THE MURPHY FAMILY Genealogical, Historical and Biographical k»L.*-' WITH OFFICIAL STATISTICS OF THE PART PLAYED BY MEMBERS OF THIS NUMEROUS FAMILY IN THE MAKING AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS GREAT AMERICAN REPUBLIC By Michael Walter Downes HARTFORD, CONN. The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company 1909 •V. Copyrighted, 1909, by Michael Walter Downes \ TABLE OF CONTENTS The Murphy Family, Family Seat, . Family Genealogy, Art McMurrough, 2nd, connall o'morchoe, Armorial Bearings of the Family, Social Position of the Murphy Family in Early Ages, Native Attire, Marriage, Food, and Occupation, Biography, Revolutionary War, Massachusetts — Revolutionary War, Pennsylvania — Revolutionary War, Maryland — Revolutionary War, New York — Revolutionary War, New Jersey — Revolutionary War, Connecticut — Revolutionary War, Civil War, . . . . . Maine — Civil War, THE PAGE II 13 14 16 22 27 28 31 33 34 75 77 85 9J^ 98 98 99 103 104 IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. New York — Civil War, Pennsylvania — Civil War, — Maryland — Civil War, Ohio — Civil War, . Indiana — Civil 'War, Illinois — Civil War, Kentucky — Civil War, Iowa — Civil War, . Missouri — Civil War, . Michigan — Civil War, . California — Civil War, Wisconsin — Civil War, Minnesota — Civil War, Connecticut — Civil War, Massachusetts — Civil War, Rhode* Island — Civil War, New Hampshire — Civil War, New Jersey — Civil War, PACK 1 08 128 178 214 268 276 285 287 291 293 296 298 Z^7 341 346 352 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Franklin Murphy, 45 Chas. Francis Murphy, 52 John B. Murphy, M.D., 54 Thomas Edw. Murphy, S. J., 71 COAT OF ARMS OF THE MURPHY FAMILY THE MURPHY FAMILY FOREWORD The purpose of this brief work is not to furnish the pedi- gree of any particular family or group of families bearing the name of Murphy, or to make a continuous connection between those who now bear the name and some distin- guished ancestor^ whose distinction might be sufficient to shed its lustre over all of his descendants ; for two reasons, the first being that a work thus limited would require the support of subscriptions made by those interested in its publication, as the prospect of profit from the sale of such a work would not be sufficient to invite the labor of gathering the necessary material and making the research that the execution of such a work would demand, and the second reason being that to present an authentic, unbroken lineage having its course run through the common people of Ireland, presents almost unsurmountable difficulties, be- cause during the last three centuries, owing to political, industrial, and social conditions, involving poverty and ignorance, and the decimation of the people by war and famine, and the great exodus from the country continued through these several centuries, to escape conditions of hardship ; that which has been the pride and boast of its people, the clan genealog>% was almost utterly neglected. Owing to the long continuance of tribal government in Ireland and the existence of a special class, whose duty it 8 THE MURPHY FAMILY was to preserve the genealogies of the ruHng famiUes and to commemorate the deeds of family progenitors, there were in Ireland some of the most ancient pedigrees to be found among any European people. From Elizabeth's accession, in 1559, the political dis- turbance attended by industrial depression brought about by restrictions on Irish commerce and manufacturing, re- sulted in poverty, which commenced to work a sad change in the spirit of the people, and as they gradually became the social inferiors of the English who lived among them and who represented in their country the conqueror, they lost their pride of race, which had maintained an almost religious preservation of the ancestral line. Hundreds of thousands left Ireland during the succeed- ing century to serve in foreign armies, and the exodus has continued in an ever increasing volume until it expanded into the tremendous emigration of the last century, which sent millions to the United States, Australia and the Argen- tine Republic. To connect all the links between the present day and the middle of the i6th century would be a most difficult task. However, in a general historical treatment of the family genealogy, while not able to follow the latter day ramifica- tions, the records present much of exceeding interest. It is possible to begin with the eponym of the family and follow the lineage for many centuries with the certain assurance that although the surname is radically changed from the original patronymic, it has merely followed the phonetic changes in the language, and, incredible as it may appear to some, it is almost certain that any member of the Murphy family in perusing these pages will read of his progenitors THE MURPHY FAMILY 9 and other members of the family to which he belonged, even back to the first centuries of the Christian era. Greater confidence is placed by scholars in these Irish genealogical records than almost any similar records. They accord with archaeological investigations, and many of the facts in these records synchronize with other historical references. To add interest to the work, biographical sketches have been added of persons of the name who have attained prominence in this country and in the family's native land. Also, a tabulated Roll of Honor of those who surrendered, or hazarded their lives in the establishment of this free government, or in the wars waged for its defense and maintenance. THE MURPHY FAMILY Regrettable as the fact is^ candor demands that we record that it was through the immediate agency of a member of the Murphy family that English authority first gained strength in Ireland. The author of this calamity, which meant so much to the Irish people, was Dermot McMorough, King of Leinster. He was bom in the year 1090, and his family had been the ruling power of the province for several generations. It must be remembered that tribal government con- tinued at this time in Ireland to almost the same extent as in the days of Patrick, and this meant the existence of tribal jealousies and constant inter-tribal turmoil; while, on the other hand, England, which had inherited from the Romans the feudal system of government, had consolidated into a strong power, and recognizing in the tribal system the disorganization of Ireland, the ambition had been grow- ing for the subjection of that territory to the power of the English sovereign. Henry II occupied the English throne and an English- man named Nicholas Breakspeare occupied the see of Rome, and is known to history as Pope Adrian IV. The Pope, probably impelled to some extent by a desire to further the ambitions of his countrymen, and also influenced by the fact that the church of Patrick did not conform in many matters of discipline and in the observance of feast days with the Roman discipline, except the Danish and Norman 12 THE MURPHY FAMILY element of the Irish, issued a bull in the year 1157 author- izing Henry II to exercise temporal authority over Ireland. This command of the Pope was communicated to the bishops and abbots and all ecclesiastical authorities in Ire- land, and it produced a divided sentiment among the people, who felt that they owed a duty to the ecclesiastical head of the church and were yet impelled to resist his authority in this respect from patriotic impulses. At this time, Dermot McMorough, then King of Leinster, was ousted from his sovereignty by one Roderick O'Connor, a rival claimant to the throne, and, lacking the support to reinstate himself, he took advantage of the Pope's decree authorizing English sovereignty in Ireland, and repaired to King Henry II of England, who was at that time in France, who received him cordially, and acquiesced in his project, and authorized him under the royal hand and seal to enlist an army among the Saxons to go with him to Ireland, armed with which he repaired to England and had the authority of Henry publicly read at Bristol, England, and at the same time he promised large rewards to all persons of influence who would lend their services to him in re- covering his lost territories. It was here he met DeClare, Earl of Pembroke, and to him he promised to give his daughter Eva in marriage and that he should succeed him in the sovereignty of Leinster, In Wales he associated Robert Fitz-Stevens. This incursion of Anglo-Normans occurred in the years 11 69 and 11 70. The war was then carried on with all the barbarity and vengeance which at- tended military operations in those days, and McMorough was re-established in power in Leinster, and Roderick O'Connor utterly routed. THE MURPHY FAMILY I3 The historical account of this struggle gives O'Connor and his Irish retainers credit for a most valiant defense. McMorough died one year after. The DeClare title to supremacy was disputed with the result of further inter- necine strife, the outcome of which indicated that the Anglo- Norman element had come to remain. All historical accounts denounce McMorough as a traitor to his country for relying upon the Saxons, but this judgment must be modified by the knowledge that his idea of patriotism demanded that fealty to his clan should take precedence of all other considerations, and while a personal and selfish greed for power, and a desire for revenge, stimu- lated him to adopt the measures which he did, it cannot be looked upon as treasonable to a nation which was not then consolidated to such an extent that a spirit of nationality prevailed. THE FAMILY SEAT. The original Murphy family seat in Ireland was in the barony of Ballaghkeen (meaning in Irish " The pleasant roadway") in the easterly part of the County Wexford, at Castle EUis and Ouleartleagh (in Irish " Grey orchard "). The country of the O' Murphy family is still called " Mur- roes." The family belonged to the tribe of the Hy-Felimy, and Murphy and Murrough and Morrin are Anglicized forms of the name of the original ancestor from which the name is derived. MacMuircatha, written also O'Muir- chada, also O'Muirchu (Muircatha in Irish means a sea battle, and Muirchu a sea warrior). 14 THE MURPHY FAMILY The last head of the family resided at Oulartleagh, and, according to the Book of Rights, p. 208, the family retained their property until very recently. See Dr. O'Donovan's *' Antiquities," preserved in the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. FAMILY GENEALOGY. The family was the most intimately connected with the coming of the English of any in Ireland, and they took an active part in the severe fighting, in which Earl Strongbow, Robert Fitz Stephens, Maurice FitzGerald and Maurice de Prendergast and their associates and retainers in 1 169 aided Dermot McMurrough to reinstate himself as King of Leinster, who had been deposed by Roderick O'Connor. The family is now scattered all over Ireland, and is the most numerous name in the country. In a special report, by Robert Mathewson, of " Sur- names in Ireland," based on the population of 1890, it is stated that there are 62,600 of the name of Murphy. In Cork and Wexford they are the oldest settlers. The fol- lowing is a Hst of the birthrate of Murphys in the various THE MURPHY FAMILY 15 counties, where there are five or more of the name, in the year 1890, and is based on the census of 1890: • M ►. gj ^ •^ 1 9X a '^■^ A Co ^ 5 3 P ^ 05 PQ n oim n LF.TNSTER. MUNSTER. Carlow ISt 41 Clare 8th 29 Dublin 4th 132 Cork 2d 390 Kildare 2d 34 Kerry 4th 95 Kilkenny- 3d 35 Limerick 9th 38 Longford 6th 14 Waterford 4th 35 South 3d 30 ULSTER. Queens 15th ID Armagh ISt 50 Wexford ISt 137 Fermanagh 14th 24 Wicklow 3d 26 Monaghan CON NAUGHT 6th 24 Mayo 13th 39 It will be seen that, although the name of Murphy is the most numerous in the country at large, it does not occupy the leading place in many of the counties. In the Province of Leinster, in two counties only — Wexford and Carlow — does it stand first in birthrate. With regard to the name in the former county, the Earl of Courtown, in a recent paper on " The Celts and Teutons in Ireland," remarks as follows : " Murphy is the Angli- cized form of McMorrough, the old regal family of Leinster. On the death of Dermot McMorrough, the last acknowledged King of Leinster, his rights, by English law, passed to his only legitimate child, Eva, wife of Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke, known as Strongbow. The legiti- mate male line was continued in the descendants of Der- mod's brother, Morrough, who continue to hold lands in North Wexford." 1 6 THE MURPHY FAMILY A prominent member of the family, in the fourteenth century, did much to redeem the family name from the shadow that was cast upon it on account of Dermod Mc- Morrough's invitation to the English to assist him two hun- dred years before. This historical character was Art McMurrough, 2d. ART. McMURROUGH, 2d. Art. McMurrough, 2d, reached the age of manhood at a time favorable to his genius and enterprise. Born in 1357, he was at the age of sixteen noted for his chivalry, hospitality and general good qualities. In 1365, when but eighteen years, he was elected to succeed his father. At this time there was a feeling of discontent among the sur- rounding clans as well as his own, owing to the injustice of the English Government in their ever strong desire and greed to acquire more land. To make a concerted effort of resistance, they waited only for a chief of distinguished ability. This chief they found where they would naturally look for him — among the old ruling families of the province. That the English settlers were not unaware of the promise that this young chief gave out, is proven from the fact of their paying voluntary tribute to his house — as according to the old usage, in order to conciliate him. THE MURPHY FAMILY Ij Arthur married a noble lady of the Pale, whose estates had been confiscated by the '' Statute of Kilkenny " accord- ing to English ideas. The estates consisted of the Barony of Norraugh in Kildare, which included Naas and its neighborhood. This, McMorrough demanded restored fully, under threat of joining the Earl of Desmond in Munster and ravaging the country. His power as a leader had been steadily increasing. In 1392 he received a severe check from James, the third, Earl of Ormond, when six hundred of his clansmen were left dead on the field. This defeat was, however, more than doubly avenged by the capture of New Ross, which in point of strength was next to Dublin at this time. It could muster to its own defense twelve hundred long-bowmen, twelve hundred pike- men and one hundred and four horsemen. The capture of such a place proved very encouraging to the followers of McMorrough. He razed the walls, carrying ofif gold, silver and hostages. Very soon after the Battle of New Ross, King Richard landed in Waterford with a force of thirty thousand bowmen and four thousand men-at-arms, a force in those days considered sufficient to subjugate any .king- dom, and exceeding in numbers armies that since then have succeeded in changing the map of the world to a great extent. Great pains were taken by Richard to impress the Irish with the splendor and power of this array. Accom- panying him were the highest dignitaries of Britain, both lay and ecclesiastic. Many of the Irish princes were hypnotized by the flattery of the king, but they did not quite understand his proposi- tion to them to surrender their land and chieftancies for l8 THE MURPHY FAMILY pensions and royal titles. Art. McMorrough was proof against flattery and cajolery. He snapped his fingers at the king's invitation to come to court. Richard accordingly sent Marshal Mowbray to treat with the obdurate king of Leinster. The conference took place on the plain of Bally- long, near Carlow. Art. proved himself a statesman as well as a soldier in this conference. After alternate attempts to palaver and intimidate Art., Mowbray had to report to his monarch that the Prince of Leinster would not treat with an inferior, and instead of yielding up his lands, demanded the immediate restoration of his wife's estates. The indignation of the king can well be imagined at this message. He would crush this haughty Irish prince who dared resist his authority and ignore royal favors! The king, therefore, placed himself at the head of his vast army, with the grim determination of annihilating McMorrough and his fol- lowers. The vastness of his army proved more of a hindrance to Richard than a help. He found his march harrassed at every step. McMorrough's superior military skill, combined with the patriotism of the people, proved the undoing of the king. Unable to supply commissariat arrangements for his large army after Art. had swept the country clean of fodder and supplies, Richard's sole object now was to keep his army from starvation. McMorrough played havoc now, sep- arating cavalry from infantry, and from his thorough knowledge of the country, leading detachments of the enemy into bogs and morasses and cutting them down. He finally had what was left of King Richard's splendid army of thirty-four thousand men stuck fast in the Wick- THE MURPHY FAMILY IQ low mountains, when the king deemed it the better part of valor to sue for peace. Accordingly, a deputation was sent to the heroic Irish prince with humble apologies and an invitation to a conference with the king at Dublin. He was told that his valor and wisdom were much appreciated by the king, and if he would but honor his majesty by accepting the invitation, he would be the '' royal guest." Art. acceded and permitted the royal forces to proceed to Dublin, crest- fallen and defeated, with their silken banners and canopies in tatt-ered rags, presenting on the whole a far different ap- pearance than the army that came to hypnotize and frighten the clan McMorrough. Art. went to Dublin a couple of months later, according to invitation and promise, where Richard, after some difficulty, had again established a court. The Prince of Leinster had not been very long at court before he had made up his mind that he was in the hands of treacherous and designing foes. He was seized and imprisoned on a charge of " conspiring against the king." If Richard's pur- pose was to take the life of McMorrough, he must have changed his mind, for he released him soon after, but held three of his chieftains as hostages. Some historians say that he exacted some sort of a promise of submission from Art., but it is more likely that he was given the liberty of the court in order that some " accident " might occur to him whereby Richard's purpose would be as well served, without the possible embarrassments that might have arisen from deliberately putting him to death. Not long after- wards, surely enough, a trap was laid for McMorrough. He was invited to dinner at one of the Norman border castles — to a friendly feast. As he was dining, the sharp 20 THE MURPHY FAMILY eye of his bard detected some very suspicious movements that told him there was something irregular afoot. He did not want to warn his master openly, knowing that their lives would be forfeited if they manifested any knowledge of the conditions which surrounded them. The quick-witted bard, striking up an old Irish air, began to sing to the music in the Gaelic tongue. The words caught the ear of McMorrough and conveyed a warning to him to be calm and collected, for his life was in danger. McMorrough, maintaining a calm demeanor and seizing a favorable ex- cuse for reaching the yard, sprang to his horse and, sword in hand, hewed his way to freedom. McMorrough now, after this second act of perfidy on the part of the English, declared war to the bitter end with the English settlers. Reading of this five hundred years later, it is difficult for the reader to conceive the enormity of such a declaration. That he had become a master of military science is proven by his defeat of the ablest generals that England could pit against him for twenty years. He captured the strongly fortified town of Carlow in 1397 and the next year fought the battle of Kenlis, when the heir-presumptive of the English crown fell, whose death was one of the contributor}' causes of the War of the Roses in England a few years later. Richard now fitted out another expedition for the sub- jugation of Ireland and the eradication of McMorrough. One hundred marks in gold were offered for the capture of Art., dead or alive. Preparations for the campaign were abruptly ended, however, and Dublin thrown into consterna- tion by the news that civil war had broken out in England. THE MURPHY FAMILY 21 Richard hurried to Waterford and took shipping from there, only to find the banished Lancaster returned and himself a crownless monarch. He was most treacherously and cruelly put to death afterwards in Pontifract Castle. For the next eighteen years the invincible McMorrough reigned unmolested over his territory. The next campaign against Art. was conducted by the Duke of Lancaster, son of the king and lord lieutenant of Ireland. A powerful army was sent southward against McMorrough and his allies. McMorrough was not idle in the mean time, but poured his cohorts through Sculloge Gap on the garrison of Wexford, capturing in quick succession the castles of Cumo- lins, Teons and Enniscorthy. The English now began to pour additional troups into the country, besides recruiting from the Anglo-Irish within the Pale. These preparations terminated in the battle of Athcroe. McMorrough took the initiative in this compaign, bringing the war into the enemy's territory. The English were led in this battle by four of the most distinguished and efficient leaders at the king's command : Jenicho d'Artors, Sir Ed- ward Powers, Sir Thomas Butler, and the king's son, the Duke of Lancaster. McMorrough had O'Byrne, O'Xolan and other chiefs, besides his sons and nephews. The num- ber on each side has been variously estimated from twelve to seventeen thousand, and it has been considered one of the most decisive battles of those times. The English were utterly routed. The duke was carried back to Dublin wounded and the valley of the Liffy and the slopes of Inchicore were strewn with the wounded and dead. Athcroe means the Ford of Slaughter in Irish. The city of Dublin was filled with lamentation and dismay. 22 THE MURPHY FAMILY While McMorrough lived, no other attempts were made against him by the English, as they evidently had had enough of his medicine. We devote considerable space to this chieftain, as we consider him the staunchest warrior that Ireland has ever produced in either ancient or modern times. After forty- four years of fighting in defense of his country, he died January 12, 141 7, at the age of sixty years. He died from poison given him in a drink by a woman on the wayside, whether by design or accident has never been ascertained. He has been described by the Four Masters as a '' man distinguished for his hospitality^ knowledge and feats of arms ; a man full of prosperity and royalty ; a founder of churches and monasteries by his bounties and contributions." Some of his family adopted the name of "' Kavanaugh." CONNALL O'MORCHOE. According to O'Hart's " Irish Pedigrees," the last mem- ber of the Murphy family to have preserved family rights at Castle Ellis, Wexford, was Connall O'Morchoe (now modernized Murphy), who lived at Tobberlimich, County Wexford, who died in 1634, and was buried at Castle Ellis. O'Hart gives as his authority Molineaux's '' Visitation of the County Wexford," preserved in the office of Ulster, King- THE MURPHY FAMILY 23 of-Arms, at Castle Dublin. He was the 26th in the Murphy- generation, being the son of Donal, the 25th in line after Seicne, the founder of the family. The family originated as an off-shoot of the Dowling family^ and Seicne, who leads the table of Murphy pedigrees, was the son of Brandubh O'Dowling, who is recorded in O'Hart's Irish Pedigrees as the 99th in the line of succession of the O'Dowling family. O'Hart starts the Murphy pedigree registration with the number 100, in order that there might be no confusion in following the line through the O'Dowling family. This ex- tensive line of pedigrees carries the family back to the earliest centuries of the Christian era. Beginning with Connall O'Morchoe, who died, as above stated, in 1634, and whose body lies at Castle Ellis, O'Hart traces the family through some of its branches to the year 1880, as follows : DESCENDANTS OF CONNALL O'MORCHOE. 2.(>. Connall O'Morchoe of Tobberlimnich, County Wex- ford : his son ; married Joan, daughter of Donal on Spaineach ('* spaineach," Irish for Spaniard) Kavanagh of Clonmullen, County Carlow, and had five sons and seven daughters : I. Teige, married Anne, daughter of David Redmond of Rahin-Callengallen, gent. II. Phelim, died young. III. Pierce, unmarried. IV. David, unmarried. V. Gerald, died young. I. Joan, eldest daughter, married James, son of Donoch O'Morchoe of Ruanmore, gent. II. Elinor, married Edmund O'Morchoe of Ballymac- donaghfyn, gent. 24 THE MURPHY FAMILY III. Mary. IV. Ellenor. V. Elizabeth. VI. Honor. According to '' Molineaux's Visitation of the County Wexford," preserved in the Office of Ulster, King- of-Arms, the Castle Dublin, this Connal O'Morchoe died 1634, and was buried at Castle Ellis. It may be right here to observe that the name of '' O'Mor- choe " is now modernized Murphy. 2.y. Teige : eldest son of Conall. T -> 28. Art (or Arthur) of Ballyellen; County Carlow : his son; living in 1690; died without issue; had two younger brothers : i. Tiege, who died unmarried ; 2. Edmund, born 1693, died May i6th, 1763, and was buried in Old Leighlin Churchyard, County Carlow. This Edmund had four sons : 1. David, born 1723 ; died 3d Sept., 1777. II. James, born 1730; died 12th Oct., 1754. III. Daniel, born 1740; died 27th Dec, 1777. IV. Andrew (of whom presently), born 1741 ; died 28th Sept., 1793. (As far as we can find, David, James and Daniel, here mentioned, died un- married. 29. Andrew, of Ballyellen, fourth son of Edmund, third son of Teige: born 1741 ; died 1793, and was also buried in Old Leighlin Churchyard, County Car- low ; married Margaret Dunn, and had five sons and one daughter : I. Edmund, born 1779; died 17th Dec, 1837, un- married. II. James, born 1782 ; died 26th Dec, 1857, unmarried. III. Daniel (of whom presently), born 1785 ; died 17th Nov., 1846. IV. David, born 1789; died 8th May, 1829; married and left two daughters. V. Michael, born 1790; died 30th Nov., 1862, un- married. I. The daughter died young. 30. Daniel Murphy of Ballyellen, County Carlow, Ireland, THE MURPHY FAMILY 25 and afterward of Montreal, Canada: third son of Andrew; born 1785; removed to Canada in 1824, where he resided until h'is death, in 1846. He married, in 181 7, Mary, daughter of Peter Byrne of Knockullard, gentleman, and his wife, Diana Rudkin of Corris, County Carlow, and had five sons and two daughters : I. Edward, born in 1818, in parish of Dunleckney, County Carlow, who is No. 131 in this pedigree. II. Peter-Sarsfield, born in Corris, County Carlow ; married, 1851, to Jane- Amelia, daughter of Al- len Perry: issue in (1880) one son and three daughters. III. Bernard-Rudkin, born in Corris, County Carlow; dead. IV. Daniel, born in Montreal, Canada, 1824; dead. V. Patrick- Alexander, born in Montreal; unmarried in 1880. I. Margaret-Diana, born in Montreal ; married, in 1865, A. A. Meilleur, M.D. and LL.D., of Montreal. II. Eliza- Anne, born in Montreal ; dead. 31. Edward Murphy of Montreal, Canada, J. P.: eldest son of Daniel; born in 181 8 and living in 1880; married first in Jan., 1848, to Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas McBride of County Donegal, Ireland, gentleman, and by her had two sons and three daughters : I. Edward-Byrne Murphy, dead. II. Patrick-Sarsfield Murphy, dead. I. Mary, married, in 1871, to Edward C. Monk, son of the Hon. Samuel CornwalHs Monk, one of . Her Majesty's Justices of Appeal for the Province of Quebec. II. Elizabeth-Diana, a nun, in religion " Sister Mary Edward," dead. 26 THE MURPHY FAMILY III. Emily-Hester, living in 1880. Secondly, in Feb., 1863, this Edward Murphy married Maria-Georgiana, daughter of the Hon. William Power, judge of the Superior Court of Quebec, Canada, and by her had one son and three daughters : HI. William-Sarsfield Murphy, who is No. 132 infra. IV. Grace-Maria, living in 1880. V. Amy-Susan, living in 1880. VI. Alice-Lily, dead. 32. William-Sarsfield Murphy : eldest surviving son of Edward, of Montreal ; living in 1880. Several descendants of this family still reside in or around Montreal, Canada. EARLY MURPHY PEDIGREE. The lineage of the family from the time it assumed a separate family existence from the Dowling branch is given by O'Hart as follows : 100. Seicne : son of Brandubh. loi. Seagal ("seagal": Irish, rye ; Fr., " seigle " ; Lat., " secale") : his son; had a brother, Nochan, who was ancestor of Hanrahan of Leinster. 102. Mochtighearna : his son. 103. Dungal : his son. 104. Aodh Fionn: his son. 105. Alioli : his son. 106. Aongus : his son. 107. Muir-cath (Muirchu or Morogh) : his son; a quo MacMuircatha ('* muircatha,^' Irish, a sea battle), and O'Muirchu (muircu, Irish, a sea warrior), etc. 108. Dunsliabh : his son. 109. Donoch : his son. no. Donal Ruadh: his son. III. Donal Ban (bawn) : his son. THE MURPHY FAMILY 27 112 114 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Dermod : his son. Donoch : his son. Donoch Oge : his son. Cathal : his son. Murtagh : his son. * Phehm : his son. Donal: his son. Eimin : his son. Murtagh : his son ; 1460. Teige, of Tobberhmnich : his son. Art : his son. Donal Mor: his son. Art : his son. Donal : his son. The Murphy family proper begins with Seicne. O'Hart has begun with 100 so as to connect with the O'Dowling family. ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF THE FAMILY. Heraldry is an art of comparatively recent origin. The first treatise upon the subject, in England, was written in the time of Henry III and its origin and development covers the period of the reign of Henry III and the three Ed- wards. The source of armorial bearings, which afterwards obtained a wide popularity, seems to have been in the seal which was used as early as the eleventh century. Many of the figures appearing formerly on seals afterward appeared upon the shields and breast-plates of the knights and upon the trappings of their horses. The diversion of the tournament brought armorial bearings to their greatest height of popularity. At first they were not hereditary, the son adopting the bearings of his own choice, sometimes entirely distinct from 28 THE MURPHY FAMILY those borne by the father. After bearings became popular among the barons, they granted the right to bear armorial crests to their retainers ; and bearings were as numerous as the leading fighting men of the age. Since the coat-of-arms does not date further back than the beginning of the thirteenth century, it was not until after the English had gained a footing in Ireland that the Irish clans and septs and individual leaders began to assume armorial bearings in imitation of the vogue on the continent and in England. The crest of the Murphy family, decorating the cover of this book, cannot be traced to its origin, but is the well authenticated crest of the family. THE SOCIAL POSITION OF THE MURPHY FAMILY IN THE EARLY AGES. The clan of the Hy-Felimy, to which the Murphy family was attached, did not differ in organization or character from the other clans in Ireland. All of the clans were characterized by an intense tribal spirit, a feeling which has found expression in the English language in the word " clannishness." The tuath or territory of the rl or king is divided into septs. The lands of a sept (£ne) consisted of the estate in severalty of the lords' flatha and of the farand duthig or common lands of the sept. About the home of the lords' ^atha, which were always fortified residences, lived his poor, who had right of domicile upon the land which he owned in severalty. These dependents consisted of estate cottiers, swineherds, cutters and the poorer servile classes generally. These dependents, after the third generation THE MURPHY FAMILY 2g in the service of the lord or flaithj acquired a right of domi- cile on his land and lived there in small hamlets on the mountains and poorer lands of the estate. Beside these lived a queer population of slaves, horseboys, mercenaries, fugitives from justice and broken men of other clans who sought asylum on his estate. The common lands were let to fuidirs, some of whom grazed the land with their own cattle, others received both land and cattle from the flaith. These fuidirs had no rights in the clan or sept. They lived in scattered homesteads. Some of them were actual serfs and others tenants of will The 'Haith was responsible be- fore the law for all the acts of this servile population and he received compensation when they were killed or plun- dered. The members of the sept {fine) proper had a right to build a house on the ferand duthig or common lands of the sept, the amount of land which each might inclose being dependent upon his rank or wealth, and the clansmen usually occupied isolated cabins or homesteads, only occasionally being grouped in hamlets. Clansmen who possessed twenty- one cows and upwards were airig, that is, they had the franchise. They might give bail, act as witnesses and perform other functions of citizens of the present day. When one of the airig died, his estate was frequently held in common by his family in order that one member of the family retain the rights appertaining to the airig. Upon one member of the clan, generally the wealthy members, were imposed the duty of affording hospitality to travelers who were entitled to free quarters from the clan. This individual was called a briugu. This man acted as a rural magistrate of the clan meetings, for the election of the rt took place at his house. All members of the clan were obliged to pay a tribute to the ri. 30 THE MURPHY FAMILY The professions of ecna, which included law and medi- cine, and aiadecht or divination, which in Christian times was that of the bards or rhymesters, were considered noble callings, and there were a number of schools for instruc- tion in these professions, which frequently moved about the territory of the clan. The ollam hretheman or chief of a law school was the chief hrehon or judge of his tuath. The Hag or medical man had his apprentice and treated his surgical patients in his own house. The harper, also the ce7'd, or artist in metal, were given free land and gave all their skill and the product of their labor as tribute for their support to the chief. Popular assemblies were held in the open air: the methel Hatha was the gathering of the vassals of a lord to reap his corn, clear his roads, etc. The meeting of the sept or fine was called for various purposes, as the assess- ment of blood fines when one of the sept was killed. The clan also had its gathering to deliberate on important ques- tions, such as peace and war, and at these meetings the aire or fully qualified clansmen had a voice. The most popular of all assemblies was the oenach or fair, which had the character of a national assembly. This was summoned by the ri. At this assembly occurred the promulgation of laws, the rehearsal of pedigrees, the recitation of tales, poetry, musical contests were held, also exhibitions of artists in metal, etc., and prizes were awarded to profes- sional classes. Popular sports, such as horse-racing and wrestling, took place, and, in addition, the barter of all kinds of wares was carried on. These fairs, both in Pagan and Christian times, were usually opened and closed with religious ceremonies. The women and men assembled in THE MURPHY FAMILY 3I separate gatherings, and no men were permitted to enter the domain of the women under pain of death. Foreign traders were present with their wares, which they ex- changed for native products, especially for the coarse woolen goods, which in the early centuries were celebrated for their quality upon the continent. NATIVE ATTIRE. The men wore a loose shirt, generally of woolen cloth, reaching a little below the knees, known as the lenn. This garment was of different colors, checkered, spotted and colored in various ways, each clan having apparently special colors. The rank of the wearer was indicated by the num- ber of colors in the dress. The lenna of the wealthy flatha were embroidered and sometimes fringed with costly ma- terial, gold fringe being sometimes mentioned. Over the lenn a closely fitting tunic, reaching to the hips, was worn. This was called the inar and it was bound around the waist by a criss, a girdle or scarf, which in the case of the men was frequently presented by a woman. The inar was opened at the breast so as to show off the embroidery of the lenn. Over the left shoulder, and fastened with a brooch, hung a brat, like the Scotch plaid, only the brooches were often of beautiful workmanship, and numerous ex- amples exhibiting great variety of design are now preserved in museums. The legs were bare, or were covered by a kind of legging or hose fastened by thongs. The feet, if not entirely naked, were incased with shoes of rawhide, 32 THE MURPHY FAMILY also fastened with thongs. The only difference between the dress of the men and women was that the lenn of the women reached nearly to the ankles. The clansmen wore their hair long and prided themselves upon its curling into ring- lets. They sometimes fastened it at the back, binding it up and confining it by an ornament of bronze, silver or gold. The women also wore their hair long and braided it into tresses. The beard was worn long and was carefully cultivated and was often braided into tresses. Men and women alike were very fond of ornaments. They covered their fingers with rings and their arms with bracelets, and sometimes rings of gold were worn about the neck. Other women of rank wore finger rings, bracelets, earrings and a Ian, or crescent-shaped piece of gold, on the front of the head from which hung behind a veil. Ladies also had carved combs and ornamental work boxes, and they dyed their eyebrows and eyelashes black with the juice of a berry, and it was a common custom to tint the nails crimson. The men of the servile classes did not wear the lenn. They were attired in hraccae or breeches reaching to the ankles, the upper part of the body being covered with a short coat without sleeves. In winter all classes wore a long coat or cloak with a cochuU or hood. These coats were made of brown frieze of excellent quality and were used also in Gaul and became popular in the city of Rome. The name cowl, in English and all its cognate forms in other languages, is derived from the Gaulish word cor- responding to the Irish cochull. The principal weapon of the soldiers was a pike or lance with a very long handle. Some were armed with a short sword suspended by a belt across the shoulders and a shield. THE MURPHY FAMILY 33 MARRIAGE.' Among all the tribal communities the wealth of the con- tracting parties constituted the primary element of a legiti- mate marriage. If the bridegroom was the son of a fiaith and the bride the daughter of a cowaire, the former con- tributed one-third and the latter two-thirds to the marriage portion. In this kind of marriage, the husband and wife had equal rights over the joint property. The wife of equal rank was the chief wife in Pagan times, and where these conditions were not fulfilled, the woman occupied an inferior position and might have another woman placed over her as principal wife. It was long after the estab- lishment of Christianity that the clansmen were persuaded to give up the custom of plural wives. Besides the plurality of wives, there were many female slaves in the home of the flaith. FOOD. Food was simple, as was also the table service, oaten bread, cheese, curds, milk, butter and the flesh of all do- mestic animals, fresh and salted, were served to the clans- men. The chief drink was ale, which only the Hatha had the right to brew, but this ale was distributed freely to the vassals and retainers on Sundays. An old Irish aphorism reads, '' for he is not a lawful flaith who does not distribute ale on Sunday." OCCUPATIONS. The Irish were chiefly a pastoral people. After their grain was sold, they drove their herds and flocks to the mountains, where such existed, and spent the summer there, 3 34 THE MURPHY FAMILY returning in autumn to reap their grain and to seek the shelter of their winter residence. If the tuath was on the coast, the clansmen appeared to have spent the summer there. The chase occupied much of the time of the freemen in summer, not only as a source of enjoyment, but the hunting of wolves, which were numerous, was a necessity. For this purpose they bred dogs, known as wolfhounds, of great strength, swiftness and sagacity, which were much admired by the Romans. BIOGRAPHIES. We have added to this genealogical history of the Murphy family some short biographical sketches of those of the name who have attained prominence and positions of honor in various walks of life. The list is necessarily only a partial one, as there is no source to which an investigator in a matter of this character can go to find a complete list of those of the name who by their achievements deserve mention in treating of the name. Greatness is not classified according to surnames, so that it is only where occasionally a person of the name towers above his fellowmen in the same fields of endeavor that he is discovered and becomes available for biographical treatment. The reader will probably know of many of the name who should have been included in these biographical sketches, whose life history did not come within the scope of the publisher's information.. THE MURPHY FAMH.Y 35 ARCHIBALD D. MURPHY. Archibald DeBow Murphy, a prominent statesman in North Carolina in the early part of the nineteenth century, was born in Milton, Caswell County, that state, in 1767, son of Col. Archibald Murphy. Entering the University of North Carolina in 1795, he graduated from there two years later with high honors. Through the friendship of one of the examining judges, he was admitted to the bar, studying afterwards under William Duffy of Hillsboro. He was senator in the general assembly from 1812-18, and was chairman of the board of internal improvements, 1818-23. His papers on the public policy of the trans- portation by canals to join the sounds on the seaboard were full of valuable data and suggestions, and were considered the equal, if not better than like works of DeWitt Clinton and J. C. Calhoun. He was a man far ahead of his time in the matter of public education, recommending state aid for public schools, and for the better equipment of the state university. In 18 12 the general assembly elected him a judge of the superior court and, by appointment of the governor, he presided in the supreme court in several cases. In 1820 he resigned his seat on the bench, practicing in Hillsboro. From 1802 to 1832 he was a trustee of the University of 36 THE MURPHY FAMILY North Carolina, and by his efforts helped considerably to improve it as a seat of learning. He was a great lover and admirer of his native state, and planned an exhaustive history of its soil, climate, legis- lation, civil institutions, literature and so forth in 1821, and completed an immense amount of data, both at home and from the state paper office, London. In 1826 he was granted authority by the general assembly to raise by lottery a sum sufficient for the publication of his work. With only a few chapters on Indian tribes completed, fortune frowned upon him. Through unwise speculation and his health failing him, he was obliged to abandon the work. His most prominent literary achievements were : A Memoir of Improvements Contemplated and the Finances and Resources of the State (1819), An Ovation before the University of North CaroHna (1827), Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of North Carolina (1804-19), 1826. He died in Hillsboro, N. C, February 3, 1832. ARTHUR MURPHY. Arthur Murphy, actor and dramatic author, was born in Elphins, in the county of Roscommon, December 2y, 1730. He was the son of a Dublin merchant. In 1736 he was sent to his aunt at Boulogne, and later (1740) was placed by her in St. Omer's. Here he was known by the name of Arthur French, it being necessary in those days for Irish-Catholic boys to assume false names to THE MURPHY FAMILY 37 avoid the penalties incurred for being educated abroad. At the same time, education at home was forbidden them except in Protestant schools. He passed with credit through all his studies and returned to Ireland, entering his uncle's country house in the city of Cork. He applied himself to law for a couple of years, but tiring of this for the time being, took a posi- tion in the banking house of Alderman Ironsides in the city of London. It was in London that he entered the field of literature, publishing the " Gray's Inn Journal," a periodical of the style of the " Spectator." He continued at this for two years, in the mean time appearing on the stage in the char- acter of Othello. This later venture proved a failure. He next attempted dramatic authorship. His " The Apprentice " brought him nearly eight hundred pounds, and enabled him to pursue his legal studies. His connection with the stage, however, proved an obstacle to his admit- tance to the bar, until Lord Mansfield used his influence in his behalf. Murphy proved more of a success as a dramatic author than as a lawyer. His "The Upholsterer," 1758; "The Way to Keep Him," 1760; "All in the Wrong," 1761 ; "The Grecian Daughter," 1772, and " Know Your Own Mind," in 1777, proved very successful, and brought their author both fame and wealth. Murphy, in later years, produced the first biography of Fielding, and also wrote an essay on the life and genius of Johnson, and a translation of Sallust and Tacitus. Macaulay says of him : " Murphy was supposed to under- stand the temper and the wit of his time as well as any 38 THE MURPHY FAMILY man." Hazlitt also spoke in complimentary terms of his work, especially praising his plays of " All in the Wrong " and " Know Your Own Mind." Murphy is described as having been tall and the em- bodiment of grace, fair complexion, eyes bright, and while outwardly very sedate, with an undercurrent of mirth in his nature. He fell into poor circumstances in his later days, owing to his ^ liberality and poor business manage- ment. He was relieved, however, by his appointment as commissioner of bankrupts, and a civil list pension of two hundred pounds per annum. He also inherited some real estate and shares by the death of a relative in the West Indies. Arthur Murphy died at his lodging-house in Knights- Bridge, London, attended by his landlady and an Irish servant girl, who were his constant and devoted attendants. He died repeating the lines of Pope : " Taught half by reason, half by mere decay, To welcome death, and calmly pass away." DENIS BROWNELL MURPHY. Denis Brownell Murphy was a native of Dublin. He was a strong patriot and was closely connected with the leaders in the ^98 movement. He was a miniature painter by profession and removed to England in 1799 for profes- THE MURPHY FAMILY 39 sional reasons. He settled first in Whitehaven and later in Newcastle on Tyne, but in 1802 came to London, set- tling in Hanwell. Some of Murphy's work attracted the attention of Princess Charlotte, and, as a result, he was appointed painter in ordinary to her royal highness. He copied some of Lely's famous beauties, then at Windsor Castle, but later removed to Hampton Court and, at the princess' com- mand, arranged to copy some of these in series, including other famous beauties of the day. He had other appoint- ments assigned him during his stay at Windsor. His work was daily inspected and approved by the royal family. Before the " Beauty Series " was completed the princess died, thus putting an end to Murphy's connection with the court. On the completion of the work, the pictures were sent to Prince Leopold, with the claim for payment, but, to the painter's sore disappointment, were returned and the agreement made vy^ith the late princess repudiated. Sir Gerard Noel, a friend of Murphy, purchased them later, however, and it was decided to make use of them by having them engraved as a series, with illustrative text from the pen of Murphy's daughter, Mrs. Ann Brownell Jamieson, a well-known writer on art. The work was suc- cessfully completed in 1833, under the title of " Beauties of the Court of Charles H." Murphy frequently exhibited miniatures in ivory or enamel at the Royal Academy, and while nqt attracting any great attention, the merit of the work was acknowledged by all. He died in 1842 at the home of his daughter, Ann Brownell Jamieson. 40 THE MURPHY FAMILY DOMINICK EDWARD MURPHY. Dominick Edward Murphy, R. C, Archbishop of DubUn, belonged to the old Wexford stock. The family settled in the county of Carlow. . On the recommendation of James II, he was appointed bishop of Kildare and Leighlin on Sep- tember 15, 171 5, and was consecrated by Edmund Byrne December i8th of that year by a special brief dated Septem- ber of that same year. He was consecrated January, 1725, with the dispensation to perform all the archiepiscopal within the pallium. On November 25th, he applied for and was granted a coadjutor on February 13, 1729. The historian of Kil- dare paid special tribute to Bishop Murphy in his dedication to the Rev. Dr. Magee of Stradvally, a descendant of the Murphy family, speaking of his Eminence as one of the noblest of bishops-elect, that Kildare and Leighlin had just reason to be proud of. THE MURPHY FAMILY 4I SIR FRANCIS MURPHY. Sir Francis Murphy, first speaker of the legislative as- sembly of Victoria, Australia, was born in the city of Cork in 1809. He was the son of Francis D. Murphy, who was superintendent of the transportation of convicts from Ire- land to Australia. He received his early education in the city of Cork, and later studied medicine in Trinity College, Dublin, taking his diploma eventually in the College of Surgeons, London. On the advice of his father, who evidently saw good possibilities for the future in Australia, he proceeded to that country, landing at Sydney in 1836. He was shortly afterward placed on the staff of colonial surgeons as sur- geon for Bungonia, Argyle County. After three years, he resigned his position and moved to Port Philip, taking up about fifty thousand acres of land in the Beechwood district. He was one of the chief grain-growers in the country at that time. When Victoria separated from New South Wales, in 1 85 1, Murphy became a speaker for the Murray District in the legislative council, afterwards becoming chairman of committees. He moved to Melbourne in 1852 to more fully devote himself to politics. He was active in promoting legislation for the prevention of diseases in sheep. His ideas of state aid in education were put into effect in later years. In many ways he was far ahead of his time. Dr. Murphy was closely identified with the early de- velopment of Australia, having served on the road board as chairman ; was re-elected from the Murray District, and served as chairman of committees for periods from 1853 to 1858. 42 THE MURPHY FAMILY When the constitution bill was being debated, Murphy showed marked judgment and moderation. On the in- auguration of an elective legislature, in 1856, Murphy again entered the assembly for the ^Murray District. He was elected for six consecutive times as speaker of the assembly, holding the post through the stormy times of McCoUough's contests with the upper chamber. In the election of 1871, Murphy was defeated in the contest for Grenville, which he had represented since 1865. In 1872, Murphy was elected by the Eastern Province to a seat in the upper house, which he held for four years, but did not take any active part in its discussions. He re- tired to private life in 1877. In 1856, the house passed an act to present him with the sum of three thousand pounds in consideration for his services as speaker for fourteen years. He visited England in 1878, residing there for several years. Murphy was opposed to further transportation to Aus- tralia, and, in 1863, was chairman of a league organized against it. He served as a member of the commission of the Burke and Wills expedition, was chairman of the National Bank of Australia, and director of several other companies. His death occurred IMarch 30, 1891, at his residence, St. Kilda Road, ^Melbourne. He left six daughters and three sons, one of whom was a member of the legislative assembly of Queensland. THE MURPHY FAMILY 43 FRANXIS STACK MURPHY. Francis Stack 2\Iurphy. sergeant-at-law. v/as born at Cork in 1810, son of Jeremiah Murphy, a rich merchant of that city, and nephew of John Murphy, who was Roman CathoHc bishop of Cork from 181 5 to 1847. He was edu- cated at Clongoeswood College, County Kildare. and at Trinity College, Ehablin, graduating from the latter B.A. in 1829 and M.A. in 1832. After studying law in London for one year, he was admitted to the bar. He was a contributor to "' Frazer's Magazine '" and was considered an excellent classical scholar. Being an early pupil of the Rev. Francis Mahoney ( Father Prout i in Ireland, the friendship was renewed in London. He was the original of '' Frank Creswell " of "' Femival's Inn '' in the Prout Papers. He is said to have been responsible for most of ^lahoney's Greek and Latin verses. He was returned as 2vI.P. from Cork in 1837, retaining his seat until 1843. "^vhen. appointed sergeant-at-law and commissioner of bankruptcy in Dublin, he resigned. rvlurphy was noted as a very clever and witty lawyer. Many of his witty sayings and repartees are recorded in Duffv's " Leasfue of North and South " and in Sars^eant Robinson's " Bench and Bar." He wrote, in conjunction with Edward T. Hurlstone of London, '" A Report on Cases and determinings in the Court of Exchequer in 1836-37," this being the only work which bears his name. Murphy's picture is in the group of MacLise's fam.ous portraits of the Fraserians. He died Tune 16. i860. 44 THE MURPHY FAMILY JOHN MURPHY, D.D. John Murphy, a CathoHc clergyman, born in Tincurry, County Wexford, belonged to the oldest Wexford stock of his name. He gained world-wide renown through his leadership of the rebel forces in the Rebellion of '98. He studied at Seville, Spain, taking orders there and, returning to Ireland in 1785, was made parish priest of Boularogue. He joined with several other clergymen in 1797 in swearing allegiance to the government in order to avert the proclama- tion of their parishes. After having his patience severely tried by the yeomanry and by the burning of his chapel, he took to the field at the head of a large body of pikemen. He defeated a large body of troops at Oulart. and next day took Camolin and Enniscorthy, afterward camping on Vinegar Hill. While some writers, such as Froude and Musgrave (both very narrow in their views), have at- tempted to cast odium on the discipline and deportment of the forces under Father Murphy, their actions have been ably defended by Dr. Madden. General Lake, with a force of thirty thousand men, was despatched against Father Murphy and his followers, and while the Irish fought with their usual courage against such overwhelming numbers, the battle terminated with the inevitable result. After making two more ineffectual stands at Arklow and Kilkenny, Dr. Murphy was finally captured, and was executed on June 26, 1798. .^l^lSttt^^^^^imm: i 1 < ^^W' ^^^^^^^p ^^^^^^^HUfe^: j^^B - Jr ° ^ ^^^^^^^^U^^hUH ■ HON. FRANKLIN MURPHY THE MURPHY FAMILY 45 FRANKLIN MURPHY. Franklin Murphy, governor of New Jersey, is a descendant of Wm. H. and Abbey Murphy, who settled in Connecticut in 1756. He served for three years in the 13th New Jersey Volunteers, rising from private through bravery and meri- torious conduct to the rank of first lieutenant. After the war, he engaged in the business of varnish manufacturing under the name of Murphy & Co. He was chairman of the Republican state committee from 1892 to 1900 and was United States commissioner to the Paris Exposition in 1900. He has long been identified with the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution and was elected president- general of that organization in 1899. He is also a member of the military order of the Loyal Legion and of the Society of Colonial Wars. He was twice elected governor of New Jersey, in 1901 and 1904, and is very popular. EDWARD MURPHY. Edward Murphy, senator, was born in Troy, N. Y., on December 15, 1836. His father emigrated from Ireland, settling in Troy in 1829 and establishing a brewery there in 1838. Edward attended the local schools, after which he 46 THE MURPHY FAMILY entered St. John's College, Fordham, N. Y., graduating in 1857. He entered in business with his father after leaving college. On his father's retirement, he became vice-presi- dent and treasurer of the newly-constructed firm, which was known as the Kennedy & Murphy Malting Co. He has held several municipal positions; was alderman, 1874-79, and member of the Democratic state committee, 1882-95. He was manager and principal stockholder on the "Troy Press," 1887-89; vice-president of the Manufac- turers' National Bank, and president of the Troy Gas Co. He was delegate to the Democratic conventions of 1880, 1884, 1888, 1896 and 1898, and United States senator from New York, 1893-99. While in the senate he served as chairman of the committee on relations with Canada. FRANCIS MURPHY. Francis Murphy, first Roman Catholic bishop of Aus- tralia, was born at Navan, County Meath, Ireland, May 20, 1795. After graduating at the seminary in his native town, he proceeded, at the age of twenty, to Maynooth, where he graduated with honors. He was ordained in 1826 by the Rev. Dr. Murray, archbishop of Dublin. After serving in the capacity of missioner for some years in Yorkshire, England, he was transferred to St. Ann's, Liverpool, in 1829. THE MURPHY FAMILY 47 He went to New South Wales in 1838 with Dr. UUa- thorne, and, on the latter's recall to England, succeeded him as vicar-general of Australia. He was consecrated on September 8, 1838, in St. Mary's Cathedral, Sydney, bishop of the newly established See of Adelaide, being the first bishop consecrated in Australia. He came to his new diocese, which at that time con- tained only fifteen hundred Catholics, with only one hun- dred and fifty pounds, which had been subscribed in Sydney. He was obliged to hold services in a store until his sole assistant and faithful and energetic friend, Michael Ryan, obtained a site for and erected a church in West Terrace. In 1851 the gold fever caused the dispersion of the greater part of the congregation, and it looked as if some of the churches would have to be temporarily closed. But his good friend, Michael Ryan, again came to the rescue. Visiting the gold fields, Ryan collected enough money from the miners to meet all expenses. After affairs had assumed a normal condition and the excitement as a result of the discovery of gold had some- what subsided, he commenced the erection of a cathedral in Victoria Street, but did not live to see it finished. In twenty years, however, he had succeeded in establishing twenty churches, attended by thirteen priests. The ability displayed in the management of his diocese won him general esteem. He was highly thought of by all classes, irrespective of creed. He died of consumption at West Terrace, Adelaide, May 26, 1858, and was buried in the precincts of the cathedral. 48 THE MURPHY FAMILY JOHN MURPHY. John Murphy, pubhsher, was born in Omah, Ireland, March 12th, 1812. When ten years of age, his parents emigrated to the United States, settHng in New Castle, Del., where John went to school. Two years later he served as clerk in a grocery store, and afterwards went to Philadelphia and became a printer's apprentice, where he remained from 1828 to 1833. He proceeded to Baltimore, Md.j where he engaged in business for himself, combining publishing with his printing business. He published the United States Catholic Magazine, edited by Fathers White and Spaulding (1842-49), the Metropolitan Magazine^ (1853-59), and the Proceedings of the Maryland His- torical Society, for over twenty-five years. He published a translation of the Definition of the Dogma of the Im- maculate Conception (1855), Proceedings of the Plenary Council of Baltimore (1866). He received for the first a gold medal from Pope Pious IX, and for the second the honorary title of Printer to the Pope, a distinction never before accorded the resident of an English-speaking country. He published the works of Cardinal Gibbons and of Arch- bishop Spaulding. On June 15, 1852, he married Margaret O'Donahue. He was an early member of the Maryland Historical Society. His death occurred at Baltimore, Md., May 2'j, 1880. THE MURPHY FAMILY 49 JOHN MURPHY. John Murphy, governor of Alabama, was born in Robe- son County, N. C, in 1776. He was the son of Neil Murphy and grandson of Murdoch Murphy, who emigrated from Scotland with his family. Moving to South Carolina, he taught school, meantime preparing himself for college. He graduated from the University of South Carolina in 1808. Later he became trustee of the university, serving from 1809 to 18 18. He removed to Monroe County, Ala., in 1818, and was in- strumental in framing the state constitution in 1819. Though admitted to the bar, he retired from practice, giving his attention to his plantations. He was a member of the legislature in 1820, representing Monroe County ; two years later was state senator, finally becoming governor of Ala- bama in 1825-29. He was defeated as Union candidate for representative and was Union Democratic representative in the Twenty-third Congress, 1833-35. He was married to a daughter of Robert Hails of South Carolina, and secondly, to Mrs. Carter, sister of Col. John Darrington. He died September i, 1841. 50 THE MURPHY FAMILY JAMES GRACEY MURPHY. James Gracey Murphy, clergyman and author, was born in the parish of Comber, County Down, Ireland, January 12, 1808. He was educated at the Royal Academical In- stitution at Belfast and Trinity College, Dublin. On taking orders, he became minister at Ballychannon, remaining there from 1836 to 1841, when he was made headmaster of classics at the Belfast Academical Institution, where he served for five years. He became professor of Hebrew at the Theological Institution, Belfast, in 1847, ^ position he retained until 1888, when he was retired at his own request. Among his principal literary works were a Latin Gram- mar (1857), a Hebrew Grammar (1857), "The Human Mind" (1873), "Commentaries on Genesis" (1864), "Revelations" (1882), and "Sacrifice in Scripture" (1889). JAMES CAVANAGH MURPHY. James Cavanagh Murphy, architect and antiquarian, was born in 1760, at Black Rock, near Cork, of humble parents. In his youth he learned the trade of bricklayer. He early showed a taste for drawing, and went to Dublin to study. His name appears on the rolls of the drawing-school of the Dublin Society, in 1775, as working in chalk, crayons and miniature. He was consulted as to the addition to the House of Commons. In 1788, he was commissioned by Wm. Burton THE MURPHY FAMILY 5I Sonyngham to make a drawing for him of the great Dominican church and monastery of Bathala in Portugal. In the year 1802 he went to Cadiz, where he spent seven years studying Moorish architecture. He was pre- paring a work on Eastern Architecture, and left several notes, but died in 1814, before the work was completed. In the library of the Royal Institute of British Archi- tects is a large folio of his drawings of arabesque ornaments. At his death he left an estate of five thousand pounds, which was administered by his sister Hannah, wife of Bernard McNamara. Among his published works are '' Plans, Elevations, Sections and Views of the Church of Bathala," a German translation of " The Discourse on Gothic Architecture," " Travels in Portugal, General View of the State of Portu- gal, and Arabian Antiquities of Spain. ^' Mr. Murphy took out a patent in 181 3 for a method of preserving timber and other substances. JOHN MURPHY, ENGRAVER. John Murphy, engraver, was born in Ireland in 1780. He moved to London, where he practiced engraving. His plates, while not numerous, show masterly treatment, and are singularly brilliant. His subjects were taken principally 52 THE MURPHY FAMILY from contemporary English painters and from the old masters. He also did some work from old portraits. His work includes "A Tiger," after Northcote ; "Jael and Sisera/' after the same painter ; " A Tigress," after Stubbs ; '' Portrait of The Duke of Portland," after Rey- nolds; ''George the Third, and His Family," after T. Stothard ; *' Christ Appearing to Magdalen," after P. Da Cortona ; and " The Cyclops at Their Forge." He died at the age of forty years. CHARLES FRANCIS MURPHY. Charles Francis Murphy was born in New York City, June 20, 1858. He is the son of Charles and Mary (Pren- dergast) Murphy. He attended school but a short time, being compelled to earn his own living while still a lad. His great strength and courage made him a leader of the youths of his own age, and he soon acquired fame as the best athlete in his district. At the age of seventeen he organized the " Sylvan Club," in which, at that early age, he showed marks of leadership, which were later more fully manifested at the head of the greatest political organization in the world. When he had saved five hundred dollars from his earnings he started in business for himself. By this time the '' Sylvan ■ ■ ■ FJI ^H ^*B ^^H llgH^^^^H H iP^" 1 ^m /^V^^^^^^^^H 1 1 %s jg|^ yagf - 1 ' ^y^^*^ t j^^^^H ^^^^^^P*^ ■ m *'^' ' ' "'•Ks * ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 ^^^^H ^ M^^^^^^^^^^^H^^H ^Re ^^ jI^^H '4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^1 ^M 1 1 ^-*^^^^^^B H ^^■J 1^ ,1 ^^H^K^^9 H^^^^H ^^^^^^pr ^^^^H ^i| ^^K Jm^I , Y •* ♦ ^^ 1 1 ^^^lifl 1 1 1 IMl HON. CHAS. FRANCIS MURPHY THE MURPHY FAMILY 53 Club " had grown to be a factor in New York City politics, and here the men of the neighborhood congregated to talk over the affairs of the day. Murphy's secretiveness earned for him the nickname of " Silent Charlie," but the trait that was most marked in him was his generosity to the church and to the poor. His popularity was due to this fact, as well as to his loyalty to his friends, and the strictness of his personal habits. At the age of thirty-two he was well established in busi- ness, and continued to grow in popularity ; and, owing to his popularity, he rapidly advanced in political leadership. In 1892, Edward Hagan, the Tammany district leader, who owed his position as a politician to Murphy, died, and Murphy became his successor. After this Murphy's rise in politics was rapid, and when, in 1898, Robert H. Van Wyck was elected mayor, he appointed Mr. Murphy dock com- missioner. Upon the retirement of Richard Croker, in 1902, he became the official leader of Tammany Hall. It was here that he showed his remarkable ability as a leader by uniting the Independent Democratic party with the Tammany men. The administration of Mayor Low necessitated the selection of a strong and conservative man as standard- bearer of the Democratic party. For this reason George B. McClellan was nominated and elected in 1903, owing prin- cipally to Mr. Murphy's personal activity. 54 THE MURPHY FAMILY JOHN B. MURPHY, M.D. John B. Murphy, physician, was born at Appleton, Wis., December 21, 1857. His parents, Michael P. and Anna Grimes Murphy, emigrated to this country from Ireland in 1848. After receiving an education in his native town, he entered the Rush Medical College and received his de- gree in 1879. Shortly after his graduation he began prac- ticing as intern of the Cook County Hospital. For two years he practiced his profession in Chicago, and, at the end of that time, wishing to further perfect himself by study and practice in foreign countries, he visited Berlin, Munich, and Heidelberg. In 1848 he returned to Chicago and accepted a pro- fessorship of surgery and clinical surgery in the Rush Medical School ; also a professorship in surgery in the Post-Graduate Medical School of Chicago. He has been attending physician to the Cook County Hospital since 1884. He is also attending surgeon to Mercy Hospital, ex-president of the medical staff of the Cook County Hos- pital, ex-president of the Chicago Surgical Society, vice- president of the National Association of Railway Surgeons, consulting surgeon at the Alexian Brothers Hospital, and president of the Chicago Medical Society. In addition to these. Dr. Murphy is a life member of the Deutsche Gesell- schaft Fur Chururgie, Berlin, Germany, member of the Surgical Society of Paris, member of the Twelfth Inter- national Medical College of Moscow, and fellow of the American Surgical Association. Dr. Murphy is the author of many medical writings, among which are " Gunshot Wounds of the Abdomen " and " Actinomycosis Hominis." He is also famous for his JOHN B. MURPHY, M. D. THE MURPHY FAMH^Y 55 book illustrating the application of the Anastomosis Button, an invention of his own, which lessens the dangers of ad- dominal operations. He has likewise compiled a report of two thousand operations for appendicitis, and is the author of " Intestinal Surgery " and *' Year Book of Sur- gery." His invention of the Anastomosis Button, known as the " Murphy Button," is recognized by surgeons as an important achievement in surgery. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, the Chicago Pathological Society, and the Pan-American Medical Association. He is a man of great ability, remarkable intellectual attain- ments, and exceptional skill in the medical profession, and is especially famed for his surgical treatises. The latest honor conferred upon him was the presentation, in 1902, of a Laetere Gold Medal by the University of Notre Dame, in acknowledgment of his high standing in the medical profession. TIMOTHY MURPHY. Timothy Murphy was born in Manhattanville, N. Y., March 10, 1844. At the age of fifteen, he removed to Jacksonville, Fla. He learned the machinist trade, and, as the Civil War closed the shops in Jacksonville, he was 56 THE MURPHY FAMILY forced to go to Savannah, Ga. In Savannah he entered the employ of the Georgia Central Railroad Company as an expert machinist and mechanical engineer. In 1875 he returned to Jacksonville and opened a machine shop and foundry. From this small beginning, his business increased rapidly, until he built up the most extensive iron and brass foundry in the South. The name of Timothy jNIurphy and his marrufactured goods are known throughout the country. In his employ were trained some of the leading engineers and machinists of that section, and, owing to the special interest shown them by Mr. Murphy, he was looked upon as a benefactor. Because of his extensive and constantly growing business, he has repeatedly declined public office, with the exception of his service for one term as treasurer of Duval County. Mr. Murphy is one of the solid citizens of his city, and in everything pertaining to the interests or advancement of Jacksonville, or to the betterment of her citizens, he can always be relied upon as an able helper. JEREMIAH MURPHY. Jeremiah Murphy, representative, was the son of Timothy and Jerusha Murphy. He was born at Lowell, Mass., February 19, 1835. He received his early educa- THE MURPHY FAMILY 57 tion in the public schools of Boston, Mass., and, in 1849, moved with his parents to Fond du Lac, Wis. Three years later they went to Iowa. He graduated from the State University of Iowa in 1857, and was admitted to the bar in 1858. He practiced law in Meringo from 1858 to 1867, and in Davenport from 1867 to 1883. He was delegate to the Democratic national convention from 1864 to 1868, state senator from 1874 to 1878, and served as mayor of Davenport from 1873 to 1879. He was Democratic repre- sentative from the second Iowa district in the forty-eighth and forty-ninth congresses, and to his unceasing efforts was due the appropriation for the Hennepin canal, which connects Lake Erie with the Mississippi River. He died at Washington, D. C, December 11, 1893. JOHN J. MURPHY. John J. Murphy, scholar an^i educator, was born in the County Kildare, Ireland, January 17, 1844. He graduated from Carlow College in 1862, and immediately entered Maynooth College, where he studied for the priesthood. He came to the United States in 1866, entering the Society of Jesus. He completed his theological course in Wood- stock, Md., and was instructor at Holy Cross College, 58 THE MURPHY FAMILY Worcester, Mass., at Georgetown College, D. C, at Fred- erick, Md., at Woodstock, Md., and was rector of Holy Trinity Church, Georgetown, D. C. He served as presi- dent of Georgetown College and of St. Francis Xavier College, New York, N. Y. He became a member of the staff of the Messenger of the Sacred Heart, and was a contributor to the " George- town College Journal." He died in Georgetown, D. C, March 4, 1892. <« ISAAC MURPHY. Isaac Murphy, governor of Arkansas, was born near Pittsburgh in 1802. He was the son of Hugh and Jane Murphy. He moved to Tennessee, teaching school in Mont- gomery County from 1829-34. In 1830 he married An- gelina A. Lockhart. Later, in 1834, he moved to Fayette, Ark., becoming prominent in that part of the state on account of his work in the promotion of education. Having studied law, he was admitted to the bar in 1835. He en- gaged in civil engineering in connection with his law practice. From 1848 to 1849 he was representative to the state legislature. He went to California in 1849, remaining there five years, returning to Arkansas in 1854, where he THE MURPHY FAMILY 59 settled in Huntsville. He was Union delegate to the Arkan- sas secession convention in 1861. Mr. Murphy became noted for his attitude in standing out against secession, he being the only delegate voting against it. He enlisted in the Union army in April, 1862, serving on the staff of General Curtis, and took part in the capture of Little Rock, Ark., on September 10, 1863. He became provisional gov- ernor in January and elective governor of Arkansas in March, 1864, serving until 1868. His record as governor stands prominent in the history of Arkansas. He not only paid the expenses of his administration, but turned into the state treasury $270,000 at the close of his term of office. His death occurred in Huntsville, Ark., September 8, 1882. TAMES MURPHY. James Murphy, poet and novelist, was born in Glynn, County Carlow, in 1839. He was appointed principal of the public schools in Bray, a famous watering-place near Dublin, in i860. He afterward became town clerk and chairman of the municipal board of commissioners, finally resigning these to accept the professorship of mathematics in St. Gall's Catholic University, Dublin. Mr. Murphy's first novel, " The Cross of Glencarrig," at once stamped 6o THE MURPHY FAMILY him as a writer of extraordinary merit. He later wrote " The Shadow on the Scaffold," " The Forge of Qohogue/' "Convict No. 25,'' "The House on the Rath," "Hugh Roach, the Ribbonman/' "The Shan Van Vocht," "The Fortunes of Maurice O'Donnell," and " The Haunted Church." His poetry is contained in " The Lays and Legends of Ireland," a volume of some two hundred pages. In this volume is found " The Advent of the Milesians," one of his strongest poems. This poem is published in full here, chiefly on account of its harmonious bearing on the rest of the work, and because of its historical and richly national characteristics. THE MURPHY FAMILY 6l THE ADVENT OF THE MILESIANS. The summer sun is streaming o'er many a galley tall, Where eastern wave, by Syrian coast, builds up of foam a wall ; And bright the golden streak of rays that marks the vessels' track, And bright the sheen of summer light the parted wave gives back. But brighter far the lines of light from waven swords that gleam, And brighter still of high resolve in warrior eyes the beam: As from the galley's sunlit decks into the temple's gloom Pass armed hosts with glancing helms and wave of tossing plume ! The sacred shrine above them — the spreading sea before — The silken sails, as yet unfurled, their waiting galleys bore — In shrouding mist and silence — none dared to whisper then ! — Await the God of Destiny a thousand bearded men. V No arching roof or canopy o'erspreads the temple where Before the awful shrine of Fate the mustered warriors are — In solemn, silent reverence the mystic words, of fate From the High-Priest of Prophesy the plumed chiefs await. A leader stands before them, whose broad and ample breast In mantling folds of purple cloth by kingly right is drest; A head above the tallest, his helm, athrough the mist. Beams bright as day with diamond and gleam of amethyst. That sword he bears, in Babylon from royal hand he tore; That golden circlet on his arm the regal Pharaoh wore; The diamonds on his sword-hilt, that gleam like liquid fire, Once graced the golden shrines above the idol-gods of Tyre. A warrior he of warrior race, Assyria owned his sway; His iron bands through Scythia tore his resistless way; And women wailed in Egypt, and cities lay as lone As Isis in the desert, when once his flag was flown. But leave he must! The fabled isle, the ancient seer foretold In burning words of prophesy — whose hills were throned in gold — Whose streams were tuned in melody — whose shores with pearls were lined — And where the perfumes of the East surcharged the summer wind — 62 THE MURPHY FAMILY Called him afar ! He cannot stay ! At night the golden beams That flooded that fair island home, shone inward in his dreams ; At day nor eastern wave he saw, nor eastern land, nor sky — Along the golden rim of heaven sought out that isle his eye. And now, amid his followers, before the shrine he stands — Before the unknown God that holds the future in His hands — And a bright blessing prayeth he his followers for, and on The island home, that fabled land, e'er yet his ships were gone. The aged priest before them -stands, the mystic reed in hand : " Milesius ! Heber ! Heremon ! Seek ye the fabled land? My heart-strings rend at parting — with grief my breast is wrung — But a priceless gift I give thee : — the Blessing of the Tongue ! " A tongue for men to pray in to listening gods on high, A tongue whose ringing accents shall cheer the brave to die — Meet, in the dark'ning even, when falls the night above, For red-lipped maids in Eire to speak the words of love. " A tongue wherein the Druid may worship at the oak, A tongue wherewith magician may hidden spells evoke — In airy mist at noonday shall her fair hills be drest, Or golden light shall deck her at eve — at his behest. " Its notes the flow shall rival of Eire's silver streams. Breathe it at night — a benison falls on the sleeper's dreams! And angels' speech of sorrow (for ruined souls) in bliss Shall lose its tone of anguish when women cry in this ! " The chieftain frowned in anger : " Not gift like this," he said, " Want we to stir the heart to love — to sorrow for the dead ; For the brave heart to conquer, and the bright blade to sway, Shall win us women's love, I trow — let sorrow those who may. "Hast thou no other blessing?" "Hush!" the aged seer replies, " Than gleaming sword, or gallant heart, in this more power lies ; Swords rust and throbbing hearts grow still, but in this gift I give Thy princely name and glorious deeds and bright renown shall live. THE MURPHY FAMILY 63 " Its kindling words shall valor feed within thy children's breasts ; Its song shall prouder tribute be than heralds' gleaming crests ; Its strains shall make their swords outflash when dangers gather round ; And ever shall its clarion cheer o'er conquered foe resound. "Its trumpet tones in battle hour shall point the lifted spear; The battle-axe through surging foes shall make a pathway clear; For victory won its song of joy shall grace the festive cup " — The sword-blades in their jeweled sheaths came ringing swiftly up. "But hand to hand unitedly — on this condition rests The mystic charm of victory that in this blessing vests — Your ranks must join; your arms must strike; your valiant hearts must know Nor treason nor disloyalty when dares your strength the foe : " Else shall your paeans of victory be songs of woe instead ; Else shall the conquering feet of foes above your bravest tread ; Else shall — but no! — the perfumed breeze to bear you hence away Swell in your sails — mine aged lips the rest forbear to say!" He lifted high his trembling hands — the chieftains forward sprang And, kneeling, with the clank of spears the marble pavement rang; A glorious sunburst flashed athrough the temple's solemn glooms — A thousand swords outflashed ! — The air was swept with tossing plumes ! Uprose the bannered lances, like lines of tapered oaks ; Rang on the pave their sabres, like hammering forgemen's strokes; A cheer arose ! " The sunburst ! The God of Fate," they cried, " Our banner in the golden sky with golden light has dyed ! " Never to die that banner ! Never that tongue to die, Till the warring world is voiceless, till the sun dies in the sky; Till the god-like gift of manhood dies out from heart and veins, And on the breast of Eire no son of our race remains. 64 THE MURPHY FAMILY " To the golden shores of Eirinn ! To her sun-lit hills ! " the cry In the mystic tongue, that now they spoke, on the swelling breeze rose high; And the silken sails and the cedar masts that their tossing galleys bore. On that eastern wave when the sun went down, threw a shadow nevermore. HENRY CRUSE MURPHY. Henry Cruse Murphy was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 5, 1 810. He was the son of John Murphy and grand- son of Timothy Murphy of Monmouth County, N. J. He graduated from Columbia College in 1830 and was admitted to the bar in 1833, entering into partnership with John A. Lott, under the firm name of Lott & Murphy, afterwards known as Lott, Murphy & Vanderbilt. He became city attorney and corporation council. He contributed to various newspapers and magazines, principal among them being " The North American Review," the '' Democratic Review," and the " Brooklyn Advocate." He established the " Brook- lyn Daily Eagle'' in 1841, becoming its proprietor and editor later. He took a very active part in politics. He was elected mayor of Brooklyn, 1841-2, and was delegate to the state constitutional convention in 1846 and a repre- sentative to the twenty-eighth and thirtieth congresses. THE MURPHY FAMILY 65 In 1852, Mr. Murphy's name was mentioned in the National Democratic convention of that year as an avail- able candidate for the presidency. He was appointed minister to the Hague under Buchanan's administration. On his return from abroad, he again became very active in politics from 1861 to 1873, and as delegate to the state constitutional convention, 1867-68. He organized the 159th New York Volunteers. He was the founder of the city library and of the Long Island Historical Society. He was connected w^ith various business enterprises, among them being the East River Bridge Company and the Brooklyn, Flatbush and Coney Island Company, in each of which he served as president. He accumulated various works on American history. He published several works, among them being "Henry Hudson in Holland" (1859), " The Voyage of Verrayano " (1875), " The First Ministry of the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States." He died in Brooklyn, N. Y., December 21, 1882. NATHAN OAKES MURPHY.=*= Nathan Oakes Murphy, governor of Arizona, was born in Jefferson, Maine, October 14, 1849. ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^o" ^^ B. T. Murphy and grandson of John Murphy. He emi- (•Died in April. iqo8. ) 5 66 THE MURPHY FAMILY grated to Wisconsin when a young man, teaching school there for three years, and from there went to CaHfornia. There he engaged in mining, railroad building and various mercantile enterprises. He settled in Prescott, Arizona, in 1883, where he conducted mining operations. He was married in 1884 to Sarah, daughter of G. W. Banghart of Prescott. In 1889 he was made secretary of Arizona Territory, and became governor in 1892. He was a dele- gate to the Republican national convention at Minneapolis, Minn., in 1892, and a delegate to the fifty-fourth congress, 1895-97. He was again elected territorial governor from 1898 to 1902. Died April, 1908. PATRICK MURPHY. Patrick Murphy was born in 1782. He attained con- siderable prominence through his authorship of the "Weather Almanack (on scientific principles, showing the state of the weather for every day of the year 1838), by P. Murphy, M.N.S., i. e., member of no society." For January 20th he had predicted very cold weather, with the lowest degree of winter temperature. On that day, true enough, the thermometer showed four degrees below zero, which was remarkablv cold weather for the British Isles. THE MURPHY FAMILY 6/ This circumstance gave Murphy considerable renown, and created an enormous demand for his ahnanack. It was said that the shop of his pubhshers, Messrs. VVhittaker & Co., was thronged with purchasers, who were obHged to wait in Hne — so popular had the almanack become, while the winter of 1837 and '38 became known as Murphy's winter. The 1838 edition netted Mr. Murphy $15,000. A parody on a popular song, " Lesbia has a Beaming Eye," had been written, commencing " Murphy has a Weather Eye.'' Murphy's other principal works were : " An Inquiry into Nature on the Cause of Miasmata," " Second Rudi- ments of the Primary Forces of Gravity," " Magnetism and Electricity in Their Agency on the Heavenly Bodies," " The Anatomy of the Seasons," " Weather Guide Book and Perpetual Companion to the Almanack," " Meteorology Considered in its Connection with Astronomy," " Climate and the Geological Distinction of Animals and Plants Equally as with the Seasons and Changes of the Weather." He wrote two papers for the Society of Scienziati Italiana a Padua, of which he was elected a member. He also wrote " Weather Tables for the Year 1844 and As- tronomical Aphorisms, or Theory of Nature, Founded on the Immutable Basis of Meteoric Action" (two editions). His death occurred at his lodgings, Dorset St., St. Brides, London, December i, 1847, ^t the age of sixty-five. 68 THE MURPHY FAMILY ROBERT MURPHY. Robert Murphy, a noted mathematician, was born in 1806, in Mallow, County Cork, Ireland. He was the third of a family of seven children, and his father followed the dual occupation of shoemaker and parish clerk. At an early age Robert evinced remarkable traits of mathematical genius. When eleven years of age he was run over by a cart, and the result of his accident was an enforced con- finement to bed for over a year. During this period he studied Euclid and algebra, and before he attained his thirteenth year, he proved himself an extraordinarily effi- cient mathematician. He subsequently continued his studies with phenomenal progress in a school kept by a Mr. Hopley at Mallow. At the age of eighteen he published a re- markable bit of study called " The Refutation of a Pam- phlet, Written by the Reverend John Mackay, R. C. P. — Entitled ' A Method of Making a Cube Double a Cube, Founded on the Principle of Elementary Geometry.' " In this work, the young geometrician proved the principles of the elder student to be erroneous and the solution not yet obtained. Convinced of his genius, some of his friends raised a subscription to send him to the university, and he began his collegiate career in October, 1825, in Grenville and Caius College, Cambridge. In 1829 he graduated B.A., coming out third wrangler. In May, 1831, he was appointed dean of his college, an office which involved the regulation of chapel discipline. Unfortunately — and how often has this to be recorded of genius? — he fell into dissipated habits, and, in December, THE MURPHY FAMILY 69 1832^ he left Cambridge in disgrace, his fellowship being put in sequestration for the benefit of his creditors. After being at home in Ireland for a few years, he came to London, in 1836, to begin life anew as a teacher and writer, and so well redeemed himself that, in 1838, he was appointed examiner in mathematics and natural philosophy in the University of London. He died March 12, 1843, ^t the untimely age of thirty- seven years, and has left many remarkable works as a legacy to posterity. His friend, Augustus DeMorgan, states that he had true mathematical genius for invention, and that his works on the theory of equation and on electricity and his papers on the Cambridge transactions are all of high genius. He contributed to the '' Cambridge Transactions " the fol- lowing treatises : '' General Properties of Definite Inte- grals," '' On the Resolution of Algebraic Equations," " On the Inverse Method of Definite Integrals with Physical Applications," " On Elimination Between an Indefinite Number of Unknown Quantities," " Second Memoir on the Inverse Method of Definite Integrals," " Third Memoir on the Same." 70 THE MURPHY FAMILY THOMAS MURPHY. Thomas Murphy, son of WilHam and Mary Murphy, was born in the County Antrim, Ireland, February 6, 1824. His parents moved to the United States in 1834, when Thomas was ten years old, settling in New Hartford, N. Y. He attended the local schools and later entered the College of New Jersey, from which he graduated with high honors, receiving the degree of A.B. in 1848. He received his degree of B.D. from the Princeton Theological Seminary in 1848. On October 11, 1849, he was ordained in Philadelphia, being immediately appointed pastor of the Frankford Presbyterian Church, where he served as pastor from 1849 to 1894, and as pastor emeritus from 1894 to 1900. He was appointed delegate to the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church several times, and was a commis- sioner to the general assemblies of Scotland and Ireland in 1873. In the Irish assembly he offered a resolution which led to the holding of the Pan-Presbyterian council. He was the prime mover and leader in organizing over twenty new churches in the Philadelphia Presbytery. For four- teen years he was a member of the Presbyterian board of publication, and was one of the organizers of the Sabbath school work of that board. He was president of the Log College anniversary, September 5, 1889. He received the degree of D.D. from the College of New Jersey in 1872, and of LL.D. from Washington College in 1891. He died in Philadelphia, December 26, 1900. THOMAS EDW. MURPHY, S. J. THE MURPHY FAMILY /I THOMAS EDWARD MURPHY. Thomas Edward Murphy, educator, was born in New York City, January 2^, 1856. He attended the public schools and later St. Francis Xavier College, New York ; studied at Sault au R'eiollet, Canada, 1875-76; West Park on the Hudson, New York, 1876-79; took a course in philosophy at Woodstock College, Md., 1879-82, and a course in theology there, 1887-90. He was professor of Latin and Greek at Georgetown University, D. C, 1893-95, and president of St. Francis Xavier College, 1894- 1900. He was the chosen prefect of studies at Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., August i, 1900. RICHARD JOSEPH MURPHY. Richard Joseph Murphy, distinguished journalist and press secretary of the World's Columbian Exposition, was born in Boston, March i, 1861, but at an early age he re- moved to Chicago with his parents. He has the advantage of a thorough practical training in journalism, in which profession he is a post-graduate. While still at college, he began newspaper work in an amateur way, and laid the foundation of a future reputation as a good, all-round newspaper writer. His first real "J 2 THE MURPHY FAMILY newspaper work was in connection with the *' Chicago Evening Journal," in 1881, with which paper he unquali- fiedly made good as a professional journalist. In 1882 he was promoted to the organization and development of the '' Daily Press " of Chicago, as secretary of the Press Com- pany. For a year the young secretary struggled hard against the difficulties attending the publication of a metro- politan daily in competition with papers of strong financial backing and large circulation. Notwithstanding his gallant fight, the paper had to be sold to a new company, which changed the name to the " Chicago Mail and Press." To- day this is an established newspaper, and is known as the " Chicago Mail." After disposing of his interest in the " Press," Mr. Murphy returned to the " Journal," where he filled various positions in the city department for two years. In 1885, Mr. Murphy visited Washington, D. C, representing a syndicate of w^estern newspapers for the inauguration of Cleveland as president. Later, returning to Chicago, he was appointed to the railroad and real estate desk of the " Chicago Herald." In connection with this work came the knowledge of the great need in Chicago of a system of transferring freight without involving the cost and delay of cartage through the crowded thoroughfares of that city. It was from this knowledge that the United States Ware- house Company was evolved. Our journalist, perceiving the great advantage in time and money of the belt system, a neutral road, encircling Chicago and connecting wdth all the great lines converging at that point, conceived and elaborated the plan which after- ward took the form of the United States Company. By this THE MURPHY FAMILY 73 plan, freight received from the east in carload lots within the company's warehouse, is stored for any length of time, and again reshipped without cartage. As the organizer and developer of this great project, Mr. Murphy has raised a gigantic monument to his perception, energy and ability. He was appointed secretary of the company, but when the necessity for an eastern manager arose, he sold all his business interests in Chicago and accepted the general agency of the United States Warehouse Company, with headquarters in New York City. Here, again, he was eminently successful, and was .enjoying a prosperous busi- ness and literary career when, without solicitation, the newly elected directors of the World's Columbian Exposi- tion, in May, 1890, urged him to accept the press secretary- ship. The position was a coveted one, many very prominent newspaper men being eager applicants for the place. In view of this, Mr. Murphy felt the offer to be especially flattering, and accepted it. His wide business experience, his newspaper acumen, and his application of sound com- mon-sense principles to his work, all helped to the success which attended the administration of his duties at the fair. 74 TliE MURPHY FAMILY JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY. John Francis Murphy, artist, was born in Oswego, N. Y., in 1853. He attended the public schools in his native town, devoting his spare hours to the study of art. His work soon attracted attention on account of the har- mony of his color schemes. He was elected a member of the American Artists in 1883, and was made National Academician in 1887. He was also a member of the American Water Colors Society. He received the second Hallgarten prize at the National Academy for his picture entitled '' Tints of a Vanished Past." He was awarded the Webb prize at the Society of American Artists in 1887, and won the Carnegie prize in 1902. His work is all the more remarkable from the fact that his studies were con- ducted without a teacher. Among his principal paintings are " Sunny Slopes," " Weedy Brook," " The Yellow Leaf," " October Fog," " Sundown," " Woodland," " October," and " Brooks and Fields." REVOLUTION.\RY WAR 75 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Every man who responds to the name of Murphy must, on a survey of the following list of his namesakes who served in the Revolutionary War, feel his heart beat with a greater throb. One hundred and thirty years have passed since this roster of the name of Murphy was written in the army roll of the revolted colonies. Your forefathers or their relatives from the old land were in at the birth of that flag which has attracted to its protection during the past one hundred and thirty years so many millions of their fellow countrymen, that flag which during these one hun- dred and thirty years has led the world in the paths of stainless national honor, in its adherence to the humble forms of democracy and in its munificent provision for education as the rock-bed of democracy. None of our citizens are, or have been, more devoted to the principles for which this flag stands than the descendants of the Murphy clan and the other clans of old Ireland. You can be sure that your forefathers, or some of their clansmen, were in the combat that wrested this nation from England, to the immense benefit not only of its inhabitants, but as an exemplar for the world. Read this list of Murphys, which is only a partial one, as only six colonies kept a roster of those who served in the Revolution, so that you can be sure that there were many others in addition to these of the name of Murphy who, one hundred and thirty years ago, were storming 76 REVOLUTIONARY WAR trenches, wading rivers and charging embattled heights, carrying Old Glory, then newly born, to victory. The descendants of the forty-one families who came over in the Mayflower were a very small part of the thou- sands who composed the Continental Army, and yet there are those today who would try to persuade you that they did it all. If you have a tender regard for the land of your fore- fathers, and possess that Irish sentiment which loves the line of ancestry stretching back to the McMorchoe clan, your eye must necessarily light with enthusiasm as you read this partial list of the Murphy family, who were at the front when this great country was wrested from monarchical control and given over to its inhabitants upon democratic principles, and which has become, under this happy form of government, the pleasantest land that the sun shines upon. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 'J'J FAMILY NAME IN REVOLUTIONARY WAR. MASSACHUSETTS. John Murphy: Private, Capt. Samuel Clark's com- pany, Col. Benjamin's regiment, Berkshire County. En- listed, Oct. 26, 1780, service three days. Company marched to northern frontier, by order of Gen. Fellows, on an alarm. Richard Murphy : Rutland ; list of men raised to serve in the Continental Army, from 7th Worcester regi- ment, Dec. 29, 1777; engaged for town of Barre ; joined Capt. Brine's company. Thomas Murphy : Dedham ; Continental Army ; joined Capt. Crowley's company. Col. Crane's regiment, term three years, to expire April 16, 1780. Later re-enlisted as a sailor ; also in list of men raised to serve in the Continental Army, from Col. Mcintosh's (ist Suffolk County) regiment. William Murphy : Sergeant Enos Dean's detachment of guards ; service, fifteen days, by order of Committee of Correspondence, etc., in order to prevent the escape of High- landers and other prisoners from Taunton jail, during the alarm of Dec. 8, 1776. George Murphy: Wells; enlisted June 6, 1778; dis- charged Jan. 29, 1779; re-enlisted, joining Capt. Daniel Clark's company. Col. Joseph Primes' regiment; regiment raised in York County, for defense of eastern Massachusetts. John Murphy: Capt. Clark's company, Col. Ben- jamin Simond's Berkshire County regiment. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1777; discharged, Aug. 21, 1777,, service eight days. Company took part in the battle of Wallumsick, near Ben- nington, Aug. 16, 1777, and later convoyed provisions to Pittsfield ; roll certified at Williamstown. Also, private, same company and regiment, six days ; company marched to northern frontier, by order of Col. Fellows, on an alarm, and served from Oct. 12th to Oct. 19th. Cato Murphy: Stockbridge; list of men raised in 78 REVOLUTIONARY WAR Berkshire County to serve in the Continental Army for term of nine months, June 5, 1778. Pierce Murphy: Private, Capt. Tobias Lord's com- pany; marched Jan. 22, iyy6y service to May 21, 1776, four months and ten days ; company stationed at Falmouth, Cum- berland County, for defense of coast. Peter Murphy : Salem ; seaman, ship " Pilgrim," com- manded by Capt. Robinson, descriptive list of officers and crew, dated Aug. 2, 1789; age, 32; stature, 4 ft., 10 in.; complexion, light. Peter Murphy: Matross; Capt. Lieut. John Calen- der's company. Col. John Crane's (Artillery) regiment. Re- turn of enlisted men for state of Massachusetts Bay, who were in actual service and entitled to the gratuity allowed, by resolve of Feb. 9, 1779. (Reported a foreigner.) William Murphy: Danvers ; private, Capt. Benjamin Kimbell's company, Col.^ Mansfield^s regiment. Enlisted July 7, 1775, service 25 days ; re-enlisted, same company, same regiment, until Oct. 6, 1775. John Murphy: Descriptive list of men raised for Mid- dlesex County, agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780, as re- turned by Joseph Hosmer, supt. for said county; age, 27 years ; stature, 6 ft., i in. ; complexion, dark ; hair, brown ; eyes, dark ; occupation, laborer ; engaged for town of Cam- bridge ; engaged Jan. 24, 1781 ; term, during war. Richard Murphy : New Rutland ; private, Capt. Simeon Hazeltine's company. Col. John Fellow's 8th regi- ment. Enlisted June 5, 1775, service two months, one day; also, for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Dor- chester, Nov. 2'j, 1775. Daniel Murphy : Springfield ; corporal, Capt. Isaac Colton's company. Col. David Brine's (9th) regiment; com- pany return dated Roxbury Camp, Oct. 7, 1775. James Murphy : Matross ; Capt. John Lillie's company. Col. John Crane's 3d Artillery regiment ; served from Jan. I, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; reported as belonging to Connecticut. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 79 John Murphy: Salem; sailor, ship ''Rhodes," com- manded by Capt. Nehemiah Buffington ; descriptive list of officers and crew sworn to Aug. 14, 1780; age, 30; stature, 5 ft., 6 in. ; complexion, light. John Murphy : Private, Capt. Samuel Clark's com- pany, Col. Benjamin Simond's (Berkshire County) regi- ment. Entered service Sept. 7, 1777; discharged, Sept. 30, 1777 ; service, 24 days. Company to Pawlett, by order of Maj.-Gen. Lincoln, to serve twenty days from time of join- ing at headquarters, and was discharged sixty miles from home. John Murphy : Descriptive list of officers and crew on board armed ship " Deane," commanded by Capt. Elisha Hinman, dated Boston, Nov., 1780; age, 35; complexion, light ; reported as belonging to Massachusetts. MiLAND Murphy: Return of men raised in Essex County for Continental service, agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780, engaged for town of Danvers. Engaged, Feb. 22, 1 78 1, for three years. Richard Murphy : Matross ; Capt. Callender's com- pany. Col. John Crane's regiment, Continental Army pay accounts from Jan. i, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also Capt. Benj. Frothington's company, Col. Crane's regiment; muster roll for Oct., 1778, dated Springfield, enlisted for three years. Thomas Murphy : Dedham ; gunner, Capt. Thomas Well's company, Col. John Crane's (Artillery) regiment. Continental Army pay accounts for service from April 17, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779: credited town of Dedham. Also, Matross, Capt. David Allen's company, Col. Crane's regi- ment, return of men who were in camp before Aug. 15, 1777, and who had not been absent subsequently except on forlough. F. Murphy: Private, Lieut. Wm. Bird's company. Col. Thayer's regiment: enlisted July 19, 1780: service, three months and three days, including eleven days, 220 miles travel home. Regiment raised in Suffolk County to re- 8o REVOLUTIONARY WAR inforce the Continental Army, for three months, and sta- tioned at West Point. Daniel Murphy : Descriptive Hst of men raised in Hampshire County to serve in Continental Army, agreeable to resolve of Oct. 2, 1780. Age, 37; stature, 5 ft., 11 in.; complexion, red ; occupation, blacksmith ; engaged from town of Springfield, May 20, 1781, for three years. Israel Murphy : Arundeel ; private, Capt. Jesse Dor- man's company. Col. James' regiment. Muster roll dated Aug. I, 1775. Enlisted May 8, 1775 ; service, three months. James Murphy : Gunner, Capt. Lillie's company, Col. Crane's regiment ; Continental Army pay accounts from Jan. I, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780. Descriptive list, stature, 5 ft., 6}4 in. ; complexion, brown ; engaged in 1777, by Lieut. Kempner, for term of three years. James Murphy : Descriptive list of men raised in Mid- dlesex agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780, as returned by Joseph Hosmer, supt. for said county ; age, 25 years. ; stature, 5 ft., 9 in. ; complexion, light ; occupation, farmer ; engaged for town of Watertown, Dec. 26, 1781, for three years. John Murphy: WilHamstown ; private, Capt. Samuel Sloan's company of Minute Men, which marched to the re- sponse of the Alarm of April 19, 1775. Enlisted April 29, 1775. Service, twenty-eight days ; company discharged May John Murphy: Return of men made by the town ot Hingham to make up its quota of one-seventh part of the male inhabitants of said town as enclosed Feb. 13, 1779, Col. Greaton's regiment. Enlisted May, 1778. John Murphy : Seaman, brig *' Hazard," commanded by Capt. John Foster Williams; engaged May 14, 1779, service to Sept. 6, 1779, 3 months, 24 days; nationality, Irish; stature, 5 ft., 4>^ in. Roll sworn to in Suffolk County. John Murphy: Descriptive list of officers and crew of ship *' Thorn," commanded by Capt. John Cowell, sworn to REVOLUTIONARY WAR 8l at Marblehead, Sept. 14, 1780; stature, 5 ft., 10 in.; com- plexion, light. John Murphy : Petition dated Boston, Sept. 29, 1781, signed by Samuel Grant in behalf of Joseph White and others, asking that said Murphy be commissioned as com- mander of the brigantine " Speedwell " (privateer) ; ad- vised in council, Sept. 29, 1781, that a commission be issued. John Murphy : Seaman, frigate '' Deane," commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson, engaged Feb. 20, 1782 ; service to May 31, 1782, 3 months, 11 days ; engagement, 12 months. John Murphy : Receipt dated May 16, 1783, for wages for services to May 10, 1783, on board frigate " Hague," commanded by Capt. John Manly. Lambeth : Seaman, brigantine " Tyrannidede," com- manded by Capt. Jonathan Haradan ; engaged March 9, 1777; discharged Aug, 29, 1777. Roll sworn to in Suffolk County. Michael Murphy : Private, Capt. Moses ^Newell's (Newburyport) company; enlisted July 20, 1776; service three months, company stationed at Plum Island, for de- fense of seacoast. Michael Murphy : Descriptive list of men and officers on board the armed ship " Deane," commanded by Capt. Elisha Hinman, dated Boston, Nov., 1780; age, 17 years; reported as belonging to Rhode Island ; complexion, . Mylon Murphy: Private, Col. Benj. Tupper's (loth) regiment; service from Feb. 22, 1781, 22 months, 7 days. Patrick Murphy : Somerworth, N. H. Receipt dated May 4, 1 78 1, for bounty paid said Murphy by William Rogers, chairman of a class of the town of Berwick, to serve in Continental Army for a term of three years. Patrick Murphy: Private, Capt. Jedediah Goodwin's company, Col. Joseph Prime's regiment ; muster roll made up from time of marching from home to July i, 1780, in- cluding three days' march, dated Falmouth ; joined May 5, 1780, enlistment eight months; also, same company and regiment, enlisted May 3, 1780, discharged Nov. 20, 1780, 6 82 REVOLUTIONARY WAR service 6 months, i8 days, under Brig.-Gen. Wads worth at the eastward ; roll sworn to in York County. Patrick Murphy: Return of men raised in Suffolk County for Continental Army, agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780. Engaged for town of Boston, March 5, 1781. Patrick : Seaman, ship " Mars," commanded by Capt. Simeon Sampson ; engaged July 20, 1780, discharged March 12, 1781, service 7 months, 22 days; reported as having re- ceived wages on account in France. Roll dated Boston. Patrick: Private, ist company, entries dated Oct. 22 and Dec. 26, 1783, of orders for wages for May-Dec. (year not given), appearing in a register of orders, accept on account of wages, etc. Patrick M. Murphy: Col. David Henley's regiment; return of recruits for knapsacks, dated Boston, Feb. 16, 1778, reported under marching orders. Pierce Murphy : Arundel ; private, Capt. Jesse Dor- man's cQiiBipany, Col. James Scammon's (30th) regiment; company return (probably Oct., 1775), including abstract of pay to last of July, 1775; enlisted May 8, 1775;- also order for bounty coat, or its equivalent in money, dated Cambridge, Oct. 2^], 1775. Peter Murphy : Return of men raised to serve in Con- tinental Army from Col. Ebenezer Thayer's (5th Suffolk County) regiment ; engaged for town of Braintree ; joined Capt. Tuckerman's company. Col. Patterson's regiment, re- ported a transient : also list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, muster master for Suffolk County, Col. Patterson's regiment ; also private Capt. Mills' company, Col. Joseph Vose's regiment ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1777, to Feb. 16, 1778. Richard Murphy : Rutland ; private, Capt. Simeon Hazeltine's (5th) company. Col. John Fellows' (8th) regi- ment ; company return dated Oct. 7, 1775 ; also list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, muster master of Suffolk County, dated Boston, April 27, 1777: Col. Crane's res^iment. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 83 Robert Murphy: Pownalborough ; return of men raised to serve in Continental Army from Col. Joseph North's (2d Lincoln County) regiment. Joined Capt. Davis' company. Col. Wigglesworth's regiment, term during war; also private, Major's company, Col. Calvin Smith's (ist Wigglesworth's) regiment ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from March i6, 1777, to Oct. i, 1777; reported left sick at Albany, Oct. i, 1777, and did not rejoin regiment. Also Capt. Nathaniel Alexander's company, Col. Edward Wigglesworth's regiment. Mustered by Col. Sewall, also same company and regiment; muster roll for May, 1778, dated Camp Valley Forge ; reported sick at Albany, also same company and regiment ; return of men in actual serv- ice Aug. 15, 1777, warrant for gratuity allowed in council Feb. 9, 1779; reported deceased. Sylvester Murphy: Private, Capt. Timothy Heald's company, Col. Samuel McCobb's regiment ; enlisted, July 25? 1779; service, two months, one day; on Penobscot expedition. Thomas Murphy : Newport ; seaman, ship " Pilgrim," commanded by Capt. Joseph Robinson. Descriptive list of officers and crew, dated Aug. 2, 1780; age, 45 years; stature, 5 ft., 10 in. ; complexion, light ; residence, Newport. Thomas Murphy: Private, Capt. Daniel Scott's (Pow- nalborough) company. Col. Joseph North's regiment ; service from Sept. 10, 1777, two days, defending and re- taking a mast ship leading on Sheepscot River ; company called on an alarm. Thomas Murphy : Seaman, Continental frigate *' Deane," commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson ; engaged Feb. 20, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 months, 11 days; engagement, 12 months. Thomas Murphy: Receipt dated May 24, 1783, signed by Jas. Rourk, for wages due said Murphy, for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate " Hague," commanded by Capt. John Manly. Timothy Murphy : List of men mustered by Nathaniel 84 REVOLUTIONARY ^WAR Barber, muster master for Suffolk County, dated Boston, April 2'j, 1777, Col. Crane's regiment. Timothy Murphy: Private, Capt. Daniel Calderwall's company, Lieut.-Col. Timothy Robinson's detachment of Hampshire County militia ; muster roll dated Garrison of Ticonderoga, Feb. 24, 1777 ; enlistment to expire March 25, 1777; also same company and regiment detachment; en- tered service Dec. 25, 1776; discharged April 2, 1777; service, 98 days at Ticonderoga ; roll dated Springfield. Wm. Murphy: Boston; Hst of men raised to serve in the Continental Army, as returned by Capt. Benjamin Lapham and Capt. Peter Cushing; engaged for town of Hingham ; joined Capt. R. Allen's company. Col. Alden's regiment ; term, three years ; also list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, M.M., for Suffolk County, dated Boston, June 22, 1777, Capt. Allen's company. Col. Alden's regi- ment; also private 6th company. Col. Brook's (late Col. Alden's) regiment. Continental Army pay accounts made up for 1777-9. William Murphy : York ; private, Capt. Jonathan Newell's company. Col. James Scammon's (30th) regiment, muster roll dated Aug. ist, 1775; enlisted. May 5, 1775; service, three months, four days ; also company » return (probably Oct., 1775), including abstract of pay to last of July, 1775. William Murphy: Descriptive list of men raised in Worcester County, 1779, to serve in Continental Army; age, 28 years ; stature, 5 ft., 6 in. ; complexion, dark ; en- gaged for town of Fitchburg ; reported to Lieut. Grace. William Murphy: Descriptive return dated Boston, Jan. 5, 1 781, made by Edward Proctor, colonel of Boston regiment, of men who had enlisted to serve in the militia, under Brig.-Gen. John Fellows, for a term of three months from the time of their arrival at place of rendezvous, unless sooner discharged, and who had received bounty and mileage due them of said Col. Proctor ; Capt. Farrington's company ; age, 21 ; stature, 5 ft., 7 in.; complexion, dark. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 85 PENNSYLVANIA: Col. Wm. Thompson and Edward Hand, Battalion of Riflemen. Capt. John Lowden's company of Riflemen, sworn in at Northumberland, Jan. 29, 1775. John Murphy: Private. Timothy Murphy: Private. Company served in and around Boston in first campaign of war, several battles and scrimmages in Long Island, at the taking of the Hessians at Trenton, battle of Brunswick ; the taking of Burgoyne. 1st Penn. Battalion: Col. John P. DeHaas. James Murphy: Private; enhsted Oct. 12, 1775, Capt. Jonathan Jones' company. Arthur Murphy: Enlisted Feb. 14, 1776, Capt. John Nelson's company Independent Riflemen. 2d Battalion : Col. Arthur St. Clair. Thomas Murphy: Enlisted Jan. 5, 1776, Capt. Stephen Bayard's company. 3d Battalion : Col. John Shea. Luke Murphy: EnHsted Jan. 5, 1776, to Jan. 3, 1777, Capt. Walter Stuart's company. 5th Penn. Battalion: Col. Robert Magan. Jan. 3, 1776, to Jan. 3, 1777. Edward Murphy: Capt. Sam'l Benezet's company; captured Nov. 16, 1776; paroled Dec. 26, 1776. John Murphy: Capt. Nathaniel Vansandt's company; residence, Falls, Bucks County; captured Nov. 16, 1776, wounded in leg and taken to Washington ; resided in Bucks County, 181 5. Patrick Murphy : Philadelphia ; Capt. John Richard- 86 REVOLUTIONARY WAR son's company; captured Dec. i6, 1776; paroled Dec. 26, 1776. 6th Penn. Regiment ; raised in York County in Jan. and Feb., 1776: Col. Wm. Irvine. Michael Murphy: Gunpowder Falls; age 29; en- listed March 30, 1776, Capt. David Grier's company. Daniel Murphy : Yorktown ; shoemaker ; age 25 ; en- listed Jan. 18, 1776; captured June 8, 1776; Capt. David Grier's company. Edward Murphy: Enlisted Feb. i, 1776, Capt. Samuel Hay's company. Dennis Murphy: Private; Capt. Moses McLean's company. Penn. Rifle Regiment: Col. Sam'l Miles; ist Battalion. John Murphy: Sergeant; enlisted July 17, 1776, Capt. Lewis Farmer. Archibald Murphy: Sergeant; Capt. John Long's company. State Regiment of Foot, March i, 1777, to Nov. 12, 1777: Cols. John Bull and Walter Stewart. John Murphy: Private; Capt. Jas. F. Moore's company. Archibald Murphy : Sergeant ; Capt. Spear's company. John Murphy : Sergeant ; Capt. John Grey's company. Arthur Murphy : '' Private ; Capt. James Cannahan's company. Continental Line. 1st Penn. Regiment: Col. Edward Hand. Patrick Murphy : Private ; Capt. Henry Miller's com- pany ; enlisted March 13, 1776; discharged Aug. 8, 1776. John Murphy: Private; Capt. Jas. Parr's company; enlisted for war. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 87 Philip Murphy: Private; Capt. Jacob Ziegler's company. Wm. Murphy : Fifer ; Capt. Jacob Ziegler's company. Dennis Murphy: Private; Capt. Jacob Ziegler's company. James Murphy : Private ; Capt. Jacob Ziegler's company. Peter Murphy : Private ; Capt. Jacob Ziegler's company. Philip Murphy : Private ; Capt. Jacob Ziegler's company. Timothy Murphy : Private ; Capt. Jacob Ziegler's company. 2d Penn. Regiment : Major Jas. Hamilton's company, Oct., '76 to Nov. 3, 1783 ; Walter Stewart, Col. Archibald Murphy: Sergeant. Andrew Murphy: Private. John Murphy: Private; died Dec. 19, 1830, Bucks County, age 70. Philip Murphy : Private. 3d Penn. Regiment: Col. Richard Butler; Jan. 17, 1781. Christian Murphy : Private. Thomas Murphy : Private. Timothy Murphy: Chrystie's County; to Aug., 1778; also, Capt. John Henderson's company, to 1781. 4th Penn. : Lieut. -Col. Wm. Butler, Jan. 17, 1781 ; Capt. Henry Bicker, Jr.'s, company. James Murphy : Drummer ; enlisted March 17, 1777 ; served to 1781 ; resided in Nelson County, Ky., in 1834, aged 72 years. 88 REVOLUTIONARY WAR B. 5th Penn. : Col. Francis Johnston ; 7 Months Men. Patrick Murphy : Private. Lawrence Murphy: Invahd Corps, Aug. 2, 1779. Arthur Murphy. William Murphy. 7th Penn.: Col. Wm. Irvine's Regiment, Jan. 8, 1776. Edward Murphy : Private ; Capt. Samuel Hay's company. Timothy Murphy : Private ; Capt. Wm. Alexander's company. Dennis Murphy : Private ; Capt. John McDowell's company. Patrick Murphy : Private ; Capt. Andrew Irvine's company. 8th Penn. : Col. Mackay, July 20, 1776. Michael Murphy: Private. 9th Penn. : Cols. Irvine, Morris and Butler. Barney Murphy: Private; Capt. Joseph McClellan^s company. 7 Months Men. Levi Murphy: Private; Capt. John Davis' company. loth Penn. : Col. Penover. Geo. Murphy : Private ; transferred to sappers and miners. Col. Paton's Cont. Line. Dennis Murphy: Private; March 10, 1777. New nth Penn.: Col. Thos. Hartley. Joseph Murphy : Private ; Capt. Henry Carberry ; dis- charged May 3, 1780. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 89 Penn. Artillery: Oct. 21, 1775, to Oct. 27, 1776. Thos. Murphy: Matross ; Capt. Thos. Proctor's company. James Murphy: Private; Capt. Thos. Proctor's company. Wm. Murphy : Fifer ; Capt. Thos. Proctor's company. Sappers and Miners : Gea Da Portail. Geo. Murphy: loth Penn.; re-enlisted Dec. 4, 1781. The Invalid Regiment : Formed as a home gtiard for those incapacitated ; Col. Lewis Nichols. Lawrence Murphy: Private; Oct. 1778, to Nov., 1783- Recruits : Undesignated. John Murphy: Private; July 7, 1780. Thomas Murphy: Private; Aug. 12, 1780. Capt. Hughes' Ranging Company. David Murphy : Private. Capt. Thomas Stokeley's Ranging Company. Patrick Murphy: Private. Penn. Pensioners : 1789. Barney Murphy. Wm. Murphy. John Murphy: 1814 (act of). Chester County Militia: Evan Evans, Col., Aug. 21, 1775; 2d Battalion, West Nottingham Company. Levi Murphy : Private ; Ephraim Blackburn, Capt. Bucks County Militia : Joseph Kilbride, Col., Aug. 21, 1775 ; 1st Battalion, Bristol Company. Thomas Murphy : Private ; Wm. Mcllvain, Capt. 90 REVOLUTIONARY WAR Cumberland County Militia : Jas. Wilson, Col., July 12, 1774. John Murphy: Lieut. County of York: Lieut.-Col. Moses McClean, July 28, 1775. John Murphy, Jr.: Ensign; July 17, 1779; Capt. Samuel Cabave. Capt. Stawder's Ranging Company, Cumberland County, County of Northampton: Feb. 18, 1781, to June i, 1782. David Murphy: Private; enlisted Feb. 10, 1781. Lieut. Rose's Ranging Company, Bedford County. Alexander Murphy : Private. Undesignated Militia, Bedford County. Henderson Murphy : Private. Chester County : Capt. McClure's Company. Daniel Murphy: Private; time expired Jan. 3, 1777. PENNSYLVANIA IN NAVY; Schooner " Delaware," Richard Rogers, Com., Dec. I, 1776. Cornelius Murphy: Seaman. Armed Boat *' Viper," Capt. Stephen Beasley, Dec. i, ^7'7'7' John Murphy : Seaman. Armed Boat ** Tormentor." Daniel Murphy : Sea- man, May 8, 1777; discharged June i, 1777, almost blind. Armed Boat " Fame," Thos. Hazelwood, Capt., Aug. i, 1777. Martin Murphy: Aug. i, 1777; belonged to Armed Boat " Brimstone," at work for Naval Board, and ordered to be mustered in this roll by Commander H . Martin Murphy: Sept. i, 1776; returned to Capt. Wat- kins. Daniel Murphy: Aug. i, 1776, from Washington Galley. Daniel Murphy: Feb. i, 1777, Capt. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 9 1 Armed Boat " Brimstone," Capt. Watkins. Stephen Murphy (boy) : Oct. i, 1777; entitled to pay as private. Vessel " Montgomery," Henry Dougherty, Com., Dec. I, 1776, to Jan. I, 1777. John Murphy: July i, 1776; sick Dec. 12. MARYLAND: Baltimore County. Darby Murphy: July 17, 1776; enlisted by John E. Howard. Thomas Murphy: July 20, 1776; enlisted by Thomas Lansdale. John Murphy: July 26, 1776; enhsted by Wm. Riley. 4th Regiment: Dec, 1777. CoRNES Murphy: Private ; April 7, 1777, Nov. i, 1780. Thos. Murphy: Private; Feb. 9, 1777, Nov. i, 1780. JoAB Murphy: Aug. 5, 1776; enhsted by Lieut. J. B. Hah. Artihery at Annapolis: Dec. 12, 1776. Anthony Murphy. Capt. Richard Smith's Flying Camp Militia. Anthony Murphy. Muster of 3d Regiment. Daniel Murphy: Private; discharged June, 1779; left out of roll. Chas. Murphy: Private; enlisted April 17, 1778. Muster of 3d Regiment, Major Anderson, Dec, 1779- Chas. Murphy : Corporal ; enlisted for war. 92 REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1st Maryland: Men in 4th company in service from Aug., 1780, to Jan., 1 78 1. Chas. Murphy. Pay Roll, Maryland Line, Jan. i, to Nov, 15, 1783: 4th Company. Chas. Murphy. Chas. Murphy: Sergeant; Jan. i, 1782, Jan. i, 1783. Regular Troops: 4th Company, Jan. i, 1776. Cornelius Murphy: Private. Frederick County : Enrolled by Capt. Good and others. Daniel Murphy: July 20, 1776. Enlisted by Capt. John Reynolds : Frederick County. Daniel Murphy. Daniel Murphy: Private in 3d Reg. Maryland Troops, April 17, 1778. Daniel Murphy: Private in 3d Reg. Maryland Troops, Sept. 10, 1781. Daniel Murphy: Private; Maryland Line, Sept. 16, 1 78 1, until war. Daniel Murphy: Jan. i, 1782, in hospital in Virginia. Daniel Murphy: On pay roll Nov. 15, 1783. 7th Company, Regular Troops. Edward Murphy: Private, Feb. 26, 1776. Edward Murphy: Enlisted July 6, 1776; 5 ft., 8 in.; black hair; Hartford County. Edward Murphy: Discharged Dec. 20, 1779. Edward Murphy: Enrolled by Capt. Thos. Burke, Dorchester Co., Aug. 3, 1776. Geo. Murphy: Private, Aug. 8, 1776. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 93 3d Company, Regimental Troops : Capt. Barton Lewis. James Murphy: Private, Jan. 26, 1776. 7th Company : Capt. J. Day Scott. James Murphy: Private, Jan. 29, 1776. Enrolled by Capt. Thos. Burke. Tames Murphy: Private, Dorchester County, Aug. 8, 1776. James Murphy : Private in 26. Regiment, June i, 1778 ; died. James Murphy : Private in 2d Regiment, July 20, 1778; died. German Regiment : Commanded by Lieut. Weltner, Sept. 5, 1773. James Murphy : Private ; enlisted for war. 2d Maryland : Nov. 5, 1783, for 9 months, Col. Thos. Price. James Murphy. 5th Maryland. James Murphy : Enlisted in 1777 ; lost a leg in service. 7th Regiment: Capt. Dean's Company. James Murphy: Enlisted Dec. 2, 1776. German Regiment. James Murphy: April 27, 1778; for war. Maryland Line. James Murphy: Corporal; invalided July 10, 1781 ; discharged from Invalid Regiment, Jan. 16, 1782. Note: James Murphy of Queen Ann's County enlisted in the 5th Maryland Regiment in 1777, and was transferred 94 , REV'OLUTIONARY WAR to the Invalid Regiment (having lost a leg), from which he was discharged by Col. Lewis Nicola, Jan. 17, 1780. He was referred to by the Council of Maryland, Oct. 14, 1785, as a pensioner under the act of Oct., 1778, to the Orphan's Court of Queen Ann's County. Return of Invalid Pensioners, Montgomery County. James Murphy: Age 35; ist Maryland; lost one leg on Aug. 27, 1776, at Belle Isle. Independent Company: Capt. Nathaniel Ramsey, 1781. James Murphy: Drummer. r Regular Troops. John Murphy: Private, Feb. 8, 1776, 3d Company. 4th Independent Company, Regular Troops, Talbert County. John Murphy: Feb. 7, 1776. 8th Independent Company, Maryland County. John Murphy: Jan. 28, 1776. Enlisted by Wm. Riley: Baltimore County. John Murphy: July 26, 1776. 5th Maryland Regiment. John Murphy: Corporal, Sept. 15, 1778. List of Substitutes for Ann Arundel County, March, 1778. John Murphy: May 10, 1778; for the war. Men enlisted in Frederick Town for 7th Maryland Regir John Murphy : Private. Regiment. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 95 Select Militia of 1781 : 6th Independent Company, Dor- chester County. John Murphy: Jan. 2^, 1781. Men enlisted in Frederick Town for 7th Maryland Regiment, from Jan. until April, 1780. Joseph Murphy: Captured prisoner Aug. 18, 1780, and returned. Joseph Murphy: On pay roll from Jan. i to Nov. 15, 1783 ; Maryland Line, Lieut. Lynn's company. Maryland Troops : 7th Regiment, Capt. Fred Dean's Company. Michael Murphy : Enlisted Dec. 27, 1776. 7th Maryland: Capt. Jona Morris' Company, April, 1778, to July, 1779. Miles Murphy: Scout, Light Corps. List of Men on Board " Defiance,'' Sept. 19, 1776, Capt. Cook, Commander. Morgan Murphy : Private : in service to March 23, 1777. Enlisted by Nicholas Seabert, Maryland Militia, Aug. 15, 1778. Patrick Murphy. 7th Regiment. Patrick Murphy : Enlisted Jan, 5, 1777 ; prisoner June, 1778. Patrick Murphy : Enlisted ; sick and absent, May, 1778. 96 REVOLUTIONARY WAR Sergeant John Lindiff's Recruits, March 11, 1786. Patrick Murphy. Samuel Murphy : Marine. Morgan Murphy: Marine, Jan. 13 to March 23, 1777. Maryland Militia. Thomas Murphy : Enlisted by Thos. Lansdale, July 20, 1776. Capt. John Dames' Company, July 25, 1776. Thomas Murphy. Muster of Maryland Troops: 4th Regiment, Dec, 1777. Thomas Murphy. 5th Maryland Muster. Thomas Murphy: Corporal; enlisted Jan. 16, 1777; discharged Jan. 12, 1780. 6th Maryland Muster. Thomas Murphy: Enhsted June 17, 1777; discharged July 16, 1777. Those of 2d Company, from Aug. i, 1780, to Jan. i, 1781. Thomas Murphy. In Service Jan. i, 1782. Thomas Murphy: Private. Payroll of Maryland Line from Jan. i to Nov. 15, 1783. Thomas Murphy : Private. Served from Aug. i, 1780, to Nov. 15, 1783. Thomas Murphy. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 97 4th Regiment, Dec, 1777. Timothy Murphy: Private; enlisted May 18, 1778; discharged Nov. i, 1780. Artillery Roll : ist Company Matrosses, Province of Mary- land ; Capt. Nathaniel Smith, Commander. Timothy Murphy : 5 ft., 43/^ in ; age 20; enHsted Jan. 31, 1776; sick in hospital, Sept. 7, 1776. Capt. Dorcey's Company of Artillery, Nov. 17, 1777. Timothy Murphy. Maryland Militia. William Murphy: Enrolled by Capt. Benj. Spyker, July 29, 1776. Muster of Maryland Troops : 6th Regiment. William Murphy: Aug. 10, 1780; transferred. Drafts to fill up quota from Prince George's Company for the Corps. William Murphy: Enrolled Aug. 16, 1781. Dates and terms of men enlisted in the 4th and 5th Regi- ments in 1 781. William Murphy: Enlisted Aug. 4, 1781, by Capt. Lyon (or Lynn) for three years. List of Discharged Soldiers in Militia raised to serve in Continental Army, 1781. William Murphy: Frederick, served from Aug. 7 to Dec, 1781. Roll of Barge '* Fearnought " : Capt Spedding. William Murphy : Caroline County ; 5 ft., 9 in. ; dark. 7 98 REVOLUTIONARY WAR Allowances for support of families of soldiers enlisted in Continental Army, 1777-86. William Murphy. NEW YORK: Thomas Murphy: 14th Regiment, Albany County, Militia. Daniel Murphy: The Line, 4th Regiment, Pet. Peter Murphy : The Line, 3d Regiment. Samuel Murphy: The Militia, Albany County, 8th Regiment. Daniel Murphy: The Line, ist Regiment. Edward Murphy: The Line, ist Regiment. Henry Murphy: Militia, Tryon County, ist Regiment. James Murphy: The Line, 4th Regiment. John Murphy : The Line, Artillery, 2d Regiment. ; also Militia, Albany County, 3d Regiment. Peter Murphy : The Line, Extra Regiment. Robert Murphy: The Line (Pawling) ; also Militia, Westchester County, 2d and 4th Regiments. Thomas Murphy: The Lines (Weisenfels), the Lines (Malcolm), the Lines (Pawling), the Line and Lines (not identified) ; the Militia, Dutchess County, 6th Regiment ; the Militia, Tryon County, ist Regiment. Timothy Murphy: The Lines (Harper) : also the Militia, Albany County, 15th Regiment. NEW JERSEY: Corporals. Daniel Murphy : Capt. Gifford's company, 3d Bat., 2d Estab. ; also Militia. James Murphy: Capt. Bond's company, 4th Bat., 2d Estab. REVOLUTIONARY WAR 99 John Murphy: Capt. Flannigan's company, 3d Bat., 2d Estab. ; Capt. Anderson, 3d Reg., ist Reg. William Murphy: Capt. Lyon's company, ist Bat., 2d Estab. ; also Militia. Privates. Minute Men. Daniel Murphy: ist Bat., Salem, 2d Bat.; also State Troops ; also Continental Army. Geo. Murphy: Capt. Keene's company, State Troops. John Murphy: Capt. Keene's company, State Troops. Robert Murphy : Bergen. Thomas Murphy: Somerset. Wm. Murphy: Somerset. Wm. Murphy : Sussex ; also Continental Army. Wm. Murphy: Gloucester. CONNECTICUT: Edmund Murphy: 2d Regiment, 7th Company, Cont. Reg.; enlisted May 4, 1775; discharged Dec. 10, 1775. Edward Murphy : 6th Regiment, Reserves, Litchfield County; enlisted Feb. 17, 1777; three years. James Murphy : 2d Reg., 9th Company, Cont. Reg. ; enHsted May 13, 1775; discharged Dec. 17, 1775. EnHsted Col. Sheldon's Dragoons, April 11, 1777, from Wethersfield — farmer. Enlisted as matross in Col. Crane's Artillery, 1777. Enlisted in Capt. Well's company, State Militia, 1777. Thomas Murphy: Enlisted in 1776, Capt. Elliott Holmes' Minute Men, East Haddam, May, 1776. Patrick Murphy: Enlisted Feb. 3, 1777, 3d Reg., Champion's company, Connecticut Line. Thomas Murphy: Enlisted April, 1775, from town of East Haddam, for relief of Boston in Lexington Alarm. Enlisted in 2d Reg., ist Company, April, 1775; engaged in battle of Bunker Hill. Enlisted in ist Reg., Capt. Holmes' company. East Haddam, April i, 1777; discharged Feb. 16, lOO REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1780. Enlisted in June, 1776, and sent to re-enforce Wash- ington in New York, Capt. Holmes' company, 4th Bat., Wordsworth's Brigade. William Murphy: Enlisted in 1777, 5th Regiment, Conn. Line; re-enlisted Feb, 27, 1778. The regiment was recruited largely from Fairfield and Litchfield Counties. Engaged in battles of Germantown, Monmouth and Stony Point. War of 1812. Thomas Murphy: Enlisted Feb. 2^, 1813, Litchfield 25th Infantry; wounded, N. C. ; discharged May 17, 1815. Time expired. THE BIVOUAC OF THE DEAD. The muffled drum's sad roll has beat The soldier's last tattoo; No more on life's parade shall meet That brave and fallen few. On Fame's eternal camping ground Their silent tents are spread, And glory guards, with solemn round, The bivouac of the dead. No rumor of the foe's advance Now swells upon the wind ; No troubled thought at midnight haunts Of loved ones left behind; No vision of the morrow's strife The warrior's dream alarms ; No braying horn or screaming fife At dawn shall call to arms. Their shivered swords are red with rust, Their plumed heads are bowed; Their haughty banner trailed in dust. Is now their martial shroud; REVOLUTIONARY WAR lOI And plenteous funeral tears have washed The red stains from each brow, And the proud forms by battle gashed Are free from anguish now. The neighing troop, the flashing blade, The bugle's stirring blast, The charge, the dreadful cannonade, The din and shout are past; Nor war's wild note, nor glory's peal Shall thrill with fierce delight Those breasts that never more may feel The rapture of the fight Like the fierce northern hurricane That sweeps his great plateau. Flushed with the triumph yet to gain, Came down the serried foe; Who heard the thunder of the fray Break o'er the field beneath, Knew well the watchword of that day Was victory or death. Full many a Norther's breath has swept O'er Angostura's plain. And long the pitying sky has wept Above its mouldered slain. The raven's scream, or eagle's flight, Or shepherd's pensive lay, Alone now wakes each solemn height That frowned o'er that dread fray. Sons of the Dark and Bloody Ground, Ye must not slumber there. Where stranger steps and tongues resound Along the heedless air; I02 REVOLUTIONARY WAR Your own proud land's heroic soil Shall be your fitter grave; She claims from war its richest spoil — The ashes of her brave. Thus 'neath their parent turf they rest, Far from the gory field; Borne to a Spartan mother's breast On many a bloody shield. The sunshine of their native sky Smiles sadly on them here, And kindred eyes and hearts watch by The heroes' sepulchre. Rest on, embalmed and sainted dead. Dear as the blood ye gave! No impious footstep here shall tread The herbage of your grave; Nor shall your glory be forgot While Fame her record keeps, Or honor points the hallowed spot Where valor proudly sleeps. Yon marble minstrel's voiceless stone In deathless song shall tell, When many a vanished year hath flown, The story how ye fell ; Nor wreck, nor change, nor winter's blight, Nor time's remorseless doom. Can dim one ray of holy light That gilds your glorious tomb. CIVIL WAR 103 THE CIVIL WAR. At the time of the Civil War, those of Irish birth or descent formed a very considerable part of the population of this country, and almost every regiment of the Union Army had among its number soldiers of the name of Murphy. The long list of the family name which follows will indicate how large was their share in the preservation of the Union, and the list is not a complete total of the enlistments of men of that name, since the records of Delaware and Oregon are not available. Probably every engagement from Bull Run to Appomatox had their services. Those of the name immediately from Ireland or of recent descent, in common with others of Irish blood, felt that they were obligated to prove their devotion to the nation which had offered them an asylum and an equality of oppor- tunity, and their services and lives were freely given to the cause of the Union. Not only were they desirous of acquitting themselves of their obligations as good citizens, but they were also im- pelled by a pride of blood, and by the hope that their children might be honored as the descendants of those who had aided in the founding and preservation of the nation. They proved themselves the worthy successors of those of the name who had participated in the Revolutionary War, and their number was immensely greater, corresponding proportionately with the increase in population of those of Irish blood. The position of honor which the name of Murphy holds in American history may be seen by an examination of the 104 CIVIL WAR — MAINE army records of any one of the states. Pennsylvania had seventy-nine of the name in the ranks of the Revolu- tionary Army, and more than six hundred in the Union ranks. What person of the name can fail to contemplate with a pardonable pride this record, and the fact that so many of this name alone are found to have participated in these great wars is an index to the relatively large number of Irish blood who served under the flag whenever it was in danger. MAINE. ist Regiment, Infantry. Wm. H., Pr., 22, Portland, May 3, '61, Co. I. 2d Regiment, Infantry. Thomas, Pr., 21, Augusta, Aug. 31, '61, Co. B: Transf. to 20th Me. Vol. Jere, Pr., 34, Portland, July 10, '61, Co. I: Transf. to new Co. I ; prisoner Gaines Mill ; exchanged. James A., Pr., 21, Jackson Town, May 28, '61, Co. K : Pro- moted to Corp. 3d Regiment, Infantry. James, Pr., 23, Windham, Aug. 20, '63, Co. A. John W., Pr., 22, Augusta, June 4, '61, Co. B. Edward, Pr., 26, Augusta, June 4, '61, Co. I. 4th Regiment, Infantry. Levi, Pr., 30, Rockland, June 15, '61, Co. C: Absent, sick. Alvin, Pr., 18, Portland: Conscript. John, Pr., 33, Rockland, June 15, '61, Co. D. Lucius B., Pr., 18, Wiscasset, June 15, '61, Co. G: Disch. disabled. May 25, '63. Andrew H., Pr., 40, Wiscasset, June 15, '61, Co. G: M. O. Feb. 26, '63. CIVIL WAR — MAINE I05 5th Regiment, Infantry. Wm. D., Pr., 2J, Biddeford, Jan. 24, '61, Co. B : M. O. March 31, '63. Alvin, Pr., 20, Biddeford, June 24, '61, Co. B : M. O. Nov. 24, ^61. Sam, Pr., 31, Calais, Aug. 22, '62, Co. B: Promoted to Corp. Henry, Corp., 18, Norridge, June 24, '61, Co. E: Promoted to Sergt ; severely wounded ; in hospital May 3d. Michael J., Corp., 18, Portland, July 16, '61, Co. F: Pro- moted to Sergt; killed Rappahannock Station. Dennis, Pr., 18, Biddeford, Nov. 13, '61, Co. H: Wounded Rappahannock Station. 6th Regiment, Infantry. Samuel, Pr., 31, Calais, Aug. 22, '62, Co. B: Promoted to Sergt. James M., Pr., 18, Calais, Aug. 15, '62, Co. I: Promoted to Corp. 7th Regiment, Infantry. John, Musician, Augusta, Co. D. Patrick, Pr., 22, Calais, Jan. 21, '63, Co. D: Died May 24, '63. Edward, Pr., 40, Portland, Jan. 15, '62, Co. E. Edward, Pr., 40, Portland, Jan 15, '62, Co. F: Transf. to Co. G ; wounded at Antietam. 8th Regiment, Infantry. Michael, Pr., 20, Ellsworth, Sept. 7, '61, Co. G: Promoted to Corp. Patrick, Pr., 44, Lewiston, Jan. 27, '62, Co. G : Died from sunstroke, in May. Sam H., Pr., 18, Lagrange, Oct. 21, '63, Co. K. 9th Regiment, Infantry. John B., Corp., 25, Calais, Co. H, Acting Com.-Sergt. I06 CIVIL WAR — MAINE 1 0th Regiment, Infantry. Robert H., Musician, 39, Portland, Oct. 4, '61, Co. G. Wm. H., Corp, 22, Portland, Oct. 4, '61, Co. I. Thomas, Pr., 21, Portland, Oct. 5, '62, Co. I: Disch. dis- abled, March 17, '63. 13th Regiment, Infantry. Daniel, Pr., 21, Parsonfield, Dec. 21, '61, Co. G: Sick, Brazos Island. Wm. F., Pr., 21, Franklin, Dec. 21, '61, Co. I: Disch. 15th Regiment, Infantry. Wm. R., Pr., 24, Fort Kent, Dec. 14, '61, Co. E. Lawrence, Pr., 44, Houlton, Dec. 12, '61, Co. F: Disch. James, Pr., 35, Houlton, Dec. 12, '61, Co. F: Died at New Orleans. Morris, Pr., 28, Houlton, Dec. 12, '61, Co. F. Robert R., Pr., 19, Presque Isle, Dec. 12, '61, Co. F. Edward, Pr., 38, Sarsfield PI., Dec. 20, '61, Co. G: Sick at New Orleans. Wm., Pr., 40, Lubec, Dec. 30, '61, Co. G. 1 6th Regiment, Infantry. Jeremiah, Pr., 18, Augusta, Aug. 14, '62, Co. I: In 2d Maine Battery. Thomas, Pr., 19, Augusta, Aug. 14, '62, Co. I : Wounded and missing at battle of Fredericksburg. i8th Regiment, Infantry. John, Pr., 20, Ellsworth, Aug. 21, '62, Co. C. John, Pr., 19, Bricksport, Aug. 21, '62, Co. G. Patrick, Pr., 28, Aug. 21, '62. 19th Regiment, Infantry. Wm. B., Pr., 23, Norridgewock, Aug. 25, '62, Co. A: CIVIL WAR MAINE IO7 Wounded at Gettysburg; in hospital. Timothy, Pr., 29, Orono, Aug. 12, '63, Co. F: Conscript. Wm., Pr., 19, Augusta, Aug. 25, '62, Co. G. Hamlen, Pr., 18, Friendship, Aug. 25, '62, Co. H : Pro- moted to Corp. 20th Regiment, Infantry. Thomas, Pr., 21, Augusta, Aug, 3, '61, Co. I: Transf. from 2d Maine. 2 1 St Regiment, Infantry. Wm. W., Musician, 18, Jefferson, Co. F. 23d Regiment, Infantry. John, Pr., 19, Lewiston, Sept. 29, '61, Co. A. 24th Regiment, Infantry. Melvin, Pr., 19, Solon, Oct. 13, '62, Co. H: Died on shipboard. 27th Regiment, Infantry. John B., Pr., 32, Biddeford, Sept. 30, '62, Co. F. Joseph W., Pr., 34, Newfield, Oct. 15, '62, Co. K. 28th Regiment, Infantry. Thomas F., Pr., 18, Machias, Oct. 10, '62, Co. H: Ap- pointed Musician. 30th Regiment, Infantry. Westley, Pr., Pittston, Dec. 9, '63, Co. D. 1st Regiment, Cavalry. Dennis, Pr., 30, Skowhegan, Nov. 5, '65, Co. H. Samuel H., Pr., 19, Buxton, Oct. 31, '61, Co. I. 1st Battery, Mounted Artillery. Jeremiah, Pa., 41, Portland: Report dated Dec. 31, '61. I08 CIVIL WAR MAINE 2d Battery, Mounted Artillery. Dennis, Pr., 26, Rockland, Nov. 30, '61 : Absent, sick, Nov. I, '62. 3d Battery, Mounted Artillery. Elisha B., Pr., 19, Calais, Dec. 11, '61. 4th Battery, Mounted Artillery. John, Pr., 18, Augusta, Dec. 21, '61. John, Artificer, 21, Portland, Dec. 4, '61. ♦ Coast Guards. Benj., Pr., 44, Eastport, Dec. 10, '61. M. O. Aug. 10, ^62. 1st Regiment, Heavy Artillery. John, Pr., 20, Ellsworth, Aug. 21, '62, Co. C. John, Pr., 19, Bucksport, Aug. 21, '62, Co. G. Patrick, Pr., 28, Pembroke, Aug. 21, '62, Co. K: Died March 14, '63. EHsha, Pr., 19, Calais, Dec. 11, '61, Co. M. 1st Regiment, Light Artillery. Jeremiah, Artificer, 42, Portland, Dec. 18, '61 : Disch. dis- abled, April 9, '63. NEW YORK. 1st Regiment, New York Volunteers. John, Pr., 21, April 23, '61, Co. A, New York. Peter, Pr., 27, April 22, '61, Co., B, New York. Michael, Pr., 29, April 22, '61, Co. B, New York. James, Pr., 25, April 23, '61, Co. D, New York. Samuel, Pr., 30, April 23, '61, Co. E, New York. Thomas, Pr., 31, April 23, '61, Co. E, New York. Patrick, Pr., 30, May 3, '61, Co. G, New York. Thomas, Pr., 21, May 23, '61, Co. I, New York. CIVIL WAR — NEW YORK lOQ 3d Regiment. John, Pr., 20, March 14, ^61, Co. A, Albany. Richard, Pr., 26, March 14, '61, Co. H, Albany. 4th Regiment. James J., Ensign, 27, March 7, '61, Co. H, New York. Wm. J., Pr., 29, March 7, '61, Co. A, New York. John, Pr., 18, May 2, '61, Co. C, New York. Henry, Pr., 25, May 2, '61, Co. F, New York. Stephen, Pr., 40, May 7, '61, Co. G, New York. Joseph, Pr., 21, May 7, '61, Co. G, New York. Thomas, Pr., 20, May 2, '61, Co. H, New York. Peter, Pr., 25, May 9, '61, Co. I, New York. 5th Regiment. Luke, Pr., 24, May 9, '61, Co. A, New York. Henry, Pr., 23, May 9, '61, Co. F, Ft. Schuyler. James, Pr., 19, May 9, '61, Co. F, Ft. Schuyler. Thomas, Pr., 20, May 9, '61, Co. H, New York. 6th Regiment. John, Corp., 28, May 25, '61, Co. B, New York. John F., Pr., 19, May 25, '61, Co. D, New York. 9th Regiment. Martin, Pr., 19, May 4, '61, Co. H, New York. James, Pr., 23, May 4, '61, Co. I, New York. loth Regiment. James, Pr., 18, May 27, '61, Co. A, New York. Jeremiah, Pr., 19, May 30, '61, Co. F, Brooklyn. Francis, Pr., 25, May 30, '61, Co. G, New York. Thomas, Pr., 21, May 30, '61, Co. G, New York. nth Regiment (ist Reg., N. Y. Zouaves) : For the war. Wm., Pr., 24, May 20, '61, Co. A, New York. Cornelius, Pr., 23, May 20, '61, Co. B, New York. Michael C., Capt., May 20, '61, Co. C, New York. no CIVIL WAR — NEW YORK James, Pr., 24, May 20, '61, Co. F, New York. Patrick, Pr., 20, May 20, '61, Co. I, New York. 1 2th Regiment : 3 Months. John, Pr., 21, May 13, '61, Co. I, Elmira. Michael, Pr., 23, May 13, '61, Co. I, Elmira. Frank, Pr., 18, May 13, '61, Co. K, Elmira. 13th Regiment, Capt. Downey's Company: 3 Years. James, Pr., 44, Aug. 23, '62. 14th Regiment : 2 Years. John, Pr., 20, May 17, '61, Albany. 15th Reg"iment. John McLeod Murphy, Col. Daniel, Pr., 21, June 25, '61, Co. C, Willett's Pt., Camp Morgan. Michael, Pr., 28, June 25, '61, Co. D, Willett's Pt. Joseph, Pr., 22, June 17, '61, Co. I, Willett's Pt. Geo., Ensign, 22, June 17, '61, Co. K, Willett's Pt. John, Pr., 23, June 17, '61, Co. K, Willett's Pt. 1 6th Regiment. James, Pr., 38, May 16, '61, Co. E, Albany. James, Corp., 28, May 15, '61, Co. G, Albany. 17th Regiment Cornelius, Pr., 24, May 20, '61, Co. A, New York. John, Pr., 21, May 2, '61, Co. B, Portchester. John, Pr., 29, May 21, '61, Co. E, New York. James, Pr., 21, May 24, '61, Co. H, New York. James, Pr., 23, May 10, '61, Co. I, Newark, N. J. CIVIL WAR — NEW YORK III 1 8th Regiment. Wm. H., Pr., 26, May 17, '61, Co. D, Albany. Patrick, Pr., 18, May 17, '61, Co. K, Albany. 19th Regiment. Thadeus J., Pr., 24, May 29, '61, Co. B, Elmira. Thomas, Pr., 22, May 29, '61, Co. D, Elmira. Edward, Pr., 22, May 29, '61, Co. D, Elmira. Oliver, Pr., 43, Dec. 8, '61, Co. K, Springfield. 2 1st Regiment. Patrick, Pr., 19, May 4, '61, Co. I, Elmira. 22d Regiment. Wm., Pr., 28, June 6, '61, Co. B, Albany Dept., Troy Branch. Thomas A., Corp., 20, June 6, '61, Co. H, Albany Dept., Troy Branch. 24th Regiment. . John, Pr., 30, May 17, '61, Co. B, Elmira. 25th Regiment. James, Pr., 35, May 11, '61, Co. A, New York. James, Pr., 24, May 11, '61, Co. B, New York. Chas., Corp., 19, May 11, '61, Co. C, New York. Declan, Pr., 26, May 13, '61, Co. H, New York. 26th Regiment. Michael, Pr., 19, May 3, '61, Co. B, Elmira. Dennis, Pr., 21, May 4, '61, Co. H, Elmira. Richard, Pr., 19, May 4, '61, Co. H, Elmira. 27th Regiment. Cornelius W., Pr., 21, May 21, '61, Co. B, Elmira. Clinton, Pr., May 21, '61, Co. K, Elmira. 112 CIVIL WAR NEW YORK 28th Regiment. Burnett, Pr., 26, May 22, '61, Co. B, Albany. 30th Regiment. Cornelius, Pr., 23, June i, '61, Co. A, Albany Dept., Troy Branch. James, Pr., 26, June i, '61, Co. E, Albany Dept., Troy Branch. 31st Regiment. Michael, Pr., 21, May 24, '61, Co. A, New York. John, Pr., 38, June 3, '61, Co. I, New York. James, Pr., 28, June 13, '61, Co. K, New York. 32d Regiment. Patrick, Pr., 23, May 31, '61, Co. B, New Dorp. James, Pr., 32, May 31, '61, Co. G, New Dorp. Francis, Pr., 19, May 31, '61, Co K, New York. Michael, Pr., 23, May 31, '61, Co. K, New York. 33d Regiment. Thomas, Pr., 34, May 22, '61, Co. C, Elmira. Edward, Pr., 23, May 22, '61, Co. D, Elmira. John, Pr., 44, May 22, '61, Co. D, Elmira. Michael C., Pr., 40, May 22, '61, Co. K, Elmira. Daniel, Pr., 29, May 22, '61, Co. K, Elmira. High, Pr., 21, May 22, '61, Co. K, Elmira. Michael, Pr., 30, May 22, '61, Co. K, Elmira. 35th Regiment. Wm., Pr., 28, June 11, '61, Co. E, Elmira. 36th Regiment. John, Pr., 30, May 13, '61, Co. A, Buffalo. James, Pr., 37, May 13, '61, Co. A, New York. John, Pr., 25, May 18, '61, Co. B, Newburgh. Stephen, Pr., 25, May 18, '61, Co. B, Newburgh. CIVIL WAR NEW YORK II3 James, Pr., 35, June 5, '61, Co. C, New York. Timothy, Pr., 21, June 14, '61, Co. E, New York. Thomas, Pr., 26, May 13, '61, Co. F, New York. Thomas, Pr., 38, June 10, '61, Co. G, New York. Daniel W., Lieut., 31, May 13, '61, Co. H, New York. John, Pr., 39, June 22, '61, Co. K, New York. 37th Regiment. Cornelius, Adj., 37, June 7, '61, New York. John H., 1st Serg., 28, May 9, '61, Co. B, New York. Philip, Serg., 28, May 9, '61, Co. B, New York. John, Pr., 20, May 9, '61, Co. B, New York. James, Pr., 30, May 9, '61, Co. C, New York. Michael, Pr., 29, May 9, '61, Co. D, New York. Lawrence, Pr., 20, May 9, '61, Co. D, New York. Richard, Serg., 21, May 9, '61, Co. E, New York. John, Corp., 32, May 9, '61, Co. E, New York. Dennis, Pr., May 9, '61, Co. E, New York. Michael, Capt., 36, May 16, '61, Co. G, New York. Hugh, Pr., 24, May 16, '61, Co. G, New York. Edward, Pr., 27, May 16, '61, Co. G, New York. Dennis, Serg., 27, May 9, '61, Co. K, New York. Muster Roll of Recruits' Company : 37th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., 22, July 26, '61, New York, Park Barracks. Thomas, Pr., 21, Aug. 5, '61, New York. Christopher, Pr., 21, Aug. 10, '61, New York. Jeremiah, Pr., 28, Aug. 10, '61, New York. 38th Regiment. Chas. J., Q. M., 29, June i, '61, New York. Patrick, Pr., 21, June i, '61, Co. A, New York. Thomas, Pr., 26, May 21, '61, Co. I, Horsehead. 40th Regiment. Daniel, Pr., 25, June 14, '61, Co. B, Yonkers. 8 1 14 CIVIL WAR — NEW YORK 426. Regiment. Dennis, Pr.^ 32, June 22, '61, Co. A, Long Island. Patrick, Pr., 30, June 22, '61, Co. B, Great Neck. Joseph, Pr., 19, June 22, '61, Co. D, Long Island. Francis, Pr., 21, June 22, '61, Co. D, Long Island. Hugh, Pr., 32, June 22, '61, Co. D, Long Island. John, Pr., 24, June 22, '61, Co. E, Long Island. Thomas, Pr., 35, June 22, '61, Co. E, Long Island. Patrick, Pr., 24, June 28, '61, Co. H, Long Island. John, Pr., 38, June 22, ^61, Co. I, Long Island. 43d Regiment. John, Pr., 18, Aug. 15, '61, Co. E, Canajoharie. Patrick, Pr., 25, Aug. 2y, '61, Co. K, New York. Thomas, Pr., 27, Aug. 27, '61, Co. K, New York. 44th Regiment. Wm., Pr., 23, Aug. 2^, '61, Co. E, Albany. 47th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., 28, July 13, '61, Co. A, New York. Joseph, Pr., 20, Aug. 25, '61, Co. E, New York. Daniel, Pr., 30, Aug. 24, '61, Co. H, New York. Hugh, Pr., 22, Sept. 3, '61, Co. K, New York. 48th Regiment : 3 Years or War. John J., Pr., 44, Sept. 16, '61, Co. A, Williamsons, N. Y James, Pr., 19, Aug. 21, '61, Co. A, New York. Joseph, Pr., 24, Aug. 27, '61, Co. F, Brooklyn. Henry C, Pr., 20, Aug. 27, '61, Co. F, Brooklyn. John, Pr., 43, Aug. 24, '61, Co. G, Brooklyn. 49th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., 19, Aug. 29, '61, Co. F, Buffalo. Chas. A., 3d Sergt., 20, Aug. 22, '61, Co. H, Lockport. CIVIL WAR — NEW YORK II5 50th Regiment. Dennis C, Corp., 33, Sept. 13, '61, Co. D, Elmira. 51st Regiment. Michael, Pr., 37, Oct. i, '61, Co. B, New York. Barnard, Pr., 25, Aug. 5, ^61, Co. C, New York. James S., Pr., 21, Sept. 24, '61, Co. C, New York. John, Pr., 25, Sept. 11, '61, Co. F, New York. 53d Regiment. Daniel, Pr., 35, May 2y, '61, Co. A, New York. Patrick, Pr., 18, July 14, '61, Co. A, New York. Michael, Pr., 19, Aug. 29, '61, Co. E, New York. 55th Regiment. Joseph, Pr., 18, Jan. 21, '62, Co. B, New York. Michael, Pr., 32, Aug. 28, '62, Co. K, New York. 56th Regiment. Thomas, Pr., 40, Aug. 26, '61, Co. C, Montgomery. 57th Regiment. John P., Pr., 19, Aug. 31, '61, Co. A, New York. 58th Regiment. John, Pr., 22, Sept. 7, '61, Co. G, New York. Thomas, Sergt.-Maj., Oct. 3, '61, New York. John H., 1st Sergt., 28, Aug. 2, '61, Co. A, Camp Washington. Patrick, Pr., 22, Sept. 16, '61, Co. D, New York. Alexander, Pr., 42, Sept. 10, '61, Co. K, New York. 60th Regiment. William, Pr., 20, Sept. 24, '61, Co. I, Ogdensburgh. Thomas, Pr., 18, Sept. 24, '61, Co. I, Ogdensburgh. Il6 CIVIL WAR NEW YORK 6ist Regiment. John, Pr., 22, Sept. i, '6i, Co. A, New York. Michael P., 5th Sergt., 32, Aug. 16, '61, Co. D, New York. PhiHp, Pr., 28, Oct. 8, '61, Co. E, New York. Thomas, Pr., 38, Oct. 8, '61, Co. E, New York. Thomas, 2d., Pr., 19, Sept. 30, '61, Co. E, New York. Detachment of Recruits for 61 st Regiment : Commanded by Col. Nelson A. Miles. Wm., Pr., 22, Jan. 21, '62, Rome. 62d Regiment. Wm., 4th, Pr., 35, July i, '61, Co. B, New York. James, 2d., Pr., 19, June 15, '61, Co. B, New York. Michael, ist, Pr., 20, June 15, '61, New York. Wm., 3d, Pr., 32, June 15, '61, Co. B, New York. John H., Pr., 26, May 20, '61, Co. C, New York. Owen, Pr., 20, May 10, '61, Co. D, New York. Michael, Pr., 34, May 26, '61, Co. D, New York. Thomas J., Pr., 19, May 15, '61, Co. H, New York. 63d Regiment. James J., Sergt., 2"/, Aug. 7, '61, Co. A, New York. James, Pr., 27, Aug. 7, '61, Co. A, New York. Thomas, Pr., 18, Aug. 7, '61, Co. A, New York. Patrick, Pr., 22, Aug. 7, '61, Co. A, New York. John, Pr., 20, Aug. 14, '61, Co. B, New York. Michael, Corp., 23, Aug. 30, '61, Co. A, New York. Dennis, Pr., 25, Sept. 8, '61, Co. D, New York. Cornelius, Pr., 34, Sept. 8, '61, Co. D, New York. Morris, Pr., 19, Sept. 30, '61, Co. E, New York. Daniel, Pr., 30, Sept. 13, '61, Co. E, New York. John, Pr., 21, Sept. 9, '61, F, New York. Matthew, Pr., 26, Aug. 30, '61, Co. F, New York. Patrick, Pr., 22, Sept. 18, '61, Co. F, New York. CIVIL WAR NEW YORK II7 John, Pr., 20, Sept. 19, '61, Co. G, New York. Francis, Pr., 18, Sept. 12, '61, Co. H, New York. James, Pr., 40, Sept. 16, '61, Co. H, New York. John, Pr., 23, Oct. 10, '61, Co. K, Albany. 64th Regiment. Jeremiah, Pr., 32, Oct. 10, '61, Co. H, Elmira. 65th Regiment. Francis, Pr., 32, July i, '61, Co. A, New York. Jeremiah, Pr., 22, July i, '61, Co. A, New York. John, Pr., 22, July i, '61, Co. A, New York. Thomas, Pr., 25, July 11, '61, Co. C, New York. Michael, Pr., 23, Aug. i, '61, Co. E, Hartford, Conn. Wm., Pr., 19, July 17, '63, Co. E, Providence. Michael, Pr., 26, Aug. 26, '61, Co. G, New York. Wm. R., Pr., 21, Aug. 20, '61, Co. H, New York. Lawrence S., Pr., 19, Aug. 20, '61, Co. H, New York. Lawrence, Pr., 39, Aug. 20, '61, Co. H, Nev/ York. 66th Regiment. John, Pr., 19, Oct. 7, '61, Co. A, New York. Bernard, Pr., 42, Aug. 8, '61, Co. D, New York. Joseph, Pr., 34, Oct. 10, '61, Co. D, New York. Patrick, Pr., 42, Oct. 31, '61, Co. F, New York. Patrick, Pr., 35, Sept. 19, '61, Co. G, New York. Gay, 5th Sergt., 42, Sept. 10, '61, Co. H, New York. 67th Regiment. Francis, 2d Lieut., 23, June 20, '61, Co, B, Brooklyn. 69th Regiment. Maurice, Drum Maj., 21, Oct. 5, '61, Ft. Schuyler. Michael, Pr., 36, Sept. 30, '61, Co. B, New York. Murtha, ist, Sergt., 22, Sept. 30, '61, Co. C, New York. Nicholas, Pr., 42, Sept. 28, '61, Co. C. New York. Il8 CIVIL WAR NEW YORK Peter, Pr., 19, Oct. 13, '61, Co. D, Chicago, 111. Wm., Pr., 30, Sept. 15, '61, Co. F, New York. Morris, Pr., 21, Oct. 5, '61, Co. F, New York. Patrick, Pr., 23, Sept. 26, '61, Co. F, New York. Patrick, Pr., 21, Aug. 29, '61, Co. C, New York. Timothy, Pr., 41, Sept. 16, '61, Co. I, New York. Michael, Pr., 23, Nov. 15, '61, Co. I, New York. Martin, Pr., 18, Sept. 19, '61, Co. K, Buffalo. 70th Regiment. John, Pr., 21, June 20, '61, Co. F, Camp Scott. Patrick, Pr., 38, June 22, '61, Co. H, Boston. Dennis, Pr., 19, June 22, '61, Co. H, Boston. John, Pr., 30, June 22, '61, Co. H, Boston. 71st Regiment. John, Pr., 20, May i, '61, Co. A, Newark, N. J. Owen, Capt., May 10, '61, Co. E, Orange, N. J. Terence, ist Lieut., May 10, '61, Co. E, Orange, N. J. James, Musician, 16, July 7, '61, Co. E, Camp Scott. Patrick, Pr., 23, May 10, '61, Co. E, Orange, N. J. 72d Regiment. John, Pr., 43, June 21, '61, Co. F, Staten Island. Hamilton, Pr., 30, Oct. 17, '61, Co. H, New York. 73d Regiment. James, Pr., 24, Sept. 14, '61, Co. C, New York. Thomas, Pr., 24, July 10, '61, Co. D, New York. John, Pr., 22, July 15, '61, Co. E, Camp Docker. Eugene J., Corp., 21, July 18, '61, Co. F, New York. Charles, Corp. 74th Regiment. Charles, Pr., 37, Sept. i, '61, Co. H, New York. Peter, Pr., 38, Oct. 9, '61, Co. K, New York. John, Pr., 20, Oct. 11, '61, Co. K, New York. CIVIL WAR NEW YORK IIQ 75th Regiment. Michael, Pr., 31, Oct. 4, '61, Co. A, Throopville. 76th Regiment. Charles, Pr., 19, Oct. 12, '61, Co. H, Breakabeen. 78th Regiment. Chas., Pr., 26, Oct. g, '61, Co. A, New York. James, Pr., 20, Feb. 14, '62, Co. A, New York. Hugh, Pr., 30, Feb. i, '61, Co. A, New York. Hugh, Pr., 26, Feb. 26, '62, Co. B, New York. Daniel, Pr., 22, Dec. 7, '61, Co. C, Whitehall. 79th Regiment. Thomas, Pr., 24, May 2y, '61, Co. H, New York. 80th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., 35, Sept. 7, '61, Co. G., Rondout. 82d Regiment. Thomas, Pr., 30, May 21, '61, Co. K, New York. James, Pr., 19, May 21, '61, Co. K, New York. 83d Regiment. Edward, Pr., 23, May 27, '61, Co. A, New York. Matthew, Pr., 18, May 27, '61, Co. H, New York. John, Pr., 28, Sept. 3, '61, Co. K, New York. 84th Regiment. Peter, Pr., 22, Co. B, Brooklyn. 85th Regiment. Horton M., Pr., 21, Sept. 2, '61, Co. C, Lt. Genesee. I20 CIVIL WAR — NEW YORK 86th Regiment. Matthew, Pr., 23, Sept. 14, '61, Co. F, Corning. 87th Regiment. Michael, Pr., 38, Sept. 18, '61, Co. C, Brooklyn. Lawrence, Pr., 33, Oct. 2, '61, Co. D, New York. James, Sergt., 30, Oct. 7, '61, Co. E, New York. Michael, Pr., 28, Oct. 28, '61, Co. E, New York. Wm., Pr., 27, Nov. 13, '61, Co. H, New York. Dennis, Pr., 38, Nov. 13, '61, Co. I, New York. John, Pr., 19, Nov. 18, '61, Co. K, New York. Wm., Pr., 40, Oct. 12, '61, Co. K, New York. Wm., Pr., 25, Oct. 21, '61, Co. K, New York. 88th Regiment : Irish Brigade. Thomas, 2d Lieut., 21, Oct. 5, '61, Co. A, New York. Richard, 2d Sergt., 22, Nov. 25, '61, Co. A, New York. Michael, Pr., 38, Sept. 19, '61, Co. C, New York. Patrick, Pr., 35, Dec. 10, '61, Co. D, New York. John, Pr., 31, Oct. 12, '61, Co. D, New York. John, Pr., 30, Nov. 30, '61, Co. G, Jersey City. Patrick, Pr., 37, Nov. 22, '61, Co. H, New York. Timothy, Pr., 20, Oct. i, '61, Co. I, New York. Patrick, Pr., 35, Sept. 25, '61, Co. I, New York. James, Pr., 29, Oct. 5, '61, Co. K, New York. John, Pr., 22, Oct. 10, '61, Co. K., New York. 89th Regiment. John A., Pr., 23, Dec. 2, '61, Co. H, Binghamton. Isaiah, Pr., 21, Sept. 16, '61, Co. I, Delhi. 90th Regiment. James, Corp., 20, Nov. 2y, '61, Co. C, New York. Wm., Pr., 33, Sept. 9, '61, Co. C, New York. Daniel, Pr., 19, Sept. 20, '61, Co. C, New York. Wm., Pr., 43, Nov. 25, '61, Co. G, Brooklyn. CIVIL WAR NEW YORK 121 91st Regiment. James, Pr., 19, Oct. 29, 61, Co. D, Albany. 92d Regiment. J. I., Private, 19, Nov. 14, '61, Co. H, Potsdam. James, Pr., 24, Nov. 23, '61, Co. K, Troy. 95th Regiment. Thomas, Pr., 21, Feb. 22, '62, Co. E, New York. Wm., Corp., 34, Jan. 13, '62, Co. G, New York. James, Pr., 44, March 24, '62, Co. I, Yonkers. 96th Regiment. Wm., 1st Corp., 33, Nov. i, '61, Co. E, Ft. Edward. Edward, Pr., 18, Dec. 13, '61, Co. H, Peru. 97th Regiment. Francis, ist Lieut., 30, Sept. 4, '61, Co. C, Utica. 98th Regiment. Thomas, Pr., 18, Dec. 9, '61, Co. K, Lyons. 99th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. A, Albany. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. C, Albany. Martin, Pr., Co. C, Albany. James, Pr., Co. D. William, Pr., Co. D. Cornelius A, Pr., Co. E, Albany. James J., Pr., Co. E, Albany. John, Pr., Co. E, Albany. John, Pr., Co. H, Albany. 122 CIVIL WAR NEW YORK lOist Regiment. James, Pr., 30, Dec. 15, '63, Co. C, Hastings. Matthew, Pr., 41, Dec. 13, '61, Co. F, Hancock. Wm. S., 3d Sergt., 38, Nov. 14, '61, Co. G, Hancock. John, Pr., 19, Nov. 14, '61, Co. G, Hancock. I02d Regiment. Patrick, Pr., 28, Dec. 20, '61, Co. A, New York. Frank, Pr., 25, Nov. 6, '61, Co. B, Rondout. John, Pr., 24, Dec. 18, '61, Co. C, New York. Patrick, Pr., 23, Jan. 17, '62, Co. F, Quarryville. Michael, 3d Sergt., 32, Nov. 4, '61, Co. H, New York. 104th Regiment. Dennis, Musician, 18, Dec. 12, '61, Co. I, Branch Depot, Troy. Francis, Pr., 18, Jan. 10, '62, Co. I, Branch Depot, Troy. Peter, Pr., 20, Feb. 13, '62, Co. K, Branch Depot, Troy. 105th Regiment. John, Pr., 19, Jan. 5, '62, Co. F, Lyons. John, Pr., 18, Dec. 6, '61, Co. G, Auburn. Peter,' Pr., 40, Feb. 21, '62, Co. H, Rochester. 1 06th Regiment. Moses, Pr., 28, Aug. 11, '62, Co. D, DeKalb. Patrick, Pr., 24, Aug. 26, '62, Co. I, Malone. 109th Regiment. Martin, Pr., 22, Aug. 18, '62, Co. G, Binghamton. Tilth Regiment. Daniel, Pr., 26, Aug. 2, '62, Co. C, Montazuma. Philip, Pr., 21, Aug. 5, '62, Co. F, Woodsport. CIVIL WAR NEW YORK I23 113th Regiment. Joseph M., Capt., 2^, Aug, 4, '62, Co. A, Albany. James A., Pr., 19, Aug. 2, '62, Co. A, Albany. Owen, Pr., 34, July 18, '62, Co. A, Albany. Francis P., Pr., July 31, ^62, Co. B, Albany. 114th Regiment. Jas. P., Sergt., 21, Aug. 5, '62, Co. G, Norwich. Jerome M., Musician, 23, Aug. 5, '62, Co. G, Norwich. 1 1 6th Regiment. Edward, Pr., 44, Aug. 2, '62, Co. I, Wales. 117th Regiment. Flavel, Pr., 22, Aug. 11, 62, Co. I, Boonville. Edward, Pr., 35, Aug. 8, '62, Co. K, Clinton. 119th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., 28, Aug. 20, '62, Co. I, New York. 1 20th Regiment. John M., Pr., 21, Aug. 13, '62, Co. D, Prattsville. Timothy, Pr., 28, Aug. 15, '()2, Co. H, Rondout. 12 1 St Regiment. John, Pr., 28, Aug. 4, '62, Co. D, G. Flats. I22d Regiment. Dennis, 3d Corp., 19, July 25, '62, Co. A, Baldwinsville. Michael, Pr., 30, Aug. 20, '62, Co. D, Syracuse. Jas., Pr., 21, Aug. 13, '62, Co. G, Elbridge. 123d Regiment. Wm., Pr., 23, Aug. 21, '62, Co. E, Hartford. Jas., Pr., 39, Aug. 21, '62, Co. K, Greenville. John, Pr., 18, Aug. 21, '62, Co. K, Greenville. 124 CIVIL WAR NEW YORK 125th Regiment. Thos. E., Pr., 18, July 25, '62, Co. D, Troy. 126th Regiment. Lewis, Pr., 20, July 29, '62^ Co. A, Branchport. Alonzo, Pr., 21, Aug. 5, '62, Co. C, Covert. 127th Regiment. Thos., Pr., 19, Aug. 22, '62, Co. G, New York. Edward, Pr., 39, Aug. 21, '62, Co. H, Greenport. Peter, Pr., 45, Aug. 21, '62, Co. I, Huntington. Wm., Pr., 25, Aug. 21, '62, Co. I, Brooklyn. 128th Regiment. Jas., Pr., 23, Aug. 7, '62, Co. E, Kinderhook. Traver, Pr., 20, Aug. 18, '62, Co. H, East Fishkill. 130th Regiment. Matthew, Pr, 21, Aug. 12, '62, Co. G, Lima. 131st Regiment. John P., Pr., 18, July 23, '62, Co. A, New York. Wm. P., Pr., 19, July 17, '62, Co. A, New York. John, I St Corp., 26, July 29, '62, Co. B, New York. John, Pr., 21, Aug. 18, '62, Co. E, New York. Chris., Pr., 31, Aug. 2, '62, Co, F, New York. Jas., Pr., 37, Aug. 26, '62, Co. G, New York. John, Pr., 30, Aug. 6, '62, Co. G, New York. I32d Regiment. John, Pr., 22, Aug. 30, '62, Co. C, New York. Daniel, Pr., 21, July 25, '62, Co. F, New York. John, Pr., 27, July 21, '62, Co. F, Suspension Bridge. Daniel, Pr., May 21, '62, Co. H, New York. CIVIL WAR NEW YORK 12$ 133d Regiment. Jeremiah, Pr., 20, Aug. 20, '62, Co. A, New York. James, Pr., 28, Aug. 18, '62, Co. C, New York. James, Pr., 27, Aug. 27, '62, Co. H, New York. 134th Regiment. Jas., Pr., 34, Aug. 19, '62, Conesville. Jerry, Pr., 36, Aug. 4, '62, Co. H, Schoharie. John, Pr., 21, Sept. 8, '62, Co. K, Schoharie. 135th Regiment. John, Pr., 31, Aug. 20, '62, Co. C, West Farms. John, Pr., 39, Aug. 22, '62, Co. H, Morrisania. Peter, Pr., 22, Aug. 28, '62, Co. K, Orangetown. 138th Regiment. James, Pr., 21, Aug. 12, '62, Co. F, Auburn. Michael, Pr., 21, Aug. 15, '62, Co. I, Auburn. 139th Regiment. Thos. C, Pr., 25, Aug. 26, '62, Co. B, Brooklyn. John, Pr., 25, Aug. 23, '62, Co. C, Brooklyn. John, Pr., 18, Aug. 18, '62, Co. D, Brooklyn. James, Pr., 19, Aug. 27, '62, Co. K, Brooklyn. 140th Regiment. Dennis, Pr., 30, Aug. 27, '62, Co. D, Rochester. Thos., Pr., 36, Sept. i, '62, Co. F, Rochester. Patrick, Pr., 28, Sept. i, '62, Co. K, Rochester. 141st Regiment. Dwight, Pr., 27, Aug. 22, '62, Co. C, Elmira. John, Pr., 18, Aug. 22, '62, Co. F, Hornellsville. 126 CIVIL WAR NEW YORK I42d Regiment, Thos., Pr., 25, Aug. 11, '62, Co. C, Waddington. 143d Regiment. Edmund, Pr., 21, Aug. 20, '62, Co. D, Lansing. 144th Regiment. Patrick G., Pr., 21, Aug. 23, '62, Co. E, Andes. 145th Regiment. Michael, Corp., 28, Aug. 22, '62, Co. B, New York. Eugene, Pr., 19, Aug. 21, '62, Co. C, New York. John H., Pr., 21, Aug. 18, '62, Co. C, New York. John, Pr., 19, Sept. i, '62, Co. C, New York. Patrick, Pr., 18, July 28, '62, Co. E, New York. Michael, Pr., 19, Aug. 23, '62, Co. F, New York. Martin, Pr., 42, July 17, '62, Co. I, New York. Wm., Pr., 22, Aug. 21, '62, Co. K, Oyster Bay. 146th Regiment. John, Pr., 26, Sept. 3, '62, Co. B, Annisville. James, Pr., 27, Sept. 22, '62, Co. D, Boonville. 147th Regiment. Thomas, Pr., 38, Aug. 12, '62, Co. D, Fulton. 148th Regiment. Arthur, Pr., 23, Aug. 22, '62, Co. E, Ovid. John, Pr., 27, Aug. 25, '62, Co. K, Waterloo. 149th Regiment. Wm., Corp., 22, Aug. 30, '62, Co. A, Syracuse. Jeremiah, Pr., 38, Sept. 2, '62, Co. C, Syracuse. Patrick, Pr., 35, Sept. 2, '62, Co. C, Syracuse. CIVIL WAR — NEW YORK 12/ 150th Regiment. James, Pr., 25, Sept. 9, '62, Co. C, Poughkeepsie. Patrick, Pr., 22, Sept. 15, '62, Co. E, Poughkeepsie. Judd, Pr., 33, Sept. 8, '62, Co. E, Poughkeepsie. Wm., Pr., 20, Sept. 3, '63, Co. H, Poughkeepsie. 151st Regiment. Edward, Pr., 21, Oct. 11, '62, Co. G, Lockport. John, Pr., Aug. 29, '62, Co. I, Lockport. I52d Regiment. Edward, Pr., 44, Aug. 31, '62, Co. A, Herkimer. 153d Regiment. John, Pr., Sept. 6, '62, Co. D, Johnstown. 155th Regiment. Frank, Pr., 45, Sept. 30, '62, Co. B, New York. John, Pr., 24, Sept. 30, '62, Co. C, New York. Jeremiah, Pr., 24, Sept. 22, '62, Co. D, IsHp. John, ist, Pr., 30, Nov. 12, '62, Co. G, New York. 156th Regiment. Samuel, Pr., 30, Oct. 29, '62, Co. F, Kingston. Matthew, Pr., 34, Sept. 5, '62, Co. H, Southfield. Eugene, Pr., 43, Sept. 4, '62, Co. H, Southfield. W. J., Pr., 18, Nov. 3, '62, Co. K, Northfield. Patrick, Pr., 26, Nov. 4, '62, Co. K, Northfield. 157th Regiment. Jerry, Pr., 21, Aug. 25, '62, Co. G, Lenox. 158th Regiment. Cornelius, Pr., 41, Aug. 14, '62, Co. A, Brooklyn. Dennis, Pr., 27, Aug. 26, '62, Co. A, Brooklyn. 128 CIVIL WAR NEW YORK Patrick, Pr., 35, Aug. 18, '62, Co. E, Brooklyn. Patrick, Pr., 44, Aug. 20, '62, Co. G, Brooklyn. Peter, Pr., 22, Aug. 28, '62, Co. G, Brooklyn. William, Pr., 25, Aug. 2y, '62, Co. G, Brooklyn. John, Pr., Aug. 27, '62, Co. G, Brooklyn. Barnard, Pr., 20, Aug. 26, '62, Co. H, Brooklyn. James, Pr., 21, Aug. 28, '62, Co. H, Brooklyn. 159th Regiment. John, Pr., 18, Sept. 9, '62, Co. D, Brooklyn. John, Pr., 27, Oct. 12, '62, Co. G, Chatham. Wm., Pr., 27, Sept. 23, '62, Co. H, Brooklyn. 1 60th Regiment. Seth, Musician, 19, Aug. 30, '62, Co. B, Palmyra. Michael H., Wag., 22, Aug. 31, '62, Co. E, East Bloomfield. i6ist Regiment. Thomas, Pr., 22, Oct. 2y, '62, Co, G, Elmira. Wm., Pr., 44, Oct. 27, '62, Co. G, Elmira. Geo. A., Pr., 18, Oct. 2y, '62, Co. G, Elmira. Andrew, 4th Sergt., 26, Sept. 18, '62, Co. H, Elmira. Daniel J., Pr., Aug. 27, '62, Co. K, Brooklyn. John, Pr., Aug. 30, '62, Co. K, Brooklyn. Thomas, Pr., 21, Aug. 15, '62, Co. K, Brooklyn. i62d Regiment. Michael J., Pr., 19, Sept. 3, '62, Co. B, New York. James, Pr., 34, Sept. 12, '62, Co. B, New York. John, Pr., 22, Sept. 20, '62, Co. E, New York. Edward, Pr., 26, Sept. 3, '62, Co. G, New York. James, Pr., 40, Sept. 15, '62, Co. G, New York. Michael, Pr., 24, Sept. 8, '62, Co. H, New York. Edward, 7th Corp., 35, Aug. 2y, '62, Co. I, New York. CIVIL WAR NEW YORK I29 163d Regiment. Michael, Capt., 39, Aug. 11, '62, Co. A, New York. Thos., 1st Lieut., 21, Sept. i, '62, Co. A, New York. Hugh, Pr., 28, Aug. 5, '62, Co. A, New York. Wm., Pr., 25, Aug. 4, '62, Co. A, New York. Michael, Pr., 35, Aug. 2y, '62, Co. D, Brooklyn. 164th Regiment. Duncan, Pr., 21, Sept. 22, '62, Co. A, Oswegatchie. Daniel, Pr., 33, Aug. 20, '62, Co. E, Brooklyn. Thomas, Pr., 43, Aug. 4, '62, Co. G, New York. B. P., Capt., 2y, July 3, '62, Co. H, New York. Daniel, 4th Sergt., 22, Aug. 30, '62, Co. I, Brooklyn. A. J., Pr., 45, Aug. 5, '62, Co. I, New York. 165th Regiment. John, Pr., 25, Sept. 5, '62, Co. E, New York. 1 68th Regiment. Stephen, Pr., 44, Oct. 29, '62, Co. B, 9 mos., Newburgh. Thomas, Pr., 44, Nov. 19, '62, Co. B, 9 mos., Newburgh" Dennis, Pr., 45, Dec. 13, '62, Co. G, Newburgh. Wm., Pr., 24, Nov. 15, '62, Co. I, Newburgh. James, Pr., 18, Feb. 4, '63, Co. K, New York. 169th Regiment: Three Years. Patrick, Pr., 20, Aug. 13, '62, Co. D, Kingsbury. Jeremiah, Pr., 25, Sept. 15, '62, Co. I, Troy. 170th Regiment. Maurice, Pr., 34, Aug. 19, '62, Co. A, New York. Frank, Pr., 35, Sept. 25, '62, Co. A, New York. Michael C, Captain, 27, July 28, '62, Co. C, New York. Lawrence, Pr., 28, Sept. i, '62, Co. D, Brooklyn. Patrick, Pr., 26, Sept. 26, '62, Co. F, New York. 9 130 CIVIL WAR NEW YORK Daniel, Pr., 21, Sept. 27, '62, Co. G, New York. Bernard, Pr., 23, Sept. 13, '62, Co. G, New York. Matthew, Pr., 31, Sept. 9, '62, Co. H, New York. John, Pr., 40, Sept. 16, '62, Co. I, New York. 173d Regiment. James, Pr., 35, Sept. 3, '62, Co. B, Brooklyn. Thos., Pr., 32, Sept. 24, '62, Co. C, Brooklyn. John, Pr., 30, Sept. 18, '62, Co. F, Brooklyn. Barney, Pr., 18, Sept. 8, '62, Co. H, Brooklyn. 174th Regiment. John, Pr., 36, Nov. 12, '62, Co. A, New York. Michael, Pr., 26, Oct. 6, '62, Co. D, New York. Joseph H., Corp., 28, Oct. 17, '62, Co. E, New York. Thomas, Pr., 2"/, Nov. 25, '62, Co. F, New York. James, Corp., 21, Oct. 30, '62, Co. H, New York. James, Pr., 24, Oct. 28, '62, Co. H, New York. 175th Regiment. Cornelius, Pr., 44, Sept. i, '62, Co. A, Troy. Owen, Pr., 18, Oct. 9, '62, Co. B, Albany. 176th Regiment. Thomas, Pr., 22, Oct. 13, '62, Co. C, Blooming Grove. 177th Regiment : Three Years. John F., Pr., 19, Oct. 17, '62, Co. D, Albany. John, Pr., 18, Oct. 20, '62, Co. F, Albany. Perry, Corp., 30, Oct. 16, '62, Co. I, Albany. 178th Regiment. John, Pr., 40, April 3, '63, Co. D, New York. Patrick, Pr., 44, Jan. 3, '63, Co. E, New York. CIVIL WAR — NEW YORK I3I 170th Regiment. Edward, Pr., 30, Aug. 26, '63, Co. H, Elmira. i82d Regiment (69th Corcoran's Brigade). Matthew, Col, 2;^, Sept. 23, '63, New York. Hugh, Sergt., Sept. 24, '63, Co. A, New York. Joseph, I St Lieut, 28, Sept. 3, '63, Co. C, New York. Rob't A., Pr., 25, Sept. 23, '63, Co. C, New York. Thomas, Musician, 16, Sept. 20, '63, Co. D, New York. Matthew, Pr., :^y, Nov. 4, '63, Co. D, New York. Michael, Pr., 36, Nov. i, '62, Co. E, New York. 184th Regiment: i Year. Patrick, Pr., 20, Aug. 26, '64, Co. F, Oswego. Samuel W., Pr., 29, Sept. 3, '64, Co. H, West Monroe. 185th Regiment. John, Pr., 18, Aug. 19, '64, Co. A, Lysander. George, Pr., 42, Sept. 5, '64, Co. D, Syracuse. 1 86th Regiment. James, Pr., 23, July 28, '64, Co. G, New York. Patrick, Pr., 38, Sept. 2, '64, Co. K, Watertown. 187th Regiment. Lawrence P., Pr., 40, Sept. 27, '64, Co. A, Ashford. Wm., Pr., 20, Oct. 8, '64, Co. E, Buffalo. David, Pr., 21, Sept. 23, '64, Co. K, Java. 189th Regiment. Geo. W., Pr., 18, Sept. 2, '64, Co. K, Lee. I92d Regiment. Thomas, Pr., 23, Feb. 6, '65, Co. B, Albany, 3 yrs. James, Pr., 21, Feb. 3, '65, Co. C, Troy, 3 yrs. 132 CIVIL WAR — NEW YORK John, Pr., ig, Feb. 6, '65, Co. D, Utica, 3 yrs. Patrick, Pr., 2y, Feb. 18, '65, Co. E, Albany, 3 yrs. Patrick, Pr., 21, March 15, '65, Co. I, Kingston, 3 yrs. 193d Regiment. Richard, Pr., 23, Feb. 16, '65, Co. A, Utica. John, Pr., 21, March 14, '65, Co. E, Syracuse. James, Pr., 18, March 13, '65, Co. E, Syracuse. Edward, Pr., 19, March 10, '65, Co. I, Oswego, i yr. Patrick, Pr., 18, March 29, '65, Co. I, Oswego, i yr. Joseph, Pr., 32, March 18, '65, Co. G, Lockport, 3 yrs. Peter, Pr., 22, March 3, '65, Co. H, Seneca Falls, i yr. 69th Regiment, N. Y. S. M. Matthew, Lieut.-CoL, May 26, '62, Camp Cook. Patrick, Paymaster, May 26, '62, Camp Cook. Daniel, Corp., May 26, '62, New York. Thos., Pr., May 26, '62, Co. A, New York. George, Pr., May 26, '62, Co. A, New York. Hugh, Pr., May 26, '62, Co. A, New York. Joseph, 1st Lieut., May 26, '62, Co. B, New York. Peter J., Pr., May 26, '62, Co. B, New York. Patrick J., Pr., May 26, '62, Co. C, New York. Michael A., Pr., May 26, '62, Co. C, New York. Daniel, Pr., May 26, '62, Co. D, New York. Owen, Pr., May. 26, '62, Co. D, New York. Philip, Pr., May 26, '62, Co. D, New York. James, ist Corp., May 26, '62, Co. E, New York. James, ist Corp., May 26, '62, Co. H, New York. 71st Regiment, N. Y. S. M. Henry N., Pr., 25, July 2y, '62, Co. F, New York. 17th Regiment, N. Y. V. V. : 3 Years. James, Pr., 35, Aug. 14, '63, Co. B, New York. Declan, Pr., 28, Aug. 28, '63, Co. C, jNew York. CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 133 Patrick, Pr., 21, Oct. 10, '63, Co. G, New York. Martin, Pr., 29, Sept. 11, '62, Co. K, New York. I2th Regiment, N. Y. S. M. : 3 Months. Wm. H., 3d Sergt., 23, March 31, '62, Co. A, New York. 13th Regiment, N. Y. S. M. : 3 Months. Frank A., Lt.-Col. Brig., 21, May 28, '62, Brooklyn. John J., Corp., 22, May 28, '62, Co. E, Brooklyn. Peter, Corp., 17, May 26, '62, Co. F, Brooklyn. 19th Regiment, N. Y. S. M. Owen, Pr., 31, May 26, '62, Co. F, Newburgh. Michael, Pr., 18, May 26, '62, Co. I, Newburgh. 25th Regiment, N. Y. S. M. Philip, Pr., 18, May 28, '62, Co. A, Albany. Perry, Pr., May 31, '62, Co. A, Albany. 47th Regiment, N. Y. S. M. Samuel B., Capt., 26, May 27, '62, Co. E, Brooklyn. PENNSYLVANIA 1st Regiment: 3 Months. Wm. W., Pr., Co. F, 3 mos., Lancaster, April 20, '61. 3d Regiment. James, Pr., Co. F, 3 mos., Johnstown, Cambria County, April 20, '61. Michael, Pr., Co. G, 3 mos., Johnstown, Cambria County, April 20, '61. 134 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 5th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. C, 3 mos., Glen Carbon, Schuylkill County, April 20, '61. Thos., Pr., Co. E, 3 mos., Schuylkill Haven, April 20, '61. Wm., Pr., Co. E, 3 mos., Schuylkill Haven, April 20, '61. 6th Regiment. Chas. T., Pr., Co. F, 3 mos., Pottsville, April 20, '61. 7th Regiment. Jerry, Pr., Co. F, 3 mos., Pittsburgh, April 20, '61. Wm., Pr., Co. G, 3 mos., Reading, April 22, '61. 8th Regiment. Joseph K., Pr., Co. I, 3 mos., Brockville, Jefferson County, April 24, '61. I2th Regiment. John H., Pr., Co. A, 3 mos., Pittsburgh, April 25, '61. 15th Regiment. John P., Corp., Co. H, 3 mos., Johnstown, Cambria County, April 23, '61. S. A., Pr., Co. I, 3 mos., Bellefonte, Center County, April 20, '61. Martin, Pr., Co. I, 3 mos., Bellefonte, Center County, April 20, '61. Benj., Pr., Co. K, 3 mos., Marietta, Lancaster County, April 20, '61. 17th Regiment. George, Pr., Co. E, 3 most, Philadelphia, April 25, '61. Alex., Capt., Co. F, 3 mos., Philadelphia, April 25, '61. Arthur E., Pr., Co. G, 3 mos., Philadelphia, April 25, '61. CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 135 19th Regiment. James, Pr., Co. C, 3 mos., Philadelphia, May 18, '61. 20th Regiment. Jere. A., Pr., Co. B, 3 mos., Philadelphia, April 30, '61. Michael, Pr., Co. C, 3 mos., Philadelphia, April 30, '61. Park, Pr., Co. F, 3 mos., Philadelphia, April 30, '61. Martin, Pr., Co. G, 3 mos., Philadelphia, April 30, '61. James J., Pr., Co. K, 3 mos., Philadelphia, April 30, '61. 22d Regiment. Wm. J., Pr., Co. C, 3 mos., Philadelphia, April 23, '61. Patrick, Pr., Co. D, 3 mos., Philadelphia, April 23, '61. Wm. R., 1st Lieut, Co. I, 3 mos., Philadelphia, April 23, '61. 24th Regiment. Philip, Pr., Co. A, 3 mos., Philadelphia, May i, '61. Archibald, Pr., Co. A, 3 mos., Philadelphia, May i, '61. John, Pr., Co. D, 3 mos., Philadelphia, May i, '61. Patrick, Capt., Co. E, 3 mos., Philadelphia, May i, '61. Wm., Sergt., Co. H, 3 mos., Wilmington, Del., May i, '61. Francis, Musician, Co. H, 3 mos., Wilmington, Del., May J, '61. John, Pr., Co. K, 3 mos., Philadelphia, May i, '61. nth Regiment: 3 Years Service. Samuel C. Pr., Sept. 20, '64, Co. D ; recruited Jersey Shore, Lyconing County ; disch. by Gen. Orders, i year. David C, ist Sergt., Oct. 4, '61, Co. E; recruited at Lat- robe and Lingoniers, Westmore County ; wounded at Gettysburg ; promoted Corp. Dec. 26, '62, to Sergt. ; disch. June 9, '65. Ira F., Pr., Mar. 4, '62 ; disch. Mar. 3, '65. George, Pr., Feb. 22, '62, Co. H ; recruited at Mauch 136 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA Chunk, Carbon County ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Mar. II, '63. Robert M., Pr.. April 16, '62, Co. K ; killed at Bull Run, Sept. 30, '62. 23d Regiment : 3 Years Service. Frank, Musician, Aug. 13, '61, Co. I; recruited at Phila- delphia ; m. o. Aug. 18, '64. Richard, Pr., Jan. 7, '62, Co. K ; recruited at Philadelphia ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Nov. 10, '62. 26th Regiment. John, Pr., Feb. 18, '64, Co. B ; recruited at Philadelphia ; trans, to 99th Reg., Pa. Vol., May 30, '64. John, Pr., Aug. 21, '63, Co. C ; recruited at Philadelphia; killed at Broad Run, Va., Nov. 27, '63. Jeremiah, Pr., May 28, '61, Co. E; recruited at Phila- delphia ; killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 14, '63. Isaac, Sergt., May 31, '61, Co. I; trans, to 99th Reg. Pa. Vol., May 29, '64. 28th R,egiment : 3 Years. Dennis, Pr., July 3, '61, Co. C ; recruited at Philadelphia ; disch. July 20, '64. Wm. S., Pr., July 6, '61, Co. D, Philadelphia; wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, '63 ; disch. July 20, '64. Chas. T., Pr., July 6, '61 ; prisoner at Chancellorsville, May 3, '63 ; killed, Taylors Ridge, Ga., Nov. 2y, '63, Battle of Chattanooga ; grave 224. Patrick, Pr., Aug. 22, '63 ; died July 16, '64, of wounds received at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, '64. Patrick, Pr., July 15, '61, Co. E; recruited at Carbon County; trans, to V. R. Corp., Aug. 13, '63. Theodore, Sergt., July 6, '61, Co. F; recruited at Phila- delphia; m. o. Aug. 5, '65. Vet. CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 137 Theodore, Pr., July ii, '6i. Not on Muster Roll. James, Pr., Aug. 17, '61, Co. O; recruited at Huntingdon; trans, to Co. B, 147th Reg., Pa. Vol., Oct. 28, '62. John K., Col., July i, '61, 29th Regiment; disch. on Surg. Cert., April 23, '63. Henry, Pr., July 15, '61, Co. E; recruited at Philadelphia; did not join company. Cassius, Pr., Jan. 30, '65, Co. E ; recruited at Philadelphia ; did not join company. Wm. R., ist Lieut., Sept. i, '61, Co. F; recruited at Phila- delphia ; promoted to Capt., C. S., July 17, '62. James C, Pr., Feb. 18, '65, Co. G, Philadelphia ; m. o. July 17, '65, I Yr. John J., Pr., June 29, '61 ; disch. exp. of service. John P., Pr., July 9, '64, Co. I, Philadelphia ; killed by accident at Stafford Ct. House, Va., Jan. 29, '63. i 30th Regiment : ist Reserve. Calvin L., Pr., Aug. 28, '61, Co. B, Lancaster, Lan. County; trans, to 190th Reg., Pa. Vol., June i, '64. 31st Regiment: 2d Reserve: 3 Years. Edward, Pr., Sept. 6, '62, Co. B ; recruited at Philadelphia ; trans, to Co. B, 191st Pa. Vol. James, Pr., Oct. 29, '61 ; captured at Mechanicsville ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Dec. 30, '62. John, Pr., May 27, '61, Co. C, Philadelphia; wounded at Gaines Mills ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Dec. 29, '62. Chas., Pr., Sept. 28, '61, Co. H, Philadelphia; trans, to 191st Pa. Vol., May 31, '64. 32d Regiment : 3d Reserve : 3 Years. Patrick, Pr., Feb. 11, '62, Co. A, Reading; trans, to 3d Brig., 2d Div., Dept. W. Va., June 6, and to 54th Reg., Pa. Vol., July 4, '64. 138 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA Daniel, Sergt., June 11, '61, Co. F, Berks County ; wounded ; disch. Mar. 4, '63. John, Pr., June i, '61, Co. G, Philadelphia; disch. Dec. 30, '62, for wounds received at Bull Run, Aug. 30, '62. 33d Regiment : 4th Reserve : 3 Years. Edward, Pr., June 23, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia; disch. on writ of habeas corpus, Aug. 2^, '61 ; minor. 34th Regiment ; 5th Reserve : 3 Years. John, Pr., June 21, '61, Co. H, Lyconing and Northumber- land Counties; m. o. with company, June 11, '64. 35th Regiment : 6th Reserve ; 3 Years. Bernard, Pr., Aug. 29, '62, Co. G ; recruited at Middletown, Dauphin County; killed at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62. 36th Regiment : 7th Reserve : 3 Years. Tim J., Pr., May 20, '61, Co. D, Clinton County; disch. on Surg. Cert., Dec. 30, '62. 38th Regiment : 9th Reserve : 3 Years. Wm., Pr., May 3, '61, Co. D, Pittsburg ; m. o. with company, May 12, '64. J. C, Pr., May 26, '61, Co. F, Meadville, Crawford County; died at Washington, D. C, Oct. 7, '62. John, Pr., May 24, '61, Co. H, Beaver County; captured June 30, '62 ; died, Richmond, Va. 41st Regiment: 12th Reserve: 3 Years. John, Pr., June 2, '61 ; disch. Surg. Cert., May 23, '62. 42d Regiment: ist Artillery: 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Dec. 23, '63, Co. E, York County ; m. o. with battery, July 20, '65. CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 139 Samuel, Pr., Dec. 23, '63, Co. E, York County; m. o. with battery, July 20, '65. John W., Pr., Dec. 30, '63, Co. E, York County ; m. o. with battery, July 20, '65. Thos., Pr., Mar. 24, '65, Co. E, York County ; m. o. with battery, July 20, '65 ; i yr. service. James, Pr., Mar. 10, '64, Co. G, Philadelphia ; m. o. with battery, June 29, '65. 45th Regiment : 3 Years. John, Pr., July 29, '64, Co. C, Mefflin County ; captured Sept. 30, '64; died, Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 28, '65. John, Pr., Feb. 20, '64, Co. E, Center County ; m. o. with company, July 17, '65; 2 yrs. service. Geo. W., Sept. 15, '61, Co. E, Center County; m. o. with company, Oct. 20, '64, ex. of Sergt. 46th Regiment. Daniel, Pr., April 12, '64, Co. I, Luzerne County ; wounded in action, July 20, '64 ; in hospital at m. o. 48th Regiment : 3 Years. John, Pr., Sept. 11, ^61, Co. C, Schuylkill County; not on Muster Roll. Edward, Pr., Nov. 21, '61, Co. E, Schuylkill County; not on Muster Roll. James, Pr., Feb. 24, '64, Co. F, Minersville, Schuylkill County ; absent — sick at m. o. Thos., Pr., Feb. 29, '64, Co. F, Minersville and Schuylkill Counties ; absent — sick at m. o. Wm., 1st, Pr., Mar. 24, '64, Co. F, Minersville and Schuyl- kill Counties ; m. o. with company, July 17, '65. Wm., 2d, Pr., Jan. 25, '65, Co. F, Minersville and Schuyl- kill Counties; m. o. with company, July 17, '65; i yr. service. John, Pr., Oct. 21, '61, Co. K, Cressoner, Schuylkill County; m. o. Sept. 30, '64, exp. of service. I40 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 50th Regiment. Martin, Pr., Mar. 10, '65, Co. A, Schuylkill County; m. o. with company, July 30, '65 ; i yr. service. Unassigned Men. Thos., Pr., Feb. 26, '64 ; not on Muster Roll. Burial Record. Patrick, Pr., 35th Reg. ; died Sept. 17, '62, at Antietam. 51st Regiment: 3 Years. James, Pr., Sept. 13, '61, Co. C, Montgomery County; died Oct. 20, '62 ; buried in National Cemetery, Newbum, N. C. Nicholas, Corp., Sept. 20, '61, Co. D, Norristown ; m. o. with company, July 27, '65. Joseph, Pr., Mar. 10, '64, Co. H, Union, Lyconing and Snyder Counties ; m. o. with company, July 2"], '65. John, Pr., Nov. 16, '61, Co. H, Union, Lyconing and Snyder Counties ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Sept. 22, '62. James, Pr., Sept. 13, '61, Co. H, Union, Lyconing and Sny- der Counties ; trans, to Co. C, Nov. 28, '61. John, Pr., Sept. 28, '61, Co. I, Montgomery County; died May 12, '64, of wounds received in Wilderness. 52d Regiment: 3 Years. John, Pr., Oct. 24, '61, Co. F; recruited at Luzerne and Bradford Counties ; disch. on Surg. Cert., April 6, '64. John, Pr., Sept. 24, '63, Co. I, Luzerne County; absent — sick at m. o. 53d Regiment. David, Pr., Jan. 27, '64, Co. C, Huntingdon and Blair Counties ; absent — sick at m. o. ; 3 yrs. service. James, Pr., Jan. 23, '64, Co. D, Center and Clearfield Counties ; m. o. with company, June 30, '65. CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA I4I Lorenzo J., Pr., Oct. i6, '6i ; not on Muster Roll. James A., April 9, '64, Co. E, Union and Carbon Counties ; disch. by Gen. Order, Aug. 7, '65. 54th Regiment : 3 Years. Daniel, Pr., Oct. 27, '62, Co. C, Somerset County ; not on Muster Roll. Wm., Pr., Co. E, Cambria County ; not on Muster Roll. John H., Pr., Sept. 26, '62, Co. E, Cambria County ; trans. to Co. F, date unknown. John H., Pr., Sept. 26, '62, Co. F, Harrisburg; disch. by Gen. Order, May 31, '65. Alexander, Corp., Co. I, Cambria County ; not on Muster Roll. John, Pr., Co. I, Cambria County ; not on Muster Roll. Simon, Pr., Co. I, Cambria County ; not on Muster Roll. Daniel, Pr., Co. I, Cambria County ; not on Muster Roll. 59th Regiment: 2d Cavalry. Wm., Pr., Oct. 18, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia; not accounted for ; 3 yrs. service. Daniel, Pr., Feb. 8, '65, Co. A, Philadelphia ; trans, to Co. A, 1st Pro. Cav., June 17, '65 ; i yr. service. 60th Regiment: Field and Staff: 3d Cavalry: 3 Years. Paul, Hosp. Steward, Aug. 17, '61 ; promoted from Corp., Co. H, Mar. i, '63 ; trans, to Batt. July 2y, '64. John H., Saddler, Aug. 26, '61 ; promoted from Saddler, Co. M, Aug. I, '63 ; m. o. with regiment, Aug. 24, '64. Timothy, Pr., Aug. 18, '64, Co. A, Philadelphia; trans, to 65th Reg., Pa. Vol., June 6, '65 ; i yr. service. Wm., Pr., Sept. 8, '64, Co. A, Philadelphia ; not on Muster Roll. John, Pr., July 23, '61, Co. B, Philadelphia; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 13, '63. 142 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA Wm. B., Pr., Aug. 21, '61, Co. C, Philadelphia; disch. on Surg. Cert., Nov. 15, '61. John, Pr., Aug. 21, '61, Co. C, Philadelphia; captured July 3, '64 ; m. o. Feb. 8, '65, exp. of service. John, Pr., Aug. 16, '61, Co. E, Philadelphia ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Oct. 6, '61. % Jeremiah, Pr., Jan. i, '64, Co. G, Philadelphia; trans, to Batt., July 27, '64, to 65th Reg., Pa. Vol., June 6, '65. Paul, Corp., Aug. 17, '61, Co. H, Cumberland County; promoted to Hosp. Steward, Mar. i, '63. Archibald, Pr., Mar. 23, '64, Co. I ; recruited at Phila- delphia ; trans, to Batt., July 27, '64, to 65th Reg., Pa. Vol., June 6, '65. James, Pr., Sept. 12, '64, Co. L, Schuylkill County; not on Muster Roll ; 3 yrs. Michael, Pr., Sept. 12, '64, Co. L, Schuylkill County; not on Muster Roll ; 3 yrs. John H., Saddler, Aug. 26, '61, Co. M, Philadelphia; pro- moted to Reg. Saddler, Aug. i, '63. 61 st Regiment: Field and Stafif Officers: 3 Years. Jeremiah H., Sergt.-Maj., Aug. 21, '61 ; killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, '64. Daniel, Pr., Jan. 28, '65, Co. F, Pittsburg ; m. o. with com- pany, June 28 '65. Jere H., Pr., Aug. 21, '61, Co. H, Philadelphia; promoted to Sergt.-Maj., date unknown. Wm. F., Pr., Feb. 20, '61, Co. I, Allegheny City; m. o. with company, June 28, '65 ; i yr. service. Jere R., ist Lieut., Mar. 27, '65, Co. K, Allegheny City; resigned June 17, '65. 62d Regiment: 3 Yrs. Darby, Pr., July 22, '61, Co. F; recruited in Pittsburg; died Jan. 5, '63, of wounds received in action; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA I43 Richard, Pr., July 22, '61, Co. K, Allegheny County; m. o. with company, July 16, '64. Michael, Pr., July 22, '61, Co. K, Allegheny County; disch. on Surg. Cert., date unknown. Jeremiah, Corp., Aug. 24, '61, Co. L, Pittsburg; disch. on Surg. Cert., Jan. 6, '64. 63d Regiment : 3 Years. James, Pr., Aug. 7, '62, Co. A, Allegheny County ; trans, to Co. A, 99th Reg. Pa. Vol. 64th Regiment : 4th Cavalry. Martin, Pr., Aug. i, '64, Co. C, Westmoreland County; disch. by Gen. Order, May 15, '65 ; i yr. Wm., Pr., Aug. 12, '65, Co. C, Westmoreland County; disch. by Gen. Order, May 15, '65 ; i yr. Samuel D., Pr., Feb. 20, '64, Co. D, Westmoreland County; m. o. with company, July i, '65. Wm., Pr., Feb. 10, '65, Co. D, Westmoreland County ; m. o. with company, July i, '65. Peter, Pr., Oct. 29, '61, Co. F, Lebanon County; not on Muster Roll. 65th Regiment : 5th Cavalry. John, Pr., April 3, '65, Co. B, Philadelphia ; m. o. with company, Aug. 7, '65 ; term, i yr. John F., Pr., July 30, '61, Co. D, Philadelphia; absent on furlough at m. o. James, Pr., Jan. 27, '64, Co. D, Philadelphia ; disch. by Gen. Orders, June 21, '65. James, Pr., July 30, '61, Co. D, Philadelphia: died Aug. 21, '63; buried in Union Cemetery, Yorktown, Va. John, Pr., Sept. 2, '64, Co. E, Philadelphia ; disch. by Gen. Orders, May 19, '65. Chas., Pr., Feb. 23, '64, Co. G, Philadelphia ; m. o. with company, Aug. 7, '65. 144 CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA James, Pr., Jan. 7, '64, Co. I, Philadelphia ; trans, to Co. D, June 5, '65. Jeremiah, Corp., Jan. i, '64^ Co. L, Allegheny County; promoted to Corp. July 3, '65 ; m. o. with company, Aug. 7, '65. Timothy, Pr., Oct. 18, '64, Co. L, Allegheny County; m. o. with company, Aug. 7, '65 ; i yr. Archibald, Pr., Mar. 23, '64, Co. M, Allegheny and Venan- go Counties ; m. o. with company, Aug. 7, '65. 67th Regiment. James, Corp., Feb. 28, '62, Co. E, Philadelphia, Westmore- land and Indianna Counties ; promoted to Corp. July I, '65 ; m. o. with company, July 14, '65. Thomas, Serg., Jan. 29, '62, Co. H, Northampton and Car- bon Counties ; promoted to Corp. June 9, '65 ; m. o. with company, July 14, ^65. James, Pr., Feb. 29, '64, Co. H, Northampton and Carbon Counties ; not on Muster Out Roll. 68th Regiment: 3 Years. John J., Pr., Feb. 28, '64, Co. C, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, June 9, '65. 69th Regiment. Thomas, Pr., Oct. 31, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia; disch. on Surg. Cert., Feb. 7, '63. Patrick, Sergt., Oct. 31, '61, Co. B, Philadelphia; disch. Feb. 20, '63, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. Patrick, Pr., April i, '64, Co. B, Philadelphia; wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 9, '64; absent at m. o. Michael, Pr., Sept. 16, '61, Co. E, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, July i, '65. CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA I45 Patrick, Pr., May 5, '61, Co. G, Philadelphia; wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, '63 ; m. o. May 5, '64, exp. of service. Frederick, Sergt., Oct. 31, '61, Co. H, Philadelphia; killed at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 10, '64. James, Pr., Sept. 16, '61, Co. H, Philadelphia; m. o. Sept. 16, '64, exp. of service. Edward, Pr., Feb. 29, '64, Co. H, Philadelphia; died near Bristol, Va., Sept. 6, '64. 70th Regiment : 6th Cavalry : Field and Staff. Arthur E., Sergt.-Maj., Aug. 24, '61 ; promoted from Sergt., Co. A, to Sergt.-Maj., to ist Lieut, Co. A, Mar. i, '64. Arthur, ist Lieut., Aug. 24, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia; pro- moted from Sergt.-Maj. to ist Lieut., Mar. i, '64; killed at Cold Harbor, Va., May 31, '64. John, Pr., Oct. 21, '64, Co. A, Philadelphia; not accounted for. John M., Pr., Sept. 10, '61, Co. C, Philadelphia; disch. on Surg. Cert., date unknown. Phillip, 1st Sergt., Sept. 28, '61, Co. F, Philadelphia; pro- moted from private, Co. I, Mar. 22, '64; disch. Aug., '65. Phillip, Pr., Sept. 28, '61, Co. I, Philadelphia; promoted to 1st Sergt., Co. F, Mar. 22, '64. Unassigned. John, Pr., Aug. 18, '64; not accounted for. 71st Regiment. Henry, Pr., May 28, '61, Co. F, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, July 2, '64. Edward, Pr., Feb. 28, '64, Co. F, Philadelphia; trans, to 69th Reg., Pa. Vol., June 12, '64. Samuel G., Pr., May 28, '61, Co. G, Philadelphia; wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, '63 ; absent at m. o. 10 146 CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA Samuel, Pr., May 28, '61, Co. G, Philadelphia; *died Sept. 8, '62. Thos., Pr., May 25, '61, Co. I; recruited at Philadelphia; trans, to Co. B, July 21, '61. Wm., Pr., June 28, '61, Co. K, Chester and Philadelphia Counties ; disch. on Surg. Cert., date unknown. James, Pr., June 28, '61, Co. K, Chester and Philadelphia Counties ; disch. for wounds received at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62. 72d Regiment. James, Pr., April 11, '64, Co. A, Philadelphia; not on Muster Roll. Chas., Pr., Oct. 9, '62, Co. B, Philadelphia ; killed at Gettys- burg, July 3, '63. James, Pr., Aug. 10, '61, Co. E, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, Aug. 24, '64. Thos., Sergt., Oct. 25, '61, Co. G, Philadelphia; trans, to 183d Reg., Pa. Vol., July 9, '64. 73d Regiment. Hugh, Pr., July 5, '61, Co. D, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. C, June 21, '63. Hugh, Pr., July 5, '61, Co. H, Philadelphia; killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, '64. James, Pr., Sept. 4, '61, Co. I, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. F, Oct. I, '61. Edward, Pr., Aug. 13, '61, Co. K, Philadelphia; absent — sick at m. o. 74th Regiment. James, Sergt., Feb. 28, '65, Co. E, Northumberland County; m. o. with company, Aug. 29, '65 ; i yr. Peter, Pr., July 9, '63, Co. I, Pittsburg ; m. o. with company, Aug. 29, '65. CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA I47 76th Regiment. James, Pr., Feb. i6, '65, Co. G, Lawrence and Westmore- land Counties ; m. o. with company, July 18, '65. Patrick, Pr., Nov. 18, '61, Co. K, Allegheny, Beaver and Schuylkill Counties ; m. o. Nov. 28, '64, exp. of service. 77th Regiment. Geo. B., Pr., Mar. i, '65, Co. C, Huntingdon County; m. o. with company, Dec. 6, '65 ; i yr. Alexander, Pr., Sept. 20, '61, Co. C, Huntingdon County; trans, to Co. D, Oct. 10, '61. Wm., Pr., Mar. i, '65, Co. C, Huntingdon County; died at Green Like, Tex., Aug. 4, '65. Alex., Corp., Oct. 14, '61, Co. D, Chambersburgh ; wounded at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, '64 ; not accounted for. Edward J., Pr., April 29, '62, Co. E, Allegheny and Mercer Counties; killed at Stone River, Tenn., Dec. 31, '62. > 78th Regiment. John D., 2d Lieut., Oct. 12, '61, Co. F, Armstrong County; promoted from ist Sergt., Mar. i, '63; m. o. with company, Nov. 4, '64. Daniel, Pr., Oct. 12, '61, Co. G, Armstrong County; died, Jan. 5, '63, of wounds received at Stone River, Tenn., Dec. 31, '62. Andrew N., Pr., Oct. 12, '61, Co. H, Butler County; trans. to 4th Reg., U. S. Cav., Dec. i, '62. Wm. C, Sergt., Oct. 12, '61, Co. I, Armstrong County; trans, to V. R. C, Aug. i, '63. 80th Regiment: 7th Cavalry. Michael, Pr., Feb. 14, '64, Co. A, Schuylkill County; m. o. with company, Aug. 23, '65. Maurice, Pr., Feb. 19, '64, Co. A, Schuylkill County ; m. o. with company, Aug. 23, '65. 148 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 81 St Regiment. John, Pr,, July 7, '64, Co. A, Philadelphia; did not join company. John, Pr., Sept. 15, '64^ Co. D, Carbon and Philadelphia Counties; disch. by Gen. Order, June i, '65 ; i yr. Thomas, Pr., Sept. 24, '64, Co. D, Carbon and Philadelphia Counties ; not accounted for. Chas., Pr., Aug. 6, '64, Co. D, Philadelphia ; disch. by Gen. Order, June i, '65. Richard, Pr., Oct. 27, '61, Co. D, Philadelphia; not ac- counted for. Chas., Pr., Aug. 22, '61, Co. H, Carbon and Luzerne Coun- ties ; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. James, Pr., Aug. 22, '61, Co. H, Carbon and Luzerne Coun- ties ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Feb., '63. George, Pr., Sept. 20, '64, Co. K, Luzerne County ; did not join company. Unassigned. Dennis, Pr., Aug, 4, '64; disch. by Gen. Orders, July 10, '65 ; 2 yrs. 82d Regiment. Martin, Pr., July 23, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. G. John, Pr., Aug. 18, '61, Co. D, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. G, Sept. 4, '64. Martin, Pr., July 23, '61, Co. D, Philadelphia ; trans to Co. G, Sept. 4, '64. Francis C, Pr., Sept. 20, '61, Co. E, Philadelphia; disch. on Surg. Cert., Mar. 20, '62. Martin, Pr., July 23, '61, Co. G, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, July 13, '65. John, Pr., Aug. 18, '61, Co. G, Philadelphia; wounded at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, '65 ; absent at m. o. Joseph, Pr., Aug. 24, '61, Co. I, Philadelphia; disch. on Surg. Cert. Mar. 25, %2. CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA I49 83d Regiment. Michael, Pr., Sept. 2, '62, Co. B, Meadville, Crawford County ; killed at Gettysburg, July 2, '63. Thomas, Pr., June 11, '64, Co. C; m. o. with company A, June 28, '65. 84th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. C, Blair and Westmoreland Counties ; not accounted for. 87th Regiment. John, Pr., July 26, '64, Co. C, York County ; did not join company. 88th Regiment: Field and Staff. Francis K., Hosp. Steward, Oct. 21, '61 ; promoted from private, Co. E ; m. o. with Reg., June 30, '65. Patrick, Pr., Sept. 14, '61, Co. C, Philadelphia; disch., date unknown. Joseph, Corp., Feb. 27, '64, Co. D, Philadelphia ; promoted to Corp., April i, '65 ; m. o. with company, June 30, '65. Daniel, Pr., Mar. 31, '65, Co. E, Philadelphia ; disch. Gen. Order, July 12, '65 ; i yr. John, Pr., Oct. 15, '61, Co. E, Philadelphia; disch. Surg. Cert., Dec. 6, '61. Francis K., Pr., Oct. 21, '61, Co. E, Philadelphia; promoted to Hosp. Steward, date unknown. 89th Regiment : 8th Cavalry. Albert, Pr., Sept. 5, '61, Co. E, Philadelphia; not accounted for. John, Pr., Aug. 19, '61, Co. F, Philadelphia; not accounted for. Timothy, Pr., Sept. 24; '61, Co. M, Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties ; not accounted for. 150 CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA 90th Regiment. Ira F., Pr., Man 4, '62, Co. E, Philadelphia ; not accounted for. Ira F., Pr., Mar. 4, '62, Co. F, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. F, nth Reg., Pa. Vol., Nov. 26, '64. Jedediah, Pr., Sept. 19, '61, Co. F, Philadelphia; disch. Sept. 19, '64, exp. of service. 91st Regiment. Henry, Pr., Jan. 12, '62, Co. B, Philadelphia ; Dec. 13, '62, wounded at Fredericksburg, Va. ; disch. on Surg. Cert., April, '63. John, Pr., Nov. 5, '64, Co. C, Philadelphia ; not on Muster Roll. Daniel, Pr., Oct. 14, '61, Co. D, Philadelphia; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62 ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Feb. 17, '63. Wm., Pr., Oct. 2, '61, Co. D, Philadelphia; not on Muster Roll. Patrick, Pr., Mar. 28, '65, Co. E, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, July 10, '65 ; i yr. John, Pr., Oct. 2, '61, Co. F, Philadelphia; disch. on Surg. Cert., Feb. 7, '63. Daniel, Pr., Oct. 14, '61, Co. F, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. D, Dec. 14, '61. 92d Regiment. Hugh, Pr., Oct. 23, '61, Co. K, Dauphin and Luzerne Coun- ties ; disch. on Surg. Cert., '62. 95th Regiment. Terrence, Corp., Aug. 21, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia; killed at West Point, Va., May 7, '62. Dennis, Pr., Aug. 21, '61, Co. A, 'Philadelphia; trans, to Co. C, date unknown. CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA I5I Dennis. Pr., Aug. 24, '61, Co. B ; died of wounds received at Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, '65. Dennis, Pr., Aug. 24, '61, Co. C, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. B, Nov. 2, '64. Wm. H., Pr., Sept. 16, '61, Co. C, Philadelphia; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 15, '63. James, Pr., Sept. 11, '61, Co. C, Philadelphia; killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3, ^63. Joseph L., Pr., Aug. 26, '62, Co. D, Philadelphia; disch. by Gen. Order, June 17, '65. James, Pr., Feb. 29, '63, Co. G, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, July 17, '65. 96th Regiment. James, Pr., Oct. 3, '61, Co. H, Schuylkill County; wounded: disc]?. Oct. 3, '64, exp. of service. James, Pr., Feb. 23, '64, Co. K, Schuylkill County; trans. to Co. G, 96th Reg., Pa. Vol., Oct. 18, '64. 97th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., Sept. 24, '61, Co. E, Chester County; died at Fernandina, Fla., Oct. 28, '63. John, Pr., Oct. 22, '64, Co. F, Chester County; m. o. with company, Aug. 28, '65 ; i yr. Wm., Pr., Nov. 22, '64, Co. H, Chester County; absent — sick at m. o. 98th Regiment. Patrick W., Pr., Feb. 23, '64. Co. A, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, July 29, '65. 99th Regiment. Andrew, Pr., Sept. 20, '61, Co. F, Philadelphia; wounded, Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 12, '64; m. o. with company, July i, '65. 152 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA John W., Corp., May 18, '64, Co. G, Philadelphia; pro- moted to Corp., Mar. i, '65, to Sergt., April 25, '65; m. o. with company, July i, '65. loist Regiment. John E., Corp., Oct. 15, '61, Co. I, Allegheny County; killed at Plymouth, N. C., April 20, '64. Patrick, Pr., Oct. 15, '61, Co. I, Allegheny County; disch. on Surg. Cert., April 24, '62. Chas., Pr., Oct. 23, '62, Co. K, Philadelphia and Adams Counties ; m. o. with company, June 25, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. K, Philadelphia and Adams Counties ; m. o. with company, June 25, '65. 103d Regiment. Samuel, Sergt.-Maj., Sept. 16, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, '63. Samuel, Pr., Sept. 16, '61, Co. C, Allegheny County; m. o. with Reg., Sept. 16, '64, exp. of service. Patrick, Pr., Oct. 28, '61, Co. K, Allegheny and Armstrong Counties ; disch. on Surg. Cert., date unknown. Joseph A., Pr., Mar. 29, '65, Co. L ; m. o. June 25, '65 ; i yr. 104th Regiment. Anthony D., Dec. 21, '61, Co. B, Bucks County; trans, to Co. D, Oct. 24, '64. Thomas, Pr., Oct. 21, '63, Co. C, Bucks County; m. o. with company, Aug. 25, '65. Anthony D., Pr., Dec. 21, '61, Co. D, Bucks County; disch. April 24, '65, exp. of service. Anthony D., Pr., Dec. 21, '61, Co. F, Bucks County; trans. to Co. B, Sept. 24, '64. Thomas, Pr., Oct. 21, '63, Co. I, Bucks and Philadelphia Counties ; trans, to Co. C, Sept. 24, '64. CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA I53 105th Regiment. James, Pr., Aug. 7, '62, Co. D, Allegheny and Clearfield Counties ; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, '63 ; absent — in hospital at m. o. Patrick, Pr., Mar. 20, '65, Co. G, Jefferson County ; m. o. with company, July 11, '65; i yr. 1 06th Regiment. James B., Pr., Aug. 17, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, Sept. 10, '64. Patrick, Sergt., Aug. 28, '61, Co. B ; captured at Wilder- ness, Va., May 6, '64. James, Corp., Aug. 28, '61, Co. B ; m. o. with company, Sept. 10, '64. 107th Regiment. Recruits from Franklin, York, Dauphin, Cumberland, Le- banon, Lancaster, Schuylkill, Luzerne, Mifflin, Juniata, Bedford and Fulton Counties. Patrick, Pr., Aug. 12, '64, Co. A; did not join company. William, Pr., June 14, '64, Co. F; did not join company. Morris, Capt., Mar. 7, '62, Co. G; resigned June 30, '62. Jefferson, Pr., Sept. 9, '64, Co. G; disch. by Gen. Order, June 6, '65 ; i yr. Wm. A., Pr., Mar. i, '62, Co. H; wounded at Dabney's Mills, Va., Feb. 6, '65 ; absent at m. o. John, Pr., June 4, '64, Co. H ; did not join company. Wm. W., Pr., Feb. 26, '62, Co. H ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. I, '63 ; disch. Feb. 25, '65, exp. of service. John, Pr., Jan. 9, '62, Co. I ; did not join company. Michael, Pr., Jan. 9, '62, Co. K; disch. on Surg. Cert., July II, '62. io8th Regiment: nth Cavalry. Alfred, Saddler, Aug. 30, '61, Co. E, State of N. Y. ; wounded at Jarrett's Station, Va., May 8, '64 ; died, Richmond, Va., April 29, '65. 154 CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA 109th Regiment. Wm. ]., Capt., Mar. 12, '62, Co. H, Philadelphia ; promoted to Capt., Dec. 26, '63 ; disch. Dec. 13, '65. John, Pr., Jan. 4, '62, Co. K, Philadelphia; not accounted for. iioth Regiment. John, Corp., Co. E, Philadelphia; killed at Winchester, Va., Mar. 23, '62. Wm., Pr., May 17, '62, Co. F, Philadelphia; disch., exp. of service. Wm. S., Pr., July 29, '62, Co. G, Philadelphia ; m. o. with company, June 28, '65 ; i yr. John, Corp., July 29, '62, Co. I, Philadelphia; disch. by Gen. Order, May 31, '65. Michael, Sergt., Jan. 2, '62, Co. K, Centre and Clearfield Counties ; promoted from private, June i, '62 ; wounded in action, April 3, '65 ; absent at m. o. I nth Regiment. John, Pr., Nov. 3, '61, Co. A, Warren, Crawford and Erie Counties; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 15, '63. Patrick, Pr., July 17, '63, Co. B ; died Oct. 30, of wounds received at Wauhatchee, Tenn., Oct. 29, '63 ; buried in National Cemetery, Chattanooga ; grave 244. ii2th Regiment : 2d Artillery. Franklin, Allegheny, Monroe and Philadelphia Counties, and City of Philadelphia. John, Pr., Mar. 17, '64, Co. A ; m. o. with battery, Jan. 29, '66. Samuel N., Pr., Dec. 28, '61, Co. E; trans, to Battery G, date unknown. Patrick, Corp., Jan. 2y, '64, Co. H ; promoted to Corp., Nov. CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 155 24, '65 ; prisoner, Sept. 29 to Dec. 25, '64 ; m. o. with battery, Jan. 29, '66. Patrick, Corp., Jan. 27, '61, Co. L ; disch. Sept. 26, '64, exp. of service. Unassigned : One man only. Geo., Pr., Feb. 29, '64 ; not accounted for. 113th Regiment: 12th Cavalry. John, Pr., Feb. 8, '64, Co. F ; absent — sick at m. o. 114th Regiment: Philadelphia. John, Pr., Aug. 20, '62, Co. F; trans, to Co. G, date unknown. John, Corp., Aug. 20, '62, Co. G ; m. o. with company, May 29. '65. 115th Regiment. Patrick, Capt., April 21, '62, Co. A, Philadelphia; disch. June 25, '6s. John, Pr., Dec. g, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia ; not accounted for. Edward, Pr., April 15, '62, Co. A, Philadelphia; not ac- counted for. Michael, Sergt., Jan. 2, '62, Co. B, Philadelphia ; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, '63 ; trans, to Co. K, Pa. Vol., June 22, '64. John, Pr., Jan. 11, '62, Co. B, Philadelphia; accidentally killed near Harrisburg, Pa., June, '62. Thomas, Pr., Dec. 20, '61, Co. G, Philadelphia ; not ac- counted for. Dennis, Pr., Jan. 10, '62, Co. E, Philadelphia ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps, date unknown. Wm., Pr., May 17, '62, Co. F, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. F, iioth Pa. Vol., June 22, '64. 156 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA II 6th Regiment: Philadelphia. Joseph, Corp., Aug. 30, '62 ; m. o. with company, June 3, '65. John, Pr., Aug. 15, '62; m. o. with company, June 3, '65. John, Pr., July 23, '62 ; m. o. with company, June 3, '65. Andrew, Sergt., Aug. 16, '62, Co. E ; not on m. o. roll. Thomas, ist, Pr., Feb. 22, '64, Co. E; wounded at Wilder- ness, Va., May 5, '64 ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps ; disch. on Surg. Cert., May 6, '65. Thos., 2d, Pr., Feb. 22, 64, Co. E; captured at Reams Station, Va., Aug. 25, '64; died at Annapolis, Md., Sept. 27, '64. Daniel, Pr., Feb. 19, '64, Co. F; m. o. with company, July 14, '65. John, Pr., Aug. 15, '62, Co. H ; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62 ; trans, to Co. D, Jan. 26, '63. Joseph, Pr., July 30, '62, Co. H ; trans, to Co. D, Jan. 26, '6^. 117th Regiment: 13th Cavalry. Dominic, Bugler, Nov. 9, '61 ; disch. Nov. 9, '64, exp. of service. John F., Pr., Mar. 2, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, July 14, '65. John, Pr., Feb. 23, '65, Co. A, Philadelphia; m. o. with company, July 14, '65 ; i yr. Dominic, Pr., Nov. 9, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia; promoted to Chief Bugler, date unknown. James, Pr., Oct. 24, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia ; not on Muster Roll. John, Pr., Nov. 8, '61, Co. A, Philadelphia; not on Muster Roll. Dominic, Pr., Nov. 9, '61, Co. C, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. A, date unknown. Andrew, Pr., July 22, '62, Co. D, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. I, date unknown. John M., Pr., July 22, '62, Co. D, Philadelphia; trans, to Co. I, date unknown. CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA I57 John, Pr., Jan. 4, '62, Co. E, Pittsburg ; not on Muster Roll. Wm., Sergt., Aug. 30, '62, Co. H, Philadelphia ; promoted from Corp., Dec. i, '64; m. o. with company, July 14, '65. John M., Pr., July 29, '62, Co. I, Philadelphia ; absent — on detached service at m. o. Andrew G., Pr., July 22, '62, Co. I, Philadelphia ; captured ; died at Andersonville^ Ga., Sept 7, '64 ; grave 8,027. Wm. F., Sergt., Mar. 3, '64, Co. L, Philadelphia ; promoted to Sergt., Dec. 23, '64; m. o. with company, July 14, '65. II 8th Regiment. John, Sergt., Aug. 13, '62, Co. A, Philadelphia; died, Jan. 28, '63, of wounds received at Shepardstown, W. Va., Sept. 20, '62. Michael, Pr., Aug. 23, '62, Co. A, Philadelphia ; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, '63, and Wilderness, May 7, '64 ; not accounted for. Patrick, Pr., Aug. 13, '62, Co. A, Philadelphia; wounded at Shepardstown, W. Va., Sept. 20, '62 ; not accounted for. John, Pr., Aug. 5, '62, Co. B, Philadelphia; disch., date unknown. Thomas, Pr,, Aug. 5, '62, Co. F, Philadelphia ; captured at Cold Harbor, Va., July 2, '62. Joseph, Jr., Pr., Aug. 13, '62, Co. F, Philadelphia; not accounted for. Joseph, Sr., Pr., Aug. 15, '62, Co. F, Philadelphia; not accounted for. James, Pr., Co. H, Philadelphia ; captured at Cold Harbor, Va., July 2, '64; died, Richmond, Va.,, Mar. 31, '65. Burial Record. James, 51st Reg., Co. C; died, Aug. 19, '62, Newburn, N. C. ; grave No. 129. Daniel, 78th Reg., Co. G ; died, Jan. 6, '63, Nashville, Tenn. ; grave 654. 158 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 1 2 1st Regiment. Edw. R., Pr., Aug. 22, '62, Co. K, Philadelphia; disch. on Surg. Cert., Jan. 19, '63. 123d Regiment: 9 Months. Hugh B., Capt., Aug. 7, '62, Co. B, Pittsburg and Allegheny; promoted from ist Lieut., Aug. 21, '62; m. o. with company, May 13, '63. Robert, Pr., Aug. 9, '62, Co. K, Pittsburg and Allegheny; m. o. with company. May 13, '63. 124th Regiment: 9 Months. Daniel, Pr., Aug. 13, '62, Co. I, Chester County; died, Stafford Court House, Va., Feb. 9, '63. 127th Regiment: 9 Months. Robert, Pr., Aug. 12, '62, Co. H, Dauphin County; m. o. with company. May 29, '63. 131st Regiment: 9 Months. James, Pr., Aug. 14, '62, Co. E, Mifflin County ; m. o. with company. May 23, '63. 135th Regiment: 9 Months. Edward D., Pr., Aug. 15, '62, Co. I, Indianna County; m. o. with company, May 24, '63. 136th Regiment: 9 Months. Robert, Pr., Aug. 23, '62, Co. H, Allegheny County; m. o. with company. May 29, '6^. 138th Regiment. Michael, Pr., Aug. 19, '62, Co. A, Montgomery County; disch. by Gen. Order, May 19, '65. CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA 1 59 Patrick, Pr., Mar. 25, '64, Co. B, Adams County; did not join company. John, Pr., May 18, '64, Co. K, Montgomery County; m. o. with company, June 23, '65. 139th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., Sept. i, '62, Co. H, Beaver and Allegheny; killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, '64. 143d Regiment. Patrick, Pr., Sept. 18, '62, Co. G, Luzerne County; pro- moted from Corp. to Sergt., Oct. i, '62 ; to 2d Lieut., Sept. 16, '64; prisoner from May 5, '64, to May 20, '65 ; m. o. with company, June 12, '65. 145th Regiment. James, Pr., Jan. 23, '64, Co. A, Erie County; trans, to Co. D, 53d Pa. Vol., date unknown. John, Pr., Sept. 2, '62, Co. H, Crawford County; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, '62. David, Pr., Jan. 27, '64, Co. K, Erie County ; trans, to Co. C, 53d Reg., Pa. Vol., date unknown ; trans, to Co. E, 9th Vol. Res. Corps, date unknown ; disch. by Gen. Order, July 12, '65. 147th Regiment. James, Pr., Aug. 17, '61, Co. B, Center, Jefferson, Indianna and Clarion Counties ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Nov. 25, '62. 148th Regiment. John A., Pr., Aug. 28, '62, Co. D; killed at Chancellors- ville, Va., May 3, '63. Adam T., Pr., Aug. 18, '62, Co. G; m. o. with company, June I, '65. Edward, Sergt., Sept. i, '62, Co. I; pi;omoted to 2d Lieut., l6o CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA loth Reg., V. R. C, Mar. 17, '64; to ist Lieut., Feb. 10, '65; disch. Nov. 15, '67. James A., Pr., April 9, '64, Co. I ; trans, to Co. E, 53d Reg., Pa. Vol., June i, '63. 149th Regiment. Recruited from Potter, Tioga, Lyconing, Clearfield, Clarion, Lebanon, Allegheny, Luzerne, Mifflin and Huntingdon Counties. John A., Pr., Aug. 26, '62, Co. B ; died at Philadelphia, Pa., July II, '63 ; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Wm. K., Corp. July 11, '63, Co. H; promoted to Corp., May I, '65 ; m. o. with company, June 24, '65. 1 52d Regiment : 3d Artillery. Recruited from various parts of the state. Patrick, Pr., Mar. 25, '64, Co. B ; not on Muster Roll. John, Corp., Oct. 20, '62, Co. C; disch. on Special Order, Mar. 9, '64. Joseph T., Pr., Feb. 9, '64, Co. G ; m. o. with battery, Nov. 9, '65. Robert J., Pr., Mar. 26, '63, Co. G; absent on furlough at m. o. Unassigned. John, Pr., Feb. 19, '64; died, Mar. 31, '64. James, Pr., Sept. 22, '64; not accounted for. 155th Regiment. Richard, Sergt., Aug. 23, '62, Co. D, Allegheny County; promoted from Corp., Jan. 11, '65; m. o. with com- pany, June 2, '65. James, Pr., Aug. 23, '62, Co. D, Allegheny County ; died. May 24, of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House, Va., May 12, '64; buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA l6l 159th Regiment: 14th Cavalry. Recruited from Allegheny, Fayette, Armstrong, Washington, Lawrence, Warren and Erie Counties, and City of Philadelphia. Wm. W., Capt., Nov. 14, '62, Co. D; m. o. with company, Aug. 24, '65. Wm. W., Capt. Nov. 14, '62, Co. D; wounded at Jackson River, Va., Dec. 20, '63, and at Piedmont, June 15, '64; prisoner from Oct. 3, '64, to Feb. 21, '65 ; promoted from 2d to ist Lieut., June 14, '64; to Capt., July 14, '65 ; trans, to Co. D, July 31, '65. 159th Regiment. David, Pr., Oct. 21, '62, Co. I ; not accounted for. Samuel, Pr., Nov. 14, '62, Co. L; not accounted for. Unassigned. Michael, Pr., Sept. 8, '64 ; not accounted for. i6oth Regiment: 15th Cavalry. Recruited principally from Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Francis W., Pr., Oct. 3, '62, Co. D; disch. on Surg. Cert., Mar. 5, '64. Francis W., Pr., Oct. 3, '62, Co. E; trans, to Co. D, date unknown. James, Pr., Aug. 22, '62, Co. G ; trans, to Co. G, date unknown. James F., Pr., Aug. 22, %2, Co. G ; absent — sick at m. o. Samuel, Capt., Sept. 13, '62, Co. I; promoted to Corp., Nov. I, '62; disch. on Surg. Cert., Feb. 25, '63. 1 61 St Regiment: i6th Cavalry. Recruited from Philadelphia and other parts of the state. James, Pr., Mar. 7, '65, Co. C; m. o. with company, Aug. II, '65. Samuel, Pr., Sept. 18, '62, Co. F; disch. by Gen. Order, June 17, '65. 11 l62 CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA 1626. Regiment: 17th Cavalry. Frank H., Pr., Aug. 21, '64, Co. B, Susquehanna County; m. o. with company, June 16, '65. Wilson, Pr., Oct. 3, '62, Co. D, Bradford County; disch. on Surg. Cert., Feb. 9, '63. 163d Regiment: i8th Cavalry. Recruited from Philadelphia and other parts of the state. Salatial, Corp., Nov. 21, '62, Co. A; disch. by Gen. Order, July 11/65. Jeremiah^ Pr., Sept. 7, '64, Co. A ; disch. by Gen. Order, June 13, '65. Dennis, Corp., Nov. 23, '62, Co. C ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 3, '64. John, Pr., Mar. 16. '64, Co. C ; captured ; died, Danville, Va., Mar. 8, '65. 1 68th Regiment: 9 Months. John, Lieut.-CoL, Dec. i, '62; m. o. with Reg., July 25, '63. I72d Regiment. Recruited from Snyder and Northumberland Counties. De- tachments from others. John, Pr., Nov. i, '62, Co. E; m. o. with company, Aug. I, '62. 177th Regiment. Recruited from Lycoming, Susquehanna, Dauphin, Lu- zerne, Perry and Indiana Counties. Matthew, Pr., Nov. 10, '62 ; m. o. with company, Aug. 7, '6^- Michael, Pr., Nov. 2, '62 ; m. o. with company, Aug. 7, '63. 178th Regiment. Wm. C, Pr., Nov. 11, '62, Co. K, Lancaster; m. o. with company, July 27, '63. CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA IO3 i8oth Regiment: 19th Cavalry. John, Pr., Aug. 8, '63, Co. A, Philadelphia ; m. o. with company, May 14, '66. James D., Pr., June 26, '63, Co. B, Philadelphia ; trans, to Co. D, Feb. 5, '65. James D., Pr., June 26, ^63, Co. D, Philadelphia ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Nov. 6, '65. Patrick, Pr., July 8, '63, Co. E, Philadelphia ; not on Muster Roll. ' i8ist Regiment: 20th Cavalry. Recruited from Bucks, Montgomery, Chester, Dauphin, Cum- berland and Union Counties, and City of Philadelphia. Jacob, Pr., Jan. 20, '64, Co. E ; disch. by Gen. Order, July I, '65. Alexander, Pr., Feb. 3, '64, Co. L; m. o. with Co. L, ist Reg. Pro. Cav., July 13, '65. 1 82d Regiment: 21st Cavalry: 6 Months. Samuel M., Ass't Surg., Aug. 20, '63 ; trans, to 82d Reg. (3 yi"s.), Pa. Vol., Feb. 20, '64. James, Pr., July 6, '63, Co. C ; trans, to Co. I, i82d Reg. (3 yrs.). Pa. Vol., Feb. 20, '64. Samuel I., Pr., July 9, '6^, Co. H ; m. o. with company, Feb. 20, '64. i82d Regiment : 21st Cavalry: 3 Years. Samuel M., Ass't Surg., Aug. 20, '6^ ; died at Bald Eagle, Pa., Nov. 16, '64. Richard, Pr., Feb. 23, '65, Co. A ; not on Muster Roll. Unassigned. John, Pr., July 20, '64 : not accounted for. 164 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 183d Regiment. Recruited from City of Philadelphia. John S., Pr., Feb. 9, '64, Co. B ; disch. on Surg. Cert, April 9, '65. John, Sergt., Dec. 24, '63, Co. C ; promoted to Corp., May i, '64 ; to Sergt., April 16, '65 ; m. o. with company, July 13, '65. Thomas, Pr., Oct. 25, '61, Co. K ; absent — wounded, at m. o. 184th Regiment. Recruited from various parts of the state. John E., Pr., Mar. 17, '64, Co. E ; m. o. with company, July 16, '65. John A., Pr., Mar. 17, '64, Co. H ; trans, to Co. E, June 7, '65. 185th Regiment: 22d Cavalry. Martin, Pr., Oct. 14, '62, Co. F, Washington County; not on Muster Roll. John, Pr., Mar. 28, '64, Co. G, Washington County; disch. by Gen. Order, June 9, '65. 1 86th Regiment. Recruited from City of Philadelphia. John B., Pr., June 7, '64, Co. A ; m. o. with company, Aug. 15. '65. Lawrence, Pr., Feb. 24, '64, Co. E ; disch. by Special Order, Sept. 5, '65. Benj. F., Pr., Mar. 24, '64, Co. G; disch. on Surg. Cert. June 20, '65. 187th Regiment. Wm. D., Pr., Jan. 5, '64, Co. F ; m. o. with company, Aug. 3, '65. CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA 165 191st Regiment: From Reserve Corps. Charles, Pr., Sept. 28, '61, Co. A; disch., exp. of service. Edward, Pr., Sept. 6, '62, Co. B ; m. o. with company, June 28, '65. Samuel, Pr., Nov. 5, '62, Co. H ; not accounted for. 1 92d Regiment : Philadelphia: 100 Days. Richard, Pr., July 13, '64, Co. K ; m. o. with company, Nov. II, '64. 193d Regiment : 100 Days. Frank, Pr., July 19, '64, Co. H, Allegheny County; m. o. with company, Nov. 9, '64. 194th Regiment. Lewis H., Pr., July 20, '64, Co. G; m. o. with company, Nov. 6, '64. 195th Regiment: i Year. Wm., Pr., Mar. i, '65, Co. I, Lancaster County; m. o. with company, Jan. 31, '66. Unassigned. Michael, Pr., Mar. i, '65 ; not accounted for. 196th Regiment: Philadelphia: 100 Days. Robert J., Pr., July 16, '64, Co. D ; m. o. with company, Nov. 17, '64. John K., Pr., July 15, '64, Co. F; m. o. with company, Nov. 17, '64. Jeremiah A., Corp., July 16, '64, Co. G ; m. o. with company, Nov. 17, '64. Daniel B., Pr., July 16, '64, Co. G: m. o. with company, Nov. 17, '64. l66 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 197th Regiment: Philadelphia. Thos., Pr., July 18, '64, Co. H ; m. o. with company, Nov. II, '64. 198th Regiment : Philadelphia : i Year. Samuel, Pr., Sept. 9, '64, Co. B ; m. o. with company, June 4, '65. James M., Pr., Aug. 17, '64, Co. B ; disch. June 4, 65. John, Pr., Sept. i, '64, Co. I; not accounted for. John, Pr., Sept. 28, '64, Co. L ; disch. for wounds received at Lewis Farm, Va., Mar. 29, '65. Wm., Pr., Oct. 5, '64, Co. N ; not accounted for. Unassigned. John, Pr., Aug. 8, '64; not accounted for. 199th Regiment : Philadelphia. Patrick, Capt., Aug. 13, '64, Co. D; promoted from ist Lieut., Dec. 17, '64; killed at Ft. Gregg, April 2, '65; buried in Poplar Grove National Cemetery, Petersburg, Va., Div. C, Sec. C, grave 44. Unassigned. Michael, Pr., Oct. 17, '64; not accounted for. 200th Regiment. Recruited from York, Cumberland and Dauphin Counties. Charles, Pr., Aug. 31, '64, Co. G; not accounted for. 201 St Regiment: Harrisburg. Garrett, Pr., Aug. 22, '64, Co. A; m. o. with company, June 21, '65. CIVIL WAR — PENNSYLVANIA 167 204th Regiment: 5th Artillery: Allegheny, Principally. Jeremiah S., Corp., Sept. i, '64, Battery I; m. o. with bat- tery, June 30, '65. Alexander B., Pr., Sept. 2, '64, Battery I ; m. o. with battery, June 30, '65. 205th Regiment. Edmund, Pr., Sept. i, '64, Co. I, Blair County; m. o. with company, June 2, '65. 207th Regiment. Wm., Pr., Sept. 5, '64, Co. C, Clinton County ; not ac- counted for. Michael, Pr., Sept. 8, '64, Co. I, Lycoming County ; not accounted for. 2ioth Regiment. Recruited from various parts of the state. John C, Pr., Sept. 14, '64, Co. H ; m. o. with company, May 30, '65. 2iith Regiment. Hugh M., Pr., Sept. 6, '64, Co. I, Westmoreland; not ac- counted for. 2i2th Regiment: 6th Artillery. Recruited from various parts of the state. Wm., Pr., Aug. 23, '64, Co. F; m. o. with battery, June 13, '65. Michael, Pr., Co. L; disch. by Gen. Order, May 30, '65. 213th Regiment. Recruited from City of Philadelphia, and Bucks, Juniata and Chester Counties. Samuel, Pr., Feb. 24, '65, Co. G ; m. o. with company, Nov. 18, '65. Edward, Pr., Feb. 27, '65, Co. H ; m. o. with company, Nov. 18, '65. l68 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 214th Regiment. Recruited from City of Philadelphia, and Lancaster and Northampton Counties. Dennis, Pr., Mar. 22, '65, Co. C ; not on Muster Roll. James, Pr., Mar. 27, '65, Co. E ; m. o. with company, Mar. 21, '66. Edward, Pr., Mar. 2j, '65, Co. E; m. o. with company, Mar. 21, '66. Unassigned. Peter, Pr., Mar. 22, '65 ; not accounted for. 215th Regiment. Recruited from City of Philadelphia, and Lancaster, Bucks and Northampton Counties. Patrick L., Pr., April 22, '65 ; m. o. with company, July 31, '65. John, 1st, Pr., April 22, '65, Co. F; m. o. with company, July 31/65. James L., Mar. 11, '65, Co. H; m. o. with company, July 31, '65. Thomas P., April 13, '65, Co. K ; m. o. with company, July 31, '65. Independent Batteries : 3 Years. John, Corp., Mar. i, '64, Battery A, Philadelphia; promoted to Corp., Feb. 15, '65 ; m. o. with battery, June 30, '65. Joseph, Pr., Feb. 3, '64, Battery B, Franklin County ; not accounted for. Timothy, Pr., Aug. 26, '62, Battery C, Pittsburg; disch. by Gen. Order, June 8, '65. Independent Company C : Infantry : Warren County. John, Pr., Oct. 19, '64 ; disch. on Surg. Cert., May 26, '65. CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA 169 List of Officers Appointed from Pennsylvania. Com. of Subsistence. Wm. R., Capt., Sept. lo, '62. Geo. W., Capt., July 2, '64. J. G., Ass't Surg., Nov. 25, '64. Independent Companies of Militia and Emergency Troops : Years 1861, 1862, 1863 and 1864. 1862. Wm., Pr., Co. H, 2d Reg. ; org. Sept. 6-13, '62 ; disch. Sept. 23-25, '62. Wm., Pr., Co. I, 3d Reg.; org. Sept. 11-13, '62; disch. Sept. 23-25, '62. Jeremiah, Sergt., Co. A, 5th Reg.; org. Sept. 11-13, '62; disch. Sept. 24-27, '62. Geo. W., Pr., Co. A, 6th Reg.; org. Sept. 15, '62; disch. Sept. 27-28, '62. Joseph, Pr., Co. G, 6th Reg.; org. Sept. 15, '62; disch. Sept. 27-28, '62. Michael A., Pr., Co. H, 8th Reg. ; org. Sept. 12, '62 ; disch. Sept. 24-25, '62. Timothy, Pr., Co. I, 8th Reg. ; org. Sept. 12, '62 ; disch. Sept. 24-25, '62. Penrose J., 2d Lieut., Co. D, loth Reg. ; org. Sept. 10-16, '62 ; disch. Sept. 25-27, '62. Milton, Pr., Co. A, 12th Reg.; org. Sept. 11-16, '62; disch. Sept. 25-27, '62. Wm., Pr., Co. H, 12th Reg.; org. Sept. 11-16, '62; disch. Sept. 25-27, '62. John A., Musician, Co. E, 14th Reg. ; org. Sept. 12-16, '62 ; disch. Sept. 26-28, '62. David P., Pr., Co. E, 14th Reg. ; org. Sept. 12-16, '62 ; disch. Sept. 26-28, '62. Wm., Pr., Co. H, i8th Reg. ; org. Sept. 12, '62 ; disch. Sept. 25-26-27, '62. 170 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA Daniel, Pr., Co. G, 19th Reg.; org. Sept. 15, '62; disch. Sept. 2y, '62. Franklin, Pr., Co. G, 19th Reg.; org. Sept. 15, '^2\ disch. Sept. 2y, '62. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. A, 20th Reg. ; org. Sept. 18, '62 ; disch. Sept. 26-30, '62. John P., Pr., Co. E, 20th Reg.; org. Sept. 18, '62\ disch. Sept. 26-30, '62. Alexander, Col., Field and Staff, 21st Reg.; org. Sept. 15, '62; disch. Sept. 24 to 30, '62. Michael H., Pr., Co. A, 21st Reg. ; org. Sept. 15, '62 ; disch. Sept. 24 to 30, '62. James, Pr., Co. F, 21st Reg.; org. Sept. 15, '62\ disch. Sept. 24 to 30, '(y2. Albert, Pr., Co. D, 22d Reg.; org. Sept. 16, ^62; disch. Sept. 29, '62. John C, Co. D, National Guard; org. Sept. 11, %2\ disch. Sept. 22, '62. Joseph, Pr., Co. E, Independent Battalion ; org. Sept. 12, '62 ; disch. Sept. 22, '62. Independent Companies. Geo., Pr., Capt. Haines'; org. Sept. 11, '^2\ disch. Sept. 22, '62. Oliver, Pr., Capt. Brindles' ; org. Sept. 12, '62; disch. Sept. 22, '62. Samuel, Pr., Capt. Walker's; org. Sept. 11, '62; disch. Sept. 2'j, '62. Wm., Pr., Capt. Walker's; org. Sept. 11, '62; disch. Sept. 2y, '62. James, Pr., Capt. Sanno's ; org. Sept. 15, '62; disch. Sept. 24, '62. Independent Cavalry Companies. Chas., Pr., Capt. Samuel Young's. CIVIL WAR^ — PENNSYLVANIA I7I Independent Artillery. Chas. T., Corp., Capt. Robertson's ; org. Sept. 13, '62 ; disch. Sept. 24, '62. 1863. Emergency and State Militia. John, Pr., Co. H, 26th Reg. ; org. June 16, '6^ ; disch. Aug. 10, '63. Wm. P., Pr., Co. I, 26th Reg.; org. June 16, '63; disch. Aug. 10, '63. Lawrence, Pr., Co. L, 26th Reg. ; org. June 16, '63 ; disch. Aug. 10, '63. Franklin, Pr., 27th Reg. ; must. June 19, '63 ; disch. July 30 to Aug. I, '63. Howard W., Pr., 28th Reg. ; must. June 19-24, '63 ; disch. July 27-28, '63. Jacob, Pr., Co. G, 33d Reg. ; must. June 26, '63 ; disch. Aug. 4, '64. Joseph, Pr., Co. B, 36th Reg. ; must. July 4, '63 ; disch. Aug. II, '63. Patrick, Pr., Co. B, 41st Reg.; must. July i, '63; disch. Aug. 3-4, '63. Charles, Pr., Co. G, 42d Reg. ; must. July 6, '63 ; disch. Aug. 11-12, '63. Alexander, Pr., Co. C, 44th Reg. ; must. July i to 9, '6^ ; disch. Aug. 27, '63. James, Pr., Co. I, 44th Reg. ; must. July i to 9, '63 ; disch. Aug. 27, '63. Geo. L., Pr., Co. I, 44th Reg. ; must. July i to 9, '63 ; disch. Aug. 2y, '63. Jacob, Pr., Co. F, 46th Reg. ; must. July 1-8, '63 ; disch. Aug. 18-19, '63- Chas., Pr., 47th Reg. ; must. July 9, '63 ; disch. Aug. 14, '63. Wm., Pr., 47th Reg. ; must. July 9, '63 ; disch. Aug. 14, '63. Alexander, Co. L, 49th Reg. ; org. July 2-14, '63 ; disch. Sept. 2-3, '63. 172 CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA Patrick, Pr., Co. I, 49th Reg. ; org. July 2-14, '6^ ; disch. Sept. 2-3, '63. Thomas, Pr., Co. I, 49th Reg. ; org. July 2-14, '63 ; disch. Sept. 2-3, '63. Wm., Pr., Co. B, 50th Reg.; org. July i-ii, '63; disch. Aug. 15, '63. Thomas, Pr., Co. B, 50th Reg.; org. July i-ii, '6^; disch. Aug. 15, '63. . Milton, Pr., Co. F, 50th Reg.; org. July i-ii, '63; disch. Aug. 15, '63. Edward, Pr., Co. A, 51st Reg.; org. July 3-10, '63; disch. Sept. 2, '63. Daniel, Pr., Co. A, 51st Reg. ; org. July 3-10, '63 ; disch. Sept. 2, '63. Edward, Pr., Co. B, 51st Reg.; org. July 3-10, '63; disch. Sept. 2, '63. Geo., Pr., Co. D, 51st Reg.; org. July 3-10, '63; disch. Sept. 2, '63. John, Pr., Co. P., 52d Reg. ; org. July 9, '63 ; disch. Sept. I, '63. Richard, Pr., Co. H, 52d Reg. ; org. July 9, '63 ; disch. Sept. I, '6;^. Michael, Pr., Co. D, 53d Reg. ; org. July 2-13, ^63 ; disch. Aug. 18-20, '63. James, Pr., Co. G, 53d Reg.; org. July 2-13, '63; disch. Aug. 18-20, '63. James, Pr., Co. K, 53d Reg. ; org. July 2-13, '63 ; disch. Aug. 18-20, '6;^. James W., Pr., Co. B, 57th Reg. ; org. July 3-8, '6^ ; disch. Aug. 17, '63. Timothy, Pr., Co. I, 59th Reg.; org. July i-ii, '6^; disch. Sept. 9, '63. John, Pr., Co. I, 6oth Reg. ; org. June 19 to July 20, '63 ; disch. Sept. 8, '6^. Albert G., Pr., Independent Battery ; org. July 30, '63 ; disch. Jan. 21, '64. Francis C, Independent Battery ; org. July 2^, '6;^ ; disch. Jan. 29, '64. CIVIL WAR PENNSYLVANIA I73 Independent Companies. Joseph A., Sergt., Capt. Stevens' ; org. July 3, '63 ; disch. July 30, '63. James, Pr., Capt. Taylor's ; org. July 9, ^63 ; disch., date unknown. Departmental Corps. Daniel, Pr., Capt. Wellington Jones ; org. Oct. 2, '62 ; disch. July 9, '63. Independent Cavalry Battery: July, '63, to Dec. '63. Geo. H., Capt., Co. B. Sylvester W., Pr., Co. C. Arthur, Pr., Co. F. Independent Artillery. Joseph C, Pr., Capt. Fitzki ; org. July 6, '63 ; disch. Aug. 24, '63. Independent Organization. James W., Pr., Co. F; org. July 16 to Aug. 12, '64; disch. Nov. 10 to 14, '64. Independent Artillery Companies. Francis, Pr., Battery B; org. May 19 to June 9, '64; disch. Sept. 3 to 15, '64. Michael, Pr., Battery D; org. May 19 to June g, '64; disch. Sept. 3 to 15, '64. Burial Record. J. D., Pr., 26th Reg., Co. E ; died Dec. 14, '62, Fredericks- burg; grave 183. Samuel, Pr., 71st Reg., Co. G; died Sept. 18, '62, Hampton; grave 4. 174 CIVIL WAR MARYLAND MARYLAND. 1st Regiment: Baltimore. Hugh, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Jan. 20, '64 ; missing in action, May 10, '64, Wilderness, Va. ; no further record. Thos. W., Corp., Co. E; enlisted Mar. 10, '64; m. o. July 2, '65 ; trans, from Co. K, 7th Md. Infantry. Thos., Pr., Co. G ; enlisted May 7, '61 ; killed in action, June 18, '64, Petersburg, Va. 2d Regiment : Baltimore. Patrick, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 12, '64 ; died, Oct. 18, '64, of disease contracted in service. Thos., Sergt., Co. G; enlisted Aug. 9, '61; m. o. Aug. 9, '64; wounded, May 12, '64. John, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Aug. i, '61 ; killed in action, Sept. 30, '64. Thos., Pr., Co. H ; killed in action, Sept. 30, '64, Poplar Springs, Va. 3d Regiment : Baltimore and Williamsport, Md. Thomas, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted May i, '62 ; m. o. May 3, '65 ; trans, to Co. I, Jan. 13, '64. James, Corp., Co. B; enHsted Mar. 29, '64; m. o. July 31, '65; Vet. James, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Mar. 23, '65 ; m. o. July 31, '65. Thos., Corp., Co. C; enlisted May i, '62; m. o. May 3, '65. James, No. i, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Mar. 29, '64; m. o. July 31, '65 ; trans, to Co. B ; Vet. James, No. 2, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Nov. 18, '62; m. o. July. 31, '65. Thomas, Corp., Co. I; enHsted May i, '61; m. o. May 3, '65 ; Vet. trans, to Co. C. 4th Regiment: Baltimore. Andrew, Pr., Co. F ; enHsted Sept. 4, '62 ; m. o. May 31/65. CIVIL WAR MARYLAND 1/5 Unassigned. Geo., Pr. ; enlisted Nov. 28, '62. 5th Regiment. Wm. I., Pr., Co. A, Northeast Cecil County ; enlisted Oct. 12, '61 ; Vet. ; wounded in action, Antietam^ Md., Sept. 17, '62. John, Pr., Co. A, Northeast Cecil County; enlisted Nov. 2, '64; m. o. Sept. I, '65. Thomas H., Pr., Co. E, Frederick County and Baltimore ; enlisted Feb, 13, '65; m. o. Sept. i, '65. David, Pr., Co. F, Baltimore; enHsted Nov. 15, '64; m. o. Sept. I, '65. Thos. H., Pr., Co. G, Baltimore ; enlisted Feb. 28, '65 ; m. o. Sept. I, '65. 6th Regiment. Edward, Pr., Co. E, Cecil County ; enlisted Aug. 18, '62 ; died of starvation in Rebel Prison, Dec. 3, '63. 7th Regiment. Thos. N., Pr., Co. K, Baltimore; enlisted Mar. 31, '64; m. o. July 2, '65 ; trans, to Co. E, ist Reg., Md. Inf. 8th Regiment. Wm. J., Pr., Co. A, Cecil County ; enlisted Aug. 13, '62 ; m. o. May 31, '65. Henry, Pr., Co. D, Baltimore; enlisted Aug. 15, '62; m. o. Aug. 5, '64. Owen, Pr., Co. H, Baltimore ; enlisted Feb. 7, '62 ; m. o. May 31, '65. 9th Regiment : Baltimore : 6 Months. John, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted June 22, '6^ ; m. o. Mar. 20, '64. James, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted June 26, '6^ ; taken prisoner, Oct. 18, '63, Charlestown, Va. ; died Sept. 10, '64. 176 CIVIL WAR MARYLAND loth Regiment : Baltimore : 6 Months. Unassigned. Thomas, Pr. ; enHsted Mar. 31, '64; m. o. July 2, '65. nth Regiment: Baltimore: i Year. Thomas, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Feb. 10, '65 ; m. o. June 15, '65. James, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Aug. 15, '62 ; m. o. June 15, '65. Unassigned. James, Pr. ; enlisted Nov. 10, '64. 1 2th Regiment : Baltimore: 100 Days. Joseph, Corp., Co. A; enlisted June 21, '64; m. o. Nov. 6, '64. Matthew, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted July 20, '64 ; m. o. Nov. 6, '64. 13th Regiment : Frederick City. Henry, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Jan. 16, '65 ; m. o. May 29, '65. Wm. F., Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Jan. 25, '65 ; m. o. May 29, '65. Wm. F., Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Feb. 22, '65 ; m. o. May 29, '65. Purnell Legion Regiment Infantry. Alfred, Pr., Co. D, Somerset and Worcester ; enlisted Sept. 18, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 6, '64. 1st Regiment Potomac Home Brigade, Infantry. Edward, Pr., Co. F, Baltimore ; enlisted Sept. 4, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 4, '64. 3d Regiment Potomac Home Brigade, Infantry. James, Pr., Co. H, Allegheny County ; enlisted April 3, '65 ; m. o. May 29, '65. Josiah, Corp., Co. C, Allegheny County ; enlisted Oct. 23, '61 ; m. o. May 29, '65 ; Vet. CIVIL WAR — MARYLAND 1 77 Thos. N., Pr., Co. D, Allegheny County; enlisted Oct. 23, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 23, '64. Josiah F., Pr., Co. D, Allegheny County ; enlisted Oct. 23, '61 ; m. o. May 29, '65 ; Vet. Edward, Pr., Co. B, Allegheny County; enlisted Oct. 23, '61 ; killed in action. Eastern Shore Infantry: 2d Regiment. John, Pr., Co. D, Kent County ; enlisted Nov. i, '61 ; m. o. May 10, '62 ; disabled. James, Pr., Co. H, Hartford County; enlisted Aug. 15, '62; trans, to ist East Shore, Md. Inf. 1st Regiment, Potomac Home Guard Cavalry: Cole's Cavalry. Harvey A., Pr., Co. A, Frederick City; enlisted Dec. 18, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 18, '64; taken prisoner, Sept. 12, '62. Edward, Pr., Co. B, Cumberland ; enlisted Mar. 8, '65 ; m. o. June 28, '65. John, Pr., Co. I, various parts of Maryland ; enlisted Mar. 22, '64; m. o. June 28, '65. Unassigned. John, Pr. ; enlisted Feb. 2y, '63 ; no further record found. 2d Regiment : Cavalry. John, Sergt., Co. D, Washington, D. C. ; enlisted July 9, '63 ; m. o. Mar. 6, '64. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. E, Baltimore ; enlisted June 30, '63 ; m. o. Jan. 31, '64. 3d Regiment : Cavalry, Thos., Pr., Co. A, Baltimore; enlisted July 17, '63; no further record. 12 178 CIVIL WAR — OHIO Jerry, Pr., Co. F; recruited from Conf. Prisoners, who had taken oath of allegiance to U. S. A., Sept. 23, '63 ; m. o. July I, '65 ; trans, to Co. F, ist U. S. Vol. John, Pr., Co. K, Baltimore ; enlisted Nov. 25, '63 ; absent — confinement at Camp Distribution, Alexandria, Va., since Sept. 14, '64. Purnell's Legion Cavalry. Owen, Pr., Co. B, Pikesville ; enlisted Feb. 7, '62 ; m. o. May 31, '65 ; trans, to Co. H, 8th Md. Inf. Light Artillery. Patrick, Pr., Battery A (Rigby's) ; enlisted Oct. 6, '64; no further record. Thos., Pr., Battery B, Baltimore and Pikesville (Snow's) ; enlisted Sept. 19, '61 ; m. o. June 30, '64. Michael, Pr., Baltimore Battery (Alexander's) ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; m. o. June 17, '65. OHIO. 1st Regiment: Columbus. James, 25, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted April 17, '61 ; m. o. Aug. I, '61 ; 3 mos. Wm., 20, Pr., Co. H; enHsted April 17, '61; m. o. Aug. I, '61 ; 3 mos. 4th Regiment : Columbus. Marshall N., 22, Pr. Co. A; enlisted April 18, '61; m. o. June 5, '61 ; 3 mos. 5th Regiment. John P., 18, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted April 20, '61 ; m. o. June 19, '61 ; 3 mos. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 179 6th Regiment : Cincinnati. Christopher C, 28, Pr., Co. D ; enhsted April 20, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 21, '61 ; 3 mos. Frank M., 22, Pr., Co. D ; enhsted April 20, '61 ; m. o. June 18, '61. 8th Regiment. Holies, 21, Pr. Co. B ; enlisted April 18, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 18, '61 ; 3 mos. loth Regiment. John, 20, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted April 19, '61 ; m. o. June 3, '61 ; 3 mos. Cornelius, 20, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted April 19, '61 ; m. o. June 3, '61 ; 3 mos. Patrick, 21, Pr., Co. C; enhsted April 19, '61 ; m. o. June 3, '61 ; 3 mos. Geo. S., 28, Pr., Co. E; enhsted April 18, '61 ; m. o. June 3, '61 ; 3 mos. John, 20, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted April 25, '61 ; m. o. June 3, '61 ; 3 mos. Michael, 38, Sergt., Co. H ; enlisted April 24, '61 ; m. o. June 3, '61 ; 3 mos. Wm., 23, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted May 9, '61 ; m. o. June 3, '61 ; 3 mos. 13th Regiment. John, 23, Sergt., Co. E ; enlisted April 25, '61 ; m. o. June 4, '61 ; 3 mos. Solomon, 18, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted April 28, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 18, '61 ; 3 mos. 14th Regiment: In and around Toledo. Joseph, 20, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted April 23, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 13, '61 ; 3 mos. l80 CIVIL WAR — OHIO 15th Regiment. Paul, 21, Pr., Co. A, Zanesville; enlisted May 7, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 30, '61 ; 3 mos. Stephen, 2.^, Pr., Co. I, Upper Sandusky; enlisted April 30, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 28, '61 ; 3 mos. 1 6th Regiment. Isaac J., 20, Pr., Co. H, Cambridge ; enlisted April 20, '61 m. o. Aug. 18, '61 ; 3 mos. John H., 31, Pr., Co. H, Cambridge; enlisted April 20, '61 m. o. Aug. 18, '61 ; 3 mos. Wm., 19, Pr., Co. H, Cambridge; enlisted April 20, '61 m. o. Aug. 18, ^61 ; 3 mos. Abraham, 24, Pr., Co. K, Dresden ; enlisted April 22, '61 m. o. Aug. 18, '61 ; 3 mos. James, 25, Pr., Co. K, Dresden ; enlisted April 22, '61 m. o. Aug. 18, '61 ; 3 mos. 17th Regiment. Matthew, 25, Pr., Co. G, Pleasant Valley; enlisted April 16, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 15, '61 ; 3 mos. Eli, 33, Pr., Co. H, McConnelsville ; enlisted April 26, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 15, '61 ; 3 mos. Martin, 23, Pr., Co. I, Ft. Kearney ; enlisted April 23, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 15, '61 ; 3 mos. 1 8th Regiment. George, 25, Pr., Co. A, Canton ; enlisted April 19, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 28, '61 ; 3 mos. Horace Y., 20, Pr., Co. A, Canton; enlisted April 19, '61; m. o. Aug. 28, '61 ; 3 mos. John, 17, Pr., Co. A, Canton; enlisted April 19, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 28, '61 ; 3 mos. Albert J., 19, Pr., Co. E, New Lisbon; enlisted April 26, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 28, '61. CIVIL WAR — OHIO l8l 20th Regiment. Samuel, 36, Pr., Co. H, Sidney ; enlisted June 8^ '61 ; m. o. Aug. 18, '61. ^ John, 35, Pr., Co. K, Columbus ; April 25, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 22, '61. 22d Regiment. Michael, 24, Pr., Co. G ; enhsted April 27, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 19, '61. Henry C, 18, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted April 20, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 19, '61. nth Regiment, Ohio Volunteers Militia. Daniel, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Sept. 2, '62 ; m. o. Oct. 2, '62 ; I mo. Dennis J., 25, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Sept. 2, %2 ; m. o. Oct. 2, '62 ; I mo. Dennison Guards, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. John H., 18, Pr. ; enlisted June 20, '(^2 ; m. o. Jan. 24, ^d}^ ; 3 yrs. 6th Independent Company, Ohio Sharpshooters. D. Samuel, 19, Pr. ; enlisted Nov. 8, '(^2 ; m. o. July 19, '65 ; 3 yrs. 9th Company, Ohio Volunteer Sharpshooters. John H., 35, Pr. ; enlisted Dec. 3, '64 ; m. o. July 28, '65 ; I yr. 4th Battalion, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Philip, 24, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted May 24, '64 ; disch. Sept. 12, '65 ; 3 yrs. Bryant, 18, Corp., Co. C; enlisted Oct. 12, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 19, '64 ; 3 yrs., exp. of service. l82 CIVIL WAR — OHIO H. W. Birdsall's Independent Company, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Clement, 39, Sergt. ; enlisted June 5, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 23, '61 ; 3 mos. 1st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry: 3 Years. Jas., 26, Sergt., Co. A; enlisted Aug. i, '61; died, July 10, '64, of wounds received at Chatachoroke River, Ga. Daniel, 22, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Aug. i, '62; died, Louis- ville, Ky., Nov. 24, '62. Josiah, 39, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Oct. i, '62; disch. Aug. 26, 64 ; exp. of service ; 9 mos. Jas. W., 33, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 28, '61 ; died, Nash- ville, Tenn., Mar. 6, '63. John S., 27, Corp., Co. K ; enlisted Sept. 5, '61 ; died, Mound City, 111., of wounds received. Battle of Shiloh. 4th Regiment : Infantry : 3 Years. Marshall, 23, Pr., Co. A ; enHsted June 5, '61. Allen, 18, Pr., Co. F; enlisted June 3, '61; m. o. June 21, '64. 5th Regiment : Infantry : 3 Years. Chas., 23, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Feb. 29, '64. Francis, 20, Pr., Co. G; enlisted June 15, '61 ; m. o. June 20, '64 ; exp. of service. John P., 18, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted June 19, '61 ; disch. Jan. 9, '63, on Surg. Cert. ; awarded Medal of Honor for distinguished service, July 12, '62. 6th Regiment: 3 Years. Francis M., 24, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted June 18, '61 ; disch. Owen, 21, Pr., Co. H; enHsted June 18, '61; disch. Aug. 4, '63, on Surg. Cert. Andrew, 18, Pr., Co. K; enlisted Nov. 19, '63; m. o. May 29, '65, Order War Dept. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 183 1 0th Regiment: 3 Years. John I., 26, Pr., Co. A ; enhsted June 3, '61 ; m. o. June 17, '64. Dennis, 24, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted June 3, '61 ; trans, to i8th Ohio Batt. Patrick, 25, Corp., Co. C ; enlisted June 3, '61 ; m. o. June 17, '64. Cornelius, 25, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted June 3, '61. Wm., 25, Pr., Co. D; enhsted June 3, '61; trans, to 18th Ohio Batt., Sept. 5, '64. Geo. S., 38, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted June 3, '61 ; died, Sept. II, '61, of wounds received at Carnifax Ferry, W. Va. Patrick, 30, Pr., Co. E ; June 3, '61 ; on Muster Roll, no further record. John, 18, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted June 3, '61 ; disch. July 16, '61, on Surg. Cert. Michael, 38, Sergt., Co. H ; enlisted June 3, '61 ; m. o. June 17, '64. Wm., 31, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted June 3, '61 ; m. o. June 17, '64. 1 2th Regiment: 3 Years. Ambrose W., 22, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted June 19, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, O. V. I., July I, '64. 13th Regiment: 3 Years. John, 2^, Sergt., Co. A ; enlisted June 4, '61 ; promoted to 1st Lieut., Co. F, Jan. 9, '62. Michael, 25, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted May 29, '61 ; disch. July 30, '62. John, 23, 1st Lieut., Co. F; enlisted June 14, '61; died, Jan. 10, '63, from wounds received at Battle of Stone River, Tenn. Abraham, 30, Corp., Co. I ; enlisted June 3, '61 ; m. o. June 26, '64, exp. of service. 184 CIVIL WAR OHIO 14th Regiment: 3 Years. Joseph, 20, Corp., Co. E; enlisted Aug. 21, '61; m. o. July II, '65. Geo., 29, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Aug. 21, '61; died, June I3> '64, Jeffersonville, Ind. Thos.,. 28, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Aug. 26, '61; trans, to V. R. C, April 10, '64. 15th Regiment: 3 Years. John H., 31, Pr., Co. B; enHsted Sept. 6, '61 ; m. o. Nov. 9, '64, exp. of service. Henry K., 18, Corp., Co. G; enlisted Sept. 9, '61; m. o. Nov. 21, '65. 1 6th Regiment: 3 Years. Alex., 29, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Sept. 13, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 31, '64. 17th Regiment: 3 Years. Timothy, 28, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Sept. 15, '61 ; m. o. July 16, '65. 1 8th Regiment: 3 Years. Nathan, 23, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Aug. 12, '61 ; disch. Oct. 14, '62, on Surg. Cert. Jas. F., 20, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Mar. i, '64 ; m. o. Oct. 9, '65. James F., 20, Pr. Co. F ; enlisted Mar. i, '64 ; trans, to Co. B, Oct. 20, '64. Thos. J., 18, Pr., Co. H ; enHsted Sept. 25, '61 ; disch. Nov. 24, '62, to enlist in 4th U. S. Cavalry. 19th Regiment: 3 Years. Chas. T., 18, Pr. Co. B; enlisted Sept. 13, '61; died, Sept. 29, '62, at Nashville, Tenn. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 185 20th Regiment. George, 18, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Aug. 13, '62; disch. May- Si, '65, Ord. W. D. ; 3 yrs. Wm., 18, Corp., Co. C; enlisted Aug. 31, '64; m. o. July 15/65; 3 yrs. Patrick, 19, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Dec. 21, '64; m. o. July 15. '65; 3 yrs. John, 44, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Oct. 8, '62 ; m. o. July 15, '63, exp. of service ; 9 mos. Joseph J., 40, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Nov. 25, '64 ; m. o. July I5> '65; I yr. ROLL OF HONOR. I St Regiment. Jas. W., Pr., Co. G ; died. Mar. 6, '63 ; buried, Nashville, Tenn. 13th Regiment. John, Capt., Co. I ; died of wounds Jan. 10, '63 ; buried Stone River. 14th Regiment. Geo., Pr., Co. E; died, June 13, '64, Jeflfersonville ; buried, New Albany, Ind. 19th Regiment. Chas. T., Pr., Co. B ; died in hospital, of disease, Sept. 29, '62 ; buried, Nashville, Tenn. 2ist Regiment: 3 Years. Jerry (colored), cook, Co. G; enlisted May 15, '63; m. o. July 25, '65. 22d Regiment : 3 Years. Columbus, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Oct. 11, '61; disch. May 9, '62, on Surg. Cert. l86 CIVIL WAR — OHIO 23d Regiment: 3 Years. Ambrose W., 22, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted June 19, '61 ; m. o. July 26, '65. Thos., 28, Pr. ; substitute. 24th Regiment : 3 Years. Dennis, 28, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted June 14, '61 ; disch. Mar. 3, '63, on Surg. Cert. 25th Regiment : 3 Years. John, 18, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Mar. 7, '64; disch. Mar. 29, '65, on Surg. Cert. 26th Regiment : 3 Years. James, 43, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Feb. 22, '64 ; disch. May 12, '65, for wounds received in action. Cornelius, 18, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted July 20, '61. 27th Regiment: 3 Years. John, 38, Pr., Co. B; enlisted July 11, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 17, '64, Chattanooga, Tenn., exp of service. Samuel, 39, Pr., Co. C; enlisted July 18, '61; sent to hospital at Farmington, Miss. ; m. o. on exp. of service. Samuel, 30, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted July 20, '61 ; died, Oct. 9, •62, in hospital at St. Louis, Mo. John, 21, Corp., Co. F; enhsted July 19, '61; disch. Jan. 27, '64, on Surg. Cert. Edwin, 19, Pr., Co. I; enlisted Aug. 10, '61. 30th Regiment: 3 Years. Wm., 36, Pr., Co. D; enhsted Aug. 16, '61; died, Aug. 7, '63, in hospital at Camp Sherman, Miss. Daniel, 23, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Aug. 22, '61 ; died. Mar. 29, '62, Fayetteville, Va. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 187 31st Regiment: 3 Years. Shadwick, 18, Musician, Co. D; enlisted Feb. 13, '64; disch. Feb. 5, '65, on Surg. Cert. Robert, 18, Pr., Co. K; enlisted Feb. 29, '64; died, Jan. I, '65, in hospital, Chattanooga, Tenn. 32d Regiment. Wm. F., 20, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Feb. 10, '65 ; m. o. July 20, '65 ; I yr. Jas. W., 19, Pr., Co. C; enlisted July 20, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 26, '64, Chattanooga, Tenn., exp. of service, 3 yrs. Cornelius, 42, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Aug. i, '61 ; m. o. July 20, '65 ; 3 yrs. Samuel, 36, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Aug. i, '61; m. o. July 20, '65 ; 3 yrs. 33d Regiment: 3 Years. Andrew, 28, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Aug. 17, '61 ; m. o. July 12, '65. 34th Regiment : 3 Years. John, 42, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Aug. 5, '61 ; died, Nov. 27, '64, in Rebel Prison, Richmond, Va. Andrew J., 34, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Aug. 19, '62; trans, to Co. F, Ohio Vol. Inf., Feb. 20, '65. 36th Regiment: 3 Years. And. J., 34, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Aug. 19, '62; disch. June ^7. '65. ROLL OF HONOR. 27th Regiment. Sam., Pr., Co. D ; died, Oct. 9, '62, in hospital, St. Louis, Mo. ; buried, Jefferson Barracks. l88 CIVII^ WAR — OHIO 30th Regiment. Wm., Pr., Co. D ; died in hospital, Camp Sherman, Miss., Aug. 7, '63 ; buried, Vicksburg, Miss. Dan., Pr., Co. I ; died. Mar. 29, '62, in Fairfax ; buried, Staunton, Va. 35th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. C ; died of disease, July 26, '63, at Camp Piatt, W. Va. ; buried, Grafton, W. Va. 39th Regiment: 3 Years. John W., 18, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Aug. 25, '62; m. o. July 9, '65. 40th Regiment : 3 Years. Hugh, 21, Pr., Co. H; enhsted Aug. 15, '62; wounded, Battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 20, '64 ; trans, to Co. E, 51st Ohio Vol. Inf., Dec. 10, '64. 42d Regiment: 3 Years. Patrick, 19, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Nov. 5, '61, m. o. Dec. 2, '64. 43d Regiment: 3 Years. Joseph S., 26, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Dec. 5, '61 ; m. o. July 13, '65. Marsena M., Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Oct. 23, '61 ; disch. Nov. 6, '63, on Surg. Cert. Benj. D., 27, Pr., Co. I; enlisted Dec. 7, '61; m. o. July 13. '65. 44th Regiment : 3 Years. John, 23, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Sept. 5, '61 ; trans, to Co. C, 8th Ohio Vol. Inf., Jan. 4, '64. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 189 46th Regiment: 3 Years. John, 37, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Mar. 20, '64 ; wounded, Battle of Atlanta (Ga.) ; m. o. July 22, '65. 47th Regiment : 3 Years. Wyatt II., 18, Pr., Co. E; enlisted June 15, '61; trans, to V. R. C, Mar. 7, '64. Charles, 19, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Sept. 29, '64; substitute. 48th Regiment: 3 Years. David, 26, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Nov. 4, '61 ; died. Unassigned. John, 28, Pr. ; enlisted Sept. 15, '64; i yr. ; no further record. 49th Regiment: 3 Years. Edward, 20, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Aug. 23, '61. 50th Regiment: 3 Years. Christopher, 22, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Aug. 12, '62', disch. May 20, '65, Camp Chase, Ohio, order W. D. Christopher G., 18, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62 ; m. o. June 26, '65. 51st Regiment: 3 Years. Daniel, 18, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Mar. 23, '65; m. o. Oct. 3. '65. John D., 21, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Mar. 23, '65; m. o. Oct. 3, '65. Hugh, 38, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Aug. 15, '62; m. o. June 2i,^'65. Geo., 23, Corp., Co. E; enlisted Sept. 11, '61; killed, Jan. 2, '63, Battle Stone River (Tenn.). James, 26, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Sept. 10, '61 ; no record. IQO CIVIL WAR — OHIO 52d Regiment: 3 Years. Samuel, 21, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Aug. 4, '62; m. o. June 3, '65. John W., 24, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 4, '62 ; m. o. June 3, '65. John, 23, Sergt., Co. K ; enlisted July 2, '62 ; trans, to Co. A, 1st Vet. Engineer Corps, July 30, '64. ROLL OF HONOR. 48th Regiment. David, Pr., Co. G ; died of disease, July 22, '62 ; buried, Camp Dennison, Ohio. 51st Regiment. Geo., Corp. ; killed. Battle of Stone River, Jan. 2, '63 ; buried, Murfreesboro, Tenn. 54th Regiment: 3 Years. Levi, 18, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Sept. 5, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 21, '64, exp. of service. Francis, 18, Sergt., Co. F; enlisted Sept. 5, '61. 57th Regiment: 3 Years. Wesley, 22, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Nov. 4, '61 ; wounded, May 16, '6^, Battle Champion Hills (Miss.) ; m. o. Nov. 15, '64, exp. of service. David D., 44, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Feb. 27, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 14, '65. Geo. W., 18, Pr., Co. A; enHsted Jan. 11, '64; m. o. Aug. 14, '65. David D., 28, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Oct. i, '61 ; disch. July 31, '62, on Surg. Cert. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 191 60th Regiment : i Year. James, 45, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Jan. 22, '62; disch. Mar. 20, '62, on Surg. Cert. Jerry, 28, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Feb. 2, '62. Oscar Y., 18, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Jan. 4, '62; m. o. Nov. 10, '62. Wm. JF., 29, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Jan. 2, '62 ; m. o. Nov. 10, '62. Simon, 35, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Jan. 7, '62. 60th Regiment: 3 Years. Wm., 34, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Feb. 16, '64; killed, June 3, '64, Battle Cold Harbor (Va.). John H., 35, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Dec. 3, '64; m. o. July 28, '65 ; I yr. 6ist Regiment: 3 Years. Daniel, 18, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Mar. 15, '62; trans, to Co. D, 82d Ohio Vol. Inf., Mar. 31, '65. Patrick, 26, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Mar. 14, '62 ; disch. July 16, '62, on Surg. Cert. Unassigned. Thos., 35, Pr. ; enlisted Feb. 17, '65; i yr. 62d Regiment. Wm., 18, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Oct. 17, '61; detached in Artillery Service, July 30, '62 ; 3 yrs. ; no further record. Wm. E., 24, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Sept. 22, '64 ; m. o. June 20, '65; I yr. 63d Regiment : 3 Years. John, 42, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Nov. 15, '63 ; m. o. July 8, '65. Jacob S., 21, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Oct. 11, '61 ; died, Jan. 17, '64, Byington, Ohio. 192 CIVIL WAR — OHIO J. Washington, 18, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Nov. 24, '61 ; died, April 8, '62, St. Louis, Mo. Jas. M., 33, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Nov. 27, '61 ; disch. Nov. 13^ '63, on Surg. Cert. Darius L., 22, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Dec. 14, '61. 65th Regiment: 3 Years. John, 45, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Oct. 21, '61 ; wounded, Dec. 31, '62, in Battle of Stone River; wounded, Dec. 15, '64, Battle of Nashville; disch. Nov. 25, '65. 66th Regiment: 3 Years. Patrick, 20, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Nov. 2, '63 ; killed, June 15, '64, in action, Pine Hill, Ga. John E., 17, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Oct. 23, '61 ; m. o. July 15, '65. Jas., 42, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Aug. 17, '64; substitute. Jas., 42, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 25, '62 ; absent — sick at m. o., July 17, '65, hospital. Camp Dennison, Ohio. 67th Regiment. Patrick, 41, Sergt., Co. D; enlisted Aug. 5, '62; m. o. June 21, '65; 3 yrs. Thos., 22, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Dec. 13, '61 ; 3 yrs. Joseph, 21, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Nov. 11, '64; i yr. ; sub- stitute. 68th Regiment: 3 Years. John, 43, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Nov. 2, '61 ; disch. Nov. 17, '62, Bolivar, Tenn., on Surg. Cert. 69th Regiment: 3 Years. Elijah, 20, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Oct. 16, '61; m. o. July 17, '65. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 193 Elisha C, 34, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Oct. 16, '61; disch. June 30, '62, on Surg. Cert. Patrick, 26, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Oct. 16, '61 ; killed, June 3, '64, Battle of Pumpkinvine Creek (Ga.). ROLL OF HONOR. 60th Regiment. Wm., Pr., Co. E ; killed, June 3, '63, Cold Harbor ; buried, Fredericksburg, Va. ; grave 538. 63d Regiment. J. Washington, Pr., Co. F ; died of disease, April 8, '62 ; buried, Chambersburg, Ohio, Jefferson Barracks Ceme- tery. Jacob S., Pr., Co. E; died at home, of disease, Jan. 17, '64; buried, Byington, Ohio. 69th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., Co. F; killed, Battle of Pumpkinvine Creek, June 3, '64; buried. Marietta, Ga., Section G, grave 784. 70th Regiment: 3 Years. Hardman, 22, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Feb. 26, '64. 73d Regiment : 3 Years. Patrick, 28, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Oct. 16, '61 ; died, June 26, '62, Strasburg, Va. Daniel, 18, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Nov. 20, '61; disch. June 3, '62. 74th Regiment: 3 Years. John, 26, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Feb. 12, '64. John, 23, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Oct. 9, '61 ; captured at 13 194 CIVIL WAR OHIO Battle of Cassvllle (Ga.), Nov. 7, '64; m. o. June 23. '65. Thos., 35, Pr., Co. I; enlisted Oct. 17, '61. Thos., 33, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Oct. 2, '61. 75th Regiment : 3 Years. Field and Staff. John W., 22, Com. Sergt. ; enlisted Dec. 14, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 17, '65, exp. of service. John, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Oct. 14, '61 ; disch. at Camp McLean, on Surg. Cert. John W., 22, 1st Sergt., Co. E; enlisted Dec. 14, '61; wounded, July i, '63, Gettysburg; promoted to Com. Sergt. Sept. i, '64. Wm. A., 25, Sergt., Co. E ; enlisted Dec. 17, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 15, '65. Washington, 24, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 14, ^62 ; trans. to V. R. C, June 15, '63. 76th Regiment. Michael, 25, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Oct. 7, '62; m. o. Aug. 4, '63, exp. of service; 9 mos. Peter, 29, Sergt., Co. D; enlisted Oct. 15, '61; m. o. Oct. 26, '64, exp. of service; 3 yrs. Paul, 22, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Oct. 25, '61 ; 3 yrs. 77th Regiment: 3 Years. Thos., 25, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted May 8, '63 ; trans, from Co. K, Jan. 17, '65 ; m. o. with Co., Mar. 8, '66. Wm. H., 21, Sergt., Co. C; enlisted Dec. 5, '61; m. o. Dec. 10, '64, exp. of service. Thos., 25, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted May 8, '63 ; trans, to Co. B, Batt., Jan. 17, '65. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 195 78th Regiment: 3 Years. Wm., 26, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Dec. 9, '61 ; disch. Dec. 14, '62, on Surg. Cert. Lafayette, 18, Corp., Co. H ; enlisted Dec. 13, '61 ; m. o. July II, '65. 79th Regiment: 3 Years. Joseph, 18, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Feb. 27, '64; disch. May 16, '65, on Surg. Cert. John, 24, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Aug. 17, '62. 80th Regiment: 3 Years. Solomon, 18, ist Sergt., Co. A; enlisted Oct. 28, '61; promoted to ist Lieut., Co. C, June 16, '65. Anthony, 33, Corp., Co. B ; enlisted Feb. 24, '62 ; m. 0. Aug. 13, '65. Solomon, 18, ist Lieut., Co. C; enlisted Oct. 28, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 13, '65. John A., Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Feb. 16, '62 ; trans, to V. R. C, Sept. 15, '63. John H., 19, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Feb. 16, '62 ; m. o. April 4, '65, exp. of service. Daniel, 37, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Feb. 25, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 13, '65. 8 1st Regiment. Field and Staff. Wm. M., 25, Sergt.-Maj.; enlisted Aug. 8, ^62; promoted from 1st Sergt., Co. H, July i, '64, to 2d Lieut., Co. F, Aug. 9, '64 ; 3 yrs. Adam, 17, Pr., Co. B; enlisted Mar. 14, '65; m. o. July 13, '65; I yr. Wm. M., 25, 2d Lieut., Co. F ; enlisted Aug. 8, '62 ; disch. June 3, '65 ; 3 yrs. David A., 20, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Sept. i, '62; m. o. Feb. 10, '65 ; 3 yrs. 196 CIVIL WAR — OHIO 82d Regiment. John, 22, Pr.^ Co. A ; enlisted Nov. 7, '61 ; died, June i, '62, Franklin, W. Va. ; 3 yrs. James, 43, Pr., Co. B; enlisted Nov. 15, '61; killed, Aug. 30, 62, Battle of Bull Run (Va.) ; 3 yrs. Patrick L., 23, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Mar. 23, '65 ; m. o. July 12, '65 ; I yr. Daniel, 18, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Mar. 15, '62; m. o. July 24, '65 ; 3 yrs. Manlif, 24, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Dec. 11, '61; m. o. July 24. '65 ; 3 yrs. 83d Regiment : 3 Years. Wm., 33, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62 ; trans, to Co. C, Jan. 17, '65. Wm., 33, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Aug. 9, ^62 ; m. o. July 24, '65. 84th Regiment. John D., 22, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted May 2yj '62 ; m. o. Sept. 20, '62 ; 3 mos. ROLL OF HONOR. 73d Regiment. Patrick, Corp., Co. F; died of disease, June 26, '62, at Staunton, Va. ; buried, Staunton, Va. 82d Regiment. James, Pr., Co. B ; killed, Aug. 30, '62, Battle of Bull Run ; buried, Arlington, Va. John, Pr., Co. A; died of disease, June i, '62, at Franklin; buried, Staunton, Va. 88th Regiment. Geo., 18, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted May 26, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 26, '62 ; 3 mos. .^ CIVIL WAR OHIO 197 John H., 18, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted June 6, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 26^ '62 ; 3 mos. Daniel, 30, ist Sergt., Co. F; enlisted July 13, '63; pro- moted 2d Lieut., 27th U. S. Col. Troops, May 28, '64; resigned, Jan. 6, '65 ; 3 yrs. 90th Regiment: 3 Years. John C, 26, Corp., Co. C ; enlisted Feb. 6, '64 ; m. o. Oct. 3, '65- Patrick, 27, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted July 24, '62 ; died, Jan. 3, '63, of wounds received Dec. 31, '62, Battle of Stone River (Tenn.). 91st Regiment: 3 Years. Wm., 34, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Aug. 4, '62 ; wounded, Sept. 19, '64, Battle of Opoquan ; m. o. June 24, '65. Levi R., 27, Corp., Co. B; enlisted Aug. i, '62; died, Oct. II, ^64, of wounds received Sept. 19, '64, Battle of Opoquan (Va.). James, 34, Pr., Co. K; enlisted Aug. 15, '62; m. o. June 24, '65. 93d Regiment: 3 Years. John, 28, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62 ; killed, Nov. 25, '63, in Battle of Mission Ridge (Tenn.). 95th Regiment: 3 Years. John, 36, Pr. Co. C ; enlisted Aug. 29, '62 ; m. o. July 14, '65- Wm., 19, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted July 25, '62 ; killed, Aug. 30, '62, in Battle of Richmond (Ky.). 97th Regiment: 3 Years. Bazil, ^y, Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 4, '62 ; died, Feb. 25, '6^, near Murfreesboro, Tenn. Abram, 28, Corp., Co. F ; enlisted Aug. 5, '62 ; disch. April 10, '63, on Surg. Cert. 198 CIVIL WAR — OHIO James, 28, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Aug. 6, '62; m. o. June 10, '65. James P., 21, Pr., Co. I; enlisted Aug. 5, '62; m. o. June 10, '65. 99th Regiment: 3 Years. Christopher G., 18, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62 ; trans, to Co. K, 50th O. V. I., Dec. 31, '64. 105th Regiment: 3 Years. John A., 19, Pr., Co. B; enHsted Aug. 11, '62; wounded, Sept. 20, '63, in Battle of Chickamauga ; m. o. June 3, '65. io6th Regiment: 3 Years. Unassigned. John, 30, Pr. ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64. 107th Regiment: 3 Years. Jonas, 19, Pr., Co. I; enlisted Aug. 21, '62; captured, July I, '63, in Battle of Gettysburg; m. o. July 10, '65. 1 08th Regiment: 3 Years. Patrick, 21, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Feb. 10, '64. ROLL OF HONOR. 90th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., Co. K ; died of wounds received in battle, Jan. 3, '63 ; buried, Murfreesboro, Tenn. 91st Regiment. Levi R., Corp., Co. C; died Oct. 11, '64; interred in Stone River Cemetery, Section 20, Winchester. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 199 93d Regiment. Amos, Corp., Co. C; died in Rebel Prison April 12, '64; buried, Danville, Va. John, Pr., Co. G; killed in Battle of Mission Ridge, Nov, 25, '63; buried Chattanooga, Tenn., Section C, grave 128. 95th Regiment. Wm., Pr., Co. H; killed in Battle of Richmond (Ky.), Aug. 30, '62 ; buried, Camp Nelson, Ky. 97th Regiment. Bazil, Pr., Co. A ; died, Feb. 25, '63 ; interred Stone River Cemetery, Murfreesboro, Tenn. 99th Regiment. Jas. W., Corp., Co. H ; killed in battle, Jan. 2, '63 ; interred. Stone River Cemetery, Murfreesboro, Tenn. iioth Regiment. Geo. W., 23, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Sept. 22, '64 ; m. o. June 25, '65 ; I yr. Wm., 23, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted June 9, '64 ; v^ounded, Sept. 19, '64, in Opoquan, Va. ; m. o. June 25, '65 ; 3 yrs. 113th Regiment: 3 Years. Michael, 23, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Feb. 8, '64 ; m. o. July 6, '65. John, 21, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Feb. 10, '64; trans, to V. R. C, Jan. 24, '65. Wesley, 20, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Aug. 22, '62 ; killed, Sept. 20, '62,, in Battle of Chickamauga. 200 CIVIL WAR — OHIO 114th Regiment: 3 Years. Thomas, 36, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 22, '62 ; m. o. July II, '65. James, 44, Corp., Co. F ; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; m. o. July 31, '65. Ii6tli Regiment: 3 Years. Geo. W., 29, Pr., Co. D; enHsted Aug. 12, '62; trans, to Co. R G. W., 29, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Aug. 12, '62 ; captured, June 15, '63, Battle of Winchester; exchanged; disch. Mar. 15, '64, Surg. Cert. I22d Regiment: 3 Years. David, 24, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Mar. 18, '62 ; m. o. June 19. '65- Patrick, 32, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Aug. 21, '62. Martin V., 24, Pr., Co. F; enHsted Sept. 30, '62; died, Philadelphia, Pa., July 25, '64. Thomas J., 18, Pr., Co. G; Aug. 19, '62; captured. May 6, '63, in action near Brandy Station, Va. ; m. o. May 24, '65. 123d Regiment: 3 Years. John, 36, Pr., Co. C; enHsted Sept. 24, '62; disch. Feb. 11, '63, on Surg. Cert. Geo. J., 28, Pr., Co. K; enHsted Aug. 22, '62; captured, Battle of Winchester, June 15, '63 ; m, o. June 12, '65. 124th Regiment: 3 Years. Edward, 19, Corp., Co. A; enHsted Sept. 2y, '62; m. o. July 9, '65. Patrick, 30, Pr., Co. C; enHsted May 17, '64; died, Ander- sonville Prison, April 14, ^65. Arthur, 19, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Dec. 28, '63 ; m. o. July 9, '65. CIVIL WAR OHIO • 20I John E., 24, Corp., Co. I ; enlisted Aug. 18, '62 ; died, Oct. 14, '63, at Chattanooga, Tenn. Henry, 21, Pr., Co. I ; enHsted Oct. 7, '62 ; m. o. May 18, '65. John, 30, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted June 2, '6^. Unassigned. Michael, 30, Pr. ; enlisted Oct. 16, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; no record subsequent to Oct. 21, '63. 125th Regiment : 3 Years. Marion F., 26, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Oct. 20, '62 ; died, May 29, '64, at Chattanooga, Tenn., of wounds re- ceived May 14, '64, in Battle of Resaco (Ga.). Patrick, 39, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Nov. 3, '62 ; disch. Oct. 29, '64, on Surg. Cert. 126th Regiment : 3 Years. John, 22, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted June 25, '64 ; m. o. June 25. '65. James, 19, Pr., Co. E; enlisted June 16, '64; assigned to Co. Oct. 27, '64, did not join. John, 19, Pr., Co. E; enlisted June 4, '64; assigned to Co. Oct. 2"/, '64, did not join. John, 22, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted June 27, '64 ; assigned to Co. Oct. 27, '64, did not join. Joseph H., 20, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 22, '62 ; died, May 17, '64, in hospital, of wounds received in Battle of Wilderness, May 6, '64. 128th Regiment: 3 Years. Wm. H., 20, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted June 16, '62 ; died, April ,10, '63, Adrian, Ohio. 129th Regiment. James, 18, Pr., Co. H; enHsted July i, '63; m. o. Mar. 10, '64; 6 mos. 202 CIVIL WAR — OHIO I32d Regiment. Edward, 22, Pr., Co. F; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Sept. 10, '64; 100 days. 134th Regiment. Peter, 35, Pr., Co. A; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Aug. 31, '64; 100 days. 137th Regiment. John P., 20, I St Sergt., Co. C; enlisted May 12, '64; m. o. Aug. 19, '64; 100 days. 138th Regiment. Rufus, 24, Corp., Co. E ; enlisted May 2, '62 ; m. o. Sept. I, ^64; 100 days. 139th Regiment. Luke, 30, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 26, '64; 100 days. 140th Regiment. Hocking, 22, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 3, '64; 100 days. ROLL OF HONOR. 113th Regiment. Wesley, Pr., Co. F; killed, Sept. 30, '63, Battle of Chicka- mauga. I22d Regiment. Martin V., Pr., Co. F; died, July 25, '64; buried in Phila- delphia, Pa. 124th Regiment. John E., Corp., Co. I ; died Oct. 14, '63 ; buried, Chatta- nooga. Patrick, Pr., Co. C ; died in Rebel Prison, April 14, '65 ; buried, Andersonville. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 203 125th Regiment. Marion F., Pr., Co. F ; died, May 29, '64 ; buried, Chatta- nooga; see Record. 126th Regiment. Joseph H., Pr., Co. G; died, May 17, '64, of wounds re- ceived in Wilderness. 128th Regiment. Wm. H., Pr., Co. C ; died, April 10, '63, at Adrian, Seneca County, Ohio. 141st Regiment. George, 26, Pr., Co. G; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Sept. 3, '64 ; 100 days. I42d Regiment : 100 Days. Alvin W., 20, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 2, '64. James F., 22, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 2, '64. Lewis M., 18, Pr., Co. I; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Sept. 2, '64. Oliver F., 23, Pr., Co. I; enlisted May 2, '64; disch. Aug. 26, '64. 143d Regiment: 100 Days. John, 30, Pr., Co. A; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Sept. 13. '64. Edwin H., 21, Pr., Co. E; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Sept. 13, '64. 146th Regiment : 100 Days. Joseph J., 44, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 7, '64. 204 CIVIL WAR — OHIO Squire, 17, Pr., Co. A; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Sept. 7, '64. James F., 33, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 7, '64. Joseph D., 38, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 7, '64. 148th Regiment: 100 Days. Joseph J., 40, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 14, '64. Nathaniel, 27, ist Lieut., Co. E; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Sept. 14, '64. 149th Regiment : 100 Days. John, 44, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted May 2, ^64 ; m. o. Aug. 30, '64. 154th Regiment : 100 Days. Harvey, 22, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Sept. I, '64. 156th Regiment: 100 Days. Morris, 18, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Sept. I, '64. 159th Regiment : 100 Days. Henry, 19, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted May 2, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 22, '64. i62d Regiment: 100 Days. George, 22, Pr., Co. F; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Sept. 4, '64. 163d Regiment: 100 Days. Benjamin F., 18, Pr., Co. B; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Sept. 10, '64. 171st Regiment Volunteer Infantry: 100 Days. James A., 21, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted April 27, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 20, '64. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 205 I72d Regiment Volunteer Infantry: 100 Days. Judson J., 22, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted April 27, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 3. '64. 173d Regiment Volunteer Infantry: i Year. John R., 19, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Aug. 23, '64 ; m. o. June 26, '65. 174th Regiment Volunteer Infantry: i Year. James B., 30, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Aug. 16, '64 ; m. o. June 28, ^65. Joseph P., 45, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Sept. 5, '64 ; died, Feb. II, '65, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. Wm., 18, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Sept. 12, '64; m. o. May 26, '65, at Washington, Order War Dept. 175th Regiment: i Year. George W., 36, Pr., Co. B; enHsted Sept. 2, '64; m. o. June 27, '65. Isaac J., 24, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Sept. 19, '64 ; died, Dec. 31, '64, at Nashville, Tenn. 176th Regiment: i Year. Marcena M., 25, ist Sergt., Co. A; enlisted Aug. 13, '64; promoted to 2d Lieut., Co. D, Jan. 6, '65. Amos W., 29, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Aug. 26, '64. 177th Regiment: i Year. George A., 20, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Aug. 19, '64; m. o. June 24, '65. Unassigned. Thomas, 30, Pr. ; enlisted Sept. 29, '64 ; i yr. 179th Regiment: i Year. Michael S., 36, Wagoner, Co. C ; enlisted Sept. i, '64 ; m. o. June 17, '65. 206 CIVIL WAR — OHIO i8ist Regiment: i Year. William, 37, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Sept. 20, '64 ; m. o. July 14, '65- i82d Regiment: i Year. Peter, 18, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Sept. 23, '64; m. o. July 7, '65. Martin G., 20, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Oct. 24, '64 ; m. o. July 7, '65, at Nashville, Tenn., order War Dept. 183d Regiment: i Year. Alexander, 33, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Sept. 5, ^64 ; m. o. July 17, '65. Leander A., 25, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Nov. 2, '64; m. o. July 25, '65 ; at Louisville, Ky., order War Dept. James, 27, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Sept. 8, '64. 184th Regiment: Field and Staff. David A., 20, Adj.; enlisted Sept. i, '62; promoted from Pr., Co. H, 81 St O. V. I., Feb. 18, '65; m. o. Sept. 20, '65 ; 3 yrs. Joseph, 19, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Jan. 14, '65 ; i yr. Unassigned. John, 21, Pr. ; enlisted Feb. 7, '65 ; i yr. ROLL OF HONOR. 174th Regiment. Joseph P., Pr., Co. F ; died, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; buried. Stone River Cemetery, section B, grave 326. 1 86th Regiment: i Year. Charles, 18, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Feb. 14, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 18, '65, order War Dept. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 207 187th Regiment: i Year. Benj. F., 18, Sergt., Co. A; enlisted Feb. 9, '65; m. o. Jan. 20, '66. John, 23, Pr. ; enlisted Feb. 25, '65 ; unassigned. 1 88th Regiment: i Year. Urvan, 18, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Jan. 16, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 21, '65. 189th Regiment: i Year. Philip, 18, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Feb. 21, '65; m. o. Sept. 28, '65. Levi, 23, Corp., Co. B ; enlisted Feb. 5, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 28, '65 ; injured in railroad accident while on furlough. Moses Mc, 31, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Feb. 14, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 28, '65. Wm. Mc, 25, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Feb. 20, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 28, '65. 191st Regiment: i Year. Joseph, 19, Pr. ; enlisted Mar. 16, '65 ; unassigned. I92d Regiment: i Year. Henry, 21, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Feb. 16, '65 ; m. o. Sept. I, '65. John, 25, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Jan. 2y, '65 ; m. o. Sept. i, '65. Thomas., 24, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Jan. 27, '65 ; m. o. Sept. I, '65. 193d Regiment: i Year. Alva, 23, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Jan. 23, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 4, '65. John, 19, Pr., Co. G ; enhsted Jan. 28, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 4, '65. JameSj 34, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Feb. 23, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 4, '65. 208 CIVIL WAR OHIO 194th Regiment: i Year. Magendie, 17, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Feb. 22, '65 ; m. o. Oct. 24, '65. Samuel, 18, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Feb. 22, ^65 ; m. o. June 6, '65, order War Dept. 196th Regiment: i Year. Pearson R., 18, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Mar. 8, '65 ; m. o. Sept. II, '65. 197th Regiment: i Year. John, 33, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Jan. 5, '65 ; m. o. Jan. 31, '65. Wm., 21, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Mar. 20, '65. 198th Regiment: i Year. John 19, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted April 12, '65. Alban W., 21, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted April 10, '65 ; m. o. May 8, '65. Samuel, 38, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Feb. 21, '65 ; m. o. May 8, '65. 1st Regiment Ohio Volunteers : Heavy Artillery : 3 Years. Joseph J., 26, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted June i, '63 ; m. o. July James A., 34, Capt., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; m. o. July 25, '65. Jesse J., 25, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Aug. 22, '62; m. o. June 20, '65, order War Dept. Lewis, 21, Pr., Co. F; enHsted June 22, '6^; m. o. July 25, '65. Henry, 17, Pr., Co. M ; enlisted June 30, '63 ; m. o. July 25, '65. 2d Regiment Ohio Volunteers : Heavy Artillery : 3 Years. Francis M., 32, Corp., Co. A ; enlisted June 10, '63 ; m. o. Aug. 23, '63. CIVIL WAR — OHIO 209 Charles, 38, Corp., Co. C; enlisted July 13, '63; m. o. Aug. 23. '65- Darius L., 24, Pr., Co. C; enlisted July 17, '63; m. o. Aug. 23, '65. AVm. H., 2ij Capt., Co. D; enlisted June 18, '63; m. o. Aug. 23, '63. Nadrew J. K., 33, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Aug. 15, '63; pro- moted to Ass't Surgeon, loth Tenn. Inf., April 22, '64, from which m. o. May 23, '65. Wm. H., 21, 1st Lieut., Co. H ; enlisted June 18, '63 ; trans. to Co. D, May 24, '64. James M., 18, Pr., Co. K; enlisted July 18, '63; m. o. Aug. 23, '65. Wm. H., 22, 1st Lieut., Co. M ; enlisted June 18, '63; trans. from Co. H. 1st Regiment Ohio Light Artillery: 3 Years. Wm. 18, Pr., Battery D; enlisted Sept. 10, '61 ; m. o. July 16, '65. John, 20, Sergt., Battery G ; enlisted Nov. 26, '61 ; wounded, Battle of Franklin (Tenn.). Wm. H., 20, Pr., Battery H ; enlisted Oct. 28, '61 ; disch. Dec. 16, '62. John P., 17, Pr., Battery L; enlisted Nov. 20, '61; killed, Nov. 27, '63, Battle Mone Run (Va.). Independent Battalions Ohio Volunteers, Light Artillery. Thos. P., Pr., 1st Battalion; enlisted Dec. 11, '61; m. o. Dec. 13, '64, exp. of service; 3 yrs. Michael G., 23, Bugler, 2d Battalion ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 10, '65 ; 3 yrs. John C, 38, Pr., 2d Battalion ; enlisted Aug. 25, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 10, '65 ; 3 yrs. Patrick, 32, Pr., 2d Battalion; enlisted Sept. i, '64; m. o. Aug. 10, '65 ; I yr. 14 2IO CIV^L WAR OHIO Martin, 25, Pr., 5th Battalion ; enlisted Nov. 10, '64 ; i yr. Patrick, 26, Pr., 8th Battalion ; enlisted Jan. 25, '64 ; 3 yrs. John, 26, Pr., 9th Battalion; enlisted Oct. 11, '61; m. o. Oct. 24, '64, exp. of service ; 3 yrs. Michael, 24, Pr., loth Battalion ; enlisted Jan. 13, '62 ; m. o. Mar. 3, '65, exp. of service ; 3 yrs. Patrick D., 17, Pr., loth Battalion; enlisted Dec. 3, '61; died, Sept. 20, '63, in hospital near Vicksburg; 3 yrs. Patrick, 28, Pr., 12th Battalion; enlisted Oct. 16, '61; de- tached from Co. F, 73d O. V. 1. ; ret. to Co. ; 3 yrs. Martin, 23, Pr., 15th Battalion; enlisted Mar. 22, '64; m. o. June 20, '65 ; 3 yrs. Dennis, 24, Pr., i8th Battalion : enlisted June 3, '61 ; m. o. June 29, '65 ; 3 yrs. Wm., 25, Pr., i8th BattaHon ; enlisted Sept. 15, '62; m. o. July 21, '65, order War Dept. ; 3 yrs. Luke A., 27, Pr., 19th Battalion; enlisted Aug. 11, '62; disch. Mar. 4, '63 ; 3 yrs. Edward, 25, Pr., 22d Battalion; enlisted July 13, '6^; m. o. July 13, '65; 3 yrs. John, 40, Pr., 22d Battalion; enlisted Feb. 20, '64; m. o. July 13, '65 ; 3 yrs. Patrick, 24, Pr., 22d Battalion ; enlisted Dec. 27, '62 ; disch. Aug. 5, '63, on Surg. Cert. ; 3 yrs. Thos., 24, Pr., 22d Battalion ; enlisted Jan. 7, '6^ ; 3 yrs. Daniel W., 21, Pr., 24th Battalion; enlisted Aug. 11, '63; m. o. June 24, '65 ; 3 yrs. ROLL OF HONOR. John p., Pr., Co. L, ist Regiment L. A.; killed, Nov. 27, '62,, at Battle of Mine Run (Va.) ; buried^ Fredericks- burg. John C, Pr., 2d Ind. L. A. ; died, Memphis, Tenn. ; buried, Miss. River Cemetery. Patrick D., Pr., loth Ind. L. A.; died, Sept. 20, '6^, near Vicksburg; buried, Vicksburg. CIVIL WAR OHIO 211 1st Regiment, Volunteer Cavalry. Michael, 2J, Pr., unassigned ; enlisted Feb. 17, '64 ; 3 yrs. ; no final record found. 2d Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Peter M., 28, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 16, '61 ; disch. on Surg. Cert., Oct. 2, '62, disabled ; 3 yrs. John, 21, Pr., Co. I; enlisted Oct. 17, ^62; no final record found ; 3 yrs. Dennis, 29, Sergt, Co. G; enHsted Oct. 14, '62; 3 yrs.; disch. at Lighthouse, Va., on Surg. Cert. ; disabled. 3d Regiment. John, 2y, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Sept. 6, '63 ; m. o. with com- pany, Aug. 4, '65 ; 3 yrs. 4th Regiment. Albert J., 19, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Sept. 17, '61 ; m. o. with company, Oct. 20, '64, exp. of service ; 3 yrs. Jeremiah, 40, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Sept. 8, '62 ; captured, Dec. 10, '63, at Murphytown, N. C. ; died. Mar. 7, in Rebel Prison, Richmond, Va. ; 3 yrs. 5th Regiment. Thomas, 30, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Feb. 13, '65 ; m. o. with company, Oct. 30, '65 ; i yr. James J., 25, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62 ; 3 yrs. James T., 29, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Aug. 27, '(^2 ; m. o. June 26, '65, at Raleigh, N. C, order War Dept. ; 3 yrs. Joseph, 19, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Sept. 26, 62 ; captured, April 6, '65 ; 3 yrs. ; no further record. John, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Nov. 12, '61 ; m. o. Nov. 29, '64, term expired ; 3 yrs. Edward (2), 31, Pr., O. M. S., Co. I ; enlisted Nov. i, '61 ; died, Oct. 24, '64, Cartersville, Ga. ; 3 yrs. Clement (i), 37, Capt., Co. I; enHsted Sept. 3, '61 ; 3 yrs. 212 CIVIL WAR — OHIO Unassigned. John, 19, Pr. ; enlisted Feb. 13, '64; 3 yrs; no further record. John^ 34, Pr. ; enlisted Mar. i, '65 ; i yr. ; no further record. 6th Regiment. Andrew, 18, Pr., unassigned ; enlisted Nov. 20, '63 ; 3 yrs. 7th Regiment Volunteer Cavalry. Andrew, 19, Pr., Co. B; enlisted Sept. 4, '64; m. o. with company, July i, '65 ; i yr. John, 19, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Sept. 6, '62 ; captured, Nov. 6, '61, at Rogersville, Tenn. ; died in Andersonville Prison, Ga., May 28, '64; 3 yrs. 8th Regiment. Simon, 28, Pr., Co. B; enHsted Aug. 15, '62; m. o. with company. May 30, '65 ; 3 yrs. John, 18, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Feb. 22, '64 ; m. o. with company, July 30, '65 ; 3 yrs. John, 23, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Aug. 5, '61 ; trans, from Co. C, 44th O. V. I., Jan. 4, '64 ; captured in Battle of Beverly (W. Va.) ; m. o. June 19, '65 ; 3 yrs. ^ 9th Cavalry. John H., 20, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Jan. i, '64; m. o. with company, July 20, '65 ; 3 yrs. Unassigned. John, 21, Pr. ; enlisted Jan. 19, '64; 3 yrs. nth Cavalry. Henry C, 18, Q. M. S., Co. D; enlisted Oct. 26, '61 ; mus- tered as private ; 3 yrs. CIVIL WAR OHIO 213 1 2th Regiment. Michael, 2^, Pr., Co. D; enHsted Oct. 21, '63; m. o. June 10, '65, Camp Chase; 3 yrs. Peter, 31, Pr., Co. E; enHsted Oct. 25, '63; m. o. with company, Nov. 14, '65 ; 3 yrs. 13th Regiment. John, 21, Pr., Co. C; enHsted Mar. 30, '64; trans, from Co. G ; m. o. with company, Aug. 10, '65 ; 3 yrs. John, 21, Pr., Co. G; enHsted Mar. 30, '64; trans, to Co. C ; 3 yrs. Thos., 21, Pr., Co. H; -enHsted May 9, '64; wounded, July 30, '64, in Battle of Petersburg (Va.) ; disch. June 13, '65, from General Hospital, Denison, on Surg. Cert, of disability; 3 yrs. Philip, 27, Pr., Co. M ; enlisted Mar. 29, '65 ; m. o. July 4, '65, at Amelia C. H., Va., order War Dept. ; i yr. Unassigned. John, 31, Pr. ; enlisted Mar. 30, '64; 3 yrs. 4th Independent Battery Ohio Cavalry. Jeremiah, 18, Pr., Co. A; enlisted July 24, '63; m. o. with company, Feb. 16, '64; 6 mos. Oscar Y., 18, Pr., Co. D; enlisted July 31, '63; m. o. with company ; 6 mos. 5th Independent Battery Ohio Cavalry. Chas. W., 18, Corp. Co. C; enlisted Aug. 12, '63; m. o. Feb. 15, '64; 6 mos. Merrill's Horse. Michael, 24, Pr. Co. C ; enlisted Sept. 24, '64 ; m. o. June i5j '65, order War Dept. ; i yr. 214 CIVIL WAR INDIANA ROLL OF HONOR. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. L, 4th Cav. ; died, Mar. 7, '64, in Danville Prison, Va. ; buried, Richmond, Va. Edward, I. M. S., Co. I, 5th Reg. ; died, Oct. 24, '64, in Cartersville, Ga. John, Pr., Co. B, 7th Reg. ; died, Mar. 28, '64, in Anderson- ville Prison, Ga. Samuel, ist Lieut., Co. D, 7th Reg. ; died, June 7, '64. INDIANA. 8th Regiment : 3 Months. Jonathan, Pr., Co. F ; ^ residence, Henry County ; enlisted April 25, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 6, '61. loth Regiment: 3 Months. Martin, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Warren ; enlisted April 25, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 9, '61. Chas. A., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Tippecanoe County ; en- listed April 25, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 9, '61. Chas., Pr., Co. G ; residence Montgomery County ; enlisted April 24, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 6, '61. 6th Regiment : 3 Years. James, Pr., Co. B ; residence Jennings County ; enlisted Sept. 20, '61 ; disch. Dec. 22, '63 ; disabled. Joab, Pr., Co. B ; residence North Vernon County ; enlisted Oct. 25, '62 ; trans, to 68th Reg. 7th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Dearborn County ; enlisted Sept. 13, '61 ; killed at Petersburg, Va., July 30, '64. 8th Regiment. Joseph, Pr., Co. D ; died at Vicksburg. CIVIL WAR INDIANA 215 9th Regiment. Henry, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Sept. 23, '61 ; m. o. June 21, '65. nth Regiment. Samuel D., Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Mar. 7, '65 ; m. o. July 26, '65. Edward, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Vigo County ; enlisted Mar. 20, '65 ; m. o. July 26, '65 ; app. Corporal. Jas., Pr. ; residence, Henry County ; enlisted Feb. 25, '65 ; unassigned. 1 2th Regiment: i Year. Martin L., Sergt., Co. F ; residence, Allen County ; enlisted May II, '61 ; m. o. May 19, '62. John v., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Grant County ; enlisted May 15, '61 ; m. o. May 19, '62. Noah, Jr., Pr., Co. I ; residence Huntington County ; en- listed May 15, '61 ; m. o. May 19, '62. 1 2th Regiment: 3 Years. Dennis, Pr.. Co. F ; residence, Warsaw ; enlisted June 20, '61 ; m. o. June 8, '65. Geo. W., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Warwick County ; enlisted Dec. 8, '64 : trans, to 69th Reg. 13th Regiment: 3 Years. Jonathan, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Marion ; enlisted June 19, '61 : died Aug. 7, '61. Christopher, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Jefferson County ; en- listed June 19, '61 ; m. o. July i, '64. Lewis, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Howard County ; enlisted June 19, '61 : trans, to 4th U. S. Art., Oct. 22, '62. Wm., Pr., unassigned ; residence, Marion ; enlisted Sept. 29, '62. Henry L., Pr., Co. F ; residence White Hill ; enhsted Sept. 29, '61 ; died June 24, '64. 2l6 CIVIL WAR INDIANA 14th Regiment. Wm., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Martin County ; enlisted June 7, '61 ; disch. Mar. 28, '63. John D., Corp., Co. I ; residence, Vermilion County ; en- listed June 7, '61 ; m. o. June 6, '64. 15th Regiment: 3 Years. Richard, Pr., Co. C ; residence, x\llen County ; enlisted June 14, '61 ; disch., April 9, '64, wounds received Mission Ridge. Timothy, Pr., Co. C; residence, Allen County; enlisted June 14, '61 ; trans. 17th Reg., May 31, '64. Oliver P., Corp., Co. D; residence, Benton County; en- listed June 14, '61 ; disch. Aug. 25, '61, disabled. John H., Pr., Co. G ; residence, Laporte County ; enlisted June 14, '61 ; m. o. June 25, '64. John, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Jasper County ; enlisted June 14, '61 ; trans. 17th Reg., July 11, '64. 1 6th Regiment: i Year. Marshall, Pr., Co. A; residence, Shelby County; enlisted April 23, '61 ; m. o. May 23, '62. Patrick, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Shelby County ; enlisted April 23, '61 ; m. o. May 23, '62. 1 6th Regiment: 3 Years. Garrett, Pr., Co. A; residence, Fayette County; enlisted Sept. 28, '64 ; m. o. June 30, '65. John L., Pr., Co. F ; residence, New Britton ; enlisted Aug. 18, '62 ; m. o. June 30, '65 ; app. Corporal. John, Pr., unassigned ; residence, Marion County ; enlisted Oct. 22, '64. I7tli Regiment. James, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; disch., disabled ; 3 yrs. John, Pr., Co. B; enlisted Feb. 15, '62; m. o. Aug. 8, '65; 3 yrs. CIVIL WAR INDIANA 2iy Timothy, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Sept. i , '62 ; m. o. June 24, '65 ; 3 yrs. Kenneth, Pr., Co. D; residence, Edinburg; enlisted June 12, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 8, '65. Chas. M., Corp., Co. G ; residence, Madison County ; en- listed June 12, '61. John E., Pr., Co. G ; residence, Madison County ; enlisted June 12, '61 ; disch., July 21, '61, disabled. Chas. M., Pr., Co. G; residence, Madison County; enlisted June 12, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 8, '65. James H., Pr., unassigned ; enHsted Sept. 6, '62. Patrick, Pr., unassigned ; residence, White County ; enlisted Oct. 24, '62. 1 8th Regiment: 3 Years. Thos., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Vermilion County ; enlisted Aug. 16, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 28, '65, as Sergt. 20th Regiment: 3 Years. Geo. v., Pr., Co. A ; residence, Miami County ; enlisted July 22, '61 ; wounded in Wilderness ; trans. 20th Reg. reorganized. Oliver P., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Marshall County ; en- listed Oct. 10, '62 ; trans. 20th Reg. reorganized. Edward, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Laporte County ; enlisted July 22, '61. Harrison, Pr., Co. F; residence, Cass County; enlisted July 22, '61. Peter, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Cass County ; enlisted July 22, '61 ; m. o. July 29, '64. Patrick, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Cass County ; enlisted Dec. 25, '63. 20th Regiment, Reorganized. Oliver P., Pr., Co. D; residence, Plymouth County; en- listed Oct. 10, '62; m. o. July 12, '65, as Corp. Geo. v., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Wabash ; enlisted Feb. 20, '64; m. o. July 18, '65. 2l8 CIVIL WAR INDIANA 2 1 St Regiment: 3 Years. James H., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Greencastle ; enlisted Sept. 6, '64; m. o. July 22, '65. John W., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Greencastle ; enlisted April I. '64; m. o. Jan. 13, '66. Wm., Pr., Co. G; enlisted Mar. 24, '64; m. o. Jan. 13, '66. 22d Regiment : 3 Years. Nathaniel E., Pr., Co. G; residence, Lawrenceburg ; en- Hsted Aug. 15, '61 ; m. o. July 25, '64, as Sergt. Torrence, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Columbus ; enlisted Aug. 15, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 22, '64. Dennis, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Heltonville ; enlisted Aug. 15, '61 ; m. o. July 24, '65, as Corp. 23d Regiment : 3 Years. James, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Dec. 22, '63 ; m. o. July 23, '65. Stephen, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Floyd County ; enlisted July 29, '61 ; m. o. July 28, '64. 24th Regiment : 3 Years. Wm. V. T., Pr., Co. B ; residence, Orange County ; en- listed July 31, '61 ; m. o. July 30, '64. 25th Regiment: 3 Years. Thos., Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Oct. 14, '64 ; died at Savannah, Jan. 24, '65. Geo. W., Corp., Co. G; residence, Medora ; enlisted Aug. 19, '61 ; m. o. July 17, '65. John, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Sept. 19, '64 ; m. o. June 4, '65. 26th Regiment : 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Co. A; residence, Rochester; enlisted Mar. 31, '62 ; disch. Feb. 2, '63, disabled. Peter, Pr., Co. F; residence, Indianapolis; enHsted Aug. 30, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 21, '64. CIVIL WAR INDIANA 2ig Con. R., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Indianapolis ; enlisted April 8, '64; m. o. Sept. 8, '65. Albert, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Jefferson ; enlisted Aug. 30, '61 ; promoted to 2d Lieut. 27th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Jennings County ; enlisted Sept. 12, '61. 28th Regiment, ist Cavalry: 3 Years. Lewis W., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Crawford County ; en- listed Aug. 20, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 12, '64, as Corp. 29th Regiment: 3 Years. Henry, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Ligonier County ; enlisted Sept. 28, '64; m. o. June 26, '65. 30th Regiment. Rob't S., Corp., Co. E; residence, Allen County; enlisted Aug. 24, '61 ; trans, to Marine Brig., Mar. 14, '63. Geo. E., Pr., Co. E; residence, Allen County; enlisted Aug. 24, '61 ; promoted 2d Lieut. 30th Regiment, Infantry. Jas. T., Pr., Co. A ; residence, Indianapolis ; enlisted Oct. 13, '64; m. o. Oct. 23, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. A ; residence. Ft. Wayne ; enlisted April I, '64; m. o. June 10, '65. 31st Regiment. Wm. E., Pr., Co. E; enlisted Sept. 18, '64; m. o. June 21, '65. 32d Regiment. Michael, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Sept. 24, '63 ; unassigned. 220 CIVIL WAR INDIANA 33d Regiment. Edgar, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Magan County ; enlisted Sept. 16, '61. Peter, Pr., Co. D ; residence Indianapolis ; enlisted Mar. 11, '65; m. o. July 21, '65. David, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Edinburg ; enlisted Sept. 16, '61 ; m. o. July 21, '65. 34th Regiment. Boze, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Alexandria ; enlisted Oct. 28, '64; m. o. Oct. 26, '65. Wm., Corp., Co. H ; residence, Galveston ; enlisted Oct. 7, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 21, '64. 35th Regiment. Timothy, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Indianapolis ; enlisted Nov. 24, '61 ; died, Nashville, Oct. i, '62. Michael, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Indianapolis ; enlisted Nov. 24, '61 ; disch.. Mar. 26, '62, v^ounds received at Stone River. James, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Michigan City ; enlisted Dec. 12, '61 ; died, Andersonville Prison, Oct. 14, '64. Francis, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Michigan City ; enlisted Dec. 12, '61 ; died, Andersonville Prison, Oct. 31, '64. John, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Lafayette ; enlisted Dec. 14, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 30, '65. James, Pr., Co. E; residence, Lafayette; enlisted Feb. 21, '64; m. o. Sept. 30, '65. John, Pr., Co. K; enUsted Jan. i, '64; unassigned. 37th Regiment, Non-commissioned Staff and Band. Jas. S., Musician; enlisted Oct. 17, '61 ; m. o. May 2, '62. Chas. T., Pr., Co. A ; residence Stewardville ; enlisted Oct. 10, '64; m. o. July 15, '65. CIVIL WAR INDIANA 221 39th Regiment, Eighth Cavalry. Harrison, Pr., Co. A; enhsted Jan. 27, '64; ni. o. July 20, '65. John H., Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Aug. 21/63 5 m. o. July 20/65. Archibald, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Hamilton County ; en- listed Aug. 29, '61 ; killed at Stone River, Dec. 31, '62. Harrison, Pr., Co. M ; enlisted Jan. 26, '64 ; unassigned. Joseph, Pr., Co. M; enhsted Oct. 21, '64; unassigned. 40th Regiment. Grannis, Corp., Co. B ; residence, Peoria, 111. ; enlisted Nov. 27, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 6, '64. Wm. R., Pr., Co. C; residence, Lafayette; enlisted Nov. II, '64; m. o. June, '65. Jeremiah, Corp., Co. E ; residence, Frankford ; enhsted Oct. 16, '61 ; disch. as Pr. 41st Regiment, 2d Cavalry. Patrick, Pr. ; trans, to 2d Cavalry Re-org. James, Pr. ; enlisted Dec. 7, '61 ; disch. Nov. 3, '62, disabled. Michael, Pr., Co. M ; enlisted Nov. 2J, '63 ; unassigned. 2d Cavalry, 41st Re-organized. Michael, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Dec. 5, '63; m. o. July 22, '65. 42d Regiment, Infantry. Jas., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Kendallville ; enlisted Sept. 28, '64 ; m. o. June 18, '65. Thos., Pr., Co. F; residence, Rensselaer; enlisted Nov. 12, '64; m. o. June 18, '65. EHsha, Pr., Co. F; residence, Rensselaer; enlisted Nov. 16, '64; m. o. June 18, '65. Taylor, Pr., Co. K; enlisted Nov. 16, '61 ; m. o. May 27, '65. 43d Regiment. Wm., Pr., Co. A; residence, Clay County; enlisted Aug. 20, '61 ; m. o. June 20, '65. 222 CIVIL WAR INDIANA John F., Musician, Co. B ; residence, Putnam County ; en- listed Sept. lo, '6i ; m. o. June 15, '65, as Pr. Austin, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Putnam County ; enlisted Oct. 2, '61. Dennis, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Aug. 31, '64; m. o. June 14, '65. Clinton, Pr., unassigned ; enlisted Sept. 22, '62. James, Pr., unassigned ; enlisted Oct. 14, '64. 44th Regiment. Joel B., Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Oct. 29, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 14, '65. 45th Regiment, 3d Cavalry. James T., Pr., Co. B ; residence, Harrison County ; enlisted Aug. 22, '61. Wm. F., Pr., Co. F; residence Union County; enlisted Aug. 18, '61. John H., Pr. ; enlisted Aug. 21, '63 ; trans, to 8th Cavalry. 46th Regiment. David C, Pr., Co. A; residence, Delphi; enlisted Nov. i, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 4, '65, as Sergt. John, Pr. ; residence, Gagw ( ?) ; enlisted Dec. 2, '61 ; died at home, April 27, '62. 47th Regiment. Hugh J., Pr., Co. B ; residence, Wabash ; enlisted Nov. 15, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 23, '65. Hugh I., Pr. ; residence, Wabash ; enlisted Dec. 12, '61 ; trans, to Co. B. 48th Regiment. Asa, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Jasper County ; enlisted Jan. 28, '62 ; disch. John, Pr., unassigned; enlisted Aug. 11, '62. CIVIL WAR INDIANA 223 50th Regiment. Win. H., Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Oct. 4, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 5, '65. 51st Regiment. John H., Band ; enlisted Dec. 14, '61 ; m. o. '62. Andrew, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Lafayette ; enlisted Sept. 21, '64; m. o. Aug. 16, '65. Handbury, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted April 9, '64 ; m. o. Dec. 13, '65. 53d Regiment. Hiram, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Maville ; enlisted Mar. 6, '62 ; died, Lagrange, Tenn., June 29, '62. John A., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Santa Claus ; enlisted Mar. 6, '62 ; killed, Atlanta, Ga., July 22, '64. Arphamous, Pr., Co. C : enlisted April 29, '64 ; m. o. July 21, '65. John E., Pr., Co. C; disch. May 11, '65, disabled. Wm. F., Pr., Co. K; enlisted Oct. 13, '64; m. o. July 21, '65. 54th Regiment. Francis A., Pr., Co. C ; enlisted June 14, '62 ; m. o., term expired. John F., Pr., Co. C ; enlisted June 14, '62 expired. John H., Pr., Co. C ; enlisted June 14, '62 expired. Harden, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted June 18, '62 expired. 54th Regiment : i Year. Wm. B., Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Oct. 30, '62. 57th Regiment. Harrison, Corp., Co. G ; residence, Kokomo ; enlisted Nov. 18, '61 ;. m. o. Feb. 4, '65. Amos B., Pr., Co. K ; enUsted Sept. 3, '62 ; m. o. Oct. 14, '65. m. o., term m. o., term m. o., term 224 CIVIL WAR INDIANA 58th Regiment, Non-commissioned Staff and Band. Wm., Musician; enlisted Oct. 15, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 18, '62. John T., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Lexington ; enlisted Oct. 5, '64 ; m. o. July 25, '65. 59th Regiment. George W., Pr., Co. E; residence, Newburg; enlisted Dec. 8, '64; m. o. July 17, '65. James, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Lexington ; enlisted Jan. 4, '64; m. o. July 17, '65. 60th Regiment. Cornelius, Pr., Co. A; enlisted April 8, '64; trans. Co. C, 26th Reg. Isaac, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Mar. 7, '62; disch. Aug. 15, '62, disabled. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Mar. 25, '62; trans. Marine Brigade. John, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Feb. 24, '62 ; died, April 14, '63. 63d Regiment. John, Pr., Co. B; residence, Covington; enlisted May i, '62; m. o. May 3, '65. Edward, Pr. ; enlisted Sept. 21, '62; trans. 128th Reg., Jtme 15, '65. 65th Regiment. James Y., Sergt., Co. K ; residence, Lexington ; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; died, Indianapolis, Dec. 22, '62. John, Pr., Co. K; residence, Lexington; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; m. o. June 3, '65. 67th Regiment. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Aug. 19, '62. John T., Sergt., Co. F; enlisted Aug. 20, '62. Wm. H., Pr., Co. F; enlisted Aug. 20, '62; m. o. July I9> '65. CIVIL WAR INDIANA 225 69th Regiment. Albert, Corp., Co. F ; residence, Union City ; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; m. o. July 5, '65, as Pr. David, Pr., Co. F; residence, Balaka; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; m. o. July 5, '65. Thos., Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; m. o. July 5, '65. Jonathan, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Aug. 19, '62; m. o. July 5, '65. Hugh A., Pr., Co. H; enlisted Aug. 19, '62; m. o. June 30, '65. Geo. W., Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Aug. 19, '62. 71st Regiment, 6th Cavalry. Michael, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Aug. 18, '62; m. o. June 17, '65. Wm. A., Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 18, '62 ; disch. as mmor, Sept. 29, '62. David H., Pr., Co. F; Aug. 20, '63; m. o. Sept. 15, '65. Wm. P., Pr., Co. G ; enlisted June 6, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 15, '65, as Sergt. 72d Regiment. Francis, Pr., Co. A; residence, Fethirliffs Mill; enlisted July 13, '62 ; m. o. July 24, '65, as Corp. 73d Regiment. John, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Logansport ; enlisted Aug. 16, '62 ; m. o. July i, '65. 77th Regiment, 4th Cavalry. Francis M., Pr., Co. F; residence, Pike County; enlisted Aug. 7, '62 ; m. o. June 29, '65. 79th Regiment. John P., Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Aug. 12, '62 ; m. o. June 7, '65, as Corp. Alexander, Pr. ; enhsted Aug. 15, '62; died at Murfrees- boro, Tenn., April 10, '63. 15 226 CIVIL WAR — INDIANA 8 1 St Regiment. John, Pr. ; residence, Derby ; enlisted Aug. 22, '62 ; died, Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 13, '65. 82d Regiment. Wm., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Bean Blossom ; enlisted Aug. 20, '62 ; m. o. June 19, '65, as Corp. 84th Regiment. John W., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Centreville ; enlisted Aug. II, '62 \ m. o. June 30, '65; trans. V. R. C. Amos D., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Knightstown ; enlisted Aug. 13, '62 ; trans. 57th Reg., to make up lost time. Henry C, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Sulphur Springs ; enlisted Aug. 21, '62; m. o. June 14, '65, as Com. Sergt. 87th Regiment. John J., Sergt., Co. B ; residence. Star City ; enlisted Aug. 6, '62 ; died, Gallatin, Tenn., Jan. 4, '63. 90th Regiment, 5th Cavalry. Patrick, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Richmond ; enlisted Aug. 22, '62 ; killed. Walkers Ford, Dec. 2, '6^. Silas H., Pr., Co. K ; residence, Woodville ; enlisted Sept. 9, '62 ; died, Indianapolis, Dec. 8, '62. Martin, Pr., Co. G; residence, Lafayette; enlisted Aug. 21, '62 ; killed at Blufton Island, July 19, '6^. 91st Regiment. Jesse, Pr,, Co. D ; residence, Poseyville ; enlisted Aug. 20, '62 ; m. o. June 26, '65. Andrew J., Pr., Co. G ; residence, Mt. Vernon ; enlisted Aug. 29, '62 ; disch. May 10, '63. Ford, Corp., Co. K; enlisted Aug. 3, '62; m, o. Mar. 23, '64 ; 6 mos. CIVIL WAR — INDIANA - 22/ 93d Regiment. Francis M., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Columbus ; enlisted Nov. 19, '63 ; m. o. June 22, '65. Benjamin, Pr., Co. F; residence, Heltonville ; enlisted Aug. 22, '62; trans. V. R. C, Sept. i, '63. 97th Regiment. Alexander D., Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Aug. 28, '62 ; trans. Co. A. 99th Regiment. James, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Warrington ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62; disch. May 10, '63. Andrew, Pr., Co. E; residence, Morocco; enlisted Aug. II, '62; died, Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 25, '64. 1 00th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. I; residence, Frankfort; enlisted Aug. 29, '62; m. o. June 8, '65. loist Regiment. John, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 16, '62. Noah J., Corp., Co. F; residence, Mt. Etna; enlisted Aug. 16, '62 ; trans. Engineer Corps, July 18, '64. 103d Regiment : Minute Men. Branson, Pr., Co. F; residence, Hendricks County; en- listed, July 10, '6^ ; m. o. July 17, '6^. 104th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Fayette County ; enlisted July 10, '63 ; m. o. July 18, '63. 105th Regiment. Jas. H., Pr., Co. C; residence, Henry County; enlisted July 10, '6s ; m. o. July 18, '63. 228 CIVIL WAR INDIANA io6th Regiment: Minute Men. J., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Randolph County ; enlisted July 9, '63; m. o. July 17, '63. Lewis B., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Hancock County ; enlisted July 10, '63; m. o. July 17, '63. 107th Regiment. Milton, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Indianapolis ; enlisted July II, '63; m. o. July 18, '6^. Jesse, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Indianapolis ; enlisted July II, '63; m. o. July 18, '63. 109th Regiment. Johnson, Pr., Co. D; residence, Miami County; enlisted July II, '63; m. o. July 17, '63. John, Jr., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Miami County ; enlisted July II, '63; m. o. July 17, '63. Amos, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Miami County ; enlisted July II, '63; m. o. July 17, '63. iioth Regiment. Milese, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Henry County ; enlisted July II, '63; m. o. July 14, '6^. I nth Regiment. Julian J., Pr., Co. H; residence. Rush County; enlisted July 12, '63; m. o. July 15, '62,. 114th Regiment. Guilford E., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Johnson County ; en- listed July 10, '63; m. o. July 17, '63. 115th Regiment. Dennis, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Putnam County ; enlisted Sept. I, '63; m. o. Feb. 25, '64. John H., Pr., Co. I ; residence, Putnam County ; enlisted July 6, '63 ; m. o. Feb. 25, '64. CIVIL WAR INDIANA 229 117th Regiment. Wm., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Morgan County ; enlisted July 24, '63 ; m. o. Feb. 25, '64. Alonzo, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Spencer County ; enlisted Aug. 20, '63 ; m. o. Feb. 25, '64. 119th Regiment: 7th Cavalry: 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Aug. 28, '63 ; trans. Co. D, 7th Cav. Reorg. Peter S., Pr., Co. G; residence, Wabash County; enlisted Sept. 14, '63 ; trans. Co. B, 7th Cav. Reorg. 119th Regiment: 7th Cav. Reorganized. Peter S., Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Sept. 14, '63 ; m. o. Feb. 18, '66. John, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Aug. 28, '63; m. o. Feb. 18, '66. 121 St Regiment : 9th Cavalry: 3 Years. James, Pr., unassigned; enlisted Oct. 12, '64. 123d Regiment. James, Pr., Co. E; residence, Laurel; enlisted Jan. 20, '64; m. o. Aug. 25, '65. 124th Regiment : 3 Years. Benjamin, Pr., Co. A; residence, Everton ; enlisted Dec. 19, '63 ; m. o. June 17, '65. Jonathan, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Middletown ; enlisted Jan. 26, '64; m. o. Aug. 31, '65; as Corp. Wm., Pr., Co. K ; residence, Eaton, Ohio ; enlisted Mar. 7, '64; m. o. Aug. 25, '65. 125th Regiment, loth Cavalry: 3 Years. Lafayette, Pr., Co. A ; residence Posey County ; enlisted Mar. 30, '64; m. o. Aug. 31, '65. 230 CIVIL WAR INDIANA Osciola, Pr., Co. A; residence, Posey County; enlisted Mar. 30, '64; m. o. Aug. 31, '65, as Corp. Jesse, Pr., Co. D; residence, Switzerland; enlisted Jan. II, '64; m. o. Aug. 5, '65. Famous, Pr., Co. F ; residence. Pike County. Francis M., Pr., unassigned ; enlisted Sept. 9, '64. 126th Regiment, nth Cavalry: 3 Years. David, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Decatur ; enlisted Dec. 9, '63 ; m. o. Sept. 19, '65. Thos., Pr., Co. I; enlisted Jan. 13, '64; m. o. Sept. 19, '65. 125th Regiment, Infantry. Jas. M., Pr., Co. A; residence, Kent; enlisted Dec. 15, '63; disch. May 17, '65. Thos., Pr., Co. E; residence, Calumet; enlisted Jan. 12, '64; disch. Mar. 22, '65. Edward, Pr., Co. E; enHsted Oct. 21, '63; disch. Oct. 21/65. Levi, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Pleasant Grove ; enlisted Mar. 7, '64; died, Jeffersonville, Ind., April i, '64. 133d Regiment: 100 Days. James F., ist Sergt., Co. E; residence, Vigo County; en- listed May 17, '64; supposed m. o., term expired. 136th Regiment: 100 Days. Elias, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Warrick County ; enlisted May 21, '64; supposed m. o., term expired. Alexander R., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Lawrence County ; enlisted May 21, '64; supposed m. o., term expired. 137th Regiment : 100 Days. James, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Jennings County ; enlisted May 26, '64 ; supposed m. o., term expired. CIVIL WAR INDIANA 23I 139th Regiment: lOO Days. Samuel C, Pr., Co. A; residence, Miami County; enlisted June 6, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 29, '64. Wm. C, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Henry County ; enlisted June 5, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 29, '64, as Corp. 140th Regiment: i Year. Samuel, Pr., Co. F; residence, Greene County; enlisted Oct. I, '64; m. o. July 11, '65. Joseph S., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Ashland ; enlisted Sept. 9, '64; m. o. July II, '65. John F,, I St Sergt., Co. I; residence, Bennington; enlisted Sept. 10, '64; m. o. July 11, '65, as Pr. Ulysses, Pr., Co. I ; residence Leavenworth ; enlisted Sept. 20, '64; m. o. July II, '65. I42d Regiment: i Year. John H., Sergt., Co. K ; residence, Logansport ; enlisted Oct. 13, '64; m. o. July 14, '65. 143d Regiment: i Year. John M., Pr., Co. H ; residence Princeton ; enlisted Jan. 25, '65; m. o. Sept 13, '65, as Corp. Samuel D., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Princeton ; enlisted Jan. 25, '65; m. o. Oct. 17, '65. 144th Regiment: i Year. Michael, Pr., Co. A ; residence. New Albany ; enlisted Jan. 24, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 5, '65. Peter G., Pr., Co. K ; residence, Mt. Vernon ; enlisted Feb. 15, '65; m. o. Aug. 5, '65. 145th Regiment: i Year. Thos., Pr., Co. A ; residence, Taylorsville ; enlisted Feb. 4, '65 ; m. o. Jan. 21, '66. Thos. J., Pr., Co. G ; residence. Slate ; enlisted Feb. 4, '65 ; m. o. Jan. 21, '66. 27,2 CIVIL WAR INDIANA 147th Regiment: i Year. Joseph, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Union County ; enlisted Feb. 2, '65 ; m. o. May 30, '65. James, Jr., Pr., Co. D ; enHsted Feb. 23, '65 ; m. o. May 13, '65. 148th Regiment: i Year. Francis, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Marivida ; enHsted Feb. 17, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 5, '65. Chas., Pr., Co. K ; residence, Jennings County ; enlisted Feb. 23, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 5, '65. 149th Regiment : i Year. John, Pr., Co. E ; enHsted Feb. 28, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 27, '65. 150th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. D ; enHsted Feb. 20, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 5, '65. Thos., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Tippecanoe County ; enHsted Feb. 13, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 5, '65. Wm., Pr., Co. K ; residence, Tippecanoe County ; enHsted Feb. 2, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 5, '65. Boas, Pr., Co. K ; residence, CarroU ; enHsted Feb. 3, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 5, '65. 151st Regiment. Moses J., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Bunker HiH ; enHsted Feb. 12, '65 ; m. o. Feb. 25, '65. Samuel C, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Bunker Hill ; enlisted Feb. 12, '65 ; m. o. Feb. 25, '65. I52d Regiment. James, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Etna Green ; enlisted Mar. 10, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 30, '65. CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 233 153d Regiment. Timothy, Pr., Co. A; residence, Wabash County; enlisted Jan. 23, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 4, '65, as Sergt. Michael A., Pr., Co. K; residence, Wabash County; en- listed Feb. 13, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 4, '65. Batteries of Light Artillery: 3 Years. Thos., Pr., 2d Battery; enlisted Oct. 22, '64; m. o. July 3, '65. Chas., Pr., 2d Battery; enlisted Oct. 15, '64. Jas., Pr., 2d Battery; enHsted Oct. 15, '64. Jas. F., Pr., 3d Battery ; enlisted Aug. 24, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 21, '65. Ford, Pr., 12th Battery ; residence, Bradford ; enlisted Mar. 30, '64; died, July 7, '65, Nashville. John, Pr., 14th Battery ; residence, Largio ; enlisted Mar. II, '62; m. o. Sept. I, '65. John, Pr., 17th Battery; enlisted May 10, '64. Cornelius R., Pr., i8th Battery; enlisted Aug. 6, '62; m. o. May 2y, '65. Richard, Pr., 19th Battery ; enlisted Aug. 20, '62 ; m. o. June 10, '65, as Corp. Edmond, Pr., 20th Battery ; residence, Indianapolis ; en- listed Sept. 19, '62 ; m. o. June 28^, '65. Banjiman, Pr., 21st Battery; residence, South Bend; en- listed Feb. 8, '64; died, July i, '64, Columbia, Tenn. Jas. Pr., 25th Battery; enlisted Sept. 19, '64; m. o. July 20, '65 ; I yr. ILLINOIS. Officers : 22d Infantry. Joseph C, 2d Lieut., Co. G; residence, Salem; enlisted Nov. 27, '61 ; resigned, July 15, '62. 26th Infantry. David P., 2d Lieut., Co. A ; residence, Watson ; enlisted Aug. 10, '61 ; resigned, Jan. 12, '62. 234 CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 27th Infantry. Robert R., ist Lieut., Co. D; residence, Alton; enlisted Aug. 2^, '61 ; in Engineer Corps, Chattanooga, Tenn. 31st Infantry. Martin B., Maj.; residence, Anna; enlisted July i, '63; died, Aug. 15, '63. Martin V. B., Capt., Co. E ; residence, Anna ; enlisted May 20, '62; promoted to Maj. Martin V. B., 2d Lieut., Co. E ; residence, Anna ; enlisted • Feb. 3, '62 ; promoted to Capt. 37th Infantry. John, 1st Ass't Surg. ; enlisted May 25, '6^; resigned, Oct. 19. '63. John, 2d Ass't Surg. ; enlisted Aug. 6, '62 ; promoted. 40th Infantry. Wm. C, Capt., Co. D ; residence, Fairfield ; enlisted Oct. 26, '64; m. o. as ist Lieut. Wm. C, ist Lieut., Co. D; residence, Fairfield; enlisted June 3, '62 ; promoted, Dec, '64. 1st Artillery. Wm. J., 2d Lieut., Co. M ; residence, Pontiac ; enlisted Oct. 10, '63 ; m. o. July 24, '65. 58th Infantry. Patrick J. R., Chaplain ; enlisted Jan. i, '6;^; resigned, Aug. 13, '64. John, Capt., Co. A ; residence, Elgin ; enlisted Aug. 20, '64 ; m. o. Dec. 10, '64. John, 1st Lieut, Co. A; residence, Elgin; enlisted Oct. 12, '62 ; promoted. CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 235 John, 26. Lieut., Co. A ; residence, Elgin ; enlisted July i, '62 ; promoted. Nicholas, 2d Lieut., Co. H ; enlisted April i8, '62 ; disch. Nov. 3, '63. John, Lieut.-Col., Co. H ; residence, Elgin ; enlisted Sept. 5, '65; not mustered; cashiered as Maj., Oct. 8, '65; disabled, Feb. 2, '66. John, Maj., Co. A; residence, Elgin; enlisted May 19, '65; promoted. 75th Infantry, Consolidated. John, 2d Lieut; residence, Chicago; enlisted June 13, '62; m. o. Sept., '62. 90th Infantry. Michael W., Capt. Co. B ; residence, Galena ; enlisted Sept. 6, '62 ; m. o. June 6, '65. John, Capt., Co. G ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Sept. 6, '62 ; absent at m. o. of regiment. iioth Infantry. Wm. K., Capt., Co. H ; residence, Pinkneyville ; enlisted Sept. II, '62; resigned, Feb. 26, '63. Joseph L., 1st Lieut., Co. H; residence. Perry County; en- listed Feb. 26, '63 ; see Co. D, Consol. Joseph L., 2d Lieut, Co. H; residence. Perry County; en- listed Dec. 19, '62 ; promoted. Joseph L., 1st Lieut, Co. D; residence. Perry County; en- listed Feb. 26, '63 ; m. o. June 8, '65. 129th Infantry, Consolidated. Wm., 1st Lieut, Co. D; residence, Scott County; enlisted Mar. 28, '65 ; m. o. June 8, ^65. 144th Infantry: i Year. Chas. J., Capt., Co. B ; residence, Alton ; enlisted Sept. 26, '64; resigned, Dec. 20, '64. 236 CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 154th Infantry: i Year. David P., 1st Lieut., Co. H; residence, Stockton; enlisted June 12, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 18, '65. Schedule D, of Promotion. David P., Mar. 13, '65; promoted to ist Lieut., Co. H, 154th Infantry. Wm., Sergt., Mar. 28, '65 ; promoted to ist Lieut., Co. D, 129th Infantry. David P., 1st Lieut., June 12, '65 ; promoted to Capt., Co. H, 154th Infantry. Peter, Sergt., Aug. i, '65; promoted to 2d Lieut., Co. F, I22d Infantry. John, Maj., Sept. 5, '65; promoted to Lieut. -Col., 13th Cavalry. 7th Infantry: 3 Months. John, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Kane County^ ; enlisted April 22, '61 ; m. o. July 25, '61. 9th Infantry: 3 Months. Joseph, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted April 23, '61 ; m. o. July 25, '61. nth Infantry: 3 Months. Francis, Pr., Co. A; enlisted April 19, '61; m. o. July 25/61. Wm. B., Pr., Co. G; enlisted April 21, '61; m. o. July 25, '61. I2th Infantry: 3 Months. Martin, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted April 17, '61 ; m. o. July 25/61. Dennis, Pr., Co. A : enlisted April 17, '61 ; m. o. July 25, '61. CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 237 7th Infantry. Cornelius, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Huntley ; enlisted Sept. 26, '61 ; died at Camp Butler, Mar. 7, '64. Daniel, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Atlanta ; enlisted July 25, '64; reinlisted as veteran. Daniel, Pr., Co. D; residence, Atlanta; enlisted Dec. 22, '63 ; m. o. July 9, '65. Absolom C, Pr., Co. D (new) ; residence, Pleasant Hill ; enlisted Feb. 18, '65 ; m. o. July 8, '65. Gideon, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Atlanta ; enlisted July 25, '61 ; died, April 25, '62, 8th Regiment. Timothy, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Quincy ; enlisted April 10, '65 ; m. o. April 9, '66. James, Pr., Co. G; residence, Naples; enlisted Feb. i, ^64; promoted to Corp. ; m. o. May 4, '66. 9th Regiment. Francis J., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Nilwood ; m. o. Aug. 20, ^64. 9th Regiment, Consolidated : 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. G; residence, Annawan ; enlisted Jan. i, '64; m. o. July 9, '65. loth Regiment: 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Grafton ; enlisted Feb. 2^, '64 ; m. o. June 22, '65. Booker C, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Edwardsville ; enlisted Aug. 3, '61 ; disch. Jan. 30, '63. Wm. P., Pr., Co. K ; residence, Edwardsville ; enlisted Aug. 3, '61 ; disch. June 18, '62. nth Regiment. Columbus C, Pr., Co. B; residence, Sangamon County; m. o. July 14, '65. 238 CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS James, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Sept. 20, '64 ; m. o. July 14, '65. Roger, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Winnebago County ; enlisted Aug. 10, '61 ; disch. Aug. 25, '62, disabled. John, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Winnebago County ; enlisted Oct. 14, '61 ; died, June 8, '62. Wm. J., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Winnebago County ; en- listed Oct. 7, '61 ; disch. Aug. 6, '62, disabled. Dennis, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Decatur ; trans, to Co. I. Dennis, Pr., Co. I ; trans, to Co. D., 109th III. Inf. ; disch. Nov. 19, '62. I2th Regiment. Andrew, Pr., Co. A; residence, Chicago; enUsted Feb. 18, '64; m. o. July 10, '65. Morris, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Feb. 22, '64 ; died, July 16, '64. Thomas, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Galena ; enlisted Feb. 7, '64 ; m. o. July 10, '65. 13th Regiment. Anthony P., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Rock Island County ; enlisted May 24, '61 ; died, Sept. 6, '63. 14th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Shelby County ; enlisted May 25, '61 ; re-enlisted as a veteran. John, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Shelby County ; enUsted Dec. 12, '63 ; see Co. A, Veteran Battery. John, Corp., Co. E ; residence, Petersburg ; enlisted May 25, '61 ; disch. Oct. 17, '62, disabled. Daniel C, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Petersburg ; enlisted May 25, '61. Cyrus, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Alay 25, '61. 15th Regiment. Thomas, Pr., Co. G; residence, Galena; enlisted May 24, '61 ; m. o. May 24, '64. CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 239 14th and 15th Infantry, Veteran Battalion. John, Pr., Co. A; residence, Shelby County; enlisted Dec. 12, '63 ; see Co. A, 14th 111. 14th Reorganized Infantry: 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. A; residence, Shelby County; enHsted Dec. 12, '63 ; Vet. ; m. o. Sept. 16, '65. 1 6th Infantry: 3 Years. Luciam, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64 ; trans, from io2d 111. Inf. ; m. o. July 8, '65. Amos E., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Quincy ; enlisted Feb. 18, '64; m. o. July 8, '65. Miles D., 1st Sergt., Co. E; residence, Brown County; en- listed May 24, '61 ; trans, to Co. H, 50th 111., Oct. 16, '61. John F., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Oquawka ; enlisted Jan. 30, '64; killed at Bentonville, Mar. 22, '65. Unassigned. John, Pr. ; residence, Na-au-say; enlisted Mar. 6, '65. 17th Regiment Infantry: 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Havana ; enlisted May 25, '61. i8th Regiment Infantry: 3 Years. Charles, Pr., Co. G; enlisted May 28, '61 ; disch. Sept. 18, '61, disabled. John, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Mound City ; enlisted May 28, '61. 1 8th Regiment Reorganized Infantry: 3 Years. Thos., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Roseville ; enlisted Mar. 10, '65 ; died at Little Rock, Oct. 22, '65. Simon, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Henry ; enlisted Mar. 4, '65 ; m. o. May 28, '65. • 240 CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 19th Regiment Infantry: 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. C; residence, Richmond; enlisted Sept. 25, '61 ; trans. WilHam, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Springfield ; enlisted June 4, '61 ; m. o. July 9, '64. Unassigned. James, Pr. ; residence, Linn; enlisted Jan. 17, '65. 20th Regiment: 3 Years. Wm._, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Kansas ; enlisted Jan. 13, ^65 ; m. o. July 16, '65. Samuel, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Grand Rapids ; enlisted Jan. 14, '65 ; did not report. Joseph, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Jan. 17, '65; did not report. John, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Evans ; enlisted Oct. 19, '64 ; did not report. Unassigned. James, Pr. ; residence, Rockville ; enlisted Oct. 26, '64. 2ist Infantry: 3 Years. Bennett A., Pr,, Co. F ; residence, Oakland ; enlisted Sept. 24, '62 ; m. o. June 24, '65 ; prisoner of war. Jefferson S., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Darwin ; enlisted June 21, '61 ; died at Richmond, Va., Nov. 16, 'G^i- 226. Regiment Infantry: 3 Years. Joseph, Sergt., Co. G ; residence, Salem ; enlisted June 25, '61 ; promoted to 2d Lieut. 23d Regiment Infantry : 3 Years. Marvin, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Chicago ; see Co. A, as consolidated. John, Pr., Co. C; residence, Chicago; disch. Aug. '61, disabled. CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 24I Jeremiah, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Chicago ; enHsted Mar. 23, '64; see Co. C, as consolidated. Nicholas, Pr., Co. F ; residence, La Salle ; failed to report at reorganization. Daniel, Pr., Co. F; residence, La Salle; failed to report at reorganization. Danielj Pr., Co. F; residence, Chicago; enlisted Mar. 19, '64 ; Vet. ; see Co. E, as consolidated. Daniel, Pr., Co. F; residence, Chicago; enlisted Mar. 18, '62 ; re-enlisted as Vet. 23d Regiment. Batt., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Chicago ; see Co. E, as con- solidated Patrick, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Chicago. Peter, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Chicago ; failed to report at reorganization. 23d Regiment, Consolidated : 3 Years. Martin, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted June 9, '62; m. o. July I, '65. Daniel, Pr., Co. B; residence, Chicago; enlisted Aug. 22, '65 ; substitute. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Mar. 23, '64 ; m. o. July 24, '65. Batt., Pr., Co. E; residence, Chicago; enlisted May 15, '62; killed at Winchester, Va., July 24, '64. Thomas, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Mar. 18, '65 ; m. o. July 24, '65. 25th Lifantry: 3 Years. Michael, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Dallas ; enlisted June i, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 5, '64 ; prisoner of war. John, Pr., Co. D; residence, Dallas; enlisted June i, '61; disch. Mar. 23, '63 ; wounds. 16 242 CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 27th Regiment Infantry : 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. I; residence, Menard; enlisted Aug. 31, '61 ; wounded ; re-enlisted as veteran. John, Pr., Co. I; residence, Annawan; enlisted Jan. i, '64; trans, to Co. G, 9th 111. ; Vet. 28th Infantry : 3 Years. Henry, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Winchester ; enlisted Aug. 21, '61 ; disch. Aug. 26, '64, term expired. Daniel C, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Petersburg ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64 ; see Co. C, as consolidated. Wm. H., Pr., Co. I ; residence. Canton ; enlisted Aug. 2^, '61. 28th Regiment, Consolidated : 3 Years. David C, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Petersburg ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64; m. o. Mar. 15, '66. Morris H., Pr., Co. F; enlisted Oct. 11, '64; substitute; disch. June 14, '65. Marshal, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Oct. 11, '64; substitute; m. o. June 5, '65. John, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Nov. 14, '64 ; substitute ; m. o. Oct. 19, '65. 29th Infantry : 3 Years. Geo. W., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Pope County ; enlisted Aug. 14, '61 ; disch. April 24, 62, disabled. 30th Infantry: 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Hardville ; enlisted Aug. 20, '61 ; disch. May 10, '62, disabled. John H., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Hustonville ; enlisted Oct. 5, '61. 31st Infantry: 3 Years. Michael, Pr., Co. D ; m. o. July 19, '65. Martin V. B., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Anna ; enlisted Aug. 26, '61. CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 243 John, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Anna ; enlisted Aug. 30, '62 ; died, Jan. 8, '63. Michael, Pr., Co. F ; drafted ; never reported to Co. John, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Dec. 20, '64 ; substitute ; never reported to Co. John E., Pr., Co. I; residence, Canton; enHsted Aug. 15, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Thomas, Pr., Co. I; residence, Pekin ; enlisted Aug. 15, '61. John E., Pr., Co. I ; residence, Tazewell County ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64 ; m. o. July 19, '65, as Vet. Dennis, Pr., Co, K; enlisted Dec. 17, '64; substitute; never reported to Co. Patrick, Pr., Co. K; enlisted Dec. 17, '64; substitute; never reported to Co. 32d Infantry : 3 Years. Wm. F., Pr., Co. A ; residence, Palmyra ; enlisted Aug. 27, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Wm., Pr., Co. A ; residence. Palmyra ; enlisted Jan. 2, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 16, '65. James, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Lincoln ; enlisted Oct. 10, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. James, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Lincoln ; enlisted Jan. 2, '64 ; died at Annapolis, Dec. 24, '64. 33d Infantry : 3 Years. Robert, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Otter Creek ; enlisted Feb. 23, '64; trans, from 124th 111.; m. o. Nov. 24, '65. Henry C, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Wanda ; enlisted Mar. 24, '64; trans, from 117th 111.; m. o. Nov. 24, '65. Wm., Pr., Co. F; residence, Chicago; enlisted Jan. 4, '64; m. o. Nov. 24, '65. Wm., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Roseville ; enlisted Sept. 19, '61 ; disch. April 3, '62, disabled. John C, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted April 29, '64; died at Vicksburg, Sept. 15, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. K; residence, Chicago; enlisted Dec. 16, '63 ; m. o. Nov. 24, '65. 244 CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 34th Infantry: 3 Years. Edmund, Pr., Co. D; residence, Dixon; enlisted Feb. 19, '64; Vet. recruit; m. o. July 12, '65. Joseph, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Bunlett ; enlisted Mar. 23, '65; m. o. July 12, '65. 35th Infantry : 3 Years. Matthew, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Dry Point ; enlisted July 3, '61 ; Corp. ; died at Nashville, Jan. 18, '63. Peter, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Danville ; enlisted July 3, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 27, '64. 37th Infantry : 3 Years. Thomas J., Pr., Co. A ; residence, Rock Island County ; en- listed Aug. 14, '61 ; died at Cassville, Mo., April 9, '62. John, Pr., Co. C; residence, Shields; enlisted Aug. i, '61; re-enlisted as Vet. John, Pr., Co. C ; residence. Shields ; enlisted Feb. 10, '64 ; m. o. May 15, '66. Thomas, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Aug. 3, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Wm., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Coal Valley ; enlisted Sept. 16, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. John, Pr., Co. I; enlisted Jan. 5, '64; m. o. May 15, '66. Daniel, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Portland ; enlisted Sept. I, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. John, Pr., Co. K ; residence, State Line ; enlisted Sept. 15, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 4. '64. Wm. H., Pr., Co. K ; residence. State Line ; enlisted Sept. 10, '61. 38th Infantry : 3 Years. Frank, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Vandalia ; enlisted Aug. 4, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 15, '64. CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 245 39th Infantry : 3 Years. Owen, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Wilmington ; enlisted Sept. 10, '61 ; disch. Dec. 4, '63, disabled. David, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Pontiac ; enlisted Sept. 10, '61 ; disch. Dec. 12, '63, disabled. Unassigned. John, Pr. ; residence, Salamonburg ; enlisted Sept. 26, '64. 40th Infantry: 3 Years. Wm. C, Sergt., Co. D ; residence, Fairfield ; enlisted Aug. 4, '61 ; promoted to ist Lieut. Geo. W., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Jefifersonville ; enlisted May 3, '64; m. o. July 4, '65. 41st Infantry: 3 Years. Robert A., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Clinton ; enlisted Aug. 5, '61 ; died at Clinton, 111., of wounds. Wm. W., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Mt. Pleasant ; enlisted Aug. 7, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 20, '64, as Sergt. John P., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Mt. Pleasant ; enlisted Aug. 7, '61 ; died at Paducah, Ky., Dec. 17, '61. Veteran Battalion, 41st Infantry: 3 Years. Unassigned. George, Pr. ; residence, Pike; enlisted Jan. 10, '65. 42d Infantry: 3 Years. Michael, Pr., Co. B; enHsted Oct. 18, '64; m. o. Oct. 20, '65. Unassigned. Patrick, Pr. ; enlisted Oct. 2'j, '64 ; substitute. 246 CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 44th Infantry: 3 Years. Edward C, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Feb. II, '64; m. o. Sept. 25, '65. John, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Nashville ; enlisted July 10, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. John, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Ashley ; enlisted Jan. i, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 25, '65. John, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Rockford ; enlisted Aug. i, '61 ; died, Jan. 25, '63, of wounds. Unassigned. Henry, Pr. John, Pr. ; enlisted Oct. 7, '64 ; substitute. 45th Infantry: 3 Years. Thomas, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Sept. 21, '64; substitute, never joined Co. ; m. o. June 3, '65. Thomas, Pr., Co. B ; residence. Galena ; enlisted Aug. 21, '62 ; m. o. Oct. 30, '63. Michael, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Galena ; enlisted Nov. 7, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Michael, Pr., Co. C ; residence. Galena ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64; m. o. July 12, '65. Edward, Pr., Co. D ; residence. Galena ; enlisted Mar. 22, '64; m. o. July 12, '65. David, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Aug. 22, '64 ; substitute, never joined Co. ; m. o. July 12, '65. 46th Regiment : 3 Years. James, Pr., Co. F; residence. Clay City; enlisted Jan. 14, '64 ; died at Jasper County, Feb. 22, '64. Murthy, Pr., Co. H; residence, Dixon; enlisted Dec. 15, '63 ; m. o. Jan. 20, '66. CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 247 47th Regiment: 3 Years. Paul, Pr,, Co. E ; residence, Logan County ; enlisted Aug. 16, '61 ; died at Nashville, July 22, '63. Wm., Pr., Co. F; residence, Peoria; enlisted Aug. 21, '61. 47th Infantry, Consolidated: 3 Years. James, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Belvidere ; enlisted Feb. 8, '64; m. o. Jan. 21, '66. Wm., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Lenox ; enlisted Feb. 20, '65 ; m. o. Jan. 21, '66. Unassigned. John, Pr. ; residence, Peoria ; enlisted April 3, '65. 48th Regiment: 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Nov. 30, '64; m. o. Aug. 15, '65. Michael, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Nov. 30, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 15, '65. 49th Infantry: 3 Years. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Waterloo ; enlisted Sept. 5, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Jerry, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Waterloo ; enlisted Jan. i, ^64 ; m. o. Sept. 9, '65. 50th Infantry: 3 Years. Bartholomew, Pr., Co. A ; residence. New York City ; en- listed Nov. I, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Michael, Pr., Co. F; enHsted Nov. 25, '64; m. o. July 13' '65. Miles D., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Ripley ; enlisted Sept. 30, '61 ; promoted to ist Lieut. 248 CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 51st Infantry. John, Pr., Co. B; residence, St. Joseph; enHsted Aug. i, '62 ; trans, to U. S. Engineers, July 20, '64. Michael, Pr., Co. G; residence, Chicago; enHsted Dec. 24, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Unassigned. James, Pr. ; enlisted Jan. 7, '65. 53d Infantry: 3 Years. James, Pr., Co. B ; residence, La Salle ; enlisted Nov. 26, '64; did not join Co. Wm. P. B., Pr., Co. E ; residence. Hunter ; enlisted April 6, '65 ; m. o. July 22, '65. Albert G., Pr., Co. E ; m. o. July 5, '65. John, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Vermilion ; enlisted Dec. 3, '64; never joined Co. 53d Infantry: 3 Years. Matthew, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Ottawa ; enlisted Jan. 28, '62 ; disch. April 28, '62, disabled. Unassigned. Thos. J., Pr. ; residence, Jefferson County ; enlisted April 4, '65 ; m. o. May 28, '65. 54th Infantry : 3 Years. John, .Pr., Co. E ; residence, Springfield ; enlisted July 6, '64; m. o. Oct. 15, ^65. 55th Infantry: 3 Years. James B., Corp., Co. G ; residence, Bushnell ; enlisted Oct. 31, '61 ; killed at Walnut Hill, Miss., June 25, '62,. CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 249 56th Infantry : 3 Years. James., Corp., Co. C ; residence, Hamilton County ; enlisted Nov. 12, '61 ; lost on Steamer " Gen. Lyon," Mar. 31, '65. 57th Infantry: 3 Years. Frank, Pr., Co. A ; residence, New Erin ; enlisted Mar. 6, '64; m. o. July 7, '65. John, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Sept. 16, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. John, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Arlington ; enlisted Dec. 27, '63 ; m. o. July 7, '65. Francis, Pr., Co. D ; trans, to Co. H. Cornelius, Pr., Co. K ; residence. Centre ; enlisted Oct. 5, '61. 58th Infantry : 3 Years. John, 1st Sergt., Co. A; residence, Elgin; enlisted Sept. 8, '61 ; promoted to 2d Lieut. Daniel, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Elgin ; enlisted Sept. 18, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Nicholas, Sergt., Co. H ; enlisted Feb. 7, '62 ; promoted to 2d Lieut. Wm., Pr., Co. H : residence, Cairo ; enlisted Aug. 26, '63 ; trans, to Co. A, as consolidated. Levi, Pr., Co. I; residence, Lesby ; enlisted June 11, '6^; trans, to Co. D, as consolidated. 58th Infantry, Consolidated : 3 Years. Daniel, Corp., Co. A ; residence, Elgin ; enlisted Feb. 24, '64; m. o. April i, '66. Levi, Corp., Co. D ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted June 10, '63 ; m. o. April i, '66. Michael T., Pr., Co. K ; residence. Coal Valley ; enlisted Mar. 16, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 21, '66. John, Pr., Co. K; residence, Coal Valley; enhsted Mar. 16, '65; m. o. Aug. 15, '66. 250 CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 59th Infantry : 3 Years. James, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Tennessee ; enlisted Aug. 5, '61 ; died, Mar. 18, '62, of wounds. 60th Infantry : 3 Years. Chas., Pr., Co. A; residence, Anna; enlisted Oct. 15, '61. James, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Jan. 17, '65; m. o. Jan. 31, '65. Brackston, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Otter Creek ; enlisted Dec. 21, '61 ; missing in action at Pittsburgh Landing; reported dead. 62d Infantry : 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Feb. i, '62; m. o. May 2, '65. 63d Infantry : 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. E; residence, Olney; disch. May 31, '65, exp. of service. James, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Olney ; enlisted Feb. 25, '64 ; m. o. July 13, '65. 64th Infantry : 3 Years.. Daniel, Corp., Co. C ; residence, Elgin ; enlisted Sept. 3, '61. John W., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Springfield ; enlisted Oct. 15, '61. John, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Wilmington ; enlisted Nov. 26, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. John, Pr., Co. F; residence, Wilmington; enlisted Dec. 31, '63 ; absent with leave at m. o. of Reg. 65th Infantry : 3 Years. Lawrence, Pr., Co. H; enlisted May i, '63; trans, to Co. H, as consolidated. Lewis C, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Princeton ; enlisted Feb. 17, '62; m. o. May 15, '65. CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 25 1 65th Infantry, Consolidated: 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted April 6, '65 ; m. o. July 13, '65. Lawrence, Pr., Co. H ; m. o. Aug. 13, '65. Unassigned. Chesley, Pr. ; m. o. Aug. 14, '65. 66th Infantry: 3 Years. Wm. H., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Cameron ; enlisted Oct. 10, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Wm. H., Sergt., Co. F ; residence, Abingdon ; enlisted Dec. 23, '6s ; m. o. July y, '65. 67th Infantry : 3 Months. James, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted June 4, '62. John, Pr., Co. G ; residence. Eureka ; enlisted June 2, '62 ; deserted to another Reg. Lawrence, Pr., Co. I.; enlisted June 3, '62. 68th Infantry: 3 Months. Israel L, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Clinton ; enlisted May 30, '62. Joseph, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Clinton ; enlisted May 30, '62. John, Pr., Co. H; residence, Elkhart; enlisted May 31, '62. James A., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Elkhart ; enlisted May 31, '62. 69th Infantry. Wm., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Dixon ; enlisted June 14, '62. E. C, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted June 2, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 27, '62. 70th Infantry. Joseph N., Pr., Co. B ; enlisted May 30, '62 ; trans, to 68th 111. Israel J., Pr., Co. B ; enlisted May 30, '62 ; trans, to 68th 111. 252 CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 72d Infantry : 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Jan. 14, '64 ; trans, to 33d 111. Inf. Patrick, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Dec. 16, '63 ; trans, to 33d 111. Inf. Francis T., Corp., Co. F ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Aug. g, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 7, '65. John C, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Mar. 29, '64 ; trans, to Co. K. Patrick, Pr., Co. K; residence, Chicago; enlisted Aug. 15, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 7, '65. John C, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Mar. 29, '64 ; trans, to 33d 111. Inf. 75th Infantry : 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. F; residence, Amboy ; enlisted Aug. 13, '62; killed at Love joy Station, Ga., Sept. 2, '64. 77th Infantry : 3 Years. Cyrus, Pr., Co. E; retrans. to 130th 111. Inf. 79th Infantry : 3 Years. Wilson, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Douglas County ; enlisted Aug. 16, '62; trans, to V. R. C, April 6, '63. George W., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Kansas ; enlisted Aug. 8, '62 ; m. o. June 12, '65. 80th Infantry: 3 Years. John F., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Randolph County ; enlisted Aug. 15, '62; m. o. June 10, '65, as Corp. John W., Pr., Co. F; residence, Washington County; en- listed Aug. 15, '62; died, June 27, '64, of wounds. CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 253 83d Infantry : 3 Years. Michael^ Pr., Co. G ; residence^ Alaquon ; enlisted Aug. 10, '62. 84th Infantr}^ : 3 Years. George H., Pr., Co. B; killed at Stone River, Dec. 31, '62. 85th Infantry : 3 Years. John J., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Bath ; enlisted Aug. 2, '62 ; died, July 7, '64, of wounds. 86th Infantry : 3 Years. Patrick, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Morton ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62; m. o. June 5, "65. 87th Infantry : 3 Years. Wm. H., Pr., unassigned ; residence, Burnt Prairie ; en- listed Jan. 29, '64 ; died. Camp Butler, April 27, '64. 88th Infantry : 3 Years. Josephus, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Okaw ; enlisted Aug. 8, '62 ; trans, to Co. E. Josephus, Pr., Co. E ; residence, DeKalb ; m. o. June 9, '65, as Corp. Benjamin, Co. K: residence, Tonica ; enlisted Aug. 13, '62; disch. ^lay 20, '63, disabled. 89th Infantry : 3 Years. Benj. F., Pr., Co. G; residence. Walnut Grove: died at Nashville, Tenn., ^lar. 17, '63. William, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Aug. 7, '62 ; m. o. June 10, '65, as Corp. 90th Infantry : 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Co. A ; residence, Rockford ; enlisted Aug. 5, '62 ; m. o, June 6, '65. 254 CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS Dennis, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Rockford ; enlisted Aug. 5, '62 ; trans, to Invalid Corps, iNIar. 10, '65. Thomas, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Lockport ; enlisted Aug. 12, '62 ; disch. Aug. i. '64, disabled. John, Pr., Co. E; residence, Bridgeport; enlisted Aug. 15, '62 ; trans, to A'. R. C. Bernard, Pr., Co. E; residence, Chicago; enlisted Aug. 13, '62 ; Corp. ; absent, wounded at m. o. Michael, Pr., Co. G; residence, Chicago; enlisted Oct. 7, '62 ; killed at Mission Ridge. 91st Infantry: 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Co. D ; residence, ^lorris ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; m. o. July 12, '65, as Corp. ^lichael, Pr., Co. F; residence, Lawrenceville ; enlisted' Aug. 14, '62 : m. o. July 12. '65. 93d Infantry : 3 Years. Thomas C, Pr., Co. B : residence. Dover ; enlisted Aug. 15, '62. David R., Pr., Co. C ; residence. Center ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; died, June 19, ^6t,, of wounds. 94th Infantry : 3 Years. Wm. H., Sergt., Co. D : residence, Padua ; enlisted Aug. 7, '62; disch. Xov. 18. '62, as Corp.; disabled. Hezekiah, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Padua ; enlisted Aug. 7, ^62; m. o. July 17, '63. Michael, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Bloomington ; enlisted Aug. 20, '62 ; disch. Feb. 25, '63, disabled. 95th Infantry : 3 Years. James, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Belvidere ; enlisted Feb. 8, '64; trans, to Co. B, 47th 111. Inf. CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 255 John, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Mareno ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 17, '65, wounded. James, Pr., Co. H ; residence. Greenwood ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62 ; died at Memphis, Feb. 18, '63. 97th Infantry : 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Alton ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64 ; disch. June 2, '65, disabled. Monroe, Pr., Co. G ; residence, St. Charles County, Mo. ; enlisted Aug. 11, '62; died at Jefferson Barracks, Jan. 26, '63. John, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Alton ; enlisted Jah. 25, '64 ; trans, to 37th 111. Inf. John, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Jerseyville ; m. o. July 29, '65. 98th Infantry: 3 Years. Simeon, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Robinson ; enlisted Aug. II, '62; died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 25, '62. Geo. W., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Hudsonville ; enlisted Aug. 13, '62; died at Alurfreesboro, Tenn., Feb. 28, '63. 99th Infantry : 3 Years. John, Wagoner, Co. A ; residence, Pittsfield ; enlisted Aug. 6, '62 ; trans, to Co. D, as consolidated. John W., Pr., Co. D : enlisted Aug. 7, '62 ; absent — sick at m. o. looth Infantry : 3 Years. James, Pr., Co. A ; residence, W^esley ; enlisted July 20, '62 ; m. o. July 12, '65. Michael, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Lockport ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; Sergt. ; killed at Franklin, Nov. 30, '64. I02d Infantry : 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Co. G; residence, Keithsburg; enlisted Aug. 15, '62 ; disch. Lucian, Pr., Co. G ; residence. New Boston ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64; trans, to Co. C, i6th 111. Inf. 256 CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 104th Infantry: 3 Years. Dennis J., Pr., Co. H; residence, Ottawa; enlisted, Aug. 15, '62', died at Chattanooga, Nov. i, '63. 1 06th Infantry: 3 Years. Henry C, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Elkhart ; enlisted Aug. 5, '62; died at Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 22, '64. James H., Pr., Co. I ; residence, Illiopolis ; enlisted Nov. 6, '63 ; m. o. July 12, '65.. 109th Infantry : 3 Years. Charles, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Saratoga ; enlisted Aug. 15, '62; disch. Dec. 26, '62. Columbus, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Union County ; enlisted Aug. 15, '62; trans, to Co. B, nth 111. Inf. iioth Infantry: 3 Years. Non-commissioned Staff. Joseph G., Sergt.-Maj.; residence. Perry County; pro- moted to I St Lieut., Co. H. John, Pr., Co. C; residence, Vienna; enlisted Aug. 15, '62. Anderson, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Jefferson County ; en- listed Aug. 15, '62; trans, to Co. C, as consohdated. Joseph G., Pr., Co. H; residence, Perry County; enlisted Aug. 15, '62; promoted to Sergt.-Maj. iioth Infantry, Consolidated : 3 Years. Anderson, Pr., Co. C; residence, Jefferson County; en- listed Aug. 15, '62; died at Louisville, Ky., Sept. 20, '64. 115th Infantry: 3 Years. Finley, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Edgar County ; enlisted Aug. 8, '62 ; absent — sick at m. o. CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 257 Ii6th Infantry: 3 Years. Patrick, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Decatur ; enlisted Aug. 20, '62 ; disch. Dec. 4, '63. ii7tli Infantry: 3 Years. Wilson, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Lamb's Point ; enlisted Aug. II, '62] m. o. Aug. 5, '65. iiStli Infantry: 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Co. B; residence, Carthage; enlisted April i, '64; m. o. Oct. I, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. F; m. o. Aug. 16, '65. 119th Infantry: 3 Years. Patrick, Pr., Co. I; residence, Camden; enlisted Aug. 12, ^62 ; trans, to Co. F. 1 20th Infantry: 3 Years. Henry E., Pr., Co. C; trans, to 113th 111., Sept. 10, '65. Geo. W., Musician, Co. G ; residence, Pope County ; en- listed Aug. 22, '62 ; died at Memphis, Feb. 20, '63. I22d Infantry : 3 Years. Dennis H., Pr., Co. A ; residence, Carbonville ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62 ; absent sick at m. o. James L., Corp., Co. D ; residence, Chesterfield ; enlisted Aug. 10, '62 ; disch. July 18, '63. Peter, Sergt,, Co. F; residence, North Nilwood ; enlisted Aug. 15, '62; m. o. July 15, '65. John D., Sergt., Co. F ; residence, Macoupin County ; en- listed Aug. 15, '62; m. o. July 15, '65. Wm., Pr., Co. G; residence, Nilwood; enlisted Aug. 15, '62', m. o. July 15, '65. 17 258 CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 123d Infantry: 3 Years. Christian, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Martinsville ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; m. o. June 28, '65. Amaziah, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Martinsville ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; m. o. June 28, '65. 124th Infantry: 3 Years. Robert, Pr., Co. C ; residence. Otter Creek ; trans, to 33d 111. Inf. Geo. C, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Macomb ; enlisted Aug. 22, '62; m. o. Aug. 15, '65. Luther, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Sciota ; enlisted Aug. ; trans. to 33d 111. Inf. 125th Infantry: 3 Years. Thos. J., Corp., Co. H ; residence, Coal Valley ; enlisted Aug. 8, '62 ; m. o. July 12, '65. 127th Infantry: 3 Years. Robinson B., Musician, Co. A ; residence, Oswego ; en- listed Aug. 6, '62 ; detached at m. o. of Reg. Wright, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Oswego ; enlisted Aug. 6, '62 ; disch. Aug. 27, '64, disabled. Michael, Pr., Co. E ; residence, St. Charles ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; m. o. May 22, '65. 128th Infantry: 3 Years. Wm. R., Corp., Co. H ; residence, Attilla ; enlisted Sept. 26, '62 ; promoted to Sergt. 129th Infantry: 3 Years. Wm., Sergt., Co. D ; residence, Scott County ; enlisted Aug. 13, '62; 1st Sergt., Com. ist Lieut., but not mustered; absent — sick at m. o. of Reg. CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 259 130th Infantry: 3 Years. Cyrus, Pr., Co. D; residence, Taylorville; enlisted Sept. 10, '62 ; trans, to Co. E, 77th 111. Inf. Michael, Pr., Co. I; residence, Springfield; enlisted Sept. 9, '62. 130th, as Revised. Cyrus, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 15, '65. Daniel D., Pr., Co. D; enlisted Dec. 23, '63; m. o. Aug. 15. '65. 131st Infantry: 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Gallatin County ; enlisted Aug. 12, '62. 133d Infantry: 100 Days. Matthew, Pr., Co. K; residence, St. Joseph; enlisted May 2, '64; m. o. Sept. 24, '64. 134th Infantry: 100 Days. Peter, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted May 9, '64 ; m. o. Oct. 25, '64. James, Pr., Co. K; residence, Chicago; enlisted May 10, '64 ; m. o. Oct. 25, '64. 135th Infantry: 100 Days. James, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Champaign ; enlisted April 29, '64; m. o. Sept. 28, '64. 138th Infantry: 100 Days. Nicholas J., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Morris ; enlisted May 20, '64; m. o. Oct. 14, '64. 139th Infantry: 100 Days. Robert G., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Princeton ; enlisted May II, '64; m. o. Oct. 28, '64. 26o CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 140th Infantry: 100 Days. Lawrence, Pr., Co. E; residence, Sublette; enlisted May 18, '64; m. o. Oct. 29, '64. 144th Infantry: i Year. John, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Alton ; enlisted Sept. 3, '64 ; m. o. July 14, '65. Milton A., Pr. Co. F ; residence^ Delhi ; enlisted Sept. 12, '64; m. o. July 14, '65. Aaron N., Pr., Co. F ; residence, Delhi ; enlisted Sept. 19, '64; m. o. July 14, '65. Wm. H., Pr., Co. F; residence, Delhi; enlisted Sept. 12, '64; m. o. July 14, '65. 146th Infantry : i Year. Robert H., Corp., Co. B ; residence, Rockford ; enlisted Aug. 29, '64 ; m. o. July 8, ^65. Michael, Pr., Co. F; residence. Picks Run; enlisted Sept. 7, '64; m. o. July 8, '65. 147th Infantry : i Year. Archibald, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Rockford ; enlisted Feb. 4, '65; m. o. May 17, '65. Lewis, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Northville ; enlisted, Jan. 30, '64; m. o. Jan. 20, '65. 148th Infantry: i Year. John L. D., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Kingston ; enlisted Feb. 8, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 5, '65. 150th Infantry: i Year. Thos. J., Pr., Co. B ; residence, Old Town ; enlisted Jan. 25, '65 ; m. o. Jan. 16, '66. Robert, Pr., Co. K ; residence. Blunt ; enlisted Feb. 3, '65 ; died, Louisville, Ky., April 21, '65. CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 261 151st Infantry: i Year. Wm. F., Pr., Co. F; residence, Manlius ; enlisted Feb. 13, '65 ; m. o. Jan. 24, '66. Cyrus G., Pr., Co. F; residence, Bureau; enlisted Feb. 13, '65 ; m. o. Jan. 24, '66. I52d Infantry: i Year. Joseph, Sergt., Co. E ; residence, Harter ; enlisted Feb. 10, '65; m. o. Sept. II, '65, as Pr. Benjamin H., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Robinson; enlisted Feb. II, '65; m. o. Sept. 11, '65. 153d Infantry: i Year. Patrick, Pr., Co. F ; residence, Cook County ; enlisted Feb. 14, '65; m. o. Sept. 21, '65, as Corp. John, Pr., Co. F; residence. Cook County; enlisted Feb. 10, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 21, '65. 156th Infantry: i Year. James, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Cook County ; enlisted Feb. 15, '65; m. o. Sept. 20, '65. Lawrence, Pr., Co. I ; residence. Cook County ; enlisted Feb. 13, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 20, '65. 1st Cavalry: 3 Years. Ignatius, Pr., Co. B; enlisted Feb. 15, '62; died at RoUa, Mo., May 8, '62. Wm., Pr., Co. C; enlisted Feb. i, '62; m. o. July 14, '62. 2d Cavalry: 3 Years. Thomas, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Sept. 21, '64; substitute; m. o. June II, '65. 262 CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 3d Cavalry : 3 Years. Solomon N., Sergt., Co. G ; residence, Walshville ; enlisted Aug. 12, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 5, '64, as Co. Com. Sergt. John A., Pr., Co. G; residence, Walshville; enlisted Aug. 23, '61 ; disch. Mar. 31, '63, disabled. 3d Cavalry, Consolidated : 3 Years. Nicholas, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Manlius ; enlisted Feb. 22, '65 ; m. o. Oct. 10, '65. Unassigned. John, P. ; residence, Newhall ; enlisted Mar. 28, '65. 4th Cavalry : 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Co. E; residence, Hennepin; enlisted Sept. ii, '61 ; trans, to Co. F. Michael, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Hennepin ; enlisted Aug. 24, '62 ; trans, to Co. C, as consolidated. Wm., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Lincoln ; enlisted Sept. 20, '61 ; m. o. Nov. 3, '64. Thomas, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Earlville ; enlisted Nov. 16, '63 ; disch. Oct. 14, '64, disabled. 5th Cavalry : 3 Years. Wm., Pr., Co. B ; residence, Livingston ; enlisted Aug. 27, '61 ; trans, to V. R. C, Mar. 15, '64. Unassigned. John, Pr. ; residence, Mattoon. James, Pr. ; residence, Dayton ; enlisted Nov. 3, '64. 6th Cavalry: 3 Years. Matthew J., Corp., Co. B ; residence, Johnson County ; en- listed Sept. 10, '61. enlisted Sept. enlisted Sept. enlisted Sept. enlisted Mar. CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 263 James F., Pr., Co. B ; residence, Pope County ; enlisted Sept. 10, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Stephen, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Jacksonville ; enlisted Sept. 3, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Stephen, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Jacksonville ; enlisted Mar. I, '64; m. o. Nov. 5, '65. David, Corp., Co. G; residence, Golconda 24, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Wm. H., Pr., Co. G ; residence, Golconda 24, '61 ; disch. June 3, '64, for wounds. Solomon, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Golconda 24, '61 ; m. o. Nov. 23, '64. David, Corp., Co. G ; residence, Golconda 10, '64; m. o. Nov. 5, '65. John, Pr., Co. L; residence, Osage; enlisted Sept. 17, '61. John, Pr., Co. M ; residence, Franklin County ; enlisted Sept. 17, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 12, '64. Henry, Pr., Co. M ; enlisted June 26, '63. 8th Cavalry: 3 Years. Clarence H., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Woodstock ; enlisted Sept. 7, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. James D. M., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Woodstock ; enlisted Sept. 7, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 28, '64. Clarence H., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Woodstock ; enlisted Nov. 30, '64; disch. for promotion, Jan. 5, '65. Barney, Pr., Co. L ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Jan. 25, '64; m. o. July 17, '65. Eugene, Pr., Co. L ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Feb. 23, '61 ; m. o. July 17, '65. Edward, Pr., Co. L ; residence, St. Charles ; enlisted Sept. 30, '61 ; re-enlisted. Unassigned. John, Pr. ; residence, Taylorville ; enlisted April 11, '65. 264 CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 9th Cavalry: 3 Years. Michael, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Rock Island ; enlisted Mar. 30, '64; m. o. Oct. 31, '65. loth Cavalry : 3 Years. Michael, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Springfield ; enlisted Mar. 14, '64 ; trans, to Co. H, as reorganized. Patrick, Pr., Co. A ; residence, Chatham ; enlisted Mar. 21, '64 ; trans, to Co. A, as reorganized. Michael, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Mt. Sterling ; enlisted Oct. 28, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Michael, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Mt. Sterling ; enlisted Jan. 3, '64 ; see Co. D, as reorganized. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Mt. Sterling ; enlisted Oct. 30, '62 ; see Co. D, as reorganized. Dennis, Pr., Co. L; residence, Waton ; enlisted Sept. 21, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 30, '64. loth Cavalry, Reorganized: 3 Years. Michael, Pr., Co. A ; m. o. Nov. 22, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. A; m. o. Nov. 22, '65. Michael, Pr., Co. D; m. o. Nov. 22, '65, as Saddler. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. D ; died at Brownsville, Ark., Feb. 6, '65. nth Cavalry: 3 Years. Richard, Pr., Co. D : residence, Rickwood ; enlisted Jan. 21, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 30, '65. John, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Corinth, Miss. ; enlisted Sept. 15, '62; dropped from rolls. Patrick, Pr., Co. E ; residence, Peoria ; enlisted Oct. 2y, '64 ; died at Keokuk, la., April 26, '65. Alexander H., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Fremont ; enlisted Sept. 29, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Alexander H., Pr., Co. E ; residence, Fremont ; enlisted Dec. 20, '6^ ; m. o. Sept. 30, '65. Wm. Perry, Pr., Co. G; m. o. July 15, '65. CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS 265 Patrick M., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Fremont ; enlisted Nov. 7, '61 ; re-enlisted as Vet. Patrick, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Fremont ; enlisted Dec. 20, '6^ ; m. o. Sept. 30, '65. Joseph, Pr., Co. H ; trans, to Co. F. Michael, Pr., Co. K ; residence, Burlington, la. ; enlisted Nov. 6, '61 ; disch. Jan. 22, '62. Patrick, Pr., Co. L ; residence, Pekin ; enlisted Oct. 27, '61 ; trans, to Co. E. 1 2th Cavalry: 3 Years. C. R., Pr., Co. D ; residence, Prairie City ; enlisted Dec. 15, '63; trans, to Co. D, as consolidated. Patrick, Pr., Co. M ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Dec. 28, '63. Unassigned. James, Pr. ; enlisted Nov. 21, '62. 1 2th Cavalry, Consolidated : 3 Years. Charles, Pr., Co. D ; m. o. May 29, '66. 13th Cavalry: 3 Years. John L., Pr., Co. G ; residence. Pilot Knob, Mo. 13th Cavalry, Consolidated: 3 Years. Judge W., Pr., Co. E; residence, Carmi ; enHsted Dec. 21, '63 ; died at Camp Butler, 111., Feb. 7, '64. 14th Cavalry: 3 Years. John, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Anna ; enlisted Sept. 22, '62 ; m. o. July 6, '65. Joseph N., Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Jan. 20, '63 ; m. o. July 31. '65. Israel, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Clinton ; enlisted Jan. 4, 64 ; m. o. July 31, '65. 266 CIVIL WAR — ILLINOIS Patrick, Pr., Co. K; residence, Vienna; enlisted Feb. 15, '64 ; disch. June 20, '65. 1 6th Cavalry : 3 Years. Thomas, Pr., unassigned ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Oct. 19, '64. 17th Cavalry: 3 Years. Lawrence, Pr., Co. A; residence, Chicago; enlisted Oct. 17, '63; m. o. May 16, '65. Robert, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Peoria ; enlisted Oct. 5, '63 ; died at St. Charles, 111., Feb. 23, '64. Joseph, Pr., Co. E; residence, Chicago; enlisted Dec. 24, '63; m. o. Nov. 23, '65. Leander J., Pr., Co. G ; residence, Don ; enHsted Dec. 28, '63 ; m. o. Dec. 18, '65. 1st Regiment, Light Artillery. James, Pr., Battery D ; residence, Cincinnati, Ohio ; en- listed Dec. 23, '61 ; m. o. July 28, '65. Wm. J., Q. M. S., Battery M ; residence, Pontiac ; enlisted July 2, '62 ; promoted to 2d Lieut. Samuel A., Pr., Battery M; residence, Chicago; enlisted Feb. 2, '64; m. o. July 24, '65. Unassigned. John, Pr. ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64. 2d Regiment, Light Artillery : 3 Years. John, Pr., Battery B ; enlisted May 19, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 31, '64. Wm. Francis, Pr., Battery B ; residence. Magnolia ; en- listed Feb. 27, '65 ; m. o. July 15, '65. Jeremiah, Pr., Battery D ; enlisted Dec. 20, '61 ; disch. Nov. I, '64, term exp. James, Pr., Battery E; residence, Cincinnati, Ohio; en- listed Aug. 12, '61 ; trans, to Battery D, 1st 111. Art. CIVIL WAR ILLINOIS 267 Samuel S., Pr., Battery I; residence, Sangamon County; enlisted Jan. i, '64; m. o. June 14, '65, as Sergt. Samuel S., Pr., Battery I; enlisted Jan. i, '62; re-enlisted as Vet. Henshaw's Battery : 3 Years. Wm., Pr. ; residence, Nebraska ; enlisted Nov. 14, '62 ; m. o. July 18, '65. First Army Corps. Enlisted Men of Co. No. i, Assigned to Co. A, 2d Regiment, United States Veteran Volunteers. Thomas, Pr. ; residence, West Point ; enlisted Jan. 30, '65. Company No. 9, Assigned to Company D, 6th Regiment, United States Veteran Volunteers. John, Pr. ; residence, Dennison; enlisted Mar. 31, '65; m. o. Mar. 31, '66. Recruits for Regular Army. 2d U. S. Infantry. Thomas, Pr. ; residence, Quincy ; enlisted Nov., '64. 13th U. S. Infantry. John, Pr. ; residence, DeKalb County ; enlisted Jan., '65. Michael, Pr. ; residence, Kane County ; enlisted Mar., '65. 17th U. S. Infantry. John, Pr. ; residence, Amboy ; enlisted Jan. Regiment Not Designated. Michael D., Pr. ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted July. James, Pr. ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted Sept. Michael, Pr. ; residence, Chicago ; enlisted July. 268 CIVIL WAR KENTUCKY KENTUCKY 1st Kentucky Cavalry: 3 Years. Geo. P., Sergt., Co. A ; enlisted July 2^], '61 ; m. o. to ac- cept captaincy in 13th Cav. Sylvester, 5th Sergt., Co. B ; enlisted June 23, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 31, '64. Wesley, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Aug. i, '61 ; died near Somer- set, Ky., Dec. 11, '61. Thomas, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Aug. 24, '61. Sidney, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 24, '61 ; died, Dec. 31, '61, Madison County, Ky. Alvis R., Pr., Co. J ; enlisted Aug. 20, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 31. '64. Albert M., Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Oct. 28, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 31. '64- Simeon, Pr., Co. K; enlisted Sept. 12, '61; died at home in Madison County, Mar. 15, '62. Edmond, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Mar. 10, '63 ; m. o. exp. of service. 3d Regiment, Cavalry. John, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Nov. 6, '61. 4th Regiment, Cavalry. Wm., Pr., Co. F; enlisted Nov. i, '61; died, Bardstown, Ky., Jan. 28, '()2. 6th Regiment, Cavalry. John W., Wagoner, Co. G ; enlisted July 2^^, '62 ; disch. April 10, '63. Wm., 1st Lieut., Co. H; enlisted Aug. 25, '62; promoted from 2d Lieut., Feb. 4, '63 ; killed by the enemy, July 24, '63. Daniel, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Aug. 20, '62 ; captured, Sept. 21, '63; died, April 30, '64, AnnapoHs, Md. Chester, Pr., Co. L; enlisted July 15, '62; disch. order War Dept., May 30, '63. CIVIL WAR — KENTUCKY 269 8th Regiment, Cavalry : i Year. Geo. W., Pr., Co. K; enlisted Aug. 8, '62; m. o. Sept. 23, '63. David M., Sergt., Co. M ; enlisted July 28, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 17, '63. 9th Regiment, Cavalry. John, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Aug. 14, '62; m. o. Sept. 11, '63. Nathaniel, Pr., Co. L ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; killed in action, May 9, '62. loth Cavalry. Archibald, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 17. '63. nth Regiment, Cavalry : 3 Years. Francis M., ist Sergt., Co. A; enlisted Aug. 21, '62; ap- pointed 2d Lieut., from Corp., July 12, '65. Woodson, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 18, '62 ; wounded and captured near Roswell, Ga., Aug. 12, '64; escaped and returned to Reg., Aug. 19, '64. James M., Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 22, '62 ; disch. June 7. '65. Mariman, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Feb. 8, '64; trans, to Co. B, 1 2th Ky. Cavalry. 1 2th Regiment, Cavalry: 3 Years. Joseph, Corp., Co. K; enlisted Nov. 14, '63; trans., Aug. 23, '65, to Co. M, nth Cav. 13th Regiment, Cavalry: Field and Staff: i Year. David M., Com. Sergt. ; enlisted Oct. i, '63 ; promoted to 2d Lieut., Co. A, June 23, '64. Moses, Pr., Co. H; enhsted Dec. i, '63; m. o. Jan. I, '65. 270 CIVIL WAR — KENTUCKY 15th Regiment, Cavalry. Simeon P., Pr., Co. E; enlisted Feb. 14, '6^; m. o. Oct. 6, '63. 1st Veteran Volunteer Cavalry: 3 Years. Edward, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 10, '63 ; m. o. Sept." 30, '65. 1st Regiment, Infantry: 3 Years. Peter, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted June 20, '61 ; m. o. June 18, '64. Michael, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Mar. 10, '61. Andrew, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Mar. 10, '61 ; taken prisoner, Graysville, Ga., Sept. 10, '63; returned, May 28, '64; m. o. June 18, '64. Robert, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Mar. 10, '61 ; m. o. June 18, '64. 2d Regiment, Infantry. Luke, Pr., Co. A; enlisted May i, '61. John, Pr., Co. G; enlisted May i, '61; m. o. June 19, '64. 4th Regiment, Infantry: 3 Years. Chas., Corp., Co. A; enlisted Aug. 16, '61 ; killed in action near Newman, Ga., July 30, '64. Westley H., Pr., Co. C ; enlisted May 30, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 17, '65. Edmund, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Sept. 16, '61 ; disch. Aug. 28, '62. 5th Regiment, Infantry. Edward, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted July 5, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 14, '64. Michael, Pr., Co. G; enlisted July i, '61; died at Chatta- nooga, Tenn., of wounds received at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, '63. Wm., Corp., Co. I ; enlisted July 27, '61 ; killed in Battle of Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, '63. CIVIL WAR — KENTUCKY 2/1 7th Regiment, Infantry: 3 Years. Pearson, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Aug. 19, '61 ; died, June 25, '63, Black River, Miss. E. W., Capt., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 19, '61 ; died. May i, '63. Jesse H., Corp., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 19, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 5, '64. Henry, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 19, '61 ; died on hospital boat, Aug. 4, '63. 8th Regiment, Infantry : 3 Years. Wm. B., Pr., Co. C; enlisted Sept. 23, '61. 9th Regiment, Infantry. Parker M., Pr., Co. K; enHsted Nov. 11, '61 ; trans., Nov. 24, '64, to 23d Ky. Vet. Inf. Phillip A., Pr., Co. K; enlisted Nov. 11, '61; killed in Battle of Stone River (Tenn.), Jan. 2, '63. loth Regiment, Infantry. Michael, Pr., Co. E; enHsted Nov. 20, '62; recruit, time unexpired. Thomas, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Oct. 20, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 6, '64. Geo. W., Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Oct. 2, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 6, '64. Francis, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Nov. 2, '61 ; wounded in Battle of Chattahoochee River (Ga.), Sept. 20, '63. John A., Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Oct. 29, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 6, '64. Benedict J., Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Oct. 25, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 29, '62. John, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Oct. 7, '61 ; disch. May, '62. Burtley, Pr., Co. K; enHsted Oct. 7, '61 ; died, Oct. 21, '6^, Nashville, Tenn. Jerry, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Jan. 22, '62 ; killed, Aug., '62. nth Regiment, Infantry. James M., Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Aug. 14, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 16, '64. 2^2 CIVIL WAR KENTUCKY I2th Regiment, Infantry. Elihu R., Pr., Co. F; enlisted Jan. 13, '63. 14th Regiment, Infantry. Wm., Pr., Co. C; enlisted Oct. 10, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 31, '62. John, 2d Lieut, Co. F; enlisted Nov. 19, '61; resigned June 10, '62. 15th Regiment, Infantry. Lorenzo G., Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Oct. 14, '61 ; died, Jan. 14, %2, at New Haven, Ky., of measles. John, Pr., Co. G; enhsted Oct. 15, '61; sick in hospital, Nashville, Tenn., June 16, '(i2. 1 6th Regiment, Infantry. Robert, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Sept. 23, '61. Abraham, Capt., Co. E ; enlisted Oct. 12, '61 ; resigned Aug. 21, '64. John A., Corp., Co. E; enlisted Oct. 18, '61. Wm. R., Pr., Co. E; enlisted Oct. 18, '61. John, Pr., Co. I; enlisted Oct. 27, '61. Wm., Pr., Co. K; enhsted Nov. 21, '61. 17th Regiment, Infantry. James, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Sept. 13, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 23, '65. John, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Nov. 14, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 23, '65. Cornelius, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Oct. 15, '61; was Pr., Co. E, 25th Ky. ; died at Clarksville, Tenn., Feb. 18, '63. 1 8th Regiment, Infantry. James, Pr., Co. A; enhsted Oct. 27, '61. John, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Oct. 21, '61. John, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Oct. 27, '61. Payton, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Dec. 8, '61. Cornelius, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Feb. 16, '62. CIVIL WAR — KENTUCKY 273 19th Regiment, Infantry. Wm. R., Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Sept. 14, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 26, '65. John, Pr., Co. I; enlisted Sept. 18, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 26, '65. 20th Regiment, Infantry. Thomas A., Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Aug. 4, '61 ; died in Mercer, Ky. ; date unknown. John, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Oct. 5, '61 ; died, Sept. 11, '64, Knoxville, Tenn. Chas., Corp., Co. K; enlisted Nov. 18, '61 ; disch. Jan. 24, '62, at Louisville, Ky., disabled. 2 1st Regiment, Infantry. Wm., Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Oct. 28, '61 ; trans, to V. R. C, Dec. 10, '62. Jas. H. W., Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Oct. 10, '61 ; died, Jan. 9, '62, at Camp Ward, Ky., of fever. C. W., Sergt., Co. I ; enlisted Sept. 29, '61 ; trans, to Pioneer Corps. Cyrus W., Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Sept. 29, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 24, '65, Huntsville, Ala. 23d Regiment, Infantry. James, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Nov. 20, '61 ; disch., Nashville, Tenn., April 29, '63. 26th Regiment, Infantry. Wm. T., Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Oct. 3, '61 ; re-enlisted and trans, to 26th Ky. Vet. Inf. John, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Oct. 21, 'S^- 28th Regiment, Infantry. John, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Jan. 4, '62 ; disch. Oct. 4, '64, at Louisville, Ky., disabled. 18 274 CIVIL WAR KENTUCKY 32d Regiment, Infantry : 9 Months. Wm., Pr., Co. E; enlisted Jan. 8, '63. David, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Dec. 23, '62. 34th Regiment, Infantry : 3 Years. Michael, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Oct. 20, '62 ; died, Mar. 9, '63, at Louisville, Ky. John, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62. James, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 24, '63. 39th Regiment, Infantry. Alexander, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Sept. 16, '62. James C, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Nov. 29, '62. Wm., Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Aug. 10, '63. 47th Regiment, Ky. Vol. Mounted Infantry : i Year. Wm., Pr., Co. D; enHsted Aug. 11, '63; m. o. Dec. 26, '64. Wm. B., Pr., Co. E ; enHsted July 16, '63 ; m. o. Dec. 26, '64. Jesse, Pr., Co. E; enlisted July 18, '63; m. o. Dec. 26, '64. Elihu, Corp., Co. G ; enlisted July 20, '63 ; m. o. Dec. 26, '64. Isaac, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Dec. 2, '63 ; m. o. April 12, '65. 48th Regiment, Ky. Vol. Mounted Infantry : i Year. Joseph R., Corp; enlisted Sept. 29, '63; m. o. Dec. 18, '64. 53d Regiment, Ky. Vol. Mounted Infantry: i Year. Alexander, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Mar. 20, ^65 ; m. o. Sept. 15, '65. 54th Regiment, Ky. Vol. Mounted Infantry : i Year. Riley, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Feb. 11, '65; m. o. Sept. i, '65. John, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Feb. 11, '65; m. o. Sept. i, '65. Nicholas T., Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Feb. 8, '65 ; m. o. Sept. I, '65. Wm., Pr., Co. H; enHsted Sept. i, '64; m. o. Sept. i, '65. CIVIL WAR KENTUCKY 2/5 55th Regiment, Ky. Vol. Mounted Infantry : i Year. Wilford, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Dec. i6, '64; m. o. Sept. 19. '65. Cincinnatus, 2d Lieut., Co. F ; enlisted Feb. 10, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 19, '65. Edwin, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Oct. 10, '64; m. o. Sept. 10, '65. 1 2th Regiment, Ky. Vet. Vol. Infantry: 3 Years. Michael, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Feb. 14, '65; m. o. July 11, '65 ; 3 yrs. Stephen, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Sept. 28, '64; m. o. June 10, '65, at Greensboro, N. C. ; i yr. Abram, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Sept. 26, '64; disch. June 26, '65, at Washington, D. C. ; i yr. Elihu R., Pr., Co. K; enlisted Jan. 13, ^63; m. o. July 11, '65 ; 3 yrs. 1 6th Regiment, Ky. Vet. Vol. Infantry: 3 Years. Robert, Pr., Co. A; enHsted Jan. i, '64; m. o. July 15, '65 James H., Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Mar. 5, '64 ; missing, Nov 30, '64, Franklin, Tenn. John H., Pr., Co. E; enlisted Jan. i, '64; m. o. July 15, '65 Wm., Pr., Co. E; enlisted Feb. 22, '64; m. o. July 15, '65 John, Pr., Co. I; enlisted Jan. i, '64; missing in action May 28, '64, at King's Hill, Ga. Wm., Pr., Co. K; enlisted Jan. i, '64; m. o. July 15, '65 2 1 St Regiment, Ky. Vet. Vol. Infantry. Jesse H. B., Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Oct. 10, '64 ; disch. Aug. 30, '65 ; I yr. 23d Regiment, Ky. Vet. Vol. Infantry. Wm. W., Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Oct. 10, '64 ; absent — sick at Chattanooga, Tenn., at m. o. ; i yr. Parker M., Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Oct. 25, '61 ; trans, from 9th Inf., Dec. 2, '64 ; 3 yrs. 276 CIVIL WAR — IOWA 26th Regiment, Ky. Vet. Vol. Infantry. Wm. T., Pr., Co. D; enlisted Jan. 27, '64; m. o. July 10, '65 ; 3 yrs. Wm. W., Pr., Co. D; enlisted Oct. 7, '64; m. o. July 10, . '65; I yr. Michael, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Oct. 5, '64; m. o. July 10, '65 ; I yr. Edmund, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Oct. 10, '64; m. o. July 10, '65 ; 3 yrs. Thomas A., Pr., Co. H ; Oct. 12, '64 ; absent — sick at Louisville, Ky., at m. o. IOWA. 1st Regiment, Infantry. Wm. L., 31, Co. F; residence, Mt. Pleasant; enlisted April 3, '61 ; m. o. May 14, '61. 2d Regiment, Infantry. Jeremiah, 22, Co. B ; residence, Davenport ; enlisted May 2^, '61 ; wounded in eye and arm, at Donelson, Feb. 15, %2. 3d Regiment, Infantry. Andrew D., 35, Co. A ; residence, Dubuque ; enlisted June 10, '61 ; taken prisoner by enemy; disch. Nov. 30, '61. John, 19, Co. D ; residence, Walworth, Wis. ; enlisted June 8, '61. Judson E., 18, Co. F; residence, Fredericksburg; enlisted May 8, ^61 ; taken prisoner at Shiloh, April 6, '(^2. 4th Regiment, Infantry. James W., 35, Co. B ; residence, Harrison County ; enlisted Aug. 8, '61. CIVIL WAR — IOWA 277 5th Regiment, Infantry. Wm., 28, Co. H ; residence, lowaville ; enlisted Aug. 17, '61 ; disch. Sept. 12, '62. 6th Regiment, Infantry. Robert G., 31, ist Sergt., Co. A; residence, Marion; en- listed July I, '62; promoted from 5th Sergt. James L., 28, Co. E; residence, Albia ; enlisted Oct. 19, '61. 8th Regiment, Infantry. John, 28, Co. H ; residence, Mahaska County ; enlisted Sept. 12, '61 ; killed in Battle of Shiloh. John, Co. I ; residence, Sedalia ; enlisted Feb. 9, '62 ; killed, Battle of Shiloh, April 6, '62. 9th Regiment, Infantry. Wm. L., 21, 1st Corp., Co. D; residence, Monticello ; en- listed Sept. 2, '61 ; died. Mar. 2, '62, of wounds re- ceived at Pea Ridge. lOth Regiment, Infantry. Powhattan, 33, Co. G ; residence, Warren County ; enlisted Sept. 7, '61 ; disch.. New Madrid, Mo., Mar. 7, '62. I2th Regiment, Infantry. Thomas, 18, Co. I ; residence, Ft. Atkinson ; enlisted Nov. 15, '61 ; missing in Battle of Shiloh. 13th Regiment, Infantry. Hugh M., 28, Co. B ; residence, Jasper County ; enlisted Oct. 6, '61 ; disch. for paralysis, Oct. 22, '62. Wm. T., 21, Co. B; residence, Jasper County; enlisted Oct. 6, '61. 278 CIVIL WAR — IOWA 15th Regiment, Infantry. Patrick, 27, Co. H ; residence, Council Bluffs ; enlisted Feb. 22, '62. James, 25, Co. I ; residence, Keokuk ; enlisted Jan. 24, '62 ; died, April 9, '62, of wounds received in Battle of Shiloh. 1 6th Regiment, Infantry. Thomas, 28, Co. C ; residence, DeWitt ; enlisted Dec. 23, '61 ; disch. Sept. 21, '62. Michael, 37, Co. C ; residence, Lyons ; enlisted Jan. 30, %2. Andrew, 29, ist Sergt., Co. G ; residence, Dubuque ; en- listed April 23, '62. 17th Regiment, Infantry. Edward, 30, Co. C ; residence, 111. ; enlisted Mar. 25, '62. John W., 18, Co. F ; residence, Henry County ; enlisted April 10, '62 ; disch. for sickness. John H., 31, Co. H; residence, Onawa; enlisted April II, '62. Edward, 31, Co. K; residence, Muscatine; enlisted Aug. 6, '62. 19th Regiment, Infantry. Field and Staff. Dennis, 28, Chaplain ; residence, Wapello ; enlisted Sept. 3, '62 ; Com. Aug. 28, '62. Daniel, 25, Co. H ; residence, Keosauqua ; enlisted Aug. 21, '62. Wm., 32, Co. K; residence, Mt. Pleasant; enlisted Aug. 16, '62. 20th Regiment, Infantry. John C, 35, ist Corp., Co. G; residence, Princeton; en- listed Oct. 15, '62; wounded, Prairie Grove. CIVIL WAR IOWA 279 2ist Regiment, Infantry. Lawrence, 24, Co. F ; residence, Dubuque ; enlisted Aug. 22, '62. 23d Regiment, Infantry. John, 31, Co. B ; residence, Polk City ; enlisted Aug. 21, '62. 25th Regiment, Infantry. John C, 32, Wagoner, Co. D ; residence, Middletown ; enlisted Sept. 12, '61. John, 31, Co. E; residence, Burlington; enlisted Sept. 10, ^62. Thomas, 24, Co. G; residence, Burlington; enlisted Sept. 10, '62. David, 31, Co. H; residence, Mt. Pleasant; enHsted Sept. 6, '62. 26th Regiment, Infantry. Patrick, 2y, 5th Corp., Co. G ; residence, Dewitt ; enlisted Aug. 15, '62\ promoted from Pr. 28th Regiment, Infantry. Enoch P., 44, 2d Corp., Co. A ; residence, Vinton ; enlisted Sept. 2, '62. Emery W., 18, Co. B; residence, Marengo; enlisted Aug. 19, '62. James R., 25, Co. G ; residence, Marengo ; enlisted Aug. 25, '62. Francis, 20, Co. H ; residence, Brooklyn ; enlisted Sept. 10, '62, 29th Regiment, Infantry. Christopher, 31, Co. H; residence, Afton ; enlisted Nov. 8, '62. 28o CIVIL WAR — IOWA 30th Regiment, Infantry. Malachi, 24, Co. A ; residence, Jefferson ; enlisted Aug. 23, '62. Wm., 37, Co. A ; residence, Jefferson ; enlisted Aug. 23, '62. Andrew J., 18, Co. D ; residence, Bonaparte ; enlisted Aug. 31, '62. Samuel Z., 20, Co. D ; residence, Bonaparte ; enlisted Aug. 31, '62. 32d Regiment, Infantry. John, 28, Co. H ; residence, Geneva ; enlisted Sept. 13, '62. 34th Regiment, Infantry. Thomas, 19, Co. F; residence, Bethlehem; enlisted Sept. 3, '62. 35th Regiment, Infantry. Phillip, 21, Wagoner, Co. E; residence, Muscatine; en-" listed Aug. 8, '62 ; reduced to ranks, own request. Andrew J., 26, Co. I ; residence, Moscow ; enlisted Sept. S, '62. 36th Regiment, Infantry. James A., 37, Co. K ; residence, Albia ; enlisted Sept. 15, '62. 37th Regiment, Infantry. Samuel J., 53, 6th Corp., Co. D ; residence, Marengo ; en- listed Oct. 31, '62; appointed, Oct. 28, '62. Edward, 43, Co. H ; residence, Utica ; enlisted Oct. 27, '62. 1st Regiment, Cavalry. John, 42, Co. G; residence, Ozark. 3d Regiment, Cavalry. Peter, 30, Co. I ; residence, Appanoose ; enlisted Sept. 6, '61. Wm., 23, Co. M; residence, Iconium; enlisted Sept. 12, '61 ; disch. for sickness, June 24, '62. CIVIL WAR IOWA 281 5th Regiment, Cavalry. Wm. M., 20, Co. C ; residence, Page County ; enlisted Sept. 8, '61. 6th Regiment, Cavalry. John, 31, Co. A; residence, Dewitt County; enlisted Oct. 6, '62. Sanford, 27, Co. E ; residence, Council Bluffs ; enlisted Nov. 14, '62. Alfred, 25, Co. L; residence, Lincoln; enHsted Nov. 11, '62. John, 31, Co. M; residence, Dewitt; enlisted Oct. 6, '62. Officers. 6th Regiment, Cavalry: Line Officers. Edward B., Capt., Co. A ; residence, Ottumwa ; enlisted July 8, '63. 19th Regiment, Infantry. Wm. L., 1st Lieut., Co. K; residence, Mt. Pleasant; Com. Aug. 12, '63. i6th Regiment, U. S. Infantry. John L., Maj.; residence, Keokuk; appointed, Sept. 21, '63. 7th Regiment, Cavalry. Edward B., Capt., Co. A ; residence, Ottumwa ; enlisted July 8, '63 ; promoted from ist Lieut. John, 19, Co. F; residence, Hopkinton; enlisted April 21, '63. Amos E., Co. F; residence, Monticello; rejected, disease, 8th Regiment, Cavalry. Henry, 19, Co. G; residence, Taylor Falls; enlisted June 15, '63. 282 CIVIL WAR — IOWA 9th Regiment, Cavalry. Thomas, 19, Co. G; residence, Toledo; enlisted Sept. 24, '63. 4th Battery, Light Artillery. Powhattan V., 35, residence, Knoxville; enlisted Nov. 10, ^63 ; served 8 mos. in Co. G, loth Inf., and 3 mos. in Co. G, 1 8th Inf. Unassigned. John C, 27 ; residence, Burlington ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64. Michael, 35 ; residence. Cedar Rapids ; enlisted Jan. 7, '64. ADDITIONAL NAMES. 1st Battery, Light Artillery. James, 18 ; residence. East Des Moines ; enlisted Jan. 4, '64. 19th Regiment, Infantry. Edward, 44, Co. I ; residence, Utica ; enlisted Sept. 22, '63. Jesse B., 18, Co. K ; residence, Mt. Pleasant ; enlisted May 27, '63- 28th Regiment, Infantry. Isaac M., 47, Co. C ; residence, Center Point ; enlisted Dec. 12, '63. Unassigned. James M., 19 ; residence, Iowa ; enlisted at Vinton, Jan. 5, '64. 32d Regiment, Infantry. Robert H., 44, Co. F; residence. Harden Township; en- listed Jan. 8, '64. 44th Regiment, Infantry. Chas. H., 18, Co. C; residence, Scotch Grove Township; enlisted June i, '64. CIVIL WAR — IOWA 283 45th Regiment, Infantry. Albert, 18, Co. F; residence, Burlington; enlisted May 25, '64. Samuel S., 20, Co. H ; residence, Marengo Township ; en- listed May 25, '64. 47th Regiment, Infantry. James, 18, Co. K; residence, Clinton City; enlisted June 4, '64. 1st Regiment, Cavalry: Veteran Enlistments. John, 44 ; residence, Ozark ; enlisted Dec. 10, '63. 4th Regiment, Infantry : Veteran Enlistments. James W., 37, Co. B ; residence, Magnolia Township ; en- listed Jan. 25, '64. 13th Regiment, Infantry: Veteran Enlistments. Chas. H., 21, Co. H; residence, Marshall Township; en- listed Jan. I, '64. 15th Regiment, Infantry: Veteran Enlistments. Patrick, 29, Co. H ; residence, Cass Township ; enlisted Dec. 31, '63; wounded in Georgia, June 16, '64. 1 6th Regiment, Infantry: Veteran Enlistments. Michael, 39, Co. F; residence, Lyons; enlisted Mar. 11, '64. Andrew, 31, Co. G; residence, Douglas County; enlisted Mar. II, '64. 17th Regiment, Infantry: Veteran Enlistments. . Edward, 32, Co. B ; residence, Keokuk ; enlisted April 22, '64. John R., 20, Co. H ; residence, Franklin Township ; en- listed Mar. 22, '64. 284 CIVIL WAR IOWA 2d Regiment, Veteran Infantry, Consolidated. Jeremiah, 24, ist Corp., Co. B; residence. Liberty; enlisted as Veteran, Mar. 3, '63. Peter, Corp., Co. K ; residence, 2d Cong. Dist. ; enlisted Oct. 18, '64; Veteran, Dec. 28, '63. ADDITIONAL ENLISTMENTS. 3d Regiment, Cavalry. Patrick, Co. I; residence, Davenport; enlisted Nov. 1 1, '63 ; unassigned, last report. 4th Regiment, Cavalry. Wm. R., 17, Co. M; residence, Bloomfield Township; en- listed Mar. 28, '64. 4th Regiment, Infantry. Wm. H., 21, Co. A; residence, 3d Cong. Dist.; enlisted Oct. 5, '64. lOth Regiment, Infantry. John, 24, Co. unknown ; residence, 2d Cong. Dist. ; enlisted Oct. 4, '64. 13th Regiment, Infantry. Unassigned. Daniel, 35 ; residence. Little Sioux Township ; enlisted Nov. 23, '64. 1 6th Regiment, Infantry. Andrew J., 29, Co. C ; residence, Sharon Township ; en- listed Mar. 17, '64; wounded in right hand, July 21, '64, Nickajack, Ga. CIVIL WAR MISSOURI 285 Unassigned. James, 32 ; residence, 3d Cong. Dist. ; enlisted Oct. 17, '64* 24th Regiment, Infantry. Michael, 26, Co. unknown ; residence, Washington Town- ship; enhsted Mar. 16, '64. 28th Regiment, Infantry. Isaac M., 42, Co. A ; residence. Center Township ; enlisted Dec. 12, ''63 ; disch. Nov. 23, '64. MISSOURI. Relief Corps and Home Guard, 1st Regiment, Volunteers: 3 Months. David, 1st Lieut., Co. I, to rank from April 20, '61. James' Battery: Militia: 6 Months. Geo. W., Capt. ; residence, Cameron ; promoted, Oct. 2, '61 ; m. o. Mar. 13, '62. 8th Regiment, Cavalry, Missouri State Militia. D. E., 2d Lieut., Co. G, to rank from April 14, '62. 1st Regiment, Infantry, Missouri Volunteers : 3 Years. David, 1st Lieut., Co. I, to rank from June 10, '62 ; trans, to ist Art., Sept. i, '61. 2d Regiment, Infantry, Missouri Volunteers. John, 2d Lieut., Co. H, to rank from Feb. 17, '63 ; promoted 1st Lieut., Co. G. 8th Regiment, Infantry. Wm. D., 1st Lieut., Co. C, to rank from April 2, '62. Phillip F., 2d Lieut., Co. F, to rank from June i, '61 ; resigned. 286 CIVIL WAR — MISSOURI Wm. D., 2d Lieut., Co. G, to rank from June 20, '61 ; pro- moted to 1st Lieut, Co. C. 25th Regiment, Infantry. John, 1st Lieut., Co. G, to rank from July 20, '63 ; trans, to Co. L, Eng. Reg. 27th Regiment, Infantry. John S., Ass't Surg., to rank from Sept. i, '62 ; resigned. 29th Regiment, Infantry. Phillip H., Maj., to rank from Aug. i, '63. Phillip H., Capt., Co. A, to rank from Sept. 5, '62; pro- moted Maj. Phillip H., Lieut.-Col., to rank from Oct. i, '64; promoted Lieut.-Col., Oct. i, '64. 33d Regiment, Infantry. James R., Capt., Co. G, to rank from Sept. 4, '63 ; resigned. 47th Regiment, Infantry. David, Adjt., to rank from Aug. 3, '64; promoted Lieut.- Col., 50th Inf. 50th Regiment, Infantry. David, Lieut.-Col., to rank from Oct. 20, '64. 13th Regiment, Cavalry. Dubart E., 2d Lieut., Co. G, to rank from April 14, '62. 5th Regiment, Cavalry. Richard, Capt., Co. B, to rank from Feb. 4, '62. CIVIL WAR — MICHIGAN 287 6th Cavalry. Geo. W., Maj., to rank from Jan. 13, '64. Geo. W., Capt., Co. E, to rank from Mar. 28, '62 ; promoted to Maj., Jan. 13, '64. James M., 2d Lieut., Co. E, to rank from Mar. 28, '62. 8th Cavalry. Dubart E., 2d Lieut., Co. G, to rank from Mar. 14, '62. Missouri Militia. James R., ist Lieut., to rank from Oct. i, '64. Engineer Regiment, Missouri Volunteers. John E., Capt., Co. B, to rank from Aug. 17, '63.; trans. to new organization. John E., 1st Lieut., to rank from July 5, '62 ; promoted to Capt., Co. B. John E., Capt., Co. K, to rank from Aug. 17, '63 ; m. o. Oct. 31, '64. New Organization. 1st Regiment, Engineers, Missouri Volunteers. John, 1st Lieut, Co. L, to rank from July 20, '63; m. o. Oct. 31, '64. I St Artillery, Missouri Volunteers. David, Maj., to rank from Mar. 19, '63 ; resigned. David, Capt., Co. F, to rank from Jan. i, '63; promoted Maj. MICHIGAN. nth Regiment, Infantry. Edward, Capt. ; resigned Aug. 12, '65. 1 2th Regiment, Infantry. Isaiah C, 2d Lieut. ; resigned June 7, '65. 288 CIVIL WAR — MICHIGAN 1 6th Regiment, Infantry. Patrick, ist Lieut.; hon. disch. as Sergt., July 8, '65. 1st Engineers and Mechanics. Harmon, Co. L ; Monroe County ; m. o. at Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 22, '65. Nathan, Co. L ; Monroe County ; m. o. at Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 22, '65. Wm., Co. K ; Kalamazoo County ; disch. for disability, July 6, '63. Seba D., Co. F; Monroe County; disch. for disability, July 15, '62. 1st Regiment, Cavalry. James A., Co. H ; Calhoun County ; m. o. July 7, '65. 2d Regiment, Cavalry. Thomas J., Co. F ; died of disease at Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 5, '64. 5th Regiment, Cavalry. John E., Co. I ; Allegan County ; missing in action, Tre- vilian Station, Va., June 11, '64. John E., Co. I ; Allegan County ; gained from missing in action. 7th Cavalry. Wm., Co. G; Bay County; m. o. Dec. 28, '65. Daniel, Co. K; Eaton County; disch. for disability, Dec. II, '63. 8th Regiment, Cavalry. Samuel, Co. M ; Monroe County ; m. o. June 10, '65. 5th Regiment, Infantry. Jeremiah, Co. F ; Wayne County ; died, Washington, Oct. 30, %2. CIVIL WAR MICHIGAN 289 nth Regiment, Infantry. Martin T., Co. F ; Lenawee County ; disch., exp. of service, Sept. 30, '64. 1 2th Regiment, Infantry. Isaiah, Co. C ; St. Joseph's, Ind. ; disch. to re-enlist as Vet., Feb. 25, '64. Joseph N., Co. I ; Berrien County ; missing in action, Pitts- burg Landing, April 6, '62. John W., Co. B ; Berrien County ; died of disease, Helena, Ark., Aug. 16, '63. Wm., Co. I ; Berrien County ; disch. Nov. 28, '62. 14th Regiment, Infantry. Henry E, Co. K ; Clinton County ; disch. to enlist as Vet., Jan. 4, '64. 15th Regiment, Infantry. James J., Co. C; Monroe County; killed, Shiloh, Tenn., April 6, '62. 1 6th Regiment, Infantry. Patrick, Co. C; Genesee County; disch. to re-enlist, Feb. 27, '63. 2 1st Regiment, Infantry. Michael, Co. H; Kent County; disch. for disability, Feb. 16, '64. 24th Regiment, Infantry. James, Co. E; Wayne County; disch. for disability, Nov. 18, '63. 27th Regiment, Infantry. Charles, Co. E ; missing in action at Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 26, '63. Wm., Co. F; St. Clair County; died of disease at Crab Orchard, Ky., Sept. 27, '61. 19 290 CIVIL WAR — MICHIGAN 9th Regiment, Cavalry. Martin, Co. B ; Lenawee County ; m. o. June 19, ^65. Patrick, Co. L ; Wayne County ; disch. for disability, June 9, '65. Luba, Co. D; trans, to V. R. C, Jan. 15, '64. loth Regiment, Cavalry. Moses McMurphy, Co. M ; Ionia County ; m. o. Nov. 11/65. I St Regiment, Light Artillery. James, Co. B ; disch. to re-enlist as Vet., Dec. 24, '63. James, Co. E ; Monroe County ; died of disease, Louisville, Ky., April 15, '65. Daniel, Co. G; m. o. exp. of service, Feb. 12, '65. 14th Battery. Wm. ; Cass County; m. o. July i, '65. 1st Regiment, Infantry. Wm. McMurphy, Co. F ; Saginaw County ; disch. for dis- ability, Feb. 25, '63. 2d Regiment, Infantry. Thomas, Co. G ; Monroe County ; m. o. July 28, '65. 4th Regiment, Infantry. Wm. H., Co. F ; Wayne County ; killed, Mahem Hill, July I, '62. Edwin H., Co. K ; Washtenaw County ; disease, Adrian, Mich., June 24, '64. James H., Co. D; Washtenaw County; disch. to re-enlist as Vet., Dec. 29, '63. 4th Regiment, Infantry (New). James, Co. K ; Washtenaw County ; m. o. Feb. 23, '65. CIVIL WAR CALIFORNIA 29 1 CALIFORNIA. 1st Regiment, Infantry. Nicholas, Co. B; enlisted Jan. i, '64, at Ft. Cummings, N. M. ; from Co. B, Vet. Vol. James, Co. E; enlisted Aug. 26, '61, at Sacramento; disch., exp. of service, Aug. 31, '64. John, Co. G; enlisted Jan. i, '64, at Franklin, Tex.; trans. to Co. G. John, Co. I; enlisted Aug. 17, '61, at Marysville. Patrick, Co. K; enlisted Jan. 7, '62, at San Francisco; disch., exp. of service. 2d Regiment. Patrick, Co. D; enlisted Oct. 7, '61, at San Francisco; trans, to Co. E, 2d Inf., Oct. 16, '61. John, I St, Co. E; enlisted Dec. 9, '64, at San Francisco; disch. Oct. 30, '65. John, 2d, Co. E; enlisted April 4, '64, at San Francisco. Wm., Co. E; enlisted Oct. 4, '61, at San Francisco; disch., exp. of service, Oct. 4, '64. Edward, Co. G; enHsted Nov. 29, '61, at San Francisco; disch. disab., Nov. 9, '62. John, Co. H ; enlisted Nov. 7, '61, at San Francisco ; disch., exp. of service, Nov. 7, '64. Timothy, Co. H; enlisted Nov. 6, '61, at San Francisco; disch. disab., April 21, '62. John, Co. H ; enlisted Nov. 18, '64, at San Francisco ; Vet. Vol. Dennis, Co. H ; enlisted Dec. 7, '61, at San Francisco ; miss- ing from Ft. Humboldt, Mar. 15, '63; reported for duty, Mar. 20, '65. John, Co. I; enlisted Oct. 31, '61, at San Francisco; trans. to Co. K, 2d Inf., Dec. i, '61. Richard, Co. I; enlisted Oct. 19, '64, at San Francisco; Vet. Vol. John, Co. K ; enlisted Oct. 31, '61, at San Francisco ; disch., exp. of service, Nov. 9, '64. 292 CIVIL WAR — CALIFORNIA 3d Regiment. John, Co. D; enlisted Oct. 26, '61, at San Francisco; disch. disab. July i, '62. Thos. J. B., Musician, Co. I ; enlisted Dec. i, '61, at Benicia. 4th Regiment. Edward, Co. C ; enlisted Sept. 20, '62^ at Benecia ; disch., exp. of service. Edward, Co. C ; enlisted Sept. 20, '62, at Benicia ; disch., exp. of service, Oct. 11, '64. John, Co. D ; enlisted Jan. 25, '65, at Ft. Yamhill. Matthew P., Co. F ; enlisted Mar. 24, '65, at San Francisco. Dennis, Co. G; enHsted Mar. i, '65, at New San Diego. John, Co. K; enlisted Oct. 17, '64, at San Francisco. 5th Regiment. James M., Co. F; enhsted Oct. 18, '61, at Quincy; died at Ft. West, Oct. II, '63. John, Co. G; enlisted Nov. 25, '61, at Placeville. John, Co. H ; enlisted Nov. 25, '61, at San Francisco; disch. disab. June 6, ^62. 6th Regiment. Michael, Co. E ; enlisted Mar. 20, '63, at Benicia ; disch. Sept. 28, '63. John, Sergt., Co. I ; enlisted July 2, '64, at San Francisco. 8th Regiment. John A., Corp., Co. A ; enlisted Oct. 5, '64, at Sacramento. Edward K., Co. I ; enlisted Oct. 25, '64, at Nevada. 9th Regiment. John, Co. B ; enlisted Nov. 25, '64, at Sacramento. John, Co. G ; enlisted Dec. 20, '64, at Marysville. Edward, Co. I ; enlisted Dec. 6, '64, at Rowland Flat. CIVIL WAR — WISCONSIN 293 I St Battalion, Mountaineers. John, Co. A: enlisted April i8, '63, at Eureka. 1st Regiment, Cavalry. James, Blacksmith, Co. C ; enlisted Dec. 7, '64, at La Cruces. Edward, Co. E; enlisted April i, '65, at San Francisco. Thomas, Co. G ; enlisted Sept. 3, '63, at San Francisco. 2d Regiment, Cavalry. Richard A., Corp., Co. B ; enlisted Nov. 19, '64, at San Francisco. John, Co. C; enlisted July 19, '64, at San Francisco; trans. to Co. K, 2d Art., U. S. A., Oct. 9, '65. James, Co. I; enlisted Mar. 18, '64, at Placerville. Joshua C, Co. I ; enlisted June i, '64, at Sacramento. John, Co. I; enlisted Oct. 18, '64, at Camp Bidwell. John, Co. L; enlisted Feb. 19, '62, at San Francisco. John, Co. L ; enlisted Feb. 29, '62, at San Francisco ; disch., exp. of service, Feb. 18, '65. Roster Military Corps, 1864-5. 1st Regiment, Artillery. James, Surgeon ; enlisted Jan. i, '64, at San Francisco. Unattached Companies. Johnson Guard. John M., Capt. ; enlisted Aug. 23, '65. WISCONSIN. 8th Regiment. Robert C, Col. ; commissioned Aug. 12, '61 ; to rank from July II, '61; disch. Jan. 10, '63. George, 3d Lieut., Co. E; commissioned May 17, '65; to rank from May 17, '65 ; m. o. Sept. 5, '65. 294 CIVIL WAR — WISCONSIN 2 1 St Regiment. Wyman, ist Lieut., Co. K; commissioned Aug. 26, '62; to rank from Aug. 26, '62; resigned Mar. 11, '64. 34th Regiment. Dennis J. F., 2d Lieut., Co. B; commissioned Dec. 17, '62; to rank from Dec. ly, '62; m. o. Sept. 18, '63. 51st Regiment. Dennis J. F., ist Lieut,, Co. I; to rank from June 30, '65; m. o. Aug. 30, '65. 2d Regiment, Cavalry. Oscar, 1st Lieut.; commissioned Feb. 11, '65; to rank from Feb. II, '65 ; declined. Commissary of Subsistence. Wm. A., appointed April 14, '62. Killed in Action, and Died of Wounds or Disease. 7th Regiment. James, Corp., Co. D; died of wounds, on transport, April II, '65. 8th Regiment. Daniel, Pr., Co. K ; died of disease, Memphis, Tenn., April 13, '63. nth Regiment. Michael, Pr., Co. G ; died of disease in Wisconsin, April 5. '64. 13th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. E ; died of disease, Columbus, Ky., Aug. I, '62. CIVIL WAR WISCONSIN 295 14th Regiment. James, Pr., Co. E; died of disease, Memphis, Tenn., July 14, '63. 15th Regiment. Morgan, Pr., Co. G; accidentally killed by provost guard, Cairo, 111., Sept. 7, '62. 1 6th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. K ; died of wounds, Keokuk, la., May 13, '62. 17th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. A ; killed in action, Atlanta, Ga., July 28, '64. Michael, Pr., Co. A ; died of wounds, Marietta, Ga. 22d Regiment. James B., Corp. ; died of disease, Danville, Ky., Feb. 4, '63. 35th Regiment. Cornelius, Pr., Co. C ; died of disease, Milwaukee, Wis., Mar. 26, '64. 2d Cavalry. Geo., Corp., Co. L ; died of disease, Memphis, Tenn., Mar. 20, '63. 3d Cavalry. Robert R., Corp., Co. I ; killed in action^ Baxter Springs, Oct. 6, '63. James S., Pr., Co. I ; died of disease. Little Rock, Ark., April 5, '65. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. G ; died of disease, Fort Scott, Kan., Nov. 26, '62. 1st Battery. Wm., Pr. ; died of disease. Young's Point, La., June 5, '63. 296 CIVIL WAR MINNESOTA 4th Battery. James, Pr. ; died of disease, Jackson, Tenn., Sept. 28, '62. Lewis, Pr. ; died of disease, Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 5, '63. 6th Battery. Michael W., Pr. ; died of disease, Huntsville, Ala., Mar. 8, '64. MINNESOTA. 1st Regiment. Jas. A., 21, Pr., Co. C; enHsted May 17, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 17, '62 ; wounded at Glendale ; disch. disabled. 3d Regiment. Henry, 18, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Feb. 22, '64; m. o. Sept. 2, '6s. 4th Regiment: Field and Staff. D. M. G., 25, Q. M. ; enlisted April 9, '63 ; Capt, Co. B, May 3, '64. John H., Surg. ; enlisted Dec. 4, '61 ; resigned July 9, '63. Geo. W., Pr., Co. A ; enlisted April i, '62 ; disch. for pro- motion in U. S. service, June 2, '62. Dennison, M. G., 25. Capt., Co. B; enhsted May 4, '64; m. o. July 19, '65. D. M. G., 23, 2d Lieut., Co. G ; enlisted Nov. 22^ '61 ; pro- moted Q. M., May 9, '6;^ ; Capt., Co. B. 6th Regiment. Dennis, 29, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted July 24, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 19, '65. Cyrus N., 41, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Feb. 26, '63 ; m. o. Aug. 19, '65- CIVIL WAR — MINNESOTA 297 7th Regiment. Jerry, i8, Pr., Co. B; enlisted Aug. 17, '62; drowned in Lake Pepin, June, '81. John M., 18, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Sept. 23, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 16, '65; drowned in Lake Pepin, June '81. 8th Regiment. John H., Surg.; enlisted May 7, '64; resigned, Jan. 12, '65. Jas. F., 29, Corp., Co. A ; enlisted Aug. 13, '62 ; m. o. July II, '65. Matthew, 25, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; m. o. July II, '65. Jas., 35, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Oct. 30, '62 ; died, Feb. 11, '65, Camp Stoneman. loth Regiment. John W., 27, Corp., Co. C ; enlisted Sept. 2, '62 ; killed, Dec. 16, '64, at Nashville. Dennis, 21, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Sept. 16, '62; m. o. Aug. 19, '65- Daniel, 35, Pr., Co. K : enlisted Aug. 22, '62 ; disch. June 5. '65. nth Regiment. Ichabod, 23, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Aug. 11, '64; m. o. June 26, '65. John, 38, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 19, '64 ; m. o. June 26, '65. Owen, 18, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Aug. 18, '64; m. o. June 26, '65. Nicholas, 23, Sergt., Co. K ; enlisted Aug. 30, '64 ; m. o. June 26, '65. 1st Regiment, Mounted Rangers. Nicholas, 22, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Sept. 27, '62 ; m. o. Oct. 20, '63 ; promoted Corp. 298 CIVIL WAR — CONNECTICUT John, ig, Ft., Co. B ; enlisted Oct. 14, '62 ; killed by light- ning, July 24, '63, Big Hill, D. T. Samuel, 21, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Jan. 30, '63; m. o. Oct. 31, '63. Ichabod, 21, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Sept. 23, '62; m. o. Oct. 31. '63. Samuel, 22, Pr., Co. D; enlisted Feb. 22, '64; m. o. May 21, '66; promoted Corp. Christopher, 43, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 26, '64 ; m. o. May I, '66. 1st Battery, Light Artillery. Chas. E., 18, Pr. ; enlisted Dec. 31, '63 ; m. o. June 30, '65. 2d Battery, Light Artillery. Geo. F., 23, Pr. ; enlisted Jan. 16, '62 ; died, June 2y, '62, in camp at Clear Creek, Miss. CONNECTICUT. 1st Regiment, Infantry : 3 Months. Wm. G., Pr,, Co. E ; Norwalk ; enlisted May 22, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. 2d Regiment, Infantry : 3 Months. Thos., Pr., Co. H ; Simsbury ; enlisted May 7, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 7, '61. Jas., Pr., Co. I ; New Haven ; enlisted May 7, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 7, '61. 3d Regiment : 3 Months. Michael, Pr., Co. F ; Stamford ; enlisted May 14, '61 ; m. o: Aug. 12, '61. Martin, Pr., Co. K; Bridgeport; enHsted May 11, '61; m. o. Aug. 12, '61. CIVIL WAR — CONNECTICUT 299 1st Squadron, Cavalry: 3 Years. Daniel, Corp., Co. A; Hartford; enlisted Aug. 13, '61; m. o. June 27, '62. Martin, Pr., Co. B ; Burlington ; enlisted Aug. 29, '61 ; died, Andersonville, Oct. 2, '64. 1st Regiment, Cavalry: 3 Years. Patrick, Pr., Co. C; Meriden; enlisted Oct. 21, '63; m. o. Aug. 2, '62. Andy, Pr., Co. E ; East Granby ; enlisted Mar. 26, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 2, '65. Jas., Pr., Co. F; Baltimore, Md. ; enlisted Jan. 19, '64; m. o. Mar. 16, '64. Chas., Pr,, Co. F ; Hartford ; enlisted Aug. 20, '63 ; m. o. Jan. 28, '64. John, Pr., Co. F ; Baltimore, Md. ; enlisted Aug. 20, '63 ; m. o. Dec. 8, '63. John, Pr., Co. K ; Waterford, Md. ; enlisted Jan. 25, '64 ; m. o. Feb. 3, '64. Wm., Pr., Co. L ; Hartford ; enlisted April 12, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 2, '65. 3d Light Battery : i Year. Michael, Pr. ; Southbury; enlisted Sept. 21, '64; m. o. Oct. II, '64. 1st Regiment, Heavy Artillery: 3 Years. Wm. H., Pr., Co. B ; Southbury ; enlisted May 22, '61 ; died, Dec. 11, '61. Patrick, Pr., Co. C; Bozrah ; enlisted April i, '62 \ m. o. May 28, '64. Thos., Pr., Co. D; Wethersfield ; enlisted May 19, '64; m. o. Dec. 9, '64. John, Corp., Co. F: New Haven; enlisted May 14, '62\ m. o. May 22, '64. 300 CIVIL WAR CONNECTICUT Wm., Pr., Co. F ; Stratford ; enlisted May 23, '61 ; m. o. May 23, '64. Patrick, Pr., Co. H; Glastonbury; enlisted Sept. 5, '64; m. o. June 29, '65. Jas. F., Sergt., Co. L ; New Haven ; enlisted Feb. 6, '62 ; m. o. May 11, '65. 2d Regiment, Heavy Artillery : 3 Years. Geo. M., Pr., Co. A ; Kent ; enlisted Jan. 4, ^64 ; m. o. Aug. 18, '65. John, Pr., Co. B ; Waterbury ; enlisted Jan. 22, '64 ; trans. to U. S. Navy, April 6, '64; disch. Nov. 13, '64. Thos. O., Pr., Co. C; Southbury ; enlisted Dec. 31, '63; wounded, Cedar Creek, Va. ; m. o. Aug. 18, '65. Dennis, Pr., Co. C; Torrington ; enlisted Sept. 11, '62; m. o. June 22, '65. John J., Pr., Co. D; Plymouth; enlisted Sept. 11, '62; killed Jan. I, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Benj. A., Pr., Co. F; Norfolk; enlisted Dec. 22, '63; m. o. Aug. 18, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. G ; Norwich ; enlisted Jan. 23, '64 ; wounded, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. Aug. 9, '65. Henry, Pr., Co. H ; Killingworth ; enlisted Nov. 10, '64 ; disch. July 10, '65. Henry, Pr., Co. H; Kent; enlisted Dec. 21, '63; m. o. April 18, '64. Hiram, Pr., Co. H; Kent; enlisted Dec. 21, '63; m. o. June 15, '65. Henry, Pr., Co. K ; Kent ; enlisted Sept. 12, '62 ; m. o. Nov. 3, '62. Geo. M., Pr. ; Kent ; enlisted Jan. 4, '64 ; trans, to Co. H, July 20, '65. 5th Regiment, Infantry. Patrick, Pr., Co. A; Guilford: enlisted Aug. i, '6;^; killed in railroad accident, Oct. 5, '63. CIVIL WAR — CONNECTICUT 3OI John Edward, Pr., Co. D ; Killingly ; enlisted Aug. 22, '63 m. o. July 19, '65. Owen, Pr., Co. E; Norwalk; enlisted June 22, '61 wounded, Cedar Mt., Aug. 9, '62 ; died, Aug. 20, '62 Patrick, Pr., Co. F; Hartford; enlisted July 22, '61 ; m. o July 22, '64. John, Pr., Co. G ; Norwich ; enlisted Aug. 27, '63 ; m. o. Oct. 2, '63. 6th Regiment. Wm., Pr., Co. B ; Hartford ; enlisted Sept. 12, '61 ; m. o. Sept. II, '64. Michael, Pr., Co. E; Bristol; enlisted Nov. 17, ^64; m. o. Aug. 21, '65. Matthew, Pr., Co. F ; New Canaan ; enlisted Dec. 30, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 21, '65. John, Pr., Co. G; Redding; enlisted Oct. 21, '63 ; wounded, Bermuda Hundred ; disch. May 31, '65. Jas., Pr., Co. K ; Norwalk ; enlisted Oct. 9, '63 ; drowned, July 7, '64, James River, Va. 7th Regiment. Thos., Corp., Co. A ; Simsbury ; enlisted Sept. 5, '61 ; m. o. July 20, '65. Wm., Pr., Co. B ; Enfield ; enlisted Nov. 23, '64 ; sent to Gen. Hospital, Feb. 12, '65. John, Pr., Co. C ; Vernon ; enlisted June 23, '65 ; m. o. July 20, '65. Henry, Pr., Co. D ; Wilton ; enlisted Oct. 30, '63 ; wounded and captured at Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20, '64 ; no further record. Dennis, Pr., Co. E ; Simsbury ; enlisted Sept. 6, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 12, '64. Joseph, Pr., Co. E ; New Haven ; enlisted June 2}^, '65 ; m, o. July 20, '65. 302 CIVIL WAR — CONNECTICUT John, Pr., Co. K ; Wolcott ; enlisted June 23, '65 ; m. o. July 20, '65. Wm. M., Corp., Co. D; Norwich; enHsted Sept. 21, '61; captured at Antietam ; disch. May 5, '63. Michael, Pr., Co. G ; Bridgeport ; enlisted July 27, '64 ; m. o. Dec. 12, '65. 9th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. B ; Meriden ; enlisted Sept. 26, '61 ; m. o. Nov. 17, '61. Jeremiah, Corp., Co. C ; New Haven ; enlisted Sept. 27, '61 trans, to Co. A, 9th Batt., C. V., Oct. 12, '64. James, Pr., Co. C ; Norwich ; enlisted Oct. 4, '61 ; died Aug. 16, '62. John, Pr., Co. D ; Kent Plains, N. Y. ; enlisted Oct. 30, '61 m. o. Aug. 2^, '62. Edward, Pr., Co. H ; Danbury ; enlisted Oct. 30, '61 ; trans to Co. C, 9th Batt., C. v., Oct. 12, '64. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. H; New Haven; enlisted May 21, '62 trans, to Co. C, 9th Batt., C. V., Oct. 12, '64. John, Sergt., Co. I ; Bridgewater ; enlisted Oct. i, '61 m. o. Oct. 26, '64. Martin, Pr. ; Northampton, Mass.; enlisted Oct. i, '61 died, Jan. 28, '64. 9th Battalion, Conn. Vol. Infantry : 3 Years. Jeremiah, Corp. ; New Haven ; enlisted Sept. 27, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 7, '65. Edward, Pr., Co. C ; Danbury ; enlisted Oct. 30, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 3, '65. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. C; New Haven; enlisted May 21, %2\ m. o. Aug. 3, '65. loth Regiment. Patrick, Pr., Co. B ; Southbury ; enlisted Dec. 15, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 25, '65. CIVIL WAR CONNECTICUT 303 Alfred, Pr., Co. D; Kent; enlisted Oct. i, ^6i ; m. o. Aug. 5. '65- Thos., Pr., Co. D ; Norfolk, Va. ; enlisted June i6, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 25, '65. Jas., Pr., Co. E ; Hartford ; enlisted Sept. 2, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 7, '64. John, Pr., Co. E ; Barkhamsted ; enlisted Sept. 3, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 7, '64. John, Pr., Co. E; Enfield; enlisted Dec. 10, '63; m. o. April 25, '65. Joseph, Pr., Co. E ; Wethersfield ; enlisted Jan. 4, '64 ; ni. o. Aug. 25, '65. John, Pr., Co. F; Cheshire; enlisted Nov. 19, '64; m. o. Aug. 25, '65. Bernard, Pr., Co. G ; New Canaan ; enlisted Oct. 2, '61 ; m. o. April 29, '63. nth Regiment. Thos., Pr., Co. A; Hartford; enlisted Nov. 14, '61; drowned at Newbern, N. C, July 3, '62. John, Pr., Co. A ; Branford ; enlisted Feb. 8, '64 ; trans, to U. S. N., May i, '64. Chas., Pr., Co. B ; South Windsor ; enlisted Mar. 5, '64 ; m. o. June 19, '65. David, Pr., Co. B ; Stafford ; enlisted Oct. 24, '61 ; m. o. Nov. 16, '62. Lawrence, Pr., Co. D ; Portland ; enlisted Mar. 26, '64 ; wounded, Cold Harbor, Va. ; no final record. James, Pr., Co. D ; East Haven ; enlisted Mar. 24, '64 ; captured at Drury's Bluff; reported dead, '64. James, Pr. ; Windham ; enlisted Nov. 28, '64 ; promoted Sergt., Co. D, Jan. 31, ^65. Cornelius, Pr., Co. H ; Windsor ; enlisted Mar. 16, '64 ; m. o. July 24, '65. John, Pr., Co. I ; Sahsbury ; enlisted May 5, '64 ; m. o.* Dec. 21, '65. 304 CIVIL WAR CONNECTICUT 1 2th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. E; Hartford; enlisted Feb. 21, '62; died, Aug. 25, '63. Daniel, Pr., Co. G ; Spragiie ; enlisted Nov. 20, '61 ; trans. to Co. H, April i, '62. John, Pr., Co. K ; Stoughton ; enlisted Jan. 16, '62 ; died, Mar. 5, '65. Unassigned. James, Pr. ; Preston; enHsted Dec. 21, '64; disch. Aug. 2, '65. 1 2th Battalion, Conn. Vol. Infantry. Daniel, Pr. ; Sprague ; enlisted Nov. 20, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 12, '65. John H. ; Bristol ; enlisted April i, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 12, '65. 13th Regiment. Edward, Pr., Co. B ; Torrington ; enlisted Feb. 20, '62 ; died, April 7, '62, at sea. Wm., Corp., Co. C ; Kent ; enlisted Nov. 27, '61 ; captured, Winchester, Va., Sept. 14, '64; pardoned, Feb. 17, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. D; Hampton ; enHsted Feb. 18, '64; trans. to Co. H, June 30, '64. Michael, Pr., Co. E; New Orleans, La.; enlisted July i, '62 ; trans, to Co. D, 13th Batt., Con. Vol., July 29, '64. 14th Regiment. Michael, Pr., Co. B; Columbia; enlisted Dec. 3, '64; trans. to Co. H, 2d Conn. Vol. H. Art., Mar. 30, '65. Andrew, Pr., Co. I ; Hartford ; enlisted Aug. 23, '62 ; m. o. May 23, '65. Cornelius, Pr., Co. I; Hartford; enlisted Aug. 23, '65; m. o. Oct. 9, '63. CIVIL WAR CONNECTICUT 305 Unassigned. Patrick, Pr. ; Manchester ; enlisted Dec. 7, '64 ; m. o. Dec. 28, '64. 15th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. C ; Vernon ; enhsted Dec. 3, '64 ; trans, to Co. C, 7th Conn. Vol., June 23, '65. Joseph, Pr., Co. E; New Haven; enhsted Jan. 7, '63; trans, to Co. E, 7th Conn. Vol., June 23, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. G; Waterbury; enlisted Sept. i, '64; wounded. Mar. 8, '65, at Kingston, N. C. ; died, Mar. 8, '65. John, I St Pr., Co. K; Wallingford ; enlisted Aug. 25, '62; June 8, '65. John, 2d, Pr., Co. K ; Wolcott ; enlisted Mar. 22, '64 ; trans. to Co. K, 7th Conn. Vol., June 23, '65. Unassigned. Patrick, Pr. ; Durham ; enlisted Dec. 14, '64 ; m. o. Jan. 9, '65. 1 6th Regiment. Wm., Pr., Co. F ; Hartford ; enlisted Aug. 24, '62 ; cap- tured, April 20, '64, Plymouth, N. C. ; died, Anderson- ville, Oct. 21, '64. 17th Regiment. Thos., Pr., Co. B ; Darien ; enlisted Aug. 28, '62 ; m. o. July 19, '65. Walter S., Pr., Co. G ; Bridgeport ; enlisted Aug. 28, '62 ; m. o. Dec. 10, '62. 1 8th Regiment. Frank E., Pr., Co. F ; Norwich ; enlisted Aug. 18, '62 ; m. o. June 2y, '65. 20 306 CIVIL WAR — CONNECTICUT 20th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., Co. F ; New Haven ; enlisted Sept. 8, '62 ; died, May 29, '6^. 2 1 St Regiment. Thos., Pr., Co. A; Norfolk, Va. ; enlisted Dec. 9, '6^ ; trans. to Co. D, loth Conn. Vol., July 16, ^65. John, Pr., Co. F; Montville; enlisted Sept. 5, '62; m. o. Dec. 16, '64. Joseph, Pr., Co. F ; Wethersfield ; enlisted Jan. 4, '64 ; trans. to Co. E, loth Conn. Vol., June 16, '65. Dennis, Pr., Co. I; Norwich; enlisted Sept. 5, '62; died, Mar. 12, '64. Jas., Pr., Co. I; Norwich; enlisted Aug. 13, '62; m. o. June 16, '65. 24th Regiment: 9 xVIonths. John, ist Lieut., Co. H; New Haven; enlisted Sept. 18, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 30, '63. Richard, Pr., Co. H ; New Haven ; enlisted Sept. 18, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 30, '63. 26th Regiment: 9 Months. Orlando C, Pr., Co. H; Norwich; enlisted Nov. 10, '62; m. o. Aug. 17, '63. 27th Regiment, Infantry : 9 Months. Hector, Pr., Co. C ; New Haven ; enlisted Oct. 4, '62 ; m. o. Mar. 24, '63. Regular Army. Richard ]., Pr., Co. K ; New Haven ; enlisted Aug. 24, '57 ; m. o. Aug. 24, '62 ; 14th Infantry. Wm., Pr., Co. K ; New London ; enlisted Dec. 6, '64 ; m. o. Dec. 6, '6y. CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS 307 Navy. Enos, Pr. ; enlisted Sept. i, '62; disch. '63. James, Pr. ; enlisted April 26, '64; m. o. Mar. 27, '65. Patrick, Pr. ; enlisted July 19, '64; m. o. Nov. 13, '64. Thos., Pr. ; enlisted Aug. 10, '64; m. o. July 10, '6^. MASSACHUSETTS. 1st Battalion, Frontier Cavalry: i Year. Thos., 21, Pr., Co. D; Brighton; enlisted Jan. 2, '65 ; m. o. June 30, '65. Michael E., 21, Pr., Co. E; Watertown; enlisted Jan. 2, '65 ; m. o. June 3, '65. 3d Regiment, Cavalry. Edward, 18, Pr., Co. A; New Bedford; enlisted Jan. 16, '64; trans, to navy. Timothy F., 30, Co. A; New Bedford; enlisted Jan. 18, '64; trans, to navy, Jan. 31, '64. Michael E., 22, Pr., Co. C; Lynn; enlisted Feb. 16, '64; m. o. Sept. 28, '65, exp. of service. Thos., 21, Pr., Co. C ; Roxbury ; enlisted Dec. 8, ^d}^ ; m. o. Sept. 28, '65, exp. of service. Jas., Jr., 23, Corp., Co. D; Boston; enlisted Mar. 11, '64; m. o. Sept. 28, '65, exp. of service. Jas., 19, Pr., Co. D; Cambridge; enlisted Feb. 15, '64; m. o. Sept. 28, '65, exp. of service. Michael, 18, Pr., Co. F; Salem; enlisted Oct. 27, '(y2\ m. o. Nov. 27, '63 ; disabled. Patrick J., 18, Pr., Co. F ; Lynn ; enlisted Oct. 27, '62 ; killed, Sept. 19, '64, Winchester, Va. Cornelius, 30, Pr., Co. G ; Lowell ; enlisted Nov. i, '62 ; m. o. May 20, '65, exp. of service. Cornelius, 19, Pr., Co. L; Dorchester; enlisted Jan. 2, '65; m. o. Sept. 28, '65, exp. of service. John H., 19, Pr., Co. M; Bradford; enUsted Jan. 2, '65; m. o. Sept. 28, '65, exp. of service. 308 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS Unattached. Dennis, 28, Pr, ; Abington ; enlisted Sept. 23, '64. Jeremiah^ 21, Pr. ; Boston; enlisted Jan. 22, '64. Jeremiah, 28, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Feb. 4, '64. James, 29, Pr. ; Dedham; enlisted Feb. 16, '64. 14th Regiment, Cavalry. Patrick G., 27, Pr., Co. C; Spencer; enlisted Jan. 6, '64; m. o. Nov. 14, '65. Thos., 26, Pr., Co. K ; Oxford ; enlisted Sept. 23, '64 ; m. o. May 22, '65, exp. of service. Peter, 21, Pr., Co. M; Raynham ; enHsted Sept. 22, '64; m. o. Nov. 14, '65, exp. of service. Unassigned. John, 21, Pr. ; Lowell; enlisted Aug. 24, '64. Michael, 21, Pr. ; Essex; enlisted July 2"/, '64. 5th Regiment, Cavalry. Joseph C, Capt., Co. A ; Boston ; enlisted Jan. 2, ^64 ; m. o. June 26, '65, exp. of service. Joseph C, I St Lieut., Co. A; Boston; enlisted Oct. 27, '63; m. o. July 2, '64, as Capt. John, 18, Pr., Co. C ; Granville ; enlisted Dec. 24, '63 ; m. o. exp. of service. Michael, 19, Pr., Co. C ; Dennis ; enlisted Jan. 14, '64; m. o. June 29, '65, exp. of service. New Battalion of Cavalry. John, 17, Corp., Co. I; Lowell; enHsted Dec. 5, '6^', ni. o. June 26, ^65, exp. of service, in Co. F. 2d Regiment, Cavalry. Cornelius, 18, Pr., Co. A; Hanover; enlisted May 18, '64; m. o. Aug. 18, '65, exp. of service. CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 309 Jas., 27, Pr., Co. A ; Lowell ; enlisted Dec. lo, '64 ; m. o. July 20, '65, exp. of service. Jeremiah, 23, Pr., Co. A ; Lynn ; enlisted Feb. 2, '65 ; m. o. July 20, '65, exp. of service. Jas., Pr., Co. B ; Boston ; enlisted Sept. 16, '63 ; m. o. July 20, '65, exp. of service. Thos., 20, Pr., Co. B ; Boston ; enlisted Sept. 14, '63 ; trans., May I, '65, to V. R. C. Jas. W., 25, Pr., Co. G ; Worcester ; enlisted Mar. 9, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 7, '65. Michael, 19, Pr., Co. G; Roxbury ; enlisted Oct. 18, '64; m. o. June 5, '65. Cornelius, 21, Pr., Co. H; Medford ; enlisted Dec. 19, '63; m. o, July 20j '65, exp. of service. Edward P., 22, Pr., Co. H; Rehoboth ; enlisted Aug. 29, '64 ; m. o. July 20, '65, exp. of service. Michael, 19, Pr., Co. I ; Boston ; enUsted Feb. 23, '64 ; m. o. July 20, '65, exp. of service. Unassigned. John, 21, Pr. ; Dorchester; enHsted Nov. 16, '64. John, 23, Pr. ; Lowell ; enlisted July 28, '64. 3d Regiment, Heavy Artillery. Jas., 20, Pr., Co. A ; Abington ; enHsted Sept. 23, '64 ; m. o. June 14, '65, exp. of service. Jas., 26, Pr., Co. A ; Boston ; enlisted Jan 10, '63 ; m. o. April 5, '64 ; disabled. Michael, 21, Pr., Co. A; Marlborough; enHsted Dec. 30, '63; trans., Sept. 19, '64, to navy. John, 24, Pr., Co. C; Salem; enHsted Feb. 5, '64; m. o. Sept. 18, '65, exp. of service. Stephen, 18, Pr., Co. C ; Springfield ; enlisted July 14, %Z ; m. o. Sept. 18, '65, exp. of service. Frank, 22, Sergt., Co. E; Stoneham ; enlisted Jan. 11, '64; m. o. Sept. 18, '65. 3IO CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS Daniel, 19, Sergt., Co. K ; Cambridge ; enlisted May 12, '64; m. o. Sept. 18, '65, exp. of service. Jas., 28, Musician, Co. L ; Dorchester ; enlisted May 30, '64 ; m. o. Sept. 18, ^65, exp. of service. 4th Regiment, Heavy Artillery. Michael, 20, Pr., Co. F ; Worcester ; enlisted Aug. 20, '64 m. o. June 17, '65, exp. of service. Jeremiah, 25, Pr., Co. G ; Holliston ; enlisted Aug. 23, '64 m. o. June 17, '65, exp. of service. Wm. F., 30, Pr., Co. I; Stoneman ; enlisted Aug. 15, '64 m. o. June 17, '65, exp. of service. 29th Unattached Company, Heavy Artillery. Michael, 21, Pr. ; Quincy ; enlisted Aug. 30, '64 ; m. o. June 16, '65, exp. of service. 1st Battalion, Heavy Artillery: 3 Years. Thos., 22, Sergt., Co. C ; Boston ; enlisted April 22, '63 ; m. o. Oct. 9, '65, exp. of service. John, 18, Pr., Co. C ; Westborough ; enlisted Feb. 14, '65 ; m. o. Oct. 20, '65, exp. of service. Thos. H., 24, Pr., Co. C; Boston; enlisted July 21, ^63; m. o. June 29, '65, exp. of service. Jas., 39, Pr., Co. D ; Salem ; enlisted June 6, '63 ; m. o. Nov. 23, '63 ; disabled. Thos., 18, Pr., Co. D ; Salem ; enlisted Feb. 5, '64 ; m. o. Nov. 21, '64; disabled. Thos., 28, Pr., Co. D; Cohasset ; enlisted Feb. 16, '64; m. o. Sept. 12, '65, exp. of service. 2d Regiment, Heavy Artillery. Chas., 18, Pr., Co. A; Westfield ; enlisted July 28, '63; m. o. Sept. 3, '65 ; exp. of service. Richard, 19, Pr., Co. B ; Marlborough ; enlisted July 29, '63 ; m. o. Sept. 3, '65, exp. of service. CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS 3II Jas., 20, Pr. ; Quincy ; enlisted Sept. 2, '64 ; trans., Jan. 17, '65, to 17th Inf. Thos., 24, Pr., Co. D; Pittsfield ; enlisted Aug. 31, '64; trans., Feb. 9, '65, to 17th Inf. Jas., 23, Pr., Co. E; Amesbury; enlisted July 9, '64; drowned, July 14, '65, Smithville River, N. C. Jas., 42, Pr., Co. E; Abington ; enlisted Sept. 6, '64; trans., Dec. 16, '64, to 17th Inf. Dennis, 23, Pr., Co. E ; Milford ; enlisted Oct. 5, '63 ; m. o. Sept. 3, '65, exp. of service. Dennis, 18, Corp., Co. F; Lawrence; enlisted Oct. 21, '63; m. o. Sept. 3, '65, exp. of service. Wm., 18, Pr., Co. G; North Bridgewater ; enlisted Dec. 9, ^63 ; m. o. Sept. 3, '65, exp. of service, Co. H. Jas., 19, Pr., Co. H; Northampton; enlisted July 20, '64; trans., Jan. 17, '65, to 17th Inf. Thos., 18, Pr., Co. K; Amherst; enlisted July 19, '64; m. o. Sept. 3, '65, exp. of service, in Co. H. Daniel, 36, Pr., Co. L ; Lawrence ; enlisted Dec. 22, '63 ; m. o. Sept. 3, '65, exp. of service. Hugh, 25, Pr., Co. M ; Newburyport ; enlisted Dec. 24, '63. Unassigned. James, 42, Pr. ; Abington ; enlisted Sept. 6, '64 ; trans., Jan. 16, '65, to 17th Inf. loth Battery, Light Artillery. Henry, 18, Pr. ; Dorchester ; enlisted Aug. 9, '64 ; m. o. June 9, '65, exp. of service. nth Battery, Light Artillery. John F., 22, Sergt. ; Charlestown ; enlisted Jan. 2, '64; m. o. June 16, '65, exp. of service. 312 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 13th Battery, Light Artillery. Patrick, 19, Pr. ; Taunton; enlisted Dec. 2.6^ '64; m. o. July 28, '65, exp. of service. 14th Battery, Light Artillery. John, 21, Pr. ; New Bedford; enlisted Jan. 10, '64; m. o. June 15, '65, exp. of service. 1st Regiment, Heavy Artillery: 3 Years. John, 18, Pr., Co. C ; Deerfield ; enlisted June 14, '64 m. o. Aug. 16, '65, exp. of service. John W., 18, Pr., Co. C; Springfield; enlisted Nov. 23 ^64; m. o. Aug. 16, '65, exp. of service. James, 22, Pr., Co. K ; Westford ; enlisted July 28, '62 m. o. Dec. 28, '63, to re-enlist. Jas., 24, Pr., Co. K ; Tyngsborough ; enlisted Dec. 29, '65 m. o. June 9, '65 ; disabled. Stephen, 21, Pr., Co. K; Lawrence; enlisted July 5, '61 killed, May 19, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Edward, 22, Pr., Co. L; Danvers ; enHsted Mar. 11, '62 m. o. Mar. 17, '64, to re-enlist. Edward, 24, Pr., Co. L; Danvers; enHsted Mar. 17, '64 m. o. Aug. 16, '65, exp. of service, in Co. A. Unassigned. Bernard 25, Pr. ; Rockdale; enlisted July 29, '61. 4th Battery, Light Artillery. Timothy, 26, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Oct. 14, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 2, '64 ; re-enlisted. Timothy, 28, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Jan. 3, '64 ; m. o. Oct. 14, '65, exp. of service. 5th Battery, Light Artillery. John, 44, Pr. ; Salem ; enlisted Dec. 9, '62 ; m. o. April 12, '64 ; disabled. CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 313 Jas., 18, Pr. ; Fitchburg; enlisted Aug. 3, '64; m. o. June 12, '6s, exp. of service. John, 38, Pr. ; Salem ; enlisted Aug. 22, '64 ; m. o. June 12, '65, exp. of service, Thos., 2y, Pr. ; Salem ; enlisted Aug. 5, '64 ; m. o. June 12, '65, exp. of service. Thos., 18, Pr. ; Dorchester; enlisted Jan. 26, '64; m. o. June 12, '65, exp. of service. Walter, 19, Pr. ; Wenham; enlisted Aug. ii, '64; m. o. June 12, '65, exp. of service. 6th Battery, Light Artillery. Jas., Artificer ; New Orleans, La. ; enlisted Sept. i, '62 ; m. o. May 13, '63 ; disabled. Jas. F., 20, Pr. ; Medway ; enlisted Dec. 5, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 7, '65, exp. of service. John F., 21, Pr. ; Mansfield; enlisted Nov. 30, '64; m. o. Mar. ly, '65 ; disabled. 7th Battery, Light Artillery. Michael, 23, Pr. ; Roxbury ; enlisted Oct. 24, '64 ; m. o. Nov. 10, '65, exp. of service. 9th Battery, Light Artillery. Arthur, 18, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 10, '62 ; killed at Gettysburg, July 2, '63. David S., 18, Pr. ; Milford; enlisted Dec. 18, '6^; m. o. June 6, '65, exp. of service. John, 21, Pr. ; Lowell; enlisted Sept. 9, '64; m. o. June 6, '65, exp. of service. Thos., 35, Pr. ; Cambridge ; enlisted Nov. 30, '6^ ; m. o. June 6, '65, exp. of service. 51st Regiment. Patrick, 21, Pr., Co. G; Oxford; enUsted Sept. 30, '62; m. o. July 27, '63, exp. of service. 314 CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS Chas., 28, Pr., Co. K; Blackstone; enlisted Sept. 25, '62; m. o. July 27, '63, exp. of service. nth Battery, Light Artillery: 9 Months. John F., 21, Pr. ; Charlestown ; enlisted Aug. 25, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 25, '63, exp. of service. 1st Battery, Light Artillery: 3 Years. David S., 18, Pr. ; Milford ; enlisted Dec. 18, '63 ; trans.. Mar. 12, '6s, 9th Battery. John, 21, Pr. ; Lowell; enHsted Sept. 9, '64; trans., Mar. 12, '65, 9th Battery. Thos., 35, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Jan. 4, '64 ; m. o. Jan. 9, '64; rejected. 2d Battery, Light Artillery. Francis, 20, Pr. ; Bolton ; enlisted Dec. 2, ^63 ; m. o. Aug. II, '65, exp. of service. John, 21, Pr. ; Somerville ; enlisted Mar. 15, '64; trans., April 23, '64, to navy. Wm. J., 26, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Jan. 25, '64 ; m. o. Jan. 28, '64; rejected. 3d Battery, Light Artillery. Jas., 24, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Sept. 5, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 16, '64, exp. of service. Jas., 18, Pr. ; Fitchburg ; enlisted Aug. 3, '64 ; trans., Sept. . I, '61, to 5th Battery. Thos., 18, Pr. ; Dorchester; enlisted June 26, '64; trans., Sept. I, '6t, to 5th Battery. Walter, 19, Pr. ; Wenham ; enlisted Aug. 11, '64; trans., Sept. I, '61, to 5th Battery. 46th Regiment. Chas., 18, Pr., Co. K; Westfield ; enlisted Oct. 22, '62; m. o. June i, '63 ; received in 2d Heavy Art. CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 315 47th Regiment. Henry, 34, Pr., Co. D ; New Bedford ; enlisted Sept. 20, '62; m. o. Sept. I, '63, exp. of service. Jas., 29, Pr., Co. D ; New Bedford ; enlisted Sept. 20, '62 ; m. o. Sept. I, ^63 ; exp. of service. Jerry, 2^^, Pr., Co. D ; New Bedford ; enlisted Sept. 20, '62 ; m. o. Sept. I, '63, exp. of service. Wm., 32, Pr., Co. K ; West Roxbury ; enlisted Dec. 2, '62 ; never joined. 48th Regiment. Michael, 44, Pr., Co. E ; Salem ; enlisted Sept. 19, ^^2 ; m. o. Sept. 3, '63, exp. of service. Peter, 18, Pr., Co. E ; Salem ; enlisted Sept. 19, '(i2 ; m. o. Sept. 3, '63, exp. of service. John, 18, Pr., Co. F; Wenham ; enlisted Sept. 11, '62; m. o. Sept. 3, '63, exp. of service. Patrick, 18, Pr., Co. H; Lowell: enHsted Oct. 31, '62; m. o. Sept. 3, '63, exp. of service. Wm. A., 19, Pr., Co. H; Lowell; enlisted Sept. 25, '62; m. o. Sept. 3, ^(>2i^ exp. of service. 49th Regiment. Wm., 2"], Pr., Co. E ; Egremont ; enlisted Sept. 19, '62 ; m. o. Sept. I, '63, exp. of service. Thos., 22, Pr., Co. G ; South Adams ; enlisted Sept. 21, '62\ m. o. Sept. I, '63, exp. of service. 50th Regiment. Timothy, 30, Pr., Co. F ; Haverhill ; enlisted Oct. 20, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 24, ^63, exp. of service. John, 21, Pr., Co. H; Maiden; enlisted Sept. 29, '62; m. o. Aug. 24, '63, exp. of service. Jeremiah, 28, Pr., Co. I ; Worcester ; enlisted Sept. 30, '(>2 ; m. o. Aug. 24, '63, exp. of service. 3l6 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS John, 22, Pr., Co. I ; Worcester ; enlisted Sept. 30, '62 m. o. Aug. 24, '63, exp. of service. Patrick, 25, Pr., Co. I ; Worcester ; enlisted Sept. 30, '62 died, Aug. 8, '63, Mound City, 111. Thos., 25, Pr., Co. I ; Westborough ; enlisted Sept. 30, '62 m. o. Aug. 24, '6^, exp. of service. 6th Regiment, Infantry. Jeremiah, 28, Pr., Co. A; Lowell; enlisted Aug. 31, '62; died, June 3, '63, Lowell, Mass. Jas., 31, Pr., Co. C; Lowell; enHsted Aug. 31, '62; m. o. June 3, '6^, exp. of service. Jeremiah, 44, Pr., Co. F ; Cambridge ; enlisted Sept. 8, '62 ; m. o. June 3, '63, exp. of service. Daniel, 35, Pr., Co. K; Bellerica; enlisted Aug. 31, '62; m. o. June 3, '63, exp. of service. Dennis, 35, Pr., Co. K; Bellerica; enlisted Aug. 31, '62; m. o. June 3, '63, exp. of service. 8th Regiment. Edward, 26, Pr. ; Beverly ; enlisted Sept. 19, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 7, '63, exp. of service. 42d Regiment. David, 23, Pr., Co. C ; North Bridgewater ; enlisted Oct, II, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 20, '63, exp. of service. Patrick, 29, Pr., Co. C; Hopkinton ; enlisted Oct. ii, ^62; m. o. Aug. 20, '63, exp. of service. 43d Regiment. John, 23, Pr., Co. B; Boston; enlisted Oct. 11, '62; m. o. July 30, '63, exp. of service. Jas. J., 32, Pr., Co. C ; Boston ; enlisted Sept. 24, '62 ; m. o. July 30, '63, exp. of service. CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS 317 45th Regiment. James, 19, Pr., Co. B ; Milton; enlisted Sept. 26, '62; m. o. Nov. 7, '63, exp. of service. Jeremiah, 25, Pr., Co. C ; Franklin ; enlisted Sept. 26, '62 m, o. July 7, '63, exp. of service. Michael, 21, Pr., Co. C; Boston; enlisted Sept. 26, '62 m. o. July 7, '63, exp. of service. Wm. H. F., 17, Pr., Co. C ; Boston ; enlisted Sept. 26, '62 m. o. July 7, '63, exp. of service. Jas., 23, Pr., Co. I ; West Cambridge ; enlisted Oct. 7, '62 killed, Dec. 14, '62, Kinston, N. C. 2d Unattached Company: i Year. Edward, 28, Pr. ; Gloucester; enlisted Nov. 16, '64; m. o. July 7, '65, exp. of service. 26th Unattached Company. John E., 21, Corp.; Barnstable; enlisted Nov. 13, '64; m. o. May 12, '65, exp. of service. Cornelius, 23, Pr. ; Somerset; enlisted Dec. 13, '64; m. o. May 12, '65, exp. of service. Dennis, 18, Pr. ; Raynham ; enHsted Dec. 14, '64; m. o. May 12, '65, exp. of service. 8th Battery, Light Artillery: 6 Months. Matthew, 18, Pr. ; Charlestown ; enlisted June 19, '62; m. o.- July 20, '62, writ habeas corpus. 3d Regular Infantry: 9 Months. Dennis B., 36, Pr., Co. C; Fall River; enHsted Sept. 23, '62 ; m. o. June 26, '63 ; exp. of service. Jere E., 21, Pr., Co. D; Fall River; enlisted Sept. 23, '62; July 26, '63, exp. of service. Timothy, 32, Pr., Co. D : Fall River ; enlisted Sept. 23, '62 ; July 26, '63, exp. of service. 3l8 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS Wm. F., 19, Pr., Co. K ; Bridgewater ; enlisted Sept. 23, '62 ; m. o. June 26, '63, exp. of service. 4th Regiment. Patrick, 21, Pr., Co. A; Canton; enlisted Sept. 23, '62; m. o. Aug. 28, '63. Michael, 25, Sergt., Co. K ; Taunton ; enlisted Sept. 23, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 28, '63, exp. of service. Daniel, 19, Pr., Co. K ; Easton ; enlisted Sept. 23, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 28, '63, exp. of service. 5th Regiment. Michael, 21, Pr., Co. A ; Charlestown ; enlisted Sept. 29, '62 ; m. o. July 2, '63, exp. of service. Michael K., 25, Pr., Co. G ; Woburn ; enlisted Sept. 16, '62 ; m. o. July 2, '62, exp. of service. Richard, 19, Pr., Co. I ; Marlborough ; enlisted Sept. 16, '62 ; m. o. June 16, '63 ; re-enlisted 2d Reg., H. A. 42d Regiment. Thos., 21, Pr., Co. B; Boston; enlisted July 22, '64; m. o. Nov. II, '64, exp. of service. Jeremiah, 18, Pr., Co. G; Blackstone ; enlisted July 21, '64; m. o. Nov. II, '64, exp. of service. Barth, J., 20, Pr., Co. H ; Palmer ; enlisted July 16, '64 ; m. o. Nov. II, '64, exp. of service. 60th Regiment. Thos., 19, Pr., Co. D; Fall River; enhsted July 21, '64; m. o. Nov. 30, '64, exp. of service. David, 19, Pr., Co. G; Boston; enlisted Aug. i, '64; m-. o. Nov. 30, '64, exp. of service. 1 6th Unattached Company. Cornelius, 19, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 6, '64 ; m. o. Nov. 14, '64, exp. of service. CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 3I9 Timothy, 19, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 6, '64 ; m. o. Nov. 14, '64, exp. of service. 1 8th Unattached Company. Samuel, 18, Pr. ; Chelsea; enlisted Aug. 6, '64; m. o. Nov. 14, '64. 2 1 St Unattached Company. Dennis, 37, Pr. ; Fall River; enHsted Aug. 11, '64; m. o. Nov. 18, '64. 23d Unattached Company. John E., 19, Pr. ; Fair Haven; enlisted Aug. 18, '64; m. o. Nov. 26, '64. 5th Regiment: 3 Month Volunteers. Thos. G., 24, Pr., Co. H; South Danvers ; enlisted Jan. I, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61, exp. of service. 8th Regiment. Peter, 21, Pr., Co. G ; Gloucester ; enlisted June 19, '61 ; m. o. Aug. I, '61, exp. of service. 5th Unattached Company. Jeremiah B., 20, Pr. ; Fall River; enlisted May 4, '64; m. o. Aug. 2, '64, exp. of service. 6th Unattached Company. Thos., 26, Pr. ; Westborough ; enlisted May 4, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 2, '64; exp. of service. 7th Unattached Company. Michael W., 19, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted May 4, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 2, '64 ; exp. of service. 320 CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS 1 2th Unattached Company. Wm., i8, Pr. ; Salem; enhsted May i6, '64; m. o. Aug. 15, '64, exp. of service. 6th Regiment: 100 Days. Patrick C, 18, Pr., Co. D; Lawrence; enUsted July 16, '64; m. o. Oct. 2.'], '64, exp. of service. Timothy, 23, Pr., Co. H; Cambridge; enlisted July 17, '64; m. o. Oct. 2j, '64, exp. of service. Hugh, 18, Pr., Co. I ; Danvers ; enlisted July 15, '64; m. o. Oct. 2y, '64, exp. of service. 8th Regiment. Jas. H., 18, Pr., Co. I; Boston; enlisted July 17, '64; m. o. Nov. 10, '64, exp. of service. Joseph P., 23, Pr., Co. K; Pittsfield; enhsted July 21, '64; m. o. Nov. 10, '64. Regular Army. Dennis, 22, Pr., ist Artillery; Hardwick; enlisted Sept. 10, '64. Edward, 21, Pr., nth Infantry; Boston; enlisted April 27, '64. Hugh, 21, Pr,, 19th Infantry; South Hadley; enlisted May 24, '64. Jas., 23, Pr., 1st Artillery; West Bridgewater; enlisted Nov. II, '63. John, 28, Pr., 8th Infantry ; Groton ; enlisted July 9, '64. John, 19, Pr., 19th Infantry; Boston; enhsted April 15, '64. John, 19, Pr., Engineer Corps ; Sheffield ; enlisted Dec. 23, '64. John J., 20, Pr., Engineer Corps ; Webster ; enlisted Feb. 6, '65. Matthew, 33, Pr., 2d Cavalry; Attleboro ; enhsted July 24, '64. CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 32I Michael, Pr., Ordnance Corps; Cambridge; enlisted Feb. 24, '64. Michael, 26, Pr., 15th Infantry; Roxbury; enlisted Feb. 9, '64 ; disch. Dec. 9, '6y. Patrick, 30, Pr., Artillery; West Roxbury; enlisted Feb. 27, '64. Patrick, 21, Pr., 2d Artillery; Watertown; enlisted Sept. 5. '64; Thos., 32, Pr., 2d Infantry; Sheffield; enlisted July 15, '64. Thos., 24, Pr., 5th Cavalry; Attleboro; enlisted July II, ^64. 62d Regiment. John, 19, Pr., Co. A; Boston; enlisted Mar. 12, '65; m. o. May 5, '65, exp. of service. Jeremiah, 24, Pr., Co. B ; Boston ; enlisted April 10, '65 ; m. o. May 5, '65, exp. of service. Patrick D., 21, Pr., Co. B; Boston; enlisted April 10, '65; m. o. May 5, '65, exp. of service. Veteran Reserve Corps. Franklin B., 35, Pr. ; Brewster ; enlisted Sept. 2, '64. Henry, 42, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted April 26, '64. John, 41, Pr. ; Carlisle; enlisted May 5, '64. John, 40, Pr. ; Groton ; enlisted Aug. 31, '64. John, 29, Pr. ; Lowell ; enlisted July 20, '64. John, 40, Pr. ; Lowell ; enlisted Aug. 2, '64. John, 38, Pr. ; Reading ; enlisted Dec. 10, '64. John S., 23, Pr. ; Cambridge ; enlisted May 6, '64 ; m. o. Nov. 16, '65, order War Dept. Michael B., 44, Pr. ; Dorchester ; enlisted July 25, '64. Michael, 22, Pr. ; Charlestown ; enlisted Jan. 19, '65. Owen, 40, Pr. ; Beverly ; enlisted July 14, '64 ; m. o. July 18, '65, disabled. Patrick, 23, Pr. ; Roxbury ; enlisted July 6, '64 ; m. o. Nov. 18, '65, order War Dept. 21 322 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS Patrick, 22, Pr. ; Melrose ; enlisted May 24, '64. Richard, 48, Pr. ; Berlin ; enlisted May 3, '64. Wm., 50, Pr. ; East Bridgewater; enlisted May 11, '64. 57th Regiment. Cornelius, 18, Pr., Co. A ; Milford ; enlisted Jan. 4, '64 ; killed, June 17, '64, Petersburg, Va. Patrick, 33, Pr., Co. A; Milford; enlisted Jan. 4, '64; killed, May 6, '64, Wilderness. John, 21, Pr., Co. C; Milford; enlisted Feb. 18, '64; m. o. July 30, '65, exp. of service. Wm., 23, Pr., Co. E; Salem; enlisted Feb. 4, '64; m. o. July 30, '65, exp. of service. 58th Regiment. Wm. T., 20, Pr., Co. D ; Bridgewater ; enlisted Mar. i, '64 ; died, Nov. 27, '64, Danville, Va. Wm. F., 35, Pr., Co. G ; Fall River ; enlisted Mar. 26, '64 ; m. o. July 14, '65 ; exp. of service. 59th Regiment. Thos., 19, Pr., Co. B ; Lowell ; enhsted Jan. 5, '64 ; miss- ing, July 30, '64. Philip F., Pr., Co. C ; Holliston ; enlisted Jan. 14, '64. Timothy, 29, Pr., Co. C ; Charlestown ; enlisted Jan. 14, '64; killed. May 6, '64, Wilderness. Wm., 23, Pr., Co. E; Salem; enlisted Feb. 4, '64; trans., June I, '65, to 57th Inf. Jeremiah, 21, Pr., Co. G; Stoneham ; enlisted Mar. 4, '64; killed, May 12, '64, Spottsylvania. John, 27, Pr., Co. G ; Stoneham ; enlisted Mar. 4, '64 ; m. o. Jan. 14, '65, disabled. 61 St Regiment. James, 21, Pr., Co. D; Adams; enlisted Sept. 14, '64; m. o. June 4, '65, exp. of service. CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 323 Timothy, 2J, Corp., Co. H; B lacks tone ; enlisted Dec. 27, '64; m. o. July 16, '65, exp. of service. Wm., 18, Pr., Co. H; Holliston ; enlisted Dec. 13, '64; m. o. Dec. 28, '64, disabled. Dennis C, 22, Corp., Co. I ; Newburyport ; enlisted Feb. 17, '65 ; m. o. July 16, '65, exp. of service. 38th Regiment. Michael, 30, Pr., Co. B ; Cambridge ; enlisted Aug. 8, '62 ; died, May 25, ^6}^, Brashear City, La. 39th Regiment. James, 33, Pr., Co. A ; Boston ; enlisted Oct. 12, '6}, ; trans., June 2, '65, to 32d Inf. Thos., 24, Pr., Co. B ; Charlton ; enlisted July 25, '63 ; trans., June 2, '65, to 32d Inf. Thos., 30, Pr., Co. G ; Taunton ; enlisted Aug. 5, '63 ; died, Jan. I, '65, Salisbury, N. C. Jas., 19, Pr., Co. I ; Natick ; enlisted Aug. 25, '62 ; m. o. June 2, '65, exp. of service. 40th Regiment. Rob't, 29, Pr., Co. A ; Charlestown ; enlisted Aug. 2^^^, '62 ; died, Dec. 31, '63, Folly Is., S. C. Jas., 19, Pr., Co. B ; Somerset ; enlisted Aug. 3, '62 ; killed, June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. Michael, 48, Pr., Co. F ; Braintree ; enlisted Aug. 3, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 3, '64. 54th Regiment. Francis H., 18, Pr., Co. C; Massachusetts; enlisted Mar. 30, ^63 ; m. o. Aug. 20, '65, exp. of service. Chas., 18, Pr., Co. I ; Massachusetts ; enlisted May 20, '6^ ; m. o. Aug. 20, '65, exp. of service. Jas., 19, Pr., Co. G; Massachusetts; enlisted June 15, '63; m. o. July II, '65, disabled. 324 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 56th Regiment. Michael, 21, Ft., Co. A; Springfield; enlisted Mar. 19, '64; trans., Oct. 18, '64, to V. R. C. John, 21, Pr., Co. K; Sandwich; enlisted Feb. 25, '64; died, Mar. 9, "64, Readville, Mass. 34th Regiment. Edward, 32, Pr., Co. D; Granville; enlisted July 31, '62; m. o. June 16, '65, exp. of service. John, 19, Pr., Co. F; Erving; enlisted July 31, '62; died of wounds, Oct. 16, '64, Winchester, Va. Michael, 22, Pr., Co. F; Greenfield; enlisted July 31, '62; m. o. July 16, '65, exp. of service. 35th Regiment. David, 19, Pr., Co. D; Roxbury; enlisted Aug. 16, '62; trans., June 9, '65, to 29th Inf. Terrence, 36, Pr., Co. H ; Weymouth ; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; m. o. Mar. 10, '64, disabled. 36th Regiment. Patrick W., 20, Pr., Co. A; Fitchburg; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; trans, to V. R. C. Hugh, 19, Pr., Co. I; Pittsfield ; enlisted Jan. 2, '64; died of wounds, Aug. 20, '64, Petersburg, Va. Dennis, 28, Pr., Co. K ; Ashburnham ; enlisted Aug. i, '62 ; trans, to 2d U. S. Art. 37th Regiment. Michael, 22, Sergt., Co. B ; Buckland ; enlisted Feb. 21, '64; trans, to 20th Inf., June 10, '65. Eugene, 18, Pr., Co. B ; Norfolk, Conn. ; enlisted Aug. 30, '62 ; killed, Wilderness, May 6, '64. Edward, 18, Pr., Co. C ; Becket ; enlisted Dec. 8, '63 ; m. o. June 13, '65, order War Dept. CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS 325 Patrick, ig, Pr., Co. D ; Springfield ; enlisted Jan. 20, '64 trans., June 21, '65, to 20th Inf. John, 39, Wagoner, Co. I ; Buckland ; enlisted Jan. 20, '64 trans., Jan. 21, '65, to 20th Inf. James, 21, Pr., Co. K; Springfield; enlisted Sept. 4, '62 m. o. June 21, '65, exp. of service. John, 18, Pr., Co. K; Springfield; enlisted Sept. 4, '62 m. o. July 10, '65, disabled. Unassigned. John A., 44, Pr. ; Adams ; enlisted Dec. 5, ^6^ ; rejected recruit. Geo. H., 31, Pr., Co. L; Concord; enlisted July 17, '63; m. o. June 29, '65, exp. of service. John, 21, Pr., Co. M; Worcester; enlisted Aug. 29, '63; trans.. Mar. 28, '64, to V. R. C. John, 21, Pr., Co. M; Somerville; enhsted July 6, '64; m. o. June 29, '65, exp. of service. Unassigned. John, 22, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Oct. 14, '62. Michael, 21, Pr. ; Boston; enlisted Sept. 22, '6^. 33d Regiment. Daniel, 26, Pr., Co. C ; Winchendon ; enlisted July 7, '64 ; did not join regiment. John, 21, Pr., Co. C; Kingston; enlisted June 18, '64; did not join regiment. Frank, 18, Pr., Co. D; Stoneham ; enlisted Aug. 5, '62; m. o. Jan. 30, '63, disabled. Wm., 21, Pr., Co. D; Methuen ; enlisted June 23, '64; did not join regiment. Wm., 18, Corp., Co. G ; Lowell ; enlisted Aug. 5, '62 ; m. o. June II, '65, exp. of service. John, 40, Pr., Co. H ; Lowell ; enlisted Aug. 7, '62 ; trans., Aug. I, '63, to V. R. C. 326 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS Thos., 40, Pr., Co. H ; Waltham ; enlisted Aug. 7, '62 ; trans., Sept. 30, '62, to V. R. C. 34th Regiment. Peter, 18, Pr., Co. K ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 8, '62 ; m. o. June II, '65; exp. of service. John, 19, Pr., Co. F; Erving; enlisted July 31, '62; died of wounds, Oct. 19, '64, Winchester, Va. Michael, 18, Pr., Co. F; Erving; enlisted July 13, '62; m. o. June 16, '65, exp. of service. 31st Regiment. Joseph, 31, Pr., Co. B; Chicopee ; enlisted Mar. 9, '65; m. o. Sept. 9, '65, exp. of service. John, 32, Pr., Co. C; Dudley; enlisted Jan. 17, '65; m. o. . Sept. 9, '65, exp. of service. Lawrence, 18, Pr., Co. C; Charlemont; enlisted Nov. 21, '61 ; drowned, Berwick Bay, La., Mar. 9, '64. David, 18, Corp., Co. E; Chicopee; enlisted Dec. 10, '61; killed, May 28, '64, Port Hudson, La. Wm. H., 18, Pr., Co. E; Pownal, Vt. ; enlisted Jan. 8, '62; m. o. Feb. 8, '64, to re-enlist. Wm. H., 20, Pr., Co. E ; Adams ; enlisted Feb. 9, '64 ; m. o. Feb. 9, '65, exp. of service. James, 29, Pr., Co. G ; Springfield ; enlisted Dec. 24, '61 ; m. o. Feb. 13, '64, to re-enlist. Cornelius, 26, Pr., Co. K ; Boston ; enlisted Feb. 7, ^62 ; died, Aug. 3, '63, Baton Rouge, La. 32d Regiment. Wm., 21, Sergt., Co. A; Weymouth; enHsted Jan. 5, '64; m. o. June 29, '65, exp. of service. Wm., 19, Corp., Co. A; Weymouth; enlisted Nov. 2, '61; m. o. Jan. 4, '64, to re-enlist ; absent — sick. James, 33, Pr., Co. A; Boston; enlisted Oct. 12, '63; m. o. June 29, '65, exp. of service. CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS 327 Patrick, 40, Pr., Co. A; Westfield ; enlisted Dec. 22, '63; m. o. June 29, '65, exp. of service. Richard, 36, Pr., Co. B ; Marlborough ; enlisted Sept. 3, '64; m. o. May 29, '65, order War Dept. Thos., 24, Pr., Co. B ; Charlton ; enlisted July 25, '63 ; m. o. June 29, '65, exp. of service. John J., 20, 1st Sergt., Co. D; Gloucester; enlisted Nov. 13, '61 ; killed, June 3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. John, 18, Pr., Co. D; Gloucester; enHsted Nov. 24, '61; m. o. Mar. 5, ^63, disabled. John, 22, Pr., Co. D; Stoughton ; enhsted June 11, '61; m. o. June 29, '65, exp. of service. Wm. F., 22, Pr., Co. D ; Lancaster ; enlisted Sept. 7, '63 ; trans.. May 3, '64, to U. S. N. Wm. G., 20, Pr., Co. D; Boston ; enhsted Sept. 16, '63; m. o. June 29, '65, exp. of service ; absent — sick. Unassigned. James, 21, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 2y, '62. James, 18, Pr. ; Boston. John, 30, Pr. ; Boston; enlisted Sept. 19, '62. Patrick, 2.'], Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 26, '62. Wm., 18, Pr. ; Boston; enlisted Aug. 13, '62. Wm., 22, Pr. ; Abington ; enlisted April 25, '64. 29th Regiment. Wm. H., 19, Pr., Co. B ; Boston ; enlisted May 14, '61 ; killed at Wilderness, Va. Thos., 33, Pr., Co. F ; Boston ; enlisted Dec. 18, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 17, '63, disabled. Daniel, 42, Pr., Co. I; Worcester; enlisted Aug. 17, '64; m. o. Aug. 8, '65, exp. of service. Patrick, 28, Pr., Co. I ; Westfield ; enlisted Aug. 30, '64 ; m. o. June 27, '65, exp. of service. 328 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 30th Regiment. Daniel, 29, Corp., Co. B ; Chelmsford ; enlisted Jan. 2, '64 m. o. July 5, '66, exp. of service. Daniel, 27, Co. B ; Chelmsford ; enlisted Oct. 31, '61 m. o. Jan. i, '64, to re-enlist. Dennis, 35, Pr., Co. B ; Boston ; enlisted April 20, '64 m. o. July 5, '66, exp. of service. Daniel, 21, Pr., Co. E; Boston; enlisted Oct. 18, '61 ; m. o. Mar. 30, '62, disabled. Michael, 25, Pr., Co. I ; Boston ; enlisted Dec. 3, '61 ; m. o. Jan. I, '64, to re-enlist. Michael, 27, Pr., Co. I ; Boston ; enlisted Jan. 2, '64 ; m. o. July 5, '66, exp. of service. Unas signed. Michael, 43, Pr. ; Saugus ; enlisted Dec. 8, '62. 28th Regiment (Continued). Dennis, 22, Pr., Co. B ; Wayland ; enlisted April 6, '64 trans, to V. R. C, April 16, '65. John, 25, Pr., Co. B ; Lowell ; enlisted Sept. 9, '64 ; killed Mar. 25, '65, Locust Grove, Va. Dennis, 37, Pr., Co. C; Boston; enlisted Aug. 13, '61 killed, Aug. 30, '62, Bull Run, Va. Edward, 22, Pr., Co. C; Boston; enlisted Aug. 13, '61 trans., Sept. i, '63, to V. R. C. John, 44, Pr., Co. C ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 13, '61 killed, Dec. 31, '62, Fredericksburg, Va. James, 19, Pr., Co. C ; Boston ; enlisted Jan. 9, '62 ; killed June 16, '62, James Is., S. C. Wm., 18; Boston; enlisted Aug. 8, %2; disabled Dec 19, '62, Jeremiah S., 31, Pr., Co. D; Boston; enlisted Jan. 4, '62 killed, June 16, '62. John, 33, Pr., Co. F; Cambridge; enlisted Dec. 13, '61 m. o. Jan. 4, '64, to re-enlist. CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS 329 John, 35, Pr., Co. F; Cambridge; enlisted Jan. 2, '64 m. o. June 30, '65, exp. of service. Nicholas, 38, Pr., Co. F; Easton; enlisted Jan. i, '62 m. o. Jan. 9, '6;^, disabled. Patrick, 22, Pr., Co. F; Roxbury; enlisted Dec. 20, '61 Peter, 32, Pr., Co. G ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 10, '63 ; died May 18, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. Cornelius, 18, Pr., Co. H; Chicopee; enlisted Dec. 13, '61 missing in action since Aug. 30, '62. Owen, 40, Pr., Co. H ; Dorchester ; enlisted Aug. i, '62 m. o. Dec. 25, '63, disabled. Jas., 18, Corp., Co. I ; Taunton ; enlisted Dec. 13, '61 ; m. o Dec. 19, '64. Martin, 42, Pr., Co. I; Roxbury; enlisted Dec. 13, '61 m. o. May 2, '63, disabled. Thos., 33, Pr., Co. I; Roxbury; enlisted Jan. i, '62; killed June 16, '62, James Is., S. C. Edward, 18, Pr., Co. K; Milford ; enlisted Dec. 23, '61 m. o. June 23, '63, disabled. 26th Regiment. Michael, 26, Pr., Co. G ; Fall River ; enlisted Sept. 20, '61 ; m. o. Nov. 7, '64, exp. of service, missing. Timothy, 30, Pr., Co. G; Fall River m. o. April 11, '62, disabled. Timothy A., 40, Pr., Co. H ; Boston m. o. Oct. 2, '64, to re-enlist. Timothy A., 42, Pr., Co. H ; Boston killed, Oct. 19, '64, Cedar Creek, Va. Martin V., 18, Pr., Co. K ; Wrentham ; enlisted Sept. 5, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 31, '63, to re-enlist. Martin V., 20, Pr., Co. K; Wrentham; enlisted Jan. i, '64; m. o. Aug. 26, '65, exp. of service. 27th Regiment. Patrick, 18, Pr., Co. A; Easthampton ; enlisted July 21, '62 ; m. o. May 22, '65, exp. of service. enlisted Oct. 8, '61 ; enlisted Oct. i, '61 ; enlisted Jan. 3, '64; 330 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS Patrick, 30, Pr., Co. C; Windsor; enlisted Sept. 9, '61 m. o. Aug. 30, ^63, disabled. Patrick, 38, Pr., Co. C; Whately; enlisted Dec. i, '63 died, Mar. 16, '65, Andersonville. Michael, 26, Pr., Co. G; Chicopee ; enlisted Sept. 16, '61 m. o. Sept. 2'j, '64, exp. of service. Wm., 21, Pr., Co. K; Beverly; enlisted July 19, '64; m. o. June 26, '65, exp. of service. 28th Regiment. Daniel, 21, Pr., Co. A; Cambridge; enlisted Dec. 13, '61; m. o. Dec. 19, '62, disabled. John, 21, Pr., Co. A; Boston; enlisted Dec. 13, '61 ; m. o. Nov. 20, '62, disabled. John, 42, Pr., Co. A; Roxbury ; enlisted Mar. 15, '64; died, Oct. 16, '64, Roxbury, N. C. Jeremiah, 26, Pr., Co. A ; Danvers ; enlisted Dec. 30, '61 ; died, Oct. 16, '64, Roxbury, N. C. James, 20, Pr., Co. A ; Boston ; enlisted April 26, '64 ; died, Oct. .16, '64, Roxbury, N. C. Patrick, 21, Pr., Co. A; Lawrence; enlisted July 15, '64; m. o. June 30, '65, exp. of service. 23d Regiment. Wm. H., 18, Pr., Co. A; Salem; enlisted June 21, '64; m. o. June 25, '65, exp. of service. Jeremiah, 35, Pr., Co. H ; Boston ; enlisted July 18, '62 ; m. o. June 13, '63, disabled. 24th Regiment. John H., 19, Pr., Co, E; Providence, R. I.; enlisted Dec. 2, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 3, '64, to re-enlist. John H., 21, Pr., Co. E; Boston; enlisted Jan. 4, '64; m. o. Jan. 20, '66, exp. of service. Patrick, 35, Pr., Co. E ; Boston ; enlisted Sept. 26, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 3, '64, to re-enlist. CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS 33 1 Patrick, 37, Pr., Co. E ; Boston ; enlisted Jan. 4, '64 ; m. o. Jan. 20, '66, exp. of service. Daniel, 17, Pr., Co. H; Roxbury ; enlisted Sept. 24, '61; m. o. Sept. 24, '64, exp. of service. 25th Regiment. Jacob, 26, Pr., Co. C; Worcester; enlisted July 21, '62; m. o. June 23, '63, disabled. Cornelius, 2^]^ Pr., Co. D; Worcester; enlisted Dec. 18, '63; m. o. July 13, '65, exp. of service. Cornelius, 25, Co. D ; Worcester ; enlisted Sept. 2^, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 17, '63, to re-enlist. Patrick, 28, Pr., Co. E; Worcester; enlisted Sept. 10, ^61; m. o. Dec. i, '63, to re-enlist. Patrick, 30, Pr., Co. E ; Westminster ; enlisted Dec. 2, '63 ; m. o. July 29, '65, exp. of service. 26th Regiment. John, 19, Pr., Co. B ; Boston ; enlisted Sept. 7, '61 ; m. o. Jan. 3, '64, to re-enlist. John, 21, Pr., Co. B; Boston; enlisted Jan. 4, '64; m. o. Aug. 26, '65, exp. of service. John, 28, Pr., Co. C ; Pawtucket ; enlisted Sept. 28, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 17, '62, disabled. Timothy, 18, Pr., Co. C ; Easton ; enlisted Oct. 23, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 31, '63, to re-enlist. Timothy, 20, Pr., Co. C; Easton; enlisted Jan. i, '64; m. o. Sept. 9, '65, disabled. Michael J., 49, Pr., Co. D; Chicopee ; enlisted Mar. 2, '65; m. o. Aug. 26, '65, exp. of service. James, 42, Pr., Co. F; Lawrence; enlisted Sept. 17, '61; died, Oct. 18, '63, New Orleans, La. 20th Regiment (Continued). Edward, 38, Pr., Co. K; Boston; enlisted July 18, '61; m. o. Mar. 12, '64, to re-enlist. 332 CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS Edward, 40, Pr., Co. K; Boston; enlisted Mar. 13, '64; trans, to V. R. C, from Co. G. John, 40, Pr,, Co. K; Buckland; enlisted July 21, '64; m. o. July 16, '64, exp. of service. Unassigned. Franklin B., 32, Pr. ; Nantucket ; enlisted Aug. 19, '62 ; m. o. Nov. 6, '63, disabled. James, 20, Pr. ; Bolton ; enlisted July 8, '63. James H., 18, Pr. ; Dedham ; enlisted Feb. 19, '64. Matthew, 39, Pr. ; Wrentham ; enlisted Feb. 15, '64. Philip, 24, Pr. ; Charlestown ; enlisted Aug. 30, '62. 2 1st Regiment. Hugh, 19, Pr., Co. I ; Pittsfield ; enlisted Aug. 19, '61 ; m. o. Jan. i, '64. Hugh, Pr. ; Pittsfield ; re-enlisted Jan. 2, '64 ; trans, to 36th Inf. Unassigned. Edward O., 18, Pr. ; Petersham; enlisted July 22, '64; m. o. Aug. 8, '64. 22d Regiment. Geo. H., 31, Pr., Co. A; Concord; enlisted July 17, '63 m. o. Oct. 26, '64; trans, to 32d Inf. Chas., 25, Pr., Co. E; Roxbury ; enlisted Sept. 9, '61 killed, June 27, '62, Gaines' Mill, Va. Dennis, 20, Pr., Co. F ; Woburn ; enlisted Aug. 10, '61 m. o. Oct. 17, '64, exp. of service. Michael, 43, Pr., Co. F; Woburn; enlisted Aug. 10, '61 m. o. Dec. 3, '62, disabled. John, 21, Pr., Co. G; Worcester; enUsted Aug. 27, '63 trans, to 32d Inf., Oct. 26, '64. John, 21, Pr., Co. I ; Somerville ; enlisted July 6, '64 ; trans to 32d Inf., Oct. 26, '64. CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS 333 Unassigned. James., 21, Pr. ; Palmer; enlisted June 14, '64. 20th Regiment. Jas., 28, Sergt. ; Roxbury; enlisted July 26, '61. Jas., 2d Lieut.; enlisted Nov. 8, '61. Jas., 1st Lieut. ; enlisted Aug. 29, '62. Jas., Capt. ; enlisted Dec. 18, '62 ; disabled Aug. 28, '63. Daniel, 36, Pr., Co. A ; Ireland ; enlisted Aug. 10, '61 m. o. Aug. 10, '64, exp. of service. James, 23, Pr., Co. A; Ninth Dist. ; enlisted Aug. 10, '63 m. o. July 16, '65, exp. of service. John, 30, Pr., Co. C; Boston; enlisted Aug. 11, '62; trans to V. R. C. Michael, 25, Pr., Co. C; Buckland ; enHsted Mar. 21, '64 m. o. July 16, '65, exp. of service. Patrick, ist, 30, Pr., Co. C; Boston; enlisted Aug. 11, '62 m. o. Aug. I, '64, exp. of service. Patrick, 2d, 26, Pr., Co. C ; Boston ; enlisted Sept. 9, '62 m. o. Aug. I, '64, exp. of service. David., 2^, Pr., Co. D ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 2y, '62 m. o. Sept. 2, '63, disabled. John E., 18, Pr., Co. D; New Bedford; enlisted Aug. 18 '61 ; trans, to V. R. C, Feb. 15, '64. John, 23, Pr., Co. D ; Hamilton ; enlisted Aug. 5, '63 m. o. July 28, '65. John, 24, Pr., Co. D; Boston; enlisted July 18, '61. Michael, 28, Pr., Co. E ; Boston ; enlisted July 22, '61 killed at Ball's Bluflf, Va., Oct. 21, '61. James, 28, Pr., Co. F; Gloucester; enlisted Aug. 7, '63 trans, to navy, April 23, '64. John, 22, Pr., Co. G; Boston; enlisted Oct. 15, '61; m. o Dec. 9, '63, disabled. John, 21, Pr., Co. G; Barre; enlisted July 30, '6^; m. o July 16, '65, exp. of service. Josiah F., 19, Sergt., Co. I; Nantucket; enlisted Aug. 12 '62 ; m. o. Aug. i, '64, exp. of service. 334 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS Owen, 30, Pr., Co. I ; Foxboro ; enlisted Aug. 9, '62 ; m. o. Aug. I, '64, exp. of service. T. B., 34, Pr., Co. I ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62 ; m. o. Nov. 6, '63, disabled. Terrence, 33, Pr. ; Sandwich ; enlisted July 19, '61 ; trans. to V. R. C, Sept. 9, '63. 17th Regiment (Continued). Jas. E., 20, Corp., Co. G; Quincy; enlisted Sept. 2, '64 m. o. June 30, '65 ; Co. B, order War Dept. Jas., 19, Pr., Co. G ; Northampton ; enlisted July 20, '64 m. o. July II, ^65, exp. of service. Thos., 24, Pr., Co. G; Pittsfield ; enHsted Aug. 31, '64 m. o. June 30, '65, order War Dept. Hugh E., 21, Pr., Co. H; Salem; enlisted Mar. 3, '65 m. o. July II, '65. Jeremiah, 36, Pr., Co. H ; Lawrence ; enlisted Jan. 18, '65 died. May 9, '65, Raleigh, N. C. 1 8th Regiment. Wm., 27, Pr., Co. K ; Springfield ; enlisted Aug. 24, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 2, '64. 19th Regiment. Daniel, 22, 2d Lieut.; Lowell; enlisted Jan. 31, '65; m. o. June I, '65 ; resigned. Edward, 32, Pr., Co. A ; Lynn ; enlisted Aug. 28, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 18, '62. Daniel, 18, 2d Lieut., Co. B ; Lowell ; enlisted Aug. 28, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 21, '63, to re-enlist. Luke, 18, Pr., Co. C; Salem; enlisted Aug. 28, '61 ; killed, June 21, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. Michael, 33, Pr., Co. E ; Boston ; enlisted July 26, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 22, '62. Humphrey, 25, Pr., Co. F; Boston; enlisted July 26, '61; m. o. Dec. 12, '63. CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 335 Thos., 19, Pr., Co. H ; Cambridge ; enlisted July 26, '61 m. o. Nov. 12, '62. Patrick, 21, Corp., Co. I; Lynfield; enlisted Aug. 28, '61 m. o. May 3, '62. Andrew, 21, Pr., Co. K; Boston; enlisted Sept. 16, '61 m. o. Oct. 13, '62. Edw. J., 19, Pr., Co. K; Boston; enlisted Aug. 18, '61 m. o. Oct. 28, '61, disabled. John S., 19, Pr., Co. K; Boston; enlisted Aug. 28, '61 m. o. Aug. 28, '64, exp. of service. Patrick, 21, Pr., Co. K; Boston; enlisted Aug. 28, '61 m. o. May 31, '62, disabled. Patrick, 23, Pr., Co. K; Boston; enlisted Feb. 19, '64 died of wounds. May 18, '64, U. S. Gen. Hospital. Unassigned. Edw., 22, Pr. ; Fairhaven ; enlisted Dec. 4, '62. 1 6th Regiment. Jeremiah, 23, Corp., Co. A; Cambridge; enlisted July 2, '61 ; died of wounds, May 14, '64, Belle Plains, Va. John, 33, Pr., Co. A ; Boston ; enlisted July 2, '61 ; trans., Mar. 16, '64, to V. R. C. Dennis C, 19, Corp., Co. F; Roxbury; enlisted July 12, '61 ; m. o. May 26, '63. Michael J., 47, Pr., Co. G; Westford ; enlisted Aug. 11, '62 ; m. o. July 27, '64. Thos., 21, Pr., Co. I; Middleboro ; enlisted Aug. 17, '6^; missing, May 12, '64. Daniel, 19, Pr., Co. K ; Cambridge ; enlisted July 2, '61 ; m. o. Mar. 3, '63. Daniel J., 22, Pr., Co. K; Rockport; enlisted Aug. 14, '6^ ; trans, to 7th Inf., July 11, '64. 17th Regiment. Dennis, 26, Pr., Co. A ; Lynn ; Sept. 2, '62 ; m. o. Mar. 5, '64. 336 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS Thos., 25, Pr., Co. B ; South Danvers ; enlisted July 6, '64 m. o. July 11^ '65, exp. of service. Owen, 28, Sergt., Co. C ; Hingham ; enlisted Sept. 20, '64 trans., June 30, '65 to Co. H. Daniel, 24, Pr., Co. C ; Haverhill ; enlisted Aug. 5, '64 trans., June 30, ^65, to Co. H. Martin, 20, Pr., Co. C ; Danvers ; enlisted July 22, '61 m. o. Aug. 3, '64. Owen, 23, Pr., Co. C ; Danvers ; enlisted July 22, '61 ; m. o Aug. 3, '64. Timothy, 34, Pr., Co. C ; Haverhill ; enlisted Sept. 17, '64 m. o. June 30, '65. Wm. J., 2y, Pr., Co. C ; Danvers ; enlisted July 22, '61 m. o. Aug. 3, '64, exp. of service. Chas., 29, Pr., Co. D ; Cambridge ; enlisted Feb. 27, '62 died, Sept. 5, '64, Andersonville, Ga. ; Co. H. Jas., 22, Pr., Co. D ; Amesbury ; enlisted Aug. 15, '62 m. o. Jan. i, '64. Wm., 35, Pr., Co. D; Boston; enlisted Feb. 11, '62; m. o May 5, '62. James, 42, Pr. Co. E ; Abington ; enlisted Sept. 6, '64 m. o. June 30, '65. 1st Regiment. John Y., 17, Pr., Co. C ; Boston ; enlisted Mar. 7, '62 ; m. o. May 25, '64. Maurice G., 26, Pr., Co. C; Boston; enlisted May 27, '61 ; m. o. July 16, '61. Thos., 22, Pr., Co. C ; Boston ; enlisted May 27, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. Andrew, 25, Pr., Co. G ; Boston ; enlisted April 14, %2 ; m. o. May 25, '64. James H., 23, Pr., Co. H ; Chelsea ; enlisted May 23, '61 ; killed, July 18, '61, Blackburn's Ford, Va. John J., 21, Pr., Co. I; Cambridge; enlisted May 24, '61; m. o. Sept. 2, '61. CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 337 Rob't W., 19, Pr., Co. I ; Boston ; enlisted May 24, '61 ; m. o. July 20, '61. Unassigned. John, 23, Pr. ; West Cambridge ; enlisted Dec. 9, '62 ; trans., May 20, '64, to nth Inf. John, 30, Pr. ; Charlestown ; enlisted Sept. 6, '62 ; trans.. May 20, '63, to nth Inf. 2d Regiment. James, 23, Corp., Co. C ; Marblehead ; enlisted May 25, '61 ; m. o. May 28, '64. Jerry, 18, Pr., Co. E; Holyoke; enlisted June 28, '64; m. o. July 14, '65. Edward, 21, Pr., Co. G ; South Danvers ; enlisted July 7, '64; m. o. July 14, '65. Wm., 21, Pr., Co. G; Chelmsford; enlisted April 28, '64; m. o. July 14, '65. John, 18, Pr., Co. H; Easton; enlisted May 25, '61 ; m. o. May 28, '64. John, 2d, 41, Pr., Co. H; Brookline; enlisted July 7, '62; m. o. May 28, '64. John, 23, Pr., Co. H ; Chelsea ; enlisted July 25, '64 ; m. o. Aug. 7, '64. 1st Regiment. Unassigned. James, 23, Pr. ; Northampton; enlisted June i, '64. John, 23, Pr. ; Lynn ; enlisted July 6, '64. John, 24, Pr. ; Wellfleet ; enlisted May 20, '64. Joseph, 20, Pr. ; Chelsea ; enlisted July 10, '64. Morris, 21, Pr. ; Boston; enlisted Aug. 11, '62. Nicholas, 22, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted May 13, '64. Patrick, 21, Pr. ; Clinton; enhsted May 16, '64. Patrick, 32, Pr. ; Stockbridge ; enlisted May 16, '64; re- jected. Peter, 28, Pr. ; Dudley ; enlisted May 26, '64. Thos., 22, Pr. ; Scituate; enlisted May 19, '64. 22 338 CIVIL WAR MASSACHUSETTS 7th Regiment. Thos., 19, Pr., Co. A; Fall River; enlisted June 15, '61 m. o. June 2^, '64. Philip, 21, Pr., Co. D ; Taunton; enlisted June 15, '61 died, Andersonville, Ga., '64. Dennis, 31, Pr., Co. E; Dorchester; enlisted June 15, '61 m. o. June 27, '64. Geo. W., 18, Pr., Co. G; Easton; enlisted June 15, '61 m. o. June 24, '64. James, 43, Pr., Co. G; Easton; enlisted June 15, '61 trans., Sept. i, '63, to V. R. C. 9th Regiment. Patrick E., 20, ist Lieut.; Milford ; enlisted Feb. 8, '63 m. o. June 21, '64. Joseph, 21, ist Lieut.; Salem; enHsted Aug. 4, '63; m. o June 21, '64. Patrick, 40, Pr., Co. A; Westfield ; enlisted Dec. 22, '63 trans., June 9, ^64, to 32d Inf. Peter, 27, Pr., Co. A ; Groton ; enlisted July 27, '62 ; m. o Mar. I, '64. Martin, 28, Pr., Co. B; Weymouth; enHsted June 11, '61 m, o. June 21, '64. James, 25, Pr., Co. C ; Boston ; enlisted June 11, '61 ; m. o Oct. 22, '62, disabled, Jere, 21, Pr., Co. C; New Bedford; enlisted June 11, '61 m. o. Mar. i, '63. John P., 22, Pr., Co. C; Braintree ; enlisted June 11, '61 m. o. June 21, '64, exp. of service. Michael B., 42, Pr., Co. C; Boston; enlisted Nov. 9, '61 m. o. Oct. 22, '62, disabled. Thos., 28, Pr., Co. C; New Bedford; enHsted June 11, '61 m. o. July 18, '62, disabled. Jeremiah, 21, Pr., Co. D; Great Falls, N. H. ; enHsted June II, '61 ; m. o. June 21, '64, exp. of service. CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS 339 Thos., 20, Pr., Co. E; Milford; enlisted Dec. ii, '6i ; killed, Wilderness, May 5, '64. Michael, 22, Pr., Co. F ; Salem ; enlisted June 11, '61 ; m. o. June 6, '64. John, 19, Pr., Co. G; Boston; enHsted June 11, '61; m. o. Aug. 20, '64. Jeremiah, 23, Pr., Co. H; Milford; enlisted June 11, '61; killed, Gaines' Mill, June 27, '62. Michael, 20, Pr., Co. H; Southborough ; enlisted June 11, '61 ; m. o. June 21, '64. James, 30, Pr., Co. I; Lawrence; enlisted June 11, '61; m. o. June 21, '64. James, 20, Pr., Co. K; Stoughton ; enlisted June 11, '61; m. o. Feb. 2'j, '63, disabled. John, 22, Pr., Co. K; Stoughton; enHsted June 11, '61; trans, to 32d Inf. Miles, 22, Pr., Co. K ; Boston ; enHsted Aug. 23, '62 ; m. o. May 12, '65. Unassigned. John, 38, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62. Michael, 29, Pr. ; Wayland ; enlisted Dec. 5, ^62. Thos., 30, Pr, ; Cambridge ; enlisted Dec. 30, '(y^,. loth Regiment. Patrick, 19, Pr., Co. D; Greenfield; enHsted June 21, '61; m. o. Jan. 20, '64 ; re-enlisted. Patrick, 21, Pr., Co. D; Springfield; enlisted Jan. 21, '64; trans., June 19, '64, to 37th Inf. Michael, 22, 3d Sergt., Co. H ; Buckland ; enlisted June 21, ^61 ; m. o. Feb. 2, '64, to re-enlist. John, 39, Pr., Co. H; Buckland; enlisted Jan. 21, '64; trans., June 19, '64, to 37th Inf. nth Regiment. Patrick, 22, Pr., Co. B ; Boston ; enHsted Oct. 22, '62 ; died, Mar. 18, '61, Falmouth, Va. 340 CIVIL WAR — MASSACHUSETTS Joseph, 24, Corp., Co. C ; Boston ; enlisted June 13, '61 ; died, Oct. 14, '61, Bladensburg, Md. John J., 22, Ft., Co. F; Rockport; enlisted Aug. 14, '63; m. o. July 14, '65, exp. of service. John C, 29, Pr., Co. F ; Cambridge ; enlisted Feb. 26, '62 ; died of wounds. May 13, '63. James, 37, Pr., Co. K; Boston; enlisted Feb. 15, '64; m. o. July 14, ^65, exp. of service. Unassigned. Chas., 22, Pr. ; East Bridgewater ; enlisted Mar. 7, '64. Jas., 37, Pr. ; Dorchester; enlisted Feb. 11, '64. John, 34, Pr. ; Easthampton ; enlisted Aug. 6, '63 ; m. o. Dec. 8, '63, exp. of service. Patrick, 30, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Aug. 14, '62. Wm., 26, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted Oct. 23, '62. Wm., 35, Pr. ; Dorchester ; enlisted Feb. 16, '64 ; rejected recruit. 1 2th Regiment. Jas., 29, Pr., Co. B; Milford ; enlisted Aug. 11, '62; m. o. July 8, '64, exp. of service. Dennis, 18, Sergt., Co. C; Haverhill; enlisted July 11, '61 ; m. o. July 8, '64, exp. of service. Jas. B., 18, Pr., Co. E ; Boston ; enlisted July 23, '62 ; died, Oct. 25, '62, Frederick, Md. Thos., 24, Pr., Co. H ; Charlton ; enlisted July 25, '63 ; m. o. July 25, '64 ; trans, to 39th Inf. Jas., 33, Pr., Co. I ; Boston ; enlisted Oct. 12, '63 ; m. o. July 25, '64 ; trans, to 39th Inf. Edward, 18, Pr., Co. K ; Gloucester ; enlisted June 26, '61 ; died, Jan. 3, '62,, Washington, D. C. Unassigned. Michael, 22, Pr. ; Boston ; enlisted July 24, '63. CIVIL WAR RHODE ISLAND 34 1 13th Regiment. Jas., 24, Pr., Co. A; Chelmsford; enlisted July 24, '63 m. o. April 24, '64, to enlist in navy. Michael, 2^, Pr., Co. F; Taunton; enlisted July 28, '63 trans, to navy, April 22, '64. Michael, 28, Pr., Co. I ; Marlborough ; enlisted July 16, '61 m. o. Aug. I, '64, exp. of service. Thos., 30, Pr., Co. I ; Taunton ; enlisted Aug. 5, '63 ; m. o. July 14, '64 ; trans, to 29th Inf. 15th Regiment. John, 1st, 29, Pr., Co. G; Warwick; enlisted July 29, '63; did not report to Co. John, 2d, 21, Pr., Co. G; Barre; enlisted July 30, '63; trans., July 2y, '64, to 20th Inf. Patrick, 23, Sergt., Co. H; Northbridge; enlisted July 12, '61 ; m. o. July 28, '64, exp. of service. Dennis, 21, Pr., Co. H ; Upton ; enlisted July 12, '61 ; m. o. May 8, '63. Wm., 20, Pr., Co. K; Blackstone; enlisted July i, '61; m. o. Dec. 23, '63. RHODE ISLAND. 2d Regiment. Patrick J., Pr., Co. C ; residence, Scituate ; enlisted Sept 22, ^61 ; killed at Wilderness, May 4, '64. Henry, Pr., Co. E; residence, Kings County, Ireland; en- listed Aug. 21, '62 ; wounded in arm at Wilderness, May 5, ^64; trans, to Co. B, new organization. John, Pr., Co. H ; residence, Ireland ; enlisted July 9, '61 ; wounded in breast. May 5, '64, Wilderness; trans, to Co. C, new organization. John H., Corp., Co. K ; residence, Newport ; enlisted June 5, '61 ; Sergt., Nov. 30, '61 ; m. o. June 17, '64. John H., Pr., Co. K ; residence, Woonsocket ; enlisted June 342 CIVIL WAR RHODE ISLAND 5, '6i ; wounded in thigh, Wilderness ; m. o. June 17, '64. Unassigned. Daniel, Pr. ; enlisted Oct. 3, '62. 26. Regiment, Reorganized. Henry, Pr., Co. B ; residence, Kings County, Ireland ; en- listed Aug. 21, '62; trans, from Co. E, old organiza- tion; disch. May 15, '65, on Surg. Cert. John, P., Co. C ; residence, Ireland ; enlisted July 9, '63 ; trans, from Co. H, old organization ; absent — sick at m. o. July 13, '65. John, Pr., Co. D; residence, Providence; enlisted Oct. 31, '64 ; wounded, April 6, '65, Petersburg, Va. ; m. o. July 13, '65. Daniel, Pr., Co. H; enHsted April 13, '65; m. o. July 13, '65. David, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted April 12, '65 ; m. o. July 13, '65. Francis, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted April 6, '65 ; m. o. July 13, '65. 4th Regiment. James, Pr., Co. A ; residence. New Bedford, Mass. ; en- listed Oct. 30, '61 ; re-enhsted Jan. i, '64; trans, to Co. G, 7th Reg. R. I. v., Oct. 21, '64. John, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Providence ; enlisted Oct. 30, '61 ; died, Feb. 20, '62, at Roanoke Island, N. C. Patrick, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Newport ; enlisted Oct. 30, '61 ; re-enlisted Jan. 5, '64 ; trans, to Co. G, 7th R. I. v., Oct. 21, '64. Cornelius, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Providence ; enlisted Oct. 30, '61 ; died of disease, Sept. 23, '64, Providence. 9th Regiment. Geo., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Pawtucket ; May 26, '62 ; m. o. Sept. 2, '62. CIVIL WAR RHODE ISLAND 343 7th Regiment. John T., Pr., Co. H ; residence, Westerly ; enlisted Sept. 6, '62; trans, to Co. H, new organization, Oct. 21, '64. 7th Regiment, Reorganized. Patrick, Pr., Co. G ; residence, Newport ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64; trans, to Co. G, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, '64; trans. to Co. G, 7th Batt., R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; m. o. July 13, '65. James, Pr., Co. G ; residence. New Bedford, Mass. ; en- listed Jan. 5, '64; trans, to Co. A, 4th R. I. V., Oct. 21, '64 ; trans, to Co. G, 7th Batt., R. I. V., June 6, '65 ; m. o. Aug. 21, '65. John T., Corp., Co. H ; residence, Westerly ; enlisted Sept. 6, '62; trans, from Co. H, old organization, Oct. 21, '64; m. o. June 9, '65. nth Regiment. James, Pr., Co. B; residence, Ireland; enlisted Oct. i, '62; m. o. July 13, '63. James, Pr., Co. B; residence. Providence; enlisted Oct. i, '62 ; m. o. July 13, '63. Matthew, Pr., Co. K ; residence. Providence ; enlisted Oct. I, '62; m. o. July 13, '63. 1 2th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. H; residence, Ireland; enlisted Oct. 13. '62; disch., Jan. 16, '6^, on Surg. Cert. 1st Regiment, R. I. Cavalry. Jeremiah, Corp., Troop E ; residence, Providence ; enlisted Mar. 3, '62 ; taken prisoner Jan. 8, '6s ; exchanged ; taken prisoner June 18, '63; exchanged; trans, to Troop B, new organization, Dec. 21, '64. Patrick, Pr., Troop G; residence, Ireland; enlisted Dec. 14, '61 ; m. o. Dec. 2, '64. 344 CIVIL WAR — RHODE ISLAND 1st Regiment, Cavalry, Reorganized. Jeremiah, Sergt., Troop B ; residence, Providence ; enlisted Feb. 12, '62 ; trans, from Troop E, old organization, Dec. 21, '64; m. o. Feb. 12, '65. 2d Regiment, Cavalry. Patrick, Troop A; residence, Cranston; enlisted Nov. 21, '62 ; trans, to ist La. Cav., Aug. 24, '6^. 3d Regiment, Cavalry. James, Corp., Troop A ; residence, Ireland ; enlisted Sept. 12, '63 ; m. o. Nov. 29, '65. Edward, Jr., Pr., Troop D ; residence, Woonsocket ; enlisted Dec. 17, '63 ; m. o. May 31, '65. 3d Regiment, R. I. Heavy Artillery. Dennis E., Pr., Co. A ; residence, Boston, Mass. ; enlisted Mar. 22, '62 ; trans, from Co. I, Aug. 22, '65 ; m. o. April 16, '65. John, Pr., Co. B ; residence. Providence ; enlisted Dec. 27, '64; m. o. Aug. 2y, '65. Thos., Pr., Co. C ; residence. Providence ; enlisted Jan. 29, '64 ; trans, from Co. I, Jan. 29, '64 ; m. o. June 9, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. D ; residence, Pawtucket ; enlisted Oct. 5, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 5, '64. John J., Pr., Co. D; residence, Blackstone; enlisted Oct. 5, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 5, '64. Timothy, Pr., Co. F ; residence. Providence ; enlisted Oct. 5, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 5, '64. Dennis, Pr., Co. F ; residence. Providence ; enlisted Oct. 5, '61 ; m. o. Oct. 5, '64. Thomas, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Providence ; enlisted Aug. 14, '61 ; re-enlisted Jan. 29, '64 ; trans, to Co. C. John, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Olneyville : enlisted Aug. 14, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 31, '64. CIVIL WAR RHODE ISLAND 345 Dennis E., Pr., Co. I; residence, Boston, Mass.; enlisted Mar. 22, '62 ; trans, to Co. A, Aug. 22, '64. Patrick, Pr., Co. M; residence. Westerly; enlisted Mar. 17, '62 ; m. o. Mar. 17, '65. 5th Regiment, R. I. Heavy Artillery. Daniel, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted July 8, '63 ; m. o. June 26, '65. Lawrence, Pr., Co. B ; residence. Providence ; enlisted Dec. 16, '61 ; m. o. June 26, '65. Jeremiah T., Corp., Co. C; residence, Fall River, Mass.; enlisted Dec. 16, '61 ; m. o. June 26, '65. Jeremiah, Pr., Co. C ; residence, Fall River, Mass. ; enlisted Dec. 16, '61 ; died, Oct. 6, '63, Washington, D. C. Thomas, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted July 29, '63 ; trans, to 3d Reg. N. H. Vol., April 16, '64. Unassig^ed. Owen, Pr. ; residence, Newport ; enlisted Oct. 4, '62. John, Pr. ; enlisted Oct. 13, '62. 1st Light Battery, R. I. Volunteers. Jeremiah, Pr. ; residence, County Cork, Ireland ; enlisted May 2, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 6, '61. loth Light Battery, R. I. Volunteers. Patrick, Pr. ; residence, Phenix ; enlisted May 26, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 30, '62. ist Regiment, R. I. Light Artillery. Wm., Pr., Battery A ; residence, Ireland ; enlisted July 29, '64; trans, to Battery B. Wm., Pr., Battery B ; residence, Ireland ; enlisted July 29, '64; trans, from Battery A; m. o. June 12, '65. James, Pr., Battery C ; residence, Providence ; enlisted Aug. 25, '61 ; disch. July 18, '62, on Surg. Cert. 346 CIVIL WAR NEW HAMPSHIRE Patrick, Pr., Battery H ; residence, Providence ; enlisted Nov. 30, '63 ; disch. Feb. 20, '65, on Surg. Cert. Daniel, Pr., Battery H ; residence, Providence ; enlisted Feb. 24, '65 ; m. o. June 28, '65. Bartlett, Pr., Battery H ; residence, Providence ; enlisted Oct. 14, '62 ; disch. Sept. 12, '63, on Surg. Cert. Unassigned. John, Pr. ; residence, Rhode Island ; enlisted June 26, '63. Naval Recruits from Rhode Island. Edward B. ; residence, Newport ; enlisted Nov., '64. Dennis ; residence, Newport ; enlisted Feb. 23, '65. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1st Regiment, Infantry: 3 Months. Albert L., 19, Co. G; residence, Hancock; enlisted May 2, '61 ; m. o. Aug. 9, '61. 2d Regiment : 3 Years. James, 21, Co. G; residence, Hebron; enHsted Dec. 6, ^64; m. o. Dec. 19, '65. Jeremiah, 34, Co. C ; residence, Portsmouth ; enlisted June 8, '61 ; wounded, Petersburg, Va. ; disch. April 24, '65. Patrick, 19, residence, Somersworth; enlisted Oct. 7, '64; m. o. June 17, '65. 3d Regiment : 3 Years. Hiram, 23, Pr., Co. I ; residence, Rochester ; enlisted Aug. 24, '61; re-enlisted Jan. i, '64; Sergt., Aug. 25, '64; 1st Sergt., May i, '65 ; m. o. July 20, '65. James, 32, Co. C ; residence. Concord ; enlisted Aug. 23, '61 ; disch., disabled. May 9, '63. Thomas, 22, Co. C ; residence, Cornish ; enlisted Oct. 10, '63 ; m. o. July 20, '65. CIVIL WAR NEW HAMPSHIRE 347 4th Regiment : 3 Years. Francis, 22^ Co. I ; residence, Gilmanton ; enlisted Sept. 29, '63 ; captured, May 16, '64, at Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; escaped, Dec. 21, ^64; no further record. Henry, 27, Band; residence, Manchester; enlisted Sept. 19, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 16, '62. James, 35, Co. B ; residence, Windham ; enlisted Dec. 23, '63 ; wounded, May 16, '64, Drewry's Bluff, Va. ; disch., disabled, June 13, '65. John, 45, Co. G; residence, Manchester; enlisted Sept. 18, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 2^, '64. Patrick, 21, Co. F; residence, Pelham ; enlisted Dec. 29, '64; m. o. Aug. 23, '65. Thomas, 39, Band ; residence, Baltimore, Md. ; enlisted Sept. 20, '61 ; m. o. Sept. 16, '62. 5th Regiment : 3 Years. Alvin B., 22, Co. D ; residence, Portsmouth ; enlisted Aug. 10, '63 ; appointed Corp. ; wounded and captured, June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; died of wounds, July 12, '64, Richmond, Va. Henry, 28, Co. K; residence, Lisbon; enlisted Aug. 13, '64; trans, to Co. G, Nov. 20, '64 ; killed, April 7, '65, Farm- ville, Va. James, 20, Co. C ; residence, Brookline ; enlisted Aug. 20, ^64 ; entered Gen. Hospital, Beverly, N. J., Oct. 7, '64 ; trans, to Whitehall, Pa., May 12, '65 ; no further record. John, 19, Co. K ; residence, Barnstead ; enlisted Sept. 16, '64 ; trans, to Co. G, Sept. 20, '64 ; m. o. June 28, '65. Unassigned. John, 21; residence, Winchester; enlisted Aug. 31, '64. Lawrence, 41, Co. H; residence, Gorham ; enlisted Oct. 19, '61; wounded, June i, '62, Fair Oaks, Va. ; died of wounds, June 15, '62, Yorktown, Va. 34^ CIVIL WAR — NEW HAMPSHIRE Maurice, 22, Co. K ; residence, Kensington ; enlisted Aug. II, '64; trans, to Co. G, Nov. 20, '64; m. o. June 28, '65. Peter, 25, Co. D ; residence, Dover ; enlisted Oct. 23, '61 ; wounded, Sept. 17, '62, Antietam, Md. ; disch., dis- abled, Feb. 5, '61. 6th Regiment : 3 Years. Albert L., 27, Co. E; residence, Hancock; enlisted Nov. 28, '61 ; wounded, June 3, '64, Bethesda Church, Va. ; disch., disabled, Sept. 29, '64, Washington, D. C. Daniel, 39, Co. E; residence, Chesterfield; enlisted June 2, '64 ; wounded, April 2, ^65, Petersburg, Va. ; m. o. June 17, '65. Unassigned. John, 24; residence, Salisbury; enlisted June 4, '64; no further record. Patrick, 26 ; residence, Londonderry ; enlisted Dec. 10, '63 ; absent — sick at m. o. 7th Regiment : 3 Years. James, 18, Co. I ; residence, Rollinsford ; enlisted Dec. 21, '61 ; wounded, June 16, '64, Ware Bottom Church, Va. ; trans, to nth V. R. C, April 17, '65; disch. Sept. 18, '65. Unassigned. John, 22 ; residence, Laconia ; enlisted Sept. 29, '63 ; no further record. John, 23 ; residence, Hanover ; enlisted Dec. 29, '63 ; died of disease, Jan. 28, '64, Concord. John, 26 ; residence, Dover ; enlisted Dec. 2, '64 ; no further record. Patrick, 19, Co. A ; residence, Hillsborough ; enlisted Sept. I, '63 ; disch., disabled, Nov. 22, '64. CIVIL WAR — NEW HAMPSHIRE 349 8th Regiment. Dennis, 42, Co. C ; residence, Manchester ; enHsted Dec. 23, '61 ; disch., disabled. Mar. 27, '63. John, 27, Co. C; residence, Manchester; enHsted Dec. 31, '61 ; wounded, May 27, '63, Port Hudson, La. ; disch., wounds, Aug. 17, '63. 9th Regiment : 3 Years. Chas. H., 18, Co. G; residence, Clairmont ; enHsted Aug. 14, '62 ; wounded. May 18, '64, Spottsylvania, Va. ; m. o. June 10, '65. loth Regiment : 3 Years. Hugh, 29, Co. K ; residence, Manchester ; enHsted Sept. 16, '62 ; m. o. June 21, '65. John, 36, Co. C ; residence, Manchester ; enlisted Sept. 5, '62 ; m. o. June 21, '65. John, 35, Co. C; residence. Concord; enlisted Sept. i, '62; trans, to 28th Co., 2d Batt., 1. C, Aug. i, '63; disch. July 19, '65. John, 36, Co. K ; residence, Manchester ; enlisted Sept. 5, '62 ; wounded, June 3, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. ; disch., disabled, Nov. i, '64. Thomas, 22, Co. F; residence. Bow; enlisted Aug. 19, '63; reported as on sick list, when trans, to 2d N. H. V. I ith Regiment : 3 Years. Daniel, 35, Co. B ; residence, Hill ; enHsted July 2, '64 ; disch. May 25, '65. Unassigned. James H., 18 ; residence, Surrey ; enHsted Dec. 29, '63 ; no further record. Michael, 20; residence, Wilton; enlisted July 28, '64; no further record. 350 CIVIL WAR NEW HAMPSHIRE I2th Regiment : 3 Years. Alfred, 22, Co. B ; residence, Allentown ; enlisted Dec. 18, '63 ; died of disease, May 2, '64, Boston, Mass. 13th Regiment : 3 Years. Jeremiah, 29, Co. E ; residence, Hampton ; enlisted Aug. 10, '63 ; killed, June 7, '64, Cold Harbor, Va. 14th Regiment : 3 Years. James, 19, Co. E ; residence, Hinsdale ; enlisted Aug. 5, '64 ; m. o. July 8, '65. 1 6th Regiment : 9 Months. John H., 18, Co. G ; residence, New Boston ; enlisted Oct. 24, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 20, '63. John, 36, Co. K ; residence, Stratham ; enlisted Oct. 25, '62 ; m. o. Aug. 20, '63. 1 8th Regiment: i Year. John H., 19, Co. I ; residence, Concord ; enlisted Sept. 24, '64; m. o. June 10, '65; died, June 13, '70. ist Regiment, N. H. Vol. Cavalry: 3 Years. Chas. H., 19, Co. I ; residence, Farmington ; enlisted Mar. 11, '64; appointed Corp., May i, '65 ; m. o. July 15, '65. John, 21, Co. B; residence, Upper Gilmanton ; enlisted Mar. 26, '64 ; died of disease, Sept. 8, '64, Sandy Hook, Md. John, 22, Co. C; residence, Alton; enlisted April 13, '64; captured, Nov. 12, '64, Middletown, Va. ; released, Feb. 28, '65; m. o. July 15, '65. Unassigned. Peter, 28 ; residence, Thornton ; enlisted April 4, '65 ; no further record. CIVIL WAR — NEW HAMPSHIRE 35! 1st N. H. Vol. Lig-ht Battery: 3 Years. Michael L., 2;^; residence, New Durham ; enlisted Aug. 14, '63 ; appointed Corp. ; m. o. June 9, '65. 1st N. H. Vol. Heavy Battery. Thomas, 18, Co. E; residence. Concord; enlisted Sept. 5, '64; m. o. June 15, '65. Veteran Reserve Corps. John, 34; residence, Hillsborough; enlisted Aug. i, '64; m. o. Nov. 14, '65 ; prior service in Co. A, i6th Mass. Miscellaneous Organizations : 3 Years. Jeremiah, 21; residence, Somers worth ; enlisted June 11, '*6i ; m. o. June 21, '64. U. S. Navy. Cornelius, 23; residence, Manchester; enlisted July 12, '60 ; term, 3 yrs. ; served on " Ohio," " Constitution " and " Richmond " ; disch. Aug. 13, '63, as Capt. of " Top " from Richmond ; term exp. James, 2y ; residence, Portsmouth; enlisted June 25, '62; term, 3 yrs. ; served as fireman ; no further record. John, 34; residence, Portsmouth; enlisted Dec. i, '64; term, 3 yrs. ; served on " Vandalia," " Merrimac " and " Dacotah "; disch. June 15, '68, term exp. Michael, 22; residence, Somersworth ; enlisted May 8, '61 ; term, i yr. ; served on "Ohio," " South Carolina," " Minnesota," " Tacony," " Shawsheen " and " Dela- ware " ; disch. May 14, '64, term expired. Patrick, 22 ; residence, Greenfield ; enlisted May 17, '61 ; term, i yr. ; served on " Ohio," " Massachusetts " and "Brooklyn"; disch. Oct. 10, '61, from latter. Patrick, 25 ; residence. Portsmouth ; enlisted Oct. 27, '62 ; term, i yr. ; served on " Ohio," " Ossipee " and " Pen- sacola"; disch. May 11, '64, from Pensacola. term exp. 352 CIVIL WAR NEW JERSEY Wm., 23 ; residence, Effingham ; enlisted Sept. 30, '64 ; term, 3 yrs. ; served on " Vandalia " and ''Albatross " ; trans, to ** Supply," Aug. 18, '65; not taken up; no further record. NEW JERSEY. Militia: 3 Months. 1st Regiment. Jas., Pr., Co. G; enlisted April 30, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. John, Pr., Co. G; enlisted April 30, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. John, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted April 30, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. 2d Regiment. Guy, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted April 26, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. Wm., Pr., Co. F; enlisted April 26, '61 ; m. o. July 31, *6i. Jas., Pr., Co. K; enlisted April 26, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. 3d Regiment. Anthony D., Pr., Co. A ; enlisted April 22, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. Frank, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted April 22, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. Jas., Pr., Co. A; enlisted April 22, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. Martin, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted April 23, '61 ; m. o. July 31. '61. Wm., Pr., Co. I; enlisted April 2y, '61 ; m. o. July 31, '61. ist Regiment, Infantry: 3 Years. Michael, Musician, Co. D; enlisted Aug. 13, '62; trans. to Co. F. Michael, Musician, Co. F; enlisted Aug. 13, '62; trans. from Co. D. Michael, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted June 3, '61 ; killed in action at Gaines' Farms, Va., July 2y, '62. CIVIL WAR — NEW JERSEY 353 2d Regiment, Infantry. John, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Feb. 8, '62 ; 3 yrs. ; re-enlisted Mar. 16, '64, served in Co. A, 15th Reg. John, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Mar. 21, '65; i yr. : m. o. July II, '65; trans, from Co. E, 15th Reg. John, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted May 28, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. June 21, '64. John, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Nov. 18, '62,', 3 yrs.; m. o. July II, '65. Jas., Pr., Co. F ; enlisted May 28, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; disch. Aug. I3> '63, disabled. Chas. J., Pr., Co. K ; enlisted May 30, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. June 21, '64. 3d Regiment. Jas. W., Sergt., Co. F; enlisted May 28, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. June 23, '64. Walter, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted May 10, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. June 23, '64; promoted to Corp., July 24, '61. 4th Regiment. Michael, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Jan. 13, '65; i yr. ; m. o. July 9, '65. John, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Jan. 16, '65; 3 yrs.; m. o. July 9, '65. Peter, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Aug. 13, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 9, '65. Richard, Pr., Co. F; enHsted Jan. 12, '65; 3 yrs.; disch., hospital. May 3, '65. Thos., Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Jan. 17, '65 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 9. '65. Unassigned Substitute. James, Pr. ; enlisted Jan. 16, '65; 3 yrs. 5th Regiment. Wm. L., Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Aug. 19, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; disch. Feb. 2, '63, disabled. 23 354 CIVIL WAR NEW JERSEY James, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Aug. 19, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; died, Portsmouth Grove, R. I., July 19, '62. John, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 22, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; disch. Aug. 26, '62, to join regulars. Matthew, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Sept. 23, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; trans. to Co. E. Patrick, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Jan. 21, '64; 3 yrs.; trans. to Co. F, 7th Reg. 6th Regiment. Michael, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Aug. 9, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; trans, to Co. A, 15th Reg., Aug. 15, '62. Unassigned. Michael, Pr. ; enlisted June 2y, '64 ; 3 yrs. 7th Regiment. Wm., 1st Lieut., Co. D; enlisted Mar. 2, '65 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 17, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Mar. 4, '65 ; i yr. ; m. o. June 6, '65. George, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Oct. 6, '64 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 17, '65. Jas., 1st Sergt., Co. F; enlisted Sept. 2, '61 ; 3 yrs.; m. o. Oct. 7, '64. Matthew, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Sept. 23, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. June 5, '65. Wm., Sergt., Co. G; enhsted Sept. 17, '61; 3 yrs.; pro- moted to 2d Lieut., Co. D, Nov. 13, '64. Michael, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Feb. 7, '65 ; 3 yrs. ; disch. Mar. 21, '65, disabled. John, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Mar. 7, '65 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 17, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Mar. 4, '65 ; i yr. ; trans, to Co. D. CIVIL WAR — NEW JERSEY 355 8th Regiment. Patrick, Pr., Co. A; enlisted June i, '64; 3 yrs. ; m. o. June 9, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Nov. 10, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; disch., Harrison's Landing, Va., July 10, '62, disal)lcd. John, Corp., Co. C ; enlisted Sept. 2, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 17, '65. Benjamin, ist Lieut., Co. D; enlisted Oct. 11, '64; pro- moted to Capt., Co. E, May 5, '65. Benjamin, Capt., Co. E ; enlisted May 5, '65 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 17, '65. Wm., Musician, Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 7, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 17, '65. John, Pr., Co. G; enhsted Sept. 2, '61; trans, to Co. C; re-enlisted Dec. 25, '63. Benjamin, Sergt., Co. K; enhsted Sept. 13, '61; 3 yrs.; trans, to Co. C, Corp., Sept. 9, '62 ; re-enlisted Dec. 25, '63; Sergt., May i, '64. Unassigned. Patrick, Pr. ; enlisted May 31, '64; 3 yrs. Matthew, Pr. ; enlisted June 6, '64 ; 3 yrs. 9th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted May 5, '64 ; 3 yrs. : m. o. May 27, '65. Joseph, Corp., Co. E ; enlisted Sept. 29, '64 ; i yr. ; m. o. June 14, '65. Lewis, Sergt., Co. I ; enlisted Oct. 8, '61 : i yr. : m. o. July 12, '65. Unassigned. John, Pr. ; enlisted Sept. 30, '64 ; 3 yrs. loth Regiment. Wm. R., Col. ; enlisted Jan. 29, '62 ; 3 yrs. ; resigned Mar. 12, '63. 356 CIVIL WAR NEW JERSEY Chas. V. C, 1st Lieut., Co. A ; enlisted April 17, '62 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. April 18, '65 ; prisoner of war. Joseph, Wagoner, Co. B ; enlisted Oct. 5, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; disch. at Washington, D. C, Mar. 16, '62, disabled. Daniel, Pr., Co. C; enlisted Sept. 22, '62; 3 yrs.; trans. to V. R. C, July I, '63. Thos., Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Jan. 28, '65 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July I, '65. Jas., Pr., Co. G ; enlisted May 5, '62 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. Jan. I, '65. Wm. B., Pr., Co. G; enlisted Oct. 28, 61; 3 yrs.; m. o. April 8, '62. Sylvanus, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Oct. 28, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. April 8, '62. John, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Jan. 30, '65 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July I, '65. Unassigned. John, Pr. ; enhsted Nov. 23, '64 ; 3 yrs. Joseph, Pr. ; enlisted Jan. 23, '65 ; 3 yrs. Patrick, Pr. ; enlisted Jan. 24, '65 ; 3 yrs. nth Regiment. James, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted July 23, '62 ; 3 yrs. ; trans, to Co. B, 1st Reg. N. J. Cav., Dec. 16,' '63. Wm. A., Pr., Co. E; enlisted Aug. 13, '62; 3 yrs.; disch. Jan. 6, '64, disabled. Jas., Sergt., Co. G; enlisted Aug. 9, '62; 3 yrs.; m. o. June 6, '65. Geo., Pr., Co. G; enlisted June 17, '62; 3 yrs.; m. o. June 12, '65. 1 2th Regiment. Jas., Pr., Co. A; enlisted Aug. 11, '62; 3 yrs.; m. o. June 4, '65. Wm., Pr., Co. C; enlisted April i, '65; i yr. ; m. o. July 5, '65. Joseph, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Aug. 7, '62 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. June 4, '65. CIVIL WAR — NEW JERSEY 357 13th Regiment. Franklin, ist Lieut.; enlisted Feb. 24, '64; 3 yrs. ; m. o. June 28, '65. John, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Sept. 9, '64 ; i yr. ; m. o. June 8, '65. Thos., Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Sept. 9, '64 ; i yr. ; m. o. June 8, '65. John, Pr., Co. B; enhsted Aug. 13, '63; 3 yrs.; trans, to 33d Reg. Franklin, 2d Lieut., Co. D ; enlisted Feb. 22, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; 1st Lieut., Feb. 24, '64. Jas. P., Pr., Co. F; enlisted Aug. 5, '62; 3 yrs.; m. o. June 8, '65. 15th Regiment. Patrick, Musician, Co. C; enlisted July 31, '62; 3 yrs.; m. o. July 22, '65. John, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Mar. 21, '65; i yr. ; trans, to Co. E, 2d Reg., June 21, '65. John P., Pr., Co. F; enhsted Mar. 17, '65; i yr. ; trans. to Co. F, 2d Reg., June 21, '65. James, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Aug. 16, '62 ; 3 yrs. ; killed in action, May 8, '64, at Spottsylvania, Va. 1 6th Regiment. See ist Regiment, Cavalry. 17th Regiment. See ist Regiment, Militia. i8th Regiment. See 2d Regiment, Militia. 19th Regiment. See 3d Regiment, Militia. 20th Regiment. See 4th Regiment, Militia. 2 1 St Regiment. Michael H., Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Aug. 23, '62 ; 9 mos. ; m. o. June 19, '63. 23d Regiment. Edward, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Aug. 25, '62 ; 9 mos. ; m. o. June 27, '63. 358 CIVIL WAR — NEW JERSEY Benjamin, Pr., Co. E; enlisted Aug. 25, '62; 9 mos. ; m. o. June 2-], '63. Sandford, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Aug. 25, '62 ; 9 mos. ; m. o. June 27, '63. 24th Regiment. Daniel, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Sept. 7, '62 ; 9 mos. ; disch. at Gen. Hospital, Oct. 31, '62, disabled. Samuel L. G., Pr., Co. E; enlisted Sept. i, '62; 9 mos.; m. o. June 29, '63. John, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Sept. 2, '62 ; 9 mos. ; disch. at Gen. Hospital, Newark, N. J., Mar. 13, '63, disabled. James G., Sergt., Co. K ; enlisted Aug. 30, '62 ; 9 mos. ; m. o. June 29, '63. 25th Regiment. Daniel B., Adjt. ; enlisted Sept. 25, %2 ; 9 mos. ; dismissed, Feb. 18, '63, headquarters Army of Potomac. 26th Regiment. Alfred, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Sept. 3, '62 ; 9 mos. ; m. o. June 27, '63. 28th Regiment. Arthur C, Hosp. Steward, Co. A ; enhsted Aug. 29, '62 ; 9 mos. ; m. o. July 6, 'd^i. Arthur, Pr., Co. I ; enlisted Aug. 29, '62 ; 9 mos. ; m. o. July 6, '63. 29th Regiment. John, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Sept. i, '62; 9 mos.; m. o. June 30, '63. Robert, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Sept. i, '62; 9 mos.; m. o. June 30, '63. 30th Regiment. Martin, Pr., Co. F ; enlisted Sept. 3, '62 ; 9 mos. ; disch. Jan. 19, '63, disabled. CIVIL WAR — NEW JERSEY 359 31st Regiment. Wm. H., Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Sept. 3, '62 ; 9 mos. ; m. o. June 24, '63. 33d Regiment. Jas., Pr., Co. C; enlisted Aug. 15, '63; 3 yrs. ; trans, to 5th U. S. Inf., April 14, '65 ; taken prisoner Sept. 4, '64; recaptured Dec. 28, '64. Michael, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Sept. 2, '6^ ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 17, '65. Unassigned. Co. H. John, Pr. ; enlisted Aug. 13, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 17, '65 ; trans, to Co. B, 13th Reg. 34th Regiment. Dennis, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Mar. 24, '65 ; i yr. ; trans. to Co. F. Francis, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted April 8, '65 ; i yr. ; disch. April 7, '66, at Mobile, Ala. Wm., Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Sept. 3, '64 ; i yr. ; m. o. June 6, '65. Richard, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Mar. 4, '65 ; i yr. ; m. o. Mar. 3, '66; disch.. Mobile, Ala. Francis, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted April 8, '65 ; i yr. : trans. to Co. C. Jas., Musician, Co. I ; enlisted Oct. 10, '6^ ; 3 yrs. : m. o. April 30, '66. Richard, Pr., Co. I ; enhsted Mar. 4, '65 ; i yr. ; trans, to Co. H. 35th Regiment. Michael, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Feb. 22, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; died, Dec. 8, '63. James, Pr., Co. C ; enlisted Sept. 2, '6^ ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July II, '65; promoted to Corp., Sept. 2, '63; promoted to Sergt., Oct. 13, '63. 360 CIVIL WAR — NEW JERSEY Samuel, Pr., Co. G; enlisted Sept. 13, '64; i yr. ; trans. to Co. C. John, Pr., Co. H ; enlisted Aug. 29, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 20, '65. 37th Regiment. Michael, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted June 6, '64 ; 100 days ; m. o. Oct. I, '64. Patrick, Corp., Co. H; enlisted July 17, '64; 100 days; m. o. Oct. I, '64. 39th Regiment. Chas. J., Pr., Co. C; enlisted Sept. 19, '64; i yr. ; m. o. July 17, '65. Dennis A., Pr., Co. C; enlisted Sept. 19, '64; i yr. ; m. o. July 17, '65. Thos., Pr., Co. D; enlisted Sept. 22, '64; i yr. ; m. o. July 17, '65. John, Pr., Co. G ; enlisted Sept. 6, '64 ; i yr. ; m. o. Sept. 25, '65. John A., Pr., Co. G ; enHsted Sept. 7, '64 ; i yr. ; m. o. July 17, '65. 1st Regiment, Cavalry. John, Pr., Co. A; enlisted Nov. 13, '63; 3 yrs.; trans, to Co. B, Dec. 13, '63. Francis, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Aug. 7, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 4, '65. Jas., Pr., Co. B ; enlisted Aug. 7, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. Feb. 10, '65. Martin, Corp., Co. B ; enlisted Aug. 7, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; disch., Washington, D. C, May 7, '62, disabled. Thos. B., Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Aug. 12, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; drowned in Potomac River at Georgetown, D. C, Jan. 17, '63. Leander, Blacksmith, Co. F ; enlisted Aug. 10, '61 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 24, '65 ; re-enlisted Dec. 25, '63. CIVIL WAR NEW JERSEY 361 Benjamin B., Corp., Co. H ; enlisted Dec. 30, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 24, '65. Cornelius, Pr., Co. H; enlisted Aug. 11, '64; 3 yrs.; m. o. July 25, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Jan. 5, '64 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. July 24, '65. Michael, Pr., Co. L; enlisted Dec. 31, '64; 3 yrs.; m. o. July 24, '65. Benjamin B., Pr., Co. M ; enlisted Dec. 30, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; trans, to Co. H. 2d Regiment, Cavalry. Non-commissioned Staff. T. Malcolm, Sergt.-Maj.; enlisted Aug. 4, '63; 3 yrs.; Sergt, Co. I, S. M., Sept. 25, '63 ; 2d Lieut, Co. A, 3d Cav., Nov. 10, '63. John, Pr., Co. F; enlisted Sept. i, '63; 3 yrs.; m. o. Nov. I, '65. Patrick, Pr., Co. H; enhsted May 19, '64; 3 yrs.; final record unknown. T. Malcolm, Sergt., Co. I; enlisted Aug. 18, '63; 3 yrs.; promoted Sergt.-Maj., Sept. 25, '63. Edward, Pr., Co. I; enhsted Aug. 11, '63; 3 yrs.; m. o. Nov. I, '65. Wm., Pr., Co. I ; enhsted Aug. 25, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; died, Memphis, Tenn., Mar. 4, '64. John, Pr., Co. K; enlisted Sept. 8, '64; i yr. ; m. o. May 31, '65. 3d Regiment, Cavalry. T. Malcolm, Capt., Co. A ; enhsted Jan. 12, '64 ; 3 yrs. ; other references. Jas., Pr., Co. D ; enlisted Oct. 7, '64 ; i yr. ; trans, to Co. L. Sylvanus, 2d Lieut, Co. H; enlisted July 31, '64; 3 yrs.; resigned, June 9, '65. Matthias, Pr., Co. H; enhsted Dec. 31, '6^; 3 yrs.; m. o. Aug. I, '65. 362 CIVIL WAR NEW JERSEY Jas., or John, Pr., Co. L ; enlisted Oct. 7, '64 ; i yr. ; m. o. Oct. 7, '64 ; final record unknown. 1st Regiment, Artillery. Patrick, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted Sept. 20, '64 ; i yr. ; m. o. July 22, '65. John, Pr., Co. E ; enlisted Feb. 9, '64 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. June 12, '65. National Guard of Trenton. Wm. R., Capt., Co. A ; enlisted April 16, '61 ; 3 mos. ; m. o. July 16, '61. Chas. V. C., Pr., Co. A ; enlisted April 16, '63 ; 3 mos. ; m. o. July 16, '61. John W., Pr., Co. A; enHsted April 16, '61 ; 3 mos. ; m. o. July 16, '61. T. Malcolm, Pr., Co. A ; enlisted April 16, '61 ; 3 mos. ; m. o. July 16, '61. New Jersey Militia. Penn. Emergency. Wm. R., Capt, Co. A; enlisted June 17, '63; 30 days ; m. o. July 16, '63; detailed to Co. M, ist Batt. John W., Sergt., Co. A; enlisted June 17, '6^; 30 days; m. o. July 16, '63. John L., Pr., Co. A; enlisted June 17, '63; 30 days; m. o. July 16, '63. Wm. R., Jr., Pr., Co. A; enlisted June 17, '63; 30 days; m. o. July 16, '63. Edward, Pr., Co. B ; enlisted June 17, '63 ; 30 days ; m. o. July 17, '63. Patrick, Pr., Co. D ; enlisted June 29, '63 ; 30 days ; m. o. July 21, '63. 2d Regiment, D. of C. Volunteers. Thos., Pr. ; enlisted Feb. 28, '64; 3 yrs. ; m. o. Sept. 15, '65. CIVIL WAR NEW JERSEY 363 9th Regiment, ist Batt. V. R. C. John C, Pr., Co. C; enlisted April i, '64; 3 yrs. ; disch. Nov. 14, '65, Washington, D. C. 1st Regiment, Hancock's Veteran Corps. John, Sergt., Co. D; enlisted Jan. 18, '65; i yr. ; disch., Baltimore, Md. 2d Regiment, Hancock's Veteran Corps. Patrick, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted Mar. 16, '65 ; i yr. ; disch., Elmira, N. Y. Edward, Pr., Co. K ; enlisted May 23, '65 ; 3 yrs. ; final record unknown. Ordnance Corps, U. S. Army. James, Pr. ; enlisted Aug. 29, '63 ; 3 yrs. ; disch. at Arsenal, Washington, D. C. John, Pr. ; enlisted Mar. 26, '64 ; 3 yrs. ; disch. at Arsenal, Washington, D. C. 32d Regiment, Infantry, U. S. Army. Patrick, Pr. ; enlisted Oct. 19, '65 ; 3 yrs. ; m. o. Oct. 29, '68; disch. at Wilmington, Del. U. S. Marine Corps. Hugh W., Seaman; enlisted July 5, '61; 3 yrs.; m. o. July 28, 62 ; U. S. S. " Lilac." Thos., Seaman ; enlisted Sept. 28, '64 ; 2 yrs. ; m. o. Sept. 16, '65 ; U. S. Rec. Ship " York." John, Ord. Seaman; enlisted Mar. 11, '65; 2 yrs.; U. S. Rec. Ship " Ohio," at Boston. John, Ord. Seaman; enlisted Oct. 19, '64; 2 yrs.; U. S. Rec. Ship " Princeton," at Philadelphia. Richard, Ord. Seaman ; enlisted Oct. 28, '62 ; i yr. ; U. S. Rec. Ship *' North Carolina," at New York. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 549 798 7