■£ i %i?J ^■*t^^>'J'£'Ti?';"-Jt *i&''Ji^ Si\^ii* i^^l F104 .N6D47 .^' 4 o ^ ,;^r^. %/ ^-'lit^- 0^ ° '^^ %^ ^oV O 0^ '.":," ^ „ ^o \j .'.' ' .,.1.' ^ ' ^ <> ,-.%" V" ..y _ %__''■-' J" ' " " -» ID 4^ .-("^ S>' o > .0- o^^ ^A p'^^, .^N <^ * » „ o ' A^,^ ■'"' A^^ -' \V-^\ A,'^AV?A\A» -^^. -^^wi^o '^^0^ r> ' " "- C^ <0' •*' V ^^ K<^' ^. .\v' ,._,•; -. •, ,-. c- ^ . V-^. "0^- ^^' <>, 4 y 'o •» * V ..^^' .0 O > '^0' .-^q. ^^ -n^.. \' ?r/H >„ . ' ^^ n ■■'To!.*' , rf V' ^ "^w. 0^ A. V^^•^^ ■yp-?-^ .% ^^ .0' "^0^ ■ rp. *• r. ^ c ^ V 5 /y 'v v^ <3 <=. • „p ^c> o < .' -fir. /— c->-^', 'e-i^-^^ .^' .-3 -J'-v ,0 o"/^-^ O G 0' '^'- -^r^ cV^' - •^, ^C^ •.^■^'^", '-^n-i ^^-T^ 4 o. -5 -■^^^ ^ ■yv -:.*^' ^^^\ - -y rT;- •\> -v. '^^ A c A^"" d^ ' A^ -Z' > ^11^/' /\ -?«ffl^,- ■*• -* ".-'rv-. V V-. 'A 0^ .0^ ^ , A . ■ .-Jv' FFkom the Papers of the N. H. Colony Hist. Soc, Vol. III. 1883.] INSCmi^TTONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. ERECTED PRIOR TO 1800. From the settlement of the town, in 1638, the central upper part of the present City Green was used as the common place of burial ; the latest interment being (it is believed) that of Mrs. Martha Whittelsey, who was buried by the side of her husband, the Rev. Chauncey Whittelsey, in Oc- tober, 1813. In 1797 the Grove Street Cemetery began to be used, the first interment being that of Mrs. Martha Townsend. In 1813 the present Center Church was placed on the Green, over the tombstones of about one hundred and forty persons, whose names are engraved on tablets in the vestibule. Between 1795 and 1831 most of the monuments on the Green were removed to the Gr6ve Street Cemetery, where they now are, some of them in private lots, and the re- mainder (about four hundred and seventy) ranged in approximately alphabetical order against the west and north walls of the enclosure. The oldest stone thus removed, which is now legible, is that erected in memory of Samuel Hodshon (or Hudson), who died August. 36, 1673. being, No. 403 in the following list; the only stone older than this, remaining in its original location on the Green, is that inscribed E. W.. and numbered 936 in the following enumeration. These pages include copies of all the legible inscriptions prior to 1800, now to be found in the Grove Street Cemetery, in the crypt under the Center Church, and on the neighboring Green. For the sake of easy reference the inscriptions from the crypt are printed in heavier type. The ari'angement of the names is alphabetical, with the partial excep- tion that parents and minor children are grouped together under the father's name. Prefixed to each inscription is an indication [within brackets] of the location of the original stone. The annotations are numbered according to the inscriptions to which they refer. The editor's task has been essentially lightened by the permission to make use of a careful and elegant transcript of the epitaphs in the Center Church crypt, made two years ago by Mr. Henry Trowbridge, Jr. Franklin B. Dexter, November, 1883. 472 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 1 [IF.'s/ IVall.} 5 [yl/ Son of John (No. 16); b. Nov. 22, 1687; m., Jan. 5, 1715-16, Mercy, dau. of John Mix, bapt. Apr. iS, 1692 ; left wid. Mary. ^ Edward, son of Silas and Dorcas, bapt. March 13, 1768. Ciffc FES < I 1919 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 473 Ethan H 3 was a Member of the London son of Epifcopal Society for propagating the Edward & Rachel Ailing [Gofpel who died Jul3\ 23. 1793. In foreign Parts JE. g. weeks and died universall}' refpected Ye living men the tomb survey Sept II. 1779 ^tat 61 Where you must quickly dwell, Hark how the awfull summons sounds In evry funeral knell. 11 {.Crypt :\ 9 [Ceniral Av., Lot 11.] In Memory of M' PHEBE In memory of 3 children of Eneas & Elizabeth Ailing Eneas died Sept 9"' 1791 J£. months 13 W" Eneas died Sept 6 1795 M 3 years 7 mo Late Wife of M- ENOS ALLING Who died Decern'" 23 1751 Aged 31 Years Chefter died Oct 30 1804 Jl 10 years 8 m" 12 \.Crypt:\ Suffer children to come unto me fayeth our Saviour & whosoever com- In Memory of M' [eth FITCH ALLING to me I will in no wise cast out who died Nov"^ 18"' 1771 in his 23' year wrho lived beloved and 10 ^Cypress Av., Lot i.] died lamented In Memory of Know then this truth ENOS ALLING Elq: Merchant enough for thee to know^ who Virtue alone is happiness Received a liberal Education beloAv In Yale College Became an industrious and useful [member of civil Society 13 IWest Wa//.] And In Memory of In a courfe of extenfive and succeffuU M'- JAMES ALLTNG [commerce who died Octo*" He approved himfelf g"' 1783 in the The man of Integrit}' Vertue and 62 Year of his [Honor Age ^ Eneas m. Elizabeth Morrison, Oct. 24, 1789. '" Son of Ebenezer (No. 7); b. Apr. 19, 1719; ^^ale Coll. 1746; m., Feb. 8, 1749-50, Phebe Whiting; next m., July 26, 1753, Hannah Miles (No. 183). " Dau. of Joseph Whiting (No. 912) ; b. Oct. 23, 1720. '" Son of Jonathan (No. 19); b. Feb. 28, 1721-2. 474 INSOKIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 14 15 16 17 M' M In Memorj' of ■ MABEL ALLING Relict of ' JAMES ALLING who died June 5"" AD 1792 aged 66 Years [IVesi IVaH.] In Memory of Mr. JESSE ALLING who died June 17 1769 Aged 40 Years. Be ye alfo ready, for in fuch an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man Cometh ICedar Av., Lot 52.] Here lycth interred The body of the worshipfuli John Ailing Assis*. who died March 25, 171 7 aged 70 years ]^]Vest IVa//,\ Here lies y* Body of M" Susanna y** Wife of lohii Allin Efq^ who died April y*" 3'', 1746 Age'' 93 Years 1§ 19 20 I IVesi I Fa 11.} In Memory of M"' John Alling who Died March the 16"', A D 1761 In y« 47''' Year of His Age [West Wat!.] In Memory of Cap. Jonathan Alling, who de- parted this Life June 13th. 1775 in his 92d. Year. Bleffed are the dead. That die in the Lord. [West J I 'a//.] .. e lyes y- Body .. M'^ Sarah Alling Wife of Cap*. Jonathan Alling who departed this life Nov'J'' y" 13*'' 1766 in y'" 75"' Year of Her Age 21 [Cry/t.] In Memory of M' NATHAN ALLING who died October 24''' 1774 in his 79"' year. M- HANNAH ALLING his wife died Oct. 26"' 1771 in her 69* year. '* Dau. of Abner Bradley (No. 167); b. March 4, 1725-6. '* Son of Jonathan (No. 19); b. May 10, 1729. '^ Son of Rogerand Mary (Nash); b. Oct. 2, 1647 ; m. Susanna Coe, Jan. II, 1672 ; Treasurer Yale Coll. 1702-1717. " Dau. of Robert Coe, of Stratford ; b. Apr., 1653. '* Son of Jonathan (No. 19); b. Aug. 30, 1714 ; m. Abiah Hitchcock, Feb. 22, 1737-8 (No. 355). '" Son of John (No. i6); b. Oct. 13, 1683; m, Oct. 1, 1713, Sarah Sacket. -<* Dau. of [ohn Sacket; b. Aug. i, 1693. '■" Son of Samuel, Jr.; b. March 8, 1695-6; m., Jan. 3, 1722-3, Hannah, dau. of Michael Todd, b. Feb. 20, 1702.] INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 475 22 23 23k 24 [IFesi IVa//.] In Memory of M"' Oliver Alling who departed Life March y*'- AD 1785 in the 51 Year of his age [PVesf JVa//.] SUSANNA ALLING WHO DIED JVNE ¥*• 7; 1712 AGED 31 YEARS [Cedar A z'., Lot 52.] In Memory of Cap* Stephen Alling who Departed this Life August 15"' 1772 in the 56"' Year of his Age M' Here Lyes Interr'd the body of M" MARY Wife of STEPHEN ALLING who died April y 30"' 1748 Aged 33 Years. 25 [Spruce Av., Lot 10.] In Memory of M"' Stephen Alling who departed this Life May 19"' 1795 in the 57"' Year of his age aifo in memory of Amos Alling Son of M'' Ste PHEN & M""" Desire Alling who died on his paffage home from the weftindies October 18"' 1794 in the 29*'' Year of his Age 26 27 [West JFa//.] M^ ELIZABETH ALSVP AGED 68 DECEASED AVGVST 29 1693 [IFest IVa/l.] JOSEPH ALLSVP DESEACED IN Y- 42 YEARE OF HIS AGE JANVRY THE 12 1691 2§ {Crypt.'] In Memory of M'^ MARGARET ARNOLD Wife of BENEDICT ARNOLD Esq who departed this Life June 19"' 1775 in the 31"' Year of her Age. -'^ Son of Jonathan (No. 19); b. March 8, 1733-4; left neither wife n - ^» Dau. of Eleazer Holt (No. 410); b. Oct. 21, 1681 ; m. Feb. 5 Roger Ailing, who d. April, 1760, leaving wid. Ruth. -3J Son of Stephen and Mary (Trowbridge); b. Dec. 16, 1716; m., 1744, Mary Whiting. ^■* Dau. of Joseph Whiting (No. 912); b. Feb. 5, 1714-15. -^ Son of John and Patience (Mix); b. Feb. 16, 1738-9. -^ Dau. of Wm. Preston; m. Joseph Alsup, who d. Nov. 8, 1698. -'' Eldest son of Joseph and Elizabeth (No. 26); m. Nov. 25, 1672, Thompson, who next m., 1694, Capt. John Miles. ■* Dau. of Samuel Mansfield (No. 546); bapl. Apr. 28, 1745; m., 1767, the traitor Arnold. or child. , 1707-8, Oct. II, ."Abigail Feb. 22, 47^) INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONKS IN NEW HAVEN. 29 30 31 {^Locust Av., Lot 37. In Memory of M'' Daniel Atvvater who died April 30"' A.D. 1765 in y'" 71*** year of His Age ^VVest IVa//.] In Memory of Mrs Abigail Relict of Mr. Dan'^' Atvvater who died Jan 9: 1769 In her 77th Year [A'o/t/i IVa//.] Abigal Daugh ter of M' Daniel 33 [IV.'st IVa//.] HERE LIETH THE BODY OF M' DAVID ATWATER WHO DIED MAY r' A D 1727 AGED 43 YEARS [IJ^es/ IVa//.] RUTH WIFE OF M' DAVID ATWATER DIED JULY Y- 12: i7'7 AGED 26 YEARS 35 [U'c'S/ 1 1 '- iS"' 1784 Aged 32 Years ^■' By birth, Talmadge; bapt. Nov. r, 1719-20; m., June 25, 1744, David, son of Nos. 33, 35. *^ Dau. of John Basset (No. 116); b. Nov. 19, 1726; m., Nov. 25, 1746, son of Joshua (No. 65). ^^ Born Nov. 23, 1768. ■** Son of Moses and Mary (Hotchkiss), of Wallingford; b. Feb. 23. 1736; m., Nov. 15, 1770, Eunice Thompson, of Str.'itford. *'- Son of David and Elizabeth (No. 38); b. March 23, 1751; m., Nov. 27, 1776, Lydia Heaton ; m. next, Oct. 15, 17S6, Sally Lucas. 32 478 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 44 45 ^Locust A v.. Lot 22.J In Memor)' of Isaac Atwater who died Ocf 7"' 1770 Aged 51 Years Alfo his wife Dolly Atwater who died Aug* 11"' 1767: M. 49- Here lies the Body of M' James Afwater who Died July 10"' 1766 in the 69"' Year of his age. also the Body of M" Elisa BETH Atwater his wife who Died May 17"' 1792 in the 86*'' Year of her age. 43 IWcst JValL] Elijah the fon of James Atwater dyed July y'' 30"^ 1731 Aged I Year & 6 mont 47 [Cv/>rt'ss A v.. Lot 23.] In Memory of Mrs Lydia Atwater the faithfull & amia -ble Confert of Mr Jeremiah Atwater who departed this Life May 21 1732 in the 45 Year of her age 4S [Linden A v.. Lot 21.] In Memory of M''* Anna Atwater Confort of Mr. Je REMiAH Atwater who after five Days painful ficknefs, departed this Life Dec' 23'^. AD 1778 in the 44 Year of her age 49 {Maple A v.. Lot 20.] In Memory of Catharine Atwater the wife of M' Jeremiah Atwater & Daughter of Benj"min Gale Efq'' & M'^ Hannah Gale of Killing worth who Departed this Life June 19*'' AD 1797 aged 55 Years 50 [Same Lof.^ Lydia Daughter of M'' Jeremiah & M''* Anna Atwater who died April 14"' A.D. 1761 Aged 10 Days *^ Son of Jonathan (No. 57); b. Oct. 21, 171S; m., Dec. g, 1742, Dolly, dau. of Caleb Mix (No. 5S0); bapt. Oct. 12, 1718. *^ Son of Ebenezer and Abigail (Heaton); b. March 15, 169S ; m., July 12, 1722, Dinah, dau. of John Sherman (No. 761), who d. Dec. 29, 1739; next m.. March 4, 1740, Elizabeth Ailing. *^ Born Tan. 6, 1729-30. *'' Dau. of Richard Rosewell (No. 744); b. Aug. 21, 1687; m., Apr. 9, 1713, son of Jonathan & Ruth (Peck); he b. Jan. 31, 1685, d. Oct. 27, 1732. ^* Dau. of Nathaniel Mix (No. 601); b. Apr. 2, 1735; m., Apr. 20, 1757, Jeremiah, son of No. 57, b. Dec. 5, 1734, Steward Yale Coll., 1778-9S, d. Nov. 12, iSii; he next ni., Apr. 6, 1780, Catharine Gale. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. •i-iy 51 [Sa;>/e Lot.^ 55 [Cypress Av., Lot 47.] Lydia In Memory of Daughter of M"' Joel Atwater M'' Jeremiah who departed this Life & M''^ Anne Atwater died Dec'' I*" 1794 Aged 66 Years Sep' 28"' A.D. 1763 in Her 2'' Year 56 [Some Lot.] 52 YSanie Loll] In Memory of In Memory of WILLIAM fon of Mr. Jeremiah & Mrs Anne ATWATER who died Aug*' 2ift. 1776 aged M" Akiah Atwater Wife of M' JoKi, Atwater who departed this Life Oct" 20"' 1792 Aged 60 Years 4 Years iK: 14 days 57 53 [Saiiw Lot.] [Maple A v., Lot 20.] In Memory of In Memory of William Son of M'' M'' Jonathan Jeremiah & M'* Atwater Catharine Atw who died Dec'" ater who died 27"' 1760 Sep' y'' II 1784 Aged 70 Years. Aged tow Years & 3 Months 58 [Sa/z/e Lot.] 54 \ Laurel A v.. Lot i.] In Memor}' of Mr^ Here lies buried three children of MARTHA ATWATER Jeremiah Atwater Jun'' & his Wife Late Confort to Lois Viz John who died Aug. 2i Mr. JONATHAN 1776 aged 6 Months James who died ATWATER, who Oct'- 8"' 1777 in the 6"' Year of his died the 9"' day of age Sep' 1776 aged 8q Years ^' Born August 9, 1762. ^* Ch. of Jeremiah, son of John and Hannah (Thompson), and Lois (Hurd). "Son of Jonathan (No. 57); b. Dec. 12,1728; m., Dec. 28, 1763, Abiah Baldwin. ^^ Dau. of Timothy Baldwin, of Milford. ^' Son of Jonathan and Ruth (Peck); b. Nov. 4, 1690; m., Dec. 15, 1713, Abigail Bradley; next m., Dec. 5, 1733, Martha Bradley. 480 INSCRIPTIONS ON TO.MIJSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 59 [Same Lot.] Lydia Daughter of M'. Jonathan & M" Martka Atwater wlio liv'd beloved & died lamented Sepf 4«' A. D. 1756 Aged 20 Years. 60 [Ma fie A v., Lot b.] In Memory of M'' Jonathan Attwater who died Aug*^ y*" 24"^ A.D. 1764 in the 43d Year of His Age 61 [Same Lot.] In Memory of Elnathan, the Son of M' Jonathan and M" Sarah Attwater, who lived beloved & died lamented on March y'' 8*'> 1761 in y 16"' Year ol His Age 63 62 [Say/w Lot.] Silas Son of M'- Jonathan Jun & M" Sarah Attwater died August 24"' 1751 Aged 17 Months 64 65 66 [Sa//u- Z('/.] Silas Son of M- Jonathan Attwater jun'' and M''' Sarah his wife died Jan'-y y" i6"> 1755 Aged 13 days [West IVa//.] Elisha Son of M"' Jonathan & M" Sarah Attwater died Feb-'y 14''' 1768 Aged 9 Years Patient in Sickness, refign'd in Death [S}'/vau Av., Lot 16.] In Memory of Mr Jofhua Atwater who died Jan"" 29"' 1773 aged 86 Years. [Same Lot.] In Memor}' of M" Anna Wife of M"- Joshua Attwater who died Sepf 8"^ 1760 In her 59"' year ^' Born Oct. 30, 1736. *" Son of David (No. 33); b. March 10, 1722; m., Jan. 23, 1745, Sarah Beach, of Wallingford. *' Born Jan. 2, 1746. ^'- Born March 20, 1750. ^ Born Dec. 20, 1758. *^ Son of David, Jr.; b. Jan. 29. 1687; m., Nov. 22, 1721, Anna Bradley. *•* Dau. of Joseph Bradley; b. Jan. 10, 1701. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW^ HAVEN. -iSl 67 6$ 69 70 IMaple Av., Lot\^o?\ In Memory of M'' Mary At water who died Jan"^.^ 14"' AD 1798. in the 85"" Year of her Age Bleffed are the dead who die in the Lord \_Sylvaii Av.. Lot 16. J In Memory of M'-'^ Lob- Wife of M'' Med AD Atwater who died Septem'"'' 27"^ 1776 in the 18"' Year of her Age iWest IVaJ/.] Here lies y'^' Body of M"- Sam' Atwater died Sepf y" jyth jy^2 Aged 78''' Years SAMUEL SON OF M-- SAMUEL ATWATER DIED OCTOB-- 19: 1713 AGED 21 YEARS 71 72 [IVest IVa/l.'] In Memory of M' Samuel Attwater who died April 27''' 1749 in his 23'i Year. [ll-c-sl IVa/L] In memory of M' Stephe" Atwater wh" died January the 3'' 1759 in the 53"' 73 [ll\'st U'a//?\ In Memory of M'* Abigail Atwater the amiable cunfort of M' Stephen Atwater who departed iliis Life February 3'' 1795 in the 88"' Year of her Age Blefscd are the dead ivlio die in the Lord. 74 [West //■(///.] Stephen y*" Son of m"' Stephen Atwater died Sepf 16"' 1742 in yf JO*'' Year of his Age *■" Dau. of David (No. 33); b. Aug. 19, 1713. ^* Lowly, dau. of Stephen Goodyear; b. |une 12; 1759; "i-' "^^^V 8, 1776, Medad, son of David and Elizabeth (No. 38), b. March 23, 1751, d. 1832 ; he next m., Sept. 10, 1778, Rhoda Dickerman. ^' Son of David; b. Sept. 17, 1664; m., July 6, 1691, Sarah, dau. of John and Ellen (Bradley) Ailing, b. Nov. 25, 1666. ■"* Born July 14, 1692, ■" Son of Samuel, bapt. Aug. 27, 1727. " Son of Samuel (No. 69); b. Dec. 5, 1705; m. Abigail Bradley. ■'•* Born May 16, 1733. 482 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 75 \^Limitn A v.. Lot 21.] In Memor}' of M''- Rebfxxa a rWATER the wife of M' SiEi'HEN Atwater who departed this Life in full hopes of a blefsed Immoitalit}' through the Mediation of Jefus Chrift on the 28"' of January 1791 Aged 30 Years, who left a Com- panion & 6 Pledges of their affection to mourn the lofs of a dead Wife & fond Mother, her Virtues and univer- fal Charity need no Encomiums here they do lionour to the Religion of Jefus to her fex & to the Age in which fhe lived without this perish- able Monument of Stone Alfo their Son Robert Nelson Atwa lER Aged 2 Years 7« \^Same Lo/.J Stephen son of Steptien tt Elizabeth Atwater died May. 9. 1792. aged 5 dayes Robert Nelson son of Stephen & Rebecca Atwater died Oct. 12. 1792. aged 22 months 77 [Cen/ra/ Av., Lo/ 21.] In Memory of M'- Chloe Wife of M'- Timothy Atwater who died Sep" 11"' 1774 in her 19"' Year James her Son died Sep" 14"' 1774 in his 8"' Month Behold and fee as you pafs by As you are now fo once was I As I ar now you foon fhall be Prepare for Death and follow me 78 [Cfpress A v., Lot 21.] IN memory of Deac" ABRAHAM AUGUR who died Ma}- 31*' 1798 ^74- 79 80 {^Cypress At'., Lot 25.J In Memory of Lieutenant David Austin who died Aug**' 28'i' 1759 Aged 56 years Here lies the Body of M''' Rebekah Auftin wife of M' David Auftin who Dec'd Feb'- y 26"' 1738-9 Aged 31 Years '''•> By birth Gorhani ; m., Aug. 3, 1780, son of Jeremiah and Anna (No. 48), b. luly 27, 1758; he next m., June 2, 1791, Elizabeth Gorham. " Timothy, son of James (No. 45), b. Nov. 2, 1749; m. Chloe Augur, Feb. 3. 1773- "" Son of John and Elizabeth (Bradley); deacon in the Fair Haven Church, 1773-98. '' Son of David and Abigail ; b. Oct. 25, 1703; m., Feb. 11, 1731, Rebekah Thompson. *" Dau. of Samuel (No. 825); b. Feb. 23, 1707-8; he next m. Hannah, dau. of John Punderson, who d. 1759. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 483 81 82 §3 [Same LotJi In Memory of M" Mary Austin late Confort of David Austin Efq'' who departed this Life Sepf the 3'^ USi in the 48"^ Year of her Age Bleffed are the dead who die in the Lord ..of Elisha who _.t 6"' 1 77 1 aged ..& Ebenezer Elisha .-pril 5"' 1773 aged .Children of Deac" .." Mary Austin 84 [IVes/ JVa//.] Sarah Daughter of Deacon David & M'''^ Mary Austin who died October 2"^ 1759 Aged 2 years 85 [Jl'csi //'n'ss A7>., Lot 25.] {IVc-st Wall.] In In Memory of Anna Memory the Daughte of M' of M[:, Jonathan & M'* Mary Daugh'"' Sarah Austin of Deac" David who died Novemb' & M'** Mary 20"' 1790 aged I Year Austin who died of the & I Month Small Pox 88 \_Cypn-ss A v.. Lot 23.] Septf 17"' 1773 This Stone 18 Years of is erected in Age memory of M"' 81 Dau. of Nathaniel Mix (No. 601); b. June 9, 1733 : m., Dec. 14, 1752, son of No. 79, a deacon in White Haven Church, who d. Feb. 5, 1801, set. 69. 8-' Elisha, bapt. March 2=^, 1770; Ebenezer Elisha. bapt. Feb. 16, 1772. 8S Born Oct. 24, 1755. ^ Bapt. June 19. 1757. 85 Hannah, b. Oct. 26, 1767 ; Elizabeth, b. June i, 1765. 8« Died of yellow fever, in New York City; widow Esther. 8' Sarah, dau. of John and Esther Beecher, b. Nov. 25, 1754, d. Sept., 1795. 88 Son of David (No. 79); b. Apr. 3, I734; m-- Dec. 6. 1759, Lydia, dau. of Dr. Alexander and Lydia (Attwater) Wolcott, of Windsor, Conn., bapt. Nov. 6, 1737. 484: INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. Samuel Austin & M'-' Martha who died Jan>' 25'^' Auftin died AD 1790 aged 56 Auguft y"" Dear to his kindred i8-- 21 1731 Aged 75 Years 9§ [JVesi Jl'a/l.] Here lyeth the Body of En^ John Ball Who Dyed Jan'' y" 22 A:D 1731 In y* 46 Year of his Age. 99 [ IFesf IFa/l] ELIPHELET BAU- DIED SEPT' 19"' 1721 AGED 13 MONTHS. ■'■* Son of Timothy and Bathsheba (Stone), of Guilford ; b. Apr. 2, 1719; m., Dec. 7, 1749, Lucy, dau. of Wm. and Ruth (Strong) Dudley, b. March 29, 1721, d. June 2, 1758; next m., Nov., 176S, Theodora, dau. of Josiah and Ruth (White) Wolcott, of Coventry, b. Nov. 4, 1746. '^ Married, 1787, Simeon (Yale Coll. 1781), b. Dec. 14, 1761, who next m., Apr., 1800, her sister Elizabeth, wid. of Sturges Burr, and d. May 26, 1851. ^' Son of Ailing and Dorothy; b. Apr. 15, 1649; d. Jan. i, 1730-31; ni., Dec. II, 1678, Sarah, dau. of Henry Glover, b. Dec. 3, 1655. "* Son of John (No. 97); b. Sept. 30, 1685; d. 3 wks. after his father; m., June 6, 1716, Mary Tuttle (No. 725). "^ Son of No. 98; b. Aug. 22, 1720. -tSC) INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 100 [IVfsi IVall.] John y Son of M'' John Ball Died Octob'' ii"> 1738 Age'' 12 Days 101 [IVesi IVa/L] Dauid y" Son of M^ John Ball Died Sep'"' y" 3'' 1742 Aged 5 Months 102 VVcsi H'all.] Here lies the Body of M"' JosF.PH Ball who departed this Life Octo ber 3'' 1794 aged 23 Years When death does through its fatal [dart The neareft Earthly friends muft part Parrents mnft Leave their Children [dear When thev the final Summon hear Mrs ABIGAIL BALL who died Nov. 10. 1800 in the 70 year of her age 104 [Cedar Av., Lot 52.] H. S. E. Quod mortale fuit THOMyE Barclay de Alban}' Coll. Yal. Alumni OptimjB Spei Juvenis que laeta beatse Immor- tal itas spe ex hie Vita decessit g*"'* die 9"" AD. 1738 setat su?e 20'"" 105 103 [Cyprc'ss A v.. Lot 41.] IN Memory of Deac'n STEPHEN BALL who died Oct. 10. 1799, in the 72 year of his age. Also his wife [Ma fie A v.. Lot 34.] Mary Tatem Barnes Daughter of Daniel & Mehetabel Barnes died October 7*'' 1795 aged 3 weeks 106 [C}fress A v., Lot 57.] In Memory of Samuel Barns Son of M'' Samuel Barns & M" Welthy Barns whofe Death was Occafion'd by a Scald from a Tea pot March 27"' 1794 aged 7 Months Suffer little Children to Come unto me and forbid them not for of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven '•" Born Apr. 9, 1742. '"- Son of Joseph; lived in Hamden ; wid. Luc)'. '"^ Son of John (No. 98); b. Feb. 12, 1726-7 ; deacon of 1st Church, 1771-99. '"* Probably son of Rev. Thomas (Episc. missionary at Albany), and bro. of Rev. Henry (Yale Coll. 1734). "•^ The father d. 1799, at St. Croix; the. mother, dau. of Roger Sherman (No. 765), b. fan. 23, 1774, next m., 1S04, Jeremiah Evarts, and d. March 5, 1851. '"8 Wealthy, dau. of Rutheriord and Dorcas Trowbridge (No. 864); b. Nov. 21, 1770, m. July 7, 1791: next m. Ezekicl Hayes, Jr. (v. No. 386). INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN, 487 107 [IVest IValLI ABIGAIL WIFE OF WILLIA™ BARTHOLIMY DIED IN AUGUST A:D 1726 AGED 21 YEARS 1774 in her 46"". Year JoEATON Bassat their Son died May 5'^ 1773 Aged 108 [West lVali:\ Thankful Daughter of m'' Amo^ & m" Mary Bafset died Ocf ye gth iy43 Aged 2 Years Mary y« Daughter of m'' A mo* & m''* Mary Bafset died Oct' ye 8"' 1743 Aged 16 Years 111 \_]Vest JFa//.] In Memory of Mr. Enos Baffat who departed this life Aug^' 31 1776 in his 22d. Year 112 [IFesi Wall.] In Memory of Mr'' Mehetabel, relict of Mr Enos Bass- -ATE, who died 21 Octo"' 1777 in her 21'^' Year 109 [Wesl 11 'a 11.] HERE LIETH THE BODY OF EBIENEZER BASSET WHO DIED APRIL 113 [Laurel A v.. Lot ?>.] HERE LYETH Y« BODY OF CAPt 10 HN BASSAT WHO DIED FEB Y" S : I 7 14 Y- 28*'' 1 72 1 AGED ABOUT 22 YEARS 114 AGED 61 YEARS 110 {West Wall.] [Same Lot.] MERCY WIFE In Memory of Mr. OF CAPt lOHN Enos Bassat who died BASSAT WHO Auguft 4th. 1773 in his 49 DIED APRIL 8 Year. Mrs Mary Bassat 1717 AGED his Wife died March 22' 51 YEARS '"' Dau. of Gershom and Hannah Brown (No. 203); lived in Branford. '"^ Daus. of Amos and Mary (Gilbert). ""* Son of Samuel (No. 120); b. May 12, 1700. '"* Son of John (No. 116); b. Dec. 5, 1724; m., Apr. 21, 1748, Mary Heaton, probably dau. of Nathaniel, bapt. Aug. 3, 1729; joHeaton, b. Sept. 2, 1764. '" Son of No. no; b. March 22, 1754; m., March 14, 1776, Mehitabel Goodyear. "- Dau. of Asa and Mehitabel (Sacket) Goodyear; b. Aug. 26, 1757. '"* Son of Wm.; b. Dec. 24, 1652. ''"* Dau. of Christopher Todd ; bapt. Feb. 18, 1656. 488 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 115 116 117 lis [IVesl Wall.'] HERE LIETH THE BODY OF JOHN BASSET WHO DIED JULY Y" 11*'' 1726 AGED 36 YEARS {Lawel Av., A^/ 8.] In Memory of Coronet John Bassat who died March ye 27"' A.D. 1757 in the 66*'' year of His Age. [Same Lo(.] In Memory of M''" Elisabeth the wife of Coronet John Bassat who died Sep' y« 3'i A.D. 1756 in her 64* year [U'c'st ira/L] Hannah y"' Daughter of M"- John Bafsat Died January "' 1740 in ye gth Year of her Age 119 [IVesi Wall.'] Hezekiah Son of m' John Bafset died July y" 20* 1741 Aged 7*'' Year 120 {IVfst IJ^a//.] HERE LYETH Y-* BODY OF M' SAMUEL BASSAT WHO DIED APRIL Y-^^ 8; 1716 AGED 62 YEARS 121 [PVc'si IVaN.] Here lieth the Body of Mary BalTet Widow of M'- Sam" Baffet Who Dyed Nou^ y<- 28"' 1728 age'' About 69 years 122 [ ives/ ii'^n.] Sacred to the Memory of Docf Hezekiah Beardsley who died on the lo'ii of May AD 1790, in the 42'' Year of his Age. He was a useful member of Soci- ety, greatly respected while living, and died much lamented by all his Acquaintanc Also in Memory of M""^ Elizabeth Beardsley his amiable Consort who died 115 Son of Samuel (No. 120); b. March 3, 1690. t-,. , u 116 Son of John (No. 113); b. July 11, 1691; m., Jan. 31, 1715-16. Elizabeth Thomson. ,, t^ . n^ By birth Thomson; bapi. Apr. 26, 1693. "" Born Apr. 11, I73i. "9 Born Jan. 9, 1734-5- ^ ,. „■ i I'^o Son of Wm.; b. Feb. 15, 1654-5; m., June 21, 1677, Mnry Dickerman. 1-1 Dau. of Abrain Dickc-rman (No. 285). INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 489 at Savannah in Georgia, on the 23'* of April AD 1790, in the 42'' Year of her Age Tho' every Virtue graced this happy [pair Yet Death their Virtues would no [longer spare 123 [//Vj-/ ira//.] Here Lies y"* Body of mr^ Han- nah y** Wife of Cap' Ebenezen Becher died Febr.y y" is**" 1739-4" Aged 48 Years 124 [Liiii/c-n Av., Lot 57.] ELI BEECHER Died May 15. 1789 M. 41. SUSAN, WIFE OF ELI BEECHER Died Oct, 28, 1798, vE. 51- Removed from the old Ground. 125 {IFest IVa/l.] In Memory of M"" Hezekiah Beecher who died Sept'"' 2i^t 1751 in y" 48*'' Year. of His Age. 126 [IJ't'st IVall.] Hannah Daughter of M'' Hezekiah & M" Hannah Beecher died August y" 2ist j-yji in Her 5"^ 127 [West Wall.} Here lyes the Body of M""* Joanna Beecher Relict to M'' Ifaac Beecher who died Feb"" y"* 24 1732 Aged 77 Years 12§ [West JFall.] HERE LYETH Y- BODY OF JOHN BEECHER WHO DIED DECEMBER 1712 AGED 67 YEARS 129 [West Wall.] --.ZABETH WIFE OF JOHN BECHER DIED AUGUST 4 : 1722 AGED 72 YEARS '■^^ Master of a N. Y. packet ; drowned in N. H. harbor. '^^ Son of Joseph; b. June 14, 1703; m., March 23, 1737-8, Hannah, dau. of m. and Hannah (Browne) Punchard. '■'^ Born March 20, 1746-7. Wm. and Hannah (Browne) I '■'^ Born March 20, 1746-7. '-■' Isaac, son of Isaac and Hannah, b. Aug. 18, 1650, d. 1713. '^* Son of Tsanr and H-innah. 490 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 130 [IVest Wall.] 134 [IVc'sl Wall.] JOHN LYDIA BECHER DIED Y« DAUGH FEB-- 29 : 1724 TER OF JOSEPH AGED 28 BECHER DIED YEARS A : D 1725-6 135 AGED 25 YEARS 131 [Maplf Av., Lot 18.] IN [West Wall.] Memor}' of Anna Dau'tr of Captain JOHN BEECHER Mr. Moses & Mrs who Died Nov'' 22"^ 1793 Ann Beecher in the 72^ Year of his age died June 30, 1708 and whose remains are depofited in her loth Year in the old Burying Ground in this City. 136 [West Wall.] M' Nathaniel Beecher 132 S^Same Lp/.] died February 9 1786. In Memory of Mifs Content Beecher Daughter of Cap' John & M''* Mary Beecher who Depa- in the 80"' year of his age". His relict M" Sarah Beecher. died Octo' 4 1796. in the 85"' year of her age. rted this Life Nov"" 16"' 1784 aged 23 Years Our age to feventy years is fet How fhort the time how frail the ftate. And if to eighty we arrive. We rather figh and groan than live. She died in faith, Patience & Refignation to the will of God 13T [West Wall.] Lydia Daughter of Nathaniel &: 133 [Cyfr^ss A v., Lot 63.] In Memory of Sarah Beecher M' John Beecher who dep- Dec'd July y'' is**" arted this Life FebJ' I4<>> 1784 1737 Aged one Aged 30 Years Year & 6 Months '^" Bapt. Apr. 26, 1696; m., Dec. 7, 1721, Mehitabel, dau. of Thos. Tuttle, Jr., b. June 14, 1699; she ne.xt m., Jan. 13, 1725-6, Barnabas Baldwin. '^' Son of No. 130; b. Sept. 5, 1722. ^^ Son of John. '^■^ Born Feb. 15, 1700. '** Son of Joseph; b. March 7, 1706; m. Sarah, b. May 26, 1712, dau. of Ebenezer and Abigail (Dickernian) Sperry; grandparents of Rev. Dr. Lyman Beecher. ' '3^ Born Jan. 3, 1735-6. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 4t)i 13§ IMapIe Av., Lot 24.] 142 \_Sam,- Lot.] Hannah Hannah Confort of Eltas Beers the Wife of died April 23'' 1775 Nathan Beers Aged 27 Years died Feb''> y" 12"' Alio is here inter'd A:D 1764 in the 48"! Lucy Daughter of Ei.ias Beers Year of her Age & Hannah his Wife 143 [Cnpt.] ..Feb 21"' 1774 In Memory of M'^ DORCAS BELL 139 \^Same Lot.\ the Wife of William Mills Beers M' JACOB Bell and Son of daughter of M JON- Elias and Mary Bekrs ATHAN BROWN of Died Boston who departed this October i2*i> 1794 Life April 15th 1791 Aged 17 Years in her 62 Year While Life remains AfTections fondeft of her Age sigh 144 [If'c'st Wall.] 140 S^Mapk A v.. Lot 22.] Here lyeth the Body ELIZA BEERS of M-- John Bell of Died Sept. 8. 1795 Stanford Who Dyed yE. II. October y" 27 1732 Aged 51 Years 141 'iMaple Av., Lot 2\?i Here 145 \_Cypress A v., L^ot 40.] lies the Body of In Memory of Eliza Nathan Beers Charlott Benners who was born at Stratford & fo r the who died March 18* laft 25 Years of his Life was a refpect- 1794 aged 5 Months able Inhabitant of this Town. He Daughter of John & received a mortal wound in his own Ann Maria Benners houfe from a party of the Br itifh ie to Troops in an Incursion they mac this place July 5"' 1779 with which he 146 \_Sycaiiiore A v.. Lot 36.] languifhed till the 10* when he de- In Memory of parted this Life in the 61"' Year of his M'' Thomas Bills Age who died the 26 '^' Bapt. May 25, 1777. '" Son of Jonathan and Susanna (Pierson), of Stamford ; b. Jan. 16, 1681. "^ John Benners m. Ann Maria Heyliger, Oct. 22, 1792. '^^ T. B., b. Shrewsbury, N. J.; m., July 24, 1752, Mary Thomas. ^92 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. Febuary 1791 in the 66 Year of his age alfo In Memory »'' James Bills Son of M"' Thomas & M" Mary Bills who died In the 23'^ Year of his a^e the 18"' Day of November 1789 at Sn' Eu ftatia in the weftindia 147 [CeuO-a/ Av., Lot 35.] In Memory of the Reverend Samuel Bird who was born At Dorchefter March 27* 1724 He was ordained to y'* Miniftry in the Church of Dunftabie on Merimack River from thence He removed to this City where he was inftalled Paftor of the Church of White Haven Oct'' 13"' 1757 He refigned the Miniftry Dec" 1767. — He was a Gentleman of Integrity Piety & Patriotifm He died May 2,^ 1784 14§ IHally A v.. Lot A 2.] Israel Bishop died August 11. 1821 : aged 78. Hannah, his wife died Ma)- 13, 1797, aged 50 Was buried in the ancient ground. 149 [Afnp/t- A7'., Loi2g.] JAMES BISHOP, born in England, came to New Haven 1647 served as secretar}' & Lt. Governor of the Colony died June 24. 1691 at an advanced age. SAMUEL BISHOP son of James,. died Mar. 12, 1747 : JE. 81. SAMUEL BISHOP Grandson of James died in 1780 : .E. 81. 150 [Syh'a// Av., Lot 62.] IN Memory of nine Children of Lent & Lucinda Bishop Hubbard died Feb 17. 1797. aged 3 months 10 da\'S Seth died Jan. 30. 1799, aged 2 mo. 3 days [Etc.] "^ Son of Benjamin and Joanna (Harris); installed here Oct., 1751, not 1757; d. of inoculated small-pox. ""' Son of Samuel, Jr., and Abigail (Atwater); b. Aug. 27, 1743; m., Sept., 1766, dau. of James Peck (No. 672), b. Feb. 15, 1746-7. "'James ra. Mary, who d. Nov. 6, 1664; next m., Dec. 12, 1665, Elizabeth, dau. of Micah Tompkins, of Miiford, who d. Oct. 2?;, 1703. Samuel, b. Nov. 21, 1666; m., Nov. 14, 1695, Hannah, wid. of Enos Talmage, who d. Feb. 10, 1744; deacon 1st Church, 1729-1748; d. March 12, 1747-8. Samuel, Jr., b. July 18, 169S ; m.. Abigail, dau. of Ebenezer and Abigail (Heaton) Attwater ; deacon ist Church, 1756-79. "" Lent m. Lucinda Barnes, Apr. 17, 1796. IXSCRlPTIONrt ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVKN. 498 151 152 153 In Memory- of M'-' SlBBlL Late Wife of Mi- Yale Bishop who died March y- 2r' 1755 i" her 32'' 3-ear. [IVest Wali:] Hannah Daughter of M' Yale tS: M'^ Cybel Bishop died Feb'>' 13"' .. Aged 3 year & 10 mon^ Sarah Daughter of M'- Yale & M''« Cybel Bishop died Nov'"' 4"' 1750 Ag''' 9 weeks 154 [Cypress Av., Lot 54.] In Memory of M'' Sarah Blackstone relict of Cap' John Blackftone and formerly the wife of M'' John Huggins of Branford She"died Sept 27 ; 1799 Aged 87. Her uncommon attaiments in chriftian knowledge, faith & piety render'd her amiable & respecta- ablc l\; deferve the remembrance & imitation of her pofterity and acquaintance " The memory of the juft is" bleffed '• 155 [West Wall.'] HERE LYETH Y' BODY OF JOHN BLAKSLE WHO DIED MARCH 12 : 17II, : AGED 59 YEARS 156 157 [ West Wall.] Here lies y Body of m' John Biakfle died April 30"' 1742 in y 66"' Year of his Age [jrcst Wall.] In Memory of M'" Susannah Wife of M' John Blaksle who died July 25"' 1751 Aged 67 Years. I5§ [Locust Av., Lot 38.] Dr. DANIEL BONTECOU Son of Timothy & Mary (Goodrich) Bontecou, 151 Dau. of Samuel Gilbert, 2d ; b. July 12, 1723; m. May 31, 1744. He died in Meriden, May, 1783. 1^-' Born Apr. 13, 1745; d. Feb. 13, 1748-9- 15° Left wid. Grace. '*« Son of John ; b. July 15, 1676. 1=8 Son of Timothy and Mary (No. 163); m., Sept. 12, 1775, wid. of Dr. John Rhodes (see No. 736); she next m., Dec. 23, 1787, Capt. Ephraim Pease, of Enfield, Conn., and d. Apr. 6, 1802. 494: INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. & a descendant of a French protestant who left his country at the revocation of the edict of Nantes. He was born in New Haven Sept. g. 1739- graduated at Vale College 1757. Died Aug. 20. 1778. & interred in the ancient bury- ing grounds of the public square This Monument is erected to his [mennory by his only Son Daniel Bontecou of Springfield Ms 161 162 159 160 [H'c'sf ira//.] In Memory of M' D.WID BONTF.COU who died Oct'"' 6"' A.D. 1766 in y 24" Year of His Age All Living inuft return to Duft [JJ'es/ 1 1 'a//.] Here Lies Interr''' the Body of James Bontecou who Departed this Life Nouem'"' ye 8"' 1760 In the Sevententh Vear of his Age 163 164 David Son of Mr. Peter &: Mrs. SusAN- nah BoNECOU died 26 Jan'r 1769 Aged 5 mo & 17 Days [West Wall.} In Memory of M' Peter Bonticou who Departed this Life June 12*'' 1794 in the 24''' Year of his Age. [West Wall.} Here lieth the Body of Mary wife to Timothy Bontecou who Departed this life Nov'"- y" 5"' 1735 Aged 33 years [Maple .47'., Lot 63.] In Memory of M" Susanna the wife of M'' TiMOTHV Bontecou Jun' who died Oct'' - y 8"' A.D. 1755 .Etatis 38 '^' The father d. 1781; the mother, Susanna, dau. of Jehicl Thomas (No. 806), b. Sept. 9. 1739, m. Nov. 14, 1762, d. Sept., 1799. '"- Bro. of No. 161. '"^ Dau. of Col. David Goodrich, of Wethersfield ; m., Sept. 29, 1736, Timothy, son of Pierre, from Lyons, France; she d. Nov. 5, 1745; he d. Feb. 14, 1784, aet. 91. '^^ Dau. of John Prout (No. 714); b. Apr. i, 171S ; drowned, with five others, on ferry boat returning from ordination of Rev. Nicholas Street in East Haven; he d. 1789, .'tged 66. IXBCRTPTIOXS OX TOMBSTOXES IX XKW IIAVKN, 41 (5 165 ICedar A7:, Lot -^2?[ of Booth son of Zecbariah & Zabelli Booth of Stratford was born 12"' Sept 1753 was enter'd a member of Yale College in the year 1774 & died in New Haven Aug 31'' 1775 16i> 166 167 16§ \^Sylvan A7>., Lot 20. \ In memory of Amos G. Bostwick Who Departed this Life Sep' 2'' A.D. 1795 in the 18"' year of his age Son to Amos Bost- wick of New MiLFORD YNoith If'a//.] In Memory of M.. Abner Bradley.. died October 27"' 1778 in the 83 Year of his Age [IVest IVa//.] In Memory of M'* Abigal Wife of M' Abner Bradly who died May 31*' A:D. 1764 in Her 66"> year ITO 171 [West ira//.\ Abnor Bradley y'' Son of ni' Abnor iS: m'~ Abigail Bradle> died April y*" 28*1' 1747 aged 24 Years \irest ir,7//.\ Mary Daiigh ter of m' Abner & m'" Abigail Brad- ley died Auguft y g"' 1739 Age'' II Years [ri'est ir'alL] Abigail y Daughter of in' Abner & m" Abigail Bradley died August y 7"' 1739 aged 9 Years 172 [J rest I la//.] HERE LYETH Y' BODY OF DEACON ABRAM BRADLY WHO DIED OCTO' 19 1718 AGED 68 YEARS "'^ Son of Benj. and Elizabeth (Thompson); b. March 6, 1695-6; m., March 29, 1722, Abigail Gilbert.- "^'' Dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Peck) Gilbert; b. Dec. 27, 1698. "'^ Born Feb. 20, 1722-3. '•" Born Nov. 17, 1728. '■' Born Apr. 15, 1731. "•^ Son of VVm. and Alice (Prichard); b. Oct. 24, 1650; m., Dec. 25, 1673, Hannah Thompson ; deacon in ist Ciiurch, 1696-1718. 4i)(; INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN, 173 [IVt'si irai/.] HANNAH WIFE OF DEACON ABRAM BRADLY DIED OCTO- 26. 1718 AGED 64 YEARS 174 [IVfs/ H'a//.] Ifrael Son of M' Abraham & Sarah Brad- ly died May y 25"' 1739 in y 13 Year of his Aee 175 [Cc-i^ar Av., Lo^ 14-] In Memory of M'" Amy Bradlev Confort of Capt" Abraham Bradley who died September 3''' 1795 in thf" 53''' year of her age. Exemplary piety and charily. humility and meeknefs compafsion to the diftrelsed and alms to the poor. embalm her memory Unto the upright the arifeth light in the darknefs He hath diiperfed he [hath given to the poor. His righteoufnefs endureth forever Cap' Abraham & M''^ Amy Bradley' who died Jan> 29"' 1 78 1 aged 8 Months Your moans fond Parents cea^ And let this hope fuffice Your babe fliall fieep in pea"' 176 In Memory of Mary Daugh''' of 177 [Sawe Lo/.] Sidney the Son of Cap* Abraham & M" Ame Bradley wlio departed this Life Ocf 26"' 1788 Aged 9 Months Suffer little children to come unto me for of fuch is the 17§ [IK'sf J fa//.] BRA NOVEM> 2 1723 AGED 44 YEARS 179 I If'es/ lI'a/L] IN Memory of Mr ERASTUS BRADLEY who died March. 28: 180S. .E. 67. also his wife Mrs. LYDIA BRADLEY died May 7: 1783, .E 39 '■'"' Dau. of John and Ellen (Harrison) Thompson ; b. Sept. 22, 1654. ''* Born March 12, 1726-7. ''^ Dau. of John and Mary (Tutlle) Hemingway; b. Ma)- 26, 1743; m., Jan. 23, 1760, son of Zebulon and Elizabeth (Hemingway); he next m., Sept. 5, 1796, wid. Eunice Pease. "^ In memory of Daniel Bradley; he m., Jan. 16, 1702, Sarah Basset, who survived him. ''^ Son of Phincas (No. 18=;). INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. vj: 1 80 [ C)'/>n'ss A V. , Lot 1]/-,^ IN Memory of James Bradley who died Mar. 17. 18 17 .E. 77- Also his wife Naomi who died Jan. 23. 1774 ^. 33 and interred in the old burying ground. ESTHER his 2' Wife died May 11 1823 /E. 82 consort of M' JOSEPH BRADLEY who departed this Life December 3' A.D. 1786 in the 54"" Year of her Age Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. 1S4 l§l yiVest \Vali:\ Here Lies y Body of m' John Bradley Who died July 1§5 y ... 1747 Age'' 73 Years 1§2 ^IVe.H ]Vali:\ Chlole y Daugh- -ter of m" John & m--* Elifabeth 1 Bradle Died Sep l§6 y r' 1739 in y 38"' Year of her Age M 1§3 [Ot//.] In Memory of M HANNAH BRADLEY Mr The amiable & virtuous \_Maple Av., Lot 31.] In Memory of Eunice Bradley. the Wife of Joseph Bradley Esij'' who died December 31^' 1799, Aged 51 Years. \Cypress Av., Lot 47.] In Memory of M' Phineas Bradley who departed this Life December 30"' AD 1779 in the 66"' Year of his age \Sanic Lot7\ IN Memory of Mrs MARTHA BRADLY Relict of Mr PHINEAS BRADLEY She died .April loih 1795 .E. 74, '^" James, bapt. Nov. 12, 1739; he m. wid. Esther Penfield, Sept. 25, 1774. '^' Son of Abram (No. 172); b. Oct. 12, 1674. '-'^ Dau. of John, Jr.; b. Aug. 20, 1733. '*^ Dau. of Samuel Miles (No. 571); b. March 7, 1732-3; m., July 26, 1753, Enos Ailing (No. 10); ne.\t m., Jan. 9, 1780, Jared Ingersoll (No. 484); ue.xt m., Apr., 1786, Joseph Bradle}-. '** Dau. of Rev. Stephen and Mary (Dyer) White, of Windham. Conn.; wid. of Sie|)hcn W. Hubbard (No. 469). ""^ Son of John; b. Sept. 28, 1714; m. Martlia Sherman. '*'' Dau. ol Daniel Slierman ; b. [uiy 21, 1721. 4'.>S INSCRIPTION'S ON TOMBSTONES IX NEW HAVEN. 1§7 l§l$ In Memory of Cap' Phineas Bradley who Departed this life June 24"' A. D lyg" Aged 52 years I §9 190 [IVc-s/ Wal/.\ Here Lies \" Bo- dy of til'' Slephe" Bradley Who died Sepi' 3'' 1740 Aged 37 Years {West Wall.] SARAH Y-^ WIFE OF STEPHEN BRADLY DIED JUNE 5"' 1726 AGED 22 YEARS \U\st Wall.} Here lies y'' Body of M-- Ann Bradly y" Wife of M' Brad'y Who Died Jan" y 26 1759 in y*" 40 Year of her Age 191 [Cedar Av., Lot 52.] Here Lyes the Body of Israel the son of Hezekiah Brainerd Assistant who died a nnember of \\ile College Jan 6"' 1748 setatis suse 23 Flendi qure causa est Si tantum a iiiorte tenetur lutum, Animam interea Chris. us complectitur ainuis? 192 [Cypress A v., Lot 3.] Dolly Brintnal Daughter of William and Abigail Brintnal died September 30"' 1794 aged 14 Years No age Secure from Death 193 [Same Lot.] Samuel Brintnal Son of William and Abigail Brintnal Died June 4"' 1794 aged 9 Years Place no your affeciions on things below '«'■' Dau. of Benj. and Rebekah (Browne) English; b, Feb. 5, 1703-4; m. lune 24, 1725. '■" Youngest ch. of Hezekiah and Dorothy (Mason), ot Haddam, Conn.; b. June 7, 1725; bro. of the famous David Brainerd. IXSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 45)9 194 \.Crypt:\ This stone is inscribed to the memory of two amiable sisters lovely they were in life and in death sincerely lamented. Here is interr'd the body of MISS MARIA PLATT BROOME daughter to Samuel Broome Esq of this city who departed this life February the 28''' 1794 aged 21 years and 3 months. Here lie the remains of M ■ AMELIA JARVIS wife to James Jarvis Esq of N. York and daughter of Samuel Broome Esq of this city She died Dec. the ist 1788 aged 23 years 8 months. Swept with a hasty torrent hence Like a vain dream we pass Come resignation, wipe the falling [tear that deepest sorrow drops o'er „ . , J .ui. [virtue's bier Spring up and grow and wither soon gj^i ^^^^^^^ sorrow hush the fond as doth the short lived grass [complaint Alas its gone and quickly too Nor from the God she loved detain when Blasting winds blow o'er , , ,,,.., , , ^, [the saint , , , , ,^ . , . , .. In death this last, best lesson still And then the place in which it grew [impart Shall never know it more. And write ' prepare to die ' on [every heart. 195 YMapL- Av., Lot ^<^:\ 196 {^W'est //'•> '2Vi INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. [S lyS"- aged 25 years & 4 mo. Lei not the dead forgotten lie Lest vou forget that you must die •214 1 "V.7 lV,//.\ ISRAKI. Son of M'- Israel & M'-* Sarah BUNNEL, died Dec'"' 6"' A.D. 1765. Aaed 2 Years 215 [Il'es/ IVaN.] Sarah Burr Daughter of Cai'', Andrew iS: M''^ Lyi:)Ia Burr die 1 Sep' 27"> A.D, 1766 in y 2'i Year of Her Age 216 [PVc'sl Wall.} In Memory of two children of M'- JosiAH & Mary Burr Thaddeus Burr died May 22 1794 ^tat 32 Years Bleffed are the dead who die in the Lord .K.Dau. of Lemuel and Mary (Mallery) Hotchkiss; b. Apr. 3, 1762; m. ""^^ ^:t^.r, son of Uent. Israel, b. Nov. 17, I7t5. g-d. Yale Coll. r743, '•^l"i;;t''kndrew d. at the Island of Tortola, 1772; Mrs. Lydia d. Jan.. ^^.^.t'losilh'm. Mary Burr. Sept. 7. 1780. -;> ^ OcU 30 ^7^5^ aged 43^ .,:;^'Z- a".bLS'-"^^;v;"i^"^MSt" "'tli.abeth smith; -^i^; J- th -jSroP'>S;r,?: UL, -^-7, .78. sot. of J^n^ Elizabeth (Isaacs, Kerr); he next m., N°-',;794' E h/.abe^h dau^ g and d. July, 1S50. IXSCKIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES TN NEW HAVEN. ')03 •219 [/FoV Wall.] In Meinorv of Maky daughier of M'' Stukges & M'- Bettv Burr who was called home Marcli g"' 1791 aged 3 Years & i Mo'"'' Suffer little children icj Come unto ine for of (uch is the King dom of Heaven 220 I ll'rsl IVall.] JAMES Son of M' Thomas & M" Sarah Burrill died May 19"' A.D, 1768 Aged 2 months 221 imparts Who feels the wounds a dying friend hearts When tlie lafi pangtlivides two focial Sacred to grief and the fair flower N i[)ped in the Bloom I count each hour [Maple At., Lai 42.] In Memory of M'" Elisrbeth Daughter of M' Abel & M''" Eunice Burritt who died Octob'' 20"' 17S3 in the 15 Year of her age Her temper was sweet & engaging Her difpofition livi ly & pleafing Her manners attractive & becoming & the law of kindnefs remarkable on her mind 223 [n\s/ I fall.] Eden Bukriighh.s died March 9"' 1771 aged 64 Years In life niofi courteous kind In death moft pe"cefull and 224 225 222 [Cy/'n-ss A 7.'., Lot 42.J Sarah CoNSOR'f of Stephen Burrit Died July 4"' 1769 ^-E. 32 226 {Maple Av.;Lol 7.] In Memory of M'' JOSEI'H Burroughs who died Jan'-^ y^ 6"' AD 1765 Aged 63 [Maple A v.. Lot g.J In Memory of Mr^ Lydia Burrough'" Relict of Mr. Jos. Burroughs who died Sep 12 1769 Aged 62 Years \Sawe Lot.] Lydia the Daugh ter of Jofeph Burroutjhs died Feb' 23"' 172^ Aged 2 Years ^'^ Thomas B. m. Sarah Johnson. -■-' Dan. of Abel and Eunice (Austin); b. Aug. 7, 1769. '^•^ Son of John, of Stratfield, now Bridgeport; ba[)t. Sept. 7, 1707; removed hither from Meriden, about 1755. -■■'' Dan. (if Stephen and Lydia (Basset) Miinson; b. N(5v. 22, 1707. 5(l4 IX8CRIFTIONS OX TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 227 'iMaplc Av., Lot 7.] In Memoiiam JosKPHi Burroughs Filii JOSEPH! & Lydiae Unigeniti Coll' Yal,- A. B. Qui '■^ -■-• '" 22§ 229 \Wcst U'all.\ In Memory of M'" Sarah Late Wife of, M' William Cable who died August 15*'' 1751 Aged 40 Years. ^]Vest WaU.\ Sarah Daug'' -ter of m' William & m''^ Sarah Cabels died March y'' 13*'^ 1744 Aged 2 Days 230 {Cypress Av., Lot 32.] Here lyeth the Body of M' Henr}' Canner Who dyed Sep' y 22 1731 Aged 52 Years 231 232 233 234 {hLaple Av., Lot 33.] In Memory of M"* Abigail Caner Relict of Mr Henry Caner who died Feb'> 2'' A.D. 1768 in y^^ 89"' Year of Her Age {West Wall?\ Here lies the Body of M'' Anthony ~ Carpenter, ~ who died June 29"' A.D 1760 in the 39''' Year of His Age. [ West Wall?^ Here lies the Body of M''* Abigail wife of M'' Anthony ~ Carpenter. ~ who died July 23'' A.D. 1760 Aged 33 Years [ West IV,i//.] .. Memory of ,.' S.'\MUEL Chattorton who died June y 2o'>' A. D 1762 Aged 32 Years «' Son of No. 224; b. March 18, 1736; grad. Yale Coll. 1754; d. Sept. 6, 1757. --» He d. 1761, leaving wid. Mary, who d. Feb. 29, 17S4, YEAR -OF- HIS- AGE DECEMB'-- Y--31 - 168S 237 ^Sylvan Ai'.. Lot '^ty^A Sacred to the Memor}' of the amiable Mifs Elisabeth Dau" of Mr. Eben'' Chittenden & Elifabeth his Wife, Imma- -turely cut dow as a flower in the 25"' Year of her age AD. 1777. In the bloom of life fhe was actuated by the meek fpirit & temper of the Gofpel-in Death refignation, & Chriftian for- titude was ftrikingly exhibited 23§ {^Maple Av., Z.^^/ 40.] Here Lyeth Interred the Body of The Reverend and Learned M'' Thomas Clap The Late President of Yale [Collecje In New Haven A Truly Great Man A Gentleman of A Superior Natural Genius Mofi Afiduous Application And Indefatigable Induftry. In the various Branches of Learning HegreatlyExcell'd; An Accomplished Instructor~A Patron Of the College ~ A great DiviNE-^bold for the Truth ~A zealous Promoter and Defender of the Doctrines of Grace, of unaffected Piety and a Patern of every Virtue. The tenderest of Fathers and best of Friends^the Glory of Learning and an Ornament of Religion For 13 year the Faithfull and much Respected Pastor of the Church in Windham: And Near 27 years Laborious And Painfull President of the College. And having Served His own Genera- tion by the will of God With serenity calinnefs He fell on fleep the 7"' da^- of Jan' > 1767 In his 64"' year Death! Great Protrietor of All 'Tis thine to tread out Empiers, And to Quench the Stars 235 Son of No. 234; b. March 13, 1755. ^36 \vf. Elizabeth d. 1688. -3* Son of Stephen and Temperance, of Scituate, Mass; h. June 26, 1703; grad. Harv. Coll. 1722; pastor, Windham, Aug. 3, 1726-December 10, 1739; President Yale Coll., Apr. 2, 1740-Sept. 10, 1766; m.. Nov. 23, 1727, Mary, dau. of Rev. Samuel and Elizabeth (Adams) Whiting (No. 645), b. Nov. 24, 1712, d. Aug. 9, 1736; next m., Feb. 5, 1741, Mrs. Mary Saltonstall. The inscription was written by his son-in-law, Rev. Timothy Pitkin. The poert- cal quotation is from Young's ^ight Tlmtights, I. ."^Ofi TXSCEIPTIOXS OX TOMBSTOX'ES IX XEW HAVEX. 239 [Same Lo/.-] 241 [Centra/ A v.. Lot i.} This Monuinent erected to the Th\s Stone is Erected memory of M- Mary Clap '° "'^ Memory of Russel Clark luiv (relictof the late Rev'd PrefidentCi.AP) the only Child of Elizabeth who died 2t Sep^ 1769 In the 66"' Barns who departed this year of her Age, bears teftimony that Life November 14"' 1797 in neither an agreable perfon, good fenfe, ;he 2r' Year of his age. delicacy of manner, a virtuous dif- vju^, -^ n .1 1 r ,t . f , , . r , ■ , VVhat is all the glory of Man charge of the duties of the indearing but A fading flower relations of Wife, Parent, Friend, fer- _«__»_ vent piety towards God, nor extenfive ^^ charity to man, can fecure from the ^""^ Wall.] arrefts of Death; but the fame ftone ' ^^^^ b'eth the that tells this truth declares man Im- ^'^^i' of M' mortal. Happy O reader! if by follow- Timothy Clark ing the faith and patience of her who's ^^^o died Jan'' remains iy here, you build on that V" i?"' A.D 17- precious corner Uone laid in Zion, 32 Aged 37 which proclaims the refurection of Years the Body, and the foul's reunion with — i— ^ it: for if you fo do you shall, after your ^'** [ '^^"^ M'all.] body is thus laid in the duft, be raised, M"-- Elizabeth by the power of him who is the refur- Wife of ection and the life to a bleffed Immor- | M' Timothy tality I Clarke ^-i^^— ^ died In 1754 I Aged 50 240 [Afa//e A?'., Lot 4S.] I Years In Memory of 344 [n'est M^all.] M" Anna Clark -" the Wife of ^^'"^ L'^^ V" M' Parfons Clark ^°'^^' °^ ^""'^'^ who departed this Life -'" daughter of June i7"> 1799 m' Timothy & Etat 44 m" Elifabeth Clark Who died The places which once know me Oct' y'^' 4"' 1743 Shall know me no more in the flefh j Aged 15 Years Dau. of Hon. John and Mary (Glover) Haynes, of Hartford; m May 2 1723, Ehsha Lord (Yale Coll. 1718). of Hartford, b. March 15 1700-01 d' Apr 15 1725; next m., Apr. 6, 1727, Capt. Rosewell Saltonstall^Harv. Coll' 1720), of Branford, who d. Oct. i, 1738. "*° Dau. of Thos. Darling (No. 277); b. Feb. 5, 1755 '43 n'" °^^T^'""f iv- J"*"- 5. 1694-5; m.. Jan. 31, 1723-4, Elizabeth Potter. Dau. of Joseph (No. 706); b. Sept. 2, 1704. ■'44 go,.,, ^^^ iNSCRtPTIOXS ON TOMBSTONES IN N?:W HAVEN. 507 215 [Oyft.-] Here lyes the Body of M ANN the wife of Capt EBENEZER COLLINS who died August y 2' 1747 Aged 87 Years. 248 {li'est irnll.\ Sacred to the Memor> of Mifs Martha Comstock who died April 3' 17S4 nged 21 Years this ftone is erected b}- her uncle EliKNEZER BEAROSLEV. 249 246 [Central Av., Lot 47.] In Memor}' of Capt LUTHER COLLINS who was lost at Sea in July = 1794 -L. 33 250 247 [West Wa/L] In Memory of M" Betty Colt late confort of M'' Jabez Colt. who departed this Life Oct'"- y^- 3'^ A.D. 1765 in y'' 22'' Year of her Age Alfo a daughter Aged 6 Hours 251 Paffenjers as you pafs by Behold y® place where now i lie As 3-ou are now fo once was i As i am now fo you muft be prepare to die & follow me [Central A v.. Lot II.] ANNE, daughter of lohn & Anne Lyon COOKE. died Jan. 4, I799 -E. n. [0.r/.A] ANN Daughter of M SAMUEL & M SUSANNAH COOKE died July 21st 1 75 1 Aged II Years William y son of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Susannah Cooke died Janu'^> Y" 19''' 1746 Aged 2 Years '^*^ Dau. of Gov. Wm. and Ann (Payne) Leete, of Guilford; m., Nov. 19, 1682, John Trowbridge, son of Thomas (No. 868), b. Nov. 23, 1661, d. June 30, 16S9; next m.. May 9, 1696, Ebenezer Collins. -^^ Married, 1787, Mary Doolittle; his wid., Eliz. M., d. Apr. 5, iSii,aet.46. '■*' She was, perhaps, by birth Watrous, of Lyme; her husb., from Lyme, next ni. dau. of Timothy and Mar3- Mix (No. 613). -^'' Samuel, son of Rev. Samuel and Anne (Trowbridge), of Bridgeport; b. July 22, 171X; grad. Yale Coll. 1730; m., Nov. 5, 1735, Susanna, dau. of Moses Mansfield (No. 542). who d. Jan. 25, 1789, set. 76; he d. March 26, 1788. ncKS IXSCRIPTI0K8 OX TOMBSTONES IX XEW HAVEN. 252 [ires/ ll'all.] 257 {Cypress Av., Lot 32.] In Memory of In Memory of •^ Mr. Jafon Coo per Who Di M' Jonathan Cutler who departed this Life ed Dec'' 15th 1774 in his 36 '\ugust 16"' 1776 Aged 67 th Year Years 25:5 [IFes/ IVall.] TIMOTHY COOPER DIED 25§ [Same I^ot.] OCT' Y' 3 In Memory of 1725 AGED M''^ Mary wife of 22 YEARS M'' Jonathan Cutle' who died Jan'> 29 254 \ Crypt :\ AD 1792 M '' HESTER COSTER EAT. 84. AGED 67 DECEASED APRIL Y' 6"' 169 1 259 255 [JVest Wall.] [Same Lot.] In Memory of In Abner Curtis Memory of the Son of M' Will"' Cutler son of Styles & M''* Rich'' and Hannah Hannah Curtis Cutler who Died who died Auguft Oc' 22'' 1769 Aged 17 11"' 1784 in the 13"' months Year of his Age 256 \Sylva}i Av., Lot 30.I 1 T •» »' 260 [Sa»u- Lot.] In Memory in ivieiTiory of of In Memory of Benjamin Cutler Mary Cutler Timothy Cutlek who de parted this wife of Benj" Son of Richard & Life June. 30. 1774 Cutler, wlio Hannah Cutler, Aged 28 Years departed this Life July 4"' 1786 who died Oct i~' AD. 179S Aged 35 Years aged 14 years ^52 Son of Caleb and Desire (Sanford); b. Apr. 18, 1739. '^^^ Son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Smith); b. Apr. 5, 1702. '■^ Sister of Nicholas Augur. 555 "^ good lad," says Rev. Bela Hubbard's burial record. "''' Dau. of Capt. John Beeclier. '••'''' Son of Jonathan and Abigail (No. 231). ^^^ Richard, son of Jonathan (No. 257), b. in Fairfield, 1736, m., July 29, 1767, Hannah, dau. of Thos. Howell (No. 442), d. March 20, 1810, she b. Jan. 6, 1744-5, J' Dec. 9, 1827. '-"" Born Feb. 7, 1785. IXSCRIPTIOXS OX TOMBSTONES IX XEW HAVEX. 5(19 261 [Same Lot^ In Memorj- of Hannah Cutler Daughter of Richard & Hannah Cutler who Departed this Life September S'^ 1795 aged iS Years ■262 [Same Lot.] In Memory of M"^ William Cutler who died Aug-'' 3'^ A. D. 1765 in y" 2-''^' Year of His Age 264 [Cypress A v.. Lot 24.] Mary Daggett, Died Oct. 5, 1798, .E. 2^ y' 265 [Maple Av., Lot 25.] IN Memory of JACOB DAGGETT who died Feb-"' 6 AD. 1796 in the 48 year of his age. 263 [Maple Av., Lot 2S-] IN memor\- of 6 children of Henr}- & Elizabeth Daggett, inter'd in the public square* Viz Elizabeth, i. died Nov. 19. 1772. ^E. 36 days. Rebecca. Dec. 16. 1773. -£. 47 d's. Elihu May 17. 1775. -E. 16 d's Henry, i Jan. 21. 1777. jE. 93 d's. Elizbeth, 2. June I. 1778. ^E. 72 d's. Henry, 2. Feb. 3. 17S4. Jl. 22 d's Suffer little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of [Heaven 266 [Cvp?-ess A v.. Lot 26.] Rev. Naphtali Daggett D.D. Born at Attleborough, Mass. Sept. 8, 1727 Died in New Haven, Nov. 25. 1780. Pastor of the Church at Smithtown. L. I. 1751 to 1755, Professor of Divinity in Yale College 1755 to his death. President 1766 to 1777 267 [Same Lot.] In Memory of Mrs SARAH DAGGETT, Confort of the Rev^ President NAPHTALI DAGGETT who departed this Life March 25''' 1772 in the 44''' Year of her Age leaving her Hufband & feven fmall ^*' Born Apr. 6. 1777. "-*- Son of Jonathan (No. 257). ■^ Ch. of Henry, son of Elihu and Rebecca (Stanlej-), of Attleboro, Mass., b. Apr. 9, 1741, grad. Yale Coll. 1771, d. Sept. 24, 1S30; and of Elizabeth, dau. of Benj. and Rebecca (Minot) Prescott, b. Dec. i, 1752, d. May 11, 1813. ■-" Dau. of Henry, son of Pres. N. Daggett, b. Feb. 27, 175S, grad. Y. C. 1775. d. July 20, 1843; he m., July 7. 17S4, Anna, dau. of Stephen Ball (No. 103), b. March 28, 1764, d. Jan. 30, 1844. -** Son of Ebenezer and Mary; m. Sarah, dau. of Richard Smith, of Smith- town. 34 ;)i(i INSCHIPTIONS OX TOMBSTONES IX X"EW HAVEN. Children behind her. Her Cliaracter is drawn in Prov. XXXI. lo. ii, &c Youth finiies and glows in Prospects [bright Mid Life is doom'd to Care and Toil Old Age the lonly Eve of Night Ouick Death writes Vanitv on all is erected by her husband James Dana D,D. 26^ in'es/ IVa/L] Samuel Eldest Son of Mr. Philip, & Mrs. Beede Daggett born Augufi 24"' 1768 and died September 13"' 1772. Bright fhin'tl his Sun, but foon Eclips'd 269 [Crypt.] M KATHARINE DANA died August 28" 1795 ^tats LXVII. Discreet frugal and hospitable compassionate and liberal her character received additional lustre from unaffected piety resignation in affliction and faith in her Redeemer. This Memorial of a most affectionate wife 270 {^Liiiden A v.. Lot 2.] CATHERINE DANA Wife of Rev'd James Dana Died Aug. 28. 1795, M. 67. ABIGAIL DANA his 2'' wife Died Mar. 17. 1798, .E. 61. MARY DANA his 3' wife Died Dec. 21. 1S31, /E. 91. 271 [West IVail.] In Memor}' of Mrs Sarah Wife of Mr. John DanieLfon Who died Feb'' iSth 1775 in her 39"' Year 272 [JVest IVall.] In Memory of three Children of John & Sarah Danielson Martha died March S"' 1766 aged 2 Months & 6 Days Susanna died Novem'' ig"' 1773 aged i Year 9 Months & 13 Days & Daniel an Infant ■J68 Philip^ bro. of Pres. Daggett, b. Sept. 11, 1739, d- Dec. 13, 17S3, in North Haven. *"■' Dau. of Rev. S.imuel and Sarah (Chauncey) Whiitelsev, of Wallingford; b. Dec. 26, 1728 ; m., May 8, 1759, James, son of Caleb and Phebe (Chandler), of Brighton, Mass., b. May 10, 1735. grad. Harv. Coll. 1753, ordained at Wall- ingford, Oct. II, 1758, installed over ist Church, New Haven, Apr. 29, 1789, d. Aug. 18, 1812. '^''' Abigail, dau. of Dr. Ezekiel Porter, m., Aug. i, 1753, Thos. Belden, of Weihersfield, who was b. Aug. g, 1732, and d. May 22, 17S2; she m. Dr. Dana, Oct. 10, 1796; he next married, Sept. 14, 1798, Mrs. Mary Rice, wid. of No. 738. "' Dau. of Moses and Ann Marv Mansfield (No. 544); b. July 7, 1736; m. 1758. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEU^ HAVEN. 511 2T3 YMaplc Az:, Lot 47.] who died Nov'" 30"' 1789 JEXiM 70 To the Memory of Mr A Gentlem.Tii of firong mental powers Samuel Darling well improved with fcience&; literature who died April attached to the ftudy of philosophy 29"' 1760 in the habituated to contemplation & reading 65th Year of his in moral reafoning. Age of deep penelialioii & found jiidge- [ment 274 iSaine Zc/.] refpe.cted for modefty and candor benignity and felfcommand Memento M" in his intercourfe with mankind. Sufanna Late honeft and benevolent Confort of M' amiable in all the relations of social Samuel Darling [life died March 10"' and filled a variety of public offices 1758 : Aged 79 with fidelity and dignity of eminent abilities as a ftatesman & [judge an early profefsor of Chriftianity 275 \^Savie Lot.^ In Memory of Charles Chauncy its fteady (riend ornament & defender with a rational & firm faith in his God Son of M' Samuel & M'-^ Clarinda Darling Died July 24 AD. 1795 ths & Saviour he knew no other mafter a friend of order civil & religious of peace and vertue of literature and mankind JE. 4 Years 10 nion 276 \_Sai/ie Lo/.] 27§ {Same Lot:] M- James Noyes Son of M'' Samuel & M'" Clarinda Darling Died Sep* 19"' 1794 JE. II months S days AiiiGAii. Darling died July 19 1797 in the 74"' year of her age Religion was her early choice She ever adorned it by Faith, humility and charity 277 [A/afk A v.. Lot 45.] a careful obferver of providence In She made Gods will her own Memory of and was fiudious to fpread Thomas Darling Efq and tranfmit a favor of religion '''^Removed hither from Newport, about 1722; wid. Zerviah d., Fairfield, June 2, 1790, aged 80. -■'^Samuel, son of Thomas (No. 277), b. Jan. 30, 1751, grad. Yale Coll. 1769, m., Dec. 22, 1779, Clarinda, dau. of Rev. Richard and Jerusha (Sheldon) Ely, of North Madison, Conn., d. Jan. 15, 1842. '■^"^ Son of Samuel (No. 273); b. Feb. 21, 1719-20; grad. Yale Coll. 1740; m., July 23, 1745, Abigail Noyes. '^^* Dau. of Rev. Joseph Noyes (No. 648); b. March 20, 1723-4. 512 IXSCRIPTIOXS ON TOMBSTONES IX NEW HAVEN. She died Looking for the blefsed hope and glorious appearance of Jefus Christ Her children rife up and call her Blefsed 279 2§0 In Memory of Mifs Dorothy the daughter of M" Thomas & M""" Abkiail Darling who died July 21)"'^ A. Dotn 1793 in the 36"' Year of her age Thofe that fleep in Jefus will God bring with him [Si!//ie Lol.^ M" Susanna Daughter of M'' Tho' & M"" Abigail Darling with pleafing Hope departed this Life on y"^ 23'^ of June 1764 in y* 16"' Year'of her Age Since Vertue's Recompence is doubtfull here Death turns the Scale in favour of the |ust 2§1 [Crypt.] Here lyeth the Body of Mrs Abigail Davenport Relict of Rev Mr. John Davenport who dyed July y 20-'' 1717 Aged 74 Years. 2§2 [ On tral A v.. Lot 2 5 .] In Memory of M"^ Thomas Davis who departed this Life November 15''' 1798 in the 70"= Year of his age he died in a ftrong faith and belief in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Chrift and of the Refur rection to Eternal Life The man that makes the Lord his trust Shall Rife in Glory from the Duft 2§3 \Same Lot.] In Memory of Nancy Davis who died May 19"' 17S3 in the 5 Year of her age alfo Mifs Thilendea Davis who departed this Life October 24"' 1785 in the 21 Year of her age alfo Mifs Lois Davis who died March 10"' 1788 in the 29"^ Year of her age 2§4 [.Vap/e At'., Lot 44.] Here refts the mortal part of M' ZiNA Denison who while living endeared him felf as the Tender affectionate Hufband & Father the ufeful hon eft Citizen the difinterefted friend & the unaffected Chris tian & who by the will of God exchanged this life for a better on the rs'*^ of March 1789 -" Born Feb. 15, 1757. '-*" Born Nov. 27, 174S. ■^*' Dau. of Rev. Abraham Pierson, of Branford, and elder sister of Rector Pierson; m., Nov. 27, 1663, son of Rev. John, the founder of New Haven; he d. March 21, 1686. ■283 Daus. of Thomas (No. 2S2): the second name may be Florinda. -^Married, May 2, 1774, Martha Austin, who survived him; he d. 1790, not 1789. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 513 & in the 40"' Year of his Age Mark the perfect Man cS: behold the up right for the End of that Man is peace 2$5 [IP'esl ira/i.] HERE LIES Y' BODY OF LIEVT ABRAM DICKERMAN WHO DIED NOVEM' iti>: 1711 AGED 77 YEARS Mrs Mary Scott, She was the mother of two children She died March 6. 1798- aged 28 years She lived beloved And died lamented 289 2§6 [J rest IVa//.] .. M^ MARY DICKERMAN - AGED 66 DECEASED JANVARY- Y' -4"' noi [I Fes/ //«//.] Elisabeth dickerman 1767 agy [Jl'est ira/L] AQibil y<= Son of En'' Abraham Dickerman died May 31^' 1739 Aged 4"' Year 2§§ [Liin/cn Av., Lot 12.] In memory of Mrs anna DICKERMAN the amiable wife of Mr. Elifha Dickerman and daughter of Mr. William and 290 [Central Av., Lot ig.] IN Memory of Mrs HANNAH DICKERMAN wife of • Mr. Isaac Dickerman who died Aug. 28 1811 in the 52 year of her age Also two children Eunice died June 28. 1794 . M 10. John died Aug. 7- i8o3 j¥^. I day 291 \lVest Wall.} In Memory of HUBKART DICKERMAN Son of Jofeph & Lucy Dickerman who De parted this Life Au guft 2r' 1796 in 'lis I9''> Year of his age 514 INSCRIPTION8 ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 292 [iVes/ Wall.] Stephen Son of M'' Stephen &: M''* EvNiCE DlCKERMAN died July i8"' 1755 Aged 29:{ [Jlfsi H'a/L\ In Memory of M'" Sarah Diodate Relict of M'' William Diodate who departed this Life the 25"' April 1764 In the 75 Year of her Age 29-1 [Rc-ar of Ccii/f> Church. ^ I. D. ESOR DECEASED MARCH Y' i8''' IN y 82' YEAR OF HIS AGE 1688^ 295 [ West Wall.] Mary Daughter of M'- Isaac & M'* Sarah Doolittle died Auguft 296 YHolly A v.. Lot 17.] In Memory of two Children of David & Mabel Dorman Sally 1"' who died October 17"^ 1791 aged 7 Months & 7 Days Sally 2 who died July si'*' 1795 aged 2 Years & 8 Months Their fhort liv'd blooming innocence Snatch'd in a fatal moment hence With meek fubmifsion we bemoan Gone from our arms, to Jefus gone 297 [ll'esl Wall] HERE LYETH Y' BODY OF EDMUND DORMAND WHO DIED MAY THE i^' 1711 AGED 75 YEARS 298 [Cypn-ss Av., Lot 2.] Sacred to the Memory of Benjamin Douglas Efq' Barrilter at Law & Kings Attorney For the Countj' of Newhaven A Gentleman of the firft Character For genuine Politenefs, unbounded [Hospitality Extensive Charity, and true Chriftian Benevolence : -'- Son of Stephen and Eunice (Tuttle); b. July 26, 1753. -'* Dau. of John Dunbar; m. Feb. 16, 1720-21 ; her husband d. 1751. ^°* John Dixwell, son of Edward and Mary (Hawkesworth), of Coton, War- wickirhire, and later of Folkestone, in Kent, England: one of the Regicide Judges; settled here in 1665 under the name of James Davids; m., Nov. 3, 1673, Joanna, wid. of Benj. Ling, who d. soon; nex't m., Oct. 23, 1677, Bath- sheba, dau. of Jeremy How, b. May 15, 1648, d. at Middletown, Dec. 27, 1729. Near this stone stands a monument erected in 1849 to Dixwell's memory by his descendants, with appropriate inscriptions. -'= Born March 12, 1752; d. Aug. 6, 1760. '2^' Married, Dec. 25, 1662, Hannah, dau. of Richard Hull, bapt. Feb. 20, 1641; next m., Sept. 19, 1700, Elizabeth, prob. wid. of Benj. Bunnell. '•'^^ Son of John and Olive (Spalding), of Plainfield, Conn.; b. Aug. 29, 1739; grad. Yale Coll. 1760; m., 1763, Rebecca, dau. of Rev. Joseph and Rebecca (Peabody) Fish, of North Stonington, who d. 1766, aged 27; next m., 1768, Elizabeth Smith, of Brookhaven, L. I., vvlio next m. Philetus Smith, of L. I., and d. March i, 1823. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 515 A Lawyer, Who with eminent Abilities in his [Profeffion, Preferved the moft inviolate Repiita- [tion, For Integrity and Veracity And a Scorn of all the Chicanery of the Bar ; A firm Friend to the Liberties of his [Country, Whofe true Interefts he invariably [purfued Without fuffering himfelf to be drawn [alide By the Allurements of Intereft, Or the Love of Popularity. To countenance the deftructive Meaf- [ures Of Minifterial Oppreffion on the one [hand Or Mifguided Anarchy on the other. He died December 3''. AD. 1775 In the 36 Year of his Age. Go Reader, And in the ihort Space of Life allotted [thee Attend to his Example And Imitate his Virtues 299 S^MapIe Av., Lot ^,1?^ JOSEPH DRAKE the Son of JOSEPH & PHEBE DRAKE died, July 16, 1794, Aged 27 Years. 300 {^West H'a/L] Abigail Daugb* of M"" Abraham & M" Lucy Dummer Died April I5"> AD 1794 JE 18 months :JOI [Cf/>irss A v., Lo/ 21).] IN Memory of HENRY WELLS son of Ab'm & Lucy Dummer died Aug. 24. 1813 JE g y. "j m Also of 2 Children of A & L Dummer who were inter'd in the old burying ground. . Harriet, died June 6. 1795 vE. 4 y. 9 m. Abigail died Ap. 15 1794 AL. 18 m 302 [Sawc- L<'/.] IN Memory of Mr. NATHAN DUMMER who died Sept. 21. 18 13. .L. S3. TRYPHENA his wife died Aug. 1769. .L. 37. And inter'd in the old yard. 303 [Crprss Av., Lot 27.] Nathan Son of Cap* Stephen & Mrs. Eunice Dumm'*' Died Aug. 9"' 1787 JE 3 Years 3 mouths you Vain World farewell to ir Heaven is my native ae I bid my friends a fhort adieu Impatient to be there 30'^ Tryphena, dau. of Stephen Austin (No. 89), b. May 10, 1733, m. Oct. 24, 1754; his wid. Esther d. Sept. i, 1802, ?et. 68. ^* Stephen m. Eunice Cook, June 14, 1780; Nathan b. Mav 16, 1784. 516 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. :{04 [Sawe Lo/.] Phineas Cook Son of Cap' Stephen & M"'* Eunice Dummer Died Sep* 20"^ 1794 JE 2 Years 6 month Then let us not as without Hope Complain Since the loss is ours his is the gain 3©5 {Srh'an Av., Lot 40.] In Memory of Mr timothy DWIGHT who died Feb> 24"'. 1798 ^'E. 53 Alfo his fon Mr. timothy DWIGHT who died Nov'. 4*''. 1795 in the 19 year of his age Are come your honored son & daugh- [ter Jones On each hand to repose their weary [bones W'" JONES Esq'- D. Gov^ dec' Oct. 17, 1706. .Etat 82 HANNAH JONES daughter of Gov' Eaton dec' May 4, 1707, ^Etat. 74. 307 M 306 [Lijtdeii Av., Lot 3.] THEOPHILUS EATON. Esq' Gov dec^' Jan>' 7, 1657, .Etat. 67. EATON so faimed, so wise, so meek, [so just The phoenix of our world here hides [his dust This name forget N England never [must T'attend you sir under these framed' [stones [Crypt.-\ In Memory of M'^ MARY EDWARDS The amiable & excellent consort of the Rev. JONATHAN EDWARDS & daughter of y Hon'' ELEAZAR PORTER of HADLEY who riding out in a carriage -was accidentally drowned 30S [JVest Wa//.] In Memory of M''* Susanna Eells the Wife of M'' Joseph Eells who Departed this Life Sep. ^^ Timothy, Sr., son of John and Sibyl (Hamlin), of Thompson, Conn.; bapt. Dec. 2, 1744; a farmer. North Haven; 2d cousin of Pres. D's father. ™* Gov. Eaton, son of Rev. Richard (B.A. Lincoln Coll., Oxford, 15S6) and Elizabeth, of Coventry, Warwickshire, and later of Great Budworth, Cheshire, England; Hannah, his dau. by 2d wf. Anne (dau. of Bp. George Lloyd, of Sodor and Man, and of Chesfer?), bapt. at St. Stephen's, Coleman st., London, Oct. 6, 1632, m., Julv 4, 1659, Wm., son of David and Jane Jones, bapt. at St. Martin's in the Fields, London, March 20, 1624. The stone is modern, with copy of an old inscription. ^^'' Dau. of Eleazer and Sarah (Pitkin); b., at Hartford, Sept. 6, 1748; m., Oct. 4, 1770, the younger President Edwards, b. May 26, 1748, d. Aug. i, iSoi; she was drowned June 24, 1782, while sitting alone in a chaise, the horse plunging into a mill-pond. He ne.xt m., Dec. 18, 1783, Mercy, dau. of Hezekiah Sabin (No. 749), b. July 29, 1758. ^"^ Dau. of John and Phebe (Munson) Brown; bapt. March 30, 1746; m. July 28, 1772; d. of yellow fever. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 517 tember 30"' 1794 in tlic 4g*'' Year of her age The fweet remembrance of the juft Shall flourifh when She fleeps in Duft 309 [Ldu/r/ .4z:, Lot 72.] Sacred to the Memory of M'* Amy Eld Confort of M'' Richard ELD who departed this Life in hope of a better on the 27 of A'"' AD 1785 Aged 34 310 {^Central Av., Lot 26.] BENJAMLN ENGLISH died 5, July 1779, aged 74. He was stabcd, by a British sold- ier, when sitting in his own hou's Mrs. SARAH ENGLISH, wife of Mr. BENJAMIN ENGLISH; died 29, July 1769, aged 53 years. Distinguistied among her sex, for understanding piety, and usefulness & her children rise up & call her blessed: Husband also and all that knew her spake in her praise who died April 19 AD 1809 ^E. 67 Also his wife Mrs. ABIGAIL ENGLISH who died Oct'' 24 AD 1794 ^45 312 \Cypress Av., Lot 34.] In Memory of Jonathan Fitch Efq"" who died 1793 Sepf 22'"^ yEt 67 He was the affectionate hufband & parent good neighbor and citizen a gentleman efteemed benevolence and hofpitality charity to the poor and ftrict integrity in various public offices. The fweet remembrance of the Juft Shall flourifh when he fleeps in duft 313 311 \^Same Lot.] IN Memory of Capt. BENJAMIN ENGLISH [Same Lot.] This Stone is Erected, In Memory of M'* S.\RAH Fitch Late amiable Confort of J()NATHAN Fitch, Efq' who departed this Life Agu'' 19''' A.D. 1765 Aged 35 Years Blefsed are the Dead who die in the Lord that thev may rest from ""'■' He next m. Esther, who d. Oct., 1795, aged 49. ^^'^ Son of Benj. and Rebekah (Browne); b. Oct. 8, 1705; m., Sept. 25, 1735, Sarah, dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth (Todd) Dayton, b. July 16, 1716. 3" Son of No. 310; b. Dec. 16, 1742; m., Nov. 17, 1768, Abigail, dau. of Isaac and Sarah Doolittle, b. Oct. 3, 1749; she d. of yellow fever. 3'- Son of Gov. Thomas (Yale Coll. 1721) and Hannah (Hall, dau. of No. 375). of Norwalk, Conn.; b. Apr. 12, 1727; grad. Yale Coll. 1748; steward Y. C., 1752-71. and 1772-78; m., Sept. i, 1751, Sarah Saltonstall : next m., Mav 15. 1766. Elizabeth Mary Mix, dau. of No. 608, who d. iSio, aged 63. ^'* Dau. of Capt. Roswell and Mary Saltonstall (No. 239). 518 INSCRIPTIONS ON 'J'OMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 314 315 310 317 [H^c'si JValL] the Body of Sarah Daughter to M'' Jonathan and M'* Sarah Fitch who Departed this Life May y" sr' A : D 1759 aged [ IVesl I Vail.] Mary y'' Daughter of M' Jonathan & M''^ Sarah Fitch who Departed this Life May 20"' A : D 1764 Aged 10 Weeks {Cypress Av., Lot 34.] Here lies Inter'' y" Body of Sarah Elisai!eth Fitch Daughter of M"^ Jonathan & M" Sarah Fitch died June 30"' A : D 1764 Aged 4 years \^Sa}iie Lot.\ Jonathan Son of M'- Jonathan & M" Sarah Fitch, died Aug. Q'h A.D 1765 Aged I Day 31§ 319 320 321 \^Saiiie Lol.] Samuel Mix Son of M"- Jonathan & M''* Elisabeth Mary Fitch died Sepf 27"' T767 Aged 3 weeks [.Stiwc Lot.] Samuel Mix Son of M'' Jonathan & M'" Elisabeth Mary Fitch died Octo'" i6'i' A.D 1768 Aged 4 weeks & 2 Days [Sar//e Lot.] Here lies inter'd the Body of Thomas Fitch Son of Mr. Jonathan & M'* Sarah Fitch who died Auguft 6"' 1769 Aged 7 Years & 6 Months [Same Lot.] In Memory of Jonathan, Son 10 Mr. Jona- -than & Mrs Elisa- -beth Mary Fitch, who died Feb'ry 2'' 1773 aged 3 Years & 3 Months 3''' Born June 22, 1758. *" Born Aug. g, 1760. ^'^^ Born Feb. 13, 1762. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 510 322 [Same LoL] Here lie interred the remains of Mifs Elizabeth Fitch daiigliter of Col' Jonathan and M''^ Elizabeth Fitch who died September i6*'' 1795 in the 20''' Year of her age How changed the fceiie from lifes [meridian bloom Where Hope fat fmiling to the filent [Tomb How changed that form where each [foft charm combined Of focial Virtue to adorn the mind Thy worth fweet Maid to Annals [proud unknown And fketched but faintly on this [fculptured ftone, Within each fond each faithful [bofoms shrine Where friendship true and kindred [love combine Engraved fhall laft till the fond heart [fhall ceafe To beat, and point to brighter worlds [of peace 323 lilies/ Wall.'] In Memory of Bethiah Wife of Luther Fitch &: Daughter of Zachariah & Bethiah Howes of Windham who Departed this Life January 16"^ 1792 ^Et 30 Years 324 [Lii!il<-n Jr., Lot 7.] Sacred to the memory of €apt NATHANIEL FITCH who departed this life Oct'- 29'!" AD. 1798 : '^- 53- 325 VCrypt:\ In Memory of M MARY FORBES Wife of M ELIJAH FORBES who departed this Life Sept. 20"' 1784 in the 33' Year of 326 \_Central Av., Lcyl 31.] In Memory of M'* Lucy Forbes Relict of M' Jofeph Forbes who departed this Life Auguft 10''' 1797 in the 90 Year of her age 327 [Linden Av., Lot 18.] Martha the Daugh"- of M"- Caleb & M" Martha Fokd died Feb'--^' 14"' 1773 Aged I.... 32S [Sa»ie Lot.] In Memory of Two Children of M'' Caleb &; Martha Ford John Ford Died Janr>' 27"' AD 1777 Aged 3 Years, Saly Ford Died APr' 7"' 1783 Aged 2 Years The Old the young they all muft Die as well as we in Duft to lye 3--' Bapt. Aug. 25, 1776. ^'^^ He next m., Sept. 28, 1792, Lydia Beecher. 3*'5 He next m., Sept. 4, 1785, Eunice Chester, who d. .May 27, 1S12, a;t. 63; he d. Jan. 12, 1S14, set. 74. :'..'6 •• Formerly of Hartford." ^'' Caleb Ford m. Martha Thompson. 520 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 329 {Linden Av., Lot 12.] In Memory of Henrietta Daughter of M'- Ezra & M" Nancy Ford who departed this Life June 28"' 1794 Aged 2 Years i Month & 13 days Sleep lovely Babe And take your reft God call'd you home Because he thought it best 333 330 331 332 {IVest IVall.^ In Memory of M' Mathew Ford who died Oct'" 7<'' 1 75 1 Aged 76 Years M"* Elizabeth Late Wife of M- Matthew Ford died Oct'^'' 9"^ 1 75 1 Aged 74 Years [IVest IFall.'] Martin Son of M'- Timothy & M'- Mary Ford died Oct*"' 9"' 1748 Aged 12 Years {West Wa//.] Timothy Son of M'- Timothy & M''* Mary Ford died August 27"' 1751 Aged 12 Years 334 {JTest IValL] Timothy Son of M'' Timothy & M" Mary Ford died Dec'"' I'' 1754 Aged I Yeat 335 [Crypt.-] INTER'D HERE LIETH Y' BODY OF M' SAM' GASKEL OF MANCHESTER OF LANCASHIRE IN ENG- LAND WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE DEC. 22' 1706 ^TATIS SUE 56. 336 {Crypt.-] Here lies the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskel Relict of Mr. Samuel Gaskel who died Nov 11"' 1736 Aged about 85 Years 330 Son of Matthew and Mary (Brooks); b. Oct. 31, 1675. 33- Born Feb. 24, 1736-7. ^^'^ Born Jan. 21, 1739-40. 33fi Dau. of John Sherman, of Wateriown, M; INSCIRIPTIONS ON TO:V[BSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 521 337 In Memory of HENRY GIBB Native of North Britain who departed this Life the lo"' Sep" 17S9 Aged 44 Years 33§ [IVes/ Wall.'] 16S4 TIMOTHY GIBARD DECEASED IN MARCH TH' 2i.t Y" 30 YEAR OF HIS AGE WITH 2 OF HIS CHILDREN ANN 14 -... Y' OTHER Y" 4 OF .... 1683- 339 [IVc-st IValL] Here Lies y'" Body of M'- Aaron Guilber' died Sep'"' y" 28*'' 1747 Aged 32 Years 340 [Linden A v., Lot 29.] In Memory of Mr David Gilbert who Departed this Life 8"' Decern 1769 In the 76"' Year of his Age The Memory of the Just is Blelfed 341 M 342 343 [Same Lof.] Here Lyes the Body of M''* EXPERIENCK Wife of DAVID GILBERT who died Sept 14"' 1748 Aged 49 Years [Same Lot^ In Memory of M" Mary Gilbert the Wife of M'' David Gilbert who died Auguft 18"' AD 1783 in the 77"' Year of her Age [Jresi Wall.} Jabez Son of Mr. David & Mrs Elizabeth Gil- bart| died July i6th 1769 Aged i Year & 10 Months 344 [LAnden Av., Lot 50.] In Memory of Israel Son of M"" Elisha & M" Sarah Gilbert who died of the Small Pox **' Left wid. Rebecca. ^^* Son of Secretary Wm. and Ann (Tapp); b. Oct. 2, 1655. ^^' Son of John (who d. 1741); b. Feb. 17, 1714; m., June 7, Lines, who survived him. ^^ Dau. of David Perkins; b. Dec. 5, 1699; m. May 28, 1724. ^^ Son of David, Jr.; b. Sept. 15, 1767. 173S, Rachel 5i>2 IXSCRIPTIOXS OX TOMBSTOXES IX XEW HAVEN". 345 [l-Fest //a//.] In Memory of M"^ Hezekiah Gilbert who was educated at Yale College Where he graduated 1783 An early Death terminated His Studies & Literar)- Purfuits and called him into Eternity Oct"' 10''' 17S5 ^Etat 23. Dies atra abftulit ilium & funere merfit acebbo Alfo in Memorj- of his Brother M'' John Gilbert who died in Captivity on board a Prifon Ship in New 3'ork January' ag'** 1783 .Etat 25 34S [Sa>/te Lot.] In Memor)^ of Mary the Daughter of Deacon James & M"' Eunice Gil BERT who died O'" 20''' 1758 aged I Year & 8 Months alfo of their Daughter Rebecca who died Sep"" 6''' 1776 aged 2 Years & 7 Months Suffer little children to come unto me for of inch is the Kingdom of Heaven 349 346 [IVesi IValL] HERE LIETH THE BODY OF JAMES GILBURT WHO DIED SEPT-^ 14' A :D 1727 AGED ABOUT 27 YEARS [LinddH Az\, Lot 50.] In Memory of M"" Joel Gilbert who departed this Life Nov-- 3'i AD 1786 in the 53 Year of his Age the Bleffed are the Dead who die in Lord they cease from their Labour & their works follow them 347 \_Linden A v., Lot 29.] Sacred to the memor}^ of Deacon James Gilbert who departed this Life Dec"- 11"' AD 1798 in the 71^' Year of his age. He Suftained the oflBce of Deacon with fidelity a number of Years in Fair Haven Church An Kraelite in- deed whole confcience & whofe God approves, needs no panegyric A Soul prepared needs no Delays The Summons Come the Saint Obeys Swift was his flight and (hort the road He clofed his Eyes and faw his God The flefh refts here till Jesus Come And claims his Treasure from the [Tomb 350 \Same Lot^ Israel Son of Mr. Joel and Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert died Auguft 18''' 1774, in his 14''' Year 354 \_Saiue Lol^ Elizabeth Daughter of Mr Joel & Mrs Elizabeth Gilbert died Auguft 20"" 1774 ^^ Sons of David, Jr. *"* Son of Thomas (No. 35S1; b. Sept. iS, 1700. 2*" Son of David and Experience (Nos. 340, 341); b. Sept. 12, 1727; Deacon, 1773-97; d. 1797, not 1798; wid. Eunice d. March 20, 1S15, aged 76. ^*^ Bapt. lulv 14. 1734; n-.., July 12, 1756, Elizabeth Bradley. ^» Born Sept. 20, 1760. ' ^^ Born Feb. 2, 176S. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IX NKW IIAVKX. 523 S52 [lVes( ll'a/l.] MARY WIFE OF Mr JOHN GILBRT DIED APRIL 14 1712 AGED 36 YEARS 1783 Aged 66 Years Her first husband was M' John Ali.ing ;{i><» [Cciitei Church tablets ^^ SACKET GILBERT died Dec. 27, 17S7, .E 33 3.5:1 ^West ICa//.] lOHN SON OF M> lOHN GILBERT DIED IVLY 8 1713 AGED 20 YEARS 354 \A'ear of Cnitcr Church.'] 80 M G 355 {West Wall.'] In Memory of M'* Abiah Wife of Matthew Gilbar'' who Died May 15'' 357 {Wist Wall.] Elizabeth wife of M'' Stephen Gilbert Dec'd Sept'ry*^ I7»'' 1738 1 Aged 31 Years & Abel Son S of Stephen and Elize- beth Gilbert Dec'd Ocf ye 20"' 1738 Aged 13 years alfo Stephen Gilbert Son of &c. Dec'd Sept'r y 12 1738 Aged 6 Years 35§ [West Wall.] THOMAS GILBERT DIED DECEM' 23 : 1711 AGED 39 YEARS *^' Dau. of Joseph and Mary (Yale) Ives; b. March 17, 1675-6; m. Jan. 21, 1691-2; he next m., Nov. 27, 1712, Abigail, b. Jan. 1674, wid. of Ebenezer Atwater, and dau. of James Heaton (No. 3S8). ^^^ Son of John and Mary (No. 352); b. Oct. 9, 1692. .•!54 Probably the gravestone of Matthew Gilbert, one of the original seven pil- lars of the N. H. Church, Dep. Gov. (1661-63) of the Colony; his will is dated Jan. 14, 1679-80, and inventory (after his death) July 6, 1680. The resem- blance of the "M" in the inscription to a reversed "\V" has led to a conjec- ture that the regicide William GofFe lies buried here. 355 Bv birth Hitchcock; bapt. July S, 1716; first husb.. No. 18; ne.\t m.. Julv 18, 1781, M. Gilbert. 35" Son of Matthew and Ruth; bapt. Aug. 10, 1755; lived in Hamden; m., Dec. 19, 17S1, Wid, Sybil Heaton, by birih Ptinderson, who survived him. No gravestone is found, but the above inscription implies that one was in the crypt, when the Center Church was bu It. 35^ Dau. of John Sherman; b. Jan. 25, 1707-8; m. June 26, 1729; Abel, b. Aug. 27, 1737; Stephen, b. Nov. 7, 1732. 358 Son of John and Sarah (Gregson), and grandson of No. 354; b. Aug. 14, 1673; m., March 31, 1698. Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Ailing) Peck, b. Sept. II, 1673; sh,e survived him. 524 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 359 \ Linden A v.. Lot 24.] In Memorj^ of M'' Elias Gill Son of Cap' Samuel & Mrs Abigail Gill who died Auguft 12"' 1794 Aged 20 Ye living men the tomb furvey Where you muft quickly dwell Hark how the awful fuiiimons sounds In ev'rv funeral knell 362 [IVcsi JValL] In Memory of M'- SARAH GORHAM Wife of M' ISAAC GORHAM She was peculiarly beloved in Life and at death universally 363 360 [Linden Av., Lot 21.] In Memory of M" Abigal Gorham the amiable Confort of M"' Hezekiah Gorham who departed this Life for a Far Better c. 21*" July 17-- aged 70 Years The fweet Remembrance.. Shall Flourifh while She fleeps. 361 [J rest IVall.] Mary Daughter of M"' Hezekiah & M" Abigail Gorham died Feb'> y i«^ 1754 Aged 9 Months & 4 Days [ IVest lVn//.'\ the amiable confort of M'' Ifaac Gorham who departed this Life June 15"' 1794 in the 27"' Year of her age. alfo John theire Son who died June 25"' 1794 aged 9 Months. 364 [IVest IVaH.] In Memor)- of James son of Samuel & Sarah Gorham Who Died 18"' June 1782 in the 4"" year of his Age 365 iSyhan Av.. Lot 8.] In Memory of three Children of Mj'' Benjamin & Polly Granniss. Benj.\min Granniss Died March 8''' 1783 aged 2 Months. the 2'^ Benjamin Granniss Died Auguft 26"' 1788 aged 4 Years George B. Granniss died Septemb' [6th 1798 in the 2' Year of his age 3^8 Bapt. March 26, 1775. 3*" Dau. of Capt. Isaac Dickerinan ; b. Aug. 4, 1728; m. Jan. 19, 1748-9; d. 179S; Hezekiah, bapt. Dec. 26, 1725, d. May, 1790. "®- Dau. of Isaac Atwater (No. 44); b. Sept. 21, 1746; m. Nov. 20, 1774. ^^" Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen and Elizabeth (Phipps) Brown ; b. Sept. 5, 1767; m. March 10, 1789; d. of yellow fever. ^^ Son of Samuel and Sarah (Lines), m. Dec. 8, 1776. 36S Ch. of Benj. and Polly (Wilcox). INSCRIPTIOXS OX TOMBSTONES FN NEW HAVEN. 02;) 366 [I'Ves/ 11 ■all.'] and obliging manners In Memory of exemplary piety of and benevolence ELIZABETH and ABIGAIL through a long life GREEN beloved and respected by all daughters of SAMUEL and ABIGAIL GREEN The memory of the Just is blessed. The former 370 died May 7"' 1794 ^Etat - 13. The latter VCrypl.-] July 6. 17S3 yEtat :" 4. In Memory of M KATHERINE 367 [I Vest H-a!L] Wife of M WILLIAM Charles Son of M' GREENOUGH Ne"man & M''* Mary who died Novem'" Greenlief Died Aug. 7 4" 1758 AD 1796 Aged 63 J'£. I Year 9 months A growing branch in morning flowr. Cut down and wither, d Years 371 [O;//.] in an Hour Dorcas Gree- nough Daugh- 36S [West ll'alL] ter of William In Memory of Greenough M'" Stephen Greenlief who Died Dec' 6 372 {Cry PL] AD 17S7 In ^E. 36 Years Memory of KATHERINE Daughter of M' 369 [Coft.'] In Memory of WILLIAM & M- WILLIAM GREENOUGH KATHARINE Esq' who died Aug ' 4, 1791 GREENOUGH JEtaX 90 who died Sept '^ He was a man 27"' 1758 of industry and integrity Aged 20 of inoffensive Years 2"'' Newman m. Mary Hull, Dec. 14, 1793. *®* "Late of Boston;" d. 17S5, not 1787. 369 Son of John and Elizabeth (Grosse), of Boston; b. July 5, 1701; m. Katherine ; next m. Abigail Cutler, wid. of Samuel Mi.x (xNo. 60S), who d. April, 1791, aged 90. •■*'' Born Oct. 11, 1730; d. Apr. 12, 1739. ■"'■ Born April 3, 173S. 35 526 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEAV HAVEN. 373 [JVcsl JVa//.] 377 LCn'//.] Stephen Atwater Gre M' ROTHERFORD gory fon of Mr Gilead HALL. BORN APRl Y'' & Mrs. Mary Gregory i9"> 1675. DECEASED M'y ii"> of North Stratford & Grandfon of Mrs Abi 1703 gail Atwater of New 378 [West Wall.] Haven, who died July HERE 6 1771 aged 7 Years LIES Y" BODY OF 374 [Jl-c's/ IVall.'] JOHN HANCOCK WHO DIED MARCH In Memory of 10: 1711 AGED 67 Ebenezer Ives Gregory Son of M'' Gilead & M''* Mary Gregory who departed this 379 YEARS [ West JFall.] Dea Wh Life Auguft 19"' 17S7 in the i8*'' Year of his Age. th is a Debt to Nature Due ich I have paid and So muft Mrs. Hannah Hand is here interred, Daughter of Mr, Benjamin & Mrs, Hannah Hand of you Middletown, who departed this Life 375 [U\'st n^aii.'] Nove'r 3'^ 1765 Here Lies y« Body of m% aged 31 Years Richard 3S0 [West JVall.] Hall Who died In Memory of Febr>' 3'' 172! M" Beulah Handy Aged 54 Years Confort of M"" Jarus Handy who departed this Life June 13"' 1798 in the 21=' 376 [West IVall.l Here Lies y* Body of M'-'' Hannah Wife of M'' Richard Hall Who died Augft i8"' 3§1 Year of her age alfo Betsey their Child who died July 12"' 1798 aged 10 Months [West Wall.] 1 741 Aged 60 I H T/ Years 1683 3''^ Grandson of Nos. 73, 74. "'^ Removed from Middletown about 1702. ^^^ Dau. of John and Mary (Alsop) Miles (No. 563); b. Aug. 20, 1681. ^" Son of Daniel and Mary (Rutherford). 2**' Prob. John Harriman, d. Nov. 21, 16S3; wf. Elizabeth d. Jan. 10, 1680-81. iNSCKIPTlOXS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 3§2 {Cedar Av., Lot ^i?^ H. S. E. Qui Ingenio et suavitate moruin Praecelliiit Stephanus Harris de Springfield Coll. Yal. Alunin. Parentibus et Sociis vixit Diilcissinius Obiit Mali 6'" A.D. 1754 Aetat. XIX'"" " Lorenzo, hast thou ever weighed a [sigh Or studied The Phiiosopliy of Tears " 3§3 {West //;///.] Sacred To the Memor\^ of William Henry Son of William & EuNis Harwooi) who departed this Life October 21"' 1766 aged I Year & 3 Months Happy Infant early bleft Reft in peaceful flumbers Reft Earl)' refcu'd from the cares That Increafe with gr owing 3ears 3§4 {Crypt :\ M. M. S. M- REBEKAH HAYS the amiable & virtuous consort of Capt. EZEKIEL HAYS & daughter of Col. JOHN RUSSEL late of Br'nford, departed this Life May 27'' the 51 ' year o'" Her children r her blessed. Her nu_ also praiseth her. 3§5 \Crypt.\ Sacred to the Memory of Miss Mary Daughter of Cap* EZEKIEL & M' REBECCA HAYS died August 30''' 1775 aged 14 years & 3 Months. Awake my muse, range the wide [world of souls And seek Maria fled, with upward [Aim Direct thy Wings; for She was [born From Heaven Fulfilled her Visit, and returned [on high. 3§6 {Syh'an Av., Lot 14.] M'^ MARY HAYES, wife of M'' Ezekiel Hayes Jun" died Mar. 21: 1799 /E. 43 & inter'd in the old yard & 5 children : Ezekiel, died June 3 -E. 13 y's. \ Rebecca died — 20 .E 14. )■ 1794 James R.died — ■ 28 ^E 5 mo^ ) Rebecca Rdied Sept 22 yE 2 mo* { Mary died — 23 yE 19 y's j" ' ''^^ ^^^ A Junior in College; the epitaph composed bj' Pres. (then Tutor) Stiles ; the quotation is from Young's Night Thoughts, V. ^^ Dau. of Jolm and Sarah (Trowbridge) Russel ; b. Feb. 6, 1723; m., Dec. 26, 1749, Ezekiel, son of Daniel and Sarah (Lee), b. in Granby, Conn., Nov. 21, 1724; great-grandparents of Pres. Hayes; Ezekiel next m.. May 5, 1774. Abigail, wid. of John Brown, and d. Oct. 17, 1807. ^^^ Born May 13, 1761. ^^^ Dau. of John and Marv (Tuttle) Hemingway, of East Haven; b. Sept. r, 1755; rn. Ezekiel, son of Ezekiel and Rebekah (No. 3S4), b. Feb. 19, 1753; he next m., June 22, iSoo, wid. Wealthy Barnes (v. No. 106). mSCRIPTIOXS ON TO.ArBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. UU'sl IValL] 'ERE H Y'' BODY OF NP JAMES HEATON WHO DIED OCTOB. 16 1712 Aged 79 YEARS 3S§ [West J J 'all.] In Memory of M''' Thankful Heaton Relict of M'' Nathanael Heaton of Hamden who died Januar\' i^*' 1787 in the Ss'i^ Year of her age 3§9 {West Wall.] Sarah Daughter of M' Nathanael & M" Phebe H EATON died Maj' 17"' 1750 Aged 20 Years 390 [litest Wall.] This Stone is erected to the Memor}- of Mary Ann Hendrict Wife of Harry Hendrict who depart ed this life March 2o"i 1795 Aged 50 391 [Cenlral Av., Lot?,.] IN Memory of Mr STEPHEN HERRICK who died Dec 31 1810 JE 67 Also his Son STEPHEN who died Sept 25 1794 M IQ 392 393 [ll'est Wall.] M' JOHN HEYNES DECEASED SEPTEM'^^ y 9"^ 1689 [Cc-dar Az'., Lot 52.] who died in New.. 14th 1796 Aged 20.. He was educated at., where he graduated.. A Young Gentleman., benevolence, amiable... manners greatly en to all his friends & acquaintance and by whom his Death is sincerely regretted 394 \West Wall.] In Memory of M"" Samuel Hicock of South Bury who died Auguft 29"' 1793 Aged 29 Years Boaft not thyfelf of tomorrow for thou knoweft not what a day may Bring forth Married Nov 20 1662. Sarah, dau. of Rev. Nicholas Street. He d. 1782. 3««Dau.of Nathaniel and Phebe (Cooper); b. Nov. iS, 1729 Stephen. Sr.. son of Stephen and Dorothy, of Southampton. L I ^ In memory of Benjamin Heyward, from Charleston, S. C, who grad ^sf n°'J- 7^-^' ^'^"^ ''^.?' '^'"^self on Commencement Day, Sept. 4, 1796 2^4 Died of the prevailing yellow fever. t^i. M. i-/yu. INSCBIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 529 395 {^Cenlral Av., Lot 25.] 397 iSame Lot.] In Memory of two children Mary Lucas of Amos & Jeriifha Hill the Infant Babe of John died March iS 1792 M'' James and M" JE. 9. months Sarah Hillhouse Emeline died Sept 7 iSoo died Nov'' 6"> 1779 Aged 3 Days J^ 12 months Peace to thy dufty Bed Fair lovely fleeping Clay ; There reft the Weary Head 396 S^Maple A v.. Lot 35.] 3 Sacred 98 [Crypt:] to the Memor}' of The Hon. M''^ Sarah Hillhouse who departed this Life Nov"' 9"! 1779 vEtat 26 JAMES A. HILLHOUSE died Oct. 3 1775 JE. 45. An amiable Difpofition Modeft good Sence an open, honeft, fympathizing Sacred to the Memory of Heart a fincere regard for the folemn James Abraham Hillhouse and important Truths of our holy Re- who died Oct. 3, 1775 ligion made all her Friend lament her Death with inexprefsible Grief How uncenain fhort and vain are our fondeft Also his wife Mary Lucas who died June 20, 1812 Aged 89 hopes of Sublunary Joy' When joined in Wedlock the appro- bation of Friends, and a mutual ten- G There is also a monument, in t 'ove Street Cemetery, with the fc le 1- der affection promifed the height of lowing inscription : conjugal Felicity [Afapk Av., Lot 33.] But alas! one 3'ear had not revolved, The Hon : before this lovely Fair was called (as James Abraham Hillhouse there is good grounds to believe and Died Ocf s'"^ 1775, hope) to happier Realms ; Aged 45, and was interred And to mourn the lofs of fuch distin- in the old burying Ground in guished merit was the unhappy lot of N. HAVEN, her bereaved Partner He was a real Chriftian James Hillhouse In his manners ^^* Dau. of John and Sarah Lloyd, of Stamford; b. July 2, 1753; m., Jan. i, 1779, James, son of Judge Wm. and Sarah (Griswold), nephew of No. 398, b. Montville, Conn., Oct. 20, 1754, grad. Yale Coll. 1773; he next m., Oct. 10, 1782, Rebecca, dau. of Melancthon T. Woolsey (No. 943), b. Aug. 12, 1755, d. Dec. 30, 1813; he d. Dec. 29, 1832. •'''* Son of Rev. James and Mary (Fitch), of Montville, Conn.; b. May 12, 1730; grad. Yale Coll. 1749; m. Mary, dau. of Augustus Lucas (No. 516). 530 INSCEIPTIOXS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. he was modeft and unaffuining much beloved by his friends and by the Poor ; and highly distinguifhed at the Bar and the Council Board for his Talents, and inflexible integrity 399 [ll'esi Il'a//.] In Memory of Deacon John Hitchcock Efq. who died Oct'"' the I4'i' 1753 Aged 68 years 400 [AW/Zi JFa//.] of Middletown who died here, while on a vifit of Friendship Sep''' 16"' 1784 jE. 48. Cutt down in the midit of life & ufefullnefs, Loved & efteem'd by all that knew her, & adds one Monitor to the many around her that in the midft of life we are in Death. 401 [Crv/>t.] M^ JOHN HODSHON DECEAS' IN THE 74"' YEAR OF HIS AGE IN OCTO'' Y- 14"' 1690 402 403 404 [IVesi Wall.'] M- SAMVEL HOD SHON- AGED 9 26 AVG"* 1673 [West IVall.} HERE LIETH THE BODY OF M' JOHN HUDSON WHO DESEASED NOU-' ¥>= 2^^ 1711 AGED 44 YEARS [irt'si Wall.] HERE LIES THE BODY OF MIS ELIZABETH HUDSON WHO DECEASED DECM'' Y- i"' A:D 1711 AGED 35 YEARS 405 [ West Wali:\ JOHN HODSON BORN : THE-6-DAY FEBRVARY : DESEA CED :IN : Y-: I : YEAR OF HIS ADG DECEMBER- Y» : 18 1693 3"^ Son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Moss), b. Jan, 28, 1685-6; Deacon of 1st Church, 1742-53. ^'*'' In memory of Sarah, wf. of Wensly Hobby, of Middletown, Conn.; the fontstone, inscribed M''* Sarah Hobby, is also on the north wall. ■^"*' Married. Sept. 2, 1651, Abigail, dau. of Nathaniel Turner, who d. 1693. ^''- Son of John and Abigail (Turner); b. Sept., 1664. This is the earliest original stone, with legible inscription, in the Grove Street Cemetery. *"" Son of John (No. 401); bapt.- Apr. 7, 1667; m. Elizabeth Trowbridge, Apr. I, 1691. 40'* Dau. of Thomas Trowbridge (No. 868); b. June 30, 1676, 405 Son of John (No. 403). INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 531 406 [IFesf iVall.'l HERE LIES THE BODY OF M'^ JOHN HVDSON JUN-- DECEASED FEB-- Y'' 14"^ 1721 AGED 27 YEARS 407 [West Wa/l.] To the Memory of Mifs NANCY HOLMES Daughter of Mr Eliphalet & Mrs Anne Holmes of Eaft Haddam Who deceafed Auguft 31-'*^ I795. in the 15"^ Year of her Age who died in N. Haven on the 8 of July 1S24. .-E. 87. Also of TAMER his wife who died at Montreal Lower Canada on the 11. Oct. 177S JE 30 Oh then we love decays we die in part Slings after stings is severed from the [heart 410 IJl'c'st ll'a//.] HERE LYES Y'' BODY OF ENSIGNE ELIEZER HOLT DIED JUNE Y" 24 1736 IN Y" 86i JANVARY 30 1680 **^ Son of John (No. 403); b. Feb. 3, 1694-5; died unmarried. ■*"■' The footstone is under Center Church. ^^ "He had resided in the Island of St. Crcix for several years, and on a decline of health was returning to his native country." ^'^ Son of VVm. and Sarah; b. Apr. 5, 1651; m., Nov. 5, 1674. Tabitha Thomas. ■*" Dau. of John and Tabiilia Thomas; i>. Dec. 18, 1653. ^'■^ Probably sister of No. 410. 582 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 113 In Mem or}' of Lieutenant Thomas Holtt who died March 13"' A:D 175S In His 82'' Year. 414 In Memory of Mr" Abigail Holt Relict of Mi- Thomas Holt who departed this Life March 5"> 177S in the 83'^ Year of her Age. 415 [Cedar A v., Lot 52.] H. S. E. Oiii Ingenio Amicitiis et Virtute Floruit Jacobus Hopkins Coll. Yal. Aiumn. Amicis Charus uixit Obiitq : Defletus Julii 14'" A.D. 1754*" u'Etat. 22''" Hope humbl\' then with trembling pinions Soar Wait the Great Teacher Death & God adore 416 [IVesi IVa/L] Samuel Elisha Naomi died Aug**' died Aug^' died Aug'' ye 6"' 175 1 ye J 2*'' 1744 y" 4 1751 Aged 8 Aged 4 Aged 13 Years Years Years All Children of M"" Samuel & M''* Sarah HORTON 417 Sarah Daughter of M' Samuel & M" Sarah HORTON died July 25"* 1751 Aged 4 41 § 419 [jves/ iraii:\ Timothy Son of M'- Samuel & M'"'^ Sarah Horton died Aug'* y" 7''' 1 75 1 Aged 2 years [IVest Wall.'] M" Mehitabel Late Wife of M'' Caleb Hotchkiss died Nov^" 30"' 1750 in Her 5gtii Year. ■"^ Son of Eliezer (No. 410); b. Nov. 4, 1676; m., May 9, 1722, Abigail Johnson. '"'* Dau. of John Johnson, Jr.; b. Sept. 28, 1695. *"^ Son of Timothy and Mary (Judd), of Waterbury, Conn.; b. June 26, 1732; elder bro. of Rev. Samuel, D.D., of Newport; at time of death a Fresh- man in College. ■"^ Samuel, b. July 26, 1743; Elisha, bapt. May 11, 1740; Naomi, b. Sept. 23, 1738. '*'■' Born Nov. 3, 1747. ■"** Born Dec. 26, 1749. ""' Dau. of Isaac Crittenden; m. Feb. 14, 1705-6. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 533 420 [IVesi WalL] MAHETEBEL HOTCHKIS DIED NOU'- Y" 1725 AGED 18 YEARS 421 [West lValir\ ELIFLET HOTCHKIS DIED MARCH Y<" 31 1726 AGED XI YEARS 422 [iVort/i Wall.] In Memorv of M'' Calek H0TCHK.ISS a reputable Citizen, and a man of Religion, who was flain by the enemy when they invefted and plundered the Town of New-Haven July the 5*"^ AD 1779 in the 68'^' Year of his age 423 M' [Ifest Wall.] In Memo.. Phebe Hotch-- Relict of M-- Caleb Hotchkifs who departed this Life Feb^y 19"' 1795 in the 81"' Year of her age. Blefsed are the dead who die in the Lord, 424 [Cypress Av., Lot 13.J In memory of Eleazer Hotchkiss, who died Oct. 30, 1S22: aged 65 years. Also two sons of Eleazer & Neomi Hotchkiss; Sherman, died Feb. 28, 1797 aged 10 months. An infant died Dec. II. 1800; aged 6 days. And art thou gone and shall we meet [no more Why hast thou fled to seek a kinder [shore A life so valued could not friendship [save Nor virtue claim exemption from the ^^^^^^^ [grave 425 [Cypress Av., Lot 9.] Mr HEZ'' hotchkiss Died of the Small Pox in N. York May 8»'' 1761 Mr CALEB HOTCHKISS died Ocr 27"^ 1785 ^.83 Also Mrs RUTH HOTCHKISS died May 2i** 1785 JE. Si. Mrs SARAH Wife of Mr HEZ'' HOTCHKISS died Sept. 3. 1753, M. 24. ■*-" Dau. of Caleb and Mehitabel (No. 419); b. Nov. 20, 1706. *'^' Son of Caleb and Mehitabel; b. June 28, 1714. ''^'- Son of Caleb and Mehitabel (No. 419); b. June 6, 1712; m., Jan. 6, 1736-7, Phebe Atwater. ''■'^ Dau. of Jonathan Atwater (No. 57) by ist wf.; b. Oct. 20, 1714. *^* Eleazer, son of Joshua, (No. 429), b. 1757, m. Naomi Gilbert. *'^^ Caleb, son of Joshua. Jr., b. July 27, 1703, m.. D'C. 19, 1728, Ruth Mun- son ; Hezekiah, son of Caleb and Ruth, b. Sept. 27, 1729, m., Dec. 12, 1751, Sarah Bradley. \ 534: IXSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 426 [Same Lof.] Two Children of Mr. Hez'' & Mrs. Grace Hotchkiss: Sally, died Sep'' g'^ 1782 JE. 3 months 9 days. Philemon, died May 3'' AD. 1794: ."E. 3 years 2 months Also an Infant 4 weeks old died Aug* 15. 1798. 427 [express Av., Lot II.] JOHN HOTCHKISS. died July 1779. JE.47 42§ [IVesi I'Vall.'] Here lies y Body of m'' Joi'hua Hotchkiss Who died Auguft y" 14"^ 1 741 in y'' 66'^ Year of his Age 429 {Cypress Av., Lot w.} JOSHUA HOTCHKISS son of Caleb & Ruth Hotchkiss, died June 3, 1795, aged 62 : His remains were interred in the old burying-ground 430 {Cypress A v.. Lot 19.] In Memory of Betsey Wife of Juftus Hotchkifs Obt. April 15. 1796 ^tat 23 Years. Life is uncertain But death is certain 431 {West IVall.] In Memory of two Children of M'' Lent & M''^ Sarah Hotch KISS Ann.a. Hotchkiss who died July 30"' 1794 Aged 4 Years and 10 Months alfo Sarah Hotchkiss who died Auguft 28* 1794 Aged 3 Years & I Month 432 {Cypress A v.. Lot 17.] In Memorj' of M''* Mercy Hotchkiss Confort of M' Obadiah Hotchkifs who departed this Life February 14"' 1797 aged 66' Years She lived efteemed by her friends and died lamented by all her acquaintance. 426 Ch. of Hezekiah and Grace (Wilcox). '*2'' Son of Caleb (No. 422); b. Nov. 12, 1731; grad. Yale Coll. 174S; m., Aug. 28, 1755, Susanna, dau. of Timothy Jones, b. Aug. 10, 1732; killed by the British in the invasion of N. H. •*-* Son of John and Elizabeth (Peck). ••■-' Son of Caleb (No. 425); b. Feb. 12, 1733-4; m- Mary, dau. of Thomas Punderson (No. 731), who was b. Jan. 28, 1738, and d. March 4, 1821. *•''* Dau. of Jonah Hotchkiss; b. June 13, 1773; m., Feb. 15, 1794, Justus, son of Obadiah and Mercy (No. 432); he bapt. Dec. 6, 1772, and next m., Apr. 27, 1800, her sister Susan, bapt. July 2, 1775. «i Lent m. Sarah Ball, Sept. 21. 1788. 4'^ Dau. of Daniel and Martha (Elcock) Perkins; b. Jan. 30, 1730; m. Nov. 16, 1758. INSCRIPTIOXS OX TOMBSTOXES IX XEW HAVEX', 535 433 [IVesi Wall.] In Memory of Silas Son of yV OBADIAH & Mrs Mercy HOTCHKISS who died Sep' 24. 1776 aged II Years & 6 men''' 434 [Cypress A v., Lot 15.] IX Memory of SILAS HOTCHKISS, Son of Obadiah iS: Hannah Hotchkiss, who died Oct. 2. 1795. J?.. II vears. 435 iXorth IFall.] In Memory of Mrs. Abigail Confort to Capt. Stephen" HOTCHKISs, died May 4th. AD. 1789, .E. 42 Death is a debt, to nature due That I have paid, or-" so muft vou. 436 [Cy/>ress Av., Lot 5.] In memory of PHEBE HOTCHKISS daughter of Cap'. Stephen Hotchkifs who died May 21^' 1793 in her 20''' vear 437 [West Wall.] HERE LVETH Y' BODY OF THOMAS HOTCHKINS WHO DIED DECEM^ 27 1711 AGED 58 YEARS 43$ [Cedar A v.. Lot 9.] HERE LIETH THE BODY OF M^ lOHX HOWARD WHO DIED APRIL Y* 28 1722 AGED 36 YEARS 439 [Locust Av., Lot 10.] Here lies inter'd the Body of M'' John Howell who died June the 22'' AD 1776 Aged 29 Years ^^ Born March 16, 1765. ^^ Dr. Obadiah, son of No. 432, h. Sept. 4, 1762, grad. Yale Coll. 1778, m., Feb. 7, 17S2, Hannah Lewis, of Stratford ; he d. Jan. 28, 1S32 ; she d. Nov. 22, 1S31, aged 74. *^ Dau. of Wm. and Abigail (Hitchcock) Scott; bapt. Nov. 16, 1746; m., Dec. 9, 1767, son of Caleb (No. 422), b. Feb. 4, 173S ; he ne.\i m. wid. Elizabeth Miles, and d. Dec. 19, iSoo. *'* Born July 11. 1773. ■*2' Son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Cleverly) Hotchkiss; b. .Aug. 31. 1654; m., Nov. 27, 1677, Sarah, dau. of Wm. and Sarah (Thomas) Wilmot, b. March 8. 1663. ■'^ Otherwise written Hav'varJ ; son of John, and bro. of E.xperience (No. 528); unmarried. ^"^ Son of Thomas (No. 442); bapt. May 3, 1747. 536 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 440 [Cri'//.] to the Poor affectionate to his family & In Memory of friends greatly efieemed by his M- HANNAH HOWELL , acquaintance exemplary in the amiable consort of his life and conversation M^ JOSEPH HOWELL who and strict obferver died June 19''' 1787 in the 39"' of all religious Year of her age. also 4 children Duties TIMOTHY HOWELL died Sep' 443 1771. aged 4 months. [Sa//ie Lot.] JOSEPH HOWELL died Sept. 5. [1777 aged 2 Years and 6 months. Sacred to the Memory ELIZABETH HOWELL died of Mrs [Aug^' 21. Mary Howell 1779 aged II months. Wife of Dea"' ELIZABETH HOWELL died Thomas Howell [August 5 Aged I Year. who died March the 27"^ AD 1776 Aged 56 Years 441 YLociist A v.. Lot 10.] In Memory of Mr STEPHEN HOWELL 444 [Same L.ot.] who died NoV 2d MARY 1770 In his Syth. Daughter of Year M'' Thomas & M-^^ Mary 442 iSame Lot.] Howell This died July 11"' STONE 1752 Aged one is erected to Week the Memory of Thomas Howell Esq who died May 18 AD 1797 445 [6V7W(? Lot.] Aged 78 Mary In Life he held Daughter office in Church & State of M"- the duties of which he discharged Thomas & to universal fatiffaction he was chari- [table **" Dau. of Amos and Dorcas (Foot) Hitchcock ; b. Dec. 31, 1748 ; m. Apr. 22. 1766. ■"' Son of John and Martha (White), of Southampton, L. I.; b. May lo, 1683; m., March 4, 1707-8, Desire, dau. of John Morris, bapt. Feb. 22, 1686-7. **' Son of Stephen (No. 441); b. Apr. 30, 1719; Deacon ist Church, 1771-97. ^* Dau. of John While (No. 894); b. Apr. 22, 1720; he next m., Apr. 12, 1779, Hannah Toles. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 537 446 [Saf/w Lot^ This monument is erected in memory of Mary Howell Daughter of the late Deacon Thomas Howell, with great patience fhe endu- red a long continued infirmity, and died May 6 1798 ^38 447 [Same Lot^ This monument is erected in memory of Susannah Howell Daughter of the late Deacon Thomas Howell She died on the 26 of Aug 1798 after a Ihort but peculiarly dift- reffing Sicknefs Aged 35 Years For early Piety, Religion, and exem- plary Conduct, through life. She was eminently distinguished. 44§ [Same Lot.] Sacred to the memorj' of Mr Thomas Howell jun Son of the late Deacon Thomas Howell, who died May 20 1798. in the 42 year of his age. 449 450 451 [Same Lot.] In Memory of M" Sally Howell the Wife of M' Thomas Howell Junr who died on the 22' of Auguft 1786 Aged 28 Years [Same Lo(^ In Memory of Mifs Harriot Howell the Daughter of M' Thomas & M" Sally Howell who died on the 2'^ day of No vember 17S6 in the gtb Year of her age [Sa/ne Lot.] In Memory of M-^ Timothy Howell who died September 24*'' 1782 in the 29 Year of his Age 452 [Cypress Av., Lot 2.] This Stone is erect ed in memory of William Henry Hubbard Son of Bela & Grace Hubbard who deceafed on the 13*'' of May 1792 in the 7"' Year of his age Of fuch is the Kingdom of Heaven ^"^ Bapt. Aug. -17, 1760. '*'*■' Bapt. Nov. 20, 1763. *^ Bapt. July iS, 1756; m., March 28, 1776, Sarah, dau. of Ezekiel and Rebekah Hayes (No. 384). *^^ Bapt. Nov. 15, 1778. ^^' Son of Thomas (No. 442); b. Aug. 29, 1753. ■'^^ Bela, son of Daniel, Jr., and Diana (Ward), of Guilford, Conn., b. .^ug. 27. 1739. grad. Yale Coll. 1758, Rector Trinity Church, New Haven, 1767 till his death, Dec. 6, 1812; he m., in Fairfield, Conn., May 15, 176S, Grace Dun- bar Hill, who d. Apr. 27, 1821, aged 73. 538 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 453 [Same Lot] Sacred to the Memorj' of NANCY Daughter of Bela & Grace Hubbard who deceafed September 8"' 1796 aged 25 Years Also IN Memory of two Children by the names of GRACE the first died in 1772 aged 8 mos the second died in 1777 aged 2 years 454 [IVest IValL] This Stone is erected in Memory of Mrs. Martha Late Confort of Mr. Daniel Hubbard, fhe died May 17"' 1760, aged 30 Years Three pleafant Babes whofe eyes Juft view'd the light. Lye fleeping by her fide; Such the Fate of Mortals But fhall Man complain The Grief tho Cutting Owns the Sentance luft who died June 8 1792 JE. 36. alfo Wyllys, fon of M'' Dan' & W Sarah Hubbard died June. 16 : 1794 JE. 12. Bleffed are the dead that die in the Lord 450 {U'fst J fall.'] Here lies y" Body of M'^ Elizabeth Hub- bard late faithful Confort of Cap' John Hubbard died Auguft y 25"^ 1744 in y'' 42'' Year of her Age 45T 455 [West Wall.] In memory of M'' Daniel Hubbard [West J! -a II.] M''^ Mary Hubbard Late Faithful Confort of Li^u* Col"' John Hubbari:) Deceased y* 2'^ Nov*"' A.D. 1760 ^ 56 458 [IVesl Jf'all.] William Hubbard M\. 4*" Whofe fweetest form hert: worms confume *^* Dau. of John and Desire (Cooper) Woodin; b. March 11, 1729-30: m., Sept. 13, 1750, Daniel, son of John and Elizabeth (No. 456), b. Dec, 1729, grad. Yale Coll. 1748; he next m. Rachel -, and d. Aug. 28, 1765; his wid. m. a Procter, and d. in Marblehead, Mass., 1773. *^^ Son of Daniel and Martha (No. 454); b. May 26, 1756; in., Nov. 26, 1778, Sarah Ailing, who survived him. 4S6 gy birth Stevens, of Killingworth, Conn.; m., x^ug. 30, 1724, son of Rev. John and Mabel (No. 933). of Jamaica, L. I., b. Nov. 30, 1703, Judge of New Haven Probate District, 1748-73. ■*" 2d wf. of Col. J. H.; he next m., Nov. 10, 1761, Mrs. Mary Stevens, who d. Apr. 28, 1794, set. 76. He d. Oct. 30, 1773. *'^^ Son of Jolin and Elizabeth (No. 456): b. March 20, 1732-3; d. Nov. 14, 1736. IKSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 530 His parents breafts a living tomb. The deareft image fafe contain ; till the fame features rife again 459 [JVc^si PVall.] In Memory of Mrs ANNA HUBBARD the amiable & virtuous confort of M-^ JOHN HUBBARD Who Early profeffed the religion of Jefus happily exemplifyed it in her Life & enjoyed it's divine fupports, under the apprehenfion of her approaching diffolution on Feb. 2'' 1778. in the 23d Year of her age. 460 [ IVest IVa//.] In Memorj' of Russell Son of John Hubbard Efq & M"-' Martha Hubbard who died Sep' 10"' 1781 aged 18 Months and 9 Davs 461 [Ma/>/e Av., Lot 48.] Here Lie the Remains of Col. LEVERETT HUBBARD of this City Prefident of the Connecticut Medical Society Who died at Hartford Oct'' I 1794 Jitat 70 Having received a liberal Education At Yale College He applied to the Medical Studies And became a Skilful and Succefful Practifioner in phyfic and Surgery In a lond Extensive Practice He filled up Life With fingular Induftry, Activity & [ufefulnefs He wasCompaffionate to the diftreffed [& Indigent Kind and affectionate in his domeftic [Relations And a worthy Citizen While Senfibility and Benevolence Integrity and Amenity of Manners Strongly marked his Character : Thefe with uniform Virtue. And a Sacred Regard & Refpect for [Religion, No lefs than Eminence in his Profelsion Embalm his Memorv 462 \Same Lot^ Mrs Sarah Hubbard late faithful Confort of Cap' Leverett Hubbard died on the 5"^ Day of Dec*" 1769 in y" 40"' Year of her Age Of Singular Probity of Heart, & Purity of Manners bea"tif}-ed with y'* Orna- ment of a Meek & quiet fpirit which in y* light of God is of great Price deligently ftudious of Houfliold Good &full of Alms Deeds ^^^ Dau. of David and Elizabeth Atwater (No. 38); b. May 3, 1755; m., Apr. 4, 1775. son of Rev. John and Rebecca (Dickerman), of Meriden, Conn., and grandson of John and Elizabeth (No. 456); he next m., May 13, 1780, Martha Bradley. •'*' Son of John and Elizabeth (No. 456); b. July 21, 1725; grad. Yale Coll. 1744; m.. May 22. 1746, Sarah Whitehead; next m., Feb. 13, 1771, Hester Robinson, who d. Oct. 19, 1800, aged 51. ^®'^ Only ch. of Stephen Whitehead (No. 907); b. Oct. 27, 1729. 540 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 46S [Jl'esi Wa//.] In Memory of Juliana Daughter of Co" Lev' & M" Hester Hubbarle A v., Lot 48.] Under this Duft Lieth the Body of Mifs Elizabeth Hubbard Daughter of Col" Leverett & M" Hester Hubbard who died January 18"^ 1787 ^Etat 14 Round her y*' Graces conftant Vigils (keep And guard fair Innocence her facred (fleep Till that bright Morn fhall wake the and (beauteous clay To bloom fparkle in eternal Day A 465 \^Sa!ne Lot.J In Memory of Mifs Julia Hubbard The amiable Daughter of Col Leverett Hubbard M.D. and Hester his Wife who died March 29"' 1795 ^E 16 The Ingenuity and Mildnefs of her Temper The Sweetnefs and Politenefs of her Manners Endeared her to all and excited the Moft tender fenfations at her Death Her Memory will ever be embalmed With confoling and pleafant Reflections an thofe amiable qualities Which gave the Moft flattering Hope To her parents & acquaintance 466 \_Sa//ie Lot.] In Memory of M'- WYLLIS HUBBARD Son of Col LEVERETT HUBBARD A hopeful Youth who with Calmnefs of Mind & Chriftian Fortitude, founded upon the principles of the Gofpel Refign'd his Spirit into the arms of Jesus March 29 1774 Aged 19 46T [Sawe Lot.] Under this Duft Lieth the Body of Cap' Leverett Hubbard Jun"" who died April 14 1787 JEt 38 Give me, O Father, to thy throne [accefs Unfhaken feat of endlefs happinefs 468 [Cypress Av., Lot 2.] Sacred to the Memory of HENRY Son of Levi and Anna Hubbard who departed this Life at Derby June 20"' 1794 Aged 20 Years. *" Bapt. Apr. 11, 1773. ^^^ Bapt. Aug. i6,-i778. **^ Born Feb. 25, 1755. **^ Born Sept. 7, 1749; wid. Juliana survived him. *^^ Died of yellow fever ; son of Levi and Anna, dau. of Rev. Hezekiah and Mary (Ruggles) Gold, of Stratford. IXSCRIPTTONS ON TOMBSTONRS IN NKW HAVEN. 541 469 [Sam,- Lot] Stephanus Whitehead Hlbhakd Ex filiis Alma Matiis Yalenfis Cliarus fcelerifq. punis Obnt I'"" die 7'""" Anno r t-. •• ' j yEtatis. 25, Viris bonis jnvenibus fenibufq. ^^ratus. Suam mentein ingeniiam Chriftiano fyftemate deducta Eximia inonim fiinplicitate Fjeliciter lioneftavit Protinus praeterit seias; nunquarn vivida virtus 470 [IFesi I Fa//.] In Memory of Mr. William Abdiel Hubbard who de parted this life Apr' 25"' 1772 in his 36"' Year 471 [IVc's/ IF,}//.] In Memory of Mrs Sarah Hiubard relict of Mr. William Abdiel Hubbard who departed this Life Sep. 14. 1776 in her 44 Year 472 [JFest IFall.] ELIJAH HUBBARD a promifing Youth the only Son of Mr W'" Abdiel and Mrs Sarah Hubbard de parted this life Sep. i"* 1776 in his in 17 Year 473 [IFest IVn/l.] In Memory of Mary Delia Daughter of Walter & Mary Hubbell wiio was born in Windfor North Carolina May 13"' 1795 and died in Newhaven June 30''' 1797 Ceafe. Ceafe, fond Parents ceafc to ( Weep For in fweet Jefus I do Sleep Sleep, Sleep on, fweet Babe & take [thy reft God called the early becaufe he tho' it beft 474 [Cypress Az\, Lot 52.] In Memory of Nancy Daughter of M' Ebenezer & M'-' Mary Huggins who died Aiig^' y"' 1783 Aged 26 Days 475 {^Ccdni Av., Lyf 14.] Sacred to the memory of Heaton Huggins who departed this Life Ocf 6 1794 Aged 26"" Like other tyrants : Death delights to [fmite : And weeping Fathers build their [Children tombs Let us read this Stone : few Doctors [preach fo well Few Oritors so tenderly can touch the [feeling heart Thefe dy'd together happy in ruin ; Undivorc'd by death, Never more to pari. ''^'Eldest son of Leverett (No. 461); b. June 16, 1747 1766; m.. May 15, 1771, Eunice White (No. 184). ■*^<' Son of John and Elizabeth (.No. 456): b. Dec. 15. 1736 Feb. 14. 1759. *^- Bapt. Feb. 10, 1760. *'* Dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (Dickcrman). ^''^ Son of Samuel; b. June 14, 176S; grad. Yale Coll. 17S4 36 grad. Yale Coll. m. Sarah Gilbert, 542 TXSCRIPTIOXS OX TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 47<» [Same Lo/.^ 479 [West IValL] M"' Rachel Huggins IN died memory of of the yellow fever MARY HUGGINS October ii 1794 wife of Samuel Huggins in the 28"' Year of her age. died JanJ'. 23'^ 1775 She was ^E. 24. the relict of 4§0 M" Heaton Huggins. and daughter of [Linden A v.. Lot 11.] Capt° Abraham Bradley In Memory of This memorial Lydia Hull wife of is erected by her father Eben-- Hull She died Since vain all here all future vaft Aug 24 1798 in the Embrace the lot affign'd 84 year of her Age Heav'n wounds to heal, its frowns are [friends His Strokes fevere. molt kind Religion was her early choice fhe ever adorned it by faith humility and charity The remaines was deposited fhe died looking for the blefs- in the old burying ground ed hope and glorious app 4§1 earance of Jesus Christ -177 [ll-esi Wall.'] [North Wall.] In Lydia memory of Mrs ESTHEr'hUGGINS Daughter of M"' David wife of Mr. John Huggins of Branford who died Jan^. 22, 1797 ^Etat. 73. & M" Parnel HUMPHREVILE died Jani'y ii"> 1 75 1 Aged 7 weeks. •478 [Cypress Av., Lot ~,j^.] 4§2 [Maple A v., Lot 39.] IN HANNAH memory of WIFE OF ELIZABETH HUGGINS JOHN HUNT died March 17"' 1773 died 23 Februar}' 1794 JE. 34. aged 21 years *^ Dau. of John and Elizabeth (Beecher) Dunbar; b. Oct. i, 1714; m., Aug. 31, 1743. son of John and Mercy (Jacobs), b. Oct. iS, 1715. ■**' The name was early corrupted to Umherfield. ^^'^ Dau. of Elias Beers; m. John Hunt, Nov. 12, 1793; he next m., June 8, 1796, Betsey, dau. of Timothy Atwater, b. Jan. 27, 1777, and d. June 29, 1841, aged 68. INSCRIPTIONS ON TO.XrHSTONKS IN NKW IIAVKN. 'Ao 48IJ [Ot/a] in the 8'-' day of August 1794 Sacred Aged 17 Years, to the Memory of a Youth beloved a Son most Dear M' JOHN HYDE His Parents hopes, lies buried here son of M EZRA & Kind Reader Drop a mournful tear M- SARAH HYDE Upon the Dust then Slumbering here ^ , . . ^^ ^ , And when you Read the fate of me of the city of Hartford Think on the Glass that runs for who Departed this Life |thee 4§4 r^'';/-'-! In Memory of The Hon" JARED INGERSOLL Esq. Judge of the Court of Vice Admiralty in the Middle District in America. A man of an uncommon Genius which was cultivated By a liberal Education at Yale College, And improved by the Study of Mankind, And of Laws, Policy and Government, He distinguished himself at the Bar, Where his perspicuity and Energy in Reasoning And Equality in Conducting Causes, Elevated him To the First Eminence in his Profession. Under the appointment of the General Assembly He was twice honoured With the AGENCY from CONNECTICUT At the Court of Great Britain. His Morals were unblemished. He was thoughtful, collected and sagacious, open and sincere, mild, affable, and courteous. Adapting himself to all By a rich Variety of sentiment and Expression Yet preserving in his whole Behavior A graceful and majestic Dignity. He died Aug. 25'" A.D. 1781 yEtat. 60. By his side lieth also interred, His amiable Consort M- HANNAH INGERSOLL Who departed this Life Oct 9'' A.D. 1779 Aged 66 Years. ^** Died "at v'' house of M'' Isaac Tomlinson of a putrid fever." *^ Son of Jonathan and Sarah, of Milford, Conn.; bapt. Juno 3, 1722 ; grad. Yale Coll. 1742; m., Aug. i, 1743, Hannah, dau. of Joseph Whiting (No. 912), b. Feb. 21, 1712; next m. Mrs. Hannah Ailing (No. 1S3). 5-t-lr IXSCRIPTIOXS OX TOMBSTONES IX XEW HAVEN. 485 [Cryft.] JARED Son of M' JARED & M- HANNAH INGERSOLL died Feb" 7"' 174?, Aged 10 months 486 [^Vesi IVa//.] In memory of two children of Mr. John & Mrs. Lois Ives. SALLY, died Sepf 27th 1801 Aged 9 years & 6 months MARIAH, died Oct' 9. 1795 yE, 15 months 487 [Wc'si IVal/.] M.ARY Daughter of Dr. Levi & Mrs. Lidia Iv'ES died Oct. 26 1776 aged 2 Years 488 [Crypt.] Here lies the Remains of M- AMELIA JARVIS wife of Mr. James Jarvis of Nevy York and eldest daughter of SAMUEL BROOME Esquire. [She de- parted this Life Dec the 31' 1788 aged 24 Years and 8 Months her amiable and engaging manners rendered her universally beloved and her death sincerely lamented Swept by a hasty torrent hence 489 [ M^est IVa//.] In Memory of Mary Daughter of Nicholas and Mary Jebine who Died July 31*' 1793 Aged 17 Months Suffer little children to come unto me for of fuch is the kingdom of God 490 [//V.r/ IVa//.] Mrs Sarah Johnson wife of Mr. Ebenezer Johnson of New Stratford died Aprill 16"' 1773 in the 19 Year of her age. a Remarkable Inftance of female Purity, Patience, tS[ Resignation. She was born at Marblehead, & was the youngeft Daughter of Mrs. Mary Hubbard now Consort of John Hubbard Efq of this Town Angels with pleasure mark the filent [Life Of Patience in a virtuous Wife 491 [iVor//i IVa//.] ABIGAIL THE WIFE OF CAP' ISAAC lOHNSON DIED DECEM'- Y-' 6 1724 AGED 45 YEARS ALSO HIS DAUGHTER EUNIS DIED SEP' 5 1725 AGED 22 YEARS 49'2 [PVest Wall.] REBEKAH DAUGHTER OF CAP' ISAAC lOHNSON '**'■' Levi m. Lydia Augur, Apr. 22, 1772; Mary b. Dec. 12, 1774. *^^ See, also, No. 194. ^'^^ Nicholas m. Mary Munson, Jan. 23, 1790. ■*'' Dau. of John and Mary (Thompson) Cooper; b. Oct. 3, 1679; m. Apr. 25, 1699; Eunice, b. May I, 1703. ••"'^ Rebekah, b. Feb. 7, 1700; Dorcas, b. Aug. 10, 1707. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES JX XEAV HAVEN, ')45 DIED IAN' 17 1723 AGED 23 YEARS ALSO DORCAS HIS DAU. TER DIED DEC^ 29 1723 AGED 16 YEARS 103 {^Norlk lVall.\ Here lies y" Body of M" Abigail lohnfon Wife of M' lohn lohnfon who died June 494 {West Wali:\ Here lies y" Body of M""* Abigail Johnfon Wife of M"" John Johnfon who died Octob^ 4'!' 1739 Aged 495 {^Central Av., Lot 37.] In Memory of Mrs CiiLOE laie wife of Mr Peter Johnson & Daughter of Capt. Andrew Tuttle deceas'd. She was a dutiful child, a faithful wife a tender Mother, a Friend to the diftrefsed, & a lover of Virtue. She died March 11"' 1773 aged 34 Years: & is gone we iruft to inherit the promises. Heark hear a filent voice and to it lend an ear. Come my dear friends behold my And o'er me drop a tear Not for my fake but for your fins 496 \Crypt:\ Here lies y Body of Mrs. Deborah lones wife of Mr. Isaac lones deceased May y 28'' 1735 Aged 63 Years. WELCOME DEATH. 497 [Linden A v.. Lot 3.] Elizabeth Consort of Isaac Jones Died April 4»'' 1769 yE' 18. Early bright transient chaste as morn- [ing dew She sparkled, was exhaled & went to [heaven Died Her Babe Aug 7 1769 JE^ 6 months Has fhe found her Babe Amongst the Infant Nation of the [Bl^st And clas'd it to her Soul ; to fatiate [there The young Maternal Palsion 49* [Same Lot.] Here lies Buried the Body of ''3» Dau. of No. 875; b. March 23, 1738-9; m. Jan. 26, 1769. ^'^ By birth Clark, of Stratford; m., Nov. 21, 1692, son of Wm. (No. 306), b. June 21, 1671, d. 1741. •"■■ Dau. of Joseph Trowbridge (No. 85S); bapt. July 15, 1750; m., June 5, 1768, son of Timothy (No. 498), b. Dec. 21, 173S, grad. Yale Coll. 1757; he next m., Dec. 27, 1770, Lucy, dau. of Charles Goodricli, of Pittsheld, ^Lass., who d. Dec. 10, 1771; he next m., Jan. 23, 1774, Sibyl, dau. of Col. John Ben- jamin, of Stratford, Conn., who d. Sept. 19, 1814, aged 59. ^"^ Son of Isaac, and grandson of Wm. (No. 306); b. Oct. 30, 1696; m., Nov. 16, 1726, lane Harris, of Middletown, Conn. He d. Aug. 24, 17S1, not '84. 546 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. M'' Timothy Jones who departed this Life August 24"' 1784 Aged 84 Years A Gentleman Renowned for Piety Religion & Virtue and died with hopes full of Immorlalitv. 499 [Same Lo/.] Here lies Buried the Body of M'" Anne Jones Relict of M'' Timothy Jones who departed this Life May 19"' 1784 Aged 71 Years The Friend of Virtue and the Chriftian Life and fweetly died in Faith 500 [Jl/a/>/e Az., Lot 61.] Sacred to the Memory of M'* Mary Jones Late amiable Confort of Ti MOTHY Jones Efquire who departed this Life September 20"' 1789 Aged 45 Years She was Born from Heaven Fulfilled her Vifit and return'd on l>igli 501 [Same LoL] A Son of M'- Timothy Jones Jun' & M'* Mary Jones Born & died April 5"' A.D. 1767 502 [IVcs/ Ha//.] William Son of William and Elifabith Jones Born March 7"^ 1773 & died on yi" j^tii aged 7 days 503 [ll'fst ll'ali.\ In Memor}' of David Judson Efq'' Son of M'' David Judson ate of New Town Deceas'd who Died in this town Nov 23"' 1790 Etat 33 Years 504 [Linden A v., Lot 17.] In Memory of Mary wife of Eben"" Keney formerly Wife of Hezi" Clark who died Mar. 8. 1799 Aged 74 Religion was her early choice She ever adorned it by Faith Humility and Charity, She died looking for the blefsed Hope and glorious appear- -ance of Jesus Christ 4«9 2d wf. of No. 498; she d. May 19, 1783, not 1784. ^^^ Dau. of Joseph Trowbridge (No. 858); b. Sept. 20, 1744; m., June 20, 1765, son of Timothy (No. 49S), b. Oct. i, 1737, grad. Yale Coll. 1757; he next m., July, 1790, Rebecca, dau. of Rev. Wm. Hart and wid. of Wm. Lynde, of Saybrook, who d. Sept. 26, 1S19. wi Wm., Sr., son of Timothy (No. 498), b. Jan. 26, 1745-6, grad. Yale Coll. 1762, m., 1771, Elizabeth, dau. of Benj. Lothrop, of Windham, and d. May 20, 178^. She d. in Windham Nov. 13, 1776. :iM. 23. ■'*■' Her first husband, H. Clark, d. 1776. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 547 505 [IVt;si IValL] Nathanael Son of Zuri"' Kimberly died Octob"' y" 28*'' 1739 in y 4"' Year of hif Ase 506 [Sy/van Av., Lot 24.] In memory of Mr ABNER KIRBY ' wlio died Oct'' 31 AD. 1804 ^.47- Alfo his fon Merit died Sepf 31. 1792. What fhould I wifh or wait for then From creatures earth and duft The}- make our expectation vain And difapoint our truft 507 I] Vest PVall.l In Memory of M'^ Susanna Wife of James Lane who died Dec'' 27"' 1787 in the 44''' Year of Age 508 [Cedar Av., Lot 52.] Siste Viator Hie juxta situs est D. Job Lane A.M. Col. Yal. Tutor Vir ingenio, modestia, literis atque [pietate praeclarus Ilium Bedfordi natum Massachus"" [an. 1741, Literarum a pueroavidissimum fuisse, Studiis academicis prae ceteris eminu- [isse Evangelium studiose triennium prae- [dicasse, Tutoris q' officio biennium fideliter [sumtum, Parentibus vixisse cliarissimum, Amicis omnibusq. pietatis fautoribus I'dilectum, Discipuiisq were honoratum, Et omnibus maxime defietum, E vita migrasse Sept 16. an. 1768 Hie Tumulus ipse brevi interiturus tibi declarat. 509 [Maple A v.. Lot 26.] Isaac B. Leffin.- Son of Will.. «& Sally Leffingwe. of Norwich, departed this life September 15*'' 1791. aged 4 Years, 3 months, 11 days Happy infant early bleft! Reft in peacefull Slumber, reft Early refcu'd from the Cares Which increafe with growing Y ears 510 [SaDie Lot.] In Memory of Isaac B Leffingwell who died Auguft 2'' 1793 Aged I Year Sickly pleafures all adieu Pieafures which I never knew '^"^ Son of Zuriel and Hannah (Hill); b. Jan. 21, 1734-5. *»« Son of Job, Jr.; grad. Yale Coll. 1764. '"■' Son of Wm., from Norwich, and Sail)- M. (Beers). 5J:S INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 511 [Cypress A v., Lot 39.] 515 [North IValL] EZRA LINES In Memory of Died Sep. 15. 1820 Hannah Daughter .E. 60. 51<> of Hezekiah & Mary LUE WHEATON. his 1st wife Died Sep. 5. 1794. LouNSBURY who died December 3'' 1793 Aged 13 Months .E. 34. ABIGAIL HOOD [Maple A v.. Lot 2,3.] HIS 2D WIFE DtED fUNE 15, 1796, ^E.33. M'' Augustus Lucas 3ied in the Weft Indies Auguft 1737, Aged 30. 512 [C/r/A] M" MARY LUCAS MISS REBEKAH Re lict of M'' Augustus Lucas LOYND AGED 15 Died March 8"' 1798 BORN 22 JAN'Y '81 Aged 85 DECEASED APRIL 20 (Three lines illegible.) 1696 (he fingle day was never heard to utter a 513 [IVest IVall.] murmur. HERE Always cheerful and ferene LIES THE BODY fhe exhibited OF SAM' SON OF a rare example SAM' LINES WHO of Christian Patience DEPARTED THIS LIFE and meeknefs. OCTOB' 23'-'' 1709 IN Y- 517 33 YEARE OF HIS AGE. [Cypress Av., Lot 32.] 514 {Cypress Av., Lot ij[:\ Auguftus Lucas Son of In Memory of M'' Auguftus Jennett Little & M'-^ Mary Daughter of Alexander Lucas died . & Elizabeth Little who Sepf y** 27''' Died September 11"' 1738 Aged 1795 Aged 2 Years 10 Months ^'' Son of James and Thankful; bapt. Sept. 28, 1760; m. Luc Wheaton, June 4, 1782; next m., Jan. 4, 1795, wid. Abigail Hood, b. July 20, 1763, dau. of ("^apt. Joshua and Martha (Minor) Ray. '''-' The name is Lines. •'''"' Son of Samuel and Mary (Thompson). "'* The father d. 1798, on a voyage from Wilmington, N. C, to the W. Indies. •"■"^ Dau. of Henry and Abigail Caner (Nos. 230, 231). INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 549 518 {Cedar A v.. Lot 52.] H. J. S. Patris sui Unigenitus Qui Omnigena Literatura ingenio ac Pie- [tate Maxime viguit Aakon Lyman de Murideii Coll. Yal. Alumn. Parentibus& Amicis dulcissinuis vixit Fainiliaribusq.inultLim defletiis abhoc Vita decessit Septeinbris 14'" A.D. [1757""" ^-Etat. 21'"" Thrice happy he who consecrates his [Hours B\- vig'rous Effort, and an honest Aim At once to draw the Sting of Life & [Death He walks with Wisdom ; and her [Paths are Peace 520 519 'iLocust Av., Lot 14.] In Memory of DANIEL LYMAN Deacon of the church of White Haven A Gentleman of good natural parts an amiable disposition, liberal edu- cation in earlj' life an avowed friend to Christianity honorably promoted to several officesofdistinction in civil life whichhe discharged with honor to him- self & usefulnefs to the public & died justly respected & lamented Oct 16"' M 71 [1788 521 522 523 [Oj/A] In Memory of M''" SARAH Late Wife of M' DANIEL LYMAN who died August 1st 1751 in Her 27"' Year \_Lotust Av., Lot 14.] M''- Sarah late Consort of Daniel Lyman Efqr. Departed this life Ocf 14. 1768 .E 37 VCrypt.-\ SARAH Daughter of M' DANIEL & M'^ SARAH LYMAN died April 18"' 1749 Aged one Month {CryptA SARAH Daughter of M' DANIEL & M- SARAH LYMAN died August 16"' 1 75 1 Aged one Year & three months. ^'^ Son of Benjamin and Thankful (Pomeroy), of Northampton; b. Apr., 1718; grad. Yale Coll. I74'5; Deacon, 1758-86; m., June 6, 1748, Sarah Whit- ing; next m., June 25, 1752, Sarah Miles; next m., 1768, Eleanor, wid. of Seih Benedict, and dau. of Jonathan Fairchild, who survived him, and m. Dr. Thaddeus Betts, of Norwalk, and d. March 23, 1825, aged 95. ''-" Dau. of Joseph Whiting (No. 912); b. Apr. 15, 1725. ■"'-' Dau. of Samuel Miles (No. 571); b. Aug. 6, 1731. 550 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 524 [^Center Church tahleti\ Sarah Lyman died Sept. 26, 1749, ^^E. 76 525 [/r«/ lVall?\ In Memor}' of Medad Lyman Son of M'- Medad and M"* Mary Lyman who died Ma)- y" 29''' T757 aged 3 years & 25 days 526 \Cedar Av., Lot 52.]" Here lieth the Body of Phinehas Lyman of North Ampton a student of Yale College who died Feb 10"' A.D. 1725 aged 20 years. 527 [S/'nue Av., Lot 2,0.] Here lies the body of John Son of Nathaniel & Lucy Lyon He died Sepf 4"' 1795 M 3 Years & 8 Months Graced with each merit years like his could boast Too Toon difcover'd as too early loft Death gently called him from his [harmlefs pla)' 52§ [Cedar A v.. Lot q.] In Memory of William Lyon who descended from an ancient family in Buckinghamfhire England ; leav- ing his native country arMved at Bof- ton Sep' 1713, in which place and New Haven he refided 12 years for the recovery of health he vifited Bar- badoes, & there died March 1726. JE 39 EXPERIENCE his relict, fecond daughter of John Howard of Maffachusetts. who died Sep'' 17, 1 75 1 ^ 64 Theire iffue were MARY, who died Sep' 16. 1742 JE 24 EXPERIENCE, wife of the rev' John Brainard ; fhedied in Brunfwick N. Jerfey Sep'' 17. 1757 M. 35 WILLIAM LYON born in Bofton April. 10. 1716 who died Jan^ 31. 1767. JE. 51 ELIZABETH the wife of William Lyon. last named was born in Saybrook Sept 4. 1724 died Oct. 16. 1810 in her 87 year 529 [Sanie Lot.] Here Lies y" Body of M'^ Mary Lyon died Sepf y-' 6^'' 1742 Aged 24 Years ^'^* The above inscription (compare No. 356) implies that a gravestone, now missing, was formerly in the Crypt. Some error in the dates may, however, be suspected. ^■'^ Medad, Sr., son of Benj. and Thankful (Pomeroy), of Northampton, Mass., b. March 20, 1722; in. Mary Basset; an innkeeper. ^'^ Son of John, Jr., and Mind well (Sheldon, Pomeroy); b. Apr. 8, 1706. *'-" Nathaniel, son ot Wm. and Eliz. (No. 52S); b. Nov. 13, 1762; d. Sept. 8, 1836. '-"'^^ Wm., Jr., m. Eliz. Maltby, Oct. 9, 1746. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 551 531 {^Maple A v.. Lot 48.] 534 [Cent7-al A v.. Lot 21.] Sacred Here lies the Body of To the Memory of M' jEREMIAIf MaCOMHER M''* Mabel M'Cleive wl Died September 20"' 1795 Confort of n the 84"' Year of his age Cap' John M'Cleive alfo the Body of who departed this Life M" Sarah Macomber December 2g"' 1775 Wife who Died April 8"" Aged 34 Years 1778 in the 63'' year of her age W do with calm Refignation ok an Affectionate Leave Tc of Weeping Friends 535 \A'ortk H^a//.] To Join with Kindred Spirits In Memory o( 532 "iSamc Lo/.} M- Ebenezer Here Mansfield Miles M'Cleive who died August 3** Son of 1745 in His 73'! Cap' John M'Cleive Year Fell a Victim to the Camp Distemper Whilit in the Service 536 [jVo;-t/i n-alL] of his Countr}' Here Lies y" August i^* 1776 Body of M-- Aged 13 Years Japhet Manf field Died March y" 25"', 533 [^Sai/ie Lot.\ 1741 in y 33'i In Memory of Year of his Age POLLY Da UGH'' of Cap' John & M'-^ Mabel 537 [Nort/i IVa//.] Mecleave who Deacon Ionathan Mansfield. Died Oct. 2'': Son of Major Moses Mansfield 1773; in the 4''' died January 10 1775 Year of her Age Aged 89 years ^^^ Son of Joseph; b. Feb. 6, 1677-8; m., Apr. 20, 1710, Hannah Basset, who survived him; his will is dated March 29, 1746, and proved Aug. 20, 1750. ^'^ Son of Japhet and Hannah (Bradley); b. Jan. 5, 1708 ; m., Jan. iS, 1737-8, Ruth Tuttle, who survived him. ^^' Son of Moses (No. 540) and Mercy (Glover); b. Feb. 15, 1685-6; m., June I, 1708, Sarah .A.llii)g; Deacon ist Church, 1751-75; he next m., May 13, 1766, Abig.iii. wid. of Ebetiezer Dorman, who d. m Hamden, Jan. 25, 179S, act. 91. 552 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 53§ •iNorth Wa//.] Here lies interr'i y*^ Body of M''^ Sarah Mansfield the vertuous Confort of Deac" Jonathan Mansfield who living Faithfully in Her place, Served God & his People to a good old Age, fell afleep May 4"' 1765. JEi.\ 80 5:i9 [JVori/i IVali.] Here Lies y" Body of m'' lofeph Manfftel'' Died Oct"' y" 8"'. 1739 Aged 64 Years 540 [iVorth M^aM.] HERE - LYETH - INTERRED THE -BODY -OF -MAJOR MOSES -MANSFIELD ASIST* AGED 67 DECEASED Y« 3' OF OCTOB ANNO-DOM 1703 541 [Nor^/i Well/.] M[RS] ABIGIL M[ansfieid] DEC'' Y'- 49 Y[ear ofj .ER AGE FEB[Ruary y"] [2]8: I 7 o [8-9] 542 [Nof^/t Wall.] Here Lies y" Body of Mofes Manffield Efq>- Who died Febry y** 15*'^ 1 740-1 in y' 67"' Year of his Age 543 [Nort/i ll'all.] HERE LYETH Y'^^ BODY OF SAMVEL SON OF M>- MOSES MANSFILD AGED 16 WEEKS DIED DECEMB"- 12 1705 544 l^Noilh ll'ad.] Here Lies y" Body of Ann Mary Manffield Wife of Moses Manffield who Died July y'' 5"' 1742 Aged 33 Year ^38 Dau. of John Ailing (No. 16); b. Aug. 29, 16S5. ^'■^^ Son of Joseph; b. Dec. 27, 1673; wid. Elizabeth. ^•^•* Son of Richard; m., May 5, 1664, Mercy, dau. of John Glover. "' Dau. of Thomas Yale; b. May 5, 1660; wid. of No. 540. =4- Son of Moses (No. 540) by 1st wife; b. Aug. 15, 1674; m., Nov. 3, 1702, Margery, dau. of John Prout (No. 713), who survived him. 5'*^ By birlh Kierstead; m., May 17, 1734, Moses, son of Jonathan (No. 537), who was b. May 5. 1709, gracl. Yale Coll. 1730, next m. Rachel Ward, Feb. 17, 1747-8, and d. Oct., 1754. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW IIAVKN. 545 yNorih \ValI.\ In Memon- of M' Nathan Mansfiei;' who departed this Life March 13 1783 in the 65 Year of his age he was a kind & tender hufband & father a benevolent & chari table neighbour a lincere friend to his conntr}' & a hearty well wifher to all mankind he died in thf chrif tian faith witii a fure & cer tain hope of a glorious refurection to immortal life Mark the perfect man and Behold the upright for the end of that Man is peace this ftone is erected by his difcon folate Widow 54$ 549 {North IV,j/l] Efther y' Daughter of M'- Sam" & M--" Efthe'- Manffield died Janu'y }"■ 14"' 1744 Aged 8 day'' [ I Vest ITa//.] Elizakkth Daughter of Samuel Mansfield Efqi" & M''^ Esther died Augii"" 29"' 1751 Aged I Year & 6 months 546 \Linden A v.. Lot 59.] Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Mansfield Efq'' who departed this Life June 22"^ 1775 aged 57 Years 547 ]^Sanie Lot 7^ Sacred to the Memory of M'' Esther Mansfield Confort to Samuel Mansfield Efq'' deceaf'd who departed this Life October 21''' 1795 aged 77 Years 550 {^Linden Av„ Lot 59.] Sacred to the Memory of Mifs Elizabeth Mansfield Daughter of Samuel Manffield Efq- & M" Efther Mansfield who departed this Life September 24"' 1794 aged 39 Years 551 [North Wall.'] SACRED to the Memory of HANNAH MANSFIELD wife of Capt Stephen Mansfield "^ Son of Jonathan (No. 537); b. Nov. 15, 1718; m., Dec. 5, 1745, Deborah, dau. of Isaac Dayton, who survived him. "6 Son of Moses (No. 542); b. Nov. 23, 1717; grad. Yale Coll. 1735; m., Dec. 23, 1736, his ist cousin, Susanna, dau. of Jonathan (No. 540); next m., Oct. 4, 1742, Mrs. Esther Hall, of Middletown, Conn. "' Dau. of Elnathan and Abigail (Utford) Beach, ol Wallingford ; b. Nov. 12, 1728; m. Dec. 31, 1746. 554 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. who deceased in the hope of a happy immortality on the 20 of Sept. 1795. ^E. 67. 552 553 554 StEPHExN Son of M'- Stephen & M'*^ Hannah Mansfield died August 25"' 1 75 1 Ag''' II months {North lVa/l.\ Stephen Son of M"' Stephen & M" Hannah Mansfield died Auguft y" I4"» A.D. 1756 Aged 3 years [North Wall.} John Son of Cap' Stephen & M" Hannah Mansfield died Nov"^ s'l' A D 1766. in the 11"^ Year of His Age. Bleffed are y" dead who die in y* Lord 555 [North Wall.] In Memory of Increase Mather fon of the Rev'' Allyn Mather of this City who Died Septem ber 14"' 1795 in the I2*'' Year of his nge But weeping friends your tears refrain For this bright fiower fhall bloom again At that bright morn when Chrift fhall come He'll rife immortal from the tomb 556 [O.i^/.] Here lies Interr'd the Body of Warham Mather Esq' who Dec' August y 12"'' 1745 Aged 80 Years 557 [Crypt.] ELIZABETH MATHER 1744 55S [North Wall.] In Memory of John Mattocks • Late of Middletown Son of M"^ James & M" Sarah Mat- tocks, Formerly of Boston, died May 26"^ AD, 1769 JE 23 years ^^^ Born July 31, 1753. , ^^* Born. Apr. 11, 1756. 655 Rev. Allyn, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Allyn) of Windsor, Conn., b. Apr. 10, 1747, grad. Yale Coll. 1771, ord. over the Fair Haven Church, Feb. 3, 1773, d. Nov. 12, 1784; his wid. next m. Ebenezer Townsend (No. 838). '^* Son of Rev. Eleazer and Esther (Warham), of Northampton, Mass.; b. Sept. 7, 1666; grad. Harv. Coll. 1685; m., Dec, 1700. Elizabeth Davenport. ^" Dau. of John and Abigail Davenport (No. 281); b. Oct. 7, 1666; d. July 23, 1744. The headstone is missing. TNSCRTPTTONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW ITAVEN. 559 {North IV all. \ Here lies the Body of M'' Edward Mki.ov who departed this Life September 14"' AD 1790 in the 56''' Year of his age 560 {Linden A v., Lot 4.] In Memory of ..'■^ Sally Merriman the amiable Confort of ._ap* Marcus Merriman ..ho fell "Victim to the Small Pox May 16"' 1793 /E 27 alfo two of her infants Which are interred by her fide In Early life Deaths awful Dart Cropt her bright Virtues in their bloom Difolv'd the Social Ties of heart And Call'd her to the Silent Tomb 561 {North [rail] HERE LYETH Y" BODY OF DANIEL MILES WHO DIED DECEM-^ 25 171 1 AGED 27 YEARS 562 {Ce/itriil .17'., Lot 17.] To the Memory of Enos Brooks Miles ; Son of John & Mehetable Miles, Who deceafed in S' Croix March 8"' AD. 1795, In the 22'"' year of his age. 56:{ {North lVall.\ ..F MARY .. OF CAP' --ILES --OC-- -.GED 564 {North Wali:\ HERE LYETH THE BODY OF CAP* lOHN MILES AGED, 42 DEC' : FEB: 10: 17-ft 565 {Cypress A v.. Lot 60.] JOHN MILES Died Mar. 6 1803 X.. 76. Also his wife HENRIETTA, Died Mar. 15. 1794 ^.63 5°^ A native of Ireland ; m., Feb. 7, 1758, Mary Parmele. ^^^ He next m., Dec. i, 1793, Susanna Bonticou. ^^' Son of Capt. John, by 2d wf., Mary (Alsop); b. Sept. 20, 1683; his wid. Sarah next m. Jonathan Ingersoll, of Milford. ^*'- Son of John, Jr.; b. July 20, 1773. ^^^ Probably in memory of Mary (wid. of Capt. John) Miles, who d. Oct. 16, 1705; dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Preston) Alsop; b. Oct. 3. 1654; m., Nov. 2, 16B0, as 2d wf., son of Richard; b. Oct., 1664, d. Dec. 24, 1704. '"^ Son of Capt. John, by ist wf., Elizabeth (Harriman); b. Jan. g, 1667-8. ^*' John, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Trowbridge), b. May 21, 1727, m., Jan. I, 1750, Henrietta, dau. of Rev. Richardson and Elizabeth (Munson) Miner, of Trumbull, Conn. 55fi IICSCRIPTIOXS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 566 \^North I Vail.] Sacred to the memory of M''* Mary Miles wife of Capl John Miles who departed this life April the 28"' 1795 in the 39"' year of her age When you are mufing o'er our facred clay Think what you are to be another day 570 56T 56§ Hannah Daughter of m'' Joseph Miles died Octo'- 25. 1738 Aged 7 Years [Nor//i l-ra/L] HERE LYETH Y'^ BODY OF HANNAH WIFE OF LIEU' RICHARD MILES WHO DIED SEPTM-- 28 1714 AGED 41 YEARS 571 569 \Nortk Wall.] lAMES SON OF LIEU' RICHARD MILES WHO DIED FEB' I.- 1715 AGED 6 YEARS 572 573 {North Wall.] CATIRINE DAUGHTER OF LIEV RICHARD MILES DIED APRIL 29 1723 [Norik J Tall.] In MeMory of ~ Cap' ~ Samuel Miles who died April L1761]. [North Wall.] Here lies Interr'd the Body of M" Sarah Miles Relict of Cap' Samuel Miles who departed this Life Aug^' 16"' A : D : 1769 Aged 65 years [North Wall.] Roswell Son of Captain Samuel & M''- Sarah Miles died Dec'"' y 16"' 1753 in y" 19"' year of his Age ^^^ Dau. of Thomas Bills (No. 146): b. Jan. 18, 1756; in., Aug. 30, 1778, son of John (No. 565), b. Sept. i, 1752. He next m., Feb. 6, 1796, Sally Bills. ^^'' Dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Trowbridge); b. Nov. 15, 1731. ^^^ He next m., Apr. 10, 1716, Elizabeth (Sherwood), wid. of Rev. Charles Chauncey, of Stratficld ; and next m., Nov. 22, 1721, Mrs. Abigail Treadwell, of Siratfield. '*' Born Apr. 20, 1709. "" Born March 22, 1722-3. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IX NEW HAVEN. Oi)i 574 [ALi/>/c' Av., Loi 7.] In Memory of Cap. John Miller of Newlondox who departed this Life Feb'' 10"' 1770 Aged 47 Years ^'i^ [Maple A v.. Lot 15.] In memory of an Infant Daughter of Land A. Mills. born 25''' Feb> and died 2r' March AD 1797 576 [Maple Av., Lot 32.] In Memory of Cap' J.\MF.s MiNOT wlio died Aug' 2'' 1773 in the 49"' Year of his Age He was Son of the Hon'^'''' James Munot of Concord 577 [Sauie Lot.^ In Memory of Mr* Rebecca wife of Cap. Ja.mes Minot who died Feb'' 9"' 1767 In her 37"' Year 578 [Ce,/ar Ac'., Lot S2.] H.J. S. Reliquias Johannis Mitchei de Southampton Longre Insulae Col. Yai. Alum, qui obiit Martii 5' A.D. 1767'"" JEut !■]'"" Indole proba ingenii divite Eruditioni apta vi.\it pareniibus Delicire earns amicis & e vita decessit omnibus defietus 579 5§0 5§1 5§2 [A''o>-t/i Wall.] CALEB MIX DIED AVGVST 12 1708 [N'orth Wall.] In Memory of M' Caleb Mix who died Jan^' y" 30"' A.D 1765 Aged 77 Years [A'ortli 1 1 all.] In Memory of M" Rebeckal) Mi.\ the wife of M' Caleb Mix who Dec', December y'^' 3^'> 1760 Aged 71 Years [,Vort/i Wall.] In Memory of Thmas Mix Son of M'' Caleb & M'"'' Rebeckah Mix who Died Auguft y" 10"' A-D- 1759 Aged 34 years ^''^ Son of James and Martha (Lane), of Concord, Mass.; uncle of the 2d wf. of Roger Sherman (No. 765). ^" By birth a Stow, of Merrimac. *'" Son of Thomas and Reliecca (Turner); bapt. Dec. 15, 1661; his wf. Han- nah d. Dec. II, 1693; wf. Mary survived him. ^^° Son of Caleb (No. 579); b. Sept. 27, 1687; m., Dec. 20, 1716, Rebecca Thomson. s'*' Dau. of John Thomson; bapt. Apr. 24, 1689. '^'' Born June 16, 1725. 37 558 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. ^^§3 [AW/A IValL] 587 [North Wall.\ In Memory of ELIZABETH M" Hannah Mix WIFE OF Daughter of M' lOHN MIX Caleb, and M'** DIED AVGVST 21 Rebekah Mix 1711 : AGED 61 YEARS died April y*^ 14"" A D 1769 in y'' 39"' 5§§ [North fVa//.] Year of Her Age In Memof}' of M^ 5H4 [North IVali:] John Mix who died Decern'' In Memory of the 10^'' 1722 M''* Rebekah Mix in the 47"> Daughter of M'' year of his Caleb & M" Age Rebekah Mix who died June 3'i AD 1767 Aged 39 Years 589 [CrJ>ress Av., Lot 22.] SACRED to tlie memory of 5S5 [Li)iJen A v.. Lot 50.] CAPT JOHN MIX who died Jan>' 24. 1796: Memento Mori in the 76 year Jabez Mix A:M of his age CoLEcii Yalensis Lifes ills Nature cannot shun died Oci^" 5''' 1762 ^tatis Suse 31 590 [North IVa//.] In 5§<> [A^ort/i Wall?^ Memory of M" Lois HERE Wife of M'- LYETH Y-^ John Mix BODY OF lOHN who died August MIX WHO DIED 26"> A : D 1758 lANUARY 21: 1711 Aged 39 AGED 62 YEARS years ^^^ Born Dec. 5, 1730. '^■' Born Dec. 3, 1727. 5^5 Son of Nailianiel (No. 601); b. Sept. 12, 1731; grad. Y. C. 1751; m., Feb. 12, 1759, Jemima Brown, who next m., Feb. I2, 1764, Jeremiah Barnet. ^*® Eldest son of Thomas and Rebecca (Turner); died Jan., 1711-12. ^^■' Dan. of Benj. and Elizabeth (Heaton) Wilmot; bapt. Sept. 23, 1649. **^ Son of John and Elizabeth (Nos. 586-7); b. Aug. 25, 1676; d. 1721, not 1722. ^*' Son of No. 588; b. March 30, 1720; m., Nov. 20, 1743, Lois Candee. ^"^ Dau. of Samuel Candee. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW IIA\'EN. 55i) 591 'i^North VValL\ John Mix died Novem' 3'' A.D. 1760 Aged 15 Hours, John Mix died Janua> 4"' A.D. 1760 Aged 10 Days Both Children ok M' John & M" Sarah Mix. 592 \Maple A v.. Lot 9.] This Stone is Erect- ed to the memory of M' Jonathan Mix who departed this Life June 7"" 1779 ^Etat 48 Years Life how Short Eternity how long 593 ySame Lo/.] This ftone is Erected by M'' Jonathan Mix In Memory of His Beloved Wife M" Nancy Mix who died in Child bed June 23 1799 JE. 40 years She was an affectionate Wife a kind Mother & a Sincere Friend 594 [Sawe Lot.] In Memory of Jonathan Marvin Son of M'' Jt>NATHAN & M''^ Nancy Mix who died July 11''' 1785 .iged 10 [Mon"'« alfo Nancy Maria iheiie daugh'' who died October 4"' 1789 aged i Year& [10 days Twice hallowed Duft this humble [grave contains Where two Kvcct Infants blend there |fvvcet remains The ftorm of life with them no war [can wage The wreck of youth of manhood and [of age While on the parents ftock the tem- [peft blows There tender o'fpring here fhall find [repofe 595 [A'ort/i IVall.] In Memory ok Lieutenant Joseph Mix Who Died Feh'' 12"' Anno Dom' 1757 Aged 72 Years Behold Man wandering thro : life'* mazes long : Retires to sleep from Earth- Tumultuous throng. His pious friends, their Bitter lofs deplore Yet fhortly He fhall Rife And fleep no more 596 [North Wall.} In Memory of M" Hannah Late Wife of M'' Joseph Mix who died Jan''> j.e 20*1' 1752 Aged 62 Years 597 [North IValL] Here lyeth the Body of John Mix Son of Leiu' Joseph Mix Who Dyed April y" 7"' 1734 In the 21-' year of his Age ^^- Son of Joseph; b. Nov. 7, 1729; d. 1778, not 1779. »»s Son of "John and Elizabeth (Nos. 5S6-7); b. Dec. 18, 1684; m. Hannah Ball, March 24, 1709. ^'^" Dan. of John Ball (No. 97); b. Jan. 12, 1689-1/:!. ^^^ Born Nov. 15, 1713. 5fi0 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 59§ S^North ir,i//.] Damares Mix 599 [,Vor//i Wall.] HERE LIETH INTER'RED THE BODY OF NATHANEL MIX WHO DIED OCT> 14' 1725 AGED 74 YEARS 600 [A'ortk IValL] HERE LIETH THE BODY OF MARY WIFE OF NATHANEL MIX WHO DIED FLo- MARCH Y' 25"' 1723 AGED 69 YEARS 601 [North Jl'all.} In Memory of M'' Nathaniel Mix who died Oct*"' 24*'' 1756 Aged 64 years 602 [iVorth JValL'] Here Lies y"* Body of m" Annah Wife of m' Nathaniel Mix died Sep 15"' 1731 Aged 35 Years 603 [North II all.] In Memory of M" Rebecca Mix the Confort of M' Nathaniel Mix who died ihe 12 Day of March 1780 Aged 82 604 [North IVall.] Stepiien y'' Son of m'', Nathaniel Mix died May y"* 21^' 1736 Age'' 9 Years Mary y Daughter of M', Na ihaniel Mix died June ii"', 1736 Aged 4 Years 605 [North Nathaneel Son of M'- Nathaneel & M"^* Rebecca Mix died Sept'"' 20"' 1749 Aged 25 years Wall.] Stephen Son of M'- Nathaneel & M" Rebecca Mix died Sept'"' 4^'' 1737 Aged 3 years ^^*' By birth Punderson; bapt. July 5, 1719; m., June 9, 1737, Joseph Mix, Jr., who d. July, 17B9, aged 74; she d. Sept. 9, 1742. The headstone is miss- ing. '■''''■' Son of Thomas and Rebecca (Turner); b. Sept. 14, 1651. *"'^ Dau. of Benj. and Elizabeth (Sperry) Bunnell; b. Oct. 11, 1695; d. at birth of No. 585. •^"^ Dau. of Ralph and Abiah (Basset) Lines; b. Feb., 1697-8; m. Aug. 31, 1732. ''"^ Stephen, b. Dec. 10, 1728; Mary, b. June 9, 1733. '"^ Nath'l., b. March 11, 1724-5; Stephen, b. Apr. 18, 1739. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 5^)1 606 iNorth Wall?}, In Memory of M" i Nathanel Mix A died November 29*^'' 1781 in the 32 Year of his Age 607 YNoith \Vall.\ Here lyeth the body of M'' Samuel Mix Who Died April ye JO*"! A D 1730 In y' 67"^ Year of his age 60§ {Cypress A v.. Lot 36.] H. I. S. Samuel Mix Coll: Yal; A.M. Vir summae Probitatis e Vivis cefsit 15"^" Octobris A. D 1755'" ^Etatis 56'" 609 {Same Lot.J Abigail Mix Daughter of M'' Samuel & M'-' Abigail Mix died Auguft y 7"' 1739 in y" 2'' Year of her Age 610 611 612 613 [Same Lot.] Elizabeth Mix Daughter of M'- Samuel dt M" Abigail Mix died Auguft y 15"' 1739 [^w^ Lot.\ Rebecca Mix Daughter of M'' Snmuel & M" Abigail Mix Died Auguft y'' 17"' 1739 in y" 11"' Year of her Age \i\'oith IValL] HERE LIES Y'' BODY OF THOMAS MIX WHO DIED MARCH 14 1722 AGED 36 YEARS [Central A7'., Lot 39,] In Memory of M" Mary Mix wife of Doct^ Timothy Mix who Departed this Life Dec'' 15 : 1761 In the 46 Year of her Age She was very Exemplary In her Life And had a Peaceful Joyful Death «o« Son of Nath'I., Jr., and Sarah (Bradley); b. Nov. 17. 1749. 6« Son of Thom:is and Rebecca (Turner); b. Jan. 11, 1663-4; m., July 26, 1699, Rebecca, dau. of George Pardee, b. Apr. iS, 1666, d. June 14, 1731. «»« Eldest ch. of Samuel (No. 607); b. May 20, 1700; grad. Yale Coll. 1720; m., Jan. i, 1727-8, Abigail, dau. of Jonathan and Abigail Cutler (No. 231), of Boston, who next m. Wm. Greenough (No. 369). «"' Born Nov. 29, 1730. '^" Born Jan. 19. 1728-9. «''^ Son of Caleb; b. Dec. 18, 1685, left neither wf. nor child. «'•' By birth Cooper, of St. George's Manor, L. I.; m., July 19. 1733, son of Joseph (No. 595), b. Sept. 24, 1711, grad. Yale Coll. 1731, d. Dec. 15. 1779- 5i\-2 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 614 [Sawc' Lot.] lohn Son of | Anna Dang'' m'' Timothy & rr/* Ma- -ry Mix died Nov' )••■ 5 1738 Aged one Year & 15 Days ter of M'- Timoth)' & M'-^ Ma- -ry Mix died June 25"' 1742 9 months old 615 [Snwe Lof.] In Memory of LiKUT. TIMOTHY MIX. Born Jan. 20, 1740. Served through the Revolutionary war. Died June 11, 1S24. Also his wife MARGARET Died July 23, 1815, \e 72. Also tiieir Son TIMOTHY Died on board Prison Ship in New York, 1778. 616 [.Vo;/// ira//.] Here lieth the Body of Thomas More of Winfor A ftudeni of Yale College who Died Ap:2o'i' A : D 1729 In y"" 24"' Year of his a^ 617 HERE LIES Y' BODY OF M' lOHN MORRIS WHO DIED DECEM' lo: 1711 AGED 65. YEARS 618 [jVor//i IValL] HERE LIES Y" BODY OF HANNAH WIFE. OF M' lOHN MORRIS WHO DIED IVNE 12 1710 AGED 59 YEARS 619 [CyJ'ress Av., Lol G\.\ In Memory of M' ABEL MORSE, who Died March : 10"' AD 1795: Aged 49 Years And 3 Children of M"- & M''^ F Morfe Samu' Langdon Died June 22 1795 Aged 16 Years 9 months Debby Walker was killed by a fall nth April 10"' AD 1793 JE 2 Years 2 mo John Fabian Died Sep' 6 AD. 1795 M 2 Years 5 months Immortal be wife Remember Judge- [ment and learn to Die •"'^ Lieut. Timothy, son of No. 613. ""* Son of Samuel & Damaris (Strong). "'■' Son of Thomas and Elizabeth; bapt. March 8, 1646; wf. Ann d. Dec. 4, 1664; next m., March 29, 1666, Elizabeth, wid. of Thomas Lamson; next m., Aug. 12, 1669, Hannah Bishop. *'* Dau. of James Bishop (No. 149); b. May 29, 1651. ^'^ Children of Abel and Mehetabel Fabyan Morse. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW IIA\'EN. 503 «20 [A^oH/i JI ',}//.] HERE LIE.- Y' BODY OF MARY WIFE OF JOSEPH MOSS WHO DIED MARCH Y- 26: 1716 AGED 72 YEARS 621 622 M.- Sarah Mofs Relict of M'- Jofeph Mofs dyed April y- 4 1730 Aged 67 Years [Cypress A?'., Lot 43.] In Memory of Mifs Mary Daughter of M' Barnabas & M" Mehetablf. Mulford Who died Decern'" 22*'' 1787 Aged 12"' Years. She Came forth like a flower and is Cut down She fleeeth as a Shadow and Continueth not. 023 {^North IVall.l Sufannah y Daughter of m' Benjamin & m'* Abigai' Munfon di- «2I <;25 620 627 -ed Septem': y" 21*' 1743 Aged : 6 months 3 weeks [North \V.ill.\ Benj" Son of m'' Benj-' & m" Abigail Munfon died June y 9"' 1746 Aged 8 Years [Linden A v.. Lot 6. J In Memory of Captain jskael munson who died July [Cypress A v., Lot 28.J Here lies y Body of M"^ Elisabeth wife of M' Ifrael Munfon. She Dec'' Nov y 17"' 1734 Aged 30 years [Lint/en .-Iv., Lot 6. J Here Lies }" Body of m'" Mary y" Wife of Ens". Ifrael Munfon died Oct' 28 1742 Aged 26 Years ^''^ Dau. of Roger and Mary (Nash) Ailing; bapt. Nov. 26, 1643 ; m. Apr. 1 1, 1667; he next m., July 11, 1717, Sarah Gilbert, and d. 1728. ^-■^ Barnabas, Jr., b. at Branford, Feb. 13, 1745, m., Nov. 10, 1771, Mehitable, dau. of Timothy and Mary (Punchard) Gorhani. ®'^^ Benjamin, schoolmaster, b. March 28, 1711. m., June 6, 1732, Abigail, dau. of John Punderson (No. 723), and d. June 24, 1772. «-^^ Bo'rn Feb. 28, 1738-9. '•'-'^ Married Elizabeth Bishop, Feb. i, 1726-7; next m., Oct. 28, 1736, Mary Brinsmade, of Stratford ; d. 1754, leaving wid. Margaret. ^'^'' Dau. of Samuel Bishop, Sr. (No. 149); b. Apr. i6, 1704. 5^4 INSCRIPTIONS OX TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 62§ yXoith IVall.] Here Lies y Bod)- of James Munfon Son of Cap' Theophiliis Munfon died Oci' y"' 20''' 1742 Aged 27 Years 029 [Cypress At\, Lo/ 2&.] In Memory of Cap' JOSKPH MUNSON who departed this Life January the g"' AD 1793 in the 66"' Year of his age 630 M^ [Sd///,- Lo/.] In Memorv of Sarah Munson Wife of Cap' Joseph Munson who Died November 1790 in the 58"' Year of her age 631 [Sa/Nt' Lot.\ Joseph Son of Cap' Joseph & Ms Sarah Munson died Sept. 27"^ 1769 Aged 16 Months 632 [Cypress A v., Lot 3.] ABIGAIL MUNSON Wife of Samyl Munfon Departed this life Feb> 23'' AD. 1793 Aged 70 Years 633 634 635 [Cypress Av., Lot 28.] Here Lies y" Body of m'^ Sufa- nah Wife of y'^ Reu'' m' Stephen Munfon died Decemb' y'' 14 1741 Aged 38 Years [Same Lot.] In Memory of M''^ Lucy Munson Wife of M'' Stephen Munson who departed this Life May IS''' 1790 aged 59 Years [Same Lot.] Stephen Son of M-- Stephen & M''* Lucy Munfon Diei Aug"' 16 1756 one year *-^ Born Oct. i, 1715. ^'^'^ Son of Israel (No. 625); b. Oct. 8, 1727; m., Feb. 2, 1757, his ist cousin, Sarah Bishop. ^^" Dau. of Samuel Bishop, Jr. (No. 149); b. Feb. 6, 1732-3. 633 Rev_ Stephen, son of Stephen and Lydia (Basset), b. Nov. 15, 1704, grad. Yale Coll. 1725, d. Greenwich, Conn., May, 1730. ^^ Dau. of Isaac and Jemima (Sage) Riley, of Wethersfield ; b. March 27, 1732; m., Oct. 16, 1756, Stephen, son of Stephen and Susannah (No. 633), b. Dec. 14, 1730, grad. Yale Coil. 1751, d. Dec. 3, 1800. ^^5 Born Feb. 20, 175S. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 565 4>:tO «;57 [.Vor^/i IVaH.] Here lies y Body of Cap' Theophilus Muiifon died Novem'' 3- 28' 1747 Aged 72 Years [Xor//i Z/rt//.| Here Lies )' Body of m'* Either y" Wife of Cap' Theo- philus Miinfon Who died Sep"' y*^ 16, 1746 Aged 68 Years 639 [/^ortk IValL] THOMAS: MVNSON AGED . 73 .• DECEASED THE .•7"' OF 3:'" 1685 <>40 [iVorlh I rail.} JOANNA ; MVNSON AGED 68 DECEASED THE 13 OF 10"' 1678 641 [A'prth Jl'ali: &m {Norlh //;?//.] Here lies the Body of Theophilus Munson who died Dec. 13"' 1793 JE 80 alfo Abigail his relict daughter of Cap'. James Tallmadge died in Waterbury March :o"' 1795 /E 80 They who the longeft life enjoy Have told us with a figh That to be born feem little more Than to begin to die HERE LY'i' THE BODY OF- THE - HONOVRED & WORTHY MAO"^ JOHN NASH AGED 72 DE CEASED JVLY Y'- 3 16S7 642 \_Cential Av., Lot 13.] In memory of NOAH NICHOLS who died Aug. 23. AD. 1799. in the 27"' year of his age. "36 Son of Samuel and Martha (Bradley); b. Sept. i, 1675. 63S Theopiiilus, son of Theophilus; b. June 25, 1713; Abigail, dau. of James and Hannah (No. 798), b. Aug. 14, 1714. •*■*" Probably wf. of Thomas. ^^ Son of Thomas and Margaret (Baker); m. Elizabeth, prob. dau. of Edmund Tapp, of Milford, who d. May i, 1676. 5(iH INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 643 \Maple Av., Lot 41.] Children of John & Jane D. Nicoll. EDWARD Died September 18, 1780. Aged I Year. JANE Died Jul\' I 17S3. Aged I Year. AGUSTUS Died March 24. 1789, Aged 5 Years. JOHN AUGUSTUS Died November 21. 1795. Aged 3 Years. CHARLOTTE Died May 30. 1798, Aged 12 Years. 644 \_iYorth IFa//.] In Memory of Richard Niles. who died July y'' 5"^ A.D. 1756 in the 86"" year of His Age. All living nnift Return to Duft 645 [A/a/>/e Av., Lot 40.] In Memory of M" Elisabeth Nii.es who was born at Dedham in the Colon}- of the Mafsachufetts Bay Feb^^ 23'' A.D. i68r, and died at Newhaven Dec'"' 21'* A.D. 1766 in the 86*'' Year of Her Age 646 [Crypt] JOHN NOYES A.M. departed this Life Nov 5''' 1767 aged 32. A Gent' distinguished for his innocent inoffensive Behavior, patient under trials habitually cheerful, a faithful tender Husband, Parent & Friend Benevolent to all, furnished with a good degree of aca- demical Learning : but the Gospel was his beloved study of which he was an agreeable Instructive Preacher and in the belief of it resigned in Death 647 [OypL\ MARY NOYES Daughter of M' JOHN & M" MARY NOYES died August 11''' 1770 Etat 4 Years. "* Perhaps brother-in-law of No. 645. *^^ Dau. of Rev. Wm. and Alice (Bradford) Adams; m., Sept. 14, 1696, Rev. Samuel Whiting, of Windham, Conn.; he was son of Rev. John and Sybil (Collins), of Hartford, b. A\)X. 22, 1670, d. Sept. 27, 1725; she next m., Dec. 22, 1737, as his 3d wf., Rev. Samuel Niles, of Braintrce, Mass.; he was son of Nathaniel and Saraii (Sands), of Block Island, b. May i, 1674, grad. Harv. Coll. 1699, d. May i, 1762; she then removed hither, to be with her son Nathan (No. 914). •51" Son of Rev. Joseph (No. 648); b. Dec. 15, 1735; grad. Yale Coll. 1753; m., Nov. 16, 1759, Mary, dau. of Rev. Joseph and Rebecca (Peabody) Fish, of North Sionington; she next m.. May 24, 1775, Gen. Gold S. Siliiman, of Fairfield, and next Dr. John Dickinson, of Middletown, Conn. *'*■ Born June 21, 1766. INSCRIPl'IONS OX TOMBSTONES IM NEW UAVEX. 507 648 [0:i'/A] REV' JOSEPH NOYES. A MAN OF GOD EMINENT FOR PRUDENCE CATHOLIC IN SENTIMENTS, GIVEN TO HOSPITALITY, PATIENT IN TRIBU- LATIONS & ABUNDANT IN LABORS HAVING SERV HIS GENERATION BY THE WILL OF GOD, 5 YEARS A TUTOR, & 26 A FELLOW, OF Y. COLLEGE, & 45 PASTOR OF Y' I < CHURCH IN N. HAVEN DIED JUNE 14 1761 AGED 73. M- ABIGAIL NOYES Relict of the Rev. JOSEPH NOYES died at Weathersfield y 10"' day of Oct. 1768 JE y2 Sc was Buried in that place. A Gentlewoman of a sweet and delicate Temper, & of female Virtue an Example, She greatly excelled in y Knowledge of y Scriptures they were y Guide of her Youth & y Comfort & Support of her Age. She was a Loving Parent, to y Poor Char- itable to y Faulty a faithful Reprover to the Cause of Truth a Friend. Her life was diligent & useful. Her Heaven began on Earth. She saw through a Glass darkly but now face to face. O Grave, where is thy Victory. 649 [C>y/'/.] 650 [Cry/>/.] JOSEPH HAYNES | Joseph Noyes NOYES SON OF | Son of y Rev' REV' M M Joseph Noyes JOSEPH NOYES died April 23' DIED OCT 6 ] 1728 Aged A.D. 1718 I 8 weeks '^'^ Son of Rev. Janies, Jr., and Dorothy (Sianton), of Stoningtoii ; b. Oct. 16, 1688; gr;id. Y. C. 1709; ordained July 4, 1716; m., Nov. 6, 1716, Abigail, dau. of Rev. James and Sarah Pierpont (Nos. 691, 693), b. Sept. ig, i6g6. «^» Born Aug. 6, 1718. 508 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 651 [Crvpt.] Dorothy Noyes daughter of y Rev' M" Joseph Noyes died March 14"' 1736 aged 5 years I month & 2 days 655 \_Cetitral Az^., Lot 45.] IN Memory of DAVID OSBORN who died May 26. 1768 X. 40 & inter'd in the old yard \.Crypi:\ 052 lames Noyes died Sep' 23' 1739 Aged Almost 6 Years Children of y 656 Anne Noyes died Sept 22' 1739 Aged About 8 Years Rev' M' Joseph & Abigail Noyes 60a ^Sylvan Av., Lot 50.] NATHAN OAKS Died in St. Johns Nova Scotia Jan. 10. 1796 /E. 49. l^North JVa//.] Here Lies y"" Body of m''* Elifabeth Wife of Enf Jeremia'' Ofbo'n died Sepf y" 22 1744 Aged 43 Years 654 \Li)iden Av., Lot 53.] Here lie interred the remains of BILIOUS WARD OSBORN who died May 4- 1798 in the 27 year of his Age Lord make me 10 know the mcafure of my days liow frail I am 657 {^Sycamore Az'., I^ot 25.] In Memory of JONATHAN OSBORNE who died May 22, 1777, M. 48. MEHETABLE his wife died Jan, 31, 1821, yE. 87. ABIGAIL wife of Titus Atwater, &. 29. JONATHAN graduated in Y. College 1789. died Nov. 4, 1796, yE. 26. Children of J. & M. Osborne. ^^^ He m., May 15, 1776, Esther, b. July i, 1753, dau. of Stephen and Esther Peck (No. 677). 655 VVid. Mary d. March 6, 1814, let. 61. ^^"^ Jonathan, Sr., son of Jonathan and Anne (Sanford), b. July 20, 1729. Tilus Atwater, son of Enos and Hannah (Moss), of Wallingford, b. Jan. 6, 1761. INSCRIPTIONS ON TONfBSTONES IN^ NEW IIAVEX. r>i\9 658 [Same Lo/.] ANNE died March 8. 1851 .E. 87 MEHETABLE died Dec. 4. 1794. ^. 32. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord Daughters of [onathaii & Mehptable OSBORNE 659 [Nor//i //;?//.] Here lies the Body of M' Jofeph Ofboiie who dec'd Nov'' y 19 1735 Aged 68 Years 060 [Nortk I I'd//.] HERE LIES Y^' BODY OF lOSEPH OSBORNE lUNIOR WHO DIED DEC 1724 AGED 32 YEARS 661 [Crypf.] Here lieth the Body of MARY HILLHOUSE OSWALD second daughter to Colo. ELEAZER and Mrs. ELIZABETH OSWALD who expired the 27"' of March 1778 Aged 3 Years & 9 Months. Sweet Babe, are all thy winsome [pleasing airs Thy infant gambols come to this Thy Father's hope, thy Mother's [tender cares Thus buried deep in deaths abyss Though sorely we lament thy early [Fall Though untimely ce pt of what [might be 662 663 664 665 [JVor//i PFa//.] A P ID. 6". 89 [A^or//i tra//.] William Son of Moses & Sarah Pardee who died December 2"> 1774 aged 16 Months [Li;/(/i// Av., Lot 13.] Here lies the Body of M" REBECK AH PARKMAN, Mother of M' JEREMIAH & M^^ REBECKAH TOWNSEND who died May y 10"' 1755 in }"' 50"' year of her age [Cryj^t.] SACRED To the memory of ELIZABETH Wife of ELIAS PARMELE Ob Feb'y 2' 1794 ^tat XXII. "^^ Son of Jeremiah and Mary; b. Dec. 15, 1667; left wid. Mary. ^^^ Born July 23, 1692; left wid. E.xperience. *^' Mrs. Oswald d., a widow, in Philadelphia, of vellow fever, Sept. 18, 1797. ^^^ Moses, son of Benj. and Mary (Bradley), ni. Sarah Wilmot. *** Mother of 2d wf. of Jeremiah Townsend (see No. 839). *''' Dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Sabin) Trowbridge; b. Aug. 2, 1770. 570 INSCEIPTIONS OX TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. mm [Ce)/^rn/ Az'., Lo^ 41.] In Memor)' of M'' Hezekiah Parmele Deceaf'd December 3'' i79-» .Etat 57. Death is a debt to Nature dew Which I liave paid and so mult }'Ou & buried in the former burying place in this City 669 ««7 Elias Son of M" Hezekiah & M''" Elizabeth Parmele died March y 23'' 1773 in the S"' Year of liis age 670 66S [Liiidc'ii Av., Lot 57.] In Memory of SARAH PARMELE who died July 21. 1832, & interred here. yE. 85. Also her Husband JEREMIAH PARMELE, who died Mar. 24. 1778, ^E. 34. 671 & their Son WILLIAM who died Nov. 2, 1794, ^E. 23. 672 [North Wall.] In Memory of M'* Abigail wife UK M'' Jeremiah Pakmei.ee who died Nov'"' 24'>' A.D. 1767 in y'' 25"" Year of Her Age [Noit/i IValL] Here lyeth y Body of M' John Payn Who Dyed July y 4"' 1729 Aged 80 Years [tViilnil A v.. Lot 7.] Elifha fon of H & H Peck, who died Oct. 18"' 1789 aged 20 months [A'oiih Wall.] In Memory of Cap' James Peck who departed this Life March 2'' 1794 in the 86"' Year of his age ^^^ He in. Elizabeth Cook, Dec. 6, 1764. ^^"^ Born Sept. 26, 1765. "'•** Jeremiah, son of Jeremiah; m. Abigail Russel, Jan. 14, 1767; next m. Sarah, dan. of Samuel and Sarah (Humphreviile) Doolittle, b. Nov. 29. 1747; Captain in Col. Hazcn's Continental Reg't., wounded in battle of the Brandy- wine, and then d. of small-pox. '■'" Son of John, of Souihold ; he m., Jan. 22, 1673, Abigail, dau. of John Brocket, b. March lo, 1649-50; next m., March 23, 1692, Jemima, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Alsop (No. 26), who d. Dec. 15, 1713. "'' Son of Henry and Hannah (Lewis) Peck. *■''■' Son of James and Abigail (Moiris); b. Aug. 4, 1708 ; m., Feb. 18,1730-1, Mary Hitchcock; wid. Abigail d. Aug., 1793, aet. 66. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. ;)( 673 [Syaiwon' A v., Lot 25.] In Memory of JOHN PECK who died Mar. 8. 1825. &. 6g. EZEKIEL OSBORNE Died July 4. 1795. J£.. 8 yrs. FRANCIS SIDNEY. Died Sept. 1792 M. 14 mo's. children of J. and L. Peck 674 {North WaU:\ In Memory of Frances Sidney Son of M"' John & M" Lois Peck who died Aug' 13"' 1792 in the 14 Mo- nth of his awe 675 \Cypress Av., Lot 47.] In Memory of M''^ Rebecca Peck Confort of Cap' John Peck who died 25"' April 1788 In the 23** Year of her age The Virtues of an amiable Temper a lovely Difpofilion had but Juft began to Dawn upon a Married State wh'" the unrelenting hand of the King of Terror put a period to the Hopes of her Parents the Expectations of her friends. & the moft Proinifiug prof- pects of an affectionate llufband In- nocence & Induftry were her attend- ants in Life Patience and Rcfignation in Siclinefs & Fortitude and Immortal hope in Death No age nor Se.x exempts from Deaths [arreft His Dart once levelld at the Human [breaft Youth bloom & Beauty age & Child- [hood muft Return Submiffive to their Native [Duft 676 [Cypress A v., Lot 20.] This Stone is erected in memo ry of three children of M'' Joseph & M''^ Sarah Peck Joseph Peck who died Novem' 11"' 1781 Aged 4 Years Bela Peck who died April 18"' 1 791 Aged 3 Years Thomas B. Peck who died Sep tember 13'^ 1792 Aged 2 Years 677 [Centra/ A v.. Lot 7.] In Memory of M"'* Esther wife of M'' Stephen Peck who died Novembr y 13. AD 1760 in the 28' year of Her Age 67§ [North Wall.'] HERE LYES DEACON WILLIAM PECK -AGED -93 DECES'i OCTO'" y- 14 1694 "'3 Son of Joseph and Anna (Perkins); m., March 12, 1780, Lois Osborn. ^■^ Dau. of Joel Atwater (No. 55); b. March 21, 1766. *■'' Joseph m. Sarah Allcock, Dec. 27, 1774. '''• Dau. of Israel Munson (No 625); b. Feb. 11, 1731-2; m., Apr. 3, 1753, Stephen, son of James and Hannah (Leek), bapt. June 7, 1730. •>•* Deacon 1659-94. 572 INSCRTPTTONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 679 INorlh lV,i//.\ Here lies Enter'' y" Body of David Peirfon Son of m'' Dauid Peirfon of Bridg-Haniton on long Ifland A Student of Yale Coliedge he De- parted this Life Ma)' >••■■ 23'' 1 741 in J- 19"' Year of his Age 6§0 [Af„/>/c' At., Lot 51.] (Oil north side monument.) PETER PERIT. of Milford, Ob't S'l' April I 791 /E. 84 ABIGAIL his wife Ob'i 27 Sept 1794 .E. 81 THADEUS PERIT. Ob't 3 Aug. 1806 ^E. 51 SOPHIA his wife Ob't 22 May 1784 ^E. 24 ANTHONY PERIT. Ob't July 15. 1816 yE. 72 BENJAMIN SANFORD Ob't April 2'd 1792 /E. 59 MARY, his wife Ob't Jan. 5"', 1790. X.. 50. MARY, the wife of .PERIT and daughter of B. & M. Sanford, Ob't 4"' April 1774 ^E. 17. also 4 Sons & 5 daugh'rs infant children of B. & M. Sanford. JOB PERIT. Ob't Oct. 2'', 1794. ^E. 43. BENJAMIN S, Ob't 29"' Jan. 1784 yE. 3 months MARY S, Ob't II July 1791 ^. 2 w', SOPHIA C. Ob't 22 June 1794 ^E. 3 w*. Children of Job & Sarah Perit. 6§1 «J|(2 \_No)tk U\ill.\ 1686 E P ^Noilh ]Vall.] Here Lies y'" Body of m"'* Ruth y Wife of m' John Pirkins died Decern'"' y''i5"' 1742 Aged 32 Years 6§3 iNorth U'a//.] DEBORAH WIFE OF DANIEL PERRY WHO DIED DEC' 16: 1711 AGED 39 YEARS '^■''" Thaddeus m., March ib, 1782, Sophia, dau. of Pclaiiali Webster (Yale Coil. 1746), of Philadel[)hia; ne.\t m.. Nov. 26, 1789, Desire, dau. of Benj. Sanford, bapt. June 5, 1768, d. Aug. 27, 1838. Anthony m., Jan. 31, 1783, Mary Sanford; next m., Nov. 11, 1784, Betsey Ouintard. Job Perit m. Sarah Sanford, Nov. 17, 1782. •**' Prob. in memory of Elizabeth, dau. of David Perkins, b. Jan. 23, 1684, d. Nov. 27, 1686. **'- John m. Ruth Bishop. May 17, 1739. INSCRIPTIO.XS ON TOMHSTOXKS L\ ,NK\V ll.WEX. «»S-I 1 Cypress A%>., Lot 44 ] 6sr \Lhidc-ii Av., Lot 24.] Sacred Phebk to the memory of Daughter of M'' Mary Phipps the amia Dearinu & M"^' ble Confort of David Phebe Phipps Phipps who departed died April 13"' this Life much lamented the 27"* of October 1794 A ; D 1766. Aged 3 Years & 2 Months in the 51" Year of her age Diftinguifhed for piety and Benevolence in a Christian Life her children rife up and call her Blef her Hufband alfo and praifeth her ed 0§8 "iNorth Wall. \ In Memory of M" Elizabeth Phipps the Wife of Cap. 6§5 iSame Lot.} Sacred to the Memory Solomon Phipps who of Roger Bearing Phipps departed this Life Son of David & Mary May 7"^ AD 1785 Aged Phipps who departed 36 Years the only this Life the 25"' of September 1794 in the Child of Asa Todd jgth Year of his age 689 {North Wall.] How Blef'd are they who in their ten In der Youth With Native goodnefs and unfullied [truth Selected are from this low world of Str ife Memory of M" Hannah Phipps the Wife of Cap' Solomon Phipps who To fing their Great Creators praife an immortal L in ife 690 departed this Life Sep- tember 7"' 1789 in the 6§6 [iVort/i IVal/.] 37"' Year of her age, In Memory of Mr. [Oj^t.] Roger hearing Phipps who died Sept nth 1770 In the 35"' Year of his Age Here lyes y Bo- dy of Mr. Hezikiah Pierpont Who died Sept y 22' He ! was ufefull in Life, & his Death much lamented 1 74 1 in y*^^ 29''' Year of his Age *^ Dau. of Benj. English (No. 310); bapt. Sept. 30, 1744; m., June 13, 1771, David, b. in Falmouth, Me., Aug. 2, 1741, d. March 26, 1825. *^* Bapt. Aug. II, 1782; d. of yellow fever. ^^^ He m. Phebe Brown, Oct. 12, 1758, who survived him. ^^^ Dau. of Asa and Mary (Ailing) Todd; b. Apr. 13, 1749. «*3 Hannah, wid. of Hamlin Dwight (bapt. Sept. 12, 1742, d. Dec. 18, 1786), m. S. Phipps, Feb. 3, 17S8. ^^'' Son of Rev. James; b. May 26, 1712; m., Feb. 9, 1736-7, Lydia, dau. of Rev. Jacob and Lydia (Ball) Heminway, of East Haven; she ne.xt m. The- ophilus Morgan, of Killingworth. 38 57-1- INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN XEW HAVEN. 691 [C'jpi] HERE LYETH Y BODY OF Y REV M' JAMES PIERPOINT Y LATE FAITHFUL & ABLE MINISTER OF Y GOSPEL IN N. HAVEN. AN ELOQUENT MAN & MIGHTY IN Y' SCRIPTURES, WHO BEING FERUENT IN SPIRIT CEASED NOT FOR THE SPACE OF 30 YEARS TO WARN EVERY ONE DAY AND NIGHT W" TEARS: WHEN HE FINISHED HIS COVRSE NOV. 22' 1714 JETATIS 55 ANAG. Pie repone te. Also M' MARY the 3' wife of the above REV M- James PIERPOINT who died NOVEMBER i" 1740 iEtatis Suae 68. «»'i \C>y/^t.] 693 [C^nU! Church tal>L-L] M' ABIGAIL PIERPONT Sarah Pikrpont DECEASED FEB THE 3' died Oct. 7, 1696, J£. 23 IN THE 20"' YEARE OF HER AGE. 1691. 69-1 [(^"'iiy^-J THE MEMORY OF THE JUST IS BLESSED. UNDER THIS MONUMENT LIES BURIED THE PRECIOUS DUST OF M' SARAH PIERPOINT CONSORT OF M- JAMES PIERPOINT '''' Son of John and Thankful (Stowj, of Roxbury, Mass.; b. Jan. 4, 1659-60; grad. Harv. Coll. 16S1; ordained July 2, 1685; m., Oct. 27. 1691, Abigail Davenport; next m., May 30, 1694, Sarah Haynes; next m., July 26, 1698, Mary, dau. of Rev. Samuel and Mary (Willet) Hooker, of Farmington, b. July's, 1673. "'•'■^ Dau. of John and Abigail Davenport (No. 281); b. Sept. 15, 1672. '*' Dau. of Ruv. Joseph and Sarah (Lord) Haynes, of Hartford; 2d \vf. of James Pierpont. The gravestone is missing; cf. No. 356. "^^■' Dau. of Nathaniel and Martha (Cunnable) Breck, of Boston; m., 1727, James, b. May 21, 1699, grad. Yale Coll. 1718; he next m., March 28, 1754, Anne Sherman, who survived him. XSCRIPTIONS ON ToMliS'lONKS IN NKW (lAXKN, a i o WHO LIVED MUCH DESIRED DIED GREATLY LAMENTED SEPT 28"' 1753 AGED 43 YEARS This monument also reminds the living of that Friend of God and lover of his country M' JAMES PIERPOINT who died June 18. A.D. 1776 in the 78'' Year of his age. He was the eldest son of the Rev. JAMES PIERPOINT former- ly of this town. As he sustained a tru- ly amiable Character in the various relations of life so he died justly lament- ed. He shall enter into peace, they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness. 695 \C>yptA 69S [North U'„//.] In Memory of the Children of In Memory of M- JOHN & M- SARAH PIER- \I.s TlIANKFn.I. [POINT Wife of M^ SARAH died Novembery 11'" 1772 Jacob Pinto, in the 3 ' year of her age. who died July SARAH the 2' died March y 3' y 28"' A.D. 1768 1773 aged 3 days. in y 28"' Year of POLLY died September y- 20"' Her Age 1776 aged 7 months. 699 . 696 [Center Church table t.^ Sarah, daughter of Jo" & S. Pierpont died Feb. 12, 178S. J£.. 14. [JVorth lVall.\ In Memory of M''* Abigaii, Wife of M'- Jacob Pi:nto 697 [Center Church tablet?^ who died March Henry, son of Jo" & S. Pierpont 9"' 1798 in the 49 died Aug. 8, 1790. yE. 6 Year of her age ^'5 John, son of Hezekiah (No. 6go), b. June i, 1740, ni., Dec. 29, 1767, Sarah Beers, d. Oct. 8, 1805. ^^•^ Dau. of John and Sarah (Beers); b. Apr. 3, 1774. The gravestone is missing. Cf. No. 356. ^'^'' Son of John and Sarah (Beers); b. Jan. 18, 1785; d. from the kick of a horse. The gravestone is missing, as last No. ''■'"* Jacob d. 1806. :)7r. IXSCRIPTTONS OX TOMRSTOXES IX XEW HA VEX. roo \ North lValL\ In Memory of Madam Eunice Pitkin Relict of Col. Jos. Pitkin of Eaft Hartford She was the only daughter ford of the Hon'''' JN" Hai.i, of Walling and became firft the Confort of M' Sam' Andrew Son of the Rev. Rector Ani^rkw : And afterwards Confort of Gov L.-vw She was a Lady of an excellent character For prudence Induftry and Economy For Virtue an Piety. For Kindnefs Benevolence and Soci-'bility. and for a certain Noblenefs of Spirit and Dignit)' of manners She lived an Honor and ornament To the Families With which fhe was connected and Died in this City June 3'' 1774 .'Ftat 75 701 \Crypt.\ In Memory of SIDNEY PLATT Son of JER'' & MARY ANN PLATT ■who departed this Life September 15, 1776 Aged 2 Years & 19 days In Memory of HANNAH PLATT BROOME daughter of SAM' & PHEBE BROOME •who departed this Life October 20 1776 Aged II Months Dear lovely Sleepers take your rest, Enjoy your god secure from woes, Nor pain nor grief can you molest, While Angels guard your soft repose. 702 \North Wttll.\ 70:t {^Central Av., Lot 2'i?[ Here Lies y In Memory of Body of Mr Samuel Post Jun— i— loseph Pomeroy Son of Who Died Aug' M'' Samuel Poft y 24"' 1744 in r of Norwich 44 Year of his who departed this Life Age the 29 day of September ■""> Dau. of John and Mary (Lyman); b. March 7, 1700; m., Dec. 9, 1719, S. Andrew, b. Oct., 1688, d. Apr. 26, 1728; next m., 1730, Jonathan Law, as his 5th wf.; he d. Nov. 6, 1750, and her 3d hush. d. Nov. 3, 1762. ''*' Piatt and Broome were partners in business. '"-' Left wid. Mary. ''"^ Son of Samuel and Susan-na (Grant); b. May 16, 1760; m., Aug. 21, 1784, Polly Davis, of N. IJ., who survived him; d. of yellow fever, being then "of IMiiladclphia." INSCHIPTIOXS O.N TO.MJJHTONES IX XKW HAVKX. 1794 yE 34 Years His Memory muft be Dear Nor can we Forget liiiii, Until we ourfclves advance to the Silent grave and clofe our Eyes In Death ro7 701 [North Wa/L] Beniamin Son of M' Joel & M" Sufanna Potter died Sept'" y 13"' 1753 in his 6''' ^'ea^ 70.1 Y.Vorth IVall. Phebe y'' Daughter of m"' John & Efther Potter di- ed Decem'- y'' 4"' 1742 Aged 3 Years John Son of m'' John & Efther Potter di- ed Decern' y" 2 717 [Crypt.] In Memory of Miss MARGARET PROUT Daughter of JOHN PROUT Esq who died Aug. 20''' 1794 JE. 69. \^Saine Lol.] In Memory of M' David Punderson who departed this Life May 5"' 1777 Aged 59 Years 71S< 719 YLiudei! At., Lot 5.] Here lyes the Body of M' David Punder fon Who died SePii Y-- 18 A D 1731 Aged 45 Years \_Saiiu' LoiA^ In Memory o( M''^ Sarah Relict of M' David PUNDERSON who died Nov 27"' A.D. Aged 75 Years 1761, who was Ex- amplary in her Life- peaceful & Sudd-, .-in her Deat. . 7"-JI {.Same Lot.] Here Lyeth y' Body of Dea" John Punderfon Who Dec' Jan' y 23 1729 Aged 86 Years He was the only son of John Punderson Es'i who was among the first Emigrants to this colony from England. From him decended all the Punderson Family [24 These Family stone Removed Nov 1810 722 {.Same Lot.] HERE LYETH Y'^ BODY OF DAMERIS WIFE OF lOHN PUNDERSON WHO DIED DECEM. 14 1711 AGED 62 YEARS ''^ Baptized July 26, 1725. ''^ Son of John (No. 721); b. Nov. 3, 16S6; m., Dec. 27, 1716, Sarah Ailing. •'^ Dau. of" Samuel and Sarah (Chedsey) Ailing; b. Jan. 17, 1685-6. •-« Son of David (No. 718); b. June 29, 1718; m., Dec. 20, 1739, Thankful, dau. of John and Hannah Todd (No. 877), b. July iS, 1717, d. March 6, 179S. '■" John, Sr., d. 1681; John, Jr., bapl. Oct., 1644, m., Nov. 5. 1667, Damaris .\lwater; deacon, 1689-1730. '■" Dau. .of David Atwater; b. Nov. 2, 1649. 580 733 INSCRIPTION,'^ ON TOMBSTONES IN NP^AV HAVEN, 724 725 726 {Same Lot] Here Lies y" Body of Deacon John Punderfon Who died July y" 3'' 1742 Aged 69"' Years I Same Lot.^ Here lies y' Body of M'" Abiga'll punderfon y Wife of Deacon John punderfon y" 2<' Who Die' March y'- 8"' 1739 Aged 65 [IVesl JVa!ir\ In Memory of Mrs. Mary, relict of Mr. John Ball & late relict of De'"" John Punderson who died Sept. 23 1771 in her 79*'' Year {Linden Av., Lot 5.] Here Lies y"" Body of Captin lohn Punderfon died Nou"' y'' 26"' 174; Aged 33 Years 727 72§ 72!) 730 {Same Lot.^ Cap' lohn Punderfon died Octo"" y' 18"' 1739 Aged 22 Years {Same Zc/.] Here lyes the Body of M' Samuel Punder fon Who died Oct' y 26*'' AD 1 73 1 Aged 40 Years {Same LoL] Here Lies y Body of M' Thomas Punder son Who died July y" 29 1742 y« 64 Year of his Age [Same Lo/.] Here lyeth the Body of Mary y" Daughter of M' Thomas Punderfon Who Died octb' Aged 13 years ■'•'3 Son of John (No. 721); b. next m., March (), 1739-40, wi '-•' Dau. of John Ailing (No ^^^ Dau. of Thomas, Jr., and No. 98. "6 Son of John (No. 723), b '-' In memory of Ann, wife 636); b. Ian. 4, 1717-18. ■'•^9 Son of John (No. 721); Nov. 28, 16S5, dau. of Abram (Yale Coll. 1726), the first Ep '3» Born Oct. 8, 1716. Dec. 10, 1673; m., Aug. 3, 1699, Abigail Ailing; d. Mary Bail; Deacon of ist Church, 1727-42. . 16); b. Nov. 23, 1673. Mary (Sanford) Tuttle; b. May 6, 1693; ist m. .July 25, 1709: m., Apr. 27,1738, Ann Munson. of No. 726; dau. of Theophilus Munson (No. ■■'* Son of John (No. 721); b. Sept. 20, 1691. b. Jan. 15, 1678; m,, Sept. 21, 1704, Lydia. b. Bradley (No. 172); parents of Rev. Ebenezer P, isc. minister in New Haven, INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 581 y»i [Sa/ur Lot.] In Memory of M' Thomas Punderson who departed this Life Februar\' 22' 1781 in the 68 Year of his Age Blefsed are the dead who die in y" Lord 7:w In Memory of M'" Mary Punderson Relict of M' Thomas Punderfoii who departed this Life Sep' 9 1795 in the 78"' Year of her age 7 34 A L (^^'^'" '-i V; Lot 2C,.\ D. D. Johan. Pynchon 733 \No;t/t ira/l.\ Here lies inter'd the Body of Roda Consort of John Rakeb- rant, who departed this life. Novb'- i"' 1788 Aged 28 Years. — Tho' heav'n by most aflTMcting ways. Its Just & facred will displa ys yet Man muft not complain Sophia their Daughter Aged 7 months Fair innocence in morn of life fcarce blown, fee by too haf.. death cut early down 731 I Cypnss A v., Lot ib.\ Ei.izA Read Daughter of Daniel tS: Jerufha Read Died Sept' i6"' 1800 M. 9 Months 735 [Sylvan Av., Lot 56.J ZECHARIAH Died Mar. 14, 1796 JE. 6 ys CHARLES I ' Died June 18. 1794 JE. 18 mo Children of Zechariah & Sarah Reed 736 [North Wall.] In Memory of of D'' John & Rebeca Rhode.. VIZ Frederick Born Jan" 14"' 1759 died Nov' 22'' 1759 Catharina Born Jan' 27"' 1770 died Jan' 14"' 1773 A Still born Son July 8"' 1772 Sleep Lovelv Babes and take your [Peaceful 1 Reft God cal'' you home because he Saw it [beft ''^' Son of Thomas (No. 729); b. Aug. 24, 1713. ^"'^ Dan. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Trowbridge) Miles; b. Dec. 18, 1719. ''^■^ In memory of Daniel John Pynchon, son of Judge VVm. and Catharine (Brewer), of Springfield ; b. Oct. 7, 1733; d. Apr. 22, 1754, a Junior in College. The headstone is missing. '^ Daniel, son of Daniel and Mary (White), b. Rehoboth, Mass., Nov. 2, 1757, m. Jerusha Sherman, d. 1836. ''^ Zechariah d. Sept. 22, 1811, ae. 58; Sarah d. Oct. 9, 1S33, a>. 77. '*^ John Rhodes m., Sept. 23, 1756, Rebecca, wid. of Thomas Tyler, who d. Nov. 7, 1754, and dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Soulhmayd) Starr, of Middletown, Conn.; he d. Jan. 24, 1775, and she next m. Daniel Bontecou (No. 158). 5S2 IXSCRIPTIOXS ON TO^rBSTOXKS tX Xp:W HAVEN. Ttir {Nortlt IVall.'] In Memory of Aaron Rice Son of Archibald & Betfey Rice who di ed Aiiguft 19"^ 1796 aged 3 Years & 2 Months 15 day^ Suffer little children to come unto me for of fuch is the kingdom 740 [N'orth Wall.] Mary anne Daughter of Cap Thomas & Mrs Glorianna Rick died June 1'' 1770 Aged 4 Days 741 73§ [Noil/i Wall.] ...JAMES RICE a friend of nd religious order eemed and ufeful in his life .death fincerely lamented He died n the yellow fever ..September 29"^ 1794 ..65"' Year of his age [Norlh irall.'] Is Memory of Cap* Ebenezer Riley Who fell a Victim by the Small-pox On y 29"" day of April AD: 1773 In the 25"' year of his Age 7:{» [Maph- A v., Lot 5.] In Memory of THOMAS RICE who died, January 18, 1807 " Aged LXXX. and of GLORIANNA his Wife who died, June 28, 1774. Aged XL. 742 \North JWall.] HERE LIETH THE BODY OF lOHN ROCKWELi- SCHOOLER OF WIND ■ SER WHO DIED FEB'^ Y- 3 1721 AGED 24 YEARS 74:J [Oyp/.] M' JOHN ROSWELL DECEASED APRIL Y' 9 1688 ■^* He m., June i, 1759, Mary, dau. of Sam'l Miles (No. 571); she next m. Rev. Dr. Dana (No. 270). '^^ Glorianna, dau. of Dr. George and Anna (Smith) Muirson, of Brook- haven, L. I. '•*' Left wid. Abigail. "•'^ Son of John and Anne (Skinner); b. Dec. 8, 1701. '^* The death is thus entered on the Town Records: — "John Rofswell soe called als. dyed y' 10"' of Aprill & buryed y' 11"' of y same at Nexy Jiaven An". 1688." Not supposed to be a relative of No. 744. INSCFUI'TIONS OX TOMBSTONKS FN NEW HAVKN. 5S8 744 \'Cn'/>r] HERE LYETH THE BODY OF M RICHARD ROSEWELL WHO DECEASED MARCH Y' 24"' 1702 AGED 50 YEARS. 745 Here lyeth the Body of M' Lydia Rosewell Relict of M' Richard Rosewell Who dyed Decern' y 9"' 1731 in y 66"' Year of her Age, 74« 717 [jVo>/k J rail.] Elizabeth Late Wife of M'' Joseph RUGGLES died Nov*"' i"' 1748 in Her 45''' Year yCypress Av., Lot 28.] This Stone is erected in Memory of M''" Lucy'Russiu. Confort of M' Samuel Russei. She died on the 28''' of September 1785 in tlie 29 Year of her age 74S 719 750 \ North ll\,n.\ Here lies Interr'd the Body of M" Sybil Saben wife of M' Charles Saken who Departed this Life Feb'-^' y" 7"' A:D 1756 In the 26 year of her Age [C)'/;YJ.^■ Av., Lot 3. J In Memory of M' Hezekiah Sabin who departed this Life March 7"' 1791 in the Seventy Firft Year of his Age YSdDw Lot.] In Memory of M'^ MEitCY Sakin Wife of M-- Hezekl^h Sabin who Departed this Life September 25"' 1790 in the 68"' Year of her Age '** He m.. Dec. 22, 1681, Lydia Trowbridge; Treasurer of the College, 1701-2. ■•*^ Dan. of Thomas Trowbridge (No. 868); b. June 7, 1666. '^^ Jos. Ruggles, a deacon in the White Haven Church, 1754-1758. ■■*' Eldest dau. of Stephen and Lucy Munson (No. 634); b. Oct. 16, 1756; m. Sept. 21, 1783; he ne.\t m., Nov. 11, 1790, Sarah Woodward. ■■■"^ Dau. of John and Sibyl (Hamlin) Dwight. of Thompson, Conn.; bapt. June 14, 1730; m., Dec. 29, 1747, son of Hezekiah and Zerviah (Hosmer), of Killingly, bapt. Apr. 18, 1725; lie next m., May 13, 1762, Susanna, dau. of John White (No. S94), and wid. of Ebenc/er Bassett, and d. .'\pr.. 1789. '■'' Son of Hezekiah and Zerviali (Hosmer); bapt. Sept. 5, 1720 ; came hither from Killingly abt. 1743. 584 INSCRIPTIONS OX TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 751 {North JVa//.] 755 LIEVTEN - JOHN SACKIT - AGED - 50 YEARS DECEASED NOVEM Y-^ 6 1703 752 HERK LYETH Y' BODY OF JONATHAN SAKIT WHO DIED FEB-^ 4. 1726 AGED 72 YEARS 753 [AW/// Wall.] .-ARY SACKITT DIED NOVEM 36: 1717 AGED 59 YEARS 754 [Norfh I fall.] Here lies Interr'd the Remains of M" ELIZABETH Saltonstal A vertuous and amiable Daughter of Cap^ Rofwell and M" Mary Saltonstal who Departed this Life April the 30*"' A : D 1760 .Etatis 25. 756 757 [A'orl/i Wall.] Memento George Son of M' George Sanueman Merchant in Scotland who died Octob'' 23'' 1776 ^-Etat* 12™" [iVorth Wall.] Here lies the Bod}' of M' William Scott who Dec* Sept' ye 25"" 1736 Aged 38 Years {.Vorth Wall:] Sarah Daughter of M' James «& M"^^ Hannah Searl died May 4"' 1755 Aged I year & 5 Months 75S [North Wall.] HERE LIES Y" BG . OF CAP' DANI.- SHERMUN WHC- DIED NOVEM. 3.. 1716 AGED 75 YEA. Mary Eldest ch. of John and Agnes (Tinkham); b. Apr. 30, 1653; left wid. '■■'Son of John and Agnes (Tinkham); b. June 6, 1655. "°* Dau. of John and Agnes (Tinkham); b. Sept. 24, 1657. ■^ Dau. of No. 239. •** Left wid. Sarah. •'' Dau. of James and Hannah (Bliss). '*^ Son of Rev. [ohn and Mary, of Watertown, Mass.; b. March 27, 1642; , Sept 28, 1664, .Abiah {i. e. Abigail), dau, of Rev. Nicholas Street, ixsrRiPTiox>< oy tombptoxks ix xkw havkx. 5S; 759 760 761 [A'ort/i Wall.] Here lyeth ihc Body of M- Daniel Sherman Who Decafed May y S^'' 1729 In the 61" Year of his Age [Xoii/i //V///.] Here lies inter'd the Body of M"^ Gold Sherman who died Feb. 6"' 1777 of the fmall Pox in the 31 Year of his Age an who departed this Life Novm'" 27"' 1786 in the 41 Year of his age alfo his Infant Son who (lied Septem'"' 2 1781 Aged I Month 775 {Lindni A-:'., Lot 19.] Sacred to the Memory of Cap' Jabez Smith who was born at Groton the 7"' of February AD 1715 and departed this life in this place the 11"' of Auguft AD 1782 Aged 67 770 {Same Lot.] JABEZ SMITH died at Boston June 28, 1780 ; aged 29 years. PEREZ S. SMITH died Nov. 1793 ; aged 25 years. 777 {Same Lot.] Sacred to the Memory of Mifs Marv Smith Daughter of Cap' Jabez & M'- Amie Smith ''^^ Elias m. Esther Whiting, March 13, 1771. ™ Dau. of Elias and Esther (No. 769). ■'' Dau. of Elias and Sarah. "^ He m. Mary, dau. of Samuel and Esther Mansfield (Nos. 546-7), b. July 3, 1748, d. Apr. 26, 1817. "" Ch. of Jabe/ and Amie; Perez d. in \V. Indies. 588 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMRSTONKS IN NEW HAVEN. who departed this life Oct"^ iS'h AD 1786 Aged 26 rrS [Saute Lot.\ This Stone is erected to the memory of JOHN SMITH who fell a victim to the Yellow Fever on the 21*' day of Aug. 1795 in the 54 year of his age He was a dutiful Son a tender and affectionate brother a virtuous Citizen 781 [Cypn-ss Av., Lot 58.] In Memory of NATHANIEL SPENCER who died May 19 i8og J^. 86. Also of William who died Jan 11 1778 /E. 3 years. Son of Nathaniel & Abigail Spencer 7S2 7T9 [Noiih ira//.] In Memory of M" Efther Relict of M' John Mix & Late Relict of Ensign Joseph Smith who died Aug*' y*-- 19^' 1 75 1 Aged 65 years 7§0 [JVort/i Wall.'] In Memory of M'' Eunice Smith the Wife of M' Joseph Smith who died July 5"' 1781 Aged 46 Years 783 784 [iVoii/i iralL] Patiance Daughter of I ofeph Spear- died mar c'' 29 1738 Aged 5 Years [North IVal/.] -.e --aughter .. loseph .-Speary died lun 17 1738 Aged 3 Year' [jVortk lVall.\ William Son of lofeph Spe'v died Marc'' y« 19 1738 Aged 8 month" "^ Esther Peck m. John Mix, Feb. 14, 1716-17; he d. Dec. 30, 1721; her 2d husb. d. Feb. 21, 1734-5. "^" Eunice Thomas m. Jos. Smith, Aug. 18, 1755. '** Dau. of Joseph Sperry, Jr., and Anna (Wilmot); b. May 8, 1733. The father d. Jan., 1788. "^ Anna Sperry b. Apr. 4, 1735. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 589 7»5 \Norih Wall.\ in • Memory of ~ M^ ~ Stephen Sperry 7»» \Maple Av.. Lot i.| Hie Jacel Sepultus Ezra Stiles S. T. D. who died Feb'''' L. L. D yo I7'i' A.D. 1765 Senatus Academicus Aged 66 Years. Coll. Yal. All Living muft, Return to Duft Hoc Saxum Posuit. Ecclesiae H''"'' Port. Rhod. Ins 7§6 iNorth IVa//.] Pastor ; In Memory of Mr* Lydia, relict of Mr Stephen Sperry, Annos XXII Collegii Yalensis Tutor VI ; Praeses XVIII. who departed this life Aug^' 31 1776 in her 83'^ Year. Qui Aha menie praeditus, 7§7 \_Magnolia Av., Lot 19.] Eruditione omnigena imbutus, Urbanitaie suavissima Hear lies y* Body Moribus probis. of M"' Joseph Charitate, Fide, Pietate evangelico Steacev Oflficiis Late of Boston Patris, Amici, Prseceptoris, died Dec"" Ecclesiae Miiiistri, Hominis, Enitens, Suis percarus, In ecclesia Magno cultu dignatus, 7§§ {North PVa//.] Per terras honore habitus, Vixit ; ..LEIV:NATH :.. Lacrymis omnium STEVLNS AGED Obiit ; 48 DECEASd OCTO Mali XII"'" MDCCXCV" 22 AN": DOM : 1709 ^tat. LXVIIP" '^ Son of Richard; b. Feb. 17, 169S-9. ■'*' Died 1754; wid. Hann.ih. '** Son of Wm. and Mary (Meigs), of Guilford; b. Oct. 29, 1661; left wid. Sarah. '^^ Only son of Rev. Isaac and Kezia (Taylor), of North Haven ; b. Nov. 29, 1727; grad. Y. C. 1746; ordained in Newport, Oct. 22, 1755; elected Pres. Y. C. Sept. 10. 1777; m., Feb. 10, 1757, Elizabeth, dau.of John and Elizabeth Hubbard (No. 456), b. July 31, 1731, d. May 29, 1775; next m., Oct. 17, 1782, Mary, wid. of \Vm. Checkley, of Prov., R. I. 39 590 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NP:W HAVEN. 790 \North IVall?^ Mary Storer In Memory of Elizabeth Stil- died July 29"' MAN Relict of Person Stilman 1756 Aged who died May i8"' 1789 in the 2 Months SS"" Year of her age MAN alfo their Son Alling Stil wlio died September 18"' i aged 18 Years 795 794 [North IVall.] John Son of M' John Storer 791 {^Linden .-I v., Lot 27.] Jun-- & M" Han- SACRED nah Storer, To the memory of died May 21" 1765 Hannah the wife of Aged 10 Months ELIAS STILWELL 1 who departed this life or the 4"' July 1796 in the 795 [JVori/i Wall.] 48 year of her age In Memory of Say shall we mourn becaufe her con- [flicts o'er Say shall vve weep becaufe she weeps [no more Before the fulnefs of the chriftians joy, Death muft this tranfitory frame de- John Storer Ju' Son of M'' John & M" Hannah Storer who departed this Life Auguft 8"' 1794 Earth nnift to Earth the fpirit t For with its parent fource fhal [llroy its [flight each [unite 796 in the 21^' Year of his age 792 \North Wai/.] [Laurel A v., Lot 28.] In Memory of M" Elkcta Wife of M'- In Memory of two Children of Cap' Nath^i & M--* Polly Storer Samuel Storer, who James Storer who died Nov'"' was Drowned June 22'^ 1787 aged 5 Years & 3 Months y« 16* A.D. 1768 alfo Nathanael Storer who in y" 26"' Year of died a few Days after having a Her Age Stone Extracted from his Bladder Decem'' i8''> 1793 aged 7 Years & g [Months The Old the Young they all muft die As well as we in Duft to lye Stop Children dear as you pafs by And fee youre not too young to die 793 [No>t/i Wall.] Sarah Daughter of M' John & M" ■'*" Person (son of Benj. and Ann [Pierson], of Wethersfield, and bapt. Sept. 29, 1738?) m. Elizabeth Ailing, Feb. 8, 1775. '''' Dau. of Nathan Beers. ■"^ The mother d. Aug. 2, 1772, ae. 58. '''' John, Jr., m. Hannah Brown. INSCRIPTIOXS ON TOMBSTONEH; IX XKW HAVKN. :)9i 797 798 799 §00 ^CeJar Av., Lot 52. 1 In memory of that amiable & Pious youth Mr Joseph Sweet- land of Hebron Student at Yale Col- lege Who departed this Life August ye 20"' 1776 in y*' 19"' year of his Age Mortui sunt beati in Domino morientes a modo {North Wall.'\ Here Lies y*" Body of M--* Hannah Wife of Cap"' lames Tallmadge Who died Febr> y" 16*'' 174^ Aged 53 Years {North VVall.^ ANxN TALMADG DECEASED Y« 23 OF MAY 168S {North Wall?), M" Either Talmage the Wife of M-- John Talmage Who dyed Sepf y" 26"' 1730 Aged 31 Years »OI \North \\'alL\ In Memory of M'' JosiAH Tallmadge who Departed this Life May 13"' AD 1790 in the 43. Year of his age Blefsed are the dead who die in v" Lord §02 {North Wall.] In Memory of M'^ Mary Consort of M'^ Jo'ia- H Talmadge who died February 22'' AD 1787 in the 35"» Year of her Age - Alfo Mary Daughter of J0SLA.H and Mary Talmadge Who died Ocf S"' AD 1780' in the 4"" Year of her Age Lord Blefsed are the dead that die in the §03 {North Wall.] In Memory of M'' John Tappen who Departed this Life with Refignation to his Hea venly Fathers will after a Lingering Confumpiive Diforder Dec'"' 23"' 1793 in the 34* Year of his age alfo Merit Tappen his Son who died April 4'*' "* James, son of John, bapt. July 22, 1689, m., July i, 1713, Hannah Harri- son, of Branford; he next m., July 5, 1744, Mercy Ailing. '^^ Dau. of John and Abigail (Bishop); b. Aug. 15, 16S7. *"'' Dau. of Theophilus Munson (No. 636); b. Nov. 8, 1699; m. Jn'v 21, 1720. 592 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. H04 [A^or/Zi Wall.] this Life Sep'' 2** RECOMPENCE 1774 in the 64'*' T^ SON OF DANIEL Year of his Age InwiUfvo ULiL,u mjvjuo" 31. 1703 IN ¥*• 21 §09 [North IVall.] YEAR OF HIS AGE In Memory of §05 [North Wall.] M"* Mary Thompson Elizabeth Relict of Lieu*. Wife of M'- Abraham Thompson Hackaliah who departed this Thomas died Life February 8"^ 1788 May 23 1740 Aged 82 Years. Aged 39 Years Bleffed are the dead which die in the Lord {^Linden A v.. Lot 24.] §06 §10 [North Wall.] Here Lies y** Body of Capt Jehial Thom"f Who died April y" 24 1746 Aged 48 Years Abraham Son of m'' Abraham ' & m" Mary| Thoinfon died Dec"" y" 12 1739 Aged «■■ §07 [North Wall.] Here lies y« Body §11 [North Wall.] of M"" Jofeph Thorn** Who Died Aprl Sacred to the Memory of M'' Andrew Tompson y" ID 1739 in y" 78 Year of his Age in whom was united a found underftanding a benevolent heart and a fenfe of his dependence §0§ [No,th Wall.] on devine Goodnefs, In Memory of he died Jan^ 18"' 1789 Leu' aged 66 Years, Abraham Tho.mpso" alfo of o| who departed M" Sarah his Wife *"* Son of Daniel and Rebecca (Thompson); b. May 27, 1683; unmarried. ^'•^ Baptized Sept. 19, 1697; left wid. Mary. *"' Son of John and Tabitha; bapt. Nov. 9, 1661. ^"^ Son of Wm.; b. June, 1711; ni., Nov. 9, 1732, Mary Ailing. *"« Dau. of Samuel Ailing, Jr.; b. Feb. 6, 1706-7. "'*• Baptized June 13, 1738. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 593 who died Feb'' 14"' 1792 aged 70 Years She looked well to the ways of her houfehold & to the laft was ftrong in the faith Giving Glory to God S12 S13 §14 [Crpn'ss A v., Lot 62.] AGUR THOMPSON fon of Andrew Thompson Died in New York a Prisoner of War Feb. y« — 1777 M. 24. {North Wall.'] Here lies y'' body of M'' Benjamin Thomfon who Dec'* Sepf y« 20"" 1734 Aged 36 Years [A'orth IVall.] In Memory of Enfign Daniel Thompson who died Nov'' 26"' 1766 Aged 8[9] Years 815 [Maple Av., Lot 36.] In Memory of Mabel Thompson wife of Elijah Thompfon, who died Oct. 10"' 1799 ^.45. Alfo Mehitable Thompson fifter to Elijah Thompfon who died Deem. 8. 1783, in the 19 Year of her Age 816 [Cypress Av., Lot 62.] In Memory of M'' Elizepeth Thompson late Confort of M"" Isaac Thompson who departed this Life January S"" 1788 Aged 45 Years As you are Now So once was I As I am Now So you muft be Prepare to Die and follow me 817 [Same Lot.] In Memory of Isaac Thompson, only Son of Ifaac and Sarah Thompfon who Departed this Life July 24*'' 1796 aged 2 years. In whom died the Expectation of his Father And the fond hopes of his Mother 818 [North Wall.] In Memory of 3 Chil dren of M'' Jacob & Mrs: Est"' Thompson Frances died Augufi 26, 1776 in her 2d. Year. A Son born & died 2d Sept. 1776, Henry died first July 1780 in his 2d. Year. *'^ Son of Wm.; b. July 12, 1698. ■*'* Son of Daniel and Rebecca (Thompson) Thompson; b. Feb. 14, 1677. ^'* Mabel, dau. of Daniel Allen, bapt. July 14, 1754, m. May 20, 1773. *''' Son of Isaac and Sarah (Thompson) Tliompson. *'^ Jacob m. Esther Mansfield, Aug. 30, 1772. 594 INSCRTPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN, »19 Y^priue A v., Lot i6.] In Memory of M'''* Lydia Thompson the amiable Wife of M'' Jared Thompson and Daughter of M"' Obedier and M" Marcy Hotchiiiss She was the Mother of five Child" She died of the Small pox March 2'' 1793 Aged 32 Years She lived beloved And died lamented »2S S20 \^Same Lo/.] In Memory of two Children of M"" Jared & M"' Lidia Thompson William Thompson who died Auguft 11"* 1783 Aged 6 Weeks Gilbert Thompson who died §21 \_Same Z(?/.] .. Memory of ..DiA Thompson --ghter of Jared and ..dia Thompfon who ..ied July 16*-^ 1796 aged 4 Years & 5 Months §22 HERE LIES Y« BODY OF LIEV* lOHN THOMPSON WHO DIED NOVEM"- 15 1711 : AGED 55 YEARS §24 §25 §2<> [AWf/i ll'ali:\ ..RE LYETH Y-^ BODY OF lOSEPH THOMPSON, WHO DIED DECEM' 14 1711 : AGED 47 YEARS ^Central Av., Lot 49.] In Memory of M" Lydia Confort of Col Joseph Thompson who died Feb'^ 24"' 1784 in her 53 Year \^North WaU:\ Here lies Inter'd the Body of M''^ Rebecca Thompfon Wife of Cap' Sam" Thompfon who Dec'd April y 5"> 1734 aged 60 years INorth li'a//.] Here lies y'' body of M'' Stephen Thomfon who Dec'' Aug*' ye 5th 1-JJ2 Aged 37 years *'^ Dau. of Obadiah and Mercy (No. 432); m. Sept. 26, 1782; he next m., Aug. 12, 1797, Rebecca Tiiitle. ^'^■^ He m., May 9. 16S2, Rebekah, dau. of Stephen and Ann (Gregson) Dan- iel, b. Jan. 30, 1657-8; she survived him. ^■^ Son of John, Jr.; b. Apr. 4. 1664; m., Feb. 2, 1696-7, Elizabeth Smith, who survived iiim. ^'^'* He d. March, 1794, aet. 63. *'^* Dau. of James and Elizabeth Bishop (No. 149); b. Dec. 10, 1673; m. Nov. 14, 1695. ^'^ Son of Wm. and Joanna (Glover); b. July 12, 1695. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVKN. 595 827 INorth Wall?^ In Memor}' of Cap' John Rutherford & M" Susanna Throops two Children Viz Polly Daughter died Sep" 14*'' 1779 aged I Year & 10 Months Sam' Mansfield Son die- Jonah Todd Who died Auguft ye 2gth A;[) lyjO In the 45 Year of his Age S30 [Nor/// Il'n//.] In Memory of M" Abigail Relict of JosiAH Todd who died Auguft ^.e 26* A:D 1760 Aged 65 §31 [JVar//i Wall.} Charles Son of m^ Mi- -chael & Mary Todd: D: march 5 1736 Ag ed 2 Years Mary y ' DaughtC of m' Michael & Mary Todd: D: ocf 14"', 1742 Ag ed 5 Years §32 [Magnolia av.. Lot 29. 1 In Memory of M' MicHAKL Todd who Departed this Life May 6"' 1776 in the 47"' Year of his age §33 [Sa?>ic /,('/.] In Memory of M" Eunice Todd Wife of W Michael 'Youn who Departed this Life Nov 1765 in the 34"' Year of her age §34 [Maple Av., Lol ().] E. H. T. In Memory of M'* Eunice H. Todd The amiable Confort of M' Michael Todd deceafed October 28. 1791. aged 39 years *'" John R. Throop m., May 30, 1777, Susanna, dau. of Thomas Bills, (No. 146), b. Oct. 14, 1757, d. Oct. 5, 1795- *-^ He m.. Apr. 20, 1721, Desire Tuttle, bapt. Aug. i, 1697; she survived him. «-« Son of Samuel and Mary (Bradley); b. Dec. 16, 1684; m., Apr. 20, 1709, Hannah Clark, who survived him. ^'^'^ Josiah m. Elizabeth Gilbert, Feb. 28, 1715-16; he next m.. Dec. 18, 1718, Abigail Frederick. "3' Michael, Jr., m. Mary Dickerman; Chas. bapt. Apr. 14, i734: Mary b. Dec. iS, 1737. *3^ Son of Michael, Jr., and Mary (Dickerman); b. Aug. 10, 1729; grad. Yale Coll. 1748; m., Aug. 10, 1749, Eunice Peck; left wid. Mary. *33 Dau. of James Peck (No. 672); b. Feb. 14, 1731-2. 59^) INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. §35 {North Wall.\ TowsEND Confort to In Memory of M' H...RV To s M'' Eben'' Townsend of this City who after a long & Diftrefsing Sicknefs who d Jan''>' which She bore with Chrift- y" 1750 Aj, d 81 j-ears -ian fortitude ; departed this Life on the 25''' day of Ju- ly 1785 in the 48*1' Year of M36 {Maple .4 v., Lot 5.] SACRED Her age. much lamented by all Her friends & acquaintance To the Memory of GRACE the amiable Confort of PETER TOTTEN Ob. July 12"' 1792, Farewell bright foul, a f'ort farewell Till we fhall meet again above ; Sweet foul we leave the to thy reft, Enjoy thy Jesus & thy God. Removed from the Public square k. XXII. r ememplary Conduct in Life, Patience during her lilnefs, her Refignation in her laft ments, fufiened the King of He her anc Mo §39 {North IFall.] Here lies y Terrors to the Prince of Peace. body of m""* Hannah wife of m"" Jeremiah Townfend who died July "= 30"' 1744 in y" ss'i Year of her Age §37 {North IVall?^ In Memory of Mifs Catharine Townsend who Died on the 14^'^ of September 1794 aged 22 Years a Victim to the Yellow Fever §40 {Cedar A v.. Lot 74.] §3§ {Maple Jv., Lot 12.] In Memory of Jeremiah Townsend Jun In who died on the 24*'' Sep. Memory of M" Eunice 1794 aged 60 years *•'* Henry Tolles, son of Henry and Sarah, m., Apr. 13, 1693, Dorothy, dau. of Daniel and Rebecca (Thompson) Thomas; she d. Oct. 19, 1727. *^^ Peter m. Grace Mansfield, Oct. 15, 1785. ^^^ Dau. of Jeremiah, Jr. (No. 840); bapt. July 26, 1772. ^'^^ He next m., Nov. 20, 1785, wid. of Rev. AUyn Mather, and d. July 21, 1824, aged 82. ^^'^ Dau. of John Kneeland. of Boston ; m., Apr. 16, 1734, son of Isaac and Anne (Ranger), of Boston, b. Nov. 12, 1711; he next m., Oct. 9, 1746, wid. Rebecca (Parkman) Coit, who d. Jan. 15, 1788, set. 67; he d. Jan. 6, 1803. **" Son of Jeremiah and Hannah (No. 839); b. Jan. 20, 1734-5; m., Nov. 20, 1760, Abigail Woodbridge. TXSCRIPTIONS OX TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 597 §41 IMorth WaU:\ and afterwards removed In Memory of M''^ Abigail, TownsEnd wife of §44 here~ [North PVall.] M'' Jeremiah In Memory of Townsend Jun'' Willis Townsend who died May 20^'' Son of M' Robert & A D 1768 Aged M" Hannah Townfend 31 Years. who died Oct.'' 22 With two infant Daugh ters §45 1795 aged 2 Years S months &; 13 Days [North [4'a/t.] §42 [Linden A v.. Lot 23.] In Memory of M"' In memory WoODBRiDGE Townsend of JEREMIAH TOWNSEND who Died the 29''' FebrS' of Son Jeremiah & Anna Townsend 1792 aged 29 years. who died Sepf 5"' 1795 with an Infant Daughter in the third year of his age §46 lying by is (ide aged 10 Months [Linden A v.. Lot 13.] In §43 [Crypt.] memory of PHEBE the MARTHA Wife of John Townfend who died Nov. 9. 1797 aged 44 years She was the firft Perfon §47 Daughter of THOMAS & ANN TREDWELL of [Crr/t.] inter''ed in this burying ground HERE LYETH INTERRED Alfo of ye BODY OF M' CALEB Lucius B. Townfend TROWBRIDGE WHO her infant Son who died DEPARTED THIS LIFE April 5, 1794. aged 7 mo SEPTEM ID"' ANNO DO Inter'ed tirft in the I 704 IN Y' 34"' YEARE old Ground OF HIS AGE. ^' Dau. of Timothy and Abigail (Day), of Stock bridge, Mass.; b. Apr. 2, 1737. ^'- Jeremiah, Sr., son of Jeremiah (No. 840), b. June 27, 1761, grad. Yale Coll. 1779, d. July 22, 1805; m., Jan. 4, 17S4, Anna, dau. of Jeremiah and Anna Atwater (No. 48), b. Sept. 28, 1764, d. Aug. 10, 1852. ^^ John, son ol Jeremiah and Rebecca, b. Aug. i, 1749, m. Martha Beards- lev, d. Feb., 1833. *"■** Robert, son of Jeremiah, bapt. Aug. 21. 1748. ^^5 Son of Jeremiah (No. 840); bapt. Nov. 28, 1762; m., Aug. 3, 17S6, Sally Gorham. '^*'^ Died Oct., 1776, aet. i. *»' Son of Thomas (No. 868); b. Oct. 28, 1670; left wid. Mary. 598 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. §4§ {Cn'/>f.] In Memory of Capt DANIEL TROWBRIDGE who died Aug" the 4"' A. D. 1752 in the 49"' Year of His Age. §49 [Cry/'f.] In Memory of M' MABEL TROWBRIDGE Relict of M' DANIEL TROWBRIDGE who departed this Life October r' 1797 in the 87"' Year of her age. 850 [Cen/e; Church ial>lef:\ Hannah daughter of Daniel and Mabel Trowbridge died Aug. 17, 1739. ^- 8. §31 [Crypt.] Daniel Trowbridge Son of Mr Daniel & Mrs Mabell Trowbridge died Feb'y y 29"' 1740 in y 6"' Year of his age §52 [Oi//.] Daniel y Son of Mr. Daniel & Mrs Mabell Trow bridg died Sept. i'^' 1742 Aged 2 Years §53 [Crypt.] In Memory of three children of M' DANIEL & M' SIBYL TROWBRIDGE SYBIL TROWBRIDGE born ye 22' of ■ August 1778 aged one month. SYBIL TROWBRIDGE y 2' born ye 3' No- vember 1779 and died Get y 7, 1781. DANIEL TROWBRIDGE born y 27"' of April 1784 and died the 23' of September 1787 §54 [Crypt.] In Memory of SIBYL TROWBRIDGE Daughter of M^ DANIEL & M- SIBYL TROWBRIDGE who Died the 16"' of April, 1794 Aged twelve Years Want- ing 18 days. *^ Son of Thomas (No. 871); b. Oct. 25, 1703; grad. Yale Coll. 1725; m., 1731, Mabel Brown. '^^ Dau. of Francis and Hannah Brown (Nos. 198, 199); b. Apr. 9, 1711. "^^ Born June 3, 1732. Gravestone missing; cf. No. 356. *^^ Sibyl, dau. of Isaac Atwater (No. 44). INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 599 §55 [C'v/''-] LYDIA TROWBR- IDG : DESEACED IN THE 24"' YE- ARE OF HER ADG MAY THE 6"' 1690 856 [Crypt.] SIC TRANSIT GLORIA [Sun-dial.] Here Lyes the Body of M' JOHN TROWBRIDGE who died December II"' 17/^0 Aged 55 Years 857 [CdHtial Av., Lot .\-].\ In Memory of Capt JOHN TROWBRIDGE who died in New York Sept. 7. 1791 ^43 858 [Crypt.-] CAPr JOSEPH TROWBRIDGE A MAN DILIGENT IN BUSINESS STRICTLY HONEST IN HIS DEALINGS SKILFUL & PRUDENT IN HIS AFFAIRS GENEROUS IN HIS DONATIONS TO THE POOR TO THE PUBLICK AND TO THE HOUSE OF GOD DEPARTED THIS LIFE AUGUST THE 20'i' 1763 IN THE 65'h YEAR OF HIS AGE. MRS. MARY TROWBRIDGE RELICT OF CAP JOSEPH TROWBRIDGE DEC'D A LOVING DUTIFUL WIFE, TENDER PARENT, KIND MISTRESS THE BIBLE HER GUIDE, RELIGION HER CHOICE. A SINCERE CHRISTIAN LIVED MUCH BELOVED, DIED GREAT- LY LAMENTED, JUNE 20"' 1771 AGED 65 YEARS *^» Dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Alsop (No. 26); b. July 24, 1665; m., Nov. 8, 1688, James Trowbridge. ^^^ Son of John and i\.nn (Leete); b. Nov. 2, 1684 ; m., Oct. 26. 1710, Rebecca, dau. of Rev. Joseph and Mary (Wyllys) Eliot, of Guilford, b. 1690. *•" Son of Daniel (No. 848); b. June i, 1748; m., Feb. 13, 1777, Thankful Dooliitle, who d. Feb. 14, 1827, set. 73. *^^ Son of Thomas (No. 871); b. Apr. i, 1699; "'• Sarah, dau. of John Deni- son, b. .May 10, 1708, d. Oct. I, 1736; next m., Nov. 20, 1739, Mary, dau. of John and Sarah Woodward (No. 940). f)()() INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 85!> \Cj'press A v., Lot 59.] Trowbridge This Stone who died Oct. 23 is erected to AD. 1798. the memory of Cap' Joseph Trowhridgk & 14 months who died §62 [OJ//.1 at Savanna in Georgia In Memory of December 17"' 1790 M- ELIZABETH in the 55"' Year of his age wife of M' NEW- alfo MAN TROWBRIDGE Here lie the remains who departed of his relict this Life June 3' M''" Elizabeth Trowbridge 1777 in her 34"' who died year with the putrid fever Sepf 5. 1794 in the 54"' Year of her Age 863 IOT//.J In Memory of RI iBECA TROWBRIDGE §60 INcnth Wall?^ Daughter of Mr. Newman and Mrs. In memory of Mr JOSEPH E. TROWBRIDGE who died Aug. 19"' AD. 1801: aged 49 years. §64 Rebecca Trowbridge who died August 30"' 1794 aged 8 years Alfo his wife Mrs. sally TROWBRIDGE \Cypress Av., Lot 57.] who died Sep 13 1799 yE 47 To Con( Sacred the Memory of M'** Dorcas ort of M' Rutherford Trow- §61 ^Magnolia Av., Lot 13.] -BRIDGE, who departed this Life In February 12"' 1788 ^tat 41. Memory of Rutherford died January 4"' James fon of Aged 16 Years Juftus & Sarah And 8^' Son of Daniel (No. 848); b. June 15, 1736; m., Oct. 20. 1762, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Bishop, b. Oct. 16, 1741. *^" Son of Stephen (No. 866); b. June 14, 1752; m. Sallv, dau. of Thomas Dodd. ^^' Justus m. Sarah Bontecou. **^^ Newman, son of Daniel (No. 848); b. Sept. 7, 1738; m., June 4, 1764, Elizabeth Bills; next m., Sept. 2, 1778, Rebecca, d.ui. of Ihomas and Esther (Bishoj)) Dodd, and wid. of Richard Cable; she was b. March 26, 1751, and d. Feb. 3, 1808; he d. Apr. 29, 1816. ^^ Dau. of Amos and Dorcas (Foot) Hitchcock; b. Nov. 10, 1746; m., July 4, 1767, Rutherford, son of Daniel (No. 848), b. Feb. 3, 1744, d. Apr. 6, 1825; he next m., Jan. i, 1793, Thankful, dau. of John Ailing, and wid. of Nath'l. Mix; she d. Aug. 8, 1831, aged 66. TNSCKLPTIONS OX TOMBSTONPJS IN NKVV HAVEN. HOI Hannah Februarj' 24"' 4 Months Victims to the Small Pox Free from this dream of life this maze of Care The tender Mother reft and Children here: She followed Virtue as the truest guide IJv'd like a Chriftian-like a Chriftian died Who knows the wounds a dying friend imparts When the laft Pang divides two focial hearts, Thefe bodies were not removed from the Ancient Kurving Ground. §6S \Crypt:\ HERE LIES INTER'D THE BODY OF THOMAS TROWBRIDGE ESQUIRE AGED 70 YEARS DECEASED THE 22' OF AUGUST ANNO DOMINI 1702. §65 VCrypt:\ Here Lies Interr'd the Body of M^^ Thankful Trowbridge W'" of M- Stephen Tro'wbridge who died Decemb y 8"' A.D. 1756 in y 68"' Year of her Age. §«9 VCiypt.'] M' SARAH TROWBRIDG DECEASED JANUARY THE 5"' AGED 46 1687. §66 VC'-ypi^ In Memory of M-^ STEPHEN TROW- BRIDGE who departed this Life April 25"' A.D. 1796 iETAT. LXX. §67 \Cenler Church tablet^ Amos Trowbridge died Oct. 4, 1761, M. 12. §T0 {Crypt. \ SARAH TROWBRIDGE DECEASED IN THE 11"' YEARE OF HER AGE DECEM- Y' 29"^' 1690. §71 [Oj'/A] HERE LIES INTERRD Y-^ BODY OF M' THOMAS TROWBRIDGE WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE SEPTEMBER 15 1711 IN Y 48 YEARE OF HIS AGE. Here lies the Body of M-^' Mary y" Wife of M^ ^^^ Dau. of Joseph Easton, of East Hartford ; m., 1712, son of Thomas (No. 871). b. Sept. 7, 1688, d. Jan. 2, 1734. ®*^ Son of Stephen and Thanklul (No. 865); b. Aug. 28, 1726; m., Jan. 31, 1747-8, Lvdia, dau. of Joseph Burroughs (No. 224), bapt. Jan. 18, 1729-30, d. Feb. 7, 1802. ^^' S(jn of Stephen (No. 866); b. Nov. 30, 1750. Gravestone missing; cf. No. 356. ®^* Son of Thomas, one of the original settlers; b. in Taunton, Eng.; m., June 24, 1657, Sarah Rutherford; next m., Apr. 2, 1689, Hannah, dau. of John Nash (No. 641), and wid. of Eliphalet Ball. *"' Dau. of Henry and Sarah Ruiherlord ; b. July 31, 1643; wf. of No. 868. 8'" Dau. of Thomas (.No. 868); b. Sept. 24, 1680. »"' Son of Thomas (No. 868); b. Feb. 14. 1664; m., Oct. 16, 16S5, .Mary, dau. of John Winston (No. 929), b. June 24, 1667. 602 INSORIPTTONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. Thomas Trowbridge who died Sept. y i6"' 1742 Aged 75 Years. W72 [Linden Av., Lot 26.] In Memory of Eliza Truman daughter of Daniel & Amelia Tru MAN who Departed this Life Sep'' 6"' 1795 aged I Year & ri Months Sleep dear babe and take thy reft On thy Deareft Jefus breaft 873 \_North I Fa//.] In Memory of M'' Nathanael Turner. who died Feb''" y*" 3'' A.D. 1 75 1 in His 82'' Year 8T4 [ATorZ/i IVal/.] Ann y'' Daug'' ter of M"' Nathani'^1 & M'-* Sarah Turner died March y'^ 12"' 1739 Aged 3 Years 875 [Linden Av., Lot 22.] In Memory of 876 877 878 Captain a.ndrevv tuttle who died Oct'"' l?"" 1751 in His so"" Year alfo M" Eunice Tuttle his Wife Died Oct 27 1781 aged 77 Years [Nort/i IVa//.] Eunice Daugh ter of Liev^ Andrew Tuttle Dyed Sep* 13 1732 Aged 14 Months [/Vort/i ll'a//.] M" Hannah Late Wife of M'' Caleb Tuttle who died Oct'"' 27"' 1748 in Her es"" Year [Linden Av., Lot 22.] In Memory of Mr. Daniel Tuttle who died Jan>. 8"i 1796 M. 70 Alfo his wife Mrs. Elizabeth Tuttle who died May 24"^ AD 179S ^58 *'^ Daniel, b. in New London, Jan. 8, 1767; m., Aug. 11, 1792, Amelia, dau. of Isaac Thompson, b. Oct. iS. 1771, d. Aug. 8, 1803; he d. Apr. 10, 1832. *''3 Son of I<;aac and Mary (Todd); b. July 3. 1669. ''^^ Dau. of Nath'l., Jr., and Sarah (Hotchkiss); b. Aug. 7, 1736. **'^ Son of Thomas, Jr., and Mary (Sanford); b. Apr. 3, 1702; m., Jan. 6, 1725-6, Eunice, dau. of Daniel Sherman (No. 759). **" Dau. of John Butler, of Branford ; m., Feb. g, 1708-9, John Todd, who d. Sept. 21, 1723; next m., Feb. 17, 1725-6, Caleb Tuttle. *■'* Son of Andrew (No. 875); b. Oct. 15, 1726; m., Apr. 25, 1759, Elizabeth Smith. l^■SC'HlPTIO^■S ON 'I'OMBS'I'ONKS IN NEW' HAVEX. fi(»8 S79 §so §§1 \A'oith IVall.] In Memory of M" Rkbekah Wife of M' Daniel Tutti.k died Oct'"' y" 12"' 1754 in lier 2g yea'' Ailfo a Dauglite'' Aged 3 Months [Linden Av., Lot 22.] IN memory of Mifs Lucy Tutti.k died June 27"' 1803 .E23 Alfo Mr Isaac Tuttle died in Weft-Indies Feby. 9"^ 1787 J£.. 23. Son & daughter of Daniel Tuttle [SaniL Lot.^ Hezekiah Son of Mr. Hezekiah & Mrs Martha Tuttle died October 13"^ 1772 aged 6 Years Lucy died 17"' Jan''y 1773 aged 2 Years & 4 Months §§2 {Norlh IValL] In Memory of M" Abigal Wife of M"' James Tut- tle who died June §§3 8§4 885 886 6 A.D. 1765 in Her 62'' Year. wlio was a good Wife & a kind Mother [North Wall.'] Chaki.es Son of M' Jehiel & M" Hannah Tuttle died July 8»'' 1751 in his 4"' Year [North Wall.} Here Lies y" Body of m" Mary Wife of m' Jofhua Tut- tle died lanu.. 31 174'^ Aged 71 Years [Linden Av., Lot 22.] THOMAS TUTTLE DIED OCTOB, 19 ; 1710 AGED 75 YEARS [North Wall.] AGE : 76 : 31 : 10 : 1684 Elisabeth : Tutle The : blest : live : af They : are : the : blest That : live : at : Rest ^^'^ Isaac, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (No. 878), b. Nov. 21, 1764; Lucy, bapt. March 26, 1780. ^*' He/.ekiah, son of Andrew (No. S75), b. Apr. 3, 1736; m., Sept. 3, 1759, Martha Bradley; d. Dec, 1795. *^^ James m. Abigail Potter, May 13, 1730. ^'^ Joshua m. Mary Mi.\, Feb. 26, 1710. ^*'^ Son of Wm. and Elizabeth; m , May 21, 1661, Hannah, dau. of Thomas Powell, who d. Oct. 15, 1710, aged 69. ''^^ Wife of Wm.; came (rom England to Boston, 1635; he d. 1673. 6U4 l^SGRIPTIOXS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HA^"EN. §87 [Cry/>i.] In Memory of the Reverend SAMUEL WALES D.D. Professor of Divinity In Yale College who died Feb. i8 1794 .^tat. 46. He was a son of the Rev. JOHN WALES of Raynham was educated at Yale College in which he was afterward a Tutor. He served in the pastoral office at Milford Where he continued in the ministry from 1770 to 1782 When he was Elected and Removed To the professorship of Divinity in the College In which he ministered with distinguished Reputation and Honor for about twelve years Eminent For Superior Abilities, Strong mental power Perspicuity & Solemnity In the pulpit Eloquence widest views of Theology 8§8 [Co'f^.] i 889 [A^ori/i Wall.'] To the memory of j In Memory of M-- SAMUEL WALES James C W.\llace eldest son of the Rev' SAM' I Son of Cap' WALES D.D. This amiable ^^iH" & Eliza Wallace [promising youth who departed this life endowed with uncommon strength Auguft 16"" 1796 Aged of genius which he cultivated ^ '''ear 2 Months & 27 day« with diligence & success Suffer little Children to come unto me sober, prudent & judicious And forbid them Not above his years tor of Such is the kingdom of Heaven distinguished for sweetness ^^^^__ of temper, for an obliging §90 {.Vorth irall.] inoffensive & dutiful „ , r^, J ,t^„„4. 0, f„^ „ Rebecca Thomas deportment & for a ^^^ of - William & virtuous and pious conduct M- Mary Warland thro life lived much rw- j \ .„ \ r> ,- a beloved &„ §92 [North lVall.\ In Memor)" of George Au^usul^ Son of [Same Lot.] In Memory of M"^" Susanna White Confort of Cap' John White who died October 18"' 1776 in the 82'' Year of her Aee H ezekiah & Sarah VVhelmore §9« [.Vorth Wall.] Who died June 25"" 1789 Amos ye Son of Aged 14 months. M'- John & M-^ Early, bright, transient as the norning Sufanna Whi'e [d 3W Dec' Sep' 18"' He sp arkled, was exhai'd Ct went to [heaven §97 1733 Aged 4 Months [Cvpr^ss A v., Lot 30." »93 [iVorth Wall.] SUSANNAH Wife of Dyer White. Died Oct. 2. 1796: Hannah y" Daughter of m"' lohn & Sufanna M.30 White di- HARRIOTT -ed Sepf y her only child 24 1742 Died Sept. 11. 1795: Aged 2 Years JE. 20 mo. §9§ [Linden .4 v.. Lot 17.] §94 [Same Lot.] In Memory of Cap' John White This Stone is erected to the Memor)- of Deacon John White *°^ Susannah, dau. of Chaunccy Whittelsey (No. 1JI9), b. Sept. 25, 1766; m., March 18, 1791, son of Rev. Stephen and Mary (Dyer), of Windham, b. May 20, 1762, d. Nov. 2, 1841. *^ Son of Daniel and Susannah (Mould), of Cromwell, Conn.; b. Nov. 27, 1692; m., Oct. 6, 1715, Susannah Ailing; removed hither about 1720. «9= Dau. of John Ailing (No. 16); b. Oct. 3, 1693. ^'^ Born Oct. 9, 1740. 8^s Son of John (No. 894); b. May 19, 1722; m., Dec. 27, 1744, Mary, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Atvvater) Dickerman. 40 <>(K) INSCRIPTION'S OX TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. who died on the 24 day of November AD 1797 aged 75 Years He was an affectionate Hufband tender Parent obliging Neighbor and a firm Believer in the truth of the Chriftian Religion 899 HERE LYES THE BODY OF SUSANNAH THE DAUGHTER OF M- JOHN WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE APRIL 900 \Cedar Av., Lot 52.] Phinehas White Patre Jonathane White de South Hadle)' Collegii Yalensis Alumnus Obiit Septembris 5'" Anno Domini 1769"" Aetatis Suae 22'^" Here (with the dead this hallow'd ground contains) Of youth and learning dwell the sad remains Of Genius bright just rip'ning into bloom Its earthly blossoms with'ring on the tomb Oh ! Had kind Heav'n allow d a larger nate ! So short his warning and so swift his fate Ye young ye Gay attend this speaking stone Think on his fate and tremble at your own 901 {^Cypress Av., Lot 30 ] Hannah Daughter of y* Reverend M"" Stephen White died Sepi^'- 8"' 1748 in Her 6 'i" Year 902 \Lindcn Av., Lot 17.] Isaac son of Timo. & Mary White died at Hispiola July 27. 1795, aged 26 903 S^North lVali:\ In Memory of Hannah White Daughter of Cap* Timothy & M" Marcy White who Died Auguft 22*^ 1795 Aged 8 Years 904 [Cn'//.] HERE LYETH Y- BODY OF SAMVEL WHITEHEAD WHO DIED DECEMBR Y^ 5"' 1709 IN Y' 33 YEAR OF HIS AGE. 905 \_North IVa//.] SAMUEL WHITEHEAD IVNOR DIED MARCH 12. 1723 AGED 13 YEARS *'^ The missing name was thought to be White, and the inscription num- bered accordingly; on re-examination this appears impossible ; perhaps it should be Prottt. ^"^ Son of Jona. and Lydia (Rugg). *"" Stephen, son of No. S94, b. June 8, 1718, grad. Yale Coll. 1736, ordained Dec. 24, 1740, Windham, Conn., d. Jan. 9, 1794; m., Sept. 2, 1741, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Lydia (Backus) Dyer, b. Jan. 31, 1719, d. May 27, 1802. S"- Timothy, son of John (No. 89S), b. Oct. 21, 1747, d. May 31, 1803. ^^■' Born Feb. 9, 17S7 ; son of Timothy and Mercy (Clark). *^ Son of Sam'l. and Sarah (Gilbert); b. June 9, 1678; m., June 30, 1709, Tabitha, dau. of Eleazer and Tabitha (Thomas) Holt, b. Jan. 30, 1683, who ne.xt m. David Atwalcr (No. 33). *"'^ Son of No. 904; b. May 2, 1710. INSCKinTONS ON 'I'OMHSTOXKS IN' NKW IIAVKN. ()() »0<» YNorth ]Vall.\ In Memon- of M" Makv Relict of M' Stephen Whitehead Who 9or Vc>-ypi.\ Here lyeth the Body of M' Stephen Whitehead who died Nov' 5"' A.D. 1729 Aged 23 Years & 5 Months 90S To the Memory of JOHN WHITING Esquire who died on the 21' of June 1786 in the 64"' year of his Age. This Gen'"" was Honourably descended, had a liberal Education, w^as early chosen a Tutor of Y. College, after his leaving the College was ap- pointed clerk of the probate Court & in Octob"^ ^773 was made Judge of the Probate. He was many Years a Deacon of the first church in N. Haven, all which offices he faithfully discharged, the last & much the Greater part of his Life was Spent in the Service & to the acceptance of the Publick. 909 [Ot/a] In Memory of M- SARAH WHITING late virtuous & amiable consort of JOHN WHITING Esquire Daughter of M' JONATHAN INGERSOLL of Milford, born on the 22'' of October 1726, married on the 7"' of Novem'' 1751 the painful Mother of eight children of whom Six survive. On the 4"' day of July 1769 She finished her wearisome pilgrimage in joyful hope & expectation of a glorious immortality The hand of the good man fastens on the skies and bids earth roll nor feels her idle whir. ^"^ He d. 1713; she, by birth Ailing, d. early in 1759. ^•^ Son of No. 906; b. June 5, 1706; m., Sept. i, 1729. Marv Miles, who next m. a Thomas. '■»"» Son of Joseph (No. 912); b. March i, 1721-2; grad. Y. C. 1740; Deacon, 1756-86. 608 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 91 [6Vi'//.] In Memory of M- SARAH WHITING Relict of John Whiting Esq who died April 15"' 1795 ^tat LXXII 911 [6>;'//.] HERE LYES Y'^ BODY OF M' JOSEPH WHITING TREVSK WHO DYED OCTOBER Y- 19 1717 AGED 73 YEARS of M'' HANNAH Relict of the HONOURABLE COLONEL JOSEPH WHITING of New Haven Esq' who died August 9"' 1748 Aged 58 years 914 iMaple Av., Lot 40.] ew Haven full of a Gofpei Hope April 9'^ An Dom. 1771 ^Et^ 47 915 912 913 VCrypt:\ Here Lyes Interr'd the Body of the HONOURABLE COLONEL JOSEPH WHITING of NeTV Haven Esq"^ who died April 4"' 1748 Aged 67 Years. [Cn ■/■/.] Here Lyes Interr'i the Body 916 [North irall.] Mary Daughter of M'' Nathan & M" Mary Whiting died Feb''>' 27"= 1752 Ag'd 9 months. [Noith Wall.'] Eli PH ALEX Son of M' Nathan. & M" Mary Whiting. ..ed Sept"^ II*''.. .Aged 3.... *'" Dau. of Stephen Trowbridge (No. 864); b. Sept. 22, 1720; m. May 24, 1770. *'^ Son of Wm. and Susanna; of Hartford; b. Oct. 2, 1645; Treasurer of the Colony, 1678-1717; d. while attending session of the General Assembly here; uncle of No. 912. "'■* Son of Rev. John and Phebe (Gregson), of Hartford ; ni., Jan. 30, 1709-10, Hannah Trowbridge. ^'^ Dau. of Thomas and Hannah Trowbridge (No. 868); b. March 30, 1690. ''•^ In memory of Col. Nathan Whiting; son of Rev. Sam'l. and Elizabeth (No. 645); b. May 4, 1724; grad. Yale Coll. 1743; m., July 12, 1750, Mary, dau. of Rosewell and Mary Saltonstall (No. 239); she next m. Rev. Warham Williams, of Nonhford. "* Born June 17, 1753. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. (^09 917 [Ceda> Av., Lol 52.] Isaiah Whitman Son of M'' David Whitman & Elizabeth his wife of Bridgwater in the Province of the Massachusetts Ba\' a Student of Yale College Died July 25"' 1759 "1 the 20"' year of his age Just as his parents hailed the day When joys should all their cares repay |ust as his own fond hopes aspir'd To deeds bv which bright minds are [tir'd Death snatched him hence in youthful [bloom And sink those hopes beneath the tomb 9i§ {N-ortk IFa//.] In Memory of Charles Whittelsey of Say Broo'' who Departed this Life May g"' 1784 in the 39"' year of his Age When Christ returns wake ev'ry chearful paffion And fhout ye faints he comes for your falvation 919 [C' }'/>/.] To the Memory of the reverend CHAUNCEY WHITTELSEY A.M. fifth pastor of the first Church in this city. With eminent natural talents & human acquirements he united a firm attachment to the prin- ciples of civil & religious liberty. He inculcated the doctrines of grace as motives to holiness, constantly taught and in various relations exemplified the more excellent way and, having discharged with fidelity & dignity the duties of the pastoral office closed his useful life with a full hope of immortality, July 24 1787 in the yQth Year of his age and 30''' of his ministry. Dan' XII"' 3' And they that be wise shall shine as the brightest of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. *" Drowned while swimming in the West River. "^ Son of John and Sarah (Whiltelsev) Whittelsey. 9'" Son of Rev. Sam'l. and Sarah ((^hauncey), of Wallingford; b. Oct. 8, 1717; grad. Yale Coll. 1738; ordained March i, 175S; m., Sept. 23, 1745I Elizabeth Whiting; next m., Aug. 13, 1753, Martha, dau. of Hon. Roger Newton, of Milford. who d. Oct. 27, 1812, aged 83. P>10 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 920 921 {Crypt :\ In Memory of M' ELIZABETH Late Wife of M' CHAUNCY WHITTELSEY Who died Oct'"- ly"' 1 75 1 in her 35"' year. {.Crypt :\ SAMUEL JOSEPH Son of Mr. CHAUNCY & Mrs. ELIZABETH WHITTELSEY M" MARTHA WHITTELSEY died June y" 10"' 1758 one Year and 7 days old 924 VCrypt.^, ELIZABETH Daughter of the Rev' Chauncey Whittelsey and Mrs. Martha Whittelsey died August 29"' 1760 aged 8 weeks & 3 '* 925 922 923 [O.,^/.] ELISHA son of M' CHAUNCY & M- ELIZABETH WHITLESEY died Oct. 23' 1751 Aged ID days [Oj//.] ELIZABETH Daughter of the Rev'i M"- CHAUNCY and {Crypt :\ JOHN BRYAN Son of y Rev' CHAUNCEY & M- MARTHA WHITTELSEY died August 27"' 1763 in y 3' Year of His Age. 926 {Rear of Center Church.'] 1658 E. W. ^'■"' Dau. of Joseph Whiting (No. 912); b. June 8, 1717. '''^' Born July 13, 1749; d. Oct. 9. 1751. '^® Probably in memory of Edward Wiggleswoith, one of the original settlers in 1638, who d. Oct. i, 1653, aged 49, leaving wid. Esther. There are two stones (headstone and footstone) with identical inscriptions, though on one the date has been altered to 16578; probably the last figure was in both inscriptions originallv "3." The doubtful date is perhaps owing to a tradition that the regicide Edward Wlialley was buried here; it is, however, now known that he died in Hadley, Mass., in 1674 or 5. INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 611 927 {North lValL\ HERE LIES Y" BODY OF SARAH WIFE OF WILLIAM WILLMOT WHO DIED DECEM' 28. 171X AGED 72 YEARS 93§ \North lVali:\ HERE LIES Y*" BODY OF WILLIAM WILMOT WHO DIED IAN"- 15: 1713 AGED 48 YEARS 929 iNorth JVall.} SERj - JOHN - WINSTON AGED -76- DECEASED 21 -OF- FEB- 169& 930 [A^orth irall.'] ELIZABETH -WIN STON-AGED 63 DECEASE - Y« - 19 - 8>"- 1689 931 [North tVat/.] HERE LIES Y** BODY OF M-^ lOHN WINSTON W^HO DIED FEB-- I5:i7-H AGED 54 YEARS 932 [Laurt^/ Av., Lot 17.] In Memory of M" Anner Wise the Amia ble Confort of M-" Sa MUEL Wise who Died January 24"^ AD 1791 in the 26 Year of her age. alfo her Son Samuel Wise who Died Octo ber 6"^ 17S9 Aged 8 Months. Bleffed are the dead who die in the Lord. 933 \North Wall.\ -.ere Lieth The body of Mabel Wife of The Reu^' Sam" Woodbridge Who dyed May The 10"' 1730 Anno Etatis Suee 52 934 {North IVaM.] In Memory of M"' JOSIAH Woodhouse who was Born in y ^^' Dau. of John and Tabitha Thomas; m., Oct. 14, 1658, son of Benj.; he d. 1689, aged 57. ^''^ Son of Wm. and Sarah (No. 927); b. Oct. 17, 1665; m., Oct. 20, 1692, Mary, dau. of John Chedsey (No. 236), who d. before him. 93» Wife of No. 929. ^^' Son of John (No. 929); b. Apr. 21, 1657; m.. May 9, 1682, Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen and Ann (Gregson) Daniel; she was b. Oct. i, 1655, and d. before him. ^'* Dau. of Daniel and Mehitable (Wyllys) Russell, of Charlestown, Mass.; b. March, 1679; m., June 12, 1701, Rev. John Hubbard, of Jamaica, L. I., b. 1677, d. Oct. 5, 1705; next m., Dec. 9, 1707, S. Woodbridge, ol E. Hartford, b. Aug. 30, 1683, d. 1746. She perhaps d. while visiting her son (v. No. 456). 934 Wid. Lois m. John Watts, July 13, 1766. B12 INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. City of London in old England, and died in New Haven Sgpjbr 3(1 A. D 1764 in His 42'' Year. Life liow fhort, Eiernity liow Long. 937 935 {Cypress A v., Lot 36.] In Memory of M'- Richard Woodhuli, of New Haven who died Dec'' 7"' AD. 1797 ^.68 The dead to flatter, would be vain Or fpeak in praife of dnft-- For that is ail that's found of-- Or human pride at laft.- 93§ 939 936 {Same Lot.] Memento M'* Rebecca Abigail Late Wife of M'' Rich'' Woodhull Who died Aug^' y" ii"' A. D. 1764 ^tap 23. It is appointed unto all Men once to Die but after this y Judgment 940 {iVorlh Wall.} Here Lies y*" Body of m'' Mary y'^ Wife of m"^ Benjamin Wooden died Oct'' ye 23d 1742 Aged 65 Years {North IFall.] HERE LYETH Y" BODY OF MARTA WIFE OF NATHANIEL WOODIN WHO DIED FEB- 25: 1726 AGED 62 YEARS {Nort/i IVall.] In Memory of Miss Rhoda Woodruff Daughter of Lieu.' Charles & Mrs. Prudence Woodruff of Litchfield who died 9«'' Sepf 1776 aged 19 Years {Crrft.i Here lyeth y' body of M" Sarah Wife of y Rev' M' John Woodward -who Dec' Oct. 20"" 1720 Aged 37 Years 935 Son of Nath'i. and Sarah (Smith), of Mastic, L. I.; b. May 22. 1729; grad- Yale Coll 17^2- m May 2, 1762. Rebecca Abigail Mix; next m Rebecca Cair ofBoVton; n^xt m.. Aug. 22, 1780, Susannah, dau. of Sam'l. Cooke (v No 250), who d. lulv 30. 1786; left wid. Dorcas. 936 Dau. of Samuel" Mix (No. 608); b. Oct. 2, 1741- 93' Beni. m. Mary Dorman, April 22, 1718; he d. 173S. 938 Dau. of John and Agnes Sacket; b. Nov. 19, 1662 ; rn. Dec, 1687. ^-o Dau. of Richard Rosewell (No. 744); b. Dec 5. 1682; '"-JVOS- John, son of Peter and Mehitabel, of Dedham, Mass.; he next m.. May 5. I73i. Mary Gaskel, and d. in East Haven, Feb. 14, 1745-6, aged 74- INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES IN NEW HAVEN. 613 941 [OyJ>^.] In Memory of M ELIZABETH WOODWARD Daughter of JOHN WOODWARD Esq. who departed this Life 6''' Sept. 1769 Aged 55 Years. 942 Timothy Son of CApt William & M" Phebe Woolcot' died Sep*" 2'^ 1767 in His 4'h Year. Here fleeps a pleafant 'flower Well & dead on the 6"' hour 94ti iMaple A v.. Lot 37.] Col. Melancthon Taylor Woolsey Died Sep' 28"' 1758 In the service of his Country againft the French Aged 41 : and was interred in a family burying ground on Long Ifland : as were alfo three Daughters. who died A.D. 1753 : Abigail Nov ■■ 17111 Aged 3 Y. 6 M" Elizabeth Nov^ id- Aged 10 M" Mary. Nov 30"' A-ged 7 Y. 9 M" 944 YSame Lot.] M'-* Rebecca Woolsey. the affectionate Wife of Col. Woolsey ihe fond Mother of his three deceased. and three furviving Children, and for 38 Years his faithful Widow. Died in this City Sepf 13't. ,7g6, Aged 77. . Alone left with the charge of ihree fmalj Children. She with the moft unremitting care fuperintended their education ; and never ceafed to regard, with anxious folicitude, their best interests. till her eyes were clofed in death. 945 [iVori/i ir 24 AD 1797. in the 39 year of her age. 950 {North Wall.] In Memory of Anne the Daughter of M"^ Henry & M" Susanna Yorke who died July 29"' 1787 aged S Months & 26 D;\ys 951 [North Wall.] In Memory of Henry the Son of M'- Henry & M" Susannah Yorkk who died -.uguft 15 ^^^ Son of Joseph and Lucy (Nichols), of Stratford; b. Oct. 11. 1760; grad. Yale Coll. 1781; m., Feb. 28, 1794, Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac Beers, who d. July 24, 1S20, aged 53. ^■*'' Son of John and Rebecca (Mix); b. June 3, 1694. ^^^ Son of Thomas and Mary (Turner); ist cousin of Gov. Yale; b. Jan. 3, 1652-3, m., Oct. 21, 1692, Ruth, dau. of James Bishop (No. 149), b. Nov. 22, 1664, d. 1739. ^^' Dau. of Sam'l. Chatterton ; b. Aug. 29, 1757; m. May 5, 1776; he next m.. June 17, 1797. Alice, wid. of Joseph Skeath Potter. H 124 81 "^ ,-^ ,',-fSv,. ".. *^ .<^ ^. .V ^:^ A - *6 y -^^ o * „ „ o "^ o'> -^o t^O^ .^q. ^^nu. <5>. "> •'/- V .^'' ^^ ^^ -^ -^^ 1^ ■^ ,v 0(? ^. ^^-^, .1 > .,^ '^. cy v-^ c. o-> ^" ^- c o ':,"'*\i;^<>^ -^^o"^ K^ -^ -^iv-. ■/^ ^c,-^ A^-^>. -^ >v' 0.^ 'S '^ G^ <«^

^j^^. ^ ,0- ■o V o ■^_ ^^..^'> :}^^' ^'>..'^^ ■\.s^' '«>. A'^ .^T^^ ^. ^"^ :>i" 0' v^ "i-',' ^^ .0 .0^ .f~ o "V. '■' A^ .-., \