. Glass Book. 4 1 < JUST PUBLISHED, IN ONE VOLUME, 8VO. MATHEMATICS FOR PRACTICAL MEN; BEING A COMMON PLACE BOOK OF PRINCIPLES, THEOREMS, RULES AND TABLES, IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF PURE AND MIXED MATHEMATICS, With their applications ; especially to the pursuits of Surveyors, Architects, Mechanics, and Civil Engineers. With numerous engravings. BY OLINTHUS GREGORY, LL. D., F. R. A. S. " Only let men awake, and fix their eyes, one while on the nature of things, another while on the application of them to the use and service of mankind." — Lord Bacon. SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND IMPROVED. Extract of a Letter from Walter R. Johnson, .Professor of Mechanics and Natural Philosophy in the Franklin Institute. " This treatise is intended and admirably calculated to supply the defi- ciency in the means of mathematical instruction to those who have neither time nor inclination to peruse numerous abstract treatises in the same de- partments. It has, besides the claims of a good elementary manual, the merit of embracing several of the most interesting and important depart- ments of Mechanics, applying to these the rules and principles embraced in the earlier sections of the work. " Questions in Statics, Dynamics, Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics, &c, are treated with a clearness and precision which must increase the powers of the student over his own intellectual resources by the methodical habits which a perusal of such works cannot fail to impart. " With respect to Engineering, and the various incidents of that impor- tant profession, much valuable matter is contained in this volume ; and the results of many laborious series of experiments are presented with concise- ness and accuracy." Letter from Albert B. Dod, Professor of Mathematics in the College of New Jersey. " Messrs. Carey & Hart, " Gentlemen, — I am glad to learn that you have published an American edition of Dr. Gregory's ' Mathematics for Practical Men.' I have for some time been acquainted with this work, and I esteem it highly. It con- tains the best digest, within my knowledge, of such scientific facts and prin- ciples, involved in the subjects of which it treats, as are susceptible of direct practical application. While it avoids such details of investigation and pro- cesses of mathematical reasoning as would render it unintelligible to the general reader, it equally avoids the sacrifice of precision in its statement MATHEMATICS FOR PRACTICAL MEN.- of scientific results, which is too often made in popular treatises upon the Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. ■ The author has succeeded to a re- markable degree in collecting such truths as will be found generally useful, and in presenting them, in an available form, to the practical mechanic. To such, the work cannot be too strongly recommended ; and to the student, too, it will often be found highly useful as a book of reference. " With much respect, " Your obedient servant, "ALBERT B. DOD, " Professor of Mathematics in the College of New Jersey. "Princeton, Nov. 11, 1834." Extract of a Letter from Edward H. Courtenay, Professor of Mathe- matics in the University of Pennsylvania, "The design of the author — that of furnishing a valuable collection of rules and theorems for the use of such as are unable, from the want of time and previous preparation, to investigate mathematical principles — appears to have been very successfully attained in the present volume. The informa- tion which it affords in various branches of the pure and mixed Mathematics embraces a great variety of subjects, is arranged conveniently, and is in general conveyed in accurate and concise terms. To THE ENGINEER, THE ARCHITECT, THE MECHANIC— indeed to all for whom results are chiefly necessary — the work will doubtless form a very valuable acqui- sition." Letter from Charles Davies, Professor of Mathematics in the Military Jlcaderny, West Point. " Military Academy, West Point, May 14th, 1835. " To Messrs. E. L. Carey Sf A. Hart, — "The 'Mathematics for Practical Men,' by Dr. Gregory, which you have recently published, is a work that cannot fail to be extensively useful. "It embraces, within a comparatively small compass, all the rules and for- mulas for mathematical computation, and all the practical results of mecha- nical philosophy. It is, indeed, a collection of the useful results of science and the interesting facts which have been developed by experience. It may safely be said, that no work, of the same extent, contains so much informa- tion, with the rules for applying it to practical purposes. "I have the honour to be, " With great respect, " Your obedient servant, "CHARLES DAVIES, " Professor of Mathematics." Extract from a Letter from J. A. Miller, Professor of Mathematics in Mount St. Mary's College, Emmettsburg, Md. " Since the London edition of Gregory's Mathematics for Practical Men appeared in this country, it has been much used in this institution. The accuracy of its definitions, its beautiful systematic arrangement, the many simplified and facilitated methods which it proposes, and its highly practical character, must recommend it strongly to public patronage, as one of the very best works which have lately issued from the press. I have examined your edition of this valuable work sufficiently to say with confidence that it is very accurately printed." : !, .\rr uii&m-irauESSTUiBUB TEreiEnE PI. XIII. ;■/, ty/,>t,/,r. :>'-, /;■<■/ xtw/<,-. Jiii./r. fy J: JCiv AMI', -£?}/// T horse -power, yj/rnrn t>Yl[.Jh;-i;>,>rf. THE STEAM ENGINE FAMILIARLY EXPLAINED AND ILLUSTRATED; AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF ITS INVENTION AND PROGRESSIVE IMPROVEMENT ; ITS APPLICATIONS TO NAVIGATION AND RAILWAYS, PLAIN MAXIMS FOR RAILWAY SPECULATORS. BV THE REV. DIONYSIUS LARDNER, LL.D., P.R.S., FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETI OF EDINBURGH J OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY , OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY J OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ; OF THE STATISTICAL SOCIETY OF PARIS ; OF THE LINNjEAN AND ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETIES J OF THE SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING USEFUL ARTS IN SCOTLAND, ETC. WITH ADDITIONS AND NOTES, BY JAMES RENWICK, LL. D., PROFESSOR OF NATURAL EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND CHEMISTRY IN COLUMBIA COLLEGE, NEW YORK. ILLUSTRATED BY ENGRAVINGS AND WOODCUTS. SECOND AMERICAN, PROM THE FIFTH LONDON, EDITION, CONSIDERABLY ENLARGED. PHILADELPHIA : E. L. CAREY & A. HART 1836 IStltfVtU, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1836, by E. L. Carey & A. Hart, in the Clerk's office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. J2//0 1 : i I PREFACE THE AMERICAN EDITOR Several of the additions, which were made by the Editor to the first American edition, have been superseded by the great extension, which the original has from time to time received from its author. This is more particularly the case, with the sections which had reference to the character of steam at temperatures other than that of boiling water, to the use of steam in navigation, and to its application to loco- motion. These sections have of course been omitted. A few new sections, and several notes have been added, illus- trative of such points as may be most interesting to the American reader. Columbia College, New York, March, 1836- PREFACE THE FIFTH EDITION This volume should more properly be called a new work than a new edition of the former one. In fact the book has been almost rewritten. The change which has taken place, even in the short period which has elapsed since the publi- cation of the first edition, in the relation of the steam engine to the useful arts, has been so considerable as to render this inevitable. The great extension of railroads, and the increasing num- ber of projects which have been brought forward for new lines connecting various points of the kingdom, as well as the extension of steam navigation, not only through the seas and channels surrounding and intersecting these islands, and throughout other parts of Europe, but through the larger waters which are interposed between our dominions in the East and the countries of Egypt and Syria, have conferred so much interest on the application of steam to transport, that 1 have thought it adviseable to extend the limits of the present edition considerably beyond those of the last The chapter on railroads has been enlarged and improved. Three Vlll PREFACE. chapters have been added. The twefth chapter contains a view of steam navigation; the thirteenth contains several im- portant points connected with the economy of steam power, which, when this work was first published, would not have offered sufficient interest to justify their admission into a popular treatise ; and the fourteenth chapter contains a series of compendious maxims, for the instruction and guidance of persons desirous of making investments or speculating in railway property. London, December, 1835. PREFACE THE FIRST EDITION There are two classes of persons whose attention may be attracted by a treatise on such a subject as the Steam Engine. One consists of those who, by trade or profession, are inte- rested in mechanical science, and who therefore seek infor- mation on the subject of which it treats, as a matter of necessity, and a wish to acquire it in a manner and to an extent which may be practically available in their avocations. The other and more numerous class is that part of the public in general, wKo, impelled by choice rather than necessity, think the interest of the subject itself, and the pleasure' de- rivable from the instances of ingenuity which it unfolds, motives sufficiently strong to induce them to undertake the study of it. Without leaving the former class altogether out of view, it is for the use of the latter principally that the following lectures are designed. To this class of readers the Steam Engine is a subject which, if properly treated of, must present strong and pecu- 2 X PREFACE. liar attractions. Whether we consider the history of its invention as to time and place, the effects which it has pro- duced, or the means by which it has caused these effects, we find everything to gratify our national pride, stimulate our curiosity, excite our wonder, and command our admiration. The invention and progressive improvement of this extraor- dinary machine, is the work of our own time and our own country; it has been produced and brought to perfection almost within the last centur}', and is the exclusive offspring of British genius fostered and supported by British capital. To enumerate the effects of this invention, would be to count every comfort and luxury of life. It has increased the sum of human happiness, not only by calling new pleasures into existence, but by so cheapening former enjoyments as to render them attainable by those who before never could have hoped to share them. Nor are its effects confined to England alone: they extend over the whole civilized world; and the savage tribes of America, Asia, and Africa, must ere long feel the benefits, remote or immediate, of this all-powerful agent. If the effect which this machine has had on commerce and the wealth of rations raise our astonishment, the means by which this effect has been produced will not less excite our admiration. The history of the Steam Engine presents a series of contrivances, which, for exquisite and refined inge- nuity, stand without a parallel in the annals of human inven- tion. These admirable contrivances, unlike other results of scientific investigation, have also this peculiarity, that to understand and appreciate their excellence recpuires little previous or subsidiary knowledge. A simple and clear ex- PitEFACE. xi planation, divested as far as possible of technicalities, and assisted by well selected diagrams, is all that is necessary to render the principles of the construction and operation of the Steam Engine intelligible to a person of plain under- standing and moderate information. The purpose for which this volume is designed, as already explained, has rendered necessary the omission of many particulars which, however interesting and instructive to the practical mechanic or professional engineer, would have little attraction for the general reader. Our readers require to be informed of the general principles of the con- struction and operation of Steam Engines, rather than of their practical details. For the same reasons we have con- fined ourselves to the more striking and important circum- stances in the history of the invention and progressive im- provement of this machine, excluding many petty disputes which arose from time to time respecting the rights of invention, the interest of which is buried in the graves of their respective claimants. In the descriptive parts of the work we have been govern- ed by the same considerations. The application of the force of steam to mechanical purposes has been proposed on vari- ous occasions, in various countries, and under a great variety of forms. The list of British patents alone would furnish an author of common industry and application with matter to swell his book to many times the bulk of this volume. By far the greater number of these projects have, however, proved abortive. Descriptions of such unsuccessful, though frequently ingenious machines, we have thought it adviseable to exclude from our pages, as not possessing sufficient in- XI! PREFACE. terest for the readers to whose use this volume is dedicated. We have therefore strictly confined our descriptions either to those Steam Engines which have come into general use, or to those which form an important link in the chain of invention. December 36, 1827. CONTENTS, CHAPTER I. PKELIMINARlf MATTER. Motion the Agent in Manufactures.-r-Animal Power. — Power depending on physical Phenomena. — Purpose of a Machine. — Prime Mover. — Me. chanical qualities of the Atmosphere. — Its Weight. — The Barometer. — Fluid Pressure. — Pressure of rarefied Air. — Elasticity of Air. — Bellows. — Effects of Heat. — Thermometer. — Method of making one. — Freezing and Boiling Points. — Degrees. — Dilatation of bodies. — Liquefaction and Solidification. — Vaporisation and Condensation. — Latent Heat of Steam. — Expansion of Water in Evaporating. — Effects of Repulsion and Cohesion. — Effect of Pressure upon Boiling Point. — Formation of a Vacuum by Condensation. Page 17 CHAPTER II. FIRST STEPS IN THE INVENTION, Futility of early Claims.^- Watt the real Inventor. — Hero of Alexandria, — Blasco Garay. — Solomon De Caus. — Giovanni Branca. — Marquis of Worcester.— Sir Samuel Morland. — Denis Papin. — Thomas Sa. very. 38 CHAPTER HI. ENGINES OF SAVERY AND NEWCOMEN. Savery's Engine. — Boilers and their Appendages. — Working Apparatus. — Mode of Operation. — Defects of the Engine. — Newcomen and Caw- ley. — Atmospheric Engine. — Accidental discovery of Condensation by Jet. — Potter's discovery of the Method of working the Valves, 51 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. ENGINE OF JAMES WATT. Advantages of the Atmospheric Engine over that of Captain Savery. — It contained no new Principle. — Papin's Engine. — James Watt. — Par- ticulars of his Life. — His first conceptions of the Means of economising Heat. — Principle of his projected Improvements. Page 69 CHAPTER V. ■watt's SINGLE-ACTING steam engine. Expansive Principle applied. — Failure of Roebuck, and partnership with Bolton. — Patent extended to 1800. — Counter. — Difficulties in getting the Engines into Use. 80 CHAPTER VI. DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. The Single-acting Engine unfit to impel Machinery. — Various Contri- vances to adapt it to this Purpose. — Double-Cylinder.— Double-acting Cylinder.— Various modes of connecting the Piston with the Beam. — Rack and Sector. — Double Chain. — Parallel Motion. — Crank. — Sun and Planet Motion. — Fly Wheel— Governor. 91 CHAPTER VII. DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE, continued. On the Valves of the Double-acting Steam Engine. — Original Valves. — Spindle Valves. — Sliding Valve. — D Valve. — Four-Way Cock. 108 CHAPTER VIII. BOILER AND ITS APPENDAGES. Level Gauges. — Feeding apparatus — Steam Gauge. — Barometer Gauge. — Safety Valves. — Self-regulating Damper. — Edelcrantz's Valve. — Furnace. — Smoke-consuming Furnace. — Brunton's Self-regulating Fur- nace. — Oldham's Modification. 117 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER IX. DOUBLE-CYLINDER BNOINES. Hornblower's Engine. — WoolPs Engine. — Cartwright's Engine. Page 134 CHAPTER X. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON RAILWAYS. High-pressure Engines. — Leopold's Engine. — Trevithick and Vivian. — Effects of Improvement in Locomotion. — Historical Account of the Locomotive Engine. — Blenkinsop's Patent. — Chapman's Improve- ment. — Walking Engine. — Stephenson's First Engines. — His Improve- ments. — Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company Their Pre- liminary Proceedings. — The Great Competition of 1829. — The Rocket. The Sanspareil. — The Novelty. — Qualities of the Rocket. — Succes- sive Improvements. — Experiments. — Defects of the Present Engines. — Inclined Planes. — Methods of surmounting them. — Circumstances of the Manchester Railway Company. — Probable Improvements in Loco- motives. — Their capabilities with respect to speed. — Probable Effects of the Projected Rail-roads. — Steam Power compared with Horse Power.^.Rail-roads compared with Canals. 145 CHAPTER XI. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON TURNPIKE ROADS. Railway and Turnpike Roads compared. — Mr. Gurney's inventions. — His Locomotive Steam Engine. — Its performances. — Prejudices and errors. — Committee of the House of Commons. — Convenience and safe- ty of Steam Carriages. — Hancock's Steam Carriage.— Mr. N. Ogle. — Trevithick's invention.; — Proceedings against Steam Carriages. — Turn- pike Bills. — Steam Carriage between Gloucester and Cheltenham. — Its discontinuance. — Report of the Committee of the Commons. — Pre- sent State and Prospects of Steam Carriages. 213 CHAPTER XII. STEAM NAVIGATION. Propulsion by paddle wheels. — Manner of driving them. — Marine Engine. — Its form and arrangement. — Proportion of its cylinder. — Injury to boilers by deposites and incrustation. — Not effectually removed by blowing out. — Mr. Samuel Hall's condenser. — Its advantages. Origi- XVI CONTENTS. nally suggested by Watt.— Hall's steam saver. — Howai'd's vapour en- gine. — Morgan's paddle wheels. — .Limits of steam navigation. — Propor- tion of tonnage to power. — Average speed. — Consumption of fuel. — Iron Steamers. — American steam raft. — Steam navigation to India. — By Egypt and the Red Sea to Bombay. — By same route to Calcutta. — By Syria and the Euphrates to Bombay. — Steam communication with the United States from the west coast of Ireland to St. Johns, Halifax, and New York. Page 241 CHAPTER XIII. GENERA! ECONOMY OF STEAM POWER. Mechanical efficacy of steam — proportional to the quantity of water eva- porated, and to the fuel consumed — Independent of the pressure. — Its mechanical efficacy by condensation alone. — By condensation and ex- pansion combined — by direct pressure and expansion — by direct pres- sure and condensation — by direct pressure, condensation, and expan- sion. — The power of engines. — The duty of engines. — Meaning of horse power. — To compute the power of an engine. — Of the poweii of boil- ers. — The structure of the grate bars. — Quantity of water and steam room. — Fire surface and flue surface. — Dimensions of steam pipes. — VeLcity of piston. — Economy of fuel — Cornish duty reports. 277" CHAPTER XIV. Plain Rules for Railway Speculators. 307 THE STEAM ENGINE EXPLAINED AND ILLUSTRATED. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY MATTER. Motion the Agent in Manufactures. — Animal Power. — Power depending on Physical Phenomena. — Purpose of a Machine. — Prime Mover. — Mechanical qualities of the Atmosphere. — Its Weight. — The Barome- ter. — Fluid Pressure. — Pressure of Karified Air. — Elasticity of Air. — Bellows. — Effects of Heat. — Thermometer. — Method of making one. — Freezing and Boiling Points. — Degrees. — Dilatation of Bodies. — Liquefaction and Solidification. — Vaporisation and Condensation. — Latent heat of Steam. — Expansion of "Water in Evaporating. — Effects of Repulsion and Cohesion. — Effect of Pressure upon Boiling-Point. — Formation of a Vacuum by Condensation. (1.) Of the various productions designed by nature to supply the wants of man, there are few which are suited to his necessities in the state in which the earth spontaneously offers them : if we except atmospheric air, we shall scarcely find another instance: even water, in most cases, requires to be transported from its streams or reservoirs; and food itself, in almost every form, requires culture and preparation. But if, from the mere necessities of physical existence in a primitive state, we rise to the demands of civil and social life — to say nothing of luxuries and refinements, — we shall find that everything which contributes to our convenience, 3 18 THE STEAM ENGINE. or ministers to our pleasure, requires a previous and exten- sive expenditure of labour. In most cases, the objects of our enjovment derive all their excellences, not from any qualities originally inherent in the natural substances out of which they are formed, but from those qualities which have been bestowed upon them by the application of human labour and human skill. In all those changes to which the raw productions of the earth are submitted in order to adapt them to our wants, one of the principal agents is motion. Thus, for example, in the preparation of clothing for our bodies, the various pro- cesses necessary for the culture of the cotton require the ap- plication of moving power, first to the soil, and subsequently to the plant from which the raw material is obtained: the wool must afterwards be picked and cleansed, twisted into threads, and woven into cloth. In all these processes motion is the agent: to cleanse the wool and arrange the fibres of the cotton, the w r ool must be beaten, teased, carded, and submitted to other processes, by which all the foreign and coarser matter may be separated, and the fibres or threads arranged evenly, side by side. The threads must then receive a rotatory motion, by which they may be twisted into the required form; and finally peculiar motions must be given to them in order to produce among them that arrangement which characterises the cloth which it is our final purpose to produce. In a rude state of society, the motions required in the infant manufactures are communicated by the immediate applica-. tion of the hand. Observation and reflection, however, soon suggest more easy and effectual means of attaining these ends: the strength of animals is first resorted to for the re- lief of human labour. Further reflection and inquiry suggest still better expedients. When we look around us in the natural world, we perceive inanimate matter undergoing various effects in which motion plays a conspicuous part: we see the falls of cataracts, the currents of rivers, the eleva- PRELIMINARY MATTER. 19 tion and depression of the waters of the ocean, the currents of the atmosphere; .and the question instantly arises, whether, without sharing our own means of subsistence with the animals whose force we use, we may not equally, or more effectually, derive the powers required from these various phenomena of nature? A difficulty, however, im- mediately presents itself: we require motion of a particular kind; but wind will not blow, nor water fall as we please, nor as suits our peculiar wants, but according to the fixed laws of nature. We want an upward motion; water falls downwards : we want a circular motion; wind blows in a straight line. The motions, therefore, which are in actual existence must be modified to suit our purposes: the means whereby these modifications are produced, are called ma- chines. A machine, therefore, is an instrument interposed between some natural force or motion, and the object to which force or motion is desired to be transmitted. The construction of the machine is such as to modify the natural motion which is impressed upon it, so that it may transmit to the object to be moved that peculiar species of motion which it is required to have. To give a very ob- vious example, let us suppose that a circular or rotatory motion is required to be produced; and that the only natural source of motion at our command is a perpendicular fall of water: a wheel is provided, placed upon the axle des- tined to receive the rotatory motion; this wheel is furnished with cavities in its rim; the water is conducted into the cavities near the top of the wheel on one side; and being caught by these, its weight bears down that side of the wheel, the cavities on the opposite side being empty and in ■an inverted position. As the wheel turns, the cavities on the descending side discharge their contents as they arrive near the lowest point, and ascend empty on the other side. Thus a load of water is continually pressing down one side of the wheel, from which the other side is free, and a continued motion of rotation is produced. 20 THE STEAM ENGINE. In every machine, therefore, there are three objects de- manding attention:— -first, The power which imparts motion to it, this is called the prime mover', secondly, The nature of the machine itself; and thirdly, The object to which the motion is to be conveyed. In the steam engine the first mover arises from certain phenomena which are exhibited when heat is applied to liquids; but in the details of the machine and in its application there are several physical ef- fects brought into play, which it is necessary perfectly to understand before the nature of the machine or its mode of operation can be rendered intelligible. We propose there- fore to devote the present chapter to the explanation and illustration of these phenomena. (2.) The physical effects most intimately connected with the operations of steam engines are some of the mechanical properties of atmospheric air. The atmosphere is the thin transparent fluid in which we live and move, and which, by respiration, supports animal life. This fluid is apparently so light and attenuated, that it might be at first doubted whether it be really a body at all. It may therefore excite some sur- prise when we assert, not only that it is a body, but also that it is one of considerable weight. We shall be able to prove that it presses on every square inch* of surface with a weight of about 15lb. avoirdupois. (3.) Take a glass tube a b (fig. 2.) more than 32 inches long, open at one end a, and closed at the other end b, and let it be filled with mercury (quicksilver.) Let a glass ves- sel or cistern c, containing a quantity of mercury, be also provided. Applying the finger at a so as to prevent the mercury in the tube from falling out, let the tube be inverted, and the end, stopped by the finger, plunged into the mer- cury in c. When the end of the tube is below the surface • As we shall have frequent occasion to mention this magnitude, it would be well that the reader should be familiar with it. It is a square, each side of which is an inch. Such as a b c d, Fig. 1. PRELIMINARY MATTER. 21 of the mercury in c (fig. 3.) let the finger be removed. It will be found that the mercury in the tube will not, as might be expected, fall to the level of the mercur}^ in the cistern c, which it would do were the end b open so as to admit the air into the upper part of the tube. On the other hand, the level d of the mercury in the tube will be about 30 inches above the level c of the mercury in the cistern. (4.) The cause of this effect is, that the weight of the atmosphere rests on the surface c of the mercury in the cis- tern, and tends thereby to press it up, or rather to resist its fall in the tube; and as the fall is not assisted by the weight of the atmosphere on the surface d (since b is closed), it fol- lows, that as much mercury remains suspended in the tube above the' level c as the weight of the atmosphere is able to support. If we suppose the section of the tube to be equal to the magnitude of a square inch, the weight of the column of mercury in the tube above the level c will be exactly equal to the weight of the atmosphere on each square inch of the surface c. The height of the level d above c being about 30 inches, and a column of mercury two inches in height, and having a base of a square inch, weighing about one pound avoirdupois, it follows that the weight with which the atmosphere presses on each square inch of a level sur- face is about 151b. avoirdupois. An apparatus thus constructed, and furnished with a scale to indicate the height of the level d above the level c, is the common barometer. The difference of these levels is subject to a small variation, which indicates a corresponding change in the atmospheric pressure. But we take 30 inches as a standard or average. (5.) It is an established property of fluids that they press equally in all directions; and air, like every other fluid, participates in this quality. Hence it follows, that since the downward pressure or weight of the atmosphere is about 15lb. on the square inch, the lateral, upward, and oblique 22 THE STEAM ENGINE. pressures are of the same amount. But, independently of the general principle, it may be satisfactory to give experi- mental proof of this. Let four glass tubes a, b, c, d, (fig. 4.) be constructed of sufficient length, closed at one end A, b, c, d, and open at the other. Let the open ends of three of them be bent, as represented in the tubes b, c, d. Being previously filled with mercury, let them all be gently inverted so as to have their closed ends up as here represented. It will be found that the mercury will be sustained in -all,* and that the dif- ference of the levels in all will be the same. Thus the mer- cury is sustained in a by the upward pressure of the atmo- sphere, in b by its horizontal or lateral pressure, in c by its downward pressure, and in d by its oblique pressure; and as the difference of the levels is the same in all, these pres- sures are exactly equal. (6.) In the experiment described in (3.) the space b d (fig. 3.) at the top of the tube from which the mercury has fallen is perfectly void and empty, containing neither air nor any other fluid: it is called therefore a vacuum. If, however, a small quantity of air be introduced into that space, it will immediately begin to exert a pressure on d, which will cause the surface d to descend, and it will continue to de- scend until the column of mercury c d is so far diminished that the weight of the atmosphere is sufficient to sustain it, as well as the pressure exerted upon it by the air in the space b d. The quantity of mercury which falls from the lube in this case is necessarily an equivalent for the pressure of the air introduced, so that the pressure of this air may be exactly ascertained by allowing about one pound per square inch for every two inches of mercury which has fallen from the tube. The pressure of the air or any other fluid above the * This experiment with the tube a requires to be very carefully exe- cuted, and the tube should be on« of small bore. PRELIMINARY MATTER. 23 mercury in the tube, may at orice be ascertained by com- paring the height of the mercury in the tube with the height of the barometer; the difference of the heights will always determine the pressure on the surface of the mercury in the tube. This principle will be found of some importance in considering the action of the modern steam engines. . The air which we have supposed to be introduced into the upper part of the tube, presses on the surface of the mercury with a force much greater than its weight. For example, if the space b d (fig. 3.) were filled with atmospheric air in its ordinary state, it would exert a pressure on the surface d equal to the whole pressure of the atmosphere, although its weight might not amount to a single grain. The property in virtue of which the air exerts this pressure is its elasti- city, and this force is diminished in precisely the proportion in which the space which the air occupies is increased. Thus it is known that atmospheric air in its ordinary state exerts a pressure on the surface of any vessel in whick it is confined, amounting to about 15lb. on every square inch. If the capacity of the vessel which contains it be doubled, it immediately expands and fills the double space, but in doing so it loses half its elastic force, and presses only with the force of 7|lb. on every square inch. If the capacity of the vessel had been enlarged five times, the air Would still have ex- panded so as to fill it, but would exert only a fifth part of its first pressure, or 3lb. on every square inch. This property of losing its elastic force as its volume or bulk is increased, is not peculiar to air. It is common to all elastic fluids, and we accordingly find it in steam; and it is absolutely necessary to take account of it in estimating the effects of that agent. (7.) There are numerous instances of the effects of these properties of atmospheric air which continually fall under our observation. If the nozzle and valve-hole of a pair of bel- lows be stopped, it will require a very considerable force to separate the boards. This effect is produced by the diminished 24 THE STEAM ENGINE. elastic force of the air remaining between the boards upon the least increase of the space within the bellows, while the atmosphere presses, with undiminished force, on the external surfaces of the boards. If the boards be separated so as to double the space within, the elastic force of the included air will be about 7£lb. on every square inch, while the pressure on the external surfaces will be 15lb. on every square inch; consequently, it will require as great a force to sustain the boards in such a position, as it would to separate them if each board were forced against the other, with a pressure of 7£lb. per square inch on their external surfaces, y When boys apply a piece of moistened leather to a stone, so as to exclude the air from between them, the stone, though it be of considerable weight, may be lifted by a string attach- ed to the leather: the cause of which is the atmospheric pressure, which keeps the leather and the stone in close contact. (8.) the next class of physical effects which it is necessary to explain, are those which are produced when heat is im- parted or abstracted from bodies. In general, when heat is imparted to a body, an enlarge- ment of bulk will be the immediate consequence, and at the same time the body will become warmer to the touch. These two effects of expansion and increase of warmth going on always together, the one has been taken as a measure of the other; and upon this principle the common thermometer is constructed. That instrument consists of a tube of glass, terminated in a bulb, the magnitude of which is considera- ble, compared with the bore of the tube. The bulb and part of the tube are filled with mercury, or some other liquid. When the bulb is exposed to any source of heat, the mer- cury contained in it, being warmed or increased in tempera- ture, is at the same time increased in bulk, or expanded or dilated, as it is called. The bulb not having sufficient capa- city to contain the increased bulk of mercury, the liquid is PRELIMINARY MATTER. 25 forced up in the tube, and the quantity of expansion is de- termined by observing the ascent of the column in the tube. An instrument of this kind, exposed to heat or cold, vyill fluctuate accordingly, the mercury rising as the heat to which it is exposed is increased, and falling by exposure to cold. In order, however, to render it an accurate measure of tem- perature, it is necessary to connect with it a scale by which the elevation or depression of the mercury in the tube may be measured. Such a scale is constructed for thermometers in this country in the following manner: — Let us suppose the instrument immersed in a vessel of melting ice: the column of mercury in the tube will be observed to fall to a certain point, and there maintain its position unaltered: let that point be marked upon the tube. Let the instrument be now transferred to a vessel of boiling water at a time when the barometer stands at the altitude of 30 inches: the mercury in the tube will be observed to rise until it attain a certain elevation, and will there maintain its position. It will be found, that though the water continue to be exposed to the action of the fire, and continue to boil, the mercury in the tube will not continue to rise, but will maintain a fixed position: let the point to which the mercury has risen, in this case, be likewise marked upon the tube. The two points, thus determined, are called the freezing and the boiling points. If the distance upon the tube be- tween these two points be divided into ISO equal parts, each of these parts is called a degree; and if this division be con- tinued, by taking equal divisions below the freezing point, until 32 divisions be taken, the last division is called the zero, or nought of the thermometer. It is the point to which the mercury would fall, if the thermometer were im- mersed in a certain mixture of snow and salt. When ther- mometers were first invented, this point was taken as the zero point, from an erroneous supposition that the tempera- ture of such a mixture was the lowest possible temperature. The degrees upon the instrument thus divided are counted 4 26 THE STEAM ENGINE. upwards from the zero, and are expressed, like the degrees of a circle, by placing a small ° over the number. Thus it will be perceived that the freezing point is 32° of our ther- mometer, and the boiling point will be found by adding 180° to 32°; it is therefore 212°. The temperature of a body is that elevation to which the thermometer would rise when the mercury enclosed in it would acquire the same temperature. Thus, if we should immerse the thermometer, and should find that the mercury would rise to the division marked 100°, we should then affirm that the temperature of the water was 100°. (9.) The dilatation which attends an increase of tempera- ture is one of the most universal effects of heat. It varies, however, in different bodies: it is least in solid bodies; greater in liquids; and greatest of all in bodies in the aeri- form stale. Again, different solids are differently susceptible of this expansion. Metals are the most susceptible of it; but metals of different kinds are differently expansible. As an increase of temperature causes an increase of bulk, so a diminution of temperature causes a corresponding dimi- nution of bulk, and the same body always has the same bulk at the same temperature. A flaccid bladder, containing a small quantity of air, will, when heated, become quite distended; but it will again re- sume its flaccid appearance when cold. A corked bottle of fermented liquor, placed before the fire, will burst by the effort of the air contained in it to expand when heated. Let the tube a b (fig. 5.) open at both ends, have one end inserted in the neck of a vessel c d, containing a coloured liquid, with common air above it; and let the tube be fixed so as to be air-tight in the neck: upon heating the vessel, the warm air inclosed in the vessel c d above the liquid will begin to expand, and will press upon the surface of the liquid, so as to force it up in the tube a b. In bridges and other structures, formed of iron, mechani- cal provisions are introduced to prevent the fracture or PRELIMINARY MATTER. 27 strain which would take place hy the expansion and contrac- tion which the metal must undergo by the changes of tem- perature at different seasons of the year, and even at different hours of the day. Thus all nature, animate and inanimate, organized and unorganized, may be considered to be incessantly breathing heat; at one moment drawing in that principle through all its dimensions, and at another moment dismissing it. (10.) Change of bulk, however, is not the only nor the most striking effect which attends the increase or diminution of the quantity of heat in a body. In some cases, a total change of form and of mechanical qualities is effected by it. If heat be imparted in sufficient quantity to a solid body, that body, after a certain time, will be converted into a liquid. And again, if heat be imparted in sufficient quan- tity to this liquid, it will cease to exist in the liquid state, and pass into the form of vapour. By the abstraction of heat, a series of changes will be pro- duced in the opposite order. If from the vapour produced in this case, a sufficient quantity of heat be taken, it will re- turn to the liquid state; and if again from this liquid heat be further abstracted, it will at length resume its original solid state. The transmission of a body from the solid to the liquid state, by the application of heat, is called fusion or lique- faction, and the body is said to be fused, liquefied, or melted. The reciprocal transmission from the liquid to the solid state, is called congelation, or solidification; and the liquid is said to be congealed or solidified. The transmission of a body from the liquid to the vapor- ous or aeriform state, is called vaporization, and the liquid is said to be vaporized or evaporated. The reciprocal transmission of vapour to the liquid state is called condensation, and the vapour is said to be con- densed. \ 28 THE STEAM ENGINE. We shall now examine more minutely the circumstances which attend these remarkable and important changes in the state of body. (11.) Let us suppose that a thermometer is imbedded in any solid body; for example, in a mass of sulphur; and that it stands at the ordinary temperature of 60 degrees: let the sulphur be placed in a vessel, and exposed to the action of fire. The thermometer will now be observed gradually to rise, and it will continue to rise until it exhibit the tempe- rature of 218°. Here, however, notwithstanding the con- tinued action of the fire upon the sulphur, the thermometer will become stationary; proving, that notwithstanding the supply of heat received from the fire, the sulphur has ceased to become hotter. At the moment that the thermometer attains this stationary point, it will be observed that the sulphur has commenced the process of fusion; and this pro- cess will be continued, the thermometer being stationary, until the whole mass has been liquefied. The moment the liquefaction is complete, the thermometer will be observed again to rise, and it will continue to rise until it attain the elevation of 570°. Here, however, it will once more be- come stationary; and notwithstanding the heat supplied to the sulphur by the fire, the liquid will cease to become hotter: when this happens, the sulphur will boil ; and if it continue to be exposed to the fire a sufficient length of time, it will be found that its quantity will gradually diminish, until at length it will all disappear from the vessel which contained it. The sulphur will, in fact, be converted into vapour. From this process we infer, that all the heat supplied during the processes of liquefaction and vaporization is con- sumed in effecting these changes in the state of the body; and that under such circumstances, it does not increase the temperature of the body on which the change is produced. These effects are general: all solid bodies would pass into the liquid state by a sufficient application of heat; and all PRELIMINARY MATTER. 29 liquid bodies would pass into the vaporous state by the same means. In all cases the thermometer would be stationary during these changes, and consequently the temperature of the body, in those periods, would be maintained unaltered. (12.) Solids differ from one another in the temperatures at which they become liquid. These temperatures are called their melting points. Thus the melting point of ice is 32°; that of lead 612°; that of gold 5237°.* The heat which is supplied to a body during the processes of fusion or vaporization, and which does not affect the ther- mometer, or increase the temperature of the body fused or vaporized, is said to become latent. It can be proved to exist in the body fused or vaporized, and may even be taken from that body. In parting with it the body does not fall in temperature, and consequently the loss of this heat, is not indicated by the thermometer any more than its reception. The term latent heat is merely intended to express this fact, of the thermometer being insensible to the presence or ab- sence of this portion of heat, and is not intended to express any theoretical notions concerning it. (13.) In explaining the construction and operation of the steam engine, although it is necessary occasionally to refer to the effects of heat upon bodies in general, yet the body, which is by far the most important to be attended to, so far as the effects of heat upon it are concerned, is water. This body is observed to exist in the three different states, the solid, the liquid, and the vaporous, according to the varying temperature to which it is exposed. All the circumstances which have been explained in reference to metals, and the substance sulphur in particular, will, mutatis mutandis, be applicable to water. But in order perfectly to compre- hend the properties of the steam engine, it is necessary to • Temperatures above 650° cannot be measured by the mercurial thermometer. They can be inferred only with probability by pyro- meters. \ 30 THE STEAM ENGINE. render a more rigorous and exact account of these phenome- na, so far as they apply to the changes produced upon water by the effects of heat. Let us suppose a mass of ice immersed in the mixture of snow and salt which determines the zero point of the ther- mometer: this mass, if allowed to continue a sufficient length of time submerged in the mixture, will necessarily acquire its temperature, and the thermometer immersed in it will stand at zero. Let the ice be now withdrawn from the mixture, still keeping the thermometer immersed in it, and let it be exposed to the atmosphere at the ordinary tem- perature, say 60°. At first the thermometer will be observed gradually and continuously to rise until it attain the eleva- tion of 32°; it will then become stationary, and the ice will begin to melt: the thermometer will continue standing at 32° until the ice shall be completely liquefied. The liquid ice and the thermometer being contained in the same vessel, it will be found, when the liquefaction is completed, that the thermometer will again begin to rise, and will continue to rise until it attain the temperature of the atmosphere, viz. 60°. Hitherto the ice or water has received a supply of heat from the surrounding air; but now an equilibrium of temperature having been established, no further supply of heat can be received; and if we would investigate the fur- ther effects of increased heat, it will be necessary to expose the liquid to fire, or some other source of heat. But previous to this, let us observe the time which the thermometer re- mains stationary during the liquefaction of the ice: if noted by a chronometer, it would be found to be a hundred and forty times the time during which the water in the liquid state was elevated one degree; the inference from which is, that in order to convert the solid ice into liquid water, it was necessary to receive from the surrounding atmosphere one hundred and forty times as much heat as would elevate the liquid water one degree in temperature; or, in other words, that to liquefy a given weight of ice requires as much / PRELIMINARY MATTER. 31 heat as would raise the same weight of water 140° in tempe- rature ; or from 32° to 172°. The latent heat of water acquired in liquefaction is there- fore 140°. (14.) Let us now suppose that, a spirit lamp being ap- plied to the water already raised to 60°, the effects of a further supply of heat be observed: the thermometer will continue to rise until it attain the elevation of 212°, the barometer being supposed to stand at 30 inches. The ther- mometer having attained this elevation will cease to rise; the water will therefore cease to become hotter, and at the same time bubbles of steam will be observed to be formed at the bottom of the vessel containing the water, near the flame of the spirit lamp. These bubbles will rise through the water, and escape at the surface, exhibiting the pheno- mena of ebullition, and the water will undergo the process of boiling. During this process, the thermometer will constantly be maintained at the same elevation of 212°; but if the time be noted, it will be found that the water will be altogether evaporated, if the same source of heat be continued to be applied to it six and a half times as long as was necessary to raise it from the freezing to the boiling point. Thus, if the application of the lamp to water at 32°, be capable of raising that water to 212° in one hour, the same lamp will require to be applied to the boiling water for six hours and a half, in order to convert the whole of it into steam. Now if the steam into which it is thus converted were carefully pre- served in a receiver, maintained at the temperature of 212°, this steam would be found to have that temperature, and not a greater one; but it would be found to fill a space about 1700 times greater than the space it occupied in the liquid state, and it would possess an elastic force equal to the pressure of the atmosphere under which it was boiled ; that is to say, it would press the sides of the vessel which con- tained it with a pressure equivalent to that of a column of 32 THE STEAM ENGINE. mercury of 30 inches in height; or what is the same thing, at the rate of about 15lb. on every square inch of surface. (15.) As the quantity of heat expended in raising the water from 32° to 212°, is 180°; and as the quantity of heat necessary to convert the same water into steam is six and a half times this quantity, it follows that the quantity of heat requisite for converting a given weight of water into steam, will be found, by multiplying ISO by 5§. The product of these numbers being 990°, it follows, that, to convert a given weight of water at 212° into steam of the same temperature, under the pressure of the atmosphere, when the barometer stands at 30 inches, requires as much heat as would be necessary to raise the same water 990° higher in tempera- ture. The heat, not being sensible to the thermometer, is latent heat ; and accordingly it may be stated, that the latent heat, necessary to convert water into steam under this pres- sure is, in round numbers, 1000°. (16.) All the effects of heat which we have just described may be satisfactorily accounted for, by supposing that the principle of heat imparts to the constituent atoms of bodies a force, by virtue of which they acquire a tendency to repel eacli other. But in conjunction with this, it is necessary to notice another force, which is known to exist in nature: there is observable among the corpuscles of bodies a force, in virtue of which they have a tendency to cohere, and col- lect themselves together in solid concrete masses: this force is called the attraction' of cohesion. These two forces — the natural cohesion of the particles, and the repulsive energy introduced by heat — are directly opposed to one another, and the state of the body will be decided by the predomi- nance of the one or the other, or their mutual equilibrium. If the natural cohesion of the constituent particles of the body considerably predominate over the repulsive energy introduced by the heat, then the cohesion will take effect ; the particles of the body will coalesce, the mass will be- come rigid and solid, and the particles will hold together in PRELIMINARY MATTER. 33 one invariable mass, so that they cannot drop asunder by the mere effect of their weight. In such cases, a more or less considerable force must be applied, in order to break the body, or to tear its parts asunder. Such is the quality which characterises the state, which in mechanics is called the state of solidity. If the repulsive energy introduced by the application of heat be equal, or nearly equal, to the natural cohesion with which the particles of the body are endued, then the pre- dominance of the cohesive force may be insufficient to resist the tendency which the particles may have to drop asunder by their weight. In such a case, the constituent particles of the body cannot cohere in a solid mass, but will separate by their weight, fall asunder, and drop into the various corners, and adapt themselves to the shape of any vessel in which the body may be contained. In fact, the body will take the liquid form. In this slate, however, it does not follow that the cohesive principle will be altogether inopera- tive: it may, and does, in some cases, exist in a perceptible degree, though insufficient to resist the separate gravitation of the particles. The tendency which particles of liquids have, in some cases, to collect in globules, plainly indicates the predominance of the cohesive principle: drops of water collected upon the window pane; drops of rain condensed in the atmosphere; the tear which trickles on the cheek,' drops of mercury, which glide over any flat surface, and which it is difficult to subdivide or scatter into smaller parts; are all obvious indications of the predominance of me cohesive principle in liquids. By the due application of heat, even this small degree of cohesion may be conquered, and a preponderance of the opposite principle of repulsion may be created. But an-, other physical influence here interposes its aid, and conspires with cohesion in resisting the transmission of the body from the liquid to the vaporous state: this force is no other than the pressure of the atmosphere, already explained, This 5 THE STEAM ENGINE. pressure has an obvious tendency to restrain the particles of the liquid, to press them together, and to resist their separa- tion. The repulsive principle of the heat introduced must therefore not only neutralize the cohesion, but must also impart to the atoms of the liquid a sufficient elasticity or repulsive energy to enable them to fly asunder, and assume the vaporous form in spite of this atmospheric resistance. Now it is clear, that if this atmospheric resistance be sub- ject to any variation in its intensity, from causes whether natural or artificial, the repulsive energy necessary to be in- troduced by the heat, will vary proportionally: if the atmos- pheric pressure be diminished, then less heat will be neces- sary to vaporize the liquid. If, on the other hand, this pressure be increased, a greater quantity of heat will be required to impart the necessary elasticity. (17.) From this reasoning we must expect that an}' cause, whether natural or artificial, which diminishes the atmo- spheric pressure upon the surface of a liquid, will cause that liquid to boil at a lower temperature: and on the other hand, any cause which may increase the atmospheric pressure upon the liquid, will render it necessary to raise it to a higher temperature before it can boil. These inferences we accordingly find supported by expe- rience. Under a pressure of 151b. on the square inch, i. e. when the barometer is at 30 inches, water boils at the tem- perature of 212° of the common thermometer. But if water at a lower temperature, suppose 180°, be placed under the receiver of an airpump, and-, by the process of exhaus- tion the atmospheric pressure be -removed, or very much diminished, the water will boil, although its temperature still remain at ISCv , as may be indicated by a thermometer placed in it. On the other hand, if a thermometer be inserted air-tight in the lid of a close digester containing water with common atmospheric air above it, when the vessel is heated the air acquires an increased elasticity; and being confined by the PRELIMINARY MATTER. 35 cover, presses, with increased force, on the surface of the water. By observing the thermometer while the vessel is exposed to the action of heat, it will be seen to rise con- siderably above 212°, suppose to 230°, and would continue so to rise until the strength of the vessel could no longer resist the pressure within it. The temperature at which water boils is commonly said to be 212°, which is called the boiling point of the thermo- meter; but, strictly speaking, this is only true when the barometer stands at 30 inches. If it be lower, water will boil at a lower temperature, because the atmospheric pres- sure is less; and if it be higher, as at 31, water will not boil until it receives a higher temperature, the pressure being greater. According as the cohesive forces of the particles of liquids are more or less active, they boil at greater or less tempera- tures. In general the lighter liquids, such as alcohol and ether, boil at lower temperatures. These fluids, in fact, would boil by merely removing the atmospheric pressure, as may be proved by placing them under the receiver of an airpump, and withdrawing the air. From this we may con- clude that these and similar substances would never exist in the liquid state at all, but for the atmospheric pressure. (18.) The elasticity of vapour raised from a boiling liquid, is equal to the pressure under which it is produced. Thus, steam raised from water at 212°, and, therefore, under a pressure of 151b. on the square inch, is endued with an elastic force which would exert a pressure on the sides of any vessel which confines it, also equal to 151b. on the square inch. Since an increased pressure infers an increased temperature in boiling, it follows, that where steam of a higher pressure than the atmosphere is required, it is neces- sary that the water should be boiled at a higher temperature. (19.) We have already stated that there is a certain point at which the temperature of a liquid will cease to rise, and that all the heat communicated to it beyond this is consumed in 36 THE STEAM ENGINE. the formation of vapour. It has been ascertained, that when water boils at 212°, under a pressure equal to 30 inches of mercury, a cubic inch of water forms a cubic foot* of steam, the elastic force of which is equal to the atmospheric pressure, and the temperature of which is 212°. Since there are 1728 cubic inches in a cubic foot, it follows, that when water at this temperature passes from the liquid to the vapor- ous state, it is dilated into 1728 times its bulk. (20.) We have seen that about 1000 degrees of heat must be communicated to any given quantity of water at 212°, in order to convert it into steam of the same temperature, and possessing a pressure amounting to about 15 pounds on the square inch, and that such steam will occupy above 1700 times the bulk of the water from which it was raised. Now we might anticipate, that by abstracting the heat thus em- ployed in converting the liquid into vapour, a series of changes would be produced exactly the reverse of those already described; and such is found to be actually the case. Let us suppose a vessel, the capacity of which is 1728 cubic inches, to be filled with steam, of the temperature of 212°, and exerting a pressure of 15 pounds on the square inch; let 5| cubic inches of water, at the temperature of 32°, be injected into this vessel, immediately the steam will impart the heat, which it has absorbed in the process of vaporisation to the water thus injected, and will itself re- sume the liquid form. It will shrink into its primitive dimensions of one cubic inch, and the heat which it will dismiss will be sufficient to raise the 5h cubic inches of in- jected water to the temperature of 212°. The contents of * The terms cubic inch and cubic foot are easily explained. A common die, used in games of chance, has the figure which is called a cube. It is a solid having twelve straight edges equal to one another. It has six Bides, each of which is square, and which are also equal to one another. If its edges be each one inch in length, it is called a cubic inch, if one foot, a cubic foot, if one yard, a cubic yard, &c. This figure is represent- ed in perspective, in fig. 6. PRELIMINARY MATTER. 37 the vessel will thus be 62 cubic inches of water at the tem- perature of 212°. One of these cubic inches is in fact the steam which previously filled the vessel reconverted into water, the other 5| are the injected water which has been raised from the temperature of 32° to 212° by the heat which has been dismissed by the steam in resuming the liquid state. It will be observed that in this transmission no temperature is lost, since the cubic inch of water into which the steam is converted has the same temperature as the steam had before the cold water was injected. These consequences are in perfect accordance with the results already obtained from observing the time necessary to convert a given quantity of water into steam by the application of heat. From the present result it follows, that in the reduction of a given quantity of steam to water it parts with as much heat as is sufficient to raise 5% cubic inches from 32° to 212°, that is, 5| times 180° or 990°. (21.) There is an effect produced in this process to which it is material that we should attend. The steam which filled the space of 1728 cubic inches shrinks when reconverted into water into the dimensions of 1 cubic inch. It therefore leaves 1727 cubic inches of the vessel it contains unoccu- pied. By this property steam is rendered instrumental in the formation of a vacuum. By allowing steam to circulate through .a vessel, the air may be expelled from it, and its place filled by steam. If the vessel be then closed and cooled the steam will be re- duced to water, and, falling in drops on the bottom and sides of the vessel, the space which it filled will become a vacuum. This may be easily established by experiment. Let a long glass tube be provided with a hollow ball at one end, and having the other end open.* Let a small quantity of spirits be poured in at the open end, and placing the glass ball over the flame of a lamp, let the spirits be boiled. * A common glass flask with a long 1 neck will answer the purpose. 38 THE STEAM ENGINE. After some time the steam will be observed to issue copiously from the open end of the tube which is presented upwards. When this takes place, let the tube be inverted, and its open end plunged in a basin of cold water. The heat being thus removed, the cool air will reconvert the steam in the tube into liquid, and a vacuum will be produced, into which the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the water in the basin will force the water through the tube, and it will rush up with considerable force, and fill the glass ball. In this experiment it is better to use spirits than water, because they boil at a lower heat, and expose the glass to less liability to break, and also the tube may more easily be handled. CHAPTER II. FIRST STEPS IN THE INVENTION. Futility of early claims. — Watt, the real Inventor. — Hero of Alexandria. — Blasco Garay. — Solomon de Caus. — Giovanni Branca. — Marquis of Worcester. — Sir Samuel Morland. — Denis Papin. — Thomas Savery. (.22.) In the history of the progress of the useful arts and manufactures, there is perhaps no example of any invention the credit of which has been so keenly contested as that of the steam engine. Claims to it have been advanced by dif- ferent nations, and by different individuals of the same nation. The partisans of the competitors for this honour have argued their pretensions, and pressed their claims, with a zeal which has occasionally outstripped the bounds of discretion; and the contest has not unfrequently been tinged with prejudices, both national and personal, and marked FIRST STEPS IN THE INVENTION. 39 with a degree of asperity quite unworthy of so noble a cause, and altogether beneath the dignity of science. The efficacy of the steam engine considered as a mechani- cal agent depends, first, on the several physical properties from which it derives its operation, and, secondly, on the various pieces of mechanism and details of mechanical arrangement by which these properties are rendered prac- tically available. If the merit of the invention must be ascribed to the discoverer and contriver of these, then the contest will be easily decided, because it will be obvious that the prize is not due to any one individual, but must be distributed in different proportions among several. If, how- ever, he is best entitled to the credit of the invention, who has by the powers of his mechanical genius imparted to the machine that form and those qualities from which it has re- ceived its present extensive utility, and by which it has be- come an agent of transcendent power, which has spread its beneficial effects throughout every part of the civilized globe, then the universal consent of mankind will, as it were by acclamation, award the prize to one individual, whose pre- eminent genius places him far above all other competitors, and from the application of whose mental energies to this machine may be dated those grand effects which have ren- dered it a topic of interest to every individual for whom the progress of human civilization has any attractions. Before the era marked by the discoveries of James Watt, the steam engine, which has since become an object of such universal interest, was a machine of extremely limited power, greatly inferior in importance to most other me- chanical contrivances used as prime movers. But from that time it is scarcely necessary here to state that it became a subject not of British interest only, but one with which the progress of the human race became intimately mixed up. Since, however, the question of the progressive develope- ment of those physical principles on which the steam engine depends, and of their mechanical application, has of late 40 THE STEAM ENGINE. years received some importance, as well from the interest which the public manifest towards them as from the rank of the writers who have investigated them, we have thought it expedient to state briefly, but we trust with candour and fairness, the successive steps which appear to have led to this invention. The engine as it exists at present is not, strictly speaking, the exclusive invention of any one individual: it is the result . of a series of discoveries and inventions which have for the last two centuries been accumulating. When we attempt to trace back its history, and to determine its first inventor, we experience the same difficulty as is felt in tracing the head of a great river: as we ascend its course, we are embarrassed by the variety of its tributary streams, and find it impossible to decide which of those channels into which it ramifies ought to be regarded as the principal stream ; and it termi- nates at length in a number of threads of water, each in itself so insignificant as to be unworthy of being regarded as the source of the majestic object which has excited the inquiry. From a very early period the effects of heat upon liquids, and more especially the production of steam or vapour, was regarded as a probable source of mechanical power, and numerous speculators directed their attention to it, and exerted their inventive faculties to derive from it an effec- tive mover. It was not, however, until the commencement of the eighteenth century that any invention was produced which was practically applied, even unsuccessfully. All the attempts previous to that time were either suggestions which were limited to paper or experiments confined to models; or, if they exceeded this, they never outlived a single trial on a larger scale. Nevertheless many of these suggestions and experiments being recorded and accessible to future in- quirers doubtless offered useful hints and some practical aid to those more successful investigators who subsequently contrived engines in such forms as to be practically available on a large scale for mechanical purposes. It is right and FIRST STEPS IN THE INVENTION. 41 just, therefore— mere suggestions and abortive experiments though they may have been — to record them, that each in- ventor and discoverer may receive the just credit due to his share in this splendid mechanical invention. We shall then in the present chapter briefly enumerate, in chronological order, the successive steps so far as they have come to our knowledge. HERO OF ALEXANDRIA, 120 B. C. (23.) In a work entitled Spiritalia seu Pneumatica, one of the numerous works of this philosopher which has remained to us, is contained a description of a machine moved by vapour of water. A hollow sphere, of which a b represents a section, is supported on two pivots at a and b, which are the extremities of tubes a c d and b e f, which pass into a boiler where steam is generated. This steam flows through small apertures at the extremities a and b, and fills the hollow sphere. One or more horizontal arms k g, i h, project from this sphere, and are likewise filled with steam, but are closed at their extremities. Conceive a Fig. 1. F E small hole made near the extremity g, but at one side of one of the tubes; the steam confined in the tube and globe would immediately rush from the hole with a force proportionate to its pressure within the globe. On the common principle 6 42 THE STEAM ENGINE. of mechanics a re-action would be produced, and the tube would recoil in the same manner as a gun when discharged. The tubular arm k g being thus pressed in a direction op- posed to that in which the steam issues, the sphere would revolve accordingly, and would continue to revolve so long as the steam would continue to flow from the aperture. The force of recoil would be increased by making a similar aperture in two or more arms, care being taken that all the apertures should be placed so as to cause the sphere to re- volve in the same direction. This motion being once produced might be transmitted by ordinary mechanical contrivance to any machinery which its power might be adequate to move. This method of using steam is not adopted in any part or any form of the modern steam engine. BLASCO DE GAEAY, A. D. 1543. (24.) In the year 1826 there appeared in Zach's Corres- pondence a communication from Thomas Gonsalez, Director of the Royal Archives of Simancas, giving an account of an experiment reported to have been made in the year 1543 by order of Charles V. in the port of Barcelona. Blasco de Garay, a sea captain, had contrived a machine by which he proposed to propel vessels without oars or sails. Garay concealed altogether the nature of the machine which he used: all that was seen during the experiment was that it consisted of a great boiler for water, and that wheels were kept in revolution at each side of the vessel. The experi- ment was made upon a vessel called the Trinity, of 200 tons burden, and was witnessed by several official personages, whose presence on the occasion was commanded by the king. One of the witnesses reported that it was capable of moving the vessel at the rate of two leagues in three hours, that the machine was too complicated and expensive, and . was exposed to the danger of explosion. The other wit- nesses, however, reported more favourably. The result of FIRST STEPS IN THE INVENTION. 43 the experiment was thought to he favourable: the inventor was promoted, and received a pecuniary reward, besides having all his expenses defrayed. From the circumstance of the nature of the impelling power having been concealed by the inventor it is impossi- ble to say in what this machine consisted, or even whether steam exerted any agency whatever in it, or, if it did, whether it might not have been, as was most probably the -case, a reproduction of Hero's contrivance. It is rather unfavourable to the claims advanced by the advocates of the Spaniard, that although it is admitted that he was rewarded and promoted in consequence of the experiment, yet it does not appear that it was again tried, much less brought into practical use. SOLOMON DE CAUS, 1615. Fig. 2. (25.) A work entitled "Les Raisons des Forces Mou- vantes, avec diverses Machines tant utiles que plaisantes," published at' Frankfort in 1615, by Solomon de Caus, a native of France, contains the following theorem: — " Water will mount by the help of fire higher than its level," which is explained and proved in the following terms: — "The third method of raising water is by the 'aid of fire. On this principle may be constructed various machines: I shall here describe one. Let a ball of copper marked a, well soldered in every part, to which is attached a tube and stop, cock marked d, by which water may be introduced; and also another tube marked b c, which will be soldered into the top of the ball, and the lower end c of which shall descend nearly to the bottom of the ball without touching it. Let the said ball be 44 THE STEAM'ENGINE. filled with water through the tube d, then shutting the stop- cock d, and opening the stop-cock in the vertical tube b c, let the ball be placed upon a fire, the heat acting upon the said ball will cause the water to rise in the tube b c." Such is the description of the apparatus of De Causas given by himself; and on this has been founded a claim to the in- vention of the steam engine. It will be observed, that neither in the original theorem uor in the description of the machine which accompanies it, is the word steam anywhere used. Now it was well known, by all conversant in physics, long before the date of the publication containing this description, that atmospheric air when heated acquires an increased elastic force. As the experiment is described, the other part of the ball a is filled with atmospheric air; the heat of the fire acting upon the air through the external surface of the ball, and likewise transmitted through the water, would of course raise the temperature of the air contained in the vessel, would thereby increase its elasticity, and would cause the water to rise in the tube b c, upon a physical principle altogether independent of the qualities of steam, The effect produced, therefore, is just what might have been expected by any one acquainted with the common properties of air, though entirely ignorant of those of steam; and, in point of fact, the pressure of the air is as much concerned in this case in raising the water as the pressure of the steam. This objection, however, is combated by another theorem contained in the same work, in which De Caus speaks of " the strength of the vapour produced by the action of the fire, which causes water to mount; which vapour will issue from the stop-cock with great 'violence after the water has been expelled." If De Caus be admitted to have understood the elastic property of the vapour of water, and to have attributed the ascent of the water in the tube c b to the pressure of that vapour upon the surface of the water confined in the copper ball, it must be admitted that he suggested one of the ways FIRST STEPS IN THE INVENTION. 45 of using the power of steam as a mechanical agent. In the modern steam engine this pressure is not now used against a liquid surface, but against the solid surface of a piston. This, however, should not take from De Caus whatever credit be due to the suggestion of the physical property in question. GIOVANNI BRANCA, 1629. (26.) In a work published at Rome in 1629, entitled "Le Machine del G. Branca," is contained a description of a machine for propelling a wheel by a blast of steam. This contrivance consists of a wheel furnished with flat vanes upon its rim, like the boards of a paddle wheel. The steam is produced in a close vessel, and made to issue with violence from the extremity of a pipe. Being directed against the vanes, it causes the wheel to revolve, and this motion may be imparted by the usual mechanical contrivances to any machinery which it was intended to move. This contrivance has no analogy whatever to any part of the modern steam engines in any of their various forms. EDWARD SOMERSET, MARQUIS OP WORCESTER, 1 663. (27.) Of all the individuals to whom the invention of the steam engine has been ascribed the most celebrated was the Marquis of Worcester, the author of a work entitled " The Scantling of One Hundred Inventions," but which is more commonly known by the title " A Century of Inventions." It is to him that by far the greater number of writers and inquirers on this subject ascribe the merit of the discovery of the invention. This contrivance is described in the fol- lowing terms in the sixty-eighth invention in the work above named: — " I have invented an admirable and forcible way to drive up water by fire; not by drawing or sucking it upwards, for that must be, as the philosopher terms it, infra spseram 46 THE STEAM ENGINE. activitatis, which is but at such a distance. But tins way hath no bounder if the vessels be strong enough. For I have taken a piece of whole cannon whereof the end was burst, and filled it three quarters full of water, stopping and screwing up the broken end, as also the touch-hole and making a constant fire under it; within twenty-four hours, it burst and made a great crack. So that, having a way to make my vessels so that they are strengthened by the force within them, and the one to fill after the other, I have seen the water run like a constant fountain stream forty feet high. One vessel of water rarefied by fire driveth up forty of cold, water, and a man that tends the work has but to turn two cocks ; that one vessel of water being consumed, another begins to foree and refill with cold water, and so sucessive- ]y ; the fire being tended and kept constant, which the self- same person may likewise abundantly perform in the inte- rim between the necessity of turning the said cocks." These experiments must have been made before the year 1663,in which the u Century of Inventions" was published. The description of the machine here given, like other de- scriptions in the same work, was only intended to express the effects produced, and the physical principle on which their production depends. It is, however, sufficiently ex- plicit to enable ahy one conversant with the subsequent con- trivance of Savery, to perceive that Lord Worcester must have contrived a machine containing all that part of Savery's engine in which the direct force of steam is employed. As in the above description, the separate boiler or generator of steam is distinctly mentioned ; that the steam from this is is conducted into another vessel containing the cold water to be raised ; that this water is raised by the pressure of steam acting upon its surface ; that when one vessel of water has thus been discharged, the steam acts upon the water con- tained in another vessel, while the first is being replenish- ed ; and that a continued upward current of water is main- tained by causing the steam to act alternately upon two FIRST STEPS IN THE INVENTION. 47 vessels, employing the interval to fill one while the water is discharged from the other. On comparing this with the contrivance previously sug- gested by De Caus, .it will be observed, that even if De Caus knew the phyiscal agent by which the water was driven upwards in the apparatus contrived by him, still it was only a means of causing a vessel of boiling water to empty itself; and before a repetition of the process could be obtained, the vessel should be refilled, and again boiled. In the contrivance of Lord Worcester, on the other hand, the agency of the steam was employed in the same manner as it is in the steam engines of the present day, being gene- rated in one vessel, and used for mechanical purposes in an- other. Nor must this distinction be regarded as trifling and insignificant, because on it depends the whole practica- bility of using steam as a mechanical agent. Had its action been confined to the vessel in which it was produced, it never could have been employed for any useful purpose. SIR SAMUEL MORLAND, 1683. (28.) It appears, by a MS. in the Harleian Collection in the British Museum, that a mode of applying steam to raise water was proposed to Louis XIV. by Sir Samuel Morland. It contains, however, nothing more than might have been collected from Lord Worcester's description, and is only curious, because of the knowledge the writer appears to have had of the expansion which water undergoes in pass- ing into steam. The following is extracted from the MS. : " The principles of the new force of fire invented by Chevalier Morland in 1682, and presented to his Most Christian Majesty in 1683: — 'Water being converted into vapour by the force of fire, these vapours shortly require a greater space (about 2000 times) than the water before oc- cupied, and sooner than be constantly confined would split a piece of cannon. But being duly regulated according to 48 THE STEAM ENGINE. the rules of statics, and by science reduced to measure, weight, and balance, then they bear their load peaceably (like good horses,) and thus become of great use to man- kind, particularly for raising water, according to the follow- ing table, which shows' the number of pounds that may be raised 1800 times per hour to a height of six inches by cy- linders half filled with water, as well as the different diame- ters and depths of the said cylinders.' " DENIS papin, 1695. (29.) Denis Papin, a native of Blois in France, and profes- sor of mathematics at Marbourg, had been engaged about this period in the contrivance of a machine in which the. atmospheric pressure should be made available as a mechani- cal agent by creating a partial vacuum in a cylinder under a piston. His first attempts were directed to the production of this vacuum by mechanical means, having proposed to apply a water-wheel to work an air-pump, and so maintain the degree of rarefaction required. This, however, would eventually have amounted to nothing more than a mode of transmitting the power of the water-wheel to another engine, since the vacuum produced in this way could only give back the power exerted by the water-wheel diminished by the friction of the pumps ; still this would attain the end first proposed by Papin, which was merely to transmit the force of the stream of a river, or a fall of water, to a distant point, by partially exhausted pipes or tubes. He next, however, attempted to produce a partial vacuum by the explosion of gunpowder ; but this was found to be insufficient, since so much air remained in the cylinder under the piston, that at least half the power due to a vacuum would have been lost. " I have, therefore," proceeds Papin, "attempted to attain this end by another method. Since water being converted into steam by heat acquires the property of elasticity like air, and may afterwards be recondenscd so perfectly by cold FIRST STEPS IN THE INVENTION. 49 that there will no longer remain the appearance of elasticity in it, I have thought that it would not be difficult to con- struct machines in which, by means of a moderate heat, and at a small expense, water would produce that perfect vacu- um Which has been vainly sought by means of gunpowder." Papin accordingly constructed the model of a machine, consisting of a small pump, in which was placed a solid piston, and in the bottom of the cylinder under the piston was contained a small quantity of water. The piston being in immediate contact with this water, so as to exclude the atmospheric air, on applying fire to the bottom of the cylin- der steam was produced, the elastic force of which raised the piston to the top of the cylinder : the fire being then removed, and the cylinder being cooled by the surrounding air, the steam was condensed and reconverted into water, leaving a vacuum in the cylinder into which the piston was pressed by the force of the atmosphere. The fire being ap- plied and subsequently removed, another ascent and descent were accomplished ; and in the same manner the alternate motion of the piston might be continued. Papin described no other form of machine by which this property could be rendered available in practice ; but he states generally that the same end may be attained by various forms of machines easy to be imagined.* THOMAS SAVERY, 1698. (30.) The discovery of the method of producing a vacuum by the condensation of steam was reproduced before 1688, by Captain Thomas Savery, to whom a patent was granted in that year for a steam engine to be applied to the raising of water, &c. Savery proposed to combine the machine described by the Marquis of Worcester, with an apparatus * Recueil de "diverses pieces touchant quelques nouvelles machines, p. 38. 50 THE STEAM ENGINE. for raising water by suction into a vacuum produced by the condensation of steam. Savery appears to have been ignorant of the publication of Papin, in 1695, and states that his discovery of the con- densing principle arises from the following circumstance: — Having drunk a flask of Florence at a tavern and flung the empty flask on the fire, he called for a basin of water to wash his hands. A small quantity which remained in the flask began to boil and steam issued from its mouth. It oc- cured to him to try what effect would be produced by in- verting the flask and plunging its mouth in the cold water. Putting on a thick glove to defend his hand from the heat, he seized the flask, and the moment he plunged its mouth in the water, the liquid immediately rushed up into the flask and filled it. {21.) Savery stated that this circumstance immediately suggest- ed to him the possibility of giving effect to the atmospheric pressure by creating a vacuum in this manner. He thought that if, instead of exhausting the barrel of a pump by the usual laborious method of a piston and sucker, it was ex- hausted by first filling it with steam and then condensing the same steam, the atmospheric pressure would force the water from the well into the pump-barrel and into any vessel con- nected with it, provided that vessel were not more than about 34 feet above the elevation of the water in the well. He perceived, also, that, having lifted the water to this height, he might use the elastic force of steam in the manner de- scribed by the Marquis of Worcester to raise the same water to a still greater elevation, and that the same steam which accomplished this mechanical effect would serve by its subsequent condensation to repeat the vacuum and draw up more water. It was on this principle that Savery con- structed the first engine in which steam was ever brought into practical operation. 51 CHAPTER III. ENGINES OF SAVERY AND NEWCOMEN. Savery's Engine. — Boilers and their appendages. — Working apparatus. — Mode of Operation. — Defects of the Engine. — Newcomen and Cawley. — Atmospheric Engine. — Accidental Discovery of Condensa- tion by Jet. — Potter's Discovery of the Method of Working the Valves. (31.) The steam engine contrived by Savery, like every other which has since been constructed, consists of two parts essentially distinct. The first is that which is employed to generate the steam, which is called the boiler, and the second, that in which the steam is applied as a moving power. The former apparatus in Savery's engine consists of two strong boilers, sections of which are represented at d and e in fig. 7.; d the greater boiler, and e the less. The tubes t and t' communicate with the working apparatus which we shall presently describe. A thin plate of metal r is applied closely to the top of the greater boiler d turning on a centre c, so that by moving a lever applied to the axis c on the outside of the top, the sliding plate r can be brought from the mouth of the one tube to the mouth of the other alter- nately. This sliding valve is called the regulator, since it is by it that the communications between the boiler and two steam vessels (hereafter described,) are alternately opened and closed, the lever which effects this being constantly wrought by the hand of the attendant. Two gauge pipes are represented at g, g', the use of which is to determine the depth of water in the boiler. One g has its lower aperture a little above the proper depth, and the other g' a little below it. Cocks are attached to the 52 THE STEAM ENGINE. upper ends g, g', which can be opened or closed at pleasure. The steam collected in the top of the boiler pressing on the surface of the water forces it up in the tubes g, g', if their lower ends be immersed. Upon opening the cocks g, g', if water be forced from, them, there is too much water in the boiler, since the mouth of g is below its' level. If steam issue from both there is too little water in the boiler, since the mouth of g' is above its level. But if steam issue from G and water from g' the water in the boiler is at its proper level. This ingenious contrivance for determining the level of the water in the boiler is the invention of Savery, and is used in many instances at the present day. The mouth of g should be at a level of a little less than one-third of the whole depth, and the mouth of g' at a level a little lower than one-third ; for it is requisite that about two-thirds of the boiler should be kept filled with water. The tube i forms a communication between the greater boiler d and the lesser or feeding boiler e, descending nearly to the bottom of it. This communication can be opened and closed at pleasure by the cock k. A gauge pipe is in- serted similar to g, g', but extending nearly to the bottom. From this boiler a tube p extends which is continued fo a cistern c (fig. 8.) and a cock is placed at m which, when opened, allows the water from the cistern to flow into the feeding boiler e, and which is closed when that boiler is filled. The manner in which this cistern, is supplied will be described hereafter. Let us now suppose that the principal boiler is filled to the level between the gauge pipes, and that the subsidiary boiler is nearly full of water, the cock k and the gauge cocks G, g' being all closed. The fire being lighted beneath d and the water boiled, steam is produced and is transmitted through one or other of the tubes t t', to the working ap- paratus. When evaporation has reduced the water in d be- low the level of g' it will be necessary to replenish the boiler r». This is effected thus. A fire being lighted SAVERV AND NEWCOMEN. 53 beneath the feeding boiler e, steam is produced in it above the surface of the water, which having no escape presses on the surface so as to force it up in the pipe i. The cock k being then opened, the boiling water is forced into the prin- cipal boiler d, into which it is allowed to flow until water issues from the gauge cock g'. When this takes place, the cock k is closed, and the fire removed from e until the great boiler again wants replenishing. When the feeding boiler e has been exhausted, it is replenished from the cistern c (fig. 8.) through the pipe f by opening the cock m. (32.) We shall now describe the working apparatus in which the steam is used as a moving power. Let v v' (fig. 8.) be two steam vessels communicating by the tubes t t' (marked by the same letters in fig. 7.) with the greater boiler d. Let s be a pipe, called the suction pipe, descending into the well or reservoir from which the water is to be raised, and communicating with each of the steam vessels through tubes d d' by valves a a' which open upwards. Let f be a pipe continued from the level of the engine of whatever higher level it is intended to elevate the water. The steam vessels v v' communicate with the force-pipe f by valves b b' which open upward, through the tubes e e'. Over the steam vessels and on the force-pipe is placed a small cistern c already mentioned, which is kept filled with cold water from the force pipe, and from the bottom of which proceeds a pipe terminated with a cock g. This is called the con- densing pipe, and can be brought alternately over each steam vessel. From this cistern another pipe communicates with the feeding boiler (fig. 7.) by the cock m.* The communication of the pipes t t' with the boiler can be opened and closed, alternately, by the regulator r, (fig. 7.) already described. * This pipe in fig. 9. is represented as proceeding from the force-pipe above the cistern c. 54 THE STEAM ENGINE. Now suppose the steam vessels and tubes to be all filled with common atmospheric air, and that the regulator be placed so that the communication between the tube t and the boiler be opened, the communication between the other tube t' and the boiler being closed, steam will flow into v through t. At first, while the vessel v is cold, the steam will be condensed and will fall in drops of water on the bottom and sides of the vessel. The continued supply of steam from the boiler will at length impart such a degree of heat to the vessel v that it will cease to condense it. Mixed With the heated air contained in the vessel v, it will have an elastic force greater than the atmospheric pressure, and will therefore force open the valve b, through which a mixture of air and steam will be driven until all the air in the vessel v will have passed out, and it will contain nothing but the pure vapour of water. When this has taken place, suppose the regulator be moved so as to close the communication between the tube t and the boiler, and to stop the further supply of steam to the vessel v; and at the same time let the condensing pipe g be brought over the vessel v and the cock opened so as to let a stream of cold water flow upon it. This will cool the vessel v, and the steam with which it is filled will be condensed and fall in a few drops of water, leaving the interior of the vessel a vacuum. The valve b will be kept closed by the atmo- spheric pressure. But the elastic force of the air between the valve a and the surface of the water in the well or re- servoir, will open a, so that a part of this air will rush in (6.) and occupy the vessel v. The air in the suction pipe s, being thus allowed an increased space, will be proportionably diminished in its elastic force (6.), and its pressure will no longer balance that of the atmosphere acting on the external surface l* of the water in the reservoir. This pressure will, therefore, force water up in the tube s until its weight, to- * Not in the diagram. . - SAVERY AND NEVVCOMEN. 55 get her with the elastic force of the air above it, balances the atmospheric pressure on l (7.). When this has taken place, the water will cease to ascend. ' Let us now suppose that, by shifting the regulator, the com- munication is opened between t and the boiler, so that steam flows again into v. The condensing cock g being removed, the vessel will be again heated as before, the air expelled, and its place filled by the steam. The condensing pipe being again allowed to play upon the vessel v, and the fur- ther supply of steam being stopped, a vacuum will be pro- duced in v, and the atmospheric pressure on l will force the water through the valve A into the vessel v, which it will nearly fill, a small quantity of air, however, remaining above it. Thus far the mechanical agency employed in elevating the water is the atmospheric pressure; and the power of steam is no further employed than in the production of a vacuum. But, in order to continue the elevation of the water through the force pipe f, above the level of the steam vessel, it will be necessary to use the elastic pressure of the steam. The vessel v is now nearly filled by the water which has been forced into it by the atmosphere. Let us suppose that, the regulator being shifted again, the communication between the tube t and the boiler is opened, the condensing cock re- moved, and that steam flows into v. At first coming in con- tact with the cold surface of the water'and that of the vessel, it is condensed; but the vessel is soon heated, and the water formed by the condensed steam collects in a sheet or film on the surface of the water in v, so as to form a surface as hot as boiling water.* The steam then being no longer con- densed, presses on the surface of the water with its elastic force ; and when that pressure becomes greater than the atmospheric pressure, the valve u is forced open and the water, issuing through it, passes through e into the force- * Hot water being lighter than cold, it floats on the surface. 56 • THE STEAM ENGINE. pipe f ; and this is continued until the steam has forced all the water from v, and occupies its place. The further admission of steam through t is once more stopped by moving the regulator; and the condensing pipe being again allowed to play on v, so as to condense the steam which fills it, produces a vacuum. Into this vacuum, as be- fore, the atmospheric pressure on l will force the water, and fill the vessel v. The condensing pipe being then closed and steam admitted through t, the water in v will be forced by its pressure through the valve b and tube e into r, and so the process is continued. We have not yet noticed the other steam vessel v', which as far as we have described, would have remained filled with common atmospheric air, the pressure of which, on the valve a', would have prevented the water raised in the suction pipe s from passing through it. However, this is not the case ; for, during the entire process which has been described in v, similar effects have been produced in v', which we have only omitted to notice, to avoid the confusion which the two processes might produce. It will be remembered, that after the steam, in the first instance, having flowed from the boiler through t, has blown the air out of v through b, the communication between t and the boiler is closed. Now the same motion of the regulator which closes this opens the communication between t' and the boiler; for the sliding plate r (fig. 7. ) is moved from the one tube to the other, and at the same time, as we have already stated, the con- densing pipe is brought to play on v. While, therefore, a vacuum is being formed in v by condensation, the steam, flowing through t', blows out the air through b', as already described in the other vessel v; and, while the air in s is rushing up through a into v followed by the water raised in s by the atmospheric pressure on l, the vessel v' is being filled with steam, and the air is completely expelled from it. The communication between t and the boiler is now SAVERY AND NEWCOMEN. 57 again opened, and the communication between t' and the boiler closed by moving the regulator r (fig. 7.) from the tube t to t' ; at the same time the condensing pipe is re- moved from over v- and brought to play upon v'. While the steam once more expels the air from v through b, a va- cuum is formed by condensation in v\ into which the water in s rushes through the valve a'. In the mean time v is again filled with steam. The communication between T and the boiler is now closed, and that between t' and the boiler is opened, and the condensing pipe removed from v' and brought to play on v. While the steam from the boil- er forces the water in v' through b' into the force-pipe f, a vacuum is being produced in v into which water is raised by the atmospheric pressure at l. Thus each of the vessels v v' is alternately filled from s and the water thence forced into r. The same steam which forces the water from the vessels into r, having done its duty, is condensed, and brings up the water from s by giving effect to the atmospheric pressure. During this process, two alternate* motions or adjustments must be constantly made ; the communication between t and the boiler must be opened, and that between t' and the boiler closed, which is done by one motion of the regulator. The condensing pipe at the same time must be brought from v to play on v' which is done by the lever placed up- on it. Again the communication between t' and the boiler is to be opened, and that between t and the boiler closed ; this is done by moving back the regulator. The condensing pipe is brought from v' to v by moving back the other lever, and so on alternately. For the clearness and convenience of description, some slight and otherwise unimportant changes have been made in the position of the parts.* A perspective view of this * In the diagrams used for explaining the principles and operations of machines, I have found it contribute much to the clearness of the descrip- S 58 THE STEAM ENGINE. engine is presented in fig. 9. The different parts already described will easily be recognised, being marked with the same letters as in figs. 6, 7. (33.) In order duly to appreciate the value of improve- ments, it is necessary first to perceive the defects which these improvements are designed to remove. Savery's steam engine, considering how little was known of the value and properties of steam, and how low the general standard of mechanical knowledge was in his day, is certainly high- ly creditable to his genius. Nevertheless it had very con- siderable defects, and was finally found to be inefficient for the most important purposes to which he proposed apply- ing it. At the time of this invention^ the mines in England had greatly increased in depth, and the process of draining them had become both expensive and diificult ; so much so, that it was found in many instances that their produce did not cover the cost of working them. The drainage of these mines was the most important purpose to which Savery proposed to apply his stfeam engine. It has been already stated, that the pressure of the atmo- sphere amounts to about 15 lbs. (3.) on every square inch. Now, a column of water, whose base is one square inch, and whose height is 34 feet, weighs about 15ibs. If. we suppose that a perfect vacuum were produced in the steam-vessels v v' (fig. 8.) by condensation, the atmospheric pressure on l would fail to force up the water, if the height of the top of these vessels exceeded 34 feet. It is plain, therefore, that the engine cannot be more than 34 feet above the water which it is intended to elevate. But in fact it cannot be so much ; for the vacuum produced in the steam-vessels v v' lion to adopt an arrangement of parts somewhat different from that of the real machine. When once the nature and principles on which the machine acts are well understood, the reader will find no difficulty in transferring every part to its proper place, which is represented in the perspective drawings. SAVE BY AND NEWCOMEN. 5U is never perfect. Water, when not submitted to the pres- sure of the atmosphere, will vaporise at a very low tempe- rature (17. ); and it was found that a vapour possessing a considerable elasticity would, notwithstanding the conden- sation, remain in the vessels v v' and the pipe s, and would oppose the ascent of the water. In consequence of this, it was found that the engine could never be placed with prac- tical advantage at a greater height than 26 feet above the level of the water to be raised. (34.) When the water is elevated to the engine, and the steam-vessels filled, if steam be introduced above the water in v, it must first balance the atmospheric pressure, before it can force the water through the valve b. Here, then, is a mechanical pressure of I5lbs. per square inch expended, without any water being raised by it. If steam of twice that elastic force be used, it will elevate a column in f of 34 feet in height ; and if steam of triple the force be used, it will raise a column of 68 feet high, which, added to 26 feet raised by the atmosphere, gives a total lift of 94 feet. In effecting this, steam of a pressure equal to three times that of the atmosphere acts on the inner surface of the ves- sels v v'. One third of this bursting of the pressure is ba- lanced by the pressure of the atmosphere on the external surface of the vessels ; but an effective pressure of 30lbs. per square inch still remains, tending to burst the vessels. It was found, that the apparatus could not be. constructed to bear more than this with safety; and, therefore, in practice the lift of such an engine was limited to about 90 perpen- dicular feet. In order to raise the water from the bottom of the mine by these engines, therefore, it was necessary to place one at every 90 feet of the depth ; so that the water raised by one through the first 90 feet should be received in a reservoir, from which it was to be elevated the next 90 feet by another, and so on. Besides this, it was found that sufficient strength could not be given to those engines, if constructed upon a large 60 THE STEAM ENGINE. scale. They were, therefore, necessarily very limited in their dimensions, and were incapable of raising the water with sufficient speed. Hence arose a necessity for several engines at each level, which greatly enhanced the expense. (35.) These, however, were not the only defects of Sa- very's engines. The consumption of fuel was enormous, the proportion of heat wasted being much more than what was used in either forcing up the water, or producing a va- cuum. This will be very easily understood by attending to the process of working the engine already described. When the steam is first introduced from the boiler into the steam-vessels v v', preparatory to the formation of a vacuum, it is necessary that it should heat these vessels up to the temperature of the steam itself; for until then the steam will be condensed the moment it enters the vessel by the cool surface. All this heat, therefore, spent in raising the temperature of the steam vessels is wasted. Again, when the water has ascended and filled the vessels v v', and steam is introduced to force this water through b b' into f, it is immediately condensed by the cold surface in v v', and does not begin to act until a quantity of hot water, formed by condensed steam, is collected on the surface of the cold water which fills the vessel v v'. Hence another source of the waste of heat arises. When the steam begins to act upon the surface of the water in v v', and to force it down, the cold surface of the vessel is gradually exposed to the steam, and must be heat- ed while the steam continues its action ; and when the water has been forced out of the vessel, the vessel itself has been heated to the temperature of the steam which fills it, all which heat is dissipated by the subsequent process of con- densation. It must thus be evident that the steam used in forcing up the water in r, and in producing a vacuum, bears a very small proportion indeed to what is consumed in heat- ing the apparatus after condensation. PI. I. Fig. 4. J'.n^i-.l.rr.Mxwerifk. "?:. SAVERT AND NEWCOMEN. 61 (36.) There is also another circumstance which increases the consumption of fuel; The water must be forced through b, not. only against the atmospheric pressure, but also against a column of 6S feet of water. Steam is therefore required of a pressure of 45lbs. on the square inch. Consequently the water in the boiler must be boiled under this pressure. That this should take place, it is necessary that the water should be raised to a temperature considerably above 212° (17.), even so high as 267°; and thus an increased heat must be given to the boiler. Independently of the other defects, this intense heat weakened and gradually destroyed the ap- paratus. Besides the drainage of mines, Savery proposed to apply his steam engine to a variety of other purposes ; such as supplying cities with water, ' forming ornamental water- works in pleasure grounds, turning mills, &c. Savery was the first who suggested the method of express- ing the power of an engine with reference to that of horses. In this comparison, however, he supposed each horse to work but 8 hours a day, while the engine works for 24 hours. This method of expressing the power . of steam engines will be explained hereafter. (37.) The failure of the engines proposed by Captain Savery in the great work of drainage, from the causes which have been just mentioned and the increasing necessity for effecting this object arising from the circumstance of the large property in mines, which became every year unpro- ductive by it, stimulated the ingenuity of mechanics to con- trive some means. of rendering those powers of steam exhi- bited in Savery's engine practically available. Among others, Thomas Newcomen, a blacksmith of Dartmouth, and John Cawley, a plumber of the same place, turned their at- tention to this inquiry. Newcomen appears to have resumed the old method of raising the water from the mines by ordinary pumps, but conceived the idea of working these pumps by some moving 62 THE STEAM ENGINE. power less expensive than that of horses. The means whereby he proposed effecting this was by connecting the end of a pump rod d (fig. 10.), by a chain, with the arch head A of a working beam a b, playing on anaxis c. The other arch head b of this beam was connected by a chain with the rod e of a solid piston p, which moved air-tight in a cylinder f. If a vacuum be created beneath the pislon p, the atmo- spheric pressure acting upon it will press it down with a force of 15 lbs. per square inch ; and the end a of the beam being thus raised, the pump-rod d will be drawn up. If a pressure equivalent to the atmosphere be then introduced below the piston, so as to neulralize the downward pressure, the piston will be in a stale of indifference as to rising or falling ; and if in this case the rod p be made heavier than the piston and its rod, so as to overcome the friction, &c. it will descend, and elevate the piston again to the top of the cylinder. The vacuum being again produced, another descent of the piston, and consequent elevation of the pump-rod, will take place ; and so the process may be continued. Such was Newcomen's first conception of the atmospheric engine; and the contrivance had much, even at the' first view, to recommend it. The power of such a machine would depend entirely on the magnitude of the piston ; and being independent of a highly elastic steam, would not expose the materials to the destructive heat which was necessary for working Savery's engine. Supposing a per- fect vacuum to be produced under the piston in the cylinder, an effective downward pressure would be obtained, amount- ing to 15 times as many pounds as there are square inches in the section of the piston.* Thus, if the base of the piston * As the calculation of the power of an engine depends on the number of square inches in the section of the piston, it may be useful to give a rule for computing the number of square inches in a circle. The follow- ing rule will always give the dimensions with sufficient accuracy: — Multiply the number of inches in the. diameter by itself; divide the product by 14, and multiply the quotient thus obtained by 11, arid the result will be EL II. &- method of producing a vacuum. The last difficulty respecting the economy of heat which remained to be removed, was the circutnstaneeof the cylin- der being liable to be cooled on the external surface by the atmosphere. To obviate this, he first proposed casing the cylinder in wood, that being a substance which conducted heat slowly. Hesubsequently, however, adopted a different method, and inclosed one cylinder within another, leaving a space between them, which he kept constantly supplied with steam. Thus the inner cylinder was kept continually at the temperature of the steam which surrounded it. The outer cylinder was called the jacket.* (48.) Watt computed that in the atmospheric engine three times as much heat was wasted in heating the cylinder, &c. as was spent in useful effect. And, as by the improvements proposed by him nearly all this waste was removed, he con- templated, and afterwards actually effected, a saving of three fourths of the fuel. . The honour due to Watt for his discoveries is enhanced by the difficulties under which he laboured from contracted circumstances at the time he made them. He relates, that when he was endeavouring to determine the heat consumed in the production of steam, his means did not permit him to use an efficient and proper apparatus, which would have been attended with expense; and it was by experiments made * It is a remarkable circumstance, that Watt used the same means for keeping the cylinder hot as Newcomen used in his earlier engines to cool it. (38.) JAMES WATT. 79 with apothecaries' phials, that he discovered the property already mentioned, which was one of the facts on which the 'doctrine of latent heat was founded. A large share of the merit of Watt's discoveries has, by some writers, been attributed to Dr. Black, to whose in- structions on the subject of latent heat it is said that Watt owed the knowledge of those facts which led to his improve- ments. Such, however, was not the case ; and the mistake arose chiefly from some passages respecting Watt in the works of Dr. Robison, in one of which he states that Watt had been a pitpil and intimate friend of Dr. Black; and that he attended two courses of his lectures at college in Glasgow;. Such, however, was not the case: for "Unfortunately for me," says Watt in a letter to Dr. Brewster, " the necessary avocations of my business prevented me from attending his or any other lectures at college. In further noticing Dr. Black's opinion, that his fortunate observation of what hap- pens in the formation and condensation of elastic vapour ' has contributed in no inconsiderable degree to the public good, by suggesting to my friend Mr. Watt of Birmingham, then of Glasgow, his improvements on the steam-engine,' it is very painful for me to controvert any opinion or assertion of my revered friend; yet, in the present case, I find it ne- cessary to say, that he appears to me to have fallen into an error. These improvements proceeded upon the established fact, that steam was condensed by the contact of cold bodies, and the later known one, that water boiled at heats below 100°, and consequently that a vacuum could not be obtained unless the cylinder and its contents were cooled every stroke below the heat." so CHAPTER V. watt's single-acting- steam engine. Expansive Principle applied. — Failure of Roebuck, and Partnership with Bolton. — Patent extended to 1800. — Counter.— Difficulties in getting the Engines into use. . (49.) The first machine in which Watt realised the con- ceptions which we mentioned in the last chapter, is that which was afterwards called his Single-acting Steam En- gine. We shall now describe the working apparatus in this machine. The cylinder is represented at c (fig. 12.) — in which the piston p moves steam-tight. It is closed at the top, and the piston rod being very accurately turned, runs in a steam- tight collar b furnished with a stuffing-box, and constantly supplied with melted tallow or wax. Through a funnel in the top of the cylinder, melted grease flows upon the piston so as to maintain it steam-tight. Two boxes a a, contain- ing the valves for admitting and withdrawing the steam, connected by a tube of communication t, are attached to the cylinder ; the aetion of these valves will be presently de- scribed. Below the cylinder, placed in a cistern of cold water, is a close cylindrical vessel d, called the condenser, communicating with the cylinder by a tube t', leading to the lower valve-box a.* In the side of this condenser is in- serted a tube, the inner end of which is pierced with holes like the rose of a watering-pot; and a cock e in the cold cis- tern-is placed on the outside^ through which, when open, the water passing, rises in a jet on the inside. The tube s, which conducts steam from the boiler, enters the top of the upper valve-box at f. Immediately under it WATT'S SINfciJL.U-ACTrNGr STEAM ENGINE. 81 is placed a valve g, which is opened and closed by a lever or rod g'. This valve, when open, admits steam to the top of the piston, and also to the tube t, which communicates between the two valve-boxes, and when closed suspends the admission of steam. There are two valves in the lower box, one H in the top worked by the lever h', and one i in the bottom worked by the lever i'. The valve h, when open, admits steam to pass from the cylinder above the piston, by the tube t, to the cylinder below the piston, the valve i be- ing supposed in this case to be closed. This valve i, when open, (the valve h being closed), admits steam to pass from below the cylinder through t' to the condenser. This steam, entering the condenser, meets the jet, admitted to play. by the valve e, and is condensed. The valve g is called the tipper steam-valve ; h, lower steam-valve; i, the exhausting valve; and e, the con- densing valve. Let us now consider how these valves must be worked in order to produce the alternate ascent and de- scent of the piston. It is in the first place necessary that all the air which. fills the cylinder, tubes, and condenser, should be expelled. Tith*pure steam. Then suppose all the valves again closX The cylinder both above and below the piston is fillet with steam ; and the steam which filled the condenser feing cooled by the cold surface, a vacuum has been produced in that vessel. The apparatus being in this state, let the upper steam valve g, the exhausting valve i, and the condensing valve e 11 g2 THE STEAM EiVGrl-NE. be opened. Steam will thus be admitted through g to press on the top of the piston; and this steam will be prevented from circulating to the lower part of the cylinder by the lower steam-valve h being closed. Also the steam which filled the cylinder below the piston rushes through the open exhausting valve i to the condenser, where it meets the jet allowed to play by the open condensing valve e. It is thus instantly condensed, and a vacuum is left in the cylinder below the piston. Into this vacuum the piston is pressed without resistance by the steam which is admitted through g. When the piston has thus been forced to the bottom of the cylinder, let the three valves g, i, and e, which were before opened, be closed, and let the lower steam-valve h be opened. The effects of this change are easily perceived. By closing the upper steam-valve g, the further admission of steam to the apparatus is stopped. By closing the exhausting valve i, all transmission of steam from the cylinder to the condenser is stopped. Thus the steam which is in the cylinder, valve- boxes, and tubes is shut up in them, and no more admitted, nor any allowed to escape. By closing the condensing valve "«:, the play of the jet in the condenser is suspended. "Previously to opening the valve h, the steam contained in tht apparatus was confined to the part of the cylinder above ttys piston and the tube t and the valve-box a. But on opening this valve, the steam is allowed to circulate above and beUw the piston; and in fact through every part included between the upper steam valve g, and the exhaust- ing valve i. The ?ame steam circulating on both sides, the piston is thus equally pressed upwards and downwards. In this case there is to force tending to retain the piston at the bottom of the cylinder except its own weight. Its ascent is produced in the sam* manner as the ascent of the piston in the atmospheric engin t . The piston-rod is con- nected by chains g to the arch-he^d of the beam, and the weight of the pump-rod k, or any other counterpoise acting watt's single-acting steam engine. S3 on the chains suspended from the other arch-head, draws the piston to the top of the cylinder. When the piston has arrived at the top of the cylinder, suppose the three valves g, i, and e to be again opened, and h closed. Steam passes from the steam-pipe r through the upper steam r valve g to the top of the piston, and at the same time the steam which filled the cylinder below the piston is drawn off through the open exhausting valve I into the con- denser, where it is condensed by the jet allowed to play by the open condensing valve e. The pressure of the steam above the piston then forces it without resistance into the vacuum below it, and so the process is continued. It should be remembered, that of the four valves necessary to work the piston, three are to be opened the moment the piston reaches the top of the cylinder, and the fourth is to be closed; and on the piston arriving at the bottom of the cylin- der, these three are to be closed and the fourth opened. The three valves which are thus opened and closed together are the upper steam-valve, the exhausting-valve, and the con- densing-valve. The lower steam-valve is to be opened at the same instant that these are closed, and vice versa. The manner of working these valves we shall describe hereafter. The process which has just been described, if continued for anj'- considerable number of reciprocations of the piston, would be attended with two very obvious effects which would obstruct and finally destroy the action of the machine. First, the condensing water and condensed steam would collect in the condenser d, and fill it; and- secondly, the water in the cistern in which the condenser is placed would gradually become heated, until at last it would not be cold enough to condense the steam when introduced in the jet. Besides this, it will be recollected that water boils in a vacuum at a very low temperature (17); and, therefore, the hot water collected in the bottom of the condenser would produce steam which, risipg into the cylinder through the exhausting valve, would resist the descent oi the piston, and 84 THE STEAM ENGINE. counteract the effects of the steam above it. A further dis- advantage arises from the air or other permanently elastic fluid which enters in combination with the water, both in the boiler and condensing jet, and which is disengaged by its own elasticity. To remove these difficulties, a pump is placed near the condenser communicating with it by a valve m, which opens from the condenser into the pump. In this pump is placed .a piston which moves air-tight, and in which there is a valve n, which opens upwards. Now suppose the piston at the bottom of the pump. As it rises, since the valve in it opens upwards, no air can pass down through it, and consequently it leaves a vacuum below it. The water and any air which may be collected in the condenser open the valve m, and pass into the lower part of the pump from which they can- not return in consequence of the valve m opening outwards. On the descent of the pump-piston, the fluids which occupy the lower part of the pump, force open the piston-valve n; and passing through it, get above the piston, from which their return is prevented by the valve n. In the next ascent, the piston lifts these fluids to the top of the pump, whence they are discharged through a conduit into a small cistern b by a valve k which opens outwards. The water which is thus collected in b is heated by the condensed steam, and is reserved in b, which is called the hot well for feeding the boiler, which is effected by means which we shall presently explain. The pump which draws off the hot water and air from the condenser is called the air-pump. (50.) We have not yet explained the manner in which the valves and the air-pump piston are worked. The rod q of the latter is connected with the working beam, and the pump is therefore wrought by the engine itself. It is not very material to which arm of the beam it is attached. If it be on the same side of the centre of the beam with the cylinder, it rises and falls with the steam-piston ; but if it be on the opposite side, the pump-piston rises when the WATTS SINGLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. S5 steam-piston falls, and vice versa. In the single-engine there are some advantages in the latter arrangement. As the steam-piston descends, the steam rushes into the conden- ser, and the jet is playing ; and this, therefore, is the most favourable time for drawing out the water and condensed steam from the condenser by the ascent of the pump-piston, since by this means the descent of the steam-piston is assist- ed ; an effect which would not be produced if the steam- piston and pump-piston descended together. With respect to the method of opening and closing the valves, it is evident that the three valves which are simul- taneously opened and closed may be so connected as to be worked by the same lever. This lever may be struck by a pin fixed upon the rod q of the air-pump, so that when the pistons have arrived at the top of the cylinders the pin strikes the lever and opens the three valves. A catch or detent is provided for keeping them open during the descent of the piston, from which they are disengaged in a similar manner on the arrival of the piston at the bottom of the cylinder, and they close by their own weight. In exactly the same way the lower steam-valve is opened on the arrival of the piston at the bottom of the cylinder, and closed on its arrival at the top by the action of a pin placed on the piston-rod of the air-pump. (51.) Soon after the invention of these engines, Watt found that in some instances inconvenience arose from the too rapid motion of the steam-piston at the end of its stroke, owing to its being moved with an accelerated motion. This was owing to the uniform action of the steam-pressure upon it: for upon first putting it in motion at the top of the cylinder, the motion was comparatively slow; but from the continuance of the same pressure the velocity with which the piston descended was continually increasing, until it reached the bottom of the cylinder, where it acquired its greatest velocity. To prevent this, and to render the descent as nearly as possible uniform, it was proposed to cut off the 86 THE STEAM ENGINE. steam before the descent was completed, so that the remain- der might be effected merely by the expansion of the steam which was admitted to the cylinder. To accomplish this, he contrived, by means of a pin on the rod of the air-pump, to close the upper steam-valve when the steam-piston had completed one-third of its entire descent, and to keep it closed during the remainder of the descent, and until the piston again reached the top of the cylinder. By this ar- rangement the steam pressed the piston with its full force through one-third of the descent, and thus put it into motion; during the other, two thirds the steam thus admitted acted merely by its expansive force, which became less in exactly the same proportion as the space given to it by the descent of the piston increased. Thus, during the last two thirds of the descent the piston is urged by a gradually decreasing force, which in practice was found just sufficient to sustain in the piston a uniform velocity. (52.) We have already mentioned the difficulty arising from the water in the cistern, in which the condenser and air-pump are placed, becoming heated, and the condensation therefore being imperfect. To prevent this, a waste-pipe is placed in this cistern, from which the water is continually discharged, and a pump l (called the cold-water pump) is worked by the engine itself, which raises a supply of cold water and sends it through a pipe in a constant stream into the cold cistern. The waste-pipe, through which the water flows from the cistern, is placed near the top of it, since the heated water, being lighter than the cold, remains on the top. Thus the heated water is continually flowing off, and a constant stream of cold water supplied. The piston-rod of the cold water pump is attached to the beam (by which it is worked), usually on the opposite side from the cylin- der. Another pump o (called the hot-water pump) enters the hot well b ; and raising the water from it, forces it through a tube to the boiler for the purpose of feeding it. The watt's single-acting steam engine. 87 manner in which this is effected will be more particularly described hereafter. A part of the heat which would other- wise be lost, is thus restored to the boiler to assist in the production of fresh steam. We may consider a portion of the heat to be in this manner circulating continually through the machine. It proceeds from the boiler in steam, works the piston, passes into the condenser, and is recon- verted into hot water; thence it is passed to the hot well, from whence it is pumped back into the boiler, and is again converted into steam, and so proceeds in constant circula- tion. From what has been described, it appears that there are four pistons attached to the great beam and worked by the piston of the steam-cylinder. On the same side of the cen- tre with the cylinder is the piston-rod of the air-pump, and on the opposite side are the piston-rods of the hot-water pump and the cold-water pump; and lastly, at the extremi- ty of the beam opposite to that at which the steam-piston works, is the piston of the pump to be wrought by the en- gine. (53.) The position of these piston-rods with respect to the centre of the beam depends on the play necessary to be given to the piston. If the play of the piston be short, its rod will be attached to the beam near the centre ; and if longer, more remote from the centre. The. cylinder of the air-pump is commonly half the. length of the steam-cylinder, and its piston-rod is attached to the beam at the point exact- ly in the middle between the end of the beam and the centre. The hot-water pump not being required to raise a conside- rable quantity of water, its piston requires but little play, and is therefore placed near the centre of the beam, the pis- ton-rod of the cold-water pump being farther from the centre. (54.) It appears to have been about the year 1763, that Watt made these improvements in the steam engine, and constructed a model which fully realized his expectations. 8-8 THE STEAM ENGINE. Either from want of influence or the fear of prejudice and opposition, he did not make known his discovery or attempt to secure it by a patent at that time. Having adopted the profession of a land surveyor, his business brought him into communication with Dr. Roebuck, at that time extensively engaged in mining speculations, who possessed some com- mand of capital, and was of a very enterprising disposition. By Roebuck's assistance and countenance, Watt erected an engine of the new construction at a coal mine on the estate of the Duke of Hamilton, at Kinneil near Burrowstoness. This engine being a kind of experimental one, was improved, from time to tune as circumstances suggested, until it reached considerable perfection. While it was being erected, Watt in conjunction with Roebuck applied for and obtained a patent to secure the property in the invention. This patent was enrolled in 1769, six years after Watt invented the im- proved engine. Watt was now preparing to manufacture the new engines on an extensive scale, when his partner Roebuck suffered a considerable loss by the failure of a mining speculation in which he had engaged, and became involved in embarrass- ments, so as to be unable to make the pecuniary advances necessary to carry Watt's designs into execution. Again disappointed, and harassed by the difficulties which he had to encounter, Watt was about to relinquish the further pro- secution of his plans, when Mr. Matthew Bolton, a gentle- man who had established a factory at Birmingham a short time before, made proposals to purchase Dr. Roebuck's share in the patent, in which he succeeded ; and in 1773, Watt entered into partnership with Bolton. His situation was now; completely changed. Bolton was not only a man of extensive capital, but also of considerable personal influence, and had a disposition which led him, from taste, to undertakings which were great and difficult, and which he prosecuted with the most unremitting ardency and spirit. " Mr. Watt," says Play fair, " was studious and WATTS STNfiT.rc-AfiTTNft STEAM ENGINE. 89 reserved, keeping aloof from the world ; while Mr. Bolton was a man of address, delighting in society, active, and mix- ing with people of all ranks with great freedom, and with- out ceremony. Had Mr. Watt searched all Europe, he probably would not have found another person so fitted to bring his invention before the public, in a manner worthy of its merit and importance ; and although of most opposite habits, it fortunately so happened that no two men evermore cordially agreed in their intercourse with "each other." The delay in the progress of the manufacture of engines occasioned by the failure of Dr. Roebuck was such, that Watt found that the duration of his patent would probably expire before he would even be reimbursed the necessary expenses attending the various arrangements for the manu- facture of the engines. He therefore, with the advice and influence of Bolton, Roebuck, and other friends, in 1775, applied to parliament for an extension of the terms of his patent, which was granted for 25 years from the date of his application, so that his exclusive privilege should expire in 1800. An engine was now erected at Soho (the name of Bolton's factory) as a specimen for the- examination of mining specu- lators, and the engines were beginning to come into demand. The. manner in which Watt chose to receive remuneration from those who used his engines was as remarkable for its ingenuity as for its fairness and liberality. He required that one-third of the saving of coals effected by his engines, compared with the atmospheric engines hitherto used, should be paid to him, leaving the benefit of the other two-thirds to the public. Accurate experiments were made to ascer- tain the saving of coals; and as the amount of this saving in each engine depended on the length of time it was worked, or rather on the number of descents of the piston, Watt in- vented a very ingenious method of determining this. The vibrations of the great working beam were made to commu- nicate with a train of wheelwork, in the same way as those 12 90 THE STEAM ENGINE. of a pendulum communicate with the work of a clock. Each vibration of the beam moved one tooth of a small wheel, and the motion was communicated to a hand or index, which moved on a kind of graduated plate like the dial plate of a clock. The position of this hand marked the number of vi- brations of the beam. This apparatus, which was called the counter, was locked up and secured by two different keys, one of which was kept by the proprietor, and the other by Bolton and Watt, whose agents went round periodically to examine the engines, when the counters were opened by both parties and examined, and the number of vibrations of the beam determined, and the value of the patent third found.* Nowithstanding the manifest superiority of these engines over the old atmospheric engines ; yet such were the influ- ence of prejudice and the dislike of what is new, that Watt found great difficulties in getting them into general use. The comparative first cost also probably operated against them ; for it was necessary that all the parts should be executed with great accuracy, which entailed proportionally increased expense. In many instances they felt themselves obliged to induce the proprietors of the old atmospheric engines to re- place them by the new ones, by allowing them in exchange an exorbitant price for the old engines ; and in some cases fhey were induced to erect engines at their own expense, upon an agreement that they should only be paid if the en- gines were found to fulfil the expectations, and brought the advantages which they promised. It appeared since, that Bolton and Watt had actually expended a sum of nearly 50,000/. on these engines before they began to receive any return. When we contemplate the immense advantages * The extent of the saving in fuel may be judged from this : that for three engines erected at Chacewater mine in Cornwall, it was agreed by the proprietors that they would compound for the patent third at 2400/. per annum ; so that the whole saving must have exceeded 7200/. per annum. DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 91 which the commercial interests of the country have gained by the improvements in the steam engine, we cannot but look back with disgust at the influence of that fatal preju- dice which opposes the progress of improvement under the pretence of resisting innovation. It would be a problem of curious calculation to determine what would have been lost to the resources of this country, if chance had not united the genius of such a "man as Watt with the spirit, enterprise, and capital, of such a man -as Bolton! The result would reflect little credit on those "who think novelty alone a sufficient reason for opposition. CHAPTER VI. DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. The Single -Acting Engine unfit to impel Machinery. — Various contri- vances to adapt it to this purpose. — Double-Cylinder. — Double-Acting Cylinder. — Various mode- of connecting the Piston with the Beam. — Rack and Sector. — Double Chain. — Parallel Motion. — Crank. — Sun and Planet Motion. — Fly Wheel. — Governor. In the atmospheric engine of Newcomen, and in the improved steam engine of Watt, described in the last chapter, the action of the moving power is an intermitting one. While the piston descends, the moving power is in action, but its action is suspended during the ascent. Thus the opposite or working end of the beam can only be applied in cases where a lifting power is required. This action is quite suitable to the purposes of pumping, which was the chief or only object to which the steam engine had hitherto been applied. In a more extended application of the ma- chine, this intermission of the moving power and its action 92 THE STEAM ENGINE. taking place only in one direction would be inadmissible. To drive the machinery generally employed in manufactures a constant and uniform force is required; and to render the steam engine available for this purpose, it would be necessary that the beam should be driven by the moving power as well in its ascent as in its descent. When Watt first conceived the notion of extending the application of the engine to manufactures generally, he pro- posed to accomplish this double action upon the beam by placing a steam cylinder under each end of it, so that while each piston would be ascending, and not impelled by the steam, the other would be descending, being urged down- wards by the steam above it acting against the vacuum be- low. Thus, the power acting on each during the time when its action on the other would be suspended, a constant force would be exerted upon the beam, and the uniformity of the motion would be produced by making both cylinders com- municate with the same boiler, so that both pistons would be driven by steam of the same pressure. . One condenser might also be used for both cylinders, so that a similar vacuum would be produced under each. This arrangement, ho\vever,*was soon laid aside for one much more simple and obvious. This consisted in the pro- duction of exactly the same effect by a single cylinder in which steam was introduced alternately above and below the piston, being at the same time withdrawn by the con- denser at the opposite side. Thus the piston being at the top of the cylinder, steam is introduced from the boiler above it, while the steam in the cylinder below it is drawn off by the condenser. The piston, therefore, is pressed from above into the vacuum below, and descends to the bottom of the cylinder. Having arrived there, the top of the cylinder is cut off from all communication with the boiler; and, on the other hand, a communication is opened between it and the condenser. The steam which has pressed the piston down is therefore dvawn off by the condenser, while a com- DOUBLE- ACTING- STEAM ENGINE. 93 munication is opened between the boiler and the bottom of the cylinder, so that steam is admitted below the piston: the piston, thus pressed from below into the vacuum above, ascends, and in the same way the alternate motion is con- tinued. Such is the principle of what is called the Double- acting Steam Engine, in contradistinction to that described in the last chapter, in which the steam acts only above 1 the piston while a vacuum is produced below it. It is evident that, in the arragement now described, the condenser, must be in constant action: while the piston is descending the condenser must draw off the steam below it, and while it is ascending, it must draw off the steam above it. As steam, therefore, must be. constantly drawn into the condenser, the jet of cold water which condenses the steam must be kept constantly playing. This jet, therefore, will not be worked by the valve alternately opening and closing, as in the single engine, but will be worked by a cock, the opening of which will be adjusted according to the quantity of cold water necessary to condense the steam. When the steam is used at a low pressure, and, therefore, in a less compressed state, less condensing water would be necessary than when it is used at a higher pressure and in a more com- pressed state. In the one case, therefore, the condensing cock would be less open than in the other. Again, the quantity of condensing water must vary with the speed of the engine, because the greater the speed of the engine, the more rapidly will the steam flow from the cylinder into the condenser ; and, as the same quantity of steam requires the same quantity of condensing water, the supply of the con- densing water must be proportional to the speed of the en- gine. In the double-acting engine, then, the jet cock is re- gulated by a lever or index which moves upon a graduated arch, and which is regulated by the engineer according to the manner in which the engine works. This change in the action of the steam Upon the piston rendered it necessary to make a corresponding change in 94 THE STEAM ENGINE. the mechanism by which the piston-rod was connected with the beam. In the single acting engine, the piston-rod pulled the end of the beam down during the descent, and was pulled up by it in the ascent. The connection by which this action was transmitted between the beam and piston was, as we . have seen, a flexible chain passing from the end of the piston- and playing upon the arch head of the beam. ' Now, whete the mechanical action to be transmitted is a pull, and not a push, a flexible chain, or cord, or strap, is always sufficient; but if a push or thrust is required to be transmitted, then the flexibility of the medium of mechanical communication afforded by a chain, renders it inapplicable. In the double- acting engine, during the descent, the piston-rod still pulls the beam down, and so far a chain connecting the piston-rod with, the beam would be sufficient to"transmit the action of the one to the other; but in the ascent the beam no longer pulls up the piston-rod, but is pushed up by it. A chain from the piston-rod to the arch head, as described in the single acting engine, would fail to transmit this force. If such a chain were used with the double engine, where there is no counter weight on the opposite end of the beam, the conse- quence would be, that in the ascent of the piston the chain would slacken, and the beam would still remain depressed. It is therefore necessary that some other mechanical connec- tion be contrived between the piston-rod and the beam, of such a nature that in the descent the piston-rod may pull the beam down, and may push it up in the ascent. Watt first proposed to effect this by attaching to the end of the piston-rod a straight rack, faced with teeth, which should work in corresponding teeth raised on the arch head of the beam as represented in fig. 13. ,If his improved steam engines required.no further precision of operation and con- struction than the atmospheric engines, this might have been sufficient; but in these engines it was indispensably necessary . that the piston-rod should be guided with a smooth and even motion through the stuffing box in the top of the cylinder, DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 95 otherwise any shake or irregularity would cause it to work loose iri the stuffing box, and either to admit the air, or to let the steam escape. In fact, it was necessary to turn these piston-rods very accurately in the lathe, so that they may work with sufficient precision in the cylinder. Under these circumstances, the motion of the rack and toothed arch head were inadmissible, since it was impossible by such means to impart to the piston-rod that smooth and equable motion which was requisite. Another contrivance which occurred to Watt was, to attach to the top of the piston-rod a bar which should extend above the beam, and to use two chains or straps, one extending from the top of the bar to the lower end of the arch head, and the other from the bottom of the. bar to the upper end of the arch head. By such means the latter strap would pull the beam down when the piston would descend, and the former would pull the beam up- when the piston would ascend. These contrivances, however, were superseded by the celebrated mechanism, since called the Parallel Motion, one of the most ingenious mechanical combinations connected with the history of the steam engine. It will be observed that the object was to connect by some inflexible means the end of the piston-rod with the extremity of the beam, and so to contrive the mechanism, that while the end of the beam would move alternately up and down in a circle, the end of the piston-rod connected with the beam should move exactly up and down in a straight line. If the end of the piston-rod were fastened upon the end of the beam by a pivot without any other connexion, it is evi- dent that, being moved up and down in the arch of a circle, it would be bent to the left and the right alternately, and would consequently either be broken, or would work loose in the stuffing box. Instead of connecting the end of the rod immediately with the end of the beam by a pivot, Watt proposed to connect them by certain moveable, rods so 96 THE STEAM ENGINE. arranged that, as the end of the heam wou-ld move up and down in the circular arch, the rods would so accommodate themselves to that motion, that the end connected with the piston-rod should not be disturbed from its rectilinear course. To accomplish .this, he conceived the notion of connecting three rods in the following manner : — A b' and c d (fig. 14.), are two rods or levers turning on fixed pivots or centres at A and c. A third rod, b d, is connected with them by pivots placed at their extremities, b and d, and the lengths of the rods are so adjusted that when A b and c d are horizontal, b d shall be perpendicular or vertical, and that a b and c d shall be of equal lengths. Now, let a pencil be imagined to be placed at p, exactly in the middle of the rod b d : if the rod a b be caused to move up and down like the beam of the steam engine in the arch represented in the figure, it is clear, from the mode of their connexion, that the rod c d will be moved up and down in the other arch. Now Watt con- ceived that, under such circumstances, the pencil p would be moved up and down in a perpendicular straight line. However difficult the first conception of this mechanism may have been, it is easy to perceive why the desired effect will be produced by it. When the rod a b rises to the up- per extremity of the arch, the point b departs a little to the right; at the same time, the point d is moved a little to the left. Now the extremities of the rod b d being thus at the same time, carried slightly in opposite directions, the pencil in the middle of it will ascend directly upwards ; the one extremity of the rod having a tendency to draw it as much to the right as the other has to draw it to the left. In the same manner, when the rod a b moves to the lower extre- tremit}' of the arch, the rod c D.will be likewise moved to the lower extremity of its arch. The point b is thus trans- ferred a little to the right, and the point d to the left; and, for the same reason as before, the point p in the middle will DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 97 move neither to the right nor to the left, but straight down- wards.* Now Watt conceived that his object would be attained if he could contrive to make the beam perform the part of a b in fig. 14., and to connect with it other two rods, c" d and D b, attaching the end of the piston to the middle of the rod d b. The practical application of this principle required some modification, but is as elegant as the notion itself is in- genious. The apparatus adopted for carrying it into effect is repre- sented on the arm which works the piston in fig. 15. The beam, moving on its axis c, every point in its arm moves in the arc of a circle of which c is the centre. Let b be the point which divides the arm a c into equal parts, a b and b c; and let d e be a straight rod equal in length to c b, and playing on the fixed centre or pivot d. The end e of this rod is connected by a straight bar, e b, with the point b, by pivots at b and e on which the rod b e plays freely. If the beam be supposed to move alternately on its axis c, the point b will move up and down in a circular arc, of which c is the centre, and at the same time the point e will move in an equal circular arc round the point d as a centre. According to what we have just explained, the middle point p of the rod b e will move up and down in a straight line. Also, let a rod, a g, equal in length to b e, be attached to the end a of the beam by a pivot on which it moves freely, and let its extremity g be connected with e by a rod, g e, equal in length to A b, and playing on pivots at g and e. By this arrangement the joint a g being always parallel * In a strict mathematical sense, the path of the point p is a curve of a high order, but in the play which is given to it in the application used in the steam engine, it describes only a part of its entire locus ; and this part extending equally on each side of a point of inflection, its radius of curvature is infinite, so that, in practice, the deviation from a straight line, when proper proportions are observed in the rods, and too great a play not given to them, is insignificant. 13 98 THE STEAM ENGINE. to b e, the three points c, a, and g will be in circumstances precisely similar to the points c, b, and f, except that the system c a g will be on a scale of double the magnitude of c b f: c a being twice c b, and a g twice b f, it is clear, then, that whatever course the point f may follow, the point g must follow a similar line,* but will move twice as fast. But, since the point f has been already shown to move up and down in a straight line, the point g must also move up and down in a straight line, but of double the length. t By this arrangement the pistons of both the steam cylin- der and air-pump are worked 5 the rod of the latter being attached to the point f, and that of the former to the point g. This beautiful contrivance, which is incontestibly one of the happiest mechanical inventions of Watt, affords an ex- ample with what facility the mind of a mere mechanician can perceive, as it were instinctively, a result to obtain which by strict reasoning would require a very complicated mathematical analysis. Watt, when asked, by persons whose admiration was justly excited by this invention, to what process of reasoning he could trace back his discovery, replied that he was aware of none; that the conception flash- ed upon his mind without previous investigation, and so as to excite in himself surprise at the perfection of its action ; and that on looking at it for the first time, he experienced all that pleasurable sense of novelty which arises from the first contemplation of the results of the invention of others. * It is, in fact, the principle of the pantograph. The points c, f, and g evidently he in the same straight line, since en: ca;: b f : a g, and the latter lines are parallel. Taking c as the common pole of the loci of the points r g, the radius vector of the one will always be twice the cor- responding radius vector of the other ; and therefore these curves are similar, similarly placed, and parallel. Hence, by the last note, the point g must move in a line differing imperceptibly from a right line. f It is not necessary that the rods, forming the parallel motion, should have the proportions which we have assigned to them. There are various proportions which answer the purpose, and which will be seen by refer- ence to practical works on the steam engine. DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 99 This and the other inventions of Watt seem to have hecn the pure creations of his natural genius, very little assisted by the results of practice, and not at all by the light of edu- cation. It does not even appear that he was a dexterous mechanic; for he never assisted in the construction of the first models of his own inventions. His dwelling-house was two miles from the factory, to which he never went more than once in a week, and then did not stay half an hour. («) However beautiful and ingenious in principle the parallel motion may be, it has recently been shown in the United States that much simpler means are sufficient to sub- serve the same purpose. In the engines constructed recently, under the direction of Mr. R. L. Stevens, a substitute for the parallel motion has been introduced that performs the task equally well, and is much less complex. On the head of the piston-rod a bar is fixed, at right angles to it, and to the longitudinal section of the engine. The ends of this bar work in guides formed of two parallel and vertical bars of iron, by which the upper end of the piston-rod is con- strained to move in a straight line. The cross-bar that moves in the guides is connected with the end of the work- ing beam by an in-flexible bar, having a motion on two cir- cular gudgeons, one of which is in the working beam, the other in the cross-bar. This is therefore free to accommo- date itself to the changes in the respective position of the piston-rod and working beam, and yet transmits the power exerted by the steam Upon the former whether it be ascend- ing or descending, to the latter and through it to the other parts of the machine. — a. e. (b) The most improved form of Watt's engine was reach- ed by successive additions to the old atmospheric engine of Newcomen and Cawley. Hence, the working-beam, de- rived from the pump brake of that engine, always formed a part; and the parallel motion, or some equivalent contrivance was absolutely necessary. In many American engines, and 100 THE STEAM ENGINE. particularly in those used in steam boats, the working beam no longer used for the purpose of transmitting motion to the machinery. This is effected by applying a bar, called the cross-head, at right angles to the upper ends of the piston- rod. The ends of the cross head work in iron guides, adapted to a gallows-frame of wood. On each side of the cylinder, connecting rods are applied, which take hold of the cranks of the shafts of the water-wheel. Two other connecting rods give motion to a short beam, which works the air and supply pumps. The working beam is also suppressed in engines which work horizontally. The connecting rod is in them merely a jointed prolongation of the piston rod, extending to the crank, whose axis lies in the same horizontal plane with and at right angles to the axis of the cylinder. — a. e. (55.) A perfect motion being thus obtained of conveying the alternate motion of the piston to the working beam, the use of a counterpoise to lift thepiston was discontinued, and the beam was made to balance itself exactly on its centre. The next end to be obtained was to adapt the reciprocating motion of the working end of the beam to machinery. The motion most generally useful for this purpose is one of continued rotation. The object, therefore, was by the alternate motion of the end of the beam to transmit to a shaft or axis a continued circular motion. In the first instance, Watt proposed effecting this by a crank, connected with the working end of the beam by a metal connector or rod. Let k be the centre or axis, or shaft by which motion is given to. the machinery, and to which rotation is to be im- parted by the beam c h. On the axle x, suppose a lever, k i, fixed, so that when k i is turned round the centre k, the wheel must be turned with it. Let a connector or rod, h i, be attached to the points h and i, playing freely on pivots or joints. As the end h is moved upwards and downwards, the lever k i is turned round the centre k, so DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 101 as to give a continued rotatory motion to the shaft which revolves on that centre. The different positions which the connector and lever k i assume in the different parts of a revolution are represented in fig, 16. (56.) This was the first method which occurred to Watt for producing a continued rotatory motion by means of the vibrating motion of the beam, and is the method now uni- versally used. A workman, however, from Mr. Watt's fac- tory, who was aware of the construction of a model of this, communicated the method to Mr. Washborough of Bristol, who anticipated Watt in taking out a patent; and although it was in his power to have disputed the patent, yet rather than be involved in litigation, he gave up the point, and contrived another way of producing the same effect, which he called the sun and planet wheel, and which he used until the expiration of Washborough's patent, when the crank Was resumed. The toothed wheel b (fig. 17.) is fixed on the end of the connector, so that it does not turn on its axis. The teeth of this wheel work in those of another wheel, A, which is the wheel to which rotation is to be imparted, and which is turned by the wheel b revolving round it, urged by the rod h i, which receives its motion from the working-beam. The wheel A is called the sun-wheel, and b the planet wheel, from the obvious resemblance to the motion of these bodies. This contrivance, although in the main inferior to the more simple one of the crank, is not without some advan- tages; among others, it gives to the sun-wheel double the velocity which would be communicated by the simple crank, for in the simple crank one revolution only on the axle is produced by one revolution of the crank, but in the sun and planet wheel two revolutions of the sun-wheel are produced by one of the planet-wheel; thus a double velocity is obtained from the same motion of the beam. This will be eviflent from considering that when the planet-wheel is in its highest position, its lowest tooth is engaged with the 102 THE STEAM ENGINE. highest tooth of the sun-wheel; as the planet-wheel passes from the highest position, its teeth drive those of the sun- wheel before them, and when it eomes into the lowest posi- tion, the highest tooth of the planet-wheel is engaged with the lowest of the sun-wheel: but then half of the sun-wheel has rolled off the planet-wheel, and, therefore, the tooth which was engaged with it in its higher position, must now be distant from it by half the circumference of the wheel, and must therefore be again in the highest position, so that while the planet-wheel has been carried from the top 1o the bottom, the sun-wheel has made a complete revolution. A little reflection, however, on the nature of the motion, will render this plainer than any description can. This advan- tage of giving an increased velocity, may be obtained also by the simple crank, by placing toothed wheels on its axle. Independently of the greater expense attending the con- struction of the sun and planet wheel, its liability to go out of order, and the rapid wear of the teeth, and other objec- tions, rendered it decidedly inferior to the crank, which has now entirely superseded it. (58.) Whether the simple crank or the sun and planet wheel be used, there still remains a difficulty of a peculiar nature attending the continuance of the rotatory motion. There are two positions in which the engine can give no mo- tion whatever to the crank. These are when the end of the beam, the axle of the crank, and the pivot which joins the connector with the crank, are in the same straight line. This will be easily understood. Suppose the beam, con- nector, and crank to assume the position represented in fig. 15. If steam urge the piston downwards, the point h and the connector h i will be drawn directly upwards. But it must be very evident that in the present situation of the connector h i, and the lever i k, the force which draws the point i in the direction i k can have no effect whatever in turning i k round the centre k, but will merely ejtert a pressure on the axle or pivots of the wheel. DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 103 Again, suppose the crank and connector to be in the position hIk (fig. 16.), the piston being consequently at the bottom of the cylinder. If steam now press the piston upivards, the pivot h and the connector h i will be pressed down- wards^ and this pressure will urge the crank i k in the direction i k. It is evident that such a force cannot turn the crank round the centre k, and can be attended with no other effect than a pressure on the axle or pivots of the wheel. Hence in these two positions, the engine can have no effect whatever in turning the crank. What, then, it may be asked, extricates the machine from this mechanical di- lemma in which it is placed twice in every revolution, on arriving at those positions in which the crank escapes the influence of the power ? There is a tendency in bodies, when once put in motion, to continue that motion until stopped by some opposing force, and this tendency carries the crank out of those two critical situations. The velocity which is given to it, while it is under the influence of the impelling force of the beam, is retained in a sufficient de- gree to carry it through that situation in which it is deserted by this impelling force. Although the rotatory motion in- tended to be produced by the crank is, therefore, not abso- lutely destroyed by this circumstance, yet it is rendered ex- tremely irregular, since, in passing through the two positions already described, where the machine loses its power over the crank, the motion will be very slow, and, in the posi- tions of the crank most remote from these, where the power of the beam upon it is greatest, the motion will be very quick. As the crank revolves from each of those positions where the power of the machine over it is greatest, to where that power is altogether lost, "it is continually diminished, so that, in fact, the crank is driven by a varying power, and therefore produces a varying motion. This will be easily understood by considering the successive positions of the crank and connector represented in fig. 16. 104 THE STEAM ENGINE. This variable motion becomes particularly objectionable when the engine is employed to drive machinery. To re- move this defect, we have recourse to the property of bodies just mentioned, viz. their tendency to retain a motion which is communicated to them. A large metal wheel called afiy- ivheel is placed upon the axis of the t erank (fig. 15.), and is turned by it. The effect of this wheel is to equalize the mo- tion communicated by the action of the beam on the crank, that action being just sufficient to sustain in the fly-wheel a uniform velocity, and the tendency of this wheel to re- tain the velocity it receives, renders its rotation sufficiently uniform for all practical purposes. This uniformity of motion, however,- will only be pre- served on two conditions ; first, that the supply of steam from the boiler shall be uniform; and secondly, that the ma- chine have always the same resistance to overcome or be loaded equally. If the supply of steam from the boiler to the cylinder be increased, the motion of the piston will be. rendered more rapid, and, therefore, the revolution of the fly-wheel will also be more rapid, and, on the other hand, a diminished supply of steam will retard the fly-wheel. Again, if the resistance or load upon the engine be diminish- ed, the supply of sfeam remaining the same, the velocity will be increased, since a less resistance is opposed to the energy of the moving power ; and, on the other hand, if the resistance or load be increased, the speed will be diminished, since a greater resistance will be opposed to the same moving power. To insure a uniform velocity, in whatever manner the load or resistance may be changed, it is necessary to pro- portion the supply of steam to the resistance, so that, upon the least variation in the velocity, the supply of steam will be increased or diminished, so as to keep the engine going at the same rate. (59.) One of the most striking and elegant appendages of the steam engine is the apparatus contrived by Watt for effecting this purpose. An apparatus, called a regulator or •DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 105 governor, had been long known to mill-wrights for render- ing uniform the action of the stones in corn-mills, and was used generally in machinery. -Mr. Watt contrived a beau- tiful application of this apparatus for the regulation of the steam engine. In the pipe which conducts steam from the boiler to the cylinder he placed a thin circular plate, so that when placed with its face presented towards the length of the pipe, it nearly stopped it, and allowed little or no steam to pass to the cylinder, but when its edge was placed in the direction of the pipe, it offered no resistance whatever to the passage of the steam. This circular plate, called the throttle valve, was made to turn on. a diameter as an axis, passing consequently through the centre of the tube, and was worked by a lever'outside the tube. According to the position given to it, it would permit more or less steam to pass. If the valve be placed with its edge nearly in the direction of the tube, the supply of steam is abundant; if it be placed with its face nearly in the direction of the tube, the supply of steam is more limited, and it appears that, by the position given to this valve, the steam may be measured in any quantity to the cylinder. At first it was proposed that the engine-man should ad- just this valve with his hand; when the engine was observed to increase its speed too much, he would check the supply of steam by partially closing the valve; but if, on the other hand, the motion was too slow, he would open the valve and let in a more abundant supply of steam. Watt, how- ever, was not content with this, and desired to make the engine itself discharge this task with more steadiness and regularity than any attendant could, and for this purpose he applied the governor already alluded to. This apparatus is represented in fig. 15. ; e is a perpen- dicular shaft or axle to which a wheel, m, with a groove is attached. A strap or rope, which is rolled upon the axle of the fly-wheel, is passed round the groove in the wheel M,.in the same manner as the strap acts in a turning lathe. By 14 106 THE STEAM ENGINE. means of this strap the rotation of the fly-wheel will produce a rotation of the wheel m and the shaft l, and the speed of the one will always increase or diminish in the same pro- portion as the speed of the other, n, n are two heavy balls of metal placed at the ends of rods, which play on an axis fixed on the revolving shaft at o, and extend beyond the axis to q. q. Connected with these by joints at q ©.are two other rods, q r, which are attached to a broad ring of metal, moving freely up and down the revolving shaft. This ring is attached to a lever whose centre is s, and is connected by a series of levers with the throttle-valve t. When the speed of the fly-wheel is much increased, the spindle l is whirled round with considerable rapidity, and by their natural ten- dency* the balls n n fly from the centre. The levers which play on the axis o, by this motion, diverge from each other, and thereby depress the joints q q, and draw down the joints r, and with them the ring of metal which slides upon the spindle. By these means the end of the lever playing on s is depressed, and the end v raised, and the motion is trans- mitted to the throttle-valve, which is thereby partially closed, and the supply of steam to the cylinder cheeked. If, on the contrary, the velocity of the fly-wheel be diminished, the balls will fall towards the axis, and the opposite effects en- suing, the supply of steam will be increased, and the velocity restored. The peculiar beauty of this apparatus is, that in whatever position the balls settle themselves, the velocity with which the governor revolves must be the same,t and in this, in fact, • The centrifugal force. j- Strictly speaking-, this is only true when the divergence of the rods from the spindle is not very great, and, in practice, this divergence is never sufficient to render the above assertion untrue. This property of the conical pendulum arises from the circumstance of the centrifugal force, in this instance, varying as the radius of the circle in which the balls are moved; and when this is the case, as is well known, the perio- dic time is constant. The time of one revolution of the balls is equal to twice the time in which either ball, as a common pendulum, would PI. IV, /■''//■ /.,'. ,P /■>;/.// Jin,,--. /•!■ /.'.//,/.•,•/■„-/:• pi. rv. >v ,\ -|' t 'g s I 8 111, 15 A C T I S (3 3 T K A ,M E S G I S II DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 107 consists its whole efficacy as a regulator. Its regulating power is limited, and it is only small changes of velocity that it will correct. It is evident that such a velocity as, on the one hand, would cause the balls to fly to the extremity of their play, or, on the other, would cause them to fall down on their rests, would not be influenced by the governor. We have thus described the principal parts of the double- acting steam engine. The valves and the methods of work- ing them have been reserved for the next chapter, as they admit of considerable variety, and will be better treated of separately. We have also reserved the consideration of the boiler, which is far from being the least interesting part of the modern steam engine, for a future chapter. vibrate on the centre, and as all its vibrations, though the arcs be un- equal, are equal in time, provided those arcs be small, so also is the periodic time of the revolving ball invariable. These observations, how- ever, only apply when the balls settle themselves steadily into a circular motion ; for while they are ascending they describe a spiral curve with double curvature, and the period will vary. This takes place during the momentary changes in the velocity of the engine. 10S CHAPTER VII. DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE [continued. ) On the Valves of the Double-Acting 1 Steam Engine. — Original Valves. — Spindle Valves. — Sliding Valve. — d Valve. — Four-Way Cock. (60.) The various improvements -described in the last chapter were secured to Watt by patent in the year 1782. The engine now acquired an enlarged sphere of action; for its dominion over manufactures was decided by the fly- wheel, crank, and governor. By means of these appen- dages, its motions were regulated with the most delicate precision; so that while it retained a power whose magni- tude was almost unlimited, that power was under as exact regulation as the motion of a time-piece. There is no species of manufacture, therefore, to which this machine is not applicable, from the power which spins the finest thread, or produces the most delieate web, to that which is necessary to elevate the most enormous weights, or overcome the most unlimited resistances. Although it be true, that in later times the steam engine has received many improvements, some of which are very creditable to the invention and talents of their projectors, yet it is undeniable that all its great and leading perfections, all those qualities by which it has produced such wonderful effects on the resources of these countries, by the extension of manufactures and com- merce, — those qualities by which its influence is felt and acknowledged in every part of the civilized globe, in in- creasing the happiness, in multiplying the enjoyments, and cheapening the pleasures of life, — that these qualities are DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 109 due to the predominating powers of one man, and that man one who possessed neither the influence of wealth, rank, nor education, to give that first impetus which is so often neces- sary to carry into circulation the earlier productions of genius. The method of working the valves of the double-acting steam engine, is a subject which has much exercised the ingenuity of engineers, and many elegant contrivances have been suggested, some of which we shall now proceed to describe. But even in this the invention of Watt has anti- cipated his successors; and the contrivances suggested by him are those which are now almost universally used. In order perfect!}' to comprehend the action of the several systems of valves which we are about to describe, it will be necessary distinctly to remember the manner in which the steam is to be communicated to the cylinder, and withdrawn from it. When the piston is at the top of the cylinder, the steam below it is to be drawn off to the condenser, and the steam from the boiler is to be admitted above it. Again, when it has arrived at the bottom of the cylinder, the steam above is to be drawn off to the condenser, and the steam from the boiler is to be admitted "below it. In the earlier engines constructed by Watt, this was ac- complished by four valves, which were opened and closed in pairs. Valve boxes were placed at the top and bottom of the cylinder, each of which communicated by tubes both with the steam-pipe from the boiler and the condenser. Each valve-box accordingly contained two valves, one to admit steam from the steam-pipe to the cylinder, and the other to allow that steam to pass into the condenser. Thus each valve-box contained a steam valve and an exhausting valve. The valves at the top of the cylinder are called the upper steam valve and the upper exhausting valve, and those at the bottom, the lower steam valve and the lower exhausting valve. In fig. 15. a' is the upper steam valve, which, when. open, admits steam above the. piston ; b' is the 110 THE STEAM ENGINE. upper exhausting valve, which, when open, draws off the steam from the piston to the condenser, c' is the lower steam valve, which admits steam below the piston; and d, the lower exhausting valve, which draws off the steam from below the piston to the condenser. Now, suppose the piston to be at the top of the cylinder, the cylinder below it being filled with steam, which has just pressed it up. Let the upper steam valve a', and the lower exhausting valve d' be opened, and the other two valves closed. The steam which fills the cylinder below the pis- ton will immediately pass through the valve d' into the con- denser, and a vacuum will be produced below the piston. At the same time, steam is admitted from the steam-pipe through the valve a' above the piston, and its pressure will force the piston to the bottom of the cylinder. On the arri- val of the piston at the bottom of the cylinder, the upper steam valve a', and lower exhausting valve d', are closed ; and the lower steam valve c', and upper exhausting valve b' are opened. The steam which fills the cylinder above the piston now passes off through b' into the condenser, and leaves a vacuum above the piston. At the same time, steam from the boiler is admitted through the lower steam valve c', below the piston, so that it will press the piston to the top of the cylinder ; and so the process is continued. It appears, therefore, that the upper steam valve, and the lower exhausting valve, must be opened together, on the ar- rival of the piston at the top of the cylinder. To effect this, one lever, e', is made to communicate by jointed rods with both these valves, and this lever is moved by a pin placed on the piston-rod of the air-pump ; and such a position may be given to this pin as to produce the desired effect exactly at the proper moment of time. In like manner, another lever, p', communicates by jointed rods with the upper ex- hausting valve and lower steam valve, so as to open them and close them together ; and this lever, in like manner, is worked by a pin on the piston-rod of the air-pump. DOUDLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. Ill (61.) This method of connecting the valves, and working them, has been superseded by another, for which Mr. Mur- ray of Leeds obtained a patent, which was, however, set aside by Messrs. Bolton and Watt, who showed that they had previously practised it. This method is represented in figs. IS, 19. The stems of the valves are perpendicular, and move in steam-tight sockets in the top of the valve- boxes. The stem of the upper steam valve a is a tube through which the stem of the upper exhausting, valve b passes, and in which it moves steam-tight; both these stems moving steam-tight through the top of the valve-box. The lower steam valve c, and exhausting valve d, are similarly circum- stanced; the stem of -the former being a tube through which the stem of the latter passes. The stems of the upper steam valve and lower exhausting valve are then connected by a rod, e; and those of the upper exhausting valve and lower steam valve by another rod, f. These rods, therefore, are capable of moving the valves in pairs, when elevated and depressed. The motion which works the valves is, how- ever, not communicated by the rod of the air-pump, but is received from the axis of the fly-wheel. This axis works an apparatus called an eccentric; the principle which regulates the motion of this may be thus explained: — d e (figs. 20, 21.) is a circular metallic ring, the inner sur- face of which is perfectly smooth. This ring is connected with a shaft, r b, which communicates motion to the valves by levers which are attached to it at b. A circular metallic plate is fitted in the ring so as to be capable of turning within it, the surfaces of the ring and plate which are in contact being smooth and lubricated with oil or grease. This circu- lar plate revolves, but not on its centre. It turns on an axis c, at some distance from its centre a; the effect of which, evi- dently, is that the ring within which it is turned is moved alternately in opposite directions, and through a space equal to twice the distance (c a) of the axis of the circular plate from the common centre of it and the ring. The eccentric 112 THE STEAM ENGINE. in its two extreme positions is represented in figs. 20, 21. The plate and ring d e are placed on the axis of the fly- wheel, or'on the axis of some other wheel which is worked by the fly-wheel. So that the motion of continued rotation in the fly-wheel is thus made to produce an alternate motion in a straight line in the shaft f b. This rod is made to com- municate by levers with the rods e and r (figs. 18, 19.), which work the valves in such a manner, that, when the eccentric is in the position fig. 20., one pair of valves are opened, and the other pair closed; and when it is brought to the position fig. 21., the other pair are opened and the for- mer closed and so on. It is by means of such an apparatus as this that the valves are worked almost universally at present. The piston being supposed to be at the top of the cylinder (fig. 18.), and the rod e raised, the valves a and d aie opened, and b and c closed. The steam enters from the steam-pipe at an aperture immediately above the valve a, and, passing through the open valve, enters the cylinder above the piston. At the same time, the steam which is below the piston, and which has just pressed it up, flows through the open valve d, and through a tube immediately under it to the condenser. A vacuum being thus produced below the piston, and steam pressure acting above it, it descends; and when it arrives at the bottom of the cylinder (fig. 19.) the rod r is drawn down, and the valves a and n fall into their seats, and at the same time the rod f is raised, and the valves b and c are opened. Steam is now admitted through an aperture above the valve c, and passes below the piston, while the steam above it passes through the open valve b into a tube immediately under it, which leads to the condenser. A vacuum being: thus produced above the piston, and steam pressure acting below it, the piston ascends, and thus the alternate ascent and' descent is continued by the motion communicated to the rods e f from the fly-wheel. PI. V H R 8 [DOTD IBiUffi At'TlMC STJHL&M KB GltKlE ri . vi * k ?'/,/. :'o /•}>/./#. Piff. j<). Dmmi by tfieJtitttior. f.n,/r. h I'/,,- /„/,■,-,„/• DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 113 (c) An improvement has been made in the United States in the mode of working the puppet valve. It consists in placing them by pairs in two different vertical planes in- stead of one. The rods then work through four separate stuffing boxes, and the necessity of making two of them hol- low cylinders is avoided. — a. e. (62.) There are various other contrivances for regulating the circulation of steam through the cylinder. In figs. 22, 23. is represented a section of a slide valve suggested by Mr. Murray of Leeds. The steam-pipe from the boiler enters the valve-box d e at s. Curved passages, a a, b b, commu- nicate between this valve-box and the top and bottom of the cylinder; and a fourth passage leads to the tube c, which passes to the condenser. A sliding piece within the valve- box opens a communication alternately between each end of the cylinder and the tube c, which leads to the condenser. In the position of the apparatus in fig. 22. steam is passing from the steam-pipes, through the curved passage a a above the piston, and at the same time'the steam below the piston is passing through the passage b b into the tube c, and thence to the condenser. A vacuum is thus formed below the pis- ton, and steam is introduced above it. The piston, there- fore, descends; and when it arrives at the bottom of the cy- linder, the slide is moved into the position represented in fig. 23. Steam now passes from s through b b below the piston, and the steam above it passes through a a and c to the condenser. A vacuum is thus produced above the pis- ton, and steam pressure is introduced below it, and the pis- ton ascends; and in this way the motion is continued. The slide is moved by a lever, which is worked by the eccentric from the fly-wheel. (63.) Watt suggested a method of regulating the circula- tion of steam, which is called the d valve, from the resem- blance which the horizontal section of the valve has to the letter d. This method, which is very generally used, is re- presented in section in figs. 24, 25. Steam from the boiler 15 114 THE STEAM ENGINE. enters through s. A rod of metal connects two solid plugs, A b, which move steam-light in the passage d. In the posi- tion of the apparatus represented in fig. 24. the steam passes from s through the passage b, and enters the cylinder above the piston; while the steam below the piston passes through the open passage by the tube c to the condenser. A vacuum is thus formed below the piston, while the pressure .of steam is introduced above it, and it accordingly descends. When it has arrived at the bottom of the cylinder, the plugs a b are moved into the position in fig. 25. Steam now passing from s through d, enters rhe cylinder below the piston; while the steam which is above the piston, and has just pressed it down, passes through the open passage into the condenser. A vacuum is thus produced above the piston, and the steam pressure below forces it up. When it has arrived at the lop of the cylinder, the position of the plugs a b is again changed to that represented in fig. 24., and a similar effect to that already described is produced, and the piston is pressed down ; and so the process is continued. The plugs a b, and the rod which connects them, are moved up and down by proper levers, which receive their motion from the eccentric. This contrivance is frequently modified, by conducting the steam from above the piston to the condenser, through a tube in the plugs a b, and their connecting rod. In figs.-26, 27. a tube passes through the plugs a b and the rod which joins them. In the position fig. 26. steam entering at s passes through the tube to the cylinder above the piston, while the steam below the piston passes through c into the condenser. A vacuum heing thus made below the piston, and steam pressing above it, it descends; and when it has arrived at the bottom of the cylinder, the position of the plugs A b and the tube is changed to that represented at fig. 27. The steam now entering at s passes to the cylinder below the piston, while the steam above the piston passes through c into the condenser. A vacuum is thus produced above the piston, DOUBLE-ACTING STEAM ENGINE. 115 and steam pressure introduced below it, so that it ascends. When it lias arrived at the top of the cylinder, the plugs are moved into the position represented in fig. 20., and. similar effects being produced, the piston again descends: and so the motion is continued. The motion of the sliding lube may be produced as in the former contrivances, by the action of the eccentric. It is also sometimes done by a bracket fastened on the piston-rod of the air-pump. This bracket, in the descent of the piston, strikes a projection on the valve-rod, and drives it down; and in the ascent meets a similar projection, and raises it. (64.) Another method, worthy of notice for its elegance and simplicity, is the four-way cock. A section of this contrivance is given in figs. 28, 29.: c t s b are four pas- sages or tubes; s leads from the boiler, and introduces steam; c, opposite to it, leads to the condenser; t is a tube which communicates with the top of the cylinder; and b one which communicates with the bottom of the cylinder. These four tubes communicate with a cock, which is furnished with two curved passages, as represented in the figures; and these passages are so formed, that, according to the position given to the cock, they may be made to open a communication be- tween any two adjacent tubes' of the four just mentioned. When the cock is placed as in fig. 28. communication is opened between the steam-pipe and the top of the cylinder by one of the curved passages, and between the condenser and the bottom of the cylinder by the other curved passage. In this case the steam passes from below the piston to the condenser, leaving a vacuum under it, and steam is intro- duced from the boiler above the piston. The piston there- fore descends; and when it has arrived at the bottom of the cylinder, the position of the cock is changed to that repre- sented in fig. 29.. This change is made by turning the cock through one fourth of an entire revolution, which may be done by a lever moved by the eccentric, or by various other means. One of the curved passages in the cock now opens 116 THE STEAM ENGINE. a communication between the steam-pipe and the bottom of the cylinder;'while the other opens a communication be- tween the condenser and the top of the cylinder. By these means, the steam from the boiler is introduced below the piston, while the steam above the piston is drawn off to the condenser. A vacuum being thus made above the piston,* and steam introduced below it, it ascends; and when it has arrived at the top of. the cylinder, the cock being moved back, it resumes the position in fig. 28. , and the same con- sequences ensue, the piston descends; and so the process is continued. In figs. 30, 31. the four-way cock with the pas- sages to the lop and bottom of the cylinder is represented on a larger scale. This beautiful contrivance is not of late invention. It was used by Papin, and is also described by Leupold in his Thea- trum Machinarum, a work published about the year 1720, in which an engine is described acting with steam of high pressure, on a principle which we shall describe in a subse- quent chapter. The four-way cock is liable to some practical objections. The quantity of steam which fills the tubes between the cock and the cylinder, is wasted every stroke. This objection, however, also applies to the sliding valve (figs. 22, 23.,) and to the sliding tube or d valves (figs. 24, 25, 26, 27.). In fact, it is applicable to every contrivance in which means of shutting off the steam are not placed at both lop and bot- tom of the cylinder. Besides this, however, the various pas- sages and tubes cannot be conveniently made large enough to supply steam in sufficient abundance; and consequently it becomes necessary to produce steam in the boiler of a more than ordinary strength to bear the attenuation which it suf- fers in its passage through so many narrow tubes. One of the greatest objections, however, to the use of the four-way cock, particularly in large engines, is its unequal wear. The parts of it near the passages having smaller sur- faces, become more affected by the friction, and in a short PI. "VII /■;■,/. 22. 7\- of the carriage which bears the passengers, are placed on the same wheels. In others, the engine is placed on a separate car- riage, and draws after it the carriage which transports the passengers, as is always the case on railways. The chief difference between the steam engines used on railways, and those adapted to propel carriages on turnpike roads, is in the structure of the boiler. In the latter it is essential that, while the power remains undiminished, the 216 THE STEAM ENGINE. boiler should be lighter and smaller. The accomplishment of this has been attempted by various contrivances for so distributing the water, as to expose a considerable quantity of surface in contact with it to the action of the fire; spread- ing it in thin layers on flat plates; inserting it between plates of iron placed at a small distance asunder, the fire being ad- mitted between the intermediate plates; dividing it into small tubes, round which the fire has play; introducing it between the surfaces of cylinders placed one within another, the fire being admitted between the alternate cylinders, — have all been resorted to by different projectors. (105.) First and most prominent in the history of the ap- plication of steam to the propelling of carriages on turnpike roads, stands the name of Mr. Goldsworthy Gurney, a medical gentleman and scientific chemist, of Cornwall. In 1822, Mr. Gurney succeeded Dr. Thompson as lecturer on chemistry at the Surrey Institution; and, in consequence of the results of some experiments on heat, his attention was directed to the project of working steam carriages on com- mon roads ; and since 1825 he has devoted his exertions in perfecting a steam engine capable of attaining the end he had in view. Numerous other projectors, as might have been expected, have followed in his wake. Whether they, or any of them, by better fortune, greater public support, or more powerful genius, may outstrip him in the career on which he has ventured,it would not, perhaps, at present, be easy to predict. But whatever be the event, to Mr. Gur- ney is due, and will be paid, the honour of first proving the practicability of the project; and in the history of the adap- tation of the locomotive engine to common roads, his name w r i!l stand before all others in point of time, and the success of his attempts will be recorded as the origin and cause of the success of others in the same race. The incredulity, opposition, and even ridicule, with which the project of Mr. Gurney was met, are very remarkable. His views were from the first opposed by engineers, without LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON TURNPIKE ROADS. 217 one exception. The contracted habit of mind, sometimes produced by an education. chiefly, if not exclusively, direct- ed to a merely practical object, subsequently confirmed by exclusively practical pursuits, may, perhaps, in some degree, account for this. But, I confess, it has not been without surprise that I have observed, during the last ten years, the utter incredulity which has prevailed among men of general science on this subject, — an incredulity which the most un- equivocal practical proof has scarcely yet dispelled. "Among scientific men," says Mr. Gurney, "my opinion had not a single supporter, with the exception of the late Dr. Wol- laston." The mistake which so long prevailed in the application of locomotives on railroads, and which, as we have shown, materially retarded the progress of that invention, was shared by Mr. Gurney. Without reducing the question to the test of experiment, he took for granted, in his first at- tempts, that the adhesion of the wheels with the road was too slight to propel the carriage. He was assured, he says, by eminent engineers, that this was a point settled by actual experiment. It is strange, however, that a person of his quickness and sagacity did not inquire after the particulars of these " actual experiments." So, however, it was ; and, taking for granted the inability of the wheels to propel, he wasted much labour and skill in the contrivance of levers and propellers, which acted on the ground in a manner somewhat resembling the feet of horses, to drive the car- riage forward. After various fruitless attempts of this kind, the experience acquired in the trials to which they gave rise at last forced the truth upon his notice, and he found that the adhesion of the wheels was not only sufficient to propel the carriage heavily laden on level roads, but was capable of causing it to ascend all the hills which occur on ordinary turnpike roads. In this manner it ascended all the hills ■between London and Barnet, London and Slanmore, 28 218 THE STEAM ENGINE. Stanmore Hill, Brockley Hill, and mounted Old Highgate Hill, the last at one point rising one foot in nine. It would be foreign to my present object to detail minutely all the steps by which Mr. Gurney gradually improved his contrivance. This, like other inventions, has advanced by a series of partial failures; but it has at length attained that state, in which, by practice alone, on a more extensive scale, a 'further degree of perfection can be obtained. (106.) The boiler of this engine is so constructed that there is no part of it, not even excepting the grate bars, in which metal exposed to the action of the fire is out of con- tact with water. If it be considered how rapidly the action of an intense furnace destroys metal when water is not present to prevent the heat from accumulating, the advan- tage of this circumstance will be appreciated. I have seen the bars of a new grate, never before used, melted in a single trip between Liverpool and Manchester ; and the inventor of another form of locomotive engine has admitted to me that his grate bars, though of a considerable thickness, would not last more than a week. In the boiler of Mr. Gurney, the grate bars themselves are tubes filled with water, and form, in fact, a part of the boiler itself. This boiler consists of three strong metal cylinders placed in a horizontal posi- tion one above the other. A section, made by a perpendi- cular or vertical plane, is represented in fig. 62. The ends of the three cylinders, just mentioned, are represented at d, h, and i. In the side of the lowest cylinder d are inserted a row of tubes, a ground plan of which is represented in fig. 63. These tubes, proceeding from the side of the lowest cylinder d, are inclined slightly upwards, for a reason which I shall presently explain. From the nature of the section, only one of these tubes is visible in fig. 62, at c. The other extremities of these tubes at a are connected with the same number of upright tubes, one of which is expressed at e. The upper extremities a of these upright tubes are connected with another set of tubes k, equal in number, proceeding LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON TURNPIKE ROADS. 219 from g, inclining slightly upwards, and terminating in the second cylinder h. An end view of the boiler is exhibited in fig. 64., where the three cylinders are expressed by the same letters. Be- Fig. 63. a E t D > o r^- Z^Qa S= TT? OTa 220 THE STEAM ENGINE. tween the cylinders d and h there are two tubes of communi- cation b, and two similar tubes between the cylinders h and i. From the nature of the section these appear only as a single tube in fig. 62. From the top of the cylinder i proceeds a tube n, by which steam is conducted to the engine. Fig. 64. It will be perceived that the space f is enclosed on every side by a grating of tubes, which have free communication with the cylinders d and h, which cylinders have also a free communication with each other by the tubes b. It follows, therefore, that if water be supplied to the cylinder i, it will descend through the tubes, and first filling the cylinder d and the tubes c, will gradually rise in the tubes b and e, will next fdl the tubes ic and the cylinder h. The gratino- of water pipes c e k forms the furnace, the pipes c being the fire-bars, and the pipes e and b being the back and roof of the stove. The fire-door, for the supply of fuel, appears at m, fig. 64. The flue issuing between the tubes f is conduct- LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON TURNPIKE ROADS. 221 ed over the tubes k, and the flame and hot air are carried off through a chimney. That portion of the heat of the burning fuel, which in other furnaces destroys the bars of the grate, is here expended in heating the water contained in the tubes c. The radiant heat of the fire acts upon the tubes k, forming the roof of the furnace, on the tube e at the back of it, and partially on the cylinders d and h, and the tubes b. The draft of hot air and flame passing into the flue at a, acts- upon the posterior surfaces of the tubes e, and the upper sides of the tubes k, and finally passes into the chimney. As the water in the tubes c e k is heated, it becomes spe- cifically lighter than water of a less temperature, and conse- quently acquires a tendency to ascend. It passes, therefore, rapidly into h. Meanwhile the colder portions descend, and the inclined positions of the tubes c and k give play to this tendency of the heated water, so that a prodigiously rapid circulation is produced, when the fire begins to act upon the tubes. When the water acquires such a temperature that steam is rapidly produced, steam bubbles are constantly formed in the tubes surrounding the fire; and if these re- mained stationary in the tubes, the action of the fire would not only decompose the steam, but render the tubes red hot, the water not passing through them to carry off the heat. .But the inclined position of the tubes, already noticed, ef- fectually prevents this injurious consequence. A steam bub- ble which is formed either in the tubes c or k, having a ten- dency to ascend proportional to its lightness as compared with water, necessarily rushes upwards; if in c towards a, and if in k towards h. But this motion of the steam is also aided by the rapid circulation of the water which is continu- ally maintained in the tubes, as already explained, otherwise it might be possible, notwithstanding the levity of steam compared with water, that a bubble might remain in a narrow tube without rising. I notice this more particularly, because the burning of the tubes is a defect which has been errone- 222 THE STEAM ENGINE. ously, in my opinion, attributed to this boiler. To bring the matter to the test of experiment, I have connected two cylinders, such as d and h, by a system of glass tubes, such as represented at c e k. The rapid and constant circulation of the water was then made evident : bubbles of steam were formed in the tubes, it is true ; but they passed with great rapidity into the upper cylinder, and rose to the surface, so that the glass tubes never acquired a higher temperature than that of the water which passed through them. This I conceive to be the chief excellence of Mr. Gur- ney's boiler. It is impossible that any part of the metal of which it is formed can receive a greater temperature than that of the water which it contains ; and that temperature, as is obvious, can be regulated with the most perfect certain- ty and precision. I have seen the tubes of this boiler, while exposed to the action of the furnace, after that action has continued for a long period of time, and I have never observ- ed the soot which covers them to redden, as it would do if the tube attained a certain temperature. Every part of the boiler being cylindrical, it has the form which, mechanically considered, is most favourable to strength, and which, within given dimensions, contains the greatest quantity of water. It is also free from the defects arising from unequal expansion, which are found to be most injurious in tubular boilers. The tubes c and k can freely expand in the direction of their length, without being loos- ened at their joints, and without straining any part of the apparatus; the tubes, e, being short, are subject to a very slight degree of expansion ; and it is obvious that the long tubes, with which the} 7 are connected, will yield to this without suffering a strain, and without causing any part of the apparatus to be loosened. When water is converted into steam, any foreign matter which may be combined with it is disengaged, and is depo- sited on the bottom of the vessel in which the water is eva- porated. All boilers, therefore, require occasional cleans- LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON TURNPIKE ROADS. 223 ing, to prevent the crust thus formed from accumulating ; and this operation, for obvious reasons, is attended with pe- liar difficulty in tubular boilers. In the case before us, the the crust of deposited matter would gather and thicken in the tubes c and k, and if not removed, would at length choke them. But besides this, it would be attended with a still worse effect; for, being a bad conductor, it would inter- cept the heat in its transit from the fire tp the water and would cause the metal of the tube to become unduly heated. Mr. Gurney of course foresaw this inconvenience, and con- trived an ingenious chemical method of removing it by oc- sionally injecting through the tubes such an acid as would combine with the deposite, and carry it away. This method was perfectly effectual; and although its practical application was found to be attended with difficulty in the hands of com- mon workmen, Mr. Gurney was persuaded to adhere to it by the late Dr. Wollaston, until experience proved the im- possibility of getting it effectually performed, under the cir- cumstances in which boilers are commonly used. Mr. Gur- ney then adopted the more simple, but not less effectual, me- thod of removing the deposite by mechanical means. Oppo- site the mouths of the tubes, and on the other side of the cy- linders d and h, are placed a number of holes, which, -when the boiler is in use, are stopped by pieces of metal screwed into them. When the tubes require to be cleaned these stop- pers are removed, and an iron scraper is introduced through the holes into the tubes, which being passed backwards and forwards, removes the deposite. The boiler may be thus cleaned by a common labourer in half a day, at an expense of about Is. Qd. The frequency of the periods at which a boiler of this kind requires cleaning must depend, in a great degree, on the na- ture of the water which is used ; one in daily use with the water of the river Thames would not require cleaning more than once in a month. Mr. Gurney states that with water 224 THE STEAM ENGINE. of the most unfavourable description, once a fortnight would be sufficient. (107.) In the more recent boilers constructed by- Mr. Gurney, he has maintained the draught through the furnace, by the method of projecting the waste steam into the chim- neys ; a method so perfectly effectual, that it is unlikely to be superseded by any other. The objection which has been urged against it in locomotive engines, working on turnpike roads, is, that the noise which it produces has a tendency to frighten horses. In the engines on the Liverpool road, the steam is allow- ed to pass directly from the eduction pipe of the cylinder to the chimney, and it there escapes in puffs corresponding with the alternate motion of the pistons, and produces a noise, which, although attended with no inconvenience on the rail- road, would certainly be objectionable on turnpike roads. In the engine used in Mr. Gurney's steam-carriage, -the steam which passes from the cylinders is conducted to.a re- ceptacle, which he calls a blowing box. This box serves the same purpose as the upper chamber of a smith's bellows. It receives the steam from the cylinders in alternate puffs, but lets it escape into the chimney in a continued stream by a number of small jets. Regular draught is by this means pro- duced, and no noise is perceived. Another exit for the steam is also provided, by which the conductor is enabled to in- crease or diminish, or to suspend altogether, the draught in the chimney, so as to adapt the intensity of the fire to the exigencies of the road. This is a great convenience in prac- tice •, because, on some roads, a draught is scarcely required, while on others a powerful blast is indispensable. Connected with this blowing box, is another ingenious ap- paratus of considerable practical importance. The pipe through which the water which feeds the boiler is conducted to it from the tank is carried through this blowing box, within which it is coiled in a spiral form, so that an exten- sive thread of the feeding water is exposed to the heat of the LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON TURNPIKE ROADS. 225 waste steam which has escaped from the cylinders, and which is enclosed in this blowing box. In passing through this pipe the feeding water is raised from the ordinary tem- perature of about 60° to the temperature of 212°. The fuel necessary to accomplish this is, therefore, saved, and the amount of this is calculated at l-6th of all that is necessary to evaporate the water. Thus, l-6th of the expense of fuel is saved. But, what is much more important in a locomotive engine, a portion of the weight of the engine is saved with- out any sacrilice of its power. There is still another great advantage attending this process. The feeding water in the worm just mentioned, while it takes up the heat from the surrounding steam in the blowing box, condenses l-6th of the waste steam, which is thence conducted to the tank, from which the feeding water is pumped, saving in this man- ner l-6th in weight and room of the water necessary to be carried in the carriage for feeding the boiler.* So far as the removal of all inconvenience arising from noise, this contrivance has been proved by experience to be" perfectly effectual, t In all boilers, the process of violent ebullition causes a state of agitation in the water, and a number of counter cur- rents, by which, as the steam is disengaged from the surface of the water, it takes with it a considerable quantity of wa- ter in mechanical mixture. If this be carried through the cylinders, since it possesses none of the qualities of steam, and adds nothing to the power of the vapour with which it is combined, it causes an extensive waste of heat and water, * In boilers constructed for stationary purposes, or for steam naviga- tion, the steam-pipe, after it has passed through the blowing box, is con- tinued and made to form a series of returned flues over the boiler, so as to take up the waste heat after it has passed the boiler, and before it reaches the chimney. But in locomotive engines for common roads, it has been found by experience, that the power gained by the waste heat is not sufficient to propel the weight of the material necessary for taking it up. f See Report of the Commons. 29 226 THE STEAM ENGINE. and produces other injurious effects. In every boiler there- fore, some means should be provided for the separation of the water thus suspended in the steam, before the steam is conducted to the cylinder. In ordinary plate boilers, the large space which remains above the surface of the water serves this purpose. The steam being there subject to no agitation or disturbance, the water mechanically suspended in it descends by its own gravity, and leaves pure steam in the upper part. In the small tubular boilers, this has been a matter, however, of greater difficulty. The contracted spaces in which the ebullition takes place, causes the water to be mixed with the steam in a greater quantity than could happen in common plate boilers : and the want of the same steam-room renders the separation of the water from the steam a matter of some difficulty. These inconveniences have been overcome by a succession of contrivances of great ingenuity. I have already described the rapid and regular circulation effected by the arrangement of the tubes. By this a regularity in the currents is established, which alone has a tendency to diminish the mixture of water with the steam. But in addition to this, a most effectual method of separation is provided in the vessel i, which is a strong, iron cylinder of some magnitude, placed out of the immediate in- fluence of the fire. A partial separation of the steam from the water takes place in the cylinder h ; and the steam with the water mechanically suspended in it, technically called moist steam, rises into the separator i. Here, being free from all agitation and currents, and being, in fact, quiescent, the particles of water fall to the bottom, while the pure steam remains at the top. This separator, therefore, serves all the purposes of the steam-room above the surface of the water in the large plate boilers. The dry steam is thus col- lected and ready for the supply of the engine through the tube n, while the water, which is disengaged from it, is col- lected at the bottom of the separator, and is conducted LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON TURNPIKE ROADS. 227 through the tube t to the lowest vessel d, to be again cir- culated through the boiler. The pistons of the engine work oh the axles of the hind wheels of the carriage which bears the engine, by cranks, as in the locomotives on the Manchester railway, so that the axle is kept in a constant state of rotation while the engine is at work. The wheels placed on this axle are not perma- nently fixed or keyed upon it, as in the Manchester loco- motives; but they are capable of turning upon it in the same manner as ordinary carriage wheels. Immediately within these wheels there are fixed upon the axles two pro- jecting spokes or levers, which revolve with the axle, and which take the position of two opposite spokes of the wheel. These may be occasionally attached to the wheel or detach- ed from it; so that they are capable of compelling the wheels to turn with the axle, or leaving the axle free to turn inde- pendent of the wheel, or the wheel independent of the axle, at the pleasure of the conductor. It is by these levers that the engine is made to propel either or both of the wheels. If both pairs of spokes are thrown into connexion with the wheels, the crank shaft or axle will cause both wheels to turn with it, and in that case the operation of the carriage is precisely the same as those of the locomotives already de- scribed upon the Liverpool and Manchester line; but this is rarely found to be necessary, since the adhesion of one wheel with the road is generally sufficient to propel the carriage, and consequently only one pair of these fixed levers are ge- nerally used, and the carriage propelled by only one of the two hind wheels. The fore wheels of the carriage turn upon a pivot similar to those of a four-wheeled coach. The position of the'se wheels is changed at pleasure by a simple pinion and circular rack, which is moved by the conductor, and in this manner the carriage is guided with precision and facility. The force of traction necessary to propel a carriage upon common roads must vary with the variable quality of the 228 THE STEAM ENGINE. road, and consequently the propelling power, or the pressure upon the pistons of the engine, must be susceptible of a cor- responding variation ; but a still greater variation becomes necessary from the undulations and hills which are upon all ordinary roads. This necessary change in the intensity of the impelling power is obtained by restraining the steam in the boiler by the throttle valve, as already described in the locomotive engines on the rail-road. This principle, how- ever, is carried much further in thepresent case. The steam in the boiler may be at a pressure of from 100 to 200 lbs. on the square inch ; while the steam on the working piston may not exceed 30 or 40 lbs. on the inch. Thus an im- mense increase of power is always at the command of the conductor; so that when a hill is encountered, or a rough piece of road, he is enabled to lay on power sufficient to meet the exigency of the occasion. The two difficulties which have been always, apprehended in the practical working of steam carriages upon common roads are, first, the command of sufficient power for hills and rough pieces of road ; and, secondly, the apprehended insufficiency of the adhesion of the wheels with the road to propel the carriage. The former of these difficulties has been met by allowing steam of a very great pressure to be constantly maintained in the boiler with perfect safety. As to the second, all experiments tend to show that there is no ground for the supposition that the adhesion of the wheels is in any case insufficient for the purposes of propulsion. Mr. Gurney states, that he has succeeded in driving car- riages thus propelled up considerable hills on the turnpike roads about London. He made a journey to Barnet with only one wheel attached to the axle, which was found suffi- cient to propel the carriage up all the hills upon that road. The same carriage, with only one propelling wheel, also went to Bath, and surmounted all. the hills between Cranford Bridge and Bath, going and returning. A double stroke of the piston produces one revolution of LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES ON TURNPIKE ROADS. 22!» the propelling wheels, and causes the carriage to move through a space equal to the circumference of those wheels. It will therefore be obvious, that the greater the diameter of the wheels, the better adapted the carriage is for speed; and, on the other hand, wheels of smaller diameter are better adapted for power. In fact, the propelling power of an engine on the wheels will be in the inverse proportion to their