E 513 .7 1st .H Copy 1 Class „ LSl^ Book rf 1^ tH. DIRECTOHY OF THE 1 T j^^iii^JJ OFFICERS AND PRIVATES ATTACHED TO THK Jfoiirtcciitfj g,e0iment |ji^aljjj g^rtillera, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. COUIPILED AND POTBLISHED BY "TYPO. LAWRENCE, MASS:. AMERICAN OFFICE — GEO. S. MERRILL, PRINTER. 18 02. V ESSEX COUNTY R E & I M! K N T . DIRECTORY COMMISSIONED AND NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND PRIVATES EACH COMIPAN^Y, ATTACHED TO THI ^oxxxinnih |Ugimeitt Jeaijg %xiilhx^, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS, COL. WM. B. GREENE, COMMANDING, STATIONED AT THE FORTS NEAR WASHINGTON. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY "TYPO. LAWRENCE, MASS: AMERICAN OFFICE — GEO. S, MERRILL, PRINTER. 1862. ^1 4- M -^■'6 sfjt INTRODUCTION. The FouRTEKNTH Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (Heavy Artillery) was raised exclusively in the County of Essex, and is known at home as the " Essex County Regiment ; " and was originally formed of ten companies, from Lawrence, Haverhill, Lynn, Methuen, Andover, Amesbury, Ipswich, Danvers and Marblehead. At the commencement of the present contest, after the departure of the three months State militia, numerous companies were raised in. Essex County, but no regimental organization was effected of the various companies until about the first of June last, when the follow- ing ten companies were designated to form another Massachusetts Vol- unteer Regiment: Co. D, of Haverhill, Capt. Henry Jackson Howe. City Guards, of Lawrence, Capt. Frank A. Rolfe. Scott Greys, of Lawrence, Capt. Samuel LangmaID. Mechanic Phalanx, of Lynn, Capt. Alonzo G. Draper. Light Infantry, of Methuen, Capt. Leverett Bradley. Light Infantry, of So. Andover, Capt. Horace Holt. Mechanic Greys, of Amesbury, Capt. Jos. W.. Sargent. Putnam Guards, of Danvers, Capt. Arthur A. Putnam. Hurd Guards, of Ipswich, Capt. John Hobbs. Mugford Guards, of Marblehead, Capt. Benj. Day. On the 21st day of June, the commanders of the companies desig- nated to form this regiment, were ordered to report with their com- mands to Gen. Andrews, at Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, as soon as the 24th of June ; and on Monday, June 24th, 1862, the regiment was brought together for the first time, on Boston Common. The companies 4 INTRODUCTION. then numbered seventy-nine men each, and were dressed in ten differ- ent styles of uniform, while not one half of the companies had mus- kets. The companies were designated by the following initial letters, and officered as follows : Co. A — Capt. John Hobbs ; Lieuts. Nathaniel Shatswell, Robert Southgate, Milton B. Shattuck, Nathaniel Johnson. Co. B — Capt. Leverett Bradley; Lieuts. Jeremy B. Wardwell, Christopher S. Heath, Abram Kimball, Luther Sillovvay. Co. C — Capt. Alonzo G. Draper; Lieuts. Archelaus C. Wyman, Jo- seph Sparks, Elijah Willard, John Hunt. Co. D — Capt. Henry J. Howe ; Lieuts. James M. Nichols, Thomas Newton, John L. Hoyt. Co. E — Capt. Joseph W. Sargent ; Lieuts. William F. Martins, Benjamin C. Atkinson, Freeman Langmaid, Oscar Carleton. Co. F — Capt. Samuel Langmaip ; Lieuts. Joseph W. Kimball, Geo. S. Follansbee, Leander Bachelder, Robert Henderson. Co. G — Capt. Benjamin Day ; Lieuts. Charles P. Noyce, Benjamin F. Martin, Robert Burridge, Joseph Burnham. Co. H — Capt. Horace Holt ; Lieuts. Charles F. Poor, Moses W. Clement, Orin L. Faruham. Co. I — Capt. Arthur A. Putnam ; Lieuts. Charles H. Adams, Wil- liam J. Roome, Elbridge Guilford, William Kenney. Co. K— Capt. Frank A. Rolfe; Lieuts. William Preston, Albert A. Davis, Hatherly A. Stoddard, Frank Davis. On the same day the regiment was placed Avithin the granite walls of Fort Warren, where they were to be recruited to the new army stand- ard of one hundred and one men to each company, fully organized, drilled, armed and equipped for a campaign. In a few days the appoint- ments of Field and Staff Officers was completed, as follows: Colonel — William B. Greene, of Paris, France. Lieut. Colonel — Samuel C. Oliver, of Salem. Major — Levi P. Wright, of Lawrence. Surgeon — David Dana, of Lawrence. Asst. Surgeon — Sam K. Towle, of Haverhill. Chaplain — Stephen Barker, of Andover. Adjutant — Charles S. Simmons, of Boston. Quartermaster— A.^'DnYrff Washburn, of Boston. Sergeant Major — Amos Henfield, of Salem. Quartermaster Sergeant — William C. Glass, of Boston. Commissary Sergeant — Arthur L. Drew, of Haverhill. Hospital Steward — J. L. Pillsbury, of Lawrence. INTRODUCTION. O On the 5th day of July, the regiment was mustered into the United States service for " three years, unless sooner discharged ;" but, through some difficulty, Co. I) were not mustered in, and were disbanded. Subsequently, a company raised in Salem by Capt. Setii S. Euxton, was placed in the position formerly occupied by Co. 1), taking also the same initial letter. This last company (the Essex Cadets) was office'-ed as follows : Capt. Setii S. Buxton ; Lieuts. James Pope and Frank W. Taggard. Oil the 7th day of August, after a stay of six weeks and three days, the regiment left Fort Warren in the darkness and rain, arriving in Bos- ton near midnight, from whence it immediately embarked, by the Prov- idence route, for the seat of war, its destination at the outset being Har- per's Ferry; while on the journey, Col. Greene received orders to report in Washington. The rigid adherence to orders and the efficient char- acter as a thorough disciplinarian, on the part of Col. Greene, whose military education at West Point, aided by arduous services in Florida and a close observation of the discipline enforced in the armies of France, where he had for several years been a resident, was well exem- plified in this midnight march from Boston, as well as in subsequent movements of the regiment. To this promptness on his part is undoubt- edly to be attributed in a great measure the enviable distinction to which the regiment so speedily attained. On the Sabbath following the arrival of the regiment in Washington, orders reached Col. Greene at a very late hour in the day to move his regiment to Meridian Heights. Immediately the regiment was put in motion, and amid a storm seldom equalled in severity, and rendered memorable by the vivid lamp-light sketches of an artist who delineated for " Harper's Weekly " the dripping warriors as they literally loaded up Pennsylvania Avenue, and were escorted to their new quarters by ('ol. Greene, himself on foot. Arriving at their destination late at night, the regiment bivouaced upon the wet ground, shelterless and sup- perless. On Sunday, the 18th of August, a reliable regiment being required to garrison Fort Albany, considered on all hands the " key to Washing- ton " — the city being then menaced by a powerful army — the Four- teenth was selected for the honorable and responsible position. We leave to more disinterested historians the task of narrating the real or fancied dangers of the position, then close upon the enemy, while we console ourselves with the reflection that the "stars and stripes " still wave over Fort Albany as well as all the works then occupied by the enemy in that vicinity. This, and the fact that the Fourteenth has been frequently most explicitly complimented by Gens. McClellan and Mc- Dowell, is enough for us. We trust — and it is no egotism in a member of the Fourteenth to believe — that these comphments were merited. The care of artillery necessarily changed the character of the regiment from infantry to artillery, and on the 1st of January, 1862, it was form- ally transformed from Infantry to Heavy Artillery, and is now doing garrison and guard duty at Forts Albany, Runyon, Richardson, Scott, Barnard, Craig, Tillinghast and Long Biidge. The transfer from infantry to artillery, involved the necessity of an increase in the number of men in each company and the number of companies in the regiment — a full regiment of artillery comprising 12 companies of 150 men each. The duty of recruiting the regiment to the requisite standard was assigned to Major Levi P. Wright, aided by 6 INTRODUCTION. four Sergeants. Through the exertions of Major W. two companies^ then partially filled — one under the command of Capt. Chandler and the other under Capt. Andrews were transferred to the 14th, recruited to the requisite standard, and arrived in Washington in March. The success of Major W. in filling up the regiment was quite promising, numbers applying for admission daily, when, by order of Congress, all recruiting was suspended upon the ground that there were already men enough in the field to put a speedy end to the rebeiHon. The new companies referred to are designated by the initial letters L and M. When leaving Fort Warren, the companies were officered as follows : Co. A — Capt. Nathaniel Shatswell ; Lieuts. Milton B. Shattnek and Leicfb Worcester. Co. B — Capt. Leverett Bradley; Lieuts. Jeremy B. Wardwell and Christopher S. Heath. Co. C — Capt. xMonzf) G. Draper ; Lieuts. Archelans C. Wyman, .Tared Sparks. Co. D — Capt. Seth S. Buxton ; Lieuts. .Tames Pope and Frank W. Tagyard. Co. E — Capt. Joseph W. Sargent ; Lieuts. AVm. F. Martins, Benj. C. Atkinson. Co. F — Capt. Samuel Langmaid : Lieuts. Joseph W. Kimball, R. P. Cushman. Co. G — Capt. Benj. Day; Lieuts. Chas P. Noyce and Benjamin F. Martin. Co. H — Capt. Horace Holt; Lieuts. Charles F. Poor and Moses W. Clement. Co. I— Capt. ; Lieuts. Charles H. Adams and Wm. .T. Roome. Co. K— Capt. Frank A. Kolfe ; Lieuts. Wm. Preston and Albert A. Davis. The resignations of Commissioned Officers have been as follows : Lieut. Colonel Samuel C. Oliver, Adjutant Charles F. Simmons, Capt. Samuel Langmaid, Capt. Arthur A. Putnam, Lieut. Charles H. Adams, Jr., Lieut, \rchelaus- C. Wyman, Lieut. Leigh Worcester and Lieut. Joseph Sparks. The regiment has been unusually healthy, the number of discharges and deaths since the first of July, 1861, being as follows: Died. Discharged. Died. Discharged, July, January, 1 2 August, February, 2 September, 2 March, 4 October, 1 6 April, 1 8 November, 1 18 — — December, 1 17 Total, 9 » 55 The number of desertions are— Co, F, 2 ; Co. H, 1. DIKECTORY, COMI^LETE ROSTER, MAY 1, 1862. FIELD J^NTD SX^IT'ir'. Colonel— Wihi A Ml B. Greene, of Tiiris, France. Lieut. Colonel — Majors— hKXi P. AVrioht, of Lawrence, Andrew Washburn, of ISoston. Frank A. Rolfe, of Lawrence Adjutant— Fr AUK W. Taggard, of South Danvers. Su7-geon—DA.yiT> Dana, of Lawrence. Asst. Surgeon — Edward B. Mason, of Boston, Quartermaster — Addison A. Hosmer, of Boston, r/ifip/ain— Stephen Barker, of Andover. Commissary— AnTiivn L. Drew, of HaverhiU. Sergeant Major — Amos Henfield, of Salem. Quartermaster Sergeant— Orri's L, Farnham, of Andover. Commissary Sergeant— lHoGFAi S. Littlefiei.d, of Cbarlestown, Hospital Steward — Judson Riley, of Haverhill. Chief Musicians of Field Music — Chas. Foster, of Charlestown. James M. Troy, of Methuen. B A. N D, name. First Class, Ira W. Ru^'g-les, Amos P. Holden, John V. Hod^'don, Charles S. \V^ilson, Second Class. James W. Ferguson, Knoch Coffin, J. Kdg-ar Hobson, Isaac A Boynton, Third Class. William Lydston, William Chandler, James M. Peck, Hriiry M. Brown, William Wright, Drum Urajor. Charles Foster, Discharged. Master— W. F. Staudish, 45 Ist Class — N.Sarcrent, 28 Amos Itowcll, 20 J. Armstrong, 33 2d Class — P. S. Wizner, .30 3d Class— C. Batcheldcr, 24 O.H.Hamilton,2(; D. H. Leavitt, 28 Wm. Lam son, 35 A. AVashburn, 22 AGE. OCC'UPATION, Trader, Musician, Carpenter, Cabinet Maker, Carpenter, Tin-plate Worker, Upholster, Fancy Painter, Cabinet Maker, Hatter, Shoe Dealer, Farmer, 35 Musician, Str.aw Bleacher, Shoemaker, Musician, Cabinet Maker, Shoemaker, Clerk, Cabinet Maker, Shoe Maker,* Belt Maker, 44 47 44 32 34 38 28 37 48 38 53 28 RESIDENCE. Reading. Cambridge. Cliarlestown. Boston Dorchester, Roxbury. Brooklyn, N. H. Haverhill. Boston, Boston. Walth.am, Reading. Pepperell. Charlestown. Boston. Newton, N. H. Kensington, N. H, Stockholm, N. B. Lowell. East Kingston, N. H. Brookfield, Boston. Marbleliead, Lawrence, DIRECTORY, COMPANY A-CAPT, NATHAMIEL SHATSWELL, Name. AGE, OCCVVAIXOTX, KEsri>ENrE. Shatswell Nath'l, Capt. 27 Farmer, Ipswich. Lieutenants. M. B. Shattuek, .•52 Medianic, Ipswich. Will. H. Gwiuu. 27 Baker, " Afidisou A. Hosmer, — Quart ermaster, Frank Pope. — Tanner, Salem. Sergeants. Vallorus Ilobbs, 22 Cotton Broker,. Ipswich. Samuel Gorten, 21 Shoemaker, Hamilton!. Silas Crane, ii Shoemaker, Ipswich. James GosSr .30 Carpenter, " Edward F. Nicbols, an Carver, " James W. Watts, 24 Operative, " Corporals, Charles Haskell, 21 Tinman, Ipswich. WlUard Tainter, 22 Hatter, Lawrence, Daniel H. Fellows, 20 Shoemaker, Ipswich. Benjamin L. Poor, 32 Shoemaker, " Wm. E. Grouse, 22 Carpenter, Lawrence. Freeman Hardy, Clarendon Hardy, 19 Fisherman,. Ipswich. 18 Fisherman, " Mark Harris, 21 Sailor, »• Musicians. Albert N. Nichols, W Ipswich, Albert E. Willard, l(j Lynn. Privates. Andrews Stephen P., 2.5 Sho'emaker. Essex. Beck Hardy M., 21 Shoemaker, Ipswich. Brown Irving', 19 Laborer, " Berry William, — Baker, Beverly. Brown Benjamin, 25 Laborer. Ipswich. Brown Georg-e A., 23 Shoemaker, " Brown Tristram, 42 Blacksmith, " Baker George W., 2.1 Carpenter, " Barnes Wm., 27 Hatter, Lawrence. Buzzell Isaac, 24 Laborer, Ipswich. Butler Pierce, 20 Laborer, " Bartlett Charles, .30 Mariner, Marblehead, Bull Benjamin. .3.') Tailor, Boston. C"hamber& Nathaniel, 20 Mechanic, Ipswich. Charnock Thomas, Iff Operative, Lawrence. Crane Wm. P., 40 Shoemaker, Ipswich. Colbath Goorge, 44 Carpenter, Boston. Callahan Wm., 24 Laborer, Ipswich. DurginGeo., 18 Carpenter, Lawrence. Driscoll Michael, — Laborer, Boston. Dodge Thomas J., 33 Shoemaker, Hamilton. Estes Wm. A., 20 Baker. Ipswich. Ellsworth James, 25 Sailor, Marblehead. Fowler John, 25 Shoemaker, Ipswich. Freeto Frank, 27 Sailor, Marblehead. Flagg Joseph, 19 Laborer, Providence, K. L Foss Jonathan, 22 Farmer, Ipswich. Gordon James, 24 Shoemaker, Essex. Goodwin Geo., 19 Laborer, Ipswich. DIRECTORY, NAME. AGE. OCCUrATION. Gammon .lames, 19 Laborer, Gray William, .35 Shoemaker, Harris ,Tohn, 27 Fisherman, Holt Augustus P., Hunt William, 26 Shoemaker, 24 Sailor, Jewett Lorenzo T., 20 Butcher, Jeyncr Martin P., 27 Laborer, Joseph Francis, 22 Sailor, Kimball .John H., 19 Clerk, Lavalette Pike N., 20 Farmer, Leonard Isaac M., 27 Shoemaker, Lord Charles, 25 Laborer, Lane Philip, 18 Blacksmith, Merrill Samuel, 22 Farmer, McGregor Parker S., 24 Operative, McGregor Alexander, 18 Farmer, McLaughlin Wm., 20 Laborer, McCarron Patrick, 19 Shoemaker, McKnight John, 23 Pressman, Manning John, 24 Tailor, Merby John, 27 Butcher, Northend Geo., 20 Laboret, Noble A. C, 30 Carpenter, Nott Richard, 22 Laborer, O'ConncU John, 23 Shoemaker, O'Brien John, 30 Tailor, Orne John, 19 Sailor, Patterson Wm., 30 Weaver, Patterson Walter, 32 Weaver, Poor Thomas W., 20 Painter, Pickard Washington P. , 25 Shoemaker, Pingree David, 21 Laborer, Ross Willi.am, 18 Farmer, Smith Edwin F., 18 Operative, Smith John P. , 20 Farmer, Smith John H., 20 Operative, Shirley Reuben W., 21 Farmer, Shattuck .T.ames, 19 Shoemaker, Shelian William, 22 Carver, Stedman William, 19 Farmer, Stone William L., 27 Shoemaker. Thompson Ira, 30 Shoemaker, Terhuue Henry, 28 Mason, Trainor Thomas, 23 Farmer, Thurston Timothy, 42 Shoemaker, Wait Luther, 20 Shoemakei , Worthing John B., 20 Operative, Wells Samuel S., 20 Operative, West John, 42 Operative, Wallace Lyman, 34 Laborer, Webber Thomas, 29 Shoemaker, Young Charles, ■31 Ivaborer, Discharged. Edward P. Smith, 30 Shoemaker, John W. Noyes, 33 Baker, James Capwell, 42 Machinist, Geotge P. Lowry, 23 Operative, Alonzo May, 19 Machinist, B. P. Sylvester, 41 Machinist, Charles E. Bates, 22 Teamster, Lemuel T. Otis, 19 Laborer, Kendall Sargent, 44 Operative, Ch.arles Stone, 38 Teamster, Died. Daniel M. Whipple, 23 Farmer, Daniel J. Potter, 22 Currier, Deserted. RESIDENCE. Salem. Ipswich. Scituate. Ipswich. Marblehead. Ipswich. Roxbury. Marblehead. Ipswich. Lynn. Ipswich, Boston. Lynn. Boston. Ipswich. Byfleld. Boston. Nashua, N. H. Ipswich. Boston. Marblehead. Ipswich, Salem. Boston. Ipswich. Rowley. Ipswich. Salem. Ipswich. Lawrence, Ipswich. Dorchester. Marblehead. Dorchester. Ipswich. Kensington, N. H. Lawrence. Charlestown. Scituate. Boston. Ipswich. •Dorchester. Charles Fernald, 23 Laborer, H.amilton, (Dec. 26, '61.) Ipswich, (Nov. 26, 1861.) Eockport. \ B 10 DIRECTORY.. COMPANY B-CAPT. LEVERETT BRADLEr. NAME. Leverett Bradley, Capt. Lieutenants. Christopher S. Heath, George S. FoUansbee, Samuel C. Hervey, Howard Carroll, Sergeants. John W. Johnson, Parker H. Waldo, Charles R. Ayer, Charles Gleason, Hosea E. Hill, Samuel P. Cooledge, Benjamin F. Rowe, Corporals, Thomas C. Bassett, Samuel D. Emery, Charles M. Sawyer, George O. Huse, Nelson Emerson, Asa M. Frye, Benjamin 'Vf.. Holmes, Joseph Arnold, Charles Pettee, Sidney Poore, Calvin J. Sargent, Elijah S. Watts, Musicians. Jeremiah P. Bradley, William R. Griffin, Albert Morse, Privates. Alexander Richard, Alexander John H., Allen Benjamin C, Bradley Leverett, Jr., Barker Asa, Jiagley Thomas, Bird James, Brannigan John, Bean John, Carleton Charles P., Clough William, Colby Henry, CoggswfcU Adams H., ConoUy Martin, Cox Thomas H., Cusick William, Cusick William C, Craig George, CuUen .James H., Dame Albert, Davis Hazen, Drew Orville R., Dustin Levi, Emerson Frederick F., Fairbanks Charles H., Farrington George, AGE. OCCUPATION. RESIDENCE. . 47 Butcher, Methuen. 33 Shoemaker, Methuen. 23 Machinist, Law rence. 26 Watclimaker, Andover. 21 Bookeeper, Boston. 27 Seaman, Methuen. 25 Hatter, 23 Watchmaker, ii 32 20 26 Shoemaker, It » " 32 " Derry, N. H. 21 Seaman, Derry, N. H. 21 22 26 Farmer, Methuen. Fireman, « 38 Shoemaker, Salem. 18 " Methuen. 23 " Derry, N. H. 21 <' " " 26 " Salem, " 19 Hatter, Methuen. 25 " •' 38 Shoemaker,, Windham, N.H 14 Student, Methuen.. 18 Shoemaker, " 29 Seaman, (1 35 Hatter, Methuen» 18 Shoemaker, (i 21 Farmer, (. 16 Student, Methuen. 46 Shoemaker, " 19 Boxmaker, Andover. 22 Cabinet-maker, Methuen. 21 Tinsmith, Boston. 23 Shoemaker, Derry, N. H. 34 Hatter, Georgetown. 28 Shoemaker, Methuen. 29 " Derry, N. H. 26 i( Methuen. 22 F.armer, Lynn. 35 Teamster, Methuen. 44 Farmer, " 19 " •' 30 Flax dresser. Andover. 18. Operative, Methuen. 20 Shoemaker, " 19 " Kingston, N. H. 20 Operative, Methuen. 20 Shoemaker, " 25 " '* 19 " t< 43 (( Lawrence NAME. Tlagg Henry H., Gutterson James, Hallacy Daniel, Hauchet George B., Heath John, Holt Cyrus L., Jackman Frank D., Johnson Elton P., Johnson William H., Jones Alphonso P., Jones Sylvanus W., Kelley Daniel W., Kelley William H. H., Kimball Hiram, Kcnison George W., Lake John, Lewis Charles A., Lucas Peter J., MahatFey Charles F., McGregor Alexander, Martin Thomas, McLaughlin John S., McLaughlin Robert, McMullen Patrick, Malony John, Malony Daniel, Messer Cyrus, Messer William R., Miller William K., McKenney Andrew J., Minihan John, Mulineaux Patrick, Maxwell Loani, O'Brien Jerry, Palmer Henry, ' Parker Caleb O., Peroival Thomas, Putnam Jeremiah R., Putnam John C, Poland Thomas, Quero Andrew, Ranger William F., Richards Charles, Sargent Charles H., Savage Charles H,, Sawyer Samuel F., Ssarls Sarze, Sherwood William H., Smith Chandler P., Smith Frederick, Snell John S., Straflord William P., Thurlow Edwin, Towle Van Bureu L., Vincent Hiram D., White John P., Winn Abuer G., Woodsum Frederick M. Worthen David, Died. James H. Bailey, George Lang, Discharged. Charles F. Jackman, George Hoybourn, Luther Silloway, Nathan F. Flanders, Emil Saudeg, Frank Hopkins, Abraham Kimball, Daniel Harrington, DIRECTORY. AGE. OCCUPATION. RESIDENCE. 19 Watchmaker, Methueu. 36 Butcher, " 21 Carver, Boston. 31 Shoemaker, Methuen. 20 Farmer, Winchester, 41 Seaman, Lynn. 18 Baker, Lawrence, 20 Shoe stitcher, Methuen. 22 11 ii " 21 Shoemaker, " 27 Teamster, Shoemaker, Haverhill. 37 Bootmaker, Lawrence. 20 Beltmaker, Kingston, N. H. 21 Seaman, Lawrence. 22 Farmer, do. 18 Weaver, do. 23 Shoemaker, do. 25 Operative, Lowell. 18 do. Lawrence. 18 Machinist, Lowell. 27 Shoemaker, Haverhill. 22 Farmer, Brentwood, N. H. 30 Watchman, Lawrence. 17 Printer, do. 18 Operative, Exeter, N . H; 18 Farmer, Haverhill. ' DIRECTORY. NAJrE. AGE. OCCUPATIOX. Foran John, 18 Operative, Goulden Uaniel, 29 Jack spinner,- Goodrich Stephen W., 18 Farmer, Holt Amos L., 20 H atter. Holt. Samuel, 26 Operative, Hulford John H., 19 Wool sorter, Howard Richard, 29 Carpenter, Hale John 30 File cutter. Hoyt George C, 2(; Shoemaker, Howe Dennis W 20 Machinist, Hale Abraham, 38 Carpenter, Hamilton Oliver B., 47 Holmes William, 18 Operative, Irish Charles S., 18 Cooper, Jones Lorenzo, 2-1 Carpenter, Johnson Alfred, 22 Tinman, Kuowles George F , 25 Weaver, Lewis George W., 20 Student, Lallv Thomas, 27 AVi'aver, Mitter Thomas, IS Winder, Marsh Aaron I5., IS Butcher, McCoy Patrick,' 37 Operative. Magrath Patrick, 21 Plumber, McKown John V , 22 Shoemaker, McNamara Jeremiah, 34 Hatter, Noble Herbert A., 21 Farmer, Nute George W., 21 do. Osgood Daniel, 44 Operative, Parsons George W., 22 Shoemaker, Perry Natlian. 32 Carpenter, Parshley Charles K., 38 Confectioner, Plumme'r George W., 21 Hatter, Priest PVceman H., 27 Carpenter, Palmer Daniel S., Painter, Ryder Stanley, 35 Carpenter, Rogers George A., 33 Tinman, Stevens James, 27 Shoemaker, Stevens Thomas A., 24 Machinist, Sharrock Wil'iam, 18 Operative, Searle Caleb S., 42 Farmer, Sanderson Joseph A., 19 Operative, Swett John \V., 27 Farmer, Smith John, ^ 18 Opei ative, Smith William, 23 Shoemaker, Smith Moses, 23 Farmer, Thornton Thomas V., 31 Operative, Tuck Charles, 27 do. Welch George, 21 do. Washburn Eleazar, 21 Laborer, Walton Joseph H., 45 Currier, Winn Ambrose S., — Warburton Levi S., 19 Operative, Resigned. Langmaid Samuel, 40 Millwright, Discharged. Arsino Philip, 21 Farmer, Davis Daniel S., 22 Blacksmith, Sandford John A., 33 Seaman, Smith Thomas 42 Shoemaker, Thurlow Isaac W., la Farmer, Westale Solomon, 20 Operative, Wood William 28 Moulder, Died. Garland James S., 24 Cabinet maker Deserted. Flagg Charles H., 28 Carpenter, Ryan James, 39 Farmer, 19 RESIDENCE. Lawrence. do. do. Methuen. Lawrence. do. do. do. Haverhill. Salmon Falls, N. H. Lawrence. do. do. do. do. do; do. Boston. Lawrence. do. Brentwood, K. H. Haverhill. Boston. Haverhill. Lawrence. South Waterford, Me. Haverhill. do. Salem, Mass. Lawrence. Haverhill. Methuen. Lawrence, Haverhill. Lawrence. Lowell. Andover. Lawrence, do. do. do. Kingston, N. H. Lawrenc(>. Haverhill. Kingston, N. H. Lawrence. do. do. Rumney, N. H. Bradford. Lawrence. do. Lawrence. S wanton, Vt. Kingston, N. '. Lawrence. Lynn. Methuen. Lawrence, do. Exeter, N. H. Lawrence. Amesbury. This Company has 98 enlisted men and 5 commissioned officera. 20 DIRECTORY. COMPANY G-CAPT. BENJAMIN DAY. NAME. Benjamin Day, Capt., Lieutenants. Charles P. Noyce, Benjamin F. Martin, *.Joel F. Stone, Samuel K. Daltou, Sergeants. George B. Bartlett, William L. Stacy, Samuel H. Doliber, Nathaniel R. Blaney, Burrill "Witham, Q. M. Sergeant. William V. Lecraw, Corporals. John F. Graves, William L. Dodd, Nathaniel V. Rogers, Samuel Sinclair, •Tames L; Morse, Charles E. Roach, John L. Roundy, Peter Crowley, Musicians. Joseph A. Chinn, Martin V. B. Russell, Privates. Atkins Philip H., Atkins William H., Aborn Benjamin F., Baker William W., Blackler liCvi M., Blaney Jonathan, Brown Calvin K., Burridge Robert, Jr., Cloutman John S. B., Cloutman Samuel, Chapman John G., Chapman Benjamin H. Cox Thomas, Courtiss Joseph, Colyer Kben, Clark Augustus, Downing Benjamin, Kdwards George K., Eastland George, Evans Amos B., Flint David, Jr., Florence William H., Freeto Thomas, Foley Timothy, Greene Richard R., Greene John R., Greene Alfred P., Giley Eben, Gilbert Philip H., Gilbert John G., Graham John, Givings James F., High Nathaniel, ♦Resigned May 18th AGE. 38 .33 20 23 22 39 24 25 26 22 OCCUPATION. Shoemaker, Shoemaker, Operative, Book-keeper, Shoemaker, ItKSIDENCK. Marblehead. Marblehead. Lawrence. Salem. Marblehead. 32 Miner, Marblehead. 20 Shoemaker, " 22 " " 27 " " 26 Mason, • ' 20 Shoemaker, " 18 " " 20 ** " 34 ., u 24 " Salem. 29 Shoemaker. Salem. 29 '' " 2? '« " 37 " " ' 18 " Swampscott. 21 << Marblehead. 33 i< Derry, N. H, 33 " Marblehead. 18 Mason, " 30 Shoemaker, " 20 " " 22 " i( 25 " " 23 " " 29 " a 19 " • ,, 43 26 Carpenter, Bristol, Me. 40 Shoemaker, Marblehead. 20 " " 40 «< " 29 " '* 20 •* *' 19 «» Boston 39 Organ builder. " 22 Farmer, " 19 " " 18 Millwright, 1.1 33 Printer, Amesbury. at Shoemaker, Andover. 35 Farmer, " 18 Trader, " 22 Painter, Brooklyn, 18 Bleacher, Andover, 18 Laborer, " 19 Spinner, " 35 Millwright, " 24 Weaver, <( 22- Tailor, " 21 Farmer, " 21 Painter, «. PIRECTORT. 2S 3fAME. Findley James, 5'"'iudley John A. iFoster Thomas E. Faruhaiii SamuGl P. •Ciilcreast David B. •Goldsmith Albert, Ooldsmith Joseph C. "Oreeu Charles, Gillespie William, ogue Jolin, Melcher Sylvester C, McGurk Harnard, Mahoney Michael, Mears Warren, Jr. Mears Charles, Morse William B McLaughlin John, Nichols William W. O'Hara Edward, Pasho William A. Kea Aaron G. Kussell Winslow, Kussell Williain, Ivichardsoa Silas, Stevens Benjamin F. Saunders Ziba M, Smith Jiinies, Shannon William, Sherman Henry T. Shields Nicholas, Towusend William W. Wardwell William H. Wood Elliott, Wood Henry, Discharged, Wardwell Alfred, Kussell Joseph, Jr- Shattuck William C. Hunt Amos, Berry Dani'cl, Deserted. Bobanan Albert L, GE. OCCUPATIOX. JiESIDENCE, :iO Fisherman, Andover, i« Painter, " 20 Farmer, " 24 Mason, " Zi Farmer, -4< 19 *' *l 30 Shoemaker, ic 21 Printer, ■H 32 Flax dresser. •n mo Farmer, « 21 Shoemaker, ■** 39 " ** 31 •' « 27 " *4. V 22 Carpenter, " 28 Teamster, " 31 Shoemakei", - M 23 u •" 19 <( " Hi Farmer, «' 32 Laborer, •" 19 Spinner, " 22 Shoemaker, •" IS " ^t 21 Farmer, " 18 Slioeinaker, " 19 Wheelwright, <■' -21 Farmer, Spswich. 2S Tailor, " 2:i Carpenter, Lancaster, N- H, 25 Flax dresser. Andover, 34 Shoemaker, " 31 Carpenter, " 25 Shoemaker, ■" 20 " n 18 Weaver, «' 20 Shoemaker, " 25 Laborer, " 23 Stone mason, " 27 Carpenter, •" 25 Sailor, " 28 Shoemaker, •ENCK, 3& Machinist, Andover. 22 Butcher, Danyers. 29 Expressman, " 26 Wool sorter. Lawrence. 22 Law stndent. Cambridge.. 22 Shoemaker, North Danvers 22 " Danvers. 21 Currier, Haverhill. 22 Machinist, Danvers. 40 S-hoemaker, Lawrence. 28 Shoemaker, > Danvers. 24 " Wenham. :W " Danvers. 24 " Wenham. 26 Currier, Danvers. 22 Carpenter, " 20 Shoemaker, Wenham. 31 Mason, Danvers. 19 J\'irmer, Wenham. 27 Musician, Beverly. 21 Shoemaker, Danvers. 29 " " 39 Spinner, Boston. 27 Shoemaker, Haverhill. 37 Carpenter. Danvers. 19 Farmer, " 22 Shoemaker, Salem. S. 19 Laborer, Danvers. 19 Shoemaker, Boston. 21 " Danvers, 23 u " 22 Farmer, " 28 Shoemaker,, II 25 " Marblehcad. 18 n Charlestown. 18 Hostler, Boston. 22 Shoemaker, Danvers. 35 '• " 22 tt ** 23 Carpenter, Salem. 24 Laboror, Boston. 18 Brickmaker, Danvers. 25 Shoemaker, Middleton. 31 " Salem. 40 Jobber, Danvers. 20 37 18 Shoemaker, |j " (1 18 Farmer, a 18 Shoemaker, " DIRFXTORY. 25 IGE. OCCUPATION. 22 Shoemaker, 23 Mason, 21 Shoemaker, 42 " 20 " 22 Farmer, 22 Shoemaker, 19 " 22 " 19 " 18 " 21 '* 19 Laborer, 20 Shoemaker, 18 " 27 c< 26 Carpenter, 44 Shoemaker, 29 " 21 Currier, 20 Farmer, I'l) ilor. 33 Farmer, 28 Shoemaker, 25 " 25 Shoe cutter. 29 " 25 Shoemaker, 27 " 20 Currier, 20 Carpenter, 27 " 23 Seaman, 21 Teamster, 19 Seaman, 29 Shoemaker, 28 " 29 " 21 '• 28 " 26 " 20 Butcher, 18 Ijaborer, 25 Whaler, 28 Shoemaker, 21 " 32 " 22 Farmer, 26 Shoemaker, 26 " 21 " 31 Farmer, 18 " 23 Hostler, NAME. Guppy Orlando C, Ilurd Cliarles, Ham James II., Howard Levi, Hobbs John, Hiller Charles, Hennissey John, HodgsJon James F., Iu";-ram George, Johnson William, .Tones George H., Kittredg-e P rank S., Kelley William, Lefflau Samuel A,, Lowe Georg-e E. S,, Metzgar John, Merrill John, Moser William H., Mack James, Musgrave Peter, Moloney Thomas, McGordis Chtrles, McKerrou Edward, Miles Benjamin D., Murray Simon, Perkins Franklin, Perkins George W., Parsons Sidney N., Plummer Oliver A., Plummer George, Parker Henry K., Parker Ed ward , Parker William, Pitts Albert W., Peterson George, Smith David. Smith Daniel H., Smith .Tames C, Smith Richard, Sheldon VTilliam E., Sheldon Charles W., Saunders Nathaniel, Salmon John, Stephens George F., Thomas Edward W., Trask Ira F- Weedon John G., Woodward Carlton, Wiegand Robert, Wcscott John, Whittier James, Ward William, Warren Ashael E., Willey George S., Vied. Corp. Thos. Turney, 25 Shoemaker, (Shot by accident at Fort Runyon Milford Tedford, 18 Shoemaker, Deserted, Ansenbergcr Charles G., 25 Shoemaker, KESimCNCE. Danvers. Haverhill. Danvers. Buffalo, N. Y. Danvers. So. Danvers. Danvers. Waltham. Wenham. Danvers. So. Danvers Bradford. Salem. Boston. I>a'.iverg. Topsfield, Danvers. Wenh.im. Danvers. Hamilton. Boston. Danvers. Wenham. Danvers. Marblehead. Boston. Wenham. Va.) Danvers. Danvers. This Company has 99 Enlisted Men and 5 Commissioned Officers. 26 DIRECTORY. COMPANY K-CAPT: WILLIAM PRESTON. William Preston, Capt. Lieutenants. Albert A. Davis, Joseph E. Buswell, Heury M, Mclntire, John F. Pope, Sergeants. Hatherly A. Stoddard, Frank Annan, Charles H. Hayes, Amos Southwick, John B. Beardsley, Warren G. Walker, Gilman P. Foss, Color Serr/eants, Plummer Walter S., Stoddard Alphonso, Q. M, Sergeant. Marcus M. Bartlett, Corporals. Webster W. Wallace, George P. Cummings, Carleton E. Merrill, George W. Morrow, William H. Merrow, Samuel A. Holt, George S. Collins, George F. Butler, John Chard, Frank Labounty, Horace M. Ourncy, John M. Dow, Musicians. Charles Berry, George Noble, Privates. Atkinson Robert, Ashworth Charles, Ames Charles J., Blake Uriah, Berry Charles Jr., Brown Otis D., Brown Ambrose A., Bartlett Gcerge A., Boardmau Edward K., Bean Josiah, Brigham Stephen H., Bryant Amas.i F., Belelier Charles F,, Ratchelder Joseph, Bridges Charles H., Collins William H., Crosby Robert, Copp George E., Crowell Daniel D., *Cartcr Levi H., Carter William S., Carpenter George, Condon James, Connors John, Cahalan Daniel, Crouse John F., Cochran Daniel B., Campbell Joseph, (;allahan Patrick A., Dame Sylvanus W., Forsaith John, Folsom Charles H., *L. H. Carter is AGE, OCCUPATION. „ 23 Carder, 22 Tailor, 20 Student, 29 Machinist, 23 Clerk, 21 Hatter, 22 Machinist, 22 Printer, 24 Clerk, 31 Shoemaker, 21 Spinner, 43 Moulder, 43 Printer, 31 Carpenter, 22 Painter, 25 Painter, 24 Machinist, 31 Hatter. 20 Spinner, 21 " 20 Machinist, 22 Shoe heeler, 18 Shearer, 20 Clerk, 18 Weaver, 23 Slioemaker, 32 Hatter, 50 Carpenter, 18 Spinner, 20 Machine printer, 20 " » 21 Pressman, 22 Paper maker, 20 Carpenter, 21) Machinist, 22 Clerk, 20 Belt maker, IS Card maker, 43 Gunsmith, 22 Machinist, 24 Blacksmith, 27 Operative, 18 Farmer, 25 Clerk, 25 Weaver. 21 Hatter, 19 Painter, 37 Shoemaker, 43 Contractor, 20 Butcher, 32 Carpenter, 35 Laborer, 30 Teamster, 29 Operative, 50 Carpenter, 27 Boiler-maker, 19 Seaman, 30 Tailor, 44 Blacksmith, 21 Machine Printer, 23 Card -maker. Superintendent of Roade, KESIDENCE. Lawrence. Lawrence. Metliuen. Lawrence. Dorchester, Lawrence. Haverhill, Lawrence. Lawrence. Lawrence. Haverhill. Lawrence. Lawrence. Lawrence, Lynn, Boston, Lawrence. with rank of Sergeant, DIRECTOEY. 27 &OE. OCCUPATION. RESIDENCE. 22 Paiutpr, Lawrence. 18 Blacksmith, '' 28 Hatter, " 20 Farmer, ^meshury. 19 Operative, Lawrence. 20 Machine Printer, " 33 Tinsmith, U 30 Operative, " 27 Machinist, • a 24 « 25 " u 22 Carpenter, t-e 31 Mule Spinner, " 28 Hatter, c< 3() ireaver. iC 19 Painter, (( 23 Shoemaker, t( 20 i< i< 24 Fireman, ll, William H. Hart, Edwin F. SpofTord, ■William L. Burrill, John W. Boody, Edwin L. Joyce, William L. Pratt, Q. M. Sergeant. Edwin Earp, Corporals. James Downing, Stephen W. Bickford, John Gallagher, George F. KcUey, Robert Mansfield, Samuel Webster, George L. Phillips, Henry H . Parmelee, I-ucius D. Chapin, George H. Knights, Musicians. Charles F. Sisson, Ambrose L. Graves, Jr, Privates. Alley Richard, Allen Francis, Angus James, AGE. OCCUPATIOir. RKSIDENCE. 30 Clothing dealer,. Lynn, 2G Shoe manufacturer. Jlarblehead. 23 Attorney at law. Lawrence. 31 Civil engineer. Salem. 38 Carpenter, Haverhill, 28 Morocco dresser^ Lynn. 25 Cordwainer, " 25 Carpenter, Lawrence, 26 Shoe cutter, Quincy. 2G Shoemaker, I^ynn. 20 Bookbinder,. Quincy, 24 Shoemaker^ Lynn. 38 Trader, Lynn. 2a Mason, Haverhill. 24 Shoemaker, Lynn. 33 Bootmaker, Framingham. 28 Shoemaker, Northwood, N. K, 34 " Lynn.- 22 Painter, " 24 Teamster, Kockport. 25 Paper-hanger, Haverhill. 21 Clerk, Boston. 24 it- " 19 Letter carrier, Lynn. 21 Baker, " 23 Shoemaker, Lynn. 18 Mariner, Boston. 18 Machinist, Angus Thomas, j\tlierton Simon, Attiertou Lewis B. Boody Samuel U . IBrown Honry J. B, •Bohannau JIartin, Buchauan Joliu W. Burns John, .Bird Linus C. Burtch ^'illiam D, Bailey Charles P. IBarry James^ Bugbec S;unuel, Bolton Tliomas, Breed James W. Bisbee Charles F, Burnham Charles, Binns Cyrus, Cobbett William jAI. Covle Heury A. Cutler Charles H. Owinnell Charles II. Dwinuell Moses P. Deputrine Calvin W, Downing- Charles H. 2d, Dennis Uanforth, Davis Oliver, Davis Charles H. Dolliver Thomas II. Emery Aaron, Fields AVilliam K. Foley Dennis, Full Thomas, Fowler Samuel M. Feruald Nehemiah C. ■' " Payne William A. 19 " " Parker Alvin F. 18 Bootmaker^ Boston. Parker George E.. .33 Carpenter, Haverhill. J'erkins Isaac, 40 Farmer, Lynn. Perkins Sylvester N. 19 Shoemaker, " Pedrick Bi'njamin, 18 Fisherman, Swampscott. Rice Georg-e, 40 Morocco dresser. Lynn. Keagan John, 21 Shoemaker, Marblehead. Richardson Kendall F. 2.'> Middleton. Richardson Samuel P. 3i " North Danvers. Rollins John, 34 Farm T, Lee, N. H. Randall Charles W. 21 Tinsmith, Salem. Simpson James A. 31 Sboemaker, Haverhill. Steel Frank. 28 " Lynn. Sullivan John, 28 Carder, Lawrence. Stone George E. 2.5 Shoemiiker, Lynn. Stubbs Thomas, 35- Teamster, South Boston. Smith Daniel F. 33 Tinsmith, West Cambridge, Townes Calvin L» 22 Shoemikor, Salem. Tully James, 18 Laborer, I-owell. Tolman Charles, 18 Farmer, South Marshfield, Talbot Peter, 19 Bootiuaker, Quincy. Turner George W. 22 Stone cutter, " Totman P'reeman M. 24 Bootmaker, " Thayer Washington B . 30 " ^ Groton Junction. Thompson James, 34 Blacksmith, Widdip James, IS Shoemaker, Marblehead. Wells Nathaniel H. 22 " Danvers. Whicher Thomas W, IS Farmer, Quincy. Vella Henry W. 19 Shoemaker, Lynn Vlning George H. 18 Farmer, South Weymouth. Died. Harty John, 20 Bootmaker, Bo.?ton. Killed by falling dOAvn the well iu Fort Albany, ,Mayl, 18G2. Deserted. Leahy David, 32 Teamster, Boston. This Company has 116 enlisted men and 5 commissioned officers.. MRU ATA,— For Lieut. Trail of COrC, read Lieut. Wall. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 704 009 8