Class _TT 711 Book I p k %_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSm ^ ^ %m UKiifff .A.T -MtBY-i-ej^E+WJie-J-p^S-ffRIED-i-IiF.^-s. ^^mm" / I^IilCE 50 CENTS. •' ^ ♦^ / «>. AT HOME. BY ONE WHO HSS TRIED iT. V_-V. «i>^io-5KV .:»A.^.^O^ C'outaiiiir.g full dirtclions for ;iiakiiig in Nour own kitchen, about two hundred ind tilty ditTercnt kinds of Creams, Pastes. Nougats. Bonbons. Caramels, Fruit Glace. Chocolates, Jelly Creams. Mar:i!mmllows, Molasses Candies, Taffies. Cough Candies, Cream and Nut Bars, Chocolate Drops. Pastille Drops, Pulled Candies, Losengers, Sticks, Bars, Drops, Squares. Etc. ^^«^^" '^" '-^^ l^UBI.IHHED BY F. H. EVERSTON 6 HOSTON, MASS 1884.. COPYRIGHT BY F. Y. IIOTCHKISS, )V . 1884. NOTICE. ''Candy Making at Eome" is the compilation of tlie results of sev^eral years of home experiments by the author, and is intended principally for the use of amateurs. Care has been taken to explain the subject as clearly as possible (even at the expense of repetition in many places) and it is earnestly requested that its readers will give the recipes a fair and honest trial, and that they will not hastily con- demn the book, simply because they may chance to fail in their first experiments. It is hoped that they will be patient, and remember that all the ''ins and outs" of candy making, cannot be learned in a day. It requires care and practice, like everything else, but, by adopting for a motto, the old proverb : "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again," they will soon learn to make the most delicious candies at home. Lest any misunderstanding should arise, regarding the actual number of recipes in this book, it is thought best to explain that the different shapes or styles of the candies have been included in the summing up of the contents, as each one is, by right, a sepei'ate variety. CONTENTS. Part I. The adulteration of cheap candies. Page 1. Apparatus for Candy Making at Home : — Heat, vessels, covers, slab and bars, ruler, moulding-board, rolling- pin, hook, wooden spoons or spatulas, shears, knife, tin sheets, sieves or sifters, moulding trays, moul- ding patterns. Page 6. Colors : — Bed, yellow, pink and cream color. Page 9. Flavors, Extracts and Ingredients : — To make flavors, fil- tering, etc. Anise, capsicum, cinnamon, cloves, cofiee, ginger, lemon, liquorice, orange (oil of neroli), pep- permint, rose, spearmint, sassafras, vanilla, winter- green. Artificial Flavors. omitted. Formulae showing the preparation of artificial peach and banana essences. Pure bottled fruit juices harmless. Danger of Bitter Almond fiavor. Chocolate, cocoanut. Page 10. Sugar: — Molasses, white, yellow, and brown sugars. Loaf, crushed, granulated, pulverived, lozenge or icing su- gars. "Cofi'ee A," "P," etc. Sugar-house syrup. Page 19. Degrees of boiling Sugar: — The thread, the feather, the soft ball, the hard ball, the soft crack, the hard crack, and the caromel. Pao-e 20. Graining of the Sugar: — To control. Use of covers. To dispose of the grained sugar by. making it into syrup. Page 24-. Pulling Candy: — Reasons for giving instructions. Difier- ence between that properly pulled and that which is not. Page 26. Measures and Weights. Page 27. Observations and Eules. Pa^e 28. CONTENTS. n Part IL Pulled Candies: — Yanilla, lemon, rose, chocolate. Ice cream candy. Pnge 32. Pastille Drops: — Peppermint, rose, ginger. Fruit flavors: peach, orange, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, etc. Page 33. Molasses Candies, Taffies, Chips, etc.: — Old-fashioned, modern old-fashioned, home made, white, and store molasses candies. Plain everton (or butter), maple, cocoanut, chocolate, lemoji, Etighsh walnut, hazelnut, peanut, hickory nut, brazil nut, and butter nut taffies. Peppermint, sassafras, and wintergreen taffies. Boston chips, flakey-flinder candy. Page 34. Nut and Cream Bars: — Peanut, brazilnut, butternut, al- mond, English walnut, hickory nut, hazel nut, and pecan nut bars. Cocoanut cream bar. Page 37. Lozenges: — To prepare the gum. To make the dough. The cutter. Yariety of shapes. Flavors: — Anise, clove, peppermint, vanilla, wintergreen, cinnamon, cayenne, rose, ginger, lemon,, marbled, tri- color, conversation, ring, crystal. Lozenge pipe coltsfoot rock or pipe Page 39. Cream AVork: — Cream bonbons divided into three classes: the rolled, cast, and dipped. Vanilla, lemon, rose, coffee, chocolate, and cocoanut. Tri-color bonbons. Cream nuts: sweet almonds, English walnuts, etc. Cream dates, raisins, apricots, strawberries, etc. Cho- colate creams. To coat chocolate creams. Chocolate cream bricks, roils, bars, sticks, mice, beetles, etc. Cocoanut creams. Form of bonbon made without cooking the sugar. Page 4%: Jelly Work: — Lemon, ruse. Assorted flavors: apple, crab- in CONTENTS. apple, cherry, currant, barberry, blackberry, elder- berry, grape, peach, plum, orange, qnince, raspberry , strawberry, whortleberry, wine. Jelly cream bricks and bonbons, flavored with lemon, rose, vanilla, cho- colate, coffee, orange, cocoanut. Dipped jelly bon- bons. Jelly chocolates. Page 48. Gum Drops: — Lemon, rose, wintergreen. Page 49. Pulled Cream Candies: — Yanilla, lemon, orange, rose, chocolate. Page 50. Caramels: — Chocolate, vanilla, lemon, maple, maple cho- colate, maple cocoanut, molasses chocolate. Page 52. Stick Candies: — Clear, pulled, striped, round, flat. Anise, cinnamon, clove, lemon, rose, peppermint, sassafras, vanilla, wintergreen. Fancy sticks. Page 53. Drops, Squares, Cough Candies, etc.: — Pulled, transparent and round drops. Transparent squares. Cough can- dies: flaxseed, horehound, Iceland moss, slippery-elm bark, liquorice, barley. Page 57. Pastes, Nougats, Marshmallows: — Lemon and winter- green jujube paste. Fig paste. White, vanilla, lemon, rose, and chocolate Nougats. Marshmallow paste: vanilla and lemon. Page 59. Crystallizing: — To prepare the crystallizing solution. To crystallize creams, bonbons, gum drops, flg paste, etc. Bed and amber crystals. Page 62. Miscellaneous: — Red or pink sand.. Yellow or cream-color sand. White icing, flavored with vanilla, lemon. Chocolate and Cocoanut Icing. Yellow, cream-color, red, and pink icing. White and red pop corn balls. Corn cake. Candied fruits and nuts: — oranges, cherries, grapes, apricots, dates, flgs, raisins, prunes, currants, etc. Fruits and nuts glace'. Page 63. PART I. TUE ADULTERATION OF CHEAP CANDIES. As tlic following article describes this subject in so clear and interesting a manner, the author of "Candy Making AT IIome" has taken the liberty of copying it from the June 1879 issue of that excellent monthly magazine, The Household^ edited and published by Mr. Geo. E. Crowell at Brattleboro, Vermont. "Adulterated Confectionery — In raising adulteration to the dignity of a science, says the Boston Commercial Bulletin, the manufacturers of confectionery have done their part. Properly, there are only three component parts in pure confectionery — the sugar, or body of the matter; the extract, or flavoring quahty of the same, and the coloring property. To such a degree of ingenuity have candy-makers arrived, that some kinds of their wares are put up fur the market wnth only a very slight proportion of the first, and with the coloring and flavoring of so cheap a quality, that their 'manufactured articles can be bought at the same price per pound as the plain sugar itself. It is not to be supposed that there is no pure confection ery. Those who purchase at our best and old-established places are morally sure of getting a genuine article. But children do not always go to these places. They strike for the nearest shop or store and ^vhere they can get the most for their pennies. The cheaper candies, of which hundreds of tons are sold every year, contain some of the most deadly poisons known, among them red lead, gamboge, vermillion, chromate of lead, Prussian blue, verditer or carbonate of copper, arsenite of copper, Bruns- CANDY MAKING AT HOME. wick green, the various oxides of iron, white lead, etc Terra alba, a kind of clay or white earth is very largely used, in some qualities it forming from 50 to 60 per cent. of the manufactured article. The argument that the substances named are used in quantities so small that poisoning cannot result from their use is founded upon ignorance. Some of the poisons named are known as cumulative, from the fact that they accumulate in the system, and that, no matter how small the quantity taken in at each time, each addition remains, the constantly-growing mass working slowly and silently, producing even more deadly effects than large doses acci- dentally taken, whose result may be neutralized or affected by antidotes. A distinguished physician lately made a deliberate statement at an annual meeting of the society of which he was a member, that there was no question but hundreds of children were slain every year by cheap con- fectionery, without the real cause of their death being known. As we have just stated, the article which is most used by dishonest confectioners is what is known to the trade as terra alba. It is principally brought from Ireland, and was brought into use fifteen or twenty years ago. Its first extensive use was during the war, when cream of tar- tar, bicarbonate of soda, pepper, ground rice and other ar- ticles of domestic use rose to double their ordinary price. Terra alba was then worth about ten or fifteen dollars per ton. The demand has brought it up to about double those- figures. This compound is nothing more nor less then actual dirt. In color it resembles dark flour or ground chalk, and is just as injurious as so much clay or dirt. It enters mostly into the QQ^position of ^^piixed" candies^ CANDY MAKING AT HOME. though this does not imply that all candies of this sort are adulterated with it, for some of the choicest candies in reliable confectioners' stores are called "mixed," and are the most expensive. Many readers who have bought the common fruit or nut-candy will remember that in letting the round pieces containing the fruit melt in their mouth the result was a thick, tasteless paste without taste or flavor. This was the "white earth," which was only frosted on the outside. The cheaper chocolate creams, of which children are so fond, are made of terra alba and glycerine mixed togeth- er, the glycerine keeping the earth soft and pasty, making it adhere so it will not fall apart, and then the balls are rolled in tallow, with sufficient grease to allow one pound of chocolate to go as far as five or six pounds would if properly made. The worst eftects of the use of terra alba are, that the terrible diseases of stone and gravel are caused by the in- troduction of earth into the system, and the large increase of patients suffering from these diseases is attributed by high medical authorities to the introduction of this terri- ble ingredient into the confectionery and similar arti- cles consumed in this country. Glucose, or "grape sugar," is the name of another dan- gerous article extensively used in the adulteration of can- dies. It is not, as its name would imply, made from grapes, but from potatoes, and its effect is to produce paralysis of various portions of the system, especially the kidneys, where the effect is not only to paralize them, but to turn them into a sugary substance; in other words^ to produce Bright's disease, a malady for which physicians have found as yet no remedy. CANDY MAKING AT HOME. The reason for the use of glucose is the same that is given for the use of every other adulteration — cheapness. Gum arable, for which it is used as a substitute, is worth iitty cents a pound, while glucose sells for five or six. Most of the cheap gum-drops are made from this compound. More disgusting than any of the articles named, though perhaps not so hurtful, are what confectioners term the scrapings. AVhen a sugar ship comes into port and is emptied of her cargo, a good deal of syrup has adhered to the sides of the vessel and run down into the bilo^e water. The first is scraped off and the second pumped out, mixed together, and boiled, and of this compound candy is made. The coloring of cheap candies, although it would hardly come under the head of adulteration, is yet a fraud, and oftentimes a dangerous one. Instead of the cochineal fly which the best confectioners use for the red in their wares, the unprincipled manufacturers use analine, a powerful and poisonous color. For yellows chromium is used, one of the elements of which is arsenic. We have already mentioned some of the other preparations of lead and cop- per used for this purpose. The yellow in the best candies is produced by the use of saffron. A few years ago the Massachusetts Board of Health en- tered into an investigation in relation to the confectionery sold in the state. Of the sixty-seven colored samples ex- amined, there were twenty-one specimens of yellow, twelve of orange, twenty-nine of red, five of brown, seven of green and four of blue. Of the twenty one yellows, seventeen consisted entirely of chrome yellow, or chromate of lead, two contained chromate of lead, although a vegetable yel- low also was present, and two were colored with organic CANDY MAKING AT HOME. yellow alone. Of the twelv^e specimens of orange, nine were colored with orange chromate of lead, two contained an organic red mixed with chrome yellow, and in one the coloring matter was entirely organic. Of the twenty- nine reds, twenty-live were organic, three samples of a brick-red color contained iron, and one was colored with Vermillion or sulphite of mercury. Of the four specimens of blue, two contained only organic coloring matter, and two were found to be colore^ with ultramarine, or silicate of soda and alumina with sulphite of sodium. Of the seven greens, one — a pale green — was found to be organic, six were colored with a mixture of Prussian-blue or terro- cyanide of iron with chrome yellow, and one contained, in addition, arsenic green, or arsenite of copper. Most candies flavored with pear, apple, banana and other fruits are unwholesome, these extracts in many in- stances being made from fusil-oil, taken from the refuse ot liquor-stills." It is qnly fair and just to state, that it was proved that many of the confectioners who were convicted of such adulterations, were unaware of the dangerous nature of some of the properties used by them. As a rule, confec- tioners are as honest and honorable a class of men, as you would wish to find, but the public demanded cheap candies, and they were obliged to satisfy that demand, or to lose largely, for the cost of manufacturing pure candies is ^luch greater than it is for the cheap trash. There are hundreds of long-established candy manufacturers, who prde themselves upon the purity of their goods, and you may rely upon getting a genuine article, if you are willing to ]iay for their candy, what it is really worth. "The CANDY MAKING AT HOME. laborer is worthy of his hire," therefore, if you prefer to spend yoar money fpr cheap, adulterated goods, you can not expect to have the best and purest articles, nor should you blame the manufacturer for providing for you, the quality that you demand. It is so in all trades. The honest confectioners, are only too glad to expose the dangers of eating poor candies, fur then, their own reputation for making and selling pure goods only, soon brings them in a larger and steadily increasing trade. APPAEATUS FOR CANDY MAKING AT HOME. First in importance, is the Seat over which the sugar is to be converted by the process of boiling, into the diff- erent varieties of confectionery. This may be obtained from a coal lire, or from a gas or an oil stove. It should be free from smoke, and the heat must be even and pow- erful. Sugar should be boiled quickly, if it is desired to have it retain its brilliancy and transparency, especially in the case of clear candies. The heat should be a23plied only to the bottom of the kettle and the flames must not reach up the sides, as they will scorch, and discolor the candy. Second in importance, is a suitable Vessel^ in which to boil the candy. Confectioners use copper utensils, but great care is taken to keep them perfectly bright and clean as otherwise, they are poisonous. Iron- ware is apt to dis- color the sugar. Porcelain-lined or the "agate-ware" sauce-pans and kettles, are suitable for the purpose, bein^ light, easily cleaned and always handy. If 3^ou ha^'e nothing of this kind, however, an ordinary sauce-pan or kettle of tinned iron may be used. Covers should be CAISDT MAKING AT HOME provided for them, and tliej should be free from any taint of cooking. In boiling sugar, allowance should be made for the expansion of the heated syrup. All boiling syrup should be carefully watched, and quickly lifted from the heat, if an overflow is threatened, and then replaced, when it subsides. On the other hand, do not use too large a ket- tle for a small quantity. A quart sized sauce-pan will usually hold a half, and sometimes a pound of sugar, w^itli its proportionate quantity of water, whereas if molasses were boiling,it would be necessary to use a vessel capable ot containing about three or four times the quantity of the same. In selecting new porcelain-lined or ^'agate" ware, exam- ine them with great care, rejecting any that have cracks, chipped places, or any imperfections on either the inside or the outside of the article. This is very important, for any such imperfection will soon render the article useless. A most useful article, is a Cofifectioner^s Slab 9 on a small scale. If you can find an old slab of polished marble, you will have one "ready made." The next best way, is to get a sheot of Eussia ii'on, say about two feet square. Fasten this smoothly over a board, l)y turning it down at the edges. Have holes punched so that you can tack it to the board. You will now have a smooth slab, upon which the various manipulations may be performed with great convenience. Also buy four smooth iron bars, each about a foot or sixteen inches long, about an inch wide, and half an inch thick. The object of these bars is this : they do away with the awkwardness and risk of us- ing plates, platters, or even tin pans, in which to ccol the candy after boiling. When the confectioner wishes to cool his candy, he simply rubs over a portion (or the whole) of CAOT)Y MAKING AT HOME. the surface of tliis slab with a buttered rag, arranges the bars to form a hollow square inclosing the greased place, then pours the boiled syrup into this hollow. The insides of these l^ars, where they come in contact with the candy, are also slightly greased. When the candy is almost (in some cases entirely) cold, the iron Savs may be re- moved and it is then cut into squares, blocks, etc., without the annoyance and risk of removing it from a pan, during which process, the tine appearance of the candy is fre- quently injured. You will find a Slab and Bar*s oii\iQ greatest convenience, and it is better to go to the trifling expense of their cost, than to run the risk of breaking some choice china platter, in which you are trying to cool the candy. It w^ill be useful for many other operations also, and it makes an excellent lozenge-board. You will also require a Hitler about six inches long, made from either iron or steel, or from hard wood. It should have one side smoothed to a dull cutting edge, and it is to be used to press the divisions, or mark the lines for the squares for caramels, cough candies, etc. While using, the cuttiijg edge may be kept slightly greased to prevent its adhering to the candy. A smooth Moulding Board (the same as for bread- making) and a JRolling I^ln will be required foV lozen- ge making. For pulling candy, a TTook is useful, if the quantity is large and correspondingly heavy, but for a small quan- tity, it is not necessary. A large sized meat-hook, such as butchers use, will answer the purpose, but the sharp point should be filed oft^ to prevent any possible accident. Or, a strong peg about eight inclies long, made of hard wood, may be driven into a hole bored in some convenient CANDY MAKING AT HOME. 9 place. Tack a piece of clean cloth behind the hook, to prevent the candy soiling the wall or wood-work. A Wooden Spoon or Spatula (\vhich is a strong knife cut from hard wood,) should be used in candy mak- ing, in preference to any made of metal. Other useful articles are a pair of strong Shears , a sharp Knife ; a number of sheets of Tin on which to place the softer varieties of candy to harden, and two Sieves or Sifters, one having fine, and the other larger meshes Mould in ff Trays for casting bonbons, gum-drops, etc., are simply, shallow wooden trays or boxes, filled with either the finest powdered corn-starch, or sugar-dust They may be made any convenient size. Moulding Patterns. Fill the boxes, and having smoothed the surface with a ruler, proceed to make inden- tations in the surface of the powder, with any convenient pattern. The top of a caster-bottle, the end of a wooden handle ; an old checkerman, or a button mould, which you have fastened to a stick for a handle, or any such article may be used for this purpose. Make the impressions as smooth as possible, going over them twice if necessary. These indentations may be made one by one, or a number of wooden or plaster patterns of exactly the size and shape desired, are glued to the under side of a flat board, and the entire number are thus impressed with one stroke of the board upon the surface of the powder. COLOES. These co^rs are harmless. As they are very strong, a few drops will co'o; a pound of sugar. JV^ever use analine colors for candy ^ for they are very poisonous. 10 CANDY MAKING AT HOME. JSeeZ. — Do not use any metal while preparing this color. Put two drachms of pure carmine No. 40, into a cup. Add a few drops of strong ammonia, and one gill of water. Stir until it becomes a liquid, adding more water if neces- sary. Put into a tightly corked bottle. Yelloiv* — To half an ounce of saffron, add four ounces of alcohol. Cork it well (to prevent the evaporation of the alcohol), and allow it to stand for a week or more, shaking occasionally. Then filter. Pinh, — This color is produced by pulling candy tinted with the red color; the depth and intensity of color, vary- ing from a delicate rose-pink to a dull dark red, according to the quantity of the red color used, and the time em- ployed in pulling. Clear unpulled candies, can not be made this color, but are always a bright, clear, red. Cream-color, — Produced by pulling candy tinted with tincture of saffron. Candies made from yellow or brown sugars, have more of a yellowish tinge, than those made from white sugar. Clear, unpulled candies, are always amber color. FLAVOES, EXTRACTS AND INGREDIENTS. Essential Oils are obtained from woods, roots, barks, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, etc., by the process of distill- ation. Extracts are produced by combining these oils with pure alcohol, in certain proportions ; while Essen- ces are a weaker form of extract, containing a much greater proportion of alcohol, which makes them so dilute^ that they should never be used for the purpose of flavoring^ candy. As many of the so-called, strong, ready-made extracts gold in the stores, are nothing but thQ weakest essences, CANDY MAKING AT HOME. 11 it is sometimes difficult to obtain a strictly pure article, especially if tlie purchaser regards a low price and a large quantity, more than he does qiuility. It is true that there are many reliable brands of flavors, prepared by honest dealers, but the majority of extracts that flood the market are worthless. You cannot judge of the strength of an extract, by the intensity of its coloring. Thus, vanilla does not possess any greater strength because its color is rich and dark, for that appearance is readily given to even the weakest preparation, by the addition of a few drops of red color. AYeak lemon extracts, are easily colored a bright golden-yellow, with a little tincture of safiron. If possible, make your own extracts. This is easily and cheaply done, by buying a few cents worth of an}^ of these oils (being particular regarding their purity and freshness), and diluting them with about five or six times their quantity of alcohol. As these oils are very concentrated, some care should be taken to keep them out of the reach of young children, because like many other articles tliat are harmless when diluted, they may produce distressing,if not dangerous symptoms,if swallowed through carelessness or ignorance, while in this concentrated state. No fear need be entertained, however, when they are used in candy, because it requires but a very small quan- tity to produce the desired flavoring, and this is difl'used through a large proportion of sugar. All extracts should be kept in closely corked bottles to prevent the evaporation of the alcohol. The easiest way to clear them, is to strain them through cloth, but if it is wished to have them very clear and transparent, they should be filtered. Take a small wad of cotton batting or wadding, wet it thoroughly with water, and thrust it 13 CAISTDY MAKING AT HOME into tlie inside of a tin or glass funnel, so as to completely close the hole. Then place the funnel, in a pitcher, or in some position where it will be supported, and carefully pour the extract into the funnel allowing it to take its time in running through. Return to the funnel again and again, until the liquid becomes perfectly clear. See that the end of the funnel-tube does not touch the bottom of the pitcher or vessel in which it is placed, for if it does, the liquid can not run through. Use fresh cotton for each different extract, throwing away the old bit. The flavors most universally used are these : anise, cap- sicum, cinnamon, cloves, coffee, ginger, lemon, liquorice, orange (or oil of neroli,) peppermint, rose, spearmint, sas- safras, vanilla and wintergreen. Anise, This is distilled from the seed of the anise plant. It is commonly adulterated with the oil from the seed of the Star-anise, an evergreen growing in China and Japan. Use the oil, or make the extract, by adding four drachms of the pure oil to four ounces of alcohol. Capsicum, This is the dried and powdered fruit or seed, of the capsicum plant. It is the common practice to adulterate it. To make the extract, put one ounce of pure cayenne pepper into a bottle, with four ounces of alcohol. Let it stand for ten days or so, shaking occasion- ally, then filter. Cinnamon, This is the inner bark of the shoots of the cinnamon tree, a native of Ceylon. It is exported in three forms : in little rolls of dried bark, just as it appears after being separated from the tree ; in powder, made by grinding the bits of bark that are inferior in quality, and it is also distilled into oil. The powdered cinnamon affords ample room for the grossest adulterations, and is CAIS^DY MAKIKG AT HOME. 13 eeklom found in its pure state. The oil of Cassia, is used by many persons in place of the true oil of cinnamon, as it closely resembles the same, although it lacks its delicacy. Use the oil, or make the extract from four drachms ot oil to four ounces of alcohol. Cloves, This oil is distilled from the buds of the Clov^e tree, a native of the East. The whole cloves of commerce, are these buds, gathered while still unopened, and then dried by solar, or artitical heat. The clove tree while in full blossom, is said to be a beautiful sight. They live to a great age, sometimes over one or two centuries. The trees blossom at regular intervals during the entire year. The buds are at first green, changing to white, and finally become ros}^ red. They are gathered by hand picking, or they are beaten from the trees, just before they open into full blossom. Use the oil, or make the extract, by addino- eight drachms of the oil to four ounces of alcohol. Coffee, An extract is made by soaking for about ten days, one ounce of roasted ground cofiee, in one gill of alcohol. Then filter. Ginger, The dark or black ginger, is brought from the East, while the white or Jamaica ginger comes from the island of Jamaica, in the West Indies. The white ginger is considered far superior to the black. The only part of the plant that is used, is the root, which is sold entire, or powdered. Like all other powders, this is fre- quently adulterated. To make the best extract, soak for a week or more, one ounce of the powdered white ginger, in four ounces of alcohol. Then filter. This is an excel lent extract of Jamaica ginger, and will be found useful for many purposes besides candy making. Lemon. The best lemons are brought from Italy. 14 CANDY MAKIKG AT HOME. The extract may be made, by mixing eiglit dracbms of the fresh and pure oil of lemon, with four ounces of alcohol. Or, when lemons are plenty and cheap, buy a dozen fine large specimens, and treat as follows. With a sharp pen-knife, carefully shave the outer yellow rind from the lemons. Do not go below the yellow outer-covering, for the oil-cells lie within this thin layer, and if any of the bitter white rind lying just below the surface is used, it injures the flavor. Put this shaved peel into a bottle, cover with alcohol, and allow it to stand a week or more, shak- ing occasionally. Then filter. JLiquorice, This is the root of the tree Glycyrrliiza glabra. The best and sweetest variety, comes from Italy. The extract of liquorice (or liquorice mass), is prepared, by evaporating a decoction of the root until it becomes a thick paste. It is then formed into the long, black rolls, commonly sold in shops. A good liquid extract is made by soaking one ounce of the pure and fresh powdered liquorice, in four ounces of alcohol. Orange, The oil of neroli, which is distilled from the blossoms of the orange tree, is commonly used for this flavor. Or make the extract from the genuine oil of orange, the same as for lemon. The flavor may also be obtained, by the same process described for lemons, exer- cising the same care regarding the bitter, white rind, that lies just below the outer yellow coating. JPejypemiint. This oil is distilled from the pepper- mint plant. Use the oil undiluted, or mix eight drachms with four ounces of alcohol. This plant is a native of Great Britain, but is extensively cultivated in the U. S., for its aromatic, and medicinal properties. Hose* This oil, which is called c>/^c>, attar oxidi essence CANDY MAKING AT HOME 15 of roses, is ohtSLined by distilling the petals of freshly- gathered roses. It requires five hundred pounds of these petals, to produce one ounce of the oil. The best quality comes from Kizanlik, and is expensive, costing at whole- sale, from nine to ten dollars an ounce, it is now exten- sively adulterated with the oil distilled from a certain variety of the sweet-scented Pelargonium, known as the rose-geranium. The cost of the latter is muc'h less, varj^- ing from one to two dollars an ounce. This flavor should be used sparingly, not only on account of its costliness, but because a delicacy is more grateful, than an intensity. The extract is made, by mixing one drachm of the pure oil, with two ounces of alcohol. Sassafras. This flavor is distilled from the bark of the roots, of the sassafras tree. Use the undiluted oil, or make the extract, by mixing eight drachms of the oil, with four ounces of alcohol. Spearmint. Distilled from the spearmint herb. Make tincture, with eight drachms of the oil, and four ounces of alcohol. This is used for mint drijps. Vanilla. This extract is made from the vanilla pod or bean, which is the seed-vessel of the plant. It is slen- der in form, seven or eight inches in length, and is tilled with an oilv mass, containino' countless, small and shininen or make a thick paste with the sugar. If too much w^ater is added, the drops will not harden. Stir this, until it is thoroughly mixed, then taste, to see if the flavoring is right. Add more, if necessary, but do not flavor too strongly, remembering that delicacy is generally more agreeable than intensity. Put this sugar paste on the fire and let it cook for a minute or two, stirring constantly, but never allowing it to actually boil. As soon as it becomes liquid enough to pour easily, remove from the fire, and holding the sauce-pan in one hand, and a knitting needle in the other, allow the liquid sugar, to fall, in large or small drops, upon a smooth surface, cutting the stream of sugar at the right moment, w^ith a stroke with the knit- ting needle. It will require some practice to make the drops uniform m size and shape. It may be colored red or pink by using more or less of the red color, according to the shade desired. Rose Pastille Drops are fla- vored with rose, and tinted red. Ginger, are flavored with a teaspoonful of very strong extract of ginger. They may be colored yellow. Any flavor desired may be used in these drops, and during the fruit season, (or by using the prepared pure fruit juices) Fruit Pastille Drops 6 U CANDY MAKING AT HOME. may be made by using, in place of the water, the juice of Peaches f Oranges, Lemons, Strawberries, Maspberries, etc., etc. MOLASSES CANDY, TAFFIES, CHIPS, ETC. As molasses expands under the influence of heat, a kettle should be used, capable of containing three or four times the quantity that you are about to boil. Use only New Orleans molasses, because the kind known as the Porto Rico, has an unpleasantly strong and almost bitter flavor, that renders it unfit for candy making. As the boiling advances, the molasses becomes very thick and concentrated, boiling slowly and with difficulty; and as it approaches the end (which may be known by its set- tling in the kettle, and becoming darker in color), it may be best to remove it to a place upon the range or stove, where the heat will not be quite so in tense, although it must not cease boiling. It burns very easily, and this difficulty may be detected by the odor, or by spots of dark color appearing in the boiling molasses. If 3^ou wish the candy to be crisp and brittle, boil to the hard crack, but, for soft boiled molasses candy, do not carry it much over the soft crack. Keep the cover on the kettle, removing only to test the progress of the boih ing, unless the rule calls for stirring, in which case, the cover cannot be used at all. Also, never stir, unless directed to do so. Old-fashioned Molasses Candy. Boil one quart of New Orleans molasses over a clear fire to either the soft or hard crack. Dissolve a half teaspoonful of pure soda (carbonate, or bi-carbonate) in a little hot water, and stir it in as you pour it out to cool. Flavoring with either lemon or vanilla, improves it. Pull, when cool enough CANDY MAKING AT fiOME. 35 to handle, until it begins to stiffen. This requires a much longer time to boil, than the varieties containing sugar. Modern Old-fashioned Molasses Candy. One pint best New Orleans molasses, and one pint white or yellow sugar. Boil briskly for a few moments, then stir in one and a half, or two ounces of the best butter cut into bits. Stir in a pinch of soda (dissolved), as you remove it from the fire, and when it foams up, quickly pour it out to cool. This becomes very light when pull- ed, and is a favorite variety. Flavoring with vanilla is an improvement. It requires about two teaspoonsful of the strong extract. Home-made 3Iolasses Candy. One pint New Orleans molasses, and one pint of either white or yellow sugar. Add the pinch of soda as in precedino;. Flavor if desired. White Molasses Candy. Five gills of white sugar, two gills pure syrup, and two gills New Orleans molasses. Treat same as preceding. Store Molasses Candy. One pint and a half (that is, six gills) of white sugar, two gills New Orleans molas- ses, and one gill of water. When it reaches the soft ball, stir in a quarter teaspoonful of cream of tartar (dissolved in a little hot water). Then treat same as for preceding. Plain Taffy. Pour a little of the Old-fashioned Molasses Candy (omitting the soda), into well buttered tins, in layers of about an eighth of an inch in thickness. When nearly cold, take the ruler, butter it slightly on its edge, and mark the candy off into squares or diamonds. Press nearly through to the tin. When cold, a gentle tap on the bottom or side of the tin, will loosen the candy, and it may then be broken apart. CAKDY MAKING AT HOME JEverton or Butter Taffy. This is also called Butter Scotch, Boil one pound best yellow sugar, and four ounces of the best butter. Melt it carefully over the fire, and boil it to the soft crack, stirring constant- ly. Maple Taffy. One pound of pure maple sugar, and two gills of water. At the soft ball, add a pinch of cream of tartar (dissolved), then boil to the soft crack. Cocoanut Taffy, One pound of white sugar, and two gills of water. After boiling a few moments, stir in two ounces of the best butter, cut into bits. Then boil to the soft crack, and when you are ready to pour it out to cool, quickly stir in two or three ounces of finely grated cocoanut. Cool in thin layers, and check it oif into squares, etc. Chocolate Taffy, Same as preceding, substituting two ounces (or two squares) of melted chocolate, in place of the cocoanut. Lemon Taffy, One pound of sugar, and two gills of water. Boil a few moments, then add two ounces best butter. Boil to soft crack, flavor with lemon, color yellow (if desired), and treat same as for preceding taflPies. English walnut^ Hazel nut, Peanut, Hick- ory nut, Brazil nut and Butternut Taffies, Make the candy according to any of the recipes for Taf- fies, and stir in, just before pouring out to cool, the chop- ped or whole shelled meats of any of these nuts. The Brazil nuts, and hazel nuts, after being dej)rived of their thick outer shell, should be thrown into scalding water, when, after standing for an instant, their rough, inner covering, will become softened, and may be rubbed from them with the fingers. The red, paper-like, inner cover* CANDY MAKING AT HOME. St ing of the peanuts, should also be removed b}^ shakino; them in a coarse sieve, or by rubbing them between the hands. If the meats have been chopped, it is a good plan to sift out the powder that is caused by the chopping, stirring in only the clean bits of the nuts. Any of the Taffies may be flavored witli Pepper- ^nint. Sassafras or Wintergreen, For Taffy Drops, see article on DROPS. Boston Chips 9 Flakey Flhider Candy, etc. These can hardly come under the heading of "Candy Making at Home", because in making them, a machine is necessary. After the candy has been pulled, and wdiile it is still flexible, it is rpiickly drawn into long strips, which are passed between two revolving iron or steel rollers, which process instantly flattens them into ribbons. They are crisp and delicious. Many confectioners draw them out into ribbons by hand, but it requires experience and long practice. Still, this last process may be tried by the amateur. NUT AND CREAM BARS. Feanut Bar, Prepare tlie nuts, by removing both the outer shell and the inner covering, and use either whole or half nuts, or they may be chopped, if preferred. If chopped, shake them in a coarse sieve to remove the dust caused by the operation of chopping. If you do not have a Slab and Bars (described on page 7,) proceed as fol- lows. Butter slightly, the bottom and sides of a broad, shallow tin pan, and pour the nuts into it. Spread the nuts around evenly, using more or less of them, as you prefer. Fill to the depth of about a quarter of an inch. g$ CANDY MAKING AT HOME. Now boil one pound of either wliite or yellow (''Coffee C") sugar with two gills of water to the hard crack, adding the pinch of cream of tartar (dissolved) at the soft ball. Carefully pour this boiled sugar over the nuts, and set aside to stiften. Before it is quite cold, cut into wide bars, with a strong, sharp knife. Bra.vU nut, Butternut, Almond, Mnglish walnut, Hiclzoru nut, Ha^el nut, and Pecan nut Bar may be made, by using the meats of any of these different nuts. To remove the thick, inner covering of the hazel nuts, pecans, almonds, and Brazil nuts, im- merse them (after their shells have been removed) in scalding water for a few moments, when the covering may be rubbed off with the fingers. Molasses or Taffy JShit Bar, For the founda- tion, use any of the recipes for 3Iolasses Candy or Taffies, adding the nuts. Maple Nut Bar, For the foundation, see Maple Taffy, adding the nuts. Cocoamit Cream Bar, Boil one and a half pounds of white sugar with three gills of water nearly to the soft ball. Flavor if desired, and it may also be tinted yellow or red, although the white is considered the best. Eemove from the fire, and allow it to cool for a few moments in the kettle. Then, with a spatula, begin to rub and scrape the sugar solution, against the sides of the kettle, until it be- comes milky. Then, rapidly stir in about six or eight ounces of coarsely-grated cocoanut. Stir it a little longer, but not too long, or it will suddenly harden before it can be poured out. Four it into wide shallow tins, in which a sheet of white paper has been fitted, (leaving the ends of the paper long enough to project an inch or two from CANDY MAKING AT HOME. 39 each end). When it is cold, bj taking hold of the paper with both hands, the cake of cocoannt may be lifted from the pan, and cut into bars. If it adheres to the sides of the pan, where it is not protected by the paper, run a thin knife down the side of the pan, to loosen it. The paper may be removed from the cake, by moistening slightly, then tearing it off. LOZENGES. Lozenges do not require any boiling, being cut from a dough made from very finely-powdered sugar, mixed with a solution of eitlier gum tragacanth, or gum arabic. They can never be satisfactorily made from any but the finest pulverized sugar, the best results being obtained by using only that known as XXX lozenge sugar, which is realh'^ sugar dust. Still, if this cannot be obtained, use theordinarv pulverized sugar, sifting it free from all lumps. To prepare the gmn for the dough, put one quar- ter ounce of gum tragacanth to soak in one gill of cold water, for twenty-four hours, then strain by pressure through a strong cloth bag. Use one ounce or more of this strained liquid to every pound of sugar. Or, if a gum is desired for immediate use, dissolve one ounce of o-ranu- lated gum arabic in two ounces of warm water. Strain and use this proportion of liquid to every pound of sugar.' Proceed to make the doughy by mixing the gum solution and sugar, by working it with a strong spoon, or by pounding and pressing with a. clean potato-masher. As soon as it' becomes possible to handle it, work it by kneading thoroughly with the hands. Do this, until the dough becomes smooth and flexible. Also work in the 40 CANDY MAKING AT HOME. flavor, and the color, if yon wish it to be tinted. Shonld the dough crumble, add a little more of the gum solution, but if it is too soft and sticky, sift in a little more sugar. The hardness of the finished lozenge depends upon the thickness of the gum solution. Now, sift a little sugar dust over the slab (described on page 7), or upon a smooth, clean, moulding-board. Lay the douo-h upon the sugar (which is used to keep it from adhering to the board), sift more sugar over the dough, and then with a rolling-pin, roll it down evenly to a sheet of about an eighthof an inch in thickness. Sift more sugar over the surface, rub or polish it smoothly with the pahn of the hand, and then, with another slight dusting of sugar, it is ready for the cutter. The cutter is a tin (or steel) tube, four inches long; the diameter at one end, being one inch and a quarter, then tapering to one inch at the otlier end. The edges where it is joined at tlie sides, should be neatly soldered, leaving no perceptible joint, and the smaller end of the tube is to be filed to a smooth, sharp, cutting edge. This cut- ter will make round lozenges, only. Hearts, stars, squares, diamonds, octagons, hexagons, and many other shapes, may be cut out. by using cutters of the corresponding shapes. The lozenges will be large or small, according to the size of the cutting end of the tube. Now, take this cutter in the right hand, and with firm, steady strokes, cut out the lozenges, one after another, con- tinuing until the cutter is full, when, by reversing it over a clean tin, or plate, the lozenges will fall out. Separate them, spreading them out to dry. Again till the cutter, empty out as before, and so on until the dough is all used. Keep the board free from stray bits of dough, and lumps CANDY MAKING AT HOME 41 of sugar, or tlie lozenges will be rough when finished. Tliej should be put in a moderately warm place to dry. It is impossible to state the exact quantity of flavoring required in eacli case, because tastes are so different, and the flavors are generally of varying strength. The best plan is to drop in a little of the flavor, working it in thor- oughly, then taste of the dough, and add more if neces- sary. Anise, Clove, Peppermint, Vanilla, and Win- tergreen lozenges are usually white; Cinnamon, Cayenne and Rose are colored red, or rose-pink; Gin- ger, Lemon and Orange are pale yellow. Mar- bled lozenges ai'e made by adding a little coloring to the white dough, and working it slightly through it, when the dough will present a streaked or marbled appearance. Tri-color Lozenges, are made by combining two or more colors in one lozenge. Divide the dough into as many portions as you wish colors, flavoring and coloring these portions separately. Roll them out on separate boards, slightly moisten the surface of one sheet, by pass- ing a damp sponge over it, tlien lay another sheet of dough upon this. If there are to be three colors, do the same with the third sheet. Koll them firmly to- gether, and proceed to cut out the lozenges. Conversation LoT^enges. These are made by printing words or short sentences upon them, with a little stamp, which is first lightly pressed upon a pad of red color, and then upon the face of the finished lozenge. Eub- ber stamps are much used for this purpose. Hing Loxenges, These are made by having two cutters, one cutting a lai-ger circle than the other. The lozenges are cut out with the larger cutter, one at a time 7 42 CANDY MAKING AT HOME. (and separately)^ and eacli receives a second stroke (tliis time from the smaller cutter), that cuts out the center, leaving a ring. Both cutters should be very sharp and 6lean. The centers may be cut in this manner from any of the other shapes, thus making a great variety of fancy lozenges. Crystal Lozenges* Use the coarser particles of granulated sugar, sifting out the liner portions. Lozenge I^ipe, Roll small portions of the dough into long, slender sticks, with a flat, smooth board, the same as for other sticks. Use sifted sugar to prevent its adhering to the board. They may be colored and flav^ ored as desired, before rolling. Coltsfoot JPipe or Mock, Simmer gently for ten or tifteen minutes in a covered vessel, a quarter of an ounce of dried coltsfoot, in two gills of water. Then add sufii- cient water to replace that which has boiled away (that is, making it two gills, as at first), strain, and use this liquid for dissolving the gum in the same proportion as given on page 39. If this quantity of coltsfoot does not give sufti- cient strength, use a half ounce to two gills of water, instead of the quarter ounce. Make the dough, and roll out portions into long sticks. CEEAM WORK, The foundation for all cream work, such as Bonbons^ Cream Nuts, Chocolate Creams, Cocoanut Creams, etc., is as follows : To every pound of the best white sugar, allow two gills of water. Boil without stir- ring, to between the feather and the soft ball (see page 21). It it is desired to have the candle? very soft and melting. CANDY MAKIKG AT HOME. 43 boil tlie solution to the feather, but if a firmer and harder consistency is preferred, it may be boiled a little longer, thus carrying it nearly to the soft ball. When it is ready, remove from the fire, and after allowing it to stand for a few moments to cool slightly, add the flavoring, and with a wooden spoon, or spatula, begin to rub and scrape the solution against the sides of the vessel, continuing this operation until you have before you a firm, yet delicate, cream-like mass. The rubbing and scraping, should bring the solution to this "creamy" state, within a few moments, but if not boiled long enough, it may refuse to become firm, and will remain in a very soft and liquid condition. For cast work this is preferable, but for Cream Nuts^ etc., stir in a little of the finest sugar dust, if necessary, until suffieient firmness is obtained. Adding the sugar however, will make a coarse cream, very difierentfrom that properly made. If, on the contrary, the creamy mass stifiens too rapidly, it may be thinned by adding a very little water, taking care to add but a small quantity at a time, or it will become too soft. For convenience. Cream Bonbons may be divided into three principal classes ; the Holled, the Caatj and the Dipped Bonbons. Boiled Cream Bonbons* With the fingers, roll portions of this cream, into little round or oval balls, rolling each one as it passes from your hands, in pulver- ized sugar, (which may be tinted pink if desired, for a variety), and then place it on a clean, dry, plate or tin, to harden. Round balls, are made, by putting a small por- tion of the cream into the palm of the left hand; then with the palm of the right hand, roll it around several times, and it will quickly become a perfect sphere. These U CAKDY MAKING AT HOME may be flavored and colored as follows: Vanilla (white), Lemon (yellow), B^ose (red), Coffee (yellow), Chocolate (brown\ by stirring in two ounces of mel- ted chocolate (to each pound of sugar), as you begin the operation of "creaming;" and Cocoanut (white or pink), by stirring in one or two ounces of the very finest, grated cocoanut. Cast Bonhons. "Cream" the solution, until it stiffens, then allow it to stand until cold. Prepare the moulds, which may be of any the following forms : hearts^ diamonds, ovals, rings, square or flat bricks, dome-shape, etc, etc. Now set the kettle that contains the cream into another, containing boiling w^ater, and allow it to slowly melt, stirring all the time. If very hard, add a few drops of water, but not too much, for the heat will also liquify it, and there is danger of making it too soft. Tint and flavor as desired, then carefully fill the moulds. Try to fill the moulds with one movement, and avoid per- mitting a drop or two to fall into the indentation first, for if this happens, the finished bonbons will have rough, or uneven places on them. If the cream becomes too stifl' to pour, warm it again, but it should never be allowed to become over-heated. It should be melted, and no more. These are made with the same flavors and colors ^s the preceding, but many fancy styles may be invented, to suit the taste and skill, of the amateur candy-maker. They may be cast in two or three colors, by pour- ing a little of each color in succession into each jnould, allowing the preceding color, time to set slightly, before adding the second. They may be one color for the body of the bonbon, and have a top of some contrasting color. In short, the variety that may be made, is simply without CANDY MAKING AT HOME. 45 end. As soon as tliej become set in the moulds, and are hard enough to handle without danger, remove from the powder, and brush them perfectly clean. They may be crystallized, if desired . Dlpjyed bonbons. These are either rolled or cast bonbons, that have been dipped into liquid cream of some contrasting color, or different flavor. For instance, white vanilla bonbons, may be dipped in pink-tinted cream ; coffee bonbons, may be dipped in white, and chocolate bon- bons in cocoanut covering, etc., etc. For chocolate coating, see Chocolate Creams, Cream Nuts. These are made from rolled bonbons by placing tlie wliole meats of nuts, on the outside of the ball (on one side only, or on both), and firmly pressing them in, until tliey are retained by the edges of the bon- bons. Or, they may be imbedded in the center of the bonbon. The nuts usually employed, are sweet al- monds and English walnuts, but any others may be used. The almonds may be deprived of their rough in- ner coating, by throwing the nuts after they have been shelled, into scalding water, allowing them to remain for a moment or two, when they may be rubbed free from this covering. Cream Dates, Raisins, Apricots, &c. These are made by extracting the seeds, and filling the cavity with cream. CreaiU Strawberries may be made, by dipping the clean, dry, hulled berries into the melted cream. These should be made fresh when wanted, for they spoil within a few hours after making. Other fruits may be dipped in the same manner, the only care being to have the cream for coating rather thick, and the fruit dry. 46 ' CANDY MAKING AT HOME, CJiocolate Creams, These are also called Choco- late Cream Drops. They are -either rolled, or cast from the cream, and then dijDped in melted and sweetened chocolate. The real French chocolate creams^ are very soft, meltmg even in the heat of the hand. It requires some care to make this kind, for it is difficult to coat and handle them even as little as is necessary, with- out injuring them, as they melt so •quickly. To make, boil the sugar to the feather, ''cream" it, cool, re-melt, and pour into the moulds. Properly made it will be very soft When firm, take them from the moulds, and put them in to a hair sievd, and with the least possible handling, brush off all the adhering powder. Keep them where it is cold, until ready to use them. Melt the chocolate by putting it into a cup, and setting over boiling w^ater, but do not allow the chocolate itself to boil, or become over-heated as it requires little heat to melt it, and that is all that is necessary. If it is too thick to cover w^ell, it should be thin- ned with a little melted cocoa-butter, or a little of the purest olive oil, but do not add too much. Or, it may be thinned by adding to each cake of chocolate (that is, every half pound cake, which contains eight ounces or squares), half an ounce of gum arable dissolved in two tablespoonsful of warm water. When the covering is right, it will flow easily, without being too thin, and cover the creams, with a rich, browm, coating. If you are obliged to sweeten your own chocolate, use eight ounces of the finest sugar dust to each half pound of the plain melted chocolate, stirring it until perfectly smooth. Thin, as before. If you can procure the so-called Chocolate Liquor, do so by all means, for it saves much trouble. To coat the Chocolate Creams. Dip them into CANDY MAKING AT HOME. 47 the melted chocolate (which should not be too warm), one or two at a time, roll around for an instant, then lift them out upon tlie tines of a broad fork, drain slightly on the edge of the vessel, to remove the superflu- ous covering, and then place upon tin sheets or plates, over which only a trace of butter has been rubbed. Allow them to remain until firm. Tliej may be made with the inside part in various style. It may be white, yellow, pink, or brown, and the flavors nuiy be Vanilla ^Leinon Coffee^ Jtose, Chocolate or Cocoanut, If a stiffer cream is desired, cook the sugar a little long- er (see directions at the commencement of this article). Chocolate Cream Bricks, JRolls, Bars, Sticks , Mice, Beetles, etc., etc., etc., may be made, by using the corresponding moulds. Cocoanut Creams, These may be entirely of co- coanut cream, or the inside may be plain, and then dipped in melted cocoanut cream. The forms are as var- ied as any of the others. Only the very finest grated, or soft dessicated cocoanut should be used for the coating purposes. ForCocoaniit Cream Bar, see article on BARS, page 38. For Jellied Cream Bonbons and Bricks, see article on Jelly WorJc, page 48. There is another form of bonbons, that may be made by mixing the beaten white of ej^^i with sugar, in the pro- portion of one egg to every pound of the finest sugar dust, adding a little water if too stiff. It may also be used for the cream nuts. This makes very good bonbons, although they wholly lack^ the genuine creamy qualities, found in those made from boiled sugar. 48 CANDY MAKING AT HOME. JELLY WOEK. Dissolve ill as little water as possible, one quarter ounce (or, one half ounce if you wish the jelly to be quite firm) of the best relined gelatine. The French gelatine of the quality known as the "gold label" brand being perhaps the best. While this is dissolving, take a pint of jelly of any flavor (although apple jelly is commonly used) and place it over boiling water, where it will slowly melt, but not boil. Mix the dissolved gelatine with the liquid jelly, stirring thorouohly, add color if desired, and when jper- fectly cold and slightly stiffs pour into the indentations, which you have made in the powdered starch or sugar, in the moulding trays. These moulds may be made in the form of clusters of grapes (the under side being flat, of course), diamonds, squares, bricks, thick lozenges, dome-shape like gum drops, stars, rings and beans. Allow them sufticient time to stiffen thoroughly, before remov- ' ing them from the moulds. Shake them in a hair sieve, then remove any adhering powder with a soft brush. They may be left plain, or they may crystallized, iem- on Jelly is tinted yellow, and flavored with lemon : Rose tlelly is colored red, and flavored with rose. Assorted Flavors, Apple, Crab-Apple, Cherrg, Currant, Barberry, Blackberry, El- derberry, Grape, Peach, Plum, Orange, Quince, Raspberry, Strawberry, Whortleberry and Wine flavors may be obtained by using these difl"- erent jellies. Jelly Cream Bricks and Bonbons, Make the same preparation, and fill the indentations in the trays CANDY MAKING AT HOME 49 half full ; when it has set, fill up with Cream (see Cream Work) that has been slightly melted. Do not have it too warm, or it will melt the jelly. Let them re- main undisturbed until tirm enough to handle. This Cream may be flavored with Lemon pilose. Vanilla ^ Chocolate 9 Coffee, Oranffe, Cocoamit, etc, Dipped Jelly Bonbons. These may be dipped in Cream of any desired color and flavor, or they may be dipped in melted sweet chocolate, when they are known as Jelly Chocolates, The reason for not pouring the melted jelly into the moulds when warm, is, that if the liquid is thin, it will quickly absorb the sugar or starch powder, and run all through it, injuring the powder, and, of course, ruining the candy. It should be cold and thick (like honey), as it appears just before it begins to solidify. Take this same care regarding Gum I>rops. GUM DIIOPS. Dissolve about one ])Ound of the best quality of granulated gum-arabic, in three gills of water, by heating it over a moderate fire, stirring constantly. Do not allow it to boil. Strain, and after you have washed out the kettle, return the liquid gum, and add twelve ounces of pulverized sugar, and two gills of water. Let this boil down to a very thick liquid {evaporatio?i being the safer way, however), page 59, so thick that it will pour only very slowly from the kettle. Stir constantly, being careful not to allow it to burn. Then remove from the fire, flavor and color (if desired) and put it aside to settle. Meanwhile, prepare the mould- ing trays, and niake indentations of the usual form for all 8 50 CAKDY MAKING AT HOME. gum-drops, and when the contents of the kettle are cold, and honey like,carefully skmi the surface of the solution, and till the moulds. When they are all filled, sift a little fine sugar or starch powder over the tops, and put them away to harden. Do not disturb them for two or three days, then remove from the powder, and if they are sufiiciently firm to bear the handling, put them into a hair sieve, and gently shake until the particles of powder are removed. Then brush them with a broad, and very soft brash. When thoroughly dry, they may be crystallized, or left plain. The usual flavors are Lemon (yellow), Rose (red), Wintergreen (uncolored). PULLED CREAM CANDIES. As no cream of tartar is added to this variety, the ama- teur will probably find his or her first attempts, resulting in nothing but a hard and coarse sugary mass. Rapid boiling will lessen this danger. Never stir it ; keep the cover on the kettle, removing only to test the progress of the boiling, or to skim oif the scum. If the syrup remains clear and colorless, it is probably doing well, but if it be- gins to look cloudy, and if, upon cooling a spoonful in water, it turns sugary, the candy will quicky grain after being poured out to cool. In this condition it cannot be pulled, so when this trouble occurs, re-weigh the sugar, and make up the quantity with fresh sugar, to cause it to weigh the same as when you began. Add water to it in the proportion of one gill to every half pound of sugar, replace it upon the fire, and boil it Qver again. Stir it Candy making at home. si occasionally at first, to dissolve the lumps, but discontinue as soon as it commences to boil. If all goes well, however, boil rapidly to the soft crack, flavor and pour out to cool. Pull as quickly as possible, until it feels soft and light, when pressed between the fin- gers. If not pulled long enough, it will be coarse-grained, while on the contrary, if pulled too long, or, if too long a time is taken for the operation, it will sometimes suddenly turn to a sugary powder in your hands, before you can lay it down. This last accident, is usually preceded by a peculiar, and very noticeable chan j;e from a flexible con- dition, to a heavy and damp appearance. If you observe this, lay the candy down at once, for it will not bear fur- ther handling. At other times, it may be pulled from the beijinninof to the end, without the occurrence of this diffi- culty. Draw^ out into wide, rough, flat bars, or into sticks, or if preferred, bits may be cut from the sticks with shears, thereby forming one variety of drops. Let them remain upon a clean, dry tin, or platter for a few hours, until they become creamy, then put away in air-tight boxes or jars. If exposed to the air for any length of time, this candy becomes hard, and loses the delicate and melting quality that characterizes it. Vanilla Cream Candy* One and a half pounds of white sugar, and three gills of water. Boil rapidly to the soft crack, flavor with a teaspoonful of strong extract of vanilla, cool, and then pull until pure white. Lemon Cream Candy, Same as preceding, but flavored with lemon. Color with tincture of saffi'on. Pull- ing changes it to a delicate cream-color. Orange Cream Candy, The same, flavored 62 CAKDY MAKING AT HOME with a few drops of extract of orange, or you may use the oil of neroli. Tint it yellow if desired. Hose Cream Candy, Same, flavored with a few drops of pure otto or extract of rose. Color red. Pulling changes it to a pale rose-pink. Chocolate Cream Candy. The same, adding dm*ing pulling, two ounces of melted plain chocolate. It will turn to a fawn-color during pulling. CARAMELS. Chocolate Caramels. Dissolve one and one half pounds of white sugar in three gills of cream, or very rich milk. Then add three ounces of melted chocolate. Boil rapidly stirring constantly (adding a half teaspoon- ful of cream of tartar, dissolved in a little hot water, after it has boiled about fifteen minutes), until it reaches the soft crack, or until a little of it, that has been dropped into cold water, will not adhere to the teeth when eaten. Do not boil it until it becomes too hard, however, for the beauty of the Cararnel lies in its delicacy. Pour out to cool into wide and shallow tins, in layers about half an inch thick. Do not scrape the bottom and sides of the hettle lohen pouring out, for this part may have become grained, and to mix it with the rest, would injure it. Scrape this part into a separate tin, or on one side of the rest of the candy where it will not mingle with it. Ilave the tins well buttered, and cut the candy into thick squares or small cubes, when nearly cold Use the ruler described on page 8 to press the lines, rubbing a trace of butter on itsedgft, if it is inclined to drag the candy. It requires skill to make first class caramels, and they should be made CANDY MAKING AT HOME. 53 fresh every day when wanted, for they spoil quickly. It is now the regular practice of many confectioners to use paraffi[ie in their caramels, for this preserves their delicacy, retards their tendency to harden, and also keeps tliem in shape. For every day making, however, para- ffine is not used. Vanilla and Lemon Caramels may be made by flavoring the preceding, with very strong extract of either of the two flavors. Cocoanut Caramels are made by stirring in at the soft ball, two or three ounces of the very tinest grated cocoanut. Add a little at a time, stirring constantly. If it is poured in, all at once, it is liable to gather into lumps. For Maple Caramels, use pure maple sugar (j^owdered) in place of the white sugar. Max>le Chocolate Caramels and Maple Co- coanut Caramels may be made by adding these dif- ferent articles, the same as foregoing. 3Iolasses Chocolate Caramels. Boil one pint of New Orleans molasses to the soft crack. Just before pouring out, stir in two ounces of melted chocolate Add one ounce of butter at the soft ball, if you wish. The cream of tartar may be omitted, and it is not necessary to stir this variety, STICK CANDY. As all liard-boiled candies retain the heat much lonscer than those that are boiled only to a lower degree, confec- tioners during the process of working them, sometimes wear a glove to protect their hands because this variety re- quires rapid and steady manipulation, to bring it to the pro- per condition,while still flexible. Work in a warm room, or U CAiSfDY MAKING AT tloME. near a fire. Also, do not pour the scrapings from the kettle, into the mass while cooling, for that portion may be upon the point of graining, and will quickly affect the whole. Do not attempt to make this variety until you have had some experience at candy making. For prac- tice, a small quantity may be boiled to the soft crack only, in which case, it will remain flexible much longer, and thus the art of striping may be learned more easily. Boil one and one half pounds of the best white sugar to the hard crack, adding at the soft ball, a half teaspoonful of cream of tartar, dissolved in a little hot water. Keep the cover on the kettle, and boil over a brisk fire. If the sticks are to be clear and transparent, add the flavor and color before pouring out to cool, but if they are to be made of pulled candy, this may be done afterward. Pour out to cool, in well buttered tins. Do not allow it to cool too long, for it must be worked while still soft, because it stifl'ens very rapidly, when cold. Clear Sticks, Flavor and color with the least pos- sible stirring necessary to thoroughly mix it, before pour- ing out to cool. When the candy can be handled, take it up, and shape it into a thick, round, form. Lay this upon a smooth, level surface, (which may be rubbed with a slightly buttered rag), and with a smooth, flat board, or with the hands, roll the mass backwards and forwards a few times, until it becomes perfectly round. Do not press too heavily upon the roll with the board, or it will flatten it, and make it troublesome to roll. Now draw this out between the hands, until it is drawn into the proper size for sticks, cut into convenient lengths, and then, roll each one until it becomes round and even in size. Cut into slicks of about four inches long, by striking with a sharp CANDY MAKING AT HOME. knife, at the proper distance. The candy should not be too soft, nor should it be too stiti*. In the first condition, it will adhere to the roller board, and in the second con- dition, it can not be easily rolled. Experience will teach all this, and also how to overcome these difficulties. Pulled Round Sticks. The candy is })ulled until it becomes pure white, but cease pulling before it becomes too stiff to handle. Pull rapidly, and draw in the flavor- ing, by pouring a little strong extract, or flavoring oil into the mass, as you begin to pull it. It may be tinted in the same way, if desired. Draw out into a thick roll and with the board or hands, roll it perfectly round in form. Draw out again, cut into convenient lengths, roll and cut into sticks. Striping Round Sticks. Eeserve a portion of the boiled sugar separate from the rest (do not use the scrapings of the kettle, however, for this purpose), and color it bright, clear red, with as little stirring as will thor- oughly mix it, then set it aside in a moderately warm place, where it will remain flexible until required. It must not be kept too soft, however, or you can not use it when the times comes. Pull the rest of the candy, adding flavor- ing, etc., accoi'ding to the rule for Pulled Sticks, and form into a thick roll. Now, keeping this large roll where it will remain flexible, quickly divide the red strip- ing int6 small portions (you will soon learn the quantity required to make stripes of different widths), and roll them into slender sticks, of the same length as the large roll. Lay these slender strips upon the large roll, pressing them in slightly. Use one, two, or more, according to the kind of sticks you are making, having some stripes wide, and some narrow, and so on. Put them side by side, (but not 56 CANDY MAKING AT HOME. touching eaeli other), on the ujpper side of the large roll. Now draw out the roll a little, then cut it into two por- tions, and laj them side by side, with the striped sides on the outside^ in every case. Press theni firmly together, twist evenly, draw out into convenient lengths, roll per- fectly even and round, then cut into sticks. This may seem easy, but unless the candy is flexible, it can not be done with regularity, nor will it present an even appear- ance, when finished. Flat SHchs. These are sometimes drawn out by hand, or they are passed through rolls that flatten them like a ribbon. They may also be made, by pouring the candy out to cool, in well buttered, broad and shallow tins, then with a ruler of the same length as the pan, press lines upon the surface of the candy, at equal distan- ces (as wide as you wish the sticks to be), and then they may be broken apart when entirely cold. Anise^ body clear, colored red, striped Avith four, fine white lines; Cinnamon, body pulled, colored pink, striped with three or four lines of clear red ; Cloves, body clear, or pulled just enough to give it a cloudy ap- pearance, colored yellow, striped with two broad stripes of white; Lemon, body clear, untinted, striped with white ; B^ose, body pulled, colored pink, striped with clear red ; JPepperniint, body white, pulled, striped with two broad, clear red stripes ; Sassafras, body white, pulled, striped with two yellow and red narrow lines; Vanilla? body white, pulled, with' clear red cen- ter, and white outside; Wintergreen, body pulled white, striped with two or three narrow lines, etc., etc. Fancy Sticks. These are made by combining two or more colors, and -the variety is endless. For instance CANDY MAKING AT HOME 57 tlie preceding Vanilla sticks are made, by first rolling a stick from clear red candy, and tlien wrapping an outer coating made from white, around tlie red center, drawing out, rolling, and so on, thus forming one style of fancy stick. Other colors, such as pulled pink, with clear yel- low center, are very pretty, and any combination that may suggest itself to your mind, may be tried, with pleas- ing results. DEOPS, SQUARES, COUGH CANDIES, ETC. JPulled Drops f To nuike these drops, cut with strong sharp shears,bits of equal width from the ends of long- sticks (see article on Stick Candy), before they become too stiff. The combinations are almost endless, and b}^ exer- cising a little ingenuity and forethought, you can make a variety, from but one boiling of sugar. Transparent Drops. Same foundation as for sticks, only that the candy is not pulled, the coloring and flavoring being added with the least possible handling Directions for the management of transparent candies will be found on page 54. The flavors connnonly used are Anise (red); Lemon (yellow); and Mint (uncolored.) Hound Drops, As these are moulded by a machine they cannot be made at home, without the proper tools. They are made from both pulled, and transparent candy. Transparent Squares, Flavor and color, with as little stirring as will thoroughly mix it, and pour it out to cool in broad and shallow well-buttered tin pans, or trays, in sheets from an eighth, to a quarter of an inch in thick- ness. When nearly cold, mark with the ruler, straight lines across from one side of the pan to the other, then 68 CAKDY MAKING AT HOME. cross these, with lines running in the opposite direction. Press nearly through to the bottom of the pan. Butter the edges of the ruler if it is inclined to adhere to the can- dy. When the candy is perfectly cold, turn the pan up- side down, and the contents will fall out, and they may then be carefully broken apart. This form is extensively used for cough candies. COUGH DEOPS OK SQUAEES. Flaxseed* Boil slowly (or simmer) in a closely cov- ered vessel, for fifteen or twenty minutes, a quarter of an ounce of fresh, clean, whole flaxseed, and two gills of wa- ter. When slightly cool (but not cold), strain through coarse cotton clotli,or a fine wire strainer, and add sufiicient water to replace that lost in boiling (that is, enough to bring it up to the two gills, again), and add one pound of either white, or the best yellow sugar, and boil to the hard crack, adding a pinch of cream of tartar at the soft ball. As this candy is so mucilaginous, there is danger of its burning. It may be stirred, if you do not object to hav- ing it grained after it is finished. Many persons prefer it that way, but if you wish it to be transparent, it should not be stirred at all. Sorehound, Follow the same directions given for the preceding, substituting a quarter ounce of dried hore- hound leaves. Iceland Moss, The same, substitutmg a quarter ounce of well washed, Iceland moss. Even after repeated washings, this moss will often retaiu a bitter taste, that cannot be prevented. CANDY MAKING AT HOME. 59 Sli2)pert/'Elni Bark, Use a half an ounce of the sound bark, cut into small pieces. Liquorice, Use half an ounce of the sound roots, cut into bits, or crushed bj pounding with a hammer. Barley. Wash thoroughly half an ounce of pearl bar- ley Then boil same as foregoing. Do not fail to remember that these decoctions are not to be boiled rapidly. They should be allowed to boil gently, or, as was said at the commencement, to simmer. PASTES. These JPastes are cooked by a process called evapora- tion. This is done, by placing a kettle containing boiling water over a slow fire where it will be kept at the boiling point. Within this kettle, is placed another of smaller size, containing the substance to be boiled. It is a slow and tiresome process, because this substance which is to be cooked, must be stirred constantly from beginning to end, and it cooks very slowly. Keplace the water in the outer kettle as it boils away, but do not pour in enough to run over into the inner kettle. Also, see that it does not entirely boil away, or the contents of the inner kettle will be burned. Jujube JPaste* Dissolve half a pound of gum ara- bic (that which is coarsely powdered, dissolving more rap- idly than the finely pulverized), in three gills of warm water. Strain, and add half a pound of white sugar. Flavor with Lemon (color yellow); or with Winter- green (color red). Evaporate (stirring all the time) to a very thick liquid, then pour into slightly buttered plates, or trays, in sheets a quarter or a third of an inch thick. 60 CANDY MAKING AT HOME When cold, cut with sharp shears into strips, squares, diamonds or any other form that you may prefer. Some- times a decoction of jujubes is inchided in this recipe (omitting an equal quantity of water), but Wood's "Dis- pensatory" says, that the addition of the jujubes is of no particular value, and that most of the so-called Jujube JPastes contain nothing but gum, sugar, and water. Fig JPaste, Boil over the regular fire, half a pound of fresh and soured figs, cut into small bits, in about a pint of water. More water may be added if this boils away. When the figs become soft, strain by pressure, through a sieve or strainer, and boil the liquid down to measure two gills. Then stir in one and a lialf pounds of white sugar. Evaporate this to a thick pasty mass, then pour into a suitable box or pan. In the bottom of this box or pan, should be placed sheets, or strips of white paper. These strips or sheets should be long enough to project an inch or two from each end, and from both sides, as well. Then when cold, by taking hold of the paper with both hands, the thick block of paste may be lifted from the pan without diflicul- ty, and may be cut into sections. Roll each section in sugar dust. If the paper adheres to the bottom of the mass, it may be removed by dampening it slightly, then tearing it off. White Nougat, Blanch half a pound of fresh and sound, sweet almonds, by throwing them (after they have been shelled) into scalding water where they should remain for a few seconds ; then their rough, inner coating, may be easily rubbed ofi" with the fingers. They may then be chopped, if desired, or be left whole. Now, put four ounces of genuine white honey into a small kettle, which CANDY MAKING AT HOME. 61 is to be placed in another kettle, containing boiling water. Set over fire, and boil the honey to the soft ball. It is not necessary to stir this. Then stir in one ounce of sngar dust, and the well beaten white of one egg. Continue to cook, stirring con- stantly, until it will not adhere to the fingers when touched. Then stir in the almonds, until they are thor- oughly incorporated. Remove from the lire, and pour into box or tray using tl.\e sheets of paper, same as for the preceding recipe. Place heavy weights over the top to press it down firmly, and let it stand until cold. Then cut into thick blocks, with a sharp knife and dust each block with sugar. Vanilla Nougat may be made from the foregoing, by flavoring strongly with vanilla ; Lemon, by flavor- ing with lemon, and coloring with yellow ; Hose, by fla- voring with rose, and coloring pink, and Chocolate, by stirring in, just before adding the almonds, two ounces of melted sweet, or plain chocolate. Marslunallow Paste. Dissolve by heating over slow fire (stirring all the time) four ounces of granula- ted gum arabic, in one and a half gills (six ounces) of water. Strain when completely dissolved. Now, make a decoction of marshmallows by boiling three quarters of an ounce of the sound roots (rejecting any that are mouldy, or wormy), in about a gill of water, for ten or fifteen minutes or more. This should simmer rather than boil, and the vessel should have a closely fitting cover. Then strain, boil the liquid down until it measures halt a gill (two ounces) and add it to the gum solution, also stirring in four ounces of white sugar. Evaporate, stir- ring constantly, until it becomes a thick paste, that will 62 CANDY MAKING AT HOME. not adhere to the fino^ers when touched. Then stir in the well beaten whites of two eggs, and continue stirring for a moment or two longer, then pour out and follow direc- tions given for Fig Paste. It may be flavored with Va- nilla or Lemon if desired. CRYSTALLIZING. To crystallize Creams^ Bonbons, Gum Drops, Fig Paste, etc., first free them from any sugar or starch that may adhere to them from the moulds in which they were cast, and see that they are perfectly dry. Place them in tin pans, upon their edges, with their corners just touching one another (to allow the crystallizing solution free access to every part), until the bottoms of the pans are covered with a layer of them. The pans should be immaculately clean, and their should be but one layer of candies in each one. To prepare the crystallizing solution, boil sugar and water to about the feather, allowing one gill of water to every half pound of the purest, high-grade sugar. Remove from the fire, and lay a damp cloth (cut to fit) over the surface of the solution, and allow it to stand until cool, being careful not to slial^e or distiirh it. When it is so cool that there will be no dano;er of its melting the candies, remove the cloth, and gently pour the clear liquor over the candies, until they are completely cover- ed, but not too deep, or they will be likely to float. Lay upon the surface, dampened pieces of cloth or paper cut to fit the pans, and with the greatest care to avoid any jar- ring, place the pans in a moderately warm place, where the thermometer records 70 degrees as the average temper- CANDY MAKING AT HOME. 63 ature, but do not allow it to rise above 80, or tlie candies will be in danger of melting in the pans. Under one cor- ner of the cloth or paper cjvers thrust a little stick or broom &plinter ; this may be withdrawn and examined, from time to time, to learn the progress and size of tlie crystals. Do not jar the pan in any way, as that will in- evitably cause uneven crystals. Sometimes they are slow in forming, occasionally not appearing for sixteen or twenty hours, while at other times the candies will be covered with a sufficient coating within six or eight hours. The longer it remains, the larger will be the crystals, but for Bonbons, etc., only sufficient coating is required, to give them a sparkling appearance, when dry. When you are satisfied that the coating is right, cut a small hole in one corner of the cover in each pan, and raise one corner of the pan gently uutil the superfluous syrup has run out, then leave them in this position to drain and dry. Do not re- move from the pans until they are perfectly dry, which will take a day or so, then a quick, sharp, jar against a table, will loosen them, so that they will fall out, and may be broken apart with the lingers. A little of the red color, added to the solution when taken from the lire, will produce B^ed Crystals, while tincture of saffron, will cause yellow, or Amber Crystals, MISCELLANEOUS EECIPES. Bed or Pink Sand, Take half a pound (or any convenient quantity) of dry, white sugar, either fine or coarse, as you wish the sugar sand to be when finished. Put it into a perfectly clean and dry bowl. Pour in a few drops of the red color, using more or less, according to the 64 CANDY MAKING AT HOME. tint desired, and with tlie hands or a spoon, work the col- or evenly through the sugar. If the color is not as deep as is required, add a drop or two more. Avoid adding too much at a time, for it is an easy matter to overdo it. Set away to dry, stirring it a little, occasionally, to break up any lumps that may form. Yelloiv or Cream-col- or Sand is made in the same way, using a little strong tincture of saffron to color; using more or less, according to the depth of color desired. White Icing, Mix tlioroughly, the white of egg and the finest sugar dust, to the consistency of a thin dough or paste. Spread it over the article to be iced, with a thin bladed knife, and allow it to remain undis- turbed until it hardens. This icing may be flavored with Lemon or Vanilla. For Chocolate Icing, stir in a sufficient quantity of melted chocolate. For Cocoanut stir in some finely grated cocoanut. It may be tinted Yellow with saffron ; Cream-Color, by using less of the saffron ; ^ed, with the red color, and Pink by us- ing a smaller quantity of the same. I^op Com Sails. Boil any convenient quantity of New Orleans molasses, to about the soft ball. Then have ready a quantity of freshly parched corn, selecting only the kernels that are full and white, rejecting any that are scorched, or half parched. Put these into a large tin pan, and pour a little of the boiled molasses over them. Work it through the corn with the hands, adding more, as it gradually becomes thoroughly mixed with the corn. If you wish to insure making balls of equal size, it is best to measure the quantity for each one. Take a pint meas- ure, fill it with the sticky corn, then empty it, and squeeze CANDY MAKING AT HOME. 65 the corn into a ball between the hands, pressing it firmly. Set aside to harden, and proceed with the rest. Jied and White Corn Balls. Bo.l one pound of white sugar with two gill of water, *» -1^°" ^^^jj^f;^ ball Use this to stir into the corn, m place of the mo- Les If Med Sails are desired, stir a few drops of r^l color into the corn, mixing it in with the hands ; ^so add color to the sugar solution before mixing it with the '° Cor« Cake. This is made from finely chopped corn, that is mixed with either the sugar or mo asses, according o the preceding recipe. It is ^1-1--^^^;-^,^^^^^^^^ rollers, that instantly press it into a hick, ^^\^^\J' Z.y be made at home, by putting it into a suitab e shal- C box or frame, and then placing heavy weights upon it Let it remain undisturbed until thoroughly dry. ''■ (i^died FruUs and Nuts. For Oranges^ sele.. »v,ch as are sweet, and remove the peel. Then carefully remove tlie thick, white, inner covering, and separate the fruit into its natural divisions, being careful to'kp these, whole and sound. Any that are torn or broken, should not be used. Allow these d-^^ \°^ ^; main spread out on a sieve over night m order that their surface may become slightly dry, but do not let thein b^ come too hard. Boil one pound of white sugar and two Jus of water to the hard crack, adding a pmch of cream of tartar (dissolved) at the soft ba 1. Dip each o he orange sections into the syrup (while it is warm), holding it with fine tweezers, or by running a fine wire through its hard thin edge. Drain oft' the superfluous syrup, and lay th m de b/ side (but not touching one another) upon a 6Q CANDY MATvIXG AT HOME. slightly buttered platter, or tin. In dipping Cherries, stem serves as a handle Grapes may be dipped in sma. clusters of twos and threes, and then suspended or struni^ upon cords, to allow the syrup to drain from tberr Apricots f Dates, Figs, Mais ins, Prunes, Cm rants, etc, may all be coated in the same manner. Fruits and Nuts glace. Boil one pound of tht best white sugar in tw^o gills of w^ater, to about the thread, then set aside to cool for a moment or two. Have the fruits or nuts at hand, and everything convenient, for the operation must be done quickly. Now, with a w^ooden spoon or spatula, begin to rub and scrape the sugar against the sides of the kettle. Kub in one place only, and as this portion begins to turn milky or white in appearance, stir it into the body of the sugar, and quickly dip the ar- ticles to be glazed, into it, two or three at a time, rollir^ them around with a fork until they are coat^-^ lift (using two forks, if easier to mann^ ' them upon a fine wire sieve, ocrape and rub the sugar solution toe , »viii stiffen.