3 \/l/7 F 128 .3 .W75 Copy 1 ^'■) FIRST CIT-i H\LL OIvD NEW YORK. By James Grant ^yILSON. ALTHOUGH the commercial metropo- lis of the western world had its ori- gin in the pursuit of commerce, there is about the early history of New York a certain romantic and picturesque interest not perhaps found in that of any other American cit3^ Boston was settled by the stern Puritan ; Philadelphia by the broad-brimmed Quaker ; Baltimore by the gay cavalier, but New York was cosmo- politan from the first. Stolid and deliberate Dutchmen, volatile .French Huguenots, witness-bearing Quakers and Anabap- tists, Swedes from the Delaware, Con- necticut Yankees, Maryland cavaliers, In- dians and African slaves formed the bulk of her population two centuries ago. Later came the Irish, Germans, Jews, Italians —almost all the nations, so that in more or less heterogeneous mass may be found within her borders representatives of scores of principalities and powers — " lu one strong race all races here nnite." Her government — too often it must be admitted no government — has been equal- ly varied and original in type. First, under that brief nondescript — Occidental in organization, Oriental in dreams — the Dutch West India company, her unhappy settlers lived under laws framed by a body of self-seeking merchants, administered by directors whose bigotry or ignorance or incapacity were so great as to lead us Tames Grant Wilson, the son of the late poet publisher Wilham Wilson, of Pou't'hkeepsie New York, after completing his studies travelled in Europe and vvastor a time associated with his father in business. He was among the many young cavalry officers who distinguished themselves in the civil war, and was a favorite with General Grant, with whom he seri'ed at Vicksburg and elsewhere. General Wilson, who was promoted in March 1S65, was for some time in command at Port Hudson, but during the same year resigned from the army, since which period he has resided in New York. He has written several books and contrib- uted many articles to magazines, and edited the Cyclopedia of Amencan Biog- raphy He is at present engaged on a history of New York from its farst settle- ment to the yeari892, and the illustrations that accompany the present article are taken from nearly 1000 which have been collected for use in that work. 314 OLD NEW YORK. to infer that they were chosen for their unfitness rather than for their fitness. After Eng- land captured the cit}-, in 1664, the qualit\' of the laws was improved, Init the navigation laws and port charges were intended to destroy, or at least restrict, her conuuerce, while most of the English governors were impoverished favorites whose exchequers must be im- proved at the expense of the people they governed, or sol- diers of fortune whose services on the field entitled them to fill their purses from the rev- enues of a province. Under the republic for a time her government was pure and honest ; to describe that of later years other adjectives must be used. Nevertheless her situation renders her peerless among American cities. On a long, low narrow island, Avashed on the west by the broad Hudson, on the east by the narrow estuary of the East river, with the unrivalled and beautiful bay before her, Providence seems to have intended GOVERNOR THE " STRAND."' New York for the port of the nation. Al- read}- she is aspiring after statehood, and her population approaches that of several of the smaller states combined. The discovery of her bay and site in 1524 was accidental. The finding of a passage to India through or around newly discovered America was then as much the dream of bold navigators as is the discovery of the North pole to modern adventurers. The Florentine Jean Verrazano was on this quest when earl 5^ m 1524 "^-^x^^y'^-"' '■• he discovered the bay and 1 "'" was probabl}' the first European to enter and explore it. Nearly a centur}-, how- ever, elapsed before an attempt was made b}' an}' European nation to utilize its com- mercial advantages. This was at length done b}' Holland, then the foremost com- mercial power of Europe. Certain shrewd Amsterdam merchants in 1615 secured from the states general a char- ter for a trading company and the exclusive privilege of trading to New Netherlands for the space of three j'ears. Their object was trade, not settlement. They were suc- ceeded a few 3'ears later — 1621 — by the "West India cora- pan}- ' ' — a private corporation with sovereign powers, and a monopoly of trade for Amer- ica, the Atlantic coasts of Africa and the isles between. It announced that it would at- tack Spaiai — then at war with Holland — in its American de- pendencies, but its real object was gain. A small trading post was established by this company on Manhattan island in 1624, and in 1625 a larger body of emi- grants with cattle, seed and agricultural tools were sent out, and landing on Man- hattan island in May 1626 founded the city of New York under the name of New Amsterdam. They were in command of the first governor, Peter Minuit of Wesel in Westphalia, who a few weeks later ac- quired an honest title by purchase from 9 ^ OLD NEW YORK. 315 i.' Fartnteuw y4mlier^'(>f7e^Manha^^'. Ci'S