i!w^?J!Sltl ^\j A ^lii its'' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. .^u UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. \ WHITE'S INDUSTRIAL DRAWING THE SCIENCE AND ART MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING AND FOR SELF-INSTRUCTION OF TEACHERS AND ART-STUDENTS IN THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF DRAWING FROM OBJECTS \ ^^4 BY tf' LUCAS BAKER n •art^fHastfr FORMERLY SUPERVISOR OF DRAWING IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE CITY OF BOSTON ILLUSTRATED ^ ^,^ , ,333 1 Copyright, 1883, by IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR, AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK AND CHICAGO CONTENTS. PAGE NTRODUCTION . . . . . . . .5 Terms and Definitions 11 Of Limits 12 Of Extension 12 Quantities of the First Degree. — Lines . . .12 Quantities of the Second Degree. — Surfaces . . . . 13 Quantities of the Third Degree. — Volumes 16 Quantities of the Fourth Degree. — Inclination . . . 17 Words Denoting Position and Relation 17 Orthographic Projections . . 18 How TO Read x\pparent Forms .26 The Diascope 29 Analysis of Apparent Forms .30 The Drawing of the Rectangle or of the Square . . . 32 The Apparent Forms of Angles 34 The Drawing of the Cube 36 Method of Drawing the Hexagon and the Hexagonal Prism . 39 The Circle 44 3 4 CONTENTS. PAGE Position of the Apparent Diameter. — Illustration . . .48 Apparent Form of Circle seen Obliquely . . . . . 49, 50 The Recession of the Apparent Diameter. — Illustration . .52 Apparent Forms of Parts of Circles. — Illustration . . . 55 Method of Drawing Circular Objects 57 Rules for Drawing the Cylinder 57? 58 Apparent Widths of the Bases 59 The Position of the Major Axis of the Ellipse ... 60 Bands and Rims 66-68 The Law of Rims Demonstrated 70 The Drawing of Ellipses 71 Drawing the Triangle and Triangular Frames . . , . 72 The Frame-Cube . 74 Drawing the Single Cross 75 Drawing the Double Cross 76 Drawing the Frame-Square . . . , . . . . 80 The Use of Diagonals 81 The Cube 82 Groups of Rectangular Solids and Triangular Prisms . . ^ '^Z Groups with Hexagonal Prism. — Vases 84 Light, Shade, Refleci^ed Light, Cast Shadow, and Reflections . 86 Light and Shade on the Cube %^ Light and Shade on the Cylinder 90 Shading the Sphere, Cone, Etc 91, 92 Methods of Shading 93 Reflections 95 APPENDIX 99 INTRODUCTION. HE tendency of the American people to study art marks an era in our intellectual life. Students ^ of art multiply rapidly : art-schools are well filled, and private teachers are in great de- mand. All branches of art are receiving atten- tion, and especially the industrial department. There are two sources of art-instruction, — the teacher, and nature. There are also two methods of practice, — working from copies, and working from nature. Multitudes of private pupils do nothing but ^Qx copy the work of others, and consequently they never acquire the power to produce original work themselves. The two methods may be combined, but nature must always be regarded as the great instructor. We can do no greater service to our pupils than to prepare them to learn from nature, to open their eyes and minds to the harmonies and melodies which she has in ample store for them. There is no department of public instruction better adapted to the development of the powers of observation than drawing from objects. 5 6 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. The art-student, in progressing through the various branches of his study, is soon confronted with the necessity of making for himself original drawings from objects. He can not long follow copies, and depend upon them for guidance : he must read forms independently, as he would read a book ; and he must give his own rendering of them. At this stage he is presumed to have acquired a ready hand in drawing from the copy, and to be in possession of some knowledge of Plane Geometry. Thus prepared he enters upon a tour of investi- gation, not unlike the explorer of a new country. He must note all the facts presented to his observation, and deduce all the laws dis- coverable by his understanding. To the student it is emphatically a field of discovery. His eyes must be opened to new facts, which have been hitherto unnoticed by him. His method of seeing is to be changed from the casual and accidental to the accurate and discriminating method which penetrates and comprehends the subtleties of the apparent forms of objects, and of light, shade, shadow, reflections, and color. Every teacher of art knows that the principal part of his work is teaching his pupils to see and how to see. The pupil begins with little knowledge of the apparent forms of objects, and with no habit of observing them. This knowledge must be acquired, and the habit of seeing must be formed. This is the only foundation for true progress. In this respect, to draw is to knotv ; and not to know, is not to be able to draw. The subject of Object-Drawing has a basis of fact throughout. There is no guess-work ; mathematical precision pervades the whole ; every question can be settled by reference to fundamental prin- ciples. Model-drawing is the best possible preparation for sketching from INTRODUCTION. 7 nature. The student graduating from the study of models goes fully- equipped to the delineation of natural scenery or of architectural objects. Without this preparation the results of his efforts would be uncertain, and accurate only by accident. It furnishes the scien- tific basis for free sketching ; and without it, and an understanding of its principles, no artist can count himself secure in his work. The first part of model-drawing, viz., that relating to apparent forms, is closely related to Descriptive Geometry ; while the second part, viz., light, shade, shadow, and reflection, falls within the prov- ince of the fixed laws of light. The third division, viz., color, has also its fixed limitations and conditions : hence the whole field of our subject falls within the domain of science, and only partially within that of taste. The models used in this department are geometrical forms, and objects based on these, as the sphere, cylinder, cone, cube, prism, pyramid, plinths, vases, rings, etc., supplemented by numerous objects of utility and beauty, whose forms bear close relationship to geometrical types. To become thoroughly familiar with the prin- ciples of the whole subject should be the aim of every student of pic- torial or industrial art; for thus only will the way become clear for any future advancement. Model-drawing also possesses an educational value that ought to commend it to every true teacher. The general tendency of the course of instruction in the public schools, aside from drawing, is toward the development of the world of ideas, and not toward the development of the power of observation. Indeed, so strongly is this the case, that the mind is drawn away from the real, visible, and tangi- ble, to the contemplation of the unseen and ideal. Thus our pupils 8 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. come to belong to the class, that, ''having eyes, see noty We say, then, that the discipline derived from the practice of this subject tends to put the pupil in full possession of his faculties. Emerson says, "The study of art is of high value to the growth of the intellect ; " and Goethe called drawing " That most moral of all accomplishments," saying, '' It unfolds and necessitates attention, and that is the highest of all skills and virtues." Attention makes the scholar, the want of it the dunce. It is said that the artist knows what to look for, and what he sees ; and it is almost equally true, that the untrained in model and object drawing do not know what to look for, or what they see. It is for these reaso7is that our subject has a high educational utility over and above all considerations of its industrial or commercial value. Model- drawing in particular, and drawing in general, should be well taught in our public schools, in order to secure a more complete development of the mental powers. Moreover, this subject opens to the pupil new sources of enjoy- ment ; as it unfolds new powers,, and extends the area of his mental vision, while it increases the value of his labor in life. The power he derives from it enters into all skills and labors, and adds another segment to the arc of his being. The student has presented to his mind, for his comprehension, a multitudinous series of facts relating to form, light and shade, shadow and reflection. The whole series must be appropriated and digested, and made a part of the student : he must assimilate the whole if he would attain to a complete mastery of the subject. The best method for the teacher to follow, is to place before his pupils a single model, and then, — first, to lead them carefully to recognize the several INTRODUCTION. 9 facts, relations, and principles involved in its apparent form ; secondly, to note the distribution of light, shade, shadow, and reflection on the same ; and, thirdly, to deduce the general principles which the observa- tion and comparison of these appearances are found to establish. It is not enough merely to set the pupil to work on the models. His powers of observation are undeveloped, and need directing. At the same time, the rules should be deduced by the pupil, and not furnished ready-made by the teacher. The pupil should be taken into partnership with the teacher in the analysis of the subject, and taught to write down his own conclusions. He will thus appropriate and assimilate the facts for his own use, so that he will feel he is in full possession of them. The practice in all branches of our school instruction should be to lead and direct the pupil's minds in all their investigations, rather than to impose upon them a burden of arbitrary dogmatism without regard to their power of assimilation. In the practice of model or object drawing we place the objects before us in suitable positions, and proceed to draw them with pencil, brush, or crayon, in line, light, and shade, or in color, as we may choose. The method is wholly a freehand process throughout : we use no instruments but the pencil, brush, stump, and^ rubber ; and we proceed upon certain general and fundamental principles which are to be noticed hereafter, to make the representation upon whatever surfaces we may have chosen for that purpose. Model and Object Drawing, then, is a study for the artist as well as for the mechanic. In Perspective Drawing, which is really a branch of Descriptive Geometry applied to the representation of objects as they appear, we make a drawing of an object or objects wholly or mainly with instru- lO MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, ments for measurement and execution, following certain fixed and determined laws of intersection of lines and planes, from certain assumed or fixed data or measurements, upon whatever plane surface we may have selected for that purpose. It is a mechanical and not a freehand process : hence it is not the ordinary method followed by the artist in securing his *' views," but it is generally the method employed by the architect to render apparent the results of his inventions and combinations. It will be seen, therefore, that, in practice. Object Drawing and Perspective Drawing are essentially different. But, however differ- ent the practice in these two departments may be, there are certain fundamental principles common to both ; and they are in complete harmony, the one with the other. If there seem to be contradic- tions, they are apparent only, and not real, and are owing to a want of understanding of the subjects under consideration. Model and Object Drawing. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. HE terms used in drawing, so far as they relate to mathematical quantities, should be identical with those used in Geometry ; and they should be given the same value. It may be useful, therefore, to insert here a partial analysis of geometrical quantities, with their definitions, for the use of those who are not other- wise familiar with the same. A class of beginners should be taught to distinguish and to define geometrical quantities as a preparation for model or perspective drawing. Let them begin with the four kinds of geometrical quantities, and learn to refer any quantity to its own class : this is the first step in getting at the correct definition. In Geometry there are four different kinds of quantities, some- times called quantities of different degrees. First, Quantities of Length : all lines belong to this degree. Second, Quantities of Surface : all surfaces belong to this degree. Third, Quantities of Volume : all solids belong to this degree. Fourth, Quantities of Inclination : all angles belong to this degree. 12 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. The degree, or kind, to which any quantity belongs determines the first word or words of the definition of that quantity. The last part of the definition refers to the manner of limitation or boundary. OF LIMITS. Points limit lines, lines limit surfaces, surfaces limit volumes ; or, to reverse the statement, we should have these limitations in the following order : volumes are limited by surfaces, surfaces are limited by lines, and lines are limited by points. Or again : quantities of the first degree, or kind, are limited by points ; quantities of the second degree are limited by quantities of the first degree ; and quantities of the third degree are limited by quantities of the second degree. Quantities of the fourth degree are limited by lines or planes. OF EXTENSION. Extension is ultimately the occupation of space. Extension has three dimensions, — length (lines), breadth (surface), thickness (limited space or volume). A POINT is the zero of extension, as it possesses neither of the three elements of extension : hence it is position only. QUANTITIES OF THE FIRST DEGREE.-LINES. There are straight, curved, broken, and mixed lines. A STRAIGHT LINE is the direct distance between two points. A straight line is one without change of direction. SURFACES. 13 A CURVED LINE is one in which the direction is constantly chan- ging. The change of direction is constant, or constantly increasing or diminishing by a certain law of ratio ; or it may be irregular. A curved line may lie wholly in a plane, or in a regularly curved surface, or in an irregularly curved surface. QUANTITIES OF THE SECOND DEGREE. -SURFACES. Surfaces are of several kinds, such as regularly curved surfaces, — those of the sphere, cylinder, cones, etc. ; rolling and wrinkled sur- faces ; broken and warped surfaces ; and surfaces which are neither warped, broken, nor curved in any direction, but are straight in all directions : these last are called Planes. A PLANE, therefore, is any straight surface. Planes are considered infinite if not limited ; and hues Hmit planes, as stated above. A plane takes its name from the manner of its limitation. Thus, when a plane is limited by a curved line, every point of which is equally distant from a point within the plane, the plane is called a Circle. A CIRCLE, then, is a plane limited by a curved line, every point of which is equally distant from a certain point within the plane called the center. (It will be observed here, that the distinction between the plane of the circle and its limiting line is kept clearly in view.) Again, a plane limited by three straight lines is called a Triangle: therefore, a TRIANGLE is a plane limited by three straight lines. Triangles are of five kinds. Right- angle triangles (Fig. A), having one right angle ; Right-angle Isosceles triangles, having a right angle and two equal sides (Fig. B) ; Equilateral triangles, having the three 14 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, sides equal (Fig. C) ; Isosceles, having two sides equal (Fig. D) ; and Scalene, having the three sides and angles unequal (Fig. E). From the same analogy we should have the following definitions of planes. A SQUARE is a plane hmited by four equal straight lines, which make four right angles one with another. A RECTANGLE is a plane limited by four straight lines, the opposite lines being equal, and forming four right angles. A RHOMBUS is a plane limited by four equal straight lines, having only its opposite angles equal. ■ A RHOMBOID is a plane limited by four straight lines, only the opposite lines being equal, and forming equal opposite angles. A REGULAR PENTAGON is a plane limited by five equal straight lines forming five equal angles. A REGULAR HEXAGON is a plane limited by six equal straight lines forming six equal angles. A REGULAR HEPTAGON is a plane limited by seven equal straight lines forming seven equal angles. A REGULAR OCTAGON is a plane limited by eight equal straight lines forming eight equal angles. A REGULAR NONAGON is a plane limited by nine equal straight lines forming nine equal angles. SURFACES, 15 A REGULAR DECAGON is a plane limited by ten equal straight lines forming ten equal angles. An ELLIPSE is a plane limited by a curved line, every point of which is equal in the sum of its distances from two points within the plane called the foci. An ellipse is said to have two axes, or diameters : they are at right angles to each other; and they are called the major and minor axis, or, in common language, the longer and the shorter diameters. Returning to the circle and its different parts and their limitations, the definition of each part is dependent upon the kind of quantity to which it belongs. Thus, the CIRCUMFERENCE is the line of limitation ; and the CIRCLE is the plane limited. The circumference becomes the figure of the circle. A part of the cir- cumference of a circle is called an Arc (Fig. I). The SEMICIRCLE is the half-plane of the circle limited by the semi-circumference and the subtending diameter. A SECTOR is a part of the plane of a circle limited by two radii and the in- cluded arc. A SEGMENT is a part of the plane of a circle limited by an arc and its chord. It will be observed, that, in the foregoing definitions of the several limited planes, the word ''figure'' is not used. It seems that this word tends to confusion; preventing, in some cases, the mind from seizing at once the idea. We may say that every limited plane has a figure, but the figure is not the plane : the circle has a figure ; yet the figure of a circle is not the circle, but 1 6 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. the perimeter, or circumference, of the circle. We can never find the area of a figure ; because the figure is only outline, and not area at all. All figures, as such, belong to quantities of the first degree. QUANTITIES OF THE THIRD DEGREE.-VOLUMES. Extending on all sides of us, above and below, is the infinite space of the universe in which all worlds and beings have their existence. Whenever any portion of this infinite unlimited space becomes lim- ited in any manner, such portion of space becomes a volume ; there- fore, — A VOLUME is any limited portion of space, and the volume takes its name from the method of its limitation. A SPHERE is a volume limited by a curved surface, every point of which is equally distant from the center of the sphere. A CUBE is a volume limited by six equal squares. A PYRAMID is a volume limited by a polygon and as many equal isosceles triangles as the polygon has sides. A CONE is a volume limited, both by a circle as a base, and a curved surface which is straight in the directions of all lines drawn from the circumference of the base to a point in a line perpendicular to the center of the circle, called the Apex; or a cone would be limited as described by the revolution of a right-angle triangle about one of its sides adjacent to the right angle. A CYLINDER is a volume limited by two opposite equal and parallel circles, and by a surface curved in the direction of the circumferences of the circles, and straight at right angles to this direction. A PRISM is a volume limited by two equal, opposite, and parallel POSITION AND RELATION. IJ polygons, and as many equal rectangles as either of the polygons has sides. QUANTITIES OF THE FOURTH DEGREE. - INCLINATION. When two lines in the same plane incline to each other, the inclina- tion is called an Angle. Angles are of three kinds, Right Angles (Fig. F), Acute Angles (Fig. G), and Obtuse Angles (Fig. H). When one line meets another line, forming two equal angles on the same side of the line met, both angles are Right Angles. The point of intersec- tion of two lines forming an angle is called the Vertex of the angle. There may be four right angles in the same plane having their vertices in the same point. An Acute Angle is less than a right angle. An Obtuse Angle is greater than a right angle. The inclination of two planes also forms an angle. The inclination and intersection of three or more planes, at one point, form a Solid Angle. WORDS DENOTING POSITION AND RELATION. Two other classes of definitions are important to the student ; viz., those of words which denote position, and those of words which denote relation. First, Words denoting position ; namely, vertical, horizontal, level, flat, inclined. All these terms signify position, without relation to any other object save the earth itself. That is to say, a line in any 1 8 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. of these positions is so of itself alone, without the aid of any other line. Second, Words denoting relation ; namely, parallel, perpendicular, tangent, secant, etc. A line in any of these positions bears a certain definite relation to some other line, and changes position with such line. A PARALLEL LINE is one which is everywhere equally distant from another line ; while a vertical line is vertical alone, and of itself, from its position only. A VERTICAL LINE is one in an upright position, pointing to the center of the earth. A HORIZONTAL LINE is one, all points of which are on the same level. A horizontal line drawn through any point is perpendicular to a vertical line drawn through the same point, and the vertical is perpen- dicular to the horizontal line. * An INCLINED LINE is one, all points of which are at different elevations. A line is perpendicular to another line when it makes a right angle with it. A line is tangent to another line when it touches it at a single point, and would not cut it if both were produced. ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. In order to understand clearly some of the illustrations and descriptions which follow in this book, we think it advisable to ask the attention of the student to a brief preliminary statement of the leading principles and methods of Orthographic Projection. The object of these projections is, to show the real forms of objects, or combinations of objects ; so that any one understanding these methods ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS, 19 of representation can construct from such drawings the things repre- sented. These methods are generally used by architects, machinists, ship-builders, and inventors, to represent in detail the forms, dimen- sions, combinations, and methods of action, of whatever they may invent or design. They are also useful in demonstrating many geo- metrical principles, with reference to perspective, forms of shadows, intersections of solids, etc. Two planes of projection at right angles to each other are em ployed. One of these is named the Vertical plane of Projection, the projection itself on this plane being generally called the Eleva- tion : the other plane is named the Hoidzontal plane of Projection, and the projection on it is called the Plan. The plan and elevation of a building or machine, drawn to dimensions, gives an idea of its form, size, and method of construction. Two or more vertical or horizontal projections may be drawn where they are required to determine addi- tional details. By these means the most complicated combinations can be made apparent. The use we shall make of these methods will be to show the apparent forms of some objects, and to demon- strate certain mathematical principles. Let us suppose that we have, as in Fig. 2, two planes represented by sheets of paper at right angles to each other, — one in a vertical, and the other in a horizontal, position, intersecting or touching each other in the line G L. These planes are represented in a perspective view, and we will say they are each one foot square. Let us suppose, further, that the sun is in the X'iS.2 20 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, west. Place the vertical plane so the sun's rays will strike the plane at right angles to its surface, while they pass parallel to the horizontal plane. Now, if we hold a four-inch square plane, or piece of paper, parallel to the vertical plane, at a little distance from it, with two of its sides vertical, the paper will throw upon the vertical plane a shadow which will have the precise form and dimensions of the four-inch square. We may call this shadow the vertical projection of the square. With the square in the same position, suppose the sun directly over-head: the horizontal projection of the square will be cast down upon the horizontal plane. This projection is a straight line, four inches long. In the figure the vertical projection of the square is the square A' B' C D', and its horizontal projection in the same position is the straight line A B. It is not customary to represent, as above, these planes of projection in a perspective view, but simply to draw a horizontal line on the paper, representing the intersection of the vertical and the horizontal planes, and to regard that part of the paper above the line as the vertical plane, and that part below the line as the horizontal plane. This line is called the ground-line, and it is marked with the letters G L. Let us analyze the case above described (Fig. 3). Rays of light moving in horizontal parallel lines, perpendicular to the vertical plane above the line G L, cause the shadow of the square to fall upon that plane ; and rays of light moving vertically downward, in parallel lines, cause mg.s ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 21 the shadow of the square to be cast on the horizontal plane. The first shadow is a square, and the second is a line. Hence, when we see the two elements projected, we know of what form they are the projections: since the horizontal projection is only a line, we see that the object which is the origin of projection must be merely a plane, because it possesses no appreciable thickness ; and, since we have a square for the vertical projection, we know that the plane is in the form of a square. Thus we are able to understand the form of an object from its projections. By observing still further the two projections, we should also see what position the object occupies with reference to both planes. Since A B is parallel to the ground-line, we know that the square is parallel to the vertical plane ; and, when we see that A' B' is parallel to the ground-line, we know that the lower and upper edges are parallel to the horizontal plane. In Figs. 4 and 5 the horizontal and vertical projections of several solids are shown. First, we have the sphere at A ; having, for its horizontal and ver- tical projections, a circle. It is, of course, the same in both : but it should be observed that two circles at right angles to each other, and intersecting at the horizontal diameter of each, would give the same projections ; but, if these planes were revolved into different positions, as in Figs. C E H and K, the projections would show that they were planes, and not a sphere. At B we have the projections of a cube. Two squares at right angles to each other would give the same projections. At C we have the cube revolved on the horizontal plane, so as to bring one diagonal of the upper and lower sides perpendicular to the vertical plane. 22 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. In this position, two square planes would not give the horizontal and % vertical projections of the solid, as at C. In this figure we observe that the horizontal projection gives the true form and dimensions of a side of the cube, and that the vertical projection does neither. At D we have the horizontal and vertical projections of a cone, — the horizontal being a circle equal to the base of the cone ; and the vertical projection, a triangle equal to a vertical section through the axis of the cone. At E we have the same tipped up, with its base and axis oblique Tig. A to the horizontal plane. This projection is made by revolving, on the point b' as a center, a! b' in its horizontal position on the vertical plane, to the position d' b' ; on this as a base constructing the triangle. The horizontal projection of the same is made by carrying forward to the right, from D to E, the diameter c d; letting fall the dotted ver- ticals from a!' b' to' determine a b. It is evident that this iatter diam- eter, a b, will be foreshortened. Upon these two diameters, the horizontal projection of the circle must be drawn : it will be an ellipse. The dotted vertical, let fall from the apex e\ will give the place of the ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS, 23 vertex e in the horizontal projection. From this point draw tangents to the ellipse, and the figure will be complete. At F we have the projections of a four-sided pyramid : the vertical projection is a triangle, equal to a vertical section through the axis and diameter of the base. The horizontal jfig. 5 shows the projec- tion of the base : and the four isosceles triangles, in their oblique positions, forming the sides of the pyramid, are projected at a be, bee, c e d, d e a ; each having the common point e. The projections of its oblique position at H are obtained similarly to those of the cone, after first constructing its projections at G, where it has been revolved on the horizontal plane through a quarter circumference. At I, J, K (Fig. 6), we have, in succession, the projections of a four- sided prism in several positions. At I the sides of the prism are per- pendicular, and parallel to the vertical plane ; at J the prism has been revolved so as to bring the sides at an angle of 45° to the vertical plane ; and, at K, it is tipped up so that the bases and sides make angles with the horizontal plane. The method of drawing these pro- jections will be readily understood by what has preceded. The reader will further observe, that the projection of any particu- lar line or plane may be studied from these projections of solids. 24 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. For instance, at I the edge of the prism, represented by the line e' a! in the vertical projection, has its horizontal projection in the point a; and in the same way the remaining edges, represented by the other ver- tical lines in the vertical projection, have their horizontal projections in their corresponding points. We conclude, therefore, from what was found in the case of the four-inch square, and in the present investi- gation, that the vertical projection of a vertical line is a vertical line Fig, 6 of the same length, and that the horizontal projection of a vertical line is a point. If we take the lines, ad, be, at I, in the horizontal projection, which are the projections of the two opposite sides of both bases of the prism, the bases being perpendicular to the vertical plane, we see that their vertical projections are found in the points a' , e' , b' , f. Therefore, we conclude that the horizontal projectiofi of a horizontal line is a straight line of the same length ; and, if the line is perpen- dicular to the vertical plane, its vertical projection will be a point. By ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 25 examination of the several planes bounding this solid, we see that the horizontal bases are projected on the horizontal plane in squares of the same size, since, in all these projections, the rays are assumed to be parallel ; and that also the two side planes, which are parallel to the vertical plane, are projected in rectangles of the same magni- tude. We may say, then, that, zvhen a plane is parallel to either plane of projection, its projection on that pla7ie will be equal to the plane itself. If we examine the front face of the prism, as projected in a' b' f e', we see that it has its horizontal projection in the line ab, and the other three sides of the prism have their horizontal projections in the lines b c, c d, da; the two bases have their horizontal projection in abed, and their vertical projection in the lines a! b' and e' f: hence, whenever a plane is pe7pe7tdicular to either plane of projection^ its projec- tion on that plane will be a straight line. In J we have the vertical planes of the prism in their oblique positions projected on the vertical plane ; and we see, comparing them with the vertical projections in I, that neither projection is of the same size as the plane itself : but, in the horizontal projection, we have the two bases of the prism projected in their true form and dimensions. Compa.re with a b c d '\x\. \. By comparing K with I and J, we see that none of the planes limiting the solid are shown in their true dimensions. The analysis of this subject might be carried on to any extent, and deductions made, and processes developed, for showing various combinations and forms, intersections of solids, projections of shadows, principles of construction, etc. ; but we have given enough of the principles of Orthographic Projections to enable the attentive student to under- 26 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. stand the illustrations given in the body of the book. This is all that is necessary for our present purpose. HOW TO READ APPARENT FORMS. If one had the faculty, when looking at a house, for example, of making it appear like a flat spot of a certain shape, disregarding the fact that certain surfaces are retreating, thus reducing the whole to one vertical plane, he would have the most complete qualification for rapid sketching (Fig. 7). Indeed, this is just what the artist endeavors, as far as possi- ble, to do in order to read forms. It is not difficult to read off rapidly the outline after the whole complex arrange- ment of planes, constituting the house, or the group of buildings, has been reduced to one plane. But our knowledge of the retreating of the planes, and of their many combinations, makes it very hard to secure the apparent form of the whole group. Herein our knowledge of real forms and directions seems to stand in the way of our appreciation of other facts relating to appearances ; so that it always happens that the beginner draws the forms as he knows them to exist, instead of representing them only as they appear to his eye. To draw what y 07 l see, to paint what yon see, and not what yonr knowledge leads yon to imagine you see, must be the constant admonition of the teacher. Works of imagination may be excellent, and greatly to be prized ; but, at this stage, neither the imagination nor the knowledge of the pupil is of any avail. He must depend only upon his eyes. Seeing with the eyes, and knowing from data in the BOW TO READ APPARENT FORMS. 27 Fiff.8 mind, are very different acts ; and the province of each is separate from that of the other. Taking the cube with three faces visible, if we can make the whole block appear like a flat spot on a vertical plane when seen horizontally, we can then draw the various lines with accuracy by referring each to an imaginary horizontal or vertical, passing through one end of the same, and by noting the angle (Fig. 8). The inclination of all lines may be determined by reference to the vertical or to the horizontal. To sum up these suggestions, we say that all attempts at com- parison of lengths and positions of lines must be made on a plane per- pendicular to the axis of sight, or, in other words, perpendicular to the central ray from the object to be drawn. A common way is, to hold out the pencil at arm's- length, in such a posi- tion that one end is as near to the eye as the other, and then to compare two lines as to their apparent lengths, or their positions with regard to each other, or to a horizontal or a vertical line. Thus, relative apparent lengths, and relative apparent positions, 28 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. Tig. 9 may be determined. See cut of hands showing the positions of the pencil. A very satisfactory and conclusive method of testing the accuracy of a drawing of a simple object, after it is made, is to cut out the drawing with a pen-knife, running the point around the outside, or the outer lines of the whole figure, and folding back the different planes on certain lines. Thus, in the case of the cube. Fig. 9, run the knife along the full lines, and fold back the several squares on the dotted lines, and then hold the paper at such a /"~ ■/ distance from the eye that the model from which the drawing w^as made will appear to just fill the opening. Any error in the work will be seen at once. In the same way the drawing of any separate plane may be tested by putting in place all the other planes, leav- \ ing the one to be determined folded back. / \ \ Care must be taken to hold the paper in a / / \ \ position perpendicular to the central ray ""^^---./ V'-'''''' from the object to the eye. A very simple method of finding the ap- parent position of a line, when neither horizontal nor vertical, is to hold out the pencil as above directed, so as to coincide with the line to be determined, and, with the other hand holding up the paper, bring the pencil against it in a position corresponding to that of the line. The direction of the line on the paper will thus be readily determined. The pupil may also put up in front of the eye a plate of glass, and, holding the head fixed in one position, may trace upon it the outline of the object. THE niASCOFE. 29 THE DIASCOPE. The DIASCOPE is a simple contrivance for testing apparent forms. This instrument is simply'a frame, across which are drawn fine wires or threads, at equal distances, in two opposite directions, divid- ing the space inclosed into a number of equal squares. A frame four inches square, inside measure, is a convenient size. The frame should be made of some thin material, and provided with a handle. The 'Fig. 10 \ \ 1 1 1 inner lines of the frame may then be divided into half-inch spaces, and small holes should be made near the inner edges at the points of division. Small wires or threads may be drawn through these holes from opposite sides, dividing the whole space, for instance, into sixty-four equal squares. When completed, the Diascope may be held up in a vertical posi- tion, between the object to be drawn and the eye, so that the central ray of light from the object will pass through the Diascope at right angles to its plane. With it in this position, the observer will be 30 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. enabled to read off without difficulty many of the apparent inclinations and magnitudes. The side of a cigar-box, and two or three yards of fine iron or copper wire, is all the material required in the construction of this instrument (Fig. 10). ANALYSIS OF APPARENT FORMS. Every visible object transmits to the eye of the observer rays of light from every part of its visible surface. The rays of light move in straight lines and converge as they approach the eye ; so that the whole bundle of rays from an object is able to enter the eye through the small opening called the pupil, and, traversing the body of the eye, is received on the inner side of the posterior-wall, called the retina. On it the image of the object is formed, exactly similar to the appar- ent form of the object itself, only greatly reduced in size and reversed in position. In order to understand the explanations which follow, it is important to consider attentively this bundle of converging rays which the eye receives from every object upon which it is turned. Every object seems to be charged with the luminous quality we call light, which is profusely diffused abroad in all directions. Whenever the eye is directed to any object, it receives a shower of these lumin- ous vibrations. It suits our present purpose to regard these vibrations of light as moving in straight lines ; that is, a bundle of lines from an object converging to the eye. The form of the bundle of rays depends upon the form of the object. Thus, if a square be placed directly in front, so that the eye is equally distant from each of the four corners, it is plain that the rays of light from this square, converging to the eye, will form a true right ANALYSIS OF APPARENT FORMS, 31 pyramid, having four sides, with the square for its base, and its apex in the eye as in Fig. 11. In this case the sides of the pyramid of rays would be bounded by four equal isosceles triangles ; and the central ray of light Cy from the square, would be the axis of the pyramid of rays. If, now, this pyramid of rays is cut by a plane perpendicular to the axis or central f^s- " ray, and parallel to the base, the section will be geometrically simi- lar to the base, that is a square. The section will, therefore, be a true picture of the square, and will correspond in form to the little spot in the eye formed by the square. If the square is turned obliquely to the eye, so that the rays of light are thrown off obliquely to the surface of the square, and a cross- section of the rays is made perpendicular to the central ray, the sec- tion will present a true picture of the apparent form of the square in its oblique position; and it will be exactly similar to the image formed in the eye by the rays from the square in its oblique position. There are several ways of making these facts apparent. One method is, by employment of models in a conical or pyramidal form built obliquely on several bases, showing cross-sections. The only objec- tion to this mode of experiment and proof is in the cost of the models, which are difficult of construction. An easier method is, to set up a plate of glass perpendicular to the central ray, and, looking through it at right angles to its surface upon any object, to trace upon the glass with a common pencil, or one made of soap, the outline of the object, with the head in a fixed position. 32 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, The outline on the glass will be a true picture of the object. The glass will be a cross-section of the bundle of rays from the object (Fig. 12). Thus, the picture of the plane abed will be accurately traced on the transparent plane interposed — — -/r^- at T P. Hence, we may state this general principle : A true pie- tw'e of an objeet may be obtained by tracing its apparent form on a transparent plane perpendicular to the central ray from the object, or by a cross-section of the rays from the object perpendicular to the central ray. Tig, 13 THE DRAWING OF THE RECTANGLE OR OF THE SQUARE. The drawing of the rectangle or the square presents a few points of special interest, which the stu- dent would do well to consider, and to master completely, in order to make the drawing of all rectangles easy and sure. First, when two sides, ab and c d (in this case, the upper and lower sides), of a square or a rectangle are perpendicular to the central ray, but one of them, dc, 2it a greater distance from the eye than the other, as in Fig. 13, then the two lines which are perpendicular to c.r.. THE RECTANGLE OR THE SQUARE. 33 i.e., a b and dc^ are seen to be parallel ; but, since they are un- equally distant from the eye, the nearer line, ah, will appear to be longer than dc. Thus, in Fig. 14, which is the plan of the above, the rays from c d will be seen to cross ab 2X c' d' ; so that, relatively to ab, c d will appear to be only as long as c" d" on the transparent plane. If we examine the image formed on T P, we find that it consists of the following elements : viz., apparent height, i to 2 Fig.is^n — ! — ^" (Fig. 15) ; the apparent length of ^r^ is c' d'\ and of / \ ab \^ d b' ; the apparent length of a d \s a! d'\ and J- 2 \' of be, b' c" ; thus, the figure of the rectangle will be given in the figure 0! b' c" d'' . It will be seen, there- fore, that the lines a d and b c will appear to be convergent lines, seem- ing to approach each other as they recede from the eye. By assuming four points on any two receding lines, we could construct a rectangle as above, and proceed in the same method to show the convergence. In the same way it may be proved that all receding parallel lines, in whatever position, seem to converge or incline to each other as they recede, and would, therefore, if extended sufficiently, meet in the same point. In all cases this will appear from „_.. ^„ t the fact that the distance between them, which is a line of a certain length, seems to diminish in length as it becomes more distant. Thus, in Fig. 16 let E represent the position of the eye, and i, 2, 3, the positions of three equal lines in the same plane with the eye and msi 16 34 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, with each other. Let the line i i' be at a certain distance, 2 2' at twice, and 3 3' at three times, the distance of 11' from the eye. Draw lines from the extremities of each of these lines to E, and, at their intersection with T P, we shall have their relative apparent lengths. Thus, 2 2' will appear to be one-half as long as i \\ because it is twice the distance from the eye ; and 3 3' will appear to be one- third as long as 11', because it is three times as far from the eye. Hence it follows that the apparent length of a line is inversely pro- portional to its distance from the eye. If 2 2' and 3 3' were moved up to the position of i \\ they would appear to be of the same length. We have thus obtained these additional general principles : viz.. First, Equal magnitudes appear equal at equal distances ; Second, Equal magnitudes appear unequal at unequal distances ; and, Third, Equal magnitudes appear inversely proportional to their distances. These principles determine the convergence of all parallel lines as they recede from the eye. THE APPARENT FORMS OF ANGLES, Place a square plane in such a position that all the angles are equally distant from the eye, as in Fig. ij, abed. It is evident, that, in this position, all the angles will appear to be right angles, as they really are ; but if the plane is revolved about c d into the position a b' c d' , so as to bring a b into the position of a' b' , the appearance will be at once changed, and all the right angles will have been apparently destroyed. Thus, the angles at a' and b' will appear to have been opened, while those at c' and d will appear to THE APPARENT FORMS OF ANGLES. 35 have been partly closed. If the revolution of the plane about the line c' d' were continued, the process of opening one set and closing the other set would go on until all the angles would appear to be extin- guished ; the points a! and b' coming into the same line with the eye, and the whole plane assuming the appearance of a straight line. Now, since the angles at d and b' in the oblique position appear to be opened more than right angles, and since rays from the angle ^are more oblique than at b' , and since the angles at c' and d! appear partly closed, considering what was shown on p. 30 we may deduce the follow- ing general statements : — Whenever a rectangular plane is seen obliquely, the nearest and the farthest angles appear obtuse, the latter being the more obtuse ; and the tzvo intermediate angles appear always acute. This rule will apply to every possible position of the rectangle and of the square, which is only a particular case of the rectangle. As rectangular (solids) volumes are drawn by representing their separate faces, and as each face must be solved or read by itself, as well as with reference to the others, the principles above stated go far to enable the student to represent accurately rectangular solids. There is, however, one other deduction which may be noticed. If we have three rectangular planes in an oblique position, as, for instance, the three sides of a cube forming one solid angle, there will 36 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. appear to be three obtuse angles about that point. This will always be the case when three sides are visible : there Fig. 19 can never be a combination of one right and two obtuse angles, or of one acute and two obtuse angles ; but the three angles about that nearest point of the cube must always be obtuse, as in Fig. 19. The advantage of this rule will be appreciated by every teacher, as it offers at once a test for many doubtful points where the eye alone might not be able to detect the error. THE DRAWING OF THE CUBE. Definition : The CUBE is a volume bounded by six equal squares. First, place the cube on a horizontal plane directly in front, with the two side-lines of the front square equally distant from the eye ; the top of the square being a little nearer than the bottom, so that only the front and the top of the cube will be seen (Fig. 20). In this posi- tion the front face of the cube is usually drawn as a square, with the side-lines vertical, for the same reason that we should draw the sides of a house vertical, and not converging as they recede upward. We should then ascertain by observation, on the pencil held at arm's length in a vertical position, corresponding with ac, the measurement of the apparent height of the upper face of the cube. Let us suppose it to be one-fourth as high as the front face. Divide one vertical side of the front face into four equal parts, and place one of these parts above the line a b, and THE DRAWING OF THE CUBE, 37 draw ef of indefinite length, parallel to ab. Next observe how much shorter ef appears to be than a b, and mark its apparent length on a b, and draw dotted vertical lines from these points to e and f: the lines a e and bfmdiy now be drawn, and the figure is complete. Next place the cube so that three sides will be visible ; the model still resting on a horizontal plane, showing the front, right side, and top (Fig. 21). The first line to be drawn is the nearest vertical, a b. This line is the measure of every other line. The second line, a Cy must be placed by observing its position in the model, its degree of inclination to an imaginary horizontal line through a, and its length compared with the standard line a b. Then the third line, af^ should be read from the model, as to position, inclination, and length, in a similar manner. We have now one line in each of the three sets of parallels to be drawn. Since every other line in the model is parallel to one of these three, therefore the three lines are the ruling lines of the drawing. We should next observe if ^<3f is shorter than ab^ and, if so, how much, representing it in its true proportion : then draw b d. Compare f e with a b, and draw it. Connect b with e. By drawing b d and b e, the convergence of the lines fg and eg has been determined ; so that it is only necessary that they should have the same degree of conver- gence, as the lines are respectively parallel to each. These lines complete the drawing of the model. If correctly drawn, there will be, first, three obtuse angles about the point a; second, the angles at d, g, and e will also appear obtuse, and more obtuse than the angles 38 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, in their respective planes at a ; third, the remaining angles will be acute. The third position of the cube is one in which the three faces will appear about equal. Place the cube on an inclined plane, or put some- thing under the back corner, so that there will be no vertical lines in the model. In this position let a be the nearest point : draw first the line a by which seems to be nearest vertical ; then the line ^ ^ to the left ; and third, a dj comparing the last two lines with the first to obtain their different lengths (Fig. 22). Having ob- Fig, 22 ^""~;;^S<^' tained the positions and lengths of these three lines, it only remains to draw the other six lines with the proper convergence, which must be noted from the model itself. There will be, when complete, three sets of lines ; each set converging to a different point. Let us observe, again, that about the point a we have three obtuse angles, and that the opposite angle on each face is more obtuse than the angle in the same plane at a, and that the angles at c, d, and b are all acute. There is one other rule very useful in the criticism of drawings by pupils deducible from this case; viz.. Take the two faces A and B, and call c e^ df, and ab the side-lines of the two faces, a b being the dividing line : then these side-lines will converge in a direction opposite to the other face C ; i.e., downwards. Now take the two faces C and B, with the dividing line a d, and with the side-lines bf and eg. They will converge in a direction opposite to the other face A; i.e., to the right. THE HEXAGON AND THE HEXAGONAL PRISM. 39 In the same way the side-lines of the two faces A and C, i.e., a c, b Cy and dg, will converge in a direction opposite to the other face B ; i.e., to the left. Hence the rule : In drawing any rectangular solidj three faces being visible^ the side-lines of any two faces will seem to con- verge in a directio7t opposite to the third visible face. It will be seen that the third visible face always indicates the ends of the lines nearest the eye. THE METHOD OF DRAWING THE HEXAGON AND THE HEXAGONAL PRISM. mg. 23 In drawing the hexagon and the hexagonal prism and the pyramid, we have first to consider the elements of the hexagon as a geometrical quantity. Describe a circle, and, with the radius from each end of the horizontal diameter as a center, cut the circumference in points above and below. By this means the circumference is divided into six equal arcs : drawing the chords of these arcs, we complete the figure of the hexagon (Fig. 23). Draw radial lines from the outer angles to the center, thus dividing the hex- agon into six equal equilateral triangles, all having their inner angles at the center of the hexagon (Fig. 24). If we draw the alti- tudes of the two triangles having the com- mon base a 0, we shall have the line b f dividing the base a into two equal parts ; for it is evident that the altitude of an equilateral triangle will always bisect the base. Again, if the altitudes of the two triangles having the common base d are drawn, we shall have the line c e, dividing the base d into two equal parts. Since 40 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, Fig. 24 b a and o d are equal, it is plain that the diameter is divided into four equal parts, which we will number i, 2, 3, 4, beginning at the left. Let us now turn the hexagon into a posi- tion oblique to the eye, so that the point a will be nearer to the eye than the point d : it will be seen that the points c and e will appear nearer to each other than b and /, because the line bf is nearer to the eye than c e (Fig. 25). Hence the two lines be and f e^ which are parallel to a d, will appear to converge : also, the four geometrically equal parts of the diameter, being at unequal distances from the eye, will appear unequal ; the nearest part, i, will appear to be the longest ; and 2, the next in length ; 3, the next ; and 4 the shortest of all. Again, let us suppose we have the hexagonal prism before us, with one end visible in an oblique position. We first read from the model the central rectangle b c ef; that is, we observe these four lines, and draw them in their relative positions and relations. Thus, as 3 ^ and f e converge upwards, supposing the eye to be a little above the model, we have the central rect- angle beef drawn in its true position (Fig. 26). Draw the diagonals b e and ef : they will cross each other in O, the true center of the rectangle. Now draw the diameter through O, parallel to the two lines b e and f e ; that is, so that it will con- verge at the same point with them. We find that we have the two mg. 26 THE HEXAGON AND THE HEXAGONAL PRISM. 41 central divisions of the diameter, 2 and 3, represented in their pro- portional lengths ; and 2 will appear to be longer than 3. Comparing these two divisions, we have the ratio between the several divisions of the diameter; for, by as much as 2 appears to be longer than 3, by exactly the same proportion will i appear to be longer than 2, and 3 than 4 : so that we can point off the first and the last divisions of the diameter by observing the ratio of the two middle divisions. Having thus placed the points a d on the diameter, we have only to draw the adjacent sides to complete the apparent form of the hexagon in this position. It will be seen, that, to draw the hexagon from the model, it is only necessary to read and draw the central rectangle ; and all the rest follows necessarily, without any further examination of the model : and, provided these four lines of this rectangle are correctly located, the whole hexagon is easily represented in its true propor- tions. Any two opposite sides may be taken for the ends of the rectangle, but it is usually best to choose the upper and the lower (when there is an upper and a lower). The four lines must be drawn with great care, allowing no error of observation or of execution to occur ; since the rest of the hexagon depends upon them. This analysis covers every conceivable -Frg. 27 position of the hexagon. Let us suppose / \ that one of the possible positions of the cen- ^,1 A^ tral rectangle is represented by the figure d c ef, <5/and c e being the longer lines (Fig. 27). Draw the diagonals cutting each other at 0, the center of the rectangle. Through this point draw the diameter as before, parallel to the ends be and f e. 42 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. Tig. 28 Fig. 29 We shall then have the two central divisions 2 and 3, giving the ratio (Fig. 28). Laying off the points a and d, on the diameter, so as to give the four divisions of the diameter in their diminishing ratio from i to 4, draw the other four lines a b, c d, af, and d e^ and the hexagon is completed. In the same way, if we have the central rectangle in the position b c e f, draw the diagonals to ascertain the central point (Fig. 29) ; and through o draw the diameter as before, parallel to the lines fe and b Cy which, in this case, have but slight convergence : next, lay off the points a and d, as before, and then complete the hexagon ab c d ef. These several positions may be regarded as typical, all others beins: referable to the same. Fig. 30 ^ ^ Let us now suppose we have before us the ""---^I n^ X ""^--^^^ ^ hexagonal prism standing on one of its bases, la P the upper base being visible : we should draw the nearest line of that visible base a b (Fig. 30). Next, by observation, determine the posi- tion of a c, the nearest side of the central rect- angle, and compare its length with a b (in this case, it is two-thirds of a b). Determine ^ ^ in the same way, and draw c d and the diagonals : through the center draw the diameter parallel to a b and c d. Now, since ^^ is longer than 7i, make eg- longer than ^^ by the same ratio, and nf shorter than n by the same ratio. THE HEXAGON AND THE HEXAGONAL PRISM. 43 Fig. 31 and complete the hexagon. Draw the vertical lines of the prism. Make / h parallel to a b ; hi conver- ging with bf, c e, and a d, j k with a e and f d. The amount of convergence is to be determined by observation. Let us next suppose the hexagonal prism placed in a position oblique to the eye, and inclined ; a b representing the nearest line of the central rect- angle of the visible base (Fig. 31) : observe and draw the two side-lines of the same rectangle, ac and b d, and join c d ; drawing the diagonals, we find the center, through which, as before, draw the diameter paral- lel to the lines a b and c d. We fix the points e and / in due proportion from the two central divisions of the same line, and complete the hexagon. Observing the inclination of . the side-lines of the prism, draw them in the correct position I with the proper convergence. Next, draw the visible lines of . the invisible base, converging with their respective parallels of the visible base, g h with a by g i with a e. It will be seen that there will be four systems of con- 44 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, verging lines, and that u b may be taken for the initial line of the first system, ^^ of the second, the diagonal b c oi the third, and the diago- nal ad oi the fourth. A fifth system would be indicated by a c and b dy but it is not essential. Following the method here indicated, the hexagon is an easy subject to draw in all possible positions (Fig. 32). THE CIRCLE. A circle seen in various positions, in whole or in part, appears to the eye as a circle, a straight line, an ellipse, a parabola, or as a hyper- bola ; that is, mathematically speaking, as one of the conic sections. First, A circle is seen as a true circle when the central ray of light from the plane of the circle is perpendicular to that plane ; that is, when it forms a right angle above and below, and to the right and left, with the plkne. Thus, let a b repre- sent the side view of a circle (Fig. 33), and the central ray of light from n form a right angle on all sides with the plane of the circle. Then the circle will appear as a true circle ; for if we cut the rays of light which come in the form of a cone, from the circle to the eye, by a plane at //, perpendicular to the central ray, we shall have a section of the cone of rays parallel to the base of the cone, consequently a sub-section, and therefore similar to the base, that is a circle. Second, A circle is seen as a straight line when the rays of light proceeding from the circle to the eye mov^e in the direction of the plane of the circle. Let a b and a' b' , Fig. 34 and Fig. 35, represent the side Tig. S3 P __^ — J L— --^ — ""^^ ^ _^_ p ^^"^^ -^b THE CIRCLE. 45 Fig. 34 view of a circle, with the eye placed in the direction of the plane of the circle. Then the circle would appear as a straight line. In the upper figure the circle is in a vertical, and in the lower figure in a horizontal, posi- tion. The rays from the circle to the eye will be in a single plane : no part of the upper or under surface, or right or left surface, gives rays to the eye. Hence, a section of the plane of rays at PP and P'P' would be a straight line ; that is, the circle, thus seen, would have the appearance of a straight line. Third, A circle is seen as an ellipse when the ray of light pro- ceeds obliquely from the plane to the eye. Thus, let a b represent a side view of a circle with the eye at E, and the central ray oblique to the plane of the circle (Fig. 36). Then the figure of the circle, on the plane of section, P P, will appear as a true ellipse. The proof of this theorem will be better illustrated farther on ; but a real ocular dem- onstration may be had by constructing of wood an oblique cone on a circular base, making a cross-section corresponding to P P. We may note here, however, that, as the obliquity of the central ray with the plane of the circle increases, the diameter, more oblique to this ray, becomes the more foreshortened, and that the one which remains at right angles to this ray will not be foreshortened at all. Hence, since these two diameters are at right angles to each other, it will be evi- IFig.Se 46 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. Tig. 37 a;, - l\ dent, that apparently the circle becomes flattened in the direction of one of its diameters, as in Fig. 37 A A, the diameter in the vertical plane of the eye, a ^, the same when revolved into its oblique position to the central ray E c. The inter- section of the rays from each, on the plane P P, shows their relative apparent lengths A' A' without foreshortening, and a^ a\ in its '^^--^J oblique position, foreshortened. We may learn still further, by the examination of a cone, from which a section of the ellipse is made, that the perimeter of the ellipse, in its oblique position to the central ray, may be made to appear to cover and coincide exactly with the circumference of the circle at right angles to the central ray. Fig. 38. Let "Eab be a cone, and m n the section. It is a true ellipse. Place the eye at E : the contour of the ellipse will appear to fall against the circumference of the circle, because the rays of light from the latter will pass di- rectly through the former ; hence they will appear to coincide. Now, if an ellipse, in an oblique position, may be made to coincide with a cir- cle in a perpendicular position, it is reasonable to suppose that a cir- cle in a position oblique to the central ray may be made to coincide with the outline of an ellipse at right angles to the central ray. In Fig. 38 the ellipse seen from the direction of P appears as a perfect ellipse. While seen from the apex of the cone e, it appears as a perfect circle. Fig. 38 P THE CIRCLE. 47 That the figure of the circle in a position oblique to the central ray will appear to be a true and symmetrical ellipse is, moreover, evident from the following diagrams. In order fully to appreciate the nice conditions and relations of the apparent ellipse to the parent circle, and several points of great interest in all subsequent practice shown by these and following dia- grams, careful study and attention to every particular is demanded of the student. Figs. 39 and 40 represent the circle in nearly the same position with reference to the eye. The first. Fig. 39, is the plan of the circle, with the eye in the same horizontal plane as the circle. It shows the place of the apparent diameter at a' U to the left, and nearer to the eye than the real diameter : the place of the apparent diameter a b' is found by locating the tangential rays a E, b' Y.\ these are drawn by bisecting the line E ^, ^ being the center of the circle : taking the central point thus found, as a center, with the half-length of the line as a radius, describe the arc a' c U ; it will give the points a b' on the circumfer- ence, from which tangential rays may be drawn to the eye. The line a' b' must be the apparent diameter, because it subtends a larger visual angle than any other line that can be drawn in the circle. The second, Fig. 40, is a vertical projection of the same circle, revolved a little so as to come into a position slightly oblique to the eye, as indicated by the diameter m' ;/ .• m' has been moved downward from m^ its position in Fig. 39, and n' upward from n. In this position the upper face of the circle sends its rays to the eye, and its image is formed on the retina. Now we wish to ascertain whether that portion of the circle to the left of a! U appears to be just 48 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, as wide as the larger part, to the right of that line, or whether that part of the diameter m' U subtends as large an angle as the part b' n' : this may be easily determined by bisecting in the usual way the angle in' E ;/, the whole visual angle subtended by the diameter, and through the bisecting point 3 draw a line from the eye to the diameter Fisr. SO m' n\ cutting it in the point b\ the place of the apparent diameter in Fig. 39. It seenis, therefore, that the smaller part of the circle to the left of the line a! b' appears to be just as large as the larger part of the circle to the right of a! b' , and that the apparent form of the circle in this position is an ellipse, with a! b' for its longer diameter, dividing the ellipse into two equal parts. We may say here, that there THE CIRCLE. 49 Tig. 41 ^~-- — i— -11^ h" is in the illustration a slight error, which will be noticed farther on, but which does not, in this case, vitiate the conclusions very much. Taking the two lines a'^ b'^ and i^' m^' on the P P, the plane of sec- tion, as the longer and the shorter diameter of an ellipse, we shall obtain very nearly the apparent form of the circle, as seen in Fig. 41. Thus we have the true figure of the apparent form of the circle in this position, and by the same means we can obtain its apparent form in all positions intermediate between that in Fig. 39 and a position at right angles to the central ray. A true picture of the circle, when seen obliquely, according to the definition of a true picture given on p. 32, can only be obtained by cut- ting the cone of rays from the circle to the eye by a plane perpendicular to the central ray or axis of the cone of rays. Although other sections than this may give ellipses, yet they will not possess the proportions of the true picture (Fig. 42). Let A B be the vertical projection of the circle at an angle of 45° to a line drawn from the apparent center of the circle to E, the position of the eye : then the oblique cone of rays will be formed upon the circular base A B. Now, all sec- tions, as I, 2, 3, 4, 5, perpendicular to the axis, will present true pic- tures of the circle : but, if we take an oblique section of the cone of rays m n perpendicular to the plane of the circle A B, it is quite evi- Fis. 42 50 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. dent that the section can not present a true picture of the circle A B ; because the section itself will be a circle. Drawing the section rn n (Fig. 43) at right angles to the base A B, and then revolving the part of the cone E in n about the axis E x, through 180°, it is plain that the point m will be revolved into the Tig. 43 position m\ and the point ;/ into the position ;/, and the line m n will be found in the position ;;/ ;/, parallel to the base A B. Thus, the section m' v! will be a section parallel to the base A B, and geometri- cally similar : therefore it will be a circle. The revolution of the plane of section, which is at right angles to the base, through 180°, brings it into a position parallel to the THE CIRCLE, 51 same base, and shows at once that it must be a circle ; as all sections of a cone parallel to the base must be similar to the base, and conse- quently circles. It will not alter the conditions, nor invalidate the conclusions at all, to revolve the whole diagram about the point E, through an angle of 45°, so that the base, A B, will be brought into a horizontal position, and the plane of section m n into a vertical position : the section m n in the vertical position will still be a true circle ; and it follows, of course, that it can not be a picture of the circle A B. It may, there- fore, be asserted that a true picture of the circle in this oblique posi- tion will be found by a section at right angles to the central ray of the cone of rays, and that all other sections, not at right angles to that ray, will differ, more or less, from the true picture, according to their obliquity to this central ray. The slight error in the illustration on p. 48, which results from the change of position in the place of the apparent diameter in Fig. 40, the circle being slightly turned into an oblique position, can now be corrected if desired. This change of position of the apparent diame- ter, and the method by which we may ascertain the true position of the apparent diameter of the circle, when it is at any particular angle of obliquity to the central ray, may be understood by reference to Fig. 44. In Fig. 44 we have the vertical projection, in ;/, of the circle in a horizontal position ; the eye being at E' : in the lower figure we have the plan of the circle m n, the eye being at E. With the eye in this position with reference to the circle, we have already seen that the apparent diameter will be at a! b'. Now, if the eye is revolved through an arc of 90° to the position E'' immediately over the center of the cir- 52 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. cle, it will be evident, that, in this position, the apparent diameter can no longer be at a' b\ but that the apparent and the real diameters will occupy one and the same place, and will be identical. If we move the eye from E'^ back along the arc of 90° towards its former position. Fig. 44 it is evident that the position of the apparent diameter will recede from the position of the real diameter until it reaches the position of b\ when the eye has returned to the position E', thus passing over the entire space between a b and a' b'. Let us now see if we can THE CIRCLE. 53 determine the position of the apparent diameter when the eye is at any particular point on this arc. In the passage of the eye over the arc from E' to E'', it moves vertically over every point of the radial line YJ d ; and, when it has passed vertically over every point of the radial line E' c\ the apparent diameter of the circle has receded from its extreme position c^ b' to the position of the real diameter a b. Hence it follows, that, when the eye has passed vertically over any particular portion of the line E' c\ the apparent diameter will have passed over the same proportion of the line x c, the difference between the extreme position of the apparent diameter and the real diameter in the plan.* We may, there- fore, find the position of the apparent diameter with the eye at any given point E'^' in the arc E' E^' by drawing to E^ c^ a vertical line from E^'^, the assumed position of the eye on the arc E' E'^, to D. This line will divide the line E' c' into two parts, E' D and D /. Then, by dividing the line x c into similar proportional parts, we can determine the position of the apparent diameter with the eye at the given point. To divide xc into proportionals similar to the divisions of E'r', draw a line from E' to YJ\ produce b' a! so as to cut E' YJ' in x\ and make x' c" equal and parallel to x c. From D, the point of division on E' c, draw a line to YJ' cutting x^ c" proportionally to E' c' in the point o". (See "Robinson's Geometry," Bk. 2, Theo. 17, et seq.) By drawing a parallel to E'' c' from 0'' cutting x c m 0, we shall have the point in ;r ^ through which we can draw a'^ b'\ the apparent diame- ter of the circle in' n' or m 71, with the eye at the point E^''. This method is true for all other positions of the eye on the arc * This method of determining the apparent diameter is given, without entering upon trigonometric principles. 54 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. E' E'', since 1^" is any point in it. Hence, by combining this method with one on p. 48, all error, however slight, may be eliminated from that problem. The correctness of the foregoing solution may be tested also in another way. It is evident, when the eye is at E E', that if two planes are drawn through the eye, and tangent to the circle on opposite sides, and perpendicular to the plane of the circle, the planes will cut each other in a vertical line passing through the eye, and will be tangent to the circle at the extremities of the apparent diameter a! b' ; as the tangent lines E b' and E a' would be the traces of these planes, and a vertical line drawn through E would be the line of their intersection. It is also evident, that, when the eye is at YJ\ these two planes would be tangent to the circle at the extremities of the real diameter a b, and that their intersection would be in a horizontal line passing through E'^. Now, at any intermediate points along the arc E' E'', the intersec- tion of these two planes, if extended, would cut the plane of the circle extended. Thus, draw through the point E'^' a line tangent to the arc E' E'^, and extend the line until it cuts the line / E' extended in J': this will be the trace of the line of intersection of the two planes passing through the eye at E''', and tangent to the circle at the extremities of the apparent diameter a'^ b" . For if we project the point y on to the horizontal plane at J, and then draw from J tangents to the circle, by bisecting the line J c, and drawing an arc from its central point with the half-length of the line as a radius, cutting the circum- ference, the arc will pass through the two points a'^ b'\ the extremities of the apparent diameter, thus showing that the two planes drawn tangent to the circle, and intersecting at the eye in a line tangent to the arc E' E'', at the point E''', the place of the eye, will also be THE CIRCLE, 55 tangent to the circle at the extremities of the apparent diameter a f? . Fourthy A. When a part only of a circle from a point somewhere :m0,48 in a straight line drawn perpendicular to the plane of the circle at its center is seen through a plane parallel to this line (Fig. 45). Let m n be a vertical projection of the circle with the eye at E, over the cen- ter c\ Then we have a cone of rays on a circle as a base, with E as 56 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, the apex. Cut this cone by a plane, ]' Y parallel to the axis of the cone. The rays from the circumference of the circle on this plane will trace its true curve, as seen from the point E. The section will be a true hyperbola^ since from geometry we learn that all sections of a cone parallel to the axis will be hyperbolas. The true form of the curve is projected on the horizontal plane between the points J P on the straight line J P as a base. The elements of the curve are obtained by laying off on J P from the points p p p and the vertical distances P' \" , Y 2'\ etc., each on its respective radial lines C i, C 2, C 3, etc. B. When a part of a circle is seen through a plane S' V parallel to E 7t, m n being the circle as before, then that part of the circle traced upon the plane S' V, as seen from E, will present the form of the parabola^ because it is a section of the cone of rays parallel to one side of the cone. From geometry we know that all such sections are parabolas. The development of the curve in its true form is seen in the full line V S V ; while the dotted curved line between V and V just to the left of V S V is the horizontal projection of the curve of section, and not its true form. The curve V S V is obtained by throwing down from S' V all the elements or normals of the curve from V as a center upon the horizontal nt n, and then projecting them upon the horizontal plane, each upon its own normal drawn from V V. All possible forms of the circle as seen in various positions are referable to some one of the conic sections, all consequently taking their places among the absolute mathematical figures. Let the student thoroughly master these forms, and trust to no methods not referable to fixed geometric formulas. METHOD OF DRAWING CIRCULAR OBJECTS. 57 METHOD OF DRAWING CIRCULAR OBJECTS. The application of the principles already developed relating to the circle will be found necessary whenever the student attempts to draw any circular object, or objects having circular bases, such as the cylin- der, cone, frustum of a cone, vases, cups, saucers, wheels, and a great multitude of objects. But, in order to deal successfully with many of them, it will be necessary to consider several other facts and princi- ples, as applied to combinations of circles. Let us take first the cylinder, as one of the simplest volumes, having two circular bases. There are eight rules applicable to the dimensions and positions of the cylinder. As the same rules apply with some slight modifications to all objects having two opposite circular bases, as vases, goblets, etc., they are in an eminent degree generic, and consequently important. We will now consider several facts relating to the cylinder, and see what deductions we can draw from them. Firsts When the two bases of a cylijider are equally distant from the eye^ both are invisible (Fig. 46). -p.^ ^g An apparent exception to this rule would be found by taking a cylinder of the dimensions of a silver dollar. Placing it so as to be seen by both eyes, both bases would be visible, the one to one eye, and the opposite to the other ; but the rule requires that we should look with one eye only, in which case the exception vanishes. Second, The visible base of a cylinder is always nearer to the eye than the invisible base. Thirdy The visible base is always apparently longer than the invisi- ble base. 58 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, Fourth, The invisible base is always wider in proportion to its length than the visible base. The last two rules may be stated thus : The visible base is always longer and narrower, and the invisible base is always shorter and pro- portionately wider. Fifth, The longer diameters of the ellipses, which represent the bases of a cylinder, are always perpendicular to the axis of the cylin- der. Sixth, The shorter diameters of the ellipses are always coincident with the axis of the cylinder. Seventh, The side-lines of a cylinder always appear to converge in the direction of the invisible base. Eighth, When a cylinder is in a vertical positio7i, the plane of delineation is supposed to be vertical also ; and the side-lines are drawn vertical and parallel, and of course without convergence, in accordance with the general practice in all architectural subjects. In illustration of this last statement, reference may be made to Geometrical Perspective, where all regular polygons which are parallel to the picture plane are represented, in the picture, by regular polygons. In all architectural subjects, the plane of delineation is always sup- posed to be vertical. To illustrate the third rule, that the ellipse representing the visible base of a cylinder is always longer than the ellipse representing the invisible base, we have only to consider that the diameter of the cylin- der is a constant quantity, and therefore the same at either end. If it is the same constant quantity at unequal distances from the eye, the nearer end must appear the longer (see illustration on p. 33), as in Fig. 47. Let a c represent the axis of a cylinder, b d the nearer, and METHOD OF DRAWING CIRCULAR OBJECTS, 59 Tig. 47 ef the farther diameter : then b d will be longer than ef^ because a nearer line appears longer than an equal line more distant. The rule that the invisible base is always wider in proportion to its length than the visible base, will be readily understood by observing the following diagram, Fig. 48, where E represents the position of the eye, and a e^ bf, eg, and d h, four equal and par- allel circles ; the lines a e, b f, etc., showing the actual width from front to back. By drawing rays from each of these circles to the eye, it is evident that the circle a e will have no apparent width, because it is in the same plane as the eye ; and consequently it appears as a straight line : the circle bf will have some apparent width ; while eg will appear still wider, ^^s-As Y"^^^^ and dh widest of all. For, if we in- terpose the trans- parent plane T P, the relative appar- ent width of the several circles will be expressed by the distances U f\ e' g\ and d' Ji!y of which d' Ji! is nearly twice as long as b' f ; and dh, of which d' h' is the appar- ent width, is the most distant from the eye : hence the rule. /"■-'«. / \1 1 c' 6o MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, --/J^ ms'^9 It will be seen from the diagram that the rays of light come more directly from the surface of the circle dh than from either of the others. The same holds good for every invisible base of a cylinder as compared with the visible base in any possible position. The rule, that the longer diameters of the ellipses are always perpendicular to the axis, may be made clear to the pupil by walking around a circle and observing its greatest apparent length. Let C be the center of the circle, and E E^ E'', Fig. 49, represent the successive /' ^^-'^ positions of the / / ^^^^ eye : the lon2:er / y ^^,-^' diameters or major ' / ^^'''' axes of the ellipses ^' will join the tan- gential rays ; i.e., from E the longer diameter will be at a b, from E' the longer diameter will be at c d, from E'', at ef: and in each case the apparent axis of the cylinder of which this circle is the base will appear to be perpendicular to these diameters at their central points, because it is perpendicular to the plane in which they are. This is a matter that should be determined by observation, by walk- ing round the circle and noticing how the apparent diameter seems to follow, keeping its position perpendicular to the central ray. And so it will be for all possible positions in which the cylinder may be placed. Ef> METHOD OF DRAWING CIRCULAR OBJECTS. 6i The sixth rule, that the shorter diameters are coincident with the apparent axis of the cylinder, may be readily understood from the fact, that, if the longer diameter is perpendicular to the axis, the shorter must be coincident with the axis, because it is perpendicular to the longer diameter. The truth of the proposition should be confirmed by observing the cylinder in various positions. That the side-lines of a cylinder will always appear to converge in the direction of the invisible base, is evident from the fact, that, the apparent diameters of the cylinder being geometrically equal, the more distant will appear the shorter : hence, as we have seen, the invisible base is apparently shorter ; and the lines connecting the extremities of the two bases will appear to converge in the direction of the invisible base. The eighth rule, in regard to harmonizing the fundamental princi- ples of model-drawing with architectural methods, where all vertical lines are drawn vertical in the picture : we call attention to the fact, that the principles already laid down have no reference to merely vertical or horizontal positions, but simply relate to absolute relations of the object to the eye in all possible positions, with the plane of section of the rays, that is, the plane of perspective, perpendicular to the central ray of light. In architectural methods the plane of section is supposed to be parallel to the vertical lines in the object; and, of course, the central ray would be supposed to be horizontal. This would not always be really the case. This point presents no difficulty to the student who makes himself thoroughly acquainted with the principles here deduced. It should be observed here, that the differences in the lengths or breadths of the two bases of a cylinder are inversely proportional to the distance of the eye : thus, if the eye is at an infinite distance, there 62 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. would be no apparent difference in the length and breadth of the ellipses representing the bases, because the rays of light would be practically parallel. So, when the distance is great, the difference is little ; and, when the distance is little, the difference is great. The same principle, for the same general reasons, will be observed in regard to the convergence of lines. It follows, from the above statement of fact, that every drawing of models, and every picture, can be best seen from one particular point, and will appear accurate from no other point of view. Hence it follows, as a matter of necessity, that the spectator, at the proper distance from the drawing, should place his eye at the point from which all the lines can be seen in their true proportion. Having deduced our principles and rules, let us now place the cylinder in a vertical position, with the upper base visible. First draw the apparent axis, or, as we may call it, ^' the axis; " ^ — 1^ it always being understood that we do not mean the real axis of the cylinder. In this case the axis A B, Fig. 50, is drawn in a vertical position of any length desired. Compare the length of the upper base with the height of the cylinder. Let us suppose it to be one-half of the axis. Divide the axis A B B into two equal parts, and the upper half similarly, and on either side of A measure off horizontally a quarter-length thus obtained, on a line perpendicular to A B. Next compare the apparent width of the ellipse with its length : suppose, in this case, it is found to be four times as long as it is wide. Divide, therefore, one-half oi c d into two equal parts by a dot at i, and the quarter oi c d into halves by a dot at 2. Place this eighth above and Tig. SO ME2HOD OF DRAWING CIRCULAR OBJECTS. 63 ■e Fig. 51 ^< Fig. 5U below the middle point of the line c d, the two eighths making the quarter required (Fig. 51). Thus we have the length of the shorter diameter of the ellipse, as well as its position. It only remains to draw the curve. The lower ellipse should be found in the same way ; observing, however, that it must be wider in proportion to. its length (which, in this case, is the same as that of the upper) than the upper ellipse (see Rule 8). Thus, if the width of the upper ellipse is one-fourth of its length, the width of the lower ellipse must be more than one-fourth of its length. The whole of the lower ellipse should be indicated, the farther half by a dotted or shadowed line only (Fig. 52). Finally the side-lines may be drawn as tangents to the two ellipses, thus completing the drawing of the model. If, now, the cylinder is placed on its side, so that it appears in an oblique position, we must first observe the apparent position of the axis, comparing its direction with the horizontal, with which we will suppose it to make an angle of 20° (Fig. 53). Draw, as the axis in this position, the line a b oi any length : observe how long the nearer ellipse is in comparison with the axis. To do this, hold the pencil at arm's length at right angles to a line drawn from the eye to the center of the cylinder, perpendicular to its axis, so that it corresponds to the longer -H-+- Fig. S3 64 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. diameter of the ellipse, and determine its length by moving the thumb along on the side of the pencil towards the end. Having thus obtained the apparent length of the nearest ellipse, turn the hand, keeping the pencil at right angles to the central ray till it coincides with the axis of the cylinder, with which compare the length of the ellipse. We will suppose it to be two-thirds of the axis. Place the point c to mark this : then ac \^ the length of the longer diameter of the ellipse. Divide a c into two equal parts, and, drawing a line perpendicular to ab, 2X a mark off the points d and n respec- tively above and below a, each at a distance equal to the half of a c. Proceed to find, by means of the pencil as before, the shorter diameter. Suppose it to be one-third of the longer diameter. Divide, therefore, dn into three equal parts by points i and 2. Since the shorter diame- ter coincides with the axis of the cylinder, produce the axis, upon which mark the points and w, each half a third from a. This gives the position and the length of the shorter diameter. Then draw the curve of the ellipse through the four points dm n 0. Next ascertain the length of the invisible ellipse ; it must be less than that of the visible : measurement with the pencil as before will so determine it. Do not guess at it. Put aside guess-work until thorough knowledge is obtained. Make it as much shorter as it seems to be, and then proceed to estimate the shorter diameter of the same by observing the half-ellipse which is visible. When these points have been determined, complete the ellipse, drawing the whole curve, the invisible half with a dotted line. Lastly complete the fig- ure of the cylinder in its oblique position by drawing the sides tangent to the ellipses. The foregoing explanations and principles will enable the student METHOD OF DRAWING CIRCULAR OBJECTS. 65 attentive to them to draw the cylinder in any possible position it may be placed. Let no accident of position or relation trick you out of your knowledge of principles and facts. There are many necessary modifications of the above principles when we come to draw vases. The same general laws prevail, but they are modified in their application. For instance, the bases may not have the same actual diameters as in the case of the cylinder. The same law, however, as to position and masrnitude exists. ^ 'Fig. S4 Thus, if the bases, or the circles at the top and bottom of a vase, are unequal, the lower being the larger, still the rule applies ; and the invisible will appear propoi-tion- ately shorter and proportionately wider than the visible / ! base (Fig. 54). The same principle will also hold good for all the minor bands of ornament, if such there are. Thus, as you move in the direction of the invisible base, all ellipses must appear proportionately shorter and wider ; and this is true whether they are actually larger or smaller ellipses than the visible one. Other applications of this law are found in Fig.ss /K drawing the cone, and some bands on vases. / i_ \ Take the case of two parallel circles, sec- A;^^£~V tions of a cone. It is evident that the ellipse ^/l I _ '\ 43, representing the upper circle in Fig. 55, will \-^_J___^-^ be proportionately longer and narrower than the 6 lower ellipse, i 2, according to the rule ; because, if the top of the cone were removed, it would be the visible one. Now, from the nature of the cone, we may be able to see more than half of the curve of the ellipse if the eye is considerably above its 66 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, plane; as in Fig. 56 we see all of the surface of the cone in front of the line i 2, which joins the points where the lines to the apex are tangent to the ellipse, and also much more than half of the curve of the ellipse. So when we have two parallel ellipses, as in Fig. 57, we may find that we see more than half the ellipses. It is possible that the width of the band may appear to be greater at the sides than in front, on account of the obliquity of the surface of the band at the Fig. 57 Fig. 66 Fig. 58 front or middle point tending to foreshorten its width at that point ; while the width at the sides will not appear to be foreshortened at all. Take, again, the rim of a bowl, as Fig. 58. The width of the rim may appear greatest at the sides, nothing at the back, and interme- diate at the front, or as wide or wider at the front according to the angle of obliquity, if it happens to be a portion of the surface of a cone with its apex at a. Quite an opposite modification would occur in the case of a surface- band on the sides of a vase or bowl seen below the eye, as in Figs. 59 and 60. In this case the band a b would seem to be widest at the front, gradually tapering towards the sides, as shown in the figure. This is because the band is practically on a section of a cone, the slant height METHOD OF DRAWING CIRCULAR OBJECTS. 67 Fig. 59 Fig' GO Flg.Gl of which is very obUque to the central ray, the opposite of the condi- tion in the rim of the bowl. Another very important application of the ap- parent forms of circles is found in the drawing of rims and hoops, or raised bands. As to rims, we may have a vessel, as in Fig. 61. The rim would in this case present a varying quantity from front to sides, and from sides to back. Thus, at the sides its thickness would not appear to be foreshortened in the least, as the line expressing its thickness would be at right angles to the rays of light to the eye : but, at the front and back, the reverse of this would be true ; and the lines expressing the thickness would be proportionately fore- shortened, provided the inner and the outer ellipses were in the same plane ; but the front thickness, being nearer to the eye, would appear greater than the thickness at the back. The principle will be at once seen if we consider the rim to be one-quarter of the diameter across the top of the vessel (Fig. 62). Then we shall have to take a quarter from the ends of each diameter of the circle represented by the larger ellipse, and through these points draw the curve, a i and b 2, on the diameter a b, will be real quarters of the line ; but on Fig. €9 68 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. the diameter c d, the real quarters being at unequal distances from the eye, the farthest quarter will appear much smaller than the nearest one. The quarter-points on the long diameter may be placed without trouble, but those on the shorter diameter are more hable to error. The precise difficulty in this division will be hereafter considered. It will be readily understood, since the shorter diameter of the circle, c d, was divided into four equal parts, that there will be presented to the eye a series of diminishing quantities, the first or nearest of which will appear to be the largest, and the farthest will appear to be the smallest ; so that we should have a i=^ 2, while c 3 would be greater than d 4. Hence the thickness of all rims having the faces at right angles to the axis appears greatest at the sides or at the ends of the major axis of the ellipse, and the rims appear thicker in front than on the back. Thus we have the rule for rims. The appare7it thick- ness of a rim at the ends of the short diameter bears the same p7'oportion to the thichtess at the ends of the long diameter as exists betzveen the lo7ig and the short diameters them- selves. The application of the fore- going analysis is required for a large class of objects (Fig. 63). Take a hoop, for instance : by the rule given, its upper rim is readily drawn ; but the apparent varying depth of the hoop from top to bottom requires a new applica- tion of the same analysis. All difficulty will disappear if we draw the five vertical lines, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, and note, that, by reason of their increasing remoteness, i is the longest, being nearest ; while 2 is Fig. 63 METHOD OF DRAWING CIRCULAR OBJECTS. 69 shorter than i, and longer than either of the other three ; 3 is shorter than 2, longer than 4, and intermediate between i and 5 ; and 4 is shorter than 3 and longer than 5 ; 5 is the shortest of the series, because it is at the greatest distance. Thus the five lines representing the same constant quantity appear unequal on account of their unequal distances from the eye. A thoughtless pupil will always fail in these particulars, hence the necessity of thorough work on these points. The rim is an element which will require some further explanation for its complete comprehension. Let c and c' be the center of two concentric circles. The intermediate space between the two circum- ferences is what we wish to draw. Placing the eye at E, let the circles be tipped obliquely, as in Fig. 64. Drawing the outer or tangential rays from the eye to the larger circle, we find the points of tangency to be a! and b': joining these two points by a straight line, we shall have the position of the major axis of the larger ellipse ; it will appear on the perspective plane at a" b" . Now, if we join the points of tangency of the outer rays of the inner circle d! e\ we shall have the position of the major axis of the inner circle, seen in Fig. 64 on T P, From Fig. 64 it will be seen that the foreshortened diameter of the circle nm and all its points and quantities, viz., no, Cy c r, rm, will be obtained in their true proportions on the intersecting plane T P. Now construct Fig. 65 by making jf 0'" r" m'" and a'" d!" e'" b'" the same as the corresponding quantities in Fig. 64. Draw the two ellipses in their respective positions, as indicated by these lines and points, and the true apparent form of the rim will be obtained, as seen through the transparent plane T P, from E. The 70 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. principle here developed holds good in the apparent forms of all rings and rims whose surfaces reside in a single plane, and the application of the principle becomes very frequent in the drawing of models. It will be apparent from the foregoing analysis, that, to draw a wheel in an oblique position, the hub can not be placed in the middle of the ellipse which represents the full size of the wheel, but must be pushed back of the apparent center of the wheel : the outer ellipse of the hub will be somewhat off the center, because it projects. If the THE DRAWING OF ELLIPSES. 71 hub is long, there would be another modification of the form ; but, when the object is placed before the draughtsman, there is no trouble in reading the form by means of the explanation already given. THE DRAWING OF ELLIPSES. Ellipses seen in various positions appear under several modifica- tions, some of which it is important to notice. First, an elliptical form, as for instance an elliptical dish, seen obliquely from a point in a plane which contains '""V- '^X-; m the shorter diameter of the ellipse (Fig. 66) ; that is, the eye and the shorter diameter of the ellipse being in the same vertical plane perpen- m dicular to the longer diameter. The ellipse will ^t'ls- ^Q appear to diminish in width, according to the \J a degree of obliquity. Thus, let a 5 be an ellipse, n m being in the same plane a^ the ellipse ; let E be the eye as far above that plane as m E. Then the diameter a b will not appear to be foreshortened, but will appear of its full length, while the ^'■-■^<-^-.^_ shorter diameter cd ^^S'^"^ will appear to be """■^---..^ foreshortened; and, the nearer the eye is brought to m, the shorter will the line cd appear; the higher above m the eye is placed, the less foreshort- ened the line c d becomes. Again (Fig. 6f}, let ;;^ be a point in the -■■>. fe 3' 72 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING, extended plane of the ellipse abed, and E the position of the eye above the point m, at a distance equal to the line E ;;2. Then d e, the shorter diameter, will not appear to be foreshortened ; its true length being perpendicular to the central ray of light from itself to the eye. But a c, the longer diameter of the ellipse, one end being nearer to the eye than the other, becomes foreshortened ; the amount of foreshortening depending upon the nearness of the eye to the point m. It will be observed, that to foreshorten the longer diameter of the ellipse, the shorter diameter remaining the same, will have the effect of bringing the ellipse more nearly to the form of a circle. It therefore follows, that if the longer diameter of an ellipse appears to be foreshortened, so as to make it seem just equal to the shorter diameter, the ellipse will ap- pear to be a perfect circle, and must be so drawn. It will be seen, that the apparent form of an ellip- tical dish might be represented as having a perfect circle for the outline of the upper ellipse. (See Fig. 6S.) DRAWING THE TRIANGLE AND TRIANGULAR FRAMES. In drawing a triangle in an oblique position, it is only necessary to find by observation the apparent inclinations and lengths of the three lines, and to place them in their true positions, according to the read- ing of the same-. But, in relation to the triangular frame, there are a few points requiring notice, in order to secure ready execution and accurate work. Let abh^ the position of the lower or base front-line of a triangu- DRAWING THE TRIANGLE AND TRIANGULAR FRAMES. 73 Fis.69 lar frame standing upon a horizontal plane (Fig. 69). First find the apparent position of the central point of the line a b, by holding the pencil vertically against the apex of the triangle c, noticing where the point n falls on a b: compare the length of c n with a b, and thus determine the point c. Draw c n, then c a and c b, completing the face of the triangular frame. Having deter- mined their inclinations, draw c e and a dy observing that they are convergent lines : determine the amount of convergence, observe the length of c e, and draw d e convergent with a c in the direction of c. Now find the cen- ters of the two sides a c and c by 2X 20i\^ p, and draw from each of these two points dotted lines to the opposite angles. Determine the width of the frame as compared with the line a b. Let us suppose it to be one-sixth of that line : divide a n, half of the line a b, into three parts, so that each part will represent the apparent length of an equal third of the line a n, placing the points of these divisions at i, 2. Draw from i the line i h, convergent with a c, in the direction of c ; it will cut the vertical line en in h: draw kf, con- vergent with c b, in the direction of b ; draw the line ap bisecting the angle cab ; it will cut the line i h in g: draw ^2, convergent with a b, in the direction of b. These lines will complete the right face of the frame. Extend f h to the point 3, and draw 3 4, convergent with c e and a dy fixing the point 4. From 4 draw a dotted line convergent with c b and hf, and fix the point 5. From 5 draw the line 5 6 convergent with a b and ^2, completing the inner visible surface of the frame. 74 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. The method here given for drawing the triangular frame in this position will sufficiently indicate the method to be pursued in all other possible positions. It is always important that the student should determine and keep in mind the different sets of convergent lines, always being sure to determine the direction of their convergence. ■Fie. "70 THE FRAME-CUBE. Construct the outline as in the case of a solid cube, a b being the nearest vertical line (Fig. 70). In the first place determine how much of this line represents the apparent width of the vertical piece of the frame on the left side. If it is one-sixth, divide the line a b into as many equal parts, placing the points i 2 ; now draw lines, both to the right and to the left, from each of these two points, convergent with a d and b c, and with a e and bf respec- tively : draw the diagonals af, ac, be, b d. These diagonals, cutting the lines drawn from i and 2 to the right and left, will determine the points h, k, /,/, /, m, n, Oy from which complete the inner squares of the right and left faces of the frame. It will be observed, that, to secure all the varying dimensions of the framework, only one measurement need be determined ; viz., in Xy the apparent width of the nearest upright standard. From the determi- nation of this one quantity, all the other remaining dimensions follow as a matter of course, by means of the diagonals, and of the converging DRAWING THE SINGLE CROSS. 75 sets of lines. Extend m I to 3, and ^ >^ to 4, and draw lines from 3 and from 4 convergent respectively with a d and a e. Then draw the diagonals of the upper face of the cube. Where these diagonals cut the lines from 3 and 4, fix the angles of the inner square, as in the case of the two side faces, and complete the square. Now draw from n^ m, and s lines convergent with b Cy and from k,jy and t lines convergent with bf: draw vertical lines from rand/, and also from ^, u, and v, as far as visible. If other inner lines of the frame are visible, as, for instance, lines from z and j/, they may be represented with their proper convergence. The drawing of the frame-cube will not be found difficult if the method here indicated is diligently followed. With this model the danger is, that a pupil will undertake to guess at some things without strictly observing them, and following the order and method here laid down. Such efforts will generally lead, with a great loss of time, to an entire failure. DRAWING THE SINGLE CROSS. JFig-. 7i Let it be in either a vertical, horizontal, or an inclined position ; first draw the squares, a b c dy ci b' c' d\ and d'b" c" d" (Figs. 71, 72, and 73), to inclose the cross in the several posi- tions. Next draw the di- agonals to these squares, and take the apparent middle division of one side of a square equal a 76 MODEL AND OBJECT DRAWING. to the thickness of the arms. From these points draw lines through the squares, parallel to the adjacent sides, cutting the diagonals in points I, 2, 3, 4 : through these points draw two lines parallel to, or converging with, the other two lines, as the case may be ; this will Tig. 72 Xiff. 73 /;f '~~~/ /-V7 / / \ / / / \ / / / / / \ /, V / / \ ' -^ 7 r* — A r^~~~~/~~ ^io// ~y~ / v^ /\""' - / //V tp y / \ / \ / '■s^-'<-.L // J / \ / 0" 52 '^. •■«,,^ J:m '^^ -~'-'K<^ -r-W -