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The facts assembled in this small volume were gathered in part from publications which are not named because they are accessible to any searcher. Whenever these books seemed of doubtful accuracy or did not exist, the original town records were searched for vital statistics, land entries, settlements of estates and court proceedings. In several instances the records had been burned. The alphabetical arrangement of families used with the two charts renders an index superfluous to those for whom the book is printed. Few abbreviations occur : abt. is about. b. , bp. , m. , d. , are birth, baptism, marriage and death, dau. is daughter, per. is perhaps, prob. is probably, unm. is unmarried. It was at first intended to include a biographical sketch of each male head of a family of the descendants of Williams Howe Whitte- more and Ebenezer Clark, but for several reasons it was concluded to omit all. * I suggest that every copy be given to the nearest public library rather than destroyed. WILLIAM PLUMB BACON, Mem. Conn. Hist. Society. New Britain, Ct., Oct., 1907. ■0m ^. ^ REV. WILLIAMS HOWE WHITTEMORE. ANCESTORS OF WILLIAMS HOWE WHITTEMORE. John Abby, Thomas Barber, William Bassett, Richard Birge, John Bissell, William Blake, Jane Clapp, John Drake, Josias Ellsworth, Hannah Emerson, James Eno, Robert Fuller William Gaylord, Edward Oilman, Thomas Holcombe, John Howe, William Knowlton, John Leavitt, Joseph Loomis, Richard Mellens, Thomas Moore, John Pope, John Rockwell, Elizabeth Rogers, Thomas Scott, William Slate, Henry Smith, Richard Thurlow, John Thurston, Nathaniel Wales, Robert Watson, Ralph Wheelock, Mary White, Thomas Whittemore, John Wolcott, Salem, Mass., 1637 Windsor, Ct, 1635 Plymouth, Mass., 1627 Dorchester, Mass., 1630 Windsor, Ct, 1639 Springfield, Mass., 1636 Pope Dorchester Mass., 1634 Boston, Mass., 1630 Windsor, Ct, 1654 Newbury, Mass., 1685 Windsor, Ct., 1646 Salem, Mass., 1638 Dorchester, Mass., 1630 Boston, Mass., 1638 Dorchester, Mass., 1633 Sudbury, Mass., 1638 Nova Scotia, 1632 Dorchester, Mass., 1634 Boston, Mass., 1638 Charlestown, Mass., 1639 Dorchester, Mass., 1631 Dorchester, Mass., 1634 Windsor, Ct, 1640 Drake Boston, Mass., 1630 Boston,? Mass., 1634 Salem, Mass., 1702 Dedham, Mass., 1637 Rowley, Mass., 1643 Dedham, Mass., 1637 Dorchester, Mass., 1635 Plymouth, Mass., 1637? Watertown, Mass., 1636 Loomis Boston, Mass., 1638 Charlestown, Mass., 1641 Salem, Mass., 1635 ABBY. I. John Abby b. England. d. Wenham, Mass. abt. 1690. m. 1st. Mary b. d. Wenham, Sept. 9, 1672. (He m. 2nd. Wenham, Nov. 25, 1674, Marah, widow of Richard Goldsmith.) He was of Salem, Jan. 1637 and Wenham 1643, and was constable there in 1669. He died intestate, having disposed of his estate to his children in 1683. Cliildren. John b. Wenham, May 15, d. May 15, 1665. m. John b. Wenham, Dec. 15, 1666. m. Hannah Samuel b. abt. 1650. m. Wenham, Oct. 12, 1672, Mary Knowlton. Sarah Marah Rebecca m. Killam. m. May 13, 1667, Richard Kimball. Obadiah Thomas b. Wenham, Dec. 5, 1667. d. Enfield, Ct., 1728. m. Marblehead, Dec. 17, 1683, Sarah Fairfield, dau. of Walter. II. Samuel Abbey b. about 1650, probably Wenham. d. Windham, Ct., Mch. 1698. m. Wenham, Oct. 12, 1672. Mary Knowlton b. 1649. She married 2nd, Abraham Mitchell. He was surveyor in Wenham in 1676. Freeman, Oct. 13, 1680. In 1682 he bought land in Salem Village now Danvers. He and his wife were dismissed from Wenham church to form a church in Salem Village, Nov. 15, 1689. April 3, 1697, he sold out. and Nov. 4, 1697, for £22% Note— History Ancient Windham, by W. L. Weaver. he bought 500 acres and one-half of a house in Windham where he was admitted an inhabitant Dec. 21, 1697. His inventory, May 9, 1698, Hartford, Ct., £58, and names wid. Mary and the twelve children and their ages. Children. Mary b. abt. 1674. Samuel b. abt. 1676. d. Jan. 15, 1736-7. m. Mch. 15, 1710 Hannah Silsby. Thomas b. abt. 1679. d. unmarried, Windham, Apr. 1, 1700. m. Elizabeth b. abt. 1681. m. Sept. 23, 1702, William Slate. Ebenezer b. Salem Village, July 31, 1683. d. Dec. 5, 1758. m. Oct. 28, 1707, Mary Allen, dau. of Joshua. Mercy b. Mch. 1, 1684-5. m. Jonathan Ormsby of Windham. Sarah b. July 4 or 6, 1686. m. John Fowler of Lebanon. Hepsibah b. Feb. 14, 1688-9. m. Samuel Palmer. Abigail b. Nov. 19, 1690. m. prob. Joseph Ormsby of Rehoboth. John b. June 4, 1692. m. Benjamin b. June 4, 1694. m. Jan. 4, 1716, Mary Tryon, dau. of Joseph. Jonathan b. about 1697. d. Willington, 1760. m. HI. Elizabeth Abby m. Salem Village, Mass., Sept. 23, 1702. William Slate. IV. Ann Slate m. Mansfield, Ct., Oct. 9, 1734. Joseph Whittemore. V. Joseph Whittemore m. Mansfield, Nov. 1763. Sarah Howe. VI. Samuel Whittemore m. Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1794. Sarah Wales. VII. Williams Howe Whittemore m. Rye, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1831. Maria Clark. BARBER. I. Thomas Barber b. Eng. abt. 1614. d. Windsor, Ct., Sept. 11, 1662. m. Oct. 7, 1640 Jane b. d. Windsor, Sept. 10, 1662. He came to Windsor in 1635 with the Saltonstall party under Mr. Francis Stiles. The court at Hartford Mch. 28, 1637 ordered Mr. Stiles to teach Thomas Barber and two others, all his servants, the trade of carpenter, as promised. He was freeman 1645, soldier in the Pequot war, 1637. He removed to Simsbury, where he contracted to build the first meeting-house. Inventory Hartford, Oct. 20, 1662, £133. June 6, 1662, distribution to the six children, Mary being called Mercy. Children. John bp. July 24, 1642. d. May 14, 1712. m. Springfield, Mass., Sept. 2, 1663, Bathsheba Cog- gins. Thomas b. July 14, 1644. d. Simsbury, May 10, 1701. m. Windsor, Dec. 17, 1663, Mary Phelps, dau. of William. Sarah bp. July 19, 1646 m. Nov. 26, 1663, Timothy Hale. Samuel bp. Oct. 1, 1648. d. Mch. 12, 1708. m. 1st, Dec. 1, 1670, Mary Coggins. m. 2nd, Jan. 25, 1676-7, Ruth Drake. Mary bp. Oct. 12, 1651. m. July 8, 1669, John Gillett. Josiah b. Feb. 15, 1653. d. Dec. 14 or 24, 1733. m. 1st, Nov. 22, 1667, Abigail Loomis. d. Feb. 9, 1700-1. m. 2nd, Nov. 5, 1701, Sarah (Porter) Drake. H. Samuel Barber bp. Oct. 1, 1648. d. Windsor, Mch, 12. 1709. m. 2nd, Jan. 25, 1676-7. Ruth Drake bp. Windsor, Dec. 6, 1657. d. Nov. 13, 1721. (Hem. 1st, Dec, 1670, Mary Coggins, who d. May 19, 1676, and had sons Thomas and Samuel. ) He removed to Simsbury and returned to Windsor. Will of Feb. 21, 1708-9, pro. Hartford, Apr. 4, 1709, names wife Ruth, eldest son Samuel, son William deceased and his son William ; sons Joseph, David, Benjamin, John ; daus. Mary, Ruth, Elizabeth, Mindwell and Sarah. Inventory Mch. 29, 1709. £598. Children. John b. Jan. 25, 1676. m. July, 24, 1717, Jane Alvord. Hannah b. Oct. 4, 1681. m. Ruth b. July 24, 1683. m. Apr. 18, 1706, Wm. Phelps, son of Timothy-, Wm'. Elizabeth b. Feb. 9, 1684. m. Nov. 10, 1709, Dan'l Loomis. David b. May 12, 1686. m. Hannah Post. Sarah b. Aug. 28, 1698. m. 1st, Oct. 17, 1717, Stephen Palmer, d. Nov. 17, 1720. m. 2nd, Phelps. William d. July 17, 1704. m. Nov. 5, 1700, Esther Brown. Mary b. Sept. 25, 1704. m. Peter Brown. Mindwell d. unm. Dec. 3, 1712. Joseph m. May 6, 1708, Mary Loomis, dau. of Daniel. Benjamin m. June 30, 1720, Hannah Lewis. HL Elizabeth Barber m. Nov. 10, 1709. Daniel Loomis. IV. Daniel Loomis m. about 1736. Sarah Enos. V. Sarah Loomis m. Union, Ct, Nov. 11, 1762. Timothy Wales. VI. Sarah Wales m. Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1794. Samuel Whittemore. VII. Williams Howe Whittemore m. Rye, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1831. Maria Clark. BASSETT. As early as 1050 an Osmond Basset is recorded in Utica, Nor- mandy. His son, Thurston de Bassett was Grand Falconer to William the Conqueror, and fought in the Battle of Hastings. His son Ralph was Justice of all England and Baron of Welden, Northamptonshire. I. William Bassett b. England. d. Bridgewater, Mass., 1667. m. Elizabeth William Bassett was an Armorer and blacksmith of Sandwich, Eng. He was in Leyden, Holland, in March, 1611. He came in the "Fortune," leaving London in July, and arrived Nov. 9, 1621. He was in Plymouth, Mass., May 22, 1627, when the division of cattle was made, and in that his wife was called Elizabeth. In 1638 he removed to Duxbury, whence he removed to Bridgewater in 1652, where he was one of the founders and one of the largest land holders. He was an educated man and possessed the largest library in the colony. He became freeman in 1663. He volunteered in 1637 in the Pequot War. He was on the commission to lay out the bounds of the Town of Dux- bury and was a member for six years of the Old Colony Court. His will, exhibited at Plymouth, Mass., June 1, 1667, mentions wife and names sons William and Joseph. Children. William b. 1624. d. 1670. m. Mary Burt of Lynn. Elizabeth b. 1626. m. Nov. 8, 1648, Thos. Burgess. Nathaniel b. 1628. d. Yarmouth, Jan. 16, 1710. m. 1st, Mary or Dorcas Joyce, dau. of John. m. 2nd, Hannah. Joseph b. 1629 m. 1st, m. 2nd, Oct. 16, 1677, Martha Hobart of Hingham. 6 Sarah b. 1630. d. Marblehead, Jan. 22, 1711. m. 1648, Peregrine White, b. Nov., 1620, the first English child born in America and son of Wm. White the ancestor. Ruth b. 1632. m. 1655, John Sprague. II. Joseph Bassett m. b. 1629. d. Bridgewater, Mass., 1713. (He m. 2nd, Oct. 16, 1677, Martha Hobart, bp. Hingham, Mass., June 6, 1647, dau. of Edmund. He was of Hingham, Mass. , and later of Bridgewater. Children. Joseph b. 1666? Nov. 5, 1691, Bethia Eaton. m. William b. 1667? m. 1st, June 11, 1693, Sarah Sweetland. m. 2nd, 1703, Mary Bump. m. 3rd, 1719, Mary Mahlon. Lydia b. 1671. m. 1688, Daniel Whittemore. Ruth b. 1671. m. 1692, John Whittemore. Elnathan m. 1703, Mary Hill. Elizabeth m. Wm. Fenton. Jeremiah b. 1678. m. Mary ' Felch of Weston. III. Lydia Bassett m. 1688. Daniel Whittemore. IV. Joseph Whittemore Ann Slate. V. Joseph Whittemore Sarah Howe. VI. Samuel Whittemore Sarah Wales. m. Mansfield, Oct. 9, 1734. m. Mansfield, Nov. , 1763. m. Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1794. d. 1736. d. 1730. d. 1750. VII. Williams Howe Whittemore Maria Clark. m. Rye, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1831. BIRGE. I. Richard Birge b. buried Windsor, Ct., Sept. 29, 1651. m. Windsor, Ct., Oct. 5, 1641. Elizabeth Gaylord d. Dec. 22, 1675. (She married 2nd, Apr. 20, 1653, Thos. Hoskins, son of John. ) He came from Dorchester with his pastor, Mr. Warham. He had a home lot in 1640, was juror, 1649. His nuncupative will of Sept. 10, 1651, names wife Elizabeth, men- tions " my children " and son Daniel. Inventory taken at Windsor, Oct. 1651, £174, names Children : Daniel, b. Nov. 24, 1644, Elizabeth, b. July 28, 1646, Jeremiah, b. May 6, 1648, John, b. Jan. 14, 1649, Joseph, bp. Nov. 2, 1651. Children. John b. 1642. d. 1643. Daniel b. Nov. 24, 1644. d. Jan. 26, 1697-8. m. Nov. 5, 1668, Deborah Holcomb, dau. of Thos. Elizabeth b. July 28, 1646. m. William b. July 28, 1646. d. young. Jeremiah b. May 6, 1648. d. Oct. 22, 1668. John b. Jan. 14. 1649-50. d. Dec. 2, 1697. m. Mch. 28, 1678, Hannah Watson, dau. of Robt. Joseph b. Nov. 2, 1651. d. July 18, 1705. m. Mary H. John Birge b. Jan. 14, 1649-50. d. Windsor, Dec. 2, 1697. m. Mch. 18, 1678. Hannah Watson b. Aug. 8, 1658. d. Windsor, July 24, 1690. He died intestate. Administration was granted March 3, 1697-8. Inventory. £314. Distribution ordered Sept. 1, 1698, names children John, aged 18, Hannah 16, Jeremiah 12, Mary 10 years. 8 Children. John b. Feb. 4, 1679. m. Hannah b. June 17, 1682. m. 1st, Apr. 12, 1705, Benj. Phelps, d. July 24, 1706, son of Abraham. m. 2nd, July 15, 1708, James Eno, son of James. Jeremiah b. Sept. 22, 1686. d. Sept. 15, 1776. m. Jan. 1, 1718, Mary Griswold. Mary b. Sept. 9, 1688. m. per May 7, 1713, Israel Stoughton. III. Hannah (Birge) Phelps m. 2nd as 2nd wife, Windsor, July 15, 1708. James Eno. IV. Sarah Enos m. abt. 1736. Daniel Loomis. V. Sarah Loomis m. Union, Nov. 11, 1762. Timothy Wales. VI. Sarah Wales m. Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1794. Samuel Whittemore. VII. Williams Howe Whittemore m. Rye. N. Y., Dec. 22, 1831. Maria Clark. BISSELL. I. John Bissell b. abt. 1591. d. Windsor, Ct., Oct. 3, 1677, aged 86. m. d. May 21, 1641. He settled in Windsor, Ct., 1639, was Juror in Hartford, 1640-43, Oct., 1645, Mch., 1647, 1648, and was Deputy to the General Court, 1642. He attended forty-six sessions of the General and Particular Court before the union of the New Haven and Connecticut Colonies, and served as Juror in all in twelve sessions of the Court in Hartford. He was an enlisted trooper for Windsor in 1657-8 and "was con- firmed by the General Court Quarter-Master of the County troop of Hartford Co. in May, 1677," (the first troop of horse in the Colony). He had a ferry across the Connecticut in 1640, of which he received in 1648-9 from the Colony of Connecticut a grant of a monopoly, and built a house on the East side in 1659. In 1662 he gave ferry and homestead to his son John, and with his son, Nathaniel, removed to below the mouth of the Scantic on the East side where his was the first and only family until 1675. During King Philip's war the house was fortified and garrisoned. He and his sons, John Jr., Thomas and Nathaniel, were all free- men in Windsor by 1669. His will of Sept. 25, 1673, pro. Hartford, Dec. 6, 1677, named sons John, Thomas, Samuel, Nathaniel ; daus. Mary, wife of Jacob Drake, and Joyce, wife of Samuel Pinney. A codicil was of Apr. 6, 1677. Appraisal of Oct. 22, 1677. Inventory £521. Children. Mary b. England. m. Apr. 12, 1649, Jacob Drake. John Jr. b. England. d. 1693. m. 1st, June 17, 1658, Isabel ? Mason, dau. Maj. John. Thomas b. England. d. July 31, 1689. m. Oct. 11, 1655, Abigail Moore, dau. of John. Samuel b. England. d. Windsor, Dec. 3, 1700. m. June 11, 1658, Abigail Holcombe, dau. of Thomas. 10 Nathaniel b. Windsor, Sept. 24, 1640. d. Mch. 12, 1713-4. m. 1st, Windsor, Sept. 25, 1662, Mindwell Moore. m. 2nd, July 4, 1683, Dorothy Fitch, dau. of James. Joyce m. Windsor, Nov. 17, 1665, Samuel Pinney. II. Samuel Bissell b. d. Windsor, Dec. 3, 1700. m. June 11. 1658. Abigail Holcombe bp. Jan. 6, 1638. d. Aug. 17, 1688. His will of Aug. 2, 1697, names wife Mary ; sons Samuel, Joshua, Jacob, deceased, John, deceased ; fivedaus., Abigail, Mary, Elizabeth, Deborah and Hannah ; gr. sons, Jacob Bissell, son of Jacob, deceased, John Bissell, son of John, deceased, and gr. dau., Abigail Bissell. Codicil of Apr. 23, 1698, says son Samuel is deceased. Codicil of Nov. 25, 1700, names son-in-law, John Pettibone, Jr. Dec. 16, 1700, James Eno and John Pettibone exhibit the last will of their father-in-law, Samuel Bissell, deceased. Inventory Hartford, Dec. 9, 1700, £495. Children. John b. Apr. 5, 1659. m. Aug. 26, 1680, Abigail Filley, dau. of William. Abigail b. July 6, 1661. m. Dec. 26, 1678, James Eno, Jr. Jacob b. Mch. 28, 1664. d. Aug. 1, 1694. m. Mary b. Sept. 15, 1666. m. , 1692, John Pettibone, Jr. Samuel b. Jan. 11, 1668. m. Benajah b. June 30, 1671. m. Elizabeth b. Jan. 4, 1677. m. Deborah b. Oct. 29, 1679. m. Hannah b. Sept. 18, 1682. m. Mch. 28, 1700, Nath'l Phelps. III. Abigail Bissell m. Dec. 26, 1678. James Eno. 11 IV. James Eno m. July 15, 1708. Hannah (Birge) Phelps. V. Sarah Enos m. abt. 1736. Daniel Loomis. VI. Sarah Loomis m. Union, Ct. , Nov. 11, 1762. Timothy Wales. VII. Sarah Wales m. Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1794. Samuel Whittemore. VIII. Williams Howe Whittemore m. Rye, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1831. Maria Clark. 12 BLAKE. I. Humphrey Blake b. d. 1558. m. Agnes He was in Somersetshire early in the 16th century. He became Lord of the Manor of Plainfield, in the parish of Over Stowey. The manor house still stands, a part of it evidently as originally built. They had seven children. The second son, Robert, was the grand- father of Admiral Robert Blake. The eldest son was John. II. John Blake b. 1521. d. m. Jane He succeeded to the manor of Plainfield. They had 7 children. The eldest son was III. William Blake b. d. Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 25, 1663. m. Sept. 23, 1617. Agnes bp. Jan. 12, 1594. d. Dorchester, July 22, 1678. Perhaps widow of Richard Bond, and dau. of Hugh Thorne. William received by his father's will lands in Over Stowey, Bishops Lydiard and elsewhere. No further trace of him is found there and he probably removed to Pitminster, England, as a William Blake bought lands there in 1586, He arrived with his wife, four sons and one daughter, was a founder, 1636, of Springfield, and settled in Dorchester, 1637. He was made freeman Mch. 14, 1638-9, was Selectman 1645, 1647 and 1651, and was Town Clerk and Recorder. William Blake's will, Sept. 3, 1661, probated Boston, Jan. 28, 1663, mentions wife and five children and says : "I give and bequeath unto the town of Dorchester, 20 sh. to be bestowed for the repairing of the burying-place, so ye swine and other Vermine may not Anoy ye Graves of ye saints. " Inventory £224. 13 Children Baptized, Pitminster. John Anne William James Edward bp. Aug. 30, 1618. m. Boston, Aug. bp. Aug. 30, 1618. d. m. Boston, bp. Sept. 6, 1620. m. 1st, Boston, d. Boston, Mass., Jan. 25, 1688-9. 16, 1654, Mary (Souther) Shaw. Boston, Mass., July 12, 1681, 63d yr. , Jacob Leager. d. Milton, Sept. 3, 1703, aged 83. Anna m. 2nd, Milton, Nov. 22, 1693, Hannah (Tolman) Lyon, bp. Aug. 27, 1624. d. Dorchester, June 28, 1700, aged 76. 1st, abt. 1651, Eliz'h Clap dau. Dea. Edward, m. 2nd, Rehoboth, Sept. 17, 1695, Eliz'h (Smith) Hunt, b. , 1625. d. Milton, Sept. 3, 1692. m. IV. Edward Blake b, England, abt. 1625. d. Milton, Mass., Sept. 3, 1692. m. Patience Pope. b. prob. England. d. Milton, after Aug. 11, 1690. He was a cooper. He was one of the seven who formed the church in Milton, Mass. He was Selectman in 1678. His will of Aug. 31, 1692, mentions his brothers, William and James Blake, John Blake, deceased ; his sons, Jonathan and Solomon Blake ; his daughters, Mary Picher, Sarah Talley, Jane Kelton, Su- anna Wales and Abigail Blake ; his sons-in-law, Richard Talley and Nathaniel Wales. Inventory of Nov. 3, 1692, £176. Children. Mary b. Sarah Jane Joseph m. Aug. 3, 1681, Nathaniel Pitcher, b. d. Aug. 5, 1697. m. , Richard Talley of Boston, b. Sept. 29, 1658. m. Kilton. b. Sept 2, 1660. m. Susannah b. Boston, July 20, 1661. m. Milton, Aug. 20, 1688, Nathaniel Wales. Abigail b. Boston, Nov. 10, 1663. m. Dec. 31, 1695, Obadiah Swift. Edward b. Boston, Oct. 16, 1667. d. Sept. 30, 1676. Mercy b. Boston, Mch. 26, 1670. 14 Jonathan b. Boston, July 5, 1672. d. Wrentham, 1727. m. Feb. 16, 1698-9, Elizabeth Candage. Solomon b. Milton, after 1672. d. Boston, 1741. m. Aug. 24, 1704, Abigail Arnold. V. Susannah Blake m. Aug. 20, 1688. Nathaniel Wales. VI. Ebenezer Wales m. 1st, prob. Windham, Ct., Oct. 20, 1719. Esther Smith. '.VII. Timothy Wales m. Union, Nov. 11, 1762, Sarah Loomis. VIII. Sarah Wales m. Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1794. Samuel Whittemore. IX. Williams Howe Whittemore m. Rye, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1831. Maria Clark. 15 DRAKE. I John Drake of Mount Drake and Exmouth, Co. Devon, was "a man of great estate and a name of no less antiquity. " m. 1413-22 Christiana Billett, dau. and heiress of John Billett of Ashe, parish of Musbury, Co. Devon, and acquired Ashe. II. John Drake, settled at Ottertoif' 16 miles from Ashe, m. Christiana Antage, dau. of John Antage. He was unlaw- fully excluded from Ashe. III. John Drake of Otterton. m. Cruwys of Crews Morehard, dau. of John Cruwys or Crews. IV. John Drake of Otterton. m. Agnes Kelloway, dau. of John Railway or Kelloway. V. John Drake of Ashe, Exmouth, Co. Devon, m. Margaret Cole, dau. and heiress of John Cole of Rill, parish of Whytecombe Raleigh, near Exmouth, and in Co. Devon. He settled first at Exmouth and by a law-suit recovered Ashe. VI. John Drake of Mt. Drake, Ashe and Exmouth, d. Oct. 4, 1558. m. 1535. Amye Greenville, dau. of Roger Greenville, of Stow, Corn- wall, d. Feb. 18, 1577. John Drake was High Sheriff of Devon in the time of Queen Elizabeth. VII. Robert Drake settled at Wiscomb, parish South Leigh, Co. Devon, m. Elizabeth Prideaux, dau. of Humphrey Prideaux of Thu- borough, Co. Devon. 16 VIII. William Drake of Wiscomb, Co. Devon, buried at Southleigh. m. Philippa Denys, sister of Sir Thomas Denys, and dau. of Robert Denys of Holcomb, Devon. His will of Dec. 4. 1619, pro. May 19, 1625. Her will of July 16, 1647, pro. Oct. 5, 1655. Children. Thomas of Wiscomb— Will pro. Sept. 24, 1661. Acton buried Dantesy Church, Wilts. Will of Dec. 16, 1647, pro. May 15, 1651. - William b. John b. 1590 m. 1611. came to New England, 1630. Joan b. m. Robert Collyns. Amy b. d. unm. Will of Mar. 24, 1678-9, pro. July 16, 1680. IX. John Drake b. Wiscomb, Co. Devon, England, 1590. d. Windsor, Conn., Aug. 17, 1659. m. . 1611. Elizabeth Rogers b. England abt. 1581. d. Windsor, Conn., Oct. 7, 1681, in her 100th year. He came to Boston 1630, bought land at Taunton but did not settle. He came to Windsor before 1639. Will recorded Hartford, 1659, mentions wife ; names sons John, Job, Jacob ; daus. Eliz'h Gaylord and Mary Gaylord. Inventory Sept. 14, 1659, £325. Children. Job b. d. Aug. 6, 1689. m. June 25, 1646, Mary Wolcott, dau. of Henry. John b. d. July 9, 1689. m. Nov. 30, 1648, Hannah Moore. Jacob b. d. abt. Sept., 1689. m. Apr. 12, 1649, Mary Bissell. Mary b. d. June 12, 1683. m. Nov. 17, 1653, John Gaylord. Elizabeth b. m. 1st, Feb. 9, 1653, William Gaylord. d. 1656. m. 2nd, Mch. 1, 1660, John Elderkin of Norwich. c 4J ' > S§ E S a m S c ^^ > S3 g 1 II CO -0 CO 1 CJ c CO 1-5 CD O r; s -1-; c CO 4-^ ^ .2 "3 1 ! 1 i 1 •3 « w g U ^ 3 Eh 5 >> 3 3 1 >i 1 _ J3 CO ^ n5 a S ►-5 !M 1 S ^ s 1-5 CO >-3 s o £ 1 IS CD •— 1 03 . 0) M C 1 X! < 0) CO CD 1 C CO g ^ CO c« t- .St: -5 ft 5 ID C nl 1^ m ■a ft o 0^ a! w E H C O 1-3 3 m So ca T— t CO 3 E cu CO H « \1 J2 Hi « o 1-3 J3 w o CO J2 H 3 W o o c CS Q Cd ^ ^ W o o c :±; ^■wi S5l I g = £ 0) c ■-3 Hi 3 C K s CO c n W CQ E cS <1> E o be m w o ■>> si o H o CO .i: O C3 !^ W P J3 a) ■4J 3 « ^ CQ '3 a) W o c * S c o J3 oi C C IS W