F 74 RS R94 Copy 1 .^' .0 ^ At&Trfc . V ^ v^. o ' . . » * .'V '\/ -o,-^-?^'/ V-^\/ "°^-^%o' ^0^ ROXBURY Historical Society Organized as the roxbury Military Historical Society December 9, 1891 Reorganized as the Roxbury Historical Society APRIL 10, 1901 Incorporated may 15, 1901 CHARTER, BY-LAWS LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS I 903 boston Rockwell and Churchill Press I 903 p. Author. I0Je'O3 m> Eoxiurg ?|istortcal ^octctg. OFFICERS FOR 1903. President. HON. EDWARD SEAVER. Vice-Presidents . CAPT. JOHN A. SCOTT. JOHN CARR. CAPT. ISAAC P. GRAGG. Secretar}!. HENRY A. MAY. Assistant Secretarj/. JOHN C. COOK. Treasurer. JAMES L jsurer. . HILUARD. Assistant Treasurer. JOHN E. Oilman. Executive Committee. HON. EDWARD SEAVER, HENRY A. MAY, DEPENDENCE S. WATERMAN, FRANCIS J. WARD, LIEUT. OLIVER D. GREENE, JOHN E. GILMAN, HON. WILLIAM M. OLIN, GEORGE WARREN, AUGUSTUS BACON. Board of Trustees of Roxhury Historical Society. FRANCIS J. WARD, Chairman, JOHN CARR, Treasurer, GORHAM ROGERS, Secretary, JUDGE SOLOMON A. BOLSTER, HON. WILLIAM W- DAVIS. CHARTER. 90S5 C0mmoniri£alt]^ of iIfia00ac!)usEtt0. Be it known, That whereas William M. Olin, George H. Nason, Henry A. May, Francis Jackson Ward, John E. Gilman, George Warren, Dependence S. Waterman, Oliver D. Greene, Solomon A. Bolster, Augustus Bacon, John Carr, Isaac P. Gragg, William W. Davis, Edwin U. Curtis, Martin L. Gate, John A. Scott, William M. Shay, Frank Ferdinand, John C. Cook, Kilby Page, Harlan P. Whitcomb, Francis B. Perkins, John Perrins, Jr., Herbert F. Morse, L. Foster Morse, Edward Seaver, John D. Williams Horace T. Rockwell, Jediah P. Jordan, Nathan A. M. Dudley, Joseph L. Bergman, Gorham Rogers, Thomas R. Mathews, James L. Hilliird, Alfred Newmarch, Samuel C. Jones, William A. Gaston, Robert A. Jordan, George H. Waterman, and Joseph H. Frothingham, have associated themselves, with the intention of forming a corporation under the name of the ROXBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, for the purpose of, 1st, perpetuating the history of Roxbury, and its military citizens and organizations; 2d, encouraging the volunteer militia; advocating measures and principles that will tend to strengthen the patriotism of the com- munity ; and have complied with the provisions of the Statutes of this Common- wealth in such case made and provided, as appears from the certificate of the President, Treasurer, Clerk, Executive Committee and Trustees, having the power of Directors of said corporation, duly approved by the Commissioner of Corpora- tions and recorded in this office : Now, therefore, I, William M. Olin, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, do hereby certify that said William M. Olin, George H. Nason, Henry A. May, Francis Jackson Ward, John E. Gilman, George Warren, Dependence S. Waterman, Oliver I) (Greene, Solomon A. Bt>lster, Augustus Bacon, John Carr, Isaac P. Gragg, William W. Davis, Edwin U. Curtis, Martin L. Cate, John A. Scott, William E. Shay, Frank Ferdinand, John C. Cook, Kilby Page, Harlan P. W'hitconib, F"rancis B Perkins, John Perrins, Jr., Herbert F. Morse, L, Foster Morse, ICdvvard Seaver, John D. Williams, Horace T. Rockwell, Jediah P. Jordan, Nathan A. M. Dudley, Joseph L. Bergman, Gorham Rogers, Thomas R. Mathews, James L. Hilliard, Alfred Newmarch, Samuel C. Jones, William A. Gaston, Robert A. Jordan, George H. Waterman, and Joseph H. Frothingham, their associates and successors, are legally organized and established as, and are hereby made an existing corporation under the name of the ROXBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Witness my official signature hereunto subscribed, and the Seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hereunto affixed, this fifteenth of Mav, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one. 10 Cent U.S. Doeumcnlary Stamp. WILLIAM M. OLIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. BY-LAWS ROXBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY I. NAME. This Society slial! be known as tlie ROXBURY HISTORICAL Society. ii. objects. The objects for which the Society shall be maintained shall be as follows : ist. To perpetuate the history of Roxbury and of its military citizens and organizations. 2d. To encourage the volunteer militia. 3d. To advocate measures and principles that will tend to strengthen the patriotism of the community. III. OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES. The officers of this Society shall consist of a President, three Vice-Presidents, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer, Assis- tant Treasurer, and an Executive Committee consisting of nine members, including the President and Clerk, and a Board of five Trustees of the Permanent Fund. The duties of the Presi lent, Vice-Presidents, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer shall be such as 6 BY-L^IVS. ordinarily pertain to such offices, and such special duties as the Executive Committee may at any time request of them. The Clerk shall also serve as Secretary of the Executive Committee. The officers and Trustees shall be elected at the first meet- ing of the incorporators, to serve until January, 1902, and thereafter as herein provided. IV. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The policy and management of the Society, the admission and discharge of members, remission of dues, control of expen- ditures, auditing of accounts, arrangements for the stated meetings and annual dinner, maintenance of headquarters, charge of Society property, except the funds and property in the hands of the Trustees, and all other matters pertaining to its welfare, except nomination of officers, shall be vested, with full powers, in the Executive Committee, subject to such votes or orders as may be passed by the Society, V. MEETINGS. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the second Wednesday of December in each year, at which meeting the Executive Committee, Treasurer, and the Trustees shall make a report, and at which all officers, excepting the Trustees, shall be elected to serve for one year from the first day of January following, or until their successors are duly elected. The Society shall hold meetings on the second Wednesday of March, June, and September, and at such other times as the President may order, and every member shall be mailed a printed notice of all meetings, at least three days before the date for holding said meetings. The Society shall hold an annual dinner, on such day in Jan- uary or February as the Executive Committee may determine. BY-LA IVS. 7 As far as practicable, all meetings of the Society shall be held within the limits of the Town of Roxbury, and all orders, notices, and communications shall be dated " Roxbury." Twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum at any meet- ing of the Society. No subject of a sectarian or political nature shall be discussed or acted upon at any meeting or gathering of the Society. VI. ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. Any person interested in the objects of the Society, and who shall be acceptable to the Executive Committee, shall be eligible for membership. All applicants for membership must sign a printed form of application, which shall also be signed by the member present- ing the same, which shall be filed with the Clerk, who shall lay the same before the Executive Committee for their action. A majority vote of any legal meeting of the Committee shall be necessary for admission, provided, however, that the present members of the Roxbury Military Historical Society may be admitted as members by vote of the Executive Committee with- out making a written application. Every member shall be notified by the Clerk of his admission. VII. WITHDRAWAL OR DISCHARGE OF MEMBERS. Any member desiring to withdraw from the Society shall notify the Clerk in writing of his desire, and upon receipt of such commiunication by the Clerk, he shall be considered as having withdrawn his membership, and the Clerk shall make a minute to that effect on the records of the Executive Committee, and notify the person withdrawing of that fact, and shall report such withdrawal to the Society at its next meeting. The Executive Committee shall have power to terminate the 8 BY-LAIVS. membership of any member who shall be in arrears for dues for two successive years after proper notice to said delinquent ; and in case of such action by the Committee the party shall be notified by the Clerk. VIII. LIFE MEMBERSHIP. Any member upon his admission, or at any subsequent time, who shall pay into the treasury through the Clerk the sum of twenty-five dollars, shall become a life member, and shall not thereafter be subject to the regular annual dues, but in all other respects he shall stand the same as other members. IX. HONORARY MEMBERSHIP. Persons who have rendered unusual service to the Society, valuable correspondents, and former residents of Roxbury whose public record has been meritorious, may be elected Honorary Members of the Society, being nominated by the Executive Committee and elected by a two-thirds vote of members present at the annual meeting; they shall not be subject to any dues, and shall have all the privileges of other members. X. ASSESSMENTS. Every member shall pay an annual assessment of one dollar, which shall be due on the first day of January of each year, and be paid to the Treasurer as soon as possible thereafter. Members admitted at or previous to the September meeting will be required to pay a full year's assessment. XI. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE PERMANENT FUND. The Society shall elect, as hereafter provided, five of its mem- bers who shall constitute a Board of Trustees to be known as BY LAIVS. 9 the " Trustees of the Roxbury Historical Society." They shall have full charge and custody of all funds and property committed to their care by the Society, or by donation for either general or special purposes, and all bequests left to the Society by will. Said Board shall be elected at the annual meeting in Decem- ber, 1901, as follows : One Trustee shall be chosen to serve for one, two, three, four, and five years respectively, and at each suc- ceeding annual meeting, one member shall be elected for five years to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration of term of office of any Trustee. The term of office of any Trustee shall commence on the first day of January following his election. If the Society shall fail to fill any vacancy in said Board on the annual meeting, or for any cause shall not hold an annual meeting during the month of December of any year, then the Executive Committee shall proceed to fill such vacancy, and the Trustee so elected shall serve until the next annual meeting of the Society, when an election for a Trustee to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term shall be held. Vacancies during the year caused by death or resignation shall not be filled until the next annual meeting of the Society, unless the number of Trustees are thereby reduced to less than three, in which case a special meet- ing of the Society shall be called by the President to fill such vacancies for the unexpired term. Said Board shall be organized by the election among them- selves of a Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. They may adopt any rules for their procedure, government, and care of property, not conflicting with the By-Laws of the Society or the Act of Incorporation. The Board shall make an annual report of receipts and expen- ditures to the Society at its annual meeting, and the books and vouchers of the Board may be audited at any time by any committee appointed by the Executive Committee of the Soci- ety, and shall be so audited as often as once in every year. lo BY- LA IV S. Not more than two members of the Trustees shall at any time be elected members of the Executive Committee of the Society. No Trustee shall be paid any salary or compensation for his services as Trustee or as Secretary or Treasurer of said Board of Trustees. The Trustees shall deposit all moneys coming into their pos- session in some bank or trust company where interest is allowed on deposit, or invest the same in the class of securities that Massachusetts Savings Banks are allowed to invest in, and shall not make any appropriations or expenditures out of said funds until the principal and one-half of the accumulated interest from said investments or deposits shall amount to the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars. The other half of said interest shall be kept in a separate account, and may be expended at the discretion of the Trustees in the necessary expenses of the Board, or by transferring to the treasury of the Society, for general or specific purposes, such amounts as they may deem expedient ; they shall consider any request made by the Society for an appropri- ation from said interest fund, but shall have full power to accede to or decline such request. When said fund shall have reached the sum of $50,000, or at any time thereafter, said Trustees may at their discretion invest the same in the erection or purchase of a building which shall be located in Roxbury, for the purpose of earning an income, and also in which there shall be provided suitable rooms for the purposes of the Society, but no such building shall be contracted for or erected until the plans for the same are approved by two-thirds of the Executive Committee of the Society. The Trustees, at any time after said fund shall have increased to the sum of $50,000, may make appropriations out of said fund for the erection of monuments or other suitable memorials in honor of historic personages, objects, or events connected with the history of Roxbury as a town or city, or as part of the BY-LAIVS. II City of Boston, and may for such purposes make such appropri- ations in combination with the City of Boston, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or any society, corporation, or association, provided such appropriation shall not reduce the funds of the Trustees to an amount less than $50,000, or in case said $50,000 has been invested in said building, to less than $5,000. All real estate which may in any manner come to the Society shall be taken and stand in the name of the Corporation, but the management thereof shall be in the hands of the Trustees. Nothing in the foregoing By-Laws shall prevent the Society from accepting contributions of money for specific or general purposes and expending the same. XII. AMENDMENTS. Amendments may be made to the By-Laws in the following manner : Any proposed amendment presented in writing at a regularly called meeting of the Society shall be read at that meeting and referred to the Executive Committee for their consideration. If such proposed amendment meets the approval of the Ex- ecutive Committee they shall report back the amendment to the Society at the next meeting for its action, and a copy of the proposed amendment shall be inserted in the call for said meet- ing. If the Executive Committee disapproves of the proposed amendment they shall report such action to the Society at its next meeting, and said amendment cannot be again proposed until after the next annual election of the officers of the Society. Amendments must receive the votes of two-thirds of the members present when final action is taken in order to be adopted. MEMBERS Allen, Horace G. AUgaier, George. Andrews, Richard F. , Jr. Appleton, George C. Arnold, H. D. Babcock, Frank M. Bacon, Augustus, Jr. Bacon, Horace. Bailey, Luther C. Baker, William G. Balch, Walter H. Bampton. Robert, Jr. Bartlett, Dr. James W. Bartlett. Jonathan B. L. Batchelder, Charles H. Bates, William M. Beal, B. Leighton. Beal, Caleb G. Beal, William W. Berger, C. Louis. Bergman, Joseph L. Bird, Capt. Lewis J. Blossom, William Alden. Bolster, Judge Solomon A. Bolster, Stanley M. Bolster, Judge Wilfred. Bostwick, John G. Brackett, George A. Brackett, Silas W. Bradlee J. Walter. Brickett, John S. Briggs, Frederick M. Brooks, George W. Brown, Lieut. J. Austin. Burrage, Albert C. Calder. Capt. Augustus P. Calderwood, S. H., M.D. Callanan, Sampson A., M.D. Carr, John. Cartwright, Charles E. Cate, Martin L. Chadbourne, Wm. L. Chapin, Geo. H. Chaplin, Frank P. Charak, William. Charles, Salem D. Clark, Lieut. Wm. H. Cleary, James P. Cohen, A. K. Colgan, James W. Comins, George A. Cook, John C. Cooke, Capt. Albert W. CouUahan, Lieut. James S. Cressey, Dar in M. Cronin, Daniel J. Crosby, Thomas. Curley, Edward T. Curtis, Hon. Edwin U. Curtis, Nelson. Daly, Bernard T., M.D. Daniels, Nathan H. Daniels, Nathan H., Jr. Davis, Frederick S. Davis, Hon. William W. MEMBERS. 13 Desmond, James A. Dever, John F. Dorr, Jonathan. Dudley, Brig. -Gen. N. A. M. Dutton, Lorenzo B. Dwinnell, George S. Dyer, Capt. John J. Eichorn, William C. Emerson, George R. Emery, Maj. Wm. H. Emond, Joseph P. Esterbrook, Fred. C. Fail-bairn, Robt. B. Farmer, Lewis G. Farr, E. L., M.D. Ferdinand, Frank. Fisher, G. L. Fisk, Everett O. Fiske, Geo. M. Fleisher, John Nathan. Flusk, Francis X. Flynn, Edward Freeman. Flynn, James F. Foss, Eugene N. Foster, Herman. Fottier, Jacob. Fox, H. M. Frost, Albert G. Frost, Arthur H. Frost, Frank M. Frothingham, Capt. Joseph H. Fuller, Charles R. Galligan, Eugene T., M.D. Gammon, Irving P. Gaston, Col. William A. George, Elijah. Gilman, John E. Gove, William B. Grace, James J. Gragg, Capt. Isaac P. Gray, Edward T. Greene, Lieut. Oliver D. Gregory, Edward J. Gregory, George W. Griggs, John H. Hale, Rev. Edward Everett. Hamilton, Rev. Frederick W. Hammond, William H. Hatch, Edward. Hatch, Edward A. Hatch, Lincoln D. Hawley, Lieut. William H. Haynes, Frank H. Hedges, Col. Sidney M. Heinzen, Karl F. Hennigan, P. Frank. Herman, J. Hersey, Capt. Albert W. Hicks, William L. Hill, Albert F. Hill, Herbert C. Hill, William H. ames L. ey, Charles A. Hedges, Edward C. Hooton, Capt. Horace J. Howe, Alfred H. Hoyt, Thomas S. Hunting, Charles B. Jackson, William H. James, Benjamin F. Jones, David H., Jr, Jones, David L. Jones, Lewis L. Jones, Samuel C. Jordan, Col. Jediah P. Jordan, Robert A. HIU, WUllS Hill/ard,Ja Hidckley, ( 14 MEMBERS. Joj, Mellen R. Judkins, Charles E. Karns, J. Homer. Kelly, John L. Kenibbs, Corporal William P. Kennedy, Geo. G., M.D. Kimbali, L. Houghton, M.D. King, Harvey. Kitching, William H. Knower, Capt. Joseph S. Knowles, James G. Lawrence, H. S. Leckie, William J. Lewis, William H. Libby, Albert A. Lingham, George F. Lovejoy, F. K. Lovell, Charles B. Lowe, F. O. Lunt, William W. Lyons, Harvey E. Mahoney, James S. Mansur, James E. Marston, John M. Mason, Henry M. Mathews, George R. Mathews, Brig. -Gen. Thomas R. Mathews, William H. Maxwell, Arthur A. May, Benjamin. May, Henry A. May, John J. Mazur, Louis. McCrillas, John. McDonald, William J. McGlenen, Edward W. McLeod, Malcolm. McNeil, Terrance P. Melcher, Woodbury S. Miles, C. Edwin, M.D. Millett, George A. Mooar, Charles A. Moore, William H. Moran, John B. Morse, E. G., M.D. Morse, Herbert F. Morse, L. Foster. Morton, John D. Moses, George F. Mimroe, Capt. James. Naphen, Hon. H. F. Nason, Capt. George H. Nason, James E. Nason, Samuel C. Nevvmarch, Alfred. Newton, John F., Jr. Norton, John H. O'Connell, Maurice J. Olin, Hon. William M. O'Reiley, Wm. J., M.D. Orme, Philip. Osgood, Charles E. Page, Kilby. Parker, Thomas. Partridge, William H. Peabody, J. D. Pearson, Arthur E. Pearson, William H. Perkins, F. B. Perrins, Capt. John, Jr. Perrins, Maj. William A. Perry, A. D. Perry, Francis A. Peters, Andrew J. Pigeon, J. C. D., M.D. Pinkerton, George F. MEMBERS. 15 Piper, Harry C. Porter, Charles H. Potter, George M. Prang, Louis. Praj, Joseph F. Putnam, Nathan A. Reed, William G. Reynolds, Edward B. Rhoades, Herbert A. Richards, Edward E. Roak, Millburj F. Rogers, Gorham. Rogers, Sergt. J. Austin. Rounds, Myron. Rowe, Henry W. Rowe, Morris B. Rugg, Frederic W. Ruggles, Henr}' Stoddard. Ruhl, Edward. Rumrill, William S. Russell, F. C. Russell, H. E. Russell, William L. Ryder, Nathan Prince, Savell, Charles E. Sanborn, Eugene D. Scates, George M. Schooner, Joseph Y. Schromm, John. Schubarth, Cromwell T. Scott, Capt. John A. Seaver, Hon. Edward. Shaw, Franklin A. Shay, Michael F. Shay, William E. Shuman, A. Shuman, Samuel. Shute, Judson. Skillings, W. E. Smith, James C. Smith, Maj. Wm. A. Somers, Clarence W. Spencer, Gardner W. Spooner, Hospital Steward Wallace. Sproul, Thomas J. Stevens, J. E. Stockbridge, Charles H. D. Stone, Col. Ebenezer W. Swain, Charles E. Swain, William N. Thomas, William H. Thwing, Walter Eliot. Van Amringe, W. B. Ward, Francis Jackson. Warren, George. Waterman, Dependence S. Waterman, Frank S. Waterman, George H. Whipple, George O. Whitcomb, Harland P. Whitcomb, N. O. White, F. O. White, H. Warren, M.D. Whittington, Hiram. Wiggin, Archer C. Wiggin, Charles E. Williams, David W. Williams, Franklin S. Williams, John D. Williams, Stephen H. Wiswall, Romanzo N. Woodward, Harlow E. Worthen, William F. Worthington, Roland. Wright, Chandler. Zittel, George, Jr. PD 18 1 i A. ^ ,'>'^'^^ ^ -t **'\ ^^/?^-\/ "o.--^^-/ \'^-/ -o^ .<^' A " 'i'^^^-. * L^^ "^^ <^ '^'^K '<>•»• -^a^ ^^-n^. .^-5 •f DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINDING ^- ^^^.4^ 'Cj, ST. AUGUSTINE. 7:^5,', ^ «^ ^^<.^^ "\o^: