^E^^HHHH^hBHBBI KBHnanMUMU 8gS Printin^l^p ers Glass_J_3_lM0_ Book ,^L3 PRESENTED BY By courtesy of House and Garden, New York WARREN'S PRINTONE Semi-coated for halftone printing Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/betterpaperbetteOOwarr Better Paper *- Better Printing Warrens Semi-coated for halftone printing Illustration of new crops from home gardens in The House Beautiful, Boston Boston S. k well printed, with legible and bookish typography. Professional and amateur photography have combined to produce a wealth of material covering every line of agriculture and horticulture. Photographs having to do with landscapes, plants, and flowers, have in themselves a beauty which makes it all the more an incentive to plan and produce good printing. A considerable portion of catalogue making in this field is produced by printers who specialize on horticultural work. They have large col- lections of photographs and facilities for making an abundance of new material. There are also many allied enterprises in horticultural, green- houses and market gardening lines in which there is considerable oppor- tunity for printing illustrated horticultural work. The illustrations in such work offer the opportunity for a greater variety in forms and group- ing than in almost any other field. The various sizes, from small plants to large trees, and from individual blossoms to climbing plants and to large groups of vegetables, all call for variations in make-up. Under good printing conditions, solid black backgrounds and well worked out high lights give brilliancy to such catalogue pages. The il- lustrations of gardening tools and accessories have not as yet averaged up to the quality shown in horticultural and seed sections. As a matter of consistency, there would seem to be every reason why - ,m ■"-'■"■ J ^i~**. , -^. •"' ha 1 -ffifl ^9 SyAAJSj^B ■^fcfc.^ 1 x Xk i ^ - j? Refill * ^ iH baaj ii^pgwpw 1 j2Jk \ ' '.'-.X f ?$X*S < !W ' H'MmWI' l*W •wji \ : > Nodding peonies and the sweet-scented briar roses are always interesting subjects for periodical and catalogue illustrations ■'■-■"iSS^fe-- ^yjIrtslNraRaSfflfr'' ■''- -.^'''^slrw _S_il„ ■ cjj# ' __*____§_£ j 3j__ _-__&_ bSEiifllBBBH raffi^.. HpPrv- v^i^^SfTJP^^^tfwgaBTOytK 1 ' '^ih ___*____-___£— !_MK-9fJ_-£!'T!l3i^^ -■ *8jffjSfcgaa5g^ ffi* HBmHs^3F^ v HdBj^ffKS_~v* "^WuRK^r' i»mC&^SMBHHMB|| K£fe : " EJK^fec . fcasjcjliSe' "m_Kr___S ____8 ___5Bhi__rIIw?*I r ^w '^^ShB^^^^^H KS^^HS HSk- jIM ^^■Ss^" ^h?^*'- Jill i^^^lMipfe' -1.31 1 . . •viae^fewSS^aflBB ___p5___?8_?__H_2___!_ BSHHsfBn ■ I ^H :, __ --. ■,.V--' ... '-.i'-.T.'. ■■'■ _ • '-•:>. ■*■ >.;.'ji_, , .W_iie>?V«t».A.'-' PO^illl __' ' *^^H _■__!__?_' v'^i'- ■ ' ■ "'?,;'»•*' !__flllfwf_ Ejf.%i ' " ; _5> - ""v* "jij " ■ ^5MBSmJH BftJnj^Hfl HmBSM BB^fotiSfl ' y^vwSBtm Kra| ' _____ . .. _._ _____ .. . . . ___ . . ' .. . Landscape and roadway subjects now figure prominently in horticultural and implement catalogues, which are printed to advantage on Warren's Printone £**£& " .^t H! m ^ni * I Flower studies in panel forms combine practical and decorative features in the make-up of magazine and catalogue pages. Backgrounds and line finishes like those shown on this page are well suited to large edition catalogue work on Warren's Printone Warren's Standard Printing Tapers Cameo Plate Coated Book Printone Came Plate Post Card Cameo Cover Lustro Superfine Coated Book Warrentown Coated Book Cumberland Coated Book Silkote Dullo- Enamel Artogravure Library Text Olde Style Cumberland Super Book Cumberland Machine Book Warren's India THE WARREN SERVICE LIBRARY-VOLUME V. > _y^"\ RINTERS and advertisers have in the Warren Service Library the material to lay out w duction of work similar to this volume, except for such variations as may be made in end leaves and cover papers, are as follows : 48 pages Warren's Printone, 25 x 38 — 70 lb. Type, Cloister Oldstyle and Cloister Oldstyle Italic. Illustrations from lead-moulded, steel-faced electrotypes of 133-line halftone engravings. Ink, Sinclair 6C Valentine's Printone Black. Sewed and trimmed to 9^ x 12^. Board sides in full paper binding, end leaves drawn on. The blank pages in this volume are perforated, and they can be used as the exact speci- fication of stock required ; as a sample of stock on which a quotation is made ; for engraver's proofs on the exact stock to be used; for making dummies any size up to 8j4 x 12 inches. STOCK SIZES AND WEIGHTS OF WARREN'S PRINTONE Size and weight 2 ^ s g 24x36 55 60 24x36 64 70 25 X38 50 25 X38 60 25 x 38 — 70 Size and weight ^ & 25 X38 80 26 x 29 — 48 60 28x42 — 62 50 28 x 42 — 74 60 28 x 42 — 86 70 28 x 42 — 99 80 Size and weight ^ 28x44 65 50 28 x 44 — 78 60 28x44 — 9° 7° 28x44 — io 4 8° 29x52 — 96 60 32x44 — 74 50 Size and weight J£» 32x44 89 60 32x44 104 70 32x44 119 80 35M5 — " 6 7° 35 x 45 — 133 8o 36x48 — no 60 Size and weight ^ 36x48 — 128 70 38x50 — IOO 50 38x50 — 120 60 38x50 — 140 70 38x50 — 160 80 DISTRIBUTORS OF WARREN'S STANDARD PRINTING PAPERS Atlanta, Ga. ........ Sloan Paper Co. Baltimore, Md D. L. Ward Company Boston, Mass The A. Storrs 6C Bement Co. Buffalo, N. Y . The Ailing &C Cory Co. Chicago, 111 J. W. Butler Paper Co. Cincinnati, Ohio ..... The Diem 6C Wing Paper Co. Cleveland, Ohio The Petrequin Paper Co. Columbus, Ohio ..... The Diem &C Wing Paper Co. Dallas, Texas Southwestern Paper Co. Detroit, Mich. . Butler- Detroit Co. Grand Rapids, Mich Central Michigan Paper Co. Hartford, Conn. ..... Henry Lindenmeyr 8C Sons Houston, Texas ...... Southwestern Paper Co. Jacksonville, Ra. Antietam Paper Co., Inc. Kansas City, Mo. .... Missouri- Interstate Paper Co. Los Angeles, Cal. Sierra Paper Co. Louisville, Ky The Diem ££. Wing Paper Co. Lynchburg, Va. ....... Caskie-Dillard Co., Inc. Memphis, Tenn. ....... Tayloe Paper Co. Milwaukee, Wis. ...... Standard Paper Co. Minneapolis,, Minn The John Leslie Paper Co. Newark, N. J. ... Henry Lindenmeyr SC Sons New Haven, Conn The A. Storrs & Bement Co. New York City Henry Lindenmeyr 6C Sons New York City ( Export ) .... National Paper 6C Type Co. Omaha, Neb Field-Hamilton- Smith Paper Co. Philadelphia, Pa D. L. Ward Co. Pittsburgh, Pa The Ailing 6C Cory Co. Portland, Me CM. Rice Paper Co. Portland, Ore. Endicott Paper Co. Richmond, Va D. L. Ward Co. Rochester, N.Y The Ailing & Cory Co. St. Louis, Mo Mississippi Valley Paper Co. St. Paul, Minn. Nassau Paper Co. San Francisco, Cal Pacific Coast Paper Co. Seattle, Wash. Mutual Paper Co. Springfield, Mass. - . . The Paper House of New England Washington, D. C D. L. Ward Co. London, England . . .Lindenmeyr 6C Johnson Paper Co., Ltd. Australia ( Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney ) B. J. Ball, Ltd. -T.-C ■■■■ ■BH1 - : .. .•-'•• j.-—':., '■■< ^ ■,> l r-'.v\A.:5- r - • * >»-'-V" ■ v (Jr-tv- ,-•.....•• ■■■■ ■■■■■■■ : ■ £>£* ifMfHi ■BBS BBBBHhB £M($n&'BH b hbhmhbl I BBBBBBBBBBI .' , ':''.:-;?>''; ! :' , '*'*'.-'Va', ■■■ BBBBl • . . .... t ; . -^ -•_' f *■ yi-; ,v'> *< '< rWidNHlH BBBBl •.!!!»»«•' ■■MHH BBBB MM 4MW.U BflHM ■MSA |M|M Br*«NH ■ Ett«^ BBBBBBBBBB. ■UJB^BBBwiQMf _B— SBBBBmH ■■■■I i. ■■■■■ BBBBl ^BBBBBBBBBBI ■WwH JM t9Sm UJUMMJ "W&Mf MHKHtaflflfefi^BflBsRAI BBBBBBBflflVfiBI BBBBBBBBBBBPI JMKMwmflWpMBMnv. > BBBBBBBBBJ MHMwHwRk .\ ■-.,.. '.'■ - •,'>. 7....^.- r . ■HHHHHHHHJ B«BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB| -•^•v..' "-s-Si I ■ •»!,.(•' \v t.'i .1. •"-..-•.{ H ■ -ir* -''iynjwr ••>» ■ «'-. , «\..-.-rtS*v| .' "'-■ ;-.(•>,■.;> -■ BBI .., .'a.' * ■■§ •• r ,■'■■■-.' BBBB «?'>• BBBBl fl| .„■■.. _.v »v, •-, £*W*i$P BBI ^^^^H^^^H PvBVttnvMiflinMHi>Hn ■ «; >t^«-' ,>>5a^o>'ifl.H>^~< .•■'■■■•-.,'■ ^M ■ *;t^^ v) i * J 5?' ;'y?: , S ! 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