments began to be fairly developed, 32 TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. becoming more complete as the height increased. The thinner prisms were simply broken up into numerous small, irregular pieces, besides being to some little extent ground to powder ;^ what core remained could easily be broken up by hand. There were only faint traces of pyramid formation. It has long been known to close observers that the com- pressive strength of prisms increases as their height diminishes. Mr. Navier, however, was of the opinion that the force neces- sary to produce crushing is greatest when the piece has the form of a cube, and diminishes when the piece is lower or higher. Mr. Hodgkinson says on this subject : " Shorter speci- mens generally bear more than larger ones of the same di- ameter or dimensions of base. In the shortest specimens frac- ture takes place by the middle becoming flattened and in- creased in breadth (bulged), so as to burst the surrounding parts and cause them to be crumbled and broken in pieces. This is usually the case when the lateral dimensions of the prism are large compared with the height." That such spreading out across the middle part of the prism takes place is shown by the chips and spawls that grad- ually fly or drop off from the exposed sides of the piece, leaving a rough, irregularly triangular groove around the prism, or merely a rough, slightly concave indentation, as in the case of the Z" X ^" X '2," freestone prisms which could not be broken. A case slightly analogous to that of short prisms under compressive stress occurs in testing the tensile strength of iron, steel, and other metals. A bar of certain cross-section will develop far more tensile resistance when its exposed length is very small compared to its diameter than when it is several times that dimension. Or, as Mr. Kirkaldy deduced from his experiments, '' the breaking strain is materially af- fected by the shape of the specimen. The amount borne was much less when the diameter was uniform for some inches of the length than when confined to a small portion — a peculiar- ity previously unascertained, and not even suspected. It is necessary to know correctly the exact conditions under which any tests are made before we can equitably compare results obtained from different quarters." 2'ESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. 33 Professor Weyrauch, referring to the above observations, says that the stress for compression should show a similar dif- ference, and that this, according to Bauschinger and others, is found to be the case. While the fact of an increase of compressive resistance with a diminution of the height of prism was more or less known, no attempt seems to have been made to determine the probable ratio of such increase when the height of the prism, becomes less than that of a cube. In endeavoring to arrive at an empirical law expressing the compressive strength of a prismatic slab, it was considered that as the height of the piece is decreased, the area of bed- surface remaining unchanged, the exposed lateral area becomes, smaller, and the Hability of the material to be forced out side- ways under the internal strain becomes less ; due weight must therefore be given in a formula to this relation. Besides as- suming some general or uniform crushing load per square inch of bed-surface, representing the average obtained from a series of actual tests, it seemed necessary to introduce into the for- mula an expression of the relation between areas of bed and sides ; of the difference between the heights of cube and cor- responding prism ; and of the strength of a cube, the area of whose bed is equal to that of the prism. The following formula is given : in which W =^ crushing load of prism, in pounds; (7— crushing load of a cube having the same area of bed as the prism ; m = crushing load of material per square inch ; an average derived from testing a series of cubes of various sizes, and of the same material as the prism ; / = quotient obtained by dividing the area of the bed by the sum of the areas of the sides of the prism ; k =: height of cube of crushing strength C, in inches ; /i^ = height of prism, in inches. 3 34 TESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE, For Haverstraw freestone, the value of m would be 6550 pounds, in accordance with preceding explanations and table. The crushing loads obtained by this formula are compared with the results actually obtained with freestone prisms in Table D, in which the beds of prisms are assumed to be true squares. As such, their bed-areas are very slightly different from those of the prisms actually tested ; for which reason the total crushing loads, which are in the table stated to be de- rived from experiment, necessarily vary a little from those given in General Table I. TABLE D. Compressive Strength of Prisms of Haverstraw Freestone. Size and Mark of Prism. 4" X 4" X 4"x 4"x a" X 4" x S" x 8" X Z" X 8" X .8" X .8" X ,8" X 8" X S" X S"x X 3", a X 3", b X 2", a X 2", b X i", a X i", b X 7", a X 7", b X 6", a X 6", b X 5", a X 5", b X 4", a X 4", b X 3", a X 3", 3 X 2", « X 2", llJ Observed Ultimate or Crushing Load in Pounds. Of Sample. 98,256 115^456 13^5536 125,360 300*544 225,136 428,096 418,368 401,984 434,432 444,268 549,804 597.504 497,024 656,064 \ 564,672 ^ Not broken by ) maximum load V of 800,000 lbs. ) Average. 106,856 128,448 262,840 423,232 418,208 497,036 547,264 610,368 8oo,ooo-|- Computed Crushing Load in pounds, ni = 6,550 lbs. 112,363 141,852 222,700 426,200 449,452 493,765 567,408 686,600 890,800 Excess or Deficiency of Computed Load. -j- 10.4^ -15-3^ + 0.7^ 4-_7-4^ — o.^% -I- 3-6^ + 12.5^ Examining the table, it is seen that material divergence between observed and computed loads occurs only in the case of the A^' X 4'^ X i'' prisms, the difference being 15.3 per cent. This may perhaps be accounted for by the difficulty of determin- ing with precision when a very thin prism has really given way, because with such specimens the moment of absolute yielding is by no means as distinctly marked as with thicker prisms. TESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. 35 The falling off in observed average strength of the Z" X 8'^ X 6^' prisms, when compared with the preceding set of / inches in height, is probably due to some structural defect in the block from which these prisms were cut. On the first pages of this report it is stated that from pre- vious tests the average strength of a prism of blue Berea sand- stone, 2 inches square and i inch in height, crushed between steel, had been found to be 75,888 pounds. In the report of August 10, 1875, on the compressive strength, etc., of building- stone, Table IV. gives the strength of eight 2-inch cubes of that material. Excluding one specimen on account of exces- sive weakness, — -it being about 40 per cent less in strength than the average of the others, — the mean resistance of the seven remaining cubes is 51,671 pounds, or 12,918 pounds per square inch. For nearly homogeneous stone, as blue Berea stone as far as tested appears to be, the prismatic formula would have to be modified, inasmuch as the value of m becomes variable, i.e., m will be = <^ X V/^, in which a =: pressure in pounds needed to crush an inch cube and h = side or height of cube in inches. The load (7, of a cube having the same area of bed as the prism, would be 6' = // X « V^ = « X h' '2.333 and the formula in its modified form, W = aJe-''' -f 2a W7i X {h - h^f X ^ = aX \k'''''+ 2\/7i X {Ji - h:f X Sfp\. Referring to the 2" X 2" X i'^ prisms of Berea stone, we have / I2,9i8\ a=^ 10,252 ( = 3 - I pounds; ^ = 2 inches ; ^1 = I inch ; therefore W-=z 10,252 X l2^-^" X 2^1^ X I'X 1^5 f = 69,937 pounds, 36 TESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. or 7.8 per cent less than the average of the observed loads of seven prisms, but higher than two of the latter. The record of another set of four tests of blue Berea sandstone prisms, each 2" X 2" X i", crushed under steel, likewise given in Table IV. of the former report, shows an average resistance of 69,550' pounds per sample — almost identical with the computed load. Prisms of Neat Portland Cement. — The greater portion of the cement cubes were broken directly between the steel and gun-iron plates of the machine, while the balance of the cubes, and all of the prisms, had their beds previously plas- tered. This, and the fact that there was more or less diverg- ence of ultimate resistance among samples of the same set of cubes and among the various sets of different sizes, renders it somewhat difficult to fix upon a suitable value of an average crushing resistance per square inch, to be introduced as co- efficient in in the prismatic formula. The average ultimate crushing strength of six i-inch cem- ent cubes was 5896 pounds per square inch. The average resistance of the six 2-inch cubes was 7094 pounds per square inch : nearly the proportion, as compared with the i-inch cube, required under the cubic formula. The resistance per square inch of the following sizes is not in conformity to that law, however. The 3-inch cubes broke under an average load of but a few pounds more than the i-inch cubes, and the averages of all the larger cubes, from 4 to 1 1 inches on a side^ varied from 4283 to 5374 pounds. To decide upon a general average compressive resistance per square inch, corresponding to m in the prismatic formula, the aggregate ultimate resist- ance of all of the cubes from i inch to 1 1 inches on a side (the 1 2-inch cubes being excluded, as some of them were not broken under the first application of the maximum load), amounting to 15,065,604 pounds, was divided by 3036, the aggregate area ifi square inches of the bed-surfaces of these cubes, giving a quotient of 4962 pounds. As there was some uncertainty as to the accuracy of this value, the round number 5000 pounds was adopted as representing approximately the average strength per square inch of Dyckerhoff cement, that is^ the new value of in in. the prismatic formula. A comparative TESl'S OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE, 37 table of ultimate resistances of cubes, giving the loads com- puted on the basis of 5000 pounds per square inch and the several observed loads and their averages, is found in the part of this report relating to cement ; it will be seen that there is a tolerably fair agreement among them, except with the small- est sizes of cubes. The samples when tested were from 22 to 23 months old. Applying the prismatic formula to cement, Table E results, in which the usual correction is made, from General Table II. TABLE E. Compressive Strength of Prisms of Neat Dyckerhoff's Portland Cement. Size and Mark of Prism. 4" X 4" X 4" X 4" X 4" X 4" X 4" X 4" X 4"x 8" x 8" X 8" X 8" X 8" X 8" X 8" X 8" X S" X 8" X 8" X 8' X 8" X S" X 8" X 12" X 12" X 12" X 12" X 12" X 3", a. X 3", b. X 3", c. X 2", a. X 2", b. X 2", c. X i", a. X i", ^. X i", c. X 6", a. X 6", 3 X 6". c. X 5", «• X 5", b. X 5", ^i = 3.43 ; and the value of coefficient m would in this case be 4871 pounds. The resistance of a prism increasing as its height diminishes, it may therefore be conceived that it is finally reduced to a film of infinite tenuity, in which condition it can undergo no further deformation even under an immeasurably great pres- sure. This hypothetical condition is fulfilled by the formula, because h, will then be = o, and ;) = — = 00 ; therefore W— C-\-2m X h'' X 00 = CO . To what extent the formula may stand the test of further experiments, especially with other forms of prisms than those described, remains to be seen. It would be desirable to make further investigations for that purpose. It is possible that with certain modifications the formula can be made to express the average resistance of prisms exceed- ing the height of a cube. Its applicability in that direction will most probably be limited, however, since the tendency to lateral flexure will have to be considered when the prism at- tains a certain height. One or another of existing formulas for calculating the strength of cast-iron pillars, suitably modified for stone, may perhaps be arranged to answer in such cases. Remarks on Prisms higher than a Cube. — There was 40 TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. but one experiment made in that direction, with a small prism- of freestone, i inch square in cross-section and 2 inches high. It broke under a load of 4550 pounds — about JJ per cent of the average crushing load (5896 pounds) of a i-inch cube. The fracture revealed a little pyramid at one end which had appar- ently acted as a wedge, forcing out the bulk of the piece in the form of three longitudinal fragments, each nearly of the whole length of the prism. Tests of blue Berea sandstone, made in 1875, show the aver- age proportion of compressive strength between a 2-inch cube and a prism of twice the height of a cube to be as 100 to 89.5. Mr. Navier gives data from Rondelet to show diminution of strength when the height is greater than side of base. The cross-section of the prisms was square, measuring 5 centime- tres or 1.968 inches on a side, equal to 3.875 square inches of bed-surface. The prisms of each set were one, two, and three cubes in height, respectively. The results are shown in the following table, the crushing loads being expressed in pounds : TABLE F. Compressive Strength of French Building-stone. Cross-section of Prism, Square; Height, Variable; Area of Bed, 3875 Square -Inches. (From Rondelet.) Kind of Stone. a. Lias limestone, very hard. b. Hard Stone, Fond de Bagneux . c. Hard Rock, De Chatillon. d. Hard Rock, De Chatillon. e. Hard Rock, De Chatillon. Height of Prism. 1 cube 2 cubes 3 cubes 1 cube 2 cubes 3 cubes 1 cube 2 cubes 3 cubes I cube ' cubes 3 cubes 1 cube 2 cubes 3 cubes Specific Gravity. Crushing Load, in Pounds. 2.388 19,512 2 388 11,930 2 38B 10,538 2 255 14,661 2 255 9,315 2 255 8,576 2 342 11,328 2 342 8,841 2 342 8,495 2 199 8,203 2 199 6,563 2 199 6,372 2 162 7,798 2 162 6,237 2 162 6,067 Percent- age of Strength. Cube=ioo 100 . o 61.0 54-0 100 . o- 63-5 58.5 100. o 78 . o- 75-0 100. o 80.0 77-7 100 . o So.o 77.8 TESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. 4 1 With the two lightest and softest sets of prisms the relative diminution of strength as the height of the piece increases is the same, and is less than in the other three sets. The hardest and at the same time'the heaviest stone ia) suffers the greatest reduction of strength by increasing the height of prism, and the next strongest {b) very nearly the same. Set c, of medium strength per cube, shows also a medium decline of resistance with increasing height, compared with the softer and harder varieties. Further experiments on an extensive scale are required to formulate even an approximate law on this subject, — a law which apparently must consider for different kinds of stone, their relative hardness or specific gravity^ or both. Remarks on Prisms Divided in Courses.^Some com- pound prisms formed of pieces that could not be broken singly were tested. The three 12-inch freestone cubes- which had, each, resisted the maximum load of 800,000 pounds were combined as a pier with dry joints, and were tested in that form. When this pile had been clamped in the press it was found that the plastered beds which had previously undergone pres- sure with the single pieces were slightly convex in their mid- dle parts, which prevented a perfectly close joint at the corners, although the gaps at these joints did not exceed the thickness of a sheet of paper. This convexity may possibly be ascribed to the elasticity of the material, which had recovered somewhat more of its original length through the central portion of the cube than at the corners. The first crack appeared when the load had reached 700,000 pounds, and the pier yielded with a reverberating ex- plosion under an ultimate pressure of 748,000 pounds. It was well shattered, especially the cube next to the straining-press. Four piers formed of cement prisms 12 inches square on the bed-surfaces were tested, each pier composed of three prisms of the same size. The pile formed of prisms each only two inches high re- sisted the maximum load of 800,000 pounds. Each of the other piers, consisting of prisms 4, 6, and 8 inches high, re- 42 TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. spectively, failed under stresses below the maximum load of the testing-machine. One of the lo-inch freestone cubes which had proved re- fractory under the available maximum load, once applied, was subsequently combined into a pier with the three equally re- fractory cement prisms, each of which measured \2" X 12^' X 2" . This compound, dry-jointed pier yielded under a stress of 654,000 pounds. At 550,000 pounds the first cracking sound was heard ; at 580,000 pounds the prism representing the base of the pier began to flake off at the corners. The pier failed with a loud report, the sides flying ofl in small pieces ; the re- maining principal fragments formed two pyramids, that of the freestone being rather sharp-pointed, and reaching nearly to the opposite bed of the cube. But few records are met with in scientific works on the sub- ject of the strength of building-stone built up in courses. In Rondelet's '^ L'Art de batir," the strength of prisms of Chatillon rock (specific gravity 2.346), square in cross-section, of 3.875 square inches bed-area, and 3.937 inches height, is given when solid and when divided in courses, as follows : Prism, in form of a solid body, strength =: 11,385 pounds. Same prism, divided in four courses, " = 9,769 '' ''eight '' '' — 8,153 In Stoney's '' Theory of Strains" it is said that '' Vicat found, from experiments on plaster prisms, that the strength of a monolithic prism whose height is Ji being represented by unity, we have the strength of prisms : of 2 courses and of the height, h = 0.930; " 4 " " " 2h — 0.861 ; " 8 '' " " 4/2 = 0.834; even without the interposition of mortar. He concludes that the division of a column into courses, each of which is a mono- lith, with carefully dressed joints and properly bedded in mor- tar, does not sensibly diminish its resistance to crushing ; but he intimates that this does not hold good when the courses are divided by vertical joints." TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 43 The curve which can be constructed from the data given by Vicat indicates that there would be Httle reduction of strength as the number and height of courses increase, which is prob- ably not the case. At all events, there will be a change in the form of the curve when the pie-r or column is high enough for a development of a tendency to bend transversely, since the ratio of the decrease of strength will then be modified. The experiments with combined prisms made at the Watertown Arsenal, and by some other investigators, show that stone blocks when arranged or built up in courses have less strength than individual pieces ; but while these results are of more or less interest, and will be of use in connection with future similar tests, it is not deemed proper to attempt at pres- ent to draw conclusions from a few isolated observations. It can hardly be said that the cause of loss of compressive strength by dividing a pier into layers or courses without verti- cal joints is fully understood. Dupuit is of the opinion that when several prisms bear upon one another, the pressure is unlikely to be transmitted uniformly over the whole surface, and that it may happen, therefore, that some parts will be strained beyond their re- sistance before a pressure is exerted, which, if uniformly dis- tributed, would have been safely sustained. This is undoubtedly frequently the case. The bed-faces adjoining each other are never mathematically true and smooth ; there are numerous little elevations and depressions distributed all over the surface, which are differently located in the several courses. In some joints the bulk of actual bear- ing-surface may be in the central portion, in others perhaps rather more toward the margins, and the stress will not pass normally through the mass from top to base. Some courses are ako likely to be of less strength than others ; when these begin to give way — especially with brittle material — the vibra- tion caused by the sudden destruction of cohesion between parts of one block will react on adjoining courses, intensifying the internal strain to which they are already subjected. By interposing a somewhat elastic cushion in th^ form of a suit- able mortar of sufficient strength, it is probable that the crush- 44 TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. ing strength of such a pier may be made to exceed that of a dry-jointed pier. The mortar would improve the defective bearing of adjoining beds, and its elasticity weaken the effect of possibly destructive shocks transmitted from one block to another. COMPRESSION, SET, ELASTICITY, AND RESILIENCE OF HAVER- STRAW FREESTONE. [Special Table I. and Strain-sheets I. and II.] Compression and Set. — Those freestone cubes that meas- ured from 8 inches to 12 inches on a side were tested not only as to their ultimate crushing strength, but also as to rate of compression and amount of set while being loaded. The re- sults are given numerically in Special Table I., and graphically in Strain-sheets I. and II. The compression as read off from the micrometer is laid off on the horizontal lines of the sheet. The length of each large division is equivalent to yio" ^^ ^^ \ViQ\\. ; each small divi- sion therefore represents joVu ^^ ^^ inch. The successive loads applied, as indicated by the scale, are laid off vertically. The height of a large division represents 100,000 pounds ; that of a small one, 10,000 pounds. In the diagrams, the increments of compression and set are therefore the abscissas, and the weights the ordinates. The observed points of the curve of compression are marked by small black circles. Where two such circular dots are seen near each other on the same horizontal line, it is un- derstood that the process of loading was here interrupted by relieving the cube from the accumulated pressure, which was then reduced to that initially applied to hold the piece firmly in the machine. The second dot being to the right of the first shows that some further compression occurred when tht load reached the same figure for the second time. A star at the upper end of a certain curve indicates that the piece yielded and burst while a micrometer observation was being made. When no star marks the upper end of a curve, it indicates TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 45 that the micrometer was there appHed for the last time, but that loading was continued until the piece was fractured. The several small black circles near and parallel to the axis of abscissas show by their distance from the axis of ordi- nates the amount of set when the load was reduced to the initial pressure. The dotted or broken black lines running from these points up to circular dots of the full-lined curve represent the probable curve of compression under reloading until the pressure before attained is again reached. No obser- vations were taken to determine points of this curve except in the case of a concrete cube, as it would have consumed too much time. It was assumed that renewed compression after the first permanent set had been obtained would proceed more uniformly than at first, because the test-piece had then been more or less relieved from originally existing internal strain. The initial part of the strain-curve is seen to be always more or less convex toward the horizontal axis, and compres- sion at first proceeds rapidly. Some particles, or molecules of the material, either from comparative inherent weakness, or from not being normally located in reference to others, or from being already overstrained from natural, elementary causes, give way under comparatively small loads. In consequence of this partial yielding, the permanent set observed when the first' load of 100,000 pounds is gradually reduced to 5000 pounds is always greater than succeeding increments of set produced by equal increments of load. The next portion of the curve is approximately straight, or rather is formed of a succession of nearly straight lines of ap- proximately the same angle of inchnation, connected by small offsets which mark additional compression sustained between a first and second application of the same load, with an inter- vening reduction to the initial pressure. This comparatively straight part of the figure is more or less inclined towards the axis of abscissas ; the greater the angle, or the closer the straight part approaches the axis of ordinates, the greater is the rigidity or stiffness of the speci- men. The approximate straightness of the line shows that equal increments of load produce nearly equal amounts of 46 TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. compression, which proves that the material possesses elastic- ity, although only in an imperfect degree, since nearly every release of pressure shows some additional set. The piece does not recover its primitive length when first released from its load, and this shortening, or set, increases as the process of loading and releasing is carried on. Owing to the brittleness, or rather deficiency in toughness, of freestone, it is difficult to tell precisely at what stage of the process the elastic limit is passed. It is here understood that elastic limit means that stress at which the compression ceases to be substantially proportional to the applied load, and in- creases at a greater ratio. It has sometimes been defined to be that point at which the first permanent set takes place, meaning the extension or compression, as the case may be, which remains after the stress that caused the lengthening or shortening of the piece has been removed. Stoney says: " The limit of elasticity may be defined to be the greatest strain that does not produce a permanent set." Hodgkinson and Clark have found permanent set from very small loads ; and this fact was corroborated by the experiments at Water- town. It is true that false permanent set occurs with some material, meaning a permanent set that seems to be caused by a load within the elastic limit, but which disappears upon leaving the specimen unloaded for a short time, when the piece returns to its original length ; this generally happens only with material more perfectly elastic than that under dis- cussion. A slight indication of false permanent set was ob- served, in the case of a 1 6-inch concrete cube of superior strength. In " Notes on Building Construction," published by Rivingtons, London, Oxford, and Cambridge, it is said : '' When such loads" — within the elastic limit — " are constantly repeated, though they may produce an mappreciable set as regards the original length of the bar, yet it is not an increasing set, does not lead to rupture, and may therefore practically be ignored. When, however, the load is greater than the limit of elasticity, an increasing set takes place upon each application, which eventually leads to rupture." These views are quite pertinent to the subject under con- TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 4/ sideration. With rigid and imperfectly elastic material like freestone, useful aid for determining the elastic limit is fur- nished by comparing the successive increments of set during the progress of operations. After passing the primary set, which is always relatively considerable, the gradually increased load alternating with releases produces small but nearly equal increments of set as long as the total compression proceeds at a tolerably uniform rate. This fact is rather conspicuous in the larger cubes, where, due to the prolonged resistance, a con- siderable number of sets could be observed. During a certain period of straining and releasing, the sets continue at a com- paratively regular rate ; then a set of greater magnitude en- sues, indicating that the limit of elasticity is passed. Profes- sor Weyrauch, in " Strength and Determination of Dimensions of Structures of Iron and Steel," says : " The experiments of Bauschinger upon tension, compression, flexure, and torsion in every case indicated very precisely the elastic limit ; for ex- ample, for tension, where for the same increment of load all at once a disproportionate extension occurred, the maximum of which was only obtained after some time. This sudden ex- pansion is to be attributed almost entirely to permanent change of form (set) ; the transitory or non-permanent changes remain proportional to the stress until very nearly the limit of rupture, and the coefficient of elasticity is found to be always almost entirely independent of the stress." The three largest sets of cubes were used to determine the modulus of elasticity of Haverstraw freestone, but in conse- quence of the difficulty of deciding upon the probable elastic limit, the results are simply approximate. The accompanying Table G gives the successive increments of compression and set of the several lo-inch, ii-inch, and 1 2-inch cubes, condensed from Special Table II. These data, in conjunction with the strain-diagrams, serve as the basis of an estimate of the modu- lus of elasticity. 48 TESTS OF II A VERSTRA W FREESTONE, TABLE G. Showing Gradual Compression and Set of Ten-inch, Eleven-inch, AND Twelve-inch Freestone Cubes. Compres- sion at 100,000 lbs Additional Compression, from— Size and Mark OF Cube. 100,000 to 200,000 lbs. 200.000 to 300.000 lbs. 300,000 to 400,000 ibs. 400,000 10 500,000 lbs. 500,000 to 600.000 lbs. 600,000 to 700,000 lbs. 700,000 to 800,000 lbs. To-inch, a. . lo-inch, b.. lo-inch. c. . lo-inch, d. . .0220" .0145" .0132" •0157" .0170" .0085" .0088" .0093" .0120" .0075" .0080" .0075" .0090" .0075" .oogo" .0087" .0085'- .0105' .0085" .0108'- '.0083''' Mean . . . .0163" .0109" .0087" .0085" .0096" ii-inch, a. . 11-inch, b.. ii-inch, c. ii-inch, d. . .0152" .0145" .0170" .0140" .0108" .0095" .0100" .0088" .0080" .0064" .0080" .0072" .0072" .0072" .0070" .0088" .0073" .0070" .0080" .0112" .0077" .0080" .0075" .0100" Mean — 0152" .0098'' .0074" .0075'- .0084" .0083" i2-inch, a. . 12-inch, b. . 12-inch, c. . 12-inch, d. . .0185' .0130" .0192" .0110" .0097" .0075" .0096'' .0075" .0073" .0060" .0067" .0063'' .0075" •0055" .006=;"' .0052" .0067" .0050" .0065" •0055" .0068" .0060" •007s" .0065" .0065" .0070" .0098" .0075" .0070" .0085" .0070" Mean ... .0154" .0086" .0066" .0062''' ■ 0059'' .0067" .0077" .0075" Set at 100,000 ibs. Additional Set, from — Total Crushing Strength. Pounds. Size and Mark OF Cube. 100,000 to 200,000 lbs. 200,000 to 300,000 lbs. 300,000 to 400,000 lbs. 400,000 to 500,000 lbs. 500,000 to 600,000 lbs. 600,000 to 700,000 lbs. 700,000 to 800,000 lbs. 10-inch, a . . .0130' .0062' .0049'' .0052" .oioo'' .0018" .0022" .0026" .0045" .0020 .0019" .0021" .0025" .0017" .0025" .0033" 520,000 650,500 800,000 -\- 644,000 jo-inch, b. . .0025" .0022" .0048" 10-inch, c. 10-inch, d. . Mean .0073" .0041" .0026" .0025" .0032" 11-inch, a. . .0075" .0060" .0080" .0052" .0045" .0022'' .0038" .0026'' .0032" .0023'' .0022'' .0021''' .0027" .0015" .0020'' .0033" .0018" .0020" .0018" .0048" .0027" .0015" .0032" .0040" 791,000 785,000 779.200 769.000 ii-inch, b. . ii-inch, c. 11-inch, d. . Mean .... .0067" .0033" .0024'' .0024" .0026" .0029" 12-inch, a. . 12-inch, b. . 12-inch, c. 12-inch, d. . .0085" .0050" .oogo" .0035" .0030'' .0020''' .0030'' .0017'' .0020" .0012" .0022" .0013" .0015" .0016" .0018" .0013" .0020" .0012" .0020" .0007" .0018" .0018''' .0020" .0013" .0014" .0022" .0025" .0017" .0023" .0030'' .0025" 800.000 -|- 800,000 -|- 764,000 800,000 -|- Mean ... .0065" .0024" .0017" .0015^' .0015" .0017" .0019" .0026" TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 49 The weakest of the lo-inch cubes {a) shows from the begin- ning much greater compression and set than any of the other pieces. Considerable internal strain, causing rapid change of form, is revealed by the amount of permanent set as loading progresses: the set is about three times greater than for the other samples ; the total compression also is much more con- siderable. The strongest cube ic), which did not fail under the maximum load of 800,000 pounds, exhibited quite a uniform rate of compression from 100,000 to 500,000 pounds, when the micrometer was taken away : it probably maintained a similar rate to a much greater pressure ; it evidently possessed in a. remarkable degree the quality of being " homogeneous as to strain," as termed by Professor Thurston. The other two cubes, b and d, which were of medium strength, kept rather close together as regards rate of shrinkage under pressure, up to about 400,000 pounds ; within that range they suffered about equal amounts of compression and set. Cubes a and c represent, therefore, the minimum and maxi- mum strength of the lo-inch freestone cubes ; b and d, which are of medium strength, are well suited to decide, approximate- ly, where the elastic limit may be located. Their successive increments of compression from 200,000 to 400,000 pounds do not vary sensibly from a uniform rate ; but each shrinks more rapidly between the latter load and 500,000 pounds. The same relation is observed with the permanent sets. Examining also the average amounts of compression and set of the four cubes, an evident increase of both is found from 400,000 to 500,000 pounds ; and we conclude that the limit of elasticity is probably at 400,000 pounds, or at a pressure of 4000 pounds per square inch, with an aggregate compression of 0^^0494. The four i i-inch cubes do not differ much from each other in ultimate strength, which varies from 760,000 pounds (cube d^ to 791,000 pounds (cube a). They keep fairly abreast of each other in the progress of compression and set ; at 600,000 pounds the weakest cube had shrunk 0.06 inch, or 12 per cent more than cube b^ which had suffered the least amount of compres- sion under that load. An inspection of the averages shows compression to progress about equally from 200,000 to 400,000 4. so 7'ESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. pounds ; thence up to 600,000 pounds it also progresses regu- larly, but at a somewhat increased rate. The micrometer ob- servations were not carried beyond the last-named load. Elasticity. — The elastic limit of these cubes cannot be stated with any great degree of confidence. For the four 12-inch cubes, also, the average gradual com- pressions furnish no distinct indication of the elastic limit, but there is an increase of set from 600,000 to 700,000 pounds, and still more so from 700,000 to 800,000 pounds. The limit may therefore be placed at 600,000 pounds, or at a load of 4166 pounds per square inch. The average total compression corre- sponding to that load is 0.0494 inch. For computing the compressive modulus of elasticity of freestone, the data furnished by the lo-inch and 12-inch cubes are used. The loads, within the elastic limit per square inch of bed, were 4000 pounds for a lo-inch cube, and 4166 pounds for a 1 2-inch cube, with aggregate amounts of compression of 0.0444 inch and 0.0494 inch, respectively. Let L = original length of cube in inches ; / = compression within the elastic limit, by a force, y, in pounds per square inch of bed of cube; and E = modulus of elasticity of compression : then I : L :: f : Ey Z7 ^ ^ E = jXf. We therefore have : Modulus of elasticity for lo-inch cubes, 900,900 pounds. Modulus of elasticity for 12-inch cubes, 1,012,000 " Average modulus of elasticity of compression, 956,450 " With a modulus of 956,450 pounds the elastic limit of 11- inch cubes would be near 500,000 pounds. As a general result of these investigations, it may be stated that the elastic limit of freestone cubes averages about 65 per cent of their ultimate resistance. According to Weyrauch, K. StyfTe found that Avith the most different varieties of iron and TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 5 I steel the ratio of elastic limit to ultimate strength lies ordinar- iiv between — and —7;, and even under the most unfavorable ^ 1.4 1.8 circumstances rarely falls below — . Little information on the modulus of elasticity of stones is found in works on the strength of materials. In Stoney's '' Theory of Strains " the modulus of white marble is given at 2,520,000 pounds (by Tredgold) ; of Holyhead quartz-rock on bed, 4,598,000; on edge, 545,000 (by Mallet) ; and that of Port- land stone, a freestone of the oolitic variety of limestone, at 1,533,000 (by Tredgold). After passing the elastic limit, equal additions of load pro- duce constantly increasing amounts of compression and set, and with certain materials the curve becomes more or less concave towards the axis of abscissas. This terminal part of the diagram is well defined in mortars, concretes, and brickwork, where it gradually becomes approximately parallel to the base-line as the point of fracture is approached. With neat cement it is not so well developed ; and with freestone it is almost imper- ceptible, except in a few instances. The increasing rate of compression, after passing the elastic limit, is perhaps due to a loss of cohesion among the particles of the outer shell of the cube, especially of that part about mid- way between the two bed-faces, which yields by bulging or buckling on the line of least resistance ; the available area of resistance in the cross-section, under continued and accumulat- ing pressure, becomes, therefore, more and more reduced until fracture ensues. The upper portions of the compression-diagrams of freestone cubes are generally rather straight, or are formed of an irregular broken line not greatly differing from a straight line, w^ith the final part in several instances exhibiting a steeper ascent than the preceding portion. Jn some few cases a tendency to the formation of a final curve, concave toward the axis of abscissas, is traceable, as may be seen in the diagrams of 8-inch cubes c and dy and 9-inch cube d. The first-named piece broke under 52 TESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. a load of 388,000 pounds, and the micrometer observations were carried up to that point. From 280,000 pounds to 360,000 pounds the diagram is almost a straight line ; it then declines at 370,000 pounds, whence it slightly rises to 380,000 pounds, to incline again towards the axis of abscissas as fracture is ap- proached. A similar formation of the terminal part of the diagram is noticed in 8-inch cube d\ the final bending of the curve toward the base-line would probably have been still more marked if observations, which ceased at 387,000 pounds, had been continued to 395^700 pounds, the ultimate load. In the case of 9-inch cube d, micrometer observations were continued to the moment of fracture, which occurred under a pressure of 445,000 pounds. Here the terminal part of the diagram is con- vex toward the axis of abscissas from 400,000 to 420,000 pounds ; the curve is then reversed, and becomes concave up to the breaking-point. Three of the 12-inch cubes {a, b, and d) resisted the maxi- mum pressure of 800,000 pounds, once applied. Their diagrams are practically straight lines up to that point, while cube ^, which yielded under a load of 764,000 pounds, began to develop a slightly concave curve at 600,000 pounds, increasing its in- clination toward the axis of abscissas from 700,000 to 740,000 pounds, when the last observation was taken. The shortness of the concave bends where they exist, and their nearly complete absence in most other samples of free- stone, indicates the rigidity and brittle character of that mate- rial, and the advisability, in building, of imposing upon it but moderate loads. During the process of loading there are scarcely any audible or visible indications of the effects of pres- sure, except what may be inferred from the readings of the micrometer. In every instance the piece failed suddenly ; there- fore the micrometer was removed as a matter of precaution at a comparatively early stage, except in a few cases, in which the fracture took place sooner than was anticipated. According to the rules given by Professor Thurston (Report of the United States Board on testing iron, steel, and other metals), " a perfectly straight line beneath the elastic limit, perfectly parallel with the elastic line, shows the material to be TESTS OF HAVEKSTRAVV FREESTONE. 53 homogeneous as to strain, i.e., to be free from internal strains such as are produced (in metals) by irregular or rapid cooling, or by working too cold. Any variation from this line indicates the existence and measures the amount of strain. A line con- siderably curved exhibits the existence of such strain." With woods which Professor Thurston tested in regard to their resistance to torsion, the autographic line of the diagram, up to the elastic limit, is almost perfectly straight. With free- stone, and to a less degree with mortars and concretes, the por- tion of the diagram referred to, and more especially its initial part, shows by its convexity and by other irregularities the defects of the material as regards homogeneity as to strain. It is further stated as a rule, that " a line rising from the elastic limit regularly and smoothly, approximately parabolic in form, and concave toward the base-line, indicates homo- geneity in structure, and the absence of such imperfections as are produced in wrought-iron by cinder, or in cast metals which have been worked from ingots, by porosity of the ingots. A line turning the corner sharply when passing the elastic limit, and then running nearly or quite horizontal, as in irons usually, and in low steel, or actually becoming convex toward the base- line, as with some of the woods, and then after a time resuming upward movement by taking its proper parabolic path, indicates a decided want of this kind of homogeneity." The few instances in which the freestone diagrams beyond the apparent elastic limit show a terminal curve which is more or less concave toward the axis of abscissas sufficiently prove that the material is deficient in homogeneity of structure. The terminal curve of 9-inch cube d is at first convex, and then bends over toward the axis of abscissas. Such irregularities, in a less marked degree, are seen in 8-inch cube c. Indeed, vary- ing capacity of resistance beyond the limit of elasticity, alter- nately diminishing and increasing, are indicated by the irregular form of the upper part of the diagram of nearly every freestone cube. Resilience. — The strain-diagrams of freestone and other material also serve to estimate their resilience, or the capacity to resist suddenly applied loads or blows. 54 TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. The resilience is measured by the continued product of a selected maximum resistance — either the crushing load, or the pressure at the elastic limit, or at some other point — by the corresponding amount of compression, and this by some co- efficient which varies from -J to f , according to the degree of toughness or ductility of the material. With strain-diagrams, resilience is represented by the area included between the curve, the ordinate of maximum pressure, and the axis of abscissas from the origin of the curve to the foot of the ordinate. When a specimen is tested by gradually but continuously increasing the load until fracture takes place, the strain-diagram will be a continuous line from beginning to end. To compute the total resilience, the length of the axis of abscissas from the foot of the curve to the foot of the ordinate of ultimate pres- sure, the number of pounds of the latter and the value of the fractional coefficient are required. Owing to the convexity of the initial or lowest part of the freestone diagram, some slight modification in the method of computation was thought justifiable. The extent of the area representing the resilience was considered to depend upon and to be restricted by the permanent set produced after applying a load about sufficient to relieve the material of that internal strain which is manifested by the aforesaid convexity, and by incidental irregularities seen in the lower portion of the diagram. That load may be regarded as of a preliminary character, caus- ing the material to adjust itself for sustaining additional stress by rendering it more homogeneous as to strain, as far as its peculiar structure may permit. This preliminary pressure may be regarded as about equivalent in its effect to the practice of preparing railway girders for actual use by stretching under a heavy load, as mentioned by Stoney ; to the relieving of metals from internal strain by annealing, heating, etc. ; or in the case of very ductile metals, according to Professor Thurston, by " straining them while cold to the elastic limit and thus drag- ging all their particles into extreme tension, from which, when released from strain, they may all spring back into their natural and unstrained position of equilibrium." The preparatory load required for freestone is much bdow TESTS OF HAVERSTKAW FREESTONE. 55 the elastic limit. It is simply the stress, after the application of which the initial convex curve begins to merge into a com- paratively straight line. In conformity with the preceding re- marks, we may assume that by the gradual application of pres- sure those particles or groups of particles, under more or less excessive tension or internal strain of some kind, are in a great measure relieved from the same ; and on removing the stress and returning to the clamping load, i.e., the pressure necessary to hold the piece securely suspended in the testing-machine, those particles may be considered to be in a much more un- strained and natural relation with respect to each other. In resuming the operation of loading we deal in fact with a some- what modified specimen, the original length of which has been slightly diminished by the amount of permanent set caused by the preliminary stress. To compute the resilience of a specimen, we have to exam- ine the strain-diagram and determine the point where it begins to assume the form of a straight line, or nearly so. For free- stone cubes, 8 inches on a side and upwards, an initial load of 100,000 pounds was taken as the average pressure necessary to bring the unbalanced particles of the stone into proper adjust- ment. The area representing the resilience is therefore con- sidered to begin at a point on the axis of abscissas distant by the length of permanent set produced by 100,000 pounds from the foot of the curve. This method may be illustrated by re- ferring more especially to 8-inch cube <:, one of the two freestone cubes the progress of compression in which was observed to the final moment of fracture. For this cube. Strain-sheet I. and Special Table I. show that upon the second application of the load of 100,000 pounds, at which moment the total reduction of its original length amounted to 0.017 inch, with a permanent set equal to 0.0065 inch, the convex curve begins to change to an approximately straight line. The area of resilience is therefore measured from the point on the axis of abscissas at a distance of 0.0065 inch from the foot of the convex curve. The first part of this area is a right-angled triangle, the altitude of which is the ordinate rep- resenting 100,000 pounds, and its base that portion of the $6 TESTS OF HAVERSTRAW FREESTONE. axis of abscissas extending from the foot of said ordinate to the point of first permanent set, equal in this case to o''.oio^ = {p" .oi"] — o'^oo65). The remainder of the area consists of trapezoids, the widths of which are the successive amounts of compression, and the heights the means of each successive pair of ordinates. The compression being given in parts of an inch, and the pressure in pounds, the resihence is expressed in inch- pounds. An examination of the freestone diagrams shows that they generally become somewhat steeper as the cubes tested in- crease in size. Under equal loads, an 8-inch cube suffers more compression than a lo-inch or 1 2-inch cube, as may be expected from the fact that under such circumstances each unit of the smaller cube is subject to a greater strain than a unit of the larger one. In other words, under equal loads the larger cubes undergo less change of form and exhibit more stiffness. The following table (H) affords a comparison of the amount of resilience, under gradually increasing loads, of freestone cubes from 8 to 12 inches on a side, and of a pier composed of three 12-inch cubes with dry joints. Some discrepancies will be noticed in the following table which are evidently due to variations in structure and strength of individual specimens, but on the whole the principle that the stiffness of the cubes increases with their size is sufficiently borne out. TESTS OF HAVER STRAW FREESTONE. 57 W DQ < M ;z; o H CO W W P«5 fe ^ ^ ^<, < "O ffi ^ O ^ w o ^ w H-l •-1 r/) M ^ U-) in in M- NO in tH PI o t^ ■u c-.^ 00 m M O M On N m ■* 00 NO ro • PL, o " ^1^ ON H en 01. in tC ■^ NO M !> m" T? 0_^ -*• o" 00 ro "^ 00^ O- go" pT o" ! '. w) « 0~ ~in~ t-t IH PI Pi p) m Tj- . in H GOG in O m G O G NO in 00 f ■* M M in IN O t~~ G in N ^i 0~) 00 in (N *1 '^ °^ m o^ in NO - 1- m O M (N rn H p» . . "is On m ^ 04 O 00 NO f^ o H^ cT cT ro -^ no" «> 6^ o" PI 1^ l^ On r>r M H M M ^ M C O t-^ t^ O in o LO G • • . • T»- o> o 00 in iH Tj- m t> in •^ •>«- O oo in 00 w t^ 0__ H in ON M (N ro in NO o^ N •* f^ '. '. H tH '-' " ro ON "o~ t^ O t^ -'J- in 8 : : M t-» VO ■^ ON N Tl- m NO ^ *- in NO 00 ■* N ""o" ""^ m ■* G ON ~o" 0\ in "l- 00 ro 00 00 -*- r^ ^ ^3 -i- q^ oo •o 00 IH o Pi in X M l-l N ro m NO ON^ ^ o in On M ir H ^ in ^ 00 t~. in ro -^ t^ "o in NO 00 in (N °°, P) 00 M IN ro Ti- NO oo o" rr t^ i no' : in ~0~ D :n 00 m ro N -"J- ON • -« in ■* t^ °- ^„ °. N Tf no" tC c X t--. O- in tH NO z ■* r^ r^ m On NO NO m c ^ m H N r^ NO X oo " M m Tj- NO ^ in H~ tv ro (N en ro 00 X Si in M w - m n N£ 3 no t -% t^ 00 58 TESl^S OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. Another Table (I) is submitted, which embodies the aver- age results obtained with freestone, under gradually increased loads, with regard to its resilience per cube, per square inch of bed-surface, and per cubic inch of entire mass. This table shows rather more strikingly the increased stiff- ness of cubes as they increase in size. , It also shows to what extent cubes are deficient in elasticity, and under which loads their behavior approaches to some extent the condition of perfect elasticity. A body, perfectly elastic, with a certain area of resilience under a given load, should develop four times that area when the load is doubled, since the compression would have progressed uniformly, and the areas are therefore proportional to the squares of the loads. We find, for in- stan(;;e, in the columns of resilience per square inch, that for an 8-inch cube under 100,000 pounds pressure the average resilience is 8.59 inch-pounds. If the stone were perfectly elastic, its resilience at 200,000 pounds should be 34.36 (8.59 X 4) inch-pounds; at 300,000 pounds it should be 77.31 (8.59 X 9) inch-pounds; and at 350,000 pounds, 105.37 (8-59 X 12.25) inch^pounds. The table gives, at the loads named, 33.56, 79.24, and 109.80 inch-pounds, respectively. Adopting the resilience of freestone cubes at a pressure of ioo,(t)00 pounds as a basis for comparison, Table H shows that the resilience actually developed at the progressive stages of loading is generally below^ that due to a perfectly elastic con- dition, especially towards the closing part of the operation in each case, and with the larger cubes; another proof of the want of homogeneity of structure in this material. In a number of cases it was not practicable to define the elastic limit, and consequently the resilience at that point. The, total resilience at the crushing moment could, as already stated, be determined only for two of the freestone cubes. In sevetal instances, the measurements for resilience were only carried up to a pressure considerably below the ultimate load. Information of some importance in this matter is embodied in Table J. In introducing this table it must be remarked that the elastic limits given therein are merely approximations, and the TESTS OF- HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 59 W < w u < I o w CQ o w u ^ t-H u Pi < ti c o o n n n o h-1 o o U) "1 o m n " ■" N fO ■* -^ U) Lf^ \o \ci t^ t^ 00 in -* VO (N IT) )-. 00 u~i VTi ^. VO n ro^ u 00 ■^ fv (N lO ■* o. H °£ O " to 6 6 M ro 00 M 0) C4 ro ro MO O D a m u m ii h w m w u. o CO oo (N 00 VC ijo t^ 00 o iH Of) ro >0 ro oo 00 N t-^ P) ro M \0 ■* ro t^ ■* O On t^ 00 00 ro wo M « ro ■* VO fin U3 ro^ U S o ™ Q CQ " c/2 W D LJ < C O ^ I- ro:; 4> u CL, H u cq D U b o Q < j^ Z O S D P-i N \0 O O ON t-^ "O t^ On ro 00 ro lO NO 00 H LO 0) N ON ro ON O NO NONO WNO OnO CJ Mno ro ■* NO On N On ") CO lO lO lO On •- O N ro ►- UO ON t^ ^ NO On ro ro N CO CO ro ro NO On in NO 00 C3N 00 00 M NO NO On On -^ NO C3N CN N NO ro N CN) ro ro H ON Ng ON 00 ro ro C3N NO 00 "0 O^ NO lO 00 ro ro ro N ON UO lO w^ ro NO M NO ro 00 "0 IN ro r^ NO ro NO J^ NO oo o c) CJ NO ON O W On ON ro oo uo N NO oo ON m tT 00 LO 00 to M. 00 00 ro N On ON M ro lO t^ O 1-i On NO oo ID ON -* C3N ■* ■* Pi ro NO Ti- On ro M w -^ NO IN ro 0~ "^ NO NO O (Nl 00 00 t-^ in ON (N ON M NO ro oo NO (S ro ro N in in in ro 00 in in oo NO 00 P) in 00 " M ro 'i- in NO 00 ■^ ON w N ro 04 O >H ON M N ro m NO 00 ? 1- ? 550,000 12,691 643.000 17,344 \ 141,872 g"-d.... ? ? J 445,000 12,438 445.000 12,438 J : lo" - b.... 440,000 7,810 1 640,000 19,335 650,500 20,396 1 i lo" - c... ? ? [-7,395 500,000 10,570 Soo.ooo-j- ? [. 19,801 lo" - d.... 400,000 6,980 J 550,000 11,570 644,000 19 206 J 1 ii" - a.... 500,000 10,055 600,000 14,685 791,000 25,538 1 ii" - b... Jl" — c... 500,000 600,000 9,390 14,300 f 10,121 600,000 600,000 14,665 14,300 785,000 779,200 25,094 24,111 ■ 2^,053 ii" -d.... 400,000 6,740 600,000 17,950 769,000 29,468 ; 12" - a ? > 800,000 22,025 800,000 -l- > 1 12" - b.... > > \ ? 800,000 21.275 8oo,ooo4- ? ' > 12" - c... 600,000 13,435 740,000 24,089 764,000 25,671 ' Ji" —d.... ? ? 800,000 22,025 8oo,ooo-(- ? . 3-12" cubes > ? 700,000 40,030 748,000 45,705 i Sufificient power was lacking to crush three of the 12-inch cubes and one of the lo-inch cubes. 9-inch cube a and lo-inch cube a, the diagrams of which are very irregular, are omitted from the table. Table J indicates that the capacity to resist blows safely,, augments with the size of cubes. The mean resilience of fdur 8-inch cubes within the elastic limit — sometimes termed the proof-resilience — was found to be 3381 inch-pounds. The elastic resilience of 9-inch cubes was ascertained for only one TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. 6i specimen, for which it amounted to 7920 inch-pounds. This was, however, a rather strong sample of its kind. The mean elastic resilience of two lo-inch cubes is 7395 inch-pounds. The mean proof-resilience of the four ii-inch cubes is 10,121 inch-pounds. In Table K, expressing the absolute resilience in inch- pounds of freestone cubes of various sizes, the first line gives the number of inch-pounds, taken from Table J, the second the num- ber that would result if the resilience were in proportion to the area of bed-surface ; and the third the number that would result if the resilience were proportional to the mass, taking for the second and third cases the average absolute resilience of an. 8-inch cube as a basis for comparison. TABLE K. Comparative Table of Absolute Resilience of Freestone Cubes. 11" Cube, 1. Resilience, as given in Table J 2. Resilience, if proportional to area of bed-surface 3. Resilience, if proportional to mass of cube 8" Cube. 9" Cube. 10" Cube. 10.518 10,518 10,518 14,872 13,312 14,976 23,146 16,434 20,543 26,053 19,886 27,342 It will be seen from this table that the inch-pounds in the first and third lines agree so nearly as to suggest that the abso- lute resilience of cubes of freestone and of kindred material may be approximately proportional to the mass of the cubes. The pier composed of three 12-inch freestone cubes, a, b, and d, further illustrates this matter. This pier was crushed under a load of 748,000 pounds ; the last micrometer observation was taken at 700,000 pounds, at which pressure the resilience was 40,030 pounds. Each of the three cubes had previously been subjected to the maximum stress of 800,000 pounds without fracture. The effect of this preliminary compression is well illustrated by the diagram of the pier on Strain-sheet VIII. Its initial or lower part is but slightly concave, showing that whatever in- ternal strain had existed in the cubes had been »^early removed by previous loading ; it then rises regularly with a gentle curve to near the point of fracture. The resilience developed 62 TESTS OF HA VERSTRA W FREESTONE. by these cubes, singly as well as combined, at various stages of pressure from 100,000 pounds upwards, is found in Table H. It is seen that up to 200,000 pounds the area of resilience of the pier more or less exceeds the combined area of individual cubes a, <^, and *5,532(?) " *5,343 Average. Excess or Deficiency of observed load in relation to 5,000 pounds. I 4,283 pounds. 4,987 pounds. 5,007 pounds. L 4.754 pounds. !- 4,761 pounds. 5,374 pounds. Deficiency, 16.7 percent. Deficiency, 0.26 per cent. Excess, 0.14 per cent. Deficiency, 5.18 per cent. Deficiency, 5.02 per cent. Excess, 6.96 per cent. The nominal 12-inch cube d is omitted, because in mouldincr it an error occurred, causing its bed to measure 12" x ii."3, instead of 12" x 12". The cubes marked * had iheir beds plastered. TESTS OF CEMENTS. 6/ of bed-surface of the individual cubes ; the average for the several sets ; and the percentage of excess or deficiency of the latter when compared with the average crushing load of 5000 pounds per square inch of bed-surface. The individual crushing loads of the i-inch cubes vary but little from their average ; the same is true of the five plastered ii-inch cubes, and probably also of the five 12-inch cubes il sufficient machine power had been available to break cubes c and e at the first application of pressure. This indicates the good effect of plastering the bed-faces. The average resistance per square inch of bed-surface of the i-inch cubes is nearly 1200 pounds less than that of the 2-inch cubes, while the average strength of the 3-inch cubes is 1157 pounds less, or about the same as that of the i-inch cubes. The only plastered 3-inch cube (/) showed the greatest strength in its set, being about 14.^ per cent stronger than the average, and about 10 per cent stronger than the strongest of the five un- plastered cubes of the same set. From the 2-inch cubes to the 6-inch cubes the average strength per square inch decreases ; it then rises in the 7-inch and 8-inch cubes, again decreases in the 9-inch and lo-inch sets, and increases for the ii-inch and 12-inch cubes, but without developing the resistance offered by the i-inch cubes. 1 2-inch cube e was not immediately broken on reaching the ultimate available load of 800,000 pounds, although pieces began to fly off at 770,000 pounds ; it rapidly failed, however, and was destroyed when the maximum load had been sustained for about thirty seconds. Two other cubes, c and d, of the 12- inch series, did not yield when the maximum load was first reached, although cracks became visible at about 700,000 pounds. In these cases fracture was caused by reducing the load to the initial pressure of 5000 pounds and then gradually raising the pressure to 800,000 pounds. From Table L it is seen that the average crushing load of the five unplastered 2-inch cubes is 6869 pounds per square inch, while the one 2-inch cube (/) that had been plastered only failed under a load of 8218 pounds; the rates being as 100 to 1 19.6. Unplastered cube {a) showed, however, a strength of 8121 pounds. 6$ TESTS OF CEMENTS. The five unplastered 3-inch cubes developed an average strength of 5764 pounds per square inch of bed-surface, while one plastered cube (/") broke under a load of 6795 pounds ; the ratio being 100 to 11 7.9. The five plastered ii-inch cubes vary about 13 per cent from one another in strength ; their average is nearly 14 per cent greater than unplastered cube a of this set. Finishing the beds of cement specimens with a thin layer of plaster seems to have brought out their strength as fully as any amount of machine-finishing would have done. Prisms of Neat Cement. — The smallest of the cement prisms, 4'' X \' X i ', yielded under an average pressure of 261,104 pounds, equivalent to 16,320 pounds per square inch of bed-surface (Table E). When removed from the press, the sides of the prisms were found to have been forced out all round in the shape of irregular but approximately triangular bodies, leaving an apparently solid core formed of two short truncated pyramids, firmly adhering to each other. On^ remov- ing the shattered lateral fragments the edges of the beds broke away, leaving the bases of the pyramids with less area than the original prisms. Comparing the mean resistance per square inch of bed- surface of these 4" X aJ' X i^' prisms with that of the i-inch cement cubes, the average strength of which was 5896 pounds (Table L), the prisms are found to be 2.76 times as strong as the cubes. This ratio is different when the 4'' X ^' X 2" prisms are compared with the 2-inch cement cubes. The prisms yielded under an average aggregate load of 101,920 pounds, or 6370 pounds per square inch, while the 2-inch cubes show an average ultimate resistance of 7094 pounds per square inch. The cubes are therefore over 10 per cent stronger than the prisms. The exceptional strength of the 2-inch cement cubes has already been noted. It is not impossible that with a greater number of specimens of either form the ratio would have been different. The average strength of the three 4'^ X 4'' X Z" prisms is 6003 pounds per square inch of bed-surface, while that of the 4-inch cubes is only 4847 pounds. But the latter were crushed TESTS OF CEMENTS. 69 without plastered heads, while this preliminary treatment had been applied to the prisms. It has been shown that by plaster- ing the beds the strength of the cubes is more fully brought out ; and in order to make as fair a comparison as practicable, we therefore select the strongest of the unplastered 4-inch cubes d^ which had a crushing resistance of 5481 pounds per square inch. On this basis the prisms show 9I- per cent, more strength than the cubes. Table M exhibits in condensed form the strength of the different ^' X 4'^ prisms when compared with the strongest of the 4-inch cement cubes, the strength of the latter being taken as unity. TABLE M. Size of Prism. y Crushing Strength. Per Square Inch. Relative. 4" X4" X I". 4" X 4" X 2" 16,320 pounds 6,370 6,003 " 5,481 - 2,978 1,162 1,095 1,000 4" X 4" X V 4" X 4" X 4" (strongest). Table N gives a similar comparison of the strength of the %" X 8'^ prisms with that of the strongest of the unplastered 8- inch cubes (<^), the strength of the latter being taken as unity. TABLE N. Size ok Prism. Crushing Strength. Per Square Inch. Relative. 8"X8" X2" 8" X 8" X 3" 10,664 pounds 7. 191 5952 6,020 " 5,771 5.597 1.923 1,285 1,064 1,075 1,031 r.ooo 8" X 8" X 4" 8" X 8" X 5" 8"X8"X6" 8" X 8" X8" 70 TESTS OF CEMENTS, Both the 8-inch and 4-inch prisms show a striking increase of strength only when their height is reduced to one fourth of the cube of equal cross-section. Four sets of prisms of neat cement, 12 inches square on bed, of heights of 2, 4, 6, and 8 inches respectively, had been pre- pared, there being three specimens of each set. The great resistance offered by some of the 12-inch cement cubes pre- viously tested, rendered it improbable that any of these prisms could be crushed by the machine. One of these large prisms of 2 inches thickness was tried and withstood the load of 800,000 pounds apparently without being affected by it in the least. The same occurred with one of the prisms 4 inches in thickness. It was then decided not to con- tinue tests in that direction, but to ascertain the resistance of each set of three prisms formed as a dry-jointed pier. The set of the three 12'^ X 12'^ X 2^' prisms resisted the maximum pressure of 800,000 pounds. The set of 12^^ X 12'' X 4^' prisms (aggregating a little over 12 inches in height in the pier) failed under a load of 662,000 pounds. It is supposed that one of these prisms was in some manner defective, since the next larger pier of three 12^^ X 12'' X 6^' prisms withstood a greater load. In this case the load was carried up to 700,000 pounds and then reduced to 5000 pounds. The driving-head of the machine was again put in motion, and the pier broke at 690,000 pounds, it evidently having been weakened by the first application of the pressure. The pier of 12^' X 12^' X 8'' prisms was crushed under a load of 654,800 pounds. None of these last three piers showed as much resistance as the 12-inch cement cubes, while the 12'^ X 12'' X 2'' pier of the same kind of material manifested superior strength, and only failed under a stress below the available maximum pressure when subsequently tested in conjunction with a lo-inch free- stone cube. TESTS OF CEMENTS. 7\ COMPRESSION, SET, ELASTICITY, AND RESILIENCE OF DYCKER- HOFF CEMENT. [Special Table 11. , and Strain-sheets III. and IV.] Compression and Set. — This cement is less subject to sudden fracture than freestone, and its general behavior during the last stages of the testing process, especially the unmistak- able, visible and audible signs of impending disintegration^ permitted a more prolonged use of the micrometer, which was in some instances kept on till fracture occurred. The amount of set and compression generally with Portland cement is much less than with freestone. This cement is therefore decidedly stiffer than Haverstraw freestone. Under a load of 500,000 pounds the ii-inch freestone cubes show an average of over 71 per cent more compression than cement cubes of the same size; at 600,000 pounds, 57 per cent less. The 1 2-inch freestone cubes under pressures of 500,000, 600,000^ and 700,000 pounds were compressed, in round numbers, 79,63, and 46 per cent, respectively, more than similar cement cubes. Similar differences may be traced through the several sets of cubes of the two materials. In the strain-curves of cement cubes the initial or lower parts are found to be much less convex toward the axis of abscissas than in the case of freestone. Especially is this true with the larger (ii-inch and 12-inch) cubes. The cement diagrams further disclose by their general form a more gradual yielding ; the upper parts being better developed as regards concavity toward the axis of abscissas than in the case of freestone. In homogeneity as to strain as well as to structure, Dyckerhoff cement is superior to Haverstraw free- stone, although inferior to it in absolute crushing strength. The irregularities of some of the cement diagrams, however, notably of 8-inch cube d, 9-inch cube a, lo-inch cube d, and ii-inch cubes b and c, prove that the material by no means possesses either kind of homogeneity in a superior degree. Some of the cement diagrams are of especial interest. 8-inch cube d, broken by 360,000 pounds pressure, had the micrometer kept on until within 2000 pounds of that load, and 72 TESTS OF CEMENTS. therefore offers an opportunity to examine the strain-curve almost to the last moment. The irregularities of the upper or final branch of the curve, as it tends to take a direction nearly parallel to the axis of abscissas, exhibit both the destructive strain in progress and the deficiency of the piece in evenness of structure. 9-inch cube c gave decided indications of yielding after the load of 300,000 pounds had been exceeded. At 330,000 pounds one corner flew off ; at 350,000 pounds a crack appeared and the curve began to assume a direction approximately paral- lel to the axis of abscissas ; the cube did not yield, however, until a load of 396,000 pounds was reached. 9-inch cube d behaved differently. The initial part of the diagram is nearly straight, from which it is concluded that the particles of the specimen were normally aggregated. Under higher pressure no indication was seen of approaching destruction ; some parts of the cube must have suddenly failed, and the ensuing jar probably caused a general giving way of the rest. In the weakest of the 9-inch cubes {f) a lack of elasticity is noted, which is also indicated by the considerable amount of permanent set. The specimen failed under a pressure of 325,000 pounds, but began to crack at 130,000 pounds. The strongest of the lo-inch cubes {b) broke under 587,200 pounds. It appears very rigid at the beginning, and somewhat abnormal in behavior. From 400,000 pounds up, however, the curve gradually bends downward, showing a proper successive yielding under increasing load. lO-inch cube c, the next strongest sample of its class, is quite different from the preceding piece. The diagram shows that it yielded rapidly at first, but that later on it displayed considerable stiffness. The diagram of lo-inch cube d shows peculiar irregulari- ties. In some of the ii-inch cubes the initial part of the diagram is quite straight — a sign of homogeneity. In 1 2-inch cube a set and elastic compression are regularly developed up to 500,000 pounds. The micrometer was kept on TESTS OF CEMENTS. 73 TABLE O. Cube. Elastic Limit. Size. Mark. Load. Compression. Averag^e. Load. Compression. 8-inch 8 " 8 " 8 " 8 " 9-inch 9 " 9 " 9 " lo-inch lO " ID '• 10 " ii-inch 11 " II " II " 11 " 11 •' i2-inch 12 " 12 " 12 " 12 *' c d / a d e f a b c / a b c d e f a b c e / 220,000 lbs. 200,000 " 260,000 " 200,000 " 180,000 " 280,000 lbs. 280,000 " 300,000 " 240,000 " 280,000 lbs. 300,000 " 300,000 " 280,000 " 280,000 lbs. 400,000 " 450,000 " 500,000 " 500,000 " 400,000 " 500,000 lbs. 400,000 " 500,000 " 600,000 " 600,000 " •0255" .0182" .0203" .0180" •0153" .0244" .0182" .0215" .0220" .0221" .0145" .0220" .0180" .0160" .0222" .0255" .0250" .0250" .0212" .0248" .0260" .0220" .0275" .0320" 1 1 1 \ 212,000 lbs. J " 275,000 lbs. - 290,000 lbs. \ 421,666 lbs. J - 520,000 lbs. J .0195"' .0215" .0192" .0225" .0265" until the moment of fracture (710,000 pounds); and the diagram is interesting, as it fairly illustrates the gradual yielding of the material while approaching the ultimate load by bending down toward the axis of abscissas. • The 12-inch cubes c and e, and the nominal 12-inch cube d,"^ were not broken at the first application of the maximum load of 800,000 pounds, but only by repeating the process after re- turning to the initial load of 5000 pounds. Cube c exhibits irregular set up to 200,000 pounds, becoming more regular as the load increased to 400,000 pounds. * This cube measured only 12" X ii"-3 in cross-section, probably due to mis- placement of one of the sides of the mould while inserting it. 74 TESTS OF CEMENTS. TABLE Resilience of Neat Dyckerhoff Size of Cubes. Amount of Load in Pounds, 8'' X 8'' X 8" 9" X 9" X 9" 10" X 10" X 10" b 460 1027 1973 3108 c 450 966 1834 2933 d 410 820 1438 2257 3744 5697 e 425 888 1651 2702 / 440 861 1545 22931 3833 a 515 963 1505 2234 3367 4798 b 650 1172 1754 2409 3216 4287 c 525 1021 1564 2283 3374 d 305 675 1 185 1917 3127 4204 e 380 748 1267 1908 2693 3358 4761 / 450 943 1696 2545 4770 a 490 881 1380 1949 2862 4306 b 210 508 916 1372 2087 2739 3755 4862 c 515 817 1218 1670 2358 3170 4308 5^43 d 500 872 1414 2035 2869 e 400 799 1286 1954 3074 4037 5960 / lOO ooo 1 50 000 200 000 250 000 300 000 350 000 400 000 450 000 500 000 550 000 350 715 1252 1814 2589 3659 4928 6484 650 000 700 000 750 000 The piece was crushed only under the sixth application of the maximum load of the testing-machine, the diagram presents practically a straight elastic line from 100,000 to 500,000 pounds. Cube d (defective in size) required for its fracture four repe- titions of the maximum load. Cube e resisted a load of 800,000 pounds once, and showed great stiffness while it was again reloaded up to 800,000 pounds. It sustained that pressure for half a minute, and then yielded. Elasticity. — Dyckerhoff Portland cement being stiffer than Haverstraw freestone, has a higher modulus of elasticity. Its elastic limit is somewhat less difficult to determine than that of freestone, although some cubes ran so irregularly as to ren- der it unadvisable to consider them. Table O gives the elastic limits of individual cubes, and the averages of sets of cubes. TESTS OF CEMENTS. 75 p. Portland Cement. Size OF C UBES. Pier I. Pier II. PiekIII. Of 3 Prisms each. Of 3 Prisms each. Of 3 Prisms each. Il" X II" X II" 12" X 12" X 12" a b c d e f a b c e 200 450 800 1272 1850 2549 3455 4624 5930 7552 9340 12166 16418 12" X 12" X4" 12" X 12" x6" I2"X12" x8" 310 639 1092 1626 2439 3411 4744 5918 8102 265 S41 979 1479 2107 3027 4099 5436 7285 9265 12084 260 572 lOIO 1550 2260 3262 4350 5825 7250 9057 II722 14868 18789 200 450 80b 1306 1925 2730 3550 4862 6145 8783 10905 14506 250 424 775 1299 1890 2702 3640 4915 6340 8724 11216 14660 245 439 610 1190 1850 2662 3600 491.2 6290 8239 io6go 190 440 790 1262 1880 2734 3615 4847 6225 8515 10585 14558 21013 265 546 940 1435 2040 2706 3475 4750 6175 8065 180 442 810 1260 1810 2460 3210 4060 5010 6322 7760 10084 12615 15876 250 531 92s 1375 1925 2656 3450 4512 5700 7144 8725 "745 13983 16452 20647 260 641 1175 1946 2840 4010 5260 7280 9180 11847 15970 3'5 773 1402 2200 3346 4904 7164 10074 13364 14045 22246 27677 33938 450 936 1 701 2678 3822 5445 7320 9844 . 12705 16551 21447 28576 From the averages in Table O the average modulus of elasticity of Dyckerhoff Portland cement is found to be about 1,500,000, or, more correctly, 1,525,857. Average modulus of elasticity for ^" cubes, 1,358,774 " (^" " 1,421,111 U jq// U 1^510,416 '' 12'' " 1,635,107 Mean modulus of elasticity, 1,525,857 The modulus of elasticity of this kind of cement exceeds that of Haverstraw freestone by more than 50 per cent, and is practically identical with that of natural Portland stone (1,533,000), as determined by Tredgold. Resilience. — Although the lower portions of cement strain-curves are less convex toward the axis of abscissas than 76 TESTS OF CEMENTS. those of freestone, it is probably better to consider the process of loading up to 100,000 pounds as merely preparatory, serving to relieve the specimen of the greater part of existing internal strain. The area of resilience is therefore reckoned from that point on the axis of abscissas representing the permanent set when the first load of 100,000 pounds was reduced to 5000 pounds. Table P exhibits the resilience in inch-pounds, under grad- ually increasing loads, of cement cubes from 8 to 12 inches on a side, and of piers of cement prisms eacli 12 inches square on bed, and of heights already described. Owing to the imperfect elasticity of the material, no regu- lar increase of the area of resilience proportional to the squares of loads was found, but occasionally the actual development of the area is nearly the same as it should be according to theory. For instance, 8-inch cube c shows at 100,000 pounds a resili- ence of 450 inch-pounds; at 200,000 pounds, 1834, which by theory should be 1800. Eleven-inch cube <:, with an area of 260 inch-pounds at 100,000 pounds, develops areas of loio and 2260 for loads of 200,000 and 300,000 pounds, respectively ; theoretically, these areas should be 1040 and 2340. Table Q gives interesting comparisons between the aver- ages of the 1 2-inch cement cubes and the three piers of prisms. The numbers of inch-pounds are given up to 600,000 pounds for increments of 100,000 pounds. For the two piers com- posed of 6-inch and 8-inch prisms respectively, two columns appear in the table, one showing the observed resilience as de- veloped under pressure, and the other the corresponding theo- retical resilience, on the assumption that the resilience of speci- mens of the same cross-section but different heights varies as the masses of the specimens. It is seen that the shortest pier, composed of 3 prisms each 4!^ in height, has larger areas of resilience than the corre- sponding average 12-inch solid cube; in fact, from 200,000 pounds upwards they are more than i^ times as large. The pier composed of the next larger prisms shows a similar excess of actually observed resilience over that computed ; while with the highest pier, representing in volume two 12-inch cubes TESTS OF CEMENTS. 77 placed one on top of the other, the observed resilience is fairly comparable with that computed, except under the high- est loads, and even then the difference is not considerable, and might have been less if an average could have been taken of several piers of that kind. TABLE Q. Neat Dyckerhoff Portland Cement. RESILIENCE OF 12" CUBES AND PIERS. Pier I., composed of 3 prisms, each 12" X 12" X 4". " II., " *' " " 12" X 12" X 6". '' III., '♦ " " " 12" X 12" X 8". 12" Cubes. Observed Average. Resilience in Inch-pounds of — Load in Pounds. Pier I. Observed. Pier II. Pier III. Observed. Computed. Observed. Computed. 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 217 853 1,901 3,441 5,808 9,102 260 1,175 2,840 5,260 9,180 15-970 315 1,402 3,346 7,164 13,364 22,246 325 1,279 2,851 5,161 8,712 13,653 450 1,701 3,822 7,320 12,705 21,447 434 1,706 3,802 6,882 11,616 18,204 It is thought that the plastering of the bed-faces of all of these prisms had some influence on the results. Without going into details, it is obvious that a pier of three 12^' X ^2" X A-" prisms, coated in the aggregate with six thin layers of comparatively soft plaster, will compress more rapidly and show apparently more resilience than a solid 12-inch cube with two cushions only, or a pier of three 12'' X 12" X 8^^ prisms. The latter had also six layers of plaster, but their aggregate thickness necessarily bore a lesser ratio to the collective height of the cement prisms than in the thinner pier, and compression proceeded therefore more slowly. It was shown that at 700,000 pounds a dry pier of three 12-inch cubes of Haverstraw freestone exhibited about 2J times the resilience of a single 12-inch cube, instead of three times ; and the reason assigned for the difference was that the 78 TESTS OF CEMENTS. cubes had each previously been strained by a load of 800,000 pounds, which increased the stiffness, and that the pier was not a true monolith. The several cement prisms, with the ex- ception of one measuring 12" X ^2" X 6'^, had not previously been strained. Dyckerhoff cement is also less compressible than freestone ; and the interposition of cushions of a more yielding substance, such as plaster of Paris from 36 to 48 hours old, will cause the combination of cement and plaster to develop more compressibility, and consequently more resili- ence, than without plaster. It seems probable that with rigid material, divided into courses and subjected to compression, the interposition of a pliant and compressible binding substance essentially increases the capacity to resist concussions, or suddenly applied heavy loads. With regard to the resilience of cubes of Haverstraw free- stone, within the elastic limit, it was seen that there were in- dications that this property may increase with the size of the cube. This suggestion is to a certain extent corroborated by the results furnished by the cement cubes, as may be seen from Table R, which gives the resilience of the several cubes up to the elastic limit, the averages of the same for each class, both for the whole cube and per cubic inch of the mass. A notable falling off in the amount of resilience is exhibited by the lo-inch cubes, which may perhaps be explained by the difficulty in many cases of determining the elastic limit. For this reason, several of the cubes are not recorded in the table. The 1 2-inch cubes evidently possess more of the property of resilience than the smaller ones, but their superiority in that respect is by no means marked. It appears that for equal-sized cubes of Dyckerhoff cement and Haverstraw freestone, with equal striking weights, the safe height of fall is, for cements, on the average, a little more than one half that of freestone. The fact that some of the cement cubes were plastered and some not, and that the micrometer was of necessity removed in most cases before the crushing load was reached, renders it unwise to try to deduce any conclusions as to the relative TESTS OF CEMENTS, 79 values of ultimate resilience of cement cubes of different sizes. With Haverstraw freestone cubes some evidence was shown that the ultimate resilience of cubes is proportional to their mass. The evidence with cement cubes is not sufficiently re- liable to either prove or disprove this law. TABLE R. Resilience of Cubes of Dyckerhoff Portland Cement within the Elastic Limit. Cube. Size. 8-inch. 8 " , Q-inch. 9 " • 9 " . 9 " • lo-inch. lo " . lo " . lo " . -inch. T I I I I I i2-inch. 12 " 12 " . 12 " . 12 •• , Mark. b c d e f a d e f a b c f a b c d e f a b c e f Resilience in Inch-pounds. * Load. 220,000 lbs. 200,000 260,000 200,000 180,000 280,000 lbs. 280,000 300,000 240,000 280,000 lbs. 300,000 300,000 280,000 280,000 lbs. 400,000 450,000 500,000 500,000 400,000 500,000 lbs. 400,000 500,000 600,000 600,000 Of Cube. 2,288 1,834 2,423 r;65i 1,183 2,753 2,307 2,783 2,312 2,366 2,087 2,358 2,212 2,004 4,009 7,250 6,145 6,340 3,600 6,225 3,475 5,010 8,725 9,340 Average. 1^ 1,876 r 2,539 )■ 2,256 . 4,891 \ 6,555 Per Cube In. 3-66 3-48 2.26 3.67 3-79 CHAPTER VI. TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. The experiments . made with these materials embraced tests of cubes of mortar and concrete of different sizes, and of different proportions of ingredients. The following table gives the proportions of material that entered into the composition of the several mortars and con- cretes : TABLE S. Composition of Mortars and Concretes. Marks Sizes of Kind of Cubes. Proportions by Volume. Propor- tion of Cubes in Kind of Cement. Cement OF Cubes. Inches. Cement. Sand. Grav- el. Broken Stone. other In- gredients. Fm 2,4,6,8,10. 12, 14, 16 Mortar New'rkCo Ros- endale Cement I (dry measure) 3 I to 3 Fc 4,6,8,10,12, 14, 16, 18 Concrete New'rk Co.'s Ros- endale Cement I (dry measure) 3 2 4 r to 9 Am ... . 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 Mortar Norton's Cement I (paste) i^ I to \\ Ac 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 Concrete Norton's Cement (paste) li it0 7i Bm .... 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 Mortar Norton's Cement I (paste) 3 I to 3 Be 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 Concrete Norton's Cement T (paste) 3 6 I to 9 Cm .... 4, 6. 8, 12, 16 Mortar National Portland Cement I (paste) 3 I to 3 Cc 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 Concrete National Portland Cement I (paste) 3 6 I to 9 Two specimens of each kind and size of cubes had been prepared. The age of the mortars and concretes marked F was about 22 months. The cubes of the combinations marked A, B, and C were older, and among themselves practically of equal age, varying only from 3 years 10 months and 4 days to 3 years 10 months and 14 days. TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. 8 1 The beds of all of the cubes in Table S were plastered before being tested. MORTARS AND CONCRETES OF NEWARK COMPANY'S ROSEN- DALE CEMENT. In testing the mortar cubes of this cement, wooden pine cushions were placed between the plastered beds and the machine-heads, although former experiments indicated that the full strength of the material might not be brought out by this arrangement. The comparative roughness of the surfaces of mortar and concrete seemed, however, to call for the inter- position of some comparatively soft material to secure a better equalization or distribution of the load over the pressed sur- face. The thickness of the cushion-plates varied from \ inch to i inch, according to the size of the mortar cubes, which varied by increments of 2 inches from 2 to i6 inches on a side. The plates were square, and the length of their sides exceeded that of the sides of the cubes by about twice the thickness of the plate. The average weight per cubic foot was about ii6 pounds for the mortar and 132 pounds for the concrete. The crushing resistance of the individual specimens of each pair or set of mortar cubes was nearly the same, with the ex- ception of the 2-inch and lo-inch cubes, the first differing from one another in strength per square inch about 27 per cent ; the second, about 22 per cent. For the other sets, the great- est difference was not quite 5 per cent. This satisfactory result with mortars suggested a change in the method of testing the series of concrete cubes of Newark Co.'s Rosendale cement. One sample of each set was crushed with pine cushions, and the other directly between the machine-heads, it being thought that by the latter method superior compressive strength would be shown. An opportunity for measuring the gradual compression and resilience of the concrete was thus afforded. The sides of these cubes were 4", 6", W\ 10'', 12", 14", i&\ and 18'', re- 6 82 TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. spectively. The cubes of the smallest set were both tested between wooden plates to see whether concretes crushed in this manner would give as uniform results as mortars. One cube broke under a pressure of 1074 pounds per square inch, the other at 991 pounds — a difference of y.y per cent. When testing the other sets of concrete cubes, those crushed directly between the machine-heads proved in every instance stronger than their mates, which were broken between wooden cushions. On the average they exceeded them in strength nearly 19 per cent. In testing one of the lo-inch, 12-inch, 14-inch, and 16-inch mortar cubes, respectively, the cushions were so placed that the directions of the grains crossed each other ; in the other cases they were parallel. In several instances, cleavage occurred on lines parallel to , the grain whether the latter, in the two opposite plates, ran parallel or crosswise with respect to each other. The indenta- tion of the wood cushions varied considerably in depth and uniformity. The stronger concretes caused deeper impressions in the wood than the mortars, the greatest observed depth being over -f^^" (lO-inch concrete cube a) ; the maximum im- pression by mortar cubes {-f^-^") occurred with lo-inch cube b. The observed cleavage of the material parallel to the grain of the wood indicates that wood cushions exercise a weakening influence upon the strength of stone. The fibre being forced sideways under pressure, undoubtedly reacts on the particles of stone with which it is in close contact, and favors their tendency to move laterally, in the direction of least resistance. COMPRESSION, SET, ELASTICITY, AND RESILIENCE OF MOR- TARS AND CONCRETES MADE WITH THE NEWARK COM- PANY'S ROSENDALE CEMENT. Compression and Set. — The relative crushing resistance of cubes of mortar and concrete prepared with the Newark Company's Rosendale cement is shown in Table T, which gives ultimate pressures per square inch on bed-surface. The data are based on the figures in General Table III. TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. 83 TABLE T. Compressive Strength per Square Inch of Bed-surface of Cubes of Mortar and C ncrete, prepared with Newark Company's Rosen- dale Cement. Composition of mortar: i vol. cement (dry measure), 5 vols. sand. Composition of concrete: i vol. cement (dry measure), 3 vols, sand, 2 vols, gravel, 4 vols. stone. Mortars. Marks AND Sizes OF Cubes. Concretes. Marks AND Sizes OF Cubes. Strength in pounds per square inch. How crushed — with with Wooden Plates or Directly. Strength in lbs. per sq. in. of piece. How crushed — with Wooden Plates or Directly. Of Piece Aver- age. Fm -z" a.. 1,653 1,429 W. p., grain parallel. " 2"^.. 1,203 1,429 ' - 4"«-. 752 758 ' Fc 4" a. . . 1,074 W. P., grain parallel. " ^" b.. 765 758 ( i " 4'' b... 991 '■ " 6" a.. 818 800 ' ■.i 1 " 6" a. . . 1,025 ;. U " 6" I'.. 782 800 ' .. g,/ b... 1,230 Directly. " %"a.. 701 707 , ' " 8" a. . . 876- W. P.. grain parallel " 8"^.. 713 707 •" 8" b... i,i94« Directly. ' 10" a. . 828 945 ( '■ 10' a. . . ii^Siv W. P . grain parallel. ' jo" b.. 1,063 945 W. 1 ^, gram crosswise. '' 10'' b... 1,182. Directly. " I2"«.. 699 685 " grain parallel. " 12" a. . . 831 ' W. P , grain parallel. ' 12" b.. 671 685 u grain crosswise. "■ 12" b... 1,113 ■ Directly. ' 14" rt . 697 715 " grain parallel. " 14" a. . . 698 W. P.. grain parallel. ' 14" b. . 733 715 " gram crosswise. " 14''' b... 748 Directly. • 16" a.. 6.3 612 " grain parallel. " i6'- n. . . 674 W. P., grain parallel. ♦' 16" d.. 611 612 " grain parallel. '■' 16'' '■ v8''' b... 0. . . . 1.039 8^0 Directly. W. P., grain parallel. Directly. '' 18" b... 1,04.^ Among the mortars of the foregoing table, the 2-inch cubes have by far the greatest strength per square mch, about twice as much as the 8-inch, i2-inch, 14-inch, and i6-inch cubes; the last-named size is the weakest in the series. Of the concretes the table shows that the cubes crushed without interposition of wooden plates are invariably stronger than those crushed between cushions, the average ratio being as 1080 to 871 — a difference of about 19 per cent. When the series of mortar cubes from 4 inches to 16 inches on a side are compared with the corresponding concrete cubes which had' been broken between wooden cushions like the mortars, the 64 TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. strength of the concretes is superior to that of the mortars by about 15 per cent. The average strength per square inch of the F mortar cubes, excluding the 2-inch cubes as being exceptionally strong, is 746 pounds. If no cushions had been used it might possibly have been about 19 per cent greater (the increase of strength found with the F concretes under such circumstances), or 888 pounds. The average strength of these concretes, crushed without cush- ions, was 1080 pounds; they are therefore about 18 per cent stronger than the mortars. The comparison may be tabulated as follows : Compressive strength per square inch of bed-surface of — F mortar cubes, crushed between wooden cushions, 746 pounds; F mortar cubes, crushed without cushions (esti- mated) 888 F concrete cubes, crushed between wooden cush- ions 871 " F concrete cubes, crushed without cushions. .... 1080 " The use of wooden cushions in testing the /^mortars, and one half of the F concretes, prevented the measuring of the gradual reduction of the length of the cubes under progressive compression. The micrometer was applied only in testing those /^concretes that were crushed without interposition of wooden plates; i.e., one of the lo-inch, i2-inch, 14-inch, 16-inch, and 18-inch concrete cubes, respectively. The strain-curves of the F concretes, and of the mortars and concretes marked A and B, made with Norton's cement, represented on Strain-sheets V. and VI., are characterized by the direction and form of the curve after passing the point where the elastic limit is located. The upper part of the curve here forms a decided bend, becomes concave toward the axis of abscissas, and then with a long sweep runs nearly straight and approximately parallel to that line until fracture takes place. With the material just named, micrometer observations could in most cases be continued until the end, or close to it, as no violent separation of parts took place, and cracks, if ap- pearing at all, did so only just previous to disintegration. The TESl'S OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. 85 final part of the curves proves that with these mortars and con- cretes the rate of compression augments rapidly under slight increments of pressure near the end of the operation. In this respect the curves are materially different from those of the cubes of freestone and neat cement (Strain-sheets I. to IV.), which indicate a considerable amount of rigidity as the ultimate load is approached. An examination of the strain-curves of the F concretes ren- ders it again apparent that during the initial stages of loading the compression of the smaller cubes progresses faster than that of the larger cubes. The marked breaks in the initial part of the diagram, especially of the 14'', 16", and 18'' cubes, show that internal strains of some kind existed in the mass, caused probably by irregular setting after moulding. The groups of particles under abnormal internal strain were weakened and more or less disintegrated when a moderate pressure was ap- plied from the outside. Elasticity. — The data in Special Table III. and Strain- sheet V. approximately fix the modulus of elasticity of F con- cretes ; the 14-inch cube was ignored, its diagram being too irregular. Making proper allowance for the actual area of bed-surface and' for the length of the cubes, we have for the formula, ^ = 7- X /. For lo-inch /^concrete cube, Z = 10". 22; /=.oii''; /= 501 lbs. I — '- 1 ' ■" ^^ \ 101.5 / For 12-inch /" concrete cube, Z = I2".02; /=.oi6", /=6iqlbs. | — ^ 1 \ 145-2 / For 16-inch /" concrete cube, Z = 16 '. 16; / = .017';"; /= 6iq lbs. | '- — — i ■^ ^ \ 258.4 ; For 18-inch i^ concrete cube, Z = 18". ig: /= .0240"; /= 749 lbs. I '■ 1 Therefore, Modulus of elasticity for 10 inch cube F. 549,093 lbs. Modulus of elasticity for 12-inch cube F. 465,024 lbs. Modulus of elasticity for 16-inch cui:)e F. 571,600 lbs. Modulus of elasticity for 18-inch cube F. 567,397 lbs. Average modulus of elasticity of Newark Co.'s Rosendale cement concretes, approximately 538,349 lbs. 86 TESTS OF CEMENT MO Ji TARS AND CONCRETES. As might be expected, concrete compresses more rapidly than freestone or neat Portland cement. Comparing the lo- inch and 1 2-inch cubes of these materials, we have : Material. Compression in Inches under Pressure of— 50,000 lbs. 100,000 lbs. 150,000 lbs. 200,000 lbs. lo-inch Freestone Cube 0.0092 0.0167 0.0207 0.0277 lo-inch Cement Cube 0.0056 . 0098 0.0127 0.0138 lo-inch F Concrete Cube 0.0088 0.0320 Exhausted. 12-inch Freestone Cube . 0090 0.0183 0.0199 0.0244 i2-inch Cement Cube . 0034 0.0057 0074 0.0098 i2-inch F Concrete Cube 0.0082 0.0210 0.0560 Exhausted. In every case the rate of compression is much more rapid with concrete than with cement. Under 50,000 pounds pres- sure the length of the concrete cube is reduced about as much as that of freestone, but under greater loads the latter material shows greater resistance to compression. Resilience. — The total resilience of cubes of concrete made with Newark Company's Rosendale cement is about half that of corresponding cubes of neat Dyckerhoff Portland cement. Their resilience within the elastic limit is small in comparison with their total resilience ; the material differs in that respect from Dyckerhoff cement and freestone. This is shown in Table U, which gives the loads and resilience, both within the elastic limit and at the moment of fracture; also similar data for those cubes of neat cement and freestone whose ultimate resilience was directly measured. With the 12-inch and 16-inch concrete cubes the ultimate resilience was not directly measured. The i2-inch cube broke under a load of 161,600 pounds ; the microm- eter was removed at 160,000 pounds, when the resilience amounted to 11,862 inch-pounds. The 16-inch cube broke under a load of 268,000 pounds, but the micrometer was taken off when the pressure had reached 260,000 pounds with an accumulated resilience of 18,219 inch-pounds. These differences of pressure being quite small, the final amounts of resilience were estimated, assuming the curve of the strain-diagram be- yond the last measurement to be a true parabola. TESTS OF CEMENT MORTALS AND CONCRETES. 87 The computed total resilience of the 12-inch concrete cube is 12,221 inch-pounds; that of the 16-inch cube, 19,586 inch- pounds. TABLE U. Elastic and Ultimate Resilience of Cubes of Concrete made with Newark Company's Rosendale Cement, of Neat Dyckerhoff Port- land Cement, and of Freestone, Size of Cubes. ID-inch 12 " 16 " .... j8 " .... g-inch, d. II " d. II " e. " " /■ Material. i^ concrete. Dyckerhoff Portland Cement Haverstraw Freestone. Elastic Resilience, Ultimate Resilience. Load in Pounds. Inch- pounds. Load in Pounds. Inch- pounds. t 60,000 3" 120,000 9,663 90,000 754 161,600 12,221 160,000 1,586 268,000 19,586 230,000 2,860 331,000 23,811 280,000 2,307 390,000 5,760 500,000 6,14s 674,000 18,157 500,000 6,340 690,200 19,123 400,000 3,600 645,600 15,198 500,000 6,225 710,000 24,185 260,000 3,505 388,000 9,516 Ratio of Elastic Resilience to Ultimate Resilience. I to 31 .0 I to 16.2 I to 12.4 I to 8.3 I to 2.5 I to 3.0 I to 3.0 I to 4.2 1 to 3.9 I to 2.7 This table shows that cubes of freestone or Portland cement will probably safely resist for an indefinite number of times blows of a certain energy which represents a much larger frac- tion of their ultimate resilience (varying between -g-J-g- and J) than concrete cubes of Newark Co.'s Rosendale cement. It would also appear that with these concrete cubes the ratio of elastic to ultimate resilience becomes greater as the size of cube in- creases ; it must, however, be remembered that only one cube of each size was available for tests of this kind. MORTARS AND CONCRETES OF NORTON'S CEMENT. As shown in a preceding table (S) of this report, there were two kinds of mortar a^d concrete made with this cement, differing from each other in the proportion of sand used in making the mortar. The kind marked A was richer in cem- ent, the proportion being i volume of cement paste to ij 88 TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. volumes of sand ; for B mortar the proportion was i volume of cement paste to 3 volumes of sand. Six volumes of broken- stone were added for concrete. The following are the average weights and specific gravities of this material : Specific Gravity, Weight per cubic foot. A mortar 1.916 1 19-75 pounds. A concrete 2.283 142.68 " B mortar 1.871 116.94 " B concrete 2.217 138.56 " The age of these mortars and concretes when tested was a few days over 3 years and 10 months ; they were therefore more than twice as old as those made of Newark Co.'s Rosen- dale cement. They were broken without interposition of wooden cushions. The cubes tested measured 4, 6, 8, 12, and 16 inches on a side, respectively ; there were two cubes of each- size in every set of mortars and concretes. The tests show that — 1. Mortars are generally not as strong as concretes made with those mortars. 2. The sets of mortars and concretes richest in cement proved stronger than the others. 3. The smallest (4-inch) cubes in each of the four sets were decidedly the strongest of the lot. 4. There is no apparent law of increase or decrease of strength per square inch of bed-area, as the size of cubes in- creases. The foregoing statements are based on Table V, opposite. Comparing the richer mortars and concretes {A) of Table V with each' other, the average strength of all of the cubes of each material is about the same, but the concretes are stronger than the mortars in the 4-inch, 12-inch, and 16-inch cubes. In Class j5, with a smaller proportion of cement, the concretes are on the average about 16 per cent stronger than the mortars. The richer A mortars show an average of nearly 45 per cent more strength than the B mortars ; the A concretes 34 per cent more strength than the B concretes. TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. 89 TABLE V. Compressive Strength of Cubes of Mortar and Concrete made with Norton's Cement. A7n Mortar. Composition- i vol. Cement and i^ vols. Sand. Strength in Pounds. Ac Concrete. Composition: i vol. 1 Cement, i^- vols. Sand, and 6 vols. Broken Stone. Strength in Pounds. Per square inch ot bed. Average. Per square inch of bed. Average. 4-inch Cube, a 4 " " b 6 " " a 6 " *' b 8 " '• a 8 " " b 12 " " a 12 " " b 16 " " a 16 " " b 2,032 2,053 1,378 1,303 t.640 1,853 1,326 1,366 1,254 1,240 V. 2,042 • 1,340 i 1,746 . j- 1,346 ^ (• 1,247 4-inch Cube, a 4 " " b 6 " " a 6 " " b 8 " " a 8 " " b 12 " " a 12 '' " b 16 " " a 16 " " b 2,320 2,323 909 1,016 1,352 1,516 1,503 1,617 1,466 1,429 (. 2,322 \ 963 - 1,434 ' '- 1,560 - (• 1,447 Bm Mortar. Composition: i vol. Cement, and 3 vols. Sand. Be Concrete. Composition: i vol Cement, 3 vols. Sand, and 6 vols. Broken Stone. 4-inch Cube, a 4 •• " b 6 " " a. 6 '■■ '• b 8 " " a 8 " " b.... 12 " " a T2 " " b 16 " " a 16 " " 3 1,483 1,166 780 721 848 732 679 696 749 687 V ^,324 j- 750 j- 790 - 688 j- 718 4-inch Cube, a 4 " " b 6 " " a : 6 " '• b : 8 " " a : 8 " " b 12 " " a 12 " " b 16 " " a 16 " " b 1,551 1,715 1,009 991 879 844 744 756 858 828 t 1,000 j. 86r . j- 765 . \ 843 COMPRESSION, SET, ELASTICITY, AND RESILIENCE OF MOR- TARS AND CONCRETES MADE WITH NORTON'S CEMENT. [Special Tables IV., V., VL, and VII., and Strain-sheets V. and VI.] Compression and Set. — As samples of this class failed without explosive disruptions of spawls from the surface, the micrometer was used in most instances until the end of the op- eration. The diagrams resemble those obtained with the concrete cubes of Rosendale cement. The initial part of the strain '^urve 90 7'ESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCREITES. again discloses defective homogeneity in regard to strain — more strikingly so in th'e larger cubes than in the smaller ones. The fact that all of the cubes were practically of the same age when broken may account for this result ; the seasoning of the smaller cubes was perhaps further advanced. In nearly all of these diagrams the curve is at first convex toward the axis of abscissas ; it then ascends for a short length about tangentially to the convex curve, then bends over, form- ing a concave curve, and thus continues in nearly a straight course to the end, diverging but slightly from a direction paral- lel to the axis of abscissas. The diagram of 12-inch mortar cube a^ Class A^ presents an exceptional appearance, quite different from its mate, 12'' cube b, and from the other samples generally. It is from the begin- ning distinguished by a very rapid rate of compression with corresponding large sets. When the load had risen to 50,000 pounds, the permanent set was 0.052 inch, or about 17 times as much as that shown by the companion cube under the same circumstances. On reaching 100,000 pounds the set had in- creased to 0.076 inch — about 13 times the amount of set of the other cube. From this point forward the curve, which thus far had been rather convex toward the axis of abscissas, is reversed and becomes concave, gradually changing to a nearly straight line when approaching the point of fracture. Despite the un- common rate of compression and set of this specimen, its ulti- mate strength was only about 3 per cent less than that of the other cube of the same size and class. A part of the general giving way of the piece under pressure, especially during the first half of the operation, may possibly be ascribed to the fact that the plaster which coated the bed-faces was slightly thicker than in other cases. The plaster at the close of the operation was found to be somewhat soft and yielding. It is believed, however, that there must have been some more important cause : the cement may have been in a somewhat softer condition than in the other mortar cubes. Elasticity. — The elastic limit is more distinctly marked in the diagrams of the larger A and B cubes than in those of the TESl'S, OF CEMENT MORTAR^ AND. CONCRETES. 9 1 smaller ones. It must be borne in mind that the elasticity of mortar and concrete is far from being perfect ; the irregularities of the diagrams, the numerous deviations from a straight line below the limiting point, and the considerable amount of per- manent set observable at an early stage of the operation of testing, show that the term elasticity can be used here only in a restricted sense. For the limit of such imperfect elasticity as is peculiar to the artificial compounds in question, that point is taken at which the line of the diagram decidedly changes its former direction, with a tendency to incline toward the axis of abscissas. In the 8-inch mortar and concrete cubes this change of direction occurs so gradually that it is difificult or impossible to fix upon any point as the elastic limit. A glance at the dia- grams shows that this point is much more easily recognized in the 1 6-inch cubes, or even in the 1 2-inch cubes. These two kinds of cubes were therefore selected for determining the modulus of elasticity, omitting two cubes of Class A, viz., 12- inch mortar cube a on account of its abnormal behavior, and 1 2-inch concrete cube b, for which the point corresponding to the elastic limit cannot be recognized. In Table W the approximate moduli of elasticity are ob- tained. In each class the modulus of compressive elasticity of the concretes is higher than that of the mortars ; within the elastic limit the concretes are therefore stiffen The mortars and con- cretes of Class A, which contain a larger proportion of cement, are within that limit more rigid, or less compressible than those of Class B. Resilience. — The total resilience of cubes of classes A and B could be directly observed and computed from actual meas- urement in twenty cases out of twenty-four. In the remaining four cases the micrometer observations were continued to within from \\ to 4 per cent of the ultimate load. For these cubes the probable area of resilience from the last point of direct observation to the final moment was computed by the method already explained. 92 TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. TABLE W. Values of— Modulus of • L / / Elasticity. A Mortar: For i2-inch Cube, b 12". 11 0.0150" 110,000 = 761 144-5 614,381 pounds. " i6 " " a. 16". 13 0.0192'' 200,000 656,121 " 256.2 " i6 " " b 16". 17 0.0182" 200.000 653,908 " 258 Average 641,470 pounds: A Concrete : For i2-inch Cube, a 12". 12 0.0130" 1 10.000 143 707,621 pounds: " i6 " " a 16". 20 0.0160" 200,000 782,662 " " 16 " " b i8".27 0.0180" 220.000 = 855 257-4 772,825 " Average 754,369 pounds. B Mortar: For 12-inch Cube, a I2",o8 0.0083" 60.000 = 414 145 60.000 602,545 pounds. " 12 *' " b.^ 12" 14 0.0090" — 410 146.2 553-044 " " 16 " " a....... 16''. 10 0.0140" 120,000 - 463 259-4 532,450 " " 16 " " b 16''. 09 0.0172" 120.000 436,862 " Average 531,225 pounds; B Concrete: For i2*inch Cube, a I2".I7 0.0080" 60,000 - - = 413 145-44 628,276 pounds. " 12 " " b I2".I4 0.0075" 70.000 = 482 145-3 780,197 " " 16 " " a i6".2r 0.0200" 160,000 , „ 7. = 618 258,7 500,889 " " 16 " " b 16". 24 0.0180" 160,000 = 620 259-5 559,378 " Average 616,935 pound.s: Table X shows the resilience of the several kinds of cubes made with Norton*s cement. TMSTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AMD CONCRETES. 93 TABLE X. Resilience in Inch-pounds of Cubes of Mortar and Concrete made WITH Norton's Cement. Kind of Material, Size and Makk of Cubes. ^ Mortar: ,j vo]. Cement Paste, \\ vols. Sand. ■.8-iach Cube, a .^6 " A Concrete: 1 vol. Cement Paste, i^ vols. Sand, 6 vols. Broken Stone. 8-inch Cube, a b i6 i6 B Mortar : ,1 vol. Cement Paste, 3 vols. Sand. •S-inch Cube, a 8 " " b i6 " " a i6 " " b B Concrete : 1 vol. Cement Paste, 3 vols. Sand. 6 vols Broken Stone. Srinch Cube, « 8 " " b i6 i6 Load when Micrometer was removed. 106,000 pounds 120,000 " 192,000 " 190,000 " 321,200 " 320,000 " 87,600 pounds 97,900 " 215,400 " 228,300 " 379,200 •' 368,000 " 54,250 pounds 47,250 98,500 " 101,600 " 194,200 " 176,750 " 54,300 pounds 55,000 112,650 109,900 222,100 215,000 Resilience when Mi- crometer was removed. 1,913 2,663 10,844 6,173 13,820 11,366 4,962 7,242 14,700 19,381 61,523 34,660 1,026 1,225 3,197 3,175 8,233 6,943 1,678 1,812 7,101 4,657 13,234 14,974 Ultimate Load. 106,000 pounds 120,000 *' 192,000 " 197,400 " 321,200 " 320,000 " 87,600 pounds 97,900 .2lS,IOO 232,900 379,200 368,000 54,250 pounds 47,250 " 98,500 " 101,600 " 194,200 " 176,750 56,400 pounds 55,000 112,650 109,900 222,100 215,000 Ultimate Resilience. 1-913 2,663 10,844 *6,923 13,820 11,366 4,962 7,242 *i5,26o *2o,576 61,523 34,660 1,026 1,225 3,197 3,175 8,233 6,943 1,812 7,101 4,657 13,234 14,974 Average Ultimate Resilience. [ 8, 12,593 j- 6, 102 [ 17,918 [ 48,' ,092 I" 1,125 [ 3,186 j- 7,588 \ ..^ \ 4,657 ) 14,104 In the foregoing table the figures denoting ultimate resili- ence marked ^ are estimated for the final part, the micrometer observations having in these cases not been carried quite up to the breaking-point. 94 TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. The table proves clearly the superior resilience of concretes over the mortars which form their matrix ; also, that this capac- ity of resisting concussion, etc., is much increased in mortars and concretes by increasing the amount of cement entering in- to their composition. In Table Y the first line of numbers of inch-pounds of resili- ence, for each set or class, are the averages taken from Table X. The second and third lines give the figures which would obtain if the resilience were exactly proportional to the mass, as sug- gested in former parts of this report. The figures of the sec- ond line are based on the observed average resilience of the 8-inch cubes, and in the third line on the observed average resilience of the 1 2-inch cubes. A fourth line is added, which gives the averages of the second and third lines. TABLE Y. Relating to the Question whether the Resilience of certain Build- ing Material is proportional to its Mass, applied to Cubes of Mortar and Concrete made with Norton's Cement. Kind of Material, etc. A Mortar (i vol. Cement, i^^, vols. Sand): 1. Resilience according' to Table X 2. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 8" cube as basis 3. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 12" cube as basis 4. Resilience, means of 2 and 3. A Concrete (i vol. Cement, i}^ vols. Sand, 6 vols. Broken Stone): 1. Resilience according to Table X 2. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 8" cube as basis 3. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 12" cube as basis 4. Resilience, means of 2 and 3 B Mortar (i vol. Cement, 3 vols. Sand): 1. Resilience according to Table X 2. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 8" cube as basis 3. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 12" cube as basis 4. Resilience, means of 2 and 3 B Concrete (i vol. Cement, 3 vols. Sand, 6 vols. Broken Stone): 1. Resilience according to Table X 2. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 8" cube as basis 3. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 12" cube as basis 4. Resilience, means of 2 and 3 Resilience in Inch 8-inch Cube, 12-inch Cube. 2,288 8,883 2,288 7,722 2,632 8,883 2,460 8,302 6,102 17,918 6,102 20,594 5^309 17,918 5,705 19,256 I,T25 3,186 1,152 3,880 944 3,186 1,048 3.533 1,846 4,657 1,864 4,660 1,742 5,879 1,803 5,269 16-inch Cube. 12,593 18,304 21,056 19,680 48,092 48,816 42,472 45,644 7,588 9,216 7,552 14,104 14,912 13.955 14,433 TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. 95 Material deviations from the supposed law are seen only in the i6-inch cubes of A mortar. They are partially explained, as far as the figures of the first line of that series are concerned, by the high average of observed resilience of the 12-inch cubes (due to the great amount of resilience developed by 12-inch cube a, the abnormal behavior of which has already been com- mented on). In the other three series of Table Y, considering the fact that in each class only two specimens of the same size of cube were available, the computed figures approach those derived from direct observation sufficiently near to increase the possi- bility of the truth of the law that resilience of cubes is propor- tional to the mass. The concretes are greatly superior in resilience to the mor- tars which enter into their composition. The A concretes pos- sess on the average about three times as much resilience as the A mortars ; the B concretes about twice as much as the B mor- tars. The advantage of a liberal proportion of cement in the composition of mortars is also clearly demonstrated. The richer mortars {A) possess about twice the resilience of the B mortars ; and the richer {A) concretes an average of about 3.3 times that of the B concretes. MORTARS AND CONCRETES OF NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT. This cement was used in preparing one set of mortar cubes and one set of concrete cubes. Each set embraced 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, 12-inch, and 16-inch cubes, respectively, there being two cubes of each size. The mortar consisted of i volume of cement paste and 3 volumes of sand. To this mixture were added 6 volumes of broken stone for the concrete. Specific gravity of mortar = 1.92. weight per cubic foot = iig pounds. Specific gravity of concrete = 2.249, weight per cubic foot = 140 5 " The age of these cubes when broken was about 3 years 10 months and 5 days: identical, within a few days, with the age 96 TESTS OF CEMENT M 01^ TARS AND CONCRETES. of the mortars and cements made with Norton's cement. They were tested without interposing wooden cushions. The mortars and concretes of this cement are marked Cm and Cc, respectively, in the tables accompanying this report. Table Z gives the observed crushing loads of the cubes, and the resulting averages, per square inch of bed-surface. TABLE Z. Compressive Strength of Cubes of Mortar and Concrete made with National Portland Cement. Cm Mortar. Composition: i vol. Cement, 3 vols. Sand. 4-inch Cube, a. 16 16 b.. a., b.. Strength in Pounds. Per square inch of bed. 3,612 3,288 2,768 2,542 2,586 2,35^ 2,472 2,396 2,501 2,537 Average. 3,450 2,655 2,469 2,434 2,519 Cc Cement. Composition: 1 vol. Cement, 3 vols. Sand, 6 vols. Broken Stone. 4-inch Cube, a 4 6 6 Strength in Pounds. Per square inch of bed. 3,923 4,105 2,436 2,823 3,058 2,993 2,540 2,840 2,880 3,077 Average. (. 4,014 C 2,629 )r 3,025 V 2,690 [ 2,978 The concretes carry a heavier dead load than corresponding mortars by about 13.5 per cent. The smallest cubes are again the strongest, relatively, in their set ; the 4-inch mortar cubes exceed by 27 per cent the average strength per square inch of the other cubes of their set; the 4-inch concrete cubes exceed the average of the other concrete cubes by 29 per cent. An opportunity is here afforded to note the influence of the quality of the cement upon the compressive strength of mortars and concretes. Cla.ss B of mortars and concretes prepared with Norton's cement is in every respect, including age, identical with Class C, for which National Portland cement was used. Comparing the average crushing loads per square inch of bed- surface of the latter class of samples (Table Z) with those of Class B (Table V), we find that the National Portland cement TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. 97 mortars are fully three times as strong as the Norton mortars, and the same ratio exists between the concretes. The 6^ mor- tars and concretes are also stronger than those of the A class of Norton's cement, although the latter contain twice as much cement. The C mortars exceed the average strength of the A mortars by 75 per cent ; the C concretes surpass the A con- cretes fully 100 per cent. As Norton's cement enjoys a good reputation in the market, these results speak well for the brand known as National Port- land cement. COMPRESSION, SET, ELASTICITY, AND RESILIENCE OF MORTAR AND CONCRETE MADE WITH NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT. [Special Tables VIII. and IX., and Strain-sheets VI. and VII ] Compression and Set. — The rate of compression was meas- ured for the 8-inch, 1 2-inch, and 16-inch cubes, both mortars and concretes. In every instance the micrometer observations were continued to the moment of fracture. The superior com- pressive strength and stiffness of National Portland cement mortars and concretes, compared with the corresponding cubes of the two classes of mortars and concretes of Norton's cement, are quite apparent when the strain-sheets are inspected. The National cement shrinks less under equal loads than the cubes, of the Norton cement classes, and after passing the elastic limit, which, however, can be but roughly located, the final sweep of the strain-curve to the terminal point is much shorter and more curved than with the A and B specimens. The existence of internal, unbalanced strain, successively overcome in the first stages of loading, is indicated in the C mortars by the irregular broken line presented by the diagrams in rising up from the axis of abscissas. There are slight traces of convexity toward the axis of abscissas, excepting with 8-inch cube b. Deficiencies in homogeneity of structure, nearly up to the point of fracture, are especially noted in 12-inch mortar cube a. 7 98 TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES The C concrete cubes are also defective in homogeneity, both as to strain and as to structure, but in a lesser degree than the mortars. The final sweep of the strain-curves toward the breaking-point is comparatively much longer than with the mortars — an indication of greater tenacity. 1 2-inch cube a^ Strain-sheet VII., is remarkable for the sudden change of direc- tion of the line at 160,000 pounds; the elastic limit is here clearly defined. Both in strength and in general configuration of diagrams, the National Portland cement mortars and concretes form a sort of medium between those made with Norton's cement on one side, and neat Dyckerhoff Portland cement on the other. The data of gradual compression contained in the Special Tables (Table II. for the neat cement, and Tables VIII. and IX. for the C cubes) from which the strain-diagrams were constructed show that in the 8-inch C cubes compression proceeds at about the same rate as in the 8-inch cement cubes up to 100,000 pounds ; but when this load was reduced to 1000 pounds the permanent set of the C mortars averaged about \\ times that of the cements, that of the concretes 2^ times. ■ The C com- pounds suffer, therefore, more permanent change of form than the cements. Beyond 100,000 pounds the compression and set of the mortars, and still more that of the concretes, proceed at a faster rate than that of the cements. For the 12-inch cubes, neat cement and 6^ mortars compress at about equal rates up to 200,000 pounds ; further on, the superior rigidity of the Dyckerhoff cement asserts itself. The 1 2-inch concretes compress throughout more rapidly than the 1 2-inch cement cubes. At 200,000 pounds their average per- manent set is 0^^0075 against o'^oo22 for neat cement ; at 300,000 pounds the average set of the concretes is o''.0248, or just eight times as much as that of the cements. Elasticity. — It is with difficulty, and with considerable doubt as to the correctness of the results, that the modulus of elas- ticity of the C cubes is determined. From the Special Tables and Strain-sheets the following table is prepared : TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. 99 TABLE A,. Moduli of Elasticity of Cubes of Mortar and Concrete made with National Portland Cement. £=- xy. Kind and Size of Cubes. C Mortar : 8-inch cube, a. b. i6 i6 Average C Concrete : 8-inch cube, a. 16 16 Average Breaking Load. Pounds. 16a, 000 150,000 357,000 345,600 650,000 654)500 196,500 193,500 367,000 410,000 747,000 800,000 -|- Limit of Area of Elasticity Bed. Pounds. Sq. ins. 130,000 110,000 240,000 240,000 460,000 480,000 110,000 70,000 160,000 240,000 440,000 480,000 64.96 63.76 144.60 144.24 259-85 257.90 64.24 64.64 144.48 144.36 259.40 260.00 •13 .12 •15 •15 .24 .20 .0122 .0165' .0125' .0132' .0140' .0180' .0132' .0082' .0100' .0150' .0170' .0162' Pounds. 2,001 I1725 1,729 1,664 1,770 1,712 1,083 1,107 1,663 1,695 1,846 Modulus of Elasticity Pounds. i»333i453 862,500 1,680,590 1,531,636 2,053,500 1,674,900 1,522,665 1,068,700 1,084,200 1,349,433 1,350,360 1,614,238 1,850,558 1,386,248 If we compare the averages of this table with the average modulus of elasticity of Dyckerhoff cement, we find that the C mortars are in that respect identical with the cement, while the modulus of the concretes is about 10 per cent lower. With regard to Norton's cement mortars and concretes of Class B, which have in composition the same proportions as the C cubes, it is found that, within the elastic limit, the B mortars compress three times as much as the C mortars, and the B con- cretes about twice as much as the C concretes. There is some doubt as to whether these average moduli express exactly the elastic status of the material. The last table shows a gradual rise of the modulus as the sizes of cubes increase. The same occuns, though in a much less marked lOO TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. degree, in the A mortars and concretes, but the reverse occurs in those of Class B. With the Dyckerhoff cement cubes, 8-inch, 9-inch, and lo-inch cubes have the lowest moduli, and the ii- inch and 1 2-inch cubes the highest. The modulus of the lo- inch freestone cubes is about 12 per cent lower than that of the 12-inch cubes. The diagrams show distinctly that in every case the initial or lower part of the strain-curves of the lesser cubes is more inclined toward the axis of abscissas than that of the larger cubes, or that their rate of compression under equal loads is greater. When the limit of (imperfect) elasticity is reached with the larger cubes, their compression has not advanced as much in proportion to their size as that of the smaller specimens at the same point, and this circumstance may account for the difference in the moduli. Resilience. —The micrometer having been kept on to the end of the operation for every piece prepared with National Portland cement, the ultimate resilience could be directly measured. Two of the twelve cases under consideration are rather exceptional. 8-inch mortar cube b broke when the load of 150,000 pounds had been put on a second time. From 100,000 to 150,000 pounds the set was 0^^0045, or as much as from 1000 pounds to 100,000 pounds. When the pressure of 150,000 pounds was reached the first time the micrometer showed a compression of 0.025 inch ; on the second application of the same load the compression increased to 0.031 inch, and the piece failed. The other case is 16-inch concrete cube by which proved quite refractory. When the available maximum load of 800,000 pounds had been put on there were no signs of impending fracture. The piece was only broken upon a fifth application of the maximum load. The details connected with this experiment are discussed farther on. The following Table B shows the approximate amounts of resilience of mortar and concrete cubes C at the elastic limit and at the crushing load : TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. lOI TABLE Bi. Resilience at Elastic Limit and at Crushing Load of Cubes of Mor- tar AND Concrete made with National Portland Cement. Composition: Mortar C-= i vol. Cement Paste, 3 vols. Sand. " Concrete C = I vol. Cement Paste, 3 vols. Sand, 6 vols, broken Stone. Resilience of Elastic Limit. Resilience at Crushing Load. Material and Size OF Cubes. Load. Pounds. Inch-pounds. Load. Pounds. Inch-pounds. Of Cube. Average. Of Cube. Average. C Mortar: 8-inch cube, rt 8 " " b 12 " " a 12 " " b 16 " " a 16 " " b C Concrete: 8-inch cube, a 8 " " b 12 " " a 12 " " b 16 " " a 16 " '' ' b 130,000 110,000 240,000 240,000 460,000 480,000 110,000 70,000 160,000 240,000 440,000 480,000 803 702 1,422 1,603 3,515 4,660 472 252 644 1,546 4,012 3,934 \ 752 \ 1,512 \ 4,087 1 362 j- 1,095 \ 3,973 168,000 150,000 357.400 345,600 650,000 654,500 196,500 193,500 367,000 410,000 747,000 8oo,ooo-|- 2,154 1,832 5,957 6,457 10,451 14,803 6,548 6,297 18,505 14,082 47,316 83,130 \ 1,993 \ 6,207 r 12,627 r 6,422 [ 16,293 j- 65,223 The absolute resilience of the concretes is again far superior to that of the corresponding mortars. The 6^ mortars are about twice as resilient as the B mortars, which have the same pro- portion of sand ; and the C concretes are about four times as resilient as the B concretes. In absolute resilience, classes A and C are about equal ; A having twice the amount of cement (Norton's) in its composition that C has. With respect to resilience at the elastic limit, the National Portland cement cubes are decidedly superior to those of Norton cement : but the C mortars possess somewhat more resilience than the C concretes, while with Norton cement the reverse is the case. It is possible that if more samples had been available these relations might have been changed. Using the averages of total resilience, as given in Table B^, 102 TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. Table C^ is formed, to investigate whether the C class of cubes conform to the problematic rule that the resilience of cubes is about proportional to their mass. TABLE Ci. Relating to the Question whether the Resilience of certain Build- ing Material is Proportional to its Mass. Applied to Cubes of Mortar and Concrete made with National Portland Cement. Kind of Material, etc. C Mortar (i vol. Cement, 3 vols. Sand) : 1. Resilience according to Table Cj , 2. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 8" cube as basis 3. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 12" cube as basis. . . 4. Resilience, means of 2 and 3 C Concrete (t\o\. Cement, 3 vols. Sand, 6 vols. Broken Stone) 1. Resilience according to Table Cj 2. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 8" cube as basis 3. Resilience, if proportional to mass, 12" cube as basis. . , 4. Resilience, means of 2 and 3 Resilience in Inch-pounds. 8-inch Cube. 1-993 15993 ^,839 1,916 6,422 6,422 4,828 5,625 12-inch Cube. 6,207 6,726 6,207 6,466 16.293 21,674 16,293 18,983 16-inch Cube. 12,627 15,944 14,713 15,32s 65,223 51,376 38,620 44,998 There is a notable divergence in the i6-inch cubes, both in mortars and concretes. For the mortars, the highest calculated amount of resilience, line 2, exceeds the observed one by nearly 21 per cent ; the lowest, line 3, by about 14 per cent. For the concretes, the highest calculated resilience, line 2, is about 21 per cent less than the observed one, while the lowest figure, line 3, falls short by 41 per cent. With the mortars, the discrepancies are not generally very great ; with the con- cretes it should be noted that the high average of observed resiliences of 16-inch cubes is due to the extraordinary resist- ance of 16-inch cube b, which developed nearly twice as much resilience as 16-inch concrete cube a. If the computed amount of resilience of the 16-inch concrete cubes, lines 2, 3, and 4, are compared with the observed resilience of 16-inch cube a (47,316 inch-pounds : see Table B^), we find the agreement be- tween the several figures quite close. TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. IO3 The peculiar features of the breakage of 16-inch concrete cube b were as follows : The diagram plainly shows that when the maximum load had been reached the first time the elastic limit had already been passed. The total compression at that time was 0^^053. Returning to the initial load of 5000 pounds, a permanent set of o^'.027 was noted ; it had therefore recovered but one half of the loss of length caused by the first maximum load. Putting pressure on again, the compression was meas- ured at intervals of 100,000 pounds. The lower part of this second diagram is slightly concave toward the axis of abscissas, showing some internal strain, still existing ; thence it rises in a nearly straight line of less inclination than presented by the first diagram up to 700,000 pounds ; the stiffness and elasticity had evidently increased. At 700,000 pounds the first crack appeared in sight, and up to 800,000 pounds the diagram bends downward, though but slightly. The power of resistance was evidently not exhausted ; this was also shown by the very moderate increase of compression (0^^007) at 800,000 pounds, and of permanent set (o''.oo5) on returning again to 5000 pounds. During the third loading observations were made only at 400,000, 600,000, 700,000, and 800,000 pounds. The rather more pronounced concavity of the upper branch of the diagram shows that the cube had begun to yield, though slowly. The total compression when the maximum load was put on a third time was 0^^0665 ; the piece was allowed to rest under that load for 10 minutes, at the end of which time the reduction of its length had progressed to 0^^0752, an increase of o''.oo87. Reducing the load to 5000 pounds, the permanent set now amounted to 0^^0415 ; it was visibly increasing. The piece was now allowed to rest under this minimum load for 6 minutes, during which time it actually recuperated slightly, recovering o'^ooi of its length, the total set at the end of the period being 0^^0405. When loading was resumed, compression was again meas- ured at every 100,000 pounds. The augmented inclination of the diagram toward the axis of abscissas generally, the increas- ing convexity of the lower pa^t and more decided concavity of I04 TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. the Upper, indicate approaching destruction. The cube was again left for lo minutes exposed to the maximum stress of 800,000 pounds ; the compression increased from o^'.oSl at the beginning to 0^^,093 at the end of that time. When the pressure was reduced for the last time to 5000 pounds, the piece was left under this minimum stress for 6 minutes. At first the permanent set was 0^^055 ; this, after 4 minutes, was reduced to o^' .0532, which was still recorded at the 6th minute. Pressure was once more put on, and measurements taken at every 100,000 pounds. Decided convexity at the lower end, a rather straight line for the middle portion, and concavity at the upper end characterize the last diagram. When 800,000 pounds was reached a fifth time a total compression of 0^^102 was recorded. After remaining under the maximum pressure for 2 minutes the cube yielded quite rapidly and broke to pieces. The whole operation had lasted one hour and twenty minutes. The question naturally arises what the ultimate load of this cube, once applied, might have been if the testing-machine had possessed sufficient power to determine it. It seems that an approximate estimate can be formed by knowing how much resilience was developed by the piece, and assuming that as much would have been shown by it if loading had steadily progressed up to the point of fracture. The terminal parts of the strain-diagrams of the other five concrete cubes made with National Portland cement are all similar to each other, and it is entirely probable that if sufficient power had been applied the diagram of 16-inch cube b would not have been materially different from the others, especially not from that of 16-inch cube a. A rough computation made with these premises shows that the actual crushing load would probably have been about 900,000 pounds, corresponding to a strain-curve which would represent about the same area of resilience as was developed by repeating the maximum load of the machine four times. The series of operations necessary to break the concrete cube just described suggests another more important line of TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. I05 tests. Wohler's experiments, made under the auspices of the Prussian Government in the years from 1858 to 1870, and then continued by Spangenberg, have shown that iron and steel can be ruptured under pressures considerably below their ordinary breaking loads, by repeating the pressure a sufficient number of times. In calculating the dimensions of different parts of a structure the usual method is to adopt some factor of safety, so that each piece is strained only a fractional part of its ultimate strength. This fraction is made smaller for live loads than for steady stresses. Wohler's experiments were designed to ascertain the maximum stress, with various amounts of minimum load, which could be repeated an indefinitely great number of times without injuring the piece. By using a fraction of this limit, a new and apparently more scientific and rational factor of safety would be obtained. The conclusion based upon the experiments referred to, known as Wohler's laws, have since been formulated by Launhardt, Weyrauch, and others; also in Appleton's Cy- clopaedia of Applied Mechanics. It has been remarked, how- ever, by authors writing on the subject, that Wohler's experi- ments, although extensive, do not furnish decisive results. It is quite certain that the extension of researches of this kind to cements, mortars, concretes, etc., has not yet been thought of. An obvious reason for the incomplete condition of these investigations is the tediousness of loading and unloading a single test-piece a great number of times, as was done by Wohler. To use the testing-machine at the Watertown Arsenal for such purposes would be out of the question. A practical alternative would seem to consist in preparing a liberal number of samples of some material which should be divided into several sets. One set should be used to find the average ultimate strength, once applied, noting general behavior, limits of elasticity, resilience, and any other points of interest. The samples forming the second set should each be subjected to a stress a certain percentage less than the ultimate strength, recording the number of times such stress had to be repeated to produce fracture. The pieces of the other sets would be I06 TESTS OF CEMENT MORTARS AND CONCRETES. treated similarly, reducing for each consecutive set the terminal load in a certain ratio. By such a system of approximation it might be possible to determine both graphically and by formulae the average compressive load which might be safely repeated a very great number of times; such tests would occupy but a moderate length of time. CHAPTER VII. TESTS OF BRICK PIERS. The sets of brick piers tested comprised six piers, all of the same size, i|- brick in cross-section and six courses high. They were built up of common hard, North River brick, laid in hydraulic mortar made of i part of Newark Co.'s Rosendale cement, and 2 parts of sand. The mortar-joint averaged about f of an inch thick. Each pier had a base and cap of North River bluestone, of the same cross-section as the pier, with their bed-faces rubbed smooth and plane. The height of the brick- work between the bluestone varied from 16 to 16^ inches; the length of the piers varied from 22 to 23^ inches, including the end stones. The age of the piers when broken w^as i year g^ months. The results of the tests are found in General Table VI. and in Compression or Special Table X.; they are graphically repre- sented on Strain-sheet VIII. The first indications of destructive strain were sharp, snap- ping sounds at a comparatively early part of the operations. Longitudinal cracks appeared later, at loads averaging about 80 per cent of the crushing load. The cracks would generally follow the line of joints, first on one side and then on the other. On approaching the ultimate load, cracks were also formed at other places. During the later stages of the operation an almost continuous grinding, crackling noise was heard, sounding as if fire was raging in the pier. The diagrams of the brick piers resemble those of the mor- tars and concretes of the Norton cement classes, except that the curves of the brickwork are somewhat more regular. It is not thought that the interposition of the bluestone flags had an appreciable influence upon the form of the brick strain- curves, since bluestone is far superior in strength to brickwork, and would in the form of prisms of only a few inches in thick- ness experience but little change of form at the load which io8 TESTS OF BRICK PIERS. destroyed the pier. All of the bluestone flags were perfectly sound when the broken piers were removed from the machine. The crushing strength of the piers varied from 250,000 to 291,000 pounds, and averaged 266,587 pounds, equivalent to 185 1 pounds per square inch, or 119 gross tons per square foot. The following table gives a comparison of the breaking strength of the piers and the 12-inch cubes of the several mortars and concretes, tested without wooden cushions; the 12-inch cubes being selected as being nearest in size to the brick piers : TABLE Di. Compressive Strength of Brick Piers and of Cubes of Mortar and Concrete. Brickwork : 12" X 12" in cross-section, 6 courses high. Cubes of mortar and concrete : 12 inches on a side. Note. — C = Cement, 5" — Sand, Gr — Gravel, Bk = Broken Stone. Material. Composition. Strength in lbs. per square inch. C s Gr BJi: Of Piece. Compared with brick pier Brick pier 1,851 1,113 1,346 1,560 688 765 2,434 2,6go Concrete cube /^. I I I 1 I I I 3 i^ 3 3 3 3 2 4 60 (Made with Newark Co.'s Rosendale cement.) Mortar cube Am 72.7 84-3 37-2 41-3 131-5 145-3 Concrete cube Ac 6 Mortar cube £m Concrete cube £c 6 (Made with Norton's cement.) Mortar cube C7n Concrete cube Cc 6 (Made with National Portland cement.) The brick piers were stronger than concretes made with Newark Co.'s Rosendale cement, and the mortars and concretes made with Norton's cement, but weaker than those made with National Portland cement. The micrometer was kept in use to the crushing-point, except for pier No. i, from which it was removed at 280,000 pounds, while the pier broke at 291,000 pounds. Table E^ gives the data of resilience at the elastic limit and at the crush- ing load. 7'ES7'S OF BRICK PIERS. 109 TABLE El. Resilience of Brick Piers. Piers: 12 inches square, 6 courses (16" to 16-^") high; bluestonecap and base. Common hard North River brick. Mortar: i vol. Newark Co.'s Rosendale Cement; 2 vols. Sand. Resilience at Elastic Limit. Resilience at Crushing Load. Number of Pier. Load, Pounds. Com- pression. Inch- pounds. Load, Pounds. Com- pression. Inch- pounds. No. I 170,000 170,000 130,000 180,000 140,000 120,000 .0370" .0430" .0278" .0350" •0435" .0253" 3,092 3,537 1,803 3-495 2,617 1,580 291,000 260,000 260,000 280,000 250,000 251,000 ? .0940" .1030" .0990" • 1130" .1090" ? " 2 15,097 16,867 18,612 17,349 18,761 " 4 " e " 6 Average 151,670 .0353" 2,687 260,000 .1036" 17-337 Note. — The average resilience within the elastic limit of these piers was therefore about 15 per cent of their ultimate resilience. The strength of brickwork varies considerably, according" to the quahty of brick and mortar used. Trautwine says that in some EngHsh experiments small cubical masses only 9 inches on each edge, laid in cement, crushed under from 27 to 40 tons per square foot. Some piers 9 inches square, 2' ^" high, set in cement and broken only two days after being built, required 44 to 62 tons per square foot to crush them. Another pier of pressed brick, in best Portland cement, was said to have with- stood 202 tons per square foot, and with common lime mortar only one fourth as much. In an article in Engineerings 1872, it is said that many hand-made, ill-burnt bricks will not stand more than a pressure of 14 tons per square foot, while an uncommonly strong machine-made brick by Clayton & Co. was found by Kirkaldy to sustain a pressure equal to 323 tons per square foot. According to Robertson, piers Z^" square, 2' 6" high, sustain 50 tons per square foot, when set in gray stone lime, and 200 tons per square foot, when set in Portland cement. Clarke found that the resistance to crushing of rather soft brick set in cement averaged 34 tons ; this seems to be consid- ered by the writer of the article referred to to represent fairly no TESTS OF BRICK PIERS. the average resistance of ordinary stock bricks set in ordinary good mortar. The Aide-Memoire, Royal Engineers, gives also low figures for compressive strength of brickwork. For bricks set in mortar (meaning probably lime mortar), 20 tons per square foot is given ; when set in cement, 30 tons. In " Notes on Building Construction" we find for brick piers having a height of less than twelve times their least thick- ness : Weight per square foot at which crushing commences. Tons. Bricks, hard stock, best quality, set in Portland cement and sand, I to 1,3 months old 40 Bricks, ordinary well-burnt, London stock, 3 months old 30 Bricks, hard stock, Roman cement and sand, i to i, 3 months old. . 28 Bricks, hard stock, Lias lime and sand, i to 2, 6 months old 24 Bricks, hard stock, gray chalk lime and sand, i to 2, 6 months old.. 12 Some tests with piers of brickwork had been made at the Watertown Arsenal by direction of Colonel T. T. S. Laidley, Ordnance Department, United States Army, some time previous to those described in this report. The following table gives the results of those tests, from data obtained from the records at the arsenal. It is believed that these piers were about one year old when broken. TABLE Fi. Compressive Strength of Brick Piers. [From experiments made by direction of Col. T. T. S. Laidley, Ordnance Department, U.S.A.] Cross-Section. 8" sq. 16' Actual. 7-9 X 7-9 7 -55x7 -55 7". 8 X 7". 8 12".! X 12". I 11". 5 X 11". 5 4".25X4".35 15". 9 X is". 9 Area. Square inches. 62.4 57.8 57-0 60.84 146.41 ■ 113-76 252.8 Length. 80.05 16.125 16.48 24.1 23.04 U 03 be 74 73 78.5 > > Solid or Hollow Solid Hollow Solid Kind of Brick. Eastern Face — d ? j New i j Eastern j j Old Bay ) 1 State f Face — b j New I I Eastern f Mor- tar. en -a C/2 6 e I c a U c CO 3 96,100 I 2 218,100 I 3 143,600 I 3 148,400 I 3 201,000 I 3 226,100 I 2 696,000 •5 " tUOHH CO 99.0 242.6 162.0 156.8 88.25 127.8 177.0 CHAPTER VIII. SUMMARY. In making the experiments which form the subject of these notes, it was not the intention to decide upon the relative merits, for building purposes, of the several kinds of material employed, but to obtain some further information (which could be secured only through the aid of the powerful testing- machine at the Watertown Arsenal) regarding the behavior under compressive stress of both natural and artificial stone in various gradations of size, from cubes of one or two inches on a side up to as' large cubes as the machine was able to break. As stated in the opening remarks, the tests were practically a continuation of those made about twelve years ago, described in my report of August lo, 1875. The results and conclusions may be summed up as follows : 1. As indicated by previous experiments, the interposition of wooden cushions in testing any material does not allow the full development of its compressive strength ; the wood seems to induce or favor cleavage of the test-piece in a direction par- allel to its fibres. 2. To secure uniformity of results, any material which can- not be brought to a satisfactorily smooth and plane surface on its bed-faces should receive a thin coating of some suitable substance : a film made with paste of plaster of Paris was found to answer very well. 3. The law of increase of compressive strength per square inch of bed-surface, with increasing size of cubes, which was based upon experiments made some ten years ago with various but limited sizes of Berea sandstone, was not confirmed when larger cubes of Haverstraw sandstone, cement, mortars, and concretes were tested. That some such law exists for cubes within certain limits cannot be doubted, not only in view of the Staten Island experiments, but of experiments made by 112 SUMMARY. foreign investigators referred to in this report. The failure of the law with larger cubes seems to be due to the lack of homo- geneity throughout the mass of such pieces ; this is indicated by the strain-diagrams. It is only possible to discover defects in a large piece by dividing it into smaller pieces ; and when the most perfect of these fragments are selected to prepare small test-samples, approximately true units in regard to homo- geneity of structure may be obtained. It is thought that large cubes are not such units, or true monoliths ; that they represent a species of conglomerate of smaller irregular pieces, bound together by a cementing substance of varying strength, and perhaps partially separated by minute cracks and cavities. With cements, mortars, and concretes, the relative amount of work expended in consolidating the material in the moulds cannot well be evenly distributed or proportioned, for all sizes of cubes; the amount of set developed in small and large cubes of the same age is undoubtedly different. This is prob- ably the reason why in all of the cements, mortars, and con- cretes the smallest sizes of each series of cubes proved the strongest per square inch of surface pressed. 4. Since small cubes exhibited relatively the greatest com- pressive strength, while the material actually employed in structures has much larger dimensions, the test-pieces should preferably be made of larger-sized cubes in order to obtain results of direct practical value. 5. That prisms of the same cross-section as cubes, but of less height, are superior in strength to such cubes, has been known before ; the tests made at the Watertown Arsenal have led to the construction of an empirical formula, expressing the probable ratio of an increase of static strength as the height of the prism is diminished. 6. The observations of compression, elasticity, and resili- ence are believed to form a contribution of some value toward a better knowledge of the qualities and intrinsic merits of the kinds of material tested. Little or nothing is found in print on this subject. Information concerning the elasticity ot building material, especially of cement, and of concretes of which such cement combined with sand forms the matrix, SUMMARY. 113 cannot be otherwise than useful. Generally it is deemed suf- ficient to test the tensile strength of briquettes of cement, and when these can carry a certain load after a certain number of days, the cement is accepted. But there is not much known about its relative value when used in combination with sand, gravel, and broken stone. A large amount of scientific knowl- edge and skill has for many years past been applied to ascer- tain the properties of iron and steel, but very little attention has been paid to the subject of mortars and concretes. The importance of knowing whether such material possesses elas- ticity and resilience, and if so, to what extent, is very great, because structures are not merely subject to dead loads or statical strains ; but also, in many cases, to live loads or dy- namical strains. Masonry laid in cement or cement mortar, brickwork, and concrete, especially when used in foundations to support heavy moving machinery, are exposed to almost constant but ever-varying jar, vibration, and concussion. In many instances such foundations have ultimately failed. In an article in The Ejigineer of 1871 it was pointed out that the repeated failure of large engineering works, such as breakwaters, docks, walls, etc., is due, indirectly, to the want of elasticity of the cement used, and that for that reason it w^as necessary to know the extent to which cements, mor- tars, and concretes, possess the necessary quality of elasticity and resilience. This matter is of great importance in works of fortification where structures built of similar material, although covered with earth and sand, are exposed to violent, concussion from the impact of heavy projectiles. 7. Further experiments in various directions seem to be desirable. Berea sandstone being, as far as tested upon a. small scale, of exceptionally homogeneous structure, several sets of cubes might be procured, beginning with, say, i-inch cubes, increasing very gradually in size to as large a cube as will call for the full strength of the most powerful available testing-machine. Prisms of various material, both of less and greater height than corresponding cubes, and of various forms and sizes of 114 SUMMARY, cross-sections, should be tested, singly as well as combined, both as dry-jointed and as cemented piers. Experiments should be made to ascertain the ultimate compressive strength, elasticity, resilience, etc., of the best known and marketable cements, and of the mortars and con- cretes made with them. The same cements and mortars should simultaneously be tested as to their tensile strength. Parallel tests should be carried on by repetition of loads below the crushing load in order to ascertain the existence of a law by which it may be possible to discover the maximum load which can alternately be put and taken off without in- juring any given piece. Finally, it would be well to try the effect of weights falling from certain heights upon material whose resistance, both under steady pressure carried to the crushing-point, and also under repeated loads, is known. In one series of tests the weight might be arranged to strike the entire surface of the bed, in another to strike a knife-edge blow, corresponding to the cutting edge of the face-hammer used in quarries. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. 117 5;'t. bjo isi) t^ .S.S •SuippiA Most of them w the samples mark 'cable. 22 JO SUSjS AjBUjUI [3jd 0^ in < C G ■55 '<" c c mid well devel-] Ls apex nearly y the opposite mid developed; s broken ofif. 1 ramids devel- ipearing to slide j y past each j imperfect. J ' ^a ti 11 2-".S Sg. a^ ^ .x) '■ e py ped, each ed. e py ts a] aa aS-S 2 I ^^-^ a '^s s C W. J3 c ■"" 5 s, pi surface by r ? test was ma en a surface c ZZ H Pu >- iri 00 ON f to ! i ^ Z . td to « Q 00^ rri On 00 00^ of q^ CO U5 to J3XJ 77 7 7 tn* cfl £ X 7 7 W ffi -^ i § •z ^ ^ ^ "^ , « •^ M NO 00 fa ^ bJOw q q q "V ». ^ J3 c r" M M "n ' 'pi H to the sa Is, wh ubbed be '5 H-t Pl, <« a, H 00 q a. q q 3" 3" q H d Surfaces of I aster of Par 'r, but were r\ c75 OS "^^ "(M "Vl "pt "ei > en en P« Ph < H < in 00 00 q> ON X X J- 5 X X q c "pi *pi X X s sj -s « CQ %l ■* fo -I- -<»• S *5i s q q q c U M M "w "m "e* "« i Q-^i ^ M s "vi ^ <^ ^ -S « M 1 g 1 2C/5 OJ li 01 1. IL u > CJ > ^ s § Z .S.2 < c _c «< a ' I < i U) M M N ii it A ^ 1 ii8 APPENDIX. "rsi P3 < < w o o w w o H w W p4 <: Pi5 H CD Pi< W > < o H w O U 1 •Suippi A c .S.S (U a o bi JO suSis AaKuiuiiiajd o^ (^ ^ r^ fl 22 is 1 "S'w '3 r^ 2 p^ '5 '-5 1 u CO "3 5^1 ^ 3: >N o o £-6 ■i en 2 (/) a V u D.O 05 en q,a •" J <^4) " a o ^^ 4> •a _c 'o & V. Ni3 at "aj o ^ ^•S 4> 4> o o oh H O H o P3CQ ^^ U ^ 41 • m ro 00 m lO On in h m ■* (^ 00 CO o ■<:^ X ID M On (N in CO "^ NO 00 in -^ NO O O z f cl C ON ^^ in m -^ ^ in in M q_ M OS h Q u'^A P) On c « in oc M O o en „ oo M o> C/2 D SSo 00 ON On O ON On -^ -C/3 £ £ X> £ ££ X)£ £ XI N N V) w ij "^ 1- r^ ^ „ On 00 M O in o Uh'q, a ^ o> o On on O On o OS ^ ^ * ^ * ^ ' ^ • ^ ^ * ^ * ^ * .^ " 1- •<*• -f in •J < u^ D c ^ 00 ro ■^ O On in ■* o NO H c h ON O O ON q ON U <; ^ 4> 4 ) J3 j=i 4 XiSi 4> XI J3 6 x> XI J' »C5 BS O < ^ s b B 3 3 b « 3 3 tuo 3 3 bo 3 3 bo S L- u U o n UCJ 2 UCJ U u 2 % X J3 4 ' J3 X! 4 ' jssi t o p o o > o o > o o > o o :^ _c G < 3 .H G < ; c a < •S.S lU c H a-- o-o .13 ii « -9 "S « ^M-l *-> 2 & >~.o bfl. H§a o Sac S O.S O'O'O (1) u >< en p. dj V- ^^ C O a3 5 (U O ? N W CXuH'to rt 5 S ^ o S w (U o i" 5 & So ^ 2 rt.'S o J3 XI J3 3 3 to 3 u u rt u ^ XI (U X! u > C c -< G J3 3 CTl o. I' . a J3 >^ CO n sh >> «j rt f/1 as C 3 a w ra ^ ^ M flj -a ^ 1) 5E I20 APPENDIX. PQ < H < Pi w w o o M "Z ,*-s ' "^ W \> f^ ^$ o S H •G C/2 ,?? w G »i H CO o o U •Suip[ai^ JO suS s AjBuirai [3jd 0{»J > o V bt) ^1 o' 'o "o X! a; 41 O c 41 a> ■a •5 G o o a a. O o o 03 41 CO 4> 41 ,__, CO 05 c U (U V. 15 O X! C .X) .— * ,. s-^ tn 4; B • in l> a 1/ X3 • J2 • >s u u o 00 o' 3 ^^ 8 2 2r, 0, a. c o en u O o o c (A 3 O u 5 s u (U c o (U XI 3 o C in <" x: I- oj-r: fragments, wo pyramids; t cube shattered wo pyramids; t cube shattered WO irregular p One of the late of the cube b O 4) u c 1> to C rt 4> I-. cd o 3 O « a a in lO y II t/) O Ph e- H H h S|^" •^ ir> t^ ■* O 00 -t- lO ro to as t^ M •* 00 oo t^ o-> lO tv 00 00 oo O 00 00 t^ 00 t^ t% t^ ^U« w C/2 Q ir, 00 O \o o ■^ O M H M N ON o> lO « t^ ■^ to t-N D M fx lO H. M^ o vo" s CO D (J Z 8 1 I § : 8 8 0^ tj O S ■4^ CO VO N \ t^ oo" 00 to rt o 00 (N O o m 00 On C/) M N m m ro ■>*• CO CO M-4 N N t i N ; N fi N* N ° .; O o cr o : o o OO I 1 1 00 1 : 1 ■*■ O 00 ■^s- 1 1 1 ; 1 H beg tn tn « ui '. <" c/i en u) '5 « £ £ B ■^ • 5 ^ ££ ^c« K i— i t^ t^ t^ t-^ a> H ON ON o N N N fo "^ CO CO 3 bflZ! r> O N O lO •^ f-. -^ O M O M M M o Vi C «G .». ■ •^* ^ *^ .^ • ^ • ' .^* ^ .S nl xi c "iS t^ t^ t>. t^ 00 00 00 00 W N CO _bjo HH d, 8 O VO O 0\ ON 8 g NO O ON oa ^ :;■ :; :; ^ :;■ v'i' C3 t^ t^ « t^ t>. 00 00 t>» h) < cn s 00 ^ m o VO CO N H q q Q Q ON M q u < "6 t^ t^ t^ c^ t^ 00 00 00 X X X X X X X X CQ 3- en O CO r^ o> % to o 8 3 "': .^ " .... * ^ .^ •^ ' .., * .V ' >. * t^ t^ t>. vO t^ 00 00 00 ^ 13 « >c» V •^ « « u 4) dj 4) v oi JD £i XI X) m X) X> XI XI w O 3 3 3 3 3 bj 3 3 3 3 3 ba u U C CJ U CJ UU 2 ,c; J3 ^ x; 41 ■ x: X! X!X! 4> CJ u o o > CJ w o u > _a c c .S < a .s SB < t- * ^ ' ^ t- 00 ob 00 00 APPENDIX. 121 ^"Sill's £^- ;5 "^ ■= o '^ <" -^ (1) (U (^ O^ >H ■w « h!? a bJDO) .sa ?3 - rt rt o rt l> rt c 1 en -a (U o en rt a rt !Tj 4> rt .2 2 9 >^ 'rt.S' a. gf-a ^ ii (u a ^ a t5 ^cu z fe :^ u 4> a> 3 3 r -^ o rt rt u o '-5 ::= o T3 u) y V, en y 3 »- 3 '-' en CXo <« O. 8 rt c " o -^ ai!".s u u o qj ~ en a.rt_> g en.;^ *-• n fe ^ 2 b£^ ^ c O «J a ^-^ u.— O P 4) crt U (U rt o o J- rt a o p C O rti .h cxo :2i t^l) >tj -i V, en tu i- VO 00 O (^ M u-> 00 VO VO t>. o ■*• Tt- t^ t-^ w 3 u be 122 APPENDIX. 8 to < H < W o > w w z o H W w H Pi W > < \^ o H > o U o h 2 o ^^ 55 u in o tA .beg J3 HH CL, o a CQ o 5 a a a a d rt a a »a S CO w TAXI'S S O 3 (U (U o^ o *- o t O^ O .. O 1) «n .Q O "O J3 "o'er 2 3 9 O t^ Q q.^ o d CO C Q O ^ (LI O rt « rt o O 00 (S M in «3 q q > Xi J3 XiXi 3 3 3 3 U u UU J3 J3 x:x: O u y o c c c c t5 V. <«a^ rt rt Sj U P V- •" U5 rt '^ S£ w o "H. rt X3 ^ a o c"^ >,« (u rt Cv„ -i^ii 3 "'^ o^S 3 •H -» O .« L. /ii (ft IX) 2 3 Ji H o ^--rt a 5-^ „s-. 3.ii 6 S S ^ " B r >H rn o t;; x; rt y rt o C rt rt •T3 "U rt • „ ^ o~ *j.22 rt 00 ■ B. ct - 1) (U O r- — , 00 ,^ .ili; 00 O <_i ri - ^"V n! c S *-■ n! aS -S o rt^ o -^ O 4* " *i o ili ^h™ u c S 1) c " n q o J^ o- o iJ '' d" D ti m > ^ O ^ rt .-^ "^ u B'4^ ^ ;> -a 4- + + N O in o> •* p) ro M M 00 M- N Cft ■^ cr, ■* N N N 10 vo \o + + + M IT) 00 M N ro (N "^ N 00 H en VO n- 00 t^ 00 VO ■O N N + -f - 8 8 8 § g ro a\ o> vo ON vo M N 0^ M H 00 00 N N N N N N *H -*" -*> Hn t^ CO M ro o> ■♦ U) (A . C< ^ N ro ro « (N 00 ro ro 10 00 00 OV ro ■^h n- -*• 00 tv X X X X X X 1*. 8 «o Ch *^ * ■V ' ^ " ^ ' *^* ^ " CO Tl- Th ■* 00 t^ « •ft « ►ft « »ft rt 6.1: .5: ;i:^ O u 5 ti *« ^^ ^« *- 1-^ IJ G 3 ■iS y 3 "" t- tlfiO c >- c ^^ ^> c c O ii fe Bjq'SS^ TJ aj a C (-'• (U V- C --< _ tn a.5 a-u wx> lu^: o t vT;p; Sg^ B-S^ ^ :S .^ P. 9.^ i-H O-^ •" B u) 0* n CO rt tjj u o y o re g 2 O ^ O *-• o 05 "^Ul "^ ♦s o .St H < ^ <: erf O U 52 u j^ u _; «/3 OS o . •SfS — C t" *-i <->.„ re tS s u u X "r a OS rt CQ o s 55 W) > < APPENDIX. 125 . u • . u. . S- e ^ £ a ^ "> •' w 2 ., w ;« a*- .5 a-^ III oil re-S >.t« fe c ^ b C rj rt ^ rt "t; U5 O en '*"' .b o t^ CO t^ ^ 10 00 VO !-^ ^ 00 -»• ro o> in -^ in ro t^ in M H M M M t>. J_l ^^ 00 T^ (^ ro ro ^0 00 00 ro 00 ro o> in t^ 0) r^ in >o in \o VO 00 t^ VO ^ vo ^ vo c c c c m q^ c 00 q^ -* t-. ocT c h • ro m' Th vo "N fi -* in T)- ^ ■ -"J- -*• s N N s '• N* N C c -*» • 1 t^ 00 M ^ 1 00 M V (/5 lA 1/ tn ui £ XI XI £ SiJD • — 1 • — ' »— .— -^^ >o c ^ ; m Tj- ^ N Cv ro ro \c in ro c r> '. c> q c ^ ^ ' ^ ' ^ * -^ * ^ * 10 m ^ VC t^ rv ro N DC • t> C ^ • q o- in in in ■5 • t-^vo ^ m 00 C r^ in C M c ; 00 00 00 OC ; r^oo X X X X X X t^ Tf- c m On m q c ^ • c- q t^ 00 00 c ~ ; t^oo « Ki m VO vr ^ X r ^ 126 APPENDIX. M-HCniOl cn-uiun-i :kness end-face ich to .0 lidal for ture, wa oped, bu es of thi separatee CO < e thic e two .005 ir pyram r frac devel he sid rally ^ «> "^ ^-a oo > he aggregat plaster on th varied from inch. The mation, afte incompletely manifest. T cubes gene well. racked at 17,9 orner cracked napping soun- irst crack at 2 < pi H U Ucofo o . H m N t^ Th U-) rO IT) CS (N ON 00 1 en <^ M3 lO IT) NO NO M P) (N Th ti] 1 JO \0 00 t^ 00 P) NO H 00 o 10 u~) LO 10 lOVD in T? ro ro ro CO -^ c^J O 0) ^1 _r t-. H « PJ 0^ NO H 10 H t^30 Tj- ^ rt^ C/5 LO m IT) trj t-. ON f< P) rONO H oi CO N (M H N (N M ■>*• in tvNo tv PQ < 0^ "fa > rt > CO en ON ON On On 00 00 00 00 00 00 fO m (^ n (Y5(X) . Cj -D -D M N (N (N P) N PI hJ O u C W < E-, K td u >< Q fa o u a 000000 ^^ ^^ ^^ Y^ ^r\ y^ G w < >. tn ' " " - " OS a "P •-; 01 'S flj: : : : ^ ^ en •r;' «o C/2 T3- - . ^ ^ T3 ffi 1) --•*■' - CQ ~~~ " H H H 00 N M ro H PI • W ffi en N Crt C^ P4 00 N 00 N Pi m 10 On 00 0\ f4 .-1 < c> ON q q G G ON C3N ON P-i h u O "O "0 "m "0 "w ""•- "m PI "m %H "pi ~H "m CD X X X X X X X X X X X X < fQ ro N N H q q q q q PI ro H ro U G q P< PI PI PI PI w ^ c3 «sCi (o'y l^\ «►<> A > oc75 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ C- - - - - < 0. ^ ^ ^ - .S * " "" " ' (N P< P< P4 PI C4 < APPENDIX. 12/ o lU CO 78.900 lbs. .lbs. lbs, Un- en" a 03 Vh a C > ? . bo b£ bjo J^ c in 3 T3 'o.c_ jO b;3 !2 Ui 1) a 0, en en cfl en Xl£ XiXi c ^ XI 1) *J T ,n en OJU u ^ oj ce! 0) 3 3 o u> a o re o Si O 1- O 4J 4; N en >^ 13 03 c en QJ en CS £; "en en u i5 3 en •a . N OO Tj- OO OO ON TT ON NO 'I- PJ M PI M 00 in CO p) NO CO CO CO CO M 00 ON ON On OJ PI CO CO - CN) 00 C3N e3N ON 00 ON NO NO t->00 NO 00 tV M H " w w 01 P) M H M H M H " r^oo CNl Ti- m t^ 00 "O in M p) CO t^ in Tf fs NO PI PI M in CN» CO CO o I^ r^ ro ^ o- ro CO ON ro 00 « PI ■* -^ ON PI 00 •^ t^ t-t 1^ 00 t--NO 00 O LTl t^ NO 00 t-. ON M ro ro Tt- NO 1-4^ 00 M LO q; t^ °, " NO e3N m -^ C3N t^ pt_ iri IT) lO in in no" in in in -51- in ■^ 4^ ■^ tF tF 'f ■ Tt- ^ On M in in CO °-. "^ 10 t^ ON C3N in 00 0_^ CO t^ m (N tC o" oo" m" o" pToo 00" 0' 'f NO*" rf-ND*" in C? M pT CO ej. d c> icNNo" in Tj- in 'i- inNO 00 00 NO ON t^NO w PI !-• PI H H ^ PJ NO t^ CO t-s rHHlH|T|< --w HmHW '^-*< Hot in IT) lO in in in M in PI 1 CO CO t^OO NO Th Ti- PI 1 CO 1 M H ^ H M H M M M 1 H M 1 M 1 " " H M ^ Tj- -H- in ■t- ■<*■ ON On On On NO NO NO NO NO NO CO CO m CO CO r-% CO CO ■>*- "m-^ T^ -^ '^^ -*• "^ Th -^ -*• ■* Tj- ^ -51- -tj- --l- o tH M M M M M M M W H M " M M M M M H M M M M H " H 1-1 H Ht M H M M H M H H M " •p >. ^.^^ ^ fc^ tA tn i5 o^ .. .^ <-> ^ ^ ., •» •• y ^ ^ ^ .# .* 4J ^ •• "o. (U- - V t/i Q -a CQ 5 Q Q VO t^ in NO in t^ 00 PI r-^ P) pq P» H P) j_j H 00 P4 f-- I^ t-^OO o cy> o ON On On On On q q q q q q q q q e3N On c;3N On CJN « N N (N N !N CO •* CO ^ Ti- ■^ in in in in in in in in in in in in \0 IT) Th in OD t~N inoo in p< t^ CO t^ On ON o o^ On ON ON q ON q cDN q q On q CJ ON M N (N f) W PI ■*• 1- CO -^ CO Tl- in m LO in Tt- Tf NO NO NO NO NO m V X X X XX XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 00 00 t^ 00 00 00 10 r-- r>. CNl PI Pi M 00 M PI NO r^ PI cx) cx) O^ ON On ON O- On q ON q q q C3N q C3N (N o u •^ ^.s <3 ■<> Vj"^ "Vl"^ 4J 0. 'k tU aJ c. ■ 6 CJ 3-* :: = s - . -.. : t t be CTi X5^ 3 ' ^ 2 z 5 b c -2 3 %' u 1 ^ u 1- X! t> Xi > :: 2 2 z < ; i 2 «- ■^ 'J- •* ■* in in in m in m v6 NO NO NO NO NO 128 APPENDIX. ^ s Si Si C N._^ 1 h l-H 1— 1 ^ ^ ^ w f ^ ^ J ^ < 0^ W ^ w O < w O H p o o Pi w u Q H w Pi o U o j;_ cc o aj . V '^ ?! C ^ t3 ohc 8rt-S 10 lbs. lbs. . at 180,000 lbs egins to seal «3 " fcJO c o -r: c u K ^ ed at 158. oc 8 000 lbs. ( om side, ce ed at 232.0 unids appe upon the H 8-0-° u ^ ■^ ^ XJ o_^ s vo' 00' C ,/: • -- in 1 :2 ■o 10 « Mm 1^ M vo t--~VO Ov a-, in Ci 1 a; Pi, '^ c vo 10 t^ 00 t^ t-^ t>. IT) 10 LOVO vo vo vo H Uhh o z - 1> -*- 0^ -* -* t^ 00 t~^ ro U-) l~^ y^ IT) 'I- ro t~^oo M 00 00 (N Tj- ON ro 10 oj ii o £ ir> 00 ►- t~^ H Tt- ov -^vo XT) m in M I/: 4- ro "■> u-j 10 10 -? in in in .;; o c/) a _«J O 0000 0000 88 ifi o 0000 D •""a • a^ t^ C> 01 N ° 1 " 9- ^ q^ K OS y2 00 pT dv oo~ 10 M Ov m" 4- ooo" U w o^ m CO vo t^ 00 0^ Ov ro N H CM CS M w N ro M ro c^ ro J hi:<4H'3. O VO Tj- w vo 10 ^ IH H 00 00 1 1 1 t/j VO VD VO vo vo vo 00 t-^ t-^ On 00 OV jQ « M N WW W ro ro ro ro ro ro >dl^ -i- -^ 10 lO 1/5 10 10 10 in in in _'^' •o" C . H MM MM M M M M M M M C (L) -^ >, >, o K o •^ ^ .* ,• .* (-> ^ ^ ^ — .« lU 4j - - - u, U o 5 Q E 1 0^ m Tf- M M 000^ o> 00 0_ Ov QJ VO t^ t^ t^ c^ r^ 00 r^oo 00 00 00 w X N W Ht 00 ^ N M m t-^ ro ■* J H M C4 M " .^ ■ ^ ' ^ * ^ ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ * ^ * ^ ' ^ * ^ * ^ ■ < D tv. i^ r^ t^ t^ t^ 00 00 CO 00 00 CO •a X X X X X X X X X X X X < CO 1^ t^ Ov M M M re ro Tj- 00 o_ MM 0_ q q q o_ ON q t^ t^ r^ C-- ^^ t^ 00 00 00 00 r^oo «i ►Ci vj 13 ». \ j^ > OC/3 o .« ^ ^ -A .» < ^ ^ ^ •» ^ < ^ c " " •* .* ■• .5' " ■* " " t-. t^ t>. t^ t^ t^ 00 00 00 CO 00 00 APPENDIX. 129 ra J.J ^ — « o m o mJ3 "! ^ cl o '-' ■ -en vj "P^ y ro o«t) 9>^ "O u o "^ »£> en |_ .- (J U5 I- ^ 9 <«x; (fl (u C Ji ° u ,^*^ tuCS^ «"■ (J S 9 nS ^ O V^ ^ O O CO o" . . •a "* <" to qj r^XlX) w "1 S o -v. O 1-, rt .tJ 5 O 00 U3 PQU< CQ CQU u<«1 < 4; in tn ^Xl rt u v> H I. 0) X) 00 n ^^ VO \0 w 4j , 1 8 U y CC C!l • 10 .^3 00 N 10 X!X! bjobiO ^, •"" C 4_) (/> (A a rt c a T! n CO "^ •^ dJ u u (« !« ^ t^ u ^^^ u. (.> o •^ N ON m 10 t-^ „ 00 IT) w m t^ Th ON N ro t^ 000 00 ro ^ in IT) N CJ M Tj- NO On logo 00 rn Tf- m iooo r^ t^ On a\ 00 " M t^ t^ 00 CJ 00 ■* U-) N On m r 10 m •«• ■* Tj- •* m . >,'*^- - 2 - ^^ -* '* •« •* •* — (« UJ *-" d •• ^ 0.., ^ ^ ^ ^ O'OO ON On 00 ON 0000 ON d M H H M N H M N N N M M M M H H M M M " ! w N ■* 10 ■* m >n in 00 " w in 'O ro NO '• H H 0-0 M " oi 0) ro On On On ON ON ON M P) N M N M M M M M M >-t • MM M M M M X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X '. X X X X X X ; m N M t^ \n 00 M ONOO M 10 ro N in inoo in q q q q q p q q On 0^ 0* ON ON ON 0000 W (N « N N N )H M • M M " " '"' «> >i --s « <5 S M s ^•^ < -<; 1^ p< w O w w U Q <: O Ph w Pi o U < s w Numerous light crackling sounds, beginning with a load of 140,000 lbs,, were heard during the process. At 250,000 lbs. pressure the piece was removed; the four sides of the prisms could easily be removed, but the remaining mass appeared sound. An initial crack was seen on one of the com- pressed surfaces; a slight blow with a hammer sepa- rated the prism in two pieces. The sides of the prism began to crack from 40,000 lbs. up- wards; crackling sounds \yere heard from time to time. At 275,000 lbs. the piece was taken from the» press; the sides and ground fragments being removed, about one half of the mass remained as a core, the sub- stance of which appeared well disintegrated. Crackling soundsheard at loads of 100,000 lbs. and 125,000 lbs. respectively. When removed the prism was found to be well disintegrated, leaving only a core about 2%" x 2^" in cross-section, as a whofe, cracked at several places. 1 w h Z w H CO o S K u (J) TT, -^ 00 l-< MM vo' en'"' . t^ t-> 00 (/; 00 0. *-* JO 10 °°, °„ St C/5 ,8 8 8, en 0^ . 0^ 5 ^ >o 10 N M (N Weight of Sample. ^- '^K* r^ H« N er> ro en en M M M Age when Crushed. "O IN N N d 2 2 2' c 2 o H! "u en e« en •a ^ .- oa w N < h u <5 q q M MM 00 •* VQ, ON q q X XX ? ^ % • «J ' < ) APPENDIX. I^I S Ul « OT •a . '^t* - C «i ii te 13 tuo ^ '-5 8 >> o • e u £ rt rt S CO W 43 ^ S Bis "J f3 2 "! 05 ." (ft 3*0 en o-So > o o .2 bTS 8 2 S '^ >. •a 52; i .^ 2 o ^ H > *- (U w ^ a J3 05 *^ ij-M O^'^B if, 05 4-> >- nl £ 03 U O J- ' y <-> ,, ^ ho it:— s « J? I <« ^1 & (U « <" ^> & -u 5 u„-K t) ^ .S3 E" Ul r1 G *J •a (J w r- U o 00 l_l (N so VO ■>J- m CO 00 0\ H t-^ w CO rr) fO ro " M IN M ■* XO t^ IT) VO m tr, VO t^ in Tt- •^^ ro ro ro VO VO VO U-) VO VO VO 8 g 8 8 00 VO ■51- N ■-' ir> t^ tX 00 Ov M CI f) N M ro ro »o VO VO VO o\ VO M w n 01 N N M H M H M M W - " - 73 ■p 'u "u "^ »• ^ "ij - / ^ in 01 ji rt a 0. 05 01 •a ^ ^ •0 ^ ^ V ■* •^ t- X X X X X X M 10 VO ■* Ov N q OV Tf ■* ■* •* ro •>*- « •,'^ 3 01 rt u CU id ^tuo> 3 Bo yr i3 ; w V, o : > w V- o .h'^co'5wx)3X) cu ." o O rt 1 0,2 5 3 "O C o :^ 3 rt ^ « ^ ^ *^ ca-Qxi'o P PQ APPENDIX. 133 fO O ■ ,e H a O 2 3 UBS c w 15 ? §8 u it! t" il'uj re 3 o rt^ > en « C^ ■*■ u g " ^ "5 rt O ^ rt rt « en "tj 4-1 ^- D jj Q >> 2af^ >> «■ S V. ^ ^ o oj 2 ^.2 o .i;J3^ en >,^ en X^ '-' (U b/)0 ? »-V .- ^ en en 2- s a § u \0 en r<-i 3 in r- O ^ rt rt re ^^ (U c3 en 3 c 3 J^ c 6 ,— , -* ^ en -* ^- ; O 2 OX) 2 c^u W,T3 J, "re Sit: (X4 ct! (L) ^ re y ,-, (u o <_. en •^ "S re o c O en as • 'O O o; _ Ji 10 oj^ -o u iji-a^^v: o '<^ o ^^e^ o XI IJ 'o o ^e re o w O- en rt en rt S^-So IIS • re ,y '^^ o id '— '? f^ CO VO ? » C^ fO ^ •^ ■<*• t-^ e> t-f h- e!0 0^ ^O h-t \o o\ fO m u^ •>*• •* (N N M (N N M K^ w M H^ M w i-f r^ VO (N ■*• (N CN -^ (N e^ -* VO in e>o 0^ u-i VO -t- tT) » ■>!■ N h-t t^ to CO VO 00 VO VO !>. VO VO in lO VO u-1 LO VO g Q Q Q Q 8 ro Q o_ CO VO q_ Ov t-« tC ■4^ ^ M M* ^ t^ M Ov t^ (N 00 VO in 'i- "*- m M n ■^ fO CO r*-* "te. VO m 6 <^ ■<1- e» t^ M ^ •* •«^ ■~> 00 00 ex) 00 eX3 00 00 00 00 X X X X X X X X X m VO VO M in in •^ q q q ■ 00 00 00 ex) e)0 00 00 00 00 « ►<» 5o « • o u < S u Cracking at 326,000 lbs. For- mation of two pyramids, re- sembling in development those of a full cube. Cracking at 365,800 lbs. A comparatively tough sample. The angular mass adhering to the slanting sides of the pyramids, separated but in- completely from them under repeated blows of a hammer. The pyramids were not well developed. It seemed as if a greater pressure should have been applied to disinte- grate the piece to such a de- gree as to produce the usual phenomena. Cracked at 373,000 lbs. 1 X h O z a K h CO g D K u tn 00 - 00 _£} 00 0__ o\ • — ' w VO 0\ 00 »o XI *? "., °°, in OS C/5 00 Q . 00 Q c/5 "^ ", ° X) IT! VD — in On t^ en fT) en Weight of Sample. M CO 0\ 00 CO Age when Crushed. y. m. d. 1 10 28 I 10 28 I 10 28 c CO M 0* . 00 00 t^ XX X M q 1 00 00 «*> u « CO 00 00 ) APPENDIX. 135 j5 X 55 Si can •o- o ^ >- o •a ^^ o 3 C^ O— oj (fl ID O .s ^-s ^ ^ 3 U t) O to i. OJ ^ >^ !2 - I? cii U iJ s . ^- <" w . ^ S a s --lei's s c c O jj 3 6 y •a - > o.£^ rt w p '^ cj 1- (a.
  • *j (/) ^T3 e 4;j3 lu ;]; S-a c c P. rt ;i— rt 2 .^^ o-a S *" ••- • S .i-a'rt i2 bco; «; - ^a^cS)^g2*i"5t^ „0*jrtcsrtyvt-icnaiu 1J§ m F^ < 'T H ^ hJ ^ < oi w :z; w o w O ^. w w U Q < O O X Pi M U Q O H w > w O c^ ■^^1-1 §fe'^ ^ o- u 4)T3 <3 C ~ Z^ °^ CO "'O'- u tuoS c rty= ■°-"^ S ^^ •S tU)P o .» -, C^ CQ ;_ & rt ^ ecu re 6 err c uj2 ^ h 3 : "« .^D. . O /^ W rt ~ Is CXv30!>-i->.C0. u &H (A oa •5° a 1) O w _bJO '33 CQ :5 CQ CU J3 tx — T5 00 t) .4_» jn rt 3 u (> n S-l n O 01 a o (U XI u 3 u H « APPENDIX. 137 W ►J < w o u u < iz; u tf ,t: a o c l- w— ' y — i rt rt 5 a! . ^ to CO -di 5S ^ "* ° <«■ ^^ X_£J ^dJ nJ CJ'K^'t? CO CO (fl C u O en. S 1- .5 CO a.h B fa fa =a ♦J fi Ooo'> fciO -^ o'O tn 00 u> O bic-i: < CO i> cS .- CO •— J o i; C O V. ii o ro g b£'-" o oj *-■ dJ en CO -^ 'JG _b£ ■5 en '38 APPENDIX. c H .2 c <; c Q "" ^j C3 H o Oh o U lU u •a c 03 CO tn < ■ ^ c o o O )- \^ o H > c o U ihion. Cleav- ed sur- f cush- Pyra- Pyra- avage ion. Sides core. One ented ishion B env4-i u o jj (ux: co-.-S-gCS o a^ O '^- >> *H D -a 0-- tao q G s 00 til u r^ " G 0> tiTl- '-' n u <-. rt tXw-f ' T) ^bC^^tuO 4-;a!«cJ=.5 — oi ^ Vf-I o «fe = rt 2 -"^Ki; O rt ^ rt 3 - ^• ni" ^ ■>-' J:^ i; « _V VH^ ■" ^ ,^ _->^o U ,^ T ^ •- o— u^ — cst; c« o y S — .Tl C« W .T C g nj rt « rt iJ n o U -J :::: 1- o CI. V. U V- oS i- o U., : = ^ t^ u >- u i- (J.-. 03 o O— O— c5 O *J U r - •- > L y 4_> "^ b ■" 5f o g' ^•a ^-o ki *^ ■.= « In _u 'I' • vtii '*J ^ Ci ±B as^^cl w'c "'c "^ *" O. "5 3 rt ^ O .~ (/) c/5 ~ X a; [i. ti:. fe li, [iH fe- fe b. 1 S G c ^ ^ i "in ^ ~, in .2o C 3 "K v> : 'li . °§5Ji lO in - q q q vq q q : •a.-^ j3 ^" ^ ^* ^ ^ ^ ^' ^' • c^^S q q q M q M q "§ i •^•^ ro iri tC 00 VO r- -on i_i 00 00 00 Xi o 00 O o iO lO u 1 IT) to m m CO m o s c M U^ H Z .JS oo ro in 0> "H 1/ 1 ' t^ ro tn m w N C/2 5 a*t-> N VO •^ o> t-^ or On rO M H en G 00 q^ o VO VO VC VO f^ t^ VO VO VO M x5 4J O o O 8 8 o o o (/) D. VO q^ o ^ in VO o D B ro oo" >H t^ VO in f>. 00 K C4 GO O Ov m Tj- >n in ; u c/) IH *"• IH M M *~* ! 1 . , 1 1 1 1 N CO 00 oo 00 ■ 1 1 1 1 ■Jog in 00 o -* ■* r q% q q q 1/5 S CO o o N 11 ro ■>!- vO VO ►J < »-* ►H W M M ^ M D VO -* lO OO 00 o N h O Ov O U .^ ' ■V ' .^ ■ ^ ' ^ * ^ * ^ ' »^ " < o N CI r^ Tf VO VO 9> M •H IH t-t M M ►H >H X X X X X X X X : CQ o o -*■ o o o o q o M P> ■* ^ VO VO »-< M M M M M •H M •JiaBpi e * « ;? « ;? « - , o '^ x; X ^ "^ o - J c a _c - bo G - t /! C - ^fcc G bi\ 6 i! w N on 6 :; > ;:; - < -t- i < VO > < tr. ? So <">, :^G -H G -Go: 3^ rt S B rt 00 3 00 cr M ^ 00 lA Q. tn 05 X nS ic XI „ 3 en X X 3 G 4J •a'33'S 'z; t; D X o > 2 i^iu S"i3 D— i; C tn rt w o U u U (U X3 S -a 4> (U o ° a o o ^ c O 73 •r; - to aj O t^ a, O U a 0^ 3 •0 '35 c c a! oj t« 5"i 10 73 8'S m'-o ro to c ID 8rt ID U ID -a n! C a.- c a u ^ h ro-i; -.J-.- M-3 VO — CO — ^ <^ '-' ft: < S u 05 CJ 'c3 b£ « t' 0! (0 '13 *- a *- a rt rt (/J rt n! (t! LJ Vl 4-» >> U- «-* -S >nC-3 >nC " >nIU rttj 4; > 5 0. 3 "(^ 4( a 6 a g|2 !2£ c c 73 ti re >2£ 1^1 .S 3 a 00 X li ^Sl ^§1 E E '^fa" E" E £ E" E c . :; G c 10 ■— M p) ID 00 5S i q q q q N a! V) m ^ "0 M S M M q ro ro V-l ^ ^ ^ ^ - , ^ ^g-S.H Vi 10 "0 00 ~(N q N IH q read ushi aral Gra ^ ^' ^ ^ ^' c^^^S "1^ q 00 %- • in t^ ^ 5 (- 2 5-5 ^ r^ „ ON ON ro NO 3 C >o ■ (^ m N M t-- S — t^ \o t^ in in t^ t^ 6 u en "^ ■^ ro -J- 10 tV w M N ■o T^ - 00 0) 1 00 1 X ■<*• ■«^ ^ ON On 00 £ " " ■* ro t^ i-^ Age when crushed •a s N IN M M >, " M r-( " ti ■^ ^ M ^ ^ 5 «Mi nw .S«5 r-|« Ho WW * X X ^ X X X ^ i ::: rt*» iHN ; OJ3 m 10 r^ M « 3 X X X X X \7S> ^ ^ ^ ^ :^ C/) V) "1 t^ ON »- ^1 ■sl ^1 ^1 >N u CO ^1 XI 3 3 3 u ■q ;3 Q 3 CJ Q .^u in N ■* ■>i- (N N T3 IJ •-; w q ". ". M /^. C) ^ (fl ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ■*-» u ri •>j- ■* >o VO CO 00 Id ^3 hSs; _u t^ CI N w 8 N n-) ^o N E "a q q q q c}5 E ■* ■<^ vo \o 00 00 J rt M LO ' To r^ 00 On ON ID (-1 ■ q q 00 q 00 "0 "b ■JIJ^W « Ki « •, ^ u J p J M c -• c ** _c " _C * 6 ^ u °= "^ ••^ ^ ? c/5 ■<^ ' ^ " CO ■* 6 ^ I40 APPENDIX. O < w w o h z w w U w < Q Z o O U w o w o w J? o U o . O C (U ID JZ O T3 C CO c s u w ii u (U o y. ID 11) o ^ U c o U 1) o o c ^ .2 o SI; cl, o; £ w o iH U a. ^ '-tn'O 00 M , V en ^ ■*cn W . ^lU > cfl i-i u ;; U ™ t3 tfi . 2 u «■ y oii c oJ"? n!> en C^O.!:; en o jj — en en O. O w C en H u ^ « £ c - g^"^ cd >, dj rt C en bco'-' ^ ° oS o'H o In 2 3 U C1.0 O C . O C t-i o o c en O z W en BS Q ^ 2 K 2 •2 ^ bcu-i ex. ►> rt o I C (U a 2 ^ o o2 u U CQ •3{JBPM S J III 5 < u « ro ^ (LI - c 5 " 2 h ■« " .i: o.-.~ o 01 u C CD > 'c5 aj u c Xi n bf) a u a CO ao <^ 6.0 •s§ 6§ u Q Q Q ^1 .S S« e2a . CD 03 — V. n] 000 ;5 • 0\ t^ ro 0) M t^ vo XI 00 (^ ro M ■* vo 00 3 C \o ON ■*• >o u'-' . >o ^O vo P) t-- t>. vo . J3 tn t^ t^ ■0- 00 CO c^ Cy m M e> •^ t^ ro ro C/5 = 00 M \o t^ VO 00 « H M n 1— 1 iz; u J fa m < C/3 H P5 w Pi o U (U .2 S -G in •a ^ o CU u s Oh •5 c — o o -n b3 H fa > OJ ^ •::: o 03 s tf3 u ^ Pi (U pi a. S o U be c O ct! y a .h o bfibo C C 6 'a o o Oh Ooo- a " i; «i 03 flj • "* Fl in U5 P. ^^ bo o o « re rt Jr J3 bo CJ ae ^z h 2 52 D vo in 10 r-O 00 « r-> -*• N CTiVO 0) IN M M " M f I/-) 10 "1 D N N W N O ro I w O O TT O IT) M- o a SP S S ^^2 tn ■>J- 'l- goo V OS CQ < . 5?; o o o o O O O O O O 00 M 00 00 00 X X O O be ho X X O 10 q q ^ vo X5^ bB 142 APPENDIX. 4-I •^ .5? *3 ii .S.S i 2 , en XI ■S'O V) 88 O IN^ ro in m <^ w* oi -^ en <; £5 8^ o o XI R. 8 u -M^ rt rt c/> en ^2" <^ 0" P< u o C C 00 4-. ^ 05 cS ■S^ .5f.S? « (M « ^ ' 1) c o 'S5'm *^ rt rt a: c a .S.S c c bJDbC rM J4 'S 'm . lO VD o' <> o' in o- r^ N ro ON M o<3 o" S Pli 3 C ^ VO O mvo \D NO 00 t^ cs ON 00 C3N -^ c ^u^S LO lO in M M w •-4 IH ** H ^ z . in ^^ K Q 0-) (N m ■o (N VO ■* m t^ NO ON t^ H Z 0) (N (N . vo m M m M ^o NO M ■ D OS Onm_ H^ 0_ q\ C) +-> 6 tCoo~ rn cC rC t^ 00' pT Oi 00 C en r N u-)00 Tf ON 00 1 1 00 1 °° CJ o . in in r>. t^ m m 1 00 00 m N < C/) M M ■1- •* ■, mm m CO ro CO m m en m m !N -*■ in \o t^ N m t^ o q 1 °. H M "^ <^ 1 ■*-i o .2 rt ■«*- ■* VO VO 00 00 N N VO VO 1 J3 c ?r M H M hi < a N 'M 0-< JU w m o VO ■* N m m H u-i Ol H M q q q q q q q M c?5 OS Nt-%f vb >b 00 «> "pj"?) vb vb rt w w M M Pi u < D C/5 o> in M q o 88 p% in o u ^ ' ^ * ^ • ^ ' ^ ' -^ * ^ * *^ * ^" »^ * u <3 •* xt- ^O U3 00 00 W N VO NO •o M M H "H a> X X X X X X X X X X CQ §0? f^ m q~ q in^ m in q q 00 03 8^8 H H vb \b ^ 13 - 2 w U bfl o bxi u ^ CJ b£ U he c4 r* )_ ^ u x: u J5 u J3 w OC/l > <1 C ' < 00 00 > 0- (N (N > .S ' VO VO M Hi > : APPENDIX. 143 bi) 1 1 1 ^n 1 '3 w CO c/) C3i C b a 1 •d 1 a> "3 en v^ S 0. H «i Z c -a ^ U IS 3 c CO en _ ' . in 00 ■* -"^ ■<*• up 10 to Tt- q to K vq h 2 ■ f^r^,C >-■ uS M IT) to M 00' vo' 1-^ t^ VO IN ■4- 00 o> m ro (N N to 10 10 Ti- -r ■>r en •^Uti; m N ro M W " *s< u 00 ■>*• VO (N T(- 10 1 M to r^ vq t^ ^ M m* H It; rt^' m IT) 'i- M od »• d d- 10 r^ 00 f^ 00 t^ w 1^ 00 vo w t^ « lil ■!^ ro ON t^ On 00 TOO > c ■, ro ro fO ro ro ro ro ro ro ro > PQ trt V4 Pi < i-H Oh M M3 M 00 00 -^ 3 en <> q q M ♦H M q - /^-. r*-. PL, 13 b^b 00 00 "n ~iN| en s ji CO ■* 10 w ON u <« D. o% q "-T "^ q q q H 1 °. cu OS nl C/5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 fT) >^ 10 lO 00 00 01 M H VO VO 1^ ■* ro M ■* N VO tv ^3. H OnO q q q q q u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "< PQ CO -^ X X 00 00 q\ Oi en CO VO \0 X X N N q q vb vb 00 00 X X VO m q> q "V^oo «><> S , cj ci lU V ; u x>- ^ ' • ^- XI- • JD- < 3* 4> 3* 1 3" aJ 3- 4. S' 1) 2 til U ^ U b n « u bi! U b f bfl c3 J OC/3 0- u > < J3 0- w a, -g. J3 0- >- •g- 1! \ I Z _c- C* > < c* > <1 .E' > < .5' > \ ^ ■*• \0 VO 00 00 (N N M M VO'O M M \ 144 APPENDIX. <2> > w < H < (U c o c » t'> . • >> *>.■>. >\ < IS a: 55 N-. o "3 o£ c8 8 c o o (A (0 c c c o •-• bo bjo H q hj3 .y.5p o o" m u> «) »n vo^'w 'S'w C/3 SJ3 t5l3 p) en C C M en C C G CH- (A fa 11 nj.5 II l> ti -ri — ' Id >-.•—• t; qj o . o t^ Tj- VO i-^ in VO in PJ Tl- 0. lO t^ 'q_ q^ o M q^ 00 00 00 t^ r^ r^ oo 00 00 V o Q OS tooo in o : o '^. •4 "5. r^ ro ■+ ro t °^ vq_ ON q^ u O i^i ■^ tC vcT lo vd in pT <> pp in rt Ci N ro ro in m H « p» p) C/) ti *^ N Tt- M -4- in 1 °° 1 1 1 00 .G — ' H 1 1 1 1 u^ ex O •COS lO -"^ t^ t^ N M o o ON Ov M M ■* ^ ■n- ^ ro ro £ W M ro ro O "d M M H M M M w n< c f! JJ ii) u a H M M XI >^ ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro ro "ib.^ H ro t- t^ VO -f t^ ■* w -*• M f» q q w M M HI PI PI c tfl ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ %- •* * > VO VO 00 00 N (M VO VO '5 M M M «J r^ (N o o D in ro in P) •* E vn'O- q q ? q q q q q M c75 oa %-~V V)\b oo 00 ^N ^« vb vb m M H M H < CO !3 o o O o m •-I in ro h ^ o o q q q i-_ H U < -* •* \c ^ 00 00 PI N VO VO •6 4> H M *-> M X X X X X X X X X X pa 00 00 ro ro N in q q^ VO in (N O q q 00 00 M VD q q M PI M vb M P) vb H ^ 13 «►<> -i X! u X! , u X! u x: Wi u -• u o • o (J- o O J QJ u ^ V _C' > G " > C ' > > > < ■ oj .s o :z; w H , < IZi 'a hJ -4-1 < lyo !^ Pd P4 Tl w P (U :z; u «! w C/5 f/1 7i u o cu e o U U w ^ < ^ i-i O, Cd F S . ■ .s 2 "3 U5 ■>. Pi <«-< !- CS 00 1 ON Ov m m m H OCX3 00 ■* ■* ^ ro w 1 ro N « •^ M H " U-" Z w (/5 1 1 1 K Q 4J . z U, 1-^ « 00 rc N in VO ro 1 ON P) VO •>*■ M t^ Ov (72 ^ rt u ►> 00 in >0 T>- in 00 in 1 VO t~~ Ov ro ro 3 0- 3 C UD CJ^ •^ t-^ in VO in ro ■>*- Tf ro ^ in m in g cri-H W1 ro ro ro N Cj c> (N N N N M cT N N X z to jj c '"'5. Og TO M3_ 00 N °, q_ ■»fvo_ q, "c 00 cT o- i-T go' 0" tC in 0' -^ in 10 ON VO in m -^ in in M H ro ro VO VO 4_, H»*• ■* ■<»- invo in in ro ro to l-l l-t CO ro M IH 00 00 c C •a ro ro ro m m m m m in m 4) (U > ro ro <^ m ro ro ro ro ro ro ■o H H oso> ro in in in -<^o 3 bioS q q> H N W H W M 73 c 03 ^' 5 ^" i" ^ ^' ^ ^ ^' ^* 4-) e'~ "1 ■* ■* VO >0 00 00 N N VO VO J3 '13 ^ a< IH M M M jj in fv ro w ro 1^ IN E u-.'d q q ON ON q M q H « H OS ^ ^ ^':;* ^ :; 5" :;' ^'5* c/5 ■* Tj- in 10 00 00 N N VO VO l-t H •< (r> D ■^00 ON 00 -+VO VO N 00 H q 0^ ON ON q q- q q M q u ■V ' »^ ' ^ * ^ ' •^ ' ^ -^ * .* -^ * •^" o «><> «-- X! u X! u XI w oc ^ 0^ .5" > < 0- c - vo\o < V. 00 00 > < > 0- VO VO CI > < HI M (H M 10 146 APPENDIX. 1 ■ ^^ •'- S ccn . Q.^S^ bo •:3 rt G ti gg« , •3 •S := O.Q 10,000 lbs. eated app 00 lbs., alt e to 5,000 1 !h ™'2 en f— • 1) c 01 .5? m Dii VO G y a 1- m 'm f^ aa ■^■U o'3 c 4J >> 4-, >> sight at nly by r ad of 8o( of press X.) 1 bog c S P3 % coo Ci-H •''-"Co, w a en C a-r;-5 '0 > a o.iil 3 5 ctf CJCD ^ 2o . + + 'O )-•« ^• VO VO VO IT) 00 N r^vo w >o N Os LO h W t/i H 2 in ON « 0_^ VO_^ cT C__ ON moo CO (>r Cl VO_^ cT 00 cT ro C7; 1) + ■*-^ u > w Sh Cl U-) 10 03 a OnvO 10 in vo' ro 0_^ t^ 0' t-^ 0" w CO VO \o 00 ON ON VO w Tj- J f ro t^ t^oo c .G M u s > C/} «■ .0^ t~~VO ro CO ro ro ro ro Age when iroken. ■0 VO VO poo M M H VO VO M M VO VO H M VO VO VO VO W :z; J3 >< ro ro CO fo ro ro ro ro ro ro c .2 '^ !ri 000 00 N •* M O-oo On -^ **j 13 bjcii q q (N (N M H M (N *7^ C c/1 if\ a, S ■* ^ VO VO 00 00 N N M M VO VO M H _aj N ■* H 00 ON H VO K s-i 0, q o_ q oi M M q M U OS a! ^ ' :;" ^ ';' ^' :;' ^ ^ :;" ^ 1 ^ ^ VO LO 00 00 N M VO VO 1 u < CO (^ N t>. ON ro ro 1000 h q q o> ON H w U ^ QlNfi S o; (U D oj 3' U CJ U bx u bi ^ U bo u ^ s2 Ot/3 a . > - c - > 0= X! - > - C ' > <1 < <5 < <«1 •V T)- VO VO 00 00 VC VO APPENDIX. H7 w < w w o 8 ■'^ "^ ►Si •» S ■>«! ^ **i » •** •S-*i • :s 5: 8 to Si S -li (4 •-I ^1 Ki w .►^ () ^ -^s '^ hH ►v. '^ •^ ai ^i ^ . S CO ^ K *« CO > « •i* W ^ "^ ^ C4 PL, o u §1 1 p § I' •^ n 'a ?■ S C Vj « S ^^ § § ?^^ -S ^j 5? « Ki ^ s ,^ -v> 8 ^ cfe; « h s? t ►Si O Ki ^^ «o rv v> ^ « s § -^ g - .^ g ^s ^ ^^ •r* i> Js •^^ f-. <« W N 3 O cfi O ^ •- o >'a <« > ^ o' « « "2 '^ ot: o o c G c en rt rt 3 4^-0 (A ^ a dT3 en 3 u5 (U O C-Q O J3 >-' *- « S (U 8 S Oj3 O ii O 2i c o. CO O tn _ O u u c en ■ en o O a Z ^ O (U o c< en " C rt G^ G ° 52 S'cfl £ eri O fe c/3 (/: en 3 ■"'O ■ f ;= s U G ^ en 3 ^ -GO XI rt G *-■ G C/5 U O. lu _ cC en cei h TD eJ ej •- U G be o fc a; en ^ ^ ^ ^ U XI ■* ■* ■• " " ■:z 1) ■"■ W^ 00 e^ M M cr> m Tf ^ lO m eM c^ eN M es es >. Jig XI - - :^ - :; IH-S Tt- M -«i- ro 00 t>. CQ S 1/1 in U-) LO ^ Ti- u U;o e30 O e^ 00 Tt- u-i lO >i >-< 148 APPENDIX, SPECIAL TABLE L Showing Amount of Compression and Set of Cubes of Haverstraw Freestone (N. Y.). 8-Inch Freestone Cube, marked a ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 7". 99 x 7".99; Height = 7". 99 (or 8". 15 including plaster); Weight, 39 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set, Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 8o,oco go,ooo .0021 .0062 .0093 .0112 .0132 .0138 .0150 .0165 .0179 .0192 •0055 100,000 5,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 5,000 150,000 160,000 180,000 .0205 .0210 .0220 .0230 .0240 .0250 .0260 .0260 .0270 .0290 .0078 • oogo 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 240,000 260,000 280,000 300,000 310,000 320,000 330,000 307,000 .0310 •0315 .0332 .0355 .0380 .0410 .0442 .0460 .0480 •0495 broken .0105 8-Inch Freestone Cube, marked b ; Beds Plastered. Actual size : Bed = 8".o5 x 8". 1 6; H eight= 8".oo (or 8". 14 including plaster) jWeight, 41M pounds. Load. Inch. . Load. Pounds. Inci^. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 .0015 .0045 .0092 .0103 •0155 .0180 .0182 .0205 .0078 140,000 160,000 180.000 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 240,000 260,000 280,000 0225 0250 0268 0287 .0110 300,000 310,000 320.000 330,000 340,000 350,000 360,000 370,000 438,400 .0408 .0420 •0435 .0450 .0465 .0480 .0500 .0512 broken 0290 0305 0330 0355 0380 APPENDIX. 149 SPECIAL TABLE \.— {Continued.) 8-Inch Freestone Cube, marked c ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed=B".oo x 8".o3; Height = 8".oo (or 8".o7 including plaster); Weight, 39% pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. 1 Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5, 000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,oco .0022 .0050 .0090 ..0120 .0148 .0165 .0170 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5, 000 200,000 220,000 240,000 .0190 .0210 .0230 .0250 .0270 .0275 .0295 •0315 .0098 260,000 280,000 300 000 320,000 340,000 360,000 370,000 380,000 388,000 0335 0360 0380 0402 0425 0450 0472 0488 05x5 0065 broken 8-Inch Freestone Cube, mARKEorf; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed — 8". 02 x 8". 02; Height=7".96 (or 8". 04 including plaster); Weight, 39!^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set, 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 8o,oc)o 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 .0070 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 240,000 260.000 270,000 .0215 .0240 .0260 .0280 .0280 .0300 .0325 .0348 .0360 .0110 280,000 300,000 320,000 340,000 350,000 360,000 370,000 380,000 387,000 395,700 ,0372 •0395 .0425 .0450 .0462 .0480 •0495 .0510 •0530 j broken 0012 0042 0082 0115 0145 0170 0172 0190 sudden yielding 9-Inch Freestone Cube, marked a ; Beds Plastered, Actual size: Bed = 9". 07 x 8", 99; Height = 8". 96 (or 9". 05 including plaster); Weight, 56 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds, Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compre.s- sion. Set, Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 140,000 .0110 180,000 200,000 5, 000 200,000 240,000 280,000 300,000 •0375 .0400 .0410 .0460 .0510 .0532 .0220 5,000 300,000 340,000 380,000 400.000 470,400 .0542 .0582 .0625 .0642 broken .0270 0095 0172 0220 0222 0330 ISO APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \. —{Continued.') 9'-Inch Freestone Cube, marked b\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed= 9".o3X9".oo; Height=8".97 (or 9".o5 including plaster); Weight, 57^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 ■ 0045 .0080 .0138 .0160 .0162 . 0200 .0240 .0262 .0070 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 340,000 380,000 400,000 .0100 .0130 5,000 400,000 420,000 440,000 460,000 480,000 490,000 536,000 568,000 .0160 0265 0300 0338 0360 •0475 .0490 .0510 .0530 •0552 .0562 •0577 broken 0365 0400 0440 0460 q-Inch Freestone Cube, marked c\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 9".o2 x 9". 04; Height=9".oi (or 9".o5 including plaster); Weight, 57% pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 0052 0088 0150 0175 .0090 .01.22 200,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 340,000 380,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 0285 0380 .0150 .0182 420,000 440,000 460,000 480,000 500,000 520,000 540,000 550,000 643,000 .0500 ■0515 : •0530 \ .0548 .0560 .0580 ; •0592 , .0605 1 broken ' 0385 0420 0460 0475 0488 ....... 0178 0280 ....... 9-Inch Freestone Cube, marked d ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8".99X9".o4;Height= 8".92(or 8^.99 including plaster); Weight, 56^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 lOO^OOO 5,000 100,000 200,000 0050 0100 0170 0200 .0099 5,000 200,000 300,000 : 5, 000 300,000 320,000 340,000 360,000 •0350 .0472 .0480 .0500 .0520 .0540 .0165 .0218 380,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 410,000 1 420,000 440,000 ; 445,000 0567 : 0588 .0253 0595 0610 0615 0635 0650 0205 0345 broken APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \.— {Continued.)' 151 io-Inch Freestone Cube, marked a ; Beds Plastered, Actual size: Bed = io".o2X9".96; Height = 10". 01 (or io".o7 including plaster); Weight, 79% pounds. Load. Inch, Load. Pounds. Inch. Load, Pounds. Inch, Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set, Compres- sion, Set. 5,000 0055 0100 0180 0220 .0130 200,000 5,000 200,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 0390 .0230 .0275 5,000 400,000 440,000 480,000 500,000 520,000 .0610 •0635 .0665 .0685 broken .0300 40,000 80,000 0400 0510 5,000 100,000 0520 0600 0222 io-Inch Freestone Cube, marked b ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = io".oo x 9'^8o; Height — 10". 01 (or 10". 12 including plaster); Weight, ^i\^ pounds. Load, Inch, Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch, Pounds, Compres- sion. Set. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion, Set, 5,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 .0038 .0070 .0120 .0145 .0148 .0230 .0232 .0062 .0080 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 440,000 480,000 500,000 5,000 .0305 .0310 .0382 .0390 .0420 •045'7 .0478 .0100 .0117 .0142 500,000 540,000 580,000 600,000 5,000 600,000 620,000 640,000 650,500 .0485 .0520 .0560 .0570 .0592 .0615 .0632 failed su without \ .0178 ddenly, varning io-Inch Freestone Cube, marked c ; Beds Plastered, Actual size: Bed = 10". 00 x 9^.96 ; Height = io".oi (thickness of plaster not noted); Weight 7834 pounds. Load. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. 5, 000 20,000 0030 40,000 0062 80,000 0115 100,000 0132 5,000 100,000 0137 200,000 0220 Set. .0049 Load. Pounds. 5,000 200,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 406,000 5,000 400,000 Inch, Compres- sion. .0225 .0300 .0305 .0390 .0390 Set. .0071 .0090 .0115 Load. Pounds. Inch, Compres- sion. Set. 500,000 -0475 5,000 Not broken under maximum load of 800,000 pounds. 152 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \.— {Continued:) io-Inch Freestone Cube, marked d: Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = io".oo x 9". 98; Height = 10". 00 (or io".o9 including plaster); Weight, 78J4 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 .0040 .0078 • 0135 .0157 .0160 .0062 200,000 5,000 200,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 .0250 .0250 •0325 .0329 .0412 .0085 .0110 5,000 400,000 500,000 5,000 644,000 .0418 .0520 broken .0132 .0170 ii-Inch Freestone Cube, marked a ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed — 11", 05 x ii".oo; Height = 10". 92 (or ii^.og including plaster); Weight, 105 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 .0072 .0125 .0152 .0154 .0260 .0075 .0120 200,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 .0262 .0340 •0350 0412 .0417 .0485 .0152 ■ 0175 5,000 500,000 600,000 5,000 600,000 770,000 791,000 .0492 .0562 •0575 cracked broken .0193 .0220 ii-Inch Freestone Cube, marked b\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = ii".io x 10". 96; Height — ii".oi (or ii".o8 including plaster); Weight, 106^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. 1 Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 .0060 .0082 200,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 .0105 .0120 5,000 500,000 600,000 5,000 600,000 770,000 785,000 •0455 .0530 .0540 cracked broken .0140 0072 0122 0145 0150 0240 0308 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 0312 0380 0380 0450 •0155 APPENDIX. 153 SPECIAL TABLE \.— {Continued.) 11-Inch Freestone Cube, marked c ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = ii''.oox ii".oo; Height = 10". 97 (or ii".oi including plaster); Weight, 104^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch, Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- c„f sion. ^^'^• Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 0081 0145 0170 .0080 .0118 200,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 .0272 .0350 .0350 .0420 .0425 .0500 .0140 .0160 5.000 500,000 600,000 5,000 600,000 778,000 775,000 .0507 •0575 .0580 cracked broken .0178 .0210 0175 0270 ii-Inch Freestone Cube, marked d; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 11". 10 x ii".o5; Height = n". 02 (or 11". 16 including plaster); Weight, io6jr^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set, Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 .0065 .0120 .0140 .0140 .0228 .0052 .0078 200,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 .0230 .0300 .0310 .0388 .0392 .0500 .0099 .0132 5,000 500,000 600,000 5,000 600,000 769,000 .0510 .060c .0615 broken .0180 .0220 12-IN9H Freestone Cube, marked a \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2".oo x 11". 95; Height = 12". 01 (or 12". 05 including plaster); Weight, 139}^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 .0095 .0160 .0185 .0192 .0282 .0288 .0085 .0115 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 ■0355 .0360 .0420 .0425 .0487 .0492 •0135 .0150 .0170 6co.ooo 5,000 600.000 700,000 5,000 700,000 800,000 5,000 ■0555 .0560 .0620 .0632 .0690 Cube re from the .0188 .0302 .0225 moved ; press. 154 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE I.— {Continued.) ■ i2-Inch Freestone Cube, marked b ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2".oo x 12". oo; Height — 12". 04 (or 12". 23 including plaster); Weight, 138 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 8o,OOD 100,000 5,ooo' 100,000 200,000: 5,000' 200,000 .0060 .0110 .0130 .0130 .0205 .0210 .0050 .0070 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 .0265 .0270 .0320 .0320 .0370 .0370 .0082 .0098 .0110 600,000 . 0430 5,000 0128 600,000 . 0440 700,000 . 0500 5,000 0150 700,000 . 0510 800,000 -0585 5,000 0180 5,000 reduced to .0172 after i hour's rest. Cube removed from the press. i2-Inch Freestone Cube, marked <:; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = ii".96x 12". 00; Height = i2".oo (or 12". 20 including plaster); Weight, 135^/^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 .0102 .0170 .0192 .0200 .0288 .0290 .0090 .0120 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 •0355 •0355 .0420 .0420 .0485 .0490 .0142 .0160 .0180 600,000 5,000 600,000 700,000 5,000 700,000 740,000 764,000 .0560 .0570 .0658 .0675 .0727 broken .0200 .0225 cracked i2-Inch Freestone Cube, marked d ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = ii".96x 11". 90; Height = 12". 01 (or 12". 14 including plaster); Weight, 135% pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,OOQ 100,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 .0050 .oogo .0110 .0112 .0185 .0188 .0035 .0050 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 .0248 .0250 .0300 • 0305 •0355 .0360 .0065 .0078 .0085 600,000 5,000 600,000 700,000 5,000 700,000 800,000 5,000 .0420 .0425 .0495 .0500 •0565 Cube re from th( .0098 .0115 .0140 moved 5 press. APPENDIX. 155 SPECIAL TABLE \.— {Concluded.) Pier of Cubes of Haverstraw Freestone; Dry Joints. Three i2-Inch Cubes, marked a, ^, and d, respectively ; Beds Plastered. Each of these cubes had been previously tested up to the maximum load of Zoo,ooo pounds without breaking it. Actual size: Cube «— Bed = i2".oo x n".9s; Height = i2".oi (or i2".o5 including piaster); Weight, 139}^ pounds. Cube 3— Bed = i2".oo X 12". 00; Height = i2".04 (or 12". 23 including plaster); Weight, 138 pounds. Cube ^— Bed = ii".96 x 11". 90; Height = i2".oi (or 12". 14 including plaster) ; Weight, 135M pounds. Load. Lnch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 0210 0350 0415 .0025 .0042 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 600,000 .0805 .0805 .0942 •1075 .1080 .1210 .0060 .0080 .0095 5,000 600,000 700,000 5,000 700,000 748,000 . 1220 •1370 ( .I400-K ^ .0112 .0150 crack at 0422 0638 failed suddenly with loud report. 0638 SPECIAL TABLE II. Showing Amount of Compression and Set of Specimens of Neat Port- land (Dyckerhoff) Cement. 8-Inch Cube, marked Db ; Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8'".oi x 8". 03; Height — 7". 99; Weight, 37^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 .0020 .0040 .0060 .0075 .0090 .0102 .0110 .0122 ! 90,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 • CI 30 .0141 .0142 .0160 .0180 .0195 .0210 .0230 .0050 5,000 200,000 220,000 238,000 240,000 260,000 280,000 286,800 301,100 .0240 • 0255 first era .0280 .0300 .0330 •0350 j broken .0070 ck. snappi'g sound. IS6 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \\.— {Continued.) 8-Inch Cube, marked Dc ; Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8^.03 x 8". 07; Height = 8". 00; Weight, 37^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 .0010 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 180,000 .OIOO .0118 •0133 .0150 .0166 .0182 a corn< .0025 tx off 200.000 220,000 240,000 260,000 280,000 285,000 294,100 .0190 .0207 .0227 .0250 .0282 .0296 broken 0010 0020 0045 0065 0082 OIOO ....... 8-Inch Cube, marked Dd \ Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8". 04 x8".oo; Height = 8". 04; Weight, 39 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. j Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 .0005 .0020 .0040 .0062 .0077 .0090 .0092 .0105 .0120 ■ 0130 .0010 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 240,000 260,000 280,000 285,000 290,000 295,000 300,000 .0145 .0160 .0160 •0175 .oigo .0203 •0223 .0230 .0239 .0244 .0250 .0020 1 1 310,000 315,000 320.000 325,000 330,000 335,000 340,000 345,000 350,000 355,000 358,000 360,000 bi 0260 0264 0270 0280 0288 0292 0300 0305 0310 -j 0323 0335 -oken beginsto scale off. 8-Inch Cube, marked De ; Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed — 7".g8 x 8".o3; Height = 8". 02; Weight, 38 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 .0015 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200.000 5,000 200,000 .0100 .0114 .0130 .0144 .0160 .0178 .oiSo .0027 1 220,000 240,000 260,000 280,000 296,000 299,200 .0193 .0213 .0239 .0260 corne broken 0010 0025 0048 0065 0080 0099 r off APPENDIX. 157 SPECIAL TABLE \\.— {Continued:) 8-Inch Cube, m.\rked D/ \ Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8". 00 x 8". 04; Height = 8".oo; Weight, 39 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. j Compres- sion. 0189 .0205 .0224 .0242 .0270 cracked .0290 broken Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 .0012 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 1 OTOO .0112 .0127 .0140 • 0153 .0171 .0172 .0021 220,000 240,000 260,000 280,000 300,000 304,000 310,000 338,000 0010 0028 0050 0067 0082 0098 9-Inch Cement Cube, marked Da \ Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 9". 05 x 9^.01 ; Height = 9".o4; Weight, 56 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 .0012 .0032 .0063 .0090 .0110 .0122 .0125 .0140 .0022 140,000 160,000 i8o,oco 200,000 5.000 200.000 220, OuC 240,000 260,000 280,000 .0154 .0168 .0180 .0191 .0192 .0205 .0219 .0230 .0244 .0032 300,000 5,000 300,000 320,000 340,000 345,000 360,000 373)000 .0260 .0265 .0280 .0292 begins to •0325 broken .0050 crack 9-Inch Cement Cube, marked Db ; Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 9". 02 x 9^.12; Height = 9".o5; Weight, 56 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,oco 100,000 .0017 .003 8 .0072 .0102 .0125 .0145 .0150 .0020 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 .0181 .0210 .0222 .0224 •0245 .0270 .0280 .0030 .0045 300,000 320,000 327,000 330,000 340,000 350,000 360,000 373,000 .0282 .0295 corner .0302 .0309 •0315 .0320 broken off 158 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \\.— {Continued.) 9-Inch Cement Cube, marked Dc ; Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 9",o6 >< 9".oo; Height = 8". 99; Weight, 55 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. 1 Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 .0015 100,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 .0120 • 015s • 0177 .0190 .0191 .0215 .0243 .0030 300,000 5,000 300,000 330,000 350,000 395,400 396,000 .0259 .0262 .0285 .0330 yielding s broken 0012 0035 0063 0082 0100 0117 .0050 uddenly 9-Inch Cement Cube, marked Dd \ Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = g''.o2 x 9".o4; Height — 9". 05; Weight, 56^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,00c 80,000 100,000 5,000 .0010 100,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 .0071 .0094 .0120 .0132 • 0135 .0160 .0182 .0015 300,000 5,000 300,000 340,000 370,000 380,000 390,000 .0202 .0210 .0240 .0278 .0288 ■ 0295 burst su 0005 001 1 0030 0041 005s 0070 .0030 ( sliofht r cracks ddenlv 9-Inch Cement Cube, marked De ; Beds not Plasteped. Actual size: Bed = 9". 07 x 9". 00; Height — 9". 03; Weight, 56 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch, Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 .C020 .0030 .0052 .0070 .0081 .0095 .0096 ! .0020 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 300,000 5, 000 0120 0142 0155 0155 0178 0200 0212 .0030 .0040 300,000 340,000 370,000 380,000 390,000 400,000 458,600 468,200 .0215 .0240 .0260 .0270 .0275 .0284 begins to broken crack APPENDIX. 159 SPECIAL TABLE \\.— {Continued.) q-Inch Cement Cube, marked Df\ Beds not Plastered, Actual size: Bed = 9". 05 x 9". 10; Height = 8". 98; Weight, 551^3 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 .0020 100,000 130,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 .0110 cracked .0142 .0172 .0190 .0192 .0220 .0045 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 310,000 325,000 .0258 .0288 .0308 .0328 broken 0010 0030 0052 0071 0090 0108 .0081 io-Inch Cement Cube, marked Da ; Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = io".o3 x 10". 05; Height = 9". 97; Weight, 75}^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 .0022 100,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 .0120 .0145 .0170 .0180 .0180 .0200 .0221 .0040 300,000 5,000 300,000 318,000 320,000 340,000 351,000 395-300 .0235 .0238 cracked .0253 .0267 .0292 broken 0018 0040 0070 0090 Olio 0120 .0060 cracking lo-LxcH Cement Cube, marked Db \ Beds not Plastered. Actual size : Bed = io".o2 x 10". 00; Height x io".oo; Weight, 76^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. ! Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5, 000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 140,000 .0003 .0010 .0022 .0031 .0040 .0050 .0052 .0072 .0010 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 340,000 0088 0098 0099 0115 0132 0145 014s 0160 .0010 .0015 380,000 400,000 5.000 400,000 440,000 460,000 470,000 480,000 540,000 587,100 .0180 .0192 .0192 .0218 .0230 .0240 .0250 cracked broken .0020 i6o APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \\.— {Continued:) io-Inch Cement Cube, marked Dc ; Beds not Plastered. Actual size : Bed = io".o9 x io".o4*, Heig^ht = io".oo; Weight, 76^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch, Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20j000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 .0025 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 .0148 .0165 .0174 •0175 .0190 .0210 .0220 •0035 .0048 300,000 340,000 380,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 440,000 460,000 519,000 .0220 .0240 .0260 .0270 .0275 .0288 .0301 broken 0008 0042 0075 0100 0115 0128 0128 .0071 io-Inch Cement Cube, marked Dd \ Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = io".o8 x 10". 10; Height = 10". 00; Weight, 77 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 .0120 .0148 .0158 .0180 .0182 1 .0010 .0020 1 240,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 320,000 430,100 .0202 .0225 .0238 .0352 .0273 broken 0012 0030 0062 0084 0102 0120 .0041 10 Inch Cement Cube, marked De ; Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 10". 00 x 10". 05; Height = io".o8; Weight, 76 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 .0010 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 240,000 242,000 s 80, 000 300,000 5,000 .0116 .0140 .0150 .0172 side crac .0202 .0218 .0020 ked .0032 300,000 340,000 380,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 473,400 .0220 .0242 .0272 .0290 .0300 broken 0008 0020 0042 0062 007s oogo .0060 0090 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \\. -{Continued.) io-Inch Cement Cube, marked Df\ Beds not Plastered, Actual size: Bed = io".oi x io".o5; Height = 9".99; Weight, 7614 pounds. 161 Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10.000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 140,000 .0010 .0020 .0040 .0053 .0065 .0078 .0078 .0102 .0010 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 340,000 .0130 .0140 .0140 .0160 .0180 .0193 .0198 .0220 .0015 .0025 380,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 420,000 440,000 460,000 472,000 477,600 .0245 .0260 .0265 .0280 .0290 .0304 .0320 broken .0042 ii-Inch Cement Cube, marked Da ; Beds not Plastered. Actual size: Bed = ii".oo x ii".i5; Height = ii".oo; Weight, loi pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 S,ooo 100,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 0005 0020 0035 0048 0060 0070 .0008 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 340,000 380,000 400,000 5,000 .012? .0141 .0160 •0175 •0175 .0200 .0220 •0235 .0012 .0020 .0032 400,000 440,000 480,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 510,000 520,000 530,000 540,000 591,200 .0240 .0260 .0290 .0302 •0313 .0324 • 0332 .0340 .0350 broken .0052 0070 0092 OHIO 0120 cracks II 1 62 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \l.— {Continued.) ii-Inch Cement Cube, marked Db ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = ii".o5 x ii".oo; Height = ii".oo (or ii".o3 including plaster); Weight, loo pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 .0020 .0031 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 340,000 380,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 440,000 480,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 •0155 -0165 .0168 .0188 .0210 .0220 .0222 .0248 .0270 .0288 .0292 .0040 .0058 .0078 510.000 520,000 530,000 540,000 550,000 560,000 570,000 580,000 590,000 600,000 610,000 620,000 630,000 633,000 .0302 .0312 .0320 -0325 .0330 .0338 •0350 -j .0358 •0375 •0379 .0390 .0402 • 0415 .0430 0008 0022 0042 0065 0073 corner cracked 0073 0090 Olio 0120 0120 0138 broken ii-Inch Cement Cube, marked Dc \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = ii".oo x ii".i8; Height = 11". 00 (or ii".o2 including plaster); Weight, 101I4 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds- Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 8o,oco 1:00,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 300,000 5, 000 .0005 .0015 .0030 .0050 .0062 .0062 .0112 .0110 .0160 .0010 .0019 .0025 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 5.000 500,000 520,000 540,000 560,000 570,000 580,000 590,000 .0162 .0220 .0225 .0285 .0290 .0302 .0320 .0332 .0342 .0352 .0362 .0037 .0050 600,000 610,000 620,000 630,000 640,000 650,000 660,000 670,000 680,000 690,000 700,000 725,100 .0372 .0380 .0387 • 0395 .0405 .0422 .0428 .0440 .0460 .0470 .0480 broken APPENDIX. 163 SPECIAL TABLE II.— {Continued.) it-Inch Cement Cube, marked Dd \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = ii".o3 X ii".2i; Height = ii".oo (or ii".o2 including plaster); Weight, loi}^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Founds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 i .0010 .0018 1 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 520,000 530,000 .oi^i; .0020 .0030 .0040 540,000 550,000 560,000 570,000 580,000 590,000 600,000 620,000 640,000 660,000 674,000 .0282 .0290 .0292 .0300 .0308 •0315 • 0320 .0340 .0365 .0390 broken 0002 0010 0020 0040 0048 0050 0090 20,000 40,000 0138 0182 100,000 S,ooc 0186 0240 200,000 5,000 200,000 0250 0265 0272 0090 ii-Inch Cement Cube, marked De ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 11". 02 X ii".2i; Heights 10". 99 (or ii".o2 including plaster); Weight, 101 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 .0010 .0018 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 510,000 520,000 .0025 .0032 .0049 540,000 560,000 580,000 600,000 620,000 640,000 660,000 680,000 690,200 0202 0008 0018 0028 004s 0052 0140 0190 0310 0325 0340 0360 0382 0408 100,000 5,000 0190 0250 0060 0095 cracks 200,000 5,000 200,000 0268 0273 broken in sight oonT 164 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \\.— {Continued.) ii-Inch Cement Cube, marked Df\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = ii".o5 x ii".o5; Height = ii".o2 (or ii".o4 including plaster); Weight, loa pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Siooo 10,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 .0008 .0019 .0035 .0058 .0069 .0069 .OHO .0020 .0028 200,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 0112 0160 0160 0210 .0038 .0050 .0069 520,000 540,000 560,000 580,000 600,000 620,000 630,000 640,000 645,600 .0290 .0300 •0315 .0330 •0350 .0372 , .0390 0410 .0422 5,000 100,000 200,000 0212 0270 cracks broken 5,000 0280 12-Inch Cement Cube, marked Da\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2".o5 x la'^.oo; Height = i2".oo, exclusive of plaster; Weight, 129 pounds. Load, Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 300,000 0022 0040 0048 0048 0088 .0010 .0020 5,000 300,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 600,000 5,000 •0135 .0182 .0182 .0240 .0248 .0320 .0028 .0038 .0050 .0080 600,000 620,000 640,000 660,000 680,000 690,000 700,000 710,000 • 0330 •0352 .0370 .0390-J .0422 •0450 •0475 .0520 cracks in sight broken 0090 0132 APPENDTX. SPECIAL TABLE \\.— {Continued.) 165 12-Inch Cement Cube, marked Db ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 12". 08 x 12". 05; Height = ii".97, exclusive of plaster; Weight, 129 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 200,000 5,000 .0039 .0060 .0070 .0115 .0017 .0022 300,000 5,000 400,000 5,000 500,000 5,000 600,000 .0159 .0200 .0260 .0320 .0030 .0039 .0050 5,000 600,000 640,000 673,000 783,000 • 0330 .0366 . 0402 \ broken .0071 cracks in sight i2-Inch Cement Cube, marked Dc \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 12". 00 x 12". 03; Height = i2".o3, exclusive of plaster ; Weight, 130}^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 S,ooo 200,000 5,000 300,000 5,000 400,000 5,000 500,000 .0030 .0049 .0058 .0100 .0140 .0180 .0220 .0022 .0030 .0035 .0040 5,000 600,000 5,000 600,000 640,000 660,000 680,000 700,000 710,000 720,000 730,000 740,000 i i .0270 .0280 .0300 •0315 ■ 0330 •0345 -j •0352 -0365 .0372 .0382 .0050 .0060 cracks in sight 750,000 760,000 800,000 5,000 800,000 5,000 800,000 5,000 800,000 5,000 800,000 5,000 800,000 .0390 .0400 j Remain ( minut J Remain 1 minut j Remain 1 minut j Remain j minut j Failed r \ and br ng eight es. ng eight es. ng eight es. ng eight 2S. apidly oke 1 66 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \\— {Continued.) i2-Inch Cement Cube, marked Dd \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 12". lo x u ".30; Height = 12". 00 (or 12". 03 including plaster); Weight, 123 pounds. Load. Pounds. 5,000 40,000 80,000 zoo^ooo 5,000 200,000 5,000 300,000 5,000 400,000 5,000 500,000 5,000 600,000 Inch. Compres- sion. .0025 .0042 .0052 .0140 .0180 .0300 Set. .0030 .0040 .0045 • 0052 .006=; Load. Inch. P°-l- ''"sX"" 5,000 600,000 620,000 640,000 660,000 680,000 700,000 708,000 710,000 720,000 730,000 740,000 750,000 760,000 .0306 .0322 •0338 .0352 .0370 ■0385 cracks in .0392 .0405 .0414 .0422 •0437 ■ 0450 Set. .0090 sight Load. Pounds. 770,000 780,000 790,000 798,000 800,000 5,000 800,000 5,000 800,000 5,000 800,000 5,000 800,000 In-ch. Compres- sion. .0458 .0475 Set. small pieces fly off Each application of the maxi- mum > load caused small pieces to fly off, and increased the size of cracks. When this load had been maintained about 6 minutes, the piece rapidly yielded and broke. 12-Inch Cement Cube, marked De ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 12^.05 x 12". 00; Height = 12". 00 (or 12". 07 including plaster); Weight, 131 pounds. Load. Founds. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5)O0o 200,000 5,000 300,000 5,000 400,000 5,000 500,000 5,000 600,000 5,000 Inch. Compres- sion. .0025 .0042 .0050 .0085 .0125 .0170 .0275 Set. .0032 .0050 .0070 Load. Pounds. 600,000 620,000 640,000 660,000 680,000 700,000 720,000 740,000 760,000 770,000 780,000 800,000 5,000 100,000 5,000 Inch. Compres- sion. 0285 0302 0318 0330 0345 0357 0370 0382 0400 pieces fly off 0420 0445 0175 Set. .0137 Load. Pounds. 200,000 5, 000 300,000 5,000 400,000 5,000 500,000 5,000 600,000 5,000 700,000 5,000 770,000 800,000 Inch. Compres-[ o sion. ^^'^• .0215 .0250 .0290 .0325 •0365 .0410 .0132 .0132 .0132 .0133 • 0135 .0140 j pieces 1 fly off Sustained this load about \^ minutet then failed rapid- ly, and broke. APPENDIX. 167 SPECIAL TABLE \l.— {Continued.) 12-Inch Cement Cube, marked Df\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 12". 00 x i2".o6; Height = 12". 00 (or i2".oi including plaster); Weight, 130 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 200,000 5,000 300,000 .0030 .0050 .0060 .0100 .0142 .0020 .0030 5,000 400,00c 5,000 500,000 5,000 600,00c 5,000 620,000 .0185 .0240 .0302 .0328 .0040 .0050 .0065 .0085 640,000 660,000 680,000 685,000 700,000 715,500 773,200 •0340 •0355 •0372 pieces 1 flyoff. .0410 I decided yielding, -N fragmenis flying ( off. broken Piers of Prisms of Neat (Dyckerhoff) Cement. Three Prisms, each 12 Inches Square, 6 Inches High; Beds Plastered; Dry Joints. 1^'.06, including plaster^. Actual size: Prism a — Bed = 12". 01 x i2".o4; Height = 5".98; Weight, 64 pounds, 12 ounces. Prism d — Bed = i2".o5 >< ""-99; Height = 5".94; Weight, 64 pounds, 8 ounces. Prism c — Bed = 12". 13 x 12". 08; Height = 5". 95; Weight, 64 pounds, 14 ounces. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load, Pounds. Inch. Pounds, Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 •OOI 5 .0030 .0055 .0072 .0088 .OTOI .0102 .0120 .0130 .0148 .0160 •0175 .0178 .oigo .0039 .0062 240,000 260,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 320,000 340,000 360,000 380.000 400,000 5,000 400,000 420,000 440,000 460,000 480,000 .0201 .0220 .0232 .0252 .0252 .0270 .0290 .0310 •0335 .0360 .0360 .0389 .0412 ■0445 ■0475 .0091 .0147 500,000 5.000 500,000 520,000 540,000 560,000 580,000 600.000 5,000 600,000 620,000 640,000 660,000 680,000 700,000 5,000 690,000 .0498 .0512 .0540 .0565 .0590 .0628 .0660 .0678 .0700 .0730 ■0765 ] .0800 . 0840 -< J failed ra ( broke. .0222 .0322 snappi'g sound. cracks at joint a — b. .0420 pidlyand 1 68 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \\.— {Concluded.) Three Prisms, each 12 Inches Square, 8 Inches High; Beds Plastered; Dry Joints. ^4''4,including plaster. Actual size: Prism «— Bed = i2".o3 x 12". 14; Height = 8". 09; Weight, 86 pounds, — ounces. Prism ^— Bed = Tx".gZ x i2".o8; Height = 8".o8; Weight, 86 pounds, 12 ounces. Prism c— Bed = i2",o8 x 12". 10; Height = 8".o8; Weight, 86 pounds, 8 ounces. Load. Pounds. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 Inch. Compres- sion. 0012 0032 0071 0096 0114 0130 0132 0149 0162 0180 0200 0215 0217 Set. .0042 .0062 Load. In Pounds. Compres- sion. 220,000 .0232 240,000 .0250 260,000 .0267 280,000 .6282 300,000 .0300 5,000 300,000 .0302 320,000 .0320 340,000 .0340 360,000 .0360 380,000 .0380 400,000 .0400 5,000 400,000 .0402 420,000 .0425 440,000 .0448 Set. .0088 Load. Pounds. 460,000 480,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 520,000 540,000 560,000 580,000 •600,000 5,000 600,000 620,000 640,000 654,800 suddenly Inch. Compres- sion. .047X .0500 .0520 •0530 .0560 .0590 .0615 .0645 .0702 •0735 .0765 .0820 under th Set. .0162 began to flake at joint a-i 232 failed s load. A continuous longitudinal seam opened along the three prisms, splitting off one corner of the pier; other similar seams also opened. The main fragment of prisma was of pyramidal form, with steep side slopes; prisms b and c were broken up in longitudinal fragments, about parallel to the line of pressure. APPENDIX, 169 SPECIAL TABLE III. Showing Amount of Compression and Set of Cubes of Concrete. Composition: i vol. Newark Company's Rosendale Cement, 3 vols. Sand, 2 vols. Gravel, 4 vols. Broken Stone. io-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Fb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = io".ir x 10". 04; Height = 10". 16 (or 10". 22 including plaster); Weight, 78 pounds. Load. In Pounds. Compres- sion. 5, 000 10,000 .0010 15,000 .0020 20,000 .0030 25,000 .0040 30,000 .0048 35,000 .0058 40,000 .0065 45,000 .0075 Set. Load. Pounds. Inch. Compres- sion. Set. 50,000 5,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 .0082 .0088 .0097 .0110 .0120 .0140 •0155 .0188 .0051 Load. Pounds. 85,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 105,000 110,000 115,000 120,000 Inch. Compres- sion. .0200 .0230 .0270 .0320 .0385 .0500 .0670 . 1000 Set. broken Surface cracks appeared im- mediately before the ulti- mate load was reached. i2-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Fb \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2",o6 x i2".o4; Height = i2".oo (or 12". 02 including plaster); Weight, 136 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30.000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 5,000 50,000 55,000 .0010 .0025 .0035 .0042 .0052 .006c .0070 .0075 .0080 .0082 .0092 oc >4S 5 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 105,000 110,000 .0100 .0110 .0120 .0130 .0140 .0150 .0160 •0175 .0190 .0210 .0225 .0240 .0125 115,00c 120,000 125,000 130,000 135,000 140,000 145,000 150,000 155,000 160,000 161,600 .0250 .0270 .0294 •0335 .0368 .0420 .0480 .0560 .0680 .0950 broken ( cracks X devel- f oping. 1 70 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \\\.— {Continued.) 14-lNCH Concrete Cube, marked Fb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed — 14". 09 x 14". 05; Height = 14". 04 (or 14". 13 including plaster); Weight, 211 pounds. Load. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 ■50,000 5,000 •OOI 5 .0030 .0042 .0060 .0070 .0045 Load. Pounds. 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 5,000 Inch. Compres- sion. .0080 .0092 .0110 .0125 .0160 .0200 Set. 0130 Load. Pounds. 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 147,000 14.8,000 Inch. Compres- sion. .0220 .0275 .0350 .0490 .0720 cracks in sight, broken Set. i6-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Fb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i6".o5 x 16". 10; Height = 16". 04 (or 16". 16 including plaster); Weight, 325^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 .0028 100,000 5,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 5,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 ,oo8^ .0042 .0080 180,000 190,000 200,000 210,000 220,000 230,000 240,000 250,000 260,000 268,400 •0235 .0275 •0325 •0385 .0440 .0500 .0605 .0720 .0920- broken 0012 0028 0035 0040 0048 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 5,000 50,000 oogo 0100 0110 0120 0135 0150 0049 0052 0062 0069 0075 cracks 70,000 80,000 go, 000 0162 0175 0210 in sight APPENDIX. 171 SPECIAL TABLE \\\.— {Concluded.) i8-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Fb\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 18". 00 x 17". 62; Height = 18". 00 (or i8".i9 including plaster); Weight, 455 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 .0004 .0015 .0040 .0060 .0072 .0090 .0092 .0105 .0045 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 210,000 220,000 230,000 240,000 .0120 .0140 .0162 .0190 .0212 .0220 .0230 .0240 .0260 .0100 250,000 260,000 270,000 280,000 290,000 300,000 310,000 320,000 330,000 331,000 .0290 .0320 .0360 .04.10 •0455 .0520 .0615 • 0695 .0808 .0930 broken SPECIAL TABLE IV. Showing Amount of Compression and Set of Cubes of Mortar made WITH Norton's Cement. Composition: i vol. Cement Paste, i^ vols. Sand. 8-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Aa\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8". 05 x 8". 03; Height = 8". n (or 8". 14 including plaster); Weight, 37 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch, Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 1, 000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 1,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 .0015 .0020 .0030 .0038 .0042 .0042 .0050 .0060 .0010 40,000 45,000 50,000 1,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,ooG .0070 .0075 .0082 .0088 .0095 .0105 .0115 .0122 • 0138 .0022 1,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 105,000 106,000 0142 .0152 .0165 .0180 .0200 .0222 .0252 .0290 .0045 cracks broken 1/2 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE \V .—{Continued.) 8-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Ab\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8". 05 x 8". 05; He.ght = 7". 99 (or 8".oo including plaster); Weight, 36% pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sioti. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 1,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 1,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 .0020 .0030 .0042 .0050 .0062 .0062 .0070 .0076 .0010 40,000 45,000 50,000 1,000 50,000 55>ooo 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 0085 0095 0102 •0035 1,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 95,000 100,000 105,000 110,000 1 15,000 120,000 .0152 .0160 .0172 .0200 .0210 .0230 .0252 .0280 •0353 .0052 0105 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 broken Note. — Cracks appeared when the load had reached n8,ooo pounds. 12-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Aa \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2".o3 x 12". 07; Height = 12". 03 (or 12". 24 including plaster); Weight, iiSj^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5, 000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 5, 000 50,000 60,000 .0520 80,000 90,000 100,000 S,ooo 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 .Cin^i .0760 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 192,000 The plaste soft and parative account rate of c • 1032 •1075 .1125 .1185 .1260 •1330 r coating w yielding, y thick, w for the ompressior 0010 0045 0222 0420 0555 0800 0845 0870 0890 0920 0960 0990 broken as rather 0556 0630 ind com- lich may observed I and set. APPENDIX. 173 SPECIAL TABLE \SI .—{Continued.) i2-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Ab\ Beds Plastered, Actual size: Bed = 12". 02 x 12". 02; Height = 12". 17 (or 12". n including plaster); Weight, 118% pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 .0012 .0030 .0042 .0052 .0062 .0065 .0075 .0088 .0030 80,000 go,ooo 100,000 5,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 .0100 .0112 .0130 ^ -0135 .0150 .0170 .0192 .0220 .0250 .0060 5.000 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 196,100 197,400 0125 .0260 •0295 •0330 •0390 .0480 cracks in sight, broken i6-Inch Mortar Cube, marked A a ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i6".oo x i6".oi; Height = i6".o5 (or 16". 13 including plaster); Weight, 284 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 .0010 .0022 .0038 .0048 .0058 .0068 .0075 .0080 .oogo .0098 5,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5.000 200,000 220,000 230,000 .0100 .Olio .0128 • 0145 .0160 .0185 .0192 .0215 .0225 .0030 .0060 240,000 250,000 260,000 270,000 280,000 290,000 300,000 310,000 319,000 320,000 321,200 .0240 .0258 .0280 .0292 .0310 .0340 •0365 .0392 .0490 .0550 .0600 broken 174 APPENDIX, SPECIAL TABLE IN .—{Concluded .) i6-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Ab \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i6".o5 x 16" 5; Height — 16". 08 (or 16". 17 including plaster); Weight, 284^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 .0005 .0015 .0027 .0040 .0050 .0060 .0070 .0075 .0080 .0090 5,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 230,000 .0090 .0105 .0120 .0138 •0155 •0175 .0182 .0200 .0215 .0025 .0052 240,000 250,000 260,000 270,000 280,000 290,000 300,000 310,000 320,000 0230 0245 0262 0288 0310 0340 0390 0445 0520 broken SPECIAL TABLE V. Showing Amount of Compression and Set of Cubes of Concrete made WITH Norton's Cement. Composition : i vol. Cement Paste, \\ vols. Sand, and 6 vols. Broken Stone. 8-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Aa\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8".o3 x 8^.07; Height = 8". 06 (or 8". 16 including plaster); Weight, 43*^ pounds. Load. Inch. 1 Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. .0030 30,000 SSiOoo 40,000 45,000 50,000 1,000 50,000 55,000 .0065 60,000 65,000 70,000 74,300 75,000 80,000 85,000 87,600 ••0175 .0215 .0260 .0310 .0325 •0385 .0485 .0690 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 0025 0030 0042 0050 0060 0080 oogo 0105 0122 0130 0145 25,000 0062 broken APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE N .-{Continued.) 175 S-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Ab \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8". 05 x V' .o\\ Height=8".o4 (or 8". 07 including plaster); Weight, 43 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 1,000 5, 000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 1,000 25,OCO 30,000 .0040 .0070 .0085 .0098 .0110 .0115 .0120 .0078 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 1,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 .0140 .0150 .0170 .0190 .0200 .0220 .0240 .0275 .0130 70,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,000 95,000 97,900 .0310 .0350 .0398 .0450 •0575 .0710 .1000 broken ....... i2-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Aa \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2".oy x 12". 00; Height = 12". 02 (or 12". 12 including plaster); Weight, 148 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 .0010 .0020 .0030 .0040 .0050 .0050 .0060 .0070 .0022 80,000 90,000 IOO,OCO 5,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 .0080 .0095 .0110 .0120 .0130 .0150 .0170 .0198 .0230 .0052 160,000 170,000 180,000 184,000 190,000 200,000 210,000 215,400 218,100 .0265 .0310 .0362 cracks in .0415 .0510 .0645 .0870 broken sight 176 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE Y .—{Continued.) i2-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Ab\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2".oox 12". 00; Height = i2".o5 (or 12". 15 including plaster); Weight, pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set, 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 50,000 5,000 50,000 60,000. 70,000 80,000 .0015 .0042 .0058 .0085 .0087 .0100 .0115 .0130 .0050 90,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 5,000 .0148 .0160 .0170 .0185 .0200 .0220 .0245 .0280 .0098 .0172 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 200,000 210,000 220,000 228,300 232,900 .0292 .0320 .0340 .0380 .04,30 .0500 -j .0590 .0720 . 1100 broken cracks in sight i6-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Aa, 134; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i6''.io x 16". 07; Height = i6".os (or 16". 20 including plaster); Weight, 353 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 .0008 .0030 .0042 .0049 .0054 .0060 .0065 .0070 .0075 .0080 .0080 .0044 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 210,000 220,000 230,000 240,000 250,000 ' 260,000 .0090 .0100 .0115 .0130 .0150 .0160 .0170 .0182 .0202 .0222 .0250 .0275 .0072 270,000 280,000 290,000 300,000 310,000 320,000 330,000 340,000 350,000 360,000 370,000 379,200 .0315] .0360 .0400 .0450 . 0500 ■< .0600 .0710 .0805 .0900 .1090 • 1450 .2030 snappi'g- sounds cracks in sight * broken APPENDIX. 177 SPECIAL TABLE N .—{Concluded:) i6-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Ab^ 135; Beds Plastered, Actual size: Bed = 16^.04 x 16^.05; Height = 16". 10 (or 16". 27 including plaster); Weight, 352^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load, Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion, Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 .0008 .0015 .0025 .0030 .0038 .0042 .0050 •0055 .0060 .0069 .0070 .0030 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 230,000 240,000 250,000 260,000 270,000 .0080 0092 .0110 .0130 .0150 .0160 .0180 .0192 .0208 .0235 .0260 .0290 .0070 ... 280,000 290,000 300,000 310,000 318,700 320,000 330,000 340,000 350,000 360,000 368,000 .0320 .0360 .0420 .0500 •0538 .0580 .0602 .0650 .0740 .0875 .1170 broken ■ SPECIAL TABLE VI. Showing Amount of Compression and Set of Cubes of Mortar made WITH Norton's Cement. Composition : i vol. Cement Paste, 3 vols. Sand. 8-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Ba ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 7". 96 X 8". 04; Height = 8". 05 (or 8". 18 including plaster); Weight, 35 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set, Compres- sion. Set. 1,000 25,000 1,000 25,000 ■ 30.000 35,000 .0090 .0095 .0110 .0130 .0030 40,000 45,000 50,000 54,250 .0150 .0180 .0230 .0400 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 0025 0042 0060 0075 broken 12 178 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE VI.— {Continued.) 8-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Bb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8".o5 x 8".o2; Height == B". 00 (or 8". 10 including plaster); Weight, 35 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion, Set. 1,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 .0030 .0050 .0060 .0075 25,000 1,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 .0090 .0095 .0110 .0130 .0040 40,000 45,000 471250 .0160 .0230 .0360 broken i2-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Ba ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 12^.02 x 12". 06; Height = i2".oo (or 12". 08 including plaster); Weight, 116 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 .0012 .0030 .0040 .0055 50,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 0069 .0029 80,000 90,000 98,500 •0135 .0180 .0410 20,000 30,000 40,000 0072 0083 0108 broken 12-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Bb \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 12". 07 x 12". n; Height = 12". n (or 12". 14 including plaster); Weight, 1163^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 .0010 0025 .0040 • 0055 50,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 .0070 .0075 .0090 .0120 .0028 80,000 90,000 100,000 ior,6oo .0152 .0210 .0320 .0410 broken APPENDIX. 1/9 SPECIAL TABLE Ml —{Concluded.) i6-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Ba ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i6".io x i6".ii; Height = i6".io (or 16.24 including plaster); Weight, 277/^2 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 .0010 .0025 •0035 .0042 .0052 .0065 .0075 80,000 go, 000 100,000 5,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 0082 0095 Olio OII2 0125 0140 0160 .0042 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 194,200 .0180 .0205 •0235 .0272 .0320 .0420 .0560 broken i6-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Bb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 16". 07 x i6".oo; Height = 16". 09 Cor 16". 25 including plaster;; Weight, 277^ pounds. Load. Inch . Load, Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 .0020 .0038 .0050 .0062 .0072 .0082 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 1 10,000 0098 Olio 0122 0140 •0055 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 176,750 .0172 .0192 .0225 .0258 .0302 .0380 .0540 0145 0160 broken i8o APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE VIL Showing Amount of Compression and Set of Cubes of Concrete made WITH Norton's Cement. Composition : i vol. Cement, 3 vols. Sand, 6 vols. Broken Stone. - 8-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Ba \ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8", 02 x 8". 00; Height = 8". 02 (or 8". 16 including plaster); Weight, 42 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds, Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 1,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,00c .0062 .0090 .0110 .0120 25,000 1,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 .0142 .0150 .0162 .0185 .0110 40,000 45,000 50,000 54,300 56,400 .0215 .0258 .0330 .0480 broken 8-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Bb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8".oo x 8". 15; Height = 8". 05 (or 8^.24 including plaster); Weight, 42J pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch, Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 1,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 .C022 .0040 .0055 .0070 25,000 1,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 .0085 .oogo .0100 .0120 .0042 40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 .0142 .0172 .0230 .0450 broken i2-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Ba ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 12", 01 x 12". u; Height = 12". 03 (or \i" .x-j including plaster); Weight, 140 pounds. Load, Inch, 1 Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds, Compres- sion, Set. Compres- sion. Set, Compres- sion. Set, 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 .0007 .0022 .0040 .0050 50,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 .0065 .0070 .0080 .0104 .0030 80,000 90,000 100,000 1 10,000 112,650 .0125 .0180 .0290 •0575 .0760 broken APPENDIX. I8l SPECIAL TABLE Yll.— {Continued.) i2-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Bb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2".o6 x 12". 05; Height = i2"o5. (or 12". 14 including plaster); Weight, 140 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- fsion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 .0010 .0025 .0038 .0049 50,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 .0062 .0062 .0075 .0090 .0025 80,000 90,000 100,000 109,900 .0112 •o'55 .0240 .0525 broken i6-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Ba ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 16". 14 x 16". 03; Height = i6".i3 (or 16". 21 including plaster); Weight, 339 pounds. Load. Inch. 1 Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20.000 30,000 40,000 50,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 5,000 .0008 .0022 .0040 .0050 .0062 .0065 .0075 .0084 .0095 .0105 -0115 .0045 .0072 Load. Pounds. 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 5,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 200,000 210,000 Inch. Compres- sion. .0123 .0130 .0140 .0150 .0170 .0180 .0190 .0200 .0215 .0242 .0272 .0360 .0450 Set. Load. Pounds. 222,100 222,100 Inch. Compres- sion. .0500 . 0660 \ .0940 j .1450' Set. Com- pression after sustain- ing load 5 min- utes; cracks in sight. After 10 minutes. After 12 minutes, when disintegration took place rapidly. l82 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE V\\.— {Concluded.) i6-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Bb\ Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i6".i2 x 16". lo; Height = 16". 14 (or 16". 24 including plaster); Weighty 339}^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. 90,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 5,000 Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 80,000 .0010 .0020 .0030 .0040 .0045 .0047 .0060 .0068 .0020 .0075 .0080 .0085 .0092 .0105 .0120 .0132 .0150 •0035 .0070 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 200,000 210,000 215,000 .0162 .0180 .0210 .0260 .0320 .0400 .0540 ■< .0820 cracks in sight, broken SPECIAL TABLE VIII. Showing Amount of Compression and Set of Cubes of Mortar made WITH National Portland Cement. Composition: i voL Cement Paste, 3 vols. Sand. 8-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Ca ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = X 8". 04; Height = 8".or (or 8".i3 including plaster); Weight, 35^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 1,000 .0005 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 1,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 . 00 1; i; .0015 130,000 140,000 150,000 1,000 150,000 160,000 168,000 .0122 .0138 .0150 .0160 .0170 .0210 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 1,000 0008 0012 0020 0030 0038 0045 0062 0071 0080 oogo .0030 0095 0102 0112 broken 50,000 0045 APPENDIX. 183 SPECIAL TABLE VIW— {Continued.) 8-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Cb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8". 01 x 7". 96; Height = 8". 13 (or 8^.25 including plaster); Weight, 36 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch, Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. 1 Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 1,000 .0032 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 1,000 100,000 .0100 .0110 .0120 .0130 .0140 .0152 .0158 .0045 110,000 120,000 130,000 140,000 150,000 1,000 150,000 .0165 .0180 .0198 .0220 .0250 .0310 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 1,000 0030 0045 0065 007s 0088 0100 .0090 broken i2-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Ca ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2".oo x 12". 05; Height = 12". 07 (or 12". 15 including plaster); Weight, 125 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 SjOOO 100,000 120,000 .0010 .0015 .0023 .0040 .0048 .0058 .0062 .0070 .0029 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 240,000 260,000 280,000 .0075 .0082 .0090 .0102 .0102 .0115 .0125 .0140 .0156 • 0031 290,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 310,000 320,000 330,000 340,000 350,000 357,400 .0168 .0178 .0180 .0190 .0200 .0210 .0222 .0242 .0272 .0048 broken 1 84 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE Mill.— {Continued.) 12-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Cb-, Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2".o2 x i2".oo; Height = i2".io(or 12". 15 including plaster); Weight, 125^^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds, Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 .0002 .0009 .0020 .0029 .0038 .0045 .0045 .0057 .0010 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 240,000 260,000 270,000 .0068 .0078 .0090 .0102 .0107 .0120 .0132 .0150 .0159 .0022 280,000 290,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 310,000 320,000 330,000 340,000 345,600 .0168 .0180 .0190 .0195 .0210 .0220 .0235 .0260 .0290 .0050 broken 16- Inch Mortar Cube, marked Ca ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 16". 12 x i6".i2; Height = 16". 22 (or 16". 24 including plaster) ; Weight, 283 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 .0002 .0002 .0008 .0012 .0020 .0026 .0028 .0031 .0037 .0042 .0048 .0050 ■0055 .0060 .0015 .0023 240,000 260,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 320,000 340,000 360,000 380,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 420,000 440,000 460,000 480,000 .0064 .0070 .0075 .0080 .0085 .0090 .0096 .0102 .0110 .0118 .0120 .0125 .0132 .0140 .0150 .0038 .0052 500,000 5,000 500,000 520,000 540,000 560,000 580,000 600,000 5,000 600,000 610,000 620,000 630,000 640,000 650,000 .0160 .0165 .0172 .0181 .0188 .0202 .0215 .0230 .0235 .0242 .0250 .0260 .0272 ,0070 .0095 broken APPENDIX. 185 SPECIAL TABLE SIIW.— {Concluded:) i6-Inch Mortar Cube, marked Cb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 16". 04 x 16". 08; Height = 16". 12 (or 16". 20 including plaster); Weight, 283 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 .0002 .0005 .0013 .0030 •0035 .0035 .0050 .0062 .0070 .0070 .0080 .0094 .0015 .0022 300,000 5,000 300,000 340,000 380,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 420,000 440,000 460,000 480,000 500,000 5,000 500,000 .0102 .0102 .0118 .0132 .0142 .0148 .0152 .0162 .0170 .0180 .0190 .0198 .0032 .0042 .0060 520,000 540,000 560,000 580,000 600,000 5,000 600,000 610,000 620,000 630,000 640,000 650,000 654,500 0208 0220 0230 0242 025s .0080 5,000 100,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 0265 0275 0284 0292 0304 0330 0350 broken SPECIAL TABLE IX. Showing Amount of Compression and Set of Cubes of Concrete made WITH National Portland Cement. Composition: i vol. Cement Paste, 3 vols. Sand, 6 vols. Broken Stone. 8-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Ca ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8". 04 x 7". 99; Height — 8". 11 (or 8". 24 including plaster); Weight, 43 pounds. Load. Inch, Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 1,000 .0042 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 1,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 .0085 .0095 .0102 .0112 .0120 .0125 .0132 .0145 • 0055 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 196,500 .0160 •0175 .0195 .0220 .0255 .0300 •0365 .0480 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 0040 0045 0057 0065 0070 0080 broken 50,000 ooSo 1 86 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE lX.~{Continued.) 8-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Cb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 8". 05 x 8".o3; Height = 8". 18 (or 8". 21 including plaster); Weight, 43 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 1,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 1,000 50,000 .0010 .0020 .0032 .0042 .0052 .0062 .0065 .0020 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 1,000 100,000 110,000 120,000 .0072 .0082 .0095 .0110 .0125 .0132 .0x50 .0170 .0048 130,000 140,000 150,000 160,000 170,000 180,000 190,000 193,500 .0200 ' .0225 .0250 .0275 .0310 .0350 .0415 .0480 broken 12-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Ca ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 12". 00 x i2".o4; Height=:i2".o9 (or 12". 19 including plaster); Weight, 143 pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set. 5»ooo 10,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 1 20,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 .0010 .0020 .0032 .0042 .0052 .0065 .0065 .0075 .0085 .0100 .0125 .0030 190,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 210,000 220,000 230,000 240,000 250,000 s6o,ooo 270,000 280,000 290,000 .0140 • 0155 .0162 .0180 • 0195 .0220 .0240 .0260 .0280 .0300 •0325 •0345 .0090 300,000 5, 000 300,000 310,000 320,000 330,000 340,000 350,000 360,000 365,500 367,000 .0372 .0400 .0420 .0440 .0472 •0505 .0540 .0615 .o670-< .0720 .0248 cracks in sight broken APPENDIX. 187 SPECIAL TABLE lY..— {Continued.) 12-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Cb ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i2".oox 12". 03; Height = 12". 10 (or 12". 18 including plaster); Weight, 143^ pounds. Load. Inch. Load. Pounds. Inch. Load, Pounds. Inch, Pounds. Compres- sion. Set. Compres- sion. Set, Compres- sion. Set. 5.000 10,000 20,000 40.000 60,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 .0010 .0023 .0045 .0058 .0068 .0078 .0080 .0087 .0098 .0108 .0040 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 220,000 240,000 260,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 310,000 .0118 .0130 .0130 .0140 • 0150 .0170 .0180 .0200 .0212 .0222 .0060 .0100 320,000 330,000 340,000 350,000 360,000 370,000 380,000 390,000 400,000 410,000 .0230 .0240 .0260 • 0275 .0292 .0312 •0345 .0380 .0400 .0500 broken i6-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Ca ; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = i6",o6 x 16", 15; Height = 16". 11 (or 16". 19 including plaster); Weight, 345 pounds. Load. Inch, Load, Pounds. Inch, Load, Pounds, Inch, Pounds. Compres- sion. Set, Compres- sion, Set, Compres- sion, Set. 5,000 10,000 20,000 40,000 80,000 100,000 5,000 100,000 140,000 180,000 200,000 5,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 300,000 5,000 300,000 .0002 .0009 .0018 .0030 •0035 .0037 .0050 .0062 .0069 .0070 .0080 .0095 .0102 .0105 .0020 .0030 .0042 340,000 380,000 400,000 5,000 400,000 420,000 440,000 460,000 480,00c 500,000 5,000 500,000 520,000 540,000 560,000 580,000 600,000 5,000 .0120 .0138 .0148 .0152 .0162 .0170 .0182 .0198 .02 ID .0220 .0231 .0245 .0260 .0278 .0300 .0060 .0085 • 0132 600,000 610,000 620,000 640,000 650,000 660,000 670,000 680,000 690,000 700,000 710,000 720,000 730,000 738,000 740,000 747,000 .0322 .0340 •0350 .0365 •0375 .0390 .0410 .0436 • 0465 .0502 • 0535 -j .0560 .0610 .0710 .0770 .0820 cracks in sight broken 1 88 APPENDIX. SPECIAL TABLE IX.— {Concluded.) i6-Inch Concrete Cube, marked Cb, 175; Beds Plastered. Actual size: Bed = 16" .ij x 16", 08; Height = i6"r6. (or 16". 24 including plaster); Weight, 352 pounds. Load. Inch. Pounds. Compres- sion. 5,000 10,000 .0005 20,000 .0012 40,000 .0020 80,000 .0030 100,000 .0039 5,000 100,000 .0040 140,000 .0050 180,000 .006c 200,000 .0065 5,000 200,000 .0067 240,000 .0075 280,000 .0088 300,000 .0092 5.000 300,000 .0096 340,000 .0110 380,000 .0120 400,000 .0130 5,000 400,000 .0135 440,000 .0150 480,000 .0162 500,000 •0175 5,000 500,000 .0182 540,00c .0202 580,000 .0222 600,000 .0240 5,000 600,000 .0258 6ro,ooo .0268 620,000 .0272 630,000 .0280 650,000 .0290 660,000 .0300 Set. .0030 • 0039 .0050 .0068 ■ 0095 Load. Pounds. 670,000 680,000 690,000 700,000 710,000 720,000 730,000 740,000 750,000 760,000 770,000 780,000 790,000 795,000 800,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 5,000 400,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 5,000 Inch. Compres- sion. .0305 •0315 .0330 .0348 .0358 .0365 •0375 • 0390 .0405 .0430 .0465 .0490 .0510 •0530 •0335 .0380 .0420 .0450 .0480 .0510 •0540- .0600 .0570 .0610 .0665 .0720 .0730 .0740 .0752 Set. .0270 cracks in sight .0320 after sus- taining this load for 2 min. for 4 min. for 6 min, for 8 min. for 10 m. .0415 Load. Pounds. 5,000 5,000 5,000 100.000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 800.000 Inch. Compres- sion. aft. 2 min, "4 " " 6 " 0500 0570 0610 0650 0685 0710 0740 08 ro 550^ 0910 0930 aft. 2 mm, 4 " 6 " .0660 .0720 .0770 .0812 .0850 .0885 .0930 Set. .0410 • 0405 .0405 aftersus- taining this load for 2 minutes, for 4 min " 6 " 10 •0550 •053s •0532 .0532 aftersus- . 1210 taining the maximum load for 2 minutes, when the piece rap- idly failed and broke. Time from first application of maxi- mum load to final failure, i hour 20 minutes. APPENDIX, [89 SPECIAL TABLE X. Showing Amount of Compression and Set of Short Solid Brick Piers. Each pier ivas built of common^ hard North River brick, in six courses, i^^ brick {or 12 inches) square in cross-section. The mortar consisted of 1 par 4> 5 " " Its strength in the form of prismatic slabs, . . .4, 40 " " used for formulating a law expressing the crushing strength of various-sized cubes of a rigid material, 5, 6, 21 " " seems to possess homogeneity of structure to a consider- able degree, 27, 29, 35, in, 113 22, 23 Bramley Fall sandstone, Brick piers: Size and material of piers tested. Description and discussion of tests. Brick piers tested under directions of Col. T. T. S. Laidley, Brickwork. Variations in strength of, . British building stone. Compressive strength of, Brooklyn Navy-yard. Tests made at, Cement tested at the Watertown Arsenal. Cement bricks. Grant's tests of, Reid's tests of, General description of. 10 107- -109 12, no 109, no . 22 I; 6 , 21 . . 80 • 38 • 39 194 INDEX. . 8, 63-65 . 28, 64 63, 79 : 65-68 36-39, 68-70 71-79 78 40, 42 . 9, 80 i4» 15 44-62 71-79 82-87 89-95 97-106 Cement (Dyckerhoff's Portland). Tested at the Watertown Arsenal Description of cubes and prisms, and mode of making them. Hair-cracks in the larger cubes, .... Description and discussion of tests. Strength of cubes of various sizes. Strength of prisms of various sizes. Compression, set, elasticity and resilience. Effect of a compressible binding substance on piers, Chatillon hard stone, ...... Composition and sizes of Mortars and Concretes tested. Compression and Set. Measurement of , . Compression, Set, Elasticity and Resilience of Haverstraw Freestone, ..... Dyckerhoff Portland Cement, .... Mortars and Concretes made with Newark Co.'s Rosendale cement, " " " " " Norton's cement, . " " " " " National Portland cement, Compression, Set, Elasticity and Resilence of building material. Sugges- tions relating thereto, ........ I I 2-1 14 Compressive strength of British building-stone, ..... 22-23 Compressive strength of cubes of a rigid material; increase of strength as the size of cubes increases, . . . . . . .5,6, 20-25 Compressive strength of prismatic slabs By earlier (Staten Island) experiments, . . . . . . 4, 5 By tests at the Watertown Arsenal, . . . . . • • 29-44 Concrete generally stronger than the mortar used in its composition, 84, 88,96, loi Concrete, how prepared for specimens tested at the Watertown Arsenal, . ro Concrete. Whitaker's experiments with cubes of, . . . . 28, 29 Concrete made with National Portland cement and tested at the Watertown Arsenal : Sizes of cubes, and age when tested, .... Description and discussion of tests, .... Concrete made with Newark Company's Rosendale cement Sizes of cubes, and age when tested, .... Cushions of wood used for half the number of cubes, . Description and discussion of tests, .... Concrete made with Norton's cement: Sizes of cubes, and age when tested, .... Description and discussion of tests, .... Craigleith sand-stone, Cubes made of a rigid material. Observations on the effects of changing the absolute dimensions of, . Law deduced from former (Staten Island) tests, . Cushions of various materials used at former tests, Cushions of pine wood used at the Watertown experiments. 9, 10 80, 95 • 95-106 • 9, 10, 80 13 80-87 . % 10, 80 87-95 22 ngmg 2, 4 5,6 2, 3. 4 . 13, 81, 82 INDEX. 195 Description of tests, generally, at the Watertown Arsenal, . . . 11-15 Dupuit on the cause of relative weakness of prisms laid in courses, . . 43 Dyckerhoff Portland cement. See Cement. Earlier investigations made at Staten Island, N. Y. Chief object of, . i, 2 East Chester marble, .......... 3 Elasticity and Resilience of Haverstraw free-stone, ..... 46-62 of Dyckerhoff Portland cement, .... 74-79 of cement mortars and concretes, 85-87, 90-95, 98-106 of building material. Suggestions, . . 11 2-1 14 Elasticity of stones, as given by British authors, 51 Elastic limit of rigid material under compression. Determination of, 46, 50, 51 Emery (A. H.), designer and builder of the testing machine at the Water- town Arsenal, .......... 7 Freestone (Haverstraw) tested at the Watertown Arsenal, . . . 8, 16-62 Phenomena attending fracture, . . . . . . . . 16, 17 Preparation of bed-faces, . . . . . . . . . 18, 19 Compressive resistance of cubes discussed with regard to the theoretical law, 20-27 Tests of prismatic slabs, single and in courses, . . . 29-35, 41, 42 Compression, set, elasticity and resilience of, .... . 44-62 French building-stone. Compressive strength of cubes and prisms, . . 40, 41 Further tests of building material recommended, . . . . 113,114 General Tables I to VI, giving size, weight and compressive strength of specimens tested at the Watertown Arsenal, . . . 11 7-147 Granite (Millstone Point, Conn.), Results when crushed between various kinds of cushions, ......... 3 do. (Keene, N. H.) 3 do. (Aberdeen), blue variety, . . . . . . . . 22, 23 do. (Peterhead), ........... 22 Grant's tests of cement bricks, . . . . . . . . . 3& Haverstraw freestone. See Frp:estone. History of earlier tests for ascertaining the compressive strength of building stone, made at Staten Island, N. Y. . . . . . . 1-6 Hodgkinson on the relative strength of long and short specimens of the same cross-section, . . . . . . . . . 32, 46 Homogeneity of structure necessary to develop the full strength of mate- rial, 24-29 Homogeneity of structure not existing in large specimens of building mate- rial, ............ 25 Homogeneity apparently exists in Berea sandstone as far as tested, . . 27, 3s Homogeneity of material as to strain and structure, . . . . • 52, 53 Howard (J. E.), Engineer of the testing machine at the Watertown Arsenal, 13 ig6 INDEX. Increase of crushing strength of cubes with an increase of size. Discussion of the question, . . . . . . . . . 2, 4, 5, 6 Initial pressure assumed in testing specimens, . . . . . . 14 Kirkaldy's experiments, .......... '24, 32 Lace-leather cushions. Phenomena attending fracture when specimens are crushed between, . . , . . . . . . 2, 3 Laidley (Colonel T. T. S., U. S. Ordnance Department), . .12, 13, no Large-sized test-pieces needed for results of practical value, . . . 112 Law expressing absolute resilience of cubes of a rigid material, . . 61, 62 Law expressing compressive resistance of various-sized cubes of a rigid material, . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6 Discussed with regard to results obtained by the experiments at the Watertown Arsenal, ....... 20-29, in, 112 31-39, 112 are crushed 2, 3 40 14, 13. Law of compressive strength of prismatic slabs. Lead cushions. Phenomena attending fracture when specimens between, ........ Lias limestone, ........ Limestone (Sebastopol). Effects of crushing it between various kinds of cushions, ........ Limestone (British). Compressive strength of, Loads (Live and dead). Capacity of a rigid material to resist. Marble (from East Chester and Vermont), Marble (White statuary), ...... Material selected for tests at the Watertown Arsenal, Measurement of compression and set, Micrometer for measuring amount of compression, Millstone Point granite, ...... Monoliths, Mortar. How prepared for specimens tested, . Mortar made with National Portland cement: Sizes of cubes, and age when tested, . Description and discussion of tests, Mortar made with Norton's cement: Sizes of cubes, and age when tested, . Description and discussion of tests, Mortar made with Newark Company's Rosendale cement Sizes of cubes, and age when tested, . Employment of pine-wood cushions, . Description and discussion of tests. Mortar generally not found as strong as concrete made with such mortar, Houlds as used for making specimens of cement, mortar and concrete the experiments at the Watertown Arsenal, 3. 4 22, 23 62 3 22, 23 7-10 44, 45 52, 84 3 25-27 10 9, 10, 80 95-106 9, 10, 80 . 87-95 9, 10, 80 13 . 80-87 84, 88, 96 for 8-10 INDEX. 197 National Portland cement. See Mortars, Concretes. Navier on the strength of cubes and prisms, . . . . . , 32, 40 Newark Company's Rosendale cements. See Mortars, Concretes. Norton's cement. See Mortars, Concretes. Notes on Building Construction with reference to set of metals, , 46, no Peterhead granite, . . . . . • 22 Phenomena attending breakage of specimens, . . . . 2, 16, 17, 18, 63 Phenomena attending destruction of specimens which resisted the first application of the maximum load of the testing machine, . 103, 104 Piers of brick. Tests of , . . . . . . . . 10, 12, 107-110 Piers (dry- jointed). Tests of: Made of 12-inch cubes of Haverstraw freestone, Made of prisms of neat cement, ..... Plaster of Paris, used in smoothing off bed-faces of specimens. Plaster prisms. Vicat's experiments, ....... Portland cement. See Cement. Pressing surfaces. Effect of changing nature of, between which specimens were tested, ...... Prisms of Stone and of Cement: Compressive strength of, by former tests, . Sizes of prisms tested at the Watertown Arsenal, shade of Haverstraw freestone, . gain in strength by reducing heights, . of Dyckerhoff Portland cement, . of greater height than corresponding cubes, built up in courses, ..... Pyramidal formation of fragments of specimens, 20, 57. 59. 61, 62 . 70, 75-78 12, 13, 19, III . 42, 43 2, 3, 4 4 8, 31 29-35 33, 35 68-70 39, ^^ 41-44 17, 18 36-39 2, 16 Reid's tests of cement bricks, ......... 39 Rennie (J.), . . . . . 17, 23 Resilience. Law expressing absolute resilience of a rigid material, . , 6i Resilience of Haverstraw freestone, ........ 53—62 of Dyckerhoff Portland cement, ...... 75-79 of mortars and concretes, .... 86, 87, 91-95, 100-106 of brick piers, .......... 109 (comparative) of cubes of the Newark Company's Rosendale cement concrete, of neat Dyckerhoff Portland cement, and of freestone, ......... 87 Results and Conclusions. Summary of, ..... . 111-114 Rondelet's experiments, ......... 23, 40-42 Rosendale cement. See Mortars, Concretes. Rubbing bed-faces of specimens. Results compared with those of plastered beds, ............ 19 198 INDEX. Sandstone (Berea), do. (Bramley Fall), do. (Craigleith), do. (Massillon), I, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 22, 27, 29, 35, 40, III, 113 22, 23 22, 23 3. 4 Set of specimens of a rigid material under compression, . 14, 44-50, 54, 71 Small cubes generally stronger than larger ones, . . . . .112 Special Tables I to X, showing amount of compression and set of specimens tested at the Watertown Arsenal, their sizes, weights, and con- dition r^f their bed-faces, ....... 148-192 Steel cushions. Their effect on crushing strength of specimens, . . 2, 3 Stoney(B. B.X 46.54 Strain-sheets I-VIII. Explanation of diagrams, ..... 44-46 Suggestions in relation to determining the ultimate compressive strength of a specimen when the testing machine is deficient in power, . 104-106 Summary of results and conclusions, . . . . . . . iir-114 Tables. See General and Special Tables. Testing Machine used at earlier (Staten Island) experiments. Testing Machine at the Brooklyn Navy-yard, Testing Machine at the Watertown Arsenal, Tests made at the Watertown Arsenal. Their object and range. General description of, . . . Tests made of Haverstraw freestone, of Dyckerhoffer Portland cement, of cement mortars and concretes, Thurston (Prof. R. H.) Vermont marble, .... Vicat's experiments with plaster prisms. Watertown Arsenal. U. S. testing machine at the, . Weyrauch. Strength and determination of dimensions of Whitaker's experiments with cubes of concrete, White statuary marble (British), . . Wohler's experiments, ...... Wooden cushions upon bed-faces of specimens; their effects. I, 6, 21 7, II, 14 7 . 11-15 . 16-62 36-39, 63-79 80-106 49. 52, 53, 54 3 • 42, 43 7, II, 14 structures, 47, 50, 105 . 28, 29 . .22, 23 105 2,3, 13, 81, 82, III I z 7 COMPRESSIVE TESTS OF BUILDING MATERIAL STRAIN SHEET I mi I COMPHESSrV K TESTS OF BUIL DING MATORIAL STRAIN SII1<1:T II LT 2^gS^ COMPRESSIVE TESTS OF BUILDING MAlT^KIAl STRAIN SHEET ffl i ■■'• ■ -'■ '■■■• I' I ■ [ COMPRESSrV^ TESTS OF BUILDING MATERIAL STRAIX SHEET IV ■p.oo(t\viecesjlyiyf . , ^"- y!3n:' A^ *^ ^? -y^j] ^ ^v '^^ ^ ^^^. ">.. ^^, .,^V^ .- MIS' J .^ ^\ \' V' s^ > ^^^^. <0 '^ -v ^^^ C^^' "^^. •\\' ■"oo A ^Q^^. .aO nO ^b LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 364 936 8 ■ii Mm^ ■ lilllii;