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A., )\ Author of " History of the First Church and Society in Rayiiham ; "Genealogy of the King Family;" " History of the Town of Raynham ;" "Sketches of the Pilgrims," etc. NEW YORK : KILBOURNE TOMPKINS, PRINTER. 1873. All those tliinofs which are now hehl to be of tlie jjreatest antiquity were at one time new : and what we, to-day, liohl up by example, will rank hereafter as a precedent. — Tacitus. IsTOTIB. The writer, havinof a personal acquaintance with the inhabitants of the town of Berkley, and its affairs, continuiuij for a period of more than three- quarters of a century, at the requestor friends, has i)repared the followinjj pafjes. In their preparation he has sought to chronicle matters of merely local value, in a style and phrasiwloo^y in accord with the importance of the topics discussed. The Manse, llayiiliam, Ms. October 2Gtli, A. D., 1871. HISTOBY. Anno Reg ni Her/ is Georgii Secimdi Octavo. Eiglith ye;ir of the reign of King George IL AN xVCT for dividing Towns of Taunton and Dighton, erecting a new town there by the name of Berkle^y. Whereas the sontlierly part of 'I'aunton and the northerly part of Dighton, on the east side of the great ri\er, is compe- tently lilled with inhabitants who labor under difficulties by I'eason of the remoteness from the jjlaces of jDublic meetings in the said towns, and have thereupon made application to this Court that they niay be set off" a different and separate parish, and be vested with all the powers and privileges that other towns in this Province are vested with, Be it therefore enacted by his Excellency the Governor, Council, and Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of tlie s;ime, that the southei'ly })art of Taun- ton and northerly part of Dighton, on the east side of the great river as hereafter bounded be, and hereby are, set off, constitu- ted and erected into a separate and distinct township by the name of Berkley. (Then the bounds are given.) And the inlial)itants tiiereof be, and hereby are, vested and endowed with ecpial powers and privileges and immunities that the inhabi- tants of any of the towns within this Province are by law ves- ted with. Oidy it is to be understood, and the inhabitants of the town of Berkley are hereby requested, within the space of two years from the publication of this act, to procure and settle a learned and oithodox minister, of good conversation, and make provis- ion for his comfortable and honorable su})port, and also erect 4 and finish a suitable and convenient house for tlie public Wor- ship of God, in said town. Another proviso in the Act is, that the town shall from time to time pay towards the repairs of Weir bridge their ])ropor- tion with Taunton, and all arrears of debts. April the 18th, 1735. This Bill having been read tlii-ee sev- eral times in the House of Representatives passed to be enacted. J. QUINCY, Speaka\ April 18th, 1735. This bill having been read three several times in Council, passed to be enacted. T. MASON, Dep. &CIJ. By his Excellency the Governor.- — I consent to the enacting this Bill. J. BELCHER This town was named after Bishop Berkeley who resided at Newport, R. I., iu 1729-31 and died 1753, and was famous for the evangelic benevolence ofliis character and the acuteuess of his genius. His mind was ever full of projects for increasing the vir- tue and happiness of" his fellow creatures. One was the establish- ment of a missionary college in the Bermudas. For that pur- pose he came to America and consulted with many of the principal men respecting his enterprise. He was Bishop of Cloyne in Ireland, and presents one of the rare instances of a pi'elate obstinately refusing any furtlier promotion out of pure love to his Hock. He was the authoi- of the ATinnte Philoso- pher, and other works and poems, among them that well known ode, the last stanza of which begins — " Westward the course of empire takes its way." When he heard that this town had taken his name he dona- ted a church organ to it and sent it to Newport. l^ut cei'tain of the inhabitants were opposed to instrumental music in churches, and money could not be raised to pay the freight, and there it remained till some persons claimed it in piayment of storage. M:iny years afterwards there were s(mie who would not tolerate musical instruments in the choir. When tlie l)as3 viol first began to be plavecl only in tlie last singing, Mr. Abner Burt, a prominent man, would rise and, slamming ilie pew door after him, leave the church, and wlien asked why he did so, said he would not hear that bull roar. There is no record as alleged that the town voted not to receive Bishop Berkeley's gift for the reason that it was an invention of the devil to catch men's souls. The first town meeting in Berkley was held May 13th, 1735, at Elkanah Babbitt's house. Gershon Crane was chosen Mod- erator, and Abel Burt, Town Clerk. Joseph Burt, John Paul, Benaiah Babbit, Selectmen. Tliese and other officers, it was voted, should serve without compensation for their labors. Two tithing men were chosen. At the second town meeting, legally called Oct. 6th, 1735, the town voted to hire a " scholar" to preach in the town a quarter of a year, and fifty pounds were voted to be raised for his support and other p)urpv)ses, and it was voted to employ no schoolmaster at present. At an adjourned meeting, Oct. 20th, 1735, voted to send for Mr. Tobey to come and preach one quarter of a year, and John Burt to take the contribution money towards supplying the scholar, /. e, minister. Yoted to build a meeting house fortj?^ feet long and thirty-four feet wide and eighteen feet stud, and that the work of getting tind^er and building be divided among the inhabitants equally, and each man be allowed four shillings a day, and boys pro- portionally. At a meeting of the town, Feb., 1735, voted to continue Mr. Tobey in tlie work of the ministry. Voted to send to the Gen- eral Court requesting them to appoint a committee to come and locate the meeting house ; but thirty-one persons protested against this and it was not done. Ang., 1736, voted to call Mr. TobcN' to the work of the ministr}', on a salary of one hundred pounds a yeai", pa[)cr money, and two hundred pounds settle- ment. Voted, 1737, to assess £250 to enable Samuel Mirick to finish the meetint): house. 6 ORGANIZING THE CHURCIT- This was done Nov. 2d, 1787, twenty-one days before the ordination of their pastor, by Rev. Nathaniel Fisher, Rev. Ben- jamin Rnggles, prohablj of Rochester, and Rev. ^I'honias Clapp of Taunton, with their delegates. The (.-burcli consisted of the following members : Rev. Samuel Tobey, Elkanah Babbit, Ebenezer Hathaway, Gei-shani Crane, John French, Ebenezer Philips, Jolm Briggs, Ephraim Allen. Benjamin Leonard, John Hudson, Josiah Bab- bit, Benjamin Babbit, George Babbit, Daniel Axtel, Al^igail Burt, Mai-y Philips, Mary Jones, Ho])estill Harvey, Hannah French, Experience My rick, Hopestill Wood-^, P]lizabeth Hath- away, Mercy Bal)bit, Sarah Biiggs, Abigail Babbit, Dorcas Jones, Hopestill Philips, Zippora Allen, Elizalxith Paul, Dor- cas Babbit, Witstill Axtell, Phebe Reed, Jemima Hathaway, Abigail Burt 2d, These thirty four members had belonged to the church in Dighton and in Taunton. 'J^hey had been residing foi' some years in this new settlement, and to enjoy the pi'ivileges of public worship had been in the habit of crossing the river by ferry boat to Dighton, or going five miles to Taunton. ''They would now have no such lengths to go to wander far abroad." On the same day were united with the church fifteen more by profession, making the mend,)crs forty-nine, twenty-five males and twenty-ibur females. THE FIRST MINISTKH. Rev. Saniucil Tobey was a native of Sandwich, a graduate of Harvard College, 1733, in the twenty -second year of his age, August 3, 1736, the people gave him a call to settle with them, a young man having scarcely finished his preparatory studies for his profession, commencing the duties of it in a new settle- ment, among a farming people scattered over a large teri-itory. But the people required a minister to instruct them and their children. Though their houses are rudely built, the roads rough and unfenced, their fields half broken uj) and yielding them barely a living, they cannot enjoy the Sabbath or their liomes without u man of God among tliem. How welcome he was ma)^ be seen by their oli'ering, in tlieir penury, two hundi'ed pounds for his settlerat'iit and a liundred for his salai'y per3'ear. This he accepted upon tlieir adding the contribution which it was usual to take every Sabbath, and stating his salary at twen- tj'-six shillings per ounce of silver. Thus the people determined to give him a liberal support, that he might devote hiniself to his work for their benefit; set- tled him f(.)Y life, that he might never wish to change his place, and that he might ha\e time, free from care, to improve in all useful knowledge. Nov. 28, 1737. The ministers officiating in the ordination sei-vices were the following: — Rev. Mi-. Billings, Rev. Mr. Fisher of Dighton, Rev. Mr. Fessenden, probably of Sandwich, and Rev. John Wales of Raynham. Mr. Wales offei-ed pi'ayer, Mr. Fessenden preached an excellent sermon from the words in Col. 2:5. "Joying and beholding your order." After which Mr. Billings gave the charge, Mr. Fisher the right hand of fel- lowship, and all was performed, says the brief record, to good acce])tance. What a simj)le but noble beginning was this for the establishing of divine ordinances where a few years before beasts of the wildei'ness and savages held sway. Rev, Mr. Tobe)' was niari-ied to Bathsheba Crocker, Sep. 6, 1738, and Oct 31 they moved into his house, and he writes, " Will Goil speak well of the house of his servant for a long time to come, and as (or me and my household, we will serve the Lo)d." They were Idessed with twelve childi'en, some of whom I shall describe further on. The two youngest were twins — Paul and Silas. The parsonage Mdiich he owned stood a little east of ihe Park, facing the south, two stories in front and one in the rear, the north roof sloping quite low. This was the style of the best houses of that day. President John Adams occupied such an one in Quincy before he was President. Mr. Tobey owned also a farm of twenty-five or thirty acres which was a great help to him and his family. His house was the resort of cleri- cal friends, liis doors were open to visitors and sll'angers nnd his hospitality always msinilest ursued classical studies only to a limited extent. In a lew years he acquired such k-nowledge of the learnecl languages and of the general sciences as to enable him to instruct young men in their j)reparation for college. His clear and com])i'ehensive views of the doctrines of \ho Gospel were appreciated by neigh- boring pastors and churches. His style in composition, if it had not the polish of later years, showed strong intellectual powers, and a vigor and strength of reasoning scarcely sur- passed by any. He had not oidy stiulied the best models, but by his own genius, as if aided by insjiiration, he laid open 11 tlie great truths of the Gospel to the appiehension of his hearers. The influence he exerted, during a ministry of nearly half a century, in raising the standard of education has heen acknow- ledged by the people. lie spent much time, tliough without pecuniary reward, in visiling the several schools, examining teachers and addressing the children, who always regarded him with much reverence, and perhaps some fear, (or ministers and learned men were not at that day very accessible to the young. Bis pablishcd discourses were qnite numerous ; the funeral sermon on the death of his wife and the " Old Jersey Captive" have been mentioned. He published a sei'mon on the deatli of Capt. John Crane, in 1795; one delivered at the funeral of Hon. Samuel Tobe}', in 1823 ; one on ihe death of Caleb Hathaway ; one on Pi'ayer, in 1808 ; one preached before the xissociation, entitled "The Church Inci-eased by its own Ener- gies." He published, in 1818, a p.-imphlet in answer to Eev. Noah Worcester's "Bible News," which was republished some time afterwards by Samuel T. Armstrong; another pam{)hlet against Rev. Jacob Nwii his doeti'ine an^ident Edwards, theological style has become more sneeinet and free li'om \erlH>sity and a more lively, vigorous and colored style has obtained. (J<>uld the learned student peruse the writings of Mr. Andros, he would find many qualities that nevei* can become obvsolete — a clear- \7 * hess of expression and a singular appropi-iatt-ness between tlic language and the lliought ; espeeiall}' would lie see the skillful arrangement or plan of his discourses, and that the main points W'ere not lost sight of. He was eminent in his devotional exercises, es|)ecially in public. When he settled in Berkley there was no stipulation made with liim by the society tliat he might enjoy a vacation of a month or two in the summer to recruit his health and visit his friends abioad. When once in a few years he was absent on a journey to Connecticut, he almost invariably provided a supply for his pulpit without any expense to his people. So stnmg was his habit of writing his thoughts ever}' week that he practised it after he left the pulpit. When I called on him one day he told me he had been revolving in his mind an important subject, and had just been writing ii out in a sermon which perhaps he should never preach; but it was a relief to him to write it. He said, when his mind was low and his thoughts grovelling, it elevated him to contemplate the works of God, to leflect that this diurnal sphei-e, the earth, had been sent forth b}^ him and sustained in its revolutions for thousands of years without gaining or losing a second of time ; that the Eternal Father had his thi-one above millions of rolling worlds like this. No miracles were more convincing to him of God's almightiness than these facts, which iilled him with profound admiration and adoring gratitude. Besides all, he said, to contemplate the wondrous })lan of redemption which God had alwa^^s had in His mind, which He had been executing by sending His Sou into the world, and giving his Holy S{)irit to effectuate the redemptive work, impressetl him with exalted views of the divine character. Such was his flow of thought and freedom of expression in petition and praise, that he was often too long in public prayer, and as he Was not wear}', he was unconscious that the people were weary standing. He rarely addressed Jesus Christ in public devotion, though he spoke of him as God, and believed that "in him dwells all the fulness of the godhead bodily." 18 « There was no studied oratory in liis manner. In delivering liis earnest thoughts, lie sometimes clinched his hand, and would bring it nervously down u{)on tlie desk— never stretched out his aim as if conscious of doing it, or as if thitiking of him- self, but as if impelled by the thoughts he wished to impress on his hearers. When preaching at a })rivatc liouse one evening, he touched upon the subject of prayer, and, toward the conclusion, being wrought up into a calm ecstacy, he stretched out his long arms, and with a countenance radiant with a sense of divine benevolence, cried as with the voice of a herald, " Come to the fountain of living waters; look unto Ilim, and be ye saved;" and so went on for some time, uttering the most startling and quickening expressions, of which some more than Ibrty j-ears afterwards have reminded me. He was not a politician in the ordinary sense of the term, but a firm supporter of our national politics. It can scarcely be said he was of no party, for he advocated peace when our government was waging war against Great Britain. Though he had suffered every thing but death in the Biitish prison ship, he saw the injustice of the war made to help !<' ranee. Ele was learless in exposing national wrongs, just as our puljiits during the late rebellion s[)akeout freely and plead for national union. During the war of 1812, he, on Fast and Thanksgiving days preached against it and against French influences, lie said he rejoiced tliat. (xovtM-nor Strong withheld the troops, for if he had not, tin,; bones of many of our citizens would be blt*aching on the plains of Canada. On Fast day it w.is usual to have two public discourses in the meeting hi~iuse. One morning of a Fast day Mr. Andros preached a sei'tnon wnll lillcd with ])olitical niatlcrs, the war under Madison raging, and Kcv. ^Face Slicjiard of Little Compton li. 1. who was present, perceived that some of the hearers were a little irritn ted. In the aCtei'noon Mr. Shopard was invited to the pidpit, and he conuneiiced his sermon thus, "You have this morninsj; been receivinsi' instruction on the sub- 19 ject of politics, and sucli instruction i\s tlie Bible confirms. I sliall now endeavor to clinch the nail wLich lias been driven by the master of assemblies." During his long ministry in the same parish, he became well known through an extensive region of the country. Hence, he was often called to attend chuicli councils, and jissist at or- dinations. His judgment and advice were sought because he well understood the congregational system, and jireferred it, though he was on friendly footing with rdl evangelical bodies. To the Lord's table he invited all in regular standing, saying this is the Lord's table, not ours, and he welccmies all his friends. He exhibited a rare example of Christian charity, and was free from that narrow-minded jealousy which confines the privileges of salvation to its own little coterie. It is certain that he not only kept up with the times, but in many things in advance of them. This is evident from his preaching and his j)ublished writings. Yet no man was ever more strenuous for the main doctrines of oxthodox3^ It might justly l)e said of him : '■ Witli words succinct, yet lull without a fault, He said iio more than just the thing he ought." He was beneficent sometimes almost to a fault, considerinsT his moderate income. The same kindness was shown by him to all with whom he transacted business. In his family he was always cheerful, considerate, generous and indulgent; always praying for the absent, especially those exposed to the dangers of the sea. The proof of his good in- fiuence in his family was that his children were industrious, well educated, intelligent and upright. He was very much aliected by the death of his daughter Clarisa, A\dio was a very amiable girl. She died of fever brought on by sitting near an open window in the meeting house. The air blew on her, and she had not courage to rise to close the window or change her seat " II was in hci- bridal hour, and when fond man pronounced her bliss complete." She was as lieautiful as young, and the first of his family taken fi'om him. When hei- fair form was let down into the 20 grave, lie writlied and trembled as he sat in his carriage, over- come with grief. The next sabbath he preached her funeral .sermon, in wliicli he described the soul as it leaves the body and enters on immortality and the awards of eternity in such vivid coloi's as almost to startle some fi'om their scats. That consolation which he had often endeavored to administer to others in a like case he now found difficult to iippl}^ to himself. Greater and better men in weeping over a follen child have said, "Would God I had died for thee." For what so afflicts the soul, as to see one, flesh of our flesh, "the human f;ice divine,'' made in God's image, covei'ed with the clods of earth. He was uniformly opposed to putting any confidence in dreams, and considered them unreliable. But his daughter Clarisa had a remarkable dream, which so impressed her that she told it next morning to her fiiends, and said she thought she should not go to her school. It was this : she would close her school in one week; would then be taken sick, and in one week more would die. This was announced to her by some one whom she saw in her di-eam ; all which was fulfilled in every particular. After this Mr. Andros was never heard to con- demn dreams, but seemed to admit that some might be worthy of consideration. No man was more free fiom superstition or from belief in apparitions and spectres, yet, as he was riding home one evening and turning the corner near Mr. Abner Burt's, he said that he saw as the moon shone through the bi-oken clouds, his wife walking a few rods before him, he knew her gait and figure and in a few minutes as he w.'is about to speak to her, she van- ished like Kuiydice li-om Orpheus. In lU'gument or repartee few were equal to him. At a store he met a man whose nick-name was " Razor Ben " who thiid':- ing he would have a joke with the minister, asked hitn why a hog's head was calleil "minister's face," "AVhy; said Mr. Andros," it proceeds from the depravit}' of the heart just as the term " Kazor Ben " does. When lie was criticising a sermon that ha" When a baggage wagon loaded with tea chests was overset near the '■ rock house ' corner and the neighbors came out to give assistance, numbers of them tilled their pockets with tea from llie broken chests. The next sal)bath he preached a sermon frc-m these words, '"and the barbarous peojdo showed Us no small kindness," in which he showed how unkind and unjust it was to illlreat persons who have met with misfortunes. And though he named no persons, all knew to whom liis dis- course applied. If there were any impi-oj^rieties in the young in holding night assemblies for mirth and jollity, he was sure soon to bring out a discourse which would indirectly but plainly enough apply to the whole case, though none were arraigned or pointed 22 out. In this indirect but faitliful manner lie i-elniked the evil practices of the times-. Wlien an intoxicated stranger in the giillerv one sabbatli began to make disturbance by climbing over from one pew to another, Judge Tobey, the warden, rose and requested the constable to jjut him out. After this had been done, and quiet was restored, Mr. Andros arose and said : I have tor some time thought of ])reaching to you on intemperance, but .what you liave now witnessed should be equal to a whole discourse on the subject. It was mentioned to him that some went to the tavern across the road on sabbath noon to take a drink, l)ecause they liad a headache. " Well," said lie, " 1 should let my head ache a long tiaie liefore 1 would do it." It lias been said that all ministers and cliurch members were formerly in tlie hahit of taking a little, but he was never known to, either on public or private occasions. Great deference was paid to his judgment and decision in all church and sc^ciety matters. AVhen he was coming out of the inner door of the meeting house, a young lady was intro- duced to him as desirous of l)eing admilted to the communion ; he took her by the hand and asked her il she could leave the vanities of the world and follow Christ. She said she thought she co.dd, " Well,"" said he, "I will propounil you at the close of the service." When a young man was g<»iiig to pi'each in a neighlioring place, someone obsei'ved, he doubted whether thep('oi>le would be satislied with him. ''They will not," said he, ''unless he can make them believe he knows something." lie receiv(Hl the honorai-y degree of A. M. from Brown University in 17U0. What PresidentQniiuty o( Ilarvai-dsaid of William Wiit, who was never a member of any college, might as truly be said of Rev. Mr. Andros, " You are ]>ro()f that a college education is not essential to every professional man." Mr. Andros was always sensitive in respect to his literary and scholarly rejiutation. As he was walkinu' home from Boston where he had been to 23 attend tlie Annivei'saries, Dr. J. Codinan fell in with him and learned Lis straitened cii'cutnstances. A few days afterwards the Doctor sent him fifty dollars. He never lettlie narrowness of his means distress him but said it stimulated liiin to preach better, and he hoped he could say with Paul, " As poor yet making many rich," and that he could say of his ministry as Goldsmith did of his Muse, "She found me poor and keeps me so." Yet he was not really jioor, or involved in debt, but by his industry lived comfortably. His library was small, but what he had were standard works and were read and well understood. He highly valued Milne r's Church History and said, ir he had had it at the beginning oC his ministry he should much more have ])r()fited by it. The bulky Connuen- taries he needed not., for his thorough study of the scriptures wdth collateral history supplied their place. He said, when he preached on some difficult points in theology, and some did not well understand them and made objection, that he had one man in his church, meaning Deacon S. who always understood them and could defend them. When one somewhat skeptical complained to him that if he preached such doctrines as he had done his hearers would fall off, "No," said he, "they will fdl oft; if I do not preach them." He believed that the plain exhibition of the doctrines of the gospel was more attractive to people than to preach them [\arlially or incompletely. Hence when he was sent as a delegate to the Genera! Association and was appointed to preach the As- vsociational sei-mon, he took two sermons with him, one some- what philosophic and erudite, which he iutendrd to preach before ihat learned body, ilie other plain and evangelical. But on arriving at the place, and perceiving the divines and others to be spiritual and scri})tural people, he laid aside the learned sermon he had intended to ])reach, and (h^livered the other. He was quite sensitive in regard to certain itinerant preach- ers who sometimes came into the outskirts of the town and hehl meetings. He considered that such a course led to divi- sions in parishes. But when Rev. James Barnaby, a Baptist, whose services were highly acceptable, came to visit his^ 24 frieruls ill his native town, Mr. Andros always invited liiili tn liis pLilpil, He liad an appointment to preacli at the liouse of Nathan Freiieli. When he arrived there Mrs. Lucy King, a woman of great tnciuory and some prejudices gave him a text to preach from like tills, " And as ye go, preach, saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand, — Ireely ye have received, freely give," supposing no doubt it would embarass him. But after a moment's mediuition, he arose and })reaclied an excellent ser- mon. Sadden occasions like that often quickened his powers of invention, Thei-e was a time in his ministry when he dwelt much on certain points of Calvinism, but longer experience taugiit him that many were not by them won to the Saviour. Yet he never withheld any truth which he considered evangelicah however distasreful to prejudiced minds. Every intelligent and sensible Christian knows that a minis-' tcr who has pursued his profession for many years, )>reaches more from his own experience of divine truth than from books ; while the bejzinner has not the extended views that longer study and practice will give. ^JMie exercise ol discipline in his church was strict and mc;int to be scriptiual. In 1807 large nund)ers were admitted. In a few years there was a sifiing out of eight or ten who were false converts. 1 have heard iiini eom])laiu that in the course of N cars he iiad hail in his church almost every kiiul orcriini- iial, yet it was in fact as a whole, a very spiritual and devoted church. He was strongly oj^poscd to the practice of members remov- ing from one church to another for "better edification," and when some applied for letters of dismission to go ami unite with a Taunton church he contended against it. One cold sabb:ith morning, that his family might rid(\ he came walking up U) the meeting house clad in a shawl, before shawls were much worn by gentlemen, and some tln)Ught it was a milled blanket. Not many days afterwards, some of the princi[)al women came together and procured for him an 25 excellent Lroadcli^tli cloak. He was like many talented men, somewhat negligent in liis dress, and could not ])ear to spend much time in fitting himself out for public services. At funerals, so tender were his sympathies, he found it difh- cult to control his emotions, and seemed like Euripe(k\s in the di-ama when personating a man who had lost a child, lie grasp- ed the urn that contained the ashts of liis own son, and poured forth such lamentations as threw the whole theater into tears. Yet no man knew better how to present the consola- tions of the word of God to the bereaved, for he had often been bereaved and could use the motto of the poet Vii-gil, ^^ Miser riiisen's succarere disco,"— ni\seva\)]e myself, I learn to succor the miserable. He lived to follow to the narrow house all the ciiurch and society w^ho invited him to become their minister. As he lived two miles from his meeting liouse he could not visit his people as he wished, but when he .heard of any that were sick, old or young, he made it a point to see them, and many too who never contributed any thing for thesuppoit of the ministry. He considered it the great duty of people to attend public worship and said, "it was the chief duty of the sabbath." When a man who usually attended onlv in the forenoon asked him to preach on a certain text, he said he would, but perhaps it would be on some afternoon. He had such confidence in his people and they in him that he could say anything he wished. There were but a few ca- ))able of ofi'ering prayer, or speaking in meetings to edification, not having acquired tlu; habit in their youth. I heard him say in a religious meeting he wished those only to take a jxirt who were capable. He said he wns always glad wlum he could talk to his peoj)le, and his "Lecture room talks " were always interesting. When he was old he was still esteemed by those who knew his worth and faith fulness, as may be inferred from the fol- h)wing: A young minister just graduated at Andover, came liome and by invitation having preached in his pulpit, a re- spectable lady was asked how she liked the young minister. 26 "Well," she said, "lie preached quite well for a beginner; but, ' no one when he hath drank old wine straightway desir- eth tlie new, for he saith the old is better.' " This answer, told to the aged pastor, was quite cheei'ing. After serving the people in the ministry nearly fifty years he resigned, as there were some divisions that caused the calling of several councils which unhap[)ily hilled to pi-oduce general harmony. He resigned because he thought some were tired of him and desired a young pastor. But his old friends gath- ered round him anew, and wishing to show him some new pi'oof of their respect, chose him representative to the General Court, in 1838. He nevpr left the church or the sanctnarj', but always at- tended on the sabbath when health permitted. After his resignation numerous ministers occupied the juilpit. Some were .settled f )r a short time. Among those employed, I may mention the reverend gentlemen, Messrs. Ebenezer Gay, J. U. Parsons, Eichardson, R(jckwell, Gould, Babcock, C. Cham- berlain, Smith, Lothrop, Eastman, Davis, Barney. It may be determined by the ])resent genei-ation whether the .settling and j-emoving of ministers every few years, is more beneficial to a religious society than to settle a man for life, who, expecting to live and die with his people, will have time to impi-ove and instruct them. Not long after his i-esignation another altar Avas set up, a new church f )rnied by advice of council, as most expedient on ac- count of unhappy division, and disagreement, and two young ministers were employed to preach to his divided congregation. An intelligent lady expressed the sentiments of some when she said those young ministers were good men. though they had not called at her house, but she doubted whether both would fill the place of the old minister. Installation exercisca of Mr. John U. Parsons, Miircli 14, 1888. Sermon by Rev. E. Miiltby. Cliarjrt', l)y Rev. P. Coll)y. Address to the people, by Rev. E. Sanford. Prayer, by liev. Haalis Sanford. Mr. Parsons was born at i'arsonslield. Me. Ciraduated at Bowdoin Col- lege, 1828. Studied at Andover Seminary, and liceiified 181il, at New York. 27 The last da3's of this excellent mnn were tranquil and full ofhojie. lie knew he had not lived and labored in vain. It was a greater trial to him to resign his pulpit and hiy down his profession, than resign his life and l)id larewell to earth. When about eighty-seveu he i)ereeived a slight attack of paralysis, which in a small degree so affected his speech, that when he attempted to utter a word in a sentence, Lc uttered one not intended. When we see a statel}^ ship, loaded with costly merchandise, cast upon a rocky shoie by the Coi'ce of the waves and the tem- pest, a feeling of sadness comes over our minds. How much more when we see a man wiio lias been eminent for talent and excellent deeds, on whose lips great assemblies have hung for many years, disabled and deprived of those j)hysical and men- tal powers which once distinguished him, As the Saviour ascended with outstretched arms, blessing his disciples, so did this man depait. Many have died as philoso- phers, but he as a Christian who had fought a good light. The monument I'aised in memoi-iam will commemoi'ate for centuries his name aud the names of his nnmei'ous family. He is worthy of such distinction. No such cost!}' mausoleum as this rises iu the town, so beautiful to the eye, so suggestive of moral givaiuess and earthly fame. It was erected by his affec- tionate children ; and had it beeu given by the town it would have been to its honor, and a tcdvcn of the gratitude wddcli it owed him. Yet he has left a memorial of himself worth more, and \noYQ enduring than this splendid marble, and that is, the imi)ress of his sentiments and of divine truth, which he made during his long ministry, on the minds ot his people, an impress which will endure thiough successive geuei-ations to the end of time. Says Edmund Duik'C, " 'I'hey who do not treastire up the memory of their ancestors do not deserve to be remembered by tluur posterity." But what shall be said of those with whom it is a matter of indiflerence who their ancestors were, or whether they had any. In the Ilrst twetity-nine years of his ministry, one hundred 28 and tliirty-foiir persons united witli tlic clinrcli, and probaldy as m:iny more during the remainder oi' liis pastorate. 'Vhe number of baptisms would probably equal if not exceed the admissions. One day lie baptized in the mectingdiouse moie than fifty cliiidren. It was a Ma_y day, on a Sabbatli set ap:ii-t for the purpose in 1807. As tlie chilhen wei-e gathered round him, he stretched out liis hands and repeated the words of Chi'ist, "Suffei- little childi'en to come unto me. " Many were moved by those emotions which cause smiles and teai-s at the same time, in seeing so many olfered at the baptismal font. It seemed to be a scene like that when the children in the temple sang "hosanna to the Son of David." Some were infants, but man\' were between the ages of five and eight. They looked upon the venerable man as their father and guide. Such was the love of all for him on that memorable day. "Even cliiidren toUowcd with (Midenrinjj wile, And plucked liis i;()\vii to sliure the '^nod niiin's smile." Wlien he preached in liaynham the ordination sermon of Eev. E. Sanford, October 2d, 1828, he wore a clerical gown, after the ancient fashion. The audience was very larg'e, but his voice was heard distinctly in ever}" part of ir. His sub- ject was, " 'J'he peculiar duties of young ])astors." Dr. Park, of Brown University, observed, that in })re[)aring tiiat dis- coui'se, he must have thought of many things, or he could not have made it so clear and Forcible. When he delivered the charge to Rev. Chester Isham, liist pastoi'of the Triniiarian Ciuirtth, Taunton. L'onard Bat-on, as! lived K)nger, that .she might know the success of her daughter. "0,"said he. "she knows il." licuce I infer that he believed that departed friends know the circum- stances of those whom they leave behind. AVhen a candidate for the ministiy was presenied to the Asso- ciation for licensure and was asked by th(; modei'ator if he had in wi'iting his ailicles of belief, he said he liad not; but as he had recei\c'd his educaiion under ]\[r. Andros" ])rea('hiiig, ho had uniformly believed what he preached from the Scri]> tures. On this statement the association gave him a license. In the theoriesof geologists Mr. A ndros had little oi" no belief, but C( nsidered lire ch'chvrations of ]N[oses respecting the crea- tion as atrue history. He considei'ed the six cLays of creation as literal days, as they are stated to be in the command, ''six days shalt thou labor," and not ciic\\ an unlimited period o( many millions of years as I'cpresented by Dr. John Mason Good. When this sid:)ject was discu.ssed in tlie Association he showed how j'idiculous it was to "dig inio flie earth to lind })i'oofs that Moses was mistaken in its age," and that rocks and (bssils could gi\e a Ijctter histoi'v than divine revelations, yet had he lived longer he would have m'xliUcd his opinion and have seen that geological systems aie reconcilable with the scriptures. In. tiie seimou he preached at the funeral of Miss Fanny Paul, he (h'scribed heaven in very glowing coloi's, and towards the conclusion said, 'In parting with your fi'iends you need not say you know not wheie they go, or where they are, for thev enter that world I have described; our sister is there; she is among 80 tlie redeemed ; slie lias seen angels ; she is Iicaring tlicni sing; and more than all, she behoKls tlie face of him whom she has sought iind Joved, and will enjoy forever." Some roductive, containing Burt's meadows, so-called, and nnmeious salt meadows at the south. The town is mostly level, but embraces several hills, as Ape's hill at the north. Skunk's hill at the etist, and Pliili}) ILithaway's hill near the centre. The easterly part borders on the Coiley ri\cr, a small mill sti'eam tiihulary to the Taunton ; through this })ai't runs the railway to New Bedf ml. Ill tlie centre ol the town is a public park or " common " con- taiinng about nine acres in the form of a triangle, ])aitlv sur- rounded with elms. There are six roads or highwavs radiating fi-omthe common into the vaiious j)arts of the town ; surrounding it are twelve line dwelling houses, among them arc two churches and a school lunise. The town hall stands near the centre. Genei'al musters used to be held here, and in ISOo a brigade com- prising the militia <;f the county encamped here under command of Brigadier Gen. James Williams, of Taunion, (aiher of Chief Justice J. M. Williams, L.L.D. Near the ceiiMe of this j^ark once stood a windmill (oi- grinding <2rain, granted by the town to be built, by S. Tobey, Esq., in 1787 ; but about ISOo it was removed, having become old and dangi'rous. Scarcely any town in the county can show so pleasant a centre as this. It 33 miglit be mode still more pleasant and inviting 1)}' placing move trees and sliruhbciy on tlic borders of i.lie roads lliat cnviion it. As ancient Sparta consisted of live towns, so this town may be considered as containing live villages. ^J'lic nonh is called tlie Burt neiglil)orli()od, in v.'liicli arc nnnierons families of tliat name, of consi(leral)le wt'alili. Fainiing, nieclianicnl business, and trade have ilourislied I here. On the river is the Briilge village, near wliere Dighton and Berkle)' bridge stood, which was built in IbOd, and removed about 1850, having become deleciive, and deemed an ohsirnc- tion to navigation. Tiiis village contains nianv enterjuising people, lariners, meclianics, navigators, ship builders, traders and lisliermen. The next village fui'ther dovui the river is Asstmet neck, made up mostly of entei'prising Ihrniers, vho excel in raising fat cattle and other domestic animals. Le\-i Pierce, a. bachelor, owned a large farm at the extreme end of the cape. ITc began with nothing, but by industry and })arsiinony acquired a good property. He had only his sister, lor some years, to guide his liermitage, and after her death was alone except that he liad numerous cattle and swine, the latter taking ihe milk of Ids cows, for he c(uild (ind no one to manage a dair}'. As he could not afford the expense of a new I'oof for liis shanty, he usually lodged in his barn when it, I'aincd. In going any distance he would carrv his shoes in liis hands I'ather than on his feet, and when he wore them would jint, leaves in them tv~; save the ex- pense of stockings. AVhen I visited him 1 asked him (or his almanac; lie said lie liad nom", nor any book in the house as he was nnal)le to read. I nn-ntioned to him that as he had no near relati\-es, he could leave his pi-operiy t.o the town foi' ed- ucatioual })urposes, or to some benevolent society. lie said he thono'ht strano'ers WTre as o-ood to him as his own relatives, who seemeil to want wdiat he had lie said he made his first earnings by collecting oyster shells in a smali boat or lighter, and cari'ying them about (ifieen miles up the ri\-er to tlie fur- naces in llavnham. wdier<' they were used in fusing iron. The fourth village is in the easterly part of the town, em- Si brnciiig soii-ic dozen houses, situated amid \-crdant meadows and fv)rests of i>inc, oak. cedar, walnut and bircli, wliicli once were not thought vahiable, but now are considered t!ie best of pro- perty. The centre village has been ah-oadj sufficiently described. Near tlie meeting house was a ])ound with Idgli walls, about two rods square, in which iniscliicvous or sti'ay cattle might be confined according to law. In the gate, at oi' near the l)oitoni, were stocks in which the autlioiities mii>-ht conlinc the loot of the I'efractory ; but none ever had that distinction. Thci'c are now one hundred and twenty-lwo dwelling houses in the town, N.\V1GAT()]{S. In this town a large number have been employed in the com- mercial marine, some of whom T may mention. Capt. John San- ford, son of John, and grandson of John, the (irst settler of that name in Taunton, saileil mostly to the West Indies. My father, his cousin, went with him one voyage. His voyages were suc- cessful, lie owned two or three farms iu the southeily part of the town. He died in 1780, leaving three daughters, Sophia, who married Rev. 'J'homas Aiidros; Esther, who married Capt John Dillingham, and Sarah, who married Mr. Seth Winsk)w, and dying left one daughtei', Sally, who married Ca])t. Daniel B.irt; and their only daughter. Sarah Ann, mari'icd the late Henry II. I'ox, of Taunton. One of whose sons, William II. Fox, Esq., is Judge of the Afunicipal (^ouri, Taunton. Capt. Barnabas Crane was an intelligent and distinguished From smiiliy old documents latflv eNJui I'ed by Ki-v. ISI. Blsdu-, D.I)., of Taunton, it is ascertained wlien sliip liuildinji' Ix'yan on tliin nver. Autruat 12, 1G94, in tlie reifjn of William and Mary, Tliouias Hunt, of London, contracted with one lireenf-ll lIanov(>r, shi])\vriirlit. to conic to New iMijjland for the purpose of building; vessels Altei- six-ndiuir some time in the business at Boston, Mr. Hanover came to 'I'auntnn lo imild a vessel for a Mr. Coram, for w .ich he was t') receive, haviny; all materiuls furnished him, tli(^ sum of £tl current money of New Eu'jland. 'I'his was the first of the thousands of vessels that liave plied by sailinjr. rowlnjr or steaminir on the 'I'uunton river. The name, career, and final anchoraust oO, 1098, and was fil'tyfour feet kecd and twenty feet beam. 60 navigator. He removed to Digliton, then to Oliio, where he settled with liis sons on a fine [)hint:ition. Capt. Epliraim Freiicli, sen., was l)y long experience better acquainted with the Taunton river and the southern coast than any other man. He taught numerous yonng men the art of navigation, i'rom a treatise by Jolin II. Moore. Capt. Jabez Fox Collowu'd the sea some years, and settled on a farm near Assonet neck. Capt. Enoch Tobey made Ibreign voyages in his father's ships, oiten to Liverpool, and was some time successful, but died early. His brother, Silas, graduate of Brown University, made voynges to Havana, where he sud- denly died of fevt-r. He had married a daughter of Dr. Fuller, of Kingston, a physician. IJe left one son, Hon. Edwnrd S. Tol)ey, of Boston, president of the Board of Trade, nuMr.bcr of numberk'ss benevolent associations, a merchant possessed of immense wealth. Capr. Seth Burt and his brother, Daniel, made trips to the Carohnas. In a storm they were both lost, and all on board with them, their vessel beintr shallow and not well ballasted. Capt Albert Fi'ench has for years (blh)we '^^j'own Clerk, and died in middle life. These stoies, t-xcepting tie last, de.dt in ardent spirits: the temperance i-efoimation not having arisen, and most ])eo])le of that time thinking that labor- ers needed stimulants. But no town for the last twent}' years has been more free from tlieir destructive influence. 'JMiere were two taverns ])crhaps down to the year 1825. One was kept by Capt. Samuel French, sen. ; the other, near the meeting- 37 house, was kept by Ezra Briggs. These inns were tliouglit essential, as before the railways were laid, three or four stages a day used to j)ass between Taunton and Fall River, and there was much travelling in oiher vehicles. A post office was not opened in tliis town till about 1824. EDUCATION. Soon after the town was organized schools were o])ened. One teacher only was employed, Koland Gavin, an Englishman, who received a stated salary Irom the treasury, about £[o per }eni", worth periiaps eighty rix dollars. His school was migrattM-y, that is, it was kept about two months at a place and in I'otation, at several localities in the course of a year or two, in houses or rooms that now would be thought mere shanties, yet in general ihey corresponded well with other buildings. Master Gavin never perfoi'med manual labor but devoted . himself wholly to his profession. I have seen some who were his pupils. His reputation for learning was something like that of Goldsmith's school-master in the "Deserted Village." He employed himself chiefly in teaching reading, writing,' and ciphering. He would write the ])roblem for the scholar in his manuscript book, and the pupil wiien he had solved it would write the solution under the question. He also taught young men the art of navigation, for which he had an extra fee of two dollars. As for geographies and grammars, there were none. Dill- worth's was the first spelling book, then Webster's, then Abner Alden's, which had a long run, and few have imi)rovcd upon it. The first book on geography used in schools, was that of Rev. J. Morse, D. D., of Charlestown, the father of Professor Morse, the telegraph inventor ; and it was used only as a reading book by the first class. After a while Blake's and Cumming's geo- graphies came in vogue, from which lessons for recital were learned. The first gi-ammar was' Alexander's, introduced by Joseph Sanford, in this and the neighboring towns where he taught 38 Afterwards Webster's or Guriiey's, then Murray's, wliich was used together with his English Reader, for niaiij yeai-s. S<>on after the Revolution the school district system was oiigintited, seven schools were estubhshed, but money enough could not, be raised to maintain each more than ten weeks in the winter, and the summer school, if any, was supported by contributions in part. Yet learning increased in the town. No child grew up not a good reader or writer. The less tiieir means, tiie parents made gi eater efforts. Penmanship was more cultivated then than now, and orthography was so diligently pursued that many scholars before leaving school could spell every word in Webster'sor Alden's spelling book. The minister was required by law to examine and licen.se teachers, and together with a committee to visit schools, gratis, as often as desirable. After a while a number of eminent tea«hers was raised up in the town. Capt. Joseph San ford commenced sooii alter the Revolutionar}' War, in wliich he had served over two years, and taught thirty-two winters in succession. lie was superior in mathematics, algebra, navigation, and in all school studies of that day. The aiithrnetics he used were by W^ard, Walch, Pike, Adams, Dabol, Temple, and the School Master's Assist- ant, which were more inti-icatc than the later books of the kind. Col. Adoiiiram Crane was an eminent teacher, who, however, used great severity in discipline, and which ten! not one of those contracted minds who view the interests of their town or parish as tantamount to 42 all others. Being convinced of the justice and utility of a measure, lie |)\ir.sued it witli a ze:il and linnness that no opposi- tion or teniponay ill-snccess could conquer. To this quality is owing his success in enterprises deeply involving the welfare of the town. The genei-al piosperity of the nation and the honor of the g )veniment un ler which he lived, being ()l)jects still of greater ningniiude, more deeply engaged his benevolent V^ishes and exertions. "He w;is honored with various posts in public life from ihe dawn of the Rcxoliition till age and inlirmity admonished him of the necessity of i^etiienn-nt. Yet he never was an ollice- seeker, he knew not, how meanly to stoop to court the suffrage of the peojdc. In tlie days of his gi'catest prosperity he alTected no luxurious or s})len.lid style of living, yet no man ever made liis friends moi'e welcome to his htmse or appeared more delight- ed, if they wei'e rendered comfirtnble l)y his hospitality. And even in his jiecnniaiy embarassments he did not cease to be libei'al," Apollos ^rol)ey was Justice of the Peace and sometimes had criiinnals before him. He was ;i])p(>intcil jud.^e of tlie Court of Sess ons, whose business was soniething like tlie present duties ol County Coll missioner, to ,L;rant licenses to innhoMei's and reg- ulate county iiifiiii-s. He remox'ed to New liedloi'd, and (or sevei'iil years was employed constnnily in justice business. Simeon Burt was a justice, but, had few occasions to cxei-eise the functions of his oriicc, so peaeeful wci'e the times. ;ind the people who Iieid the laws in high respect. Simeon < "hase was an upri'jht justice, a cai-p<'nter by trade, an exemplarv man, Avho liaf statutes concerninu" town matters was much 43 ihvoked, and frequently saved to the town the expense of ob* taining legal opinions. Alpheiis Sanford, a Justice of the Peace and one of tlie six sons of Josej^h Sanford, lived in this town till 1887, then mov- ed to Taunton, represented that town in the General Court in 1844. He excelled in building, selling and renting houses. William Babbit, a Justice and Selectman, is prominent in the business of the town. MECHANICS. With this honorable class the town has been well furnished especially if we include manufacturers and ship builders. The first mason, who built many grotesque and bulky chimneys was John Sandford, who lived here as early as 1713 on a large and rough plantation a mile east of the Common. From him five generations have descended, though but few of that name now live in tiie town. John Briggs was a mason, and performed the mason work on the second meetinghouse and in payment took a pew which he usually occupied on the sabbath. Joseph Sanford learned the trade of him and pursued it mostly in Taunton. Three of his six sons learned and follow ed the business till about the age of eighteen. Of carpenters the number was greater. Elkanah Babbit was a noted builder of houses. He lived on a good farm a little south of the meeting house. His son Isaac as mentioned above was a celebrated and intelligent workman. He settled in Dighton. Two other sons, Warren and Benjamin, were skilled workmen, but after a while removed from town. Simeon Chase built the fine house of the late Barzillai Crane, and many others. Alpheus Sanford built the town hall. Samuel Phillips and his brother Eeuben, Baalis Phillips and John Newhall were builders of houses. The principal ship builders were Henry Crane, Ephraim French, ISTehemiah Newell, Thomas Burt with numberless others in their employment. Abner Burt, senior, was a saddler and harness maker for more than fifty years, when saddles and pillions were in great 44 demand. He lived to a great age. Sis two sons Sliadracli and Dean were liatters and carried on the manufacture for manj years. Dean was deputy Sheriff' moi'e tlian a quarter of of a century, to old age and died in office. Of shoe makers there were many. George Sanford, one of the best was a cordwainer, that is sewed with tliread. Enoch Babbit was an excellent boot maker. The early custom of shoemakers was to go once or twice a year to families and make or mend as the family required out of materials on hand, in the same manner astailoresses circulated through the neigh- borhood ; there were no shoe stores in the country villages. Those who slaughtered animals sent the hides to the tanner, and meat enough to pay for tanning. John Terry was a noted shoemaker and removed to Fall Eiver. Tisdalc Porter who lived a little north of the meeting house was an ingenious blacksmith, made bolts and other iron work for ships ; he was from Freetown and married a daughter of Hon. S- Tobey. Seth Burt was ai'chitect of Winslow church, Taunton. John Perkins and William S. Crane were good blacksmiths at the Bridge village. Celia Atwood deserves to be mentioned here, a tailoress more than fifty years, and extensively useful through the town. FISHEEIES. These have ever been of considerable annual profit to the town, which like other towns on the river has had the privi- lege of running two seines four days in a week for a certain number of weeks. A fishing privilege for the season has usually been sold for. $250 or $300. But so much has the river been seined and obstructed from Fall Eiver to Middle- boro, that the herring have diminished, and the shad nearly ceased to run. Legislation to regulate these fisheries has not been satisfactory to all. At the southerly part of the town are beds of clams and oysters. THE ALMS HOUSE does not possess many occu]\ants since the day of grogshops. The number has been gradually diminishing. Those who have 45 been unfortunate, by loss of property or bealth, are received and cared for so well that one aged inmate said it was called the poor house, but she called it the rich house. It was said in the first half century after the settlement of the tow^n that there were no drunkards, and only one man maintained by the towns and that was the minister. Mr. N. Gilbert Townsend has had the charge of this esta- blishment for many years. The annual cost of supporting the poor is about six hundred dollars. The Alms House cost $3500, stock $1500, salary of the warden $150 yearly. In 1774, the poor were vendued to the low^est bidder at about four shillings a week each. SEVERAL LADIES OF THIS TOWK married educated men and persons of distinction from abroad. Daughters of Simeon Burt: Abigail married in 1810, Rev. James Barnaby, pastor, Harwich ; Polly mariied William Car- penter M. D. of Freetown ; and Clarissa married Mr, Peleg Gray, a grocer of New York. Polly, daughter of Stephen Burt, married Amos Allen M. D. a physician of this toAvn and East Taunton. Daughters of Rev. Samuel Tobey: Bathsheba married Deacon Gideon Babbit, of Dighton ; Achsah married Roger French of Berkley, and of Barnard, Vt Daughters of Hon. Samuel Tobey : Bathsheba married Rev. Abraham Gushee, pastor Dighton for fifty seven years ; Peddy married Thomas Richmond M. D. of Dartmouth. Abigail, daughter of Thomas Briggs, married William Cornell M. D. father of Rev. William M. Cornell L. L. D., M. D., editor, Boston, Eleanor, daughter of James Macomber, manied Capt Josej)h Sanford. Sally, daughter of Ebenezer Paul, married, as his fifth wife, Capt. Jabez Fox, a navigator and importer. Hannah, daughter of Abel Crane, married Apollos Tobey Esq., merchant, and for many years representative to General Court 46 Experience, daugliter of Cliristopliei' Paul, Sen., mamed Hon. Samuel Tobej, Senator and Judge of Court of Common Pleas. Clarissa, daugliter of D. Dean, married Col. Adoniram Crane, an eminent singer and teaclier. Emma T, daugliter of Tisdale Porter, married, 182*9, Abiel B. Crane Esq. merchant. Caroline, daughter of Benjamin Crane, married Hon. Geoi'ge P. Marsli, Ambassador irom our Government to Greece, and also to Italy. Betsy, grand-daughter and adopted daughter of Hon. Samuel Tobey, married Joseph Hathaway, agriculturist. Jerusha, daugliter of Ezra Chase, married Philip French. Eebecca Porter, daughter of Abiel B. Crane, married, 1870, Rev. Lucius R. Eastman, Jr., ol Somerville. Polly, daughter of Elisha Crane, married Deputy Sheriff Dean Burt. Daughters of Apollos Tobey Esq. : Eliza mairicd Deacon Barzillai Crane Esq., a man of large property ; Cai'oline Amelia, married Mr. Abel B. Sanford of Pliiladel))hia. Daughters of Dean Burt : Abby, married Rev. Baalis Sanford of East Bridgewater, pastor; Rowena, mari-icd Hon. Rodney French, Mayor of New Bedford. Lora, daughter of Ezra Chase, married Joseph Tisdale, son of Hon. Joseph Tisdale, Senator. Hopestill, daughter of Elkanah Babbit, married George Sanford, Jr. Betsy, daughter of Abel Crane, married Rev. Levi Lankton of Alstead, N. H. Sophia, d. of Capt. Christojihcr Paul, m. Benjamin Crane, son of Benjamin, an eminent scholar and teacher, who was member of Brown University two years and failed in health. Daughters of Rev. Thomas Andros : Lydia married Capt. John Dean, of Freetown, Priscilla Deanc, married, 1827, Smith Winslow of Fall River, Mary, married William Babbit, manufacturer, Sarah, married Mr. George F. Butters, horticulturist, Newton. 47 Sarali Hastings Fox, adopted daughter of Sluidracli Burt, married Thomas C. Dean, merchant and agriculturist. Sally, d. of Seth Winslow m. Capt. Dnniel Burt, 1814. Daugl iters of Capt. Joseph Saiiford : Eleanor, married Abner Pitts, of Taunton, jeweler ; Mary, married Capt Theophilus Nickerson, of South Dennis. Rebecca, d. of Tisdale Porter, married Samuel Newhall. Daughters of Dea. Barzillai Ci'ane : Susan Whitmarsh, m. Samuel Breck, a lawyer, now of Bridgewater, graduate of Harvard, 1831 ; Irene Lazel, married Thomas C. Nichols M. D. of Freetown. Sophia, daughter of Capt. John Dean and his wife Sally, daughter of John and Esther (Sanford) Dillingham, married James Lothrop, of Eaynham, a well-known singer and musician. * MUSIC. The first society early took measures to cultivate good singing. John Paul was appointed chorister and tuner of psalms Jan. 25, 1737. The class of tunes at first used was that to which Mear, St. Martin's and Old Hundred belonged. Then came Billings' shrill fleeting tunes which had a long run. Some think his class of tunes wrought a great improvement and agreeable variety, but they have long since been superseded by the harmonious and devotional hymns of the present day June 3, 1773, the church voted that Nathaniel Haskins and Simeon Burt should assist Shadrach Burt in leading the psalm. Dr. Isaac Watt's psalms and hj^mns began to be used in 1788, and Azael Hathaway and James Babbit were chosen choristers. Nov. 3, 1823, it was voted by the church that Heniy Crane be second chorister, — Dea. George Sanford being a])pointed to lead w^hen the chuich observe the communion, and the choir join with the church. Also that Col. Adoniram Crane be chief chorister and that it be left to him to say who shall lead when he is absent. He was a noted singer for about thirty years, was president of the Beethoven Society, which was composed of the best singers of several towns. He sung perhaps for ten years in the second Con'l Church of this town. Dea. G. Sanford 48 taught singing schools, and Col. Crane succeeded him many winters. Stringed instruments were long used. OFFICERS OF THE FIRST CHURCH. Ruling Elders. Daniel Axtell 1750 Jacob French 1750 John Paul 1764 Ebenezer Crane 1789 Dec. 23. 1798, Barzillai Hathawny was chosen as agent to manage the funds of the church. Deacons. Gershom Crane 1737 Daniel Axtell 1737 Jacob French 1748 John Paul 1748 Samuel Tubbs 1764 Ebenezer Crane 1764 Ebenezer Winslow . . . . 1789 Samuel Tobey 1789 George Sanford 1807 Luther Crane 1807 Tisdale Briggs 1820 Barzillai Crane 1837 Thomas C. Dean 1847 James Hathaway 1847 CHURCH DISCIPLINE. Jany. 25, 1737. The church met and voted that liberty should be granted to persons to be admitted to the church with a relation or without as they may see their way clear. Jany. 7, 1749. At a church meeting the following vote was passed: That if any of the brethren or children of the church should allow of frolicking in their houses, or go abroad to frol- ick in any other house, they should be deemed offending. That if any of the church should neglect to attend at church meet- ings without satisfactory reasons given, they should be deemed offending. That if any of the church should invite into their house any of the separate Baptist teachei's to preach, or follow them abroad, they should be deemed offending. July 25, 1750. Daniel Axtell and Jacob French were or- dained as ruling elders. The ordnining services were perfomied by delegates from the churches in Rochester and Freetown. The church usually held a lecture monthly. When one had fallen into sin and was restored, he was required to make confession, and ask forgivness befoi-e the congregation on the sabbath. 49 Feb. 16, 1762. Voted to inquire into the reason of Brother Pickens for his neglecting special ordinances, and also for his attending on Mr. Hind's ministry, who is an anabaptist. Mr. Pickens, reasons were that he did not profit bj Mr. Turner's ministry, and the church voted that they were not satisfied with his reasons. Feb. 29, 1816. Voted that Brother Elijah French be admon- ished not to attend the meetings of heretical sectarian preachers. He being present received the admonition and promised amend- ment. Tliis aged brother was a very pious man, and being hard of hearing was fond of meetings at dwelling houses. Voted also, that Mrs. Polly Hathaway be admonished for the same disorderly conduct, as also for absenting herself from the communions, and attending a seperate and opposition meeting, and for holding heretical opinions of Elias Smith. She being present gave some encouragement of reformation and four months were given her to consider and reform in respect to those chai'ges. It is a question whether the venerable pastor was not too rigid in some acts of church discipline. These are barely specimens ; numerous other instances of little importance are re- corded in an almost illegible handwriting. THE MINISTERIAL TAX. This tax was assessed on the inhabitants, like other taxes, according to law. It was opposed by those who did not wor- ship with the First Society. One man had his horse distrained for non-payment of a small ministerial tax, but afterwards it was given up as being exempt from such seizure. Another man, Zephaniah Jones, was taken by warrant, and lodged in jail for refusal to pay such tax, but some friend soon released him. It was soon seen that this mode of compelling men to support the ministry was impolitic, and not necessary for the maintenance of the Church. Hence, in 1820, the law of the State was repealed, and the voluntary system of supporting the ministry henceforth obtained. 60 1776. Tins town wns well represented in tlie army of tlie Uevolu^ tion, thougli the popuhition and means were small. Rev. Thomns Andros as stated nLove, wns a soldier in the Continen- tnl armv. Otdy a few others am I able to give, Ezra Chase enlisted in the army of Ehode Island, and being wounded in a sham fight drew n pension from 'that State, pay able semi-annually so long as he lived. He resided on a farm in tlie ensterly part of the town, find his nine chidren, five sons andfonr daughters, have long been dead. Josiah Macomber, son of James, wns in the Continental army over two years. After the war he became non compos mentis, and received a pension from 1818, by his guardian. Joseph Sanford at the age of eighteen, entered the arni}^, served at South Boston and Dorchester Heights, also in Provi- deuce, in all about two years; drew a ])ensi()n from 1818 to the time of his death, e>:ce]itiug a few years when it was withheld from those whose income was more than two hundred dollars a year, and after his decease it was paid to his widow by act of Congress allowing it to soldiers' widows married previous to the year 1795. He was the son of George Sanford, Sen., who was in 1756 a lieutenant in the army under command of the British General Lord Loudoun, and marched against the French at Crown Point and Ticonderoga. This wns the "French War," which resulted in the conquest of Canada by the British and American forces. Lieut. Sanford was the youngest child of JohnSandford and his wife Abigail, daughter of Snmuel Pitts. Samuel Paul, William Evnns, and Paul Biiggs, weiT soldiers of the Revolution and diew pensions. Colond John Hnthaway, fathei" of Barzillai, commanded a regiment in the wai', was eminent for his patriotism, had full confidence in the success of our ai-ms, and when there was no chaplain would ))ray on horseback at the head of his command. In 177-1 the town voted that the resolves of the Continental Congress be strictly adhered to in every particular, and John Hathawav and others were a committee to see that these resolves 51 were regarded by the people. 1775. Voted that the tnilitia train half a day in a week, and be allowed one shilling; that each minute man have five dollars as a bounty if called into the service of his couiiliy. July 22, 1776. Voted to raise £75 10s., as an additional bounty allowed to the soldiers bound to New Fork, and that volunteer and drafted soldiers be exempt from paying any part of it. Feb., 1777. Voted to choose militia officers ; to hire our quota required for the Ccmtinental army, and to give each soldier ten pounds additional to what is given by the General Court. They were to enlist for three years. Nov. 24. Voted £234 to be assessed to pay soldier's bounty. Feb., 17 78. Voted £620 to pay Continental soldiers. In 1778, voted £154 12s., for soldiers. Voted £1,320 19s. to pay soldiers hired by the town. Sixty-four soldiers at different times serving for three months in the army were allowed from three to ten pounds each. After Independence, the military spirit was dominant. The law required trainings in May, and muster in the autumn annu- ally. All able-bodied men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, were I'equired to attend at a given time and place, equiped with gun, ba3^onet, knapsack, cartouch box, and some twenty rounds of j)owder and ball. Foi- absence without legal excuse two dollars Avas the fine. Every town was required by law to have a powder house Avitli a certain amount of powder and ammunition to be ready for invasion or war. The captain and other officers of the militia wore uniforms consisting of a mililar}- hat with feathers; red-faced coats, with epauletts of silver fringes ; two-edged sword, or cutlass, with silver hilt, and spontoon. Abner Burt, Jr., was adjutant many j^ears. Among the captains were Samuel French, Sen., and his son, the Senator, Joseph Sanford, Christopher Paul, 2d., Freeman Briggs, Griles G. Chase, who in the war of 1812, marched his company to New Bedford, to defend the coast against the incursions of the British. Other captains were Nathaniel Staples, Nathaniel Townsend, 62 and Daniel Bnrt. Colonel Jovsepli Sanford, Jr., wlio died in 1827, at New York City, resided ;it Oswego, N. Y. He was the son of Ca}>taiii Josejjh Sanford, of this town. CEMETERIES. One of these is near the Park nnd contains the graves of those who first settled the town. Changing a few words we may apph' to them a stanza from Gray's Elegy : " Here rest their heads upon the lap of earth, Brave men to fortune and to fame unknown, Fair science frowned not on their humble birth, Nor melancholy marked them for its own." They were as brave and self-denying men as settled any part of the country. It w^as not till within the last fifty years that marble could be generally obtained. The ancient gi'aves have the bine stone which was prepared by Dea. Ebenezer Winslow, the onlj sculptor or stone-cutter in town, and not very skillful. The letters are cut so shallow as to be nearly obliterated. But in later years great impi'ovements have been made in com- memorating the departed. This is proof of increased taste in the people, and their respect for deceased friends. Several familj^ scpiares are finely enclosed and adorned. The two first pastors are buried here. The grave of the Rev. Mr. Toby will soon be honored by an aj)})r()]>riatc nnmument to be erected b}^ his descendants. Another cemetery is situated in the lower part of the town in the vicinity of Assonct Neck. Some of the earliest settlers of Freetown and Taunton, wqvv l)nried here ; including families of Axtel, Briggs, Burt, Crane, Paul, and Winslow. This cemetery is well enclosed and presents a ]_)leasing aspect BY REASON OF STRENGTH FOUR SCORE. James Macomber, died Deceml)er 31, 1803, aged 88 years. Racliel Drake, his wile, died December 1, 1809, aged 83 years, Lieut. George S;infoid,died February 19, 1820, aged 96 years. Sarah Sanford, his danghtei", died Jan., 1845, aged 82 years. Bernice Crane, died November, 1830, aged 86 years. Joanna Axtel, his wife, died May 5, 1846, aged one hundred years, one month and nfteen days. 53 Eleanor Maconiber, widow of Capt. Joseph Sanfonl, died August 12, 1845, aged 82 vears. Rev. Thomas Andros, son of Benjiimin Andros, died Dec. 80, 1845, aged 86 years. SELECTMKN ffom the organization of tlie town. The year is given in w])ii,'1i tlie\^ were elected : some served several years, having b^en re-elected. Joseph Burt, John Paul, Beiiaiah Babbit, 1735 Samuel Threslier, Elkanah Babbit, 1736 Joseph Burt, Thomas Hathaway, 1737 John French, Benaiah Paul, Ephruim Allen,. . . . 1740 Abial Atwood, Christopher Paul, Ebenezer) i«^o Winslow, f 1^42 Geivsliom Ci'ane, Joseph Burt, 1747 Samuel Thrasher. 1751 George Caswell, Saml. Thrasher, Abel Burt, .... 1752 Jacob French 1753 Ebenezer Fi'ench 1760 Samuel Gilbert 1761 Samuel Tubbs, El)enezer Paul 1763 John Ci'ane, Joseph Burt, 1765 John Hathaway, Shadrach Haskins, 1769 John Paul, Geo. Caswell 1770 John Babbit, Israel French, Abel Crane 1773 James Nichols, Levi French 1777 Ebenezer Mirick, Stephen Webster, Jed ad i ah ) ^_-^ Briggs } 1''8 Simeon Burt 1782 Ebenezer Babbit, Nath. Tobey 1786 Ebenezer Paul, 1790 James Nichols 1799 Luther Crane, James Dean 1803 George Sanford, John Dillingham, George Shove. 1810 Christopher Paul, Dean Babbit, Apollos Tobey. 1812 Barzillai Crane, Ephraim French, 1816 Barzillai Hatiiaway, Shadrach Burt, 1817 54 Levi French, Jabez Fox 1823 Adoniram Crane, Sainl. French 1826 Henry Crane, Tisdale Porter 1829 Milton Paul, Tamerlane Burt 1832 George Briggs, Alplieus Sanford 1835 Nathaniel Gr. Townsend, Jos. D. Hathaway, .... 1839 Ephraim French, Saml. Newhall 1840 Walter D. Nichols, Enoch Boyce, 1849 Nath. C Townsend, Nathan Chase, Ebenezer ) lor.o Williams ( Thos. Strange, Thos. C. Dean 1857 Peter Hathaway, 1849 William Babbit, Issacher Dickerman 1857 Benjamin Crane, Benjamin Luther, John C. Crane 1860 Walter D. Nichols, WiUi am Babbit, Simeon] -[fiRO Bi-iggs f Thomas C. Dean, 1864 John D. Babbit, Daniel S. Biiggs 1866 TOWN CLERKS. Abel Bart 1735 Asahel Hathaway 1826 Ebenezer Winslow . , . 1748 Samuel French, jr 1827 Geoi'ge Caswell 1751 Adoniram Crime 1830 Abel Crane 1756 Abiel B. Crane 1833 John Briggs, jr 1763 Philip K. Porter 1834 Samuel French 1765 Ephraim French 1835 Ebenezer Phillips .... 1767 William S. Crane 1840 Samuel Tobey 1774 George Crane 1849 Stephen Burt 1790 Ephraim French , 1853 John Crane 1792 Nathaniel G. Townsend Joseph Sanford 1795 Daniel S. Briggs 1863 Apollos Tobey 1798 Daniel C. Bur^. . .• 1864 Adoniram Crane 1810 T. Preston Burt 1866 liEI'HKSKNTATIVES TO THE OENERAT> COURT. None were sent fn^m this town during the iii'st forty years, on account of the expense, as every town was (d)liged to jiay its own representative. Usually, afterwards, one was elected onlv once in three or four years. 55 Samuel Tobey, jr 1775, 1776 James Nicliols 1779 Jolin Babl)it 1788 Samuel Tol)ey 1784, 1789, 1792, 1794 Apollos Tohej, 1801, 1803, 1807, 1809, 1811, 1812, 1814. 1819, 1821. Adoniiatn Crane 1817, 1818 John Dillingham 1824 Samuel French 1825, 1826, 1829. 1830, 1835 Adoniram Crane 1832 Rev. Tliomas Andi'os 1836 Tamerlane Burt 1839 Nathaniel Townsend 1841, 1842, 1843 Leander Andros 1844 Samuel Newhall 1845 Abel Baxter Crane 1851, 1864 William S. Crane 1859 William Babbit 1861, 1871 Giles L. Leach 1852 Samuel Tobey, mend^er of Convention for forming Consti- tution 1779 Jabez Fox, member of Convention for revising Constitution 1820 Samuel Fi-ench 1853 Senators of the Commonwealth from this town, Hon. Samuel Tobey, Hon. Samuel French, and Hon. Walter D. jSTichols. DOINGS OP THE TOVTN. In 1739, voted that £3 be added to Mr. Tobey's salary. In 1740, ncjt to give John Townsend anything for collecting taxes. Voted to Mr. Tobey £107 salary. For nine months school keeping Mr. Benjamin Paul i-eceived from the town nine pounds. 1746, voted to Mr. Toby £150 salai-y, also voted to build pews in the meeting house this year, to lath and plaster below under thegallei'ies, and mend the glass, and voted £160 for the work ; £200 old tenor to the minister, and dismis.sed the article of building a school house. Committee sent to the Gen- eral Court to petition that Taunton and not Dighto)i, shall be the shire town, as some wished. For sweeping the meeting house, 56 Joseph Babbit received from the town £2 15s. To pay for schooling £6 were voted in 1750. Mr. Tobe^'^s salary [lartly paid in farm produce, vje. four shillings per bushel; Indian corn, three shillings four pence; beef, two pence per pound ; pork, four pence per pouiul ; flax, at nine peiice per pound ; oalc wood, 9s. 4d. pei- cord. 1751, voted £5 lawful money for support of schools, voted next year £10. John Paul to let the pews in the meeting house and every man to give a note to the treasurer payable in one year. Pews rented on an average for less than one j)ound. Voted for schools in 1755, £18 ; in 1757, £24. Voted to join in a lottery with Taunton to raise money to clear out Taunton river. James Macomber and Christopher Paul having been in his Majesty's service, were exempted from taxes. Voted 1761, to choose four wardens in the town of Berkley in obedience to an act passed by the Greneral Court as a means to prevent the profanation of the Lord's day. Voted to Roland Gravin four pounds, by reason of his having tr) leave teaching and move out of his house on account of the small pox. In the eleventh year of King George III, £60 lawful money voted to Mr. Tobey. In 1772* the town is to be divided into four districts and a school house to be built in each, costing $64. May, 22, 1775. Samuel Tobey, Jr., was sent to re|)resent the town in the Provincial Congress, at Cambridge, for six months, the first representative sent by the town to any State or Provin- cial assembly. He was sent also a representative to the Gen- eral Court, which met in Watertown. July 19, 1775. £120 voted for schools 1779. In 1793 voted £300 to pay soldiers, and for support of scliools; £300, also to enlarge the meeting house by adding fourteen feet. In 1795 the two fish privileges sold for £38 eacli. Various vagabonds or itinerant j^oor about this time were warned, according to li\w, to leave town within fourteen days, or they would be proceeded against. Voted March 5, 1798, to pay the Eev. Thomas Andros in the f(jllowing articles annually, so long as he shall remain in 57 tlie work of the Gospel Ministry in said town of Berkley, in lieu of $250, which was the original contract, which was as follows, viz. : s. d. 52 Bushels of Corn at 3 6 15 Bushels of Eye at 4 2 Barrels of Flour at 83 12 Pounds of Tea at 2 5 60 Pounds of Sugar at 9 18 Gallons of Mollasses nt 2 15 Cords of Wood at 8 5 Tons of English Hay at 4 8 3 Bushels of Salt at 3 400 Pounds^of Beef at 20 500 Pounds^of Pork at 4 100 Pounds of Flax at 8 40 Pounds of Sheep's Wool at 1 6 6 Pairs of Mens' Shoes at 8 5 Barrels of Cyder at 6 200 Pounds of Cheese at 6 400 Pounds of Butter at . 8 Which makes ^70 3 Also $16 and 17 shillings 4 17 £75 The above articles voted by the town of Berkley at Mr. An- di-os' own request in writing. 1799. Assonet Neck was annexed to Berkley. The bell for the second meeting house was purchased by subscription. The weight of it was 635 pounds, and the whole cost was $276. Forty-eight persons subscribed toward its purchase. Samuel Tobey and son paid $41. Two fish grounds sold in 1803 for $261 each. In 1806 there were 406 children between the age of four and twenty years in the common schools. The fund given by Elijah Briggs for the support of the min- 58 istiy of the first cliurch in Berkley w:is incorporated m 1813, and when it, hnd increased to $2,000 the interest was to be ex- pended for that purpose. The income of it is now about $150 annually. Voted, 1819, tliat a stove may be put in the meeting house. In 1837 voted tliat the school committee have no compensa- tions for their services, Aug. 30, 1862. Voted a bounty of $150 for each of the soldiers of the town enlisting for the war of the Eebellicm, for nine months' service. The town officers have managed its finances so well that it is now free from debt. DATES OF IISrCORPORATION of towns in Bristol County in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Taunton Sept. 3, 1639. Bighton Mny 30, 1712. Eehoboth June 4, 1645. Easton Dec. 21, 1725. Dartmouth June 8, 1664. Raynham. . .April 2, 1731. Swansey Oct. 30, 1667. Berkley .... April 18, 1735, Freetown July, 1683. Mansfield . ..Ai)ril 26, 1770. Attleborough. ..Oct. 19, 1694. New Bedford Feb. 23, 1787. Norton June 12, 1711. Westport. . . .July 2. 1787. Somerset Feb. 20, 1790. In 1800, Berklc}' contained 115 houses and a population of 1,013, the least of any town in the county. The fifteen towns together contained a population of 33,880. KOCK HOUSE AND SPRING. The " Rock House," which was occupied by Robert San- ford, son of Robert and grandson of John Snndfonl, as his homestead, was an object of interest. It stood on the summit of a rock of broad surface, near the road to New])ort. A cavity or hollow in the solid roclc, some six feet deep and ten or twelve in width, formed the cellar. The face of the rock sloped away, covering al)out a c^uarter of an acre. This house was occu]>ie(l about seventy years. No one. can now tell how or why the cellar was excavated in this manner, or why one should 59 wish to build a liouse many I'ods distant from an_y spring or well. The builder sought evidentlj to avoid a sandy founda- tion. There is another house, simihir to this, with a cellar cut in the rocic, still standing in anothei' part of tlie town. Another object of interest, and which iins attracted consider- able attention, is a spring on the farm formerly owned by Israel Briggs, who, moving to Conway, sold his land to Samuel Philips. This is a mineral spring, which bubbles up an inch or two above the surface. It continues througli the year, but is most active in the warm season. The spring, now surround- ed by woods, is situated ou the east side of the road leading to Pole plain, or rather Poole plain, as it is written in the old re- cords in the Eegister's office, so called possibly after Mistress Elizabeth Poole, the spinster foundress of Taunton. MONUMENTUM ASSONETENSIC. The " writing rock," in the lower ])art of the town, on the Airm of David Dean, sometimes called the Dighton Eock, has puzzled the most astute antiquarians. Savans have given four inlei'pretations wholly unlike each other; three of them at least must be incorrect. The lines and figures still remain just what one wishes to call them. General Washington, after ex- amining a copy of the inscription in the museum of Harvard College, expressed his opinion that it was the work of the Indians, having in his early life seen similar wiiting, which was unquestionably made by the motives. A French writer, in a learned treatise, read in Palis in 1825, honored it with the classical name given above. Numerous writers have employed folios in descrihing the rock, but it should be seen in order to have a correct impression of it. Assonet neck, where the (amous rock is situated, was held by the Wampanoags, the tribe over which Philip was king, until 1678, when this territory, conquered from them, was sold by the Plymouth government to the town of Taunton for one hun- dred and fiftv pounds, and suhsequenily divided among six proprietors. Later the neck was included within the limits of the town of Dighton ; but since 1735, that jiart of it hounded bv Taunton Ilivcr and Assonet Bay was ceded to Berkley. 60 In 1680, we find tlie first record of tlie inscription, given by Rev. Mr. Danforth, wlio alluded to a tradition existing among the oldest Indians — that there came a wooden house and men of another country swimming on the River Assonet. Within the succeeding one hundred and fifty years there liave been taken a dozen or more (h'awings of the rock. Someoftliese have been copied in a work, printed at Copenhagen, Denrnai'k, in 1837, entitled, " Antiquitates Americance sive Scriplores Septen- trioHoles Rerum ante Colunihianarum in America^ etc. Some writers state tliat the inscrij^tion is composed of two parts — one cut by the Indians, the other by tlie Northmen. Tlie latter has been deciphered, and the name of Thorfin, cut in Latin letters, plainly to be read. It is stated that the rock has been purchased by Mr. N. Arnzen, of Fall River, to be presented to the Antiquarian Society at Copenhagen, a weighty gift, eleven feet in length and four and a half in height. Finis. HISTOKY OF THE TOWN OF BEEKLET, MASS., INCLUDING SKETCHES OF THE LIVES OF THE TWO FIRST MINISTERS, Kev. SAMUEL TOBEY, AND Rev. THOMAS ANDROS, WHOSE UNITED MINISTRY CONTINUED NINETY-ONE YEARS. Eev. ENOCH SANFORD, M. A., Member of the Old Colony Historical Society ; Corresponding Member of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, and of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, etc. NEW YORK: KILBOURNE TOMPKINS, PRINTER. 1872. >J> >■> £> -J 1, > ?> '^ J> > l>i>j> .5>>^ 3>-) ■■•> ■3> >t> 2> v> 1> ^> J^^'> > r> -^ T> ^ ^-^-4> ^ ^)_>>Jil>^ >>■>[;>> >:> :>:'r- ^ '=^ -^ ^>^>':aE> >>z» ' ^ :>' -^ '^-^=> ^-'-^:>:3> :>3»- -J > >^ j> 'j>. .:> > "-> ■ -— - ■^- — - -- - ■ 3> ,:> >> =^ > i> ^ > 3> •o- o :->>j> 3 > > ~^ :> > J>3 :> ^ > 2> >aa.' J» :»^ :5> > 2> 333. ^ ^>^^:^ 3> ^ >z» > zj - ^ - > > !> J» i>.))X> > > >> > :> > > ' j^:> j> > 5 ->.!> " > 3>:> > > > v:> "" > :2> 5 .;. > :vi >'^:5~ :> ^>^ a> ,>:»^ J2> _> ?_3 >o :3» > i> >> >^ -^3 0-> 3 ■ -^^ ^~-> .3>^ ' I> >3 33 3 ■ ■^3.3 X-> -3>V> - ^ :3 3 ^> 53 - ^ ^ o :>:>.. 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