Class __GdZ4--2>:^ Book y\? )?j GopyrightN" CfiFOtlCHT DEPOSm Manual for Physical Training IN- High Schools Copyright IQ22 By Henry W. Abeken State Director of Physical Education Al[ rights reserved, including that of trans- lation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian. Novemb er, 1922 ©CU690523 DEC -8 m2 CONTENTS. Page Foreword 3 Contents 4 Illustrations 5 First Year Course of Study 7 General Instructions 9 The Aim of Physical Training. . 9 The Means 9 Physical Report 12 Height and Weight Table 13 Illustrative Pictures 13a The Command 14 Sitting Order to Exercises 14 Fundamental Position 14 Explanation for all Technical Terms 15 Training Schedule 19 Manner of Conducting a Lesson > . . . . 21 Sixty Minutes Work in the Gymnasium. 22 Daily Information. . . . ^ 25 Hand Apparatus 25 First Year— Free Exercises 26 to 43 Two Count Movements 26 Four Count Movements 29 Slow Waltz Time Movements for Girls. 31 Illustrative Pictures, for slow time 33a First Year — Aesthetic Movements 44 to 50 Terminology .' 44 Principal Steps and Movements. 44 General Instruction, Dancing Steps 44 Illustrative Pictures 44a Aesthetic Dancing 49 Gilbert Dancing — Beginning Grade 52 Intermediate Grade Work 52 American School Dances 52 First Year — Wand Exercises 54 First Year — Dumb-Bell Exercises 66 First Year — Bar Bell Exercises 77 First Year — Indian Club Exercises 79 First Year — ^Apparatus Gymnastics 93 First and Second Year — Games 123 Second Year Course of Study 137 Tactics 139 Games 139 Apparatus 140 (4) idq INHALE WITH HANDS IN REAR OF NECK. Contents. Page Third Year Course of Study 141 Third Year — Wand Exercises 145 Third Year— Dumb Bell Exercises 158 Third Year — Indian Club Exercises 165 Third Year — Aesthetic Dancing 175 The Glow Worm Dance 175 The June Bug Dance 178 The Spanish Dance 180 Third Year — American School Dances 183 Third Year — Apparatus Gymnastics 186 Third and Fourth Year — Games of Competition 203 Fourth Year Course of Study 205 Tactics 207 Apparatus. 207 Games 208 Underlying Principles of Hygiene 209 Health System of Heating and Ventilation 212 Duties of School Nurse 213 Inculcation of Health Habits 213 Help in Case of Accidents 214 Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of School Athletic Association 216 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page Incorrect Posture 13a Correct Fundamental Position 13b Hands upon hips with bending knees to an obtuse angle 13c Bend knees deep with hands on hips 13d Hands upon hips with charge left 13e Arms to thrust with lunging left sidewise . . . 13f Bend trunk to obtuse angle 13g Bend trunk forward to right angle 13h Arm circle over head 13i Bend trunk left sidewise with arm circle over head 13j Raise arms forward upward 13k Hands upon hips with stride position 131 Cross arms in front, wand horizontal 13 m Wand vertically in front with step position right forward 13n Fundamental position in carrying Indian Clubs 13o Cross arms in front with dipping clubs on forearm 13p Inhale with hands in rear of neck 13q First Position 33a Second Position 33b Third Position 33c Fourth Position 33d Fifth Position 33e Assemble 44a Balance step, left foot raised (half high) in fourth, arms in right inter- mediate 44b Cross step right in front of left and pirouette left 44c Glide right obliquely forward, arms amplified, 3rd position 44d (6) First Tear Qourse of Study In Physical Training for High Schools (7) The Aim of Physical Training, Means. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Divide the work into three parts: Part I. Determining Principles. Part II. Physical Training Material for Boys. Part III. Physical Training Material for Girls. Part I. Determining Principles: The Aim of Physical Training. The first aim of school gymnastics is to maintain and increase health, to develop and increase organic strength. Corrective work is a sub- division of this aim. The second aim is to develop and increase skill, also courage, determination and other mental qualities. The Means. The gymnastic means which the school can use to accomplish these aims are: I. Tactics In running, marching and rhythmic steps. II. Free exercises. III. Apparatus work. IV. Games. Gymnasium classes should be divided Into various divisions accord- ing to space and the attendance of the school. Generally In high schools they are divided Into two divisions, A and B. A. Division exercises on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. B. Division exercises on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. In the first and second year high school course only mass work should be inaugurated in all tactics. According to requirements as fol- lows: A. Group I. As exercise of endurance and quickness, like running, playing games, dancing, swimming, tramping, rowing, skating, etc. B. Group II. As exercise of skill and localized strength, like the calisthenics without or with hand apparatus (wands, dumbbells, clubs, etc.) or exercises upon apparatus like the horse, horizontal and parallel bars, booms, rings, ladders, etc. Exercises for the muscles of the trunk must predominate. When- ever possible all movements of this kind should first be taken upon com- mand, and then In rhythm (in time, in series). When taken upon com- mand whenever practicable they should be combined with breathing exercises. When exercises have been well learned and are appropriate they should at times be performed to music. Most forms of field work also the exercises upon fixed apparatus, belong to group two. Track events like running belongs to group one. Exercises must be selected which keep as many pupils as possible employed at the same time. The object is to secure skill and correctness of execution, and to strengthen 10 General Instructions. certain rather well defined groups of mUvScles. Many of these exercises, especially the exercises upon apparatus, are admirable to develop cour- age, determination, presence of mind, and like mental qualities. Group III. As exercises of order, marching exercises, tactics. Group IV. As exercises of strength like wrestling, lifting weights, etc. In accomplishing the aims outlined above, the relative importance of the means are as follows : A. Group I. The first place is to be given to exercises of endurance and quickness, i. e. to exercises that have as their aims the increased mobility of the chest, sound heart and lungs, increased metabolism in the shortest time; namely to exercises, designed primarily for health and organic strength. B. Group II. The second place is to be given to exercises of skill and of localized strength, i. e, to exercises whose aim is to increase co- ordination or to increase the strength of localized groups of muscles. C. Group III. The third place should be given to order exercises (tactics) . D. Group IV. Exercises of strength should not be given to order exercises (tactics). Jumping in one form or another is a part of each lesson, either in free exercises or as apparatus work. On Monday and Tuesday the free exercises are taken standing in open order. The apparatus work is also taken in mass work. At least a half dozen of each of the following: horizontal bars, buck horse, ladders, climbing rope, giant stride, parallel bars, storm boards, rings, etc., should be placed in a gymnasium. On Wednesdays when both classes, division A and B, attend, out or indoor track work is done. The lessons on this day should consist of: I. Tactics in running, dancing or marching. II. Two of the following events: High jump, shot put, pole vaulting, hop, step, jump, etc. III. The start for the dash or a relay race, the relay race is used because it is more interesting. On Thursday and Friday the mass work in free exercises are taken in standing, marching, running and dancing, etc. If the gymnasium has not enough apparatus for the divisions then divide your division into squads of twelve pupils, for each kind of apparatus. A first class gymnasium should be so constructed that it can be changed very quickly for open gymnasium by opening the large windows and various doors for outdoor ventilation and as useful for inclement weather. Well ventilated lockers with sanitary towels, etc., should be pro- vided. The gymnasium and locker rooms must by all means be kept in well ventilated and sanitary conditions. In all exercises good form is of the greatest importance. It may appear difficult to influence swim- ming, hiking, rowing, skating, etc. It must nevertheless be the aim of teachers of physical training to get their pupils to indulge in these forms of natural exercises. Pupils should also be encouraged to play highly organized games. This may be done by the formation of permanent teams in clubs, and by the preparation of schedules for play, or any other physical training activity after the regular hours of school, also on Saturday and on holi- days. A leader class should be formed of the promising pupils who should have the one special hour per week for private instruction after The Aim of Physical Training, Means. 11 school hours, if permitted, in order to have qualified and responsible leaders to help lead the various classes. This will help to encourage pupils to invent suitable exercises and combinations. At suitable times during a lesson attention should be called to the effect of particular ex- ercises. While the class aims for boys and girls are practically alike, there should be a great difference in the method of teaching gymnastics to the two sexes. Any instruction, mental as well as physical, which is harmful to the right development of girls should be avoided. In general the difference between the work of boys and girls is as follows: (a) For girls more attention should be given to dancing steps and corrective work. Dancing develops gracefulness which all women should possess. (b) In the track and field work, the apparatus work, and also in games, the physical work demanded of girls should not be as great as that required of boys. (c) For girls there should be less competitive track and field work than for boys, also fewer strenuous games, both forms to be limited, as a rule, to inter-class and inter-school competi- tion. A girl should develop into a graceful, modest, re- fined and beautiful woman, not in a masculine way. (d) For boys there should be a gradually increasing amount of com- petition in track and field work, in apparatus work, and also in games. This competition should chiefly be inter- class and inter-school, and only exceptionally should it be with outside school teams. For the third and fourth year course divide the A and B divisions into squads in small numbers of pupils in order to give the pupils more trials or chances of the various combination exercises on the apparatus. Special track work should be taken after school hours. No nation can be efficient, prosperous and happy to the fullest extent without physical education as a fundamental part of its edu- cational program in all its schools. Therefore, we suggest the following plan in order to encourage interest and enthusiasm for a credit system. Elementary and high school system as follows: 12 General Instructions. PHYSICAL REPORT. Name Date Quarter Q M M M M M T I 5 5 5 5 5 25 II Inspection III Order — School Spirit — Neatness — Strength — Develop- ment. — IV I 5 5 5 5 5 25 IT Health Standing — Walking — Sitting — Marching — Breathing — habits 111 IV I 5 5 5 5 Body Develop- 5 25 II Normal Health III IV Sound heart and lungs — Endurance — Conformation and Courage — A Clean Bill of Health — ment and Weight. — I ' 5 5 5 5 5 25 IT Execution III Graceful — Spirited — Precisio — Force — Agility — IV — — — 1 2 100 I Ive merit pomts co Qstitute an item. 3 Item 1 1 'oor 2 Fair 3 Medium 4 Good 5 Excellent 4 There are four subjects to a report card. Each subject has five items. Each item has a maximum of five points. The five items added together give the total maximum of 25 points. The total maximum added with the three remaining subjects should give the grand total of 100 points. This physical credit should be added to mental credit, and this sum divided by two will give grade for pupil's quarterly report. *M. stands for Maximum. Q. stands for Quarterly. T stands for Total. Height and Weight Table. 13 2 PS O >^ 1 2^ 1 i ^ H il a 1 1 ^i ^slSSS^^ISig^^ ii J02 ^^siSSgHsis^sSS K .eOOO 22 gggss^^sg^^mg^ 1 3^ J^53SgS5§S|^2§gg§gg§ % s^ Sf2JS§^§8^S;§§^^2g^§i 55 E2 2 SS5§SS?iSSSoSSS§2^^2 ^23 coooe< ~i Sg§SS§t:^gSg§S§?|§ § s^ SSS;g§S2gf2E:SS3S s "^ 5SSSS§SS5§f2S < "1 ^^^^gSSS5§S§§ -^s ^^o^^^s^^gsssgs s "^ J§E^^5!9^^^§SS : ; : o .^« ^^^§^^^^ :::•:: ^ ICOO-- 11 OSO'-^(Ne0-*»0«Ot^000SO^(Me0TtO^(MC0-<*O'-l<>, CD O O s^ 2S2g§||g 1 gSgS|g^ ^^ "iiSSSaSsssSssssSS 2 = sSsSSSSssisSaissils "4 SSSgSS3SgSg§S3gSSS|S =^ C0(M»000< Sggg?2^§S§SSg^||2 -a J5gSS55§?2{2SSS§8S?S§| S^ ^>^ SgSSSS§^^?25SSS5S -& 5SSSS§SS&g?3f:: "& ^^^^gSiSSgSSSS -i -g55:^^§^gSSSS§S : ^i -«o^^-^^SSi§ : : : : -A >« t>- o5 -H CO to r~ 00 I ; : I ! ; ; CO CO CO ■* T*t -^ Tt< -^i* ::::::: §1 *55J^^^^^^^5SSS3S5 ^ ? 5 s 5 g S S s s s g s ^ s j: K ^ K «o 00 ^• .oo CO N (4 Q <; H -si W O M 14 • General Instructions. The Command. The good results in physical training depend to a great extent on the manner in which the command is given, therefore it is necessary to adhere to the following explanation : The command is divided into four parts: Command of caution, of explanation, of execution and of discontinuation. 1. The command of caution: Attention! Stand! should be given in a clear distinct voice. 2. The command of Explanation explains or indicates the move- ment to be executed, for instance, "Arms forward, raise!" — and should be given distinctly and slowly in an explanatory manner. 3. The command of execution — Begin, Raise, Bend, March, Place, etc., is given in a firm, sharp tone. Remarks: A short pause between the commands of explanation and execution should always be made. It is done in order to give the pupils time to think. 4. The command Halt! stops all exercises in this manual. 5. All exercises in halting position are called the explanatory exercises. Here is where corrections are to be made, which should not be too long. Sitting Order to Exercises. Command : Attention ! Explanation: At this command pupils must sit erect, chest high, grasp hands in rear and close heels, feet flat on the floor. Command : Rise, in four counts. Explanation: At one, pupils sit erect, hands upon front desk. At two, pupils execute a one-quarter turn, either to right or left, placing feet together in the aisles and placing one hand on the rear desk and the other hand on your own desk. At three, stand up erect. At four, turn to the front. March forward and take your distance with raising arms forward. Arms down. Attention. All marches from the third grade up start always with the left foot. The command Halt! may be used to stop them. Attention! To seats march — one; at two, be seated and place hands on desk; at three, turn to the front. Arms in rear, fold. Fundamental Position. Command: In position stand Body erect, heels together, feet equally turned out at an angle of 15°, legs tense, arms by side tense, shoulders back and head erect, the weight of the body slightly rests upon the balls of the feet. 13a INCORRECT POSTURE. 13b CORRECT FUNDAMENTAL POSITION. 13c HANDS UPON HIPS WITH BENDING KNEES TO AN OBTUSE ANGLE. 13d BEND KNEES DEEP WITH HANDS ON HIPS. 13e HANDS UPON HIPS WITH CHARGE LEFT. 13f ARMS TO THRUST WITH LUNGING LEFT SFDEWISE. 13g BEND TRUNK TO OBTUSE ANGLE. 13h BEND TRUNK FORWARD TO RIGHT ANGLE. 13i ARM CIRCLE OVER HEAD. 13j BEND TRUNK LEFT SIDEWISE, WITH ARM CIRCLE OVER HEAD. 13k RAISE ARMS FORWARD. UPWARD. 131 HANDS UPON HIPS WITH STRIDE POSITION. 13m CROSS ARMS IN FRONT. WAND HORIZONTAL. 13n WAND VERTICALLY IN FRONT WITH STEP POSITION RIGHT FORWARD. 13o FUNDAMENTAL POSITION IN CARRYING INDIAN CLUBS. 13p CROSS ARMS IN FRONT WITH DIPPING CLUBS ON FOREARM. Explanation for All Technical Terms. , 15 Resting Position. Command: In resting position stand Explanation: An easy position is to be taken, free from strain, the right foot remains in place, called the standing leg, on which the most weight is carried. The left foot is advanced forward a little. Hands in rear, grasp. Explanations for All Technical Terms. The Head. 1. Lower head forward Chin touching breast bone 2. Lower head backward Face upward 3. Lower head sidewise ...Ears touching shoulder if possible 4. Turn head Move head J^ of a circle to the side. The Arms. 1. Arms forward raise The arms should be tense, on the level with the shoulders and arms parallel with each other, palms inward, fingers closed. 2. Arms sidewise raise The arms should be tense, on the level with the shoulders, palms downward, knuckles upward. 3. Arms upward raise The arms move parallel to each other forward, upward, close to the ears, arms in line with the legs. 4. Arms backward raise The arms move parallel to each other backward, obliquely down- ward. 5. Arms in the rear fold The right hand grasping the left forearm, behind back and vice versa. 6. Arms to thrust bend The arms are flexed at the elbows to a right angle; elbows well back, forearms horizontal, hands clinched, knuckles turned downward. 7. Arms to a circle overhead raise The arms can be raised forward or sidewise upward by passing either through forward or side position to a circle over head, fingers touching. Arms sidewise to left (or right) raise The left arm is raised sidewise and extended to the left, height of shoulders, the right arm is bent to the left at right angle, elbow bent on the level with the shoulders. 16 General Instructions. 1. Hands in rear grasp The left hand is grasped by the right in rear of body; arms down- ward. 2. Hands on hips place The hands are placed on hips with thumbs well to the rear; fingers forward, elbows and shoulders drawn backward. 3. Hands on shoulders place The elbows sidewise, well back on the level with the shoulders; fingers touching shoulders, elbows opposite the ears. The Trunk, Trunk forward to obtuse angle bend 1. The body is bent at hips to, obtuse angle; the spine is kept straight; chin up, chest forward, shoulders back and legs tense. 2. Trunk forward to right angle bend The body is bent at hips to right angle, back straight and hollow, head in line with back, legs tense. 3. Trunk backward bend Raise the chest, force the shoulders backward, lower head back- ward, face upward, legs tense, spine erect. 4. Bend trunk left or right sidewise. Keep body erect, shoul- ders back, bend at the hips. 5. Trunk to the right (or left) twist The body is erect, ]/i turn to the left or right; legs tense, heels to- gether. Legs. 1. Knees to obtuse angle bend The knees are bent to obtuse angle and turned slightly outward, heels together, body erect, head up. 2. Raise heels. Stand on toes with heels close, or balance on toes, body erect. 3. Left (or right) knee at right angle raise The raised knee is on the level with the waist. Lower leg vertically, toes down, instep tense. 4. Bend knees deep, raise heels, bend knees outward as far as pos- sible, weight upon toes, body erect, head up. 5. Raise leg left (or right) sidewise, raise leg tense, the foot about twelve inches from the base of floor or ground, body erect, head up. Feet. 6. Toe-step position stand Either forward, sidewise or backward one, the weight of the body resting on the stationary leg with one leg extended in the direc- tion called, foot turned outward, toe touching ground. Follow, Change and Polka Step. 17 7. Stride position forward, sidewise, backward. Place extended leg in given direction with foot flat on the floor, weight of body rests on both feet. 8. Charge step left and right forward, sidewise and backward in a small step in the given direction with knee bent, the other leg is tense or straight, body erect, feet 18 inches apart. 9. Lunge left or right forward, sidewise or backward. It is something similar to the charge step, only there is a larger space between both feet — about 30 inches apart. Mark Time: Marching in place or spot. Raise heel with bending left knee, one, lower foot two, and at the same time raise the right heel with bending right knee repeat alternately in two counts. The left foot starts and when half of the movement is com- pleted, the right foot follows. Marching: Body should be erect, chest high, shoulders back; al- ways start with the left foot. Rock step forward, sidewise and back- ward. Step and close feet with raising upon toes, one, lower toes. Follow Step. One foot steps out, the other follows to close heels. Change Step. Step left foot forward one Right foot follows to close step two Step position, left forward three Same steps right. Repeat alternately with a springing step or hop. Polka Step. After a preliminary hop on left foot one and Step right and left forward two and Hop on right foot three and Step left and right forward four and Repeat all several times. Breathing. The breathing exercise is of vital importance to the development of the lungs and chest and should be practiced at the close of each lesson. Inhale slowly and deeply through nostrils with lips closed, head erect, filling lungs to full capacity. Exhale easily through open mouth; the number of counts is Indicated In lesson. Manner of Conducting a Lesson. In order to do most good, a lesson must be taught In a live, energetic and spirited manner. Arm exercises, for example, should be executed in a brisk rhythm ; head and trunk exercises should be performed in a 18 General Instructions. slower rhythm, but nevertheless with a full, strong contraction of the working muscles. Leg exercises may be either slow or fast (according to the effect sought). Leg exercises should be used later as balance movements; e.g., as positions taken only upon command. The danc- ing steps should be performed in a rounded, graceful manner, special attention being given to a finished execution. Tactics call for brisk, exact and simultaneous action by the whole class. Apparatus work, track and field exercises always should be performed in good form. To use the available time to the best advantage must always be the aim of the teacher. In track and field work, also in apparatus work, the teacher must see that as many pupils as possible exercise at the same time. There should be only enough inactivity between the exercises to allow a suitable rest period for those who have exercises. Arrange the classes so that they easily can see those exercising as well as those resting. There should be discipline in advancing to and retreating from apparatus. Salute With the Hand. 1. Right (left) hand salute (a) Raise the right hand smartly till the tip of forefinger touches the lower part of the headdress above the right eye, thumb and fingers extended and joined, palm to the left, forearm inclined at about forty- five degrees, hand and wrist straight two, drop the arm smartly by the side. (b) The salute for officers is the same. (c) The left hand is used only when the right is engaged. (d) Officers and men, when saluting, always turn head and eyes toward the person saluted. (e) The salute should be rendered at six paces before passing or being passed by an officer unless the nearest point reached be greater than six paces and not more than thirty paces, in which case salute at the point nearest the officer. (f) The salute being returned, or if officer passed and the salute was unobserved, drop the hand quickly by the side. Training Schedule. 19 HEALTH HINTS. Always take the mass class work because it brings into action all the muscles. This produces a more finely proportioned body, and it is the smooth evenly developed body which can endure. This light work also acts beneficially on the circulatory, respiratory and nervous system. Apparatus work is good, but it can never alone take the place of the class drill. It can be a supplement but never a substitute. "Health is the poor man's wealth and the rich man's bliss. It is not a free gift, one has to work for it." Training Schedule. The following types of various lessons show the approximate sched- ule to be given to the different units of work. A lesson is supposed to last at least sixty minutes. Three minutes allowed for personal preparations for gymnasium work, etc. BOYS: Military or marching tactics 10 minutes Calisthenics — Fast and snappy exercises with hand apparatus 15 minutes Apparatus : Strength and swinging exercises 20 minutes Games : Track or play games..... 15 minutes Total time 60 minutes GIRLS: Tactics in formation 5 minutes Calisthenics and classical dancing 25 minutes Apparatus .....15 minutes Athletics properly adapted in games .....15 minutes Total time 60 minutes TACTICS: At a given signal all divisions fall into line. The tallest boy or girl is the leader, who stands at the head of the line facing the direc- tor, the others form their places according to their height. In the first few lessons this should be practiced for discipline. 1. At the command, "attention," all stand in fundamental position, right hand upon right hip, providing there is enough space for the divisions. If not, dress right, elbow against elbow in line with the leader. On the command, "front," all turn heads to the front. 2. Facing on commands. On the word, "face" — always turn. Right face etc., several times. Left face e tc. , several times . Right about face etc., several times. Left about face etc., several times. About face means always right about face. This should be practiced until the class can do it in quick time. 20 General Instructions. TACTICS: 3. At the command mark time in place. March : The class starts with left foot, and at the command, ''halt" always stop with a stamp on the right foot. Practice until perfect. 4. Mark time in place with facing on command. Left face. Right face. Left about face. Right about face. About face. (Meaning right about.) Attention halt. 5. To your leader face. Mark time march. Forward march. File or angle left march. File or angle right march. The leader should always execute the command on the word march. 6. Counter marches means in opposite directions. Counter right march Counter left march Counter right oblique to rear march Counter left oblique to rear march The leader executes the command on the word march. 7. (a) File spiral to the left. (b) Spiral to the right. (c) Counter spiral left. (d) Counter spiral right, etc. 8. In place run Repeat all six lessons in running. 1 he leader must execute the direction on the word run. Run to the first original place. In place.., run Attention halt Inhale with raising arms sidewise, hands in rear of neck. six counts Exhale and lower arms. Repeat inhaling several times. Left face and resting position. Remarks: The time for marching or running in single file should be only about three minutes of the schedule. 9. In first time formation attention stand 1. Form twos by passing in front march, etc. 2. Form threes by passing in front march, etc. 3. Form fours by passing in front march 4. Form sixes by passing in front march 5. Form eights by passing in front march March once around the gymnasium forming a column of ranks. In marching keep your rank distance about the length of the ranks. 10. Formation in columns of ranks. 1. Form twos march two counts 2. Form fours march four counts Manner of Conducting a Lesson. 21 Remarks : The second rank of twos marches left obHquely forward to the first rank of twos, thereby forming a column* of ranks of fours. 3. Form eights march eight counts Remarks : The second ranks of fours marches left ob- liquely forward to the first ranks of fours, thereby forming eights. Always keep rank distances. 4. Form fours from ranks of eights march eight counts Remarks : The second ranks of fours make a one-eighth turn right, and form in rear of first rank, which continues marching forward. 5. Forming tw^os is done in like manner, etc. 11. Wheeling tactics in columns of ranks: (a) By fours 34 wheel left march 4 counts (b) By fours 34 wheel right march 4 counts (c) By fours 3^ wheel left march 8 counts (d) By fours 14 wheel right march 8 counts (e) By fours ^ wheel left march 12 counts (f) By fours % wheel right march 12 counts (g) By fours whole wheel left march 16 counts (h) By fours whole wheel right march 16 counts (i) By fours about face march. (j) By fours counter left or right march. 12. From these single file tactics and rank formations in wheeling the instructor should select any one of the above tactics to begin with the class lesson. The time limited for any one tactic is ten minutes. In practicing these tatics keep the body erect, shoulders back, head up. These marching tactics are good for developing erect bodies with elastic steps and also good for discipline in transferring large masses quickly from one place to another in the shortest time. Always use these forms for open order for free exercises or calisthenics. Manner of Conducting a Lesson. In order to do most good a lesson must be taught in a live, energetic and spirited manner. Arm exercises, for example, should be executed in a brisk rhythm; while exercising the head and trunk should per- form in a slower rhythm, but nevertheless with a full, strong contrac- tion of the working muscles. Leg exercises may be either slow or fast (according to the eflPect sought). Leg exercises should be used afterward as balance movements ; e. g. , as positions taken only upon command. The dancing step should be performed in a rounded graceful manner, especial attention being given to a finished execution. Tactics call for brisk, exact and simultaneous action by the whole class. Apparatus work, track and field exercises always should be performed in good form. "To use the available time to the best advantage must always be the aim of the teacher." In track and field work, also in apparatus work, the teacher must see that as many pupils as possible exercise at the same time. There should be only enough inactivity between the exercises to allow a suit- able rest period for those who have exercises. Arrange the classes so 22 General Instructions. they can easily see those exercising as well as those resting. There should be discipline In advancing and retreating to and from apparatus. Sixty Minutes* Work In the Gymnasium. A class drill, apparatus work In divisions and closing with a game. "Three Deep Tag." See explanation below. As a preliminary, always have a short run or marching tactics. March Tactics. Form rank of fours or sixes from a flank line. Four (or sixes) by the left flank, march. The remainder to follow in successive order after four (or six) steps, then march to the center of space to location for drill. Open ranks sidewise from the center to full arm distance. Schedule time. Calisthenics. Exercise I: (a) Raise heels and raise arms forward one (b) Bend knees deep and move arms sidewise two (c) Return as (a) exercise three (d) In position, arms down four Repeat one to eight counts In front leaning rest — Fall, hands upon floor, legs extended, backward, body raised from floor. Exercise II: (a) Raise left leg backward (upward direction) and raise right arm forward one halt (b) Lying position, lower arm and leg two halt (c) Raise right leg backward (upward direction) raise left arm forward three halt (d) Return to lying support four halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt eight counts To position stand. Hands on hips place Exercise III: (a) Turn and bend trunk forward obliquely to the left and stretch arms forward one halt (b) Return to position, hands on hips two halt (c) Same right three halt (d) Return to position four halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt eight counts Exercise IV: In back leaning rest. As front leaning rest. (a) Raise left knee (flex thigh upon the abdomen)... one halt (b) Extend left leg in upward direction two halt (c) Return as (a) exercise three halt (d) Back lying support, legs closed four halt Class at rest be seated. Repeat Exercise IV from one to eight counts Repeat ExercIse'IV same right eight counts Calisthenics. 23 Exercise V: (a) Step position left sidewise, arms sidewise one halt (b) Cross bend, knee-step backward left, In rear of right leg, bend trunk sidewise left (arms re- main on level with the shoulders) two halt As Exercise I three halt Position four halt Exercise VI : Class left face and square left four steps four counts On the fifth count all left face and continue to the remaining three sides five to sixteen counts Square right, repeat same right sixteen counts Arms to thrust bend Exercise VII: Arms to thrust bend (a) Lunge left forward, thrusting arms upward one (b) Return to position two (c) Lunge right forward , thrusting arms upward three (d) Return to position four (e) Lunge left sidewise, left arm obliquely sidewise upward, right arm obliquely sidewise down- ward five (f) Close step with arm in circle over head six (g) Lunge right sidewise with right arm obliquely sidewise upward, left arm obliquely side- wise downward seven (h) Return to fundamental position eight Exercise VIII: (a) Step position left backward, hands upon shoulders one (b) Charge left forward, arms side, trunk back two (c) Return to A exercise three (d) Close step, to position four Same right four counts Class run In place with raising and lowering the lower part of legs. Bend knees eight counts Run and raise knees forward, upward to right angle. eight counts Breathing : Inhale and raise arms sidewise obliquely upward six counts Exhale and lower arms.... six counts Repeat several times. To Teacher: It is not required to take the whole calisthenic les- son In fifteen minutes for the first few lessons. Only take part of the lesson within the scheduled time and gradually develop the whole calis- thenic lesson within the time limited. 24 General Instructions. In The Gymnasium. Close ranks sidewise toward the center, march forward, the first rank of the right flank (right face) march. The remaining ranks follow in successive order after four or six steps. File left or right and form ranks according to the number of apparatus on hand in the gymnasium. If the gymnasium has six or more of the following apparatus then have the mass or whole class work. If not, then divide your classes into squads or divisions. Open ranks to order with raising arms sidewise. Long Buck (Height of Chest). Exercise I : A short run precedes all movements. (a) Rear vault mount, right leg over buck to straddle position one halt corrections (b) Dismount backward to front standing position. .two halt (c) Straddle mount over forward to rear stand three halt (d) Position, execute your finish perfectly four halt On the count one, the remaining pupils follow in succession according to their number. Exercise II: (a) Same run, but rear vault with swinging left leg over buck... one (b) Dismount backward to front stand two (c) Straddle vault forward half of a turn left, hands on buck three (d) March off four The next, etc. Exercise III: (a) Jump to straddle position one halt (b) Swing up to kneeling position, body erect two halt (c) Swing arms forward and jump off for- ward to rear stand three four halt The next, etc. Exercise IV: (a) Jump to straddle position one halt (b) Swing legs up backward to squat position two halt (c) Stand up erect three halt (d) Jump off forward, to rear stand four halt The next, etc. Repeat exercise IV by adding one-fourth turn, one-half turn and whole turn left and right with clapping hands, etc. Continue same ex- ercise in mass formation until schedule time of twenty minutes is fin- ished. A different apparatus for each lesson. Such as low horizontal bar, low parallel bar, side horse, ring, etc. GAMES: Three Deep Tag. Play the game as follows: Members of each couple face each other and grasp hands. The object of the runner, in order to escape, is to dodge Daily Information, Calisthenic Apparatus. 25 under the arms of a couple and the one he faces must leave and become runner; the former then turns around and grasps his new partner's hands. Otherwise the game continues as in the regular way of playing the game indefinitely. At the conclusion of the game clap hands once and dismiss. The schedule time for the game is fifteen minutes, making the total time of sixty minutes. This class work in the gymnasium is only to explain how to conduct the classes within the required schedule time. Discipline should be had at all times upon the floor during class hours. BREATHING: Bend trunk forward to right angle, fingers touch the floor in front. Inhale with raising body and arms upward six counts Exhale with lowering arms six counts Repeat all several times. Daily Information. 1. Regulation gymnasium shoes should be worn while in the gym- nasium. 2. No one will be allowed on the gymnasium floor with street shoes. 3. Those attending classes are advised to provide themselves with the adopted gymnasium uniform. 4. The gymnasium, apparatus, lockers and bath room are in direct charge of the physical director and principal of school. 5. Pupils should not take their friends into the gymnasium, locker rooms or bath rooms without permission from the director or principal of school. 6. Good conduct is required at all times. 7. Will not be responsible for articles lost or stolen. Valuables should be deposited with the director or principal of school. Precaution : 8. Periodic examinations should be made of all gymnastic appar- atus. Annually, at least, all fastenings should be carefully examined and tested, not a casual look over, but a thorough search for hidden dangers. Each fastening should be reached by ladder or staging monthly. All suspended apparatus should be tested and other apparatus thoroughly cleaned and looked over. Daily inspection should be made to see that all is in place and in good order, removing cracked and broken apparatus and making slight repairs. The proverb "A stitch in time saves nine" is an axiom in the gymnasium. Hand Apparatus. Keep all racks in good condition. Don't have broken bells, clubs or wands around; they lead to further destruction. Have a few spare ones for juggling unless the pupils will furnish their own clubs. New apparatus requires at the start more care than old. Bolts are liable to work loose, the shrinkage of wood to loosen parts, others may be ad- justed too tight for use. Careful watching is necessary to discover these things and remedy them before they work permanent harm on the apparatus. 26 First Year — Free Exercises — Lesson A, Mattresses. Street shoes and shoes with heels should not be used on mats, neither should a hard indoor shot be "put" on them. It is more eco- nomical to get a shot that is padded and throw it on the floor. When the tufting strings break they should be promptly renewed, or the felt will get separated into wads. When the center of the mat is worn out it may be renewed by sewing on a strip of new canvas. About the only way to clean mats is to thoroughly beat and dust them out doors in a breeze, if possible. Mats may be painted to keep the dust out. A very elastic "outdoor" paint should be used or it will soon dry hard, crumble and make dust. Free Exercises. Lesson A. Two-Count Movements : Exercise I : (a) Stride position left forward arms backward one two halt. . . .correction (b) Swing arms forward three four halt (c) Swing arms backward five six halt (d) Fundamental position, close step seven eight halt Repeat same right but omit the word halt. Repeat all from one to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Stride position, left sidewise, arm side- wise one two halt (b) Arm circle left outward three four halt (c) Arm circle right outward five six halt (d) Double arm circle, outward to funda- mental position seven eight halt Repeat on opposite side but omit the word halt nine to 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise III: . (a) Stride position left backward, arms forward , upward one two hal t (b) Arm circle left forward three halt (c) Arm circle right forward five six halt (d) Double arms, circle forward to posi- tion seven eight halt Repeat on opposite side but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Exercise IV: (a) 1/8 of a turn left with stride position, left sidewise, arms obliquely side- wise, upward one two halt (b) Arms circle left outward three halt (c) Arms circle right outward four halt Free Exercises — Lesson A. 27 (d) Arms circle left inward five halt (e) Arms circle right inward six.... halt (f) Double arm, circle outward seven halt (g) Fundamental position, close step eight Repeat on opposite side but omit the word halt nine to 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise V: (a) Stride position left forward, arms back- ward (tense) one two halt (d) Bend left knee, arm forward three four halt (c) Return to (a) exercise : five six halt (d) Fundamental position seven eight halt Repeat on opposite side but omit the word halt nine to 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise VI : (a) Stride position left sidewise, arm side- wise one two halt (b) Bend trunk left sidewise with right arm circle inward, over head three four halt (c) Bend trunk right sidewise with left arm circle inward, over head five six halt (d) Circle left arm inward seven eight halt (e) Circle right arm iilward with body erect to position eight halt Repeat on opposite side but omit the word halt nine .to 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise VII: (a) Stride position left backward, arms upward, palms inward one two halt (b) Twist trunk right and right arm circle forward (tense) three four halt (c) Arm circle left forward, swing five six halt (d) Right arm circle forward, swing seven (e) Left arms circle forward with closing step to the front eight Repeat all on opposite side but omit the word halt nine to 16 counts Repeat all left and right one to 16 counts Exercise VIII: (a) 1/8 turn left, stride position left side- wise, arms side obliquely upward.. one two halt (b) Bend trunk left sidewise, arm circle left inward three four halt (c) 1/8 turn left, arm circle right inwards and kneel right five six halt (d) Return, bend arm, circle left outward seven halt (e) Return, arm circle right outward to position eight Repeat all opposite but omit the word halt... one... to... 16 counts Repeat all one.. ...16 counts 28 First Year — Free Exercises — Lesson A. Exercise IX: (a) Arms obliquely upward, stride position left sidewise with raising right leg sidewise one two halt (b) Lower right leg into stride position with arm circle right inward three four (c) Left arm circle left inward five six (d) Double arms, circle inward seven... eight Repeat opposite but omit the word halt nine to 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise X: (a) Stride position left sidewise, arms obliquely sidewise, upward one two halt (b) Arms circle left inward to side with raising right leg sidewise three four halt (c) Arm circle right inward to side with lowering right leg into stride five six halt (d) Double arm, circle inward, close step and to position seven eight Repeat all but omit the word halt nine to 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise XI : • (a) Stride left position backward, arms obliquely sidewise, upward one two halt (b) Raise right leg, bend trunk left sidewise and arm circle right inward three four halt (c) Lower right leg into stride position, and arm circle left inward five six halt (d) Double arm, circle inward seven eight halt Repeat opposite but omit the word halt nine to 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise XII: (a) 1/8 turn, stride position left sidewivse, arms obliquely sidewise upward... one two halt (b) Arm circle outward left, swing three four halt (c) Arm circle outward right five six halt (d) Double arms circle outward seven eight halt Repeat opposite side but omit the word halt nine to 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts REMARKS: There are twelve exercises to this number, three exercises to a lesson. There are four lessons to this number. After this num- ber is thoroughly learned then have the piano player play a march, 6/8 time for the class work. Material, Free Exercises — Lesson B. 29 BREATHING: Inhale and raise arms forward upward six counts Exhale lower arms slowly six counts Repeat several times. See suggested games, pages 123-135. Material, Free Exercises. The exercises are to be carried out left, twice and right twice. Music 6/8 or 4/4 time. Lesson B. Group I. Four-Count Movements : Exercise I : (a) Toe step position left sidewise, arms sidewise, elbows bent, fists upon shoulders, knuckles to the rear one to four halt correction (b) Lunge left sidewise with swinging arms sidewise downward to folding arms in rear five eight halt (c) Close step left with swinging arms side- wise with fists upon shoulders nine twelve halt (d) Arms down to fundamental position thirteen. sixteen halt Exercise II: (a) Lunge left sidewise with arms obliquely sidewise upward, palms outward. to four halt correction. (b) Change and bend opposite right knee, with arms sidewise, palms down.. ..five eight halt (c) Change and bend opposite left knee, with arms sidewise, upward nine twelve halt (d) Close step left to fundamental position. ...thirteen.. to 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Toe step left sidewise with swinging arms sidewise outward to first position upon shoulders, elbows shoulder height one four halt (b) Right face and extend arms forward, downward, backward, to oblique position. five eight halt (c) Left face, toe step position left sidewise, fists upon shoulders nine twelve halt (d) Close step, arms down to position... thirteen... to... sixteen halt Exercise IV: (a) Lunge left sidewise, arms obliquely sidewise upward one four halt (b) Left face, kneel left, hands in rear of neck five eight halt (c) Rise and right face, tense knees and extend arms upward nine to twelve halt (d) Close step, arms down to fundamental position thirteen to.... 16 counts 30 First Year — Free Exercises — Lesson B. Group II. Exercise I : (a) Lunge left forward with swinging arms forward upward one to four halt correction (b) Right face, change and bend the right knee, with double arm circle to right, right arm extended left el- bow iDent, left hand at right shoul- der five eight halt (c) Left face, change and bend left knee with J^ double arm circle right, arms upward nine twelve halt (d) Close step, arms down to fundamental position thirteen to sixteen halt Exercise II: (a) Bend knees deep with J^ double arm outward to arms four halt... .correction (b) Rise snd left face, bend left knee, right leg extended, bend trunk forward, touch fingers in front of left foot, knee between the arms five eight halt (c) Jump into squad position, hands on the outside of feet nine twelve halt (d) Rise and right face, close step, funda- mental position thirteen.. to 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Lunge left forward with swinging arms forward upward to oblique posi- tion, palms outward one four halt (b) Right about face, change and bend right knee, with whole double arms circle right, fists upon shoulders, elbows forward shoulder height five eight halt (c) Left about face, hands pass in front of knees with whole double arm circle left, arm tense to arms obliquely sidewise upward nine twelve halt (d) Close step, fundamental position thirteen. .to 16 counts Exercise IV: (a) Bend knees deep, 34 double, arms cir- cle outward to arms sidewise. one... four... halt correction (b) Bend trunk forward, bend left knee, right leg extended, fingers upon the floor five Extend left leg backward to lying support, head up, and raise left leg backward six seven 8 counts (c) Return left foot forward to left knee bent position nine to 12 counts (d) Right face, close step left to right foot, to fundamental position thirteen. .to 16 counts GirW Free Exercises, Waltz Time. 31 REMARKS: Go through the lesson first without music. After the lesson is well taught then use the music with the exercises. These exer- cises can always be used for exhibitions. BREATHING: Inhale and raise arms forward upward six counts Exhale, lower arms slowly six counts Repeat several times. See suggested games, pages 123-135. Girls free exercise, Walts time. Lesson 2 B— Ex. Lesson 1 C- -Ex. Free Exercises In Slow Waltz Time. Lesson C. Music — Missouri Waltz — Girls' Special. Lesson I : (a) Step position left sidewise with swing- ing arms forward. .one.. ..two.. ..three halt. (b) Swing arms down and raise arms sidewise one. . . . two. .. .six halt. corrections corrections 32 First Year — Free Exercises — Lesson C. (c) Bend left knee, bend trunk forward, downward, obliquely, arms ex- tended over head fone two nine halt \one two twelve halt (d) Tense left knee, into stride position, arms or elbows bent, shoulder height, hands in front of should- ers one two three halt (e) Extend arms upward one two six halt (f) Bend right, bend trunk forward to an obtuse angle, right oblique, arms upward one\ two nine halt one J two twelve halt (g) Repeat (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) exercises on opposite side but omit the word halt 24 counts Lesson II: (a) Step position left sidewise, arms up- ward one. . . .two. .. .three halt corrections (b) Bend left knee, right tense, and swing arms down and raise arms side- wise one two six halt (c) Tense left knee (into stride position) arms upward one two nine halt (d) Close step, arms down one two twelve halt Repeat all right (a), (b), (c), (d), but omit the word halt 12 counts Repeat all left and right 24 counts Lesson III: (a) Step position left sidewise, swing arms forward upward... one... two.. ..three halt corrections (b) Left face, and kneel right with lowering arms forward shoulder height one two six halt (c) Bend trunk backward, arms extended backward over head one two... nine halt (d) Face to the front, and rise into stride position, arms upward over head one two twelve halt Repeat same opposite but omit the word halt .....12 counts Repeat all left and right 24 counts Lesson IV: (a) Step position left sidewise with swing- ing arms upward, .one. . . . two. .. .three halt corrections (b) 1/8 turn right on both feet, bend the left knee, and bend trunk back- ward, lower arms sidewise, shoul- der height, palms upward one... two.. ..six halt corrections (c) 1/8 turn left on both feet (face front) straightening trunk, with arms upward one two nine halt Free Exercises — Lesson C. 33 (d) Close step, with lowering arms sidewise downward one two twelve halt Repeat all exercises on the opposite side, but omit the word halt 12 counts Repeat all left and right : 24 counts Intermission exercises for music. Stride turn step left with arm exercises as follows: Arms sidewise one two three Arms circle one two six Arms sidewise one two nine Close step and return to first position one two twelve 34 First Year — Free Exercises in Slow Waltz Time. FREE EXERCISES IN SLOW WALTZ TIME. Music: Beautiful Lady — Girls' Special. Lesson D. Group I. Position One: (a) Raise arms forward in an amplified manner, index fingers together. one. . . . two. .. .three halt corrections Position Two : (b) Move arms sidewise, elbows slightly bent, and turn head, eyes follow- ing right hand with expression one two six Position Three : (c) Arms circle right over head, eyes fol- lowing the right hand upward in amplified position ' two nine Position Four: (d) iVrm circle left forward, elbow bent, amplified manner. one two twelve Position Five: (a) Double arm circle overhead, eyes upward one two three Position Six : (b) Lower arms sidewise, eyes to right one two six Position Seven : (c) Arms forward to amplified position one two nine Position Eight: (d) Arms down, fundamental position one two twelve Repeat same right as follows: Position One : (a) Raise arms forward in amplified position one two three Position Two : . (b) Slowly move arms sidewise, turn head right, eyes right, palms up one two .six Position Three : (c) Left arm circle left over head, eyes upward in amplified position one two nine Position Four: (d) Arms circle, right forward, horizon- tally, elbow high, palm curved inward one two twelve 33a FIRST POSITION. 33b SECOND POSITION. 33c THIRD POSITION. 33d FOURTH POSITION. 33e FIFTH POSITION. Combination of First and Second Group. 35 Position Five: (a) Double arm circle over head one two three Position Six: (b) Lower arms slowly to sidewise position, eyes and head turn left one two six Position Seven : (c) Move arms forward, palms inward to amplified position, eyes and head front one two nine Position Eight: (d) Arms down, fundamental position one two twelve Group II. Hands upon hips place Position One : (a) Toe step left sidewise one two three Position Two : (b) Draw left heel into right instep at right angle to right foot one two six Position Three : (c) Toe step left forward two.. nine Position Four: (d) Place outside instep of left foot at right angle to toe of right foot one two twelve Position Five: (a) Toe step right sidewise one two three Position Six : (b) Draw right heel into left instep at right angle to left foot one two six Position Seven : (c) Toe step right forward one two nine Position Eight: (d) Place outside instep of right foot at right angle to toe of left foot one two twelve Repeat all left and right. Group III. Combination of the first and second group. Position One : (a) Raise arms forward amplified position.. one two three Position Two: (b) Step position left sidewise, obliquely backward with twisting trunk left and move arms sidewise in ampli- fied position, eyes left with head turn left one two six 36 First Year — -Free Exercises— Lesson E. Position Three : (c) Arm circle right over head, eyes up- ward one two nine Position Four: (d) Left arm circle horizontally forward, palm curve inward one. two. twelve Position Five: (a) Bend trunk backward with arm circle over head, eyes upward in ampli- fied position one ..two...... three Position Six: (b) Lower arms to side position, eyes and head left one ...two six Position Seven : (c) Close step and move arms forward horizontally, eyes and head in in front one two .....nine Position Eight: (d) Fundamental position one two twelve Repeat the same on right side 12 counts Repeat all left and right ....24 counts BREATHING: Inhale and raise arms sidewise upward six counts Exhale and lower arms sidewise six counts Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three or more parts for instructions, then later take all for a lesson with music. See suggested games on pages 123-135. Free Exercise. Lesson E. Part I : (a) Cross step left over right and raise arms side- wise right one halt (b) Return two halt (c) Cross step right over left and raise arms sidewise left .......three halt (d) Return to position ' four Hands on hips place* (a) Raise left leg and right leg forward, alternately and extend arms forward.... one.... four ..halt (b) Raise left leg and right leg sidewise and extend arms sidewise alternately one four (c) Raise left and right leg backward alternately, extend arms upward four (d) Arms down Raise arms. Free Exercises — Lesson E.. 37 (a) Bend trunk forward and move arms forward (in line witli trunk) ....: one Return to position two (.b) Bend trunk backward, and place hands behind head (elbows outward) two halt (c) Return to exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to position ..,.four Part II: Arms .....down . (a) Raise upon toes and raise arms forward upward.. one halt (d) Return to position two halt (c) Kneel right, raise arms sidewise.. ..three halt (d) Return, to position..... .....four halt Same opposite, four counts. Position Lying front support (boys). (a) Squat and one-half circle to the rear to front lying support. two ...halt (b) Repeat three four halt Same opposite four counts Arms to thrust ,: bend (a) Bend trunk left sidewise and thrust arms sidewise one halt (b) Return to position (arms to thrust) two halt (c-d) Same right three four halt Part III: Hands on hips ...; .place In place run with raising left and right legs alternately 8 counts In place run with raising left and right legs forward to right angles ,....8 counts In place with raising left and right knee alternately .8 counts Position: Hands in the rear (fingers interlace) knuckles upon the lumbar, elbow pointing outward place (a) Extend arms downward, allowing the shoulders to be drawn backward and palms meeting.. one...... halt (b) Return to position two halt Repeat slowly several times. Arms.. down BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale slowly and raise arms sidewise upward four counts Exhale slowly , four counts Repeat several times. Close ranks. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three or more parts. Then later take all for a lesson with music. See suggested games on pages 123-135, 38 First Year—^Free Exercises — Lesson F. Free Exercises. Lesson F. Part L Exercise I: (a) Step position left forward and raise arms forward one halt (b) Toe step left sidewise and raise both arms sidewise left, horizontally, right elbow bent, shoulder height, right hand in front of left shoulder two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Same right four counts Exercise II: (a) Step position left sidewise, raise arms sidewise... one halt (b) Cross step in rear of left, arms upward two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Same right four counts Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Raise left knee upward to right angle with arms to thrust one halt (b) Close step, and thrust arms forward.... two halt (a) Repeat all but omit the word halt one to. M counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Exercise II: • (a) Raise left leg sidewise with arms to thrust one .........halt (b) Close step, and thrust arms sidewise two halt Repeat all Exercise (a) from one to 16 counts Repeat Exercise (a) same right one to 16 counts Part III. Exercise I : ' (a) Lunge left forward, hands behind the head, elbows back one halt (b) Bend trunk forward two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a), body erect .three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four Repeat all but omit the ward halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Lunge left sidewise, hands behind the head one halt (b) Bend trunk sidewise left two halt (c) Return as Exercise (a), body erect three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat Exercise (a) but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Free Exercises — Lesson F. 39 Part IV. Exercise I: (a) Stride position left forward and raise arms forward one hal t (b) Kneel on left knee (bring back left foot and kneel) with arms sidewise shoulder level two halt (c) Return to stride as Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Stride position left backward and raise arms upward one halt (b) Kneel on left knee, arms sidewise two halt (c) Straighten left knee, arms upward three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Part V. Exercise I : Position In rear leaning rest. (a) Raise left leg and tense knee (in upward direction) one halt (b) Return to position (lying support) two halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 8 counts Repeat same right one to 8 counts Exercise II: (a) Raise left knee upward one halt (b) Extend and lower two halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 8 counts Repeat same right one to 8 counts Spring up to fundamental position and in resting position. Part VI. Exercise I : (a) Bend trunk forward, lower arms and clap hands one halt (b) Bend trunk backward, move arms sidewise upward and clap hands two halt (c) Return as Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat three times. Exercise II: (a) Bend knee step right and toe step left forward and place hands upon shoulders one halt (b) Extend right knee and raise left leg, extend forward to right angle with extending arms forward two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right 16 counts 40 First Year — Free Exercises — Lesson F. Part VII. Exercise I : (a) Bend right knee and step position left sidewise, hands upon shoulders one halt (b) Extend the right knee and raise left leg extended sidewise with extending arms sidewise two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Part VIII. Exercise I: (a) Bend right knee, and toe step left backward, hands upon shoulders one halt (b) Extend right knee, and extend left leg backward, and extend arms upward two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt 16 counts Repeat same right 16 counts (Jump to straddle position with arms upward, fingers interlaced.) (a) Bend trunk left sidewise one two halt (b) Return to position three four Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Part IX. Position, arms to thrust... , bend Exercise I : (a) Lunge forward left obliquely and thrust left arm obliquely forward upward left, right arm obliquely downward, backward, head up, eyes up one halt (b) Return to position as Exercise (a) two halt Same right three.. ..'.... four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Lunge left obliquely backwards, thrust left backward, obliquely downward, right arm forward upward obliquely one ..halt (b) Return to position two halt Same right three four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Part X. Exercise I : (a) Twist trunk left and thrust arms upward one (b) Return to position two Same right three.. ...... four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Arms down. Free Exercises — Lesson G. 41 Exercise II: BREATHING: Inhale slowly and raise arms forward over head six counts Exhale and lower arms sidewise one count Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into ten parts. Take each part for a lesson. Then later take all for a lesson with music. See suggested games on page 123-135. Free Exercises. Part I — Lesson G. Exercise I: Position arms to thrust bend (a) Raise left knee upward and thrust arms for- ward one halt (b) Return to fundamental position two halt Same right three four halt Repeat all alternately one to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Raise left lower leg backward and thrust arms upward one halt (b) Return to fundamental position, with arms to thrust two halt Same right three four halt Repeat all alternately one to 16 counts Part II. Exercise III : Arms down (a) Bend trunk forward and raise arms forward (arms in line of trunk) one halt (b) Return to position two halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Exercise IV: (a) Bend trunk backward and raise arms sidewise upward one halt (b) Return to position .' two halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Exercise V: (a) Stride position left forward and raise arms for- ward one halt (b) Bend left knee and move arms sidewise two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a).. three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Part III. Exercise VII : In front leaning rest. (a) Raise left leg, extend backward (in upward direction) one halt 42 First Year — Free Exercises — Lesson G. (b) Raise left knee forward under the abdomen two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to position four halt Repeat same right four counts Repeat all left and right eight counts Rise for a brief rest. Part IV. Exercise VII: (a) Jump to stride and raise arms sidewise one halt (b) Bend trunk left sidewise with clapping hand over head two hal t (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat all same right four counts Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt eight counts Rest exercise. Exercise VIII: (a) Stride left sidewise and raise arms sidewise left. . . one halt (b) Bend left knee and raise arms upward two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) '. three... halt (d) Return to position four halt Same right four counts Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise IX: (a) Raise forearm upward (upper arm held against the sides, palms turned inward) one....... halt (b) Turn trunk left and extend arms sidewise two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat same right four counts Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt 16 counts Part V. Exercise X: (a) Lunge forward left and raise arms forward one halt (b) Change and bend opposite knee and place hand in rear of head, elbows back two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat same but omit the word halt... one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Exercise XI : (a) Lunge left sidewise and raise arms sidewise left one halt (b) Bend opposite knee and straighten left knee, and raise arms upward two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three.... halt (d) Return to position four halt Repeat all left sidewise but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Free Exercises — Lesson H. 43 Run in place run (a) With raising and lowering legs left and right alternately 64 counts BREATHING: Inhale and raise arms slowly sidewise upward... four counts .Hold four counts Exhale and lower arms inward by crossing in front position one count Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into six parts or more. Take each part for a lesson, then later with music. Free Exercises. Part I — Lesson H. Exercise I : (a) Stride position left forward, arms upward one two halt (b) One-half turn right, lower arm sidewise shoulder height three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) (one-half turn left) five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Part II. Exercise II: (a) Stride position left forward, arms up- ward one ....two halt (b) One-half turn right, bend right knee and bend trunk forward to right angle, hands to the floor three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts Part III. Exercise III: (a) Left face, stride position left forward arms forward one two halt (b) Right face, lunge right sidewise with moving arms sidewise three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (a), one-fourth turn five. six halt . (d) Return to fundamental position seven eight halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Repeat same right., one..... to 16 counts 44 First Year — Aesthetic Movements, Terminology, Part IV. Exercise IV: (a) Left face, stride position, left forward, arms upward, palms inward... one two halt (b) Right face, lunge sidewise right with bending trunk sidewise right, right hand upon the floor, left arm up- ward three. four :halt (c) Left face, return to Exercise (a).... five...... ...six. .halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to. .......16. counts Repeat same right to.... .16 counts Aesthetic Movements. Terminology. ^ Principal Steps and Movements. 1 . Glisse Sliding of foot without transferring weight. 2. Chasse One foot chasing the other. .3. Assemble Close step. - 4. Dessus. ...Cross in front. .5. Dessous Cross in rear. 6. Jete Throwing weight of body from one foot to the ' other. 7. Coupe... .......Cut step. 8. Pas Ballotte — ^Tossing sHp. 9. Pirouette .A complete turn in place. 10. The third arm position amplified arms are rounded and carried so far toward the perpendicular as to form a circle above the head, in which the distance between the hands is equal to the width of shoulder. Glide Step. — Slide upon the ball of the left foot slightly. Knees slightly bent, with placing the weight of body upon the left foot, right leg extended to the rear. Bring the right foot up to the left foot and close step. Count one and repeat same opposite side by transferring weight on opposite ball of the foot. Count two and. General Instruction. Dancing Steps. The Mazurka Step I : Slide on right foot... ........count one and bring left foot up to the right foot into first position cutting out right foot sidewise count two and Lift right leg quite high to the side with knee bent at the same time hopping on left foot count three and Same opposite. PoLKA-PoDONA Step II: Slide on right foot .count one bring left foot up to right foot cutting right foot out ,, count two Make a gentle leap onto right foot '......three Balance Step III: Step left foot sidewise count one Close right foot to left and raise upon toes..... two 44a ASSEMBLF, 44b BALANCE STEP, LEFT FOOT RAISED (HALF-HIGH) FORWARD IN FOURTH ARMS IN RIGHT INTERMEDIATE. 44c CROSS STEP RIGHT IN FRONT OF LEFT AND PIROUETTE LEFT. 44d GLIDE RIGHT OBLIQUELY FORWARD, ARMS AMPLIFIED, 3RD POSITION. Aesthetic Arm Movements, 45 Lower .....;.. count three Same opposite ....*... :.... waltz time Pas de Basque IV: A semi-circle with right foot and leap on right foot to right side count one Slide left foot forward in front of right foot ....count two and bring right foot up behind left foot cutting left foot out forward count three Same opposite waltz time The Pirouette V: Step left sidewise one Cross step right in front of left ......two ' With a whole turn left, raise upon both toes, in place ....three Same right waltz time Glisse, chasse, chasse step left and assemble. (Is three glides to the left, the last unfinished and close step) count four I. Glide left sidewise on the ball of the foot slightly bending both knees with transferring the weight. Straighten the knees, simultaneously closing with the right foot in the first position and rising on the toes. The momentary closing; with the right foot is executed on the last part of the count, on about the third quarter of a dotted half note when given in waltz time. II. Upon closing with the right foot immediately repeat as de- scribed under No. I so that the closing of the right foot and the sliding sidewise of the left resembles the chasing away of the left foot by the right foot. III. The movements under number two Repeat. IV. Close steps^ — Repeat same right. Waltz Balance Step. (a) Step left forward obliquely one (b) Close step right to left with rising upon toes two (c) Lower..... '. /........ ^..... ....:..■ .": three (a) Step right backward ...;. one (b) Step left backward, .close step with rising upon toes two (c) Lower three Repeat several times. Same right. Aesthetic Arm Movements. There are five positions of the arms, adjusting theniselves to the movements of body and head. First Position: Arms hang naturally at the sides with fingers rounded and palms turned toward the legs. Second Position: Arms, though hanging are so rounded as to form an oval with elbows turned outward, and the wrist neither noticeably bent nor stretched. Third Position: Arms are raised to the height of shoulders and form an open circle. 46 First Year-^- Aesthetic Movements-— Lesson A. Fo0RTH Position: Arms are rounded and carried so far toward the perpendicular as to form a circle above the head, in which the distance be- tween the hands is equal to the width of shoulder. Fifth Position: Arms are raised rounded into a perpendicular attitude, and the middle fingers nearly touch. Intermediate Arm Positions : The intermediate arm positions lie between the five principal posi- tions. Narrowed and Amplified Positions : \i the distance between the hands in the open arm positions is less than the width of the shoulders, they are said to be "narrowed," and if the distance is greater they are in "amplified positions." Aesthetic Movemeats. Lesson A. The aesthetic dance movements are adapted to slow music (adagio) in which the arms are to be slowly and gracefully moved from one posi- tion to another, and, after good control has been acquired, have faster time of music. Part I— Position of the Arms and Feet, There are five principal pOvsitions of the arms and feet, combined with various trunk movements. The eyes have an important part in expression with the various movements. To clearly understand the terminology used in this manual the following terms should first be understood : Arms. Order Position. — Feet together, body erect, arms down, arms slightly rounded, elbow slightly bent, index fingers and thumbs together, eyes glancing down to fingers. First Position: Raise arms forward and rounded hands almost touching and elbows bent slightly. The palms are turned in- ward one two three halt Second Position: Move arms sidewise in amplified position, palms turned upward and eyes and head left one two six halt Third Position: Left arm circle over head, eyes upward one two nine. halt Fourth Position: Right arm circle in front of body. Palms turned inward, eyes down one two..... twelve halt Combination of Arms and Feet Movements. 47 Fifth Position: Double arm circle, over head, eyes upward one two three halt Return to second position one two six halt Return to first position one... two nine halt Order position one two twelve halt Repeat same right one to 12 counts Repeat all but omit the word halt 24 counts Part II — Feet. Toe step consists of foot placing, with ankle straightened and tense, touching the floor lightly with the toes. First Order Position, Feet: Order position, feet together, body erect, arms down, arms slightly rounded, elbows slightly bent, index fingers and thumbs to- gether, eyes glancing downward to fingers, hands upon hips. Second Foot Position: (a) Step position left sidewise, with ankle straight- ened and tense, touching the floor lightly with the toes one two three Third Foot Position: (b) The left heel is brought to the instep of the right foot. Feet at right angles to each other one two six halt Fourth Foot Position : (c) Step position left forward or backward with ankle straightened and tense, touching the ^ floor slightly with the toes one two nine halt Fifth Foot Position: (d) The heel of the left foot at right angle is touching the toes of the right foot. In a pointing position, when the heels are raised from the floor by extending the ankle and bending the knee, the left toes touch the floor at the place where the heel was. The same takes place in the fifth position in rear, the legs being crossed one two twelve halt (e) Return to second foot position . . . .one two three halt (f ) Return to third foot position one two six halt (g) Return to fourth foot position... one two nine halt (d) Return to close step (order position) one two twelve halt Repeat all to the rfght 12 counts Combination of Arms and Feet Movements. (a) Place arms into first arm position one two three halt (b) Place arms and foot into second position one two six halt 48 First Year — Aesthetic Combination. (c) Place arms and foot into third position one two nine ...halt (d) Place arms and foot into fourth position one two twelve halt (e) Place arms and feet into fifth position one two three halt (f) Return to second position one two six halt (g) Return arms into first posi- tion, close step one two nine halt (h) Return to order position one two twelve halt Repeat same right one two twelve halt Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt ..24 counts Intermission — Step Curtsy. (a) Step left sidewise, hands on hips one halt (b) Cross step left in rear of right, bend knees slightly two halt Same right three four ...halt Part III — ^The Arabesque (Balance Hop). (a) Slide step hop obliquely forward outward .....five halt (b) Raise right leg obliquely backward outward, knee slightly bent six halt Same right and close step seven eight Repeat curtsy and balance step eight Aesthetic Combination With Arms, Feet and Trunk. (a) Place arms into first position. .one two three halt (b) Place arms, left foot and twist trunk left, eyes at left hand into second position one two six halt (c) Place arms, left foot and bend trunk sidewise right into third position one two nine (d) Face to the front. Arms, feet and body erect, eyes upward into fifth position one two twelve halt (e) Return to second position one two three halt (f) Return to third position one two six halt (g) Return to fourth position one two nine halt (h) Return to order position one two twelve halt Repeat same right one two twelve halt Repeat all but omit the word halt 24 counts BREATHING: Inhale with raising arms sidewise , six counts Exhale, with lowering arms sidewise one count Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into four parts. Take each part for a lesson. Then later take all for a lesson with music. Music: Beautiful Lady Waltz, Aesthetic Dancing — Lesson B. -49 Aesthetic Dancing. Part I — Lesson B. Exercise I: (a) Slide step position, left arm sidewise one (b) Cross step right over left with left arm circle over head, right arm circle in front of body right hand circle inward two Same right three four (c) Glide sidewise left three times with arms side- wise five eight (d) The same right nine to... ....16 counts (e) Repeat one to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Step position left obliquely forward and arms obliquely left upward, right downward and bending trunk forward halt (b) Cross step left over right leg with right arm over head, left hand and arm circle in front of body two ....halt (c) One-half turn twirl step right, arms sidewise ..three four halt (d) Step position right obliquely forward right hand upward, left arm obliquely downward five halt (e) Cross step twirl right in front of left six halt (f) Arms sidewise, close step seven eight halt Repeat same but start right side eight halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Part II. Exercise III: (a) Glide sidewise left twice, arms sidewise.. one two halt (b) Step position left sidewise and bend trunk left sidewise, left arm obliquely down, right arm upward three (c) Cross step left in rear of right, bend trunk side- wise right, left hand in front of right shoulder, right arm extended. Obliquely downward, head to the right '. four halt (d) Step position left sidewise with arm sidewise .five halt (e) One-half turn step left with arms circle over head.. six halt (f) One-half turn step backward with arms side- wise ;. seven halt (g) Cross step in rear of left leg, arm circle left over head, right arm circle in. front of body eight halt (h) The same right 8 counts (i) Repeat all and omit the word halt one to 16 counts Exercise IV: (a) Spring left with a one-eighth turn left with swinging arms, left over head, right arm, elbow and hand bent in front of body.... one.... halt ^ First Year— Aesthetic Dancing — Lesson B. (b) Step position right forward with closing step, arms obHque position left upward, right- obliquely downward two halt (c) Glide backward two times three four. halt (d) Hop step twirl with arms sidewise quickly change arms to bend right over head and left in front of body five six halt (e) Side step position right, arms sidewise ; seven halt Close step left, and step position right with arm circle over head and lower eight halt (f) The same right nine to 16 counts (g) Repeat all but omit the word halt one .to 16 counts Part III. Exercise I: (a) Step position left sidewise and arms sidewise one... halt (b) Cross step right in rear of left arm circle down- ward upward to arm circle right over head two halt (c) Step position right sidewise arms sidewise three halt (d) Close step, arms down four halt Three steps left forward obliquely, arms obliquely left arm upward, right downward.. five eight halt (e) Repeat the Exercise (d) right, but on the last two counts cross twirl step nine to 16 counts Exercise II: (f) As (a), (b), (c), and (d) one to four Then glide left and right backward with swinging arms left to right five to eight (g) As Exercise (a), (b), (c), and (d) nine to twelve halt Then glide left backward thirteen fourteen (h) Cross twirl step right fifteen to 16 counts Part IV. Exercise I: (a) Arms sidewise, bend trunk forward one halt With swinging arms left and (b) bend trunk left sidewise two halt (c) Swing arms upward and bend trunk right sidewise three four halt (d) Same right five eight halt (e) Repeat three times nine to 32 counts Pause with music. (a) Step position right, arms sidewise one two halt (b) Cross step left in rear of right and bend left arm over head three four halt Exercise II: (a) Arms sidewise one halt (b) Twirl step left, arm circle over head two halt (c) Glide sidewise left — twice three four halt (d) The same right five eight ..halt (e) Repeat three times nine to 32 counts Aesthetic Dancing — Lesson B. 51 Part V. Exercise I: (a) Three steps forward one two three halt (b) Step position right sidewise with arms sidewise.iour halt (c) Cross step twirl right five halt (d) Step position right sidewise with arms sidewise. six halt (e) Close step left and step position right, with bending trunk right sidewise, arms low, fundamental position seven eight halt Repeat same right one eight halt Exercise II: (a) Cross step left forward and bend the left arm over head, right arm sidewise one two halt (b) One-half turn glide backward left, left arm upward , right downward three four halt (c) Cross twirl step left backward, arms circle over head to position five ...six... halt (d) Fundamental position seven eight Repeat all (a), (b), (c), (d) of Exercise II one to 8 counts Part VI. (a) Step position left sidewise, arms sidewise one halt (b) Cross step right in rear of left with bent trunk left sidewise and right arm over head, left arm bent in front of body two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Cross step right over left and bend trunk side- wise right, with left arm bent over head, right in front of body four halt ie) Cross twirl step left with arm circle over head five halt (f) Step position left sidewise, arms sidewise six halt (g) Cross right in rear of left leg with arms upward over head seven eight (h) The same right nine 16 counts (i) Repeat one to 16 counts Part VII. Repeat as Exercise IV one to 32 counts (a) As Exercise I, but instead of gliding sidewise glide backward one to 32 counts Finale. (a) Step position left sidewise, arms in sidewise position one % halt (b) Cross step right in rear of left, arms circle left over head, right in front two halt Same right one.. two .halt Remarks : Divide this lesson into seven parts. Each part for a lesson if the required time allows. Then later take all for a lesson with jmusic. Music, Merry Widow--Waltz time. In the intro- duction rest 8 counts 52 First Year — American School Dancing — Lesson E. GILBERT DANCING. Practical steps for around the room or gymnasium practice. Beginning Grade. Hippity Hop Variations. Lesson A. 1. March and bend knee in the forward step (rocking). 2. March and hop on forward foot or hippity hop. 3. Hippity hop and raise knees forward. 4. As Exercise 3, but kick out forward. 5. Hippity hop and cross step. Cross left over right and right over left. 6. As Exercise 5, but with raising knees. 7. As Exercises 3, 4, 5, 6, and swing arms. To right when stepping left and to left when stepping right. Music — ^Any gallop march. INTERMEDIATE GRADE WORK. Hippity Hop Variations. Lesson B. 1. March sidewise, closing heels. 2. March sidewise and cross in front. 3. March sidewise and cross in rear. 4. March sidewise and cross in front and in rear alternately. 5. Hippity hop sidewise, crossing in front. 6. Hippity hop sidewise, crossing in rear. 7. Hippity hop sidewise, crossing in front and in rear alternately. 8. As Exercise 5, but raise knee of crossing foot while stepping over. 9. As Exercise 7, but raise knee of crossing foot when stepping over in front and turn or twist body opposite when crossing in rear. 10. As Exercise 5, with arms out (in second position) and swing same arm across when stepping across in front. 11. As Exercise 9, with arms out (in second position) and swing same arm across when stepping across in front and turn body in same direction when crossing in rear. Music — A gallop march. AMERICAN SCHOOL DANCES. Butterfly Schottish. Lesson A. F(^m a column of pairs or couples and use the terminology as number one (1) and number two (2) as follows: Position. No. 1 on left takes No. 2 left hand with the left, arm in front and bent. Right arm in rear of No. 2, taking the right hand over the shoulder. Clasps hands. 1. Step No. 1: 1-2 step backward right and close left in back of No. 2. 3-4. Step forward left and point sidewise right on the right side of No. 2. 5-8. Return by stepping backward right and pointing left. School Dancing — Lesson F. 53 No. 2. Step sidewlse left and close right, in front of No. 1. 3-4. Step sidewise left and point sidewise right on the left side of No. 1. 5-8. Return by stepping right and pointing left. 2. Step. Both: 1-4 run three steps left obliquely forward and swing (kick) right across. 5-8. Repeat the same to the right. Music — ^Any Schottish time. DANCING. The Blue Danube. Lesson B. Form Couples. 1. Step hop on outside foot. Step on inside foot, and bring outside to 5th foot position Two waltz measures Two draws in the line of direction of movement facing partner. Two waltz measures 2. Two waltz steps turning. The movement is in opposite direction from 1. Two draws in the same direction as waltz turn four measures 3. Face partner, grasp right hands. Balance forward and back. Two waltz turns in direction of 1 four measures ^ ^ . 4. Four waltz steps with partner around the room.... four measures Repeat all. Music — Blue Danube. Dreamland — Polka. Lesson C. (Music Special.) Introduction four measures Pirouette left, leap to left, crOss right in rear, repeat right. First Step. 16 Measures. Balance left and right (crossing in rear) arms in third amplified position, and alternately crossing in front of body two measures Glisse, chasse, chasse to left, arms in third amplified position, balance to left, crossing in rear, cross right arm in front of body two measures Repeat, beginning right four measures Repeat all eight measures Second Step. 16 Measures. Balance left and right (crossing in rear) arms in third amplified position, and alternately crossing in front two measures Leap left sidewise, cross right in rear, bend trunk forward, arms downward one measure 54 First Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson A, Stretch trunk and raise arms to fifth position one measure Repeat, beginning right four measures Repeat all eight measures Third Step. 16 Measures. Hop on left diagonally forward, arms in intermediate amplified position one measure Hop on right, arms in intermediate position one measure Pirouette left and balance to left (crossing in rear), arms in third amplified position, and right arm crossed in front of body two measures Repeat, beginning right four measures Repeat all eight measures Fourth Step. 32 Measures. Glide left sidewise and close right toward left, arms in third amplified position one measure Repeat one measure Stride turn to left, right arm in fifth position ; cross right in rear and hands at waist two measures Repeat, beginning right four measures Repeat all twenty-four measures Fifth Step. 16 Measures. Slide and hop left sidewise, arms in intermediate amplified position one measure Slide and hop right sidewise, with 1/4 turn left, and change arm position one measure Glisse, chasse, chasse and balance to left (crossing in rear), hands at waist one measure Repeat, beginning right four measures Repeat all eight measures Finale. Repeat first four measures of second step, finish with arms in third amplified position (attitude). Wand Exercises. Group I. Lesson A. Two-count movements. Wand horizontally in front, arms down in position. Exercise I : (a) Raise wand, horizontally forward. two halt... correction (b) Bend knees deep. Wand vertical in front, left hand down, right hand up three four halt (c) Return, extend legs, arms forward five six halt (d) Arms down and in position seven eight halt Repeat all same right but omit the word halt eight counts Repeat all left and right one to 16 counts Wand — Group II — Lesson A. 55 Exercise II: (a) Wand horizontally forward upward one two halt (b) Bend trunk obliquely forward to the left, wand vertical, right arm ex- tended down, left hand under right shoulder, head up three four halt (c) Body erect, arms extended upward over head, wand horizontally five six halt (d) Arms down, in position stand seven eight Same exercises right nine to 16 counts Repeat all left and right. Exercise III: (a) Step position left sidewise, wand hori- zontally in front of chest one two halt (b) Bend trunk backward and thrust arms upward three four halt (c) Return to Exercise A five ...six halt (d) Arms down, in position stand seven eight Same exercises right one to eight Repeat all left and right one to 16 counts Group II. Exercise I : (a) Lunge left forward, wand horizontally in front of chest one two halt (b) Extend knees, right face into stride position, wand vertical in front, right up, left hand below three four halt (c) Left face, bend left knee, wand hori- zontally in front of chest five six halt (d) Arms down in position stand seven eight Same exercises right but omit the word halt 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Lunge left sidewise, wand horizontally sidewise, left arm extended, right hand at left shoulder, elbow shoulder height one two halt (b) Right face, and swing wand downward to right side, left arm extended, wand horizontally forward, right hand in front of left shoulder, elbow high and bend opposite knee three four (c) Left face, bend left knee, wand horizontally left five six (d) Close step, arms down in position seven eight Repeat same right but omit the word halt nine to 16 counts Repeat all left and right one to 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Stride position left, arms upward, wand horizontally one two halt (b) Bend trunk forward, wand horizontally upon shoulders three four halt 56 First Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson A. (c) Extend arms upward, erect trunk five six halt (d) In position seven.. eight Repeat same right but omit the word halt nine to.. 16 counts Repeat all left and right one to 16 counts Group III. Exercise I : (a) Bend knees deep, arms forward one two. ..halt (b) Straighten legs and bend trunk left sidewise, cross arms, right arm over left, square within the arms, wand horizontally *. three four halt (c) Body erect, wand horizontally left, right hand in front of left shoulders, elbows high five six halt (d) Return to position, arms down seven eight Repeat same right but omit the word halt nine to 16 counts Repeat all left and right one 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Arms upward, wand horizontally one two halt (b) Lunge left sidewise, wand horizontally forward with cross arms, right arm on top of left arm, a square within the arms and shoulder height three four ;....halt (c) Tense kft knee, twist trunk right, and extend left arm forward, right hand under left shoulder, elbow high five six halt (d) Fundamental position, wand horizontally. seven eight Same exercise right counts Repeat all from one to 16 counts Wand. Exercise III: (a) Jump into stride position, knees bent, wand horizontally in front of chest, elbows bent, and downwards one two halt (b) Jump to close step, arms upward three four halt (c) Step position left backward, wand horizontally upon shoulders five six halt (d) Arms forward, down to position seven eight Same exercises right nine to 16 counts Repeat all left and right one to 16 counts ANY BREATHING EXERCISES. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three or more parts. Take each part for a lesson. Then later take all for a lesson with music. Take as many groups as the required time calls for in this wand or calisthenic's schedule. Wand — Lesson B. 57 Wand. Part I — Lesson B. • Exercise I: (a) Step position left forward with raising arms for- ward, wand horizontally one halt (b) Return, lower wand and close step two halt (c) Charge left backward, wand upon in rear of shoulder three halt (d) Return to position four halt Repeat same right four counts Repeat all and omit the word halt four counts Exercise II: (a) Squat knees deep and place wand to vertical position on floor about arms length in front of the feet one halt (b) Extend left leg and left arm sidewise, wand hori- zontally right hand at left shoulder, elbow shoulder height two..... halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to position, arms down four halt Repeat same right four counts Repeat all right but omit the word halt eight counts Part II. Exercise I : Position Wand in front of shoulders raise (a) Bend trunk forward and stretch arms do\Yn- ward one halt (b) Return to position ..two halt (c) Lunge left forward and extend arms upward, wand horizontally three halt (d) Return to position, wand in front of shoulder.... four halt Repeat same right .-.four counts Repeat all but omit the word halt eight counts Exercise II: (a) Step position left sidewise, wand horizontally right sidewise, left hand at right shoulder, left elbow height of shoulder one halt (b) Left face, charge left forward, wing wand downward upward, wand perpendicular upon left shoulder, left arm extended up- ward, right hand at left shoulder, elbow high two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) threo halt (d) Return to position, wand in front four halt Repeat same right four counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt eight halt Part III. Exercise I : Position Wand on shoulders place (a) Raise left leg backward, extend arms upward. halt 58 First Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson C. (b) Return to position, close step two halt (c) Raise right leg backward, extend arms upward.. three halt (d) Return to position, close step four halt Repeat four counts Exercise II: (a) Raise left leg forward to right angle, toes tense, extend arms forward one halt (b) Return to position, close step two halt (c) Raise right leg forward to right angle three halt (d) Return to position, close step four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt four counts Exercise III: (a) Bend trunk backward, extend arms upward one halt (b) Return to position, wand on shoulder two halt (c) Lunge left backward, wand obliquely in rear, left hand at shoulder, right arm obliquely side- wise, downward three halt (d) Return to position, wand on shoulder four halt Repeat same right four counts Exercise IV: In place : run (a) Raise wand upward four counts (b) Raise wand forward four counts (c) Raise wand upon shoulders four counts (d) Lower wand in front four counts Repeat one to 16 counts halt Exercise V : (a) Raise wand over head one halt (b) Lower behind hip two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to position, fundamental four Repeat four counts BREATHING: Inhale slowly and raise wand over head in four counts. Exhale and lower in one count. Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three or more parts according to time. Take each part for a lesson. Then later take all for a lesson with music. Wand. Part I — Lesson C. Exercise I: (a) Step position left forward, arms up- ward, wand horizontally one two .....halt (b) Step position left backward with bend- ing right knee, wand left obliquely backward, right hand at left shoulder, elbow high three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) five six halt Wand — Lesson C. 59 (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat same opposite eight counts Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Raise arms forward upward one two halt (b) Double arm circle left to arms upward, wand horizontally three four halt (c) Double arm circle right to arms up- ward, wand horizontally five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat all eight counts Exercise III: , (a) Raise arms upward, wand horizontally with 3/4 double arm circle left to right, wand hori- zontally, right arm extended, left hand at right shoulder, elbow shoulder height and bend trunk left sidewise. two three four halt (b) Three-fourths double arm circle right to left arm upward, wand vertical, and bend trunk right sidewise.-. five six... halt (c) Return to position seven eight Repeat same opposite eight counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Stride position left sidewise, wand horizontal upward one two halt (b) Bend trunk forward to right angle, arms in line with body three four halt (c) Erect body five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat, but omit the word halt eight counts Repeat all backward one to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Bend knees deep, arms forward one two ...halt (b) Stride position left, arms upward three four halt (c) Bend trunk forward to right angles .five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat same right eight counts Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Stride position left, swing wand left sidewise upward one two halt (b) Lunge left sidewise with three-fourths double arm circle left, wand hori- zontally, right arm extended side- wise, left hand at right shoulder three four halt 60 First Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson D. (c) Return to Exercise (a) five six.... .;.... ......halt (d) Return to position seven.. eight Repeat same right but omit the word halt ......eight counts Repeat all one 16 counts Part III. Exercise I: (a) Wands upward, horizontal one two halt (b) Twist trunk left three four ......halt (c) Return to front five six halt (d) Return to position seven ...eight Repeat same right eight counts Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Exercise II: " Undergrip, knuckles down. (a) Bend knees deep, wing wand obliquely forward downward, left end of wand resting upon the floor, right end of wand on right shoulder. one two. .../.........halt (b) Extend left leg backward three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) .....five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight .....halt Repeat same right .• .eight counts Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt one to. 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Wand upon shoulder, horizontally in place and stride kick forward in place, left and right, run , 32 counts BREATHING: Inhale and raise wand sidewise upward six counts Exhale and lower arms ....six counts Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three or more parts. Then later take all for a lesson with music. 4/4. See suggested games on pages 123-135. Wand. Part I — Lesson D. Exercise I : Position, elbow bent, wand horizontally place (a) Extend arms forward with raising left extended leg and toes forward to right angles one (b) Return .....two Repeat eight times Repeat same right eight times Repeat all left and right alternately one to 16 counts Wand — Lesson E. 61 Exercise II: (a) Step position left obliquely backward with extending arm upward one (b) Close step, arms bent to position two Repeat eight times Repeat same right eight times Repeat left and right alternately one to 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Cross step position left over right, arnis upward.. one halt (b) Raise left leg inward toward right, wand hori- zontally right, right arm extended sidewisctwo halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to position, arms bent four halt Repeat all left but omit the word halt. 16 counts Repeat same right one to 16 counts BREATHING: Inhale and raise wand upward and place upon shoulders six counts Exhale and lower arms six counts Repeat several times. Wand. Part I — Lesson E. Exercise I: (a) Wand obliquely backward downward right, left hand on right hip one two halt (b) Wand horizontally left, right hand at left shoulder (elbow high) three four halt (c) Swing wand downward to right horizontally upward five six halt (d) Wand on shoulder seven eight halt (e) Swing wand downward and circle right upward nine ten halt (f) Wand horizontally^ left sidewise, left arm extended sidewise, right hand at left shoulder eleven twelve halt (g) As Exercise (a) thirteen fourteen (h) Return to fundamental position fifteen sixteen Repeat all of Exercise (I) three times 48 counts Part II. Exercise II: (a) Wand obliquely backward downward right, left hand at right hip with , step position right backward one ..two halt (b) Wand horizontally left, right hand at left shoulder, elbow high with lunging sidewise right three four halt (c) Swing wand downward to the right horizontally upward with close step five six halt (d) Wand upon shoulder and jump into stride position seven eight halt 62 First Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson E. (e) Swing wand downward and circle right upward with close step nine ten halt (f) Wand horizontally left sidewise with lunging right eleven twelve halt (g) As Exercise (a), close step thirteen fourteen halt (h) Return to fundamental position fifteen sixteen halt Repeat all left one to 16 counts Repeat all two more times, omitting the word halt 32 counts Part III. Exercise III: (a) Wand vertically in front, right hand up, left hand down one two halt (b) Wand vertically upon left shoulder, right hand at left shoulder, elbow high three four halt (c) Three-fourths double arm circle left downward to wand horizontally upward five six halt (d) Wand obliquely in rear of back left arm extended, right hand at right shoulder. seven eight halt (e) Wand horizontally upward nine ten halt (f) As exercise (c) eleven twelve halt (g) As exercise (b) thirteen. fourteen halt (h) Return to fundamental position fifteen sixteen halt Repeat Part III three times, omitting the word halt... 48 counts Part IV. Exercise IV: (a) Wand vertically in front one two halt (b) Wand vertically upon left shoulder, right hand at left shoulder and charge left forward three four hal t (c) Three-fourths double arm circle left downward to wand, horizontally upward and lunge left sidewise.. five six halt (d) Close step, wand obliquely in the back, left down, right hand at right shoulder. seven eight halt (e) Wand vertically upon left shoulder and charge left forward nine ten halt (f) As Exercise (a) thirteen fourteen (g) Fundamental position fifteen sixteen Repeat same right but omit the word halt 16 counts Repeat all left and right...: 32 counts Part V. Exercise V : (a) Cross arms, right forearm on top, wand horizontally one two halt (b) Wand obliquely, right arm extended right sidewise, left arm extended upward three four halt Wcmd Exercises — Lesson E. 63 (c) Wand obliquely, right arm extended forward, left hand upon left hip five six halt (d) Wand horizontally forward, left arm extended forward, right hand under right shoulder, elbow high seven eigh t hal t . (e) Wand obliquely forward, left hand upon left hip nine ten halt (f) Wand obliquely, right arm extended sidewise, left arm extended up- ward eleven twelve halt (g) As Exercise (a) thirteen fourteen (h) Fundamental position fifteen sixteen Repeat same right 16 counts Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt 32 counts Part VI. Exercise VI : (a) Cross arms, wand horizontally with front cross step right one two halt (b) Wand obliquely, right arm extended right sidewise, left arm verti- cally upward and step backward right three four halt (c) Wand obliquely, right arm extended, left hand upon left hip and lunge right sidewise five six halt (d) Wand horizontally, left arm extend- ed forward, right hand under the left shoulder and kneel right seven eight halt (e) Wand obliquely, right arm extended, left hand upon left hip and lunge right sidewise nine ten halt (f) Wand obliquely, right arm extended right sidewise, left arm verti- cally upward and step backward right eleven twelve halt (g) Cross arms, wand horizontally with front cross step right thirteen fourteen (h) Fundamental position fifteen sixteen Repeat same left 16 counts Repeat same left and right but omit the word halt 32 counts BREATHING EXERCISES. Remarks: Divide this lesson into six or more parts. Each part for a lesson. Then later take all for a lesson with music, but always keep within the schedule time. See suggested games on pages 123-135. 64 First Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson F. Wand. Part I — Lesson F. Exercise I: Step position left forward, wand forward one Small lunge left sidewise, wand upward two Return three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise II: Step position left, wand upward one Lunge backward, wand horizontally before shoulders two Return.... three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise III: Step position left forward, wand upward one Small lunge left backward, bend forward, arms down two Return three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise IV: Step position left backward, wand upward one Lunge left forward, bend trunk backward two Return three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Part II. Exercise I : Stride position left forward, wand perpendicular. one Bend knee, cross arms, wand horizontal two Return three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise II: Stride position left, wand upward one Bend left knee, wand oblique, sideward upward two Return three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise III: Step position left backward, wand in rear of left hip, obliquely.... one Bend left knee and bend trunk forward, wands upward two Return three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise IV: Step position left forward, wand upward one Bend left knee and bend trunk forward two Return three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Wand Exercises — Lesson F, 65 Part III. Exercise I : Cross step left in rear of right leg, wand right horizontal one One-fourth turn left and lunge forward, wand upward two Return three .four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise II: Cross step left in front, arms crossed shoulder height one Lunge left sidewise, wand perpendicular upon left shoulder two Return three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise III: Step position left' backward, wand upon and around left hip one Lunge left sidewise, wand upward horizontally two Return ". three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise IV: Cross step left in front, wand upward horizontally one Lunge left sidewise, wands oblique downward in rear two Return three four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Part IV. Exercise I : Step position left forward, wand upon left hip horizontally one Step position left backward and wand perpendicular upon left shoulder two Bend left leg, wand high horizontally three Position , f four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise II: Step position left backward, wand oblique backward left one Bend left leg and bend trunk forward and three-fourths circle left forward to oblique position forward two ' Step position forward, right arm extended left under right three Position four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen Exercise III: Step position left forward and right hand upon hip, wand perpendicular one Lunge left sidewise, arms upward two- Close step and bend knee deep to right angle, wand perpendicular in front on floor three Position four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen 66 First Year — Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson A. Exercise IV: Step position left backward, wand upward one Small lunge left forward, left arm up, right down, wand perpendicular two Kneel right and cross arms in front three Position four Same right five eight Repeat nine sixteen See suggested games on pages 123-135. Dumb-bells. Lesson A. One count movements, music 6/8 or 4/4 time. Position — Dumb-bells by sides. (Upper grip.) (a) Step position left forward and swing arms for- ward, dumb-bells upon shoulders, elbow high one halt (b) Return to position two halt Repeat same right three four (a) Raise upon toes, arms upward five (b) Return to position .^ six (c) Bend trunk forward and swing arms backward seven (d) Return to position eight Repeat all but omit the word halt eight counts (a) Bend knees deep, arms sidewise one (b) Return to position ; two (c) Bend trunk backward with swing arms forward, upward three (d) Return to position four Repeat all four counts Repeat again eight counts Position arms to thrust bend (a) Thrust arms forward, with rotating the arms forward, knuckles up, with raising left leg forward to right angle, toes tense one (b) Return to position two Repeat same right three four (a) Thrust arms sidewise with rotation, knuckles upward and raise left leg sidewise, toes tense five (b) Return to position six Repeat same right seven eight Repeat all..; one to 8 counts Position Arms down by sides. (a) Jump to stride, twist trunk left with swinging left arm obliquely forward upward, right obliquely backward one halt (b) Return to position (jump to position) two halt Repeat same right three four Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 16 counts (a) Jump to squat position, dumb-bells upon the floor outside of feet one halt Dumb-hell Exercises — Lesson B. 67 (b) Stretch left leg sidewise with extending left arm sidewise two halt (c) Return to squat, dumb-bells on floor three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt one to 8 counts Repeat all same right one to 8 counts (a) Jump to squat position, dumb-bells upon the floor one halt (b) Extend both legs backward to lying support two halt (c) Return to squat position three halt (d) Return to position four halt Repeat three times but omit the word halt. Arms to thrust bend (a) Bend trunk sidewise left and thrust right arm upward (arm in line with the upper part of trunk) one halt (b) Return to position „ two halt Same opposite three four Repeat all four counts (a) Jump to stride position outward and raise arms outward one halt (b) Jump to position, heels closed, move arms up- ward and meet dumb-bells over head two halt Repeat Exercise (a) three halt As Exercise (b) four halt Continue, omit the word halt one to 16 counts BREATHING EXERCISES: Inhale and slowly raise arms sidewise upward six counts Exhale, and slowly lower arms sidewise six counts Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three or more parts. Take each part for a lesson. Then later take all for a lesson with music. See suggested games on pages 123-135. Dumb-bells. Lesson B. Music, 4-4 time. Group I. Arms and dumb-bells by side upper grip. (a) Step position left forward, arm to thrust, bend one four halt (b) Lunge left forward and thrust arms forward five eight halt (c) Bend opposite right knee and tense left with swing arms obliquely downward backward nine twelve halt (a) Step position left sidewise, arms to thrust one four halt (b) Lunge left sidewise, arms sidewise five eight halt (c) Bend opposite knee, arms in the rear fold nine twelve halt 68 First Year — Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson B. (a) Step position left backward, arms to thrust... one four halt (b) Charge left backward with extending arms upward. five. eight halt (c) Lunge right forward with arms folded in back of neck nine twelve halt Group II. (a) Charge left forward, arms to thrust one four halt (b) Lunge left forward, bend trunk forward and thrust arms downward five eight halt (c) Bend trunk backward with bending right knee and tense left knee and swing arms backward nine twelve halt (a) Charge left sidewise, arms to thrust, bend. one... four halt (b) Lunge left sidewise, bend trunk left sidewise, with thrusting arms side- wise, left arm down, right up five eight halt (c) Cross arms in front of chest, elbows shoulder height, square within the arms nine twelve halt (a) Charge left backward, arms to thrust... one four.. halt (b) Bend opposite knee and tense left knee, bend trunk backward with thrust- ing arms upward , five eight ...halt (c) Swing arms forward downward and fold arms in rear..... nine twelve halt Group III. (a) Bend knee deep, arms to thrust. one.... four halt (b) Straighten legs, and lunge left back- ward, with extending left arm obliquely forward downward, right hand upon the right shoulder five eight halt (c) Lunge right forward, swing backward left arm and thrust right arm obliquely forward upward nine twelve halt (a) Bend knees deep, arms to thrust four; halt (b) Lunge left sidewise and thrust arms ,', ,• sidewise five eight.... halt (c) Bend opposite knee and tense left knee, jjivj\ left arms obliquely sidewise down- ward, right arms bent over head nine twelve halt : (a) Bend knees deep, arms to thrust one four halt ,: : (b) Lunge left backward, with thrusting arms backward..... five eight.. halt (c) Lunge left forward, with bending left forearms in front of chest nine twelve... halt Close step to position on the last count. After the lesson is thoroughly learned then have it all with music. Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson C. 69 BREATHING: Bend trunk forward to right angle, arms extended downward. Inhale and erect body with raising arms slowly upward six counts Exhale, and lower arms six counts Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three or more parts. Each part for a lesson. Then later take all for a lesson with music. Take as many groups as the required time calls for in this dumb- bell or calisthenic's schedule. See suggested games on pages 123-135. Lesson C. THEME: Lunging, alternate knee bending, turn and bending of trunk with arms swinging, respecting circling. In open ranks of fours. REMARKS: Uneven Files one and three begin to the right. Even Files two and four begin to the left. 1 1 1 1 Part I. The Uneven Numbers: (a) One-fourth turn left and lunge left forward with swinging the arms sidewise upward. The Even Numbers: (a) One-fourth turn right and lunge right forward with swinging the arms sidewise upward one two halt The Uneven Numbers : (b) Bend right knee and turn trunk inward left, with bending trunk forward and swinging arms downward, dumb-bells upon the floor. The Even Numbers : (b) Same opposite three four halt The Uneven Numbers : (c) Return and face to the fronts swing arms obliquely forward upward, bells vertical. The Even Numbers: (c) Repeat same from opposite side five six halt Uneven and Even Numbers : (d) Return to fundamental position seven eight halt Repeat all to opposite eight counts 70 First Year — Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson C. Part II. Uneven Numbers: (a) Lunge left sidewise with a one-fourth turn left. Swing arms sidewise upward with striking the ends of dumb-bells. Even Numbers: (b) Same opposite side one two halt Uneven Numbers: Bend right knee with three-fourths arm circle (inward) left arm forward, right dumb-bell upon right shoulder, dumb- bells vertical. Even Numbers: Same opposite side three four halt Uneven Numbers: Bend left knee, swing arms diagonally, left arm upward, right backward. Even Numbers: Same opposite side five six halt Uneven and Even Numbers : Return to position seven eight halt Repeat all exercises on opposite side eight counts Part III. Uneven Numbers: (a) Lunge left sidewise, swinging the arms sidewise upward with striking the ends of dumb-bells (the knuckles outward). Even Numbers: (a) Same opposite... one two halt Uneven Numbers: (b) Bend the right knee and bend trunk right sidewise, right hand dumb-bells upon the floor. Left arm circle over head. Even Numbers: (b) Same opposite.. three four halt Uneven Numbers: (c) Bend the left knee and bend trunk left sidewise, left hand dumb-bells upon the floor, right arm circle over head. Even Numbers: (c) Same opposite five six halt Uneven and Even Numbers : (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat all of Part VI opposite eight counts BREATHING EXERCISES: Inhale, raise arms forward upward, head backward six counts Exhale, lower arms down six counts Repeat all several times. Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson D. 71 Lesson D. Two-count movement. THEME: Knee bending, leg raising, lunging, combined with hopping, facing, thrusting and arm swinging. In Open Ranks. Part I : (a) Bend knee slightly, arms to thrust (the forearms are horizontal, knuckles turned downward) one two halt (b) Straighten the knees, raise the left leg forward and thrust arms forward (knuckles upward) three four halt (c) Lunge left forward and swing the arms sidewise five six halt (d) Left face and jump into position, close step seven eight halt Repeat Exercises (a), (b), (c), (d) eight counts Repeat all twice one to 16 counts Part II: (a) Bend knees deep, arms to thrust two halt (b) Straighten legs, extend left leg side- wise with thrusting arms sidewise. ...three four halt (c) Lunge left sidewise and swing arms sidewise upward with striking ends of dumb-bells over head five six halt (d) About face, jump in place (all face to the rear) seven eight halt Repeat Exercises (a), (b), (c), (d), right, but omit the word halt eight halt Part III: (a) Bend knees deep, arms to thrust one two halt (b) Straighten knees, raise left leg back- • ward and thrust arms upward with striking ends of dumb-bells, hands over head three four halt (c) Lunge left backward and swing the arms side downward with striking in the rear. five six halt (d) Jump into position, close step seven eight halt About face and repeat Exercises (a) , (b) , (c) , (d) , to the right side eight counts Repeat all but omit the word halt 16 counts (On the last count about face to the front.) BREATHING EXERCISES : Inhale and raise arms sidewise upward .' six counts Exhale and lower arms sidewise six counts Repeat several times. 72 First Year — Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson E. Lesson E. THEME: Spear throwing, shot putting, football kicking, standing jump. Part I. Spear Actions: (a) Right face, place the left foot forward with the left arm forward (dumb-bells vertical) right arm extended to the rear, elbow bent, aim- ing position one two halt (b) Left face, lunge left sidewise with swinging the arms sidewise and turning the face to the right (the knuckles of the left hand turned downward and of the right hand upward, bell horizontal preparing for throw) three four halt (c) Bend the other knee, turn trunk quick to the right leaning forward slightly, forcibly swing the left arm forward, at the same time move the right arm backward, bells vertical (the throw) five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight Repeat all opposite side eight counts Part IL Shot-Put Action: (a) Turn the trunk to the right, cross step left in front of the right, left arm extended ob- liquely sidewise upward one two halt (b) Hop left sidewise on the right foot, swing the left leg in the same direction and place the left foot sidewise... three four.. halt (c) Leap with a half turn to the left into the lunge position, the right leg forward and raise the arms obliquely, the right arm obliquely forward upward, eyes forward.. five six halt (d) Return facing to rear seven eight halt Repeat all but omit the word halt and on the last count face front eight counts Part HL Football Kick: (a) Right face, lunge right forward and bend trunk forward to right angle, placing dumb-bells upon floor one two halt (b) Raise trunk and lunge right backward with swinging arms sidewise three four halt (c) Kick forward right (as if kicking a football) and place the right foot forward, swinging the arms obliquely forward- up- ward five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat all to opposite side eight counts (a) Left face, raise heels and swing arms forward upward one two halt (b) Bend knees and swing the arms down backward three four halt Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson F. 73 (c) Leap in place (or forward) with swinging arms fore-upward, followed by knee bending and lowering the arms forward (to height of shoulders) five six halt (d) Return with facing to front seven eight halt Repeat all with a quarter turn left eight counts Repeat twice 16 counts BREATHING EXERCISES: Inhale, raise arms sidewse upward six counts Exhale, lower arms down six counts Repeat several times. Lesson F — Two-Count Movements. Part I. Exercise A: (a) Raise arm forward (striking bells) and point step left forward one two halt (b) Swing arms sidewise and step position left sidewise (knuckles up) three four halt (c) Swing arms forward (striking bells) and step left forward five six halt (d) Close step, return to position seven eight halt Repeat same right, but omit the word halt eight counts Repeat all left and right one. to 16 counts Exercise B : (a) Raise arms sidewise, dumb-bells upon shoulder one two halt (b) Extend arms sidewise three four halt (c) Return dumb-bells upon shoulder..... five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat all eight counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise C : (a) Raise arms sidewise and step position left forward two halt (b) Raise arms upward (striking bells) and bend left knee three four halt (c) Lower arms sidewise and straighten knee five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat same right one to. ..eight counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise D : (a) Raise arms sidew^ise, upward (striking bells) and bend knees to obtuse angle one two halt (b) Swing arms sidewise downward, striking bells in rear, and straighten knees three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (A) (striking bells). .five six halt (d) Return to starting position seven eight halt Repeat nine to 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts 16 count rest. 74 First Year — Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson F. Part II. Exercise A : (a) Bend trunk forward, arms down ward... one two halt (b) Erect trunk, arms sidewise three four halt (c) Bend trunk forward, arms down ward.... five six halt (d) To starting position seven eight halt Repeat all eight counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise B : * (a) Raise arms sidewise, dumb-bells upon shoulders one two halt (b) Extend arms sidewise and bend trunk sidewise three four halt (c) Return, erect body, dumb-bells upon shoulder five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat same right one to.. .eight counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise C: (a) Raise arms sidewise and turn trunk left one two halt (b) Raise arms upward (strike bells) three four halt (c) Lower arms sidewise five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat same right one eight halt Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise D: (a) Raise arms sidewise upward (striking dumb-bells together) one two halt (b) Bend trunk forward and swing arms sidewise downward three four halt (c) Raise arms upward with striking clubs and erect the body five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt eight counts Repeat all 16 counts Part III. Exercise A: (a) Arms downward and bend trunk forward one two halt (b) Swing arms sidewise, straighten trunk and lunge left forward three four halt (c) Close step, bend trunk forward, arms downward five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat same opposite one eight halt Repeat left and right ^one eight halt Exercise B : (a) Raise arms sidewise, dumb-bells upon the shoulders, elbows bent, charge left for- ward one two halt Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson G. 75 (b) Extend arms sidewise and bend trunk left sidewise three four halt (c) Dumb-bells upon shoulders five six halt (d) Return to position, fundamental seven eight halt Repeat same right one to.. .eight counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise C : (a) Raise arms sidewise, twist trunk left and charge left sidewise one two halt (b) Raise arms upward (striking bells) three four halt (c) Lower arms sidewise five six halt (d) Return to starting position seven eight halt Repeat same right one eight halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Exercise D: (a) Raise arms sidewise upward (striking bells) and charge left forward one two halt (b) Swing arms sidewise downward, bend trunk forward three'. four halt (c) Swing arms sidewise upward (striking bells) and straighten trunk five six .....halt (d) Return to starting position seven eight halt Repeat same right, but omit the word halt eight counts Repeat all one to 16 counts BREATHING EXERCISES: Inhale, raise arms backward upward six counts Exhale one count Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three or more parts. Take each part for a lesson. Then later take all for a lesson with music. See suggested games on pages 123-135. Lesson G — Dumb-bells. THEME: Leaning, lying, hands, stand, etc. Part I. (a) One-eighth turn left, bend knees to squat, dumb-bell upon floor one two halt (b) Straighten the legs backward into lying support, arms tense three four halt (c) Bend elbows to lower lying support with raising left leg backward up- ward, and return, head up five six halt (d) Raise right leg backward upward, and return seven eight halt (e) Raise left leg nine ten halt (f) Raise right leg eleven twelve halt (g) Jump to squat position thirteen fourteen (h) Front face fifteen.... sixteen Repeat same opposite side 16 counts 76- First Year — Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson G. Part II. (a) One-eighth left, bend knees to squat position, dumb-bells upon the floor one two halt (b) Extend legs forward into sitting position, arms forward three four.... halt (c) Lower trunk backward upon the floor with raising arms upward five six halt (d) Raise both legs up to right angle seven eight halt (e) Lower legs nine ten h al t (f) Raise trunk forward, arms forward eleven twelve halt (g) Place dumb-bells upon the floor and jump to squat position thirteen fourteen (h) Straighten legs and face front fifteen sixteen Part III. (Hand stand. Boys only.) one two .....three four Uneven Number: (a) One-fourth turn left with lunging forward, left arms obliquely forward upward. Even Number: (a) One fourth turn right and repeat same exercise right one two halt Uneven Number: (b) Lower trunk forward. Even Number: Swing the arms forward downward with placing the bells on floor '. three four (b) Even Number: Leave the bells crosswise on the floor, raise the trunk, and hold the legs of the uneven numbers (who have meantime executed hand stands) near the ankles eight counts All numbers to the front face ..four counts Repeat all, but even numbers execute the hand stand. ...16 counts BREATHING EXERCISE: Bend trunk forward to right angle. Raise trunk and inhale, with swing arms sidewise upward very slowly six counts Exhale, with lowering arms sidewise six counts Repeat several times. REMARKS: Take each lesson with 6-8 music time, or A-A time, according to a snappy time. After each lesson (A), (B), (C), (D) have been thoroughly learned, then have the four lessons together under one piece of music, 6-8 time. Bar Bells. . 77 Bar Bells. Part I. Exercise I: (a) Step position left forward and raise wand forward horizontally one two (b) Bend left knee, cross arms, left arm over three four Return five eight Same right nine to 16 counts Repeat one... to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Step left sidewise and raise wand sidewise left.... one two (b) Bend left knee and swing wand sidewise to right three four Return five eight Right nine to 16 counts Repeat one to .16 counts Exercise III: Step left backward and raise wand upward, horizontally one two Bend left knee and lower wand back of shoulders. three four Return five eight Same right nine to 16 counts Repeat... one to 16 counts Exercise IV: (a) Step left forward and wand in front of chest, horizontally one two (b) One-fourth turn right. Wand perpendicular three four Return.... five eight Same right nine to 16 counts Repeat one. , to 1 6 coun ts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Lunge left forward and raise wand forward horizontally one two (b) Kneel on right knee, cross. arms left, left over three four Return five eight Same right nine to 16 counts Repeat , to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Lunge left sidewise and raise wand left sidewise horizontally one.. two (b) Bend alternate knee and swing right three four Return five eight Right nine to 16 counts Repeat one to 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Lunge left backward and raise wand upward horizontally one.. two 78 First Year— Bar Bells. (b) One-half turn left, kneel on right knee, wand behind shoulders three four Return five eight Right nine to 16 counts Repeat one to 16 counts Exercise IV: (a) Lunge left forward and wand in front of chest one two (b) One-fourth turn right, bend alternate knee,' wand over shoulder (striking position) three four Return five eight Right nine to 16 counts Repeat one to 16 counts Part III. Exercise I: (a) Lunge left forward and raise wand forward one two (b) Bend alternate knee, bend trunk backward, cross arms, left over right, shoulder height.. three four Return five eight Right nine to 16 counts Repeat one to 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Lunge left sidewise, wand right sidewise hori- zontally ; one two (b) One-fourth turn right, bend alternate knee, bend trunk forward, lower wand horizontally downward three four Return five eight Right nine to 16 counts Repeat one to 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Lunge left backward and raise wand upward one two (b) Bend alternate knee, bend trunk forward, wand behind shoulder three four Return five eight Right nine to 16 counts Repeat one to 16 counts Exercise IV: (a) Lunge left forward, wand in front of chest one two (b) One-fourth turn right, bend alternate knee, bend trunk left sidewise, wand perpendicular on right shoulder three four Return five eight Right nine to 16 counts Repeat «... one to 16 counts BREATHING EXERCISES: Inhale, raise bar bells horizontally forward upward and drop bar bells in back of shoulders, elbows back, chest forward six counts Exhale, lower wand over head down to position six counts Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135. Indian Club Exercises — Lesson A. 79 Indian Club. Part I. — Lesson A. Position — Grasp club at both ends. Exercise I: (a) Raise club forward with toe step left forward one halt (b) Return to position two halt Repeat three four Repeat same right five eight Repeat all left and right eight Exercise II: (a) Step position left and bend right elbow in front of chest, elbow shoulder height. Club in right hand one (b) Return to position two (c) and (d) Repeat three four Repeat same right five eight Repeat all left and right 8 counts Exercise I : Square left, grasp both ends. (a) March forward four steps swinging arms forward one 4 counts (b) Mark time, arms upward five 8 counts (c) Left face, march forward (four steps) swinging arms forward downward.. nine 12 counts (d) Mark time, left face, and swing arms upward and down thirteen 16 counts Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise II: Square right. (a) March forward four steps with swinging arms up and down to each step one 4 counts (b) Bend trunk forward to right angle five erect six Repeat seven eight Repeat all three times 24 counts Exercise III: (a) Lunge right sidewise, right arm obliquely upward one two halt (b) Kneel left, right arm obliquely upward. .three four halt (c) Return to exercise (a) five six halt (d) Return to position , seven eight halt Repeat same left, but omit the word halt 8 counts Repeat all left and right 16 counts REMARKS: Position: Club vertically in right hand, in front of right shoulder, right elbow bent, left hand upon hip. Head of club in palm of right hand, index finger extended on neck of club. 80 First Year — Indian Club Exercises — Lesson A. Part II. Exercise IV: (a) Right arm circle outward to right one halt (b) Return to position two halt Repeat one.: to 16 counts Repeat same arm circle left outward one halt (b) Return to position two halt Repeat all one to 16 counts Exercise V: (a) Right arm circle inward with dip one (b) Return to position two halt Repeat all one to 16 counts (a) Left arm circle inward with dip (b) Return to position , two halt Repeat all one to 16 counts Repeat left and right on coming into position quickly, change clubs 16 counts REMARKS: The dip is executed by dropping the club upon the forearm. If club is in right hand, then the club will fall upon the right forearm, extended or elbows bent. (Either,) (Wrist movement.) Part III. (a) Right arm circle outward with hand circle in rear of right shoulder one two halt (b) Repeat from one to 16 counts (a) Left arm circle outward with left hand circle in rear of back one two halt (b) Repeat one to 16 counts REMARKS: Hand circle is executed as follows: Swing right arm outward vigorously, and as the hand comes over the head, dip the club outward right in rear of forearm and in back of right shoulder, and upward to outward swing again. Only one hand circle is described with the club. Beginners always circle too often and the consequences are they get the bumps. Don't mind them keep on practicing with a rigid body. Practice makes perfect. Part IV. (a) Right arm circle inward with hand ci rcle inward one two halt (b) Repeat all from one to 16 counts (a) Left arm circle inward with hand circle inward one two halt (b) Repeat all from one to 16 counts BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale and raise clubs backward upward six counts Exhale and lower clubs forward downward six counts Repeat several times. Indian Cluh Exercises — Lesson B. ' 81 REMARKS: Hand circle inward is executed in the following manner: Swing right arm circle vigorously inward downward, extend the arm to side and bend elbow ovxr head, club in line with forearm, then drop the club in rear of left shoulder, bring up and circle pass the right shoulder and whip up with right wrist to vertical position over head and swing arm circle inward again to hand circle again. Repeat this several times until perfect. Music waltz time. Club Exercises. Lesson B. Position: Elbows bent, clubs in front vertically and parallel up- ward. Head of clubs in palm of hands. Knuckles outward. Part I. Exercise I: (a) Three-fourths arm circle left inward one Dip club on forearm (arm straight and shoulder high) with stride left sidewise two halt Reverse three Return to starting position four halt (b) Same exercise with three-fourths arm circle right inward and stride right sidewise five eight (c) Three-fourths double arm circle inward nine Dip clubs on forearm (arms straight and shoulder high) and bend knees ten (d) Reverse eleven (e) Return to starting position twelve (f) Repeat exercise (c) thirteen sixteen. Repeat all 16 counts Part II. Exercise II: (a) Three-fourths circle left outward one Dip club on forearm in front of chest (arm bent) and stride left back- ward, elbow shoulder height two ♦halt (b) Reverse three Return to position four halt (a, b) Same exercise with three-fourths arm circle right outward and stride backward five six (c) Reverse seven (d) Return to position eight halt (e) Three-fourths double arm circle outward nine (f) Dip clubs upon forearm (arms bent in front of chest and rise on toes) ten halt (g) Reverse eleven (h) Return to starting position twelve halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts 82 First Year — Indian Club Exercises — Lesson B. Part III. Exercise I : (a) Double hand circle forward outward and return to starting position (club circle outside of arms) one two halt (b) Repeat three four halt (c) Double arm circle forward down and backward with bending trunk for- ward to right angle five halt (d) Swing arms forward to starting posi- tion six halt (e) Repeat exercise (c) seven halt (f) Repeat exercise (d) eight... halt Repeat all three times nine to 32 counts Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle outward with hand circle outward in rear of shoulders (onely one hand circle) one two halt (b) Repeat exercise (a) three four halt (c) Double arm circle with bending trunk forward obtuse angle five halt (d) Return to starting position six halt Repeat exercises (a) and (b) seven eight halt Repeat all three times nine to 32 counts Part IV. Exercise I : (a) Three-fourths double arm circle inward one Dip clubs on forearm and bend knees (arm straight and shoulder high) two halt Reverse to starting position three four halt (b) Three-fourths double arm circle outward five Dip club on forearm (arms bent in front of chest) six halt Reverse to starting position seven eight halt Repeat all three times 24 counts Exercise II: (a) Three-fourths arm circle left outward one Hand circle left outward (hand circle in rear ♦ of shoulder) two halt Three-fourths arm circle inward to starting position three four halt (b) Exercise (a), right hand , five eight halt Exercise III: (c) Three-fourths double arm circle outward nine Double hand circle outward ten Three-fourths double arm circle outward to starting position eleven twelve Repeat exercise (a) thirteen sixteen Repeat all 16 counts Indian Club Exercises — Lesson B. 83 Exercise IV: Like exercise I, but start arm circle and hand circle inward ...* one to 16 counts Part V. Exercise I : (a) Three-fourths double arm circle outward one Double hand circle outward two Three-fourths arm circle outward to starting position three four (b) Like exercise (a), but start arm circle and hand circle inward five eight Repeat all of Part V three times 24 counts Exercise II: (a) Three-fourths arm circle left .- one Double hand circle left two Three-fourths double arm circle left to starting position three four (b) Like exercise (a), but start double arm circle and double hand circle right five eight Repeat all of Exercise II, (a) (b) three times 24 counts Exercise III: (a) Three-fourths double arm circle left and stride left sidewise one Starting position and close step two halt Repeat three four halt (b) Like (a), but start double arm circle right and stride right sidewise five eight Repeat (a) and (b) three times 24 counts Part VI. Exercise I: (a) Double arm circle forward down and backward one Swing forward two halt (b) Dip clubs and move arms outward (arms are straight and shoulder height) three four Three-fourths double arm circle outward five Double hand circle six Three-fourths double arm circle outward to starting position seven eight Repeat three times 24 counts Exercise II: (a) Three-fourths double arm circle left one Dip clubs and lunge sidewise left (arms are extended to the right) two halt Reverse to starting position three four Three-fourths double arm circle sidewise right five Double hand circle sidewise right six (b) Three-fourths double arm circle sidewise right to starting position seven eight Repeat Exercises (a) and (b) three times 24 counts 84 First Year — Indian Club Exercises — Lesson C. Exercise III: (a) Double hand circle forward outward (club circle outside of arms) * one Double arm circle forward down and backward, lunge backward and bend trunk forward... two halt Reverse to fundamental position and swing clubs crossed over and bend trunk forward... three four halt Three-fourths double arm circle inward five halt Double hand circle inward six halt Three-fourths double arm circle inward to starting position seven eight Repeat three times. BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale and raise arms and club sidewise, head back, chest forward and rotate the arms, knuckles . down .^ six counts Exhale, lower arms. Repeat all several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into six or more parts. Take each part for a lesson. Afterward take all the parts with music. See suggested games on pages 123-135. Part I.- — Lesson C. Clubs to Starting — Raise. Exercise I: (a) Raise heels and three-fourths arm circle inward (outward position of the arms on a level with the shoulders) one two halt (b) Bend knees deep and dip clubs upon forearm three four halt (c) Straighten legs and three-fourths double arm circle outward (to over head position) five six halt (d) Lower heels and bend arms to starting position seven eight halt Exercise II: (a) Three-fourths arm circle outward (to arms bent and crossed on a level with the shoulders (as arm exercise A of Part III) one two halt (b) Lunge left forward and dip clubs on forearm three four halt (c) Close step left to the rear. Three- fourths double arm circle inward (to position over head) five six halt (d) Bend arms to starting position seven eight. halt Same right one to 16 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts Indian Club Exercises — Lesson C. 85 Part II. Exercise III: (a) Three-fourths double arm circle left (to position sidewise right) one two halt (b) Lunge left sidewise and dip clubs on forearm arms left side three four halt (c) Close left foot to right and three-fourths double arm circle right (to position over head) five six halt (d) Bend arms to starting position seven eight halt Repeat same right one to 16 counts Repeat all, but omit the word halt one to 16 counts Intermission exercises. (In place of rest some variety of tactics in posing stands.) (e) Bend trunk forward and again straighten with four-fourths double arm circle forward. (Passing the same on the left side, then over head to starting position), one two (f) Same right three four Repeat (e) (f) one.... two.... three four Part III. Exercise IV: Clubs to starting position.......,..:. raise. (a) Stride position left forward and three- fourths double arm circle outward with clubs extended in line with the forearms. Arms cross in front, square within arms, shoulder height .., ...two halt (b) Bend left knee and four-fourths double horizontal hand circle outward and move arms outward three four halt (c) Straighten left knee and three-fourths double arm circle inward (to po- sition over head) five six ...halt (d) Return to starting position seven... eight halt Repeat same right 8 counts Repeat all left and right 16 counts Exercise V: (a) Stride position backward left and three- fourths double arm circle inward (as Ex. a in Part III) one. ...... two halt (b) Bend left knee and four-fourths double horizontal hand circle inward (and move arms inward on a level with the shoulders) three four halt (c) Straighten left knee and three-fourths double arm circle inward (to po- sition over head) five six halt (d) Return to starting position seven eight halt Repeat same right 8 counts Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts 86 First Year — Indian Club Exercises — Lesson D. Part IV. Exercise VI: (a) Bend trunk sidewise left, double arm circle left, the left arm to be bent in rear of back, and the right arm to continue overhead one two halt (b) Return to starting position three., four halt Same right 4 counts (a) Step position left sidewise and three- fourths double arm circle left one two halt (b) Lunge sidewise left and four-fourths double horizontal hand circle to the left (move arms to the left).. ..three four halt (c) Return to toe step left and three-fourths double arm circle left (to position over head) five six halt (d) Return to starting position seven eight halt Repeat same right 8 counts Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts Part V. Exercise VII: (a) Lunge backward and double arm circle forward to backward, downward, obliquely position two halt (b) Bend trunk backward and swing arms forward upward .* three four halt (c) Return to exercise (a) five six halt (d) Return to position seven.... eight.. halt Repeat same right 8 counts Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale, raise clubs forward upward 6 counts Exhale and lower arms 6 counts Repeat several times. REST POSITION: Clubs under the upper arm, elbows bent, forearm horizontally for- ward, clubs close to body carry REMARKS: Divide this lesson into five or more parts. Take each part for a lesson if the time requires. Then later take all for a lesson with music. Waltz time. Waltz. Part I. — Lesson D. Exercise I: One and one-eighth arm circle outward to obliquely sidewise upward position and hold one two The same right three four Three double arm circle outward to position five eight Same right nine sixteen Repeat all one sixteen Indian Club Exercises — Lesson D. 87 Exercise II: Three-fourths arm circle left inward (height of shoulder) one Then dip the club on forearm (2) and hold two The same right three four One-half double arm circle outward (arms bent) five One, three-fourths double arm circle inward (arms bent) six seven eight Repeat right nine to 16 counts Repeat left and right one to 16 counts Exercise III : Straighten both arms to left, obliquely sidewise upward one Five-eighths arm circle inward right, left arm remain two One, seven-eighths arm circle outward to oblique right sidewise upward three four Double arm circle outward left five Double hand circle in rear of shoulders six seven Position eight Same right nine to 16 counts Repeat one.... to 16 counts Part II. Exercise I: Step position left sidewise, three-fourths double arm circle right to position one Cross right leg in rear of left, bend knees and dip clubs two Return and repeat one and two to right side three four Step position right sidewise one-half double arm circle right five One-fourth turn left on heels, quickly raise right leg backward and lower and dip clubs on forearm (arms forward) five six Two, double hand circle forward outside of arms seven eight Face front on count nine and repeat right nine sixteen Repeat left and right seventeen to thirty-two Exercise II: Bend trunk forward, straighten arms forward and immediately swing backward paralleled with the trunk one Straighten trunk and swing arms forward two Raise heels and swing arms sidewise three Lower heels and swing arms forward four Repeat seven times five to thirty-two Part III. Exercise I*: Three, double arm circle outward one three Arms obliquely sidewise upward four Lower heels, two arm circle outward and hand circle outward right behind shoulder five Change to opposite .six Repeat once seven eight Repeat three times nine to thirty-two 88 First Year — Indian Club Exercises — Lesson D. Exercise II: One-half double arm circle to left and double hand circle in front of hip one two One and one-fourth double arm circle left and dip club with lunge left sidewise three four Replace left foot, double arm circle right and double hand circle in rear of shoulders five.. ..six... seven... eight Same right nine sixteen Repeat left and right seventeen to thirty-two • Part IV. Exercise I: One-half double arm circle outward and double hand circle outward in front of thighs .one two One three-fourths double arm circle outward and bend knees deep three four Straighten knees and raise arms upward five Lower club backward on forearm six Bend arms in front of chest seven Straighten arms sidewise eight Repeat three times to position nine to thirty-two Exercise II: One-half double arm circle to left and double hand circle in front of thighs one two One and one-fourth double arm circle to left, one- fourth turn right (arms forward) three Dip club on fore arm four Double hand circle forward five Bend left knee, place right foot backward on toes and swing arms obliquely backward six Left face to fundamental position seven eight Repeat three times nine to thirty-two Part V. Exercise I: One-half arm circle left outward one Four-fourths hand circle in front of left thigh two One and one-half arm circle left outward (arm in up- ward position) three Four-fourths (high) front hand circle four Three-fourths arm circle left outward (arm in side position) five One and one-half arm circle left inward (to sidewise left) on a level with shoulders six seven Dip clubs on forearm eight Same right repeat nine sixteen One-fourth double arm circle outward seventeen Four-fourths double hand circle •. . . . eighteen One and one-fourth double arm circle outward (arms upward) nineteen Four-fourths high front double hand circle twenty Two arms and hand circle outward (i. e. simultaneously) arm circle left outward and hand circle right behind shoulder twenty-one Change to opposite twenty-two Repeat once twenty-three. . . .twenty-four Indian Club Exercises — Lesson D. 89 Repeat exercise from seventeen to twenty-four twenty-five. . . .thirty- two Repeat all to position thirty-two sixty-four Part VI. Exercise II: Step left sidewise and three-fourths double arm circle right (to sidewise left) one Cross right leg behind left (foot on toes) slightly bend with both knees and dip clubs on forearms two Repeat one-two to the right three four Repeat left five six Step right sidewise, one-half arm circle right inward (the left arm remains sidewise as in count six and raise leg sidewise quickly) seven Lower left foot to right and dip right club on forearm eight Double arm circle outward and double hand circle outward behind shoulders, repeat this twice, then double arm circle outward to starting position nine sixteen Repeat right seventeen thirty-two Repeat left and right thirty- three.... sixty-four Part VII. Exercise I: Three-fourths arm circle left outward one One and three-fourths arm circle left inward ,...;. two three Four-fourths hand circle left inward behind left shoulder ...four Three-fourths arm circle left inward (to sidewise left) ....five One and seven-eighths arm circle left outward (to obliquely sidewise upward) six.... eight Repeat right nine sixteen Five-eighths double arm» circle outward arms crossed on level with shoulders seventeen One and one-half double arm circle inward (sidewise on a level with the shoulders) eighteen nineteen Dip clubs on forearms twenty Simultaneously one-fourth arm circle left and four- fourths hand circle left outward in front of thighs and two hand circle outward right behind the right shoulder twenty-one . . . twenty-two Repeat twenty-one — twenty-two, the right arm executing the arm and hand circles, the left two hand circle twenty- three. . . .twxnty-four Double arm circle outward and double hand circle outward in front of thigh twenty-five ...twenty-six One and one-half double arm circle outward, arms upward and high front double hand circle twenty-seven . . . .twenty-eight Two arm and hand circle outward (i. e. simultaneously four-fourths arm circle left outward and hand circle right outward behind right shoulder) twenty-nine Change to opposite thirty Repeat once to starting position thirty-one... thirty-two Repeat and bend arms to starting position... thirty-three... sixty-four 90 First Year — Indian Club Exercises — Lesson E. Exercise II: One-half double arm circle to the left and double hand circle In front of thighs one two One and one-half double arm circle to the left and double hand circle behind shoulders three four Three-fourths double arm circle to the left (to position sidewise right) five Lunge left sidewise and dip clubs on forearm six Replace left foot and double hand circle to the right in front of right arm seven Double hand circle to the right behind right arm eight Repeat right nine sixteen Repeat three times seventeen.... sixty-four BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale and raise clubs sidewise up to oblique angle six counts Exhale and lower arms six counts Repeat several times REMARKS: Go through the lesson in parts without music. After the lesson is well taught then use the music. These exercises can always be used for exhibition. Clubs. Part I. — Lesson E. Practice Work: (a) Left arm circle outward with hand circle in rear of back one (b) Return to club position two halt Repeat all from one to 32 counts Same right 32 counts (a, b) Double arm circle outward with hand circle in rear of shoulders one two (a) Repeat all from one to 32 counts Part II. « (a) Left arm circle inward with (b) Hand circle inward behind shoulders one two (c) Repeat all from one to 16 counts (d) Same right one to 16 counts (e) Double arm circle inward with hand circle inward one two halt (f) Repeat all from one to 16 counts Part HI. (a) Double arm circle left with double hand circle left in rear of back one two halt Repeat all one to 32 counts Part IV. (a) Double arm circle right with double hand circle right one two halt Repeat all one to 32 counts Indian Club Exercises — Lesson F, 91 Part V. (a) Raise arm forward one halt (b) Horizontal hand circle to the left and move arm left at the same movement two (c) Return to position three four Repeat all one to 32 counts Same right 32 counts Part VI. (a) Raise arms forward one (b) Double hand circle left two (c, d) Return to arms and club position three four Repeat all one to 32 counts Same right 32 counts BREATHING EXERCISES : Inhale and raise arms forward with double hand circle forward outward, at the same turn move arm sidewise, head back six counts Exhale, lower arms sidewise down one count Repeat all several times. REMARKS: Don't forget the time scheduled for this work. Clubs. Lesson F. — Part I. Exercise I : Double hand, circle forward outside of forearms one two Exercise II: Bend trunk and swing arms backward three Exercise III: Straighten trunk and swing arms forward four Exercise IV: Double horizontal, hand circle to left five six Exercises V and VI : Three-fourths double arm circle to the left and double hand circle to the left behind shoulders... seven eight Part II. Exercises I and II: Three-fourths double arm circle to the left and one-fourth turn right (arms forward) one Dip clubs on forearms two Exercise HI: Double hand circle forward outside of arms three Exercise IV: Bend left knee, step position right backward and swing arms backward four 92 First Year — Indian Club Exercises— Lesson F. Part III. Exercise I: Kneel right and dip clubs on forearms five Exercises II AND III: Two-hand circle forward outside of forearms .......six Exercise IV: Straighten knees, replace right foot and swing arms backward... seven Exercise V: Swing arms forward and dip clubs on forearms ...eight Face right and repeat same right eight Repeat all sixteen BREATHING EXERCISES: Bend trunk forward, arms back, inhale and swing arms upward six Exhale, lower clubs six Repeat several times. Qymnasium Apparatus Lessons for High School First Year, Apparatus Gymnastics Exercises for dexterity, involving quick co-ordination and leading to skill and control. Cultivation of ease, move- ment, form, and grace, through se- quential practice orders leading to definite gymnastic exercises. Springing exercises, as jumping and vaulting with special attention to execution and form, and to the avoidance of over- execution. Games of alertness: Dancing calis- thenics, to improve grace and ease of movements. (93) GYMNASIUM WORK. In high schools equipped with a gymnasium the pupils will take up the following lessons according to schedule time. In mass work form the class into a column of ranks according to the number of apparatus at hand. (If you have four pieces of appa- ratus of a kind then have ranks of fours ; if six pieces of apparatus then have ranks of six, etc.) Special class work. Then divide the class into squads of eight or ten to a class and send them orderly to their various apparatus. Program of the Apparatus Work. Low Horizontal Bar (Four Feet High). Lesson One: (a) The first line of boys advance forward to the bars in front stand, (upper grip) on bar (knuckles upward) one halt (b) Drop into left knee hand and swing up to left knee support, body erect, legs and toes tense t two halt (c) Knee circle backward (hold tight with both hands and left knee and throw the weight of the body backward once around) .three halt (d) Repeat exercise (c) four halt (e) Swing left leg over backward to free arm support five halt (f) Vault off backward to front stand in fun- damental position six halt (g) Exchange places with the next pupil in an orderly manner seven eight Pupils continue to repeat same until all pupils had a turn. Repeat same right. REMARKS: Perhaps two or more can work upon an apparatus at the same time, as a time saver. Lesson Two. Low Horizontal Bar. (Double leg wheel backward. The first pupils march forward. (Upper grip.) (a) Jump to free arm support and swing left leg over to support one halt (b) Circle right leg over to sitting position, body erect (hold tight) two halt (c) Swing and circle the weight of the body backward. Head back, once around to sitting position three halt (d) Repeat exercise (c) four halt (95) 96 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. (e) Body erect and vault off forward to rear stand in fundamental position five six halt (f) Exchange places with the next pupil in an orderly way seven.... eight halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Then repeat same forward. Lesson Three: (a) Jump up to free arm support.. one halt (b) Circle left leg over bar to left knee support, change left hand to the outside of left leg, body erect two halt (c) Circle right leg over bar, and dismount with a one-fourth turn left, to keep knee bending, left hand upon bar, straighten leg to fundamental position three... four halt Exchange with the next pupil in an orderly way. Repeat same right. Lesson Four: (a) Spring and vault left over bar to rear stand in fundamental position one.... two... three four (b) Repeat same right. Lesson Five : (a) Front pull up to free arms support one halt (b) Dismount vault left over bar with a one-fourth turn left to deep knee position, left hand upon bar : two halt (c) Straighten leg in fundamental position three halt (d) Exchange places and next pupil four halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Repeat same right. REMARKS: Front pull up. (Upper grip.) Pull and bring feet and legs forward upward and over the bar to free arm support. Lesson Six : (a) (Double arm muscle wheel.) Both arms over bar, elbows bent, hands upon the chest, head up and hang position (b) Swing body and legsjorward (c) Backward two (d) Forward three (e) Circle swing backward twice over bar four. .five. .six halt (f) Drop off to rear stand seven... eight halt Exchange places with next pupil. Repeat same forward. Lesson Seven : Free Circle Wheel. (a) Jump to free support one halt (b) Free circle wheel forward, body clear from bar two halt (c) Under swing to rear stand three four halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Repeat same backward. Horizontal Bar — {Height of Head.) 97 Lesson Eight: Rear Pull Up (Skin the cat). (a) (Upper grip) In hang, squat between the arms to double knee hang on bar one halt (b) Straighten body, extend legs, head back, pull up backward until the bar comes to the lumbar region of the back two halt (c) Pull up to sitting position three halt (d) Dismount forward to rear stand ...four halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Practice the kipp. (a) (Upper grip.) The legs are swung forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly down again which gives the upward im- pulse to the body to free arm support. REMARKS: Practice makes perfect. This kipp cannot be taught as other lessons. It requires practice. Horizontal Bar (Height of Head). Lesson One: Horizontal Bar (Height of head). (a) Jump and left leg knee swing upward to left knee support one halt (b) Circle left leg backward over bar to free arm support, etc two halt (c) Under swing to rear stand three halt (d) Fundamental position four Same right. Lesson Two. (a) Jump and front pull up to free support one (b) Circle wheel forward two (c) Return to free arm support three (d) Under-swing to rear stand •. four Continue until all have had a turn. Repeat all but circle backward. Lesson Three : (a and b) Jump and squat through between the arms and rear pull up (skin the cat) to sitting position one two (c) Double sitting well backward, to setting position three halt (d) Dismount forward to rear stand four halt Continue until all pupils have had a turn. Repeat same with double sitting wheel forward. Lesson Four: (a) Jump and left leg over bar to sitting position on left leg one halt (b) Change hands and arms with hooking double arms lock under bar and interlacing fingers over left knee (hold tight) two halt 4 98 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. (c) Circle monkey wheel forward three halt (d) Grasp bar, erect body position four halt (e) Return left leg backward to free arm support five (f) Under swing to rear stand vsix Exchange places with next pupil and continue until all had a turn. Repeat same right. Lesson Five: As lesson four, but monkey wheel left backward. Same right. Lesson Six: Double monkey wheel. (a) Jump and swing over left knee up to sitting position one halt (b) Circle right leg over bar to sitting position, and double arm back under bar and interlace finger over both knees. Knees together two halt (c) Double monkey wheel forward to sitting position three halt (d) Change hands and dismount forward four halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Repeat same but wheel backward. Lesson Seven: Devil wheel. (a) Jump and front pull up to free support one halt (b) Circle left leg over bar and one-fourth turn right, cross legs tight, grasp both hands in front (upper grip), body erect, head up two halt (c) Circle left sidewise, once around to position three halt (d) One-fourth turn in left leg support four halt (e) Circle right leg over to sitting position five halt (f) Dismount forward to rear stand six (g) March off seven eight Continue until all had a turn. Repeat all but devil circle right. Lesson Eight: (a) (Under grip) (Knuckles down) Front pull up to free arm support one (b) (Change grip) Drop backward and swing left leg in between arms to left knee hang and swing upward to left leg support , two (c) Fall backward, left leg through between arms and under swing to rear stand three four Continue until all pupils had a chance. Repeat same right. Practice the kipp. (a) The legs are swung forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly forward and upward by bending the hips. then suddenly down again which gives the upward impulse to the body to free arm support. High Horizontal Bar — {Reach Height, Jump). 99 High Horizontal Bar (Reach Height, Jump). (Upper grip). Lesson One: (a) Reach height, jump into hang one halt (b) Swing forward, backward two... three.. halt (c) On the next forward swing up into left knee hand (d) and swing up to knee support four halt (e) Circle left leg backward to free arm support five (f) Under swing to rear stand six (g) Fundamental position seven eight Continue until all pupils had a turn. Repeat same right. Lesson Two : (a) Jump into hand and swing forward and back- ward one halt (b) Swing forward, into left knee hang, between arms and hands two halt (c) Swing up to left leg support three (d) Left leg wheel forward three times (e) Circle left leg backward to free support five (f) Under swing to rear stand six (g) March off seven eight Continue until all pupils had a trial. Same right. Lesson Three : Monkey Wheel left. (a) Jump and swing upward with left knee into left knee support one halt (b) Monkey wheel left forward, three times (see exercise 4 on low bar, head height, lesson four) one two three.. ..halt (c) Change hands (body erect) swing right leg to sitting position four halt (d) Dismount forward to rear stand six halt (e) March off seven eight Repeat same right. Lesson Four: Double Monkey Wheel. (a) Jump and swing up with left leg one halt (b) Circle right leg over to sitting position two halt (c) Double monkey wheel forward (see lesson six on low bar head, head height) three times (d) Dismount forward to rear stand four Continue until all pupils had a turn. Repeat all but double monkey wheel backward. Lesson Five: Front Pull Up. (a) Jump and swing front pull up to free arm support one halt (b) Circle wheel feet forward (body) following two times (c) Under swing to rear stand four Repeat all but body circle wheel head forward twice 100 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. Lesson Six: - Practice kipp until perfect. (a) Cipp. — Jump into hand hang and swing back and forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly down again, which gives the upward impulse to the body to free arm support. Kipp. — ^The legs are swung forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly down again which gives the upward impulse to the body. Low Parallel Bar. (Shoulder height.) (Advanced pupils head height.) Lesson One: (a) Inside side stand, hands in ordinary grasp on the front (farther) bar, jump up to support... one halt (b) Circle left leg left (backward) to front leaning rest on the rear bar two halt (c) Circle right leg right (backward) to meet the left leg three halt (d) Dismount backward, to front side stand four halt Continue in orderly manner until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Two : (a) Circle right leg to left (cut backward under left leg) to front leaning rest on rear bar one halt (b) Circle left leg right (cut backward under right leg) and close to the right two halt (c, d) Dismount backward to cross front stand three four Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Three : (a) Raise both legs sidewise left, circle legs to right to riding seat on both bars with 234 turn right. one two (b) Change grasp of right hand to reverse and screw dismount, turn with three-fourths turn right to side stand left three four Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Four: (a) Flank vault swing backward to front leaning rest, place right foot on farther bar (knee extended) one two (b) Dismount forward three four Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Five: (a) As lesson four but blank vault dismount right over both bars. Lesson Six: (a) Squat seat on rear bar one halt (b) Stand erect and immediately dismount over farther bar to back side stand Lesson Seven: All exercises free for all. IS Parallel Bars, 101 Parallel Bars. (For advanced pupils.) (High bars.) Reach height. Lesson One: Form ranks — First pupils advance forward to front stand at end of parallel bars and place hands upon the end of bars. (a) Jump up into free arm support, body erect, legs and toes tense, head up one halt (b) Swing legs forward to straddle position over the two bars, body erect, leg and toes tense, hand in rear two halt (c) Dismount left, into deep knee bending, right hand upon the left bar three halt (d) Straighten the body in fundamental position... four halt Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Two: Repeat same right. Lesson Three: (a) Jump into free arm support, body erect, legs extended, toes downward one halt (b) Swing into straddle position, hands in rear, raise legs and swing backward and forward and vault over left bar with a one-half turn left, into deep knee bending, left hand upon left bar two halt Lesson Four: (a) Jump into free arm support, body erect, legs extended , toes tense one halt (b) Swing into straddle sitting position, hands in rear two.... halt (c) Swing legs, backward and forward over left bar, with a one-half turn left to deep knee bending, left hand upon left bar three halt (d) Straighten legs, fundamental position four halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Five: Repeat all same right. (a) Repeat all four lessons one... two... three.. ..four (But instead of grasping hands in rear and raising legs with swinging backward and forward over bar). Place hand in front on each bar and immediately swing forward between bars and over bar with turns. Lesson Seven: (a) Jump to free arm support one halt (b) Swing and to straddle position on both bars two halt (c) Roll forward, grasp bars close in front, bend body forward, raise legs upward over to straddle position on the two bars. On landing safe, immediately let go hands, sit up, body erect, legs and toes tense three halt 102 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. (d) Place hand in front and grasp the bars, swing inward and over left bar to side stand right four halt Lesson Eight: Repeat same exercise right to side stand left. Lesson Nine: (a) Jump up to free arm support and swing forward to straddle position one halt (b) Grasp bars in front, and roll up to shoulder stand, body, legs and toes tense two halt (c) Double up. Bend legs at hips to right angle and continue to roll to straddling position, sit straight three halt (d) Grasp hand in front on bars and swing inward with one-half turn outward to bend knees, left hand on left bar and straighten to fun- damental position four Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Ten: Repeat all same right. Side Horse. (Hip height.) Lesson One: Class in rank formation. (a) First pupil advance forward to front stand. Hands upon pummels and vault left over neck of horse to rear stand one two halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Two: Repeat same right. Lesson Three: (a) Jump to free arm support one halt (b) Swing and vault left and turn left to a side stand left. (Always finish with knee slightly bent and straighten to fundamental posi- tion) two halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Four: Repeat same right. Lesson Five: In rank formations. (a) First pupil advance forward to front stand. Hands upon pommels. Jump to free arm support, arms extended one halt (b) Circle left leg over left pommel to straddle position forward, face to the front, and quickly change and grasp left pommel two halt (c) Cut and circle right leg over right pommel to side stand left, left hand on left pommel.... three halt |' F Long Horse— {Hip Height). 103 (d) In landing on feet slightly bent knees and straighten to position four halt Continue next pupil forward to apparatus until all have had a turn. Lesson Six: Repeat same right. Lesson Seven: (a) Jump to free arm support and circle left leg inward forward over left pommel to straddle position between pommels one halt (b) Circle right leg inward forward over right pommel to rear free arm support two halt (c) Squat backward to front stand three halt (d) Squat forward to rear stand four halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Eight: Repeat same right. Lesson Nine: (a) Jump upon neck, into straddling sitting position, facing left, legs tense one halt (b) Grasp pommel and scissors backward (swing legs backward and cross legs,' right or left leg under with one-half turn, to straddle position in the opposite direction) tw^o halt (c) Repeat Exercise (b), but with hands on neck of horse and scissors three halt (d) Grasp pummel, swing and dismount backward to cross front stand four halt Continue until last pupil had a turn. Lesson Ten : Repeat all but scissors forward into sitting position. REMARK: Scissors forw^ard. (a) Grasp hands in rear on pommel, swing legs forward and cross legs immediately with a one-half turn left or right. (b) Hands in rear and swing legs forward and cross legs imme- diately with a one-half turn, left or right. Long Horse — Hip Height. Lesson One: Horse lengthwise. (a) Jump to free arm support on rear of horse one (b) Jump down to front stand two (c) Jump forward hands upon horse, to straddle sitting position three (d) Place hands in front and swing, dismount left to side stand right, facing forward foui^ Continue until all have had a turn. Lesson Two: (a) In front stand run and jump vault left, with a one-half turn left facing the side of horse one 104 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. (b) Side vault right to rear side stand two Next continue same. Lesson Three: Repeat same right. Lesson Four: (a) Run and jump to straddle position one halt (b) Swing legs backward to lying support, body straight and legs extended, head up two..... halt (c) Stand up erect on horse three halt (d) Straddle dismount forward to rear stand four halt Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Five: Repeat same right. Lesson Six: (a) Run and jump into saddle space to straddling position one halt (b) Scissors backward two halt (c) Scissors backward three halt (d) Dismount left with a one-half turn left, facing to the class inside, stand right four halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Seven: Repeat same right. Lesson Eight: (a) Run and straddle vault to center of horse one (b) Swing up to lying support, arms extended, legs and body extended free from horse, head up two (c) Straddle forward and dismount to rear stand three four Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Nine: Repeat same right. Lesson Ten: Same as lesson eight but jump as far as the neck into straddle position. Lesson Eleven: Run and straddle vault over horse to rear stand. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Buck (Broad). Lesson One: A short run precedes all movements. (a) Jump to knee stand; dismount forward without the aid of the arms; body erect one halt Dismount two halt Next run. Lesson Two: (a) As lesson one with dismounting forward with one-fourth turn, one-half turn left and right respectively. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Buck — Long — {Hip Height). 105 Lesson Three: (a) Jump to squat rest, stand erect, dismount forward, with raising arms forward over head in the flight to rear cross stand. Continue until all pupils in the class had a turn. Lesson Four: (a) Squat vault forward, but between the arms only momentarily and knee raised high, the legs to extend again downward; the moment the feet clear the buck to rear stand one two Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Five: (a) As lesson four with one-fourth and one-half turns left and right respectively. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Six: (a) Squat vault forward to rear rest one halt (b) One-half circle left with left leg backward two halt (c) One-half circle right with right leg backward and down to front stand three (d) Straddle vault forward to rear stand four halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Seven: (a) Squat vault forward to rear rest one halt (b) One-half circle left with leg backward, to cross rest two halt (c) Scissors sidewise left and continue the circle of right leg to rear rest; raise both legs forward and dismount Lesson Eight: Repeat same opposite. Lesson Nine: An exercise free for all. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Buck — ^Long — Hip Height. (For advanced pupils, shoulder height). Lesson One: (a) Run and place hands upon buck and straddle, jump forward over buck to a rear stand in fundamental position one halt REMARKS: On finishing jumps, alwa^^s land upon toes, knee slightly bent, and straighten legs. Lesson Two: (a) Run and place hands upon buck and straddle jump forward over buck, left face, into side stand left one two Repeat Exercise (a) with one-fourth turn right. Repeat Exercise (a) with one-half turn left to front stand. Repeat Exercise (a) with one-half turn to front. 106 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. Lesson Three : Bucks. (a) Run and jump to squat position one halt (b) Straighten legs and body erect two halt (c) Jump forward with one-half turn left and clap hands three halt (d) Hands upon buck, knees slightly bent, straighten body to fundamental position four halt Continue until all had a turn. Repeat lesson three with one-fourth turn left. Repeat lesson three with one-fourth turn right. Repeat lesson three with one-half turn left. Repeat lesson three with one-half turn right. Lesson Four: (a) March to front stand and place both hands upon buck one halt (b) Vault to the left to side stand left two halt March back to place and the next follow to place and continue to command. Repeat same right. Lesson Five: (a) Run and vault left with one-fourth turn left one halt To side front stand two halt Continue until they all had a turn. (b) Repeat same right, etc. Lesson Six : (a) Run and vault left with one-half turn left.. one Hands upon buck, knees slightly bent, straighten legs, in fundamental position front rear stand two Continue until all pupils had their turn. Lesson Seven: (a) Run and jump to straddle position...! one halt (b) Swing legs backward, hands in front on horse, to lying support. (Body straight, legs ex- tended, resting upon rear of buck, body and legs free from apparatus; head up) two halt (c) Cross cut left under right leg, one-half turn right backward to straddle position three halt (d) Repeat Exercises (b) and (c) four.... five.... halt (e) Hands in front on buck and swing up to standing position upon feet, fundamental position.... six halt (f) Straddle dismount forward seven halt (g) Bend knees slightly, arms forward and into fun- damental position eight halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Eight: (a) Run and jump into straddle position one halt (b) Hands in front, swing legs backward and scissors backward two halt (c) Repeat Exercise (b) three halt (d) Swing legs backward and straddle dismount forward to rear stand four halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Giant Stride. 107 Lesson Nine: (a) Run and jump to straddle position one halt (b) Scissors forward (hands in rear on buck, swing legs forward and cross cut right, leg under left leg with a one-half turn to straddle position) two halt (c) Repeat Exercise (b) three halt (d) Hands in front and dismount backward to front stand four halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. REMARKS: Always have reliable leaders on watch for each buck. Giant Stride. Class formation and marching order. If eight ropes to a Giant Circle. Then form eight files; if six ropes, then form six files, five or more deep. Pupils approach the apparatus in successive order, beginning at the right flank of each file, and resume places in line by passing rear of files. Marching, hopping and running: (Pupils face center plate, grasping vertical sides of rope ladders or rounds [with both hands] shoulder height.) The ladder is down taut, body leaning backward. Lesson One: (a) March sidewise left (right) close feet with each step circle once around. Lesson Two: (a) Same with gliding (bending standing-leg) with each step. Lesson Three: (a) Same with cross step in front, rear and alternately in front and rear. Lesson Four: (a) Same with gallop step sidewise (circle left). Same with gallop step sidewise (circle right). Continue until all the pupils in the class had a turn. Lesson Five: (a) Same as lesson four with striking heels together Once around left. Repeat same right. Lesson Six: Place right leg over second round from the bottom. Lean outward right hand on top around, left hand on second round. (a) Run three steps forward to the left one two three (b) Spring up into the air one two six Repeat several times. Lesson Seven : Repeat Lesson Six same right, around the circle several times. Continue until all pupils had a trial. 108 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. Lesson Eight: (a) Grasp high rope round in right hand the opposite rope round in left, forming a large circle of six or more pupils to the giant circle one halt (b) Run backward left and swing legs backward into flying position, hold tight, head up two halt REMARKS: When any pupil gets tired it is for him to place his feet flat upon the floor and stop. Don't let go of the ropes or rounds. Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Nine: (a) Repeat lesson eight to the right, left leg over second round from bottom, run. Be very careful and don't lose your hold. Lesson Ten : (a) Run forward left with (vigorously pushing off with each foot alternately to increase length of step.) Same exercise right. Lesson Eleven: (a) Same as lesson ten with legs perfectly straight — giant stride. Lesson Twelve: Repeat same lesson right. Continue until all pupils have had their turn. Balancing Blanks. Four to eight balancing blanks, placed next to each other (about shoulder width apart.) Class has as many pupils to each rank as boards on hand. Exercise can be executed in linked order, or otherwise in close order at half or full distance. In linking, pupils grasp hands with arms bent or extended. Arms cross over and under next pupil's arms, front or rear with one or both hands on next shoulder, etc. Starting position is taken by placing the left or right foot on plank end. Lesson One: (Grasp neighbor hands outside pupils, one hand on hip place) (a) March forward (slow rhythm-erect, head and chest up) skip off plank end. Continue until all ranks have marched over to farther end. Form opposite class facing-about. (b) Repeat same backward. Class about face. Lesson Two: (a) Same as Lesson One, but with gliding forward (swinging legs forward along side of planks) at the end of plank skip off. All ranks continue the same. (b) About face and return to opposite end. Lesson Three: (a) As lesson one march sidewise left to opposite end. Hands upon front neighbor's shoulder. (b) Return back sidewise right. Storm Boards. 109 Lesson Four: (a) Gallop-step forward left. Return gallop-step forward right. Gallop-step left and right alternately forward. Return gallop-step, left and right alternately forward. Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Five: (a) Change step forward (join hands shoulder height, elbows bent.) (b) About face, return with change step. Lesson Six: (a) Change step backward. (b) About face, change step backward. Lesson Seven: About face. (a) Change step sidewise left. (b) About face and return. Lesson Eight: (a) Change, hopping, step same. (b) Return same. Lesson Nine: Three first ranks march forward between the balancing planks, body -length distance. The first rank at the father end. The second rank in the center. (a) Place hands upon the balancing planks one halt (b) Stretch legs backward to front lying support two halt (c) Return to squat position three halt (d) Return to fundamental position four halt Repeat three times. Continue until all have had a turn. Lesson Ten: About face. (a) Hop cross balancing planks. (b) Continue until all had a turn. March off. Storm Boards. Apparatus : Four slant boards, high ends resting on adjustable horizontal bars. Height from two to five feet. Boards are from eight to ten feet long and about two feet wide. Strong iron hooks are fast- ened under the edges of the boards for bar adjustment. Hooks as well as lower edges of board should be leather or rubber covered. Four mats, place lengthwise on the off side of the boards. Class Formation: Form Four files of pupils in front order (pupils next each other) at a distance from the boards, facing the starting boards. 110 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. Marching or Running Order: Pupils leave farthest end of files to take position on the starting places and resume place at end of line without interfering or crossing runner's path. Instructions: Command next run etc. Lesson One: (a) Walk up and down the board, turning about right or left on high edge without stopping. Repeat. Lesson Two: Same as lesson one with running up and down. Lesson Three: (a) Run and skip left to deep knee bending position center of board one halt (b) Stretch and skip sidewise left to side stand right two halt Next pupil run. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Four: (a) Repeat lesson three and finish to side stand left. Continue until all had a turn. REMARKS: In bending knees to squat, place hands on the outside of running board. Lesson Five: (a) Run and skip left with a quarter turn left to deep knee bending position in center of board, hands hold on edge of boards squat position one (b) Straighten and skip forward to rear standing position. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Lesson Seven: Jumping (both feet leave the board simultaneously.) (a) Run to jump off highest edge of board one halt (b) Swing arms forward, upward two halt Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Eight: (a) As Lesson Seven, jump off with swing arms sidewise upward, landing with slight knee bending. All pupils repeat same. Lesson Nine: (Place jumping standard on off side of boards; place jumping rope on the high level of the board or two feet higher than the edge of the board.) (a) Skip or jump forward, increasing height with each repetition; ditto, distance between standards and board. All leg and arm exercises, with one-fourth turns, one-half turns, and three-quarters facing. Increase height and distance simul- taneously. Lesson Ten: Increase the height of the rope. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Vertical Ladder — Front Stand. Ill Vertical Ladder (Front Stand). Lesson One: (Upper grip.) (a) Travel upward and downward, the left foot and left hand moving and grasping simultaneously, and vice versa. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Two: (a) As Lesson One, with skipping every other round. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Three: (a) As Lesson One, but alternate by jumping upward and moving both feet and both hands. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Four: (a) Run up and down ladder. Continue for all. Lesson Five: (a) Walk up to the height of the eighth round one halt (b) Hold tight with hand about reach height, right foot on lower round, and swing out- ward to left stride position, left leg and body tense, left arm sidewise two halt (c) Hold position three halt (d) Close in to first position four halt (e) Repeat Exercise (b) five halt (f) Return to ladder six halt (g) Downward to floor seven eight Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Six: (a) Repeat lesson five, but swing sidewise outward right. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Seven : (a) Walk up the ladder to the height of the 10th round one halt (b) Turn around carefully (under grip) rear hand- hang, body and arms tense two halt (c) Raise left knee to right angle three halt (d) Lower left leg four halt (e) Repeat same right as Exercise (c) five halt (f) Repeat Exercise (d) six halt (g) Stand on lower round, change grip down to side of 1 adder seven hal t (h) Jump down, landing to fundamental position eight halt Lesson Eight: (a) Walk up to the 10th round of ladder. (b) Turn and in rear hand hang. (c) Raise both knees to right angle one halt (d) Lower to hang two halt (e) Raise both knees three halt 112 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. (f) Lower to hang four halt (g) Repeat Exercises (c), (d), (e), (f) four counts (h) To stand, lower arms to side of ladder, jump down to deep knee bending, arms forward four counts Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Nine : (a) Walk up backward until the 10th round, into rear hand hang. (b) Raise both legs forward, extended to right angle one halt (c) Lower two halt (d) Repeat Exercises (b) and (c) several times. (e) Lower to stand and jump forward with a whole turn left or right three (f) Landing upon toes, to slight knee bending, arms forward and straighten to fundamental po- sition four Continue until all pupils had a turn. Oblique Ladder (Under Side). Lesson One: Jump to front hangstand (feet on lower round and hands in outside grasp on beams), (a) Travel upward and downward, the left foot and left hand moving simultaneously, and vice versa, up to the farther end of ladder. Continue until all pupils in class had their turn. Lesson Two: (a) As Lesson One, but with inside grasp on beams up to far end and return. Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Three: (a) As Lesson One, but alternate by moving both feet and both hands up to farther end of ladder and return. All pupils repeat the same exercise. . Lesson Four: (a) As the third lesson, but carefully move both feet and hands simultaneously. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Five: Jump to crosshang (arms slightly bent). (a) Travel upward and downward with legs spread wide sidewise. Continue as same. Lesson Six: (a) Travel upward and downward, moving hands simultaneously. Continue same for all pupils. Lesson Seven: (a) As Lesson Five with swinging (legs held together). Continue until all pupils had a turn. High Horizontal Ladder . In Front Sidehang. 113 Lesson Eight: In rear crosshang. (a) Travel upward and downward. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Nine: (a) As lesson eight with swinging sidewise. Continue until all pupils had their turn. REMARKS: Always have leaders when necessary to help and watch to avoid unnecessary accidents. High Horizontal Ladder. In front Sidehang (Upper Grip). REMARKS: A pupil on each beam or ladder if preferred. Lesson One: (a) Travel left sidewise with lower legs raised backward to farther end, and down. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Lesson Two: Travel left sidewise with knee raised forward to right angles to farther end and down. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Lesson Three: (a) Travel left sidewise and when the right hand advances, cross the arm over left, to father end of ladder. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Lesson Four: In rear sidehang (under grip, bent elbows). (a) Travel left sidewise and cross right arm over left as in lesson three. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Lesson Five: In crosshang, hands on outside beams. (a) Travel forward, advancing left and right alternately to farther end. Continue until all pupils had a chance. Lesson Six: (a) As lesson five, but travel backward to farther end of ladder. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Seven: (a) As lesson five and raise left leg forward when the left hand advances and vice versa. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Lesson Eight: In front sidehang (upper grip). (a) Raise knees upward, circle left leg under ladder, then over left leg outside knee hang left.... one halt (b) One-fourth knee circle forward to rest two halt 114 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. (c) Circle right leg forward three halt (d) Then lift left leg over to far beam four halt (e) Lower backward in double knee hand on rear beam (upper grip) five halt (f) Slowly turn over to an inverted hang six ...halt (g) Jump down to fundamental position seven eight REMARKS: Continue until all pupils had a turn. Two pupils on each side beam may take part. Always have reliable leaders on watch, for each pupil at the apparatus to avoid any accidents. Climbing — Poles and Ropes (One). Lesson One: (a) Grasp pole reach-height, jump into bend arm hand, raise both legs upward on left arm side of pole, right angles one two Then lower legs and cross legs around the pole in climbing position, left leg and foot over front of pole, right leg and foot in rear of pole in climbing position three four Repeat same opposite side five eight Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Two : (a) Jump up to cHmbing position one halt (b) Down two two halt Repeat three times. Lesson Three : (a) Run forward, jump up to clim^bing position, swing backward and down. (Hold to the pole.) Repeat twice. Lesson Four: (a) Run forward, jump up to bend arm hang, elbows bent, hold tight, raise lower legs, feet and legs together while swinging backward one two (b) Swing forward three (c) On the backward swing down four Repeat twice. Lesson Five: Stand with pole under left arm, hands reversed on a level with the upper part of the thighs, the body slightly bent forward. Continue until all pupils had a turn, (a) Raise both legs backward as high as possible; lower and repeat. Same opposite. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Lesson Six: (a) Same as lesson five and spread legs wide sidewise after they have been raise backward. Repeat twice. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Rings — {Head Height). 115 Lesson Seven: (a) Without swinging, jump to climbing position and climb to upper end if possible. Carefully slide down, hand after hand. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Lesson Eight: (a) Run forward, jump into climbing position and climb to top. (b) Carefully slide down, hand under hand to position. Poles (Girls). Lesson One: (a) Place the left lower leg against the pole and grasp the pole with the left hand a little higher than the head one Jump up, place the right lower leg in front to climbing position and grasp pole with right hand close above the head two Down three four Lesson Two: (a) Jump up to climbing position one (b) Down two Repeat. Lesson Three: Walk backward with pole. (a) Run forward and jump up into climbing position, swing back and downward while swinging backward. Repeat twice. Lesson Four: (a) As Lesson Three, but hold by the hands and raise lower legs backward while swinging backward. Repeat several times. Lesson Five: (a) As Lesson Three, but swing twice forward and backward. Lesson Six: (a) As Lesson Four, but swing twice forward and backward. Lesson Seven: (a) Without swinging, jumping to climbing position and climb to upper end if possible. Continue until all pupils in class had a turn. Rings (Head Height). Lesson One: Lower body backward to hang lying. (In hand hang, arms extended in lying support, legs extended, body tense, feet flat on floor) position (a) Raise left knee to right angle one :halt (b) Return to position two halt (c) Repeat Exercise (a), but right three halt (d) Return to position four hal t P^epeat several times by command. Return to fundamental position. Continue until all pupils had a turn. 116 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. Lesson Two : (a) In hang lying, bent elbows and pull upward, feet remain firm upon floor one halt (b) Return hang lying two halt Repeat three times. Continue until all had a trial. Lesson Three : Stand in between the vertical ring ropes, feet firm, lower body backward, body and legs tense position (a) Circle left. (b) On the first quarter begin twisting trunk left. halt (c) On the second quarter your twist is completed to a one-half turn left two halt (d) On the third quarter, twist left backward three halt (e) On the fourth quarter to original position (Front hang lying) four halt Repeat three times. Lesson Four: Repeat same exercise right. Continue until all pupils had a turn in class. Lesson Five : (a) From fundamental position grasp the rings one halt (b) Turn backward to an invert hang stand two halt (c) Return to position three (d) Repeat Exercise (b) four (e) Return to position five (f) March back to your place in an orderly manner six Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Six : (a) In bent arm swing, left leg over left arm, look through right ring, cut left hand with left leg, catch left ring with hand, legs extended downward into bent arm hang one two Repeat three times. Lesson Eight: (a) In upper arm hang run and swing forward with one-half turn left in high one two three (b) Return, run and swing forward in high with a one-half turn right one two three Repeat four times. Lesson Nine: Repeat same exercise with opposite turn in high. Continue until all pupils had their turn. Lesson Ten : (a) Run forward, jump up and bend arms; swing backward in the bent arm position and at the end of swing extend and run forward again into bent arm hang, etc. Repeat several times. Lesson Eleven: (a) Turn over to an inverted hand and rotate the shoulders into hand hang one two (b) Repeat again. Rings — {Reach Height Jump). 117 Lesson Twelve : Free exercise for all. See suggested games on pages 123-135. Ring — (Jump Into Reach Height, Feet Barely Touching the Floor). Lesson One : (a) In hand hang position (b) Run forward and backward with a pendulum swing in high. Repeat several times. Continue until all had a turn in class. Lesson Two : (a) Run forward and swing with a one-half turn left one (b) Run backward and swing high with a one-half turn right two Repeat several times. Continue until all pupils had a turn in class. Lesson Three : (a) Jump over to an inverted hang one (b) Return to front hand hang two Repeat several times. Lesson Four: (a) Raise body upward to a vertical position, feet up against the ropes, head down, arms extended one (b) Return to hand hang tw^o Repeat twice. Continue until all pupils had a turn. Lesson Five: (a) Run and swing forward and pull up into bent arms swing one (b) On the end of the return back swing stretch out and swing forward again to a bent arm hang two Repeat several times. Lesson Six: (a) Run and swing forward and raise left leg over left elbow, elbows bent, right leg extended downward, toes tense, eyes look through right ring on the backward swing one two (b) Swing forward in left knee hang three (c) On the end of the back swing cut left and grasp left ring to an extended arm hang four halt Continue until all had a turn in the class. Lesson Seven : Repeat all same right. Lesson Eight: (a) Hand-hang to an inverted hang and rotate the shoulder sockets to hand-hang one two (b) Repeat once more. Lesson Nine: For advanced pupils. (a) Run forward and pull up body to an Inverted hang in the backward swing one two (b) Pull up backward to the front hand-hang three four Continue until all had a turn. 118 First Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. Lesson Ten : (Only for the most advanced.) (a) Run and swing up into an inverted hand and immediately rotate the shoulder sockets on the end of the back swing one two Run forward again and repeat three four Continue until all pupils had a turn. High Jumping. Lesson One: (a) Spring off left foot and swing arms forward to half bent knee position one two Lesson Two: (a) Repeat lesson one, but spring off right one two Lesson Three: (a) Stride jump forward (similar to hurdling) spring off left foot and landing on the right. Lesson Four: (a) As lesson three, but spring off right foot and landing on the left. Lesson Five: (a) Spring off left foot and land on left with additional hop. Lesson Six: (a) As Lesson Five, but spring off right foot, etc. Lesson Seven: Try for high jump — record, 763^ inches. Continue until every one had three trials on each jump. High Jumping With Spring Board. Lesson One: (a) High jump with spring board. Same exercises as in the high jumping. Interscholastic Athletic Association of the State of Missouri will be formed in the future according to Rules and Regulations. Tumbling. One of the most natural of physical activities for children is tumbling. In its technical sense this mode of physical training is of much value and always pleasurable to those who take part in it. In the playgrounds tumbling may be done on the soft grass or a definite place may be made with a dug-out space in the ground filled with several inches of tanbark or other suitable material. In the gymnasium we have the mats. Placing two or more mats on top of each other for a soft bedding. Always use the lungers for tumbling. A beginning point for tumbling is the "Forward Roll." Lesson One: Forward Roll. (a) Place hands upon mat a foot in front of toes. Bend head forward and then bend the body forward at hips one halt Tumbling. 119 (b) Bend knees and sink until shoulders are close to the ground two halt (c) With a little push with toes, roll over, keeping close to chest three halt (d) Just as the toes are off the ground in the roll forward, push the arms forward straight in front of chest, thus aiding in coming to standing position. Continue until all pupils have had a turn. Lesson Two: (a) The backward roll is done by dropping from standing position to a squat, toes raised from ground, and falling backward quickly one (b) As soon as the body falls backward, the hands are pushed in the same direction and placed on the mat two (c) Push strongly with the hands to help roll and to raise the body to make room for the head, which is during this time bent forward three (d) Keep the knees close to chest until the roll is completed; then rise to standing position, roll backward and then stand four halt Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Three: (a) Combine the forward and backward roll, doing the forward first one halt (b) Backward roll two halt (c) (d) Snap up to stand three four Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Four: The dive is executed same manner as diving into water. (a) Start with a little jump from both feet, hands together over head, let hands strike the mat first, with feet in the air one halt (b) Then roll as before two halt (c) The length of the dive can be from a few inches to as many feet as the expert can cover three halt (d) To standing position four halt Continue until all had a turn. Lesson Five : The high dive can be done in similar manner. Begin by diving over a boy kneeling on hands and knees. Gradually increase the height as you practice. A jumping standard is good for practicing clean diving and roll forward to front stand. Lesson Six: A back hand spring is something for the boys to work for, during their learning stage. This is a feat of considerable difficulty and should not be tried unless some one is at hand who under- stands to help you. Always use the lungers for difficult tumbling to avoid any accident. 120 First Year — Tumbling. Lesson Seven: Head stand with assistance. (a) Place hands upon mat with left foot forward, knees bent low one (b) Place hands on mat and place head on mat about eighteen inches forward two (c) Spring legs upward, legs extended, toes tense and balance. The assistants grasp the legs and hold, then help to assist in the balancing activities. The head stand can be practiced in the corner of a room without the assistants. Then finally practice away from the wall. Hand stand with assistance: (a) Take a step forward, spring and place left foot forward knees bent, bend trunk forward, arms slightly bent outward one (b) Swing legs up to a vertical position, legs extended, toes tense, head up, back arched two The assistants grasp the ankles and hold. Then help the actor to the balancing activities. The hand stand can be practiced in the corner of a room without the assistants. Then finally practiced away from the cor- ner wall. Lesson Eight: No. 1 boy lies upon his back, legs extended straight upward at right angles one halt No. 2 boy stands with his legs in stride position over No. 1 boy, facing No. 1 boys' feet two halt No. 1 grasp No. 2 boy's ankles. No. 2 grasp No. 1 boy's ankles three No. 2 boy dives forward, carrying No. 1 boy's feet to the mat, with knees bent to squat position four halt No. 2 boy continues the dive, and as he rolls forward No. 1 boy rises and follows in the same manner, each holding to the ankles of the other all the time. Continue several times. i High School First and Second Year Qames of<^lertness (121) Games. 123 GAMES. 1. Captain Ball. 2. Indoor Baseball. 3. Volley Ball. 4. End Ball. 5. Basket Ball. 6. Hand Ball. 7. Progressive Dodge Ball. (Red, white and blue.) 8. Soccer Football. 9. Kick Football (Game as Baseball). 10. North and South (Toss up Coin, Head or Tails). 11. Three Deep. 1,2. Poison (Three Indian Clubs). For professional games see any sporting book on rules or Spalding Athletic Library on Ball Games. Athletics. 1. High Jump (start height 38 inches) boys and girls. 2. Broad Jump (boys and girls). 3. Hop, Step and Jump (boys). Start — Foot Board five feet distance from under crossbar. Height 34 inches. Raise height 4 inches and move foot board back six inches for a point. 5. 100-yard dash (boys). 6. 65-yard dash (girls). 7. Throwing Basket Ball for distance (girls). 8. Eight Pound shot (boys). 9. Pole or Rope Climbing (girls or boys). 10. Throwing Baseball for Distance (boys). 11. Climbing on horizontal bar (boys). 12. Graceful posing (Eurhythmies) (girls). In High Jumps. For High Jumps and Broad Jumps the High Spring Boards may be used, etc. 4. Far High Jump Boys. GAMES. 1. Indian Club Guard. — Form a circle and join hands. Arms ex- tended and step backward about four steps (16 players). Place three Indian clubs in the center of ring about 12 inches apart, in triangular form. One player is chosen to be guard and stands in the center. A basket ball is passed swiftly around and across the circle while the guard tries to keep between the clubs and the ball. The object is to knock down the clubs with a swift unexpected throw\ When the clubs are all knocked down another player is chosen. The time for each guard to stay in the center may be limited to two minutes. 124 First and Second Year — Games, 2. Long Ball. — Mark out three bases — home, pitcher's base and long base — each a yard square or three gymnasium mats. The pitcher's base should be about 32 feet from home plate. The long base, 42 feet from home plate, diagonally. Use an indoor ball. Choose two teams, ten players to a side. Have one team at the bat according to numbers. The other team is on the outfield. Each player remains at bat until he hits the ball and then runs to long base, no matter where the hit ball goes. There are no foul balls in the game. The pitcher must toss the ball to the batter. If a hit ball is caught before the ball hits the ground the batter is out. If the fielder misses the fly ball, he can get it and try to hit the batter with it before he can reach long base or while running back to home plate from long base. Players reaching long base may remain there until they have a chance to score for home plate. Three outs, change sides; continue until required innings are played. The team scoring the highest number of points wins. 3. Cross Tag. — If the class is large, divide it into two or more groups, having each group play by itself. One child in each group is "it." He runs, trying to tag someone; a third child or pupil runs between the first runner and the chaser. The chaser then runs after this third party, changing his object each time a child runs between him and the runner. When tagged, the child raises his hand so that everyone will know he is "it," and the game continues. 4. Posture Tag. — Have two or more files of equal numbers; leaders of each step up with file to starting line and then face to rear of room. Place a bean bag on the head of each leader, and at a given signal each runs thru aisle to rear of room and back to starting line, where next player is prepared to take bean bag, place it on his head and repeat operation. Continue in this manner until the side whose last player finishes first wins. If a player drops the bean bag, he must pick it up and continue the game. 5. Center Base. — ^All the players are seated, except one, who, standing by a desk in the center of the room (the desk should be marked on top with chalk to distinguish it) , tosses the bean bag to some other player. That player must catch the bean bag, put it on the center desk and quickly chase the one who threw it. The thrower tries to get back to the center base and touch the bean bag without being tagged. If he succeeds in this, he goes to his seat and the game is repeated with the other player throwing the bean bag. If he is tagged before touching the bean bag, he throws again, and the chaser returns to his desk. See that those sitting keep their feet out of the aisles. 6. Snow Fort Bombardment. — Divide into two teams. Each team builds a fort out of snow. (The forts should be placed at a convenient throwing distance apart.) After the forts are built time should be given for the storing of a considerable amount of snowball ammunition. Fire is opened upon a mutually agreed signal. Those hit are prisoners of the others and must make more ammunition for that side. A time limit may be set and the team having the greater number of prisoners at the end of the time wins. The captain of each team must be honest and see that his players who are hit give themselves up to the opposite side. No player is allowed to hit the captain. The captain is not allowed to take part but is only allowed to command and direct. 7. Zigzag Relay. — Form ranks of six or eight, open ranks with arms sidewise. Number your files from one to eight. Draw a starting line in front of your files. Place three Indian clubs, about two feet Tug of War, Switching — Games. 125 apart, at the end of the fifteen or twenty-yard line in front of each leader, who, having toed the starting line, at a given signal runs directly to his set of clubs, zigzags between them, without knocking them down, and returns back to his team. The second player should be waiting for his "touch off," with his toes back of the starting line and with his hand extended. The second player repeats the run, and the game is continued in this manner until the side whose last player finishes first wins. A player is disqualified for either starting over line before the "touch off" or for failing to replace clubs after knocking them down. 8. Tug of War (Eight or more players to a side). — Equipment — A strong rope about 30 feet long. Stretch the rope full length and divide the distance. Mark a distinct line at the center of rope on the floor or ground. Divide the players into two teams, having the same number to each team on either side of the dividing line. At the command, "Pull," both teams put all their energy to the task and try to pull their opponents over the center line. The team wins which succeeds in pulling all the players of the opposing side over the center line. 9. Switching. — Place eight wands in parallel position upon the floor, about one foot apart, and put Indian clubs and dumb-bells in spaces as follows: c c c D D D Place three Indian clubs in three spaces from left and three dumb- bells in three spaces from the right. The game consists in placing the clubs and the dumb-bells in such a manner that the positions are re- versed — clubs right and dumb-bells left of the center. The pieces can be moved to the opposite side only, not more than two spaces to be crossed at a time. The transposition may be accomplished in fifteen moves, as shown in the following table of successive moves: C stands for clubs; D for dumb-bells. 1 2 C C C C C C D D D D D D 3 C C D C D D 4 C C D C D D 5 C C D D C D 6 C D C D C D 7 C D C D C D 8 D C C D C D 9 D C D C C D 10 D C D C D C 11 D C D C D C 12 D C D D C C 13 D D C D C C 14 D D c D c C 15 D D D c c C 16 D D D C c C 126 First and Second Year — Games. Volley Ball. A 0| O vL h9 <- SOI^e^ 10. Remarks. — Secure a tennis net about two feet wide and a volley ball. The court field is thirty feet wide and fifty feet long. This is di- vided into halves by a net which is stretched between two posts, six feet six inches above the ground. The posts should be placed a foot out- side the boundary line of the court. TThe players are divided into two teams. The members of each team are numbered and scattered evenly over their division. The object is to keep the ball in motion over the net by lightly batting it back and forth with the hand. The ball must not touch the ground nor go outside of the boundary line. The team sending the ball over the net so that it lands on the ground on the op- ponent's side scores a point. Start and Rules. — Number one of the serving team stands with foot on rear line, tosses the ball up with the left hand and bats it with the palm End Ball— Games. 127 of the right hand across the net. The server has two trials to send the volley ball across the net. If he or she should fail to do this on the first trial, or if the members of the team know his serve and wivsh to assist him at the beginning, the server bats the ball as before at least ten feet and then the ball is assisted on its way by other members of the team. Should the assisting player fail to put the ball over the net, the server does not get a second trial even though he has had but one. Number one continues serving until his side fails to return the ball or until he has made two faults in succession. The faults may be (1) the ball hits a player on the server's side; (2) the ball hits the net; (3) the ball sent outside of the boundary line. The ball must be batted with open palm. Any number of players may hit the ball to send it across the net; no player may hit the ball more than twice in succession, but a player may hit it again after it has been hit by some other player. The volleying of the ball continues until one of the sides fails to return it. The ball which hits the net is a dead ball and counts as a failure unless it is a service ball. If it is a service ball, the server loses one of his trials. A ball which hits any object and bounds into court is considered to be in play. If a player on the serving side hits the net, the ball is put out of play and goes to the opponents. Should he be on the receiving side, a point is scored by the serving side. The ball is then passed to num- ber one of the opposing team who serves until he fails. The players serve by number, teams alternately. Score. — The only side which scores is the serving side, with a few exceptions. Each time the serving side sends the ball so that it passes the net and lands on the ground of the opponent's court, the serving side scores one point. When the receiving side sends the ball so that it lands on the ground of the serving side, it does not count a point. The ball passes to the receiver and they become servers. A ball sent under the net counts against the side sending the ball and scores a point for the opponents. A ball which is sent outside the boundary line and which bounces in again is in play, but counts a point against the side sending it out. If a player catches or holds a ball, a point is scored for the op- ponents. The game is finished when all players on both sides have served. End Ball. 11. Select twelve players to a team. Two of these players are selected as guards, who are placed on the opposite side of the court in guards' space in rear of opponents. The opposing teams place their guards on the opposite sides in guards' spaces. If a guard catches the ball, it will score a point for his side. The rules for the guards are not to run or step out past their boundary line. The guard may have one foot over boundary line in order to catch the volley ball but not both feet. He may jump up as high as possible to get the ball. If the ball is caught by the guard , then the guard throws the ball back to the referee, who calls the next number in order to the center line opposite the other. The referee tosses the ball up about four feet over their heads and between the two players who jump and try to hit the ball back to players or over to their guards. No player is allowed to overstep his boundary line, nor is he or she allowed to step in the guards' spaces. No player is allowed to hit the ball with his fist, only with open hand; nor is a player allowed to kick ball or use insulting remarks; if so, the player can be penalized a point. 128 First and Second Year — Games, The first team to score 21 points wins the first game. The ruHng is to play and win two out of three games in order to decide the winners of the set. To be played with volley ball. eii^MDJ JFMCE So Center Line, So 55 t!Sl 1^ GMRVS 5?RGI SO^eet - V \ Captain Ball — Games. 129 1. Indoor Baseball. — The game is played in the same manner and with the same ruling as baseball only with the following exceptions: 1. Select ten players to a game. 2. There are two short stops to a game. 3. A foul ball five feet above the batter's head is out. 4. The distance of pitcher's box from home plate is 30 feet. 5. The running bases are 45 feet distant. 2. Poison. — Form a circle of eight players and place three In- dian clubs in center of circle. Join hands and pull your left or right hand neighbor toward the clubs with the intention of forcing your neighbor to knock down a club. The player who knocks down the clubs or club steps out of the game and the balance of players con- tinue the play until the last two fight it out for the championship. For large classes form several circles, etc. 3. Tether Ball (Rules). — (a) The pole shall be twelve feet above the ground and shall be set in the center of a five-foot circle. The pole shall have a line marked around it five feet from the ground. (b) A twelve-foot line passing through the center of the circle shall divide the play space into two courts. (c) The nine-inch ball shall be attached to a strong cord so that it hangs three feet from the ground. (d) A team shall consist of three players ; each player to take part in a game. (e) The game shall be started by a player who wins the toss up, taking hold of the ball and batting it with the right or left. The opposing player bats in the opposite direction. (f) A point is made by winding the whole cord around the post, above the five-foot line. (g) After a point has been made a player from the team opposite to the one that began the game starts the play. The third start is made by the last player of the first team (making three innings) . (h) The side scoring most points in the three innings wins the game. In a match, three games shall constitute a set. (i) Fouls are called as follows: (1) Stepping into circle; (2) stepping into opponent's court. (j) A foul gives the ball into the hands of the opponent. Captain Ball. The field is 30x60 feet, divided into spaces 30x30. 1. Ten players form a team. They are divided into five basemen and five guards. 2. Their positions are as shown in the diagram on page 187. The bases are two feet square. 130 First and Second Year — Games. CAPTAIN ■ ^ X X X m X X i CENT^f^ ID X X 11 X :Feet. [S\F'e&t A I CflPT/J/N — SOFeet — Net Hand Ball — Games. 131 3. Guards are not allowed to go into the territory of their oppo- nents, nor to step into the boxes. 4. Basemen must always have at least one foot in their boxes. They are allowed to jump up into the air to catch the ball. 5. The game is in charge of an umpire, who calls all fouls. At the beginning of a game he tosses the ball up in the center of the field between the two guards who face him. 6. After a point has been made he tosses the ball up in the center. 7. If a ball is held between two players he blows his whistle once, and then tosses it up again between the two players. 8. In case of a foul he decides which baseman shall have the ball for a free throw. (In a free throw the baseman having the ball may not be interfered with, but the other players of his side should be guarded. 9. There shall be a scorer, who is also timekeeper. 10. If in the course of the game the ball rolls outside of the field it shall be put in play by one of the guards nearest the place where it rolled out. 11. The object of the game is to get the ball (a basket ball) suc- cessively into the hands of two or more basemen of a side. Points Are Made as Follows : 1. If the ball successively gets into the hands of two basemen of the same team, this play counts one point. 2. If the ball successively gets into the hands of a baseman and then to the captian, this play counts two points. 3. Should the succession be captian, baseman and then again cap- tian, the play also counts two points. 4. If the ball successively gets into the hands of two basemen and then to the captain, the play counts three points. Fouls Are Made As Follows: 1. Carry the ball. 2. Striking the ball when In hands of a player. 3. Holding, pushing, striking or tripping an opponent. 4. Getting out of the box with both feet at the same time. 5. Stepping into the opponent's boxes. 6. Talking back to umpire on decisions. Net Hand Ball. 1. Select five players to a team. 2. The game is played with a tennis ball and batted with left or right hand. 3. In the first serve, number one from the ten-foot space must serve the ball over the net and within the forty-foot space. 4. The server gets two trials. 5. If the server is successful in her serve, the opponent players hit and return the ball over net. The opposite side returns ball back over net to opponent who again takes it up and returns to opposite players, This is kept up until one of the players fails to return ball over the net, then number two of the same team steps up to serve from the ten-foot space. If her opponent fails to return the ball over net, that scores a point for the server. Twenty-one points win the game. 6. Each side has three serves. 132 First and Second Year — Games. CeTtt&rAiei llhoy M^ o ^^eet. Soccer Football — Games. 133 7. Any player on the opposite side of the server may hit the ball in return. 8. After the return of the ball any player is qualified to hit the ball in return. 9. Any server may continue to score as many points as she can un- til she fails to return ball over net. 10. Two out of three games decide the winners. 11. If a tie, an extra game is played. Organized leagues can be formed. Soccer Football. Fouls. Fouls are called for pushing, tripping, charging, unnecessary rough- ness and purposely touching the ball with the hands or arms. Penalty for Fouling. In case of a foul the ball is given to the opposite side at the point where the ball was at the time the foul was made. The ball is placed on the ground and a free kick is given. Officials. There shall be a referee who has full charge of the game. Two line men (one for each side of the field) and a timekeeper, who also acts as scorekeeper. Starting the Game. The game is started by a kick off. The referee (who has full control of game) places the ball on the center line in the middle of the circle. The side losing the toss kicks the ball toward the opponent's goal. No other player shall be within five yards of the ball when it is kicked, nor shall any player cross the center of the ground until the ball has been kicked off (should this happen the kick must be taken over) . Out of Bounds. The ball is "out of bounds" when it has passed outside of the field of play (the lines on the sides are called "touch lines" and the lines on the ends are called the "goal lines"). To again put the ball into play a player on the opposite side to that which caused the ball to go out of bounds stands on the line at the point where it went out, then throws the ball, with both hands over his head, into the field of play. He can not again play the ball until it has been played by another player. Scoring a Goal. A goal is scored when the ball has been kicked under the goal. A goal counts one point. The team scoring the greatest number of goals in the game is the winner. Time of Game. The game Is played in two halves of from ten to twenty minutes each, with an intermission of from five to ten minutes. Choice of goal and kick-off: — The choice of goals is made by the toss of a coin, the winner choosing the goal and the loser getting the kick-off. Goals are changed between the halves. 134 First and Second Year — Games. jO^yjlFeet >K Wi^'W — -•^^ IbTeei < ^ Center Lin^ /oil^TBet ^/A^4J-^^^-> ■§ §, a 1 fSuards •f (roaJ f>osts, -- ' S^^l^^tP"^^ Soccer Football — Games. 135 Kick-Off ; Also a Free Kick. The ball is placed on the ground and the player gets a kick at the ball without interference. No other play is allowed within five yards of the ball until the ball has been kicked. General Remarks. The field should be between fifty feet and seventy-five feet wide and between one hundred and one hundred and fifty yards long divided into two equal parts by a line through the center. Players. Any number of players can play on a team, but care should be taken that too many do not try to play ball at the same time. Object of Game. The object of the game is to kick the soccer football (an association football) over the goal line for a corner kick or for a goal kick. At no time must the ball be touched with the hands or arms; if so, the referee blows his whistle and calls foul and places the ball upon the spot where the foul was committed, to be kicked by any one opponent who kicks the ball toward his opponent's goal. Second Year Qourse of Study In Physical Training for Boys and Girls High Schools Second Year Apparatus Gymnastics Exercises for strength and skill; increased demands in co-ordinate activity in various combinations of typical forms, leading to endur- ance. Training for track and field exercises. Walking, running, jump- ing, high and broad jump. Ball- throwing, Dancing. C137) t SECOND YEAR. I. Tactics. General Tactics: (a) Review the tactics of the preceding year. (b) Review the marching movements at a run. (c) In single ranks (form front to flank and vice versa). Facing, steps, marching, guiding left or right at a halt, wheeling etc., as last year. II. Free Exercises. (a) Review the essential exercises of last year. Free exercises. Wand exercises. • - Dumb-bell exercises. Indian club exercises. III. Rhythmic Steps. I. a. Marching in common time and fast time. b. Leg movements while marching and running. c. Marching with two and four movement arm exercises. Dancing Steps. II. a. Review the steps of the preceding grade in the dancing lessons with music. b. (Polka rhythm) (Mazurka rhythm) (Schottische rhythm) (Waltz rhythm) . c. Alternate marching steps with dancing steps. d. Combine two steps of like rhythm. e. Appropriate character and folk dance. Book by Elizabeth Burchenal. Games, track and field work, miscellaneous. Activities. a. Games: 1. Develop the finer points of the team games of last year. 2. Increase the difficulty of the more vigorous gymnastic games. b. Track and Field Events: 1. Review previous events, work for the correct form. 2. Low hurdles, pole vault. 3. Shot put (8 lbs.) Hurlball (4 lbs.). 4. Endurance run, 4 to 8 minutes. c. Miscellaneous Activities: 1. Read Remark: Make it your business to find out something definite about every boy's outdoor life. Where necessary, speak to the boys who need to form the habit of sane out- door recreative activity. Review the apparatus work of the first grade. I. Low Horizontal Bar: Knee-circle forward. Crotch-circle backward under swing from stand and support. Easy vaults at the end of exercises. (Review all complicated exercises of First Year) (139) 140 Second Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. Horizontal Bar — Height of Head. Jump and leg knee swings left or right upward to support, etc. Horizontal Bar: Reach Height — ^Jump swing up with left and right into knee hangs; acquiring the swing start (on high bar). H. Parallel Bars — Low Bars (For advanced pupils) (High bars). Vaults from the seat in the middle of the bars, without and with turns. Exercises in the straight arm support. Roll forward from a seat to a straddle seat. Shoulder stand. Side Horse — Hip Height: Vaults from the stand and form the support. Leg circles in- ward, outward, scissors forward, easy vaults at the end of exercises. Long Horse — Hip Height: Support, lying, straddle vault, dismount; scissors backward and forward, vaults from the side; vaults with quarter turns. Rings — Head Height: Leg exercises in the straight and in the inverted hang. Turn over ; cut-off (one leg, one hand) ; leg exercises in bent-arm hang. Rings — ^Jump into Reach Height (Hand Hang, left on the floor) : Pendulum swings, half turn at end of swing. Arm and leg exercises while swinging. Poles and Ropes: Hand over hand from a stand, distance ten feet. Between two poles, inverted hand and turn over backward, also forward, with added leg movements; pendulum swing with leg positions, pendulum vaults. Horizontal Ladder: Incline, vertical ladders: Hanging with legs exercises (straight and bent arms) . Traveling on beams and rounds with legs position (straight and bent arms) . Balance Beams: Running and skipping on the beams, arm and leg movements in the supports, mounts, dismount and vaults. Buck (Board) (Hip Height). Jumping — Straddle — squat. 1. Scissors — dismount. Scissors backward, forward, sidewise, leg circles inward and outward. Vaults from stand and from support. 2. Buck (Long) (Hip height): Vault from stand and from support, straddle, squat, scissors backward, forward, sidewise, leg circle inward and out- ward, dismount forward, sidewise, etc. 3. Storm Boards: Walk, run, balance, one-fourth turn, one-half turn, jumping, lying support, knee bending, etc. 4. High Jumping: Jumping from left, right and both feet with one-fourth turn, one-half turn, hurdle jump, etc. 5. Tumbling: Head stand with assistance. Hand stands with assistance. Cartwheels with assistance. Diving. Third Year Qourse of Study Physical Training for Boys and Girls Gymnasium d^nd Field Work Training for condition; prescribed work; use of developing appliances. Practice of special forms; pole vaulting; sprint race, hurdle prac- tice, throwing hammer, putting shot. Gymnastic games, Military exercises, stick fencing, boxing, foil fencing, dancing. (141) THIRD AND FOURTH YEAR INDEX Page. 1. Wand 145 2. Dumb-bells 158 3. Indian Club 165 4. Aesthetic Dancing 175 5. Horizontal Bar 187 6. Parallel (Low and High) 188 7. Side Horse 189 8. Long Horse 190 9. Double Buck 190 10. Climbing Poles 191 11. Ladder (Horizontal, Vertical and Oblique) 192 12. Rings 193 13. Giant Stride 195 14. Stall Bars 196 15. Tumbling 198 16. Wrestling 199 17. Boxing 199 18. Window-Jump 198 19. Low Bar and High Jump 197 20. Games 123-135-203 21. Athletics 203 22. Athletic High School Rules 203 (143) WAND. Part I. — Lesson One. Boys' Steel Wand (four pounds). Girls' Wooden Wand. Exercise I : Form a circle, 16 pupils to a circle facing inward. Arm distance, arms sidewise. (a) Raise both arms forward, shoulder height; place left foot forward (touching tip toe only).... one halt (b) Raise both arms upward, place left foot back- ward : two halt (c) Lower wand horizontally in front of chest three ....halt (d) Return to fundamental position, arms down, close step four halt Repeat opposite 4 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 8 counts Exercise II: Form circle of sixteen pupils, all neighbors, grasp the end of wands with left and right hand, thereby forming a wand circle. (a) Raise arms forward one halt (b) Bent elbows, elbows shoulder height forward, wand horizontally and raise left knee to right angle two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Close step, arms down four halt Repeat same opposite 4 counts Repeat all left and right 8 counts Exercise III: (a) Raise arms forward one halt (b) Carry arms left, bending right elbow shoulder height, step left and toe step right sidewise.. ..two halt (c) Carry arms forward, place right foot forward three halt (d) Arms down and close step four halt Repeat same opposite 4 counts Repeat all left and right 8 counts Exercise IV: (a) Place left foot backward one halt (b) Kneel on left knee two halt (c) Kneel on right knee three halt (d) Raise and close step four halt Repeat same opposite 4 counts Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt 8 counts Circle left gallop 16 counts Circle right gallop....... 16 counts (145) 146 Third Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson One, Part II. Exercise I: (a) Raise arms upward one halt (b) Bend trunk forward to right angle two halt (c) Erect trunk three halt (d) Arms down four halt Repeat three times, omit the word halt 12 counts Exercise II: (a) Raise arms forward one halt (b) Raise left arm upward and extend left leg backward two halt (c) Close step, lower left arm forward three halt (d) Lower arm four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 8 counts Exercise III: " (a) Raise both arms forward halt (b) Raise left arm obliquely forward upward and twist trunk left two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three .....halt (d) Close step, arms down four halt Repeat the same right 4 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 8 counts Gallop hop left with raising knees 16 counts Gallop hop right with raising knees 16 counts Part III. Exercise I : (a) Raise arms forward one halt (b) Lunge left forward with raising both arms up- ward two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Close step arms down four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt. Exercise II: (a) Raise arms upward one halt (b) Step position left forward and kneel, right arms forward two ..halt (c) Straighten legs, arms upward three halt (d) Close step, arms down four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 8 counts Exercise III: (a) Lunge left forward, arms upward one halt (b) Bend opposite knee, bend arms, wand horizon- tally height of shoulder, bending trunk backward, head back two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return close step, arms down four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 8 counts Wand Exercises — Lesson Two, 147 (a) Cross step hop, left over right in circling left 16 counts (b) Repeat same right ; 16 counts Breathing exercise after every lesson. Inhale, swing arms upward, then drop arms to bent elbow position 6 counts Exhale, lower arms 1 count Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three parts or more. Then later add the three parts to music 4-4 time. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson II. Exercise I: (a) Raise upon toes, wand horizontally in front of chest, elbows bent one halt (b) Bend knees slightly, extend arms forward two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to position (fundamental) four halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counte Exercise II: (a) Toe step left forward with arms forward one halt (b) Bend right standing knee with toe step left side- wise and place wand horizontally upon left hip, left hand on left hip, right arm circle over head two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Close step, arms down four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 8 counts Exercise III: (a) Bend knees deep, wand horizontally upon shoulders one halt (b) Straighten knees and bend trunk forward to right angle, arms in line with the trunk two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Close step, arms down four halt Repeat all but omit the word halt 16 counts Part II. Wand horizontally in front but left hand on left hip. Right arm forward, wand in line with hip position. Exercise I: (a) Raise left leg forward and thrust left arm for- ward one halt (b) Return to Exercise (a) two halt (c) Raise right leg forward and thrust right arm forward three halt (d) Return to position four halt Repeat alternately left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts 148 Third Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson Three. Exercise II: (a) Jump to stride position, arms upward one halt (b) Twist trunk one-fourth turn left and move right arm forward and left hand back two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Jump to close step, arms down four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise III: (a) One-fourth turn left, stride position left forward and arm upward one halt (b) Kneel right, wand horizontally forward, left arm extended, right hand under left shoulder, arms shoulder height two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Close step, arms down and face to the front four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three parts or more, then later add the three parts with music 4-4 time. BREATHING: Inhale with raising wands sidewise upward 6 counts Exhale and lower sidewise right 1 count Repeat wand exercise on the right side with inhaling 6 counts Exhale and lower on the right 1 count Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson III. Exercise I: (a) Raise arms forward (horizontally) one two halt (b) Bend knees deep, wand vertically, left hand on top, right below. three four halt (c) Straighten legs, arms forward five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat same opposite side eight Exercise II: (a) Raise arms upward one two halt (b) Bend trunk left obliquely forward with wand vertically, right arm extend downward, left hand under right shoulder, elbow high. . three four halt (c) Erect body, arms upward, wand horizontally five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat all opposite ....8 conuts Exercise III: (a) Step position left sidewise, wand horizontally before chest, arms bent , one two halt Wand Exercises — Lesson Three. 149 (b) Bend trunk backward and thrust arms upward three four halt (c) Body erect and wand before chest five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat all opposite side 8 counts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Lunge left forward (wand horizon- tally in front of chest) one two halt (b) Tense left knee, with one-fourth turn right, wand vertically in front left hand down, right hand up three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) five six halt (d) Close step, arms low to fundamental position seven eight halt Repeat opposite side 8 counts Exercise II: (a^ Lunge left sidewise, wand horizon- tally, left arm sidewise, right hand at left shoulder, elbow high one two halt (b) Bend opposite knee, one-fourth turn right, swing left arm downward to left arm extended forward, wand horizontally forward, right hand at left shoulder, elbow high three four halt (c) One-fourth turn left, bend opposite knee, left arm extended side- wise, wand horizontally, right hand at left shoulder, elbow high five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat all opposite side 8 counts Exercise III: (a) Step position sidewise left, arms up- ward one two halt (b) Bend trunk forward, wand horizon- tally upon shoulder two three halt (c) Body erect and arms upward, wand horizontally five six halt (d) Close step, fundamental position seven eight. halt Repeat same opposite side 8 counts Part III. Exercise I : (a) Bend knees deep, arms forward, wand horizontally one two halt (b) Straighten legs, bend trunk sidewise left, wand horizontally, cross arms in front, square within arms three four halt 150 Third Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson Four, (c) Step position left, wand horizontally left sidewise, left arm extended right bend, right hand in front of right shoulder five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat same opposite side 8 counts Exercise II: (a) Arms upward, wand horizontally one two halt . (b) Lunge left sidewise, cross arms, right arm on top, left arm under, wand horizontally, square within arms. . . .three four .halt (c) Straighten left knee one-fourth turn right, left arm forward, right hand under left shoulder, elbow high five six halt (d) Close step, fundamental position seven eight halt Repeat all on opposite side 8 counts Exercise III: # (a) Jump into stride position, knees bent, wand horizontally in front of chest one two... halt (b) Jump and close step, arms upward, wand horizontally. three four halt (c) Step left backward, wand upon shoulder five six halt (d) Close step, fundamental position seven eight halt Repeat same on opposite side 8 counts REMARKS: Divide this lesson in three parts or more. Take each part for a lesson, then later add the three parts with music. BREATHING: Inhale and raise wand horizontally forward, upward upon shoulder 6 counts Exhale and lower wand over head 1 count Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson IV. Exercise I : (a) Stride position left forward, arms forward one two halt (b) Bend left knee, left arm upward, right hand at right shoulder three four halt (c) As Exercise (a) five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat same right 8 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise II: Position — ^Wand in front of chest. (a) Twist trunk left with thrusting arms upward one halt I 1 Wand Exercises — Lesson Four. 151 (b) Return to position two halt (c) Twist trunk right with thrusting arms upward, head back three halt (d) Return to position four halt Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Stride position left sidewise, wand vertically, right hand on top, left hand below one two halt (b) Bend left knee, wand obliquely side- wise upward, right hand at left shoulder, elbow high three four. halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat same right 8 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts Part II. Position — ^Jump to stride position with arms upward. Exercise I: (a) Bend trunk slowly left with arms in line with body one halt (b) Repeat all opposite two halt Repeat all left and right alternately 16 counts REMARK: On the last count, jump to close step, arms down ; fundamental position Exercise II: (a) Lunge left forward, wand obliquely forward upward, left arm for- ward, right arm upward one two halt (b) Return to fundamental position three four halt (c) Lunge right forward, wand obliquely forward upward, right arm for- ward, left arm upward five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat same right 8 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise III: Position — ^Wand on shoulder place. (a) Bend trunk backward, extend arms upward one two halt (b) Return to position three four halt (c) Bend trunk forward and thrust arms upward five six halt (d) Return to position seven eight halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt... 16 counts 152 Third Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson Five. Part III. Exercise I: (a) Lunge left forward, wand obliquely in back, right arm down, left hand at left shoulder one two halt (b) Return to fundamental position, arms over head and down with close step three four halt (c) Lunge right forward, wand obliquely in back, left arm down, right hand at right shoulder five six : halt (d) Close step, arms down seven... eight halt Repeat all left and right but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Lunge left sidewise, left arm upward, right arm sidewise, wand obliquely one two halt (b) Return, close step, arms down three. ...four halt (c) Lunge right sidewise, right arm up- ward, left arm extend sidewise.. five six halt (d) Close step, arms down..... seven... eight halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt- 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Raise wand upward one two halt (b) Lower wand in rear of hips three four halt (c) Return wand upward five six halt (d) Return to position, close step, arms down seven eight halt BREATHING: Inhale, raise arms forward upward 4 counts Exhale and lower wand in back upon hips 4 counts Inhale and raise arms upward 4 counts Exhale and lower arms down 4 counts Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three parts or more. One part to a lesson, then later add the parts with music 6-8 time. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson V. Exercise I: (a) Stride position left sidewise, arms bent one two halt (b) Bend left knee, wand obliquely, right arm vsidewise, left upward three four halt (c) One-fourth turn left, arms upward.. ..five six halt (d) Bend trunk forward to right angle.... seven eight halt (e) Return arms upward nine ten halt (f) Face front in lunge position, wand oblique, left up, right sidewise... eleven twelve halt I I Wand Exercises — Lesson Five. 153 (g) Tense knees, arms upward thirteen fourteen halt (h) Close step, arms down fifteen sixteen halt Repeat same right 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Stride position left sidewise, left arm upward, right hand at left shoulder, wand vertically one two halt (b) Bend trunk sidewise with bending left knee three four halt (c) One-fourth turn left, wand upon shoulder five six halt (d) Close step forward and bend knees deep, arms upward seven eight halt (e) Return, extend right leg, wand upon shoulder nine ten halt (f) Face front in lunging position with bending trunk left sidewise, wand vertically upward, left up, right hand at right shoulder eleven twelve halt (g) Straighten legs and trunk thirteen fourteen halt (h) Close step, arms down fifteen sixteen halt Repeat same right 16 counts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Stride position left forward, wand obliquely downward, left arm backward, right hand at left shoulder one two halt (b) Bend left knee, wand vertically upon left shoulder, left arm upward, right hand at left shoulder, elbow high three four halt (c) Lunge left sidewise, wand sidewise, obliquely upward, right hand at left shoulder five six halt (d) Bend opposite knee, wand sidewise obliquely downward, right arm down, left hand at right shoulder seven eight halt (e) Return to Exercise (c) nine ten halt (f) Return to Exercise (b) eleven twelve halt (g) Return to Exercise (a) thirteen fourteen halt (h) Return to fundamental position fifteen sixteen halt Exercise II: (a) Stride position left forward with cross arms, wand horizontal, elbow shoulder high one two halt (b) Kneel right, arms upward, wand horizontally three four halt (c) Stride position left sidewise, wand vertically in front, left hand up, right hand down five six halt 154 Third Year — Wand Exercises — Lesson Six. (d) One-fourth turn left, bend left knee, wand obliquely forward upward, right arm upward, left under right arm shoulder seven eight halt (e) Return to Exercise (c) nine... ten halt (f) Return to Exercise (b) eleven twelve halt (g) Return to Exercise (a) thirteen fourteen halt (h) Return to fundamental position fifteen sixteen halt Repeat all same right 16 counts BREATHING: Inhale and raise wand over head 6 counts Exhale and return 1 count Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into three parts or more, then later add the three parts to music 6-8 time. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson VI. Exercise I: (a) Stride left forward, arm upward one (b) Rise upon toes, wand by side, downward, close to right leg, left hand at right shoulder, elbow high two halt (c) Return to first exercise three halt (d) Return to position, close step, arms down four halt Same right 4 counts Repeat left and right, but omit the word halt 8 counts Exercise II: (a) Stride position left sidewise with wand horizon- tally sidewise, right hand at left shoulder.... one halt (b) Bend right knee, right arm upward, left arm sidewise, wand obliquely two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return, close step, arms down four halt Exercise III: (a) Stride left backward, wand upon shoulder one halt (b) Bend right knee, swing wand down to right side, wand obliquely backward, left hand at right shoulder, elbow high two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Close step, arms down four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all left and right 8 counts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Charge right backward, wand upward, eyes upward one halt (b) Bend left knee and twist trunk left, wand side- wise, left arm extended, right hand at left shoulder, elbow high two halt 1 Wand Exercises — Lesson Six. 155 (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to position 4 counts Repeat same right 4 counts Exercise II: (a) Charge right sidewise, left arm side, wand horizontally, right hand on left shoulder, elbow high one halt (b) Bend opposite knee, and swing wand downward to vertical position upon right shoulder, left hand at right shoulder, elbow high, and bend trunk sidewise left two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Return to position, close step, arms down four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all left and right, but omit the word halt 8 counts Exercise III: (a) Charge backward right, wand upon shoulders.... one halt (b) One-fourth turn left, bend left knee and bend trunk forward to right angle, wand horizon- tally, center of the wand next to left foot, head upward two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Close step, arms down five halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat left and right 8 counts Part III. Exercise I : (a) Lunge left forward, wand upward one halt (b) Bend opposite knee, wand right obliquely back- ward, left hand at right shoulder two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Close step, arms down four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all alternately 8 counts Exercise II: (a) One-fourth turn left, lunge left forward, wand obliquely forward, right hand upward, left arm forward one halt (b) One-half turn right, and bend right ''knee, close grip right and bend arms to strike over head two halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Close step, arms down four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all, but omit the word halt 8 counts Exercise III: (a) Lunge left sidewise, swing wand to left hip (the wand is horizontally in the back, resting on left hip, eyes forward) one halt (b) Bend opposite knee, wand sidewise obliquely downward, right, left at right shoulder, look upward left two halt 156 Third Year — Indian Club Exercises — Special. (c) Return to Exercise (a) three halt (d) Close step, arms down four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Repeat all, but omit the word halt T....8 counts REMARK: Divide your lesson into three or more parts, then take each part as a lesson. Later add all the parts with music 4'4 time. BREATHING: Wand horizontally in rear. Inhale and slowly raise wand backward upward 6 counts Exhale, lower wand backward 1 count Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-20^. Indian Clubs. Special. Part I. Exercise I: (a) Double arm circle left with hand circle left in rear one two halt (b) Repeat three four halt (c) Double arm circle left and lunge left sidewise five !.six halt (d) Hold the position seven eight halt (e) Bend trunk left sidewise, turn head right, arms sidewise nine ten halt (f) Hold position eleven... twelve halt (g) Close step left to right, arms upward.. thirteen.. fourteen halt (h) Arms down fifteen.... sixteen halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle outward with hand circle in rear of shoulder one two halt (b) Repeat three four halt (c) Double arm circle outward and up- ward and lunge left forward five six halt (d) Hold position seven.... eight halt (e) Bend trunk backward, arms side- wise nine ten halt (f) Hold position eleven.. twelve halt (g) Close step left back to right, arms upward thirteen. fourteen halt (h) Arms down fifteen.... sixteen halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Repeat the first exercise right 16 counts Repeat same .16 counts Exercise IV: (a) Double arm circle inward with hand circle in rear of shoulders one two halt (b) Repeat three four halt Indian Club Exercises — Special. 157 (c) Double arm circle inward, arms up- ward, and lunge left backward. .five six halt (d) Hold position seven eight halt (e) Bend trunk forward and swing arms and clubs backward obliquely... nine ten halt (f) Hold position eleven twelve halt (g) Close step, arms upward thirteen fourteen halt (h) Lower arms fifteen sixteen halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts Part II: Exercise I : (a) Lunge left forward, arms upward, club extended one two halt (b) Bend opposite knee and swing double arm circle forward downward and backward to an oblique position with bending trunk for- ward and slightly turn right, eyes to right hand three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat exercise three times, but omit the word halt 24 counts Exercise II: (a) Stride position left forward and raise arms forward, clubs in line one two halt (b) Kneel right, left arm circle over head, club horizontal, right arm obliquely backward three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (b) five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat all three times 24 counts Exercise III: (a) Lunge left sidewise, left arm bend over head, club in back of neck, right arm sidewise, head turn right one two halt (b) Bend opposite knee, bend right arm over head to strike, left arm obliquely downward, head turn left three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat all three times, but omit the word halt 24 counts Exercise IV: (a) Stride position left sidewise, arms upward one two halt (b) One-fourth turn, right and kneel right, cross arms in front, elbows shoulder height three four halt (c) Return to Exercise (a) five six halt (d) Fundamental position seven eight halt Repeat all three times, but omit the word halt 24 counts 158 Third Year- — Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson One. REMARKS: Divide your lesson in four parts. Each part is to be a lesson. Then later add the four parts with music 6-8 time. BREATHING EXERCISE : Inhale and swing arms sidewise upward .6 counts Exhale, lower arms 1 count Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Dumb-Bells. Boys, Iron Dumb-bells, one pound. Girls, Wooden Dumb-bells, one pound. Part I. — Lesson I. Exercise I: (a) Raise left knee to right angle, arms to thrust, knuckles down one two halt (b) Charge left forward and thrust arms sidewise, knuckles down three four. halt (c) Bend opposite knee, left knee tense, swing arms forward sidewise upward, knuckles outward five six halt (d) Close step, arms sidewise down to fundamental position seven eight halt Same opposite side 8 counts Exercise II: (a) Raise left knee to right angle, arms to thrust one two halt (b) Lunge left sidewise with thrusting arms sidewise, knuckles up three four halt (c) Bend opposite knee and swing arms sidewise upward, knuckles out- ward five six halt (d) Close step, lower arms sidewise. seven eight halt Repeat same opposite side 8 counts Exercise III: (a) Raise left knee to right angle, arms to thrust one two halt (b) Charge left forward, thrust arms upward (knuckles outward) three four halt (c) Bend opposite knee, left knee tense, lower arms sidewise five six halt (d) Close step, lower arms to side, fun- damental position seven eight halt Repeat same opposite side 8 counts Part II. Exercise I : In Stride Position. (a) Bend knees deep, arms sidewise and spring to stride position side- wise, arms upward (knuckles outward) one two halt Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson One. 159 (b) Bend trunk sidewise and circle arm outward to upper position three four halt (c) Straighten body, arms to thrust and twist trunk left with thrusting arms sidewise, knuckles upward.. five six halt Repeat same opposite 8 counts (d) Twist trunk to the front and swing arms sidewise upward, close step, arms down to side eight halt Repeat opposite side. Exercise II: (a) Bend knees deep, arms side and jump to side stride position, arms circle outward upward one two halt (b) Double arm circle left and bend trunk sidewise, arms upward.... three four. halt (c) Straighten body, arms to thrust lunge deep sidewise and thrust arms forward, knuckles out- ward, dumb-bells parallel and vertically five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat same opposite 8 counts Exercise III: (a) Deep knee bending, arms side, jump to stride, arms circle outward and upward : one two halt (b) Five-fourths arm circle outward (arms sidewise), bend trunk backward, head back three four halt (c) Straighten trunk, arms to thrust, one-fourth turn left, raise upon toes and lunge left forward, left arm obliquely forward upward, .right obliquely backward five six halt (d) Return front stride position, arms obliquely outward upward, knuckles outward to close step arms down seven eight halt Repeat same opposite 8 counts Part III. Exercise I: (a) Raise arms upward, dumb-bells, ver- tically and raise left leg forward, toes tense and charge left back- ward with three-fourths arm circle downward to upward po- sition one two halt (b) Lunge left sidewise, left arm sidewise, right dumb-bell upon right shoulder. three four halt 160 Third Year — Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson Two. (c) One-fourth turn left, bend left arm over head, knuckles upward, bend trunk forward to right angle, right obliquely backward.. five six halt (d) Close step, arms low seven eight halt Repeat same opposite right 8 counts Exercise II: (a) Raise arms sidewise and raise left leg sidewise and cross step left in front of right with cross arms in front of chest, elbows shoulder height, square within the arm space one two halt (b) Lunge left sidewise, arms sidewise, knuckles upward three four halt (c) One-fourth turn left, bend left side- wise, right arm over head, right arm circle over head, left arm extended sidewise, head turn right five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat same opposite 8 counts Exercise III: (a) Raise left leg forward, arms forward. .one two halt (b) Charge backward, move arms to side and upward to arm circle over head and bend right knee, left knee tense three four halt (c) Lunge left sidewise, arms sidewise five six halt (d) Close step, arms down seven eight halt Repeat all opposite side 8 counts REMARKS: Divide this lesson in three parts or more, take each part for a lesson, then later add the three parts with music. BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale and raise arms slowly sidewise upward 4 counts Hold 4 counts Exhale and lower arms 1 count Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson II. Exercise I: (a) Arms upward (knuckles outward).... one two halt (b) Charge left sidewise, arms left side- wise, arms parallel, dumb-bells vertical three four halt (c) Bend opposite knee, left dumb-bell M upon left shoulder, right arm % obliquely downward, eyes to right hand five six halt Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson Three. 161 (d) Bend opposite knee, right arm obliquely sidewise upward seven eight halt (e) Return to Exercise (c) nine ten halt (f) Return to Exercise (b) eleven twelve halt (g) Return to Exercise (a) thirteen fourteen halt (h) Close step, arms down fifteen sixteen halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise II: ' (a) Arms forward, dumb-bells vertical... one two halt (b) Charge left forward, dumb-bells upon shoulders, elbow forward, shoul- der height three four halt (c) Bend opposite knee, left leg straight, left arm obliquely forward, up- ward, bell vertical, right arm obliquely downward, backward, eyes to left hand five six halt (d) One-half turn, right, bend opposite knee, right arm obliquely for- ward, upward, eyes up to right hand, left arm obliquely back- ward, downward, bell vertical seven eight halt (e) Return to Exercise (c) nine ten halt (f) Return to Exercise (b) eleven twelve halt (g) Return to Exercise (a) thirteen.... fourteen halt (h) Close step, arms down fifteen sixteen halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise III: (a) The uneven file numbers execute the first exercise 32 counts (b) The even numbers execute the second exercise 32 counts Exercise IV: (a) The uneven file numbers execute the second exercise.. ..32 counts (b) The even file numbers execute the first exercise .....32 counts REMARKS: Divide this lesson into parts. Each exercise for a lesson, then later add the two parts. Later divide lesson into files of exercises with music 6-8 time. BREATHING: Inhale and raise arm sidewise and dumb-bells upon shoulders.. 6 counts Exhale, lower arms .'. 6 counts Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson III. Exercise I: (a) Charge left sidewise, dumb-bell side- wise upward upon shoulder, bells vertical one two halt (b) Close step right to left foot, left arm obliquely sidewise, obliquely downward three four. halt 162 Third Year — Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson Four. (c) One-fourth turn, right and lunge right forward, right arm for- ward, obliquely upward five six halt (d) One-half turn, left and kneel right, swing right arm downward up to, forward upward obliquely, right bell vertical, eyes up, left arm obliquely backward seven eight halt (e) Return to Exercise (c) nine ten halt (f) Return to Exercise (b) eleven twelve halt (g) Return to Exercise (a) thirteen fourteen halt (h) Close step, arms down fifteen sixteen halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Repeat first exercise right 64 counts Exercise III: (a) Uneven numbers, repeat first exercise left 32 counts (b) Even numbers, repeat first exercise right 32 counts Exercise IV: (a) Uneven numbers, repeat first exercise right 32 counts (b) Even numbers, repeat first exercise left 32 counts REMARKS: Divide lesson into four parts, then later add the four parts together and have it with music 6-8 time. Only have each lesson 32 counts with music. BREATHING EXERCISE: Bend knees deep, arms forward position Inhale, Itraighten legs and move arms sidewise... 6 counts Exhale and bend knees, arms forward 1 count Repeat several times. Part I. — Lesson IV. Exercise I: (a) One-eighth turn left, step position left obliquely forward, dumb- bells upon shoulders, elbows for- ward one two halt (b) Charge left backward, bend trunk forward, swing arms backward, head up three four halt (c) Lunge left sidewise, bend trunk right sidewise with double arm circle outward over head, left arm bent over head, right arm side- wise obliquely downward, eyes to right hand five six halt (d) Bend opposite knee, bend trunk left sidewise, right arm circle over head, left obliquely sidewise downward, eyes to left hand seven eight halt (e) Return to Exercise (c) nine ten halt Dumb-bell Exercises — Lesson Five. 163 (f) Return to Exercise (b) eleven twelve halt (g) Return to Exercise (a) thirteen... fourteen halt (h) Close step, arms down fifteen sixteen halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts Part II. Exercise II: (a) One-fourth turn left, step position left forward, dumb-bells upon shoulders, elbows sidewise, shoulder height one two halt (b) Change left backward, thrust arms sidewise, knuckles up three four halt (c) Lunge left forward, arms upward five six halt (d) One-half turn right, bend opposite knee, dumb-bells upon shoulder.. seven eight halt (e) Return to Exercise (c) nine ten.... halt (f) Return to Exercise (b) eleven twelve halt (g) Return to Exercise (a) thirteen... fourteen halt > (h) Close step, arms down fifteen sixteen halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 16 counts Part III. Exercise III: (a) Uneven numbers, repeat the first exercise 32 counts (b) Even numbers, repeat the second exercise 32 counts Part IV. Exercise IV: (a) Even numbers, second exercise 32 counts (b) Uneven numbers, first exercise 32 counts REMARKS: Divide the four lessons into four parts. Each part a lesson, then later take all with music 6-8 time. BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale, raise arms sidewise upward, with rising up toes 6 counts Exhale, lower arms 1 count Repeat all several times. See suggested games, pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson V. Exercise I: (a) Bend knees deep, arms forward (knuckles outward) one .....two halt (b) Straighten legs and stride left back- ward and swing arms upward. ...five eight halt (c) Stride position left sidewise, arms side nine twelve halt (d) Stride right forward, right arm obliquely forward upward, obliquely backward thirteen.... sixteen halt 164 Third Year — Dumb-bell Exercises. (e) Stride right backward and bend left knee forward with left arm obliquely upward, right arm obliquely backward seventeen.. twenty halt (f) Stride sidewise, arms sidewise, bells vertical. twenty-one twenty-four... halt (g) Stride left, backward, arms forward, knuckles outward twenty-five twenty-eight.. halt (h) Close step, arms down twenty-nine thirty-two halt Repeat all same right 32 counts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Bend knees deep, arms obliquely backward, head up one four halt (b) Straighten legs, stride position left forward, arms upward five eight halt (c) Stride position left sidewise and three-fourths arm circle left, arms sidewise nine twelve halt (d) One-fourth turn, left, bend left knee and swing arms backward, obliquely thirteen sixteen halt (e) Raise right leg forward to right angle and swing arms forward teen.. twenty halt (f) Swing right leg backward with a one- fourth turn right in stride posi- tion right, arms sidewise, one- half circle, right arm downward to arm side twenty -one.... twenty-four halt (g) Stride left forward, with three-fourths double arm circle outward to arms upward twenty-five.... twenty-eight halt (h) Close step, arms down twenty-nine.... thirty- two halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 32 counts Part III. Exercise I: (a) One-fourth turn left (on the ball of the foot) lunge left forward, arms upward one four halt (b) Transfer weight on right leg, and raise left leg forward to right angle, move arms sidewise five six halt (c) Lumge left forward, bend trunk for- ward to right angle and strike bells between legs, head up seven twelve halt (d) Bend opposite knee, straighten left leg and thrust arms upward with bending trunk backward.... thirteen sixteen halt (e) One-fourth turn right into front stride position seven teen., twenty halt (f) Bend trunk forward to right angle, swing arms down obliquely backward, head up twenty -one.... twenty-four halt Indian Club Exercises — Lesson One. 165 (g) Bend right knee, straighten trunk, arms forward twenty-five.... twenty-eight halt (d) Close step, arms down twenty-nine.... thirty- two halt Repeat all, but omit the word halt 32 counts Part IV. Exercise I: (a) Jump to stride position, arms for- ward upward one two halt (b) Bend trunk forward, downward and lower the arms forward down- ward, rest the dumb-bells upon the floor (shoulder wide, knuckles outward) five eight halt (c) Straighten legs backward to lying support, head up nine twelve halt (d) Bend right knee to squat, left leg extended sidewise thirteen sixteen halt (e) Extend right leg sidewise and bend left knee to squat seventeen twenty halt (f) Extend legs backward, front lying support twenty-one.... twenty-four halt (g) Jump and bend knee deep twenty-five. ...twenty-eight.. .....halt (h) Straighten legs aEd lower arm. twenty-nine.... thirty- two halt Repeat all same right, but omit the word halt 32 counts REMARKS: Divide this lesson into four parts, each part as a lesson, then later add the four parts with music 6-8 time. BREATHING EXERCISE: Position left forward, arms forward. Inhale, move arms sidewise 6 counts Exhale, move arms forward 1 count Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Indian Clubs. Part I. — Lesson I. Boys' Club, one and one-half pounds. Girls' Club, one pound. Exercise I: Position — ^Arms bent, clubs vertical. (a) Three-fourths double arm circle outward (arms upward) one (b) Bend knee deep, arms sidewise jand dip elbows two halt (c) Straighten legs and three-fourth double arm circle outward, arms upward three halt (d) Close step, arms to position four halt Exercise II: (a) Three-fourths double arm outward with cross arms one (b) Dip clubs on forearm and lunge left forward two halt (c) Close step left backward and three-fourths double arm circle inward, arms upward three halt 166 .Third Year — Indian Club Exercises, (d) Return to arm position four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Exercise III: (a) One-half double arm circle left one (b) Lunge sidewise left and dip clubs on forearm two (c) Close step left to right, three-fourths double arm circle right, arms over head three (d) Return to position four Repeat same right 4 counts Exercise IV: (a) Bend trunk forward one Straighten and double arm circle forward, passing the left side to arm position two (b) Repeat Exercise (a) same right one two Repeat four times left and right 8 counts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Stride position left forward and double arm circle outward to cross arms in front, square within the arms one halt (b) Bend left knee, whole double arm circle out- ward to side position two halt (c) Straighten left knee and three-fourths double arm circle outward, arms over head three halt (d) Return to arm position four halt Same right 4 counts Exercise II: (a) Stride left backward, and double arm circle inward (arm side) one... two halt (b) Bend left knee, move arms inward on the level with the shoulders and double hand circle horizontally inward, cross arms, elbow high.. three halt (d) Double arm inward and straighten left knee to position four halt Same right 4 counts Exercise III: (a) Bend trunk left sidewise and double arm left, left arm in the rear, right arm upward close to head one (b) Return to position two Repeat same right 2 counts Exercise IV: (a) Step position left sidewise and three-fourths double arm circle left (arms side) one (b) Lunge left sidewise, double hand circle left, horizontally on the level with the shoulders, two halt (c) Step position left sidewise and three-fourths double arm circle left, arms upward three halt (d) Close step, arms to position four halt Repeat same right 4 counts Indian Club Exercises — Lesson Two. 167 Divide this lesson into two parts or more. Take each part for a lesson, then later take all parts with music 6-8 time. BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale and raise arms slowly upward 6 counts Exhale and lower arms downward 1 count Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson II. Exercise I: (a) Step position sidewise left and cross step right in rear of left one two halt (b) Return to position three four. halt (c) Repeat same opposite side five six halt (d) Return seven eight halt (e) Three-fourths double arm circle outward with double hand circle in rear of shoulder nine ten halt (f) Repeat eleven.... twelve halt (g) Double arm circle to position thirteen.. fourteen halt (h) Fundamental position fifteen.... six teen halt Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle inward with hand circle inward one two halt (b) Three-fourths double arm circle in- ward, arm side three four halt (c) Double horizontal hand circle in- ward, arms forward five six halt (d) Step left forward with double hand circle forward seven eight halt (e) Step position left forward and swing arm obliquely backward down- ward nine ten halt (f) Close step and swing arms upward eleven.. twelve.. halt (g) Lower arms forward and double hand circle forward thirteen.. fourteen halt (h) Close step, arms to position fifteen sixteen halt Part II. Exercise I : (a) Double arm circle left outward with double hand circle in rear of shoulders one two halt (b) Three-fourths double arm circle left to right side three four. halt (c) Horizontally, double hand circle to the left side, clubs extend in line with the arms five six halt (d) Step left sidewise and cross step right in rear of left seven... eight halt (e) Step right, close step left with three- fourths double arm circle right to position nine ten halt 168 Third Year — Indian Club Exercises — Lesson Two. (f) Double arm circle right with double hand circle right in rear of shoulders eleven twelve halt (g) Double arm circle right to position... thirteen.... four teen halt (h) Fundamental position fifteen sixteen halt Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle forward down- ward, backward with bending trunk forward one... two halt (b) Swing arms forward and double hand circle backward on the outside of hand, body erect three four. halt (c) Toe step backward with double arm circle outward, cross club over head five six halt (d) Step right foot forward and close step left to right foot with double arm circle inward, arms side- wise seven eight halt (e) Repeat Exercises (c) and (d) nine twelve halt (f) Three-fourths double arm circle out- ward "with hand circle in rear of shoulder. thirteen fourteen halt (g) Double arm circle outward to posi- tion fifteen sixteen halt Part III. Exercise I: (a) Double arm circle outward with hand circle in rear of shoulder. one two halt (b) Double arm circle outward with double hand circle outward in front of arms (arms upward) three four... halt (c) Double arm circle outward with hand circle in rear of shoulder. five six halt (d) Three-fourths double arm circle out- ward (arms cross in front of chest) seven halt Double horizontal hand circle out- ward over arm to arms sidewise.. eight halt (e) Bend trunk forward, move arms horizontally inward with hand circles inward, arms forward nine ten halt (f) Erect trunk and raise left leg for- ward, arms sidewise eleven.... twelve halt (g) Close step and arm circle left to po- sition, hand circle in rear of head thirteen fourteen halt (h) Double arm circle outward fifteen sixteen halt Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle inward with hand circle in rear of shoulders one two halt I Indian Club Exercises — Lesson_Two. 169 (b) One-half double arm circle inward with hand circle in front thighs, and half double arm circle up to position three four halt (c) Three-quarters double arm circle in- ward, arms sidewise five six halt (d) Charge left backward, with double hand circle horizontally inward.. seven eight halt (e) Double hand circle outward and move arm outward nine ten halt (f) Close step left forward and raise left leg backward, arms obliquely- upward eleven twelve halt (g) Close step, arms circle right inward, left hand circle inward thirteen fourteen halt (h) Double arm circle inward to arm position fifteen sixteen halt Part IV. Exercise I: (a) Double arm circle and double hand circle in rear of shoulder. one two halt (b) One-half double arm circle outward, hand circle in front of thigh and half double arm circle outward to upper arm position three four halt (c) Double arm circle outward and double hand circle in rear of head five six halt (d) Three-fourths double arm circle out- ward (cross arms in front) seven halt (e) Lunge left sidewise with a horizontal double hand circle outward over arm to side position eight halt (f) One-fourth turn left, kneel right and half circle outward (both arms forward) , nine halt Double hand circle forward ten .halt (g) One-fourth right, raise left leg side- wise to close step half double arm circle downward, inward, arms sidewise eleven twelve halt (h) Double arm circle outward to arm position fifteen sixteen halt REMARKS: Divide this lesson in four parts or more. Each part a lesson, then later take the four together with music 4-4 time. Slow waltz time. BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale, raise arms forward and move arm sidewise 6 counts Exhale 1 count Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. 170 Third Year — Indian Club Exercises — Lesson Three. Part I. — Lesson III. Exercise I: (a) Two follow steps forward, two arm circle outward, each to the starting position one four halt (b) Three arm circle outward five eight halt (c) Extend clubs forward nine halt (d) Swing clubs sidewise ten halt (e) Clubs forward eleven halt (f) Starting position twelve halt (g) March backward thirteen sixteen halt Repeat all but omit the word halt, and in starting two follow step backward 16 counts Exercise II : (a) Two follow step left sidewise, two double arm circle left sidewise one four halt (b) Three double arm circle outward five eight halt (c) Extend clubs forward nine ..halt (d) Swing clubs sidewise ten halt (e) Clubs forward eleven halt (f) Starting position twelve halt (g) March sidewise thirteen sixteen halt Repeat all but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Two follow step backward, two arm circle inward each to the start- ing position one four halt (b) Three arm circle inward five eight halt (c) Extend club sidewise nine halt (d) Cross clubs over head ten halt (e) Extend clubs sidewise eleven halt (f) Starting position twelve halt (g) March forward. thirteen sixteen halt Repeat all but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise IV: Repeat the second exercise beginning to the right. Part II. Exercise I: (a) Three-fourths arm circle outward, dip clubs in front of body, elbow shoulder high one two halt (b) Seven-eights arm circle inward, cross clubs over head three four halt (c) Seven-eights arm circle outward, dip clubs in front of body shoulder high five six halt (d) Three-fourths arm circle inward to starting position seven eight halt (e) Extend clubs forward nine halt (f) Swing clubs sidewise and bend knees.. ten halt (g) Straighten knees, clubs forward eleven halt Indian Club Exercises — Lesson Three. 171 (h) Starting position twelve halt (i) March backward thirteen sixteen halt Repeat all but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Three-fourths double arm circle to the left and dip clubs in the horizontal position right one two halt (b) One-half double arm circle and dip clubs in horizontal position left sidewise three four halt (c) One-half double arm circle and dip clubs in horizontal position right sidewise five six halt (d) Three-fourths double arm circle to starting position seven eight halt (e) Charge left sidewise and clubs left sidewise nine halt (f) Bend alternate knee, swing right club upward to horizontal posi- tion right ten halt (g) Return to position eleven halt _ (h) vStarting position twelve halt March sidewise right thirteen sixteen halt Repeat all 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Three-fourths double arm circle in- ward, dip clubs in the horizontal position sidewise one two halt (b) Seven-eighths double arm circle out- ward, clubs obliquely sidewise upward three four. halt (c) Seven-eighths double arm circle in- ward, dip clubs in the horizontal position sidewise five six halt (d) Three-fourths double arm circle out- ward to starting position.... seven eight halt (e) Extend clubs sidewise nine halt (f) Raise upon toes and cross clubs over head ten halt (g) Return to position eleven halt (h) Return to starting position twelve halt (i) March left sidewise..... thirteen sixteen halt Repeat all but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise IV: Repeat exercise two to the right (march forward) 16 counts Part III. Exercise I: (a) Double arm circle outward, hand circle back of shoulder one eight halt (b) Charge left forward, extend clubs obliquely forward upward nine halt (c) Bend trunk forward, swing clubs sidewise ten halt 172 Third Year — Indian Club Exercises — Lesson Four. (d) Return to position eleven halt (e) Return to start position • twelve halt (f) March forward thirteen sixteen halt Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle left, hand circle in back of shoulders one eight halt (b) Charge left sidewise, cross clubs over head nine halt (c) Bend trunk sidewise left, arms up- ward ten halt (d) Return to position eleven halt (e) Return to starting position twelve : halt March sidewise left thirteen sixteen halt Repeat all but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise III: (a) Double arm circle inward, hand circle in back of shoulders one eight halt (b) Charge left backward, swing clubs downward and backward nine halt (c) Bend trunk backward, swing clubs obliquely sidewise upward ten halt (d) Return to position, close step eleven halt (e) Return to starting position twelve halt March sidewise right thirteen........ sixteen halt Repeat all but omit the word halt 16 counts Exercise IV: Repeat second exercise, beginning right but march forward 16 counts REMARKS: Divide this lesson into four parts. Each part for a lesson. Then later add all together with music 3/4 time. BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale and raise arms forward upward 6 counts Exhale and lower arms 1 count Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson IV. Exercise I: (a) Arm circle left outward, with hand circle above head, left arm ex- tended (hand circle, outward in front of forearm) one two halt (b) Repeat twice three six halt (c) One-half arm circle outward seven halt (d) Return arm position eight halt Repeat same right 8 counts Repeat all left and right ...16 counts Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle outward with hand circle outward in front of fore- arm, arms extended one two halt Indian Club Exercises — Lesson Five. 173 (b) Repeat two times three six halt (c) Double one-half circle outward seven halt (d) Return to arm position eight halt Repeat all 8 counts Repeat all left and right... 16 counts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Arm circle left inward with hand circle in front of forearm, left arm extended one two halt (b) Repeat two or more times three six halt (c) One-half arm circle inward seven halt (d) Return to arm position eight halt Repeat 8 counts Repeat all left and right.. 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle inward with hand circles in front of forearm, arms extended upward one two halt (b) Repeat two or more times three six ~ halt (c) One-half double arm circle in ward.... seven halt (d) Return to arm position eight halt Repeat 8 counts Repeat all 16 counts Part III. Exercise I: (a) Double arms circle left with double hand circle left in front of fore- arms above the head, arms ex- tended upward one two halt Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle right with double hand circle right in front of forearm, above head, arrris ex- tended upward one two halt Repeat eight times 16 counts BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale, raise arms slowly backward upward 6 counts Exhale, lower arms forward 1 one Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide the lesson into three parts. Take each part as a lesson, then later add all parts with music 3/4 time. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson V. Exercise I: (a) Left hand circle outward in front of thigh and arm circle outward.... one two halt (b) Repeat two more times three six. halt 174 Third Year — Indian Club Exercises — Lesson Six, (c) One-half arm circle outward seven halt (d) Return to arm position eight halt Repeat 8 counts Repeat same right 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Double hand circle outward in front of thigh and double arm circle outward one two halt (b) Repeat six times three fourteen halt (c) One-half double arm circle outward.. fifteen halt (d) Return to position sixteen halt Repeat 16 counts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Right hand circle inward in front of thigh and arm circle inward one two halt (b) Repeat two or more times three six halt (c) One-half arm circle inward seven halt (d) Return to arm position eight halt Repeat same right inward 8 counts Repeat all 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle inward with double hand circle in front of thigh (inward) one two halt (b) Repeat twice three six halt (c) Double one-half arm circle in ward.... seven halt (d) Return to arm position eight halt Repeat all 8 counts Repeat all 16 counts Part III. Exercise I: (a) Double arm circle left with double hand circleleft in front of thigh 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle right with double hand circle right in front of thigh 16 counts BREATHING EXERCISE: Inhale and raise arm sidewise and hold 8 counts Exhale, lower arms 1 count Repeat all several times. REMARKS: Divide lesson into three parts or more. Each part a lesson, then later add all parts with music 3-4 time. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Part I. — Lesson VI. Exercise I: (a) Arm circle left outward with left hand circle outward in rear of hip one two halt Aesthetic Dancing — Lesson One. 175 (b) Repeat two more times three six halt (c) One-half arm circle outward seven halt (d) Return to arm position eight , halt Repeat 8 counts Repeat all 16 counts Exercise II: (a) Double arm circle outward left, with double hand circle, left in rear of hip, right in front of thigh one two halt (b) Repeat two more times three six halt (c) One-half double arm circle left seven halt (d) Return to arm position eight halt Repeat all once more 8 counts Part II: Exercise I: (a) Double arm circle outward right, with double hand circle right hand circle in rear of hip, left hand circle in front of thigh one two halt (b) Repeat two more times three six halt (c) Double arm circle right seven halt (d) Return to arm position eight halt Repeat 8 counts BREATHING EXERCISE: Bend trunk forward and swing arms * backward, inhale and raise arms and trunk upward 6 counts Exhale, lower arms and bend trunk forward to right angle ,. one halt Repeat several times. REMARKS: Divide this lesson into two parts. Take each part for a lesson, then later add all parts with music 3-4 time. AESTHETIC DANCING. The Glow Worm. Part I. — Lesson I. Exercise I: (a) Step left sidewise, close step and quickly raise and lower heels (rocking step) with raising and lowering arms one two (b) Repeat three four (c) Side step left, arms sidewise. five (d) Cross step right, bend trunk forward and with the right hand (scoop or circle downward, touching the floor) six (e) Circle inw^ard upward to arms sidewise, body erect seven (f) Close step left or right, arms down eight Repeat same right ...8 counts Repeat three more times 64 counts 176 Third Year — Aesthetic Dancing — Lesson One. Part II. Exercise I: (a) Step left sidewise with arms side one (b) Cross step right in rear, slowly and grace- fully double arm circle outward down- ward, with graceful bowing trunk for- ward two three (c) Erect and slightly bend body left, with arm circle over head four (d) Arms sidewise.... five (e) Step right sidewise six (f) Close step left to right, arms down seven eight Repeat opposite side 8 counts Repeat all left and right... 16 counts Rest 16 counts. Part III. Exercise I: (a) Step hop left obliquely forward with leg inward, knee high, toes tense one two (b) Same right three ....four (c) Spanish draw left (step left sidewise and draw right heel at right angles to left foot, knees slightly bent) with left arm over head, bend body forward with right arm circle over head five six (d) Repeat Spanish draw seven ».. eight Repeat all right 8 counts (e) Fly twirl step left, right and left (a one-half turn on right and left) with arms side- wise (on turns) arms circle over head, arm sidewise one two three (f) Cross step right in rear of left leg, knees slightly bent, arms sidewise four (g) Bend knees and trunk forward with double arm circle downward upward, arm circle over head five six (h) Arm sidewise, step right sidewise seven (i) Close step left to right foot, arms down eight Repeat right 8 counts Repeat three more times 48 counts Part IV. Exercise I: (a) Step left sidewise with arm sidewise one (b) Cross step right over left with raising upon toes, arm circle over head ...two (c) Step right sidewise, arms side three (d) Close step, arms down four (e) Same right five ...eight (f) Step position left sidewise, arms side nine ten (g) One-fourth turn left, glide hop forward left, arms extended obliquely, left arm up- ward, right obliquely backward , eleven..,, twelve Aesthetic Dancing — Lesson One. 177 (h) Return to front side, step right with arms sidewise thirteen fourteen (i) Close step, arms down fifteen sixteen Repeat three more times 48 counts . Part V. Exercise I: (a) One-fourth turn left, march forward four steps with arms sidewise one four (b) Step position left sidewise, arms sidewise, and cross step right in rear of left, bow with curtsy and double arm circle gracefully outward upward and close step, arms down five eight (c) Return 8 counts (d) Repeat three more times , 48 counts Any graceful movements in saluting positions 32 counts Part VI. Exercise I: Same as Part V. 64 counts Rest 16 counts (Intermission.) Second Addition. Repeat ....Part 1 64 counts Repeat Part II 48 counts Repeat Part III 64 counts Part VII. Exercise I: (a) March three steps obliquely left forward with left arms upward obliquely, right backward one two three (b) Step, hop, hitch, kick right four (c) Spanish draw right backward five six (d) Cross step, twirl right over left with arm circle over head seven (e) Arms down eight Return same right 8 counts Repeat three more times 48 counts Part VIII. Exercise I: (a) Any sensuous movements in harmony with the music, ending in a euphemistic position (or graceful posing). BREATHING: Inhale and raise arm, circle over head 6 counts Exhale and lower arms one Repeat several times. Divide this lesson into eight parts or more. Take each part as a lesson, then later take all with music. ''The Glow Worm," published by Wm. Stern & Co., Hunthlet Music Store, St. Louis, Mo. 178 Third Year — Aesthetic Dancing — Lessons Two and Three. Coupon Dance. Part I. — Lesson II. Exercise I: (a) Balance step hop left with right leg inward, right knee bent one two (b) Same right .* three four (c) Glide step, hop left obliquely forward five six (d) Glide step, hop right obliquely forward seven eight (e) Balance step, hop left backward nine ten (f) Balance step, hop right backward eleven twelve (g) Waltz, turn left. thirteen sixteen Repeat same right 16 counts Repeat all left but on the thirteenth count number one kneels right, number two circles left 13 to 16 counts Repeat again right! 16 counts Part IL Exercise I: (a) Number one forward with balance swing left and right with arms one eight (b) Russian step (step over backward left and right with a hop) nine twelve Number two repeats same but with a one- fourth turn left, (a) and (b) exercises... 12 counts BY PAIRS: Number one kneel right, left arm upward and rise to position.... 13 to 16 counts Number two encircle number one 13 to 16 counts Repeat all same right 1 to 16 counts Run off on the end of the music. Repeat from the very start of the chorus of music, Oceanic Roll. Divide this lesson in two or more parts. Take each part for a lesson, then later take all with the chorus of the Oceanic Roll. Publishers, Hunthlet Music Store, St. Louis, Missouri. The June Bug Dance. Part I. — Lesson III. Exercise I: (a) Balance step, hop left (raise right leg in- ward, right knee high bent, instep and left toes tense, downward) with left arm circle over head, right arm circle in front of body one two (b) Balance step, hop right, with right arm circle over head, left in front of body... three four (c) Gallop step sidewise twice, with arms side- wise five six (d) Rear step right in back of left foot and three-fourths twirl right backward, arms circle over head seven eight All facing toward left. Aesthetic Dancing — Lesson Three. 179 REMARKS: ' On the eighth count always be facing in opposite direction and finish at the start. (Square left.) Repeat three times 24 counts Repeat same right (square right) 32 counts Part II. Exercise I: (a) Glide hop left obliquely forward, left arm obliquely forward upward, right arm obliquely backward, eyes to left hand. .one two (b) Balance step right backward (raise left leg and knee high, toes inward toward the right) with right arm circle over head, elbow bent, left arm and elbow bent in front of body three four (c) Circle hop on left foot in place, right leg extended backward, right knee slightly bent, foot tense, with left arm obliquely forward upward, right obliquely back- ward, eyes up to left hand five eight Repeat same right 8 counts Repeat all three times 48 counts Part III. Exercise I: (a) Walk three steps obliquely forward with arms obliquely upward (amplified) one three (b) One-half turn right on left foot, and lunge right backward, with bending trunk forward, arms forward downward four (c) Slowly raise trunk, with arms sidewise up- ward to arm circle over head in am- plified position five eight (d) Return as (a) and (b) exercises ....8 counts Repeat all on the right side 16 counts Part IV. Exercise I: (a) Change step sidewise left with side step left hop, (right lower leg raised back- ward upward) with double arm horizontally right, head turn and eyes left count one and two and (b) Arms downward to opposite side, with change step right sidewise and hop step right, left lower leg upward, head and eyes turned to the right three and four and (c) Circle left, starting with left foot, polka step left with right arm circle over head, left arm circle in front five and six and (d) Cross step right over left foot and polka step right, with arm circle left over head, right arm bent in front seven and eight and 180 Third Year — Spanish Dance — Lesson Four. (e) Repeat same opposite eight and (f) Repeat all left and right. Part V. Exercise I: (a) Repeat all of Part I without the arm exercises 64 counts Part VI. Finis Music. Exercise I: (a) Lunge left forward obliquely, with bending trunk forward, left finger tips at left foot, slowly 4 counts (b) Slowly raise trunk backward, right knee bent, left leg extended with left arm upward, eyes up, right arm and hand obliquely sidewise down (amplified position) five eight REMARKS; Divide this lesson into five parts (or more). Take each part for a lesson, then later take all parts with music. The June Bug Dance, by Edward Hoist, published by Wm. Robifing and Son. BREATHING EXERCISE: As in Glow Worm exercise. A Spanish Dance. Lesson IV. Music: "Seguidilla." Each dancer has a pair of castanets. Class Formation for Part I. T T T T T T T T 12 3 4 Counts 1. Rocking step left oblique forward and right oblique back- ward with swinging arms left oblique forward and right oblique backward 12 Execution — Step left obliquely forward, draw the right instep to left heel and swing arms oblique forward... 1-3 Step right oblique backward, draw left foot back to right on point and swing arms backward 4-6 2. 4-4 turn left (waltz) with arms to a circle over head 1-12 3. Repeat 1 , 1-12 4. Repeat 2 1-12 48 Spanish Dance — Lesson Four. 181 Part II. Spanish Draw: Counts 1. Four times to left, left arm to half circle over head 1-12 2. Four times to right, right arm to half circle 1-12 3. Four times to left, left arm to half circle 1-12 4. Four times to right, with pirouette right 4-4 turn 1-12 48 Execution of draw — Step left foot to side, draw right to left, pointing to right side, right heel to left instep, trunk is bent slightly sidewise to draw. Part III. 1-4. Repeat Part 1 48 Part IV. 1. Lunge left oblique forward, kneel on right knee and arms to a circle over head 1- 3 Circle trunk from right to left twice 4- 9 Rise and pirouette right 10-12 2. Stamp once with left foot and twice with right 1- 3 Repeat three times 4-12 3. Repeat 1 opposite 1-12 4. Repeat 2 opposite 1-11 48 Part V. T T T T 12 3 4 Counts 1. The center two, 2 and 3, encircle the ones on outside, 1 and 4, by passing in front first with four (4) flying turns; during this time the outer ones take cross- point step in front with outer foot, trunk bent for- ward, arms to a circle over head; they stand in this position from 1-9, pirouette inward 10-12 2. The center two, 2 and 3, Spanish draw outward behind 1 and 4. The outer two, 1 and 4, do one mazurka and one rocking step inward, the same outward 1-12 3. The center two, 2 and 3, one mazurka and rocking step outward and inward, the outer two, 1 and 4, face inward and glide forward with hopping twice on left, right leg extended backward, left arm oblique forward upward, right back downward, repeat right, left, pirouette and face to front 1-12 4. Rocking step backward of 1 and 4, and forward of 2 and 3, so as to form in fours side by side in open order; they all have changed places now and stand as follows 1-12 48 T T T T 2 14 3 182 Third Year — Spanish Dance — Lesson Four. Part VI. 1-4. Repeat Part V, 1 and 4 do flying turn 48 Part VII. Counts 1. All balance left, right, left and pirouette 1-12 Execution — Step left sidewise, point right foot in front with rising on toes and sink, same opposite 1-12 2. Repeat 1 opposite 1-12 3. Repeat 1 of Part IV 1-12 4. Repeat 2 of Part IV, instead of the stamping form two circles for next part 1-12 48 Part VIII. Y» A With finishing 4, Part VII, they form y ^ two circles. In the inner circle eight (8), ^ *^ outer circle sixteen (16). "*- V ^ ^ In the inner circle left side to center. "^ ^ ^ ^ In the outer circle right side to center. •^ JU T T The forming of these two circles is X y > T done in walking. V ^ "^ ^ 1. The outer circle repeat 1 and 2 > ^ of Part I. 1-24 ^sy > The inner circle repeat 2 and 1 of ^ -^ Parti 1-24 2. All mazurka and rocking step left and right 1-12 3. Repeat 2, instead of last rocking step, pirouette 1-12 48 Part IX. Counts 1-4. The outer circle perform Spanish draw as in Part II. The inner circle step cross-swing and hop right and left with left and right arm to a half circle over head with each step, this is done left around in the circle... 1-48 Part X. 1. The outer circle perform four draws inward 1-12 The outer circle perform two flying turns outward with two draws 1-12 To the first 12 counts the inner circle making two flying turns outward with two draws, to the second 12 counts the same opposite (toward the center). 2. In the outer circle face in couples, grasp right hand and circle right once around, with a step cross-swing and hop 1 to 9, pirouette 1 to 12 1-24 During this time the inner circle to draw inward and out- ward each 12 48 Third Year — American School Dance — Lessons One and Two. 183 Part XL 1. All form a half circle and face front 12 BACK -^ T -r T- r ^ A > A \ ^ A A A A h FRONT OF STAGE Music — "Seguidilla." HuntMet Music Store, St. Louis, Missouri. AMERICAN SCHOOL DANCES. Roumanian Polka. Form Couples — Lesson L Position, side by side with arms crossed in rear, hands at waist. 1. Step: 1. Point left obliquely forward. 2. Cross left in rear and point on toe. 3. Three steps left oblique (run quickly). 4. Kick or raise right leg to the right. 5-8. Repeat the same to the right. 2. Step: 1-2. Glide two-step left oblique. 3-4. The same to the right. 5-8. The run-around. Partner to the left run in a circle backward and the one to the right in a circle right once around (twice later) in eight small steps, faces turned toward partner. Music — "Roumanian Polka," by Johann Strauss. Varsovienne Mazurka. Lesson II. Position the same as in the Butterfly Schottish. 1 . Step — Gentlemen : 1-2. Step backward and close right, in back of lady, both arms bent and hands at height of shoulders. 3-4. Step forward left and point sidewise right on right side of lady. 5-6. Rest. 7-12. Return by step- ping backward right and pointing left. 1-12. Repeat all. 184 Third Year — American School Dancing — Lesson Three, Lady: 1-2. Step sidewise left and close right, in front of gentleman. 3-4. Step sidewise left and point sidewise right on left side of gentleman. 5-6. Rest. 7-12. Return by stepping right and pointing left. 1-12. Repeat all. 2. Step, Both: 1-6. Two mazurka hops obliquely forward. 7-12. Change places as 1-6 in 1 Step. 1-12. Repeat, beginning to right. Music— "Aline." Straightaway Yorke. Lesson IIL Position, standing face to face with arms sidewise, hands grasped at height of shoulders. 1. Step: 1-3. Face to face. Two glides in the direction and a kick sidewise. 2. Step: 4-6. Face forward and place forward hand on hip, and beginning with raised foot walk forward three steps. 3. Step: 7-9. Turn back to back and in the same direction two glides and kick. The arms are extended in that direction. 4. Step: 10-12. Face forward and beginning with raised foot walk three steps forward. Music — Any Mazurka. (gymnasium Apparatus Lesson for High School (185) Gymnasium. 187 Horizontal Bar (Shoulder Height) (Boys). Note — In front side stand, hands on bar in ordinary grasp. Step backward nearly to front leaning hang, then run under bar as when taking a long swing and add the following: Exercise I: (a) Raise both legs upward, feet to bar one (b) Lower the same and bend arms '. two (c) Down ! three Exercise II: (a) As Exercise I, but pass left leg under bar, then over the same to knee hang one (b) Knee swing up forward two (c) Place left hand on the outside of left thigh in reverse grasp, then screw dismount forward with one- half turn left three Exercise III: (a) As Exercise II to knee hang one two (b) Instead of knee swing up forward, swing up backward three (c) Pass right leg over bar and under the right hand to back in side rest four (d) Lower body forward to hips and swing off backward to front side stand five Exercise IV: (a) As Exercise I, to raising feet to bar and kipp (up start) forward to front rest one two (b) Raise both legs backward to momentary free front rest, then lower to bar and front hip, circle backward, once around the bar three four (c) Under swing and down five See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Horizontal Bar (Reach Height) (Boys). Swing Exercises. Exercise I: (a) Jump to hand hang (upper grip), swing for- ward and backward, on the next end of the fore swing, circle left leg up on the outside of left hand to resting position, .one two (b) Circle left leg over left bar and drop back- ward into kipp (feet close to bar) and swing upward in the back swing to free arm support three four (c) Body circle backward to free arm support. five six (d) Under swing to rear stand seven eight 188 Third Year — Gymnasium Work. Strength Exercises. Exercise II: (a) Jump to reach height, upper grip, pull up to bend arm hang, elbows bent one two (b) Stem up with left elbow and following with right to free arm support three four (c) Circle forward in wrist hang, elbows bent, legs forward to right angles five six (d) Squat thorough to inverted hang (head up). .seven twelve (e) Release left hand with a one-half turn left backward and regrasp with the left to' front hang. thirteen fourteen (f) Jump off forward to rear cross stand fifteen sixteen REMARKS: Divide each exercise into parts. Each letter for a lesson, then later add all letters and gradually develop all into one exercise. Parallel Bars (Head Height) (Boys). Swing Exercise. Exercise I: (a) Run and jump to upper arm hang in center of bars. Swing legs forward high over body and on the back swing kipp for- ward to free arm support one four (b) Roll forward in upper arm hang to straddle position five six.. (c) Raise legs forward to right angle, swing backward and over right bar to side stand left seven eight Strength Exercise. In front stand at end of parallel bars. Exercise II: (a) Jump and circle left leg inward over left bar, cut under left hand, over to right bar, the right leg at the same time swings forward over to right bar into sitting position on right bar one two (b) Five-eighths turn left with swinging right leg inward over left bar into straddle position, hands in rear three four (c) Dip swing backward and scissors backward position, hands in front five six (d) Swing forward, body and legs tense, with a one-half turn left over right bar to side stand right seven eight REMARKS: Divide this lesson into four parts. Take each part for a lesson. Then later develop all the lessons into this strength exercise. Parallel Bars and Side Horse. 189 Parallel Bars (Low) (Boys). In front cross stand — hand on end. Exercise I: (a) Jump up to straight arm rest, raise both legs four forward between bars to right angle one (b) Pass left leg over left bar, bent left knee in front of left hand and swing right leg backward, between bars two (c) Swing both legs forward to right angle three (d) Down with the back swing. four Repeat opposite side. Exercise II: (a) As Exercise II, to swinging both legs forward one three (b) Then add immediately rear vault right four Exercise III: (a) As Exercise I — 1-2, then swing right leg forward, pass over left bar to outside cross seat on right thigh, the left leg extending as the right meets the same three four (b) Swing both legs forward and rear vault right over both bars .five Exercise IV: (a) As Exercise I two (b) Swing and continue backward swing of the right leg, pass right leg backward over left bar and immediately one-half turn right through the leaning rest and lower to cross seat on left thigh and grasp position behind three (c) Swing both legs backward, then forward and rear vault left (over right bar) four five See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Side Horse (Girls and Boys). A short run precedes all exercises. Exercise I: (a) Squat rest in saddle one (b) Stand erect two (c) Dismount forward and swing arms forward up- ward in flight, in deep knee, bent position, arms forward three four (d) Stand erect five Exercise II: (a) Squat vault forward, and extend both legs for- ward, then down. • Exercise III: (a) Deep knee bend left in saddle and place right foot on croup (right knee stretched) one (b) Stand erect (feet remain apart) two (c) Dismount forward with one-fourth turn right, swing arms sidewise, upward and clap hands over head in the flight, etc three four 190 Third Year — Gymnasium Work. Exercise IV: (a) Wolf vault forward right (left), over horse to rear stand one two Exercise V: (a) Jump to straddle stand (feet on neck and croup of horse), stand erect one (b) Jump off forward with swinging arms forward two Exercise VI: (a) Run and straddle over saddle to rear stand one.. two Long Horse (Hip Height) (Boys). Exercise I: (a) Run and jump forward to lying support (hands on neck of horse, legs and body in free rest on hands and feet) head up one two (b) Straddle vault off forward to rear stand three four Exercise II: (a) Run and leap over long horse, at the end of jump make a one-half turn left to front stand, hands on neck one four REMARKS: In jumping exercises on the buck or long horse, always have a monitor or two to watch and prevent accidents. Monitors should always stand close to apparatus for quick action until exercise is perfect. Double Bucks (Height Four Feet) (Boys). The bucks are placed lengthwise and parallel to each other about two feet apart. If a spring board be used place the same against the feet of the buck legs in center. A short run precedes all exercises. Exercise I: (a) Jump to free arm support (left and right hand on respective buck) swing forward and light on the mat to half bent knee position.. one tAvo Exercise II: (a) As Exercise I, with one-fourth turn left (to half knee bent) to side position one two Exercise III: (a) As Exercise I, with one-half turn left, to front cross stand one two Exercise IV: (a) As Exercise I, but circle right leg forward over right buck (stride vault forward right to rear cross stand) one two Exercise V: (a) As Exercise I, but circle right leg forward over right buck (stride vault right with one- fourth turn left to side stand. I Climbing Poles (Double). 191 Exercise VI: (a) As Exercise I, but circle both legs forward over right (flank vault right) to rear cross stand.. two Exercise VII: (a) As Exercise IV, to arm support ; swing backward between bucks, then circle left leg forward over left buck and light to rear cross stand. Exercise VIII: (a) As Exercise VII, but with both legs over the right buck (flank swing) swing backward, then both legs forward over the left buck to rear cross stand. Exercise free for all. Climbing Poles (Two) (Boys). Exercise I: (a) Jump to straight arm hang; raise knees for- ward, lower legs, down one two Exercise II: (a) Jump to straight arm hang, raise knees forward and one-half turn backward (legs between arms) turn forward and lower legs; down, repeat once two Exercise III: (a) As Exercise II, but three-fourths turn back- ward, with instep placed a few inches above hands against the poles and flex back to bird's nest; return and down. Repeat once. Exercise IV: (a) As Exercise III, and extend left leg backward; return and down. Repeat with extending right leg backward one two Exercise V: (a) As Exercise II, but continue the 4-4 turn back- ward and extend both legs downward to back hang; return and down. Repeat once. Exercise VI: (a) Jump to straight arm hang and lower legs, place around left pole left foot is over right foot, then climb to upper end, both hands to move simultaneously. Descend in same manner. Exercise VII: (a) As Exercise Six, around right pole. Exercise VIII: (a) As Exercise VI , but change position of legs from left to right pole alternately after each pull up to upper end ; lower legs to straight arm hang and descend by the hands left and right alternately. 192 Third Year — Gymnasium Work. Vertical Ladder (Girls and Boys). Exercise I: (a) Walk up backward, move hands upward, alternately upon rounds to center of ladder one (b) In hand hang, but keep right foot on round......... .....two (c) Raise left knee forward upward one (d) Lower to foot round... two Same right knee.. one two Repeat alternately several times. Exercise II (Boys): (a) In hand hang raise both knees to right angle one (b) Extend both legs forward to right angle two Return three (d) Legs down to hand hang position four Repeat once more four Exercise III: (a) In hand hang, raise legs sidewise (b) Close legs two Repeat several times. Exercise IV: (a) In front, in stride stand left of ladder, hook left foot under third round from bottom. (b) Bend trunk sidewise right with both arms over head one (c) Straighten trunk, arms down two Repeat several times. Exercise V: (a) Same right side one two Repeat several times. Exercise VI : Climb to seventh round in sitting position.. one ..two (a) In knee hang lower trunk backward and down- ward, arms down one (b) Swing up to sitting position, hands on front round two Repeat several times. See suggested games on pages 123-135-203. Oblique Ladders (Girls and Boys). Exercise I: (a) Walk up very carefully to center ladder, arms sidewise one (b) In cross sitting position on any round of ladder, arms sidewise two (c) Lower trunk backward lying on ladder one (d) Return to sitting position two Repeat four times. (e) Grasp front round and drop into hand hang and down two Exercise II: (a) In front lying support, bent elbows one (b) Straighten two Repeat several times. Horizontal Ladders and Rings. 193 Exercise III: (a) In front lying support raise left and right leg alternately backward several times. Exercise IV: (a) In front lying support, turn over forward be- tween two rounds to hand hang and down. Exercise V: (a) Boys — In lying support crawl upward to center of ladder, raise left and right knees forward upward alternately several times. Exercise VI : (a) Boys — ^As Exercise V, but raise with extended left and right legs upward to right angle alternatel}^ several times. Exercise VII: (a) Boys — Under ladder in rear hand hang, upper grip on round, pull up to front lying sup- port, straddle sitting position on both beams, slide down to front stand. Horizontal Ladder (Reach Height) (Girls and Boys). Exercise I: (a) Jump to straight arm hang, hands in outside grasp on beam and travel forward to farther end with lower legs raise back ward... down. In Rear Cross Stand. Exercise II: (a) As Exercise I, but travel backward with knees raised forward down. Exercise III: (a) As Exercise II, but inside grasp on beams and travel forward with both legs spread wide sidewise down. Exercise IV: (a) As Exercise II, but with side swinging (legs ex- tended and held together) ....down. Exercise V: (a) As Exercise II, backward with side swinging (legs extended and held together) down. Exercise VI: (a) As Exercise IV, backward with side swinging (legs extended and held together) down. Rings (Head Height) (Boys). Jump up to bent arm hang (elbows bent) position Exercise I: (a) Extend left and right arm forward alternately.... one four 194 Third Year — Gymnasium Work. Exercise II: (a) Extend left and right arm sidewise alternately.... one four Exercise III: (a) Extend left and right arm upward alternately. . . .one four Exercise IV: Repeat all three exercises in combination left and right alternately. Rings (Reach Height) (Girls and Boys). Exercise I: (a) Swing forward and backward repeatedly, be- ginning with a running start, repeat same with each forward swing. Alight to firm standing position (deep knee bending, etc.) end of last backward swing. Exercise II: (a) Swing forward and backward with running starts, three times; raise body to hang sup- port position with arms bent on third backward swing; swing forward and back- ward three times (alight end of third back- ward swing). Exercise III: (a) Swing forward and backward short swings, three times; raise body to hand support position with arms bent of third backward swing, swing forward and backward three times (alight end of third backward swing). Exercise IV: (a) Swing forward and backward with running starts three times; bend arms and raise knee end of last forward; swing; alight end of next backward swing. Exercise V: (a) Same as Exercise IV, but bend arms and raise knees end of third backward swing; alight end of next forward swing. Exercise VI: (a) In hand hang, circle left with both legs (describe small circle, legs and feet extended ; increase size of circle) . Exercise VII: (a) Repeat Exercise VI same right. Exercise VIII: (a) Boys — Run forward and swing backward for- ward and pull up to bent arm hang, swing backward forward and backward to end of swing to front stand. Giant Stride. 195 Exercise"(IX: (a) Boys — ^As Exercise VIII, but pull up to stem support, in forward swing rings in rear of hip, close together, swing backward and forward, backward at the end of this swing, stretch arms into hand hang and off into front stand. Exercise X: (a) Try the swing kipp to support. Giant Stride (Girls and Boys). Class formation and marching order. If eight ropes to a Giant Circle, then form eight files; if six ropes, then form six files, class five or more deep. Exercise I: (a) Grasp with right hand the second round from the top, left hand on third round from the top, lean outward, run on circle once around with ropes tense, same right. Exercise II: (a) Same grasp as in Exercise I, run three steps... one... two... three (b) And swing body and legs outward, tense, feet off from floor one... two.... three Repeat several times. Exercise III: (a) Repeat Exercise II, right. Exercise IV: Grasp opposite partners side of ropes, head height. (a) With arms extended, bend trunk backward, head back , one (b) Return , two Repeat several times. Exercise V: (a) Hook right knee over second round from bottom. (b) Right hand grasp second round from top. (c) Left hand grasp opposite partners, rope ladder on the right side (upper grip) . (d) Run momentarily left for momentum. (e) Hold firmly and drop body sidewise left, legs cross and extended into horizontal position. (f) Cross legs right, arms extended, hold firmly. (g) Work downward on the side rope of partner until the hands come down to second round from bottom, (h) Circle around several times. REMARKS: Some outsider can occasionally grasp ropes and run once around in order to give a little more momentum. Whatever you do, hold tight until at a given signal all stop. 196 Third Year — Gymnasium Work. Exercise VI: (a) Repeat Exercise IV right. Stall Bars (Boys and Girls). In rear hand-hang — position. Exercise I: (a) Raise left knee to right angle one halt (b) Lower two halt (c) Same right to right angle three halt (d) Lower four halt Repeat same exercises but omit the word halt... one sixteen Exercise II: (a) Raise both knees to right angle one halt (b) Lower two Repeat same omitting the word halt one sixteen Exercise III: (a) Raise both legs extended to right angle one halt (b) Lower two Repeat several times. Exercise IV: In front stand, reach and grasp with both hands the 12th round from the bottom, head back position (a) Place left foot on 4th round from bottom one (b) Return two (c) Place right foot on 4th round from bottom three (d) Return. Repeat several times. Exercise V: In front stand leg distance from stall and hook left foot or instep on fifth or sixth round from bottom position (a) Bend trunk backward and swing arms sidewise, hand in rear of neck one ...two (b) Return three four Repeat several times. Exercise VI : Grasp with both hands the 12th round from bottom (upper grip) and place both feet on the fifth or sixth round from bottom. Body erect, legs straight position (a) Bend knee deep to squat position one (b) Raise with extended legs two Repeat several times. Exercise VII: In side cross stand, grasp with left hand the top round (elbow bent) place left foot on the second or third round from bottom position (a) Extend right leg and arms sidewise one two (b) Return to position three four Repeat several times. U Low Bar and High Jump. 197 Exercise VIII: In front hand hang position (a) Raise lower legs backward, head back * one (b) Return two Repeat several times. Exercise IX: In lying position flat on back, arms extended position (a) Raise legs forward upward to right angles and over, touching with toes the fifth round one two (b) Return to position.... three four Repeat several times. Exercise X : Stall Bar Benches. In sitting position facing bars. Legs extended with both feet under second round from bottom. Hands on hips place (a) Bend trunk backward one (b) Return two Repeat several times. Exercise XI : Arms down. (a) Bend trunk backward and swing arms upward one (b) Bend trunk forward and touch instep two Repeat slowly several times. See suggested ga;mes on pages 123-135-203. Low Horizontal Bar (Boys). (Shoulder Height) In combination with high jump. High Jump. Note — The jumping standards placed about three feet in front (far side) of the bar. Start the cross-bar at about three feet and raise the same two inches higher after every jump of the division or class. Exercise I: Upper grip. Jump upward for start, underswing and pass over cross bar. Exercise II: Jump to position of front rest; 4/4 circle twice with left leg (to front rest), then under swing over cross bar. Exercise III: Front hip wheel backward to front rest; one-half circle right with left leg to cross rest; drop swing backward and squat left forward and underswing and over jumping bar. Exercise IV: Jump upward for start; raise ankles to bar, kipp to free front rest, drop swing, underswing, etc. Exercise V: As Exercise 3 to front rest; one-half circle with both legs to rear rest; drop swing, squat forward, underswing, etc. 198 Third Year — Gymnasium Work. Exercise VI: As Exercise 4 to front rest, immediately free front kipp circle back- ward, underswing, etc. Window- Jump. The jump standards to be placed as for high-jump, two small ropes or cross bars may be used, one placed above the other. The lower cross bar is two feet and six inches from the bottom. The upper cross bar is six feet high. After every jump of the division move the cross bars closer. Lower the top bar two inches. Raise the bottom bar two inches. This order continues until the space is too small to clear. The record in clearing space is 26 inches. (a) Spring off of left (or right) foot, swing both legs (well flexed) and arms forward with the head lower to a half knee position. Tumbling (Boys). Roll Over Back. Exercise I: Select two boys of equal height and weight, stand back to back and grasp hands. The bottom one then leans forward while the top one places his weight on the other and at the same time bending at the hips and knees, immediately straightening them on beginning of the descent. Cart Wheel. » Exercise II: This is best done from a run, placing the hands, first the left, then the right and spreading the legs fully extended to form the spokes of a wheel, hence the name. Fore Arm Stand. Exercise III: Practice this against the wall. Place the fore arm on the floor, palms of the hands down, then turn up to stand. Push away from wall with feet to strike a balance. Reverse Pick-A-Back. Exercise IV: The bottom man stands on all fours with the top man astride of him, then the bottom man rises grasping the ankles of the other. Bend The Grab. Exercise V: Learn this from lying position on the back. Place the hands on the floor behind the shoulders and raise the knees placing the feet wide apart and as near the hands as possible, then with a pushing motion of hands and feet lift the body from floor. Elephant. Exercise VI: No. 2 jump to straddle position, legs around No. 1 waist, ankles cross No. 2, bend backward downward between No. 2 legs and grasp No. 1 ankles, head up. No. 1 bend forward, hands upon floor, arms ex- tended, head up and start to walk on hands and feet. ' In Mass Work — Wrestling and Boxing. 199 In Mass Work — Wrestling. ■On hands and knees. Wrestling exercises limited. Resistance. (a) Quarter, left and right arm "Nelson." (b) Half, left or right "Nelson." (c) Full, both hands "Nelson." (d) Half, "Nelson" and "Far-arm." (e) Half, "Nelson" and "Near leg." (f) Head and ankle. (g) Waist and far leg. (h) Chancery. Learn the holds carefully. Then later turn opponent upon two shoulderblades, counting a fall. Boxing. Straight blows. (a) Left hand. (b) Right hand. (c) Alternately. (d) Successively. Hooks (Sidewise blows) : (a) Left hand. (b) Right hand. (c) Alternating. (d) Successive. Upper cut: (a) Left. (b) Right. (c) Alternating. (d) Successive. Repeat boxing group with the shifting of the feet. I High School Third and Fourth Year Qames of (Competition (201) GAMES. 1. Captain Ball. 2. Volley Ball. 3. Basket Ball. 4. Hand Ball. 5. Soccer Football. 6. Tennis. 7. Football. See any sporting book on rules of Spalding Athletic Library in ball games. Athletic. Including first and second year athletics. 1. Pole vaulting. 2. Hurdle race. 3. Field and track work. 4. Contest between gymnastic, athletic teams. 5. Competitive form of exercises. 6. Military exercises, etc. Athletics in the High Schools. Athletics in the High School should be in charge of a Board of Directors elected annually by the boys of the school, and consists of four representatives from the highest or "A" grade, three from the "B," two from "C," and one from "D" or lowest grade. This board controls all games and contests of the school, but is responsible to an "Advisory Committee," which consists of three or four teachers appointed by the principal of the school. Later a state council will be appointed to make all rules and regulations for athletics. The state athletic council will be appointed by the state superintendent. See suggested games on pages 123-135. (203) Fourth Year Qourse of Study In Physical Training for High School and Fourth Year Apparatus Gymnastics Exercise for strength, skill and grace; increased demands in co- ordinate activity in various combi- nations for typical forms, leading to endurance. Training for track and field work. Competitive forms of activities. Running, pole vault- ing, hurdling, high and broad jump- ing, iron shot put, discus, spear throwing, dancing, etc. (205) I. Tactics. (a) General tactics of the preceding year. (b) Review the marching movements at a run. (c) In single ranks- (form front to flank and vice versa). (d) Facing steps, marching, guiding left or right at a halt, wheeling, etc., as last year. II. Free Exercises. (a) Review the essential exercises of first and second year course. Free exercises. Wand exercises. Dumb-bells exercises. Indian Club exercises. III. Rhythmic Steps. (a) Marching in common and fast time. (b) Leg movements while marching and running. (c) Marching with two and four movement arm exercises, a move- ment on the first of four or two steps. Dancing Step. (a) Review the steps of the preceding grade in the dancing lesson with music. (b) (Polka rhythm) (Mazurka rhythm) (Schottish rhythm) (Waltz rhythm) . (c) Combine two steps of like rhythm. (d) Alternate marching steps with dancing steps. (e) Appropriate character and Folk Dance by Elizabeth Burchenal. Games, track and field work, miscellaneous. Activities. (a) Games: 1. Develop the finer points of the team games of last year. 2. Increase the difficulty of the more vigorous gymnastic games. (b) Track and Field Events: 1. Review previous events, work for correct form. 2. Low hurdles, pole vault, hop-step-jump. 3. Shot Put (16 lbs.), (Hurl Ball, 4 lb.) 4. Endurance run. Miscellaneous Activities. Read Remarks: Make it your business to find out something definite about every boy's outdoor life. Where necessary speak to the boys who need to form the habit of sane outdoor recreative activity. Review the apparatus work of the first and third year. (Review all complicated exercises of the third year.) (207) 208 Fourth Year — Apparatus Gymnastics. High Horizontal Bar: 1. Swing up to knee circle forward to rest. 2. Drop kipp. Trunk wheel forward and backward. Pull up to stem support. Inverted hang, etc. Low Horizontal Bar: 1. In rest hang squat and rear pull up to sitting position. Double arm wheel. Trunk wheel forward and backward. All exercises with combination of high jumping. Parallel Bars: 1. Upper arm hang. Kipp, roll forward and backward. Scissor backward and forward. Circling left and right inward and outward. With one-fourth and one-half turn on end of exercises. Strength exercises. Long Horse: 1. Lying support, leaping with one-half turns. Side Horse: 1. Squatting, straddling, dismount forward and backward, wolf jump. Bucks : 1. Double bucks. Swing forward. One-half turns leg circles, climbing poles raise knees, three-fourths turns, 4/4 turns, straddle on opposite bucks. Vertical Ladder: 1. Walk forward and backward. Front hang, rear hand hang, raise knees, bending trunk, knee hang. Side Horse: Support, lying, straddle, vault dismount; scissor forward, vaults with vaults at the end of exercises. Rings — Head Height: 1. Bend arm hang. Arms extending, thrusting, pull up into bent arm hang. Leg exercises, kipp inverted hang, free pull up to stem support. Double Poles: Hand hang, inverted hang, leg exercises, climb on one hold to the other pole. Climb up on two poles. Horizontal Ladder, Incline Vertical Ladders: Hanging with leg exercises (straight and bent arms) traveling on beams and rounds with legs positions (straight and bent arms). Balance Beams: Running and skipping on the beams, arm and leg movement in the support mounts, dismount and vaults. Buck — Broad — Hip Height: 1. Jumping, straddling, squat, leg circling, vaulting, scissors. Storm Board: Walk, run, balance, one-fourth turn, one-half turn, jumping, lying support, knee bending, running high jump from storm board. Underlying Principles of Hygiene. 209 Tumbling: 1. Roll over back. Cart Wheel, Fore-arm Stand, Reverse Pick- A-Back, Bend the Grab, Elephant. Wrestling : With various holds. Boxing : Straight blows. Hooks. Upper cut. Window Jumping: Spring off with right and left and both feet. Low horizontal bar in combination high jump. Games: Athletics. Athletics in the high school. Athletic associations. UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES OF HYGIENE. I. The health work of the teacher, the physical training depart- ment and the department of medical inspection should be unified in a way that will give more forceful meaning to their varied yet single purpose — the physical well-being of the child. II. Health-knowledge without health-practice is educational waste. In fact, establishing health-habits is far more important than the mere furnishing of health-information. HI. Health-practice must very often precede the reason for it, although intelligent appreciation of the general reasons for the practice may often be developed quite early. IV. Health in the normal condition of the child, and the benefits and possibilities of health should be dwelt upon rather than the morbid horrors of disease. V. Every subject should be treated from the standpoint of the body as a whole, with the relation of the part, organ, or function under con- sideration to the whole body. VI. The teacher should be regarded as the health guardian of the child and the one who, because of her intelligence and daily contact with the child, is best fitted to promote its physical welfare. Her enlightenment on the recognition of the early stages of the most common contagious diseases and the more glaring physical defects should form an important part of any course of study. VII. Pupils should be given an introductory glance into the intensely interesting and practical subjects of germ life and the important part it plays in the human economy. The necessity of carefully dis- infecting pencils that are collected and distributed, and the danger arising from putting the end of the pencil in the mouth, furnished practical illustration of the care needed in order to avoid introducing disease germs into the body. VIII. The teacher should not only emphasize important matters of personal hygiene but also aim to develop the pupil's intelligence and sympathetic interest in problems of sanitation and health as they per- 210 Underlying Principles of Hygiene. tain to the school, the home and the community. This is a first and important step in the larger social service which every pupil, even the youngest, should be taught to render. Hygienic Methods. I. The instruction should be associated directly with the daily school, home and community life of the pupil and in so far as possible, be based upon actual conditions and occurrences. II. The best work is done by "teaching," not by preaching. Ill In the primary grades the instruction should be almost wholly by means of conversation and stories and always concrete. In the grammar grades the instruction should be more formal, but the scientific phases of the subject should be left for the higher schools. IV. Technical names need not necessarily be used. V. The teacher herself should be a model of hygienic living and the school environment must furnish a wholesome example of desirable health conditions. Tests of Efficiency of the Teaching. I. The success of the personal hygiene teaching will show very largely in the appearance of the pupil while at work and while at play. II. The success of the home and community phases of work must necessarily be determined very largely by the intelligence and interest displayed by the pupils in the health problems that lie outside of the school. III. Pupils should be led to appreciate as fully as possible the fact that good health-habits are a real test of the character of their work in physical development, physiology and hygiene and also that such habits have a very direct leaning on the work which they are able to do in the other subjects of study. The important causes of disease, the chief factors in developing these chronic maladies of the vital organs may be classified as follows: I. Improper li\ing habits, over-eating, especially of meat and of rich, highly seasoned foods. II. Too little exercise. III. Too much exercise, prolonged, exhausing manual labor or athletic exercises. IV. Abuse of alcohol or tobacco. V. The disease of vice. VI. Hard work, in which one has an interest, not carried to the point of undue strain or interference with the normal sleep, exercise, diet, etc., is not in itself harmful. Over-stimulation of any kind, excessive emotional excitement and prolonged mental strain may, however, cause the human mechanism to break down, instead of running down. Some of the matter on hygiene here printed is from an address by John P. Garber, Ph. D., Superintendent of Schools, Philadelphia. "Lopsided" brain work and bad hygiene are important factors in bringing on premature disease. The brain-worker needs some physical work and mental play. The manual laborer or mechanic needs some physical play and mental work. The various causes of chronic diseases are, after all, simple; periodic examination to determine the physical condition, removal of infection, and then regulation of living habits so that the child or individual may Health Hints. 211 so far as possible, be adjusted to his life work, or his life work adjusted to his physical capacities. These are the simple needs for a healthful nation. Evidence of need — (a) Thirty-five per cent, of the men on the first draft were rejected as physically unfit. Allowing for underweight and special sensory defects, neither of which argues general physical unfitness, not less than twenty-five per cent were rejected for real physical unfitness. That means 2,500,000 between the ages of twenty-one and thirty were unfit for military service, therefore unfit to render full measure of service in any capacity; therefore unable to get full returns from life in work and happiness. An equal number of women doubtless suffer from dis- qualifying defects. Much time was lost in purely physical training and conditioning. General Pershing said, "I hope never again to see my country so unprepared for healthy physical men as it was during the draft of 1917." Health Hints. 1.. Hygiene. (a) Let in the fresh air. (b) Go out after it. (c) Sleep out if you can. (d) Breathe deeply. 2. Food Hygiene. (a) Eat some crusty or resistant food, some bulky and some raw food at each meal. ' (b) Eat slowly, chew and taste your food thoroughly. (c) Eat at regular intervals but eat little when not hungry. (d) Take no poison or infection into your body. 3. Activity Hygiene. (a) Secure daily thorough bowel movement. (b) Exercise body and mind daily. (c) Keep erect, standing .and sitting. (d) Play a little, have a hobby. 4. Rest Hygiene. (a) Vary your work. (b) Stop occasionally and relax. (c) Keep serene, be courageous. (d) Enjoy sweet sleep and enough of it. 5. Drink without eating and eat without drinking. 6. Drink five glasses of water per day, none with meals. 7. Don't eat cheap, impure candy. 8. Keep feet warm and a cool head. 9. Dress cool when you walk and warm when you ride. 10. Don't sit still with wet feet. Walk until you have a chance to change. 11. After a hearty meal stand up for fifteen minutes. 12. Whenever you walk, stand up with chin in, hips back, and chest out, and think how tall you are. 13. Obesity comes from overloading the stomach and underworking the body. 14. Take full deep breathing exercises, drink plenty of water and keep the skin active. It will help keep most people out of the doctor's hands. 15. Not too much worry. 212 Underlying Principles of Medicine. To Avoid Colds. Eat 1. three meals 2. of substantial food 3. slowly 4. and rest after meals. Breathe 1. plenty of fresh air 2. in office 3. in schoolroom 4. in bedroom. Sleep 1. eight hours at least. Walk 1. to and from school 2. part way at least. Avoid 1. cold and damp 2. when overheated. Shun 1. crowds 2. as much as possible. Do Not Use 1. another's cup 2. or towel. Do Not Associate 1. with one having a cold. Wear 1. enough clothing 2. but not too much. Bathe 1. frequently 2. in cold water preferably. Use 1. medicine from a physician, 2. not from a druggist, 3. to cure a cold. Health Questions. 1. Do you eat fresh fruit every day? 2. Do you eat succulent vegetables daily? 3. Are your meals properly balanced as to proteins, fats, carbo- hydrates and sugar? 4. Do you eat slowly and masticate thoroughly? 5. Do you know you do not eat too much? 6. Do you brush your teeth thoroughly at least once a day? 7. Do you know the temperature of your room should be from 66 to 70 degrees? 8. Do you sleep in a room which is well ventilated regardless of weather conditions? 9. Do you sleep eight hours per day? 10. Do you spend at least two hours every day outdoors? 11. Do you walk at least two miles every day in the open air? 12. Do you bathe your entire body at least twice a week? 13. Do you follow your warm bath with a quick cold sponge? 14. Do you know that you are not underweight or overweight? 1 5 Do you know that your eyes may not be causing some nervous disorder? 16. Do you refrain from using the same drinking cup and towels of another, even in your own family? 17. Have you a parched or sour feeling in mouth upon rising? Health System of Heating and Ventilation. Health system in heating and ventilating school buildings, now generally known as the St. Louis System, consists of a fan and vento heating coils for warming and distributing the fresh air and an air washer for removing dust and adding humidity and the use of the electrostatic Inculcation of Health Habits, Duties of School Nurses. 213 ozone purifier for destroying odors and bacteria. There are no radiators in the rooms. The cost of the apparatus is no greater than the old style and the cost of fuel is much less. This system was developed while endeavoring to reproduce the healthful air conditions found in the mountain and sea breezes. The data as to health in schools under test in comparison with other nearby schools indicate two and one-half to three and one-half times as many cases of illness for the old type against the new. Neglect in Health. — In these days half our diseases comes from the neglect of the body in the over-work of the brain. In this railway age the wear and tear of labor and intellect go on without pause or self-pity. We live longer than our forefathers, but we suffer more from a thousand artificial anxieties and cares. They fatigued only the muscles, we ex- haust the finer strength of the nerves. (Bulwer.) Inculcation of Health Habits. Health Chores. To inculcate right habits of living in childhood in respect to exercise, play, cleanliness, diet, rest, etc., the Missouri School Health Crusade chore plan as published by the Missouri Tuberculosis Association, is designated for use in practical instruction in personal hygiene. This health crusade course includes the use of: Health Crusader's Chore Record Sheet with Health Crusader's Weight Record, Health Crusader's Certificate of Enrollment with Explanation of Health Chores, Explanation Circular, Roll of Health Knighthood and Class Room Height and Weight Record Chart with Honor Stars, Health Habits vs. Health Rules — Walker, Initiating the School Health Crusade — Capps. The printed matter of the Missouri School Health Crusade may be purchased from the office of the Secretary of the Missouri State Teachers' Association, Columbia, Missouri. This printed matter, with the Honor Stars, will be supplied in tableted form in quantities sufficient for a school unit of twenty-five pupils for a sixteen weeks' course for one dollar per tablet, delivery paid. Extra tablets of 100 Chore Record Sheets alone will be supplied for sixty-five cents, and extra wall charts with honor stars for ten cents each, postpaid. Duties of School Nurses. When nurses only have been appointed subject to instruction from the State Superintendent of Schools, the following shall be the duties of the school nurse : The school nurse or nurses shall make in certain school districts an examination of each child as soon as practicable after admission to the school and shall report the principal signs and symptoms in writing on the form provided, to the principal who shall keep the records in the school building. The nurse should also keep the record at the state office. The examination shall consist of an inspection of the scalp, skin of the face and hands, the mouth, throat and teeth, the joints and spine, and simple tests for sight and hearing. The pulse and temperature 214 Underlying Principles of Hygiene. shall be observed if necessary, and the presence or absence of vaccination scars be recorded. Special examination shall be made of any new cases which may be referred to the school nurse by a doctor, inspector or principal and any other cases which a previous examination has shown to need atten- tion , or which may otherwise come to her notice. On completing these examinations the school nurse shall when she deems it necessary notify the parent or guardian of his child or ward and it shall be the duty of such parent or guardian to have the case duly attended to. In case of emergency the school nurse may render first aid, may bandage wounds, and apply antiseptic dressing to cuts, burns, and bruises but shall neither give nor prescribe medicines or other treat- ment. The school nurse shall visit the pupils' homes and shall confer with their parents or guardians at such hours and places as may be arranged by her and approved by the principal. The school nurse shall keep a written record of such visits and con- ferences and shall report promptly and fully in regard to them to the principal and the school inspector within one week after each visit or conference. The school nurse shall assist the school inspector in preparing reports of the health of the children required by an act of the 51st General Assembly. From "The School Nurse" — by Lina Kogers Struthers. Help In Case of Accidents. 1. Drowning, — 1. Loosen clothing, if any. 2. Empty lungs of water by laying body on its stomach and lifting it by the middle so that the head hangs down. Jerk the body a few times. 3. Pull tongue forward, using handkerchief, or pin with string, if necessary. 4. Imi- tate motion of respiration by alternately compressing and expanding the lower ribs about twenty times a minute. Alternately raising and lower- ing the arms from the sides up above the head will stimulate the action of the lungs. Let it be done gently but persistently. 5. Apply warmth and friction to extremities. 6. By holding tongue forward, closing the nostrils and pressing "Adam's apple" back (so as to close entrance to esophagus), direct inflation may be tried. Take a deep breath and breathe it forcibly into the mouth of patient, compress the chest to expel the air, and repeat the operation. 7. DON'T GIVE UP. People have been saved after hours of patient, vigorous effort. 8. When breathing begins get patient into a warm bed, give warm drinks or spirits in teaspoonful. Fresh air and quiet. 2. Burns and Scalds. — Cover with cooking soda, and lay cloths over it. Whites of eggs and olive oil. Olive or linseed oil, plain or mixed with chalk or whitening. 3. Lightning. — Dash cold water over the person struck. 4. Sun Stroke. — Loosen clothing. Get patient into shade and apply ice water to the head. 5. Mad Dog or Snake Bite. — Tie cord tight above wound. Suck the wound and cauterize with caustic or white-hot iron at once, or cut adjoining parts with sharp knife. 6. Venomous Insects' Stings, etc. — Apply weak ammonia, oil, salt water or iodine. Help in Case of Accidents, 215 7. Fainting. — Place flat on back; allow fresh air and sprinkle with water. 8. Test of Death. — Hold mirror to mouth. If living, moisture will gather. Push pin into flesh, if dead the hole will remain, if alive it will close up. 7. Cinders in the Eye. — Roll soft paper up like a lamp lighter and wet the tip to remove or use a medicine dropper to draw it out. Rub the other eye. 10. Fire in One's Clothing.— DON'T RUN— especially not down- stairs or out of doors. Roll on carpet or wrap in woolen rug or blanket. Keep the head down so as not to inhale flame. 11. Fire in a Building. — Crawl on the floor. The clearest air is the lowest in the room. Cover the head with a woolen wrap. Wet if possible. Cut holes for the eyes; don't get excited. 12. Fire in Kerosene.— DON'T USE WATER, it will spread the flames. Dirt, sand or flour is the best extinguisher; or smother with woolen rug, tablecloth or carpet. CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS AND RULES OF THE SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI CONSTITUTION. ATHLETICS IN HIGH SCHOOLS. The purpose of the constitution, by-laws and rules is to extend, perfect and foster the aims and ideals of the school athletic association, and to present a healthful and wholesome pastime to all those who are interested, either as players or spectators in athletics, as played on the school and college playgrounds, and to enable all participants to abide by the principles of good sportsmanship and honest and fair play. ARTICLE I. Athletics in each high school shall be in charge of a board of managers elected annually by the boys of the school and consists of four representatives from the senior class, three from the junior class, two from the sophomore class and one from the fresh- man class. The board controls all games and contests of the school, but is responsible to an "advisory committee" which consists of three or four teachers appointed by the prin- cipal or superintendent of the school. ARTICLE 11. The president of the "advisory committee" of each high school must report all athletics, baseball, soccer football, basket ball events with records to the county execu- tive committee. All athletic dates must first be sanctioned by the county executive committee. ARTICLE III. Duties of the High School Board of Managers L Protection and purification of athletic sports and games in and between the various schools. 2. Passing upon the eligibility of contestants. 3. To act in case of disputes whenever appeals are made. 4. The board of managers shall take cognizance of all violations of the rules of the school athletic association and the rules governing the several athletic contests and decide all cases of dispute. An appeal can be taken to the advisory committee of the schools or the county executive committee. 5. All pupils who shall participate in any of the spring and summer athletic contests, baseball, field day and soccer football, must have been enrolled as regular pupils in the school they represent, seven days before such contests. 6. All pupils who shall participate in any of the fall athletic contests must have been enrolled as regular pupils in the school they represent seven days before such contests. 7. No pupil who shall have been absent from school ten days in the aggregate after entrance shall be permitted to participate in any athletic contests. 216 Constitution, By-Laws and Rules. 217 8. No pupil shall be permitted to participate in any athletic contests, who shall not have at least fifteen periods of school work per week, distributed among at least three studies. No pupil shall be permitted to participate in any athletic contests in the first year who shall not have attained an average of seventy per cent in the last semester in which he or she attended school; in the second year eighty per cent, and in the third and fourth years, eighty-five per cent. Inter-High School Athletics. ARTICLE IV. County Athletic Board of Managers. Two representatives, a teacher and one pupil from each school in the county, shall meet annually and form the county school athletic association. The representatives then organize by electing officers and these constitute the "County Athletic Board of Managers" of the county school athletic association for that county. Each high school in the county shall be represented on this board. The president, with the as- sistance from the county superintendent, shall appoint the executive committee. ARTICLE V. Officers. — At the county athletic board of managers annual meeting to be held on the third Saturday in September at the call of the president, the members shall elect a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. These officers are to serve one year. The president and vice-president and county superintendent are responsible for all honest and fair reports to the district committeeman, who is again held responsible to the council executive committee at the state superintendent's office, Jefferson City, Missouri. Duties of the County Athletic Board of Managers . 1. Protection and purification of athletic sports and games in and between the various schools. 2. Passing upon the eligibility of contestants. 3. To act in case of disputes whenever appeals are made. 4. The county athletic board of managers shall take cognizance of all violations of the rules of the school athletic association and the rules governing the several ath- letic contests and decide all cases of dispute. An appeal can be taken to the district executive committee which is governed by the state council executive committee. 5. All pupils who shall participate in any of the spring and summer athletic contests (baseball, field day, and soccer football) must have been enrolled as regular pupils in the school they represent seven days before such contests. 6. All pupils who shall participate in any of the fall athletic contests must have been enrolled as regular pupils in the school they represent seven days before such con- tests. 7. No pupil who shall have been absent from school ten days in the aggregate after entrance shall be permitted to participate in any athletic contest. 8. No pupil shall be permitted to participate in any athletic contests who shall not have at least fifteen periods of school work per week, distributed among at least three studies. No pupil shall be permitted to participate in any athletic contest in the first year who shall not have attained an average of seventy per cent in the last semester in which he or she attended school in the second year, eighty per cent, and in the third and fourth years, eighty-five per cent. The above directions under Article V will hold in awarding "ringers." They also prevent semi-professional athletes (such as attend Missouri schools only to win laurels on the athletic fields) in taking part. This also will encourage the poorer pupils in school to do better work, and will also raise the standing of athletics in the schools. 218 Constitution, By-Laws and Rules. ARTICLE VI. The county executive committee of five members shall be selected by the county school superintendent and president of county athletic board of managers at the annual meeting. After this election a report of the officers shall be sent to the state superin- tendent of schools not later than three days after election. ARTICLE VII. Termination of Membership. The school membership of any county may be terminated: 1. By resignation duly accepted by the county athletic board of managers and the district executive committeeman, or the approval of the state superintendent. 2. Upon the failure of any school to comply with any requirements of the con- stitution, rules or by-laws of the school athletic association, the district executive com- mittee shall have the power in such cases to expel any school from the school athletic associations. 3. The membership in this school athletic association shall continue until the next annual election of officers. ARTICLE VIII. The state shall be divided into five athletic districts, viz.: Central, Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and Southwest. Each district is to be under the supervision of its district executive committeeman who is under the authority of the state executive council. Each district committeeman shall be a member of a county athletic board of managers in his district. The state supervisor of physical education shall be the chair- man of the district committeemen. A vacancy in the membership of the district executive committeemen shall be filled by a majority of the remaining members. ARTICLE IX. The district executive committeemen shall have full authority over all matters concerning athletics in their respective districts, including questions of eligibility and of championship. ARTICLE X. The district executive committeemen shall meet once a year at the call of the council executive committee. ARTICLE XI. The district executive committee shall report the proceedings of all meetings in full to the council executive committee. All decisions of the council executive com- mittee are final. ARTICLE XII. PROTEST: All disputes between schools of the same county must be decided by the county executive committee before any appeal from a decision of any county execu- tive committee can be made to the district executive committee. This appeal must be submitted In writing to the president of the district executive committee not later than four days after the decision is handed down by the county executive committee and must be accompanied by a deposit of one dollar. In case the previous decision of the county executive committee is upheld by the president of the district executive com- mitteemen, the team forfeits the one dollar deposited, but if the decision of the body is overruled the one dollar deposited is returned. Constitution, By-Laws and Rules. 219 ARTICLE XIII. The state athletic council shall consist of the six school inspectors from the state educational department and also the assistant director of vocational and rehabilitation work and the chief clerk, with the state superintendent of public schools as ex officio member who shall be chairman of the council. ARTICLE XIV. The executive committee of the state athletic council is empowered to investigate the affairs, demand any reports, examine the finances, or scrutinize the minutes of any school in any county athletic board of managers. All disputes between various county schools shall be settled by the county executive committee but appeals may be made respectively to the district and the council executive committees. ARTICLE XV. The state athletic council shall make all rules and regulations for the district execu- tive committeemen. The state athletic council and district executive committee are appointed by the state superintendent of schools. ARTICLE XVI. Upon approval of the state superintendent and the district executive committee the county athletic board of managers shall be admitted to the school athletic associa- tion upon the payment of the sum of ten dollars to the state physical director at the office of the state superintendent of schools. All the expenses for medals and badges of the school athletic association shall be shared equally by all schools. The amount of expenses shall be deducted from the de- posit money, and the remainder is to be returned to the president of the various county athletic board of managers at the end of the season. However, if any county athletic board of managers fails to comply with the constitution, by-laws, or rules of the school athletic association, or fails to carry out its schedule, the money advanced by the county athletic board of managers shall be forfeited to the state director of physical education to be expended as deemed best by the council executive committee. ARTICLE XVII. Special Permission. — To play outside of the county, special written permission must be obtained from the district executive committeeman, subject to the approval of the council executive committee, to play all games not under the jurisdiction of this association. Such permission shall not be granted if there is any indication that the school or team of any county or members of the team receive more than their legitimate expenses, or if any part of this constitution, any by-laws, or the rulings of the school athletic association are violated. Permission granted in such cases shall extend only to the bona fide members of the team securing permission. Even though such per- mission sh^U have been granted, a protest may be considered by the district executive committee, if it is asserted that such a game was not played under the conditions pre- sented and specified to the district executive committee, or the chairman thereof at the time such permit was granted. ARTICLE XVIII. The school winning the state school athletic association championship in athletic or game contests must not schedule post season games or contests without written per- mission of the district executive committeeman. 220 Constitution, By-Laws and Rules. BY-LAWS. Membership. — The school athletic association shall be composed of members who are students in the high schools of the state, as follows: Section I. Under the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of the School Athletic Association, the boys of the high schools shall be divided into two groups. The first group shall include all the boys in the Freshman and Sophomore classes, and shall be designated as class "B." All the boys in the Junior and Senior classes shall be in the second group, and shall be designated as Class "A." The girls in the high schools shall be grouped in the same manner and shall be designated as belonging to Classes "B" and "A." Section II. By the consent of the district committeeman any two high schools may enter into athletic contests in which the entire high school acts as a unit instead of being divided into two groups. In this case the expenses for medals and badges must be paid by the contesting schools. Section III. Application for membership. — This application must clearly set forth : 1. The name of the school and county. 2. The name and address of each team manager. 3. The time and place where the schools prefer to play or hold their athletic events. 4. To what class they belong. Section IV. The annual meeting of the county athletic board of managers must be held on the third Saturday in September at the call of the president. Section V. Any m.eeting of the county athletic board of managers can be held when- ever found necessary by the president or by request of the district executive committee and by the council executive committee. Section VI. A paid coach must be a member of the high school faculty in which he is employed as a teacher of Physical Education. RXJLES. 1. The state athletic council will furnish medals or badges as prizes for athletic contests for each county holding membership as well as for the state- wide athletic meet- ing, provided that each county athletic board of^managers deposit ten dollars with the state physical director at the office of the state superintendent of schools, before enter- ing any contest. All who fail to comply with any of the rulings of the council shall forfeit the deposit which is to be expended as deemed best by the council. Each county is to furnish programs and officials for the annual county athletic events, and send the winners of the different athletic events, at the expense of the county, to the annual state-wide athletic events. 2. In case of Ties in Field Events: In case two or more runners finishing the race should tie, then the runners who tie must repeat the race in order to decide the winner. If a county by a tie should qualify two boys in one event for the state meet, the county may be credited by the points of only one competitor. The state council plans to have a medical examination made of the heart of every boy who competes. 3. Athletic Events for Boys: 100-yard dash. High jump. Eight pound shot-put. Running broad jump. Running, hop, step and jump. Relay Race (six boys, 600 yards). Pole vault. Constitution, By-Laws and Rules. 221 4. Athletic Events for Girls: Sixty-five yard dash. Basket ball throw for distance. Trunk raising. Basket Ball Relay Race (six girls, 390 yards). 'Explanation of Basket Ball Throw: The ball shall be a basket ball (Spalding pre- ferred). The ball is thrown from within a circle seven feet in diameter, the same as the shot-put circle for boys. The ball may be thrown with the left or right hand with a run within the circle and end with a jump within the circle in sending the ball to the desired distance. Explanation of Trunk Raising : Contestant lies on back on floor or mat, arms folded across chest. Raise trunk to sitting position twelve times in succession. The knees must be kept straight and feet not raised from the floor nor held there by any weight. 5. SCORE AS FOLLOWS: Raising trunk 12 times, scores 5 points. Raising trunk 8 times and over, scores 3 points. Raising trunk 4 times and over, scores 1 point. 6. In estimating the results of the contests, the field judges shall score as follows: Each contestant has a right to enter as many events as he wishes. The judges keep account of all points made by the contestants. Any contestant winning the highest place in any event receives five points; the second highest place, 3 points; and the third highest place, one point. The one receiving five points gets a blue badge, the one receiving three points gets a red badge, and the one receiving one point gets a white badge. The contestant whose points aggregate the highest in all events is awarded the highest honors. ELIGIBILITY RULES FOR ATHLETIC CONTESTANTS. Qualifications, Registration of Players. A. All contestants must be registered seven days before any athletic meeting or games with the approval of the county executive committee. B. This registration does not exempt any player from protest at a later date, providing sufficient proof is presented. The county executive committee may declare the player in question ineligible at any time. C. Any player expelled from a contest or game by referee or judge may be sus- pended by the chairman of the county executive committee, subject to the approval of the county athletic board of managers. D. No player or athlete is eligible to play on a team or take part in a contest who has played in any "professional" game. E. The interpretation of the meaning of the word "amateur" and "professional" shall be left entirely to the judgment of the executive committee, under whose super- vision the contest is held. F. The chairman of the advisory board of each high school should submit to the chairman of the county executive committee satisfactory official reports annually. G. To represent a school in any contest, the student shall not have reached his twentieth birthday. H. No student shall be eligible to compete for more than four seasons in any sport or type of contest. I. Each high school should be represented in each county contest by a team which actually takes part in two events chosen from the list which follows: 222 Constitution, By-Laws and Rules. Team Contests. Basket Ball. Indoor Baseball. Soccer Football. End Ball. Captain Ball. Volley Ball. Tether Ball. Net Hand Ball. Each high school should have a class room calisthenic drill for the county champion- ship. The school which wins the county championship three successive times, will receive a state prize: 1. The first a pennant. 2. The second a pennant. 3. The third time a state prize. No player can be on two teams. Class drills are considered the most essential of all physical contests and the class scoring the greatest number of points in the state meet will receive the highest honors of all events. The advisory board of each high school is held responsible for all contestants on their entry blanks or cards. A physician should be present at all interscholastic contests and be readily avail- able at all times in case of accidents. AMENDMENTS. Amendments to the constitution, by-laws and rules may be added by a two-thirds majority of the district and council executive committee at their annual meeting. I I INDEX, Page Accidents, Help in case of 214 Aesthetic Arm Movements, First Year 45 Aesthetic Combination 47 Aesthetic Combination with Arms, Feet and Trunk 48 Aesthetic Dancing, First Year, Lesson B 49 Aesthetic Dancing, Third Year 175 Aesthetic Movements 44, 46 Lesson A 47 Aim of Physical, The 9 Amendments 222 American School Dances, First Year 52 American School Dances, Third Year 183 Apparatus, Gymnastics, Second Year 140 Apparatus, Hand 25 Applications for Membership 220 Arabesque 48 Association, School Athletics 216 Arms, The 15 Athletic Association, School 216 Athletic Council, State 219 Athletic Council, Executive Committee of 219 Athletic Events for Boys 220 Athletic Events for Girls 221 Athletics in High Schools 216 Athletics, Inter School ' 217 Balancing Blanks. 108 Balancing Step, Waltz. ; 45 Balance Step 44 Bar Bells 77 Bar Horizontal (Height of Head) 97 Bar Horizontal (Low) 95 Bar Horizontal (Reach Height Jump) 99 Beautiful Lady Girls Special 34 Bend the Crab 198 Blue Danube, The 53 Board of Managers, Duties of County Athletic 217 Boxing 199 Breathing 17 Broad Buck 104 By-Laws 220 Buck, Broad 104 Buck, Long 105, 208 Burns and Scalds 214 Butterfly Schottish 52 Calisthenics 22 Captain Ball 129 Cart Wheel 198 223 224 Index. Page Center Base 124 Change Step 17 Cinders in the Eye 215 Climbing Poles and Ropes 114 Colds, to avoid 212 Conducting a Lesson, Manner of 17 Combination of Arm and Feet Movements 47 Command, The 14 Contents 4 Contestants, Eligibility Rules for Athletics 221 Constitution, By-Laws and Rules 216 Council Executive Committee 219 County Executive Committee 218 County Athletic Board of Managers 217 Coupon Dance 178 Course of Study, Second Year 137 Course of Study, Third Year 141 Cross Tag 124 Daily Information 25 Dancing, Aesthetic 49 Dancing, Aesthetic, Third Year . 175 Dancing, Gilbert 52 Dances, American School 52, 183 Dancing Steps, General Instructions. 44 Dance, June Bug 178 Death. Test of 215 District Executive Committee 218 Districts, Five Athletic State 218 Dreamland Polka , 53 Drowning 214 Dumb-bells, Exercises, First Year 66 Dumb-bells, Exercises, Third Year ' 158 Duties of School Nurses 213 Duties of the High School Board of Managers 216 Duties of the County Athletic Board of Managers. . ; 217 Elephant 198 End Ball 127 Eligibility Rules for Athletic Contestants 221 Executive Committee, County 218 Executive Committee, District 218 Executive Committee of State Athletic Council 219 Exercises, Free 26 Exercises, Free (Slow Waltz Time) 31 Exercises, Sitting order to 14 Explanation of Basket Ball Throw 221 Explanation of Trunk Raising 221 Explanation for all Technical Terms 15 Eye, Cinders in the 215 Fainting 215 Feet 16 Fire in One's Clothing 215 Index. 225 Page Fire in a Building 215 Fire in Kerosene 215 First Year, Aesthetic Dancing 49 First Year, American School Dances 52 Lesson A, Butterfly 52 Lesson B, The Blue Danube 53 Lesson C, Dreamland Polka 53 First Year, Apparatus Gymnastics 93 Balancing Blanks 108 Buck, Long (Hip Height) 105 Buck, Broad (Hip Height) 104 Climbing, Poles and Ropes 114 Giant Stride 107 High Horizontal Bar 99 High Horizontal Ladder 113 Horizontal Bar (Head Height) 97 Long Horse (Hip Height) 103 Low Parallel Bars Shoulder Height 100 Low Horizontal Bar -, 95 Oblique Ladder 112 Parallel Bars (Reach Height) 101 Poles, Girls 115 Rings, Head Height 115 Rings, Reach Height Jump 117 Side Horse 102 Storm Boards 109 .Tumbling \ 118, 209 Vertical Ladder Ill First Year — Course of Study 7 First Year — Dumb-bell Exercises 66 Lesson A 66 Lesson B 67 Lesson C 69 Lesson D 71 Lesson E 72 Lesson F 73 Lesson G 75 First Year — Free Exercises 26 Lesson A 26 Lesson B 29 Lesson C 31 Lesson D. 34 Lesson E 36 Lesson F 3^ Lesson G 41 Lesson H 43 First Year — I]ndian Club Exercises 79 Lesson A 79 Lesson B '81 Lesson C 84 Lesson D 86 Lesson E 90 Lesson F 91 226 Index. Page First Year — Wand Exercises 54 Lesson A 54 Lesson B 57 Lesson C 58 Lesson D 60 Lesson E 61 Lesson F 64 Five Athletic Districts, State 218 Follow Step 17 Fore Arm, Stand 198 Foreward 3 Four Count Movements 29 Fourth Year Course of Study 205 Activities .207 Dancing 207 Free Exercises 207 Miscellaneous Activities 207 Rhythmic Steps 207 Tactics 207 Fourth Year Apparatus, Gymnastic 208 Free Exercises — First Year 26 Free Exercises Material 29 Free Exercises (Slow Waltz Time) 31 Fundamental Position 14 Games 123 to 135 Captain Ball .129 Center Base 124 Cross Tag 124 End Ball 127 Indian Club Guard 123 Indoor Baseball 129 Long Ball 124 Net Hand Ball 131 Posture Tag 124 Poison 129 Snow Fort Bombardment 124 Soccer Football 133 Switching 125 Tether Ball 129 Tug of War 125 Volley Ball l 126 Zigzag Relay 124 General Instructions 9 General Instructions, Dancing Steps 44 Giant Stride . 107 Gilbert Dancing 52 Girls, Free Exercises (Waltz Time) 31 Girls, Special, Music, Beautiful Lady 34 Crlow Worm 175 Gymnasium, Sixty Minutes' Work 22 Gymnasium Work 95 Gymnasium, In the 24 Index. 227 Page Hand Apparatus 25 Hand, Salute with the 18 Head, the 15 Health Chores 213 Health Habits, Inculcation of 213 Health Hints 19, 22 Health Questions 212 Health System of Heating and Ventilation 212 Height and Weight Table 13 Help in Case of Accidents .' 214 High Jumping 118 High Jumping with Spring Board 118 High Horizontal Ladder 113, 208 High Horizontal Bar (Low) (Four Feet High) 95, 208 Hippity Hop Variations 52 Horizontal Bar (Height of Head) 97 Horizontal Bar 208 Horizontal Bar (Reach Height Jump) 99 Horse (Long) (Hip Height) 103 Horse, Side (Hip Height) 102 Hygiene, Methods 210 Hygiene, Underlying Principles of .... 209 Illustrations 5 Illustrative Pictures 13a, 33a, 44a Inculcation of Health Habits 213 Indian Club Exercises — First Year 79 . Indian Club Exercises — Third Year 165 Indian Club Guard 123 Indian Club (Special) 156 Indoor Baseball 129 Information, Daily 25 In the Gymnasium 24 Inter-High School Athletics 217 Intermediate Grade Work 52 June Bug Dance 178 Legs 16 Lesson, Manner of Conducting 17 Lightning 214 Long Ball 124 Long Buck (Height of Chest) 24 Long Buck, First Year 105 Long Horse (Hip Height) 103, 208 Low Parallel Bars (Shoulder Height). . .■ 100 Mad Dog or Snake Bite 214 Manner of Conducting a Lesson 17, 21 March Tactics 22 Material, Free Exercises 29 Mattresses 26 Mazurka Steps, The 44 228 Index. Page Means, The 9 Membership, Termination of 218 Membership, Application for 220 Methods, Hygenic 210 Movements, Aesthetic 44, 46 Movements, Aesthetic Arm 45 Movements, Combination of Arms and Feet , . . .« 48 Movements, Four Counts 29 Movements, Slow Waltz Time 31 Movements, Two Counts 26 Movements, Principal Steps and 44 Music; Beautiful Lady — Girls' Special 34 Neglect in Health 213 Net Hand Bail 131 Nurses, Duties of School 213 Oblique Ladder 112 Order of Exercises, Sitting 14 Parallel Bars— (Reach Fleight) 101 Parallel Bars (Low) 100 Physical Report Card 12 Physical Training, The Aim of 9 Players, Qualification, Registration of 221 Poison 129 Poles, Girls 115 Polka, Dreamland 53 Polka Step 17 Polka — Podona Step 44 Poles and Ropes, Climbing 114 Position, Fundamental • 14 Posture Tag 124 Principal Steps and Movements 44 Protest 218 Qualifications, Registration of Players 221 Questions, Health 212 Report, Physical, Card 12 Resting Position 15 Reverse Pick-a-back 198 Rings (Head Height) 115, 117, 208 Roll Over Back 198 Rope and Pole Climbing 114 Roumanian Polka 183 Rules 220 Scalds and Burns 214 Salute with the Hand 18 Second Year Apparatus Gymnastics 140 Second Year Course of Study 137 Activities 139 Index. 229 Page Second Year Course of Study — Continued: Dancing Steps 139 Free Exercises 139 Rhythmic Steps 139 Tactics 139 School Athletic Association 216 Schottish, Butterfly 52 Side Horse 102, 208 Sitting Order of Exercises 14 Sixty Minutes Work in the Gymnasium 22 Slow Waltz Time Movements 31 Snake or Mad Dog Bite 214 Snow Fort Bombardment 124 Soccer Football 133 Special Permission 219 Spanish Dance 180 Spring Board, High Jumping with 118 Step, Curtesy 48 Stings of Venomous Insects 214 Straight Away York 184 State Athletic Council 219 State, Five Athletic Districts 218 Storm Board 109, 208 Sunstroke 214 Tactics 19, 139, 207 Tactic March 22 Teaching, Tests of the Efficiency of the 210 Team Contests 222 Technical Terms, Explanation for all 15 Termination of Membership 218 Terminology 44 Test of Death .* ... 215 Tests of the Efficiency of the Teaching 210 Tether Ball 129 Third Year Course of Study 141 Window Jumping 198 Third Year — Dumb-Bell Exercises 158 Lesson One 158 Lesson Two 160 Lesson Three 161 Lesson Four 162 Lesson Five 163 Third Year — Indian Club Exercises 165 Lesson One 165 Lesson Two 167 Lesson Three 170 Lesson Four 172 Lesson Five 173 Lesson Six 174 Third Year — Wand Exercises 145 Lesson One 145 Lesson Two; 147 230 Index. Third Year — Wand Exercises — Continued: Page Lesson Three 148 Lesson Four 150 Lesson Five 152 Lesson Six 154 Third and Fourth Years — Games 203 Three-Deep Tag 24 Third Year — Aesthetic Dancing 175 A Spanish Dance 180 The Coupon 178 The GloAV Worm 175 The June Bug Dance 178 Third Year — American School Dances 1.83 Straightway York . 184 Roumanian Polka 183 Versovienne Mazurka. 183 Third Year — Apparatus Gymnastics 187 Climbing Poles , 191 Double Bucks 190 Giant Stride . . . • 195 High Jump 197 Horizontal Bar 187 Horizontal Ladder 193 Long Horse 190 Low Horizontal Bar 197 Oblique Ladders 192 Parallel Bars • 188 Rings 193 Side Horse 189 Stall Bars 196 Tumbling 198 Vertical Ladders 192 Window Jumping 198 To Avoid Colds 212 Training Schedule 19 Trunk 16 Tumbling. 118, 209 Tug of War 125 Two Count Movements 26 Underlying Principle of Hygiene 209 Variations, Hippity Hop 52 Venomous Insects' Sting, etc 214 Ventilation, Health System of Heating 212 Versovienne Mazurka 183 Vertical Ladder Ill Volley Ball 126 Waltz Balance Step 45 Wand Exercises — First Year 54 Wand Exercises — Third Year 145 Weight and Height Table 13 Wrestling 199 Zigzag Relay 241 V