K i9? F 68 .S684 Copy 2 SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1920 "Hail to thee, poor little ship, Mayflower of Delft Haven poor, common-looking ship, hired by common-charter-party for coined dollars, caulked with mere oakum and tar, provisioned with vulgarest biscuit and bacon, yet what ship Argo or miraculous epic ship built by the sea-gods, was other than a foolish bumbarge in comparison." THE SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CHARTERED MARCH 22, 1898 WASHINGTON, D. C. January 1, 1920 WASHINGTON MiaSIONAHY COI.I.EOK PBRSS f^? ,S484 Publication Committee MRS. BERTHA MURDOCK ROBBINS DR. EDWIN ALLSTON HILL MISS FLORA LOUISE PRISCILLA JOHNSON Society IRAR 25 tS20 5^-"?-^^ ^ Contents Compact Signed in the Cabin of the Mayflower 4 The Mayflower Passengers, from Whom Descent Has Been Proven 5 The Mayflower Passengers, from Whom Descent Has Not Been Proven ... 9 History of the organization of the Society in the District of Columbia 12 Constitution and By-Laws 14 Oflacers of the General Society 19 OflRcers of the State Society 20 Charter Members 21 Past Governors' and Years of Service 22 List of Members with Ancestors 23 Alphabetical List of Members Both Active and Inactive 50 Compact Signed in the Cabin of the Mayflower In ye name of God, Amen. — We whose names are underwritten, the loy- ale subjects of our dread Soveraigne Lord King James, by ye grace of God of Great Britaine, Franc & Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Haveing undertaken for ye glorie of God, and advancemente of ye Chris- tian faith, and honour of our King & Countrie, a voyage to plant ye first colo- nie in ye northarne parts of Virginia, doe by these presents solemnly & mutu- ally in ye presence of God and one of another, covenant & combine our selves togeather into a civill body politick, for our better ordering and preservation, and furthearance of ye ends aforesaid: and by vertue hearof to enact consti- tute and frame such just and equall lawes, ordinances, acts, constitutions & offices from time to time, as shall be thought most meete & convenient for ye generall good of ye Colonie, unto which we promise all due submission and obe- dience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Cod ye 11 day of November, in ye year of ye raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King James of England, France & Ireland ye eighteenth, and of Scotland ye fifty- fourth, Ano. Dom. 1620. Signers of the Compact 1 John Carver 2 William Bradford 3 Edward Winslow 4 William Brewster 6 Isaac Allerton 6 Miles Standish 7 John Alden 8 Samuel Fuller 9 Christopher Martin 10 William MuUins 11 William White 12 Richard Warren 13 John Rowland 14 Stephen Hopkins 15 Edward Tilley 16 John Tilley 17 Francis Cook 18 Thomas Rogers 19 Thomas Tinker 20 John Rigdale 21 Edward Fuller 22 John Turner 23 Francis Eaton 24 James Chilton 26 John Crackston 26 John Billington 27 Moses Fletcher 28 John Goodman 29 Degory Priest 30 Thomas Williams 31 Gilbert Winslow ' 32 Edmond Margeson 33 Peter Brown 34 Richard Britterige 35 George Soule 36 Richard Clarke 37 Richard Gardiner 38 John Allerton 39 Thomas English 40 Edward Doty 41 Edward Leister The Mayflower Passengers from Whom Descent Has Been Proven. JOHN^ ALDEN. Born about 1599. Died at Duxbury, 22 September, 1687. He married at Plymouth, before 1624, Priscilla^ Mullins (William^) who died after 1650. ISAAC^ ALLERTON. Died at New Haven, Conn., before 22 February, 1659. He married, first, at Leyden, 4 November, 1611, Mary Norris, who died at Plymouth, 7 March, 1621. He married, second, at Plymouth, between July 1623, and 1 June, 1627, Fear'^ Brewster (William'), who died at Plymouth in 1634. He married, third, before 1644, Joanna , who survived him. MARY (NORRIS) ALLERTON. Wife of Isaac'. REMEMBERS ALLERTON. Daughter of Isaac' and Mary. Bom at Leyden. Died at Salem, between 12 September, 1652, and 22 October, 1666. She married before 6 May, 1635, Moses Maverick, who died at Marblehead, 7 February, 1686. MARY2 ALLERTON. Daughter of Isaac' and Mary. Born at Leyden. Died at Plymouth, 8 December, 1699. She married at Plymouth, about 1636, Thomas Cushman, who was born in February, 1608, and died at Plymouth, 21 December, 1691. JOHN' BILLINGTON. Died at Plymouth, in September, 1630. He mar- ried, before 1605, Eleanor , who died after 12 March, 1643. She had married, second, at Plymouth, in September, 1638, Gregory Armstrong, who died at Plymouth, 15 November, 1650. ELEANOR ( ) BILLINGTON. Wife of John'. FRANCIS^ BILLINGTON. Son of John' and Eleanor. Born about 1606. Died at Middleborough, 13 December, 1684. He married at Plymouth, in July, 1634, Christian (Penn) Eaton, widow of Francis Eaton, who died at Middle- borough, about 1684. WILLIAM BRADFORD. Born at Austerfield, England, in March, 1590. Died at Plymouth, 19 May, 1657. He married, first, in Holland, in November or December, 1613, Dorothy May, who was born about 1597, and was aceidenally drowned at Cape Cod Harbor, 17 December, 1620. He married, second, at Plymouth, 24 August, 1623, Alice (Carpenter) Southworth, widow of Edward Southworth, who was born about 1590, and died at Plymouth, 5 or 6 April, 1670. WILLIAM' BREWSTER. Born in 1666 or 1667. Died at Plymouth, 20 April, 1644. He married, before 1593, Mary , who died at Plymouth, 27 April, 1627. MARY (— ) BREWSTER. Wife of William^. L0VE2 BREWSTER. Son of William and Mary. Died at Duxbury, in January or February, 1651. He married at Plymouth, 25 May, 1634, Sarah^ Collier (William'), who died after 12 March, 1680. She had married, second, after 1 September, 1656, Richard Parke, of Cambridge, who died there in 1665. PETERi BROWN. Died at Plymouth, between 4 April and 10 October, 1633, He married, first at Plymouth, in 1624 or 1625, Martha ( ) Ford, who died at Plymouth, between 1 June, 1627 and 1631, He married, second, between 1627 ane 1631, Mary , who died after 21 November, 1633. JAMES' CHILTON. Died on the Mayflower, at Cape Cod Harbor, 18 December, 1620. His wife died early in 1621, after 11 January. CHILTON. Wife of James'. MARY^ CHILTON. Daughter of James'. Died at Boston, shortly before 11 May, 1679. She married at Plymouth, between July, 1623, and 1 June, 1627, John Winslow, who was born in Droitwich, England, 26 April, 1597, and died at Boston, between 22 March and 31 May 1674. FRANCIS' COOKE. Died at Plymouth, 17 April, 1663. He married in Holland, Hester -, who died after 18 June, 1666. JOHN^ COOKE. Son of Francis' and Hester. Died at Darmouth, 3 December, 1695. He married, at Plymouth, 7 April, 1634, Sarah' Warren (Richard'), who died after 25 July, 1696. EDWARD' DOTY. Died at Plymouth, 2 September, 1655. Nothing is known concerning his first wife. He married, second, at Plymouth, 16 January, 1635, Faith^ Clark (Tristam'), who was buried at Marshfield, 31 December. 1675. She had married, second, John Philips, who was born about 1602, and died at Marshfield, between 30 October, 1691, and 19 May, 1692. FRANCIS' EATON. Died at Plymouth, between 4 and^lS November, 1633. He married first, Sarah , who died at Plymouth, early in 1621, but after 11 January. His second wife, whom he married at Plymouth, was probably Governor Carver's maid servant. He married, third, at Plymouth, in 1624 or 1625, Christian Penn, who died at Middleborough about 1684. She had married, second, Francis'-^ Billington (John'). SARAH EATON. First wife of Francis'. SAMUEL2 EATON. Son of Francis' and Sarah. Born in 1620. Died at Middleborough, in 1684, before 8 November. He married, first, before 20 March, 1647, Elizabeth , who died before 1661. He married, second, at Plymouth, 20 January, 1661, Martha'^ Billington (Francis^ John'), who died after 8 November, 1684. EDWARD' FULLER. Died at Plymouth between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. His wife died early in 1621, after 11 January. FULLER. Wife of Edward'. SAMUEL" FULLER. Son of Edward'. Died at Barnstable, 10 November. 1683. He married, at Scituate, 18 April, 1635, Jane- Lothrop (John'), whodied between 1658 and 1683. SAMUEL* FULLER. Doctor, Died at Plymouth, between 9 August and 26 September, 1633. He married, first, Elsie Glascock, who died before 1613. He married, second, at Leyden, 30 April, 1613, Agnes^ Carpenter (Alexander*), who died before 1617. He married, third, at Leyden, 27 May, 1617, Bridget Lee, who died after 11 March, 1664. ^ STEPHEN* HOPKINS. Died at Plymouth, between 16 June and 27 July. 1644. Nothing is known of his first wife. He married, second, in 1618 or earlier, Elizabeth ,who died at Plymouth, between 1640 and 1644. ELIZABETH ( ) HOPKINS. Second wife of Stephen*. GYLES HOPKINS. Son of Stephen* by his first wife. Died at Eastham in 1690, before 26 April. He married, 19 October, 1639, Katherine Wheldon, who died after 15 March, 1689. CONSTANCE^ HOPKINS. Daughter of Stephen* by his first wife. Died at Eastham, in October, 1677. She married at Plymouth, between 1623 and 1 June, 1627, Nicholas Snow, who died at Eastham, 25 November, 1676. JOHN HOWLAND. Born about 1593. Died at Plymouth, 5 March, 1673. He married at Plymouth, before 1624, Elizabeth^ Tilley (John*) who was born about 1607, and died at Swansea, 31 December, 1687. WILLIAM* MULLINS. Died at Plymouth, 3 March, 1621. He married Alice , who died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 2 April. ALICE ( -) MULLINS. Wife of William*. PRISCILLA^ MULLINS. Daughter of William* and Alice. (See John Alden.) DEGORY* PRIEST. Born about 1579. Died at Plymouth, 11 January, 1621. He married, at Leyden, 4 November, 1611, Sarah (AUerton) Vincent, the widow of John Vincent, who died at Plymouth, in 1633, before 3 November- THOMAS* ROGERS. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. Nothing is known of his wife. JOSEPH^ ROGERS. Son of Thomas'. Died at Eastham, between 12 and 25 January, 1678. He married before 1633, but nothing is known of his wife except that she was living 18 August, 1652. HENRY* SAMSON. Died at Duxbury, 3 January, 1685. He married at Plymouth, 16 February, 1636, Ann Plummer, who died between 1650 and 1685. GEORGE* SOULE. Died at Duxbury, shortly before 1 February, 1680. He married at Plymouth, before 1627, Mary , who died at Duxbury, in December, 1676. MYLES* STANDISH. Died at Duxbury, 13 October, 1656. He married, first. Rose , who died at Plymouth, 8 February, 1621. He married, second, at Plymouth, between July, 1623, and 3 April, 1624, Barbara , who died after 16 October, 1659. JOHN* TILLY. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. His wife died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 11 January. TILLEY. Wife of John*. ELIZABETH^ TILLEY. Daughter of John'. (See John Rowland. ) RICHARD' WARREN. Died at Plymouth, in 1628. He married, before 1611, Elizabeth , vvho was born about 1583, and died at Plymouth, 12 October, 1673. WILLIAM' WHITE. Died at Plymouth, 3 March, 1621. He married at Leyden, 1 February, 1612, Susanna Fuller, who married, second, Edward Winslow. SUSANNA (FULLER) WHITE. Wife of Willam'. PEREGRINE^ WHITE. Son of William' and Susanna. Born on the May- Hoioer, at Cape Cod Harbor, between 7 and 10 December, 1620. He died at Marshfield, 31 July, 1704. He married, before 16 March, 1649, Sarah* Bassett (William'), who died at Marshfield, 2 February, 1712. RESOLVED- WHITE. Son of William' and Susanna. Died between 1690 and 1694. He married, first, 16 November, 1640, Judith* Vassall (Willam'), who was buried at Marshfield, 13 April, 1670. He married, second, at Salem, 15 October, 1674, Abigail ( ) Lord, widow of Willam Lord, who died at Salem, between 25 June and 7 July, 1682. EDWARD' WINSLOW. Born at Droitwich, England, 28 October, 1595. Died at sea, near the island of Hispaniola, now St. Domingo, 18 May, 1665. He married, first, at Leyden, 1618, Elizabeth Barker, who died at Plymouth, 3 April, 1621. He married, second, at Plymouth, 22 May, 1621, Susanna (Fuller) White, the widow of William' White. The Mayflower Passengers from Whom Descent Has Not Been Proven BARTHOLOMEW-^ ALLERTON. Son of Isaac^ and Mary. Born at Leyden. He returned to England, married and had children there, and was living in 1650. JOHNi ALLERTON. Not known to be related to Isaac'. Died at Plym- outh, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. J0HN2 BILLINGTON. Eldest son of John^ and Eleanor. Born before 1605. Died at Plymouth, between 1 June, 1627, and September, 1630. DOROTHY BRADFORD. Wife of Williami. WRESTLING^ BREWSTER. Son of Wlliami and Mary. Died unmar- ried, between 1 June, 1627, and August, 1643. RICHARD BRITTERIDGE. Died at Plymouth. 31 December, 1620. The first death after reaching Plymouth. WILLIAM BUTLER. Died on the Mayflower, at sea, 16 November, 1620. ROBERT CARTER. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 3 March. JOHN CARVER. Died at Plymouth, between 12 April, and 10 May, 1621. He married Katherine , who died at Plymouth, five or six weeks after her husband. KATHERINE ( ) CARVER. Wife of John. , Maid servant to John Carver. (See Francis Eaton). RICHARD CLARKE, Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. HUMILITY COOPER. Died in England, Between 1627 and 1651. JOHNi CRACKSTON. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. J0HN2 CRACKSTON. Son of Johni. Died at Plymouth, soon after 1 June, 1627. ELY. Returned to England at the expiration of his contract for one year. THOMAS ENGLISH. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. MOSES FLETCHER. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April 1621 He married, first, Maria Evans, who died before November, 1613. He married, second, at Leyden, 21 December, 1613, Sarah ( ) Dinghy, widow of William. RICHARD GARDINER. Died in England or at sea, between 1623 and 1651. JOHN GOODMAN. Died at Plymouth, before 1627. WILLIAM HOLBECK. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, but after 11 January. JOHN HOOKE. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, but after 11 January. DAMARIS' HOPKINS. Daughter of Stephen' and Elizabeth. OCEANUS- HOPKINS. Son of Stephen' and Elizabeth. Born on the Mayflower, between 16 September and 21 November, 1620. Died before 1 June, 1627. JOHN LANGMORE. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 11 January. WILLIAM LATHAM. Died at the Bahama Islands, between 7 November, 1645, and 6 March, 1651. EDWARD LEISTER. Died in Virginia, before 6 March, 1651. EDMUND MARGESON. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. CHRISTOPHER MARTIN. Died at Plymouth, 18 January, 1621. His wife died early in 1621, after II January. MARTIN. Wife of Christopher. DESIRE MINTER. Died in England, before 1651. JASPER MORE. "A litle boy." Died on the Mayflower, at Cape Cod Harbor, 16 December, 1620. ELLEN MORE. " A litle girl. " Sister of Jasper. Died at Plymouth early in 1621, after 11 January. RICHARD MORE. Brother of Jasper. Born about 1614. Died after 20 May, 1690. He married, 30 Octoer, 1636, Christian Hunt, who died at Salem, between 11 November, 1671 and 20 June, 1675. MORE. Brother of Jasper. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 11 January. JOSEPH" MULLINS. Son of William' and Alice. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 2 April. SOLOMON PROWER. Died at Plymouth, 3 January, 1621. JOHN RIGDALE. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. He married Alice , who died at Plymouth, early in 1621. after 11 January. ALICE {--. ) RIGDALE. Wife of John. 10 ROSE ( ) STANDISH. First wife of Myles'. ELIAS STORY. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 11 January. EDWARD THOMSON. Died on the Mayflower, at Cape Cod Harbor, 14 December, 1620. The first death after reaching Cape Cod. EDWARD TILLEY. Died at Plymouth, between llJanuary and 10 April, 1621. He married Ann , }who died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 11 January. ANN ( ) TILLEY. Wife of Edward. THOMAS' TINKER. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. His wife died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 11 January. TINKER. Wife of Thomas. "^ TINKER. Son of Thomas^ Died at Plymouth, early in 1621. after 11 January. WILLIAM TREVORE. Died after 7 May, 1650. JOHNi TURNER. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. '' TURNER. Son of John'. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 11 January. '^ TURNER. Another son of John'. Died at Plymouth, early in 1621, after 11 January. ROGER WILDER. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 12 April, 1621. THOMAS WILLIAMS. Died at Plymouth, between 11 January and 10 April, 1621. ELIZABETH (BARKER) WINSLOW. Wife of Edward'. GILBERT WINSLOW. Brother of Edward'. Born at Droitwich, England 5 November, 1600. Died in England, before 1651. The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of Columbia Establishment The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of Columbia was organized April 28, 1898, with twenty-two charter members, under a charter granted by the General Society March 22, 1898. The initiative in its forma- tion was taken by Mr. William Lowrey Marsh and he has very properly been recognized as its founder, as it was through him, with twenty-one other charter members, that the Society was permanently established. Mr. Marsh was its first governor and served three terms, from 1898 to 1901. Growth of tbe Society It was not anticipated that the Society would exceed fifty members, at least for several years, and its rapid growth has therefore been a most grati- fying surprise. From 1898 to 1920 the membership has inceased from twenty- two to three hundred and fifty-four. The location of the Society at the capital city of the nation has been an important factor in its constant growth and has enabled it to reach persons in the South who are eligible to membership but have no state societies of their own. Those who have thus proven their eligibility are among the most enthusiastic members. The Society has taken high rank among the State Societies for effective work in advancing the objects of the entire organization. Membership The Society has furnished to the General Society two governors-general, Thomas Snell Hopkins and Major General Leonard Wood, and in its member- ship have been enrolled a President of the United States, William Howard Taft; an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Henry Billings Brown; the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, Seth Shepard; Major General Adolphus Washington Greeley, the famous explorer; General Fred Dent Grant, son of President U.S. Grant. Members of the United States Senate, the House of Representatives, oflScers of high rank in the Army and Navy, and men prominent in professional and business life have been included in its distinguished membership. It is of interest here to recall that five Presidents of the United States have been of Pilgrim ancestry; John Adams and John Quincy Adams, descend- ants of John Alden; Zachary Taylor, a descendant of Isaac Allerton; Ulysses Simpson Grant, a descendant of Richard Warren; and William Howard Taft, a descendant of Francis Cooke. 12 Library Mr. A. A. Aspinwall has been the Historian of the Society since its organi- zation and has served it with marked ability and devotion. An annual appro- priation of fifty dollars has been placed at his disposal for the purchase of books for a library and as a result he now has in his custody three hundred and twenty-four volumes besides twenty-seven pamphlets. These consist chiefly of family genealogies, town and local histories and published vital statistics. The gavel used by the Governor was made from a piece of oak which was once a part of the old manor house occupied by Elder Brewster. The wood was obtained by Mr. William Wallace Case, a charter member of the Society, while on a visit to Scrooby in 1899 and by him presented to the Society. 13 CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I NAME The name of this Society shall be the "Society of Mayflower Descend- ants IN THE District of Columbia" ARTICLE II object The object of this Society is to perpetuate the memory of the band of Pilgrim passengers on the Mayflower, who landed at Plymouth Rock, Massa- chusetts, December 20, 1620; to preserve their records, their history and all facts relating to them, their ancestors and their posterity. Their acts and example have been instrumental in the establishment of civil and religious liberty throughout this land. Their faith in God, their constancy of purpose under severe trials, and their fortitude under privations, entitle them to the veneration of mankind, and form an example worthy of emulation for all time. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP Every lineal descendant over eighteen years of age of any passenger on the Mayflower on the voyage which ended at Plymouth, Massachusetts, in De- ember, 1620, shall be eligible to membership in this Society. Each candidate for membership shall be proposed and seconded by members of the Society, and elected at a regular meeting of the Board of Assistants. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS The officers of this Society shall be a Governor, Deputy Governor, Captain, Elder, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Surgeon, to be elected by a majority vote. These officers together with seven other members elected for that purpose by a plurality vote by ballot at the annual meeting of the Society, shall constitute a Board of Assistants and shall serve for one year, or until their successors are duly elected and qnalified. Their duties, powers and privileges shall be regulated by the by-laws so long as they are consistent with this Constitution; and any vacancies occasioned by death or resignation may be filled by the Board of Assistants for the unexpired term. ARTICLE V MEETINGS The annual meetings of this Society shall be held in the City of Washing- ton, District of Columbia, on the twenty-first day of November in each year, the anniversary of the arrival of the Mayflower at Provincetown Harbor. In addition to the annual meetings, regular meetings shall be held on the third Tuesday in February, April, and October, in each year, and special meetings shall be held upon the written request of ten members, or by vote of the Board of Assistants. The Board of Assistants shall meet on the third Tuesday of each month, except the months of June, July, and August, and special meetings of the Board shall be held upon the written request of three of its members, or at the call of the Governor. Ten members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Society for the transaction of business. At all meetings of the Board of Assistants, five members shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI BY-LAWS The Society shall have power to ordain, establish, alter and repeal by-laws, rules, and regulations for its government. ARTICLE VII SEAL The seal of the Society shall contain a representation of a sailing vessel of the seventeenth century and around it the name of the Society and the word "Plymouth, 1620," and "District of Columbia, 1898." ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENTS Any proposed amendment to this Constitution must be presented in writing at a regular meeting of the Societj , and shall be read and filed with the Secre- tary. The Secretary shall send out with the notice of the next meeting a copy of all such proposed amendments, with a statement that the same are to be acted upon at said meeting, and a two-thirds vote of all the members present at such meeting shall be required for the adoption of any amendment. BY-LAWS ARTICLE I MEMBERSHIP Application for membership in this Society shall be made in writing and shall be accompanied by the entrance fee. Such application shall be approved by the Committee on Membership before the pedigree blanks shall be issued. Each applicant shall then be required to give in detail, upon the blank forms furnished, the proofs of eligibility with complete references to the authorities quoted, all of which shall be sworn to. Such application shall then be referred to the Historian of the Society, and upon his report that he has found the pedigree papers to be correct, and that the Historian General has approved the same, they shall be referred to the Board of Assistants, who shall vote upon the same. Two negative votes shall act as a rejection of the applicant. Every approval by the Committee on Membership shall be void unless the pedigree papers shall be filed by the applicant, properly filled out, within six months after the same shall have been sent him. In the event of the disapproval by the Committee on Membership of any applicant, or of the rejection of applicant by the Board of Assistants, the entrance fee shall be returned to him. ARTICLE II DUTIES OF GOVERNOR It shall be the duty of the Governor to preside at all meetings of the Society and the Board of Assistants and to perform such other duties as pertain to the chief officer of an organization. ARTICLE III DUTIES OF THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR It shall be the duty of the Deputy Governor to exercise all the functions of the office of the Governor in absence or disability of the Governor. ARTICLE IV DUTIES OF CAPTAIN The Captain shall act as Marshal on all occasions of ceremony. IS ARTICLE V DUTIES OF ELDER It shall be the duty of the Elder to officiate when called upon at any meeting of the Society. He shall be a regular ordained minister of a Christian Church. ARTICLE VI DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary shall give due notice of all meetings of the Society and the Board of Assistants, and keep a record of the proceedings of such meetings. He shall notify new members of their election and keep a roll of the members of the Society. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Society, and have charge of the seal and all documents belonging to the Society, and shall perform such other duties as the Society or his office may require. ARTICLE VII DUTIES OF TREASURER The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Society. He shall collect all fees and dues and shall have charge of all disbursements under direction of the Board of Assistants. He shall keep an account of all receipts and disbursements, shall report the condition of the treasury at the regular meetings of the Board of Assistants, and shall make a detailed report at the annual meeting of the Society. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES OF HISTORIAN The Historian shall examine and report upon all pedigree papers of applicants for membership. He shall keep a detailed record of all celebrations of the Society and file all documents, papers, and speeches. He shall keep a record of all certificates signed by him and do any other work assigned him by the Board of Assistants. ARTICLE IX DUTIES OF SURGEON The Surgeon shall have been duly admitted to the practice of medicine and shall be under the order of the Governor and Board of Assistants. ARTICLE X BOARD OF ASSISTANTS The Board of Assistants shall have charge and direction of the affairs of the Society, subject in all respects to such instructions and limitations as may from time to time be prescribed by the Society. They shall fill vacancies among the officers for the balance of the term and shall appoint the following Stand- ing Committees : 17 Membership, of five members; Publication' of three members; Auditing, of three members; Room and Property, of five members; Entertainment, of five members. The chairman of each Standing Committee shall be a member of the Board of Assistants, and the additional members may be selected from the members at large. Each Committee shall make a report, through its chairman, at each regular meeting of the Board of Assistants. The Membership Com- mittee shall meet at such a time and place as may be designated by its chairman, and shall consider and act upon all preliminary applications and report thereon to the Board of Assistants. ARTICLE XI ORDER OF BUSINESS The order of business at all stated meetings of the Society shall be: Reading of Minutes. Communications. Reports of Officers. Reports of Committees. Unfinished Business. New Business. Election of Officers (at annual meetings). ARTICLE XII FEES AND DUES The entrance fee shall be Five dollars ($5). The annual dues shall be Two dollars ($2), payable on the first day of January in each year. A member who shall remain in arrears for dues for three months after notice of his indebtedness has been mailed to him, directed to his last known address, may be dropped from the rolls by the Board of Assistants, and may be reinstated by said Board upon payment of all dues which would have accrued had he re- mained a member in good standing. ARTICLE XIII TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP The Board of Assistants may, on a two- thirds vote, drop any member shown to be prejudicial to the Society, providing, however, he be given a months notice of any charges filed and a hearing by said Board. ARTICLE XIV AMENDMENTS Amendments, alterations, and additions, may be made to these by-laws in the same manner as provided for amendments and changes in the Constitution of this Society. Officers of the General Society 1919-20 Governor-General MAJOR GENERAL LEONARD WOOD, U. S. A. Deputy Governors-General RICHARD HENRY GREEN New York WALTER C. FAXON Connecticut ASA P. FRENCH Massachussets J. GRANVILLE LEACH Pennsylvania PAUL BLATCHFORD Illinois WILLIAM SHERMAN WASHBURN District of Columbia ROBERT M. BOYD JR. New Jersey WILFRED H. MUNRO Rhode Island FREDERICK BRADFORD SMITH Michigan ARCHIE LEE TALBOT Maine FRANKLIN BANGS California ARTHUR H. BENNETT Kansas Secretary-General ADDISON P. MONROE Treasurer-General HENRY H. BELLKNAP Historian-General . DR. GEORGE BECHWITH STEVENS Elder-General REV. JOHN COLEMAN Captain-General DR. MYLES STANDISH Surgeon-General MAJOR HERBERT WILLIAM YEMANS District of Columbia Society Officers for 1920 Governor HON. CARROLL S. PAGE The Cochran Deputy Governor ERNEST WILDER BRADFORD Washington Loan & Trust Bldg. Captain FREDERICK W. MITCHELL The Savoy Elder REV. JOHN THOMAS HUDDLE 738 11th St., N. W. Secretary FRANK H. BRIGGS 719 15th St., N. W. Treasurer FRANK BOND General Land Office Historian ALGERNON A. ASPINWALL The Concord Surgeon LOREN B. T. JOHNSON, M. D. 2108 16th St., N. W. Assistants CAPTAIN W. W. CASE Pension Office MRS. F. F. GREENAWALT 1719 Lanier Place, N. W. MR. CARTER BREWSTER KEENE 2637 Garfield St., N. W. MRS. JOHN B. LARNER 1709 19th St., N. W. MRS. HENRY B. PATTEN 1654 Park Road, N. W. MRS. BERTHA M. ROBBINS 1447 Massachussets Ave. N. W. HON. WILLIAM S. WASHBURN 2029 Connecticut Ave. N. W. 20 'Great thoughts, great feelings came to them like instincts, unawares." Charter granted March 22, 1898 Organization perfected April 28, 1898 Charter Members *William Lowrey Marsh * William Wallace Case Nathaniel Emmons Robinson *Hattie L. Alden •Sherburne G. Hopkins *Thomas Snell Hopkins William F. Alden James Bowen Johnson Henry P. R. Holt *Algemon A. Aspinwall *Isabel S. Chamberlin * Members *Mary L. Robinson * Emily E. Robinson Marcus Benjamin John Louis Ewell George Congdon Gorham Frank Birge Smith Alonzo Howard Clark Harry Weston Van Dyke William Park Metcalf *Edwin Allston Hill Ellen Hamilton Smith at present. Past Governors, and Years of Service William Lowrey Marsh 1898 Thomas Snell Hopkins 1901 *Rev., John Louis Ewell, D. D. Dean of Theological School Howard Uni- versity 1905 *Hon. Seth Shepard, Chief Justice, Court of Appeals, District of Co- lumbia 1906 George Lansing Raymond, L. H. D. Former Professor of Esthetics, Princeton University 1907 *Hon., Henry Billings Brown, Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court 1909 Hon., William Sherman Washburn, Former U. S. Civil Service Commis- sioner 1911 Major General Leonard Wood, U. S. A. 1913 Major General Adolphus Washington Greeley, U. S. A. 1915 *Alonzo Howard Clark 1917 Hon., Carroll Smally Page, U. S. Senator, Vermont 1919 * Deceased. ROSTER OF MEMBERS AND THEIR ANCESTORS The maiden surname of married women is printed in parentheses. ^tate General No. No. 1 WILLIAM LOWREY MARSH. 267 Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 2 WILLIAM WALLACE CASE, 312 Tenth in descent froin William Brewster. 3 NATHANIEL EMMONS ROBINSON, 486 Died July 25, 1903. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 4 HATTIE LUCINDA ALDEN. 377 Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 5 SHERBURNE GILLETT HOPKINS, 66 Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Giles Ilopkins. * Ninth in descent from %V^iliiam Brewster. 6 THOMAS SNELL HOPKINS, 65 Seventh in descent from Stephen Plopkins. Sixth in descent from Giles Hopkins. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. 7 WILLIAM FRANCIS ALDEN. 337 Died October 29, 1898. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 8 JAMES BOWEN JOHNSON, 311 Died January 10, 1899. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 9 HENRY PETER RENOUF HOLT, 223 Resigned December 31, 1906. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 10 ALGERNON A[KIN ASPINWALL, 916 Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 28 state No. General No. 11 ISABEL SARGENT CHAMBERLIN, »15 Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 12 MARY LYON ROBINSON, 785 Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from "William MuUins. 13 EMILY ELIZA ROBINSON, 784 Eighth in descent from John AJden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 14 MARCUS BENJAMIN. 57 Resigrned December 12, 1899. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 15 JOHN LOUIS EWELL, 1000 Died March 16, 1910. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 16 GEORGE CONGDON GORHAM, 115 Died February 11, 1909. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from John Tilley. 17 FRANK BIRGE SMITH. 108 Died December 22, 1904. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 18 ALONZO HOWARD CLARK, 75 Died December 31, 1918. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Giles Hopkins. 19 HARRY WESTON VAN DYKE, 105 Membership ceased November 16, 1909. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from George Soule. Eighth in descent from Peter Brown. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 20 WILLIAM PARK METCALF. 320 Resigned April 8, 1916. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from Love Brewster. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. 24 state General No. No. 21 EDWIN ALLSTON HILL, 697 Ninth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from John Rowland. Tenth in descent from "William Mullins. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 22 ELLEN HAMILTON SMITH, 982 Resigned December 31, 1899. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 23 HELEN SYBIL (AVERY) STETSON. 680 Mrs. George Rochford Stetson. Died March 12, 1907. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 24 JANE A. SUMNER (OWEN) KEIM, 849 Mrs. De Benneville Randolph Keim. Died November 22, 1912. Seventh in descent from Peter Brown. 25 THOMAS BLAGDEN, 754 Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 26 CHARLES LYON STURTEVANT, 1014 Tenth in descent from James Chilton. 27 GEORGE LYMAN FOX, 1145 Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 28 JOSEPH EDWARD BRADFORD, 1147 Died September 2, 1913. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. Seventh in descent from Love Brewster. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from Richard Warren. Eighth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 29 PRISCILLA LeBARON (GOLDSBOROUGH) SLAUGHTER, 1149 Mrs. William Dennis Slaughter. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. Eighth in descent from Joseph Rogers. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Myles Standish. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Ninth in descent from George Soule. Ninth in descent from Henry Samson. Eleventh in descent from Richard Warren. 30 WILLIAM HUMPHREY ASPINWALL, 1151 Resigned December 31, 1915. Tenth in descent from John Howland. Eleventh in descent from John Tilley. 25 state General No. No. 31 MARY ELIZABETH TERRY, 1172 Resigned February 8, 1910. Eishth in descent from William Bradford. 32 JAMES OSCAR PIERCE. 1173 Membership ceased December 31, 1905. Eig^lith in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William MuUins. Eighth in descent from Richard Warren. .33 MARY LOUISE PETERSON. 1190 Resigned February 12, 1907. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 34 CALEB ROCHFORD STETSON, 1191 Ninth in descent from William Bradford. Tenth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Eleventh in descent from William Mullins. 35 SUSAN HUNT (STETSON) FLETCHER. 1259 Mrs. Frank Friday Fletcher. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. Tenth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Eleventh in descent from William Mullins. 36 CARRIE STETSON (AVERY) CLAFLIN, 1260 Mrs. William Henry Claflin. Resigned October 11. 1910. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. Tenth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Eleventh in descent from William Mullins. 37 CORNELIA (HUBBARD) HASC^', 1290 Mrs. Oscar L. Hascy. Died June, 1906. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 38 MARION OSCAR BARNES. 1292 Membership ceased February 20, 1917. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 39 ROSA (WRIGHT) SMITH, 1294 Mrs. F. Sherman Smith. Eighth in descent from John Alden. .Minth in descent from William Mullins. 40 GEORGE ROCHFORD STETSON, 1296 Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 41 JEROME FLETCHER JOHNSON. 1298 Died November 16, 1913. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 26 state General No. No. 42 SOLOMON ELxMER FAUNCE, 1300 Seventh in descent from William Bradforfl. Seventh in descent from Richard Warren. Seventh in descent from Joseph Rogers. Seventli in descent from Henry Sampson. Eiglith in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from Miles Standish. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth In flescent from Thomas Rogers. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 43 ELEANOR LORETTE (FULLER) MARTIN. 1302 Blrs. Medad C. Martin. Eighth in descent from Edward Fuller. Seventh in descent from Samuel Fuller. 44 SARAH PATTERSON (HEISKELL) \\lLLL-\MSON. 13:56 Mrs. Irving Williamson. Resigned January 18, 1916. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 4.5 EMMA JOSEPHINE (PARKER) KARR. 1337 Mrs. William Wesley Karr. Membership ceased .January If). 1315. Seventh in descent from George Soule. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 46 CARLIE EMELINE MARSH. 1338 Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 47 BENJAMIN PRENTIS WATROUS. 1339 Died January 16, 1901. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 48 CORNELIA (HASCY) YOUNG, 1350 Mrs. Horace Gedney Young. Tenth in descent from John Alden. Eleventh in descent from William Mullins. 4<) HOWARD WILSON BLANCHARD, i;;T4 Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from AVilliam Mullins. -yO JOHN PARKER LOTHROP. 1407 Died September 4, 1899. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from John Tilley. .51 MARY LATHROP (GOODWIN) BAILHACHE, 1408 Mrs. Preston H. Bailhache. Died November 27, 1917. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. 53 RICHARD HENRY GADD, 1409 Died May 2, 1901. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 27 state General No. No. 53 JESSIE MAY (KENNEDY) CRAIG, 1410 Mrs. Alvin L. Craig. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 54 HELEN MARIA (KELLEY) WARNER. 1411 Mrs. Charles H. Warner. Membership ceased December 31, 1905. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 55 EDITH GIFFORD, 1434 Resigned February 28, 1901. Eighth in descent from Richard Warren. 56 JESSIE EASTMAN (HOPKINS) SEIBERT, 1435 Mrs. Edward G. Seibert. Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Giles Hopkins. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 57 ANNE ASHMUN VILAS, 1436 Ninth in descent from John Rowland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 58 PERCIVAL MADDEN VILAS, 1437 Membership ceased January 19, 1915. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 59 FRANCES ALMA (MAIN) HAECKER, 1438 Mrs. Theophilus L. Haecker. Died July 14, 1917. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 60 IRENE STILLMAN (BARNES) SELDOMRTDGE. 1452 Mrs. Harry Hunter Seldomridge. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 61 GEORGE CHANDLER HARRISON, 1462 Died February 25, 1907. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 63 ROXANNA CURTIS (WINSOR) FAUNCE, 1463 Mrs. Solomon Elmer Faunce. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. Ninth in descent from John Billington. Eighth in descent from Francis Billington. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Seventh in descent from Giles Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Edward Doty. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent form John Howland. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. 63 JANE DOUGLAS (BUTLER) CHANY, 1478 Mrs. William Henry Chany. Died January, 1915. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. 28 state No. General No. 64 CLARA (FORD) NESBIT, 1479 Mrs. Charles Francis Nesbit. Eighth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Seventh in descent from John Rowland. Eig-hth in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Francis Eaton. 65 JULIA ANN (PRENTISS) FORD, 1480 Mrs. Ellery Channing Ford. Died July 7, 1908. Seventh in descent from Isaac Allerton. Sixth in descent from John Rowland. Seventh in descent from John Tilley. Eighth in descent from Francis Eaton. 66 SARAH ADELIA (GIDDINGS) GRIFFITH. 1481 Mrs. B. B. Griffith. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William MuUins. 67 CALEB HOLT ELLIS. 1*8- Died . Eighth in descent from William Bradford. Seventh in descent from Samuel Eaton. Eighth in descent from Samuel Fuller. Eighth in descent from Richard Warren. Eighth in descent from Francis Eaton. Eighth in descent from Edward Doty. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 68 ALICE WIGHT, ALDEN, 148B Resigned November 10, 1902. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from Wililam Mullins. 69 JOHN BELDEN BRADFORD, 1484 Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 70 CATHERINE (HARRISON) HEWITT, 1504 Mrs. William Henry Harrison Hewitt. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 71 FANNIE SOULE CAMPBELL. 1505 Resigned November 10, 1908. Seventh in descent from George Soule. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from Wililam Mullins. 72 JOHN BRADFORD FOX, 1538 Died Januai-y 4, 1903. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. Ti FLORENCE LOTHROP (BROWN) MARL ATT. 1539 Mrs. Charles Lester Marlatt. Died October 28, 1903. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 74 FREDERICK WILLIAM MITCHELL, 1540 Eighth in descent from John Rowland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 29 state General No. No. 75 WILLIAM CATLIN MILLARD, 1558 Membership ceased December 31. 1905. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 76 HARRIETT MERLE (ASPINWALL) HILTON. 1559 Mrs. James Hilton. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 77 HATTIE STERLING (CASE) HOWARD 1560 Mrs. Clifford Howard. Resigned November 19, 1912. Eleventh in descent from William Brewster. 78 ELISE (BRADFORD) JOHNSON, 1585 Mrs. Edward B. Johnson. Resigned February 11, 1902. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 79 JANE MARIA (WILCOX) HASKELL. 1586 Mrs. George Alexander Haskell. Resigned December 31, 1905. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 80 MARY HOWELL (BIRGE) RANKIN. 1587 Mrs. Jeremiah Eames Rankin. Resigned February, 1906. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from John Tilley. 81 EDITH GADCOMB (RANKIN) WHITE, 1588 Mrs. William Wisner White. Resigned February, 1906. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 82 GUY ELLIOTT MITCHELL. 1589 Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 83 ZULEICKA JULIA (SANFORD) JAMES, 1618 Mrs. William -James. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 84 JENNETT ELMORE (WESTON) BUTTERFIELD, 1620 Mrs. George Butterfield. Membership ceased January 19, 1915. Eighth in descent from George Soule. 85 JOSEPH TABER JOHNSON, 1622 Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 86 LOREN BASCOM TABER JOHNSON. 1624 Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 87 WILLIS ELLIS PARSONS. 1626 Resigned November 10, 1908. Ninth in descent from W'illiam Bradford. 30 8tate General No. No. 88 GERTRUDE (CRANE) KIRKHAM. ' 1632 Mrs. George Davenport Kirkham. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 89 CHARLES HENRY VERRHX. 1654 Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from WiUiam Mullins. 90 ALBERTA KATE (WILLIAMS) BROWN. 1656 Mrs. Robert Simmons Brown. Resigned October 11, 1905. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 91 MARIAN (HOWLAND) TOWNSLEY. 1658 Mrs. Clarence Page Townsley. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from John Tilley. 92 ANN MARIA SEARS, 1659 Died July 2, 1919. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. Seventh in descent from Richard Warren. 9:; (tERTRUDE SARAH SALISBURY (JONES) LAIRD, 1660 Mrs. George Allen Laird. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. 94 HARRIET AMELIA (HASKELL) MARSTON. 1672 Mrs. Seward Bainbridge Marston. Died May 29, 1901. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 95 CATHARINE REED FIFIELD, 1684 Resigned February 27, 1901. Eighth in descent from Myles Standish. 96 HELEN COPELAND (FIFIELD) SHERER. 1685 Mrs. Frank Sherer. Resigned February 27, 1901. Eighth in descent from Myles Standish. 97 JOHN DAVIS LONG, 1711 Resigned December 31, 1902. Ninth in descent from James Chilton. 98 HARRY ATTWOOD BARROWS. 1712 Resigned June 14, 1902. Ninth in descent from John Alden. 99 ERNEST WILDER BRADFORD, 1713 Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 100 MARION ELLEN FLOWER (HICKS) HARMON, 1714 Mrs. Lorenzo Dow Harmon. Resigned February 11, 1902. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 101 ANNA (DOTY) FIFIELD. 1715 Mrs. Charles Leavitt Fifield. Resigned December 10. 1901. Eighth in descent from Edward Doly. 31 state General No. No. 102 EMMA BREWSTER SMITH. 1716 Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Love Brewster. 103 ETTA KNOWLES (JARVIS) SHEPARD. 1717 Mrs. Seth Shepard. Died October 3, 1909. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. 104 JESSIE ANNA (COWLES) FIFIELD. 1739 Mrs. James Sampson Fifield. Resigned January 31, 1901. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 105 LIZZIE ELLA COWLES 1741 Resigned January 31, 1901. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. lOG ELIZA KINNEY (CROWELL) MORISON. 1742 Mrs. James Morison. Died August 15, 1914. Eighth in descent from John Rowland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 107 MARY DIXON JARVIS. 1743 Eighth in descent from William Brewster. 108 SETH SHEPARD, 1744 Died December 3, 1917. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. 101) MARION ADELE (LONGFELLOW) O'DONOGHUE. 1760 Mrs. Michael Francis O'Donoghue. Resigned December 31, 1906. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Love Brewster. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. Seventh in descent from Henry Sampson. 110 MARY LOUISE (JEWETT) FORBES. 1761 Mrs. George G. Forbes. Resigned February 10, 1903. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 111 ALMIRA MELITA FOWLER, 1532 Died April 13. 1915. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Love Brewster. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 112 IDA SOULE KUHN, 1792 Resigned December 15, 1914. Seventh in descent from George Soule. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 113 ALVIN MASON LOTHROP, 1793 Died November 30. 1912. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. 32 state General No. No. 114 SAMUEL WALTER WOODWARD, 1823 Died August 1, 1917. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 115 JOHN McAllister schofield, 1824 Died March 4, 1906. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Seventh in descent from Love Brewster. 116 GEORGE LANSING RAYMOND, 1836 Seventh in descent from Edward Doty. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 117 GEORGIE SARAH (COLE) SLATER, 1837 Mrs. Thomas Frederick Slater. Resigned October 13, 1908. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 118 FLORENCE (BRADFORD) COOK, 1838 Mrs. George C. Cook. Resigned December 10, 1907. Eighth in descent from TVilliam Bradford. 119 WILLIAM SHERMAN WASHBURN, ' 1852 Tenth in descent from Francis Cooke. 120 HARRY STINSON HOWARD, 1853 Resigned November 21, 1904. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. 121 HENRY MYRON KENDALL, 1869 Died October 2, 1912. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 122 JAMES FITCH MILLARD, 1870 Died March 27, 1909. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 123 SAMUEL MITCHELL RAINEY. 1875 Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 124 ELIZABETH BOYD (BRAYTON) SARSON, 1890 Mrs. Horace Benjamin Sarson. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. 125 NELLIE FLOWER (SWINEFORD) STAFFORD, 1931 Mrs. Edward Orr Stafford. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 126 HORACE ALBERT BAKER, 1932 Died December 8, 1909. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 127 FLORA LOUISE PRISCILLA JOHNSON, 1933 Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 128 ANNIE MANSFIELD (BADGER) ELLIOTT, 1934 Mrs. George F. Elliott. Ninth in de.scent from William Bradford. 33 state General No. No. 129 AXEL HAYFORD REED. 1935 Membership ceased December 31, 1905. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. i:50 CHAUNCEY OTIS HOWARD, 1936 Membership ceased January 19, 1905. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. 131 CHARLES HARRIS HOPKINS, 1937 Died , 1913. Seventh in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Sixth in descent from Giles Hopkins. 132 GEORGE BRINCKERHOFF RICHARDS. 1938 Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 133 JOSHUA FREEMAN GROZIER. 1939 Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Giles Hopkins. 134 CHARLES TUFTS CALDWELL, 1940 Eighth in descent from Isaac Allerton. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. Ninth in descent from James Chilton. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Peter Brown. 135 MAYBELLE (RAYMOND) DENNETT. 1941 Mrs. Tyler Dennett. Eighth in descent from Edward Doty. 136 ELIZABETH HOOKER (MONTAGUE) CLAFLIN, 1942 Mrs. Price C. Claflin. Resigned January 21, 1919. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 137 VELMA (SYLVESTER) BARBER. 1943 Mrs. Amherst Willoughby Barber. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilely. 138 EDMUND SOUTHARD PARKER, 1944 Seventh in descent from Edward Doty. 139 BASCOM JOHNSON, 1945 Membership ceased December 31, 1905. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 140 SARAH LEVINIA (ALDEN) FELLOWS, 1946 Mrs. Fred H. Fellows. Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 141 MINNIE GRACE (DERBY) DENT, 1947 Mrs. John C. Dent. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. S4 state General No. No. 142 SARAH FOLLANSBEE (SOULE) McMILLAN. 1948 Mrs. John G. McMillan. Resigned August 10, 1912. Seventh in descent from George Soule. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 14:) MARTHA JANE (SHEPARD) BRYAN, 1949 Mrs. Lewis Randolph Bryan. Resigned October 19, 1905. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. 144 ELLEN GEER, 1950 Resigned November 14, 1905. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 14.-, CLARA DOROTHY (AMES) SKELDING, 1951 Mrs. Arthur Bertram Skelding. Died December 3, 1904. Nintli in descent from Richard Warren. I4r, MARION (HINCKLEY) BURCH, 2014 Mrs. Sylvester R. Burch. Resigned December 30, 1914. Seventh in descent from William Brewster. Sixth in descent from Love Brewster. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 147 FRANK BOND, 2015 Eighth in descent from Isaac Allerton. 145 JAMES FITCH BRADFORD, 2016 Died July 14, 1913. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 149 SHERWOOD CALDWELL CUMMINGS, 2038 Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 150 LEONARD WOOD, 2071 Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. l-,l CHARLES WESTON HOPKINS BROWNE. 2097 Resigned , 1913. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Giles Hopkins. 152 WILLIAM ELIJAH FULLER. 2107 Died April 23, 1918. Ninth in descent from Edward Fuller. Eighth in descent from Samuel Fuller. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 15:5 FRED. BOND, 2108 Died August 14, 1903. Eighth in descent from isaac Allerton. 1.'54 JOHN ALDEN GOLDSBOROUGH, 2119 Resigned November 10, 1908. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 35 state General No. No. 155 GEORGE COLVIN KENNEDY, 2120 Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. 156 ROBERT ROOT BENNETT, 2121 Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. 157 FREDERICK DENT GRANT. 2122 Died April 11, 1912. Eighth in descent from Richard Warren. 158 THOMAS MONROE GALE, 2154 Ninth in descent from Edward Fuller. Eighth in descent from Samuel Fuller. 159 OLIVE (GALE) McLEAN, 2155 Mrs. Ridley McLean. Tenth in descent from Edward Fuller. Ninth in descent from Samuel Fuller. 160 WILLIAM BRADFORD HITESHEW, 2169 Membership ceased January 19, 1915. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 161 CHARLES TALBOTT HITESHEW, 2170 Membership ceased December 31, 1910. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 162 BRAINARD HENRY WARNER, JR.. 2171 Membership ceased January 19, 1915. EJighth in descent from Edward Doty. 163 MARY LOUISE (BARKER) MUNROE. 2172 Mrs. Charles Edward Munroe. / Resigned February 25, 1918. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Love Brewster. 164 EDGAR NELSON DOTY, 2l7:i Seventh in descent from Edward Doty. 165 WOLCOTT BARBER MANWARING. 249 Died May 18, 1905. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. 166 BENJAMIN BOOTH AVERY. 2192 Resigned May 19, 1914. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 167 SARAH LOUISE KIMBALL. 2239 Resigned April 14, 1908. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent irom Giles Hopkins. 168 EUGENE FITCH WARE. 2265 Died July 1, 1911. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. v 169 PRICE COLBY CLAFLIN. 2284 Died December 28, 1914. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 36 state General No. No. 170 FRANCES (SOULE) STEARNS. 2287 Mrs. Josiah Onslow Stearns. Membership ceased December 8, 1908. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 171 HENRY BILLINGS BROWN, 2409 Died September 4, 1913. Eighth in descent from John Rowland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 172 ERNEST ALMON KNIGHT, 2416 Membership ceased December 3, 1910. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 173 MARIA EMILY (CHEEVER) JEFFRAS. 2417 Mrs. Nathaniel Asbury Jeffras. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 174 MARY BARTLETT WHITON, 2418 Resigned December 31, 1906. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 175 AMOS JAMES CHIPMAN. 2429 Died January 3, 1915. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from John Tilley. 176 JAMES SHELDON, JR.. 2430 Ninth in descent from John Howland, by two lines. Tenth in descent from John Tilley, by two lines. 177 GRACE BOVVEN (JOHNSON) HOWELL. 2431 Mrs. Arthur Holmes Howell. Resigned October 15, 1913. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 178 SARAH ELIZABETH (TEFFT) VAN DEUSEN, 2432 Mrs. Albert Harrison Van Deusen. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 179 MARY ELLEN (FAUNCE) TEMPLE. 2433 Mrs. Edwin George Temple. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. ISO SARA ELIZA (FAUNCE) FERRY. 2434 Mrs. Orlando Eaton Ferry. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 181 MARY KELLOGG (CRITTENDEN) HOPKINS. 2435 Mrs. Timothy Hopkins. Resigned October 13. 1908. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 182 EDWARD DWIGHT CI.APP, 2450 Membership ceased January 19, 1015. Sixth in descent from John Alden. Seventh in descent from William Mullins. 37 state General No. No. 183 BERTHA MURDOCK ROBBINS. 2451 Ninth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from Myles Standish. "Ninth in descent from Samuel Fuller. Ninth in descent from George Soule. Ninth in descent from Francis Eaton. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 184 MARY FRANCES (ANGELL) LINCOLN. -2490 Mrs. Charles Henry Lincoln. Resigned December 31, 1915. Eighth in descent from Myles Standish. 185 KATE (CLEAVELAND) GARDNER, 2521 Mrs. Robert Dod Gardner. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 186 MARY CLEAVELAND, 2522 Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 187 ELLEN THEODORA LONGFELLOW, 252.3 Resigned December 31, 1910. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 188 WALTER NEWELL WESTON, 2543 Eighth in descent from George Soule. 189 AMY GREER THOMPSON, 2544 Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 190 STUART CLARK JOHNSON. 2559 Eighth in descent from John Alden. 191 KATHERINE (GROSSMAN) PECHIN. 2638 Mrs. Maurice Pechin. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 192 GRACE, REDFIELD (BOYNTON) LOGAN, 2647 Mrs. Ellis Logan. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from W^illiam Mullins. 193 CLARE WINSHIP (SYLVESTER) COULTER. 2665 Mrs. V. C. Coulter. Resigned December 12, 1911. Eighth in descent from John Rowland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 194 LEON CLAUDE COVELL, 2666 Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. 195 SALLIE ROVONDT (JILLSON) TOWNSEND, 2672 Mrs. E. B. Townsend. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. state General No. No. 196 FRANK JABEZ LEWIS, 2673 Died February 10, 1916. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Seventh in descent from Love Brewster. Eighth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. Eighth in descent from Richard Warren. 197 SOUTHWICK GARY BRIGGS, 2744 Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 198 HELENA BURROWS (STEVENS) WALCOTT, 2745 Mrs. Charles Doolittle Walcott. Died July 12, 1914. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 199 LILIAN (BURRITT) BROCK. 2804 Mrs. Fenelon Barker Brock. Tenth in descent from Richard Warren. 200 HENRY JAMES WASHBURN, 2892 Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Love Brewster. 201 MARY FARQUHAR (DABNEY) PAYSON, 2893 Mrs. Francis Payson. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 202 HARRIOT HOWARD PARKER, 2913 Eighth in descent from Edward Doty. 203 ANNA ELIZA (PARKER) EARNER, 2990 Mrs. John Bell Lamer. Eighth in descent from Edward Doty. 204 FLORENCE HELEN (BENNETT) BROOKS, 2991 Mrs. Arthur Stanley Brooks. Resigned September 19, 1916. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. 205 STANLEY CURTIS BROOKS, 2992 Resigned September 19, 1916. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. 206 MARY ANN HARTWELL, 3029 Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Seventh in descent from Love Brewster. 207 MARGARET (BALLARD) MOORE, 3030 Mrs. Malcolm Maurice Moore. Died December 25, 1914. Eighth in descest from William Bradford. 208 MARY WOLCOTT DURHAM, 3041 Seventh in descent from John Alden. Eighth in descent from William Mullins. 209 FRANCES (MARSH) TOWNER. 3042 Mrs. Frank Hough Towner. Eighth in descent from William Bradford. state General No. No. 210 MINNIE (SNOW) INGLES. 3058 Mrs. William Ingrles. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 211 ADOLPHUS WASHINGTON GREELEY. 3059 Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 212 ANDREW ADGATE LIPSCOMB, 3083 Died August 15, 1915. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 213 LIZZIE (STOKES) WILLIAMS, 3084 Mrs. David Ellwood Williams. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William MuUins. 214 DOROTHY WALBRIDGE (PHILLIPS) HILTON. 3085 Mrs. Edward Banker Hilton. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 215 LISLE SEATON LIPSCOMB. 3086 Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 216 MARY FRANCES POWELL, 3093 Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 217 WILLIAM ELEAZOR MARSH, 3094 Eighth in descent from William Bradford. 218 MARY (HODGES) SEMMES. 3123 Ninth in descent from Edward Fuller. 219 HENRY WYLLYS HODGES, 3124 Ninth in descent from Edward Fuller. 220 ETHEL JANE RUSSELL CHESEBOROUGH NOYES, 3125 Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 221 PAUL BOWEN ALDEN JOHNSON. 3126 Eighth in descent from John Alden. 222 META HARVEY (SMITH) McCARTNEY, 3127 Membership ceased January 19, 1915. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. 223 WILLIAM HOW^ARD TAFT, 3191 Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. 224 MARY MAITLAND CRAIGHEAD, 3210 Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William MuUins. 225 HARRIET LOUISE (O'BRIEN) SMITH. 3211 Mrs. Edwin D. Smith. Membership ceased January 19, 1915. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Stephen Hopkins, in two lines. te Ninth in descent from Giles Hopkins. 40 state General No. No. 226 JOHN BRADFORD BRIGGS, 3237 EJighth in descent from William Bradford. 227 MAUD WESTCOTT (LIPSCOMB) GREENAWALT. 3238 Mrs. Frank Foster Greenawalt. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 228 ARLON VANNEVAR CUSHMAN, 3248 Eighth in descent from Isaac AUerton. 229 CROSBY PARK MILLER, 3266 Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 230 JAMES HENRY TAYLOR, 3267 Tenth in descent from William Bradford. 231 LOUISA (GAINES) BLASDEL. " 3268 Mrs. Elijah Sparks Blasdel. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. 232 GEORGE EDWARD KING, 3288 Seventh in descent from Francis Cooke. 233 NINA (VANCE) BAILEY, 3289 Mrs. Joseph Abrams Bailey. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 234 BERTHA HAYNES (CALDWELL) CALVERT, 3290 Resigned September 16, 1913. Mrs. William Florein Calvert. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from Willim Mullins. 235 ADA BAXTER CALDWELL, 3291 Resigned September 17. 1913. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 236 CLARENCE AIKIN ASPINWALL, 3344 Tenth in descent from John Howland. Eleventh in descent from John Tilley. 237 THOMAS CLEMENT SOULE. 3350 Resigned December 31, 1912. Seventh in descent from George Soule. 238 HENRIETTA MARIA YOUNG, 3351 Died June 30, 1915. Eighth in descent from Thomas Rogers. Seventh in descent from Joseph Rogers. 2.39 SARAH AUGUSTA COOK (SHEPARD) GRAND ALL, 3370 Mrs. Ransom Ezra Crandall. Eighth in descent from Thomas Rogers. 240 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON TAINTER, 3371 Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. 241 ELLEN HOWARD (WINSOR) GUSHING, 3372 Died April 30. 1915. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. 41 state General No. No. 343 IDA LOUISE (HAYES) TAFT, 3389 Mrs. Fred Henry Taft. Resigned February 16, 1915. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 243 ABBIE LINCOLN (STETSON) HAM, 3390 Mrs. John Stockbridge Patten Ham. Died July 13, 1914. Sixth in descent from William Bradford. 344 WILLIAM FELTON HAM, 3391 Seventh in descent from William Bradford. 245 WALES CANDEE BREWSTER, 3428 Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Love Brewster. 246 PATTI ATKINSON HARDING, 3429 Tenth in descent from William Bradford. 247 HENRY WILLIAM BENNETT. 3430 Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. 248 JOSEPHINE (VAN ANTWERP) HOLMES. 3454 Mrs. George Freeland Holmes. Died July 8, 1917. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 249 HANNAH (SISSON) KELLETT. 3455 Mrs. Thomas Schenck Kellett. Resigned March 31, 1914. Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. 250 ELLEN (VAN ANTWERP) HAZLETON, 3456 Mrs. George Cochrane Hazleton. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth In descent from John Tilley. 251 CLARA VELMA (BARBER) PALMER, 3457 Mrs. Harold L. Palmer. Resigned January 28, 1919. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 252 DELLA (CHAPMAN) TAYLOR, 3458 Mrs. Elmer Joshua Taylor. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. 253 ELMORE EVEREST BUTTERFIELD, 3459 Membership ceased January 19, 1915. Ninth in descent from George Soule. 254 FLORENCE MARIA BROWN, 3460 Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 255 EBENEZER ALDEN, 3461 Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 42 state General No. No. 256 FRANCES (SOULB:) EMERSON. 3462 IMrs. Ralph Damon Emerson. Membership ceased January 19, 1915. Ninth in descent from George Soule. 257 NATHANIEL EMMONS ROBINSON. 3463 Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Miillins. 258 EDNA SCOTT SMITH. 3464 Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Love Brewster. 259 MABEL SCOTT SMITH, 3465 Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Love Brewster. 260 MARGUERITE ESTHER (CLAFLIN) WARNER, 3466 Mrs. Harold E. Warner. Resigned January 21, 1919. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 261 MABEL FAITH (CLAFLIN) LINDSAY. 3467 Mrs. Melville Dyer Lindsay. Resigned December 31, 1915. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 262 ZETTA (GINESI) SHERWOOD. 3468 Mrs. William C. Sherwood. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. 263 HARRIET (LOTHROP) LUTTRELL, 3469 Mrs. Nathaniel H. Luttrell. Died February 15, 1919. Tenth in descent from Francis Cooke. 264 MARY ALICE (CLAYPOOL) HILLEARY, 3479 Mrs. Ridgely Brown Hilleary. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 265 JOSEPHINE HARDING, 3480 Tenth in descent from William Bradford. 266 MARY LEE KIMBALL, . 3503 Eighth in descent from John Rowland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 267 MABEL (BRADFORD) OLDS, 3532 Mrs. Edson Baldwin Olds. Membership ceased January 19, 1915. Eighth in descent froin William Bradford. 268 NELLIE (HOLMES) CROCKER, 3533 Mrs. Frederick William Crocker. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. 269 HARRY EDWARDS CLAFLIN, 3534 Resigned December 31, 1916. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 43 state General No. No. 370 BENJAMIN WEBSTER. 3552 Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 371 MAURICE ANSON WALKER. 3605 Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 373 ARTHUR HENRY BENNETT, 3606 Eleventh in descent from William Brewster. 373 MARY EVA (WEAD) GOVE, 3609 Mrs. David Albert Gove. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 374 JOSEPH ALLEN MINTURN, 3616 Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 375 EUNICE (COPPS) CLAFLIN, 3617 Mrs. Harry Edwards Claflin. Resigned December 31, 1916. Eighth in descent from Isaac Allerton. 376 CHARLES JOHN INGLES. 3618 Ninth in descent from James Chilton. Eighth in descent from Mary Chilton. 377 FLORENCE ELIZABETH WILCOX, 3605 Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 378 MARY ELOISE (NEWCOMB) STRATFORD. 3737 Mrs. Arthur Avon Stratford. Resigned December 31, 1914. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 379 ALFRED EMERY VAN PATTEN. 3738 Resigned April 18, 1916. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. 280 RACHEL VICTORIA BENNETT, 3778 Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. Eighth in descent from John Cooke. 381 CAROLINE (MACOMBER) BENNETT, 3779 Mrs. Jeremiah Howland Bennett. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. Seventh in descent from John Cooke. 383 EUNICE KATE (BENNETT) DE GR.\FF, 3780 Mrs. George DeGraff. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. Eighth in descent from John Cooke. 383 CATHARINE REED WELLS (DEANE) KERN. 3781 Mrs. Charles Everett Kern. Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. ,384 CLARA (HUNTINGTON) DODS, 3813 Mrs. John Charles Dods. Resigned December 15, 1914. Eighth in descent from Richard Warren. 44 state General No. No. 285 EDWARDS ALLEN HILLER, 3874 Ninth in descent from James Chilton. 286 ELVIRA HANSCOM WOOD, 3875 Resigned January 24, 1919. Eightli in descent from Francis Cooke. Eiglitli in descent from Peter Brown. 287 SUSAN JENNETTE (WAITE) BURTCH. 3876 Mrs. Thomas Justus Burtch. Nintli in descent from Francis Cooke. 288 LALLIE MARGARET (BUCKINGHAM) BROWNELL, 3877 Mrs. William Baldwin Brownell. Resigned December 31, 1914. Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 289 RALPH ALOIS HILLER, 3890 Resigned December 31, 1914. Ninth in descent from James Chilton. 290 ALICE RUSSELL NEWCOMB, 3911 Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Giles Hopkins. 291 ADA AUGUSTA RHODES, 3912 Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. 392 EDWARD EVERTS BROWNE. 3913 Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 293 CATHERINE ELLIOTT (BROWN) BRUMBAUGH, 3930 Mrs. Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh. Tenth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 294 CAROLYN E. FORD. 3931 Resigned September 17, 1916. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 295 CHARLES CLEAVELAND ELY, 3932 Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Love Brewster. 296 ELSIE LUCILE ELY, 3933 Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Ninth in descent from Love Brewster. 297 ELLEN WHITAKER (HYDE) SCOVILL, 3950 Mrs. Henry William Scovill. Tenth in descent from Richard Warren. 298 ALMA (HUTCHINSON) MONTGOMERY, 3951 Mrs. James Montgomery. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 299 HERBERT ALLEN MINTURN, 3952 Resigned December 31, 1916. Tenth in descent from John Howland. Eleventh in descent from John Tilley. 43 state General I No. No. 300 RAYMOND SKCORD WASHBURN. 3953 Eleventh in descent from Francis Cooke. 301 PHILIP WALKER. 3980 Ninth in descent from William BKidford. 302 BERTHA (WHILLDIN) CRANE. 3981 Mrs. Charles Augustus Crane. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 303 KATE SHAILER WHITE. 3982 Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. 304 MAURICE MALCOLM MOORE, 3983 Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 305 FLORENCE (MERRITT) THOMPvSON. 3984 Mrs. Douglass Byers Thompson. Tenth in descent from John Howland. Eleventh in descent from John Tilley. 306 WILLIAM ST. JOHN BLANCHARD. 3985 Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 307 JAMES EDWARD GREY. 3986 Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 308 CHARLES HENRY STOKES, 3987 Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 309 HORACE RUSSELL ALLEN, 3988 Resigned December 31, 1916. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 310 CHARLES W. BROWN, 3995 Died November 10, 1918. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Constance Hopkins. 311 ELLA WHILLDIN, 4003 Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 312 ALAMEDA (WILLIAMS) CREGAR, 4014 Mrs. Pierce Phillip Cregar. Eleventh in descent from William Brewster. 313 EMILY ADELE (ALLEN) PATTEN. 4064 Mrs. Henry Benjamin Patten. Ninth in descent from William Bradfortl. 314 ERNEST LESTER JONES, 4065 Ninth in descent from William Brewster. Eighth in descent from Love Brewster. 315 CATHARINE ANN (WILLIAMS) MOORE. 4066 Mrs. M. S. Moore. Tenth in descent from Richard Warren. 46 state General No. No. 316 ELLEN MATILDA (MILLER) CHANDLER, 4067 Mrs. Alexander Bowman Chandler. Eighth in descent from Jolin Rowland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 317 ANABEL (CLARK) MILLER. 4104 Mrs. William David Miller. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 318 MERCY STEVENS (SINSABAUGH) INGALLS. 4105 Mrs. Owen Lovejoy Ingalls. Eighth in descent from Myles Standish. 319 CARTER BREWSTER KEENE, 4106 Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Seventh in descent from Love Brewster. 320 IZETTA JEWEL (KENNEY) BROWN. 4179 Mrs. William Gay Brown. Ninth in descent from John Howland. 321 CHARLES HARVEY BOWKER. 4180 Ninth in descent from William Bradford. 322 ALBERT RAY HOWLAND, 4217 Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 333 LOTTIE ECHODEL (SYLVESTER) CARTWRIGHT. 4233 Mrs. William Roland Cartwright. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 324 MARY HUNT (WESTON) DODGE, 2385 Mrs. Francis Safford Dodge. Eighth in descent from George Soule. 325 MARY (PORTER) BARKER, 4293 Mrs. William Samuel Barker. Eighth in descent from Edward Doty. 326 THEODORA GRACE (BROWN) DUNN, 4311 Mrs. John Thomas Dunn. Tenth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 327 ALICE (MORROW) CLARK. 4312 Mrs. Alonzo Howard Clark. Tenth in descent from Richard Warren. 328 STEPHEN TYNG MATHER. 4469 Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 329 CARROLL SMALLY PAGE. 4470 Eighth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 330 CLARA BELLE (HOWLAND) MITCHELL, 4522 Mrs. Roscoe Conklin Mitchell. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. state General No. No. 331 ELIZABETH (HEAD) GATES, 4572 airs. IVIerril! Edwards Gates. Xinth in descent from John Alden. 332 MARIANNA HEDGE (BOUTELLE) GLOVER, 4573 Mrs. Charles Lawrence Glover. Tenth in descent from William Brewster. Tenth in descent from Richard Warren. Tenth in descent from James Chilton. Tenth in descent from Francis Cooke. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William MuUins. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Tenth in descent from John Tilley. 333 ANNA LOUISA (GILBERT) COWAN. 4626 Mrs. Andrew Cowan. Eighth in descent from Edward Fuller. 334 FRANK HERBERT BRIGGS, 4627 Eighth in descent from William Brewster. Seventh in descent from Love Brewster. Seventh in descent from William Bradford. Eighth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. .335 GRAHAM DENBY FITCH, 3225 Tenth in descent from William Brewster. 336 EMILY (HANCOCK) HUGHES, 4734 Mrs. Simon Peter Hughes. Eighth in descent from John Rowland. Ninth in descent from John Tilley. 337 JOHN JOY EDSON. JR., 4735 Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 338 EDITH (KELLEY) GLENN, 4736 Mrs. William Ernest Glenn. Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 339 KATHERINE SCOTT HILLS, 4805 Ninth in descent from Richard Warren. Tenth in descent from James Chilton. 340 ALICE ELIZABETH (JOHNSON) WOLFE. 4910 Mrs. Edmund Stanley Wolfe. Eleventh in descent from William Brewster. Eleventh in descent from Richard Warren. Tenth in descent from John Alden. Eleventh in descent from William Mullins. 341 ELMER PARKER GRANT. 4911 Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 342 JAMES WOLCOTT W' ADSW ORTH, JR.. 4912 Tenth in descent from William Brewster. 343 ALBERT JOHN ENGLISH, 4933 Tenth in descent from Francis Cooke. Ninth in descent from John Cooke. 48 state ' General No. No. 344 BENJAMIN FRANK TILLOTSON. 4976 Eig-hth in descent from John Alden. Ninth in descent from William Mullins. 345 RAYMOND ELLfOTT BROWN. 5003 Tenth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 346 CHARLES ANDREW BRUMBAUGH, ' 5004 Eleventh in descent from Stephen Hopkins. 347 MARY POWER SIGGERS. 5235 Twelfth in descent from William Brewster. 348 MARY (WHITE) HOUSEHOLDER. 5236 Mrs. Eugene Ross Hoviseholder. Ninth in descent from William Brewster. 349 JOHN THOMAS HUDDLE, 5237 Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 350 THENIA (JONES) MEGAN. 5238 Mrs. Frederick Rischell Megan. Ninth in descent from Thomas Rogers. 351 GENEVIEVE ADALINE (BOND) GELEIN. 5239 Mrs. Edwin Anders Gelein. Ninth in descent from Isaac Allerton. 352 CHARLOTTE GRAVES WASHBURN, 5262 Eleventh in descent from Francis Cooke. 353 GIRARD DAVIS BLASDEL, 5263 Eleventh in descent from William Brewster. ;;34 EDWIN CLAY BLANCHARD. 5339 Ninth in descent from John Alden. Tenth in descent from William Mullins. 49 Alphabetical List of Members, bolh Active and Inactive General and Slate Number (Resigned marked with letter R.) (Member Bhip ceased marked M. C.) (Deceased marked D.) State General No. No. 68 1483 Alden, Alice Wight 255 3461 Alden, Ebenezer 4 377 Alden, Hattie Lucinda 7 837 Alden, WiHiam Francis 309 3988 Allen, Horace Russell 10 916 Aspinwall, Aigernon Aiki?i 2M 3344 Aspinwall, Clarence Aikin 30 1151 Aspinwall, William Humphrey i66 2192 Avery, Benjamin Booth ■Sio 3289 Bailey, Mrs. Joseph Abrams 51 1408 Bailhache, Mrs. Preston H. 126 1932 Baker, Horace Albert 137 1943 Barber, Mrs. Amherst Willoughby 325 4293 Barker, Mrs. William Samyel 38 1292 Barnes, Marion Oscar M. 98 1712 Barrows, Harry Attwood 14 57 Benjamin, Marcus 272 3606 Bennett, Arthur Henry 247 3430 Bennett, Henry Williams 281 3779 Bennett, Mrs. Jeremiah Howl and 280 3778 Bennett, Rachael Victoria 156 2121 Bennett, Robert Root 25 754 Blagden, Thomas 354 5339 Blanchard, Edwin Clay 49 1374 Blanchard, Howard Wilson 306 3985 Blanchard, William St. John 231 3268 Blasdel, Mrs. Elijah Sparks 363 5263 Blasdel, Girard Davis 147 2015 Bond, Frank 153 2108 Bond, Fred 321 4180 Bowker, Charles Harvey 99 . 1713 Bradford, Ernest Wilder 148 2016 Bradford, James Fitch 69 1484 Bradford, John Belden Newtonville, Mass, Washington, D. C, Janesville, Wise. Washington, D. C. Indianapolis, Indiana Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C, Sistersville, W. Va. Cleveland, Ohio Clinton, S. C. Stapleton, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Bristol, Tern. Colorado Springs, Colo. Berwyn, Md. Washington, D. C. Topeka, Kans. Indianapolis, Ind. HoUon, Kans. Topeka, Kans. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C, Philadelphia, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. Washington. D. C. Cheyenne, Wye. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Cornwall Hollow, Conn. Cornwall Hollow, Conn. so State Generali No. No. 28 245 334 226 197 199 204 205 310 254 171 345 90 320 151 292 288 346 293 143 146 287 253 84 235 134 234 71 323 2 11 316 63 175 269 275 169 136 36 182 18 327 186 118 193 194 333 105 53 224 1147 Bradford, Joseph Edward D. 3428 Brewster, Wales Candee D. 4627 Briggs, Frank Herbert 3237 Briggs, John Bradford 2744 Briggs, Southwi-ck Gary 2804 Brock, Mrs. Fenelon Barker 2991 Brooks, Mrs. Arthur Stanky R. 2992 Brooks, Stanley Curtis R. 3995 Brown, Charles V/. D. 3460 Brown, Florence Maria 2409 Brown, Mr. Justice Henry Billing-^ D. 5003 Brown, Raymond Elliot 1656 Brown, Mrs. Robert Simmons R. 4179 Brown, Mrs. William Gay 2097 Browne, Charles Webster Hopkins R. 3913 Browne, Edward Everts 3877 Brownell, Mrs. William Baldwin 5004 Brumbaugh, Charles Andrew 3930 Brumbaugh, Mrs. Gaius Marcus 1949 Bryan, Mrs. Lewis Randolph ' 2014 Burch, Mrs. Sylvester R. 3876 Burtch, Mrs. Thomas Justin 3459 Butterfield, Elmore Everest M. 1620 Butterfield, Mrs. George M. R. 3291 Caldwell, Ada Baxter R. 1940 Caldwell, Charles Tufts 3290 Calvert, Mrs. William Florein R. 1505 Campbell, Fannie Soule R. 4233 Cartwright, Mrs. William Roland 312 Case, William Wallace 915 Chamberlin, Isabel Sargent 4067 Chandler, Mrs. Alexander Bowman 1478 Chany, Mrs. William Henry D. 2429 Chipman, Amos James D. 3534 Claflin, Harry Edwards R. 3617 Claflin, Mrs. Harry Edwards R. 2284 Claflin, Price Colby D. 1942 Claflin, Mrs. Price Colby R. 1260 Claflin, Mrs. William Henry R. 2450 Clapp, Edward Dwight M. C. 75 Clark, Alonzo Howard D. 4312 Clark, Mrs. Alonzo Howard 2522 Cleaveland, Mary 1838 Cook, Mrs. George C. R. 2665 Coulter. Mrs. V. C. R. 2666 Covell, Leon Claude 4626 Cowan, Mrs. Andrew 1741 Cowles, Lizzie Ella R. 1410 Craig, Mrs. Alvin L. 3210 Craighead, Mary Maitland Woodside, Md. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C, Washington, D. C, Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Brookville, Pa. Takoma Park, D. C. King wood, W. Va. Takoma Park, D. C. Washington, D. C. Lawrence, Kans. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Houston, Texas. Washington, D. C. Hutchinson, Kan. Washington, D. C, Washington, D. C. Seattle, Wash. Washington, D. C. Seattle, Wash. San Francisco, Calif. Bristol, Va. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Louisville, Ky. Janesville, Wis. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. -..i./iS! State General No. No. 239 3370 Crandall, Mrs. Ransom Ezra Meadville, Pa. 302 3981 Crane, Mrs. Charles Augustus Washington, D. C. 312 4014 Cregar, Mrs. Pierce Phillips St. Petersburg, Fla. 268 3533 Crocker, Mrs. Frederick William Washiiigton, D. C. 149 2038 Cummings, Sherwood Caldwell Rockville, Conn. 241 3372 Cashing, Ellen Howard D. Washington, D. C. 228 3248 Cushman, Arlon Vannevar Washington, D. C. 282 3780 De Graff, Mrs. George llolton, Kan. 135 1941 Dennett, Mrs. Tyler Los Angeles, Cal. 141 1947 Dent, Mrs. John C. Los Gatos, Cal. 324 2385 Dodge, Mrs. Francis Safford Washington, D. C, 284 3813 Dods. Mrs. John Charles R. Kansas City, Kan. 164 2173 Doty, Edgar Nelson Titusville, Pa. 326 4311 Dunn, Mrs. John Thomas Washington, D. C. 208 3041 Durham, Mary Wolcott Washington, D. C. 337 4735 Edson, John Joy Jr. Washington, D. C. 128 1934 Elliott, Mrs. George F. Washington, D. C. 67 1482 Ellis, Caleb Holt D. Washington, D. C. 295 3932 Ely, Charles Cleveland Savannah, Ga. 296 3933 Ely, Elsie Lucile Savannah, Ga. 256 3462 Emerson, Mrs. Ralph Damon M . C. Aloha, Wash. 343 4933 English, Albert John Bennington, Neb. 15 1000 Ewell, Rev. John Louis D. D. D. Washiagton, D. C. 42 1300 Faunce, Solomon Elmer Washington, D. C. 62 1463 Faunce, Mrs. Solomon Elmer Washington. D. C. 140 1946 Fellows, Mrs. Fred H. Long Beach, Cal. 180 2434 Ferry, Mrs. Orlando Eaton Brooklyn, N. Y. 95 1684 Fi field, Catherine Reed R. Janesville, Wis. 101 1715 Fifield, Mrs. Charles Leavitt R. Janesville, Wis. 104 1739 Fifield, Mrs. James Sampson R. Janesville, Wis. 335 3225 Fitch, Col. Graham Denby Washington, D. C. 35 1259 Fletcher, Mrs. Frank Friday Washington, D. C. 110 1761 Forbes, Mrs. George G. R. White Bear Lake, Minn, 294 3931 Ford, Carolyn E. R. Madison, Ind. 65 1480 Ford, Mrs. EUery Channing D. Washington, D. C. 111 1582 Fowler, Alrnira Milita D. Phoenix, Ariz. 27 1145 Fox, George Lyman Linden, Md. 72 1538 Fox, John Bradford D. Thomaston, Conn. 152 2107 Fuller, William Elijah D. West Union, Iowa. 52 1409 Gadd, Richard Henry D. Port Limon, Costa Rica 158 2154 Gale, Thomas Monroe Washington, D. C. 185 2521 Gardner, Mrs. Robert Dod WashinKton, D. C. 331 4572 Gates, Mrs. Merrill Edwards Washington, D C. 144 1950 Geer, Ellen R. Norwich, Conn. 351 5239 Galein. Mrs. Edwin A. Harrisburgh, Pa. 55 1434 Gifford, Edith R. Hartland, Wise. 338 4736 Glenn, Mrs. William Ernest Kansas City, Mo. 332 4573 Glover, Mrs. Charles Lawrence Baltimore, Md. 154 2119 Goldsborough, John Alden R. Washington, D. C. 52 D. D. R. D. D. R. State General No. No. 16 115 Gorham, George Congdon 273 3609 Gove, Mrs. David Albert 341 4911 Grant, Elmer Parker 157 2122 Grant, General Fred Dent 211 3059 Greeley, General Adolphus W. 227 3238 Greenawalt, Mrs. Frank Foster 66 1481 Griffith, Mrs. B. B. 307 3986 Grey, James Edward 133 1939 Grozier, Joshua Freeman 59 1438 Haecker, Mrs. Theophilus L. 243 3390 Ham, Mrs. John Stockbridge Patten D. 244 3391 Ham, William Felton 265 3480 Harding, Josephine 246 3429 Harding, Patti Atkinson 100 1714 Harmon, Mrs. Lorenzo Dow 61 1462 Harrison, George Chandler 206 3029 Hartwell, Mary Ann 37 1290 Hascy, Mrs. Oscar L. 79 1586 Ha.skell, Mrs. George Alexander 250 3456 Hazelton, Mrs. George Cochrane 70 1504 Hewitt, Mrs. William Henry Harrison 21 697 Hill, Edwin Allston 264 3479 HiUeary, Mrs. Ridgely Brown . 285 3874 Hiller, Edwards Allen 289 3890 Hiller, Ralph Aldis R. 339 4805 Hills Katherine Scott 214 30S5 Hilton, Mrs. Edward Banker 76 1559 Hilton, Mrs. Jamts 161 2170 Hiteshew, Charles Talbott 160 2169 Hiteshew, William Bradford 219 3124 Hodges, Henry Wyllys 248 3454 Holmes, Mrs. George Freeland 9 223 Holt, Henry Peter Renouf 131 1937 Hopkins, Charles Harris 181 2435 Hopkins, Mrs. Timothy 5 66 Hopkins, Sherburne Gillett 6 65 Hopkins, Thomas Snell 348 5236 Householder, Mrs. Eugene R. 77 1560 Howard, Mrs. Clifford 130 1936 Howard, Chaucey Otis 120 1853 Howard, Harry Stimson 177 2431 Howell, Mrs. Arthur Holmes 322 4217 Howland, Albert Ray 349 5237 Huddle, Rev. John Thomas 336 4734 Hughes, Mrs. Simon Peter 318 4105 Ingalls, Mrs. Owen Lovejoy 276 3618 Ingles, Charles John 210 3058 Ingles, Mrs. William 83 1618 James, Mrs. William M. C. M. C. D. R. D. R. R. R. M. C. R. R. Washington, D. C. Orting, Wash. Rome, Ga. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Springfield, 111. Roland Park, Md. Denver, Colo. St. Paul, Minn Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Nevada, Mo. Kansas, City, Mo. Oshkosh, Wis. West Cornwall, Conn. Washington, D. C. Albany, N. Y. Jewett City, Conn. Washington, D. C. New Haven, Conn. Washington, D. C. Louisville, Ky. Salina, Kan. Norton, Kan. Washington, D. C. Paris, France. New Scotland N. Y. Parkersburg, W. Va. Zanesville, Ohio. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Takoma Park, Md. Santa Barbara, Cal. Menlo Park, Cal. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. West Point, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Burlington, Vt. Woodridge, D. C. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. Virginia Beach, Va. New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Radford, Va. Oshkosh, Wis. 63 State General No. No, 107 1743 173 2417 139 1945 78 1585 127 1933 8 311 41 1298 85 1622 86 1624 221 3126 190 2559 314 4065 45 1335 319 4106 24 849 249 3455 121 1869 155 2120 283 3781 266 3503 167 2239 232 3288 88 1632 172 2416 112 1792 93 1660 203 2990 196 2673 184 2499 261 3467 212 3083 215 3467 192 2647 97 1711 187 2523 113 1793 50 1407 263 3469 222 3127 159 2155 142 1948 165 249 73 1539 46 1338 217 3094 1 267 94 1672 43 1302 328 4469 Jarvis, Mary Dixon Jeffras, Mrs. Nathaniel Asbury Johnson, Bascom M. C. Johnson, Mrs. Edward B. R. Johnson, Flora Louise Priscilla Johnson, James Bowen D. Johnson, Jerome Fletcher D. Johnson, Dr., Joseph Taber Johnson, Dr., Loren Bascom Taber Johnson, Dr., Paul Bowen Alden Johnson, Dr., Stuart Clark Jones, Dr., Ernest Lester Karr, Mrs. William Wesley M. C. Keene, Carter Brewster Keim, Mrs. De Benneville Randolph D. Kellett, Mrs. Thomas Schenck R. Kendall, Henry Myron D. Kennedy, George Colvin Kern, Mrs. Charles Everett Kimball, Mary Lee Kimball, Sarah Louise King, George Edward Kirkham, Mrs. George Davenport Knight, Ernest Almon M. Kuhn, Ida Soule R. Laird, Mrs. George Allen Larner, Mrs. John Bell Lewis, Frank Jabez Lincoln, Mrs. Charles Henry Lindsay, Mrs. Melville Dyer Lipscomb, Andrew Adgate Lipscomb, Lisle Seaton Logan, Mrs. Ellis Long, Hon, John Davis Longfellow, Ellen Theodora Lothrop, Alvin Mason Lothrop, John Parker Luttrell, Mrs. Nathaniel H. McCartney, Meta Harvey (Smith) M.C. McLean, Mrs. Ridley McMillan, Mrs. John G. R. Manwaring, Wolcott Barber D. Marlatt, Mrs. Charles Lester D. Marsh, Carlie Emeline Marsh, William Eleazor Marsh, William Lowrey Marston, Mrs. Seward Bainbridge D. Martin, Mrs. Medad C. Mather, Stephen Tyng D, R. R, D. Washington, Washington, Philadelphia, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, Washington, D, C. D, C. Pa. D, C. D, C. D. C. D. C. D. C. D, C, D. C. D. C. D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Reading, Pa. Seattle, Wash. Washington, D. C, Waterloo, Iowa, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Palo Alto, Cal, Atlanta, Ga, Warren, Ohio, Washington, D. C, Hoquiam, Wash, Royalton, Vt. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Lexington, Ky. Washington, D. C, Hoquiam, Wash. New London, Conn. Washington, D, C, Washington, D, C. Cleveland, Ohio Washington, D. C. Falmouth, Me. North Ferrisburgh, Vt. Washington, D. C. 54 State General No. No. 350 20 122 122 229 317 299 274 74 82 330 298 207 304 315 10(5 163 64 290 220 109 269 329 251 138 202 87 313 201 191 33 32 216 123 80 116 129 291 132 183 13 12 3 257 124 115 297 5238 Megan, Mrs. Frederick R. 320 Metcalf, William Park 1870 Millard, James Fitch 1870 Millard, William Catlin 3266 Miller, Crosby Park 4104 Miller, Mrs. William David 3052 Minturn, Herbert Allen 3616 Minturn, Joseph Allen 1540 Mitchell, Frederick William 1589 Mitchell, Guy Elliott 4522 Mitchell, Mrs. Roscoe Conklin 3951 Montgomery, Mrs. James 3030 Moore, Mrs. Malcolm Maurice 3983 Moore, Maurice Malcolm 4066 Moore, Mrs. M. S. 1742 Morison, Mrs. James 2172 Munroe, Mrs. Charles Edward M R. D. C. R. D. D. R. M, R. 1479 Nesbit, Mrs. Charles Francis 3911 Newcomb, Alice Russell 3125 Noyes, Ethel Jane Russell Cheseborborough 1760 O'Donoghue, Mrs. Michael Francis R. 3532 Olds, Mrs. Edson Baldwin R. 4470 Page, Hon. Carroll Smally 3457 Palmer, Mrs. Harold L. 1944 Parker, Edmund Southand 2913 Parker, Harriot Howard 1626 Parsons, Willis Ellis 4064 Patten, Mrs. Henry Benjamin 2893 Payson, Mrs. Frances 2638 Pechin, Mrs. Maurice 1190 Peterson, Mary Louise 1173 Pierce, James Oscar 3093 Powell, Mary Frances 1875 Rainey, Samuel Mitchell 1587 Rankin, Mrs. Jeremiah Eames 1836 Raymond, George Lansing 1935 Reed, Axel Hayford 3912 Rhodes, Ada Augusta 1938 Richards, George Brinckerhoff 2451 Robbins, Bertha Murdock 784 Robinson, Emily Eliza 785 Robinson, Mary Lyon 486 Robinson, Nathaniel Emmous 3463 Robinson, Nathaniel Emmous Jr 1890 Sarson, Mrs. Horace Benjamin 1824 Schofield, John McAllister 3954 Scovill, Mrs. Henry William 55 R. M. C. D. D. Kansas City, Missouri Washington, D. C. Cleveland, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Burlington, Vt. Ogden, Iowa Kokomo, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Evansville, Ind. Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. Gothenberg, Neb. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Petersburg, Va. Washington, D. C. Boston, Mass. Woodside, Md. Washington, D. C. Utica, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Foxcroft, Me. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. Washington, D. C. Janesville, Wis. Janesville, Wis. Washington, D. C. Hudson, N. Y. Cleveland, Ohio Washington, D. C. Glencoe, Minn. Falls Church, Va. Pittsburg, Pa. Washington, D, C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Brightwood, D. C. Brightwood, D. C. Omaha, Neb. Washington, D. C, Washington, D. C. c. R. D. R. State General No. No. 92 1659 Sears, Ann Maria D. 56 1435 Seibart, Mra. Edward G. 60 1452 Seldomridge, Mrs. Harry Hunter 218 3123 Semmes, Mrs. A. H. 176 2430 Sheldon, James Jr. 108 1744 Shepard. Judge Seth D. 103 1717 Shepard, Mrs. Seth D. 96 1685 Sharer, Mrs. Frank R. 262 3468 Sherwood, Mrs. William C. 347 5235 Siggers, Mary Power 145 1951 Skelding, Mrs. Arthur Bertram D. 117 1837 Slater, Mrs. Thomas Frederick R. 29 1149 Slaughter, Mrs. William Dennis 258 3464 Smith, Edna Scott 225 3211 Smith, Mrs. Edwin D. M. 22 982 Smith, Ellen Hamilton 102 1716 Smith, Emma Brewster 17 108 Smith, Frank Birge 39 1294 Smith, Mrs. F. Sherman 259 3465 Smith, Mabel Scott 237 3350 Soule, Thomas Clement 125 1931 Stafford, Mrs. Edward Orr 170 2287 Stearns, Mrs. Josiah Onslow M. C. 34 1191 Stetson, Caleb Rochford 40 1296 Stetson, George Rochford 23 680 Stetson, Mrs. George Rochford D. 308 3987 Stokes, Charles Henry 278 3737 Stratford, Mrs. Arthur Avon R. 26 1014 Sturtevant, Charles Lyon 242 3389 Taft, Mrs. Fred Henry R. 223 3191 Taft, Hon. William Howard 240 3371 Taintor, William Henry Harrison 252 3458 Taylor, Mrs. Elmer Joshua 230 3267 Taylor, Rev. James Henry D. D. 179 2433 Temple, Mrs. Edwin George 31 1172 Terry, Mary Elizabeth R. 189 2544 Thompson, Amy Greer 305 3984 Thompson, Mrs. Douglass Byers 344 4976 Tillotson, Benjamin Frank 209 3042 Towner, Mrs. Frank Hough 195 2672 Townsend, Mrs. E. B. 91 1658 Townsley, Mrs. Clarence Paige 178 2432 Van Deusen, Mrs. Albert Harrison 19 106 Van Dyke, Harry Weston M. C. 279 3738 Van Patten, Alfred Emery R. 89 1654 Verrill, Charles Henry 57 1436 Vilas, Anne Ashmun 58 1437 Vilas, Percival Madden M. C. 342 4912 Wadsworth, Hon. James Wolcott 56 Baltimore, Md. Washington, D. C. Colorado Springs, Co; Washington, D. C. New York. N. Y. Washingt m. D. C. Washington, D. C. Janesville, Wis. Montclair, N. J. Washington, D. C. Wilmington, N. C. Chester, Conn. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Fort Sill, Okla. Washington, D. C. Hoquiam, Wash. Marquette, Mich. Hoquiam, Wash. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Wichita, Kan. Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. New Haven, Conn. St. Louis, Mo. Seattle, Wash. Washington, D. C. Chicago, 111. Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Bismarck, N. D. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. West Point, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Topeka, Kan. Washington, D. C. St. Paul, Minn. New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. State Genera) No. No. 198 2745 271 3605 301 3980 168 2265 162 2171 54 1411 260 3466 47 1339 Walcott, Mrs. Charles Doolittle Walker, Maurice Anson Walker, Philip Ware, Eugene Fitch Warner, Brainard Henry Jr. Warner, Mrs. Charles H. Warner, Mrs. Harold E. Watrous, Benjamin Prentis 352 5262 Washburn, Charlotte Graves 200 2892 Washburn, Henry James 300 3953 Washburn, Raymond Secord 119 1852 Washburn, Hon. William Sherman 270 3552 Webster, Benjamin 188 2543 Weston, Walter Newell 311 4003 Whilldin, Ella 303 3982 White, Kate Shailer 81 1588 White, Mrs. William Wisner 174 2418 Whiton, Mary Bartlett 277 3665 Wilcox, Florence Elizabeth " 213 3084 Williams, Mrs. David Elwood 44 1336 Williamson, Mrs. Irving 340 4910 Wolfe, Mrs. Edmund Stanley 286 3875 Wood, Elvira Hanscom 150 2071 Wood, General Leonard 114 1823 Woodward, Samuel Walter 238 3351 Young, Henrietta Maria 48 1350 Young, Mrs. Horace Gedney D. Washington, D. C. Dillon, Mon. Washington, D. C. D. Topeka, Kan. M. C. Washington, D. C. M. C. Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. D. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. an Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. R. Cleveland, Ohio R. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. R. Washington, D. C. Bridgeport, Conn. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. D. Washington, D. C. D. Washington, D. C. Albany, N. Y. 57 The painting, by B. F. Gribble, famous English Marine Artist, portrays the arrival of the first contingent of our American Destroyers at Queenstown, May 4th, 1917. The English people were so impressed by the appearance of our Destroyers and their purpose, that instinctively their minds reverted to the time nearly three hundred years before, when the Mayflower with its small company of people set out for unknown shores. The picture is now owned by our Government and hangs in the office of the Secretary of the Navy. X PI H C 2! O H S M O LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■ill 013 996 346 5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 996 346 5 Conservation Resources Lij-Free® Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered