(fas E^-57 Rnnk ,3a^ THE STATE OF THE COUNTRY. A DISCOURSE. DELIVERED IN THE .Tune 1, 180r,. ON THE DAY APPOINTED AS A DAY OF "HUMILIATION AND MOURNING" IN VIEW OF THE DEATH OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, BY ALBERT BARNES. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY B. ASJIMEAD, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Nos. 1102 and 1104 Sansom Street. 1&65. (OF a; THE STATE OF THE COUNTRY. A DISCOUKSE, DELIVERED IN THE vmmmm June %, 1SGB. ON THE DAY APPOINTED AS A DAY OF "HUMILIATION AND MOURNING" IN VIEW OF THE DEATH OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, BY ALBERT BARNES. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY B. ASIIMEAD, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Nos. 1102 and 1104 Sanson Street. 18G5. &: This discourse was too long to be preached, and in fact a consider- able portion of it was omitted in the delivery. Yet it was intended, in its preparation, that the views presented should be closely con- nected, and that each part should bear on the same general subject. It is, therefore, printed. I cannot hope, and I do not expect, that the views presented will meet with universal approval, or even general approval, but I regard them as vital to liberty ; to the proper interpretation of the Constitu- tion; and to the future peace and prosperity of the country. Some of the sentiments expressed in the Discourse, if they had been uttered during the efforts made by the Government and the country to sup- press the rebellion, might, perhaps, have been construed as designed to embarrass the Government, but, whether correct or not, no such construction could be put on them now. Great and valuable lessons are to come out of this terrible conflict of arms, and the occasion on which this Discourse was delivered seemed to me to be one in which it was proper to advert to these lessons. I have exercised the right which every man has, of expressing them. Albert Barnes. Philadelphia, June 2, 1865. Thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer, I am the Lord that maketh all things ; THAT STRETCHETH FORTH THE HEAVENS ALONE J THAT SPREADETH ABROAD TnE EARTH BY MYSELF ; THAT FRUSTRATETH THE TOKENS OF THE LIARS, AND MAKETH DIVINERS MAD J THAT TURNETH WISE MEN BACKWARD, AND MAKETH THEIR KNOWLEDGE FOOLISH J THAT SAITH OF CYRUS, He IS MY SHEPHERD, AND SHALL PERFORM ALL MY PLEASURE : EVEN SAYING TO JERUSALEM, THOU SHALT BE BUILT ; AND TO THE TEMPLE, THY FOUNDATION SHALL BE LAID. — Isaiah xliv. 24, 25, 28. The only use which I shall make of this text on this occasion, is as suggesting the idea that God raises up good and great men, and employs them as instruments in delivering the oppressed from bondage, and that, in doing this, he defeats the counsels and purposes of bad men. Cyrus was raised up to deliver the Hebrew peo- ple from their long captivity in Babylon, as Moses had been long before to deliver the ancestors of the same people from slavery in Egypt. The applicability of this thought to the circumstances of our country, I trust you will perceive as we advance. If the principle is correct, the hand of God should be recognized alike in the arrangements by which such men are raised up; in the work which they accomplish ; in their removal, however that removal may occur ; and in the lasting benefits which he has conferred, through their instrumentality, on the oppressed, on a nation, or on the world at large. In view of profound grief such as a nation never be- fore experienced for the loss of a Chief Magistrate ; of deep horror felt for the crime by which he has been removed — a crime, in itself, among the darkest that man 6 ever commits, and in this case, aggravated the more its origin, and the purposes expected to be accomplished by it, and the spirit which prompted it, are understood — we have been summoned to the services of this day. No words can add to our sense of the loss, or our horror of the crime. The nation's sense of that loss has been ex- pressed in tears, and prayers, and costly arrangements for committing to the earth, in a proper manner, all that was mortal of the murdered man, such as the world never saw on the fall of the Ruler of a people before, and the nation's horror of the crime by all the demands which a nation could utter for the severest punishment of those directly concerned in the assassination, and of all those in high places who have been connected with it. It is not for me to attempt to deepen this impression of loss, or to give a more distinct utterance to this feel- ing of horror. The deed is done. The work of the President is done. His character is fixed — unmistaka- bly fixed, and honorable ; his name will go down to future times as among the most cherished of those of our own country, or of any land, whose record the " world will not willingly let die." The great event which will be seen to have mainly characterized his administration — the de- liverance from bondage of four millions of human beings, and the establishment of perfect freedom throughout the land, will place his administration among those great epochs in human affairs which are most closely connec- ted with the progress of the race. It will be appropriate in the observance of this day, if since nothing can be said to deepen the impression of the nation's grief; nothing added to increase the sense of the horror of the crime ; and nothing in regard to the character of the murdered President which has not been already many times said, we turn our thoughts to the state of the country at his death, to the things which have been done as the result of his administration, and to those which remain to be done that future perils may be avoided, and that our country, carrying out the pur- poses of our fathers, may occupy its appropriate place among the nations of the earth. Our Constitution has not made it, as is done in mon- archical countries, treason to " compass or imagine the death" of the chief magistrate of the nation, or of any individual in the land. In England, and in all coun- tries under a monarchy, the act which has been per- formed here would have bean treason.* But it was a main purpose of the founders of our Republic to avoid alike in name, in authority, in hereditary rank, in titles of nobility, and in corruption of blood, all that has been engrafted on the idea of royalty ; all that could suggest the idea of a monarchy. To have designated such a crime as that which has been committed treason, there- fore, would have been to introduce an idea into the con- stitution entirely foreign to all our notions of government. Hence, under our laws, the assassination even of the President of the United States, whether the act of an individual without concert with others, or whether the result of a wide-spread conspiracy ; whether an act per- formed by a man accustomed to mimic tragedies and scenes of blood, or whether the result of a plot laid by men that have conspired against the life of the Republic, and who have formed the plot as the consummation of the work of rebellion ; whether it be the mere indulgence of private malignant feeling, or whether it be the legiti- * Blackstonc, iv. 74, scq. mate result of a barbarous system of slavery, culminating in a crime so horrid, is, in the eye of the law, simply murder, as it would be in respect to the lowest citizen of the Republic, and to be tried and punished in the same way. The punishment due to treason could not enter into the sentence of the individual assassin, or of those who employed him. Yet though not treason, but mur- der, in the eye of the law, it is no ordinary act of murder. It is a crime against the state ; against the constitution ; against the entire people of the land ; against liberty. For even in a sense which does not occur under a hereditary monarchy, the honor of the nation is entrusted to the President of the United States, and he is more directly the representative of the princi- ples of its liberties and its laws. As one of the people, not by a hereditary claim, he is placed in that high office by their own direct act ; he is clothed with authority solely by their choice ; he is exalted by their will to be at the head of the army and the navy ; he is appointed to execute the laws of the land ; he is entrusted, with his constitutional advisers, to regulate the intercourse of the nation with the other nations of the earth. Never, in any country, has so much been permanently entrusted to a public ruler by the direct will of the people as is entrusted to a President of the United States ; in no other land can a prince, potentate, emperor, king, czar, sultan, shah, feel that he has been made so directly the depository of honor and power as a President of the United States. In a sense then which could not occur even in the assassination of shah, sultan, king, emperor, or czar, even though it be technically called " treason," there is in the murder of a President of the United States a malignity and atrocity ; an offence against a 9 nation ; a personal offence against every individual of the nation, which could not occur elsewhere. Technically it is not treason ; morally, such an act is blacker than that by which Henry of Navarre fell, and is only to be compared with that in which William of Orange was consigned to the grave. The world is always shocked at the assassination of the supreme Magistrate of a nation. So even in Russia, the government of which has been defined to be " an ab- solute despotism, limited by the right of assassination." So when Henry IV, and William the Silent were mur- dered ; so even in the multiplied assassinations of the successors of the Antonines in the Roman empire, where in the ninety-two years that followed the reign of Com- modus, himself assassinated, " thirty-two emperors, and twenty-seven pretenders to the empire alternately hurled each other from the throne"* — when Commodus, Pertinax, Caracalla, Eliogobalus, Severus, Maximus, Balbinus, Gordian perished by assassination ; so under Oriental despotism; so in the attempts made on the lives of the First and the Third Napoleons ; and so the attempts made on the life of the present Queen of Eng- land. In a monarchy such an act may unsettle and de- range the whole government, and change the succession as it may be intenced to do ; it may lead to the horrors of civil war ; it may deluge a land in blood. In our own country, such is the felicity above other nations of our civil institutions, that such an act, bloody and horrible as it is, does not arrest the wheels of government for a moment ; lays a foundation for no hope in rebellion ; does not disturb the peaceful relations to foreign powers, and * Sismondi. 10 may be followed, as soon as the oath of office can be ad- ministered, by efficient efforts to bring to punishment the immediate murderers, and all those who have in any way been concerned in planning and promoting the crime. We were appalled by the crime ; we mourned as no nation ever mourned ; but the operations of the Gov- ernment were not suspended for a single day, or even for an hour. The crime of assassination, however, great as it is in itself, and aggravated as it may be by the position and office of the murdered man, may be aggravated by pe- culiar circumstances in regard to his character, to the work which he is engaged in performing, to the service which he has rendered or is rendering to his country, to the sacrifices which he has made, and to his near ap- proach to triumph, and honor, and peace. In a passage in the great dramatist which will occur to every one as applicable to the event which we mourn, and which pro- bably, in reference to that event, has been more frequently in the minds of men, or more frequently quoted than any other, these circumstances are referred to with all the beauty of poetry, and with all the tenderness of appeal of which our language is capable : Treason has done his worst ; nor steel, nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing Can touch him further. He Hath born his faculties so meek, hath been So clear in his great office, that his virtues Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against The deep damnation of his taking off; And pity, like a naked, new-born babe, Striding the blast, or heaven's cherubim, horsed Upon the sightless couriers of the air, Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye, That tears shall drown the wind. 11 The assassination of Washington would at any time have filled the world with horror. But suppose it had occurred just at the close of the war of the Revolution — on his way to Yorktown — and in full prospect of the capture of Cornwallis, and of the end of the conflict : after all the struggles, and trials, and sacrifices, and toils of seven years' war ; after the scenes at Valley Forge, and the retreats which he had been compelled to make, and the days of darkness so long and so gloomy, and now when light was dawning, and the war was ending, and the wisdon of his plans was about to be manifested to the world, and the world was about to do him homage as among the greatest of its captains, and the purest of its patriots, and he had the prospect of reposing many years the honored of mankind in his own quiet home, suppose that then the assassin's dirk had laid him ' low in death. What is the assassination of a despot, a he- reditary prince, a man who has nothing but a hereditary rank to entitle him to the notice of the world, as com- pared with such a deed ! Our late President was murdered just as the war was ending, and as the results of his plans were about to be apparent. No man ever entered on an office in such cir- cumstances as he did ; no man ever had more difficulties to contend with; no man ever had more perplexing ques- tions to solve ; no man was ever placed in circumstances when there was so little in the past to guide him ; no man ever entered on an office with more decided, bitter, keen-eyed, suspicious, relentless, powerful enemies; 'no man, in so high a position, with so little of personal ex- perience, or with so little in his previous history to en- able a nation to determine what would be his course, whether one of wisdom or folly, success or failure. No 12 man ever passed four years of more anxious care, and of patient trial ; of disappointments, reverses, and disasters; of uncertainty as to the result; of things that try a man's soul and all that there is in man of patience, kind- ness, firmness, patriotism, wisdom, justice, and mercy. The end was reached. The dark days were passed. The war was closing. The object was about to be accom- plished, and honor, shall any one say inferior to that which awaited Washington when Cornwallis surrendered, awaited him, and he fell. So if Moses had fallen when he saw the promised land, after the forty years' wander- ing in the wilderness ; if Tell, or Bruce, or Wallace had thus fallen, shall we say that the world would have been more shocked, or that succeeding ages would have re- garded the crime as more atrocious, or the murdered man as worthy of a more cherished remembrance ? In comparing the public life of Mr. Lincoln with that of his predecessors in that great office, as must and will be done, we cannot now see that any one of them, even the greatest, would have accomplished the work demanded in his circumstances in a better manner. We can be in no uncertainty as to what the majority at least of those men would have attempted ; of some of them we can have no doubt as to what would have been the result. Few of them, indeed, were placed in cir- cumstances which would enable us to determine from what they did as to what they would have done in our time. But the circumstances were such that we know what Washington and Jackson would have attempted ; for that which, under the blessing of God, they did, would lead us to entertain no doubt of what, under the same blessing of God, they would have done now. Of Washington we know what he would have done. He 13 who made arrangements to suppress the " Insurrection " in Pennsylvania, and to bring " Shay's Rebellion " in Massachusetts to an end, would not have hesitated to call forth all a nation's strength to suppress a much greater " insurrection," and to annihilate a much more formidable "rebellion." Of Jackson, too, we know what he would have done. Of him who issued that proclamation which the world will never forget in refer- ence to the Acts of Nullification in South Carolina ; of him who was informed by the Governor of Virginia that he would never permit the President of the Uuited States to send an army through that State to suppress an in- surrection in South Carolina, and who is reported to have said to those who conveyed the message, " Go and tell the Governor of Virginia that I shall not send an army but lead it," we cannot doubt what he would have attempted, or what he would have done in this rebel- lion — the development — the culmination — the climax — the appropriate ending of the doctrine of nullification, and of the life and labors of its great author John C. Calhoun. Under God, the conqueror of Cornwallis, and the hero of New Orleans, would have suppressed this " insurrection," and brought this " rebellion " to a close. Without any disparagement, however, to the memory of those great men, it may be doubted whether either of them would have accomplished the work to be done in suppressing this great rebellion, and in restoring the Union of these States, in a better manner than has been done by him who has been so suddenly taken from the nation. He had not indeed their military ability. He had had little experience in public life. He had not been tried in any position that determined his fitness for the emergency; but he had a character of thorough 14 honesty and integrity. He had been formed to habits of patient industry and incorruptible virtue. He was eminently a man of good sense and far-seeing sagacity. He was distinguished for kindness, for large-heartedness, for a regard for the rights of all. He was a man who felt his way; who studied events; who adapted his measures to the course of things. He had an object ; but he had no inflexible theory in regard to the measures in which the object was to be reached. That object was to preserve the government ; to restore the Union ; to suppress the insurrection. From that he never swerved, and every measure of the administration tended to that end. In that he was firm, immovable, unchanging. At first, it was to restore the Union, expecting that slavery would continue to exist as before ; then, to restore the Union with slavery, if that could be done, or without slavery, if it should be necessary to abolish it in order to that restoration ; and then, when it became apparent that the rebellion was for the support of slavery, and was sustained by slavery, that the Union should be re- stored, and that slavery should be abolished altogether, by the progress of the army ; by a proclamation of free- dom ; and by a fixed and permanent amendment of the Constitution. A man more confident in regard to the measures to be pursued — with a theory to be carried out at all hazards — would not have studied events ; a man more stern, severe, harsh, unforgiving, would have irritated the enemies of the government, and produced a more bitter hostility ; a man less genial, kind, affable, accessible, could not have secured the warm affection of the great mass of the nation; for a man of mere intellectual power, or military ability, or great qualities as a statesman, if distinguished 15 only for these things, the nation would not have wept as this nation did when he died ; for of no other ruler of any nation, probably, could it have been said after four years of such a war, after summoning more than half a million of men to break up the confederacy, to put down the rebellion, and even to abolish slavery, that " the South had lost its best friend." As much as any man in this nation, perhaps as much as any man in any country, he has shown that he had talents equal to the emergency ; and this is after all the best tribute that can be paid to human ability. There was an impression quite prevalent in the nation when he died that was not justified by anything that had occurred in his life, and the justice of which history will not sanction. Men at once, as they generally do on such occasions, began to be wise, and to speculate on the designs of Providence in such an event, and became prophets in interpreting the designs of Providence in his removal. The theory of interpretation was, that he was too mild, too kind, too gentle for the emergency ; that his heart was too full of clemency to meet what was demanded in the punishment of the authors of the public calamities ; that in his nature mercy and justice were not blended in proper proportions; rebellion and treason, under him would have little to fear ; that the great ends of jus- tice would be defeated, and that, therefore, it was neces- sary that he should be removed, even by the hand of an assassin, that the interests of justice might be lodged in hands that would more sternly execute the laws. Had it required no firmness to maintain one steady course through four years of unequalled war, and when all the experiences of other wars failed to instruct the nation ? Did it indicate no sense of the majesty and authority of 16 law that all this array of forces was called forth to re- establish law, and to maintain its authority ? Did it re- quire no firmness to remove men from high places in civil life, in the army, in the navy, and to call others to their places when they were found incompetent, or when it was seen that the public service required men that would more vigorously prosecute the war ? Those who have thought that he was removed by death for want of that firmness which would have promoted the ends of justice, cannot have carefully reflected on the comparative firm- ness required to remove a military commander at the head of a hundred thousand men, the idol of the army, in a great emergency when the result of the conflict was at stake, and even on a march towards a fearful battle, placing another, as yet untried, in command, and that kind of firmness required to prosecute great criminals by the slow and careful processes of law, and to punish men of enormous and acknowledged crimes. When the whole history of this administration shall have been written, it will be found that the controlling element of the character of the man who was placed at the head of it, was not mere gentleness and compassion ; was not levity and trifling ; was not kindness at the expense of the public good ; was not mercy regardless of justice ; and that those prophets have been mistaken who have supposed that God removed him in order that the affairs of justice might pass into sterner hands. At the commencement of the administration of the late President, a conflict of arms on a scale unparalleled in this country, and almost in the world, was inevitable. There was no way in which it could be avoided, but by aban- doning the Constitution, the Union, and the idea of gov- ernment itself; by admitting that the Union under the 17 constitution was a mere cenfederacy, held together by no sacred tie, arid to be dissolved at the pleasure of any one of the States. No one saw what would be the magni- tude of the conflict, yet no one could be ignorant that it must be on a large scale when eleven of the States should rise in arms against the rest of the Union. It was called "war" and was in certain senses regarded as "war," though the true name which should have been given to it, and the name which posterity will give to it, was "insurrection' and "rebellion? In the future records of the history of this country it will be placed beside the " Whiskey Insurrection " in Pennsylvania, and " Shay's Rebellion " in Massachusetts. It was the magnitude of the attempt, and not its nature, that exalted it into the dignity of war, as far as there can be dignity in war, and that made it necessary that it should be conducted, in some measure, in accordance with the recognized rules of warfare, as between independent nations. Yet this very recognition, at home and abroad, and all the acts consequent on it, always implied a falsehood, and was based on a false idea — an idea which the events of the last two months have shown to be false. War is a conflict between real governments ; between independent powers ; between governments and people that have the right to regulate their own affairs by land and by sea. The ap- plication of the term " war" to this insurrection and re- bellion implied, so far as that term went, that there was such a government as the Southern Confederacy ; that it ought to be recognized as such; that those engaged in its service ought to be treated as belligerents, and not as traitors and rebels ; that its acts were entitled to honor- able notice as acts between nations ; and that peace was somehow to be made by negotiation with that power IS considered as a government. It is much to be regretted that the necessity of the case, as was supposed, made it unavoidable to regard this as war, and not simply as insurrection and rebellion; and that the preservation of peace with foreign nations, who at once recognized the North and the South as alike "belligerents," de- manded that the false idea should be kept before the world. Posterity will correct the indispensable and in- evitable mistake. I have always been opposed to war, as war. I have preached much against it, and have never uttered one word in favor of it, and never shall. I have held it to be barbarous ; to be contrary to the spirit of Christian- ity; to be attended with innumerable curses to mankind; to be unjust in principle, and commonly ineffectual in securing the object in view. The "pride, pomp, and circumstance of war" has, for me, never had any attrac- tion or excited any interest; and I have looked and hoped for the time when, as the brightest day in the world's history, on the whole earth, " wars and rumors " of wars should cease ; and have believed, and still be- lieve, that when the Gospel shall pervade the earth, war will be forever at an end. I lifted up my voice, in my place, against the Mexican war ; nor did I ever see or feel, nor do I now, that that war was in any way neces- sary, or that it tended to promote the honor, the peace, or the permanent prosperity of the nation. I believed then, as I do now, that it was a war prompted by sla- very ; wholly in the interest of slavery; and designed to extend slavery. I never learned the history of its battles, nor do I now desire to have them in remem- brance; and I now regard it as one of the direct and effi- cient causes of the late rebellion. 19 Yet, from the beginning, I have regarded it as my duty to defend the course of the Government in regard to this so-called war. I have felt that the very exist- ence of the Government, the Constitution, the Union, the nation, depended on the successful issue of the struggle. I have preached often on the subject ; I have prayed uniformly, in public, in the family, and in the closet, for success to attend the national arms. I have rejoiced in the successes, I have mourned, with others, over the reverses in battle. I have encouraged my own peoj)le to enlist in the service of the country ; I rejoiced when more than ninety of my young men were at one time in the army or in the navy ; and when any have fallen in the service of their country, killed in battle or dying in the camp, I have endeavored to comfort their friends and families by the idea that they died in a good cause, and that the result of the conflict, terrible to them as was the sacrifice, would be worth to the nation all which it would cost. To some this course in me, as in others of my brethren in the ministry, has doubtless appeared to be incon- sistent and contradictory. Yet I have never justified it as war, on the ordinary principles of war, or as con- nected with the usual objects of war. It has been simply and only as an attempt to maintain order, just authority, and law, by putting down an insurrection and rebellion. So I vindicate an effort on the part of the government of a city, a state, or a nation to quell a riot, to suppress a mob that threatens the public peace, and to do it, if necessary, by military power. When the mayor of a city, the sheriff of a county, or the execu- tive of a State, cannot by civil process secure the exe- cution of the laws ; when men arm themselves to resist 20 just processes of law; when they make riotous demon- stration against the public authority, it is right to call in the aid of military force to assist and maintain the peace. Without the recognition of this right there could be no security in a community, no certain prevalence of law. Yet the proper employment of military force begins and ends there ; and when that one object is accomplished, the exercise of power returns at once to the civil au- thorities. The moment the exercise of the military power becomes permanent, and the moment the military commander assumes the function of the judge or the sheriff, that moment liberty is at an end. In such a strife, too, the parties in the conflict are not on an equality. They are not "belligerents." The riotous assemblage, the mob, is not a recognized power to be " treated " with or to make terms ; nor are the captives to be regarded as prisoners of war, or to be exchanged as such ; they are enemies of the government and of the law, and are to be dealt with as such. Precisely of this nature, though on a gigantic scale, has been this rebellion and insurrection. Precisely in this relation are those who in arms have resisted the Government, and who have attempted its overthrow. Precisely in this sense, and this only, will it be referred to by posterity. Precisely in this sense, and this only, have I defended the Government in the struggle. Pre- cisely in this sense, and this only, do I rejoice in the result. I am not insensible to the greatness of the sac- rifices made and the services rendered on many battle- fields. I am not insensible to the high and noble qualities evinced by those who have gone forth to these conflicts. I am not insensible to the magnitude of their sufferings, or to the horrid cruelties to which they have been sub- 21 jected, or to the treatment which they have received, more savage and barbarous than has ever before charac- terized any war ever waged in the world, and which has shocked all our moral feelings, and made us horrified and confounded that such things could have been done in what was regarded as a Christian land, and in the nineteenth century. I am deeply alive to the fact that some of the names of the men engaged in this struggle, and that have conducted, under God, the conflict to a close so glorious, will, for all that is honored in military ability and skill, stand ever onward by the side of the names of Csesar, Alexander, Napoleon, and Wellington. But it is not in this as tvar that I rejoice. It is not for the acquisition of glory ; it is not that there has been any " war," in the proper sense of that term ; it is that an organized, unlawful resistance to the Government, has been broken up; that the most formidable insurrec- tion has been suppressed that the world has ever known; that the sternest rebellion that has ever existed has been subdued ; that the civil authorities, in accordance with all just principles of government, and as directed by the Constitution, have called to their aid the military arm to secure the proper observance of the laws, and that ban- ners, and swords, and helmets, and shields, and all the equipments of war, may now pass from public view; that the courts may hold their sessions, and the customs be- collected, and the laws of the land again extend their healthful influence over those regions lately the scenes of rebellion, and covered with blood. Much — bad as are the passions of men which prompt to it, and barbarous as may be the manner in which it may be waged — has been accomplished in our world in carrying out the Divine purposes, by war. It would seem 9.9 that, such is human nature, there are objects to he ac- complished, in the promotion of liberty, in securing the just rights of men, in emancipating from oppression and slavery, which can be secured only by the terrible con- flicts of arms. So deeply rooted are existing evils ; so much are they interlaced with the very structure of society ; so honored and defended by custom, by law, and by power; so inveterate; so identified with what seems to be the interests of the state ; so connected with wealth and rank ; and so sustained, it may be, by the prevailing views of religion, that no moral means will re- move them ; that no appeal to the consciences, the reason, or the real interest of mankind will check them. It be- comes necessary, then, to bring in the desolations of the tempest, or the storm of battle to sweep them away, and to place a nation or the race on a higher permanent level. The principle is, that when the obstructions to the pro- gress of just views of religion and liberty cannot be re- moved by moral means, God employs force — the force of arms and armies — to carry out his great purposes. When those evils are gigantic in their nature; when they are increasing ; when they are becoming more and more consolidated and confirmed; when they call to their support the professed friends of virtue and reli- gion; when they cannot be detached from existing forms .of government, or institutions of society, then the forms themselves are overthrown, and new methods of govern- ment are substituted in their place. Thus it became necessary, in the deliverance of the people of God in ancient time from oppression and slavery, that Egypt. Assyria, Babylon, and Rome should be successively overthrown ; thus no small part of the principles of lib- erty secured to Europe in the middle ages was the result of war; and thus not a few of the great principles of freedom which have gone into the British Constitution, and which have been perpetuated in our own, are the results of the conflicts of arms. The battles fought were, in fact, battles for liberty ; the result has gone into the permanent condition of the world. Our fathers, when they framed our Constitution, hoped and believed that slavery in our country would gradually and certainly die away. With this belief they were careful not to introduce the word into our Consti- tution, for they seemed to desire that future ages should find no evidence in that instrument that it had ever ex- isted in the land. By implication, indeed, they unhap- pily made provision for its temporary recognition and protection. By peaceful means ; by the progress of just moral sentiment ; by the mild influence of religion ; by the advance of light ; by experience of the blessings of liberty, and by the belief that free labor would be found to be more conducive to the public good than the labor of a slave, they hoped that the time would not be far distant when the clank of fetters would be no more heard in the land. Never were statesmen less sagacious and keen-sighted than they were in this. If suffered to exist at all, slavery grows everywhere, and a point had been reached in our own country which never could have been anticipated, when it was rendered certain that slavery would never cease in the land by the use of mere moral means ; when it was plain that it could be removed only by war. It had been so recognized in the Constitution that it could not be detached by any power which the nation possessed ; it had been made the basis of representation in the General Government ; it controlled in political af- 24 lairs the entire country ; it had a vast area of territory in which to spread, and was extending the area ; it con- trolled the Government, and had secured the influence of the Supreme Court to its highest demands ; it claimed that its production controlled the manufactures and the commerce of the world ; it had originated, apparently without violation of the Constitution, the most infamous law that had ever been enacted in a Protestant land ; it built cities and towns in the North, and made merchant princes there, and sent out vessels laden with its pro- ductions across the ocean, and claimed a power to guide affairs in the kingdoms and empires of the Old World. More than all, the sentiments of the country had changed on the whole subject of slavery. The Bible was called to its defence, and, at the bidding of the great political leader of the South, the church, North and South, came to the defence of slavery as an institution of God. With one voice the church at the South, of all denominations, came to that defence, and thousands of the ministers of religion and members of the Christian church at the North echoed the sentiment, and defended it as an ap- pointment of God. There was no hope. There was no moral power to remove the evil. There was nothing, since the better feelings of men had failed as a source of reliance, but the bad passions of war that could be employed to remove the curse, and to make the land free. Hence this insur- rection, this rebellion, this " war." It was fit that the defenders of slavery should themselves, in their mad- ness, destroy the institution ; it was fit that the results of the unrequited labor of two hundred and fifty years should be made to pay for the wrongs that had been done ; it was fit that, where so much blood had been 20 shed by stripes inflicted on the African, blood should flow freely from the masters as a retaliation for that blood ; and it was fit that the North which had been en- riched by the avails of that unrequited labor, and had done so much to sustain the institution by its complicity with it, and had furnished defenders of it in the schools of learning, in the seminaries of religion, in the pulpit, at the bar, in their own legislative halls, through their representatives in Congress, on the benches of justice, and even in the seat of the Chief Magistracy of the nation, should share also the burdens and the sorrows of the war of emancipation. It is done. The object is accomplished, and the power of slavery is dead. At this eventful period of our national history ; after such a conflict as we have passed through ; after such a. trial of the patriotism and the resources of the nation ; after such a test applied to the Constitution and the Gov- ernment with reference to its ability to sustain itself; after such efforts made to overthrow the Government — efforts unparalleled in the history of nations ; after the indifference of foreign nations to our struggle, their want of sympathy with us, the scarcely suppressed hope that our Government would be overthrown, and that the experiment of Republican government would prove to be a failure ; after their prophesyings that the Southern Confederacy would be triumphant, their joy at its suc- cesses, and their sorrow at its reverses; now in the pros- pect of returning peace, union, and order, it is a proper time to inquire what has been the effect of this conflict in our own country ; whether the Constitution has borne well the strain upon it; and whether the measures adopted in the prosecution of the conflict have been in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution ; whether 2G any securities have been reached against such a conflict in the future ; whether the events which have occurred have made any changes in the Constitution necessary to adapt it to the altered state of affairs, or whether the measures which have been adopted have made necessary any new guarantees in securing in future emergencies the objects contemplated by the framers of the Con- stitution. Every nation has its own idea — its own object to ac- complish : an object aimed at whether the Constitution be written or unwritten. Babylon, Egypt, Macedonia, Rome, Russia, France, Spain, Austria, Holland, Eng- land, has, or has had, such an idea. There is that which characterizes the nation ; which gives it individuality ; which assigns it a place in history — an origin, a growth, a development, a character which enables the historian to give it its proper place, as the character of an indi- vidual man gives him a place in the world, and distin- guishes him from all other men. The idea in our history has been as peculiar and marked as in any other nation ; an idea contemplated in the formation of the Constitution, and pursued, with- out variableness, in all the terrible fierceness with which this conflict has been waged. The great objects which our fathers sought in the war of Independence and in framing the Constitution, were undoubtedly, nationality, in the proper sense of that term ; union of States, not nominal, but real; a government, not an advisory power ; freedom for themselves, and ulti- mately for all the dwellers in the land. These also are the things on which the issues in this conflict with the insurrection and rebellion have turned ; these are the purposes which the nation, in this war, committed itself to accomplish. 27 (a) Nationality — a place us a nation among the na- tions of the earth ; nationality in the strict and proper sense : one government, one system of laws, one con- gress, one supreme court, one constitution, one people. (b) Union — in the strict and proper sense ; not union as a confederacy, for that the nation had tried before the formation of the Constitution ; but union under one gov- ernment, and where there would be no admitted right to nullify the acts of the nation, or to secede and form a separate organization. (