v»A*-Tfcfr3BiFS"^ PS 1953 I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. t^ap.-- (rnp^gfttl^a rXITED STATES OF AMERICA. 1 ^XX.Qy'^ HOLMES GEMS ILLUSTRATED BY LOUIS K. HARLOW OJU^ Wju^cUJUL ^iV-^t.,.^. "^^f^^ BOSTON SAMUEL E CASSINO 196 Summer Street ■ Copyrighted, i6»9, BY Samuel E. Cassino. PRESS OF A. O. MOGLURE, 192 SUMMER Si., BOSTOH. POETRY.— A METRICAL ESSAY. The inoniiitg light, which rains its quivering beams Wide o'er the plains, the summits, and the streams, In one broad bla:(e expands its golden glow On all that answers to its glance below ; Yet, changed on earth, each far-reflected ray Braids with fresh hues the shining brow of day. ^^<^^ THE CAMBRIDGE CHURCH-YARD. IVheu damps beneath, and storms above Have bowed these fragile towers. Still o'er the graves yon locust-grove Shall swing its Orient flowers ; And I would ask no mouldering bust. If e'er this bumble line. Which breathed a sigh o'er Oliver's dust, Mioht call a tear on mine. POETRY.— A METRICAL ESSAY. Simple and frail, our lowly temples throw Their slender shadows on the paths below ; Scarce steal the winds, that sweep his woodland tracks, The larch's perfume from the settler's axe. Ere, like a vision of the morning air, His slight-framed steeple marks the house of prayer. POETRY.— A METRICAL ESSAY. Home of our childhood ! how affection clings . And hovers round thee with her seraph wings ! Dearer thy hills, though clad in Autumn brown, Thau fairest summits which the cedars crown ! Sweeter the fragrance of thy Summer breeze Than all Arabia breathes along the seas! The stranger's gale wafts home the exile's sigh. For tl.ie heart's temple is its own blue sky! POETRY.— A METRICAL ESSAY. When the green earth, beneath the ^ephyr's wing, IVears on her breast the varnished buds of Spring ; When the loosed current, as its folds imcoil , Slides in the cljannels of the mellowed soil ; When the young hyacinth returns to seek The air and sunshine with her emerald beak; Then mark the poet ; though to him unknown, The quaint-mouthed titles, such as scholars own ; See how his eye in ecsfasv pursues The steps of Nature tracked in radient hues. DEPAKTED DAYS. But, like a child in Ocean's arms, IVe strive airainst the stream, Each moment farther from the shore Where life's young fountains gleam ; Each moment fainter wave the fields. And wider rolls the sea ; The mist grows dark, — the sun goes down,- Day breaks, — and where are we ? ILX'^ I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 117 514 6 M ® * ""^^M ■^MC ^> "^.^.^t" m .#