k HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. / BY E. RICHARDSON, WOONSOCKET: S. S. FOSS, PRINTER, PATRIOT BUILDING, MAIN STREET. 1876. /T 8^ STATE OF RHODE ISLAKD, Etc. Ik Generai, Assembly, January Session, A. D. Kid. Joint Ecsoliitiou ou tlie Celebration of tlie Centennial in the several Cities ;ind To^nis. Kksolved, The House of Rcpvesentatives concurring tlierein, that in accorilance with the recommendation of the National Congress, the Governor be requested to invite the pcoph- of (he several towns and cities of the State, to assemble in their several localities on the appi'oaching Centennial Anniversai'y of our Kational Independence, and cause to have de- livered on that day an Historical Sketch of said town or city from its formation, and to have one copy of said sketch, in print or in manuscript, filed in the clerk's oHi<'e of said town or city, one copy in the otUce of the Secretary of State, aiul one copy in the oHice of the Li- brarian of Congress, to the intent that a complete record may thus be obtained of the progress of our institutions during the First Centennial of their existence; and that the Governor be, requested to communicate tliis invitation forthwith to the several 'J'owu and City Councils in tlie State. I certify the foregoing to be a true copj' of a resolution passed by the General Assembly of the State aforesaid, on the 20th day of April, A. D. 1876. ^ t"^^ } Witness my hand and the Seal of the State, this l27th ^ Z^ * ^I'ly of April, A. D. 1876. JOSHUA Jl. ADDE.MAN, Secretary of State. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. Executive Department. Pkoviuence, April 27th, 1S76. To the Honorable Town Coinicil of the Town of Woonsocket. (iKNTLEMEN : I have the honor here^vith to enclose a duly ccrtilied copy of a Resolution passed by the (icneral Assembly at its recent Session, requesting me to invite the people of the several towns and cities of the State, to assemble in their several localities on the approaching Ceu- tcnnial Anniversary of our National Independence, and cause to luni- delivered on such day an Historical Sketch of said town or city from its formation. By pursuing the course suggested by the Resolution of the ( iciu ral Asscmhly, the people of the State will derive an amount of information which will be invaluable to the present generation, as sltowing the wonderAd progress of the several towns and cities since their foundation. It will also be of gi'cat value to future generations when tlie materials for such sketches, now accessible, will luivc been lost or destroyed hy accident, or become more or less eft'aced and illegible from time. 'I'herefore, in pursuance of the request of the (ieneral Assembly, I respectfully aiul earnestly, through you, invite the people of your tounto carry out the contemplated cele- bration ou the Fourth day of July next. HENRY LIPPITT', Governor. Copy of a Resolution i>assed by the Town Council of Woonsocket, June S, 1870. Ill iiursuance of chapter 565 of the Public Laws, passed at the May Session, 1S76, by the General Assembly of the State, Resolved : That a sum not to exceed $825 be appropriated for a proper celebration of the approacliing Anniversary of our National Independence, and also for the purpose of printing and putting into book-form the "History of the Town," as prepared by Erastus Ricliardson, Esq., said sum to be expended under the direction ot the following Conmiittee : George A. Wilbur, John II. Shcnuan, George S. Read, Amos Sherman and L. C. Tourtellot. INTRODUCTION. Among the requirements of the American citizen, is that of cele- brating the natal day of his Country's Independence. It being a requirement which requires no sacrifice, it is generally performed with commendable zeal. He may be remiss in the discharge of many other of his obligations as a freeman and a patriot, but the observ- ance of the Fourth of July is seldom overlooked. He must either see or participate in a parade of some kind; and if he is denied the ecstasy in his own neighborhood, he seeks it elsewhere. The first public demonstration in "Woonsocket, that is worthy of mention, took place in ISoo. The literary exercises were held in the Baptist Meeting House. The dinner was eaten and the toasts drank in the Woonsocket Hotel, then kept by Mr. Cephas Ilolbrook. The orator of the day was Christopher Iloljinson, That there was the re(iuisite amount of "spread eagle" in this oration of Mr. Kobinson, r have no doubt, for at that period the American people required it in large doses at their Fourth of July celebrations. But I am equally confident that his oratorical flights were tempered with wit, good judgment and learning, for in all the town, State and national affairs in which our distinguished townsman has been a ])roniinent actor during his long and useful life, these have been his distinguishing traits. The next celebration in Woonsocket was what is remembered to this day as the "Eoaring Celebration." This occurred in 18;j5, and was indeed a "roaring celebration," for reasons which the dignity of history prevents me from recording. The literary exercises were held in the Episcopal Meeting House. Jonathan E. Arnold was orator of the day. A bootli was erected on Ai'uold street, where the toasts were ti) l)e drank. Tristam Burgess and IIein\y Y. Cranston were ])resent. Tlie guests had comfortably seated tliemselves in the "l)ooth," Tris- tam Burgess had just arisen to respond to a toast, when a storm suddenly arose, and the company adjourned in a hurry to the Woon- 6 HISTORY OF AVOONSOCKET. socket Hotel, then kept by Messrs. Wliitcomb Brotlieis. Tlie rooms were close, unci the wine flowed freely. Many of the guests rolled under the table; and one of them jmnped on top of the table, and sang the "Star Spangled Banner." In 1S3S there Avas another "glorious" celebration. The oration was given by Edward II. Sprague in the Baptist Meeting House, and the Declaration was read by Christopher Robinson. The dinner and toasts were discussed in a vacant room of a V)uilding owned by Messrs. W. & L. A. Cook, on Main Street. It was at this cele- bration that a certain dignified citizen of the village honored the American Eagle with a toast and a speech which brought down the house. The escort duty to these celebrations was performed by the Bellingham Eifies, under the command of Abirani Wales, assisted by Lieutenant Landers. In 1846 occurred what is remembered to this day as the "Temper- ance Celebration." The church bells were rung at sunrise and sunset, and during the day the usual national salutes were fired. At ten o'clock a procession was formed on Market Square by Lyman A. Cook, Chief Marshal, assisted by Arnold Briggs and Peleg W. Lippitt. The line was as follows : Aid. Chief Marshal. Aid. United Brass Band. Woonsocket Guards. President (Jolm Bovden, Jr.). Chaplain (Kev. Mr. Talbot). Orator (James W. Smith). Reader (L. W. Ballon). Vice-Presidents : (Samuel Greene, George S. Wardwell, Samuel F. Man, Eli Pond, jr., George C. Ballon, Nelson Jeuckes and Dr. II. A. Potter). Committee of Arrangements. Revolutionary Pensioners. Choir. Members of General Assembly. Town Councils of Smithtield and Cumberland. (.)ther Town (Officers. Martha Wasliington Society. Woonsocket Total Abstinence Society. Hamlet Temperance Society. Woonsocket Young Men's Temperance Association. Woonsocket Fire Department. Odd Fellows. Delegations from Neighboring Towns. Citizens and Strangers. It moved down Clinton street, through Cross and Main streets, returning to Market Square; thence through Bernon, Bridge and (ireene streets, and through Centre Avenue to the Grove, where the literary exercises were held. The order of exercises at the Grove was as follows : Song. Prayer by RevrMr. Talbot. Song. Heading of the Declaration of Independence. Oration. Recitative and Chorus. Benediction. After which the line reformed and marched to "Liberty Hall." (This Avas a si»are room in a new mill of Mr. Edward Harris.) Here niSTOlIV OF WOONSOOKET. 7 llie t>TU'sts, (■(Hisistiiip: of alxiut six liuiidrcd ladies and .^entleineii, ])avtook of a collation. After the feast came the toasts and the speeches. The exciting theme of the day was the Tem]ieiance (jnes- tion, and Kins' Alcohol and the late King George were berated with extraordinary vehemence. The toast master was Colonel Edward II. Sprague, without whom no literary exercise in Woonsocket, in those days, was com])lete. The thirteen regular toasts were as follows, each being aceoni])anipd. of course, with jiertinent and ])oint(Ml remarks: 1. "The Event and tlie Day which we Celebrate." 2. "The Constitution." :'. " The President of the United States." 4. " The Army and aS'avy." ."). " Agriculture, Manufactures and Commerce." (). " Tlie White Banner of Temperance." 7. "The Public Schools of Xew England." s. " The Memory of Washington." 1). " The Surviving Soldiers of the Eevolution." 10. " Liberty of Conscience." 11. "The American Flag." 12. "Rhode Island." 1:1. " Our Fair Countrywomen." After which came volunteer toasts by the guests. That of Colonel Tourtellot bore off the palm, and was: "Rhode Island— Small in territory and in nothing else." L. W. Ballon (now our Hon. Rei)re- sentative to Congress) was present, and gave one of his characteristic addresses, v.hieh then, as now, vras received Avith respect and ap- plause. The next grand c(>lebration in AVo()nso(;ket was in 1848, and oc- curred (by the Avay) on the same day of the week as that of this Centennial year (Tviesday). Tlie chief marshal was Colonel Arnold Briggs. The i)lace of the literary exercises and of the collation, the reader of the Declaration and the toast master, were the same as before. But the orator was a young man who has since become wiilely known throughout Rhode Island, and to whom I am largely indebted, not only I'or much valuable historic material, but for many other favors of a personal nature—I refer to Hon. Thomas Steere. The oration received the applause which it merited, and was referred to by the press in tlattering terms. At the banquet were the thirteen regular toasts and the customary patriotic speeches. The wit of the day was P. P. Todd, Esfj. Two of his toasts given on the occasion are worth preserving: "Thomas Steere, the orator of the day, though a Steere in years, he is a real ox for Fourth of July celebrations." " Henry Clay (the country's Harry) and Edward Ilanis (our Harry)— 8 HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. tlie one in favor of home 'producers^, the other ever ready to furnish this liall for home consumers.." In tlie evening there were lire-works, given on rafts anchored on the Bernon Pond. There liave been many celebrations in "Woonsocket quite worthy of mention, but I pass on to tliat of last year. This was quite unique in its character, and partook more of the nature of a fair than of a celebration. But as it was a sort of introduction to the Grand National Centennial Celebration, our citizens were enthusiastic in its observance. The exercises took place on the farm of Mr. Eensa- lier A. Jillson. It was gotten up by the ladies for the purpose of raising money in furtherance of the national project. The President was ]Mrs. Cyrus Arnold, assisted by almost every other woman in town. After the "clam-bake," which was served in a capacious tent, came the literary exercises, which were conducted by Hon. L. W. Ballon. The Declaration was read l)y Charles F. Ballou. The oration was given by Erastus Eichardson, and was in rhyme. Pol- lowing the "Centennial Epic" were eloquent and stirring speeches by Hon. L. W. Ballou, liev. P. Denison, Colonel Amos Sherman, Colonel James ^V. Smyth, Hon. A. J. Elwell, Hon. Thomas Steere, Edwin Metcalf, Esq., and Rev. C. J. White. Between the addresses the Glee Club enlivened the occasion with spirited and appropriate songs. Pinally comes the Grand Centennial Celebration of 1870. This celebration of the Fourth of July began on the od. There was probably more noise put into a given space on the eve of the Fourth than was ever before accomplished in the same period since the set- tlement of Northern Rhode Island. Tin horns were tooted, cannon fired, Roman candles and sky-rockets were sent up in all directions, houses were illuminated, and a grand torch-light procession of our firemen, headed by the Cornet Band, paraded the streets. On the morning of the Fourth, the Antiques and Horribles, under the com- mand of Grand Mogul Prank M. Cornell, came out in full force and costume. It was the most horrible display that ever limped and hobbled through a civilized community. The grand civic and mili- tary procession moved from Greene street about ten o'clock A. M., passing direct to Cold Spring Grove, where the literary exercises were held. The procession was as follows: Platoon of Police, in charge of Sergeant Allen. Chief Marshal L. C. Tourtcllot. First Division. Aids : Captain Charles M. Arnold and !Major S. H. Brown. Woonsocket Cornet Band, B. W. Nichols leader, tiventy-five pieces. Escort : Co. A, Third Battalion, John R. Waterhouse commanding, twenty-nine muskets. Committee of Arrangements. Orator. Reader of the Declaration of Independence. Pi-esident of the Day and Chaplain. Ilonorahle Town Council, Senator, and Representatives of General Assembly. HISTORY OF WOONSOCICET. 9 Members of Congress, Clergy of the Town and vicinity. ^^ Disabled Soldiers. f^ Press. Thirty-eight Young Ladies, representing the States of the Union. St. John Society, Jos. Dauis, President, seventy members. Second Division. Division Marshal, Michael Baggan. Aids : William Powers and Daniel Ahearn. Uniou Brass Brand, twenty-live pieces, Professor Leavy leader. National Flags. Civic Societies : Temperance Cadets, fifty members. Father Mathew Temperance Society, thirty members. No. '2, Benevolent Aid Society, fifty members. A Jaunting Car, in which five Young Ladies represented the four Provinces of Ireland and the Goddess of Liberty. No. 3, Shamrock Society, forty members. No. 4, Ancient Order of Hibernians, eighty members. No. 5, Chnstian Doctrine Society, forty-five members. Third Division. Marshal : Frank Cornell. Aid : O. Roberts. Woonsocket Steamer Co. No. 1, Richard Barnett captain, twenty members, with machine trimmed with evergreen and a profusion of flags and flowers, two large flags bearing dates, representing 1776 and 1876. Social Steamer Co. No. 2, James Piekford foreman, eighteen members, with machine triumied with red, white and blue, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers in smoke stack. Old Rotary, dated 1825. Elliott Uook and Ladder Co., fifteen members, William H. Smith captain. And a long Line of Citizens in carriages and on foot. An'iving at the Grove, where platforms had been erected for tho.se wlio took part in the exercises, the Choir, consisting of one hundred voices, assisted by the Cornet Band, and under the direction of Prof. 8. X. Lougee, sang "Old Hundred" with grand effect. After which, Judge George A. Wilbur, chairman of the Committee of Arrange- ments, introduced the Hon. Francello G. Jillson, President of the Town Council, as President of the Day, who opened the exercises l)y saying: Felloio Citizens:—! congratulate you upon being permitted to wit- ness this centennial anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the thirteen Colonies, upon which Declaration was founded our national existence and Government, and from whicli thirteen Colonies have arisen thirty-eight great, powerful and wealthy States, bound together for each otlier's welfare and ]»rotection— then rebels, now one of the most powerful nations of the globe. Eepresentatives of the various nations of the earth have assembled to-day in the very city and upon the very spot where that memorable Declaration was adopted and signed, to congratulate us as a nation upon our success- ful existence and wonderful ])rogress, at the same time exhibiting to us as peace-offerings the ])roducts of their lands, industry and skill. 'JMierefore, it is indeed fitting tliat the jieople of these United States should assemble together in their various towns and cities, and thank the God of nations for the protection, guidance and progress which He has vouchsafed to us in the past hundred years, and pray for tlie continuance of Ilis favor and blessing in the century upon wliich we now enter; to review our history, botli as a nation and as towns and 10 HISTORY OP WOONSOCKET. cities; to talvc, i'resli courage, and strengthen and enlarge our purpose for tiie coming years; but, above all, to thank God that Ave are now in very deed wiitcci, free and independent, and that not the clank of tlie chains of a single slave is now heard within our borders, but all, whether of high or low estate, equally enjoy the rights of personal libei'ty. Let us, therefore, attend with reverent hearts to prayer by the Chaplain of the Day, Kev. J. E. Hawkins. After the prayer by the Chaplain of the Day, the Choir sang the "Angel of Peace." Mr. Jillson then followed with an eloquent and stirring speech, in which he Iniefly recounted some of the Revolutionary scenes in which our State took an active part. He then introduced Colonel Henry Ilolbrook llol)inson, the reader of the Declaration of Inde- ]iendence, who put a. meaning and a soul into his rendering of this immortal document Avhich awakened a thrill in the breasts of all. An original piece, entitled "Columbia's Flag," composed by Prof . Spencer Lane for the occasion, was then sung, and received a well- merited applause. Xext came the oration by Erastus Richardson, which consisted of extracts from the following History. After the oration the "Centennial Hymn" was sung, and the exer- cises at the Grove were closed with benediction by Rev. J. L. Miller. The line then reformed, and completed the route of march to THE soldiers' MONUMENT. Tlie young ladies representing the thirty-eight States of the Union encircled it, and the various organizations, civic and military, massed. The Hon. Latimer W. Ballon, M. C, was called upon by tlie President, and taking position at the base, said that it was very appropriate that on this day we should come here and gather about the monument, in memory of those who liad given their lives for freedom, and acknowledge that all are now equal, with no East, no West, no Xorth, no South. He was glad tliat on this occasion it had been deemed appropriate that the young and beautiful should come and sing songs of praise. He hoped that on the Fourth of July, 1976, the coiuitry will bear tlie same relative progress in wealth, prosperity and greatness that the present bears to 1776. The young ladies then united in singing "America," accompanied by the Cornet Band, with impressive effect, after wliich Chief Marshal Tourtellot announced the parade dismissed. AFTER THE PARADE, Social Steamer Co., Ko. 2, Captain James Pickford, invited Steamer No. 1 and Elliot Hook and Ladder Co. to a grove near their engine- liouse, where a model Rhode Island clam-bake was enjoyed by tlie firemen ;ind families, with the Board of Engineers and a few friends HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 11 as invited guests. Some two hundred sat down at tlie long tables, which were hiden with a tempting display of native bivalves in every conceivable shape, with fruit and ice-cream as a sequel. After justice had been done to this pleasant episode of the daj', an hour was given over to greetings, song and sentiment, and the bond of unison and fraternal love was flrmly cemented. The Woonsocket Guards, with invited guests, dined at the Woonsocket Hotel, and made merry for an hour or more in an informal, social way. The JNlitchel Guards had a target -shoot on the island, and participated in the merry scenes at the picnic. The picnic by the societies of St. Charles parish was very liberally patronized, some two thousand people at- tending, and a series of athletic sports kept up the interest till dark. Among the attractions was a base-ball contest, in which the Oceans, of Providence, defeated the Mutuals, of this town— 13 to 4. Excel- lent order was maintained, and all Avho attended seemed to regard the picnic as the most enjoyable of any ever held in town. THE FIREAVORKS in the evening were a disappointment to some v.ho did not take position near enough to fully enjoy the display, Init the programme was carried out, terminating with a huge lionfire that lit up the country for miles around. IN CONCLUSION, it may not be amiss to say that the Committee of Arrangements- Judge George A. Wilbur, Major George S. Eead, Councilman J. II. Sherman, Colonel Amos Sherman and General L. C, Tourtellot— are entitled to much consideration for their faithful, successful and gra- tuitous services. The following was the Introduction to the Historical Sketch: Two hundred years liave rolled away since the axe of the pioneer lirst broke the solitude of these regions. While the first settlers were erecting their rude cabins and struggling with I>fature to unveil her hidden charms, King Phili]), with the renuiant of his tribe, was marching uj) the Yalley of the JJlackstone, on his terrible mission of revenge. A century passed. The red-skinned enemy had long since ceased to be an object of terror, and the red-coated enemy was just making his appearance. In the meantime, a saw-mill, a corn-mill, an iron- mill and a meeting-house had found a nestling-i)lace among these hills; tlie hum of the si)inning-whpe] and the clink of the farmer's scythe upon the meadow had liushed the war-whoop of the savage, and the nucleus of a busy hamlet had taken root in these parts. Another century. The spinning-wheel is di"ai)ed with col)webs in tlie ancient attic; the scythe hangs rusting upon the dying 12 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. iipple-tree; the meadow is submerged beneath the waters of the river; the busy hamlet has outlived its usefulness, and a new order of things has been inaugurated. Amid the strange events which have crowded themselves into the last two centuries, Woonsocket has played no unimportant part. In the political, the industrial, the religious and the educational ques- tions which have arisen from time to time, her voice has not been silent, and her influence has not been powerless. It will, therefore, be a pleasant and a profitable task to trace the progress of our busy hamlet from its rude beginning to its present incompleteness. History CHAPTER I. VV THE LEFT BANK OF THE KIVEE, FROM REHOBOTH TO WOONSOCKET. About the year 1641 a company was formed at Wey- mouth, Mass., consisting of the Rev. Samuel Newman* and a part of his congregation. They purchased a tract of land of Massasoit, and three or four years afterwards removed to their new purchase, which at the time was called " Sea- cuncke," which being interpreted, means " Black Goose " — a name applied by the Indians to the locality from occa- sional settlers on the adjacent river, rather than the Rev. Mr. Newman and his flock. Here aroundf the Great Plain (Seeko)ik Plain) they erected their dwellings, with their meeting-house in the centre, and named their settlement after one of the cities of Edom — a name selected b}- Mr. Newman, for, said he, the Lord hath made room for us — the word Rehoboth being from the Hebrew word " reliob," signifying a broadway, plateau or forum. *Mr. Newman was born at Banbury, England, in 1600. He was educated at Oxford, and began his ministry in his native country. Un emigrated to America, arriving at Dorclicster about the year 1038. The following year he removed to Weymouth, and about the year 1044 came to Rehoboth, where he passed the remainder of his days. He died July 5, 1603. He is spoken of as a " deep student, an animated preacher, and an excellent and pious man." Among his works was a "Concordance of the Bible," which far surpassed any that hitherto appeared, and was the basis of the celebrated "Cambridge Concordance." t'riie proprietors first selected their lots, and erected their dwellings in a semi-circle, the circle opening towards Pawtucket, or Seekonk river, with their parsonage and meeting-house in the centre. The circle was called the " Ring of the Town." It cau still be seen in the present location of the houses, in an eastern view from the meeting-house. ["Peck Genealogy," page 1", note.] 14 HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. The first settlers of Reliobotli had j)itched their tents in a barren spot. Previous to their coming the Indians had so nearly exhausted the natural fertility of the soil, that after a short residence of about twenty years, they were forced to look about them for more fertile fields, on which to pasture tlieir cattle and plant their corn. Thereupon Capt. Thomas Willitt* was employed by the town, and empowered by the court, to make a new purchase from the natives. This was consummated in 1661 ; and Wamsutta, the son of Massasoit, and brother of King Philip, yielded the large territory which was afterwards known as the Rehoboth North Purchase, t That portion of this territory which afterwards Ijecame Cumberland, was for many years "in controversy" between Rhode Island and Massachusetts ; indeed, the jurisdiction of the northern portion thereof, and which includes Eastern Woonsocket, is an open question even to this day. To the ignorance and the carelessness of English Sovereigns these troubles are mainly due. Probably supposing that the Narra- gansett (Blackstone) river flowed due South, they bounded *Tliis man deserves more thsiu a passing notice, lie was born abont the year 1610. Ho arrived at Plymouth -ivheu in his twentieth year. Previous to this he had spent the greater part of his life in Holland, where he acquired the intimate knowledge of the language, man- ners and customs of the inhabitants, which in after times made him " so acceptable " to the Dutch of New York. In 1647, he succeeded Miles Standish as military commander at Ply- mouth. In 1651 he was elected one of the Governor's assistants, which office he retained fourteen yeai's. In 1660 he became an inhabitant of Rehoboth. After the surrender of New York to the English in 1664, he was elected the first English Maj-or of the cit}'. He was twice chosen to the position. So much confidence had the Dutch in his integrity that he was by them chosen umpire to determine the disputed boundary between New York and New Haven. He returned from New York to Rehoboth, where he passed the remainder of his days. He died August 4, 1674. His remains now lie buried and neglected, at the head of Bullock's Cove. He was the original purchaser of the Taunton North Purchase (now Norton, Mansfield and Easton), of Wollomonopoag (now Wrentham) , and of the Rehoboth North Purchase. fTlie description of this purchase is as follows : From tlie bounds of Rehoboth ranging upon Pawtucket river, unto a place called Waweypounshag, the place where one Black- stone sojourneth, and ranging along said river tmto a place called Messanegtacaueh ; and from tills upon a straight line crossing through the woods unto the uttermost bounds of a place called Mamautapett or Wading River (probably the source of the Ten Mile River), and from said river one mile and a half upon an East line, and from thence upon a South line unto the bounds of the town of Rehoboth. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 15 Plymouth Colony on the west by the river, and Ilhode Island on the east by a line extending due North from the Pawtucket Falls to the southern line of Massachusetts. They defined the southern line of Massachusetts to be a line from a point " three miles south of the southei-nmost waters of the Charles river," overlooking the difficulties which might arise were one party to construe the " waters of the Charles river" to be the main stream, and another party to define them as the waters Avhich ran into it. As might have been antici])ated, this carelessness resulted in Massachusetts claiming her southern line to be nearly ar. far south as where the village of Manville now is, and in Rhode Island claiming her northern line to l)e even further north than where it is now established. But this dispute was not the source of much difficulty until about the year 1694, when the Rehohoth North Fur- chase was incorporated into a township and named Attle- horough. It had then become thickly settled enough to reward the tax-gatherer for his annual visit, and the dispute begun in earnest. The locality became famous as " disputed territory," and was known as the " Attleborough Gore." As the inhabitants of the " Gore " were more in sympathy with their neighbors of Rhode Island, the officers from Mas- sachusetts were frequently sent away with empty hands and with sore heads. At the annual Rhode Island ebctions officers were appointed for the territory, Avhich tended to increase the strife, and conveyances of real estate thereon \vGre placed both upon the records of Rhode Island and of Massachusetts, containing the clause, the " Gore of land in controversy between Massachusetts Bay and Rhode Island."* Whether the Rehoboth North Purchase extended as far *Thc deed of John Arnold to liis son Anthony, given August 24, 1733, and ivhicli conveyed what is now the most valuable portion of our town, namely, the estates between Market and Monument Squares, reads as follows: " Thirty acres in the townsliip of Smithfield, on the east of the (Jreat Kivcr, and is a part of the (iorc of land in controversy," etc. ["Smithfield Records," Hook 1, papc 72. J 16 HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. north as Woonsocket, I sliall not venture to discuss. It is one of the many questions which have taxed the legal skill of centuries without avail, and I am content to leave it where it is — in the courts. Committees were appointed from time to time by Rhode Island and Massachusetts to run our northern line. On one of these was Richard Arnold, and on another was his son John, of whom I shall have much to say in succeeding chapters. But the point, " three miles south from the southernmost waters of the Cliarles river," could never be satisfactorily found, and thus the case rests to-day. Petitions were frequently and numerously signed by the inhabitants of the " Gore," praying to he set off to Rhode Island. Indeed, in 1729 Attleborough herself prayed to become a member of our little colony. At last, in 1746, by a decision of George II. in Council, the " Gore " was detached from Attleborough, annexed to the county of Providence, and named in honor of Prince William, Duke of Cumberland, The first election of officers for the new town of Cumber- land was made February 10, 1746-7. For one hundred and thirty years the inhabitants of Woonsocket, who lived east of the river, participated in its annual elections, until at last they were permitted to set up housekeeping for them- selves. This act was consummated January 31st, 1867. Although that portion of Woonsocket which lies east of the river is an offspring of old Cumberland, it is a curious fact that the territory which eventually became the property of the Arnold family, and which now comprises the chief business portion of the town, is now held under the Mendon instead of the Rehoboth proprietary. Whether the lands were not deemed worth quarreling over, or whether the Mendonites liad become too firmly fixed thereon to be easily removed, at all events, the claim of Mendon, if she ever made any, was never conceded, and Mendon* may now be *Tiie Indian name for tlie lnvgc territory whicli attc-rwiirtls became Tvlendon was Qunslia- HISTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. 17 fairly considered as tlio parent of the most valuable portion of Eastern Woonsocket. A line running nearly south from a stone now standing a little east of Jenckesville, to its intersection with the river near the Hamlet mills, was claimed byMendon as its eastern l)oundary, and the river as its southern and western boun- daries. I will now briefly follow down the land titles of this territory from its original Mendon proprietors to the Arnold Family. May 19, 1669, the General Court at Boston granted two hundred acres of land to Samuel Chapin, of Springfield, for " services rendered." From a plat of this estate, now in the archives at Boston — a copy of which was kindly furnished me by Dr. J. G. Metcalf, of Mendon — I judge this land to have Ijeen in the vicinity of the " Falls." This man never came here to reside ; and in 1716 the Court granted two hundred acres to his son, " in lieu of the two hmidred acres granted to his father." But I think that the first grant, or a portion of it, was retained in the possession of the Chapin family until November 15, 1710. On that day Capt. Seth Chapin conveyed the following described estate to John Arnold :* Forty-two acres and eighty rods, bounded on the east by the Great (^alias the Nipniuck) River, by the saw-mill ; southerly, upon said river ; westerly, part on said river and part on land of Capt. Richard Arnold (the father of John) ; northerly on Common, by a direct line one lunidred and twenty rods ; and easterly upon Common down to the river, Avith an allowance for a roadway down to the saw-mill and to the Wadhig Place below tlie "Falls." liiuisc or Squnsliopog. It was purchased of tlic Indians by Moses Paine and Peter Braokett, ol" 15raintree, April 22, 1062. The cousideraliou tlicrcfor was £24. The witnesses to the instrument were John Elliot, sr., John Elliott, jr., and Daniel Weld. The pnrchase was incorporated JMay 15, 1667, and May 12, 1670 ; the original purchaser-^ assigned their rights to the selectmen of the town. *I am indebted to Moses Roberts, Esq., for the original document. It is copied among the papers of Sullblk Co., Mass., Book 65, pasrc 31. a 18 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. A straight line, from u point near where "Dr. Ballou's bridge " is now located, to a point on the river near the Clinton mill, and the winding course of the river from one point to the other, will encircle the above-mentioned estate. This was conveyed in after times by John Arnold to his son Anthony, by Anthony to his brother Seth, and by Seth to his son James, who, in the last generation, disposed, of it to various parties. May 20, 1711, twenty-five acres Avere laid, out by the pro- prietors of Mendon to James Bick. About the same time lands were laid out to Jonathan Sprague and. Thomas San- ford. These three estates were probably adjoining. Bick's homestead was a little above " Dr. Ballou's bridge." Sprague lived near the new mill of Harris Woolen Co., at Mill river, but probably owned lands in the vicinity of what is now Monument Square. The residence of Sanford I am unable to locate. William Arnold (the son of John) purchased the whole of the Bick and Sanford estates and a portion of Sprague's, thus becoming the proprietor of a belt of land adjoining the section before described, and extending from the river above " Dr. Ballou's bridge " across the country to the river again below the Clinton mill. That portion of this estate which was situated in the vicinity of the Monument House was conveyed August 12, 1747, by William Arnold to his nephew Moses. The heirs of Moses sold a part of their inheritance to Joseph Arnold, the grandson of Daniel, who Avas the brother of William aforesaid, and another portion to Prince Aldrich, a negro. Cato street, named in honor of one of the heirs to this last-mentioned property, passes through the centre thereof. The remainder of William Arnold's estate, extending from where the Providence Railroad now is, to the river above " Dr. Ballou's bridge," eventually passed into the hands of Darius D. Buffam, where I will leave it for the present. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 19 In 1719, and again in 1749, lands Avere laid out to Ebe- nczer Cook. He probably increased his estate by purchas- ing- the lands which were laid out to Samuel Thayer, July 6, 1705, consisting of forty acres " on both sides of Mill river, near the Great River." August 19, 1721, fifty-five acres were laid out to Jonathan Richardson, " beginning at James Bick's land, then by Ebenezer Cook's land, and so running near where John Sprague did live" (at Mill river, as before- mentioned). The lands of Cook and Richardson were adjoining. Cook lived at the Social, and Richardson some- where in the vicinity of the Harris homestead. This belt of land, extending from the river at Cold Spring, across the country to the river again at the Social, was con- veyed by the original proprietors to Daniel Arnold, the son of John and brother of William before-mentioned. Daniel bequeathed this large estate to his grandson Joseph. Joseph conveyed the Social portion to his sons, Joseph P. and Smith, and gave his son Benjamin that portion which extended to, and included, the Cold Spring Grove. There are many now living who remember the farm-house of Ben- jamin Arnold, and locate the well thereto where the front yard of Smith Brown's residence now is. March 19, 1705, lands were laid out to Nicholas Cook on tlie east of the Great River and on both sides of Peter's river. The larger part of tliis outer belt of land, and which was originally owned by Cook, Boyce, Sewell, Chace, and perhaps others, eventually became the property of the Aldrich family. Appendix to Chapter L A LIST OF CUMBERLAND TOWN OFFICERS, FROM ITS INCORPORATION, IN 1747, TO THE INCORPORATION OF WOONSOCKET, IN 1807. TnE first town officers were chosen February 10, 1746. The year at that time began in March, so that it was really 1747. These officers served until the reguhir election in June. The reader will, therefore, understand that while I use the date 1746, it is simply as a matter of convenience. For instance, David Raze was elected Town Sergeant, February 10, 1746. On the following June he was succeeded by Uriah Jillson. My record will read: David Raze, 1746; Uriah Jillson, 1747. TOWN CLERKS. Job Bartlett 1746 tJohn Ro^nsrs 1799 Daniel Peck 1748 Stephen Joslin 1804 John Dexter 1751 Pardon Sayles 18:30 David Dexter 1766 Lewis B. Arnold 1842 John Dexter 1768 Pardon Sayles 1854 * Jolin Singer Dexter 1785 William G. xirnold 1855 Jotham Carpenter 1701 F. G. Jillson 1865 *Joliii S. Dexter was chosen in November, 17S5, npon the decease of his jiredecessor. fJohn Rogers -v^as chosen in February, 1799, upon the resignation of his predecessor. TOWN TREASURERS. Samuel Bartlett 1746 Stephen Joslin 1799 Uriah Jillson 1755 Isaac Raze 1804 Abner Lapham 1764 Ariel Cook 1814 Isaac Kelley 1769 Isaac Raze 1815 Abiel Brown 1770 Ariel Cook 1816 Philip Capron 1775 Isaac Raze 1818 Nathan Staples 1778 Arnold W. Jenckes 1821 Abner Lapham 1783 Barton Cook 1838 Elijah Brown 1788 Gladding O. Thompson 1842 Col. Simon Whipple 1790 Williani Whipple 1852 Elijah Brown 1794 George Cook 1855 J olni Rogers 1798 HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 21 TOWN" SERGEANTS. David IJa/.o 1746 Amos Arnold 180;) Uriah .1 illsou 1747 David ]5;irtl('tt 1805 Joiiatliau Armsbury 1748 Eliliu DaiiiiiL;- 1812 Abiel Jirowu — 17")9 Jabez Annsl)ury 18i:> Isaac Kellv 17(52 Fenner ]Jrowii 1817 Joliu Fisk 1 70.") Ezekiel B. llrown 181S Eufiis JJartlett 1775 Olncy IJallou 181'.) Benjamin Ballon 1779 Jonathan Sweet 1821 William Sheldon 1781 Amos Cook, jr 1828 Gilbert Grant 1782 Ariel C. Wliip])le 1842 Jeremiah Armsbnry 1785 Lucien J. Arnold 18.55 Elijah Fjrown ". 178(3 George C. AVilder 1850 Capt. Ama7.iah\Veatlierhead.l7S7 Horace M. Pierce 1857 Barney ( 'lark 17i»l Elijah B. Craig is.5!) Jeremiah Armsbury 1793 Horace M. Pierce 1800 David Bartlett 1797 PRESIDENTS OF THE COUNCIL. Job Bartlett 1740 Job Jenckt's 1828 Jos. Brown 1747 Levi Ballon 1829 Jol) Bartlett 1748 Davis Cooke 1835 Jeremiah Wliii)])le 1754 Jos. A. Scott 1839 Nathaniel Koliinson 1704 Davis Cooke 1840 Jeremiah AVhipple 17(>7 Jos. A. Scott 1812 Daniel Wilkinson ..1770 Olnev Ballon 184() James Dexter 1771 Abner Ilaskill 1849 John L;ii)ham 1779 Lyman Jjurlingame 1852 Jvcvi ]5allou 1789 Fenner Brown. 18-54 John Lapham 1790 Willard H. Whiting 18.55 Levi Bartlett 1810 Davis Cooke " 18.50 Davis Cooke 1810 Turner Haskell 1801 Levi Bartlett 1818 William E. Hubl )ard 1802 William Wliipi)le 1819 aSTathaniel Elliott 1803 Jabez Armsbury 1821 James M. Cook 1804 Levi Cooke 1823 J. B. Aldrich 18()5 Levi Ballon 1824 James C. Molten 1800 SECOND COUNCILMEN. Jos. Brown 1740 Levi (yooke 1818 Josiah Cook 1747 Levi Ballon 1821 Nathaniel Jillson, jr 1748 Amos Whipple 1824 Daniel Wilkinson 17-54 Levi Cooke 1828 Nathaniel Jillson 1755 William Whipple 1829 Daniel Jenckes 1704 Levi Cooke 1830 Nathaniel Rol)inson 1707 Z^fowry Tat't 1839 James Dexter 1708 Jervis Cooke 1841 Nathan Staples 1771 Columbia Tinglev 1842 Daniel Jenckes 1772 James AVilkinson 1844 Nathan Staples 1770 Abner Haskill 1845 John J^ai)ham 1777 (Jeorge L. Dana 1849 Enoch Weatherliead 1779 John E. J^rown 18.50 Levi ]>allou 1780 John A. Corv Iv8.53 Capt. Ste])hen Whipple 1789 Willard H. ^Vhiting 18-54 Elisha 'Waterman 1793 Lovet Haven 1855 Jason Xewell 1794 Abner Haskill 18-50 Jesse Brown 1790 Olney B. Scott 18-57 22 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Stephen Whipple 1801 Levi Ballon 1802 Elisha Waterman 1806 Nathaniel Scott 1808 Levi Cooke 1811 Stephen Whipple (2d) 1816 THIRD coukcil3ie:n\ Eliiah B. ]S'ewell 1800 Nathaniel Elliott 1861 Olney B, Scott 1863 Clinton Pnfter 1865 James E, Smith 1806 David Whipple 1746 Nathaniel Ballon 1747 Gideon Tower 1748 Daniel Jenckes 1754 Job liartlett 1757 Daniel Jenckes 1760 James Dexter 1764 Daniel Jenckes 1767 James Brown 1768 Nathan Staples 1772 Peter Darling 1776 Jos. Raze, jr 1779 Capt. James Lovett 1781 John Bartlett 1782 Natlianiel Shepherdson 1785 Stephen Whipple 1786 Capt. Elisha Waterman 1780 Jos. Piaze 1793 Benjamin S. Walcott 1705 Absolom Ballon 1706 Stephen Wliipple 1799 Abner Ballon 1801 Jason Newell 1803 Absolom Ballon 1804 Levi Cooke 1810 William Aldrich 1811 Abner Balk)n 1814 William AVliipple 1815 Bennett Whipple 1816 Nathaniel Scott 1818 Pardon Sayles 1820 I-^evi Ballon 1821 Arnos Whipple 1S23 Jos. Whipple (2d) 1S24 Levi Cooke 182() Abner Haskill 1S28 Jonathan Sweet 1829 Jere. AVhipple 1830 Nathan Harris 1837 Ezra Blake 1839 Alfred Arnold 1841 Jos. C. Aldrich 1842 Abner Ilaskill 1844 Leonard Wakefield 1845 George L. Dana 1847 John E. Brown 1819 Lyman Bnrlingame , 1S50 John A. Cory 1852 James R. Case 1853 Alfred Ilixon 1854 Christr. C. Gates 1855 Bailey E. Borden 1856 Elisha Gaslcill 1857 William 0. Mason 1860 Warren J. Ballon 1861 Ellis L. Blake 1863 James W. Taf t 18(;5 James E. Smith 1866 rOUKTH COUNCILMEN. Jacob Bartlett, jr 1746 Levi Ballon 1818 Nathaniel Jillson, jr 1747 Amos Whiiiple 1821 AVilliani Walcott 1748 Jos. Whip])le (2d) 1823 David Whipj)le 1750 Nathaniel Aldrich 1824 Robert Aldrich 1752 Palemon Walcott 1825 Ichabob Peck 1754 John Nicholson 1755 Daniel Jenckes 1758 Gideon Tower .1760 Nathaniel Robinson 1762 Peter Darling 1764 J ames Dexter 1767 Daniel Jenckes .1708 Peter Darling 1772 Levi Ballon 1776 Stephen Whi])ple 1779 Capt. Elisha Waterman 1780 Nathaniel Shepherdson 1783 William Whiit])le 1826 Jeremiah Whipple 1828 James Whipple 1829 James Weatherhead 1830 Nathan Harris .1833 James Weatherhead. 1837 Nelson Jenckes 1838 Jervis Cooke 1839 Tyler Daniels 1841 James Weatherhead 1842 Jerry A. Olney 1844 George L. Dana 1845 Abner Jillson 1847 IITSTOllY OF WOONSOCKET. 23 Capt. Amos Wliimile 17^5 Aiuos Wliipple 17S() Jos. Kaze 17SS Jason Newell I7'.t;] IJenjaiuiii S. Walcott 171U Nathaniel Jillson 1705 Stephen AVliipplc 17'.)<) John Walcott 17'.»1) Absolom IJallou 1801 Jacob Smith 180:] Abner Ballon 180(> William Aklrich 1810 Enoch Arnold 1811 Samuel Grant, jr 1814 IJeuben "Whipple 1815 Abner Ballon 1810 Lyman Tourtellot 1848 Lyman Burlingame 1849 J(')hn A. Corrv 1850 James E. Case 1852 Willard II. Whitney 1853 William C. Crapon 1854 Thomas Carjienter 1855 AVilliam II. Pierce 1850 Jason Newell 1857 Potter Ct. Hazard 1850 William M. Ptawson 1800 William E. Hubbard 1801 Turner Haskell 18()2 William M. Eawson 18(;:J James F. Smith 1805 Batavia Matthewson 18G0 FIFTH COUNCILMEN. Nathaniel Ballon 1740 Willhim Walcott 1747 Daniel Wilkinson 1748 Charles Cajn'on 1752 Picnjamin Tower 1754 Gideon Tower 1758 Elisha Newell 1700 Ariel Ballon 1702 James Dexter 170:3 James Cargill 1704 Peter Darling 1700 John Gould 1708 Nathaniel Carpenter I70i) Ilobert Aklrich 1772 Nathaniel Jillson 177o Amos Arnold 1775 Koger Sheldon 1770) Thljmas Joslin 177'J Cai)t. Jos. Tlllinghast 1781 Simon Whipple 1782 Nebadiah Wilkinson 1783 Capt. Amos Whipple 1784 Jos. Raze 1785 Thomas Joslin I78S Jesse i5rowu 17s'.) Jason Newell 17U2 Ilolomon Potter 17'.';'. Nathaniel Jillson 171)4 David Saylcs 17!15 Benjamin Tingley I7'.i('> Johii Walcott.' M'.)>^ Aimer Ballon 17ft') Elisha Waterman isoi Levi Cooke , l.s()4 Enoch Arnold 1810 Jos. Wiiipiile (2d) 1811 Absolom Ballon 1814 Nathaniel Scott 1815 Oliver Harris 1810 Amos Whipple 1818 Nathaniel Scott 1821 Nathaniel Aldrich 182;) Palemon Walcott 1824 Levi Cooke 1825 Job Jenckes 1826 Oliver Harris 1828 Fenner Brown 182'.) Olney Mason ls;;o Natlian Jenckes 18:i2 Dexter Ballon 18;];5 James Weatherhead 18-55 Nelson Jenckes 18:^7 Abner Ilaskill 1838 Columbia Tingley 18;]'.) Abner Ilaskill 1840 Jos. Jacobs 1841 Stukely S. Waterman 1842 L(!onard Wakefield 1844 Linus M. Harris 1845 Abner Jillson .184() Jeraiil O. Willcox 1847 John A. Cory 1848 James 11. Case 1850 Willard H. Whiting 1852 Alfred Ilixon 18.53 Arnold Carpenter 18.54 Osnuuid S. EuUer 18.55 John L. Clarke 18.50 Daniel Wilkinson (2d) 18.57 William O. Mason. 18.59 I )aniel C. Mowry 1800 J]atavia Matthewson 1802 James W. Taft 18(i0 24 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. SIXTK COUNCILMEN". William Walcott 174() Daniel Wilkinson 1747 John Dexter 1748 Samuel Bartlett 1749 Jos. Brown 1751 John Nicliolson 1752 Obadiah Ballou 1754 Gideon Tower 1755 Elisha Newell 1758 James Dexter 17(50 Peter Darlint? 17G3 Abner Ballou 1764 Nathan Staples 1705 Gideon Tower 1707 Nathan Arnold. 17(38 Ezekial Ballou 1771 Nathaniel Shepherdson 1772 Levi Ballou 1775 Sam Whipple 1776 Capt. Reuben Ballou 1779 Daniel Jenckes 1782 Gideon Sprague 1783 Jos. Eaze 1784 Christr. Whipple 1785 Jotham Carpenter .1787 Jesse Brown 1788 Levi Arnold 1789 Jason Newell 1791 Holomon Potter 1792 ThomaS' Joslin 1793 Jesse Brown 1794 Benjamin Tingley. . 1795 Abner Ballou 1796 Absolom Ballou 1799 In 1799 there were seven Councilmen, the seventh being Elisha Waterman. In the year 1800 the number was reduced to five, and continued so to the present time. CHAPTER II. UP THE RIGHT BANK OF THE RIVER, FROM PROVIDENCE TO WOONSOCKET. The first settlers of Providence emigrated chiefly from tlie Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonies. The Pawtucket river had, therefore, to be crossed. It was necessary that Roger Williams should cross in a canoe, for no artist would brave the ridicule of an astonished world by seating the founder of a State and of a great moral truth, upon an ox-cart in tlie middle of a shallow stream, surrounded by his household goods, his cattle and his family. But it was neither imperative nor reasonable that his companions in exile should have adopted the same mode of transportation, for there were five points upon the river where at its average heiglit it might easily have been forded. The first of these " wading-places " was at a point called the Ware*, now Central Falls. The second was at " Black- stone's Wading Place,"! "ow Lonsdale. The third was at " Pray's Wading Place," noAv Ashton. In the immediate vicinity of this jjlace was an estate, owned by Joshua Verin,^ who, it will be remembered, was expelled from the Colony under the conscience dogma of Roger Williams. The precise locality of this historic spot is the farm of the late Capt. Benoni Cook, near Lime Rock. The fourth " wading- place " was at Senetchonet Island,§ now Manville. The fifth was at Woonsocket. *K. I. Col. Roc, Vol. IV., page 451. tProv. Trans. Kcc, page 120. tFrom an original MS. iu possession of Wm. K. Cook, Esq. §Suiitbncia Council Rcc, Book 1, page 82. 4 26 HiSTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. I think before we cross the busy stream to which Woonsocket is so Largely indebted, we had better stop a moment and pay it our respects, for notwithstanding its kindness to us, it has been thus far a sadly neglected river. But ploughmen instead of poets, artisans rather than artists, have lived, loved and died upon its banks ; and during their lives, while diverting its foaming waters to useful ends, they have deprived the lovers of romantic scenery and good fish of much enjoyment. Not only have the verdant meadow and the jagged rock disappeared in some localities beneath its placid bosom, but the farm laborer is no longer compelled to stipulate that salmon shall not form his chief article of diet.* All the flights of fancy that its admirers have bestowed upon it, have been employed to prove that its course through the village, which now inscribes the initial letter "W" of the name of the town,! was at one time in striking contrast with that of some of the dwellers upon its banks. But the deep fissures and cavities worn by its waters in the blue, mica slate at the " Falls," are evidences that it has pursued its crooked ways for so many ages, that we may indulge in the reasonable hope that it will never return to its ancient bed. But although the river has not been sufficiently hon- ored in song to awaken a smile of approval or of j^ity from the poet, it has been honored with names to a remarkable degree.. It has been called the Seekonk, the Narragansett, the Patucket, the Neelmock, the Nipmuck, the Great, andi finally the Black stone. In ancient times it was occasionally called the Blackstone,, but not until the beginning of the present century did thisi *Aged people have informed me that hefore the construction of dams upon the river,, salmon were so plenty that, unless othenvise agi-eed upon, they formed the chief article inn jhe farmer's bill of iiire. fin relation to the meaning of the word Woonsocket, the reader must make his own selec- tion from the following : 1. Dr. Ballou gives it "Pond on the Hill." 2. S. C. Kcwman, from woone (thunder), suckete (mist). 3. I have been told that Dr. J. nammond, Trumbull, Pres. of the American Philological Association, gives it as "The place where the -jvater comes do'wu." HISTOEY OF AYOONSOCKET. 27 name conic into nniveif^al use. It was so named in lionor of William Blackstone (or Blaxton), who was the first white settler npon its hanks, or, indeed, within the present limits of Rhode Island. The first grant of lands west of the river was obtained from the Indians "by God's mercifid assistance, without monies or payment." The bounds thereof and the con- sideration therefor were equally indefinite — its description being " the lands between the Pawtucket and the Pawtuxet rivers, up the streams without limit." But the grantee evidently deemed his title to be valid, as he afterward disposed of twelve-thirteenths of the same to his companions, for a consideration in money. Among these thirteen original proprietors of Providence was William Arnold. Many of the descendants of this man became famous, and one of them was infamous in the history of our country. Among his sons was Thomas Arnold. He is said to have emigrated from London to Richmond, Virginia ; from thence to Watertown, Mass. ; and from thence to Providence, where he arrived a short time after his father. He eventu- ally settled in the valley of the Moshassuck, near wdiere now stands the lower Quaker meeting-house, where he passed the remainder of his days. He died in September, 1674, aged fifty-eight years, and his estate was divided by the Town Council of Providence* between his widow and his five sur- viving children. Among these children Avere Richard, who was the eldest, and Elizabeth, Avho was the wife of Samuel Comstock. Richard Arnold and Samuel Comstock were the first settlers of Woonsocket. But before I can place them in peaceful possession of their estates, there is much that remains to be told. If I make the narrative suf- ficiently plain, you will be let into some strange secrets, and you will realize that " history is history ! " *rrov. Trans, lice, page 324. For descendants of this man, sec appendix. 28 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. The original proprietors of Providence did not at first attempt to divide their unlimited estate. It would have been like setting bounds to space. They simply located themselves as their immediate fancy or convenience dictated, erected their dwellings, planted their corn and reared their children — some selecting their meadows in the valley of the Pawtuxet and otbers upon the banks of the Pawtucket rivers and tlieir tributaries. After a time the settlers upon these streams became distinguished from each other, and known — the one as the " Proprietors of Pawtuxet," and the other as the " Proprietors of Providence." At last, when the popu- lation had perceptibly increased, each party began to clamor for a division of the territory, which in width was bounded by the rivers, and which in length was " without limit." To state the points of disagreement which existed between the (so called) Providence and Pawtuxet proprietors, is not only beyond my power, but it was beyond that of the disputants themselves. This is evident from the futile attempts of one party to limit infinity,* and of both parties to produce impossible lines. f In the midst of this dispute Richard Arnold and Samuel Comstock came to Woonsocket. Moved, probably, by the beauty and fertility of the region, and taking the " up stream without limit " clause in the deed from the Indians to mean something, as proprietors of Providence they proceeded to occujiy and improve the lands. The heat of the Pawtuxet controversy had gone out to the surrounding Colonies, and had been felt even in the courts of Europe, Every attempt to solve the problem had increased its intricacy. Every step taken in the labj^rinth had deep- ened its obscurity. At last an epistle — it was called a The iip-stream-witliout-lhnit clause means Sugar Loaf nill, Burit's Brow, Observation Kock, Absolute Swarcip, Oxford and Hipses Rock. But the cattle may go far enough north to return at night, and not trespass. — [Prov. Ti-ans. Kec, page 128.] A line ordered to be set seven miles west of Fox Hill, and from thence to be run "north to the Pawtitkct river. [Prov. Traus. Piec, page 100.] This was afterwards known as the " Seven mile line." It was ordered run June 4, 1600. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 29 '•'' lovhuj epistle'''' — was Avritlcu by Roger Williams to tlie proprietors of Providence. It was a master-piece. It solved the problem by breaking' the slate, and dissolved the ob- scurity by destroying the labyrinth. In 1653,* the Providence proprietors had declared the act to be unjust Avhich divided the Pawtuxet men twenty miles, and defined the " np-stream-without-limit " point to be as far north from Hipses Rock, etc., as the cattle could go and return at night. The ''epistle" referred to not only in- dorsed the declaration of the Providence men, but it virtu- ally restricted the territory of the Providence Grand Purchase itself, by advising the purchase of lands which had hitherto been thought to be Avithin its limits. After much discus- sion, it was finally voted " to parley with the Indians for ]Sriswosaket,t Wayunckeke and the region thereabouts." Many of the Indian deeds given in consequence of this action, may be found in " Staples's Annals of Providence." Among them is one from Waumsittou to Thomas Olney, sr., and others. | This transferred certain "grounds and meadows, lying and being on the west side of Seekonk or Pawtucket River, excepting a tract of land about four or five miles, which had been given leave to William, of Massa- chusetts, to dispose of, said land beginning at the old field of Wasqnadomisk," etc. In an instrument dated December 2, 1702, I find that the " four or five miles " referred to was originally " obtained in two purchases, but all being in one parcel.'''' I have had the good fortune, through the kindness of Ephraim Sayles, Esq., of Smithfield, who has the original document, to see a copy of the deed, which conveyed what I conceive to be the north-Avestern portion thereof. I think this document to be *Prov. Trans. Kcc, page 128. tit is thus spoiled in Iv. I. Col. Ecc, but Staples gives it Miswosakit, which ajrrce.s with tlic oriijinal. JStaplcs's Auuals of Prov., page 075. 30 HISTORY OF AVOONSOCKET. of sufficient importance to give in full, for thereby Richard Arnold and his friends were reduced for the time to the level of " squatter sovereigns," and upon it, as well as the " up-stream-without-limit " instrument so often referred to, rest the titles to the lands of Western Woonsocket : "Be it known imto all men by tiiese presents, that I, William Min- nion, of Punskepage, in ye Collony of ye Massachusetts Bay, have upon good consideration "moving me thereto, have freely given and )>assed over a tract of land unto Edward Imnan and John Mowry, of Providence, etc., lieing two thousand acres more or less, ye hounds of their land lying from Lo(iueesit northward. Ye tirst bound is a chestnut tree on ye South, marked on four sides at ye tirst Indian lield on Wessulkuitomisk Hill, running a mile due North, and then ui)on a line to Ummohbukkonit, taking in all ye meadows, and so to run to Nyssliacuck, and so to a champ of i)ines called ye Keys, and so to ye spring called Wessukkattomsuk, to ye chestnut tree above- mentioned, and so to Pawtucket River, and on ye end of the mill north to Pawtucket River. To have and to hold without any trouble or molestation by any Indians, and for the true performance hereof, I have sett my hand and seal ye 14th day of May, 1G06. In presence of ^ WILLIAM MINNION." Danl. Abbott, [ John Steere. ) The foregoing represented a belt of land about one mile in width, extending from the saw-mill before-mentioned to " Wionkhege." Loqueesit, spoken of as being south of said tract, was a large territory extending from where Manville now is, westerly beyond Lime Rock and southerly into what is now North Providence. Wessukkuttomsuk spring was what is now known as Crook Falls Brook, sometimes called Crooked River. The Keys w^as in the vicinity of Stillwater. Nysshacuck I have supposed to l)e Sayles Hill, because John Mowry, who was sometimes called " Nj-sshacuck John," lived there at one time. But as he removed from thence to the western part of the town, my su2)position has been disputed. The remains of him and his wife, however, repose on Sayles Hill. The mill north of Pawtucket river was the saw-mill of Richard Arnold, to which I shall have frequent occasion to refer. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. SI The otlier places mentioned in the deed I am unahlc to locate with any degree of accuracy. Neither can I give the precise bounds of the territoiy. It is sufficient for my purpose to say, that Western Woonsocket, Union Village, Slatersville and the region around Woonsocket Hill, was included within its limits. In the foregoing instrument but two grantees are alluded to, namely — Edward Inman and John Mo wry. But there was another proprietor, namely — Nathaniel Mowry, a brother of John. He was also the son-in-law of Edward Inman, having become the proprietor of Joanna in the same year that he did of the Wesquadomisk territory. He was at that time twenty-two years of age. It may be that he is men- tioned in the other Indian deed to which I have referred, but this important document has thus far escaped me. It is spoken of in ancient instruments as the " thousand acre pur- chase," and was probably bounded on the north and west by the tract which has been described — on the east by the Pawtucket river, and on the south by Louisquisset. Soon after the transactions above alluded to, Edward Inman disposed of one-sixth of his right to John Steere and one-sixth to Thomas Walling. There were now five pro- prietors, namely — Inman, holding four parts; Steere, one; Walling, one; John Mowry, six ; and Nathaniel, six. The first division of the hinds was made April 12, 1668. Each proprietor had for immediate use three hundred acres of upland and swamp and six acres of meadow. The re- mainder for a time remained undivided. The meadows were chosen as follows : Inman, the first choice ; John and Nathaniel, in partnership, the second ; Steere, the third ; Nathaniel Mowry, the foui'th ; Walling, the fifth ; and John Mowry, the sixth choice. It is unnecessary to give the details of further divisions. Transfers were made, from time to time, to the Blackmans, 82 HISTORY OF WOOXSOCKET. the Bucldins, the Phillips, the Balkcolms, and others. I hasten down to the 26th of April, 1682. At this time the town of Providence appointed trustees — consisting of Arthur Fenner, William Hopkins, John Whipple, jr., Thomas Olney, jr., and our old friend, Richard Arnold — to set bounds to this extensive tract, and settle the differences which had arisen among the proprietors, who were then Edward Inman, John and Nathaniel Mowry and Stephen Arnold, the uncle of Richard. I will give the description of the territory in the language of the trustees, which the reader may dissect and translate at his leisure. It lieth in three parts, namely : "1. Two thousand three hundred and fifty acres lieth north and he west across the eastern end of said tract— part horderin^ upon Paw- tucket river, and part upon a small stream called Wasqiiadomsett. "2. One tluHisand acres at Wansaukit Hill, beginning at the south end of said Hill, and so ranging northward to the Pawtucket, the north end thereof bordering upon said river— the south-eastern corner being bounded with a snag tree, and from the said tree to range west to a low rock, which is a south-western corner bound; and from said rock to range north to a big rock standing in Pawtucket river — a white oak tree standing southward from said rock a little way from the brim of the river bank, being marked for a range tree, the" which said rock is a north-western corner-bound; and from said rock to fol- low the river unto a walnut tree marked upon the brim of the river banks, the which said walnut tree is a north-eastern corner bound of the said thousand acres of land. "3. One hundred and fifty acres Avhere James Blackmore's house once stood, the said land being four square, Blackmore's house in the middle of it." For some reason the tract of land upon which stood the saw-mill of Richard Arnold was not included in the territory granted to the Inman proprietors by the town. But, April 14, 1707, the town granted to Capt. Richard Arnold and Ensign Samuel Comstock the lands which they had already occupied for so long a time. Finally, after a controversy of upwards of forty years, the settlers of Woonsocket obtained a perfect title to their estates, and continued, without further trouble, to increase, multiply and replenish the earth. In 1731, the town of Smithfield was set off from Provi- HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 33 deuce. March ITtli of this year the first town meeting was held at the house of Valentine Whitman, and officers for the new town were elected. For one hnndred and forty years the citizens of Western Woonsocket participated in the annual elections of Smith- field. At last, after many struggles, old Smithfield was dismembered ; and March 8, 1871, a portion of its territory was amiexed to the new town of Woonsocket. Appendix to Chapter IL A LIST OF SMITHFIELD TOWN OFFICEES, FROM ITS INCORPORATION IN 1731 TO ITS DIVISION IN 1871. TOWN CLERKS. Richard Sayles 1731 Samuel Mann 1815 .Joseph Arnold 173:^ Thomas Mann 1817 Daniel Jenckes 1733 George L. Barnes 1840 .Joseph A mold 1742 Orin \Vright 1843 Thomas Sayles 1745 George L. Barnes .1844 Josei)h Savles 1754 Orin' Wright 1845 .John Sayles 175G Stafford Mann 184U Daniel Mowry, jr 17(K) Samuel GUirk, jr 1855 Daniel Mowry (4th) 1780 TOWN TREASURERS. John Sayles 1731 Isaac Wilkinson 1817 Israel Wilkinson 1751 Lewis Dexter 1840 Stephen Whipple 1755 Stafford Mann 1843 ('apt. Jolm Angell 175(i Samnel Clark 1844 Steplien AVhipi»le 17t)l Stalford ]Mann 1845 William Huffum 1770 Itolicrl Harris 1850 Ainold Fain 177'-:! ilenry Gooding 1855 Stephen lirayton 178(1 'J'homas ]\[oies" 1857 liobert Ilarris 17i)2 Keuel F. Smith 1858 5 u HIS TORY OF WOONSOCKET. TOWN SERGEANTS. Uriah Mowry Benjamin Pain Thomas Steere, jr John Smith, jr Richard Smith David Willvinson Jos. Mowry (od) Elisha Sayles Ezekial Cbmstock John Angell Ilezekiali Ilerringdeen Tliomas Savles William Pullen Elisha Dillingham William Pullen Elisha Dillingham Jona Comstock Eli Read . 1731 David Aldrich 1778 .17.32 Job Mowry 1780 . 1734 David ISIowry 1799 .1736 is^athaniel Mowry (4th) 1800 .1737 Stephen Thornton 1801 . 1738 George Chace 1802 .1747 Benjamin Sheldon 1804 . 1753 Isaac Wilkinson 180.5 .1758 Amasa Mowry, son of John. 1810 .1760 Mark Aldrich 1822 . 1701 Eorenzo T. Brown 1843 .1702 Mark Aldrich 1844 1705 David S. AVilkinson 1845 .1769 Squire H. Rogers 1855 . 1770 Stephen A. Aldrich 1856 .1772 Renselaer L, Mowry 1861 . 1775 Henry S. Cook 1869 .1777 PRESIDENTS OF COUNCILS. John Arnold 1731 Major William Smith 1733 Thomas Steere 1734 Major William Smith 1735 Thomas Sayles — 1737 Thomas Steere 1739 Jos. Smith 1747 Lieut. Thomas Arnold 1748 Thomas Steere 1750 John Sayles 1773 Ezekiel Comstock 1774 Henry Jenckes 1777 Capt." Sylvanus Sayles 1779 (Jaleb Aldrich ' 1780 Daniel Mowrv, jr 1785 William Waterman 1789 Joseph Farnum 1790 George Comstock 1792 Capt. Sylvanus Sayles 1794 Samuel Clark 1797 Duty Winsor 1800 Johii Jenckes 1801 Thomas Man 1802 Samuel Hill 1806 Thomas Man 1809 Benjamin Hall 1814 Thomas Buffum 1815 Daniel Angell 1816 Reid^en Mowry 1818 Daniel Angell 1822 Thomas Buffum 1823 David Wilkinson 1824 Samuel B. Harris 1825 Morton Mowry 1827 Lewis Dexter 1830 Sessions Mowry 1834 Morton Mowry 1834 Samuel Clark 1841 Arnold Speare 1842 Lewis Dexter 1844 Thomas Bulf um 1845 Robert Harris 1851 Richard Mowry 18.54 Daniel IST. Paiiie 18.55 Lewis Dexter 1856 Cliarles Moies 1861 George Johnson 1868 Arlon Mowry 1869 SECOND COUNCILMEN. Jos. Mowry 1731 Thomas Angell 1816 Joseph Arnold 1735 David Wilkinson 1818 Jol) Whipple 1736 Morton Mowry 1824 William Arnold 1737 Nathaniel Mowry 1827 Thomas Shippy 1739 Sessions Mowry 1830 Jeremiah Mowry 1747 Elisha Smith 1831 Thomas Owen 1848 Simon Aldrich 1833 John Aldrich 17.50 Stephen Sheldon 1834 Ezekiel Angell. . . : 1761 Samuel Clark 1838 John Sayles 1708 Dexter Aldrich 1841 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. (Mol) Aldricli ...1774 Job Aldricli 1775 Daniel Smith 1777 Jolm Man ..1779 8tei>luMi Wliipple 1782 .Tes.s(> JiMickes 1783 Pamiiel Clark 17'.U Duty AViiisor 1797 -h^dwai'd Medbuvv 17'.H» Joliii Man ". 1801 Seth Mowry 1802 Elislia Steere 1807 Daniel Ano-ell 1815 Arnold Sjieare isi:} John roster 1844 Daniel Sayles 1845 Bradford 'Bnllock 184() Daniel Pierce 1847 Robert Harris 1840 Israel Sayles 1851 Thomas Latham 1852 Henry Stone 1854 John "J. Carpenter 1855 Charles Moies .1850 Arlon Mowrv 1801 Edward A. Brown 18G0 THIRD council:men. Thomas Steere 1731 John Mowry 1732 Joseph Arnold 1733 James Aldrich 1735 David Comstock 1736 John Brown 1737 Robert Staples 1747 John Aldrich 1748 Dr. John Jenckes 1750 "William Jenckes 1701 Thomas Laphani 1700 Caleb Aldrich 1772 Job Aldrich 1774 Al)raham Matthewson 1775 John Man 1777 Stephen Arnold 1770 Stephen Whipple 1780 Edward Thompson 1782 Stephen "Whipple 1785 James Smith 1786 David Tncker 1815 Arnold Jenckes 1810 Jeremiah Smith, jr is 1 7 Stephen Steere 1818 Morton Mowry 1822 Charles Appleby 1824 Nathaniel Mowry 1826 Jeremiah "Whipple .1827 David Jjapham 1830 Richard S. Scott 1831 Job S. Mann 1834 Cyrns Arnold 1836 Asahel Angell 1838 Dexter Aldrich 1840 Barney Dodge 1841 Alvin Jenckes 1842 Elisha Smith 1843 Gideon ]\Iowry 1844 David Willmr 1845 Benjamin Harris 1847 James Appleby 1789 Robert Harris 1848 Job Aldrich 1794 Duty Winsor 1796 John Man 1797 Seth Mowrv 1801 Ahab JNIowrv 1802 Richard Buffum 1803 Stephen Bnlium 1804 Samuel Hill, jr 1805 Enos Mowrv 1806 Nathan Aldrich 1800 Richard Mowry 1 S4i) Israel Sayles. . ' 1850 John Knight 1851 Richard Smith 1852 James Phetteplace 1854 Harris M. Irons 18.56 John J. Carpenter 1859 William ]Mowry 1861 Baylies Bourne 18(58 AVilliam P. Steere 1869 Edward G. Chace 1870 Benjamin Hall 1811 James Appleby 1814 FOURTH COUNCIOIEN. Samuel Aldrich 1731 Jeremiah Smith, jr 1816 Elisha Smith 1732 Reuben Mowry 1S17 Thomas Ship])y 1733 William Aldrich 18is Job AVhi])ple 1735 George (^hace 1821 John Brown 1736 Arnold Speare 1822 "J'homas Steere 1737 Jeremiah Whipple 1824 John Dexter 1739 Barney Dodge 1827 36 HISTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. Thomas Owen 1747 John Jeiiekes 1748 C'ajtt. Daniel Mowry 1750 John Sayles I7r)5 Capt. Daniel Mowry 1756 Caleb Aldricli ' 1768 Stephen Arnold 1772 Abraham Matthewson 1774 Henry Jenckes 1775 Stephen lirayton 1777 Edward Thoinpson 1779 Arnold Pain 1782 Jolm Angell 1785 Philip Mowry, jr 1786 Arnold Pain 1789 Thomas Aldricli 1794 Daniel Smith, jr 1796 Ezeldel Comstoek 1797 John Jenckes 1799 Aliab Mowry 1801 Richard P,uffnm 1802 Samuel Hill, jr 1803 Enos Mowry 1805 Job Arnold 1806 Benjamin Hall 1809 David Harris 1811 Daniel Angell 1814 Marcus Arnold 1815 Elisha Smith 1830 Wilder Holbrook 1831 Stephen Sheldon 1833 Andrew Weatherhead 1834 Dexter Aldrich 1835 Tyler Mowry 1836 Samuel Clark 1837 Stephen Steere 1838 Stei)hen Sheldon 1839 Barney Dodge 1840 Alvin "Jenckes 1841 John Poster 1842 Daniel Sayles, jr 1843 Lyman Cook 1844 James Phetteplace 1845 John Fenner .1847 Eichard Mowry 1848 Israel Sayles . .' 1849 John Knight 1850 Thomas Capham 1851 Albert Cook 1852 John B. Tallman 1854 Harris M. Irons 1855 Daniel Mowry 1856 George Johnson 1857 George M. Appleby L'^iU William Duane Aldricli 18()2 George Johnson 1869 FIFTH COUIs'CILMEN. John Mowry 1731 Thomas Shippy 1732 James Aldricli 1733 Thomas Smith, jr 1734 David Comstoek 1735 Lieut. Jos. Smith 1736 Benjamin Pain 1737 Jonathan Arnold 1739 Capt. Daniel Mowry 1747 Baulston Bray ton 1750 David Comstoek 1754 Stephen Arnold 1768 Preserved Harris 1772 Henry Jenckes 1774 Jonathan Gully 1775 Jonathan Comstoek 1777 Sylvanus Sayles 1778 AVilliam Waterman 1779 Arnold Pain 1780 Abraham Matthewson 1782 John Angell 1783 James Smith 1785 John Man, jr 1786 Elisha Olney 1794 John Man, jr 1796 Israel Taft 1797 Stephen Buft'um 1814 Thomas Angell 1815 Reuben Mowry 1816 David Wilkinson 1817 Winsor Aldrich 1818 George Chace 1822 Cyrus Arnold 1823 Abraham Winsor 1824 Barney Dodge 1826 Lewis Dexter 1827 Richard S. Scott 1830 Elisha Olney, jr 1831 Asa W. Ballon 1833 Waterman F. Brown 1834 Asaliel Phetteplace 1835 Dexter Aldrich 1838 Alvin Jenckes 1840 Stephen Smith (2nd) 1841 James T. Harkness 1842 Ahaz Mowry, jr 1S43 Christopher" AV. Kelly .1844 Bradford Bullock 1845 Albert Cook 1846 Isaac Wilkinson 1847 Israel Sayles 1848 John Knight 18-19 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. oi John Pain 1700 Thomas Latham 1850 Kicliard Uuffum 1801 Daniel AVinsor l;502 Enos Mowrv 180:5 Job Arnold' 1805 Thomas ]5nffuin 180() Nathan Aldrich 1807 David Harris 1800 James Appleby 1811 Samuel S. Mallory 1851 John J. Carpenter 1852 Daniel Mowry 1854 William Patt 185(3 Arlon Mowry 1859 (xeorj^e Johnson 1861 Edward A. Brown 18(58 Baylies Bourne 18G9 SIXTH COUNCILMEN. Benjamin Smith 1731 Arnold Jenckes 1815 Thomas Sayles 1832 David Wilkinson ISIO John Dexter 1833 Stephen Steere 1817 John Brown 1835 None 1818 Benjamin Pain 1830 Morton Mowry 1819 Jolni Dexter 1737 Jeremiah Whipple 1822 William Jenckes 1730 John Aldrich 1747 Benjamin Arnold 1748 Preserved Harris 1750 Stephen Whipple 1772 Job Aldrich 1773 Jonathan Gully 1774 Jeremiah Harris 1775 Jolin Man 1776 Stephen Arnold 1777 Arnold Pain 1770 Job Aldrich 1780 Abraham Matthewson 1781 John Angell 1782 James Smith 1783 Philip Mowry 1785 Kobert Latham 1780 Emor Smitli 1700 Joseph Mowry 1702 Phihp Mowry 1704 Ezekial Comstock 1706 Seth Mowry 1707 Daniel Winsor 1801 None 1802 Elijah Derry 1803 Thomas Api)leby 1804 Tliomas Butt'um 1805 Benjamin Hall 180(! Barney Dodge 1824 Lewis Dexter 1826 Sessions Mowry 1827 Wilder Holbrobk 1830 Daniel G. Harris 1831 None 1832 Jol) S. Mann 1833 John Jenckes 1834 Samuel Clark 1835 Smith R. MoAvry 1836 Barney Dodge 1838 Stephen Smith (2d) 1840 Pelatiah Metcalf 1841 Gideon Mowry 1842 Avery Gilman 1843 Lyman Wilmarth 1844 Johnson G. Horton 1845 Horace Trowbridge 1846 Israel Sayles 1847 John Knight 1848 Thomas Latham 1849 Alfred Allen 1850 Alden Coe 1851 John Knight 1852 Lewis Aldrich 1854 William Patt 1855 Charles Moies 1856 William P. Steere 1850 Thomas Ai)plel)y 1800 Harvy S. Bartlett 1861 Daniel Angell 181 1 William P. Steere 1863 None 1814 Oscar A. Tobey 1SG9 SEVENTH COUNCILMEX. Up to 1700 the Council consisted of but six mem1)ers. This year the seventh was added. Elisha Olney 1700 Asahel Angell 1835 Aliab Mowiv 1800 Uriaii Benedict 1838 Eliiah Arnold 1801 ]}urrill Aldrich 1839 None 1802 Pehitiah Metcalf 1840 38 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Job Arnold 1803 William Aldricli 1804 Benjamin Hall 1805 Dav'id Harris 180() Daniel An^-ell 1800 Stephen Buff um 1811 Xone 1814 Jeremiah Smith 1815 Stephen Steere 1810 William Aldrich 1817 None 1818 Daniel AVinsor 1819 Arnold Speare. 1820 Abraham Winsor 1822 Samuel B. Harris 1824 Lewis Dexter 1825 Sessions Mowry 1820 David Lapham 1827 Elisha Olney, jr I8o0 George Chace 1831 J>'one 1832 AndreAV Waterman 1833 Edwin Harris 1834 In 1843, eleven Councilmen were 8th. Edward Evans. 1 9th. Robert Harris, John Poster 1841 Lyman Cook 1842 ]3enjamin Harris 1842 Ansel Ilolman 1844 AVilliam M. Farnum 1845 Alljert Cook 1847 Asa Wiusor 1848 Israel B. Purinton 1840 William Smith 1850 George B. Aldrich 1851 Rol )ert Harris 1852 Henry Gooding 1854 James H. Chabe 1855 Harden Knight 1850 Daniel Mowry 1858 William Mowrv 1859 John ]Sr. Spaulding 1861 Jolm J. Carpenter 1803 Benjamin Comstock 18(34 Baylies Bourne 1806 Oscar A. Tobey 1868 William H. Aldrich 1869 elected. 10th. J'jradford Bullock. 11th. William M. Parnum. CHAPTER III. THE FIRST SETTLEllS OF WOONSOGKET. When the first settlement of Woonsocket was made, I have been unable to ascertain. The reader will remember that I alluded to a' saw-mill which existed in these parts in 16GG. As its builder, Richard Arnold, was at that time but twenty-four years of age, it is fair to infer that it was erected about that time, and that then was " the beginning." The first settlers, as I have said before, were Richard Arnold and Samuel Comstock — the latter " pitching his tent " a little west of the Union Village, and the former locating himself at the river. During their lives they held the lands in common, and no lines were drawn between their estates until many years after their death. This was done by their heirs, March 26, 1731. When this act was consummated, the Arnold famil}- became proprietors of a greater portion of the lands in the vicinity of the " Falls," and which is now the most valuable part of the town. It therefore devolves upon me to devote a brief space to Richard Arnold, from whom the titles to our estates are derived. Richard Arnold was a man of superior abilities, and hon- ored with the respect and confidence of his fellow-townsmen. During the greater portion of his life he held ofllcial posi- tions, being either a member of the General Assembly or Assistant-Governor of the Colony. And when our Colony was reduced to a single county, luider the Adininistralion of Sir Edmond Andros, a seat Avas given him in his Council, 40 HISTORY OF WOOKSOCKET. at Boston. Not only did he take an active part in the affairs of government, but he was repeatedly chosen to act with committees in the adjustment of boundary disputes with the neighboring colonies, and to settle differences that arose, from time to time, among his fellow-townsmen. It was probably during some of his official excursions to the northern part of the Colony that he was moved by the beauty and fertility of the region, and selected it as a fitting place for a settlement. And, taking the up-stream-without- limit clause in the deed from the Indians to mean some- thing, as one of the proprietors of Providence he proceeded to make improvements upon the territory without going- through with the formality of purchasing it over again. According to an ancient document which I have seen, Richard Arnold was married to an " angel woman." The contemplation of the fruits of this union, miraculous not only in numbers but often in conception, I am led to believe that the spelling of the v/ord "angel" Avith a small "a" was intentional. He died April 22, 1710, aged sixty-eight years, leaving a widow (Sarah) and four children, namely — Richard, John, Thomas and Mary. The following docu- ment will show the extent of his estate and the manner of its division : The Will of Bichard Arnold. "I, Richard Arnold, of Providence, in the Collonyof Rhode Ishind, etc., being aged and something infirm of body, but sound and perfect memory, thanks be to God; but considering the uncertainty of this life, and not knowing how soon it may please God to take nie out of tliis world, I am wilhng to do something for the setling of that small estate I have to dispose of; and do therefore make and appoynt this my last will and testament as f olloweth : "And, first, I give to Sarah, my wife, for the terme of her natural life, my two lots m the town, with the orchard and house upon them, and also mv meadow at the West River, which I bought of Edward Manton, and after my said wife's decease to — , the lots and said meadow unto my three sons— Richard, John and Thomas Arnold— tlieir lieirs and assigns forever. " I also give to my wife two cows and one-third part of my house- hold goods here in the towne, and all the estate that was hers before 1 married with her. HISTOllY OF WOONSOCKET. 41 " Item. I fjive to my aforesaid son, Eichurd Arnold, all the land within his tence Avhere ho now dwelleth at Wansoket.'on 3'e east side ye Little River, to be for him, his lieirs or assij^ns for ever. "Item. I give to my son, Jolm Arnold, all the land within his fence and wliere he now dwelletli, with my interest and part of ye saw- mills at ye Falls, as also of meadow more, being within fence on" ye east side of ye Little River, with the i)iece of meadow called the Island, joining on ye west side ye Little River, bonnded on ye west with the ditch and on ye south with the drain, to l)e to the said John Arnold, his heirs or'assigns forever; and all the rest of lands adjoining, belonging to me at Woonsocket, with my farme granted by ye towne, being on ye west side ye l)ranch of Pa'wtncket river, I give to my said two sons, Richard and John Arnold, to be equally divided between them and theirs forever. "Item. I give to my son, Thomas Arnold, all my land adjoining at the place where he now dwelleth, or that lieth on both sides the highway that leads from the towne to Lo(iuasqussuck, with the Iiouse and other buildings on said farme. That part of said farme being on the north-east'side said highway is bounded on ye south- west with said highway, on ye norwest, jiart with the land Ijelonging to Edward Smith and" his brother, and partly with land laid out to William AVhipple, and on ye north bounded with the land of John Dexter, and on the south-east with Eliezer Arnold; and that on the south-west side of said highway, bounded on the south-east witli tlie land of said Eliezer Arnold, and on the south-west with land belong- ing to Thomas Olne}', and on the norwest, partly with land belonging to John Angell and partly with common or undivided land, n'eere inito land laid out formerly to Olney. The said land I give to my said son, Thomas Arnold, his heirs and assigns forever, he paying the several sums as foUoweth, that is: To pay fifteen pounds, in money, to his brother Richard, and ten pounds "to his brother John, and twenty-five pomids to his sister, Mary Steere. "Item. I give to Thomas Steere that piece of land belonging to me which lieth at ye bent of ye river below ye bridge, near Thomas Steere, his meadow. And my will is that Thomas Steere shall have half the mills at jSTassatuckett, and the other half of said mills, with the farme now in the hands of Elisha Smith— the elfects of said mill and farme to 1)e to my executors hereafter named. And my right in common or undivided lands, with all other lands belonging to me not before specified, I give to be equally divided to my said executors. "And my will is that To])y, my negro servant, serve with my son Thomas until he comes to the age of twenty-five years, which will be in February, 171(i or 1717, and that my saitl son to then set him free, and give him two suits of apparill, a good narrow axe, a broad hoc, and one sithe with tackling, fit for mowing, and twenty shillings in money. "And I do make my three sons — Richard, Jolm and Thomas Arnold— joynt executors of this my last will and testament. In witness hereof, I hereunto set mv hand and seal this eight dav of June, 1708. ' RJCIIARD AR^'ULD:" By the foregoing, it appears that Ricliard divicU^d liis Woonsocket estate between liis two sons, liiehard and John — that of the former beginning at the Union ViUage 6 42' HISTOEY OF WOOKSOCKET. and extending westward, and that of the latter beginning at the same point and coming eastward to the river, includ- ing what is now the Globe Village and the surrounding estates. The dwelling-house of his son Richard was where Mr. Albert Mowry now resides. A portion of this building is said to have been erected in 1690. If so, it is probably the oldest house in these parts. The house in which John lived during the life-time of his father has long since been demolished. It was a rude cabin, the stone chimney and the steps to the attic being upon the outside thereof — the one being upon the end next to the l)rook and the other upon the opposite end. In the year 1712 John erected his new dwelling-house (in the vicinity of the old one), which is still standing in a good state of preservation. It stands on Providence street, and is owned and occupied* at the present time by A. C. Munroe, Esq. In the last generation it was the farm-house of Ephraim Coe. Although I shall step out of the present limits of Woon- socket in so doing, still I deem it necessary to give the sub- divisions of the estate of Richard Arnold II. But I will make my narrative as brief as possible. This man married Mar}^ Woodward, who presented him with six boys, namely — Richard, Woodward, Joseph, Thomas, Edmund and Josias. Before his death he gave to each of these boys a farm. He died intestate, June, 1745. The farm which he gave to his son Richard still remains in the possession of the family. It was given May 11, 1731, and comprised sixty acres, bounded on one side by the homestead farm, and on another by the " thousand acre " purchase of Edward Inman, et ah. The young landholder is spoken of as a very ingenious man ; and, June 6, 1733, HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 43 during the minority of his children, he left Iiis wife ;ind family and went to Philadelphia, in pursuit of occupation more congenial to his taste. He was never afterwards lieard from. The farm eventually became the property of his son, Stephen Arnold, a highly respectable citizen of these parts, in the last century. It is now owned and occupied by Abraham Arnold, the grandson of Stephen and brother to our townsman, Hon. Cyrus Arnold. September 17, 1731, Richard gave to his son. Woodward Arnold, a farm lying within the "thousand acre purchase," on the north-west part of Woonsocket Hill. Six years after- ward Woodward sold his inheritance to Nathan Staples, of Mendon, and removed to Massachusetts. The farm has been known as the " Nathan Staples's Place " for upward of a century. Thomas Arnold inherited the homestead farm. It passed to his son, Peleg Arnold. During the latter part of the last century, the house was one of the taverns for which Woon- socket has been so famous. Edmund Arnold was presented, December 29, 1735, with the farm which is now the property of Arnold Wakefield, Esq. Josiah Arnold was given, February 22, 1736, and again October 15, 1737, an estate near Woonsocket Hill. The area of the two estates was one hundred and forty-four acres. Josiah was the father of Dr. Jonathan Arnold, of Revolutionary fame, and the grandfather of Lemuel Hast- ings Arnold, one of the Governors of our State. Joseph Arnold was given an estate, October 20, 1731, but he resided upon it but a short season, if he did at all.* His residence was where Mrs. Eliza Osborne now lives. This he purchased of William, the son of Hezediah Comstock, *Tlie fiinn wliich Joscpli received from liis father was aftenvards occupied by his son?, Jacob and Dr. William Arnold. I derive this from Joseph's will. A portion of the estate is now owned by Arnold Wakefield. 44 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. in the year 1744, and became an innkeeper. Of Joseph Arnold I shall have more to say in another chapter, I have said that Richard Arnold was the first settler of Woonsocket, and in this I am supported by documentary evidence, which I have given to the reader. But the voice of tradition is against me, and, as paradoxical as the statement may be, the records are also against me. I will endeavor to explain myself. That he was the first proprietor of the lands and the improvements thereon, is beyond dispute. That he ever permanently resided here, may be doubted. Dr. Seth Arnold is firm in the conviction that he did live here, and locates his residence near where now stands the slaughter-house of William H. Andrews, on the Globe side of the river. His evidence is that of Rachel Arnold, the widow of Stephen Arnold, who at the beginning of the present century — she then being a very aged lady — pointed out the spot to him. Mr. Thomas A. Paine is as decided in an opposite opinion, and saj^s that it has been, for upwards of a century, a tradition in his family that John Arnold, the son of Richard, was the first settler of Woonsocket. I think that these two apparently opposite opinions may be satisfactorily reconciled. In his younger days Richard Arnold probably lived in the valley of the Moshassuck. While living there, he erected his eaw-mill amid the solitudes of these parts. It was not an unusual thing in those days for men to cultivate farms even which were many miles away from their places of residence. I recall at this moment a tradition of Lime Rock, which speaks of a Pray family, who owned and cultivated lands in that vicinity and lived at Providence. Indeed, in those times of Indian troubles, it would liave been almost criminal for one to bring his wife and children away from a place of comparative safety. But although not living here, it was imperatively necessary that a temporary shelter should be built. And probably the temporary shel- HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 45 tcr of Ricliard Arnold was constructed at the place pointed out by Dr. Arnold. That Richard Arnold lived at the Providence settlement when his will was written, is quite evident to the most careless reader. I shall, therefore, yield to the opinion of Mr. Paine, and give to his great, great grandfather, John Arnold, the honor of having been the first settler of Woonsocket. Of John Arnold I have been able to learn but little. If we judge of him from documents ot his time, which allude to his father as "Captain" Richard Arnold, to his son as William Arnold, " of Smithfield, Esq.," and to himself as simply John Arnold, "yeoman," we may regard him as simply a connecting link between his ancestors and his descendants. It will, therefore, be pleasant to remain in his company, because we know so little of him. And yet. from positions which he held among his fellow-countrymen, and from works which he has left behind him, he seems to have been a man of more than ordinary parts. He was one of the organizers of the Society of Friends in Northern Rhode Island, and built their first meeting-house at this place. He was one, of the committee who run our northern boundary line in 1718, and when Smithfield be- came a town, in 1731, he was the first President of the Council. He was born in 1671. Tradition fixes the time of his coming to take up his permanent abode upon his father's lands at this place in 1695, and the records show that this was about the time of his marriage. The maiden name of his first wife was Mary Mowry, a daughter of Nathaniel Mowry, to whom I have introduced you in a previous chapter. She presented him with ten children, namely — William, John, Israel, Daniel, Anthony, Seth, Anne, Marcy, Susanna and Abagail. Mary died January 27, 1742. He remained a widower but a short time, and although arrived at the mature age of three score 46 HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. years and eleven, lie again put on the yoke of matrimony. The name of his second wife was Hannah Hayward. There were no fruits to this union. He died October 27, 1756, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. His remains now repose in the burial-ground on the Vose farm at the Globe Village. His will was written May 5, 1753. The following is the Abstract of Will of Jolm Arnold. " To his wife, Hannah, one-half of the incomes and profits of the homestead farm. Also, one-half of the meadow and upland at the Little Cedar Swamp. "To his son, "William, thirty pounds of current money. "To his three sons, Daniel, Anthony and Israel, five i)ounds each. "To his three daughters, Mary La])ham, Abagail Bartlett and Susanna Melavory, one hundred ])ounds each. " To his grandson, Moses Arnold, five pounds. " To his grandson, ^Jfoah Arnold, forty pounds. "To his grandson, David Arnold, ten pounds. " To his grandson, Arnold Paine, the remaining half of the home- stead, and "of the meadow and upland at Little Cedar Swam]). Also, the reversion of the other half of same at the death of his wife. Also, one-half of farm stock. Also, two hundred pounds current money. "To his grandson, Nicholas Lapham, his French gun. "To his son, Seth, his part of the saw-mill and appurtances. "The remainder of his estate to be equally divided among his eight remaining children." Before his death John Arnold presented or sold the larger part of his real estate to his sons — William, John, Israel, Daniel, Anthony and Seth. The reader must par- don me if, in giving the sub-divisions of his estate, I get ahead of my story at times. The excuse which I have to offer is that it would have been much easier for me to tell my story chronologically, and I have chosen another course for the reader's convenience, instead of mine. I will now give the estate of William Arnold. November 9, 1727, his father presented him with an estate, which was the northern portion of what is known in these days as "The Old Maids' Farm." March 17, 1729, William purchased of his father a farm, which was after- wards a portion of the Lapham Jeffyrs estate. On this William erected his new house, which is now standing* in HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 4T tlu) rear of the old Globe Bank Building, and owned by Dutee Mowry, Esq. This ancient edifice has been much altered since it was first built. In the beginning it was adorned with a hip roof. Its chimney was very large, and its windows consisted of small diamond- shaped panes of glass, set in lead. The reader will notice that it is spoken of as the " new house." The old house stood a little way south-east of the new building. It was a small one-story house, and was afterwards used as a store. It has long since been demolished. July 26, 1744, William was pre- sented by his father Avith another estate between the two last-mentioned, and the three thus became one continuous estate. The lands which William possessed on the Cum- berland side of the river have been previously described. April 19, 1755, he sold the whole of his real estate on both sides of the river to his son Elisha. Elisha, at the time, was the proprietor of and the resident on an estate which was situated " west of Woonsocket Hill." He after- ward removed to his new purchase, leaving his former home in charge of his son, Rufus, to whose children, Asa and Israel, the property eventually descended. Upon -the death of Elisha, his Woonsocket estates passed into the hands of his son Ezekiel. Ezekiel lived at the " Old Maids' Farm." The house thereon was built for him by his father ; and his sister Mary, who was never married, lived at the old homestead previously described. Ezekiel Arnold married Mary C apron, who presented him with four children, namely — Joel, Anne, Abagail and Lydia. Joel died young. Anne married Lapham Jeffyrs ; Abagail and Lydia were the "old maids." After a time, by a decree of the Court, the estate was divided — Lapham Jeffrys retain- ing the Cumberland portion (which he afterward disposed of to I). D. Buffum), and that part of the Smithfield portion now owned by Dr. Ariel Ballon, tlio Lii)2)itt Woolen Com- pany, and many others in the vicinity of Constitution Ilill. 48 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. The estate of Lydia and Abagail remained undivided until their death. Everything in and around the premises of the "old maids" was managed by them with extraordinary skill, except the productions of the farm and the farm itself. The scrupulous neatness of their kitchen and the excellence of their dishes were remarkable. They made the best butter, raised tlie fattest poultry and the sleekest cattle, and could point with pride to the most fertile fields in the neighborhood. But in the more subtle arts of trade they were deficient, and were often the victims of misplaced confidence. It was, there- fore, a sensible conclusion at which they arrived when they decided that it would be a good thing to have a man in the house. This man they obtained in the i^erson of their cousin, Elisha Capron. The management of Elisha was prudent and satisfactory, and Abagail made her will in his favor. Abagail, however, outlived her legatee, and upon her decease the proceeds from the sale of the estate were divided among his children. The property is now chiefly owned by the Fairmount Farm Company and the Enterprise Company. September 27, 1866, the f)roperty of the "old maids" was purchased by the former, consisting of the following parties : J. P. and J. G. Ray, two parts; Gilbert Darling, Reuben G. Randall, E. G. Sweat and R. P. Smith — one part each. The farm is managed by Gilbert Darling. The Treasurer is R. P. Smith. In 1870 the Enterprise Company was organized, and a mill built upon the estate. The establishment is devoted to the manufacture of lastings, serges, etc., and produces annually — say 375,000 yards. The following are the officers of the establishment : President — J. D. Nichols. Treasurer — Reuel P. Smith. Superintendent — S. N. LouR'ee. HISTOllY OF WOONSOCKET. 49 111 1872 Charles B. Aldrich removed his phxning works from Waterford to this estate, and soon afterward the Woon- socket Maclnne Works built a foundry thereon. The Woonsocket Gas Company have also purchased about t^vo acres, upon which they have erected a gasometer. Beside these, various parties have purchased house-lots there- on, and the farm of the "old maids" is fast losing its identity. Let us now go back again to the times of John Arnold. John, the son of John Arnold, lived on a farm which was situated near '* Logee Hill." He died when tliirty years of age : and September 2G, 1737, the estate was presented to liis son Moses. Moses afterwards purchased of his uncle, William, a farm in Cumberland, as has been mentioned before, Avhere he passed the remainder of his days. Israel Arnold, the third son of John, removed to Gloces- ter (now Burrillville) in early life. He is not, therefore, identified with Woonsocket history. Daniel Arnold was given l)y his father a large estate at the Union Village. He also became proprietor of lands on the Cuml>erland side of the river, of which I have s[)oken at length. Anthony Arnold was given sixt}' acres in the immediate vicinity of the Falls. The gift was made in August, 1733, and included the "island, with two corn mills and a fulling mill thereon." (See Smithfield Kecords, Book 1, page 72, and Cund)erland do.. Book 1, page 277.) July 17, 11o\\ vVntliony sold this estate to his brother Seth, and removed first to Dartmouth, ]\Iass., and subsequenth' to " Cromwell- bow-preirens, Dutchess county, in the province of Ncav York," if anybody knows where that is. Seth Arnold was given three hundred acres by his fatlier on the same day that Anthony received his gift. It Avas on the Smilhlield side of the river. This, with tlie sixty acres 7 50 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. purchased of his brother, made him the proprietor of what is now the business centre of the town. Tl^e sub-divisions of this extensive and valuable tract of land — a large portion of which became the property of his son, James Arnold — will be discussed at length in subsequent chapters. The homestead farm of John Arnold, and which com- prised what were afterwards the estates of Willing Vose and Ephraim Coe, was inherited by "his grandson, Arnold Pain, the son of his daughter Anna. I will now give the names and the residences of John Arnold's neighbors in these parts. The residence of his uncle, Samuel Comstock, was " in the lots," near where the house of Arioch Com- stock was built in after times, about midway between tlie Slatersville and Chepachet roads. His cousin, Hezediah Comstock, lived on what is known in these days as the " Comstock Place." It is now owned by Charles B. Aldrich, Esq. His niece Patience, the widow of Joseph Arnold, kept tavern where Mrs. Eliza Osborne now lives. His son Daniel lived nearly opposite to Patience. His nephew, Thomas Arnold, kejit tavern where Mr. Albert Mowry now resides. His niece Ruth, the wife of Richard Arnold, who had " absconded," lived on the " Abraham Arnold place." His son William lived in a house now standing on the top of the hill just back of the Globe Bank building. His son Seth lived in a house which has been recently removed, and which stood in the rear of the Globe Store. His grandson, Moses Arnold, lived in the vicinity of what is now Monu- ment Square. His nephew, W^oodward Arnold, whose residence was near Woonsocket Hill, had removed, and the place Avas now occupied by Nathan Staples. Philip Loja lived on the summit of " Logee Hill," and his brother Abraham on its easterly slope. The dwelling- house of the former v/as destroyed by lire a century ago. The cellar has been filled and the well covered. To-day there is nothing to mark the spot where once lived a HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 51 Avealthy and highly-respected citizen of this region. A grandson of the latter is now an inmate of the Burrillville ])Oor-house. As these men have given a name to a portion of our territory, I will show how " Logee Hill" came into their possession. The first proprietors were Edmund Inman, et ah. The second was William Sprague. The third was Richard Aldrich, who purchased it January 18, 1714-15, paying <£18. The fourth was Joseph Cooke, who bought it November 2G, 1727, for X200. The fifth was Abraham Loge, of Mendon, who became its proprietor June 23, 1729, after paying <£220. Philip probably became proprietor about the same time, or Philip and Abraham may have been sons of the Abraham above-mentioned. I have not deemed the matter of sufficient importance to look further. Appendix to Chapter III. A LIST OF TAX PAYERS IN THESE REGIONS JUNE IG, 1713. The following is one of three tax-lists levied upon the town of Providence on the above date. The sum total of the three was £102 12s. Gd. The list which I give amounts to £G0 6s. The reader will recognize many Smithfield names. I therefore judge that at that time Providence was divided into three districts, one of Avhich, iu 1731, became Smithfield— and that this was the Smithlleld list. The assessors were Samuel Wilkinson, Andrew Harris and Ebenezer Jenckes. The tax-collector was Richard Phillips. I have taken the trouble to arrange the names ali)habetically. But their original order may l)e restored by arranging them according to the numl)ers which prefix the names; and perhaps, l)y so doing, their dwelling- 52 HLSTOHY OF WOONSOCKET. places may be approximated; for, in ray opinion, those who made out the list arranged the names according to their order iipon the roads : 130 Aldrich, Benjamin £0 2 6 Ephraim 4 " Samuel, weaver 10 Samuel 10 2 Angell, Capt IS Daniel 10 6 103 49 88 79 77 74 9 5 6 ' Hope 73 " John, ;uul son James 10 Arnold, Eleazer, and son Jos 1 28 Arnold, Eleazev, jr 45 " John, jr 18 44 " Richard 18 43 " Thomas 10 n 11 " Thomas, jr.... 1 6 41 Baulkcome, John 12 3lBellu, James 10 37 " John 6 32 " N'athaniel 2 6 128 " 01)adiah 70 " Peter 60 Blackmore, John and mother 97 Browne, Hozanna 30 Bull, Isaac 42 Bullard, Isaac 2 6 8 5 6 6. 6 2 6 5 8 12 8 4 129 Cartwright, Samson. . . 52 Comstock, Daniel 50 " Hazadiah.. 46 " Sam., Capt, 51 " Samuel, jr. 104 " Thomas 2 6 ,30 Dexter, John 17 107 Evans, David 3 105 '* Richard 2 6 106 " Richard, jr 4 84 Field, Zachariah 5 21 Harris, Richard 12 6 91 Hawkins, Edward 15 87 " Jos., and son Edward 1 8 Man, Thomas £0 14 61 Matthewson, Daniel ... 66 58 Melavory, .John and mother 1 13 94 Mitchell, Experience . . 6 1 93 " John 5 53 Mowry, Henry 8 6 62 " John 14 57 " .John, jr 5 63 " Joseph 1 5 40 " Nathaniel 15 72 Olney, John 50 76 " Josiah 8 54 Phetteplace, Walter ... 3 55 Phillips, James 8 124 " John 2 6 110 " Joseph 6 50 " Richard 1(5 125 Place, ISTathan 26 92 " Peter 16 6 24 Pre.y, Ephraim 13 115 " Hugh 2 6 23 " John 110 126 Salisbury, Cornelius . . 5 4 39 Sayles, John 16 8 6 Scott, Capt 1 4 64 Shippey, David 3 9 75 " ISToah 3 65 " Solomon 3 9 113 " Thomas 3 120 Sly, Henry 2 6 34 " Stephen 3 12 Smith, Benjamin, and mother 14 13 Smith, Christopher.... 90 14 78 108 71 82 101 48 Edward 18 Elisha 13 6 Ephraim — ... 6 6 Joseph 70 Joseph, carp'ter 6 Joseph, joiner. .080 Thomas o 9 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 53 26 II;nvkins,(Thos.,aii(Tson 7 Ezekial £0 vr, 2 131 OG Hawkins, William 117 CiG Ilearnden, ]3enjamin ..039 88 112 " John 5 90 68 " John, jr.... 3 3 83 m " ,loseph 7 6 80 123 " Tliomas .... 50 100 111 " Thomas, son 81 of William 2 6 09 07 Ilearnden, William .... 82 109 OS Hide, Joseph 4 47 121 Hopkins, Joseph 3 110 35 " Thomas, jr.. o 15 122 Howard, John, and son o 2 10 4 Hull, Zuriel 5 18 33 Inman, Edward 14 2 17 .59 " Edward, jr GO 119 27 " John, and mother IS 6 5 114 " Samuel 3 38 127 " Valentine 4 1 Jenckes, Capt. Joseph.. 12 20 2 •' Nathaniel .... 14 19 lis " Obadiah 2 9 3 " William 14 22 85 King, James o 7 3 20 102 Knowlton, Elisha 2 95 89 Lewis, Eichard 5 25 132 Man, Daniel 2 133 Si)rague, Jonathan £0 " Eichard William Steere, John " John, jr " Samuel " Thomas " William " or Sweet, Daniel Thornton, Benjamin... Tucker, Hannah Walling, James Whipple, Daniel " Eleazer 1 " Eleazer, jr " James Job Seth " Thomas " William, and mother Whitman, Lieut " Mar j% widow Wilkinson, Deborah ... 1 ■' Samuel 1 " Samuel Winsor, Joshua Woodward, Joseph — Wooley, Benoni IS G 2 9 4 12 3 4 5 2 1 7 2 5 6 6 6 8 12 6 17 13 6 10 10 7 9 16 12 2 Total £60 6 CHAPTER IV. THE SETTLEMENT AT WOONSOCKET, AND THE PATHS AVHICH LED TO IT. I THINK that a while since we came up from the river a little too abruptly. It was hardly respectful. Let us return then to the river, for to this Woonsocket owes its existence, and but for this, you Avoald have been denied the ecstacy of buying and applauding these delightful pages. We may smile at tire superstition of the Hindoos for their worship of the sluggish Ganges ; but surely a tribute of respect is due to the bright and sparkling waters of the Blackstone, which, for so many generations, have furnished enjoyment and pros- perity to the inhabitants of these parts. Let us return to_ the river, and while gazing upon its beautiful cascades, or watching its placid bosom as it rolls on to the sea, let us uncover our heads, for we are in the presence of our kindest benefactor ! The first wheel in this region that was turned by its waters was that of a saw-mill, which stood where now stands the tower of the Ballou Manufacturing Company's Cotton Mill, near the dam. There are many now living who remember the ancient mill, but none can tell when the edifice was erected. If this could be told, the time could be nearly approximated when the axe and the plow of the pioneer first broke the solitudes of Northern Rhode Island. From documentary evidence which I have given, I have fixed the date at about the year 1(360, and the reader may dispute my conclusions at his leisure. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 55 The next establishment wliicli the river supplied with power was a " corn and fulling mill." This was built by John Arnold about the year 1712. It Avas situated upon the "island" on the up-stream side of the present bridge at the " Falls." It was furnished with two water-wheels. These were placed one before the other, on the outside of the mill, towards the Smithfield shore, and in a narrow trench cut out of the rock, Avliich is still visible. The next concern to which the waters of the river were diverted, was what is called by aged people " The Old Forge," but which is spoken of in ancient documents as the "Bloomery," the " Refinery," the " Winsokett Iron Mill," etc. It was, in fact, an iron-mill, where iron was manufac- tured from the crude ore, which was chiefly obtained at a place called " Sea Patch River, in Glocester."* It was built sometime between the years 1712 and 1720. Id. 1720 "William Hopkins was one ot the proprietors. An original deed is now in the possession of Moses Roberts, Esq., which conveyed one-fourth of the concern from Hopkins to Thomas Smith. (The grantor was the father of Gov. Stephen Hopkins; the grantee was the original owner of the hind upon which stands the Quaker meeting-house.) Among the ])roprietors of the establishment from time to time Avere Judge Thomas Lapham, Silvanus Scott, Daniel Jenckes, Moses Aldrich (the celebrated Quaker preacher), his sons, Judge Caleb and Robert Aldricli (who were ancestors of many of our most respected citizens). Judge Thomas Arnold and Arnold Pain (the grandson of Jolni Arnold).! *See Cumb. Rcc, Book 3, page 287. flu 1739 the proprietors were : Thomas Lapliain, who owned 9-12; Silvanus Si'ott, who ownod 2-12 ; Daniel Jenckes, who owned 1-12. lu 1742 the proprietors were : Thomas Lap- luira, who owned 9-24; Silvanus Scott, who owned 4-24; Moses Aldrich, who owned 3-24; Thomas Sniitli, who owned 6-24; Thomas Arnold, who owned 2-24. In 1747 Robert Aldrich liud purchased the right of Thomas Lupliam. In 1750 the proprietors were : Robert Aldricli, who owned 3-24; Silvanus Scott, who owned 4-24; Caleb Aldrich, who owned 9-24; Tliomas Arnold, who owned 8-24. In 1760 the proprietors were : Robert Aldrich, who ownele, Ephraim AVhipple, Samuel Smith. m HISTORY OF WOONSOCKEl'. District No. 0, began at Thomas Lapliam's, and so north, to "VVoon- socket Falls. (The Eiver Eoacl from Albion up): Joseph Lapham, Caleb Shrete, Israel Wilkinson, Azarial Phillips, James Jillson, John Eogers, William Gretlej^ David Patt, Capt. ^Ym. Sprague. Elisha Dillingham, Aaron Day, District IN'o. 7, began at Daniel Wilbur's from same place to Christopher Brown's: Benjamin Cook, Thomas Wood^Yard, Robert Young, Samuel Tucker, Maturin Ballowe, Peter Ballowe, Obadiah Olney, Job Chase, Baulstine Brayton, William Olney, John Jenekes, William Bradbury, Maturin Ballowe, jr., DanieJ Bradbury, James Mussey, William Pullen, to Providence line— also, Daniel Wilbur, Capt. Ei chard Harris, Jeremiah Harris, Christopher Brown, Abiah Angell, John Olney. District oSTo. 8, began at saw mill by James Appleby, to Thomas Sayles, and from Elisha Cook's towards Providence line, till it comes to Ebenezer Herrendeen's: Elisha Cook, William Eaets, Joseph Mowry, 3d, Joseph Page, Henry Blackmar, Silvanus Sayles, Ebenezer Herrendeen, John Blackmar, Capt. Daniel Mowry. Thomas Sayles, Theophilus Blackmar, Stephen Sayles, Aaron Herrendeen, District Ko. 9, began at Glocester line, west of John Sayles, jr., so easterly by Othonial Matthewson, thence northeast to Woonsocket Ealls— also a piece from Thomas Sayles to aforesaid road: Othonial Matthewson, Mikel Phillips. Daniel Smith, James Walling, John Comstock, Ananias Mowry, Jeremiah Brown, John Sayles, jr., Daniel Phillips, John Smith, Samuel Aldrich, Samuel Tucker, Thomas Smith, Cornelius Walling, Eeuben Aldrich. District oSTo. 10, began at Ebenezer Herrendeen, down to Daniel Wilbur: Thomas Herrendeen, Henry Morton, Jacob Smith, Thomas Shippee, jr., Christopher Shippee, William Havens, Thomas Shippee, Obadiah Herrendeen, Nathan Shippee, Benjamin Ballard, John Young, Silas Tucker, Joseph Herrendeen, Jos. Herrendeen, jr., Erancis Herrendeen, Gideon Pain, Jeremiah Ballard. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 67 District ^o. 11, began at Providence line, near Isaac White's, to the " Logway," also the Cross Koad from Daniel Angell, to tlie Ishind Road : Thomas Steere, Philip Smith, Joseph Chillson, Daniel Angell, Noah Smith's widow, John Angell, Daniel Smith, Thomas Bradbury, Jonathan Smith, Ilezekiah Sprague, John Pliillips, John Smith, jr., Elisha Smith, Job Angell, Ezekiel Angell, James Young, Amos Keacli, Thomas Owen, Major William Smith, Daniel Smith. District No. 12, began at Abraham Smith's barn, so soutlieast by Smith's house, to Providence line: Leland Smith, Peter Barnes, Nathan Barnes, Enoch Barnes, John Barnes, Joseph Smith, Jos. Smith, son of Jos., John Treadeven, Joseph Page. District No. 13, began at tlie corner of Abraham Smith's fence, near the Baptist Meeting House, thence, northerly l)y Smith, so up the " Logway " to Glocester line, also the cross road, beginning at the saw mill by his house, thence southerly to aforesaid road : Joseph Appleby, Thomas Beadle, Capt. Joseph Mowry, Daniel Arnold, George Place, Silvanus Aldrich, Joseph Mowry, jr., Peter Aldrich, John Aldrich, Stephen Goodspeed, Oliver Mowry, Abraham Smith. District No. 14, l)egan at Glocester line, by Widow Steere's, to Prov- idence line, all below Joseph Carpenter's: Samuel Aldrich, jr., Robert Latham, Joseph Carpenter, Zachariah Rhodes, David Evans, David Evans, jr., Joseph Aldrich, Job Potter, Samuel Winsor, Ilezekiah Steere, Joseph Smitli, jr. Thomas Euches, Joshua Winsor, John \Vinsor. District No. 15, began at Glocester line, a little west of Benjamin Wilkinson, thence down to Providence line— also from Resolved Waterman's, thence southwesterly to Glocester line, by Snake Hill: Abraham Winsor, Samuel Irons, Benjamin Wilkinson, Rol)ert Staples, J5enjamin Wright, Andrew Waterman, Joshua Winsor, jr., Daniel Eddy, Abel Potter, Resolved Waterman, 68 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. District No. 16, began at Glocester line, near Daniel Matthewson, thence northeasterly by his honse to Wainsocket Falls, till it meets Cumberland in the middle of the Bridge. Also, beginning at Patience Arnold's, thence down to District 'No. 2. (This was a portion of the Great Road to Sayles Hill, and South Main Street, west to Burrill- ville): Joseph Comstock, Seth Arnold, Hezadiah Comstock, Moses Arnold, David Comstock, Esq., Abraham Loja, Thomas Man, Philip Loja, Capt. Daniel Arnold, Jeremiah Comstock, Widow Patience " Oliver Man, Lieut. Thos. Arnold, Caleb Aldrich. William Arnold, Esq., John Arnold, N'athan Staples, Seth Cook, Nathaniel Eddj^, Elisha Arnold, Richard Arnold, Stephen Arnold, Samuel Cook, John Man, jr., Samuel Aldrich, 3d, CHAPTER V. ENTEKTAINMENT FOR MAN AND BEAST. From the most ancient times, Woonso(3ket and " the region tliereabouts " has been celebrated for its hotels. These taverns owed their existence to the roads, which have been described. A tavern, indeed, is simply a stage- coach deprived of its wheels. It is, therefore, necessary that I should speak of them. I shall confine myself chiefly to those which were on the Smithfield side of the river, for two reasons — first, the Cum- berland taverns in ancient times seldom were visited by travelers from Woonsocket ; and, second, because my space is limited. Coming up the "Great Road" in the days of John Arnold, the traveler might have refreshed himself at the tavern of Jeremiah Arnold. This was in the valley of the Mosshas- suck, in the vicinity of the lower Quaker meeting-house. It was licensed November 26, 1733, but was closed in 1735, in consequence of "little custom." He might next have stopped at the house of Jeremiah Mowry. His house was near Lime Rock. It is probably the oldest house in these parts, having been l)uilt by Eleazer Whipple* Avhen John Arnold was a boy. It is now owned and occupied by Ben- jamin and Elisha MoAvry. Jeremiah was licensed January 1, 1747. The old " bar-room " will l)e shown to the curious by its present occupants. But for nearly a century it has *A prohibitory liquor law seems to have been in operation in those early clays. Among the ]iost-humous papers of Ucnry Mowry, I tind that January 10, 1V28-9, he was summoned to appear and testify concerning Eleizcr Whipple's sellincj srnoNG LiQiron at retail. 70 HISTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. not been used as such. If the tourist continued over Sayles Hill, he might have tarried at the house of Benjamin Pain. This man was a son-in-law of John Arnold. The first " Pound " of the town of Smithfield was built near his residence in 1738. The same year a pair of stocks and a whipping-post were placed near the residence of John Sayles, in that vicinity. Whether the latter institutions were con- sequences of the taverns, the records do not reveal. Ben- jamin was licensed January 3, 1732-3, and kept a tavern for many years. Among his guests I read of Hezadiah Corn- stock, a citizen of these parts, whose love of fun, frolic and rum has preserved his name not only in the traditions but the history of Northern Rhode Island. Among the papers of Henry Mowry (who was constable in these "parts during the infancy of Smithfield), is the copy of a writ against poor Hezadiah, for demolishing the household goods of the Sayles Hill landlord. If the traveler went around the hill, he might have stopped at the tavern of Lieutenant Stephen Sly. This stood on the farm now owned by David S. Wilkinson, Esq. The next public-house was that of John Balkcom. This stood on the estate now owned by Dwight Hammond. John was licensed August 25, 1735. He died about five years afterwards, and the business was not continued at his liouse. Finally, we arrive at the VVoonsocket cross-roads. The first innkeeper at this place was Joseph Arnold, the nephew of John. He was licensed November 26, 1733. The house in which the tavern was kept stood where now stands the residence of Mrs. Eliza Osborne. It was a long building, standing end to the road. At first it was the dwelling-house of Hezadiah Comstock, and was built about the year 1705. In 1730 he gave or sold it to his son William, and erected his new dwelling-house on the farm now owned by C. B. Aldrich, Esq. William sold the property to Joseph Arnold, in 1714 ; but I am of the impression that Joseph had occu- HrSTOKT OP WOONSOCKET. 71 pied tlic estate for many years. Joseph Arnold died De- cember 10, 1745, and his widow Patience, nee Wilkinson, continued to keep the tavern until September, 1773. This was a noted resort in the last century. Here courts were held and fed ; Town Councils assembled and entertained ; and soldiers for the old French War were recruited and quartered. I embrace this opportunity to speak of its land- lord, Joseph Arnold. Joseph Arnold M^as a man of sterling qualities, and held in high esteem by his fellow-townsmen. He was chosen, in company with John Sayles, to settle up accounts with Providence when Smithfield was incorporated; and the next year (1732) was elected Town Clerk. On the resignation of Daniel Jenckes, who was Town Clerk from 1733 to De- cember 27, 1742, Joseph was re-elected, and held the position until his death, in 1745. It is pleasant to learn that in those ancient times, when the value of a "mear" in Rhode Island was X35 and that of a "nigger" but X70, Joseph Arnold was an ardent and conscientious anti-slavery man; so much so, indeed, that on his visits to the Newport yearly meetings, he would not stop at the hotels or the houses of those who held slaves. Among his children whom I enumerate in the appendix was Dr. William Arnold, whose virtues and abilities are spoken of to this day with the deepest respect. The next tavern at Woonsocket was kej)t by Thomas Arnold, a brother of Josepli. In liis younger days he was known as Lieut. Thomas, and afterwards as Judge Thomas. He was licensed September 15, 1739. His death occurred December 11, 17G5. In 1780 this house was enlarged by Peleg Arnold, a son of Thomas, and again became a tavern. Peleg Arnold Avas a very inlluential man in these parts. During his life no political measure was entered upon in Northern Rhode Island, witliout first attem})ting to conciliate his opposition or to secure his favor. He was born June 10, 72 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 1751. He lived at the Arnold homestead, now occupied by Albert Mowry, Esq. Towards the close of his life, Judge Peleg was widely known, not only as an extensive dealer, but an ardent lover of New England rum. His portrait now adorns the walls of Rhode Island Hall. At the Globe Village, on the hill, in the rear of the old Bank building, stands a two-story yellow house. One hun- dred and fifty years ago this was the residence of one Avho, judging from the frequency of his name on the early records (and almost invariably with a handle to it), was one of the most influential men in Northern Rhode Island in the last century — I refer to "William Arnold, of Smithfield, Esq." This man was the eldest son of John Arnold. He was licensed to retail strong liquors March 3, 1734-5. Sep- tember 15, 1758, he was licensed to keep a tavern where he "now dwells." But I am of the impression that "Sc^uire Will " did not keep a tavern, but retailed rum in his grocery store. I was pained to find that one year he broke his license by keeping a disorderly house. As the travelers upon the highways and the citizens of Woonsocket increased in numbers, more taverns became a necessity. The dwelling-houses of Mr. Wellington Aldrich and of Miss Hannah Speare, at the Union Village, were at one time rival institutions. The first was built by Marcus, the son of Daniel Arnold, who was the son of Uriah Arnold. Its first landlord was Amasa Bagl}^ Its last was George Aldrich, the father of Wellington. The second was built by Walter Allen, and afterwards kept by his son Seth. Its first occupant was Paul Draper. The good times which have taken place beneath the roofs of these taverns are remem- bered to this day with lively satisfaction. The homestead of the late Seth Bradford was at one time a tavern, and kept by Joseph Mann, a grandson of Joseph Arnold. This was a famous resort in the last generation, and anecdotes are HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 73 related of occurrences therein which I am prevented from repeating. These taverns, which were so much of a neces- sity in old times, were also the occasion of no little trouble, for rum was just as good, and did as much harm then, as now. In a region where taverns were so numerous — where train- ings were held, where town meetings assembled from time to time, and where, in the language of an aged resident of these parts, "fighting and huckleberrying" were the chief sources of amusement — there must necessarily have been characters. That some of these were rather hard may be inferred from the fact that the last culprit at the whipping- post, which stood in the yard of Joseph- Arnold's tavern, after receiving his flogging, ran off with the Sheriff's gloves. On the other hand, men and women have lived in Woon- socket whose memories are held to this day in the dee23est veneration and respect. Of these I shall speak in due season. In the meantime, allow me to make you acquainted with Dr. Ezekiel Comstock ! That Woonsocket was situated at a " cross-roads," is true not only in fact, but in metaphor. In the latter sense, its religious and educational advantages clearly indicated the direction of one of its paths, while its institutions of a dif- ferent nature as clearly pointed the course of the other. A statue of Dr. Comstock would move the homage of the tra- veler upon eitlier of these highways. For his virtues were the emulation of the one, and iiis vices the delight of the otlicr. The ease with which he accommodated iiimsulf to all sorts and conditions of men was marvelous. As the oc- casion required he was polite, sedate and dignified, or the opposite. The grandest parlor and the dingiest bar-room were gladdened by liis presence. The sick chamber and the banquet-hall were brightened by his smiles. He would have been an acceptable companion to Chesterfield or Dr. John- 10 74 HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. son. George Fox would have applauded his sobriety or Charles 11. his drunkenness. He was, in short, a strange combination of good and evil. But with all his eccentri- cities, he never forfeited the respect of his fellow-citizens. Even the victim of his hardest joke forgot his folly when the laugh was spent, and never failed to seek his aid in hours of suffering and pain. Such was Dr. Ezekiel Comstock, the Prince Hal of these regions in the last generation, whose numberless pranks are remembered by some with a forgiving smile, by others with shouts of laughter, and by none with 1)itterness. It is only necessary to say, in conclusion, and that the reader may know that he came honestly by his virtues, that he Avas the grandson of Hezakiah Comstock, who in a previous generation had enlivened things in this vicinity to a remarkable degree. The first tavern at the "Falls" was at one time the dwelling-house of James Arnold. It stood where now stands the Woonsocket Hotel. Its first landlord was Caleb Adams. He was succeeded by Cephas Holbrook. Mr. Hol- brook afterwards (about the year 1829) built another build- ing on the site, but the enterprise was too great for him, and in a short time the property was owned by the Woonsocket Hotel Company. The landlords under this regime were Willard and Luke Whitcomb, Charles E. Richards, and, finally, Reuel Smith. During the administration of the last-named gentleman, the property was sold to Messi-s. Cook and Ballon. They began April 1, 1846. Otis D. Ballon afterwards became sole owner of the estate, and built up for himself during his long ad- ministration a reputation not only as a model landlord, but an honorable and exemplary man. A few years since he retired from active business with a snug competency, and the property Avas purchased by Messrs. Cook, Mason & Co. Since they have had the estate in charge, they have ex- HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 75 hibited to the world their iihility to "keep a hoteh" Under them the old hotel has been removed up River street, and a beautiful brick edifice now adorns the site. There Avere other hotels at the Falls durino- tlic last o-oneration which deserve mention. One was at the Globe. This has since heen altered and enlarged, and is now the boarding-house of the Eallou Manufacturing Company. An- other was where now stands the commodious and beautiful house of L. W. Elliott, known in these days as the "Monu- ment House." The old hotel at this place, which has been removed across Social street, was at first a tin-shop. This was altered and enlarged, and finally developed or degener- ated into a tavern — giving the name in the last generation to the locality of " Tinker's Corner." CHAPTER VI. RELIGIOUS. The spirit of civil and religious liberty for which Rhode Island has been so distinguished, is due in no small degree to the influence which the Quakers exerted in shaping the poli- tics as Avell as the religion of the Colony in which the}^ had sought refuge, and where, for many j^ears, they were its law- givers. In the year 165G, while under the new dogma of its founder, the population and the anarchy of our little Colony were rapidly increasing, this despised and persecuted sect ap]:)eared in New England. After a few trifling incidents, in which the persons of numy bore striking evidences to the pious zeal 76 HISTOEY OF ■WOONSOCKET. of the Massachusetts saints, they arrived within the limits of Rhode Island. The}^ were not received with open arms. They were simply tolerated. But in the short space of six- teen years, in spite of the zeal and the logic of the founder of religious freedom, a majority of the freemen of the Colony had become believers in the simple and convincing truths which they enunciated. When or where their first meetings were held in the town of Providence, is unknown. The first meeting-house, of which there is any record, was erected in 1703-4, and is now standing in the valley of the Moshassuck, near the village of Lonsdale. This was simply a meeting-house for worship. Their " Monthly meetings " continued to be held and their records to be kept at Greenwich. But the peculiar position of the Woonsocket settlement, being situated at a " Cross Roads," in close proximity to the neighboring Colonies, and easily accessible from many points, attracted their notice at an early day, and in 1718 the Provi- dence Monthly meeting was set off from the Greenwich Monthly meeting, and the records began at this place. Thus Woonsocket became, not so much from the piety of its inhabitants as from the natural advantages of its location ; first a religious and afterwards an educational cen- tre of the large territory now comprised within the counties of Worcester, Mass., and Providence, R. I. A patient perusal of these records, will reward one with much valuable material. The historian will find therein, when and where their meeting houses were erected at Provi- dence, Woonsocket, Uxbridge, Mendon, Leicester and other places within the "diocese " and obtain a deeper insight into the manners and customs of a rapidly declining sect ; the -f geneologist will discover many wanting links and perhaps a few " black sheep " in ancient families ; the patriot will learn that although the Quakers objected to take an active part in HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 77 the war of the Revohition, they turned out of meeting one of the Rhode Island signers to the Declaration of Independence, for refusing to manumit his slaves*, and all will be vexed that the clerks of the meetings were such abominable j)en- men. With these records before me, I return to the meeting- houses : The Meeting-house at Woonsocket. The following is the Recordf : lOth Mo. (Decemberj O. S.) 9th, 1719. Whereas, this meeting has had a matter in consideration about building a meeting-house at Woonsoclvet, on the burying ground hitely purchased, liave concluded to build a meeting-house twenty feet square, and John Arnold is appointed to build the same, the heighth thereof left to liim. 5th Mo., 1720. John Arnold is desired to furnish boards to seal the same, lUh Mo, 9th, 1721. John Arnold is desired to go on and finish the same. 10th Mo. 10th, 1727. It is concluded by this meeting that a small meeting-house be built adjoining to the meeting-house at Woon- socket. 4th Mo. 11th, 1728. John Arnold and Thomas Smith appointed to procure suitable stuff for same. 1st Mo. 28th, 173(3. It was concluded to finish the little meeting-house. 7th Mo. 30th, 1738. Thomas Smith and Ichabod Comstock were appointed to complete the work. The Meeting-house at Providence. The meeting-house now standing at this place, between South Court and Meeting streets, originally stood on Stamp- ers Hill, a fact which escaped the vigilence of Judge Staples in .his " Annals " of the town. The following is from the Records : 4th Mo. 19th, 1724. It is concluded by this meeting, that a meeting- house shall be built at Providence towii. 9th Mo. 4th, 1424. It is concluded if Edward Smith and Thomas Arnold appi'ove of said frame, that the money be paid to Daniel Abl)ot as (juick as can be. 3d Mo. nth, 1725. It is concluded that the meeting-house at Provi- dence sluill be set on the Stampers Ilill. 3d Mo. 29th, 1745. A Committee ai)i)ointed to lease out the land and remove the meeting-house at Providence. 9th ]Mo. 25th, 1755. A Committee appointed to take a deed from Governor Hopkins, of meeting-house lot at Providence, 2d Mo. 28th, 1760, A Comnuttee appointed to settle with the Com- mittee that moved and repaired the meeting-house at Providence. *Sec Quaker Records. Book II., paj^e 59. fThe lot for the Quaker Burial Grounds was purchased Dec. 19, 1719, It consisted of one acre, uorth of the highway, near tlic phice called tho "Dugway." 78 HISTOEY OP WOONSOCKET. TJie Friends of Uxbridge, Mendon, Leicester, Freetown, and other places, may find upon these Woonsocket Records when and where their places for worship were erected. The meeting-houses of the Quakers increased and multi- plied on every hand. But there came a time when in some localities their meeting houses were too capacious for their accommodation, and iji others were deserted altogether. Just previous to the Revolution the Mendon meeting which had grown and flourished under the eloquence of Moses Aldrich, had dwindled to but few members. The house is now an out-building at the Plummer Quarry, at Northbridge. At AVoonsocket but ten or twelve members assembled for wor- ship on First day, and many of these during the intervals of silence fell asleep. The reason for this indifference I will briefly give : The distinguishing traits of the Friend were more the result of his peculiar discipline, than of a superior quality of his nature. While the teachers of other sects directed the attention of their disciples to the mysterious realms of another world, the Friend Avas persistently taught to watch and guard his footsteps amid the devious windings of his present life. Although professedly at war with all religious forms, he was the most formal of all religionists. His daily life, his speech, and even his dress was marked out for him with as much precision as the mode of worship at the Vatican. With him every day was the Lord''s day, and every hour an hour for worship. If, however, the founders of the sect liad simply inculcated morality in their teachings, its history would have been brief. But under their immediate influence and beneath their fervent utterances, emotions were stirred to such a degree, that men trembled and quaked Avith alternate ecsta- cies of fear and joy — thus acquiring through the ridicule of their enemies, their name of Quakers. Silence was their marked feature of worship. " Mark and consider in silence HISTORY OP AVOONSOCKET. 79 and thou wilt hear the Lord speak unto thee in tliy mind."" To those who had been privileged to listen to George Fox, there was a music and an inspiration in silence, a thousand times more impressive than in that of the Te Deum or the Miserere. But when the voices of their teachers l)ccame silent, the Quakers became luke warm. It was at this time, when but "ten or twelve members assembled for worship at "Woonsocket on First Day, and many of these during the intervals of silence fell asleep," that ElisJia Thornton became a Quaker. It was an event which his old associates must have regarded with the deepest sur- prise, and his new ones with the profoundest gratitude. His temperament, tastes, and early education, all seemed to be in opposition to a life of self denial and formal piety. Nerv- ous, sensitive and timid, with a slender frame of body and a large heart, he had been thrown upon his own resources almost from infancy. The material wants of his nature, and the formation of his character through childhood and youth had been left entirely to himself. His love of Nature and his attachment to his friends amounted to a passion. The cheerful voices of Spring and the ringijig laughter of his comrades, were his delight, and the glad tones of his violin, upon which he was not an indifferent performer, were the delight of his youthful companions. Fully alive to mirth and pleasure, and keenly sensitive to ridicule and contempt, Elisha Thornton became a Quaker. When, in a short time he became an Elder in the Society, I believe that the Friends at Woonsocket could preserve silence during their hours of worship without falling asleep, for his sermons are spoken of as poems in blank verse, and the rhythmic manner of their delivery beautiful and impressive beyond description. Elisha Thornton was born according to his own account the 30th of 6th Mo. (O. S. August), 1747, according to the Quaker memorial the 30th of 4th Mo. (O. S. June), 1747 and 80 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. according to the Records of the town of Smithfield the 30th of June 1748. His fatlier, Ebenezer Thornton, and his mother, Ruth Smith, were joined in marriage by " William Arnold of Smithfield, Esq.," Oct. 7th and 8th, 1735. Whether the lovers arrived at the house of the Hon. Justice of the Peace on the midnight of the 7th, or whether it took two days to perform the ceremony, the records do not say. At ten years of age little Elisha had received two months schooling and was " placed abroad " to live. At twenty- three he joijied the Quakers, and three years afterwards became an Elder in the Society. In the meantime (4th Mo. 1st, 1773) he married Anna, daughter of John Read, and commenced his academy near the present village of Slaters- ville. His zeal in educational as in religious matters was not confined to these parts. Through his influence with Moses Brown the Friends school at Providence was inaugurated. At last, after spending thirty years of his life in doing good, receiving for his labors a scanty subsistence, and the con- sciousness of having done his duty, he removed to New Bed- ford where passed the remainder of his days. For tlie virtues of the good citizen and the graces of the consistent Christian, the Friend has ever been distinguished. His temperance, industry and frugality have won for him the envy and the respect of the tax-payer, for while he has added much to the wealth of tlie State, he has never asked for its assistance. His self denial, charity and brotherly love, have caused him to be inwardly admired and outwardly reproached by sectarians of other denominations, for while they have felt that the broadbrim was a symbol of morality, the}' have often insinuated that it covered a multitude of sins. There is but one act in their history to which the heart of the American patriot will not fully respond ; and that act was simply an objection to act in the v/ar of the Revolution. But that objection was founded on their creed, and their creed was — HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 81 peace ! But although as a sect they were averse to warlike pursuits, there were many members thereof, whose religious scruples were overcome by their patriotism. We have a not- able example of this in a noble Rhode Island matron, who, I find by the records, was an occasional visitor to the Woon- socket meeting. I refer to the mother of Nathaniel Greene ! For upwards of a century the only public place of worship at Woonsocket, was in the Quaker meeting-house. When tlie mills were erected an immediate change took place. Within the short space of three years there were as many dis- tinct rehgious denominations at Woonsocket as there are at present, namely : The Quakers, the Episcopalians, organ- ized in 1832, the Baptists in 1833, and the Universalists, Congregationalists, Methodists and Roman Catholics in 1834. Until their sanctuaries were built, the worshippers in these denominations held divine services in unoccupied rooms of mills then in process of erection, in school-houses and in private residences. The Upiscojyaliaiis. St. James Parish was organized April 1, 1832. At the May session of the General Assembly it was incorporated. The petition therefor was signed by the following named gentlemen : Samuel Greeno, James Wilson, jr,, Josepli M. ]3nnvn, Kufus Arnold, Ariel Ballon, jr., Philip C. l}ryant, Willavd li. Jolmson. Edmnnd Haeon, Aaron White, jr., Edward Ilariis, Darius Sibley, Philip J]. Sliness, Thaddcns C." Bruce, John \V. lUill'uni, Daniel Wilkinson, Hteplien TI. Smith. Henry Williams, Alexandei' S. Streeter. Until the school-house at Bernon was erected, services were held in the factory at that place. Sept. 7, 1832. It was voted to build a meeting-house. 11 8'^ HISTORY OF AVOONSOCKfiT. May 16, 1833. The edifice was consecrated with the usual ceremonies. Tlie pastors have been : 1 Joseph M. Brown, to August, 1835. 2 Henry Waterman, " ^"ov., 1841. 3 A. I). C!ole, " May, 1845. 4 P. B. Talbot, " July, 1865. Rev. Mr. Talbot, who, in his long pastorate of twenty years, had endeared himself not only to the members of his flock, but to all with whom he came in contact, was injured by a stroke of lightning which descended upon the church, and also upon the parsonage. He never recovered from the shock, and died Sept. 5, 1865. With him passed away a cit- izen that Woonsocket could not afford to lose. He was suc- ceeded by 5 Kobert Murray, who remained with us until July, 1872. He resigned to take a tour through Europe. As a modest, earnest and conscientious worker in his chosen calling, Mr. Murray will be held in pleasant memory by all who were honored with his acquaintance. He was succeeded by G James F. Powers, who resigned after a sliort pastorate of one year, to fill a larger spliere of action at Philadeli)hia, wliere liis splen- did oratorical powers might be more fully apjireciated. Mr. Powers began in September, 1872, aiid resigned July, 1873. 7 Joseph Jj. Miller, commenced his duties at this place in Decem- ber, 1873, and is still witli us. The Universalists. This denomination at first held meetings from time to time in unfinished rooms of factories, at the Dexter Ballou school- house on Arnold street, and at the Social school-house. At these early meetings they were frequently addressed by men Avlio afterwards became celebrated throughout the country, not only for their liberal views, but also for their deep reason- ing powers. Among these were Father Murray, Hosea Bal- lou, Adin Ballou and others. The worshipj^ers in this sect at this place contributed largely towards the erection of the first Baptist meeting-house, with the understanding that they might be allowed to hold services therein when not interfer- HISTOKY OF AVOONSOCKET. 83 ing with the regular worship at the liouse. But the Baptist brethren, after their meeting-house was erected, overlooJsed or forgot the agreement, and in 1839 the Universalists erected a meeting-house of their own. Oct. 18, 1834, the Society was organized, and Oct. 22, 1843, the C/mrcA was organized. Previous to the erection of their meeting-house, Christo- pher Robinson supplied the desk for a few months. The first regular clergyman of the sect was John Boyden, jr. Tlic first serriion of Mr. Bo3'den, which was just previous to the completion of the meeting-house, was at the Social school- house. His pastorate ended with his death, Sept. 28, 1869. No person has ever lived at Woonsocket who has exerted a greater influence in all good works, than the Rev. John Boyden. In the temperance, the educational, and the anti- slavery reforms, he was always to the front. A deeper thinker, and a better man never made Woonsocket his home. After he passed away, it was thought by many, that liis place could never be supplied. But the Society had the good fortune to secure the services of the Rev. Charles J. White, who, although as unlike his predecessor as it is possible for one to be, by his urbanity, liis kindness, and his many vir- tues, has endeared liimself to all witli whom he has come in contact. The Bapthts. Tlie meeting-house of this denomination was dedicated April 24, 1834. This edifice was burned INIay 26, 1859. The new building- was erected a short distance easterly of the ancient structure, and now stands on the corner of INlain and High streets. The pastors have been : 1 Peter Simonsen, from 1833 to 18:54. 2 Bradley Miner, " 1834 " 1837. 3 Josei)irSniith, " 1837 " 1841. 4 (Icorfje N. Waitt, " 1841 " 1843. ") ])aiiiel Cui'tis, " 1843 " — Jos. J3, Damon, " 1843 " 1845. 84 HISTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. 7 Kaslett Armine, from 1845 to 1847. 8 Luther D. Hill, " 1847 " 1851. 9 Joseph B. Breed, " 1852 " 1858. 10 John Jennings, " 1859 " 1863. 11 James W. Bonham, " 1863 *' 1864. 12 John D. Sweet, " 1865 " 1866. 13 Denzel M. Crane, " 1866 " 1867. 14 Sullivan L.Holman," 1867 " 1873. 15 Frederic Denison, " 1873 " 1876. The Society is at present without a settled pastor. The Roman Catholics. About the year 1834 Rev. James Fitten began his labors at this place as missionary. Services were held at first in private dwellings. In 1841 Mr. Reul Smith yielded a hall in the Woonsocket Hotel to the Society for religious wor- ship. An anecdote at this point is worth preserving, which will feebly illustrate the wit and the delicacy of feeling of the landlady : On a certain occasion this hall had been let to a dancing party, who had beautifully decorated it with evergreens, weaving with the fragrant boughs, and suspend- ing in a conspicuous place, the following motto : " A time to dance!" As the time for the religious services drew near, Mrs. Smith, with the evergreens that composed the word " dance," substituted another word, and made the motto to read, " A time to pray!" — thus, by a very simple and kindly act, not only transforming a house of mirth into a temple of worship, but even making the hands of the pro- fane to quicken the emotions of the devout. About this time subscriptions began to be received towards the erection of a meeting-house. Towards this Mr. AVcl- come Farnum contributed the sum of $300. The house was completed in December, 1844, and with the lot cost -12,000. In June, 1862, began the movement towards the erection of the beautiful and substantial structure which now adorns the site of the Avooden building. This was completed in HTSTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. 85 1867. During' this year the old edifice was destroyed by fire. The pastors have been : 1 James Fitten, to November, 184G. 2 Charles O'lleilley, to February, 1852. 3 Hugh Carmody, "to February, 1854. 4 John Brucly, to April, 1855. 5 M. McCabe, to February, 1856. 6 F. J, Lenihan, to August, 1807. 7 B. O. Reillev, to , 1809. 8 M. McCabe returned February 2, 1809, and is the present pastor. The above were assisted, from time to time, by the follow- ing clergymen : Peter Egan, in 1853. Lawrence Walsh, in 1800. A. Princen, in 1807. F. Belanger, in 1808 and 1809. John Kelley, in 1809. Austin D. l^ernard, in 1870. J. A. Finniffan, in 1872. The edifice of the French Catholics, on the Bernon side of the river, was erected in 1874. This was blown down by the great gale of February 2, 1876. The 3Iethodlsts. This society was started here about the year 1834. The land for the meeting-house was purchased May 9, 1836, and the edifice erected during the year. The trustees of the church at that time were — William Holmes, George Aldrich (3d), John Irwin, Elijah H. Sherman, Stephen R. Fielding, Hardin Hopkins and Hanson Arnold. The pastors have been : 1 Wells Walcott, 1834. 2 Hiram Cummings, 1835-1830. 3 Daniel K. JJannister, 1S37-1838. 4 Richard Livesev, 1839-1840. 5 Apolos Hall, 1841. Ebenezer Blake, 1842. 7 Hebron Vincent, 1843 (1 mo.). 8 Cyrus C. Hunger. 1843. 9 S. W. Coggeshall, 1844-1845. 10 Warren Emerson, 1840-1847. 11 Charles H. Titus, 184fvl849. 12 George H. Wooding, 1850. 13 John Lovejoy, 1851-1852. 14 Philip Crandon, 185:3-1854. 15 George C. Bancroft, 1855-1856. 10 E. B. Bradford. 1857-1858. 17 William Livesev, 1859-1800. 18 Thomas Elv, 1801. 19 Havid H. Ela, 1802-1863. 20 J. W. Willett, 1804-1805. 21 Edward A. Lvon, lS(i(i-]S07. 22 Edward H. Hatlield, lS(iS-]S(i9. 23 W. McKendrce Bray, 1870-1871. 24 Charles Nason, 1872. 25 Nathan G. Axtell, 1873-1874. 20 J. E. Hawkins began his labors April, 1875, and is the present pastor. 86 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. TJi e Congregationalism. This Society was organized at this place December 24, 1834. Services were held at Dexter Ballou School-house, at Aunt Delpha Warren's, and at other places until June, 1843, when the meeting-house was erected at the Globe Village. The pastors have been : 1. E. P. Iiigersoll iintil October 13, 1835. From then mitil Febru- ary 14, 1841, the Society was without a pastoi", and held no public services. At this time Rev. Seth Cliapin came here and acted as a missionary, preaching at "Aunt Delplia's." 2. Edwin Leigli was ordained at the time of tlie dedication of tlie meeting-house, and preached until May 22, 1844. 3. James M. Davis supplied the desk for some time, and June 10, 1845, became the settled minister. He remainetl until September, 1851. During his pastorate a member of the church was excom- municated for the crime of adultery. The Congregational Church has learned how not to do such things since then. 4. William W. Belden began his ministration March 9, 1851, and retired August 4, 1852. 5. Levi Packard began ISTovember 12, 1853. His health failing, he was allowed to resign in October, 1855. 6. After an interregnum of about two years, on tlie 19th of July, 1857, Eev. Theo. Cooke began his labors at this place. He was a gentleman, a scholar, and a good man. He was universally loved and respected by all Avho came within the circle of his acquaintance. 7. James E. Dockray began August 1, 1867. Of the Bcv. Mr. Dock- ray, the least said the better. 8. H. E. Johnson succeeded Dockray. He was a modest and un- assuming gentleman, and highly esteemed by all with whom he came in contact. 9. W. S. Stockbridge came June 27, 1873, and went July 1, 1874. 10. B. E. Parsons began ]Srovember 15, 1874, and is the present pastor. He officiates alternately at Globe Meeting-house and Plj^- mouth Chapel. In 1867 a movement was started, which resulted in the erection of a chapel on Spring street. It is known as the Plymouth Chapel. Over the congregation at this place Rev. Mr. Douglass was called to preside. After a short pastorate, Mr. Douglass resigned and went West. CHAPTER VII. EDUCATION. This chapter has rather a pretentious title, but the reader need have no apprehension that he will be taken into waters beyond his depth. He will not be called upon to brush the dust from his Greek Lexicon, or to revive his acquaintance with his old friend Horace. It will be a sufficient exercise of his memory if he recalls some of the floggings which he received and merited in his school days, and a satisfactory tax ot his mental powers, if he takes the trouble to read my simple narrative. Those who have made Woonsocket what she is, have been plain and practical men. They have been to much occupied in subduing the wilderness, in building mills and in earning a living, to consume much time in discussing Greek verbs, or in quarrelling over Latin idioms. But in the midst of their labors, they have not lost sight of the duty which they owe to their children and their country, and have contributed largely to the cause of education. The Quakers, from Avhom flow nearly all of the good and perfect gifts in the early history of Rhode Island, after erect- ing their meeting-houses proceeded to establish schools in various localities. I quote the following from their records : 0th mo., 1771. It is thought necessary yt poor children be schooled. 4tli 1110., 1777. Moses Farnuni, Moses ]?rown, Thomas Lajiham, Job Scott, Elisha Thornton, Sanuiel Aldricli, George Arnold, Ante- past Earle and David Steero are appointed to draw up a plan U)v establishing a free school among Friends. 88 HISTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. The following sixth month, the committee presented their report to the meeting, recommending : 1. That the donation of Kachel Thayer be appropriated towards the support of a school. 2. That subscriptions be received at each preparative meeting. 3. That a teacher be procured at once. 4. Tliat a committee of judicious Friends be appointed, their duties to be — 1, To select a place or places for the school from time to time; 2, to agree with teachers; 3, to inspect the ]ioorer sort of Friends' families, to determine who shall be schooled from the fund; 4, to raise and forward subscriptions; 5, to make rules and regulations; 6, to receive the income of the Rachel Thayer donation; 7, to act and transact all other matters and things belonging to the school. The meeting accepted the report, and appointed the fol- lowing-named persons as probably the first School Committee of Northern Rhode Island : Thomas Stcere, Moses Farnum, David Steere, Moses Brown, Ezekiel Comstock, Benjamin Arnold, llufus Smith, Daniel Cass, George Smith, Samuel Aldrich, Gardner Earle, David Buffum and Thomas Lapham, jr. The philanthropical zeal of the Quakers awoke such an interest in educational matters, that measures were taken at the beginning of the present century to establish a school which should be free to all. This was partially accom- plished, but was finally defeated by those for whom it was designed. By a vote of the ignorant backwoodsmen of Smithfield, many of whom were unable to write their names, the first Free School in these regions was brought to an end. In the years 1800 and 180], the town of Smithfield appro- priated $2,200 for free schools. This was divided among twenty-four schools. At the August town meeting of 1802 a similar sum was voted, and at a special meeting in Sep- tember the vote was " repealed." Is it strange that the same intelligent freemen should have "vandued" the poor of the town to the lowest bidder, and have rejected the con- stitution of the United States by a vote of 159 to 2.* *R. I. Col. Rec, Vol. X., page 275, say 158 to 2. But the records of the town of Smithfield say as above. HISTORY OP WOONSOCKET. 89 But by the efforts of the women in these parts, a Free School was finally successfully inaugurated, and the enter- prise continued for several years, A public library was also in existence at Woonsockct during the first thirty years of the present centur^^ About the same time a library was established in Northern Cumberland. It was known as the " Social Library." But the private schools of Woonsocket in the last generation are all that it is worth while to say much about. A short time previous to the Revolution, a young man of studious habits and amiable disposition became a citizen of this part of the world. From a natural impulse to benefit his fellow-men, and for the purpose of earning a living, ho devoted a large portion of his time and of his dwelling-house to the cause of education. lie liad an ample field before him, for the ignorance of the inhabitants of Smithfield at that time was onl}^ equalled by their narrow-mindedness. The language and the penmanship which recorded their highways, as well as the highways themselves, were an abomination in the sight of the Lord. The poor immigrant was treated as a criminal, and invariably ordered out of the town. If he returned, it would then be voted that the " transhunt person" either be whipped or " suffer corporal punishment by being fined," or allowed to " remane," pro- vided he behave "liisself." I find the following "prescrip- tions " among the papers of a celebrated pliysician of those days : " .Jonathiin should wasli and liold liis feet some time in warm water; then bleed, then put on the plaster on his feet, go to bed with the bed warmed; also witli a blister plaster on the back side of his neck, and when the blister is near don running, then take the pills, two of them just before bed, about as big as a niiddleing pee, if they work hve times once in three nights; and if it doth not work much every other night. Also, steep burdock rotes, biter sweet rotes and lovage— steep them for a drink. So when gone threw with, then gow a short voiage to see." 12 90 HISTORY OF WOOXSOCKET. I have been luiable to ascertain whether or not Jonathan went to " see." Next comes a " siirrop " for the Rickets : "One gil of easworms, petemorel rotes; one handful of rock leather, low polepode rotes; Solomon's seal rotes, learge polepoue rotes, cune- fry rotes, hemlock bark from the rote on the north side of the tree," etc. Bnt they, who are most in need of education, appreciate it least. Elisha Thornton, who was the young teacher to whom I have referred, would have starved had he depended solely upon the patronage of his neighbors. Nay, his very mental attainments caused him to be regarded with suspicion and dread. His telescope and his globe, by which he illustrated the grand harmony of the universe, aroused the superstitious fears of the ignorant boors in the vicinity to such an extent, that they expostulated with him for teaching the " black art." The Thornton Academy was located near the present village of Slatersville. The fame of this school was as ex- tensive as it was well deserved, and pupils came from distant regions to be mentally and morally enlightened by the great and good man who presided over it. Among these was John Osborne, who came from New Hampshire, and afterwards made V/oonsocket his home. The sterling virtues of this man are too well remembered to this day to require other than a passing allusion to him from my hands. Elisha Thornton was at the head of this school for thirty years, the existence of which was terminated about the beginning of the present century, by the removal of its principal to New Bedford. About this time schools were started in various places hereabouts. The inhabitants of " neighborhoods " united, built school-houses, and employed teachers from time to time. The L of Deacon Stephen Hendrick's house at Union Vil- lage, wdiat is now a barn on the Brownell estate, and what is now the wood-house of Elisha Read, were once temples of knowledge. A school-house was where now stands the HISTORY OF AV^OONSOCKET. 91 blacksmith shop of Proctor Brothers, at the Globe, and another was located at the "Daily Hole." In addition to these, the father of Otis Bartlett procured students from Brown University to teach at his house, admitting the chil- dren of his neighbors to share his liberality. Although some of the teachers in these institutions were — to use the lan- guage of a pupil in one of them — too stupid to get a living by any other means, still the}^ kept the people from lapsing into barbarism. This brings me to a point in my narrative, where I am permitted to speak of an institution of learning which had its seat among the inhabitants of these regions, and which they have reason to remember with peculiar pride and satis- faction — whose facilities for teaching and illustrating the various b]-anches of science were at one time beyond that of any academy in New England ; whose cabinet of minerals and chemical and philosophical apparatus were equal to those of Brown University ; among whose teachers have been men, well known in after life to fame and honor; and among whose pupils are many who have become justly cele- brated in science, art and literature — I refer to the Smith- field Academy. The movement to erect the building was started about the year 1810. The method of raising funds for the enterprise was by a lottery. The first class resulted in failure. The second class, started by George Aldrich and others, was more successful, but the money tlius raised was insufficient to com- plete the work, and the balance was finally adjusted by Joel Aldrich. The building eventuall}" became his private prop- erty, but he leased the same at a nominal figure. The building was erected in 1811, and in the Autumn of that year, David Aldrich, the son of Joel, became tlic first teacher therein. This man is spoken of as a deep student and a successfid teaclier. He died in 1814. Fronx then 92 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. until 1830 there was no permanent teacher therein. Spindle- shanked pedagogues, and soft-haired students — pedants and coxcombs tried their hands in the teaching line, sometimes successfully and sometimes not. Among the successful teachers were John Thornton, a son of Elisha, George D. Prentice, afterwards of the Louisville Journal, and Christo- pher Robinson. Of the unsuccessful teachers nothing need be said. In the Fall of 1830, James Bushee commenced his labors therein, which continued until 1853, Avhen the career of the institution was brought to an end. The building has since been removed. A beautiful grove of linden trees, planted by the last teacher within its honored walls, is all tliat now remains to mark its ancient site. An institution of learning had its seat at Cumberland Hill during the first part of the present century, which demands a passing notice. It was called the Cumherland Academij. This, like its sister on the opposite side of the river, was favored with teachers who left the marks of their labors upon the hearts, the minds, and sometimes the backs of their pupils. Among its numerous teachers I find the names of Dr. Ariel Ballon and Ira B. Peck, Esq., who about' fifty years ago presided therein. To the former gentleman Woonsocket is largely indebted for the active interest which he has always taken in the promotion of all good works. As a leader and counseller in educational matters, a stern and inflexible advocate of needed improvements, and of honesty and economy in the adminis- tration of town. State and national affairs, his name will be long held in grateful remembrance. Mr. Peck is more retiring in his habits. He seldom if ever mingles in the turbulent arena of politics. He seems to be content that others should lead in social and educational HISTORY OF AYOONSOCKET. 93 matters. But he is far from being" iiidiiferent to true pro- gress and reform. To those wlio know him best his lieart and his intellect are fully alive to the problems of the hour. His influence in promoting the industrial and the moral growth of the village has been silent, but it has been power- ful. Like most men of this kind, he is best known outside of his immediate neighborhood. As an antiquarian and geneol- ogist he ranks among the first of New England. To him I am most deeply indebted for material of Avhich this work is composed. He has given to the world a most valuable pro- duction in his geneology of the Peck family, and is now engaged upon an account of the Ballon family, which aside from its family record Avill contain matters of interest to every student of Rhode Island liistor}-. Among the pupils at the Cumberland Academy, was Thos. A. Jenckes. His career is too well known throughout the country for me to say other than as a boy, he was never a boy. He was Thomas A. Jenckes, Esq., always. Dr. Bal- lon, who M'as one of his teachers, describes him as the most thoughtful boy whom he ever knew, and that in time^i of seeming idleness and indifference his mind was always at work. Willis Cook and his brother, Lyman A., were also pupils at this institution. Of these distinguished Woonsocket citi- zens I shall have much to say further on. At last the people began to awaken to the fact, that a free school is one of the necessities of a free country, and to take measures to place the advantages of education within the reach of all. The present tOAvn of Woonsocket was made of two school districts of old Smithfield, and six school districts of old Cumberland. When about half a century ago these districts were formed, the inhabitants were but a step above barbarism. INIany of 94 HISTORY OF AVOONSOCKET. tlie school committee were rude in manner and in speech, and many of the pupils were so vulgar, uncouth and savage, that one of the chief requisites of a successful teacher was a good muscular development, in order to keep his school within the limits of common decency. The discipline of these ancient institutions may be inferred from the fact, that the capacious spitboxes which polluted many of the school-houses were inadequate to contain the floods of tobacco juice which would run down and stand in pools in the centre of the rooms. The Smithfield districts were the Globe and the Bernon. The first public school-house in the Globe District was built about the year 1841. Up to 1858 the school was supported in this building chiefly from tlie fund distributed by the State. It was therefore limited to a short Summer and a somewhat longer Winter term. At this time the progressive men in the district succeeded in aAvakening the publi(3 mind to such an extent, that an appropriation was made and a teacher engaged at a salary of $500 per annum. The old house has recently been abandoned. The new school-house on Providence street was dedicated April 22, 1875, with appropriate exercises. The Bernon district has not until this year been the pro- prietor of a school-house. A beautiful and substantial brick edifice now crowns one of the hills of this locality. It will be ready for the reception of pupils at the beginning of the Fall term. Although the district has not owned a house it has not gone far behind its sister districts in educational facilities. Since 1832 it has leased a building of the Woon- socket Company, in which schools have been kept that have been an honor to the town. In fact at one time the Bei'non district was the banner district of Woonsocket. The Cumberland portion of Woonsocket, comprises what is now the educational as well as the business centre of the town, and deserves an extended notice. HISTORY OF AVOONSOCKET. 95 111 tJio year 1828, tlic town of Cuml)erland was divided into sixteen school districts. Three of these districts, which were afterwards increased to six, comprise the Comberland por- tion of tlie town of Woonsocket. District No. 1, comprised what was tlien called tlie village of Woonsocket, which was the region extending from the " Falls " to the " Social." District No. 2, comprised the "Social " and Jenckesville. District No. 3, comprised what is now known as the " Union " district. There Avere no " Trustees " in those days. The school committee was composed of a man from each district who performed the duties that were afterwards assigned to Trus- tees. At the first meeting of the school committee, the Jenckes- ville portion of district No. 2, was set off therefrom and designated No. 17. At the same session the money received from the State was apportioned as follows : One-half equally among the several districts, and the remainder according to the number of pupils. The following table will show the sums received by the Woonsocket districts at that time, and other matters which may be of interest : Districts. Committeo. 1 Dexter Ballon, 2 Smith Arnold, 3 Keuben ])arlin.L!: 17 Nelson Arnold, In August, 1838, a new district was formed from No. 1, and desiunated No. 19. Pupils. Moiipy. 198 S;7!18:', 70 48.74 81 40.84 74 44.80 Districts. Committee. Pupils. Monej-. 1 Eli Pond, I!t4 $110.7!) 1!) Ariel Ballon, 11.") 10().:i7 •2 Melville Kiia])]), ;;()4 IT);;. 04 :] AVelconie Cook, 82 79.27 17 Albert Jeuckes, 75 7(5.92 96 HiSTORY OF WOONSOCKET. • July 8, 1839. It was voted by the School Committee that " xVn Examening Coimnitcche appomted to consist of five, who shall examine all teachers in the branches of reading, writing, arithmetic, English grammer and geography, who shall apply to them for exam- cnation, and that said Commitee shall give to each, as by them shall be thought qualified, a certificate of approbation, and no teacher shall be entitletl to jiay v.nUll they obtain a certificate, and that Ariel Ballon, Benjamin .Fessenden, Fenner Brown and Arnold W. Jenckes be said Committee. The Secretary was Fenner Brown." January 13, 1840. It was reported that district No. 2 had no school-house and no public property ; that there was a house owned l)y private parties which had been used for school purposes, but that it was too small for the accommo- dation of all the pupils. June 8, 1840. , It was voted in town meeting that the Examining Committee sliall consist of three persons, and be paid one dollar for the examination of schools and teachers, provided that they shall l)e engaged one-lialf a day. At the meeting of the School Committee on January 13, 1840, a nevv^ district was formed from No. 2 (making the second division of this district) and named No. 20. This completes the six Woonsocket districts. I will now give a tabular statement of schools at Woonsocket, from 1840 to 1845 inclusive. 1840. Districts Committee. Pupils. Mone}-. 1 Abner Rawson, 183 $121.00 10 Ariel Ballon, 1(10 113.28 2 James M. Cooke, 152 110..5() 20 Joseph Smith, 184 121.44 ?, Olney Burlingame, . Olney Bnrlino-ame, , 75 93.01 17 Nelson Jenckes, 1843. 90 99.40 1 Barton Darling, 183 143.80 19 Dan. King, 182 143.40 2 John Boyden, jr., 145 128.60 20 John A. Corey, 201 150.89 3 Charles Smith, 83 104.15 17 Nelson Jenckes, 1844. 86 105.40 1 John Bartlett, jr., 233 182.42 It) Aaron Rathl)un, 1()8 153.52 9 John Boyden, jr., 1(50 149.97 20 John B. "Tallman, 210 172.19 ;5 Welcome Cook, 81 114.85 17 Nelson Jenckes, 184.5. 80 114.41 1 B. E. Borden, 250 207.92 19 Ai'iel Ballon, 171 107.97 2 John Boyden, jr.. 171 l(i7.97 20 John B. Tallmim, 257 208.39 3 Welcome Cook, 09 120.03 17 Nelson Jenckes, 81 125.67 During this year the act was passed authorizing the several districts to elect a Clerk, Treasurer and three Trustees. June 8, 184G, the school committee met at the inn of E. L. Cook, and organized under the new law. The Presi- dent was Dr. Ariel Ballou, the Secretary was John Boyden. Friday, November 30, 1849, the electors of Districts 1, 19, 2 and 20 met for the purpose of organizing these four dis- tricts into one, which has since been known as the " Con- solidated District." The movement to this end was started in 1846. The school officers of this consolidation in 1849 were : John Boyden, Moderator. Christr. Robinson, i Olney Arnold, Clerk. ]}etlmel A. >Slocunib, [ Trustees. Elijah B. Newell, Treasurer. lloljcrt Blake, ) 1o O 98 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. The pupils, etc., were as follows: Districts. Average Attendance. Moncr. 1] SI 3-4 !?244 48 ^^ I Consolidated ^^^- -^^ ^^ 20j lis 27G 07 17 Jenckesville 24 130 09 3 Union 35 1-2 152 88 This consolidation was a great victory for the friends of education, for thereby the schools could be graded and a High School established. The High School building was in process of erection during the years 1848-9. It was built on land kindly given to the district by the Hon. Edward Harris, and cost about -$8,000. The District has been favored with donations from two other liberal-minded per- sons, namely — Dexter Ballon, who bequeathed fifteen shares of Providence & Worcester Railroad stock to the " second- aiy " or Grammar School of Woonsocket : and Mrs. Rachel F. Harris, who gave the district thirty shares of the same stock. The " High School house " was destroyed by fire on the morning of October IG, 1875. A new and more sub- stantial edifice is now being erected on the site of the old building from plans drawn by William R. Walker, of Provi- dence. The builder is Hon. Nathaniel Elliott. It will cost Sfe25,3o0. Among those who have labored earnestly and wisely for the advancement of popular education at Woonsocket, I think that I may safely allude to Rev. John Boyden without awakening a feeling of jealousy in a single breast. His name first appears in 1811, and for a quarter of a century it continued to adorn the school records. The veneration and respect with which his memory is held at the present day is a sufficient evidence of his zeal and philanthropy. A movement is now on foot to consolidate all of the dis- tricts of the toAvn. That this may be consummated at an early day, is the earnest wish of every true friend of educa- tional progress. HISTOKY OF WOONSOCIvET. 99 Aside from its piil)lic scliools, the town enjoys tlie nse of a magnificent building through the munificence of the late Edward Harris. Here the Woonsocket Lyceum holds its meetings, a public reading-room is daily visited, and a large and well-selected library is opened to all. A portion of this library was originally a distinct organization, and named in honor of its most liberal benefactor, Mr. Edward Carrington. This Avas afterwards annexed to a library founded and en- dowed by Edward Harris, and the whole now bears the name of the " Harris Institute Library." Since the inauguration of the public school system, a great advance has been made in educational matters. The rude and poorly-constructed school-house has been supplanted by the well-arranged and elegant edifice ; the race of peda- gogues has become extinct, and the pupils have been brought within the restraints of civilization b}- means more effectual than the ancient birch. This advance has had its effect upon society. Literature and art have come up to a higher plane, in order to keep pace with the requirements of the age. The daily newspaper is now the guest of nearly every household. The music of Strauss has driven out the noisy jigs of our ancestors, and the squeaking fiddle has lost its olden charms. Whether our youngsters are letter that they appear to be wiser, or whether the softening influences of culture and refinement have tended to make society more virtuous and more patriotic, I shall not stop to discuss. I have only to say, in conclusion, that Woonsocket has reason to congratulate herself for the mite which she has contri- buted during the last century for the cause of education, and to feel that she has fairly earned the applause of the Christian, tlie philanthropist and the patriot! CHAPTER VIII. WAll. Although Woonsocket was a Quaker settlement, it was not exempt from warlike experiences and preparations. In- deed, it was first settled when King Philip and his tribe were engaged in their revengeful struggle, and its first set- tlers were honored with military titles — one being " Capt." Richard Arnold, and the other being " Ensign " Samuel Comstock.*' Whether or not any outrages were committed in this immediate vicinity at that time I have been unable to ascertain ;f but tradition speaks of a skirmish which took place between the whites and Indians a sliort distance from the " Daily Hole Woods." During subsequent Indian troubles in these regions, the garrison was erected on the summit of "Fort Hill, some twenty rods north-east of the Arioch Comstock house, in which families sheltered themselves and their flocks in time of M^ar, and to which they nightly drove their flocks, and set watch to protect them from incursions from the Indians. "J It was also during this period that the following military company was in existence : *Aiigust 9, 1710, Captain Samuel Comstock ordered Henry Mowry, of the 2d Company, to impress men to go with him to Port Eoyal. fOn the estate now owned by Staflbrd Mann, Esq., a few miles south from here, two houses were destroyed by King Philip in his northward march. One of these was occupied by a man by the name of Fox, a wearer. When, many years ago, an out-building to the Mann house was being erected, traces of the flre-place to one of these houses were discovered. JFrom ancient MSS. kindly loaned me by Miss Esther Osborne. IITSTOllY OF AVOONSOCKET. 101 Capt. Jonathan ^Slowry, Lieut. Ananias ]\[owvy. Ensign Thomas .Vrnohl, Clerk Samuel Aklrich, Surgeon John Pliillijis, " Xathanit'l Stai)les, " Aaron llcrcnden, Sergeant Henry Blaekmore, "" Richard Sayles, jr., " Thomas Herenden, " John Sayles, jr.. Corporal John Harris, " Obadiah Herenden, Elisha Mowry, John Melavory, Francis Herenden, Thomas Walling, ]Moses Arnold, - William Bates, John Mann, Joshua Phillips, Ezekial Goldtlnvaite, Ebenezer Thornton, Jos. Arnold, jr., John Mowry, minor, William Colnstock, John Smith, Ichabod Comstock, John Pliillips, Daniel Phillips, Stephen Sly, Jabez ]]rown, Edward Bisnap, Edmund Arnold, Thomas La])ham, Israel Wilkinson, Philip Logee, Anthony ('onistock, Elisha Arnold, [N'oali Herenden, Amos Sprague, Jos, Cooke, jr., Daniel Sayles, Gideon Comstock, Benjamin Thompson, ISTatlianiel ]Mann, Moses ^lanii, Samuel Cook, Daniel Arnold, jr., Thomas Beedk', Jolm Blackman, jr., Elisha j)illingliam, George Wilbour, Thomas Crulf, Thomas Crufl', jr., Bichard Sayles, jr., Joseph ]>uft"um, Benjamin Paine, Oliver Mann, Andrew Mann, Ebenezer Howard, Ezekiel ISIowry, Stephen Inman, John Knox, Seth Cooke, John Comstock, John Aldrich, minor, John Aldrich, jr., Samuel Sprague, Samuel Bassett, Jeremiah Brown, Samuel Tucker, ^\bel Inman, John Mann, jr., Sylvanus Sayles, Richard Aldrich, Enoch Arnold, ]3enjaniin Butfum, jr., Nathan Paine, Benjamin Buxton, Jeremiah Ballard, Daniel Mann, jr., James AVeatherhead, Daniel Cass, Joseph Hicks, James Buxton, Jonathan Arnold, Daniel Sprague, Caleb Callom, Job Phillips, Peter Cooke, Roger Darl)ey, v,Tose])h Laphavn, Ezekial Savles, Daniel AV ailing, Benjamin Cot)ke, Hezadiah Comstock, jr. Uriah Arnold, Samuel Goldtlnvaite, .lames ]?assett, Tlieojiliilus Blackman, J)aniel Comstock, jr., John Harris, lUchard Snencer, Henry xVlflrich, Elij;-.li Aldrich, Samuel Fisk, Nathan Staples, Richard Arnold, jr. 102 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. The above company was a " home guard," but in looking through the records of ohl Smithfiekl, I find that two mem- bers of this company subsequently enlisted in the regular army and died at Cape Breton. These two were Caleb Cal- lom and Jabez Brown. The former died at the place men- tioned in January, 1746, and the latter about that time. I also find the names of two others who lost their lives in this conflict, namely ! Richard Lewis, died sometime during the year, and Eleizer Arnold, who died Oct. 26, 1746. 2. The next war was that which is spoken of as the " Old French War." In this conflict Elkanah Speare was Lieutenant in one of the Rhode Island regiments. This man was the husband of Daniel Arnold's granddaughter, and the grandfather of Arnold Speare, to whose virtues many of our citizens Avill bear willing testimony. The following despatch from Col. Samuel Angell tells its own sad story : CA3ir Fort Edward, ) July 22, 1757. ) Mtstress Speare: AVith reluctance, I give you the following: account: On the 11th inst. your husband died, after a few days illness, of the small pox. His clothing and other tliino's I have had inventoried and shall ship them round to Providence by the first opportunity. From Your Friend, SAMUEL AXGELL. I find on the Smithfiekl records an allusion to one other victim of this struggle. It is to the father of Thomas Newman who enlisted a,nd afterwards died in His Majesty's service. This Thomas Newman, who July 7, 1760, was sixteen 3^ears of age, was the grandfather of j\Ir. Benjamin B. Newman, now a thrifty farmer in the vicinity of Albion, R. I. 3. In the war of the Revolution but few of tlie inhabit- ants of these parts were active workers. Their conscien- tious scruples prevented them from being ardent patriots. The records of the Quaker society at this place, and those of the town of Smithfield, show that many were deprived of official positions in consequence of their lukewarmness. AmouQ- these I find the name of Arnold Paine, the grandson iriSTOUY OF WOONSOCKET. 103 of John Arnold, from Avliom the office of Town Treasurer was taken in November 177G, for refusing to sign the " Test Act." But the freemen of the town could not long afford to dispense with the services of so honest and able a man, and in 1779 he was elected to the Town Council, in which he acted for many years. jMany others, who, during these exciting times were regarded Avith unnecessary suspicion, both before and after the w^ar, were honored with the respect and confidence of their fellow townsmen. But there was one citizen of these parts whose patriotic zeal was equal to the emergency, and whose eminent abilities were appreciated not only in his immediate neighborhood, but in the councils of the nation. I refer to Judge Peleg Arnold, to whom reference has been made in a preceding chapter. In spite of the atmosphere of his surroundings, and of the averseness of the major part of the inhabitants to war- like preparations, the news from Lexington and Concord aroused his indignation, and with ail the enthusiasm of his nature, in the Spring of 1775 he began the work of recruit- ing soldiers for the coming struggle. At a town meeting- held at his liouse, June 26, 1775, a committee Avas chosen to select " one hundred fire arms at once and put them in proper shape fit for battle." One-third to be lodged at the dwelling house of Capt. Joseph Jenckes, one-third at the house of Col. Elisha Mowry and the remainder at the house of Peleg Arnold. In 1780 he was chosen Lieutenant Colonel of the 2d battallion of Providence County. In 178G he was elected delegate to Congress and was continued four years in tlie position, \n 1790 he was chosen Assistant Governor of tlie State. I select at random the folloAving items of Revolutionary interest from the records of the town of Smithfield* : *AmoiiL; some uucicut papers I lind the following letter which in these centenuial times may be tliougbt worth preserving: 104 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Sept. 10, 177fl It was voted to raise thirty-nine meii to march to Newport. JNIen well accoutred to receive a bounty of 48 shillings, and men without arms SO shillings. June 1, 1778. Soldiers received a bounty from the town of £35, and from the State of £20. They were furnished with a uniform coat, 2 waist-coats, 2 ])airs Ijreeches, 3 shirts, 3 pairs stockings, 2 pairs shoes, 1 hunting shirt and 1 pair of overalls. June 24, 1780. It was voted to raise 35 men and pay them a bounty of 50 silver dollars each. One silver dollar at the time was equivalent to seventy-two old Continental dollars. In 1779, the General Assembly ordered that the town of Smithfield, deliver thirteen cords of wood per week from January of that year to April 1st, inclusive. I think the matter of sufficient interest to give the apportionment of this requisition among the land-holders of the tow^n: cord. Benjamin Smith 3 cor ^ Oliver Arnold 1-2 John Angell 1-2 Joseph Jenckes 1 John Jenckes 1 Luke Arnold 2 Nathaniel Arnold 2 Samuel Day and Yeates 4 Samuel Keach 1 Daniel Whipple 2 Ephraim Whipple 2 -2 . . Abraham Keach 2 •2 . . Joseph Angell lot 2 Ezekial Angell 3 Job Angell 3 Abner Harris 2 Jabez Harris 2 Stephen Brayton 1 Benjamin Ballard 1 John Smith, jr 2 Daniel Smith 1 Elisha Mowry, jr 1 Emer Smith 3 Cushino- farm 1 Enocli Barnes 5 Rol)ert Latham 2 Elisha Smith 3 Nebadiah Olney 2 Stephen Earnu'm 2 Smithfield, August 26, 177C Mr. Wm. Shelden, Sir: I am ordered by Col. Slack, lo i^Wc jou notice, that the troops is called and will meet at iSfr. Larncd's on Thursday next, at nine o'clock in the morning, and I oi-der von not to fail of time and place. ' This from BE^'JAMIN IIUBBAKD. Silvanus Sayles 1 Eleazer Mowry 1 John Whipple 1 William Whipple Elisha Olnev 10 Josei)h Whi]iplt' 5 Nehemiah Shelden o Jonathan and A. Arnold ( Jonathan Arnold •2 Thomas Jenckes 2 Eydia Brown •] Enoch Angell lot 21 Oliver Angell lot 21 David Harris Jeremiah Smith 5 Daniel Wibiur 1 Henry Jenckes 1 David Harris, jr 1 Daniel Angell ;'J Rufus Smith •> Charles Angell 4 Jeremiah Harris 2 Richard Harris, jr •t Jonathan Harris 1 Preserved Harris — . . . 1 Stephen Arnold, jr 1 James Shelden 1 Jeremiah Scott Jonathan Sprague lot . . - HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 105 Jos. Spauldiug and Son 2 cord. Samuel AVinsor G cord, Ahah Wilkinson 2 .. John Winsor 3 Jonathan Dexter 1 .. George Streeter 2 Samuel Dexter 1 .. David Bowen 1 Stei)lien AVhii)])le 2 . . John JNIann 1 Edwartl Thompson 1 . Caleb Aldricli 1 Thomas Newman 2 .. Ezekiei Angell, jr i Simeon Arnold 1 . . Benjamin Sledhury 1 Knig-ht Dexter 1 .. John Smith (od) 1 Daniel Mowry, jr 1 . . Job Aldrich 1 Joshua Arnold 1 . . James Appleby, jr 1 Samuel Arnold 1 4, The last war with the mother country did not awaken sufficient enthusiasm in these parts to give Woonsocket a place either in its records or its traditions. 5. The next war is that which is known to the poet and the historian as the " Dorr War." It is unnecessary, and would be irrelevant (I came very near writing " irreverent") for me to trace the causes of that ever-memorable conflict, the antiquity of which, in the language of one of my enthu- siastic critics, reaches back nearly to the times of Charles II. But it will not be out of order, I trust, for me to give the copy of a resolution adopted by the freemen of the town of Smithfield, August 28, 1792 : " That the Representatives be instructed to move at the next General Assembly that a con- vention be appointed to make a constitution for the State." I am fully alive to the fact that at this point in my nar- rative I am about to step upon forbidden ground. During this exciting period the history of Rhode Island contains but two apartments. If the historian enters at all, he must cross the threshold of the " Dorrites " or the Algerines," and in either event he is sure to be tossed in a blanket. There is something irresistibly funny in the thought that the bare mention of the word " Dorr " contains sucli potency. It almost makes one to have faith in the Oriental miracle, wherein it is said that the rubbing of an old lamp would call up genii and hobgoblins from the bowels of the earth. But I beg of the reader that he will allow me to go 14 106 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. around the sacred edifice and simply warl)le at the outer gate the immortal epic of Mr. John Damphney. It is as follo^ys : " Laban Wnde With his brigade, And Landers with bis cannon" Some liken this song of Mr. Damphney to that of the three Avise men of Gotham, and urge that had his howl been stronger, his song would have been longer. Others insist that the bowl of Mr. Damphney was strong enough and his song long enough. Many are of the opinion that the brevity, or rather the magnificent incompleteness of the work was its crowning glory, whereby its author chose to excite the imag- ination and the vanity of his audience. On the other hand, it has been insinuated that the Pegasus of Mr. Damphney balked at the third line, and was unable to surmount the obstacle of the word " cannon." But there is too much evidence of poetic fire in the master-piece which I have quoted, for me to believe that its illustrious author was deficient in rhyming power, or that his production was other than it was intended to be — the epic of the Dorr War. And so, for the purpose of showing his detractors the many sources from which the poet might have drawn, rather than to mar the beauty of his work of genius by attempting its completion, I will take it upon myself to supply the wanting rhyme. My " poem " will consist of three cantos and be named THE DORRNEAD. CA]S"TO I. — The March. Lallan Wade, With his l)rigacle. And Landers with his cannon, For Mr. Dorr They went to war- Foot soklier, horse and man on, HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 107 C^\ NTO II. — The Attack, Laban Wade With liis brigade, And Landers with his cannon, With spade and hatchet Took Chepacliet, Kettle, pot and pan on. CANTO III. — The Ketreat. Laban Wade Witli liis brigade, And Landers witli his cannon, From Acote's hill Through Burrillville, They ran, and ran and ran on. The Algerines were not so fortunate as their adversaries in having" a Mr. Damphney to celebrate their achievements. But the plan of their campaign was a masterly conception, and deserves a place in history if not in song. Oiie of their armies — which for want of a better name we will call the Army of the Blackstone — was stationed at Woonsoeket for the purpose of guarding the village and to cut off the retreat of the Dorrites, when the armies of the Woonasquatucket and of the Pawtuxet had driven the rebels from their strong- hold at Chepacliet. (^n the ever-memorable 27th of June, when the "lurid halo seemed to surround the sun," of which Mr. King speaks in his '■'• Life and Times of Thomas W. Dorr," intelligence was received that the Dorrites were marching on Woon- soeket, " six hundred strong." Then " There was hurrying too and fro, And mounting in hot haste." Sheet-iron shutters w^ere placed in the window^s of " Holder's Block," pierced with loop-holes, and everything made ready to give the audacious rebels a warm reception. The fan of the thing was, that upon the arrival of the scouts confirming the report, the Army of the Blackstone was immediately 108 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. ordered to fall back to Manvillc, and poor "Woonsocket was left to its fate ! The next morning, after ascertaining, prob- ably, that the danger was all over, or that there had been no danger whatever, the army marched back to AVoonsocket again, looking as brave and warlike as ever. Up to this time, in the language of Col. Brown's famous des- patch from Acote's Hill, there had beeu "none killed and none wounded." The war was practically at an end. Gen. DeWolf and Col. Comstock could now beat their swords into pruning- hooks, and Welcome B. Sa^des retire from the turbulent scenes of diplomacy to the more peaceful pursuits of trade. All was quiet on the Pawtuxet, the Woonasquatucket and the Blackstone. But the Algerines had got on their war- paint. They had realized the terrors of battle without tasting its ecstasy ; they had endured the suspense of waiting for an approaching enemy, and had nndergone the hardship of running away. To return to their wives and their sweet- hearts — to resume their yard-sticks and their pen-wipers, to remove their epauletts and lay aside their canteens without performing a single heroic act, was not to be thought of. " I shall never forget," said one of the Algerine braves, " my terrible sensations as I waited in Holder's block for the ap- proaching Dorrites. My heart beat like a trip-hammer, and my gun, which was poked through an aperture in a sheet- iron shutter, trembled like an aspen leaf. I could endure the suspense no longer, and I stepped down and out and ran for the Bernon woods, as if Dorr and his whole army were in hot pursuit. The next morning I crept back to the village, and learned to my great delight that the Dorrite forces at Chepachet were disbanded. You ought to have seen me then ! How bravely I shouldered my musket, and with what a martial air I marched about ! I felt as if I must shoot somebody, and seeing what I supposed to be a Dorrite about half-a-mile distant, I discharged my gun towards him. It IMSTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. ' 109 did me good to see him run, although my buHet could not liave gone within a thousand yards of him ! Such were the emotions of many of the "Law and Order" advocates, and for three long months the law Avas set aside under a pretext of its vindication. To close this warlike chapter without referring to the Woonsocket Guards, would he an act of which I am incap- able. Indeed, I am admonished that a military organization, whose exploits upon the parade-ground and in the banquet- hall have given to Woonsocket so much renown, deserves a larger space than the limits of this work permit. Previous to 1840, military companies at the " Old Bank," at Cum- berhmd. Lime Rock and elsewhere formed the 6th Regiment R. I. Militia. This was at one time commanded by George L. Barnes, who was afterwards promoted to Major- General. If I could do justice to the subject I would give a description of a "training" of this ancient organization, although by so doing I might forfeit the respect of the staid and sober reader. About the year 1840 Captain Handy, of Providence, came here and recruited a military company. It was called the " Woonsocket Light Infantry." This was when the faint rumbling of the famous Dorr rebellion was beginning to be heard. The company was recruited and chartered, to be used by the friends of law and order in case an outbreak should occur. But in 1842, and while in command of Capt. John Worrall, the company rebelled, transferring their allegiance and their muskets to the " Dorrites." For this act, of course, their charter was annulled, and the Woonsocket Light Infantry came to an inglorious end. In October, 1842, another military company was formed and chartered under the name of the "Woonsocket Guards." Its first officer was Captain Arnold Briggs. Being largely 110 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. made up of the " Algcrine " element, a rival company was formed during the year and named the Cumberland Cadets. Of this organization L. C. Tourtellot was an active member. May 30, 1844, the "Guards" and the "Cadets" joined hands, and reorganized into a skeleton regiment under the new militia law — the regiment taking the name of " The Woonsocket Guards." It was composed of seventy men, and officered as follows : Colonel— L. C. Tourtellot. Adjutant— John Bartlett, jr. Lieut.-Colonel— John Glackin. Quartermaster— E. II. Sprague. Major— Orin A. Ballou. Paymaster— K. P. Smith. Captain— William 0. Bisbee. Coinmissary— Asa i*T. Ilolbrook. During the Summer of 1845 Armory Hall was erected. This was designed for a rendezvous for the " Guards," and a hall for public lectures, concerts, &c. It cost about -13,000. Towards this the State appropriated $1,000, and 8800 were raised by private subscription, leaving a debt of il,200. This hall, in the eyes of Woonsocket citizens, was one of the wonders of the world. " Particularly are we pleased," says a correspondent to The Patriot, "with the paneling of the ceiling ; while the stucco centre-pieces from which the chandeliers are to be susjiended, full}^ equal, if they do not surpass anything of the kind we have ever before wit- nessed." The chandeliers were procured — the money for the purpose having been loaned b}^ Paymaster R. P. Smith — and the hall was dedicated by one of the grandest balls that was ever given in the world. Distinguished guests from Boston, Providence and elsewhere were present, Dodworth's full band from New York furnished the music, and it was veril}^ a " splendid time." In the appendix the reader Avill find the names of the members of the " Guards," from 1842 to 1863 inclusive. A perusual of this list may revive pleasant memories in the breasts of many. 6. To the war with Mexico, Woonsocket contributed no treasure and but few men. I have been able to find but UlSTOllY OF WOONSOCKET. Ill seven names of those who enlisted from this phice, and I think Lnt two or three are Avanting to make the list com- plete. These Avere : John Glackin, John B. Batehelor, Philip Melville, Robert Melville, Nicholas Tweedle, Dark Greene and Burpianna. They enlisted in Company B of the 9th Regiment U. S. A. The Captain of this com- pany at first was Joseph S. Pitman ; 1st Lieutenant, John S. Slocnm ; 2d Lieutenant, John Glackin.* The Captain Avas afterwards promoted to Major of the Regiment. Lieutenant Slocum Avas promoted to a captaincy, and John Glack'". became 1st lieutenant. The last-named gentleman, Avhile sojourning Avith us, Avas the pet of the young ladies and the terror of the older ones hereabouts. At last, the handsome dry goods merchant fell hopelessly in love, and he enlisted in the army Avith the hope of falling in battle ; but his hope was not realized, and he returned from the Avar to drag out the remnant of his life in povjerty and neglect. His loved one died of a broken heart. 7. In the War of the Rebellion VVoonsocket, in common Avitli her sister towns both north and south, Avas forced to take an active part in every sanguinary conflict from Bull Run to Appomattox. A history of Avhat her sons encoun- tered in camp, in field and in prison, Avould be a history of the Avar itself, and a list of those Avho had a personal interest in almost every battle Avould be a census of the town. I sliall, therefore, confine myself to giving the names of Woonsocket boys Avho received commissions in Rhode Island regiments. The thrill awakened by the neAvs from Sumter, the pat- riotism aroused by the early defeats, and the enthusiasm enkindled by the glorious ending of the conflict has not yet faded from our minds, and I trust that the simple mention of those Avho led our noble boys to victory or a glorious *Jolin Glackin was commissioucd February 24, 18-i". 112 HISTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. death may serve to keep alive those memories which are so sacred to eveiy American patriot. If in the list w^hich I am about to give I have omitted names, it will not be from carelessness on my part, or that I have not labored faithfully to make the list complete : A LIST OF OFFICERS FROM WOOXSOCKET WHO SERVED IN R. I. REGIMENTS IN THE LATE REBELLION. Diite of Muster. Office. Company. Regimcut. Allen John A — May 2, 1801 . . 2d Lieutenant — K — 1st Infantry, Oct. 30, " ..Captain 1 4th Nov. 20, " ..Major 4th Ballon Sullivan. .May 2, " ..Major 2cl July 21, " ..Killed Battle Bull Kun. Batchellor J. B. ..May 2, " . .Sergeant K — 1st Infantry. Oct. 5, " .. " B.... 3d Artillery. July 8, 18(32 . .2d Lieutenant B 3d " Sept. 15, 1863. .Sergeant B — 3d Cavalry. BartholomewE. S.May 2, 1861. .Corporal K. . . .1st Infuntry. Oct. 9, " . .Sergt.-Major 3d Artillery. May 21, 1862 .. 2d Lieutenant .... E .... 3d June 10, " . .Killed Battle James Island. Brown Stephenll. June 0, 1861 . . 1st Lieutenant — 1 2d Infantry. Sept. 28, " ..Captain D....2d June 9, 1804.. Major 2d " Brownell D. L. . . . Sept. 6. 1802 . . Sergeant H . . . . 7th June 30, 1803 . . 2d Lieutenant — E — 7th ' ' Capron Adin B. . June 5, 1801 . .Sergeant 1 2d Infantry. July 22, " ..Sergt.-Major 2d " Oct. 11, " ..2d Lieutenant.... D.... 2d July 24, 1802 . . 1st Lieutenant . . ..E . . . . 2d Oct. 14, 1803.. U. S. Signal Corps. Capron Willis C . .Dec. 14, 1801 . .1st Lieutenant — D. . , .1st Cavalry. Xov. 16, 1803 . . Captain D 1st " Clark Albert B . . . Oct. 5, 1801 . . Sergeant B .... 3d Artillery. May 21 , 1803 . . 2d Lieutenant .... E .... 3d Daniels Percy — Sept. 6, 1802 . . 1st Lieutenant — E — 7tli Infantry. A] iril 30, 1803.. Captain E — 7th " Julys, 18<)4. .Lieut.. Colonel 7th " Grant Geo. H May 2, 1801 . .Ensign K — 1st " Dec. 10, " . .Captain D — .5th Artillery. Greene Albert E..May 2, " . .Sergeant K — 1st Infantry. Oct. 9, " . . 1st Lieutenant . . . . B — 3d Artillery. June 1, 1803. .Captain B 3d " Greene Chas. H. .Oct. 30, 1851. .2d Lieutenant — B — 4th Infantry. Nov. 20, " ..1st Lieutenant... .B 4th May 2, 1803 . . Captain B ... .4th Greene Geo. W. . . Oct. 5, I8(il . . Sergeant B — 3d Artillery. July 8, 1802 . . 2d Lieutenant B 3d " Jan. 21, 1803. .1st Lieutenant. . . .B. . . .3d Ilackett John — Oct. 5, 1801 . . Sergeant B — 3d Eeb. 3, 1804. .2d Lieutenant . . . .F. . . .3d June 22, 1805 . . 1st Lieutenant — E — 3d " IIISTOKY OF AVOONSOCKET. 113 Date of Muster. HubbannViii. E.,Oct. 13, 18(52 Jenckes Allen — Oct. 30, ISGl . Jan. 13, 1803. Sept. 2(5, " . Jenckes Leland D. May 2, 18G1 . July 21, " . Muv23, 1802. Jillson F. G May 2, 1801 . May 20, 1802. Kent Levi E. Oct. 30, 1801 . Aug. 11, 1802. Lindsey Wni. IL.Oct. 13, " . Jan. 1, 1803. Jan. 21, " . Pierce Edwin A.. Oct. 30, 1801. Auo-. 11, 1802 Pierce Henry E , Eead George S . . Feb. IS, 1803. .Dec. 10, 1801. Mar. 14,1802. .Oct. .5, 1801. Sept. 1, 1803. 1801. Eussell E. A June 5, July 22, " Oct. 28, " Oct. 10, 18(52 Simpson Peter. . ..May 2, 1801 Small K. W June 5, " Sept. 23, 1804 Smith S. James. .June 6, 1801 July 21, " Steere Thomas . . .May 2, " . TourtllotL. C....Oct. 3, " . AV^aterhouse J. E.June (5, " . Oct. 28, " . May 19, 1803. June 28, " . Watson Chas. S. .May 20, 1802. Whitaker H. J...May 2(3, " . ]SI"ov. 21, " . Wilbur Geo. A. . .Sept. 0, " . April 30, 1873. July 1, " . Williams IlenryP.Dec. 1(5, 1801. Feb. 14, 1803. Ollicc. Company. Ive-ginu'Ut. .Captain .F. . .12th Infantry. .Q.-Master Sergt 4th " .2d Lieutenant D 4th " . 1st Lieutenant — D — 4th ' ' .Private D 1st Infantry. .Prisoner at ]?ull Eun. .Eeleased from Salisbury, N. C. . Corporal K — 1st Infantry. . 1st Lieutenant — G — 9th ' ' Captain .F — 4th " .Major 4th .Sergeant F. ..12tli " . Sergeant-Ma j or 12th ' ' . Lieutenant . ." 48th jS". Y. .Coriioral E — 4th Infantry. . 2d Lieutenant .... B ... . 4th .1st Lieutenant — G — 4th " . 1st Lieutenant — J) — 5th Artillery. .Killed at Xewburn. .Sergeant B — 3d Artillery. .2d Lieutenant B 3d " .Sergeant-Major . ..1 2d Infantry. . 2d Lieutenant — G — 2d " . 1st Lieutenant — C — 2d " .Captain A — 2d •' . Captain K — 1st ', .Q.-Master-Sergt. ..K 2d . 1st Lieut. & Q. M 2d .Captain I. ...2d '• .Killed at Bull Eun. .1st Lieutenant — K — 1st Infantry. . Captain B 3d Artillery. .Sergeant 1 2d Infantry. . 2d Lieutenant — . 1 2d ' . 1st Lieutenant — 1 2d " .Captain 1 2d " .Captain G....9th , . 2d Lieutenant . . ■ . G — 2d • ' . .1st Lieutenant — A — 2d Cavalry. .2d Lieutenant — E — 7th Infantry. .1st Lieutenant — K — 7th " .Captain K — 7th . Sergeant D — 5th Artillery. . 1st Lieutenant — II — 5th Having devoted so miicli space to war, it is noAv liiglily proper that the band be introduced — I refer particukirly to the " Woonsocket Cornet Band." I think that this may be done without incurring the censure of other bands in this place ; for although these organization are not to be spoken of with contempt, yet it cannot be said of them, as of the 15 114 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Cornet Band, that they have but three or four superiors, and but very few equals in the country. Neither shall I merit blame if I omit to say much of a band* which, in the times of " Old Dan Tucker" and " Oh, Susanna," rehearsed in a building now occupied by the Woonsocket Machine Company as office, etc. The Woonsocket Cornet Band was organized June 22, 1865. Its officers were : Emory A. Paine, president; Andrew J. Varney, vice-president ; Enos A. Clarke, clerk and treasurer. It first leader was Mr. E. A. Paine, and under him it vv^on many laurels. But the gentleman to whom it is chiefly indebted, and under whom it has become an institution of which Woonsocket feels justly proud, is Mr. B. W. Nichols. He was chosen leader May 4, 1868 ; and, with the exception of a short time during which it was under the leadership of Mr. William Sparry, has filled the position, with eminent ability, until the present time. The band was chartered by the General Assembly at the January Session, 1874. APPENDIX TO CHAPTER VIII. Is'AMES OF MEMBERS OF THE WOOl^SOCKET GUARDS, FKOM THEIK ORGANIZATIOK, IN 184;^, TO 1SG3, Date of Membership. In U. S. V. Service. Abercrombie Ralph — April, ISOl — Adams Edwin S April, 1SG3 Aldrich Arnold April, 1861 Cbas. 13 May, 1847.... Israel Jan., 1856 Mowry Oct., 1842. . . . " Wellington Aug., 1854 — *Tliis baud was the " United Brass Band." Its leader was xVugustus Brown. Its secre- tary was C. C. Gates. It consisted of sixteen pieces, and was in full blast in May, 1846. HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 115 Diite of Member; Allen John Oct., 1842. . John A " " .. L. C May, 1844.. L. S April, 1847.. Ames Proctor Sept., 1848. . Andrews Wni. II Oct. , 1842 . . Y.B May, 1847.. Arnold A. A May, 1859. . Cyrns Oct., 1842.. Elijah Sept., 1856.. E. J Sept., 1855.. " Henry S Seyst., 1855. . H. W Oct., 1844.. Leander A April, 1861 . . " Lewis J April, 1843- . Olney May, 1844.. Atwood Andrew April, 1858. . Baker George II Feb., 18(i2 . . " Jos. E Sept., 1858.. " JohuH Jan., 1862.. " Wm. G Oct., 18.55.. Baldwin GeorQ:e P Sept., 18.57- • Ballon Henry G Oct. . 1842 . . " James April, 1845. . " Orin A April, 1843. . " Silas G May, 1857 . . " Snllivan Oct., 1842. . " Willard Oct., 1842.. Bangs J. L Mav, . 1846. . Barry George W May, 1859. . Barstow Samuel Oct., 1845. . " Samuel C Nov., 18.55.. Bartholomew S. B May, 1859. . liartlett John, jr May, 1844. . Batchellor John B Sept., 1855 . . Baxter Allen E Mar., 1862. . " Wm. II ..April, 1S5(!. . Bisbee Wm. A Jan., 1862. . " Wm. O Oct., 1842.. Blackwood Wm, J Nov., 1861 . . Bliss E P Sept., 1845. . Booth Abram Aug., 1844. . " Stejihen Oct., 1844.. Boutelle Jas. W Sejjt., 18.55. . lioyden Wm. C Ai)ril, 1863- ■ Briggs Arnold Oct., 1842 . . '■' TXT Oct., 1842.. " Joseph Oct., 1842.. Brown Geo. AV May, 1844. " Stephen Sept., 18-15. " Stephen II Sept., 1855. Buffington II. S ^^Fay, 1844 . Jiurbank John May, 1845. . Burnett H Oct., 1842. lip. In U. S. V. Service. Major, 4th Infantry. Major, 2d Infantry. ^In Mexican Yfav and \ War of Kebellion. Major, 2d Infantry. 116 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Date of Mc-mbersliip. In U. S. V. Service. Burnett \Yni. G July, 1856 ... . ]3iitler L. B May, 1857. . • • Buxton Lvman E Sept., 1848. ... , ^ . . Capron Adin B April, 1861. • . -Lieut., 2d Infantry. Jos. B Jan., 1862.... P. W May, 1854.... Carter Ben. F Sept., 1855. . . . Chappell A. W Dec, 1856 .... Childs J. M April, 1845. . . . Chace Xelson Oct., 1842 .... Chillson Samuel E Aiig., 1847 Clarke Albert B Aug., 1859. . . . " C. X Jan., 1862.... " EnosA Jan., 1862.... " Ste]ihen April, 1863 .... Cleveland Geo. C Sept., 18.56. .. . Coe Andrew B Sept., 1855 Cole Albert B May, 1858. . . . Comerf ord Francis 11 . . Aug., 1860 .... Conlin Thomas Oct., 1842. . . . Cooke E. S April, 1861. . . . ' ' Lvman Oct. , 1842 ' ' Mowry E April, 1863 .... Cooper Job Aug., 1846 — " Eufus J Oct., 18.58 Corey Edward Sept., 18.55 — Coyle John C Jan. , 1856 Crapon W. C May, 1844 ... . Crean E June, 18.59 — Grossman Luther jr . . . May, 1847 — John Oct., 1847.... Cutting John A May, 1856. . . . Daniels Eoyal Sept., 1844. . . . Dame Yf illiam Aug., 18.56. . . . Darcy James E Sept., 1857 — Dariing Gilbert May, 1844 .... Davis William G Oct. , 1858 ... . DayL. W Sept., 1844.... Dehnison William Sept., 1856 — Dickerson S. E A\ig., 1847 Doyle George May, 1849 — '" John " " .... Duckworth George Oct., 1845 Eastman John April, 1843 — Evans Erastus " " — Earrar John Jnlj, 1859 ... . Earrington h. ^Y May, 1844 .... Eisk Walter W Sept., 1855 .... Fisher Charles L Oct., 1842. . . . " George May, 1847 — Eitzpatrick James Sept. , 1857 — Flint Earl April, 1843. . . . Ford Abram Sept., 18.55 — " John April, 1861. . . . Fuller J. A " " . . . . HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 117 Date of Member; Gates Chris. C Sept., 1855. . " Henry C Sept., 1S5S. . Gee Ira Jan., 185G. . Glackin John May, 1844. . Ghuldina: Jos. A May, 1554. . Goff Wiiliam M Jan., 1862 . . Gorton Charles A May, 1844. . Dexter " " .. " J. K " Gonlcl Ebenezer Sept., 1848. . " Jesse Ocl;., 1842.. Grant Arunah " " . . " George H Xov., 18,55. . Greene Albert E Sept., 1858. . Caleb May, 1847.. " Charles C Ang., ISGO. Charles H Oct. , 1858 . . ' * George W June, 1859 . . " Leonard M — Oct., 1857. . Wm. H April, ISGl . . Greenup James Mav, 1856 . . Racket John Oct., 1860. . Harris D. F Mav, 1859 . . Harrison Wm. II Feb., 1862. . Hay ward John Jan., 1862. . '' Jos. J " " ., Samuel Mar. , 1 856 . . Hayden Charles M May, 1847 . . Hendrick Otis Nov., 1855. . Herbert Charles Mar., 1862. , Hicks Jacob Oct., 1842 . . Hill George J April, 1860. Holbrook Asa N May, 1844 . M. K April, 1845. Holder William J Oct., 1842. Holmes D. F May, 1844. Hopkins Francis A Fel >. , 1862 . Honan William J Sept., 1856. . Hubbard William E . ...April, 1861. Hull E. S Oct., 1842. Hunt Daniel Sc])t., 18,55. Jenckes A. X ^fay, 18,56. E. M Oct., 18.55. " Ferdinand ]\Iav. 1856. George W Apii], 1861 . " Leander Sept., 1856. William II Oci, 1847. Jillson Frederick Jan., 1862 . " Francello G. . ..April, 1862. " AVilliam II Dec, 18.58. " Welcome June, 1844. Johnson B. W Jan., 1S62. Joslin Erastus May, 1857. Keach I'homas ]\la v, 1844 . " Thomas J Oct., 1S45. hip. lu U. S. V. SeiTicc. Lieut., in ]\Iexican War. Capt., 5th Artillery, Capt., 3d Lieut., 5th Artillery. Capt., 4th Infantry, Lieut., 3d Artillery. Lieut., 3d Infantry. Capt., 12th Infantry. Q.-M. S., 1st Infantry, Lieut., 9th Infantry. Lieut,, 4th Infantry, 118 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Date of Member Kellev Thomas J Sept., 1860. Kent 'Levi E Oct., 1855. Lambert fl. A INIay, 1857 • Lapham William II . . ..Feb., 185G. Lanrette John Mar., 1856. Law Georoje Jan., 1862. Lazelle John Q Sept., 1855. Kathan C April, 1861. Leamont Alex Sept., 1856. Learned Wm. B May, 1851 . Legg Charles H Sept., 1855. Lever George May, 1845. Lewis Thomas Jan., 1862. Lindsay Perry A Dec, 1856. William May, 1844. Lippitt Peleg W Jnne, 1847. Lord Thomas jMay, 1860. L vnch Ira Mav, 1844 . Marsh Edward C Jaii. , 1856 . Martin Eugene Oct., 1842. W^illianiH May, 1844, Mason Thomas F Oct., 1842 . ' * William A xVng. , 1845 - William E Feb., 1862. William O. . .'. .Oct., 1842. ]\Ic Andrews John May, 1849 • ]\IcCowen Henry ..Apiil, 1847. McLaran John Dec, 1856 . McPartlin Pat Oct., 1859. Mellor Godfrey K. Jan., 1862. Metcalf Edward Sept., 1855. " Homer " " . Miller Philips June, 18.59. Mitchell Augustus — June, 1856. Molten Henry May, 1844 . " James C "' " . Moore Albert W Sept., 18.55- " John ....Oct., 1842. Mo wry Henry C Sept., 1855. " Jackson P Oct., 1842. " John " " . " Lyman April, 1813. Mark A " " . Slater May, 1846. Murphy Pat June, 18.59. Neweli Dexter April, 1863. Nickerson William — Aug., 1847. Parks H. S Jan., 1862 . Paine Dani el X May, 1855 . " S. W Oct., 1842. " Thos. D May, 1844. Palmer George Sept., 1847- Parmenter H Sejit., 1856. Passmore John Oct., 1842. WMI " " . hip. In U. S. V. Service. . .Major, 4th Infantry. ..Lieut.-Col., 40th :N". Y. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 110 Date of Membcrsliip. In U. S. V. Service. Paul S. S Oct., 1842. . . . Pearce James L May, 1845 — Pearse Jos. X May, 1844. . . . Peck I^oah L Oct., 1842 .... " Walter B April, 1861 .... Peckham Nicholas April, 1843 — Perkins Charles E April, 1801 Pierce Chas. L. D Ai)ril, 18(33 — " Edwin A April, 1801 — Lieut., 4th Infantry. " H. H July, 1857.... ' ' James L May, 1849 ... . Place Charles T Jan. , 1862 .... Pollock Charles C . . - ..April, 1861. . . . Porter James K Aug., 1845 Potter Asahel S April, 1861 .... Pratt Chas. II Mav, 1846. . . . Prentice Daniel A Sept., 1845. . . . Preston James ^lay, 1844 — Quimby S April, 1843. ... Panel S. S May, 1846. . . . Eead Allen W Sejit., 1844. . . . Keddy Patrick July, 1858 .... , , Head Charles K May, 1860. . . . Bobbins W. B Oct., 1842 .... Robinson Albert fl — Feb., 1862 — James Oct., 1842.... Rockwood John B Aug., 1856 Rome James C May, 1844 Russell Edward A April, 1801. . . .Capt., 2d Infantry. Saddler Jos. D June, 1845 .... Sayles Henry C Jan., 1862 Scott Charles W May, 1847. . . . " George O Juiie, 1844 — " Horace A Feb., 1862.... Shaw C. C Aug., 1845 .... " Alfred April, 1845 .... Shortridge John E ]M:iy, 18.57 Simpson Peter Ai)ril, 1840 — Capt., 1st Infantry. Small Robert W April, 1801. . . -Lieut., 2d Smith Reuel P Mav, 1844. . . . S. James Xov., 18.58. . . . Capt., 2d Infantry. " W, IL S Soi)t., 1855.... SnowIL B A])ril, 1801 Spooner Nelson May, 1860 Sprague E. II Oct., 1842. . . . Thomas Ian., 1862 Steere Edward F fan., 18.56 — " Thomas Mav, I860. . - .Lieut., 1st Infantry. Stiles Janu's F Jaii., 18.56. ... Stockwell E. M Ai)ril, 18.50 Stone Charles II Oct., 1842. . . . Street James B Sept., 1858. . . . Streeter V. R May, 1844. . . . Sweet James A Aiiiil, ist)2 — Sweetser George April, 1845 — 120 HISTORY OF WOOjSTSOCKET. 1842. 1844. 1862. 1842. 1856. 18.5.5. 1844. 1859. 1842. Date of Mcmbcvsliii Talman Jolin B Maj', 1846 . . Taft George Oct., Thayer Alien May, " (leorge W Jan., II Oct., James W Feb., Tliurl )er Edwaixl Oct. , Tourtellot L. C May, N^arnev A. J " Vaslet" N. A May, Verry Geor£!:e F Oct., " Nathan T " VoseSethll " Wales Charles M Aug., M., jr Sept., " Sylvester Oct., " Willis H Mar., Walker George H June, Washlnirne George — June, 1844. . Waterhouse George W . Sept., 18.56 . . JohnR July, 1859.. Waterman E. B April, 1861 . . Stephen S.. Oct., 1842.. Watson C. L Sept., 1855. . Wheelock Anson A . . . • May, 18.54 . . E. W Oct., 1858.. Jos. H Jan., 1862.. Peter April, 1843 . . Whipple Enoch Oct . , 1842 . . Wight George A May, 1844. . Wilbur George A Sept., 1855. . Wilcox D. C Jan., 1762. . Wilkins George W Aug. , 1846 . . Williams H. P Wordwarth M Aug., 1844. . Ill U. S. V. Service. 18.56.. 18.55.. 18.57.. 1862.. 18.56.. Capt., 3rd Infantry. Capt., 2d Infantry. Capt., 0th Infantry, Capt., 7th Infantry, Lieut., 3d Infantry. Part II CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. When the tinkling- of the bell on the Lyman jNIill re- echoed through the valley of the Blackstone, a new order of things had begun. Not particularly that the Lyman Mill was ornamented with a bell, but that most of the factory bells which began to ring about this time, in the vallej^ of the Blackstone, were so similar to it in pitch and tone, that they might easily have been mistaken for echoes of the bell upon the Lyman Mill. Occasional!}^ there were- bells which had a deeper tone, like those which in these later days adorn the factories of heavy corporations. But most of the bells in the days of which I now am writing, seemed to have been moulded by the same hands and pitched in the same key. And so I repeat the sentence with which (his chapter opened, that when the tinkling of the bell on the Lyman Mill re-echoed through the valley of the Blackstone, a new order of things had begun. It tolled the knell of the past and rang a welcome to the fulure — when iron and steel should take the place of muscle and sinew : when the steam- engine should supplant the ox, and the mountain, the forest 16 122 HISTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. and the sea should cease to shut out the productions of the earth ; when the song of the plough-] )oy was to have a plain- tive tone, and the sounds of life and industry upon the farms should grow faint and fainter, till at last npon the hill-sides and the meadows a peaceful stillness shoidd descend. There is no farm-house however isolated, and no hamlet however remote, but whose inmates have been changed in their manner of living and their modes of thought by the advent of the locomotive and the spinning-frame. The changes Mdiich have taken place at Woonsocket since the bell upon the Lyman IMill first rang, it is now my pleasant duty to discuss. What is now Woonsocket Vv^as then a wilderness, and what was then Woonsocket is now, I Avas about to say, a deserted village. Indeed, the village — which then contained the Post Office, the Bank, the Academy, the stores and the taverns — has not only been deprived of every one of these useful institutions, but it is now not even comprised within the limits of the town to which it gave a name. Let us, in imagination, take a trip from what is now jNIonument Square to this village, which fifty years ago was the social, financial and political centre of a large extent of territory, and honored with the title of the " Capital of Smithfield." In the vicinity of what is now Monument Square stood a house which had fallen into ruin. Here, many years before, Moses Arnold, the grandson of John, had committed suicide. It was a suicide which partook of the nature of murder. Failing to destroy his wife, he took the axe, which he had designed for her destruction, and deliberately chopped himself to death. The cellar walls, and a portion of the chimney to the house in which the tragedy occurred, were all that now remained. Amidst the rubbish a tree had taken root. It was a gnarled, deformed and stunted tree, and seemed to bend its quivering branches HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 123 above the step stones in a terribly suggestive manner. It is hardh^ necessary to say tliat this spot could not be passed, even at noon-day, without a shudder. Where the Providence Railroad now is, and where oftinies the music of our Cornet Band floats out upon the evening zephyr, ^-as a deep valley or ravine, gloomy and dark with thick woods. From this point the road continued to Market Square, in level places winding among the pines, or a narrow cart-path scooped out from the sandy hill-side. Along the road-side, and where the mills on Main street now are, was a rude trencli or ditch, Avhich connected with the saAV-mill pond, and from which water was drawn to irrigate the meadoAvs which lay along the bank of the river from the Rubber Works to the Clinton Mills. It may be well to say, in this connection, that on a rocky knoll, which was situated where the Cumberland end of the railroad bridge now is, ^Ir. James Arnold constructed a pump for the purpose of Avatering lands which the ditch did not reach. This knoll was called the " Pump Rocks." A trench also ran along the Smithfield bank of the riA^er, for purposes of irrigation. This Avas built by George Arnold, the half-brother of James. From Market Square there Avere tAvo w\a3-s of reaching the Smithfield shore. One Avas to continue straight through the " Ram Pasture ; " or, in other Avords, along Avhere Ray's Mill, Kendrick's Harness shop, Elliott's Stable and the Rub- ber Works now are to the " Avading-place," Avhich AA^as near Avhere the Ballon Manufacturing Company's new mill noAv is. The other Avas to diverge to the saw-mill, Avliich stood where now stands the toAver of the Ballon Mill, near th,c " Falls," and from thence through the " Forge Lot " to the bridge. The bridges still occupy about their ancient position. The Smithfield bank of the river, near the falls, Avas a steep bluff, thickly studded with hemlock trees, which had taken root in mysterious Avays among the jutting rocks. 124 HISTORY OF WOONSOGKET. Things now Legan to look more civilized. A few steps and the old house of William Arnold, upon one side of the road, and that of his brother Seth, upon the opposite side, are reached. A few rods more, and the homestead of John Arnold is seen. A short way farther, and we have passed the present limits of the town and entered a hnsy hamlet, where sounds of life and industry are heard on every hand. The village remains, but the yards of the taverns are covered with verdure, the crack of the coachman's v.diip and the ring of the blacksmitli's anvil are no longer heard. Tlie village remains, but a peaceful stilhiess has settled down upon it like a shroud. It seems to have had a mission to perform, and to have performed it. Let us turn from this Woonsocket of the past to the Woonsocket of the present, in which everything is unfin- ished, and everybody seems to b.e in haste to add more incompleteness ; where those who tear down and those who build up, seem to be working in unison to the same end ; and where the shadows are fast deepening upon the old order of thing's, and the dawn is growing bright and brighter upon the new. Hitherto I have been speaking chiefly of names and things. My path has been among dusty records and deserted habita- tions. I have now to speak of men, whose memory is still fresh and gi-een in the minds of many, and to describe events v/hich have but recently transpired. My task seems to be an easy one. But it is one thing to gather a huge collection of facts from sources which are within the reach of all; it is quite another thing to arrange these facts, so that they shall be useful and fitting. In entering, therefore, upon the modern history of the town, I crave the indul- gence of the reader. I fully realize tlie responsibility and importance of my work. CHAPTER 11. STARTING THE MILLS. The Woonsocket of the present, like that of the past, owes its existence to its water-power. This is derived from the falls of the Blackstone and its tributaries, Mill and Peters rivers. When the two last-mentioned streams received their names, I have been unable to ascertain. They were thus named Avhen the earliest deeds of Woonsocket estates were drawn. The first use of Woonsocket waters as a motor was upon the Blackstone, and operated a saw-mill, to which reference has been made. The second was upon Peters river — the upper fall supplying power to a grist-mill and the lower to a tri]vhammer. Tiie third was upon Mill river, and turned the first cotton machinery in these regions. There are two other small streams, whose waters were appropriated in former times, but which have since been abandoned. One of these, known in ancient times as the " Little River," and at the present time as Cherry Brook, rises near Woonsocket Hill and empties into the Blackstone near the Air Line Railroad. The other, which is too in- significant to be honored with a name, murmurs through the nu^adows at the Globe, and finally lends its humble assist- ance in turning the spindles in that vicinity. The total fall of the Blackstone, from the brow of the upper dam to the Bern on wheel apron, is about thirty-one feet — giving say 2,000 liorse-powcr ; 14-82 of the river passes into the Bernon poiul, and from thence through the wheels of the Bernon mills. Of tliese fourteen parts, eight 12G HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. parts pass through the wheels of the Globe mills, on the Smithfield side of the river ; and the remaining six parts through the Avheels of the Ballon, Harris No. 1, the Lyman and the grist mills, on the Cumberland side of the river ; 16-32 of the river passes through the wheels of the Lippitt and Harris mills and of the Woonsocket Machine Works, and from thence through the wheels of the Groton and Clinton mills. The remaining 2-32 of the river passes — First, through the Avheels of the Bartlett Mill ; second, through the D. N. Paine, now the Lippitt Privilege ; and third, through the wheels of Pond's Warp Mill. The total fall of Peters river is fifty-two feet, twenty-four feet at the upper fall and twenty-eight feet at the lower fall — giving say 110 horse-poAver. The total fall of Mill river is sixty feet, forty feet being used at the Harris Privilege and twenty at the Social — giving about 450 horse-power. The proprietors of the water privileges at Woonsocket in 1810, were James Arnold, Stephen Wilcox and Joseph Arnold — the first-named representing the power upon the Blackstone, the second upon Peters river, and the third upon Mill river. The success of Samuel Slater in his new enterprise had enkindled high hopes in the minds of men. The time seemed to be at hand Avhen the barren hill-side and the rocky pasture could be utilized, and when the smiles of Fortune should descend through the forbidding skies and upon the sterile fields of New England. Many a thrifty farmer and industrious mechanic embarked his all in mills and machinery, to awaken at last from a golden dream to the stern realities of failure and disappointment. The first to catch the infection at Woonsocket was Joseph Arnold. This man had inlierited from his grandfather, Daniel Arnold, the large extent of territory reaching from the river at Cold Spring Grove to the river again at the HISTORY OF WOONSOGKET. l27 Social. Mr. Arnold did not go into the undertakino- very largely, and liad the caution to associate himself Avith others Avitli whom he might share the losses as well as the profits of the enterprise. October 24, 1810, a meeting was called. The company consisted of the following-named gentlemen : Ariel, Al)ner and Nathan Ballon, Eher Bartlett, Job and Luke Jenckes, Oliver Leland and Joseph Arnold. At this meeting a "covenant of agreement" was signed and by-laws enacted, with the following preamble : " Whereas, a connection hath tliis day hen formed for tlie purpos of manufactrinf? cotton yarn and cloth for our comuion emohmient, to he caled the Social Manufactring Company" etc. The capital stock of this concern was 816,000, divided into sixteen shares. In the beginning, each stockholder was the proprietor of two shares. The original estate of the com- pany consisted of two lots, the whole containing four acres and twenty-five rods, which had been sold to the company by Mr. Arnold. The mill was to contain 2,000 spindles, including carding and repairing machiner3\ This mill was a small wooden structure, and now forms a part of the boarding-house at that place. In ancient times, probably from its size, it was named or nick-named the "Pistareen." In 1814 the stock had changed hands, and the sixteen parts stood as follows : Job .Jenckes 5 parts. Ariel Balkni 2 parts. Luke Jenckes 4 " Altner Ballon -2 Moses Jenckes 1 " .Toseph Arnold 2 " In 1822 the Jenckes proprietors disposed of their rights in the concern and commenced their operations on Peters river, at a place now known as Jenckesville. The first mill at this place was built in 1822, and was the first stone mill erected in Woonsocket. The second was built in 1828. In 1823 the Social stock stood as follows : Smith Arnold, nine parts ; Arnold & Earle, seven parts. 128 HISTORY or "WOONSOCKET. Ill 1827 tlie second wooden mill vvas begun at this place.* This mill is now a tenement house, and known as the '' Castle." March IG, 1839, Arnold & Earle became tenants in com- mon of the estate. November 12, 1841, Dexter Ballouf became the sole pro- prietor, and the following year began the erection of a stone mill. This mill was afterwards improved and enlarged, and as far as money and sk'll could avail, was made perfect in all its appointments. The company, under whom the principal improvements were made not only in the mill but at the village, is officered as follows : Orin A. Ballon, President ; Henry Lijipitt, Treasurer ; Charles Nourse, Superintendent. July 1, 1874, this mill was entirely consumed by fire ; but the company at once began the erection of the elegant and massive structure which now adorns the locality. The mill of the Social Manufacturing Company is noAV the pride of Woonsocket, and no one, in these days, ever thinks of calling it " The Pistareen ! " *The speeders for this mill were made by Joseph Ray, of East Blaekstoue, the father of J. P. & J. G. Ray. The spinning frames and mules were built by Metcalf, at Arnold's mills. Other machinery was made by Messrs. W. & L. A. Cooli, of Woonsocket. jMr. BaUou at first run the Social for the assignees of Arnold & Earle. Wlicn the property was sold in 1841, he, in compauj- with Tyler and Dan A. Daniels, purchased it for $25,000. He afterwards bought of James Aldrich the surrounding lands and meadows. CHAPTER III. JAMES ARNOLD. The proprietor in 1810, at Woonsocket, of the water- power of the Bhickstone and the surrounding estates was a great man — a very great man — being upwards of six feet tall and well proportioned. His name was James Arnold. His title I have followed down in a previous chapter ; but for the benefit of those who begin the reading of this History at its second part, I will repeat what I have given before. The first proprietors were the Indians, the second was Josiah Chapin, the third was Seth Cliapin, the fourth was John Arnold, the fifth was his son (Anthony Arnold), the sixth was Seth Arnold (the brother of Anthony), the seventh was James Arnold (the son of Seth). Seth Arnold at first lived at i\\Q Globe, in a house which stood in the rear of the Globe store, and has recently been demolished to make room for a brick building which has been erected by the Ballou Manufacturing Company. He subsequently removed to the house of his son James, which stood where now stands the Woonsocket Hotel, where he passed the remainder of his days. This house was after- wards removed a few feet up Arnold street, and was last used principally as a rum shop. It has since been removed to its present locality on River street, to make room for the brick block of Grimes Brothers. The well to this house was about in the centre of what is now Arnold street. James Arnold, familiarly known in his day as " Uncle Jim," was a manufacturer — of Indian meal. The cotton 17 180 HISTORY OP WOONSOCKET. mania seems not to have afflicted him to any great degree. He built mills and shops and store-houses, but he was con- tent to allow others to occupy them at a fair rent. Uncle Jim was a cautious niAn — a very cautious man ; in fact, his extreme caution was the chief source of his unhappiness, for he never parted with an inch of his real estate without a pang, and always referred to the transaction as if he had realized the worst of the bargain. His querulous comparisons of the values of land in Woonsocket and in New York city were touching in the extreme. But in his struggle to develop the value of his estate, he suffered the greater part of it to slip . through his fingers. When the great freshet of 1807 washed away his works upon the island, his building operations began. He was now in the forty-fourth year of his age. The first building of James Arnold was erected in 1808. This was a grist mill. The upper story of this building was used by various parties in a small way to card wool. Daniel Paine (not Daniel N.) at one time, and Jesse Carroll at another, were manufacturers therein. This building was destroyed in the great fire of March 25, 1829, and the grist mill now owned by Albert Mowry, Esq. was erected upon its site. The second building of James Arnold was a shop, about 30x38 feet in size. This was built in 1810, and used in sub- sequent times for various purposes. Its principal historic value consists in its having been where Welcome Farnum began his career as woolen manufacturer. This building was afterwards removed a few feet down Main street to make room for Holder's block, and was occupied at the time of its recent demolition by Jacob Hein, as a barber's shop, and by Messrs. J. P. & J. G. Ray, as an office to their mills. The third building of James Arnold was erected about the year 1812. It first occupant was Daniel Wilkinson. This man was from a place formerly known as " Sinking Fund," HISTORY OV WOONSOCKET. 181 and now as Ashton. He is spoken of as having been the first cultivator of cherries in this section. He was a nepliew of the celebrated Jemima Wilkinson. Like nearly all the Wilkinsons, he was a mechanical genius, and differing from many of this race, he Avas a firm and consistent Quaker. He was a manufacturer of card clothing, and occupied the build- ing as a place in which to draw the wire for that purpose. The second occuiDant of the building was Amos Whipple, a machine builder. The third were Rufus & Stephen Thayer, of jNlilford, to whom the building was sold April 5, 1822. They had previously leased the building, and used it as a place in which to finish satinets and woolen goods, manufac- tured by W. & D. D. Farnum and others. The Messrs. Thayer leased a portion of the building to a firm, consisting of Job Greene, his son Samuel and Simon Mowry (a cousin of Spencer). They were manufacturers of woolen goods in a small way. March 25, 1829, tliis building was destroyed by the great fire to which I have alluded. Soon afterwards another building was erected on the site. March 2G, 1881, the property came into the possession of Edward Harris, and was where this remarkable man began his business opera- tions at Woonsocket. The building is now known as " Harris No. 1 Mill." The fourth building of James Arnold was erected about the year 1814. For what purpose it was designed, I am as unconscious as I believe its builder to have been. It seems to have been a development instead of a creation. Here Dexter Ballon began to spin cotton at Woonsocket, and here, long before that of Sharpe & Roberts, a self-operating mule was in successful operation. It was used in spinning Avool. Its inventor was Gilbert Brewster. It was rather a clumsy affair, and was abandoned after being in use but a short time ; but it served to illustrate the genius and the skill of its inventor. October 8, 1821, the building was 132 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. conveyed to Daniel Lyman, and has since been known as the "Lyman Milh" At the time of its conveyance its occn- pants were : Dexter Ballon, in the first and second stories, and Gilbert Brewster and Samnel Shove in the upper stories. August 6, 1864, the Ljanan Mill estate passed into the hands of its present proprietors, Messrs. J. P. & J. G. Ray. Tlie fifth building of James Arnold was that which is now occupied by the Kendrick Loom Harness Company. This was erected about the year 1817, and was first occupied by a party by the name of Sayles, as a thread mill. It was subsequently occupied b}' Thomas Arnold as a machine shop. Since then it has been used for various purposes. In the meantime, " Uncle Jim " had enlarged his real estate by pur- chasing the right of his cousin Elisha in the saw-mill estate, and the rights of Thomas and Moses Aldrich in the " Old Forge." He had also erected several small dwelling-houses, and his new mansion on Arnold street, which is now owned and occupied by the heirs of the late Charles Donahoe. Besides these mills and houses, he leased lands upon which other parties erected buildings. A part of one of these buildings is now standing near the old office of Messrs. George C. Ballon & Son. It is spoken of in the deed as being 18x66 feet in size, and " situated a few rods south- west from the grantor's old mansion-house." It was built by Giles Richards, and used as a silver-plating establishment. During the last war with Great Britain, business was sus- pended therein and never afterwards resumed. But, to go back to James Arnold, the more that " Uncle Jim " possessed, the poorer he grew. His real estate increased in volume, and so also did his interest account. He was, therefore, obliged to part with many of his dearly-loved acres to save himself from bankruptcy. 1. His first sale of real estate was made May 12, 1814, to Samuel G. Arnold and Daniel Lyman. It is spoken of in HISTORY OF AVOONSOCKET. 133 these days as the "Aruold and Lyman purchase." The estate consisted of one-half of the river and twenty-five acres and one hundred and twelve rods of land, and comprised the present mill estates from the Lippitt to the Clinton Mill inclusive. 2. His second sale was made April 25, 1821, to Dan A Daniels. This comprised what is now the Bartlett Mill estate, the new purchase of the Lippitt Woolen Company on the southerly side of Bernon street, the eastern portion of the Harris Woolen Company's estate, the Cumberland property of the Woonsocket Company and the Mason Soap Works estate. 3. His third sale was made October 8, 1821, and was that of the Lyman Mill and estate. 4. His fourth sale was made June 1, 1827, to Thomas Arnold, Thomas A. Paine and Marvel Shove, and was what is now known as the " Globe estate." 5. His fifth sale was made October 20, 1827, to Dan A. Daniels, and was what is now known as the " Bernon estate." To each of the above-mentioned real estate transactions (with the exception of that of the Lyman jMill property, of which I have spoken at length), I shall devote a liberal space at the proper time. CHAPTER IV. THE END OF THE OLD SAW-MILL. When " Uncle Jim" had disposed of tlie estates wliicli have been enumerated, there was but little left of him. But he was still the proprietor of the connecting link which joined the past history of Woonsocket to the present — I re- fer to the ancient saw-mill, with the history of which you are already familiar. The purchase of the Lyman Mill in 1821 had forced its occupants to look about them for other quarters. May 1, 1822, Oliver Ballou and his son Dexter leased the " saw- mill lot " of James Arnold, for the purpose of erecting a mill for the, manufacture of cotton and woolen goods. The dimensions of this lot v^ere stated as 33x70 feet, and the mill to be erected thereon was to cover the ground. An- other of the conditions was, that the " saw-mill be removed to the west side of the river within one year." At the same time, another lot of land was leased by Oliver Ballou & Son, which was said to contain 900 square feet, and upon which a stone was to be placed. The mill wdiicli " covered the ground "was, therefore, 33x70 feet in size. It contained two stories and a stone basement. When first started it was occupied as follows : The basement by Messrs. W. & D. D. Farnum, the first story by Messrs. Oliver Ballou & Son, and the second story by Samuel Shove. April 2, 1827, Oliver Ballou had disposed of his right therein to his two sons, Hosea and Dexter, and the whole mill was used and occupied by the firm of Dexter Ballou HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 186 & Company — Dexter owning three-fourths and liosea one- fourth of the concern. February 6, 1828, Dexter purchased the right of his brother, and the whole stood in liis name. March 25, 1829, this mill took fire. The flames were com- municated to the building, which stood where now stands Harris No. 1 Mill, and to the grist mill of James Arnold, and the three buildings were totally consumed. Mr. Ballou was insured for f 10,000, but his loss largely exceeded his insur- ance. A few days afterwards a subscription was started b}^ the many friends of Mr. Ballou for his relief, and a large sum was raised. Although Dexter Ballou, with his characteristic independence of spirit, declined to accept the gift, a copy of the names of those who subscribed will be of interest to many : Welcome Farnum $250 00 Tliomas A. Paine 50 00 William Coe 25 00 David Morrison 50 00 l\ler Daniels 20 00 Van B. Streeter 15 00 Hiram Allen 10 00 William Jenckes 10 00 Darius D. Buff um 10 00 Thomas Arnold 100 00 Darius Faruuiii 250 00 Waldo n^arle 250 00 Hiram Ballou 25 00 Cephas Holbrook 25 00 A. S. Streeter 10 00 ISTelson Taf t 25 00 W. S. Eaiidolph 10 00 Henry Williams 10 00 Scanimell Aldrieh 10 00 William J3aleom 10 00 Alden Coe 2 00 John B. Madison (to he done in carpenter work) 5 00 Farnum Harris 5 00 Arnold Reynolds Isaac Elshree Simon Aldrieh Samuel Mowry Arunah Grant Mellatiah Ware Franklin M. Arnold Smith Arnold John Bartlett John ]3urnham D. A. Lyman D. Wilkinson William Earle Eli Pond, jr William Elsbree , Darius Sibley Jauies Follett Edwin Follett Samuel (lifford William 15. Maiiu Joseph Almy, for Alm}^, Brown & Slater Aaron White $2 50 10 00 10 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 250 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 20 00 2 50 5 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 125 00 10 00 The ruins were subsequently roofed over, and occupied first by Arnold and Bacon as a place to finish flat irons, (which were made in a sliop then standing Avhere Pond's Warp Mill now is), and afterwards by George C. Ballou, the 136 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. brother of Dexter. Dexter Ballon continued his business, after the fire, on lands now owned by the Lippitt Woolen Company. The occupant of the "saw-mill lot" was now George C. Ballon. This eminent citizen was born in Cumberland, in February, 1798. Soon after reaching his majority he came to Woon socket, where his father and elder brother were engaged in manufacturing. Here he remained a short time, and pursued his trade of carpenter. His first entrance into the manufacturing fraternity was at VVaterford, where in 1826, in company with his brother Hosea, he made satinet warps. Soon after the destruction of his brother Dexter's mill he returned to Woonsocket, repaired the ruins and spun yarn therein, which he dressed in the second story of a wooden building owned by Hosea, and standing on lands now owned by the Lippitt Woolen Company. This last mentioned building, together with the other wooden build- ings which stood on this estate, was destroyed by what is si3oken of to this day as the "great fire" of April, 1835. But he continued his manufacturing operations on the " saw- mill lot," and prospered to such an extent that he was finally enabled to purchase the property of James Arnold. The sale was consummated August 24, 1839. He now en- larged and extended the works, which continued in success- ful operation until January 23, 1846, when, at half-past eleven o'clock p. m., a fire took place therein, and the mill was a second time consumed. His loss was estimated at $24,000, on which the insurance was but 1 14,000. But not discouraged by the calamity, he at once began the erection of the stone mill which now adorns the locality. At the time of his death he Avas largely interested in the Clinton Manufacturing Company, was president of the American Worsted Company and of the Ballon Manufactur- ing Company, which represented not only the estate of which HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 137 I have been speaking, but also the " Globe " estate on the Smithfield side of the river, and of which I purpose to speak at length. He died Saturday, March 25, 1876, at about eight o'clock A. M. His funeral was solemnized at his late residence, on South Main street, on the afternoon of the following Tues- day. The religious exercises were conducted by Rev. Adin Ballon, of Hopedale, Mass., after which the remains were given into the hands of his brethren of Morning Star Lodge, No. 13, and his companions of Union Royal Arch Chapter, No. 5. The brethren selected by the Lodge as pall-bearers were — Charles S. Landers, Abner Ballon, Smith Ray Mowry and Charles Nourse. The companions selected by the Chap- . ter to this sad office were — Dr. Ariel Ballou, Colonel L. C. Tourtellot, Thomas A. Paine and Aruna B. Armstrong. At the preliminary exercises held in the Lodge-room affecting- tributes were offered to the memory of the deceased by Past Masters Ariel Ballou and L. C. Tourtellot, and W. M. George A. Whipple. Mr. Ballou had been a Mason for more than half a cen- tury. The Morning Star Lodge, of which he was a worthy member and a Past Master, was located at Cumberland Hill at the time of his initiation. This Lodge afterwards con- solidated with the Evening Star Lodge, which was located at the Union Village, and took up its abode at the " Falls." The house and grounds of the deceased at the time of the funeral exercises were crowded with sympathizing friends. The streets were lined with people almost the entire distance between his late residence and Oak Hill Cemetery, where his remains were deposited. It was a touching tribute to the virtues of the deceased. With him passed away one of the pioneers of modern Woonsocket. By his industry, per- severance and frugality, he was enabled to materially assist in the development of a thriving and wealthy village from 18 138 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. what was a wild and sparsely settled region at the time of his coming. The mills which he built are the pride of Northern Rhode Island ; but his many virtues have left a more enduring monument to his memory upon the hearts of all who knew him. By his dress and outward demeanor, he seemed alike indifferent to the smiles or the frowns of Fortune. In prosperity or adversity he was always " Uncle George." Delighting in the patrician tastes of those who owed their all to him and his bounty, he was content and happy to mingle with his humblest laborers as one of them. He passed away, len,ving a host of friends and not a single enemy behind him. CHAPTER V. THE ARNOLD AND LYMAN PURCHASE. You will remember that Richard Arnold gave to his two sons, Richard and John, his Woonsocket property, and to his son Thomas his lands in the valley of the Moshassuck. It is a curious coincidence that one of the parties to whom James Arnold (May 12, 1814) conveyed the large extent of territory reaching from Market Square to the Social, and which is now the most valuable portion of the town, was a descendant of this Thomas Arnold, the third son of the first settler of these regions. Again, it is a fact worthy of note that one of the Arnold & Lyman firm was the father of a man who Avas afterwards Lieutenant-Governor of the State (Hon. Samuel G.Arnold), and the other was father-in-law of Lemuel Hastings Arnold, a Governor of the State. But I am digressing from what I HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 139 set out to do, namely — to give the subdivisions of tliis extensive tract of land, and trace the titles thereof to their i:)resent holders. The price which James Arnold received for the land and water rights was $20,000. This at the time was thought exorbitant. But Arnold afterwards tried to get the property into his own hands again, and made some legal attempts to that end, but in vain. During their life-time the original purchasers did nothing to develop the value of their estate. After their decease, the Court, in 1827, apportioned the property among the heirs in the following manner. It was first divided into twent}^ lots. The heirs of Samuel G. Arnold were given Lots 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19. The heirs of Daniel Lyman were given Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. Lot No. 1. — This lot is now entirely covered by the works of the Lippitt Woolen Company. I will try and describe this lot as it was when Dexter Ballon, after having been burned out at the " saw-mill lot," commenced his operations thereon in the brick mill which had been erected by his brother Hosea. But before doing so, the reader must allow me to avail myself of the present opportunity to give a hasty sketch of the man who really deserves the honorable title of " Pioneer of Cotton-spinning at Woonsocket." A little had been done at the Social ("the Pistareen"), it is true, before his coming. But it was a very little, and the Social at that time could hardly be said to be in Woonsocket. Dexter Ballon came to this place in the autumn of 1817. Previous to this time, he and his father had begun their manufacturing operations near a place known in the last generation as " Sinking Fund," and in the present as Ash- ton. The machinery, consisting of five cards — which were made by Dexter in person — and three spinning frames of eighty-four spindles each, were removed from that place 140 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. to their new quarters in the " Lyman Mill." (I use the term " Lyman Mill " for convenience. Of course, it was not known as such until Lyman became its proprietor.) Subsequently they purchased a mule of one hundred and eighty spindles, which was operated by Lapham Jeffyrs, and in a short time another mule, which was run by Joseph Carroll. Up to 1820 the cotton-picking for this firm, and also for other mills in this section, was done by a man by the name of Everet, who operated a machine in the basement of the Lyman Mill. In this year the Messrs. Ballon purchased their first picker. During the same year some looms were procured. Patty Ballon, afterwards the first wife of Lapham Jeffyrs, operated two of the looms, for which she received $3 per week. About the same time a dresser was pur- chased. The operator of this machine was a man by the name of Southwick. William Jenckes overseed the carding at five shillings per da}^, and William Coe kept the factory store and books at the same price. When Daniel Lyman purchased the mill of James Arnold, he bought also the cotton machinery of the Messrs. Ballon. Their operations upon the " saw-mill lot" I have given in a preceding chap- ter. Like his brother George, Dexter Ballon was entirely free from ostentation. With his sleeves rolled up, and his working suit on, he devoted his time and attention to his chosen calling. " Every shaft, pulley and machine in the mill were set under my personal direction," was his sad re- mark as he surveyed the ruins of his works on the " saw- mill lot." Not only did this prudent man look after his mills and machinery, bat he watched over the welfare of his help with parental solicitude. The butcher, the baker and the candlestick-maker had a hard road to travel who took advantage of the help of Dexter Ballon ! If in the history of American cotton-spinning there had been more Dexter Ballous, there would have been fewer panics to record. But HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 141 even Dexter Ballon had his failings — he was an inveterate smoker ! In the year 1829 he resnmed manufacturing in the brick mill, which then stood on Lot No. 1. This mill was the lirst improvement which was made on the lot, and stood on land leased of the Arnold heirs. A short time after the erection of his brick mill, Hosea Ballou built a wooden building, a little southerly thereto, for a store-house. This building contained two stories and an attic, and was where George C. Ballou dressed the yarn spun at his mill on the " saw-mill lot." In the Fall of 1825, Willis and Lyman A. Cook leased another portion of the lot, and erected thereon a wooden building for a machine shop. The brick mill and the two Avooden buildings stood end to the street. Just south of the lot which I am attempting to describe, on land owned by Dan A. Daniels, and where the Woonsocket Falls Bank once stood, was another wooden building. Such was the condition of things on Lot No. 1 while Dexter Ballou was running the brick mill, until April, 1835, when the three above-named wooden buildings were totally consumed by fire. In the Summer of 1836 Dexter Ballou erected a stone mill on the site of Cook's machine shop, placing its side to the street, and a few years after extended this stone mill, connecting it with the brick mill before- mentioned. The whole was known until 1865 as the " Har- rison Mill," when it was changed into a woolen mill, and took the name of the Lippitt Woolen Mill. The officers of this establishment are — Henry Lippitt, President ; Charles II. Merriman, Treasurer ; Jonathan Andrews, Superintend- ent. On the ruins of the store of Dan A. Daniels a brick building was erected. In the lower story thereof the Post Office was located, and a grocery store was kept. In the upper story were law offices and the rooms of the Woon- 142 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. socket Falls Bank. Before taking up its quarters in the building last-mentioned, the Bank was located in a little building now standing near the Cumberland Mill of the Ballou Manufacturing Company. The- lower story or base- ment was used as a grocery store. The banking rooms afterwards became the counting-room of G. C. Ballou & Son, and the basement was used for a waste-house. The Bank Avas started in 1828. Its first President was Dexter Ballou, who held the office until his death, which occurred Tuesday, July 17, 1819. To return to the brick building, which stood south of Lot No. 1. This was torn down in 1870, to make room for the extension of the LijDpitt Woolen Mill. Lot No. 2. — Upon this lot stands the cotton mill of the Harris Woolen Company. This lot, with Lots Nos. 3 and 6, was purchased May 31, 1827, of the Lyman heirs by Samuel B. Harris, the uncle of Edward. Upon the failure of Mr. Harris in 1829, his assignee sold Lots 2 and 3 to Alexander Ballou, and Lot No. 6 to W. & D. D. Farnum. The Messrs. Farnum afterwards became proprietors of the three lots, and July 21, 1835, sold them to Seagrave & Harris. June 18, 1836, this firm leased Lot No. 2 to Hosea Ballou, upon which he erected the cotton mill now standing thereon. I must be allowed to pause at this point, and briefly re- capitulate the business career of Hosea Ballou at this place. In 1826 he was connected with his brother George at Water- ford. April 2, 1827, he came to Woonsocket, and purchased a quarter right in the works on the "saw-mill lot." Febru- ary 6, 1828, he disposed of his right in the " saw-mill lot," and about this time* erected his brick mill on Lot No. 1. After his failure in 1829, the brick mill passed into the pos- session of his brother Dexter, and Hosea continued to manu- facture in the wooden mill then standing south of the brick mill, until its destruction by the great fire of April, 1835. *The brick mill was erected in 1827. HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKfeT. 143 The following year, as before-mentioned, he leased Lot No. 2 of Seagrave & Harris, and built the cotton mill which now stands thereon. June 14, 1846, he sold the mill to Edward Harris, who was the owjier of the land upon which it stood, and retired from the village. Lot Wo. 3. — Upon this lot stand the woolen mills of the Harris Woolen Company, which are situated on the easterly side of Main street. These are two in number, and named " Mill No. 2," built in 1840, and " Mill No. 4," built in 1846. The mill on the opposite side of the street, and named " Mill No. 3," was built in 1844, and originally stood on leased land. In these mills Mr. Harris earned his world-wide reputation as an American manufacturer. His large mill on Mill river, at the north end of the village, was completed and started in 1865. All these mills are now the property of the Harris Woolen Company, the officers of which are as follows : Oscar J. Rathbun, President ; Darius D. Farnum, Treasurer; Joseph E. Cole, Agent. Moses J. Chandler is Superintendent of the cotton mill. H. J. Kennedy is Super- intendent of the woolen mills on Main street. Newell A. Boutell is Superintendent of the woolen mill on Mill river. Lots JVos. 4 and 5. — On these lots stand the works of the Woonsocket Machine Company. This establishment until recently was known as the Woonsocket Furnace Company. I am now permitted to speak of two men who have done much to promote the interests of Woonsocket — I refer to Willis and his brother Lyman A. Cook. These gentlemen, now far advanced in life, and with a snug competency, are good types of the self-made men of New England. Fifty years ago, after learning their trade as machinists with Pale- mon Walcott at Valley Falls, tliey came to Woonsocket, and M'oiked at the bench for Mr. Thomas Arnold, who was then engaged in machine building in an establishment since known as the " Daniel N. Paine Mill," of which 1 shall speak in the 144 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. next chapter. In 1828 tliey leased land on Lot No. 1, previously described, and began business for themselves. In this enterprise they were associated with the late "Willing Vose. After the destruction of their building by the great fire of 1835, they rebuilt on Lots 4 and 5, at first leased and afterwards purchased of the Arnold heirs. Soon after- wards Mr. Vose, feeling that manufacturing was overdone, retired and went into agricultural pursuits at the Globe, where he passed the remainder of his days. But the Cook brothers were undismayed by the serious outlook of 1837, and continued to look after their increasing business and their bills payable. They made extensions to their works from time to time, until at last the fame of the Woonsocket Furnace Company went out beyond the limits of the town. Willis is not engaged at present in active business, but his brother Lyman A., although threescore years and ten the 15th of last December — with an erect form, a springing step and hardly a grey hair — continues in the exciting and turbu- lent arena of business with all the vigor and life of middle age. The works of the Woonsocket Furnace Company were purchased in January, 1868, by S. S. Cook, and the name was changed October 1, 1873, to the Woonsocket Machine Company. The President thereof is now Stephen N. Mason. Both of these gentlemen will be noticed farther on. Lot No. 6. — On this lot stands the Harris Institute block. Lot No. 7. — This lot is now owned and occupied by S. S. Foss, and upon it stands The Patriot building. This may seem to be a peculiar place to give the history of a literary institution. But this history is a peculiar one, and the in- stitution of which I am about to speak, is one of which the citizens of Woonsocket are justly proud — I refer to The Woonsocket Patriot. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 145 During the existence of The Patriot there have been many literary enterprises which have lived in our midst. I will briefly allude to them. In 1835 the Rhode Island Advocate had a brief existence of nine months. This was published by Hapgood & Wilder. The latter gentleman was one of the original proprietors of The Patriot. In 1837 a "monthl}"" was started here. It was called the Rainbow. It was published by I. Robinson and edited by N. Robinson. It lived one 3'ear. During "Dorr times" the Independ- ent., a " free suffrage " paper, was removed from Providence to this place, and printed in the " Union building." It was published by Walter Sherman, and lived but a few months. In 1842 the Rhode Ishmd SeiitineU a Thomsonian paper, was published here by Mason & Vose. The Mr. Vose is our respected townsman, A. D. Vose. This existed two years. In 1850 the Neivs- Letter., published by Erastus Fisher, began and ended. In 18G4 the Farm and Fireside., edited and published by S. S. & G. W. Foss, was published one year — unappreciated by our agriculturists. In 1873 the Woon- socket Daily Reporter began, under the leadership of L. B. Pease. It still lives. The Patriot was born in 1833, in a building which is now a part of Fletcher's block. Its parents were Sherman & Wilder. The latter was the practical printer of the firm. Wilder soon afterwards retired, and commenced the publica- tion of the Rhode Inland Advocate, which has been previously alluded to. The editor and proprietor of The Patriot was now iMr. William N. Sherman. In the Spring of 1837 Mr. S, S. Foss began his apprentice- ship with Mr. Sherman. After serving his tliree years he l)ecame associate editor of the paper. In 1841 he was its sole proprietor. In 1855 the office was removed from Fletcher's (then Rathbun's) block to Waterman's block. In tlie Spring of 19 146 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKiiT. 1805 Mr. Foss purchased the biiikUng. If we may judge by its very large circuhitioii, Tlie Woonsocket Patriot is now the best weekly paper published in New England. The Daily Patriot was started in the Spring of the present year (1876). It at once sprang into a prosperous existence, and is now a necessity to every Woonsocket citizen. As an important adjunct to this journal Mr. Foss constructed, at his own expense, an independent Telegraph line between Woonsocket and Providence. Waterman's block, -now called the "Patriot Building," was erected in 1846. Lots Nos. 8 and 9, on the easterly side of Main street, and Lot No. 13, on the o]3posite side of the street, are now occupied chiefly by the works of the Groton Manufacturing Company. The estate thus descends to its present owners. August 1, 1831, John W. Buffuni leased the land of the Arnold heirs. On this a mill was erected. Afterwards another mill was built. These mills have been honored with many names — at first as " Buffum's Mill," afterwards as "Law's mill" (from George Law, Avho was the manager and superintendent for many years. Mr. Law was a very estimable man. At the time of his death he was the Presi- dent of the Woonsocket Savings Institution). The works are now known as the Groton Manufacturing Company. August 20, 1835, the estate passed from Buffum to Peter J. Cook and Samuel Shove. From them it passed to A. D. &, J. Y. Smith. James Y. Smith retired a few years since from the concern. The Superintendent at the present time is George H. Grant. Lots Nos. 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16. — Upon these lots now stand the Clinton Mills, a portion of the Bailey Washing and Wringing Machine Company estate, and house-lots owned by various parties in the vicinity. The Clinton thus descends : INIarch 31, 1827, the Lyman heirs sold the lots above- HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 147 iiu'iilioiicd to Benjamin and Tlionias C. Hop])iii. Novenil)er ], 1830, the Messrs. Hoppin conveyed to Edward Carrinj^ton. During the year 1882 Jolm H. Chirk became a partner of Carrington, and in 1845 he was sole proprietor. April .8 of this year Clark conveyed to George C. Ballon, Orin A. ]]al- lou, Samuel P. Rhodes and Peleg A. Rhodes. The Manager of the mills is now Edwin R. Thomas. I will now give a brief account of the Bade}' Washing and Wringing jNIachine Company. In the Autumn of 1863 Mr. S. S. Cook, a young man full of life and hope, began looking about him for a fortune. He had seen in the store of JMr. William H. Jenckes a new machine — one that no family can do without. It was a clothes-wringer. He sought and found the inventor thereof at Wrentham, Mass. It was Seldon A. Bailey, at that time a poor man, and manufactur- ing the machines in a small way. The result of the inter- view was the starting of the enterprise in the following Spring at Woonsocket. The business was begun in a wooden building then standing upon the "island." In the Summer of 1865 a company was organized, and soon afterAvards jNIr. John Paine Whipple was chosen Treasurer of the concern. The many virtues of tliis gentleman (who Avas cut off in tlie full blossom of life and of prosperity), his unblemished honor and business integrity, endeared him to all with whom he came in contact. Under his management the business in- creased, and the company Avere forced to look about them for more commodious quarters. In the Autumn of 1865 they purchased a building knoAvn as the Metcalf Machine Shop, and the folloA;ving Spring removed to their new (quarters, in Avhich the Avorks are noAv located. This Machine shop Avas built in tlie year 1846 by AVhipple and William J\letcall'. Previous to this time the Messrs. Metcalf had built machinery in a part of the Globe Mills, and afteiAvards in the basement of the Harrison (noAv 148 niSTOllY OF WOONSOCKET. tlie Lipj)itt) Mill. In their new shop they did not prosper as they did in their former places of business, and August 25, 1856, they were forced to sell their property. The pur- chasers were Messrs. W. & L. A, Cook, who sold the estab- lishment to the Bailey Washing and Wringing Machine Company, as before-mentioned. The President of the last- mentioned concern at this time was Lyman A. Cook. But the restlessness of Mr. S. S. Cook could not be con- fined to one thing. The rubber rolls for the wringers, at first made by an outside party, were unsatisfactory, and he at once started the project of manufacturing rubber at Woon- socket. The Rubber Works were started in the Autumn of 1864. Both the Wringing Machine Company and the Rubber Works have added much to the growth and prosperity of our village. To the energy of Mr. Simeon S. Cook their origin is largely due. Mr. Cook afterwards disposed of his interests in these two enterprises ; and in January, 1868, purchased the Woonsocket Furnace Company's works on Lots 4 and 5, of Messrs. W. & L. A. Cook. In the manage- ment of this concern he exhibited the same untiring energy. The works were enlarged and the business placed at once on a firm and prosperous basis. Meeting with reverses else- where, his efforts are paralj'zed for the time being. That he may eventually come out of his difficulties, is the earnest wish of every friend of Woonsocket enterprise. But if the birth of the Baile}'' Washing and Wringing Machine Company and the Rubber Company is due to the enterprise of Mr. S. S. Cook, their subsequent growth and prosperity have been almost entirely owing to the energy, the perseverance and the capital of Mr. Lyman A. Cook. I have wandered somewhat from the "Arnold and Lyman pur- chase " in my description thereof, but as I have done so in the interest of the reader, I trust that I shall be excused. I have now to dispose of HISTOIIY OF WOONSOCKET. l40 Lots Nos. 17, 18, 19 and 20.— I will simpl}^ tell where they are : If the reader will start on Main street at a point op2'Osite the Lippitt ]\Iill and walk to High street, go np High street forty rods and eighteen links, and from this point take a bee line (if he can) to his point of departure, he will u'o around the lots mentioned. CHAPTER VI. THE FIRST PURCHASE OF DAN A. DANIELS. You will remember that April 25, 1821, James Arnold sold to Dan A. Daniels a large tract of land. This was on the Cumberland side of the river, and on it are now the fol- lowing estates : I. The Bartlett Mill and estate. II. The new purchase of the Lippitt Woolen Company on the southerly side of Bernon street, and the eastern portion of the Harris Woolen Company's estate. III. The Mason Soap Works estate. IV. The Cumberland portion of the Woonsocket Com- pany's estate. When Mr. Daniels purchased this property there were two Imildings thereon. One of these stood where Holder's block was afterwards erected ; the other is now occupied by the Kendrick Loom Harness Company. The former is what I have denominated in Chapter HI. as the second building of James Arnold, and was erected in 1810 ; the latter is what was called the sixth building of James Arnold, and was erected in 1817. Mr. Daniels was a protege of James Arnold. He was the son of Mr. Arnold's first wife's sister, and the 150 HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. Imsband of Eliza Arnold, the daughter of James Arnold's sister. After purchasing the property of liis nncle James, he continued his business as merchant on the premises. His store has heen previously described, and stood where the Woonsocket Falls Bank building was afterwards erected. The first improvement on the estate was made by Thomas Arnold. This man was a machine builder, and occupied at first the Kendrick Loom Harness building. About the year 1823 he leased a lot of Mr. Daniels, and built wdiat was afterwards known as the " Daniel N. Paine Mill," where he continued his business for many years. About the year 1826 a man by the name of Edmund Bacon built an iron foundry, near where Pond's Warp Mill is now located, on lands leased of Mr. Daniels. His partners for a short time were Thomas A. Paine and Marvel Shove. In 1827 these last-named gentlemen sold out their rights in the concern to Rufus Arnold. The firm was now known as Bacon & Arnold. They made a specialty of flat irons, which they finished in the basement of the " Ballon Mill," on the " saw-mill lot." For a short time James Bacon, the brother of Edmund, manufactured cotton-j^arn in the last-mentioned building. Upon the failure of Bacon & Arnold, the iron foundry became the property of W. & L. A. Cook and Will- ing Vose, and was removed to Lots 4 and 5, previously described. In the year 1827 Mr. Daniels built a stone mill on the estate which is now known as the " Bartlett Mill." In the year 1829 Mr. Daniels, in common with nearly every other Rhode Island cotton-spinner, went under. He made an assignment of his property to Joseph Rockwood, of Belling- ham. In the meantime he had sold to Edward Carrington a portion of the estate which we are now discussing, through which flowed the surging billows of the Blackstone Canal. He had also purchased of his uncle James what is now MISTORY OF -WOONSOCKET. • 15l known as the Bernon estute, on the Smithfield .side of the river, and of which I shall speak at length further on. March 30, 1831, the Cumberland and the Smithfield estates of Dan A. Daniels became the property of Sullivan Dorr and Crawford Allen. I will now endeavor to give the subdivisions of the Cum- berland portion of this estate in the order laid- out at the beginning of this chapter. I. The Bartlett Mill and Estate. The reader will })lease remember that the whole is now (1831) in the possession of Messrs. Dorr & Allen. 1. July 22, 1831, Dorr & Allen conveyed to Lemuel Ma3^ 2. Julv 3, 1840, May conveyed to John Bartlett. 3. September 8, 185G, Bartlett conveyed to Nathan A. Capron. 4. August 19, 18G2, Capron conveyed to James P. Ray and Stephen Clarke. 5. October 2, 1863, Clarke conveyed his right therein to Susan K.,the wife of James P. Ray aforesaid. The pro})erty is now owned by James P. Ray and wife. Please don't let me confuse you, gentle reader. The property at present owned by James P. Ray and wife is not the whole of the subdivision of which I began to speak. When Lemuel May became its proprietor in 1831, a long, narrow building was situated thereon. It was then a store- house or a depot for the canal. 1. June 21, 1834, May reconveyed the building and the ground upon which it stood to Dorr & Allen. 2. April 14, 1840, Dorr & Allen conveyed to W. & W. Metcalf. 3. The Messrs. Metcalf conveyed to Tyler Daniels. 4. Daniels conveyed to Anthony S. Fletcher. ;*). Fletcher conveyed to the father of Charles IL Steb- l>his, who was its last occupant, and who used it as a bowling alley, rum shop, etc. 152 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 6. Stebbins conveyed to the Lippitt Woolen Company, who removed the building to make room for their new brick building which now adorns the spot. The building was cut in two. A portion is now a dwelling-house in Armory street. Another portion is now situated on Allen street. II. The next division of the estate is now the new pur- chase of the Lippitt Woolen Company on the southerly side of Bernon street and the eastern portion of the Harris Woolen (Company's estate. Its descent is as follows : 1. February 4, 1832, Dorr & Allen conveyed to Darius Sibley. March 7, 1836, Sibley, in company with D. N. Paine and Osmond Hathaway, enlarged the building which stood on the ground, extending it over the "gangway" which was in the rear thereof, and went into manufacturing. This en- terprise was not successful. 2. June 19, 1841, it became the property of Spencer Mowry. 3 Mowry conveyed to W. & W. IMetcalf. 4. The Messrs. Metcalf conveyed to Aaron Rathbun. 5. May 26, 1847, Rathbun conveyed to Edward Harris. 6. September 21, 1835, the road to Bernon, now known as Bernon street, was laid out. Previous to this time the road to that part of the world was the " gangway " in the rear of the D. N. Paine Mill. The portion of this sub- division, which is upon the northerly side of the street, and upon which at one time stood a blacksmith's shop and other out-buildings, is still in the hands of the Harris Woolen Company. The portion upon the southerly side of the street was con- veyed May 23, 1872, by the Harris Woolen Company to the Lippitt Woolen Company. The old D. N. Paine Mill which stood thereon has been removed to Armory street, and a massive brick structure now occupies its site. III. The 3Iason Soaj) WorJcs Estate. I am now permitted HISTORY OP WOONSOCKET. 153 to speak of a citizen whom every Woonsockct citizen delights to honor — I refer to the Hon. Stephen N. Mason. This gentleman came to Woonsocket in the Autumn of 1837, with about twenty-five dollars in his pocket. The following Spring his brother William came to the village, and thus originated the firm of W. & S.N. Mason. The two brothers continued in business until March, 1843, when William re- tired, and Stephen continued the business as sole proprietor. Both William and Stephen were ardent "free suffrage" men during the exciting times of the Dorr War. In Decem- ber, 1841, the destruction of their works by fire prevented Stephen from fulfilling an engagement to speak at Valley Falls in company with the late Colonel Welcome B. Sayles. Colonel Sayles afterwards referred to the fire as a lucky event for his friend. The works were soon rebuilt, and have been in successful operation until now. Mr. Mason removed from our village to Providence during the present Summer. In his departure Woonsocket has met with a serious loss. He has represented this section in the Senate and served with honor in other public capacities. In 1861 he was candidate for Lieutenant-Governor of the State. As an upright, honorable and Christian citizen he had but few equals and no superiors in this section. The estate is now owned by JNIessrs. G. F. Davis & Com- pany. IV. The Cumberland portion of the estate of the Woon- socket Company is now leased and occupied by various parties. The largest establishment thereon is the Pond Warp Manufacturing Company. Its lessee is the Hon. Daniel B. Pond. This gentleman has often been chosen to represent the town in the General Assembly, and has held other re- sponsible public positions. He is justly held in high esteem by his fellow-townsmen. Mr. Samuel Hodgson now occu- pies a portion of the works in the manufacture of woolen goods. 20 CHAPTER VII. THE "GLOBE," THE " BERNOX " AND THE "ISLAND." The Globe. — The reader lias not forgotten that June 1, 1827, James Arnold sold a large estate to Thomas Arnold, Thomas A. Paine and Marvel Shove. These gentlemen were the original ^proprietors of the Globe Manufacturing- Company. The company soon afterwards erected the first cotton mill in that vicinity. During the misfortunes of 1829 the company failed, and the property passed into the hands of Samuel Shove. 2. In 1834 it became the property of Thomas Sprague & Sons. 3. Subsequently Edward H. Sprague — one of the sons — at different times bought out his partners, and in 1816 be- came sole owner. 4. In 1854 Edward H. Sprague deeded the estate to B. R. Vaughan and George C. Ballon. 5. In 1864 George C. Ballon became sole owner of the property. Until quite recently it formed a part of the assets of the Ballon Manufacturing Company. The new stone mill of this concern, which stands on this estate, was completed in 1873. August 4 of this year (1873) Mr. George C. Ballon, in per- son, fed the first cotton upon the moving apron of the lapper in this mill. Soon after the death of Mr. Ballon, the extreme depression in business forced his heirs to make an assignment of their lar^-e estate. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 155 October 25, 1876, the Globe estate — comprising the okl mill, which contained 8,570 spindles, and the magnificent new mill, containing 35,392 spindles — was sold at auction. It was purchased by the Social ]\Ianufacturing Company for 1363,000. By this sale the creditors of the estate did no!: realize as much as they reasonably anticipated ; but the citizens of AVoonsocket may well congratulate themselves that the pi'op- erty has passed into the hands of a corporation which has done so much to promote their welfare and prosperity. The moving spirit of not only the Social Manufacturing Company, but also of the Lippitt Woolen Company, is Henry Lippitt, the present Governor of Rhode Island. It is well to say, in this connection, that the assignees of the Ballou property — consisting of Charles H. Merriman (a member of the firm of H. Lippitt & Company), Addison Q. Fisher and Josiah Lasell, who were the largest creditors of the firm previous to the auction sale — sold to the heirs of George C. Ballou the mill standing on the "old saw-mill lot" and the surrounding estate, where this estimable gentle- man, in a life-time of honesty and frugality, accumulated his large fortune and won the love and respect of his fellow- citizens. Bernon. — Bernon did not receive its name until after it became the proj)erty of Dorr & Allen. Before that time it was known by the name, or the nick-name, of " Danville." The estate upon which the mills are located was purchased of James Arnold by Dan A. Daniels, October 20, 1827. Mr. Daniels was connected in business at this place with a man by the name of Jonathan Russell, of wdiom I shall speak in a subsequent chapter. The name of the firm was the Russell Manufacturing Company. The first mill was built in 1827. The name of the Corporation is now the Woonsocket Com- pan3\ This was incorporated at the January'- session of 1832, 156 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. That ideas of order, neatness and home could exist among those whom circumstances had pLaced in the lower strata of society, had escaped the notice of many of the American manufacturers. But Dorr & Allen conceived the notion that the help were quite different from the machinery which they operated; and seconded by Samuel Greene, who for many years was their agent and manager at this place, they in- augurated a new order of things, and created not only mills but a village. Broad avenues were laid out, trees planted beside them, and tenement houses were erected with a view to order, beauty and convenience. Having created a village, the next thing was to give it a name — one that should not only be euphoneous, but that should repre- sent an idea as well. The name which they selected was " Bernon " — from Gabriel Bernon, a man not only celebrated in history as a victim of the sanguinary religious persecu- tions of his time, but who was also the ancestor of one of. the members of the firm and of the wife of their manager. (See Harris genealogy in the appendix.) Samuel Greene was agent and superintendent of the concern (in later years assisted by his son Paul) until 1868. In October of this year he passed away, sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends. He was a highly-esteemed member of the Woon- socket Commandery of Knights Templar, and was the first to be buried under its auspices. In 1871, u]3on the retirement and death of the treasurer, Crawford Allen, the Bernon estate came under the manage- ment of Moses B. I. Goddard. Under him the mills have been enlarged and improved, and now contain 15,000 spindles and 337 looms, in the manufacture of 64x64 print goods. The agents are Messrs. A. D. Lockwood & Company. The superintendent is R. G. Cornell. I embrace the present opportunity to speak of a gentleman who is held in high esteem by many of our townsmen. I HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 157 yqXcv to Colonel L. C. Tourtellot. Up to 1849 he acted as master mecliaiiic at the Bernon. At this time the "Colonel" removed to Albion and assumed the siij)erintendency at that place. He remained there until 1857. He is now the man- ager of Ray's mills in this village. Like the original pro- prietors of Bernon, the " Colonel " is a descendant of one of tlie Huguenot refugees. The sterling qualities of Mr. Tour- tellot have endeared him to a large circle of friends. His habits of order have rendered him one of the most efficient military officers as well as skillful mill managers in this sec- tion. His war record is a part of the history of the 3d R. I. Regiment. As a man, a Mason, a Christian and a soldier, he will be long remembered. The Island. — I have now traced down the greater portion of the inheritance of James Arnold into the hands of its })resent occupants and proprietors. At the time of his death there was but little real estate standing in his name. This was situated in the vicinity of the " Falls." A portion of this is what is known in these days as the "island." This was purchased by Edward Harris, July 15, 1843, for the sum of eight hundred dollars. It proved to be one of the most fortunate speculations of this far-seeing man. Among the works which are located thereon, the largest are the Woonsocket Rubber Works — to which I have alluded in a former chapter — and the American Worsted Company. In the year 1866 a young clerk, in the employ of Mr. John Currier, began looking about him for something in which he might have more scope for his energy and talents. The young man was Mr. W. H. S. Smith. He, in connection with Mr. R. G. Randall, entered into the manufacture of worsted braids in a wooden building then standing on the island. During the two years in which the works continued in this building they were eminently successful, and in 1868 Mr. George C. Ballon erected the stone mill in which the 158 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. business is now conducted. The concern was incorporated during this year, and is now known as the American Worsted Company. Mr. Smith was cut off by death while the estab- lishment which owed its existence to his energy and skill, was in the full tide of prosperity. CHAPTER VIII. EDWARD HARRIS. " Somewhere about forty years ago, while standing upon the capstone of a lock of the old Blackstone Canal in Woon- socket, a tall, slim young man came up to me and commenced a conversation upon business, the canal, etc., which inter- ested me ver}' much. There was nothing in his person that would particularly interest a stranger, except his green and boyish appearance. For several days I saw him about the neighborhood, silently and quietly walking about. At last, very much to my surprise, I learned that he had purchased a small mill of eight or ten looms, and intended to manufac- ture satinets." The foregoing is an extract from a communication which was printed some four or five years since in The Woonsoeket Patriot, and is a description of the "first appearance" of Edward Harris upon the stage where he afterwards became so prominent an actor. Edward Harris was born October 3, 1801, at Lime Rock, R. I. The house in Avhich the event occurred is in the vicinity of the Baptist Meeting-house at that place. It is now owned by Mr. Patrick Whalan. During his childhood his parents removed to Dutchess county. New York, and afterwards to Ashtabula county, Ohio. Here the oppor- HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 15 & tunities for acquiring the ease of manner and grace of deportment which so distinguished other members of liis family, were quite limited. But if he lacked the mental training, which is one of the elements of success in life, his physical powers, without which the former too often fails of its end, had an ample iield for development. Had his earl}^ training been different, he might have passed through life quite as successfully and far more easily. Had the sharp edges of his character been a little more polished — had he acquired the art of having his own way by making it to appear that others were having theirs, he might not have been a better man, but his enemies would have liad less to say against him. In the year 1822 he emerged from the backwoods and entered the office of his uncle William at Valley Falls. For the instruction and the amusement of many of my Valley Falls friends who will be subscribers to this history, I will pause at this point, and give a description of that region as it was when Edward Harris first made it his home. Valley Falls at that time was far more picturesque than at present. The advance of civilization has robbed it of its natural beauties. The alders that fringed its glassy pond and the groves that adorned its hills, have been ruthlessly swept away. It has been blackened by a hideous and un- productive coal-mine, cut in pieces by a noisy railroad, and defiled by smoky workshops and inisightly buildings. In some localities I have thought it to bear a striking resem- blance to the face of the earth Avhcn the ark stranded on Mount Ararat. There were two roads that passed through the region. One of these was the ancient Rehoboth road, to which I liave referred. This at first came up from the wading-place on the Abbott Run river, wound among the hills in the vicinity of Blackbird Pond, and so proceeded north. It was 160 HiSTOKY 0]F WOOKSOCKET. afterwards relaicl a few rods to the west, forming, as many of my Valley Falls friends will remember with watery mouths, an avenue, in after times, to " Lovett's " and " Bob Lees." The other road was afterwards a " turnpike," and is now Broad street. These two roads were connected on the Cumberland side of the river by a private way, which came out of the last-mentioned road near where now stands the Baptist Meeting-house, went over the hill where stood the mansion of William Harris, and intersected with the Rehoboth road at " Happy Hollow." On the Smithfield side of the river stood a stone mill. The size of this mill was 40x110 feet. It was owned and run by Abraham & Isaac Wilkinson. Between this mill and the river stood another small stone mill. On the Cumberland side of the river, and on the site of the present stone mill in that localitj^ stood a wooden mill 36x110 feet in size. This was occupied by William Harris in the manufacture of cotton cloth, and by Otis Walcott, a machine builder. On the estate now owned by the Abbott Run Company, at Happy Hollow, was a small wooden mill, which is now standing. This was owned and occupied by Crawford Titus. These mills, a few tenement houses, the homesteads of the Jenckes (the original proprietors of the Smithfield estate) and of John Grant, the former owner of the Cumberland property, completed tlie edifices in the place. In a little one-story building now standing on Broad street, opposite the cottage of Mr. J. W. Tillinghast, the present book-keeper of the Valley Falls Company, lived the book-keeper of William Harris at the time of which I am writing. This house now stands in the centre of a wealthy and cultured neighborhood. On either hand are costly residences, and in front is a beautiful avenue. But then it was in the midst of a dark and lonely wilderness. To this HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 161 house Edward Harris was a frequent visitor, and beiug full of life and good humor, he was a very welcome guest. Tlie book-keeper, who had seen better days, and the young man who was destined to see greater prosperity, became iirra friends. How often have I heard Mr. Harris speak of the old book-keeper in terms of the deepest respect, and how often have I heard the old book-keeper refer to Edward's fondness for the game of whist, wath which the long Winter evenings were whiled away in that lonely spot. Upon Edward's arrival at Vallc}^ Falls, with the snug little capital of tAventy-five cents in his pocket, he became an inmate of the family of Otis Walcott. The wages and the attention which he received from his uncle during his stay at this place were anything but flattering — the one being absorbed by his board and clothes, and the other not being sufficient to excite the jealousy of the humblest laborer on the premises. William Harris managed men and things in the same manner. He inversed the ancient maxim, and made it to read — " Take care of the dollars and the cents will take care of themselves." He could drive a sharp bargain for a supply of cotton, but he w^as blind to the cotton w^aste which fringed the margin of the river. He could appreciate diamonds, after they had been ground and polished, but he had no time or inclination to do the polishing. At last, a something about the young man attracted the notice of Abraham & Isaac Wilkinson, who run the Smith- field mills — whetlier it w^as his ringing laugh, his sharp eye or his willingness to work, is immaterial — and they offered him employment at the magnificent wages of one dollar per day. The future millionaire of Woon socket made immediate preparations to leave the counting-room of his uncle. But his uncle, wdio was quick to appreciate merit after some one else had discovered it, })revaiU'd upon Edward to continue in his employ, and he was sent to the Albion Village. 21 162 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. This was in the Summer of 1824. The Albion mills were then occupied as follows : One-fourth b}^ William Harris, and three-fourths by Samuel B. Harris, Abraluim & Isaac Wilkin- son. Edward worked for his uncle William at this place but a brief season, and within a year began to work for his uncle Samuel, wlio acted as agent of three-fourths of the Albion mills. He at first received but one dollar and thirty-three cents per day for his services, but was soon promoted to the superintendency of the works, which position he retained until the Autumn of 1828. In the month of November, 1828, he assumed the agency of the Harris Lime Rock Company, where he remained until November 1, 1830. The total amount which he received for his services at this place was $1,601 32. He was now twenty-nine years of age. His capital of " 25 cents " had increased to 2,500 dollars. With this amount, and $1,000 borrowed of his father, he set out to begin business on his own account. March 26, 1831, he began the manufacture of satinets at Woonsocket, in the mill which I have previously described. Mr. Harris lived to enjoy the well-earned reputation of being the chief woolen manufacturer in the United States. He died November 24, 1872. That Edward Harris was endowed with extraordinary gifts, his bitterest enemy was forced to admit, and the most superficial observer could not fail to perceive. His stalwart though stooping form, his keen eye, his full face, his large and well-developed head, his nervous and elastic step, his clear and ringing voice, revealed energy, determination, power ! But to his wonderful knowledge of human nature, his Napoleonic faculty of detecting at a glance the strong and the weak points of men, his eminent success is mainly due. By this gift he was enabled not only to secure the best talent to assist him in his various enterprises, but to extract HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 163 from every one with whom he came in contact, something Avhieli he might appropriate to useful ends. No one was too high or too low for Mr. Harris to converse with in the most familiar terms. Charles Sumner and Aleck the barber, Hor- ace Greeley and John the coachman, Abraham Lincoln and Michael the picker-tender — each and all contributed some- thing to his granary. The number of those who indulged in the dream that they were sharing his inmost thoughts, it is laughable to contemplate, for if ever a man kept his own counsels, that man was Edward Harris. The surprising thing is, that from the vast amount of "advice" which he received, he hardly ever failed to extract the wheat from the chaff. To Edward Harris, Woonsocket owes an everlasting debt of gratitude. The impetus which he imparted to the growth and prosperity of the village will be felt for many genera- tions, and the Harris Institute block and Library Avill stand as a glorious monument to his generosity and public spirit. CHAPTER IX. THE HAMLET. I REALLY intend to say much of the Hamlet when I get to it. But just at this present time I purpose to tell you a story, which you may skip if you choose, and perhaps by tliat means get to the Hamlet before I do. On tlie 7th of October, 1823, a young Irishman arrived at Boston. No bells were rung or cannon fired to his lienor- when the ship upon which he stood approached the Avliarf ; and so, unlike those in whose honor bells are rung and can- non fired, our hero was free to go wherever he pleased. He 164 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. went in pursuit of something to do ; and being endowed with an iron constitution, an abundant stock of genuine Irish wit, and a very small amount of money, he was not long in finding what he sought. To the thousands of his fellow-countrymen thus gifted in mind, body and estate — to their wit, their muscle and their poverty — the development of our natural resources, and the consequent progress of our nation during the last fifty years, is mainly due. Our friend worked at Boston but a short time. His occu- pation of hod-carrying and his fellow-laborers did not please him ; and so, early one morning, he packed his scanty ward- robe, paid his board bill, and started on foot for no particular point, only that it be away from Boston and its hod-carriers. Night overtook him at a farm-house, near " Crook's." The next day and night he passed in Woonsocket, and the day following, at four o'clock P. M., he arrived at Providence. Here he remained during the Winter without permanent employment. The following Spring, learning of a " wood- cutting " job in the vicinity of Attleborough, he started for that place. On his way thither, between the village of Pawtucket and the toll-gate on the turnpike, he was overtaken by a man who had something to say to him which it was pleasant to hear. The stranger was a stout, thick-set man. His eye glis- tened with shrewdness and sagacity ; his face, round, full and florid, revealed his appreciation of a good dinner, and his bearing was of one who seemed to know and feel his position. It was a meeting of two men widely separated from each other in social position, but closely connected in the bread-and-butter relationships — a meeting of the laborer and the capitalist — of Michael Reddy and General Carring- ton. A bargain was soon completed between these two persons, and Michael at once entered upon his duties, which at first were confined to the house and the store of the Gen- eral at Providence. lUSTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 105 About tliis time a stapendoiis work was in progress. The manager of the work was General Carrington, and the work itself was the erection or the excavation of the Blackstone Canal. Whether the real end and aim of this enterprise was to facilitate transportation between Providence and Worces- ter, or to develop the water-power of the Blackstone river, were questions in which Michael had not the remotest inter- est. It was sufficient to him that he had plenty of work to do and fair pay for it; and so, in the Summer of 1825, he began his labors at Providence, and dug his way through from the "shingle bridge" to Woonsocket, arriving in the Fall of 1826, where he has remained ever since. The route of this maritime curiosity — the Blackstone Canal — through these parts was as follows : At a point near the planing works of Charles B. Aldrich, its waters emerged from the river, re-entering the parent stream a short distaiice above where Dr. Ballou's bridge is now situated. Just above the dam at the " Falls " it took a second departure, crossing Main street where Greene's block now stands. The present boundary-line between the Lippitt Woolen Company and the Woonsocket Company on Armory street, represents a line through the centre of the locks which were at this place. Proceeding now through the " meadows " in the rear of the Lippitt and Harris mills, it re-entered the river near where the railroad bridge is now located. At this point a tow-bridge was erected to the Smithfield side of the river, and the river was navigated to what is now called the Hamlet dam. Here the canal again diverged from the river, and entered it again a short distance above the Hamlet mills. To narrate the scenes and incidents of a voyage over this expensive highway from Woonsocket to Albion, would be a tribute to dullness which I shall not venture to give. I have only to say, on the authority of a very respected friend, that it was " a day's journey." 166 HISTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. But if for the transportation of merchandise and passen- gers the Blackstone Canal was a gigantic failure, for the development and improvement of the water-power of the Blackstone river, it was a magnificent success. In April, 1846, the Massachusetts portion of the canal was sold to the Providence & Worcester Railroad for $22,500. By this operation the stockholders thereof realized their first and only dividend, which was one dollar per share. In Rhode Island the property reverted to the original holders of the estates through which it passed. The Hamlet is an offspring of the Blackstone Canal. I have now the pleasure to recall one of whom all speak with the deepest respect — whose courtesy and kindness endeared him to every one who came within the circle of his acquaint- ance, whose taste and refinement are still visible in the works which he has left behind him, and whose habits of thought and study peculiarly unfitted him to be a successful manufacturer — I refer to Stephen H. Smith. This man, acting at first as the agent of General Carrington, purchased the following estates: January 27, 1825, of Seth Appleby, and on the same day of Smith Arnold; September 14, of Smith Arnold ; March 29, 1826, and again on December 8, of Joseph Wilkinson. Upon these estates the Hamlet works are located. Mr. Smith remained at the head of the concern until 1842. Edward Carrington died the following year. The next manager of the Hamlet mills and estate was Mr. George S. Wardwell. He continued in position until March, 1859. The benevolence and public spirit of this gentleman are still held in grateful remembrance. In March, 1859, the Hamlet came into the possession of Isaac M. Bull, its present owner. In his younger days Mr. Bull was clerk in the store of his uncle (the late General Carrington), at Providence. In 1827, and while in his em- ploy, he went to China, where he remained the greater por- HISTORY or WOONSOCKET. 161 tion of the time until 1847. In his manner and address Mr. Bull is a gentleman of tlie old school. Under his intelligent supervision the mills have been eminently successful. Tlic •superintendent of the works is Hon. John A. Bennett. This man has been repeatedly chosen a member of our Town Council, and is now one of our representatives to the Gen- eral Assembly. CHAPTER X. HARD TIMES. To DESCRIBE a storm, when the ship in which we are is being lashed by the merciless waves and beaten by the howl- ing winds, is not a pleasant task. One naturally turns to more peaceful scenes, when all the sails are spread to the welcome breeze and the bosom of the sea is undisturbed. I shall therefore, gentle reader, make this chapter as brief as possible. For I have had enough of hard times. Haven't you? 1. Up to 1815 the manufacturers had reaped a few golden harvests. Our war with the mother country had lessened the supply and increased the demand for their productions, and mills went up on every hand. But the same breeze that wafted to our shores the sweet tones of peace, brought to us also the products of foreign looms. Mills were closed, busi- ness was suspended, and fortunes vanished more speedily than they had arisen. To deepen the gloom, New England was visited in September of this year by one of the most ter- rific storms that ever swept the coast. So terrible Avas the fury of the gale that the spray from the ocean was blown 168 EtISTORY OP "WOONSOCKET. inland as far as Woonsocket. At this place, and even ten miles farther north, the salt drops of the sea Avere perceptible to the taste upon the grass and fruit. Forests were over- turned, highways blocked up with fallen trees, orchards stripped of their wealth and meadows converted into a waste. The following year we were overtaken by a still greater calamity. There was a severe frost in every month in the year. Ice formed an inch in thickness even in the month of July. The corn, potato and grass crops were almost totally cut off. In those days of deficient transportation facilities, and when New England was dependent in a great measure upon its own productions, it must indeed have been "hard times." During two years comparatively nothing was done. At last, matters began to assume a more cheerful aspect. With the returning Spring the trees put forth their leaves, within the warm embrace of Summer the meadows became pregnant, and once again the empty store-houses of the farmer were replenished. At this time two men — then young, vigorous and full of hope — put their shoulders to the wheel ; and when Welcome Farnum and Dexter Ballou pushed, something moved ! The mills began to start and the wheels of industry to revolve. It is a matter for regret that the former gentleman, in his early years, removed from this place ; for although fifty years have passed since he left the scenes of his first fond wooing of the smiles of fortune, the impetus which his labors gave to the growth and pros- perity of our village is still perceptibly felt. 2. From 1815 to 1829 the "factory system" was the burden of everybody's speech. Tlie bar-room of the tavern, the rostrum of the orator, and the halls of legislation were full of it. But the fun of the thing was in the fact that there was no system whatever about it. Farmers, black- smiths, tanners — Tom, Dick and Harry — had tumbled head- long into it, apparently unconscious that system, skill and HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 169 knowledge of the business were at all necessary to its successful and profitable development. There were mills, machinery, cotton and labor, which, if properly handled, would have produced handsome results. But the efHuvia and the architecture of the mills were infernal, the arrange- ment of the machinery a matter of the smallest concern ; so much of the stock as did not fringe the margin of the river with a fleecy border, got into the goods, and the help who nominally worked hours enough, were in the mills when not out of them. But notwithstanding all this, the impending disaster would have been averted had tlie thought and energy of many of the manufacturers been devoted to the economical management rather than to the extension of tlieir business. Up to the very morning of the cataclysm cotton fabrics were made and sold at a fair profit. I derive this from the lips of a very intelligeiit gentleman who was engaged in manufacturing at the time, and from statistics which show cotton to have been lie. and 13c. per pound, and goods 8c. and 9c. per yard — a handsome margin, even taking into account the mills and machinery of the times and the slip-shod manner of running them. The cause of the disaster is in a nut-shell — the returns from the " factory system " were too slow for many of the fast men who man- aged it. While Samuel Slater was accumulating his snug little for- tune of a million of dollars in tlie j)rudent management of his business, Abraham & Isaac Wilkinson were spending the earnings of their mills, and all tlie money which they could l)orrow, in building factories and macliine shops at Provi- dence, Pawtucket, Central Falls, Valley Falls, and else- where, and in purchasing water privileges, wood-lots, farms, dwelling-houses and taverns, throughout the length and breadth of the Blackstone valley. A commercial crisis, therefore, occurred in 1829, the effects of which are felt even to this day. 22 170 HISTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. The events which followed the failure of the Wilkinsons form a dark picture in the history of Rhode Island. Hun- dreds of homes were sold by the Sheriff under executions, and one hundred and forty-nine poor men were imprisoned for debts which it was impossible for them to pay. The hard earnings of the poor laborer which he had deposited in the hands of his wealthy neighbor were swept away, and sorrow and suffering were carried into the cottage of the widow and the orphan. But condemn as we may the ambition of those who were the immediate causes of the catastrophe, we cannot call in question the honor and integrity of many who were thereby for(3ed to the wall. Among the Woonsocket sufferers of 1829 were — Samuel B. Harris, who owned the estates upon which the Harris Woolen Mills on Main street and the Harris Institute block now stand; -Thomas A. Paine, Thomas Arnold and Marvel Shove, who owned the " Globe" estate ; Hosea Ballou, who run a mill on lands now owned by the Lippitt Woolen Com- pany ; Dan A. Daniels and Jonathan Russell. Jonathan Russell is remembered to this day as an orator and a statesman. An oration of his, delivered at a Fourth of July celebration, was so remarkable as to call forth, at the time, a reply from the celebrated Tristam Burgess, and fifty years afterwards a reproduction in the Provideiice Journal. He was one of the Commissioners at the Treaty of Ghent. After the failure of his manufacturing enterj^rise he retired to his farm in Mendon, where he died in humble circum- stances. There was one failure in 1829 which eventually resulted in much good to Woonsocket. It was that of Timothy Greene & Son, of Pawtucket. In consequence of this, the son, Samuel Greene, was permitted to make Woonsocket his home, where for forty years, as the head of a large cor- HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 171 poration and a leader in moral, educational and religious matters, his many virtues were conspicuous. Nearly all of those whom I have mentioned have passed away. But three still live, namely — Hosea Ballon, Dan A. Daniels and Thomas A. Paine ; and although far advanced in life, are hale and vigorous, and not likely to withstand the frowns of an ordinary man or the smiles of an extraordinary woman. The last-named gentleman, a grandson of the grandson of John Arnold, is noAv eighty-two years of age. His form is erect, his intellect unimpaired and Ids physical powers un- decayed. He fills at present the office of U. S. Internal Revenue Assessor of this district, and is ranked as one of the most efficient and vigilant in the service. To him I am deeply indebted for much of the material of this work, and to him the town looks for its faithful joerformance, as he was chosen by the Town Council, in company with Dr. Ariel Ballon and Willis Cook, an Advisory Committee to correct inaccurracies into which I might have fallen. Upon the resig- nation of Dr. Ballon from the committee, he was clothed by the other member of the committee with full powers to cor- rect, revise, etc. The tornado of 1829 was soon over. The " factory sys- tem " was healthy, and others were at hand to assume the responsibilities of those who had been swept overboard. In a short time mills began again to go up and spindles 'to re- volve as before. But a time Avas fast approaching that was to try men's souls. It was not a panic caused altogether by ambitious speculators, but a real disaster which no human power could avert. It was a famine, and a famine at a time when the passions of men were inflamed by partizan zeal and imaginary wrongs. In too many cases the manufacturers had lost sight of the human beings avIio operated their machines, and the}' too 172 HISTOE.Y OF WOONSOCKET. often mistook injustice and cruelty for order and discipline. I know of one who was in the habit of flogging the children in his employ out of sheer wantonness — at one time kicking a boy over a bobbin-box, simply because the child had re- moved it from his path in the alley. It is pleasant to record, that this brute afterwards died in the poor-house. Many of the mill owners were of the loosest morals, and the factory- girl was fortunate who preserved her situation and her honor. To add fuel to the flame of discontent, pamphlets were circulated by political demagogues among the laboring classes, charging the manufacturers not only with tyranny and injustice, but with being moved b}^ aristocratic ideas in their views of government.* The unwise clamorings of the manufacturer for " protec- tion " provoked an equally absurd demand from the helj) for " Free Trade " — absurd, because it was chiefly founded in hate and malice, and because, instead of being the logic of the statesman, it was employed as the firebrand of the dema- gogue. In the heat of the contest the main question was set aside. Men were Whigs or Democrats because one was in some way supposed to represent the upper, and the other the lower stratum of society. The brilliant accomplishments of Henry Clay and the stern integrity of Andrew Jackson were but secondary causes for the enthusiasm of their supporters. Both parties seemed to imagine that "hard times" and " good times " were creations of Government, and ignored the higher law of supply and demand. It is not strange, therefore, that the excitement attending elections in those days, even when the equilibrium of the supply and demand for breadstuffs and labor was undisturbed, ran high, and that *From one of tliese I extract the follomng : "The memory of the fomider of cotton factories should he held in contempt by the present generation, and execrated to the remotest ages of posterity. Since the introduction of cotton machinery from England, the manufacturers here hold a great part of the white population in chains." HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 173 tlio nuumfacturer was regarded by the masses with the deep- est hate. Still, however, the spindles continued to revolve. But when in 1837 the crops failed, and flour jumped from five to twelve dollars per barrel — when merchants and manufacturers suspended payment — when, in short, labor came down in the same ratio that breadstuffs Avent up, a new and unlooked-for element entered into the contest — one that has often dethroned kings and overturned empires. It Avas hunger ! It required but a word to convert a laAV-abiding people into madmen. The blow of 1837 was not so severe in Rhode Island as that of 1829, but it was more wide-spread. It is remembered the country over as the " hard year." In Woonsocket the failures are hardly worth mentioning. But the feelings of the masses only waited an opportunity for ex23ression. That opportunity soon came, and its expression was the " Dorr War." Since 1837 there liave been " hard times," but the un- natural animosity between the manufacturer and his help has been in a great measure allayed. Both the one and the other have learned that their interests are identical. No body of men would now stand by and cheer at the destruc- tion of their employer's mill, as they did when that of Wil- liam Harris, at Valley Falls, was being devoured by the flames, and no wise manufacturer now but that takes a deep and earnest interest in the happiness and welfare of those whom he employs. The " factory system " is fast becoming systematized. CHAPTER XL TRANSPORTATION. I HAVE now to connect the village with the outer world, and the pleasant task upon which I have employed my leisure moments for so long a time will be complete. With reluc- tance I enter upon this closing chapter. In reading over what I have Avritten, I find that I have failed, utterly failed, in presenting the pictures of the past as they have appeared to me. I have given you but words. The actors in the olden times — their hopes, their dreams, their aspirations — I have been powerless to restore. O, that I had the skill to make you feel as I have felt, to see as I have seen ! That I could have taken you into the dusty attics, where I have passed so many pleasant hours, and that together we might have looked, as it were, upon the tear-drops of those who have long been sleeping in the cold embrace of death ! There are yellow packages in those dusty attics — ]3^ckages encircled Avith ribbons that are faded. They contain papers written in the bloom of youth and love and hope, and locks of hair that still are golden in the sunlight ! But I am digressing. The title of this chapter was " transportation," and I must tell you something about it. In the most ancient times men and women performed their journeys on horseback. The old horse blocks have not yet entirely disappeared from the face of the earth, and may still be seen in the yards of antiquated mansions. When the chaise first made its appearance it was regarded as an in- novation, and looked upon by the envious much the same as histDky of woonsocket. 176 is the landau in these times. But both the horses and the chaises could be enjoyed but by the favored few. The poor man who settled in these isolated regions, was practically shut out from his distant friends. There was no public mode of conveyance. The Post Office was many miles away. He who ventured upon a trip to New York was regarded as a hero. Previous to his departure, he was visited by the neighbors for miles around, and burdened with messages to loved ones on the way. Upon his return, his adventures were listened to with breathless curiosity, and repeated from house to house for many months. At last, about the year 1815, an enterprising man, by the name of Abner Cooper, started a public conveyance from Providence to Worcester, via. Woonsocket. This was a one- horse vehicle, and made a weekly trip between these two places. It is pleasant to record that the first trans^Dortation agent in these parts was a poet. He thus made his an- nouncement to his patrons : " Abner Cooper informs his friends That April next his quarter ends." The one-horse concern of Abner supplied the transporta- tion requirements of these parts until regular mail coaches were placed upon the route. These began to run about the year 1820, when two coaches were put on between Worcester and Providence — one going down the left bank of the river, and the other going down the right bank. They went down one day and returned the next. For the sake of convenience, I will call one the Cumberland route and the other the Smithfield route. As they started from the termini of the route on alternate days, and both coaches came to Woonsocket, we were thus placed in daily communication with Providence and Wor- cester. I will now give what I have been able to learn of I. The Cumberland route. When this first started, one Il6 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. driver came as far as the Coverdale place, and another driver continued from this point to Providence, via. Woonsocket and Cumberland Hill. The driver from Worcester to " Cover- dale " was a man by the name of Wheeler. The driver from Coverdale to Providence was Aaron White. In 1826 the drivers went through from Worcester to Providence. The following are the names of the several drivers : 1. John Prouty 1826 4. Samuel Lawton 1837 2. Hall Eartlett 1831 5. Aaron, familiarly called 3. Beriali Cm'tis 1833 "Father" AVhi'te 1839 who drove until the line was taken off. At the time of the closing up of the business, the coaches on both the Cumber- land and the Smithfield routes were owned by " Father " White and Mr. Beriah Curtis, before-mentioned. II. The Smithfield route. The drivers were as follows: 1. Hull Brown 1820 2. John Bradley 182G Tliis man acted as managing agent of both lines until Mr. Elisha T. Read was put into this position. 3. Israel Wheeler 1831 4. " Deacon" Bounds 1836 This man was an old Jehu on the Boston and Providence line. When the coaches on this route were taken off, in con- sequence of the opening of the railroad between these places, he was employed on the Providence and Worcester route. 5. Israel Wheeler 1837 6. Anson Johnson 1842 In the year 1826 an opposition line was started by Thom- as Buffum and others. Charles Farnum was agent. It ran between Woonsocket and Providence, but continued only one season. When the Boston and Providence coaches lost their occu- pation by the introduction of the ra,ilroad, the proprietors thereof put on a daily line from Woonsocket to Providence. The driver was Asa Smith. This company was soon bought off by the Providence and Worcester line, and Henry Morris assumed the office of Jehu. It ran down the Cumberland HlSTOllY OF WOONSOCKET. 177 side of the river. In 1840 jMorris "was discharged ])y the company, and started an opposition line down the Sniitli- fleld side, which continued for two years. The old c(nn})any inniiediately put on another daily line from Woonsockct to Providence, through Smithfield. There were now three daily lines to Providence, besides the two through lines l)efore-mentioned, namely — the INIorris line, the Cumberland and the Smithfield lines. III. The drivers on the Cuml)erland line were : 1. Israel Wheeler 1S40 1, " Gov." Toin-tellot l^4r> 2. David ]}rip:gs 1S42 5. Cliavles ]3ro\vii 184(> 0. John Iliintiug 1844 IV. The drivers on the Smithfield line were : 1. " Gov." Tourtellot 1S40 3. " (rov." Tourtellot 184t) 2. John Hunting 1845 V. Just previons to the starting of the Providence daily lines, there was a Worcester and Providence " steamboat line." It ran during Summer months of the years 1835 and 1838 inclusive. Its drivers were: 1. "Deacon " liounds. 3. ]5enjaniin Davis. 2. .Joshua jSIarshall. The horses, the coaches, and some of the drivers on these lines were very beautiful. The fare from Woonsocket to Providence was at first 75c. This was afterwards reduced to oOc, and at one time was but 25c. About the year 1830 a line of stages was established be- tween AVoonsocket and Boston. The coaches were owned and driven l)y Blake Parker. In 1845 another line Avas put on by Ezra Miller, which alternated with tlie Parker line, and Ave were thus placed in daily communication with Bos- ton. The drivers on the Miller line were: 1. Fuller 1845 2. Merrill 1847 In the year 1844 a line was started to connect with the Boston and Providence Railroad at Foxboro. Tlie diivers MCi'C! : 1. (His Tieroo .1814 2. .lolin irniitiiiu- 184C. _-j l78 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKiiT. A little episode connected with the history of these lines is worth recording. January 8, 1831, occurred a very severe snow-storm. The roads did not get broken through in two weeks. The mails from Worcester to Providence were de- layed ten days. When the coaches first began, the Woonsocket Post Office was at the " Old Bank " Village. Here Christopher Almy was Postmaster for many years. The office at this place was discontinued in July, 1844. The first Postmaster at the " Falls " was Mr. Dan A. Daniels. During the exciting times of " Tippecanoe and Tyler too," John Burnham, afterwards known and loved as " Uncle John," became famous not only for his political zeal but for his powers as a singer of political songs, and in 1840 his labors in the world of politics and of song were rewarded b}^ an appointment to the position of Postmaster at Woon- socket. This position he held (with the exception of a short period in 1861, when Mr. William Lindsey assumed the duties of the office, but died after holding the position but one month) until 1865, when he was succeeded by Mr. Stephen H. Brown, than whom a more courteous gentleman does not exist. '' Uncle John " lived but a short time after his retirement from office. His death was sincerely lamented by every patron of the Woonsocket Post Office. About the year 1832* the people of Woonsocket began to realize that the splendid coaches, which daily passed through the village, did not come up to their requirements, and a movement was started to construct a railroad from Woon- socket to Boston. Various projects Avere discussed for the attainment of this end from time to time. One was to inter- sect at Mansfield with the Providence and Boston Railroad, and another to connect at Framingham with the Boston and Worcester Railroad. In 1843 the people had become suffi- *I clcrive tliis from ;in cditoriiil in TuE AVoonsocket Patriot of 1843, wliicli said that the subject hitd bccu discussed for upwards of ten years. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. ITU cieiilly aroused, and articles began to appear in the news- papers, urging tlie connection of our isolated hamlet to the sinful world without. In the Autumn of this year a corres- pondent to the Providence Journal invited the attention of capitalists to the feasibility of a railroad between Woon- socket and Providence. He estimated that the cost of con- struction would be not over $200,000, and that the annual freight between the two points would be 2.5,000 tons. But the railroad projects did not meet with universal favor. Many of our best citizens regarded the advent of the locomotive as a public calamity. One of these, then engaged in commercial pursuits, and since honored by his countrymen with one of the highest gifts in the land, in anticipation of the impending- evil, sold out his business and accepted a position in a bank- ing institution. The views of this class are well expressed in a communica- tion, signed " J. C. M.," which appeared in The Woonsocket Patriot of December 29, 1843. " Where," he asked, "would the two hundred horses, which now feed here daily, then feed ? Would an equal amount of grain and hay be devoured by the locomotive ? Would farms be rendered more or less valuable in this vicinity ? Would the loss of a market for the farmer's great staple be compensated for by the sublimity of his being " whisked " through the air at the rate of twenty- five miles per hour?" The fun of this communication ap- pears to the best advantage, in the light of the present age, in the following extract: "The cheapness of transportation, which seems to be the great benefit to be derived from this " bubble," would be the means of bringing into more general use hard coal, which many prefer to wood." The views of " J. C. M." have undoubtedly been changed somewhat since the publication of his remarkable letter. Wednesday, January 3, 1844, a meeting was held in Provi- dence, at the office of the American Insurance Company. It 180 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. was for the purpose of considering the subject of building a raih"oad from Providence to Worcester. A committee Avas (1) appointed to survey the route ; (2) to collect facts rela- tive to business, etc., along the line ; (3) to procure charters, etc. The committee consisted of the following-named gen- tlemen : William Ehodes, of Providence. Ilarvev Cliace, of Valley Falls. Isaac Tluirl)er, " John Osborne, of Smithfield, Jos. II. Carpenter, " Paul Wliitin, of ISTorthbridge. Christopher S. Rhodes, " Samuel Wood, of Grafton. James i. Smith, I. In the Autumn of this year Mr. T. Willis Pratt, the engineer, presented his report to the committee. I will give an abstract thereof. He says : " 1. The principal village on the route is Woonsocket. "2. To this place from Providence, the line has no inclination exceeding 17 95-100 feet per mile. This was the line following the Blackstone Canal to Lonsdale. "3. Were it to pass through the villages of Pawtncket, Central Falls and Valley Falls (whichlt did), the route Avould be more circuit- ous, and the maximum grade 2(3 40-100 ])er mile, instead of 17 95-100. I3ut the expense per mile would exceed but little that of the Moslias- suck route. "4. iSTorth of Woonsocket two routes Avere suggested. One was the river and canal line, through the village of Millbury, and was estimated to cost $1,000,000. The other was to intersect with the Boston and AVorcester Eailroad, at the Grafton depot, and was esti- . mated to cost $900,000." The former route was the one which was adopted. II. The sub-committee appointed to collect facts in rela- rioii to the prospective business of the road, thus reported in relation to Woonsocket and vicinity : "1. Hamlet— population, 250— contains two cotton mills, with .5,832 spindles, 120 looms, employing 07 females and 74 males, producing 20,000 yards of cotton cloth per week, and working 050 bales of cotton per annum. Estimated annual tons of merchandize 400 " sum for ])assengers per annum §400 freight " 700 " 2. Bernon— population, 750— contains two cotton mills, Avith 11,000 spindles, 288 looms, employing 175 females and 75 males, producing 38,500 yards of cotton cloth per week, and working 1,000 bales of cotton per aiinum. Estimated annual tons of merchandize 033 " sum for passengers per annum •$(>■'/■) freight " 12U0 HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 181 ":;. Wooiisoclvet — poi)ulatioii, 4,000— contains 17 cotton mills, willi ;;i,4.")() siiindlcs, Sl2 looms, prodncinsx ir)l,o;;i) yi'.nls of cotton cloth ]>cr week, and working 7),S)\ l)alcs of cotton per annnm ; tlirec woolen mills, with 10 sets ot machinery, ])rodncinL!; 4,700 yards of cloth jx'r week, and working 281,500 i)oniids of wool per animm ; six machine shops, an iron foundry, two grist mills, a saw-mill, one sp0(d and bobbin sho]), one soap manufactory, two wholesale grocery stores. In the mills 41;) females and 4.")(; males are emi)loyed. Estimated annual tons of merchandize. ir),2.j:> " sum for ]_)assengers per annum $10,100 " " freight " 30,4(30 " N. J3.— It should be stated that the estimation of sum received from passengers was based on that estimated to be received by stages." III. The Rhode Island Charter for the road was granted at the May session of 1844. In a short time the road was located, and ]3assed' through the following Woonsocket estates : Joseph Wilkinson, Hamlet Manufacturing Com- })anY, Sullivan Dorr, Crawford Allen, Amos D. Smith, James Y. Smith, Samuel G. Arnold, Cornelia G. Greene, Frances E. Arnold, George C. Ballon, Joel Fletcher, D. D. Buffum, Henry Sayles, William Greenman, Lyman A. Cook, (_^snian Fuller, Charles E. Slocum, Olney Mason, Amos Grant, Seth Arnold, Erastus Keach, Ballon heirs, Johnson ]\Iatthewson, Aaron White, Edward Harris, Abagail Arnold, jMary Ann Mowry, Dinah Veazie, Farnum Harris, Welcome Farnum. The Aaron White in the foregoing list was the lawyer, and not the stage-driver of that name, before- mentioned. I embrace this opportunity to speak particularly of " Squire " White, because this chapter is devoted chiefly to tlic subject of " transportation," and his many eulogists, in speaking of his eminent abilities as a lawyer, his sterling- virtues as a man, and his faithful services as a Dorrite, never omit to mention his extraordinary powers as a pedestrian. It is one of the traditions of W^oonsocket that Squire White could seldom wait for the stage-coaches, and that with his law books and briefs under his arm, he would hasten on foot to Providence, and beat the coaches every time ! The ofiice 182 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. of this celebrated man was removed to make room for the AVoonsocket depot of the Providence and Worcester Rail- road. This building was erected in August, 1847. On the 9th of this montli the locomotive engine " Lonsdale " arrived at Providence. On the following month the transportation of freight begun, and October 1 passenger trains ran regu- larly between Providence and Millville. Monday, October 25, 1847, the road was formally opened. Stockholders and invited guests, numbering about 1,500 persons, passed over the route, and partook»of a collation at Worcester. But the railroad in which the citizens of Woonsocket had deepest interest, of which they first talked, and for which they labored with most zeal, was still unfinished. It would require more space than I have devoted to the entire history of the town, to recount the trials and discouragements which were encountered, ere at last we were placed in direct rail- road communication with Boston. The bitter feelings which were engendered between individuals, and the jealousies awakened between rival railroad and municipal corporations in the controversy, have furnished themes for countless essays and innumerable editorials. In the ever-memorable struggle, the learning of Samuel Ames, the eloquence of Christopher Robinson, the shrewdness of Edward Harris, and the in- domitable will of Welcome Farnum were put to their severest tests. August 12, 1846, a convention met at Armory Hall. Up- wards of five hundred were present. George S. Wardwell was elected President. Edward H. Sprague and Orin A. Ballou, Secretaries. Hon. Luther Metcalf and Otis Pettee, of Massachusetts ; Hon. Asa Jillson and Hon. Samuel Webb, of Connecticut ; Edward Harris and Samuel Greene, of Rhode Island, were chosen Vice-Presidents. E. K. Whitaker and Warren Lovering, of Massachusetts; George S. Catlin, of Connecticut; W. S. Slater and L. W. Ballou, of Rhode ttlSTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 18B Island, were chosen a Committee to report bnsiness for the convention. Previous to this meeting the Massachusetts Legishiture voted adversely to the " Pettee route," and the Connecticut Legislature had granted a charter to the "Air Line" over the veto of Gov. Toucy. May 6, 1847, another meeting was held at Armory Hall. Ezekiel Fowler was chosen Chairman ; Samuel Greene, Vice- President; E. H. Sprague and L. W. Ballon, Secretaries. I refer to these meetings simply to give the names of tlie actors in the drama. The play itself is not worth preserv- ing. In the meantime, Christopher Robinson and Samuel Ames had discussed the matter jwro and co7i before our Legis- lature. The Providence Journal reported and applauded the effort of the last-named gentleman, and referred to the speech, of Mr. Robinson in a single sentence. This aroused the indignation of The Woonsocket Patriot, and a lively news- paper war ensued. But in spite of these meetings, speeches and editorials, the genius, will and mone}^ of Welcome Farnum prevailed, and the "Air Line" came to Waterford instead of Woon- socket. Not until September, 1863, was the dream of Woonsocket realized, and a railroad completed connecting it with tlie hub of the universe. CHAPTER XII. CONCLUSION. The history of Woonsocket is that of New England in miniature. It is the same play with different actors. True, no witches have been hanged in this vicinity, but no doubt there ought to have been ; neither has tins been the scene of any extraordinary military achievement, if we except that of " Laban Wade With his brigade, And Landers with his cannon." Bat Woonsocket has had its superstitious and its military age, and now, in common Avith her sister towns, has entered upon its industrial age. The hum of the spindle has drowned the soft strains of the shepherd's pipe. The questions of the hour are not how many bushels of corn or potatoes to the acre, but how many j^ards of cloth to the loom ; not the value of the smiling meadow and the fertile field, but of the un- broken forest, the swift-running stream and the barren ledge. Fifty years ago a large and well-cultivated farm was a source of revenue ; to-day (except in certain localities) it is a tax. The depreciation of real estate in tlie country, and its ad- vance in villages and cities, equally command our attention, and awaken us to the fact that the manufacturer and the merchant are soon to become the landholders of the State. Here and there, dotting the hill-side or nestling among the trees, stands the ancient farm-house. It is falling into ruin. The neglected lilac hangs over the decaying fence, and the fragrant tanzy, hidden amidst the rank grass, seems to filSTORY or WOONSOCKET. 185 breathe a sad perfume from the past. On the other hand, the cow-path through tlie lonesome swamp has been trans- formed into the bustling street of the village, and the clatter of the loom has frightened the owl from his accustomed haunts. The merchant and the tourist are now placed in easy and rapid communication with distant climes ; a trijj to the four quarters of the earth is stripped of its perils and hardships ; the fields of the West, the gardens of the East, the rivers of the North and the groves of the tropics, pay tribute at our daily meals. Ease, comfort and jjlenty seem to surround us. The piano and the sewing-machine have usurped the honors of the ancient spinning-wheel. The homespun garments of our ancestors have given place to silks and satins. The poorest now indulge in luxuries that the richest once could not obtain. Poverty seems to have been stripped of its ter- tors and wealth of its arrogance. And yet, for all this ap- parent progress, we have had to pay a heavy price. 1. The word " economy," which to us is well-nigh obso- lete, to our ancestors was full of meaning. Where Nature was unpropitious, and when Art was in its infancy, with their own hands they Avere forced to gather the materials for their shelter, clothing and sustenance. Their cloths were "homespun" — their furniture was for use rather than dis- play ; their " crockery " was made of wood, or in some aristocratic families, of pewter ; their carpets were sand, sprinkled upon the floor. But there was one thing which pervaded their liouse- holds, which glittered upon their pewter-platters and glis- tened upon their ceilings like the harvest moon-beams on the river. It was neatness and order ! The marks of grease were visible from cellar to attic — but it was " elbow-grease." Their counterpanes were coarse as dog's hair, but they were white as snow ; their tables ponderous as ox-carts, but smooth as marble. Thus in a soil enriched by industry, 186 HiSTOEY OF WOONSOCKiit. frugality and order, the tree of American Independence took root ! Let us beware lest the weeds of indolence, extravagance and discord do not impede its growth ! 2. Again, the appliances of Art in economizing and ap- propriating the gifts of Nature, while opening new avenues to industry and wealth, have taken from the American yeo- man that spirit of self-reliance and independence for which he was so distinguished in the past. He is no longer con- tent with the humble products of his fields and meadows, and he goes out beyond the limits of his little realm to mingle with his fellows in the outer world. The individuality of such men as David Mo wry, Arnold Speare, Thomas Mann and Lewis Dexter, has passed away forever ! Whether this change has been for the better or the w^orse, it is not my province to discuss. Vice and corruption exist as abundantly, perhaps, as in the days of Aai'on Burr. Scof- fers at religion are as numerous, perhaps, as in the times of Thomas Paine. There may be more Sabbath-breaking and less cant — more profanity and less hypocrisy — more apparent vice and less outward virtue ; but no age of the world has developed more benevolence, more virtue, more heroism than this in which Ave live ! And surrounded as he maj be by poverty and suffering and want, the philanthropist is cheered by the thought that the children of men are better clad, better fed and better sheltered than ever before. Regret- ting as he must, the modern modes of thought, the seem- ing disregard of forms and customs Avhich our fathers cher- ished with a jealous care, the superficial views of truths which liave been tested in the crucible of centuries, the Christian feels that, underneath these glittering shams, the hearts of men with nobler aspirations, deeper yearnings, throb and pulsate in the light of Heaven ! So, cheered, sustained and strengthened by the swiftly-changing pictures of the past, the patriot, in this centennial year, looJcs for- Avard to the future with a glorious hope ! Appendix A GE>^EALOGY. WniLE collecting material for the foregoing History, I found much genealogical matter which I deem to be worth preserving. In offer- ing it to the reader, I do not vouch for its strict accuracy. But in its compilation I have bestowed a fair amount of time and research, and trust that it will be thankfully received. THE DESCEND AKTS OF WILLIAM AEXOLD. FIRST GENERATION. 1 WILLIAM AENOLD. He was one of the tliirteen original i)roi)rlet(n's of Providence. He was l)orn 1580. The first notice of him, according to Staples, is in 1035, when he was a citizen of Ilingham, Mass. His children were : 2 Benedict— He was the first Gov. of R. I. under the charter of Charles 11. o Stephen— Lived atPawtuxet; was one of the Inman pro])rietors. (See History.) *4 Thomas— Born ItUG; died Sept., 1074. (See History.) 5 Joanna— Married' Zachary Rhodes. / SECOND GENERATION. 4 THOMAS ARNOLD married rilEBE, the daughter of John Parkhurst. The first notice that I find of this man is Jan. (I, l(i;'4. (See N. E. Reg., Vol. XIV., v. 347.) He was then is years of age. His first settlement in IJIiotie Island was at Providence. \h' afterward settled in the valley of the Moshassuck, near tlie lower Quaker Meeting-house. (See History.) His estate was divided by the Council between his widow and his 5 remaining children. At that time his cliildreu were : / 188 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. *7 Richaixl— Born March 22, 1642 ; died April 22, 1710 8 Thomas. 9 John. ^10 T^"' 1 p j^ 7 p 1* *11 Elizabeth— Died Oct. 20, 1747. She lived to be upwards of 100 years of age. I find in the i^. E. Reg. a notice of 2 other children. The names of these are : 12 Ichabod— Born March 1, 1640. 18 Susanna married 14 Jolitt Earnum, April 7, 1654. THIRD GENERATION. J 7 RICHARD ARNOLD (see History) married 15 SARAH ANGELL. Their children were : *16 Richard— Died June, 1745. *17 John— Born 1671 ; died Oct. 27, 1756. *18 Thomas— Died Eeb. 3, 1727. 19 Mary married Thomas Steere. 10 ELEAZER ARNOLD. I derive the following from a copy of his will. Ac- cording to this his children were : 21 Joseph. 22 John. ^-23 Eleazer— The will refers to his daughter-in-law, Sarah Arnold. , Her husband died Eeb. 6, 1712-13. 24 Jeremiah. 25 Ellenor. 26 Mary. 27 Phebe. 11 ELIZABETH ARNOLD married 28 SAMUEL COMSTOCK. (See History.) The marriage was consummated Nov. 26, 1678. Their children were : *29 Samuel— Born April 16, 1679, *30 Hezediah— Born April 16, 1682 ; died Feb. 21, 1764. 31 Thomas— Born Nov. 7, 1684. 32 Daniel— Born July 19, 1686. 33 Elizabeth— Born Dec. 18, 1690 ; married Sayles. 34 John— Born March 26, 1693. 35 Ichabod— Born June 9, 1696. 36 Job— Born April 4, 1699. *37 Jeremiah. / FOURTH GENERATION. ' 16 RICHARD ARNOLD (see History) married 38 MARY WOODWARD. There was a Woodward family, who lived wiiere Albion now is. Their children were : *39 Thomas— Died Dec. 11, 1765. *40 Richard. 41 Edmund— Married Mary Staples, Dec. 24, 1738 ; no issue. *43 Woodward. v HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 189 *44 Josias. *45 Joseph. AVilkinson alludes to a daughter, 4() Mary, who married 47 David Wilkinson, and gives them nine children. V 17 JOHN AENOLD (see History) married, first, 48 MAKY MO WRY, daughter of Nathaniel. See No. 1.155. She died Jan. -27, 1742. Their children were : *40 William— Born Dec. 9, 1G95 ; died Aug. 2, 1766. *50 John— Born May 29, 1697 ; died 1727. *51 Israel. *52 Daniel— Died July 30, 1773. 53 Anthony— Born Jan. 12, 1704 ; m. Susanna Fisk ; removed to New York. *54 Seth— Born July 26, 1706 ; died 1801. *55 Anna. 56 Mercy— Born Oct., 1701 ; m. Lapham ; removed to Dart- mouth. *57 Susanna. *58 Abigail. He married, second, 59 HANNAH HAYWARD-No issue. J,/ 18 THOMAS ARNOLD. I have not ascertained the name of his wife. Their children were : *60 Job— Born Aug. 9, 1707. *61 Jonathan— Born Nov. 18, 1708. 62 Mary— Born Oct. 28, 1710. *63 Thomas— Born Nov. 4, 1713 ; died July 31, 1749. 64 Elizabeth— Born 1717. 65 Sarah— Born April, 1722. 29 SAMUEL COMSTOCK married 66 ANN INMAN. Their children were : *67 David. 68 Sarah married 69 Seth Aldrich, of Mendon. *70 30 HEZEDIAH COMSTOCK married, first, 71 CATHERINE PRAY, daughter of 72 John Pray, who lived near wliat is now Ashton. Tlieir children were : 73 Susan— Born April 7, 1707 ; married Thomas Arnold, No. 39. 74 William— Born May 3, 1708 ; died No. 16, 1745. *75 Gideon— Born Nov. 4, 1709 ; died 1801. 76 Rachel— Born Sept. 9, 1711 ; married Anthony Steere, May 11, 1746 ; died June 13, 1806. *77 Catharine— Born Sept. 19, 1713 ; died Dec. 17, 1751. *78 Hezediah— Born Jan. 9, 1715 ; married Mary Arnold, No. 174 ; died Dec, 1751. 79 Penelope— Born Feb. 11, 1717 ; died June 17, 1730. 190 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. *80 Anthony— Born ISTov. 7, 1719 ; died Febj 20, 1762, 81 Andrew— Born Jan. 22, 1721 ; died April 19, 1735. 82 John— Born April 16, 1724 : died 1792. He married, second, Ang. 10, 1730, 83 MAETHA BALCOLM. Her children were : *84 Anna— Born April 14, 1731 ; died June 5, 1794. 85 Ezekiel— Born May 1, 1733 ; married Martha Arnold. ISTo. 166 ; died June 7, 1777. 86 Phebe— Born June 5, 1735 ; died Xov. 25, 1740. 87 Kufus— Born Oct. 26, 1738 ; died Nov. 23, 1740. 88 Martha— Borii Jan. 3, 1742 ; married Staples ; died Aug. 16, 1779. 37 JEREMIAH COMSTOCK. I have not ascertained the name of his wife. Their children were : 89 Joseph— Married Anna, No. 84. FIFTH GENERATION. N 39 THOMAS ARNOLD married, first, SUSAN COMSTOCK (see No. 73). She died June 30, 1736. He was known as Judge Thomas Arnold. (See History.) *90 Mary— Born Oct. 2, 1730. 91 Susanna— Born Jan. 12, 1731-32. *92 Thomas— Born Oct. 8, 1733, *93 Catharine— Born Sept. 24, 1735. He married, second, 94 MARY MAN. She died April 16, 1747. Their children wore : 95 Ace— Born Aug. 28, 1738. 90 John— Born Jan. 22, 1741. He married, third, 97 PATIENCE COOK, of Newport. Their children were : *98 Lydia— Born Oct. 16, 1749. *99 Peleg— Born June 10, 1751. • *100 Naomi. *101 Hannah. *102 Martha married Seth, No. 187, and Caleb, No. 126. *103 Sarah. 104 Patience, who married 105 Daniel Bartlett. 40 RICHARD ARNOLD married May 19, 1722, 106 RUTH ALDRICH. They lived on the "Abraham Arnold place." He was a very ingenious man. June 6, 1733, he went to Philadelphia, leaving his family. (See History.)— His sons Richard and Stephen, applied to the Coun- cil for a guardian, Dec. 10, 1744. Their children were : 107 Ruth. 108 Jane. 109 Richard. *110 Stephen, born April 23, 1728, married Rachel, No. 175, died Monday, May 2, 1796. Ill Samuel. iltSTOUY OF WOONSOCKET. 19l ^ 43 WOODWAED ARNOLD nianied 112 HUTU WILKINSON. His first liomestead was what was afterwiird Iciiowii as the "Natlian Staples phice," near "Woonsockct run. lie "al)scondea." Capt. Daniel Arnold, Xd. 52, was appointed by the Council, s'lJi^'dian of one of the children. The following? are the names of the children, which I copy from Wilkinson's j;ene- alogy. 11. J Ishmael. 114 Philip, no issue. 115 William. 110 Naomi, born June 2, 1735. \ 44 JOSIAS ARNOLD married 117 AMY PHILLIPS. This man was given estates by his father, near Woonsocket Hill. But I tliink he afterward re- moved to another region. I give but one child, namely: *11S Jonathan. v/45 JOSEPH ARNOLD (see History) married ' 119 PATIENCE WILKINSON. Their children were : 120 Stephen, born Nov. 30, 1725. *121 Mercy, . . Ai)ril 19, 1727. 122 Infant, . . Nov. 27, 1728, died Dec. 15, 1728. 123 Phebe, . . Nov. 18, 1729, married Jeremiah Comstock. *124 Jacob, . . July 7, 1732. *125 William, . . Nov. 30, 1733. 120 Caleb, . . March 21, 1735, married Martha Arnold, No. 102. lie died March, 1795. *127 Patience, . . May 14, 1738. *128 Philadelphia, born Jan. 12, 1740. W 49 WILLIAM ARNOLD (see History) married, first, 129 HANNAH WHIPPLE in 1717. She was the daughter of Eleazer Wliipjile, who lived where Benj. and I'^lisha JSIowry now reside, at Lime Rock. Their children were : *1.10 Sarah, born Jan. 12, 1717-18. *131 Elisha, . . March 14, 1719-20. *];',2 Martlia, . Dec. 28, 1721. i:'.3 A son. . Oct. 11, 1724, died Aug. 14, 1725. , 134 John, . . Aug. 13, 1720, died July 22, 1730. 135 Hannah, ... 1727. He married, second, 130 MARGARET C APRON, May ,5, 1729. She died June 22, 1739, aged 38 years, 10 inonths, 9 days. Their cliililrcu were : 137 Benedict, liorn .June 30, 1729 ; died Oct. 27, 1744. 138 Ilannali, . . Sent. 18, 17.".1 ; died Sept. 20, 17^4. 139 Gideon, . . -Inly 11, 1734 ; died July 22, 173G. l92 tllSTORY OF WOONSOCKET. *140 Susanna, born Jan. 31, 1735-36. *141 Gideon, . . June 5, 1738. He married, third, 142 Mrs. HANNAH HAYWAKD, April 1, 1740. Their children were : 143 Infant, born Dec. 5, 1740 ; died March 12, 1741. 144 Anna, . . Nov. 9, 1741. He married, fourth, 145 Mrs. HANNAH EDDY, May 18, 1755. She was daughter of 146 Job Whipple. Her first liusband was 147 Nathaniel Eddy, whom slie married Feb. 22, 1738-39. Their children were : 148 Mary, born Dec. 7, 1739. 149 Ruth, . . Jan. 4, 1742. 150 Stephen . . May 18, 1745. 151 David . . Oct. 23, 1747. She married Uriah Mowry, No. 1,162, for lier tliird husband. Her cliild by William Arnold was : *152 Hannah, born Dec. 31, 1755. 50 JOHN ARNOLD married 153 MARTHA JENCKES. Their children were : *154 Moses. *155 David. *156 Noah. 157 Daniel, no issue. 158 Aaron, John died in 1727. His widow married 159 JAMES ALDRICH, Dec. 13, 1731. V 51 ISRAEL ARNOLD married 160 WAITE MOWRY, daughter of Joseph, No. 1,158. They lived at Glocester, afterwards Burrillville. Their children were : 161 Israel. *162 Elisha. *163 Benedict. *164 Oliver, born 1726 ; died Oct. 9, 1770. 165 Lacy, married Samuel Comstock, No. 244. 166 Martha, . . Ezekiel Comstock, No. 85. 107 Mary, . . 1st, Peter Taft ; 2d, Darius Daniels. 168 Mercy, . . Aaron Taft. \; 52 DANIEL ARNOLD (see History) married 169 BATHSIIEBA BALLOU. Their children were : *170 Uriah, born April 9, 1721. 171 Priscilla, . . March 2, 1722-23. *172 Enoch, . . March 31, 172.5. 173 Elijah, . . Dec. 23, 1726. 174 Mary, . . Aug. 23, 1728 ; married Ilezadiah Comstock, jr., No. 78. 175 Rachel, . . Dec. 19, 1730; married Stephen, No. 110. *176 Dorciis, . . May 18, 1732. *177 Anna, . . Feb. 19, 1733-34. HISTOEY or WOONSOCKET. 193 '> 54 178 179 *180 181 182 183 *184 *18r) *186 187 188 *189 *190 *191 192 \' 55 193 *19-4 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 SETII ARNOLD married, first, HANNAH ALDllICII. Slie died Feb. 1, 1749. were : Levi, born Dec. G, 1731 ; died Nov. 24, 1741. Tlicir cJiildreu Dec. 21, 1812. Sept. 6, 1741. Sept. 29, 1741. Nov. 24, 1741. Natliaii, . . Oct. 18, 1733 ; Seth, .. Feb. 10, 1735; Hannah, . . Nov. 30, 1737; Al)igail, . . Mar, 25, 1740; ILannah, . . Dec. 27, 1742. Abigail, . . April 10, 1744. Levi, . . Dec. 11, 1746. Seth, . . Jan. 6, 1749 ; married Martha, No. 102. He mar- ried, second, MARY CARGILL, Oct. 25, 1750. George, born Friday, Oct. 11, 1751. Phebe, . . June 2, 1755. James, . . Nov. 27, 1763 ; died Oct. 18, 1841. Anthony, . . May 28, 1769 ; . . 1794 ; no issue. ANNA ARNOLD married BENJAMIN PAINE, Dec. 20, 1731. Their child was : Arnold, born 1734 ; died July 19, 1802. Anna Arnold was tlie second wife of Benjamin Paine. His first wife was ELIZABETH . Their children were : Priscilla, born June 5, 1722. Dorcas, . . July 29, 1724. Nathan, . . May 18, 1726. Benjamin, . . March 17, 1727-28. John, . . Feb. 2, 1729-30. His third wife was ANNIE MOWRY, Nov. 2, 1734. children were : Anna, born Aug. 31, 1735. Annie, . . March 7, 1736-37. Elizabeth, . . Ai)ril 27, 1738. Marv, . . July 21, 1739. Sarah, . . March 14, 1740-41. John, . . Dec. 21, 1742 ; died Aug. Abigail, . . May 2, 1744. Margery, . . May 17, 1746. Joseph, .. Au Tlioiiuis. 31(3 Lucy. 317 Patty. 318 Sabra. *319 Elisha. 320 Fanny. Vi 10 321 Alpha, \K *322 Eli i ah. 323 Ruth, 324 Joanna, . 325 Mercy, 326 Dianna, , 327 Bathsheba 328 Rachel, *329 Cyrus, ^i STEPHEN ARNOLD married RACHEL ARNOLD, No. 17o, May 27, 1749. He lived on the homestead farm of Cyrus Arnold, Esq. An obituary notice of this s'entieman in the Providence Gazette of Saturday, May 7, 179G, says, tliat his intellectual faculties were of a superior kind, that benevolence and humanity were prominent traits in his character, that he was freqiiently ap- pointed to offices of trust by the town and by the State, and that he held the office of Justice of the Peace for upwards of tliirty years, born March 2, 1750 ; married Judge Peleg, No. 99. Dec. 15, 1751 ; . . 1st, Hannah, No. 101. Oct. 1, 1753 ; . . Elisha Bartlett, No. 224. March 8, 1755 ; . . Thomas Aldrich, No. 26.5. Aug. 4, 1757 ; . . Naaman . . . . 268. Nov. 5, 17G2 ; . . Joel . . . . 269. (^ct. 24, 1764 ; . . Augustus . . . . 270. Feb, 9, 1770 ; . . Caleb . . . . 272. Sept. 1, 1774. 118 Dk. JONATHAN ARNOLD. The services of this man during Picvolutionary times form a large chapter in the history of our country. In 1787 he removed to Ver- mont, and settled on a large tract, granted to him and his associates tlie previous vear, for liis services to that State in the Continental Congress. His third wife was 330 ('ynthia Hastings, of Charlestown, N. H. His last wife was 331 Susan Perkins, of St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Her second hus- band was 332 Charles Marsli, the father of 333 George P. JMarsli. The number of his children I have not taken tlie trouble to ascertain. I can only say that a daugliter married 334 James Burrill, an eminent lawyer of Providence, and that his third wife, Cynthia Hastings, presented him with a son, named 335 Lemuel Hastings. Tliis man was Governor of Rhode Island in 1831. He married 336 Sally Lyman, the daugliter of 337 Major Daniel J^yman, who, my readers will remember, Avas one of tiie "Arnold and Lyman Purchase." Governor Arnold died June 27, 1852. 198 HISTOIIY OF WOONSOCKET. V \ 121 MERCY ARXOLD married 338 OLIVER MANI^, Nov. IS, 1747. *339 Joseph. *340 Alfred. *341 Lucy. 342 Anna, married Israel Aldricli ; no issue. 343 Sophia ; no issue. \' 1 24 JACOB ARNOLD married 344 SL^SANNA BALLOU. 845 Susanna, born Nov. 25, 1756. 34(5 Rolie, . . Eeb. 22, 1758. 347 Jesse, . . April 2, 1759. 348 Ahab. . . Nov. 17, 1760. 349 Phebe, . . Jan, 15, 1763. 350 Silas, . . May 21, 1765. 351 William, . . Mav 27, 1767. 352 David, . . April 25, 1769. 353 Jacob, . . Feb. 18, 1771. 1 26 WILLIAM ARNOLD married 354 JEMIMA BALLOU. He was a celebrated man in his day— a deep student and a skilful physician. But he doubted his own powers, and practised in his profession but little, devoting his time chiefly to scientitic pursuits. His child Avas *355 Lydia. ^' 127 PATIENCE ARNOLD married 356 THOMAS WALL. 357 Caleb. Vl28 PHILADELPHIA AENOLD married "* 358 THOMAS WILLIAMS. He was a "straggler" in the old French War. 359 Philadelphia, married Moses Aid rich. No. 273. ISO SARAH ARNOLD married 360 NATHANIEL JILLSON, March 14, 1741. .361 Ruth. 362 Hannah. 363 Nathaniel. 364 Nathan. 365 Luke. 366 Waite. 367 Rhoda, married Samuel Arnold, No. 457. 368 Abner. \ 131 ELISHA ARNOLD (see History) married HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 199 309 PIIEBE MOWIIY, April 20, 1744. She was the daughter ot Henry Mowry. (See Mo wry gen., No. 1,157. Their children were : *.?- 871 Rul'us, bor *;372 Amy, *;373 Ezekiel, .374 Alsie, 375 Mary, n Feb. -), 1745 ; died Jidy 17, 1813. Monday, May 20, 1751. Oct. 23, 1753 ; died May 7, 1817. July 9, 1757 ; no legitimate issue. Jan. 1, 1763 ; no issue. V 132 MARTHA ARNOLD married 370 JOHN SAYLES, jr., Dec, 19, 1742. 377 John. 378 Zilplia, born Iklarch 22, 1742-43. 379 llhoda, . . July 4, 1745. SSO Martha, . . iVug. 18. 1747. 381 Esek, . . Aug, IS, 1749. 382 Ishmael, . . Dec. 1, 1751. 383 Thomas, . . April 5, 1754. 384 Hannali, . . June 22, 1750 ; died Dec. 4, 1759. 385 Esther, . . Aug. G, 1758. W 140 SUSANNxi ARNOLD married 386 RICHARD MAN, of Cumberland, March 10, 1755. 387 Elijah. i 141 GIDEON ARNOLD married 388 MARY CRUFF. 389 William. 390 Jesse. 391 Thomas. 392 Margaret. 393 Hannah. \j^l52 HANNAH ARNOLD married 394 RICHARIi^MOWRY, son of Ananias, No. 1,107. 395 William, born Aug. 23, 1777. 390 Urana, . . April 8, 1779 ; married Daniel Farnum. 397 Candice, . . Dec. 2, 1780. :]98 Darius, . . Jan. 29, 1782. 3!)!) Arudld, .. :March 18, 1784. *400 Welcome, .. July 4, 1786. 401 Richard, . . Oct. 31, 1787. 402 Angell, . . Aug. 20, 1788. "n 154 MOSES ARNOLD married -403 BERTHIA MAN. July 7, 1737. Thev lived near I^ronument Square. (See History.) *404 Jolni. 405 Daniel. 406 Joseph. 407 Marv. 408 Sarah. 200 HISTORY OF WOOKSOCKET. 400 David. 410 Martha. 411 Susanna. 412 Dorcas, lived witli Uriali, No. 170. 413 Provided. 155 DAVID ARNOLD married 414 MERCY WHIPPLE, Eeb. 0, 174.5. They lived in Glocester. 415 Elisha. 410 Stephen. 417 David. 418 Eleazer. 419 Daniel. 420 Abigail. 421 Martha. , 156 NOAII ARNOLD married 422 ELLEN WHIPPLE. 423 Noah. 424 Ann. 425 Sarah. ^ 162 ELISHA ARNOLD married 420 THEODATE MUSSAY. 427 Oliver. 163 BENEDICK ARNOLD married 428 SARAH SOUTHWICK. 429 Mary. 430 William, married Hannah Buffum, No. 288. 431 Dorcas. 164 OLIVER ARNOLD married 432 ELIZABETH ARNOLD. They lived at Providence. At the time of his death (Oct. 9, 1770) he was King's Attorney. "His great reputation as a lawyer arid scholar caused his death to be deeply lamented."— Arnold's Hist. R. I., Vol. II., p. 305. 433 Mary. 434 Alfred. 435 Waite. . 170 URIAH ARNOLD married 436 ELIZABETH PECK. *437 Daniel. *43S Elizabeth. He afterwards lived with, and had children by, Dorcas Arnold, No. 412. 439 Fatima, no issue. 440 Clarissa, married Henry Comstock. :/.: HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 201 172 EXOCII AllNOLD maiTied DEBORAH C0M8T0CK, No. 240, Juno 2;], 1747. They lived in Cumberland. 441 ]Jenjainin. 442 Amy, married Aldricli. *44;j Joseph. Deborah married for her second husband 444 AMOS ARNOLD. I think that he Avas the ancestor of 445 Alfred Arnold, Esq. of Cumberland. '4 176 DORCAS ARNOLD married 44(3 JAMES CARGILL. 447 Rhoda. 448 James. — 449 David. 450 John. 451 Daniel. 452 George. ^77 ANNA ARNOLD married 453 CALEB ARNOLD, Jan. 3, 1773. *454 Joseph. *455 Arba. 180 NATHAN ARNOLD married 456 LUCY CARGILL. *457 Samuel. 458 Elisha, no issue. *4.59 Nathan. ^184 HANNAH ARNOLD married 4(0 SIMEON ALDRICH. They removed to New York. 401 Mercy. 4(52 AVaite. 403 Anthony. 464 Asa. 405 Marv. 400 Elisha. 407 Moal). "^185 ABIGAIL ARNOLD married 408 NATHAN COMSTOCK. 409 Cyrus. 470 Lucina. 471 Sarah. <\186 LEVI ARNOLD married, lirst, 472 ANNA ALDRICH. 47;'. Waite. 474 Isiael. 475 Aldric h. 202 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 416 Mary. 477 Patience. 478 Julia. 479 Ejiliraim. 480 Willis. He married, second, 481 ISABELLA ALDRICH. 482 Anna. 483 Lewis. 484 Mahala. ^1 A 189 GEORGE ARNOLD married 485 ELIZABETH HADWIN. They removed to Vermont. 486 Phebe. 487 Hadwin. 4S8 Olive. 489 Elizabeth, married Daniel Thornton. 490 Margaret. 491 George. 492 Maria. 49:3 James. 494 Sarah. 495 Anson. ^ 190 PHEBE ARNOLD married 496 LUKE ARNOLD. *497 Thomas. *49S Eliza. .191 JAMES ARNOLD. (See History.) He was proprietor of what is now the most valuable portion of the town. He married, first, 499 AMY ALDRICH, She died Aug. 13, 1825, aged 62 years ; no issue. He married, second, 500 AVATY HANDY. She died July 4, 1872, aged 84 years. 501 Mary, married Albert Mowry, son of Barney, No, 1,189. 502 James, died July 30, 1850, aged 22 years. 194 ARNOLD PAINE (see History) married .503 JUDITH STAPLES. *504 Lucina. 505 John, died Feb. 17, 1803, aged 45 years ; married Mary Aldrich, No. 271. 506 Prusha, married William Aldrich, No. 266. *507 Dan. 508 James, died April 26, 1833, aged 68 years ; married Lydia Aid- rich, No. 274. *509 Hyrena. *510 Arnold. *511 Caleb. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 203 223 RUFUS BARTLETT maiiied 512 MARGARET SMITH. 513 Anna, married George Eallou, of Cumberland. 514 Al])lia. 515 Philadelphia, married Dr. Lamb. 510 Abner. 517 iS'athan. *518 Smith. 224 ELISHA BARTLETT married RUTH ARNOLD, No. 323. 519 Aljilia, married Caleb Aldricli, No. 272. *520 Patience. *521 Mary. 522 ( Oliver, married Sarah Howe. 533 ^Otis, .. Waits Buffmn. 524 George. 525 Abby. 225 CALEB BARTLETT married 526 SUSANNA WILSON. 527 William. 528 Esther. 529 Joanna. *530 Stephen. 531 Lucy, married "Uncle Luke" Aklrich. 532 Polly. 533 Rufus. 534 James. 535 Benedict. 536 Ruth. 537 Philadelphia. 232 WELCOME ARNOLD married -. They lived in tlie Mos- hassuck valley, and had 14 children, of whom 4 grew up. 538 Mary, married Tristam Burgess. *539 Samuel Greene. 540 (Richard James. 541 (Eliza Harriet, married Zachariah Allen. 546 ALPHA COMSTOCK married HEZEKIAH SPRAGUE. (See No. 555.) For u]nvards of a century tlie Spragues were promi- nent actors in tlie religious and political history of Old Smithlield. The reader will, therefore, bear with nic for stoi)])ing at this \w\ut to give a brief account of the ancestors of Tlc/.ekiah ere I give his cliildren. Lik(> the ancestors oi' almost every other New England family, the Spragues emigrated to this county in "triplets." There were the inevitable "three brothers," one of whom settled over here, another over yonder, and another somewhere else. 204 HISTOIIY OF WOONSOCKET. Whether or not they came over in the good ship "Blessing," I have liot taken the trouble to ascer- tain. These " three brothers " were : 542 Ealph Sprague. 543 Richard . . 544 William . . They Avere the sons of 545 Edward Sprague, of Upway, county of Dorset, Eng. They came first to Salem in 1628, and the following year removed to Charlestown, Mass. William married 540 Millicent Eames, the daughter of 547 Anthony Eames. In the Summer of 1636 the young couple re- moved to Hingham. The eighth cliild of this twain was named 548 Jonathan Sprague. He was l)orn May 28, 1648, and in early manhood removed to Rhode Island. This man was a very prominent man in the early days of our colony, and a notice of him takes up a large space in " Staples's Annals of Providence." He lived in the vicinity of the lower Quaker Meeting-house. His son was i 549 Jonathan Sprague. This man was a very noted Baptist clergy- man, and figured largely in the polemic controversies of his dav. Among liis children was 550 HEZEKIAH SPRAGUE. He married Sarah , and was blessed with the following-named children : 551 Lydia, born Feb. 20, 1726. 552 Ruth, . . Dec. 26, 1727. 553 Anne, . . Jan. 11, 1730. 554 Hudassah, . . June 2, 1732. 555 Mehitabel, . . March 7, 1735. 556 Hezakiah, . . July 14, 1737. 557 Joseph, . . Jan. 15, 1739. 558 Sarali, . . March 15, 1742. 559 Mercy, . . March 12, 1745. 560 Abigail, . . Feb. 22, 1748. We will now return to Hezekiah and Alpha. Their children were : ^ 561 Sarah, Ijorn 1768 ; married Ezekiel Angell. 562 Ruth, . . 1771 ; . . Emor Angell. *563 Thomas, . . June 28, 1773 ; died Oct. 3, 1750. 564 Jonathan. . July 4, 1776. 565 Freelove, married Seth Simmons. 566 ISTathan. SEVENTH GENERATION. 264 SUSANNA ALDRICH married 567 ISRAEL MOWRY, son of Elisha, No. 1,163. 567 Gardiner. 568 Arnold. 569 Elisha. 570 Caleb. 571 Israel. 572 Elsie. 573 Mary. niSTOHY OF AVOONSOCKET. 205 574 Aline. 575 Sallv. 570 AVaite. Isi'ael married, second, 577 PATIENCE ALDRICII, daughter of Eobert. 578 Kobert. 57!) Amey. 580 Patience. 265 THOMAS ALDKICH married JOANNA ARNOLD, No. 324. *581 Stephen. *o82 George. 583 Anna, born 1773 ; died Oct. 12, 1847 ; married Arnold Paine, No. 510. *584 Philadelphia. *585 Mary. *580 (Susan. 587 I Sally. *58S Rachel. 589 Thomas. *bm Joanna. 591 Dianna, married Arnold Steere, No. 772. 266 AVILLIAM ALDRICH married PRUSHA PAINE, No. 500. 592 AVelconie. 593 AVilliam. 594 Catharine, married Major Fisk. 595 Lydia. 590 Joel, married Lucy Mowry. 267 HANNAH ALDRICII married 597 SAMUEL WHITE, a lineal descendant of 598 Peregrine, the first New England baby. 599 Isaiah. 000 Henrietta, no issue. *001 Lydia. *002 Margery. 003 Nancy, married James Eddy. 004 Cyntliia, . . Ezra Staples. *005 Mary. 000 Hannah, married Henry Lincoln. 007 Susan, . . Stephen Brownell, No. 971, his first Avife. ()08 Samuel. 009 Lucy, no issue. 010 Sally married first, Bennett Low, and second, Thos. Rrayton. 268 NAAMAN ALDRICII married MERCY ARNOLD, No. 325. Oil Lucy. *iil2 Mark. *013 Luke. 20G HISTORY OF AVOONSOCKET. *6U John. *615 Peleg. G16 Ali)ha, married Levi Mowry. 617 Lewis, . . Dianna Mclntire. 018 Maria, no issue. 269 JOEL ALDRICH married DIANNA AENOLD. No. 326. *610 David. 620 Dennis. 270 AUGUSTUS ALDEICH married BATHSHEBA ARNOLD, No. 327. 621 Aaron, married Farnum. 622 Eutli, . . D. Willvinson. 623 Arena, . . James Wilkinson. 624 Augustus. 025 Azaiel, married Earnum. *626 Arnold. 027 Elsie, married Nathan Angell. 028 Maria, . . Wilkinson. 029 Alvah, . . Ballon. 030 Julia, . . Eenner Ballon. 271 MARY ALDEICH married JOHN PAINE, No. 505. 031 Hannah, married Angell. 032 Prusha . . White. *633 Tyler. 034 Asenath, no issue. 035 Alpha, married Wanton Mowry ; no issue. *036 Judith. *037 John J. 038 Mary, no issue. 630 Elizabeth, . . 640 Lucina, 272 CALEB ALDEICH married, first, ALPHA BAETLETT, No. 519. 641 Elisha. *642 Ezekiel, married Eliza Daniels, No. 943. 643 Otis, died young. 044 Oliver, *045 Euth Eliza, married George C. Ballon. 646 Mary, . . Spencer Mowry, son of Jonathan, No. 1,183. 647 Caleb, died in infancy. He married, second, RACHEL ARNOLD, No. 328. 648 Caleb married Sarah Ann Carroll. 619 Stephen. 050 George. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 207 273 MOSES ALDRICH married, first, PHILADELPHIA WILLIAMS, No. 359. 651 Collin, 052 Paris. 053 Philadelphia. 054 Kobert. 055 Joseph. 656 Edwin. 657 Elizabeth. 658 John. 659 Hiram. ' 660 James. He marrietl, second, 661 MARY SHOVE. 662 David. 274 LYDIA ALDRICH married JAMES PAINE, No. 508. 663 Susanna. 664 Ilyrena. 065 Patience, died Dec. 3, 1821, aged 33 years. 666 Alvah. 667 Olney Whipple, died June 21, 1815, aged 22 years. *66S Lvdia. 669 Sally. 670 James Arnold, died June 30, 1835, aged 33 years. 071 John, died March 1, 1830, aged 24 years. 672 Mary. 673 Judith, died Dec. 30, 1835, aged 27 years. 674 Newton. 275 ARNOLD ALDRICH married 675 DOLLY LANG, Jan. 1, 1796. She was born July 23, 1774, and died Julv 28, 1853. *076 William L., liorn 9th month 22, 1796. *()77 Horatio Nelson. . 12th . . 27, 1798; died lltli month 8, 1871. *678 Dutee Ballou, ..3d .. 31,1801; .. 10th .. 2(!, 1838. *(i79 Laura Earned, . . 8th . . 20, 1803. *()80 Freelove Hale, . . 4th . . 15, 1806. *ti8l Des. Carpenter, . . 12th . . 29, 1808. 682 Arnold, . . 3rd . . 9, 1811. *083 Otis, . . 7tli . . 25, 1813; died 8th month 7, 1838. 684 Moses, . . 1st . . 20, 1816. 685 James. 285 PATIENCE BUFFUM married 086 PLINEY EARLE. 687 Jolui Milton, married Sarali Hussey. 688 Thomas, .. Mary Hussey. 689 Lydia, .. Antliouy (Uiace. 690 Sarali, .. Chas. lladwin. (•.'.)1 William. 692 lAwy, no issue. 208 HISTOBY OF WOOKSOCKET. 093 Eliza, married William Hacker. 694 Jonah, no issue. C95 Pliney, 286 LUCY BUFFUM married 696 WALTER ALLEN. 697 Lydia, born March 23, 1805. 288 HANNAH BUFFUM married WILLIAM AENOLD, No. 430. 698 Maria, married Walter BroAvn. 699 George Benedict, married Lydia Spring, 700 Sarah, married Eben Torrey. 701 Lucy, no issue. 702 Dorcas, married Benedict Smith. 703 Mary Smith, married Seba Carpenter. 704 Lydia. She married first, Shepherd, and second, Peckham. 705 William B., married Matilda Darling. 706 Alfred. 289 ARNOLD BUFFUM married 707 REBECCA GOULD, of Newport. 708 Sarah, born March 27, 1805 ; married Hon. Nathl. B. Borden. 709 Elizabeth, . . Dec. 9, 1806 ; . . Samuel B. Cliace. 710 Lucy, . . May 14, 1808 ; 711 Rebecca, . . June 10, 1810 ; 712 Lydia, 713 Wm. Arnold, born Aug. 24, 1824, 714 Edward, . . April, 1826 ; 290 WAITE BUFFUM married OTIS BARTLETT, No. 523. 715 Elisha. 716 Caroline. 717 Delia. 718 Rebecca. 719 Ruth. 720 Oliver. 721 George. 722 William O. 723 Sarah. 291 LYDIA BUFFUM married 724 SAMUEL SHOVE. 725 William B. 72(5 Hannah. 727 Nancy. 728 Josiali. Rev. Nehemiah Lovell. Marcus Spring. Clement 0. Read. Marion Simmons. Eliza Wilkinson. >/ HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 209 292 WILLIAM BUFFUM mnnied 729 ANN SHELDON. 730 Ann Vernon. 731 Mary Lee. 320 ELISIIA CAPRON married, first, 732 NANCY DARLING, Dec. 29, 1819. 733 Mary Warren, born Oct. 8, 1820 ; married D. S. Wheolock. 734 Nathan Arnold, . . Dec. 16, 1822 ; . . L. P. Darling. He married, second, 735 ABIGAIL DURFEE, May c, 1820. 730 James, born Feb. 20, 1827 ; died young. 737 Lydia Cashing, born Feb. 20, 1829 ; married M. P. Roberts. 738 Nancy Darling, . . June 23, 1831 ; died young. 739 Esther Emeline, . . March 12, 1833 ; married James T. Martin. 740 Lucy Farnum, . . July 4, 1835 ; . . E. G. Sweatt. 741 Sarah Arnold, . . Dec. 27, 1837 ; died young. 742 Joseph Bantield, . . Nov. 7, 1841. 322 ELIJAH ARNOLD married, first, HANNAH ARNOLD, No. 101. (See children of this marriage in No. 101.) He married, second, 743 Mrs. DINAH REED, nee Jenckes. 744 Diauna. 745 Julia Ann. 740 Thomas Jenckes. 747 Elijah. ^ 329 CYRUS ARNOLD married RUTH ARNOLD, No. 783. 748 Alpha, born April 18, 1799. 749 Stephen, . . Oct. 2, 1801. 750 Phebe, . . June 11, 1804. 751 Infant, . . Nov. 7, 1800. 752 Abram, . . June 1, 1809. 753 Alvin, . . June 2, 1812. 754 Cyrus, . . Sept. 11, 1815 ; married Celia Ann JJallou, No. 1030. 755 Daniel, . . Sept. 30, 1819 ; died June 7, 1852. 339 JOSEPH MANN married JERUSHA COMSTOCK, No. 245. 756 Lucy, born March, 1780. 757 Sophia, .. July, 1787; married Geo. Aldrich, No. 582; died 1875, aged 89 years. 758 William, . . Nov., 1788. 340 ALFRED MANN married 759 LYDIA METCALF. 700 Oliver. 761 AVilliam Metcalf. 27 210 niSTORY OF WOONSOCKi:!'. 702 Stephen. 708 Anna. 704 Mercy. 7<)5 Catliurine. 706 Lydia. 341 LUCY MANN married 707 EZRA ALLEN. 708 Lydia. 70)9 Tamur. 770 Ezra. " 355 LYDIA ARNOLD married 771 RICHARD STEERE. 772 Arnold, married Dianna Aldricli, No. 591. *773 Ricliard. 774 Franklin, died young. 775 George. 770 Jemima, married Benjamin Speare, No. 817. 777 Elmira. 778 Lydia. 371 RUEUS ARNOLD married 779 RUTH EDDY. 780 Asa, born 1709; died Sept. 2, 1847; married Read. 781 Israel, married Sayles. 782 Elisha. 783 Ruth, born March 7, 1777; married Cyrus Arnold, No. 329, 784 Elizabeth, married Jonathan Congden, Nov. 1, 1787. 4 372 AMY ARNOLD married . 785 Lucina. 373 EZEKIEL ARNOLD married 780 MARY CAPRON, sister to Jos. Capron, No. 307. 787 Joel, died young. 788 Anne, born April 3, 1780; second wife of Lapham Jeffyrs. 789 Lvdia, . . June 20, 1785; no issue. (See History.) 790 Abigail, . . Dec. 2, 1782; 400 WELCOME MOWRY married 791 JOANNA BALLOU, daughter of David. 792 Ulysses, married Eddy. 793 Welcome. 794 David B., married Elis Mo wry. 795 George, . . Desire Mowry. 79(5 Hiram, . . Elizabeth Mann. 797 Albert. 798 Winsor. 799 Emily, married Simon Phettei)lace, 800 Haniiah, no issue, sm ])inah, > mSTOllY OF WUONSOCKET. l!ll 404 JOUX ARNOLD married . ' "' ^ 802 Daniel, *80:^ Ltiko. SOrt Joliii, married Lucina, daugliter of Alsic Arnold, No. 074. ^437 DANIEL ARNOLD married 805 PATIENCE REED. 80(5 Mnria, married T. Buffum. 807 Elizabeth, .. Daniel Ide. 808 Eathsheba., . . Jos. Pitts. 809 Marcus, . . first, Lucy Mann, and second, Mercy Mann. 810 Patience, no issue. 811 Hanson married— first, Spaulding ; second, Eliza Marsh. He died July 31, 1870, aged 75 years. 812 Daniel, no issue. %)■ 438 ELIZABETH ARNOLD married 813 ELKANAH SPEAR. (See History.) 814 Nancy, married Seth Appleliy. 815 Arnold, . . Arba, daughter of Gideon Mowry, No. 1,170. 816 William, no issue. 817 Benjamin, married Jemima Steere, 776. 818 Joseph, . . Sally Thayer. [ 819 Lydia, . . Rev. Chas. Bergen. ^443 JOSEPH ARNOLD. (See History.) He owned the Social liroperty, married 820 PATIENCE WILBOUR, daughter of Daniel, March 28, 1775. *821 Benjamin. *822 Smith. *823 Joseph P. *824 William. 825 Augustus, no issue. 826 Mary, married Luke Jenckes. 827 Waite, . . James Aldrich. 828 Patience, no issue. 829 Lydia, married Luke Jenckes. 830 Robey. The Luke Jenckes mentioned in above is the same person. ^454 JOSEPH ARNOLD married 831 BARBARY DUTICOTT. 832 George. 833 Abraham. 834 Charles. 455 ARBA ARNOLD mar 835 ISi\DELLA DAVIS 836 Ann. 837 Lydui. 838 Mary. 212 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. ' 457 SAMUEL ARNOLD married, lirst, Aldrich. 839 Polly. 840 Leonard. He married, second, RHODA JILLSON", No. 367. 841 Welcome, 842 Savannah. 459 NATHAN ARNOLD married 843 ESTHER DARLING. 844 Nathan. 845 Lucy, married Nathan Ballon. 846 Esther, no issue. 847 Nancy, married Smith Daniels. 848 Seth. This gentleman is our townsman, Dr. Seth Arnold. He was horn Feb. 26, 1799. 849 Amos, married Lucy Darling. ^. 497 THOMAS ARNOLD married . 850 Franklin. 851 Arthur. 498 ELIZA ARNOLD married 852 DAN A. DANIELS. (See History.) He was son of James Arnold's (No. 191) first wife's sister. 504 LUCINA PAINE married 853 STEPHEN WHIPPLE. 854 Bela. 855 James. 856 Sarah. 857 Betsey. 858 Prusha. 859 Anne. 860 Welcome. 507 DAN. PAINE was twice married. Among his children were : 861 Anna married— first, Amos Thayer ; second, Aldrich. 862 Hamilton. 863 Horace. 509 HYRENA PAINE married 864 OLNEY THOMPSON. (See Cook genealogy. No. 1,393.) 865 Fenner. 866 Nancy. 867 Lewis. 868 Arnold. 869 Olney. * 870 Hyrena. 1 871 Mary. (These do not exactly agree with the four last chil- 872 Phebe. f dren which I enumerate in the Cook genealogy. 873 AVilliam. J IIISTOUY OF WOONSOCKET. 213 510 ARNOLD PAINE mamed ANNA ALDRICH, No. 583. 874 Thomas A. (See History.) lie was born Jan. 28, 1790. 875 Ann Eliza, born Sept., 1803; no issue. 511 CALEB PAINE married 870 DORCAS. MOWRY. 877 Senter. 878 Mary. 879 Arnold. 880 Milley. 881 Arena. 882 Dorcas. 883 Caleb. 518 SMITH BARTLETT married 884 NANCY RUSSELL. They lived in Canada. They had six children. Among these were : 885 William. 880 Hon. John R. 520 PATIENCE BARTLETT married 887 DANIEL JENCKES. 888 Henry. 889 Mary. 8iX) Amelia. 891 Sarah. 892 George. 893 John. 894 A girl. 521 MARY BARTLETT married 895 COMSTOCK PASSMORE. 890 George. ts97 William. 898 Joanna. 899 John. 900 Elizabeth. 901 Otis. 530 STEPHEN BARTLETT married 902 LAVINA SAYLES. 903 Elisha. 904 Philadelphia, married William II. Andrews. 905 Minerva. 539 SAMUEL GREENE ARNOLD married . He had eiglit children, o{' whom two grew up. 900 Gordelia married T. R. (rreene. 907 Samuel Greene. This man was Lieutenant-Governor of Rhode Island, and is the historian of the State. 214 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 563 THOMAS SPEAGUE married 90S DINAH FENN'EK. She was born Nov. 9, 1772, and died Nov. 26, 1833. 909 Josepli, born Dec, 1794; died Feb. 22, 1796. 910 Jolm, . . June 9, 1799; drowned Nov. 26, 1835. . Sept. 14, 1802; died Dec. 27, 1802. . Julv 8, 1805; . . Oct. 13, 1866. . Aug. 3, 1808; . . Aug. 8, 181.5. . April 9, 1810; . . March 8, 1873. . Feb. 14, 1812. EIGHTH GENERATIOX. 911 Edward Fenner 912 Sarali Fenner, 913 Thomas, 914 Lvdia, *915 Ed. Hezekiah, 581 STEPHEN ALDEICH married 916 MERCY SMITH. 917 Warner. 918 Mary. 919 Thomas. 920 Stephen. 621 Joanna. 582 GEORGIE ALDRICII married STEPHEN MANN, No. 757. He kept tavern at tlie Union Village. 922 Alice, married James Lees. 923 Lucy, .. James Bushee. 924 William J. 925 Wellington, the "Iron Duke." 926 Anna. 927 Dianna. 928 George. 929 Sophia. 584 PHILADELPHIA ALDRICH married WHEELOCK. 930 Paris. 931 Silas. 932 Polly. 933 Submit. 934 Marcus. 935 David. 936 Phebe. 585 MARY ALDRICH married 937 ROBERT MOAVRY. 938 Martha. 939 Mary. 940 George. 941 Robert. 586 SUSAN ALDRICH married 942 SAMUEL DANIELS. 943 Eliza, married Ezekiel Aldrich, No. 42. mSTORV OF W00NS0CK15T. 2lr) 588 EACIIEL ALDKICII iiKiiTied 044 ADOLPIIUS JACOBS. 945 William. !)4U David. 590 JOANNA ALDRICII manied 047 EDWAKD IIOTCIIKISS. 048 Edward. 591 DIANNA ALDRICII married ARNOLD STEERE, No. 772. 040 William, married Ruth Nichols. O.'jO Joanna. 9.51 Isis. 9.52 Edward. 601 LYDIA WHITE married 9.53 DUTEE BALLOU. 954 Eensalier. 955 Almira. 956 Hannah. 957 Dutee. 958 Daniel. 9.59 Lydia. 960 Samuel Willard. 602 MARGERY WHITE married 961 DEXTER ALDRICH. 962 Cyrus. He was member of ConftTess from Minnesota durinj,' Lincoln's Administration. 963 Simon. 964 Dexter. 965 Alpheus. 966 lienjamin. 967 Hannah. 968 Cynthia. 969 Mary. 970 Abby. 605 IklARY AVIIITE married 971 STEPHEN F. BROWNELL. She was his second wife. 972 Hannah, married Warren B. Mowry, son of William, No. 305. 973 Susan, . . George Darling. 074 Isaac, . . Polly Young. 075 Stephen, .. Henrietta Hunt. 07() Samuel, died young. 077 Lucy Maria, . . 078 Dexter L., married Elizabeth, daugliter of Seba Car]ientoi', No. 703. 070 Unvy W. 2l6 HISTOIM'^ OF WOONSOCKBT. 612 MAKK ALDEICII married 980 SALLY NICHOLS. 981 Alpha, married Daniel Fuller. 613 LUKE ALDRICH married, first, 982 ^^AN^CY NICHOLS. 983 Mercy, married Willard Taft. 984 Lucy, . . Arnold Aldricli. 985 Stei)hen Arnold. 98(3 Harriet, married Stephen H. Thayer. 987 Eliza, . . David Holman. 988 Alpha, . . Augustus Drown. He married, second. 989 LUCINDA THAYER. 990 Seth E., married Cath. S. Southwick. 991 Mercy Maria . . Jos. S. Clarke. 992 Edwin R., . . first, Ellen Raynor; second, Mary Williams. 993 Benjamin F. . . Uranah Mowry. 994 Sarah A., . . Cyrus G. Murdoch. 995 Moses. 614 JOHN ALDRICH married 990 HANNAH SMITH. 997 Armina. 998 John. 615 PELEG ALDRICH married 999 MARY ALDRICIL 1000 Martin. 1001 Sarah. 1002 Elsie. 619 DAVID ALDRICH married a daughter of Stephen Whipple, No. 853. 1003 Celia, married C. C. Mowry, 1004 Lucius, . . Lucy Ide. 1005 Whipple, . . Comstock. 626 ARNOLD ALDRICH married 1006 MERCY ALDRICH. 1007 Augustus M. 1008 William D. 1009 Sarah. 1010 Cyrus. 633 TYLER PAINE married 1011 ALICE BASSETT. 1012 Albert. 1013 Mary. 1014 Steplien. 1015 Asenatli. HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 217 lUK) n)avi(I. 1017 Lewis. lOlS William. 1019 Addison. 1020 Tyler. 1021 LydiaE. 636 JUDITH PAINE married 1022 LEWIS WHIPPLE, sou of Asa. • 102:J Ferdinand. *1024 Lewis. 637 JOHN J. PAINE married 1025 OLIVE HALL. 102() Elizabeth. 1027 Sarah. 1028 Alpha. 1029 Juliet. 1030 Lucina. 1031 Mary. 1032 John J. 642 EZEKIEL ALDRICH married ELIZA DANIELS, No. 943. 1033 Susan Emeline, married Oliver W. May. 1034 Caroline Eliza, . . William A. Mowry. 645 RUTH ELIZA ALDRICII married 1035 GEORGE C. BALLOU. (See History.) 1030 Celia Ann, married Cyrus Arnold, No. 754. 1037 Alpha, . . Peter Brown. 1038 Allby, . . Charles Robinson. 1039 David, . . Emily Stetson, 668 LYDIA PAINE married 1040 JOSEPH RAY. He was a machine builder, and a man liinhly respected in his day. He lived at East Blackstoiie. Among his children the reader will recognize the members of the Arm of Messrs. James P. & James G. Ray. 1041 Mary, born 1816; died young. 1042 Lucius, . . 1819; 1043 James P., .. Aug. 1, 1820. 1044 Francis B., . . May 15, 1823. 1045 Marion, . . 1828; died young. 1()4() Joseph G., . . Oct. 4, 1831. 676 WILLIAM L. ALDRICII married 1047 ANNA JILLSON, 1st month 31, 1827. 1848 Elizabetli. 1019 Henry Clay. 28 '218 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 1050 Fred. 1051 Infant. 1052 Susan. 1053 Anna. 677 IIOKATIO N. ALDRICII niarried 1054 LYDIA KEENE. 1055 Joseph. 1050 Avis. 1057 Moses Arnold. 1058 Joseph. 1059 Elizabeth. 1000 Louisa. 678 DUTEE B. ALDllICII married 1001 HANNAH HEAD, 5tli month 1, 1823. 10G2 Charles E., married Martha Ilurlljurt. 10(53 Laura Earned, . . Reuel P. Smith. 1004 Abby Jane, . . Abraham Pennock. 10(i5 Wm. Herbert, . . Lois Andrews, 1006 Arnold, unmarried. 679 LAURA L. ALDRICII married 1067 EARLE CIIACE, 6th month 1, 1826. 1068 Carolina, died young. 1069 Eliza Borden, married Niles A iftaet i . jU^wV^'^ 1070 Caroline, . . Sidney Bateman, ^ 1071 ]\Iary Arnold, died young. 1072 Waldo Earle, 680 EREELOVE IL ALDRICII married 1073 LEVI LAPHAM, 11th month 8, 1831. 1074 Sarah. 1075 Elizabetli, died young. 1076 Levi Arnold. 1077 Laura Ellen. 681 DESIAII CARPENTER ALDRICII married 1078 NORRIS PHILBRICK, Sept. 13, 1849. lie died Sept. 29, 1871. 1079 Mary Dollie, married Edgar M. Slocumb. 683 OTIS ALDRICII married 1080 ELIZABETH ALLEN, Otli month 22, 1834. 1081 Leeman. 1082 Marshall. 1083 Moses. 773 RICHARD STEERE married - 1084 Richard. 1085 Franklin A. 1086 Roger. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 21[) 803 LUKE ARNOLD inaiiieil b^ 1087 LYDTA FREEMAN. *1088 Wliii)]»le. ' ' $^ 108!) Aniiisa. louo Freeman. . , *l()i)l Olney. . -^'"^ki W.Yi Alvin. vm Sophia. 1094 Lydia, married George Harrington. 10!).") Anna, . . Welcome Bnssey. 109G Mary, . . James Follett. I Y- 821 BENJAMIN ARNOLD married 1097 LAVINA COOK. They lived near M'here Smith Brown's house now stands. His estate extended from thence to Cold Spring Grove. 1008 Aaron Clarke, died young. 1099 Emory Cook, born Aug. 19. 1805. 1100 Micajah Collins, . . 1807. 1101 Julia Ann. 1102 ]leuben Allen. 1103 Lavina. \ 822 SMITH ARNOLD married, first, 1104 SUSAN HALL. He married, second, 1105 MARY EARLE. He was one of the original proprietors of the Social Manufacturing Company. 110() Jonathan Earle. 1107 Susan Hall, born April 9, 181G; married James M. Cook, No. 1,511. 1108 Joseph Augustus. \ 823 JOSEPH P. ARNOLD married 1190 ROSINA JENCKES. 1110 Lewis B. 1111 Aliiman. 1112 ]j0uisa M., married Augustus Adlington. 111:5 Sarah A., .. (Jeorgo (I Wilder. 1114 Lucion J. 1115 Eli/.al)oth C, married Loriug Boydcn. llKi Mary E. 1117 Alice /\., married B. W. Jolmson. 1118 Helen M. 1119 Emily B., married Orlando Stetson. \^824 WILIJAM ARNOLi:* married 1120 SARAH AV. FULLEIJ, daughter of John. 1121 Aluiii-a, born March 10, 1807; inanicd Hugli E. Cole. 1122 Chirissa, .. Aug. 29, 1808; .. Isaac EIsIjh'c. 112:', Mar v . I., .. Feb. IC, 1812; .. Tlioinas JMiller. 220 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Uiii Patience, bovn Yeh. IS, 1814; married Josepli Golf. 1125 James, . . Aus. 9, 1810. 1126 Lydia, . . 18,30; married George Russell. 915 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 EDWARD H. SPRAGUE (see History) married CLARA P. SMITH. Tliomas, born May 15, 184.5. Mary Comstock, . . Dec. 7, 1847. Edward H. Clara P., Fannie ^V., Susan L., William T., John, Dec. 11, 1849; died Marcli 31, 1876. Oct. 8, 1851. Feb. 6, 1853. Aug. 19, 1856; died Xov. 28, 1864. Aug. 4, 1858. Oct. 12, 1861; died Oct. 27, 1864. NINTH GENERATION. 1024 LEWIS WHIPPLE marrried 1136 SUSAK SHELDON. 1137 George A. 1138 Sophia. 1139 John Paine. (See History.) 1140 Sarah. 1141 Lydia. 1088 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1091 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 WHIPPLE ARNOLD married BETSEY CAPROX, I^o. 312. She was the mother of John Bartlett. Whipple. Learned Scott. Mary. Sarah. OLXEY ARNOLD married MARCELLA SAYLES. Olney J., born Oct. 5, 1795. Sept. 5, 1803. \'o ^^^ .'^ Marcella Adaline F., Amasa S., Emily S., 1 Marcella S > Olney J., Feb. 13, 1824. Dec. 28, 1825. Feb. 11, 1831. Nov. 24, 1833. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 221 THE MOWllY FAMILY. I AM sorry that I am not permitted to give a fuller account of this prolific family. But I am solaced by the fact that the work is in abler hands than mine, and that in a short time the history of this race, which has played so prominent a part in the affairs of Old Smithfield, will be given to the world with accuracy and skill. I have only allowed myself to trace the ancestry of those members of the family who intermarried with other families which I have given, or that are of general historic interest. FIRST GENEKATION. Two brothers of the name of Mowry, and a man by the name of Edward Inman, purchased a large tract of land of tlie Indians in 1G(56. (See History.) This tract of land included Avhat is now the Smithfield portion of our town. The names of the brothers were: *1155 Nathaniel Mowry. *11.jG John Mowry. 1155 NATHANIEL MOWIIY married JOHANNA, the daughter of Edward Inman. Nathaniel was sixty-six years of age, Jan. 10, 1710. He died March 24, 1717-18. He had eleven children. Among these were : *1157 Henry. *1158 Joseph. Mary. (See No. 48 Arnold genealogy.) 1156 JOHN MOWEY. Among his children was *11.59 John. SECOND GENERATION. 1157 HENRY MOWRY married, first, 1160 MARY BULL, Nov. 27, 1701. Slie Avas daughter of 1161 Isaac Bull. He had seven children. Among these were : *1162 Uriah, born Aug. 15, 1705. *1163 Elisha. Phebe. (See No. 369 Arnold gen.) Henry married, second, HANNAH MOWRY, the widow of his cousin John, Jan. 4, 1733-34. He died Sept. 23, 1759. 1158 JOSEPH JkfOWRY married 1164 ALICE WinPPLE. Among his five children were: *1165 Joseph, born Feb. 2(), 1698. Waite, .. .Tune 6, 1716. (See 160 Arnold gen.) 222 lilSTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 1159 JOHN MOWRY married, first, 110(3 MARGERY WHIPPLE, April 18, 1701. She was rtau^^liter of Eleazer Whipple, and sister to Hannah, tlie first wife of William Arnold. (See No. 49.) They had eight children. Among these was : *11G7 Ananias, born 1705. John afterwards married 1108 HANNAH PARKER, July 9, 1722, and after his death slie l)ecame the second wife of Henry Mowry, No. 1,157. John and Hannah had two children. THIRD GENERATION. 1162 URIAH MOWRY married, first, 1169 URANIA — — . She rewarded him with nine children. Their seventli child, spoken of at this day as a celebrated physician, was *1770 Jonathan, born March 10, 1741-42. Uriah married, second, Hannah Arnold (see No. 145), who was the fourth wife of Wm. Arnold. 1163 ELISHA MOWRY married 1171 PATIENCE MAN, Oct. 2, 1743. They had nine children. Among these was Israel. (See No. 567 Arnold gen.) 1165 JOSEPH MOWRY married his second cousin, MARGERY MOWRY, the daughter of John, No. 1,159. They had six cliildren. Among these was *1172 Eleazer, born Sept. 5, 1750. 1167 ANANIAS MOWRY married 1173 ZERUIAH ANGELL, March 2, 1745. They had eight children. Among these were: *1174 Philip, born March 2, 1738. *1175 Davicl, .. Sept. 28, 1743. *1176 Gideon, .. Feb. 20. 1746. Known as "Lawyer Gid." Richard, . . April 29, 1748. (See No. 394 Arnold gen.) FOURTH GENERATION. 1170 Dr. JONATHAN ARNOLD married 1177 DEBORAH WING. She was born 5th month 27, 1750, and died 7th month 13, 1825, aged 75 years. She re- Avarded him with ten children. Among these were : *1178 Caleb. Robert. (See No. 937 Arnold gen.) *1179 Deborah. 1172 ELEAZER MOWRY married 1180 EUNICE ALDRICII, March 27, 1773, wlio gave him twelve children. Among these Avas *1181 Eleazer, born Sept. 7, 1791. HISTORY OP WOONSOCKET. 223 1174 PHILIP MOWHY married 1182 ELIZABETH NEWELL, Oct. 28, 1762. They had ten children. Among these was *118G Jonathan, born A])ril W, 17(53. 1175 DAVID MOWKY married 11S4 PHEBE PAINE, Nov. 8, 17(57. They had seven children. Among these were: 1185 David, knov/n in the last generation as "King David Mowry." *1186 Phebe. 1176 GIDEON MOWKY married 1187 HANNAH SMITH, Dec. 14, 17(54. They had twelve cliildren. Among these was: Arba, born Oct. 6, 1782. (See No. 815 Arnold gen.) FIFTH GKKERATION. 1178 CALEB MOWRY married 1188 NANCY MOWRY, daughter of David, No. 1,175. Among their four children was *11S0 Barney, born May 3, 1804. 1179 DEBORAH MOWRY married 1190 EPHRAIM COE, son of John, 10th month 27, 1808. 1191 Anna, born 11th mo. 27, 1809; married Abner Aldrich, 5th mo. 17, 1838. 1192 Emor, born 3d mo. 24, 1812; married Maiy A. Wilkinson, 11th mo. 8, 18:32. 1193 Rebecca, born 3d mo. 27, 1814; married Abel C. Munroe, 2d mo. G, 1845. 1194 Infant born 20th mo. 24, 1816. 1195 John, born 10th mo. 30, 1817; not married. 1196 Sarah P., born 12th mo. 24, 1819; married N. A. Bryant, Gth mo. 10, 1840. 1197 Martin, born 10th mo. 30, 1821; married Louisa J. Ballon, 10th mo. i;i, 1842. 1198 Juliette, born 2d mo. 16, 1824; married Leonard Cartlin. 1199 William E . . 4th mo. 24, 1828; . . Rutli H. ]3acon. 1181 ELEAZER MOWRY married 1200 MARCY BALLOU, daughter of Benjamin. 1201 Abner Ballon, born Se])t. 22, 1814. 1202 Wm. Bainbridge, . . March 9, 1816. 1203 Content Ballou, .. June 22, 1817. 1204 John O., . . Feb. 24, 1820. 1183 JONATHAN MOWRY married, first, 1205 PATIENCE TWIT('HELL. Among their live children was 224 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 1205^ Levi, married Alpha Aldricli. Ko. GIG Arnold geii. He married, second, 1206 Euth Mclntire. Among their seven children was Spencer, born Nov. 27, 1802 ; married Mary Aldrich, No. G4G Arnold gen. 1186 PHEBE MOWRY married 1207 BENEDICT, son of Stephen Mowry, Jan. 17, 1799. 1208 Simon. 1209 Eenner. *1210 Phebe Amy. 1189 BARNEY MOWRY married, first, T211 PHILA MOWRY. 1212 Orin Pratt, born May 24, 1829. Albert, .. March 9, 1831; married Mary Arnold, No. 501 Arnold gen. 1213 Arlon, born Feb. 23, 1833. 1214 Stafford, .. April 14, 1835. 1215 ^.twell, . . Nov. IS, 1836. He married, second, 1216 URANA STEERE. 1210 PHEBE AMY MOWRY married ALBERT COOK. (See Cook gen.. No. 1,536. THE DESCENDANTS OF WALTER COOK OR COOKE. FIRST GENERATION. 1217 Walter Cooke, in 1643, was a resident of Weymouth, Mass. He was admitted freeman in 1G53. Among his sons were : 1218 Ebenezer. *1219 Walter, died Jan. 5, 1695. 1220 Nicholas. 1221 John. SECOND GENERATION. 1219 WALTER COOK married CATHARINE . The marriage took place Feb. 3, 1695. He removed to Mendon in 1663. *1222 Samuel. *1223 John. *1224 Nicholas. 1225 Elizabeth, married Peter Aldrich. THIRD GENERATION. 1222 SAMUEL COOK married Lydia . He lived on the Mendon road near the Rliode Island line. He was a mason by trade. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 225 122G Experience, born July 5, 1GS2. •■1227 Ebeiiezer, .. Oct. 28, 1684. 1228 Eydiir, 1229 Ilaniuili, 1230 Samuel, "1231 Walter, March 18, 1687. Sei)t. 29, 1G95. July 11, 1G98. March 18, 1701. 1223 JOIIX COOKE married 1232 XAOMI THAYER. Lived at Uxbridge. 1233 John, born Jan. 27, 1685. *1234 Joiiatliai), . . Feb. 27, IGSG. 123.5 Catharine, . . Aug. 3, 1687. 123G Naomi, . . March 13, 1093. 1224 NICHOLAS COOKE married 1237 JOANNA ROCKWOOI). Lived in what is now J>lackstone. 1238 Josiah, born Aug. 29, 1685. * 1239 Nicholas, .. June 10, 1G87. 1240 Johannah, . . Feb. 13, 1089. 1241 Marv, . . Oct. 9, 1690. 1242 Ann, . . March 4, 169.5. *1243 Seth, .. April 28, 1699. *1244 Daniel, . . Aug. 18. 1703. 1245 David, . . Nov. 15, 1705. 1246 Abigail, . . Oct. 4, 1707. *1247 Noali, . . 1710; died 1771. FOURTH GENERATION. 1227 EBENEZER COOKE (see History) married, first, 1248 HULDAII IIAYAVARD. They lived where the "Social" now is. He after- wards, after disposing of his estate to the Arnolds, removed to what is now Burrillville. 1249 Sarah, l)orn July 24, 1711. 1250 Elijah, . . April 5, 1713. 1251 JJcnjamin, . . June 5, 1715. *1252 Elisha, .. Ajjril 21, 1717. 1253 Huldah, . . Oct. 2(5, 1719. 1254 Ebenezer, . . June 1.5, 1722. He married, second, EXPERIENCE . 1255 Michael, born Dec. 10, 1727. 1256 Amos, .. Sept. 9, 1732. 1257 Experience,.. Sept. 8, 1734. 1258 Samuel, . . Oct. 8, 1735. 12.59 Silas, . . Aug. 8, 1736. r2(:0 Sarah, . . Dec. 10, 1740. 1261 Dorcas, . . June 2(), 174(i. 1231 WALTER COOKE married 12G2 MARGERY CORBETT. 29 22G HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 1203 Ichabod, born Oct. 15, 1727. 1264 Kachel, . . Oct. 28, 1730. 1265 Mercy, . . Oct. 31, 1728. 1266 Margery, . . Aug. 18, 1734. 1207 Hannali, . . Sept. 18, 1743. 1234 JONATHAN" COOK married 1208 MEHITABLE STAPLES. Thev lived at the Uxbridge homestead. 1209 Marv, l)oni Jan. 29. 1719. *1270 Naomi, . . Oct. 20, 1721. 1271 Abigail, . . July 20, 1720. *1272 Mehitable, . . Jan. 25, 1723. 1273 Hannah, . . Eeb. 14, 1725. 1274 John, . . Eeb. 19, 1728. 1275 Jonathan, . . Oct. 31, 1732. 1239 NICHOLAS COOKE married 1270 ELIZABETH STAPLES. They lived on the Kehoboth road, "on the Belling- ham side of the line which divides that town from Mendon." *1277 Jemima, born Nov. 10, 1716. *1278 Nathaniel, . . Sept. 15, 1718. 1279 Peter, . . Aug. 26, 1720. *1280 Daniel, . . Sept. 12, 1722. *1281 William, . . Dec. 12, 1724. *1282 Caleb, . . Sept. 25, 1727. 1283 Elizabeth, . . July 15, 1729. 1284 Abigail, . . Nov, 1, 1731. *r285 Nicholas, . . Eeb. 7, 1733. 1286 Susanna, . . March 0. 1738. *1287 Ezekiel, . . June 19, 1744. 1243 SETH COOK married EXPEEIENCE . 1288 Seth, born March 27, 1720. 1244 DANIEL COOK married SUSANNAH . 1289 Jamerson, born June 17, 1725. 1247 NOAH COOK married, first, 1290 KEZIAH ALBEE... *r291 Hannah, born Sept. 28, 1740. 1292 Susannah, . . Eeb. 26, 1742. 1293 Abigail. *1294 Ichabod. He married, second, 1295 OLIVE GASKILD. *1296 Arthur, born Nov. 30, 1700. 1297 (Esek, .. Jan. 8, 1703. 1298 )Lucretia, .. " " 1299 j Olive, ., April 1, 1707. 1300 jNoah, ,. '• HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 227 1301 Keziah, born July 27, 1770. His widow, Olive, married >1302 DANIEL WILCOX, of Cumberland, in 177G. FIFTH GENERATION, 1252 ELISHA COOKE married . He lived in the northeast part of Burrillville. 1303 Stephen. 1304 Israel, born July 31, 1747. 1270 NAOMI COOK married 1305 BENJAMIN WHITE, of Uxbridge. 1306 Levi, born Jan. 30, 1744. 1307 Paul, . . Sept. 18, 1746. 1308 Molly, . . Feb. 19, 1748. 1309 Jonathan, . . Oct. 30, 1752. 1310 Gideon. . . Oct. 18, 1755. 1311 Bethany, . . Aug. 2, 1756. 1312 ^Hepsibah, .. March 6, 1762. 1313 /.Beulah, .. 1272 MEHITABLE COOK married 1314 PAUL TAFT, of Uxbridge. 1315 Margaret, born Nov. 14, 1751. 1316 Catharine, . . Feb. 26, 1753. 1317 Prudence, .. Nov. 10, 1756. 1318 (Mary, .. June 26, 1763. 1319 (Marcy, 1277 JEMIMA COOK married 1320 AARON THAYER, of Mendon. 1321 Hannah, born March 12, 1739. 1322 Elizabeth, . . Oct. 29, 1740. 1323 Jemima, . . Sept. 14, 1742. 1324 Benjamin, . . April 16, 1744. 1325 Susanna, . . April 23, 1746. 1326 Rachel, . . March 26, 1748. 1327 Joanna, . . Feb. 16, 1750. 1328 Urania, . . Aug. 12, 1752. 1329 Fiona. . . May 9, 1754. 1330 Lavina, . . Jan. 30. 1756. 1331 Aaron, . . Feb. 26, 1758. 1332 Elijah, . . Aug. 12, 1760. 1333 Phebe, . . Aug. 17, 1762. 1278 NATHANIEL COOK married 1334 MARTHA ]iALLOU. He settled in Cumberland. AVas a Baptist clergy- man, and known as Elder Natlianiel. He was the first minister at the Elder Ballon Meeting-house. 228 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET, *1335 1336 1337 1338 *1339 1340 *1341 *1342 *1343 *1344 *1345 He was succeeded by Elder Abner Ballon, I'rom whom the meetins-lioiise took its name, Nathaniel, born April 14, 1748. Jerusha, James, Ellas, Ariel, Martha, Silas, Phebe, Elizabeth, Judith, Ananias, April 2, 1743. July 23, 1744. Aug. 15, 1740. Oct. 15, 1749. Sept. 18, 1751. March 23, 1753. Jan. 15, 1755. April 25, 1757. June 19, 1759. June 12, 1761. 1280 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1.353 1354 1355 1356 1357 DANIEL COOK married ELIZABETH Jemima, born Jan. 29. 1748. John, David, Joanna, Daniel, Elizabeth, Phebe, Seth, Abigail, Joseph, Elias, Lavinia, Aug. 6, 1749. Nov. 8, 1751. Feb. 3, 1754. April 11, 1756. Eeb. 16, 1758. April 10, 1763. Jan. 27, 1765. March 20, 1767. April 14, 1769. Dec. 30, 1770. Dec. 21, 1760. 1281 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 WILLIAM COOK married PRISCILLA Samuel, born Nov. 10, 1755. Susanna, Sylvanus, James, Catharine, Priscilla, Lucretia, William, Nov. 30, 1756. Sept. 5, 1758. June 7, 1760. March 6, 1763. April 26, 1765. April 17, 1767. March 11, 1770. 1282 CALEB COOK married PROVIDED 1366 5 Abigail, born June 19, 1754. 1367 } George, . , 1368 Olive, . . March 30, 1756. 1369 Freelove, . . Dec. 21, 1757. 1370 Patience, . . Oct. 30, 1760. 1371 Savil, . . Oct. 22, 1763. 1372 Jeremiah, . . Oct. 10, 1765. 1373 Simon, . . Dec. 8, 1770. 1374 ElizaV)eth, . . Aug. 31, 1772. 1285 NICHOLAS COOK married 1375 PHILLIS JILLSON. 137<5 Uriah, born June 27, 1760. 1377 Lutinea, . . March 14, 1764. JIlSTOllY OF WOONSOCKET. 229 i:578 Jereraiali, born Aug. 4, 1766. 1379 Lydia, . . Oct. 13, 1768. 1380 Calvin, . . March 4, 1771. 1381 William, . . April 10, 1773. 1287 EZEKIEL COOK married 1382 JERUSHA I3ALL0U. 1383 Zira, born May 0, 17G4. 1384 Ezekiel, . . Aug. 18, 1771. 1385 Urania, . . Sept. 18, 1775. 13S6 Jerusha, . . Nov. 10, 1777. 1387 Eunace, . . Jan. 26, 1780. 1388 Naluim, . . Sept. 21, 1782. 1389 Esther, . . Nov. 22, 1784. 1291 HANNAH COOK married 1390 EDWARD THOMPSON. They lived near the Five Corners at Blackstone. *1391 Abner, Ijorn April 3, 1761. 1392 Olnev, died young. *1393 Olney, born July'^31, 1767. (See No. 864.) *1394 Hannah, . . 1771. 1294 ICHABOD COOK married 1395 ELIZABETH SMITH. *1396 Ariel. 1397 Ichabod. 1398 Hannah, born Jan. 14, 1773. 1399 Samuel. 1296 ARTHUR COOKE married 1400 rillLENA BALLOU. 1401 Eliza, born 1785. 1402 Vienna, .. 1788. 1403 Pauline, . 1789. 1404 Aurilla. . . 1792. 1405 Arthur Fenner, . . 1795. 1406 Noah, . . 1798. 1407 Comfort Thompson, . . 1801. 1408 Arthur, . . 1803. 1409 Barton, . . 1806. 1410 Tallman, .. 1810. SIXTH GENKKATION. 1335 NATHANIEL COOK married 1411 AMEY WHIPPLE. 1412 Esek, born Dec. 29, 1768. 1413 Jerusha, .. Sei)t. 7, 1770. 1414 Aniasa, . . Jan. 9, 1772. 1415 "Whipple, . . May 2:5, 1773. 1-116 ^\mey. May 7, 1775. 230 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 1417 Martha, born Jiuie 17, 1777. 1418 Nathaniel, . . Feb. 7, 1779. *1419 Nahum, . . Nov. 19, 1782. 1339 1420 *1421 *1422 *1423 1424 *1425 1426 1427 *1428 AKIEL COOK married DORCAS WHIPPLE. He was known as "Deacon Ariel." Levi, born Jan. 13, 1773. Lavinia, Amos, Sin a, Ariel, Dorcas, Darius, Davis, Sept. 7, 1774. Oct. 10, 1776. Jan. 10, 1779; married Nathan Darling. Jan. 20, 1781; died Aug. 23, 1876. Jan. 24, 1783; married Daniel Whipple. April 7, 1785. May 21, 1788. 1341 1429 *1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 SILAS COOK married JOANNA DARLING. Reuben, born Dec. 27, 1776. Phila, Phebe, James, Silas, Joanna, Olney, Ziba, Miranda, Michael, Michael, Olney, Sept. 24, 1778. July 16, 1780. May 27, 1782. Feb. 22, 1784. Feb. 7, 1786. June 29, 1788. Feb. 22, 1791. April 9, 1793. May 29, 1796; died young. Nov. 23, 1798. Oct. 9, 1801. 1342 PHEBE COOK married 1442 JOSEPH THAYER, of Mendon. 1443 Reuben. 1444 Joseph. 1445 Asenath. 1446 Welcome. 1447 Otis. 1448 Phebe. 1343 ELIZABETH COOK married 1449 BENJAMIN THAYER. They lived on the road from the Five Corners to 14.50 Lucina. 1451 Laurania. 1452 Asenath. Woonsocket. 1344 JUDITH COOK married 1453 NICHOLAS THAYER. 1454 Laurania. HISTOItY OF WOONSOCKET. 281 1455 Ariel. 1450 Nicholas, 1457 Abijijail, 1458 Judith. 1450 Dianna. 1460 Phebe. 1345 ANANIAS COOK married 1401 SALLY BUTLER. 1402 Dianna, born June 5, 1785. 1403 Laurania, . . Feb. 24, 1787. 1404 Lucina, . . Dec. 17, 1788. 1405 Libbeus, . . Jan. 9, 1791. 1391 ABNER THOMPSON married 1400 MARY WHIPPLE, 1407 Whipple. 1408 Allen. 140!) a^evi, 1470 nVillard. 1471 William, 1472 Lucina. 1473 Mary. 1393 OLNEY THOMPSON married HYRENA PAINE. (See ante No. 500.) They lived near Slatersville until 1810, when they removed to Pittsfield, N. II. Their children are enumerated in the Arnold gen.. No. 509. There were nine children. The four last tliffer slightly from those enumerated. According to this account they were Phebe, Lyman, Mary, AV^illiam. 1394 HANNAH THOMPSON married 1474 NATHAN VERRY. 1475 Foster, born Oct. 22, 1780. 1470 Sally, . . Aug. 24, 1701. Julv4, 1703. 1477 Nancy, 1478 Abigail, 1470 Hannah, *14S0 Nathan, 14.S1 Samuel, 1482 James, 1483 Mary Ann, July 7, 1700, Oct. 1, 1708. May 24, 1801. June 20, 1804. June 15, 1807. Dec. 27, 1800. 1396 ARIEL COOK married 14^ CRUSA COOK. 1485 Willard. 1480 Olney. 1487 Hirain. 1488 Uranah, 1480 Eliza. 232 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 1490 Hannah. 1401 Ariel. 1492 SallJ^ 1493 Stephen. 1494 Otis. 1495 Clarl%;e. SEVENTH GENERATION. 1419 NATHAK COOK married 1496 LUCY BALLOU. 1497 Lucy, horn Oct. 4, 1S04. 1498 Harry Ballon, . . April 12, 1S09. 1499 Amev Whipple, . . March 6, 1811. 1500 Noratus Ross, . . Jan, 21, 1813. 1501 Caroline Washington, . . Feb. 10, 1815. 1502 Philander Perrv, . . Nov. 15, ISIO. 1503 Savannah Arnold, . . May 21, 1825. 1504 William ]S'ahum, . . May 30, 1827. 1421 LEVI COOK married 1505 EHODA DARLING 15()() Perley, bor 1507 Alpha, 1508 Sallv, 1509 Wlliis, 1510 Lyman A., 1511 James Madison, •n Aua:. 5, 1798. April 24, 1800. Oct. 23, 1801. (See History.) Sept. 5, 1803. Dee. 15, 1805. Feb. 10, 1809. 1422 LAVINIA COOK married 1512 JAMES COLE. 1.513 Lydia. 1514 Ariel. 1515 Dorcas. 1516 Joseph. 1517 Olive. 1518 James. 1519 Levi. 1520 Lewis. 1423 AMOS COOK married 1521 OLIVE DARLIXCx. 1522 Elizabeth. 1523 Arnold. 1524 Amos. 1525 Davis. 1526 Eliza, married O. D. Ballon. 1527 Sally, . . Nathaniel Short. 1528 Barton. 1529 Levi. 1530 Olney M. 1531 Olive. 1532 Edmund L. 1533 Albertus. HISTORY OF AVOONSOCKET. 233 1425 AllIEJj (X)OIv niarriecl 1.53-t ELIZA G. SABIN?. 1500 George, ))oru Aug. IS, ISIO. 1530 Albeit, . . Apiil 13, 1812. 1537 John fSabins, . . Dec. 28, 1814. 1538 Eilmond L., .. reb.f29, 1810. 1539 Charles, . . Fel), 19, 1817. 1540 Ann Eliza, . . Jan. 23, 1820. 1541 Horace, . . Nov. 16, 1821. 1542 Ariel Lindsev, . . Dec. 11, 1823. 1543 Kebecca Thomas, . . IvTov. 27, 1820. 1544 Maria, . . Jan. 8, 1829. 1545 Ellen Frances, . . May 2, 1832. 1540 Joshua Sabins, . . June G, 1835. 1428 DAVIS COOK married 1547 ABIGAIL BALLOU. 1548 Almira, married Lyman Cook, Xo. 1,557. 1549 Lucina. 1550 Dorcas. 1551 Abigail. 1552 Cyrus. 1553 Sarah. 1554 Davis. 1430 REUBEN COOK married 1555 MAETIIA WHIPPLE. 155(5 Elias, ])orn Aug. 24, 1802. 1557 Lyman, .. March 17, 1804; died Julv 15, lS7r 1558 Eimira, . . April 25, 1805. 1559 Diadama. 15G0 Mary. 1501 Alpha. 1502 R. OInej', born June 18, 1822. 1480 NATHAN VERRY married 1503 NANCY BALLOU, Jan. 23, 1823. 1504 Nathan T., born June 27, 1824. 1505 George F., . . July 14, 182(i. THE HARRIS FAMILY. Students of Rhode Island history— I refer to the history of Rhode Island which has thus far existed only in manuscripts and tradition- have lieard mucli of William Harris, the companion of Roger Wil- liams in his perilous voyage across the Seekonk river. Tiie historians of ]{hode Island, whose works have gone to the printer, out of re- s'poct to the memory of the "great apostle of soul lil)erty," etc., say but little of him, and what they do sav is not complimentary. As I 30 234 ITTSTOr.Y OF WOOXSOCKET. desire my worl^ to 1)u "i)()])u];ir," like uiy predecessors, I shall say but little of liiiii; indeed, I will simply direct tlie attention of my readers to a genealogical account of his brother. FIRST GENERATION. 1566 THOMAS IIATIRIS. He came to Providence about the year 1G3S. He died in IGSfi. Among his children was *15G7 Thomas Harris. He died Feb. 27, 1710-11. SECOND GENEItATION. 15G7 THOMAS HAERIS. Among his children ^vere: *15GS Thomas, born Aug. 10, 1G65; died Sept. 1, 1741. *15G9 lUchard, . . Nov. 14, 1GG8; . . 1750. *1570 Nicliolas, . . April 5, 1G71. 1571 William, . . June 11, KH:]. *1572 Henrv, . . Xov. 10, 1G75. *157:l Eleth'an. 1574 Joab, born Jan. 11, 1681. 1575 ximity, . . Dec. 10, 1677. "1576 Mary. THIRD GENERATION. 1563 THOMAS HAEEIS married 1577 PHEBE EKOWX. *1578 Wait, born April 21, 1G9G. 1579 Pliebe, . . Dec. 1(5, 1698. 1580 John, . . Sept. 17, 1700. *1581 Henry, . . Oct. 5, 1702. ■■'^1582 Thos., . . Oct. 21, 1704. *1583 Chas., .. 1709. *15S4 Gideon, . . March 16, 1714. 1585 Lydia, . . June 9, 1715. 1509 PJCITARD IIAEEIS. Among his children were •. *1586 Richard. 1587 Jonathan, married Anne Mowry. 1588 Amaziah. *1589 David, born 1714; died 1797. 1590 Preserved, married i^Iartha Mowry. 1591 Elethan, . . Joseph Guile. 1570 XICIIOLAS HAEEIS. Among his children were: 1592 Thomas, married, second, Sarah Collins. 159P. Nicholas. 1594 Jedediah. 1595 Ch.ristopher, married Anna Harris. 1596 Zuiviah. 1507 Sarah, married Israel Carpenter. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. zdO 1572 HENRY HARRIS. Among his children were : *15ns Henry, died Au^-.G, 174(). 159!) Thomas. 1(500 Lydia, married William Tillinghast. 1573 ELETHAIN" HARRIS married 1001 n"atha:n' BROW]sr. 1()02 William. 1()0;5 Sarali, 1004 Elethan. 1576 MARY HARRIS married 1005 GABRIEL BERNOK He was a Huguenot refugee— a noted man in Ins native and his' adopted country. *1G0G Susanna. 1007 ILary, married Gideon Crawford, 1008 Eve." rOUKTII GEl^ERATION. 1578 WAITE HARRIS married 1009 .JOSEPH FEN'N'ER. 1010 Hetty. 1011 Thomas. 1012 Phebe, married Benjamin Slack. 1013 Waite, . . Benjamin Sprague. 1014 Joseph. 1015 Asahel, married Rohy Sprague. 1581 IIEXRY HARRIS married 1010 TABITHA WESTCOTT. 1(517 Phf^he, born May 29, 1728; married Artliur Fenner. 1018 John, ., May 8, 17:11. 1019 Josias, .. Sept. o, 17:57; married Sarah' Congdon. 1(520 5 Caleb, .. Aug. 9, 17:39; . Margaret Westcott. 1021 / .. " " Ben.iamin Slaclv. 1022 Hannah, . . Nov. 25, 1744; . . John Colwell. 1582 THOMAS HARRIS married 1023 ABIGAIL SMITH. 1024 Lydia, married William Albertson. 1025 Phebe, . . Edward Smith. 1(520 Joseph. 1(527 Abigail, married Jolni Holden. 15S.3 (^HARLES HARRIS married 1('>28 MARY HOPKINS. 1020 Henry, married Roby Smith. 10:50 Amy, "^ .. William Browning. lOl^l Gideon. 236 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 1632 Nancy. 1683 Steplien, married Lydia Beverly. 1634 Josep]]. 1635 Oliver. 1636 Mercy, married Caleb Fenner. 1637 George, . . ISTancy Bowen. 1584 GIDEOX HAKRIS married 16.38 WESTCOTT. 1639 Waite. 1640 Talnthy, married Andrew Angell. 1641 Huldah, . . Richard Mowrv, great grandson of Joseph, No. 1,158. 1642 Thomas, married Rreelove Arnold. 1643 Asahel, . . Naomi Winsor. 1644 John, . . Nancy Arnold. 1645 Charles, . . Mary Fenner. 1586 RICHARD HARRIS married, first, 1646 MARTHA FOSTER. He married, second, 1647 MARY COLWELL. 1648 Richard, married Mary Thomas. 1649 Jeremiah, . . Abigail Smith. 1650 Anthony. 1651 David, married Abigail Farnnm. 1652 Jabez, . . Martha Arnold. 1653 Abner, . . Amy Cohvell. 1589 DAVID HARRIS married, first, 1654 MARY JENCKES. He married, second, 1655 MARTHA JENCKES. She was granddanghter of Gov. Joseph Jenckes. She died at Stamford, N. Y., in 1825, aged 101 years, 1656 Inland. 1657 David, died young. *1658 Sarah, boni 1750. ■■'=1659 Joseph, . . 1752; died Feb. 25, 1823. 1660 George, . . 1706. 1661 Amey, . . Jan. 9, 1756; married Caleb Greene. 1662 Martha, . . 1758. *1663 Stephen, . . Dec. 28, 1753. 1598 HENRY HARRIS married 1664 HOPE HOPKINS. 1665 Lydia, married Jos. Tillinghast. 1666 Ruth. 1(567 Sarah, married John Hopkins. 1668 Hope, . . William Wall. 1669 Susan, . , Jol) Cooke. HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 2ii7 1606 SUSANNA BERNON maiTied 1G70 JOSEPH CRAWFOKD. 1(171 Sarah, married Silas Cooko. 1()72 Freelove, . . John Jonckes. 1()7:'. Mary, .. Dr. Amos Troo]). 1074 ( Caiulas, . . Zacliariah Allen. 1()75 (Nancv, .. " " 1670 Lydia, . . Philip Allen. FIFTH GENERATIOX. 1658 SARAH HARRIS married 1077 EPHRAIM OTIS. 1078 iMary, married Samuel Foster. 1079 Ephraim, died young. 1080 I^i^hraim. 1081 Harris, married Lydia Rogers. 1082 Amey. 1083 Daniel. 1084 Jol), married Del3orah Harris, 1085 Steplien. 1080 Daniel. 1087 George, married Lucinda Smith. 1659 JOSEPH HARRIS married 1088 HEPSABETH BUNKER. They lived at Lime Rock, R. *1080 David, born 1780. 1000 William, . . . 1781; died 1783. 1091 Hannah, . , . 1783; . . 1783. 1092 Sarali, . 1784; . . 1784. =109:] William, . . . 1785. 1094 Joseph, . . . 1787; died 1788. 1095 Daniel. , 178!>; . . 1790. 1090 Hannah, . . . 179i; . . 1701. =1097 Samuel B . . 1793. 1098 Daniel G. . . 1795. 1663 STEPHEN HARRIS married, first, 1099 HANNAH MAWNEY. 1700 John M., horn July 15, 1775; died Nov. 2, 177(5. 1701 Henrj% .. May 23, 1777; .. Aug. 8, 1778. 1702 Stephen M., . . Aug. 25, 1780; . . Feb. 21, 1823. He married, second, 1703 ABIGAIL CUSHING. 1704 Abhv, died young. *1705 Sarah O., born Jan. 30, 1795. 1700 Benjamin C, .. Jan. 21, 1797. 1707 Edwin K., . . Oct. 21, 1798. 1708 Abbv, . . Aug. 3, 1800. 1709 (Jeorge I., . . July 10, 1805. 1710 Charles F., . . Dec. 13, 1809. 238 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. SIXTH GENEKATIOK. 1689 DAVID HARRIS married 1711 LYDIA STREETER. Amono: their children Avas 1712 Edward Harris. (See History.) 1693 WILLIAM HARRIS married, first, 1713 SARAH GREEXE. He married, second, 1714 SARAH WILKIXSOK (See History.) 1697 SAMUEL B. HARRIS married, first, 1715 MARY TILLINGHAST. He married, second, lier twin sister, 1710 PATIEXCE TILLIXGHAST. (See History.) 1705 SARAH O. HARRIS married 1717 SAMUEL GREEl'^E, agent of Rernon for many years, (See History.) .=v,«^, Index to Genealogy. Adliiigton, Ansustns 1112 Albertson, Williaiii I(i24 Aklricl), Aaron 021 Abl)y 070 Al)l)y Jane lOtu Aimer 1191 Alice 022 Al])ua (Hi) " 081 " otss Alplieiis Oil.') Alvah ()20 Amy 400 Anna 472 " 58:5 " 02(i " 105:', Anthony 4('.o Arena (i2:; Arniin;i 0i,'7 Arnold 275 " ()2() " GS2 '• 084 " 100(5 • A.sa 40-1 Aujiustus 270 024 " jI 1007 Avi.s.: io.";i; Azaiel ()2.") ]>cn.ianiin ooc. " F oo;; Caleb, Juds^e 20;) Oi7 Aklr Caroline Eliza 10;U C'atharine 5i)4 Celia lOO:) Chas. E 10()-2 (Collin 051 Cynthia 008 Cyrus 002 " 1010 David 010 " (ii'c' Dennis 020 Desiah Carpenter. . 081 Dexter 901 " 004 Dianna 591 027 Dntee Ballon 078 Edwin G5{') " K 092 Eli.sha 400 " 041 Eliza 987 Elizabeth 057 1048 ..10.50 Elsie 027 " 1002 Eunice 1180 lOzekiel ()42 Fred ...1050 Freelove Hale C'^o George 582 " ' 028 ilannah .i78_ 207 007 llavriet '.is.; 22(3 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Aldr icli, Henry Clay 10 W Hiram cry.) Horatio Nelson — (577 Isabella 481 Israel 342 James 159 " 660 •' 68.") " 827 Joanna 590 921 Joel 269 " 596 John 014 " 058 " 998 Joseph 055 " 1055 " 1058 Julia i 630 Laura Larned 679 '• 1063 Leenian 1081 Lewis 617 Louisa 1060 Lucius 1004 Lucy Oil " 923 " 984 Luke, "Uncle" 531 " 613 Lydia 274 ■" 595 Maria 618 " 628 Mark 612 Marshall 1082 Martin 1000 Mary 271 " 465 " 585 " 646 " 918 " 969 " 999 Mercy 4(il 983 1006 Mercy, Maria 991 Moab 467 Moses. 273 684 995 " 1083 " Arnold 10.57 Naaman 268 Oliver 644 Aldrich, Otis 643 " 683 Paris 652 Patience 577 Peleg 615 Peter 1225 Philadelphia 584 6.53 Ptachel 588 llobert 6.54 Kuth 106 " 622 " Eliza 645 Sally 587 Sarah 1001 " 1009 "A 994 Seth 69 " T 990 Simson 460 Simon 963 Sophia 929 Stephen 581 649 650 920 " Arnold 985 Susan .586 " 10.52 " Emeline 1033 Susanna 264 Thomas 265 589 " 919 Waito... ".'.*.'.'.".'." .".'.'." 462 Warner 917 Welcome 592 Wellinsfton 925 Whipple 1005 William 206 593 " Duana 1008 " Herbert 1065 " J 924 " L 676 Allen, Elizabeth 1080 Ezra 767 " 770 Keziah 1290 Lydia 697 768 Philip 1676 Tamer 769 Walter 696 Zachariah .541 1675 Andrews, Louis 1065 MISTOllY OF WOONSOCKKT. 241 Andrews, ^Villi;llu II '.HM Aiii;oll, j\ii(Ii('\v Kl-iO I-]iU(ir .">(;:* E/.ckiel :.(;i Xatliau (iL'T Sarah ].") Zeruiali 117:; Ap]>lol)y, Scth 814 ^Vniolil, Aaron loS " 27(; " Clarke 10i)S Al)it^-ail 58 " isa " 185 420 7(H) Al)ra]iaiii 228 Abraiu 752 Ace f)5 Adaline F 1150 Aliab ;;48 Ahimau nil Alee 1^41 AkIricIi 475 Alfred 404 445 700 Alice A 1117 Almira 1221 Alpha 821 748 Alsie 074 Alviii 75:1 " 1092 Amasa 1080 " 8 1151 Aniev 207 442 Amos 444 84i) .\iiii 424 " 80(i Anna . 55 " 144 " ..177 " 482 Anne 788 " 1005 Anson 405 Antliony .50 " ■ 102 Arl)a 455 Artliur ;>5l Asa 200 Arnold, Asa 780 Aut;usliis 825 Hathshcba 027 808 I5em'(lict 2 107 ICO lienjamin 441 821 Calel) 120 " 4.50 Catharine 90 Charles 8.04 Clarissa 440 1122 Cordelia 900 Cyrus 029 '" 7.54 Daniel 52 " 157 405 •■• 419 [' 457 7.55 802 812 David 155 400 " 417 Dorcas 170 412 " 401 702 Dianna 020 744 nnnd 41 azer 10 Edi FAo. nor. jail. Elislia. i/.a 418 25 173 022 747 101 102 415 458 782 4!;8 ' Harriet 511 i/.ahetli 11 (i4 402 408 489 .". 784 242 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Aniold, Elizal)et]i 807 An C 1115 Emily 15 1119 S 11.-):^ Emory Cook lOOU Enoch 172 Ephvaim 479 Esther 84(> Ezekiel ;]7o Fatima 4:J9 Franklin 850 Freelove 1(142 Freeman 1090 George 189 491 832 " Benedict 099 Gideon 139 141 Iladwin 487 Hannah 101 135 138 152 182 184 304 393 Hanson 811 Helen M 1118 Henry 303 Hnldah 238 Ichabod 12 nsaac 230 Ishmael 113 Israel 51 " ..101 " 474 " 781 Jacob 124 " 353 James 191 " 493 " 502 " 1125 Jane 108 Jeremiah 24 Jesse 347 " 390 Joanna 5 295 324 Job 60 " 229 Joel ." 787 John 9 " 17 lold, Jolin 22 •' 50 " 90 " 134 " 404 " 804 Jonathan (51 lis 231 " E 110(5 Joseph 21 45 40!5 443 454 " Augustus 1108 " P.:. .823 Josias 44 Julia 478 " Ann 745 " 1101 Lavinia 1103 Learned Scott 1144 Lemuel Hastings . . . 335 Leonard 840 Levi 179 " ISO J^ewis 483 " B 1110 Louisa M Iii2 Lucien J Iii4 Lucina 785 " 804 J^ucy 105 " 701 " 845 Luke 230 " 49(5 " 803 Lydia 98 '• 302 " 355 " 704 " 789 829 " 837 1094 112(5 Mahala 484 Marcella 1149 " S 1153 Marcus 809 Margaret 392 490 Maria 492 09S " 800 A TIISTOItY OF WOONSOCKET. 24.- Arnold, Mavtlia 102 Arnold. Mary . l:Vi . 1()(5 . 410 . 421 ACM . 11) . ti() . 40 . m . m . 107 ■ ^ii . o7") 407 4-2'.) 4o3 470 501 " 538 " S2(i " 8:50 " 1090 " 1145 " E 1110 " J 112:', " Smith 70o Mercy -"^O " " 1-Jl Kis " 325 Mica jail Collins — 1100 Moses 154 Xancy 847 " ■ 1044 Xaonii 100 " 110 Nathan 180 450 844 Nathaniel 239 Xoali 15() " 423 Olive 488 Oliver Kil Olnev 1091 " "J 1148 '• " 1154 ratience io4 127 477 810 828 1124 Tele- 99 rhebe 27 123 190 240 349 486 750 Philadelphia 128 Philip 114 Polly 298 " 839 Priscilla 171 Provided 413 Kachel 175 328 Renben, Allen 1102 Richard 7 10 40 109 299 301 " James 540 Roby 305 " 340 " 830 Ruf us 371 Rntli 107 " 300 " ;]2;) " 783 Sally 297 Samuel Ill 457 " Greene ... 530 907 Sarah 05 103 130 408 425 494 " 700 1140 " A 1113 Savannah 842 Seth 54 " 181 " '... 187 " 300 " 848 Silas 3.50 Smith 822 Soi)hia 109:5 Stephen no 120 2U HISTORY OF WOONSOOKKT. Arnold, ,Sie]>lien 220 2li() 4in 74!) Susan Hall 1107 Susanna • -. 13 -"m Ill 140 :][ri 411 Thomas 4 S IS 3!) " ()3 " !)2 234 301 497 " Jenckes 74(i IJriali 170 AVaite 43.-. " 473 827 Welcome 232 ..841 Whipple 1088 1143 William l 40 11.-) 125 351 380 430 824 " B 705 Willis.. 480 Woodward 43 Arnzen, Niles — ■■ lOfJO ]5aeon, lluth II 1100 Balcolm, Martha 83 Ballon, Abhy 1038 Abip;ail 1.547 ^Vlniira 955 Alpha 1037 Jjathsheba 109 Celia Ann 1030 Daniel 9.58 David 1030 Duteo 0.53 " 9.57 Fenner 03i) (Teov2;e 513 ""C 1035 llannaii 0.5(i Ballon, Jemima 3.54 791 .levnsha 1382 Louisa J 1191 lau-v 149(J Lvdia 9.50 Martha 1334 Mercy 1200 ]Srancy 1563 Xathan 845 Otis Dexter 1.520 Peter 1037 Philena 1400 Ilensalier 954 Samuel Willard OGO Susanna 344 Bartlett, Abby 525 Aimer 221 " 51(i Alpha 514 •' 519 Anna 222 •' 513 Benedict 535 Caleb 225 Caroline 710 Daniel 105 Delia 717 Elisha 2E4 " 715 " 003 Esther .528 (icorge .524 721 James 534 Joanna .529 John 1142 " E 880 Luev 531 Mary .521 Minerva 905 Nathan 517 Oliver .522 " 720 Otis 523 Patience 520 Philadelphia 515 537 904 Polly 532 Rebecca 718 llufus 223 " 533 lluth 530 " 719 Sarah 723 Smith 518 iiiSTOiiv OK wuon.souki<:t. 24/ JJarllett, Slo])li('ii 530 AVilliiun 527 '. 885 " O T22 llassett, Alice 1011 Uatcman, Sidney 1070 IJer-^en, Kev. Cliarles 810 Bernoii, Eve 1G08 Gabriel 1G05 ]\IaTy 1G07 Susanna 100(5 ]5eveiiej', Lydia lO:);; JJorden, Natliauiel Ji 708 ]>()wen, Nancy 10:57 JJoyden, Lorihtj'. 1115 ]}rayton, Thomas 010 lirown, Aup-ustus 988 Elethan 1()04 .■Nathan 1001 Phebe 1577 Sarah lOO:'. Walter ()9S William 1002 IJrownell, Dexter L 978 Hannah 972 Isaac 974 Lucy Maria 977 Mary W 979 Samuel 97(5 Stephen 975 *' F 971 Susan 97o r>ro\vninL;', William 10;'>0 IJryant. Xoah A 1190 Ijuftum, Ann A^ernon 7;50 Arnold 289 Darius D 284 David 28;) Edward 714 Elizabotli 709 Hannah 288 Joseph 282 Lucy 280 " 710 Lvdia 291 '" 712 Mary T^ee 731 Patience 285 Piel)ecca 711 Sarah 70S Thomas 287 800 Waite 290- AVilliani 281 " 292 '.'. " Arnold .... 71:5 15(ill, Isaac lioi Pull, Mary 1100 Jiunker, ireiJsabeth Iii88 Jiurj>'ess, Tristam 588 Purrill, James 334 Pushee, James 923 Pussej^ Welcome 1095 Putler, Sally 1401 Capron, Asa 308 Petsey 312 Elisha 319 Esther Emeline — 739 . . Fanny 320 James 73') Joseph 307 314 " Panlield 741 Lucy ;5io " "Farnum 740 Lydia Gushing 737 Margaret 130 JNIary 780 " Warren 733 Nabby 310 iSTathan Arnold 734 Xancy Darling 738 Otis 313 Patty 317 Kuth 309 Sabra 318 Sarah Arnold 740 Sylvia 311 Thomas 315 Gargill, Daniel 451 David 449 George 452 James 440 448 John 450 Lucy 450 Marv 188 Phoda 447 Garpenter, ]>enjamin 247 Elizabeth 978 Israel 1597 Seba 703 Garroll, Sarah Ann 048 Gartlin, Leonard 1198 Ghace, Antliony (>89 Garoline 10(>8 1070 .. • Earle 1007 Eliza Porden 10()9 :^rarv Arnold 1071 Samuel P 709 Wal(h) Earl(^ 1072 Glarke, ,los. S 991 (!oe, Anna 1191 246 HISTORY OF AVOONSOgJvET. Coe, Emor .1102 .. Epliraim 1190 .. Jolm 1195 .. Juliette 1198 .. Martin 1197 . Eebecca 1193 .. Sai-ahP 119() .. William E 1199 Cole, Ariel 1514 Dorcas 1515 .. HusliE ,1121 Janies 1512 " 1518 Joseph 151(5 .. Levi 1519 Lewis 1520 .. Lydia 1510 .. Oiive 1517 Colwell, Aniey 1053 John 1622 Mary 1647 Comstock, Adam 249 Alpha 246 Amey 248 Andrew 81 Anna 84 Anthony 80 261 Caleb 258 Catharine 77 Cyrus 469 David 32 " 67 Deborali 243 Elizalieth 33 Ezekiel 85 262 Ereelove 247 George 242 280 Gideon 75 Henry 440 Hezediali 30 78 Ichabod 35 Jeremiah 37 123 Jerusha 245 Job 36 Jolui 34 " : 82 Joseph SO Lucina 470 Martlia 88 Nathan 468 Penelope 79 Phebe SO Cook or [■ Cooke, ) Comstock, Eachel 76 Eowena 279 Pufus 87 Samuel 28 29 244 Sarah 68 " 471 Stephen 259 Susan 73 Susanna 260 278 Thomas 31 William 74 Congdon, Jonathan 784 Sarah 1691 Abigail 1246 1271 1284 1293 1366 1551 1754 Albert 1536 Albertus 1533 Almira 1548 1558 Alpha 1507 " 1561 Amasa 1414 Amey 1416 " 'Whipple 1499 Amos ...1256 " 1423 " 1524 Ananias 1345 Ann 1242 " Eliza 1540 Ariel 1339 " 1396 " 1425 " 1491 " Lindsey 1542 Arnold 1523 Arthur ..1296 1408 " Fenner 1405 Aurilla 1404 Barton 1409 1528 Benjamin 1251 Caleb 1282 Calvin 1380 Caroline AVash' ton.. 1501 Catharine 1235 13(;2 Charles 1539 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 241 Cook. Chivkc Mil.") Cook, Coinfort Tlioiiii)soii. .1407 Ci-usa MS4 Cyrus I."):* Daniel 1244 " 12S0 " V.]:>{) Darius 1427 David 1245 " i;us Davis 142S " 1.J54 Diadama 1 •">•')'.) Dianna 14('.2 Dorcas 12(>1 1420 I'M Ebenezer 1218 1227 1254 Edmund L ir):!2 •• 15:!S Elias i;];!S '* ir)5() " 1750 Elijah 1250 Elisha 1252 Eliza 1401 " 148'.) " 1.520 Elizabetli 1225 12s;! i:;4:i 1:551 P!74 1522 Ellen Frances 1545 Esek 12U7 " 1412 Esther ]:;s!) Eunace 1;}S7 Experience 1220 12.57 Ezekiel 1287 l:;84 Freelove LSO'.t George i:]07 1.5:'.5 llannali 122<) 12()7 127;! 12!)1 i:;'.i8 141)0 Harry Jiallou 14!)8 Hiram 1487 llorncc. . iluldali. Iclialiod. Israel Janierson. James — " Madison. Jemima Jeremiah. Jerusha. . Joanna Joh... Jolm. " Sabins. Jonathan — Joseph Joshua Sabins. Josiah Judith Keziah J^abinea J^aurania J^avina Lebbeus Levi — Luc in a. . Lucretia. Lncv. Lydia. JiVnian . '" A. Margary jSIaria . . Martha.. iAIiirv. 248 niSTOllY OF WOONSOCKET. Cook, JMury 12G9 " 15G0 .. Mehituble 1272 Mercy 1205 Michael 1255 1439 1440 Miranda 1438 Nahiiin 1388 1419 Xaomi 1236 " 1279 J^athaniel 127S " 1335 1418 .. Nicholas 1220 1224 1239 1285 Xoah. 1247 " 1300 ;. " 1406 jSToratus Eoss 1500 Olive 1299 " 1368 " 1531 Olney 1436 " 1441 " 1486 " M 1530 ;; Otis 1494 Patience 97 1370 Pauline 1403 Perley 1506 Peter 1279 Phebe 1342 " 1352 " 1432 Phila 1431 Philander Perry 1502 Priscilla 1363 ;; Rachel 1264 Rebecca 1543 Reuben 1430 R. Olney 1562 Sally 1492 "■ 1508 " 1527 Samuel 1222 1230 1258 1358 1399 ;; Sarah 1249 " 1260 " 1553 Cook, Savannah Arnold 150;l .. Savil 1371 .. Seth 1243 " 1288 " 1353 .. Silas 1259 " 1341 " 1434 " 1671 Simon 1373 .. Sina 1424 .. Stephen 1303 ..1493 .. Susanna 1286 1292 1359 Svlvanus 1360 . . Tallman 1410 .. Urana 1488 " 1385 .. Uriah 1376 . . Vienna 1402 .. Walter 1217 1219 1231 . . AVhipple 1415 . . AVillard 1485 .. William 1281 1365 1381 Nalmm 1504 .. AVillis 1509 .. Ziba 1383 " 1437 Corbett, Margery 1262 Crawford. Candas 1674 Freelove 1672 Gideon 1607 Joseph 1670 Lydia 1676 Mary 1673 Nancy 1675 Sarah 1671 Crutfj Mary 388 Cushing, Abigail 1703 Daniels, Dan 'A. 8.52 Darius 167 Eliza 943 Samuel 942 Smith 847 Darling, Esther 843 George 973 Joanna 1429 L. P 734 Lucv 849 Matilda 705 Nancy 732 HlSTOllY OF WOONSOCKET. 249 Darliiif;-, Niithan 142-1 Olive 1521 Klioda 1505 Davis, Isabella 8:55 ])urfee, Abigail 7;;5 Duticott, 3jarl)ary 8ol Eames, Anthony 547 Millicen't 540 nCaiio, Eliza 093 Jonah 0i)4 John Milton 087 Lncv 0112 Lydia 080 Mary 1105 Pliney 08() " 095 Sarah 090 Thomas 088 William 091 Eddy, xYmey 294 David 151 " 293 Hannah 145 James 00:5 Mary 148 Nathaniel 147 lluth 149 " 779 Stephen 150 Elsbree, Isaac 1122 Eston, Jemima 212 Farniim, John 14 Abigail 1051 Arthur 248 " 1017 Asahel 1015 Caleb 10:50 Fenner, Daniel 908 Hetty 1010 Joseph 1009 1014 Mary 1045 Phelie 1012 Thomas 1011 Waite 1G13 Fisk, Susanna 53 Follett, James 109(5 Foster, Martha 1040 Samuel ..1078 Freeman, Lydia 1087 Fuller, Daniel 981 Sarah W 1120 Gaskill, Olive 1295 Golf, Jose])h 1124 (lould, liebccca 707 (Jroene, Calel) 1001 Samuel 1717 ^2 Greene, Sarah 1713 T. 11 900 Guile, Jose])h 1591 Hacker, AV^illiam 093 Hadwin, Oharles 090 Elizabeth 485 Hall, Olive 1025 .. Susan 1104 Handy, Watty 500 Harrington, George 1094 Ilarri.s, Abby 1704 " 1708 Abigail 1027 Abner 1053 Amaziah 1588 Amey 1030 " 1001 Amity 1575 Anne 1595 Anthony 1050 Asahel .' 1043 ]jenjamin C 170G Caleb 1020 Charles 1583 1045 F 1710 Christopher 1595 Daniel 1(595 " G 1098 David 1589 " ...1051 " 1057 " ...1089 Deborah 1084 Edward 1712 Edwin K 1707 Elethan 1573 1591 George 1(5:37 " 1(500 '• 1 1709 Gideon 1.584 " 1031 Hannah 1(522 1(591 1(590 Henry 1,572 1581 1598 ..1029 Hone 1(5(58 Huldali l()41 Jabez 1052 Jedediah 1594 Jeremiah 1049 Joab i.-,74 John i.")S() 250 HISTOEY OF WOONSOCKET. Harris, Jolui 1G18 " 1044 " M 1700 " " 1701 Jonathan 1587 Joseph ..1626 1634 1659 " 1694 Josias 1619 Lydia 1585 " 1600 " 1624 " 1665 Martha 1662 Mary 1576 Mercy 1636 Nancy 1632 Nicholas 1570 1593 Olive 1635 Phebe 1579 " 1017 " 1625 Preserved 1590 Ptichard 1569 1586 1648 Ruth 166(5 Samuel B 1697 Sarah 1597 " 1658 " 1667 " 1692 " O 1705 Susan 1669 Stephen 1633 1663 M 1702 Tabitha 1640 Thomas 1566 1567 1568 1582 1592 1599 1642 Waite 1578 " 1639 William ..1571 1690 " 1693 Zuiriah 1596 Hastings, Cynthia 330 Ilayward, Hannah 59 142 Iluldah 1248 Holden, John 1627 Holman, David 987 Hopkins, Hope 1664 John 1667 Mary 1628 Hotchkiss, Edward 947 948 Hunt, Henrietta 975 Hussey, Mary 688 Sarah 687 Ide, Daniel 807 .. Lucy 1004 Inman, Ann 66 Edward 1155 Johanna 1155 Jacobs, Adolphus 944 David 946 AVilliam 945 Jeffyrs, Laphani 788 Jenckes ^ Amelia 890 or > Daniel 887 Jenks, ) Dinah 743 Georc^e 892 Henry 888 John 893 " 1072 Luke 826 Martha 158 1655 Mary 889 " 1654 Rosina 1109 Sarah 891 Jillson, Abner 368 .. Anna 1047 .. Hannah 362 Luke 365 .. Nathan 364 .. Nathaniel 360 363 .. Phillis 1375 Rhoda 367 .. Ruth 361 .. Waite 366 Johnson, B. ^V 1117 Keene, Lvdia 1054 Lanii-, Dolly 675 Lapiiam, Elizabeth 1075 Laura Ellen 1077 Levi 1073 " Arnold 1076 Sarah 1074 J^ees, James 922 Lincoln, Henry 606 Lovel, Nehemiah 710 Low, Bennett 610 Lyman, Daniel 337 HISTORY OF AVOONSOCKET. 251 Lvman, Siilly :13() iJlim ) Alfred ;340 or > Anna 342 Mann, ) " 703 Bertha 403 Catliarine 1(>'> Elijali 387 Elizabeth 79(5 Josei)h 339 Lucy 341 " 75(5 " 809 Lvilia 7(5(5 Mary 94 Mercy 7(54 809 Oliver 338 " 700 Patience 1171 Richard 38(5 Sophia 343 " 757 Stephen 7()2 William 758 Metcalf.... 7(31 Marsh, Charles 332 Eliza 811 George P 333 ]Martin, James F 739 ]\Ia\vneY, Hannah 1099 May, Oliver W 1033 McGregor, Margaret 249 Mclntire, Dianna 017 Ruth 120G Melavory, Amy 219 John 218 Mary 220 ]\retcalf, Lydia 759 ]^[iller, Tliomas 1123 Mowry, Al)ner Ballon 1291 Albert 501 " 797 Amey 579 Ananias 11 (i7 Angell 402 Anne 574 " 1587 Arlon 1213 Arnold 399 " 508 Atwell 1215 Barnev 1189 Benedict 1207 I'eniamin 129 Caleb 570 " 1178 Candice 397 JNIowry, C. C 1003 Content Ballon 1203 Darius 398 David 1175 " .1185 " B 794 Deborah 1179 Desire 795 Dinah 801 Dorcas 876 Eleazer 1172 1181 Elisha 129 569 1163 Elizabeth 794 Elsie 572 Emily 799 Eenn'er 1209 Gardiner 567 George 795 940 Gideon 1176 Hannah 800 Henry 1157 Hiram 796 Israel 567 " 571 John 1156 " 1158 " Orde 1204 Jonathan 1170 1183 Joseph 1158 " 1165 Lucv 596 Eevi 1205 Martha 938 1590 Marv 48 " 939 Xancy 1188 Nathaniel 1155 Orin Pratt 1212 Patience ... 580 Phel)e 369 " 1186 " Amey 1210 Phila 1211 Pliilip 1174 Richard 394 401 1(541 Robert 578 " 937 " 941 2r)2 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. iMowry, Sally 515 Simon 1208 Si)encer 64(5 Stafford 1214 Ulysses 702 .. . Uranah 39(! 993 Uriah 1102 Waite 100 " 570 Wanton 035 AVarren B 972 Welcome 400 793 William 395 A 1034 Bainbritlge.1202 Winsor 798 Munvoe, Abel C 1193 Murdoch, Cyrus G 994 Mussey, Therdale 420 ISTewell, Elizabeth 1182 Nichols, Nancy 982 Kuth 949 Sally 980 Otis, Amey 1082 Daniel 1083 " 1680 Ephraim 1677 1079 1080 George 1087 Harris 1681 Job 1084 Mary 1078 Stephen 1085 Packer, Hannah 1168 Pain ) Alii 214 or } Abigail 208 Paine, ) Addison 1019 Albert 1012 Alpha 635 " 1028 Alvah 606 Anna 202 " 801 " Eliza 875 Annie 203 Arena 881 Arnold 194 510 879 Asenath 034 1015 Bela 217 Benjamin 193 199 Paine, Benoni 211 Caleb 511 " c^gg '.'. Dan .'.'.*.".'.'.'.*.'.'...'.'... 507 David 1016 Dorcas 197 " 882 Elizabeth 204 639 1026 Hamilton 862 Hannah 631 Horace 863 Ilyrena 509 664 James 508 " Arnold 670 Jemima 215 John 200 " 207 " 505 " 671 " J 637 " " 1032 Jonathan 213 Joseph 210 Judith 636 " 673 Juliet 1029 Lewis 1017 Lucina 504 " 640 " 1030 J^ydia 608 " E 1021 Margery 209 Mary 205 " 638 " 672 " 878 " 1013 " 1031 Milley 880 Nathan 198 Newton 674 Obed 216 Olney Whipple 667 Patience 665 Phebe 1184 Priscilla 190 Prusha 506 632 Sally 669 Sarah 206 " 1027 Senter 877 Stephen 1014 IHSTOIiY OF WOONSOCKET. 253 Paine, Susanna m:^, Thomas A 874 Tyler (;;]:j " 1020 William lOlS Parkhurst, Pliebe (i Passmore, Comstock 805 Elizabeth 900 Geoi-fje 896 Joanna 898 John 899 Otis 901 William ,S97 Peck, Elizabeth 4;](3 Pennock, Abraham 10()4 . Perkins, Susan ;j;)l Phetteplace, Simon 799 Philbrick, ISTorris 1078 Mary Dolly 1070 Phillip, Amey ." 117 Pitts, Joseph 80S Pray, Catharine 71 John 72 Ray, Francis B 1044 .. James P 1043 . . Joseph 1040 G 1046 Lucius 1042 Marion 1045 • • Mary 1041 Payner, Ellen. 992 Head, Clement 712 Dinah 74;} Hannah 10(51 Patience 805 Pliodes, Zachary 5 Roberts, Moses P 737 Robinson, Charles 1038 Rockwood, Joanna 1237 Russell, George 1126 Nancy 884 Sabins, Eliza G 1534 Sayles, Esek 381 Esther 385 Hannah 384 Ishmael 382 John 376 377 Lavina 902 Marcella 1147 Martha 380 Rhoda 379 Thomas 3S3 Zili)ha 3,78 Sheldon, Ann 72s) Susan 113(5 Short, Nathaniel 1527 Shove, Hannah 726 Josiah 728 ■Mary (jfji Nancy 727 Samn'el 724 William 13 725 Simmons, Marion 713 Seth 505 Slack, Benjamin I612 ^ •• " 1621 Slocumb, Edgar M 1079 Smith, Abigail 1623 1640 Amey 235 JJenedict 702 Clara P 1127 Edward I(j25 Elizabeth 1305 Hannah 996 ^ " 1187 Lucmda 1687 Margaret 512 Mercy 916 ReuelP 1063 .. Roby 1629 Soutlnvick, Cath. S 990 Sarah 428 Speare, Arnold 815 Benjamin 817 Elkanah 813 Joseph 818 Lydia 819 Nancy 814 ^Villiam 816 Sprague, Abigail 5(50 Anne 553 Benjamin ..1613 Edward 545 " Eenner — oil " Hezekiah.. 915 H 1130 Fanny W 1131 Freelove 565 Hezekiah 550 555 Iludussah 554 John 910 " 1135 Jonathan 548 540 564 Joseph 557 " 909 Lydia 551 " 914 Mary Comstock — 1 129 Mehitable 556 254 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Sprague, Mercy 559 jSTathan 56f) Ealph 542 Piichard 548 Eoby 1015 Eutii 552 " 502 Sarah 558 " 561 " Fenner 912 Susan L 1133 Thomas 503 913 1128 William 544 T 1134 SpriiiET, Marcus 711 .. " Lydia 099 Staples, Elizabeth 1270 Ezra 604 Judith 503 Mehitabie... 1208 Mary 41 Steere, Andrew 252 Anthony 70 Arnold 772 David 255 Edward 052 Elisha 251 Elmira 777 Pranklin 774 A 1085 Georf^e 775 Isis 951 Jemima 770 Joanna 950 Lydia 778 Nathan 250 Kachel 257 Eichard 771 773 1084 Eoger 1080 Susanna 253 Thomas 19 250 254 Urana 1210 William 949 Stetson, Emilv 1039 Orlando 1119 Streeter, Lydia 1711 Sweat, Enoch J 740 Taf t, Aaron 108 . . Catharine 1310 . . Mercy 1319 . . Margaret 1315 Taft, Mary 1318 Paul 1314 Peter 107 Prudence 1307 AVillard 983 Thayer, Aaron 1320 1331 Abigail 1457 Amos 801 Ariel 1455 Asenath 1445 1452 Benjamin 1324 1449 Dianna 1459 Elijah 1332 Elizabeth 1322 Ekma 1329 Hannah 1321 Jemima 1323 Joanna 1327 Joseph 1442 1444 Judith 1458 Laurania 1451 1454 Lavina 1330 Lucina 1450 Lucinda 989 Naomi .1232 Nicholas 1453 1450 Otis 1447 Phebe 1333 " 1448 " 1400 Eachel 1320 Eeuben 1443 Sallv 818 Stephen H 986 Susanna 1325 Urania 1328 Welcome 1440 Thomas, Mary 1048 Thompson, Abner 1391 Allen 1408 Arnold 808 Edward 1390 Fenner 865 Hannah 1394 Hyrena 870 Levi 1409 J.eAvis 8f)7 J^ucina 1472 Marv s71 " ■ 1473 Nancy 800 HISTORY or WOONSOCKET. 255 Tlioin])S()n, Oliicy SC>4 •' SOS) " 1892 " 181)3 Plio])e 872 Wl!ii)i)le 1-K)7 AVillard 1470 AVilliaiii lS7o 1471 Thornton, Daniel 48!) Tillingiuist, Joseph I(i(i5 Mary 1715 Patience 171(5 William KiOO Terry, Eben 700 Troop, Amos 1(573 Twitchell, Patience 1205 Verry, Abigail 1478 Foster 1475 George F 15(35 Hannah 1479 James 1482 Mary Ann 1483 Nancy 1477 Nathan 1474 1480 T 15(54 Sally 147(5 Saniuel 1481 Wall, Caleb 357 Thomas 35(5 William 1(!()8 Westcott, Tabitha IGKi Margaret 1(520 Wheeelock, David 935 D. S 733 Marcns 934 Paris 939 Phe!)e 93(i Pollv 932 Silas 931 Submit 933 Whipple, Alice 11(54 Amey 1411 Anna s:)i) Bela S54 Betsey 85 < Daniel ]42i; Dorcas 1420 Eleazer 129 Ellen 422 Ferdinand 1023 George A 1137 Hannah 129 James 855 Jol) 14(1 Whipple, John Pain(! 1139 Eewis 1022 " 1024 Lydia 1141 iSrargery llfii; Martha 1555 Mary I4(i!! Mercy 4 ! I I'rnsha 858 Sarah 85(5 " 1140 Sophia 1138 Stei)lien 853 Welcome 860 Benjamin 1305 White, Betlianv 1311 Be.ulah 1313 Cynthia (304 Gideon ..1310 Hannah (10(5 Henrietta (500 Hepsibah 1312 Isaiah 599 Jonathan 1309 Levi 1306 Lucv 609 Eydia 001 ]N[argary (302 INlarv (305 Molly 1308 Nancy 003 Paul 1307 Peregrine 598 Sally 610 Sam'uel 597 008 Susan (;07 Wilbour, Patience 820 Wilcox, Daniel 1302 Wilder, George C 1113 AV'ilkinson, David 47 Eliza 714 James 023 ]\[ary A 1192 Patience 119 Puth 112 Sarah 1714 Williams, Marv 992 Philadelphia 359 Thomas 358 Wilson, Susanna 526 Wing, I)e])orah .1177 AVinsor, Naomi 1643 Woodwaid, JSIary ;',s Young, Pollv 971 Appendix B. A List of Woonsocket Officers, FKOM ITS Incorporation in 1867 to 1876. TOWN CLEEKS. Francello G. Jillson 1807 Albert E. Greene 1874 TOWN treasurers. Herbert F. Keitli 1867 Theodore M. Cook 1860 TOWN SERGEANTS. Horace M. Pierce 1807 George C. Wilder 18GS TOWN COUNCILS. 1807. Clinton Puffer, President. James C. Molten, Lewis F. Cook, Jos. L. Brown, George A. Grant. 1868. George W. Jenckes, President. Allen Thayer, Benjamin S. Burlingame, Jos. B. Aldrich, Willis Wales. 1809. (Same.) HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 257 1870. Xiitlmiiicl Elliott, President. Daniel B. I'ond, Edwin B. Miller, Seldon A. Ijailoy, Alanson 8woet. 1871. Xathaniel Elliott, Tresident. Daniel B. Pond, John A. Bennett, Edwin B. JVIiller, Seldon A. Bailev, Albert J. Elwell, Seth T. Aldrich: 1872. (Same, except Allen Thaj-er, in place of Daniel B. Pond.) 187:]. (Same.) 1874. A. J. Elwell, President. Nathaniel Elliott, Cyrus Arnold, Lebbeus C. Tourtellot, Allen Thayer, Albert P. Holley, James M. "Cook. 1875. A. J. Elwell, President. Lebbeus C. Tourtellot, Cyrus Arnold, Albert P. Ilolley, John II. Sherman, John Currier, John Connolly. NATIONAL orncERS. 187C). Hon. L. W. Ballon, U. S. House llepresentatives. Thomas A. Paine, U. S. Internal Ilevenue Assessor Stephen II. Brov/n, Postmaster. STATE OFFICERS. 1870. Senator, Hon. Nathan T. Yerry, Ecpresentativcs, Hon. William E. Hubbard. " Nathaniel Elliott. " John A. Bennett. " Amos Slierman. Justice of Court of 3[(((iistr((tcs; Hon. George A. Wilbur. Clerk of Court of Mar/istrates, William H. Jenckos, Esq. 258 IITSTOr.Y OF WOONSOCKET. TOWN OFFICERS 187i;. Moderator, James C. Molten. To^lm Clerl-, Albert E. Greene. T'oion Council, Francello G. Jillson, President. Moses P. Roberts, William E. Grant, Alanson Sweet, John II. Sherman, John A. C. Wightman, Henry M. Grout. Toicn Treasurer, Theodore M. Cook. Toivn Sergeant, George C. Wilder. Auctioneers, George S. Read, Reuben O. Cook, George L. White. Assessors of Taxes, Thomas B. Staples, Edwin B. Miller, Xewell A. Boutelle. Collector of Taxes, Benjamin Burt. Auditors of Accounts, Henry M. Grout, Moses P. Roberts. Committee on Finance. John A. C. Wig'htman, William E. Grant. Committee on Highways, John A. C. Wightman, William E. Grant, Alanson Sweet. Committee on Police, William E. Grant, John H. Sherman, Henry M. Grout. Committee on Town Projjerti/, Henry M. Grout, Alanson Sweet, John A. C. Wightman. Committee on JErection of Buildings, Moses P. Roberts, John II. Sherman, William E. Grant. Com7nissioner of Highways, Edwin B. Miller. Engineer, John W. Ellis. ISTathan T. Verry, Abel C. Monroe, Horace Cook, Charles Nourse, Jolni II. Sherman, Alanson Sweet, HISTOKY OF WOONSOCKET. 250 Horace M. Pierce, Lewis Haynes, Joseph P, Cliilds, Emery J. Arnold, Faipnaster of Highway Department, Albert E. Greene. Superintendent of Public Schools, Rev. Charles J. White. School Committee, Dr. G. ^V. Jenckes (Chairman), Albert A. Smitli, Erastus Richardson, Jonathan An(lr(nvs, Kev. Charles J. White, Alexander IJallon,' Amos Sherman. Overseer of the Poor, William M. Whitaker. Constables, ]}arton A. Cook, Albert A. Sweet, Osmond S. Fuller, Charles S. Landers, Squier IL Eogers. Chief of Police, Alfred B. Church. Sergeant of Police, Leonard S. Allen. Police, Alfred E. Bartlett, William Dodge, Henry L. Cook, Proctor Ames. Police Constables {ivithout pay), Albert C. Smith, AYilliam II. Chipman, Henry T. Wales, Lysander W. Elliott, Kinsley Carpenter, Gylman Brown, Henry Adams, Edwartl Thurl^er, Clement E. Darling, John T. Chatterton, Oscar J. liathbun, Samuel A. Wyuii, Dennis McNamee, James M. Jaques, Milton A. Grant, William L. Darling, Benjamin Greene. Police Constables under the Liquor Lav:, Leonard S. Allen, Alfred E. Bartlett, James ]Moiiahan, Hiram A. Smith, William Dodge, Felix Beadreau, jr., Henry L. Cook, Erskine S. (Jrover, Proctor Ames, Jolm B. Batcliellor, Albert A. Sweet, Sipiier H. ]^)gers, James Austin, lleiiiy T. Wales, George L. White, Bart()n A. Cook, Osmond T. Fuller. Senler of LeatJier, Allen B. Jillson. Sealer nf Weights and Measures, Henry J. Whitaker. Fence Viewers, (Jeorge C. AVilder, Thomas B. Staples, Albert A. Smith. James Monahan, Hiram A. Smith, Erskine S. Grover, Felix Beadreau, jr., 2G0 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Puhlic Weighers of Coal, Nerval D. Woodwortb, Henry Andrews, Charles A. Chase, jr., James W. Greene, Lysander W. Elliott, Napoleon B. Morrison, Albertus Dean. Corders of Wood, Aaron B. Warfield, Lncien D. Cook, Napoleon B. Morrison, Levi L. Pierce, William N. Cook, Thomas B. Staples, Albert M. Wetherell, Eeuben O. Cook, Osmond S. Fuller. ISnperintendent of Street Lights, Allen Thayer. Committee on Toii:n Hall, Seth L. Weld. Committee on Soldiers' Aid, Albert E. Greene. Committee to enforce the Dog Laic, O. J. Jenison. Appraiser under the Bog Laio, Joseph P. Childs. Health Officers, Dr. Geo. W. Jenckes, ' Seth L. Weld, Andrew J. Varney. Pound Keepers, Benjamin Burt, Joseph A. Ilimes, Joel Crossman, Field Drivers, AVilliam Wood, George E. Ilawes, Charles II. Darling, Theodore M. Cook, Charlie W. Sherman, Frank A. Childs, Frank A. Jackson, Charles II. Pond, Frank P. Lee, Charles N. Elliott, Farnum B. Smith, William J. Milan, Charles F. Ilixon, William C. Monroe, Seth Arnold, jr., L. Leprelet Miller, James M. Phelps, Alvah Vose, Lawton Lapham. . Surveyors of Luraher, Lewis F. Cook, Joseph 11. Bailey, John II, Learned, Allen Thayer, George A. Whipple. Coroners, Dr. xiriel Ballon, Dr. George W. Jenckes, Dr. Ara M. Paine, Dr. William C. Monroe. Undertal'ers, Clinton Puffer, Israel B. Phillips, AVilliam Meagliei-, AVilliam McCanna. liegular meetings of the Town Council and Court of Probate on the first Tuesday in each month. Court of Probate at 2 o'clock, and Town Council at 3 o'clock p. m., at the Town Clerk's Office. Index to History. Page Academy, Cumberland i)-J, Smithfield i)l " Thornton 90 Albion 162 Aldrich, Judge Caleb 56 " [Moses 55 " Wellington 72 Allen Crawford 151 " Walter 72 American Worsted Company. 157 Angell, John 41 Armory Hall 110 Arnold and Lvman Purchase .133 Division of. ..138-140 Arnold, Anthony 18, 49 " Benjamin 10 " Mrs. Cyrus.. 8 Daniel 10,40 " Edmund 40 " Eleizer 41 " Elisha 47 Elizabeth 27 Israel 40 James 18, 50, 120-133 " John 16, 45, 46 John, 2d 40 " Cov. L. Hastings . .43, 138 " Dr. Jonathan 43 " Jonathan E 5 Joseph.. 10, 43, 70-71, 126 " r 10 " Josiah 43 ]Moses 18 ]\>leg 43, 71, 103 llicluird 16, 30-40, ^0 2d 42 3d 12 Page Arnold, Seth 18, 40 Dr. Seth 44 Hon. Samuel G 138 Smith 19 Stephen 32, 43 Thomas.... 27, 43, 71, 143 William..l8, 27, 43, 46, 72 Dr. AVilliam 71 Attleboro', Incorporation of. . 15 Balkcom, John 70 Bailey Washing and Wringing Machine Coiiipany 146-148 Bailey, Seldon A 147 Ballon, Dr. Ariel 92 " Charles F 8 Dexter. .98,128,130-141, 168, 135 r.allou, George C 136-138, 154 IIosea....l34, 142-143, 171 Hon. L. W 7, 10 " Oliver and Son 134 OtisD 74 Baptists 83, 84 Bennett, Hon. John A 167 liernon, Gabriel 156 Bick, James 18 Blackstone Canal 1(')5 Blackstone, William 26 Boundary Disputes 14 Boyden, Hev. John S'i, 98 Bridges 61-63 Brown, Stephen II 178 Buffuni, D. D 18 Bull, Isaac M 166 ] >urg('ss, Trist am 5 Burnhani, "rncle" John 178 Buslioe, Trof. James 92 262 HISTOllY OF WOONSOUKET. Capron, Elislui 48 Carrington, Gen. Edward. 1G4-1G5 Celebration, 4th of July, 1833 . . 5 1835.. 5 1838.. 6 1846. .6, 1 1848.. 7 1875.. 8 1876.8-11 Chapin, Samuel 17 Coe, Ephraim 50 (Jomstock, Dr. Ezekiel 73 ■' Gideon (;0 " Ilezadiali 43, 70 " Samuel 27 ( 'onsi'Pg'ationalists 86 Consolidated School District. . 98 Cook, Ebenezer 19 " Lyman A 6, 93, 148 " ]^icholas 19 " S. S 147 " Willis 93, 144 Cooper, Abner 175 Cranston, Henry Y 5 Crutt' House .56 CXunberland Cadets 110 Cumljerland, Incorporation of 16 Daniels, Dan. A 133, 149, 171 Davis, George F. & Co 153 Deed— Chapin to Arnold 17 Indians to First Set- lers. 30 Demagogues 172 Depot at Woonsocket 182 Dexter, Lewis 186 Divisions of Land (lirst) 31 Dor, rSullivan 151 Dorrnead, The 106 Dorr, Thomas W 107 Education 87 Episcopalians 81 Failures of 1829 168 1835 172 Famine caused by frosts in 1816 , 169 Fairmount Farm Co 48 Farnum, ^Velcome 168, 134 Fire of 1829 135 " 1837 141 " 1874 128 First Settlers of Wooonsocket 27, 44, 50 Fitten, ]i,ev. James 84 Forge, Tlie Old 55 Foss, S. S 145 Freshet of 1807 56 1876 56 Gale of 1815. 167 1876 85 Genealogy, Arnold 187 Cook 224 " Harris 233 Mowry 221 Glackin, John Ill Grant, John IW Greene, Il^athaniel 8i " Samuel 156, 170 " Timothy & Son 170 Grist Mill of John Arnold 55 Hard Times 167 Harris, Edward 98, 158 Harris Lime Eock Co 162 Harris, Mrs. Eachel F 98 Samuel B 142, 162 William 161,173 Harris Woolen Co 143 High School-house 98 Highways 57 ' " " A List of, in 1748... 64 Holbrook, Cephas 5 Hopkins, Stephen 77 " "W^illiam 55 Hotel, Woonsocket 74 Ignorance 89, 94 Inhabitants of Smithfield in 1748 64 Inman, Edward 30 Introduction to History 11 Jeif yrs, Lapham 47 Jenckes, Hon. Thomas A — 93 Jillson, Hon. F. G 9 Lapham, Judge Thomas 55 Law, George 146 Library, Carrington 99 " Cumberland 89 " Harris Institute — 99 " Woonsocket 89 Line, "The Seven Mile" 28 Lippitt, Gov. Henry 155 Li(iuor Law in 1729 69 Literary Enterprises 144 LogeeHill 50 Lougee, S. IsT 9 Mann, Stafford (>2 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. 2G3 ]\Iant(iii, E(hv;ii(l 40 ]\[:isoii, Stephen X ir>2 May, Lemuel l.")! MedicalPrescri])tioiis, Ancient 8'.) Mendon 17 Merriman. Cliarles II 155 ISIetealt' INIachine Shop 1 IT Metealf, W. &\Y 152 jMetliodists 85 Military Comi^any, Members of An"cient lf)l Mill, American Worsted Co.. 157 " Ballon i;]l: " Eartlett 151 " Bernon 155 " Clinton 147 " Enterprise 48 " Globe 154 " Groton 140 " Hamlet W^ " Harris No. 1 l;]0 " Harris Cotton 142 " Harris AVoolen 14o " Lippitt 141, 152 " Lyman 121, 131 " "i). X. Paine" 152 " "The Pistareen" 128 " Pond "VYarp 15;) " Social 127 ]\Iiller, Eev. Joseph L 82 jNloiuunent House 75 Mowrv, Henry 70 " ' John' :)0 " Nathaniel ;U Murray, Re\'. Eol)ert 82 Newman, Ilev. Samuel i;5 " Benjamin B I(i2 Officers from Woonsocket in the Rebellion 112 "Old Maids' Estate" 47 Olney Thomas 41 Osborne, Mrs. Eliza 4;] John !)0 Paine, Judge Arnold 55, 102 " Thomas A . . 44, i;«, 154, 171 Pawtuxet Controversy 28 Peclc Genealogy K) Peck, Ira B 1)2 Periodicals— "The Farm and Fireside" . .145 "Xews-Letter' 145 "Patriot" 145 "Haiidiow" 145 Periodicals — "I»e])orter" 1 15 "Hhode Island Ad vocalc". .145 "Rhode Island Sentinel" . . .145 Politics 172 Pond, ]). B 15:; Post Office 17S Powers, Rev. James ]■' 8J Prentice, Georg(^ 1) 92 Providence, Original Proj)rie- tors 27 Providence Purchase 27 Quakers 75 Quaker Meeting-house— ]Mendon 78 Providence 77 Woonsocket 77 Puiilroads 178, 183 " 0])i)()sition to 179 Air Line 182 " Providence andWor- cester 170 Rathbun, Aaron 152 Read, John SO Reddy, Michael .1(5:] Rehoboth 1:5 Richardson, Erastus 8 " Jonathan 10 River, Course of 20 " Names of , — 20 Robinson, Christoi)her . . 5, 8:3, 92, 182, 16:? Robinson, Henry II 10 Roman Catholics 84 Russell, Jonathan 170 Sanford, Thomas 18 Saw-mill of Richd. Arnold. .30, 54 Sayles, Ejthraim • 29 SaylesIIill ;]0 Sayles, Welcome B 108 Scenery at ^Voonsocket in ancient times 122 School Committee 88, 05 Schools established byQuakers 87 " Free 88 School-houses, ancient 90 Scliools, Woonsocket 03 Scythe Shoi) 50 Seagraves & Harris 142 "Seacuncke" i:; Scnelchoiu't Island 25 Sherman, \Villiam N 145 Sililcv. Darius 1.52 264 HISTORY OF WOONSOCKET. Slater, Sanniel 1G9 Sly, Lieut. Stephen 70 eriiith, A. D. & J. Y 14G Smithfiekl, Division of 33 " Incorporation of . . 32 Smith, Mrs. Eeuel 84 Stephen 11 1G6 Social Manufacturing Co 127 Speare, Lieut. Elkanah 102 Sprague, Edward H G, 154 " Jonathan 18 " Thomas & Sons 154 Stage Coaches 175 " Aliner Cooper, the first driver 175 Stage Coaches, names of driv- ers 176 Staples, E'athan 43 Steere, John 31 " Thomas 7, 41 Stocks— First pair in Smith- lield 70 Talbot, Eev. T. 13 82 'J'averns G9 Taxpayers, A List of, in 1713. 50 Thayer, Samuel 19 Thornton, Elisha 79, 89 I'inkers' Corner 75 Todd, P. P 7 Tourtellot, Col. J^. C...7, 110, 157 Town Clerks of Cumberland . . 20 Smithfiekl.... 33 " " Woonsocket. .250 " Councilmen of Cumber, . 21 " " Smith.... 34 Woon....256 " Sergeants of Cumber 21 Smith.... 34 Woon. . . .250 Town Treasurers of Cumber. . . 20 " " Smith 33 Woon. . . .250 Transportation 174 Tyranny of Cotton Manufac- turers 172 Universalists 82 Valley Falls 159 Verin, Joshua 25 Yose, Willing .50 Wading-places on the Ptiver . . 25 Walling, Thomas 31 War— the Dorr 105 King Philip's 100 The Mexican 110 The Old French 102 TheEebellion Ill " Pevolution 102 AVardwell, George S 166 Wasquadomisk 29 Water-power 124 Wayunckeke 28 Whipping-post— The first in Smithfiekl 70 At Woonsocket 73 Whipple, John Paine 147 White, Eev. Charles J 83 " "Squire" Aaron 181 Wilkinson, Abraham & Isaac 160, 169 Willitt, Capt. Thomas 14 Woonsocket Cornet Eand. 113, 114 " Furnace Co 143 Guards 109 " " Members of. 114 Light Infantry.. 109 " Machine Co 143 Eubber Works .. 148 / y 928