'V ^.-■^^, Book „ _.i;/-4^ - COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT l<^ '^/y'^^ala/iA. w- ^-wi^^i-e m (ly/U^i^ T <^ C^^m^eitca^. ^Hi'u/i4A^l(i ^dd^ ^^ ^ea \V ^^ Copyrighted 1892 by AMERICAN PUBLISHEBS' ASSOCIATION Chicago. POEMS IN AUTOGRAPH. CONTENTS. Abbey, Henry, Kingston, N.T., Faciebat - - - - 209 Allanson, Mrs. C. M., Anita, Iowa, Wm. C. Kenyon, D. D. - - 302 Allen. Lyman W,, Newark, N. J., Tlie Coming- of His Feet - - 301 AUerton, Ellen P., Padonia, Kan., Love - - - - - 251 AUmond, Marcus B., Louisville. Ky., Our Lives Are as tlie Days That Go 25 Andrews, Anabel, Hudson, N. H., At Rest - - - - 326 Austin, Harriet Bunker, Woodstock, III., Her Song- - - - - 200 Austin, Z. H., Duluth, Minn., First Impressions - - - 186 Baer, Mrs. Libbie C, Appleton, Wis., In the Land of Fancy - - 202 Barnard, O. W., Manteno, 111., The Columbian Exposition - 78 Barnes, Edwin H., Marathon, N.Y., Verses . - - - - 283 Barnes, Mrs. Isabella, Teanaway, Wash., My Beautiful Home - - 47 Batchelder, Frank Roe, Worcester, Mass., Christ's Church - - - 165 Bauder, Levi F,, Cleveland, Ohio, Wait - . - - - 104 Baxley, Isaac, Santa Barbara, Cal., Waiting - - - - - 117 Beach, Abel, Iowa City, Iowa, Wright and Wrong - - 53 Beckwith, Mrs. S. E., Au Dale, Kan., Victor 2T5 Bedford, Lou Siugletary, Dallas, Texas, Gethsemane, - - - 105 Beech, Mrs. Mary Turner, Stanton, Mich., Sympathy - - - - 258 Bell, Victor Meredith, Philadelphia, Pa., Poem ----- 240 Bennett, S. Fillmore, Richmond, 111., A Poem - - - - 127 Berry, J. St. Elmo, Montrose, Col., 'Tis Thine, O Lord - - - 287 Beveridge, Mrs. T. H., Philadelphia, Pa., Answer to We are Growing- Old 101 Biddle, Horace P., Logansport, Ind., The First Lesson - - - 303 Billings, Homer A., Fabius, N.Y., The Power of Love - - 224 Dodge, Dudley Louis, Greenwich, N.Y., A Thought - - - - 46 Boedecker, G. A. W., Bucklin, Kan., Fourth of July - - - 40 Bogart G. Henri, Brookville, Ind., The Songs that Live - - - 151 Bohan, Mrs.Elizabeth B., Milwaukee, Wis., My Baby - - - - ip8 Boydston, Hattie J., David City, Neb., The Two Roads - - - 108 Boyeseu, H. H., New York City, N.T., The Rose - - - - 337 Bradlee, Dr. Caleb D., Boston, Mass., God Knows Best - - - 300 Brebm, Miriam J., Logan, 0„ Autumn Leaves - - - 155 Briley, J. F., Lamar, Mo., Liberty 219 Brewerton, Col. G. D., N. Y., Tlie Undertow - - - S-IS Bring) uirst, Mrs., College Ita, Texas, A fter Two Years - - - 211 Brisbane, Margaret H., Lake Village, Ark., She Sleeps - - - • 30 Brooks, Wm. Grant, Saeo, Me., Opportunities of Life - - 345 Brown, Geo. Waldo, Manchester, N. H., Anticipation - - - 176 Brown, J. Byron, Corydon, Ky., Open and Closes - - - 50 Brown, Lura E., Little Rock, Ark., A Pretty Dimpled Chin - - 15 Brown, Mortimer C, Beresford, S. D., Sunshine after Rain - - 238 Brown, Theron, Boston, Mass., The Sun in Libra - - - 204 Budd, Enos Goble, Budd's Lake, N. J., In Memoriam - - - - 260 Buskirk, Clarence A., Princeton, Ind., Drifting- - - . - 327 Butters. Mary E., St. Peter, Minn., Haste With Me - - - - 167 156 112 39 Campbell, J. P., Abilene, Kan., Lady Auling Carey, Virginia D., Corvallis, Ore., Patience in Disappointment Castle, Henry A., St. Paul, Minn., Henry Hastings Sibley Chamberlain, W. R., Chicago, 111., The Little Log- School House - 72 Charles, Mrs. Emily T., Washington, D. C, Spirit Breathings - - - 114 Clark, Mrs. Annie M. L., Lancaster, Mass., Patience ... - 350 Clark, Mrs. Mary J., Utica, 111., Broken Links - - - - 161 Clarke, Dr. S. T., Lockport, N.Y., Fire Flies - - - - 212 Clarke, Thomas M., Shoals, Ind., Tbe Country School - - - 38 Clodfelter, N. J. Crawfordsville, Ind., Two Hearts - - - - 273 Coleman, A. A., Birmingham, Ala., Helen 115 Colgan, John R., Pioneer, Ohio, The Misplaced Amen - - 92 Comstock, Helen Field, Rochelle, 111., Poesy 20 Conklin, Mrs. H. M., St. Charles, Mich., Advice to My Niece - - 98 Cook, Mrs. S. M. E., Portland, Me., Only A Year - - - - 3i3 Cooper, Sarah B., San Francisco, Cal., Angel Ministries - - 146 Cope, Caleb S., West Chester, Pa., Metrical Genius - - - 88 Corliss, Mrs. Mary E. R., Washburn, Me., Affliction- . . . . 329 Couchman, Wesley, Riehmondville, N.Y., Sonnet . . . . 336 Crill, Louis N., Richland, S. D., What Good Have You Done To-Day 119 Crocheron, Zina E , Bountiful, Utah, The Purest Gift - - - 137 Crofts, George W., Council Bluffs, Iowa, Robin ----- 194 Cudmore, P., Faribault, Minn,, Mexico - - - - 309 Cumoiins, Cliarlotte N., Lorin, Cal., Best Thoughts - - - 311 Cushman, Lilla N., South Natick, Mass., Gloria in Excelsis - - - 166 Dahlgren, Madeline V., Washington, D.C , Sonnet - - - - 26 Daniels, Frances B., De Luz, Cal., My Love - - - - - 182 Dannelly, Elizabeth O., Waxahaehie, Tex., To Minnie - - - - 18 Darnell. H. F , Avon, N. Y., From Kindesliebe - - - 206 Davenport, Agnes J. J., Espanola, N. M., School Days - - - 305 Ill Davenport, W. J., Bethany, La., Love . - - - Davis, Ida May, Terre- Haute, Tnd., A Message - - - - Deletombe, Alice S., Gallipolis, Oliio, Reflection De Moss, James, Thayer, Kan., Success Deuison, Mary A., Washington, D. C, The Sweetest Eyes Derby, Roswell, Jr., Florence, Ohio, The Lily of the Heart Digby, Wra., Jr.. Pittsburg, Pa., Christmas Night Dolson, Eugene C, Cato, N.Y., Life Dorman, Allen. Clinton, Mo., Meet Me Mother Dowd, Alice M., Stamford, Conn., Golden Rod - - - Dunham, J. H., Trenton, N. J., The Music of Memory Durant, Horace B., Philadelphia, Pa., True Devotion Eaton, J. Sullivan, Salisbury, N. C, Naples - - - - Eberhart, Gilbert L., Beaver Falls, Pa. In the Summer Long Ago English, Josiah G., Xenia, Ohio, Hast Thou Been to Calvary Evans, Major Alexander, Louisville, Ky., Laura - - - - - Evans, Mrs. Lizzie P., Summerville, Mass Life's Autograph Everett, M. E. H., Alfred Center, N.Y. Presagement Farr, Julia, WinfieleJ, Towa., Duty - - - - Farrow, A. J., Portland Mills, Ind., Sonnet - - - - 257 83 214 27 138 315 346 343 136 313 284 296 234 - 231 139 - 334 170 Ferris, Luman A., Bernhard's Bay, N.Y., To a Young Poet - - - 31 Fischer, Mrs. Angeline A., Omaha, Neb., Imprisoned - - - - 60 Fisher, Mrs. Emma R,, Canfleld, Colo., A Flower, A Song, A Word, - 158 Flagg. Edward O., New York City, N.Y., To a Friend After a Long Absence Freer, Charles H., Blue Earth City, Minn., The Tempest 298 19 150 Gear, Mrs. Emma, Ransom, Mich., Mother, - - - - 280 Gerry, Charles F., Sudbury, Mass., The Bluebird - - - - 281 Getcliell, Lora Vida, S. Berwick, Me., Song to Berwick Academy - 100 Gibbens, Alvaro F., Parkersburg, W. Va., Beyond the Night - - - 163 Gibbs, Lilla M., Cherryvale, Kan,, My Morning - - - 96 Gibbs, Oliver J., Sioux Falls, S. D., The Fliglit of Time - - - 185 Goldberg, Samuel W., Dallas, Tex., Friendship - - - - 297 Goodwin, Henry M., Olivet, Mich., To a Group of Asters - - 330 Gould, Alta J., Morley, Mich., My Idol - - - - 106 Gould, Lucia N., Pottersvllle, N.Y., A Song From the Waves - 147 Graham, James, Cleburne, Texas, Night on the Cumberlands - - 36 Green, Mrs. Julia B., Rochester, N.Y., The Dead Word - ~ - 135 Greene, M. H., Haverhill, Mass., Bonny Louise - - - 263 Greene, m. S., Westerly, R. I., The Reward of Well Doing - 229 Griffin, Geo. Butler, Los Angeles, Cal., A Cradle Song - - - - 262 Griffith, Geo. B., East Lempster, N. H., The Wbittier Fireplace - - 236 IV Hall, Flora 0., Conway, Iowa, Praise Ye the Lord - - - 3^9 Hallum, Mattie A., Texarkana, Ark., Sorrow's Smile - - - 75 Hamilton, Anna J., Louisville, Ky., Go, Be Free - - - - 124 Harbert, Elizabetli B., Evanston, 111., The Promised Land - - 53 Harden, Joiin, Briglitwood, Ind., Tiie Literary Bee - - 230 Harlowe, Dr. \V. B., Syracuse, N.Y., A Friend - - . . 64 Harlowe, Dana, Buckfield, Me., The Damsel of Bretagne - - 80 Harrington, T. L., Winona, Minn., Love Not Perishable - - 353 Harvey, James C, New York City, N.Y., Imperfectus ... - 255 Harvey, Matthew J., Epping, N. H., On the Death of a Gifted Poetess 129 Haskell, T. N., Denver, Col., Utterly Bereft - - - - 216 Hatch, Mrs. E. D. W., Big Timber, Mont., Tlie Shadow of a Cloud - - 341 Hawkins, Albert S., Midland, Tex., Lines to a Friend - - - 304 Hawthorne, Mrs. Alice, Louisville, Ky., Woman's Briglitest Jewel - 128 Haddaeus, John, Sing Sing, N.Y., Order 2T7 Hempstead, Junius L., Jennings, La., Hope 294 Henry, Emily J. C, Sterling, 111., Our Twin Boys - - - 222 Hickok, Eliza, M . E. Somerville, Mass., Introspection .... 308 Hill, Theo. H., Raleigh, N. C, Sunset - - - - 131 Hildreth, Emily E., Harvard, Mass., The Old Man of the Mountain Hinds, W. H. H., Kennebunkport, Me. Light - - Hodges, D. F., Phillips, Me., - 1G9 24S 331 True Love Holden, Rebecca G., Smyrna, Me., I Need Thee Every Hour - 42 Holmes, John, Bayshore, L. I., The Mother's Joy, Her Darling Boy, 314 Holt, Jeremiah W., Burlington, N. C, The Battle Cry - - - 264 Hopkins, MrS; L. P., Newburyport, Mass., December, - - - - 56 Hotchkiss, John, Fox Lake, Wis., Birthday Lines - - - 57 Hoyt, Ellen, Gallon, Ohio, A Tribut.3 - - - - 164 Hubner, Chas. W., Atlanta, Ga., To the Poet - - . - 271 HuHn, E. S., Erwin, Tenn., Acrostic - - - - 328 Huniphrey, Nelson Goodrich, LeRoj', 111., Too Late - - - - 332 Kurd, Helen Marr, Athens, Me., All Hail - - - - 323 Huse, Ma,ry S., Princeton, Minn., A Tribute - - - - 81 Husted, Fred, Grand Junction, Mich., Morning Dreams - - - 173 Imrie, John, Toronto, Canada, The Touch of the Divine - - 282 Inge, C. H., Greensboro, Ala., Emancipation - - - 35 Inman, Dr. G. H., Bradford, Ohio, The Old Homestead - - - 310 Ireland, Mary E., Washington, D. C, On the Chesapeake • - 143 Jacobs, William R., Suffolk, Va., Heed Not That Judge - 14 Jeflery, Mrs. Isadore G., Chicago, 111., Heavenly Ministries - - 24 Johnston, Miss Julia H., Peoria, III., Good Morning - - - 63 Jones, Rev. A., Logansport, Ind., A Social Picture - - - 182 Jones, Chas. C, Mechanicsburg, Ohio, Poem - - . - - 143 Jones, E. L., Evansville, Ind., Sonnet - - - - 306 Jones, Florence A., Hampton, Iowa, A Love Song - - - - 29 Jones, O. C . Abbeville, La., Autumn Leaves - - - 318 Jones, Vv'm. C, Robinson, III. Woman's Smile Kautz, Elizabeth, Cutler, Ind., May ... - Kautz, Julia M., Cutler, Ind., Vida Kaye, John B., Calmar, Iowa, Longfellow - - - - Keeler, Howard, Brooklyn, N.Y., Consolation - - . . Kelly, Helen Briggs, Little Rock, Ark.. The Old Quilt Kendall, Milton T., Rice's Landing, Pa.. Immortality ... - Kent, Lueian H., Westfield, N.Y., Poem ----- Ketehum, Jno. B , New York City,[^N.Y., The Soldier's Reverie, Kettoman, Geo. W., Highfleld, Md., My Song- - - . . King-, Violet E., Albion, Ind., Onlies ----- Kirsehbaum, E. T., North Crafton, Mass. The Poet's Fate . - - Kline, Mrs. M. B., Hag-er City, Wis., Kind Words Knig-ht, Leona A., Gibson, La., Youthful Charms Lawrance, Wm. Y., Chillicothe, Ohio, A Tablet - - . . Latimer, Laura M., Geneva, Ohio. Heaven - - - - Lester, N., Fulton, N.Y., An Autumn Thought Lewis, Mrs., .Tennie S., West Side, la.. Acrostic - - . - Lincoln, Jeanie G., Washington, D. C. Tender and True Adieu - Lindsaj% Rhoda S., Douglas, N. C, An Autumn Reverie - Lockhart, Arthur J., Cherryfield, Me., Emerson - - - . 343 89 70 196 103 361 163 90 3:« 319 133 388 33 91 leo 3T6 335 113 193 370 Logan, A. Sidney, Philadelphia, Pa., The Moon ..... Logan, Margaret A., Vicksburg, Miss., A Mistake > - . . Longheed, J. W., Detroit, Mich., To a Chrysanthenum Loomis, Mrs. E. S., Arkansas City, Kan., A Little Potentate Lowry, Samuel E., West Salem, Ohio, Beneath the Rod ... McCourt, D. W.; St. Paul, Minn., A Retrospection McDonald, Dr. Wm, A., Lynn, Mass., Retrospectivej - - - . McFadden, F. E., Fairfield, Me., When I am Dead - McFall, Mrs. A. E., Mayfleld, Ky., Sonnet - - - - - McHenry, Mrs. E. J.,Berkelej', Cal. The Bound of the Sea McKenzie, Jennie F., Montrose, Mich., Ah, Whether, an Acrostic - McLellan, Isaac, Spring-s, L. 1., Human Life McNabb, Dr. John W., Fremont, Mich. Peace, Hope, Rest MacDonald, Dr. Rufus C, Boston, Mass. Fate Rface, Mrs. Frances L., San Jose, Cal., St. Cecilia - .- . . Mackay, Chas. H., Boston, Mass., True Love - . - - Manville, Helen A., LaCrosse, Wis., Long Live the King- - - - »[ariager, Dagmar, Santa Barbara, Cal., Injustice - - . - Marr, Francis Harrison, Warrenton, Va., Life Martin, L. A., Chillicothe, Mo., Loving- Should Not Be There - Mason, Chas. Oscar. Glens Falls, N.Y., Backward or Forward Mason, Mary A., Binghampton, N.Y., If Love Were Life - 348 340 331 218 31T 308 289 123 154 256 317 307 34 118 333 324 245 109 136 Matthews, James N., Mason, 111., Affinity - - - - 193 Maj-, J. L.. Catawba Junction, S. C, The Bard of Helicon - - 45 Mellen, Jolin F., Amelia, Ohio, Tiie Sunset of Life - - - 99 Miller. D. F., Keokuk, Iowa, The Prayer of Age — Creation of Woman . . . . 268 Moliler, J. S., Morrill, Kans., True Happiness - - - 70 Monroe, Mrs. L. D., WaKeeney. Kan?., My Childhood's Home - - 171 Moore, Mrs. Aubertine W., Madison, Wis.. If Music Were Dead - - - 197 Moore, Maude, Thomaston, Me., To C. E. I. - - - - 59 VI OSes, J. W., San Diego, Cal., To Violet - . - . Murphy, John Albert, Ellis, Mo , my Rosebud - - - 216 Uafzger, Laura C, Poweli, Ohio, The Bootblack - - - - 168 Naisbitt, Henry W., Salt Lake City, Utah, Footprints in the Sand. ■ - 325 Newell, Mrs. Laura E., Zeandale, Kans , Transition . . - . ^66 Noble, Mary Ella, Athens, Ga.. A Worshipper - - - 250 Nourse, Mrs. Laura A., Moline, 111., The Holy Spirit - - - 299 Padon, M S., Denver, Colo., The Present . . . - Page, Oliu W., New London, Conn., From Life's Pictures - - 148 Parker, Mame L. Foster, Meriden, Conn.. Our Helplessness - - - 141 Patterson. Minnie Ward, Marshall, Mich., Lily Song- - - - - 353 Paxton, W. M., Platte City, Mo., The Prairie - - - - 17 Peacock, Arthur S., Wa Keeney, Kans., When the Lower Clouds have Lifted 338 Peacock, Tlios. B., Topeka. Kans., Sonnet to Miltou - . . 73 Pearle, Mary, Erie, Pa., Di Giora in Giora - - - 94 Pelton. J. C, San Dieg-o, Cal., The Trampled Flower - - 111 Peterson, Henry, Philadelphia, Pa., The Clover Leaf - - - 180 Pickens, Anna E., Somerville. Mass., One Way . . . . 373 Plunkett, Lilian, San Francisco, Cal., To - . - - 1S9 Poole, M. Belle, Covington, La., We Still Smile On - - - 337 Pope, Marion Manville, La Crosse, Wis., Where do the Birds Go? - - 132^ Porter, Susanna Lee, Selmau, Fla., Gentle Spring ... - 175 Powell. E. P., Clinton, N.Y., The Goldfinch - - - 116 Pratt, C. H , Bear Creek, Ohio., Starlig-ht 79 Preston, Mrs. M. A., Charlotte, Mich., Forg-et-me-not - - - 13 Prickett, J. P., Albion, Ind., The Loved and Lost - - - 3.26 Ragsdale, Henry E., Aurora, Mo. Success Oberholizer, Mrs. S. L., Norristown, Pa., Come for Arbutus - - 320 O" Boyle, Thomas W., Lowell, Ma.ss., Epistle to a Friend - - - 225 O'Brien, J. W.. Midland. Mich.. Rains, Helen A , Mt. Ayr, la., Farewell - - - - 49 Day . . . . Orne. Caroline F.. Cambridge. Mass., Randall. Adelaide. Merrimack, Wis., To-morrow . . - . 5s Baby's Love - - - - Overall. John W.. New York City, N.Y., Reed. Anna Morrison, Laytonville, Cal. Life's Philosophy - - - 244 Her King 6:3 35a Vil Reed, Emily, Eddyville, Iowa, Evening s Hour - - - 159 Regal, Mamie H., North Jackson, Ohio, His Guiding- Love - - -110 Reynolds, J. M., Belmont, Mich. 1 Bow the Head - - - 335 Rhoades, Dr. Thos. J. B., Boyerton, Pa., Sljinder ... - 153 Rice, William, Gladwin, Mich., Tlie Past and Present - - 28 Rich, Caroline W. D., Lewiston, Me., Echo 274 Rideout, E. L , Readfield, Me., Thanks 1:35 Riggs, Luther G., Genoa Junction, Wis., If I But Only Knew - - 177 Robinson, Mrs. Amber E., Blaine, Me.. A Living Faith - - - 249 Robson, John E., Honcoye Falls, N.V., Agnosticism - - - 37 Rouse, Jane E., Montague, Mich., Tlie Burial - - - - 183 Russell, Joseph Penn, Waveland, Tnd.. The Snow Flake - - - r232 Ryan, Mary C, Obrine, Fla., Sonnet - - - - - 71 Sage, J. W.. Chicago Junction, Ohio. Some Sweet D;iy - . - 44 Savage,M.J.,Pembroke City, Boston, Mass., Where Is God? - - - 195 Schaeggs, Mrs. A. C. V., San Diego. Cal., Sailing In .... 179 Searl, F. C, Portsmouth, Oiiio, Djiiisof the Firelight - - 210 Secor, Eugene, Forest City. Iowa, Ba')y Footsteps - - - - ls7 Shaler, Clarence A . Waupuii. Wis., Tears . - . - .y^^ Sliaw, F. F., Ripley, Ohio. Eulogy — Washington - • l-.X) Shaw, Ralph H., Lowell, Ma.ss.. Mosses - . - - . i;,s Shuey, Lillian H., Lorin, Cal . That Charmed Life - - 259 Slaughter, Linda W., Bismarck, N. D., A Still Small Voice - - - 292 Smith, Mrs. Anna C. Mill Grove. Mo., Remembrance of Our Heroes - 48 Smith, Annie H., Atlanta, Ga., Trust - - - - - 144 Smith, Clara Fowler, Myer's Valley, Kan.. The Music of Words - - 157 Smith, Mrs. Eldridge, Washington, D. C, Bygone Hours - - - - 247 Smith, Mrs. Eva Munson. Springfield. 111.. Syria 2U1 Smith, Hubbard M., Vincennes, Ind.. Summer Twilight - - - 223 Smith. Luella D., Hudson, X. Y., The Sea 21 Smitli, Viola E., Turin, Iowa. Remembrances - - - 41 Spurlock, Mrs. Phoebe A., Geneseo, III., Even-tide - - . . -^2 Stalej-, M. Victor, Oshkosh, Wis., Despair - - - - - iccj Stanton. Henry T., Frankfort, Ky., An Ideal - - - 2'-i.-) Steai-ns, Frances B., Harrisbuig, Tex.. Consolation - - - - 43 Stevens, H., Nettle Carrier. Tenn , Memories of Children - - 93 Stewart, M. A.. San Jose, Cal., ToEulalia - . - - 16 Siockard, Henry J., Graham, N. C, Life's Lesson of Faith - - 127 Stone. Mary K. A.. Reading, Pa., Enkindled - - . . 14,5 Stout. Adelaide. Buffalo, N.Y., A Sea Rose - - - - 84 Street, Thomas, Vineland. N. J., Poetry . - . . (-9 Swarthout, G. W.. Laingsburg, Micii.. Michigan - - - .'y^ Sykes, Mary E , Calabasas, Ariz., Waiting • - - - fil Taber, Edward F., Patchogue, L. 1., Returned With Thanks - - 286 Tanner, A. A., Oakley. Id., Tell Me Not - - . . 041 Taylor, Mrs. Hannah E., Pusadeua, Oil., Memories . . _ . oiK) Tuylor, Ida Scott, Jacksonville, 111., Nearer Thau We Think - - 347 Thayer, Stephen Henry, New York City, Infinito - - - - ' - 323 Thomas, James C, Union, lud.. In Memoriani - - - 285 Thorn hill, C. P., Columbia, La., To Miss .... 188 Tilton, Lydia H., Washington, D. C, Politeness - - - - 82 Toland, Mrs. M. B. M., San Francisco, Cal., Camoens . . - - 85 Townsend, Linus, Apollo, Pii., A Monumental Inscription - 65 Truesdell. Ella M., Hornellsville, N.Y., A Pink Wliite Glory of Cloves - 140 Tyler, Martha T., San Francisco, Cal., An Autumn Violet - - 291 I^nderwood, Mrs. Hatmah E., Cicston, Ta., Little May - - - - GT Vail, Emily, Benton City, Mo., White Lilies - - - 130 Van Loon, Hannah. Philadelpliia, Pa., Trying- - - - - 191 Van Tuyl, R. N., Prattsburg, N.Y., Poem ... - 120 Venable, W. H., Cincinnati, Ohid, The Cat-bird or Capricci - . 312 Venen, L. P., Olympia, Wash., The Snow - - - - 220 Wagner, Madge Morris, San Diego, Cal., Mother 246 Wall. Mrs. Annie, Pueblo, Col, A Leaf on a Stream - - 107 Wallace, M., Huntsville, Texas, Stanza ----- i:2| Wallingford, L. Adelaide. Lowell, Mass.. Foresh ado wings - • - - 51 Walser, G. H., Liberal, Mo., The River of Love - - - 134 Ward. Re%'. James T., Westminster, Md., C)u Awaking- From Sleep . 32 Ward, Mary E., North Danville, Vt., Josephine • - - - 174 Warder, Geo. W., Kansas City, Mo., Footprints and Shadows - - 97 Ware,W. Hlbbert, Trenton, N. J. When the Day Breaks - - 95 Warren, Mary E., Fox Lake, Wis., The Man I Love - - - 203 Watters, Mrs. E., Wasliington, la., Autumn - - - - - 149 Watson, Stephen Marion, Portland, Me., Cliange . - - - 337 Weed, Emily Stuart, Greenwich, Conn., Greeting- ■ • - - 199 Weir, Jo. L., Orlinda, Tenn., Our Boy - - - - 20T Welty, Edwin A., Oreg-on, Mo., The Rose and Bessie's Picture . 87 Wetherbee. Emily G., Laurence, Mass., The Old Garden Gate . . 181 White, D. D.. DeKalb, Texas, Friendship . . . .278 White, James T., New York City, N. Y., Inter Folia Fr ictus . . 22 White. Laura R., Geneva, Ohio, Vain Search . . . .349 Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, New York City, Twin Born .... 251 Wiley, Wm. L., Galva, 111., Motlier .... 172 Williams. Emily P., Appleton City, Mo., Nature's Coloiing- . , .344 Willner. Rev. W., Houston, Texas, My Bargain .... 74 Wilson. Gilbert L.. Genoa Bluff, Iowa, At Dream'.s Briglit Gate . . 68 Wilson, L. G., Wessington Springs, S. D., Wanderer's Reverie . . 215 Winslow, Celeste M. A., New Yorlc City, Ego 321 Wintermute, Mrs. ]\1., Newark, Ohio, Night and Day ... 77 Wood-rt-ard, Nathan A., Batavia, N.Y., Poem 267 Wright, Mrs. C. M. H., Blaine, III., At Evening Time . . . 265 Wrightsman, Mrs. Mima L., Harper, Kan. BhickDiamond — The Mind . 133 13 14 --^^^^^u^^JL^ 't--^-J ^ .'■■:'^:^f~<^r^<...^tC'^t>t.-^r-^^^ "Z^-C/ -^^z-t-<» -^^tse^-oZ^^^^:^ ^^-t? -if^'-c-'::^^^ — ^ f^'^dc^.f. ^-^^.,.^.^/:^.^ 15 C£^^^. tt...jUJ^ uy^M.^^ M^ a^ /Uui^-ui^ titAuT^ 6^^^^t^>^i^ uy(L^ 16 ^>-^^^ 17 31^ fr n^cKAT^uU ij^ijmjj mZ Iprtrrut O/ctil^ ^/iJn^^ ^}7hj^^^^ ?i^^^^ /^/^^^2^^ ^ t::;^ i^-iy<~, l_.. Oft^ty /ft-^Wir^ ■ifi/yt.<.c^ IrCLJuiAyH cA^^run^d/^ TZtfWn^'i'i^ !^J^ ,^ i^ L-<^- rf^^ lk/u^U^<^ .^e..^^-^, c%^ c^^ 21 ry'/^^ ^^ .^t^/^ z.^^-^ JL^ Z^^^^- 22 XL/ cLi^J^jt^ ^Xwv^ ^>M-e^.^-c^^^^x^^^. — X^lL-b-^ J^^i_J>iUZt.^'^t^■t'^^yi 30 y^ <^A^/^: ^t^ i^ '2,i2-^^/i^^ 31 ^^^^-i-^ 32 Cy^?^ ^ w^^^'^T^o^iox^ t^<^^ y -j^^^^tf x-^y^=^qy4^ 9PX^ .^3 ^2c^^^iir^'^-'^>-t'^^^^^^<^^^ ^^^Lc^t— ^<---« — ^ ^i€>e;ir^f <^-^^i^5^ 31 ir 35 ^,x^^^^^^<;t^*-^-<:-'<'^ C>--^<~^-7<^ /fjL.-^U^OC^ir'ir-y^ -Iff-T^ IH,<^ ,AUr-V^^t~* /^^^^^^Sfc' /U'^f'^^ ^l^^^tiyU — J!cJn^^-H^ c£H-.-^ ^i-^/ t^h^ ld-^.-'«»»Ac» yV'"*'^'*''^'^''*^ •^ 40 l/H^ ^&^ ^^^Jc o^'t^ a..^u) ^^^4-^^^^^/^ 9y^^.^nv / '^^^^^^^J^/ <^^^^^^^ a^'Z^^^e d<^je£^^%z^€^!^^^'^^^.trC/J, 41 J* aMJLv .A4i) Jtct^tAJ^ JU/K^QiiA) cot >4yUl/ .^VLoiiiJ, <^ AtAAAa4JbiM Jtrmr yt^A) kA4JLeJy <^JlJu e^^dA/ J.<^ JaUj^ cpJaj JUUjLdAyyiMj AA^JhJ OiAtA/ AoAJd^ 42 ^J/ ^C^ejt^ y^ifi^^^ (Q/e^^.^ ^^/rt^oty %}ii>AjL^^ ^^-/^^li^^ -^yCf-t^C^ ^ 7 I^A J^^U-^ /ff/ 43 J L^ ^cx^uC ^JA^cJr- uyldUi^ yy^ \UiA^ (jyUJU/iA^ S^.co't*--^ I Qjf^^JlMArtAX^yi^ fi-^tvw 7't,^Xx^f^ U^ IL^Ly^ \y\^0,iM Sy^^rv^^^ \}ku^'/l^ Qcu^^ ''t^W^ LL^ ^ -e/i_ ^ Kyyi— oCcca*.jCJi^ (Tu/i, Leyj^€.A>/g^ c^ _^/t^.,.c^LZ^3C. KJ-yct/^V-^JL. O0~ LiAzJXjO 't^HjtyUL^ Ct''?*!.-^.**^ yO/O'HJ^UL^ o-Z^ Iz-^i^'i^ , COk^ >ilirT<^ urtn^X^ Lo^^^^tcat^ Ky/jkjg^ ydXurur^^^ /tyOdU^rt^ CM^i^t^u^K- a^ 't^hJi t/£.4iA^ . 48 d^a^/^ i.^-,^ .<^-^ -^'^^ ""^y 49 .-5^, .^^ (^ /^t/^^ (^^v^.^^ 50 ^i^^..,^ q^^^s Gut-t.,^^ 51 C^j^c^2^ Z^<(jL^ /%-i.c^^lA^U' f^a^^i^t^ /^..^-e^xS'- C/C/ c£ciyr^ - y^yCVfX^ yt^^c^t^^i.^^ /hvx^^^ />?^.^/.^»«»^'''^^5^ 'Uun/tAj Oy ^^^«-«*o 52 / ^t,<^^^ t^^i-t^ /^A*^^ t^<^-^^ ^-^i-^^c- ^^^-^-x^ Sof^ d'-^'-^ c£^^^^^*^ (//l-tJLl U.ayL£Cti^ O-LA^ly ^&L. 'Ui'*^^ <^ 'UjULAy^-f^u^y 'Cr ficot^n/ ^ Mj-'t.t^ <^'(jU/<-^--/" *^ ^^^ ^'-^ ^^^;^,- ^^Lio ^y^. 54 /L^^^, JC fi-^^^0^/V>t- JLoA^Z^XA^ /ZyUOo^joL eJ^iX^^AjE, 'cdA *. 55 7 y -^"^ ir^c^ l>Oi^7/C^ yt-^^c^ Ct^i^d^oA^ ^ ^ 't^ic/U^/n^ /7n ^^2S^>^^>^ <^^/^^2^^^^Jjc<^ 56 ^^i^ /2.^^ti:^ZZy Jtj/^ ^'^^rffe*^ ^riCe^^ yd^t^^c-^ ^pzi^t^ /^c^i^f^ /^^^^^"^-^ a/ /^%.^ ^^CdTf^^-^L.^t^ 52^?-3Z^^>i^ ^-w;;^^?^*^! 57 ^, c/rky / ^}y^uA^ x^ /^ /U^&rr^ z4 /^^ 'd^/i^- ^^i<--c £^Le/(^^j^ /^^t^,U /^^/^^?r^ i^ ^^wi^ A'?^^^ 58 '/^ - Qy/'(/y(?7Aun.-^^r ^Aj2y c'd^.c^^ A^.,^ Ji^yy.. ^ .'^^::^;r~ 6h; .^^ ^^^^ ^ , 59 T >^^ S^'^-^'^^f-^ ae^!r^^ ^^^^:^ -x^^<^.o^ 7i~a^ -v€^^ TAy^^g^ c/^^s^'^^^'^ eji^T ^^^'^ '^^^ ^A£oy. ^^ 2^ /y'^/i-//. 62 ^^^ y/^^run't^^^ j^^(/i^^ f/U d^^ ^^J^cC- rT-^h-f^r ^^ ^ V Mhi^f h^ ^AA^cC^ %^'^l^C /fe^^.^ A^^:2^2jjf^ ^^ K^tZ^^-t^^T^ >f^ ^ ^^^2:^ OU^Je^J y^7>u>t^^ /^/ p^ j^J,^^/^^ /^ y ()3 CI Jc ^cr>^iJL- 64 Co CT^^^^c^ Q^ads'^Jx/^ Aa.oC a.9^ ^^<^ <^Ca>- arvulct. cC^^i^^^u^ ^ (2^cd -^O, ^T?^; ^^^ ^^^ "^^ ' 65 -^ueM/uaM^Mcb (T0io>-^-^ heAAJh-^ jD-lt/^^ji^ /}2^u4^^x^- ^i^^^^z^ ^/>$4 eui^>^^:L a^ ^i^.?,**^^^^;^ ^9^^ ^^ ^c^^^ <^;,..^^-^^ ^-.^^C^ ^,.^^ ^^.,---T 69 'O^ /TH e^y^^A^ ^}y^ji/rjJ ^TA^Ly^tt^^j^^rc /^yyr^-yv ^^ct^rrtJ O^yu/z^yv^n^ :^>iu^ Aoz/:^ ^M^^^ /^r>tn^ ^^^i^^- v^.^^.^^-^. /VO(n^v^ icrf-v£AA^ ffiAJA^tJl/ ovi/ci/yC/t^T'^^c^ ^ <-^Cl^>--\^ /VI_^?-^!?-^A^ JUlJUajl^ IfiyiyiA^i^ 73 -^^ /t^a^^^^ / (M^^c^t^^^^^ ^f//> 75 <::^^^,r^y^<^ur:isd^ryi^ 76 C'O^'Z.-ck^ c^ H,J^^~>(^iU^^^ia yL4^tx\i^l T^T-^^^ oiA^^tyL o^^Auai^ -L^t^ CJit.'V^ '^^-^i-'O^W-'L^f^ Q.^C-O'-i^fc'^ A.^^^^-^^.^-^x^.^iL- , ' //// <^^>-U>Ly -h-X^^^^ VL-^, lyirKZLc 0-lX->i.^ UvO/f^ fvt^^A^ /4X-^-z/^?^ (§_^^^^->n.^:txZ. 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Lcvv^^vo^, J/w.^doi \Slk,\S50^\. 220 .>/i <^.^^^ ^^^2^ -eM.^^:^^^^^ ^^-^^r^ U'A^c^^ ^>u<^^^^^ -H^^^--^^^ ^ T^j^^^^ ^c^r-^s^^'-^'^ ^^^ <-^, y^r^^n^yA., >e^ /.....i^^ •jr^^-^i^ ^^^ 221 §v ^^mL^ '^^^^-^wvsxv*^ S) vi; ejv )(r^oJvvVjL>Hj -iiAx)UyL-cX \vjl_oM5VvU> VJU«rl .T^^ O'V^^ -vm\vc ^^vJsxjA VoC^Av KsLOOv^vJC^ (W^/Vv^JiSl^l % OfvAMr^\) . 222 o^ZiXi. u^^^ Q^^ '^--^ /^^d^. c -^ ^^ -^C- J >^ ,~^^ '^;^:5^ ~ -^ ^-.^ ^. -►^. ^ ^ V .o */^<-^^_ 7 ^_J -w %^^^T7/Cy, 7^^e<^y^yC^, ^'-UrLi^^-CcL UO , '^yi.(yL^^, dJ^ AjmJ^, izaJiJ^^ 225 li^Ju^lAAJL^ Xo J^ r^/ul^>-^ -^..^ AzTiAC. tx^y^^oU ^U^^l^rO' f-i-i-lx^i^ /z Ci '< c<-^^ I l-t/T>c^ ■>>x^./rt'Cr 'ii(. £Z >ri / 229 u n£/n/6i^d oj ^}p/£'cliif'i^>^cex^ cl^zJz/cu4.<^ , Jo ^/-tx -eyyy^dJ^acA J-^i eyi^^^ Jut a cjz , {M^(J &i^ ptJi^^-e ^a.cA^cl AJ.c^(y><^U cl^ o^y^oA* AM^cC 230 ' — ' ^ ^ ^ V 231 /^6s«^/$^:^?-vxy ^/tJ^^ £ '^/c^^oA^ P • kJ^'MJ -^^i^^-t^-^^ ct^^^K-^^ji^x^ C^^^^^uA^-,^ tZ-^^P *^^/^L<*^^n^ -/l^-^ Jj^^d^ l^iJ^, /^e^ '^A.^J~^~ti^AJ ^L^^JLyMx^ OUbMy l^^tK.^ ££«^— -u-t^. 232 dtXv«^ QTr^^f^ie^^ ^^^^^t^ y^^^^^H^/^Lj^^^^ JO^J^^^^^f^^ -^ju^^^^^^^i^.^^^^ :34 I ^,~fw^i ,1 ^cn^iuz^ --jp/v^-^ (fxeu/k i^A/ifl^C^^ 235 ^^ ^^^^---.X^^ ^z^- /^-e.tx^ C^^e^ l^yu^a^^ -^^ci^f- Cii^ (Z*^^5"^.^^^. 236 \i:iL^ (^Iaj^Ou^o'^^^ ■^:£ul^'^*^'^'*^- 'Z>4«-Xl, ♦ / ^IZ^^ ^ C'-z 237 Cvwy S-'^-c/vA/v.^N/wJ^v- C^CU^S (VWrvr cL>-*J^ OcCC3~^C3Vs.^ ^ ^-WQ. 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