r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ,■ -/ 1)^ — ' UNITED STATES OP AMEKICA. 0y FKOn SNOW TO SUHSHINS ALlCe WeLUKSTON ROLLINS WMb fac=yimilci^ of wntcr=colcr Mnwiuii^ ot BUTTGKFLieS SUSie BAKSTOW SKSLPIKG NKW YORK Copyiiglll. iSS^, by FKHUHRICK A. STOKES & BROTHER V ':\\ ©Jfte cruef a"nti SPindincr ^nooo, ©J-^at came apt) c'^oftei. aff Ifie ^fca:)er_6ec:|.<^ ! Ufte differ c^lff caaaot ftoPi. oat Pong ©WRo cjooufi. / Qot I'orgi'^e tRe coFc^e^t ooif^ti j [Rat Feft IcoitR ati #vpnf ftlx^x*>? / . -^ • i HSi; •4: yf^ ' . •^'C 'f.- p^ "^ } yr. eK"nt) ''(# arr| PllCe 6 Lit coin s di!" xi)ti em; "["(^e me if (# c^'u / ai) Pifee coLifiL 6e, o^ser fter fteasL, tKert]. (i>Re AaiiL; ucn/a foofi(^^ ■Pfo'Ss^er"" cjoa(i) x^^e. 0?\f) f rorr] tRe ^terr] ; ,. "6ut t^e^ ffoafeil off ®'"^f^ to MF ^,, ^ ant) 4ie. " ^ Rail Aoug'^t . ^^.,,pni, "^er 6rea(^t ir^ d momeat more jN^ cjoait'c|erliio- Pi^e to cfo6e/^ c 'V* >1 eJ\ft me! ooftat a coorfel of .- 'BPie)'^ aomefimee), it ir frue ©f* (^orrooo ii^ ciff of Si)ut oofteo 4 mu<*>tl eKT^t) fi^e or^ ^ remerrSer W^ epmiriy, tK ere comeii) a iiofe ~T V IJii''/-. ' S'-Tin''\-'i "'--'f'- '" ^o6e (borne:, f>rec\0Li6 tKir\^, ooitR *'' aTTtj, e^etV tfvrougft fearxi); one .jOaV fex^x^, Iftaiift (Sioi. for if^ a'r)ti frem€)fe do 111 air "^ '\ru>M^ 051 eK^ if pierceil fo tK^i*- /'"-"''^ "^eartA o^ go^- eK"nCi turn -^eir ^acee) tig ^.^me)- (aK(^ If to . "©Y^e ar^ 1/ ine t rue, ^ery coPsl, ^you -Aee!" f \ —^^* - ' - Jl^ t ,. ^' \ 5e)eai' fteart, Ii-^ iAi(^ roorr| ooItR ^ou, / Rof tfie^, of coLirAc; ' ' ^ for tF.e^ cannot feef ; S^ut J unc^er(^ta"nt) tKerT| to .^^cr^, ?^^ ''©JKere are ,._ peopfe not ir^ sLePig'B't'fuf roomA, ©Wftorr^ \/ou ot-J-g^^ "l^o remember ,^ to-sla^/' ^/ou ftearel uA compFaliiirio- '*^'^-> o^ it? © tfiat ©\f^aii) a^e6 ago, ^CLA-tl^^^|A;5;^^]&^. ©y/e Ha^e ftai. our ^Iff o^* ' pFdcberS'tL'^ -^ruit; ©Wften lireiL o^ Anooo coe canln% f'"Q^. ^^ ^foaoerA, ©KI^C) oo^er^ firesl o^ ^fQCjbter<: nooo. f I LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS