ihitiitiuimiiiili Class r^f ^ i i Book ?/X Copyright}!^. COPYRIGHT DEPOSrn Miitc JJistovy J^cvies HISTORY OF GEORGIA FOR USE IN SCHOOLS BY LAWTON B. EVANS NEW YORK-:- CINCINNATI -:- CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY LISRARY of CONGRESS Tv/o Gooies Received JAN 2 1909 CopyriKit tntry 'f^is^-n, 11 OS- CLASS O- XXc, No. cop>' a. Copyright, 1898, by UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY Copyright, 1908, by AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY *** 2926 PREFACE. The author has tried to present in this book the leading facts of the history of Georgia, and he has spared neither time nor trouble in endeavoring to obtain them. Leading facts in the history of the United States are interwoven in the narrative wherever the closeness of their relation to Georgia history makes it necessary or desirable. The book is written for pupils from twelve to fifteen years of age. Though not descending to childish narrative, the author has endeavored to make the story easily under- stood. But it cannot be mastered without study, for with- out study nothing really valuable in education can ever be acquired. The narrative that is merely pleasing is not always the most serviceable or the most likely to be retained in the memory. Great care has been taken and great expense incurred in the pictorial illustrations of the book. Pictures of many Georgia men are given for the first time in a history, special attention having been paid to the work of securing good like- nesses of those who as generals led Georgia's. brigades in. the Civil War. The faces of these commanders in the great struggle are thus presented to the youth of the State, who will look upon them with gratification and pride. To teachers, the author desires to suggest that the book be used as a reader in the seventh and eighth grades and in the high schools. After a chapter has been read, the questions at the end may be of help in the work of review, while the " Topics " may be found serviceable as supplying subjects for written exercises. By using the text at the rate of two chapters a week, the book can be mastered in a year. Should vi Preface. the teacher desire a very critical study, the book may be used for a two years' course. In his effort to produce a good and serviceable history, the author has had valuable help from Mr. Otis Ashmore, of Savannah, who has aided him much in original research. The author also acknowledges his indebtedness to Mr. C. L. Patton, of the University Publishing Company, whose work has largely contributed to make the book a complete, accu- rate, and reliable School History of Georgia. Lawton B. Evans. Augusta, Ga. OOJ^TEI^TS. EPOCH I.— Before English Colonization. CHAPTER PAG^ 1. Discovery and Early Explorers, ...... 1 2. De Soto. — The Margravate of Azilia, 6 EPOCH II.— Georgia under the Trustees. 3. Why and by Whom Georgia was Settled, .... 12 4. Where and When Georgia was Settled, 18 5. How the Colony Grew, 23 6. Trouble with the Spaniards. — Oglethorpe Invades Florida, 28 7. The Spaniards Invade Georgia, 33 8. The Administration of President Stephens 39 9. The Administration of President Henry Parker, ... 45 EPOCH III.— Georgia under the Royal Governors. 10. Administration of Governor Reynolds. — The Great Seal, . 50 11. Governor Henry Ellis. — Affairs Preceding the Revolution, . 58 12. Administration of Govei'nor Wright, ..... 65 13. How the People Treated the Demands of the Mother (country, 70 14. First Acts of Resistance, 77 15. The People Overthrow the Government of the King, . . 84 EPOCH IV.— Georgia an Independent State, 1776-1789. 16. The Constitution of 1777. — Permanent State Organization, . 90 17. The British Overrun Georgia, 96 18. The Progress of the War in Georgia, 103 19. The Attack Upon Savannah, .109 20. Augusta Taken and Retaken, 114 21. Georgia is Recognized as Free and Independent, . . . 121 33. Georgia in the Confederation, 1783-1789, .... 127 Vlll Contents. Y Ceded EPOCH v.— Georgia in tlie Federal Union CHAPTER 23. Georgia Enters the Union of States, 34. Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin, 35. Yazoo Fraud, ...... 36. Constitution of 1798, 27. The University Pounded. — Western Territor 28. Land Lottery and Head Rights, 39. Internal Improvements, 30. The War of 1813.— Indian Troubles, 31. The End of the War of 1813, ,32. Progress of the State, 33. How They Lived in Early Times, 34. Early Customs and Habits, 35. Crawford, Troup, and Clark, 36. Administration of Troup, 37. Treaty of 1825, 38. Georgia Defies the Federal Government, 39. Administration of Governor Gilmer, 40. Administration of Governor Lumpkin, 41. Removal of the Cherokees. — Creek War, 42. Higher Education, . . . 43. Our First Railroads, .... 44. Administration of Governor McDonald, 45. Administration of Governor Crawford, . 46. Geoi'gia in the Mexican War, 47. Contest over Slavery in the Territories, 48. Political Disturbances, 49. War Threatening, 50. Georgia Secedes, .... PAGE 134 139 143 150 155 161 105 170 175 180 187 192 197 202 207 213 217 223 228 233 240 243 247 25] 257 261 265 270 EPOCH VI.— Georgria in the Confederate States. 51. The Beginning of the War, 275 53. Progress of the War, 281 53. From Chattanooga to Atlanta, 288 54. The March to the Sea, 295 55. The Fedei-al Army Assumes Control of Georgia, . . . 301 EPOCH VII.— Reconstruction. 56. Georgia Excluded from the Union, 57. Under Military Governors, 306 310 Contexts. Georgia Once More in the Union. EPOCH VIII CHAPTEB 58. The Return of Peace, .... 59. The Constitution of 1877, 60. Progress of the State, .... 61. Administration of Governor McDaniel, 62. Administration of Governor Gordon, 63. Administration of Governor Northen, 64. Administration of Governor Atkinson, 65. Administration of Governor Candler, 66. Administration of Governor Terrell, 67. Administration of Governor Hoke Smith, Appendix and Index, .... PORTRAITS. PAGE 315 320 325 330 333 336 341 347 350 354 to Ivi Alexander, E. P 297 Andrew, Bishop James O. . . . 288 Anderson, C. X) 291 Anderson, G.T 2S7 Anderson, R.H 289 Atkinson, W.Y 841 Bacon, Augustus O. . . . . 842 Baldwin, Abrani 185 Barrow, David C 3.51 Barrow, Pope ... . . 827 Bartow, Francis S. . . . 279 Benning, Henry L. . . . 287 Berrien, John M 215 Bleckley, Logan E 333 Boggs.W. B 301 Boynton, Jas. S 328 Brown, Joseph E 265 Brown, Jos. M 357 Brown, Wm.M 287 Bryan, Goode 287 Bulloch, Archibald .... 84 Bullock, R. B 311 Candler, A. D 847 Capers, F. W 291 Carswell, R. W 291 Clark, John 197 Clarke, Elijah 114 Clay, Alex. Stephens . . . .843 Clinch, Duncan L 257 Cobb, Howell . . . .261 and 283 Cobb,T. R. R 283 Colquitt, A. H 288 and 820 Colquitt, Walter T 247 Conley, Benj 316 Cook, Phil 287 Crawford, George W 2J7 Crawford, Wm. H. .... 207 Crisp, Chas. F 33fi Gumming, Alfred 2,S9 Dawson, Wm. C 245 Deshler, James 289 De Soto, Hernando , . . . 6 Doles, George 287 Dubose, Dudley M 297 Early, Peter 175 Early, Mrs. Peter 187 Elliott, Bishop Stephen. . . . 215 Evans, Clement A. .... 297 Few, William 135 Forsyth, John 215 Gardner, W. Montgomery . . .279 Gartland, Bishop Francis X. . . 259 Gartrell, Lucius J 297 Gilmer, George R 217 Girardy, V. J. B 2il7 Glascock, Thomas 112 Gordon, John B. . . . 2.s7aiid333 Gordon, W.W 844 Grady, Henry W 835 Greene, Nathanael 127 Gwinnett, Button . . . . .88 Habersham, Jas 77 Habersham, Joseph . , . . 86 Hall, Lyman 88 CONTENTS. Hardee, W. H. Harrison, Geo. P., Jr. Harrison, Geo. P., Sr. Hill, Benj. H. Hill, Joshua . Hill, W. B. . Irwin, Jared . Iverson, Alfred Iverson, Alfred, Jr. 279 289 291 271 311 348 143 263 279 150 327 289 306 263 304 279 146 Jackson, Henry R. Jackson, Gov. Jas. Jackson, James. . Jackson, John K. . Jenkins, Chas. J. . Johnson, Herschel V. Johnson, James Jones, Davis R. Jones, Noble W. . King, John P. Lawton, A. R 279 Lochrane, A. 313 Long, Crawford W 249 Longstreet, James .... 283 Lumpkin, Joseph H 248 Lumpkin, Wilson 223 McCay, H. K. McDaniel, Henry D. McDonald, C. J. . Mcintosh, Lachlan McLaws, Lafayette Mercer, Hugh W. . Mercer, Jesse Milledge, John Miller, H. V. M. . Mitchell, David B. 291 330 243 105 279 279 233 161 312 165 Phillips, Wm 291 Pierce, Bishop Geo. F 238 Prince, Oliver H 218 Pulaski, Count C 109 St. John, I. M. Schley, Wm. Senmies, Paul J. . Simmons, Thos. .]. Simms, Jas. P. Smith, GustaviiB W. Smith, Hoke Smith, Jas. M. Smith, Wm. D. . Sorrel, G. M. . Stephens, Alex. H. Stovall, M. A. Talbot, Matthew . Tatnall, Josiali Terrell, Jos. M. Thomas, B. M. Thomas, E. L. Tomochichi . Toombs, Robert . Towns, Geo. W. . Treutlen, John A. . Troup, Geo. M. Twiggs, David E. . 301 228 283 342 297 291 354 .315 283 297 270 289 184 253 350 . 287 . 18 261 and 283 . 257 . 96 . 202 . 253 Nisbit, E. A 248 Northen, Wm. J 336 Norwood, Thos. M 326 Oglethorpe, Jas. E 12 Orr, Gustavus J 316 N. B.— All the portraits are copyrighted. "Them is liable to prosecution. Waddel, Moses 180 Walker, Freeman 184 Walker, W. H. T 279 Walsh, Patrick 339 Walton, George 88 Ware, Nicholas 200 Warner, Hiram 248 Wayne, Anthony . . . .121 Wayne, H. C 291 Wayne, Jas. Moore .... 231 Wesley, John 23 Wheeler, Joseph 289 Whitefield, George . . .36 Willis, Edward 287 Wilson, C. C 289 Wofford, W. T 287 Wright, Ambrose R 283 Wright, G. J 291 Young, P. M.' B. . 297 Any person reproducing any op HISTORY OF GEORGIA. EPOCH I. Before English Colonization. CHAPTEE I. DISCOVEKY AND EARLY EXPLORERS. • Fairest, fruitfulest, and pleasantest of all the world." — Ribadxt. The boys aud girls who study tliis book know that the part of the hiud upon which we live is called Georgia. On the maps in the Geography they have seen a section with the name " Georgia " printed across it, which they have been told is a map of this land. They have only to look around them to see some part of the land itself. We know this land and love it. We know the mountains and green valleys that lie in the northern part ; we know the red hills and gentle slopes in the centre ; Ave know the wide forest plains in the southern part. It is all Georgia, from the mountains to the sea. It does not even stop at the water's edge, but extends into the great Atlantic Ocean three miles beyond the line of white breakers that roll upon the shore of the islands along our coast. Upon this land are great cities, busy towns and villages, and fertile fields. Across this land in every direction extend lines of railroad, and through its length and breadth are churches and school-houses. Within the boundaries of this 2 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. land live nearly two million people, skilled in the arts of civil- ization, and united for the protection of their liberty, their lives, and their property in one political body or civil society, called the State of Georgia, "the Empire State of the South." This land was not always called Georgia, and it was not always inhabited by the people that now crowd its cities and towns and cultivate its fields. About four hundred years ago it not only had no such name, but even its existence was not 'i ^'S^a'^C'' HOME LIFE or THE SAVAGES. known to the civilized world. As late as two hundred years ago it was almost unbroken forest, and the people who inhab- ited it were savages, who built no cities, had no written lan- guage, knew nothing of their own past history, and who led a wandering life in the solitude of the great forests which cov- ered this land. The story of how that unbroken wilderness became the Georgia of to-day is of interest to every Georgian. VOYAGES TO THE NEW WORLD. 3 This is the story which the students of this book have before them. The voyage of Christopher Cohimbus in 1492 proved to the people of tlie Old World that land lay beyond the great Atlan- tic, although Columbus himself believed this land to be India, and called the savages whom he found here, Indians. He died still believing this. One of his friends, however, Ameri- cus Vespucius, who explored the coast of South America, became convinced that it was not India, but in fact a new continent. Upon his return Americus wrote a description of that continent, which he called the *'New World." The scholars who read his description and were convinced of the truth of his opinions called this new world the land of Americus, or America. The news of the discovery spread rapidly over Europe and created excitement among all classes of people. Every civil- ized nation fitted out ships and sent them across the Atlantic on voyages of discovery. England sent John Cabot and his son Sebastian, who reached Labrador and ex2:)lored the coasts as far south as Cape Hatteras ; France sent Verrazano ; Spain, Portugal, and Holland sent many explorers who followed in the path of Columbus, visiting the West Indies, South America, Mexico, and Central America, and even sailing around the world. Among those who accompanied Columbus on his second voyage was Juan Ponce de Leon, a Spanish nobleman. He heard from the natives of the West India Islands of a great land lying to the north which they called Bimini, and in which was a wonderful fountain whose waters gave renewed youth to the old and feeble. De Leon told this to the King of Spain, and in 1512, twenty years after the first voyage of Columbus, he received a royal commission " to discover and settle the island- of Bimini '' in the name of the Spanish crown. Ponce de Leon was delayed until the following year, but in March, 1513, he sailed from the island of Porto Eico, 4 History of Georgia. and steering northward past tlie Bahama Islands, he came in sight of the mainland of North America on Easter Sunday, the 27th of March, 1513. He named the land Florida in honor of the day, Pascua Florida being the Spanish name for Easter Sunday. A few days later he landed near the present site of St. Augustine, and took possession of the country in the name of the King of Spain. He turned southward, and passing through Florida Straits sailed up the western coast to a bay south of Tampa Bay. The curve of the coast convinced him he had discovered another island like Cuba. He then returned to Spain, and received from the king a new patent to conquer and settle the " island of Bimini and the island of Florida. '' He did not conquer the natives, however, nor plant a colony, nor find the Fountain of Youth. Eight years passed before he attempted a settlement, and then he was himself wounded in a contest with the savages, and returned with his followers to Cuba, where he died very shortly from his wounds. He had not entered the territory that is now called Georgia, but his visit is of interest to ns because it gave to our land the name Florida, the first name which was given it, and the name by which it was known in Europe for more than a hundred years. In 1520, seven years after Ponce de Leon gave its first name to this country, an expedition was sent out by Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon, a wealthy Sj^aniard, from the island of San Domingo. Joining with another ship on the way, the expedi- tion landed on the coast of what is now South Carolina, near the present site of Port Eoyal. The Indians were friendly, and a number were induced to come on the ships, where they were held as prisoners and carried to San Domingo to be sold as slaves. De Ayllon had the prisoners released, and four years later he sent two ships, under the command of Pedro de Quexos, to the newly discovered land. Pedro de Quexos suc- ceeded in regaining the friendship of the natives, and explored the Atlantic coast for many miles, including the present coast First Map of Our Coast. 5 of Georgia. Ko permanent settlement was made, but it is almost certain that the men attached to this party were the first white men who set foot on our soil. About the time that the second expedition was sent out by De Ayllon, the King of Spain sent another expedition, consist- ing of a single vessel under the command of Stephen Gomez, with instructions to sail northward and ascertain if any west- ern passage could be found through the continent south of Newfoundland and Labrador. Gomez reached the Labrador coast, and turning southward he explored the whole Atlantic coast of the United States. He proved that Florida was not an island, and the land of De Ayllon was not a new continent, but that both were parts of the same mainland that Ponce de Leon had discovered and named Florida. From his reports a map was prepared in 1529, by Ribero, who was employed by the King of Spain, and this map is the first that shows any knowledge of Georgia's coast line. QUESTIONS. What is the name of that part of the land upon which we live? What can you say of our love for this land? What can you say of the extent of it? What do we find upon the land? How many people live within its boundaries ? Why are they united? What do they make? What can you say of this soil four hundred years ago? Who lived here as late as two hundred years ago? What can yoii say of Christopher Columbus? Why was this country called America? Mention some other explorers in the New World. Who came with Columbus on his second voyage? What land did he seek to explore and settle? When did he discover the mainland, and how did he name it? What can you say of his efforts to colonize the land? Why is his visit of interest to us? What expedi- tion was sent over in 1520? Where did they land? What expedition was sent out four years later, and what did they explore? What expedi- tion was sent out by the King of Spain? What of the exploration of Gomez? What did he prove? What map was prepared in 1529? TOPICS. 1. The land of Georgia. 4. Story of De Leon. 2. The State of Georgia. 5. Expeditions of De Ayllon. 3. Prehistoric condition. 6. Travels of Gomez. CHAPTER II. DE SOTO. — THE MARGEAVATE OF AZILIA. " Nature has not blessed the world with any tract which can be preferable to it. Para- dise with all her virgin beauties may be modestly supposed at most but equal to its native excellences." — Robert Montgomery, 1717. Of the many adventurers who visited and explored all parts of the New World, probably the only one who marched through the for- ests of Georgia was Hernando de Soto. De Soto landed in Florida in 1539. He had with him six hundred brave soldiers, two hun- dred horses, a number of fleet grey- hounds and savage blood-hounds, and also a drove of hogs which he intended to use for food. Travelling northward he en- tered the region of Georgia, and we have records of his marching through Irwin or Coffee County, a northeasterly direction through Laurens County ; then crossing the Ogeechee River and Briar Creek he camped on the Savannah River, probably at Silver Bluff, a few miles below the present city of Augusta. During the march his soldiers searched everywhere for gold, breaking into wigwams, temples, and even the graves of the Indians. They suffered for food. At one village an Indian chief sent them a present of partridges, corn, and turkeys. He also From thence he went in DE SOTO'S March. 7 gave them some dogs, aud these were killed by the soldiers aud eaten with great relish. When De Soto reached the bank of the Savannah Eiver he was received by a beautiful Indian princess. She came across the river in her canoe and welcomed him. She took from her own neck a string of pearls and hung it around the neck of De Soto in token of friendship. She gave him many shawls and dressed skins for clothing. De Soto was moved by the beauty and kindness of the princess, and taking from his fin- ger a ring of gold set with a ruby, he placed it on her finger. At Silver Blulf the Indians brought in a dagger and a rosary, both of Spanish make, which proved that some Span- ish party had visited the land before him. Historians agree that these were left by De Ayllon's second expedition, which had explored this coast sixteen years before. De Soto was hospitably treated by these Indians, but he did not return their kindness. He took from them basketfuls of pearls, and treated them with cruelty. When he left, he took the beautiful princess a captive, and compelled her to go, on foot, ahead of his army. He proceeded up the Savannah River for some distance. At a point believed to be in the present county of Habersham, he turned westward and crossed northern Georgia to the Indian village Chiaha. This village was at the junction of the Oostanaula and the Etowah, where the city of Rome now stands. During the last march before he turned west, the Indian princess escaped from De Soto, taking with her a large box of rare pearls. After leaving Georgia, July 2, 1540, De Soto continued his march until he came to the banks of the Mississippi River in 1541. He crossed the river, and after wandering in the swamps he was seized with fever, and died in May, 1542. His followers concealed his death from the Indians, and carrying his body at night, weighted it with stones and dropped it into the waters of the great river he had discovered. Only forty of all the six hundred men lived to return to their homes in Spain. 8 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Everywhere on his march De Soto found the red men, whom Columbus had named Indians. They were a rough, ignorant, warlike race, of brown or red color, with high cheek bones and long, coarse hair. The men, when they were not at war, spent their time fishing and hunting, while the women cultivated patches of maize or Indian corn. They lived in small villages of skin-covered huts called wigwams. MARCH OP DE &OT(). scattered about through the woods and on the banks of the streams, where game and fish were plentiful. The Indians were not many in number. Probably not more than ten thou- sand were in all Georgia at that time. The explorations of De Soto confirmed Spain's- title to the lands that we now cull Georgia. If he had settled his follow- ers on those lands, instead of pushing west in search of some mightv empire to conquer, he would have founded here a RIBAULT EXPLORES OUR COAST. 9 great Spanish- American state with a Spanish-speaking people. Through his failure to do so, Spain lost her claim to this soil, and more than twenty years passed before another visit was made to our shores by colonists with a view to settlement. The next visit was made by a French company of Hugue- nots sent out by Admiral Coligny, who was himself a Hu- guenot, and Avho thought to find religious freedom for them in the wilds of America. This exjiedition was under the command of John Eibault, who explored our entire sea-coast from the St. John^s River to Port Eoyal. He gave French names to all of our rivers. The St. Mary's he called the Seine ; the Satilla, the Somme ; the Altamaha, the Loire ; the Newport, the Charante ; the Great Ogeechee, the Garonne ; and the Savannah, the Gironde. His descriptions of our coast are most glowing. He finally built a fort and planted his colony where Port Royal now stands. The fort was called Fort Charles, but was abandoned two years later, and a new fort, called Fort Caroline, was built at the mouth of the River St. John, then called the River May. Spain was alarmed by these French settlements, and in 1565 sent a large force under Menendez to settle Florida. After founding St. Augustine and fortifying it, he surprised and murdered the French at Fort Caroline, and left a Spanish garrison there. Shortly after, a party of French, in retaliation, recaptured the fort and murdered the Spanish garrison, but did not attempt to hold the country. After this, Spain held ])eaceably, for a hundred years, the lands that are now Georgia, and the Spanish governors at St. Augustine sent mining parties into the Cherokee country to work the gold mines. Juan Paedo built a fort there, and the mining continued twenty years after Charleston was founded. The ruins of the fort, and mining tools of iron, were found by the early white settlers of North Georgia after the removal of the Cherokees. England's claim to the territory was founded on the explo- 10 HISTORY OF Georgia. rations of the Cabots in 1497 and 1498, but for more than one hundred years no attempt was made to enforce tliis claim. In 1663 Charles II. granted all the land lying along the Atlantic coast, between the thirty-sixth and twenty-ninth degrees of north latitude, to eight noblemen, called the Lords Proprie- tors of Carolina. All the land in the present State of Georgia was included in this grant, and from that date was called Caro- lina by the English, though no attempt was made to settle the lands west of the Savannah River. The permanent English settlements at Charleston and along the Carolina coast established England's claim to Carolina, while the permanent Spanish settlement at St. Augustine had established Spain's title to Florida ; but no agreement could be reached as to the dividing line between Carolina and Florida. The northern line of Florida was not fixed until 1763, one hundred years after the grant to the Lords Proprietors, when Spain ceded all Florida to England. The first effort to colonize the territory of Georgia was made by Sir Robert Montgomery in 1717, who secured from the Lords Proprietors of Carolina a grant of the land lying between the Savannah and Altamaha Rivers. It was to be called the Margravate of Azilia, and was to be a part of Car- olina. Sir Robert was to pay a rental of one jienny an acre for all lands occupied, and to give the Lords Proprietors one-fourth of all the gold, silver, and precious stones found there. The most glowing accounts of the wonders and beauties of Georgia were written. Nowhere in the world could be found such beautiful woods and meadows, such rich mines and fields, such a soft climate and fertile soil. But these accounts did not attract settlers south of the Savannah River, and the red men of the forests remained the only inhabitants of Azilia, until a nobler man, with a loftier aim than Sir Robert, came to make its shores the home of the unfor- tunate. QUESTIONS AND TOPJGS. 11 [When General Oglethorpe came to America and went up the Savan- nah River, he took v/ith him the journal of Sir Walter Raleigh. From the latitude and marks of the place he was led to believe that Sir Walter had been there before him, had landed at Yamacraw and had talked with the natives. He was told that about half a mile from the bluff there was a grave of an old chief who on his death-bed said: " Buiy me on the place where I talked with that great, good man from over the sea."] [To show the number of pearls taken by De Soto's men from the Indians of Georgia, it is related that one day a foot soldier called to a horseman who was his friend and offered him a linen bag of pearls weighing six pounds, saying: "You may have these if you will. I am tii'ed of carrying them." The horseman refused the offer, telling the soldier to keep the jewels for himself. But he replied: "If you will not have them, I will not carry them longer. They shall remain here." So saying, he untied the bag, whirled it around his head, and scattered the pearls in every direction among the thickets and gx'ass.] QUESTIONS. Who landed in Florida in 1539? What did he bring with him? What of his march through Georgia? Tell what they searched for. What of the Indian princess? What did the Indians bring in at Silver Bluff? How was De Soto treated by the Indians? How did he treat them? Where did the army march after leaving Silver Bluff'? Wliat river did he reach in 1541 ? Describe his death and burial. How many of his fol- lowers returned to Spain? Describe the Indians whom De Soto met. What if De Soto had settled on this land? Who made the next visit? What names did he give to the rivers? How did he describe our coast? On what was the English claim to the territory of Georgia founded? What charter was granted in 16G3? What did this territory embrace? Who made the first effort to colonize Georgia? What was it to be called? Give a description of it. Did the effort succeed? TOPICS. Let the pupil tell — 1. The story of De Soto's march. 4. How Georgia was first a part of 3. The story of Ribault's, travels. Carolina. 3. Of the Spanish occupation. 5. About the Margravate of Azilia. EPOCH II. Georgia under the Trustees, CHAPTER III. WHY AND BY WHOM GEORGIA WAS SETTLED. "Many of our poor subjects are, through misfortune and want of employment, reduced to great necessity, insomuch as by their labor they are not able to provide a maintenance for themselves and families ; and if they had means to defray their charges of passage and the expenses incident to new settlements, they would be glad to settle in any of our provinces in America, where, by cultivating the lands at present waste and desolate, they might not only gain a comfortable subsistence for themselves and families, but also strengthen our colonies and increase trade, navigation, and wealth of these our re^XuiB.'^— Extract fi-om Charter of Georgia. Many years ago it was the custom in England to impris- on people for debt. These debtors' prisons, as they were called, were often the scenes of suffering, injustice, and cruelty. The way in which they were managed finally be- came so bad that it attracted public attention, and the British Parliament appoint- ed a committee to investigate and reform the condition of the prisons of England. The chairman of this committee was James Edward Oglethorpe, a member of Parliament and the author of the resolution under which the committee was appointed. He JAMES EDWARD OGLETHORPE. WHY GEORGIA WAS SETTLED. 13 was a good and wise man. In his visits to the prisons his heart was touched by the sufferings of the unfortunate debtors. He saw that these poor men could not possibly earn money to pay their debts while they were shut up in prison. Even if released it was not probable that they would succeed in life better than before. All the land in Eng- land belonged to the rich, and a poor man, although willing to work, had no right to plant this land and raise food for his family. He thought of the great tracts of land lying idle on the shores of America. On these lands the poor debtors could build liomes, and from this fertile soil they could support their families. He enlisted several other noble- men in his plans, and induced them to unite with him in a petition to the king, asking for a grant of land in "his Majesty's Province of America," where they could colonize many of the worthy and honest poor people living in and near the city of London. The petition was granted, and the charter for a colony received the great seal of England, June 9, 1732. The terri- tory granted was that part of South Carolina west of the 14 History of Georgia. Savannah River. It included all the land between the Savan- nah and Altamaha Rivers, from the Atlantic coast to the head- waters of these streams, and thence extended westward to the " South Seas/'* or Pacific Ocean. The name of Georgia was given to this province in honor of George II., who was then king of England. The reasons for locating the colony in this place were to protect the frontier of Carolina from the ravages of the Indians, and to take possession of soil that was disputed by the English and Spanish. Oglethorpe also heard that mul- berry-trees grew along the Savannah River, and that the climate was suitable for the silkworm. He believed that a fine quality of raw silk could be raised in Georgia by colonists, who could thus find means of earning a living and save to England vast sums of money paid to foreign countries for silks. So firmly did he believe in this that he resolved to send to Italy for persons to teach the colonists how to feed the worms and wind the threads from the cocoons. The chartei' created a board of trustees, called The Trustees for establish- ing the colony of Georgia in America, for a term of twenty-one years, with the power of buying and sell- ing lands, of having a seal, of making laws, and of establishing courts for the government of the new colony. They were given power to send for- eigners and subjects of Great Britain to Georgia and to grant them lands, not over five hundred acres to each person, for which no rent should be paid for ten years. .On SEAl. OF TIJE TRUSTEES. BY WHOM GEORGIA WAS SETTLED. 15 the reverse of the seal of the Trustees was the motto "Non sibi sed aliis," which means, "Not for themselves but for others." A clear impression of this side cannot be found. The picture on the preceding page shows the front or obverse side of the seal, and the Latin inscription, '' Colonia Georgia augeat" meaning, " May the Georgia colony flourish." Having received the charter, the Trustees met and made rules for the settlement and government of the new province. They resolved to grant only fifty acres of land to each man and his family. Land was granted for life only, and when a man died his sons inherited it. The condition was also put in the grant that the land must be cleared, planted, and a house built by a certain time, or the right to it would be lost. It was required tliat a hundred white mulberry trees should be planted on every ten acres. The Trustees also prohibited the sale of rum and the use of negro slaves in the colony. The Trustees asked for gifts of money to aid the enterprise. The responses were liberal. Even Parliament gave £10,000 to help them in their noble purpose. The Trustees also offered inducements to men of means to join the colony. To a man of good character who would pay his own expenses and bring with him ten able-bodied men- eervants over twenty-one years of age, the Trustees agreed to grant five hirtidred acres of land, which could not be sold, but descended to his male heirs. A rental of twenty shillings a year was to be paid for every hundred acres, but the pay- ments were not to commence for ten years. Within the ten years each person was to clear and cultivate two hundred of the five hundred acres of land, and to plant two thousand white mulberry trees. Persons having land under this grant must live in Georgia at least three years, and could not leave the province without permission of the Trustees. It may seem strange that parties receiving land were not permitted to mortgage or sell it, and that the land descended only to the male heirs, but it must be remembered that the 16 History of Georgia. object of the Trustees was to secure a large number of male citizens who could be relied upon for the defence of the colony. Every settler was a soldier, and was required to do military service. A great many persons were anxious to join this colony. Many were rejected. No debtor was taken without the consent of the creditor ; no criminals or wicked persons were accepted ; no man was received who would leave a wife or little children depending on him for support. The debtor prisons were care- fully examined, and the worthiest of these unhappy people were taken. Four months were devoted to this work, and the best people among the needy population of England were chosen to be the first settlers of Georgia. The plans for sailing were made with care. November 17, 1732, the ship Anne (pronounced an), which bore the com- pany with Oglethorpe at its head, weighed anchor and dropped down the Thames River. On board were thirty-live families, containing one hundred and thirty persons, bound for the New World. The voyage was long, taking two months and seven days. Prayers were offered every morning and night that no accident or misfortune should overtake them. At length, January 13, 1733, their hearts were gladdened by the sight of land. The^ had reached the harbor of Charleston. The governor of South Carolina gave them a hearty welcome, and furnished a pilot to conduct them to Port Royal harbor. The next morn- ing they continued their voyage, and on the 19th landed at Beaufort-town, where they were saluted by the artillery. [James Edward Oglethorpe belonged to an ancient family in England. He was called " a gentleman of unblemished character, brave, generous, and humane." He was born in 1689, and when a young man left college to begin the life of a soldier. Oglethorpe soon became an ensign of the English army, then a lieuten- ant of the first troop of the Queen's Life Guards. Going abroad, he enlisted under Prince Eugene, and finally became his aide-de-camp. Questions and Topics. 17 When he returned to England he entered upon very wealthy estates, and began political life. He was in Parliament for thirty-two years, and was the friend of the unfortunate and oppressed. His scheme to found a colony for poor debtors in Georgia will ever endear him to the hearts of all true philanthropists. No colony in America can point to a founder in whose character are more unselfish and generous qualities than are found in James Oglethorpe, the father of Georgia. " To see a gentleman of his rank and fortune visiting a distant and uncultivated land, with no other society but the miserable whom he goes to assist, exposing himself freely to the same hardships to which they are subjected, in the prime of life, instead of pursuing his pleasures or am- bition on an improved and well-concei"ted plan from which his country must reap the profits, at his own expense and without a view or even a possibility of receiving any private advantages from it, must give every one who has approved and contributed to the undertaking the highest satisfaction ; must convince the world of the disinterested zeal with which the settlement is to be made, and entitle him to the truest honor he can gain — the perpetual love and applause of mankind."] QUESTIONS. What can you say of debtors' prisons ? What did Parliament do ? Who was on this committee, and what did he think ? What petition was made, and for what ? When did the charter of Georgia i-eceive the Great Seal ? What was the first object ? Describe the territory granted. Why was the province called Georgia ? Mention two other reasons for locating the colony on the Savannah River. What can you say of Oglethorpe's hopes for silk culture ? What powers were given the Trustees ? What motto did the seal contain ? What were some of the rules made by the Trustees ? What did the Trustees ask for ? And what did Parliament give them ? Who were rejected and who received as emigrants ? When did the emigrants sail ? How many were on board ? Who was with them ? When and where did they sight land ? TOPICS. Tell about — 1. Debtors' prisons. 5. The seal of the Trustees. 2. Oglethorpe's plans. 6. The rules for the new colony. 3. What was granted him. 7. How the colonists were chosen 4. The charter of Georgia. 8. The voyage across the Atlantic. 3 CHAPTER IV. WHERE AND WHEK GEORGIA WAS SETTLED. "The earth is so fertile that it will bring forth anything that can be sown or planted It It, whether fruits, herbs, or trees. There are wild vines which run up to the tops of the tallest ti'ees ; and the country is so good that one may ride full gaUop twenty or thirty mi\eB.''^—Jovrri(il of Baron ron Reck, 173U. Leaving the emi- grants to rest, after their long voyage, in homes 2:)rovided by the good people of South Carolina, Oglethorpe took a few friends and set out in an Indian canoe to find a site for his colony. He wound in and out among the small islands at the mouth of the Savannah River, and at length rowed up to a high bluff eighteen miles from the sea. Here he found a village of Yam- acraw Indians and a Carolina trading-house. An old Indian chief and warrior, Tomochichi, looked on him with some distrust, and at first would not come near him. Oglethorpe found an Indian woman who could speak English, and through her told the Indians that he meant peace and TOMOCHICHI AND HIS NEPHEW WHERE AND WHEN GEORGIA WAS SETTLED. 19 frieudship. Tomochichi then welcomed him, aud promised his aid aud protection to the colony. Oglethorpe returned to Beaufort for the colonists, and February 13, 1733, they arrived at Yamacraw Bluff. On landing they all knelt down to offer thanksgiving and prayer to God. They then brought their goods ashore, pitched fonr large tents, and spent their first night in Georgia. Bising early next morning they began work. Trees were cut down, clearings made, and cabins built. In a few weeks fields had been planted, forts had been built, and everything looked like a busy, thriving colony. The city thus begun was named Savannah, after the river on which it was situated. Ogle- thorpe pitched a tent for himself under four pine-trees, and lived in it for nearly a year. His goodness and wisdom so won the hearts and confidence of the colonists that they called him father. Oglethorpe sent word to the chiefs and warriors of the Indian ti'ibes near Savannah that he wished to make a treaty of peace and friendship with them. The head men of eight tribes came to Savannah, where they were loaded with presents Many useful articles, such as hatchets, hoes, hats, and clothing, were given to them, but they admired the gold beads and cheap jewelry more than anything else, and were especially pleased with gazing at themselves in the looking-glasses. After feasting and dancing, they made a solemn treaty of peace and good-will, binding themselves not to molest the colonists iti knj way whatsoever. Oglethorpe was always kind to the Indians, and one of them said : " We love him because he has given us everything that we want and he has. He has given me the coat off his back and the blanket from under him." After the treaty was made, Tomochichi said to Oglethorpe " Here is a little present," and then gave him a buffalo-skii with the head and feathers of an eagle painted on the inside, He asked him to accept it, saying : " The eagle means speed; 20 History of Georgia. and the buffalo means strength. The English are as swift as the bird and as strong as the beast. Like the first, they fly from the utmost parts of the earth, over the vast seas ; and like the second, nothing can withstand them. The feathers of the eagle are soft and mean love ; the buffalo's skin is warm and means protection. Therefore, love and protect our little families.^' Oglethorpe thought it would be wise, however, to build a fort in the heart of the Indian country, eighteen miles from m^tim^^^^^^^^^^rZ':: '"-""" ORIGINAL PLAN OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, on the Great Ogeechee River, He selected a place where the Indians in their excursions against Carolina had been accustomed to ford the stream, and named the fort Argyle. This was the second settlement of white people in Georgia. In addition to the soldiers, ten families were sent down to build dwellings and cultivate the land around the fort. In a few months emigrant ships began to arrive from England and elsewhere. The first of these, commanded by Captain Yoakley, brought needed supplies of food, clothing, and tools, and was given the prize of a gold cup offered by ti;?/ WHERE AND WHEN GEORGIA WAS SETTLED. 21 Trustees for the first ship unloading at Yamacraw. The next one brought over two hundred and fifty emigrants. This was so large an addition to the town that in July, 1733, the colonists met on the bluff to enlarge the limits of Savannah, to lay off lots, to run streets and name them. Some of the streets in Savannah still bear the names given them on that day. While they were engaged in this work another ship came up the river and landed forty Israelites, who asked per- mission to join the colony. This was granted. Eight months afterward a ship arrived at Savannah, bring- ing a band of Salzburgers, who had been cast out of Germany on account of their religion. They were warmly welcomed by the colonists. Finding a j^lace that suited them, they settled on the banks of a small creek flowing into the Savannah Eiver, twenty-five miles above the city. They named their town Ebenezer, which means "stone of help." That place is now in Effingham County. Fifteen months had now passed since the first landing at Yamacraw. During that time Savannah was laid out and improved ; Fort Argyle was built ; Abercorn, Highgate, and Hampstead were settled as small villages on the Savannah River ; Ebenezer was founded, and a light-house was built on Tybee Island. Farms were started; silk-growing was com- menced, and although everything was in the rough state of a new colony, on all sides could be seen thrift and happiness. ' [Tomoehichi was the noble and aged chief of the small tlibe of Yama- craw Indians. He belonged to the tribe of the Lower Creeks, but they had banished him, along with others, for some political caufie. He had settled with them near the mouth of the Savannah River, and by them was chosen Mico or chief. He was ninety-one years old, but tall, vigor- ous, dignified, and manly. He was a true friend to the colonists, and aided them in making treaties with other tribes of Indians. Let us not forget that while Oglethorpe deserves every praise as the leader of the colonists, yet this aged Indian chief made the colony possible by his guarantee of safety and friendship to the colonists, and to him is due the lasting gratitude of their descendants.] 22 History of Georgia. [During the years from 1729 to 1732 nearly thirty thousand German Salzburgers were driven from their homes by the persecutions of Leo- pold on account of differences in religious belief. Some of these wander- ers engaged the sympathies of the Trustees, who offered homes to them in the colony of Georgia. Forty-two families agreed to come, Baron von Reck leading them. They left Dover December, 1733, and reached Charleston in March, 1734. Oglethorpe happened to be there at the time, and welcomed them. They desired to settle somewhere, at a dis- tance from the sea, in a hilly country where there were spiings of water. They selected a spot forty miles from the ocean, where they could rest and worship God according to the ways approved by their own conscience.] QUESTIONS. What did Oglethorpe now set out to find ? What did he find at Yama- craw ? What can you say of Tomochichi ? When did the colonists land at Yamacraw ? What was first done ? What was done the next day ? What was the city named, and why ? What did Oglethorpe pitch for himself ? What did the colonists call him ? What treaty did Oglethorpe make ? What did the Indians think of Oglethorpe ? What did Tomo- chichi give Oglethorpe, and what did he say ? What fort was built soon after ? Where, and why ? What emigrants arrived soon after ? After the arrival of further emigrants, what was done ? Who asked permission to join the colony ? By whom was Ebenezer settled ? What was the condition of Georgia after fifteen months ? TOPICS. Georgia was founded — ^ As a relief to debtors and worthy poor. Why ? ^ To colonize disputed territory. ' To encourage silk-growing. ( Oglethorpe. By whom ? \ The honest poor of England. >. The worthy imprisoned debtors. C Savannah. Where ? ■< Fort Argyle. ' Eberezer. When ? February 12, 1733. (Let the pupils write a composition from the above outline.) CHAPTER V. HOW THE COLONY GEEW. " So sweet the air, so moderate the clmie, None sickly lives, or dies before his time ; Heaven, sure, has liept this spot of earth uncurst To show how all things were created first." —Waller. JOHN WESLET. After an absence of fifteen months Oglethorpe resolved to visit England. He invited Tomo- chichi, his wife and nephew, and several chiefs to go Avith him. When they reached England, Ogle- thorpe was welcomed by the Trus- tees and people with every mark of affection and regard. The In- dians excited a great deal of inter- est and were well cared for. They were given suits of clothing and presei^ts of many kinds, were entertained by the nobility, and were presented to the king. Tomochichi gave the king a bunch of eagle feathers, saying : " These are the feathers of the eagle, which is the swiftest of birds, and which flieth all around our nations. These feathers are a sign of peace in our land, and have been carried from town to town there, and we have brought them over to leave with you, great King ! as a sign of everlasting peace." The Indians were much impressed with the riches of the people of England, and especially with the strength of their houses. Tomochichi said that he could not understand why people 24 History of Georgia. who would live so short a time should build houses that would last so long. After a visit of four months the Indians returned to Georgia, but Oglethorpe stayed in England to attend to some business for the colony. In January, 1735, Oglethorpe sent over a colony of Swiss and Moravian emigrants, who settled near Fort Argyle on the Ogeechee Eiver. He also decided to found a town for a number of Scotch Highlanders who wanted to come to Georgia. A band of these hardy mountaineers sailed from Scotland in January, 1736, and settled on the Altamaha River. They named their town New Inverness and the district Darien. Upon their arrival in Savannah some of the Carolinians had tried to dissuade them from going so far south, saying: " The Spaniards from the houses in their forts will shoot you upon the spot chosen for your future home." The brave Scotch replied: " Why, then we will beat them out of their forts, and shall have houses ready built to live in." In 1736 Oglethorpe returned, bringing two hundred and twenty-five persons and two ship-loads of supplies. One hun- dred and twenty-five settlers were Germans, and were sent to Ebenezer. Twenty-five Moravians were added to the settle- ment of Fort Argyle on the Ogeechee River. John and Charles "Wesley came with Oglethorpe on his return to Georgia for the purpose of preaching the Gospel. Both of them went back to England after a short period. A colony was next established in February, 1736, on St. Simon's Island, at the mouth of the Altamaha River. It was called Frederica, in honor of Frederick, Prince of Wales. A fort was built there for the defence of the colony on the south, Oglethorpe went up to Ebenezer to visit the Salzburgers. They had moved to a new place called New Ebenezer, nearer the Savannali River, where he found their colony in fine order. These Germans were a hard-working people who were sure to prosper. He went over to New Inverness to visit the Scotch Highlanders. As a compliment to them he wore a plaid suit. How THE Colony Grew. 36 The captain of the settlement wanted Oglethorpe to sleep on the bed in his tent, but Oglethorpe excused himself, and though the weather was cold, lay down iu front of the guard fire all night. Wishing to know more of the coast of Georgia, Oglethorpe and a party of friends, with several Indians, explored the islands south of St. Simon's. They visited Jekyl Island, and built a fort on its northern side. The next island an Indian of the party wished named, for the Duke of Cumberland. A fort was built here also and turned over to the Highland- ers. The next was a beautiful island, which Oglethorpe named Amelia. The knowledge of the coasts served Oglethorpe well in troubles with the Spaniards, which came on soon afterwards. By orders of Oglethorpe, a military post was marked out and established far up the Sa- vannah River in 1735. It was called Augusta in honor of one of the royal princesses. This was the beginning of the present city of Augusta. Roger de Lacey, an agent among the Indians, was the first settler. This place soon grew into importance as a centre for Indian trade. Four years had now passed. The Trustees had sent to Georgia over one thousand persons. Fifty-seven thousand MAP SHOWING THE FORTS ALONG THE ATLANTIC COAST. 26 • HISTORY OF GEORGIA. acres of land had been granted. Five principal towns had been bnilt, viz. : Savannali, New Ebenezer, New Inverness, Frederica, Augusta. Forts had been erected on the islands of the coasts, and along the Altamaha River. Treaties had been made with the Indians, and their friendship obtained. So far all was going well with the new colony of Georgia. Let us turn aside from the thriving colony of Georgia, and take a view of the general condition of the New World at this time. We see a narrow semicircle of scattered European settlements stretched along the Atlantic Ocean. The vast interior of America was all a wild, unknown country, in- habited by tribes of Indians. Over a hundred years before Georgia was founded, the English made their first permanent settlement at Jamestown, Virginia ; the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock and founded Massachusetts ; Maryland was also occupied by the English, as well as New Hampshire, Con- necticut, Rhode Island. The Dutch landed on Manhattan Island and laid the foundations of the State of New York. The Danes and Swedes settled in New Jersey and Delaware, and the Quakers, led by William Penn, founded the State of Pennsylvania. Explorers from Virginia crossed the border and began the colony of North Carolina, which was followed thirty years later by the settlement of South Carolina. To these twelve colonies Georgia was joined as the thirteenth, and on that account has been called " the last of the Original Thirteen." [The voyage of Oglethorpe with the Salzbixrgers and Sloraviaiis was long and stormy. On one occasion the sea broke over tlie vessel from stem to stern, burst through the windows of the state cabin, and drenched the inmates. A week later another storm occurred, and one of the waves came near washing John Wesley overboard. In all these storms and dangers the Moravians were calm and uiiterrified. The tempest began on Sunday, just as they had connnenced their service. The sea broke over the ship, split the mainsail, and poured down into the vessel. The English screamed, but the Germans sang on. " Were you not afraid ?" said Wesley to one of them. "J thank God, no." "But QUESTIONS AND TOPICS. 37 were not your women and cliildren afraid ? " ** No," he replied ; " our women and children are not afraid to die. " Mr. Wesley afterward said that the example of these Moravians exerted so good an influence over him as to make him doubt if he were really convei'ted before he met them.] [Previous to the establishment of Augusta, as early as 1716, there was near this point a Carolina trading-station called Fort Moore, or Savannah Town. It was named for the tribe of Sawanno or Savannah Indians, living near by. It was on the Carolina side of the river, about four miles below the present town of Hamburg. Goods were bi'ought by land and water from Charleston. A laced hat was exchanged with the Indians for eight buckskins ; a calico petticoat for twelve buckskins ; and so great was the desire for salt, gunpowder, kettles, rum, looking- glasses, that the traders were allowed to exact of the savages all they were willing to give in exchange.] QUESTIONS. What did Oglethorpe now resolve to do ? Whom did he invite to go with him ? How were the Indians treated ? What did Tomochichi say to the king ? How long did the Indians stay in England ? Whom did Oglethorpe send over in January, 1735 ? What can you say of the Scotch Highlanders ? Whom did Oglethorpe bring with him on his return ? Where did they settle ? What two men came over to preach the Gospel ? When and where was Frederica established ? What two places did Oglethorpe visit ? What of his explorations along the coasts ? When and where was Augusta established ? What can you say of the condition of the colonists after four years had passed ? What was the condition of European settlements in America at this time ? Name the twelve States founded before Georgia. What is Georgia often called ? TOPICS. First Settlers. Where 9 First Settlements. By whom t English. Savannah. Swiss and Moravians. Fort Argyle. Scotch Highlanders. Ebenezer. Salzburgers. Frederica. Jews. New Inverness. Augusta. CHAPTER VL TROUBLB WITH THE SPANIARDS. — OGLETHORPE INVADES FLORIDA. "One man there is, my Lords, whose natural generosity, contempt of danger, and regard for the public prompted him to obviate the designs of the Spanish and to attack them in their own territories ; a man whom by long acquaintance I can confidently affirm to have been equal to his undertaking, and to have learned the art of war by a regular education, who yet miscarried in the design only for want of supplies necessary to a possibility of success."— Duke of Abgtle (speaking of Oglethorpe). The Spaniards had not given up their claim to the territory of Georgia. As the English colony grew larger and built forts on the islands and along the rivers, the Spaniards in Florida became more and more jealous. Finally the king of Spain sent a message to the king of England to allow no more forts to be built in Georgia and to send no soldiers there. When this message was read in the King's Council, the Duke of Argyle said : " This should be answered, but not in the usual way — the reply should be a fleet of battle-ships on the coast of Spain." Spain threatened to invade and put an end to the colony of Georgia. England then declared war, October, 1739. Fearing that the French and Spanish would alienate the good will of the Indians, Oglethorpe decided to go in person to a great meeting of the warriors at Coweta Town, three hundred miles from Savannah. Seven thousand warriors were to be present, and the safety of Georgia depended on their friendship. The journey was long and dangerous, but Oglethorpe did not allow the perils to deter him. With a few chosen friends he set out in July, 1739. Following the river for twenty-five miles, the party landed and submitted to the ATTACK ON ST. AUGUSTINE. 39 guidance of Indian traders. Across deep ravines, through tangled undergrowth and deep swamps where the horses would mire up, the travellers toiled for many weary weeks. Often they had to build rafts on which to cross the streams. The smaller ones they swam or waded through. At night Ogle- thorpe would wrap himself in his cloak, lay hie head upon his saddle, and sleep on the ground. If it happened to be wet, he sought shelter under the trees or under tents made of cypress boughs. For over two hundred miles they neither saw a human dwelling nor met a living soul. At their journey's end the Indians met them with every expression of love and joy- Oglethorpe soon won the hearts of the red men, and he made firm treaties of peace and friendship with them. As one of their beloved men, he drank of their black medicine and smoked the calumet, or pipe of peace. The importance of this treaty, in view of the approaching troubles with the Spaniards, cannot be overestimated. The Spaniards began the war by landing a party of men on Amelia Island and killing two unarmed men who were en- gaged in carrying wood. After cutting off the heads and man- gling the bodies of the men, they fled to their boats and sailed away. Oglethorpe called out a thousand soldiers and a troop of horse, and with a regiment of Highlanders went in pursuit of the Spaniards. He followed them up the St. John's Eiver, burned all their boats, and drove them into the city of St. Augustine. He then returned to Frederica. Oglethorpe next organized a large force of Indians and colonists to invade Florida, December, 1739. Going up the St. John's River, he sent before him a party of Indian scouts, who fell upon a small fort of the Spaniards at daylight and burned it to the ground. Going further, another fort was attacked and captured. This gave Oglethorpe possession of the St. John's River, and cut off the Spaniards in St. Augus- tine from their Indian allies. 30 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Oglethorpe made up his mind to attack St. Augustine itself. In May, 1740, he left Frederica with nine hundred men and eleven hundred Indians. He captured first Fort St, Diego, nine miles from St. Augustine, witli fifty-seven men and nine cannon. Fort Moosa, two miles from St. Augustine, was abandoned by the Spaniards when they heard of the ap- pioach of Oglethorpe, and the garrison retreated to the city. THE OLD GATEWAY AT ST. AUGUSTINE, PLOKIDA. He summoned the commander at St. Augustine to surrender. The commander replied '. "1 will be glad to shake hands with Oglethorpe in the castle." Oglethorpe decided to attack the city both by land and sea. After making all arrangements and drawing the land troops up in order and giving the signal for the attack, it was found that the ships coulrl not get close enough to the city to support Attack on St. augustine. 31 the laud forces. Accordingly, the plan of storming the city was abandoned, and a siege was begun. In order to prevent any help reaching the city, Oglethorpe ordered one of his officers. Colonel Palmer, to take a body of men and scour the country ; to be always on the march, show- ing himself everywhere ; to pick up stragglers, cut off all sup- plies, deceive the enemy as to the strength of his force, and not rest two nights in the same place. Colonel Palmer dis- obeyed this last order, and stayed three nights at Fort Moosa. The Spanish heard that he was there, and surprised his men early one morning, killing over twenty of them, and recap- turing the fort. This opened the way for supplies of food, of which the people already stood in need, to reach the city. Ogle- thorpe now resolved to storm the city. For twenty days his batteries threw shot and shell into the city. At the end of this time a fleet from Cuba came to the relief of the Spaniards. Moreover, many of his soldiers were sick, the climate was very hot, the Indians were growing restless, and Oglethorpe himself was not well. The attack on St. Augustine was therefore reluctantly aban- doned, and the English returned to Frederica, July, 1740. Oglethorpe had lost only fifty men, while the Spaniards had lost four hundred and fifty men and four forts. [To show the danger to which General Oglethorpe was exposed, the following story is told of his escape from the murderous designs of the dissatisfied soldiers. When Oglethorpe was on Cumberland Island superintending the building of forts and earthworks, he was one day standing at the door of his hut conversing with an oflRcer, Captain Mackay. One of the soldiers came up and in a rude and impertinent manner demanded more rations. Oglethorpe replied : "We have given you all we promised, which is enough ; but if you need more, this rude speech and disrespectful behavior is not the proper way to get it." The man thereupon became very insolent. Captain Mackay drew his swoi-d, but the soldier caught it, broke it in half, and threw the hilt at the captain's head. Rushing to the barracks, he seized a loaded gun, and crying out, "One and all," with five others ran back toward Oglethorpe. 33 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. When they had approached quite near, one of them fired, the ball pass- ing close to Oglethorpe's ear, the powder burning his clothes. Another aimed his piece, but it missed fire. A tiiird drew his sword and tlirust it at the general, who, having drawn his own sword, parried the thrusti At this time an ofiicer rushed up and ran the ruffian through tlie body. The others fled, but were caught, tried, and shot for their mutinous con- duct and murderous assault.] QUESTIONS. How did the Spaniards in Florida feel about the colony of Georgia ? What message was sent by Spain to the king of England ? How was it answered ? When was war declared ? Tell the story of Oglethorpe's travels to meet the Indians. What treaty did he make with them ? How did the Spaniards begin the war ? What did Oglethorpe do ? What did Oglethorpe then prepare to do? Of what did he gain possession? How? What were the preparations for the capture of St. Augustine ? What forts were captured ? Why was not the attack on St. Augustine success- ful ? What did Oglethorpe direct Colonel Palmer to do ? How was Colonel Palmer captured ? How was the city stormed ? Why was the siege abandoned ? TOPICS. Tell about — 1. The cause of the Spanish War. 4. The way Oglethorpe continued 2. Oglethorpe's visit to the In- the war. dians. 5. The way St. Augustine was 3. The way the Spaniards began attacked and relieved. the war. CHAPTER VII. THE SPANIARDS INVADE GEOEGIA. " We are resolved not to suffer defeat ; we will rather die like Leonidas and his Spartans. if we can but protect Georgia and Carolina and the rest of the Americans from desola- tion." — Oglethorpe. The Spaniards soon prepared to carry out their threat to put an end to the colony of Georgia, but nearly two years passed before everything was ready. A great fleet of fifty-six ships, with seven thousand men on board, was fitted out at Havana, and set sail for St. Augustine. Oglethorpe heard of it at Frederica, and at once sent a request to South Carolina for troops. He collected all the guns, powder, and cannon of the colony, and called together his Indian allies and a regiment of Highland soldiers. Thus prepared, he fortified his camp at Frederica, and waited for the coming of the enemy. June, 1742, nine of the Spanish ships appeared in Amelia Sound, but were driven away by the guns of the fort on Cumberland Island. They next appeared in Cumberland Sound, but Oglethorpe, with six boats and a hundred men, again drove them off. A large fleet of thirty-six vessels, with over five thousand men, appeared near St. Simon's Island, June 28th, but made no movement to attack until July 5th. The flood tide then brought the fleet in beautiful array into the harbor. The Spaniards raised the red flag, and landed their troops on the southern end of the island. Here they planted a battery of eighteen guns. Oglethorpe abandoned Fort St. Simon, having spiked all the guns and ruined all the powder. The troops fell back to Fred- 3 34 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. erica, and made ready to meet the attack of the Spaniards. He had only six hundred and fifty men to oppose the Spanisli army. July 7th^ a scout announced a party of the enemy within two miles of Frederica. Oglethorpe sallied forth to meet them in the woods. Taking them by surprise, he killed or captured nearly all the advance force. Oglethorpe took two prisoners with his own hands. Pushing on several miles toward the main body, he laid an ambush in the woods. Before long the enemy came in sight, halted within the defile where the ambush was, and, stacking their arms, some began to cook their meals and others lay down to rest. One of their horses noticed a uniform in the bushes, and by rearing and pitching, gave the alarm. Oglethorpe then gave the signal of attack. A deadly fire was jjoured down upon the unprepared enemy. They fled in all directions, but were met by the bayonet of the soldier and the scalping-knife of the Indian warrior. So com- plete was their surprise that many fled without their arms. The ground was strewed with the dead. Next morning an escaped prisoner told Oglethorpe that the Spaniards had lost two hundred and fifty-nine men. From this victory and the great slaughter of the Spanish the place was afterward called Bloody Marsh. Though his forces were small, Oglethorpe now resolved to surprise the Spaniards by night. He advanced to within a mile and a half of their camp, when a Frenchman, who, with- out Oglethorpe's knowledge, had come with the volunteers, fired off his gun and ran into the Spanish camp. The Indians pursued the man, but could not overtake him. Oglethorpe then hastily retreated. He knew this deserter would tell the enemy of the real strength and position of his army, and he thought of a plan to thwart his treason. He sent a letter to him, written in French, urging him by all means to persuade the Spaniards to the attack, to sjieak of the smallness of his forces, and the exposure of his ])osition ; or, at least, to per- suade them to remain three days longer on the island, when THE SPANIARDS INVADE GEORGIA. 35 other troops would arrive, and he could make an attack upon them. Handing this letter to a Spanish prisoner, he told him to give it to the deserter who was a spy in the Spanish camp. He then gave the prisoner his liberty. The letter, of course, went at once to the Spanish headquarters. It there produced such alarm among the Spaniards that they hastily went aboard BETHESDA ORPHAN ASYLUM (KEBULLT IN 1854), NEAK SAVANNAH. their ships and sailed away, forgetting in their hurry part of their arms and ammunition. In this way ended the Spanish invasion of Georgia, July 14, 1742. That a small force of six or seven hundred should have put to flight an army of five thousand soldiers, was a wonderful achievement. A noted minister, Whitefield, said : " The deliverance of Georgia from 36 History of Georgia. the Spaniards is such as cannot be paralleled but by some instance out of the Old Testament." After the Spanish war, Oglethorpe was called to England on business. He took with him a quantity of raw silk made in the colony, which pleased the Trustees very much. AVith this silk a dress was made for the Queen of England, who wore it to one of her receptions, in honor of Oglethorpe and the new colony. Oglethorpe never came back to Georgia. War with France occurring in 1754, King George II. made him a brigadier- general. He also became major-general, and one of the com- panies in his command was named the Georgia Kangers. In 1765, having passed through the grade of lieutenant-general, he was made commander-in-chief of all his Majesty's forces. By many it was said that he was offered command of the armies sent to subdue the American colonies in the war of the Revo- lution. This he declined, saying he knew "the Americans well; that they never would be subdued by force, but that obedience would be secured by doing them justice." He lived to see Georgia an independent State. In the ninety-seventh year of his age he died, full of years and honor. Among the honored names of the early history of Georgia we must not forget that of the young English preacher, Eev. George Whitefield. When John Wesley was in Georgia and need- ed help with his work among the Indians and the settlers of the new colony, he wrote to Whitefield: ''What if thou art the man, Mr. Whitefield ? Do you ask me what you shall have ? Food to eat and raiment to put on ; a house to lay your head in such as your Lord had not, and a crown of glory that fadeth not away." Whitefield came in the next GEORGE WHITEFIELD. OGLETHORPE LEAVES GEORGIA. 37 ship, and with him came James Habersham and a troop of soldiers. When he arrived he found that John Wesley had resigned and returned to England. He turned his attention at once to the erection of an orphan asylum. The Trustees granted him five hundred acres of land about ten miles from Savannah. Upon that tract, in 1741, the orphan asylum was built and named Bethesda, " house of mercy." Forty orphans entered at first, and the number increased to one hundred and fifty. Whitefield raised money for the building from many sources, preaching all over England and America. He was very eloquent, so much so that Lord Chesterfield said: "He is the greatest orator I ever heard, and I cannot conceive of a greater." The orphan asylum was burned after several years, but was rebuilt, and is still a lasting monument to the inspi- ration and generosity of its founder. [Of George Whitefield's eloquence in raising money for his asylum, Benjamin Franklin wrote : " I happened soon after to attend one of his sermons, in the course of which I perceived he intended to finish with a collection, and I silently resolved that he should get nothing from me. I had in my pocket a handful of copper money, three or four silver dollars, and five pistoles of gold. As he proceeded, I began to soften, and concluded to give the copper. Another stroke of oratory made me ashamed of that and^ determined me to give the silver; and he finished so admirably that Ij emptied my pocket wholly into the collector's dish, gold and all."] [Miss Hannah More writes : "I have got a new admirer ; it is the famous General Oglethorpe, perhaps the most remarkable man of his time. He is much above ninety years old ; the finest figure of a man you ever saw. He perfectly realizes all my ideas of Nestor. His litera- ture is great, his knowledge of the world extensive, and his faculties as bright as ever. He is quite a preux chevalier, heroic, romantic, and full of the old gallantry." The following are Pope's lines on Oglethorpe : " Hail, Oglethorpe ! with nobler triumphs crowned Than ever were in camps or sieges found — 38 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Thy great example shall through ages shine. A fav'rite theme with poet and divine ; People unborn thy merits shall proclaim, And add new honors to thy deatliless name." " His body reposes within Cranham Church, and a memorial tablet proclaims his excellence; but here the Savannah repeats to the Altamaha the story of his virtues and his valor, and the Atlantic publishes to the mountains the greatness of his fame, for all Georgia is his living, speak- ing monument."] QUESTIONS. With what preparations did the Spanish propose to invade Georgia ? What did Oglethorpe do to meet this armament ? Where did the Spanish first appear ? Where next ? What appeared June 28th, near St. Simon's ? What happened July 5th ? Where did the enemy land ? What did Ogletliorpe do ? How many men did he have ? How were the Spanish first defeated ? Relate the incident of the ambush at Bloody Marsh. How was the night surprise prevented by a deserter ? How did Oglethorpe thwart his treason ? To whom did he give the letter ? What effect did it produce ? What did Whitefiekl say of the deliverance of Georgia ? After the Spanish war, where did Oglethorpe go ? What can you say of his after life ? What did he say of the Americans in 1765 ? What did he live to see ? When did he die, and how old was he ? What can you say of George Whitefiekl ? What did he come to Georgia for ? What did the Trustees grant him ? How did he raise the money ? What did lie found near Savannah ? TOPICS. iSpanish Invasion — 1. Preparations. 5. The effect of it. 3. Landing at St. Simon, 6. Oglethorpe's return to England. 3. Ambush at Bloody Marsh. 7. Tell about the Bethesda Orphan 4. The decoy letter. Asylum. CHAPTER VIII. THE ADMINISTRATION OF PRESIDENT STEPHENS. — THE LABOR QUESTION. — THE BOSOMWORTH CLAIM. " I once thought it was unlawful to keep negro slaves, but I am now induced to think God may have a higher end in permitting them to be brought to this Christian country, than merely to support their masters." — James Habersham. About two years before Oglethorpe's de- parture the Trustees had changed the phiii of government and had divided Georgia into two counties. Savannah and Frederica. These were the first counties in Georgia, and each was to have a presi- dent with four assist- ants. Savannah County included all the territory north of Darien. Frederica County included Darien and all the territory south. William Stephens was appointed president of the county of Savannah. No appointments were made for Frederica County, because General Oglethorpe lived on St. Simon's Island, and he still retained his authority over the whole colony. When Oglethorpe returned to England, in 1743, the plan of having a president in each county was abandoned, and Colonel Stephens was appointed by the Trustees president of Georgia. As president he had a grand title, a small salary, and little real A settler's cabin. 40 History of Georgia. power. The Trustees governed the colony, and he and his assistants merely represented them in enforcing their rules and regulations or in decidiug controversies and disputes. During the first six years of President Stephens' adminis- tration the colony did not prosper. No new settlers were sent over, because contributions to pay their expenses had ceased, and great dissatisfaction existed among the colonists. This dissatisfaction was due to the regulations of the Trustees prohibiting the use of negro slaves, prohibiting the sale of rum, and restricting tlie right of a colonist to mortgage or sell his lauds. In order to understand the feelings of the people, it must be remembered that just across the Savannah Eiver was the colony of South Carolina, and further north on the Atlantic coast were eleven other English colonies where none of these restrictions existed. In Massachusetts, Ehode Island, Connecticut, and every other English colony, the people owned slaves, could purchase rum, and could dispose of their land as they pleased. These facts made the regula- tions of the Trustees appear all the more unreasonable to the Georgia colonists, and many abandoned their lands and crossed over into South Carolina, where they could enjoy the coveted privileges. Although the Trustees prohibited the use of negro slaves in Georgia, they permitted and encouraged the employment of white servants. These white servants were brought over under contracts, called indentures or articles, by which they bound themselves to work for their employers for several years, usually four. At the end of that time each received a portion of land for himself. These servants, because of the contracts which they signed, were called "articled" or ''indented" servants. Their labor was very unsatisfactory. Many of them were idle and would not work; others could not stand the heat and the malaria of the swamps. Many ran away to Carolina and to the other colonies, where they could procure land for themselves on easv terms. President Stephens' s Administration. 41 As early as June, 1 735, a petition was sent to the Trustees asking that the use of negro slaves be permitted, but the request was promptly refused. In December, 1738, another petition was sent to the Trustees for permission to use slaves with proper limitations, but counter-petitions were presented by the Salzburgers at Ebenezer and by the Highlanders of Darien, stating that they were content Avith the present laws and wished no change. This permission was also refused. The Trustees would not allow the colonists even to hire negroes owned in South Carolina. Those who desired slaves, however, continued their petitions, and even sent Thomas Stephens, a son of President Stephens, to England, to secure a repeal of the regulation. Rev. George Whitefield, who had at first opposed slave labor, became convinced that it was necessary for the existence of the colony, and that it was really a Christian act to bring these Africans to America and convert and civilize them. His whole influence was exerted in favor of the petitions being granted. The Trustees con- tinued firm in their refusal. After nearly fifteen years, however, the Trustees became convinced that they must yield. Even the Rev. Mr. Bolzius, pastor of the Salzburgers at Ebenezer, wrote to the Trustees in 1748: "Things being now in such a melancholy state, I must humbly beseech your Honors not to regard any more our or our friends' petitions against negroes." They therefore decided to petition his Majesty for a repeal of the objection- able act, under certain conditions. A letter was written to President Stephens and his assistants, submitting to them a copy of these conditions. A convention of the colonists was called to consider the matter, and Major Horton, of Fred- erica, presided over its deliberations. The suggestions of the Trustees were approved, and a petition was signed by twenty- seven persons of the highest standing in the province, requesting that slavery be allowed at once under the proposed conditions. 42 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. These conditions briefly were : tliat the colonists should em- ploy one white man-servant for every four male slaves ; that they should teach slaves no trade that would interfere with white citizens ; that inhuman treatment should be prevented ; and that moral and religious instruction should be given them. A condition added by the convention was that a pen- alty of ten pounds should be paid by every master who forced or permitted a slave to work on the Lord's Day, and that if he failed to compel his slave to attend church at some time on Sunday he should be fined five pounds for each offence. Upon these conditions the petition was granted, and slaves were by law admitted into Georgia on the 26th of October, 1749. The regulation agaijist the sale of rum and other distilled liquors was soon repealed ; and finally, on the 25th of May, 1750, the regulatious concerning the holding of land were modified so that the owner had the power to mortgage or sell at his pleasure. Thus the Trustees were finally compelled, by circumstances, to abandon three of their most important regulations for the colony of Georgia. In 1749 the colony was for a time in constant dread of an attack fi'om the Indians, and the story of the cause of the trouble is full of interest. Eev. Thomas Bosomworth, one of the ministers sent out to the colony, had married Mary Mus- grove, the Creek woman who had acted as interpreter for Ogle- thorpe when he first met the Indians at Yamacraw. Before her marriage to Bosomworth she had been very friendly to the whites, and had been employed as interpreter. After her marriage "to him, he persuaded her to present a bill against the colony for five thousand pounds for her services, and for damages to the property of her first husband. He also induced her to claim to be an Indian princess and empress of the Creek Indians. She demanded a tract of land oppo- site Savannah, and three islands on the coast, St. Catherine's, Ossabaw, and Sapelo, which had been reserved by the Indians for bathing and fishing. President Stephens' s administration. 43 President Stephens would not recognize her as a princess, and refused to pay her claims or to surrender the land and islands. She then appealed to the Indians, and having col- lected a large band, marched at their head to Savannah and demanded her rights. By her side was the Eev. Thomas Bos- omworth, clothed in his white robes as a priest of the Church of England. Immediately following her came the kings and chiefs of the lower Creeks in war-paint and feathers, and after them a large baud of warriors, all fully armed. The people were very much alarmed at the presence of this large body of savages, and a bloody battle was expected every moment. President Stephens called out the soldiers, and when the Indians arrived, he boldly demanded that they should give up their arms before they came into the town. To this the Indians agreed. Shortly after they entered the town, Mary and her husband were separated from them and locked up. President Stephens then addressed the Indians in a quiet, friendly way, showing them that Mary was no prin- cess, and that the islands and land which she claimed as hers were the property of the Creek Nation. In this way the Indi- ans were satisfied, and declared their friendship for the whites. Presents were then distributed, and they departed in peace. Bosomworth and his wife went to England to prosecute their claim before the Trustees and the King. His case was carried into the courts, and was a source of trouble for many years. Finally, however, Mary was awarded nearly two thou- sand pounds in full payment of the damages to her property and for her services to the colony, and St. Catherine's Island was given to her. There they both died, and are buried side by side on the seashore, where their graves may be seen to-day. Their demands are known as the " Bosomworth Claim." [William Stephens was the son of a baronet who was lieutenant-gov- ei;nor of the Isle of Wight, at which place he was born in 1671. He was remarkable for his gentle manners even when a boy. He studied law and was a member of Parliament. He was highly respected by his neighbors 44 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. and was often called on to settle their disputes. When about forty years of age he came to South Carolina to survey a piece of land. Here he met General Oglethorpe, who was so pleased with him that he asked the Trustees to appoint him their secretary in Georgia. Accordingly he came to Savannah and took general charge of their affairs. When Ogle- thorpe left he became president of the colony, though he was over seventy years of age at the time.] QUESTIONS. What were the first two counties ? When were they formed ? Why ? What appointments were made for them ? What followed Oglethorpe's return to England ? What of the first six years of Stephens's adminis- tration ? What caused dissatisfaction ? What of the white servants ? What petitions were presented ? What convention was held ? On what conditions were slaves admitted ? What other regulations were aban- doned ? Who was Thomas Bosomworth ? Who was his wife ? What did she claim ? What did President Stephens answer ? What followed his refusal ? What finally became of the Bosomworths ? TOPICS. Let the pupil tell — 1. How Stephens became presi- 3. How slavery was admitted. dent. 4. The story of the Bosomworth 3. Causes of dissatisfaction. Claim. CHAPTER IX. THE ADMINISTRATION" OF PRESIDENT HENRY PARKER. " My prese"nt thoughts are that the colony never had a better appearance of thriving than now. There have been more vessels loaded here within these ten months than have been since the colony was settled."— James Habersham. The year 1750 marks the beginning of an era of growth and prosperity for Greorgia. New set- tlers came into the colony, and lands were cleared and cultivated. A flour- ishing export trade began to grow up with England, and the articles exported were chiefly pitch, tar, staves, rice, and deer-skins. The Trus- tees still insisted upon the culti- vation of mulberry-trees»and the production of silk, but this in- dustry did not flourish. The Salzburgers at Ebenezer produced one-half of the silk of the colony. Many farmers were engaged in the cultivation of indigo, and European grape-vines were brought over and planted. The population of the colony at this time had increased to one thousand five hundred. The Trustees saw that as the population of Georgia in- creased it would become more and more difficult to find out SILK-WOBM, COCOON, AND MOTH. (Half natural size.) 46 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. what changes in the rules and regulations were necessary for the welfare of the colony. Therefore, in 1750 they adopted resolutions creating a Provincial Assembly, composed of dele- gates elected by the people, which should consider the interests of the colony and recommend to the Trustees such measures as those interests demanded. This assembly was to meet in Savannah once every year, and not to remain in session longer than one month. Every town, village, or district in the province containing a population of ten families was to send one de]nity, and any settlement containing thirty families could appoint two deputies. Savannah had four deputies, Augusta and Ebenezer two each, and Frederica two, provided thirty families were living there. There were some very curi- ous qualifications for future membership in this assembly. No man could serve as a deputy in the second assembly who had not one hundred mulberry-trees planted and fenced in upon every fifty acres of land that he owned ; and after 1753 no one could be a delegate who had not in his family at least one female instructed in the art of reeling silk, and who did not annually produce fifteen pounds of silk for every fifty acres of land owned by him. Writs of election were issued in 1750, and sixteen delegates were elected. On the 15th of January, 1751, the first General Assembly ever held in Georgia met at Savannah and elected Francis • Harris speaker. This assembly had no power to make laws, but could only recommend to the Trustees such measures as were deemed of advantage to the colony. The session lasted twenty-two days, and a number of recommenda- tions were made, all of which received jiroper consideration from the Trustees. Henry Parker, who had served as vice-president of the colony for the past eight years, was appointed president by the Trustees on the 8th of April, 1751, to succeed Colonel William Stephens, who had resigned his office on account of his age and infirmities. Colonel Stephens, during his service President Parkers adiiinlstratioiv. 47 as president, had won the love and confidence of the whole peojole, and the Trustees, as an evidence of their appreciation, voted him a pension for the remainder of his life. James Habersliam was aj^pointed secretary of the colony. One of the recommendations of the first assembly was that the militia be organized, and President Parker, immediately after his appointment, proceeded to carry out this recommen- dation. General Oglethorpe's regiment had been disbanded, and the colony was left almost without protection against the Indians, whose friendship was uncertain. The militia are not regular soldiers, but citizens who are organized and drilled in the use of arms, so as to be ready when called upon to defend their homes and property. Those citizens who owned as much as three hundred acres of land were ordered to appear at Savannah at a certain time, on horseback, to be organized as cavalry, and all Avho owned less land were to be organized as infantry. The first general muster or gathering of the militia was held in Savannah in June, 1751, when about two hundred and twenty men, infantry and cavalry, paraded under the command of Captain Noble Jones. The records of the day say "they behaved well and made a pretty appearance." In 1752 a most important addition was made to the colony of Georgia. A body of Congregationalists from Dorchester, S. C, secured from the authorities in Georgia the grant of a large body of land lying on the Medway Eiver, half-way between the Ogeechee and Altamaha, in what is now Liberty County ; and in December of that year Benjamin Baker and Samuel Bacon arrived with their families and servants to take possession. Others soon joined them, and in a few years thirty-five families of these South Carolina rice planters set- tled on the lands. Their Puritan ancestors had settled at Dorchester in Massachusetts over one hundred years before this time, and fifty years before the removal to Georgia their fathers had moved to South Carolina, on the AshlevRiver, 48 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. eighteen miles above Charleston, where they founded a set- tlement called Dorchester, after the home they had left. The good reports of the lands in Georgia induced them to leave South Carolina for a new home. They were industrious, prudent, intelligent people, fearing God and hating tyranny. They were not wanderers, but men of wealth who brought their projjerty with them and immediately became one of the strongest communities in Georgia. They were Congregation- alists, and their minister came with them. The Midway Church, which they erected a few years later, still stands, not far from the town of Dorchester. Many of the most dis- tinguished citizens of Georgia have been descendants of these settlers at Midway. The charter of Georgia had been granted to the Trustees for twenty-one years, and the end of the time was close at hand. The Trustees were weary of their charge and refused to have the charter renewed. They sent a memorial to the Lords of the Council proposing to surrender the control of the Province of Georgia, and to deed back to his Majesty the lands which had been conveyed to them in trust for the bene- fit of settlers in the province. Tlie King accepted their pro- posal, and the last meeting of the Trustees was held on the 23d of June, 1752. Every bill had been paid, every claim against them had been adjusted, and all the formalities involved in surrendering their trust had been complied with. The deed of surrender was read and approved, and the seal of the corporation was attached. Then the seal was defaced, the Trustees ceased to exist, and the colony of Georgia, which had been their generous and unselfish care for so many years, passed under the direct control of the King of England and under the special charge of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. The Trustees were seventy-two in number, many of them noblemen of rank and men of distinction. Only six of the original number survived when they surrendered their char- President Parkers administration. 49 ter. During the twenty-one years they had received no pay for their services, but with the purest and most unselfish motives had given their time, their energies, and their money to building up in America a colony for the poor and worthy of England. Upon the surrender of their charter, their con- nection with the colony ceased, and a new epoch in Georgia history is reached. [Henry Parker, the second president of the colony of Georgia, held the office of bailiff in Savannah as early as 1734. He acted as magistrate, and when on the bench wore a purple gown edged with fur. He made a set- tlement on the Isle of Hope, near Savannah. In 1741, when Georgia was divided into two counties, he was made one of the assistants of William Stephens. When Stephens retired on account of bad health and age, Parker became his successor and continued in the discharge of the duties of executive until his death.] QUESTIONS. What was the condition of the colony during President Parker's administration? What trade had grown up? What was the population of the colony at this time? Wliat difficulties did the Trustees foresee? What was the Provincial Assembly? How composed? How did it differ from our legislature? Mention some of the qualifications for member- ship. When and where did the first assembly meet? Why did Presi- dent Stephens resign his office? What new settlers came to the colony in 1752? What of their character? What about the expiration of the charter? Did the Trustees wish it renewed? To whom did they surren- der control of the colony? What can you say of the Trustees and their service ? TOPICS. Let the pupil tell about — 1. The first assembly. 3. The colonial militia. 2. President Henry Parker. 4. The Midway settlement. 5. Trustees surrender charter. EPOCH III. Georgia under the Royal Governors, 1754-1776. CHAPTER X. ADMIJSriSTRATION OF GOVERNOK REYNOLDS. — THE GREAT SEAL. " Georgia continued, under the king's government, to be one of the most free and happy countries in tlie world. Justice was regularly and impartially administered ; oppression was unknown ; the taxes levied on the subject were trifling ; and every man that had industry became opulent." — Stokes' Eevieiv of Georgia, 1783. Upon assuming control of Georgia, the king ordered tliat the regulations of the Trustees should remain in force and that the officers then serving should continue in office until the council could agree upon a new form of government. Two years and five months passed before any change was made. Meanwhile President Henry Parker continued in charge of the colony until liis death, when Patrick Graham, of Augusta, became president. It was a period of great anxiety to the colonists, who were in doubt as to the future and in continual dread of attacks from the Indians, There were at that time three forms of government among the English colonies in America. Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland were under proprietors, and were governed as Georgia had been under the Trustees. Rhode Island and Connecticut had charters — that is, written documents from the king, in which he gave them the privilege of electing their own governors and managing their own affairs, so long as they submitted to his supreme authority. The other colonies were called royal provinces, and each had a provincial govern- The great seal. 51 ment, consisting of a governor and council appointed by the king to represent him, and a lower legislative house elected by the people. After long deliberation the Lords of the Council finally recommended that Georgia should be raised to the dignity of a royal province. This was approved by the king, and in 1754 he appointed Captain John Reynolds of the Royal Navy the first governor of the Province of Georgia. As a royal province, Georgia was entitled to a great seal. Therefore, on the 21st of June, 1754, the king ordered the dies for the seal to be made of silver and engraved with the design selected as the coat of arms of the new province. These old seals were very curious affairs. They were of wax, as large as a saucer and half an inch thick. When an offi- cial document was written and signed, holes were punched in the top of the pages and a piece of tape or ribbon was passed through these holes and tied, so as to fasten the sheets to- gether. The ends of the tape were then placed between two round plates of wax softened by warming, and these pieces of wax were placed between the dies. Pressure was then applied to the upper die, usually by a screw, so as to unite the two plates of wax. After the pressure was removed the dies were taken off, and a single piece of wax was found, bearing on either side in relief the figures that had been engraved on the dies. Such a piece of wax, thus stamped, was the great seal of the Province of Georgia, and was attached to official documents as a proof that they were genuine. The illustrations on the accompanying pages represent one of these seals. They also show a portion of the document, with the holes and the tape by which the seal is attached. The front of this seal, called the obverse, shows a female figure, representing the young Province of Georgia, kneeling before the king in token of her submission, and presenting him with a skein of silk, while the motto beneath, "' Hinc laudem sperate coloni" — meaning, '' Hence hope for praise, 62 HiSTony OF GEORGJji., colonists! " — notifies the colonists that the king still exj)ected them to supply him with silk. The Latin words around the circumference mean, " The seal of our Province of Georgia in America." On the other side of the seal, called the reverse, is the coat of arms of George II. Governor Eeynolds arrived in Georgia October 29, 1754. As he landed at the bluff, the people crowded around and welcomed him with joy. At night bonfires were lighted aud the houses were illuminated to show the delight of the people upon the arrival of the new governor. He took the oath of office and began his duties at once. His official title was " Captain- General and Governor-in-Chief of his Majesty's Province of Georgia, and Vice- Admiral of the same." He was addressed as "Your Excellency." No officer in Georgia ever had such a magnificent title or filled so many offices as Governor Reynolds a,nd the other royal governors. As captain-general he had entire control of the militia; as vice-admiral he commanded the naval forces; as governor he had the power of calling together, adjourning, and dissolving the General Assembly at will, and of vetoing (that is, refusing his consent to) any bill that was passed by the Assembly. He had charge of the great seal and was chancellor of the province. He presided in the Court of Errors, hearing bills from the lower courts, and as ordinary liG had charge of the jirobate of wills and the administration of estates. The General Assembly consisted of two parts. The smaller body, called the Upper House of Assembly, was made up of twelve members who were appointed by the king. It was • also the Governor's Council. The larger body was called the Commons House of Assembly, and was made up of representa- tives elected by the people of the several districts of the prov- ince to represent them and tlieir wants. Before any bill could become a law it must be passed by both of these houses and be approved by the governor. The Commons House of Assembly, ORBAT HKAIi OF THE I'KOVINCE— (OBVEK8BV fiKEAT 8SA1. OF THE V;.™ ruoVlNCE— (RKVBRSB). GOVERNOR REYNOLDS'S ADMINISTRATION. 55 as the represeutatives of the people, claimed the exclusive right of proposing bills for levying taxes and appropriating money. Governor Reynolds found the province in a depressed con- dition, in spite of the bright pictures that had been painted of its prosperity. His first letter to the Board of Trade said : ''The town of Savannah is well situated and contains about one hundred and fifty houses, all wooden ones, very small, and mostly old. The biggest was used for the meeting of the president and assistants, and wherein I sat in Council for a few days ; but one end fell down whilst we were all there, and obliged us to move to a kind of shed behind the Court-house." The first legislature of Georgia met in Savannah January 7, 1755. Twelve acts were passed and were approved by the governor. Among them was an act for printing, issuing, and circulating seven thousand pounds sterling in paper bills of credit, which should be legal tender (that is, lawful money) in the province. These paper bills of credit were simply i:)aper money, and were loaned at interest on good security at six per cent, in order to supply the people with currency. Governor Eeynolds made a visit to the southern part of the province. He visited Frederica, but found that once lovely city almost in ruins. He journeyed up the Ogeechee Eiver and found a beautiful site for a town. He laid off a town, and named it Hardwicke, after the earl of that name. He pro- posed to have the capital of the province located here, as it was a more central and beautiful location than Savannah, but the Lords Commissioners did not furnish the money needed to erect public buildings. Governor Reynolds devoted much of his time to improving the forts and defences of the colony. He went up to Augusta to make a treaty with the Indians. After waiting ten days, during which the Indians did not arrive, he was compelled to return to Savannah. He left presents in charge of his secretary, who delivered them to the Indians and received their assurances of friendship. 56 History of Georgia, The business which called Governor Eeynolds back to Savannah was the arrival of two ships with four hundred Acadians on board. These Acadians were French Catholics from Nova Scotia, then called Acadie. Their homes and their churches wei'e burned, and the poor Acadians were driven on board British ships and distributed among the \ British provinces along the Atlantic coast. The reason for doing this was that the Acadians were opposed to British rule. Nothing more cruel and inhuman was ever done by any government. Under the laws of Georgia no Catholic could be admitted to the province, and as these Acadians were Catho- lics the governor was in doubt what to do. The feeling of humanity prevailed over his respect for the law, and the Aca- dians were cared for during the coming winter. Most of them left Georgia as soon as possible. Although Governor Reynolds's administration had begun so pleasantly, it did not prove satisfactory. He became involved in disputes with his Council and with the General Assembly, and much bitter feeling resulted. The people complained to the Lords Commissioners of the Board of Trade and Plan- tations, and that body, being satisfied that something was wrong, on August 3, 1756, summoned Governor Reynolds to appear before them. He remained in the province until a lieutenant-governor could be appointed and sent out to Savan- nah to relieve him. [Jolui Reynolds was born in England in 1700. He entered the navy at an early age, and had been advanced to the rank of captain when he was appointed by the king as the first governor of Georgia. Upon resigning his position he set sail for England to answer the charges made against him. The vessel in which he embarked was captured by a French priva- teer, and Reynolds was robbed of his journal, papers, and everything of value belonging to him. After he arrived in Ijondon it was nearly a year before he was tried by the Board of Trade. His answers were not satis- factory, liowever. He then resumed his nink and position in the navy, and before his death he rose to the rank of Rear-Admiral of the Royal Blue. He died in 1776.1 Questions and topics, 57 [The initials on the circumference of the coat of arms of George II. stand for the following Latin words: '^ Georgius II., Dei Gratia MagncB Britannice, Franc ue et Ilibernim Hex, Fidei Defensor, Brunsvici et Lunehurgi Dux, Sacri Romani Imperii Archi-TJiesaurarius et Elector " meaning, "George II., by the Grace of God King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg, High-Treasurer and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire." The lion and the unioorn with the crown of Great Bi'itain are the coat of arras of the kingdom, and the quarterings on the shield represent the different titles of George II.] [The first officers appointed for the Province of Georgia were as fol- lows : William Clifton, Attorney-General ; James Habersham, Secretary and Register of the Records ; Alexander Kellet, Provost Marshal ; Wil- liam Russell, Naval Officer ; Henry Yonge and William DeBrahm, Joint Surveyors of Land; Sir Patrick Houstoun, Bart., Register of Grants. The members of the first Council were : Patrick Graham, Sir Patrick Houstoun, James Habersham, Alexander Kellet, William Clifton, Noble Jones, Pickering Robinson, Francis Harris, Jonathan Bryan, William Russell, and, subsequently, Clement Martin.] QUESTIONS. After the king assumed control of Georgia, what did he order ? De- scribe the three forms of government among the English colonies in America. What important change was now made in the government of Georgia? Who was the first royal governor? Describe the great seal of the Province. The motto. When did Governor Reynolds land? What were some of his titles and powers? Describe the General Assem- bly. How did Governor Reynolds find the colony? What did he say in his first letter ? What was one of the acts of the first legislature ? What steps did the governor take to find out the condition of the col- ony? Who were the Acadian s? Was Governor Reynolds's administra- tion satisfactory to the people? TOPICS. Tell about-— 1. The government of Georgia. 5. Meeting of first legislature. 2. The seal of Georgia. 6. Reynolds's tour.— llardwicke. 3. Powers of the governor. 7. The Acadians. 4. The General Assembly. b. Reynolds removed. CHAPTEE XI. GOVERNOR HENRY ELLIS. — AFFAIRS PRECEDING THE REVOLUTION. " I can with unfeigned sincerity declare that I enter upon tliis station with the most dis- interested views, without prejudice to any man or body of men, or retrospect to past transactions or disputes, but animated witli the warmest zeal for whatever concerns your happiness or the public utility, sincerely inclined to concur with you in every just and necessary measure, and fully resolved that if, unfortunately, my wishes and endeavors prove fruitless, to be the first to solicit my recall." — Henry Ellis. . Henry Ellis, who liad been appointed by the king lienten- ant-governor of Georgia, was still a young man about thirty- Bix years of age. He had been a daring and skilful sailor in the Pacific Ocean and had received high honors in England. He landed in Georgia February IG, 1757, and waited upon Governor Reynolds at once. He was then taken to the coun- cil chamber, where he was installed as lieutenant-governor and acting-governor of Georgia during the absence of Governor Reynolds, who sailed for England the same day. The people welcomed him with bonfires and public parades. In the evening the houses were illuminated, and everybody rejoiced in the hope of a new season of prosperity. The lieutenant- govei'nor was especially pleased with the address of a band of young soldiers who, to the number of thirty-two, had enrolled themselves under the command of their schoolmaster and paraded before his house. The first care of Lieutenant-Governor Ellis was to provide for the defence of the colony. He obtained a ship of war and five hundred stands of arms to protect the coast. He tried by justice and mild measures to heal the discontent that Rey- nolds had created. He looked into every department of the Governor Henry J^llis. 59 government, and recommended a chief justice for the prov- ince. He visited the soutliern section, and favored the removal of the capital from Savannali to Hardwicke. He held a conference with the Creek Indians at Savannah, and by his tact secured tlieir friendship and promises of peace. This was very important, as France and England were at war, and French agents had been sent among the Creeks to induce them to attack the English in Georgia. When the legislature, or General Assembly, met, June, 1757, the governor made an opening address full of good wishes for the welfare of the colony. Among the bills passed by this legislature was one offering the Province of Georgia as a home for debtors who could not pay what they owed. Here they could find work and lands, and gradually save enough to pay their debts. The rapid growth of the settlements on the Medway River impressed the people of that district with the necessity of having a port of entry of their own from which their crops could be shipped and where supplies for their plantations could be bought. On the 20th of June, '1758, Thomas Carr con- veyed to five trustees three hundred acres of a grant which he had received a year before f I'om the king, to be laid out by them as a town called Sunbury. The trustees were men of promi- nence, and two of them, John Stevens and John Elliott, were influential members of the Midway Church. The site selected for the town was twelve miles from the ocean, on a beautiful bluff on the Medway River, covered with magnificent live-oaks and magnolias. A more beautiful spot could not be found in Georgia. The town was laid off into streets, wharves were built, and it soon became a place of great importance in the colony, second only to Savannah. Its principal trade was with the West Indies and the northern colonies. In 1758 Georgia was divided into eight parishes : Christ Church Parish, including Savannah ; St. Matthew's Parish, including Ebenezer ; St. Paul's Parish, including Augusta ; 60 History of Oeoroia. St. George's Parisli, including Halifax ; St, Philip's, including Great Ogeechee ; St. John's, including Midway and Sunbury ; MAP OP PARISHES, 1705 TO THE REVOLUTION. St. Andrew's, including Darien ; and St. James', including Frederica. These divisions were made in order to better regulate the government of the colony. The law provided for GOVERNOR Henry Ellis. 61 the holding of public worship in each of these parishes. In 1765 four new parishes were added to the number then in Georgia. They were St. Patrick's, St. David's, St. Thomas', and St. Mary's, and were all between the Altamaha and the St. Mary's rivers. These parishes were really counties. In 1758 Governor Reynolds, who had gone to England for trial, was removed, and Lieutenant-Governor Ellis was com- missioned " Governor-in-Chief of the Province of Georgia," an honor he fully deserved. During the same year the colony sent over to England twenty-five thousand pounds of indigo and fifty-five hogsheads of rice. Georgia was steadily grow- ing in population, commerce, and importance. The wisdom of Governor Ellis in making fast friends of the Creek Indians was apparent in 1759, when the Carolinas and Virginia became involved in war with the Cherokees, a most powerful tribe. Their lands covered all ISTorth Alabama and North Georgia and much of South Carolina and extended north to the Ohio River. Their warriors had assisted the English attack on Fort Du Quesne, where Pittsburg now stands. After the capture of this fort, the Cherokee warriors returned home through Virginia and carried off some horses that they found pasturing in the woods. They were followed by a party of Virginia frontiersmen, and twelve of their number were killed and the others captured. This injustice aroused the young warriors of the whole Cherokee Nation, and, instigated by French agents, they began attacks on the Carolina frontiers. On the Little Tennessee River, in the valley beyond the moun- tains, was Fort Loudoun, and in South Carolina, near the town of Keowee, was Fort Prince George, both in the Chero- kee country. Fort Loudoun was surrounded by the Cherokees and the garrison cut off from all supplies. Governor Lyttleton, of Soutli Carolina, called out the mili- tia and prepared to march against the Cherokees. Thirty-two chiefs, liearing of this, went to Charleston to make peace ; but the governor refused to listen to them, and forced them to 63 History of Georgia. march with his army to Fort Prince George. He put guards over them on the march, and confined them when he reached the fort. This unjust treatment was a great outrage. Find- ing his army not strong enough to attack the Cherokees, the governor now concluded to make peace with them, so that he might return with credit to Charleston. He sent for Atta- kullakulla, a wise old Cherokee chief, who was a friend of the English, and with his assistance peace was arranged. Twenty-two Indians were to he held in the fort as hostages for the surrender of the twenty-two Indians who had been mur- dering the whites, and the governor returned to Charleston. Governor Lyttleton's treatment of the chiefs had aroused a spirit of revenge, and before he reached Charleston they had killed fourteen men and besieged the fort. Unable to cap- ture it, they decoyed Ca.ptain Cotymore and two lieutenants out from the fort and murdered them. In retaliation, the soldiers in the fort attempted to put the hostages in irons. One of them resisted and stabbed a soldier, whereupon they were all murdered. This act again aroused all the Cherokee warriors, and they at once began to murder the settlers along the frontier of South Carolina. Small-pox had broken out in South Carolina, and the militia could not be called out. Gen- eral Amherst sent Colonel Montgomery from New York with a force of regulars and seven troops of Rangers from North Carolina and Virginia. He at once attacked the Cherokees in South Carolina, burned several of their towns, killing men, women, and children, and drove them to the mountains. Here he attempted to follow them, but he was drawn into an ambuscade and narrowly escaped defeat. He saw that he could do nothing against them in the mountains Avitli his small force, so he returned to Charleston and thence to New York. On August 7, 1760, the garrison at Fort Loudoun, cut off from supplies and being on the point of starvation, was forced to surrender. The Cherokees promised that the garrison Governor Henry Ellis. 63 should be conducted in safety to Fort Prince George, but the first night of the journey the soldiers were attacked and many of them were killed. The others were carried back to Fort Loudoun as prisoners. The British Government now recog- nized that the Cherokee war was a very serious matter, and prompt steps were taken to end it. Meanwhile Governor Ellis was preparing to leave Georgia. The climate did not agree with him, and he had applied, a .year before, for permission to return to England. This had been granted, but he was forced to wait for the arrival of, the lieutenant-governor, James Wright, who had been appointed to relieve him. [Governor Henry Ellis was born about the year 1720, and was distin- guished at an early age for his study of the natural sciences and by his interest in geographical discoveries. When he was twenty-six years of age he was entrusted with an expedition to find a new route to the Pacific Ocean, and was offered £20,000 if he succeeded. With two ships he set sail and entered the Straits of Hudson. For over a year he tried to find his way through, braving the dangers of new seas and a severe winter. He returned to England in 1747, and was at once made a Fellow of the Royal Society. He was soon after appointed lieutenant-governor of Georgia. He was spoken of as "an active, sensible, and honest man."] [Governor James Wright was descended from an ancient and honorable family. His father had settled in Charleston, where he married, and afterward became Chief Justice of South Carolina. James Wright was born in Charleston, but educated in England. Upon his return to Caro- lina he began the practice of law, and was appointed attorney-general of the Province when only twenty-five years of age. When he entered upon his duties as governor of Georgia he was about forty-six years of age, in the prime of his life, a firm and loyal adherent to the Crown, and ever trae to the trust imposed upon him in the trying times of the Revolution soon to follow.] [The way in which the Indians were received at Savannah when Gov- errtor Ellis made his treaty with thcra in 17?7 is shown by the following account: " The Indians were escorted by Captain Milledge with his troop of 64 HISTORY OF GEORGIJj Hangers, and approached the town. They were met in an open savanna about a iniJe distant by Captain Bryan, with the principal inhabitants of the town, on horseback, who welcomed them in the name of his Honor the governor, and regaled them in a tent pitched for that purpose. " The Indians were conducted to the council, and were introduced to his Honor the governor, who, holding out his hand, addressed them in the following manner: 'My friends and brothers : Behold my hands and arms ! Our common enemies, the French, have told you they are red to the elbows. View them ! Do they speak the truth? Let your own eyes witness. You see they are white, and could you see my heart you would find it as pure, but very warm and true to you, my friends. The French tell you whoever shakes my hands will be immediately struck by disease and die. If you believe this lying, foolish talk, don't touch me. If you do not, I am ready to embrace you.* Whereupon they all approached and shook hands, declaring the French had deceived them in this manner."] QUESTIONS. Who was appointed lieutenant-governor of Georgia? How was he received by the people? What was the first care of Governor Ellis? What did he try to do? What did he favor? What bill was passed by the legislature of 1757? Describe the founding of Sunbury. Name and locate the first eight parishes. What four wei-e added in 1765 ? What can yon say of the exports of Georgia in 1758 ? What trouble arose with the Indians in 1759 ? What was the cause of the outbreak ? What did the Governor of South Carolina do ? What was the effect of his treat- ment of the Indians ? Give further details of the trouble. What occurred at Fort Loudoun? Why did Governor Ellis resign ? Who succeeded him ? TOPICS. Henry Ellis — 1. Landing and welcome. 4. The parishes. 2. First cares. • 5. Chei'okee war. 3. Sunbury. 6. Returns to England. CHAPTER XII. ADMINISTKATIOiSr OF GOVERNOR WRIGHT. " With an increasing population and expanding commerce, and presided over by a chief magistrate eager for the promotion of its best interests, the province day l)y day rose in importance and was fast realizing the expectations which its illustrious founder had con- ceived for it."— Jones's History of Georgia. Hon. James Wright, the newly appointed lieutenant- governor, arrived in Georgia October 11, 17G0. Two days later Governor Ellis sent his last message to the Assembly, and on the 2d of November he sailed for England amid the regrets of the people of the whole province. Lieutenant-Governor Wright was an American by birth, although educated in England. He was born in Charleston, and had been attorney-general of the province of South Caro- lina for twenty-one years. He was the third and last gov- ernor of Georgia under the British crown. He at once sent a message to the Assembly, calling atten- tion to the necessity of completing the defences of the colony. Fort Loudon had just been captured, and the people of Georgia were in constant dread of an attack from the Chero- kee Indians. Savannah was completely enclosed with pali- sades and forts, so as to aiford an asylum to the planters living in the vicinity, and the other forts of the province were put in good condition. Lieutenant-Governor Wright determined not to remove the capital from Savannah to Hardwicke. This decision was of great importance , to Savannah and to the whole province. The people, feeling sure that Savannah would be the perma- nent seat of government, invested capital in business there, 5 66 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. and substantial brick buildings began to take the place of the temporary wooden structures that composed the town. February, 17G1, was a memorable month in Georgia. A ship arrived bringing news of the death, in October, 1760, of the old king, George II., for whom the province was named, and of the crowning of his successor, George III. The Assem- bly was dissolved, and funeral services held in memory of the old king. The following day George III. was proclaimed king. Meanwhile, Governor Ellis had reached England, and had induced the king to relieve him from serving any longer as governor of Georgia. On the 20th of March, 1761, Lieuten- ant-Governor James Wright was appointed '' Captain-Gen- eral, Governor, and Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Georgia," although his commission did not reach him until the 28th of January of the next year, nearly ten months after his appointment. This news was received with great rejoic- ing by the people. Early in 1761, Lieutenant-Colonel James Grant reached Charleston with a force of Highlanders to cooperate with the South Carolina militia in conquering the Cherokees. With about two thousand six hundred men he marched to Fort Prince George in May, where he was met by Attakullakulla, who begged him to advance no farther. The old chief be- lieved that he could persuade the Cherokees to sue for peace ; but Colonel Grant declined to wait, and moved at once into the Cherokee country. A bloody fight occurred four days later on the spot where Colonel Montgomery had been drawn into an ambuscade the year before. The Cherokees fought bravely for three hours, but were finally compelled to retreat. Colonel Grant pressed on to the Indian town of Etchoe, which he burned. Advancing into the heart of the Cherokee coun- try, he burned fourteen other towns and left the entire region desolate. He then returned to Fort Prince George. The power of the Cherokees was tho jughly crushed, and peace Governor Wrights Administration. 67 was soon made. During the two years in which they had been at war with Virginia and the Carolinas, the Cherokees had not attacked any settler in the province of Georgia. In Europe events were taking place which deeply affected the future of Georgia. France, Austria, and Eussia were en- gaged in a war with Prussia and England, but had gained no advantage on the continent of Europe. But England had conquered Canada, had made large gains in India and Africa, and had seriously crippled the French navy, so that in 1761 the resources of France were exhausted. Now it happened that France, Spain, Sicily, and Parma were governed by princes of the house of Bourbon, and the king of France persuaded his kinsmen to form an alliance, known in history as the " Family Compact." Spain, then a great naval power, secretly agreed to aid France in the war against Eng- land. In 1763 England learned of this secret compact, and promptly declared war against Spain. The contest was short. Within a few months England had almost destroyed the Spanish navy and captured Havana. S2)ain's commerce and her rich colonial possessions were at the mercy of England, and a treaty was agreed upon. This treaty, known in history as the Peace of Paris, was proclaimed February 10, 1763. Its provisions affecting Geor- gia were that England gained Florida, which was ceded by Spain, and the valley of the Mississippi east of the river, which was ceded by France. It will be remembered that up to this time the northern boundary line of Florida had never been settled. Now that all the land had come into possession of England, King George III., by royal proclamation, on the 10th of October, 1763, fixed this boundary line at the St. Mary's River and a straight line to be run from the head waters of that river to the beginning of the Appalachicola River. The territory south of this line and east of the Appalachicola River became the province of East Florida. The territory between the 68 History of Georgia, Apiaalachicola River and the Mississippi was organized into a new province, called West Florida, with its northern boundary line on the thirty-first parallel of latitude. By the same proc- lamation the king added to the province of Georgia all the lands lying between the Altamaha River and the northern line of Florida. Thus it happened that Georgia profited by the Treaty of Paris. The addition to her territory made her one of the largest provinces in America, and the organization of Florida as an English province removed the Spaniards, who had always been troublesome and dangerous neighbors. A new commission was issued to Governor Wright early the next year, giving the exact boundaries of the province he was to govern. This commission, years afterward, was an impor- tant document in settling the boundaries of the United States. In the same proclamation the king had set aside, for the use of the Indian tribes, the lands between the Mississippi River and the head waters of the streams flowing into the Atlantic, and had forbidden whites, ''for the present," to settle on these lands. In order to establish friendly relations between the, whites and the Indians, the king ordered the governors of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, within whose boundaries the Indian lands lay, to hold a joint conference with the chiefs of the tribes. Augusta was selected as the most convenient and suitable location, and the congress was opened at the King's Fort in that town on the 5th of November, 1763. Seven hundred Indians were in attendance ; among them were the leading chiefs of each tribe. As the conference was held in Georgia, Governor Wright was made president, and after five days of negotiation, a solemn treaty of perpetual peace and friendship was agreed upon and signed by all the parties. [Although England had granted to the colonies along the Atlantic coast charters which extended their boundaries " westward to the South Sea " or " from sea to sea," as a matter of fact, these colonies had never Governor Wrights administration. m extended west of the Alleghany Mountains. According to the law of nations, l"'raHce had a clear title to this territory which she now ceded to England.] [The fighting, which really began in 1754 on the western borders of Virginia, had not caused a declai-ation of war between France and Eng- land, although both countries had been irritated about it. Two years later France formed an alliance with the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria and the Empress Elizabeth of Russia against Frederick the Great of Prussia. England, through her interest in Hanover, came to the assistance of Frederick, who had not then won his title " the Great," and declared war on France in 1756. This war is known in history as "the Seven Years' War," and was fought in Europe, in India, in America, and on the ocean. The fighting done in America is called in American history "the French and Indian War," though it was really a part of the great "Seven Years' War," and is so called by Eux-opean historians. Spain did not take part in the war until 1761. The results of this war were most disastrous for France. Prussia became one of the great powers of Europe; France lost the better part of iier colonial possessions, and England from this time was mistress of the seas.] QUESTIONS. When did the lieutenant-governor arrive? What of Governor Ellis? Who was Lieutenant-Governor Wright? To what did he turn his atten- tion? What of his decision as to the capital? What of the death of George II. ? When did Lieutenant-Governor Wright become governor? His inauguration? Give the conclusion of the Cherokee War. What was taking place in Europe? Describe the "Family Compact." What was the result of this compact? By the terras of the Treaty of Paris what changes occurred in America? Who fixed the northern boundary line of Florida? What two new provinces were organized? What addition was made to the province of Georgia? Why are the "Seven Years' War" and the "Family Compact" of interest to Georgians? What of Governor Wright's new commission? What conference was ordered by the king? Tell all about the conference. TOPICS. Let the pupil tell about — 1. James Wright. 4. Treaty of Paris. 2. Cherokee War. 5. The king's proclamation. 3. European affairs. 6. Augusta conference. CHAPTER XIII. HOW THE PEOPLE TREATED THE DEMANDS OF THE MOTHER COUNTRY. " It was certain, beyond a doubt, that this province has made, must and will make a rapid progress, and in a few years will make as considerable a figure as most on the continent."^Xe/^w of Governor Wright. England's expenses in the Seven Years' War had doubled her national debt, and now that the war was over. Parliament found that a new tax must be levied every year to pay the interest on the new debt. Taxes in England were already very high, and so the prime minister proposed that part of this new tax be levied on "the American colonies, because, he claimed, a part of the debt had been for their defence. The colonies denied both the justice of the tax and the right of Parliament to levy it. It was not just, because they had already borne their part of the expense when they furnished and equipped soldiers who fought and won the campaigns in America. It was not right or constitutional, because the '' Bill of Rights" which the English people had forced their kings to sign guaranteed that English citizens should not be taxed except by the votes of their representatives. Although these colonists lived in America, they were still Englishmen, entitled to all the rights of English citizens ; and Parliament, in which Tee Stamp Act. 71 they were not represented, had no right to tax them. In Georgia and in the other provinces Parliament had recog- nized this principle by permitting the lower honse of the General Assembly, elected by the people, to exercise the sole right of levying taxes in the province. The protests of America were not regarded, and in March, 1765, Parliament passed the famons " Stamp Act." The tax which was levied by this act was to be collected by the sale of stamped paper. Pamphlets conld not be sold unless printed upon stamped paper, and legal documents, such as notes, bonds, contracts, and even marriage licenses, were null and void unless written upon stamped paper. The price of the stamp was added to the cost of the paper, and each person that bought a sheet of this paper would in this way pay the tax. When the news of the passage of the Stamp Act reached Georgia the people were filled with indignation. The ring- ing words of Patrick Henry in the General Assembly of Vir- ginia expressed the conviction of every freeman in Georgia. When the call came from Massachusetts for a congress of all the colonies to protest against the tax, the people of Georgia were ready to respond. Governor Wright's personal influ- ence prevented the election of delegates, but a letter was sent promising the cooperation of Georgia. William Knox, agent for Georgia in England, was dismissed because he advised the people to submit to the stamp tax. The people formed tliem-y selves into associations called " Sons of Liberty " (nicknamed Liberty Boys), and pledged themselves not to use stamped paper or to permit it to be used or distributed in the province. On the 26th of October, Governor Wright ordered a general muster of the militia of the province to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the king's accession to the throne. A large crowd gathered in Savannah, but instead of taking part in the celebration, they paraded the streets with noise and excite- ment, threatening the governor and denouncing the Stamp Act. They made effigies of certain jiersons who had favored 72 HISTORY OF GEOR&IA. submission to the Stamp Act^ and burned them with jeers and insults. Although the Stamp Act was to take effect November 1st, 1765, it was the oth of December before his Majesty's ship Speedwell arrived at Savannah with the stamped papers on board. The pajjers were taken out and placed in the king's storehouse, in charge of the commissary, guarded by forty men. On the 3d of January, Mr. Agnus, the distributor, .arrived, was secretly landed in a scout-boat, with an officer and a party of men to protect him, and was taken safely to the governor's house, where he took the oath of office. He remained in the governor's house about two weeks without daring to go out, and was then sent to the country for safety. There was good reason for this. The whole colony was aroused. Governor Wright received tlireatening letters. James Habersham, President of the Council, was waylaid at night and forced to seek protection in the governor's guarded mansion. Finally, toward the end of January, a body of six hundred armed men arranged to assemble in Savannah, and either to force the governor to agree not to carry out the law, or else to destroy the stamps in his possession. The governor heard of this, and sent the stamps to Fort George, on Cockspur Island, where they were still guarded by soldiers. The general excite- ment continued. On the 3d of February, the Speedwell re- turned to Savannah, and the governor, a few days later, trans- ferred the stamps from the fort to the ship. That night a riotous procession was formed, and burned an effigy of the governor holding in its hand one of his offensive circulars. The only stamps used in Georgia were employed in clearing sixty or seventy vessels which had collected in Savannah and were afraid to sail without them, because any ship found upon the high seas without clearance papers duly stamped might be seized by any other British ship, or by the ships of any other' nation. The citizens consented to the use of these stamps in this instance alone. SPIRIT OF INDEPENDENCE IN GEORGIA. 73 February 22, 1766, the Stamp Act was repealed, and peace and order once more prevailed in the colonies. When the news reached Georgia, Governor Wright convened the General Assembly, and congratulated them that the Province of Geor- gia would have to pay no compensation for any injuries or damages to public or private property, and that the Assembly itself had no votes or resolutions to reconsider. In the following January an incident occurred which showed the spirit of independence pervading the people and their rej)resentatives in the Commons House of Assembly. The- governor made a requisition on the Assembly for supplies for the British soldiers stationed in Georgia, and sent a copy of the ''Mutiny Act" under which the supplies were authorized. The upper house cheerfully agreed, but the lower house, after a long delay, replied that a compliance with the requi- sition would be a violation of the trust reposed in them by their constituents, and would furnish a precedent which they did not feel themselves justified in establishing. The gov- ernor was very indignant, but was afraid to dissolve the Assembly, because it contained several members who were dis- posed to support the government, while if a new Assembly were elected, he feared that it would be composed wholly of the "Sons of Liberty." Another dispute between the* governor and the Assembly was with reference to the election of an agent to represent Georgia in England. The lower house refused to elect the man proposed by the governor, and he refused to approve the man elected by the house. Consequently, Georgia had no agent until 1768, when Dr. Benjamin Franklin was elected. His salary was fixed at £100 a year, and he continued to rep- resent Georgia until the outbreak of the Eevolution. Although Parliament had repealed the. Stamp Act, it had not abandoned its claim to the right to tax the colonies, and so a bill was framed levying a tax upon paints, paper, glass, and all articles of Britisii manufacture. On the 11th of Jan- 74 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. uary, 1768, the Massachusetts House of Representatives sent a circular to the Provincial Assemblies of America, advising a union against the oppressive acts of Parliament. The Assem- bly of Georgia was not in session, but Mr. Wyley, who had been speaker of the lower house, sent a sympathetic response. When the Assembly met, the lower house elected Dr. Noble Wimberly Jones speaker, and transacted the regular business of the session. After the necessary laws had been passed, Mr. Wyley laid before the house the letter from Massachu- setts and a similar letter from the speaker of the Commons House of Assembly of Virginia. The house ordered these letters entered upon the journal, and immediately passed strong resolutions indorsing the position taken by the other provinces. Governor Wright sent an indignant message to the Assembly, and, by virtue of his authority as governor, dissolved it. In November, 1769, the merchants of Savannah met and solemnly agreed not to import any of the articles subject to the tax, and shortly afterward a mass meeting of the people adopted very strong resolutions, agreeing not to buy any of these articles, and " neither to buy nor to give mourning," because all mourning goods were manufactured in England. Jonathan Bryan, who presided, was at this time a member of the Council, and the king, upon receiving these resolutions, at once ordered that Mr. Bryan should be suspended from the Council and be removed from any office that he might hold in Georgia. The contest between the governor and the Assembly con- tinued, the Council being generally in sympathy with the governor and willing to do as he wished ; but the Commons House of Assembly, coming direct from the people and repre- senting the popular sentiment in the province, showed in all things, a spirit of independence. In 1770, Dr. Noble W. Jones was again elected speaker of the house, but Governor Wright refused to sanction the choice and ordered the house Stamps— James Habersham. 75 to elect another speaker. Instead of doing po, the house passed resolutions complimentary to Dr. Jones and refused to elect any other speaker, declaring that the governor had no right to reject a speaker unanimously elected by the house. The only thing the governor could do was to dissolve the Assembly, and this he did. Noble W. Jones has been styled ** one of the morning stars of liberty in Georgia.*' [At the head of the chapter is the picture of one of the stamps which England attempted to make the American people use. The original was cut from a piece of parchment and is in the New York Historical Society library. The values of the stamps varied from a few pence up to several pounds, according to the tax levied on the different articles. The stamp in the picture is for two shillings and sixpence, which was the amount of the tax on a deed. The sale of stamps is a very common and a very satis- factory way of collecting a tax. Our internal revenue tax on cigars and tobacco is collected to-day by the sale of stamps, and every box of cigars or tobacco has one and sometimes two stamps upon it. Each person who buys a cigar or a piece of tobacco pays a part of this tax. The stamps required by the "Stamp Act" were very different, however, from our internal revenue stamps, and were not sold separately, but were stamped upon the paper in England, and the paper thus stamped was sent over to be sold to the colonists.] [James Habersham was born in England in 1713. He was a fr'end of George Whitefield, and came to Georgia with him in the interest of the orphan asylum. Soon after his arrival Habersham opened a school for destitute and orphan children. When Whitefield left for England, the care of the orphan asylum devolved upon Habersham, under whose management the institution flourished. In 1744 he resigned his position and entered into business with Francis Harris. Harris & Habersham was the first commercial house in Georgia. His house opened trade with Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, and later on began to trade directly with London. In 1750 Habersham was appointed by the Trustees com- missioner to advance the culture of silk in the colony. His letters on this subject show an intimate knowledge of the agricultural and commer- cial interests of the colony. In 1754 he was appointed by the king secretary of the province and one of the Council. In 1767 he was presi- dent of the upper house of the General Assembly. When Governor 76 History of Georgia. Wright applied for leave of absence, he rocoiumended James Habersham for his successor, "as being a gentleman of property and no Liberty Boy." He died at New Brunswick, N. J., in 1775, where he had gone on account of his illness.] QUESTIONS. Why did Parliament propose to tax America ? Why was this not just? Why was it not right or constitutional ? How did Parliament act ? De- scribe the Stamp Act. How was the Stamp Act received in Georgia ? Who were the Liberty Boys ? How did Georgia celebrate the anniversary of the king's coronation ? When did the stamped papers reach Georgia ? What was done with them? When did the distributor arrive ? What happened to him ? What was the feeling in Georgia ? What finally became of the stamps ? Were any of them used in Georgia ? How was the trouble about the Stamp Act settled ? What did Govei'nor Wright do when he heard the news ? What incident showed the spirit among the people ? What other dispute occurred between the governor and the lower house of Assembly ? What new act was passed by Parliament ? What was done with the letter of the Massachusetts Assembly ? How did the people of Georgia regard the new tax ? What of Jonathan Bryan V What of the contest between the governor and the lower liouse of Assem- bly ? Why was there no meeting of the Assembly in 1770 ? TOPICS. VHiat brought on the Revolution : 1. Taxation without representa- 4. How the Stamp Act was treated. tion. 5. How the Mutiny Act was 2. Stamp Act. treated in Georgia. 3. Disturbance at Savannah. 6. Trade with England stopped. CHAPTEE XIV. FIRST ACTS OF RESISTASTCE. "■Resolved, no man dissenting, That his Majesty's subjects in America owe the same allegiance, and are entitled to the same rights, privileges, and immunities with their fellow subjects in Great Bv\ia.m.^''—Eesolution of Georgia Patriots. Governor Wright obtained a leave of absence aud sailed for England in July, 1771. Hon. James Habersham, President of the Council, had been ap- pointed by the king to discharge the duties of governor during Governor Wright's absence. His title was Presi- dent. He was one of the people aud sympathized with them, but as an officer of the Crown he Avas loyal to his trust, and felt bound by his oath to carry out the king's wishes. One of the orders of the king was that Dr. Noble W. Jones should not be chosen speaker of the Commons House of Assembly. The Assembly elected him twice, and each time Acting-Governor Habersham refused to sanction the choice. The third time. Dr. Jones declined to serve, and the Assembly elected Archibald Bulloch. All this was put in the journal of the house, and when the acting- governor directed the As- sembly to leave it out of the minutes, they refused. For this he dissolved the Assembly. Governor Wright returned to Savannah, February, 1773. He had been absent from Georgia for nineteen months. He was made a baron while in England, and treated with much JAMES HABERSHAM. 78 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. respect. His position as royal governor of Georgia at this time was a very trying one, but he acted throughout with justice and loyalty, and did his duty, as he understood it, to the king. As soon as he returned he went to Augusta and met the chiefs of several tribes of Indians. He obtained from them the territory of the present counties of Wilkes, Taliaferro, Greene, Elbert, Oglethorpe, Lincoln — about 2,100,000 acres in all. This was in payment of a debt of 1200,000 which the Indians owed the traders. In this way, by frequent treaties the lands were being gained from the Indians and opened for the whites to settle upon. No lands were taken by force, however ; the land was always bought and payment was made as promised. The British Parliament repealed the tax on all articles except tea. They kept a tax on this in order to show their right to tax the colonies. But the American people resolved not to use tea. The tea ships were sent back from New York and Philadelphia. In Charleston the tea was landed, but was allowed to rot in damp cellars. At Boston a company of men dressed like Indians went on board the tea shij^s and threw the chests into the sea. The British Parliament then passed the Boston Port Bill, March, 1774. This act was designed to close the port of Boston, thus keeping any ships from coming in or going out. The charter of Massachusetts was taken away, and a law was made requir- ing persons charged with committing crimes in America to be carried to England for trial. These measures made the people more and more discontented. Those who sided with the colonies and were in favor of liberty were called " Whigs,'* while those who favored the king were called " Tories." " Tory " soon became a term of bitter reproach. August 10, 1774, a band of patriots met in Savannah, passed resolutions of sympathy for the people of Boston, and declared the acts of the mother country unjust. These reso- First acts of b.esistange. 79 lutions declare that the Americans deserved the same rights as subjects living in Great Britain ; that they had a right to petition the throne for a redress of their wrongs ; that the closing of the port of Boston was an act of tyranny ; that the withdrawal of the charter of Massachusetts was an invasion of American rights ; that Parliament had no right to tax the colonies without their consent ; that it was unjust to transport criminals to England for trial ; and that Georgia would unite 'jwith the other colonies to resist these measures of oppression /by the British Government. A subscription was started for the Boston sufferers, and six hundred barrels of rice were given and sent to that place. Among the patriots at this meeting was Jonathan Bryan, again a member of the King's Council in Georgia. When Governor Wright called his Coun- cil together, a motion was made "to expel Mr. Bryan" from his seat in the Council. " I will save you the trouble," said Bryan, and at once handed his resignation to the governor and walked out. In order that Georgia should not fall behind other provinces in resenting the action of Parliament, it was decided to hold a Provincial Congress in Savannah, in January, 1 775, composed of delegates from all the parishes of Georgia. Governor Wright did all he could to prevent this meeting and thwart its designs. When the congress met, only five out of the twelve parishes were represented. One of the objects of the meeting was to elect delegates to a general Continental Congress of representa- tives from all the provinces, to meet in Philadelphia in May. The Georgia Provincial Congress elected three delegates, Noble W. Jones, Archibald Bulloch, and John Houstoun. These delegates did not attend the Continental Congress, however, because they were not appointed by a majority of the j)arishes, and hence there might be a question as to their right to repre- sent the sentiment of the province. They wrote a letter to the Continental Congress, in which they said : '' There are still men in Georgia who, when an occasion shall require, will be 80 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. ready to evince a steady, religious, and manly attachment to the liberties of America/' The parish of St. John was represented in the Provincial Congress, but was not satisfied with the action of that body. Its representatives desired the Province of Georgia to .take as bold and active a stand for liberty as any province in Amer- ica. The parish was a wealthy and influential one, and re- solved to send its own delegates to the Continental Congress. Dr. Lyman Hall was chosen, and took his seat in the Conti- nental Congress " as a delegate from the parish of St. John in the colony of Georgia, subject to such regulations as the Con- gress should determine relative to voting.'' For the patriotic and independent spirit of its people and this prompt and courageous movement, the legislature in after years' conferred the name of Liberty County on the consolidated parishes of St. John, St. Andrew, and St. James. Governor Wright said that the head of the rebellion was in St. John's Parish. The sentiment of the people of Georgia was divided. There were those who were anxious to act at once, throw off the yoke of Great Britain, and proclaim the liberty of the American colonies. There were others who were conservative in their views, and who hesitated to involve the province of Georgia in war. They still loved the mother country and believed that the disputes between the Parliament and the colonies would be settled in a friendly manner. This feeling was rather credit- able to Georgia than otherwise, for, of all of the colonies, she had least cause to complain and take up arms against the mother country. The British General Gage was sent to Boston with a fleet and army to subdue the American colonies. By April, 1775, three thousand British troops had collected in Boston. Soon after, the battle of Lexington occurred, in which the British were defeated. To learn how these regular British soldiers were routed by the American farmers with their shot-guns Powder Magazine seized. 8i and old rifles, you will have to read the history of the United estates, where not only this but all the other battles of the Rev- olutionary war are described. The tidings of the battle of Lex- ington removed all hesitation, and, excepting a few members of the King's Council, united all the people of Georgia in the determination to resist the British rule. Georgia cast in her iot with her sister colonies. News of these events made great excitement in Savannah. On the night of May 11, 1775, a party of six men, led by Joseph Habersham, broke open the door of the powder magazine and took out all the ammunition. A part was sent to South Carolina, and the rest concealed in the cellars and garrets of the people's houses. Finally, some of it was sent to Boston, and was said to have been used at the battle of Bunker Hill. The king's birthday was to be celebrated June 5, 1775. On the night of the 2d, a party collected together, spiked the battery guns, and threw them oif the bluff into the river. The royalists hoisted them up again, drilled new holes, and went through the ceremony, hooted and jeered at by the people. A liberty pole was afterward put up by the colonists, and a flag placed at the top. About five hundred people paraded through the town with noise and defiance. June 22d, a " Council of Safety," of fourteen members, was elected by the people of Savannah. They had the entire con- trol of the affairs of the parish. William Ewen was chosen president. When they began the discharge of their duties they were, of course, opposed by the royalists, who followed Governor Wright and his orders. A young man named Hop- kins made sport of their meeting. For this he was taken out to the public square, tarred and feathered, and paraded through the town amid the jeers of the people. He was carried to the liberty pole, and was threatened with hanging unless he drank a toast to the success of the American arms, which he hastened to do. He was then set free. The population of Georgia at this time was 17,000 whites 6 83 HiSTliuY OF GEORGIA. and 15,000 blacks. The militia numbered 3,000 men. There were 40,000 Indians living in the interior to the west and south of the Georgia colony, with 10,000 warriors. It was fortunate that their friendship and peace were secured during the trying times of the War of the Revolution, which was fast approaching. [In a report of the condition of Georgia in 1773, by Governor Wright, we are told that the territory of Georgia at this time embraced 6,095,439 acres. About 120,000 acres were improved and cultivated by 1,400 plantations. "The trade of the province is principally with Great Britain, from whence we are supplied with linens and woollens of all sorts ; ironware of all sorts ; hats, shoes, stockings, and all sorts of apparel ; tea, paper, paints, and a great variety of other articles. To Great Britain we export deer-skins, rice, indigo, naval stores, and sundry other articles. We are supplied with rum and sugar from the West In- dies ; and also with rum, flour, and biscuit and other provisions from the northern colonies. To the West Indies we send rice, corn, peas, lum- ber, shingles, cattle, horses and live-stock ; also barrelled beef and pork."] ("Among the many traders interested in the cession of lands in 1773 was George Galphin, one of the influential and enterprising citizens of the early history of Georgia. His home and depot of supplies was at Silver Bluff, on the Savannah River, a few miles below Augusta, on the Carolina side. His friendship and business relations, however, were nearly all with Georgians and Georgia Indians. His trade extended to Charleston, Savannah, St. Augustine, Pensaeola, and Mobile. The claim of George Galphin for debts due him by the Indians was not paid by Governor Wright, because Galphin sympathized with the colonists. War came on, the claim was transferred to the United States, and it was not until 1848 that the "Galphin Claim " was settled by the General Government, and paid to the heirs of the Indian trader of Silver Bluff.] [William Ewen was a native of England, and came to Georgia in 1734 as an apprentice to the Trustees. His habits were correct, and his indus- try made him popular. He took an active interest in the complaints against the treatment of Georgia by the Trustees, and was brought into frequent collision with the president of the colony. When the struggle Questions and topics. 83 for liberty began, he was among the first to take up arms in defence of the rights of the colony. In January, 1775, he was appointed member of the Council of Safety, and shortly afterward became president of that body. He lived to see Georgia an independent State, his country free from the yoke of Great Britain.] QUESTIONS. Who acted as governor during Governor Wright's absence ? When did Governor Wright return to Georgia ? What can you say of him at this time ? What treaty was made at Augusta? What territory was gained by the treaty ? What was the Boston Port Bill ? What other measures made the colonists discontented ? What resolutions of resistance were passed by the patriots of Savannali ? How did they show their sympathy with the people of Boston ? What can you say of Jonathan Biyan ? What can you say of " Liberty Boys," " Whigs," " Tories " ? What mes- sage did the delegates from the Provincial Congress send to the general or Continental Congress ? What about General Gage and the battle of Lexington ? What did Joseph Habersham and his party do ? How was the king's birthday celebrated ? What was the Council of Safety ? Who was president ? What can you tell of Hopkins ? Wliat was the popula- tion of Georgia at this time ? What can you say of the Indians ? TOPICS. Tell about — 1. Habersham's administration. 5. Resolutions at Savannah. 2. Governor Wright's return. 6. Magazine broken open. 3. England's further acts. 7. Disturbance on king's birthday. 4. How the colonists resisted. 8. '■ Council of Safety." CHAPTER XV. THE PEOPLE OVERTHKOW THE GOVERNMENT OF THE KING. "Believe us, great Sir, America is not divided ; all men (Crown officers not excepted) Bpeak of these acts and measures with disapprobation, and if there has been some differ- ence of opinion as to the mode of relief, the rigorous experiments which your Ministry thought tit to try on the Americans have been the most effectual means to convince these of the iniquitous designs of your Ministry and to unite them all as in a common cause." — Provincial Congress''s Address to the King. Governor Wright was alarmed at the way things looked in Georgia. He wrote a letter to the British general. Gage, asking for help. This letter was opened in South Carolina, the papers taken out, and another letter placed in the envel- ope, stating that Georgia was quiet and needed no help. Thus the royal government in Georgia had no aid from the British troops. The reason was not found out until years after, when Governor Wright, meeting General Gage in London, asked him why he had not sent soldiers to his relief. Governor AVright had good reason to be alarmed. Meetings were being held all over the province and delegates elected to another Provincial Congress, which a Council of Safety had called to meet at Savannah on the 4th of July, 1775. On that day every parish was represented and by its leading men. They came by authority of the people and in defiance of the authority of the king. Colonel C. C. Jones calls this congress *' Georgia's first secession convention." The delegates met in ARCHIBALD BULLOCH. The Council of safety. 85 the long room at Toudee's Tavern, and organized by electing Archibald Bulloch ])resident of the congress, and George Wal- ton secretary. Two days later resolutions were unanimously adopted, endorsing all that the Continental Congress had done, adopting the Bill of Rights published by that congress, forbid- ding all trade with England or with any province that did not agree to these resolutions, and binding themselves and their jeonstituents, " by the ties of virtue, honor, and love of our country, to adhere to this association," until the objectionable acts of Parliament were repealed. A Council of Safety for the province was created, with power to act for the people when the Provincial Congress was not in session, and five delegates were elected to attend the Continental Congress then in session in Philadelphia. An address to the people of the province was prepared, setting forth what had been done in their name ; also an address to the governor ; and, as a last resort, a petition to the king, urging him to listen to the appeals of America. While the Provincial Congress was in session, news came that a British ship would arrive shortly with fourteen thousand pounds of powder. The people made up their minds to capture this prize if they could. Commodore Bowen and Major Joseph Habersham, with a number of volunteers, went quietly down the river on a schooner armed and commissioned by the Pro- vincial Congress. They boarded the ship as soon as it appeared off Tybee Island, and captured it. This was the first naval capture of the Revolution, and their schooner was the first war vessel commissioned by an American congress. Nine thousand pounds of powder were kept by Georgia, and five thousand sent to General George Washington, to help him to drive the British from Boston. Royal power was now at an end in Georgia. The militia companies met and expelled all royalists from their ranks. The Council of Safety elected by the Provincial Congress took charge of the affairs of the province. A battalion of JOSEPH HABEKSHAM. 86 History of Georgia. soldiers was raised for defence agaiust the British vessels and troops. The Council of Safety ordered the arrest of Governor Wright and his assistants in January, 1776. Major Joseph Habersham undertook to do this aided by a few friends only. He went to the house of the governor, and, boldly entering, passed by the sentinel and found the governor surrounded by his council. Walking up to the governor, he put his hand on his shoulder and said : " Sir James, you are my prisoner." Thinking his captor was well supported, the governor surrendered, and the mem- bers of his council fled. A guard was \ placed over the house, but the governor escaped after three weeks, by stepping out of the back part of his house at night ; and before his absence was discovered he was safe on board a British ship that was lying at the mouth of the river. Another Provincial Congress met in Savannah on the 22d of January, 1776, and Archibald Bulloch was elected president. Five delegates were elected to represent Georgia in the next Continental Congress at Philadelphia, and a com- mittee was appointed to buy arms and ammunition for the province. To pay for these, bills of credit were issued, and it was made a penal offence in Georgia to refuse to receive them or to depreciate their value. The most important work of this congress was the adoption of certain rules and regulations under which they organized a government. The first govern- ment organized by the people of Georgia was very simple. All the legislative power was in the hands of the Provincial Congress ; courts were organized in the name of the people for the trial of cases, and the chief executive power was vested in a president. Acting under this temporary constitution, the Congress elected Archibald Bulloch president and com- The Council of safety. 87 mander-in-chief of Georgia, John Glenn chief -Justice, Will- iam Stephens attorney-general, and James Jackson clerk of the court. Thus Arcliibald Bulloch, the distinguished patriot, who had been president of both Provincial Congresses, had the honor of being elected the first president of the first republican government organized on Georgia soil. A number of vessels loaded with rice lay at the landing oppo- site Savannah, but, under the regulations of Congress, were not permitted to sail. Fearing these vessels would slip away, Captain Kice was detailed to disable them. British ships of war lay at the mouth of the river, and one night troops from these ships seized several of the vessels lying opposite Savan- nah. Captain Eice boarded one of the vessels the next morn- ing and was captured by the British. When the people heard of this they were much excited. Colonel Mcintosh, with three hundred men and several cannon, marched down to Yamacraw V>\nR opposite the vessels and sent two officers to demand the release of Captain Rice. But these officers were also seized and held prisoners. Colonel Mcintosh, through a speaking trumpet, demanded the return of his men. This was refused, and a number of shots were exchanged, but the British re- mained in possession of the vessels. The Council of Safety ordered the vessels in the harbor to be set on fire in order to drive away the British troops. The sliip Inverness was set on fire and cut loose. It drifted against the brig Nelly, which also took fire. These two burning ships drifted among the vessels which had been seized by the British. Several of these vessels caught fire and men and officers jumped overboard, some being drowned and others captured . Two ships escaped to the mouth of the river, carrying the Georgia officers with them. The Council arrested the royal chief -justice and other royalists and held them as hostages for the return of Rice and the other officers. After a long delay the officers were exchf^nged. South Carolina sent four hundred and fifty soldiers under Colonel Bull to help Georgia during this time. HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Auaust 10, 1776, news of the Declaration of Independence reached Georgia. It had been signed at Phihidelphia, July 4th, by the dele- gates of the thirteen colonies. George Walton, Bntton Gwinnett, and Lyman Hall signed on behalf of Georgia. It took a long time for news to travel in those days. It had to be carried by men on horseback or in stages which could not go more than thirty or forty miles a day. When the news did reach Georgia it was received with great joy. A liberty flag was run np liberty pole, at the UEORUE WALTON. to the top of the base of which the read bv President crowds of people, selves hoarse with great procession the batteries and lutes, a banquet royal government muffled drum and night speeches were made and bon fires lighted in the streets. BUTTON UWINNETT. Declaration was Bulloch to great who shouted them- excitement. A paraded the streets, the ships fired sa- was given, and the Avas buried with trailing arms. At [In July, 1775, Archibald Bulloch, John Houstoun, Rev. Dr. Zubly, Dr. Lyman Hall, and Dr. Noble Wimberly Jones were elected delegates to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia. Dr. Lyman Hall and Dr. Noble Wimberly Jones were detained at home, but the other delegates took their seats on the 13th of September. Dr. Zubly had been a leader in opposition to the acts of Parliament, but his plan was for the provinces to force a repeal of these acts and a recognition of their consti- LYMAN UaLL. Questions and topics. 89 tutional rights, after which they should renew their allegiance to the king. He found, however, on reaching Philadelphia, that the delegates were determined upon establishing a republic, and that his colleagues, Messrs. Bulloch and Houstoun, were heartily supporting this plan. His heart failed him, and he wrote to Governor Wright, telling him what was pro- posed. He was suspected, watched, and one of his letters seized. When Chase of Maryland alluded to this fact. Dr. Zubly abandoned his seat and returned to Georgia. He was banished from Savannah, but returned after that city was captured by the British, and died there in 1781.] [In January, 1776, Archibald Bulloch, John Houstoun, Dr. Lyman Hall, Button Gwinnett, and George Walton were the delegates to the Conti- nental Congress. Bulloch, being President of Georgia, could not leave the State, and John Houstoun was detained at home. They thus lost the honor of being among the signers of the Declaration of Independence with the other Georgia delegates.] QUESTIONS. What of Governor Wright's letter to General Gage ? Why was Gov- ernor Wright alarmed ? What occurred on the 4th of July ? By whose authority ? Who was elected president ? How was Congress organized ? What was done ? What was the first naval capture of the Revolution ? What of the militia companies ? Describe the arrest of Governor Wright. When did the next Provincial Congress of Georgia meet ? What was done ? How did they pay for supplies ? Wiiat was the most important w^ork of the Congress ? What sort of government did they organize ? Who were the first officers of the Republic of Georgia ? What of the vessels lying opposite Savannah ? What news came in August, 1776 ? Who were the signers of the Declaration of Independence for the State of Georgia ? How was the news received ? TOPICS. Tell about — 1. Governor Wright's letter, 5. The second Provincial Congress. 2. The first Provincial Congress. 6. The Republic of Georgia 3. The first naval capture. 7. Burning the merchant vessels. 4. The arrest of Governor 8. The Declaration of Independ- Wright, ence. EPOCH IV. Georgia an Independent State, 1776-1789. CHAPTER XVI. THE CONSTITUTION OF 1777 — PERMANENT STATE ORGANIZATION. " We therefoi-o, tlie represontativcs of the people, from whom all power originates and for whose benefit all government is intended, by virtue of the power delegated to us, do ordain and declare, and it is hereby ordained and declared, that the following rules and regulations be adopted for the future government of this State." — Extract from the first Constitution of the State of Georgia. In order to under- stand tlie impor- tance of the step taken by our fore- fathers in the year 1776, a little knowl- V edge of Civil Gov- ' ' ernment is u e c e s - sary. A Colony is a body of people planted by some government on for- eign soil, with no power to govern themselves. A Prov- ince is a district in which the people have a government provided for them by the power to which FIRST GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. (Obverse.) THE CONSTITUTION OF 1777. 91 they are subject, and tliey enjoy certain rights and privileges. A State is the whole body of people united for the purpose of government, and not in any way subject to any outside power. In some cases the people are united by a written agreement called a Constitution, but in others they are united simply by mutual consent. They must own the land upon which they live, and the other nations of the world must admit their right to establish a government. England, France, and Spain are states. When Oglethorpe brought the first English settlers to this soil he established Tlie Colony of Georgia. When King George II., in the year 1754, gave these settlers an established form of government in which they had certain rights, but were still subjects of the king, the colony became TJie Prov- ince of Georgia. When the people rebelled against the au- thority of the king and arrested and imprisoned the governor who represented him, they organized a government for them- selves. The people thus united became Tlie State of Georgia. The form of government which they selected for the State made it a republic. The government first established for the new State of Georgia, April 15, 1776, was temporary, because the people were not strong enough to defend their government alone, and they waited to know that they would have the support of the other twelve States in the fight with England, which was sure to come. The Declaration of Independence assured them of this support, and as soon as the news ]'eached Georgia a convention was called to adopt a written constitution and to establish a permanent government for the young republic. This convention met at Savannah in October, 1776. The convention adopted a seal for the State, to take the place of the old provincial seal which had been used by the British governors and which was emblematic of their subjec- tion to the king. The accompanying cuts show the two sides of the seal of 1777, with the devices and mottoes. 92 HISTORY OF Georgia. The first constitution consisted of sixty-three articles, and provided for a governor, a legislature, and a judiciary. Members of the legislature were to be elected in December of each year, and to meet in January following. The first duty of the legislature was to elect a governor, who should serve for one year, whose title should be Honorable, and an executive council, consisting of two of the members of the legislature from each county that had as many as ten representatives. The remaining representatives constituted the House of As- sembly, which had the sole power of making laws. The speaker of the Assembly wore his hat when presiding. The Executive Council took the place of our Senate, but did not have the same power. Laws proposed in the House of Assembly were referred to the Executive Council, which could not make amendments, but could propose them to the Assem- bly. A committee of the Council com- ing into the House of Assembly to pro- p o s e any amend- ment had the privi- lege of sitting with their hats on. No clergyman could be a member of the legislature. Every person who failed to vote in an election, except for a good reason, could be fined five pounds. Schools were to be FntST GBEAT SEAL OF THE STATE OP GEORGIA. , i t i i • l {Reverse.) established m each county and sup- ported at the general expense of the State. Free toleration of FIRST EIGHT Counties. 93 all religions should be guaranteed, provided they did not threaten the peace and safety of the State. The twelve parishes were abolished, and the State was divided into eight counties. The names of the first eight counties are Wilkes, Eichmond, Burke, Effingham, Chatham, Glynn, Camden, and Liberty. 94 History of Georgia. The first seven of these were named for English statesmen who had been the champions of the rights of the American colonies. The last one was so named on account of the devo- tion of the citizens of St. John's parish to the cause of liberty. It will be remembered that this parish alone sent a representa- tive, Lyman Hall, to the meeting of the Continental Congress, and that two of its citizens, Lyman Hall and Button Gwinnett, had been signers of the Declaration of Independence. The convention remained in session four months. It was the 5th of February, 1777, when the first permanent constitu- tion of the State of Georgia was adopted. Archibald Bulloch was to continue as president until the legislature should elect the first governor. Before the end of February President Bulloch died, and on the 4th of March Button Gwinnett (see sketch, p. 101) was elected by the Council of Safety president and commander- in-chief, to serve until a governor could be elected under the new constitution. Gwinnett at once issued a proclamation ordering a special election for members of a legislature, which he called to meet in Savannah the first Tuesday in May. Lachlan Mcintosh had recently been made a brigadier-gen- eral and placed in command of the Georgia forces. ■ Gwinnett had also been a candidate for the position of brigadier-general. When Mcintosh was chosen Gwinnett was much disappointed. When Gwinnett became president and commander-in-chief, he resolved to ignore and humiliate his rival by heading in person an expedition against the British in Florida, who had invaded Georgia, captured Fort Mcintosh, and committed other depredations. He did not allow Mcin- tosh to accompany even his own brigade. But the expedition was badly planned, and failed in every particular. While these things were going on, the special election for members of the legislature had been held, and the first legis- lature of the State of Georgia met in Savannah on the eighth day of May, 1777. Gwinnett was a candidate for the position Death of Gwinnett. 95 of governor, but John Adam Treutlen was elected by a large majority. General Mcintosh was much gratified at the defeat of Gwinnett, and did not hesitate to say so. This provoked Gwinnett, who sent him a challenge to fight a duel. They met at sunrise within the limits of the present city of Savannah. They exchanged shots at the dis- t a n c e of twelve paces ; both were wounded in the thigh. Gwinnett died twelve days after the duel. Mcintosh recovered, and was transferred by the advice of his friends to the Continental army, in the western districts of Virginia and Pennsylvania. HOUSE WHERE THE FIRST LEGISLATURE MET. QUESTIONS. What is a colony ? A province ? A state ? When was Georgia a colony ? When a province ? When a state ? What form of govern- ment was chosen ? Why was the first government temporary ? Why was the convention called ? When did it meet ? Describe the Great Seal. How was the government divided V How was the governor to be elected ? Who constituted tlie Executive Council ? What was the House of Assembly? Mention some provisions of the constitution. Name the first eight counties. Who succeeded President Bulloch • Explain the quarrel between Gwinnett and Mcintosh. Who was the first governor of Georgia ? What was the result of Gwinnett's defeat ? TOPICS. Tell about — 1. Plow the State was established. 4. The first eight counties. 2. Provisions of the constitution. 5. The first governor. 3. The Great Seal of State. 6. The Gwinnett-Mcintosh duel. CHAPTER XVII. THE BRITISH OVEE-RUN GEORGIA. " At this period Georgia occupied a very critical situation. Of all the colonies, none was so ill prepared to dispute the claims of the mother country. On the south, she was exposed to the attacks of the British from Florida ; on the east, her coast was at the mercy of the foe ; ou the north and west, countless tribes of savages were ready to make inroads upon her population." — White's IRst. Coll. of Georgia. John" Adam Treutlen, the first governor of the State of Georgia, was at ouce inaugurated. The Council of Safety was dis- solved, and an Executive Council was elected under the constitution. During the mouths that followed, the people were busy fortifying the towns, collecting provisions, and preparing to stand the shock of war. Colonel Samuel Elbert suc- ceeded Mcintosh in command of the Georgia troops. Tories and Indians in East Florida made frequent raids into southern Georgia, murdering citizens, burn- ing houses, and stealing cattle. These marauders were under the command of the notorious Colonel McGirth. When the legislature met on January 17, 1778, John Houstoun Avas elected governor. Governor Treutlen being ineligible under the constitution for reelection. Governor Houstoun, like Gwinnett, was very anxious to drive the British from East Florida. Major-General Robert Howe, commander of the American army in the Southern States, had his headquarters at Savan- JOHN A. TREUTLEN. Tee BRITISH Over-run Georgia. 97 nah. He was won over to Governor Houstoun's plans, and organized an expedition to capture East Florida. He marched the Georgia brigade to the St. Mary's Eiver, and waited for other troops to arrive by sea. Hearing that a force of British were within fourteen miles of his camp. General Howe resolved to attack them without waiting for the other forces. The attack failed, however, and nothing came of the expedition. While these events had been happening in Georgia, the War for Independence was being fought in the North. At first the king's armies had triumphed. They captured New York City and Philadelphia, and for a while held the entire State of New Jersey, with parts of New York and Connecticut. But the tide had turned. One of the king's armies, under General Burgoyne, had surrendered at Saratoga, and France, encour- aged by this success, had recognized the States as independent, and promised to send soldiers and ships of war to assist them in resisting ' the king. Washington forced the British to abandon Philadelphia, and gradually all the lost territory was regained, so that, as the year 1778 drew to a close, nothing was left to the king except New York City and Newport. Under these circumstances, the British general. Sir Henry Clinton, determined to conquer Georgia and South Carolina. He sent Colonel Campbell from New York to Savannah with a fleet of ten vessels and thirty-five hundred men, and at the same time he ordered General Augustin Prevost (Pre-vo), com- mander of the British forces in Florida, to invade Georgia from the south. General Prevost organized two expeditions. One, under Lieutenant-Colonel Fuser, went by sea, and the other, under Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Prevost, marched overland. They were to meet at Sunbury. McGirth, with three hundred Tories and Indians, accompanied Lieutenant-Colonel Prevost. On the 19th of November the invaders entered Georgia and proceeded toward Sunbury. Colonel John Baker hastily col- lected some militia to oppose them, but was compelled to re- 7 98 History of Georgia. treat. On the 24th a fight occurred near the Midway church, in which the Georgia militia were outnumbered and driven back. General James Screven, who was severely wounded, was taken prisoner by the Bi'itish, and was killed by them after he had surrendered. Finding that Colonel Fuser had not reached Sunbury, Colonel Prevost burned the Midway church and returned to Florida, plundering and burning all the dwelling-houses within reach. Colonel Fuser, having been delayed by head winds, reached Sunbury late in November, and summoned Colonel John Mcintosh, in command of Fort Morris, to surrender. To this summons Colonel Mcintosh made the bold reply : " Come and take it." Fuser, hearing of Pre vest's return to Florida, raised the siege and retired to Frederica. The legislature of Georgia presented to Colonel Mcintosh a sword, with the words " Come and take it " engraved upon it. On the 27th of December, 1778, the fleet from New York under Colonel Campbell entered the Savannah Eiver and anchored below the city. The news was brought to General Howe, and he at once set to Avork to defend Savannah. The British landed a few miles south of Savannah, where they waited to learn Howe's position and strength. The Americans had chosen a strong position between a wooded swamp and the Savannah River. Their front was protected by a stream, the bridge over which had been burned, and by a ditch filled with water from the marsh. Here they awaited the attack confidently, although they had less than seven hun- dred men to oppose nearly three thousand British regulars. The British commander thought the American position was too strong to be attacked in front, and he determined to find a way through the swamp by which he could pass around their lines and attack them in the rear. By chance, he met an old negro man who knew the roads and jiointed out a j)ath lead- ing through the swamp directly to the rear of General Howe's army. This path had been left unguarded. Colonel Camp- TEE BRITISH OVER-RUN GEORGIA. 99 bell posted his artillery and drew up part of his force in line of battle before the American lines, as if about to make an attack, but secretly sent his light infantry through the swamp by the path, with the old negro as a guide. While the Americans were engaged with the enemy in front, the regiments that had been sent through the swamp sud- denly appeared on their flank and in the rear. At the same moment the British artillery opened fire and a charge was ordered all along the line. Surrounded and outnumbered,, the Americans fought gallantly, but resistance was in vain,' and they were driven from the field. The British pursued them into Savannah. Some were taken prisoners, some were wounded, and many were run through with the bayonet in the streets of Savan- nah by the British soldiers. General Howe, with the rem- nant of his army, re- treated up the Savan- nah Eiver, and two days later crossed ' into South Carolina, where he was relieved of his command, being superseded by General Benjamin Lincoln. Savannah fell into the hands of the British, who plundered the houses of the patriots. Many of the leading citizens, including the aged Jonathan Bryan, were arrested and con- fined on prison ships. Colonel Campbell pressed on to Eben- ezer, which he captured, and this place became a British out- SALZBURGER CHURCH. 100 History of Georgia. post for the rest of the war. The fine brick church of the Salzburgers, built in 1767, was used by the British troopers, first as a hospital, and then as a stable for their horses. This church is standing to-day. General Augustin Prevost, marching overland from Florida with several thousand soldiers, reached Sunbury on the 9th of January, and captured Fort Morris, with its garrison of two hundred and twelve officers and men and all the stores of war. He then proceeded to Savannah, where he took command of the British forces in Georgia. Colonel Campbell, with a thousand men, was sent out from Savannah to capture Augusta, the only post in Georgia held by the Americans. Colonels Brown and McGirth commanded the advanced guard, and were defeated in Burke County by a band of Georgians under Colonels John Twiggs and Benjamin and William Few. Two days later they were again defeated, but Colonel Campbell coming to their assistance, the Georgians were forced to retreat, and Augusta was captured without a struggle. Colonel Brown, notorious for his cruelty, was left in command, and Colonel Campbell marched into Wilkes County. Many families fled to South Carolina. Georgia was thus completely occupied by the armies of the king. Parties of royalists and Tories went through the country, burning houses, stealing property, and terrifying the people. A noted Tory named Boyd led a large band of these plun- derers into Wilkes County. Colonel Pickens, of South Caro- lina, and Colonel John Dooly, of Georgia, with a small force, had crossed the Savannah Eiver and had defeated the British forces at Carres Fort, which they were besieging. They abandoned the siege and started in pursuit of Boyd, and were reenforced by one hundred dragoons under Colonel Clark. On the night of tbe 13th of February they camped at Clark's Creek, and early the next morning they surprised Boyd in his camp at Kettle Creek, where his men had turned out their horses and were preparing breakfast. A bloody fight fol- The British Over-run Georgia. loi lowed, in which Boyd was killed and his band captured or scattered. The Americans captured six hundred horses and a large quantity of arms and clothing. This victory at this time gave renewed courage to the patriots of Georgia, and is known as the battle of Kettle Creek. Instances of adventure and hair-breadth escapes were fre- quent at this time. Desiring to know more about the defences of Augusta, Colonel Samuel Elbert sent a young lieutenant, named Hawkins, to get the information. Near an outpost Hawkins came suddenly upon three Tories. To avoid them was impossible, so he advanced and boldly inquired : " Who are you and where are you going ? " They replied that they were on their way to join the British commander McGirth. Hawkins had on a British uniform, and so he said: "I am McGirth ; but I take you to be rebels, and shall turn you over to my camp, near by." They j^rotested their innocence, and upon the order of Hawkins placed their guns on the ground. No sooner had they done this than he levelled two pistols at them and shouted : " Hold up your hands ! " They were greatly astonished, but obeyed the order, and were marched in front of Hawkins back to the American camp. [Button Gwinnett was born in England, and came to Georgia in 1772. In 177G he represented Georgia in. the Continental Congress, and his name is afftxed to the Declaration of Independence. He was a member of the convention of 1777 to frame a constitution for Georgia. On the death of Archibald Bulloch he became President of Georgia.] [Of the birth and education of John Adam Treutlen but little is known. He was a member of the Provincial Congress of 1775, from the parish of St. Andrew. Having been driven out of Georgia by British and Tories, he moved to South Carolina, where he established himself, with his family, in a block-house. Here he met a most tragic death. Attacked by British and Tories, who deceived him by declaring that all they wanted was food, he unbarred his doors, when he was immediately taken out and " drawn and quartered " in the presence of his family. His grave is unmarked, and Georgia so far has failed to respect his memory by naming any county in his honor.] 102 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. [John Houstoun was among the earliest and most zealous patriots in the colony. He was appointed in 1775 to represent Georgia in the Continental Congress, and also in 1776. His name would have been signed to the Declaration of Independence, but he returned to counter- act the evil influence of Dr. Zubly, who was opposed to the measure. In 1777 he was elected a member of the Executive Council, and, in 1778, became Governor of Georgia. He died at White Bluff, near Savan- nah, July 30, 1796.] QUESTIONS What occurred during the administration of Governor Treutlen ? Who succeeded him as governor ? What expedition did he plan ? Who commanded it ? The result ? What war was going on in the North ? Give some of the events that had occui-red. What did General Clinton now propose ? What two expeditions did General Prevost organize ? Who opposed the invaders ? With what success ? What of General Mcintosh's defence of Fort Morris ? What fleet appeared before Savannah ? Describe the attack on the city. Why were the enemy successful ? How did the British treat the inhabitants of Savan nah ? What place was Colonel Campbell sent to capture ? How much of Georgia was held by the British at this time ? Describe the battle of Kettle Creek. What of Hawkins's adventux-e ? TOPICS. Tell about — 1. Governor Treutlen's adminis- 5. General Prevost's expedi- tration. tion. 2. Governor Houstoun's adminis- 6. Capture of Augusta. tration. 7. Battle of Kettle Creek. 3. Expeditions against Savannah. 8. Lieutenant Hawkins's adven- 4. Capture of Savannah. ture. CHAPTER XVIII. THE PROGRESS OF THE WAR IN GEORGIA. " Governor Wriglit, at Savannah, supported by the king's army, was striving to re-create the royal government ; while at Augusta the members of the Supreme Executive Council, invested with unlimited powers, yet sadly deficient in all material appliances, were endeavoring to perpetuate the sovereignty of a republican State, just born into the sister- hood of nations, and to arm, feed, and clothe a patriot band, few in numbers yet bravo of heart, fighting for home and property and liberty." — Charles C. Jones, Jr. During the months of January and February, 1779, while the British were in possession of Georgia, the southern divi- sion of the Continental army rested quietly at Purysburg on the Savannah River, in South Carolina, about forty miles above Savannah. At this point General Lincoln could protect the Carolinas from invasion while he was drilling and equip- ping the raw recruits sent in from the Carolinas. By the end of February he had collected about five thousand men in his camp, and he had at his command three or four thousand more at different points in South Carolina along the Savan- nah River. Colonel Campbell, in command of the British forces at Augusta, became very much alarmed at the situation. The defeat of Boyd at Kettle Creek had broken up the Tories, and Colonels Clark, Pickens, and Dooly were moving against Augusta from the north. A few thousand men thrown across the Savannah River would completely cut him off from the main body of the British army. In the latter part of Feb- ruary he hurriedly abandoned Augusta, not even taking time to destroy the military stores which he could not carry with him, and took a position at Hudson's Ferry, on the Savannah River, thirteen miles below the mouth of Brier Creek. Although his army was badly armed and badly equipped. 104 History of Georgia. General Lincoln felt that he was strong enough to make an effort to drive the British from Georgia, and on the 1st of March sent General Ashe, with twenty-three hundred men, across the Savannah Eiver, to occupy a strong position and hold it until the entire American army could be concentrated there. General Ashe chose a position which he regarded as particularly strong, on the north side of Brier Creek. Feeling very confident of the strength of his position, he sent out various scouting parties, retaining only about eight hundred men in camp. Part of these were militia, armed with shot- guns and rifles. Colonel Campbell, hearing of General Lincoln's plans, de- termined to prevent the concentration by attacking and defeat- ing General Ashe before the other generals could join him. The British commander, with nine hundred regulars, crossed Brier Creek some distance above General Ashe's position, and was not discovered until he arrived within a mile of the American camp. The long roll was sounded and the line of battle was hastily formed, but the poorly armed and raw recruits were no match for the British regulars. The Ameri- can centre and right wing gave way at the first attack, and the men took refuge in the swamps of the Savannah Eiver. Some swam to the South Carolina shore, but many were drowned in the attempt. The left wing, consisting of one hundred and fifty Georgia militia and sixty Continentals, under General Samuel Elbert and Colonel John Mcintosh, made a gallant fight. Notwithstanding the overwhelming force against them, General Elbert continued the conflict until nearly every man in his command was either killed, wounded, or captured. He himself was taken prisoner. General Ashe escaped with such of his command as could follow him through the swamps, leaving three hundred and forty men dead or prisoners, and nearly all his arms and camp equipments in the hands of the British. The large number of slain was due to the order of a British officer who cried out The Progress of the War in Georgia. io5 to his men : " Every man of you that takes a prisoner shall lose his ration of rum." The enemy lost only sixteen men. This disaster was keenly felt by General Lincoln, who was compelled to abandon his campaign for the relief of Georgia. In April following, General Lincoln decided to occupy Augusta in order to prevent supplies being sent in to the British army at Savannah ; and leaving General Moultrie at Purysburg with twelve hundred men to protect Carolina, he set out for Augusta with about two thousand men. As soon as General Prevost heard of this he put his army in motion, crossed the river at Purys- burg , and marched toward Charleston. General Lincoln hastened to protect Charles- ton, and General Prevost re- treated to Savannah. A month later. General Lachlan Mcintosh, who had distin- guished himself under General Washington, was sent back to Georgia to take command of the forces in the State. He was second to General Lincoln, who remained in South Carolina with the main body of the army. When Savannah fell Governor Houstoun and the Council withdrew to Augusta and summoned the General Assembly to meet them in January to elect a Governor. But ten days later Colonel Campbell's troops occupied Augusta, and the State officers sought refuge in the Carolinas. Consequently there was no meeting of the Assembly. The State was with- out a regular governor and council. After Augusta was abandoned by the British, the legislature met there, but did not have a quorum. The few members present elected a new GENEKAL LACHLAN McINTOSH. 106 History of Georgia. executive council. John Wereat was elected President of the Council and acted as Governor. France had sent a great fleet under Count d'Estaing to assist the States in their struggle for independence. This fleet re- mained for a while at Sandy Hook, intercepting British ships, and sailed to the West Indies to protect French interests. In August, 1779, General Lincoln, with the assistance of the French minister and Governor Eutledge of South Carolina, persuaded Count d'Estaing to bring his fleet to assist in recap- turing Savannah. The French fleet consisted of twenty-two ships of the line, ten frigates, and one cutter. They reached the coast of Georgia the 1st of September. General Prevost, in Savannah, hearing that the French fleet had come, sent orders for all outposts to fall back into the city, and for all boats to retire up the river. He began to fortify the city thoroughly, working the soldiers, sailors, and a large body of negroes night and day. The cannon were taken from the ships of war and mounted around the city, and a messenger was sent to Colonel Maitland at Port Royal to come at once to Savannah. Among the outposts ordered iuto Savannah by Prevost was a large body of British under Captain French at Sunbury. They tried to bring five vessels, manned by forty sailors and a body of over a hundred soldiers, up by the coast inlets and canals to Savannah before the Americans could cut them off. But head winds delayed them, and they landed about fifteen miles from Savannah, hoping to march up into the city with- out being found out. The Americans heard of their presence, and Colonel John White, of the Georgia line, resolved to cap- ture them if he could. When he told how he intended to do it, the officers laughed at him. He took only six men to help him, and quietly went by night to the neighborhood of the British camp. Here he and his companions built a number of camp fires such as would be used by a large force of men. They moved around the fires, showing themselves as much as The Progress of tee War in Georgia, lo? possible. Mounting horses, they galloped np and down the line of the camp fires, issuing orders in loud tones, as if command- ing several hundred men. They appeared first at one end of the camp and then at the other in rapid succession. These movements deceived the British completely, who thought themselves surrounded by a large body of Americans. At last Colonel White dashed into the British camp and rode up to the officer in command. " Surrender at once, sir," said he. " I am in command of the American soldiers you see yonder. They are restless for the attack, and I cannot restrain them any longer. If they fall upon your men they will cut your whole force to pieces." At this time a man dashed up on horseback and demanded of Colonel White, ** Where shall I place the artillery, sir ?" "Keep them back, sir, keep them back. The British will surrender," replied White in excited tones. " Go and send me six guides to Sunbury." The British officer thanked Colonel White for restraining his men, and readily surrendered. The six guides arrived and took charge of the prisoners, nearly one hundred and fifty in all. Colonel White went back, as he said, to hold his cavalry in check and prevent them rushing on the prison- ers. The five vessels were burned, the guns and ammunition stored in a hiding-place, and the prisoners brought safely to the American lines at Sunbury. D'Estaing moved up the river, capturing several vessels near Tybee. September 12th, he sailed up Yernon River and landed his troops at Beaulieu, the old home of President Wil- liam Stephens. He then marched toward. Savannah, and camped three miles from the city. [John Wereat was an early and decided advocate of American lib- erty. He was a member of the first Provincial Congress in 1775, a speaker of the Provincial Congress of 1776. In 1782 the people west of Augusta suffered a great deal from lack of food. Wereat employed his negroes and boats for a considerable time in carrying rice to relieve their wants. He died in Bryan County in 1798.] 108 History of Georgia. [Lachlan Mcintosh was born in Scotland, 1735. His father had come to Georgia in 1786 with a company of Highlanders, and settled at Darien. Lachlan studied mathematics under Oglethorpe himself. He became a distinguished soldier, of whom Washington said: " I esteem him an offi- cer of great merit and worth." He died in Savannah in 1806.] QUESTIONS. What of General Lincoln ? Why was Augusta abandoned by the British? What were General Lincoln's plans? What of General Ashe? What did Colonel Campbell do? Describe the battle of Brier Creek. Why did General Lincoln abandon Georgia? What general took command in Georgia? What had become of the State officers? What of the French fleet? What did General Prevost do ? Describe Col. John White's cap- ture. What did D'Estaing do? TOPICS. Tell about— 1. Augusta's being abandoned. 4. 'The State government. 2. General Lincoln's plans. 5. The French fleet. 3. The battle of Brier Creek. 6. Colonel White's exploit. CHAPTER XIX. THE ATTACK UPON SAVANNAH. " While I regret the misfortune, I feel very sensible pleasure in contemplating the gal- lant behavior of the officers and men of the French and American army ; and it adds not a little to my consolation to learn that instead of the mutual reproaches which too often follow the failure of enterprises depending upon the cooperation of troops of different nations, their confidence in and esteem for each other are increased." — George Washing- ton to General Lincoln. COUNT C. PirLASKI. On the 15th of September, 1779, Count d'Estaing sent a letter to Gen- eral Prevost, demanding the " surren- der of Savannah to the arms of the King of France." The British defences were still incomplete ; the cannon were not mounted, and it would have been impossible for them to offer a successful resistance if an assault had been made. General Prevost needed time to com- plete these defences, and so he j^roposed a truce for twenty-four hours, and promised to give his answer at the end of that time. Count d'Estaing consented, and most unfortunately for the American cause. During the night the fortifications were finished, and the British garrison was reenforced by the arrival of eight hun- dred soldiers under Colonel Maitland from Port Royal. At the end of the twenty-four hours General Prevost replied that he would hold the city until driven out of it. On the 16th the American army under General Lincoln marched down from Ebenezer and took a position on the north side of the city. The American cavalry were west of the city. 110 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. and tlie French forces were camped south and southwest. Now a regular siege was begun. Short sallies, skirmishes, and firing of cannon occurred almost daily. The bombardment made no impression on the forts around the city, but the people of Savan- nah suffered a great deal. A letter written by an eye-witness describing the scene says : " The poor Avomen and children have suffered beyond description. A number of them in Savannah have already been put to death by our bombs and cannon. A deserter has this moment come out, who gives an account that many of them were killed in their beds, and, amongst others, a poor woman with an infant in her arms was destroyed by a cannon-ball. They have all got into cellars, but even those do not escape the fury of our bombs." When the siege had continued about three weeks. Count d'Estaing grew impatient. Many of his soldiers and sailors were sick, and the coming of autumn with its storms threat- ened his fleet. He therefore resolved to storm the works and capture the city, and General Lincoln unfortunately gave his consent. At three o'clock on the morning of October 9th, twenty-five hundred men were set in motion for the enemy's works. The assault was to have been made before the day dawned, but the troops were delayed by the darkness, and it was daylight when they reached the edge of the woods before the enemy's lines. The battle was begun by an attack on the left, intended to draw the attention of the British from the right, the real point to be attacked; but the British were not deceived by this, as a deserter had informed them of the plans, and they had posted their best soldiers where the assault was to be made. As soon as the cannon began firing on the left, the French troops moved forward. Count d'Es- taing was at the head of the column, and led his soldiers up the breastworks to the very mouth of the cannon. His troops fell tliickly about him, and he was wounded in the shoulder. The bravest men could not stand the deadly fire, and the col- umn was driven back. Count d'Estaing rallied his troops, THE ATTACK UPON SAVANNAH. IH re-formed his lines, and cliarged again, only to be again driven back. In the third cliarge he was again wounded, and was borne from the field. At the same time an American column, led by Colonel Laurens, advanced toward Spring Hill redoubt, the strongest of all the forts. Tliey were received with a galling fire from the guns of the fort. Many were cut down, but their comrades pressed on. They reached the ditch and passed it. They climbed the parapet, and planted on its top the flag of South Carolina, a flag that had been presented to the regiment by Mrs. Elliott, of Charleston. A storm of shot drove back the brave men, and cut down the staff of the flag. Sergeant William Jasper saw that it would fall into the hands of the British, and leaped again on the wall, seized the fallen flag, and carried it back to the regiment. At that moment he re- ceived a mortal wound. He was borne from the field, and on his death-bed said, " I have got my furlough ; " and, pointing to his sword, continued : " That sword was j^resented to me by General Eutledge for my services in defence of Fort Moul- trie. Give it to my father, and tell him that I have worn it with honor. If he should Aveep, say to him his son died in the hope of a better life. Tell Mrs. Elliott that I lost my life sup- porting the colors which she presented to our regiment." Between the French and American armies. Count Pulaski, mounted on a beautiful black horse, rode at the head of the cavalry. The plan was for him to hold his command in reserve until the works were carried by one of the assaulting columns. In the midst of the conflict, Pulaski thought he saw an opening in the enemy's works, and resolved to charge through with his legion and a detachment of Georgia cavalry. Eiding in advance, Pulaski shouted to his men to follow, and they rode at full speed after him. As they reached the gap between two batteries, a cross-flre poured a shower of shot into their ranks. Pulaski fell, wounded in the breast and in the thio-h. In the retreat he was left where he 113 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. fell, but Captain Thomas Glascock, a young Georgian of Pulaski's legion, returned with a few men through a storm of shot and shell and rescued his wounded leader. Pulaski was placed on an American vessel, and was attended by the French surgeons, but he died a few days later on the way to Charleston, and his body was dropped into the ocean. The repulse was complete. The French and American soldiers had done all that brave men could. The British forts could not be carried, and a thousand dead and wounded lay upon the field of battle. Two of the heroes of the Eevolution, Count Pulaski and Sergeant Jasper, had sacrificed their lives for the liberty of Geoi'gia. In after years the legisla- ture named a county in honor of each, and the people of Savannah have erected in their public squai'es monuments to the men who gave their lives to redeem that city. The next day a truce was agreed upon, and the dead were buried. Count d'Estaing took his broken army on board his ships and sailed away. General Lincoln retreated to Eben- ezer, and thence to Charleston. For the time, Georgia was again completely in the hands of the British. [About this time there lived in Libei'ty County a famous partisan by the name of Robert Sallette, of whose exploits the following accounts have been written : " He appears to have been a sort of roving character, doing things in his own way. The Tories stood very much in dread of him, and well they might, for never had they a more formidable foe. On one occasion a Toiy who possessed considerable property offered a reward of one hundred guineas to any person who would bring hira Sallette's head. This was made known to our hero, who provided him- self with a bag, in which he placed a pumpkin, and proceeded to the house of the Tory, and told him that, having understood he had offered one hundred guineas for Sallette's head, he had it with him, and that he GENERAL THOMAS GLASCOCK. The attack upon Savannah. 113 was ready to deliver it provided the money was first counted out for him. The Tory, believing that the bag contained Sallette's head, laid down the money, npon which Sallette pulled off his hat, and placing his hand upon his head, said : ' Here is Sallette's head.' This answer so frightened the Tory that he immediately took to his heels, but a well-directed shot from Sallette brought him to the ground."] [Thomas Glascock, a son of William Glascock, Speaker of the House of Representatives, was born at Augusta, Ga. He served as captain in Pulaski's Legion. He subsequently became colonel in the war with the Creek Indians, and later was made brigadier- general. He was twice elected to Congress. He died at Decatur in 1841.] QUESTIONS. What letter did D'Estaing send to General Prevost ? What reply did Prevost make? Why? What occurred during the truce? What did the American and French army then do ? Describe the sufferings of the citizens during the bombardment. What did D'Estaing resolve to do, and why ? Describe the first attack. Tell of D'Estaing's bravery, and how he was wounded. What of the American column ? What of Sergeant Jasper? Tell how he was wounded. What did he say on his death-bed ? Describe the conduct and death of Pulaski. What was the result of the attack on Savannah ? How are Pulaski and Jasper hon- ored? What did D'Estaing and Lincoln do? rr,. r. TOPICS. The Repulse at Savannah : 1. Summoned to surrender. 5. D'Estaing wounded. 2. Prevost's strategy. 6. Death of Jasper. 3. Bombardment. 7. Death of Pulaski. 4. The charge at daybreak. 8. The repulse. CHAPTER XX. AUGUSTA TAKEN AND RETAKEN. " The condition of the republicans in Georgia was indeed deplorable. Driven from Savannah and the seaboard, compelled to evacuate Augusta, hemmed in by hostile Indians on the frontier, and conflned mostly to a few scattered settlements in and around Wilkes County, they lived in daily peril, had almost daily skirmishes with regular Tories or Indians, were harassed with alarms, were surprised by ambuscades, were pierced with want, and had one long, bitter struggle for simple existence, with scarce a ray of hope to light up the future." — Stevens' History of Georgia. After the repulse of the Ameri- canp, Sir James Wright, who had returned in Jnly previous and re- sumed his office of governor of the province, issued a prochimation prom- ising protection to all Georgians who would submit to British rule. He called a Provincial Assembly, which \\ convened at Savannah in May fol- lowing, and passed an act declaring all officers of the State of Georgia to be traitors and all their prop- erty forfeited to the crown. At Augusta, John Wereat, president of the Council, was acting as governor. On the 4th of November, 1779, he issued a proclamation calling for the regular election, on the first Tuesday in December, of members of a General Assembly, to meet in Augusta in January following, and authorizing the citizens of the southern counties which M^ere held by the Brit- ish to cast their votes for delegates wherever it might be most convenient for them to do so. A few days after the proclama- GENERAL ELIJAH CLARKE. AUGUSTA Taken AND Retaken. 115 tion was issued, George Walton denounced as illegal the elec- tion of Wereat and the Council in August preceding. He persuaded a number of refugees from the southern counties, who had been members of the previous assemblies, to organize at Augnsta a body called a General Assembly. This assembly, although unconstitutional, elected George Walton governor. Thus, at the time of sore trial the republic was divided into factions, and for over a month had two acting governors, neither of whom was legally elected. The General Assembly elected in December, 1779, met in Augusta on the 4th of January, 1780, and elected Richard Howley governor. The diefenceless condition of Augnsta made it so unsafe that the assembly designated Heard's Fort, where Washington, in Wilkes County, now stands, as a place of meeting if it became necessary to leave Augusta. A month later Heard's Fort became the temporary caj^ital of the State of Georgia. Gov- ernor Howley left the State to take his seat in the Continental Congress, and George Wells, the president of the Council, acted as governor during his absence. Upon the death of President Wells on the 18th of February, Stephen Heard, of Wilkes County, was elected president of the Council, and acted as governor for some time. Charleston fell in May, and Augusta was at once occupied by a British force under Colonels Brown and Griersou, two Tory officers. Brown was living in Augusta when the people rebelled against the king, and had given such offence to the citizens that he had been tarred and feathered and carried through the streets in a cart by an angry mob. He made his escape from Georgia, vowing vengeance against all patriots. Being now intrusted with the command of the British forces at Augusta, he had an opportunity for revenge. He seized all the property of the republicans, and then issued an order banishing them and their families beyond the limits of Geor- gia. All who remained were compelled to take the oath of allegiance to the king, and Colonel John Dooly, one of the 116- HISTORY OF GEORGIA. leading patriots, was murdered in liis home, in the presence of his wife and children. The patriots of Georgia and Carolina had not entirely lost heart. Colonel Elijah Clarke, who had been with the Conti- nental army in North Carolina, returned home and set about collecting troops to retake Augusta. Five hundred men were gotten together, and on the 14th of September marched to Augusta. An attack was made on the Indian camja at Hawk's Gully, and Brown and Grierson, the British officers, came to their support. Being hotly pressed, the British took refnge in a strong building called Seymour's White House. This they defended. Colonel Clarke laid siege to the house for four days. Brown was wounded, and many of his men were killed. The British were on the point of starvation, and were nearly famished for water. They were about to surrender when reenforcemeuts from Ninety-Six arrived, and the Amer- icans were forced to retreat, leaving thirty wounded soldiers in the hands of the British. The cruelty of Brown w^as again shown in his treatment of these wounded prisoners. He caused thirteen of them to be hanged just outside of his sick-room, on a staircase, where he could see them swing off. The others he gave up to the Indians to be tortured to death. In May, 1781, Colonel Henry Lee, who was called ''Light- Horse Harry,'' and was the father of General Robert E. Lee, arrived near Augusta with a body of troo^^s. He came for the purpose of making another effort to take Augusta from the British. He was joined by General Pickens, of South Caro- lina, and Colonel Elijah Clarke, with a body of Georgia troops. Clarke had found out that a large supply of Indian presents and firearms were placed in Fort Galpliin, at Silver Bluff, on Beech Island, twelve miles below Augusta. He told Pickens and Lee of this, and they undertook to reduce this stockade fort before Brown could find out and defeat their intention. The attack was made with such s])irit that the fort soon gave AUGUSTA Taken AND Retaken. 117 up, with one hundred and twenty-six prisoners, besides arms, ammunition, blankets, and salt enough to supply the whole army. This fort had been named for George Galphin, an Indian trader, whose home had been upon the bluff. (See Note, Chapter XIV.) Augusta was defended by Forts Grierson and Cornwallis, the former being on the site where the upper market stood, and the latter on the site of St. Paul's Church, with a large open plain between them. The British commanders. Brown and Grierson, had taken refuge in these forts. General Pickens formed his troops between the forts, and placed his batteries to play upon both. Just before the attack Grierson aban- doned Fort Grierson, and tried to join Brown in Fort Corn- wallis. The Americans were prepared for this move, and opened a deadly fire on the retreating garrison. Very few escaped ; many were killed, and many captured. Colonel Grierson was taken prisoner, and shot by one of the Georgians on account of his cruelties to the people. The Americans surrounded Fort Cornwallis, and began their plans to reduce it. The ground was so level and open that the fort could not be carried by storm. Colonel Lee pro- posed to erect a wooden tower, to fill it with brick and dirt, to mount cannon on the top of it, and thus to command the inside of the fort. The tower was built behind an old house, but Brown discovered the work and made several bloody sallies from the fort in order to destroy it. The tower was finished, cannon were jilaced upon it, and fire was opened upon the fort. Brown saw that further resistance was use- less. He surrendered June 0, 1781, with all his arms and ammunition. The troops marched out, and were carried to Savannah. Brown was protected from the enraged people by a special escort. Augusta was again in the hands of the Americans. Major James Jackson was in command, while Pickens and Lee led their soldiers back into South Carolina. To illustrate the heroism of the women at the time, the fol- AUGUSTA Taken and retaken. 119 lowing anecdote is told of Nancy Hart, who lived on the fro7i- tier. She was tall, strong, fiery tempered, cross-eyed, and cordially hated the Tories. A j)arty of these gave her a call and ordered a breakfast. Nancy soon had the smoking viands spread before them, and with apparent hospitality urged them to eat. They stacked their arms in one corner of her cabin, and sat down to the meal with jesting and mirth. Quick as thought the dauntless woman sprang to the guns, jerked one up, cocked it, and with an oath swore she would shoot the first Tory that dared move. All were terror- stricken, for each thought from her cross-eyes that he was the one she was lookiiig at. " Go," said she to one of her chil- dren, " and tell the Whigs that I have taken six base Tories/' One of the men made a motion to advance upon her, and, true to her threat, she fired, and he fell dead upon the floor. Seizing another musket, she brought it to bear upon the others, in readiness to fire. By this time her husband and several Whigs had arrived, and, at Nancy's suggestion, wh6 swore shooting was too good for them, tiie Tories were taken out and hanged. The place where her cabin stood is pointed out to-day in Hart County, a county named in her honor by the men of Georgia. [General Elijah Clarke was born in North Carolina about 1785. He came to Georgia in 1774 and settled in Wilkes County. When the war broke out Clarke took the field, and the only regiment raised in upper Georgia was commanded by him. His famous Wilkes riflemen inspired the Whigs with hope and struck terror to the Tories and Indians. When Georgia and South Carolina were abandoned to the British, and the forces of the United States were withdrawn, Clarke alone kept the field, and his name spread terror through the whole line of British posts. Clarke was a man of fine presence, and of striking, bold, and resolute force. The State of Georgia, by act of the legislature, gave him a plan- tation in acknowledgment of his services. General Clarke died in his home in Wilkes County, December 15, 1779.] [George Walton was born in Virginia in 1740, and received no other education save that he acquired by his own efforts. He was apprenticed to 120 HISTORY OF Georgia. a carpenter, but such was his zeal for knowledge that he studied at night by a light-wood fire, his master not allowing him a candle. He moved to Georgia and began to practise law. He was elected to Congress six times, and his name is signed to the Declaration of Independence. At the capture of Savannah he was taken prisoner, but was exchanged in 1779, a few months before he was elected governor. After the war he became judge of the Superior Court, and died in Augusta in 1804.] [Richard Howley was a lawyer by profession. He represented Liberty County in the legislature, and was elected governor in January, 1780, When the State was overrun by the British, a council of officers was held near Augusta, in which they determined to retreat to North Carolina, and they narrowly escaped capture on the way. McCall says: "The value of paper money was at that time so depreciated that the governor dealt it out by the quire for a night's lodging for his party, and if the fare was anything extraordinary, the landlord received two quires."] [Stephen Heard was born in Ireland, and with his father moved to Virginia during the period of the French war. Later on, when many families were moving from Virginia, Heard came to Georgia, and settled in Wilkes County. When the war broke out he joined Elijah Clarke and his riflemen, and served nobly at Kettle Creek and other battles. Dur- ing a portion of the time when Georgia was overrun by the British he was president of the Executive Council. After the war he was one of the most influential citizens of Wilkes County.] QUESTIONS. What of Sir James Wright and the Provincial Assembly? What of 'John Wereat? How did Georgia have two acting governors? Who was elected governor in 1780? What of Heard's Foi't? Who occupied Augusta in May? Whatof Brown? Describe Clarke's attack on Augusta. How did Brown show his cruelty? What of Col. Henry Lee? What happened at Fort Galphin ? Describe the capture of Augusta. Tell the story of Nancy Hart. TOPICS. Tell about — 1. The British in Georgia. 4. Elijah Clark's attack. 2. The State government. 5. Capture of Fort Cornwallis 3. Brown in Augusta. 6. Sto'T of Nancy Hart. CHAPTER XXL GEOKGIA IS KECOGNIZED AS FREE AND INDEPENDENT. " The duty we have done in Georgia was more difficult than that imposed upon the children of Israel. They had only to make bricks without straw, but we have had pro- vision, forage, and almost every other apparatus of war to procure without money; boats, bridges, etc., to buil.d without materials except those taken from the stump; and what was more difficult than all, to make Whigs out of Tories." — Letter o/" General Watnb. The capture of Augusta restored all the northern counties to the Americans, and the Continental army in the State was strong enough to protect them from the advances of the British. The citizens who had been driven from their homes during the past two years now re- turned, and in August, 1781, the General Assembly met at Augusta and elected Dr. Nathan Brownson governor. The British still held the city of Savannah, where Governor Wright was claiming to act as governor, but Ebenezer, on the Savan- nah River, and the posts on the Great Ogeechee Ferry and at Sunbury were the only outposts held by them. The Conti- nental troops in Georgia were commanded by General Twiggs and Major James Jackson. Major Jackson attempted to take the Ogeechee post, but was forced to retreat. However, he compelled the British to abandon Ebenezer and retire to within a few miles of Savannah. ' On the 19th of October, 1781, General Cornwallis, com- eENBRAL ANTHONY WATNZ. 122 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. mander of the British forces at Yorktown, Va., surrendered his entire army to General Washington. The news of this victory filled the patriots with joy, and the Tories lost heart. It was evident to every one that the States would win their independence. The British occupied only a few places in America, and the English people were not willing to equip new troops to continue the war. In January, 1782, the Greneral Assembly met at Augusta and elected John Martin governor. Although the people were rejoicing in the certainty of victory, much distress pre- vailed in Georgia. Food was scarce and sickness was general. Prices for all the necessaries of life were very high. Salt sold at two dollars a quart, and a pair of shoes for twenty-five or thirty dollars. As the farmers had turned soldiers, or had been driven from their homes, few crops had been raised, and a famine threatened the whole country. The soldiers who were fighting the battle of liberty were only half-clothed and many of them barefooted. One hun- dred and fifty Virginia troops had marched three hundred miles barefoot over mountains and hills to join the Georgia army. AVhen they arrived they were in great distress for shoes, and other clothing, but the people of Georgia were powerless to help them. It was difficult to furnish them even with food. In January, 1782, General Anthony Wayne, known in his- tory as " Mad Anthony, '' was sent to Georgia by the Conti- nental Congress to take command of the Continental troops. He brought with him a body of dragoons and a detachment of artillery, and was joined soon after his arrival by three hun- dred mounted men from South Carolina. The presence of General Wayne's army greatly strengthened the State. Gov- ernor Martin at once issued proclamations, inviting all citi- zens who had submitted to the British rule to unite them- selves with the State of Georgia, and calling upon the soldiers to desert the king. Many former citizens who had been com- GEORGIA FREE AND INDEPENDENT. 123 pelled to accept the protection of the British government, and some who liad joined the British army, took advantage of this offer and came into General Wayne's camp. The British were very mnch alarmed when they heard of General Wayne's arrival, and prepared to defend Savannah. The garrison there amounted to only a little over a thousand men, and these were scantily supplied with food and arms. The American army hemmed them in on all sides, and cut off supplies from every direction excej^t by sea. The notorious Colonel Brown, who had collected a body of Indians near Ogeechee Ferry, was pursued by General Wayne. Wayne pushed through a thick swamp, reached the Indian camp in the dead of night, and drove Brown and his party into the woods. All the arms and horses of the party were captured, together with thirty prisoners. This was the last battle of the Revolution in Georgia. In May, 1782, orders came from the king to Governor Wright to surrender Savannah and to return to England. Governor Wright opened correspondence with General Wayne, and all the details were arranged between them. The king had sent ships to take away the British soldiers and the Tories who had taken refuge in Savannah. By the 21st of July everything was ready for the departure of the British, and the American army was drawn up in dress parade to occupy the city. Major James Jackson had been selected by General Wayne to receive the city. This honor was conferred on him because of his bravery, and the prominent part he had taken in driving the British from Georgia. Governor Wright formally delivered the keys of Savannah to Major Jackson, and he marched into the city at the head of his troops. The first capital of Georgia, which had been held by the British for three and a half years, was again in the hands of the State. Governor Martin and the other State officers came at once to Savannah. The legislature was called together and much 124 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. important business was transacted. The home of one of the royalists, which had been confiscated, was presented to Major James Jackson in recognition of his distinguished services. Two plantations were bought by the legislature, and one of these was presented to General Greene and the other to Gen- eral Wayne, both of whom became citizens of Georgia. The long war was over. Peace and liberty had come. A preliminary treaty of peace was signed at Versailles on the 30th of November, 1782, in which England recognized the independence of Georgia and the other States in America, an,d settled their boundaries. All the other states in Europe had already recognized the independence of the American States. The final treaty of peace was not signed until September 3, 1783. This treaty made the Mississippi River the western boundary of Georgia, and the thirty-first parallel of latitude the southern boundary between the Mississippi River and the Chattahoochee. The same day England signed a treaty of peace with France a id one with Spain, the two European states that had come to oUr assistance in our struggle for indepen- dence. All three treaties took effect at the same time. In the treaty with Sjjain, England ceded back to that nation East and West Florida. The northern boundary line of West Florida had originally been the thirty-first parallel of latitude ; but a few years before the Revolution, the province had been extended northward to the mouth of the Yazoo River, and a *line extending from that point east to the Chattahoochee had been made the northern boundary. The people of Georgia and the other States knew nothing of this change. But the Spanish troops under General Galvez, Governor of Louisiana, had captured the Floridas during the war and occupied the country along the Mississippi as far as the present site of Vicksburg, where they had a fort. If the student will draw this line on the map it will be seen that the territory between the mouth of the Yazoo River and the thirty-first parallel of latitude was in this way ceded to the United States as a part QUESTIONS. 135 of the State of Georgia, and also to Spain. Both Georgia and Spain claimed this territory, and a few years later a great deal of trouble grew out of the conflicting claims. The people of Georgia never admitted that the change of the northern boundary line of West Florida had been legally made. [Anthony Wayne was born in Pennsylvania in 1746. He was a farmer and land surveyor. In 1775 he entered tlie Continental army as colonel, and distinguished himself throughout the Revolutionary War. After the war he became a citizen of Georgia, and lived upon the plantation which the legislature presented to him. He was a delegate from his county to the State Convention in 1787 to frame a constitution. He was one of the representatives from Georgia in the Second Congress of the United States, serving from October, 1791, to March, 1792. Major James Jackson contested his seat, and it was declared vacant. A new election was ordered, but he refused to be a candidate, and John Milledge was elected. Shortly after, he reentered the military service of the United States, being commissioned Major-General and Commander-in- Chief of the armies sent against the Indians in the Northwest Territory. He died in December, 1796, and was buried in his native county of Chester, Pennsylvania.] [Nathan Brown son was a physician of Liberty County. He was an early supporter of the rights of his country, and was connected with the Georgia Brigade as surgeon. He was quiet and dignified, and full of good sense. He died on his farm in Liberty County, 1796.] [John Martin was an active defender of the rights and liberties of his country. He was a member of the first Provincial Congress. He entered the army as a captain, and afterwards rose to the rank of lieu- tenant-colonel. He represented Chatham County in the legislature. It was during his term of office that provisions were very scarce in Georgia. The legislature had to purchase supplies for the governor and council.] QUESTIONS. What was the result of the capture of Augusta ? When and where did the General Assembly meet ? Who was elected governor ? What places were still held by the British ? Who was acting as governor at Savannah ? What event, important to the whole country, occurred in 126 HISTORY OF' Georgia. October ? What was the general effect of this surrender ? Who was elected governor in 1782 ? What was the condition of affairs in Georgia at this time ? Why were food and clothing so scarce ? What general was now placed in command of the Continental troops in Georgia ? What forces did he bring with him? What proclamations did Governor Martin issne ? What of the capture of Colonel Brown ? What orders came from the king ? Describe the surrender of Savannah to the patriots. When was the treaty of peace signed? What disputes about boundaries afterwards arose out of this treaty? What officers were rewarded by the legislature for their services ? TOPICS. 1. The war in Georgia. 4. General Wayne's advance. 2. British posts. 5. Surrender of Savannah. 3. Want and suffering. 6. Treaty of peace. CHAPTER XXII. GEORGIA IN THE CONFEDERATION, 1783-1789. " It affords me the most agreeable sensations to contemplate the happy change in the affairs of this country ; and it is among the first of my wishes that you may long, long enjoy the blessings of freedom- and independence."— Gen. Nathanael Greene. The British had all left Georgia. The ill effects of the war were still felt, but the people cheerfully went to work to build up the State they had established and defended. lu 1783, Lyman Hall was elected governor. One of the first things to engage the attention of the legis- lature was the confiscation — that is, taking possession — of the lands, houses, stock, negroes, and other property belonging to those persons who had given help to England during the war. Their property was sold for the benefit of the State. The property of Sir James Wright, valued at $160,000, was confiscated. This was done because the king had confiscated all the property of the patriots in Georgia, while his troops held the State. The great Land Act of 1783 was passed by this legislature. Now that the State was at peace within and without its borders, the attention of the people was turned to the sub- ject of education. The Constitution of 1777 declared that " Schools shall be erected in each county and supported at the general expense." In July, 1783, the legislature established Richmond Academy at Augusta, and endowed it with a tract nathanael GREENE. U8 History of GEonaiA. of land. This academy was the first and is now tlie oldest chartered school in Georgia, and the present building stands npon the orginal survey of two thousand acres set apart as its endowment. The legislature also authorized the establish- ment of free schools in other counties. Chatham Academy was established five years later. In November, 1783, commissioners for the State met the BICUMONL) ACADEMY, AUGUSTA, GA. I'UAKTERED 1783. chiefs of the Creeks at Augusta and made a treaty with them by which the State received another cession of land to the north and west of Wilkes County. In 1784, John Houstoun was elected governor. The new territory was at once laid out by the legislature into the coun- ties of Franklin and Washington. To reward the brave patri- ots of the Revolution who had risked everything and lost much for their country, a tract of land was given to each one for a home, to be located in these new counties. The Land Court Land acts. ■ 129 was opened in Augusta^ and warrants were given to over four thousand persons, all of whom had served the State in some way during the war. A warrant generally contained a grant of " two hundred and fifty acres of good land, which was to be exempt from taxation for ten years." These warrants were called Head-right Land Warrants. In addition to these, each head of a family had the right to locate a tract of land by paying a small fee. Grants were made to soldiers from other States who had served Georgia during the war. In this way many Virginians came to the State and settled on Broad Eiver, where they were known for many years as the Virginia colony. They furnished some of the most prominent men of the State, and many of their descendants are now living in Wilkes, Columbia, Elbert, Lincoln, and other counties. Special grants of land were made to other persons on account of their services to Georgia. Twenty thousand acres were granted to Count D'Estaing for his bravery at Savannah and his devotion to the cause of liberty. This gift greatly affected the noble count, who was then ill from a dangerous wound. He wrote a letter of grateful acceptance, in which he said: "The mark of its satisfaction which the State of Georgia was pleased to give me, after I had been wounded, was the most healing balm that could have been applied to my pains." Besides distributing bounties to the soldiers, the Act of 1784 had still another great purpose. It contained provisions for /granting forty thousand acres of land as "an endowment of a college or seminary of learning." This land was to be laid out of the new counties of Franklin and Washington and was the original endowment of the university. The purpose was to sell this land and use the money to build and equip the uni- versity which the legislature first intended to locate at the State capital. We shall learn more about this later on. Savannah as the seat of State government was unsatisfactory to the people. In those days, when travelling was done by 9 130 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. stage or on horseback and generally over bad roads, the set- tlers in the back country or on the newly ceded lands found it difficult to go so far. In 1783 the Council resolved that the executive department, consisting of the governor and his Council, should meet in Augusta for three months, during June, July, and August. The legislature met there at the same time. For the next two years the legislature met in Savannah, but it adjourned in 1785 to meet in Augusta in CHATHAM At AllKAlY, SAVANNAH, GA. CM AKTKUEI), iVSS; REBUILT AND ENLARGED, 1786. The legislature of 1786, at Augusta, resolved to find another location for the State capital, and appointed commis- sioners to choose a suitable site, within "twenty miles of Gal- phin's old town," on the Savannah Eiver, and to name the place Louisville. The government house and lot in Savannah were to be sold, and the money applied to purchasing the land and erecting the public buildings in Louisville. Until the TREATY OF BEAUFORT. 131 new capital was ready for occupation, it was decided that the place of meeting of the legislature, the residence of the gov- ernor and the other officers of the State House, should be at Augusta. In this way Augusta became the seat of govern- ment in 1786, and continued so for ten years. There was a dispute of long standing between Georgia and South Carolina regarding boundary lines. South Carolina claimed that the northern line of Georgia should be run from the moutli of the Tugaloo Kiver, since "' the River Savannah loses its name at the mouth of the Tugaloo." Georgia claimed that the northern line should be run from the head- waters of the Keowee Eiver. South Carolina also claimed all the lauds lying west of a line drawn from the headwaters of the St. Mary's Eiver to the headwaters of the Altamaha River. South Carolina appealed to the Continental Congress iu 1785, and a court was selected to hear both sides. Georgia was notified to appear aud answer the complaint of South Caroliua. Before this court could meet, however, the two States agreed to settle the dispute between tliemselves in a friendly way, aud appointed commis- sioners, who met at Beaufort, in South Carolina, in 1789 and made a treaty known as the Treaty of Beaufort. The com- missioners agreed that South Carolina had no just claims to any lands west of the Savannah River. This disposed of the claim of South Carolina for lauds in the southern part of the State. They also agreed that the Tugaloo and not the Keowee was the main stream of the Savannah River, and that the northern line of Georgia was to be run due west from the most northerly branch of the Tugaloo River. When the line was run it was found that a strip of territory twelve miles wide and extending to the Mississippi River was the property of South Carolina. South Carolina ceded this to the United States, by whom it was held until 1802. A sad incident of the year 1786 was the death of Gen. Na- thanael Greene. At the close of the war he had come to 133 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Georgia to live, at a beautiful home fourteen miles above Savannah, called "Mulberry Grove," an estate granted him by the legislature. While at work on his farm he was over- come by the heat of the sun, and died in a few days. His body was brought down the river on a barge and met by a large procession of people. He was buried with military hon- ors and mourned for by the whole nation. A few months before his death the legislature had ordered the county of Washington to be divided and a new county organized, named Greene, and a town laid out named Greenesborough. In 1785 Samuel Elbert had been elected governor. He was succeeded in 1786 by Edward Telfair. In 1787 George Mat- thews was elected to this office. During his term Georgia took a very important step, which changed its relations to the other States. Of this we shall study in the next chapter. [Lyman Hall was born in Connecticut, in 1731, and was a graduate of Yale College. He studied medicine, moved to South Carolina, and thence to St. John's Parish, or the County of Liberty, in Georgia. He represented Georgia in the Continental Congress, and was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He moved to Burke County, where he died in the sixty-seventh year of his age.] [Samuel Elbert was born in South Carolina in 1740. He was left an orphan at an early age, and came to Savannah looking for work. He was a member of the Council of Safety, and when the war broke out took the field as an officer of high rank and was engaged in a number of bat- tles in Georgia and elsewhere, and was made major-general by the legis- lature. He died in Savannah in 1788.] [Edward Telfair was born in Scotland in 1735. When twenty-three years old he came to Virginia as an agent of a mercantile house. He afterwards moved to North Carolina, and thence to Georgia, where he engaged in business in Savannah. He was a member of the brave band who, led by Joseph Habersham, broke open the powder magazine in Savannah. He was a member of the Continental Congress until 1783. He died in Savannah, Sejitember, 1807.] [George Matthews was born in Virginia. At the beginning of the Revolution he joined the army of Washington. In a skirmish he was Questions and Topics. 133 taken prisoner, and confined on board a prison-ship in the harbor of New York, After his exchange he joined the army of General Greene. In 1785 he purchased a tract of land called the Goose Pond, on Broad River, in Georgia. He died in Augusta, in 1812, and was buried in St. Paul's churchyard.] QUESTIONS. What engaged the attention of the legislature of 1783 ? What did the Constitution of 1777 declare regarding schools ? What of Richmond Academy ? Chatham Academy ? What cession was made in 1783 ? What two new counties were formed ? What about rewarding the patriots ? What court was opened ? What did each warrant generally grant ? What about the grant to D'Estaing ? What was another pur- pose of the Land Act ? What complaint was made regarding the loca- tion of the capital ? What was decided on in 1786 ? How long did the legislature meet in Augusta ? What dispute had arisen with South Carolina ? Describe the Treaty of Beaufort. What of the twelve-mile strip ? Relate the incident of the death of General Greene. Name the governors from 1783 to 1787. TOPICS. 1. Confiscation. 5. Changing the capital. 2. Education. 6. Treaty of Beaufort. 3. Rewarding the patriots. 7. Death of General Greene. 4. Endowing a university. EPOCH V. Georgia in tine Federal Union. CHAPTER XXIII. GEORGIA ENTERS THE UNION OF STATES. " Georgia was the fourth State to ratify tliis great instrument which gave shape and permanence to a government for which tlie Americans liad been struggling against oppression for twenty-five years." — Stevens' History of Georgia. When Georgia and the twelve other States first called them- selves the United States of America, in 1776, they had united only in the Declaration of Independence and in fighting for liberty. The first written agreement which bound them together was the Articles of Confederation. These Articles were agreed upon in 1778, and at once ratified by Georgia; but they did not take effect until the last State signed them in 1781, when the war was nearly over. The United States as a Confederation had no President, no courts, and no congress like ours of to-day. There was only a congress usually known as the Continental Congress, to which each State sent dele- gates, but this body had no powers of government over the States. After peace was made with England it soon became evident that the Articles of Confederation were not equal to the needs of the country. George Washington said: "We are thirteen independent sovereignties, eternally counteracting each other." A closer union of these separate States was needed. For this purpose a general convention of delegates Georgia enters the Union. 135 ABRAM BALDWIN. from each State met in Philadelphia, aucl in September, 1787, agreed upon a Constitution of the United States which was to be submitted to each State for its adoption or rejection. This Constitution proposed to unite the thirteen States into one federal republic and to establish a government for the Union. A great English statesman, William E. Gladstone, has said of it: " The Ameri-' can Constitution is the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and jiurpose of man." The Constitution was signed by Abram Bald- win and William Few, from Georgia, It was now necessary for each State to decide for itself whether it would accept this Constitution of the United States and thus enter the Union, or reject it and stay out of the Union. For this purpose the legislature of Georgia called a convention to meet in Augusta to consider the Constitution, • ' and to adopt or reject any part or the whole thereof. " The leading men of the State were elected as delegates to this con- vention. John Wereat was chosen President. After due considera- tion the Constitution was adopted without any change, January 2, 1788, and Georgia thus agreed to enter the Union of the States. Georgia was the fourth State to ratify the Constitution. When the last name was signed to the resolution of agreement, a body of soldiers, stationed near the house where the convention was in session, fired a salute of thirteen guns in honor of the event. WILLIAM PEW. 136 History of Georgia. The first election under the Constitution was held in Jan- uary, 1789, and the 4th of March following was fixed as the date when the old confederation should be dissolved and the new government of the United States be organized. The first Congress was to meet in New York city, then the seat of government of the United States, but when the 4th of March came only a few members were present, and it was late in April before a majority of the newly elected senators and rep- resentatives from the different States arrived. James Gunn and William Few were the first two United States senators from Georgia, and Abram Baldwin, James Jackson, and George Matthews were the Representatives from Georgia in this first Congress. On the 30th of April, George Washington was inaugurated first President of the United States. During his second administration, Joseph Habersham, of Georgia, was appointed postmaster-general of the United States. The adoption of the Constitution of the United States made it necessary to revise the Constitution of Georgia. A convention for that purpose met in Augusta in November, 1788, and after twenty days of deliberation a new State Con- stitution was agreed upon. This new Constitution was printed and distributed over the State, and made subject to another convention which met in Augusta in January, 1789. This convention met and proposed certain changes, and called a third convention. to meet the following May. This last con- vention adopted the Constitution for the State, known as the Constitution of 1789. It was agreed to by the governor, and a salute of eleven guns was fired in honor of the eleven States which had thus far ratified the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution of 1789 was an improvement on the Con- stitution of 1777, and showed that the people had made prog- ress in the matter of self-government. The Executive Coun- cil was abolished and a Senate was established, with powers similar to those of the Senate of to-day. The governor was to serve two years instead of one. Washington Visits Georgia. 137 In 1788 George Handley was elected governor, and served while the Constitution was undergoing revision. He was suc- ceeded in January, 1789, by George Walton. The new Con- stitution went into effect in October, 1789. Edward Telfair was elected the first governor under the new Constitution. Scarcely had the new governor been inaugurated, when the State was called on to join the nation in a day of thanksgiving and prayer. November 26, 1789, the people of Georgia ob- served their first Thanksgiving day, with grateful hearts to the Almighty for many and signal favors, " especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of govern- ment for their safety and happiness." December, 1790, the State was divided into three Congres- sional districts. The counties of Camden, Glynn, Liberty, Chatham, and Effingham composed the lower district; Burke, Richmond and Washington, the middle district ; Wilkes, Franklin, and Greene, the upper district. James Jackson was elected to represent the lower district; Abram Baldwin, the middle district; George Matthews, the upjaer district. George Washington, the first President of the United States, made a visit to Georgia in May, 1791. When he reached Savannah he was met by a large gathering of people from all over the State. An escort of horse travelled with him through the country up to Augusta, where the governor and the peo- ple warmly welcomed him. At Augusta he visited the Rich- mond Academy and listened to an exhibition of declamation by the students. He was so pleased with the speakers and the performance of the young orators that he secured a list of their names, and on his return home sent each of them a book. Washington remained in Georgia one week, and on the day of his leaving was escorted to the bridge over the Savannah River by the governor and his officers. [The names of the delegates who represented Georgia at different times in the Continental Congress, during the Confederation, are as follows : Abram Baldwin, Nathan Brownson, Archibald Bulloch, Joseph Clay, 138 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. William Few, William Gibbons, Button Gwinnett, John Habersham, Lyman Hall, John Houstoun, William Houstoun, Richard Howley, Noble Wimberly Jones, Edward Langworthy, William Pierce, Edward Telfair, George Walton, Joseph Wood, John J. Zubly.] [George Handley was born in England, in 1752, and came to Savannah at the beginning of the Revolution. He was engaged in the main battles of Georgia and South Carolina. At the close of the war he moved to Augusta. He held various other offices until his death in 1793.] [William Few was born in Maryland in 1748. He was descended from AVilliam Ffew, who came to this country with William Penn. After studying law, he began practice in Augusta. He was in the Con- tinental Congress, and in the convention that framed the Federal Consti- tution. He died in New York in 1828.] QUESTIONS. What was now the condition of Uie thirteen American colonies ? What of the Articles of Confederation ? What did George Washington say? What was needed ? When, where, and by whom was the Constitution of the United States agreed upon ? What has Gladstone said of it ? Who signed on behalf of Georgia ? Describe the way Georgia entered the Union ? When did the government of the United States begin ? Who were the Senators from Georgia ? The Representatives? Who was postmaster-general from Georgia? What can you say of the Constitution of 1789 ? Who was the first Governor under this Constitution ? Men- tion other Governors at this time. Describe the first Thanksgiving day. What about the Congressional districts? Describe the visit of Washing- ton to Georgia. TOPICS. 1. Constitution of the United States. 3. The Constitution of 1789. 2. How adopted by Georgia. 4. Other events of 1789-1791. CHAPTER XXIV. ELI WHITNEY AND THE COTTON" GIN. "What Peter the Great did to make Russia dominant, Eli Whitney's invention of the Cotton Gin has more than equalled in its relation to the power and progress of the United States." — M ACAULAT. Cotton was not known to the people of Georgia, except as a garden plant, until after the Revolutionary war, at which time it was said that there was a plantation of thirty acres of green seed cotton under culture near Savannah. In 1784 eight bags of cotton were shipped to England, and seized on the ground that so much cotton could not be produced in the United States. In 1786 sea-island cotton was first raised on the coast of Georgia, and two years later its exportation was commenced by Alexander Bissell, of St. Simon's Island. The seeds were obtained from the Bahamas. It was not difficult to separate the lint from the seed of the sea-island cotton, but this valuable staple grows only on the islands and along the coasts. The cotton which grows everywhere else in Georgia is called the short-staple cotton, and the lint adheres very firmly to the seed. There was a machine for cleaning the long-staple cotton, but the upland cotton had to be picked from the seed by hand. A negro could not clean more than a pound of upland cotton in one day. A man and his family could hardly pick out more than eight or ten pounds. If a large crop was planted there were not hands enough to separate the seed from the lint. This kept the farmers from planting upland cotton. It was not a profitable crop. They raised corn, wheat, oats, live stock, and other things. In the year 1791 only three hundred and 140 History of Georgia. ninety-nine bales of cotton were exported from all the United States. About this time a young man named Eli Whitney was living in Georgia at the home of Mrs. Nathanael Greene, fourteen miles above Savannah. He was born in Massachusetts, and having just graduated at Yale College, had come South toward the end of 1793 to teach school and practise law. Mrs. Greene had invited him to make her house his home. While there he had made several things that gave her confidence in his power of invention. One day some visitors at the house of Mrs. Greene were regretting that it was such a hard matter to clean the upland cotton, and said that it was a pity that there was not a machine for this purpose. Mrs. Greene said, " Ask Mr. Whitney to make a machine for you. He can make any- thing. " Some raw cotton and cotton seed were given to Whitney, who had never seen any up to that time. He at once set to work to see what he could do. He labored for several months un- d e r m u cli d i ffi- culty. He had to make his own wire and tools. Mrs. Greene and another friend were the only persons per- mitted to see the machine, but others heard of it, and were so anxious to know how it would work that before it was quite finished the shop was broken open and his model machine carried off. The result of this was that Whitney's idea became known, and before he could make another machine and get it patented there were others in operation based upon his invention. WHITNEY COTTON GIN. ELI WHITNEY AND THE COTTON GIN 141 Whitney made another machine which was a complete suc- cess. The accompanying cut is a picture of the original cotton gin which he invented and patented. He built a factory to make his machines, near Augusta, and about two miles south of the city the dam is still to be seen which held the water to run his works. These machines were at first called cotton engines, but this name was soon contracted into "cotton A few years later he went to Connecticut and began to man- ufacture his cotton gins on a large scale. So valuable was the gin that the legislature of South Carolina granted him $50,000 for the use of his invention. North Carolina also gave him a royalty on the use of his gins for five years. Farmers now began to plant cotton in the uplands. By using the cotton gin a planter could clean for market a thousand pounds of cotton a day instead of five or six as before by hand. This made a raj)id increase in the amount of cotton raised. Eight years after this invention seven thousand bales of cotton were exported from Georgia alone, and the number has increased steadily ever since. Whitney was a great benefactor to the cotton States. His invention made the raising of cotton the great industry of the people of the South and the chief source of their wealth. Lands that had been regarded of little value were now sought for and planted in cotton. New towns grew up all over the State. Another event of the same year excited as much interest at the time as the invention of the cotton gin. A citizen of South Carolina named Chisholm brought suit against the State of Georgia in the Supreme Court of the United States. The officers of Georgia refused to recognize the summons or to permit lawyers to appear for the State. They held that each State was a sovereign. Now a sovereign, being supreme, can- not be sued by a citizen. Therefore, they declared, the clause of the Constitution which authorized the suit was void from 143 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. the very nature of things. The court decided in favor of Chisholra, but Governor Telfair threatened to imprison any marshal who attempted to execute the decree. The other States all agreed that each State was a sovereign, but there was a difference of opinion as to the authority of the court under the Constitution. To settle this question forever, the eleventh amendment to the Constitution was proposed and adopted. This amendment recognized the sovereignty of each State by declaring distinctly that the Constitution should not ibe construed to give citizens power to sue a State. Its adop- tion was due to Georgia's firm stand in the historic case " Chisholm versus the State of Georgia." The Chisholm suit was then abandoned. [The Mexicans and Peruvians appear to have anderstood the manu- facture of cotton cloth long before Cohimbus discovered America. Columbus found the plant growing wild in the West Indies, and Cortes gathered it in abundance to quilt the jackets of liis soldiers as a jirotec- tion against the arms and darts of the Mexicans. In the United States cotton seeds were first planted as an experiment in 1621. In the prov- ince of Carolina the growth of the cotton plant is noticed in 1666.] QUESTIONS. What about the planting of cotton up to this time? What of short- staple cotton? What of sea-island cotton? How was lint separated from the seed? How much cotton was exported from the United States in 1791? What of Eli Whitney? Tell the story of the invention of the cotton gin. What was the effect of the invention ? How was Eli Whit- ney a benefactor to the cotton States? What was the Chisholm case ? TOPICS. Let the pupil tell — 1. Why cotton planting was un- 4. The difficulty of his labors. profitable. 5. The success of his machine. 2. Who Eli Whitney was. 6. The eleventh amendment to 3. How Whitney happened to in- the Constitution. vent the gin. CHAPTER XXV. YAZOO FRAUD. "The last legislature, not confining itself to the powers with which that body was constitutionally invested, did usurp a power to pass the obnoxious act, contrary to constitutional authority and repugnant to the democratical form of government of the State.''''— Rescinding Act. In November, 1793, George Matthews was choseu a sec- ond time governor of Georgia. While he was governor an event occurred known as the " Yazoo Fraud," which for many years was the cause of great excitement and bitterness. The territory of the State of Georgia at this time embraced nearly all the present States of Alabama and Mississippi. Georgia's claim to that part of this territory called British West Florida, was disputed by Spain, and also by the general government. We need not consider these disputes here. It is enough to know that Georgia did possess large tracts of land west of the Chatta- hoochee River. In 1789, four stock companies were formed for the pur- pose of purchasing from the legislature of Georgia a part of this western land. They were called Yazoo companies, from the Yazoo River, which ran through the territory proposed to be purchased. JABED IRWIN. 144 HISTORY OF Georgia. The legislature with undue haste passed an act selling to these companies large tracts of land for a very small price. The companies, however, did not comply with all the provi- sions of the law, and the sale was never completed. Thus the first attemj^t to buy the western lands was a failure. In 1 794 new conii^anies were formed and the legislature was again approached on the subject. These new companies pro- posed to buy a much larger tract of land. Governor Matthews was not in favor of selling the lands. A committee of agents from the companies called to see him and argued the case Avith him. Still he opposed the sale, and when the bill was passed, promptly vetoed it. This checked the success of the companies for a while, but the objections of the governor were at length overcome, and he stated his willingness to sign the bill if certain changes were made. Accordingly, a new bill was introduced, under a new title, but in reality for the same purpose. The bill was passed by the legislature and signed by the governor, and became the law of the land. The four companies under this grant were " The Georgia Company," '' The Georgia-Mississippi Company," " The Tennessee Company," and " The Upper Mississippi Com- pany." Thirty-five million acres were sold for a half million of dollars, which was about one and a half cents an acre. Thus we see that the legislature sold a tract of land nearly as large as the present State of Georgia for a very paltry sum of money. This was the famous Yazoo Act, and was passed in Augusta in January, 1795. The accompanying map, which is a copy of an old map made at the time, shows the location of the grants. The people of the State, who all along had opposed the sale of these western lands, were very indignant that the legisla- ture had sold so much land at so small a price. The legisla- ture and the governor were accused of having been bribed to pass the act, and the peoplp demanded its repeal. It was Yazoo fraud. 145 said that the governor's secretary was violently opposed to the passage of this act, and dipped the pens in oil, so that when Governor Matthews went to sign the act the pens would make no mark. It took only a few moments, however, to get other quills and make new pens for that purpose. One of the senators from Georgia at this time was the young and brave James Jackson. He had been elected in 1793 to succeed William Few. When he heard of the attempt 10 146 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. to procure the Yazoo lauds he strougly opposed it. Jackson had been urged to take shares in one of these companies, and was told that " he might have any number of acres he pleased, to half a million, without paying a cent, provided he would put his name to the application." But he refused, and told the men that " he, not they, had fought for Georgia and the right to that territory; that he fought for the people, and it was their right, and the right of future generations; and if they did succeed he should hold the sale void, and would resign his seat in the Senate, come home and head his fellow-citizens, and either lose his life or have the act annulled." Now that the sale had been made, he resigned his seat as senator and returned to Georgia to defeat what he called "■ a conspiracy of the darkest character and of deliberate villany." He was elected to the legislature of 1796 to represent Chatham County. In the meantime a Constitutional Convention had met at Louisville in Jefferson County in May, 1795. This convention was presided over by Noble AVimberley Jones. The State House and public offices, which had been in process of erection for several j^ears, were now completed, and the seat of govern- ment was permanently located at Louisville. The governor aud the State House officers moved from Augusta, their temporary home, and the meetings of the legislature were held from this time in the new capi- tol building. The time of meeting of the legislature was changed from the first Monday in November to the second Tuesday in January of each year. In January, 1796, the legislature assembled in Louisville amidst great excitement. Governor Matthews sent them a NOBLE W. JONES. Yazoo Fraud. 147 message on the situation. He advised them to repeal the Yazoo Act if it could be done legally. On the second day of the session, Jared Irwin was elected governor. About the same time Josiah Tatnall was elected to the United States Senate, to succeed George Walton, who had been appointed BURNING THE YAZOO ACT. (Copyrighted.) by Governor Matthews upon the resignation of James Jack- son. The legislature at once took up the Yazoo Act. A committee of investigation pronounced it not binding on the State on account of the fraud used to obtain it. James Jack- son introduced a bill known as the " Eescinding Act." This 148 History of Georgia. was at once passed by both houses and signed by Governor Irwin, February 13, 1796. This declared that the sale of the Yazoo lands was not binding on the State, and that the money paid into the treasury should be given back to the Yazoo com- panies and the grants be considered void. It was resolved to burn the papers of the Yazoo Act, and to purge the records of everything relating to it. February 15, 1796, wood was piled in front of the State House, and ignited by a burning-glass, in order that fire drawn from the heavens might consume the offensive papers. The Senate and House of Eepresentatives marched out in solemn procession. When they reached the fire they formed a circle around it and rever- ently removed their hats. The committee appointed to obtain the papers and records handed them to the president of the Senate. He passed them to the speaker of the House. They were then given to the clerk, and finally to the messenger. The messenger approached the fire and uttered these words: " God save the State! and long preserve her rights! and may every attempt to injure them perish as these corrupt acts now do! " He then threw the papers into the fire and they were burned to ashes. The members returned to the Capitol and work was resumed. The Yazoo companies refused to accept the proposed return of their money. They claimed the right to keep the land they had bought from the State, and carried their claims into the courts, and even before the Congress of the United States. After Georgia ceded to the general government in 1802 its territory west of the Chattahoochee River, the claim of the Yazoo companies became a claim against the United States. The Supreme Court decided that the title of the companies to the lands which they had bought was valid, and the general government was forced to purchase the right to these lands from the Yazoo companies for large sums of money. While Georgia owned this western land the legislature had organized the district around Natchez into a county called Questions and Topics. 149 Bourbon. Justices of the Peace were appointed, among whom was Thomas Marston Green, who in after years performed the marriage ceremony of General Andrew Jackson and Mrs. Ea- chel Robards, on Georgia soil. Owing to the fact that Spain held this territory, the act was repealed after three years. [Jared Irwin was a faithful soldier in the Revolutionary war, and served in various campaigns against the Indians. He lived in Burke County in eaiiy life, but afterwards moved to Washington County. He was a brigadier-general of militia. He was a member of the various conventions for revising the Constitution of Georgia. He was president of the State Senate at different times from 1790 to 1818. He died in Washington County at the age of sixty-eight years.] [The details of the appearance of the old State House were furnished by Mr. William Fleming, of Jefferson County. The man with the burn- ing-glass in his hand is James Jackson ; next to him stands Thomas Glascock ; then John Milledge. The man on the right is William Few, while Jared Irwin stands behind the messenger. David B. Mitchell stands behind Jackson, and Peter Early behind Few. Benjamin Talia- ferro, David Meriwether, and David Emanuel were also present on this occasion.] QUESTIONS. Who became governor in 1793 ? What of Georgia territory at this time ? What of the Yazoo companies in 1789 ? Why named Yazoo ? What was the result of the first attempt to buy the western lands ? What were formed in 1794 ? What was the action of Matthews ? Name the four companies. What was the size of the territory and the amount paid for it ? How was the Yazoo sale considered by the people ? What of James Jackson ? What of the Constitutional Convention of 1795 ? What city became the permanent seat of government ? Who was elected governor in 1796 ? What act was passed by the legislature ? Describe the fate of the Yazoo papers. What finally became of the claim of the Yazoo companies ? TOPICS. 1. Western territory. 4. Rescinding of Act. 2. First Yazoo companies. 5. Burning the papers. 3. Yazoo Act. 6. Final settlement CHAPTER XXVI. CONSTITUTION OF 1798. /-SK- GOV. JAMES JACKSON. " The experience of sixty years has demonstrated the wisdom of the Constitution of '98. It has iindergoue but few changes, and these were rendered necessary by the changes in the condition of the country."— Joseph Henri' Lumpkin. January, 1798, James Jacksou was elected governor. His recent course in regard to the Yazoo Act had made him the idol of the jjeople. His administra- tion was marked for the adoption of the great Constitution of 1798. As we have already seen, the first Con- stitution of Georgia was ■ adopted Feb- ruary 5, 1777, soon after the people had formed a State government. After Georgia entered the Union, this Consti- tution was revised, and in October, 1789, another Constitution went into effect. This Constitution was further considered by a convention which met at Louisville in May, 1795. On account of the disturbed state of affairs but few changes were made. Another convention was ordered to be held in 1798. This last convention finally adopted the Constitution that lasted the State for over half a century. A convention of fifty-six delegates from twenty-one counties met in Louisville, the cajjital. May, 1798, " for the j^^^i'pose of taking into consideration the further alterations necessary to be made in the Constitution." Among some of the promi- nent men of the convention were Governor James Jackson, Jai'ed Irwin, Jesse Mercer, Eobert "Watkins, Benjamin Talia- ferro, Thomas Glascock, and Peter J. Carnes. Jared Irwin, the late governor, Avas elected president of CONSTITUTION OF 1798. 151 the convention. The session lasted tliree weeks, and every article was carefully considered before it was adopted. The Constitution was then drawn up on parchment, signed by the members, the Great Seal of the State was attached, and it was deposited in the office of the secretary of state. When ; the signal was given that the last name was signed to this great instrument, a salute of sixteen guns was fired by an ' artillery comj)any stationed near by. The Constitution declared that the legislative, executive, and judiciary departments of the government should be kept separate and distinct. The legislative power was vestetl in a Senate, consisting of one member from each of the twenty-four counties, and in a House of Eepresentatives, composed of sixty-two members. These two branches made uj) the legisla- ture or General Assembly, which was to meet once a year. The executive power was vested in a governor, who was to be elected every two years by the legislatiire. He was the commander-in-chief of the army, navy, and militia of the State, had power to grant pardons, fill vacant offices, and his consent was required to all acts of the legislature. There was also a secretary of state, a treasurer, and a surveyor-general. The judicial powers of the State were vested in superior and inferior courts. Each court was required to sit in each county twice a year. , The boundary lines of the State were defined, and the efforts of the preceding legislature to dispose of large tracts of the western territory were declared " constitutionally void," The freedom of the press and trial by jury were to remain invio- late ; the writ of habeas corpus was not to be suspended ; free exercise of religion was guaranteed, and the importation of slaves after October, 1798, was forbidden. In compliance with the direction of the constitutional con- vention, a new great Seal of the State was adopted by the legislature of 1799. The seal consisted of a round disk about two inches in diameter. On one side (the obverse) were three 152 HISTORY OF Georgia. pillars supporting an arch with the word " Constitution " engraved on it. This represented the three departments of the government upholding the Constitution of the State. Engraved on a wreath around one pillar was the word " Wis- dom," meaning that the legislature should be wise in making the laws; on an- other, the word " Justice," that the courts should be just in their deci- sions; on another, "Moderation," that the executive should administer the laws without severity. Near the left-hand pillar was a man with a drawn sword, representing the military defence of the State. The inscription on this side was " State of Georgia, 1799." On the other side (the reverse) was a view of the seashore with a ship bearing a flag of the United States and riding at anchor near a wharf with hogsheads of tobacco and bales of cotton on board. This represented the exports of the State. At a little distance was a boat from the interior, landing hogsheads, boxes, etc. This represented the trade from the interior. In the background was a man in the act of ploughing, and a flock of sheep shaded by a flourishing tree. This represented agriculture and grazing. Around all was the motto, " Agriculture and Commerce. — 1799." GEORGIA STATE SKAL, 1799. {Obverse.) CONSTITUTION OF 1798. 153 This seal was placed in the office of the secretary of state to be attached to all official papers of the State government, and is the seal used at the present day. It is of interest to know that it was the first intention to engrave the words, " Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation " on the bases of the three pillars, but the artist found it impossi- ble to make the let- ters large enough to be read. It was then changed to the present design. To improve the judiciary system, the State was di- vided into three su- perior court dis- tricts, viz. : the Eastern Circuit, the Middle Circuit, and the Western Cir- cuit. There were eight counties in each circuit. David B. Mitchell, George Walton, and Thom- as P. Carues were elected judges of the superior courts of the three circuits. The three judges were required to alternate in the circuits, so that no two successive terms of court in a county should be held by the same judge. The courts were held twice a year in each county, and each court had a clerk and a sheriff. There was no supreme court as yet, but the judges of the superior courts met once a year at the seat of government to decide difficult points of law and constitutional questions. GEORGIA STATE SEAL, 1799. (Beverae.'i 104: HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Since this chapter marks the close of the century, let us take a view of the condition of the State. The population had increased to about 163,000, having gained nearly 80,000 in ten years. The population of Savannah, the chief town, was over 5,000. The exports were valued at 11,750,000. These were principally rice, indigo, corn, cotton, sago, naval stores, leather, deer skins, myrtle, snake root, live stock, and lumber. The chief imports were West India produce, dry goods, wines, teas, beef, butter, cheese, potatoes, cider. [James Jackson was born in England, in 1757, and came to Savannah when he was but fifteen years of age. He began the study of law, but laid aside his studies to engage in the disputes with Great Britain. After the fall of Savannah in 1778, in company with John Milledge he went to South Carolina to join the forces of General Moultrie. As they were marching through the country, barefoot and ragged, they were seized as spies by some American soldiers, and came near being hanged before the mistake was discovered. At the battle of Cowpens, Jackson distinguished himself for bravery, and soon afterwards was made a lieu- tenant-colonel. He was present at the siege of Augusta, and added much to the success of the American arms. In 1782, when the British evacuated Savannah, General Wayne appointed Colonel Jackson to re- ceive the surrender of the town. When only tliirty-one years of age he was elected governor of Georgia, but refused to serve. He held nearly every high office in the gift of his State, and died in 1806 when acting as United States Senator.] QUESTIONS. Who became governor in 1798 ? What about the various constitu- tions up to this time? What convention met in 1798 ? When? Where? Mention some prominent members. Who was president ? Describe the legislative power. The executive power. The judicial power. Men- tion some other provisions of the Constitution. When was the great seal adopted ? Describe the obverse side. The reverse. Describe the Superior Court district. What about the judge ? Give a statistical review of the State at this time. TOPICS. 1. Constitution of 1798. '^. Improving the judiciary. 2. Great Seal of State (1799). 4. Statistical review. CHAPTEE XXVIl. THE UKIVERSITY FOUNDED. — WESTERN TERRITORY CEDED. "We must say that Georgia merits peculiar honor in being among tlie first States to make provision for a State University, and in passing most wliolesome laws for securing to lier sons the blessings of a liberal education ou her own soU." — Stevens'' History of Georgia. James JACKS02>r had been elected to the United States Sen- ate to succeed James Guun, and resigned his position as gov- ernor. By the provisions of "the Constitution, David Emanuel, who was president of the senate, became governor in March, 1801, and held that office until the legislature could meet. When the legislature met in November following, Josiah Tat- nall was elected governor. The father of Governor Tatnall, being a royalist, had been among those banished by the State in 1782, and his property had been confiscated. After the legislature had elected his son governor, their good will was shown by au act which recalled the banished father and re- stored him to full rights as a citizen. When the act was car- ried to the governor's office he signed it as follows: "With lively expression of gratitude I affix my signature to this act." We have already seen in another chapter that the legislature had set apart a large tract of land as an endowment for a uni- versity. In 1785 an act was passed " for the more full and complete establishment of a public seat of learning in this State. ' ' This act provided for a Board of Visitors and for a Board of Trustees. These two bodies united composed " The Senatus Academicus of the University of Georgia," whose object was " to consult and advise, not only upon the affairs of the university, but also to remedy the defects and advance 156 History of Georgia. the interests of literature through the State in general." In 1786 the trustees were authorized to lay out the town of Greenesborough on lands belonging to the university;, and sell lots therein, and with the money thus raised to promote the interests of "learning and science." The money secured from the sale of tliese town lots in after years was used to pay in part for the buildings of the university at Athens. The legislature had broad and liberal ideas of what consti- tuted a university. They intended it to embrace all the schools and academies in the State, and an institution of learn- ing of the highest order located at the capital. The Senatus Academicus had power to visit and examine all the schools in Georgia supported by public money, and appoint all the teachers. The legislature intended that every county should have free schools and an academy, and that all should be united under the supervision and direction of the Senatus Academicus, and be a part of the university. Fourteen years later, the legislature repealed the act locating the seat of the university at the State capital, and gave the Senatus Academicus the power to select any suitable place, provided it should be in one of the seven counties of Jackson, Franklin, Hancock, Greene, Oglethorpe, Wilkes, or Warren. In 1800 the board elected Josiali Meigs j)i'esident, and in 1801 selected a tract of land in Jackson County as the site of the college. This tract contained six hundred and thirty-three acres, and was bought by John Milledge, who presented it to the trustees. Upon this land college buildings were erected, and a town laid out and named Athens. Town lots were sold to raise money for the university. The college was opened in 1802, and in 1805 was named Franklin College. This was intended as a central college for the State and a part of the university plan, and is still in operation as the literary department of the university. Presi- dent Meigs began the work of the university before the build- ings were completed and while there were only two houses in 158 History of Georgia, Athens. Recitations were often heard and lectures delivered under the shade of the trees, and for years President Meigs had almost the entire instruction of the college, aided only by a tutor or by some of the students. There was no library or apparatus, and the president alone taught as many as sixty young men. In the spring of 1804 the first commencement was held in the open air under a large oak tree. There were ten gradu- ates. President Meigs, in a letter to John Milledge in 1805, wrote: "Your institution has taken a strong root and will flourish; and I feel some degree of pride in reflecting that a century hence, when this nascent village shall embosom a thousand of the Georgia youths, it will now and then be said that you gave this laud and I was on the forlorn hope." An agreement was made in the year 1802, between the State of Georgia and the United States, by which Georgia ceded to the general government all that portion of her territory lying west of the present boundary line. It was an immense tract of valuable land, embracing almost the entire extent of the present States of Alabama and Mississippi. The ceded lands amounted to about eighty millions of acres. The conditions of this grant were as follows: 1. Out of the proceeds of the sale of these lauds, the United States shall give to Georgia 11,250,000. 2. All persons who are settled within this territory shall be confirmed in their titles by the United States government. 3. The ceded lands shall be a public fund to be distributed by the United States in the usual way of disposing of public lands. 4. The United States at their own expense shall extinguish, for the use of Georgia, as soon as the same can be peaceably done on reasonable terms, the Indian titles to the county of Tallassee, to the lands occupied by the Creeks, and to those between the forks of the Oconee and Ocmulgee rivers, for which several objects the President of the United States shall WESTERN TERRITORY CEDED. 159 order a treaty to be held at once with the Indians. In like manner the United States shall extinguish the Indian titles to all the other lands within the State of Georgia. 5. The territory thus ceded shall form a State as soon as it shall contain sixty thousand inhabitants, and as such be ad- mitted into the Union. In the same year the United States ceded to Georgia that part of the twelve-mile strip which lay north of the State, This made the thirty-fifth parallel the northern boundary. These articles were ' agreed to by the legislature of Georgia June 16. 1802. This made the present western and northern boundaries of the State of Georgia, which have remained un- changed ever since. Soon after this all the money which had been paid into the treasury of Georgia by the Yazoo com- panies was turned over to the United States, and the dispute with these companies, so far as Georgia was concerned, was ended. By these articles of agreement, it was directed that a treaty be held at once with the Creek Indians for the purjjose of ex- tinguishing their claim to the lands of Georgia, and making limits for their homes and hunting grounds. In June, 1802, three commissioners, for the United States, met the Creeks at Fort Wilkinson, on the Oconee Eiver, just below the site of the j) resent city of. Milledgeville. Forty chiefs and warriors were present, who were the head men of the Creek nation. The Indians signed a treaty ceding to the United States a large body of land west of the Oconee Eiver, and also a strip of land extending from the Altamaha to the St. Mary's Eivei-. [The exact boundaries of the two cessions of land referred to in this chapter, and of all other cessions, can be seen by reference to the map showing the cession of lands by the Indians.] [David Emanuel had come to Georgia in 1770, and settled in Burke County. He had taken arms in defence of tlie State, and during the war of the Revolution had been active and brave. On one occasion he 160 HISTORY OF GEOROIA. and two of his friends were captured by a party of British, and carried to McBean Creek, in Burke County, to be shot. A large fire being kin- dled, Emanuel and his two friends were stripped of their clothes, placed near the fire, and three soldiers were ordered to shoot them. At the discharge of the guns the two friends fell dead, but Emanuel, being unhurt, leaped over the fire and made good his escape.] [Josiah Tatnall was born near Savannah. At an early age he was put on board a man-of-war, bound for India, to prevent his return to Georgia. He managed to find his way back to America, and landed near Savannah, when he was only eighteen years old. He travelled on foot up the river, and joined the army of General Wayne. The war was near an end, how- ever, and he was not called into active service. Afterwards, he occupied many military positions, and was actively engaged against the Indians. He died in the West Indies in 1804, but his body was brought back to Savannah at his dying request, and placed in the burial ground at ^ona- venture, near Savannah.] QUESTIONS. How did Emanuel become governor in 1801 ? Who was elected in No- vember following ? What graceful act was passed by the legislature ? What was the Senatus Aeademicus of the university ? How was money to be raised for the buildings ? What about the views of the legislature ? What was done fourteen years after ? When was the present site chosen ? What of the gift of John Milledge ? Who was the first president of the university ? Describe the beginning ; the first commencement ; the letter of Meigs in 1805. What agreement was made in 1802 ? What were the conditions ? What treaty was held in 1802 ? TOPICS. Founding the university : Cession of 1802 : 1. Original university plan. 1. Territory granted. 2. Choosing a site. 2. Conditions of grant. 3. The first years. 3. Treaty with Indians. CHAPTER XXVIII. LAND LOTTERY AND HEAD RIGHTS. JOHN MILLEDQE. " Men and the soil constitute tlie strengtli and wealth of nations ; and the faster you plant the men the sooner you can draw on both." — George M. Troup. The legislature of 1802 elected John Milledge, the revolutionary patriot and the generous friend of education, to be governor of Geor- gia. In 1804 he was reelected for another term. The land obtained by the treaty with the Creeks at Fort Wilkinson was divided into the counties of Wayne, Wilkinson, and Baldwin. These were surveyed at the public expense and divided into lots of various sizes. These lots were distributed among the people by a plan called the land lottery. The system of the lottery was as fol- lows: tickets, numbered to correspond with the numbers of the lots, were put in boxes along with many blank tickets. The persons entitled to draw were: "all free white males twenty-one years of age or older; every married man, with children, under age; widows with children, and all families of orphan minors. ' ' Lists of these persons were made out in each county, and sent to the governor, who caused the draw- ing to be held under the care of five managers. Many per- sons drew blanks. Others were fortunate, and plots and grants of their lots were given to them signed by the governor and having the great Seal of the State attached. 163 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Twelve months after receiving liis grant each person had tc pay into the treasury the sum of four dollars for every hun- dred acres of land in his lot. These lots varied in size, some being two hundred and two and one-half acres, others four hundred acres. Those who failed to pay the required sum lost their titles to the land. The act which provided for this distribution of the public lands is known as the Land Lottery Act of 1803. Under this act and in the manner above described all lands west of the Oconee Eiver were distributed as they were acquired from the Indians. All the lands that lie east of the Oconee were dis- tributed by an older and different plan, known as the Head- right System. The Oconee Eiver is the dividing line between the Head-right titles and the Land Lottery titles. The object of both systems was to induce the people to move into the new counties and cultivate the lands. The old Head-right warrants differed in many features from the Lottery. By the Head-right System "each master or head of a family " was allowed in his own head right to select and survey a body of unoccupied land to suit himself. Then after paying the expense of the survey and a small j^rice for all land over two hundred acres, he secured a title called a Head-right Land Warrant. This warrant of survey was his title to the land described in it, provided that no one had already settled on the same tract. ' But the plan was not a good one. Only the rich lands were surveyed. Poor sections were neglected. Warrants for the same tract of land were sometimes issued to two different persons, which caused strife and confusion. This plan was abandoned for the better scheme of the Land Lottery. Now that the western lands hud been ceded to the United States and the general government had agreed to extinguish the Indian title to all lands in the limits of Georgia, it was decided to remove the capital from Louisville to the centre of the State. Therefore, at the same session of the legislature, 1803, LAND LOTTERY AND HEAD RIGHTS. 163 a resolution was passed selecting a suitable spot at the head of navigation of the Oconee River, as a site for the new capital, which was named Milledgeville, in honor of John Milledge, then governor of the State. Another Indian treaty for a cession of land was made with the United States in 1805. Henry Dearborn, Secretary of "War, met six chiefs at Washington city, and bargained with them for the purchase of the remaining lands, between the Ocmulgee and Oconee rivers, as far as the present northwest boundary line of Morgan and Jasper counties. The treaty also provided that the United States might build forts, facto- ries, and trading-houses among the Indians. A horse-path was to be kept open through the Creek country, and travellers were to be allowed to pass through in safety. In considera- tion of all this the United States gave the Indians a large sum of money. In March, 1806, Jackson died in Washington city, lamented by all the people of Georgia. He was buried four miles from Washington city, but afterwards his body was placed in the burying-ground of Congress. On his tomb are these words: " To the memory of General James Jackson, of Georgia, who deserved and enjoyed the confidence of a grateful country— a soldier of the Revolution." Honorable and noble in all his actions, he was devoted to Georgia. A little while before his death he said: "If after death my heart can be opened, there will be found written on it the word * Georgia.' " Governor Milledge was elected United States Senator by the legislature at an extra session in June, 1806, and in September following tendered his resignation as governor. In this way, Jared Irwin, President of the Senate, again became governor, and when the legislature met in November he was elected to that office for a full term. On March 4th of the next year, Abraham Baldwin, who had 164 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. been elected to succeed Josiah Tattnall in the United States Senate in 1799, died in Washington city, and George Jones was appointed to fill the vacancy. When the legislature met, William H. Crawford, from Oglethorpe County, a leading lawyer and a member, of the Lower House of Congress, was elected to succeed him. [The ancestors of John Milledge came to Geoi'gia with Oglethorpe. He was born in Savannah in 1757, and received the best education that the colony could afford. He was one of the brave men who took Governor Wright prisoner in his own house. When Savannah was captured by the British, he with his friend, James Jackson, retreated into South Caro- lina on foot. They were mistaken for spies by a party of Americans and came near being hanged. He was present at the attempt to retake Savannah from the British. He was also, active in South Carolina and in the attacks upon Augusta, and always showed much bravery. He resisted with all his influence the Yazoo fraud, and was prominent among those who brought about the Rescinding Act. He died in 1818 at his home on the Sand Hills, near Augusta.] [Abraham Baldwin was born in Connecticut in 1754. He was graduated at Yale College, and after the Revolutionary War moved to Savannah. He began the practice of the law. He was a member of the Legislature, a delegate to the Continental Congress, and a member of the United States Constitutional Convention. He was a member of Congress for ten years, and afterwards a United States Senator for seven years. He was president pro te'tnpore of the Senate from 1801 to the time of his death, March, 1807.] QUESTIONS. Who was elected governor in 1803 ? What new counties were formed ? Describe the land lottery. What river is the dividing line between land- lottery and head-right titles ? Describe the head-right system. What site was selected for a new capital ? For whom was it named ? What lands were gained by the treaty of 1805 ? Tell about the death of Jack- son. Who succeeded him as senator ? Who became governor in 1806 ? When did Abraham Baldwin die ? Who succeeded him ? TOPICS. 1. Land lottery. 3. Treaty of 1805. 2. Head rights. 4. Death of Jackson and Baldwin. CHAPTER XXIX. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. "Instead of decaying cities and a vacillating trade she will witness the proud ana animating spectacle of maritime towns restored and flourishing, new ones rising up— her trade steadily increasing— her lands augmented in value and improved in cultivation— the face of the country beautified and adorned, and all this within the compass of her own resources, provided the ordinary economy be employed to husband, cherish, and improve them." — George M. Tkoup. The location of the boundary line between North Carolina and Georgia was a source of trouble for several years. In 1806 a surveyor was sent by the legislature to locate the thirty- fifth degree of north latitude and to run a line between the two States. North Carolina sent a surveyor for the same purpose, but these surveyors could not agree in their observations, and nothing was done. In 1807 an- other effort was made by two expert surveyors and the sur- veyor-general, who were provided with the best instruments. North Carolina would not take part in this survey. The boundary was unsettled until several years later, when the United States appointed commissioners under whose direction the line was run. The legislature held its session in the new capitol building at Milledgeville for the first time in 1807. The contract for the building was made two years before, and the work was now nearly done. The house was built of brick, on a high hill in the centre of a large park. It was a large building, and at that DAVID B. MITCHELL. 166 History of Georgia. time was thought very elegant. It had ample rooms for the legislature, and offices for all the departments of government. Here the great men of the State assembled, and in legislatures and conventions shaped the policy of Georgia for over half a century. Milledgeville was still a small town when the legislature first met there. Not a hundred lots had been sold, and only a few OLD CAPITOL AT MII.LEDGEVILLB. of these paid for. The town grew and prospered. A few years later a grand mansion w^as built by the people, in which the governors lived during their terms of office. Many wealthy citizens made Milledgeville their home, and as the capital city of Georgia it soon became famous as a centre of refinement and culture. David B. Mitchell was elected by the legislature in Novem- ber, 1809, to succeed Jared Irwin as governor. At the same session Charles Tait, of Elbert County, was elected United INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. 167 States Seuator iu place of John Milledge, who had i-fesigned. Governor MitchelPs message to the legislature was full of sug- gestions for improving the public roads and clearing the rivers. In those days people did not travel by steamboats and railroad trains. The usual mode of going from place to place was by stage-coaches which held about ten or fifteen persons, and were drawn by horses, travelling twenty or thirty miles a day. It took nearly two months to go from Georgia to New York. It was important to have good roads for these coaches. The farmers hauled their produce to market sometimes hundreds of miles, or floated it down the rivers on rafts. An act was passed to clear the Savannah Eiver and to forbid placing any obstriiction iu its stream. Shortly afterwards measures were taken to open Broad, Oconee, and Ogeechee rivers so that these streams might be navigable for small boats and rafts. The idea of running boats by steam had occurred to Will- iam Longstreet, of Augusta, Ga., as early as 1788. It was several years, however, before he could get money to build his boat and to provide an engine. Longstreet's boat, like other great inventions, was made sport of; indeed it must have been a queer-looking craft. His idea was to have the boat propelled by a series of poles so arranged on a shaft that as the shaft turned on its axis the poles would strike the bottom of the river, and push the boat along. This was certainly very clumsy; but a boat of this kind was made and put on the Savannah River in 1806, and moved by steam power. Robert Fulton's boat, the Clermont, made its trial trip on the Hudson River in August of 1807. He made use of pad- dle-wheels to strike the water instead of poles to strike the river bottom. Paddle-wheels were a great improvement, and Robert Fulton is called the inventor of the steamboat. To him belongs the idea of paddle-wheels, while to William Longstreet belongs the honor of having first made a boat run by steam power. In 1810 the "Agricultural Society of Georgia" was incor- 1G8 History of Georgia. porated by the legislature. The object of this society was to collect information about farming and to suggest better metliods to the farmers of the State. Few factories of any kind then existed. The people had turned their attention mainly to farming, to the lumber trade, and to raising cattle. In the year 1810 a factory was built by the Wilkes Manufacturing Company, with a capital of $10,000. About the same time another was built on Little River, in Morgan County; but neither prosjaered and both were abandoned. The first bank in Georgia was chartered in 1810. It was the " Bank of Augusta." The Planter's Bank was chartered a few days later. Mount Zion Academy and Powellton Acad- emy were started in 1811, and were famous schools in their day. Other academies and schools appeared in all the settle- ments. In 1813 many academies all over the State were char- tered, and each had some aid from the legislature. The population of the State by the census of 1810, white and colored, had reached about 2513,000. The exports amounted to $2,500,000, having increased nearly a million dollars in ten years. Savannah was still the largest city, with a population of about 5,000. It was the main harbor, although much shipping was done by Brunswick, Darien, and St. Mary's. Augusta was still a small town with a good trade. By the apportionment based on this census Georgia was entitled to six representatives in Congress. [David B. Mitchell was born in Scotland in 17G6. His uncle died in Georgia, leaving him some property, and he came to Savannah in 1783 to take possession of it. He studied law, and was the clerk of a com- mittee appointed to revise the code of criminal laws of the State. In 1795 he was elected Solicitor-General of Georgia. He was a member of the Legislature which passed the Yazoo Act, and voted against it. In 1805 he was elected Major-General of the First Division of Georgia Militia. After serving twice as governor, he was appointed State Agent to the Creek Indians, He died in Baldwin County.] Questions and Topics. 169 [An interesting event at this time was the invention of a perfect alpha- bet of over eighty letters for the Cherokee language by Sequoyah, a half- breed Georgia Indian. His paper was birch-bark, his ink was the juice of berries and weeds. By his zeal he inspired his people with a love for written words. Sequoyah never learned to read or write in English, but he saw one of his tribe reading the language of the white people, and he resolved to make a written language for his own people. He sat by his tent and wrote on birch-bark, and taught his little daughter the charac- ters. When she learned to read she was tested by the tribe, and her suc- cess produced great excitement. The missionaries adopted his characters and made a Bible to be read in Cherokee. Soon a newspaper was started, and the type was cast in the Sequoyah characters. All the Cherokees soon learned to read. The big trees in California are named for this Indian genius, who lived on Georgia soil and gave a written and printed language to his people.] QUESTIONS. What dispute arose about the boundary line ? How was it settled ? Where did the Legislature meet in 1807 ? Describe the new capitol building. What was the condition of the town of Milledgeville ? For whom was the county named? Who succeeded Jared Irwin as governor? What suggestions did his message contain ? What was done in response to the suggestions ? What about travelling in those days ? Who first thought of a boat propelled by steam ? Describe Longstreet's boat. What society was incorporated by the Legislature in 1810 ? What was its object ? What can you say about factories ? What factories were built in 1810 ? What banks were chartered in 1810 ? What academies were started in 1811 ? What about the population at this time ? TOPICS. 1. Boundary lines. 4. Longstreet's steamboat. 3. Change of capital. 5. Progress in manufacturing, etc. 3. Internal improvements. 6. Statistics. CHAPTER XXX. THE AVAR OF 1812. — ITSTDIAN TROUBLES. "The citizens of Georgia will ever be found in readiness to assert the rights and sup- port the dignity of the country, whenever called upon by the general government." — Resolutions of Georgia patriots. For a number of years all Europe had been involved in war. As early as 1806 Napoleon Bonaparte had declared all the ports of the continent of Europe closed against England. England retaliated the next year by orders which forbade any vessel entering the ports of France or her allies. By these edicts American vessels trading with either of these powers were liable to be captured by the other. The English warships searched American vessels and seized American sailors whom they claimed as British subjects and forced to serve in the British navy. In this state of affairs the United States closed their ports and forbade any vessel leaving them. This was known as the "Embargo of 1807" and was a great hardship to Georgia, whose main source of wealth was the cotton which was shipped to Europe. Nevertheless the legislature sent an address to the President, expressing its ap- proval of the act, and declaring that if the war should come the people of Georgia " will, in proportion to their number and resources, give zealous aid to the government of their choice." England tried to force a cotton trade with Georgia and South Carolina and sent war vessels to open the port of Savan- nah. In January, 1809, one of the vessels, the war brig Sandwich, anchored off Tybee Island, at the mouth of the Savannah River. Two of the British officers came up to the The War of mm. 171 city to purchase cotton. The people refused to sell and ordered the officers away. They went back to their vessels and put out to sea, but before doing so fired several shots at a pilot boat lying in the harbor. They threatened to return and destroy the town. This act made the people indignant, and resolutions were passed and sent to the President of the United States, stating "that all hopes of a peaceful termina- 'tion of the difficulty had been lost, and the duty of the United States was to maintain their sovereign rights against the despots of Europe." The people of Georgia were in favor of war, and their senators and representatives in Congress were leaders in advocating a resort to arms. In June, 1813, the United States declared war against Eng- land. Governor Mitchell, in November following, sent a mes- sage to the legislature, advising them to prepare for the defence of Georgia's long stretch of exposed coast and frontier. " To do this the citizens must have arms and be taught the use of them, as well as the duties of the camp." The legislature appropriated $30,000 to be used in arming the soldiers, build- ing forts, and fitting out vessels to protect the coast. The guns which were in the old arsenal at Louisville were sent to Milledgeville and divided among the military companies. A supply of swords and pistols was given to the cavalry. Gov- ernor Mitchell called for ten thousand soldiers to be placed along the coast. He bought five hundred stand of arms for the militia troops in the exposed counties next to Florida. The island of Amelia on the Florida coast became the home of smugglers who, under Spanish protection, tried to evade the laws of the United States, and lawless characters from East Florida crossed into Georgia and were burning houses, stealing goods, and carrying off live stock. At the same time a revolution against the Spanish government had been started in East Florida. Georgia complained to the United States and asked for help. The President ordered United States troops to join the 172 History of Georgia. Georgia troops under the command of Governor Mitchell, and put a stop to these outrages. He was instructed to persuade the revolutionists of East Florida to annex that province to the United States. When he reached St. Mary's he wrote to the governor of East Florida that the Indians must return the stolen property, the smugglers must leave Amelia Island, and all the outrages must stop. The Spanish governor refused to agree to this and attempted to drive off the American troops. A battle was fought, but the Americans held their ground. Mean- while the revolution in East Florida had failed, and nothing resulted from the attempt to annex that province. As soon as war was declared, Tecumseh, the famous Shaw- nee chief, visited the southern Indians. He urged them to take advantage of the conditions and by united efforts to drive the whites back to the coast. His eloquence aroused the war- riors and alarmed the people. Governor Mitchell built block-house forts in the frontier counties, where the people were in a high state of excitement. These forts were built ten miles apart. Each fort was one hundred feet square, containing two block-houses, and was enclosed by a stockade eight feet high. Three forts were erected in Twiggs County, three in Telfair, and four in Pulaski. The dreaded attack came very soon. August 30, 1813, a body of Creek Indians, seven hundred and twenty-five in num- ber, surprised Fort Mims on the Alabama River at 12 o'clock in the day. Before the soldiers had time to close the fort and man their guns, the Indians were upon them, and massacred three hundred men, women, and childen in the most savage manner. This was a signal for a general uprising of the hostile Creeks and Seminoles. The Seminoles attacked the settle- ments along the Florida frontier. The Georgia troops imme- diately went after these robbers, and pursued them into the Questions and Topics. 173 swamps. For seven days the Georgians remained in the heart of the Seminole country, surrounded by savage foes, sleeping on the ground, and enduring hunger and great hardship. The Indians were found and were punished for their misdeeds. The legislature of Georgia passed a resolution of thanks to these soldiers for their bravery. To punish the hostile Creeks of Alabama, the general gov- ernment ordered out the militia of Georgia and Tennessee. Three thousand six hundred Georgia troops collected at Fort Hawkins, on the Ocmulgee River, the site of the jiresent city of Macon. This fort had been built by the United States in 1806, and named for Colonel Benjamin Hawkins. It was the strongest in Georgia, and now became the headquarters of the troops. General John Floyd was placed in command. [General John Floyd was born in South Carolina in 1769. In 1791 or 1792 his father moved to Georgia, near the mouth of Satilla River in Camden County. He applied himself to mechanics and boat-building and soon became a wealthy man. He represented Camden County in the legislature, received a commission as major-general on the State militia. He was also a member of Congress. He was a gallant soldier, and a patriotic citizen. He died in 1824.] QUESTIONS. What trouble had arisen between the United States and England ? What was the embargo of 1807 ? How did this aifeet Georgia ? Describe the outrage at Savannah. When was war declared ? What did Governor Mitchell advise ? What preparations were made for the war ? Describe the expedition against Florida. What was Governor Mitchell instructed to do ? With what result ? What about the block-house forts ? The massacre at Fort Mims. Describe the expedition against the Seminoles. What preparations were made to punish the Creeks ? Where were the troops assembled ? Who was in command ? TOPICS. 1. The cause of the war. 4. Preparations for war. 2. Patriotism of Georgia. •^. Expedition against Florida. 3. Outrage at Savannah. 6. Punishing the Indians. CHAPTER XXXI. THE END OF THE WAR OF 1812. " I hope no such disruption will ever come, but if it should I have no wish that Gteorgia should survive the general wreck." — Peter Early. In 1813, the second term of David B. Mitchell having ex- pired, Peter Early was elected governor. Governor Early was strong in will, prompt in action, and began vigorous measures for carrying on the war. An officer of the United States asked him for a loan of $80,000, and pledged the k faith of the general government for its payment. The request was granted and a warrant drawn upon GOVERNOR PETER EARLY. ,, , „ ,, o i i r" n i the treasury oi the State tor that amount. Some one suggested to Governor Early that the Union might dissolve during the war and the money be lost. To this he gave the noble reply which heads this chapter. The legislature appropriated $20,000 for General Floyd, with which he bought guns, powdei', and rations for the soldiers at Fort Hawkins, and made ready to march against the Creeks. He built a line of block -house forts from the Ocmulgee to the Alabama River, to protect the northern part of the State. On the west bank of the Chattahoochee River he built Fort Mitchell and put a strong garrison in it. He then marched rapidly by night to Autossee, one of the largest towns of the Creek nation, near Tallassee, on the left bank of the Talla- 176 History of Georgia. poosa River, in the heart of the Creek country. The cele- brated Creek chief, William IMcIntosh, a friend of the whites, and four hundred warriors were with him. The Cowetas and a number of other Creek tribes living in Western Georgia had refused to Join in the wf>r against the whites and remained their firm friends and allies. Just before day-break, November 39, 1813, an assault was made at the same time upon both Autossee and Tallassee. By nine o'clock the battle was won, two hundred warriors and the kings of both towns were killed, and the houses were in flames. The pipe of the king of Tallassee, which had been smoked at a treaty forty years before, was captured and sent to the governor, who hung it in his office in Milledgeville. During the battle General Floyd was shot in the knee. He did not stop to have his wound dressed, but remained in command of his troops the entire time. After the battle General Floyd returned to Fort Mitchell, having marched one hundred and twenty miles in seven days with only five days' provisions. He again advanced, January, 1814, from Fort Mitchell against the Creeks. He had heard that the upper Creeks had collected in large numbers at Hotle Crawle, a town of some importance. He sent a force of fifteen hundred men to attack this place, and they dispersed the Indians after a battle, known as the battle of Challibbee. A few days after the battle the term of service of many of the troops expired, and tliey re- turned to their homes. General Floyd was ordered to march with a brigade to Savannah to protect that place. Here he remained in command until the end of the war. General Andrew Jackson still carried on the war against the Indians. His crowning victory was at Horse Shoe Bend on the Tallapoosa River. Here the hostile Creeks were com- pletely crushed, and were obliged to sue for peace. A treaty was made at Fort Jackson, August 9, 1814. Nearly all the land between the Chattahoochee and Altamaha rivers, owned by the Creeks, was ceded to the general government. THE END OF TEE WAR OF 1812. 177 besides large tracts west of the Chattahoochee. Out of this territory twenty counties in southern Georgia have since been formed. One of these counties was named in lionor of Colonel Daniel Appling, who was born in Columbia County. At Sandy Creek, New York, he performed a great feat of bravery, and the leg- islature of Georgia presented him with a handsome sword suitable to an officer of his rank. But he died before the sword reached him. In honor of his bravery the sword was hung in the office of the governor. After the treaty with the Indians, General Jackson marched to Mobile, Here he learned that the British ships had en- tered the harbor of Pensacola, had landed an army and were arousing the Indians. Governor Early learned that British ships were also at Appalachicola and were inciting the Indians and runaway negroes to overrun Georgia. The command of the frontier was given to General David Blackshear, General Floyd being unable to take command on account of his wounds. In October the general government called on Georgia for 2,500 militia, to join General Jackson at Mobile. These troops were ordered to meet at Fort Hawkins and were placed under command of Major-Gen, John Mcintosh and Brig.- Gen, David Blackshear, In November news was received that the Seminoles had arisen along the Flint River, and General Blackshear was sent with a body of troops to subdue them. General Mcintosh started for Mobile with the remainder of the militia, instructing General Blackshear to join him there. When Blackshear reached the Flint River he found that the Seminoles had already been subdued, and learned that the British ships had sailed toward New Orleans, and that Jack- son had marched overland to that place. In January, 1815, a large British fleet appeared off the lower coast of Georgia, General Blackshear was ordered to retrace his steps and join General Floyd at Savannah. The road he built on that 13 178 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. march was called " Blackshear's Road," and as such is known to the present day. General Floyd sent him word that the British were two thousand strong on land, had pillaged the town of St. Mary's, and had withdrawn to Cumberland Island. January 26, 1815, news was received of the brilliant victory of General Jackson over the British at New Orleans. The news was carried by Indian runners from Mobile to Fort , Hawkins. General Blackshear received the news on February 4, and sent a courier to General Floyd at Savannah, with a letter stating "nineteen guns were fired at Fort Hawkins on Monday last in celebration of the victory." In February news reached Georgia that a treaty of peace had been signed at Ghent in Belgium, on Christmas Eve, between the United States and England. This put an end to the threatened invasion of Georgia. The terms of peace did not suit all the States. Georgia was much opposed to the treaty. Resolutions were passed, asking the President of the United States to continue the war rather than consent to the treaty. The treaty, however, was ratified, and peace was declared between the two nations. During the war William H. Crawford had been appointed minister to France, and resigned his position as United States Senator. William B. Bulloch, of Savannah, was appointed to fill the position until the legislature met in 1813, when Dr. W. W. Bibb was elected. [Peter Early was born in Virginia in 1773, and when a young man came to Georgia to practise law in Wilkes County. In 1803 he was elected to Congress, and was a leading member of that body. In 1807 he was appointed judge of the Superior Court in the Ocmulgee circuit. He died August, 1817.] [General Blackshear was born in North Carolina in 1764. He came to Georgia in 1790, and settled in Laurens County near the Oconee River. He was often engaged in battles with the Indians and was a brave soldier. In 1815 a vote of thanks was given General Blackshear for his services. He died at his home in Laurens County at the ripe age of seventy- three.] Questions and Topics. 179 [Major-General John Mcintosh was a nephew of Laehlan Mcintosh. He was born in Georgia in 1755. At the close of the war he settled on St. John's River, where he was arrested by the Spaniards, who charged him with designs against them. After imprisonment for some time in Morro Castle, Havana, he returned to Georgia. He died in 1826.] [" One among the most remarkable feats ever recorded in the annals of war took place on the St. Mary's River in the year 1815. Twenty-three barges, piled with British soldiers, ascended St. Mary's River for the purpose of burning Major Clarke's mills as a retaliation for breaking his parole. The St. Mary's is a vei-y crooked river, from sixty to one hun- dred yards wide. The enemy intended to land at a place called Camp Pinckney, and march to Clarke's Mills, on Spanish Creek, three miles distant. Whilst the barges were ascending they were attacked by a party of twenty-eight men under the command of Captain William Cone. As soon as they were attacked they fired their cannon, but the palmetto on both sides of the river served as a screen for Cone's men, so that the shot from the enemy proved harmless. In this manner the barges were harassed for several miles. Cone's men took advantage of every turn of the river to fire upon them, and every shot brought down a man. Finding themselves exposed to so deadly a fire, the barges retraced their course toward St. Mary's. Upon their arrival at the latter place they reported one hundred and eighty men killed and as many wounded."] QUESTIONS. Who became governor in 1813 ? How did Early show his patriotism ? What did General Floyd do ? What forts did he build ? Where did he march ? Who went with him ? Tell about the battles of Antossee and Tallassee. Describe the battle of Challibbee. Where were the Creeks crushed and by whom ? What about the treaty at Fort Jackson ? For whom and why was Appling County named ? Who was placed in com- mand of the frontier ? What was he told to do ? What other troops were raised in Georgia and for what purpose ? Describe Blackshear's movements. Tell about the news of the victory at New Orleans. What about the treaty of peace ? TOPICS. 1. Early's patriotism. 4. Movements of Mcintosh. 2. Floyd's victories over the 5. Movements of Blackshear. Creeks. 6. End of the war. 3. Treaty at Fort Jackson. CHAPTEE XXXII. PROGRESS OF THE STATE. REV. MOSES WADDELL. "In every situation in which I have been placed, my liighest object and only aim have been to promote the interests and prosperity of our beloved country." — William Kabcn. David B. Mitchell was elected governor a third time in 1815. He at once began the work of repairing the losses of war. The legislature appro- priated money to aid schools, to build libraries, hos^iitals, and poor-houses. An act was passed requiring the owners of old and infirm slaves to support them in comfort. As early as 1803 an appropriation was made to build a peni- tentiary in Milledgeville. The build- ings were now ready, and the legislature passed the Peniten- tiary Act. The laws prescribing punishment for crimes were revised in 1816 to suit the penitentiary system. One of the sections for- bade any traders to bring negro slaves to the State to sell, under penalty of a fine of one thousand dollars and five years in the penitentiary. But this did not prohibit residents of the State from importing slaves for their own use. Other southern States had similar laws. The same legislature elected George M. Troup to succeed Bibb as United States Senator. Troup had served with dis- tinction in the lower house of Congress, and during the war had been chairman of the committee on military affairs. Bibb was appointed governor of the Territory of Alabama, acid when PROaRESS OF THE STATE. 181 that territory was admitted as a State he was chosen its first governor. Benjamin Hawkins, the friend of the Indians, died in 1816. He was very old, but had faithfully done the duties of his office. He had a large farm and a beautiful home in the Indian country, where he Avas glad to entertain his friends. Under his care the southern Indians had improved very much in civ- ilization. Many of them had houses and farms and assumed tne aress and habits of the white people. There were some schools and churches among them. Benjamin Hawkins was buried at the old agency on the Flint River, now in Crawford County, among the Indian friends he had loved so well." Governor Mitchell was appointed by President Monroe to succeed Colonel Hawkins as southern agent for Indian affairs. He resigned his office as governor November 4, 1817. Under the Constitution he was succeeded by William Rabun, the president of the Senate, who was soon after duly elected governor. In 1817 a war with the Seminoles broke out. The In- dians had stolen several hundred cattle in Camden County. A party appeared near Clarke's Mills on the St. Mary's River, brutally murdered a woman and two children, burnt their dwelling and fled. In addition to this, the Seminole Indians had harbored several murderers and refused to give them up. Major-General Gaines, under the orders of General Andrew Jackson, marched United States troops to the Flint River and sent a friendly message to the Indian chief on the opposite side. This message was not heeded. Accordingly a body of troops was sent across the river. The Indians fired upon them and the fire was returned. The Indians then fled, leaving four of their warriors slain. In November, General Gaines ordered Colonel Arbuckle, with three hundred Georgia militia, to pursue the Indians. The Indians i^laced themselves in a swamp and fired upon the Georgians as they passed by, but no one was hurt. Another 182 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. ambush of one thousand savages was formed near the Appa- lachicola. A passing boat was attacked and nearly every man was slain or taken prisoner. On one occasion the Indians penetrated as far as Fort Scott, and murdered several persons. It was expected that they would try to reduce Fort Gaines and 'KT GAINES (1816). Fort Scott. But General Andrew Jackson, with a body of one thousand troops, arrived early in 1818 at Fort Scott, drove back the Indians, and took prompt measures to reduce St. Mark's at Pensacola, which post soon surrendered. In 1817 the Cherokee Indians ceded to the United States all the lands they owned in Georgia east of the Chattahoochee Eiver. These lands were in the northeastern part of the PROOBESS OF THE STATE. 183 State and were orgauized iuto the counties of Hall and Habersham. In 1818 the Creeks ceded a large body of land between the Appalachee and the Chattahoochee rivers, out of which Gwinnett and Walton counties were made. At the same time they ceded a tract of land lying south of the Ocmulgee River. The next year the Cherokees ceded to THE "SAVANNAH. the United States ihe land lying between the Chattahoochee and the Chestatee rivers in the extreme northeastern part of Georgia. Out of this territory Rabun County was formed. In 1818 Governor Rabun appointed commissioners for Geor- gia to meet other commissioners from Tennessee to run the boundary line between these two States. The surveyors met at a place on Nickajack Creek near the north Georgia line, and after several weeks of work ran the line to the satisfaction of all parties. During the same year Wilson Lumpkin, of Georgia, ran the southern boundary line between Georgia and Florida. The university had languished until the enrolment had gone down to seven students. In 1819 the trustees elected Moses Waddell, president. He was a famous teacher and had 184 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. MATTHEW TALBOT. numbered among his pupils William H. Crawford, John C. Calhoun, and other great men of the country. By his energy and high character as educator the enrolment of the university soon went to over one hundred stu- dents. The prosperity of that iusti- tution dates from his adminis- tration. The first steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean was built by William Scarborough, a v.ealthy merchant and planter of Savannah. It used pitch-pine for fuel, and had an iron wheel on each side, which could close up like a fan and could be un- shipped at will. Instead of wheel- houses, heavy canvas was used to cover the wheels. The vessel was built at Elizabethtown, N. J., and was named '^Savan- nah.'''' The trial trip was from Charleston to Savannah, and on board was President Monroe, who was there visiting the South, and who, during his stay in Savannah, was the guest of William Scarborough. The vessel sailed from Savannah in 1819 and visited Liverpool, Copen- hagen, Norway, and went as far as St. Petersburg. It was the wonder of Europe. Even the royalty came ,on board to examine it. The smoke from the engine stack made the people first think the vessel was on fire, and more than one offer of aid was made to extinguish the flames. Early in 1819 Spain ceded East and West Florida to the United States for five million dollars. The consent of Spain to the cession was secured by John Forsyth, of Georgia, who had been appointed minister to Spain by FKEEMAN WALKER. PROGRESS OF THE STATE. 185 President Monroe. Forsyth was United States Senator from Georgia at that time^, having succeeded George M. Troup, who had resigned in 1818. Upon tlie resignation of Forsyth, Freeman Walker, of Augusta, was elected. The same legisla- ture elected John Elliott senator to succeed Charles Tait. Governor Eabun died October, 1819, while in discharge of his duties as governor. Matthew Talbot, of Wilkes County, the president of the Senate, at once became governor, and served until the legislature could meet. By the census of 1820 the population of Georgia was tliree hundred and forty thousand, and the State gained one repre- sentative in Congress. Savannah now had eight thousand in- habitants and her trade was rapidly growing. [Benjamin Hawkins was born in North Carolina in 1754. He was educated at Princeton College, and became so versed in the French lan- guage that General Washington employed him as an interpreter during his intercourse with the French officers. He was with Washington at the battle of Monmoutl^ and upon several other occasions. He was a mem- ber of Congress and United States Senator from North Carolina until he was appointed Agent of Indian Affairs in the South.] [William Rabun was born in North Carolina in 1771. He came to Georgia in 1785 with his father, and after living in Wilkes County for a year, moved to Hancock County. His education was limited, but he read much, and was very popular with his fellow-citizens. For many years he represented Hancock County in the legislature, and was president of the Senate, when he was called by the resignation of Governor Mitchell to the chair of governor. He died while governor, October 24, 1819.] [Matthew Talbot by birth was a Virginian. He settled in Wilkes County in 1785, and afterwards moved to Oglethorpe. His honesty and firmness made him one amongst the most popular men in Georgia. Whilst a citizen of Wilkes he was often elected a member of the legis- lature. When he moved to Oglethorpe he was appointed a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1798. In 1808 he was elected to the Senate, and was president of that body from 1818 to 1823. He died in Wilkes County, September 17, 1827, aged sixty years, leaving behind him the character of an honest and patriotic citizen.] 186 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. [William Wyatt Bibb was born in Virginia in 1780. He studied medi- cine, and, moving to Georgia, settled first in Elbert and then in Wilkes County. At the age of twenty-five he was elected to Congress and came within a few votes of being elected Speaker of the House of Representa- tives. He was in the Senate from 1813 to 1816. He was appointed gov- ernor of the Territory of Alabama in 1816, and when that Territory was admitted as a State was elected its first governor. He was killed at the age of forty years by a fall from his horse. Bibb County, in Georgia, is named in his honor.] QUESTIONS. Who was elected governor in 1815 ? Mention some acts of the legis- lature passed at this time. What are the laws for crimes ? Who suc- ceeded Bibb as senator ? What can you say of Troup ? What of Bibb ? What about the death of Hawkins ? Who succeeded him ? What war broke out in 1817 ? What did Gaines do ? How was the war ended ? What did the Cherokees cede in 1817 ? The Creeks in 1818 ? The Cher- okees in 1819 ? Wiiat boundary line was run in 1818 ? What can you say of the university ? Describe the steamship Savannah. What about the cession of Florida in 1819 ? Mention the new senators at this time. What of the death of Rabun ? Who succeeded him ? Give the statistics of 1820. TOPICS. 1. Legislation in 1816. 5. Cessions of territory. 2. Troup and Bibb. 6. The university. 3. Death of Hawkins. 7. Steamship Savannah, 4. Seminole war. 8. Death of Rabun. CHAPTEK XXXIII. HOW THEY LIVED IN EARLY TIMES. " Where is a land on wbicb a deeper blue Divinely bfends tban that I proudly view, Whei'e broader rivers sweep to join the main, AH brightly winding through their rich domain, — Wliere prouder mountains look o'er softer vales, Or greener forests wave to fresher gales ? "—Robert P. Hall. Eighty years ago tliere were no large cities in Georgia. Most of the people lived on farms, or in small towns. The wealth- ier people lived on large plantations. Their houses, usually white, were spacious and ele- gant, with green win- dow-blinds, and in the front, wide porticoes with handsome col- umns. They were gen- erally surrounded by groves of oak and other trees, and Avere so situ- ated as to overlook the plantations. Not only in Georgia, but all over the South, the residences of the planters wei'e abodes of cultui'e and luxury. The sons and daughters mus. goveknor early. 188 History of Georgia. were educated in the best Kchools of the country, and music, painting, art, and literature made the home life refined. The men wore ruffled shirts of the finest linen, and coats of rich velvet. Their wives and daughters dressed in imported silks and satins. The accompanying picture, reproduced from a portrait of the wife of Governor Early, shows the evening dress of ladies of the period. ; The family of the planter lived in profusion and plenty. They were attended by a number of servants, and drove to church or to town in the family carriage. Their hospitality was unbounded. Several neighboring families Avould often gather at one house and spend a week or more in a social party. And hospitality was shown not only to friends, but strangers. No traveller in distress was ever refused a meal or a night's lodging, and the resi^ectable traveller, poor or rich, was always welcome as a guest as long as he j^leased to stay. But all the people of Georgia were not rich planters. A great many of our best men were plain people. Their houses were simi^le buildings, situated generally near the high roads or on the banks of rivers. These people did all their own work. Their clothes were made of cloth manufactured by themselves. The women carded the cotton or wool with hand- carders into small rolls. These rolls they spun on spinning- wheels into thread, which they dyed whatever colors they desired, and they wove the thread into cloth on home-made looms. Such looms and spinning-wheels are yet to be found in many country houses of Georgia, especially in the northern districts. Here the good old custom of household industry in the production of home-spun is still kej)t up by the wives and daugliters of thriving and respectable farmers. The houses of the frontier settlers usually had but one room, the floor of which was made of puncheons, that is, split logs with the faces smoothed by an ax or hatchet. There were no lamps, and candles were not often used. Blazing pine knots in the fire-place generally served for both light and How TiiEY LIVED IN Early tuies. 189 heat. The boys of the family, after working all day in the fields, would at night lie down in front of the pine-knot fires and learn to read and write. Many of these boys became in after years distinguished men in the history of the State. The cooking in early times was done in large, open fire- places. In the fire-place was a crane for holding kettles or SPINNING AND WEAVING. pots over the fire. Corn bread was baked in the hot ashes — hence called " ash cakes " — and potatoes were often cooked in the same way. Bread of other kinds was baked in ovens, which were also used for baking meat. Turkeys were roasted on a spit hung before the fire. The negroes belonging to the plantations lived in small houses, generally built in a row, and called the " negro quar- ters," or '^the quarters." Being well treated, they were free from care, and were, therefore, happy, and devoted to their masters. After the day's labor they had their simple sports, 190 History of Georgia. such as dancing, playing the banjo, and 'possum hunting. They were fond of singing, even at tlieir work. And at niglit, around the fire in " the quarters," or at tlieir meeting houses, they would sing their melodies in rich, musical voices. The white children considered it a great privilege to play around " the quarters " and listen to the stories of "Brer Rabbit" and ' ' Brer Fox ' ' related by the old negroes. There were no railroads in those times, and travelling long distances was generally done by means of coaches called stage coaches. The drivers had horns made of tin, which they sounded as they came near a town or village, or occasionally as they went along the highway, to give notice of their ap- proach. The mails were carried by these stages. At convenient stations along the roads there were hotels, which in those days were called inns, where the horses were changed and the travellers could get their meals or rest for the night. Nowadays we can go from one end of Georgia to the other in a day, or can take a sleeping-car in Atlanta after supper and be in Savannah to bi'eakfast ; but in those times the journey would make nearly a week of uncomfortable riding. The absence of railroads compelled the people to bring all goods and merchandise into the State in wagons, and to carry their crops in the same way to Savannah, Augusta, or Charles- ton, which were the great markets in those days. Many had to drive more than a hundred miles to reach one of these towns, and they used great canvas-covered wagons, in which they carried provisions, coffee-pots, and skillets for cooking, and blankets to wrap themselves up in at night. Neighbors who had to make such a journey would start at the same time and travel together, so that long wagon trains were constantly passing the public roads. When night came the wagons stopped by the side of the road near a spring or a small stream, and a camp fire was built. Supper was cooked, and the travellers lay down in the large wagons and slept till Georgia Crackers. 191 morning. The driver of each Avagoii carried a whip, which he often pojjped and cracked as he drove along. With tlie handle in both hands, he would pop his large whip from side to side until it sounded like the rapid firing of a pistol. From this practice the name "Georgia Cracker" is said to have origi- nated, the cracker being a man from the country, who, in driving to market, cracked his whip as he went along. [Other explanations of the origin of " Georgia Crackers " are as follows : Prom the Centnry Dictionary — "One of an inferior class of white hill dwellers in some of the Southern United States, especially in Georgia and Florida. The name is said to have been applied because cracked corn is their chief article of diet : it is as old in Georgia and Florida as the time of the Revolution." Richard Malcolm Johnston says, that among the followers of Gen. Francis Marion in his guerrilla warfare, during the war of the Revolution, were some Georgians, who were especially expert in the use of the rifle, the "crack" of which got to be much dreaded by the British, who gave these rifieraen the name of Georgia Crackers. After the war the name changed from a military to a social significance. A theory of Charles H. Smith (Bill Arp) is that the hardy and indus- trious Scotchmen who settled in Georgia, and who came in conflict with the rough and uncultured settlers from other sections, called them "crackers," which is a Scotch term, and means "boasters," "idlers," who talk much and work little. Cracked and crack-brained may have the same origin.] QUESTIONS. Describe the homes of the planters in the early times. How did the men dress ? The women ? What about the hospitality ? Describe the homes of the plain people. How were clothes made ? Tell about the houses of the frontier settlers. Wliat about cooking ? Where did the negroes live ? What were some of their sports ? What about travelling ? How did people get to market ? What is the origin of ' ' Georgia Cracker " T TOPICS. 1. Home life of the planters. 4. The frontier settlers. 2. Home-made cloth. 5. Negroes and their sports. 3. Cooking. 6. Going to market. CHAPTER XXXIV. EARLY CUSTOMS AND HABITS. "Georgia, sir, is my home, as it was that of him from whom I derived my being — as it is, and will be, the home of my children. Humanly speaking, it is the boundary of my hopes and of my wishes ; and whether for weal or woe, I am content to share the lot of her people."— John M. Bberien. Ik the northern part of the State, and beyond the bor- ders, a great deal of tobacco was raised. The tobacco, when cured, was pressed into huge and securely-bound hogsheads. Around the heads of these hogsheads were pinned wooden fel- loes, which made a wheel at each end, and in the centre of each head a large pin was inserted to serve as an axle. A hick- ory jiole was split at one end to form shafts, which were fastened to the axle. Mules or oxen were hitched to the pole, and as they moved they drew the hogsheads along. Many of these teams would go together for company, and the drivers were called "tobacco rollers." A road known as the "tobacco road " begins in the upper portion of the State and winds in and out until it reaches the Savannah Elver below the shoals, in Richmond County. A peculiarity of this road is that it is nowhere crossed by water, this having been neces- sary to save the tobacco from injury by wetting. When the river was reached, the hogsheads were placed on flatboats and floated to Savannah. There were but few newspapers in those times, and the people learned about political matters at large public meetings. These meetings were addressed by the leading men of the day, who generally spoke from a platform built under the shade of a tree. Sometimes several thousand citizens from a half dozen counties would gather at some central place to hear political Early Customs and Habits. 193 speeches. lu this way the people were instructed ou public affairs, and powers of oratory and capacity for statesmanship were developed, that made Georgia and other Southern States famous in the history of the country. It was the custom at these political meetings to cook and eat a whole pig or kid or calf, the carcass of the animal being roasted on jioles stretched over a fire made in a hole dug in the ground. This was called a "barbecue," and the Georgia barbecue became famous throughout the country. ON THE TOBACCO ROAD. Another great occasion of public gatherings was "muster day," when citizens liable to military service met to be drilled in the manual of arms and in marching and counter-marching. The Federal Government had but a small standing army at that time, and depended upon the States to furnish soldiers in case of war. These State troops were called militia. The men were organized into companies, battalions, regiments, and brigades, and there were captains, majors, colonels, brigadier- generals and major-generals. These officers wore bright uni- forms and were persons of influence and importance. Governor 13 194 History of Georgia. Mitchell was a major-general; bo also were David Meriwether, Hugh Haralson, John Clark, John Floyd, and other men prominent in the history of the State. On muster days the people came out in large numbers to view the parade. Among the social customs of early times in Georgia was COKN SHUCKING. " house raising." When a settler wanted to build a log cabin in the woods, he cut down enough logs for the purpose and invited the neighbors to come and help him raise them to their proper places and set them up in the frame of the house. The neighbors cheerfully did this, for they were always ready to lend a helping hand to one another. Another custom was known as ''log rolling." When a piece of forest ground was to be cleared, the trees were belted Early Customs and Habits. 195 to make them die. lu this state they were blown down by the winter winds, and the first work in the spring was to cut them into logs of convenient size for rolling. The farmer invited the aid of his neighbors, and they helped him roll the logs into piles for burning. Upon these occasions feats of strength and activity were a part of the programme. The youth who could pull his man down at the end of the hand stick, throw him in a wrestle, or outstrip him in a foot race, was regarded as the best man in the settlement. He was greeted with a cheer by the old ladies, "a slap on the shoulder by the men, and with the shy yet encouraging glances of the girls. He had his choice of partners in the dance, and rode home with the prettiest girl, generally on the same horse. While the men were log rolling the women of the neighborhood joined in " quilting." After sewing all morning, they had a good coun- try dinner together, and sjient the afternoon in conversation. After the harvest of corn was gathered in the fall of the year, some farmer would invite the neighbors to a "corn shucking," that is, taking the shucks ofE the ears of corn. Generally the corn was put in two jiiles, and sides were chosen by the young men present. At a given signal each side would begin to vigorously husk the ears of corn in the pile. The side that finished first won the prize. All these gatherings ended in what was called a "frolic," that is, games of some kind, or dancing in which young and old joined. The music was rendered by some old negro fiddler. Sometimes the dances were held in the morning, and if at night, rarely later than nine or ten o'clock. Such social meetings promoted the spirit of friendship, encouraged manly virtues, and contributed to the hap]3y home life that character- ized the early settlements of the State. One of the chief amusements of the wealthier class was fox hunting. Some of the rich planters kept packs of hounds, and they and their neighbors would often meet at daylight on horseback. After the fox had been scented the hounds would 196 History of Georgia. start on his track in full cry, the hunters riding after in hot haste. Over ditches and fences, across fields and roads, tlirough woods and meadows, the horses and dogs would go for many a mile until the fox was caught. Frequently women went on those chases, and they were as fearless riders as the men. The rider who was ' ' in at the death ' ' was entitled to the trophy, which was the long bushy tail of the fox. [Some features of the early times in Georgia can be gathered from " Georgia Scenes," by Judge A. B. Longstreet ; " Dukesborough Tales," by Richard M. Johnston ; "Major Jones' Courtship," by W. M, Thomp- son ; " Memories of Fifty Years," by William Sparks ; " The Georgians," by George R. Gilmer.] QUESTIONS. Describe the tobacco road. Tell about the political meetings. What was the barbecue ? What was done on muster day ? What was the house raising ? What was log rolling ? Describe the sports upon that occasion. What else was done on log-rolling day ? Describe a corn shucking. How did these social gatherings end ? Tell about the fox hunting. TOPICS. 1. Tobacco road. 3. Political meetings. 3. Muster day. 4. House raising. 5. Log rolling. 6. Corn shucking. 7. Dancing. 8. Pox hunting OHAPTEE XXXV. CRAWFORD, TROUP, AXD CLARK, " Of all the old States, Georgia is the only one whose political organization is incom- plete : her civil policy is deranged : her military force cannot be reduced to systematic order and subordination : the extent of her natural resources cannot be counted : the great work of internal improvement is suspended, and all because Georgia is not in pos- session of her vacant territory."— George M. Troup. Up to this time and for several years later there was but one polit- ical party in Georgia, and that was the Deinocratic-Ee23ublican party of which Thomas Jefferson was the founder. Tlie party in Georgia had, however, divided into two local factions on a purely personal issue. One of these was led by William H. Crawford, who was secretary of the treasury in the cabinet of Monroe. The leader of the other party was General John Clark. They were prominent men and had great influence in the political affairs of the State. William H. Crawford was a lawyer and statesman of high ability and national reputation. He was one of the greatest men Georgia ever had in its history. While in the Senate he enjoyed the confidence and friendship of Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe. He was elected president of that body after the death of George Clinton of New York. When Crawford, as American Minister to France, was pre- sented to Napoleon, the latter was so struck by his firm step, lofty bearing, tall, manly figure, and the radiance of his clear GOVERNOR JOHN CLARK. 198 History of Georgia. blue eyes, that he involuntarily bowed twice. This was a rare if not uu]3recedented occurrence. Napoleon afterwards con- fessed that Crawford was the only man he ever saw, before whom he felt inclined to bow. When Crawford was a member of the legislature in 1806, Clark preferred charges against Judge Charles Tait. Craw- ford voted to acquit Judge Tait of the charges, and this is said to have provoked the enmity of Clark. A duel was fought between them in which Crawford was wounded in the wrist. They remained bitter enemies for life, and the per- sonal feelings between them made a party issue in Georgia. Governor Eabun had belonged to the Crawford party and had defeated Clark for governor in 1817. George M. Troup was an ardent admirer and supporter of Crawford, and he was made leader of the party on Crawford's retirement from political life through ill health. This party then became known as the Troup party, and the followers of General Clark were called the Clark party. The members of the latter were also called Clarkites, while the supporters of the other leader got the name of Troupers, and these two names continued in popular use for many years. The death of Eabun in 1819 brought on a hot contest between Troup and Clark as to which should be elected to the office of governor. When the legislature met in Novem- ber the balloting began in great excitement, as no one kiiew the exact strength of either party. Clark was elected by a majority of thirteen votes. While Clark was governor, trouble began with the Federal Government regarding tlie removal of the Indians. The United States recognized the Indian tribes as owners of the lands on which they lived, and so the lands were never taken from them by force, but were always bought. When the Indians sold land their title was said to be "extinguished." It will be remembered that in 1803 the United States agreed to extinguish for the use of Georgia the Indian titles to all Crawford, Troup, and Clark. 199 lands lying within the limits of the State, ''as soon as this could be done peaceably and on reasonable terms." Eighteen years had passed and the Indians still had some of the best lands in Georgia. The delay made the people impatient be- cause they were anxious that the State should get possession 200 HISTORY OF Georgia. of all its territory. Up to this time the Creeks had ceded nearly ten millions of acres, but still held about the same num- ber. The Cherokees had ceded nearly one million acres, but still held nearly six millions. These unceded lands lay west of the Ocmulgee Eiver and north of the Chattahoochee. The legislature, in December, 1819, sent a memorial and pro- test to the general government urging that the Indians be removed to lands west of the Mississippi Eiver. The United States made a treaty with the Creeks at Indian Springs in January. 1821. By this treaty a tract of land was ceded or sold by the Indians, and it was agreed that the United States might apply two hundred and fifty thousand dol- lars of the j)urchase money to com- pensating citizens of Georgia for cattle and other property taken from them by the Indians. The territory gained included the remaining land between the Flint and Ocmulgee Kivers as far north as the Chattahoochee. It was divided by the legislature of 1821 into the counties of Dooly, Fayette, Henry, Houstoun, and Monroe. Governor Clark advised the legis- lature to distribute this land by the lottery system, which was more likely to do "equal justice to the poor and rich and to insure a speedy population of the country." During the time that Clark was governor there was no truce between his friends and the Troup party. The contest be- tween them in the next campaign engaged the attention of the entire State. There was universal excitement over it. Everybody asked everyone he met: "Are you for Troup or Clark ? " When the legislature assembled in 1821, the absorb- ing question was, Who should be elected governor ? The members Avere nearly evenly divided, but Clark was -reelected NICHOLAS WARE. Questions and Topics. 201 amid great excitement by a majority of two. The vote was, — Troup 73, Clark 74. This second defeat of Troup was a bitter disappointment to liis friends, but they kept up the fight. ■ The year 1820 is memorable as the period of two great ca- lamities in Savannah. In the early part of the year the city was nearly destroyed by a fire which consumed over four hun- dred buildings. The loss was estimated at four million dollars. In the fall of the year a malignant yellow fever broke out, and almost depopulated the city. Nicholas Ware, a prominent lawyer of Augusta, was elected United States Senator in 1831, to succeed Freeman Walker. [John Clark was the son of General Elijah Clark of Revolutionary fame. He came to Georgia with his father when still a young boy. He went to school for a short while only. He preferred to join his father in his warfare against the tories. Though but a boy he did good soldier duty at Kettle Creek and in the siege of Augusta. He rose rapidly in popular favor and was made brigadier and afterwards major-general. His ani- mosity to Crawford was personal as well as political. He became involved in a quarrel with him and sent a challenge to fight a duel. On the day of meeting, Crawford was excited and allowed his disengaged arm to hang exposed to fire. The ball from Clark's pistol struck his wrist. They became avowed enemies, and for many years the politics of the State were agitated by these rival factions.] QUESTIONS. What was the only political party in Georgia up to this time ? How had the party divided, and who were the leaders ? What was the char- acter of Crawford ? What caused the enmity of Clark ? What names did the parties take ? Who was elected governor in 1819 ? What trouble began while Clark was governor ? What treaty was made in 1831 ? What counties were formed out of the territory gained ? What was the result of the political contest in 1821 ? Describe two calami- ties which occurred that year. TOPICS. 1. William H. Crawford. 3. Treaty at Indian Springs. 2. Troup party and Clark party. 4. Clark reelected governor. CHAPTER XXXVI. ADMINISTRATIOJSr OF TROUP. " Fellow citizens, let us cease our strife. Let our divisions be at an end. The march of Science is so steady, the progress of its illumination is so irresistible in this great and growing country, that the generations to come may look back upon our foibles with pity. Let us discard our selfishness ; therefore, let our motto be ' God and our country.' " — George M. Troup. In" 1833 Troup was again in the field for governor. John Clark had served two terms and was no longer a candi- date, bnt Matthew Talbot, one of the leaders of the Clark J^arty, was nomi- nated to oppose Troup. The contest was warm, party lines were closely drawn, and party spirit was very in- tense. When the legislature met in November, 1823, their first duty was to choose the governor. The result was the election of Troup by a majority of four votes — Troup 85, Talbot 81. Troup was the last governor of Georgia elected by the legis- lature, and, as we shall see farther on, was the first governor elected by the people. He was a man of ordinary height, with light complexion, blue eyes, and curly, sandy hair. His car- riage was erect, his step slow and measured. He had the air of a soldier. He was very brave, and where principle was involved was a stranger to compromise. He once had a dis- pute with a neighbor about a piece of land that adjoined his farm, and he wrote to the overseer : " If I have not right on my side, I will surrender, but not compromise." In the mat- SOVERNOR GEORGE M. TROUP. Indians Refuse to Sell. 203 ter of dress he was indifferent, and showed an odd taste by wearing a blue coat with metal buttons, a buff vest, and a fur cap. A large tract of valuable land west of the Flint River was still held by the Creek Indians. To obtain this the United States tried to make another treaty with the Creeks in 1823, but they had already ceded so much of their land that Big Warrior, the head of the nation, and the Alabama Creeks became alarmed, thinking that the design of the whites was to get possession of all their territory. A great council of the Creek nation had been held in Alabama the previous year, at which they determined to hold no more treaties with the whites for the purpose of selling lands. They said, " We shall not sell to them even one foot of ground." The negotiations with the Creeks had aroused the fears of the Cherokees. Their leading chiefs, including Elijah Hicks and Major Ridge, went to Washington city and addressed a letter to the President of the United States, saying that the Cherokee nation had come to the unalterable conclusion not to cede any more of their lands. They claimed that they had their own printed constitution and laws, and said they were an independent and separate State and wanted protection from the government. The United States Government then sent commissioners to Calhouutown, who invited the Cherokees to come and listen to their proposal. They brought a large quantity of provi- sions, which they offered to give to the Indians. The Chero- kees, however, refused to come. Some few did at last attend, but in obedience to the orders of the council of their nation, they would not touch food offered by the commissioners nor come inside their tents, though it was cold and raining. The commissioners visited Hicks, the principal chief, and begged him to make a treaty with them. He heard them through and asked: " Will you give us two dollars an acre for our land?" The commissioners said they would not, and he 304 History of Georgia. replied: "Very well; we know its value and can keep it. As for tlie claims your people have against us, we can pay them without selling our laud." The claims referred to were for property of citizens of Georgia which had been carried off by the Indians. Hicks spoke the voice of his nation, and it was plain that the Indians did not intend to sell any more land. In 1824, President Monroe sent a message to Congress in which he said : " The Indian titles are not affected in the slight- est circumstance by the compact [of 1803] with Georgia, and there is no obligation on the United States to remove the Indians by force." This message provoked a letter from Governor Troup to the secretary of war, protesting against the way in which the Georgia claims were ti'eated. In his letter the governor asked : "Is it discovered at last that Georgia has no claim either upon the United States or upon the Indians under the compact of 1803? Is all that a dream, a vision, a phan- tasm, with which the deluded people of Georgia have been plaguing themselves for twenty years ? " After much discussion Congress appointed a committee to look into the matter, and the committee reported that the United States were bound by their obligations to Georgia to take at once the necessary steps to remove the Indians beyond the limits of the State. When the Cherokees heard of this they declared that they had resolved never to yield any more of their lands. The situation was becoming serious. An act was passed in 1834 which changed the Constitution so as to have the governor elected directly by the people. The act prescribed that the election should be held in the several counties on a certain day, and the returns sent, in sealed envelope, to the general assembly, to be opened in a joint ses- sion of both branches. The candidate having the majority of the whole number of votes should be declared elected. If no candidate should have such majority, then from the two having the highest number of votes, the general assembly itself should elect a governor. ADMINISTRATION OF TROUP. 205 The first election of governor by the people took place in October, 1835. Tronp was again a candidate. He stood upon tlie platform of his Indian policy. The rallying cry of his party became "Troup and the Treaty." His opponent was his old enemy, General Clark. All the old party strife that had slumbered for several years broke out anew. Every argu- ment was used to affect the election; bitter hatreds sprang up even in families and among friends. All other questions were forgotten in the issue of this contest. The past records of both candidates and even of their fathers were brought into the campaign. The day of election came in October. There were sixty counties, and in each was a scene of wild conten- tion. The election returns were sent to Milledgeville and counted by the legislature which met in November. Troup was reelected by a majority of 683. It was found, however, that a majority of the members of the legislature were of the Clark party, and so Clark would have been elected governor had the old system remained. An interesting event of this time was the visit to Georgia of the famous Lafayette, who in his old age desired to again behold the scenes of his many triumphs during the war of the Revolution. Acting under a joint resolution of both branches of the legislature, Governor Trouj) welcomed him on his ar- rival in Savannah, March 19, 1835. As the great friend of America stepped ashore from tlie vessel in which he had sailed, he was cordially greeted as the guest of the State. He remained a few days in Savannah, feasted, and treated with the highest resiject. From Savannah he went to Augusta, and thence to Milledgeville, where he was entertained at the Executive mansion. [Governor George M. Troup was one of the most remarkable men Geor- gia ever produced. He was born at Mcintosh Bluff on the Tombigby River, in what was then the territory of Georgia (now Alabama), in Sep- tember, 1780. He was educated at Long Island, and upon graduating studied law in Savannah. In 1800, l)efore he was twenty-one years of 206 History of Georgia. age, he was invited to repi'esent Chatham County in the legislature. This he declined on account of his minority. One year later he was elected a representative of that county, and he soon attained a high posi- tion in the legislature. In 1806 he was sent to Congress, and remained a member until 1815. He supported the administrations of Jefferson and Madison, and was a confidential friend of both. In 1816 he was elected United States Senator, and held the office two years. He served a sec- ond term in the Senate from 1829 to 1831, and was nominated for Presi- dent of the United States by the States Rights Convention of Alabama. He died at his home in Laurens County in April, 1856.] [Among the other noted men of the period was Judge John M. Dooly, lie was born about the year 1773 in Lincoln County, In 1802 he was appointed Solicitor General of the Western Circuit, of which he became judge in 1816. In 1822 he was elected judge of the Northern Circuit. He was an able and fearless judge, but his reputation was acquired mainly by the brilliant wit which made him famous. He was a supporter of the Clark party and made much sport of Troup, whose mouth, he said, was formed by nature to pronounce the word "Yazoo." He once had a quarrel with Judge Tait, who had a wooden leg. A challenge ensued, but lie refused to fight unless Tait would agree that he should place one of his (Dooly's) legs in a bee gum, to make their bodies equal. Tait refused, and threatened to publish him in the newspapers as a coward, to which Dooly replied that he " would rather fill a dozen news- papers than one coffin." He died May, 1827.] QUESTIONS. Who was elected governor in 1828 ? What did the Federal Govern- ment try to do with respect to the Indians in 1823 ? What did the Indians say ? How did the Cherokees act towards the United States commissioners ? What did Hicks say ? What did President Monroe say on the subject to Congress in 1824 ? What did Governor Troup say about this ? What did Congress then do ? What act was passed in 1824 ? When did the first election for governor by the people take place ? Describe the election. Describe the visit of Lafayette. TOPICS. 1. Troup elected governor. 4. President Monroe's message. 2. Troubles with the Indians. 5. Governor elected by the people. 3. Commissioners at Calhountown. 6. The visit of Lafayette. CHAPTER XXXVII. TKEATY OF 1825. "If she has forborne from motives of humanity she may deserve praise, but ought not toBufEer loss. "—George M. Troup. Wn.I.IAM H. CRAWFORD. In the summer of 1824, for the first and only time, a Georgia statesman was before the people as a candidate for the high office of President of the United States. William H. Crawford, as secretary of the treasury under Monroe, had acquired great influence in Georgia and great prestige in all the States. He was looked upon generally as Monroe's probable successor. In 1822 he was nominated by a caucus of Democratic-Republican members of Congress as the candidate of the party for President. Up to that time there had never been any national conventions for nominating candidates, the nominations being made by a caucus of the members of the party in Congress. Three other candidates entered the field, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, and John Quincy Adams. They were all of the same party as Mr. Crawford, but their friends had refused to go into the caucus. Before the election Crawford was stricken with pa- ralysis, which unfortunate circumstance was probably the cause of his defeat. None of the candidates got a majority of the electoral votes, and so the House of Representatives was re- quired to elect a President. Adams was elected, and was 208 History of Georgia. inaugurated in March, 1835. Crawford, ou account of his health, retired from jjublic life. Because of the unfriendly attitude of the Indians, negotia- tions with them for two years were of no a¥ail. A council of all the Creeks, held at Broken Arrow, in Alabama, in December, 1834, refused to listen to any proposition from the government. President Monroe decided, however, to make another effort, and he summoned a meeting of the Creek chiefs at Indian Springs in February, 1835. The hostile Alabama Creeks did not attend. The Georgia Creeks, called Lower Creeks, led by William Mcintosh, did attend, and they resolved to ignore the others and to negotiate with the general government for a cession of laud. They jjroposed to cede only the lands belonging to the Lower Creeks in Georgia, and they held, therefore, that the absence of the Alabama Creeks was no hindrance to negotiation. After a friendly talk, a treaty was concluded and signed by nearly all the chiefs present. By this treaty the Creeks ceded to the United States ''all the lands witliin the boundaries of the present State of Georgia as defined by the compact of 1803." For the cession they were to obtain lands of '' like quality, acre for acre, westward of the MississipjDi, " and the time of their removal was not to "extend beyond the first of September of the next year." This treaty was signed by the United States commissioners, by William Mcintosh, and the chiefs of the Lower Creeks. . When the terms of the treaty became known to the hostile Creeks, great excitement arose among them. They declared that, as a law had been made in the council against further cession of land, the treaty at Indian Sj)rings was void. Mc- intosh and his party were threatened with death, and many of the nation rose in arras against the signers of the treaty. As soon as it was ratified by the Senate of the United States, Governor Troup, believing that there would be no serious trouble, is^sued a proclamation announcing the treaty at Murder of McIntosh. 209 ludiau Springs, and soon afterward he sent a letter to Mcintosh as the head chief of the Cowetaus, asking permission to survey the ceded territory. Mcintosh summoned his chiefs, and through them permission was given to have the lands sur- veyed. They then, with a large number of friendly Indians, began to make preparations to depart for lands west of the Mississippi. But the unfriendly Indians were determined on the death of the brave Mcintosh. A general council of the Creeks con- demned him to death, and a party consisting of one hundred and seventy men undertook to carry out the sentence. They proceeded in the most cautious manner to the residence of Mcintosh upon the banks of the Chattahoochee Eiver in what is now Carroll County. Arriving on the spot, they concealed themselves until the hour of three in the morning of May 1, 1825. Procuring a quantity of pitch j)ine, they tied it in bundles, placed it upon the backs of three stout warriors, and then quietly approaching the dwelling, entered an out-house in the yard. Here they found an old peddler with Chilly Mc- intosh, the son of the general. The latter sprang to his feet, leaped through the window, and made his escape to the woods. Shots were fired after him, but with no effect. The principal body of Indians then surrounded the main dwelling in the dark, and guarded every way of escape. The ])me was now kindled, and torches were ajii^lied to various parts of the house. The lurid light showed to the brave Mcintosh by whom he was attacked and the impossibility of escape. He was the only occupant of the burning house except an Indian friend, who was shot as he tried to fly from the place. Eetreating to the second story, Mcintosh used four guns which he had in the house, and kept his enemies at bay. But the flames drove him down, and coming into an exposed position, he was instantly shot. He fell, pierced with bullets, and was then dragged by the Indians down the steps and out into the yard. Lying on the ground, he raised himself on one elbow and defied 14 President Adams Interferes. 211 his enemies. At that moment one of them plunged a knife up to the hilt into his heart, and,. heaving a deep sigh, the noble general expired. The party then plundered the burning house, killed the stock, and laid the premises in ruins. Thus terribly did the brave Mcintosh pay penalty for his treaty with the government. The alarm and excitement among the whites and Indians over this bloody deed were very great. Governor Troup issued orders to the Georgia militia to be in readiness to march at a moment's notice into the Creek country. He advised the friendly Indians to remain quiet until he could take measures for their protection. The Indians in great numbers abandoned their homes and flocked to the white settlements for safety. The session of the legislature called in 1825 ordered the ceded territory to be surveyed. When President Adams was informed of this he directed the governor to stop the surveys on account of the hostile attitude of some of the chiefs. Gov- ernor Troup refused, saying: " Georgia owns the soil, and has the right to survey it." The President threatened to arrest the surveyors, but Governor Troup ordered them to go on with the work. The President then proposed to refer the treaty to Congress for reconsideration, and the survey was stopped. In 1824 Senator Nicholas Ware died, and Thomas W. Cobb was elected to succeed him. In 1825 John M. Berrien was elected senator to succeed John Elliott. [William H. Crawford was born in Amherst County, Virginia, Febru- ary 24, 1772. In 1779 his father moved to South Carolina, and in 1783 he removed to Columbia County. Crawford was a boy dui-ing the Revo- lution, and he was raised in the midst of the hard experiences of those trying times. After the death of his father he began teaching school to support his mother. He was both a student and an assistant of Dr. Moses Waddell. lie next moved to Augusta and taught in the Rich- mond Academy. In 1799 he moved to Lexington and began the practice of law, and liis talent soon raised him to the head of his profession in the State. He died in 1834 at the age of sixty-two years.] 212 History of Gforgia. [General Mcintosh, chief of the Creek nation, was born at Ciisseta. His father was Captain William Mcintosh, a British officer, and uncle of Governor George M. Troup, so that Troup and Mcintosh were first cousins. His mother was a Creek woman. Of his early life little is known. He was intelligent and brave, tall, well made, and of graceful manners. General Floyd and General Jackson spoke highly of his bravery. He distinguished himself in the battle of the Horseshoe. He also acted bravely in the Florida campaign. He was the most reasonable and intelligent of the Creek chiefs with whom the State had to deal at this time. His violent death was a grief to the good people of the State, both whites and Indians.] [Thomas W. Cobb was born in Columbia County, Georgia, in 1784, and began to practise law at Greensboro. He served in the lower house of Congress from December. 1817, until he was elected United States Senator. He resigned in 1828, and was elected judge of the Superioi Court. He died at Greensboro in 1830.] [Nicholas Ware was born in Richmond County, and resided at Augusta. He was prominent as a lawyer, and was elected United States Senator on the death of Freeman Walker, and reelected in 1821. He died in New York city, 1824. Ware County was named from him.] QUESTIONS. What Georgian statesman was candidate for the presidency of the United States ? By whom was he opposed ? What happened to Craw- ford before the election ? What was the result ? What Indian treaty was held in 1825 ? What was ceded ?' By whom was the treaty signed ? What was the effect on the hostile Creeks ? What did Governor Troup do ? Describe the death of Mcintosh. What did the legislature of 1825 order ? Tell about the controversy between Troup and the Presi- dent of the United States. What new Senators were elected about this time ? TOPICS. 1. Crawford for President. 4. Alarm among Indians. 2. Treaty of 1825. 5. Controversy between Troup and 3. Death of Mcintosh. Adams. CHAPTER XXXVIII. GEORGIA DEFIES THE FEDERAL GOVERNMBlTr. " You will distinctly understand, therefore, that I feel it to be my duty to resist to the utmost every military attaclj which the governmeut of the United States shall think proper to make on the territory, the people or the sovereignty of Georgia." — Troup, Letter to the President of the United States. The Federal government, wishing to pacify the Indians, made a treaty witli thirteen Creek chiefs at Washington city in January, 1826, This treaty ceded to the United States all the Creek lauds east of the Chattahoochee, A large tract, amounting to about three hundred thousand acres northwest of the Chattahoochee, which had been ceded at Indian Springs by the former treaty, was reconveyed to the Creeks, so that they would still continue to hold and occupy a large area of valuable lands in Georgia. The Georgia delegation in Congress protested against the new treaty. They claimed that the treaty at Indian Springs was valid, and that the United States had uo right to make another. Notwithstanding this j)rotest, the treaty was ratified by the Senate, Governor Troup wrote a letter to the Georgia representatives declaring that the United States were "unau- thorized in their action," and that he did not recognize their "power in the premises. ■ ' In his subsequent dealings with the Creeks the governor paid no respect to this treaty, but acted as if it had never been made. It had been agreed that the Creeks should keep possession of the ceded lands until January 1, 1827. Governor Troup, not recognizing the treaty, and wishing to divide the territory into districts, ordered surveyors to survey the ceded tract. But 214 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. the Indians resisted the survey, took away the compasses of the surveyors, and ordered them off tlie lands. The Creeks then appealed to the Federal government. The secretary of war wrote to Governor Troup that the President of the United States felt himself "constrained by the plighted faith of the nation to state to you that he considers an entry on the ceded lands as a violation of the treaty." He desired Georgia to desist from further survey until authorized. The governor replied, refusing to desist. After repeated complaints from the Indians, the secretary of war informed Governor Troup that the surveyors must keep off the Indian lands, and that if he refused to stop them, military force would be employed. Tills threat was promptly met by Governor Troup in the following words: ".From the first decisive act of hostility, you will be considered and treated as a public enemy, and with the less repugnance, because you, to whom we might constitution- ally have appealed for our defence against invasion, are your- selves the invaders, and what is more, the uiiblushing allies of savages whose cause you have adopted." Major-generals commanding the sixth and seventh divisions of Georgia militia were ordered to hold their commands in readiness to repel any invasion of the territory of the State. Thus Georgia defied the threat of the United States. The crisis was reached, but happily strife Avas avoided. As soon as it was seen that military force would be resisted by the people of Georgia, wiser counsels prevailed at Washington. Congress recommended immediate measures to acquire from the Indians all the lands held by them within the limits of Georgia. The consent of the Creek chiefs being obtained, a meeting was called at the Creek agency, where (November 15, 1827) the chiefs and head men ceded to the United States all the remaining lands they owned within the chartered limits of Georgia. In consideration of this they were paid about twenty- eight thousand dollars. Thus ended the difficulty with the New Counties. 215 JOHN rOKSYTH. Creek Indians in Georgia, and shortly afterwards the tribes who had occupied lands in this State moved to their new home west of the Mississippi Eiver. Throughout the whole contro- versy Governor Troup had pursued a firm and consistent course wiiich won general praise. He had in- sisted upon the rights of his State and secured them. The lottery system was. adopted to distribute the lands gained by the treaties, and the new counties of Muscogee, Troup, Coweta, Lee, and Carroll were organized. John Forsyth, of Augusta, was the candidate of the Troup party in the election for governor in 1827. Troup, having served two terms, wished to retire from public life, and would not allow the use of his name. The Clark party proposed Dun- can G. Campbell, of Wilkes County, who was brother-in-law of Clark, and prominent in con- nection with the Indian treaties. He declined to be a candidate, and Matthew Talbot was put forward, but he died before the election. Forsyth was then elected. Before the election for Presi- dent of the United States in 1828, the Democratic-Republican party had divided into two sections. One of these, keeping the old name, supported Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee, for President. The other, led by Henry Clay and Daniel Web- ster, took the name of National Republican, and supported JOHN Mcpherson berrien. 216 History of Georgia. John Quiucy Adams for reelection. Adams was not popular in Georgia on account of bis policy in regard to the removal of the Indians, and so the electoral vote of the State was cast for Jackson, who was elected. Jackson appointed John McPherson Berrien, of Sava^inah, attorney-general of the United States. [Jolin McPhftrscn Berrien was born in New Jersey 1781. He was gfaduated at Princeton, and was admitted to the bar of Georgia when eighteen. He was solicitor of the eastern district of Georgia in 1809, and judge of the same district from 1810 to 1821. He was in the United States Senate from 1825 to 1829, and again from 1840 to 1852. In 1829 he presented to the Senate a "Protest" against the tariff from the legislature of Georgia, aud lie supported it in a speech so eloquent that he was called the American Cicero. He was attorney-general of the United States from 1829 to 1831. In 1844 he was a delegate in the con- vention that nominated Henry Clay for President. He died in 185G.] [John Forsyth was l)orn in Virginia, and came to Georgia with his father at four years of age. He was graduated at Princeton College in 1799. He studied law in Augusta, aud began to practice in 1802. In 1818 he became a senator of the United States, and was sent as minister to the court of Spain to negotiate the treaty by which the United States acquired the territory of Florida. He died in Washington city in 1841.] QUESTIONS. What ti'caty was made in 1826 ? What lands were ceded by the In- dians, and what lands were given back to them ? What did Governor Troup think of this last treaty? What troubles now arose? What did Governor Troup do ? What did the Indians do ? What did the secretary of war write to Governor Troup ? What was his answer ? How was the dispute settled ? What counties were formed out of the new lands ? What of the contest for governor in 1827 ? What of the presidential election in 1828 ? What party division took place at this time ? TOPICS. 1. Treaty of 1826. 4. Treaty of 1827. 2. Troubles that arose. 5. New counties formed 3. Troup's defiance. 6. Forsyth elected governor. CHAPTER XXXIX. ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNOR GILMER. "Blessed with peace, liealth and abundance— with immense resources in possession and greater in expectancy— what is there we can rationally desire to efiEect that we may not hope to accomplish ? "—John Forsyth. In October, 1829, the usual election for governor took place. There being no nominating conventions in those days, candidates were selected by a caucus of the leaders of each party. The leaders of the Tronp party, who had controlled the State for several years, divided in this election, one section nominating George R. Gilmer, of Oglethorpe County, and the other nominating Joel Crawford, of Early County. Clark had gone to live in Florida, having been appointed keeper of the public forests of that territory by President Jackson in 1829. The Clark party supported Gil- mer, who won by a large majority. After the inauguration of Gilmer, the legislature elected John Forsyth to fill the vacancy in the United States Senate, caused by the promotion of Berrien to the cabinet of Presi- dent Jackson. Forsyth became an ardent supporter of Jack- son, and leader of the administration party. He was one of the most eloquent men the State ever produced, and the best offhand debater of his time. The same legislature elected George M. Troup to the United States Senate. The previous GEORGE R. GILMER. 218 History of Georgia. year Thomas W. Cobb resigned his seat in the Senate, and Oliver H. Prince, of Macon, succeeded him. Meanwhile the Indians were giving trouble in North Georgia. The Creeks had all left the State, but the Chero- kees still occupied lands beyond the Chattahoochee and Ches- tatee, in the northern part of the State, which even to this day is often spoken of as "Cherokee Georgia." It is said that the tract once belonged to the Creek Indians, and that the rivers and mountains all have Creek names. About fifteen or twenty years before this time the Creeks challenged the Cherokees to a game of Indian ball, and bet all these lands on the result. The Creeks lost the game and the lands. Many crimes were committed by the Indians on these lands, and the offenders could not be punished, be- ing outside the jurisdiction of the authorities of Georgia. To remedy this the legislature of 1829 passed an act extending the laws of the State over the Cherokee country, on the ground that it was part of Georgia, and should be made subject to its laws. Power was given to the courts of the counties lying next to the Cherokees to try all persons, whether Indians or white, charged with committing crimes in that territory. The Cherokees objected to this. They contended that they were an independent nation. They had their own laws, and they claimed the right, under treaties with the United States, to deal with their own criminals. They also employed law- yers to defend their claim. One of their attorneys, William Wirt, wrote to Governor Gilmer, proposing to submit the matter to the Supreme Court of the United States. Gilmer refused, saying that the proposition was "disrespectful to the OLIVEB H. PRINCE. The Gold Fever. 219 Government of the State," and that "the powers conferred by the Constitution on the Supreme Court forbid its adjudg- ing in such a case." An occasion soon arose for enforcing the new law. George Tassels, a Cherokee, having killed another Indian within that part of the Clierokee territory subject to the courts of Hall County, was arrested by the sheriff of that county. He was tried in the Superior Court of the county and sentenced to be hanged. But his lawyers appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, and Governor Gilmer was summoned by Chief Justice Marshall of the Supreme Court to appear and answer for the State of Georgia. The governor sent to the legislature, which was in session at the time (1830), a message stating the facts, and saying that "orders received from the Supreme Court for the pur- pose of interfering with the decisions of the courts of this State, in the exercise of their constitutional jurisdiction, will be resisted with whatever force the laws have placed at my command." The legislature upheld the governor, and em- powered him to order the authorities of Hall County to carry out the sentence on Tassels, who was accordingly hanged. Meanwhile the case had been brought up for hearing before the Supreme Court. But the court refused to interfere. This ended the opposition of the Indians, and the laws of the State were enforced in '" Cherokee Georgia." Another reason for extending the laws over Cherokee Georgia was that it had become necessary to protect the inter- ests of the State in gold mines that had been discovered in that section. Gold was found first in Habersham County in 1828. A gold fever broke out and spread among the people. Many whites crossed the Chattahoochee and Chestatee rivers and began mining. This was against the law forbidding tres- pass on "the Indian lands. The Indians themselves also began digging for the precious metal. As was to be expected, quar- rels and strife arose among the white miners, and between 230 Hlstouy of Georgia. tbeni and the Indians. They would gather around the camp fires at night and gamble, drink, and fight. Governor Gilmer, after the passing of the law extending the jurisdiction of the State over the Indian lands, issued a proc- lamation, notifying the fact, but notwithstanding this, the trouble became so great that in 1830 he called the legislature together to consider the matter. Stringent laws were then made forbidding trespass on the Indian lands. The miners, however, defied the officers of the law, and the gold digging continued. So it was found necessary to resort to force, and Major AVager, an officer of the United States army, marched into the Cherokee country with a company of soldiers from Charleston and Augusta, and destroyed the camps, provisions, and tools of the gold diggers. They arrested many of the diggers themselves, escorted them to the nearest ferry, and had them sent across the Chattahoochee River. They also pre- vented the Indians from mining for gold. For a number of years gold mining in the northern portion of Georgia was profitable, until the more valuable mines in California were discovered. A United States branch mint for the coining of gold was established in Dahlonega. This place, now in Lumpkin County, was once a little Indian village named Tauloneca, which means yelloiv money. Gold used to be often found in the court-house square, particularly after a shower of rain; and the little boys would frequently pick up pieces of gold weighing a pennyweight. In spite of the law forbidding white people to settle on the Cherokee lands without permission, a number of persons, among them several missionaries, had taken up their abode in the tribe, and refused to leave. These missionaries were opposed to the removal of the Cherokees west of the Missis- sippi, and they held a meeting in the Indian country and passed resolutions calling on the people of the United States to aid the Cherokees in resisting the laws of Georgia. The legislature then made a law that all white persons found Missionaries Arrested. 221 in the Cherokee land after a certain time, without permission and without liaviog taken an oath of allegiance to the State of Georgia, should be punished by imprisonment and hard labor for not less than four years. This did not deter the mission- aries, who still remained on the forbidden territory. Twelve of them were, therefore, arrested, tried in the Hall County Supreme Court in September, 1831, and convicted of illegally -" ^'^*>X'*- '^-1 OLD MINT AT DAHLONEGA. residing on the Indian lands. They were all sentenced to the penitentiary, but, on arriving afc the door of the prison, they were offered pardon if they would promise to obey the laws of the State. Ten of them consented to do this and were liber- ated. The other two — Samuel A. Worcester and Eliznr But- ler — refused to accept the terms, and so they were put in the penitentiary, where they were detained until they apologized to the governor and promised to obey the laws. The population of the State, as shown by the census of 233 HISTORY OF GEOROIA. 1830, was over half a million. Of these a little less than half were slaves. Under the new census Georgia was entitled to nine representatives in Congress. Nearly a quarter of a million bales of cotton were shipped annually from Savannah. The annual exports amounted to four millions of dollars; the imports to four hundred thou- sand. Thus the State sold ten times as much as it bought. In 1830 the legislature chartered the Medical College of Georgia, situated at Augusta. It is now part of the State University. [George R. Gilmer was born in 1790 in Wilkes (now Oglethorpe) County. He was educated at the academy of Dr. Moses Waddell. During the war of 1812 he did good service in defending the froutier of Georgia against the attacks of the Indians. After the war he began to practice law, and was sent to the legislature. In 1820 and 1824 he was elected to Congress. He was twice governor of Georgia, and during his last term in 1837 and 1838 the Indians were finally removed from the State.] [Oliver H. Prince was born in Co)inecticut in 1782. He moved to Washington, Wilkes County, when he was fourteen years of age. Later he was appointed by the legislature to lay off the county of Bibb and the city of Macon. In 1822 he made Bibb County his home. He was presi- dent of the first railroad convention in Georgia, and became deeply interested in the railway system. He was lost at sea in 1837.] QUESTIONS. Who was elected governor in 1829 ? Wliat trouble arose with the Cherokee Indians ? What did the legislature do ? Tell about the case of Tassels. Describe the gold fever of 1828. What laws were passed by the legislature ? Where was a mint established ? Tell about the mis- sionaries. What was the population of Georgia in 1830 ? TOPICS. 1. Division of the party. 4. Tassels case. 2. Trouble with Cherokees. 5. The gold fever. 3. Gilmer elected governor. 6. The missionaries. CHAPTER XL. ADMIKISTRATION OF GOVERNOR LUMPKIK. " He who would destroy the State sovereignty by consolidation, or the federal system, by nulliflcstion, is a traitor to liberty and deserves the universal execration of mankind." —Wilson Lumpkin. GOVERNOR WILSON LUMPKIN. At the election for governor in the fall of 1831, Governor Gilmer was the candidate of the Troup party. Wilson Lumpkin of Athens was the candidate of the Clark party, and was elected. Wheu the legislature met, Gov- ernor Lumpkin advised that the Indian lands of North Georgia be surveyed immediately. The legis- lature ordered the survey to be made, and the counties of Chero- kee, Cobb, Floyd, Gilmer, Murray, Paulding, and Union were laid out, although the Indians were still in possession of the land. The great question before the country at this time was the tariff. In 1828 and in 1832 Congress passed tariff acts which imposed heavy taxes on certain articles imported from foreign countries, making them dearer than goods of the same kind manufactured in America. This enabled the American manufacturers to raise their prices, foreign competition being either cut off or greatly restricted by the tax or tariff. It was called a protective tariff, because it was intended to protect home manufacturers. 234 History of Georgia. The Southern States were much opposed to the tariff. It conferred no benefit on them, for the manufacturers were all in the North, and, on account of the tax, the Soutliern people were obliged to pay higher prices for manufactured articles. To oppose the tariff, meetings were held everywhere through- out the South. The people declared tliey would dress in their own homespun rather than buy Northern goods, and raise their own hogs and horses rather than buy from the West. In the Congress of 1828 many representatives from Georgia and South Carolina appeared dressed in homespun, wliich was woven on looms of their own States. The legislature of Georgia, in December, 1831, passed a resolution declaring the tariff "inexpedient, oppressive, unequal, and destructive to the great leading interests of the South." The tariff was the issue in the presidential election in 1832, which resulted in tlie reelection of Andrew Jackson, the Democratic-Eepublican candidate. He was opposed by Henry Clay of Kentucky, tlie candidate of the anti-administration party, calling itself in this election the National Republican party. Georgia cast its vote for Jackson, both the Clark and Troup parties supporting him, as he was opposed to the tariff. John M. Berrien, who had resigned from the cabinet of President Jackson, was strongly opposed to the tariff measures. A number of jirominent men, happening to be in Athens at the commencement of Franklin College in 1832, met and passed a resolution recommending the holding of an anti-tariff convention in Milledgeville in November of the same year. In response to this call, the people of sixty-one counties of Georgia sent one hundred and thirty-four delegates to the con- vention, which met November 12, 1832. George E. Gilmer was made chairman. John M. Berrien was leader of the party opposed to the tariff. Senator John Forsyth, of Augusta, leader of the Jackson party in the United States Senate, and a delegate to the convention from Richmond County, resolved Anti-Tariff Conventiojs. 225 to defeat the object of the gatliering. Oa the second day he raised a side issue by proposing the appointment of a commit- tee "to examine the autliority of tlie persons assembled as delegates to represent the people of their respective conn lies." He held that they had no such authority. This origijiated a discussion between Berrien and Forsyth, and the great powers of both were exhibited in a debate lasting tliree days. The resolution was rejected, and Forsyth, with fifty other delegates, withdrew from the meeting,, leaving but a minority of the counties represented. The remaining members adopted a report of a committe*^ in which the tariff acts were declared to be unconstitutional and void, and in which it was proposed to submit the resolutions of the convention to the judgment of the people at the polls. But the State legislature of Georgia, although opposed to the tariff acts, strongly disapproved of the proceedings of the anti-tariff convention. It advised the people "not to give their votes on the resolutions of the convention as therein pro- posed," and it condemned the doctrine of nullification as " neither a peaceful nor a constitutional remedy, but, on the contrary, as tending to civil commotion and disunion." The doctrine of nullification was that an}^ act of Congress, if unconstitutional, might be declared by any State to be null and void within its boundaries. This doctrine was asserted by South Carolina, and a convention of the people of that State declared the tariff acts null and void within their bor- ders and threatened to withdraw from the Union. President Jackson issued a proclamation against nullification, and Con- gress passed an act known as the Force Bill, giving him power to send troops to Sonth Carolina to force the people to pay the duties. The situation was very serious. Congress, how- ever, passed Mr. Clay's famous Compromise Bill, which re- duced the tariff so that it was satisfactory to the South, and South Carolina rescinded the nullification ordinance. The tariff question had not divided the Democratic-Eepub- 15 336 History of Georgia. lican party of Georgia. Nullificatiou as a remedy liad found only a few supporters, but Jacksou's proclamation and the passage of the Force Bill created a political revolution in the State. President Adams had threatened to send soldiers to Georgia, and Governor Troup had boldly defied 'him. Now the same threat was made against a sister State, and the old Troup leaders refused any longer to support President Jackson or his party. Berrien, Gilmer, William II. Crawford, Dawson, Clayton, and a number of other Troup leaders, called a con- vention which met at Milledgeville, November 13, 1833, and organized the "State-Eights Party of Georgia." Its platform was the first ever issued by a party in Georgia. As the Troup wing of the Demo- cratic-Republican party had taken a new name, the supporters of the President, including the Clark party and Senator Forsyth, an original Troup man, remained as the Demo- cratic-Republican or Democratic party of Georgia. Later on they called themselves the Union party. Thus the Troup and Clark parties took new names, and the old terms '" Troupers " and " Clarkites " began to disappear. Before the organization of the State-Rights party (1833) Wilson Lumpkin was reelected governor, defeating Joel Craw- ford, the last candidate of the Troup party. In 1833 George M. Troup permanently withdrew from pub- lic life, resigning his seat in the United States Senate and retiring to his home in Laurens County. He was succeeded in the Senate by John P. King, of Augusta. In 1834 John Forsyth, the able champion of the adminis- tration party, was appointed secretary of state by Presi- dent Jackson, an office which he held for seven years. JOHN P. KIKG. GEORGIA'S Centennial. 227 He was succeeded in the United States Senate by Alfred C uthbert. The centennial of the first settlement of Georgia was cele- brated on February 13, 1833, by meetings, speeches, and military parades in many parts of the State. [Wilson Lumpkin was born in Virginia in 1783. When he was one year old his father moved to Georgia, and settled in what is now Ogle- thorpe County. After a common school education, Wilson, at fourteen years of age, began to copy and write letters and papers in the office of his father, who was clerk of the Superior Court of Oglethorpe County. He employed his leisure time in reading law, and when twenty-one years of age he was elected to the State legislature. Later he was elected to Congress and to the Senate of the United States. He died in 1870.] [John Pendleton King was born in Kentucky, 1799. In 1815 he came to Georgia, and began to practise law in 1819. He resided in Augusta, where he acquired a large estate. He was president of the Georgia Rail- road for many years, and under his management the road was completed. He died in Augusta in 1888.] QUESTIONS. Who was elected governor in 1831 ? What did the legislature do in regard to the Indian lands ? What question now attracted the attention of the country ? What was the effect of the tariff ? Who were opposed to it ? Who was elected President of the United States in 1832 ? Tell about the Anti-tariff Convention. Who led the party opposed to the tariff ? What did the convention do ? What did the State legislature do with regard to the proceedings of the convention ? Tell about the doctrine of nullification and the Force Bill. What party changes fol- lowed ? Who was elected governor in 1833 ? TOPICS. 1. Lumpkin elected governor. 3. Nullification doctrine. 2. The tariff. 4. Party changes. CHAPTER XLL REMOVAL OF THE CHEROKEES. — CREEK WAR. " I believe it to be our highest political duty to retain the organization of the govern- ment in the form which our forefathers gave it ; limiting the United States to legisla- tion upon general subjects specified in the Constitution, and preserving unimpaired the rights of the States and the people."— George R. Gilmer. William Schley, candidate of the Union party, was elected governor in 1835, defeating Charles Dougherty, the candi- date of the State-Rights party. The Cherokees had been giv- ing trouble ever since the survey of their lands began. In 1834 a band of them broke open and robbed a smoke-house belong- ing to a white man who lived on the border. Eli Hicks, a friend- ly Indian chief, who favored the removal of the Indians to lands west of the Mississippi River, went with only two followers in pursuit of the robbers. Wlien he found their camp, he walked in among them and began to upbraid them for their conduct. One of them fired at him, and he died two days afterwards. Several other chiefs who were willing to move west were also shot by Indians. The white families along the border were, therefore, in great terror, and troops were stationed there to preserve the peace. The United States government soon saw the necessity of taking some active steps to remove those troublesome people. GOVERNOR WILLIAM SCHLEY. Removal of tee cherokees. 239 In December, 1835, a treaty was made with them at New Echota, a place in Gordon County, not far from the town of Calhoun. The principal articles of this treaty were as fol- lows: The Cherokee nation gave up their claim to all lauds east of the Mississippi River for the sum of five million dol- lars and a tract of seven million acres west of the Mississippi Eiver. This land was never to be included in any other States. The United States agreed to protect the Cherokees from civil strife and foreign e-nemies, to convey them to their new homes, and maintain them for one year after their arrival. Before this treaty was carried out, the tribes of Creeks who lived in Alabama determined to join the Seminoles in the war which was going on in Florida. Numbers of them com- mitted terrible murders along the Chattahoochee Eiver in 1836. The appearance of these painted savages caused great alarm in the border settlements, and the white people forsook their homes and fled to Columbus, Milledgeville, and Augusta. The Indians pursued the refugees and killed many of them. Governor Schley took the field in person against the Indians, making his headquarters at Columbus. Volunteer companies of soldiers were formed in all parts of the State. Efforts were made to capture all the Indians who tried to join the Seminoles. General AYinfield Scott came to Columbus, organized the troops, and started for the Creek nation. After several skirmishes, many of tlie Creeks surrendered to General Scott and asked for peace. It was designed to remove the remainder as soon as they could be forced to surrender. But many defied the authority of the State, and continued the war. In the night of May 15, 1836, a party of them, about three hundred in number, made au attack upon Roanoke, a small village on the Chattahoochee River, in Stewart County. The citizens were taken by sur- prise, many of them having retired to rest. The first warning was the firing of the guns and the yells of the savages. The men of the village rushed to arms and tried to oppose the 230 History of Georgia. Indians, but they were forced to retreat, the number of the enemy was so large. Nine whites and three blacks were killed, and the rest escaped. The Indians burned the town to ashes. The same party of Indians attacked and burned the boat Georgian while lying at anchor near Roanoke. Not a soul escaped except the engineer. They also attacked the boat Hjiperion while ascending the river. Several of the crew were killed, and the remainder fled, leaving the vessel to the Indians. These Indians were soon after attacked by a j)arty of white men under Captain Garmany and Major Jernigan. The battle was one of the most serious of the war. Captain Garmany killed three Indians with his own hands, but he himself was wounded in the thigh by another. The Indian drew a knife and rushed upon the brave captain, who had fallen to the ground. Drawing his pistol, the captain waited until his as- sailant was close at hand, and firing, he killed the savage just in time to prevent the knife from piercing his breast. The savages, who greatly outnumbered the whites, forced them to retreat, after many of the latter had been slain. Then the Indians marched down the banks of the Chattahoochee, burned several houses, and plundered the country on their way. They then tried to join the Seminoles in Florida. They marched into Baker County, murdered several families, and afterwards, to the number of three hundred, hid themselves on an island in the centre of a swamp. The militia of that county waited for reinforcements. When they came, the whole body, numbering five hundred, was put under command of Colonel A. A. Beall, who determined to drive the enemy from the swamp, where they had lain more than a week. Two hundred men were placed on the outskirts to prevent an escape. The remainder entered the swamp, wading waist-deep through the water and mud, and reached the Indian camp. Here a battle was fought which lasted more than half an hour, and the Indians were driven from the island, leaving behind Creek Outrages. 331 many dead warriors, together with their horses and phmder. Only fourteen of the Georgia troops were wounded, and but one killed. This defeat prevented the junction of the Creeks with the Seminoles in Florida. A fight took place July, 183G, at Echowanotchaway swamp between Major Jernigan's command and the Indians, in which the latter were again defeated. Another party of Indians, on their way to Florida, were attacked in Thomas County by Captain Sharpe, and twenty-two of them were killed and the rest put to flight. These defeats compelled the principal chiefs to abandon the war and sue for peace. Many of them came to the forts and surrendered. In 1837 Grovernor Schley was nomi- nated by the Union party for reelec- tion as governor, but he was defeated by George R. Gilmer, the candidate and leader of the State- Rights party. Gilmer was governor at the time the Indians were finally removed from the State. By the treaty (of December, 1835) the State of Georgia was to take possession of the Cherokee lands on the 24th of May, 1838. Some days before this date the military were called out, and General Scott put in com- mand. The Indians were gathered together, and in Septem- ber fourteen thousand started for the lands assigned them on the west of the Mississippi. While some of the events just related were engaging atten- tion in Georgia, there was another presidential election — that of 1836 — Martin Van Buren of New York being the suc- cessful candidate. The State-Rights party carried Georgia, and its vote was cast for Hugh L. White, of Tennessee. In 1837 John P. King resigned his seat as United States Senator, and was succeeded by ex-Governor Wilson Lumpkin. JAMES MOORE WAYNE. 232 History of Georgia. Au important appointment made by Andrew Jackson be- fore the close of liis term as President was that of Judge James M. Wayne, of Savannah, as associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. This was in January, 1835. Judge Wayne held tlie office until his death in 1867. [James Moore Wayne was born in Savannah in 1790. He graduated- at Princeton, was admitted to the bar in 1810, and began to practise law in Savannah. He was in Congress in 1827-1835, and was an ardent sup- porter of Presideiit Andrew Jackson. He died in Washington city in 1867.] [William Schley was born in Maryland in 1786. He was educated in the schools of Louisville and Aiigusta, Ga. He began practising law in 1812. In 1825 he was elected judge of the Superior Court of the Middle District, which office he held until 1828. In 1830 he was sent to the legislature, and in 1832 to Congress. His first message to the legislature strongly advocated the building of the Western and Atlantic Railroad To this work he devoted all the time he could spare, and had the honor of signing the act authorizing the road to be built. After his term ex- pired he retired to his home in Richmond County, where he died at a ripe old age.] QUESTIONS. Who was elected governor in 1835 ? Tell about Eli Hicks — what he did and what happened to him. What action did the United States government take? What were the chief articles of the treaty ? What action did Governor Schley take against the Indians ? Tell about the attack on Roanoke and on the two ships. What officers soon after attacked the Indians ? "What was the result ? What did the Indians do in Baker County ? Describe the attack on the Indian camp in the swamp. Where and by whom were the Indians next defeated ? Who was elected governor of Georgia in 1887 ? Tell about the departure of the Indians. TOPICS. 1. Schley elected governor. 4. Captain Garmany's exploit. 2. Eli Hicks. 5. The battle at the swamp. 3. Treaty with Cherokees. 6. Pinal departure of Indians. CHAPTER XLII. HIGHER EDUCATION. '* A disregard of moral instruction will have an inevitable tendency to promote luxury and vice, and ultimately endanger, if it does not entirely overthrow, our present happy government." — David B. Mitchell. We have told in another chapter about the rise and prog- ress of the State University. There were also many high schools throughout the State, and primary scliools in every village, In January, 1833, the Bap- tists opened a school known as Mercer Institute at a place where the little vil- lage of Penfield, in Oglethorpe County, now stands. The beginnings of this school were very modest, for the build- ings consisted of only two double cabins with a garret to each, and tJiese served for dwelling, dining-rooms, and study for both teachers and pupils. The school started with only thirty-nine students. The next year there were eighty, and another teacher was engaged. During the second and third years more build- ings and better rooms were added. In 1838 the name was changed to Mercer University. The school had been named Mercer after Rev. Jesse Mercer, the leading Baptist minister of the State, and one of the ardent supporters of the institution. In 1838, also, a town was laid out around the university, and it was named Penfield, after Joseph Penfield, of Savannah, who had given twenty-five hundred dollars to aid the school in the beginning. Mercer University continued to improve and grow REV. JESSE MERCER. Higher Education. 235 in number of students and popularity. In 1871 the school was moved to Macon, and it remains as one of the noblest institutions of our State. In 1838 the Presbyterians established a college at Midway in Baldwin County. It was to be named Oglethorpe Univer- sity. In 1842 the number of students was one hundred and twenty-five. The studies were suspended toward the close of the Civil War from lack of funds. After the war several OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY. .efforts were made to revive the* institution, but they were not very successful, and in 1872 the university was closed. In December, 1836, the legislature granted a charter to Emory College, founded by the Methodists, and named after Bishop Emory. The college was located, and in December, 1837, Rev. Ignatius A. Few was chosen president. The town of Oxford soon grew up around the institution. The Rev. 'Mr. Few was succeeded by Rev. A. B. Longstreet, who was president for ten years. He was followed by Rev. George F. Pierce, who was afterwards made bishop. The first class Higher Ed uga tion. 337 graduated in 1841. From that time until the present, except four years, during and just after the war, the school has con- tinued in operation, graduating nearly a thousand young men, some of whom became famous in the history of the country. Attention was also given to the question of higher education ■WKSLETAN COI.LEGE. of girls. As far back as 1825 Duncan G. Campbell proposed a bill in the legislature for the education of young women, and though the bill was not passed, he is regarded as the founder of the scheme of a female college. In 1835 the people of Macon began to think of building a school for girls. A meet- ing of the citizens Avas held in 1835, and a sum of money was raised, and a site chosen on a high hill overlooking the city. 238 History of Georgia. GEORGE P. PIKKCE. The money and site were given to the Methodist Conference, and a school was built, Avhich was named the Georgia Female College. It was opened in January, 1839, George F. Pierce being presi- dent. The first class graduated in 1840, and since that time nearly fif- teen hundred young women have received diplomas at the institution. In 1843 the name was changed to Wesleyan Female College. It is the first college in the world chartered to confer degrees upon women. One of the notable men of the period was Eev. James Osgood An- drew, of Oxford, the first Methodist bishop from Georgia. He was elected bishop by the General Conference of the Meth- odist Church in Philadelphia in 1832. At that time there was only one Methodist Church organization for all the United States, but now there are two organizations — the Northern Methodist Chiirch and the Southern. The division came about in this way. The General Conference which met in New York in 1844 regarded it as a grave matter that Bishop Andrew was the owner of a few slaves, and it passed a resolution deposing him from his office unless he would sever his connection with what they called the "great evil." This gave offence to the Methodist Church in slave-holding States, and in 1845 they formed a separate organization called the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. [Jesse Mercer was born in North Carolina in 1769. He became a Bap- tist preacher before he was twenty years of age. So eager was he for knowl- BISHOP AUDREW. Questions and Topics. 239 edge that he went to school two years after he married. In 1798 he was a member of the convention for revising the Constitution. He was once urged to permit his name to be presented as candidate for governor, but he declined. He died in 1841, and was buried at Penfield, near the first site of Mercer University.] [Ignatius Alphonso Pew, LL.D., was born in Warren County, Geor- gia, on the 11th of April, 1790. He practised law till the beginning of the War of 1812, when he entered the army and rose to the rank of colonel. At the close of the war he went to Augusta. It is said that he was inclined to infidelity or agnosticism. At his home, however, preachers of all denominations always met a cordial welcome. By his association with them his faith in Christianity became fixed, and he joined the Methodist Church and entered the ministry. He died in Athens, Ga., in 1845.] [James Osgood Andrew was born near Washington, Wilkes County, 1794. His father was probably the first itinerant minister, and his mother one of the first converts in the Methodist Church in Georgia. Bishop Andrew had but meagre opportunities of attending school, so he was to a great degree self-educated. He entered the ministry when he was nineteen years of age. He died in 1871.] QUESTIONS. Who founded INIercer Institute ? After whom was it named ? What did it become later ? Tell about the town of Penfield. Who founded the Oglethorpe University ? Was it successful ? Who founded Emory Col- lege ? Who was its first president ? Who first introduced a bill for the higher education of females ? How and when was the Georgia Female College founded ? What is it now called ? What distinction belongs to it as to conferring degrees on women ? Tell about the division of the Methodist Church organization. TOPICS. 1. Mercer University. 3. Wesleyan Female College. 2. Emory College. 4. Methodist Church organization. CHAPTER XLIII. OUR FIRST RAILROADS, " Such a State, the cherished abode of a free, enlightened, and enterprising people, is called to the consideration of the high duties which, in tlie providence of God, are de- volved upon her." — J. M. Berrien. The first passenger railroad train in tlie United States was run in 1830 between Wasliington city and Baltimore, Every- body then began to -think of railroads. The jDublic mind, however, was not fully made up as to which mode of travel- ling was best, whether by railroad, by turnpikes, or by canals. The press of Augusta and Macon advised tlie people to be careful about trying steam cars and railroads. They advocated good highways, but they were not certain that railroads were safe or useful. At a convention at Eatonton to discuss the subject of transportation, it was decided not to recommend any particular plan until the matter had been more fully in- vestigated. However, as time went by, every one began to see the advantage of steam cars over stage coaches, and public opinion in Georgia soon strongly favored a railroad system for the State. The general idea was to connect Savannah and Macon by a railroad ; to connect Augusta with the towns of Athens, Madison, and Eatonton; and to build a line from the junction of these to the Tennessee River. The Georgia Railroad received its charter in 1833, and the road was begun from Augusta, with the plan of extension to some point in the interior of the State, At first the road was to run to Union Point, with branches to Athens, Madison, and Eatonton, In 1837 a portion of the road was finished, and cars began to run and carry passengers and freight. By the end of 1839 seventj^-seven miles had been constructed, and Our first Railroads. 241 the road was in operatiou to Greeusboro. By 1840 eighty- eight miles were finished, and the next year tlie road was extended to Madison, and the Athens brancli was completed. Meanwhile the construction of other roads was in progress. In 1834 a survey had been made between Savannah and Macon, and in 1836 the charter of the Central road was granted. By this time the people had fully realized the great importance and benefit of the railroad system, and when news was re- ceived in Macon that the charter had been granted, the city was illuminated, bonfires were lighted, the church bells were rung, cannon Avere fired, and public speeches were made. The build- ing of the road from Savannah was at once begun, and, as it EARLY AMERICAN RAILROAD TRAIN. advanced, the stage routes to Macon were made shorter. At last, in 1843, the first passenger car arrived at the temporary depot, two and a half miles from Macon. The road was one hundred and ninety miles long, and, at the time it was com- pleted, it was the longest railroad in the world built and owned by one company. The master spirit of the undertak- ing was AVilliam W. Gordon of Savannah, the first president. Another road was in j)rocess of building at this time. It was fi'om Macon to Forsyth, and was first called the Monroe Eailroad. It was chartered in 1833, and work was commenced in 1835. The track was completed from Macon to Forsyth in December, 1838, and the first passenger train run over the road, carrying a large number of citizens of Macon. When the train arrived at Forsyth it was greeted with cheers, speeches were made, and the visitors entertained at a banquet. It had at first been intended to carry the road only to For- 16 242 History of Georgia. syth, but in 1836 the charter was amended so that the road might be extended to some point on the Chattahoochee River, to be subsequently decided upon. The road was afterwards called the Macon and Western Railroad, and it has since be- come a part of the Central Railroad system. While these roads were being built from Savannah, Augusta, and Macon, work was begun on the road with which the}^ were to connect, and which would extend through the Cherokee country to the Tennessee River. This road was chartered in 1836, and was built at the expense of the State. For this reason it is often called the " State Road," though its proper name is'tlie Western and Atlantic Railroad. An elevated location, seven miles east of the Chattahoochee River, was selected as the point where the new road should begin and the two roads from the south should end. In 1845 the Georgia Railroad was completed to this point, which the engineers first called Terminus. The State authorities named it Marthas- ville, for a daughter of Governor Lum^^kin. This nanie was subsequently changed by the State Legislature to Atlanta, and the city which grew up there became the centre of the rail- road system of the State. In 1840 there were six hundred and thirty-six miles of railroad graded in Georgia, which was more than was in any other State, or country of the world, at that time. QUESTIONS. "What was the first passenger railway train in America ? Tell about the convention at Eatonton. What road was first chartered ? Tell about the Central road. "What other road was being constructed at the same time ? "Where is the State road ? Why is it so called ? "What was made the centre of the State system ? TOPICS. 1. Railroads. 3. State road. 2. General svstem in Georgia. 4. Atlanta. CHAPTEE XLIV. ADMINISTKATIOX OF McDONALD. " The public faith must be maintained ; and to pause to discuss the question of pref- erence between taxation and dishonor, would be to cast a reflection upon the character of the people whose servants we are."— Charles J. McDonald. At the close of the year 1839 Georgia was in undisturbed possession of all its territory. The Indians had left, and the northern and south- •western parts of the State were open to settlers, who could now plant their farms and build their homes and live in peace. The administration of Charles J. McDonald as governor be- gan with this period. He was elected in 1839 as the candidate of the Union party. His opponent was Charles Dougherty, the candidate of the State-Rights party. When jyicDonald was urged, during the campaign, to help to secure his own election by making certain promises and "trades," he replied, " I have never bargained for any office, and if I do not get this office without conditions, I shall never reach it." He meant that he would make no promise to give an office or other reward to any person for supporting him, but that, if elected, he Avould do his duty according to the laws. The first subject which demanded the attention of the new governor was the condition of money affairs in the State. There was a general complaint of "hard times"; money was scarce; credit had been abused; speculation had been wild GOVEKNOK c. J. McDonald. 244 History of Georgia. and unsuccessful; and the people were burdened with debt. Cotton dropped to four or five cents a pound, while articles that the planters had to buy rose in price. To add to the distress, the Georgia banks all stopped specie payments — that is, they would not pay out gold or silver, but only paper money. The legislature of 1839 passed a law forbidding banks in suspension to bring suits on notes, bonds, or other evidences of debt held by them, and a bill was passed in 1840 requiring the banks to resume specie payments or give up their charters. The presidential election of 1840 came on in the midst of the financial gloom which hung over the country. Martin Van Buren was nominated by the Democratic party for reelec- tion. The National Eej)ublicau party, of which Henry Clay and Daniel Webster were the leaders, ^was now known as the Whig party, and it nominated William Henry Harrison of Ohio as its candidate. In Georgia the Democratic party, made up chiefly of the old Clark party, supported Van Buren, under the leadership of Forsyth, McDonald, and Lumpkin. The State-Rights party of Georgia, which, under Berrien, Gilmer, and Dawson, had carried the State, four years before, for Hugh L. AVhite for President, against Andrew Jackson, supported Harrison and became known as the Whig party, althougli some of its leaders, as Governor Gilmer, never admitted being Whigs. Harrison was popular as a soldier of distinguished record. While not engaged in public affairs, he lived upon his farm, in his log cabin, cultivated his orchard, and made hard cider — hence the campaign was known as the " hard cider campaign." In August, 1840, a great Harrison convention met in Macon. It was the largest public meeting which up to that time had ever been in the State. There were not then many miles of railroad leading to Macon, and people came long distances on horseback and in carriages and wagons. Some made log cabins, mounted them on wheels, and drove fifty to eighty Administration of McDonald. 345 WILLIAM C. DAWSON. miles, living in them while on the way. The number that crowded into the town was estimated at fifteen thousand, and many speeches were made and resolutions passed endorsing Harrison for President. At the elec- tion Harrison carried the State by eight thousand majority. He also obtained a majority of the other States, and was elected, but he died one month after his inauguration. He was succeeded by John Tyler of Virginia, who had been elected Vice- President. In 1841 Governor McDonald was reelected, defeating William C. Daw- son, the Whig candidate. Dawson was an able man, and a member of Congress at that time. The governor, in his message to the legislature, intimated that he had borrowed over two and a quarter millions of dollars for the State, and he urged them to pass a bill levying a tax to pay this debt as well as to meet cur- rent expenses. The legislature refused, and were about to adjourn without making any provision for the financial needs of the State. Governor McDonald then ordered the State treasurer not to pay any salaries, but to retain the money in the treasury to defray the ex- penses of the government and to protect the Florida frontier of the State against the Indians, who at this time had begun making raids into the southern counties. The legislators themselves could, therefore, get no pay, and they were very indignant. They denounced the governor as a tyrant, and characterized his order to the treas- BISHOP ELLIOTT. 346 History of Geoegia. nrer as a high-handed measure. The governor's friends ad- vised him to withdraw the order, but he refused. So the legislature was obliged to pass the bill recommended by him, and thus money was obtained for the wants of the State. In 1841 Georgia was made a diocese of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, and the Eev. Stephen Elliott was elected first bishop. He was a man of great ability, and under his fostering care his church prospered. The census of the State at the end of 1840 showed a popu- lation of six hundred and ninety-one thousand three hundred and ninety-two, of whom two hundred and eighty thousand nine hundred and forty-four were slaves. Savannah had a population of twelve thousand, Augusta eight thousand, Macon three thousand five hundred, Columbus four thousand. [Charles J. McDonald was a native of South Carolina. His parents came to Georgia in his infancy and settled in Hancock County. He graduated at Columbia College, South Carolina. In 1818 he began the practice of law. In 1822 he was elected solicitor-general of the first circuit, and judge of the same circuit in 1825.] [William C. Dawson was born in Greene County in 1798. He grad- uated at Franklin College in 1816. He began the practice of law in Greensboro. He was a member of Congress from 1836 to 1842. In 1847 he was elected United States Senator for Georgia for a term of six years, commencing 1849. Because of his elegant manners he was called " the first gentleman of Georgia." He died in 1856.] QUESTIONS. Who was elected governor in 1839 ? What first demanded his atten- tion ? Tell about the banks and the action of the legislature. Who was elected governor in 1842 ? What did the new governor advise the legislature to do ? What did he do when the legislature refused ? What followed ? TOPICS. 1. McDonald elected governor. 3, McDonald's reelection. 2. The banks and specie payments. 4. Census of 1840. CHAPTER XLV. ADMINISTEATION" OF GOVERNOR CRAWFORD. —SUPREME COURT ORGANIZED. — ANESTHESIA. " The first thing to be regarded in a republic is the virtue of the people ; the second, their intelligence. Both are essential to the maintenance of our free institutions ; the first inspires them with a disposition to do right, the second arms them witli power to resist wrong."— Charles J. McDonald. The first convention of the AVhig party met at Mi)ledgeville on June 19, 1843. John M. Ber/ien, leader of tlie Whigs in Georgia, was made president. He had been elected to the United States Senate in 1840, to succeed Wil- son Lumpkin. The convention nomi- nated George W. Crawford as their can- didate for governor. They also sent ten delegates to the Whig convention which was to meet in Baltimore in May, 1844, with directions to vote for Henry Clay for President of the United States and John M. Berrien for Vice-President. The Democrats nominated Mark A. Cooper for gov- ernor, but at the election he was de- feated by Crawford. The legislature of the same year elected Walter T. Colquitt to succeed Alfred Cuthbert in the United States Senate. Governor Crawford's administra- tion devoted its attention mainly to walter t. couitJiTT. OEOBOE W. CRAWFOKU. 248 History of Georgia. the financial affairs of tlie State. His message to the legis- lature of 1844 showed that the condition of tlie banks was improving, and tliat the taxes raised were sufficient to pay tlie debts of the State as well as the expenses of the govern- ment. The committee appointed by the legislature to investi- gate the affairs of the treasury and the public debt reported that the gov- ly reducing the the interest on One of the measures of this ernor was rapid- debt and paying the unpaid bonds, most important period was tlie es- BUGENIUS A. MI8BIT. HIRAM WARNER. FIRST SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA. tablishment of a supreme court. In 1841 Governor Charles J. McDonald had recommended it, saying: '"' The decisions of the circuit judge are final and irreversible except at his will. His power in cases involving the life, property, and liberty of the citizen is absolute and appalling, and but that we have been so long accustomed to its exercise by a single individual, it would not be tolerated for a day." In 1845 the legislature completed the organization of the new court, electing Joseph Henry Lumpkin chief justice, and Hiram Warner and Euge- nius A. Nisbit associate justices. This court has power to confirm or reverse the decisions of the circuit judges. Anesthesia. 249 Before 1842, whenever it was necessary to perform a surgi- cal operation, it could not be done without great pain to the patient. Consequently there were comparatively few surgi- cal operations prior to that year. Now there are hundreds daily, with most beneficial results, and without any suifering to the patient. This is due to a Georgia man — Dr. Crawford Ware Long, who practised medicine the greater part of his life in Athens, Ga. Dr. Long was born in the town of Danielsville, Ga., in 1817. He graduated in medicine at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania in 1839. After one year's study in New York city, he settled in Jefferson, Ga., eighteen miles from Athens. While at college in Pennsylvania he had learned of the exhilarat- ing effects caused by smelling the vapor of sulphuric ether. In Jefferson the young men of the village would frequently gather in the back room of a store adjoining the doctor's office to "smell ether." When partly under its influence, these young men would begin wrestling, boxing, turning somersaults, fighting, and making laughable speeches. During these frolics severe b-uises, ciits, and sprains were often received by the inhalers. Dr. Long himself among the number. Soon the doctor noticed that the injuries seemed to give not the least pain until the persons had recovered from the influence of the ether. From this he inferred that v/ith the aid of ether a surgical operation might be performed withoiit pain, and BO the great discovery was made. Dr. Long soon put his discovery to a practical test. One of his young friends, Mr. James M. Venable, had two small tumors on his neck. Know- ing that in his own case ether had deadened the pain of inju- ries received in the "frolics," the young man consented that 250 History of Georgia. Dr. Long should remove the tumors if he would allow him to smell ether. This was done, and on March 30, 1842, the first operation ever made with ether was performed, with the result that one of the tumors was removed without pain. On June 6, 1842, the other was removed in the same painless manner. On July 3, 1842, Dr. Long amputated the toe of a negro boy, and on September 9, 1843, he removed a tumor from the head of Mary Vincent, without pain to the patients. The State of Georgia esteemed tliis discovery so valuable, and the discoverer so worthy of honor, that it had a portrait of Dr. Long painted and hung in the Capitol at Atlanta. [George W. Crawford was born in Columbia County, Georgia, in December, 1798. He graduated at Princeton in 1820, and studied law under Richard Henry Wilde. In 1822 he began to practise as a lawyer in Augusta. In 1827 he was elected attorney-general, and held that office until 1831. In 1843 he was elected to Congress, of which he was a member until elected governor.] [Joseph Henry Lumpkin was born in Oglethorpe County in December, 1799. At an early age he entered the University of Georgia, but left it to finish his education at Princeton. He was graduated there with high honor. He devoted his time mostly to the law, and from an early age showed great ability. His health being impaired, he went to Europe for relaxation. During his absence he was chosen chief justice of the Supreme Court. No abler judge ever sat on the bench. He died in 1867.] QUESTIONS. "What convention met at Milledgeville in 1843? Who was elected gov- ernor in 1843 ? What court was established in 1845 ? Who were its first judges ? What discovery in surgical science was made in 1842 ? Who was the discoverer ? Tell how he came to know about the effects of sul- phuric ether. What was the first operation to test the new method ? TOPICS. 1. The Milledgeville convention. 3. The first Supreme Court. 2. Ci'awford elected governor. 4. Dr. Long's discovery. CHAPTER XLVI. GEORGIA IN" THE MEXICAN WAR. "Where Liberty dwells there is our country." — Flag Emblem. While Texas was still ^axt of Mexico, it was settled by people from the United States, and when Santa Anna, the Mexican president, refused to grant them a State constitu- tion, they revolted, and set up a government of their own. Volunteer companies were organized in the United States to aid Texas in its revolt. A company of soldiers went from Georgia under command of Colonel William Ward of Macon, and joined the regiment of Colonel Fannin of North Caro- lina, which was stationed at Fort Goliad in Texas. W^hen Colonel Ward was about to leave Georgia, a lady of Knoxville, Crawford County, presented to his company a flag of plain white silk, bearing a lone bine star of five points. On one side of the flag was the inscription " Liberty or Death " ; on the other side was a motto in Latin, the translation of which is printed at the head of this chapter. The flag was used by Colonel Ward, and his men called it "The Flag of the Lone Star." It is said that it was afterwards adopted as the flag of the republic of Texas. Ward and his command were sent to assist Colonel King in rescuing women and children at a mission church thirty miles from Fort Goliad. At the mission they were attacked by a large force of Mexicans, which they defeated, the Mexicans losing two hundred men, while Ward had only three wounded. Ward then set out for Victoria. Meanwhile another large body of Mexicans attacked Fannin at Fort Goliad, and he was ordered by General Houston to 252 History of Georgia. retreat to Victoria. Believing the Mexicans too cowardly to attack him, he set out for Victoria. On the march he was intercepted and surrounded by the Mexican army. He re- pelled the attack, but on the second day the Mexicans brought up their artillery, and Fannin, seeing resistance hopeless, sur- rendered upon the written condition that he and his men should be sent to the United States. They were first taken back to Fort Goliad. When Ward reached Victoria he found himself surrounded by Mexicans, and he also surrendered, and was brought to Fort Goliad, where Fannin's men were confined. Next morning they were marched out of the fort, expecting to be sent to New Orleans, but every man was shot down in cold blood. Ward and Fannin among the rest. Such was the fate of the Georgia battalion. When General Houston defeated Santa Anna and the Mexicans in April, 1836, a treaty of peace was made by which Texas became free and independent. The president of the republic of Texas from 1838 to 1841 was Mirabeau Lamar, a Georgian. In 1837 the new republic asked for admission into the Union of the United States, and for several years the "annexation of Texas" was a national question. James K. Polk was elected President of the United States by the Democrats in 1844 on the platform of favoring its admis- sion. Henry Clay, the Whig candidate, opposed annexation, and Georgia, at the time a Whig State, was carried by the Democrats for Polk. But on March 1, 1845, three days before Polk's inauguration, Texas was admitted by resolution of Congress. Troops were at once sent to protect its frontier from the Mexicans, and soon afterwards Mexico declared war against the United States. George W. Crawford was reelected governor in 1845, after a warm campaign, defeating M. H. McAllister. In May, 1846, the War Department called on Georgia for a regiment of infantry to serve in Mexico. A prompt response Georgia in the Mexican War. 253 COMMODORE JOSIAH TATTNALL. wras given. In June ben companies from various parts of the State met at Columbus and formed a regiment. Henry E. Jackson of Savannah was chosen colonel. This regiment went at once to Mexico, where it stayed for twelve months. But it had no encounter Avith the enemy, and the only service it ren- dered was by details of soldiers, for guarding money trains and provision wagons. The regiment was sent to camp at a very unhealthy place, so that many of the men died. Other companies were formed throughout the State, while many brave recruits went alone to join the regular United States army, and did valiant service. Numbers lost their lives in the bloody battles of the war, among whom was Colo- nel James Mcintosh, a hero of the War of 1812. lie had gone into the army of the United States, had fought in the principal battles of the war, and was wounded at Palo Alto. After other brilliant victories his command reached the very walls of the City of Mexico, where he fell at the head of his troops. Commodore Josiah Tattnall of Georgia played an important part in all the naval operations. He commanded a fleet known as the "Mosquito Division." Among other Georgians who distinguished themselves in Mexico were General W. H. T. Walker, Lieutenant William M. Gardiner, and General David E. Twiggs. The legislature GENERAL DAVID E. TWIGGS. 254 History of Georgia. of Georgia presented to each of these officers, and also to Com- modore Tattnall, an elegant sword in recognition of the bravery with which they had upheld the honor of the State. The Mexican War was brought to an end by a succession of brilliant victories by the United States generals. General Scott captured the City of Mexico September, 1847, and General Taylor defeated Santa Anna, gaining possession of all the northern province of Mexico. A treaty of peace was con- cluded February 3, 1848, by which the United States acquired the territory including California, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, and Texas, Mexico receiving fifteen million dollars from the United States. General Zachary Taylor of Louisiana, who was called "Old Rough and Ready" by his soldiers, had been a hero in the Mexican War. He was nominated by the Whigs for President of the United States in 1848 and was elected. Georgia's vote was cast in his favor. He appointed George W. Crawford sec- retary of war. Walter T. Colquitt resigned his seat in the United States Senate in 1848, and Herschel V. Johnson suc- ceeded him. [In 1845 the legislature provided for the establishment of a school for deaf and dumb. In time handsome buildings were erected at Cave Springs, in Floyd County, where the school is located.] [Commodore Josiah Tattnall, son of Governor Josiah Tattnall, was born near Savannah in 1795. He served in the War of 1812 with dis- tinction. When war was declared with Mexico he was appointed to the command of a fleet to defend the landing of General Winfield Scott's army. He resigned the service of the United States and joined the Con- federate States navy, and was assigned to the command of the naval defence of the Georgia and Carolina coasts. He died in Savannah, 1871.] [David E. Twiggs was born in Richmond County in 1790. He served throughout the War of 1812, holding various offices. He was in the Mexican War under General Taylor at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. He was made brigadier-general, brevetted major-general for gallantry at 25(j HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Montei'ey, and Congress presented to him a sword. In 1848 he became military governor of Vera Cruz. He was appointed brigadier-general in the service of the Confederacy, but resigned in 1861. He died in September, 1862.] [Mirabeau B. Lamar was born in Louisville, Ga., 1798. He was a farmer and merchant until 1828, when he founded a State-Rights jour- nal known as the Columbus Independent. In 1835 he went to Texas and joined the Revolutionary party. He became a major-general of the republic and secretary of war. In 1836 he was vice-president, and fi-oin 1838 to 1841 was president of the republic. He served during the Mexi- can War with distinction. He died, 1859, in Texas.] [Henry R. Jackson, nephew of Governor James Jackson, was born in Athens, Ga., 1820, and graduated at Yale College in 1839. He began to practise law in 1840, was United States district attorney in 1843, and a colonel of a Georgia regiment in the Mexican War. He was minister to Austria in 1854, and after his return to Savannah was appointed associate counsel in the prosecution of the persons engaged in importing slaves on the "Wanderer." He was appointed major- general to command the Georgia forces during the war between the States (1861-1865), and the Confederate Government commissioned him brigadier-general. During Cleveland's administration he was minister to Mexico. He died Mav 23, 1898.] QUESTIONS. Who commanded the Georgia troops that went to aid the revolt of Texas ? Describe the fight at the mission church. Tell about the mas- sacre of Fannin's men. What Georgian was president of the republic of ^ Texas ? Who was elected governor in 1845 ? What call was made on ' Georgia by the War Department in 1846 ? How did Georgia respond ? Who commanded the regiment ? What other help did Georgia give in the Mexican War ? Tell about the service of Colonel Mcintosh. What Georgian gave important service in the navy ? How did the war end? What Georgian was made secretary of war in 1848 ? TOPICS. 1. Texas revolt. 3. Mexican War. 2. Massacre of Fannin's men. 4. Crawford secretary of war. CHAPTER XLVII. GOVERNOK GEORUE V. TOWNS. CONTEST OVER SLAVERY IN THE TERRITORIES. ■* The slaveholder can uo longer look to the Constitution as the charter of his rights." -Governor Towns in 1850. George W. Towns, of the city of Macon, was elected govei-nor in 1847. He was the Democratic candidate. The nominee of the Whig party was General Duncan L. Clinch, who had served with distinction in the United States army in 1812, and had defeated the Seminoles in Floi'ida in 1835. Governor Towns was reelected in 1849, defeating E. Y. Hill, a Whig. As a result of the Mexican War the United States acquired New Mexico and Cali- fornia, which extended the Fed- eral domain to the Pacific Ocean. The discovery of gold in Cali- fornia in 1848 led to the rapid increase of its population, and in 1849 the people of the Territory applied for its admission to the Union as a State, with a clause in its constitution prohibiting slavery. To this the representatives of the Southern States objected, claiming that this constitution was illegal, and proposing to apply to that Territory the principles of the Missouri Compromise, because half 17 GENERAL DUNCAN L. CLINCH. 258 History of Georgia. of the Territory lay south of the parallel 36° 30'. In 1820 Con- gress had passed the Missouri Compromise, by which slavery was permitted iu all territory south of that line. They, moreover, demanded the passing of a fugitive-slave law to give them the protection guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Congress refused to pass such a law. The Southern leaders in Congress then notified the Southern States that their civil rights were threatened, and they advised that a convention of the people be called in each State to consider the situation. Accordingly, the Georgia legislature, at once, called a conven- tion of the people of Georgia, to meet at Milledgevalle in De- cember, 1850, and other Southern States took the same course. A long and bitter controversy in Congress followed, which ended by the passing, in separate bills, of the measures of the famous Omnibus Bill, introduced by Henry Clay, of Ken- tucky. This bill provided that California should be admitted without slavery; that New Mexico and Utah should be organ- ized as Territories and left to settle the question of slavery for themselves, and that a law should be passed for the arrest and return of escaped slaves. Both sides accepted the bills, and they were passed, and peace Avas restored for the time. These compromise bills, known as the compromise meas- ures of 1850, received the approval of the Georgia Congress- men, leading Whigs and Democrats supporting them as the best that could be done, the desire of all being to save the Union at every sacrifice except the right guaranteed by the Constitution of protection to their property. It was a Georgia statesman, Howell Cobb, who, as Speaker of the House of Representatives of Congress, presided over its stormy sessions in 1849 and 1850, with a fairness and firm- ness that won the praise of both sides. The convention of the people, which had been called before the passage of the compromise measures, assembled at Mill- edgeville, December 10, 1850. As the people generally accepted the compromise measures, the majority of the dele- The GEORGIA PLATFORM. 369 gates favored the Union party. A committee was appointed to draw up a report for the convention. This famous report was written by Charles J. Jenkins, and was known as the Georgia Platform. It declared Georgia attached to the Union ; it regretted the agitation on the slavery question, and insisted on the right of the States to settle the matter for themselves ; it avowed the willingness of the State of Georgia to abide by the compromise measures of Henry Clay; it declared the State of GeorgiU ought to and will resist any actiun of Congress that would disturb the safety and violate the rights and honor of the slave-holding States. The meaning of all this was that Georgia would stay in the Union as long as it could with honor and safety to itself, for the people loved the Union and did not want it broken. November 10, 1850, the Eoman Catholic Church made the State of Georgia a separate diocese and called it the Diocese of Savannah. The first bishop was the Eight Rev- erend Francis X. Gartland, D.D. He died of yellow fever Avhile car- ing for the sick during the epi- demic of 1854 in Savannah. According to the census of 1850, the population of the State was nine hundred and six thousand one hundred and eighty-five, of which three hundred and eighty-four thousand six hundred and thirteen were slaves. The annual production of cotton was four hundred and ninety-nine thousand bales, of wheat one million bushels, of oats four million bushels, and of corn thirty million bushels. The total crops were valued at forty-seven million dollars. Exports had increased to nine million dollars, and imports to seven hundred thousand dollars. These statistics, compared BISHOP GARTLAND. 260 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. with those of 1840, show a great growth in the material wealth of the State. [George W. Towns was born in Wilkes County in 1801. His parents were from Virginia. A fall from his horse produced a hemorrhage from the lungs, the recurrence of which at times threatened his life. He moved to Alabama, and began to practise law in that State in 1824, but returned to Georgia in 1826, and represented Talbot County in the legislature for several years. In 1834 and 1836 he was elected member of Congress. In 1839 he resumed the practice of law and continued it until 1846, when he was again elected to Congress. He died in Macon in 1854.] [Duncan L. Clinch was born in North Carolina in April, 1788. He served throughout the war of 1812. In 1835, having attained the rank of brigadier-general, he was placed in command of the United States forces then operating against the Seminole Indians in Florida. He closed this war by a decisive victory over the Indians under their great chief Osceola at the battle of Withlacoochee. Soon afterwards he retired from the army and devoted himself to his large planting interests in Camden County, Georgia. He died in Macon, Ga., November 27, 1849.] QUESTIONS. "Who was elected governor in 1847 and again in 1849 ? "What did the United States acquire by the Mexican War ? What did California apply for ? Who objected, and why ? What did the Georgia legislature do ? What was the Oninibus Bill ? Did the Georgia Congressmen ap- prove of it ? What was done at the Milledgeville convention ? What was the population in 1850 ? TOPICS. 1. George W. Towns. 3. The Omnibus Bill. 2. Disjiutes over California. 4. The Georgia Platforrer. CHAPTER XLVIIL POLITICAL DISTURBANCES. GOVERNOU HOWELL COBB. '* Our greatest danger is that the Uuicn will survive the Constitution." — Robert Toombs. At the election for governor in 1851 the Union party, which in- chuled the Whigs and the Union Democrats, nominated Howell Cobb, a Union Democrat, who was elected. He was then in the prime of his intellectual power. His elec- tion showed how strong was the devotion of the State to the Union, his opponent being the can- didate of the Southern Rights Democrats, ex-Governor Charles J. McDonald. At the presidential election in 1852, many voters in Georgia gave a complimentary vote in favor of the venerable ex-Governor George M. Troup, but the vote of the State was cast for Pierce, who was elected.' The Whig candidate. General Scott, failed to endorse the fugitive-slave law, and many Georgia Whigs re- fused to vote for him. This election broke the Whig power in the State, and the party never carried it again. John M. Berrien, desiring to retire from public life, resigned his seat in robert toombs. 362 History of Georgia. In 1853 Herschel Y the United States Senate in 1852. The governor appointed Eobert M. Charlton for the unexpired term, and in 1853 Eobert Toombs, one of the most brilliant men in the State, who had been a leading Whig, was elected to the office. He became very prominent by his oratory in the Senate in defence of the constitutional rights of the Southern people. At this time, however, he did not advocate secession. Johnson, candidate of the Democratic party, was elected governor, and he was reelected in 1855. It was soon found that the com- promise measures had not settled the contests between the North and the South. The Northern and the West- ern States passed laws called personal liberty laws which nullified the fugi- tive-slave law of Congress and the provision of the Constitution. The Democrats contended that the North had violated the Missonri Compromise, aud in 1854 Congress passed the famous Kansas-Nebraska Bill, introduced by Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois. This bill gave the settlers of Kansas, which lies north of 3G° 30', the right to decide whether they should have slavery or not. Immediately each party began to send settlers into the Territory in order to have a majority in favor of its views when a State Constitution should be voted on. Settlers sent out for such a purpose could not be expected to live together in peace, and soon a regular war was waged between them. These straggles caused great excitement, and in 1856 the Eepublican party nominated General John C. Fremont for President. This party in ] 831, taking the name of the Liberty party, had started an agitation for the abolition of slavery. They nominated a candidate for President in 1840, and he received seven thousand votes. Four years later the same can- GOVERNOR H. V. JOHNSON. Kansas Troubles. 263 didate received sixty-two tliousand votes. In 1848 the Liberty party took the name of the Free Soil party, and nominated ex-President Van Buren as their candidate. They did not favor abolition, bnt merely opposed any further extension of slavery. With the snpport of Northern Whigs their candidate received three hundred thousand votes. At the election of 1852 their vote was not so great, those Whigs who had before supported them being now satisfied by the compromise measures of 1850. But the Kansas-Nebraska Bill revived bitter feeling among the anti-slavery men in the North, and in 1856 many Whigs supported the candidate of the Free Soil party, which now became known as the Republican party. Other Whigs joined the American, or "Know Nothing," party, whose leading principle was opposition to foreigners being made citizens until after a long term of residence. In Georgia, in 1855, most of the Whigs went into this party, including Benjamin IT. Hill. The candidate of the Democratic party at the presidential election of 1856 was James Bu- chanan of Pennsylvania, who was elected. In the cami^aign the exten- sion of slavery in the Territories was the only question discussed. Presi- dent Buchanan appointed Howell Cobb his secretary of the treasury. In 1855 the legislature elected Alfred Iverson, a Southern Eights Democrat, to succeed William C. Dawson in the United States Senate. alfred iverson. [Howell Cobb was born in Jefferson County, Georgia, in 1815. At nineteen he was graduated at the University of Georgia. In 1836 he was admitted to the bar and at once gave evidence of a high order of talents and attainments. In 1837 he was elected solicitor-general of the western circuit. In 1842 he was elected to Congress, and became one of the leading men in that body. In 1850 he was elected Speaker of the 264 HISTORY OF Georgia. House of Representatives. After his terra of governor expired he reentered Congress, and became secretary of the treasury under Presi- dent Buchanan. He resigned at the beginning of the war, and threw all his energies into the movement for secession. He became a major- general in the service of the Confederate States. He died in New York, October, 1868.] [Hersehel V. Johnson was born in Burko County in 1812, He gradu- ated at the university in 1834, studied law and practised in Augusta until 1839. In 1840 he entered politics as a Democrat, and moved to Milledgeville to live. He became a United States Senator in 1848. In 1849 he was elected judge of the Oeraulgee district, which office he held until chosen governor. In 1860 he was nominated for Vice-President on the ticket with Stephen A. Douglas. He opposed the secession of Georgia, but when the fact was accomplished threw in his lot with his State and was chosen to the Confederate Senate. After the war he was made a Senator of the United States from Georgia, but was not allowed to take his seat. He died in Jefferson County in 1880.] [Alfred Iverson was born in Burke County, Georgia, in 1798. lie graduated at Princeton College in 1820 ; studied law and commenced practice at Columbus. He was a judge of tlie State Supreme Court. He was elected a representative in Congress, and served as United States Senator from 1855 to 1861. He died at Macon, 1874.] QUESTIONS. Who was elected governor in 1851 ? Who was elected governor in 1853 and 1855 ? Tell about the Kansas-Nebraska Bill and the Free Soil .'party. What Georgian was appointed to office by President Buchanan ? TOPICS. 1. Cobb elected governor. 3. Kansas-Nebraska Bill. 2. Johnson elected governor. 4. Free Soil party. CHAPTER XLIX. WAR THREATENING. " The Union under the Constitution linows no sectiou, but does know all the States."— Benjamin H. Hill. The convention of the Demo- cratic party in Georgia in 1857 for nominating a candidate for gov- ernor balloted for three days with- out agreeing. At the end of the third day a committee was ap- pointed to select a candidate. This committee decided not to recom- mend any of the names that had been before the convention, but chose a new man — Joseph E. Brown — and he was nominated. The people of Georgia did not know much of him at that time. When Toombs, who was travel- ling in Texas with a party of friends, heard of the action of the convention, he asked, "Who is Joe Brown?" But everybody was soon to find out, for he was destined to manage, the affairs of Georgia throughout the stormiest period of its history. The American, or Know Nothing, party nominated Benjamin H. Hill, but Brown was elected. At the election in 1859 Governor Brown was reelected. Only a few days afterwards John Brown entered Virginia, and tried to arm the slaves. This aroused intense feeling in Georgia and all over the South. All local issues were now forgotten, and the only question discussed among the Southern GOVERNOR JOSEPH E. iSKOWN. 266 History of Georgia. people was how to end forever the troubles over the protection of their property. Amid iutense excitement the National Democratic Conven- tion met at Charleston in April, I860, to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President, and adopt a platform for the party. The Supreme Court of the United States had decided (in the Dred Scott case) that under the Constitution slaves were property, that they could be taken into any of the Territories under the control of the government, and that it was the duty of Congress to protect the owners in their property in all the Territories. A bitter fight arose in the convention over a resolution declaring it to be the duty of Congress to protect property in the Territories, and the majority, made up of Northern delegates, voted down this resolution. When the majority of their own party voted against giving their property the protection to which the Supreme Court had decided they were entitled, the delegates from six Southern States with- drew. The Georgia delegation retired to consult. They were unanimous in believing the resolution to be right, but were divided as to the policy of insisting iipon it. Twenty-six of the delegates, headed by Judge Benning, withdrew. Ten remained, and the majority of the convention, without making any nomination, adjourned to meet in Baltimore in June. The seceding delegates called a convention to meet in Richmond at the same time. After the Georgia delegates returned home, a second State convention of the Democrats was called, at which a large majority sustained those delegates who had with- drawn from the Charleston convention. A minority, led by Herschel V. Johnson, organized another convention and elected contesting delegates to Baltimore. In six other South- ern States minorities did the same thing. When the conven- tion reassembled in Baltimore, the majority decided to seat the contesting delegates. Then the other delegates from the South and a majority of tiiose from six Northern States withdrew. The Constitutional Union Party. 267 The Baltimore convention nominated Stephen A. Donglas for President, and adopted a plank which declared that the settlers or "squatters" in a Territory should determine whether slavery should be permitted. Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, was afterward placed on the ticket for Vice-President. The delegates who withdrew organized a separate conven- tion, also in the city of Baltimore, adopted the resolution which had been voted down at Cluirleston, and nominated John C. Breckenridge, of Kentucky, for President, and Joseph Lane, of Oregon, for Vice-President. This was rati- fied by the Richmond convention. The Republican party nominated Abraham Lincoln, of Illi- nois, for President, and Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, for Vice- President. Their jilatform opposed the extension of slavery in the Territories. It did not advocate the abolition of slavery in the States, and it even denounced John Brown's raid. The Whigs of Georgia, under Ben Hill, organized a Con- stitutional Union party and adopted a platform sustaining the Dred Scott decision and favoring "constitutional union." The leaders of the party in the United States held a national convention and adopted the name of the Georgia party, but did not adopt its platform. Without making any platform, they nominated Bell, of Tennessee, for President, and Everett, of Massachusetts, for Vice-President. The difference between the parties was mainly on the ques- tion of the extension of slavery in the Territories. No party advocated the direct abolition of slavery in the States. The result was that Lincoln and Hamlin were elected by a majority of electoral votes, although they failed to get a majority of the popular vote. There was no election by the people in Georgia. As the united vote for Bell and Douglas was greater than the vote cast for Breckenridge, the election was thrown into the legislature, which elected the Brecken- ridge-Lane electors, and the vote of Georgia was cast for those candidates. The State-Rights leaders claimed that the 268 ' History of Georgia. result of this election showed that a sectional majority of States in the United States had voted against the j)rotection to property which the Constitution guaranteed, because a majority of those States had voted against the platform which contained this resolution. They held that, in view of this fact, the only thing left for the Southern States was to with- draw from the Union. J South Carolina passed an "ordinance of secession" on De- cember 20, 1860, withdrawing from the Union, declaring that the Northern States had violated the Constitution, and that the principles of the Republican party would destroy the rights of the States. This act of South Carolina caused great excitement all over the South. The event was celebrated in Georgia by large gatherings, speeches, and torch-light processions. In Atlanta guns were fired at sunrise and from noon to sunset. There were many, however, who looked upon the act of South Caro- lina with grave fears and with sad hearts. When the legislature of Georgia met in 1860, Governor Brown intimated that seventy thousand dollars had been spent for arms, and advised an appropriation of one million dollars to defend the State against invasion. Tlie legislature created the office of adjutant-general. Ten tliousand troops were called for, and one thousand rifles and carbines ordered to be purchased. The census of 1860 showed that the jiopulation was one million and fifty-seven thousand two hundred and eighty-six, of which nearly half were slaves. The real estate and personal property were valued at over six hundred millions, while nearly two million dollars were invested in manufactures. [Joseph E. Brown was born in South Carolina. In his youth he worked hard on his father's farm, attending country schools some part of each year. When he was nineteen the family moved to Georgia, and settled in Union County, at a place called Gaddistown, Young Brown used to drive two oxen to Dahlonega, selling wood, vegetables, and other things BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 269 to aid in supporting tlie family. He went to South Carolina to school, and his father gave him a suit of homo-made clothes, and the two oxen to pay for his board. He borrowed the money to pay for his tuition. When he returned to Georgia he was twenty-two. He taught school until he paid back the money he had borrowed. He studied law, was admitted to the bar, and rose to be a judge. He was only thirty-six years of age when he was nominated for governor. It is said that at the time he was nominated he was in his field binding wheat. He died in Atlanta, November 30, 1894, in the seventy-third year of his age.] [Robert Toombs was born in Wilkes County in 1810. He studied at the University of Georgia, and was graduated at Union College in 1828. He attended law lectures at the University of Virginia, and before he was twenty-one years of age was admitted by special act of the legisla- ture to practise law. He settled in his native county and won reputation for brilliancy and eloquence that few lawyers ever enjoyed. He was a captain in the Creek War of 1836, under General Winfield Scott. In 1842-1843 he took an active part in politics as tlie leader of the State- Rights Whigs. He was sent to Congress as a Whig, and his speeches placed him at once among the most prominent and powerful debaters in that body. After serving eight years in the lower house, he took his seat in the Senate in 1853, and contributed much to the discussions that led finally to the secession of the Southern States. He was secretary of state in the Confederate cabinet, and brigadier-general of infantry in the Confederate army. After the war he spent some time in Europe, and on hi's return he resumed the practice of law. He died December 15, 188^.] QUESTIONS. Vbo was elected governor in 1857 ? Tell about the National Demo- ci'atic convention of 1860. What did the seceders do ? What did South Carolina do after the presidential election of 1860 ? How was the intelligence of the action of South Carolina received in Georgia ? What did the governor intimate to the legislature of 1860, and what did he advise ? TOPICS. 1 . B"own elected governor. 3. Secession of South Carolina. 2. 1*" ational conventions of 1860. 4. Governor Brown's message. CHAPTER L. GEORGIA SECEDES, " We have appealed time and time again for these constitutional rights. You have refused them. We appeal again. Restore us those rights as we had them, as your court adjudges tliem to be, just as our people have said they are ; redress these flagrant wrongs, seen of all men, and it will restore fraternity, and peace, and unity to all of us. Refuse them, and what ? We shall then ask you, ' Let us depart in peace.' " — Robert Toombs. The leading men of Georgia agreed that if Mr. Lincoln were elected on the platform which denied them protection for their property in the Territories, the people of Georgia should decide what the State would do. Accordingly, as soon as the result was known, the legislature called a State con- vention of delegates to be elected by the people and instructed to act for them. The canvass for the election of delegates was very exciting. In nearly every county meetings were held, and, in a majority of these, reso- lutions passed in favor of secession. But many able men were opposed to this course. Among them were Her- schel V. Johnson, Alexander H, Stephens, and Benjamin H. Hill. Howell Cobb was in favor of secession, and he gave up his office of secretary of tlie treasury in the cabinet of Presi- dent Buchanan. Thomas E. E. Cobb, who, until now, had kept out of politics, but who, as a citizen of pub- lic spirit, was loved and respected by everybody, spoke to the people with eloquence in favor of separation. Ex-Governor ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. Seizure of Fort Pulaski. 271 Wilson Lumpkin, in his old age, wrote a letter nrging secession. Eobert Toombs continued his fiery speeches in the Senate of the United States, and younger politicians entered heartily into the struggle. At a great gathering in Atlanta, while Francis S. Bartow was addressing the people, a telegram Avas handed to him informing him that Fort Moultrie in Charleston harbor had been burned by Federal troops, that the garrison had gone over to Fort Sumter, and that Charleston had ordered out two regiments of soldiers. Bartow read the despatch to the crowd, who became almost wild with excite- ment. Then he exclaimed: "You hear the thunder of cannon and the clash of sabres from South Carolina. Is this gallant, noble State to be left alone ? " Loud cries of " No ! Never! Never! " came from every part of the vast assemblage. Governor Brown now determined to seize Fort Pulaski, at the mouth of the Savannah River, before the Federal authorities had time to strengthen it. Proceeding to Savannah, he ordered the First Eegiment of Georgia Volunteers, under Colonel A. E. Lawton, to seize the fort, which was to be held until the convention of the State should decide whether Georgia would remain in the Union or separate from it. The seizure was made on the morn- ing of January 3, 1861, The fort was rapidly put in order so as to protect the river in case of invasion. This was done while Georgia was still in the Union. Meanwhile Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama also with- drew from the Union. The eyes of the country were then turned toward Georgia. If Georgia seceded, there was no longer any hope of winning back those States. The conven- tion met January 16, 1861. The president was George 'W. BENJAMIN H. HILL. 273 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Crawford, who had been governor in 1843. Among the dele- gates were the ablest men in the State. Some were for seces- sion and some were against it. A resolution was introduced by Eugenius A. Nesbit in favor of secession. This brought the issue before the convention, and the battle of giant minds began. The speeches were eloquent. Judge E. A. Nisbit, T. R. E,. Cobb, Robert Toombs, and Francis Bartow advocated secession. Herschel V. Johnson, Alexander Stepbens, and Benjamin Hill opposed it, and urged cooperation by the fifteen Southern States in securing constitutional guarantees for the protection of their property in the Union. Cobb rej^lied, **We can make better terms out of the Union than init. " After three days a final test vote was taken, and stood one hundred and sixty-four for secession to one hundred and thirty-three for cooperation. At two o'clock on January 19, 1861, an ordinance of secession, written by Judge Nesbit, was adopted by a vote of two hundred and eight to eighty-nine. After the vote was taken the president of the convention arose and, by virtue of his authority, declared that the State of Georgia was now a free and independent republic. The announcement was greeted by a dignified applause from the members of the convention, but when the people outside heard the result tliey rent the air with cheers. Cannon were fired, bells rung, and bonfires lighted. The members of the convention met some days afterwards and signed their names to the ordinance in presence of the governor. Then the great seal of the State was attached, and Georgia formally declared herself a free and independent republic. The flag of the Union was taken down from the capitol building and the State flag of Georgia raised in its place. The news was telegraphed over tlie State. Meetings were held and fiery speeches made. The towns and cities were illuminated, bonfires were kindled, and torch-light pro- cessions paraded the streets. Companies of soldiers were rap- idly formed everywhere. The farmer left his field, the mer- The Arsenal at Augusta. 273 chant his store, the lawyer his office, to talk about the crisis atul prepare for war if the United States government should send an army to conquer them and to force them back into the Union. Now that the State had seceded, there was no longer any division of sentiment. Those who had opposed secession, such men as Stephens and Hill, felt that their loyalty was to their State, and, as true patriots, followed its fortunes for better or for worse. Governor Brown next decided to seize the Federal arsenal at Augusta, over which the United States flag still floated. The garrison was at the time commanded by Captain Arnold Elzey, who had eighty soldiers. Governor Brown went to Augusta and sent an order to that officer to surrender his post to the State authorities. Captain Elzey refused, and he tele- graphed to headquarters in Washington city for instructions. Secretary Holt replied that he must hold his post until forced by '■ violence or starvation" to surrender. Eight hundred troops had assembled in Augusta for the purpose of seizing the arsenal. Captain Elzey asked for an interview with Gov- ernor Brown, who, with his staff, rode to the arsenal, and terms of surrender were agreed upon. The United States flag was lowered and saluted with thirty-three guns, and the Georgia flag, which consisted of a white field, with a single red star in the centre, was raised over the arsenal. Captain Elzey surrendered because resistance was useless. As soon as the news of the secession of Georgia reached Washington city, all the State's representatives in Congress withdrew, except Joshua Hill, who resigned. [Benjamin Harvey Hill was born in Jasper County in 1822. He began to practise law in La Grange. In 1851 he was elected to the legislature, and was at once recognized as a leader of the Whig party. In 1856 he was nominated elector on the American, or Know Nothing, ticket, and by his speeches in support of Millard Filmore won a reputation as an orator of great power. In 1860 he was on the Bell and Everett electoral ticket. He was a member of the secession convention of Georgia in 1861, and made a speech against secession. He was a member of the Confedei-ate 274 History of Georgia. Senate during the entire war and was imprisoned in Port Lafayette after the surrender. In 1873 he was elected to Congress, and in 1877 to the United States Senate. He died August 16, 1882.] [Alexander Hamilton Stephens was born in Georgia on February 11, 1812. He went to the schools near his home at Crawfordville, and studied so hard that in a few years he was ready for college. He was too poor to pay for his tuition, and borrowed the money to carry him through the university. He began to study law, and soon became noted for his great ability. In person he was of small size, and was often called "little Aleck." He was one of the great men of Georgia; brave, brilliant, and a devoted lover of the rights of the Southern States. Like many other true Georgians, he was not in favor of leaving the Union at the time, but when the State decided to withdraw he gave the Confed- eracy hearty support. He died in 1883, while governor of the State.] [Following are opinions of some leading statesmen on the right of Southern States to secede : " If the Northern States i-efuse wilfully and deliberately to carry into effect that part of the Constitution which respects the restoration of fugi- tive slaves, and Congress provide no remedy, the South would no longer be bound to observe the compact. A bargain cannot be broken on one side and still bind the other side."' — Daniel Wehster. "If the Cotton States shall decide that they can do better out of the Union, we insist on letting them go in peace. The right to secede may be a revolutionary one, but it exists nevertheless." — Horace Greeley. "If a State should withdraw and resume her powers, I know of no remedy to prevent it." — Chief Justice Chase.'] QUESTIONS. Why did the legislature call a State convention in 1860 ? Name some public men of Georgia who were against secession. Tell what happened at a great meeting in Atlanta. Tell about the convention of 1861. Who wrote the secession ordinance ? How was the news of the result received by the people ? Tell about the seizure of the arsenal at Augusta. What did Georgia's representatives in Congress do when they heard of the secession ordinance ? TOPICS. 1. Secession feeling in Georgia. 4. Seizure of Augusta arsenal. 2. Seizure of Port Pulaski. 5. Withdrawal from Congress of 3. Convention of 1861. Georgia's representatives. EPOCH VI. Georgia in the Confederate States. CHAPTER LI. THE BEGINNING OF THE WAK. " I aiQ afraid of nothing on earth, or above the eartli, or under the earth, except to do wrong. The path of duty I shall ever endeavor to travel, fearing no evil and dreading no consequences."— Alexander H. Stephens. A CONVENTION of the seced- ing States was held in Mont- gomery, Ala., in February, 1861. Howell Cobb was made president of the convention. It was resolved to form a con- federacy, to be called the Con- federate States of America. A constitution was adopted, modelled upon that of the United States, and submitted to* the States for ratification. JefEerson Davis of Mississippi was chosen President, and Alex- ander H. Stephens of Georgia Vice-president. Robert Toombs was made secretary of state in the first cabinet. It was hoped that this new government which the people had organized might exist in peace. The Confederate 276 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. government appointed three commissioners, called peace com- missioners, of whom Martin J. Crawford of Georgia was one. These commissioners went to Washington city, but the Presi- dent refused to see or receive them except as private citizens. The convention of Georgia met again in Savannah, March, 1861, and at the meeting the Constitution of the Confederate States was adopted, and a new State Constitution framed to accord with it. Georgia thus for a second time gave up its right to be an independent republic, and entered into com- pact with sister States for the purpose of government and protection. Military measures were adopted to strengthen the State and prepare it to meet any attack that might be made u|)on it by the United States. The governor organized two regiments so as to be ready for any call for soldiers, and for the defence of the coast he ordered a number of cannon of long range and large calibre, and procured several gunboats. He also took possession of the United States mint at Dahlonega with twenty thousand dollars in gold coin. Volunteer com- panies were formed in nearly every county, and the men were drilled with their old shotguns and rifles. Acting under a settled principle of international law, the seceded States had by this time taken and garrisoned all the forts and arsenals within their limits except Fort Sumter in South Carolina and Fort Pickens in Florida. Men were needed to guard against attack from these forts, and President Davis asked Governor Brown for a regiment of soldiers to go to Fort Pickens in Florida. So ardent was the feeling that over two hunded and fifty companies offered their services. Exciting events now followed in rapid succession. In April, 1861, Fort Sumter, at Charleston, S. C, was sur- rendered to the Southern army after a heavy bombardment. Two days afterwards President Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand volunteers. Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Arkansas refused to furnish troops to coerce the seceding States, and now left the Union and joined the Confederate Death of General Bartow. 277 States. This made eleven in all. Norfolk, Va., was thought to be in danger, and President Davis telegraphed to Governor Brown for troops. The governor sent a message to the volunteer companies in Macon, Griffin, and Columbus, asking if they would like to go, and in twenty-four hours a battalion started for Norfolk. It is said they were the first to arrive. In May the Confederate capital was moved from Mont- ■ gomery to Eichmond, Va., and volunteers were called to defend A^irginia against invasion. Every demand that came to Georgia for soldiers was promptly and eagerly responded to. A Savannah company wrote a letter pleading to be sent to Virginia, "where there is a prospect of a fight." The first battle of Manassas was fought July 31, 1861, iu wliich the Federal army under McDowell was defeated. General Fran- cis S. Bartow of Savannah commanded a brigade of Georgia regiments in this battle. When about to set out for Virginia with his troops, he said, "/ go to illustrate Georgia,'''' and he did. At Manassas the colors of the Georgia contingent being in danger of falling from the grasp of the wounded bearer, Bartow seized them, and, leading a gallant charge, fell in the thickest of the fight. Preparations for war were going on all over the South, but nowhere with more activity than in Georgia. Troops were organized into companies, drilled, and held in readiness. Fort Pulaski was equipped at an expense of eighty thousand dollars, and three war steamers were bought. Two brigades of State troops were organized under Brigadier-Generals George P. Harrison, Sr., and F. W. Capers. By "running the blockade" the State had secured thirteen thousand Enfield rifles and five hundred sabres, but these were not enough. Governor Brown urged the people to send their rifles and shotguns for temporary use by the State troops. In addition to the State troops, the Confederate government placed A. E. Lawton, who had been appointed brigadier-general, in com- mand of Confederate troops, and Commodore Josiah Tatt- 278 History of Georgia. nail in command of the naval forces for the defence of Georgia. Robert Toombs left the cabinet of Mr, Davis and joined the army as a brigadier-general. Howell Cobb, Henry E. Jackson, W. H. T.Walker, Hugh W. Mercer, James Longstieet, Ambrose R. Wright, Lafayette McLaws, D. R. Jones, and Wil- liam Montgomery Gardner were also appointed brigadier- generals. David E. Twiggs and W. J. Hardee, both Georgians, had been commissioned major-generals, but General Twiggs was forced by ill health to resign. General' Henry R. Jackson won a brilliant victory in West Virginia in October. In the midst of these exciting events the time came around in the fall of 1861 for an election for governor. The friends of Governor Brown urged him to run for the third term, and he agreed to do so. His opponent was Judge Eugenius A. Nisbit. Brown was reelected. His message to the legisla- ture of 18G1 showed that Georgia had sent nearly fifty regi- ments into the field, and had supplied the equipments for thirty of them. An appropriation of five million dollars was made to equip State troops and defend the coast. Benjamin H. Hilland Robert Toombs w^ere elected as Confederate State Senators. Toombs preferred to stay in the army, and Governor Brown appointed Dr. John W. Lewis to fill the vacancy. Up to this time the great seal of the State was that which had been adopted in 1799. The secession convention of 1861 directed that there should be a new one, and the legislature of ] 861 appointed a committee to make the change. The new seal was a slight modification of the seal of 1799. In the sunburst under the arch was '' 1861," and underneath was " 1776." Toward the close of the year the Federal warships had nearly blockaded the coasts of Georgia. Trading vessels could not bring in supplies of food and clothing, and the people were cut off from the use of Northern and European goods. Everybody therefore had to look to home enterprise. Old cards and looms were got out, and cotton was made into cloth GEOR.GIAGE|vlEf^ALS Commissioned By Tne Co/vf£deratcStat£S /N /86/. MajGen DavisR Jones ,/i Brig Gen W MontgomeryGardner Brig.Gen.Hugh W.Mercer. 280 History of Oeoroia. t for family use and for the army. Coffee and tea became rare. Since there was no market now for cotton, the farmers began to raise grain and meat for their own use and for feeding the troops. Salt becoming scarce, the stock on hand was soon exhausted. The salt fields of Virginia were used, then sea- water was evaporated, and finally the people had to dig up the floors of their old smoke-houses, where salt meat had been kept, and boil the dirt to get what salt it contained. This salt famine continued during the four years of the war. [General William Joseph Hardee was born in Camden Co. in 1815. He was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1838, and after- wards at St. Maur, France. While there he was attaolied to the cavalry department of the "French array. He served with General Taylor in the war with Mexico. Afterwards he was commander of cadets at West Point, and wrote ' ' Hardee's Tactics, or the United States Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics." He died in 1873.] [Alexander R. Lawton was born in Beaufort, S. C. , in 1818. He was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1839. After serving in the army a short while, he studied law, and began to practise law in Savannah. In 1861 he became brigadier-general in the Confed- erate army. He was wounded at Antietam, and after his recovery served as quartermaster-general. In 1885 he was appointed United States min- ister to Russia, and afterwards to Austria. He died July 3, 1896.] QUESTIONS. Tell about the convention in Montgomery in 1861 ? What meeting took place in Savannah in March, 1861? What did the convention do ? How many Georgia companies offered their services for the war ? What Georgia general commanded a brigade at the first battle of Manassas ? Tell about his heroic action in defence of the colors. Name other Georgians who held military command at this time. Who was elected governor in 1861 ? What did the governor's message to the legislature show with regard to military affairs ? Describe the results to Georgia of the blockade of the coast. TOPICS. 1. Georgia convention. 3. Reflection of Brown. 2. Georgia's war action. 4. Blockade of the coast. CHAPTEE LTI. PKOGRESS OF THE WAR. " Savannah shall never be surrendered, but defended street by street and house by house, until, if talien, the victors'' spoils shall be alone a heap of ashes." — Resolution of General Assembly. Early in 1862 active operations were begun by the Federal fleet along our seacoast. Henry K. Jackson resigned from the Confederate army and was a^ipointed major-general to com- mand the State troops on the coast. Hugh AV. Mercer was in command of the regular Confederate troops at Savan- nah, while General LaAvton was still in command of the department. In February a number of Federal war-vessels appeared on the coast, forced their way up the Savannah Eiver, and erected batteries on Tybee Island, in order to attack Fort Pulaski. On the 10th of April the Federal commander sent word to Colonel Charles Olmstead, the officer in command of the fort, to surrender. He replied : " I am here to defend the fort, not to surrender it." The batteries then began to fire. On the second day the flag was cut down by a cannon-ball and fell inside the fort. Two of the soldiers quickly caught it, and, leaping upon the parapet, in face of a deadly fire, carried the flag to another angle of the fort, and tied it securely to a staff fixed in a gun carriage. The fire of the batteries made an opening in the walls of the fort in two days, and the garrison was forced to surrender. A bold attempt was made in April, 1862, by a party of Fed- eral spies to carry off an engine and several cars on the State road. Twenty-two of these men boarded the train at a place •ZS2 History gf Georgia. called Big Shanty, where a stop had been made for breakfast, and, detaching the engine and some of the cars, started for Chattanooga. Their plan was to steal the engine, tear up the track, burn bridges, and do as much damage as possible. The conductor. Captain W. A. Fuller, and the engineer, who had left the train for breakfast, saw the capture and Avent in pur- suit on a hand-car. Soon an engine was obtained, and, after a long chase, the fugitives were overtaken at Eingold, their steam being exhausted. When they saw that they were about to be captured, they abandoned the engine and fled into the woods. But all were caught, and eight, who were volunteers, were tried and hanged as spies, the others being held as pris- oners of war. An act known as the Conscript Law was passed by the Con- federate Congress in April, 1862. It required all able-bodied men between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five to enter the army. Governor Brown opposed the Conscript Law, holding that it was not constitutional or necessary, and he and Presi- dent Davis had a long correspondence on the subject. As soon as the governor was notified of the passing of the act, he turned the State troops over to the Confederate army. Those regiments were rapidly transferred to the armies of Lee and Bragg, and they served in all the great battles in Virginia and the West. General A. R. Lawtdn returned to Virginia, and was placed in command of one of the Georgia brigades. The legislature of 18G2 had many grave problems before it. Nearly three-fourths of the able-bodied male population of Georgia were fighting in other States for the Confederate cause, and were in need of food and clothing. The seacoast of the State was threatened by the enemy, and distress and want were everywhere among the people. To encourage the raising of grain and meat, a law was made forbidding the rais- ing of cotton beyond three acres to each field hand. The dis- tillation of corn into whiskey was forbidden. The governor was requested to buy salt for sale to the peoj)le at cost price. ■■ 1/ bRIG bENinOBERT loOMBS GeorgiaGeneralsInVirginia " ~'°"' The CoA/fEDERATE States In /8£I-GZ 284 History of Georgia. It was ordered that clothing should be bought for the troops, and the families of dead and disabled soldiers were provided for. Altogether six million dollars were a^^propriated. Her- schel V. Johnson was elected to the Confederate Senate. Many Georgia brigades were present in Virgiuia and bore their part in the great battles of the year 1862. They were commanded by Generals G. T. Anderson (known as " Tige " Anderson), George Doles, Paul J. Semmes, W. D. Smith, Ambrose R. Wright, Edward L. Thomas, A. II. Colquitt, Howell Cobb, T. E. R. Cobb, A. R. Lawton, Robert Toombs, and Alfred Iverson, Jr. McLaws and David R. Joues were major-generals and Longstreet a lieutenant-general in Lee's army. Hardee was a lieutenant-general in the West. At Fredericksburg, Cobb's brigade strongly j^osted on the hillside, bore the brunt of the battle, winning undying fame. Six times in succession the Federal troops, massed on their front, gallantly charged up the hill, only to be mowed down and driven back by the deadly fire. The repulse was com- plete, but at the end of the fourth charge General T. R. R. Cobb, the heroic commander of the Georgians, fell mortally wounded. His death cast a gloom over the whole army. On New Year's day, 1863, President Lincoln issued the " Emancipation Proclamation," but the negroes did not leave their former masters. They were content to remain on the farms, to protect the women and children, and to take care of their old masters' homes. Fort ]\IcAllister, at the mouth of the Ogeechee River, was attacked in March, 1863, by a fleet of seven Federal gunboats. It was a simple earthwork with sand parapets, but it was defended by brave men. Tlie bombardment Avas kept up for eight hours, and the guns of the fort replied so well that the fleet was driven away, crippled and defeated. In recognition of this gallant fight, the garrison was authorized by special order to inscribe on the flag of the fort the date, " March 3, 1863." Streights Raid. 285 rORT MCALUSTER. Colonel Streight, with a band of eighteen hundred Federal cavalry, made a raid into Georgia in April, 1863. General Forrest pursued him with only six hundred Confed- erate troops, and overtook him near the city of Rome, where a battle took place. Forrest suc- ceeded by a strat- agem in deceiving the Federals as to his real strength. While the fight was in progress he sent an officer under a flag of truce to demand an immediate surrender. Streight wanted time to consider, but Forrest would not wait, and he made a show of despatching orders to unseen batteries and soldiers to prepare for battle. " Within ten minutes," said he, "the signal gun shall be fired and the truce Avill end." This so alarmed the Federal officer that he surrendered at once, though he had three times as many men as Forrest. June 23d the Confederate ram Atlanta was captured by two monitors in Warsaw Sound. FIGHT BETWEEN RAM "ATLANTA" AND MONITOR. In July, 1863, the governor called for eight thousand State troops as a home guard, and eighteen thousand were ready in answer to the call. This body was organized, under Major- 386 History of Georgia. General Howell Cobb, for home protection. As there were no guns for some of the soldiers. Governor Brown proposed to supply each man with a staff eight or ten feet long, having a sharp steel head like a lance. They were called Joe Brown's pikes. They were intended for hand-to-hand fighting, but the soldiers found them of little use. The year 1863 had been disastrous to the Southern armies both in the West and in Virginia. In Virginia, John B. Gor- don, Henry L. Benning, William T. Wofford, and Goode Bryan had been promoted to command Georgia brigades, and Georgia regiments followed Lee through all the battles of that year. At Gettysburg, Brigadier-General Paul J. Semmes was mortally wounded. In the West, where Generals W. H. T. Walker and Alfred Gumming commanded Georgia brigades, Vicksburg and Port Hudson had fallen, the Mississippi Eiver had been opened, and the Confederacy cut in two. The Federal forcef? were then concentrated at Chattanooga. The battle of Chicka mauga was our only important victory of the year. In that battle John K. Jackson, M. A. Stovall, C. C. Wilson, and Henry L. Benning commanded brigades of Georgia troops. Joseph Wheeler and W. H. T. Walker were there as major-gen- erals commanding divisions. General James Deshler, a gallant Georgian, and Colonel Peyton H. Colquitt, were killed. QUESTIONS. What operations were begun in 1862 ? What of the attack on Fort Pulaski? Describe the attempt to steal an engine. What of the Conscript Law ? What problems did tlie legislature of 1863 have to face ? What was the war fund ? What of Fredericksburg ? What was the Emanci- pation Proclamation ? Wliat about Fort McAllister ? Tell about For- rest's capture of the Federal cavalry. What of State troops? What was the general result of the year 1863 ? TOPICS. 1. Fort Pulaski. 4. War measures. 2. Stealing an engine. 5. Fort McAllister, 3. Conscript Law. 6. Streight's raid. CHAPTER LIII. FEOM CHATTANOOGA TO ATLANTA. " I have staked life, liberty, and property, and the liberties of my posterity, upon the .•esult. My destiny is linked with my country." — Joseph E. Brown. In March, 1864, Generai Ulysses S. Grant was put in com- mand of all tlie Federal forces, and at once planned two campaigns: one under himself against Richmond, Va., and the other under General W. T. Sherman against Atlanta. Opposed to Grant in Virginia was a Confederate army under General Robert E. Lee. Another Confederate army, under General Joseph E. Johnston, was at Dalton, Ga., to defend our State against invasion. Grant, seated on a log by the road- side in Virginia, wrote a despatch to Sherman that he was going to Richmond, and ordered Sherman to start for Atlanta. The Federal army crossed into Georgia on May 4, 1864, with nearly one hundred thousand men and over two hundred and fifty cannon. General Johnston had brought his army up to its best condition, but he had hardly fifty thousand men. Sherman with a part of his army, exceeding in numbers all of Johnston's force, made an attack on him at Dalton, and, at the same time, sent a large body of troops to Resaca, eighteen miles south, to destroy the railroad and cut the Confederates off from their supplies of food. Johnston could not spare enough men to meet the force, and was compelled to retreat to Resaca. Here Sherman attacked him again, but lost five thou- sand men in the battles which continued two days, May 14th and 15th. Finding that he could not crush Johnston, he again sent troops round to the south toward Calhoun, and forced Johnston to retreat to Cassville, leaving to the Federals 290 History of Georgia. the city of Eome, which was attacked and captured by a divi- sioa of their army commanded by General Thomas. Sherman again tried to cut off Johnston's supplies by a force sent towards Dallas, but the Confederates met them at New Hope Church, and for a week there was fighting every day. Sherman was forced to return to the railroad, and early in June the two armies were again face to face, the Federals at Acworth, the Confederates at Marietta. Johnston occupied a strong position among the mountains, and Sherman tried to break the line through by assault. The fighting here con- tinued for twenty-three days, from June 9th to July 3d, in which John- ston drove back the Federal forces every : ' time they were hurled against him. The Con- federate general, Leon- idas Polk, was killed on the summit of Pine Mountain while looking over the lines. During part of the time the Confederate line extended across Kenesaw Mountain, from which the battle fought there took its name. Satisfied that he could not win a victory by fighting, Sherman returned to his old plan and sent General James B. McPherson to flank Johnston by crossing the Chattahoochee Ei ver east of Marietta. But John- ston was not to be caught. Drawing his forces out of danger, he crossed the river ahead of his enemy, leaving nothing behind. By this time he had been fighting for seventy-four days, and had lost nearly ten thousand men, while Sherman had lost twenty- five thousand, a force equal to half of Johnston's army. John- ston had lost ground , but the army was in good spirits and ready at any time to advance or fight whenever Johnston said so. AN IMPROMPTU FORTIFICATION. 292 History of Georgia. On July 17,, 1864, General Johnston was relieved of tlie command by order of President Davis, and General Hood was placed in charge. It is said that when Sherman heard of the change he remarked: "Before this the fighting has been as Johnston pleased, but liereafter it shall be as I please." Johnston was a cantions aud prudent commander. His army being only half that of Sherman, his policy was to avoid battle, but to keep always in front of his enemy, so as, if pos- sible, to prevent his advance. He retreated only when the want of men compelled him to do so in order to avoid being flanked, surrounded, and cut off from supplies for his army. Atlanta was the next important point of attack and resist- ance. Preparations for the defence of the city had been made as rapidly as possible. Over ten thousand State troops had been placed in the trenches, cannon had been bought, and supplies made ready. Major-General Gustavus J. Smith com- manded the State militia, and General Toombs, who had resigned his command in Virginia, was on his staff. The four brigades of State militia were commanded by Brigadier-Geti- erals E. W. Carswell, P. J. Phillips, C. D. Anderson, and H. K. McCay. Besides these, there were many Georgia regi- ments in the Confederate army through the entire campaign. M. A. Stovall, Hugh W. Mercer, Alfred Iverson, Jr., John K. Jackson, Alfred Gumming, C. C. Wilson, Robert H. Ander- son, Henry E,. Jackson, and B. M. Thomas, all Georgians, were there as brigadier-generals, Major-General W. H. T. Walker commanded a division, and Lieuteuant-General Wheeler commanded the cavalry corps. General Hood's jjlan was to assume the offensive aud try to force Sherman back, and on July 20, 1864, two days after he had taken command, the battles around Atlanta commenced. Hood attacked Sherman, and a bloody fight followed, July 20th, lasting five hours, in which the Confederates lost heavily. Hood again attacked Sherman July 22d, and the battle raged till night. Both sides fought fiercely, but Sherman stood his Battles Around Atlanta. 293 ground. General McPherson, of the Federal army, was killed while riding near the skirmish line of the Confederates. They called him to surrender, but he raised his hand as if to salute, wheeled his horse, and galloped o£E. A volley of musketry brought him down. Major-General W. H. T. Walker, a gallant Georgian, was killed in the same battle. He was leading an attack upon the Federals up a steep ascent, when he was shot in the thigh and fell. He was caught by a brother officer, who, in leaning over to support him, received a ball in his head. General Mercer, commanding Walker's division, was wounded. During the struggle aronnd Atlanta, a force of Federal cav- alry was surrounded by the Confederate general Iverson, and one thousand of them were captured, including the Federal general Stoneman. They had been sent to tear up the rail- roads leading to Macon. Stoneman had attacked Macon, but was driven back by the militia under Governor Brown and General Howell Cobb. Hood sent Wheeler's cavalry around Sherman's army to the rear, to burn bridges and destroy rail- roads, so as to cut off the enemy's communication with their sources of supply. From the earthworks outside Atlanta the Federal guns con- stantly threw shot and shell into all parts of the city. The bursting of the bombs, the striking of the cannon-balls, the tearing up of the houses and streets filled the people with terror. They fled to cellars and railroad cuts for safety. Sher- man began to move his army around to the south side of Atlanta. Hood followed him, and a week afterwards assaulted him as fiercely as ever at Ezra Church, near Atlanta, but met with a repulse. On August 31st General Sherman sent a large body of men to cut the Macon Railroad at Jonesboro. The Confederates at that place, under Hardee, could not drive them back. The Georgia Railroad and the West Point Railroad were both held by Sherman, and there was nothing now left for Hood but to march out of Atlanta, which he did, after setting fire to the military stores so that the Federals might not 294 History of Georgia. get possession of them, Wlien Hood left Atlanta he started towards Tennessee, thinking to force Sherman to leave Georgia to protect his base of supplies. But Sherman sent General Thomas to follow Hood, while he himself began to prepare his army for a further advance into Georgia. After leaving Atlanta, Hood sent a division to capture Alla- toona, which was strongly fortified. • Sherman signalled Gen- eral Corse at AUatoona to hold the fort as reinforcements were coming. The Confederates made a gallant assault, but withdrew when reinforcements arrived. Sherman's message suggested the popular religious song, " Hold the fort." When Sherman entered Atlanta he ordered all the inhabitants to leave at once. He had their baggage sent to the railroad, and over sixteen hundred people were forced to abandon their homes. Before his departure he set fire to the city, and only four hundred houses out of five thousand were left. He said that Georgia should ''feel the weight of war." QUESTIONS. What campaigns were planned for 1864 ? With what force did the Federal array cross into Georgia ? What was the number of Johnston's army ? What about the stand at Marietta ? Who was killed on Pine Mountain ? Up to this time how many men had been lost on each side ? Who took Johnston's place in July, 1864 ? What did Sherman say when he heard it ? What had been Johnston's policy ? What about the defence of Atlanta ? What was General Hood's plan ? Tell of the death of McPherson and Walker. What Federal force and general were captured ? What about the surrender of Atlanta ? How did Sher- man treat the inhabitants and the city ? TOPICS. 1. Sherman's plan. 3. Hood placed in cpmmand 2. Johnston's retreat. 4. Battles around Atlanta. CPIAPTER LIV. THE MARCH TO THE SEA. " We are not only fighting hostile armies, .but a hostile people, and must make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war."— General William Tecumseh Sherman. With sixty thousand men Sherman started on November 15, 1804, from Atlanta on his famous marcli to the sea. His army spread out so as to cover a front of forty miles, and as they marched they lived on the country and destroyed prop- erty of every kind. Villages, farm-houses, gin-houses, cotton crops were burned ; horses were taken away ; cows, hogs, and sheep were killed for the use of the soldiers or left dead in the fields. Thieves who followed the army, or belonged to its lowest elements, robbed houses not only of provisious, but of silverware and other valuables of all sorts that could be carried away. A track of desolation three hundred miles long was made across the face of Georgia, and in the wake of the army women and children were in many cases glad to eat the corn left by the soldiers' horses. In his report Sherman said : "I estimate the damage done to the State of Georgia at one hundred million dollars." At Milledgeville the legislature was in session, but had adjourned for dinner when the news came that Sherman was approaching. The legislators did not return to the Capitol, and everybody made haste to leave the city. Outgoing trains were loaded with passengers, carriages and wagons were hired or bought at fabulous prices, and every other means of escape was resorted to. Governor Brown gave orders to have the records and State 29G History of Georgia. papers and property removed. But men to do the work could not be found until the governor called out convicts from the penitentiary and offered them pardon if tliey would enlist in the service. This they agreed to do, and by their aid the State property was moved to the trains and shipped to places of safety. Finally Governor Brown, his family and the officers, left the city just as the Federal cavalry entered it. Leaving Milledgeville, Sherman marched tlirougli the State and reached the coast in December. He captured Fort McAllister December 13th, and then invested Savannah. General William Hardee, with only ten thousand troops, could not resist Sherman's army of sixty thousand, so he quietly left the' city during the night of December 20th, crossing the river on pontoon bridges, and Sherman entered Savannah December 21, 1864. He seized a large quantity of military stores and thousands of bales of cotton, and was disappointed to find that General Hardee and his men had escaped capture and had curried off forty-nine pieces of artillery. He sent a telegram to President Lincoln, saying: ''I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah, with one hun- dred and fifty heavy guns and plenty of ammunition, also about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton." About the same time Hood's army in Tennessee was badly defeated, broken into fragments, and driven back to Georgia. These were fatal blows to the cause of the Confederate States, and from this time the struggle was hopeless. Sherman stayed in Savannah a month, then marched into South Caro- lina, where he Avas again opposed by General Joseph E. Johnston, who had been placed in command of the fragments of Hood's army. But Johnston's efforts were powerless to stay the fate of the Southern arms. While Sherman was carrying out this programme so suc- cessfully in Georgia, General Grant had failed in Virginia. He had attacked Lee in the Wilderness, and after four days' fighting had given it up and attempted to turn his flank, but 3RioGtN I A Evans BrigGenDudleyMDuBose. t' Bri ( enPhil Cook >Pj' X "-C Bri gGenER Alexander^ GEORGIAGENtRALSlW ViRGINIA Cor^niiiioniD By Th£ Confederate States M /8G4-G5 Brig.Gen.G.M.5orrel. '1^4'd^^W^^ BcicGen.VJ.B.Giraroy. 298 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. when he reached Spottsylvjinia Court House, twenty-four hours later, Lee's army was there waiting for him. The fighting that occurred here was the most desperate of the war, and the Georgia soldiers bore their part and won the admiration of the whole army. Grant moved southeast to North Anna River and Cold Harbor. At both places Lee's army again confronted him and repelled his attacks. Briga- dier-general George Doles lost his life in this campaign. Grant then crossed to the south side of the James River and laid siege to Petersburg. In the spring of 1865 the move- ments against Petersburg and Richmond were pressed and the lines gradually closed in. Georgia brigades were in every battle. In 1864 and 1865 E. P. Alexander, Clement A. Evans, Phil. Cook, V. J. B. Girardey, L. J. Gartrell, G. M. Sorrel, Dudley M. DuBose, and James P. Simms were commissioned brigadier-generals. P. M. B. Young and Ambrose R. Wright were major-generals, John B. Gordon commanded a corps, and General Evans commanded Gordon's division. General Girardey was killed before his commission was made out. Early in April Lee's lines were broken, Richmond was abandoned, and a few days later the remnant of his army sur- rendered to General Grant at Appomattox Court House. Johnston surrendered to Sherman April 26tli at Benton- ville, N". C, and the great war was over. Meanwhile, on the 14th of April, while the North was re- joicing over the successful termination of the war. President Lincoln was assassinated in Washington city. The people of Georgia were horrified at tliis act, for, notwithstanding the bitterness of the war, they recognized Mr. Lincoln's high character and true patriotism. Vice-President Andrew John- son, of Tennessee, thus became President of the United States. The beautiful custom of placing fiowers on the graves of soldiers was suggested by Mrs. Mary Williams, of Columbus, Ga. Iler husband, who had been in the war, Avas buried in the cemetery of that place, and she and her little daughter would Decorating Soldiers' Graves. 299 often come and lay flowers on his grave. One day the child asked her mother to allow her to pat flowers on other soldiers' graves. Mrs, Williams then thought how good it would be if once a year the ladies throughout the South would devote a day to decorating with flowers the graves of the Confederate dead. She wrote a letter to the Columbus Times, in which she said : " We cannot raise monumental shafts and inscribe thereon their many deeds of heroism, but we can keep alive the memory of the debt we owe them by dedicating at least one day in each year to embellishing their humble graves with flowers." The suggestion met with favor, and was generally adopted throughout the South. In Georgia the 26tli day of April is observed as Memorial Day. Georgia had sent to the field about one hundred and twenty thousand soldiers, many of whom were boys sixteen or seven- teen years of age and. men from fifty to sixty. General Grant said that the Confederacy had " robbed the cradle and the grave" to fill its armies. By the war the State lost three-fourths of its wealth, including all slaves, which were valued at nearly three hundred millions of dollars. The lands fell to one-half their value. One-fourth of all the railroad tracks had been destroyed, and a path of ruin and desolation forty miles wide had been cut through the State from Chatta- nooga to Savannah. The State debt had grown to over twenty million dollars. There were thousands of poor people — widows and orphans, broken down soldiers and their families — in the State, besides large numbers who could find no work, and were daily asking for bread. Medicine and all kinds of food and clothing were very scarce. The Confederate paper money was worth but little, forty-nine Confederate dollars being of no more value than one gold dollar. A hat cost three hundred dollars in Confederate money, a horse several thousands, a barrel of flour sold for four hundred dollars. 300 History of Georgia. and a pair of boots for eiglit hundred dollars, while the pay of a soldier was only eleven dollars a month, hardly enough to buy a loaf of bread. [Fort McAllister stood about sixteen miles below Savannah, on the Ogeechee River. When Sherman appeared before the fort in December, 18(J4, it was garrisoned by only one hundred and fifty men, under Major George W. Anderson. The attacking force consisted of seventeen regi- ments, which, on the morning of December 13th, was ordered to capture the fort. This was done after a hot fight. The assaulting column num- bered over three thousand men, and in the engagement lost one hundred and thirty-four men and officers, while the defenders lost only forty- eight. The greatest compliment that could be paid the brave garrison was made by the Federal general, who said in his report : "We fought the garrison through the fort to the bomb proofs, from which they still fought, and only succumbed as each man was individually over- powered."] QUESTIONS. What was the strength of Sherman's army when he set out from Atlanta, November, 1864 ? Describe the march to the sea. What effect had the news of Sherman's approach on the people of Milledgeville ? How were the State papers and other property secured ? What fort did Sherman capture before reaching Savannah ? How many soldiers did General Hardee have ? What did Hardee do ? What did Sherman seize ? What telegram did he send to President Lincoln ? What became of Hood's army in Tennessee ? Tell of the surrender of Lee and Johnston. What unfortunate event occurred in April, 1865 ? Tell how Memorial Day originated. How many soldiers did Georgia send to the field during the war ? What was the condition of things in the State at the end of the war ? What about the Confederate money ? TOPICS. The March to the Sea. End of the Struggle. 1. Devastation. 4. In Tennessee. 2. Sherman at Milledgeville. 5. In Virginia. 3. Capture of Savannah. 6. In the Carolinas. Memorial Day — Condition of Georgia. CHAPTER LV. THE FEDERAL ARMY ASSUMES CONTROL OF GEORGIA. "Liberty in its last analysis is but the sweat of the poor aud the blood of the brave." — Robert Toombs. After President Davis left Richmond he started south with a number of friends. In May, 1865, the party reached Washington, Ga., the home of Robert Toombs. Here some members of tlie Confederate cabinet assembled, with A. R. Lawton, then quartermaster-general; 1. M. St. John, commissary-general; Major Moses, and others, in a last conference, and then broke up for- ever. Thus the Confederate gov- ernment dissolved in the town of Washington upon the soil of Georgia. President Davis retreated into the interior of Georgia, travelling in a wagon about thirty miles a day. For five days he proceeded without interruption until the morning of the 10th of May, when a band of Federal cavalry who had started in pursuit overtook him in Irwin County, Georgia. He was then arrested and conveyed to Fortress Monroe, and held in prison with- out trial for nearly two years. 303 History of Georgia. While President Davis and his cabinet were in Washing- ton, Ga., a train of wagons arrived, carrying a large amount of gold and silver belonging to the Confederate government. This was known as the "Specie Train," and was guarded with great care by an armed force. Rolls of the troops were made out, and twenty-six dollars and twenty-five cents each were paid to as many as could be reached. Forty thousand dollars were set aside to pay for rations for other soldiers re- turning from the war. The orders about this specie and its distribution were the last orders of the Confederate government. Soon after the members of the cabinet had left Washing- ton, and while Robert Toombs was still at his home, a man on horseback galloped up to his residence, threw a bag over the fence, and rode off rapidly. The bag was found to con- tain five thousand dollars in gold coin, but there Avas no letter or message with it, and no one could tell who left it. General Toombs ordered it to be paid out for the benefit of the Confederate soldiers who were returning from the war. A day or two afterwards a body of Federal soldiers called at General Toombs's house and rang the. bell. The general was in his private office, and looking through the window, he saw the soldiers as they approached. Knowing their pur- pose was to arrest him, he hastened out by the back door, saddled a horse and rode off quickly. Mrs. Toombs answered ihe knocking at the door. The soldiers said they wanted the general. Mrs. Toombs invited them in, and detained them for nearly half an hour on various pretexts. When they became suspicious she showed them over the house, and assisted them in looking for the general, but by this time he was beyond their reach. After wandering all over Georgia and through Alabama to New Orleans, he went to England, where he remained for several years. Governor Brown at once issued a call for the legislature to meet. General Wilson, commander of the Federal troops at Under Federal Laws. 303 Macon, notified him to surrender the State militia, who had been under arms. This Governor Brown did, and received his parole. He returned to Milledgeville, but the next night the mansion was surrounded by Federal soldiers, who had come to arrest him. ''I have my parole," said Governor Brown. **Biit I have instructions to take that away from you,'" re- plied the officer in command. The governor was carried to Washington city and put in prison. Here he complained to the President of his arrest while holding a parole, and at the end of a week he was set at liberty. Alexander Stephens was arrested at his home in Crawfordville and carried a prisoner to a fort at Boston, where he was kept for five months, when he was released on parole. Howell Cobb and B. H. Hill were also arrested and imprisoned. Governor Brown returned to Georgia, but the State was under control of the Federal army. A period of military rule had begun, and a Federal officer was in charge of every city. The legislature did not meet because General Wil-' son, the Federal commander, had issued an order, saying : *' Neither the legislature nor any other political body will be permitted to assemble under the rebel State authorities.^' Governor Brown then resigned his office. He had been re- elected in 1859 and in 1861, and again in 1863, so that he had the honor of four terms as governor. He now, however, resigned the office, and he issued an address to the people, advising them to make the best of the situation, to agree to the abolition of slavery, to support the administration at Wash- ington, and to aid in the reconstruction of the State, so that it might be restored to the Union as soon as possible. The Federal generals in control of the State did many acts of kindness to the people. Rations were issued to returning soldiers and to those who were without means of support. Supplies and horses surrendered by the Confederate authorities were distributed among the needy, and a number of horses and mules belonging to the United States govern- 304 History of Georgia. ment, that had given out during Sherman's campaign and had been left in north Georgia, were permitted to remain in the hands of the people of that section who had suffered so severely. During the entire spring and summer of 1864 this section of the State had been occupied by Federal or Con- federate armies, so that no cro23S had been raised. General Wofford was especially active in securing relief for the people. The great State of Georgia continued without a governor and under the sole control of the Federal army for about two months. In June, 1865, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, appointed James Johnson, of Columbus, j)rovisional governor of the State of Georgia. Tlie new governor went to Milledge- ville and entered upon his duties July 33, 1865. He issued a proclamation calling for a State convention of dele- gates elected by the people to meet at Milledgeville in October. Every man who had fought on the Confederate JAMES JOHNSON, PROVISIONAL gidc was rcQuired to take an oath GOVERNOR. /-> n 1, • known as the "Amnesty Oath, m which he swore allegiance to the government of the United States. Those who took this amnesty oath and all who had not taken any part in the war were permitted to vote. The -"men who had held office before the war and hud afterward served in the Confederate army were not permitted to take any part in the election, but the great body of white citizens voted. This excluded many leaders of Georgia. The convention which assembled at Milledgeville was a very able and conservative body, and four important things were done : (1) Tlie ordinance of secession adopted by the convention of 1861 was repealed ; (3) slavery was abolished in Georgia ; (3) a new State constitution was adopted ; (4) the debt incurred by the State of Georgia in prosecuting the Questions and Topics. 305 war was repudiated ; tliat is, the convention declared that it should not be paid. The convention was very unwilling to repudiate the war debt, and Governor Johnson telegraphed this fact to the President of the United States. Tlie Presi- dent replied that unless the war debt was repudiated, Georgia would not be readmitted to the Union. There was no alter- native left the convention but to do as the President wished. ' The convention ordered an election for governor. State officers, members of the legislature, and representatives to the lower house of Congress, to be held in JSTovember, 1865. Charles J. Jenkins, of Eichmond County, was elected with- out opposition, but Governor Johnson continued for the pres- ent to act as provisional governor. [James Johnson was born in iSTorth Carolina in 1811. He studied law, was admitted to the bar, and began to practise in Columbus, Ga. He was a representative in Congress from 1851 to 1853 and was appointed provisional governor in 1865. He was collector of customs at Savannah in 1866-69 and judge of the Superior Court of Georgia in 1870.] QUESTIONS. Describe the last meeting of tlie Confederate cabinet. Where and when was Jefferson Davis arrested ? What were the last orders of the Confederate government ? Kelate the story of Robert Toombs and the bag of gold coin. Tell how General Toombs escaped. Tell how Governor Brown was arrested. How long was he held prisoner ? What did Gov- ernor Brown find on his return to Georgia ? What did he do ? What order did General Wilson, the Federal commander, issue ? How long did Georgia remain without a governor? What was the "Amnesty Oath " ? What did the Milledgeville convention do ? Who was elected governor in November, 1865 ? TOPICS. 1. The cabinet disbands. 4. Governor Brown arrested. 2. Davis arrested. 5. Johnson provisional governor. 3. Robert Toombs escapes. 6. Milledgeville Convention. 20 EPOCH VII. Reconstruction. CHAPTER LVI. GEORGIA EXCLUDED FROM THE UN"ION". 'A tempest of unsurpassed fury lias swept over the land. The elements do not sub- side into their normal quiet instantaneously with the lull of the wind, the sleep of the lightning, and the hush of the thunder." — Governor Jenkins. The legislature met at Milledge- ville on the 4tli of December, 1865, and ratified the Tiiirteenth Amend- ment to the Constitution of the United States. The convention had already abolished slavery in Georgia, The amendment prohibited slavery in the United States. Charles J. Jenkins was inaugurated governor on the 14th of December, President Johnson having telegraphed his consent. Early in January, Alexan- der H. Stephens and Herschel V. Johnson were elected United States senators. Congress, however, refused to permit these senators, and the representatives who had been elected in No- vember, to take their seats. This act showed a difference of opinion between the President and Congress. President Johnson believed that a State could not secede and that Georgia had in fact never been out of the Union, the ordinance of secession, in his opinion, having been absolutely null and void. He believed that those persons who had re- CHARLES J. JENKINS. Peculiar Position of the State. 307 sisted the authority of the general government had forfeited all their rights as citizens, but that those who had not resisted, and those who had been pardoned by him for resisting, to- gether made up a State — a body politic — which was in the Union with all the rights and privileges of any other State. The Republican leaders in Congress, however, had changed their views as to the Southern States. These leaders now claimed that Georgia was admitted to be out of the Union when the Confederates were recognized as belligerents, and that now Georgia was territory conquered by the army of the United States and subject to the control of Congress just as any other territory. They denied that the President had any power to reorganize the State governments, and took steps to carry out a plan o* their own for "reconstructing" these "territories " into States. This difference of opinion led to a struggle between the President and Congress. During the long contest, Georgia occupied a peculiar position, being recognized by the President as a State, under the control of its governor and its own offi- cers, but by Congress as a territory under the control of the army. The State officers continued to occupy their posi- tions; the legislature met, the courts were held, and the laws of the State were enforced. But the United States army occupied Georgia, being kept there by Congress in charge of the "territory." With the army a large number of Northern men also came to Georgia. Some came to make their homes here and to take a part in building up the State. A great number, however, were mere adventurers, who had no real interest in the State, and whose only object was to secure offices. These adventurers were appropriately called "carpet-baggers." Many of them came as agents of the Freedmen's Bureau, which had been created by Congress to look after the interests of the freed- men. One was located in every important town and they soon acquired great influence Avith the freednien. Prejudiced 308 History of Georgia. against the Southern people, ignorant of the relations between the former masters and slaves,, unable to appreciate the con- ditions which then existed, these agents, even with the best intentions, could only do harm. Congress proposed the Fourteenth Amendment to the Con- stitution of the United States, and demanded that the South- ern States rmist ratify it before Congress would recognize them as in the Union, The Georgia legislature met in November and refused to ratify, upon the ground that if Georgia was not a State, bnt a territory, she had no right to vote; while if Georgia was a State, the amendment was not legally proposed by a Con- gress from which her representatives were excluded, and Congress had no right to dictate to a State how it should act on any amendment. By this action the issue Avas made and a crisis was at hand. Governor Brown went to Washington in the early part of the next year to see what could be done. Upon his return he wrote a letter advising the people of Georgia to accept the Fourteenth Amendment, for the reason that they would in the end be forced to do so. But the people were not in a mood to follow this advice, and Governor Brown became at once the most unpopular man in the State. Governor Jenkins also went to Washington and tried to test in the Supreme Court the powers of Congress to make citizens of the freed men, but the case was dismissed by the Court. Then he wrote a letter to the i)eople of Georgia advising "a firm but temperate refusal of acquiescence" in the demands of Congress. Benjamin II. Hill threw all his influence and eloquence against the measures. In March, 1867, Congress passed an act called the Eecon- struction Act, under which Georgia, Alabama, and Florida were made the third militai-y district, and Major-General Pope of the Federal army was put in command. In July another reconstruction act was passed in accordance with which a reg- istration of voters took place under the direction in each county Election under Reconstruction Acts. 309 of a military oflficer. There were nearly as many negroes put on the register as white men, the total number registered being 192,235, of which 95,973 were colored persons. General Pope then ordered an election for delegates to a constitutional convention. Many whites refused to vote in this election, and the negroes voted for the first time. Many of the delegates chosen were men of no character and little ability. Of the 166 delegates elected, 33 were negroes. [Charles J. Jenkins was born in Beaufort District, S. C, in 1805. When he was eleven years old his parents moved to Georgia and settled in Jefferson County. He studied at the State University, and in 1830 he ei.tered the legislature. He was attorney-general of the State in 1831. He was elected again to the legislature and became speaker of the House of Representatives. He was in the Georgia Convention of 1850 and was the author of the famous "Georgia platform." He declined the office of secretary of the interior under Millard Fillmore. In 1860 he was ap- pointed to the Supreme Bench of Georgia. He was president of the Con- stitutional Convention of 1877. He died in Summerville, near Augusta, in 1883.] QUESTIONS. What did the legislature at Milledgeville do ? Who was inaugurated governor ? What action did Congress take in relation to the senators and representatives of Georgia ? Tell about the difference between President Johnson and Congress on this matter. What was the peculiar position of Georgia during the struggle ? Tell about the "carpet-bag- gers!" What acts did Congress pass in 1867 ? Tell about the registra- tion of voters. What did some of the whites do at the election ? TOPICS. 1. Jenkins inaugurated. 3. Congress and Georgia. 2. The President and Congress. 4. The Reconstruction Act. CHAPTER LVII. UJSTDER MILITARY GOVERNORS. " What does he do — this hero in gray with a heart of gold? Does he sit down in suUen- ness and despair? Not for a day. Surely God, who had stripped him of his prosperity, inspired him in his adversity. As ruin was never before so overwhelming, never was restoration swifter." — Henrt Grady. The convention met at Atlanta on December 9tli and re- mained in session till the following March. A constitution was framed and adopted, and it was provided that it should be submitted to the vote of the people at an election in April, at which governor. State legislature, and congressmen should be chosen. The question of the location of the State capital was also to be submitted to the people. Atlanta offered an executive mansion and a suitable building for the legisla- ture for ten years, and a lot on which to build a new State house. Milledgeville offered a site and a sum of money equal to the value of the old buildings. During the session of the convention General Pope was relieved of his command of the district and General Meade appointed his successor. This convention, requiring funds to pay its expenses, made a demand upon the State treasurer for forty thousand dollars for that purpose. The treasurer refused to give the money, on the ground that the law prohibited payments out of the State treasury except by order of the governor, with the sanction of the comptroller. General Meade, being appealed to by the convention, wrote to Governor Jenkins calling upon him to issue a warrant on the treasury for the money required, but the governor also refused. Meade then removed Governor Jenkins Governor Bullock's Administration. 3ii GOVERNOR R. B. BULLOCK. and wrote an order in whicli General Thomas H, Ruger, of the United States army, was "detailed for duty" as governor of Georgia, and Captain Charles F. Rockwell as treasurer. Governor Jenkins went to Washington and appealed to the Supreme Court against the action of Meade, but without success. When leaving Georgia he took with him the great seal of the State, and four hundred thousand dollars of State money. He deposited the money in a bank in New York to the credit of Georgia, and he carried the seal to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he went with his family to reside. The election ordered by the con- vention took place in April, 1868, and the new constitution was ratified by a large majority. Rufus B. Bnllock, the Re- publican candidate, was elected governor, with a majority of more than seven thousand over John B. Gordon, the Demo- crat. The majority voted in favor of Atlanta for State capital. Twenty-eight negroes were elected to the legislature. In June, ]8G8, Congress passed an actadmitting Georgia to the Union on certain condi-' tious, one being that the State legislature should ratify the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The legislature met in July and complied with the conditions, after which Gov- ernor Bullock was inaugurated and the government transferred from the military to the civil authorities of the State JOSHUA HILL. 312 History of Georgia. This legislature elected Joshua Hill and H. V. M. Miller United States senators, but they were not permitted to take their seats. The lower house, however, at once seated the Georgia congressmen, and the vote of Georgia was counted by ^^^^v^ Congress for Seymour and Blair, fffn'4'J^ "'\- Democratic candidates for Presi- W ' ' ^- (i^yit and Vice-President. f\^ .:«#^S-. j^ September, 1868, the State legislature expelled its negro mem- bers, on the ground that, by the laws in existence at the adoption of the recently formed constitu- tion, colored personswereexcluded from office, and that the constitu- ~^^^C tio^ provided for the continuance H. V. M. MiLLEK. of tlicsc laws. Regarding thls pro- ceeding as a violation of the reconstruction acts, Congress, on as- sembling on March 4, 1869, refused to allow the representatives from Georgia to take their seats in that body. Soon after, the Supreme Court decided that negroes had a right to hold office. Congress then passed an act requiring Governor Bul- lock to convene the State legislature, with the expelled negroes as members, and requiring further that the legislature should ratify the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States before Georgia could be entitled to representa- tion in Congress. To carry the act into operation, Major- General Terry was appointed military commander of Georgia. The State legislature met on January 10, 1870, and at- tempted, amid much excitement and tumult, to organize. There were many adjournments ; but, at length, both houses organized with the negro members reseated. The Fifteenth Amendment was then ratified, and senators were elected in place of Hill and Miller, but the United States Senate refused to recognize this election, and seated Hill and Miller. The manner in which the Georgia legislature had been organ- Congressmen Finally Seated. 313 ized attracted the attention of Congress. The judiciary com- mittee was directed to inquire into the orgaiiization, and their report pronounced it an ' ' improper, illegal and arbitrary proceeding." A bill was passed providing for a new and fair election. Congress soon after passed an act admitting Georgia to the Union. It was signed by President Grant in July, but it was January next year before the senators and represen- tatives of Georgia were admitted to their seats in Congress. This completed the work of reconstruction of the South, Georgia being the last of the States to be readmitted. Meanwhile, the fight against Governor Bullock in the State was bitter and relentless. The Democratic State Convention in August passed strong resolutions pledging the party to a con- stitutional government and to a united effort for overthrowing the corrupt State administration. These resolutions were drawn by Judge Linton Stephens of Sparta, one of the ablest men of the State and a brother of A. H. Stephens. In December, 1870, the Western and Atlantic Eailroad was leased under an act of the legislature, for twenty years, and Governor Brown, one of the lessees, was elected president. He resigned as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and Governor Bullock appointed 0. A. Lochrane as his suc- cessor. O. A. LOCHRANE. [Rufus Brown Bullock was born in New York in 1834. He came to Augusta in 1860 to organize the business of the Adams Express Company, in the South Atlantic States. His headquarters were at Augusta. Here he formed the Southern Express Company and became one of its mana- gers. He was concerned in the organization of the iirst national bank in Georgia and was also president of the Macon and Augusta raih-oad. In 1867 he was chosen a delegate to the convention called to frame a con- 314 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. stitution under the then existing reconstruction laws. After his return to the State he made his home in Atlanta, and became president of the Atlanta Cotton Mills.] [H. V. M. Miller was born in South Carolina in 1814. He studied medicine and settled in Cassville, Ga. His eloquence won for him the title of the Demosthenes of the Mountains. He was professor in several medical colleges and a surgeon during the civil war. He was an active member of the Constitutional Convention after the war and United States senator from 1870 to 1871. He died in Atlanta in 1897.] [Joshua Hill was born in South Carolina in 1812. He became a lawyer and practised at Madison, Ga. He was in Congress from 1857 to 1861, when he resigned his seat, at the request of the Georgia convention, as he was opposed to secession. He took no part in the war, but was candidate for governor in 1863, when he was defeated by Governor Brown. He served as senator until 1873. He died in Madison in 1891.] [Linton Stephens, a younger brother of Alexander 11. Stephens, was born at Crawfordsville, Georgia, July, 1823. He graduated at the University of Georgia, 1843; studied law at the University of Virginia and at Harvard, and was admitted to the bar of Georgia. He repre- sented the counties of Taliaferro and Hancock in the State legislature; became Judge of the Supreme Court of Georgia, 1858: was a Union dele- gate to the Secession Convention of 1861, and afterward a member of the legislature. He commanded Stephens's Battalion of Georgia Cavalry. He died at Sparta, 1872. QUESTIONS. What did the Convention at Atlanta do? Tell about the action of Gov. Jenkins and Gen. Meade in regard to the expenses of the Convention. What did Gov. Jenkins do when he was removed? Who was elected Governor in 1868 ? What did the State legislature of 1868 do ? What did Congress then do? What was the decision of the United States Su- preme Court? What did Congress then do? What did the State legis- lature do? What of the Western and Atlantic Railroad in 1870 ? TOPICS. 1. Atlanta Convention. 4. State legislature of 1870. 2. Gov. Bullock elected. 5. Congress admits Georgia. 3. Legislature expels negroes. 6. Gov, Bullock censured. EPOCH VIII. Georgia once more in the Union. CHAPTER LVIII. THE KETUR^Sr OF PEACE. " There was a Soutli of Slavery and Secession— that South is dead. There is a South of Union and Freedom— that South, thank God! is living, breathing, growing every day." — Benjamin H. Hill. On the 23d of October, 1871, Governor Bullock wrote his resigna- tion and left the State. The matter was kept a profound secret for a week. At tlie end of this time, Ben- jamin Conley, President of the Sen- ate, took the oath of office as gov- ernor and assumed the duties. Two days later the legislature met, and Governor Conley was no longer a member of the senate, his term hav- ing expired. He was permitted to serve until his successor was elected and qualified, and the legislature ordered an election to be hekl for governor on the 3d of December. James M. Smith was nominated by the Democrats and was elected without opposition. In January, 1872, he was inaugurated governor. Ex-Governor Jenkins now returned, and delivered up to Governor Smith the great seal of the State. In restoring it, he said: " I derive great satisfaction from the reflection that GOVERNOR JAMES M. SMITH. 316 liTSTORY OF Georgia. GOVEBNOB BENJAMIN CONLEY. it has never beeu desecrated by the grasp of a military usurper's hand." The legislature soon after passed a resolu- tion authorizing the governor to have made and presented to Mr. Jenkins a fac-simile of the seal, with the in- scription, "Presented to Charles J. Jenkins, by the State of Georgia," and also this motto, In arduisfidelis, which means faithful in difficulties. Chief Justice Lochrane resigned his position on the Supreme Bench and Grovernor Smith appointed Judge Hiram Warner as his successor. A committee appointed by the legislature to investigate the matter reported that bonds to the extent of several million dollars issued during the Bullock administration were fraudulent. The legislature therefore declared the bonds null and void from the date of their issue, and they have never been paid by the State. Charges were preferred against Grov- ernor Bullock and a warrant was issued for his arrest. An officer was sent to New York, where he was supposed to be, but he could not be found. A few years later he submitted to arrest, was tried, and was acquitted on failure of proof to convict him. The Constitution of 1868 directed the legislature to provide for the es- tablishment of common schools, free to all children of the State, and with this object an act was passed in 1870. Governor Bullock appointed General J. R. Lewis State school commissioner. A new school law was passed in 1872, and one half the rental of the Western and Atlantic GUSTAVUS J. OBU. The College at Dahlonega. 317 Kail road was added to the public school fund. Professor Gustavus J. Orr Avas appointed State commissioner of schools by Governor Smith. • In 1872 Governor Smith was reelected governor for a term of four years, and the vote of the State was cast for Horace GEORGIA AURIC ULTUKAI, t'OLLKGE, DAHLONEGA. 318 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. Greeley for President of the United States. General Grant was, however, elected. He appointed A. T. Akerman, of Bartow County, attorney-general in liis Cabinet. The North Georgia Agricultural College, at Dahlonega, in Lumpkin County, was opened in January, 1873, as one of the branch colleges of the University, the United States Govern- ment having given the old mint and ten acres of land for the purpose. In 1878 the mint was destroyed by fire, and a new college building was erected. The first diploma for the degree of A.B., received by a woman from a State institution, was granted by this college in 1878. In 1862 Congress passed an act donating certain public lands to the States and Territories for the promotion of agri- culture and the mechanic arts. The share allotted to Georgia was accepted by the State legislature in 1866, and the interest of the fund arising from the sale of the lands, amounting to about $17,000 a year, was assigned to the trustees of the Uni- versity to carry out the jDurposes of the act. The legislature of 1871 had elected Thomas M. Norwood United States senator to succeed Dr. Miller. In 1873 the legislature elected John B. Gordon United States senator to succeed Joshua Hill. The convict lease system, begun under the Bullock adminis- tration, received the attention of the legislature of 1874, which authorized the governor to liire out the penitentiary convicts on lease for terms of not more thaiU five years. In 1876 the legislature extended the limit to twenty years. The law required that the convicts should work only ten hours a day, and should have sufficient food, clothing, and sleeping accommodation, and medical attendance. During the term of office of Governor Smith there was a great improvement in the financial and industrial condition of the people. The public credit was restored, the bonds of the State rose to par value, and the State was relieved of a fraudulent debt. However, an unpleasant incident occurred. Improved Condition of the State. 319 The State treasurer paid, with interest, certain bonds which had already been paid by Henry Clews of New York, but had not been cancelled. No one charged him^with dishonesty, but he was promptly removed by Governor Smith. [James M. Smith was born in Twiggs County in 1823. He was edu- cated ill Monroe County, became a lawyer, and served in the Confederate army as colonel of the 13th Georgia Regiment. He was in the legisla- ture of 1871-73 as speaker of the House of Representatives. He was , governor from 1873 to 1876. He was a member of the first State Rai'- \ road Commission appointed by the governor under the act of 1879.] [Gustavus J. Orr, LL.D., was born in South Carolina,, August 9, 1819. He grew up on a farm, with meagre school privileges, till he was about twenty years of age. He spent a year and a half at the University, and then graduated at Emory College. He was offered a place in the Faculty at Emory, which he accepted, thus beginning a long life of edu- cational work. He died December 11, 1887.] [John B, Gordon was born in Upson County, Georgia, February 6, 1833. He graduated at the State University and was admitted to the bar. In the Confederate army he rose from captain to lieutenant- general. He served in the United States Senate from 1873 to 1880. He was governor of Georgia for four years, and was again United States senator for six years. He died January 9, 1904.] QUESTIONS. "What happened in October, 1871 ? Who was elected governor by the people in December ? Tell about ex-Governor Jenkins and the return- ing of the seal. What can you say of the fraudulent bonds, and what was done regarding them ? What can you say of the public school fund in 1873 ? Tell about the North Georgia Agricultural College. Who was elected senator in 1873 ? What power was given the governor regarding the lease of convicts ? TOPICS. 1. Bullock resigns. 4. Bullock bonds repudiated. 3. Smith elected governor. 5. School fund of 1873. 3. Great seal returned. 6. Convict lease. CHAPTER LIX. THE CONSTITUTION" OF 1877. " Our work is before us, gentlemen, and a grand achievement is within our grasp. That work is the restoration of a vast heritage which a sad fortune has sorely wasted and damaged."— Alfred IT. Colquitt. GOVEKNUU ALFKEU H. COLQUITT (Prom a photograph in 1888.) Gen. Alfred H. Colquitt was nominated for governor by the Democratic Convention held at At- lanta in August, 1876. The Eepub- Jicans nominated Jonathan Norcross, of Atlanta, as their candidate. The election which followed in October resulted in the election of Colquitt, by a majority of nearly eighty thou- sand votes — the largest ever known in the State. At the election for President of the United States, on November 7th, the vote of Georgia was cast, by a majority of 79,642, for the Democratic candidates, Tilden and Hendricks. The legislature, which met on January 10, 1877, elected Ben- jamin H. Hill, United States senator for a term of six years, to succeed Thomas M. Norwood. The people had never been satisfied with the constitution made for them by the Republican party, and the legisla- ture called a convention to revise it. This convention met in Atlanta on the 11th of July, 1877. Several important changes in the constitution were made. The term of office of governor was reduced from four to two years. The system of appointments of judges and solicitors of the Superior Court The Work of the Convejsithjn. 321 by the governor was oliauged to election by the legislature. It was resolved that the sessions of the legislature should be biennial instead of annual. The regulation of freight and passenger rates on the railroads was put under control of the SHORTER COLLEGE, ROME, GA. General Assembly, and the payment of the fraudulent bonds was prohibited. Robert Toombs was the leading spirit of this convention, and commenting upon the constitution, said that they had 'Mocked the doors of the treasury and thrown away the key." It was also resolved that the constitution should be submitted to the people at an election in December, 322 History of Georgia. and that the question of the removal of the State capital from Atlanta to Milledgeville should be submitted to a separate vote. At the election held December otli, the new constitution was ratified by a large majority. This constitution, which is still in force, is given in full in the Appendix. The question of the location of the capital excited great interest in the State, and speakers, some in favor of Atlanta and others of Milledgeville, discussed the question before the people ill every county. Atlanta won by a majority of forty thousand votes. Thus the seat of State government, moved from Savannah to Louisville, and thence to Milledgeville, was finally fixed in Atlanta. A female college at Rome was opened in 1873, but in 1877 Colonel Alfred Shorter, of Rome, took charge of the property, removed the old buildings, and erected, at his own expense, three large and elegant structures on the top of a hill. The name of the institution was changed to Shorter College iu honor of its benefactor. A series of exciting investigations occuijied the attention of the legislature iu 1878. Charges having been made of irregu- larities in several public departments, committees were ap- pointed to examine into the affairs of the offices of secretary of state, comptroller-general. State school commissioner, public printer, and of the penitentiary. After inquiry, the committees reported favorably on all, except the offices of comp- troller-general and the State treasurer, where abuses were discovered. Articles of impeachment* were therefore pre- sented in the House of Representatives against the comptroller and the treasurer. The comptroller was charged with re- ceiving and using money illegally, making false returns, and altering the records of his office. The case was tried by the * For the laws regulating impeachment, see Constitution of Georgia, Art. 3, Sec. VI., Par. III. For the Trial of Persons impeached, see Con- stitution of Georgia, Art. 3, See. V., Par. III., IV., V. The Railroad Co3i3nssio^. 323 Senate, presided over by Chief Justice Warner, and the comp- troller was convicted. He was removed from office, and de- clared disqualified to hold office in Georgia during his life. Articles were also presented against the treasurer, but upon trial he was acquitted by the Senate. agkicultural and mechanic arts college building, thomasville, georgia, (now used by the city for a graded school.) General John B. Gordon was elected United States senator by the legislature of 1878. In virtue of the power conferred by the Constitutional Con- vention of 1877, to regulate the freight and passenger tariff of the railroads of the State, the legislature of 1879 2)assed an act, creating the offices of Commissioners of Railroads. Under '624: History of Georgia. this act Governor Colquitt appointed ex-Governor James M. Smith, Campbell Wallace, and Samuel Barnett as commis- sioners. Their work has been highly beneficial to the people andhas increased the prosperity of the railroads. In September, 1879, additional branch colleges of Agricul- tural and Mechanic Arts were opened, at Thomasville for South Georgia and at Cuthbert for West Georgia. In 1880 a branch college for Middle Georgia was opened at Milledgeville, in the old State Capitol. A jDicture of this historic building has already been given. In May, 1880, John B. Gordon resigned his seat in the United States Senate and Governor Colquitt appointed Josejsh E. Brown to succeed him. The governor was severely criti- cised for this appointment, and his action formed an issue in the next electoral camj^aign. [Alfred H. Colquitt was born in Walton County, Georgia, in 1824, was graduated at Princeton in 1844, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1845. He served during the Mexican War as a staff officer, with rank of major. In 1852 he was elected to Congress as a Democrat, and in 1860 was a presidential elector on the Breckenridge ticket. He was a member of the secession convention, entered the Confedei'ate army, and reached the rank of major-general. He served six years as governor, and afterwards was elected a senator of the United Sates, serving until his death, March, 1894.] QUESTIONS. Who was chosen governor in 1876 ? What convention met in July, 1877 ? What changes were made in the constitution of the State? What city became the capital of Georgia ? What can you say of the Shorter College ? What investigation employed the legislature of 1878 ? What officers of the State were charged with fraud and with what result ? What did the constitution of 1877 require of the legislature regarding railroads ? Who were appointed commissioners by Governor Colquitt ? TOPICS. 1. Constitution revised. 3. Comptroller-general impeached. 2. Atlanta made the capital. 4. Railroad commission. ' CHAPTEE LX. THE PROGRESS OF THE STATE. " War wasted lauds Laden with ashes, gray and desolate — Touched by the charm of some regenerate fate — Plush into golden harvests prodigal." —Paul H. Hatne. The Democratic State Convention which met in Atlanta, in August, 1880, was one of the most remarkable ever held in Georgia. More than five hundred delegates were jiresent. There were five prominent candidates for governor, but the Colquitt men were in the majority, and they organized the convention. They could have nominated their candidate, but they adopted a rule known as the " Two-thirds Kule,'" which requires that the candidates nominated must receive two- thirds of the votes cast. This was always the rule before the war, but Governor Smith had been nominated under the ma- jority rule. A bitter fight now commenced in the convention, and for six days ballots were taken. It made intense excite- ment, but the minority were practically unshaken. Finally , on the sixth day, after thirty-six ballots, the majority of the convention, by resolution, recommended Governor Colquitt as candidate and adjourned without making a nomination. The minority held a meeting shortly afterward and nominated Thomas M. Norwood, of Savannah. Both sides were deter- mined to appeal to the j)eoj)le. In the contest that followed, tlie ablest men of the State were engaged, while Colquitt and Norwood had several joint discussions. Every act of Colquitt's was discussed, and par- ticularly his appointment of Brown as United States Senator. 326 History of Georgia. When October came Colquitt won by a large majority and the legislature elected at the same time was in favor of Brown for Senator. The bitter feeling against Governor Brown was due to his l^osition on reconstruction, and was intensified by the fact that he had prosecuted the Columbus prisoners in 1868. In that year a Republican named Ashburn was killed in Columbus, and a number of fiti/ens were arrested. Bail was refused them, they were cruelly treated, and were about to be tried be- fore a military court, when General Meade retained Gov- ernor Brown as an attorney to prosecute them. A few months later the cases were transferred to the State courts, the prison- ers were released on bail, and finally acquitted. Governor Brown made no exj^lanation at the time, but now 'he brought witnesses to prove that he had accepted a retainer on condition that the cases should be transferred to the State courts, and in this way had saved the prisoners. In November, the legislature met and Governor Brown was elected United States Senator for the remainder of Gen- eral Gordon's term. Governor Colquitt's message showed that his administration had been a success. All the indus- tries of the people were in satisfactory condition, and many new enterprises were springing up. The State's credit was good and the public debt was being reduced every year. The tax on railroad property had been collected, and sev- eral hundred thousand dollars were added to the State revenue. The census of 1880 showed the iDojiulation of the State to THOMAS M. NORWOOD. Cotton Exposition, 1881. 327 POPE BARROW. be one million, five hundred and fifty-two thousand, being an increase in ten years of over three hundred and fifty thousand. Under this census, Georgia had ten representatives in the lower house of Con- gress — a gain of one. The year 1881 is mem- orable in the history of Georgia for the Interna- tional Cotton Exposition, in Atlanta, which was opened October 5th, with imposing ceremonies, by Governor Colquitt. The industries of all the States were represented. The buildings covered twenty acres, and two thousand exhibitors applied for space. People came from all sections to wit- ness the exliibition. After the Exposition closed, a number of the leading citi- zens of Atlanta formed a stock company and purchased the grounds and buildings. The largest of these buildings was fitted up as a cotton fac- tory, called the Exposition Mills. Benjamin Harvey Hill, Georgia's distinguished son and senior senator, died in August, 1882. Tlie legislature elected Pope Barrow, of Athens, to fill the remainder of his term in the United States Senate, and Alfred H. Colquitt to succeed him for the full term, six years, from March 4th, JAMKS JACKSON. 328 HISTORY OF GEORGIA. 1883. James Jackson was elected Chief Justice to succeed Hiram Warner. In October, 1882, Alexander H. Stephens was elected governor. He was inaugurated in November. His election was a mark of popular esteem and ap- preciation of his great public ser- vices through a long life. He was now past seventy years of age, and apparently still pos- sessed a clear mind and great energy. But in a few months he was stricken with an illness from which he never recovered. He died on March 4, 1883. On the death of Stephens, James S. Boynton, president of the Senate, became gov- ernor to fill the office until an election could be held. The election took place soon after, and resulted in the choice of Henry D. McDaniel as governor for the unexpired term. JAMLb fc. BOINTON [The candidates before tlie memorable convention of 1880 were : Col. Rufus E. Lester of Savannah, Thos. Hardeman of Macon, Gen. L. J. Gartrell of Atlanta, Hiram Warner of Meriwether County, and A. H. Colquitt. The vote on the first ballot was as follows : Colquitt 208f, Lester 58^, Hardeman 54^, Gartrell ITi, Warner 11. Colquitt lacked 35 votes of having the two-thirds majority required by the rule. On the last ballot Colquitt's vote was 220, 14 less than two-thirds.] [Thomas M. Norwood was born in Talbot County in 1830 ; attended school at Culloden, Monroe County, and graduated at Emory College, Oxford, 1850. He was admitted to the bar in 1852 and afterward moved to Savannah, where he has lived ever since. He was a member of the legis- lature in 1861 ; in 1871 he was elected United States Senator and served until March 3, 1877. He is well known as a writer.] [James S. Boynton was born in Henry County, in 1833. He grew up on a farm, getting such education as he could from the country schools Biographies and Questions. 329 of the time. In 1852 he was admitted to the bar. He practised law in Jasper and Butts Counties. He entered the Confederate service and was colonel of the 30th Georgia Infantry. After the war he resumed the practice of the law in Griffin. In 1880 and 1882, he was elected to the Senate of the State, and made president of that body. After serving as governor he was a judge of the Superior Court.] [Pope Barrow, a grandson of a Virginia soldier of the Revolution, was born in Georgia. He entered the Confederate Army as second lieuten- ant of artillery and served through the wai", rising to the rank of cap- tain ; represented Clarke County in the State legislature and in the Constitutional Convention of 1877 ; and was United States Senator from Georgia. Later his home was in Savannah, where he was a leading member of the bar. He died in 1904.] [James Jackson was born in Jeilerson County in 1819. He graduated at the University in 1837, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1840. He was elected judge of the Superior Court in 1846, and remained on the bench until 1859, when he resigned to go to Congress. After the war he practised law in Macon until 1875, when he was appointed judge of the Supreme Court. In 1880 he became chief justice, which office he held until his death in 1887.] QUESTIONS. What can you say of the Democratic State Convention of 1880? How many candidates were before the Convention? How many ballots were taken? What was finally done by the majority? Whom did the minority nominate? What of the contest which followed? What was the result of the election? What did the Governor's message of 1880 show? Tell what you can of the Cotton Exposition in 1881. Who was elected gov- ernor to succeed Colquitt? What sad event happened soon after? Who became governor after the death of Stephens? Who was elected governor by the people to fill the unexpired term? TOPICS. 1. Campaign of 1880. 4. Stephens elected governor. 2. Cotton Exposition of 1881. 5. Boynton governor. 3. Senatorial changes. 6. McDaniel governor. CHAPTER LXI. ADMINISTRATION OF McDANIEL. " Let US resolve, each in his appropriate sphere, to contribute all in our power to promote the happiness and prosperity of all the people of the State, by insuring to them the im- partial execution of just law." — Gov. H. D. McDaniel. Henry D. McDaniel was inau- gurated governor on the lOtli of May, 1883, in the presence of the legislature, which then adjourned. The legislature convened again in July. Among the important acts passed during its session was one appropriating a million dollars for a State Capitol, in Atlanta. The build- ing which has since been erected is a magnificent and beautiful structure. It is situated on one of the squares of the city. The material is limestone, with Georgia granite for the foundation and base, and marble for the interior. The construction of the building was placed in the hands of a commission consisting of Governor McDaniel, Captain Evan P. Howell, General Phil Cook, General E. P. Alexander, W. W. Thomas, and A. L. Miller. It was completed and occupied in 1889. A few dollars of the appropriation were still unexpended, and it is said to be the only State capitol ever built, the cost of which did not exceed the appropriation. The legislature of 1884 reelected Joseph E. Brown United States Senator for a full term of six years. The legislature of 1885 passed an act autliorizing the establishment of a School of Technology, as a branch of the GOVERNOR H. D. McDANIEL. 332 History of Georgia. State University. The sum of 165,000 was appropriated for erecting and equipping the buildings for the new depart- ment. This school, which is located in Atlanta, contains a foundry and machine shops for instruction in all kinds of metal and wood working. There are also courses in draw- ing, science, mathematics, and other branches necessary to make a young man an intelligent and skilful mechanic. The most important measure passed by the legislature of 1885, was a general local option law. This law provided that ujjon application by petition signed by one-tenth of the voters in any county, the Court of Ordinary should order an election to be held to determine whether or not intoxicating liquors should be sold in the county. Before the passing of this general local option law, applications for holding such elections used to be made to the legislature, and many courts and districts had voted in favor of prohibition. [Henry D. McDaniel was born in Monroe, Walton County, in 1837, He graduated at Mei-cer University, studied lav? and practised in Mon- roe. He was the youngest member of the Secession Convention in 1861. He was in the Confederate army, and commanded a brigade at Gettys- burg. After the war he was elected to the legislature and became chair- man of the Finance Committee. He was author of a law for the taxation of railroads, that has been adopted in other States. After his term of of- fice, he resumed the practice of law in Monroe.] QUESTIONS. Who was inaugurated Governor in 1883 ? What act was passed by the legislature in July? Tell about the construction of the State capitol. Tell about the School of Technology. What important measure was passed by the legislature of 1885? What did the law provide? TOPICS. 1. McDaniel inaugurated. 3. The School of Technology. 2, The New Capitol. 4. Local Option Ijaw. CHAPTER LXII. ADMINISTRATION OF GORDON. " From political confusion, angry controversies, and bloody conflicts have come a national life more robust, a national peace more real and a national union more enduring. " — Gen. John B. Gordon. On October 6, 1886, General John B. Gordon was elected gov- ernor. His service in the war and in the Senate, his high char- acter, and his genial manner had endeared him to the people. At the election of 1886, the people ratified an amendment to the State Constitution, giving the legislature power to levy a tax for supplying soldiers who had lost a limb or limbs in the military ser- vice of the Confederate States limbs, and to GENERAL JOHN B. GORDON. (From a photograph, 1884.) with artificial make provision for Confeder- ate soldiers who had been disabled in the war. In August, 1887, an inter- state convention of farmers was held in Atlanta. Repre- sentatives from all the South- ern States were present. The causes of the agricultural de- pression were discussed, and remedies proposed. LOGAN E. BLECKLEY. 534 HISTORY OF Georgia. A resolution was passed recommending that " tlie National Department of Agriculture be advanced to the dignity of a cab- inet position/' This has since been done, and a Minister of Agriculture is now one of the mem- bers of the Presi- dent'h cabinet. NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE FOR GIRLS, MILLEDGEVILLE. At the ses- sion of the legislature in October, 1887, Logan E. Bleckley was elected Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court, ■ to succeed Judge James Jackson, who died in the previous January. At the election in October, 1888, Governor Gordon was re- elected without opposition. In 1889 the legislature passed an act providing for the establishment of a Normal and Industrial College for Girls. The institution is located at Milledgeville. Its course of in- struction includes stenography, bookkeeping, telegraphing, dressmaking, cooking, music, and art. One of the college buildings is the Mansion, which for many years was the resi- dence of the governors of the State. Annual expositions. 335 Annual expositions were commenced in 1887 in Atlanta and Augusta. President Cleve- land and his wife visited the Atlanta Exposition in 1887. The death of the young journalist and orator, Henry W. Grady, which occurred in 1889 in Atlanta, caused pro- found grief throughout the country. Memorial meetings were held in many places. A statue has heen erected to his memory in Atlanta, and the Grady Hospital in that city is named in his honor. HENRY W. GRAJ3Y. [Henry W. Grady was born in Athens, 1851. He was graduated at the State University of Virginia. Upon his return to Georgia he took up the profession of journalism. He was an able writer and an eloquent public spealver. Some of his speeches attracted national attention, no- tably that on the " The New South" delivered in New York ; that on "The South, Her Problems," delivered at Dallas, Texas; and the speeches at Plymouth Rock and Boston. He died on December 21, 1889.] [Logan E. Bleckley was born in Rabun County, in 1827. He was ad- mitted to the bar at 19 years of age, and in 1851 he began to practise law in Atlanta. In 1853 he was elected judge of the Coweta Circuit, and served for four years. In 1875 he was appointed to the Supreme Court. He died in March, 1907.] QUESTIONS. Who was elected governor in 1886? What amendment to the Consti- tution was ratified at the same election ? What convention was held in Atlanta in 1887? Who was elected chief justice in 1887? What college was created by the legislature in 1889? What of Henry W. Grady? TOPICS. 1. Gordon elected governor. 3. Farmers' Convention. 2. The injured soldiers. 4. Normal and Industrial College. CHAPTEE LXIIL ADMINISTRATION OF GOVERNOR NORTHEN. " In the light of the blessed present, gather strength and courage for the possibilities of the future. Loving all that is good, despising nothing but evil, in the fullest sympathy for the misfortunes of each other, and in united purpose for the good of the State, let us strike together as with one arm for home, for humanity, and for the right." — William J. NORTUEN. William J. JSTorthen, Presi- dent of the State Agricultural Society, was candidate for the Democratic nomination for gov- ernor. The Farmers' Alliance en- dorsed him, and he was nominated and elected without opposition, a very unusual thing in our State. The Farmers' Alliance was a society to advance the interests of farmers, and one of its purposes was to secure better laws. As Georgia is a great agricultural State, the Alliance soon had a large membership in every county, and exercised great in- fluence in political affairs. The twenty-year lease of the Western and Atlantic Railroad expired in 1890, and the disposi- tion of this property excited great • interest for some time. The legislature finally decided to lease the property again, and in June of that year the bid of the Nashville, Chattanooga and OOVEUNOU WILLIAM J. NOUTHEN. CHARLES r. CKISP. Census of 1890. 337 St. Louis Eailway was accepted. The State still owns the road, aud the Railway Company pays a rental of 135,000 a month for twenty-nine years. The legislature in November elected General Gordon the third time to the United States Senate to succeed Governor Brown, who declined a reelection. By the census of 1890 the population of the State was one million eight hun- ==^; -:ei'ious past of our State ; we have traced SUMMARY. 357 its development and followed its progress to prosperity through many difficulties and dangers. The little seed planted at Yamacraw has grown to be a great tree. The small settlement has swelled into an Empire State. With pa- triotic pride we contemplate its present glory, and antici- pate still greater achieve- ments, tending to the in- creased welfare and happiness of our people in the time to come. [.Jos. M. Brown, the son of Joseph E. Brown, the war gover- nor of Georgia, was born in Can- ton, Cherokee County, December 28, 1851. He received his educa- tion in Milledgeville and Atlanta, being graduated at the Oglethorpe University in 1872. Fie was ad- mitted to the bar in 1873, but, abandoning the practice of law, he went into railroad business. He was appointed railroad commissioner of Georgia by Governor Terrell in 1904. From this office he was removed. by Governor Hoke Smith in 1907. Shortly afterward he entered the' race against Governor Smith for the nomination as the Democratic candidate for governor.] HON. JOS. M. HHOWN. TEST QUESTIONS. What white men were the first to explore the coast of Georgia ? What was the first map of the coast ? Describe De Soto's march through Georgia. What nation had the first title to Georgia ? (.>n what was the English claim based ? Who made the first efforts to colonize Georgia ? Describe the original territory granted in 1732. For whom was the colony intended ? For whom named ? Tell what you can of Ogle- thorpe. What were his reasons for founding Georgia? When and where was the first settlement ? What can you say of Toraochichi ? Name the first places settled in Georgia. Of what nations were the first settlers ? What caused the Spanish war ? What place did Oglethorpe attack, and with what result ? What was the result of the Spanish invasion of Georgia ? Who was George Whitefield, and what did he do ? Name the first two counties. When was slavery allowed ? What was the Bosom- worth claim ? What can you say of the Midway Settlement ? Who were the trustees of the colony, and how long did they hold oflice ? Name the three governors of the colony. Name the three governors of the Royal Province, When and where did the first legislature meet ? When and how was the ten-itory extended to the St. Mary's River ? How was the Stamp Act received in Georgia ? Who were the Liberty Boys ? How did Liberty County get its name ? Tell about the arrest of Governor Wright. Who signed the Declaration of Independence on behalf of Georgia? What was the date of the first Constitution of Georgia? Name the first eight counties. Who was the first governor of the State of Georgia ? Tell about the fall of Savannah. What i)lace was used for the capital after the fall of Savannah ? What other place ? What two famous soldiers were killed in the attack upon Savannah ? What French general aided the Americans ? Did the attack succeed ? Tell something about Nancy Hart. When did the British leave Georgia ? What was the original endowment of the University ? What are the two oldest academies in Georgia ? When and how did Georgia enter the Union? Who signed the Constitution on behalf of Georgia? Who were the first two United States senators? Tell about the invention of the cot- ton gin. Tell about the Yazoo Fraud. When was the University opened? What was the cession of 1802 ? What is meant by Land Lottery and 358 Search Questions. 359 Head Rights ? What place became the capital in 1807 ? Describe Long- street's steamboat and the steamship Savannah. How did the name Georgia Cracker originate ? Describe tobacco rolling. What Georgia statesman was a candidate for President in 1825 ? Who were the two statesmen whose names were given to political parties in Georgia ? Who was the first governor elected by the people? Describe the murder of Mcintosh. Where was gold discovered in north Georgia ? When were the last of the Indians removed from Georgia ? Name some Georgians famous in the Mexican War, When was Mercer University founded ? Emory College ? Wesleyan Female College ? What was the first railroad in Georgia ? When was the Supreme Court organized, and who were the judges ? Tell of the discovery of the use of ether in surgical operations. What was the Geor- gia Platform? What was the first military act of the Civil War in Georgia? What Georgia general was killed at Manassas ? At Fredericksburg ? Describe the battles from Chattanooga to Atlanta. What happened at At- lanta ? Describe the March to the Sea. What was the origin of Me- morial Day ? What is meant by Reconstruction ? When was Georgia readmitted to the Union ? When was the present Constitution adopted ? SEARCH QUESTIONS. Who was called the first gentleman of Georgia ? Who was *' the Morning Star of Liberty " ? To whom was a medal marked iii arduis fidelis given ? What governors died in office ? What famous general was a pupil of Oglethorpe ? Where did Oglethorpe live in Georgia ? What governor of Georgia was " drawn and quartered " by the British? What Georgia statesman attracted the special notice of Napoleon ? Who was the author of the scheme for educating girls ? Who was called the American Cicero ? What great preacher went to school after his marriage ? Who said, " Come and take it," and to what did he refer ? What two governors of Georgia, when young men, came near being banged as spies ? Who was called the Demosthenes of the Mountains ? How much damage was done on the March to the Sea ? How many men did Georgia send to the Civil War ? What suggested the song " Hold the Fort " ? 3 HO History of Georgia. Who said, " I am here to defend the fort, not surrender it "? Who said, " I go to illustrate Georgia " ? What statesman was binding wheat when nominated for governor ? Name each place that has been capital of Georgia. Who said, " I will surrender, but not compromise " ? What Creek chief was ilrst CJU&in of a Geoxgia governor ? What Georgia judge was a great wit ? Who was called the father of common schools in Georgia ? Who were the first miners in North Georgia ? How old was Oglethorpe when he came to Georgia ? How many families and how many persons were in the first snipioad of colonists ? What was the second settlement in Georgia ? When did 600 Georgians put to flight an army of 5,000 men : Who was Mary Musgrove ? How old was Oglethorpe when he died ? What was the name of the first commercial house in Georgia ? For what governor did the legislature purchase provisions ? For how long did the legislature meet in Augusta ? What is Blackshear's road ? When did twenty-eight men kill 180 and wound as many more ^ When was the first election of governor by the people ? Who wrote the Georgia Platform ? Who wrote the Ordinance of Secession ? APPENDIX. TOPOGEAPHY. Position. — Georgia lies between 30° 21' 39" and 35" north latitude, and 80° 51' 43" and 84° 45' 21" longitude west from Greenwich ; or 3° 48' 41" and 7° 42' 19" west from Washington city. Its greatest length from north to south is 320 miles, and its greatest width from east to west, 254 miles. Boundary. — The State is bounded on the north by Tennessee and North Carolina, on the east by the Savannah River and the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by Florida, and on the west by Alabama and Florida. Area. — The land area of Georgia is 58,980 square miles, or 37,747,200 acres. The water surface is 495 square miles, giving a total area of 59,475 square miles. It was the largest of the "thirteen original" States. It now ranks eighteenth in size in the United States. Its geo- graphical centre is about twenty miles below Macon. Surface. — The surface is mountainous in the northern part, low and level in the middle and southern parts, and low and swampy along the coast and the Florida border. Northeast Georgia has the greatest eleva- tion above the sea, the average being 1,500 feet. There are peaks that rise as high as 5,000 feet. These belong to the Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains. Sitting Bull, the middle summit of Nantahala, in Towns County, is 5,046 feet above sea level, and Mona, the east summit of Nantahala, is 5,039 feet above sea level. In this section are the beauti- ful Falls of Toccoa and Tallulah and the famous Valley of Nacoochee. Northwest Georgia is not so mountainous as northeast. Its average elevation is 750 feet above the sea. Middle Georgia, extending from the Savannah to the Chattahoochee River, has an average elevation of 750 feet. The lands are generally level. Southwest Georgia is of a greatly rolling surface, free from rocks, and is covered with vast tracts of long-leaf pine, commonly called " Georgia pine." Southeast Georgia has a low, level surface, averaging 175 feet above sea-level. In the southeast corner is Okefinokee swamp. It has a circumference of 180 ii RIVER3 AND HARBORS.' railes. It is filled with pools and small islands, and is the home of snakes and alligators. Rivers. — The watershed which extends from the northeast corner of the State down to Atlanta, divides the rivers, sending some to the Gulf of Mexico and others to the Atlantic Ocean. There are upwards of fifty streams large enough to be classed as rivers. It is estimated that the water-power of the State would be suificient for the manufacture of all the cotton goods in the world, or to grind all the grain produced in the United States. Following is a list of the chief navigable rivers; Name. Navigablk to Savannah Augusta Ogeeehee Louisville Oconee Milledgeville Ocmulgee Macon Flint Albany Altamaha Entire length Chattahoochee Columbus Coast. — The coast is very irregularly indented. It has a shore-line on the Atlantic Ocean of 480 miles, running a southwest direction for 128 miles. Harbors. — The principal seacoast liarbors are Savannah, Darien, Brunswick, and St. Mary's. The bar of Savannah has nineteen feet of water ; that of Sapelo, at the entrance of the Altamaha, fourteen feet ; Brunswick, seventeen feet ; St. Mary's, fourteen feet. An extensive shipping trade is carried on at Brunswick and Savannah. Islands. — The coast is skirted by a number of islands which are low, flat, and sandy. Cumberland Island, thirty miles long, is covered with magnificent oak forests, and lined with palms, palmettos, and shrubbery. The other principal islands are Ossabaw, St. Catherine's, Sapelo, St. Simon's, and Jekyl. Sounds. — The principal sounds are St. Andrew's, St. Simon's, Alta- maha, Doboy, Sapelo, St. Catherine, and Ossabaw. Climate. — The mountains, hills, plains, and lowlands of Georgia give to the State nearly every variety of climate. The summer's heat and the -winter's cold are tempei'ed by breezes from the Gulf of Mexico and the History of Georgia. Hi Atlantic Ocean. The average summer temperature in the northern part of the State is 73° ; the winter temperature, 32°. In the southern sections the summer temperature is 80° ; the winter, 52°. The average annual temperature of the State is 60°. So mild and equable is the climate that Georgia is a favorite resort for invalids from Northern States, who in the winter time come in large numbers to Savannah, Augusta, Thomasville, and other places. Rainfall. — The average rainfall is about forty-eight inches per year. The prevailing winds come from the southeast and southwest and dis- tribute the rains, thus preventing severe drought. Soil. — In the northern part of the State the soil is composed of dis- integrated limestones and shales of the silurian and carboniferous for- mations; decomposed granites, gneiss, and schist. In the central portion of the State the red clays and gray soils are composed of dis- integrated feldspar, with potash. The red hills of Georgia have become famous. In southern Georgia the soil is of limestone, marl, rich allu- vium, and sandy tracts. In southeast Georgia the soil is loam or sand, ■with a red or yellow clay subsoil. These soils are all productive, and yield large crops. PEODUCTS. Agricultural Products. — There is nothing grown in any State of the Union, with the exception, perhaps, of Florida, that cannot be raised in Georgia. Cotton is the great agricultural product of the State. Be- fore the Civil War one-sixth of the total cotton crop of the United States was grown in Georgia. For four seasons closing with that of 1907-1908 the Georgia farmers planted an annual average of 4,337,472 acres, with an annual production of 1,830,320 bales of cotton with an average annual value of $100,078,228. For the season of 1907-8 there were planted 4,774,000 acres, with a product of 1,901,576 bales and a value of $116,790,680. The corn crop of the State averages 50,000,000 bushels, worth $36,000,000. Three States. Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, produce 86,000 bales of sea island cotton, of which Georgia produces 41,000 annually. Other agricultural products of the State are corn, oats, wheat, rice, rye, wool, flax, hemp, jute, silk, sugar-cane, tobacco, tea, iniligo, peas, beans, and all kinds of garden vegetables. In the southern portion of the State vegetables can be raised in winter. iv Woods and Minerals. Fruits. — Fruits of all kinds known in the temperate zone grow in Georgia. The apple, peach, pear, grape, fig, pomegranate, cherry, plum, raspberry, strawberry, and olive are produced in large quantities. Georgia is the greatest peach state of the Union, having in 1908 about 13,000,000 trees in bearing. Oranges, bananas, lemons, and pecans grow on the coast. Watermelons and cantaloupes, famous for kind and quality, are raised in the midland districts. The value of all the farm products of Georgia for 1907 was over $200,000,000. Wood. — About two hundred and thirty varieties of wood grow in Georgia. There are extensive pine forests on the coast and in the southern districts, and the live oaks in the vicinity of Brunswick supply the most valuable ship timber found in the United States. This indus- try is worth over $3,000,000 annually. Georgia pine is much esteemed and largely used for doors, mantels, staircases, and other house furnish- ings. It has a beautiful color of ricli red or yellow. There is an inex- haustible supply of the finest kind of this wood in the forests of middle and lower Georgia. In the swamp' tiiere are immense quantities of cypress, used for shingles ; palmetto, used for wharf piles, and other fine woods. Its timber is valued at $5,000,000. Besides these, the woods and forests of Georgia produce in large abundance walnut, poplar, oak of all kinds, chestnut, hickory, cedar, sweet gum, ash, elm, maple, beech, magnolia, cottonwood, and sycamore. The capital invested in the lumber business is over $13,000,000. Pasturage. — The variety of grasses native to Georgia is very large, offering the best facilities for sheep and cattle raising. Blue grass, Bermuda grass, the celebrated wire grass, and other varieties, and many kinds of peas, and young cane, afford a rich pasturage for cattle. In Georgia stock-raising and dairy-farming are rapidly becoming industries of importance. The value of live stock in the State is over $70,000,000. Minerals. — The gold-producing region of the State is chiefly in the counties of Lumpkin, Habersham, Forsyth, and Hall. Before gold was discovered in California the "placers" in northern Georgia were worked with much profit, the metal being found in the streams and mixed up with the quartz rocks of the hills. In 1853 the Dahlonega mint coined gold bullion of nearly half a million dollars' value. At present the gold-mining produces about $80,00J annually. In the northwest corner of the State, along the ridges between the Alabama and Tennessee borders, there are immense beds of coal. Iron ore is also found in this district. The annual output of coal and iron amounts to History of Georgia. v many thousand tons. Stone Mountain, in DeKalb County, twenty miles from Atlanta, is the largest mass of roek in the world. It has quarries of granite that makes the best paving for streets, as well as excellent building stone. Copper, silver, and lead ores are found in the Cohutta Mountains. In the Blue Ridge is a vein of marble. Other minerals of North Georgia are manganese, kaolin, asbestos, mica, and soapstone, besides the diamond, ruby, amethyst, and opal, which have been found in the mountains. The total capital invested in mining in the State is about $30,000,000. The annual output of all the minerals of Georgia is about $8,000,000. INDUSTRIES. Manufactures. — The capital invested in manufactures in Georgia is $135,000,000, of which the amount invested in the 138 cotton mills is more than $70,000,000 and in the manufacture of cotton seed products and in ginneries is above $13,000,000. The factories consume more than a half million bales of cotton, and employ about 30,000 hands. All the manufacturing industries of the State employ over 100,000 hands, with an annual output of over $150,000,000. Commerce. — The favorable location, extensive railroad system, and the numerous navigable streams of Georgia, give it great advantages for commerce. Situated between the North and .Southwest and between the West and Atlantic harbors, traffic between those sections passes through the State. Atlanta and Savannah are the principal commercial centres. The chief articles of export are cotton, lumber, rice, fruits, and grain. The value of tlie foreign commerce of tiie State is estimated at $80,000,000 a year. Six hundred vessels of over 2,000 tons burden are employed in the foreign and coast trade. Railroads. — There are in Georgia over 7,000 miles of railroad, the value of which is $124,000,000. Every part of the State is intersected by lines of railroad, and thus opened to commerce. Atlanta, Columbus, Macon, Savannah, and Augusta are the chief railroad centres. The taxable property of Georgia is over $705,000,000. Its real valua- tion is $1,400,000,000. . CIVIL GOVERNMENT. Constitution. — The present constitution w.-isjidopted in 1877. Among its most important provisions are the following: Rights of Citizens. — No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, but by due process of law ; the writ of habeas corpus shall not vi DEPARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT. be suspended ; no person shall be prohibited from holding any public office on account of his religion; slavery is prohibited; there shall be no imprisonment for debt ; people shall have the right to keep and bear arms ; all lotteries are prohibited ; lobbying is a crime. Electoral Laws. — All elections shall be by ballot. With the excep- tion of penitentiary convicts and insane persons, every male citizen of the United States, twenty-one years of age, resident of the State one year, and of the county six months, and having paid all taxes required of him, is entitled to vote at all elections. Persons holding public money unaccounted for, or convicted of duelling, shall not be eligible to office. The Legislature. — The general assembly consists of two houses: the senate and the house of representatives. The senate has forty-four members, and the house one hundred and eighty-four; the members of both are elected every two years. The sessions of the assembly are annual, beginning on the fourth Wednesday in June, and continuing for fifty days. The senate is presided over by a president, and the house of representatives by a speaker, each elected from and by the members of each house respectively. The legislature has the power of making laws. Every bill, before it becomes a law, must be read tliree times, on three separate days, in each house, and then receive a majority of the votes of the members present, and be approved by the governor. The governor may veto, or di-sap- prove of a bilL In this case it may still become law by having a two- thirds majority in both houses. The salary of members of the assembly is $4 per day, and they are allowed ten cents a mile for travelling ex- penses to and from each session. Executive Power. — The officers of the executive department are the governor, secretary of State, comptroller-general, and treasurer. The governor is elected every two years, and he has a salary of |5,000 per annum. He must be not under thirty years of age, must be a citizen of the United States for fifteen years, and of the State for six years. In case of the death of the governor, the president of the senate occupies the office until the next election. The governor is the commander-in-chief of the army and militia of the State. He iias the power of granting pardons, except for treason and in cases of impeachment, and has the power of vetoing bills passed by the general assembly. Judiciary. — The judicial powers are vested in one supreme court, twenty-three superior courts, courts of ordinary, and courts in each county. The supreme court consists of a chief justice and five associate justices, elected by the people for a term of six years. It sits only History of Georgia. Vll at the capital, and on appeal corrects errors of the inferior courts. For each of the twenty-three judicial circuits there is a superior court judge elected by the people for a terra of four years. These must sit at least twice a year in each county. In some of the larger cities there is a city court, which ranks with the superior court within the corpora- tion limits. The court of ordinary in each county has charge of the probation of wills and the management of estates, and usually has juris- diction over roads, bridges, public buildings, etc., but in some counties these are in the hands of tlie county commissioners. There are one justice of the peace and one notary public in each militia district. Taxes may be levied by the general assembly for support of the State government ; for educational purposes ; and to pay interest and princi- pal of the public debt. Georgia has two senators and eleven representatives in the Congress of the United States. The senators are elected by the people for a term of six years. The representatives are chosen every two years by the people, one from each congressional district. The State is divided into eleven congressional districts, forty-four senatorial districts, 146 counties, and about 1,400 militia districts. In case of war each militia district would be expected to furnish a certain number of men for service. The convicts of the State were formerly held at labor in a penitentiary at Milledgeville. They are by recent legislation subject to the demand of counties for work upon the public roads. Formerly they were leased to private parties, but that system has been abolished (see the account on pages 355, 356). Population. — The population of Georgia, according to the census of 1900, was 2,216,331, of whom about forty-seven per cent, were colored. The following table shows the increase since 1790 : 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 82,548 162,101 258,483 340,433 576,823 691.393 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 906,185 1,057,286 1,184,109 1,542,180 1,837,353 2,216,331 cessioznts of lawd by the ii^di ai^s. The laud which George II. granted to the Trustees was occupied by the Indians, and it was necessary for Oglethorpe to secure a grant from them also before settlements were made. As more land was needed it was bought from the Indians by the king as long as Georgia was a province of England. After the Revolution, the United States recognized the Indian titles just as England had done, and though Georgia nominally owned all the land within her boundaries, the Indians were in possession, and the people of Georgia could not settle on any land until it had been ceded by these Indians. The boundaries of the land which the Trustees bought from the Indians were not definitely fixed until the Conference of Augusta in 1VG3. Ten years later, 1773, the king acquired an additional tract lying along the Savannah River north of Augusta. The western boundary of this tract and the boundary line established in 1763 mark the west- ern limit of the land in possession of the State at the end of the Revolution. The treaty of 1783 was made between Georgia and the Creek and Cherokee Indians. By this treaty the State acquired the land marked with this date. The State of Georgia also made a treaty at Galphinton in 1785 by which certain other lands were acquired, but under the Articles of Confederation the United States had the sole right to make treaties with other nations, and the Indians were nations. For this reason Georgia's treaty was declared void. The boundary line fixed oetween the Creeks and the Cherokees and Georgia in 1783 was confirmed by a treaty with the United States at Hopewell in 1785, but the Indians refused to confirm the treaty of Galphinton. Thus for a time Georgia lost the use of a large tract of land, and there was great dissatisfaction in the State. In 1790 the United States Government made a treaty in New York City, with the Creek Indians, by which the cession of 1783 was confirmed, and an additional tract of land ' lying between the Oconee and the Ogeechee rivers was secured for the State of Georgia. The United States Government, by subsequent treaties, secured from the Indians pos- session of all their remaining lands in Georgia, and delivered these lauds to the State. The United States paid the Indians for these lands, in consideration of Georgia's cession of her western territory in 1802. Tlie only tract of land for which the United States did not pay was the cession of 1814, at Fort Jackson. This large body of land was ceded by the Creeks to the United States as a war indemnity, in compensation for expenses of the war and losses incurred during its progress. The date of each successive treaty between the United States and the Indians, together with the boundary lines of the tract ceded, are given on the accompanying map. Each of these cessions is mentioned in the text of the History in the chapter giving other events of the year in which the treaty was made. The price paid to the Creeks in 1826 for the cession of all their remaining lands in the State of Georgia was as follows : $217,600 was paid in cash, and all improvements on their Georgia lands were to be appraised and paid for. A perpetual annuity of g20,000 was to be paid to the nation, and lands were to be bought for them in the Indian Terri- tory. The expenses of their removal to those lands were to be defrayed by the Govern- ment ; " subsistence " was furnished them for twelve months ; an agent and interpreter, a blacksmith and a wheelwright, were provided for them by the United States. The price paid the Cherokees in 1835 for all their lands east of the Mississippi Riyer, Including lands in Tennessee and Alabama, was $5,000,000, with an additional sum of $300,000 as an allowance for "spoliations " by citizens of the United States on Chcrokeci property. Seven million acres of land which had already been given them in Indian Territory in 1828 were confirmed to them free of cost ; 800,000 acres were added, and Cessions of Land by the Indians. IX they were further given "a perpetual outlet west, and free and unmolested use of all the country west of the western boundary of the said seven million acres, as far west as the sovereignty of the United States and their right of soil shall extend." The United States also agreed to pay the expense of their removal west, and to fur- nish them rations for one year. All improvements on the lands which they ceded were to be valued by commissioners and paid for. The outlet referred to above has ever since been known as " Cherokee Outlet," and is now a part of Oklahoma, having been bought from the Cherokees by the United States for 85,000,0{)0. LIST OF COUNTIES Showing their Names, for whom named, the County Seat, when laid out, and Population. Name. Appling Baker Baldwin Banks Bartow Ben Hill Berrien Bibb Brooks Bryan Bullock Burke Butts Calhoun Camden Campbell Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chattahoochee. Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb Coffee Colquitt Columbia Coweta Crawford Crisp Dade Dawson Decatur De Kalb Dodge Dooly. Dougherty Douglas Early Echols Effingham Elbert For Wh07n. Col. Dan'l Appling Col. John Baker Abraham Baldwin Dr. Richard Banks .... Gen. Francis Bartow... Benj. H. Hill John M. Berrien , Dr. W. W. Bibb Preston L. Brooks , Jonathan Bryan , Arch. Bullock , Edmund Burke Captain Sara. Butts..., John C. Calhoun Earl of Camden Duncan Gr. Campbell. . , Charles Carroll Catoosa R. M. Charlton , Earl of Chatham Chattahoochee River. . . Chattooga River Cherokee Indians Gen. Elijah Clarke Henry Clay A. S. Clayton Gen. Duncan S. Clinch. John Cobb Gen. John Coffee Walter T. Colquitt Christopher Columbus. . Chief of the Cowetas. . . . Wra. H. C'rawford Charles P. Crisp Maj. Francis Dade Wm . C. Dawson Stephen Decatur Baron De Kalb Wm. E.Dodge Col. .John Dooly Charles Dougherty Stephen A. Douglas . . . Gov. Peter Early Robert M. Echols Lord Effingham Gov. Sara. Elbert County Seat. Baxley Newton Milledgeville. Homer. . , . . . . Car'ersville.. . Fitzgerald . . . Nashville Macon Quitman Bryan Statesboro . . . Waynesboro.. Jackson Morgan St. Mary's Fairburn . . . . Carrollton . . . Ringgold Trader's Hill. Savannah.. . . Cusseta Summerville . Canton Athens Fort Gaines. . Jonesboro. . . . Ilomerville. . . Marietta Douglas Moultrie Appling Newnan . . . . . Knoxville. . . . Cordele Trenton Dawsonville. . Bain bridge. . . Decatur Eastman Vienna Albany Douiijlasville. . Blakely Stateuville. . . Springfield. . . Elberton Laid O'lt. 1818 1825 1803 1858 1861 1007 1856 1823 1858 1793 1796 1777 1825 1854 1777 1828 1826 1853 1854 1777 1854 1838 1833 1801 1854 1858 1850 1832 1854 1856 1790 1826 1822 1905 1837 1857 1823 1822 1870 1821 1853 1870 1818 1858 1777 1790 LIST OF COUNTIES— ConimMed. Name. Emanuel Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth Franklin. . . . Fulton Gilmer Glascock Glynn Gordon Grady Greene Gwinnett. . . . Habersham . Hall Hancock. Haralson Harris Hart Heard , Henry Houston . . . . , Irwin , Jackson , Jasper Jetf. Davis. . . Jefferson. ... Jenkins , Johnson . Jones Laui'ens Lee Liberty Lincoln Lowndes Lumpkin..'. . , McDuffie Mcintosh... . , Macon Madison . . . . . Marion ... . Meriwether.. , Miller , Milton , Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray For Whom. Gov. David Emanuel... Col. J, W. Fannin Gen. La Fayette Gen. Floyd Gov. John Forsyth Benjamin Franklin Robert Fulton Gov. Geo. R. Gilmer. . . . Gen. Thos. Glascock. . . . John Glynn Win. W. Gordon ...'.... Henry W. Grady Gen. Nat. Greene Gov. Button Gwinnett. . Joseph Habersham Gov. Lyman Hall ; John Hancock Hugh A. Haralson Charles Harris Nancy Hart Stephen Heard Patrick Henry Gov. John Houstoun. . . . Gov. Jared Irwin Gov. Jas. Jackson Sergeant Jasper Jefferson Davis Thomas Jefferson Gov. Chas. J. Jenkins.. Gov. H. V. Jolinson. . . . Hon. James Jones Col. John Laurens Richard H. Lee See page 94 Gen. Benj. Lincoln Wm. J. Lowndes Gov. Wilson Lumpkin. . Geo. McDuffie Mcintosh Family Nath. Macon Jas. Madison Gen. Francis Marion... Gen. David Mei'i wether. Andrew J. Miller Homer V. Milton Gov. David B. Mitchell. Jas. Monroe Gen. Rich. Montgomery. Gen. Dan'l Morgan Thos. W. Murray County Seat. Swainsboro Morganton. Fayetteville Rome Gumming. . Carnesville. Atlanta. . . . Ell i jay .... Gibson Brunswick Calhoun . . . Cairo Greensboro. Lawrencevill Clarkesville Gainesville. Sparta Buchanan. . Hamilton. . Hart well. . . Franklin. . . McDonough, Perry Irwinville.. Jefferson.. . Monticello . Hazelhurst. Louisville. . Millen Wrightsville Clinton. . . . Dublin .... Leesburg . . Hinesville. Lincolnton. Valdosta. . . Dahlonega . Thomson . . Darien Oglethorpe. Danielsville Buena Vista Greenville. . Colquitt . . Alpharetta. Camilla. . . . Forsyth.. . . Mt. Vernon Madison . . . Spring Place Laid out. 1813 1854 1821 1882 1832 178G 1853 1832 1857 1777 1850 1905 1786 1818 1818 1818 1793 1856 1827 1853 1830 1821 1821 1818 1796 1812 1905 1796 1905 1858 1807 1807 1826 1777 1796 1825 1838 1871 1793 1837 1811 1827 1827 1856 1857 1857 1821 1793 1807 1832 Popula- tion. 18,436 11,214 10,114 33,113 11,550 14,493 117,363 10,198 4,516 14,317 14,119 17,000 16,542 25,585 10,125 20,752 18,277 11,922 18,009 14,492 11,177 18,603 22,641 8,995 24,039 15,033 7,000 18,212 15,293 11,409 13,358 25,908 10,344 13,093 7,156 20,036 7,433 9,804 6,537 14,093 13,324 10,080 23,339 6,319 6,703 14,767 20,682 14,109 15.813 8,623 LIST OP COUWriES— Continued. Name. For Whom. County Seat. Laid out. Muscogee Muscogee Indians Columbus 1«26 Newton Sergeant John Newton . . Covington . . . 1821 Oconee River Watkinsville . . 1875 Oglethorpe. . . . Gen. Jas. E. Oglethorpe. Lexington .... l'i93 Paulding Pickens John Paulding Dallas Jasper 1832 Gen. Andrew Pickens. . . 1853 Pierce Franklin Pierce Blackshear. . . . 1857 Pike Zebulon M. Pike Jas, K. Polk Zebulon Cedartown . . Hawkinsville. . Eatonton 1822 Polk . 1851 Count Pulaski 1808 Putnam Israel Putnam 1807 Quitman Gen. Jolin A. Quitman. . Georgetown . . . 1858 Rabun Gov. Wm. Rabun Clavton 1819 Randolph John Randolph Cuthbert 1828 Richmond Duke of Richmond Augusta 1777 Rockdale ' ' Rockdale Church " Conyers 1870 Schley Gov. Wm. Schley Ellaville 1857 Screven Gen. Jas. Screven Sylvania 1793 Spaulding Hon. Thos. Spaulding. . Griffin 1851 Stephens Gov. Alex. H. Stephens. Toccoa 1905 Stewart Gen. Dan'l Stewart Lumpkin 1830 Sumter Gen. Thos. Sumter Americus 1831 Talbot Gov. Matthew Talbot. . . Talbotton 1827 Taliaferro Col. Benj. Taliaferro. . Crawford ville. . 1825 Tattnal Josiah Tattnal Reidsville 1801 Taylor Telfair Zach Taylor Butler 1852 Gov. Edward Telfair... McRae 1807 Terrell Dr. Wm. Terrell Dawson 1856 Thomas Gen. Jett Thomas Thoraasville. . . 1825 Tift Nelson Tift Tifton Lyons 1905 Toombs Gen. Robert Toombs. . . . 1905 Towns Gov. Geo. N. Towns. . . . Gov. Geo. M. Troup. . . . Hiawassee .... La Grange .... 1856 Troup 1826 Turner Henry G. Turner Ashburn 1905 Twiggs Gen. John Twiggs Jeffersonville.. 1809 Union Blairsville Thomaston.. . . 1832 LTpson. . Stephen Upson 1824 Walker Maj. Freeman Walker. . La Fayette .... 1833 Walton Gov. Geo. Walton Monroe 1818 Nicholas Ware Waycross WaiTenton. . . . 1824 Warren Gen. Joseph Warren. . . . 1793 Washington.. . George Washinsrton. . . . Sandersville. . . 1784 Wayne.. .• Weijster Gen. Anthony Wayne. . . Daniel Welster Jesup 1805 Preston 1856 White Whitfield 1857 Rev. Geo. Whitefield.. Dalton . 1851 Wilcox . . Captain John Wilcox. . . Abbeville 1857 Wilkes .John Wilkes Washington. . . Irwinton 1777 Wilkinson Gen. Jas. Wilkinson. . . . 1803 Worth Gen. Wm. J. Worth.... Isabella 1853 CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. PREAMBLE. To perpetuate the principles of free government, insure justice to all, preserve peace, promote the interest and liappiness of tlie citizen, and transmit to posterity tlie enjoy- ment of liberty, we, the people of Georgia, relying upon the protection and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution : ARTICLE L BILL OF EIGHTS. SECTION I. RIGHTS OF THE CITIZEN. 1. Origik and Foundation op Government. — All government of right, originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for tlie good of the whole. Public officers are the trustees and servants of the people, and at all times amenable to them. 2. Protection the Duty of Government. — Protection to person and property is the paramount duty of government, and shall be impartial and complete. . 3. Life, Liberty, and Property. — No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, except by due process of law. 4. Right to the Courts. — No person shall be deprived of the right to prosecute or defend his own cause in any of the courts of this State, in person, by attorney, or both. 5. Benefit of Counsel, Accusation, List op Witnesses,. Compulsory Process and Trial. — Every person charged with an offence against the laws of this State shall have the privilege and benefit of counsel ; shall be furnished, on demand, with a copy of the accusation, and a list of the witnesses on whose testimony the charge against him is founded; shall have compulsory process to obtain the testimony of his own witnesses; shall be confronted with the witnesses testifying against him, and shall have a public and speedy trial by an impartial jury. 6. Crimination op Self not Compelled. — No person shall be compelled to give testimony tending in any manner to criminate himself. 7. Banishment ; Whipping.— Neither banishment beyond the limits of the State, nor whipping, as a punishment for crime, shall be allowed. 8. Jeopardy of Life, etc., More than On'ce, Forbidden.— No person shall be put in jeopardy of life, or liberty, more than once for the same offence, save on his, or her, own motion for anew trial after conviction, or incase of mistrial. xiv History of Georgia. 9. Bail, Fines, Punishments, Arrests.— Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punisliments inflicted ; nor sliall any per- son be abused in being arrested, while under arrest, or in prison. 10. Costs. — No person shall be compelled to pay costs, except after conviction on final trial. 11. IlABEAi Corpus. — The writ of /iaiea« cor^ws shall not be suspended. 12. Freedom of Conscience.— All men have the natural and inaiienabla light to worship God, each according to the dictates of his own conscience, and no human authority should, in any case, control or interfere with such right of conscience. 13. Keligious Opinions, etc.— No inhabitant of this State shall be molested in person or property, or prohibited from holding any public office or trust, on account of his I religious opinions ; but the right of liberty of conscience shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness, or justify practices inconsistent with the peace and safety of the State. 14. Appropriations to Sects Forbidden. — No money shall ever be taken from the . public treasury, directly or Indirectly, in aid of any church, sect, or denomination of re- ligionists, or of any sectarian institution. 15. Liberty op Speech Guaranteed. — No law shall ever be passed to curtail, or restrain, the liberty of speech, or of the press ; any person may speak, write, and publish his sentiments, on all subjects, being responsible for the abusi of that liberty. 16. Searches and Warrants.— The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrant shall issue except upon probable cause, supported by oath, or affirmation, particularly describing the place, or places, to be searched, and the persona jf things to be seized. 17. Slavery.— There shall be within the State of Georgia neither slavery nor involun- taryservitude, save as a punishment for crime after legal conviction thereof. 18. Status op the Citizen. — The social status of the citizen shall never be the sub- ject of legislation. 19. Civil Authoritt: Superior to Military. — The civil authority shall be superior to the military, and no soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, except by the civil magistrate, in such manner as may be provided by law. 20. Contempts. — The power of the courts to punish for contempts shall be limited by legislative acts. 21. Imprisonment for Debt. — There sliall be no imprisonment for debt. 22. Arms. — The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, but the General Assembly shall have power to prescribe the manner in which arms may be borne. 23. Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Separate. — The legislative, judicial, and executive powers shall forever remain separate and distinct, and no person discharg- ing the duties of one shall at the same time exercise the functions of either of the others, except as herein provided. 24. Right to Assemble and Petition. — The people have the right to assemble peaceably for their common good, and to apply to those vested with the ipowers of government for redress of grievances, by petition or remonstrance. 25. Citizens, Protection of. — All citizens of the United States resident in this State, are hereby declared citizens of this State ; and it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to enact such laws as will protect them in the full enjoyment of the rights, privileges, and immunities due to such citizeuship. Appendix. xv SECTION II. CERTAIN OFFENSES DEFINED. 1. Libel ; Jury in Criminal Trials.— In all prosecutions or indictments for libel, the truth may be given in evidence ; and the jury in all criminal cases shall be the judges of the law and the facts. The power of the judges to grant new trials in case of convic- tion is preserved. 2. Treason.— Treason against the State of Georgia shall consist in levying war against her, adhering to her enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason, except on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or confession in open court. 3. Conviction. — No conviction shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture of estate. 4. Lotteries. — All lotteries, and the sale of lottery tickets, are hereby prohibited ; and tins prohibition shall be enforced by penal laws. 5. Lobbying.— Lobbying is declared to be a crime, and the General Assembly shall enforce this provision by suitable penalties. 6. Fraud ; Property Concealment. — The General Assembly shall have the power to provide for the punishment of fraud ; and shall provide, by law, for reaching property of the debtor concealed from the creditor. SECTION III. PROTECTION TO PERSON AND PROPERTY. 1. Private Ways ; Just Compensation. — In cases of necessity, private ways may be granted upon just compensation being first paid by the applicant. Private property shall not be taken, or damaged, for public purposes, without just and adequate compen- sation being first paid. 2. Attainder ; ex Post Facto and Retroactive Laws, etc. — No bill of attain- der, ex post facto law, retroactive law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or making irrevocable grants of special privileges or immunities, shall be passed. 3. Revocation of Grants.— No grant of special privileges or immunities shall be revoked, except in such manner as to \\ork no injustice to the corporators or creditors of the incorporation. SECTION IV. SPECIAL LEGISLATION FORBIDDEN. \. General Laws, and How Varied.— Laws of a general nature shall have uni- form operation throughout the State, and no special law shall be enacted in any case for which provision has been made by an existing general law. No general law affecting private rights shall be varied in any particular case, by special legislation, except with the free consent, in writing, of all persons to be affected thereby ; and no person under legal disability to contract is capable of such consent. 2. "What Acts Void.— Legislative acts in violation of this Constitution, or the Constitution of the United States, are void, and the judiciary shall so declare them. xvi HISTORY OF GEORGIA. SECTION V. GOVERNMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE. 1. State Rights.— The people of this State have the inherent, sole, and exclusive Wgat of regulating their internal government, and the police thereof, and of altering and abolishing their Constitution whenever it may be necessary to their safety and happiness. 3. Enumeration of Rights Not Deny Others. — The enumeration of rights herein contained as a part of this Constitution, shall not be construed to deny to the people any inherent rights which they may have hitherto enjoyed. ARTICLE 11. ELECTIVE FRANCHISE. SECTION I. QUALIFICATION OF VOTERS. 1. Ballot. — In all elections by the people the electors shall vote by ballot. 2. Electors, and Oath of. —Every male citizen of the United States (except as hereinafter provided), twenty-one years of age, who shall have resided in this State one year next preceding the election, and shall have resided six months in the county in which he offers to vote, and shall have paid all taxes which may hereafter be required of him, and which he may have had an opportunity of paying agreeably to law, except for the year of the election, shall be deemed an elector : Provided, that no soldier, sailor, or marine in the military or naval service of the United States, shall acquire the rights of an elector by reason of being stationed on duty in this State ; and no person shall vote who, if challenged, shall refuse to take the following oath, or affirmation : " I do swear (or affirm) that I am twenty-one years of age, have resided in this State one year, and in this county six months, next preceding this election. I have paid all taxes which, since the adoption of the present Constitution of this State, have been required of me previous to this year, and which I have had an opportunity to pay, and I have not voted at this election." SECTION II. REGISTRATION. 1. Registration; Who Disfranchised.— The General Assembly may provide, from time to time, for the registration of all electors, but the following classes of persons shall not be permitted to register, vote, or hold any office, or appointment of honor or trust in this State, to-wit : (1) Those who shall have been convicted, in any court of competent jurisdiction, of treason against the State, of embezzlement of public funds, malfeasance in office, bribery, or larceny, or of any crime involving moral turpitude, punishable by the laws of this State with imprisonment in the penitentiary, unless such person shall have been oardoned. (Z^ Idints and insane persons. APPENDIX. xvii SECTION III. voters' privilege. 1. Privilege op Electors. — Electors shall, in all cases except for treason, felony, larceny and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance on elections, and in going to and returning from the same. SECTION IV. DISQUALIFICATION TO HOLD OFFICE. 1. Holder op Public Funds. — No person who is the holder of any public money, contrary to law, shall be eligible to any office in this State until the same is accounted for and paid into the treasury. 2. Duelling. — No person who, after the adoption of this Constitution, being a resi- dent of this State, shall have been convicted of fighting a duel in this State, or convicted of sending or accepting a challenge, or convicted of aiding or abetting such duel, shall hold office in this State, unless he shall have been pardoned : and every such person shall also be subject to such punisliment as may be prescribed by law. SECTION V. SALE OF LIQUORS, WHEN FORBIDDEN. 1. Sale op Liquors on Election Days.— The General Assembly shall, by law, forbid the sale, distiibution, or furnishing of intoxicating drinks within two miles of election precincts on days of election — State, county or municipal — and prescribe punish- ment for any violation of the same. SECTION VI. RETURN OF ELECTIONS. 1. Election Returns.— Returns of election for all civil officers elected by the people, who are to be commissioned by the Governor, and also for the members of the General Assembly, shall be made to the Secretary of State, unless otherwise provided by law. ARTICLE III. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. SECTION I. LEGISLATIVE POWER, WHERE VESTED. 1. Legislative Power. — The legislative power of the State shall be vested In & General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. xviii HISTORY OF GEORGIA. SECTION 11. SENATOKIAL DISTRICTS. 1. NuMBEE OF Senators, etc.— The Senate shall consist of forty-four members- There shall be forty-four Senatorial districts, as now arranged by counties. Each dis- trict shall have one Senator. 2. Districts Changed, How.— The General Assembly may change these districts after each census of the United States : Prcmided, that neither the number of districts nor the number of senators from each district shall be increased, SECTION III. COUNTY REPRESENTATION. 1. Nttmbek of Representatives. — The House of Representatives shall consist of one hundred and seventy-five representatives, apportioned among the several counties as follows, to-wit : To the six counties having the largest population, viz., Chatham, Richmond, Burke, Houston, Bibb, and Fulton, three representatives, each ; to the twenty-six counties having the next largest population, viz., Bartow, Coweta, Decatur, Floyd, Greene, Gwinnett, Harris, JefEerson, Meriwether, Monroe, Muscogee, Newton, Stewart, Sumter, Thomas, Troup, Washington, Hancock, Carroll, Cobb, Jackson, Dougherty, Oglethorpe, Macon, Talbot, and Wilkes, two representatives, each ; and to (he remaining one hundred and five counties, one representative each. 2. Changed, How.— The above apportionment shall be changed by the General Assembly at its first session after each census taken by the United States Government, so as to give the six counties having the largest population three representatives, each ; and to the twenty-six counties having the next largest population two representatives, each ; but in no event shall the aggregate number of representatives be increased. (This section has been amended to add nine new counties and increase the represeuta. lives to one hundred and eighty-four.) SECTION IV. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 1. Term of Members. — The members of the General Assembly shall be elected for two years, and shall serve until their successors are elected. 2. Election, When.— The first election for members of the General Assembly, under this Constitution, shall take place on the first Wednesday in December, 1877 ; the second election for the same shall be held on the first Wednesday in October, 1880, and subse- quent elections biennially on that day, until the day of election is changed by law. 3. Meeting op the General Assemblt.— The first meeting of the General Assem bly, after the ratification of this Constitution, shall be on the fourth Wednesday in October, 1878, and annually thereafter, on the same day, until the day shall be changed by law. No session of the General Assembly shall continue longer than fifty days: Pro- vided, that if an impeachment trial is impending at the end of fifty days, the session may be prolonged till the completion of said trial. (Legislature now meets fourth Wednes- day in June.) 4. Quorum.— A majority of each house shall constitute a quorum to transact business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and compel the presence of its absent members, as each house may provide. 5. Oath op Members.— Each senator and representative, before takiug his seat, shall APPENDIX. in\ take the following oath, or affirmation, to wit : "I will support the Constitution of this State, and of the United States ; and on all questions and measures which may come before me, I will so conduct myself as will, in my judgment, be most conducive to the interests and prosperity of this State." 6. Length of Sessions.— (See par. 3 this section.) 7. Eligibility ; Appointments Foubidden.— No person holding a military commis- sion, or other appointment or office, having any emolument or compensation annexed thereto, under this State, or the United States, or either of them, except justices of tne peace and officers of the militia, nor any defaulter for public money, or for any legal taxes required of him, shall have a seat in either house, nor shall any senator or representati\ e, after his qualification as such, be elected by the General Assembly, or appointed by the Governor, either with or without the advice and consent of the Senate, io any office or appointment having any emolument annexed thereto, during the time for which he shall have been elected. 8. Removal Vacates. — The seat of a member of either house shall be vacated on his removal from the district or county from which he was elected. SECTION V. THE SENATE. 1. Qualifications of Senators. — The Senators shall be citizens of the United States who have attained the age of twenty-five years, and who shall have been citizens of this State for four years, and for one year residents of the district from which elected. 2. President.— The presiding officer of the Senate shall be styled the President of the Senate, and he shall be elected mva voce from the Senators. 3. Impeachments.— The Senate shall have the sole power to try impeachments. 4. Trial op Impeachments. — When sitting for that purpose, the members shall be on oath or affirmation, and shall be presided over by the Chief Justice, or the presiding justice of the Supreme Court. Should the Chief Justice be disqualified, the Senate shall select the judge of the Supreme Court to preside. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. 5. Judgments in Impeachments. — Judgments, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend further than removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit, within this State; but the party convicted shall, nevertheless, be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law. SECTION VI. THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. 1. Qualifications of Representatives. — The representatives shall be citizens of the United States who have attained the age of twenty-one years, and who shall have been citizens of this State for two years, and for one year residents of the counties from which elected. 2. Speaker.— The presiding officer of the House of Representatives shall be styled the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and shall be elected viva voce from the body. 3. Power to Impeach.— The House of Representatives shall have the sole power to impeach all persons who shall have been, or may be, in office. XX History of Georgia. SECTION VII. ENACTMENT OP LAWS. 1. Elections, Returns, etc. ; Disorderly Conduct.— Each house shall be the judge of the election, returus, and qualifications of its members, and shall have power to punish them for disorderly behavior, or misconduct, by censure, fine, imprisonment, or expul- sion, but no member shall be expelled, except by a vote of two-thirds of the house to which he belongs. 2. Contempts, How Punished.— Each house may punish by imprisonment, not ex- tending beyond the session, any person, not a member, who shall be guilty of a contempt , by any disorderly behavior in its presence, or who shall rescue, or attempt to rescue, any person arrested by order of either house. 3. Privilege of Members. — The members of both houses shall be free from arrest during their attendance on the General Assembly, and in going thereto or returning there- from, except for treason, felony, larceny, or breach of the peace ; and no member shall be liable to answer in any other place for anything spoken in debate in either house. 4. Journals.— Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and publish it immediately after its adjournment. 5. Where Kept. — The original journal shall be preserved, after publication, in the office of the Secretary of State, but there shall be no other record thereof. 6. Yeas and Nats, When Taken.- The yeas and nays on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of the members present, be entered on the journal. 7. Bills to Be Read. — Every bill, before it shall pass, shall be read three times, and on three separate days, in each house, unless in cases of actual invasion or insurrection; but the first and second reading of each local bill, and bank and railroad charters shall consist of the reading of the title only, unless said bill is ordered to be engrossed. 8. One Subject-Matter Expressed. — No law or ordinance shall pass which refers to more thau one subject-matter, or contains matter different from what is expressed in the title thereof. 9. General Appropriation Bill. — The general appropriation bill shall embrace nothing except appropriations fixed by previous laws, the ordinary expenses of the execu- tive, legislative, and judicial departments of the government, payment of the public debt and interest thereon, and the support of the public institutions and educational interests of the State. All other appropriations shall be made by separate bills, each embracing but one subject. , 10. Bills for Revenue. — All bills for raibing revenue, or appropriating money, shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur in amend- ments, as in other bills. 11. Public Money, How Drawn. — No money shall be drawn from the treasury ex- cept by appropriation made bylaw; and a regular statement and account of the receipt and expenditure of all public money shall be published every three months, and, also, with the laws passed by each session of the General Assembly. 12. Bills Appropriating Money.— No bill or resolution appropriating money shall become a law, unless, upon its passage, the yeas and nays, in each house, are recorded. 13. Acts Signed ; Rejected Bills. — All acts shall be signed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and no bill, ordinance, or resolution, intended to have the effect of a law, which shall have been rejected by either liouse, shall be again proposed during the same session, under the same or any other title, without the consent of two-thirds of the house by which the same was rejected. 14. Majority of Members to Pass Bill. — No bill shall become a law unless it shall APPENDIX. xxi receive a majority of tiie votes of all tlie members elected to eacli lioiisc of tlie General Assembly, aud it shall, in every instance, so appear on the journal. 15. Local Bills. — Stricken out by amendment. 16. Notice of Intention to Ask Local Legislation Necessary.— No local or special bill shall be passed, unless notice of the intention to apply therefor shall have been pub- lished in the locality where the matter, or thing to be affected, may be situated, which notice shall be given at least thirty days prior to the introduction of such bill into the General Assembly, and in the manner to be prescribed by law. The evidence of such notice having been published, shall be exhibited in the General Assembly before such act shall be passed. 17. Statutes and Sections of Code, How Amended. — No law, or section of the '. Code, shall be amended or repealed by mere reference to its title, or to the number of the section of the Code, but the amending or repealing act shall distinctly describe the law to be amended or repealed, as well as the alteration to be made. 18. Corporate Powers, How Granted.— The General Assembly shall have no power to grant corporate powers and privileges to private companies ; to make or change election precincts ; nor to establish bridges or ferries ; nor to change names of legitimate children ; but it shall prescribe liy law the manner in which such powers shall be exercised by the courts. All corporate powers and privileges to banking, insurance, railroad, canal, navigation, express and telegraph companies shall be issued and granted by the secretary of State, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law ; and if in any event the secretary of State should be disqualified to act in any case, then in that event the legislature shall provide by general laws by what person such charters shall be granted. 19. Recognizances.— The General Assembly shall have no power to relieve principals or securities upon forfeited recognizances, from the payment thereof, either before or after judgment thereon, unless the principal in the recognizance shall have been appre- hended and placed in the custody of the proper officer. 20. Street-Railwats.— The General Assembly shall not authorize the construction of any street passenger-railway within the limits of any incorporated town or city, without the consent of the corporate authorities. 21. Yeas and Nays to be Entkred, When.— Whenever the Constitution requires a vote of two-thirds of either or both houses for the passing of an act or resolution, the yeas and nays on the passage thereof shall be entered on the journal. 23. Powers op the Legislature.— The General Assembly shall have power to make all laws and ordinances consistent with this Constitution, and not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States, which they shall deem necessary and proper for the welfare of the State. 23. Signature of Governor.— No provision in this Constitution, for a two-thirds vote of both houses of the General Assembly, shall be construed to waive the necessity for the signature of the Governor, as in any other case, except in the case of the two- thirds vote required to override the veto, and in case of prolongation of a session of the General Assembly. 24. Adjournments.— Neither house shall adjourn for more than three days, or to any other place, without the consent of the other ; and in case of disagreement between the two houses on a question of adjournment, the Governor may adjourn either or both of them. SECTION VIII. OFFICERS OP THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 1. Secretary and Clebk.— The officers of the two houses, other than the Presi- dent and Speaker, shall be a secretary of the Senate, and clerk of the House of Repre- xxii History of Georgia. sentatives, and siich assistants as they may appoint ; but the clerical expenses of the Senate shall not exceed sixty dollars per day, for each session, nor those of the House of Representatives seventy dollars per day, for each session. The secretary of the Senate and clerk of the House of Representatives shall be required to give bond and security for the faithful dJBCharge of their respective duties. SECTION IX. PAY OF MEMBERS. 1. Compensation.— The per diem of members of the General Assembly shall not exceed four dollars ; and mileage shall not exceed ten cents for each mile travelled, by the nearest practicable route, in going to, and returning from, the capital ; but the Presi- dent of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall each receive not exceeding seven dollars per day. SECTION X. ELECTIONS BY GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 1. Elections. — All elections by the General Assembly shall be viva voce, and the vote shall appear on the journal of the House of Representatives. When the Senate and House of Representatives unite for the purpose of elections, they shall meet in the Rep- resentative Hall, and the President of the Senate shall, in such cases, preside and declare the result. SECTION XI. MARRIED woman's PROPERTY. I. Wife's Estate. — All property of the wife at the time of her marriage, and all property given to, inherited, or acqiiired by her, shall remain her separate property, and not be liable for the debts of her husband. SECTION XII. INSURANCE COMPANIES. 1. Non-Residbnt Insurance Companies. — All life-insurance companies now doing business in this State, or which may desire to establish agencies and do business in the State of Georgia, chartered by other States of the Union, or foreign states, shall show that they have deposited with the comptroller-general of the State in which they are chartered, or of this State, the insurance commissioners, or such other officer as may be authorized to receive it, not less than one hundred thousand dollars, in such securities as may be deemed by such officer equivalent to cash, subject to his order, as a guarantee fund for the security of policy holders. 2. License by Comptroller. — When such showing is made to the comptroller- general of the State of Georgia by a proper certificate from the State official having charge of the funds so deposited, the comptroller-general of the State of Georgia is authorized to issue, to the company making such showing, a license to do business in the State, upon paying the fees re(]uired by law. 3. Resident Insurance Companies. — All life-insurance companies chartered by the APPENDIX. State of Giwrgia, or which may hereafter be chartered by the State, shall, before doing business, deposit, with the comptroller-general of the State of Georgia, or with some strong corporation, which may be approved by said comptroller-general, one hundred thousand dollars, in such securities as may be deemed by him equivalent to cash, to be subject to his order, as a guarantee fund for the security of the policy holders of the company making such deposit, all interests and dividends arising from such secnritieo to be paid, when due, to the company so depositing. Any such securities as may be needed or desired by the company may be taken from said department at any time by replacing them witli other secuiities equally acceptable to the comptroller-general, whose certificate for the same shall l)e furnished to the company. 4. General Assembly to Enact Laws foh People's Protection, etc. — The General Assembly shall, from time to time, enact laws to compel all fire-insurance com- panies doing business la this State, whether chartered by this State or otherwise, to de- posit reasonable securities with the treasurer of this State, to secure the people against loss by the operations of said companies. 5. Reports bt Insurance Companies.— Tlie General Assembly shall compel all in- surance companies in this State or doing business therein, under proper penalties, to make semi-annual reports to the Governor, and print the same at their own expense, for the information and protection of the people AETICLE IV. POWER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OVER TAXATION. SECTION I. TAXATION. 1. Taxation, a SorERBioN Right.— The right of taxation is a sovereign right, in- alienable, indestructible, is the life of the State, and rightfully belongs to the people in all republican governments, and neither the General Assembly, nor any nor all other departments of the government established by this Constitution, shall ever have the authority to irrevocably give, grant, limit, or restrain this right; and all laws, grants, con- tracts, and all other acts whatsoever, by said government, or any department thereof, to effect any of these purposes, shall be and are hereby declared to be null and void for every purpose whatsoever ; and said right of taxation shall always be under the complete control of, and revocable by, the State, notwithstanding any gift, grant, or contract what- soever by the General Assembly. SECTION II. REGULATION OP CORPORATIONS. 1. Railroad Tariffs.— The power and authority of regulating railroad freights and passenger tariffs, preventing unjust discriminations, and requiring reasonable and just rates of freight and passenger tariffs, are hereby conferred upon the General Assembly, whose duty it shall be to pass laws, from time to time, to regulate freight and passenger tariffs, to prohibit unjust discriminations on the various railroads of this State, and to prohibit said roads from charging other than just and reasonable rates, and enforce the same by adequate penalties. xxiv History of Georgia. 2. Right op Eminent Domain; Police Power. — The exercise of the right of emi- nent domain ehall never be abridged, nor so construed as to prevent the General Assembly from taking the property and franchises of incorporated companies, and subjecting them to public use, the same as property of individuals ; and the exercise of the police power of the State shall never be abridged, nor so construed as to permit corporations to con- duct their business in such a manner as to infringe the equal rights of individuals, or the general well-being of the State. 3. Charters Revived or Amended Become Subject to this Constitution. — The General Assembly shall not remit the forfeiture of the charter of any corporation, now existing, nor alter or amend the same, nor pass any other general or special law for the benefit of said corporation except upon the condition that such corporation shall thereafter hold its charter subject to the provisions of this Constitution ; and every araendmect of any charter of any corporation in this State, or any special law for its benefit, accepted thereby, shall operate as a novation of said charter and shall bring the same under the provisions of this Constitution : Provided, that this section shall not extend to any amendment for the purpose of allowing any existing road to take stock in or aid in the building of any branch road. 4. Buying Stock, etc., in Other Corporations ; Competition.— The General Assembly of this State shall have no power to authorize any corporation to buy shares or stock in any other corporation in this State or elsewhere, or to make any contract, or agreement whatever, with any such corporation, which may have the effect, or be intended to have the effect, to defeat or lessen competition in their respective businesses, or to encourage monopoly ; and all such contracts and agreements shall be illegal and void. 5. Rebates.— No railroad company shall give, or pay, any rebate or bmius in the nature thereof, directly or indirectly, or do any act to mislead or deceive the public as to the real rates charged or received for freights or passage ; and any such payments shall be illegal and void, and these prohibitions shall be enforced by suitable penalties. 6. Obligation of Contracts Preserved.— No provision of this Article shall be deemed, held or taken to impair the obligation of any contract beretofore made by the State of Georgia. 7. General Assembly to Enforce.— The General Assembly ehall enforce the provisions of this Article by appropriate legislation. AETICLE V. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. SECTION I. GOVERNOR. 1. Executive Department. — The officers of the Executive Department shall consist of a Governor, secretary of State, comptroller-general and treasurer. 2. Governor; Term op Office, Salary, etc.— The Executive power shall be vested in a Governor, who shall hold his office during the term of two years, and until his successor shall be chosen and qualified. He shall not be eligible to reelection, after the expiration of a second term, for the period of four years. He shall have a salary of five thousand dollars per annum (until otherwise provided by a law passed by a two- APPENDIX. XXV thirds vote of both branches of the General Assembly), which shall not be increased or diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected ; nor shall he receive, within that time, any other emolument from the United States, or either of them, or from any foreign power. But this reduction of salary shall not apply to the present term of the present Governor. 3. Election for Governor. — The first election for Governor, under this Constitu- tion, shall be held on the first Wednesday in October, 1880, and the Governor-elect shall be installed in office at the next session of the General Assembly. An election shall take place biennially thereafter, on said day, until another date be fixed by the General Assembly. Said election shall be held at the places of holding general elections in the several counties of this State, in the manner prescribed for the election of members of the General Assembly, and the electors shall be the same. 4. Returns of Elections. — The returns for every election of Governor shall be sealed up by the managers, separately from other returns, and directed to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, and transmitted to the secretary of State, who shall, without opening said returns, cause the same to be laid before the Senae on the day after the two houses shall have been organized, and they shall be trans- mitted by the Senate to the House of Representatives. 5. How Published. — The members of each branch of the General Assembly shall convene in the Representative Hall, and the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives shall open and publish the returns in the presence and under the direction of the General Assembly ; and the person havilig the majority of the whole number of votes shall be declared duly elected Governor of this State, but if no person shall have such majority, then from the two persons having the highest number of votes, who shall be in life, and shall not decline an election at the time appointed for the General Assembly to elect, the General Assembly shall, immediately, elect a Governor viva voce ; and in all cases of election of a Governor by the General Assembly a majority of the members present shall be necessary to a choice. 6. Contested Elections.— Contested elections shall be determined by both houses of the General Assembly in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. 7. Qualifications of Governor.— No person shall be eligible to the office of Gover- nor who shall not have been a citizen of the United States fifteen years, and a citizen of the State six years, and who shall not have attained the age of thirty years. 8. Death, Resignation, or Disability of Governor.— In case of the death, resignation, or disability of the Governor, the President of the Senate shall exercise the executive powers of the government until such disability be removed, or a successor is elected and qualified. And in case of the death, resignation, or disability of the Presi- dent of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall exercise the executive powers of the government until the removal of the disability, or the electionl and qualification of a Governor. 9. Unexpired Terms.— The General Assembly shall have power to provide by law, for filling unexpired terms by special elections. 10. Oath of Office.— The Governor shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, take the following oath or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will faithfully execute the office of Governor of the State of Georgia, and will, to the best of ray ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution thereof, and the Constitution of the United States of America." 11. Commander-in-chief.— The Governor shall he commander-in-chief of the army and navy of this State, and of the militia thereof. 12. Reprieves and Pardons.— He shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons, to commute penalties, remove disabilities imposed by law, and to remit any part of a sen- xxvi History of Georgia. tence for offenses against the State, after conviction, except in cases of treason and im- peachment, subject to such regulations as may be provided by law relative to the manner of applying for pardons. Upon conviction for treason he may suspend the execution of the sentence and report the case to the General Assembly at the next meeting thereof, when the General Assembly shall either pardon, commute the sentence, direct its execution, or grant a further reprieve. He shall, at each session of the General Assembly, communi- cate to that body each case of reprieve, pardon or commutation granted, stating the name of the convict, the oS'ense for which he was convicted, the sentence and its date, the date of the reprieve, pardon or commutation, and the reasons for granting the same. He shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed, and shall be a conservator of the peace throughout the State. 13. Writs of Elections ; Called Session or the Legislature. — He shall issue writs of election to till all vacancies that may happen in the Senate or House of Represen- tatives, and shall give the General Assembly from time to time, information of the state of the Commonwealth, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he may deem necessary or expedient. He shall have power to convoke the General Assembly on extra- ordinary occasions, but no law shall be enacted at called sessions of the General Assembly except such as shall relate to the object stated in his proclamation convening them. 14. Filling Vacancies. — When any office shall become vacant, by death, resigna- tion, or otherwise, the Governor shall have power to fill such vacancy, unless otfierwise provided by law ; and persons so appointed shall continue in office until a successor is commissioned, agreeably to tlft mode pointed out by this Constitution, or by law in pur suance thereof. 15. Appointments Rejected.— A person once rejected by the Senate shall not be reappointed by th^ Governor to the same office during the same session, or the recess thereafter. 16. Governor's Veto. — The Governor shall have the revision of all bills passed by the General Assembly, before the same shall become laws, but two-thirds of each house may pass a law notwithstanding his dissent ; and if any bill should not be returned by the Governor within five days (Sunda.y excepted) after it has been presented to him, the same shall be a law ; unless the General Assembly, by their adjournment, shall prevent its return. He may approve any appropriation, and disapprove any other appropriation, in the same bill, and the latter shall not be effectual unless passed by two-thirds of each house. 17. Governor Must Approve. — Every vote, resolution, or order, to which the con- currence of both houses may be necessary, except on a quesr.iou of election, or adjourn- ment, shall be presented to the Governor, and before it shall take effect, be approved by him, or, being disapproved, shall be repassed by two-thirds of each house. 18. Information from Department Officers ; Treasurer and Comptroller. — He may require information, in writing, from the officers in the Executive Department on any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices. It shall be the duty of the Governor, quarterly, and oftener if he deems it expedient, to examine, under oath, the treasurer and comptroller-general of the State on all matters pertaining to their respect- ive offices, and to inspect and review their books and accounts. The General Assembly shall have authority to provide by law for the suspension of either of said officers, from the discharge of the duties of his office, and also for the appointment of a suitable person to discharge the duties of the same. 19. Secretaries. — The Governor shall have power to appoint his own secretaries not exceeding two in number, and to pro\ide such other clerical force as may be requn-ed in his office, but the total cost for secretaries and clerical force in his office shall not exceed six thousand dollars per annum. APPENDIX. xxvii SECTION II. OTHER EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. 1. Secketart of State, Comptroller and Treasurer, How Elected.— The secretary of State, coinptroller-ge'heral and treasurer shall be elected by persons quali- flecl to vote for members of the General Assembly, at the same time and in the same manner as the Governor. The provisions of the Constitution as to the transmission of the returns of election, counting the votes, declaring the result, deciding when there is no election, and when there is a contested election, applicable to the election of Governor, shall apply to the election of secretary ef State, comptroller-general and treasurer ; they shall be commissioned by the Governor and hold their offices for the same time as the Governor. 2. Treasurer's Salary. — The salary of the treasurer shall not exceed two thousand dollars per annum. The clerical expenses of his department shall not exceed sixteen hundred dollars per annum. 3. Salary of Secretary of State.— The salary of the secretary of State shal\ not exceed two thousand dollars per annum, and the clerical expenses of his department shall not exceed one thousand dollars per annum. 4. Comptroller-General's Salary. — The salary of the comptroller-general shall not exceed two thousand dollars per annum. The clerical expenses of his department, including the insurance department and wild-land clerk, shall not exceed four thousand dollars per annum ; and without said clerk, it shall not exceed three thousand dollars per annum. 5. Profit prom Use of Public Money. — The treasurer shall not be allowed, directly or indirectly, to receive any fee, interest, or reward from any person, bank, or corporation for the deposit or use, in any manner, of the public funds ; and the General Assembly shall enforce this provision by suitable penalties. 6. Qualifications.— No person shall be eligible to the office of secretary of State, comptroller-general, or treasurer, unless he shall have been a citizen of the United States for ten years, and shall have resided in this State for six years next preceding his election, and shall be twenty-five years of age when elected. All of said officers shall give bond and security, under regulations to be prescribed by law, for the faithful discharge of their duties. 7. Fees and Perquisites Denied. — The secretary of State, the comptroller-general, and the treasurer, shall not be allowed any fee, perquisite, or compensation, other than their salaries, as prescribed by law, except their necessary expenses when absent from the seat of government on business for the State. SECTION III. SE.M. OP STATE. 1. Great Seal.— The Great Seal of the State shall be deposited in the office of the secretary of State, and shall not be affixed to any instrument of writing except by order of the Governor, or General Assembly, and that now in use shall be the great seal of the State until otherwise provided by law. xxviii HISTORY OF Georgia. ARTICLE VI. JUDICIARY. SECTION 1. COURTS. 1. Courts Enumerated.— The judicial powers of this State shail be vested In a Supreme Court, a Court of Appeals, superior courts, courts of ordinary, justices of the peace, commissioned notaries public, and such other courts as have been or may be eetablished by law. SECTION II. SUPREME COURT. 1. Supreme Court Judges. — The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and two Associate Justices. A ma-ority of the court shall constitute a quorum. 2. Governor to Designate Judges to Preside, When. — When one or more of the judges are disqualified from deciding any case, by interest or otherwise, the Governor shall designate a judge, or judges, of the superior court; to preside in said case. 3. BoNDHOLDiNG JuDGE DISQUALIFIED, When. — No judge of any court shall preside in any case where the validity of any bond — Federal State, corporation, or municipal— is involved, who holds in his own right, or as the representative of others, any material interest in the class of bonds upon which the ques on to be decided arises. 4. Terms op Office.— The Chief Justices and Associate Justices shall hold their offices for six years, and until their successors are qualified. A successor to the incumbent whose term will soonest expire, shall be elected by the General Assembly in 1880 : a successor to the incumbent whose term of office is nest in duration shall be elected by the General Assembly in 1882 ; and a successor to the third incumbent shall be elected by the General Assembly in 1884 ; but appointments to fill vacancies shall only be for the unexpired term, or until such vacancies are filled by elections, agreeably to the mode pointed out by the Constitution. 5. Jurisdiction. — The Supreme Court shall have no original jurisdiction, but shall be a court alone for the trial and correction of errors from the superior courts, and from the city courts of Atlanta and Savannah, and such other like courts as may be hereafter established in other cities ; and shall sit at the seat of government, at such times in each year as shall be prescribed by law, for the trial and determination of writs of error from said superior and city courts. 6. Cases, How Disposed Of. — The Supreme Court shall dispose of every case at the first or second term after such writ of error is brought; and in case the plaintiff in error Bhall not be prepared at the first term to prosecute the case — unless prevented by provi- dential cause — it shall be stricken from the docket, and the judgment below shall stand affirmed. 7. Judgments may be Withheld.— In any case the court may, in its discretion, withhold its judgment until the next term after the same is argued. 8. The Supreme Court shall hereafter consist of a Chief Justice and five Associate Justices. The court shall have power to hear and determine cases when sitting, either in a body or in two divisions of three judges each, under such regulations as may be pre- scribed • by the General Assembly. A majority of either division shall constitute a quorum for that division. The Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court shall hereafter be elected by the people at the same time and in the same mauaer Appendix. xxix aB the Governor and State House officers are elected, except that the first election under this amendment shall be held on the third Wednesday in December, 1896, at which time one Associate Justice shall be elected for a full term of six years, to fill the vacancy occurring on January let, 1897, by the expiration of the term of one of the present incum- bents, and three additional Associate Justices shall be elected for terms expiring respect- ively January 1, 1899, January ], 1901, and January 1, 1903. The persons elected as additional Associate Justices shall, among themselves, determine by lot which of the three last mentioned terms each shall have, and they shall be commissioned accord- ingly. After said first election, all terms (except unexpired terms) shall be for six years each. In case of any vacancy which causes an unexpired term, the same shall be filled by executive appointment, and the person appointed by the Governor shall hold his office until the next regular election, and until his successor for the balance of the unex- pired term shall have been elected and qualified. The returns of said special election shall be made to the Secretary of State. (The Act creating this Section as an Amendment to the Constitution was approved December 16, 1895, and was ratified by the people at the general election in 1896.) 9. (An amendment has been added to the Constitution creating a Court of Appeals.) SECTION III. SUPERIOK COUETS. 1. Terms, etc., op Supebiok Court Judges.— There shall be a judge of the superior courts for each judicial circuit, whose term of office shall be four years, and until his successor is qualified. He may act in other circuits when authorized by law. 2. Elections, When to be Made. — The successors to the present and subseqnent incumbents shall be elected by the electors, entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly of the whole State, at the general election held for such members, next preced- ing the expiration of their respective terms : Provided, that the successors for all incum- bents whose terms expire on or before the first day of January, 1899, shall be elected by the General Assembly at its session for 1898, for the full term of four years. 3. Terms Begin, When. — The terms of the Judges to be elected under the Constitu- tion (except to fill vacancies) shall begin on the first day of January after their election. Every vacancy occasioned by death, resignation or other causes, shall be filled by ap- pointments of the Governor until the first day of January after the general election held next after the expiration of thirty days from the time such vacancy occurs, at which elec- tion a successor for the unexpired term shall be elected. SECTION IV. JURISDICTION OP SUPERIOR COURTS. 1. Exclusive Jurisdiction.— The superior court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in cases of divorce ; in criminal cases where the offender is subjected to loss of life, or confinement in the penitentiary ; in cases respecting titles to land and equity cases. 2. Equity mat be Merged in Common Law Courts.— The General Assembly may confer upon the courts of common law, all the powers heretofore exercised by courts of equity in this State. History of Georgia. 3. General Jurisdiction. — Said courts shall have jurisdiction in all civil casee, except as hereinafter provided. 4. Appellate Jurisdiction. — They shall have appellate jurisdiction in all sucli cases as may be provided by law. 5. Certiorari, Mandamus, etc. — They shall have power to correct errors in inferior judicatories, by writ of certiorari, wliicli shall only issue on the sanction of the Judge ; and said courts and the judges thereof shall have power to issue writs of mandamus, prohibition, scire facias, and all other writs that may be necessary for carry- ing their powers fully into effect, and shall have such other powers as are or may be conferred on them by law. 6. Appeal from one Jury to Anotuer. — The General Assembly may provide for an appeal from one jury, in the superior and city courts, to another, and the said court may grant new trials on legal grounds. 7. Judgment by the Couut.— The court sh.all render judgment without the verdict of a jury, in all civil cases founded on unconditional contracts in \\riting, where an issuable defense is not filed under oath or affirmation. 8. Sessions. — The superior courts shall sit in each county not less than twice in each year, at such times as have been or may be appointed by law. 9. Presiding Judge Disqualified. — The General Assembly may provide by law for the appointment of some proper person to preside in cases where the presiding judge is, from any cause, disqualified. SECTION V. JUDGES OF SUPERIOR AND CITY COURTS. 1. Judges or Superior and City Courts May Alternate, When. — In any county within which there is, or hereafter may be, a city court, the judge of said court, and of the superior court, may preside in the courts of each other in cases where the judge of either court is disqualified to preside. SECTION VI. COURT OF ORDINARY. 1. Ordinary, Appeals from.— The powers of a court of ordinary, and of probate, shall be vested in an ordinary for each county, from whose decision there may be an appeal (or, by consent of parties, without a decision) to the superior court, under regu- lations prescribed by law. 2. Powers. —The courts of ordinary shall have such power's in relation to roads, bridges, ferries, public buildings, paupers, county officers, county funds, county taxes, and other county matters, as may be conferred on them by law. 3. Term of Office. — The ordinary shall hold his office for the term of four years, and until his successor is elected and qualified. SECTION VII. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1. Justices, Number and Term.— There shall be in each militia district one justice of the peace, whose official term, except when elected to fill an unexpired term, shall be four years. APPENDIX. 2. Jurisdiction. — Justices of the peace shall have jurisdiction in all civil cases, arising ex contractu, and in cases of injuries or damages to personal property, when the principal sum does not exceed one hundred dollars, and shall sit monthly at fixed times and places ; but in all cases there may be an appeal to a jury in said court, or an appeal to the superior court, under such regulations as may be prescribed by law. 3. Elections and Commissions.— Justices of the peace shall be elected by the legal voters in their respective districts, and shall be commissioned by the Governor. They shall be removable on conviction for malpractice in office. SECTION VIIT. NOTARIES PUBLIC. 1. NoTAEiES Public, How Appointed, etc. — Commissioned notaries public, not to exceed one for each militia district, may be appointed by the judges of superior courts in their respective circuits, upon recommendation of the grand juries of the several coun- ties. They shall be commissioned by the Governor for the term of four years, and shall be ex officio justices of the peace, and shall be removable on conviction for malpractice in office. SECTION IX. UNIFORMITY OF COURTS. 1. Uniformity Provided For. — The jurisdiction, powers, proceedings and practice of all courts or officers invested with judicial powers (except city courts), of the same grade or class, so far as regulated by law, and the force and effect of the process, judg- ment and decree, by such courts, severally, shall be uniform. This uniformity must be established by the General Assembly. SECTION X. ATTORNEY-GEN E 1 ! AL. 1. Attorney-General ; Election.— There shall be an attorney-general of this State, who shall be elected by the people at the same time, for the same term, and in the same manner as the Governor. 2. Duties.— It shall be the duty of the attorney-general to act as the legal adviser of the Executive Department, to represent the State in the Supreme Court in all capital felonies; and in all civil and criminal cases in any court when required by the Governor, and to perform such other services as shall be required of him by law, SECTION XI. SOLICITOR-GENERAL. 1. Solicitor-General ; Term. — There shall be a solicitor-general for each judicial circuit, whose official terra (except to All a vacancy) shall be four years. The successors of present and subsequent incumbents shall be elected by the electors of the whole State, qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, at the general election held next preceding the expiration of their respective terms. Every vacancy occasioned by death, resignation or other cause, shall be filled by appointment of the Governor until the xxxii History of Georgia. first day of January after the general election held next after the expiration of thirty days from the tinae such vacancy occurs, at which election a successor for the unexpired term shall be elected : Provided, that the successors for all incumbents whose terms expire on or before the first day of January, 1899, shall be elected by the General Assembly at its session for 1898, for the full term of four years. 2. Duties.— It shall be the duty of the solicitor-general to represent the State in all cases in the superior courts of his circuit, and in all cases taken up from his circuit to the Supreme Court, and to perform such other services as shall be required of him by law. SECTION XII. ELECTIONS OF JUDGES, ETC. 1. Judges Elected by General Assembly ; Vacancies. — The Judges of Supreme and superior courts, and solicitors-general, shall be elected by the General Assembly, in joint session, on such day or days as shall be fixed by joint resolution of both houses. At the session of the General Assembly which is held next before the expiration of the terms of the present incumbents, as provided in this Constitution, their successors shall be chosen ; and the same shall apply to the election of those who shall succeed them. Vacancies occasioned by death, resignation or other cause, shall be filled by appointment of the Governor, until the General Assembly shall convene, when an election shall be held to fill the unexpired portion of the vacant terms. SECTION XIII. JUDICIAL SALARIES. 1. Salaries of Judges.— The judges of the Supreme Court shall have, out of the treasury of the State, salaries not to exceed three thousand dollars per annum ; the judges of the superior courts shall have salaries not to exceed two thousand dollars per annum ; the attorney-general shall have a salary not to exceed two thousand dollars per annum ; and the solicitors-general each shall have salaries not to exceed two hundred and fifty dollars per annum ; but the attorney-general shall not have any fee or perquisite in any cases arising after the adoption of this Constitution ; but the provisions of this section shall not affect the salaries of those now in office. 2. How Salaries may be Changed.— The General Assembly may at any time, by a two-thirds vote of each branch, prescribe other and different salaries for any, or all, of the above officers, but no such change shall affect the officers then in commission. SECTION XIV. QUALIFICATION OP JUDGES, ETC. ]. Qualifications.— No person shall be judge of the Supreme or superior courts or attorney -general, unless, at the time of his election, he shall have attained the age of thirty years, and shall have been a citizen of the State three years, and have practiced law for seven years ; and no person shall be hereafter elected solicitor-general, unless, at the time of his election, he shall have attained twenty-five years of age, shall have been a citizen of the State for three years, and shall have practiced law for three years next pre- ceding his election. Appendix. xxxih SECTION XV. DIVORCE. 1. Divorce.— No total divorce shall be granted, except on the concurrent verdicts of two juries at different terms of the court. 2. Last Jury Determines Disabilities.— When a divorce is granted, the jury rendering the final verdict shall determine the rights and disabilities of the parties. SECTION XVI. VENUE. 1. Divorce Casks, Where Brought. — Divorce cases shall be brought in the county where the defendant resides, if a resident of this State ; if the defendant be not a resident of this State, then in the county in which the plaintiff resides. 2. Land, Titles, Where Tried.— Cases respecting titles to land shall be tried in the county where the land lies, except where a single tract is "divided by a county line, in which case the superior court in either county shall have jurisdiction. 3. Equity Cases. — Equity cases shall be tried in the county where a defendant resides against whom substantial relief is prayed. 4. Suits Against Joint Obligors, etc. — Suits against joint obligors, joint promis- sors, copartners, or joint trespassers, residing in different counties, may be tried in either county. 5. Suits Against Maker and Indorser, etc.— Suits against the maker and • indorser of promissory notes, or drawer, acceptor and indorser of foreign or inland bills of exchange, or like instruments, residing in different counties, shall be brought in the county where the maker or acceptor resides. 6. All Other Cases.— All other civil cases shall be tried in the county where the defendant resides, and all criminal cases shall be tried in the county where the crime was committed, except cases in the superior courts where the judge is satisfied that an impartial jury cannot be obtained in such county. SECTION XVII. CHANGE OF VENUE. 1. Power to Change Venue.— The power to change the venue in civil and criminal cases shall be vested in the superior courts, to be exercised in such manner as has been, or shall be, provided by law. SECTION XVIII. JURY TRIALS. L Trial by Jury.- The right of trial by jury, except where it is otherwise provided in this Constitution, shall remain inviolate, but the General Assembly may prescribe any number, not less than five, to constitute a trial or traverse jury in courts other than the superior and city courts. 2. Selection of Jurors.— The General Assembly shall provide by law for the selection of the most experienced, intelligent and upright men to serve as grand jurors, and intelligent and upright men to serve as traverse jurors. Nevertheless, the grand jurors shall be competent to serve as traverse jurors. xxxiv History of Georgia. 3. Compensation of Jurors.— It shall be the duty of the General Assembly, by general laws, to prescribe the manner of fixing compensation of jurors in all counties in this State. SECTION XIX. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. 1. Power to Create County Commissioners. — The General Assembly shall have power to provide for the creation of county commissioners in such counties as may require them, and to define their duties. SECTION XX. WHAT COURTS MAY BE ABOLISHED. 1. Power TO Abolish Courts. — All courts not specially mentioned by name in the first section of this Article, may be abolished in any county, at the discretion of the General Assembly. SECTION XXI. SUPREME COURT COSTS. 1. Costs in Supreme Court. — The costs in the Supreme Court shall not exceed ten dollars, until otherwise provided by law. Plaintiffs in error shall not be required to pay costs in said court when the usual pauper oath is filed in the court below. ARTICLE VII. FnJAJfCE, TAXATION AND PUBLIC DEBT. SECTION I. POWER OP TAXATION. 1. Taxation, How and for What Purpose Exercised. — The powers of taxation over the whole State shall be exercised by the General Assembly for the following pur- poses only: For the support of the State government and the public institutions. For educational purposes, in instructing children in the elementary branches of an English education only. To pay the interest on the public debt. To pay the principal of the public debt. To supi)ress insurrection, to repel invasion, -and defend the State in time of wai. To supply the soldiers who lost a limb, or limbs, in the military service of the Confederate States, with substantial artificial limbs during life, and to make suitable provision for such Confederate soldiers as may have been otherwise disabled or permanently injured in such service; or who, by reason of age and poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or blindness and poverty, are unable to provide a living for themselves ; and for the widows of such Confederate soldiers as may have died in the service of Confederate States, or since from APPENDIX. XXXV woundB received therein, or disease contracted therein : Provided, this para- graph shall only apply to such widows as were married at the time of such service and have remained unmarried since the death of such soldier husbands. (This paragraph has been amended so as to limit the levy of taxes for any one year to five millB on each dollar of taxable property, except iu time of war.) SECTION II. TAXATION AND EXEMPTIONS. 1. MtTST BK Unitorm, ETC.; DoGS.— All taxation shall be uniform upon the same class of subjects, and ad valorem on all property subject to be taxed within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax, and shall be levied and collected under general laws. The General Assembly may, however, impose a tax upon such domestic animals as, from their nature and habits, are destructive of other property. 2. Exemptions. — The General Assembly may, by law, exempt from taxation all public property, places of religious worship or burial ; all institutions of purely public charity ; all buildings erected for and used as a college, incorporated academy, or other seminary of learning ; the real and personal estate of any public library, and that of any other literary association, used by or connected with such library ; all books and philo- sophical apparatus ; and all paintings and statuary of any company of association, kept in a public hall, and not held as merchandise, or for purposes of sale or gain : Provided, the property so exempted be not used for purposes of private or corporate profit or income. 3. Poll Tax. — No poll tax shall be levied except for educational purposes, and such tax shall not exceed one dollar annually, upon each poll. 4. Laws Exempting Property Void. — All laws exempting property from taxation, other than the property herein enumerated, shall be void. 5. Ta.x on Corporations. — The power to tax corporations and corporate property, ehall not be surrendered or suspended by any contract or grant to Which the State shall be a party. SECTION III. STATE DEBT. 1. Debts, for What Contracted.— No debt shall be contracted by or on behalf of the State, except to supply casual deficiencies of revenue, to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, and defend the State in time of war, or to pay the existing public debt ; but the debt created to supply deficiencies in revenue shall not exceed, in the aggregate, two hundred thousand dollars. SECTION IV. DEBT, HOW CONTRACTED. 1. Form op Laws to Borrow Money.— All laws authorizing the borrowing of money by or on behalf of the State, shall specify the purposes for which the money is to be used, and the money so obtained shall be used for the purpose specified, and for no other. xxxvi History of Georgia. SECTION V. STATE AID. 1. State Aid Forbidden. — The credit of the State Bhall not be pledged or loaned to any individual, company, corporation or association, and the State shall not become a joint owner or stockholder in any company, association or corporation. SECTION VI. PURPOSES OF TAXATION BT COUNTIES AND CITIES. 1. Restrictions on Counties and Cities. — The General Assembly shall not author- ize any county, municipal corporation, or political division of this State, to become a stockholder in any company, corporation, or association, or to appropriate money for, or to loan its credit to, any corporation, company, association, institution, or individual, ex- cept for purely charitable purposes. This restriction shall not operate to prevent the support of schools by municipal corporations within their respective limits: Provided, that if any municipal corporation shall offer to the State any property for locating or building a capitol, and the State accepts such offer, the corporation may comply with such offer. 2. Taxing Power op Counties Limited.— The General Assembly shall not have power to delegate to any county the right to levy a tax for any purpose, except for educational purposes in instructing children in the elementary branches of an English education only ; to build and repair the public buildings and bridges ; to maintain and support prisoners ; to pay jurors and coroners, and for litigation, quarantine, roads and expenses of courts ; to support paupers and pay debts heretofore existing. SECTION VII. LIMITATION ON MUNICIPAL DEBTS. L Debt op Counties and Cities Not to Exceed Seven Per Cent. — The debt hereafter incurred by any county, municipal corporation, or political division of this State, except as in this Constitution provided for, shall not exceed seven per centum of the assessed value of all the taxable property therein, and no such county, municipality, or division, shall incur any new debt, except for a temporary loan or loans to supply casual deficiencies of revenue, not to exceed one-fifth of one per centum of the assessed value of taxable property therein, without the assent of two-thirds of the qualified voters thereof, at an election for that purpose, to be held as may be prescribed by law; but any city, the debt of which does not exceed seven per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, may be authorized by law to increase, at any time, the amount of said debt, three per centum upon such assessed valuation. 2. CouNTT and City Bonds, How Paid.— Any county, municipal corporation, or political division of this State, which shall incur any bonded indebtedness under the pro- visions of this Constitution, shall, at or before the time of so doing, provide for the asscHsnient and collection of an annual tax, sufticient in amount to pay the principal and interest of said debt within thirty years from the date of the incurring of said indebted' nesa. Appendix. xxxvii SECTION VIII. ASSTTMPTION OP DEBT. 1. Assumption op Debts Forbidden.— The State shall not assume the debt, nor any part thereof, of any county, municipal corporation, or political division of the State, unless such debt shall be contracted to enable the State to repel invasion, suppress insur- rection, or defend itself in time of war. SECTION IX. PUBLIC MONEY. 1. Profit on Public Monet. — The receiving, directly or indirectly, by any oflicer of the State or county, or member or officer of the General Assembly, of any interests, profits or perquisites arising from the use or loan of public fnnds in his hands, or moneys to be raised through his agency for State or county purposes, shall be deemed a felony, and punishable as may be prescribed by law, a part of which punishment shall be a disqualification from holding office. SECTION X. CITY DEBTS. 1. City Debts, How Incurred. — Municipal corporations shall not incur any debt until provision therefor shall have been made by the municipal government. SECTION XI. VOID BONDS. 1. Certain Bonds Shall Not be Paid.— The General Assembly shall have no authority to appropriate money directly or indirectly, to pay the whole, or any part, of the principal or interest of the bonds, or other obligations, which have been pronounced illegal, null and void, by the General Assembly, and the constitutional amendments ratified by a vote of the people on the first day of May, 1877 ; nor shall the General Assembly have authority to pay any of the obligations created by the State under laws passed during the late war between the States, nor any of the bonds, notes, or obligations made and entered into during the existence of said war, the time for the payment of which was fixed after the ratification of a treaty of peace between tae United States and the Confederate States ; nor shall the General Assembly pass any law, or the Governor, or other State official, enter into any contract or agreement, whereby the State shall be made a party to any suit in any court of this State, or of the United States, instituted to test the validity of any such bonds or obligations. SECTION xn. PUBLIC DEBT NOT TO BE INCREASED. 1. Bonded Debt Not to Increase.— The boncjed debt of the State shall never be increased, except to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to defend the State in time of war. xxxviii HISTORY OF Georgia. SECTION XIII. PUBLIC PROPERTY PLEDGED FOR STATE'S DEBT. I. State's Property Mat be Sold to Pat Bonded Debt.— The proceeds of the sale of the Western and Atlantic, Macon and Brunswick, or other railroads held by the State, and any other property owned by the State, whenever the General Assembly may authorize the sale of the whole, or any part thereof, shall be applied to the payment of the bonded debt of the State, and shall not be used for any other purpose whatever, so long as the State has any existing bonded debt : Provided, that the proceeds of the sale of the Western and Atlantic Railroad shall be applied to the payment of the bonds for which said railroad has been mortgaged, in preference to all other bonds. SECTION XIV. SINKING FUND. 1. Sinking Fund. — The General Assembly shall raise by taxation each year, in ad- dition to the sum required to pay the public expenses and interests on the public debt, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, which shall be held as a sinking fund to pay off and retire the bonds of the State which have not yet matured, and shall be applied to no other purpose whatever. If the bonds cannot at any time be purchased at or below par, then the sinking fund, herein provided for, may be loaned by the Governor and treasurer of the State: Provided, the security which shall be demanded for said loan shall consist only of the valid bonds of the State ; but this section shall not take effect until the eight per cent, currency bonds, issued under the Act of February 19th, 1873, shall have been paid. SECTION XV. REPORTS. 1. Quarterly Reports op Comptroller and Treasurer.— The comptroller- general and treasurer shall each make to the Governor a quarterly report of the financial condition of the State, which report shall include a statement of the assets, liabilities and income of the State, and expenditures therefor, for the three months preceding ; and it shall be the duty of the Governor to carefully examine the same by himself, or through competent persons connected with his department, and cause an abstract thereof to be published for the information of the people, which abstract shall be indorsed by him as having been examined. SECTION XYI. DONATIONS. 1. Donations Forbidden.— The General Assembly shall not, by vote, resolution, or order, grant any donation, or gratuity, in favor of any person, corporation, or associa- tion. 2. Extra Compensation Forbidden.— The General Assembly shall not grant or authorize extra compensation to any public officer, agent, or contractor, after the service has been rendered, or the contract entered into. Appendix. xxxix SECTION XVII. PTJBLIC PRINTING. 1. Public Printing.— The office of the State printer shall cease with the expiration of the term of the present incumbent, and the General Assembly shall provide, by law, for letting the public printing to the lowest responsible bidder, or bidders, who shall give adequate and satisfactory security for the faithful performance thereof. No member of the General Assembly, or other public officer, shall be interested, either directly or in directly, in any such contract. ARTICLE VIII. EDUCATION. SECTION I. COMMON SCHOOLS. 1. Common Schools. — There shall be a thorough system of common schools for the education of children in the elementary branches of an English education only, as nearly uniform as practicable, the expenses of which shall be provided for by taxation, or otherwise. The schools shall be tree to all children of the State, but separate schools shall be provided for the white and colored races. SECTION II. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. 1. State School Commissioner. —There shall be a State school commissioner, elected by the people at the same time and manner as the Governor and State House offi- cers are elected, whose term of office shall be two years, and until his successor is ap- pointed and qualified. His office shall be at the seat of government, and he shall be paid a salary not to exceed two thousand dollars per annum. The General Assembly may sub- stitute for the State school commissioner such officer, or officers, as may be deemed nec- essary to perfect the system of public education. SECTION III. SCHOOL FUND. 1. School Fund. — The poll tax, any educational fund now belonging to the Slate (except the endowment of, and debt due to, the University of Georgia), a special tax on shows and exhibitions, and on the sale of spirituous and malt liquors, whicli the General Assembly is hereby authorized to assess, and the i)roceeds of any comnnitation tax for military service, and all taxes that may be assessed on such domestic animals as, from their nature and habits, are destructive to other property, are hereby set apart and devoted for the support of common schools. xl History of Georgia. SECTION IV„ EDUCATIONAL TAX. 1. CoTJNTiKa AKD CITIES MAT TAX FOK PUBLIC SCHOOLS.— Authority may be granted to counties, militia districts, school districts, and to municipal corporations upon the recommendation of the corporate authority, to establish and maintain public schools in their respective limits, by local taxation ; but no such local laws shall take eflfect until the same shall have beeu submitted to a vote of the qualified voters in each county, militia district, school district, or municipal corporation, aud approved by a two-thirds majority of those voting at such election; and the (jeneral Asseuibly may prescribe who shall vote on such qutistion. SECTION V. LOCAL SYSTEMS. 1. LooAi, Schools not Affected.— Existing local school systems shall not be affected by this Constitution. Nothing contained in first section of this article shall be construed to deprive schools in this State, not common schools, from participation in the educational fund of the State, as to all pupils therein taught in the elementary branches of an English education. SECTION VI. UNFVERSITY OP GEORGIA. 1. State University.- The trustees of the University of Georgia may accept be- quests, donations and grants of land, or other property, for the use of said University. In addition to the payment, of the annual interest on the debt due by the State to the University, the General Assembly may, from time to time, make such donations thereto as the condition of the treasury will authorize. And the General Assembly may also, from time to time, make such appropriations of money as the condition of the treasury will auhorize, to any college or university (not exceeding one in number) now established, or hereafter to be established, in this State for the education of persons of color. AETICLE IX. HOMESTEAD AND EXEMPTION'S. SECTION I. HOMESTEAD. 1. Homestead and Exemption.— There shall be exempt from levy and sale, by virtue of any process whatever under tlie laws of this State, except as hereinafter excepted, of the property of every head of a family, or guardian or trustee of a family of minor children, or every aged or infirm person, or person having the care and support of dependent females of any age, who is not the head of a family, realty or personalty, or both, to- the value in the aggregate of sixteen hundred dollars. APPENDIX. xli SECTION II. EXEMPTION. 1. Protection Guabanteed.— No court or ministerial officer in thiis State 8iial\ ever liave jurisdiction or autiiority to enforce any judgment, execution, or decree, against the property set apart for such purpose, including such improvements as may be made thereon from time to time, except for taxes, for the purchase money of the same, for labor done thereon, for material furnished therefor, or for the removal of incumbrances thereon. SECTION III. WAIVER OF HOMESTEAD. I.Mat be Waived, How Fau ; IIow Sold.— The debtor shall have power to waive or renounce in writing his right to the benefit of the exemption provided for in this Article, except as to wearing apparel, and not exceeding three hundred dollars worth of household and kitchen furniture, and provisions, to be selected by himself and his wife, if any, and he shall not, after it is set apart, alienate or encumber the property so exempted, but it may be sold by the debtor, and his wife, if any, jointly, with the sanction of the judge of the superior court of the county where the debtor resides or the land is situated, the proceeds to be reinvested upon the same uses. SECTION IV. HOMESTEAD SET APART, IIOW. 1. Setting Apart Short Homestead.— The General Assembly shall provide, by law, as early as practicable, for the setting apart and valuation of said property. But nothing in this Article shall be construed to affect or repeal the existing laws for exemp- tion of property from sale, contained in tlie present Code of this State, in paragraphs 2040 to 2049, inclusive, and the acts amendatory thereto. It may be optional with the applicant to take either, bnt not both, of such exemptions. SECTION V. SHORT HOMESTEAD WAITED. 1. Short Homestead mat be Waived.— The debtor shall have authority to waive or renounce in writing his right to the benefit of the exemption provided for in section four, except as is excepted in section three of this Article. SECTION VI. HOMESTEAD SUPPLEMENTRD. 1. Supplemental Homestead.— The applicant shall at any time have the right to supplement his exemption ])y adding to an amount already set apart, which is less tlian the whole amount of exemption herein allowed, a sufficiency to make his exemption equal to the whole amount. xlii HISTORY OF GEORGIA. SECTION VII. FORMEK HOMESTEADS PRESERVED. 1. Homesteads Heretofore Set Apart. — Homesteads and exemptions of pen sonal property which have been heretofore set apart by virtue of the provisions of the existing Constitution of this State, and in accordance with the laws for the enforcement thereof, or which may be hereafter so set apart, at any time, shall be and remain valid as against all debts and liabilities existing at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, to the same extent that they would have been had said existing Constitution not been revised. SECTION" VIII. PRIOR RIGHTS TO EXEMPTION PRESERVED. 1. Vested Rights Protected. — Rights which have become vested under previously existing laws shall not be aflEected by anything lierehi contained. lu all cases in which homesteads have been set apart under the Constitution of 1868, and ttie laws made in pursuance thereof, and a bona fide sale of such property has been subsequently made and the full purchase price thereof has been paid, all right of exemption in such property by reason of its having been so set apart, shall cease in so far as it affects the right of the purchaser. In all such cases where a part only of the purchase price has been paid, such transactions shall be governed by the laws now of force in this State, in so far as they affect the rights of the purchaser, as though said property had not been set apart. SECTION IX. SALE OF HOMESTEAD. 1. Sale and Reinvestment op Homestead. — Parties who have taken a homestead of realty under the Constitution of 1868 shall have the right to sell said homestead and relnveBt the same, by order of the judge of the superior courts of this State. AETICLE X. MILITIA. SECTION I. MILiITIA AND VOLUNTEERS. 1. Organization op Militia.— A well regulated militia being essential to ihe peace and security of the State, the General Assembly shall have authority to provide by law how the militia of this State shall be organized, officered, trained, armed, and equipped ; and of whom it shall consist. 2. Volunteers. — The General Assembly shall have power to authorize the formation of volunteer companies, and to provide for their organization into battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions and corps, with such restrictions as may be prescribed by law, and shall have authority to arm and equip the same. Appendix. xliii 3. Pat op Militia.— The officers and men of the militia and volunteer forces shall not be entitled to receive any pay, rations, or emoluments, when not in active service by authority of the State. ARTICLE XI. COUNTIES AND COUNTY OFFICERS. SECTION I. COUNTIES. 1. Counties ark Corporate Bodies.— Each county shall be a body corporate, with sv.ch powers and limitations as may be prescribed by law. All suits by or against a county, shall be in the name thereof ; and the metes and bounds of the several counties shall remain as now prescribed by law, unless changed as hereinafter provided. 2. New Counties Not Allowed.— (There shall not be more than 146 counties.) 3. Change of County Lines.— County lines shall not be changed unless under the operation of a general law for that purpose. 4. Change of County Sites. — No county-site shall be changed or removed, except by a two-thirds vote of the qualified voters of the county, voting at an election held for that purpose, and a two-thirds vote of the General Assembly. 5. Dissolution op Counties. — Any county may be dissolved and merged with contiguous counties, by a two-thirds vote of the qualified electors of such county, voting at an election held for that purpose. SECTION II. COUNTY OFFICERS. 1. County Oppicers. — The county, officers shall be elected by the qualified voters of their respective counties, or districts, and shall hold their offices for two years. They shall be removed on conviction for malpractice in office, and no person shall be eligible to any of the offices referred to in this paragraph, unless he shall have been a resident of the county for two years, and is a qualified voter. SECTION III. UNIFORMITY IN COUNTY OPPICERS. 1. County Oppicers to be Uniform.- Whatever tribunal, or officers, may here- After be created oy the General Assembly for the transaction of county matters, shall be uniform throughout the State, and of the same name, jurisdiction and remedies, except that the General Assembly may provide for the appointment of commissioners of roads and revenue in any county. SECTION IV. STATE CAPITAL. 1. Capital in Atlanta.— The city of Atlanta shall be the capital of the State, until changed by the same authority, and in the same way, that is provided for the alteration of this Constitution. xliv History of Georgia. ARTICLE XII. THE LAWS OF GENERAL OPERATION" IN FORCE IN" THIS STATE. SECTION I. 1. Supreme Law, "What Is. — The laws of general operation in this State are, first, as the supreme law : The Constitution of the United States, the laws of the United States in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made under the authority of tlie United States. 2. Second in Authoritt. — Second, as next in authority thereto: this Constitution. 3. Third in Authority. — Third, in subordination to the foregoing: All laws now of force in this State, not inconsistent with this Constitution, and the ordinances of this Convention, shall remain of force until the same are modified or repealed by the General ' Assembly. The tax acts and appropriation acts passed by the General Assembly of 1877, and approved by the Governor of the State, and not inconsistent with the Constitution, are hereby continued in force until altered by law. 4. Local and Private Acts.— Local and private acts passed for the benefit of coun- ties, cities, towns, corporations, and private persons, not inconsistent with the supreme law, nor with this Constitution, and which have not expired nor been repealed, shall have the force of statute law, subject to judicial decision as to their validity when passed, and to any limitations imposed by their own terms. 5. Vested Rights Secured. — All rights, privileges and immunities which may have been vested in, or accrued to, any person or persons, or corporation, in his, her or their own right, or in any fiduciary capacity, under and in virtue of, any act of the General Assembly, or any judgment, decree or order, or other proceeding of any court of compe- tent jurisdiction in this State, heretofore rendered, shall be held inviolate by all courts before which they may be brought in question, unless attacked for fraud. 6. Acts of Courts Confirmed. — All judgments, decrees, orders, and other proceed- ings, of the several courts of this State, heretofore made, within the limits of their several jurisdictions, are hereby ratified and affirmed, subject only to reversal by motion for a new trial, appeal, bill of review, or other proceeding, in conformity with the law of force when they were made. 7. Existing Officers. — The officers of the government now existing, shall continue in the exercise of their several functions until their successors are duly elected or ap- pointed, and qualified; but nothing herein is to apply to any officer whose office may be abolished by this Constitution. 8. Ordinances. — The ordinances of this Convention shall have the force of laws until otherwise provided by the General Assembly, except the ordinances in reference to submitting the homestead and capital question to a vote of the people, which ordinances, after being voted on, shall have the effect of constitutional provisions, ARTICLE XIII. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTIOU. SECTION T. 1. Constitution, How Amended. — Any amendment, or amendments, to this Consti- tution may be proposed in the Senate or House of Representatives, and if the same shall APPENDIX. xlv fis agreed to, by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two houses, such pro- posed amendment, or amendments shall be entered on their journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon. And the General Assembly shall cause such amendment or amend, ments to be published in one or more newspapers in each congressional district, for two months previous to the time of holding the next general election, and shall also provide for a submission of such proposed amendment or amendments to the people at said next general election, and if the people shall ratify such amendment or amendments, by a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of tlie General Assembly, voting thereon, such amendment or amendments shall become a part of this Constitution. When more than one amendment is submitted at the same time, they shall be so gubmitted as to enable the electors to vote on each amendment separately. 2. Convention, How Called. — No convention of the people shall be called by the General Assembly to revise, amend, or change this Constitution, unless by a concurrence of two-thirds of all the members of each house of the General Assembly. The repre-! sentation in said convention shall be based on population as near as practicable. SECTION II. CONSTITUTION, HOW RATIFIED. 1. Constitution, How Ratified. — The Constitution shall be submitted for ratifica- tion or rejection to the electors of the State, at an election to be held on the first Wednes- day in December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, in the several election districts of this State, at which election every person shall be entitled to vote who is entitled to vote for the members of the General Assembly under the Constitution and laws of force at the date of such election ; said election to be held and conducted as is now provided by law for holding elections for members of the General Assembly. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting the Constitution, shall write or have printed on their ballots the words "For Ratification," and all persons opposed to the adoption of this Constitution shall write or have printed on their ballots the words "Against Ratification." 2. Consolidation of Votes.— The votes cast at said election shall be consolidated in each of the counties of this State, as is now required by law in elections for members of the General Assembly, and returns thereof made to the Governor ; and should a majority of all the votes cast at said election be in favor of ratification, he shall declare the said Constitution adopted, and make proclamation of the result of said election by publication in one or more newspapers in each congressional district of the State, but should a majority of the votes cast be against ratification, he shall In the same manner proclaim the said Constitution rejected. CONSTITUTION RATIFIED. Ratified by a vote of the People at an election held on the fifth day of December, 1877. The Convention which adopted the Constitution met on the eleventh day of July, and adjourned on the twenty-fifth day of August, 1877. GOVERNORS OF GEORGIA. COLONIAL : Gen. James E. Oglethorpe. 1732 William Stephens (Acting) 1748 Henry Parker (Acting) . 1751 PROVINCIAL : John Reynolds . Henry Ellis James Wright . PROVISIONAL : Archibald Bullock, Presi- 1754 1757 1760 dent . 1776 Button Gwinnett, ^resi- dent . 1777 STATE : John A. Treutlen . . 1777 John Houstoun . 1778 John Wereat . . 1778 George Walton . 1779 Richard Howley . 1780 Stephen Heard . 1781 Nathan Brownson . 1781 John Martin . . 1783 Lyman Hall . 1783 John Houstoun . 1784 Samuel Elbert . . 1785 Edward Telfair , 1786 George Matthews . 1787 George Handly . 1788 George Walton . 1789 Edward Telfair . 1790 George Matthews . 1793 Jared Irwin . 1796 James Jackson . . 1798 David Emanuel . 1801 JosiAH Tatnall . 1801 John Milledge . . 1802 Jared Irwin . 1806 David B. Mitchell . 1809 Peter Early . 1813 David B. Mitchell . 1815 William Rabun . 1817 Matthew Talbot, Presi- dent of Senate . .1819 John Clark . . . 1819 George M. Troup . . 1823 John Forsyth . . . 1827 George R. Gilmer . . 1829 Wilson Lumpkin . . 1831 William Schley . . 1833 George R. Gilmer . . 1837 Charles J. McDonald . 1839 George W. Crawford . 1843 George W. Towns . . 1847 Howell Cobb . . . 1851 IIerschel V. Johnson , 1853 Joseph E, Brown , . 1857 James Johnson, Provisional Governor . . . 1865 Charles J. Jenkins . . 1865 Gen. T. H. Ruger, U.S.A., Military Governor . . 1868 RuFus B. Bullock . . 1868 Benjamin Conley, Presi- dent of Senate . . 1871 James M. Smith . . 1872 Alfred H. Colquitt . 1876 Alexander H. Stephens . 1882 James S. Boynton, Presi- dent of Senate . . 1883 Henry D. McDaniel . 1883 John B. Gordon . . 1886 W. J. NORTHEN . . 1890 W. Y. Atkinson . . 1894 A. D. Candler . . . 1898 Joseph M. Terrell . . 1902 Hoke Smith 1907 Jos. M. Brown 1909 INDEX (Pronunciations according to Webster.) Academy, Chatham, 128 ; Richmond, 127, 137 ; Mt. Zion, 108. Acadians, 56. Acadie (a'ka-dS'), 56. Acworth, 290. Adams, John Q., 207. Adjutant-general, office created, 268. Agricultural and Mechanical Arts — branch colleges— Cuthbert, .324 ; Dahlonega, 318 ; Milledgeville, Thomasville, 324. Agricultural district schools, 352. — products of Georgia, App. iii. — Society, 167. Alcermau, A. T., .318. Alexander, E. P., 298, .330. AUatoona, 294. Altamaha River, 10, 26, 159. Amelia Island, 25, 171. Americus Vespucius, 3. Amnesty Oath, 304. Anaesthesia, 249. Anderson, C. D., 292. — G. T., 284. Andrew, Rev. Jas. O., 238 ; biog., 289. Appalachee River, 183. Appalachicola, ambush near, 182. Appling, Col. Dan'l, 177. Appomattox Court House, 298. Arbuckle, Col., 181. Argyle (ar-gll'), Duke of, 28. "Articled" servants, 40. Articles of Confederation, 134. Ashburn, 326. Ashe, General, 104. Assembly, first General, 46 ; two houses of, 52 ; Provincial (1780), 114 ; organized by Walton, 115. Athens, 156, 344. Atkinson, W. Y., 341 ; biog., 346.* Atlanta, 242; burned, 294, 310, 311, 322; made capital, 342 ; battles near, 292, 293. 337 ; jubilee at, 347. Atlanta, Confederate ram, 285. Attakullakulla, 62, 00. Augusta, 25, 08, 100, 103, 105 ; occupied by British, 115, 117, 130, 131, 273, 343. 344. Autossee, battle, 176. Ayllon, Lucas Vasquez de (lu'kas vas'kfith dil Il-yOn'), 4. Azilia, Margravate of, 10. Bacon, A. O., 341 ; biog., 345. — Samuel, 47. Baker, Benjamin, 47. — Col. John, 97. — County Swamp, battle in, 230. Baldwin, Abram, 1,35, 136, 137 ; biog., 164. Bank, first in Georgia, 168. Banks, specie payment stopped, 244. Barbecue, 193. Barnett, Samuel, 324. Barrow, David C, 351 ; biog., 353. — Pope, 387 ; biog., 329. Bartow, Francis, 271, 272, 277. Beall, Col. A. A., 230. Beaulieu (bol-yuh'), 107. Benjamin, Col., 100. Benning, Henry L., 266, 286. Bentonville, 298. Berner, Col. Robert, 344. Berrien, J. M., 211 ; biog., 216. 224, 247, 261. Bethesda Asylum, 37. Bibb, W. W., 178, 180 ; biog., 186. Big Shanty, engine stealing exploit at, 282. Big Warrior, 203. Bill of Rights, 70. Bills of Credit as money, 65. Bimini, 3. Bissell, Alex., 139. Black, J. C. C, 3.38, 342. Blackshear, David, 177 ; biog., 178. Blackshear's road, 178. Bleckley, Logan E., 334 ; biog., 335, 348. Blockade of Georgia coasts, 278. xlviii Index. Bloody Marsh, 34. Boggs, Brig.-Gen. W. R., 801. — Dr. Wui. E., 348. Bolzius (bolt'sl-us), Rev. Mr., 41. Bosomworth Claim, 42. Boundaries of Province (1765), 68. — West and North settled, 159. Boundary line, Fla., 67, 124, 183 ; S. Car., 131 ; N. Car., 165 ; Tenn., 183. Bourbon (boor'biin) County, 149. Bowen (bO'Sn), Commodore, 85. Boyd, Col., 100, 101. Boynton, Jas. 8., biog., 328. Bradwell, S. D., 338, 352. Branson, E. C, 338. Breckenridge, John C, 267. Brier Creek, battle, 104. Broad River, Virginians settle on, 129, 167. Broken Arrow, Council, 208. Brown, Col., 100, 115, 116, 117, 123. — Jos. E., 265 ; biog., 268 ; 271, 273, 278, 282, 293, 295, 296, 302, 303, 308, 313, 324-326, 330, 337. — Jos. M., 356; biog., 357. — Col. Oscar J., 343. Brownson, Nathan, 121, 125, 137. Brumby, Lieut., 344, 348. Brunswick, 168. — Jonathan, 57, 74, 79, 99. Buchanan, Jas., 263. Bulloch, Archibald, 77, 79, 86, 87, 137. — Wm. B., 178. Bullock, Rufus B., 311, 312 ; biog., 313, 315; charges against, 316. Burgoyne's surrender, 97. Butler. Elizur, 221. Calhoun, 888. — Jno. C, 184. Calhountown, 203. California, controversy over, 257. Campbell, Col., 97, 99, 100, 103. — Duncan G., 215, 237. Candler, Gov. A. D., 347 ; biog., 349. — Col. Jno. S., 344, 350. — Dr. W. A., 348. Capers, F. W., 277. Capital, Atlanta, 322; Augusta, 1.31; Heard's Fort, 115; Louisville, 130; Milledgeville, 163 ; Savannah, 55. Capitol building, 166, 330. Carnes, Peter J., IBO. — Thos. P., 153. Carpet Baggers, 307. Carr, Thos., 59. Carswell, R. W., 892. Cassville, 288. Catliolics, 56. Cave Springs, 254. Centennial of Georgia, 227. Central Railroad, 241. Cession of land by Indians to Gov. Wright, (1773) 78 ; to U. S., (1802) 158, 163 ; by Cherokees, (1817) 182, (1818) 183, (1835) 229 ; by Creeks, (1783) 128, (1802) 159, (1814) 176, (1818) 183, (1825) 208, (1826) 213, (1827) 214 ; by Georgia to U. S., 158, 159 ; by Spain, (1819) 184 ; general review of, App. viii. Challibbee, battle, 176. Charlton, Robt. M., 262. Charter of Georgia, 14. Chattahoochee River, 183, 209, 290. " Cherokee Georgia," 218. — War, 61, 66. Cherokees, their laws, 61 ; defeat of, 66 ; troubles with, 203, 218, 228. Chestatee River, 183. Chiaha (ch6-a-ha'), 7. Chickamauga, battle of, 286. — Park, camps, 344. Chisholm vs. Georgia, 141. Civil Government, App. v. Clark, Elijah, 116 : biog., 119. — John, 100, 103, 194, 197, 198, 200 ; biog., 201, 202, 205. — party, 198. Clark's Creek, 100. — Mills, murders at, 181. Clarkites, 198. Clay, Alex. S., 343 ; biog., 846 ; 350 — Joseph, 137. Clay's Compromise, 225, 258. Clergymen not eligible to legislature, 92. Cleveland, President, at Atlanta, 335. Clifton, William, 57. Climate of Georgia, App. ii. Clinch, Duncan L., 257 ; biog., 260. Cobb, Howell, 258, 261 ; biog., 263, 270, 275, 278, 284, 286, 303. — Thos. R. R., 270, 272, 284. — Thos. W., 211 : biog., 212, 818. Index. xlis Coligny (kO-lBn'ye), Admiral, 9. Colonies, thirteen, 26. Colony, definition of, 90. Colquitt, Alfred H., 284, 320, 321; biog., 324, 325, 327, 328, 339, 341. — Peyton H., 280. — Walter T., 247. Columbus, regiment formed at, 253, 344. Columbus, Christopher, 3. Commerce of Georgia, App. v. Commissioners, Lords, 48. Compact of Georgia with U. S., 158, 204. Compromise of 1850, 258. Cone, Capt. Wm., 179. Confederate States formed, 275. Confiscation of estates of Tories, 127. Congregational ist settlement, 47. Congress with Indians (Augusta), 68 ; Provincial at Savannah (1775), 79, 84, 85 (1776), 86. — Continental, 79, 86, 88 ; Georgia delegates to, 137, 138. — U. S. reps, of Georgia in (1810), 168. Congressional districts, 137, App. vii. Congressmen, first, from Georgia, 136. — Georgia, refused seats, 312. Conley, Benjamin, 315. Conscript Act, 282. Constitution of 1777, 92, 94; of United States, 135 ; of 1789, 1.36 ; of 1798, 150, 151 ; of 1865, 304 ; of 1868, 310 ; of 1877, 320 ; present, App. xiii. Constitutional Union Party, 267. Convention, Atlanta, reconstr. (1865), ;K)4. const]. (1877), 320. farmers' (1887), 333. — Augusta, constl. (1787), 135 ; (1788, 1789), 136. — Convention, Democratic, Charleston, 206. — Eatonton, railroad (1830), 240. — Louisville, constl. (1795), 146 ; (1798), 150. — Macon, Harrison (1840), 244. — Milledgeville, anti-tariff (1832), 224, 225. reconstruction (1865), .304. secession (1861), 271. slavery (1850), 258. State Rights (1833), 226. Whig (1843), 347. — Savannah, Confed. Const. (1861), 276. Constl. (1776), 91. Convict Lease System, 318, 351, 355, 356. Convicts, App. vii. Cook, Gen. Phil., 298, 330. Cooking, early times, 189. Cooper, Mark A., 247. Corn shucking, 195. Cotton Exposition, Atlanta, 327, 342. — gin, 139. — Sea-island, 139. Cotymore, Capt., 62. Council of Safety, 81, 85, 96. Counties, first two, 39 ; eight, 93. — list of present, for whom named, when laid out, population of, App. x, xi. County Seats, App. x, xi. Coweta (kow-e'ta) town, 28. — Indians, 176. Cracker, Georgia, origin of name, 191. Crawford, George W., 247 ; biog., 250, 252, 254, 271. — Joel, 217, 226. — Martin J., 276. - William H., 164, 178, 184, 197, 198, 207, 208 ; biog., 211. Crawfordville, 303. Creeks, 176, 203, 208 ; land reconveyed to, 213, 218 ; murders by, surrender of, 229. Crisp, Chas. F., .337 ; biog., 339. Cuba, war in, 343. Cumberland Island, 25, 178. Cumming, Alfred, 286, 292. Cuthbert, Alfred, 227, 247. Dahlonegagold mint, 220; seized by Georgia, 276; burned, 318. Dallas, 290. Dnlton, 288. Darien, 24, 39, 108, 168. DaviB, Jefi'erson, 273, 299, 301. Dawson, William C, 245 ; biog., 346, 263. Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 254. De Brahm, Wm., 57. De Lacy, Roger, 25. De Soto, 0. Decoration Day, 298. Democratic party, 226. Democratic-Republican party, 197, 215. Deshler, Jas.. 286. D'Estaiiig (des-lSN'), Count, 106, 109, 129. Index. Diocese of Georgia, 246 ; of Savannah, 259. Doles, Geu. George, 284, 298. Dooly, Col. John, 100, 103, 115, 116. — Judge Jno. M., biog., 206. Dorchester, 48. Dougherty (dor'rg-ti), Charles, 228, 243. Douglass, Stephen A., 26~. Du Bose, Dudley M., 298. Duel, Clark and Crawford, 198. — Gwinnett and Mcintosh, 95. Early, Peter, 149, 175 ; biog., 178. Eason, Thos., 345. East Florida, raids from, into Ga., 1~1. Ebenezer, 21, 99. Echowanotchaway Swamp, 231. Elbert, Col. Sara, 96, 101, 104; biog., 132. Electoral Laws, App. vi. Elliott, John, 185, 211. — Stephen, 246. — Mrs., flag presented by, 63. Ellis, Henry, 58; biog., 63, 65. Elzey, Capt. A., 273. Emancipation proclamation, 284. Emanuel, David, 149, 155; biog., 159. Embargo of 1807, 170. Emory, Bishop, 235. Emory College, 235. Etchoe, 66. Evans, C. A., 298, 341, 345. Ewen (u'en), William, 81; biog., 82. Executive Council, 92, 96 ; withdraws to Augusta, 105 ; abolished, 136. Executive power, 151, App. vi. Exposition, Atlanta (1881), 327; (1887), 335; (1895), 342. Exposition mills, 327. Expositions, annual, commenced, 335. Ezra Church battle, 293. Factories, in 1810, 168. Family Compact, 67. Fannin, Colonel, 251. Farmers' Alliance, 336, 338. Few, Rev. Ignatius A., 235; biog., 239. — Wm., 100, 135, 136 ; biog., 138, 149. Fifteenth Amendment, 312. Flag of the Lone Star, 251. Fleming, Wm., 149. Flint River, fight at, 181. Florida, 4. 67, 124, 184. Floyd, J., biog., 173 ; 175, 176, 177, 178, 194. Forrest, General, 285. Forsyth, John, 184, 185,215; biog., 216, 224 225, 226, 244. Forsyth town, 241. Fort, Argyle, 20. — Caroline, 9. — Carrs, 100. — Cornwallis, 117. — Du Quesne (du kSn'), 61. — Gaines, 182. — Galphin (gol'fQn), 116. — Goliad, 251. — Grierson, 117. — Hawkins, 173, 175, 178. — Heard's, temporary capital, 115. — Kings, 68. — Loudoun, 61, 62. — McAllister, 284; captured, 296,300, — Mcintosh, 94. — Mims, 172. — Mitchell, 175, 176. — Moore, 27. — Moosa, 31. — Morris, 98, 100. — Moultrie (mOl'tri), 111, — Pickens, 276. — Prince George, 61, 62. — Pulaski, 271, 277, 281. — St. Simon, 33. — Scott, 182. — Spring Hill redoubt, 111. — Sumter, 276. — Wilkinson, 159. Fortress Monroe, 301. Forts, frontier (1812), 175. Fountain of Youth, 3, 4. Fourteenth Amendment, 308. Fox hunting, 195. Franklin, Benj., 73. Franklin College, 156. Frederica, 24, 33, 55. — County, extent, 39. Fredericksburg, battle, 284. Free Soil party, 263. Freedman's Bureau, 307. French, Captain, 106. French and Indian War, 69. Fuller, Capt. W. A., 288. Fulton, Robt., 167. Fuser (ffl-sa'), Col., 98. Index. Gage, Grcneral, 80. Gaines, Major-Qeneral, 181. " Galphin Claim," 82. Galphiu, George, biog., 83. Galvez (gal'vetli), 124. Gardiner, Wm. M., 253, 271. Garmauy, Captain, 230. Garonne (ga-rOn'), 9. Gartland, Bishop Francis X., 259. Gartrell, L. J., 398, 328. George II., 14 ; George lU., 66. Georgia, 14. — Company, 144. — condition of, in 1773, 83 ; in 1799, 154 ; in 1810, 168 ; in 1830, 222 ; in 1840, 246 ; in 1850, 259 ; after the war, 299. — Cracker, 191. — Female College, S38. — first govt, by people, 86, 91. — Mississippi Co., 144. — Platform, 259. — Railroad, 240, 293. — Rangers, 36. — readmitted to Union, 311. — a republic, 86. Gewgiatu boat, burned, 230. Gibbons, Wm., 138. Gilmer, Geo. R., 217; biog., 233, 231. Girardey, V. J. B., 298. Gironde (zhe-rfJNd'), 9. Gladstone, Wm. E., 135. Glascock, Thos., 112; biog., 113; 149,150. Glenn, G. R., 352. — John, Chief Justice, 87. Gold in Northern Georgia, 319. Gold-miners defy the law, 320. Gomez (go'mes), Stephen, 5. Gordon, John B., 286, 298, 311, .318 ; biog., 319, 323, 333. -W. W.,341. — W. W., Brig.-Gen., 344 ; biog., 346. Governors, two acting, 115; first elected by people, 204, 305; list of colonial, provin- cial. State, App. xlvi. Grady, H. W., biog., 335. — Hospital, 335. Graham, Patrick, 50. Grant, Gen. U. S., 288. — Lieut.-Col. Jas., 66. Grape culture, 45. Green. Thos. M., 149. Greene, Nathanael, 134, 127, 131. — Mrs., 140. Greenesborough, 132, 156. Grierson, Col., 115, 116. Griffin, camp at, 344. Gunn, Jar 3s, 136, 155. Gwinnet' Button, 88, 94,95; biog., 101, 138. Habersham, Jae., 37, 47, 57, 73; biog., 75. — John, 138. — Jos., 81, 85, 86, 136. Hall, Lyman, 80, 88, 127; biog., 132, 138. Hampstead, 21. Handley, Geo., 137; biog., 138. Haralson, Hugh, 194. Hard Cider campaign, 244. Hard times, 243. Hardee, W. J., 278; biog., 280, 284,393, 396. Hardeman, Thos., 338. Hardwicke, 55, 65. Harris, Francis, 46. Harrison, Wm. H., 344. — Geo. P., 277. Hart, Nancy, 119. Hawkins, exploit of, 101. — Benj., 181 ; biog., 185. Hawk's Gully, attack at, 116. Haygood, Rev. A. G., 348. Head-right Land Warrants, 129, 162. Heard, Stephen, 115; biog., 120. Hicks, Eli, 328. — Elijah, 203, 304. Highgate, 21. Highlanders, Scotch, 24. Hill, Benj. H., 263, 270, 272; biog., 273, 278, 303, 308, 320, 337. — E. Y., 3.J7. — Joshua, :il2; biog., 314 ; 318. — Walter B., 348; biog., 349; 3.51. Hines, Jas. K., .341. Hogan, J, R., 347. "Hold the Fort," song, 294. Hood, Gen., 292, 293, 394, 296. Hook, James S., 3,52. Hope, Isle of, 49. Hopkins, tarred, etc., 81. Horse Shoe Bend, 176. Horton, Maj., 41. Ilotle Crawle, 176. House raishig, 194. HouBtoun, John, 79, 96; biog., 103; 128, 138. lii Index. Hoostonn, Sir Patrick, 57. — William, 138. Howe, Gen. Robt., 96. Howell, Capt. E. P., 330. Howley, Richard, 115, 119; biog., 130, 136. Hudson's Ferry, 103. Hyperion, boat, burned, 230. Impeachment, Comp.-Genl. and Treas., 322. Improvement of roads, 167. "Indented" servants, 40. Indians, cattle stolen by, 181 ; removal, 200, 204, 215, 231; attack by (1813), 172. Indigo, cultivation of, 45. Industries of Georgia, App. v. Invasion by British, 98; by Spaniards, 33. Inverness, ship, burned, 87. Irwin, Jared, 147 ; biog,, 149, 160, 163. Israelites, 21. Iverson, Alfred, 263, 264, 284, 292, 293. Jackson, Andrew, 149, 176, 216, 224. — Henry R., 253; biog., 256, 278, 281, 292. — Gen. Jas., 117, 121, 123, 124, 136, 137, 145, 150; biog., 154, 163. — Judge Jas., 328; biog., 329, 334. — John K., 286, 292. Jasper, Sergeant, 111. Jekyl (jgk'il), 25. Jenkins, Chas. J., 259, 305, 306, 308; biog., 309, 310, 311, 315, 316. Jernigan, Maj., 230, 231. Johnson, Andrew, 298. — Herscliel V., 254, 262; biog., 264, 266, 267, 270, 272, 284, .306. — Gov. Jas., 304; biog., 305. Johnston, Gen. Jos. E., 288, 290, 292, 296. Jones, Gen. D. R., 278. — George, 164. - Noble W., 47, 74, 75, 77, 138, 146, Jonesboro, 293. Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 263, ^;ellet, Alex, .57. Kenesaw Mountain, battle, 290. Keowee (k6-0-we'), 131. Kettle Creek, battle, 100. King, John P., 226; biog., 227, 231. Know-Nothing party, 263. Knox, Wm., 71. Knoxville, .346. Labor Day, 127. Lafayette (la-fS-ygtO, Gen., 205. Lamar, Mirabeau, 252 ; biog., 254, Land Act of 1783, 127. — court, 129. — lottery, 161, 162. — tenures, 15, 42. — warrants, 129. Langworthy, Edw., 138. Laurens, Col., 111. Lawton, A. R., 271, 277 ; biog., 280, 281, 282, 284, 301. — Col. A. R., 343. Lee, Col. Henry, 116, 117. — Robt. E., 288. Legislature, first, 55, 94, 146 ; first session inMilledgeville, 165 ; annual session, 338: constitution of, App, vi. Lester, Rufus E., 328, Lewis, Jno. W., 878. — Gen. J. R., 316, 352. Lexington, battle of, 80. Liberty Boys, 71. Liberty County, 80, Liberty pole, 81. Lincoln, Abraham, 267, 298. — Benj., 99, 104, 105, 109, 11». Little River, factory, 168, Local option, 332. Lochrane, O. A., 313,316. Log rolling, 194. Loire (Iwiir), 9. Long, Dr. Crawford, biog., 849, SSO. Longstreet, Rev. A. B., 235. — Gen. Jas., 278, 284. Longstreet's steamboat, 167. Lords Proprietors, 101. Lottery system, 215. Louisville, 130, 1,46. Lumpkin, Jos. H., 248 ; biog,, 250. — Wilson, 183, 223, 226, 227, 231 ; biog., 271. Lyttleton, 61, McAllister, M. H., 252. McBean Creek, 160. McCay, H. K., 292. McDaniel, H. D., 328, 3.30 ; biog., 332. McDonald, Chas. J., 243, 245 •- biog., 246, 248, 261. McGirth, Col., 96, 97, 100. Mcintosh, Chilly, 209, I2TDEX. liii Mcintosh, Col. Jas., 253. — Col. John, 87, 98, 104, 177; biog., 179. — Gen. Lachlan (lak'15n), 94, 95, 105, luy. — Gen. Wm., 176, 208; murder of, 209, 211 ; biog., 212. Mackay, Capt., 31. McLaws, Lafayette, 278, 284. Macon, 173, 235, 237, 241, 244, 246 ; attacked by Stoneman, 293, 344. — and Western Ry., 242. McPherson, Jno. B., 293. Maitland, Col., 106, 109. Manassas, battle, 277. Manners and customs, early times, 187-196. Manufactures of Georgia, App. v. Map, Atlantic Coast ports, 25. — parishes 1765 to Revolution, 60. — first eight counties, 93. — grants, Georgia Western Ter., 145. — Early's, of Georgia (1818), 199. — Georgia, present, 353. — Indian land cessions, App. ix. — (plan) original of Savannah, 20. Marietta, 290. Marthasville, 242. Martin, Clement, 57. — John, 122 ; biog., 125. Matthews, George, 132, 136, 137, 143. Meade, Gen., 310. Medical College of Georgia, 222. Medway River Settlement, 47. Meigs (megz), Josiah, 156. Memorial Day, 299. Menendez (nia-n6n'deth), 9. Mercer, Hugli W., 278, 281, 292, 293. — Rev. Jesse, 150, 233 : biog., 238. — University, 233. Mcriwcather, David, 149, 194. Merritt, W. B., 352. Methodist Church divided, 238. Mexican War, 251. Midway Cliurch, fight at, 98. Militia first organized, 47. .Milledge, Capt., 63. — John, 156, 161, 163, 164. Milledgeville, 163. 165, 166, 224, 226, 247, 258, 295, 310, .322, 324, 334 ; State Farm, 345. Miller, A. L., 3.30. — H. V. M., 312 ; biog., 314 ; 318. Minerals of Georgia, App. iv. Mining, illegal, 220. Missionaries, oppose removal of Cherokees, 320 ; arrest of, 221. Mitchell, David B., 149, 153, 166 ; biog., 168 ; 171, 172, 180, 181. Monroe, President, visit to Savannah, 184; message on Indian lands, 204. Monroe Railroad, 241. Montgomery, Ala., 273. — Sir Robt., 10. Moravian colonists, 24. More, Hannah, letter on Oglethorpe, 37. Moses, Major, 299. "'Mosquito Division, ".253. Mulberry grove, 132. Mulberry trees, cultivation of, 45, 46. Musgrove, Mary, 42. Muster Day, 193. Mutiny Act, 73. Nashville, Chatt. and St. Louis Ry., 337. National Republican party, 215. ''Negro quarters," 189. Negroes, elected to legislature, 311 ; ex- pelled, 312. Nelly, brig, burned, 87. New Echota (e-chO-ta'), 239. New Hope Church, battles near, 290. New Inverness, 24. New Orleans, battle, 178. Nickajack Creek, 183. Nisbit, B. A., 248, 272, 278. Norcrosg, Jonathan, 320. Normal and Industrial College, 334. Normal School, .\thens, 337, 338. Northen, Wm. J., 336, 338 ; biog., 339. Norwood, T. M., 318, 335 ; biog., 328, 330. Nullification, 225. Ocmulgce River, 163, 173, 183. Oconee River, 159, 162, 163, 167. Ogeechcc Ferry, 121 ; battle near, 123. — River, 55, 107. Oglethorpe, Jas. Ed., 12, 14 ; biog., 16, 18- 31, 33, 34, 36-38, 44, 108. Oglethorpe University, 2.35. Ohnstead (Sm'sted), Col. Chas., 281. Omnibus Bill, 258. Orplian Asylum, WhitefieUrs, 37. Orr, Gustavus J., 317; biog., 319; 352. Ossabaw Island. 43. Oxford, 235. liT INDEX. Paedo, Jnan Qxoo-'&a'), 9. Palmer, Col., 31. Palo Alto (pa'lo al'tO), 253. Pardons, Board of, 345. Parker, Henry, 46 ; biog., 49. Peace Commissioners, Confed., 276. Peace of Paris, 67. Pearls, story of, 11. Pedro de Quexos (pa'drO da ka-hos'), 4. Peek, W. L., 338. Penfield, Jos., 233. Penfield (town), 233. Penitentiary Act, 180. People's party, 338. Phillips, P. J., 292. Pickens, General, 100, 103, 116, 117. Pierce, Kev. George F., 235, 238. Pierce, Wm., 138. Pikes, Joe Brown's, 286. Pine Mountain, 290. Planter's Bank, 168. Platform, first, in Georgia, 226. Polk, Jas. K., 252. — Leonidas, 290. Ponce de Leon, Juan (hoo-an' pOn'tha da la-on'), 3. Pope, Major-General, 308, 309, 310. Population, table of, from 1790, App. vii. Found, Jere M., 352. Powellton Academy, 168. Prince, Oliver H., 218 ; biog., 222. Prison system, changes, 345, 350, 355. Prohibition, 354. Property, taxable, of Georgia, App. v. Pulaski, Count, 111. Rabun, Wm., 181 ; biog., 185, 198. Railroads, 240, App. v. — Commissioners of, 323, 354. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 11. Reconstruction, 307, 308, 313. Registration under military, 306, 309. Republican party, 263. Resaca (ra-sa'ka), battles near, 385, 288. Rescinding Act, 147. Revolutionary War, 70, 97. Reynolds, John, 51, 56. Ribault (re'bO'), John, 9. Ribero (re-ba'rO), 5. Rice, Captain, 87. Richmond, 267, 277. Ridge, Major, 203. Ringold, 282. Roanoke burned, 229. Robinson, Pickering, 57. Rock College, 337. Rockwell, Chas. F., 311. Roman Catholic Church, 259. Rome, battle near, 285 ; captured, 890. Ruger, Thos. H., 311. Rum, sale prohibited, 40. Russell, Wm., 57. St. Augustine, 29, 30. St. Catherine's Island, 42, 43. St. John, Geu. I. M., 301. St. John's Parish, 80. — River, 29. St. Mary's River, 97, 159, 179. St. Mary's (town), 168, 178. St. Simon's Island, 24, 33. Salette, Robt., biog., 112, 113. Salt famine, 280. Salzburghers (salts-boorg'erz), 21, 22. Salzburgher Church, 99, 100. Safidwich, war brig, 171. Sapelo (sa-pe'lo) Island, 42. Satilla River, 173. Savannah, 19, 20, 21 ; in 1754, 55, 74 ; tax meeting in, 78 ; council of safety, 81, 98, 99 ; siege, 110, 111, 113 ; surrendered, 123 ; legislature meets in, 130, 170 ; great fire, yellow fever, 201 ; captured by Sherman, 296. Savatma/i, steamship, 184. Scarborough, Wm., 184. Schley, Wm., 228 ; biog., 232. School system, public, 316, 343, 351, 352. Schools, free, authorized (1783), 128. Scott, Winfield S., 229. Screven, .James, 98. Seal of Trustees, 14 ; of Province, 51, 57 ; of 1777, 91 ; of 1799, 151 ; of 1861, 278 ; carried away, 311 ; restored, 315. Secession, 272, 273, 374, 304. Seminoles, 172, 173, 177, 181, 289. Semmes, Paul J., 284. Senate established, 136. Senators, first U. 8., from Ga., 136; refused seats, 312. Sequoyah, 169. Seymour's White House siege, 116. Index. Iv Sharpe, Capt., 231. Sherman, Wm. T., 288; march through Georgia, 295. Shorter College, 322. Shorter, Col. A., 322. Silk industry, 14, 21, 36, 45, 4G. Silver Bluflf, C, 116. Siiiiins, Jas. P., 208. Simmons, Thoi^. J., .341 ; biog., 346. Slaves, prohibited, 15, 40, 41, 42, 180 ; set free, 304. Smith, Gustavus J., 292. — Hoke, 339 ; biog., 340 ; 354, 356. — James M., 315, 317 ; biog., 319, 324. — Gen. W. D., 284. Smugglers, Amelia Island, 171. Soils of Georgia, App. iii. Somme (som), 9. Sons of Liberty, 71. Sorrcll, G. M., 298. Spaniards, war with, 28, 33 ; 343, 345, Specie payment stopped, 244. — train, 302. Speedwell, ship, 72. Spinning and weaving, 188. Stage coaches, 167, 190. Stamp Act, 71, 72, 73. Stamps, 72, 75. States-Rights party, 226. "State Road," 242. Steamboat, Longstreet's, 167. Stephens, A. IL, 270, 273 ; biog., 274, 275, 303, 306, 328. — Battalion. 314. — Linton, 313 ; biog., 314. — Wm., 39-41 ; biog., 4.3. — Wm., Attorney-Gen., 87. Stonenian, Gen., 293. Stovall, M, A,, 286,292. Streight's (stratz) Raid, 285. Sunbury town, 59, 97. Superior Court districts, 153. Supreme Court, first, 248. Survey of Creek lauds, 214. Swiss Colonists, 24, Tait, Charles, 166, 185, 198, 206, Talbot (tawl'bot), M,, biog,, 185, 202, 215, Taliaferro (tSl'i-ver) County, 78, 314. — B.Mij., 149, 1.50, TaJlassee, battle, 176. Tariff, 223, 224. Tassels, George, 219. Tatnall, Josiah, 147, 155 ; biog., 160. Tattnall, Commodore, 253 ; biog., 254, 278. Tax Amendment to State Const., 333. Tax on paints, etc, 73 ; on tea, 78. Taxation without representation, 70. Taxes, .^pp, vii. Taylor, Gen. Zachary, 2,54, Technology, School of, 330. Tecuraseh (te-kum'seh), 172. Telfair, Edward, biog,, 132, 137, 138, 142. Tennessee Company, 144, Terrell, Gov, Jos. M., 3,50; biog., 352. Terry, Maj.-Gen., 312. Texas, annexation, 252. Thanksgiving Day, first, 137, Thomas, Gen. B. M., 292. — Gen. Ed. L., 284. — W. W., 330. Thomasville, .324. Tobacco rolling, "Tobacco Road," 192. Toraochichi {tO-mO-che'che), 18 ; biog., 21 ; 23. Toombs. Robt., 262 ; biog., 269 ; 271, 272, 275, 278, 284, 292, 302, 321. Topography of Georgia, App. i. Tories, 100. Tory and Indian raids, 96. Towns, Geo. W., 257 ; biog., 260. Treaty with Indians, at Augusta, 78, 128 ; at Fort Wilkinson, 159 ; of 1805, 163; at Fort Jackson, 176 ; Indian Springs, 1821, 200 ; of 18<;5, 208 ; of 1826, 213 ; 1835, New Echota, 229, 231 ; of Beaufort (bO'fort), 131 ; of Ghent (gent), 178 ; Versailles (ver-sa'ye), 1782, 124. Treutlen (troot'lgn), John A., 95; i)iog., 101. Troup, Geo, >!., 180, 185, 198, 200, 202; biog., 205, 208. 211, 213, 214, 215, 217, 226, 261. — party, 198. Troupers, 198. Trustees of Ga., 14, 39, 40, 41, 45, 48. Tugaloo (tu-gSl-oo'), 131. Turner, Jos. S., 345. Twelve-mile Strip, 159. Twiggs, David E., 253; biog., 254, 277. 278. — Col. John, 100. Tybee (tl'bg) Island, 21, 85, 171, 281. Tyler, John, 245. Ivi Index. Union party, 226. University, endowment, 129 ; founded, 155, 156, 158 ; growtli of. 183, 338, 351. Upper Mississippi Company, 144. . Van Buren, Martin, 263. Verrazano (vSr-ra-tsa'nO), 3. Virginia Colony, 129. Volunteers (1861), 277. Von Recli, Baron, 22. Waddell, Moses, 183. Wager, Major, 220. Wallier, Freeman, 185, 201. Walker, W. H. T., 2.53, 278, 286, 292, 293. Wallace, Campbell, 324. Walsli, Patrick, 339, U\. Walton, Geo., 88, 115 ; biog., 119; 137, 138, 147, 153. War, with Spaniards, 29 ; Seven Years', 69 ; Revolutionary, 70, 97 ; of 1812, 170 ; Creek and Seminole, 229 ; with Mexico, 251 ; between the States, 275-98. Ward, Col. Wm., 251. Ware, Nicholas, 201 ; biog., 212. Warner, Hiram, 248, 266, 316, 383, 328. Warsaw Sound, 285. Washington, Ga., .301, 302. — George, 85, 136, 137. Watkins, Robt., 150. Watson, Thos. E., 338 ; biog., 340, »42. Wayne, Anthony, 122-125. — Jas. Moore, biog., 232. Welle, George, 115. Wereat (ware'at), J., 106; biog., 107, 114, 135. Wesley, John and Charles, 24. Wesleyan Female College, 235. West Point Ry., 293. Western and Atlantic R. R., 242, 313, Wheeler, Jos., 286, 292, 293, 344. Whig party, 244, 263. Whigs and Tories, 78. White, Hugh L., 231. — Col. John, 106, 107. Whitefleld, G-^orge, 35, 36, 37. Whitney, Eli, 139, 140, 141. Wilkes, riflemen, 119. — Manufacturing Co., 168. Williams, Mrs. Mary, 298. Wilson, C. C, 286, 292. — Gen., 303. Wirt, Wm., 218. Wofiford, Wm. T., 286, 304. Wood, Joseph, 138. Wood, varieties of, in Georgia, App. iv. Worcester (woos'ter), Samuel, 221. Wright, A. R., 278, 284, 298. — Jas., biog., 63, 65, 06, 77, 78, 86, 114, 123. — Seaborn, 342. Wyley, Alex., 74. Yamacraw (yam'a-kraw) Indians, 18. Yazoo (ya-zoo') Fraud, 143, 144 ; Yazoo Acl burned, 148. Yoakley, Captain, 20. Yonge, Henry, 57. Young, P. M. B., 298. Zubly, Rev. Dr., 88. WEBSTER'S SCHOOL DICTIONARIES Revised Editions T HESE Dictionaries have been thoroughly revised, entirely reset, and made to conform to that great stand- ard authority — Webster's International Dictionary. WEBSTER'S PRIMARY SCHOOL DICTION- ARY $0.48 Containing over zo,ooo words and meanings, with over 4.00 illustrations. WEBSTER'S COMMON SCHOOL DICTION- ARY ;j5o.72 Containing over 25,000 words and meanings, with over 500 illustrations. WEBSTER'S HIGH SCHOOL DICTIONARY, $0.98 Containing about 37,000 words and definitions, and an appendix giving a pronouncing vocabulary of Biblical, Classical, Mythological, Historical, and Geographical proper names, with over 800 illustrations. 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