fW$Wm^' i^^V^m increase First ij 15 ID S e r i e 9 c f Papers on A.pic\ilt\ire hy SWARTHMORE aass SV^ii iook. -v:> rai CojpghtW. ^(m:iA COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/increaseOOprat iL7 INCREASE SECOND EDITION COPYRIGHT 1904 f This Little 15(»t)k Was Made by Hand in the Swarthmore Shops First in a Series of Papers 5^ Apiculture by SWARTHMORE 'Ip APR 12 i^U^ i ll2 Publiqhed by the SWAETHMORE APIARIES Swarthraore, Pa., U. S. A. 19 5 f3f nn PLATE NO. 1. Shaking Bees Into the Prepared Hive. <« Increase" O U are doubtless anxious to increase your colonies to make up for winter losses. Many of the plans of dividing, taught by the text books, are ruinous to good working stocks — prospects of honey, even for winter- ing, say nothing of surplus, are crippled frightfully; both halves of the division are disheartened, set back or weakened, and it is weeks and weeks before either can re- cover from the shock of deprivation — by this time the honey flow is past, all is lost, and you simply have two half-starved colonies to feed and nurse up for winter. The loss increase: in egg-laying by the old methods of divi- sion is serious, and the death of open brood deplorable. Don't ruin good working stocks by practicing old, obsolescent methods of dividing; they have had their day. The "Swarthmore" method of increase is so sim- ple that the novice can practice it with full success. Labor is reduced to one sure and simple operation. Full stocks are not bled to death, nor does it "rob Peter to pay Paul." This method is so close to the natural way that the increase at once goes to work with the vigor of a prime swarm and will not only build up rapidly to a full stock but will give a surplus. By the purchase of queens to head them, new colonies may be established surely and safely from powerful stocks every ten or fifteen days. A\ hen bees increase naturally they takj with them a queen, young bees and honey, Don't try to increase with half- starv- ed bees-feed. INCREASE nothing more. Take advantage of this con- dition and form your new colonies accord- ingly. Scoop the loafers from the fronts of your hives and set them to work. PREPARING THE HIVE. Make a bottom-board fast to an empty eight-frame body and adjust a screen to the entrance, that will be convenient to remove and replace later on, and select a cover that will fit bee-tight and not bother when the time comes to use it. Place in this prepared hive five nice clean combs making sure that some of them con- tain a littlfe honey, to guard against starving your swarm should it rain for several days aby Nuclei." By inserting a comb of young brood, at time of shaking, the forced swarm will rear a queen, in time, for itself ; but unless this Don't discourage Increase, but pre vent swarming If you know how. 1 N e R E A S E is done qiiite early in tlie season one's in- crease will be very slow in bnildnig" to stronf^- colonies. THE BUSY MAN'S WAY. If yon are a busy man and have only mornings and evenings at home this plan of increase is jnst what yon need — it holds s^varming in check and rednccs manipula- tion. Queens, either virgin or^ fertile, are safely introduced directly and there is no fuss in looking- after colonies too weak to defend themselves. For such a man I have designed a plan that :can be followed with perfect satisfac- tion as regards labor, trouble and expense. it is as follows: PORTABLE SWARM-BOX. Build a neat, light hive body to hold just five frames ; cover the bottom of your box with wire netting nailed on firmly with cleats Th® ioss of a queen to a big colony is a loss indeed — too great to continue loRg. INCREASE rth around. Now provide a lid of thin stuff that will just fit the top of the swarm-box; cleat it well and provide means for fastening this cover. Bore an inch hole at one end of the box, low down, for an entrance and pro- vide a cork or a button of section stuff for purpose of speed in opening and closing the entrance. This box may then be used on the same plan as outlined above and you will have something that can be conveniently carried on street or steam cars — just like a suit case. . Shake your bees in the morning and at evening run in the queen. After dark throw a strap or cord around the box, board a car with it and set it out one mile away. Draw the cork from the flight hole and catch the next car home. When you take out another boxful bring home the one formed a few^ davs before and Swarming is not increase — nor is it decrease, exactly. I N G R E A S. £ SO on. In this manner two boxes will keep yon goin,^- with all the increase you can take care of. To hasten the work of preparation for moving we liaA'e what w^e call i\n ndjustable handle; which is simply, two wires slid through a handle and bent in such a man- ner that the four ends will hook into four staples driven into the sides of the swarm- box, as shown in plate No. 2. One of these handles will answer for several boxes and the shawl strap may then be dispensed with. CARE OF BEES FROM OUT-YARD. When the boxes of bees are brouhgt home let them fly from the box a few days, then lift them into standard hives and fill with empty combs or those containing some hone}^, or foundation in starters and full sheets may be used, and in a remarkably short time all the combs will be covered A clipped qyeen is quite as good as a dead one, "[f you don't watch out." increase: witli bees and well filled with brood and honey. If no honey is coming in, feeding will ac- complish the same end and increase can be carried on to the same extent. Have the feed flavored with a little honey if possible and provide it regularly in the feeder that suits you best. I have used an entrance feeder with satisfaction because it is applied from the outside, can be filled quickly and is convenient for the one who is feeding for increase. 1liis feeder is simph' a shallow tin or paper pan which can be slid into the entrance to any hive flat upon the bottom-board. A portion of the pan protrudes from the en- trance (not over one inch), allowing one to simply pour in the feed from a tea pot, (juickly. Unlike other stock, bees consume nothing — yet add much. I N CREASE If you have a sure autumn honey flow colonies may be started quite late in the season, and by inserting a frame or two of hatching brood, taken from some of the powerful colonies, at time of bringing home, these late formed colonies will build to moderate strength and will gather enougli from the golden rod, yellow flower and aster to winter over. The earlier ones are more successful, however, in that they will likely store a surplus. Never give brood to a newly formed colony until after the queen is safely intro- duced lest the confined bees ball the queen directly she is run into the box. He who depends upon natural swarming entirely for his increase will ever live in hopes. "Baby Nuclei** ~~|N this book Suarthmorc Jjl ! thorou^^^hly covers the =r=rz:ri ficld Of Slliall Ilia t; HOT J9 i nuclei management; he I has had 20 years' ex- perience in mating^ yoiincr queens from section cornbs, with buta a hndful of bees, and feels competent to write on the subject. . . • • Handsomely Diinted, charmingly illu- minated, artistically bound and profuse- ly illustrated with actual photographs talcen U a booming queen-rearing estab- lishment at the height of the season. 50 cents postpaid. THE SWARTHMORE APIARIES. Swarthmore, Pa., U. S. A. LIST of BOORS TO FOLLOW Cell Getting by the Swarth- more Pressed Cup Plan The plan that has revolutionized queen rearino- throuohout the world. The en- tire process fully explained and illustra- ted by photos., from ac.ual life and viv- idly showing" ail the labor-saving' points in the best system ever invented. IioT«r to MaKe Hives of Paper At cost of only a few cents each. Full specifica ions, complete bill of stock and detailed drawings which will enable any beekeeper to construct his own hives, supers, etc., with a pair of shears, back SAW and hammer. Used by Swarthmore. A. New Comb-Honey Device Which entirely does away with close fit- ting holders and separators, allowing a producer to secure more marketable comb honey with no more danger of swarming than when run for extracting. Breeders of the Brightest Golden Bees — Prize Stock Queens Posted Safely at Ji or 5s each. SWARTHMORE QUEEN REARING OUTFITS. Price List of Complete Outfits for Rearing and mating Numerous Queens. Perfect Nursery Gages with removable compressed queen cells. Directions go with each Outfit which will enable the small bee keeper to rear a few queens for his own use Simple devices easily underst)od by any beekeeper; ist prize, Royal Show, London. Leading queen specialists have adopted the Swarthmore plan because of its simplic- ity and saving — testimonials for the asking. 1.25 OUTFIT NO. J: — ^Experimental. 3 Transfer Cages 12 Wooden Cups, waxed, ready for larvae... I Cell-Bar, bored, for shells « 1 Holding-Frame, with full directions Post Paid We will add a Swarthmore Nursery for 25c more. ^ \ OUTFIT NO. 2:-Amateur. ^ ,^^ ^ 2 Cell-Bals, bored, 16 hoifs ^^ ^tf 35 Waxed wooden cups ,...l %^ m^^^^ • 1 Holding Frame...,. 77. TTT.t:;:. 18 Transfer Cages, or hatchery Post Paid Cell-cleaning sticlj, grafting tool and directions. We will add a Swarthmore Nursery for 25c more. 1 sample Baby Mating Box, with directions, by post, 50c. 1 sample Transfer Cage with waxed wooden cup, 10c. OUTFIT NO. 3:— Professional. Includes, 1 Grace Cell Compressor, 100 blank Shells, 1 set Cell Bars and Starting-Frame, 2 Swarthmore Nursery Cages and Holding FrameJO Improved and complete b iby Mating Boxes, 18 Transfer Cages, Etc By express or freight, |6.50 Compressed Cells can b-^ used over and over; the ofteuer they are used thn better they work — we compress cups in removable Wooden Cups at 2c each; or you can own a Grace Cell Compressor for |2, pose paid ; with goods, flat, 11.75. Blank Shells, Ic each. Glass Bottle Feeders, 5c each. Mating Boxes in lots of 6, flat, $1. Bulb Filler or Feeder |1. THE SA\^ARXIinyEOR.E afi^hijes. APR 12 1905 We wish to call particular attention to the S.varihmore wooden cup ard its many advantages for rapid handling of queen cells. We make these cups in many sizes, to order, and drill holes to suit special purposes, but for the ordi- nary ruii of queen work wc recommend the standard th ee-fourth sholl wi h o e- half inch hole, for holding the wax to be compressed into queen cuj-s, with f ange to present the c\x,) f r un siippin clear through when cells are i seited in eitl.e • cell-bars or cages. Some use a tick to attach the cells to the under sid? of a {) ain bar— ^ye will add these tacks to the s andard flange shell and will drill holes tt) receive sepaiate wax cups, if desired without extra charge; th n th^ same shell can bo us* d either way. But we believe tl e most of \('\i will prefer the convenience of drawirg your cells from top for th'' reason that iuanip 'lation is reduced fully fifty p< r cent., for all the work of cell sh'ftirg can be done thn^ugh a slit in the sheet, \vith;)ut remoAing combs, one cell at a tiiue or by th^ barfil. IMuch disturb- ance to cbloaies ruins tlieii- chances on honey and in wi itering well. This stan- dard sht 11 in Combination with a com- pressed cup makes an everlasting quef n coll; one that cm be graft h1 over aid t>ver a;aiu with increasing success— it's wastef il to destroj^ a good cup cac.i tin e a queen 1 a'ches. To transfer larvae— Select none but just-hatched efjgs and with a camcl's- hair brush, quill, or pointed tool, lift, the "little worm" tenderly and d<^- l*osit it i;>i^the bottom of the cup in the same position it occupied in the comb. The Swart 'inn re transfer cage i.^ v sep- arate nursery cage u^ed for intrc* uc- Ing queen> on the candy plan. This cage has been sold by us for several years and we have found it useful for hatchl ig, introducing or pre-irtroduc- ing, and for confining either ferlile or unfertile queens, also for mailii g qt:( < i s away. Twelve of these handy nui>cry cages will fit in the Swarthmorp op( ii fi'ame; thirty-six will hang loose ly on bars in a Hoffman brood -frame; or -S will fit tightly in any standard brood - frame; making a perfect all-purpose cage and the most successful separate nursery ever put on the market— Send for sample and convince yourself of these claims. The Swarthmore Nursery is, with ut doubt, the most extensively sold queen rearing device ever put on the market. By its use much labor is sav( d in rar- ing for queen cells at the incubating period. It can be permanently located in any colony ready to receive cells at any tima without the least disturbance to honey stocks, being on a level with the tops of the frames cells ! may i e manipulated at will, singly or by the barful, by simpljs raising the quilt.s; fur- thermore no dequeening of stocks i^ necessary when this cage piinciple is used. As a combined hatchery it has no eiiiial and breeders d«»ing business on a large scale can hardly get along with- out it. The CJrace Cell Ct mpres'si; g Machine needs no introduct'on— it has been used for several years with most astonishing success and h.ns eiowded all cell dip- pins off the earth We can supi)ly hand tot Is for foi'niirg eells but we believe vuu will at last resort to the mgchire because of its saving in time and labcr. Many have earned the priee of a ma chine ten times over by viressing cell? fer others. Any queen rearer who uses more than a hundred or two bees for mating vir- gin queens is not using the most eco- nomical pli n. We are working large numbers and s ill recommend Sv.arih- m< re Fertilizing Boxes. If you care {o investigate the wonelrous savinc^ quali ties of this niptiig nucleus we will glrd- ly suj ply what inft rmation we have gained in several years practical work with them in mating thousands (,1 queens for market. SWARTHMORE APIARIES, Swarthmore, Pa., U. S. A. THE BEST THERE IS LEWIS GOODS AT FACTORY PRICES It has been our constant aim for eight years to give best goods, best prices, best service and best of everything connected with supply- ing Bee-keepers' wants. We aie excelled by nobody. S| ecial discounts jjiveii on all orders before Apiil 1. Catnlof; Free. C. M. SCOTT & CO. 1001 E WHsh. St . INDIANAPOIIS, IN1>. I READ The American Bee Keeper from cover to cover; it has brought results as an advertising medium and much pleasure and profit in the reading. "Swarthmore" H« E. HILL, Editof» Fort Piefce, Fla. Rural Bee Reeper All Beedom is interested in this bright, independent, new bee jour- nal — Instructive and up-to-date. We S(>li