4r E 207 .T45 C6 Copy 1 THE LIFE AND SERVICES OP MAJOR GENERAL JOHN THOMAS. COMPILED BY CHARLES COFFIN. COPY^;P resources requisite to fulfil its mission ? Why look for human aid, as though there was cause to fear for its secu- rity ? It is built on the rock of ages ; what need then of the sandy [33 ] foundations of earth 1 Are not their proper spheres different ? One is instituted to protect man's temporal interests, tlie other to promote his spiritual welfare ; one to suppress crime, the other to subdue passion and purify the heart ; one deals with external acts, the other with inward feelings and emotions. The ends therefore proposed to be eft'ected by each being so diverse, there seems as much impropriety in their union, as there certainly has been evil and misfortune proceeding from it. This union has filled the world with infidels and scorners, asso- ciated the Saviour with the scourgers of mankind, and excited against his religion the hatred of millions !" Such patriots as Thomas and Lincoln, contended only against tyranny of the State, for they had been educated in the principles of religious freedom, and no part of the United States has preserved the simplicity of church government, together with the right of private judgment in religious concerns, and the sufficiency of the scriptures in every thing connected with religion, than the people of the old colony of Plymouth. They believe that congragationalism in church govern- ment, and republicanism in civil government, are in perfect har- mony, and consistent with each other. How then must these good men, long since ascended, have been moved, to have known that the declaration had been publicly made, in presence of their des- cendents, and by a jjrelate, " That there could not be a church without a bishop," and that bishop to prove his regular descent from papal Rome. To return from this seeming digression, and to close — it is not only safe to imitate such men as Thomas and Lincoln, but praiseworthy to emulate their^virtues and patriotism. I LIBKHKY Uh CUNUKhbb LIBRARY OF CONGRESS .. ... ..Ill I 111 iii 111 11' nil 011 699 642 A # HOLUNGER pH8J MILL RUN F3-1543